Embark for Kauai
SIP 1356 Vol. 5, No. 19 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BA (. , ri. Friday, August 24, 1956 Families. Friends -ft-ev.N. Umpires, "Enemy", Invited To Review Embark For Kauai The "enemy" in the coming 1st Marine Brigade, FMF, Kauai exer- And 2 Rehearsals cises embarked Tuesday aboard the LSD Thomastol to make ready for in the Barking Sands area next week. The first of two dress rehearsals battle for a 1st Marine Brigade Cere- Also aboard the Thomaston were umpires, headquarters personnel monial Parade and Review, sched- for the advanced base camp, and members of Marine Air Base Squad- ron 13. Marine Ai: craft Gioup 13. uled at 11 a.m.. September 1 to honor the retirement of Lt. Gen. W. According to 0. Brice, CG. FMFPac, will be held Spicer, maneuverMaciOntitt:lynZiedcto113:, Acting K-Bay CO here on the regimental parade realism will be the keynote when ground tomorrow at 9 a.m. the 4th Marines (Reinf) infantry A second dress rehearsal has been battalions are exercised on the Selected For planned for next Wednesday at 2 Barking Sands beachhead. Special p.m. weapons simulators will be one of This significant review, a joint the training aids employed to make Colonel's Rank real the mock battle. The problem Marine Corps Air Station and Bri- Lt. Col. Homer G. Hutchinson, Jr., will be umpired down to the pla- gade effort, will include the follow- acting commanding officer of the level. ing units: Hq Co., 1st Marine Bri- toon Marine Corps Air Station, has been gade, FMF; Hq and HqSq., MCAS, Fifteen volunteers from the 15th selected for colonel, it was an- Brigade training Kaneohe: Marine Aircraft Group 13 CLOSE CONTACT with the progress of 1st Marine Infantry Battalion, Marine Corps nounced this week.
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