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197980ECVFH.Pdf I, I This Wembley lark is, as Sinatra As we were nearing the end of completed by the time they arrived "getting sings, to be a habit with an exhausting day th€ message at the windows which speeded up me" and we in the office like to came throu€h to the ticket offlce the selling tremendously. think that our administration im- that the Vice-Chairmanwas on the 'phone. Of course you can't please eve,ry- proves with eac.h succeeding visit. Paul took the call and one, can you ? One membe,rcouldn't with the news that several There can't be many clubs that rcturned unde,rstandwhy we didn't sell them people had apparently rung Mr. have boen to Wembley four times on the Saturday when we were house to tell him how in twenty-four months and there Reacher's playinrg Manchester City. He thought the selling had can't be many, indeed there can't rvell they obviously didn't appreciate the gone. be any office staffs that have enormity of the task nor did he We would like to thank those handled so many tickets bearing think about it conflicting with the "Football persons for sentiments and the magic legend League their sale of the Dynamo Berlin tickets. also Mr. Reacher for taking the Cup Final." went even further trouble to convey them to us. You one supporter why his ticket Paul White and myself. alonrgwith have no idea how much those few and wanted to know sold to him at lan Whito and Chas. Ralph soent a words msant to us, when we couldn't have been the few hours between us devising a realised that supporters had appre- the turnstile when he came to game lady expressed method of selling and how we ciated our efforts and had not City and one at the whole could best cope with the queues. taken them for granted. My thanks com,plete disgust arrangements,but didn't say At th,e end of the first day of to all the ticket staff for the selling had upset her and didn't sales we were all very tired but pali,encethey displaycd in handling what any ahemative. We thought happy in the knowledge that we and recording the numbers of suggest we had done a good job but it had served our stand season ticket all those tickets. you can't win them all. holders with a minimum of fuss But, you know, the credit was not seems and maximum sDeed. Sixteen sell- all due to the p€ople on our side Looking forward to the big daY ing pornts were made availableand of the counter, a great deal of it you can forget all about luckY we took more money in a few must go to our supporters who dressing rooms and all that guff hours than we took in season ticket queued patiently, in good humour because we have be€n to Wembley sales four years a,go - such is and who, in the great majority of four times now, used both dressing progress - or is it inflation? cases, had their vouchers already rooms, orrr supporters have stood NOTTINGHAM FOREST FOOTBATL CLUB Tel€phone 868236 lnformation Desk 860232 JubileeClub 869845 Pools Olf ice 861174 Pools Off ice Inlormation 86'l 843 SuoPorters Club 86461 1 SouvenirShoo 48771 Prosident: G. N. Watson, J.P. Chairman: G. E. Macpherson, J.P. Vice-Chairman: F. Reacher Committee: H. W. Alcock, F.C.A. B. J. Applebv,Q.C. G. T. Thorpe. S. M. Dryden,J.P. EUROPEANCUP F.A. CUP WLEAGUECUP F. T. C. Pell. F.C.A. D. C. Pavis, Or. l. L. Loch Winners Winners Winners Manaqer: Brian Clough 1978-79 Assistant Manager: Peter TaYlor 1978-79 1&'8, 1959 1977-78. Secrotarv/ Treasurer: Ken Sma les Assistanl SecretarY: Paul White Commercial Managor: John Carter ) t9-996r 6t€16r't99961 ,,/€,L6L dn-srouunU d1-erauung sieuu!/v\ slsrleuiJ 't0-906t 09-696t zz'Lz6L 8L'/l:6l dnc HstJ_rocs 8L-LL6Lsrouuu\i\ suoldueq3 suodureq3 -o19NV ol3tHs ^l-tuvH3 , o^ l Notst^to ltNoNorsr^to 'eute6 umelp eql Jalle (uredg) pupen selnJ aql 'srnolos .aleag Jo lo r.{selc e Iplerpeurur slalc[ Jol lsanbar (puelrocg)cqrla3 pro^e ol rvro;pÄ ur futr(ep oJe ai/\ qnp ,llo/trr\ e e1eu lsnur 6urlrsra oqr (puelgog)usprelsuv xelv ees lI^ no^ lle lo lsru 'so!l pei{eldar p eesec ul (It) 'a (acuelg) 6rrrcqseJls 'qnlc Eulceg Z lqoluol euiorl eqr ^q peulslär €soql ol lnoqe leq^ 'oJnlnl aqt qonoua 'paruesal (eraegso8nl)ups InpfeH ;o enlen lenba lo og lsnrrt 'a lng i sreF6e.r 6rr1ruos oq r{;uo 'qnlc (Äueu:eg lso/n) AS tunqure;1 pue pareqruru ll 6u1r1s1n ;1m Äeqf pegunouue e^eq sJ€Jole3 ('U'O'C) utpeg oureu,{q eql ol peuolls slalcll eql (!l) eql puB eoeuoqs Jeeq e oq lll,\Ä '^ lsetol rrßq6uRfoN '/t ejp areql se qcnu, se ut sleuoddns se^loi^ ,o, s/v\eu peq eqt 1o sÄep -.rr0 ulgllrvr epeu aq tu\vuo dnc N\t:tdounl st oror{1 lleqs sle{crl ,ol lsenbal oql (l) lr! ureleJ ,noul 'utntpsls : suolle lpqs o/n ar\ s3]V!\tS N3) eql le guieu poo6 e eAPq oM 'sltst^ {r6er 6uyvrcp1 q[ ot Felqns 'uonepouruooce 'luec .atrttl s,lq6ruuoJ e ul Ällc ltor{l lufiroJ Jno uo firpees lp to ,,ueqluv leuolleN,, Ou;ltstr ol plelv\,to, Iool o/$ pue aqt pled a^eq slauoddns Jno .nd 97 u4ep ot fq6!, eqf e/req lleqs 'se!l l!s!^ lauq :raqt peÄofue eneq Äaqt lsedser qql ol lutod Ä1pno,rduec o^,\ qnp 6ugp6 qß FUU pue pug adoq sn lo'l 'oule6 eql JeUe lnq seqcleu -!r!os e$ ldeoxe seg dn3 p ug tqbre.rts leuolleuJalul luo9ai le 6u!u:,nlal ore pue 6uru.totu,{epJalsa^ sreuoddns ,o rnor^eqaq 'sleug-ruras 'lq6lu ;n;aca6srp Durpecald spunou po^pJe 6urneq auo 6urÄels aql lnoqe ssald fllt ut luaulutoo - s4elc$ uopnqloqq (p) llv lo r(;uo oJe lqOruol sloltst^ JnO Jo leep lefl6 e uaaq se'q araql .92 alnu .V.l 'sinoloc ^lore 'sduls ellleuolle eaJr{l -ueldx€ eql sr aJeq spualrl sr.l pue Jo o^ l EurÄltec lnoqe Älloan ol lsuiJou Jno Oupea,rvr eg lltr/\ o/r/^ i(e11eq41'rl eql ioJ l lo tll€ueq 6urneq lnoqlrm sulolsnc oql q6noJql pue teuunl sJ,e^eld oql elrsoddo 'erl dn3 ulsql la6 ol q6nous 6uol €lerad€s pue aql Ädncoo lllm sJ€Uodd'ns 'v'J 'uroor eql u! puels e^llncex3 aqr ol ^erg luerJ pue ,,oqqog,, roo .lno Or.lsseJp quoN oqt ur paleas eJe/v\ oq/rl sueJ loodJo^t'l ol 6u!r(Jl qEnoue peq s,fl '€sussuoul polecolle ueaq o^eq a/!^ aulll stql 'lt 'urnrpels ,o JaquJnu €ql lnoqe p€utelduloc -ruoc ^luo sr lo lulql ol euroc sql ut aue6 '^allarrs ''r0a1;euy1 'Jl 'qclqfi lo l IrlC noÄ usq/v\ ,,a6ueqc lsnul e lsol Jaleu a^eq a^ pue s;eo6 'A 'puo Jelsaqcuel^ ,,^ ar^au,, aql ul ureal auroq,, aqr reql €lels vlfn qloq pelceue a^eq o^ qcga le I caught up on some readingwhen nor are likely to have one to the best I got back from my week's holiday in of my knowledge. Torremolinos but I wish I hadn't 'So when a newspapergoes broad- taken the trouble. "first castingto the nation about news I was sifting through some of the of another Admiral coup at Old week's newspapers when I came Trafford, Forest and Spurs" I suggest across the article - reproduced on they get their facts right before going the opposite page - about Forest into prtint. havinga proposedlink up with Admiral | find it absolutely amazing that l, sportswear over a new strip. as a managerof a football club, can pick up a paperand read mattersabout What l'd like to point out to the "Daily my ch^rb'saffairs and then put it down, Mrirror" is that I object very knowing that there is not a fragment strongly to Back - a Page Lead story cf truth in it. concerninga particular aspect of my job - without a semblanceof truth I rememberthe writer of the article attachedto it. Kevin Moseley having something to say in his weekly column about I was absolutely staggeredwhen I Forest's hospitality - or alleged lack read the article because we have no of it to England manager Ron link up with the company concerned Greenwood some two years ago. Newspapers mustget theirfacts right says BRIANCLOUGH I Ä.rols slq se/n oS uaql lnq spjo/vl Jo-t gpr4 ertl ool pue 'oqnlc anlBal tulpl.l ro, palluo slFqcwn flqil -c^rt Uep laÄe;d 6unoÄ e qcle/v\ol a.ü,,, :plpt qEH sqtr' Dut pullnra qltÄ ll€fp Jo s)tn eql 04 000 093l tqol ltatl l{q 1no urcq DUnOrr lrc äulpusq |mF)lffi IITIU9V öulsn;al eur ' nrr clot aq1 ol clg.P ,, tllql@t olul tlcql lo luelenrnba a,ql s,ll f,tpan{ sl tsql Ins paqtnotd Ä.u@ 4q ue^ll o^!q ll lel eÄ luq{ ,{lmc l(Je^e qoll6lqulo -glp q .rü IBrtupY Äqe st l?ql Dw lalcurug'laql tullau-tgud u@ a 's/!^,eu I3TFUpY fmounr ..'Fuo efry eql uo-Aldl -@@ paplcepx! 0s YJ e(n lsql {offep stq la6 ol JopJout qeeq e^st{ alaql suJg 01 pnluor ol p,I prY,, paun4 ?r€q 0q4 am J"qlo 01 ea,ea lnq uBlr lr . .lu?urotdE qnp .@ ameog rnp 00 ol 9G Psq a/$ ,, uJ!q ol ol pelue/n oqrvr 'rqnll \ü lerrq ea larnrpy- llel euoÄue 04 glno CbqÄ 'ra4saclsl q eldoed qsc ul Äudu@ ro[Bn lPJpmq rd€l +rEq ,o'elBCllqlll lL, ol uelsll ol q,ol s,1st1eu:no[Ä.iana sean rlslltrg an tl4pplqlno 'tpoqlau aJOU qCnU 6 M 'Urg wueo aql q3tilD 't?tsu 'Fptpv q ptrl rt IaqI q?!ö ruu ru rtern alurqt ett1 uo reqlo qllÄ anrPpm ln r! rqonoqr a^eq plnorvl leql sr ssla {ed8 aql tuo@ JlÄ fan Dstttr mclJd 4aql 9rrduoo I sag r pelo^qd sq{ returdE@ raqlo Pw ol chtn"am 1.11,, apoqlau s.ll4Üpv tlot q flr@ ,o pqrt 'uen@ q4eJo, 6urqlÄueueqt aroul aul posnue leq6 'dlqmFhqfJ llql p?lsaÄul et,, gJa 's.{ I rq la^o uelll a n I t a.I qll u.6 qnlc {n ,o P@ all l34upv ,t plq I@q uoJano 9^aq .ql Jl 000'013l pus srau ,q ll Il!Ä lllÄ lrlqqoc'Erg eÄ9^g 'plJo/r^ -slÄF000'831 'ffi Aqlqg.d @l't.ntC 1r rno DUY qsnlrg eprslno aql -rHddi dnC lmard!Ellpo^lefil ! trottdnr ot Dnqd l@!.{ V d qHIrIc ül JoI 000'9t{muql oqö puv ,, oi.a/s, :pl$ Jelorc '<luAr pal.
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