When Technology Meets Misogyny Multi-level, Intersectional Solutions to Digital Gender-Based Violence Gender & Policy Insights CIC · Registered in England and Wales · Company no. 10783588 Registered office: 11 Peterhouse Mews, Cambridge, CB4 1UW, United Kingdom | www.gen- pol.org | E:
[email protected] 1 Foreword by Dr Lilia Giugni, GenPol CEO Questions surrounding the politics of digitalisation are amongst the most profound of our age. Are digital technologies oppressive or emancipatory? And those of us who identify as feminists and fight for gender equality, should we side with techno-phobes or tech- enthusiasts? At GenPol, we celebrate the opportunities that digitalisation has opened up for women, vulnerable groups and social justice movements worldwide, but passionately believe that the ways in which technology reinforces the oppression of women should be investigated, denounced and addressed. This paper is the result of a year of work, which has seen us working with digital gender-based violence survivors, experts and practitioners from different organisations and across different countries. Starting with the project launch event at the European Parliament in November 2018, we took to heart the call issued, among others, by the United Nations, Council of Europe and European Institute for Gender Equality to produce further, meaningful research on online violence against women. In particular, we felt that the best way we could contribute to the work of those who fight digital abuse on a daily basis was to retrieve existing good practices, analysing their strengths, possible drawbacks, transferability and scalability potential. Like any form of violence and complex social problem, online attacks on women can only be addressed through a multi-level approach.