Play Your Part Running Out of Space 1


Chapter One

Rumbone R 29 calling G 43! R 29 calling G 43! Over.

Gleek I hear you. What do you want? Over. Rumbone Permission to re-enter capsule. Over. Gleek Please wait. I am busy. Over. Rumbone Come on, Gleek. I can’t wait. Let me in. Gleek I won’t be long. I am talking to the Universe. Give me five minutes. Rumbone I can’t wait five minutes. Please let me in. I’m on a hostile planet. Gleek What? Why didn’t you say so? Hatch opening activated. Please enter chamber and wait. Rumbone Thanks. I’m in. Shut the doors, quick! Gleek Operation in progress. Outer hatch closing. Please wait. Rumbone Hurry up, Gleek. We need to go.

Gleek Operation completed. Inner door opening. Please enter flight capsule. Crumbling comets! What’s happened to you? Rumbone I’ll tell you in a minute. Let’s get out of here. Gleek Starting departure drill now. All systems are firing. Why have you gone green? Rumbone Let’s just go! Gleek Brace position. Ready for take-off. Fingers crossed. Rumbone Don’t say that! Gleek It’s OK. Only joking. We’re up and away. Rumbone Can I take off my helmet?

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Gleek One second while I’ll twiddle the wotsit. OK. You can now. Proceeding through the galaxy at optimum speed. But what’s all the green? You’re covered in green. Rumbone It’s bug spit. Gleek Green suit, green helmet… It’s WHAT? Rumbone Bug spit. It’s bug spit. Horrible stinky green bugs. They spat at me. Gleek What? Down there? But we thought that planet was empty. Rumbone We were wrong. It looked empty when I landed. Just rocks and rubble, going on and on forever. Then just as I was planting the flag… Gleek Claiming the territory for Earth… Rumbone And getting out the boxes to collect the samples, all these little wriggly things came squirming out of the sand… Gleek Wriggly things? Rumbone Like maggots. All green and wriggly. And then they stood up on their bottom ends and started waving all these little legs at me. Gleek Horrible. Scary. What did you do? Rumbone I tried to explain. I did the speech, you know: “Greetings from Planet Earth. We are running out of space and come to your world in peace, seeking new lands to inhabit…” Gleek What did they say? Rumbone They didn’t say anything. They just got bigger. Gleek Bigger? What do you mean? How did they get bigger? Rumbone They started swelling up. They got bigger and bigger. And then they started spitting. Gleek All that green slime? Rumbone All this disgusting green slime. All over me. All over my suit and my helmet. Great long squirts of gross green goo. Gleek Yuk! That’s abominable. Rumbone I couldn’t see out of my visor. I just ran back to the craft and shouted at you to let me in. Gleek And I said, “Please wait.” Rumbone You did. It was scary.

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Gleek I’m really sorry, Rumby. I didn’t realise. Rumbone That’s all right. I’m here now. Gleek Why don’t you just run a lovely hot bath-in-the-bag and get that filthy suit off and have a good soak? Rumbone Lovely. And then I’ll put my jim-jams on. Gleek And I’ll go on sending messages. I shouldn’t have let you land down there without asking first. Rumbone Did you get any replies, while I was out? Gleek Only one. Rumbone What did it say? Gleek It said, “Greetings from Planet Mavis. We are 3.27 million light years from your position but do drop in if you’re passing.” Rumbone Very funny. But they speak good English, don’t they? Amazing, when they’re so far away. Gleek No, Rumby, I told you. That’s the Sprattler.

Rumbone Oh, yes. Sorry. That’s me being dumb again. Gleek You’re not dumb. You’re very brave. I’d be really scared to go jumping around on hostile planets like you do. Rumbone And you’re very clever. I couldn’t send all those messages like you do. Remind me again. What’s a Sprattler? Gleek I told you. When we send radio messages, it turns our language into theirs. Rumbone Oh, yes. I remember. Why? Gleek So that they can understand what we’re saying. Then it turns their language into ours. Rumbone Shouldn’t that be an UnSprattler? Gleek Ssh. Wait. Something’s coming through. It’s a new message. Rumbone That’s funny. Gleek What? Why is it funny? Rumbone Not the Sprattler. The water. Gleek The water? What’s wrong with it?

Rumbone There isn’t any. I turned the taps on for a bath and nothing came out.

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Gleek Have you checked the hose? And the spigot? Rumbone Yup. Gleek And the nozzle? Rumbone Yup. Gleek Try jiggling the sprocket on the pump. Rumbone I just did. Nothing. Gleek Let me finish reading this new message and I’ll come and look. Rumbone What does it say? Gleek It says, “You who?” Rumbone Yoo hoo! That’s friendly, isn’t it? Gleek I’m not sure. I can’t read it properly. The screen is a bit fuzzy. I can see, “I… N… V…” Rumbone “Invitation.” That must be it. Hooray! They’re inviting us. Gleek Wait. Let me read the whole message. Oh, rats! It says, “Invaders welcome not do we.” Rumbone What does that mean? Gleek It means their Sprattler must be running backwards. They don’t want us. Rumbone But they said, “Invaders welcome…” Gleek Try saying it the other way round. “We do not…” Rumbone Oh. Right. I see what you mean. “We do not welcome invaders.” Oh, pooh. And there’s no water for a bath. Gleek Just let me send the message out again and I’ll come and have a look. Rumbone Oh, thanks, Gleek. You’re so clever. Gleek Ssh. Be quiet. I’m switching on the Voice Synthesizer. “Greetings from Planet Earth. We are running out of space. We travel the Milky Way in peace, seeking new territory…”

Rumbone OK. Now can you come? Gleek Ssh. I haven’t finished. “Please reply A.S.A.P.” Rumbone What does that mean?

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Gleek As Soon As Possible. Right. Let’s get these taps working. That green slime has a horrible smell. Rumbone I know. What is it? Sour milk? Gleek Pass me the spanner. Rumbone Spanner. Or is it egg sandwiches? Gleek Bendy probe, please. Rumbone Bendy probe. And a bit like old socks. Gleek Plunger, please. Rumbone Plunger. It’s like a mix of all three, isn’t it? Gleek Oh, no!

Rumbone No? Don’t you think so? Perhaps with a bit of stewed cabbage thrown in? Gleek I’m not talking about the smell. Rumbone What are you talking about, then? Gleek I’m talking about trouble. Big, big trouble.

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Chapter Two

Rumbone What’s the matter? What sort of trouble? Gleek There’s a blockage. Rumbone Yes? Where? Gleek In the W – W - double – R – S. Rumbone What’s that? Gleek Oh, Rumby, keep up! It’s the Waste Water Recovery and Recycling System. Rumbone Oh, yes, sorry. Is that serious? Gleek Serious? It’s life-threatening. Rumbone Oh, gumdrops! Gleek If we run out of water, we’re done for.

Rumbone Oh, jelly beans! What are we going to do? Gleek I’ll have to climb down into the disposal chamber. Rumbone Oh, no! Not the de-gunger! Gleek Keep an eye on the screen while I’m gone. There might be more messages. Rumbone Oh, no, Gleeky. Please don’t leave me alone with the screen. I won’t understand anything. Gleek Won’t be long. I’m just trying the plunger in the downpipe. Rumbone Oh, Gleeky, please come out. It’s flashing! Gleek What? Rumbone It’s flashing. The screen is flashing. And there’s a glonking noise. Gleek Glonking? Rumbone Yes, you know – sort of splurging and glonking…

Gleek Those aren’t even real words, Rumby. Anyway, that was me. Rumbone What was? Gleek The glonking. I was plunging the plunger. Yuk! It’s horrible in there. The system isn’t working at all.

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Rumbone Never mind that. Come and look at the screen. Gleek Rumby, you don’t understand. There’s a total blockage. Rumbone Right. Nasty. But listen, why don’t we try pouring some hot water down the nozzle? Gleek That’s just it. Rumbone Oh, good. You mean that’s the solution? Gleek No, Rumby. That’s the problem. Water. Rumbone Yes? Gleek Water. Rumbone Yes.

Gleek We haven’t got any, remember? It’s not coming out of the taps. Rumbone Oh. Sorry. I forgot. So, what do we do now? Gleek You tell me. Rumbone Well, why don’t we have a nice cup of tea while we think about it? Gleek Rumby… Rumbone Yes, Gleek? Gleek Rumby… Rumbone Don’t look so cross, Gleeky. What have I said wrong? Gleek How do you make tea? Rumbone Oh, that’s easy. You just boil up some water and… Oh. Yes. I see. Gleek Exactly. Rumbone No water. Gleek No water at all. Rumbone But that’s awful. It means we can’t make cocoa or have a bath or wash our socks or anything. Gleek It means we’ve got to find a friendly planet. A planet with water. And we’ve got to find it soon. Rumbone Right. OK. I’m ready. I’ll put my helmet back on. Gleek No rush. It might take a few days to locate one. What’s that in your hair?

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Rumbone What? Gleek Keep still a minute. There’s something in your hair. Oh, YUK! Rumbone What? What is it? Where? Gleek It’s one of those things! Like you said! Maggoty things! Green bugs. IT’S IN YOUR HAIR! Rumbone Where? Oh, yes. Gosh, that’s a really tiny one. Gleek Don’t put it on the console! Rumbone Where else shall I put it? Gleek I don’t know. Oh, no! There’s another one, on your sleeve. What are we going to do? Rumbone Calm down, Gleeky. They’re very small. I just can’t think how they got inside the space craft. Gleek You brought them in. You brought them in on your suit! Rumbone Oh, yes, probably. Good thinking. Anyway, don’t panic. Gleek Don’t panic? DON’T PANIC? Look, there’s two more. On the floor. They’re everywhere. We’re doomed! Rumbone Don’t be silly. Gleek I’m NOT being silly. We’ve got no water and the space craft is crawling with thousands of horrible green maggoty things! Rumbone Not exactly thousands. About three. Well, four. Gleek And they’re getting bigger. Like you said. Rumbone Do you think so? Perhaps they are. Anyway, don’t worry. We’ll sort something out. You just go on talking to the Universe and I’ll… I’ll just…

Gleek Yes? What will you just do? Rumbone Don’t be cross, Gleeky. Gleek You can’t get rid of them. You can’t kill them. Rumbone Do calm down. Of course I’m not going to kill them. We’re not allowed to kill things in space. I haven’t forgotten that. Just let me sort it out and you get back to the screen. I told you it was flashing. Gleek Flashing?

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Rumbone Yes, don’t you remember? I told you. When you were in the disposal chamber. Gleek Why didn’t you say? Rumbone I did. I did say. I told you. Wait a minute! Gleek What? Rumbone That’s it. That’s the answer. Gleek The answer to what? Rumbone The green bugs. We can put them in the disposal chamber. It’s not working so it can’t kill them. And they can’t get out. Gleek Rumby, that’s brilliant. That’s genius. Rumbone Do you think so? Oh, good. But I’m sure you can do something brilliant too and find us a new planet to land on. Gleek I’ll try. Rumbone That’s right. And don’t be scared of the bugs. I’ll just collect them all up, before they get any bigger…

Gleek Please do. I hate them. Rumbone … and shut them in the disposal chamber… Gleek Thanks, Rumby. Rumbone … and they can stay there until… Oy! Don’t do that! Gleek What? Rumbone Not you. This bug. It just tried to spit at me, cheeky little thing. Gleek Just get them locked up. Please. Rumbone OK. I will. That’s the last of them. Did you find that flashing light on the screen? It was in the bottom right hand corner. Oh, no! There’s another. Gotcha! Gleek Is that it? Rumbone That’s it. All done. Gleek Thank you, Rumby. I can breathe again. Rumbone All gone. All shut away. And they can’t get out. Oops! Just one more – only joking…

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Gleek It’s not funny. OK. If you promise me they’ve gone, I’m checking the screen now. Rumbone That was the very last of them. I’ve gone through the whole craft. Seriously, that’s it. There’s not a single one left. Gleek Well done, Rumby. That’s very good news. Rumbone Thanks, Gleek. It is rather good, isn’t it? And even though I say it myself, it was a rather brilliant idea of mine. Wasn’t it? Don’t you think so? Gleek Yup. Rumbone I mean, shutting them in the disposal chamber like that. Good, wasn’t it? Gleek Yup. Rumbone What’s the matter? Why are you sounding so grumpy? Do you think I’m being a bit conceited? Gleek No, I don’t. I think you were very clever and you’ve shut them away and it’s very good news. Now do you want the bad news? Rumbone What? Gleek Whoever was trying to get through to us has gone away. The screen is blank. They’ve given up on us. We’re alone in space.

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Chapter Three

Rumbone Gleeky, don’t worry. Just send out a message to all planets and someone is bound to reply. Gleek I hope you’re right. OK, stop talking. I’m switching on the Synthesizer now. “Mayday! Mayday! This is an emergency. Calling all nearby planets. This SpaceScout Traverser Z3 from Planet Earth. We need assistance. We have no water…” Rumbone Tell them we won’t be stopping! Gleek Ssh! I’m talking. “Repeat. No water and an infestation of horrible green bugs. Permission to land and take on water. We promise not to stay.” Rumbone Well done, Gleeky. That should do it. It won’t be long now before we get that cup of tea. Gleek Don’t get your hopes up. We’re billions of miles from Earth, halfway across the Milky Way, with very little chance of finding a friendly planet… Wait a minute! Rumbone What? Gleek There’s a message on the screen. Rumbone Cake crumbs, that was quick! What does it say? Gleek It’s just squiggles… Rumbone That’s not much help. Gleek I’m just putting it through the Sprattler. See if I can unscramble it. Rumbone Sorry, could you move your foot a minute? Gleek What? I’m busy. Rumbone If I can just stretch across you… Sorry. That’s it. OK. Just another bug. Gleek What? Rumbone Quite a big one. I’ll just pop it in the chamber with the others. Here goes. Oh, wow! Gleek Rumbone, can you please be quiet? I’m trying to unsprattle this message. Rumbone Sorry. It’s just the bugs – in the chamber. They’re getting huge.

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Gleek Just keep that hatch secured. NOW! And let me concentrate on the message… Oh, good! Rumbone What does it say? Gleek It’s great! It says, “Greetings, SpaceScout Traverser Z3. We have your location. We welcome visitors. Please land carefully…” Rumbone Saved! Where’s my helmet? Gleek Hang on. There’s a bit more. It says… Rumbone Yes? Gleek It says, “We look forward to meeting our first Earthlings. But we do not understand one thing. What is this unknown substance you mention, called ‘Water’?” Rumbone Oh, Gleeky… Gleek Oh, Rumby… Rumbone So that’s no good. Gleek No good at all.

Rumbone And actually, Gleeky… Gleek What is it? Rumbone Actually, I’m a bit thirsty. Gleek Oh, no. Rumbone Sorry. Gleek It’s OK. It’s not your fault. Actually, I’m a bit thirsty too. Rumbone Perhaps if I just made a nice cup of… Oh, no. I remember now. We can’t make tea. Can you hear a noise? Gleek No. What sort of noise? Rumbone A sort of hum, very low. Gleek You’re imagining it.

Rumbone Probably. It’s because I’m so thirsty. Gleek There’s plenty of tubes of Chokko-coke left. But no water to mix it with. Rumbone I really can hear a hum Gleek And there’s still one carton of yellowberry juice.

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Rumbone I hate yellowberry juice. Can’t you hear it? It’s getting louder. It’s coming from the disposal chamber. It must be the bugs. I’ll have a look. Gleek DON’T DO THAT! Rumbone What’s the matter? Why not? Gleek Don’t open the hatch. They might get out again. I hate them! Horrible, disgusting, maggoty… Rumbone Relax. It’ll be OK. I’ll just take a quick peek. Gleek DO NOT OPEN THE HATCH! They’re revolting! Seriously, Rumby, I can’t bear the thought of them, all slimy and smelly… Hang on. There’s a new message. Rumbone Tell me when you’ve unsprattled it. And actually, they’re not really slimy. You just think that because… Gleek SSSh! Listen. This is amazing! It’s in English. It says, “Greetings to the voyagers from Planet Earth. This is the BBC, the Bugs Broadcasting Corporation, speaking to you from Mariposa Viridiana.” Rumbone Wow! Gleek Then it says… Oh, no! It says, “Please stop saying rude things about us. We are not horrible and disgusting…” Oh, this is scary. Rumbone What? Why? Gleek It’s the Synthesizer. I forgot to turn it off. They heard everything that we said about them. Rumbone But they are a bit horrible. Not slimy. But spitty. They spat at me. Horrible, green, smelly, socksy-cheesy spit. Gleek Ssh. Shut up. I’m turning it off. Rumbone Sorry. But it was disgusting stuff. It’s all over my spacesuit. And I can’t wash it off. Gleek Ssh. I haven’t finished reading the message. “We are a super-advanced civilisation and we can speak and understand millions of languages and you are just a bi-ped in a big white suit. So yah boo sucks…”

Rumbone What? Gleek Then it says, “Only joking. Sorry we spat at you but you looked so silly in that helmet. We enjoyed meeting you but please don’t come back. Over and out.”

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Rumbone That’s really rude. But I suppose we were rude too. But they were disgusting and I definitely wouldn’t want to go back. Anyway, I’m still thirsty. And I can still hear a hum. I’m going to look in the disposal chamber. Gleek PLEASE DON’T OPEN THE HATCH! Rumbone Calm down. I’ll just have a quick peep. Oh, jelly babies! Look at that. Gleek What? Rumbone They’ve gone to sleep. They’re snoring! That was the hum I heard. Look at them, all curled into balls and sound asleep. So that’s all right then. We don’t need to worry about them anymore, do we? Gleeky? Hey, Gleeky? Gleek What? Rumbone Where are you? Gleek I’m down here, under the console. Rumbone What? What are you doing? Are you hiding? You can come out. It’s quite safe. And there’s a new message on the screen. Quick! Gleek Did you shut the hatch again, really, really tight? Rumbone Of course I did. But I told you, they’re all asleep. There’s nothing to worry about. Gleek Not until they wake up. Rumbone Come on, Gleeky. Come out. Come and read the message, quick, before it disappears. Gleek If you’re sure. Rumbone Sure I’m sure. The hatch is shut. What about the message? Who’s it from? Gleek It’s from a planet called Alpha Sulphuri. Rumbone That sounds good. What does it say? Gleek It says that they’d love to see us but it’s raining. Rumbone That’s good. Rain is good. Rain is great! We can drink it. Gleek Not this rain. Listen. They say, “It’s not very nice rain. Pure sulphuric acid and it hasn’t stopped for billions of years.” Rumbone Gumdrops! It must ruin their umbrellas. Gleek No, Rumby, you don’t understand. We can’t land there. Sulphuric acid would burn us up in two seconds.

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Rumbone Would it really? Oh, Gleeky… Gleek Oh, Rumby… Rumbone What are we going to do? Gleek We’re probably going to die of thirst… Rumbone Oh, no, don’t say that! Gleek … and our dried-up corpses will go on hurtling through space for ever and ever and… Rumbone Oh, no! Ssh! Gleek Sorry, Rumby, but that’s the way it is. Rumbone No, I said, “Ssh” because I can hear something.

Gleek Not again. Rumbone Can’t you hear it? It’s a sort of scrinching noise. Gleek Scrinching? What’s that mean? That’s not a real word. Rumbone Scrinching and grunching – and gribbling. It’s coming from the chamber. Gleek Rumbone, I’ve told you before. If you dare to open that chamber, I’ll… I’ll… Rumbone What will you do? There’s nothing you can do. We’re going to die of thirst. You said so. Gleek No, we’re not. There’s a new message. Rumbone Yes? Gleek It says, “Greetings, tiny humanoids, from the planet Gogomagogo, where the grass is blue and the sky is pink and the water sparkles like diamonds. Come at once… Rumbone I’ll get my helmet. Oh, Gleeky, we really are saved! Gleek No, Rumby, I’m afraid we’re not. The next bit says, “Come at once to Gogomagogo and we will gobble you up!”

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Chapter Four

Rumbone So that’s the very end, then? Gleek The very end. Rumbone We really are doomed. Gleek I’m afraid so. We can’t survive without water. Rumbone The end of all our voyaging… Gleek It looks like it. Rumbone No more speeding through space, searching for new worlds to explore… Gleek And new planets to inhabit. Rumbone And we shall never go back to Planet Earth. We’ve seen the last of that beautiful pale blue dot. Gleek We shall never set eyes on it again. We shall never see the forests… Rumbone And the mountains… Gleek The deep, dark lakes and the sparkling rivers… Rumbone Oh, don’t! You’re making me thirsty again. Gleek Sorry, Rumby. But it’s just so sad. So… so… sad… Rumbone Oh, Gleeky, don’t cry! Gleek S… s… sorry. Rumbone Do you want a tissue? Gleek Thanks. Rumbone Oh, no, hang on, don’t! Don’t wipe your eyes. I just had an idea. If you can just go on crying, we can catch your tears in a cup and… No, perhaps not. Gleek No. Certainly not. This is serious, Rumby. Rumbone I know. Sorry. Gleek That’s OK. But it really is the end. Rumbone The very end.

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Gleek Yes. Rumbone The very end. Except for the munching. Gleek The what? Rumbone You know – the noise coming from the chamber. I told you just now. The scrinching and the gribbling. Only now it sounds more like munching. Or crunching. Gleek I can’t hear anything. Rumbone Can’t you? Just listen carefully. Oh, no, it’s stopped. That’s funny. I’ll just take a look in the chamber. Gleek RUMBONE! Rumbone What have we got to lose? We’re going to die anyway. Just get down and hide under the console while I have a peep. I’m opening the hatch now. Oh, cake crumbs! Gleek What? What is it? Rumbone Oh, chocolate brownies! It’s amazing! Come and look! Gleek No thank you. Rumbone But you must. It’s fantastic! They’ve gone! Gleek Gone? How can they have gone? Rumbone They’ve disappeared. They’ve must have flown down the downpipe and away through the disposal shaft. Gleek Flown? What are you talking about? Rumbone The bugs. The last two are just leaving. And they’ve transmogrified. They’ve grown the most beautiful green wings! Gleek Wings? Rumbone Gorgeous green translucent wings! Just come and look. Gleek If I must. Rumbone Yes, of course you must. Quick! See? Oh, no, you’re too late. They’ve all gone. Gleek The chamber is empty! Rumbone I told you. Gleek But where have they gone?

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Rumbone They’ve gone into space. Quick, come and look through the porthole. I’ll turn on the searchlight. Can you see them? Gleek Where? Rumbone There – look! A great cloud of green butterflies, drifting through space. Gleek Oh, wow! There’s loads of them. But where are they going? Rumbone They must be flying back to their own planet. What was it called? Gleek Mariposa Viridiana. Rumbone Maripooooosa Viridiaaaaana! What a beautiful name for such lovely creatures. Gleek Don’t forget they were very smelly – and very rude. Rumbone I know. But see how lovely they are now. Goodbye! Safe journey! Wasn’t that an amazing sight? Gleek If you say so. But I’m glad they’ve gone. And we’re still doomed. Rumbone So we are. Doomed… I’d forgotten all about that for a moment. Gleek Doomed. Doomed. Doomed… Hang on! Just a second! Rumbone What? Gleek What’s that noise?

Rumbone What noise? Gleek Can’t you hear it? Rumbone Can’t hear a thing. Gleek It’s a sort of glugging… Rumbone Glugging? Gleek Yes. Sort of. Now it’s more like a gurgling. Rumbone Gurgling? Gleek Yes. That’s what I said. In the taps. In the bath-bag. You must have left the taps on. Rumbone Probably. Nothing was coming out of them so I didn’t turn them off. Gleek But something is coming out now. It’s gurgling and splashing… Rumbone And sploshing…

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Gleek And gushing… Rumbone Gushing! Gleek Out into the bathbag! Water! Rumbone Water? Is it water? Gleek It must be. It must be. It’s not blocked any more. It’s running free. But how could that happen? Rumbone The bugs. It must have been the bugs. Gleek What? Rumbone All that munching… Gleek And crunching…

Rumbone They must have been lunching… Gleek Or even brunching! Rumbone They ate their way through the gunge in the pipe! Gleek And now the water is running again! You can have a bath! And clean your helmet! Rumbone And make us a nice cup of tea! Gleek We’re saved. Rumbone Saved. Gleek We can continue our search through space… Rumbone … for new planets to explore… Gleek … and new worlds to inhabit!

Rumbone Crispy choc-cakes! Just wait till I put the kettle on. Gleek OK. Rumbone And Gleeky… Gleek What? Rumbone Now that we’ve got water… Gleek Yes? What? Rumbone Now that we’ve got water and we’re saved and all that…

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Gleek Yes? What? Rumbone Why can’t we just go home? Gleek That’s just what I was thinking. Why not? After all, we’ve done our best to find a new planet. Rumbone And none of them is as nice as ours. Gleek And we shan’t really run out of space for a few hundred years. Not if we look after things. Rumbone And we could always try again. Gleek One day. Rumbone One day.

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Copyright Tracey Lloyd 2018