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( MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1952 THROl GH TUESDAY, SEPI'EMBER 2, 19.52 SEE ATTACHED MIMEOGRAPHED SHEET FOR IN.FORMATION 00 TRIP TO lli.LWAUKEE, WISCONSIN ( ( ' Trip of the President to Milwaukee, -;v'isconsin. August 31, to September 2, 1952 Members of the Party The President Matthew J. Connelly Jo;-:;eph Short Charles S. Murphy David Lloyd David Stowe Kenneth Hechler }Jii s s Rose Conway Ma jor General .iallace H Graham Jack Homagna fio ge r Tubby Derve y E. Long Har old B. Colvin Harvard E • .Uudl f.: y Hr s . Ko. y Holloway Se cret Service Agents pewspaper Correspondents Robert G. N:L"\_on, - International News Service Ernest B. Vaccaro, The Associated Press Da;yt on Moore, United Press tssociation Anthony H. Leviero, The New York Times Raymond J. Blair, The New York Herald Tribune Cecil Holland, The ,iashington Star Edvmrd ? • Hyan, The Hashington Post Devw y Fleming, The Baltimore ::Jun I Francis Stephenson, The New York Daily News Laurence Burd, The Chicago Tribune J ack Beal, (Off dt Cincinnati) T:iJne haga. zine Robert Fleming ( On at Chicago) The lviilwaukGe Journal Photographers: George Ske.dding, Life Hagazine Charles Corte, United Press Photos Charles P. Gorry, Associated Press Photos Maurice J ohnson, International News Photos Charles Pedan, VI . G. -M . News of the Day Th eodore Rick~an , l1f . G. M.-- News of the Day ) Radio and Television: Arthur Barriault, National Broadcasting Company i1illiam Costello, Colwnbia Broadcasting Syst em T ouis Slw 1 J enhe::t'a-c; r , (Re tn.t'"' t ri.P-- onl.;y:) . __ C.Gl-ur:,J-b i a~.Br EM. dG-a-B t in-g .S ,____, Lamar Allison, (Re turn trip only) C. B. S . Engineer John Edwards, fiRc rican Broadcasting Company Horace Lambert, Telenews Productions Inc. Harold Lion, TelenevTs Productions Inc. Al . S,:iJnons on, N. B. C. Tel \.O vision John Langenegger, N. B. C. Tel evision ,/estern Union : Carroll s. Linkins, Robert D. "Vfa hlstrom, (On at Crestline, Ohio ) Place train Track 20 Union Station Washington 9:00 p.ra,edt. Lv, Washington .•• (Pennsylvania P.R. Extra) ..... 11:30 p,;n,est. (12:30 a.m.• edt) Pass Chevelry loop ......... .. ................. 11:40 p.m.est. Pick up road engine and reverse train;leave Chevelry loop 12:01 a.m.est. Pass Landover ................................ 12:05 a.ra.est, A:r. Baltirnore ................................ 12:40 a.m. est. Pick up diesel engines Lv. Baltinlore ................................ l2:47 a.In,est. Pass Cly (Pe.• ) ••••••••.•••••••••••••••.••. ••• ,2:32 a.m.est. P..r. Harrisburg, Fa ••••••••..•......•.......••• 2:53 a.m,est. Ch<'.rlf,G train crev.;s Lv. He.rrisburg, Pa •... ...................... .. 2:58 a.m.est • ..t\r, Altoorta, Pn .••..•...•.....•.••...••.•...•• 5:16 a.rn.est. Chc;nge crews Lv. Altoona, PL: •••••••.••••..••••••..••••••••• 5:20 a .n1. est. Ar. Pittsburgh, Fa .•••••••..••••..• ·..••.••..•• 7:55 a.m.est. Change crews, ice and water tr.; (§:..25 a.m.edt) Lv. Pitts-:mrgh, Pa, •....................•....• 8:25 a,r,1.est. ( .2_:_?..5_~'11:1, G d t ) Ar. Crestline, Ohio ••.•••...••.....• ,., ...••• 12:05 p!m.est Ch<:mge train crews ,inspect equipLlent. Lv. Crestline, Ohio., .•................•....•12:20 p.m.est, Pass Lirna, Ol1io •••............................ 1:25 p.m.ost. Ar. Fort VTayne, Ind •• , ••.•.• , ...........•..••• 2:20 p.m,est. Change to Central stRndard time; mrJce diesel inspection and change engine crevrs , NOTE; Cre1-v change cmd inspection will be 1:1ade in yards, no stc.tion stoo will be nade Lv. Fort Wayne,- - · - - ·-----Yards •••..•.•••.•............... - - -. ~ - - o, . ~ ·- - ·- - · ~~ - -- - --- - - - - -. - .-.-- , ••• 1:25 p.l'l.s1_ Pass Plymouth, Ind ••••••••••• , ••••• , .•..•••••• 2: 20 p.m. est~ Ar. 12th St.Coach Yard,Chicago •••..••••••...•• 3:45 p.m.cst. Turn over to Hilwaukee railroad opere.ting crew Lv. 12th St.Coach Yard •••..•.••••••.......•.•• 4:00 p.m..cs.t Ar. Milwaukee railrond coach yard •• , .•.•...•• ,4:30 p ;m~ est. Ice, water and inspection of equipuent by Hihvaukee operating crow Lv. Chicago (IJilwaukee coe>.ch yard) ••• , ••..••.• 5:30p.m.. est. No stope between Chicago yards and 1Iilwaukee Ar. Milwaukee, Wise. • • •........•........ , •••• 7:00 p .r:~ . est. The President will speak at 8:30 p.m.~ (Trdn will be turned and properly serviced during ti;n; party is off; turning operc.\tion vr.ill require one hour and fifteen minutes) Lv. Uilwaukeo, ¥-iisc •• (flilwaukee railroad) ••• , • 9: 30 p.m. est. i~ r. Chicntso ,yc..rds • •........ , ... _..... ........ _. 11:00 p est. Deliver to NYC at 12:~ a.m.cst. ---2--- .Lv. Chicat:; o ••• (IJYC extra) •••.• ..•••••••••••• 12:30 r.. m .~. ...tJ. .. r. Cinci.rm ati, Ohio .• (NYC RR) ••••.•.••••••• 8:30 e>• • m.lli. Change train crews · L Lv. Cincinnati. •• (Baltimore and Ohio Extra). 9:00 a.m.est .. Ar. Parkersburg, w. Va .•.................•.' 12:45 . p.1n.est. Crev1 cha.nge tr:· Lv. P2.rkersburt;, I~ I Va ..•.................. 12:50 p.m.est. J~r. Clarksburg, v; .va .•. ..............•... .... 2:45 p,in,est. Diesel inspection;ice & water if needed. 7 Lv. Clark~burg , 1.: .Va •••••• , • ; •••••••••..•••• 2:55 p.m.est. Ar. Grafton, VJ . Va .. ~···················••••3:35 p. 1~·1,est, Change train crews Lv. Grsfton, ~ . Va ••.•••••••••••••.••••••••• 3:45 p.m.ost. Ar. Keyser, YT. Vn •• . _.......................... 6 :00 p.m.est. Change diesel crevJs Lv. Ke~rser; VT . Vn .•.........................• 6:05 p.m. est . .A :r. Martinsburg , ~ · ; .va ••••••••...••••.••••••• 7:50 p.m. est •. Brake inspection Lv. Martinsburg, :~; . Va ••.••••••••••••..•• ~ ••• 8:00 p . ::1 . est .. Pass V!eav-e rton ...•.........................• 8:30 p.ra., est. Ar. Track 20, r:ashington Union Station •••••• 9:40 p .c . est • . (10:40 p.m.edt. ) Pennsylvania dining car will opera te during r ound trip. Tota l train length (pulled tic;ht) 843 ft. 9 inches. Total nur:1bcr of cars 10. be Car No . 3 (frora rea r) vnllj used as a 11 press-club car11 ?A systen will operate as far forv1ard as the Pennsylvc.mia dinint; car (No . 6 from r.ea r end) ( ) WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1952 10:00 am (Staff) 11:00 am Admiral Ross T. Mcintire (Asked if might see the President before tomorrow's meeting of Annual Emplo.y Physically Handicapped, which the President will open) 11:15 am (Mr. Ned Trapnell) (Mr. Short brought in OFF THE RECORD, did fine job of pre senting truth about Executive Order 10290) 11:30 am Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Conmittee ( Usual weekly half hour meeting wi. th the President) 1'2:00 Honorable Jesse M. Donaldson, The Postmaster General (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange) 12:15 pm (Mr. William Bray) (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD ( 12:30 pm (The President met in Cabinet Room, With group from Air Force, the Rand Corporation and National Security Resources Board, for briefing on defense of Capital. LOWER WEST DOOR, HALF HOUR OFF THE RECORD DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE FOWLER, Colonel John G. GARLAND, General William GRAHAM, Colonel Gordon HUNUER, Major Paul McCLELUU~D, John C. RAND CORPORA'riON HENDERSON, Lawrence J. NILES, Walter W. NATIONAL SECUHI TY RES O iRCES B ARD GORRIE, Honorable Jack LANCASTER, Presley, Jr. ASH, Russell LANDRY, Brig. Gen. Robert B., Air Force Aid to the President DEl-l'NI SON , Rear Admiral Robert L., Naval Aid to the President 1:00 pm (LUNCH) 2:55 pm (Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Kass of New Mexico) OFF THE RECORD ( WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1952 - continued 3:00 pm (Honorable Edmund Hanrahan) (Asked to come in to invite the President to speak after Election) OFF THE RECORD 3:30 pm (General W. Bedell &lith, Director Central Intelligence Agency) ( Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD 5:00 pm WHITE HOUSE Reception for group from Democratic National Committee, and others) (List attached) ( ( \ THURSDAY SEPT EMBER 4, 19.52 9:25 am (The President left for Labor Depar~ment Auditorium) 10:00 .am The President addressed opening meeting of the President's Committee on Employ the Physically Handicapped. 10:45 am (Honorable Joseph Lawler) (Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh) (Came to see Mr . Connelly an saw the President) OFF THE RECORD 11:00 am ( Staff) 12:00 Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman (Called Mr. Connelly from New York on Tuesday to ask for this) 12:1.5 pm (Mr. Abe Berliner, of Paterson, New Jersey) (Mrs. Berliner and two young sons) ( Carao to see Mr . Connelly, vrrote Mr. Connelly that he had something of i mport· 1ce concerning Democratic Nominee which he first whished to discuss with the President) OFF THE RECORD 12:30 pm Honorable Dea."l Acheson, The Secretary of State ( Usual Thursday appointment ) 12:5.5 pm (Honorable Oscar R. lliVing, Federal Security Agency) OFF THE RECOH.D 1:00 JD (LUNCH) (Honorable Dean Acheson, Sccretar.y of State) (Honols.ble Dan L. Kimball, Sec!'etary of the Navy) LOWER WEST DOOR OFF THE RECORD 3:4.5 pm (Mr. Tom Gavin of Kansas City) OFF THE RECOHD 4:1.5 pm Honorable Henry Fowler, Defense Production Administrator (Honorable John 1. Steelman) (The President asked Dr. Steelman to arrange this) ( FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1952 lOsOO am (Stat!) 10:45 am (General W. Bedell Smith, Director, CIA) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD 11:00 am Cabinet (Those absent& the Vice President, Treasury, Interior, Agriculture and Commerce; all others present.) 12:00 Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio (Called Yr. Connelly Tuesd~ and asked if might see the President before leaving the city) 12:15 pm Honorable Philip B. Fleming, American Ambaesador to Costa Rica (Asked for this through Protocol) 1:00 pm (LUNCH) ( 3:15 pm (Honorable William Boyle, former Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD ( ( SATURDA! SEPl'EllBER 6, 19.52 10:·00 am (Honorable Joseph Keenan,.