[email protected] Technique Entertainment Editor: Daniel Spiller 17 Friday, Assistant Entertainment Editor: September 12, 2008 Entertainment Jennifer Aldoretta Sexy Jesus rocks in new comedy premiered motion picture continues Re l e a s e Da t e : Aug. 27, 2008 the tradition of good things coming from Sundance. Di R e c t o R : Andrew Flemming Steve Coogan plays Dana Marschz, Ge n R e : Comedy a struggling drama teacher in the rap- idly degenerating town of Tuscon, Ra t i n G : R for language includ- ing sexual references, brief Arizona, a place he explains as “where nudity and some drug content dreams go to die.” Together, with his two awkwardly st a R R i n G : Steve Coogan, Cath- passionate drama students, Marschz erine Keener is living the dream, writing stage ad- aptations for Hollywood fi lms. Our take: « « « « « His dreams are quickly crushed, however, when his lackluster play By Kevin Shain is railroaded by his nemesis, the Contributing Writer school drama critic. Every once in a while, a movie Furthermore, drama becomes comes along almost out of the blue one of the only art electives left and completely defi es all expecta- for students to take, catapult- tions. Hamlet 2 happens to be one of ing his class attendance from those movies. a double dose of drama die- Now some may be wondering, hards to a handful of inner- “But doesn’t everyone die at the end city teens. of Hamlet? How can there possibly be Adding insult to injury, a sequel?” the fi nancially unstable Th e answer is quite simple, really: school administration time travel.