7.9.2020 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 295/25

Publication of a communication of approval of a standard amendment to a product specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 17(2) and (3) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33

(2020/C 295/08)

This communication is published in accordance with Article 17(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33 (1).



Reference number: PDO-AT-A0233-AM01

Date of communication: 21.2.2020


Description and reasons As the vineyard register is now managed under the integrated administration and control system, the maximum yield per hectare must be adjusted.


1. Name of the product Wagram

2. Geographical indication type PDO – Protected Designation of Origin

3. Categories of grapevine product 1. Wine 5. Quality sparkling wine

4. Description of the wine(s) The ‘Wagram’ designation of origin may be used for wine and quality sparkling wine; however, its use in quality sparkling wine is only of very limited importance. ‘Wagram’ is mainly produced as ‘Qualitätswein’; the analytical characteristics are set out in the product specification. ‘Wagram’ is also produced with other distinctions (e.g. ‘Kabinett’, ‘Spätlese’, ‘Eiswein’). Approximately 75 % of the wine produced in the Wagram winegrowing region is white wine. The main varieties used are Grüner Veltliner for the white wines and Zweigelt for the red wines. Also worthy of mention is Frühroter Veltliner, a variety typical of the area. In terms of their organoleptic qualities, the wines can be described as rich and spicy.

General analytical characteristics Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume) Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume) Minimum total acidity Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre) Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre)

(1) OJ L 9, 11.1.2019, p. 2. C 295/26 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 7.9.2020

5. Wine-making practices

a. Essential oenological practices

Relevant restrictions on making the wines

All the oenological practices authorised for wine with a protected designation of origin under Regulations (EU) 2019/934 and (EU) 2019/935 are permitted for the ‘Wagram’ designation of origin, except for treatment with potassium sorbate and with dimethyl dicarbonate. Deacidification of the wines is possible in accordance with Regulations (EU) 2019/934 and (EU) 2019/935. The Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism decides on possible acidification depending on the climate conditions during the growing season. The conditions for possible acidification are in this case governed by Regulations (EU) 2019/934 and (EU) 2019/935.

The specific oenological practices (including enrichment) are derived from the selected traditional production method and described in the product specification.

b. Maximum yields

10 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare

6. Demarcated geographical area

The geographical area of the ‘Wagram’ designation of origin comprises the political of Tulln (except for the of Sitzenberg-Reidling), the municipality of Stetteldorf am Wagram and the judicial district of in Lower .

7. Main wine grape variety(ies)

Zweigelt – Rotburger

Grüner Veltliner – Weißgipfler

Zweigelt – Blauer Zweigelt

8. Description of the link(s)

The Wagram winegrowing region is divided into two different zones. The first is the Wagram itself: a large plateau to the north of the and the east of the Kamp valley, stretching some 30 km eastwards. In this zone, the vines grow on thick loess soils to produce full-bodied, spicy wines. The other zone, which is situated in the area of Klosterneuburg northwest of , has chalkier soils that produce fruity, racy wines.

The climate is marked by the influence of the Danube and the proximity of the Pannonian region. The nights are rather cool, which aids the development of the flavours. Approximately 75 % of the wine produced in the Wagram winegrowing region is white wine. The main varieties used are Grüner Veltliner for the white wines and Zweigelt for the red wines. Also worthy of mention is Frühroter Veltliner, a variety typical of the area. In terms of their organoleptic qualities, the wines can be described as rich and spicy. The thick layer of loess on the Wagram is perfect for producing powerful, spicy Grüner Veltliner wines. The chalkier soils in the area around Klosterneuburg produce fruity, racy wines.

Moreover, the predominantly family-run nature of the winegrowing businesses means that the traditional style of winemaking is passed from generation to generation, which adds to the distinctive character of Wagram wines.

9. Essential further conditions (packaging, labelling, other requirements)

Legal framework:

National legislation

Type of further condition:

Derogation concerning production in the demarcated geographical area 7.9.2020 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 295/27

Description of the condition: Under the Act, a wine with the ‘Wagram’ designation of origin may only be marketed if it has an official quality check number [Staatliche Prüfnummer]. This rule does not apply to ‘Sekt’, ‘Qualitätsschaumwein’ or ‘Hauersekt’. In order to obtain a quality check number, a sample of each wine to be marketed with the ‘Wagram’ designation of origin (systematic check) must be subjected to analysis (cf. the product specification). In the sensory test, the wines are tested by an official tasting panel. An official tasting panel consists of six tasters and a tasting panel chairperson. The samples are placed before the tasters anonymously. The test form includes only the information required for the evaluation, such the traditional designation (‘Qualitätswein’, ‘Kabinett’, ‘Spätlese’, ‘Auslese’, etc.), the variety and the year. The tasters use their experience and set benchmark wines to judge whether the wines presented to them are typical in terms of variety, year and traditional designation and are marketable (free from imperfections). The tasting question is answered yes or no. If the judgment is negative, the reasons for the rejection must be given in writing. The sample meets the sensory requirements if the majority of tasters have judged it positively. If the opinion of the first tasting panel is divided evenly on a particular sample, the sample is submitted to a further panel. If opinion is divided evenly twice, the overall test result is negative.

Link to the product specification
