The Contemporary Pacific

A Journal of Island Affairs

Volume 8 • Number 2

Fall 1996

CENTER FOR PACIFIC ISLANDS STUDIES & UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I PRESS The Contemporary Pacific: A Journal of Island Affairs is abstracted or indexed in Abstracts on Rural Develop- ment in the Tropics, Anthropological Index, CAB Inter- national, Current Military and Political Literature, Hawaii Pacific Journal Index (UHCARL), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, International Cur- rent Awareness Services, Sociological Abstracts, and UnCover (CARL).

Cover: Bark-cloth pattern redrawn by Barbara Pope from a bark-cloth skirt, identified as probably from Uiaku Village, Maisin, . The bark- cloth skirt is in the Ruth E and Wallace M Ruff Collec- tion, Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

Journal design by Barbara Pope

Cartography by Manoa Mapworks, Inc, Hono- lulu, Hawai‘i

© 1996 by University of Hawai‘i Press. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. issn 1043–898x The paper used in this publication meets the mini- mum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48–1984. Contents


Structural Adjustment in Fiji under the Interim Goverment, 1987–1992 A Haroon Akram-Lodhi 259 The Dream of Joseph: Practices of Identity in Pacific Art Nicholas Thomas 291 From Exhibit to Exhibitionism: Recent Polynesian Presentations of “Otherness” Nicholas Thomas 319 The Asaro Mudmen: Local Property, Public Culture? Ton Otto and Robert J Verloop 349 dialogue

Entangled in Mâori History: A Report on Experience Michael P J Reilly 387 political reviews

The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 1995 Karin Von Strokirch 409 in Review: Issues and Events, 1995 David Ambrose, David A Chappell, Sandra Tarte, Terence Wesley-Smith 418 resources

The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau: Preserving and Disseminat- ing Pacific Documentation Adrian Cunningham and Ewan Maidment 443 book reviews

Voyage of Rediscovery: A Cultural Odyssey through , by Ben Finney Reviewed by Geoffrey Irwin 456

Women of the Place: Kastom, Colonialism and Gender in , by Margaret Jolly Reviewed by Marilyn Strathern 458

How “Natives” Think: About Captain Cook, for Example, by Marshall Sahlins Reviewed by Antony Hooper 460

The Voices of Eden: A History of Hawaiian Languages, by Albert J Schütz Reviewed by William H Wilson 463

Women’s Education and Economic Development in Melanesia, by K G Gannicott and Beatrice Avalos; Educational Development in the Small States of the Commonwealth: Post Secondary Education in the South Pacific, Present Patterns and Future Options, by Ron Crocombe and Marjorie Tuainekore Crocombe Reviewed by R J Meyenn 465

The Political Economy of Regional Cooperation: Comparative Case Studies, edited by W Andrew Axline Reviewed by Richard Herr 467

La Nouvelle-Calédonie au tournant des années 1990: Un état des lieux, by Louis Arréghini and Philippe Waniez Reviewed by Eric Waddell 470

Human Biology in Papua New Guinea: The Small Cosmos, edited by Robert D Attenborough and Michael P Alpers Reviewed by Martha Macintyre 473 the pacific islands 475 contributors 476