The Fox Kestrel &Lpar;<I>Falco Alopex</I>&Rpar; Hovers
LETTERS j RaptorRes. 36(3):236-237 ¸ 2002 The Raptor ResearchFoundation, Inc. TH• Fox KESTREL(FALCO ALOPEX) Hovgp, s Althoughtypically considered related and similarto other kestrels(Falco spp.), the little-known,Sahel-endemic Fox Kestrel(Falco alopex) seems to exhibitsome unusual morphological traits and behaviors.Reports have been particu- larly contradictoryconcerning the hoveringability of this species.For example,"Is misnamed'kestrel' as has few kestrel-likehabits. Normally, in opencountry perches on trees,and catches prey by short swoop from perchto ground; doesnot hover.In generalbehaviour more a long-winged,long-tailed falcon than kestrel." (Brownet al. 1982,The b•rdsof Africa,Vol. 1, AcademicPress, London, U.K.), or "... long narrowpointed wings and, tbr falcon,excep- tionallylong graduatedtail givingatypical kestrel shape, more like long-tailedhobby" and "Rarely,if ever,hovers" (Ferguson-Leesand Christie2001, Raptors of the world,A&C Black,London, U.K.). Anotherdescription is "Long, broadwings and graduatedtail suggestbuoyant flight and good hoveringability" (del Hoyo,J., A. Elliott, andJ. Sargatal[EDs.]. 1994, Handbook of the birdsof the world.Vol. 2. LynxEdicions, Barcelona, Spain). A buoyant,slow fl•ght mode was previouslyhypothesized by Cade (1982, The falcons of the world, Cornell Univ. Press,Ithaca, NY, U.S.A.),who addedthat "certainlymore observationsare neededbefore one can be sureabout all of its hunting and flying characteristics." Hovering occursin distantly-relatedraptors, including in someFalconidae and someAccipitridae, certainly as a resultof convergentevolution. However, hovering has been usedas a behavioraltrait indicatingphylogeny (Boyce and White 1987,Pages 1-21 in D.M. Bird and R. Bowman[EDs.], The ancestralkestrel, J. RaptorRes. Rep. No. 6). Specifically,hovering is thought to be a derivedtrait.
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