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Commencement THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER One Hundred and Tenth Annual COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, JUNE TWELFTH NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTY ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL- Blair P. Cosman at the Organ TBB AUDIBNCB IS RBQUBSTBD TO RBMAIN SBATBD WHILB TBB ACADBMIC PROCESSION BNTBRS HowARD R. ANDERSON, PRESIDING PRAYER THE REvEREND RoBERT H. BEAVEN AnDRESS LLOYD v. BERKNER ) CoNPERRING oP DEGREES TBB AUDIBNCB IS RBQUBSTBD TO RBFRAIN FROM APPLAUSB UNTIL TBB RECIPIENTS OP DBORBBS ARB RBTURNING TO TBBIR SBATS Candidates of the College of Arts and Science Presented by Dean Hazlett Candidates of the Eastman School of Music ' Presented by Director Hanson Candidates of the Department of Nursing Presented by Professor Halt Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Dean Assum Candidates of the College of Engineering Presented by Dean Graham Candidates of the College of Education Presented by Dean Fullagar Candidates of the School of Business Administration Presented by Director Brophy Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Associate Dean VanDeusen ORDER OF EXERCISES Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Associate Dean Penninger Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts Presented by Director Hanson Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Spragg CoNFERRING oF HoNORARY DEGREE Doctor of Science LLOYD v IEL BBRKNBR Presented by the University Orator Bernard N. Schilling CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "'Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendidal 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissimal Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! -JOHN B.OTHWBLL SLATBB. 1907 REcESSIONAL- THB AUDIBNCB IS B.BQUBSTBD TO B.BMAIN SBATBD WHILB THB ACADEMIC PROCESSION LBAVBS • Gt-adut~tes and guuts aru cordially invitld to the Commmcsment Tet~ 4/ter th1 sxercises PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA XI Elected to full membership in 1960 Charles Robert Angel Norman Wesley Heimstra Betty E. Bryan Cathryn A. Levison Rose Dagirmanjian Peter Koleman Levison Howard Fred Davis Malcolm H. Macfarlane Alvin Ira Gerstein Robert Joseph Potter Kenneth Frederick Greenough Gunars Reimanis Carl Ludwig Hansen, Jr. Bunji Sakita Milford Douglas Harris, Jr. George Stricker Ernest Hausmann Elected to associate membership in 1960 Russell Howard Batt William Charles Krueger, Jr. Carolyn Conn Robert Charles Nugent Diana Ruth Glover Leonard Emanuel Parker Raymond William Hanft Naci Seyhan Elmer Charles Humes, Jr. Donald Lawrence Woodrow Ann Morgan Humm PHI BETA KAPPA Susan Van Orden Allison Frederick Arthur Muller *Russell Howard Batt Jeanette Shrager Musliner Roberta Mercedes Brush Roger Wayne Nelson *Carolyn Conn Leonard Emanuel Parker Sue Florence Conrad *Sonia Arlene Reid Gertrude Jeannette DeKraker Rita Melkis Reimanis Patricia Lee Eddy Miriam Bittker Rock Rena Ann Fraboni Francelia Ruth Raider *Diana Ruth Glover Patricia Anne Runk *Raymond William Hanft Jonathan Jay Russ *Bernard Evans Harvith Gerhard Helmut Schmidt Anna Loomis Hengerer Henry Charles Schmitt, Jr. John Crampton Heurtley Joan Levy Stricker Margaret Ann Morgan Humm Constance Ann Sullivan Jane Hastings Ingling Ann Doris Weintraub Susanne Keaveney Charles Joseph Wright Anne Carol Loveland COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE The Davis Prize--JAMES HowARD MARTIN The Dewey Prize--JAMES HARVEY HAINES The Stoddard Prizes in Mathematics-JoHN DAY DE WEEST and VIRGINIA DoROTHY MAHER The Sherman Fellowship-RicHARD WARD CLARK The Elizabeth M . Anderson Prize--CARLA ANN CACCAMISE TheN. B. Ellison Prize--BERNARD EvANS HARVITH The Williams Memorial Prize--RENA ANN FRABONI and PATRICIA ANNE RuNK The Jesse L. Rosmberger Prize--THOMAS EDWARD HoDGE The Rigby Wile Prize in Biology-HoPE HowLETT The Kreyer Prize in German-WILLIAM OwEN PRICE The Alumnae Prize--SusAN PHELPS REEVES The Stoddard Prize in Physics-LEONARD EMANUEL PARKER The Susan Colver Rosmberger Prize--JUDITH ANN HENSLEY The John Dows Mairs Prize--NANCY JANE BooR The Ts"y Prize--GEoRGE CHRISTIAN NEBEL The Hull Prize--JoNATHAN JAY Russ The Williams Morss Hastings Prize--JAMES BEYER BRADFIELD The Charles Ellis Caldwell Prize--BERNARD EvANs lliRVITH The Theta Eta Prize--BARBARA ANN BUTTON and BARBARA CAROLE KIRCHNER The James D. McGill Memorial Prize--JAMES CHRISTOPHER WooDs *Elected in Junior Year CoLLEGE OP ARTS AND SciENC~ontinued The Gamma Phi Prize-ANNA LooMis HENGERER The Hugh MacKenzie Prize-MARY ANN McCoNNELL and RoxoLANA CHORNENKY The Percy B. Dutton Prize-JAMES HowARD MARTIN The Fannie B. Bigelow Alumnae Award-SoNIA ARLENE REID The Sigma Kappa Upsilon Prize-CoNSTANCE ANN SuLLIVAN The Joseph P. O'Hern Scholarship-MARciA jEAN WHITE The Susan B. Anthony Award-PATRICIA ANNE RuNK The E. P. Appelt Memorial Award-MANFRED BAYER The Louis A. Alexander Alumni Award-JoHN RICHARD PARRINELLO The Joseph O'Connor Graduate Study Endowment Fund Award-PATRICIA ANNE RUNK The Donald R. Charles Memorial Award- MARGARET MAcKAY ARONSON The Janet Howell Clark Pri:{a-CAROLYN CoNN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The Charles L. Newton Prize-EDWARD WALTER CRESWICK The Emil Kuichling Prize-RoBERT LEHMAN BACHARACH The Tau Beta Pi Prize-ARTHUR GusTAV DoEGE The Marie Pet:{ Lehmann Pri:{a-TO CLARK ERIC FEGRAUS EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The Edward B. Benjamin Awards-JoHN WHITE, JAMES jOHNSON, and KENNETH MURLEY The Marion Weed Scholarship Prize-JoAN HARTER The Sigma Alpha Iota Award-NoLA MARBBRGER Performer's Certificates WALBERT AHIN, in Flute JoHN GALM, in Percussion BETTE ALLisON, in Horn CECILIA HBRvAs, in Piano JAMES BADOLATO, in Clarinet DoNNA MAGENDANZ, in Violoncellq RoNALD BARNETT, in Percussion SHIRLEY McGAUGH, in VoiCI jAN BLANKENSHIP, in Piano RALPH MoNTGOMERY, in Trumpet RoGER BoBo, in Tuba JoHN PATON, in Voice NoRMA BRAINARD, in Flute DAVID RENNER, in Piano TANYA LESINSKY CAREY, in Violoncello DAVID RICHEY, in Bass Trombone MARJORIE CoMsTOCK, in Violoncello STEPHEN SEIPPERT, in Horn EMILY CooPER, in Organ THOMAS STACY, in English Horn JoHN CovERT, in Horn JoEL THOME, in Percussion jERRY CRAWFORD, in Voire MARGARET THOMPSON, in Trumpet DAVID DALTON, in Violin EDWARD WHITE, in Voice and Opera CALVIN DASH, in Voice JonN WHITE, in Violoncello DAVID FETTER, in Trombone RALPH E. WINKLER, JR., in Violin SANDRA FLESHER, in Oboe EuGENE ZoRo, in Clarinet ANNE FLOUNDERS, in Flute SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY The Doran J. Stephens Prize-WILLIAM ARNo PEcK The Borden Undergraduate Research Award in Medicine-CHARLES EDWARD WINDSOR The Benjamin Rush Prize in Psychiatry- DANIEL H. JosBPHTHAL The Cushing Prize for the History of Mldi&ina-MrcHABL TERRANCE McGUIRE ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Cleaves MacDonald Bennett Frederick Hecht Richard Arnold Cooper Joseph Abraham Kochen Milton Joseph Finegold Richard Vensel McCloskey Stanley Owens Foster William Arno Peck Alvin Donald Greenberg Charles Edward Windsor DEPARTMENT OF NURSING The Clare Dennison Prize-HELEN FLECKENSTEIN HAws The Dorothea Lynde Dix Award-RUTH VANLARE STANTON CANDIDATES FOR BACHELORS' DEGREES FROM THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HIGHEST DisTINCTION BERNARD EvANS HARVITH, in History LEoNARD EMANUEL PARKER, in Physics SomA ARLENE REID, in Sociology BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HIGH DISTINCTION SusAN VAN ORDEN ALLISON, in Biology RoBERTA MERCEDES BRusH, in Sociology SuE FLoRENCE CoNRAD, in General Science GERTRUDE jEANNETTE DEKRAKER, in History MARGARET ANN MoRGAN HuMM, in Physics jANE HASTINGS INGLING, in Psychology ANNE CARoL LovELAND, in History CoNSTANCE ANN SuLLIVAN, in Spanish BAcHELOR oF ARTs WITH DisTINCTION HENRY ALLEN AsHLEY, in History MAXINE FAYE BERLINER, in Biology CARLA ANN CACCAMISE, in Fine Arts RICHARD WARD CLARK, in Economics jUDITH EDNA DEYST, in Music GoRDON PAuL ELMEER, in German jEROME ARTHUR FELDMAN, in Physics BARBARA LEE FESsLER, in Sociology NEAL FRANCis FREELING, in Psychology RoBERT BLYTH GoERGEN, in Physics GEORGE THOMAS GRUBB, in French GERTRUDE EEBA ADELHEID HANKE, in Biology STEPHEN ALAN HELMAN, in Political Science RICHARD NoEL HowARD, in English jUDITH RosE HuRSH, in English EARL GEoRGE INGERSOLL, in English REESE jENKINS III, in History DANIEL FRANCis KEEPE, in General Science GEORGE S . KxMELDORP, in General Science MARsHA RuTH KRAMER, in Mathematics BRENDA RUTH MILLER, in French KARIN HILDEGARDE MILLER, in German LYNN DoNALDSON REICHERT, in General Science jAMES REED SPEEGLE, in Sociology BARBARA ANN THOMPSON, in English GEOPPREY ALLEN TucKER, in English DoNALD CHARLES WHITE, in General Science BACHELOR OF SciENCE WITH HIGHEST DISTINCTION RussELL HowARD BATT, in Chemistry CAROLYN CoNN, in Chemistry DIANA RuTH GLOVER, in Chemistry RAYMoND WILLIAM HANFT, in Physics BACHELOR oP SciENCE WITH HIGH DISTINCTION RoGER WAYNE NELSON, in Chemistry BACHELOR oF SciENCE WITH DisTINCTION Tom LomsE ENGST, in Physics MARGARET ANNE GRIFFITH, in Chemistry JoHN CRAMPTON HEURTLEY, in Physics DAVID jAMES HowARD, in Chemistry RICHARD NoEL HowARD, in Chemistry WALTER JAMES MusLINER, in Chemistry CHARLES JosEPH WRIGHT, in Chemistry BACHBLOB. OF AllTS Alexander Altschuller, English William Patrick Hennessy, Mathematics Yolanda Kingston Andrew, Sociology Barrett Hess, Sociology Robert David Arlin, Psychology Alan Frank Hilfiker, History Norman Arnheim, Jr., Biology Robert Abernathy Hill, G1ology Thomas Robert Asher, English Roland Alfred Hirsch, History John Charles
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