194 the Contemporary Pacific • 19:1 (2007) Samuel F Mcphetres
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194 the contemporary pacific • 19:1 (2007) awards from a class-action lawsuit congressmen be paid via a uniform have been exhausted. fee structure for each day of official The redeployment of 8,000 session. An initiative calling for a Marines from the Japanese island of one-house congress failed. Also on the Okinawa to Guam will have substan- November 2004 ballot, voters were tial social and economic impacts on asked if they desired a second consti- the Marianas. In particular, there is tutional convention (Con-Con), the talk of establishing a permanent train- first one having been held in 1979. ing facility, probably including staff A second convention would be a way housing, on the island of Tinian, for the National Congress to respond where the Department of Defense to Remengesau’s initiatives. controls 17,000 acres. The people of A second Con-Con was approved Tinian have been complaining since by the Palauan voters in the 2004 the establishment of the common- election and the twenty-five-member wealth that they were promised a convention was in session from 17 base. Now they very well might have May to 15 July 2005. Of the conven- it. If there are mixed feelings on the tion’s 251 proposals, the delegates island about this development, it will approved 22 for presentation to the certainly provide a shot in the arm people for ratification in the 2008 for the CNMI economy. national elections. Regarding some samuel f mcphetres of the key proposals: first, the joint- ticket amendment (for the offices of ROP president and vice president) was reversed by the Con-Con, thus Republic of Palau affirming the separate-ticket arrange- Major issues and events for July ment established by Palau’s original 2005–June 2006 included the con- constitution. Second, the term-limit clusion of the second Constitutional amendment for congressmen could be Convention for the Republic of Palau repealed by the voters at the 2008 (ROP), work of the executive and election but, oddly, will be in place for National Congress (Olbiil Era Kelu- the 2008 election. Third, Remenge- lau, or oek), various megaprojects, sau’s dual-citizenship initiative was and relations with countries that pro- clarified by the Con-Con thusly: “A vide needed assistance and labor to person born of parents, one or both Palau. of whom are citizens of Palau or are In November 2004, President of recognized Palauan ancestry, is a Remengesau had outmaneuvered the citizen of Palau. Citizenship of other National Congress by using popular foreign nations shall not affect a per- initiative to place five amendments on son’s Palauan citizenship.” Ironically, the general election ballot. The voters the Con-Con then changed the eligi- approved four of the president’s bility for running for the offices of amendments: dual citizenship, a president, vice president, and national three-term limit for oek members, a congressman to exclude dual citizen- requirement that candidates for presi- ship. Also proposed: after 31 Decem- dent and vice president run jointly as ber 2009, trial by jury would be a team ticket, and a requirement that available for cases involving a crimi- political reviews • micronesia 195 nal offense that is punishable by a a very busy year of traveling, attend- sentence of imprisonment of twelve ing meetings, and engaging the years or more. National Congress. There was the Other important Con-Con pro- normal push and pull regarding cer- posals to be voted on in 2008 include tain bills, the selection of new ambas- a guarantee of academic freedom in sadors to the Philippines and Japan, Palau’s postsecondary institutions; the and the appointment of members to opportunity to petition for Palauan the Compact Review Commission. citizenship by a person born of non- Since independence in 1994, Palau Palauan citizens but adopted by has established diplomatic relations Palauan citizens before the age of with forty countries, and during the three years; the extension from 50 to period under review Mr Remengesau 99 years for land leased by a citizen accepted the credentials of new of Palau to a noncitizen or corpora- ambassadors from Israel, France, tion wholly owned by noncitizens; a Italy, Thailand, Great Britain, the prohibition of same-sex marriages; Philippines, the Czech Republic, the free and compulsory education from Netherlands, Turkey, and Japan. A grades one to twelve; and a mandate number of these new diplomats were that the “national government shall on hand for Palau’s eleventh Indepen- provide free preventive health care for dence Day celebration, including the every citizen as prescribed by law.” Spanish ambassador, Ignacio Sagaz, To provide greater support for who brought a congratulatory letter Palauan traditions, the Con-Con also from King Carlos and a donation of proposed: “The national government 200,000 euros to assist Palau in pro- shall take affirmative action to assist tecting its marine biodiversity. Also, traditional leaders in the preservation, the president appointed and the Sen- protection, and promotion of Palauan ate confirmed Daiziro Nakamura and heritage, culture, languages, customs Ramon Rechebei as Palau’s new and traditions.” ambassadors to Japan and the Repub- Despite the reversals of several of lic of the Philippines, respectively in Mr Remengesau’s initiatives by the April and May 2006. Con-Con, four of the five amend- Along with one hundred seventy ments approved by the voters in 2004 other heads of state, Mr Remengesau are currently in place, and rules and attended the sixtieth anniversary sum- regulations have been written to bring mit of the United Nations. While rec- them into effect. Of course, come ognizing the critical role the United 2008, some things may be reversed. Nations plays, Remengesau urged the Finally, the Con-Con chose eight of location of UN representatives in the its members to serve on the Post Con- Pacific. unesco committed its sup- vention Committee, which is respon- port to teacher training with a grant sible for educating the general public to Palau of us$250,000. unesco also about the twenty-two amendments in designated Ngeremeduu Bay, Ngerem- time for the November 2008 national lengui State, as a biosphere reserve, referendum. the very first such designation in the While Con-Con 2 was completing Pacific. The UN Food and Agricul- its work, President Remengesau began tural Organization provided Palau a 196 the contemporary pacific • 19:1 (2007) grant of us$323,000 for (1) improv- concerning the environment. At the ing milkfish farming; (2) developing a World Expo in Japan, he contrasted sustainable national aquaculture strat- “global greed” with “global need” egy and action plan; and (3) building and complimented Japan for its envi- capacity via training workshops in ronmental leadership as a nation that aquaculture. Also, Palau was elected has “established sustainable patterns as one of the ten members of the of economic growth that complement Bureau of the Subsidiary Body of social and cultural integrity while Scientific, Technical, and Technologi- preserving the natural environment” cal Advice panel to deliver advice to (TBN, 8–15 July 2005, 15). The young the UN Convention on Biological Palau president first presented his Diversity, which is concerned with “Micronesian Challenge” to attendees conservation and sustainable use of at the US Coral Reef Task Force Con- global biodiversity. Dr Joel Miles will ference, held in Palau in December serve as Palau’s Asia-Pacific region 2005. The idea challenges the Micro- representative to the bureau. Addi- nesian nations to commit to protect- tionally, Palau’s UN ambassador, ing at least 30 percent of their near- Stuart Beck, joined four of his island shore marine resources and 20 colleagues at the United Nations to percent of their forest resources by push for a direct presence of the 2020. In Brazil, at the March 2006 world body in the Islands, specifically meeting of the Parties to the Con- the establishment of five UN Develop- vention on Biological Diversity, Mr ment Program (undp) sub-offices in Remengesau announced the commit- the Republic of the Marshall Islands ment of the Micronesian states to this (RMI), the Federated States of Micro- challenge and stated that he would nesia (FSM), the Republic of Nauru, begin discussions to bring the chal- Tuvalu, and the Republic of Palau, in lenge into reality. If realized, it would order to strengthen capacity to design add significantly to the fifty terrestrial and carry out crucial development and fifty marine protected areas in projects. The sub-office heads would Micronesia that now exist. serve under the undp resident repre- Two of the five presidential sentative stationed in Fiji. This effort appointees to the Compact Review has so far funneled over a million US Commission were turned down by dollars of Global Environment Facil- the Senate, which later approved ity funds to three Palau nongovern- Stevenson Kuartei, md, and Minister mental organizations. Finally, Palau of State Temmy Shmull, in place of provided two of its police officers to Ambassador Beck and businessman serve for nine months as members of Surangel Whipps, Jr. Dr Kuartei and the UN Peacekeeping Mission in East Shmull joined former President Timor. It is expected this will be an Kuniwo Nakamura, retired educator ongoing involvement. Masaakai Emesiochel, and Minister Throughout the year, Mr Remen- of Finance Elbuchel Sadang on the gesau, who has become known as a commission. The commission’s task is strong environmental advocate, signed to review Palau’s performance under legislation and delivered addresses the Compact of Free Association political reviews • micronesia 197 Agreement (which expires in 2009) sai Note and FSM President Joseph and identify key issues for future dis- Ursemal, just as the South Pacific cussion, including requirements for Mini Games began in Koror.