Recover Far Under Estimate; in New Regime ' Bari ' Wera Matried May IS, ' but Yeaterday They Did It Au Over Again
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Areraitc HkHV Net Prerav Run The Weathar for Mm Week Badeil r nw oiat af 0. n. WeaUwi » ■>■■■ May IM . ItW HNnwara. aMhier taM'.M. LMr'In ^Iliairani ’ TotMay leetellig, 12,925 fM n a l rtoaHnf <hiHa( aflar> MeailMr of tha AmH» > aaa. NHr** Mi-M. linraaa «f CIretiiaMra H itmeheftmr^A City o f f^Ulago C harm VOL. LXXVIIL NO. 234 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONNi. MONDAY, JULY 6, 1»5* tdaaaU M AUvaHMag aa Faga IS) PRICE nV E CENTS Rivals Barred Nuptia^lfl Repeated U.S, Highway Deaths For Photographs By Ben-Gurion Huntington, N. T., July 8 'I —Mr. and' Mra. Roland Recover Far Under Estimate; In New Regime ' Bari ' wera matried May IS, ' but yeaterday they did It aU over again. Jerusalem, July 6 Is Tha original weddtiig rael was finding it difficult to turea were ato|en from the DT'Owning^ Iijcrease day to form a new gfovern- photographer before they ment in the wake of David could be developed. Rb th« caterera for the wedding offer By TUB AMOCIATBO PftigM »flve montJ* tt»la yalS- .avaragad 92 Ren-Curion's resignation as ed to foot the bill for a re Traffir .................................S1I a day. ^ prime minister. He quit last take. Draandnga ....................... IIS Plaaaant waa.thar lurad milUona night after a 10-day row over The same mlnlateir. wedding MiacaUanaotN................... M of naraona to the hlghwaya, sale of Israeli arma to Ger attendants and guests. took beaches and resorts. The National many. part, and the wedding and re N Total MS Safety Council, which before the ception were repeated with holiday had estimated a traffic President lehak Ben-Evi began preliminary’talka with parliamen- the exception of the actual Rabbit Also death toll o; 360, said some 46 ceremony. Traffic deaths over the In million oars were on the highways Utry factions on the formation of This time a apeclal deputy dependence Day weekend were during the weekend, abut 6 mil a rjgime to replace the 16-mem sheriff followed the photog far under the pre-holiday esti lion more than the normal mim- ber coalition government that, as rapher hack to his studio. In Rocket, mate of 350 but the Nation’s Is customary, is staying .on as a (ConUnned on Page Nine) caretaker government until a~new over-all violent deaths" hit a one is formed. staggering toll. But Ben-Gurion refused to sit Soviet Says Drownlnga took a helwy loll a ^ . with the caretaker i government, Saar Zone with trafflc and other aootdeht One Auto Fatality contending he will have “nothing I»ndon, Jul.v 6 (ffV—The So daathe,*the total was e*p#oted to to do” with the four minlaters viet I'ninn hfiff launch^ A reaah more than 600 when And In Holiday Period from"' the left wing Achduth .spare rocket containing tNo flgtiraa are tabulated. The count Avodah and Mapam parties which Once More w-as from 6 p.m. local time Friday On Stale Highways led opposition to the Israeli arms dogs which were returned to midnight Sunda'y. deal with Germany, and re- safely to Earth, Mobcow radio ’ •TTalHc fatalities were less than Bv THK ASSO^’IATED PRE.SS fuaed to, quit the* cabinet. Ben- In Germany said tonight. the 310 reported over last Me Connecticufs highways claimed Gurion has no authority to dia- Th« announcement eamq fram morial Day, also a weekend and but one life during the July 4th mias them. , Taas. the Soviet Newq Agency. covering a 64-hour period. They weekend. Two persons died in Consequently. Ben-Gmion's Ma- Saarbrueeken, Germany, ' Moerow said thui lanncnlng Waa also were expected to exceed the drowninga. i pal party proposed that the date | j i, j y 6 (A*) — Saarlanders ; made July 2. reported in the last 2-day Richard N. Delaney 22. New for Israel s next pariiamenUry | smarmed into conversion cen- It described the event ss s.rouUna Fohrth of July holiday weekend, Hartforh. was the single highway, elections be advanced from Nov.' . , . ■_____ ‘ launching of a single stags gao* in 1».^3. fatality in the .64 hovir period be 17 to Sept 26 to shorten the crit- ■ ters today to exchange their 1 physirki ballistic rocket of memum Both the trafflc deaths and tween Friday night and midnight ieRTTranailion period. Parliament French francR for Cieman : range. drowninga over the holiday were yesterfiay. Delaney lost control of would have to approve any Chang-1 marks. This- rich industrial Previously the United atstes had higher than the number reported his car early Saturday morning on ea in the election laws. i ayga returned to West Gei- recovered two monkeys sent Into In a recent noiv-lH>4iday weekend. Route 20 in Oranby. The car The four ministers caused the economic control at mid- space. One of these died later. An Associated Press survey for bounced off a tree. and Delaney 4-year-old government to topple • u , . Th« (irst animal of note to be the 64-hour period June 20-21 died Instantly. — by voting against the tale of 2.60, - 1 ^ . : projected into spare was the Rus Show’ed 240 traffic fatalities and I.,miis Franco 17. of New Haven, 000 moi tar shells to West Ger-! hundred conversion centers sian dog lAika. which died. many. Most of them have already i Mission of the rocket was to aid TO drowninga. Isclsntidc' research in "the upper Trafflc dMths during tha flrst (C-onHnn^d on Png# Nln«) been delivered to the Bonn gov-! throughout the stale to handle the eminent, ' ' currency changeover. ' layers of the atmosphere,'’ Ufa -The Israeli preea has been call- The one million residents have ! brnadrast added. ing the arms fold to Weal Ger- ' days m Which to exchange j It did pot immediately say If tha Air Battle N<*ar-Matsu many grenade throwers, but the * their French francs for marks, I rocket was put Into orbit sround defense ministry in Bonn said this I ' the Esrth or stretched farther Into every 117 francs turned in. space, rhere was no immediate in- seemed to be a mistranslation of ■ dicatlon how high the dogs flew, the German word for mortar Some 40 billion franca ex, shells. I change^ by the Saarlanders will be i Moscow said the rocket was New Crisis Looms In his letter of resignation to handed over to the bank of France equipped ’wrlth appsrktua for study Ben-Zvi, Ben-Gurion accused the —a gift isquivalent -to $93,300,000. Elizabeth IJ, monarch of BriUin, stands with Gov. William O. Stratton, right, today aa aha reach ing the ultraviolet portion of the four of violating the principle of The remainder will b* credited in es Chicago for a tour of the. city. Attired for a summer day, the ^Qiieen presented this picture at solar'gjMctnim, the structure of collective cabinet responaibility by the Bank of France to VVest Ger welcoming ceremonies. (AP Photofax), the lotmaphere and tha mlero- their action. All cabinet members many. ______ ____ ■ . ■ ♦ ------------------- ■■■ — — ^neteorite atrsam. In Far East Area The final act of the reunion of had pledged in 1967 to support Instruments measuring tha cabinet decisions or resign. the GermanrSpeaking Saarland apeed of air ciiTrents at different Bv BBNB-OBOROBS IN.AO.ARI^battle was pirovoked by the Com- Ben-Gurion told newsmen that. with West Germany came at the Working Class haighta, denalty. preasure. tem Tokyo, July 6 i/Pi-The battle muniats the same way last year's stroke of midnight. The ■ French perature and composition of the custom! posts on this state's east Thousands Greet atmosphere also were hoisted between Chinese Communist and tension in the Formosa Sti'aits be (Continued nn Page 8e*en) Nationalist planes that increased gan with Red artillery shelling. ern frontier closed down. and re Not Interested sloft, the broadcast said. tensions in the Formosa Strait .this If the Nationalist alarms ara Cor opened on the Saar-French^ bor- 'The two dogs were idcnUfled as weekend could be the start of a rect, why does UA Peiping, rfyftna (ter, 40 nqtles to thf wf»t. Otvazhnaya and Bnexhlnka — .,new Far East crisis. want a cri.sia? Master, Crew This ended tha unique situation m In Frol Kozlov meaning “ Daring and Snowflalta The Nationalists have been pre- For one thing, it would bri.,part of which required (Armani traveling reapectlveiy. A rabbit wad ailso tlicting siich a flareup for months the Reds' continuing campaign to within their own-country to under WtLUAM U RYAN •board, the broadcast said. go French eustome Ahitrola. and recently warned that the last w'eitern defenses and detarmi- By Rb IJMAN MORIN i rested after spending ait day Run- San Fraacisco, July C OP)—Tha For Otvazhnaya, It was tha third n«Honrinn)M*B«n*»at*»'* '' uit Flaming • The Saafhlndere-hm'verbBen clt- -Chinese Reds had' decided at .a Chicago, July 6 iA>) — Queen day on tha voyage from Parry Soviet Union’s first deputy pre epaca-defylng rocket ascent, said military conference to stir things It could also -be their way of laene of Weei (jlermany aince Sound, Canada, to Chicago. mier today winds up a stay in tha broadcast. •, up in this , critical part of the occasionally reminding thp United Jan. 1, 19B7, when, the 1,000 square Elizabeth II atepped ashore in California during which he Was I States, concerned with Eiirope and i elgian Vessel mile territory became the lOlh U.S. chief of protocol Wiley The total weight of scientific in world. ' Chicago today amid the thunder Buchanan greeted the (^tieen and wined and dined by capitalists and struments end animals aboard was j Berlin, that Peiping is also some- state.