Jordan McGillis Attachment

Institute for Energy Research

Comment on Clean Cars Minnesota

March 15, 2021

The foremost justifications offered by the Minnesota Control Agency (MPCA) in its Statement of Need and Reasonableness () for the adoption of the California rules on low emission and zero emission vehicles are that adoption (1) would reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to and (2) would increase vehicle choice for Minnesota consumers. In the section of the SONAR subtitled “General reasonableness of the proposed rule amendments as a whole,” MPCA alludes specifically to the state’s collaborative project known as the Pathways report, which identified as key themes a climate crisis and Minnesotans’ desire for more transportation options.

MPCA fails to convince the Institute for Energy Research that it is either capable of or prepared to address these two key themes via the adoption of the California rules.

On emissions reduction and climate change damages, MPCA inadequately presents the costs and benefits of the proposal. On transportation options, MPCA suggests it is more capable than Minnesotans are of making vehicle purchase decisions.

Emissions Reductions and Climate Change Damages

MPCA estimates that under the proposed rule by 2034 annual well-to-wheel emissions reductions will be 1.4 million tons of greenhouse gases. Even if accurate, this figure does not eclipse any threshold of significance when Minnesota’s transportation emissions are put into the context of the global economy. In the most recent year on record, 2018, global emissions were around 40 billion tons. That total is likely to climb yet higher through 2034, meaning that Minnesota’s transportation reductions would bring global totals down by less than one-one hundredth of one percent. The emissions reductions, even in the best-case scenario, will be so trivial on the global scale as to render measurement of the policy’s success impossible, in terms of the key theme of a climate crisis.

Despite this, MPCA estimates the total reduction of emissions resulting from the proposed rule over the first ten years of implementation would equate with an economic benefit of approximately $500 million. This figure requires far more context than MPCA offers in the SONAR. According to the SONAR, the $500 million in economic benefits is based on MPCA’s use of “the federal social cost of carbon (fscc) produced by the Interagency Working Group (IWG),”

aq-rule4-10z5 which for the purposes of its analysis was set at $51. MPCA fails to inform Minnesotans that the social cost of carbon is a metric rife with contention.

The IWG figure used by MPCA is the estimate generated by President Obama’s environmental regulators during his second term in office and recently adopted on an interim basis by the administration. The Obama-cum-Biden figure has faced sharp criticism for its selective following of clear rulemaking guidance on the use of a key parameter known as the discount rate. The Executive Branch Office of Management and Budget (OMB) writes instructions for federal agencies in regulatory analysis. These instructions are delivered in the form of OMB “circulars.” OMB Circular A-4 establishes clear guidelines for making rules with intergenerational effects, such as the social cost of carbon, directing agencies to employ constant discount rates of both 3 percent and 7 percent. (

As described by the Obama administration in its Technical Support Document for the social cost of carbon, “According to OMB’s Circular A-4, it is appropriate to use the rate of return on capital when a regulation is expected to displace or alter the use of capital in the private sector. In this case, OMB recommends Agencies use a discount rate of 7 percent. When regulation is expected to primarily affect private consumption—for instance, via higher prices for goods and services—a lower discount rate of 3 percent is appropriate to reflect how private individuals trade-off current and future consumption.” ( of-Carbon-for-RIA.pdf) Despite this instruction, the Obama administration opted to omit the 7-percent estimate. The result of this omission was profound, controversial, and now reverberates in this Minnesota proposed rule. MPCA claims the federal social cost of carbon "is the most credible estimate of the global damages from the emissions of one ton of carbon in any given year" yet fails to communicate to Minnesotans that estimates vary wildly. Suggesting that an estimate of $500 million as indubitable is to ignore the very process that MPCA deems "most credible."

Amid the controversy sparked by the Obama administration omission of the OMB-directed 7 percent discount rate, Dr. David Kreutzer and Dr. Kevin Dayaratna of the Heritage Foundation produced a research paper addressing the elements of confusion. (

Utilizing the DICE model of Nobel-winning economist Dr. William Nordhaus, Kreutzer and Dayaratna found that the 7-percent discount rate reduces the estimate of the social cost of carbon by more than 80 percent. Under identical climate change parameters, while a 3-percent discount rate yields the MPCA cited figure of $51, a 7-percent discount rate yields less than $10. MPCA’s context-dropping deployment of its $500 million in damages figure does an injustice to the field of climate economics. A range of estimates can be reached by following federal government guidelines. Minnesotans deserve to see that range, rather than just the figure MPCA finds most convenient.

Lest readers of this comment fall under the misapprehension that this is a controversy solely in the minds of politically conservative Beltway operatives, consider the way the social cost of carbon discussion has been characterized by Dr. Noah Kaufman, appointed recently to President Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors. On August 17, 2020, Kaufman was the top-billed author of a paper appearing in the journal Nature, in which the social cost of carbon was essentially tossed to the analytical rubbish bin. Kaufman wrote that the social cost of carbon “cannot be credibly estimated with sufficient precision to provide practical assistance to policymakers” and that “large uncertainties come from parameters that are inherently uncertain, such as the appropriate discount rates, risk aversion levels, issues around inequality and attempts to assign monetary values to non-economic climate damages.” ( 020-0880-3)

Kaufman will now be among the leading drivers of the Biden administration’s refiguring of carbon regulation, rendering MPCA’s claims about the credibility of the federal social cost of carbon effectively null and void.

On Consumer Choice The second claim lacks even the first claim’s modicum of validity. Meaningful consumer choice emerges from the complex web of economic decisions that only free actors can make. Forcing a product onto a market, on the other hand, is rank paternalism. The Institute for Energy Research recognizes that some vehicle purchasers will find electric vehicles (EVs) appealing, but it stresses that government intrusion into the vehicle marketplace yields economic distortions that tend to benefit the wealthier segment of consumers for whom electric vehicles are a prudent choice. MPCA believes it has special knowledge that Minnesotans are unable to see for themselves. But there are good reasons why many will not leap towards EVs and why manufacturers and auto dealers will thus be reluctant to feature them as prevalently as other vehicles.

Electric vehicles perform poorly in the cold weather that Minnesotans experience each winter, electric vehicles have shorter range than most internal combustion engine vehicles, and electric vehicles cost more than comparable alternatives. For example, the MSRP of the 2021 Hyundai Kona Ultimate is close to $47,000, while the gasoline version has an MSRP of $15,000 less.

Lastly, California is a peculiar state for Minnesota to attempt to replicate. The geographies of the respective states could not be more different. One is coastal and mountainous, while the other is continental and has a maximum elevation of 2,300 feet. One has its population centers in mild climates; the other’s population center is among the coldest major metropolises in North America each winter. Further, California, once an emblem of the American Dream, has become largely unaffordable for the middle class and has begun to suffer from out-migration of residents squeezed by policies such as it has implemented in transportation. In conclusion, the Institute for Energy Research finds MPCA’s SONAR unconvincing in its presentation of two main justifications for the adoption of California vehicle rules.


Jordan McGillis Deputy Director of Policy Institute for Energy Research

Joshua Houdek Attachment

Dear Judge Palmer-Denig:

I support the Clean Cars standard. Clean Cars will make it easier for Minnesotans and residents of neighboring states to drive electric vehicles, and these EVs can be charged with Minnesota made clean energy! This is a huge economic opportunity for Minnesota that we can’t pass up. Clean Cars will reduce climate pollution, , and dependence on imported dirty oil. More vehicle choice will help Minnesota families save money and lower carbon footprints. Clean Cars is a win-win.

Signed: [6,630 signatures, 1,674 personal comments]

Dear Judge Palmer-Denig, I'm a lifelong Midwesterner. I'm a 28 year old health care worker and environmental policy masters student. I want to have a kid one day, and I want my kid to see a safe and healthy world in their future. Right now such a world is far from guaranteed, but rapidly cleaning up our transportation sector is a huge step in the right direction, which is why I'm supporting the clean cars standard. I hope you will join me. Thank John Seng you for reading. As a grandparent and great-grandparent, this issue is very important to me. We can't afford to wait to make our environment cleaner and healthier for our children, their children, and all future generations. We need to tackle climate change and air pollution with the cars and trucks we drive. Help make more cleaner ones available to us with Cleaner Car Kimerly Wilcox standards. Thank you. Dear Judge Palmer-Denig, We all need to do our part to leave a cleaner and healthier America for future generations. Clean cars is part of this. Please help make more cleaner cars available to more people in our state, and adjacent states too! Frank Ortiz Thank You, Frank Ortiz A clean car standard is common sense. It clears the air, slows global climate change, and SAVES MONEY over the life of the car for the consumer. But we need more options in Minnesota. Please pass this Jeffrey Paul LaGasse rule. The Texas weather shows that we are in a climate crisis RIGHT NOW. The cause of the crisis is irrelevant; it is here. But our response in reducing carbon emissions is not irrelevant. I want my grandchildren to have a future where they can live the most healthy life possible, after I Paula Tompkins am gone. I owe my grandchildren this! Air pollution is a real problem in Minnesota, especially in urban areas. And I'm trying to do my part, but finding an electric vehicle is so hard! Bob Gunn We need more options. Please pass clean cars. Although I never was a smoker, somewhere in my life I developed COPD. Do not want others to have the problems that I do. Constance Bubon Electric vehicles will go a long way to alleviating this medical problem. Every breath is precious. Without clean air we poison ourselves with every breath. Clean Cars mean cleaner air - we must stop poisoning Linda Hansen ourselves! Please pass Clean Cars now. Air pollution from gas engines are a major cause of respiratory illness in this country and often effects those with less wealth and access to resources such as healthcare. It also is a big contributor to greenhouse gas. Electric cars with be a step in the right direction on both these Darrah Wagner issues. We should not put off until tomorrow what we should do today! We want Mildred Bowers clean running electric cars, buses and trucks NOW. This rule will help us help the environment. This rule will help families Juanita Hull save money - electric vehicles cost less to own and repair. Hi. I am not old enough to drive, but I think Clean Cars is really important. More clean cars means less dirty cars. I want to breathe clean Sage Houdek air not dirty air. Thank you. "Clean Cars" is the best way to get back the clean air the Lord gave us Angela Hopkins and all the children of mankind. Please support this rule. Zero Emissions by 2050! If we all try and help with climate change, and make this a movement, we must be more open to excepting new technologies in all fields, and make this goal our new reality. Clean Cars Lynn Morse is part of this goal. Please support this rule for all Minnesotans. 1 in 5 people have health impacts due to air pollution. Clean Cars will Ellen Moomaw help reduce this sad statistic. 16 years ago I took the step of buying a new car, one that performed at 2-3 times better fuel economy that what was then the industry norm, and double what I had been driving for the previous 24 years. I thought that I was doing the right thing, and I was motivated by the promise of biofuels which I could burn, thereby achieving a nearly zero-carbon mode of transportation. That car will likely be the last I ever buy, given my age and the low mileage that I drive each year, but if I make a future purchase, it would be an all-electric vehicle or whatever newer, cleaner technology is available. But there are not many options in Minnesota. Please support Clean Cars so more options will come to our state. Jimmie Eflin Thanks. 2021 is the year to make a commitment to a cleaner environment. What better way then to have more clean cars and trucks available and Cammy Colton affordable for all! This rule is a win-win for Minnesota. 7,000,000 people die a year from air pollution worldwide. Burning oil is killing people. Not to mention all the wars fought to protect oil pipelines around the world. There's too long a list to fit in this space. Clean cars Tom Conroy will help us get off oil. Please support this rule. A clean environment is essential to our survival. Electric cars will go a Sharon Jackson long ways to keeping the environment clean. A cleaner environment is a worldwide goal. This is one step in the right L. Laemmli direction. A healthy clean environment is an achievable goal if many industries change their environmentally destructive manufacturing. Please join the Fawn King effort to curb carbon emissions. A small step to making a big impact! We need electric cars to make Tracy Drake clean air. A healthy environment and consequently healthy human beings increase well-being across the planet. Clean transportation is a clear James Balder step in that direction. A healthy environment is a necessity for everyone in this country. I J Vandecar support the positive impact that the Clean Cars standard will facilitate. A very large step towards climate change is changing our cars and trucks and buses to electric. It was also clean up the air in our cities as Craig Mackie we are seeing during the pandemic. Invest the money in railroads and public transportation, and return the sprawling suburbs to small farmers, re-foresting projects, and nature Kerby conservation. Greg Nicholas A huge step in fighting climate change. Affordable, clean vehicles are important to decrease carbon emissions but it is important that they are charged with Clean Energy to actually decrease carbon emissions that is one of the many issues affecting the earth's ecosystem. We can do this in MN with solar and wind. Please Ms Vicki pass the Clean Cars rule. G Clemson Everything should be part of the . Air pollution causes disease and death. It is foolish not to try to eliminate Leroy Smith pollution is our air. Air pollution has been linked to many human illnesses. As a pediatrician, I want the best for my patients. We must transition to cleaner vehicles to Kathryn Young save lives. Air pollution is killing people and driving climate change! Let's clean up Sarah Rowe the transportation industry now! Air pollution matters. I support the strictest standards possible. Please Deborah Deland support the Clean Cars Standard. Air quality and a clean environment matters to me, for my family and Melissa Epple future generations! Diana Berardino All Americans need more access to clean cars! D. Perrine All electric, all the time! Clean cars will help us get there. All energy needs to be clean. We have the knowledge. Let's use it. The oil companies need to change what they produce. We will always need Marilyn Manganello energy. Let's just make it clean. Marti All Minnesotans deserve clean, healthy air to breathe! Renee Cosutta All of us need clean air to breathe! All of us on earth share one atmosphere that has gone out of balance due to burning fossil fuels. I have done what I can to reduce my carbon footprint by driving an electric car charged by solar panels. If we all do what we can to reduce pollution everyone will be able to thrive in the Gordon Clint future. Almost all members of our family have asthma which is made worse by pollution from gas fueled vehicles. Please consider the health of our city, F Reuscher state, and country's population when setting clean car standards. Elizabeth Keyes Also for people and animals health too! Norda Gromoll More clean cars. And also let's drive less! America depends on it. In fact, all Mother Earth depends on our reducing people generated CO2. The Minnesota Clean Cars rule will increase the availability of low-emission and zero-emission vehicles -- many of which are currently unavailable in many places without special S. Neimark ordering. Nina Kadera America needs clean cars and trucks. It is easily done, so do it NOW. An EV will be my next, and last, vehicle. My 15 YO Subaru has served Hansen me so well. And my future says EV. And Clean Cars benefit not only Minnesota but all Americans. So moving away from dirty fossil-fuel powered cars will not only help Minnesota, but also all of America and the world to boot. What can be Richard Esten better than that? Another step to getting off fossil fuels which, in my opinion, is the number 1 issue facing us. Any act that we can do to clean our air is a no-brainer. We have a Carol Neumann responsibility to care for our earth. ANY effort to reduce environmental pollution is URGENT. The future of all species on this planet depends on us all doing our part. Pushing for Kathy Bouvier cleaner vehicles is an essential part of this . Any step that brings cleaner cars to the broad public is a great help to Wendy Kiesewetter the environment and the world our future generations will live in! As a cancer survivor and a person living with a catastrophic neurological illness, I believe we must clean up our air and water for the health and safety of current and future generations. We are the stewards of the earth who must protect our environment for all who live here. Clean Cars Kathleen Smith will lead to a healthier future. As a concerned citizen and your constituent, I recently gave up my gasoline powered car and replaced it with an all electric vehicle. Thanks to local financial incentives I was able to make the switch, so I am confident that such incentives at the national level would have a great effect. Gabriel Wolff Thank you for your efforts. As a country, we need to move towards electric vehicles due to global warming. This will not happen if we rely on customer demand. The transition requires leadership from our three branches of government and Industry. We are starting to see a few industry leaders move to cleaner energy but I am afraid not fast enough. We need new laws and Richard Paal the laws we already have to be enforced to drive the transition. As a father and a Catholic, I take seriously care for creation on behalf of both future generations and our co-residents. This is one small but important step towards a new, more sustainable, and more just Gregory King transportation system. As a health educator and someone who has suffered when exposed to motor vehicle emissions, I cannot for the life of me understand why we do not have stricter clean air standards. Given the preponderance of data showing horrific associations between air pollution and a large number of chronic diseases, it is imperative that we enact permanent Carol Creech legislation to fix this problem. As a healthcare provider I see the devastating impact of pollution in the Paula Enstrom health of my patients. As a human that walks and bikes on a regular basis I know what comes Russ Yttri from an internal combustion engine. Time to retire this old technology. As a kid, I always hated stinky vehicles, especially being behind buses and trucks. I hated being in stinky traffic. I have had hybrid cars, but now with a plug-in electric vehicle, I am happy. I wish everyone had one. I Ellen Neumaier definitely support the Clean Cars Standard. As a lifelong Californian I have seen first hand the air pollution cars can create. Hal Forsen ENOUGH. As a native son of Minnesota and a graduate of U. Minnesota Duluth, I support the proposal to enable Minnesotans to become leaders in clean Lynn Jamison car use. It's a darn good deal. As a parent and grandparent that is concerned about the future of our environment I strongly support stronger standards for cleaner cars and John Hinnant trucks. As a parent of 3 of my own children, plus one who's usually with us, we need a larger vehicle. Right now, there are few affordable larger cars Jan Heirtzler that aren't SUVs or gas-guzzlers, and I'd love to see that change! As a physician, I support the Clean Cars standard to protect public David Harrison health and the environment. As a Registered Nurse and professor of nursing, I know that clean air is important to good health. I urge you to please support clean cars in order to help us reduce air pollution, as well as the negative impact on the earth's climate. Please make this a priority.

Karen Gutierrez Regards, Dr. Karen M. Gutierrez, PhD, RN, Advanced Holistic Nurse As a resident of Wisconsin and driver of a hybrid, I sincerely hope that the Midwest will embrace clean energy cars. My hope is to purchase an electric car, within the next two years. Please support the Clean Car Kelly standard. As a retired 72-year-old with 1/3 my former working income, I am shopping electric vehicles (EVs), which could cut my annual ownership cost and clean the air I must breathe (I have asthma). interests are doing whatever they can to keep EVs from replacing internal combustion engines (ICEs). MPCA's proposed Cleans Cars rules will help level the playing field for consumers like me. Please rule Mathews Hollinshead in favor. Thank you. As a retired health educator who has a history of asthma, I am very well aware of the impact of air quality on the health of our citizens. I urge you to put the well-being of our population and the preservation of our environment over the self-serving interests of the automobile industry. Forcing manufacturers to conform to updated standards will in fact ensure their survival. They must be poised to remain relative in an Kathleen Bugenhagen international market that is ever-changing. As a Science Teacher/Environmental Educator, Engineering/STEM Professional, and an Environmental/Climate change//Human Health/Clean Car Advocate, I wholeheartedly support the Clean Cars standard!! For the health and wellbeing of our planet and humans, we MUST fight climate change and air pollution by eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels and preparing for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Revolutions (which have already started!)! This MUST include 100% electrifying homes, buildings, and transportation!! Clean Cars is a must for a cleaner and healthier environment, and Brad Snyder definitely cheaper than gasoline vehicles!! As a snow sports enthusiast, I am very concerned about the negative economic impacts of increased warming. The MN ski/snowboard/XC ski season is already impacted, and further losses to this very Minnesota way of life will impact our state identity as well as the many winter resort and resort-related businesses.

I also am keenly interested in buying a particular brand and model of high efficiency Hybrid vehicle, and at the moment the nearest dealers that cary the vehicle are in Salt Lake City, UT and Palm Springs, CA. Clearly not practical for shopping and selecting a car. Adopting this rulemaking would create a business setting where my choices as a consumer would improve. Ralph Wyman Thank you. As a southern California resident there isn't a day that goes by that I don't see the haze of pollution floating over LA, and knowing even with Yvonne Olivares indoor air filters I'm ingesting toxins with every breath. Mark Waltzer As a transition to all-electric vehicles I have driven a Prius for 15 years. As a voting American, I support this petition for the Clean Cars standard. Linda Marshall Good air quality is vital for a healthy population. as a way to reduce carbon dioxide from being added to the atmosphere. This is something we need to done as soon as possible to help provide Richard Fish a livable future for our children. As a Wisconsinite, I spend a lot of my recreational time in Minnesota & Houston Taylor love the example they set for WI policy. I will come to MN to buy an EV. As an American citizen and a collector of antique cars, I do believe that Damon Mills more fuel efficient and electric vehicles should be available. As an asthmatic, I support the efforts of Minnesota to seize the Lyn Dutson opportunity to embrace the Clean Air Standard. As an electric vehicle owner, I'm well aware of both the shortcomings of my car's limited range and my car's importance in the fight against climate change. We need car manufacturers to go all in on creating electric vehicles that meet consumers needs and that they actually want to buy (i.e. ones that have adequate ranges and can recharge at a rate that's comparable to refilling a gas tank). In order for this to happen, we need aggressive legislation like the Minnesota Clean Cars standard in order to compel manufacturers to innovate. Time is running out for us to save our planet. Do you want to be part of the solution or part of the Emily Mattison problem? As an EV owner and driver, I would love to see infrastructure for my type of vehicle to increase. This policy has potential to reduce Minnesota's emissions right away. This is a great early step to take as we collectively tackle larger, longer-term systemic changes needed make our Ilana Percher transportation system sustainable. As an EV owner, I know that EVs are practical choices for Minnesota. Yet our choices are limited by our state's policies. Clean cars would help with that.

And as mom and climate advocate, I want us to all we can to take bold action on climate. We must transition to electric cars and trucks and electrify and expand our transportation system to reduce emissions. As Jessica Tritsch soon as possible As an instructor of Biology and Environmental Science teaching students of the next generation, offering them better choices for Michael Budniak themselves and the world around us is my primary goal As an outdoor activities lover, living in California's L.A. basin for many decades has made very aware of how air pollution affects us all. A strong clean car standard is imperative to improve air quality! This is true Tara Kamath everywhere - we all share the air. As an owner of a Prius Prime, I do most of my driving on electric and love it. I actually had to myself to let the electric run out so that I could use up the original gas that had been in the car for over a year and a half from the dealership. I put a stabilizer in so I do not need to Kay Linder worry for a couple of years! Go electric! As consumers, we demand better options that will improve public and environmental health. But we are being obstructed by federal subsidies or support for archaic technologies to enhance the profits of the ultta- wealthy at our expense. Please support the Clean Cars standard. We Paul Smith have the technology, we have been waiting too long to use it. As en engineer with colleagues in EV testing, I know that Minnesota stands to gain economically as electric cars and trucks are road tested in Stephen McCarthy the extreme cold conditions of the northern part of the state. As I write, gas prices are rising dramatically. Why? Because frozen gas pipelines in Texas were basically left to their own demise. The fossil fuel Guy Wolf industry is leaving a legacy of spoiled lands, contaminated waters, dirty skies. Let's say I didn't believe an of that..all I wanted was a truck, like my Chevy Silverado that would get more than 13 miles to a gallon being powered by fossil fuels when I could drive a clean engine that runs several hundred miles on a electric charge. Let?s stop playing games. No one wants a vehicle that costs thousands of dollar to fix a technology that will disappear in twenty years. Forget gas combustion engines. We want clean energy and clean cars and trucks. As long as we rely on fossil fuel, we will never move forward with cleaner and . Large, wealthy corporations with huge profits to be made will use Joi Juaire-Darfler everything in their power to prevent this. As someone planning an imminent move to Minnesota, I would LOVE to see the state take this massive step toward clean energy. Gas guzzling vehicles are one of the biggest polluters out there, and the Clean Cars standard would go a long way toward incentivizing and increasing the Ellen Rozek purchase of non-polluting electric vehicles. As someone with asthma, I know that air pollution caused by cars running on dirty oil is a major threat to people's health, in addition to producing fossil fuels. For the sake of people like me who need clean air Daniel Goldberg to survive, please pass this Clean Cars standard. Thank you. Kathleen Ruiz As someone with COPD air quality is extremely important. As someone with respiratory illness cleaner air, which would naturally follow from the Clean Cars standard, would allow me to better enjoy the Timothy Mullen natural beauty of our country As the father of two and grandfather of three children I am very Alex Vollmer interested in keeping air air and water as clean as possible. As the very happy and satisfied owner of an EV, I know the technology works and with more and more affordable EVs on the market, and an increasingly expanding charging network, we can leave a better Charles Huber environment for our children and grandchildren. As I write, gas prices are rising dramatically. Why ? Because frozen gas pipelines in Texas were basically left to their own demise. The fossil fuel industry is leaving a legacy of spoiled lands, contaminated waters, dirty skies. Let's say I didn?t believe an of that..all I wanted was a truck, like my Chevy Silverado that would get more than 13 miles to a gallon being powered by fossil fuels when I could drive a clean engine that runs several hundred miles on a electric charge. Let's stop playing games. No one wants a vehicle that costs thousands of dollar to fix a technology that will disappear in twenty years. Forget gas combustion engines. We Toshio Ozawa want clean energy and clean cars and trucks. As you know, the health of our earth and atmosphere is vulnerable as climate change intensifies. We in northern Minnesota are living through the longest cold spell of days below zero since the early 80s. It was -35 here near Park Rapids this morning with wind chill temps of -44 to -50! After a warmer than usual January. The weather patterns continue to garble! We must do EVERYTHING we can to reduce our carbon Jennifer Therkilsen-Gebhard emissions. Clean cars and trucks is one great way forward. ASAP the USA Government MUST eliminate fossil fueled automobiles Chris Cairns !!!!!!!!!! Auto repair will need to change because thee will be drastically-less Christopher F. Vota need for it without an Infernal Combustion Engine. Automobile and truck emissions kill people and , and plants, especially those along heavy trafficked roadways. This form of air pollution is responsible for increasing levels, polluting soil, water, Sarah Hasted and plants eaten by wildlife and humans (leaded fuels are especially dangerous), burning foliage (sulfates in fossil fuels combine with water in the atmosphere. become sulfuric acid, and burn the leaves along the roads), and produce acid rain by the nitrates and sulfates in fossil fuels combining with atmospheric water to produce nitric and sulfuric acids, to name but two). This alters lake and river chemistry, and kills aquatic life. I could go on for ages... it is all bad. Automobiles make up a large part of the global atmospheric pollutants that we all suffer from. The internal combustion engine is on its way out. Rechargeable battery will take over in an interim period before something even better than that will come along. Climb Kilimanjaro and at the top (19,000+ feet) stick your nose into the end of the atmosphere we humans can survive in. Then imagine an eggshell-like sphere surrounding our planet Earth from the ground up to about 14000 feet and that is really where we all live, inside that eggshell- like sphere and with no place else to go. Take good care of it and don't listen to the corporate and governmental bullshit telling you they have it Paul Phillips under control. autos are a huge source of greenhouse gas and if we don't start acting as though global warming is important by taking action, we are going to Catherine Blackburn cook our selves to death. Autos make up a large portion of the emissions of NO2 and CO2 into the Steven Hayashi atmosphere. We need to reduce these emissions quickly. Brooke Brandsmith Be an innovator & move our country to green energy! Susan Schmidt Be the leaders we need. Because air pollution also pollutes water, specifically with mercury. This Brian Berg poisons fish and birds too. Because Biden picked an Earth hater for Secretary of Agriculture and his poison for profit policies will add to global warming so something has to William Crist be done to balance the betrayal of the people even if it?s a small step. Because clean air for the planet is the one and only right thing to do for all living things! The sooner we switch to green energy the better before Gregory Alexander it?s too late!..:( Robert Miller Because clean air is good for America. Because I breathe air, into my lungs, thousands of times each day, I, and the rest of humanity and animal life on this planet NEED cleaner air. Clean Car standards will go a long way to improving the health of everyone, but especially people who live near roadways, highways and in cities. And those people are suffering and dying before their time Christina James-Zorn because of car pollution. Time to step up and make all cars clean cars. Michael Marek Because I breathe air. Elizabeth Schippert Because I breathe. Because I care about the future generation and the planet that they will have to inherit and at this point it?s not gonna be healthy for them so we need to do what we can to make their planet a healthier one and this is Jacqueline Welsh the way to ensure that they will have a better chance of this. J Pizzo Because I care about the future of life on earth. Henry Ickes because I don't want us to gas ourselves to death. Really. Because I have a daughter and standards like these are going to give Sari Fordham her a brighter future. Rhoda Levine because I want a healthy World for the future generations Because I want my children and grandchildren to be able to breathe Rick Lewis fresh clean air! Because I want my two young grandsons to live long enough to have Vicki Davis their own grandsons. Because I want our planet and it's inhabitants to be around for a long time to come. We have an EV and a hybrid and are preparing to replace Nancy Radford the hybrid with another EV in the future. Linda Hayes Because it?s the right thing to do. Because it's well past time to deal with this. It should have been done when I was still a kid, back in the 70's. And it needs to be done in an equitable way. It is SO important not to punish the poor and disadvantaged by criminalizing regular people who can't afford to make changes. These changes need to be carried on the backs of the Melissa Bletsian corporations who ran Mother Earth into the ground for a profit. Big Wayne Motorcycles should be included too! Pawiter Parhar Because its related to health and climate change. Because my daughter and grandson have respiratory problems, and we are located near major highways, there is always the risk to our family health. Things do not have to be that way, if we had clean electric Angel Garcia vehicle manufacturing and the related infrastructure. Because of my work, I need to drive. I wish that I had clean driving options so that I could leave less of a footprint. And I know that other Melissa Hochstetler people want this too--together, we could really make a difference. Michelle Dumar Because the earth is our home and we are killing it! Raye Chennault Because the future depends on it. because they are the future. I cannot invest in the future until the infrastructure exists. We create the future by our choices and I choose to Thomas Schmidt make a difference. Because we all breathe the same air, and we ALL want and need to Jane Illades breathe CLEAN AIR!! David Van Grinsven Because we need a clean energy future for the human race to survive. because we need to be very concerned about climate change and the Chris Marquardt clean cars standard will make a big difference BECAUSE WE NEED TO REDUCE OUR CARBON SPEWING Tippens EMISSIONS TO SAVE THE EARTH AND HER CREATURES. Lauren Leblanc because we only have one earth. Because we put off dealing with climate change for so many years, we need to act immediately on reducing CO2 emissions. This is critical for the future of our people and our planet. Clean cars will be part of the Camille Herrick solution. Been driving electric for 7 years now. No emissions because I subscribe Toby Schunk to green electricity. Before we realize it, air pollution coming from different sources will overwhelm us. We need to develop more biofuels to start mitigating the Karen Espanol effects of fossil. Best is walking and biking ( so many benefits if we think about it ! ) Anca Zamfirescu If we need cars let?s plan electric only ! Please think of average Minnesotans when considering this rule. It's a Curtis Manucy win-win for everyone. Carole Manucy Better clean air. Let's do this! Borders do not block the exchange of air pollution between states and countries. So the establishment of clean air standards everywhere is important to me. Both of our cars are hybrids. We need more Minnesotans accessible to Susan B O'connor more cleaner vehicles. Breathing clean air is a right that eliminating fossil fuel engines will Judith Ross advance. This is the way of the future, and the future should begin now. Howard Iwahashi Breathing clean air is healthier. Kevin Giehl Breathing is not optional But most importantly, these vehicles need to have a very reasonable cost: under $20K for the base models. Otherwise, most folks won't be able to afford them quickly enough to make a climate difference anytime Jan Sloat soon. But most importantly, these vehicles need to have a very reasonable cost: under $20K for the base models. Otherwise, most folks won't be able to afford them quickly enough to make a climate difference anytime soon. And you want the 'common man' because they are the highest Dale Sloat population for this change. By having clean cars and trucks not only does it make things better for future generations, it also will provide more jobs and boost the economy Todd Johnson for the current generation! Sorry Force By having cleaner cars and trucks means a cleaner and healthier planet Susan Sunflower Can hardly wait to drive one! As soon as you get one, we can race!! Can not remain as it was if life on this planet is to continue for most of Carl Warner our progeny. Can you imagine clean air, no smog or fog. No gas fumes, just pure air. That is what everyone deserves and needs. Our children especially, should grow up in a clean air world. The people of Minnesota are gong Martha Jane Ripple about this the correct way. Let us help them along. Lindsay Mugglestone Can you say climate change?! Nick Berezansky Can't we take this SMALL step to improve EVERYONE'S lives? Car pollution is the greatest cause of air pollution. We need the Clean Gary Dirks Cars standard Cars and trucking are here to stay - so let's make 'em as energy efficient as possible while limiting negative impacts to our environment. We know Melissa Bird how to do this! Cars and trucks are a major source of pollution. EVs are clean, quiet, fun Lee Backus to drive, and low maintenance. Cars and trucks are an incredible polluter of the environment and contribute enormously to greenhouse gases. That's why I drive a hybrid. My next car will be electric. We all have to do whatever we can to help save our planet. There will be a point of no return. Thanks for your time, Audrey Fay consideration and action to make this a better place to live. Cars and trucks are one of the filthiest products that are blocking our progress to a cleaner climate. Clean Cars are high on my list of the ways Anne Nelson we can work toward healthier air for our precious planet. Cars are a big polluter and cause for climate change. Transition to clean energy and a need to stop producing energy from fossil fuels is needed Nan Corliss if we are to protect our earth and in the end our lives. Cars began being made inefficiently years ago to save the manufacturers' money. Isn't it about time to think about the planet Peggy Meisch instead of profit? Cars contribute 28% of greenhouse gasses! It is critical that we start the Timothy Kent push for clean cars now! Alexander Walbrodt Cars could run on fuel cells and only emit water vapor!! Let's start making decisions Certainly the largest and most important benefit of increased usage of that will lead to better lives. We electric vehicles is pollution reduction, thus slowing negative climate have to stop pretending that change. As an engineer and person who used to do much of my own everything is ok. A half million auto maintenance, I am attracted to the simplicity (much reduced dead in an advanced country number of parts and complexity) as compared to internal combustion like the US shows us that engines. The overall increased reliability will greatly reduce both everything is not ok. inconvenience and cost of repairs. Cheaper and more durable cars. Make sure batteries work in extreme Donna Sanders cold is only hang up Children living in proximity to highways have much higher rates of asthma, cancer, and other diseases. The fumes from vehicle exhaust Marie Curtis are literally killing us! China is heads ahead of USA with clean cars on the road now. Many administrations have pushed the deadline for clean cars since2003, . Thus far USA only produces and exports WAR. Can we find clean industries to put our energy and money behind. Cut the war budget and increase the climate change budget. Nancy Bailey Break up with greed and cozy up to helping your people. Cincinnati has failed federal safe levels of air quality for more than ten years. Economic costs are manifested in health/hospital expenses for our population as well as expenses cleaning air since we are an urban Elizabeth Stoehr heat island in warm months. John Flanagan Clean cars and trucks will give us cleaner air that we need to live. Clean air and fewer emissions are essential for human health and global Laurie Winogrand health of the earth. Val Greenspan Clean air and water = better health for Americans. Clean air anyone??? Economic conversion is possible to a more sustainable future. Get on Amber Kaplan board!!! Clean air from clean transportation vehicles is essential for the health of my children and potential grandchildren and for the the health of the William Haider planet they will inherit. Rebecca Halpin Clean air is a right for every person. Thank you! Clean air is essential to human life. If you're pro-life, than this should be William Watts a no-brainer for you. Pamela Speagle Clean air is good for all Clean air is key to health. If there are actions we can take to help this be Lucinda Blackwell the standard, it?s a no brained, isn?t it? Amy Spencer Clean air is necessary for us to live in good health. Mari Mennel-Bell Clean air is right to which all people and creatures are entitled! Clean air is vital - and too often, we think of regulations as stifling for ourselves, not realizing that they may be a lifeline for others. I support the standard because the idea is that across the board, across borders, this will raise the bar and keep other's air clean as well as mine - it's all Lauren Mangini the same, and it should all be valued and protected. Clean air is worth everything to life on Earth. Make the change now to Joy Murphy end fossil fueled vehicles. Clean air matters to me and my family!. I remember when LA air was not as clean as it is today. It was awful and I had trouble breathing some Winifred Hopkins times. We still can do better. That is why we need more clean vehicles. Martha Goldin Clean air means better health for my family. John Dervin Clean air means clean lungs; we all benefit. Clean air prevents lung cancer, simple as that. If you have kids, you must push for clean vehicles. People will buy them in mass when their price is similar to combustion engine vehicles. Manufacturing at scale Evan Mcpeters will bring their price to a competitive level. Clean air saves lives. It?s especially important for young children to have clean air to breathe to lead healthy lives. We can use technology for profit and minimize ecological impact if we can only unite behind the David Chan common good. Clean air should be a right. That the social health care costs of not having it are so incredibly high (estimates on health and days lost from Melissa Waters work are about $700 million each year!!) is truly SICK! Thank you. Clean air to breathe and pure water to drink have to be a top priority for James Howarth our society. Clean air to breathe is a top priority. Who doesn't want clean air? For ourselves and our children. Please support the clean cars and trucks Karen Toscos immediately. Please don't wait as this is urgent. Mary Jane R Clean air used to be every one's experience-- now? Clean air, along with clean water, guaranteed medical care and are a sign of a thriving civilization. We can judge our government by how it Laurence Hiner treats its citizens. James Zell Clean air. Clean air....that's a no brainer! Why would anyone want to inhale carbon AnneMarie Meyer pollutants from cars and trucks?? Clean all-electric cars are the next best step to lowering air pollution so people like my grandson and I, who have asthma, will be able to breathe Donald Winn better and live healthier. Thank you very much. Clean cars, trucks, SUVs... this is the future. Let's make it happen now Marlene Winn before more people get sick and the earth rises. Cynthia Elia, Rn Clean and affordable electric vehicle for all Clean Car standards are good for our air, good for our children, and good for business, since healthier people have a positive impact on Kevin Strauss businesses. Clean car standards=cleaner air=better health for all. IS THERE Genarose Buechler ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT???????? Holly Wells Clean cars & trucks are the future, which is now! Thanks!! Clean Cars 101 is important for Minnesota because the transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Minnesota. The proposed standards are critical for reducing these emissions but apply only to light-duty vehicles. They apply only to 6 to 8% of new vehicle sales. They would ensure more electric vehicle (EV)availability, thus adding to consumer choice. By 2025 average car savings per year could be $800. The standards apply to automakers only and would give dealers more leverage in ordering EV?s. The standards would not make every single dealer stock EV?s. The EV choice provided here extends to greater Minnesota where there is also demand for EV?s. I would appreciate it very much if you ruled in favor of Clean Cars 101 for the Ronald Williams State of Minnesota. Thank you for your to this matter. Clean cars and clean energy, divestiture from fossil fuels, and going Jim Fleming green are the ways of the future and that future is NOW! Clean cars and renewable energy are the way to go and the only way to Robert Ortiz prevent more damage due to climate change. The time to act is now! Edward Temple Clean cars and trucks are the future. There is no doubt about it. Clean cars and trucks mean cleaner air. I want cleaner air for my grandkids and for the generations who come after them. Please support Mary Gleason the Clean Cars MN rule and make sure it is finalized! Robert Drey Clean cars are a no-brainer Laura Strom Clean cars are both better for our planet and better for our own health! Clean cars are essential in the air cleanup effort. Buyers need Bonnie Vendig incentives! Clean cars are great for our pocketbooks, great for the economy AND Jill Boogren better for the environment. Sherri Doherty Clean cars are needed to help keep our air clean. Clean cars are the future of the auto industry. It's time the automobile Catherine Poynton moves into the 21st century. William Turner Clean cars are the way to move forward. Clean cars are vitally important for the health and welfare of our planet as well as for clean waterways and breathable safe air. Please support Roxanne Scheidt this initiative. Thank you very much! Andrew Larson Clean cars are what we need. Kate Paradis Clean cars create clean air, clear skies. Douglas Gaum Clean cars help us all. Please pass the clean cars standard. Don Orahood Clean Cars in Minn. will help with growth in other states as well. Jerry Gilden Clean Cars is our future.... Neely Atha Clean cars mean clean communities. Greta Aul Clean cars mean cleaner air. We need them to survive! C S Clean cars now!! Clean Cars will assume increasing market share as their costs decline Eric Andersen and efficiency improves. They just make sense. Cars and trucks that are more efficient and clean should be made more economically available to anyone. We need more options for cleaner Morris Reistad cars in Minnesota. Victoria Jensen Clean cars, clean air, green energy, Yay!! Dan Crawford Clean cars, trucks boats and trains can be done soon. LET'S... Clean electrical vehicles need to be the standard. I've been driving a hybrid for years, but am ready to take the leap to electric. Our planet is in such danger from climate catastrophe, and this is a move everyone Laura Bernstein who drives should make. Clean energy is safe energy, is sustainable energy, is affordable cost- effective energy! We've got to go clean, carbon free, or we will suffer a Climate catastrophe beyond what anyone can imagine! Electric vehicles are a beginning thanks, Charles Monette Charles Monette Cori Pansarasa CLEAN ENERGY IS THE FUTURE! Invest in our future for all. S Srini Clean energy is very important to keep our environment clean! Gaia Cooksey Clean energy vehicles to save this planet!!! Mary Mcgaughey Clean Energy, in all forms, is here! Embrace it & move forward, Michele Mattingly CLEAN GREEN ALL the WAY ~ YAAAAAY! Susu Jeffrey Clean transit yes. Nuclear power--NO. Clean vehicles are better for the air we all breath and can help reduce Jeremy Koehl the impact of climate change. Ronit Corry Clean vehicles are needed to clean up our planet!! Ann Rak Clean vehicles are really important for our survival. Clean vehicles exhaust- for clean air. Provide clean fuel for vehicles. We Judy Devault all have to breathe. Clean, electric cars & trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality & climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! The Clean Cars MN rule has finally been released. This is a huge step toward cleaning up pollution from cars & trucks in the state, across the Midwest, & the nation. Transportation is the largest source of climate change pollution, & the Clean Cars rule is one piece of the solution. Not only will the program reduce climate change pollution, it will also result in significant consumer savings, cleaner air, & healthier families.

Opponents contend that it will limit choice for drivers. But in reality, the Clean Cars rule will increase the availability of low and zero-emission vehicles -- many of which are currently unavailable without special ordering from east & west coast states. Please ensure the Clean Cars rule is passed to support climate action, clean air, & more electric Fran Field vehicles. Clean, electric cars and trucks are essential to turning our climate disaster around and I greatly look forward to having several manufacturers? choices available through my local sW Minnesota rural R Limoges car dealers as well as Minneapolis/St Paul dealerships. Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions John Weston will benefit everyone! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Tina Gallaway will benefit everyone! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Joseph M. Varon will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Jan Dwyer will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Nick Littlejohn will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Michael Bondoc will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Lynne Davies will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Jennifer Horowitz will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Amber Heikkila will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Daurie Pollitto will benefit everyone. Deb Lily Clean, electric cars and trucks mean cleaner air for everyone. Clean, electric cars are hard to find in Minnesota. I rather spend my Cathy Sherman money at a local dealership than ordering a car from CA. Clean, Renewable and Sustainable Energy- Clean Cars; Social, Racial, and Economic Justice and Equity; US MUT modernize and upgrade National Infrastructure: Power Generation, Transportation, Military, Mike Sherman Logistics, etc..... Cleaner air increases the possibility of decreasing some of the minor Lee Wasserwald and major ailments of the USA population, for example, asthma. Kristine Richter Cleaner air should be a top priority for everyone Cleaner and quieter cars would go a long way to better standards of Bev Odom living for all of us. Cleaner cars can mean new jobs, cleaner air and healthier people!! Support clean cars, the technology is here and is proven to be practical, David Marancik safe, reliable. Cleaner cars create result in healthier air in city and neighborhood streets and neighborhoods. Bad air quality negatively affects lower Melissa Brown income communities. All American deserve clean air. Cleaner is better... cheaper... better to look at... better the breath.... better to drink. Ed Guhman We need more lean, not less. Cleaner operating vehicles means a reduction of pollution and its' Robin Weaver negative health impacts. Cleaner transport is fundamental to abating climate change. Please support this proposal in spite of the partisan and Alan misrepresentations. Cleaner vehicles are an obvious step towards saving the planet; however, the fact that MN leaders at the same time are SUPPORTING Line 3 is ludicrous and an obvious sign of 's corruptive influence on politicians. Clean cars won't do much to counter the CO2-pollution produced by filthy tar-sands extraction. Please don't think that by passing clean-car acts you are doing enough for the environment. Quite untrue. You have only 9 years remaining to shift our economy from fossil Shari Mleczewski fuels to Green tech in order to save humanity from mass-extinction. Cleaning up our degraded air is one of the most important things we can do for the environment and the health of people everywhere. And we can do it -- we have the technology; we just need the will. This Clean Cars standard is a good step on the right road. Please Christine Gebhard support it, for ourselves and for future generations. Thank you. Lori Shapiro Climate Change Matters .I live in a flood prone zone (A) . Virginia Robbins Climate change affects the whole planet Rik Albani climate change as in global warming is manmade. let's stop it. Climate change is a reality. Of course I support the Clean Cars standard. Gas powered vehicles contribute to the climate crises, therefore being able to crossover to electric cars and other vehicle technology that is coming is common sense. Go electric cars, and the technology that Suzan Newman supports them, go to outdated gas powered cars. Climate change is already happening and we need to do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't get any worse. What we should really be doing is phasing out personal vehicles altogether, but higher vehicle emissions standards are a bare minimum. Climate change is an existential threat. The Clean Car Rule is an Robert Wroblewski important step to limit fossil fuel emissions from cars. Laureen Chagnon Climate change is bigger than COVID-19! climate change is devistating communities around the world. This is one Elise Wallace way to help control global warming. Isn't it obvious? Climate change is impacted us with more wildfires in California and we are seeing the artic melting and creating frigid snowfall in Texas. Its already late and we need to stop vehicles from depleting the Ozone Sudha Jamthe layer NOW. Terrance Smith Climate change is real. Let's make Clean Cars MN real. Climate change is real, whether it manifests as instability of the jet stream and the descent of polar vortices or as increased number of extremely hot days with associated heat related illness and drop off in productivity of outdoor laborers. While reducing CO2 from transportation alone is not sufficient to ameliorate climate change and weather instability, the public largely recognizes contributions of the transport sector. I have driven a Prius since 2005 and my wife drives a Chevy Bolt. Personal action has limited impacts on solving problems, real impacts come from changes in policy including the clean cars standard. I John Downs grew up in MN and still have family I visit regularly. Climate change is real. I want MN to be part of the solution. I want to live with clean air and a low carbon footprint. Electric vehicles that will rely increasingly on renewable energy sources are a very important part of Bob Aderhold the solution. Climate change is running ahead fast! Clean cars are a good start to Thomas Grout reduce the carbon footprint and reduce climate change. Climate change is the greatest issue facing our planet, and moving to Delaina Foster cleaner cars and trucks will help. Climate change is the number one threat to our nation. Reducing carbon vehicle emissions into the atmosphere is at the top of the agenda to save the planet and life as we know it. "Clean Car" standards are Kathleen Mcquillan essential in this fight. Michael Lloyd Climate justice. Common sense, care for future generations, this is not rocket science. Rj Coopet Let's do this, FOR OUR KIDS!!!! Congratulations to the people of Minnesota for clear thinking on clean Karen Cotterell thinking! Cycling is my main mode of transportation. In the winter I can see just how much car exhaust I have to breathe in every ride, and it's disgusting and cancels out so much of the health benefit from being active. I also want to buy a car - an electric one that has better performance with less Masaru Oka maintenance. My choices right now are still too limited. Brian Krysinski Dangrite! Dear Judge Palmer-Denig, I am happy that pollution is finally getting the attention it deserves and that we are on the precipice of moving in the right direction: moving toward cleaner air and a reduction in pollution, not giving polluters carte blanche. Along with this we absolutely need more options for electric Denise Coon vehicles.

The more options we have, the more people will naturally move in this direction. Providing more options will in no way limit a person's choice of what to drive. But it does give the majority of residents who want to improve air quality and stop climate destruction, more choices.

Please finalize this rule.

Thank you, Concerned Resident Dear Judge Palmer-Denig, Regarding the Clean Cars Act, this is imperative for the lives of everyone, not just in our country but in the world, really. Did you know that current carbon emissions from the vehicles we now drive contribute greatly to increasing Cancer in our populations? Has your family or someone you know and love, been stricken with Cancer? If so, then you know how important it is to reduce the chances of this happening to anyone, whether they are related or not. It's just the right thing to do, to stop much of Cancer in its tracks by changing what WE ALL breathe! Thank you for your support for this VERY IMPORTANT cause that Marystarshine Matlock affects not only our nation but our world. Dear Judge, Please support the Clean Cars standard to help make our planet healthier, with fewer tailpipe emissions. Cassandra Tyler Thank you for all of your work! Decades ago, we made tangible gains in mitigating air pollution, and those gains have been eroded recently. It's time to double down (and triple down) on environmental protection and climate change mitigation. Pamela Toner Without a livable planet, nothing else we do matters. Constance Minerovic Dirty air affects all of us! Help NOT Harm! Dirty air harms everyone, from the individual's health to the long term Susan Rosen health (and viability) of our planet. Anthony Barron Dirty car exhaust kills people. Don Broersma dirty vehicles = dirty air= people die Marilyn Kaggen Do it for my grandsons and all our precious children. Melissa Hatfield Do what's right for the community & for the world!! Doing everything we can to reduce the transportation pollution that is driving the Climate Crisis faster, is MANDATORY, if our grandchildren will have a livable world. The Clean Cars standard is an important step in that direction and means my grandkids will have a chance at a livable Arthur Molho world! Don't need the oil! We need more cleaner alternatives. Please help with Mike Kahill cleaner cars. Drivers can't buy clean cars if dealers don't sell them. This standard is about expanding our vehicle choices in Minnesota. The benefits are huge: customer savings, cleaner air, and healthier families. Let?s do Jennifer Munt this! Driving cars that save fuel & carbon emissions is DOABLE. We must take responsibility for what we individually can do to mitigate our impact Linda Wilson on planet warming/destruction! Driving my former gasoline-powered car used to bother me, because I knew that my car was putting carbon dioxide into the air. But now, I am proud to drive my new electric vehicle! I even went on a long road trip Bud See and saved hundreds of dollars on plane tickets and rental car fees. Bruce Russell-Jayne Driving our EV is a breeze! James Eichman During the lockdown, the sky became blue again. Earth is in trouble. Vehicle pollution removal wound help Shirley Jenkins tremendously.... Alexis Scarbrough Earth! She demands it. Effecting our health our climate, our environment. This destructive James Melloh Md practice must stop. Electric Cars also reduce noise pollution since they are very quiet. Electric cars are the future and we should move into this future as Sheri Delaine quickly as possible. There's no reason or excuse not to. Nancy Burger Electric cars are awesome!!!! Electric cars are great (I have two)-- for the consumer (less maintenance! No carbon monoxide poisoning) and the planet (obvious Petra Reitz reasons). Please support! Electric cars are one of the primary avenues we have to reducing our carbon footprint as a state, as a nation, as a world. Not really an option - Barbara Van Hauer Clean Cars standard is a no-brainer. Richard Eldridge Electric cars are so clean! Electric cars are the coming standardin Europe. We need not be left Paul O'Brien behind. RAnge anxiety is no longer an issue. Janis Dufford Electric cars are the future. Let's get more on the roads NOW! Electric cars are the wave of the future and the sooner the better. The air Rachael Bray will be cleaner, there will be less noise etc. Thx! Electric cars can lead the way to clean energy, followed by making them run on solar and wind energy. Please also include requirements by manufacturers to use fair trade, slave free, materials. To protect workers from start to finish and to use recycled and recyclable materials in building these new cars. Let's close the manufacturing loop and clean up Kristy Pace this planet, so our kids can have one to live on. Electric cars can offer an affordable car experience and long service life Paul Cofrancesco if the batteries are replaced. Electric cars make more sense than cars that use thousands of explosions per minute to move down the road. Currently an economic penalty is imposed for doing the sensible thing, paid by those who see the importance of making the world a better place. This legislation is part Nathan Mitchell of making the smart choice the easy choice. Marlene Leone Electric cars need to be affordable for middle and working class families. Electric trucks are now known to be more efficient and clean than diesel trucks. Support increasing their number and cutting back on diesel Lee Bailey pollution! Electric vehicles are amazing. We need to make this transition quickly to avoid the worst catastrophic impacts of climate change. The fossil fuel industry has caused the crisis we are now facing. It?s past time to go electric. Diana Strablow Thank you. Electric vehicles are an easy way to reduce carbon emissions. We have an inexpensive Nissan Leaf that is also less expensive to run and maintain. My daughters both have asthma and we need to do all we can Angie Klein to improve the life of our children in the future and right now. Electric vehicles are the future. Minnesotans and the rest of the country's citizens need more choice and infrastructure to support clean Katherine Nelson cars. Amy Bruner Electric vehicles are the future. We need to build infrastructure. Mary Englert Electric vehicles fueled by renewable energy sources has no down side. Electric vehicles including mass transit should be given every advantage over petroleum-based vehicles to minimize pollution and thus mitigate Richard Madlon-Kay climate change and adverse health effects. Sally Swithers Electric vehicles make sense! Electric vehicles will help in the fight against climate change. We must Ann Duey do all we can! Eliminating The Ozone Depletion Is Critical 4 Future Generations 2 Dean Marzol Inherit A Planet That Is Intact & Full Of Wonder. Embrace clean cars and trucks. Clean transportation and energy is our future. Those who fight clean vehicles are only making it harder on everyone. Fossil is going the way of salt. Let?s save the planet for future Nancy Richardson generations and be excited about it. I am Emissions from vehicles creates a lot of pollution nd greenhouse gases. While I believe we still need fossil fuels which is a finite resource for prescriptions, electricity, and other high priority uses of which gasoline is NOT one of them. We need to prioritize our use of fossil fuels. This is Kristine Hutchin where "Clean Cars standard" comes in. Larry Dues End the use of fossil fuels and save our planet Don Weirens Even the manufacturers (including GM) realize this is the future! Ever since making unleaded gasoline the standard, auto makers have supported climate and personal health. Let's support the GM decision to Edith Thorstensson produce electric cars. Daniel Gonzalez Every action helps! The more steps we take, the better Every EV sold is a win for my young children's future. And as the grid becomes cleaner on renewable energy, even the electricity placed into an EV becomes cleaner. Meanwhile, every gasoline car sold is a loss for my children's future. And no matter how long that gasoline car is on the M. Walsh road, it will never become cleaner in its emissions, but only more dirty. Every little bit helps in our quest for a healthier planet. Clean cars and Jerilyn Hall trucks are a small but steady step in the right direction. Marie Driscoll Every one needs to breathe clean air! Every singe one of us have to breathe in whatever cars and trucks emit. This makes it a no-brainer: please support cleaner car and truck Melinda Fleming emission standards. Every state needs to get on the bandwagon with EV replacing even the best gas-saving traditional vehicles. We can put the brakes on climate Kerry Krebill change with this one big change to electric vehicles. Every state should adopt a clean cars law, or even better, it could be passed nationally. Waiting till 2050, 2040, or even 2030 makes no sense when we can, and should, make the change now. I think we're on the edge of climate catastrophe and every move we make to clean up our act immediately will give us that much better of a chance to avoid a truly Dale Le Fevre dire outcome. Every time I register my car I pay a fee that goes somewhere to keep bad cars off the road and improve our air quality. Still waiting to see how it is working here in the San Gabriel Valley where we continue to build more of everything. Not worrying about our water or power usage. Density creates problems of all kinds. No one said anyone is entitled to live in a place where you can't find a job. Have no housing,and Richard Luczyski compound a transportation system that brings on the Air Quality Risks to us all but never get talked about by the medical community to say what they think and know about those health risks. Maria Kordes Everyone deserves clean air Everyone deserves clean air to breathe! Everyone deserves clean air to breathe. We need to leave the planet Scott Mccall better for future generations to come. Gail Richardson Everyone deserves clean air! Everyone has a right to clean air including people with lung diseases, asthma and many more illnesses that seem to plague all of us who want J Antonacci to enjoy the outdoors. Everyone needs clean air to breathe better, to live healthier. As a former school nurse, over 2 decades I saw the numbers of children with breathing problems climb in the city schools. Indeed, in the magnate schools, I saw suburban school children' breathing status also decline. And getting my CPR recertification over the years included the same message: Establish An Airway. So, the message is clear: WE NEED OUR LUNGS TO BREATHE, CLEAN AIR PROMOTES LUNG HEALTH; AIR POLLUTION KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Indeed, -the only question should be: why are we still procrastinating and debating the question about clean cars standards ! Dear Judge Jessica Palmer-Denig, please protect people by supporting the Clean Cars standard. Kathleen Tolliver Respectfully, Kathleen Tolliver Everyone on this planet needs to breathe. We must protect our fresh air. Bruce J Burns No clean air, no life. Everyone should be able to breathe clean air; not just the rich who avoid Carl Zimmerman living by sites that pollute the air. Jane Stopher Everyone should have the opportunity to buy an electric vehicle Everyone the US needs clean air. Many more clean cars & trucks are Rosemary Ross essential to save our wonderful earth. thank you. Everything living thing breathes in ...which should not be tainted Julie Mcdaniels with the taint of toxins. EVERYTHING we can do to move forward on electrifying transportation David Ramsey is necessary now! Everything we do matters and everything we don't do matters. Passing up an opportunity to reduce emissions is a curse on our children and Susan Blain grandchildren. Joseph Crymes EVs are cheaper but better cars-- also less polluting. EVs are clean, quiet and fun to drive. Charging at home is easier than Mark Witte dealing with gas stations. Andrew Lane EVs are the future for sap many reasons! Exhaust fumes and increasing air pollution aggravate normal breathing for many Asthmatics. I just know that idling trucks and other vehicles makes me cough uncontrollably until I leave the area! We can do better Margaret Earl with clean energy practices. Experts are warning us that we must act faster than the current goals suggest to reduce air pollution that is causing global warming. Vehicle Julie Lyne emissions is a huge contributor to dirty air. Face it. Only fossil fuel's greed has stopped clean automobiles, clean air Nora Eiesland and stopping climate change. Flexibility in the types of electric vehicles we have to choose from is important to meet the many needs of workers, families and individuals. And clean air is essential. Put these two factors together and you?ve got April Narcisse the need for more electric vehicles. Let?s do it! For all the future For Americans and the unsuspecting wildlife, it?s Karen Cassell important to me that pollution and climate change be addressed. For all the wonderful benefits of a clean car. The next car I buy will be a Dave Bouquin clean car. I have prius hybred now. Julia Holleran for future Anna Barker For my 4 grandchildren! Please. For my grandchildren we need to do everything we can to ensure clean Bob Jalonen air through the world! For our children and their children we need to move to better world. William Gaul Extreme weather will get worse not better. For our future and the future of our children, grandchildren, and great Julie Truhlar grandchildren. Kevin Goodwin For our planet and our future! For our planet, and for our children, we need to move forward with Mark Wendling cleaner car technology. Kathy Wendling For our famlies and our natural resources, let's pass this rule. R.K. Entrekin For the future of our children AND OUR RACE Linda Margo For the future of our grandchildren, our country and our worls... Lorna Walker for the future of our planet For the health of a nation, we need to cut the carbon entering our Dianne Mrak atmosphere!!!! For the last 3 vehicles that I purchased, I have hoped that each would be my last fossil fuel powered vehicle. But it has not been the case, because there has not been a good cost-effective electric vehicle that I Alexander Jones can afford. For the world my grandchildren and their grandchildren will inherit from Patricia Monacella us. For years the auto industry has dragged its feet on cleaner emissions and even has been lying about the fact the industry could build better vehicles the whole time. Worst of it all the industry took taxpayer dollars and paid nothing in taxes. Why should the auto industry get a free ride and a huge bailout? It seems to me Americans should get the tax breaks James Falsken and bailouts over any industry that pays nothing in taxes. Jan Hansen Fossil fuel are the past; renewables are the future! Dean DePree Fossil fuel extraction and usage are killing the planet. FOSSIL FUEL MOTOR VEHICLES ARE A HUGE SOURCE OF POLLUTION THAT WE CAN NO LONGER ALLOW. TIME TO Geoffrey Symcox FASTRACK CHANGE. FOSSIL FUELS = DEATH, AND YOU KNOW IT. PLEASE DON'T HELP Paul Palla THEM KILL US ANY MORE! Fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses are not healthy for anyone's Virginia True environmental life and happiness. Please help ! Fossil fuels are the #1 source of greenhouse gases, and we must act Janet Gould right away to prohibit catastrophic climate change. Fossil fuels are the past not the future. Additionally, there is no Planet B. Dennis Ruby Do the right thing and look forward (sign of a leader) not backwards. Fossil fuels contribute to climate change and it?s past time we made a Christy Garrou commitment to clean cars. Gas guzzlers pose a risk to our environment and should be banned. The Barry Katz internal combustion engine should be phased out fast before we are. Gas-fed cars and trucks are HUGE contributors to CO2 emissions and thereby the climate change problem planet Earth presently faces!! We MUST 'replace' these fossil fuel beasts with electric cars/trucks and clean up the atmosphere and air we breathe---NOW, like right away!! We're presently doing ourselves in with our fossil fuel approach---let's get that FIXED with clean cars, trucks, and ALL automation...NOW!! Gas-fueled cars are extreme polluters. I want my grandchildren to have Claudette Hills cleaner air to breathe, to have a future at all!! Gasoline engines are the biggest polluters of our air, this we know. It is time to create a clean car solution now. Small steps now can insure a clean environment for my grandkids and their children to come. I own a partial zero emissions vehicle, which is a good start. More of those and electric vehicles will certainly make a huge difference. I support Clean Cynthia Mazurek Cars standard as do many of my friends. Keith Thompson Get the emission emitters off the road. We can and must do better! Given the dire state of our warming climate, supporting the Clean Cars standard is a no-brainer. But to get people to purchase and use electric vehicles, the current dearth of charging stations, especially in rural areas William Steele of the northern part of the state where I live, must be remedied. Global warming continues to damage our climate. Fossil fuel emissions from vehicles is a major cause of global warming. A Clean Cars Roy Berces standard is one step toward healing our climate. Global warming is REAL. TIme is running out- We need a paradigm shift Joanne Aulicino in our transportation. We need pollution free vehicles GM and Volvo are both going all electric in the next 10 years. Wow! That means we are moving towards a world with cleaner air, which means healthier people. This is wonderful news and I'd like to see more of this kind of action from decision makers in both the private and public sector. Heidi Davison I support the Clean Cars standard and hope you will, too. Pete Wilson Go 100% clean fossil free propulsion for all federal purchases. Heidi Nurse Grandchildren! Greed is the only thing standing in the way of clean energy that has been possible for a long time just feared less profitable which I think could be remedied with creative ideas for the marketplace being encouraged over the greed and ultimate destruction of our planet that Sarina Clara Naumoff endangers us unless innovation is welcomed. Iassic Wilkening green carz need to happen Having been raised in MN, I would love to see MN become a leader in clean energy vehicles. Moving to clean energy will not only have a big impact on our current climate crisis, it will create jobs that are not dependent on fossil fuels. We can either be leaders on climate change or wait until change is forced on us, and by that point, much of the environmental damage and species loss caused by global warming will Georgia Labey be irreversible. Having Clean Car standards makes so much sense to me. Regular, gas guzzling cars emit pollution even while idling - not so with electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are less expensive to maintain as they have fewer parts. They're also quieter. These reasons add up to a win-win for Bonnie Gahris the people and the planet. William Andersen Have owned a Nissan Leaf since 2017. Health of our kids, ourselves, our water, wildlife and plants depend on less pollution in the generation of energy and its use. Therefore, we need to phase out fossil fuel and EV transportation is a large part of the John Kavalunas equation. Mark Polsky Health! Healthier people breathing cleaner air, contributing to a cleaner environment, in cars that are quieter, cleaner, powerful, less expensive to operate. Why would anyone not choose to go electric for Ann Morrill transportation? Here in Tucson gas emissions are trapped between mountain ranges. Everyone I know has a child with asthma! My friend drives Winter visitors to the resorts in the mountains. She has heard them complain about how bad the pollution has gotten and that it's not healthy here anymore. We should transfer as quickly as possible to solar and Jana Segal encourage electric cars that are powered by solar. Hi, In light of the proof provided by COVID-19 regarding the damaging effects of fossil fuels on the environment we all share, please consider Alicia Mlsna this objective, non-partisan data when you vote. Thanks, Alicia Stephen Mead Hopefully it is not too late. How can clean air, clean fuel, affordable options and healthy families be bad things? The technology to make these things possible already exists and is just waiting for those wanting to support families, save our communities and protect our planet to take the important step forward. My state needs this kind of courage and this bill will light the way. Please support this bill and bring good-paying jobs to the region and end Opal Baker pollution for our future. How could this not be important. Well maybe not if you were about to die, had no living friend or relative, didn't care about any of the other Diana Wilkinson living beings/creatures on the planet - in that case who cares!?? How the weather and climates around the world are changing is very worrisome, and this is the very beginning. Our future on Earth is looking bleak, and I'm very confident predicting that the lack of bold action in the next 5-years will dictate the severity of what we face. Why? The climate feedback loop. More planetary systems compromised means the more devastating the effects.

Of great concern is the slowing of the Atlantic ocean currents. This will have major impacts on weather and climates if this continues.

I cannot believe that what we face hasn't caused an all-hands-on-deck response. Corporations and celebrities/influencers must act. Many Kevin Bessett governments are too slow. Please help. Humans need clean air. That will not happen until we move past fossil Gehr Brown fuels. Humans need to preserve the air and water of this planet for humanity to survive for ages to come. If we trash the oceans with plastic and pollute the air to where it isn't safe to breathe, how will our descendants be able to survive. God will judge us for our failure to protect the beautiful home he gave us to live in, planet Earth. It is our moral responsibility to protect Gary Huss the earth from destruction as much as we can. I want to buy an electric car because as we age, we drive less and less, so range is not a problem. I want to reduce my emissions and carbon Dianne Maughan footprint. I want to do what I can to combat climate change. But all this requires some incentives for ramping up production, bringing down prices, and making these cars available to everyone. Please help. David Dougherty I actually care about the fate of our planet I already drive a hybrid, but ZERO Emissions requires a little more effort. Thank you and Siochain ("Peace" in Irish), Jim, a.k.a. Seamus, James Cunningham Cunningham I already drive a Prius hybrid. And we just installed Solar in our home. If one can afford it, one should pay the green premium. And we need Kenn Bradley money from Defense to go towards assisting those that can't afford it. I am 78 years old & want to save our nation & our world for my children, grand-children, and great grand-children. They deserve a pollution-free Carol Hutton environment! I am 81 years old. We need to do better than we have been. Please, let?s leave things better than we found them. With your help we M DeLaroza can. I am a parent. My kid could probably live long enough to see the 22nd century. I work hard every single day to provide her with an education and financial security. Of what use is all that if we can't leave behind a world where her entire generation can live fulfilling lives and have the Vicente Perez Martinez same opportunities that we got? I am a planet and wildlife lover. We have caused so much harm to our environment and if we are to get anywhere in the fight against climate Kate Kenner change cleaner cares and trucks are necessary. I am a Registered Nurse working at Minnesota's safety-net hospital. Nurses know that damage to the environment - including damage caused by pollution from combustion engines of cars and trucks - harms Elizabeth Songalia the health of individuals, families, communities, and populations. I am a voter and I am very concerned about climate change and the environment. My spouse and I are in the market for a new car. We both want to have electric cars especially since we have a large commute which I know is creating a large carbon footprint. The only reason we do not have electric cars is due to not being able to afford it yet. I am advocating for the Clean Cars standard so that there will be more availability and competition. We have the technology, but it seems car manufacturers would benefit from additional policy and incentives to be Megan Walhood able to provide this. I am an asthmatic and suffer, having to use my nebulizer every 6-8 hours a day. We need to move away from internal combustion engines to a much more eco-friendly hybrid or completely electrical engines as Lorna Maclachlan soon as humanly possible. I AM AN E-BIKE OWNER FOR TEN YEARS. WE MUST MAKE THE TRANSITION AWAY-FROM GAS-FUELED ENGINES TO ELECTRIC- BATTERY-POWERED MOTORS, FOR OUR LIVES, OUR HEALTH Daniel Griesau AND OUR FUTURES. WE MUST COOPERATE !!! I am an honorably discharged disabled American Veteran with a small disability pension, living in AZ. To not bust my budget, I did the required research and traded in my 2017 Chevy van made in Mexico, for a 2017 Nissan Leaf made in the USA. Even though it requires more stops for recharging, it satisfies my transportation needs at the present time, and I refuel it at home, when I am home, with my off grid Solar PV home electrical system. These are ways I am satisfying my need to help save humanity and our Earth, Constitutionally, and at the same time saving William Chopak money. I am anxiously waiting to buy an electric pick up that has a range of at Betty Kuhn least 200 miles and is priced under $35,000. I am aware of the way auto pollution has affected our environment and consequently the lives of people. We must not continue to be our own Barbara Fry worst enemy. Gigi Taylor I am concerned about pollution - we must improve our emissions! I am delighted that General Motors is pressing hard to manufacture all electric cars and trucks. My next car purchase will hopefully be an Rich Femling electrical vehicle if the choices are close to my needs. I am disabled with MCS & RADS. This is a matter of equal access for B Mcclintock me and others who have these issues. I am holding off on purchasing a new minivan until I can get an electric Diana Gradus one. Minnesota now. New York soon? I am looking forward to the day when most Americans can afford clean- energy cars or trucks, whether they be electric or other forms of non-gas or non-diesel engines. I would love to purchase one now but the prices are still fairly prohibitive, except for those with larger salaries. Please Claire Turner work on reducing the price of electric vehicle I am lucky enough to have an electric vehicle. It not only is better for the environment, but saves us money in gas, required servicing such as oil Cynthia Schlegel changes, etc. Another added benefit for Minnesotans! I am old enough to remember the smog that hung over the metropolitan NY/NJ area in the 60s & 70s. We have made great strides in curbing vehicle pollution but we need to take the next steps forward. All of my life I've heard that green energy is something that will happen in the future. James Marziotti The future is now, we are the people who need to make it happen. I am on my third electric car (well the first were hybrids) wouldn't go back Raymond Howard to fossil crap for anything. Electric RULES! I am over 70, i have never been so aware of the dangers of our expanding world and the to our world. Starting in Minnesota is Linda Susens great. I am really excited about the future of electric cars and trucks - hopefully they'll be affordable (with lots of recharging stations) in the very near Jennifer Russell future. I am seriously considering buying an electric vehicle in the near future to Phil Lipari replace my Prius. Margaret Nuccio I am sick of breathing toxic air. I am so glad that Minnesota is adopting a clean car rule. I have grandchildren that I hope will grow up in a liveable world. Sincerely Karen Mulcahy Karen Mulcahy I am so ready to replace my twenty-year-old VW Jetta wagon, which l love, for an EV. What is holding me back is the limited distance and lack of charging stations all over our country. I applaud Minnesota's vision, and hope that the people can realize it. I will visit if there are sufficient charging stations between Washington and Everywhere USA. Looking Irene Blanchard forward to being gasoline-free. I am strongly in favor of a clean cars standard, at the soonest possible time. The economic arguments against a clean car standard do not stand up to scrutiny. Auto manufacturers will move away from internal combustion engines - Minnesota has the opportunity to be prepared for Joel Jensen this trend and to stay ahead of the curve. I am taking action through the Sierra Club to support the Clean Cars standard. Thank you for your consideration to take action to produce Diane Langejans more clean, electric cars and trucks. Having more electric cars is one the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Our country really needs to the Clean Cars rule now! Thank you. I am thinking of my children and grandchildren, all children everywhere, as I try to reduce my carbon footprint. Anything we can do to prevent Jane Cooper global warming will make our planet a more sustainable place to live! John Kramarck I am tired of breathing unhealthy air. I am very concerned about climate change, and because transportation is our country's largest source of climate change pollution, electric Juliann Rule vehicles are a large part of the solution to climate change. I am waiting for the day when I can replace my car with an American made, American technology, American powered vehicle. We are sorely behind in this global industry. Our auto industry is dying. Jobs are drying up. A climate friendly industrial era is so close but could easily be dominated by imports. Not to mention that solution is slowly killing us Mary Mcclintock and our land! Jessica Craven I am worried about air quality for our kids. I and my son have asthma, but I am more concerned about future generations. That is why I have on a limited income invested in an electric hybrid care. Clean cars protect our health--and the health of economy which will otherwise fall behind clean car manufacturers in Joan Kalvelage other countries. I believe if we are to leave a better climate future for our children, we should do everything possible to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Expanding access to EVs will be a major step in achieving his goal. Please consider expanding access to EVs. Thank you, Barton Baisley Barton Baisley Judy Weidemann I believe that we need clean car emissions now. I believe this is the right way to go-- electric vehicles. I also believe that we need to fully develop the infrastructure across the nation to support EVs. Not only will this be better for the environment, but also create lasting jobs across the nation. As a resident of Wisconsin, I can appreciate Minnesota's enthusiasm, but also want to this to develop in Elizabeth Peltekian my state too! I bought a 2 year old Leaf in late 2019. I love it. I can idle and create no emissions and when we had no power I was able to get warm in it with Elizabeth Petrik no risk. I bought a plug-in hybrid (a Prius), but definitely plan to step it up and go all electric because I'm so worried about climate change. I'd like others Holly Sletteland to do the same and this rule will help enormously. I bought an EV in late 2017 and it has been the best auto purchase I've made since purchasing my 1st vehicle in early 1968. In over 3 years, I've spent virtually nothing on maintenance and, of course, zero dollars on gasoline. I charge it using energy produced by my solar panels. The good news is I could afford to do this. the bad news is too many people Joyce Loving cannot. You need to do what it takes to change that unfortunate reality. I breathe dirty air because I live on a busy street. But it doesn't and Edith Ogella shouldn't need to be this way. Pl;ease pass clean cars.e I breathe the same air as everyone else. Let's clean it up with cleaner Douglas Krueger cars. I can only do so much as a single person. We need our decision makers to be oriented toward the same goals to make a bigger impact. Please Jennifer Wankerl do your part. Nada Chandler I can remember clean air; I want that for my grandchildren! I can see that EVs are the cars of the future. My next car will be an EV, Scott Lagaard and a broader choice of models to buy will help me make that transition. I cannot understand why clean technology is taking forever to legislate - Suzanne Hellman except for the benefit ofr greedy profiteers. Karen Rice I care about clean cars creating healthier communities Dorothy Poppe I care about future generations and the kind of earth they will inherit. Sue Fuller I care about my children?s future, and the world we?re leaving them. I care about the future of this world! Also, I have children, grandchildren Dianne Doochin and great-grandchildren. I care about the future. I want to leave a healthy planet to my Sylvia Valencia grandchildren and all children. We need more electric vehicles. I care about the kind of life my granddaughter and her generation will Kathleen Tucker have to deal with if we do not clean up our vehicles. Helen Reynolds I care about the planet my daughter will inherit. I commute mostly by bike, walking and transit. I can?t imagine how lovely it would be to bike along Hiawatha Ave or 42nd Street without Megan Dawson exhaust fumes blowing in my face. I cringe when I see so many cars idling in the winter months when they could be turned off rather than left on as someone runs into a store or starts their vehicle to warm it up before they get to it in the morning or when people are waiting in line at a drive-through...all those emissions-- ugh! More electric vehicles would really help. The Clean Cars standard Marcia Gustafson is definitely the way to go. I currently drive a hybrid vehicle. I spend $20/month in gas. Who would not want to spend less money on gas? I truly don't understand. We have a diesel truck that we use for hauling our horses. We would go into debt for an electric truck. We need to stop being dependent on oil. I truly cannot wait to live in a world where we do not depend on oil and gas for Juliana Sullivan transportation. I currently drive a plug-in hybrid vehicle and will never go back to Dirk Durant combustion only personal transportation. I currently own a Prius, which is a hybrid car. I love this car. It's so much better than a gasoline only car. Therefore, I look forward to buying an all electric car as soon as the prices come down. These cars are quieter, cleaner, more trouble-free and they are easier to drive because you never have to fill up at a station again. You have to recharge if you are going on a trip, otherwise you can recharge in your own garage. I can Joyce Radtke hardly wait. I currently own and operate a hybrid vehicle, and they are the bomb! Debra Shankland Only good can come of transitioning our vehicles from gasoline. I desperately want a Clean Car, but right now, I just can't access that. Is there any kind of after-market conversion kit? I just bought a brand-new Melanie Odette car. I did my part by buying a plug-in hybrid. Let?s make it easy for everyone Rebecca Shedd to do that too. Catherine Brown-Swain I do not want to be breathing toxic air!!! I don't want to destroy environment or harm people with less advantage Nina French than myself. I don't live in Minnesota but it would be a major push for the rest of the country if Minnesota were able to do this. The future of cars in every Jack Cordova aspect is with electric. From an engineering standpoint, internal combustion engines have officially fallen behind electric motors in terms of power and acceleration. Nearly every major auto manufacturer has pledged to sell all electric vehicles within the next ten to fifteen years. I think it would be a missed opportunity to not be among those leading the charge into the future. I don't live in Minnesota, but I know that the Clean Cars standard will have an impact nationwide, so that's why I'm contacting you. It matters Judy Maclean to every resident of the USA. I don't personally live in Minnesota, but I DO know that SOMEONE has to get the ball rolling - if Minnesota passes a Clean Car law, other states will have to follow and not only mandate car manufactures to make electric cars available, but also make charging available for these clean Barbara Langan cars (hopefully with electricity generated by clean solar and wind!). I drive a 1995 Honda Civic hatchback. It drives like a dream and uses so little gas. I don't understand the American love of truck sized vehicles unless one has a family or work that makes them useful. Obviously I am a geezer, out of the mainstream, but I have seen what emissions are doing to the environment and wonder why we can't have the choice of small simple cars, responsive like mine, but electric. I will find someone who can modify it for me because no manufacturers offer a car I want. The culture bullies people into inefficient models. Tougher standards Cynthia Mckeen would likely help that. I drive a 2014 Chevy Volt and have loved it. I look forward to being able to afford a purely electric vehicle when that becomes the norm, as it will Paul Lifton eventually. I drive a hybrid and know that every day my vehicle use is contributing less to the environment than my previously owned and driven gasoline Kristin Freeman motor vehicles. More clean air for everyone I drive a hybrid car, because that's what was available and affordable when I needed a vehicle, but am resolved that my next car will be an EV Erin Hart - for my fellow humans and our planet. Russ Adams I drive a Hybrid Electric Car and I vote! I drive a hybrid now and can't wait to have an electric car powered by a Teresa Seamster Tesla battery and solar panels. I drive a mini van because I use a large power chair to get around. I love the freedom it gives me, but I hate what it does to the environment. I long for a completely electric or at least a decent hybrid accessible Bojana Stefanovska vehicle! I drive a plug-in hybrid, and LOVE driving clean and quiet electric. I want my next car to be 100% electric, but there are so few choices. Minnesota needs to work towards its clean energy and transportation, and I?m Terry Olsen willing to be part of the solution. Help me help Minnesota! I drive an all electric vehicle and I try to charge it when my solar panels are generating power. This can be done by everyone. EVs are more expensive to buy but they do not take much money to maintain or service -- big savings there of a couple thousand dollars a year. Auto Marcia Curran dealers need to get with the program and promote EVs. I drive an electric car and would love to see more on the road as well as more charging stations. It is so important that we stop drilling for oil and set a goal to lower our usage, for the planet but also the people who inhabit it. I want my children to know a clean world where there are still healthy plants, people and wildlife living in harmony. More clean vehicles Samantha Smith is a great start! I drive an electric car because I think it is the right thing to do for the Janet Parkins planet. I wish everyone did! I drive an electric car. It?s wonderful!! I?d love others to realize how well electric cars drive. It?s so easy to just charge at home. And when I drive Marilyn Eng it?s so quiet!!! I drive an electric vehicle powered by 100% wind power because I believe that climate change is the most important issue of my lifetime. Minnesota's temperature is rising faster than the world average ( nation-s-fastest-warming-states/504398862/). We need clean cars to Martin Johnson help keep Minnesota cold! I drive an Etron and really appreciate that I am using a non polluting Cynthia Bennett auto. I drive an HEV and have not seen a gas pump for months. I get sufficient electricity to run around town and can recharge at night for cheaper rates with my home charger. They are also quieter and faster Howard Shapiro and more fun to drive. Maurice Robinson I drive electric cars, and hope we all will soon. I feel it's past time to really get aggressive about climate change. Clean vehicle standards is something we can and must do in our migration to Walter Northrup electric cars which will take years. I feel we must stop using fossil fuels, a damaging and limited resource, and move to renewable energy. Irreparable damage to taking place Kathleen Skubik around the globe! I gave up my car two years ago because I could no longer live with myself contributing to environmental destruction. I rely on plentiful public transportation. The least the rest of you Minnesotans can do is "clean up Ralph W Henn your act"! I get respiratory problems from vehicle pollution, so do many many other people, especially those with asthma or COPD. Clean cars are a social J.Patricia Connolly benefit. I go jogging 4 days a week and I need clean air to do that in a healthy John Ota way. I grew up being poisoned by lead in gasoline. We can and must do everything we can to have the cleanest transport possible. We owe it to Rochelle Cohen our kids, grandkids and everything alive, along with Mother Earth. I grew up in an area where smog choked our air almost daily. Auto emissions are a big part of this problem. Electric vehicles will put us on Dean Vogel the road to clear skies and a longer life. I grew up in Minneapolis, watched the smog levels increase, would like to see stronger standards and much more use of EVs in the future. Let's Patrick Bosold make it happen now. I grew up in Minnesota and have children and family members living in Minnesota. I care deeply about what is happening there and across our country. Controlling climate change is the most important issue facing us, with long-lasting repercussions. I urge you to support improving air Mitch Long quality by adopting the California air quality standards. I grew up in the fifties and sixties in the San Fernando valley. We'd run around our street every day in the summer and not stop until we could barely breathe for wheezing! Turns out that it was air pollution, smog, that was affecting us. When air quality standards were mandated by the State of California, including catalytic converters, the air cleared within a Bruce Grobman year! I grew up in the Flint (MI) area in the 1960s and 1970s when you could see Flint in the distance because of the haze over the city. Haze from Steven Keim the factories; haze from the cars in the city. It is harder to recognize the pollution from our current vehicles because carbon dioxide and other pollutants are now clear. However, they are just as deadly and cause asthma attacks and premature deaths - and climate change. It is imperative that we continue to move forward and reverse the harm that we have caused to our home - Earth.

We need to eliminate pollutants wherever they are and however they occur. Because of the volume of vehicles, every change we make contributes to a large overall impact. Therefore we need more non- polluting vehicles out there as well as reducing the impact of those still polluting our ecosystem. It cost less not to make a mess in the first place than to have to clean one up - and we will absolutely be tasked with the clean-up costs at some point in the future. I had asthma before the pandemic; now I also have COPD. I'm not alone. We need clean vehicles, and we need them to be affordable for Kristen Conner average consumers. Robert Dentan I hate death by suffocation and lung cancer. Brent Larsen I have 2 electric cars, everyone should drive them. I have a 4 year old daughter and worry continuously about her future. Changes like these, while quite small in the big picture are a necessary first step. Minnesota's image has taken quite a beating this year. Initiatives like these give us a chance to lead the way on making the Matthew Hannah world a better place. I have a combination electric/hybrid car and I'm all for electrics and Jerry Lehnert cleaner trucks and cars. Ralph Emerson I have a deep love for the Earth and its life. I have a hybrid now and have since 2004 driven cars that get great mpg. This move toward clean cars and trucks is a step further that I whole heartedly support, especially having gone through our first series of five arctic storms in six days here in central Texas. Thank you for your Cameron Babberney attention and good works. I have a hybrid Prius, but I want to do more, and many people cannot afford hybrid & electric cars. Please do all you can to advance incentives to get more fuel-efficient cars on the road - we must take bold action Douglas Mensing now. I have a hybrid vehicle but would love to have an all-electric car because I believe climate change is an emergency and we all have to do Susan Permut whatever we can to help alleviate it. I have a Nissan Leaf for the past 6 years and I just love it. There is barely any maintenance. Nicole Leseigneur When I drive I like to think that I am not polluting the environment. I have an electric car and it's great! We need to address climate change Jennifer Tomassi and stop letting BIg OIl ruin everything so they can get richer. I have an electric car and love it. And here in Minnesota, where cold weather leads to black ice and clouds is steam obscuring the vehicles around us, electric cars are a real advantage. I am proud to not be spewing pollution as I drive. If nothing else, the current issues in Texas should certainly be a wake up call to everyone on the importance of Nancy Brennan cutting back on our carbon footprints. Margaret Keene I have asthma and car and truck fumes are making me sick. I have asthma and clean air is what I need. Climate change is musty due Mary Orr to vehicle emissions. It needs to stop. Katherine Wright I have asthma and clean air means I can breathe! I have asthma and so I am very sensitive to air pollution. Its terrifying not Patricia Martinez to be able to breathe. I have asthma but I don't smoke. I do breath a lot of dirty air, living close Monica Regan to major interstate highways. I have become aware of the port communities in Southern California that are also near oil refineries who are suffering from unhealthy toxic air. Robert Pope Clean electric trucks are mandatory to solve the problem. I have been an avid environmentalist for over 50 years. I am proud I actually attended the first Earth Day Celebration held just over 50 years Mona Young ago on April 22, 1970, in 's Central Park. I have been car-free for all of my life to avoid creating the kind of pollution that the internal combustion engine causes. Those who are not willing to give up cars will be able to choose a less polluting option when Linda Carroll electric cars become affordably priced. I have been concerned about climate change since I first heard about it in 1985 and resolved to do my part in avoiding being part of the problem. But I simply cannot do everything I need to do on foot or bicycle or by taking the bus. Moreover, I am tired of being regarded as a wierdo by friends and family for refusing to go places with them because doing so requires driving. We need more alternative ways to get around that do not contribute to climate change. In the 35 years since I first heard of the problem, it has gone from being an abstraction to being a reality that anyone can see. We MUST electrify our transportation NOW and to do it Lois Braun fast! I have been driving a 100% EV for 4 years. It is the least expensive and the most technically advanced car (Chevy Bolt) I have ever driven. We need subsidies that make these cars affordable for everyone. We need the infrastructure across our country to reduce range anxiety for those who travel by car. This is one of the pillars that will reduce GHG Sara Schultz emissions across the country and lead to better health for our citizens! I have been driving a Chevy Bolt EV and charging the Bolt by my 13KW rooftop SUNPOWER solar panels. I strongly support the transition the whole country to 0 emission transportation means, including cars, trucks, trains and airplanes. For big and heavy machines like airplane, we can Ling Zhu find a way to make fuel cell technology commercially viable. I have been driving a fully electric car for 9 months now and love it! It's easy to get used to not needing to go to the gas station and to know that my car is contributing nothing to global warming. Yes there is a learning there is with all things new. Arguing against using clean energy is like arguing, back in the day, to keep driving horse drawn buggies verses automobiles. Humans progress and this is progress! We Lisa Sims all need to step into this next era. I have been driving a hybrid vehicle (Prius) for 15 years. I support a clean car standard. We have got to clean up this polluting industry. . . Betsy Leonard .our planet depends on it. I have been driving a Prius since 2010 and hope to switch to a fully electric vehicle soon. Our successful future as a species depends on James Belcher many factors, and reducing air pollution is a key component. I have been driving a pure electric vehicle [battery electric vehicle or BEV] for 7 yrs now. Charging mainly off the rooftop solar array that provides on an annualized basis more than 100% of our electricity. I have been wanting to make the switch to an electric car. I feel so strongly about leaving a cleaner planet with better air quality than what Lisa Moreno our parents left us. No blame however it is time to commit ourselves to the quality of life for all of us and future generations. Clean driving, fossil fuel free with the hopes that we can recycle our batteries. I have been working to clean air and water for 50 years. Every step along the way is important as long as we keep going forward with clean Gail Sabbadini energy solutions. I have children, and they too have children...They have never had a Li Way Lee chance to breathe clean air yet. That is not fair. I have Chronic sinusitis and automotive exhaust causes an attack with N Burrows lots of pain. I have come to understand that we need have Clean Cars standard sooner, rather than later. Every year we delay puts more carbon into the atmosphere, especially since the change to cleaner electric vehicles will Rebecca Coleman evolve over time. Thelma Nelson I have COPD and wish the air would be improved all over the US5 Sharon Carlson I have dreamt of this since the 1960?s!! I have driven a Prius since 2011 because I want to take personal responsibility for my presence on this planet. Please provide opportunities for others to purchase clean cars at a reasonable price. If each one of us works toward a clean environment and a balance of nature, we can make a brighter future and provide a responsible role Barbara Winner model for our children and grandchildren. I have driven hybrid cars for the past 8 years. If I could afford one I'd have an electric car. This is the future and a piece of the hope for my grandchildren.

Nancy Miller I support the Clean Cars standard I have five grandchildren and I want them to have a happy and fulfilling Daniel Pritchett life. I have grand children who deserve clean air to breathe and all life on this planet deserve this. Actually....all living things NEED clean air. Denise Moreno THANK YOU I have grandchildren and they are depending on us. Please take the Peter Falabella principled stand. I have grandchildren, and I want them to have a livable planet to enjoy Nancy Vedder-Shults when they are my age. I have grandchildren; oil and gas propelled cars are not sustainable. Get Peter Duyan ahead of the curve if you're smart. Margaret Gryska I have grandchildren! I have had my new 2020 Chevy Bolt for 2 weeks now. No polluting fumes to breathe. No gas stations to fill up. No oil to change. Win-win for Sissy Aron sure. I have many friends and family in Minnesota and they deserve clean air Peter Breyfogle and non-polluting transportation. I have owned a Prius since I road my bicycle to the dealer and put down my deposit. My hybrid is 16 years old, and still running strong and polluting less. The only reason I haven't bought my all electric car is that my current car is still running strong. It is essential that we move towards electrification of our transportation sector to address our climate Peggy Moody emergency. I have owned or currently own a total of four hybrid vehicles. The best has been my now 10 year old Prius. It gets almost 50 mph. It is now being driven by one of my teenage grandchildren. We desperately need Cherryl Friedman more clean trucks and cars NOW. As well as the infrastructure to support totally electric cars and trucks. We must halt air pollution and slow climate change for future generations. This is one important way to do it! I have owned two TESLAS. I would never go back to driving a nonelectric car--clean, quiet, efficient, and non polluting. What are you Kathy Jongsma waiting for? Support the standard! I have significant problems with asthma and so does my husband, son Marian Ryan and sister. This is an important issue to us. Terry Lianzi I have supported CAFE standards for years. I have three children in their 50's, six grandchildren, five of whom are adults, and one great-grandchild, a baby. I want all of them, and all people everywhere, and future generations, to enjoy and benefit from a clean environment. We all have to do our best to create a clean environment now, and for the future. We need transportation, of course, and, we will benefit from clean cars and trucks, clean transportation Merle Molofsky vehicles. I have three children who are growing up in a world that is increasingly more hazardous to their health. We have the power to change the situation, to do away with "business-as-usual" and make "business-for- Laura Dravenstott better." Please support the Clean Cars & Trucks standard! I have two granddaughters to whom I would like to leave a better Elia Cuomo environment. I have two young grandchildren - Tomas is 4 years old and Bella is 16 months old. I want them - and ALL children - to grow up healthy and Wendy Greenspan strong in a clean environment!! i HAVE TWO YOUNG GRANDCHILDREN AND WANT THEM TO GROW UP IN A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORLD, BREATHING CLEAN Jane Commings AIR I haven't needed to own a car for many years, living in Boston as I do. But the day may come when I will need to own one! In that case, I will certainly choose a car which meets this standard and ignore those which David Miller don't. I haven't owed a car or truck for over 40 years. I use public transportation and walk to where I want to go. It is about time we had Judy Trahan Clean Cars and other vehicles on our highways. Linda Martens I hope that the cost of the cleaner cars becomes more affordable for all! Eliot Singer I hope to be able to afford an electric vehicle in the next year or so. I hope to see a time when our cars are not sending out plumes of poisonous gases into the atmosphere. I figure I have about 15 more Nancy Shaw years. Will that happen before I leave the planet? I hope we will see the types of cars offered in Europe, which automatically shut off when the car is in the idling mode, and automatically re-start. I suspect the oil industry is against this type of money-and-gas-saving vehicle, and I wish more people would demand Peggy Brownlee it. We?ve been duped and used for too long by this industry! I just became a grandmother, and the thought of my granddaughter needing to grow up with the limitations previous generations have Audrey Peltz imposed on her is terrifying! I just finished reading the MPCA SONAR for the new Clean Car standard and support its adoption. We have a lot of work to do to bring the state into compliance with the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act and this is one important step in achieving its goals and combating the Richard Johnston devastating effects of climate change! Stephen Blane I just purchased a new EV Vo;vo. It helps theEarth! I just purchased a used vehicle within the past month. Unfortunately, there were no electric vehicles available in the size and price range I was looking for. We need more of a selection of new electric vehicles so Royal Chamberlain there will be a selection of used electric vehicles in the future. I know that I have sent emails to my states Gov. Sen. and Reps. They should know by now how I feel about the environment, and the lack of care that Trump shows for it. Keep him and each of you that support him James Bryson out of office. I know we need clear cars for clean air. I also know we need clean farming practices as well as industrial building. All of these things and probably many more are important for saving our world and the Douglas Campbell creatures we share our world. Margarite Salone I like breathing clean air and seeing healthy wildlife. I like to breathe clean air, and I like to know that what I do does not harm Rita Mitchell other people. I like to breathe clean air, I want clean air for my child and for future Bonnie Arbuckle generations. Annabel Lesher I like to breathe clean air. I like to breathe clean fresh air! And so would the future generations to David Mitchell come. Let's start doing something about the air "NOW", not later. I live a few blocks from the ocean. I have ridden out numerous hurricanes and watched extreme erosion occurring over and over again.. 11 years ago, I bought my lot and built my house in a neighborhood that "had never flooded;" Parts of the neighborhood have flooded several times since then. Climate change has already had a traumatic that will Candace Dorsey continue to worsen. I live in a city with dangerous air. At age 75, and with COPD, changes Susan Johnston can't come fast enough. I live in a neighborhood with air pollution and would love to purchase an electric vehicle. However, it was not affordable when I purchased my first car.

Clean Car standards will make it easier to purchase cars and create Robert Kearns incentives for electric vehicles and cleaner air. I live in a rural area. When I drive to the city, in about a day I begin to cough. It doesn't quit till a day after I return home. Visiting family is bad for my lungs! Please eliminate diesel and gas vehicles so we can keep Victoria Velategui our covid clean skies. Charles Warner I live in the Los Angeles area. We must have clean air vehicles!!! I live in Washington DC, where hundreds of thousands of cars circle the city on the beltway, and drive into the city (during non-pandemic times) and I have respiratory issues. I love riding my bike to work, and for fun, but in the hottest days of summer the air can be almost unbearable. I'm worried about how it will be as climate changes worsens the air quality.

Seth Long For these reasons and others I support the Clean Cars standard. I live near a road used by commuters and truck drivers. The aluminum siding on the side of my house that faces the road is far more pockmarked and dirty than the siding facing away from the road. Similarly, the grime on the windows facing the road is far worse than on Diana Praus the windows facing away from the road. So I have to wonder about the air that my husband & I breathe. That is why I support the Clean Cars standard -- for my husband & me and for all Americans. I live next to an interstate, and would really like to be breathing in less Christopher Meyer pollution from it! I live off the road that all Woods Hole, Cape Cod, MA Steamship Authority traffic, including big trucks, buses and a million cars uses to get to the ferry to Martha's Vineyard. There are many days in the summer when a haze of toxic fumes hangs in the air along the road. It doesn't Patricia Keoughan have to be this way. People live all along this road. I live on a busy street. Cleaner cars would mean cleaner air for me to Barbara Klinger breathe. I live on a four lane road and will soon be a mom. My neighborhood is in the 90th percentile of traffic proximity in the US, and the 88th percentile for environmental justice index, according to the EPA's EJSCREEN tool. I can't tell you what it would mean to me and my community if the cars and trucks going past my house all day every day ran on electricity Gail Francis rather than gasoline and diesel. It would literally be a life saver. George Gordon, Jr. I live on the earth, as do my children I live right by a highway. I am deeply concerned about the health of my family and myself because of unregulated emissions. We have got to be proactive on Chris Chookiatsirichai reducing pollution and transition asap to clean energy sources. I live very close to heavy car and truck noise and pollution, both highway and neighborhood traffic which includes speeding and modified mufflers that somehow make these men feel good about showing off that they have this beast they are driving. Sad that there is no respect for the Phil Reser community they live in and the country so many have died for. I lived in Los Angeles when you could never see the beautiful San Gabriel mountains. Then CA passed cleaner air standards. Now the mountains are visible more days of the year. I'll bet kids have less Valerie Zachary asthma too!!! I lived in Southern California before SMOG....we could do so much Anita Shapiro better. I look forward to my next car purchase will likely be an all-electric vehicle. It's way past time we stop being so short-sighted about the shape of the world and climate we are leaving to our children and beyond. Please show that you care and support the Clean Cars rule in Jim Parks Minnesota. I love my hybrid. We need to move toward more hybrids and ideally all electric vehicles. In the meantime, we need to reduce car emissions to Sonja Hunter save lives that are lost due to air pollution from vehicles. I love my Prius and look forward to being able to afford an all electric Sheryll Topping car! Kay Kester I loved my Prius. It's proven. It's the future if we're smart! Jeanne Karras I m fond of breathing! Pat Magrath I mean really, why would you not? I need a new car, and wish that I had the ability to purchase a clean SUV. We need political action to ensure that more clean cars and trucks are made available sooner rather than later. The Earth needs us to move quickly and efficiently! I want to be able to make a clean drive visit Sally Bartow to my friends in Minnesota! I now live in Florida. When I moved here, I discovered they have no Fawn Johnson emissions testing in the state of Florida. I previously lived in California and Atlanta. This is absolutely absurd that emissions testing is not a law here in the state of Florida. I also drive a convertible. It is horrific having to drive with so many vehicles on the road spewing black smoke and poisonous chemicals with a push of a gas pedal polluting the air that we breathe with proven, undisputable damage to the ozone. The emissions testing is a solution that is a simple law and the majority of states that should be a law in all states holding individuals responsible in doing their part to prevent and protect the air in which we all breathe. We need to pass the law that every state in the USA be held accountable for emissions testing which we know makes a difference in our battle to save our planet. I now own my 2nd Chevy Bolt. Best car purchase decisions I've ever made. Not polluting the air and able to drive 250 mi.+ on a charge. Please consider buying a Chevy Bolt or other electric vehicle and stop Manley Mallard burning fossil fuels. I own a nissan leaf and love it! As a life long car enthusiast I have to say clean cars are better and the future is here. I can?t wait till charging stations are more widely available for interstate travel in northern states. Ian Suwara Lets give up gas and diesel for a clean future! I own a Prius Prime, and I LOVE how little it pollutes (and when in electric mode - as opposed to gas mode - it actually has much better pick-up!) I want my kids to grow up without worrying about how pollution Anne Parzick from cars will affect their - and the planet's - long-term health. I own a Toyota Prius (hybrid). I would rather have an all-electric car, but the EV charging network is not reliable and up to date. I am hoping that Trish Marshall with more EV's on the market, this problem will be resolved. I own an all Electric vehicle (Chevy Bolt) and love it. Everyone should Richard Ottman have the opportunity to own one. Norman Higginson I own an electric car I own an electric car and would like to see more charging stations, thank Kelly Backman you I own an electric car. I believe in this climate remedy. Other pieces of this puzzle must accompany to make electric vehicles viable over distance and for hauling, in our climate, and clean at the source. Car companies must feel the to improve the mileage available on a charge and viable, affordable hauling vehicles. Charging infrastructure has to be as widely available as gas stations. There must be special rates for EV home charging. The source of our electricity cannot be Mary Vlazny fossil-fuel based - no new gas plants. I own an electric vehicle. I could use it more if there were more charging stations. More cares leads to more charging stations. Plus, if we don't deal with the climate crisis, we may have a planet not worth living on. I'm a mother and grandmothers; that would not be Sharon Coombs acceptable. I personally drive a hybrid vehicle capable (on a good day) of 55 mpg. To me, thats not good enough. Our planet needs to have pollution free vehicles available for all facets of our transportation needs. I feel that it is an existential imperative that government and industry collaborate to legislate and manufacture vehicles that operate on renewable, clean Tina Hall energy only. I personally want to get a more energy efficient car and am hoping to have more affordable options available for all working Minnesotans like Kathryn Sharpe me. This would make a big difference for our environment! I personally would love to be able to travel to and from work without polluting. We need more of them and some subsidies/incentives for Illia Barger more people to buy them. They are out of my price range. I practice what I preach. My car is a plug-in EV. I don't plan to return to Kenneth Kepler fossil fuels! Robert Phillips I prefer cleaner air to breathe John Colarulli I prefer no chemicals entering my body when I breath outside I a MIT project from 1972 where the built a four seat car that got 200 mpg. Later GM developed the Volt which was leased and bought back and destroyed. advancements in transportation have been consistently squashed by the fossil fuel throughout my lifetime. As long as capitalist logic remains at the forefront of policy decisions, the omnicidal death spiral will continue. We don't have the luxury of an Michael Salzmann incremental neoliberal plutocratic approach. By 2035 it's too late. I recently bought a Toyota Prius Prime Hybrid Plug-in. Previously I had a Toyota Highlander that consume about 19 miles per gallon and a tank of about 16 gallons allowed me to drive between 300-340 miles. With the Toyota Prius Prime Hybrid Plug-in, I get about 90 miles per gallon and a 10 gallon tank allows me to drive between 750-800 miles. The gas savings are outstanding as I only fill my car every two weeks and half versus once a week before. Aside from the gas savings, another advantage of hybrid/electric cars is cleaner air which results in less respiratory diseases among the population and savings in a health care. Carmen Garcia-Irizarry It is a win win situation. I support Clean Cars standard. I remain hopeful that our beautiful planet will be restored. I recycle, compost, drive a hybrid and have solar panels. Since I take long distance trips to visit family, a hybrid car is practical for me now. However, I look forward to a time when an all electric car meets my Jean Barr needs. Thank you for helping to bring this about. I remember hearing about electric cars in the mid-90s. I kept waiting and Chris Dacus waiting for them to become available everywhere. Now is that time! I remember when every trip to Philadelphia, from the town where I was then living upstate, resulted in extreme migraines as a result of air pollution from cars and trucks. That has thankfully become less of a problem due to emission controls. Still, we face the contribution to global warming by such things as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide. I would like to continue to breathing fresher air here in the Philadelphia suburbs, and (even more importantly) I want my grandsons George Stradtman to grow up without deadly heat waves every summer. I represent the Association for Climate Health. We ask that Minnesota help us get to a sustainable future. SInce transportation is a big Nancy Boxer contributor to global warming, this will help us get there. I retired my 17 year old hybrid for an EV this year. There weren?t many choices across car brands and my closest dealership didn?t even carry their brands EV. We have the technology for cleaner more efficient cars, let?s push car makers to put more clean cars on the market. Give us the Kara Vig choice or choices and we will buy clean and efficient. I see increased investment in and subsidization of clean cars as imperative to reducing pollution and carbon emissions to make our beautiful state and country carbon neutral before 2050. This standard Andre Hessini would help facilitate that transition. Thank you for your time on this issue. I spend a considerable amount of time on the road and am eager to Beth Wilmoth switch to a clean electric car at an affordable price when it becomes available. Getting stuck in traffic and the exhaust fumes can be unbearable. Action must be taken now. I spent my first 10 1/2 years in an apartment with windows above a busy 4-lane street. I now have bronchial asthma. I'd like others not to Miriam Lacher experience this. I suffer with COPD (Chronic Bronchitis) after a MRSA and Pnuemonia infection. Any reduction in air pollution would be a great benefit to me. Joe Atkinson Many others in America are also afllicted. I support zero emission cars, trucks, busses, etc. We need to follow Barry Ilioff Minnesota. I support all the clean air standards. I know we can do this with your William Frank help. I support clean cars because I prefer living on a planet that isn't a Robert Jones desolate wasteland prefered by the mobsters in the GQP crime family. I support clean vehicle standards. These standards will improve our air quality, safeguarding the health of Americans and particularly Americans that suffer from lung and other diseases. Clean vehicle standards will also reduce greenhouse gases. This is an immediate need as our planet is challenged with climate catastrophes such as drought, stronger hurricanes, floods, water and food shortages, mass extinctions due to climate change. Additionally, clean vehicle standards must improve Dena Turner mileage requirements and save Americans money. I support cleaner transportation standards for the better health of people Kim Howard-Lloyd and the world. I support current US laws requiring all vehicles crossing into the US from Mexico to be inspected to ensure they meet US vehicle exhaust emissions requirements. I believe that all states should support cleaner vehicle emission standards, similar to those adopted in California. I believe that car and truck manufacturers would prefer a single nationwide set of vehicle emissions standard instead of having to deal Don Wood with different state standards when designing vehicles. Deborah Kramer I support healthy communities and clean air. Nathan Fisher I support Industrial Hemp for fuel etc... I support reducing carbon emission and moving toward green energy. We depend on our planet and our planet depends upon our reducing Jean Kroll greenhouse gasses! I support the clean car standard. Since 2005 I have driven Honda Accord Hybrids. I have my eye on electric vehicles, but where I live there Barbara Baird are too few places to plug-in that sort of vehicle. I support the Clean Cars MN initiative. MPCA not only has the statutory authority, but also the responsibility to act to reduce dangerous greenhouse gas pollution in order to protect Minnesota?s air, water and Stacy Miller health. I support the Clean Cars rule because it means cleaner air and quieter Zack Kaylor streets! Miriam Hemphill I support the Clean Cars Standard! I support the Clean Cars Standard! Reasons: First is to help build a future for my kids and everyone's kids and grandkids. Climate chaos will only get worse if we don't act big. Second is more practical and personal. My family be ready to replace our car or cars in a couple years and it would be GREAT to have ONLY GOOD CHOICES for replacement. We have invested repeatedly and solely in cars with the Betty Tisel lowest possible emissions. I support the Clean Cars standard. My husband and son both have asthma. I am most concerned about my son who lives 3 blocks from I94 in St Paul. He likes to bike around the neighborhood and has had to use his inhaler more now than when he lived with us where there is less pollution. Every one deserves to breathe clean air. For years we have heard of respiratory problems associated with air pollution but recent studies have also shown a link between air pollution and infertility and other reproductive problems. One such study was 'Residential proximity to major roadways and traffic in relation to outcomes of in vitro fertilization' by Dr. Audrey Gaskins. Other studies have shown that air pollution can impact IQ such as the study 'Prenatal air pollution and childhood IQ: Preliminary evidence of effect modification by folate' by Christine Loftus. Reduction in pollution will have a positive impact on Lori Olinger health and the environment. I support the Clean Cars standard. We need more energy choices that Dean Arrighi are environmentally sustainable for a better future. I support the clean cars standards one hundred percent! Please make Ruth Dreier this happen! I support this for Minnesota, and hope Ohio would follow suite. Mark Ryland I would very much like to leave the planet cleaner for my grandchildren. I support this goal in honor of my late mother for whom protecting the Elisabeth Sommer environment was a cause about which she was very passionate. I support this, but also want to note that reducing animal agriculture is the truest 'best way to improve our air quality and climate change pollution'.

To quote from conclusions of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the 2006 study entitled ??s Long Shadow? (; page 112), ?Overall, livestock activities contribute an estimated 18 percent to total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions?.

In comparison and for variety of reference sourcing, I will refer you to the US EPA?s own conclusions regarding transportation?s contributions to greenhouse gas emissions as being only 14% ( data). This is for all transportation (not just cars, but planes, trains, ships, etc; personal, commercial, and industrial), a significant portion of which is of course supporting animal agriculture, and so the true non-animal- Ben Thorp agriculture-transportation share is even smaller. I sure do support clean energy...especially getting more of us into electric cars. But that takes commitment and time --I understand. One thing that will help is getting the cities and states ready with charging stations...that would be a great incentive. Please....I don't want to leave Pauline Maurier a polluted environment to our children. I switched to elec., and will never go back - Cleaner, cheaper, quieter, Lindsay Suter faster, better! I swore 40 years ago that I would never buy another car unless it was electric, and finally 3 years ago I was able to afford a used Bolt. My electric bill has not changed perceptibly, and since most of my electricity comes from hydroelectric power I no longer feel guilty about driving, not to mention all the money I am saving on global warming combustible gasoline. My Bolt, that cost no more than a fuel burning car doesn't drip toxic chemicals onto the road to pollute the waterways. There is no oil, Pamela Gray brake fluid, transmission fluid, or radiator fluid escaping into the environment. I rarely have to brake because I drive in L and the motor slows down the car and recharges the battery in the process, so I'll never even wear out my brakes. It is time to think of the future of the planet, or there will not be one for us or other living things here. I TALK THE TALK AND WALK THE WALK BY HAVING A TANKLESS HOME WATER HEATER, SOLAR PANELS, AND OWN A HYBRID Robert Ball SMALL CAR. I think global climate change is the worst problem our world has. Reducing auto emissions is critical to deducing CO2 production Peter Huntington worldwide. I think I know auto manufacturers should provide more options for electric cars. It should be easy and more options available for the public. Kevin Gaczewski Thank you I think in general people should drive less--walk, bike or take public transportation. But for those who need private cars, make electric cars and trucks the standard. I am a pediatrician who works still in India and have seen the damage to health from air pollution due to increased Ann Behrmann auto/truck exhaust. I think it's critical to make a push for cleaner vehicles. The technology is Peter Berg here, we should require our vehicles to use it to reduce air pollution. I think that we need more clean cars and trucks. I am happy to see that Sandy Rhein more car companies are producing electric or hybrid cars and trucks. I too support clean cars. Although I live in California, I do most of by local trips by bike. It is a small inconvenience but it provides a meaningful activity that will help reduce climate warming and improve by Ken Sanford health. C Kent Argenta I truly like to breathe clean air being a person with asthma!! Thanks!! I understand that we MUST reduce our use of fossil fuels if we are to Adair Delamater have a healthy future. Paul Till I vote! Melinda Meyerhoff I want a better world for my grandchildren~ I want a clean air future for my grand children and great grand children. Bernadine Turner This would be a great start in that direction. I want a clean and safe environment for myself, my friends, and my family. We are literally what we eat, drink, and breathe; if our Henry Moore environment is fouled we become so also. Helen Raymond I want a clean world for my grandkids! I want a family car with no pollution! I want to create a cleaner world for Kathleen Livengood my kids. Richard Gravrok I want children to have a livable future. Randy Raspotnik I want clean air for my grandchildren. Kenneth Babineau I want clean air to breathe. I want clean vehicles now before if's too late for my grandchildren. We need cleaner air and a reduction in fossil fuel use. I personally drive a hybrid, and will probably replace it with all electric when I'm sure there Lucinda Huggins are enough charging stations. Tracey Arnold I want earth to survive so my family will survive. Andrelene Babbitt I want every single one of my descendants to be able to BREATHE! Marissa Harper I want future generations to have a home I want more options for Minnesotans to drive cleaner cars so they don't Jennifer Morrow have to bend over backwards to be an early adopter like me. The more clean cars on the road, the better it?ll be when I?m walking/biking and needing to breath clean air. My brother in law lives downtown MPLS and walks across the 3rd Ave bridge every morning to work. There are days he can?t stand it due to the inversions that trap emissions there. My sister had a miscarriage last fall, theres a higher incidence rate of miscarriages near freeways. Minnesota has been a leader in protecting our natural resources and this rule comes in line with our history. Thank you for your consideration. Jenn Morrow I want my children to breathe and drink water safely, not hydrofracked Clint Campbell pollution! I want my descendants to be able to breathe clean air and drink clean Robin Auerback water. I want my Grandchildren and future generations to be able to breath Ron Price clean air and drink untainted water. I want my grandchildren and their children to be able to breathe clean air and not be like my 90 year old mother who grew up in a air polluted area near St. Louis with many refineries and factories (and little air pollution controls for MANY years) as well as working in an office with chain smokers. She never smoked, but has COPD and needs to carry around oxygen in order to breathe. She's physically active and mentally alert but Rebecca Russow suffers finds it hard to breathe. Judith Nicholson I want my grandchildren to breathe clean air!!! Joel Mandel I want my grandchildren to have a good life! I want my granddaughter, who is two, to have a liveable planet. Please Cynthia Kegel don't take her planet away. Steve Foltz I want my grandkids to be able to live on this planet. I want my grandkids to enjoy the same air quality as I have since the Dolores Steele EPA was formed to protect our air and water quality. Sarah Lawrence-Lupton I want my one year old to grow up with clean air! I want my twin boys to have a better and cleaner world (or at least as Trina Aurin clean as I had) for themselves and my future grandchildren. I want options to drive cars that keep my and my children's air and climat Mary Blitzer healthy. Lets pass this commonsense standard! I want our WORLD to ADVANCE to doing all we can in SUSTAINABLE Cher Dale living with as little pollution as possible - CLIMATE CHANGE MATTERS. I want the air quality to be the best possible and to reverse the deadly Kate Crowley climate change that is occuring with the burning of fossil fuel. Carolyn Fuchs I want the air safe for my grandchildren I want the earth to heal and go back to the way it was for all the livings Debbie Stoner things that need her. I want this planet to stay beautiful and sustainable for my children and grandchildren and all living things, and the only way that will happen is if Eleanor Wagner we stop using fossil fuels. John Packard I want this to happen as soon as humanly possible. I want to be able to drive a car that works for me. I would like a Hyundai Kona for its sports utility and range to get me back and forth to our cabin by Voyageurs. This EV would keep harmful emissions from spewing into our atmosphere. Right now Minnesota car dealers dont have this vehicle available. We need a choice in our vehicles. Let's adopt Clean Car Standards for choice in the market place and for the clean air standards Deborah Nelson and our health. J. Cuci I want to breathe clean air! Russell Simpson I WANT TO BREATHE CLEAN AIR! I want to ensure future generations inherit a healthier planet than what we are bestowing upon them now. Clean cars standard will get us closer Linda Hummel to being better stewards of the earth and better ancestors. I want to help prevent forest fires in the West, and also to leave a future Alyssa Browning of clean air and water for my 4 year old! Patrizia Riccardi I want to leave a less polluted world to my children and grandchildren Janet Bovenkerk I want to leave a livable earth for all of our children's children. I want to leave my children and grandchildren a clean, thriving planet. There are viable alternatives to gas-burning vehicles. Let?s support Bonnie Steele them! Erik Voldal I want to protect the climate for our grandchildren. Jo Ellen Young I want to reduce climate change pollution. Kevin Mckelvie I want to save this planet! I want to take part in a clean car, but it?s still too expensive. Please help these vehicles become more accessible and more affordable! Thank Christina Otero you! I want us to have options to help move us forward, instead of relying on Dave Crawford out-of-date, unsuitable technology that allows wastefulness and harm. I want us to stop and reverse climate change, so endless generations of people can live. Beside we need to not squander our oil and gas because we need some for medical and other purposes beside fueling Nancy Prowell our machines. Billy Trice I wants more clean cars and trucks. I was born and grew up in the Los Angeles, California area. The air was clean and clear when I was a child. But once the trains and cable cars were shut down and cars and buses became the only means of transportation, the air became toxic and the natural environment became damaged. We need to drive clean cars to save our environment Laurie Schick and to help save all life on our Mother Earth. I was born and raised in Detroit, 1944 through 1967. The automobile was, and always will be, a source and symbol of personal autonomy, independence, and freedom of travel. Detroit didn't see coming the wave of "compact cars" from Japan, Germany or Italy and got into the game late. Let's not let that happen again with our transition to clean, electric cars, trucks and buses. Instead, may Detroit lead the way in these new technologies. L E Butler Build a better battery, build a better vehicle! I was born and raised in Minnesota and I am 24 years old. After purchasing my first car from a relative for $500 in high school and learning what costs come with owning a vehicle, I could not state enough how much we need clean cars and trucks. For the last nearly seven years, I have relied 100% on public transportation both because owning a car was too expensive and because I was concerned about greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation gives someone freedom of movement and it is a driver of economic growth. When done right, it can be used to decrease inequality as well. I am hopeful that in a post- COVID recovery, we can expand the use clean cars and make them more affordable. Maybe then, after I am more credentialed and have more professional experience I would be able to both afford a vehicle Joseph Rojas and not need to be concerned about contributing to climate change. I will be happy when I first ride in an electric vehicle. If they keep the air cleaner all the better. I haven't noticed that the air is bad in Rochester, Lorraine Doherty MN. I will buy an electric vehicle when there are a few long-cruising-range options available. That needs to be a priority. We also need to quickly build up a charging and/or battery swapping infrastructure to make the electric option an appealing and viable one for mass acceptance of Steve Iversen electric cars. I wish I didn't have to be so dependent on cars to get where I need to go in a safe and timely manner. While public transit is available currently, we need to work towards making public transit a viable and competitive mode of transportation. I would definitely buy an electric car if it was more accessible and easy to go somewhere to charge. Definitely need more electric trucks and Aimee Shinhearl buses! Jacqueline Rodkewich I would like an EV. I would rather not have the air quality warnings. I would like for Florida to remain intact. We need to do everything to Roberta Freer prevent disastrous weather change. I would like for my grandson to have clean air and water and not be poisoned. It insults our intelligence that we didn't corrected this 50 years Ryan Riddle ago. Todd Chenore I would like my children to be able to breath clean air. Karen Jones I would like my Kids, and yours to have a habitat able world I would like to be able to drive to work without gagging from all of the Ginger Brewer vehicles spewing exhaust. Florida allows this and it's disgusting! Brian Wilferson I would like to have an electric car. It would be nice to drive cleaner. I would like to have an EV myself, but it is too expensive for me to buy at this point, and I don't know where I'd go to charge it up. This needs to become easier, so that people won't see these as obstacles to owning Rose Marie Wilson and driving EVs. I would like to reduce my carbon footprint but I don't make the kind of money one needs to be able to purchase an e vehicle. We need a "volkswagon" (people's car) so everyone that needs to drive can do their Sarah Purdy part to bring down carbon. Kevin Oldham I would love it if my next vehicle could be an affordable electric vehicle! I would love to be able to afford to purchase a clean car. My concern is that there are not enough charging ports nationally to allow me to drive cross country. Please make electric cars more available along with the Mary Kastner charging ports at hotels, rest areas, etc. I would love to buy a more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle, but I need four-wheel drive and there aren't any affordable Carrie Lyons options out there. I would love to see MN take a leadership role on building out this important initiative to protect public health and take steps on solving Erica Dodt climate change. Nancy Babcock I would love to see more e-vehicle options offered in all states! I would love to see my family & the world to always protect the environment, endangered species & all animals , creatures & to be able to breathe clean air! Please lets all of us do this!!! Thank you!!! Sincerely, Annmarie Fultz Annmarie M Fultz Jacque Son I would love to see the dependence on oil end in my lifetime! I would switch to electric if I had any idea where to charge up an electric car , or how much it cost, or how fast it took, and would install a charger at my house if the state subsidized it.ut you have done a half assed job, and I have no answers to any of these questions

Bill Morgan Pottstown Pa Bill Morgan [email protected] Kay Tousley I, like everyone, prefer to breathe clean air, unsullied by exhaust fumes. I?d like my grandson to inherit a planet close to what it was like when I Jennifer Messina inherited it. I?m driving a 2001 Ford expedition with 180,000 miles. I?ve owned it since it was new. It was just one year too new to take advantage of the cash for clunkers offered during Obama?s administration. I?ve written to Chrysler twice asking them to offer a fully electric minivan; not a hybrid that only gives you 16 miles e-power. They say there?s no demand. Nonsense! The smaller E cars are great, but what do you do with two 100 pound dogs or a bunch of kids? I do not want to buy a new gas vehicle so I?m hoping my current SUV (that only gets 15 miles to the gallon) can last until the industry catches up with the needs of the Kimble Darlington planet. I?m in my early 70?s and very well remember the bad air quality of my youth. We have made a lot of progress in the last 50 plus years and it would be shameful to relax or eliminate clean air standards and letting Georgette Engard polluters benefit for profit over people. I?m pleased to see some auto manufacturers embracing new ideas and Cynthia Wunderlich technologies I?m worry for my grandchildren and children about the future of this Susie Lane planet. I?ve driven EV since 2012. We need more people driving EV to reduce local emissions and noise pollution, and to help reduce transportation impacts on climate change. There are positives for everyone involved, it David Browne can be win-win of fossil fuel industry would embrace change and shift. I?ve lived in Texas all my life, sadly experiencing declining environmental quality with population increase - we can and MUST A Patterson correct & prevent this! I've owned three generations of Prius hybrids, specifically because they reduce pollution including green house CO2 gas. Now I drive a Chevy Bolt EV, and EVs are the future. Look at China and Europe. If the US doesn't fully participate in the EV transition, the decline of our auto Kate Zerby industry and our country will continue. Aaron Blechert I'd like humans to exist in a cleaner, more sustainable environment. I'd like to see my grandkids be able to live in something other than extreme climate conditions which will happen if we don't make a serious David Butcher effort to limit fossil fuels. The time is now! I'm a believer that if no one puts their skin in the game it will be a failure. Even a Chevy Volt is a step in the right direction. (I love my second one currently) Energy diversity is important so we never see $4/gallon gas again and our good health is another bonus. Pollution is a by product of Eric Brown fossil fuels. So just say no...or as little as possible. I'm a Californian, but cleans cars in Minnesota means better cheese and milk for me. It also means a better future for all of us. So, I care about Grace Tam what happens in Minnesota. I'm a resident of Colorado, but I firmly believe that every state and every nation needs to step up to the plate to aggressively combat climate change. I'm lucky enough to drive an electric car when I don't ride my bike, so I fully understand and support the benefits of EV's. Residents of Minnesota deserve more choice of electric vehicles as we all do across Heath Beaver the US. Susan Johnson I'm all for breathing clean air. I'm all for the Clean Cars standard Minnesota! Lead the way! Show the Rom Doer country how things should be with clean cars. I'm an RN who drives a plug-in hybrid Honda Clarity in Maine. Tailpipe emissions from Minnesota blow on prevailing winds up to us here in Maine, and I pray you'll support world efforts to decrease fossil fuel emissions that negatively affect the lung and heart health of us all now, Katie Huntington and increase negative effects of climate change now and forever! I'm asthmatic and want clean air both for my self, my children, and Tracy Weldon grandchildren. I'm from Detroit. Our whole economy depends on the car companies. However, the car companies can't seem to recognize that hey have to stay on the environmental cutting edge to stay competitive. Ford tried to hold back the industry on gas mileage and almost went out of business a decade ago. PLEASE create very HIGH clean car standards to keep American car companies competitive so all my relatives can keep their jobs! As Ford demonstrated, low clean car standards just makes Joy Rosenberry Chase American companies noncompetitive and helps foreign carmakers. I'm from western Wisconsin, and I really want my next vehicle to be electric. If dealers in WI don't have access to the car I want and dealers in Minnesota do, you can bet I'm crossing the border to buy my car. Stephanie Larsen Please approve this rule! Tom Wilson I'm hoping humanity will survive human caused climate change. I'm hoping to get into electric car design soon, and leave my mark as a part of the movement to electrify and de-carbonize our planet and rid it of pollution for good! If Minnesota can adopt rules to increase electric Ari Hodes vehicle options, why can't the nation as a whole? I'm in favor of being able to breathe bountiful clean air without covering my face with some cloth I'm including this line to indicate that I'm a real person and that this issue Andre Tarverdians is important to me. I'm looking forward to purchasing a new car and it will be a hybrid or electric because our future depends reducing carbon emissions. Unless government intervenes to promote a transition to clean vehicle technology, the prospects for our country to make meaningful progress David Burtis toward preventing climate-induced disaster will not be possible. I'm stoked to see Minnesota be the first Clean Car state in the Midwest! It's exciting to see the momentum building for climate action and cleaner vehicles across the region and in the nation as we try to repair the damage done over the last four years and build back better. This program will bring benefits to communities for decades to come, and I'd like to see Minnesota accelerate momentum for policies that increase the adoption of electric vehicles + reliable public transit and active Larisa Manescu transportation options. I'm waiting to purchase an American Made, Union built midsize electric or hybrid SUV. The brands and models are so limited I keep driving my gasoline car. Please encourage a shift to more environmentally friendly Jerry Serfling vehicles. I've already made the move to an EV because of my concern about ICE pollution. I would like to see CCS charging stations within 100 miles of each other everywhere in the U.S.. I think that will accelerate the move Charles Hartmann to EVs. I've been driving a Nissan Leaf for five years now. It's been very economical. With rebates and a modest trade-in, I got a $113 a month lease. I saved a lot on charging verses gasoline. Maintenance is Joe Mclaughlin minimal. I've been driving an electric car for 6 years. There's nothing like it. It's as Dahlia Rudavsky non-polluting as a bicycle but is good in the rain and snow! I love it. I've been waiting for this a long time. At 85, I'm in a hurry!! Please Jan Poage continue your good work. I've been waiting to have more choices to buy an EV, and this standard Karin McAdams gives me hope that I can find the vehicle that I need. I've been wanting an electric vehicle to replace my '98 Jeep Cherokee. I need 4WD for living in mountains. How long will it take before automotive industry realizes it's time to switch ALL their vehicles to EV? Not to mention our most toxic and damaging vehicles?semis/tractor Arifa Goodman trailers?that continuously transport goods across the nations. I've been working with groups in my school district to replace dirty diesel school buses with clean electric school buses. This is so important for Linda C Kubick the health our children and the generations to come! I've driven an electric vehicle for over two years now, and I would never drive anything else, especially since the options and range of EVs have both increased substantially in those two years, with more improvements and innovations happening all the time. I'm fortunate to live in a state that has made a significant commitment to increase EV ownership, including building many more charging stations. Every state should take Ingrid Peoria these same steps to provide easy access to clean cars for all citizens. I've driven Toyota hybrid cars for years. They are very reliable and quiet. Deb Martin Plus great gas mileage. Stephen Greenberg I've grown quite fond of breathing and would like to be able to continue! If every person on this planet does not start supporting and using clean energy rather than dirty energy asap then we will not need to worry about wars, clovid, terrorism, immigration, hurricanes, aliens, hunger, cancer, or any other scary thing because we all will be extinct like the Sandra Couch dinosaurs. If EVs were more readily available in MN I would purchase one and if I had a financial incentive, that would make the purchase happen sooner. I keep getting told by dealers (Hyundai, Kia, Toyota, GM) around the state that they do not sell their EVs in MN. EVs create jobs, cleaner air Julius Salinas and reduce noise pollution. My next car will be an EV. If I could afford one I'd be driving an electric car right now! It makes sense to stop destroying the earth!!! AND it is something people can do. Colin Godwin Colin Godwin If we are going to survive as a species, we need to stop climate change. Eric West More efficient vehicles will help. If we are serious about leaving our children and grandchildren a habitable world, we need to get all major sources of air pollution and drivers of climate change out of our atmosphere as soon as possible. Rosemary Nichols Cars are a big part of that effort. If we can evolve to cleaner energy and diminish the impact on the Rhonda Mott Schoenecker climate, it is our responsibility to do so. The fact is, WE CAN!! If we don't take action now the planet and all of humanity doesn?t stand Chantell Arellano a chance of survival!!!! If we don't do something about climate change and fight to preserve clean water and air, our grandchildren will face a hideous future of poisonous water and cancer-causing air. Transportation is a logical and effective place to focus on, among others. Personally, I am in the process of choosing an EV car to replace my gas-guzzler (27 mpg). We Joan Paskewitz also own a small hybrid which gets ~50 mpg. If we don't immediately do something now we all die if animals die we die if plants/trees die we die because trees help with breathing healthy air in the world by preventing toxic carbon monoxide pollution spread over the planet! Signed, Jan Hughes Jan Hughes No Titles If we keep doing the same things we have been doing, we will keep getting the same results. The climate of our planet is on a bad trajectory, due to ever increasing levels of greenhouse gases. Transportation is one of the largest contributors. Electrical vehicles pair nicely with clean electricity (wind and solar) and the time is now to start building a fleet and the necessary infrastructure for charging. It is really the only feasible option to achieve are targeted reduction in greenhouse gases before it is Robert Kean too late. If we set the goal for Clean Cars, industry can start moving toward that Dianna Uchida goal. If you are going to let private industry run the American economy, then laws must require access to all goods and private manufacturers to all markets so people have a choice. The choice is what, in theory, regulates the private machine. Otherwise, your choice is to simply nationalize and socialize all production so all markets and all manufacturers have full access. Which do you want? Either way, full access needs to be given so people Mark Miller can CHOOSE to buy electric if they wish. If we don't care about clean air then we don't care about our future. MN Sandra Bsylis needs to adopt this rule for our future. If you live near a highway, you know how stinky the air gets from all those cars and we breathe it! Outdoor laundry gets dirty. The air is unclear. During the shutdown the air was so clear that the difference was amazing. We forgot what clean air looked like. Also fewer kids Valerie Clark would need to carry around asthma aerosols. Imagine us being able to enjoy the open road again without knowing we're hurting the planet as we do so -- to be free *and* clean. Please Pamela Mayne help to move us towards this vision. Cynthia Owen Imperative for the environment Implementing this standard can help protect our environment, leaving something for future generations. Not only does this standard benefit all of us right now, it is a promise for young people that they'll have a clean, Theresa Beckhusen safe world. Vesa Kaakkuriniemi Improve clean car standards and car-free society planning. In 2017 I bought an electric car. It's been a great experience. It has run reliably for almost 4 years now, and I've done no maintenance to it at all. It saves me $200 per month, which I used to spend on gas. This car only Sylvain Beloin costs me $50 per month of electricity. That's it. Zero pollution, zero maintenance, and it's really fun to drive. Everyone should be doing this. It benefits us all, in many ways. In addition to the ecological benefits of reducing the amount of tailpipe emissions entering the atmosphere, it will reduce adverse health effects suffered by the residents that live near shipping hubs, which are primarily black and Latin-X. This is therefore not only an ecological Tim Katz issue, but also a racial equity issue. In order for all of humanity to survive, we absolutely must clean up our Carolyn Elliott carbon output, and use clean energy. In the long run, electric vehicles will be cheaper especially if you take into account health care costs. I know people who have hybrids and they spend far less on repairs so that is also a savings down the road. I don't expect I'll ever have the ability to afford an electric vehicle but I hope those that come after me will have the opportunity to breathe clean air Carol Ashley again. In the northeast forty percent of greenhouse gas emissions is from transportation. Moving to EVs will greatly reduce this effect and clean our air. I have organized six well-attended National Drive Electric Events at which EV owners discuss their experiences driving and charging their cars to non-EV owners. Although most charging of EVs occurs overnight in one?s garage, we also need a more extensive charging network for two groups: 1) multi- unit dwellers who lack a charger and 2) fast charging networks that are reliable and well placed so that EV owners feel confident about long Beva Nall-Langdon distance driving. In their never ending pursuit of profit at any cost, short-sighted fossil fuel corporations now threaten our planet and life as we know it. This is unacceptable. Scientists are sounding the alarm like the proverbial Mike Hansen canary in a mine. We ignore their warning at our own peril. Incentivize clean transportation today. It?s way past time to stop cooking Edward Mosimann ourselves and the planet. It doesnt matter where you live, when the population is at the point where everyone has to drive to get somewhere, then smog and greenhouse gas is a given until we reduce or ban gas guzzling vehicles. Donna Vilalta Let's stop that problem before we kill ourselves. It flies in the face of reason that we have waited this long to implement Bonnie Pannell clean vehicle standards. Now is the best time to start, not tomorrow. Gary Lewin IT GETS US AWAY FROM PETROLEUM! Donna Turner It is a "No Brainer". This is what we need for "Climate Control" Jim Stuhlmacher It is good for our health and the climate. It is hard for me to believe that there is anyone on this planet that wouldn?t prefer cleaner-burning, more fuel-efficient vehicles. We need Laura Page these for the health of our planet and for our pocketbooks. Debby Willette It is important to do this. It is important to get more electric cars on the road to save our energy Julie Garber resources. It is important to me that we do everything we can to slow down climate Patricia Frost change! Clean Cars standard would help tremendously. It is important to protect the environment for future generations and the sooner America moves towards clean energy the sooner we can achieve the goal of a healthy environment for all. More vehicle choice is an Anne Chopyak important step in this direction. It is in our economic interest to reduce the harmful effects of fossil fuel use and transition to sustainable energy sources. My next car will be an Diane Glorvigen EV. It is inevitable that sustainable energy will be adopted to save the David Randall environment. It is long past time for bold action on clean care standards. We have lurched forward and back pedaled on setting firm goals and Thomas Brown that is totally irresponsible! It is more difficult to breathe with each passing day. Our kids are Cheryl Freeman struggling with breathing problems. Please pass this Bill. It is our job to do everything possible to ensure that our children and their children will thrive on a healthy planet with clean air, water and soil...the essentials of life. We should always think about future Diane Tessari generations as the first, most critical step in considering any proposal. It is past time to take concrete steps. We have the ability to achieve this Lois Gertz goal and the duty to do so. It is shocking that the US hasn't made great strides in fuel efficient Holly Windle vehicles. Obviously, we need legislation to boost hybrids and electrics. It is SO imperative that we take action to clean up our vehicles and lifestyles in order to clean up the air and water ways of our planets. It is time we as humans realized that we will be extinct if we don't take action. We have all of the solutions to our current problems. THank you Leah Weisman for Choosing the best clean car standards possible. It is so important to protect our planet, the Earth God gave us, and our Heidi Witte children's futures! It is the future for those that have a future. I plan to get an EV as soon as I get my home solar array expanded to Isadora Avett accommodate the additional demand. Madelyn Scheer It is through the use of clean fuels that we can reduce co2 It is time that we think about the environment and air quality for the sake of our children, grandchildren and generations to come. We need to set better examples and pass on a positive legacy. We have the innovation Jennifer Vevian Sparf and expertise to make things better. It is time to do everything possible, not just the easy actions, to bring on Bernard Yosten electric cars and trucks, all transportation, now. It is time to end the damage caused by fossil fuel.The emissions have not only wreaked havoc on our environment, but have been responsible for a variety of health problems including a rise in respiratory and heart Marianne Flanagan ailments. It is time to move away from fossil fuels and start using sustainable Jennifer Taylor resources. It is time to move away from fossil fuels because of the damaging effects on our environment. Please make our world a healthier place for all Greg Knipp living creatures. Support the Clean Cars standard. It is very important that we protect our environment so that future generations may thrive and enjoy this beautiful planet. Not only are we killing people but all living forms are threatened by our irresponsible Maria pacheco behavior. It makes sense to do the hard things now. Let's take the fork in the road Dale Gable heading for a better future for all. It makes so much sense to stop filling the air and our lungs with gas- powered engine fumes and by-products. Teh technology is here and will only get better, more efficient and cheaper the sooner we support and Chuck Shiebler invest in it. It matters to me because I used to live in an area that had of 102 during the summer and because of the fossil fuels it went up to 116. I really think it's important to address the problem so the ice caps don't melt as well as other situations which can harm everything and Denise Goldberg cause death and displacement eventually. It matters to me because I'd like to be able to continue living on this Sue Haines planet along with all the plant and wildlife! It matters to me because Minnesota and its environment matter to me. I Beverly Iverson want my next car to be an electric car. Thomas Monroe IT MATTERS!!! it may be one of the few ways we can save the world for the next Pamala Wright generations. It seems hypocritical, because I currently drive a gas-powered car, but if we had better infrastructure and a less battery, I would definitely drive a hybrid or electric car. I support the plans to move forward on these and other pursuits to halt the terrible toll we are taking on our planet. I don't Rebecca Skinner know of any other planet handy to replace it. Eva Goss IT will be wonderful when vehicles no longer SMELL!!! It would seem obvious that no individuate corporate/ buisness has the Keith Caye right to diminish the environment we all live in ! Camille Welch It?s critical It?s past due time to adopt sustainable energies. Cars are one of the top Mary Junek polluters. My next vehicle will be electric. Paula Rust It?s the least we can do for the Planet and each other It?s time to relegate fossil fuels to the past as a primary source of fuel. We found horse-drawn vehicles to be useful at one time, but no more. Steam power has been more prominent, but less now. We must William Davis progress to resolve the climate crisis. It's the 21st Century, let's promote 21st Century clean technology, clean Curt Johnson electric cars. Randall Webb It's a big part of saving us from climate change - I want to live. It's a step in the right direction. When more electric cars exist, more charging stations will be built. Hopefully, most of those will be fueled by the sun or the wind. Then we can stop the fracking and other non Debbie Perlmutter renewable energy sources. Christina Irwin It's best for the planet and for all living things to burn less fossil fuel. It's crucial w clean up the environment or its "game over" for the Diana Black Biosphere (which includes us) It's imperative that we change to clean options to save our environment. Zaira Vera If we keep polluting our home we won't be able to survive. It's important for us to move away from fossil fuels and toward green energy that will eliminate tailpipe emissions. It will help adults and children with breathing problems to not spend time in emergency rooms Joan Reyes due to asthma attacks. It's important to all of us to reduce pollution and fight climate change and Janet Draper this would help us. David Harris It's long overdue! It's not a matter of if, but when, we will all be driving EV and I want to purchase one this year. We need more dealerships on board so Kelsey Brodt consumers have options and access to charging stations! It's painfully clear that we're changing the climate, and not for the better. Kathryn Burns If I could find an affordable all-electric car, I would gladly buy it. It's past time humans get beyond using dirty fossil fuels as our primary Stuart Way energy source. It's past time to build the systems that show promise for getting us off the fossil fuel treadmill. Our 16 yr old asks me what I think life will be like for her when she's my age. Policy decisions made to today will shape that future. There is simply no time to waste to ignite the transformation of our habits - making clean cars available in Minnesota is a step in this direction. This will help transform the auto industry, ensure cleaner air as people drive those cars rather than fossil-fuel cars, and will help lower carbon emissions that are currently a major consequence of our transportation system. Failing to building a clean car standard fails to Carolyn Carr plan for a survivable future - it's that simple. We've got a choice her. It's past time to stop being "fossil foolish". Let's transition to renewable Derek Benedict energy ASAP! Cynthia Collier It's simply time to switch to CLEAN Marcel Liberge It's the environment stupid! It's the future we are looking at; what is good for Minnesotans is good for the nation as whole.. The time has come to stop the gasoline powered engines and move to electric vehicles... I don't see trucks on this petition but it would certainly make sense to include all trucks including and Chris Swanson especially the huge semis spewing out their fumes from coast to coast. Kate Sherwood It's time America steps up! It's time for 21st Century solutions to our climate and energy problems. Simply doing more of the same will cause America to fall further behind Timothy Dunleavy the rest of the world. It's time to move into the future and make electric vehicles a large part of our fleet . They are becoming more popular as people learn more about their advantages both to individual car owners and to our society as a Tonya Krysinski whole. It's time to transition. We can't drag our heels anymore. People are dying already. The least we can do is drive cleaner cats if we refuse to ride our Cori Bishop bikes and take the bus. It's time we stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and controlled by oil companies. We need to stop paying attention to their messages and Andy Winger stop letting them control our politics. Katie Simon It's time! It's time....time to make he big changes to our gas-guzzling habits that are contributing to global warming. As soon as I can, I'll be purchasing Linda Hagen-Miller an electric vehicle. It's true that electric cars use energy from fossil fuels, but it's still less than what gas powered cars use. There are simply no good reasons not John Webster to cut back on fossil fuels and play it safer for the future. Kare M IT"S VITAL!! Its time to transition to greener economy. Lets make protecting the environment and expanding economic opportunities a win-win situation to ensure future prosperity for all. I want to bring children into a safer, Claire Dolney more just world. Green cars are a tipping point. Just as we have moved away from gas lights and coal powered engines, and as result we live in a cleaner and more efficient world. We need to accept and promote this new technology. Any attempts to stall will only leave us further behind the rest of the world than we are ready Wayne Myers becoming. We will loose our position unless we lead. Just being able to breathe better and see better makes such a difference when the air is fresh and not polluted. Do we even know it is to breathe Stefanie Weisgram that well? We need clean cars and trucks now! Peter Davis Just Say Hey Hi Ho No Way to GOP-SLOP OIL SLOBS Just today I read that we've lost some 80% of our insects in the Southwest, due mainly to climate change. This includes bees and butterflies of all varieties. This is only one extremely distressing fact of many about the effects climate change is already having on our world. We have to do all we can, NOW, to stop this from getting worse, because exactly what the climate scientists predicted is coming true, only much faster than they thought it would happen. We need to get Allison Gentile gas-fueled vehicles off the roads ASAP. keep fossil fuel in the ground and emissions out of the air. clean car Karin Smith-Spanier standards yes. Keep fossil fuel in the ground and go electric to get a handle on climate Kathleen Mitchell change. Stephanie Pierce Keep our air clean & healthy for generations. Frona Vicksell Keep our planet alive! Last June I worked pretty hard to find a plug-in hybrid. I ended up with my second choice because Minnesota just doesn't get anything good. I Steve Chesney want more choice! Lead the World to serious pollution control. Encourage clean transportation, including safe bicycle lanes and micro-cities within a city .... the old fashion apartment above the store you own, or work at. Downtown Columbus, Ohio is working well. Check it out. Rachel Stultz Rachel Stultz Kentucky Leading the way to clean energy vehicles is an important step in cleaning up our atmosphere and creating a pollution-free future for our Kae Bender grandkids. Harumi Austria Leaving a better world for our children is why I care about this matter. Jeffrey Streicher Let capitalism work. Remove constraints on electric vehicles. Let get ahead of the curve in this exciting and sustainable chapter in our Mandy Hanifen nations history William 'Skip' Dykoski Let the sun set on fossil fuels. Let's do everything possible to help the planet, because without it we Carol Hooker won?t survive!! John Markovitz Let's end our dependence on oil! Let?s get more EV cars available in the region right away. Also, let?s begin converting government funded vehicles that stop/start Mark Hodapp lot (mail trucks, delivery cars, school busses, etc) as fast as possible. Let's keep our outdoor environment clean and safe for generations to Francesca Williams come. Let's look to the future, a cleaner future for MN., for all of us! Our cities , agriculture, everyday life would benefit from cleaner trucks and cars now! China is way ahead of us in this area and we must start now to Barry Kay Wolfe change, adapt and move forward toward cleaner air quality! Let's make electric vehicles and or products related to the industry here Robert Gwaltney in MS. Let's start making decisions that will lead to better lives. We have to stop pretending that everything is ok. A half million dead in an ?advanced? Johnny Whitright country like the US shows us that everything is not ok. Sue DeVall Let's all work to combat Climate Change. Jane Spini Let's be innovators and solve the fossil fuel problem! Donna Hippensteel Let's clean up our air so we can breathe easy. Alice Holm Let's go green! Let's make relatively small changes now that will have an enormous Kimber Kaushik impact later. Kaylah Sterling lets be good to the earth and all its inhabitants by driving clean cars Lets clean up the planet and leave it healthier for the next generation Maureen Loveday instead of spewing more toxins into the air. Lets transition to electric as soon as possible to help reduce bad climate Sam Burkhardt change Like viruses, air pollution has no boundaries; rich, poor, and everyone in John Catherine between breathe polluted air. Lives are saved when there is reduced air pollution. Save lives, and Peter Mcknight save the planet. Living beings need clean air to breathe. Other countries are managing to clean up their act, why does America have to be the stupidest, least cooperative, most selfish, and nastiest?? Maybe the rich can afford to Lisa Banwell live off-planet, but not the rest of us. Alexa Ross Logan Ohio has bought electric cars. There is hope! Karen Wiberg Looking forward to buying my 1st electric car. Rand Friedenfels Make the change! I got an E-Bike!!! Make this our future! For our children and grandchildren, for a better Britt Salazar planet and life! Making electric vehicles affordable is essential right now. Hooray for Ingrid Wendt Minnesota for leading the way and setting an example for the rest of us! Many agree in the concept of sustainability - for "sometime" in the future. But the truth is clean choices should have been made yesterday. We cannot continue the "same old" business and governance as usual. To do so is literally both suicide and mass murder. The time to quibble, and postpone is past. We must have courage and act boldly. Now. Randy Carroll-Bradd Today. MANY MORE PEOPLE WOULD BUY 'ELECTRIC' VEHICLES, IF THERE WAS A LOT MORE 'INFRASTRUCTURE' FOR 'CHARGING David Mondejar STATIONS' ON A 'NATIONAL' LEVEL ! many people would buy if made more affordable-should also include a Bruce Tillery tax incentive Maryland needs more charging stations and apartments complexes should be required to provide charging stations. Subsidies need to be provided for those investing in an electric car so all income groups can choose electric. Availability of used electric cars can increase the predominance of these cars by increasing affordability. Since transportation is the major source of air and climate pollution, we Gail Landy can greatly reduce it by transitioning to electric vehicles. Minnesota and other states in the US need to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. Combined with renewable energy resources, they will help slow the climate change that is damaging to the environment and people's livelihoods. I bought an electric car two years ago. It is a Nora Plesofsky pleasure to drive, and maintenance is minimal. Innovation in car development is increasing electric car range, and the prices are coming down. Minnesotans need to participate in these developments and extend our choices for electric vehicles. Minnesota can be a leader in environmental protection by adopting the Clean Cars Act. No matter what the fossil fuels lobby pushes, we MUST move aggressively to embrace EV technology. Doing so will benefit Paula Laskowski everyone. We don't have a moment to lose. Minnesota can lead by example and take climate action to prevent further catastrophes. Minnesota has the chance to become a model for other states. My home state of Illinois has a national reputation for supporting clean energy, and Minnesota's example will help provide momentum for similar efforts David Vayo here. Minnesota is a special place. We have had bouts of really bad pollution and it is on the rise again. Pollution impacts us as residents and so much more. It impacts our wildlife, our food, our land, our water, and that in turn impacts us and every other living being on the planet. Minnesota has long been a leader in change and this is positive change for the Sarah Murn Midwest. Let?s be the start of this important change. Minnesota is the land of beautiful lakes and clean, fresh air. Let?s keep Linda Lynn it that way. Minnesota needs to do it's part to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. It's a critical step that we remove carbon based fuels in the transportation sector as part of the MN solution to reducing greenhouse gases. If we don't do this our grandchildren and their children will pay a devastating Rob Jackson price for our neglect to take action on climate change. Minnesota needs to have electric car options available. The Clean Cars rule will do just that. Having more options will make electric cars Andrea Walkush competitive with gas. Jo-Anne Harris Minnesota, please show Ohio how it's done! Minnesota?s environment is too precious to not act to save it. We need Will Roberts big moves to address the imminent danger of climate change now! William Yaroch Minnesotans can lead the way. Show us it can be done! Stacey Gazzola More Clean Cars & Trucks Now! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!! More clean cars and trucks so everyone can breath better. My families' Deimile Mockus health is the most important to me. Chris White more clean energy much less oil More generations in my family have respiratory issues. We need to Noreen Fujitasacco reduce pollution anywhere possible including with clean vehicles. More options for clean cars are necessary to enable consumers adequate choices in vehicle types and price ranges. Pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles causes health problems and Rachael Sand damages the planet. More people can help the environment if we had better access to affordable electric vehicles. Our children and grandchildren's futures Linda Nauman depend on it. More than that, I support the clean TRUCKS standard! I had originally put down a deposit on a Tesla Model 3, but realized that I wanted to haul a trailer out to astronomy society meetings in the dark sky sites, and a sedan just wouldn't do. Ok, there's the model X, but it's too expensive for me. Plus, a truck is a lot more useful than a car for everyday moving of stuff. Unfortunately, again, the Cyber Truck from Elaine Cass Tesla doesn't "do it" for me, but am very much anticipating the release of trucks like the EV Ford 150, or Chevy's EV trucks. I think that as soon as we have this sort of choice, that the buyers will materialize. Trucks are probably more popular with families than sedans. Mother Earth prefers clean air. So do the people and animals who live Shirley Midyette on her! Motor vehicles are one of the pollution-producing devices on the planet. Regulation is a must if we are to protect our planet for future generations M Stigliano to enjoy. Movement by any of us toward this green goal is movement for all of us. Josephine Hadlock King I am so grateful for the leadership this shows and applaud this effort. Moves to better clean car standards are long overdue. We have the technology and ability. Mary Provost Let's do all we have to improve the quality of the air we breath. Moving away from fossil fuel and towards clean energy will not only help climate change, it will also bring many jobs. Tech school jobs as well as college degree jobs. There will also be jobs for high school graduates. Nancy Linder Helping the climate and job growth. Moving forward with environmentally friendly cars and trucks is a good Edith Smith thing for car manufacturers to be working on. My 2 year old grandson deserves the chance to grow up in a clean, Patricia Krasinski livable world! My children and granddaughter's future is at risk unless we take Abbie Jenks seriously, the need to reduce carbon emissions. This is a start My current vehicle is a 55 mpg hybrid Prius. My next car will be all Lana Touchstone electric. My daughter and my nephews and nieces, would greatly benefit from Thomas Guobis having more stringent vehicle pollution standards. My daughter has asthma. My grandson now has allergies all year. We Michael S Barson must clean the air by all means available! My daughter recently managed a project to put charging stations in all new construction of apartments and businesses in Oakland Ca. I'm very Susan Hirshfield proud of her for working for positive change on our planet. You can too. John Rosenblum My EV is the best car I've ever had! My family and I have to breathe the local air which is full of vehicle Russell Willis pollution. Cleaner cars mean less chance of lung disease. My family and I support a speedy transition to electric vehicles for a Loralei Saylor better future for all. My family currently drives two hybrids. Our next car will be an EV. We need to change our transportation system as well as our larger energy system as well as overall economics to clean energy. I will not buy William Huggins another vehicle that runs on fossil fuels. I want more EV options. My family wants to buy an electric car but the choices available to us in Minnesota do not meet our needs. The Clean Car standard will make many more choices available to us and I have to believe will help drive Diane Bublitz the infrastructure needed to expand the range of electric cars. Laura Sternberg My friend has asthma and this is very important to me. MY GAS POWERED CAR DELIVERS OVER 30 MPG. GOOD Larry Martensson ENOUGH FOR ME. My gas vehicle expired several years ago with 282K miles and I refused to buy another. EV?s were too expensive and I?m not young. I should have been able to afford an electric vehicle 50 years ago! Greed is David Lax destroying our planet. My grandchildren need clearer air. Our planet needs clean cars to fight Marion Lakatos climate change now before it is too late My grandson has asthma and I like to breathe too. This will slow the climate change that the entire world fears and acknowledges except for Linda Rex Fox and polluters. My grandson has asthma and lives in an Illinois inner city. His life Benjamin Timm depends upon having clean air to breathe. My grandson should have a chance to grow up in the beautiful world I Joan Raphael had. My husband and I already own an electric vehicle and it is WONDERFUL!! We never need maintenance and fuel up at home. It has been a joy to own one. We need more charging stations though so Lisa Williams please support that! My husband and I are excited about purchasing an electric vehicle when our current car needs to be replaced. There are many reasons for this, from lower maintenance and operating costs, to environmental considerations. However, as we began shopping around, we were dismayed to find that many dealers in Minnesota do not even carry the electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles that one would expect, and that apart from Tesla, there are few options available to us. Clean car standards would provide the incentive that dealers need to offer these options to consumers like us. We look forward to a time when our streets can be quieter and our air can be cleaner, as electric vehicles begin to replace their gas counterparts. Legislation that supports and hastens this transition is important to us -- there are many consumers like us who would like to choose the environmental and reliability benefits of electric vehicles, but Fiona Burnell are prevented from doing so by a lack of options and infrastructure. My husband and I have 2 electric vehicles and we love them. I am excited to see what will becoming on the market next. Clean cars are the Susan Kane future. My husband and I wanted to buy an electric car and had a terrible time. There are some cars you absolutely cannot buy in Minnesota. What if we had wanted to buy even a plug-in Prius? Not in MN. We ended up with a Volt, buying a dealer's test drive car that they decided they did not even want to bother with. I understand that Chevrolet does not even Joyce Prudden encourage their dealers to sell electric cars even now My husband and I, who are 73 and 75 years old, believe that expanding the use of renewable energy is necessary for the healthy future of our planet. We installed solar panels which produce 7.3 KW on our roof 5 years ago. We purchased a electric car 3 years ago, and we are hoping to purchase an electric car with a range greater than the 90 miles that our current car has. We cannot afford to buy a $60,000 car, but we could afford one half that price. Please do all you can to promote low cost, environmentally conscious electric vehicle production and distribution and the charging stations necessary to support this wise use of our Katherine Doyle planet's resources. My life requires driving and I'm tired of feeling guilty about my car's carbon emissions. Dottie Dolezal Let's get EV cars here! My mother died of emphysema and I have intermittent asthma, with limited lung capacity. D.C. is one of the most highly polluted cities in the Marianna Lee U.S. and is even worse. My nephews, nieces, and their children need cleaner air. Please pass Susan Ulrich Clean Cars. My next vehicle will be electric and I would like electrification of our Lois Norrgard transportation options to be a priorty in Minnesota. This is one place that we can have a win win - address climate impacts, offer choices and opportunities for citizens, and reduce asthma causing pollution. Wow - we need this Clean Cars rule and a focus on clean transportation. Bonnie Jaskolka My sister and I both want electric cars. Help us!! My sister has had asthma since she was a toddler. Air pollution can Sona Rejebian trigger an attack. My solar unit gives me such pleasure every day - why not cars that can do the same? I hardly drive any more but my next car, if there is one, will Deborah Madison be electric for sure. My son and his children will inherit the planet we're destroying in real Phillip Bryan time. My son suffers from asthma, and the particulate pollution generated by trucks, buses and cars running on diesel and gasoline causes his health to decline. We need clean cars, trucks and buses running on electricity Robert Podurgiel generated by wind and solar, and we need those vehicles now. My time is growing shorter on the old planet, buy I?ve experienced first hand bluer sky?s, seeing twenty miles across the bay, and watching a dime lazily tumble a hundred feet into the depths of Lake Tahoe. I remember tasting fresh fruit and vegetables that actually had flavor and were filled with vitamins and minerals. None of these things will my James Mcnulty grandchildren experience unless WE put a stop to it. My Toyota Tacoma has 250,000 miles, so I'm close to a new pickup. I plan for my next small pickup to be electric. I hope there is infrastructure Douglas Heuer across ALL of Minnesota to support EVs. My wife and I have driven electric since 2012 and we want more options so others can realize the attributes that make them superior to ICE cars- Sam Villella clean air is nice! My wife and I live close to two major freeways. I plan to replace my 2002 Toyota Echo with a new EV in a few years. I'm 68 years old, so I remember the greenish brown haze over the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) on windless days. I also remember how seat belts, lead-free gasoline, and higher mileage standards were each going to force us out of automobiles. Hah!! Let's get busy creating new jobs Tim Bardell and reducing carbon emissions. Bruce Gehrke My wife has asthma, so clean air is a vital issue to both of us. My wife suffers from severe asthma. It's difficult for us to manage that and also enjoy the incredible outdoor spaces in our state on days when the air quality is impacted by pollution in the twin cities. Please consider Nick Wiebusch supporting this initiative to protect her, and our collective future. Frances Harris need clean cars and trucks NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeanne Poole Need to clean the air and water if we want to survive. Michael Pardee Need to cut pollution and climate change now. No better time than now to move to a future that will better support it and Rosanna Walker us! No brained! Progress! Bill Richards Clean cars benefit everyone. No gas, no oil, no engine? Minimal moving parts. So quiet and no stinky Kimberly Schmidt emissions. That is just amazing. No healthy planet without healthy air! No healthy people without healthy air! Covid is a respiratory disease , it affects our lungs and the way we breathe. It cost us billions. If the air we breathe is good, our health is good, and we are less susceptible to pandemics. Good air quality Isabel Snyder globally and I mean GLOBALLY is a fundamental buildingblock for a better future. Lets do it! We have all the technology! I drive a zero emission car ( Leaf) and California is going solar/wind powered 100% asap - it works, its great ! Its healthy! No matter who you are, rich, poor, White, Black, Asian, old, young.... we all need clean air to breathe, to survive! My husband and I each drive a Prius, and we bought a Honda hybrid for our son as well. Clean cars Lauren Bernofsky should be the standard. No more black clouds of diesel fumes floating around Brigitte Whitlow The time to care about the environment is overdue P Johansen NO more time to wait!!! Clean, green cars and trucks NOW!!! Maurice Robinson no regressing in this area! Judith Glixon Noise, stench, climate, breathing fumes! Need I say more? not many plug in hybrids to choose from ..... i want to buy , but want a Jim Peterson plug in hybrid .... Not only does this help to fight climate change, electric vehicles cost so much less to run! I love that I almost never have to buy gas anymore. My kids and grandsons like it too. We need more of them. Denyce Rusch Thank you. Nothing else will matter if we destroy the health of the Earth?s Karen Mchugh environment. Nothing is more important than clean air that supports the health of all living creatures and plant life. Clean cars in the US can take us a long way toward a healthy planet. Please help us by making sure the Clean Marilyn Perona Cars standard is passed. Thank you! Nothing is more important than cleaning up our air quality. The survival Shannon McEntee of humanity depends on it. Nothing is more important than protecting this beautiful planet and all it's inhabitants -- and clean cars are a huge way to do that! We all need access to safe, environmentally sound transportation. Be a hero and Ellen Pill work toward a better world for our children and theirs. Thank you. Guillemette Epailly Now is the time, tackling pollution is more pressing than ever! Now we all need to convert to electric vehicles. Let's do it now, and quickly. California can lead the way on this important climate -saving Laurel Harris policy!!! dc katten NOW! NOW! O am concerned about the quality of the air we are leaving for my Beverly Marshallgoodell grandchildren, Of course! That?s why I have owed a Volt since 2014. Too bad they Katherine Haley stopped making them. Oil is dirty in more ways that just the atmosphere, let us get is right this David Riall time!! Chris Anctil Oil is far too valuable to be used for everyday transportation. Once I learned how it was that humans--US--who were causing the "death" of our own species, and all the others along with us, I understood how necessary it is that we drastically reverse course from our previously-ignorant behaviors--and pray that we can do enough Rochelle Stein quickly enough to save what we have been unwittingly destroying. Once you drive electric there is no going back to gas. People just need Tim Robinson to be educated! One city and one state at a time is how we can make a difference. It is Suzanne Valencia do or die time for our planet! One of the best ways to dial back our climate-wrecking emissions is to transition our cars and trucks away from fossil fuels, utilizing technology available today. All that is missing are appropriate incentives and Michael Zurakov political will. One of the most important things we can do to improve our air quality, Gabriel Graubner and our health, is to change to electric powered vehicles. William Stiver Only fossils like fossil fuels! Richard Smith Only ignnorant people wouldn't want a better environment. Organizations should be formed to select best models and make bulk purchases of electric school buses and other vehicles normally JOHN TAYLOR purchased by small groups. Other countries are passing us up in the race to create clean transportation. We need to move our country forward and get off fossil fuels to expand our economy, increase our national security, and Dennis Marceron combat climate change. E Conyers Otherwise I can?t breathe! Our air and soil and earth are so important -please help !! Margie Boyett Thank you ! Our air even in areas which are not highly is polluted. Since very little has been done about approving highspeed railroads, we have massive numbers of vehicles on our highways. Think of how much pollution they are spewing into the air. We cannot kowtow to corporations whose only interest is profit, to produce vehicles that are energy friendly. We are lagging behind other countries in the effort to become green and it is imperative to step up production of low pollution vehicles Jo-Ann Sramek immediately. Our air is so polluted some days that one cannot safely be outdoors. Surya-Patricia Hood This needs to change yesterday. Our Chevrolet Volt is our first ev, and we love it! Our lifetime average is Jane Schuler 66.8 mpg! Our next car, however, will definitely be all electric. Our children and grandchildren deserve to breath some semblance of Cathryn Kissinger clean air! Our children and grandchildren deserve to inherit a healthy planet where Brigitte Kondis they can thrive! Norman Mellin Our children?s future is at stake! Our country need clean energy for vehicles. Cars are here to stay - we just need to implement clean energy in cars. There needs to be an increased number of charging stations for drivers Cathleen Gempeler in lingers trips including at rest stops. Our environment has been taken advantage of for too long. During the first months of the pandemic, almost no one was driving. You could see the Minneapolis clearly with no smog. That was just 30 to 45 days. I can only imagine what it would be like permanently around the planet. April Hall Thank you for your time and consideration. Our environment is going to change greatly for my grandchildren. The oceans will rise and displace millions or billions of people. If we slow the CO2 now it will mean less disruption of people and animals in the future. Sally Johnson Electric vehicles are part of the solution. Our environment is in trouble. I couldn?t afford a new car now but Susan Stephens support getting away from fossil fuel. Our environment is terribly polluted. We need to reduce pollution, with Kim Wilbur clean cars. Cindy Graham Our environment needs this!! So does our health! Elizabeth Therkilsen Our future depends on it. Our health, and our planet, both require better environments; therefore, Richard Guevara we need to severely limit pollution now. Our last two car purchases have been hybrid models. We will gladly Christine Manor switch to all electric when the infrastructure is available. Janis Snead Our lives depend on clean air and so does our planet. Spike Maiden Our planet cannot afford to wait for this. Anita Gyojin Cherlin Our planet is at risk; we have to do this or we lose it. Our planet is choking and dying right before our eyes. We must take immediate action to do away with carbon emitting behavior and take every step to make forward progress. Clean cars standard is a worthy Lily Lau-Enright first step. Our planet is dying due to us, we need to change our way of doing things. This is one the things we can do to help the earth and thus ourselves!! Erik Hvoslef GET IT DONE!!! Mark Wildes Our planet is dying! We must do something right now! Our planet is in real danger of losing its ecosystem to pollution caused primarily because of our abuse. Time to grow up as a species if we Dennis Petrak expect to survive!! Our planet is staring at stupendous changes (many for the worse) in how and where all creatures (incl. mankind) and plant life live, which began during the Industrial Revolution, and continues into the present. It is critical that we delay no longer whatever massive changes may be Philip Lyman required, to avoid catastrophic changes and loss of llife. Our planet is suffering. People are suffering and it is we people who are the cause of it all. If we could change our transportation habits and energy sources, plus stop eating cattle, we could bring down the pollutants causing climate change. Shelley Reynolds I want there to be a healthy future for future generations. Our planet, our children need help now! Clean car standards are one Jeanne Kinley Deller way to support both!!! Over the last few years, I have noticed some days I have difficulty in breathing. When I check, it coincides with the air quality/pollution. We need cleaner cars to reduce air pollution. Please make more clean car Carla Albers choices available to all. Owed a PHEV for over 2 years. Fuel costs, maintenance, and tai pipe Dennis Ledden emissions way down. Everyone needs these options Pass whatever incentives it takes to get people into elec. cars Right Now. Outlaw petrol cars? Provide affordable conversion kits? Julia Landress WHATEVER IT TAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Martin Gromulat Peak oil is here!!! People are literally dying from pollution, and it spreads across the land Josef Appell and water. It does not stay in anyone's back yard, and must be stopped. Maria Moyser People need access to clean cars Paul Eichenberger Personal action is each of ours responsibility. Gary Pasqua Petro is out. Green is in. Let's get this done. Please change to cleaner non oil production! I live in Kern County and they are pushing fracking Derrick with only one inadequet environmental impact report. We already have horrible air quality. We are the major Victoria Golden producer of produce for the USA! Think of the added health problems this will cause! I am 46 already had cancer twice and 7 autoimmune diseases. This will put the nail in my and many other coffins. we need to pass S1 and get the money out of politics! John Baggenstos Please do not trade Clean Air and Water for Profit! please do the right thing Jon Walter Mocey-Hanton thank you Sarah Hinds Please do the right thing for our children and grandchildren! Gabrielle Bork Please do the right thing!! Gail Ostrander Please do the right thing. Clean Cars is the right thing for Minnesota. Please do what is best for future generations. Enforce clean air David Yanosik standards. Hank Schlinger Please eliminate tailpipe emissions. It will benefit everyone! Please expand production of clean vehicles which are essential to the Sherry Vatter long term health of people and the planet. Please for all the grandchildren and children. Leslie Waltzer We can do better. Please give Minnesotans the opportunity to do our part to turn back the of climate change. We WANT to buy electric vehicles but there are so few choices here. We value the health of our planet, air, water and most of all, our children. Let's get rid of gas powered cars! But we cannot do our part unless the state government does its and opens Beth Pearlman Minnesota up to greener transportation. Richard Rauscher Please help in any way to transition to clean energy world wide! Please help me breathe clean air and help mitigate climate change at Beverly Walter the same time. Pamela Magathan Please help our air be cleaner for all living things! Roger Robles Please help slow global warming for the sake of our children!!! Janice Lawrence Please help to clean the air so I can breath better Please help us to move towards cleaner cars for our environment and Timothy Kruser future generations! Please I urge you to change the way we think about transportation, into Tiffany Jaeggi a cleaner, more environmentally friendly approach. James Keeley please make electric vehicles affordable, reliable and beautiful. Please make it more accessible and affordable for many people to have Hannah Greaves access to electric vehicles, both for our environment and for our health. Carl Finkbeiner PLEASE PASS THIS!!! Please promote good health for us and our home planet by helping us make tailpipe emissions a thing of the past. Please bring us a strong Karolyn Beebe Clean Cars rule. Please reassert the Clean car standard. The air we breathe shouldn't be a cesspool! James Castellan THANK YOU. Please save our children's air quality by mandating clean electric vehicles. We have one Prius hybrid on one all electric Prius and they are terrific! Why wouldn't everyone who cares about the future want to drive an Susan Barbuto electric car/vehicle. Thanks for you r consideration on this matter Lori Kirchman Please save our planet for future generations! Chris Rose Please support Clean Car standards. Julia Kloehn Please support good air quality for the health and wellbeing of everyone! Please support the Clean cars standard. Every citizen in this country deserves clean air to breathe. Some of my friends with asthma need cleaner air. Jan Rezos Thank you. Please support transitioning our country to clean-energy solutions. Although I am not a resident of Minnesota, I have visited the state many times for business and pleasure and I know how much the environment contributes to the quality of life for residents and visitors. Please do your part to make our world a better place, with a more hopeful goal of Curtis Philbrook building a sustainable future. Please take action to have all vehicles (autos and trucks) manufactured be fully electric powered. Please offer incentives to help people afford and switch to all electric vehicles.

All states can produce electricity from solar and wind. My personal cause is to encourage states to invest in Road Power Generation (RPG). What a great concept of generating electricity from traffic! (Cost- Lynda Phillips effective, clean tech and great paying jobs)! Susan Radosti Please take this major step towards improving our Earth. Ingrid Bangers Please, for our future. Pollutants resulting in climate change adversely effect all people and nature. Other air pollutants don't stay in one place, they move to effect everyone down wind and in surrounding areas where they occur. Those effected have not choice. It is time to take the next step by making Tom Thompson automobiles and other transportation cleaner. Let us all breath safely. Polluting cars will increase our country?s health care costs. Have you read the research on the health damage (lung disease, asthma, heart disease and more) caused by the small particulates released by burning fossil fuels? We can?t afford vehicles that burn fossil fuels?they will Susan Krems impair workers and so damage our economy. Pollution is a public health disaster. Please support the clean cars Jeremy Spiegel standard. Pollution is killing our planet. We must do everything we can to heal our Barbara Blackwood home. Pollution is killing us and you have the technology to reduce it and give Leroy Frankel us all cleaner air to breathe. Pollution of atmosphere affects every living thing on the planet. Eradicating pollution is possible but requires stringent laws and cooperation from every country on Earth. It can be done! The health of humanity around the world will be improved if we will take the first steps ourselves by passing laws and encouraging our allies and friends Joan Combes around the world to do the same. Pollution resulting from fossil fuels is literally killing us. It's way past time to increase our use of renewable energy. Anything less is a direct threat to our way of life and our very existence, along with all of our fellow James Hartley creatures. Producing and driving cleaner cars and trucks is a really impactful way that we can make a dent in emissions and fossil fuel consumption that Julia Bohnen can move us toward a more secure and healthful future. Daniel Jakobovits Protecting our environment is paramount to our health Camille Kershner public transportation means everyone can travel ev... QUIET and clean electric cars and trucks, buses, motorcycles, helicopters, and airplanes are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions and other exhausts will benefit everyone! Public health is important! It matters to EACH of us. We need the Clean Cars rule now! Maynard Clark I support the Clean Cars standard, and so should you! ready to trade my gas vehicles for electric- please do what you can to Andrew Kett help make that happen! Really, EVERYONE wants a CLEAN CAR. Who do you know wants to B Chan keep going to gas stations? Recent research has shown that 1 in 5 deaths worldwide are due to air pollution, and transportation is one of the greatest contributors to air pollution and climate change. We should be doing everything we can to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles for our health and for the Chad Martin planet. Jay Atkinson Reduce pollution by all possible means! Reducing automotive and truck emissions will not only benefit climate Donald W. Henderson, Ph.D. change -- but, it will improve the health of our citizens. Reducing emissions from motor vehicles needs to be our number one Risa Hustad priority for the health and safety of Minnesotans. Reducing emissions from vehicles is a big step toward reducing Lyn Chimera greenhouse gasses. WE need to take the environment more seriousely. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is critical to dealing with climate Gene Jones change. Removing carbon from our planet is the most important step we can take in order to save our environment. We need zero emissions from all of Beverly Pettway our cars! We need Clean Cars For the People and misinformation and corporate corruption OUT of our government. Please pass the cleaner cars rule Robert Wisneski now. Gayle Sanders Respect our planet the good Lord blessed us with. Respectfully, American public transportation is a challenge, at best. Rural people need access to expanded and upgraded infrastructure and environmentally responsible alternative sources of personal and public mass transportation. Each must be thought through when considering to go with something new. OUR nation and world depends upon responsible and ethically sourced alternate options. Electric (and hydrogen) vehicles are solutions to fossil-fuel dependent engines. I encourage you to keep them in mind when fine-tuning and Rita Arena considering the Clean Cars standard. Thank you. Right now, transportation is the #1 cause of climate change pollution. Cars, trucks, and SUVs that run on fossil fuels pollute our air and water. It doesn't have to be this way. Sero emission electric cars, trucks, and buses will benefit everyone -- especially our children -- and save families Gloria Tavera money. Please support the Clean Cars standard, today! Runaway global warming can't possibly be addressed without curtailing Nancy Roberts automobile pollution. Time is of the essence. Save of planet for our children and their children. Use your technology Paul Mokhiber todo the right thing. Save our environment and save us. Or we will all perish. No amount of Ellen Ayalin money can help us then. Save our environment from greed-driven corporate influencers. We must control all emissions including so-called classic cars and trucks. Thank Constance Mckenzie you. Pam Abirached Save our planet! Mary Harrison Save our planet! Sheryl Williams Save our planet. Let's Live more Sustainably. K Peterson Save the planet!!! Saving the environment for future generations is our duty. Younger generations understand the fragile state in which our planet is and hope Rocio Muhs things would change. Scientist are warning our planetary citizens that we have a limited amount of time to reduce the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. If we don't, increasing extremes of winds, flooding, fires, freezing temperatures, rising ocean levels, droughts, destruction of habitats, as well as extinction of many organisms will result. One of many actions we crucially need to take is to reduce vehicle emissions as they are major contributors to CO2 levels that are now over 400ppm. We must get down to 350ppm. Electric vehicles are a must; let's get them in the show rooms in Minnesota and all other states Audrey Kramer ASAP!!!!!! Scientists tell us the doomsday clock sits at 12 seconds to midnight and ticking. When I was born it was more than 7 minutes to midnight. We can't keeping doing everything just as we have that has put us in this precarious position. Fossil fuel use in transportation is one of the contributors to the problem. We must phase out fossil fuels...gasoline and oil wherever we can and as fast as we can. We can't take every car off the road that uses oil or gas but we can stop making them and buying them. it is time to switch to electric cars now, not tomorrow, so Philip Spensley my grandchildren may have a world to grow up in like I did. Sending support from upstate New York, where my family has an all- electric Chevy Bolt and a plug-in hybrid Chrysler Pacifica which we charge with green electricity. I want all Minnesotans to have the opportunity to use EVs which are clean and economical to run and lots Joanne Corey of fun to drive. Shortly we will be running out of a livable environment if we do not act Patrick Conley now. Ron Meier Should be looking at hydrogen, not just electric vehicles. PLEASE Since cars/trucks exhausts are the number one air polluter, we have to make a start here now. Getting off fossil fuels has to be a priority before there is no safe, breathable air. Kathleen Cody Thank you. Suzanne Birch Smells better already-just thinking of it! Susan Wessner So many people have respiratory ailments due to the air we breathe. SO MUCH TALK---AS A TEEN IN THE 60'S--THE TECHNOLOGY IS THERE--BUT OIL & GAS ARE TOO GREEDY TO PUT ANYTHING INTO EFFECT---IT IS ALL ABOUT GREED--AND THE OIL COMPANIES WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TILL THEY HAVE GOTTEN EVERY DROP OUT OF THE GROUND --- AND ARE STILL MAKING MONEY---GREED IS THEIR CREED!!!! THEY COULD CARE LESS Deborah Smith ABOUT CLEAN AIR---JUST MONEY!!!!MORE MORE & MORE Carol Colleran So my grandchildren can live Harwood Ives so obvious that this is the way to go as batteries improve-- So super necessary. Obviously, for a climate and world benefit. But not to the degree that we lose the classic cars of our history. And not just Robert Parker those of the mega rich and feel elite. So that we can all breathe clean air, reduce dependence on fossil fuels Rahul Shah and pave way for new forms of growth. Sherry Rogers So the world can breath better! Pretty simple so please do your part. Drew Politzer Stop fossil fuels. Philip Dooley Stop Global Warming NOW, or nothing else we do will matter. STOP producing ALL dirty Gas Guzzlers and get clean safe vehicles on Stu Farnsworth the road. STOP supporting dirty fuels, they are just to make the super rich even richer. There has been other less pollution technology for a long time, Mary Mckay but due to money it is not being implemented. James Cole Success in Minnesota will be a driver for other states to follow suit. Supporting electric vehicles is supporting local energy. Minnesota imports all of it's oil from other states or from foreign countries. Every time someone fills up in Minnesota, they are sending their dollars somewhere else. Electric vehicles are a big opportunity to create more jobs in Minnesota. My family of six bought an electric car two years ago and the drastically smaller amount of maintance has saved our family so much money. More money for Minnesota, more money for Minnesota Lisa Nelski families. Switching to higher gas mileage, hybrid, or fully electric vehicles is a o Jana Menard brainer. The air we breathe is not up for negotiation, and we all share it. Tailpipe emissions are one of the primary sources of greenhouse gasses. And, unfortunately, the majority of car and truck companies are unwilling to curb these emissions on their own. Our children are already inheriting a world that we have damaged. We need to put practices into play that hopefully will at least limit some of the challenges that they will face in the very near future. Please put some clean car rules into play. The sooner the better. Before Sally Eadie it's to late. Taking a breath of fresh air is so much healthier than breathing polluted Wilma Niemeyer air! The more fresh air the better! Technology now has advanced enough to give us zero carbon emissions that would help Clean the pollution out of the environment. Even Henry Ford knew fossil fuels were a losing gamble & his first cars could run on biofuels. He was a man ahead of his time- he'd be so ashamed of how low greed has brought us!!! Cars could run 75-100+ miles a gallon if greed was taken out of the equation!! Don't you want your kids & grandkids to be able to live & breathe in the decades to come??? You're killing them as you're killing us while you scramble for Jamie Hines every greedy penny you can scrape together! How STUPID is that??! Thank you doing what you can to move this forward for us in a Lisa Porter meaningful way. Thank you for having the courage and fortitude to advance zero Carol Lane emission vehicles available to the masses. Thank you for keeping our air clean by keeping our cars clean! Margaret Slawson We appreciate it. Virgene Link-New Thank you. Margaret Dowdy Thanks for supporting clean cars in the central part of our country! The "car purchase chore" is coming soon. I will favor cleaner choices if Vicki Casarett they are available in the type of vehicle I need. The advantages of electric cars are so overwhelming ,it's imperative that Kevin O Rourke they be promoted. The air I breathe is very important. I have asthma and the cars in San Diego are all around us due to the way the developers build communities with homes all crammed together to put in more houses! Elaine Cefola We need space and cleaner cars, trucks, vans and buses now! Leone Gentner The air I breathe is very personal to me. The air I breathe matters, I do not want your lungs to be the filters to Kjirstin Leach harmful emissions either. The air in Los Angeles has become disgusting. We have very few "Good Air" days. We need cleaner cars and trucks immediately to mitigate this Leslie Mcdowell problem that affects us all. Nancy Austin The air is polluted and getting worse.. Patrick Gray The air is shared by all. Let's make it clean! The air we breath is a huge health issue and the threat of climate Penny Owen change must be addressed with fewer emissions. The air we breathe determines our health! If we can protect the air from Mona Steinach being polluted then we must do all we c an! The auto industry sees the handwriting on the wall and are moving towards all-electric over the coming years. I just recently bought a used Toyota Prius hybrid and will eventually go electric. It HAS to happen for Brian Tingle the sake of the health of this globe we all live on. The CAFE standards can be met now. Automobile companies market the vehicles that they want to sell. We only have our planet we cannot allow automobile manufacturers to deny climate change and continue to Follansbee Mark sell gas guzzlers. The Clean Car standard is important to protect the health and safety of Jan Stuessi all living beings. The Clean Cars MN rule is going to be fantastic for Minnesotans.

Charles Brexel Sr. Thank you for supporting the Clean Cars MN rule. The Clean Cars rule will reduce the amount of dirty, smelly vehicle exhaust that spews into the air from cars, trucks and buses. People will benefit from breathing cleaner air, especially those with lung and heart conditions. In fact, cleaner air will help prevent damage to people's lungs Karen Owens and hearts. The Clean Cars standard is needed now. The evidence was seen at the beginning of the pandemic last year. Few were driving, and the sky was clear We have an electric car, monthly cost is same as cell phone bill. Our other car is a Hybrid. This technology is readily available, and affordable. I chose this route as my daughter?s have lung problems, Let Elizabeth Hagman us make the area better for all of us to breathe! The clean cars standard is so important to me because we all need Jamella Sullivan clean air. Our planet is in crisis. We must act now Paula Grande The Clean Cars standard is the way to go for a healthier future for us all. The Clean Cars Standard is what our nation, our world needs. Please help make it happen and put our world on track for a cleaner future. Chris Riley Your children'children will thank you for this! Chris Riley, Manistee, MI The Clean Cars standard matters to me because I've read the reports of how many people died from air pollution and how it is affecting our Lynn Schommer planet. Lany Clough The Clean Cars standard will benefit us all! Robert Wilson The climate and health The Climate Change crisis needs to be addressed right away. Reducing vehicle emissions will significantly reduce greenhouse gases into the air, Elliot Bronwein and also improve the health of individuals with respiratory disease. The climate crisis just keeps worsening. Everywhere in the country people are experiencing disasters caused by the climate crisis. The world is running out of time. Transportation is a major driver of the crisis. We need to transition to electric vehicles by 2030, not some later date. But to do this people have to have charging infrastructure. I live in California and my city is building that infrastructure. I want Minnesotans to have the same options I have which means having enough charging infrastructure to allow them to buy electric vehicles and be assured that Karen Jacques they will have ways to charge them. The climate emergency is for real, so we must do all we can to mitigate. James Rodell Thank you. James Paul Rodell the concept is simple, to destroy the planet is to destroy life. we NEED this planet; this planet does NOT need us and is, actually and in fact, in Donald Turken a better spot without us. The decrease in pollution during the pandemic is going to end soon, It's been nice being able to breathe!

Let's build on the bonus to help Clean up America and help out the Mary Landrum world. The diesel and gasoline trucks and no vehicular emissions control and open burning make Bozeman a town w/worse air quality than the Bay Ann Rockwell Area california THE EARTH IS CAREENING INTO A CLIMATE CRISIS. FOSSIL Douglas Wilson FUELS ARE A HUGE FACTOR... The earth needs to be protected for all living things to have a place to live. 60 years ago I drove bog American cars. I realized on the mid-70s that we needed to clean up our act. I bought a 2004 used Prius in 2006 to minimize the impact of my car on our environment. I?m still driving a Prius. We each need to do our part to cleanup our environment. May we Bruce all do so. The Earth will endure, but civilization is fragile. I like clean tap water, food abundance, and a warm house. We have to mitigate climate change or we will loose everything we've been working for centuries to Robert Mick achieve. The earth's environmental well being depends on the elimination of fossil fuels. All newly manufactured automobiles in the U.S. should now be hybrids ( a combination of gas and battery electric ) or totally electric. This is 2021 and we now have the technology and there should be no excuse for all auto makers not to sign on to this idea. Good health and Ron Bebb longevity depends on what we eat and what we breathe into our lungs. The effects of our fossil fuel use are devastating our climate and our Teresa Mueller future. The environment matters to me. Clean air and clean water, available to everyone, matter to me. And I want to see them in place now. By the Diana Cowans time the deniers get the idea, it will be too late. The evidence is overwhelming - time Constantine Bogios To act accordingly. The focus must be on clean, sustainable energy sources that would be Eileene Gillson affordable for everyone. Please help to vote for cleaner air and bring electric vehicles to our Monte Lemieux state. We have had the technology to do this for years. It is popular. Now let's Daniel Goguen finally take the initiative and put this into practice. I have had a personal EV for more than 5 years and strongly support the Clean Cars standard. a major step forward protecting our environment and our economy. I urge you to support a change to EV Nathan Shaffer both for personal cars, buses and fleets. Folks in our neighborhood face athsma because of the fine particulate Sean Gosiewski pollution from traffic. Please pass Clean Cars. James Reyes-Rivera Cleaner air is important for for our health and generations to come. Clean Cars provides more choices in selecting vehicles. Now people can Steven Smith have another way to help provide cleaner air, and fewer pollutants. The planet has no time to waste. Please plan to electrify the fleet of government vehicles now, starting with the US postal service. Electric Jessica Mack vehicles are the future and are cheaper to operate. Clean, electric cars & trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality & climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! The Clean Cars MN rule has finally been released. This is a huge step toward cleaning up pollution from cars & trucks in the state, across the Midwest, & the nation. Transportation is the largest source of climate change pollution, & the Clean Cars rule is one piece of the solution. Not only will the program reduce climate change pollution, it will also result in significant consumer savings, cleaner air, & healthier families.

Opponents contend that it will limit choice for drivers. But in reality, the Clean Cars rule will increase the availability of low and zero-emission vehicles -- many of which are currently unavailable without special ordering from east & west coast states. Please ensure the Clean Cars rule is passed to support climate action, clean air, & more electric Fred Houdek vehicles. Michael Gelfer The future is now The future of ALL living things on the planet will be affected by climate change. Action must be taken NOW to slow it's effects before are past Michael Hormel the point of no return & the earth will become unlivable. The future of our children (& the planet) is more important than short- Nate Pakan term profits. The future of the environment will dictate how current and future generations survive ... Clean energy is necessary - especially with Paul Frank transportation!!! The health of all Americans and the world depend on addressing climate Emily Dickinson-Adams change. The health of each of us and our families is the most basic of human Philip Hernick rights and the obligation of our government to secure. The internal combustion engine will inevitably die as fossil fuels continue to decline. Adopting this progressive approach will jump start the process of making clean cars more affordable for all. Instead of limiting choice as some contend it will instead allow greater choice for many by Matt Russell removing barriers. The last car I purchased 10 years ago was a hybrid that gets 40 miles Jill Wagner per gallon. I purchased it because I believe we must get off gasoline driven cars. Electric cars were not available then. I will only consider an electric car when I purchase my next car. I don't want my children to believe the Boomers left them with climate destruction. Nancy Pope The less pollution from our cars the better the earth will be. The Midwest needs clean cars even more than drivers on the coasts! Our winter driving requires the leading-edge developments from these Greta Gaard new models. We are ready to make the switch! The misery of the pandemic pales compared with the disasters of climate change. We know it, even those who deny it. The Clean Cars Ursula Korneitchouk standard should long have been established and observed! The more people who realistically have the option to choose electric the more people will save on gas and the cleaner our air - helping to reduce major diseases that greatly harm quality of life and results in burdensome health care costs. More electric vehicles also mean we can better take charge of limiting extreme weather from warming including Evan Oakley extremely costly, dangerous droughts, floods, and storms. Crystal Brunelli The more states that join, the more incentive for car makers to adapt. The move to totally electric cars is long long overdue. State and local governments need to wake up to the reality of pollution and all the damage that it does ...this pollution is generated to a great extent by Janet Pattison automobiles. The nation is watching with eager anticipation on your success. Auto makers are already vying for position in global EV competition expecting to convert substantially away from fossil fuel transportation. Minnesota Richard Hill can become our national leader. Good luck to you all! The natural world is dying. It is shortsighted and selfish to continue Maryfrances Careccia relying on fossil fuels! Shameful! The need to address air pollution in our State of Minnesota has never been more urgent. The recent poor air quality measures that were made public reveal we Minnesotans have a long way to go to provide cleaner air for this and subsequent generations. Please consider the Clean Car standard and see it for what it is as an opportunity for MORE choice for consumers and a way to improve access to cleaner cars for the average Minnesotan. Thank you for your Steven Mills attention to this important issue. The need to breathe is essential to human life. Once experience the widespread asthma and allergies prevalent in Texas, you learn to appreciate clean air even more. Promoting clean cars will allow people to avoid high health bills and possibly even save lives. Please rule for Larry Day clean cars. The next car we buy, we plan to buy a hybrid or all-electric car. We need to get greenhouse gasses down, so the environment can start recovering from global warming. Enforcing standards helps motivate manufacturers to create environmentally-friendly cars. It's what the Karen Corley people want! Marjorie Cogan The next generations deserve to be able to breathe. The only people who don't want clean energy cars are dirty minded Michall Folk people. The only way to do this is to quit using fossil fuel! provide charging Tom Webster stations and help finance electric vehicles! The only way we can make an impact to prevent climate change is to reduce the use of petroleum in cars and move towards electric cars and Beverly Konieczny trucks. The past is past. For earth and life to survive, we must live in the present Janet Lagassee and work for the future of all life. The planet and its citizens need a clean environment. Please support Debbie Lane this Clean Car standand! Gloria Kopke The planet needs our intelligent guidance in this issue! The president needs to put pressure on the auto industry to get serious about electric or battery operated cars! It's holding up our need to move into not depending on so much oil and gas cars! Europe is already working on batteries that have a longer life span and Europe is also working on solutions for cutting out the use of gasoline for airplanes. We Joan Lindgren can do this too! The public has long accepted and paid for new car models, and for style besides progress. Less polluting cars are necessary. This new car is as Katherine Holmes required as air bags for health and planet welfare. The public is behind measures that move our society towards more Sarah Burt clean energy and less pollution. The quality of our health is inextricable from the quality of our natural resources--we must give all life a fighting chance for good health by reducing our negative impact on our environment. More clean vehicles Aleks Kosowicz please! Darrel Snyder The regulation would be a model for other states to similarly put in place. Clara Guerrero The right thing to do for our environment. The science is real. This is such an important component of slowing Jean Crocker down climate change. The science on climate change and the science regarding adverse health effects due to air pollution is clear. Automobiles are a chief contributor to these problems and I strongly support the move to cleaner Todd Davis alternatives. Beau Bushor The sooner we do this. The better it will be for the World. The sooner we get on board with clean cars and trucks the sooner our economy can grow from the inevitable savings from not making huge Laura Holm pollution problems!!! The sooner we phase out gasoline and diesel the better, for the planet John Lorand and for ourselves and our children, grandchildren, and their offspring. Nancy Henderson the switch to clean transport must happen soon for all to benefit! Morgan Kirschbaum The time for this was years ago. The time has arrived to forego our time immemorial fossil fuels cars...! When we all know that clean EV's are the answer, why are we hesitating to make the switch...? Manufacturers have done their best to give us many choices for an electric vehicle, and it is up to us to do the work to Stephen Hackney know about the technology...! Don't wait... go EV...! The time to act is now. We must make necessary changes to help improve our air quality and mitigate for climate change. I am fortunate to be able to own a plug-in hybrid which allows me to do all my around town driving on electric. I love it and look forward to moving to an all Wendy Holzman electric vehicle soon. The transportation sector is the leading source of carbon emissions that pollute our air and create life-threatening climate instabilities. To preserve a livable planet for future generation of Minnesotans, I want our state to do everything possible in the next five years to reduce emissions. Supporting clean cars and trucks is a feasible and critical Melissa Partin way to make a huge impact. The transportation sector produces about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. We know we cannot curtail such emissions enough without a massive switch to electric vehicles. But since we can do it and since we must do it, let's just do it! I want my grandchildren to have a future climate they can actually survive in ... and much cleaner air would be a William Schoene huge collateral benefit as well. THE US Government at all levels needs to buy & use ONLY electric Sandra Cobb vehicles. The public will follow soon, with the Clean Cars rule. The US needs to lead the technology race for the next 100 years. We Daniel Anderson cannot afford to fall behind. The USA needs to do everything it can, in every way, to make us Reese Forbes pollution-free. The vehicles we drive are adding a huge amount of CO2 to the atmosphere, and we can do a lot better --- with the move to electric Mathew Webber vehicles and THE CLEAN CARS RULE. Thanks! Mathew Webber Nancy Kimble The very future of our planet is at stake. We must act now!!!! The world and yes the United States, needs to switch away from fossil fuels, further fracking, natural gas wells and coal. Scientists from around the world, are indeed sounding the alarms, a tipping point is being reached, one not unlike one of the last Great Extinction Events, during what's called, the Precambrian Mass Extinction, die off event and 90% of species on the planet died due to Remy Gessinger massive amounts of CO'2 had been released There are no excuses to not make ALL vehicles Electric ASAP. Thomas Burt Thank you!! There is no downside to eliminating tailpipe emissions-it saves families money and saves the planet! As a consumer, I want cleaner options and I want to do my part to help the Earth. The Clean Cars Standard helps Melissa Johnson me and other with this. There is no future for this planet without clean air and clean water. We have to start somewhere and the Clean Cars standard is the least we Margie Natale-Cercone can do to try and reverse all the damage that has already been done. Sharon Callahan There is no issue more important than climate change. There is no other choice if we want a livable planet, than to go full Eric Eisenberg electric now. Cathleen Weston There is no other way to reverse the damage done by humans Dianne Lane There is no Planet B. There is no time left to say later. We have to make major progress in Darlene Wyatt reducing car pollution. There is no reset button for this earth. No supreme being is going to Dan Iverson save us from ourselves. Nadine Ancel There is not time to wait to protect the environment. There is very little time left, if any, to take corrective action and make a M. Royce real differnce. We need to MOVE! There just aren't enough clean vehicle options available to meet the Rexi Warner huge range of needs for individual drivers and families. There was a time when burning fossil fuel seemed like a constructive undertaking. That time is past. We now know the harm to our planet caused by burning fossil fuel, and now it is clear we must accelerate the transition to clean fuels. Claims that the transition must be gradual are simply wrong. The Clean Cars standard is an example of where the transition can be expedited and help save our planet and every person Frederick Duhring and creature living. There's no reason we shouldn't have this all over the country, all over the world, really. but if we have to fight for it state by state, we will! Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and clean water to drink ? and none of it stays within borders! Remember the water cycle from elementary school? Remember WIND? Yeah, those still apply!Not to mention that omissions from one place contribute to the climate crisis Elisabeth Thomas affecting everyone else in the world, too! Please Pass this rule! There's only one Earth, our home. Humanity can't continue neglecting this precious planet, prioritizing our own interests above those of other species and generations of people yet to come! The Clean Cars standard represents a major step in the right direction to ensure we, as a society, live more harmoniously with the Earth, as opposed to scarring, Kevin Cresswell staining, and tramping all over it blindly as most of us currently do! These cars have got to keep getting cheaper so more of us can buy Jeannine Laverty them!!! Crucial. These decisions will impact the future of our climate for generations to Laurie Mulcahy come. These past few years have shown the devastating impact that climate change is already wreaking on our planet. We need to act now if we want our children and grandchildren to have a safe world in which to Carlene Kremmerer live. They are better for us and the environment - please work toward gas Jill Madsen and diesel-free vehicles They ask me to add ?why this matters to me? and I ask ?why in heaven?s name WOULDN?T it?! I care for others as well as myself; that usually means that I am taking care of myself as well as them by it. How Lisa Canning do we decide bad air is ok for anyone?! They will significantly reduce the health impacts of lung disease and much more..... and help reduce the destructive impacts of emissions on Barbara Warren our climate. Michael Rosen Think of the children! Arlene Corona Think of the kids who need a healthy planet. Think what American car companies could have now if the electric car of decades ago had not been cancelled. It is time to put the air we breath and the planet we live on first and develop affordable electric/ alternative Margaret Neumann really clean energy vehicles. This could be a model program for all states to follow. And it started in Elizabeth Biliske Minnesota!!! David Edwards This expresses my feelings exactly! This is a chance to introduce the Clean Cars standard into vehicles - and Melinda Jones we should take it!! This is a change so that we (all sentient beings) will have a future. Without taking steps toward sustainable and restorative and regenerative technologies our future will be extinction.... this step is in Elizabeth Maxwell the right direction. ? This is a critical step in moving away from climate disaster. We must David Hegdahl have clean, fossil fuel free svehicles now this is a good starting additional greater imperative is creating the transportation infrastructure so that we eventually become less Claudia Goff reliant on individual cars... C Clark This is a great way to help protect our planet Earth. Mary Lyda This is a major way to clean up our air and cut back on climate change. Robert Roth This is a no brainer, fossil fuels need to go the way of the dinosaur! This is a step toward less pollution in the atmosphere, and that is of Diana Covington critical importance if we are to retain life on this planet. Judi Trecartin This is a very important issue and needs to be addressed This is a very important step along the road to a cleaner, healthier, and Douglas Miller safer climate! This is a win-win, for near-term human health, and long-term Mark Wright preservation of life of planet Earth. This is absolutely necessary! I urge you to support the Clean Cars Joaninha Joaninha standard in Minnesota. Thank you. Norman Herron This is all about clean air- so vital to our health. This is an absolute necessity. We must do this and more so future Michael Gilham generations are not left, literally, up the creek. This is an important issue because of global warming. We humans need to look at all of the ways our behavior effects planet Earth. Clean Cars and Trucks would assist in protecting the planet from the harsh fumes Rene Mcintyre from combustion engine vehicles. This is an important issue because we all deserve cleaner air, and anything we can do to improve the environment will come back 10 fold. what we don't do only takes that much longer to repair. why not do it right the first time. That's a lesson from my Dad, who passed 3 yrs ago. Debra Albaugh he always said, if your going to do something, do it right the first time. This is an opportunity for you to lead the nation in protecting the future for our children and grandchildren. As a father and grandfather I ask you Harold Jacobowitz to take this historic action. This is extremely important because we need cleaner air and cleaner energy sources and with electric vehicles we will reduce air pollution, Emily Evangelista climate pollution, and dependence on imported dirty oil!!! Elliot Gordon This is important - for everyone living - and for all future generations. Linda Mcbride This is important for Minnesotans. This is important to me because combating climate change requires that Fran Alcantara everybody do his/her part. EVs are one good way to do this. This is important to me because I want to leave the earth a better place for my children and grandchildren. Fighting climate change by eliminating fossil fuels and transitioning to clean energy sources is the most important way to do that. It scares me that many people are either in denial about climate change or not making an effort to become informed and engaged. That means those of us who are aware and concerned need to work harder to make the transition. The earth is such a beautiful home, and it was entrusted to our care. Imagine it restored to Peggy Rinard its former glory! Tim Lubin This is one big step we can take to save the planet. Andrew Willman This is our best chance to stop climate change This is our home and we?ve got to keep it cleaner! Our lives and all life Sue Costoff depends on it! This is not a drill, this is real! This is our only home. We need to help clean the air as much as Kim Hani possible, not make things worse. This is really a no-brained: we need to do all we can to promote clean Feather Sedam air! This is so important for our communities now and far into the future. We need to protect the lungs of our children and youth, and the climate for Elizabeth Glusman our future family members. Please put peoples' long-term well being and ability to survive before short-term profit margins and empty promises of jobs and economic well being. This is so vital if we are to have any chance of slowing climate change. Clean transportation should not be a dream anymore. Please make this Joanne Harkins reality! Thank you! this is survival of our species (and thousands more).....and a chance to Tim Brainerd save some measure of suburban life. This is the only way forward to protect everyone, now and in the future! Especially on behalf of my year own nephew, I am asking you to support Kathleen Kellett the Clean Cars standard. This is the only way that we can begin to turn the tide on climate change. It's CRITICALLY important! And I get that the fossil fuel industry is going to cry foul and scream bloody murder. Too bad - they've raped the planet long enough. THEY should be the ones paying restorative Louise McClure fees to establish charging stations across the country! Jonathan Hancock This is the right way to go for our future. This is the time to do it!! Nancy Boyce Thank you Peter Booth Lee This is the way of the future. This is very important for our children's future, and the future of the Ken Langslow world! We need more clean cars, clean energy and a clean world! James Franzi This is what we have to do for All of us to have a future This isn't just an environmental issue that impacts the climate. It impacts health. I know from living in a city and then getting out of the city that it not only feels different when you breathe, it feels different on your actual skin to be in cleaner air. Moving toward zero emission vehicles is Krissa Schandelmaier necessary to helping clean our air. This issue matters to me because I have five grandchildren, aged 3 to 10 y.o. (and a sixth due April 22nd), two of whom have asthma. I fight to help give them a ?cleaner? future. We all need to come together to fight against the climate emergency that Joseph Tonini we are in. Joanna Winship This matters for helping curb the horrors of climate change! This matters for so many reasons, not the least being the air we breathe Lori Buckler and the effect of exhaust fumes on climate change. This matters to me as I have asthma. Besides that we need to leave a Joy Poston clean, safe and affordable planet to those that follow. Donald Plunk This matters to me because air pollution affects everyone. Cynthia Rea This matters to me because I want to breathe clean air! This matters to me because it is a step in the right direction towards reducing carbon emissions. The biggest threat to all living beings on earth is climate change--if enough measures are not taken soon enough, then we will be a faster track to extinction. It would also be extremely helpful to assist lower income people in being able to afford electric/alternative energy vehicles. While I support electric cars and clean power and infrastructure for them, I doubt that I would be able to Marilyn Lohr afford one anytime soon. This matters to me because of my children, step-children and Gail Ryall grandchildren, who will be here long after I am gone. This matters to me because the people I love and I all deserve clean air to breathe so we don't develop asthma, heart and lung problems, etc. Karen Lull Please clean our air. This matters to me because transportation is one of the most effective Kristi Papenfuss ways of combating climate change! Please pass Clean Cars MN! This move will benefit our health, our economy and our security for Nancy Hepp decades! This move will not take jobs from autu makers; they?ll still make cars. This move won?t take jobs from fossil fuels; it?s time to transition those Ms. Shawn Troxell jobs to clean renewable resources. Marc Lemaire This needs to happen NOW, not in another 40 years. This planet is our only home. She needs our help to re-establish a balance that insures a safe, vibrant, healthy environment for future generations. To that end I support the move toward cleaner cars, trucks and SUVs. I would like nothing better than knowing that we worked Marge Allende together to give the gift of a healthy Earth to pass on. Joan Ollom This planet is the only home we have, and we need to take care of it! This rule will benefit consumer choice for Minnesotans greatly. Interest in electric vehicles has grown. With air pollution and climate change harming public health, we must act to reduce car pollution, the largest contributor in the state. This rule will be good for consumers, economic growth, and the environment. Minnesota has a chance to be the first state in the Midwest to enact this forward-thinking rule, and we should Emilie Wille take that opportunity. This should be important to everyone! We are killing the earth. We all need to push for improving the environment. This would be a game Judy Luccki changer!! This should to every responsible human on this planet ! We can not live Leeanna Sewell with out clean Air ..make a change for our future now... This standard will reduce carbon emissions for cleaner air, reducing pollution for businesses and families. Cleaner cars contribute to healthier people, a more stable environment in the face of unprecedented climate change, reduced dependence on foreign oil, and simpler car designs that leave fossil fuels in the ground. As Iowans, we are strongly in favor Kurt And Christ Kleinschnitz of Midwest availability of electric, non-polluting vehicles. Jack Zeilenga This the right step forward for the environment and the economy. This was an effort suppressed more than 20 years ago by petroleum interests and vehicle manufacturers. Let's make this happen for the benefit of our children's children and for the sake of the entire planet. Catharine McEachern This would be an important step towards lowering our carbon footprints. This, like numerous other issues (climate change, gun safety, immigration reform, prison reform, education reform, short-term lending regulation, healthcare reform, banking regulation, opioid regulation) remains a vexing problem primarily due to corporations' ability to curry favor with elected officials. The corrupting influence of money in our political system is undermining our democratic traditions and discouraging Americans from voting and/or running for office. This ominous development may well end our experiment in representative democracy unless we alter this decades-long trend. For the sake of the republic, we must amend the US Constitution to state that corporations are not people (and do not have constitutional rights) and money is not speech (and thus can be regulated by state and/or federal campaign finance laws). Short of accomplishing this, no other reform of James Klein significance will be achieved. Those of us in Rural America need to be able to have reliable transportation. Continued development and availability of electric options Chris Hill is necessary to heal our world. J. Eggers Time is flying by, and we are ALL in danger from the "Dirty" Fuels! Time is of the essence. We should not wait or accept escalating Douglas Conant problems created by fossil fuels. Time is running out -this step will make an immediate difference in Paula Kwakenat carbon emissions. Bobbie Knight Time is running out for fossil fuels. James Heindl Time is running out to clean up our environment! Julia Hart Time to clean up our act! Time to move into sustainability and 21st century jobs! Get rid of fossil Pam Reeves fuels an move toward a greener world. To buy only electric cars, not gazoline ones, yes it's very important, while leaving the ancient one still on the road for people who can't afford Mijanou Bauchau to change. To confront climate change, we must reduce greenhouse gas pollution, increase carbon sequestration, and advance the science and practice of climate adaptation to minimize climate impacts on people and wildlife, Chad Chandler while maximizing economic benefits from clean energy. To HELL with the Fools for Fossil Fuels and their precious profits uber all. We must do EVERYthing possible to avert the climate disasters literally in the pipeline -- from building truly clean, green cars to ending our use of fossil fuels (including for plastics), and from reducing deforestation to embracing regenerative agriculture.

I don't even own a car and haven't for years; I'm lucky to live in a European city where I can bike both to work and to the grocery store throughout the year. And when I buy a new car someday, it will most definitely be the greenest vehicle I can possibly afford.

If we love our kids and grands, WE MUST MAKE DRASTIC CHANGES Beth Jones, Expat TO OUR SOCIETY, or consign them to a doomed future. To improve the air, environment and future generations. Let's get this Jo-Ann Payne done across the US. Jim Moseman To our children To protect the future of our planet and the health of our people and our Frank Orifici world Too many people die each year due to fossil fuel particulates in the air we breathe! Also, our fossil fuel emissions are adding more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, thus exacerbating climate change! It?s past Thomas Sanger time for significant change! Too much time has passed and too little has been done to prevent global climate change. The time is NOW to do whatever we can, Sandy Mishodek including manufacturing cleaner cars, and the infrastructure needed. Richard Bower Transportation is a major source of pollution and climate degradation. Transportation is one of the key areas that need to be made greener & it Martha Cottle is one of the simplest to fix. Transportation is our country's largest source of climate change pollution. It is an existential threat to humans and all other species. It's Diana Brainard imperative we address this threat now! For me, personally, as a rural Minnesotan, I do need to drive to get supplies and to plow myself out. I would like to do my part to improve the environment by driving an EV. Please make more clean cars & trucks available now! Transportation is the #1 cause of climate change pollution, but we?re on the brink of a clean car revolution: zero emission electric cars, trucks, and buses will benefit everyone and save families money. Unfortunately, whether you can access an electric car or truck depends strongly on where you live, and you can help change this. The Clean Cars Minnesota rule is a huge step toward cleaning up pollution from cars and trucks in the state, across the Midwest, and the nation.

Not only will the program reduce climate change pollution, it will also result in significant consumer savings, cleaner air, and healthier families. Opponents contend that it will limit choice for drivers. But in reality, the Clean Cars rule will increase the availability of low and zero-emission vehicles, many of which are currently unavailable without special ordering from east and west coast states.

Eliminating tailpipe emissions will benefit everyone. I urge you to make Carol Kosman sure the Clean Cars rule is passed. Transportation is the #1 cause of climate change pollution. Cars, trucks, and SUVs that run on fossil fuels pollute our air and water.

Clean, electric cars and trucks are one of the best ways to improve our air quality and climate change pollution. Eliminating tailpipe emissions Kathleen Corby will benefit everyone! We need the Clean Cars rule now! Transportation is the #1 greenhouse gas polluter. Let's fix that now with Benjamin Wolf clean cars & trucks. Ted Rees transportation is the biggest emitter of excess CO2 by people. Transportation is the greatest green house gas polluter. Let's do Cindy Davenport something about it now with Clean Cars. Transportation is the industry contributing the most to greenhouse gas pollution in the U.S., and it's threatening our health too. Pollution-free Rosemary Agneessens cars can make a difference. Transportation is the largest source of climate change pollution, and the Clean Cars rule is one piece of the solution. Not only will the program reduce climate change pollution, it will also result in significant consumer savings, cleaner air, and healthier families.

Opponents contend that it will limit choice for drivers. But in reality, the Clean Cars rule will increase the availability of low and zero-emission vehicles -- many of which are currently unavailable without special ordering from east and west coast states.

Help make sure the Clean Cars rule is passed. Comment now to support Kelley Keisch climate action, clean air, and more electric vehicles! Transportation pollution is the largest source of air pollution in the U. S. Janice L Myers We Must switch to Electric Now so we can survive. It?s that simple! Transportation, especially including the use of personal automobiles and light trucks, is a major contributor to climate change pollutants. The impact of this over-use of fossil fuel powered devices has been made starkly apparent in the recent disastrous cold spell in Texas. Excessive amounts of unnaturally warmed air over Siberia and elsewhere pushed Arctic cold air down across central North America. We MUST have much Jeff Schimpff cleaner vehicles! Vehicle pollution affects local air quality and contributes to climate change. We now have alternatives to internal combustion engine vehicles that would alleviate those issues. It just makes sense to transition to cleaner options - EVs - for the sake of health and resilience Katie Jones in Minnesota. Vehicles with combustion engines are the greatest emitters of CO2 - We must do everything we can to transition to all electric vehicles powered Steven Preston by renewable sources. Evan Jane Kriss Vehicular traffic is the greatest contributor to global warming. Dominique Meyers Waiting for an affordable EV SUV or pickup truck for my Vermont life. Walking the talk. my next car will be electric. we need to minimize carbon emissions from cars and trucks. we have the technology. we Michael Carter need the desire to do it NOW. Wars over immigration due to rising sea levels will kill billions and be Richard Newmark catastrophic in Central America. Way to go ----- we must go to eco friendly cars to meet the demands Sheila Calderon necessary to reduce our carbon footprint. we need to meet our climate change goals and lower CO2 emissions! Kathleen M. Vandiver The future of our grandchildren are as stake. WE S T O P T H E B U R N I N G OR WE D O N O T S U R V I V E !!! THIS IS O B V I O U S !!! Stephen Bailey S T O P T H E B U R N I N G !!! Roy Ferguson We " all " need clean air to breath ! We absolutely have to address climate change. EVs and the infrastructure to support them are one of the best ways to address this. Michael Nash Take a leadership roll and pass this important rule. We absolutely need low emissions and zero emission vehicles and look G G Johnson forward to a cleaner future. Sheila Pereira We all breath air and cars now pollute too much. William Cromwick We all depend upon a livable and clean environment. We all need and deserve clean air to live a healthy life. Not air Mike Conley cintaminated by auto emissions. Laurie Stelljes We all need clean air to breathe We all need clean air to breathe and electric cars will help as they Anne Bastian replace fossil fuel carS Elaine Becker We ALL need Clean Air! Allen Bohnert We ALL need CLEAN AIR! Simple s that! We all need to become more aware of the limitations of our beautiful planet. We cannot continue to mine, cut, dig and change our home without hurting all living beings and the planet Earth itself. One of the Annie Grewe best things we can do is switch to renewable energy. Cathy Valley We all need to breathe clean air We all need to breathe clean air and this clean cars are essential to Ellen Halbert clean air! Dale And Pamela Wright We all need to breathe clean, not dirty, air. Make it happen! We all need to breathe to live. Let's respect that need and keep it cleaner and still enjoy driving when pblic transportation is not feasible. Eledtric cars will be great. Let's keep more of them coming and make it Linda Gallaher-Brown practical for everyone to drive one. We all need to pressure and reverse the last presidency decisions to not protect all people from harm. That man was an archaic symbol of the Eva Dayan past and needs to be removed from the air we breathe forever!!!! Siobhan Ulreich-Power We all need to work together to reduce pollution! We all share the air. There is literally no way to escape our ever-present need for clean breathable air. Our world is quickly becoming toxic in almost every way imaginable, water, food chains, and even the air that surrounds us. My respiratory health has radically declined since moving into a city. We need drastic sweeping action to avoid ca climate disaster. Any steps towards this goal should obviously outweigh the economic gains of commerce and commuting. We can't work and function as a Robb Sturtcman society if we can't breath or face climate catastrophes on a daily basis. We all should get behind the movement toward clean energy for transportation. It benefits every sector of our economy and the public Diane Bruegge health. Let's do this ! We all strive to breathe clean air. More electric vehicles on the road and Ronald Schoenewolf less gas guzzlers will help in that endeavor. We also need the state of Wisconsin to drop the licensing surcharge for Nicholas Wiedenhoeft owning an electric vehicle. We Americans desperately need to reduce global warming. Your Ellen Dollar standards are a giant step in the direction. We are way late on taking a stand for clean car standards so we need to Jeannie Hubbard expedite playing catch up We are close to achieving a cleaner air quality in our lifetimes, I think this is important to everyone, I know it is to me. I plan on purchasing a new vehicle in the next two years, and I will be purchasing an electric truck. Tim Miller This will be a big change for me, but I am willing to do it. We are driving 3 Toyota Prius' in our family. We are hoping the prices for electric cars comes down over the next few years so we can join that group. We believe we are all responsible for protecting our environment and improving the air that we breathe. Children and compromised JoAnn Solov individuals are especially vulnerable, and I am one of the latter. Alex Burns We are in a climate emergency. We are in a global crisis that we have ignored for too long already. If we Craig Kirby care about our children it's time to clean up their environment. We are in a pandemic, and having extreme storms affecting the whole USA, I personally am experiencing sea level rise and am having my road cut off frequently by king . This is all directly a result of fossil fuels Laura Gray and gas guzzling cars. We are in the process of destroying the ecosystems needed to support Charlie Palmgren human life. Enough is enough. End fossil fuel vehicles. We are inching our way toward greater climate consequences as a result of our long standing irresponsiblity. We should have been aggressively working on this issue 30 years ago, but since we can't turn back the clock, all we can do now is make major changes going forward Daniel Rogalny and hope for the best. We are killing ourselves and our environment so we need to do Cathy Strobel-Ayes something differently. We are killing ourselves with air pollution. We need to have zero- emission vehicles soon in order to meet the 2050 standards set forth by the Paris Accord. There is no time to lose. We must set standards with the auto industry and educate the public as to how crucial this change is. People do not want to be inconvenienced or try something new, but it's Luci Wright vital for our world to survive and their grandchildren to flourish. We are long past due having clean cars that are affordable for families. Sandra Varvel Now is the time to seriously persue this change. We are long past overdue to make a transition to clean sources of energy. There must be more of a sense of urgency to move toward Matthew Cremer electric powered vehicles in order to curb greenhouse gas emissions. We are looking at buying a hybrid until the electric cars have longer Joellen Rudolph ranges. Gasoline engines need to be phased out a ASAP. Sherry Andresen We are loving our Electric car We are on the brink of environmental disaster - let's clear that passibility from our future by taking some clear and simple action with vehicle Margaret Lanterman pollution. We are out of time to address climate change and we are already paying a steep price for our inaction. Clean cars and trucks would be a big step forward. We need to take it and continue taking bold action to save our Jean Thompson own lives and all living creatures on earth. We are raising our children to believe this country is exceptional? let?s show it. I?ll be purchasing my first EV this year? can?t wait to set a good Sarah Roland example. We are rapidly, radically changing the entire climate system of the only Daniel Gates world in the entire universe that we know has life. Do something. We are running out of time to address the impacts of climate change -- Linda Andreasen and need to act now. I support the Clean Cars standard!! Linda Oster We are running out of time! We are shopping for our next car, a hybrid. It?s one step closer to a Lois Grossman cleaner environment. We are so eager to own an electric car. The new standard will help more with more vehicle choices, more purchases and cleaner air. We are fully Linda Sorensen onboard! Neil Michael Cloyd We are stewards for earth. We are under a severe time limit to slow Climate Change! And it looks like it's 10 years or less!! For our children and grandchildren, folks, we OWE them this much! We MUST do everything in our power to hold back future calamity. For future generations - ACT NOW!! Or we may be Virginia Ramey too late!! We bought a 2001 Prius, now a 2014. 47 years ago we bought our home near Lake Phalen, where we swim with our granddaughters, canoe, ski, and do HIIT. In February of 2017 I signed an agreement with All Energy Solar to place 22 panels on our roof. We want our next car to be our battery. Our grand girls are athletes, as is our whole family. We breathe deeply daily. I grew up on a dairy farm where the crop dust, anhydrous ammonia leaking from a tank, and gasoline fumes while I filled the tractor tanks were my lungs' hazards. Now we live 2 blocks from Maryland Ave. and a few miles from I-94 and 35E. Whether we're "safe" or not isn't the biggest concern I have. All my neighbors should be safe from air (and engine noise) pollution, and the most harmful effects of the weather chaos our use of fossil fuels has brought us and our world. The most striking Climate Change event I've seen was on an island in Fiji we visited. A bulldozer was making a new site up the Stuart Knappmiller mountain for the homes. We bought a used electric vehicle 3 years ago and think it is the only David Howd way to go. The issues of range and charging will be resolved in time. We bought our Nissan Leaf in 2011--the year they came out--and still love it! What a fun car; w call her "zippy" because like all electric Ann Sextro vehicles, she is Fast! And, once you don't need to go to a gas station, you never want to go to one again. Last year we decided to replace our gas van with a hybrid one (would have gotten all electric if we could have). Like the Leaf, our Chrysler Pacifica is a great vehicle. Love it too. Next year, we'll be looking to get another all electric car that gets more mileage than the Leaf. And just to be clear, we will never buy another fossil fuel only vehicle again. We can all do this. My next vehicle will be electric. I hope it will be long range and all wheel drive. I'm ready to make the next set of changes. Joanne Chase Let's do this! we can all help heal the planet in our own little way as we embrace clean technologies - electric vehicles is an easy first step for a lot of Randy Crawford families We can make the entire transit sector clean. We have the technology now. We need to build the infrastructure. Most important we need to will Phyllis Blumberg and determination to do this. We can no longer deny that fossil fuel has devastating impacts on the health of the environment, humans, and other animals. We have the ability to develop and fully implement technology that is gentler to the the health of the planet and all who dwell on it. it is not only possible, it is Amy Barankovich our moral obligation to do so as stewards of the earth. We can put men and women in space for months, land robots on Mars and golf on the moon, you can't tell me we can't take better care of our Home, the Earth. Time to think of generations to come, and stop being so damn self-centered as adults. Education priorities must change Len Greenwood drastically. Judith Wierzbowski We can reduce our pollution if we switch to cleaner cars. We can shift the industry and maintain the economy of it with innovation. I am aware that many years ago the technology to operate cars was discovered in Detroit. This involved reverse magnetics. As I understand this, the government blocked this, took the discovery and applied it to . I know there already exists many ways to move us forward with green technology. This can no longer be about protecting industries. The planet is at stake. With new tech it is easier to redesign, retool, retrain, incorporate AI, re-create, and market a transportation system that serves all at less cost for the planet and humans. This approach has moved this country forward since its founding. Yes, we have made mistakes, but we can right what is wrong. Pioneering change Karli Grace now is paramount. Our lives depend on this! We can?t afford to wait and need to start facilitating the broader adoption of electric vehicles now. The Clean Cars rule would be a major Sean Hojnacki step forward to that necessary objective. We can't afford to wait for clean options to become the norm -- our very health and lives depend on it! Please act now to move our country Amy Chisholm toward greener alternatives to traditional gas-powered vehicles today! We can't afford to wait to move to green energy because our world has Frances Hickey an existential crisis in global warming. We can't afford to wait. We can't ignore the facts that clean energy is what is needed in all areas of life. Cars, trucks, planes, boats, manufacturing plants etc. Do what is necessary to secure our future. The time is now! Our earth is out of options. We need to stop the abuse for the sake of profit and start acting like the crisis is real! All of us are in this together. We all need to do our Toni Roberti part. We are not living in the dark ages so lets not act like it. We can't keep stalling and saying it's too expensive or people will loss their jobs. Climate change is a global crisis and we all need to do our Leticia Romero part to begin looking to a world that does not depend on fossil fuels! Sharon Wolfsohn We can't wait anymore to take action. We care a lot about the environment, and although we are limited by age for such things as solar panels, we have tried to be conscious of helping. We are driving our third hybrid car, and each one has gotten better than the one before it. But never, has the industry done much to encourage others to buy these cars. They would certainly help improve Marcia Bailey the gas mileage before we get to all electric cars. We collectively need to head down the path of reducing harmful pollution into our air for our bodily health and the health of the planet. The sooner Lorraine Gerstmann the better. We desperately need to transition to clean, renewable, sustainable Frank Perruccio energy sources now!!! We don't have time to waste with the climate crisis already making itself Diane Gioe apparent to us. We need to clean up our cars, trucks, and SUVs now! We don't have another place to live. If we don't quit using fossil fuels we will cause our own extinction. Renewable energy is the solution of the Donald Tenhagen future We don't have enough clean vehicle options. Support the Clean Cars Laura Malchow-Hay rule! We don't have the luxury of time to let our air get dirtier, we must act Sally Downing now. Thank you Larry Trochtenberg We don't need more dirty air. We drive a plug in hybrid. We have kids and grand kids. It is important Ernie Williams for all of us to clean up the environment for not only us but the future. We drive a plug-in hybrid vehicle and charge it from our solar panels. If charging stations were as widely accessible as gas stations, we could feel confident purchasing an all-electric vehicle to further support the Barbara And Jim Dale environmental changes so greatly needed. We enjoy our electric car. We need more clean cars and trucks and Hillary Tiefer charging stations! We got an EV this past summer and love it! We would love to put solar panels on our house next and charge our car with the sun! I hope to give more people access and information about EVs and how they clean up our air and save people money (and health) in the long run. I support the Allison Phipps Clean Cars standard! We gotta start bigger better sometime. This pollution thing is realllllyyyy bad karma for all us Earth Dwellers. It's Clean Emissions Now! or maybe Rose Leather never! Denise Marlowe We have 10 yrs. Or less to get to no gas emmissions. We have a chance to lead the world on this issue. Let's not wait any William Elsman more. We have a Chevy Bolt. It?s a fabulous car. EVs are perfect urban cars, and are great for round trips of 200 - 300 miles between charges. And this will only get better. We should all be buying them if our budget Karen Bell-Brugger allows. The state and federal governments could help with this. We have a fully electric car and a second car that is hybrid gas and electric. It is so nice driving electric and not having to go to the gas Cheralee Von Ancken station, get oil changes and emissions checks. We have a hybrid and it saves the environment and us money. Since we have an energy company that buys renewable credits from solar and Linda Gaska wind energy companies, it's a Win-Win! WE have a moral obligation to protect the air for our citizens and the Bernadette Davel citizens of tomorrow. Support the Clean Cars standard! We have a responsibility to the environment, our fellow beings, and the Robert Sala generations that will follow us to clean up the mess we are making. We have an electric caar! Incredible gas mileage! Easy to drive and just plug in to a charger--they are everywhere now--and off you go! Our Sheila Platt environment must get cleaner--clean! Please--do the appropriate thing! we have asthma from air pollution. Alot of people and the planet suffer Aesha Lorenz Al-Saeed from polluted air. We have come so far fighting to eliminate air pollution. We cannot stop Kate Butt now! We have driven a plug-in hybrid for the past 6 years. It gets its power Richard Grossman from the sun, through solar panels! We have GOT to improve the greenhouse gases that are released by personal vehicles. We MUST raise the MPG requirements and Lee Ann Landstrom encourage EVs. William Looney We have grandkids We have no more time, our planet and its ecosystems are collapsing because of our fossil fuel use. We must leave fossil fuels in the ground Ira Gerard and move towards a cleaner energy best for our environment. We have no time left to save our planet and our children. Every step that can be taken to reduce emissions and protect vulnerable populations Sandra Peterson from pollution is a no-brainer! we have one and we love it. It's fast, doesn't pollute and doesn't make noise . This way we will be able to become fossil fuel free and safe the Elisabeth Bezemer earth. Mike Newell We have one world to bestow upon on our children and grandchildren. Barbara Forsythe We have only one planet; there is no Planet B We have so much creative resource in the diversity and complexity that is this country, it astounds me that we don't have more options of living Alejandra Tobar within a circular world and economy We have taken a small step towards doing our part towards a clean energy future by investing in solar generation at our own home, as Phillip Loud such.... We have the right to clean air and the planet needs a break from our Lauren Butkovich disgusting BS. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY --- now we need the COURAGE to Dagmar Fabian proceed. We have the technology to create a cleaner, brighter future. Now what we need is to ensure that we are using it! Partially that is an issue of Mary Jacobson legislating and enforcing. And that?s what we ask of you! We have the technology to send people to the Moon, we can do better! As the father of two kids who is 50, and spent his life in the SW of USA, I can see the air quality has gotten worse. I have NEVER heard anyone say, regardless of age or party, say "boy i wish the air was bit dirtier", so even if you take Climate Change out of discussion, people still want and Rob Morey deserve to have good air quality. We have the technology to transform our energy economy to renewable sources. Solar and wind are cost competitive with fossil fuels, and can be put closer to the point of use, reducing the impact of severe weather, earthquakes, and other disasters. Geothermal and hydroelectric plants are already contributing where hot springs and flowing water exist. Hydrogen is the logical fuel for vehicles, and is available in limited areas already. A nationwide hydrogen fueling system should be developed by DAVID WILLIAMS adding electrolysis equipment to existing gas stations. We have the technology. We should be requiring all automakers to produce cars and trucks that are hybrid/electric before it's too late to Sandra Uribe improve our environment and our climate We have the technology....let's support it and use it. We MUST allow our environment to clean itself....or there will be a severely impact on the Kevin Bissonnette quality of life for future generations!! We have the utmost responsibility to protect our earth for future Karen Estok generations! Gabriela Santiago We have to act with urgency to reduce air pollution. We have to address climate change as soon as possible. This would be Jo Ann Landreth a big first step. Mindy Kruckenberg We have to be better stewards of the earth, and this is one way. Lisa Fisk We have to do everything we can to reduce carbon emissions We have to leave a cleaner world to our children and grandchildren. To do our part we need to lower and eventually do away with greenhouse Sharon Berlin gasses. This starts with the Clean Cars Standard. We have to protect our children and grand children from the terrible Janice Tarr pollution! We have created it, now we have to act to lessen it! We have to see the end of whales & polar bears but we can?t clean up Francis Roberts our emissions? No way! Edward Costello We have to stop polluting our air and Earth's atmosphere. WE have to work as hard to fix our beautiful blue planet as seen from Ivan Zenker space as we do in trying to colonize the desolate moon and Mars! John Frazier We have two plugin cars and solar on the roof and couldn't be happier We love our Bolt EV--everyone should have an EV and breathe clean Eva Nipp air. It's our inalienable right! Carol And Al Frechette We love our electric car and feel good about protecting the planet. Nancy Victorin-Vangerud We love our electric hybrid! We may already be too late to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take every step possible, as quickly as possible to mitigate it. As a mother I am so worried about the world that my children are inheriting. They are so worried about it that all three of them said they are not planning on having children because they do not think the world will be a liveable place by the time their Kelcey Jacobsen children would be born. We must act with greater urgency and force to convert to cleaner Phillip Glenn transportation. We MUST all live in an environmentally sustainable way, beginning immediately -- otherwise, we will all perish, senselessly & needlessly. Lauren Mason Please support the Clean Cars Standard. Thank you! We must change our past habits of unthinking pollution. We must take conscious actions to end pollution now! A move to clean cars, though not without challenges, must begin with a sense of urgency. The move Peggy Hebert to clean cars (and how to fuel them) is one of the best way to begin. Leeane Marvin We must charge these cars with renewable energy! We must continue to shift the paradigm away from harmful, unsustainable energy practices. PLEASE do everything in your power to Christina Farnsworth do so NOW. Thank you! We must cut emissions ASAP, and thus is an important componant in achieving this goal. Aaron I'd like to add that I have considered an EV myself, but I didn't go that brought. The reason for that is because we lack a public and private charging infrastructure, so as to make driving one too impractical. Joyce Carlson-Leavitt we must do all we can to lower co2 omissions. Mary Tober We must do all we can to protect the earth. We must do all we can to stop climate change. I drive an EV AND I Marty Roberts LOVE it! No more smelly gas stations! Linda Evinger We must do better at protecting our air and our planet. We must do everything in our power to reduce air pollution. Having clean Vicky Harrington cars is a step in the right direction for cleaner air. We must do everything possible for cleaner air & to combat climate Jacqueline Tessman change. We must do everything we can to protect our planet before it is too Theresa Breno late...Clean Cars standard as fast as we can...Please..t..:))) We must do everything we can to stop emitting greenhouse gases. This will require major changes in every aspect of our lives. Making more Kristin Foster clean cars and trucks available NOW is one indispensable step. John Fisher We must do more to PROTECT the planet NOW!!! We must do what we can to save Planet Earth! Fossil fuel is proven to Nancy Warner be a major problem and needs to be seriously curtailed and phased out. We must eliminate fossil fuels from our transportation system. Cars, buses and trucks all run on fossil fuels, including methane or propane. We must stop putting CO2 into the air. We must clean up our air pollution within the next 8 years to avoid the worst ravages of climate change. Many sacrifices and adjustments in our economy must be made to accomplish this, and we must make further investments and Martha Booz implement laws and rules such as the Clean Cars standard. We must eliminate our dependence on fossil fuel and do all we can to Jayne Cerny reduce consumption. Douglas Estes We must end the use of fossil fuels in order to defeat global warming. Jon Krueger We must get rid of fossil fuels. Yesterday. Robert Magarian We must go to cleaner cars to lessen the impact of climate change. Curtis Tomlin WE MUST GO TOTALLY GREEN NOW! We must have a change from fossil fuel- burning cars. The exhaust from these cars pollutes our air and contributes to the warming of our planet. We must protect planet Earth, for once we make it no longer habitable, Margaret Halbeisen we will have no other place togo. We must love forward with clean cars quickly. The Earth is waiting for Maya Knowles us. We must make changes now. There's always an excuse to delay but we Par Ljungstrom don't have time! Roy Adsit we must move away from fossil fuels. We must move forward with clean energy solutions. The longer we delay the changes we need to make the more it will cost us in the long term. What happened to American ingenuity and progressive thinking? Shame Susan Willits on us! Joanne Hutton We must move swiftly toward new cleaner sources of transportation. We must move the bar forward to incentivize the industry to produce the clean cars that will enable us to meet the challenge of climate change. I Bryan Wyberg want to see Minnesota take that important step forward. Deb Hirt We must protect our earth or we will go with it. Michael Maranda We must reduce carbon footprint by every means available. We must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels not only to address the very real threat of climate change but to stop the tremendous ecological destruction that has been wrought by drilling and mining and fracking and transportation of fossil fuels in trains, trucks, pipelines, and vessels like the notorious Valdez, not to mention emissions and waste from their combustion.

I live on the Gulf Coast in Apalachicola, FL and had just moved to this gorgeous place ? which I chose over other states on the Gulf Coast because you couldn't see oil platforms from the beach ? when one in the Gulf off Louisiana exploded. From here in the Eastern Panhandle, we watched the giant oil slick sliding closer and closer to our beloved, beautiful, biodiverse, Apalachicola Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, on NOAA satellite images day after day for months. We got lucky with two 10-day stretches of esst winds that blew the slick back toward the Beth Wright west but felt awful for those affected. Never again! Etta Robin We must save our planet now!! We must start making major changes to ensure a viable for future Laura Berrios generations. We must stop doing what we're doing. The handwriting is on the wall. Chris Casper For the next generations, we must stop using fossil fuels. We must stop polluting our planet with fossil fuels. This will benefit everyone including people who have stock in fossil fuels. Time for Pat Lang change. We must stop the use of fossil fuels immediately or we will never be able to recover from the wrosening global warming and climate change. The davstation is so obvious in all of the diasterous wildfires, huricanes, Bill Woodbridge tornadoes, and flooding that we are seeing so much more often. Virginia Hitchcock We must take concrete steps to fight air pollution and climate change. We must take every opportunity to ensure the air, water, and food that Margaret Holton gives us life is free of things that hurt (and kill) us. We must turn away from fossil fuels. All cars should be electric or at least hybrids so we can reduce air pollution. This helps for global Shawn Lewis warming, prevention of asthma, less pollution in our water. We must use renewable, green energy now. Climate change like the weather in Texas give us an idea of what can happen if we continue to Anne Zimmerman ignore the effects of GHG?s. Andrew Hoffman We need a cleaner environment for all of us We need a cleaner environment. One way to accomplish this is for vehicles to run cleaner. I strongly urge you to support more clean cars Dottie Bell and trucks. Bethanni Grecynski We need air! We need clean water! Please protect us! J. Cuci We need and want clean air not burning fossil fuels! Gregory Wotzak We need cars with high miles per gallon. We need clean air & it is possible. I drive a Hybrid car & it saves on gas Pam Krupinsky tremendously. I hope others can support clean cars too We need clean air and water to sustain all living things. Pretty simple. Susan Thiel Just do what's right. Jake Kaplove We need clean air for our future generations! We need clean air for our health, and we need to reduce carbon. This issue matters, please make clean cars our standard, not a novelty. Suzanne Kanatsiz Thank you for the opportunity to comment. We need clean air to breath! This is part of climate change and we still Molly Huddleston have time to stop it. Charlotte Alexandre We need clean air to breathe! We need clean air, especially now. COVID-19 has damaged lungs on Kristin Smith many of those who have contracted the disease. Pat Turney We need clean air! Judy Fairless We need clean air. Clean car standards support clean air. Chris Durrer We need clean and safe air for now and many years to come We need clean car standards and to put a tax on gasoline to provide funds for renewable energy - wind and solar - facilities. This is just an NTERIM FIX until we have the wind/solar capacity to go all electric! Buy or lease solar panels for your home or be part of a community solar project. Install an electric charger in your garage or a small enclosure so you can charge your own car. I purchased my charger from Costco online. Make Susan Selbin you next car an electric car. We need clean car standards to clean up our air and protect our health. Sam Butler Please support tougher standards. We need clean cars and trucks to help both with climate change but also to help millions of Americans that have to breath polluted air. We need clean cars now. We have no time to waste if we are going to Susan Glatter-Judy leave this planet for the next generation. We need clean electric cars and trucks; it will help us to have cleaner air Joan Lutz along the Front Range in Colorado. Bruce Burns We need clean energy to save the entire planet, not just our little corner. We need clean QUIET CARS THAT DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO LIGHT Ronnie Perry POLLUTION in addition to air pollution. Paul Mayer WE NEED CLEAN VEHICLES. We need Clean, Renewable and Sustainable Energy and Economic Policy and Justice for ALL people; Social, Economic and Racial Justice and Equity for all... We must rebuild and modernize our infrastructure- Michael L. Sherman Green New Deal We need cleaner burning cars, now. Reducing atmospheric carbon is Stevie Weinstein-Foner tantamount to the survival of the Earth as we know it! WE NEED CLEANER CARS TO START THEN CLEANER Pete Lesinski EVERYTHING ELSE! We need cleaner cars, so that we can decrease our pollution into the air! It is so important that we all do what we can to stop fueling Climate Katherine Zimmerman Change! Robin Wright We need electric vehicles to protect the environment. Nancy Metz We need examples like this to get the rest of us on board! we need more attention paid to the consistent polluters in our Marianne Eddington environment and focus in the future for our children Mary Arps Thompson We need more choices for clean cars now. Holly Dowling We need more electric options NOW! We need more ev transportation at all levels. We need to stop the pollution levels through a deep commitment of government and people alike. It?s important that through advertisement in all media citizens are made conscious of the importance of leaving behind the obsolete dependence on oil. Is it not prove enough that space scientists cannot find planets that would accommodate our live as we know it to realize the marvelous earth that we inhabit and the need to preserve its health and biodiversity? Let us make electric transportation for everyone the Mar Vial number one goal in our steady steps to re-invent a true social economy Patrick Pergolski We need more EVs. We need more options, like other states. We need more EV's in showrooms here in East Tennessee. Our utility gives a rebate for a home charger, and even rural electric coops are starting to encourage electric driving. But national policy like the Clean Kent Minault Car Standard really helps get the ball rolling. We need more incentives for electric cars and away from gas guzzling Susan Buchanan cars that emit more pollution in our air as well as factories burning coal We need not only cars, but Trucks and Busses to become electric. The diesel fume volume from these things is huge. And smaller trucks, like the increasingly popular (why?) pickups. And, UPS. Amazon, USPS, etc. Alfred Cellier ... Neal Umphred We need the Clean Cars rule now! We need the Clean Cars Rule. We are already feeling the dire impacts of climate change and should now be doing everything we can to halt its worst effects. Switching to electric cars and trucks will help reduce fossil fuel use and also decrease extremely damaging particulate pollution. The Clean Cars Rule will also help boost the availability of EV vehicles, Felicity Devlin ensuring that consumers will have the choice they need. We need the Clean Cars standard and we need to lower prices on those L Cline vehicles. Most of us can't afford them but would prefer to drive them. We need the Clean Cars standard to show our children we care about Thomas Abbe the world we are making for them! Michael Earney we need them We need to accelerate our transition to clean cars and make them more available and affordable to all! We currently drive a hybrid and would Hillary Oppmann love for our next car to be an EV. We need to act now and stop kicking the can down the street, or it is going to be too late before we ever expected it. AND, it makes good John Gallagher economic sense not only with cars and trucks, but all energy production. Shane Usher We need to act now! We need to act quickly to reverse decades of environmental Ronaldo Valentino degradation. We need to be able to buy electric cars in this country, as they do in Europe. Gasoline motors pollute the air we breathe. Let's get charging Elinor Daley stations set up across the country, and let's improve the air we breathe. We need to become better stewards of the planet we call home. I Pam Pendleton support the use of electric vehicles. We need to breath to live. We're not as bad as China though we're stuck Sam Zappala with the masks. We need to change the way we inhabit the Earth or we will go extinct. Christina Maris This is a good first step in the direction of that change. We need to clear the air from travel pollution! Low emission cars and Barb Sespico trucks are way overdue! We need to continue to do our part toward taking care of our planet. We know we are harming it, how we are doing it, and how to stop it. We Pat Pardun have a moral obligation to do so. We need to de-carbonize our atmosphere ASAP. Cleaner cars and Duncan Brown trucks would certainly help us to accomplish this! Laurel Facey We need to do all we can NOW to reduce emissions from fossil fuels. We need to do all we can to improve the environment and battle climate change. Our inaction is creating more extreme problems, which will require extreme action. Many years have passed with limited or no action and the problems are only becoming more expansive. Please take all the action we can for the present and future. We all depend on Roxanne Bornowski the actions taken now and we can no longer afford to wait. We need to do better for our environment, and this is such an easy Jen Bradford change. We need to do everthing we can to protect our environment, and a Deneen Gannon Clean cars solution is a big part of that. We need to do every single thing we can to reverse climate change, if it's still possible. I have a grandson and I worry about the world he is Kathleen Brown Mcnally inheriting. Clean cars will make a huge difference. Barbara Lenssen We need to do everything possible to mitigate climate change We need to do everything that we can to clean up the messes that we Debbie Stinehart have made on this planet. We need to do everything we can to clean the air and improving one huge source of pollution are vehicles powered by fossil fuels. We also need to consider working to improve mass transit in our metropolitan Jerry Kirsling areas. We need to do everything we can to fight climate change and encouraging and supporting more electric cars and buses will make a Katherine Gott huge impact. We need our state government to step in to help. We need to do everything we can to get climate change under control John Murray ASAP. We need to do everything we can to stop burning fossil fuels. My next car will be an Electric Vehicle, and I hope they are more widely available in the coming years and that there will numerous recharging options. Thank you. Will Kemperman Will We need to do our part to save the planet, and we need ways to do it Jane Bartosz that are accessible all. Claudia Miranda We need to do something for the future generations. We need to drastically reduce our impact on our environment. Anne Cheng I support clean transportation. We need to establish the infrastructure to support innovation! Be a part Christine Luff of the future not just status-quo Christine Jenkins We need to everything we can to keep our and land clear of pollution! We need to expand electric vehicle usage in private and commercial Mike Kulikowski sectors to reduce pollution now! Sylvia Tuttle We need to fight climate change!! Julia Colingsworth We need to fight global warming in every way possible. This will help. We need to get our act together and help our future generations to live Darlene Butler in a clean world. We need to get serious about climate change and it?s effects on the Laura DeHaven planet. We need to insure a healthier world and environment for our children Kc Young and grand children Mark Goodman We need to keep moving forward! Thanks for reading my letter. We need to keep the air we breathe clean and find alternative sources of Frances Hoffman energy rather than using fossil fuels. We need to leave a much cleaner environment for the future, and that Mary Brown includes my beloved grandchildren. Victoria Szatkowski We need to leave an earth for our children We need to make important changes to limit the destruction that climate change will bring. Greening up our transportation sector is absolutely Kelly Doolittle crucial to this goal. Wilma Davison We need to make transportation as environmentally friendly as possible We need to move away from fossil fuels and embrace clean energy Pat Heffron-Cartwright especially in transportation. Robert Thomson We need to move away from fossil fuels if we want to survive. We need to move forward and find better ways to live. Climate change is real and we must do something to reverse the trend. Clean cars will remove a lot part of our greenhouse gas emissions. Fifty years + ago I read an article in Scientific America that in NYC people were worried about the horse manure then steam and electric power than gas came Peter Egan to the rescue for transportation in NYC. We need to move forward on handling climate change now and requiring a Clean Cars Standard will make a much needed impact in reducing Jean Abrahamson pollutants in our air. We need to move in the right direction to stop emitting CO2 and other Nivo Rovedo tailpipe pollutants Aileen Renner We need to move into the future with our energy choices! We need to move quickly to clean up our air and get off fossil fuel before Judith Reilly the whole world becomes unlivable. We need to move quickly to more sustainable transportation. I bought a Nissan Leaf (2013) used for less than $7000 and love it. Our car upkeep costs are nearly nothing--no maintenance, my electric bill for charging it is less than $20 for 3 months. Plus it reduces pollution. Please support Lisa Fitzpatrick Clean Cars. We need to preserve our planet for our children and grandchildren so Jim Kleppin they will have clean air to breath in their lifetime. Robin Ashmore We need to protect our planet now!!!! We need to quit burning fossil fuels to save the planet for the next Kay Drache generation. We need to rapidly transition to fuel efficient and 100% electric vehicles in order to prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change. Please adopt the strongest possible Clean Cars standard and help Nick Engelfried eliminate our dependence on dirty fossil fuels. We need to recognize that we have passed the point where there is a reasonable choice to prefer combustion engines over electric.. We are in Michael d'Adamo a catastrophe and we need to mitigate it now. Mary Ann Lundquist We need to reduce carbon emissions now! We need to retire destructive old fossil fuel technologies as soon as Paul Huddy possible -- the sooner, the better. We need to save all the beauty and wonder of our planet and all it?s life. Humans have absolutely zero right to destroy all this to make the oil Leslie Smith barons wealthy. We need to start afresh, doing everything in our power to end pollution Janice Kidd and its damaging effects on every human body! We need to stop cars from polluting the air we breathe and push for Dan Rosenberg alternatives like electric vehicles while we still can. We need to stop drilling for oil and gas and mining for coal! We need to stop burning these fossil fuels NOW! We need CLEAN CARS NOW. We have the technology. We only need the political will to ensure a greener, Stephanie Riccobene cleaner future! We need to stop or reverse climate change. I want today's children to Bill Schweisheimer inherit a habitable world. We need to stop polluting the air that we breathe. Why do we continue to poison ourselves by allowing harmful chemicals to be released into Robert Krone the air? Mary Rodeman We need to stop polluting the air with emissions..use Clean Cars! we need to stop the nasty air qualitiy and make it more cleaner for Michelle Graves everyone and everything asap!! We need to stop trying to save the at the expense of the health of people and our environment. Please support the Clean Eugene Ruoff Cars rule. We need to stop using fossil fuels to save our planet. Electric cars, Mary Tracy trucks and buses will help enormously. Pat Mace We need to stop using polluting oil! We need to support electric vehicles, and remove internal combustion Elizabeth Milliken cars from our roads so as to combat climate change. Thank you! We need to take action now, before it?s too late. I have two daughters and I deeply care about what kind of world we pass on to them. Without a healthy planet there is no us! We need to take every opportunity we can to reduce pollution from cars and trucks. Between the illnesses caused by air pollution like asthma and climate change this change is long overdue. We need to transition to clean energy in all aspects of our economy. Increased production of electric vehicles will do a lot to help us take Janet Monell better care of our earth. We need to update the Vehicle MPG requirements and promote electric Craig Swanson vechiles now - for our children and grandchildren We now know that damaged lungs make us more susceptible to catch Covid-19 or have more severe results. Just another reason that we need Ralph Bocchetti clean air now!!!! Kim Messmer We only have one planet and we must act now to save her. We own a 2017 Chevy Volt and are able even in a cold Minnesota Kathy Steinhauer winter w/electricity. We parents have to do our part more to leave a healthier environment Laura Olais for our children and generations to come. We really must make major changes in our behavior if we are to make an impact on reducing carbon emissions. The government must prioritize investment in renewable energy and EV technology because June Davenport the future of our children depend on it. Lyle Smith We really need Clean cars and trucks We really need to reduce greenhouse gases improving our air quality. As a victim of COPD cleaner it means a lot to me. Electric vehicles Dennis Dowell would be a boon to this goal. Donna Sandon We really need to take action now to protect our future. Maria Spero We should all have access to clean cars. We should NOT be going backwards in our vehicle emissions because Emily Rosenmeier climate change is a crisis we must address. We should protect the planet for current and future generations. Polluters should not get a free pass. Let's work for the future or we will Christine Lomaka be left behind by countries around the world. Lindsey Slocum We should've have done this decades ago. We simply have to reduce carbon output and clean cars are a big step. We need to incentivize electric vehicle purchases and charging Lawrence Mick infrastructure. We simply MUST move in that direction, and delays just increase the Theresa Mueller amount of time needed to get us back to a clean environment. We strongly support elected leaders who will take the correct steps to reduce green-house gases and stop the steady increase in unpredictable and devastating storms that are derived from climate change. Naturally we will oppose elected officials who stand in the way of positive steps to control climate change and protect the health and well-being of citizens across the U.S. and around the world. Please disregard party nonsense, and do what is best for the United States of Ric Zarwell America. Thank you We support the Clean Cars standard with an EV and a hybrid in our Barbara Janssen garage. We think the best thing we can do for our children is to give them a livable earth with a stable climate and clean unpolluted air. In the U.S., one of the big steps we can take to achieve that is to stop using polluting, carbon-emitting forms of transportation, and switch to EVs powered by clean energy. We are doing our personal bit - we helped our children buy EVs in 2019 (which we've been sharing with them ever since). Now that one daughter has left home to start her career, and the other daughter is going to finish college and leave home in a few more months, my wife and I bought a used EV this weekend... which is charged by clean Midwestern energy. But what our family does or doesn't do won't save the planet. It is only if everyone else joins us in getting EVs, and gasoline becomes a thing of the past, that our own commitment and dedication to a safe and healthy planet will matter. So Andrew Phelps please make it easy for others to do their bit to save our shared world! We urgently need electric cars and the infrastructure to support them. Juanita Ryan For the sake of our health and for the sake of our future. We urgently need to stop depending on fossil fuels for our energy needs; Clean Cars will be an important way to do that. Please support Judith Lord the Clean Cars standard. Thank you. Gladys Sutliff We want clean breathable air, for us and generations to come, We want to make this earth safe for our four children and nine grandchildren, and all the others needing to breathe clean air and drink safe water. There is no excuse for delaying progress to address climate Nancy Borelli change. If the earth is uninhabitable, nothing else matters. We?re all about innovation in technology but we keep hanging onto finite fossil fuels that create conflict and wreak havoc on our environment. Getting our cars cleaner will help turn the tide. Please support this Giancarla Calzetta standard. Thank you. We?re on the brink of a clean car revolution: zero emission electric cars, trucks, and buses will benefit everyone -- especially our children -- and Lawrence Bojarski save families money. We're destroying our beautiful planet and making it uninhabitable, just Caren Hanson because we're too lazy or greedy to change. Patricia Hood We're running out of time! Set the standard for the country! We're way past due on making this a reality. We can't afford to keep Paul Busch waiting and supporting an unsustainable status quo We've allowed the air to get worse for too long!! Time for a BIG change, Rebecca Richardson and clean cars and trucks will go far to clean up the planet. We've taken the plunge and ordered an electric car plus solar panels. It costs a lot up front but it is worth it as we all need to invest in actions that will reduce the amount of fossil fuel we consume. Our planet needs Nancy Richardsd us all to participate. Kit Long We've waited to long to reduce climate warmers from autos. Weakening clean car standards is insane. We should have adopted tougher standards 30 to 50 years ago. The auto makers have the technology to achieve much higher MPG, probably 100 MPG. All we need to do is demand it of them. We're going to kill ourselves by being complacent. This is the only planet we have. Let's demand high MPG, fully electric cars that run on solar & wind & geothermal, and an end to fossil fuel consumption. Let's keep up with Germany, Japan, Europe, and the rest of the world. Do it for our children, grandchildren, and Mary Hood descendants! What we need immediately is for all new vehicles to get 50 mpg while the nation rewires its electric grid to handle all the electrical charging Lisanne Freese demand. What's not great about clean air, lower prices, and quiet roads? Plus part of the solution for Climate Change. It needs to happen sooner than Rusty Hicks later, for our children and grandchildren. When I bought a new car 3 years ago went 7 or 8 dealerships and was Glenda Hamilton not even able to get a test drive with an EV. When I had to buy a new car recently, I really wanted an electric vehicle, but could not afford one. Also, I'm not really interested in a car with a trunk--I want and need a small SUV. Auto manufacturers need to produce the vehicles we want at a price we can afford. Every time I have to fill my tank I feel like a junkie getting her 'fix'. Pretty disgusting feeling. Our home is all electric and we pay a bit more on our electric bill in order Tria Shaffer to support wind energy. We need and want more electric vehicles! When I see a view of downtown Minneapolis and it?s covered by a heavy haze. Then I get an air quality alert for two days. What more can I Joan Carlson say.automobiles contribute.. When I think of a world that is free of fossil-fueled cars, I imagine a world in which the air is cleaner and safer for all of us. No more choking on exhaust fumes on the highway on foggy days! No more gagging on exhaust fumes if caught in a traffic jam! No more oil spills in accidents or on garage floors! No more explosions as a result of collisions! No more children gasping for air because of pollution-caused asthma! PLEASE Louise Amyot give us clean cars ASAP! When I walk & hike I am frequently Assaulted by polluting vehicles that are harming my health and the health of those around me especially the children. Not to mention the disaster pollution creates through climate Jerry Gless change. When trying to save our planet, we have to start somewhere. This K Julianne Jackson seems like one of many good programs that we should be supporting. When we don't learn to live in balance with our environment it can have James Sorrells devastating effects. We are witnessing that never more clearly than through the impact climate change is having on the world around us. It is our responsibility to make change and give our children a fighting chance. The urgency is at a critical level. We must act now! Where are all the electric vehicle , plug in hybrid and hybrid commercials that should be on television yesterday. Fossil fuels are useless due to the negative health effects and climate change impacts. They have to go and soon. We have 9 years to draw down carbon emissions in order to America Sherwood begin reversing climate change. Get on it now! While I don't live in Minnesota, it is in everyone's interest to promote the use of low-pollution or 0-pollution vehicles. While electric vehicles depend on electricy to charge their gbatteries, we cand should also try to promote the cleanes6t power sources for this process as possible. Meanwhile, the cars, buses, and trucks running up and down the roads and sitting in traffic jams that are electric will cut down on exhaust fumes and other pollution in our cities and rural areas. Consumers should have Linda Schneider the option to make the widest choices possible. While I very much agree with this program, I am completely unable to update from my 2001 SUV. I am a former law enforcement officer injured while on duty and barely surviving on SSI so it's a fantastic program but annual Tag sticker and is more than my SUV lists for however is mandatory. The program isn't in my budget yet is like solar panels Suzan Robbins excellent ideal proposals. While, at 71 years of age, I'm dodging Covid 19 it would be nice to have Eric Benson cleaner air?? Wholly electric vehicles are efficient, safe, non polluting and the way of the future. More development should go into the design and marketing of these vehicles and laws should encourage the switch away from fossil Joan Smith fuels. Donna Robin Lippman Why clean cars? Because we have one planet; one chance. That's why. Why delay our needed and inevitable transition away from fossil fuels? Invest in development of clean transportation, clean homes, clean Karen Perkins industries! Why is America going backwards with bigger cars and trucks, and the rest of the world moving toward smaller and electric vehicles. Ford is ONLY building electrics in its overseas plants. Here, they're building Barbara Ryan bigger that ever. Why is this taking so long? S. Kay DO---IT---NOW! Why wait until 2035 for an all-electric fleet of automobiles and trucks? Stephen Druffel Why not all electric by 2030? Why wait? Cleaner cars are available now. And we ALL benefit. Kimberly Hughes Thanks! Why wouldn't someone support this. Change is inevitable. Let's get started. Patrick Kester Thank You Wide use of EVs are just such a necessary part of making our world Susan Mullins livable for humans and other life! Wise words to live by-?We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, Audrey Flanders-Sundstrom we borrow it from our children.? - Ancient Native American Proverb With asthma rates soaring, the pandemic threatening everyone's health, Shelley Strohm this year's storms and last year's fire season raging--and very little rain this season promising a fiery summer this year as well--we NEED to do something about smog and climate change NOW. With even the auto manufacturers getting behind this we need to do what?s needed to get the needed infrastructure and incentives in place William Hafker to accelerate the electrification of our transportation model. With more clean energy cars, they SHOULD come down in price, which Conleth Crotser Md will allow more people to purchase and drive them. With the effects of climate change and global warming becoming more Ron Melin evident. Our transfer to electric powered cars is critical. With the pandemic, everyone realizes how important air quality is. my entire state is a non-attainment zone for Ambient Air Quality, we need to change that. As a mother of 3, I am urging our school district to transition to electric school buses, and my town to install public EV charging infrastructure. Whether inMinnesota or on the East Coast : air (and air pollution) knows no boundary, it all comes to the east. Please support the Clean Cars Standard! Adelheid Koepfer Thank you, Veronika Pietkiewicz Without clean air there is no life! Yes please. This will HELP Minnesotans. It with HELP auto dealers. It Susan Ernst will will HELP our environment and planet and economy. Ruth Hardin Yes! It will save respiratory problems for many people! You can make a difference Judge Jessica Our planet needs support

Renewable energy sources are abundant and investment in its development and implementation will have an amazing Positive effect on everything

Clean transportation is an essential part of our global warming recovery Dirty Fossil oil power is so last century

Jameson Wright Our future is sunny if we embrace the future with green hands You got to make car engines cleaner and more efficient. Fossils fuel is Manuel Suarez outdated. Peter Bisschop Zero emission electric cars, trucks, and buses will benefit everyone. Patricia Gillis Annie Mcmahon Brit Rosso James Derrig Carrie Darling Cathy Williams Andrew Arneson Ben Stoddart Susan Evans Brenda James Jim Myers David Evans Martie Lieberman MORELLA CAMEJO Barbara Giorgio Diane Tabbott Stacey Hammer Mildred Headdy Emma Vinciguerra Tawne Day Clint Fleming Kristina Rose Betty Zarwell Holly Rothkopf Laura Krause David Kapell Ellyn Gillespie Richard Sibson Diane Switalski Susan Davis Sharon Fairbanks Julia Wenzel Dave Griswold Carmen Blakely Pamela Morgan Fred Torney Bryant Belli Lorraine Torres Lynn Allen Lawrence Bennett David Palos Kendall March Gordon Scott Elaine Eudy Debra Combs Sherrill Gary Sarah Carver Roseann Santangelo Bettina Bickel Joyce Stoffers Nancee Wood Ferold Torchenot Bobbie Wells Molly Hauck Paul Kaladas Sonja Franz Katherine Babiak Reva Thompson Joyce Robinson Marcella Crane Michael Knapp James Moran Zach Myones Leo Shapiro Kelley Dempsey Laura Calvert Julie Gilles Barbara Smith John Cochran Suzann Fildes Dianne Douglas Karen Christian Kenneth Porter Susan Lewis Aimee Miller Renee Rule Tom Schock Sujit Chatterji Berry Dilley Margie Hunter Loretta Olsen Leora Troyer Linda Heath Adam Savett Rebecca Stringer Alisa Sprague Ellen Parker Mario Rivas Maria Gabrielle Theodore Snyder Rena Snyder Stephen Weissman Dyala Corrales Patrick Redding Judy Dugan Stephanie Laman Daphne Tooke Penelope Andrews Charlotte Serazio Margaret Jensen Rachel Loui Gordon Kelly Sandra Joos Phyllis Ginsberg Jacob Huskey Lynn Fuerst Sue Batchelor John Heyneman Dan Dowdall Rose Greco Annie Belt Edward Landler Klouise Cook Chris Proctor Susan Reyna Jane Ann Bahr Michele Hall Norm King Liana Moran Philip Simon Stephanie Glatt Joan Sitnick Debbie Messer John M Messer Karen Rivers Richard Mccombs Leslie Spoon Andrea Schnitzler Christine Schmitthenner Audrey Lasse Sharon Phillips Elaine Green Edward Kern Rita Poppenk Mary Camele Chanda Lund Robert Crenshaw Angelica Aguilar suzanne Caruso Loren Wieland Matthew Struckhoff William Moody Laura Dini Donald S Pamela Coker Debbie Smith Alla Campbell Suzanne Shaffer Naomi Weisman Mary Harville Philip Dennany April Toller Sandy Webster Lori Wilson-Hopkins Lenore Rodah Tina And David Pirazzi Crystal Marshall Kim Sellon Brittany Peters Dolores Pino John Martin Adam Bernstein Tina Brenza Virginia Bottorff Charmaine Michaels Denise Hosta Arthur Rosenberg Renee Barnette Kelly Kerns L B Nelson Jl Mulligan Mary Vazquez Ben Murray Susan Caswell, Phd Rachel Kelton Zoey Cardamone Ellis Woodward Sharon Longyear Christopher Huffman Shannon Tausch Maria Szokolai Carl Lechner Pamela Lechner Ronald Callison Britton Saunders Jeanne Gillespie Christa Neuber Harrison Bertram Celia O'Kelley Peter Gunther Marvin Ward M KARUBA Kathryn Kassner Elizabeth Moseman J Angell Michael O'Brien Jan Ruby Shehrever Masters Walt Luerken P Barnett Ira Kriston Margaret Walden Robin Dumler Brigid Vele Beatriz Paniego-Béjar M S Flint Sheffield David Morrison Ken Funabashi Bill Rivers Keith Rhinehart Arthur Schurr Sandra Gamble Sylvia Vairo Isabelle Robey Steve Robey Anne Kirby Jean Aiken Carol Eyster William Wright Barb Crumpacker Elizabeth Tuminski Patricia Law Resa Blatman Brett Schultz Greg Paxton Douglas Kingsbury George Bourlotos John Teevan Stephan Donovan Douglas Whitehead Lisa Stone Mary Allen Daniel Nelson Mary Slaughter Valeria Perez Susan Montague Janice Figman Bobbi Lempert Lynne Teplin Melissa Abreu Connor Amundsen-Kuester Craig Skinner Peter Curia Allison Orvin Eugene Perricelli Cynthia Royce-Kasbo Rich Royce-Kasbo Gary Sibley Martin Horwitz Terry Horwitz Gerry Milliken Michael Abler Margaret Rasmussen Nicole Dambrun Nicole Dixon Elin Soderquist Joseph Harper Anne Randolph Allison Alberts Izabela Wnuk Ina Pillar Katherine Kaufman Cheryl Dare Monica Mabry Stacey Cannon Barbara Mesney Elizabeth Schwartz Terry Vollmer Kathe Mcbeth Mark Freitag Mary Wyatt Casey Jo Remy Carol Dotson Barbara Holowczak Hurd Hess Donna Sharee Jessica Andrews Lois Jordan Paul Vesper Cathren Rose Murray Jamie Cooney Kate Holland Eric Brooker Jim Schwartz Raymie Huerta Patrick Martin Margo Vanderhill Edward Turner Stephanie Trasoff Cindy Buschena Sharon Johnson Jeff Hansen Kevin Milam Lynn Ronconi Elyse Coulson Haley F Carol Ohlendorf Dan Coburn Jerry Rivers Patricia Williams M. S. Worrell Steven Rostermundt Kristina Fukuda-Schmid Iris Arce Patricia Wilburn Gennaro Delucia Michael Neilsen Gerry And Louise Fitzgerald Claire Alkire Karen Ryan Marion Barry Cynthia Marrs Kathy Spera Shirley Smith Helena Kashleva Ronald Horiszny Sylvia Council Jen Armstrong Karen Anderson Anne Sousanis Doug Franklin Paul Melamed Drena LaPointe Laurie Puca Elizabeth Gricus Barbara Johns Patricia Close Megan Williams Brandi Mccauley John Naylor Jorge De Cecco William Theisen Susan Evilsizer Denise Lytle Mary Frazer Kristin Arioli Patricia Pruitt Alice Stehle Katia Iannacome Jamie Haig Jeffrey Rattner Jodi Daniels Rene Ontivero Jr Franklin Diaz Thorsten Ostrander Tim Hammond Mary Guard Paul Strasser Susan Hall-Taylor Tom Miller Connie Brasier John Fields Becky Crews Alva Pingel Ernest Lee Kathleen Massanari Carol Ng Camala Projansky Nannette Finkel-Rebach Sierra Eubanks Leeann Robinson Amy Robinson Susan Balaban Michael Bayouth Tim Holder Catherine Kittle Paul Halliday Cynthia Hartley Lecil Mcglocklin Elizabeth Struthers Malbon Anja Nothdurft Kim Carter Randy Reagor Tarun Bishop Jeffrey Luther Susan Gayle Joseph Marcoux Michael Gaul Ellen Brouillet Kathleen Tucker M Ruth Correia Regina Brooks Julia Deniro Brad Walker Kevin Diaz Charles Collins Rutherford Charlot James Adramel Gerard Ridella Dixie Parker Darren Blankenship Joan Blankenship Nora Lewis Judith Kushner Michael Rumple Patrick Hanahan Timothy Dodd Reba Reiser Gary Bowers Jenny Zickefoose B Corey Tom Dunlea Jackie Edmondson Jeff Thayer David Chaney Meribeth Brocker-Querio Erh-Yen To Bruce Olson Hannah van der Veken Crystal Tracy Sally Yost Mary Alice Richardson Jason Husby Alana Willroth Patricia Nelson Eric Zimmerman Christopher Kornmann Nan Stevenson Brandan Fiedler Susannah Czarnowski-Braatz Charles Ferguson Julie Obermeyer Murray Smart Teilen Kove Lawrence Bogolub Tommy Markley Nicholas Vorpahl Dyke Williams Samuel Beddow Charles Cline Steven Holst Lisa Jenkins John Enblom Mary Cutler Ah-Li Monahan Elena Marnell Stephen Streed Amy Hed Vincent Rebecca Shockley Molly Ludden Anthony Hirschman Laura Regan Sheila Tran Serena Howe John Viacrucis Norma Jean Falink Kari Miller Kris Roberts Janet Ciegler Susan Gretz Cora Preston Hugh Curtler Jennifer Johnson Robert Hoffman jeffrey feldmeier Richard Lamb Kay Slama William Gotz Kristin Campbell Rick Priebe Mary Ellen Vetter Ian Radtke-Rosen Michelle Friessen Scott Mills Madeline Lunzer Vicki Smith Tracy Templin Paul Chindvall Amy Grace Steven Steele Nicole Everling Mary Johannsen Laura Kroeten-Bue Pam Martin Marilyn Gockowski Paula Rusterholz Joshua Houdek Brenda Kemmerick Rodney Alan Marilyn Ash George Ash Julee Mead Jerry Nelson James Gayther Steven Guillotel Tim Wallace Jerome Comeau Sue Odonnell Bill Stratton Joni Karnopp Sierra Morris Jean Greenwood Deborah Steinmetz Charley Hopkins Zoe Rammelkamp Kay Randall Daniel Nemes Ann Koller Sheila Maybanks Megan Brennan Lucy Elliott Jayson Pereira Joseph Wenzel Suzanne Ross Barbara Green Ryan Bakka Mandie Flint John Kniprath Mark Thompson Federico Rossi Karee Joedeman Rodney Schindele Eric Paul Jacobsen Ryan Kotz. Ruth Heller Kay Helms Paul Snyder C Jackson Scott Dahlquist Willilam Schuldt Patricia Popple James Pech Jason O'Keane Michael Ricci Anne Paulson C Godfrey Michael Fuerst Mike Schramm Elizabeth Merryman Larry Shepler Tim And Angela Mitchell Gwen Myers Erik Pettersen Edward Hubbard Verlaine Halvorsen Jay Meiske Michael Blandford Matt Karlgaard Marcy Leussler Thomas Griffin David Clapper Michael Kaltenberg James Erickson Patricia Griffin John Evenson Christopher Carlson Becky Sorensen Ellyn Sheehy Ben Sandeen Jeff Schmid Kathleen King Lynda Pauling Michael Erickson Nancy Robinson Nora Eiesland Jake Cummings Kathleen Selz Ruth Katz Beth Jerome Dan Haeffner Mary Lou Hoff Chris Zerby Timothy Dwyer Don Ferber Mark Johnson Stephen Austin Tom Koors Kent and Linda Gallaway Michele Vaillancourt Dan Melton Ben Gauger Tanya Milanowski P Martinson Dan Murray Caitilin Kane Mark Ihle David Olson Larry Margolis Barbara Brockway William Diederich Beverly Fowler Ron Skjong Rosemarie Jenkins Katren Garrett Scott Grinnell Jerry And Gloria Krueger Christopher Halbritter Mary Welsh Glen Hambleton Stephanie Dawson Helen Findley Melanie Smith Elizabeth Ishmael Jon Lee Daniel Dummer Mary Jenson Linda Kelley Julia Phillips Charles Gallet Charles Fitze Willoe Traver Jan Jensen Celine Signoret Gerald Meslar Theodore Voth Martha Munger Jean Ross Patricia Thielman Michael Verveer Jim Maloney Dana Carlson Kimberly McReavy Patrick Keiser Grecia Glass Katie Konkel Lynn Fuller Terry Gunning Judy Rockne Monica O'Brien Russell Novkov Betsey Porter Rebecca West Jane Whiteside Liz Hickerson Bruce Goff Valerie Sanderson Steven Underhill Carlys Quiram Elizabeth Burr Paul Lucas Karen Benson Paul Densmore Ted Ulrich Jennifer Krinke Jim Bennett Nina Spelter Joe Ferrazzo Barbara Richards Lisa Hendrix JoAnn Solov Jonathan Behling Carolyn Panning Kevin Kujawa Eileen Levin Wendy Sjoblom Carol Femling Terri Dugan Lynnette Kayser Peter Melka Matthew DeMars Derek Steele George Schoephoerster Aleasa Crary John Fisher-Merritt Matt Ringquist Hideki Yamada Emma Klukas Hallie Funk Lindsey Buscher Nik Sell Betsy Alle Scott Grinde Judith Schlichting James Emrich Andrew Moran Miranda Oehler Kristine Runyon Carol Booth Mary Rasmussen Eric Robson Tom Athens Kenneth Laboski Charles Boardman Martin Keller Rhonda Brodbeck Caleb Schuster Leslie Reyerson Ted Greenbaum Sara Jane Wilson Erika Vickerman Richard Murray Hunter Klapperich Paul Harris Elizabeth Stoltz Jonathan Rova Ryan Baka Mia Bentel Daniel Fergus Tina Elliot Samantha Hand Jeffrey Kanne Ronda Conner Chad Schwartz Robin Doroshow Trevor Holtz Thomas Carey Edward Duarte Cathy Jones Sarah Sadique Kelsey Cramer Nancy Wangler Kelly Williams Joseph Byrne Aida Marina Ken Gibb Ramona Kime Leslie Graff Glenna Wentworth Jonathan Eden Susan Thurairatnam Karen Kravcov Malcolm Dave Robinson Christy Monroe William Nichols Debbie Denton Joan Yater Melissa Rehder Nancy Beavers Julia Maynard Elizabeth Knowlton Leonora Xhrouet Vanessa Gonzalez-Green Scott Grinthal Marc Hutchinson Rachel Cilley William Fisk Dixie Leavitt Susan Hansen Ena Silva Veronica R. Koch Mardene Costa Janine Hardin Julie Du Bois Brenna Mcnamee Les Roberts Pamela Paul Marie Harrison Julie Phalen Tacey Conover Alex Howe Samuel Morningstar Nadine James Jan Loe Michael White Edward Mrkvicka Albert Sanchez Richard Grossman Tim Schmitt Stephen Thorpe Janet Young Krystal Weilage Joana Lagunes Arauz Jaen Lawrence Stephen Babin Pamela Miller Maureen Ellis Robert Reed Marilyn Mueller Barry Weiss Charles Byrne Barbara Sargent Taylor Fisher Liz Dyer Edward Leblanc Faith Freewoman Melissa Verduin Adrien Logsdon Gabriel Stanley Elaine Mcmullin Kristin Cucolo Evelyn Adams Mary Laughlin Ana Johnson Lilithe Magdalene Sylvia Tolley Debra Wilson Margaret Hostetter Laurrie Cozza Philip McPherson Susan Mcgivern Wayne Berg Frances Palacio Clara Yoder Joann Ramos Alice Stack Klaus Steinbrecher Karen Phillips Cary Sperling John and Michele Saridan Linda Ford Alan Carter Winston Huang Linda Smithe Linda Nyberg James Katzen Debbie Aldy Beth Bowling Deborah Desimone Chrisanthos Vlasiadis Eleanor Dubois Lynda Higson Theodora Boura Rita Falsetto Susan Emily Eric Gaskill Melanie Young Elizabeth Biddick Patricia Mcdonald Claire Jacobsen Anita Wisch Michelle Lemp Karen Holliman Holly Stuart Luci Messing Pat Blackwell-Marchant M Chessin Claire Cohen Mark Warren Deanna Errico Barty Thompson Richard Peterson Cheryl Vosburg Sandra Middour Patty Jones Travis Allen David King Monica Sanchez ms Terri Jean-Francois Fauconnier Gary Ludi Ellie Maldonado Hyacen Shaktilove Jessica Sherwood Morley Schloss Lizzie Heard Anne Smit Elizabeth Estes David Platt Orva M Gullett Elisabeth Loos Claire Watson Sherry Toy Joanne Painter Amanda Ball Ruth Zowader Stephen Kimbel Lynn Grattage- Costa Barry Anderson Charles Lamb Rita Vallet Kim Irvin Allen Carlson Philippe Chambadal Annette York Joe Crocker Elizabeth Levy Lori Bukoski Sia Shetkar Rosemary Fore Shani Schulman Mary Gerken Ronald Smith Louisa Gauerke Tyler Arrowsmith Alida Bockino Denise Hendon Linda Fennell Linda Gertig Susan Vogt Cecil Fisher Mary Workman Sydney Benson Larry Gioannini William Warder Wendy Thompson Armando A. Garcia Paul J Mc Kenna Scout Perry Brenda Lewis Steve Gamblin Chris Hager Kevin Bolembach Andrea Zinn Hallie Adolf Mark Lowenthal Ansi Shotwell Joanne Hesselink Emmalia Harrington Rickert Tuck David Bosco Rachelle Fredette Arleen Johnson Steve Metzger Mary Sand Kristin Huntoon John McKnight Mary Smith Peter Korba Darrell Neft Caryn Cowin Sergi Goldman-Hull Daniel Podell Elisabeth Lamar Angela Hansen Shelley Driskell Christine Sullivan Linda Murphy Greg Sells Julie Brown Teresia Lafleur Redelisa Mendoza Ruth Swenson Susan Macgregor Paul Mangsniello Michael Price vana spear Caren Flashner Natalie Blasco Sandra Serazio Elizabeth Shepherd Judith Rosenblatt Anna Cowen Mari Carse A Mervyn Carse Lori Kegler Diane Pierce Regina Wagner Barbara Lamb Karen Greenspan Sarah Rosen Carol Carley Laura Tryon John Schenck Judith Folden Norman Crawford Rama Bharadwaj Joanne Howe Tracey Smallwood Tim Duda Steven Iszauk Jan Modjeski Susan M Entin Elizabeth Karpinski John Locker Georgia Locker Celeste Anacker Louise Stark Christy Sacks Noah Hanmer Francine Dolins Jes Laufenberg Sarah Koolsbergen Kraig Schweiss D Anne Macneil Pauline Nutt John Zeman DeLorse Lovelady David Sickles Monica Duclaud David Chisholm Jim Hartung Tom Atha Nick Downey Margaret Schulenberg Mary Rojeski Kate Thompson Jennifer Ann Gralinski Jody Gibson Eric Wollscheid Bertha Rosin Cheryl Hayes Farzana Ismail Dirk Reed Jill Nicholas Stan Royalty Walter Scott Todd Milligan Sarah De Sousa Patricia Anderson Judy Knueven M Wire Thea Doty Alicia Kern Claire Clarke Linda Agoston Francis Wanderlich Bettina Bowers Ella Newkirk Dixie Stevens Karen Geahlen Lindsay Knights Mae Basye Thomas Aitken Joseph Lahm Maryanna Foskett Peggy Walters Kathy Mason Jorge Tamargo Donna Urban Sheila Ward Paul Lind Patricia Roche Natalie Malec David Koeller Pamela Vasquez Martha Wilson John Rossi Lanora Ovino Donna Jennings Kim Smith David Gassman. Zora Hocking Mike Caetano Cara Artman Deborah Walden bernardo mujica Sharyl Beattie Christine Bray Gregory Chandler Jr Trisha Mulvey Sharon Widup Abbot Foote Pam Brown Richard Anderson John Hanna D Price Thomas Force Margaret Nelson Catherine Lukes Merrilyn Trombly Eric Murrock Jeffrey Doerfer James Sprouse Destiny Mendoza Francis Mastri Pamela Ciaccio Lisa King Robin Stroup Christopher Dowling Gerry Seeley Rachel Rakaczky Lawrence Bavier Anthony Torralba Brad Hutcheson Kay L. Colleen Radbill Mary Dantzler Gaetane Gonzales Michael Nelson Ria Ray Esther Friedman Mark Reback Beverly Schell George Phillips Michele Hines Kim Wood Robert Fiegel Carl Stapler Suzanna Feitler Kevin Rolfes Landis Mayasich W. Marvin Winstead Donna Davies Virginia Leslie Jean Phillips-Calapai Judith Weis Jared Howe Cheryl Carney Eleanor Jones Steve Wise Randy Oglesby Ralph Tuscher Marilyn Koff Gill Fahrenwald Katherine Darcy Fuguet Geri Collecchia Jonathan Occhibove Jaime Nahman Wendy Wish Michele Santoro Mary Gamson Susan Kyzer Michelle Bienick Arin Keshishian S Chapek Diana Prola Jim Prola Dat Tran Leslie Cerier Peter Haroutian Victoria Mack Jennifer Musser William Musser IV Shreeraj Sutaria Marilyn Waltasti Marilyn Davis Donna Wittry Kenneth Robertson Carl Schloetel Ann Barnett David Beckwith Jo-Ann Preen Sandra Brouillette-Jobe Donald Smyth Sarah Peterson Veronica Michael Jenny Blue Marc Silverman Eric Casey Shiva Berman Raymond Bulley Heber Nelski Kate Gorman Diana Schmidt Deborah Holcomb Nathan Pate Damon Brown Chere Gruver Daniel Morneau C Moschopoulos V. Evan Alan Holman William Roberson Robert Grace Michele Sumka Jan Peebles Brian Cohen Dawn Albanese Susan Porter Harry Freiberg Rosemary Tann Bette Smith Margaret Herten Blake Wu Kathleen Hensman Todd Snyder Rose Hawkins Liz Galst Shela Hadley Kristine A. Barry Krieger Patricia Holbrook Clarence Harris Thomas Disilvio Bruce Krawisz Barb Viker Doug Reynolds Laura Chinofsky Paula Scudere Carol Dugger Lea Langdon Marla Shrock David Boyer Eric Naji Fabienne Ament James M. Kozlik Martin Becker Susan Bye Soraya Dosaj Dara Rider Stephen Humphrey John Michael Linda Thomas Wolslegel Jenifer Johnson Julie Hecktman Lillian Mahaney Leah Leifer Robert Thornhill Linda Williams Joseph Stieglitz Kathleen Dolson Julia Hart Susan Hanlon Carol Cook Patti McCloskey Mary Sandstrom Matthew Miller Randolph Schoedler Karen Peterson David Sands Cody Goin Crystal Rector Katie Lane Curtis Coffer Jamie Green Vic Mandarich Zaver Shroff Russ Olson Larry Andersen Ann Rossman julie palumbo Ellyn Musser Linda Gail Schultz Berry Mark Anderson Dianne Ferriss Penny Appelbaum Goldman Melissa Anglin Shelley Kilbon Anne Ackley Stephanie Linam Therese Debing Mark Harvey Pat Annoni Linda Guthrie Deirdre Downey Simon Hughes Dale Peterson Elena Schaef Daniel Medeiros Judy Bryan Donna Murphy Natalie Harrison Bruce Cratty Josef Koeppl Will Golding Linda Massa Margaret Mcginnis Daniel Manobianco Linda Ross Steve Hocker Teri Buchanan Deborah Dearing Debra Evon Sara Lee Betty Brooks Matthew Yancey Rob Cherwink Mary Pouliot Alan Jasper Cathy Wootan Dana Spottswood Nimia R. Montanez Shipper Mary Ann Viveros Jim Turner Cathy Ream Michael Ireland Debra Csenge Kim Bigley Glen Pittman Diana Koeck Peter Schmale Bruce Laughbaum Denise Motta Ken Stein Mark Dandrea Bob Higginson Jordan Fouts Dan Harrigan Alan And Caroline Zuckerman Kyle Alhart Bert Corley Judy Fore Jason Li Perry Gx Mark Stannard Kristi Turner Claudia Richner Bonnie Helmer Laura Herndon Marie Mitchell Richard Stuckey Pamela Dymesich John Lynch Lotti Knowles Katherine Alexander Susan Messrschmitt Steven Hoffman Nicole Destephano Laura Weimer Sue Velez Roger Schmidt Carole Newsome Robert Dravenstott Donna Selquist Lane Lucht Susan Castelli-Hill Meera Desai Roth Woods Natalie Haddad Elena Myers Michelle Hendricks O. Stryker Charlie Graham Joanne D Utkarsh Nath James Dawson Karen Strange Sylvia Clark James Harper Stephan Lehmann Jim Coogan David Wiley Arden Green Michael Robertson Elizabeth Kelson Jacqui Glyde Jasmina Petrovic Michael Crowden Felena Puentes Renee Jeska Renee Antieau Raymond Clark Karen Hauser Joseph Magid Jeff Teller Danna Williams Tina Beedle Lynne Glaeske Tom Earnist Joyce Ownbey Jeff Kiralis Tedd Ward Jr. Anna Rincon Marissa Cunningham James Johnson Terrance Kluz Rebecca Straw Carolyn Barker Steven Berman Belinda Colley Aaron Allen Wayne Mortimer Janet Maker Oksana Kaido Julie Longanecker Francine Sutton Hamilton Ross B. R. Lemonik Carol Cantrell Elaine Edell Edward Wolner Miriam Kuirland Elizabeth Moore Laurie Kerr Peggy Phipps Gwen Weil Helen Garner Jacqui Dewitt Stewart Bedford Timothy Vandergoore Kevin Vaught Carrie Foster Campbell Scott Amundson Ronald Drahos John Maher Robert Halliday Debbie Nelson Bob Tripp Roger Woitte Richard Devletian Pam Rensch Tom Hougham Anthony Albert Bob Wellsted Brad Hanahan Kinsey McLean Janet Miller Colleen McMullen Terry Hawkins Rebecca Dien-Johns Marco Villaverde Susan Gardner Gisela Zechmeister Carrol Kuhlow Lynn Krikorian Jack Piper Dorothy Carlson Tim Durnell Rachel Jacobs Karen Bond Michelle Phillips Linda Bolduan Candace Rocha Mary Geraets Lynne Weiske Jeff Schwefel Darlene Wolf Joseph Wiley Anita Shanker Sarah Remme Scott Clark Abigail Gindele Laurel Starr Edward Latz Marlena Lange Douglas Schneller Shelley Thomsen Rosemary Butka Heather Haverfield Nancy Schulman Elisse De Sio Mark Bartleman Teresa Denardo Alix Bowman Chuck Hottle Deb Federin Steve Woodman Greg Maple Chris Drumright Janna Piper Dennis Desmarais Justin Cohen Keith Cutler Daniel Homan Brooke Reel Ryan Davis Monica Ventrice Peter Townsend Frances Crocco Gerald Kolbe Mitch Mellman Joanne Tenney Steve Robey Ron Parsons Carolyn Bartholomew M J Langelan Pamela Raup-Kounovsky Daryl W. De Boer Marty Mason Jessica Pate Nancy Kaplan Lauren Linda Jacy Good Roland Creswell Nancy Weissman Riley Brannian Ronald Harkov Lauren Moss-Racusin Catherine Beauchamp Cathy Stansell Vince Welna Karly Mintz Nancy Anderson Shirley Crenshaw Jeff Neikirk Queenelle Minet Kevin Wiker Robert Brown Linda Thompsen Brooke Kane Brian Cocco Robbie White Lee Margulies Tony Bell Walt Galloway Kristin Crage John Nettleton Mary Piercey Paul Mangold Ronald Foster James Mondragon Doby Finn Wilson Sauthoff Terry Kays E Petrilla Mike Souza Janine Wright Barbara Schreier Moneca Dunham Shawn Blaesing Leonard Meyer Keith D'Alessandro Joshua Dubansky Laura Salanitro Ruth Petzold Dori Bailey Tami Palacky Eric Ross Barbara Dubois Barbara Sandow David Duff Beverly Harris Vikram Rajan Ali Morse Kim Christman Jennifer Nitz Mildred Gittinger Jackie Stolfi Julie Berberi Dawson Pan Shari Oconnor Terri Saurs Nathan Nielsen Austin Nealon Robbie Leatham Donna Peet-Laurenti Ken Clark Lincoln Cole Joan Greenwald Elisa Rios Michael Klausing Howard Holko Russell Griffin Laura Silverman Jennifer Gore Hannah Brenen Paul Schmidt Sharon Hawkins Christina Perella Noah Youngelson Nan Reed Sheila Out Phil Goldsmith Deanna Horton Jennifer Esposito Tom Esposito Eric Sandler Karl Wirtenberger Steve Schueth Thad Danielson Michael Garitty Linda Wolpert Carole Cole William Claiborn Laurel Gress Tony Moureilles Tristin pollet Erica Stanojevic Brendalee Lennick Steven Combes Eileen Gonzales Lizbeth Giletto Jane Hannemann Mil Drysdale Audra Lacour Elsie Kokal Barry Hutchinson Roger Podewell Joan Scofield Alex Fierro-Clarke Robin Reinhart Kurt Schwarz Stephanie Seymour Brad Yoho Lisa Neste Ronda Reynolds Mindi White Kathryn Johanessen Robert Loshuertos Michael Henning Eric Polczynski Ryan Houlette Phyllis Chavez Allison Timm Jamie Flaherty Deb Hermanson Jesse Croxton Dana Sanchez Cionin Lorenzo Lorne Beatty Matthew Ford Joyce Tsang Billy Rogers Matt Blackall Kristin Konstanty Allan Taylor Stanislaw Huculak Cathy Anderson Deborah Eberts Caitlin Varone Nina Perino Eloise Bradham John Haller Richard Niemiec John Singiser Dayle Sherba Sherri Racine James Cadorin Erin Haugh Jeanette Paisley William Rice Paul Souza Allister Layne Daniel Lipson Kevin Mcaleer Francis Barbarino Wendy Vernon Maya Rainey Teresa Ware Lacey Levitt Paul Neumann Susan Pascoe Lynnette Delgado Craig Guenther Miriam Leeser David Mazariegos Natalka Roumeliotis Alex Pablo Bobe Shannon Leitner Jane Nachazel-Ruck Joanne Lakosil Hilary Mulligan Gina Costa Morris Narunsky Jennifer Thornton Laura Alskog Allyn Schneider Mary Lebert Kaitlyn Reisner Arthur Trejo Bradley Budnik Frances Rove Phebe Schwartz Honora Brehm Ana Herold G Batch Morton Smith Jen Scibetta Dominique Edmondson Mark Soenksen Megan Wilder Nick Wilder Julie Ozias Kelly Epstein Heather Davis Patricia Mallory Carol Kirkwood Tim Barrington Annette Faurote Jayson Luu Stephen Wolf Nicole Bohlman Tim Beecken Melody Heart Paula Chow Rick Sutton Fj Sheffield Tirzah Sandoval Silvia De Los Santos Vicki Johnson Marylyle Mccue Robin Mcaliley Roberta Swanson Bonnie Cross Brian Wilson Rebecca Berlant Patricia Voydanoff Christopher Scheller Joan Wilce David Huebner Kathy Kosinski Gary and Ellen Shick Beckerman Donna Martin Mark Hurst Erik Mueller-Harder James Mccord John Schumacher Gary Ivey Tracey Peterson San Ciemiega Alan Gonzalez Stephanie Aston Mike Yochim Barbara Jenkinson Willow Alleon Allison Cocuzzo Joseph Cocuzzo John Janssen Susan Mills Toni Lapointe Tsee Lee Philip Rich William Gregory Michael Miller Joel Kay David Kinkaid Judith Smith Debra Wile Richard Hiscock Sarah Lawarence Tiffany Haverfield Nicida Maerefat David Painter Brandon Kozak David Taylor Randy Bueno Sandra Chapman Burson Barbara Baker Camille Harvey Jarryd Audette Peter and Ellen Rawlings Ellie Mcguire Sue Janssen Rochelle Briscoe William Welkowitz Kermit Cuff Pat Jones Daniel Bennett Dee Voldal Brett Thomsen Kate Duvall Carole Shurtz Rehana Huq Anjanette Cureton Fran Sherry G Frost Scott Workinger Lisa Jefko Jacalyn Dinhofer Jessica Grigg Jan Dietrick Mishia Hunwick Bill Pieper Michael Olenjack Arthur Haynes Bradley Colden David Sweet Andrea O'Shea Jeanette King Philip Young Richard Boyce Gail Cheeseman Raymond Wells Scott Neuhaus Patricia Auer Janet Cross Marc Imlay James Steinmuller Pat Wagner Patrick Gormalley Tyson Martin Sandra Chrstopher Rick Carr Maryann Kauffman Thomas Bain Lieve Bain Brennan Nerhus Julie Beer Millie Gushue Steve Graff Cherine Bauer Karen Rakes Mary Levan Chris Morrow Kathleen Fernandez Patricia Altro Bo Bergstrom Kevin Silvey Richard Han Erin Foret Linda Linker J. Woodworth Steven Sy Gary McCuen Michelle Palladine Nell Wulff David Baine Susan Hilty Michael Salgat Lola Gremlin Mary Anna Jun-Morris Robert Stoyles Howard Cohen Laurel Moreau Elizabeth Lesman Elizabeth Hegarty April Parkins Myron Mohr Hayim and Joy Zadaca Katherine Holmes Dave Cardinali Donald Fischer Ken Post Laurie Toner Lynn Shoemaker Brian Kuhn Elizabeth Jarquin Jed Potter J Diamond Patricia Reese Marce Walsh Frank Whorton Celeste Bettino Karl Koessel Melvin Siegel Camilla Comanich Aleda Beachler Kenith Jones Nicolaas Strik Andrew Hinz Barbara Burton E. Dantuono Kristine Winnicki Esther Garvett Carrie Watson Jennifer Svenson William Wilson Susan Bradshaw Joan Zierler Brook Finch Leslie Karnauskas John Holtzclaw Lois Vincent Suki Kaplan Evan Krichevsky James Harstad Philip Klein Christine Doyka John Crosby Andrea Laderosa Gary Kruger Patricia Lira Anil Prabhakar Melony Paulson Nancy Lund Jared Brenner Royal Graves John Assenmacher Judy Beachler Carole Forman Susan Sloan Sandra Zylberman Irene Carr Rochelle Gravance Jeanne Stulb Georgia Shankel Eleanor Weisman Andrew Deranger Michael Buescher Debborah Rankert Jill Davine Susan Bernstein Suong Huynh Susan Goldman Nancy Kiec Linda Wasserman Robert Newman Anastasia Fiandaca Ronda Rosner Richard Perras Robert Oberdorf Jacqueline Deslandes Ellen Pedersen Jeremy Alford Kerry Heck Addie Smock Gerhild Paris Matthew Carson Nicole Waldron Chris Moser Richard Grooms Peter Alexander Debra Espinoza Nasir Masood Jocelyn Blake Mary Ann Kelly Sukey Barnhart Mark Molloy Jennifer Yacio Joseph Rindler Farrah Grant Ryan Suleiman Chelsea Haylett Margret Cifaldi James Lindsay Madalene Zale Becky Wharton Patrick Niese Mike O'Connell Ran Zirasri Cregg McCullin Clover Krajicek Charlie Holland Daniel Stribick John Kim Charlotte Williams Niki Learn Tami Schreurs Beth Cohen Christopher Ware Pam Mcdonald Patrick Bonner Carolyn Murphey Jonathan Resnick Raul Rodriguez Mary Leon Melanie Lipton Elizabeth Mackelvie Thomas Faust Michael Kolezar Regina Barakat Gabrielle Clifford Roidina Salisbury Jerome Stenger Patricia Fuller Joy Lee Burns Mary Robbins David Carey-Kearney Andrew Baird Alex Mcvey Malinda Plog Diane Berliner John Primrose Sherrill Futrell Bob Lentz Luanne Mierow Christian Reyes Gary Thaler Grace Mason Jonathan Zahos Jennifer Baugh Linda Wuethrich Russ Susko Evan Schaefer Mark Klugiewicz Charles Hung Anne Monticello Jessica Ruppert Jennifer Barton Sabolch Horvat Vincent Peloso Ashton Galloway Nate Brown Maggie Reid Leslie Bereck Robert Guignard Alyx Bilyeu Janet Einfalt Jacky Kusterer Carl Orr Samantha Mcquiston Carolina Valenzuela Shannon Keifner Adam Paul Martin Robbins Kimberly Rigano Tania Willis Jason Chin Keiko Martinez Eileen Taschereau Satya Vayu Christine Moreno Shawna Gorman Ethan Middlebrooks Radka Yang Diane Faletti Susie Lee Jay Pieri Georgia R Ellen McConnell Mona Peterson Mary Ann Seltzer Jeff Hathaway Ms. Carla Compton Annie Laurie Ralph Iovino Kimberly Lowe Merle Neidell Bruce England Jim Wilson John Brockhaus keith Johnson Jay Lefkowitz Sandy Lynn Lisha Doucet Daniel Woodruff Caroline Boston Dan Morgan Lisa Witham Thomas Keys Glen Taysom Carl Stein Bob M Deb Catone Robin Vantassell Dave Frank Brian Ramsey Peter Burval Seth Silverman Julie Manciagli Robert Rothman Heather Nicholson Binh Tang Matthew Boguske Heather Graeber Karen Kirschling Larry Steen June Balish Sarah Merrigan Tracey Katsouros Maureen Whitley Robert Johnson Eric Yao Katrina Thurman Christina Gilman Terry Akana Debbie Mcbride Rob Wolf Gloria Walker Connie Lindgren Carol Schmidt Patricia Baker Ronald De Vos Edward Day Patricia Criste Theodore Timmins Jill Moniz Leslie Harper Jean Digby Amy Kiba Kaye Mcdonough David Slain Sue Sonner Ronald Kucynski Sharon Rich Frank Blake Carrie Swank Robert Fischoff Richard Rutherford George Dillman SHELLY Newton Richard Krygowski Gary Costello David Jenkins Annette Raible Joslyn Baxter Vivian Deutsch Maria Asteinza Karen Prowda Suzanne Cerniglia Freddie Sykes Cheryl Speer Pamela Sieck Don Vonderschmidt Hooman Bustani Susan Wechsler Stephanie de los Rios Richard Spicer Cornelia Marsh Cipra Nemeth Jeff Christian Christina Dyson Steph Randall John Barger Pamela Geyer Susan Cassens Lara Kramer-Smith Stacy Bouilland David Benson Heather Braut Susanna Askins Sandra Thompson John Rosing Randal Churchill Deborah Gibbs-Halm Cheryl Arvio Antonia Kuhn Doreen Tignanelli Eric Esposito Joanne Duick Robin Hamlin Heather Lutz Connie Howes Lisa Grasso Sarah M Ken Grzesiak Bobbee Murr Cynthia Howell Barbara Glassheim Brian Ainsley Angelica Freitag Nancy Schuhrke Karen Seeberg George Catherine Bonnie Price James Patton Suzanne Kammer Susan Cooper Elizabeth Berteaux Dorothy Chamberlin Richard Chamberlin Herbert Lord Hugh Moore Heather Sabin Lawrence Blacik Russ Cross Cis Hancock Adrienne Naylor Patti Brandt Kevin Brown Mary Totty Joy Kroeger-Mappes John Wheeler Susanne Varlese Bob Lichtenbert Karen Saum Kenneth Miller Dave Berkenbush Victoria Randall Jesse Gore Thaddeus Rada Dave Searles Alice Marie Catherine Macan JoAnn McIntosh Kathryn Salazar Jennifer Loomis Ray Macstay Philip Bebbington R.A. Skokie Tammy Merrell Dana Barela Peggy Schramm Randolph Mcfadden James Groton Jean Paskowitz Maria-Celeste Delgado-Librero Peter Schumacher Thomasin Kellermann Ann Hollinger John Christopher Andrea Fritz James Mather Jan Villarrubia Sylvia Barnard Betty Kissilove Krista Dana Hari Rai Khalsa Carol Turtle Charles Looney Allen Altman William McQuaide Blake Hottle Molly Mott Michael Oblander Gail Angevine Colette Taglieri Vernon Batty James Kohler Therese Larochelle Eric Kraft Natalija Sale Stacy Lesartre Enrique Baloyra Joseph Lawson Terry Fain Mary Ann Rudy Jason Youn Jim Anderson Susan Nichols Miriam Baum Phyllis Gaiti C Jean Boomershine Beth Lander Amy Lund Dennis Lynch John Miller Judi Stratton Sarah Anderson Kathleen Gould Grady Warren Joyce Devlin John Klien Jeff Brown Patricia Baecker William Shearer John Thonet Andi Armstrong Sharon Wallace Ruth Steger Donna Jensen Mark Boren Stephanie Frye Gerritt Baker-Smith Elizabeth Baker-Smith Rocco Dimeo Joe Racine Greg Ratkovsky Mary Judge Jerrold Osborn Linnea Roy Alisha Begell Noah Ehler David Elman Bruce Ventura Gloria Mcclintock James Teas Jeffrey Gordon Debra Moyer Margo Moulin Amy Henry Maryjo Osowski Georgia Mattingly Dave Pierot Jolynn Jarboe Judith Ford Carol Devoss Carla Hedden Kris Pagenkopf Anthony F Marple Mary Hard Frank Engert Wayne Olson Eliot Helman Sharon Quintero Joan Glasser Karyn Goff Dennis Rogers David Bradbury Elizabeth Pearcy Anne Tuddenham Dusty Dodge Andrea Chisari Pam Evans William Vachula James Pfitzner Sally Noack Ken Martin Beth Braun Jean Mont-Eton Jennifer Yarrington Mark Kolar Sandra Garcia Torunn Sivesind Judy Klafta James R Monroe Desmond Hosford Omar Siddique Anne Weinstein-Garcia Ethan Krenzer Carol Fly Michael Tomczyszyn Don Thompson Shirley Mccarthy Dana Weintraub Robert Davis Jamie Lurtz Karen Biesanz Laurel Cameron Diana Franco David Munford Tracy Poirier Jeffrey Bains Rosalie Sable Kent Gardner Arline Fass Victoria Johnson Mary Bluml Debra Semasko Elana Katz Christine Huelsman Terry Yandell Cherie Yates Robbin Kotajarvi Tonya Cockrell Myra Bassin Christina Stemwell Judy Scriptunas B.J. Van Kalsbeek Dennis Miller Ela Thomas Meredith Diamond Stephen Fitch Travis Bertram Dennis Allen Rusty Glicksman Donald Jones Janet Ramsay Ariana Saraha Sue Johnston Nancy Nolen Nancy Hanson Elizabeth Gwynn Joanne Dehart Cheryl Parkins Sophie Rocheleau Mary Levitt Jeanette Hills Diane Patnode Katy Kotiadis Kerry Burkhardt Eilene Janke Peg Reagan Douglas Mccormick Wayne Pipke Joshua Burson Sylvia DeMars Carole Swiden Christopher Hughes Mohan Sakhrani Erika Sass Michelle Casey Christy Nedrow James Ashcraft John Fernandez Paula Summers Gabriel Newton Adam Kaplan Terry Gomoll Sonia Vázquez Ernest Fulton Marin Quezada Bruce Revesz Francoise La Monica Maureen O'Neal Lisa Hunkler Jeffrey Hurwitz Chilton Gregory Shelby Hood Lyman Welch Lisa Krausz Barbara Rosen Natasha Tuckett Mark Rhomberg Vicki Kruschwitz William Wurtz Arlene Naranjo Judy Hedstrom Gail Gill James Watkins Danny Hill Nancy Johnson Jose Greco Eileen Juric Sheila Schmeling Matt Brzezinski Nancy St Germain Mabel Echeandia Diane Martella Hector Bertin Richard Hassinger Marianne Bentley Jordan Shapiro Philip Mcmorrow Bonnie Margay Burke Jorge Colaizzo Courtney Fusco Karen Miner Emily Pitner Jo Forkish Devyani Jagasia Jackie Mills Tammy Lettieri David Berlow Shanna Bradford Leslie Becker Ann Thompson Alvera Pritchard Becky Miller Joan and Alan Hebert Alice Nicholson Michael Smith Ann Loera Jessica Rollins Leana Rosetti Louis Gauci Susan Civitelli Jo Anne Neaves Mark Fraser Becky Rosenwald Adam Gross Kendra Kendrick Roz Connor Kay Ross Lauretta Roche Daniel Aguirre Alex Stavis Jenny Stanley Stewart Wiggers Brandie Deal David Schulz Don Tarbutton Helene Bank Michael King Judith Lasko Thomas Avery Debra Hoven Sheri Abramson Edward Boynton Livia Ferguson Karen Carson Emily Bogard Linda Sizemore MarianKitty Dennis Irene Przybysz Deanna M Pena Laura Long Zed Langston Linda Sartor Diane Petrillo Joslyn Pine Donna Stoddard Debbie Thorn Debbie Mccarthy Barbara Lavender Lynn Clancy Riplee Darling John Peterson Thomas Tizard Alina Azarova Pamela Finnegan Thomas Carlino Robert Berry Mady Newfield C. Coogan Kate Morgan Gaby Navarrete Robert Halsey Susan Bassett Timothy Whitcombe Nadia Mykolayevych Andrea Barlow Bonita Aures Bonnie Johnson Dara Johnson Sarah Stewart Laurie Kuntz Lois Honeycutt Bernard Kevin Brown Kim Raubolt Jesse Calderon Daniel Buckler Barbara B Catherine Whiteside Cliff Joseph Lauren Bell William Carbley Rebekah Colours Hilary Tulloch Debbie Slack Elise Beliak Kelly Devine Mark Sarcone Lawrence Midura Richard Pressman Richard Payne Anna Hamre R F Gloria Mejia Daniel Weinberger Ms. Lilith Zoe Strassfield Mary Ann Black Christi Tempesta Wallace Rhine Rae Zehel Claudia Monahan Richard Puglisi Jazmine Harvey Tung Vu Jay Myers Mecky Myers Freda Hofland Paula Long Ray Barry Jordan Yeatts Robert Parkinson Inger Acking Anita And Jack Waytz Amy Cicalese Mina Tang Albert Gamble J Dean Bruce Reinik Ursula Trimble Lawrence Kloet Beverly Rose Maria Sharkey Bruce Langmuir Tonya Michel Sue Courtney Dana LaFontsee Lea Morgan Consuelo Cassotti Donna Fung Elaine Shuster Laura Anderson Thomas Giblin Kathy Durrum Rebecca Redford Valerie Allen Justin Boone Nancy Bast Dan Esposito Jack Polonka Jennifer Banks Jill Prevender Henry B. Mitchell Iii Bill Holt Dayana Avila Kris Knoll Barbara Rosenkotter Carey Kuhlmey Meredith Kates Lois Barnch Ronald Brown John Lundborg Greg Rosas Debra Goodwin Carl Prellwitz Marlene Faucher Maria Walker Eric Edwards Susan Bernat Carey Sheck Sally Radford Debra Hill Chow-Chi Huang Edward Rengers Susan Sherard Lisa Mazzola Anderson Lynn Candace Porter Janice Hunter Eric Santaiti Mary Russell Stacey Skole Matt Sheridan Kirsten Wolner Robin Kratschmer Robert Sharp Tara Hottenstein Ellen Jahos Cynthia Hart Eddie Bumguardner Christopher Wong Kate Bordisso Anastasia Yovanopoulos Michael Andrea Lynn Bengston Penelope Lepome Michele Kurtz Melissa Spengler Dorothea Stoep Barry Greenstein Joyce Coombs Ruth Edwards Doris Applebaum Rosalind Ivens Barb Morrison Lynn Costa Erica Johanson Signe Wetteland Debra Staudt Kellin Mckinney Linnell Krikorian Stephen Dickstein Fern Walker Jo Ann Kiva Catherine Gouldstern Elizabeth Carivan Janet Ginepro Jon Anderholm Jane Lischer Greg Puppione Nicole Puttick Richard Frye Ken Kebisek Ann Stratten Leonard Epstein Eloise Smith Eleanor Gomez Martha Bushnell Jack Murphy Randy Handwerger Rachel Speed Robert Koopmans Phyllis Lauer Linda Prostko Julie Kirsh Jeffrey Kramer Cora Luce Megan King Sylvana Arguello Darcy Vansteelant Robert Harless Francis Schwinger Elizabeth Johnson Patricia Foster Joy Baker Christopher Parsons Nick Kiger Steven Rood Catherine Carter Catherine Loudis Patricia Dostalek Katherine Wright David H. Bullard Heather Regino David Zanardelli Joy Mcmahan Sophia Mcallister Deborah Wertz Debra Miller Anna Ramis Nika Kollar Kurt Kessner Pat Winkelmayer D Rowe Tom Peace Jennifer Crum Peggy Moody Joanne Sulkoske Rick Romito Jeri Iversen Sonja Plumb Tiffany Watts Joni Pradetto Susan Lefler Katie Miles Eugene Majewski Beth Renwick Perry Harris T Gilbert Leigh Slater James Talbot Stephanie Snedeker Maya Kurtz Sean Kent Allison Perry Ron Przybycien Barbara Gelder Judy Moran John Dieffenbach Byron Connell Timothy Post Zach Rasmussen Julene Weaver Ken Nations Paul Blackburn Ron Hansen Mary Stanton Fred Geiger Martha Carrington Louise Bianco Margaret Stein-Kodzik Anne-Catherine Roch Levecq Scott Stellar Chantal Eldridge Luke Metzger Linda Shadle Anthony Montapert Kristin Lewis Kevin Morris Nancy Weatherwax George Palmer Bruce Ross Abbie Daigle Henry Tasto Jeni Christensen J Barry Gurdin Cynthia Whitman Michael Taylor-Shortt Ricardo Villavicencio Meghan Mccutcheon Jeff Pekrul Joseph Vanblargan Aaron Ucko Nora Doyle Nelson Stockdill Sharon Dietrich Karen Mccaw Marcine McBride Cynthia Edney Robert Eager Sandy Unger David Habib Carla Wenzlaff Joseph Selph Ray Kenny Jenny Saar Candela Prol Lisa Mayr Boynton Julia Durand Elisabeth Brackney Staci Tefertiller Lisa Danno Daniel Figueroa John Wagner Drew Reese Kelly Murphey Laura Dill Brigitte Gibbs William r Bergman Nancy Stafford Joel Gates James Jacobs Ramsay Kieffer Amanda Zangara Robert Snyder Noreen Luetteke Tammi Turner-Franklin Andrew Fell Garry Star Nathan Tausch Jan Herbert Demelza Costa Michelle Allison Eve Duplissis Joshua Seff Lance Polya Renee Seward David Armington Gregory Duncan Allen Myers Ingrid Rochester George Snipes Christian Richer Ellen Wallace Clare Mccollam Barry Latuchie Zachary Jeffreys Jyoni Shuler Chris O'Connor Robin Blakesley Richard Swanson Joseph Quirk Rachel Fisher John Kirchner Rey Diego Sharon Nicodemus Mark Grzegorzewski Eden Rock David Ruud Karen Nelson Kimcarolyn Olds Sherman Herrick Jean Soligo S Nam Cheryl Diehl Alice Steijn Janis Luedke Lauren Schultz Diane Holzman Cynthia Dodson Kim Maul W. Donald Wright Lynne Firestone Gregg Yeomans Ben Martin Michael Rynes Kirk Dougherty Frank Bird Glenda Liling Steven Fenster Steve Schildwachter Nancy Spaulding Alan Schenck Anna Liljegren Andrew Abate Heather Schraeder Rick Rodriguez Sandie Myers Tom Hoffman Singgih Tan Lynda Johnston Mj Ariyanto P Donald Stampfler Leslie O Loughlin Karen Ogle Kenneth Mitchell Gwenn Schemer Patty Poock Ray Martinez Larry Olson Larry Wilke Robert Seltzer Amanda Yoder Pat Poggi Irene C Johnson Susanna Marshland Vernon Wong Lauren Fenenbock Jennifer Cunningham Kevin Giacobbe Lorraine Brabham John Pederson Judith Hall Julie Sanford Maria Millar Carol Metzger Jay Mccahill Andy Philpot Robert Martin Susi Westwood Deborah Otto Sunderman Linda Bruce Dustin Dalman Amanda Salvner Alisha Nickols Rita Everett Kevin Schader Susan Peirce John Dunkum Seth Schneider Jarrett Cloud Heather Mclarty Kyle Lesko Kallyn Krash Gail Weininger Ellen Morgan Joe Chwojdak Melanie Murphy Ben Moore Urmila Padmanabhan Elli Kimbauer Cathy Barton Joseph Stark Melissa Martinez Sandy Fye William Boehme Mary McGilvra Julie Ries Agnes Cruz Victoria Holman Ladonna Coleman Ingrid Newstadt Georgina Wright Nate Hildebrand Delia Almares M. Clarke Ronald Karpick Cathy Revis Jan Wachholz Kevin Jensen Terri Trammell Laura Lavertu Sharon Morris Barbara Wood Matt Bender Takako Ishii Claudia Rullman Javier Del Valle Wes Roc Carol Pierce Ernest Isaacs Laura Gorman Adam Nunes Mitchell Stachowicz John Gusmano Paul Nehring Xavier Villon Tom Hopkins Anna Aydinyan Lynne Jeffries Perry Chapdelaine Stuart Hall Bruce Christopher Diane Obringer Charles Collier Benjamin Park Sarah Stein Nina Klippel Marie Weis Roslynn Budoff Karen Waltman P A Paye Guy S And Toni Lopez Susan Lynch J Grause Valerie Phillips Nellie Medlin Jamie Shultz Marilyn Shepherd Francisco Salazar Maresa Luzier Rudy Zeller Kenneth Wildrick Nina Sagheb Patricia Fleetwood Leslie Smith Debbi Pratt Eleni Kotsis Anita Wishhusen Joanna Redman-Smith Don Meehan Debra Gleason Daniel Morrison Mari Vanantwerp Paul Martin Diane Paolazzi Gary Goetz Cindy Page Linda Ayers Sherry Weiland Andrei Harabadji Sharon Anderson Chris Ness Mark Hochman William Forbes Helena Moissant Jennifer Watabayashi Ron Duke Julia Riggin Ethel Messuri Judith Zingher Gennaro F. Delucia Shawn Kurtzman Lyric Apted Mark And Celia Bewley Kelly Kroske Phoebe Mc Leod Donna Harris Anne Weiss Elena Rhodes Dawn Picard Elizabeth Coleman June Attarian Sheila Campbell Emily Rothman Lois Blake Karen Berger Alexander Honigsblum Stephanie Scherr Tina Rogers Dolores Saenz Char Schuman Meghan Ramsey Kate Ramsey Charlene Farrell Sarah Gioe Richard Blain Karralena Castaway Sharon Goel Lynn Hoang Bruce Rauscher Melissa Hutchinson Donald Lathrop Susan O'Rourke Cheryl Arthur Gerry Williams Alan Berg Joan Merrill Linda Haas Christopher Wenzel Eric Scheihagen Kathleen Bryson Kenith Rice Patricia Tice Lesley Brinkman-Mosiman Eric Nichandros Alisa Garrison Mark Houdashelt Pamela Bergdall David Del Sesto Kathleen Del Sesto John Hitchins Jeffrey Stone Tina Brown Kathleen Kearns Jonathan Kiesling Roberta R Czarnecki Angela Heide Debby Roegner Michelle Collar Dawn Longo Sean O'Dell Colleen Curtis Tim Speece Donald Keir Robert Rosenblum J Lynn Kristy Blain Eric Reyes Samantha Gill Candace Laporte Kirby Wohlander Steph Clarke Tim Lippert Rai Montalvo Liam Murphy Steven Cook Tim Pendergast Steve Aydelott Kimi Wei Jean Tunstall Doug Allen Alyssa Freeman Richard Blandin Michael Capalbo Jack Foresteire Laura Allen Janet Duran Cheri Porter-Keisner Mary Noll Harold Watson Alessia Cowee Dan Kittredge Lilly Kittredge Carol Mcloughlin Carlos Nunez Pedro Mier Kyle Pauley R Fain N Nadine Godwin Ginny Volk-Anderson Jennifer Scott Jennifer Hayes Genevieve Deppong Mark Golembiewski Tika Bordelon Tracy Ouellette Marion Chamberlin Karen Hargrave S Arroyo Lisa Wright Alix Nunez Victoria Marcello Priscilla Skerry Sarah Stout Chris Gunn Adriano Chinellato Nicole Hilkovitch H Fast Charles Wolfe Patty Buttliere Debra Spies Oleg Varanitsa Suzanne M. Edie Bruce George Staff Pamela Kane Genevieve Herrick Colleen Carter Lou Priem Darilynn Mccoy Rich Williams Carole Huelsberg Paula Rosasco Joan MacCari Jan Mitchell Chris Pitt Ruth Siekevitz Claudia Nichols Cynthia Blegen Roger Kulp Becky Breeding Sandra Chapman Donna Glaser E Wall Kirsten Egenes Jay Blackman Sara Stepnicka Maureen Febiger Ellen Sansone Patti Herring Katie Yu Ruth Maule Mair Mcnamara Florie Rothenberg Robert Bastien Pamela Rislove Stephanie Mcfadden Richard Beville Jerry Horner Nicholas Lenchner Genevieve Bullock Merrie Thornburg Elaine Delaney-Winn Mara Sabinson Charles Borg Alexia Jandourek Helen Goldenberg Patricia Dishman Gregory Horton Tom Csuhta Judith Alter Julie Lowry Amy Roberts Lilly Blase Irene Mauer Brenda Psaras Cristina Amarillas Larissa Matthews Barbara Unger Laurie Gogic Ian Bracchitta Jeffrey Spendelow Robin Mayforth Catherine Glahn Christel Markevich Roberta Stern Stephen Karnisky James Dicarlo Brielle Cords Don McKelvey Jenna Chrol Elliot Pliner Brant Kotch Matthew Rivers Rita Jaskowitz Doris Ashbrook John Jackson Heidi Bean Phil Miotto David Cotner John Varga Shayne O'Brien Mark Rochester Susan Rochester John Carmichael Raphael Snagg Elsy Shallman Burt Culver Annemarie Prairie Jill Dunham Isaac Ehrlich Celeste Watt Nick Meek Jess Kost Diane Barense Melanie Zeller Mercedes Lackey Teri Hammer Suzanne A'Becket Bryan Fork Pamela Mao Jana Bassman Randall T. Phipps Kelly Brignell Maryann Lanew Christine Mueller Ruth Todd Rich Goldberg Bonnie Lynn Mackinnon Kevin Woodworth Tony Delia Holly Hall Gregory Karpf Tod Boyer David L. Ely Cathy Simmons Vince Mendieta Steven Vogel Anne Huibregtse Nick Byrne Seth Downs Robin Weirich Tory Ewing Rena Pass Kevin Wang Susan Baker Scott Jennings Tamara Voyles Douglas Morgan Deborah Abdulrahim Ashley Ouellette Melissa Davis Joy Mamoyac Leonard S Marraffino Linda Quinet Patrick Boot Nick Gaetano Roger Minard Beth Groombridge Jono Knight Garrett Alden William O'Hare Mike Vasser Peter Stone Robert Fingerman Kathryn Melton Beverly Garcia John Servello Brad Fredriksen Gwenna Weshinskey Tamara Mccready Randy Roy Michelle Stoney Brian Gill Corey Olsen Michael Sivulich Mark Mccabe George Ruiz George Weaver Michael Borghi Barbara We Kevin Hearle Ph.d. Mary De Spirt Barbara Mallon Tabitha Thomasson Marie Pappas Keith Travers Chris Busby Kathleen Obre Ed Bennett Pam Wallace Jody Berman Phillip Lundberg Gloria Kegeles Michelle Mondragon Debra Cameron Janice Mackanic Jerry Lindhorst Cat Tucher Greg Singleton Steve Schoonveld Rand Guthrie Teresa Beutel Melissa Pearson Laura Basanta Nancy Loftin Gerrit Woudstra Geoffrey Ogden Ken Canty Julie Hagen Tammy Fenske Christopher McDonough Crystal Wilson Bobbie Flowers Jennifer Cartwright David Redisch Donna Redisch Natalie Rook Theresa Deluca Linda Couture Elena Fowler Sheilah Schumann Patricia Tholl Julie Martin Diane Lehner James Camp Kurt Krucke Esther Flakas Tina Vierra Clark Elizabeth Watts Andrea Torres Dan Frey Judy Walker Leah Cameron Russ Beebe Susan Moore Evelyn Fraser Barbara Addis Nancy Rodgers Josh Geller Julaine Roberson Landis Crockett Judi Bird Laura Guttridge Linos Frantzeskakis Dean Borgeson Noelle Mcguire Davi Ann Marie Arden John Marino Greg Leonard Elizabeth Bowman Sheri Snyder Daryl Wood Rita Sheehan George Wilder D Gryk Eugene Lehman Jan Wiley Linda Kubick Suzanne Hamer Katharine Martin Stephanie Lewis Peggy Fugate Patty Street Teresa Young Kathy Popoff Jessica Foster Janice Hall Gary Nickel Sierra Midgette Matt Higdon Demetra Tsantes Jane Woltereck Judi Adler Linda Obrien James Krafcik Robin Reed Heather Cross Marylois Hilton Karl Hjerpe Cyndi Hunt Michael Richmond Kenneth Lapointe Monika Buffamonti Ilene Budin Barbara Mesa Dorothy Anderson Spike Werda Mark Gorsetman Sarah Meyers Steve Davidson Keith Murphy Nancy L Cowger Eric Czerwony Jessica Cassidy Richard Buchholz Ingrid Sanborn Wayne Sanborn Isaiah Shalom Georgia Conroy David Hoffmann Allen Hengst Sylvia Piskunov Timothy Brennan Claudia Sabine Lois Cartmell J. David Scott Annah Gardner Jane Forbes Brian Baltin Ashley Pedersen Sarah Gavison John Kelso Tona Rose Michelle Pietromonaco Annette McGinley Carol Deanow Marco Pardi April Wheeler Phillip Callaway Kathryn Digioia JoAnn Bierman Stephanie Somers Gwen Howard Michelle Fuller B. Lytes Pamela Crouse-Haas Jim Woolly Carol Woolly Bechi Currier Paul La Monaca Laura Aranda Lisa Varner Jaci Wilkins Michael Gottlieb Jeanette Ruyle Lee Meadows Lea Houdek Jonathan Sampson Martha Burton Greg Sletten Jessie Sletten David Simpkin Victor Sytzko Gabby Schelthoff Eric Mckenzie Jeanne Greene Charesa Harper Julie Solell Kandice Bilisoly Patricia Linder Steve Shapiro Joanne D'Esposito Gary Simmons Angela Wiiki Phyllis Grove Jacqueline Davidson Judy Richards Matthew Alexander Art Voss Shyama Orum Sarah Feola Greg Zyzanski Larry Held Sharon Nanos Joan Casey Sue Lundquist Diane Harmony Giovanni Cartagena Pacia Dewald Jeff Kronick Karen Hazelman Janet Allison Val Marshall Loretta Bolton Margaret Weant-Leavitt Kathy Bitzer Stuart Francis Amy Gentes Barbara Chasin Janet Forman Susan Kessler Alexis Gilman Annita Bowman Melissa Reisland Laura Overmann Janet Hoover William Dudley Biana Boe Clayton Brillhart Jake Elfenbein Sarah Dean Carl Riday Deb Day Richard Altrock Tristan Dunker Marietta Harris Tiffany Rapplean Vicky Castellanos Janice Tomlian Lisa Jack Frank Boimare Carol Perrault Ryan Dell Paulette English Fred Suhr Alton Roundy Linda Avarello Sarah Mikkelborg Antoinette Daab Benjamin Houdek Annalea Malone Virginia Jastromb Julie Clayman Denee Scribner Callie Levina Jeremy Rossman E Neiman Ben Flint Guy Taylor Karl Feller Renee Darner Stephen Dutschke Susan Vessicchio Anthony Vessicchio Lyn Capurro Gerald Brosseau Kim Luke Bobbie Hensley Peggy Luna Donna Panza Elvira Arias Amanda Griffin Julie Watt John Hoch Michael Talbot Leah Arthur Donald Privett Copley Smoak John Ward Natalie Clark Marvin Moss Susan Cook Sandra Elliott Trevor Robinson Fran Malsheimer Katrina Shortridge Michele Reynolds Frank Pappas Aaron Boranian Jan Kent Taylor Smith David Phelps Pattie Meade Francine Ungaro Janet Wyatt Leslie Bradforx Amanda Green Susan Kutz Joan Altemose Judith Anderson Hailey Wood Fiana Shapiro Corita Forster David Addison Mark Leed Teresa Treiber Elizabeth Moellenhoff Miriam Rubin Susan Rohder Catherine Atherton Ricardo Rojas Patricia Christensen Gordon Parker III Anne Marie Bucher Oliver Emmett Knox Toddy Perryman Tracey Tronolone Carol Bernacchi Nina Greenberg Cheryl Watters Jeff Cohen Robert Brooks Randy Derhammer Alan Chen Cynthia Mcnamara Jeanne Doherty Linda Rosati Lindsay Keith Laila Solaris Matt Williams Dale Janssen Gay Hall Holly C Burgos Michael Roteik Christine King Rebecca Rook Bob Ericson Lisa James Kerstin Green Susanna Stone Sarah Mullins Dalia Salgado Catherine Johnson Rebecca Leas Hildy Meyers Virginia Entzel Erin Cleere Kristen Endrizzi Liz Lambregtse Jennifer Piche Huguette Moran Alison Labarge Carol Averill Anna Gasner W Wright Mildred Tanner Em Ma Chelsea Wulff D Lewis Carolee Reagan Terri Moon Sam Inabinet Karyn Sederberg Richard Warren Anuradha Sharma Magee Amanda Lowe Lawrence Wright Russ Hopler Tina Doolen Rebecca Pollinzi Caroline Kipling Jessica Heiden Susan Myers Vance Sterling Donna Clark Tupelo Hostetler Donald Evans J Kelly Matt Richmond Dee Evans-Hein Megan Yarnall Michelle Brands William Briggs Joann Pedersen Nicki Marx Laura Dickey Nicole Chang Fiorella Russo-Jang Jan Sockness Jennifer Sellers Brian Willis Carolyn Villanova Laurie Lagoe Robert Honish Brian Frederick Nikki Bango Ballinger Kemp Peggy Gardner Ruth Schechter Jim Tangney Janice Higgins Dorri Raskin Lisa Ruthman Eric Meyer Kathleen Dwyer Helen Lozoraitis Gary Plummer Alice Nguyen Claudia Parker Gloria Hulbert Nick Macdonald Rebecca Glass Alice Murphy Eddie Ward Chessa Rae Johnson Dana Atnip Candy Bowman Sue Marty Marge Mebane Tory Morgan Ellen Mccann Bonnie Poland Am T Frank Wyse Caroline Bowdish Whitney Metz Stacy Egbert Allan Ashbeck Michael Weaver Judith Ferrell Mara Price Sidney Ellison Joe Salazar Carolyn Treadway Susan Loomis James Hawk Kimberly Spiegel Srijan Chakraborty Brett Deschepper Jennifer Kopczynski Erin Howard Elaine Strassburger Tova Cohen Mary Lombard Josh Judson Melissa Mazias Cynthia Wootton John Wesley Miller Michaelle Robardey Teresa Roach Janice Banks Lisa Lewis Christine Dionisio Bachi Jenne Sindoni Brandon McDonald David Landa Gene Parsons Michele Nihipali Sarah Walters Russell Nadel Kelly Armour Brad Miller Brian Jones Steve Schafir Nancy Breth Leslie Berlin Russell Fletcher Charlie Oreilly Mary Schroeder Lynn Hartung Tara Mae Glenda Henning Traver Mcnamara Laurie Hartman Sean Brandlin Joaquim M. Pujals Heather Turbush Charlotte Wyatt Bud Hoekstra Victoria Buchwald Jan Gordon Rachel Hess Mike Nestor Nathan Schaefer Kathleen Aub Colin Goggin Leila Moheseni Julie Anderson Paula Mossaides Geoffrey Shaw Saralyn Sarandis Katharine Sommerfield Janice Biederman Arthur Payne Debby Goldman Dan Blakey Nathaniel Lapides Jeff Dupilka Lory Ono A Merzi Bryan Lucore John Moszyk Harold Hutton Gerald Hurley Medora Van Denburgh Donielle Rosenthal Georgia Griffin Marta Hawkins Nathan Tompkins Jim Rogers Connie Rogers Doug Brown Josette Le Beau Susan Barrons Ellen Murphy Vanassa Lundheim Audrey Ng Ron Mercante Georgie Peterson Debe Judah Claire Gentry Kris Mccann Adam Scott Earle Hale Michael O'Brien Joseph Kutlas Samantha Maffeo Stephen Wood Lauren Kupp Jeff Van Dellen N Porter Jess Zelniker Suzanne Menne Sally Tucker Joanne Zipay Fdsfa Fdsafd Elizabeth Johnson John Beavers Alexander Filippini Michael Betz Diane Huffine Miles Calabresi Steven Lipson Erin Millikin Vicki Call Chris Hall Brandon Wheelock Rose Kabir Cynthia Lachance Julie Morgan Daniela Rossi Marie-Laurence Yans Abraham Oboruemuh Jenny Ward Katherine V Terri Greene Robert Millar Gregory Reingruber Leslie Klein Barbara Bogart Joel Franks Wendy Diamond Margaretha Rady kit humphrey John Schreiber Susan Klein Yvonne Neal Lisa Gengo Mike Fratus Christine Reeder Alaina Dipaolo Lisa Annecone Al Blake Christine Sirias Jean Polous Analisa Crandall Pierre Beauregard Jim Stewart Michele Conley Vincent Lyman Sue Parsell Jayne Costa Debra Hand Allison Moore Luciana Johnson Thomas Durst Gloria Muszynski Nikki Nafziger Michael Hinshaw Emma Miniscalco Kendra Epstein Patricia Mensing Kristen Mattioni Ellen Rosenblum Jo Harvey Adrienne Swanson Joan Gregg Dennett Hutchcroft Rosemary Graf Annika Von Bartheld Daniel O'Brien Howard Orenstein Kyle Jones Michael Nelson Namphuong Quach Gerald Cosenza Thomas Wendel Arlene Dresdale Jeffrey Wang Casee Maxfield Bill Gregory Crystal Newcomer Michael Stella Krissy Kennedy Hooman Larimi Mary Southard Jean Hartje Chris Loo Jason Black Linda Jarnig Stevens Paul Joyce Dawn Ohlsson Christopher Anderson Judith Antin Sandra Cuprisin Teresa Allen Elizabeth Kelly Shirley Sutter Tufani Sengupta April Eversole Sarah Barber Kermit CARRAWAY Mike Huwe Niele Gillooly Agnieszka Beletsky Emily Bayer Liz LaFour David Weinstock Richard Sears Silvia Hall David Bell Pearl Holloway David Hancock Sharen Oxman Zack Fuller Denise Murphy Larry Gilbert Ariana Chandler Aydee Palomino Pamala Mckenna Jim Perry Clarice Arakawa Dennis Vecchiarello Bret Smith Linda Hendrix Eric Aberle Timothy Spurlin Nadine Watterson Kay Morrow Stacey Francis Andrea Dash Mike Elliott Susan Mackle Emily Withnall Jennifer Sillitti Dan Tobin Amy Schumacher Carrington Petras Mike Anderson Tami Bullock Chris Eaton Dan Heffernan Eyob Tadesse Fran Smith Katie Parker F Corr Justin Truong Mary Stanistreet Gail Zermeno Alice Williams Sherita Wilson Bonnie Butts Mark Marzano Angela Teixeira Thomas Artin Rochelle Lazio Victoria Shankling S. Allison Michael Wagner Susan Betourne David Middleton Daniela Cockwill Laura Brody Marybeth Arago Paul Eisenberg Paul Marcussen Ernie Robeson Mary Owens Bennie Woodard Monica Schaeffert Janet Tyndall Mona Talamantes Becky Joyce Devi Tong David Gick Michael Stuart John Webb Cynthia Alderson Michael Bean Lyn Sam Fleischer Lisa Hopkins Brenda Nieland Nancy Rupp Bc Shelby Carol Vonsederholm Beebe Frazer Martha Brown Carl Glitzenstein Paul Turner Benton Elliott Daniel McKeighen Linda Roberts Carl Luhring Alexander Siegfried Dave Karrmann Astrid Jarvis Marcus Gottlieb Ned Durkovic Nancy Peed Julia Wilson Mark Blandford Elak Swindell Margaret Stinstrom Cynthia Edwards Gabrielle Kratsas Sue Cross Ana-Paula Fernandes Donna Springer Thomas Zoubek Judith Schwartz Janice Mcneff Ryan Link Cindy Cody Robert Anido Wilfredo R. Santiago Isabel Freeman G. Dale Mathey Alex Luostari Erin Barnes Denise Sprague Claudia Schmid Brian Victurine Christine Gasco Heidemarie Weidner Carol Masuda Gail Richardson Tyra Pellerin Wendy Adams Jim Miller Ruth Woollett Carolyn Rhett Brianna Gerondale Glenna Wentworth Achilles Aiken Renate Levin Jerry Napombhejara Michelle Edgar Nina Minsky Lawrence Moore Debra Pedersen Michael Schmaus Kailey Kefi Leslie Scalley Beth Marshall Deborah Kaye Susan Cooper Virginia Turner Michael Sheffield Ericka Kohn Jim Barritt Trisha Rollings Thinh Ngo R Foreman Soheila Comninos Chris King Eduardo Forero Gunnar Sievert Marley Mcdermott Melissa Rees George Hanas Janice Wilfing Mark Chenevey Lauren Rapp Julia Bray Chris Moffo Scott Matash Letitia Noel Jennifer Meares Ravindra Agarwal Ellen White Steven Rosenberg A. Todd Nora Gerstein Lois Chappell Carey Given Jack Dais Elizabeth Ketz-Robinson Timothy Dunn R Scott Davis Edmun Leahy Teresa Lee Robert Lindberg Judith Garson Victoria Clausen Katja Linsenmaier Molly Swabb James Mitchell Chris Brunner Edward Kucera David Stauber Stephen Hirsch Morgan Lazenby Brad Duell Robin Longenbach Susan Snoles Russell Symonds Colleen Loughran Melanie Fisher Carolyn Marsalek Noah Haydon Wendy Antoine Al Burse Susan Groen John Howard Bekah Linda Mackenzie Jeffrey Moran Dawn Odonnell Angela Wyble Susan Crane John Geders Vivian Slade Sandy Verduin Roger Wess Amy Tiger Maria Rodriguez Margarita Perez Crystal Wolf Jonathan Pokorny Timothy Dichiara Phd Alice Alford Leslie Silkworth Helen Buckley Rajdeep Bhathal Rick Linsky Gretchen Anna Sand Renee Bryant Annmarie McCann Alexander Whittle Martin Marcus Caitlyn Kelly-Kilgore Linda Ellsworth Fayton El-Dehaibi Denise Tarr Enid Cardinal Deborhah Calloway Pular Zorrilla Samantha Bush B Leved Jennifer Alberghini Kevin Perry Daphne Dixon Kimberly Wick Melissa Brochak Yessenia Quintero Matthew Klimczak A.R. Puccio Rama Paruchuri Michael Wollman Amelia Jones Amelia Hoy Stacy Clark Vanja Ivanova-Hathcock Lori Colon Ellen Phillips Matthew Eick Julia Jardine Deborah Spencer Kristin Gallanosa Andres Heljula Jessica Henson Joseph Reynolds Monica Smilko Mark Spitzer Stuart Lewis Andrew Ashburn Allen Price Ginger Werp Eric Lehman Alexandra Sipiora Harriet Forman Sandra Remilien Teresa Reno Michael Pauley Leeallen Meyer Danielle Hawkins Ken Gigliello Lilli Ross Dorothy Jordan Linda Maslanko Bryan Ward Margaret Mew Kelly Zutrau Louis Russ Kristen Brown Virpi Toivonen Cheryl Taylor Claire Morris Erika Clark Jerrie Kheir Nancy Larson Karl Steen Don Hnatowich Leslie Mason Gail Marie Noon Jim Szewczak Pixie Klemic Nigel Price Gary Rulapaugh Fawn Toth Patricia Avery Alan Foster Julie Neushul James Neushul Gibson Glass Mark Faggert Duane Wittman Gabriela Bussek Heather Elizondo Vega Katelyn Acevedo Patricia Whalen Jeff Cooke Arturo Beyeler Kate Skolnick Ricahrd Forehand Robin Lande Marion Vargas Marcy Meadows Jo Pa Samantha Orszulak Vic Bostock Evelyn Rocco Richard Kornfeld Carrie Cammack Jessica Likens Keith Bockus Deborah Bockus Gretchen Waltemire Jean Rosenbalm Sasha Jackson Robert Cuchetto Linda Fielder Kimberly Bouchard-Shapiro Shaun Knutsen Gabriel Kennedy-Gibbens Michele Bouchard Kitty Savage Chris Hazynski Sandra Cournoyer Michael Rosa Shannon Jones K Aiken Jon Moulesong Abby Saks Judith Knouff Jimmie Lunsford Karla Hair M Friedman Robert Dornfeld Sandra Dornfeld Carole Mehl Linda Story Jamaica Chenoweth Nicole Goldberg Jean Johnston Michael Wisnewski Bruce Gundersen Laura Kielman Andrea Phan Jeanine Vandaveer Karen Doerr Guadalupe Yanez Carolyn Minert Susan Enzinna Deborah Walsh Donald Stobbe Joy Hague Jean Heaps Claudia Quittner Michael Sheidler Tina Bailey Joe Marsala Karina Torres Kade Ariani Louis Discepola Jean Keck-Buelna Jennifer D'Angelo Stacy Schrader Ela Pete Meg Brown Debbie Sams Scott Butts Jessica Parker Andy Gray Julie Hansen Natalie DeBoer Kevin Kurtz Christopher Devine Jen Hathaway Nancy Chismar Diane Smith Matt Herman Edna deBeer Gruvman Stephanie Nunez Joel Cleveland Aubrae Lamparella Guy Chan Grace Ukoha Bonnie Hughes Debbie Johnson Doris Verkamp Kevin Kimmel Beth Widzowski Linda Beach Deborah Kashinsky Mike Duffy Matt Zedler Jessy Marina D Glass Mo Arris Daniel Gormley Rajesh Badri Donna Hegyi-Gioia Tammy Gossard Robert Sykes John Pham Nyssana Reyes Christine Salomone Rosemary Barger Laura Quigley Logan Paul David Simms Amy Munnelly Marnee Reilly Susan Von Schmacht Frank Rahtz Ron Kovatis Jeff Donald Nancy Schwartz Jennifer Gindt Sandra Stevenson Jennifer Westra Rebecca Lee Clark Leitner Stanley Barreto Shelby Workman Lionel Isabel Cervera William Armstrong Stephanie Cybulski Tara Kerr Sasha Gibbons Barbara Porter Dana Connors Patrick De La Garza Und Senkel Debbie Bolsky Kyle Embler Robert Branson Nicholas Jurus Andrea Eisenberg Hank Hammett Robert Miller Rachel Mandelbaum John Dalla Jennifer Harris Felicia Bander Lucas Klein David Bennett Andy Lupenko Kevin Black Larry Denio Joseph Good Patricia Harrison Jan Sarna Merlin Wilson Leola Russell David Hudzinski Steven Lamers Sharon Miller Michael Smith Christine Lytle Jesse Kessler Caroline Bering Daniel Grodecki Patricia Williamson Kathleen Goode Brook Schiller Dalton Rego Erin Kruger Al Krause Brian Leonard Diana Lewis Dana McMaster Priyanka Bhakta Aj Yoon Alan Robert Bob Rushford Jodi Rodar April Jacob Shirley Convertino Katherine Cooke Daniel Kurz Nicholas Watson Mr Noah Michael Brandes Emmet Ryan Jim Strickland Cassie Holcombe Louise Quigley Carolyn Cruz Mike Moran Richard Stern Eric Mclaughlin Jim Lewis William Grant Griffyn Odonnell Carol Vigil Bridgett Heinly Anne Rogers Betsy Zielinski Jill Adler Louise Gordon Michele Villeneuve Ralph Glick Amber Manske Alan Harper Will Harlan Douglas Sward Andrew Johnson Elisia Carlson Andy Watson Sarah Labarr Ellen Ross Joshua Noreuil Jacque Hollis K Otto Laakea Laano John Marro Torah Wolf Gregory Ellsworth Jen Packheiser Michael Lippard Nicole Reungoat Laurie Leland Irma Cottrell Ryan Strempke-Durgin Mary Farrish Kim Moreno Debora Sayre Richard Guier Francesca Rago Colin Mccullough Janet Riordan Mark Eldridge Kathleen Wilson Catherine King-Chuparkoff Earl Poteet Isaiah Plovnick Alyson Ponte Andrea Christgau Brooks Barnes Barbara Boyce Cynthia Hicks Eloise Mongillo Denise Mayosky Natalie Ramos Mel Blackburn William Diamond A. Brennan Eric Thein Marisa Landsberg Uphoria Blackham Jerry Siegel Howard H. Holmes Laura Finazzo Annette Benton Phoenix Giffen Neal Steiner Nancy Steiner Shane Dunne Lindsey Walker Mary Yeomans Angela Wood Michael Bordenave Jennifer Scull Debbie Ellis Allison Boley Lynn Lavezzi Elizabeth Stock Florence Harty Pam Clink Amanda Gilliam Lee O'Brien Scott Olsen Ronald Yeomans Quana Kavanagh Jessica Dardarian Marcelo Vazquez David Smith Tony Cho Dwyer Linda Waine Tonya Green Lisa Parker James Derzon Robert Hinely John McSwigan Jamie Fillmore Amy Carlson Lawrence Frey Juyne Triplett Kristin Culpepper Vicki Wheeler Alice Petersen Janice Waldron Gail Tanner John Street Thomas Cope B Kern Jean Hanson Arlene Sherman Nan Paisley Brunskill Terry Sefchick Kathleen Querner Debra Reble Jacqueline Jenkins Bob Lichenbert Mark Glasser Susan Glasser Jana Moreno Albert H Bolger Steven Yankoviak Pam Jiranek Robert Jiranek Garrett Hutcheson Jeffrey Jessup Agate Lawson James Mulder Laurel Witting June Maddock Patricia Halderman Melissa Paige David Dunkleberger Daniel Diehl Kenneth Reeves Troy Wilson Melissa Pearson Craig Pearson Candace Russell Patrick Quinn L Franklin Stephanie Greene Glen Deardorff James Bates Dave Malone Jane Daniels Karen Spradlin Annie Van Alstyne Leonie Terfort Hersha Evans Stephen Zelman Steve and Carol Jacobs Russ Ziegler Tina Ann Cynthia Hobart Beverly Solomon Don Leisman Carol Myers Julie Bach Robert Miles Sylvie Bendier Debbie Burroughs Debbie Carroll Thomas Bates Diane Bates Chris Daniel Eugene Perkins Karen Harrington Nick Celeski Aline Rosenzweig Baysan Tulu Susan Lively Selena Ambush Jennifer Timm Rose Troyer Kathleen Caldwell Noa Iacob Ed Perry Susan Mcmullen Maryrose Cimino Brian Dunn Judy Abel Garry R Peggy Kachulis Marco Castellanos Janice Brown Allen Yun Brian Gingras William Gordon Jennifer Kardiak Mark Elman Gloria Fooks Bill Rosenthal Mark Cappetta Barbara Methvin Beth Darlington Stan Janczuk Lloyd Smith Susan Brown Bj Trivedi Ingrid Brown William Fehrs Noah Mabon Cheryl Albert Robert Helvie Irene Hilgers Linda Delaney Jeremy Baptist Jenna Fallaw John Stofko John Rokas Mary Saudade L L Carolyn Honey Friedman Ellen Koivisto Kirsten Taeuber Crystal Schrader Rob Mendieta Conner Stone Imani B Gail Sullivan Keith Kaback Matthew Reid Barbara Dempsey-West Brig Larson Nancy Reinhardt Teresa Earp Rob Batson Quinn Johnson Clare Goslant Joseph Buhowsky Theresa Owens Daniel Lutzker Michael Renfrow Michael Nutini Dennis Oliver David Balan Theodore Burger Cherie Swann Keith Everton Myra Aronow F Gayle Roberts Kaedin Alvarez Cynthia Molinero Mark Grenard Joseph Dadgari L Zeveloff Cody Curtis Matthew Biljanic Cheryl Fergeson Tara Mudry Bobette Plendl Nick Barcott Sherry Kuhnke Jennifer Lockett Margaret Willis Cornelia Teed Victoria Urias Danny A Robert VanderKamp Kevin Gallagher Paula Shafransky Shelly Peterson Carol Torchia Patricia Coffey Kristen Garcia James Mulcare Lonnie Quitter Larz Hitchcock Colin Johnson Judy Pfeiffer Deborah Dorf Nicholas Keller LeRoy W Elizabeth Krocheski Jon Nelson Trisha Jachlewski Kerry Mccarthy Jane Furth Gloria Lujan-Whitnry Deborah Hines Mark Offerman Paul Haseman Crystal Harris Lien Sherry Stover-Volker Jim Murray Angela Summers Cindy Holden Joan Quenan Jim Head Teralyn Siller Dawn Gustafson Beverly Phillips Jonathan Kopshever Gretchin Dubose Allen Edgerton Patrick Keough Mary Tuttle Margie Hawsey Tracy Maurer Paul Seagal Erik Mcdarby John Neumeister Donna Babao Michelle Barrie Mary Stevens Michael Styba Signe Woodin Virgil Pauls Carol Drake Debbie Foster Tyler Fritze Cree Ganmoryn Abram Keller Frances Bell Erica Mauter Malcolm Bastron Bryer Marnin Tone Blechert Sara Graziosa Terrie Williams Steven Phenicie Kathleen Cole sarah weisberg Michael Tucker Donna Alleyne-Chin Christopher Lee Nguyen Jeff Hopkins Elizabeth Davis Moore Patricia Carpenter Robert Yancey Jim Black Harriet Rosenberg Gregory Rost Jaye Duncan Diane Meyer Michelle Trosper Phil Immerfall Joyce Frohn Joanne Fetting Sheila Dillon Randolph Streng Scott Crockett James Lawson Carol Wyndham Linda Bosma Janet Mullennix Cyndee Kott Sue Gray Laura Lyons Milly Leszczynski Bart Ryan Carol Collins Juliann Murphy ISABELLA GOLDBERG Annette Pirrone John Irwin Kevin Davis Neville Bruce Pamela Hamilton Robert Dickinson Thomas Herdtle Janis Todd Ned Overton Hal Strough Bruce Wheeler Daniel Bembenek Brennor Masters karen rudy Sarah Spitzer Teresina Joo David Amrod Agatha Ocko Aviva Maxwell Joseph Mccaskill Kate Harder Fredric Salstrom Ismet Kipchak Jeffrey Hemenez Michael Gregory Beth Herndobler Tiffany Englander Celeste Howard Steven Kennie Diane Nowak Eric Ericson Margaret Verellen J. Mike Campbell Diana Banducci Nancy Cole Sue Lichenbert Arthur Leibowitz Carol Becker John Rudolph Stephen Boletchek Matthew Wolff Holly Gadbaw Monica Raymond Charlotte Lee Jeff Reagan Suzanne Licht David Newton Dixie Gilbert Robert Walters Carol Hirth BJ Lee Joel Soloksky Al Shayne Lois Klepin Kathleen McQuaid Joseph Drapac Janine Vinton Barbara Leen Ronald Knutelski Judith King Joan Angelosanto Laura Glenn David Nardo Nanlouise Wolfe Nancy Leech Jerry Druch W Elahdab Larry Narlock Mary Mc Manus Michelle Krueger Carla Jung Gary Holm Nicola Giorgio Dale Joiner B Dachos Mary Rieger John Rieger Michael Minnick Steven Uyenishi Victoria Shih Jamie Leinss-Doyle Erin Mccune Linda Klouzal Noreen Hyre Magali Lachot Laura Langham Richard Barish Lenore Sivulich T Dycus Miya King-Flaherty John Stanton Deborah Alper Peter Schmitt Lauren Richards Charles Kuster Tim Oswald David Bly Jessica Turner Mark Koritz Judith Burch Patricia Gleason Lynn Eland Tatiana Medina Joanna Whipple Tina Henize Marietta Bala Barbara Bryant Melissa Zabel Debbie Griffin Anna Petronik Rachel Friedland Joanne Barber Kelly Lyon Darrin Mckeehen John Keim Pete Andrews Querido Galdo Adam Resnick Jae Prowse Teresa Kohl Joanna Leary Richard Gallo Walter Erhorn Benjamin Bradley Kirsten Johnson Jennifer Moix Melissa O'Rourke Kenneth Hopkins M. K. Russell Christopher Barrie Sandra Olsen Joseph Hiatt Valerie Miller Cassandra Cranmer Judd R Bean Sr Melyssa Conforti Joshua Angelus Roy Wessbecher Harriet Cohen Nati Camus Emmah Doucette M S Dillon Susan Harris Dragos Lupoae Judith Peter Carla Haim Thomas Wilson Laurel Brewer Jacqueline Robillard Brian Murphy Carol Sassaman Kathleen Sewright Robyn Reichert Thomas S Smith Patrick Watson Bettye Caswell Joshua Rockley Terry A. Ford Jason Urbanczyk Lizzy Wylder Julia Howlett Leah Berman Mark Sweberg Marjorie Lewis Jimmy Powell Melissa Gaskins sharon vorwalske Chris Crow David Haug Steven Andrychowski Ji Montgomery Ellie Slette Kerry Sprigg Jaime Gillham Sharon Sootin John Harris Katja Irvin John Nowak David Garibaldi Charles Heinrichs Jonathan Mitchell Jennifer Lawson Crawford Maccallum Mike Fountain Paul Malkin John Burridge Lisa McWhorter Eileen Wagner Hugh Harwell Brian Wolfe Monica Schuster Sara Sezun Karen Price Alexis Hendrickson Shan Magnuson Josh Goulart Elori Smile Shsnnon Kiehn Alyssa Pool Mitzi Miles Chris Finzer Henry Groscope Maria Faisal Diane Wynne Sophia Pechaty James Roberts C Young Jennifer Lin Hellen Shore Marie Rovito Pamela Tate Barbara Deutscher Mark Brux Andy Lynn Linda Thompson Mary Leppo Heather Cole Elmo Dunn Ann Hardy Patricia Norman Mary Gutierrez Sharon Russick Frank Adib Tim Tincher Kay Ward Brooks Robinson Laurie Sudol Alison Good Tom Tripp Laura Waterworth Deborah Williams Sierra Mcelyea Deborah Irwin Sandra Mcluckie Derek Schmeh Elise L Karen Solas Marlene Houdek Diane Reese Jeremy Johnson Lisa Hughes Emily Degn Mary Peterson Michael Abrams Gregory Kirsch Tiffany Snyder Abby Roza Brian Murphy Caroline Havens John Pluth Jessie Hudgens steve brennan Anthea Wray John Coleman Zoe Fung Deborah Bushey Annie Jo Alicia Phillips Raven Dubois Virginia Greggi Michael Weiss Michelle Housen Richard Beazer Christian Camphire Hailey Curtsinger Anna Craig Ann Wakefield Candice Paulus Clarisse Holman Joan Ward Ryan Cangley James Colman Renee Wade Paula Geroux Christopher Lanski Kathy Walsh Ed Manuel Virginia Manuel Elaine Fischer Colleen Cleary Sally Maas Lisa Salazar Anne Swanson Carla Judge Saskia Saint-Sulpice Jack Demorra Richard Ranieri Brenda Albanese Steve Bogart Neil Bleifeld Jossy Zamora Catherine Cascade Emma Kirwin Carol Fogarty Amanda Meadows Sarah Sudheer Shary Benson Jeannie Finlay-Kochanwoski Edith Crowe Pat Ross William Nusbaum Michelle Rice Ursula Leitner Samantha Turetsky Joseph Quinlisk Tracey McFadden Kathleen Burke Ari Schwartz Tiffany Talley Penny Gregorio Marianne Nelson Valorie Kerschke Catherine Palmer Nicole Del Priore Dakotah Woller Dimple Kundiyana Shaun Griguts Robert Berend Barbara Aronowitz Jake Helmer Samantha Maxwell Jodee Davies Kai Martin

Josue Aguilar Attachment 1

March 15, 2021 The Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) 600 N. Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101

Submitted to: The Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings - Docket Number: OAH Docket No. 71-9003-36416

Dear Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

Please accept these 412 public comments from members and online activists of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in support of strong clean car standards for Minnesota.

Minnesota is already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is becoming more frequent, which is threatening the health and wellbeing of urban and rural communities alike.

But these new clean car standards would help fight climate change by increasing Minnesota residents' access to cleaner vehicles while helping the state continue the vital task of improving our air quality. Dangerous air pollution caused by the transportation sector is a burden that falls disproportionately on low-income communities and those of color.

But these new standards will benefit public health and save new vehicle purchasers an average of $1,600 over the life of their vehicle. That's why we support Minnesota adopting advanced clean car standards that will help fight climate change, improve air quality, save Minnesotans money, and expand our clean energy economy.

We urge you to support the strongest possible Minnesota Clean Cars program and to reject provisions by industry lobbyists that would significantly weaken the number of electric vehicles brought to the state.

Please help ensure that the state moves quickly to adopt these critical standards. Thank you so much for your time.

Best, Josue

JOSUE AGUILAR Communications Assistant, Digital Advocacy & Fundraising NRDC & NRDC ACTION FUND NRDC.ORG NRDCACTIONFUND.ORG first_name last_name city state zip comment Minnesota Pollution Control Josue Aguilar Attachment Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Gretchen Corkrean Woodbury MN 55125 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Stephen Youlan St. Paul MN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Colleen & Joe O'Meara Mpls MN 55411 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sheila Tran Eagan MN 55122 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rolf Jacobson St. Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Hooley Scandia MN 55073 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Patricia Nelson Minneapolis MN 55417 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Colin Bell St Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brian Johns Minneapolis MN 55427 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Steven Besser Litchfield MN 55355 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Craig Johnson St Paul MN 55102 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kenneth Stewart Minneapolis MN 55417 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert McConnell Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is becoming more frequent, Carl Stiewe Minneapolis MN 55407 which is

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Timothy Mullen Saint Charles MN 55972 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Autumn Kaye Minnetonka MN 55343 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Betsey Porter Bloomington MN 55431 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Laura Brubaker Eden Prairie MN 55346 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ryan Baka Minneapolis MN 55411 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is September Steinolfson Eden Prairie MN 55346 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Lutz Saint Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Edna Mullen Saint Charles MN 55972 becoming

minnesota pollution control agency,

as a minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

we are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. winters are warming, and extreme weather is joel d. elk river MN 55330 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bernie O'Connor Crystal MN 55427 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Shawn Kakuk St. Cloud MN 56301 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is lynne farmer rushford MN 55971 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pete Nelson Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Steve Harms Brooten MN 56316 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Erin McCabe Saint Paul MN 55130 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Patrick Doss-Smith Albert Lea MN 56007 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Amy Grace Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kathleen Moraski Woodbury MN 55125 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Tracy Templin Isle MN 56342 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Molly Beahen Robbinsdale MN 55422 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kevin Palmer Elk River MN 55330 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kathleen Rice Grand Marais MN 55604 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is James Herther Saint Paul MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Allison Mulvihill Saint Peter MN 56082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jonathan Carlson Saint Cloud MN 56303 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Alana Hendrickson Hopkins MN 55343 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Thomas Uphaus La Crescent MN 55947 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Densmore Minneapolis MN 55423 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Steffan Hruby Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jill Stockman SAINT PAUL MN 55101 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brianna Trinidad Spru Saint Paul MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Nicholas Vorpahl Saint Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is more Julius Salinas Esko MN 55733 frequent,

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Elizabeth Wroblewski Saint Paul MN 55102 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sharon Eveland-SmithDuquette MN 55756 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Evelyn Boeckman Belle Plaine MN 56011 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rachel Mickelson Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Keith Thompson Saint Paul MN 55106 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Shae Hamm Plymouth MN 55446 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. They are long overdue. This is the only world we have to live in. Let's take care of it NOW.

We are already Doris Gasteiro Mankato MN 56001 feeling the

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brian Krysinski Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Julia Bohnen Bloomington MN 55431 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Larry Bogolub Saint Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heather Clark Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kirsten Berg Wabasha MN 55981 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Eric Benson St Louis Park MN 55416 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. To be blunt, I would ask you if and what lobbying efforts you're seeing that aim to limit advancemen t of clean vehicle Ryan Murphy Minneapolis MN 55417 standards?

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mark L Nelson Annandale MN 55302 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Barber Minneapolis MN 55403 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ursula Pelka Edina MN 55436 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kirstin Erickson Orono MN 55356 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Matt Ringquist Redwood Fall MN 56283 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Curtis Coffer Saint Paul MN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Hope Flanagan Minneapolis MN 55414 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dave Long Saint Paul MN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Faith Williamson Eden Prairie MN 55344 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in enthusiastic support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme Robynne Limoges Redwood Fall MN 56283 weather is

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kay Lambert Glenwood MN 56334 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Audrey Lazarus St Louis Park MN 55416 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mark Neuman-Scot Saint Paul MN 55101 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Thomas Abraham Savage MN 55378 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Margaret Snoeren Plymouth MN 55447 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cyndi Bradley Shoreview MN 55126 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is David Fitzhugh Lakeville MN 55044 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Barbara Finley-Shea Austin MN 55912 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Roger Day Duluth MN 55804 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Elizabeth Tillmanns Mendota HeigMN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is JL Charrier Wayzata MN 55391 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Catharine - (IJoyce Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cynthia McKeen St Paul MN 55102 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Andrea Rugg Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a science educator and Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, Maxene Linehan Hovland MN 55606 and extreme

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency officials:

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme Kenneth Kaseforth Bloomington MN 55431 weather is

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Derek Gallion Saint Paul MN 55128 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kathleen Mens Lakeville MN 55044 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jean Greenwood Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lynda Axberg Minneapolis MN 55417 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Judi Poulson Fairmont MN 56031 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is John Roche Bloomington MN 55425 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Charles Favorite Isle MN 56342 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Harriet McCleary Minneapolis MN 55404 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Tim Rand Minneapolis MN 55414 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Emily Rasmussen Gem Lake MN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kevin Klitz Plymouth MN 55446 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Sue Snider Minneapolis MN 55418 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is David Clapper Duluth MN 55804 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Leigh Pomeroy Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Tamara Rakow Rosemount MN 55068 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pamela Thinesen WHITE BEAR LMN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pam Thinesen ANOKA MN 55303 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Matt Karlgaard Brainerd MN 56401 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brittany Nelson Rockford MN 55373 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Debra Swanson Elk River MN 55330 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Eric Bartz Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Chris Ryan Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michael Rasmussen Bloomington MN 55438 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is JP Little Chaska MN 55318 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robin Freese Brooten MN 56316 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Christy Spear Isle MN 56342 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is James Maggi Pine City MN 55063 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Mcgilligan Two Harbors MN 55616 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pamela Lyngen Buffalo MN 55313 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Chindvall Saint Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Snyder Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lynn C. Lang Saint Cloud MN 56303 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mickey Garza Minneapolis MN 55403 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Haemig SAINT PAUL MN 55114 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bruce Swanson Columbia HeigMN 55421 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Barb Powell Rochester MN 55904 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sheila Schally Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ian Bruesch Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Annette Jewell-Ceder Ham Lake MN 55304 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dean Borgeson Crosslake MN 56442 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joan Chandler Saint Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Meg Hirman Shoreview MN 55126 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michael Keepper Wabasha MN 55981 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Catherine Kirkpatrick St Paul MN 55103 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lauren White Saint Paul ParMN 55071 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bobbie Fredsall St. Anthony MN 55418 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is leela bergerud Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Hoff Minnetonka MN 55345 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeffrey Theisen Minneapolis MN 55410 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ah-li Monahan Columbia HeigMN 55421 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is elizabeth merryman Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jack Enblom hastings MN 55033 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rebecca Shedd Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is patricia huberty mendota hts MN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Susan Jordan Minneapolis MN 55422 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is J'Ulene LaQue Edina MN 55435 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Emily Brown Ely MN 55731 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Oscar Avina Brooklyn ParkMN 55428 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

Here in NE MN and throughout the state, we are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Our winters chel Anderson Grand Marais MN 55604 are warming,

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards and for much more robust, free or low cost public transportati on.

We are already feeling the effects of Mary Vrabel Minneapolis MN 55417 climate

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sylvia Kurtz Brainerd MN 56401 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brent Bateman minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Eide St. Louis Park MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Judy Mackenzie Minneapolis MN 55403 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Andrew Singer Saint Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is JOSEPH MERRILL Cottage GroveMN 55016 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mike Ferguson Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Zoha Naqwi Minneapolis MN 55347 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lynda Pauling Oak Park HeigMN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kay Drache Saint Louis PaMN 55416 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jonelle Ringnalda Saint Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michelle Camp Rochester MN 55904 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dale Forster Lanesboro MN 55949 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Harris Moorhead MN 56560 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michelle Gobely St. Paul MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bill butler Mahtomedi MN 55115 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Madison Johnson Saint Cloud MN 56301 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joann Swanson St Paul MN 55112 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Clarence Chaplin St. Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Elizabeth Javinsky Minneapolis MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sarah Schulz Northfield MN 55057 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cheryl Hagen Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joan Pixler Mound MN 55364 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kris Bransford Plymouth MN 55447 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert Wetzler Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anthony Keenan Columbia HeigMN 55421 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

We Must do all we can to have an environment for us and our descendants to live healthy lives. As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already Donna Sandon North MankatMN 56003 feeling the

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sherry Abts Ely MN 55731 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Martin Schub Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeanne and ToNordland Eagan MN 55121 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Christine Pikala St. Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dee Pipitone Woodbury MN 55125 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Janet Neihart Cottage GroveMN 55016 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lisa Ragsdale Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Vlazny Rochester MN 55902 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Scot Westphal Rochester MN 55901 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is William Nusbaum Minnesota MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jo Anna Hebberger Saint Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michael Chutich Saint Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Emily Servatius Melrose MN 56352 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Susan Wilmes Duluth MN 55811 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Karen Bell-Brugger Mpls. MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Don Hon Minneapolis MN 55418 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Carla Albers Excelsior MN 55331 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joan Hughes St Louis Park MN 55416 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Alice West Grand Marais MN 55604 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Veronika Phillips Golden ValleyMN 55422 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

Prior to moving to Minnesota in 1994 we lived in Los Angeles for 20 years. People grumbled and complained Nancy Partin Northfield MN 55057 when the

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a transplant from San Francisco to a 20-year Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Susie Osaki Holm Saint Cloud MN 56303 Winters are

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heather Hundt Lake Park MN 56554 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anna Darland Burnsville MN 55337 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pamela Martin Minneapolis MN 55407 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Peter Ries Saint Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heyward Nash Minneapolis MN 55404 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeremy Hance St. Paul MN 55103 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Wade: Johnson Minneapolis MN 55407 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeff Sstonehouse Marine MN 55047 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Laurence Margolis Mitka MN 55345 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is S ODonnell Annandale MN 55302 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

Also get more trains on the tracks. Increase their speed and safety.

Dangerous air pollution caused by Greg Chester Cass Lake MN 56633 the

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Arthur Rosenberg Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert Kriesel Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Claire Wright Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Nicole Everling Eagan MN 55122 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cathy Curtis Buffalo MN 55313 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert Andrews Rochester MN 55901 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Terrance Schrammen Saint Paul MN 55119 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Carolyn Bentley Saint Paul MN 55125 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is A.K. Hed Vincent Saint Paul MN 55114 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Natalie Stephens Apple Valley MN 55124 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. This is good but very limited in its impact. If this is not possible we are truly doomed. Please make this happen.

We are Christina Krauz Grand Marais MN 55604 already

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bradley Sorock Minneapolis MN 55410 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Murray Smart Beardsley MN 56211 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Chloe Edsen Apple Valley MN 55124 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Richard Lamb Robbinsdale MN 55422 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I believe it is well past time to invest in protecting health! I write today in support of strong clean car standards. Clean air should be top priority especially for the MN Pollution Karen Graham Minneapolis MN 55441 Control

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pat and Lee Spinosa Minneapolis MN 55410 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

I have bought my last fossil- fuel using car, but I want to see the maximum standards set for clean cars in general in MN. I'm a big fan of public health and environment al health and clean car standards Judith Sims St. Paul MN 55108 will improve

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kay Randall Moorhead MN 56560 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Florence Sandok Rochester MN 55906 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jon Rich Anoka MN 55303 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sara Kylander-JohnDuluth MN 55810 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kathy McCarthy Richfield MN 55423 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Carol Bishop Woodbury MN 55129 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Eileen Levin Hopkins MN 55343 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Suzanne Ross Lonsdale MN 55046 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heather Gavrish Maplewood MN 55119 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Elizabeth Songalia Saint Paul MN 55107 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeannette George Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lisa Lindberg Amboy MN 56010 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Schultz Eagan MN 55122 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is David Councilman St. Louis Park MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Vernon Hill New BrightonMN 55112 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jackie Smolen Minnetonka MN 55305 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is sue Morem Plymouth MN 55442 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

Climate change is real Winters are warming, and extreme weather is becoming more frequent, which is threatening the health and wellbeing of urban and rural communities alike.

Eileen Levin Minnetonka MN 55343 But these

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kimothy Eidinger Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Michelle Black Rochester MN 55904 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is jason husby Minneapolis MN 55412 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Erin Ferguson Austin MN 55912 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anna Schlipp Cambridge MN 55008 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Marlijn HoogendoornMinneapolis MN 55418 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Andrew Larson ROCHESTER MN 55901 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is T Schicker Saint Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dr. William 'S Dykoski New BrightonMN 55112 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert Chase Roseville MN 55113 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Hugh Curtler III Brooklyn ParkMN 55443 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sandra Schilling Maple Grove MN 55369 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Alva Pingel Rosemount MN 55068 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Wayne and MRichardson Rochester MN 55906 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Deeg Inver Grove HMN 55077 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jacqueline Midthun Mora MN 55051 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is bree m lakeville MN 55044 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Amy Lewis Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Felicia Stevens Saint Paul MN 55114 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mark Thompson Maple Plain MN 55359 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anna Becker Mpls MN 55418 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Janet Roemer Richfield MN 55423 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Thomas Childs Babbitt MN 55706 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jesse Okie White Bear LaMN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Terri Sufka Sauk Rapids MN 56379 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Debra Francis New Hope MN 55428 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jane Norling Mound MN 55364 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jean Ross Minneapolis MN 55409 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bob Hoffman Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Creighton Virginia MN 55792 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Nicholas SkrowaczewskMinneapolis MN 55414 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dorothy Hammer Northfield MN 55057 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anne van Oorschot-Mc Gregor MN 55760 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Miguel Quintero Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

Transitioning away from gas powered polluting vehicles is wise. Let’s start now.

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the Will Perry Hugo MN 55038 effects of

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Freed Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is saraphine metis Grand Marais MN 55604 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jennifer Krinke St Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Andrew Anderson Hutchinson MN 55350 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Shannon Schmidt Newport MN 55055 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident and Emergency Medicine physician, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are Ryan Daro Minneapolis MN 55409 warming,

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Claudia Johnson Minneapolis MN 55404 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is STEPHEN EMME COLUMBIA HEMN 55421 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Charles Fitze Coon Rapids MN 55448 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

Climate change is a reality, and steps to reduce its effects are absolutely crucial. It is abundantly clear that the vast Arland Jacobson Moorhead MN 56561 majority of

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joel Jensen Minneapolis MN 55417 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ted Lelwica Staples MN 56479 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pam Bartholomew Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Richard Cardinal Sauk Centre MN 56378 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeanine Smegal Brooklyn ParkMN 55444 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sierra Morris Saint Paul MN 55130 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sigrid Stensvold Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kathy Boyer Apple Valley MN 55124 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is mary baumann farmington MN 55024 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jan karpel St. Louis Park MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Christopher Lilley Blaine MN 55434 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is KAREN JONES Clear Lake MN 55319 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lindsay Sovil Ely MN 55731 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Ryals Stanchfield MN 55080 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rene Balder Dayton MN 55327 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Steve Underhill Bloomington MN 55431 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pamela Novotny Duluth MN 55804 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jayme Halberg Bloomington MN 55437 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Annah Gardner Minneapolis MN 55403 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joy Robison Rochester MN 55906 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Sarah Hampton Northfield MN 55057 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Alyssa Hickert Saint Paul MN 55114 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Linda Olson Duluth MN 55805 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Justin Smith Hinckley MN 55037 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is POLLY MANN MINN MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Schannach Hastings MN 55033 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Patricia Keefe Rochester MN 55901 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Judith Morem Saint Paul MN 55101 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Paul Moss White Bear LaMN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jo-Ann Sramek Duluth MN 55811 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Karee Joedeman Minneapolis MN 55403 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Alan Peloquin Otsego MN 55330 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Janice Hallman Saint Paul MN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ruth Heller Olivia MN 56277 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dana Willis-Jick Red wing MN 55066 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mark Fischer Chisago City MN 55013 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is George SchoephoerstSt. Cloud MN 56301 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

I am a grandfather who is very worried that his grandchildre n will have a difficult time living with the weather that awaits Gary Holthouse Stillwater MN 55082 them in the

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Julie Ramsey Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joseph Wenzel Lake Elmo MN 55042 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mary Johannsen Minneapolis MN 55411 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Kristel Buck Stillwater MN 55082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is John Fisher-MerrittWrenshall MN 55797 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Joanne Sieck Rochester MN 55906 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Gretchen Bratvold Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Chris Fastner Aitkin MN 56431 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jon Voth Minneapolis MN 55405 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heather Hanson Eagan MN 55123 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mildred Huttenmaier St. Louis Park MN 55426 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

Pay attention! Climate change is already changing the jetstream and thereby changing minnesota‚Ä ôs weather patterns. You are empowered by the state of Minnesota to make decisions that will Jedidiah Krauss Minnetonka MN 55305 benefit all

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. I'd especially like to see incentives and disincentives for trucks, buses, and all diesel vehicles to go electric as these vehicles barbara thomborson minneapolis MN 55408 contribute

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jane Skjerven Saint Paul MN 55120 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

We recently moved back, and are so excited to be here! But even in just the last five years that we've been gone, Minnesota's climate has drastically changed. I know you've noticed too.

I'm super excited about the Kendra Hoffman Eden Prairie MN 55347 clean car

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cheryl Brinkley Brooklyn CentMN 55430 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jacquelyn Halena Dalton MN 56324 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Linda Nelson Moorhead MN 56560 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is River Gordon Saint Paul MN 55114 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Karen Anderson Minnetonka MN 55345 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Debra Johnson Mankato MN 56001 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lynn Meyer Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. New clean car standards would help Lori Wellman Minneapolis MN 55409 fight climate

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Wendy Paul Hackensack MN 56452 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Angela Hansen Bloomington MN 55431 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Diane Klinefelter St. Paul MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Anthony Frisk Osseo MN 55369 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Catharine McEachern Saint Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Scott Bothun Minneapolis MN 55417 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Susan Dryke Lk. Crystal MN 56055 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Marilynn Torkelson EDEN PRAIRIEMN 55347 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jacquelyn Warren Apple Valley MN 55124 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Amelia Clauss minneapoils MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Ann Marie St Paul MN 55124 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Dakotah Woller Redwood Fall MN 56283 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Braelyn Raedel Buffalo MN 55313 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rebecca Taurog Mendota HeigMN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. This should be a no- brainer for every legislator in this state!

We are already feeling the effects of climate DR R A Fuller Woodbury MN 55125 change

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rob Menti Maple Grove MN 55311 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jacob Kramer Austin MN 55912 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jim Clapp Detroit Lakes MN 56501 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Aaron Mlynek Robbinsdale MN 55422 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is GLEN NELSON DULUTH, MINMN 55810 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Peggy Roeske White Bear LaMN 55110 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Frances Bell St Paul MN 55104 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Carol Roback Barnum MN 55707 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Lynn Hodnett Saint Paul MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident concerned about our environment , I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. My husband and I have driven hybrid cars for many. Years now, and look forward to owing and Penny Cragun Duluth MN 55804 driving an

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Judy Enenstein Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Phylis Cohen Minneapolis MN 55419 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Karrie Vrabel Minneapolis MN 55407 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards. I say this as someone who drives a plug-in electric powered by the solar energy falling on my garage roof.

We are stewart herman Minneapolis MN 55405 already

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Thomas Carey St. Paul MN 55109 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

I don't drive much, I'm retired and we go once a week for groceries and things, but we all breathe the same air and it's Wade Johnson Minneapolis MN 55407 everyone's

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Spencer Ludtke Saint Paul MN 55105 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is 7798441 kathryn JarvinWinona MN 55987 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards, however, these standards MUST take poor, working class citizens into account. There MUST be provisions made for Melissae Bletsian Minneapolis MN 55404 those of us

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Stu Farnsworth Eagan MN 55121 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is sean hadfield PARK RAPIDS MN 56470 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Aaron Geringer St. Peter MN 56082 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.


Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is david knightly chaska MN 55318 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cathy Swanson Inver Grove HMN 55077 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Brent Markwardt Buffalo MN 55313 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Bobbi Jacobsen Richfield MN 55423 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jeff Stromgren Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is John AND Jea Fleming Lakeville MN 55044 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Diane Glorvigen Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Jennifer Fosspotter Maple Grove MN 55369 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Gretchen Goodman Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Mina Blyly-Strauss Minneapolis MN 55408 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Stephanie Ross St. Paul MN 55116 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Rebecca Klotz Saint Paul MN 55127 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Health issues are a great concern for all CARON GIBSON Isanti MN 55040 Minnesotans

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Heidi Johnson Minneapolis MN 55406 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Diane Hiniker Grand Marais MN 55604 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Diane Borgmann Little Canada MN 55117 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Marc Olson Elbow Lake MN 56531 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I support strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is becoming Len Jennings St. Paul MN 55108 more

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Cathleen Hauenstein WYOMING MN 55092 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Marcy Woodruff Rosemount MN 55068 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Pat Whebbe Saint Paul MN 55118 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, concerned citizen, EV owner, and avid environment alist, I am writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate Audrey Kingstrom Edina MN 55410 change

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Greg Hagen Rochester MN 55901 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Deborah Crocker Spring Park MN 55384 becoming

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

As a Minnesota resident, I'm writing in support of strong clean car standards.

We are already feeling the effects of climate change firsthand. Winters are warming, and extreme weather is Robert Reed Minneapolis MN 55407 becoming