Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (1734) Parts I, III, V, and VI
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (1734) Parts I, III, V, and VI Robert Mealy guest music director Jolle Greenleaf artistic director Jolle Greenleaf, Molly Netter, Sarah Yanovitch sopranos Tim Keeler, Kate Maroney, Elisa Sutherland altos Andrew Fuchs, Gene Stenger, Gregório Taniguchi tenors Michael Maliakel, Paul Max Tipton, Jonathan Woody basses Perry Sutton, Brandon Bergeron, Robert Garrison trumpets Joseph Monticello, Bethanne Walker futes Gonzalo Ruiz, Julie Brye oboes Stephanie Corwin bassoon Robert Mealy, Jacob Ashworth, Katie Hyun, Abigail Karr violin I Jude Ziliak, Sarah Jane Kenner, Tatiana Daubek violin II Jessica Troy, Edward Li viola Matt Zucker cello Nathaniel Chase violone Jefrey Grossman chamber organ Sae Hashimoto timpani December 18 and 19, 2019 Church of St. Vincent Ferrer New York City Texts and Translations Teil 1 Part 1 1 Coro 1 Chorus Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage, Shout for joy, exult, rise up, glorify the day, Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan! praise what today the highest has done! Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage, Abandon hesitation, banish lamentation, Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an! begin to sing with rejoicing and exaltation! Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören, Serve the highest with glorious choirs, Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren! let us honour the name of our ruler! 2 Evangelist 2 Evangelist Mr. Taniguchi Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, dass ein Gebot von It happened at that time that an order went out dem Kaiser Augusto ausging, dass alle Welt ges- from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be chätzet würde. Und jedermann ging, dass er sich assessed.
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