WITH OUR GURUJI… (Postings of Pujya Guruji in facebook and Golden moments shared by Disciples)

Published : 18-12-2015 - 26-12-2015. 108th Maha Yagnam, Ahobilam

Price : This publication is intended for free distribution by Sri Guruji. NOT FOR SALE. Those desirious of participating in publication of similar devotional books may send their contribution through crossed DD payable at Hyderabad to Sri Jwala Central Trust, Hyderabad.

Acknowledgments : We heartily thank the following : Sarvasri T. Manohar, Thati Santosh, B. Mallikharjun, YVSS Sundaram, D. Sivakumar, B.Nrupen, Krishnakishore, K.Phani, VVK Jagannadharao, A.Raghunathan, YRk Kranthikiran, Smt.I. Kavitha, D.Aruna, Smt. , Neeraja & Venkatesh,B.V.S.Satish, Padmini Bhavaraju, K.Madhusudhan Rao, Sa Yee, CV Kutumbarao & V S Murty. for their valuble support for this book. Let Pujya Guruji’s blessings be showered on them ever.

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Sri Jwala Central Trust (Regd) 1st Floor, Room No.9, Sunshine Commercial Complex, Lakdikapul, HYDERABAD - 500 004. 040-23231656.

1 With Our Guruji… (Postings of Pujya Guruji in facebook and Golden moments shared by Disciples)

Gurumadhye Sthitham Vishwam Vishwamadhye Sthitho Guru Gururvishwam Nachanyosthi, Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah.

Sri Jwala Central Trust Lakdikapool, HYDERABAD - 500 004.


Sri Sri Sri V.V.Sridhar Guruji - the Head of Sri Jwala Central Trust (Regd), Hyderabad and Sri Jwala Trust, Chennai is an ardent upaasaka of Lord Nrisimhaswamy and is an authority on Chaaya Atharvana Veda and Krishna Mohana Vidya. Sri Guruji has evolved Nrisimha Dhanwantari Yagnas to promote peace and prosperity, cleansing the environment of Akshara Pollution (Aksharas are sort of spiritually charged energy bodies). Nrisimha Dhanwantari combination enchances the curative forces in the environment and helps in combating with several diseases like Cancer, Asthma, Cardiac troubles, Cirrohsis of Liver, Psychological disorders. Sri guruji has performed 107 Yagnas so far and countless number of Yantra Pujas. The present Yagnam at Ahobilam is the 108 Yagnam by Sri Guruji. The special feature of the Yajnas conducted by Sri.V.V.Sridhar Gurujis is that everybody (irrespective of Caste, Creed, Religion etc.) will have the opportunity to participate personally in offering Aahutis in the Yagna Kundam free of charge. Sri Guruji believes in the Vedic connotation “Maatru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava...” Salutations to Mother and her forefathers, Salutation to Father and his forefathers. According to Sri Guruji - “ If the blessings of the pitrus are available, any problem can be solved. If they are not available, nobody can do anything. So one should respect their parents and prostrate them regularly because father and mother are representatives of the Pitrus. One should also do Pitru Karma with sincerity and devotion when One’s parents pass away to invoke the blessings from the pitrus.” Pitru sapam affects not only an idividual but percolates to the future generations of the individual also cuasing delayed marriage, lack of children, sick children, lack of peace of mind, premature death in the family, strain in family relationship, delay in justice (Court matters) etc., Sri Guruji performs Sarpa Aaraadhana in the Yagnas reciting various Sarpa Gadyams for the benefit of the devotees. GURU MADHYE STHITAM VISWAM VISWAMADHYE STHITHO GURU GURUVISWAM NACHAAVYOSTHI TASMAI SRI GURUVENAMAH

3 “With Our Guruji…”

Guruji Those days people used to eat well. They used to feast well. Fasting was suggested for once in 15 days in the form of Ekadasi to cleanse the system. Today in your busy life hardly we eat.Even if we eat it is junk food most of the times. Even if you eat well for a day the system doesn’t accept it… Indigestion etc., since we are used to junk food, good food is an alien to the body. Somehow I am not for following the sastra blindly. It is said ‘sastraya cha sukaya cha.’ Sastra came for the sukham of all living beings. Already every day is Ekadasi and you don’t eat properly. As days change sastra also undergoes change with experts giving better workable solutions. We can’t blindly apply sastras and sastras have evolved with time. Otherwise we may have to dress up with hide’s leaves and go back to forest. This is my personal view... Loveshree 1: Guruji, isn’t the true meaning of ‘upa-vasam’ to be with God? What does it have to do with food, eating or not eating? Guruji : Upavasam… Upa has got many meanings. One is to be with the Lord. The other is to dwell in the mind with the Lord. Another is to sleep with the Lord. Another is to smell the Lord. Another is to celebrate with the Lord. Many more meanings are there. You are right dear, I like the way you think. *** Guruji When you give money your hand is up and the taker’s hand is down. Can anyone guess when the giver’s hand is down and taker’s hand is up? Loveshree 1 : The human mind always tries to get the best bargain, even with a Guru/God. How difficult it is to understand that Guru /God needs nothing but complete faith and be a true devo- tee. I include myself when I write this. Guruji : Snuff powder… The giver’s hand is down and takers hand is up. Loveshree 2 : while making an offering too this is the case. Isn’t it ?

4 Guruji : It depends on the offerer. Loveshree 3 : Mostly in front of the Lord in temples the giver’s hand is down and the taker’s hand is up. Guruji : But why all of us cannot realize? *** Guruji The were only seen by the rishis. What little they could grasp came out as sruti. Subse- quently they passed it on to their sishyas. There was difference in what they saw among them- selves and hence the different schools. This was called paatabedham.The rishis who saw the vedas could not translate exactly the content what they could assimilate. Since certain things were un- derstood after a very long time after their seeing it, hence what was seen could not be expressed and what was expressed did not exactly mean to what was seen originally. The rishis who saw it were not there to explain in totality of what was seen. Vindavarkandilar... Kandavarvindilar Tirumoolar, name signifies he is from the moolamie..,origin.He was infact an avataar of the Lord, hence the statemen. Most of the Vedic interpretations are from Pratyahara thoughts of the clan. Finally all roads lead to Rome since they originate from the Lord. Loveshree 1 : Gurudeva, please bless us with the things to be followed on Toli Ekadasi falling on 30.06.12. Guruji : This is a very very important Ekadasi... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, please enlighten us. Guruji : 6 am breakfast… Cereals, Muesli, scrambled eggs, 2 tumblers of milk/boost/horlicks/ complan. Guruji : 9 am light tiffin… 10 idlis/5 dosa, coffee... Guruji : 12 Noon full lunch… With ghee pappu, sambar, rasam buffalo curd.... Guruji : 3 PM Pakoda(onion preferable), bajji (onion), pepsi cola... Guruji : 6 PM snacks… Lays chips, Kurkure, 2 glass of milk... Guruji : 9 PM dinner... Full dinner ala carte style… Dum hyderabadi biryani, malai kofta, butter naan, roomali roti, stuffed capsicum, pickles, avakkai, curd, dessert, butterscotch with fruit salad. Loveshree 2 : This is regular menu. Guruji : 11 PM...Cocktail...Virgin ***

5 Guruji about gandabherundapakshisimham This is Gandaberundapakshisimham ... It is one of the most beautiful forms of Nrusimha.It’s called Gandaberundapakshi nrusimhaswamy. It is believed that the Lord revealed this form at the last stages of his confrontation with Hiranyakasipu. In Mantra Raja Padamoolamantram there is a term called Sarvatomukham.... When Hiranyakashipu saw Nrusimha he could see many faces... 1).Lion, 2) Tiger, 3) Monkey , 4).Bear, 5).Boar, 6)., 7) horse, 8).Crocodile, . 8 heads and 32 hands. 32 hands depict the anushtupamoola mantra/mantra raja padamoola mantra has 32 syllables. Each syllable/bijaakshara represents 1,00,008 upaaksharas. Here Hiranyakasipu could see the Lord both in his hridaya and outside and hence the symbolic representation of two heads of a bird. Depicting the inner and outer. The ego self and true self... It is believed in some parts of Kerala and Karnataka, brahmins those days will not do puja punaskara if they feel their inner is not clean. The Rajalipakshi which is twin headed just swoops down from nowhere and takes them and leaves them in paatalaloka. Hence when their thoughts are impure they never do any worship or sacrifice. The Lord in this form is an Aghora Murthy. A beauty par excellence. While killing Hiranyakasipu he gave this form of darshan to him and it seems Hiranyakashipu was given the aatmagyana by seeing this form. Garuda was kind enough to give Hiranyakashipu the charamaslokam of in his ears just before his death. Hence the Shwetha garuda can be seen near the head of Hiranyakashipu. It’s a very very rare form of Lord Nrusimha. Loveshree 1 : Dhanyosmi Sri Gurudeva. When a shishya published a divine flame from a yagnam, His Highness has identified and named the flame as “gandabherundapakshisimham” and said, “some beejaksharams associated with this form are ‘kshraum, vam, kshipa, hreem, ttam’. There are 32000 beejakshara as associated with this form out of a total of 32 lakhs of bijam for Lord

6 Nrusimha. Small photos can be printed for distribution. It is believed to be very auspicious”. This took place on 4th March. Taking clue from your direction, we got printed the photos of the divine flame and distributed to devotees for their welfare. And the photos will be distributed again on your birthday and throughout the year with different backgrounds on the reverse, so that the photos reach as many devotees as possible. Blessed are we to have you with us gurudeva. Pranams. We republish the divine flame today for the devotees who have missed to see it earlier. *** Guruji Recast your balance sheet of life... Our birth is opening balance... Death is closing balance... Prejudiced views are liabilities... Creative ideas are assets... Loveshree 1 : Seek Your divine blessings Gurudeva! Guruji : In the balance sheet if my blessings are written as bonus on the assets side, on the liabilities side it will be written sishyas liability for bonus given by Guru… Yagnam contributions. *** Guruji :Suddenly during the Sunday mass in a church the devil appeared. All ran helter skelter. But one old man was still sitting there calmly. The devil was surprised.It asked him, “Hey old man,don’t you know who I am and are you not scared?”. The old man laughed and said, “I know you are the devil and I have been living with your sister for the past 50 years. Loveshree 1 : The old man is powerful than the devil since he is living still with devil’s sister. Hearing this, the devil must have disappeared... Guruji : One should always have live-in arrangements with the devil’s family. If you are married, it puts you in still more stronger position. Loveshree 2 : Then no marriage can happen, marriage economy will suffer... Guruji : Dear, Once married, economy always suffers... *** Guruji : Yesterday evening a good joke… I was standing in a bus stop near Abids. A very beautiful girl got down from the bus and was crossing the road to the other side. I just followed her. She looked back at me, got scared and started walking fast. I too increased my speed. She entered the Chirag Ali Lane. I too entered. She suddenly entered a building which had steps. I too entered the building and climbed the steps and it led to a door. She went inside. I knocked the door. Two big guys came out and looked at me sternly and asked “what do you want?”. I just smiled and said I want to see the girl who just walked in. I just said, I have some work with her. They looked confused and called the girl. I just handed over the purse which she had slipped out of her bag as she got down from the bus. She thanked me. I said you should not thank me for you gave me an opportunity to square some big liability which I owed you long ago. She blinked.I profusely thanked the Lord that a ‘runam’ which had been pending for past 8 janmas of mine had come to an end yesterday. How sweet of Lord to have been so merciful to me! Tears started flowing... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, since you know that you returned chasing her. We don’t know. We are accumulating. Guruji : Don’t worry. All accumulations one day need to be squared in the system of nature. 7 Loveshree 2 : She should have turned around, walked upto you,given you a bear-hug and planted a kiss straight on your lips. How could she have foregone such an opportunity? Guruji : I like the way you think... *** Guruji Meditation… Guess work... Medication is for calming the body and meditation soothes the mind. Meditation after soothing the mind, takes the person beyond the mind.Sages call it no mind. Makes one to realise the true self. Once a person reaches that stage he is totally different but not indifferent to the society around him. No one knows that he is an enlightened soul. He remains the same. He just keeps doing the same work. Keeps attending to the daily routine. Going out with kids, wife to movies, socialising with friends, spending time on Facebook, enjoying life the way he has been doing all long. Visibly there is no change. So what has really meditation brought about? That’s the wonder and that’s the suspense… Can you guess what it is? Loveshree 1 : Any word will be merely a label… I would say the person has arrived! Guruji : Such a person has an all-round vision of 360 degrees. He will be the most balanced person. As said by you, one can’t describe it. Dumb person but tasting honey... Loveshree 2 : Guruji the term “no mind” is very mysterious to me. The very nature of mind is oscillating. Something like a pendulum. It either overshoots or undershoots, but never stays at the middle point. And more so when you forcefully try to stop the pendulum, instead of stopping it will oscillate more due to the external force. Similarly the modern meditation centres advice not to have thoughts during meditation. So the more you force the mind to sit still, the more it will rebound and right from the time you sit to meditate. You’ve only thoughts. So does the solution lie in stopping the thoughts or just observing the flow and let the pendulum to settle on its own at the middle. I’m confused. Please help! Guruji : Just observe the flow. Don’t force it. Then in the name of meditation you will be doing something else. *** Guruji The greatest calamity on earth is greed... Loveshree 1: Yes Guruji, but I am still not able to live in my house, due to these corrupt people. Each and every penny we paid for the house will say I earned it. Guruji : Yeah I can understand your feelings. But feelings have no role in the scheme of things that unfold before us. You were born to your mom and dad, so beautiful, cuddly, so sweet, so charming. But today you are suffering due to ill health. When I ask you, you will say Fate… Destiny… Karma. Where has all that gone when it comes to Mantralaya or your flat? Now you say I have earned it. Who knows what we have really earned? That’s why be non-judgmental... *** Loveshree 1 Though these are more abstract thoughts, the Zen student may find that they gradually suspend with their reasoning altogether (this is called no-mind), and this clears the way for an actual experience of existence itself...

8 Guruji : If it’s no-mind you have arrived at the destination. That is you have discovered your true nature of being a Buddha... *** Loveshree 1 : To find yourself is to lose yourself… Guruji : To find yourself is to lose yourself. To discover yourself, you should have lost yourself... *** Loveshree 1 Twenty monks and one nun, who was named Eshun, were practicing meditation with a certain Zen master. Eshun was very pretty even though her head was shaved and her dress was plain. Several monks secretly fell in love with her. One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting. Eshun did not reply. The following day the master gave a lecture to the group and when it was over, Eshun arose. Addressing the one who had written her, she said: “If you really love me so much, come and embrace me now.” Guruji : If it’s love there is nothing like private or public… Love is just love and the true nature doesn’t worry to exhibit… In short the exhibition in public has no inhibition in case of one who has discovered himself... *** Loveshree 1 The students in the monastery were in total awe of the elder monk, not because he was strict, but because nothing ever seemed to upset or ruffle him. So they found him a bit unearthly and even frightening. One day they decided to put him to a test. A bunch of them very quietly hid in a dark corner of one of the hallways, and waited for the monk to walk by. Within moments, the old man appeared, carrying a cup of hot tea. Just as he passed by, the students all rushed out at him screaming as loud as they could. But the monk showed no reaction whatsoever. He peacefully made his way to a small table at the end of the hall, gently placed the cup down and then, leaning against the wall, cried out with shock, “Ohhhhh!” Guruji : The master reacts after the job is over... *** Loveshree 1 : I need a teacher… I don’t need a Buddha. Guruji : Then you need to keep winding and not unwinding... Loveshree 2 : To unwind we need Guruji! Loveshree 1 : Entangled… Badly! Guruji : No no… Estranged badly! Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I beg you to help me here. Can you explain us the difference between an ideal, a Master and a teacher? Guruji : An ideal thinks he is right. A teacher thinks the ideal is wrong. The Master laughs at both of them. Guruji : No question of becoming a Buddha. Your inherent true nature is Buddha and it is hidden under the superficial cover called ideals. ***

9 Loveshree 1 The obstacle is the path. Guruji : The path is the obstacle. *** Guruji : Someone close to me,a nice good girl questioned me, “Now that Chanchalguda has become like Tihar jail, why don’t you do some prayaschitham for all those recently accused and arrested?” I said, why not, we pray for all. We are non-judgmental by nature. We ask God for mercy not justice. I said we will certainly pray for all. It’s not my job to sit in the judgment seat. Unless guilt is proved no one is a culprit. Even if someone is a culprit, I have not come to reform him or pass judgments. My job is prayers for the welfare of all. Everything, both animate and inanimate, in this jagat., Krishna says in Geetha, ‘swadharmonidhanamshreyaha… Para dharmobayavaha’... By doing one’s duty if death is the resultant penalty that is far more better than doing somebody’s duty and fearing in life. Our life is choiceless and nonjudgmental.... No doubt many may beg to differ with us… But that doesn’t concern us. They have their side… We have our side. Loveshree 1 : Forgive me for my ignorance. If we are non-judgmental, why to pray for mercy? It’s up to him how to treat us, right? Our prayers do not make a difference, right? We are just choiceless!!! Guruji : Dear… I can understand you. But this shows your level of understanding. Whether you pray or you don’t pray, to me everything is choiceless. Lord’s will prevails. That’s what I feel. Probably he tells you not to pray. That too is his will. There is a saying in Tamil which may be in Telugu also, “Vidiyavidiyaramayanakettu sonnaramseethaikkuramanchitthappanenru”... It means… After hearing day long it seems someone said is Seetha’s father’s brother. It looks like that.You will understand what I mean some other day. No hard feelings… Enjoy... *** Guruji : Either you enjoy a roller coaster ride or you fear a roller coaster ride… It’s up to you. I call it life. Loveshree 1: Gurudeva… How about “choicelessness” in the matter? Guruji : Anything said is choiceless… All my statements are choiceless… Whether I add it or not… Standing instructions... *** Guruji Lost in the woods... Lived with plants and animals... Entered the people’s land... Felt more being human... Loveshree 1: When you said “people’s land”, were you referring to a city or a monastery, Guruji? Guruji : Dear, it’s left to your imagination… I don’t like to tamper with your creativity for Buddha sits in there. *** Guruji : Marathilmaraindadhumamadhayaanai... Maratthaimaraithadumamadhayaanai... Parathimaraindadhupaarmudhalbhootham... 10 Paratthaimaraithadupaarmudalbhootham... (Tamil....Thirumandiram...By Thirumoolar)... When you take a kid to a toy shop and get a toy elephant made of wood, when you ask the kid what it is, it says ‘elephant’. But you know it is wood… So to the kid only elephant is visible not the wood. Similarly all of us see the objects of creation and think that they are mere objects… But the creator is hidden in the objects of creation and he is not visible to us. Loveshree 1 : Learning to unlearn, to see the Invisible. Guruji : Unwind yourself dear... Loveshree 1: What is the difference between unwinding and unlearning Guruji? Guruji : Unwinding is a wholesome process… Whereas unlearning is a limited sphere of scope... *** Guruji : We turn clay to make a vessel… But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel lies in... Loveshree 1 : Hats off to how effective your every line is Deva. Wish we had this art too... Seeing how easily people misunderstand our words... Guruji : We are parrots dear… We just keep repeating what our masters have told… Cut, copy paste... *** Guruji : People say in the pursuit of knowledge everyday something is added. But I feel when you are with a Master every day you are tempted to drop many things… This is the way we learnt with our Masters. Loveshree 1 : Is dropping application of knowledge? Guruji : Dropping doesn’t need knowledge. It’s just conviction... *** Guruji : The other day someone asked me.... ‘Guruji, how is it you have so much energy. You sing gadyams, chant vedas, giving discourses, attending to others’ problems,supervising yagnams pujas, undertaking trips etc.,?’ I asked him… ‘Do you watch TV?’ He said, ‘yes’. Then I winked at him and said ‘Boost is the secret of my energy’. He then said, ‘our energy’. Guruji : What I meant was ‘boost’ means ‘boo ishtaka’. I meant booma is this Universal mother gives me the energy and she is my love... *** Guruji : Mistaken identity... May be around 15 years back.Those days Calcutta..(Kolkata)... Those were the days of bliss. I had very less audience. My privacy was intact. One family whom I do not know invited me to their place. They had not seen… None in that group. Someone known to me phoned me and asked me to visit them. One of my close sanyasi friends from Haridwar wanted to see me and I asked him to come to that address since he was somewhere nearby to that place. He was just walking ahead of me into that house. I saw some people coming outside. Within a flash he was garlanded and poornakumbam offered and was taken inside. Poor fellow he doesn’t know Bangla. I thought now if I enter and say I am Sridhar, I thought it will be rude. My friend is a great master and he belongs to a well-known mutt in Haridwar. Those days no cell phone. So I called their home number and said I am devotee of Swamiji and would like to talk to him. On phone he asked me “Where the hell are you? These people are thinking that I am you”. I said,“Relax… Any how, try to have a satsang in

11 Hindi. They may understand. A satsang is a satsang… Whether I do it or you do it. For we are not the doers and Lord is the doer”. Even today whenever we meet we keep remembering this episode.. Guruji : The beauty is now every year he visits them and they have satsang for a week. The best part is he has learned Bangla and converses very well… Had they come to me, they would have become like me… They belong to a very disciplined school… But,to tell you honestly this discipline suffocates me. *** Guruji : I was driving at 110 kms per hour on the highway in my jeep… A very beautiful Mercedes M class overtook me and I knew the driver was enjoy riding. After about 100 kms, I stopped the jeep to have some tiffin at the roadside hotel. I saw the same vehicle there at the hotel. After driving around 30 kms, I found that Mercedes once again overtaking me. He was going at a high speed. But I was steady at 110.This scene was going on and on… Finally when I reached Madurai at the toll gate in my rear view mirror I could see the Mercedes at my back. After the toll I just stopped the vehicle to see the beauty of the vehicle. It zip passed. I was staying in a hotel at Madurai. The Mercedes was parked next to my vehicle. I was driving my jeep from Madurai to Rajapalayam… On the way I saw a vehicle on the side of road had slipped the bund and had driven into the field. I parked my jeep, got down and went there and saw. It was the Mercedes friend whom I have been seeing for the past 6 or 7 days. There was only one man in the driver seat who had broken his leg sitting on the seat with seat belt strapped. He was in a state of shock. I called some people from a nearby village, parked my jeep there and took this driver,gentleman, and drove the Mercedes back to Madurai. I admitted him in a corporate hospital. Lucky he escaped with some minor injury and fracture of the leg. I called his relatives and told them. Someone was there in Madurai who came to take care of him. As I left, he thanked me. I thanked him for the ride and opportunity. It was a long cherished desire of mine to drive a Mercedes M class and the Lord fulfilled my desire like this. This happened a couple of months back. Loveshree 1: You have been designated as his guardian angel… All throughout you have been with him, till the “moment”... Only to complete your task graciously, making it look like a coincidence. Guruji : In fact, more than the ride at that point of time since he was writhing in pain I had to drive at almost 180 kms an hour violating all road rules. Because his health was a priority. Loveshree 1 : I am sure Guruji, you would have just had an intuition about him and choicelessly followed him only to see the events gradually unfold in front of your eyes. I think that is what you are an expert at. Choiceless and patient. Guruji : Lord’s grace dear... *** Guruji : When I was talking to a gentleman, it looked as though he was concerned about me as I was discussing with him. Halfway through,my insight said he was just one more person who was curious about me… My attitude too turned from serious to casual... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I cannot imagine you to be serious. I think he was blessed as your started being casual – yourself. Loveshree 2 : His loss. Lord’s choice.Sairam Guruji. Guruji: Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi… Shanthi is such a beautiful word which we keep always remembering and reciting… That way shanthi you always keep inspiring us… Wow.... What a satsang… People normally dream of visiting Las Vegas for the satsang of their choice. Choiclessly my desire is many more satsangs at Las Vegas… Sayeeram... *** 12 Guruji : The other day due to some prayogam purpose I was wearing rings 2 on my left fingers and 3 on my right.I was wearing a chain too. After a long time I met a good old friend of mine near a bus stop. On seeing the rings and my chain he asked me on road 5 lacs or 6 lacs? I smiled at him and I told him if you come with me I can show you something more beautiful. I had a cloth and I asked him to hold the cloth. He held it for me. I removed all the rings and the chain and tied the cloth. I had one more cloth in the bag and I made it like a small ball. I said just feel it. He said it’s too heavy. Now see the tamasha, I said… Just keep walking with me… We went on the main road… By lanes… I was just searching. He was puzzled at my behavior. I said we have to walk fast. I saw a woman and understood that she is the person I am searching for. She had kept some mangoes in a big basket. She was busy calling autos. She had also a bundle of some curry leaves on top neatly stacked in a sack. I asked him to purchase two mangoes from her. As he was doing it, I just slipped the bundle into her curry leaves sack. We just left the place. He asked me “where is the bundle?” I said where are the mangoes… He took it out from bag… I said who knows… Probably it has gone with the curry leaves… He was stunned… I said to my friend… Now tell me what is my worth on road? He asked what’s all this… I said this is called prayogam… I don’t think he understood... Loveshree 1 : Oh! Guruji. What a beautiful way the help has reached! Guruji : Dear, it’s prayogam… Once it’s over it has to be passed on to an eligible at the earliest… That day the time available was only 45 minutes… Lord’s grace spotted her in 30 mins... *** Guruji : Every day one gentleman was calling me whether I am interested to take loan. I was just postponing. Today morning I received the call from him. I said ok… Then he asked me some details… He asked me what business I am doing… I said FMCG… Then he asked what is my business vision… I said I would like to feed those who are hungry free of any payment… Then he asked me ‘how will you then earn in business?’ ‘I then replied what for you bankers are there… I will take loan to run the business’. He asked, “How will you repay the loan”... I said I will take more loan… He said is this the way to do business… I said I do business this way… Finally if you go on taking loan you may not be able to pay… I said by the time I would have fed a lot of people who are hungry’... He kept down the phone… I felt bad for he lost a good customer... Loveshree 1 : When I read Guruji saying: Only serving bank employes/officials will be enrolled.., I recalled the days when Guruji was working in computer dept in Zonal office, situated in second floor of the building. Loveshree 1 : Beside the Zonal manager’s chambers, there are sofas in the lounge for visiting customers, to meet GM. Many serving employees, officials daily used to meet Guruji. Besides many outsiders used to come to meet Guruji and the waiting devotees used to occupy the sofas. Guruji : That’s the main reason I quit the bank for it didn’t look like a bank… It turned out to be a ‘bhajanai madam’... Guruji : The pity is the GM used to come out and say ‘next… Who is there to see me?’... And all will say we have come to meet Sridhar. Loveshree 1 : One day the PA was entering GM’s chamber and the door is half opened. GM saw many waiting outside occupying sofas. He asked the PA, how come many customers come to meet me today. PA coolly replied: Sir, they are devotees of Guruji, who came to meet him. No customer is waiting for you. The GM, who himself consults Guruji often for his personal, official problems, kept coolly mum after hearing his PA. Guruji : And they didn’t accept my resignation almost for 7 years… I stopped going to bank… I told them take disciplinary action against me and dismiss me… They didn’t do that… Finally someone 13 known to me personally well became the DGM and he accepted my orders. He too said wait for a year. You will get pension and golden handshake… I told him, Sir already in the form of salary I am drawing pension only… Please let me go… I can never forget this institution for it provided me lots of experiences in addition to salary (pension)... *** Guruji : Jump means just jump… Araamudan.., my master took me out of the city of Madras (Chennai) to a place around 50 kms away… There is a big range of hills… He took me to the top… May be few hundred feet… And asked me to jump… I just jumped to fall on some bushes of thorny cactus... When I opened my eyes I was in hospital and my master was sitting by my side… He said, “Oh! God, you have escaped. I have to continue to be your master…” I just smiled and gathered courage to tell him,’ it’s your ill luck’...He chided me calling me ‘stupid’... I could see his grace flowing from him... Loveshree 1 : In my opinion, it’s not the nearness to the Guru, that matters. As distance has no relevance. We can be miles away but we can always follow instructions and be mentally at his lotus feet all the time. Guruji : Dear, my good wishes are always with you all… Somehow I was graced by the Lord to be with such masters… They were all unique and beautiful… I really enjoyed being with them… They were the most compassionate people. I have seen in this world… They were really great… When I see people like Loveshree2, I feel that you all have missed the original and have been blessed only with a duplicate. *** Guruji Today one gentleman known to me asked me about the tattoos on my limbs. Now the time has come to reveal my to all my disciples and devotees. When I was young and deeply in sleep suddenly got disturbed and woke up to find a fairy by my side with a magic wand. She just waved the wand and the tattoos appeared on my hand and she said I am a Godman… Those days tattoo was a form of indigenous art and was practiced by locals, villagers, tribals. Today it’s a big commercial industry and tattoo studios are there every nook and corner of the world. Question.....A) The truth is hidden somewhere in these statements... 1...Fairy tale is not a tale and it is true... 2...This tattoo was made by some locals, villagers and tribals... 3...This tattoo was made in a tattoo studio... Question.....B) The tattoos on my body... 1...Has something to do with religious practices... 2...The tattoos have no spiritual or religious reasoning.It is purely out of the love for the art... 3...Tattoos create some sort of publicity.People tend to become curious...A way to attract people... Any guesses? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, when you take deeksha, it is done as a religious reasoning, as an offer to the Lord. Guruji : To us dear, deeksha was given without any big reasoning. In fact no questions were allowed

14 to be asked. Jump means just jump... Loveshree 1 : Pranams Guruji, I know very little about deeksha, but my neighbours who are Iyengars, have got that tattoo done in the hand and they won’t eat or drink any food outside. It’s actually a spiritual austerity where in you cook your own food, offer it to the Lord and then partake that prasad. Guruji these days ordinary man will have so many doubts and unless I personally believe he is totally spiritual, they don’t question their Guru. And jump as the Guru ordains. Guruji : Dear,Vaishnavites call it samashnam… The chakra and the conch of the Lord is ordained on their hand by the respective acharyas... *** Guruji When I went to a temple, I saw a board there.It was written ‘only Hindus allowed inside the sanctum sanctorum’. I offered prostrations and thanked God for having allowed me to come inside the temple may not be garbha gudi. I was not sure whether just being born in a Hindu family will give me the rights of calling myself a Hindu. So I walked out.... Loveshree 1 : Guruji again pardon my ignorance. I am daring to differ here. As Hindus, we are born and are a set of people who respect and observe orthodox practices. We smear religious symbols on our body, we appoint trained people to chant our verses. We are trained from our childhood to respect the restrictions about entry and exit into the sanctum sanctorium. We also have a dress code for people going near the Lord inside and the people performing yagam. Our scriptures have prescribed a code of conduct and a methodology of worship. What is wrong in being strict about them? Probably the word “Hindus” on the board your holiness has sighted meant the people who had respect for such orthodox practices. A non-hindu may defy the code and may demonstrate disrespect out of ignorance. Please clarify how I should look at this issue... Guruji : While doing sandyavandanam every day, while reciting the mantras so you keep an eye on the meaning of it as you say and are able to bring that divinity in mind as you do that karma. Then you are a Hindu.I don’t do that… So I doubt whether I am a Hindu. Note sandyavandanam is there selectively for all castes not only brahmins... *** Guruji Mind games… I too misunderstand... I was in someone’s home… We were just talking… Suddenly the kid came running and told the father, ‘mummy returns’. I stood a minute in silence. The kid’s mother was entering the house flesh and blood... Guruji : Generally we call mother ‘mummy’... Mummy doesn’t have flesh and blood… So here I saw a mummy i.e., mother coming back flesh and blood. Better call amma or mother or maa instead of mummy... *** Guruji I don’t miss human company... Last week, I went to my friend’s place. He was busy with his computer and his wife was busy talking to someone on phone. The kids were playing cricket on the road. So I went to his garden and started conversing with a tree. After sometime it seems my friend and his wife came to the garden and said ‘hello’ to me. I was engrossed in my conversati15 on that I just failed to notice them. This was going on for 3 hours. Then I said ‘bye’ to the tree… The house was locked. Luckily they had left the gate open… I came out and drove back my car. Just then I received a call from them. They had to urgently go somewhere and they had come to the garden and called me but I didn’t notice them… After another one hour my friend once again called me and was curious to know what I was doing with the tree. I said I was chatting. He said we chat on phone, we chat on computers. What is this chatting through tree? I said you chat through phone, you chat through computer but I was chatting to tree. He called me a liar and kept down the phone. Today he called me asked whether the tree told me anything about him or his family. I said a lot was told.Now he wants to meet me urgently and I said I am busy. So far 10 calls… He is in jitters. See the hypocrisy… That day he didn’t believe… Now he is scared I may spill some beans to his wife,kin and kith. I am enjoying the fun. But somehow I feel all systems of nature have feelings and they keep communicating with us whether we feel their existence or not. LoveShree 1 : Guruji, how is that your friend feels the tree must have disclosed something to you? Is it not the fear or the mind again playing a hide and seek game. I do converse with my money plant and it feels good. Guruji : Yeah it’s the fear and mind games. In case I have the capacity to talk to tree it might have revealed since it’s his tree in his garden, can only discuss about him. As though we don’t have any other topic to discuss… Fertilizer subsidy, green revolution, global warming... *** Guruji Aesop fable… My master’s way... A jackal was continuously jumping up to taste the bunch of grapes hanging down from the vine. Finally it couldn’t reach the grapes. It commented… ‘I don’t need these grapes… For they will be sour’ and goes away... Jackals in fact like sour grapes. It seems all the animals were watching this. It didn’t want to reveal its true identity. It didn’t want the animals to know it is a jackal. Hence it said the grapes are sour... Sometimes the jackal in us makes us to make some statements, before others to just conceal the real intentions and our true identity of being a jackal. Loveshree 1 : Aren’t we human beings great pretenders? Very rarely we are our own self. Guruji : Pretension too is choiceless. A day comes and you realise that you were pretending. That too is choiceless. Once pretension stops the true self is revealed. That too is choiceless. Loveshree 2 : Pretension is an expression of certain form of fear, isn’t it Guruji? That I will lose acceptance in a social group if I am not something… If we are one with God and there’s no fear, then one stops pretending and behaves his/her natural self wherever they are… Isn’t it Guruji? Guruji : Exactly… You have hit the bull’s eye. Later I will draw a circle around it.... Loveshree 3 : So true Guruji and I totally agree with Loveshree1 but should we pretend just so we can maintain relationships? Otherwise the relationships can turn sour? Guruji : To me everything is choiceless… So even if you don’t pretend it is choiceless... Guruji : So if the relationship is sour or sweet it is choiceless. Even when you pretend people may misunderstand you. Then have the guts to say I am only responsible for what I say. I am not responsible for what you understand. Loveshree 3 : I feel we are all like prisoners in our own society.. Guruji : That’s why we long for freedom. Then imagine how beautiful it should be when the prana 16 leaves the body. People get used to slavery and they are scared of freedom... Loveshree 3 : So true. A homeless man was asking for money to feed himself. Loveshree4 decided to feed a homeless man and bought a big mac from Mcdonald’s. When she approached him and gave him a big mac he had so many questions and doubts about her intentions. Society dictates how we should act and behave. Any act outside these parameters, you can land in the “suspect” area. I feel trapped sometimes. Guruji : Loveshree4 didn’t understand his need. It’s not the food he wants. It’s the money... jackal, projecting something to get something else. Loveshree 3 : Oh! Is it like that? Fear of asking direct need... Guruji : Probably he may need a can of beer. You won’t give. So he asks money for food. After all beer is the type of food he prefers. So project something to get something else... Loveshree 3 : Were humans like this when creation took place or have we deteriorated to this? Guruji : I don’t remember. I may have to talk to God to answer you... Nowadays age is catching up with me dear. I forget many a good thing. Last week you will be surprised I just left some money which I had borrowed from a known source, in a friend’s place. When I went back it wasn’t there where I left. When I asked my friend he too did not know. Now I am hoping that the person who gave me the money will also forget. Choiceless and Lord’s grace. *** Guruji The other day someone was asking me where is God? When Gajendra, an elephant was being attacked by the crocodile, Lord reached the spot in no time. So I said God must be within a hearing distance... Loveshree 1 : What happened to the crocodile after death Guruji ? Guruji : The elephant died and reached the feet of god… Crocodile died a became Krodha bahu, an . *** Guruji The other day someone was saying God is infinity... I said ‘no no no… He is indeterminate’... Loveshree 1 : Guruji - it could be a limitation of the language. Can we not have a complete sentence or the definition as God is or we can say God is… Guruji : If God can be defined, no longer he will be God... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, yes, I understand… Thanks for pointing out. Guruji, once we have realised the limitations of mind, words and meanings thereof also stand classified under it… Great *** Guruji Enjoying hypocrisy… IIT entrance results are out… I have scored 75%... Out of a total of 32 candidates known to me who have appeared all India 24 candidates have cleared. All under blessings quota. Every parent rang me up and informed that it’s all because of my blessings it seems… Blessings quota… I intend writing to authorities to increase my quota so that I have a better value for my brand. I am in touch with some other gurus to know their quota allotment so that boldly I can ask my sishyas to put hoardings in the city regarding my achievement. Poor kids… No encouragement for all the hard work they put in day and night for so many years to achieve this. My good wishes to all the kids who have cleared… My best wishes to those who have not cleared for the Lord has

17 kept something better in store for them... Loveshree 1 : Too good a score Guruji! I know you love the 8 much more, you have better options for them... Guruji : I am always with those who have not achieved. Since there is a likely chance that they are going to be Gurus… I too didn’t get through IIT... *** Guruji Indian mind… I was staying during my visit to Holland with a bishop of a church… Plenty of oranges I could see in his garden… We went to a supermarket for purchasing provisions for cooking. When we were about to complete our purchases, the father purchased some oranges. I looked at him, meaning that there are orange trees with oranges at home, why are you purchasing oranges? He replied with a beaming smile on his face, ‘those oranges are for the birds, when I want to eat, I purchase’. We Indians only preach… Outside India they practice what we preach... Loveshree 1 : We Indians have been conditioned by so many sermons since ages. We are yet to explore and satisfy our own basic instincts. The day we transcend our physical desires by being honest about them and by exploring adventurously, we will start thinking about the birds. Guruji, pardon my ignorance. Please clarify why we are bombarded with stories of ideal man like Sri Rama and ideal woman like . In reality such perfection is next to impossible. In the process our entire life goes off in trying to become Ramachandramurthy. Are we supposed to become or are we supposed to confine him to our pooja room? Guruji : Be just yourself… There is no need to become Rama or even Ravana for that matter… Life is full of experiences… We live with them… Sometimes we learn and make necessary adjustments or we may overlook. It takes time. In the system of creation everyone is unique and very valuable products of nature. Impossible always fascinates. That’s one facet of the human mind. Somehow the monkey sitting in my mind says Rama too was total and to me that’s perfect… All said and done it’s the faith that we believe it is that way... Loveshree 2 : I remember how much of this was done in our houses a few decades ago. There was this street dog Mani. Mother was not in town and Mani came home at 8 PM sharp hoping to find something. I told, Mani wait and made him two hot thick dosas and gave. Told this to my mother when she was back and she laughed. Today I don’t even find crows or sparrows near this prison called a flat... Guruji : Great… Good.., for a change, she is a better Indian… Any more such persons available? Please arrange for some crows and sparrows… She will feed (just joking dear.... Don’t take it otherwise) Jeevakarunyam... *** Guruji Opposite of faith is worry… If you worry there is no faith and if you have faith you will not worry… Loveshree1: Worrying about our kids future is quite common,isn’t it Guruji ? Guruji : Today an interesting episode at home. One of my disciple’s son had recently written the IIT entrance exam and he had brought him home to take my blessings. Nowadays there is a maddening rush.. .More than 5 lakhs of students appearing for a few thousand seats. Suppose I bless this boy to get an IIT seat then I may have to bless another 100 kids known to me. Per chance my blessings work,around 100 seats have to be earmarked as blessings quota under my name. Then my sishyas next year will start putting hoardings that if our Guruji blessed you will get IIT seat. Then all the 18 sishyas of other gurus will start putting hoardings… Blessings rank 5 8 10 22 56 65 73 122… All the seats will be under blessings quota and nothing under sc/st/obc/ph/ex-serv/others… I felt this is too much… What about other quotas… Further these exams are not on the basis of how good you have performed but on the basis of how bad others have performed vis a vis you make your chances of getting better… So instead of praying to God I should get… You may have to pray that others should not get… I don’t understand why parents keep jacking the kid’s aspirations for such competitive exams without realising the reality in the scheme of things. Certainly the kids get depressed when they do not get… Further other than IIT or IIM or IIS Care there not institutes where good education is imparted? It looks like if you don’t get it, that’s the end of the road. Over enthusiastic ambitions of parents without realising the limitations of the system, and the kids in a psychological turmoil which has everlasting impact not only in their careers but also in their life. Such parents need proper counselling from experienced elders and professionals... *** Guruji Truth cannot be expressed… If expressed it cannot be truth... Guruji : Satyam bruyath… Priyam bruyath… Satyam apriyam na bruyath… Priyam cha. Na anrudham bruyath.. *** Guruji Someone asked me, “Are you free tonight?” I got confused. When did I charge? I hastened to add… I don’t offer such services. Loveshree 1 : Guruji… Jokes apart… Don’t you think reaching is more important than performing at the destination. Your advisory services ensure the most important part of the game… Pranaams Guruji : A seasoned traveler enjoys travel than reaching the destination... *** Guruji Too much conditioning in the long run will lead to rebellion… Today many parents do need counselling. Loveshree 1 : If the child has couple of rebels for its parents, what to do Guruji? Guruji : It’s not easy, but a parent needs to be a friend to the kid than being a father or mother. Then we can understand the kid better. They will not hide anything with parents who are the first friends for them. The problem does arise when the kid feels that it cannot share certain things with parents. Further the kid’s life today outside is very tough. Setting aside our feelings and emotions parents have to look at the world through the kid’s eyes. Then a solution is possible... Loveshree 1 : Yes Guruji, very true. Also it’s very important to ‘live’ in front of the child so that it understands what it is to ‘live’ than setting some ideal and chasing it all the time... Guruji : Live ‘live’... Guruji : Live laiiiive... Loveshree 2 : Guruji, the problem always arises in, where to draw the line between guidance and interference. What is guidance and care for me may be interference in my partner’s eyes… Then what to do? Guruji : Then you are the fittest case for counselling..

19 Loveshree 2 : So true Guruji. When shall we come? Guruji : I said counseling, not counselling by me… *** Guruji A boy told me… Guruji yesterday a girl and her family newly rented our outhouse. She is very beautiful. I saw her and she saw me. I love her. What should I write to her? I told him write like this… Do u believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, you should write my love letter… Problem is you have to find a girlfriend for me first. And then write a letter on my behalf... Guruji : I have to do everything and you will go away with her. No no… If I write I will go away with her... Loveshree 2 : Going by the earlier posts of Guruji… You seem to have been already blessed with the management quota seat. His grace! I can only apply… Apply till he replies… Lord in the form of Guru, mentor and guide. Seeking your refuge.. Guruji : One more management quota seat granted… You are being allotted the department of furthering laziness in which you have to do research... *** Guruji Lord’s ways are mysterious… No logic or science can explain him. He is wonderful and he has to be wondered. Infact there is no gender for him. He is beyond all time… He is beyond senses… He is beyond the gunas… He is the doer… We were trained to see him in anything and everything. It’s his grace we enjoy him thoroughly. You call it nature, you call it God, you call it consciousness, you call it awareness, you call it human, you call it animals, plants, trees, seas, you call it life… It’s all him and him alone. We see him, we eat him, we smell him, we taste him,we feel him, we kiss him, we hug him, we sleep with him. He is inscrutable, He is beyond questioning, He is beyond reasoning. Anything he does is out of pure love and compassion... Praise the Lord... Loveshree 1 : He smells, he tastes, he eats, he is the food, he thinks, he seeks, he has the ego! There is no escape... Guruji : Choiceless… No escape... Loveshree 2 : I am mugging up all these right words and able to use them at the right time. But I want to experience him. Really feel him Guruji... Guruji : Then stop mugging up... *** Guruji Lack of faith... Normally I avoid meeting sishyas of other gurus incase I come to know that they are already in a school of thought. When you are with a master, you should be total with him and not going in to other supermarkets. Then it undermines our faith in him. Sometimes I am not able to avoid these curious people. One day when my awareness level was low, a sishya of another guru approached me and as he was talking he told me that his guru used to materialise and give him vibhooti, kumkum, idols etc., I was very happy to hear this… Sishya having so much faith with the master. Rarely we see such sishyas. Then he asked me how he does that? I was shell shocked. How am I supposed to know all that? I too tried many times. I only got some sweat that too during summer 20 when I close my fist and twist it. I told him it’s not decent on his part to question about his guru to me. I told him I could have replied to you had your guru given me some technology transfer. Probably he is holding the copyrights and he may not reveal it. If you lack faith with a guru, please don’t insult him by raising questions about him or his actions with others. Just leave him. That’s more gracious… Don’t be a pseudo disciple... Loveshree 1 : Gurudeva, when you tried, you got sweat in summer. Do we not know how many Gold, silver, solidified mercury etc., items you materialised and if cost worked out, it’s crores of rupees worth in a year. Of late you are not materialising before us or before our eyes. Great mahans talk low or less of them. Fully filled pot never shakes. Pranams... Guruji : I always say left hand should not know what right hand does. So generally people don’t look at my left hand and watch only my right hand. When they are unconscious they don’t notice my transferring the item from left hand to right hand… This is the materialisation which I do. Poor Loveshree1 and many others were only watching my right hand that too for sometime and used to get distracted by my speech. Nowadays since people started watching my left hand also I stopped this gimmick. You are so stupid Loveshree1. Loveshree 1 : Thanks a lot for your mercifully calling me again stupid. Somehow I like it. Desire to be always of the same grade at your lotus feet. I don’t exactly can say now which of your hands I have seen.I have seen personally fortunately many miracles for a long time. Even seen sudden appearance of a gold ring on a finger of your hand, when you are performing thanthram and moving with extraordinary speed in a temple in Hyderabad. You have confirmed of the fact when I enquired with you later. Gurudeva… Sunlight cannot be stopped with hands. You are Mahaan... Guruji : I totally deny what you said. Please do not further talk on this. You people have missed the point. The point of discussion is faith. Please do not deviate. *** Guruji During my college days one of my friends had a practice. Whenever he used to attend marriages he will go with some old hawai chappal and come back with a better one. This was going on. My master used to say when chappal is gone then some of your karma/prarabhda is gone. Hence I used to tell him you have donated your karma/prarabhda to someone and got an unknown prarabhda to yourself. He used to laugh thinking that it is a joke because never I convey things seriously. My nature is like that… Now when I met him last year after a gap of almost 32 years he said, you were right. I understand what you meant those days. A known devil is better than unknown angel. My torn chappal would have been better than the good ones which I brought. Today I do not know what I am carrying is mine or that of all those people. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, how does this prarabdha thing manifest? Why only with chappals? Will it not attach itself with other items like clothes etc? Guruji : May be it accumulates in the sandals... Loveshree 1 : I thought gyanam flows from sandals. Pardon my ignorance and stupidity, but I am confused. Guruji : Exactly, all come and deposit their prarabdha at the guru padukas and in return he gives gyana... Loveshree 1 : Gurudevula padapadmamulaku namaskaramulu. Rains so far are less than normal, Srisailam, Nagarjuna sagar reservoirs are yet to be filled. May we hope for heavy rains for next 15 to20 days Gurudeva?

21 Loveshree 2 : Loveshree1, Guruji says: “Do not ask questions. I am not an astrologer to predict. Tell me what do you want or what your desire is. I will pray for you. God is very kind. He will grant you the desired boon. “Please pray for plentiful of rains. We shall also pray along with you. Good luck… Your lands shall be soaked with rains... Guruji : Our prayers Loveshree 1… Lord will certainly look into it. Please look at Lord. *** Guruji What is the difference between secretary and private secretary? Secretary will say ‘good morning sir’... Private secretary will say...’it’s morning sir’... Loveshree 1 : Only some lucky will get the private secretary not all can get one… All Lord’s grace. Guruji : Loveshree1, our prayers for you… 1.BMW.2.Private secretary Loveshree 2 : What happened one day- I told my secretary that today I am too busy,never allow anyone or any call though they say they are important. My wife has called and for which my secretary replied- boss is busy and my wife said,I am his wife. Secretary told “everybody says the same thing,I can not disturb him...” ha...ha...Joke... Loveshree 1 : Loveshree2, really you are lucky to have those many ~knifes~ Guruji : Loveshree1, have respect. Don’t you remember… He is the scandal Swamy of Tiger tail ashram… Agastheeswarananda *** Guruji Coming back to Rumi… We are all born with wings but we prefer to crawl in life... The inner meaning of this statement is the wonderful relationship between the devatas and the pitrus. What flies is the Garuda which is the devata. What crawls is the Snake, the pitrus. Though there are ways and methods for one to live a choiceless conscious life full of awareness, where you get to know that you are not the doer and Lord is the doer? We always think we are the doers and keep doing things without that awareness of non-doer. So the karma gets attached and your journey is limited to shuttle service between the bhooloka and pitru loka. Never it comes to the mind that we are not the doer and Lord is the doer, so that you can escape the karma aspect and live a joyous life and fly off to the deva loka.So though we are all born with the wings of choiclessly being conscious to be aware of non-doership, we prefer to crawl like a snake owning responsibility of doership in the form of karma… This is what Rumi meant according to me... Loveshree 1 : Great - divinely educative-explanatory teaching Gurudeva.Pranams… At your lotus feet ever (kindly give us a gayathri on pithrus. None have any). Guruji : Maha sarpaaya vidhmahe bahu rakshaaya deemahi Tanno pitru prachodayaat... Loveshree 1 : Deva, if possible guide us when pitru gayatri can be recited... Guruji : Any time and any number of times... *** Guruji 22 I have a simple philosophy. Let me put it across like this. Fill what’s empty and empty what’s full. Hope you understand... Loveshree 1 : My tiny brain is not able to understand it Guruji. Guruji : Lucky Loveshree1… Tiny brain is inversely proportional to heart… You should be having a large heart… Wonderful... *** Guruji Kumbakonam a town 300 kms South of Chennai is full of temples… There are hundreds of them. It is a very good kshetram… There is a saying about Kumbakonam... Anya kshetrasya krtam papam punya kshetrasya vinashyathi. Punya kshetrasya krtam papam Varanaasyaam vinashyathi. Varanaasyam krtam papam Kumbakone vinashyathi. Kumbakone krtam papam Kumbakone vinashyathi... The sins committed at a place get dissipated by visiting a holy place. The sins committed at a holy place get dissipated on visiting Varanasi (Kashi). The sins committed at Varanasi gets dissipated on visiting Kumbakonam. The sins committed at Kumbakonam get dissipated at Kumbakonam itself. Hence when you find time, do visit Kumbakonam and enjoy the beauty of the temples. You will find a lot of peace in those temples which houses the archavatara murthis of the Lord. The sculpt works in the temples is awesome. Please do visit Kumbakonam once and you will be tempted to visit many more times. Loveshree1: Hundreds of temples Guruji ? Surprised ! Guruji : There are a lots of them.... Some are Sarangapani, Chakrapani, Ramasamy, Kumbeshwara, Thirunageshwaram, Nageshwara, Oppiliappan, Ayyavadi ugra prathyangira, Thiruvidai marudur mahalingam, Tirubhuvam kambhahareshwarar sarabheshwara, Panduranga temple recently constructed by Vittala das maharaj, Sooriyanaar temple, Swaminatha of Swamimalai, Vellai pillayar koil of Thiruvalanchuzhi, Airavateshwar temple darasuram, Vishnu durgai,Patteeswaram etc… There are hundreds of more temples. Sooriyanaar temple… Sun… Thingaloor… Moon… Vaideeswaran koil… Mars… Thiruvenkadu… Mercury… Aalangudi… Jupiter ...Kanjanur… Venus… Tirunallar… Saturn… Thirunageshwaram… Rahu… Kizhperumpallam… Kethu.. *** Guruji I do wonder... If necessity is the mother of invention, why so many unnecessary things are getting invented? Loveshree 1 : Because people have their own interpretations for the concept of “necessity” Guruji : Then necessity is the brothers and sisters of invention... Loveshree 2 : Flawed/broken understanding with some essential pieces missing… Limitation of the human mind... Guruji : The essentiality of pieces speaks of the needs of the particular mind... *** Guruji

23 One of my friends kept calling me and said he would like to meet me. Every time I ask him to come he won’t turn up and say either his kids were troubling him or his wife was yelling at him or his parents were troubling him or his tenants were shouting, etc., He called me yesterday and said he would like to come to see me. I said, “Don’t worry,better I come to see you. I asked him, “Are you at the same zoo or shifted to any other circus”? He was dumb founded. Loveshree 1 : Deva, wow! Friend is a lucky one. Guruji : But I was more interested to see the forest environment of his. Loveshree 1 : Deva, can’t say. Sometimes the people around make the situations like that. Really we feel we are in a zoo or forest… Choiceless Guruji : Enjoy… Loveshree 1 : Enjoy… It’s a blessing… You can grow fast. *** Guruji One has to dance alone, to really enjoy dance. Some dance for fame, some dance for the art... Some dance for exhibition.... But one has to dance alone to enjoy the dance. One should be closeted with himself/herself while dancing. My master Su Yen taught me to dance alone. In aloneness one dances. Its beautiful. Once in the Himalayas I was dancing alone. Su Yen has suddenly come. But I have not noticed.I was going on dancing. When I was finished and opened my eyes, I saw Su Yen dancing… Totally engrossed in the dance. After an hour he stopped. I said, ‘Master it is fabulous’... He laughed and said… Yes when it is from the heart it’s always fabulous... Yours too was from the heart… In dance one forgets oneself… Once you forget the exterior the inner appears… And that’s pure grace... Loveshree 1 : Mahan,pranams to you and Master Su Yen. You are an exponent in Kathakali and that is why your mudras in prayogams are so beautiful... Guruji : We don’t belong to any organised school of thought. It is something totally different which I am talking... *** Guruji Love must be without reasoning. Someone is beautiful and you love. After a few years the beauty may drop. Someone is rich, you love. After a few years the richness may no longer be an attraction and you drop. Attraction is not love… If you use the word ‘love’, then two things must flow from the heart. One is ‘no reasoning’ and two is ‘unconditionality’. Love devoid of reasoning is the best. There should be no reason… Neither there is any season… Then you can love every one in this world… Everything in this world... Loveshree 1 : Not able to understand Guruji. Cannot imagine love without an anchor point. Theoretically I know that love is unconditional. But love for me is always a form of attachment. When I say “I love someone or something”, I mean my fondness towards the quality of the person/ thing which is making me happy. Please pardon my ignorance and grace me with the secret... Guruji : If love was a form of attachment, then it is sure to drop if not today some day; You will experience it for yourself. *** Guruji

24 Girl : I am not feeling well today... Boy : Oh that’s too bad...I thought of taking you for shopping today... Girl : I was joking dear... Boy : Me too... Loveshree 1 : Well, if we pay ourselves is even better! The feeling of financial independence is great!! Guruji : It is not independence… It is in dependence... Loveshree 2 : Retail therapy is the best therapy for girls! Love it even though Viki doesn’t Loveshree 1 : I am getting confused. Loveshree 2 : Why? Loveshree 1 : I feel being financially independent is great, but is it great being in dependence? Guruji : Independence is a myth… In dependence is the reality... *** Guruji When you love with reasons, then it is not love since it is from mind. It’s business… Calculations… Logic... When you love without reasons then it is love since it is from the heart... Loveshree 1 : Only Mahans like Guruji can love all from the heart. Guruji : You too are a mahaan with a golden heart. *** Guruji When I was just roaming deep inside the forest, suddenly a forest ranger came from nowhere and was enquiring as to what I was doing in the forest. Though I am quite familiar with some, there are some new recruits who do not know me. I just said I come here for some prayers. He said, “Do you know that there are a lot of tigers in this area?” I said, “Is that so?” As we were talking, he suddenly started gasping. I asked him whether he was not well… He was perspiring... I didn’t know the reason for his perspiration. He made some signs which I could not understand. Just then I felt a tiger was rubbing its body on me and started licking my right fingers. I knew who it is. Just saw her. It’s a tigress.I affectionately call her . She has a bindi like mark on her face exactly in the centre between the eyebrows. She is old but very majestic and beautiful. Almost we know each other for 30 years. Sometimes she used to push me down and lick my face. After she left, I was searching for the ranger. He was not to be seen. Subsequently one day when I was having some tea in Vandiperiyaar,suddenly someone fell on my feet. I just got a little bit embarrassed as many were watching. “He asked who are you?” I said smilingly… “I do hope that I am human just like you”... Just gave him one Maharishi dollar and left the place before anyone else could notice all this… Loveshree 1 : It is his ahobhaghyam... Loveshree 2 : Wonderful! There is a photo wherein the tiger licking your face, is it the same Durga tiger? Guruji : No that’s Lima. She loves me a lot. It’s a cross breed between a tiger and a hyena… She is a Bahu kutumbi… She has 22 kids...

25 *** Guruji Mind games... There was a lecture. A sanyasi was talking about life. He said,“We are born alone… We die alone in this life”. He just looked at me and said… “Is this not true?” Now I smelt trouble… I don’t know why this saint wants to put me in trouble. He wants to say something. Let him say… Why he needs my approval… What nonsense is this… I just kept quiet. He tormented by asking me thrice the very same question… I smiled and said… Yes we come alone and we go alone… So we create love and friendship so that while living this life we don’t feel alone… He got wild and went inside. I silently left the place... Loveshree 1 : Does this prove even sanyasis have ego? Guruji : I don’t know whether it was due to ego or not… But I felt he didn’t like the way I gave the reply... *** Guruji People always want to know reasons for anything I do or someone else does or if they are asked to do… They see something which they cannot understand and immediately they want to know the reason… They are not able to wonder at it… Even if they wonder initially next after sometime they want to know the reasoning behind it. Many of us are not able to enjoy life wondering. Reasoning spoils that wonder. Lord is so beautiful… He exists in all forms... His grace is the very cause of existence and destruction too. He is beyond reasoning. He is beyond time. That’s why he is called Kaala Samhara Murthy… Kaala is time… Reasoning is time. He is beyond that reasoning… He is wonder and wonder alone… Beyond a certain point in life when we reach a point, things cannot be further reasoned out, our heart overtakes the mind and results in total surrender to Lord supreme... Guruji : The entire creation, the scientists say, started happening 15 billion years back. They say it was the ‘Chaos theory’ which lead to Big Bang. When the entire genesis was from chaos and confusion we are bound to counter it at every stage in life. Most of the time we have an evasive idea about perfection whereas the practical reality is a total life. The universal consciousness internally guides us to walk through the path of choiceless awareness by making us a mute spectator to many of the things that are happening around us. Religion has all long survived more because of fear than because of faith. As the fearless raises its hood it is very likely that the religion will be questioned… The paradox is religion cannot be reasoned out as it is more a language of the heart and cannot be reasoned out or explained… Today religion is more expected to behave religiously so that the spirits don’t abandon them… Enjoy life.. *** Guruji The writers, poets, artists etc., are in close proximity with the nature… They express everything openly without any inhibition from the heart. Interestingly I also sometimes find a subtle air of authority and exhibition of ego among themselves. I don’t know whether there is any sense of insecurity among them. Sometimes I find two poets quarrelling and fighting even for small petty issues. So I understood even people who always speak language of the heart too fight... Loveshree 1 : Wow.... Deva… Could be act from Lord...

26 Guruji : All acts are acts of God.. Including what I or you say... Loveshree 1 : Deva… Yep, I lost... Loveshree 2 : Guruji, it means ego is part of the human body either it may be sitting in mind or in heart. Loveshree 3 : In front of Guruji, no one can… So we shouldn’t over expect! Guruji : May be Loveshree 2… We do not know... *** Guruji If the husband has some problems with the wife or if the wife has some problems with the husband, both the parties should sit down and talk it out. Never expose your husband or wife to anyone else howsoever close the person may be. There cannot be a better divine relationship than the husband and wife relationship. Anyone else howsoever close is only an outsider. The outsider too should know how to respect this. He/she should not encourage the husband or wife complaining against each other to the outsider. If the outsider encourages such complaints then he or she in the long run may have to bear the guilt of having become the encourager if the relationship fails between the husband and wife. Further the outsider should also know that they know only one side of the story and jumping to conclusions or guiding the husband or wife in such cases will be extremely harmful to the parties concerned. Hence be judicious in such cases and avoid encouraging the complainant,be it husband or wife.. Loveshree 1 : Deva… Even we cannot discuss with our father… God father?. Guruji : You can… with the Guru. But both husband and wife should come together… No Anna Hazare Salman Kurshid business.. *** Guruji During the days prior to samadhi, whenever I visited Rajar we used to sit for long hours chatting or sit for long hours in meditation. While chatting sometimes, he will lie with his head on my lap. Even sometimes while meditating I will be sitting and meditating and he will keep his head on my lap and meditate… When we used to go from place to place… He will sit on me with both legs down from my shoulders and catching my head for better grip… Unique moments... Loveshree 1 : How wonderful it is to win your Guruji’s confidence and trust, to the extent that he doesn’t hesitate to sit on your shoulders and demands services from you as his right. This cannot be an ordinary relationship and this cannot be a worldly commitment. It looks like he was your mother initially and then you played the role of his mother prior to his samadhi. It would have been a heartwarming and fulfilling experience to serve your Guruji when he required you the most Gurunatha... Guruji : Joyous days... Loveshree 2 : Pujya Guruji carried his master on his shoulders. Service and surrender to his master… A deserving disciple… Absolutely no surprise… I will narrate a small incident happened in Ahobilam years back… Few of his disciples were with Guruji, including me and one Mr. Loveshree3 aged around 65-70 years (ofcourse, he is no more now). Guruji might be on his own survey of the hills and for his forthcoming yagnams. Nallamalai forest is hilly, rocky, no proper way to go up hills miles away. Going to Jwalantham Nrusimha. Stones piercing the feet. Water flowing down and slippery. Sri Loveshree3 after 2-3 kms, was unable to walk/climb/navigate amidst piercing

27 rocky stones and running water downstream and slippery. Having seen his plight, Sri Guruji put Loveshree3 on his shoulders and carried him uphills in the forest upto Jwala and brought him back after his visit to Narasimhas. Carrying disciple on shoulders and carrying. What you say? Pranams to him, his love, his heart and his lotus feet Pranams Gurudeva. We are indebted to you but destinedly fortunate. Sri Sridhara Guru Sarvabhoumane namaha || *** Guruji To believe in something everybody believes is ‘belief’... But our way is different... We believe in something which nobody believes… And I call it ‘confidence’... Loveshree 1 : But too much also is not good. Guruji : May be for you… But I have no choice other than to live that way... Loveshree 1 : Deva you are special. That was about us... Guruji : In Facebook all are equals... Loveshree 2 : Out of Facebook? Guruji : It depends on the relationship one maintains with the other... *** Guruji Rajar was preparing to do a prayogam. I was asked to procure all the items for the homam. I had gone into the forest and got the samithas. Through the tribals we had the rest items like milk, ghee, some raw vegetables, fruits, betel leaves, nuts,herbs, coconuts. All were neatly arranged in banana leaves. We both went to the river nearby. We had bath. Rajar told me to go back and he would follow. I was waiting for him and the muhurtham for performing the prayogam was nearing. Normally before the muhurtham we see the prashna bhavam as per Shakuna Sastram based on Pakshi Sastram, Vriksha Sastram,Vana Sastram. We also see the Kaarna, Adhikara prashnams. Since my master was not there and I started seeing the prashnam. Then I had to go ahead with the prayogam and it took eight and half hours to complete it. As soon as I completed I just got up to see someone at a distance peeping from behind a tree. I just went up to the tree and Rajar was just hiding behind the tree. I prostrated my master… He laughed and laughed and made me also to laugh.He said you scared me by suddenly coming near the tree. I asked him why didn’t do the prayogam. He said he wanted to see whether I can do it to perfection or not. He further said.... He wanted to find out how I do it in his absence and whether at the appointed time I do it or not whether he is there or not. He hugged me and I enjoyed it. Lord’s grace… Sri Bogendra, Yogendra, Prayogendra, Sarva tantra swatantra, Saarva bhowma, Chaitanya maha purusha, Sri tantraagni swaroopa, Sri paramahamsa, Prayoga raja sri satchinanda swaroopa Sri Sri Sri Rajar maharaj ki jai... Loveshree 1 : Deva, pyar ki jaapii... Deva can you bless us with with the most memorable incident with Rajar? Guruji : Through Facebook itself you want to enjoy everything… Not possible... Loveshree 1 : Deva, I just wanted all of us here will be blessed with that golden moments... Guruji : No, not possible… See my post on this.. Loveshree 2 : Our Guruji true and best shishya for Maharshi Rajar. Guruji : Don’t be stupid… He could have had better ones… But somehow he chose me..

28 Loveshree 1 : Deva, wow! As you said we cannot be equal to our Guru in any form or process… Blessed... Loveshree 3 : Next time we meet, I would love to get a hug from you, Guruji! I know that I am greedy (by hugging you I can feel all the hugs that you received from your Gurus!) Please make me/us worthy of it. Pranaams Guruji : Oh sure, if not for my president of U.S. Chapter of I.I.L.T. who else is apt eligible for it? Done... *** Guruji The authentic human lives a carefree life. Live a life full of energy… Live a life with full of alertness and no reasoning. This life is full of contentment and death is full of fulfillment… The Lord is his companion in this journey... Loveshree 1 : You are our real companion! What else we need? Guruji : Mitra-bandhu... *** Guruji Once Rajar showed me a picture of the game, snake and the ladder. It is called paramapadam… He said the ladder is the Guru and the snake is the Pitru. He said dice is chance. But as you roll, it is choiceless… By being choiceless and rolling the dice (doing things in life..Karma) one takes the chance of moving from house to house… The ladder, the Guru helps them by avoiding some karma by circumventing to not go through a few houses… But the Pitru notices it and when you choicelessly role the dice, Pitru keeps noticing whether you come to his house (where the head of the snake is) and it sends you back to lower house… The Guru teaches you to avoid karma by sending you up the ladder. The dice is God and he rolls to say your score. The Lord plays the game between the Pitrus and the Gurus… This game keeps on going for several janmas. And finally as you roll the dice, Lord gets convinced of your exercise between the Gurus and Pitrus and allows you to escape the final big snake at the top to reach paramapadam… Vaikuntam… Merger of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. Now when you play the game of snake and ladder will you think of this and play. It will be more interesting… This is my master’s way to wisdom… Loveshree 1 : Usually there is a snake on 99 or 97 which will bring us back all the way to 9... Pranaams for reflecting the insight Gurunatha... Guruji : That’s the jeeva pitru... Loveshree 2 : Deva… We are blessed. You are the big ladder Guru who can take us directly to near moksha or Vaikuntam… With all your blessings… Pranam deva (21 -97) Loveshree 3 : Guruji, one stupid question,please pardon me… Why pitrus are not happy? What makes them unhappy, in fact they should be more supportive than any others. As parent I will ignore all kid’s silly mistakes and smile at them, then why can’t pitrus do the same? Guruji : If you lead a choiceless life… Karma doesn’t touch you… Pitrus insist on karma incase you live a life full of choices… In a life full of choices… You consider yourself as a doer… Since you think you are the doer… You are asked to pay for it… Pitrus is one check level of the Lord to insist on his doership… Pitrus are very loyal to the Lord... *** Guruji I was doing some prayogam in the forest. Some so called brahmins were there with me to help me. That day we were doing a prayogam called ‘Jambhavi’... The homam is being done by the brahmins. I sit about 12 feet away… I have to sit in an yantra mandala neatly drawn. I have to eat 16666

29 chillies in 72 hours of time without drinking water. Real asura vidya. One of the brahmins almost fainted on seeing this since he was new in my group… He asked me how do you do this? I smiled at him and said. I am not the doer.Lord is the doer… Lord always takes care of every one… His compassion for all is tremendous… Even today that boy whenever he sees me is scared of me… Are you not scared? Loveshree 1 : Guruji we are all blessed to have you in our life. Guruji : Boo… Are you not scared? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, since the boo came from Facebook, I am not probably if you would have done this personally I would have. Guruji : Dont worry yaar… I won’t do it… When I see you, like Loveshree2, I will say ‘meow’... Loveshree 2 : We love you Guruji a lot. Guruji : That way I am blessed… You are all the support and pillars to my confidence created by Lord... Loveshree 3 : My heart melts on reading all this. How much pain you take for us Guruji? What can we give you in return? I can just say I love you Guruji… Pranaams. Guruji : No pains… I am not the doer… Lord takes care… It’s just we have to be there and we are there for that… It’s not that Lord doesn’t have options… His mercy… His grace… It’s all taken care… The love and compassion of the Lord for us is immeasurable (aprameya)... We do love you all… Enjoy… Celebrate… Dance.. Loveshree 3 : Loveshree2… You both are like Krishna-Sudhaama. How can we agnaanis know the Guru tatva? Thanks for the one sentence which values a lot. Guruji : Yes… My Krishna is non other than Loveshree2… This Sudhama is Sridhar... *** Loveshree 1…… Om sridhara guruvaya vidhmahey Samastha devaaya dheemahi Thanno sarva prachodhayat || Sri dattatreya swaroopa sri dakshinamurty swaroopa sri sridhara guru saarwabhoumane namaha ||... Pranams Guruji : This Loveshree1 is very very stupid… Too much of love… Blindly stupid... *** Guruji Once it so happened my master was fast asleep. After doing pada seva… I left started wandering around in the forest. The best pastime for me is to keep talking to plants trees and animals. I was just doing that. I do not know, when my master had got up and had come to the place where I was sitting and fondling a deer and was talking something to the plants… Suddenly when I turned back I noticed Rajar showing his back to me… I just went near him and I stood... He didn’t turn back but said… Finish your conversations and then come, there is nothing urgent… I am equally busy talking to this owl. He was conversing with the owl. I went back and excused myself with the plants and came back to him. At night he said, when you are talking to near and dear you should not abruptly cut your conversations for they will feel insecured about your act. They will think that something more important has come and they will feel inferior. Howsoever 30 important anyone maybe, we should not reduce the importance of one we are already dealing with. While the language of the heart is in conversation don’t allow the language of the mind to take over. I asked him suppose while being in language of the heart, another one to whom also we are involved with language of the heart appears then what to do? He smiled and said… Then it means your heart is too big... Loveshhree 1 : It is Guruji… Any doubts? Guruji : I don’t know… I just love everyone… Everything... Loveshree 1 : Fantastic lesson on manners towards loved ones and a good lesson regarding taking our loved ones for granted Guruji. I love you for nudging me back on the track… Pranaams Guruji : Just sharing what I experienced with him… It is because of all this probably, I am just what I am... *** Guruji If God comes down what may happen today? A prelude on 21 dec 2012... Lord comes down to see how people are living on this Earth. There is some puja going on in the temple. He just stands outside the temple and keeps watching the people. Some observe him. So after going inside the temple, they inform the chief priest that someone is standing outside the temple and watching people. He looks very saintly and godly. We just resisted the temptation of going near him to see him. The chief priest comes outside the temple… He sees God… He holds Him by hand and takes him into his private room inside the temple… He falls at his feet… He says.. “. O God, what is it I have done that you have been kind enough to bless me with your appearance flesh and blood? I am very fortunate God… Thanks a lot”. Then the chief priest asks. “God, I am forced to ask you a question… Why the hell did you come down public? We have built temples spending crores... A lot of priests have been employed, lot of money collected for charity and spiritual purposes. We have been saying to people that God is going to come… Rama is coming back… Krishna is coming back… They have a lot of faith in our words… You have suddenly come… Now what happens to our priests… What happens to all pujas? Once people come to know that you have come, nobody will come to temples because they will start visiting you. Once you start speaking,our words will not have any value or respect. All the priests, the Gurus, Swamijis will become jobless. Sorry God. Will you go back on your own now or shall we make arrangements to send you back?” God may have to really think on this otherwise we in religion may take drastic steps… That’s why the wisest of the wise, the Lord will take his own time in this Kali Yuga to come down… Certainly not on dec 21 2012... Loveshree1 : Before priest in temple security/temple management/committee members... Guruji : Gurus, saints, swamijis... Guruji : A whole gang like us is available. That’s why Lord entered the inside and we are busy searching for him outside... Guruji : Outside… But with faith you can find him outside too… What is inside is outside and what is outside is inside... Loveshree 1: “swadharmo nidhano shreyaha… Paradharmo bhayavahaha”, baba… Please explain… On which aspects”swadharmam” is dependent? And how one can know his “swadharmam”? Guruji : Swadharmam is the conscious nature of oneself. If one reaches a stage of awareness one

31 will be able to know what is swadharmam. If not the person lives an unconscious life and may not be able to know the swadharmam. Swadharmam is possible only when one leads a choiceless life… The choiclessness leads to awareness... *** Guruji Anishchaya iti nischaya... Nischaya iti anischaya... Certain is uncertain...Uncertain is certain... So keep expecting the unexpected to be joyous in life. One needs a lot of courage to accept it. Loveshree 1 : Not all human beings have the understanding and capacity to accept, Guruji. Certainly I don’t have it in me. Just started to learn this concept. Guruji : Unwind… Unwind... *** Guruji Wife : You are like a coin... Husband : Awwwwww… So valuable? Wife : No… Two faced... Loveshree 1 : Better remain sholay... Loveshree 2 : What about wife? She has so many faces. Which one we should use then? Loveshree 1 : Wives are always single faced. We are Ravanas. Their stand is very rigid and single. Hence we turn manipulative wearing multiple masks. Loveshree 2 : Deva, Loveshree 1 is blessed very much by Lord. Thanks for making us equal to Ravana but we are not equal to him. Loveshree 1 : Gurukataksham... Loveshree 2 Guruji : Very sad male chauvinists… Just once in a while to make my girls happy I say a joke favouring them and you guys demonstrate your personal experiences.. *** Guruji I was walking inside the forest. Still long way to go and suddenly someone came and said, “You can’t go this way”. I said ok.... I deviated the way and went in a slightly different direction. Once again after a few miles the same person confronted me and said, “You can’t go this way”. I said ok. Once again I deviated from that route a bit and walked a few miles. The same person confronted me and said, “You can’t go this way”. I said ok. This time that person asked me,“If I go on obstructing you like this, you can reach your destination?” I just prostrated him and said, “Oh my Lord Bhairava, the more the time you obstruct me, I will have more occasions to see you.... Oh merciful Lord.... How kind you are to this mean devotee of yours!”. He smiled and vanished. I reached the destination by chanting... Suvanathvajaya vidmahe soola hasthaya deemahi Thanno bhairava prachodayaat... Lord is wonderful, beautiful.... His leelas are a mystery… Where there is total faith, one can always experience him.... Praise the Lord....

32 Loveshree 1 : Deva... Sometime bless this luggage to be with you to along with you to be a part of these divine moments... Loveshree 2 : Not only forest… Everywhere he guides us! Guruji : Yeah, I can understand your feelings. These things, one should have the courage to experiment alone. Since your faith in the Lord is impeccable (looks to be), you have to try it alone… Alone to have that kind of an experience. It’s not a commercial deal for a joint venture… We come alone… We go alone… Our prayers… All the best... *** Guruji Someone asked me whether God will appear flesh and blood... When the jiva… The individual consciousness can be born flesh and blood... Why the parama… The universal consciousness cannot appear in flesh and blood.. It’s all a matter of faith… And that’s His grace… In case you don’t have faith… That too is his grace.... No one can decipher his intentions for he is the doer and he knows all and he knows best. Loveshree 1 : Guru is Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara and Sakshath Parabrahma. Prostration at your lotus feet. Why any doubt about god in flesh and blood, when we see you physically. Guruji : Once again… At least once a day, you exhibit your.... Loveshree 1 : Telling the truth. (stupidity? May be) *** Guruji We see our living.... We can’t see others living... We see others dying… We can’t see our dying... Loveshree 1 : There’s no “if we remove” either naturally or artificially... How can you remove something which is not there? You only need to see that and it’s gone ... Guruji : Watch... *** Guruji All girls feel happy… I am making you happy second time today... Do you know what is the similarity between dinosaurs and decent boys? Both don’t exist!!! Loveshree 1 : Of course knew it even before scrolling down... My words were both are extinct! But then... Can’t take it... Aaaaaaaaaa.... Twice in a day! But all of you have not heard the recent song “we love bad boys”? Guruji : Good one... Loveshree 2 : But we don’t have that chance… We are already old, not with current generation girls… See, listen, enjoy... Loveshree 3 : Generation has changed... Our generation still sticks on to values. We are happy with what we have. We don’t run behind bad boys. Please contact that heroine. You may have a chance. Guruji : Loveshree 3… I too am a bad boy... Loveshree 4 : No point of generation… Girls always like bad boys and end their story with tragedy...

33 Loveshree 3 : Then instead of generalization, I’d like to change my statement, I love Sridhar bad boy Guruji. Loveshree 4 : I wish all bad boys should be like Sridhar Baba... Guruji : Then that would be a great for me... Loveshree 2 : So my role model is Sridhar Baba. Etu pakkaku vongani baba… Baba.... Guruji : Emira, catwalk baba ani anukunnara? Loveshree 2 : Deva no idea just heart shown me you like that… Just floating on it... Guruji : Ok… Back to Didi Chandini… I have not revealed this to anyone… She used to call me affectionately as Kaali.. *** Guruji ‘Change’ is the only permanent thing in life... Loveshree 1 : Yes… Change is the only law of life... Guruji : Please exchange notes for change... Guruji : Exchange... Loveshree 1 : I have lots of changes with me... Guruji : Then you are an exchange... Loveshree 1 : No… I keep on “exchanging” Loveshree 2 : Deva… We change but some like the change some won’t like the change… But change is needed as you say we cannot satisfy everyone... Guruji : Shuffling? *** Guruji If Lord is always supporting women as my friend says, why avataras are men? Any thoughts on this? Loveshree 1 : As Lord alone in the world is male, Lord are male and supports female. Guruji : Yes.... Vedas say the Lord the pure aham is the only male and every other aspect of creation is female… Purusha and prakriti… The wonder is prakriti procreates and the purusha invigorates it... Loveshree 2 : Avataras are men? Maybe women avatara are anonymous and they are camouflaged? Cannot believed they are just men... Loveshree 3 : I think avatars are for destroying evil and restoring balance. Women are compassionate and would not be willing to destroy (in most cases). Hence the Lord decided to take the male forms? Please enlighten us, Guruji. Guruji : Lord is the only purusha… All others are Stri roopam... Infact Vedas talk of the purusha as belonging to no gender... Everything else is a form of prakriti… Shakthi... Everything started with the purusha… The origin and the source of prakriti… Purusha retained this identity in the avatara… It is beyond the normal description of a male and female. Loveshree 4 : Guruji… In order to unwind, who should we pray to.1).Shakthi / prakriti/ maya first to show us the way to narayana.. Or 2)pray to narayana... And once He graces the shakthi/ maya automatically gives way... 34 Guruji : The one your thought feeds more... Loveshree 4 : What is the relationship between materialistic life and the spiritual life, Guruji? For a realised soul, both merge into one and the same. Also a totally ignorant person is also happy because he sees only the materialistic dimension alone. Again no duality, but for a neophyte... In the spirituality... How to balance? Does it involve just doing everything taking the name of god whatever comes.!!!! Guruji : Yes. *** Guruji I was walking in the forest… Beautiful birds singing… Occasional sounds of some big cats... Langurs jumping from one tree to another... The insects were humming... Wonderful breeze passing through the plants, the shrubs, the trees swaying… Just then it happened... Birds stopped singing… No sound of the big cats… The langurs were sitting still on the trees… The insects were dumb… The wind has stopped blowing across... The trees the shrubs and the plants were still… I just stopped walking… Just observing the silence… It was pin drop silence everywhere… Ten minutes looked like a few hours… Once again the birds started singing… The big cats, the langurs, the insects started busy with their activities… Wind started blowing and trees shrubs and plants started swaying… I started walking... You must be wondering as to what happened. It’s the respect we show to the Rajan, who keeps guarding the forest. The entire forest bows down to him. So do I... Loveshree 1 : The silence was deafening in your narration Guruji. Pranaams Guruji : Meditative silence, which gives you an enjoyment for hours though it’s only a few mins or 10 mins maximum. Loveshree 2 : Gurudeva… Is it Maharshi Rajar? Guruji : It’s is the Yaksha Rajan. The first time it was Maharishi Rajar, who introduced me to him… Lord’s grace… Lord is so beautiful… No words to describe his beauty… No words to describe his actions... Loveshree 1 : I love to escape on a hilltop... Lost totally in silence Guruji. The silence is very powerful there. It feels like someone very powerful has arrested time. It makes me feel like a floating particle in the vast space. Guruji : It’s beautiful… Unfortunately we don’t have a word to describe the beauty of the Lord... He is that Dhyaneshwara… He is the essence. He is the love… He is the supreme… He pervades anything and everything… He is total.. He encompasses everything... Loveshree 2 : Gurudeva.. Whenever it is convenient to you, kindly say something on Yaksha Rajan. It’s the first time - I heard of the Yaksha from your mouth. Pranams . Guruji : What...you forgot… We did Yaksha Gaanam in 2005 at Tiruchanur/Tirupathi... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I request you to say some more things on silence. Why does even the batting of an eyelid sound so deafening in that state? How can one go home into it often? Infact it is not just sound… But its a silence of everything! Guruji : The state of dyana under such conditions is more at macro level. When the state of dyana is at micro level even the movement of eyelids looks big. That’s why one needs to move from concentration to meditation… Meditation is macro… Concentration is micro... Loveshree 1 : OMG! Wonderful Guruji… Superb! I cannot believe the way you hit the bull’s eye. It is usually concentration which takes me into that state… Then how can it pass into meditation. Or 35 how to sustain that awareness Guruji? Guruji : You should just allow the mind to be the way it wants. We should never ever control it… If controlled it goes to micro level and leads to concentration… You said at the hilltop… In that silence you float… That is the true spirit of meditation... You float through your mind… Not guiding it… But being guided by it… You can see wonders... Loveshree 1 : I am unable to comedown from the hilltop Guruji! It is yet another experience to be lost in eternity... Silently in the arms of your beloved in that silence… Just holding hands and sleeping in her lap... Guruji : Yoga nidra of Sriman Narayana... Loveshree 1 : What wonders does Sriman Narayana see in his meditation Guruji? When he himself is that consciousness? Guruji : It is said that when Bhagavatha is meditating on Bhagawan, Bhagawan is meditating on Bhagavatha… So Sriman Narayana is always only thinking of us... Loveshree 1 : Only you can explain with such brevity and clarity Guruji… I love you... Guruji : All masters/Lord’s grace… *** Guruji Everywhere evil troubles and the good fights and wins… In the process a lot of violence… Initially evil troubles and violence is exhibited and then the triumph by the good on the evil is through violence… When the Big bang took place 15 billion years back it was the violence which was the cause of the Big bang... A loud explosion... Ultimately the entire existence has come of this violence... The scientists call it chaos theory… We are all in one way or other products of violence and you expect life to be without violence and problems… Too much greedy? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, scientists call it the chaos theory. Was it actually chaos which caused the Big bang? What is the Lord’s role in Big bang? Guruji : Without Lord nothing bangs… The scientist could not understand beyond so they called it Big bang… No one can decipher Lord’s role/intentions... *** Guruji July 20, 2012 Lord is called Marga bandhu… .As your soul leaves the body, He is your companion… Friend… Who guides you... Adi shankara says... Prana prayana bhava beedhi samakulasya Sri Nrusimha mama dehi karavalambam... As my prana leaves the body, Lord I may be scared, but I know fully well that my Lord Lakshmi Nrusimha will not allow that condition to persist… You will certainly hold my hand and lead me... Hence there is no necessity to fear death... Loveshree 1 : Why do people fear death Guruji? It’s actually a new birth. Is it not to something new and unknown? Guruji : He is everything… He is in everything… Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma...

36 Loveshree 2 : Fear will come when you have incomplete works and responsibilities which are not yet complete... Guruji : I don’t agree with you... You are not the doer… When you think you are the doer… In a helpless state the fear creeps into mind… This responsibility story which the oldies sing is just an escapist route.. *** Guruji A teacher teaches lesson and keeps exam... A master keeps exam and then you learn the lesson... Loveshree 1 : Many times, your exams are very tough for us to answer. Guruji : The best part in my exams is every one asks you 100 questions and even if you make 1 mistake in 100 they will fail you… I ask you 100 questions and even if you answer 1, I pass you… That’s the difference... Loveshree 2 : Great Master! But I know that would be equal to 1000 questions… Haah!… Love Guruji : Loveshree 2, that’s why teachers never progress since they are cunning and masters are born and not made... *** Guruji When you are first bench student… You may be a doctor, engineer, banker, architect, professor IITs, IIMs… IFS… IAS… IPS... Etc... When you are in the middle row… You may be an employee in an organisation or govt etc., When you are in the last row… You will certainly be in politics or religion... Finally the guys from the last row dominate the guys in the other rows... That’s why I used to sit in the last bench and that was secret of my success in life... Loveshree 1 : I do not believe Guruji that you were sitting in last benches because I know your work and heard your work in the bank from your colleagues - definitely you were sitting fore front benches to teach your teachers. Guruji : You are anukula chatru... Loveshree 2 : I sat in the last bench in 10th standard. The best year of my life. Made friends with other last benchers (undesirable elements according to the headmaster) and saw an entire new world. I am glad for that experience. Guruji : That’s why Loveshree2 you landed finally with us... *** Guruji Why one performs sadhana? Try replying this question... Loveshree 1 : Sadhana means practice… There is no goal. Guruji : Exactly… No goal… practicing without goal without any aim without any concepts… Without any presumptions… Without any assumptions.... Without prejudice... Without any bias.. Loveshree 2 : Namasthe Guruji. Sadhana helps me in valuing myself in spirituality and how closer he is to me. Request you to correct me please. Thanks.

37 Guruji : Sadhana helps you to become zero… No value in the cosmetic world… Which is the most intrinsic value in the cosmic world… Infact there is nothing to compare to evaluate… You reach that stage of no mind… Valuation is possible only if mind exists... *** Guruji Never it is possible to travel on others thoughts… You just be yourself… Virgin with your ideas and thoughts... You are not the owner of your thoughts and ultimately Lord is owner. A thought is a thought… And from it stems the feelings… Never feel guilty about any feeling for they have their origin in those thoughts that are not yours… Lord is the doer... Why he makes people think in different ways or why at all he thinks uniquely through every one of us is the mystery called life... Loveshree 1 : Deva, but I feel the thoughts are something which are desires inside of oneself… Sleeping mind or a split personality where half will always thinks good and half will always thinks in a different way… I always get crushed under these thoughts… I feel some thoughts to implement at sometime… But sometime I feel I should not do like that… Not able to overcome these always a fight goes on inside... Guruji : You have to keep witnessing thoughts… By fighting you cannot overcome... You will be more in to it… You have to learn to float… Fighting will sink you... *** Guruji Tantra is wonderful… Unfortunately it has been grossly misunderstood these days... It is distorted... Its meaning and essence grossly mistrusted... Over ages you have been tutored by many to go on ego trips... Never anyone was given an exercise to progressively get out of this

38 ego… Ego fantasizes mind... Tantra is against this ego… Tantra is pure love… When love is at peak it is a challenge to the mind… It reaches a stage of no mind... The rishis and sages were able to retain it permanently which resulted in eternal joy… Tantra made this possible for them… Over ages it was a deliberate act on part of many of us to condemn love making and it was projected as a sin… The real reason is it will be anti ego... When mind is filled with love there will be no place for ego and this was feared as a threat to materially progressive society... So love making was condemned and eventually tantra was condemned because its roots lay in love… Instead yoga was given importance... That too not the yogas which really wake up an unconscious slumber mind to reality but hatha yoga was given importance... Because it gives good health and longevity… Further some could also demonstrate their ego of being a hatha yogi… Infact yoga and ego are opposites… What Patanjali insisted was more internal through external means… Unfortunately people tuned up their exterior and forgot the interior… Tantra approached ego with love and ego got dissipated… Tantra is far beyond the normal acts of recreation and procreation... It goes into the center of existence of one’s self and results in realisation of one’s true self through the process of pure love… Tantra is the ultimate orgasmic experience of truth and dance with the Lord… Satchitananda... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, when I approach love making... It is done initially with an intense desire and with a selfish motive to experience and consume. This is a play of ego. Isn’t it? How can and where from can such intense objective originate, but from ego? As it progresses, I am lost in my partner’s desire and finally totally lost. It looks like the whole experience is a holiday, only to come back home to the egoistic state. How else can we understand tantra? You once mentioned that tantra is for someone who has transcended every possible desire. Now you say it is yet another way of life for us like yoga. Please forgive my inadequacy and clarify Gurunatha. Guruji : Infact if an attempt is made to understand, tantra ceases to exist... Understanding is a mind game... Tantra is beyond mind... Not comprehensible to the so called sensible mind... Only a person who is senseless can really be into it... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, please teach me tantra... Guruji : Anything that can be taught has an organised platform which is more mechanical by nature… What cannot be taught doesn’t have an organised structure which is more organic by nature… How to teach seeing to a person? How to teach hearing to a person? How to teach feeling to a person… So how to teach tantra? Guruji tantra is in born... Guruji: when we were with our masters, we got reminded of it.. Loveshree 2 : Deva I heard the tantra is mostly with the left hand path… And which no one suggests to take it and it takes you where no one knows as I heard from some... Guruji : Tantra is not known to many... A few who really know it, don’t write books... Or talk... They just practice and laugh at people .. Loveshree 2 : Deva... Then how will we be able to know it? Actually what is it? Guruji : If it’s your cup of tea, you will know it, otherwise its simple… You won’t know it.. *** Guruji One of my sishya’s came to me and cried that his wife is beating him. And is there any solution? I said straight away if you can’t withstand the bouts better divorce her… He said he can’t… He said I don’t understand why she beats me... I said it’s all repressed feeling running down to thousands of years… The ‘vasana’ is still there. It’s in one corner of the mind… It keeps surfacing and hence 39 the revenge... Either the understanding should be to that extent that both are able to look at each other with the other’s eyes or marriage should not be taken seriously... If marriage is taken in a serious sense then there is every chance that the husband or wife will abuse each other one way or other... I also told him she must be doing Savitri Vritam shortly… He said yes… He said she will fast the entire day at temple… Do puja… And then come home… I said we should do something about this… She will certainly pray that I need the same husband in the next birth also, since you can be victimised once again... I said… you also be on Vritam on that day in the temple… Just hide somewhere that she cannot see you... You pray that you don’t need her next time. Do pooja and come back home... Now God will be in dilemma... But when he pursues your and her record he will know the reason behind your request… He may grant you another girl in the next birth… But we may not know how many thousands of years she might have been repressed and what will be the degree of revenge against you.... Unfortunately this Bharat Mahaan Desh has repressed women for thousands of years and that is there in the unconscious part of mind and women in some homes misbehave with men… Really this is pitiable... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, the psychological part of the person due to the strong vasanas, is divorce the solution? Won’t it make her feel rejected and strengthen the vasanas? Instead, can she not be shown a way of getting out of it through realisation? Where’s the starting point? Terms like ‘ego’ ‘tendencies’ are not known to many, especially the slokam, vratham and pooja type of people... They think God is there to grant their wishes whatever they may be in such cases should the other person consider only himself? Now, who should worry about her, her liberation from these? I suggested a woman like this, can you come with me to a psychologist, she asked me ‘who are you?’, good question that everyone needs to find the answer, but I could only feel sad for her, till date, she refuses to bring about any understanding, says I pray a lot, what will she pray? Guruji : She will pray to get the same husband in the next janma also... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, feel we should get back to Gurukulam method of teaching, for both girls and boys. In a country where there is stupendous wisdom, is it not a curse that we are aping the west and confused about what is more important in life? Yesterday, was trying to bring about a conversation with my son on ‘being’, he says ‘amma, adhukkellam ippo time illa, I’m in 12th std, understand’... Guruji : What your son says, I am able to understand… Really I feel for him… Kids are tensed tremendously because today life at school and college is very challenging for them… Today even Gurukulams round the world are not the way they were before… I know one Gurukulam where kids are imparted Vedas and told by the master that in case they do adhyayanam well the master will get them employment in temples abroad... This is the way Gurukulams are conducting themselves... Loveshree 1 : True Guruji. At the same time, by the time we come to realise what a mess we are in, half the life is gone... May be not the veda adhyayanam kinds, but at least a ‘life school’ as part of the regular system? Guruji : Veda adyayanam itself is like this... I don’t know how schools will be… Still in a modest way an attempt should be made... I agree with you. *** Guruji Hatred is always accompanied by envy and ego... Loveshree 1: How to rid of all these gunas, which takes a toll on us Guruji?

40 Guruji : Yes one should be consciously aware of it… Suppose you are boarding an local train to go from your place to another place in Mumbai. Are you not alert enough to carry your belongings safely? Similarly when you know well these can lead to something else you must be alert enough to ward it off... Most of the time we are unconscious and become a prey... *** Guruji Is it possible to make others happy if one is miserable... First one’s happiness is more important than other’s happiness… Unless one reaches the threshold of one’s happiness it is impossible for him/her to think of others happiness... Everything starts with self and then becomes selfless… When you are full with self then you start thinking less about yourself and onward to selfless... One should be in total peace with oneself before they propagate the message of peace to others… One cannot be violent to oneself and preach non violence outside… Hence unless one loves himself he cannot love others… Such love will only be farce... Loveshree 1 : But again, pardon my ignorance… In giving one gains, is it not true? By sending out love, will I not receive the divine love? A way of loving myself… If I wait for me to be completely happy, it seems never endless. Maybe I am wrong. Forgive me. But do we really have a choice in this too. For some it is in that order for some reverse may be true. By sharing the happiness with others, won’t I be more happy? The blocks/ hindrances in my path of happiness may get cleared. Guruji : How you will signal love to the other person when you are in despair? That’s not love... That’s a call for the other person to respond to your self pity... *** Guruji Someone said… My boy has scored state rank in SSC... After 2 years… 600/600 in MPC. in +2... After few more years… Gold medal B.Tech... Still some more time MBA… IIM… Campus selection… MNC. Now getting married… She is also B.Tech MBA from IIM… MNC.. Then after a few years the parents the boy his wife came to me… Guruji we have been trying trying.... She got aborted three times... Kindly bless us to have kids... SSC, +2, B.Tech, MBA, MNC,marriage… No blessings required. Now abortion 3 times no kids for the past 5 years… Now blessing required... No problem. I was happy that the ego trip what they had all these days has come to an end... Then also it was Lord’s grace you could make it... Today too it’s only Lord’s grace... Without his grace and mercy we will be nowhere... I said… Ok blessed… With Lord’s grace they were blessed with twins... Now once again trumpet has started blowing and the ego trip has been resumed... I can’t just resist laughing at these jokers. Loveshree 1 : One day again they will repent on an ongoing basis and revisit you and prostrate, Gurudeva. Guruji : There is nothing to repent… The realisation should dawn on them that everything is Lord’s mercy and grace... *** Guruji 41 Today a 13 year old, 8th standard kid, has a Blackberry, an ipod, laptop and a Facebook account and feels tensed... When I was 13, I felt cool and had only a geometry box. Loveshree 1 : If you own a camel geometry box… You are rich. Guruji : Camel was your days… We belong to and Natraj… When you open a new one just purchased, in those days it would have already rusted… Those were our days. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, geometry box passed on by elder siblings, school uniform worn by eldest then another sister and then passed on, notebooks made from unused pages of the previous years notebook… Textbooks that passes from one hand to another till the book is republished by the govt with changes (some 5 hands with many pages stuck with cooked rice)... Have never felt the word ‘poor’ (may be thanks to food), someone in the family said years later ‘we belonged to lower middle class’, I thought ‘oh! Didn’t know all this’... Innocence Guruji, pure blessing by the Lord! Guruji : Yes… Pure blessings of Lord… Even had it been otherwise it is still a blessing since it would have been experience which if realised would have made the people more aware and conscious... *** Guruji For all relationship term like... Father there is father-in-law... Mother there is mother-in-law... Sister there is sister-in-law... Son there is son-in-law... Daughter there is daughter-in-law... The marriage between husband and wife also is as per law… Why we can’t call them husband-in- law and wife-in-law… Any thoughts on this? Loveshree 1 : All the other relations come only because of husband and wife… Law is written with husband & wife as the base. Law cannot force a person to be husband/wife... Husband & wife relation is out of the scope of law. Loveshree 2 : Maybe they wanted to keep the drama that comes with the word “in-law” out of the relation between husband and wife... Guruji : Husband and wife relationship is more based on a superior level of understanding instead of perfection/imperfection, good/bad, right/wrong etc… When the husband or wife start quarrelling with each other then it’s apt to call them husband-in-law, wife-in-law... *** Guruji Once Rajar and I dressed up like Rama and ... We went on the streets begging for alms… It was Sri Rama Navami day… We went to a priest house... We begged for alms… The priest came and yelled at us... He said Rama never used to beg for food… Today is his birthday,you guys are spoiling the name of Rama. Pointing towards me he said… Already this boy looks like Hanuman and why he should put make up like Hanuman… Then he went back into the house… We were standing there for some more time… The priest’s wife came and gave hot hot food to us… After taking the food Rajar asked the lady to come with us… She just followed us... After going a furlong distance the priest came running calling his wife... Rajar now smiled and said to the priest ‘I am Ravana… Taking away Seetha’... Now Rajar told his wife… Go back with your husband and she went

42 back… We sat below a roadside tree and took the food… He smiled at me and said… Am I Rama disguised as Ravana or Ravana disguised as Rama… I too smiled back at him and said… Master am I Hanuman disguised as Maricha or Maricha disguised as Hanuman? He patted at my back and we left the place… Anyone can understand this drama of my Master Maharishi Rajar? Loveshree 1 : Gurudeva… While I was reading I was able to able to imagine in front of me all this… Really blessed with this… Jai Hanuman… Jai Maharshi Rajar... Hope we will also some blessing of you in this way… May be in forest with King and dance... Guruji : If you wonder at things,you will know that life is a miracle every moment... Loveshree 1 : Gurudeva… Would like to be a part of that miracle… Once in my life Guruji : Keep wondering... *** Guruji You are deathless living in a body of death… The consciousness has no death... Death is only to the body… Fear enters the mind since most of us are scared of death… If we are conscious of the eternal consciousness the fear will disappear... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, we may not be afraid of the physical death... Is there something else we may be afraid of? What’s the real fear about? Guruji : Unknown fear… People sometimes feel they want to know where they go… They are concerned about the delivery address... *** Guruji Some function… Some pada namaskaram… Many were prostrating me... In the queue was a gentleman… He handed over some fruits... I said, “Thanks.”... Then he said I am a sishya of some guru.... So I cannot prostrate you... I told him... No problems... At least I am glad that you are not as stupid as these people… Suddenly he lost balance and fell at my feet. Then he stood up and looked at me and then looked at his feet… Once again he looked at me and then looked at his feet… First I couldn’t understand… Then I realised how dumb I was… He wanted me to touch his feet. Maybe he should not touch my feet… Having touched it that entry need to be reversed by my touching his feet… I said to him… Absolutely no problem… I got up and touched his feet with all reverence… He was happy and left… After a few days his wife, son and daughter came to see me... They said please come home... I said what for… My husband is having a lot of hallucinations… He says he is able to see many pitrus it seems… He gets transported to pitru loka very often... It seems he is able to see some celestial bodies… Ok that’s all good.... What is it you people really want from me… He feels that after your touching his feet, these things have started happening...Ok I said and I went to his home. Asked for some thulasi water and sprinkled it on his face. He asked me what is that what he saw. I just winked at him and said, ‘it’s mib… Men in black’... I don’t think he understood... Loveshree 1 : The great stupid should have kicked the bucket but only could see pitrus, had he not fell at your lotus feet first. Still I wonder, how could he survive after your touching his feet but for your some prayogam for his living. Guruji : Nothing offensive against that man...This is very normal of any one.... *** Guruji

43 I feel unless one deliberately schemes, it is difficult to be good or bad...It’s all mind games...Different routes on the same ego strip. I am from the heart… So I keep a safe distance from these mind games… How about you? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I believe in what you say and follow it as much as possible but bless me so that I must bring improvement in me. Thank you.. Guruji : Certainly you will… Lord’s grace is with you always… He will bring you around... *** Guruji A few years back a very great Vaamachari entered the forest with the sole aim to immobilise me or if given a chance to eliminate me… He was a very great Vaamachari... A very immaculate person with big techniques of sorcery on hand… We know each other very well… But somehow over a period of time he developed a lot of professional jealousy on me… But basically he was a good person. I was doing a prayogam in the forest called ‘Mayanka’ where we propitiate Lord Sarabheshwara... Nearby to the place where I was doing prayogam, he started doing ‘abhicharam’ of the highest order... He was busy inviting all the negative energies… In about 3 hours he assumed a lot of energy entered a hyena... Since I completed the prayogam ‘Mayanka’, I had to take bath and was at the stream taking bath… On the banks I saw the ferocious hyena… Lord’s grace I knew that it was my Vaamachari friend. The hyena was waiting on the banks… He knew if he jumped in water he will lose his power.I just went to the opposite bank and he would come charging to the other side. I will once again slip into the water. I was just playing this game of hide and seek for the sun to set, since it was amavasya (new moon)... The game will be different… The abhichara prayogam which he had done is powerful on chaturdashi but weakens during amavasya. Exactly by 7 PM that day amavasya starts. Once amavasya started I came out of the water. He was very angry and leaped on me. With Lord’s grace, I just moved. The hyena hit its head on a big rock behind and started bleeding profusely... I called the tribals and asked the hyena to be treated with herbal medicines. I went to the place where he his body laid still. I called a few tribals there and we gave him some first aid… They helped me in bringing him to my car parked on the road... I drove him to a hospital 50 kms away. It was an ayurvedic hospital… They treated him for 3 days and he was alright... I saw him off from Kochi… Now he is a reformed man… He is a saint and lives in the Himalayas… Loveshree 1 : Professional jealousy! How could one be jealous of something which is done selflessly and for universal good? Guruji : Lord’s grace. This very normal in the tantra schools. Loveshree 2 : Good wins over bad ever. Guruji : No good, no bad… Hyena was hurt and so treated… My friend was hurt and so treated... Don’t you take care when someone is sick? That’s all. Loveshree 3 : Deva… But no one will have a heart like you. Guruji : We are not the doers… Lord is the doer... Loveshree 2 : Everyone doesn’t think like you, Gurudeva. God forbid, for a little time if you are not calculative, cautious enough, and fully blessed, the hyena… Will it not hurt you? Guruji : Don’t be stupid, neither myself nor hyena nor my friend are the doers… Lord is the doer… He takes care.. *** Guruji

44 The other day someone said… Guruji I would love to keep talking with you… I want to keep listening to you always... I said… Ok no problem... I will sign a contract with you... Every day one hour with you... 365 days in a year... Per hour my fees is Rs.5000/- and it works out to Rs. 18,25,000/-... A retainer fees of Rs. 1,75,000/- per year… Total it works out to 20,00,000/- per year… Then since you are one of my important client, I expect you to support me for my yagnams and prayogams… Another 5 lakhs… Total 25 lakhs... When shall we sign the contract? He was stunned... I said I am a Master… Don’t play tricks with me... Neither I have that kind of a time nor you have that kind of a dedication… With master it’s not chit chat or time pass… Mind you… Keeping company of a master is like keeping company of a tiger... So be aware or beware... Loveshree 1 : That person missed a great chance... 25 lakhs is too less Guruji.. Loveshree 2 : Yes. Really tiger… Tiger only. Guruji : I am quite reasonable... Loveshree 3 : Pranam Deva… But the one who have the option they cannot utilize it. The one who don’t have the option always wants to utilize… Choiceless... Guruji : It’s attitude... Loveshree 4 : Guruji, but I too love talking to you and listening to you. Is that bad? I am totally confused by this post.

45 Guruji : 25 lakhs per year is the charge... Loveshree 4 : Car: 6 lakhs, home: 75 lakhs, vacation: 2 lakhs; time with Guruji: priceless (mastercard chose the right ad. Guess it’s because it has the word ‘Master’ in its brand name ) Guruji : Very clever Loveshree4… No commitment on money… Priceless and zero in real terms is one and the same. *** Guruji Sage Vyaagrapaadar, after his transition from Madyanthinar continues his worship in the forest... His father who also was of the name called Madyanthinar came to Thillai forest and asked Vyaagrapaadar to come with him so that he can get him married. Though initially reluctant Vyagrapaadar finally relented to his father’s wish and left Thillai vanam... He was married to the sister of Sage Vashishta... After marriage they were blessed with a son and named him ‘Upamanyu’... For some time, they stayed in Sage Vashistha’s ashram… The boy every day was fed by . After sometime they shifted to Thillai forest... Upamanyu having been fed by Kamadhenu rejected any food in the forest....Sage Vyaghrapada prayed to Lord Tirumulanada, who created an ocean of milk (Ksheera saagaram) and Upamanyu grew being fed from this ocean… Upamanyu became a great saint and he was the one to give ‘ deeksha’ to Lord Krishna. Loveshree 1 : Great new epic story, Gurudeva. Guruji : See the story of nishkama bhakti. This is a continuation to that.. Loveshree 2 : Also, Guruji, the other day someone had put up a story about Swami Chandrashekhara Saraswathi where he tells someone that being under Shiva deeksha they should not prostrate to anyone else... What would this signify? Guruji : That’s him not me... You have to leave this body and connect with his soul to know what he means. Loveshree 2 : Just wondering Deva... For me it’s like you are the person I turn to every time I wonder about something... Maybe slowly it may dawn on me with grace from you... Guruji : Keep wondering... *** Guruji Is there anyway of making lots of money on Facebook? Yes there is logout and start working… Loveshree 1 : Absolutely the smartest advice.But then, what the hell,I like to be a loser too! Guruji : Once you are in Facebook,you will be a loser...It elevates you more spiritually and lowers your material status… Since you waste a lot of time… No productive work. Loveshree 1 : Guruji makes people rich by getting them to lose their treasured material wealth - their ego! Guruji : Already people are scared of me these days… Poor guys… You are blunt in revealing the truth... Loveshree 2 : Guruji is an expert in snatching away the sheep from a shepherd, only to make him realize that life is beyond rearing sheep... Guruji : Yeah I do it with sheep… Nowadays I try to snatch the jackals and tigers.. Loveshree 2 : I am a jackal Guruji. You saved the sheep.

46 Guruji : That shows how an innocent jackal you are! That’s also our breed… The jackal... *** Guruji Nice joke... The other day I had to travel in a bus from Koti to Dilsukhnagar. I was sitting in seat. A college girl boarded the bus at Chaderghat. I got up and offered the seat. She sat near the window and asked me to be seated next to her. Then in the next stop a group of boys got into the bus… A boy was standing close to my seat and had his hand holding the handle on my seat… He was staring at the girl… And the girl was ignoring him… Suddenly the bus jerked and his hand went into the back side of my shirt from the top… He couldn’t remove it… Poor fellow with his hand behind my back he had to get down with me... He felt as though possessed and was walking with me till Baba temple… Everyone was seeing this tamasha… A young boy hand inside the back of my shirt from the top and paraded on the road… Before Baba, he could remove his hand... Lord’s grace... Lord made me to laugh for a very long time… Loveshree 1 : Guruji… Our fundamental rights are being violated! I protest ! Guruji : Next time I see you in the bus... Loveshree 1 : Guruji! Have a heart! Guruji : I meant next time I see you in the bus, I will vacate my seat and make you sit by the side of the girl… But if she slaps you… It’s your chance.. *** Guruji What is the difference between ‘ghazal’ and ‘lecture’? Every word spoken by the girlfriend is ‘ghazal’... Every word spoken by wife is ‘lecture’... Loveshree 1: Deva… What about the word spoken by the mother? Guruji : ... *** Guruji I always prefer to tread where there is no path and leave a trail instead of following any path because I love the mysterious journey of life with no destination plans...The unexpected twists and turns of the nature creates a sense of belonging with the nature.So the journey with me has no destination plans. No ambitions...No goals...No purpose...No direction...Are you not scared to travel with such a person? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, why fear when Guruji is near! Guruji : Risky Loveshree1... Loveshree 2 : When Guruji is leading us, we can just walk on the trail blindfolded. Loveshree 3 : Blessed to have taken such a journey... Guruji : Once you follow me, no blindfolded… Already you are blind... *** Guruji Lots of difference exist between knowledgeable souls and realised souls... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, soul is pure attributeless consciousness. Isn’t it? Then why do we distinguish 47 between knowledgeable souls and realised souls? Please pardon my ignorance. Guruji, what actually is a soul? For me it has become a cliche to use it in sentences with zero understanding. My prayers! Guruji : Souls do have different degrees of consciousness… Some are at Jadcherla, some at Kurnool, some at Gooty, some at Anantapur… In the journey towards Bangalore from Hyderabad… Some are still at Hyderabad… Soul is nothing else but the highest form of conscious mind with varying degree of consciousness… My soul is at Jadcherla whereas Adi Shankara might have reached Bangalore... Loveshree 1 : Oh! Where do they start and where do they merge Guruji ? Consciousness, I am sure expands, if I may say. To what extent does it pervade ? I love you... Guruji : Probably it merges during pralaya or moksha... Loveshree 2 : These days, lot of road accidents happen. No wonder souls are on the road. My soul is still at home… Safely in the hands of Sadguru. Guruji : Yeah I can understand Loveshree2... The other day I met my girlfriend accidentally on road and I shook hands with her… My soul is safe in her hands.. *** Guruji Something that gives such a soothing relief to body, mind and soul... Something that can be done at home… Or even in a room in a hotel... Something that can be done on a sofa… Lying down or even standing up... Something that can be done during the day or night... I meant praying to God... But I like the way you think... Loveshree 1 : Yoga and meditation! Guruji : They are all forms of prayers. Loveshree 2 : Sleep... Loveshree 1 : Indeed, uncountable I guess… When I was a little girl, I used to pray every night… Otherwise could not sleep… I stop that praying when I realized it became mechanical, I was praying like a parrot… Now when I dance I feel a fresh praying every time... Guruji : When you prayed as a girl you wondered… When reasoning crept in, it became mechanical… Then mechanics replaced by organics and hence the dance... Loveshree 3 : Super! Loveshree 1 : Is like recycling or mutating? Guruji : Change... Loveshree 1 : Change the form of prayer, but same essence... Guruji : Yeah *** Guruji A boy known to me got married to a beautiful girl… They had two kids… Wonderful divine kids… The girl wanted her to be renamed. Ok… I thought for sometime… Then certain characteristics of the girl came to my mind… She was beautiful, she was unique, she was matchless and all the more she was very divine… I looked at Lord… And he smiled at me and out flashed the name...’ananya’... 48 Unique… Matchless… Beautiful… Divine. In Vishnu Saharsranama… Ananyashchintayntoma yejana paryupashathe... Lord’s grace ‘ananya’ suited her in all ways… You should see her to believe my words… She is a very gracious girl... Loveshree 1 : We would like to see the girl whom Guruji has named. She sure would be a gracious girl. Guruji : I don’t know. She may be in Mexico or London… Sometimes she may come to India.. *** Guruji An episode of choicelessness... One day I received an SMS from a very respected sanyasi… I rushed to his place… No doubt it was a matter of grave concern... He asked me whether I can suggest any solution... I said there is a solution... Just give me a place where I can peacefully do homam for 3 days in your mutt... I need these items for the homam… But there is something which needs to be done during these three days by you. I was a bit reluctant to say... But I had to... I said you should become a gruhastha for these three days. He said do you want me to marry? I said yes… There is no other way… But you can marry a cow for 3 days… And should be in the same room with the cow… You can only drink the milk of the cow… Your marriage with the cow will be done as per the Shastra… After three days you can go back to sanyasa dharma… The cow will be given as daanam to a farmer who will be taking care of it rest of its life… He agreed to the proposal… He got married to the cow in a closed door ceremony at the mutt… Lived with it for 3 days drinking its milk alone… I did the prayogam for three days to Maha Mrutyunjaya Bhairava... With the grace of the Lord, his ailment got cured and today he is able to dedicatedly do his services to humanity through his sanyasa dharma... Life is choiceless for everyone which includes a sanyasi too.. Loveshree 1 : Gurudevula padapadmamulaku namskaramulu. Guruji : Lord’s grace… You are back… Enjoy! Loveshree 1 : Guruji, with all your blessings got transfer to Hyderabad R.O. Relieving tomorrow and coming to Hyderabad on 18th August. Thanks a lot Guruji for my timely transfer. Guruji : Lord’s grace… It’s Lord’s will… He is the doer… Thank him… Adore him. *** Guruji Somebody lost some money in the business… Probably he didn’t know how to borrow further money to run the business… He became depressed… He started drinking… He started abusing his wife and kids… Now the girls parents want to see me… They suspect some black magic/vaamachara… I don’t understand this at all… Vaamachara is not that easy or a cheap practice… The practitioners are very few… It is a very tough exercise and involves a lot of procedure... The person who practices vaamachara will be a very immaculate person with a lot of dedication towards his subject. He has to be a very disciplined person with a lot of anushtaanams… It costs hell of a money to do such practices and it costs another hell to come out of it… Sorcery is not a joke. It doesn’t come just with a few lemons and kumkums… Or even some blood and eggs… Or flesh of birds and animals… I don’t understand how even educated people get tricked by cheap tricksters who claim everything is sorcery… Who is going to spend that kind of an amount and do sorcery against you? It does happen… May be in the high places… Because of extreme jealousy or vengeance among people/ families… Don’t get fooled...

49 Loveshree 1 : We are all misled by films.. Guruji : TV serials... *** Guruji Normally people who have been initiated into tantra practice, have experienced Lord as they live this life… They see the Lord in every micro aspect of life howsoever mundane it may look… To them Lord and life is inseparable… There is nothing like good or bad, right or wrong, perfect or imperfect, for Lord is the doer and they always know that Lord is beyond all this… Never it comes to the mind that they are the doers... Most of us think we are the doers… So we start reasoning out the good and bad, right and wrong, perfect and imperfect… In that process we take credit for good things and feel guilty for the negative ones… But in the world of tantra we never take credit for anything nor we go into the system of evaluation or judgments… We always see the Lord in all acts and nothing looks odd or ugly… To us Lord is always beautiful and his acts are beyond questioning… Though we do give some explanations when asked, we always know and feel that the answer has got nothing to do with us and that Lord answered at the spur of moment… When you live a life moment to moment there is absolutely no planning, no scheming, no goals, no ambitions… We just live… And that’s Lord’s grace. It’s always beautiful to keep wondering at the ways of Lord and reasoning spoils wonder. But we can understand that the Lord only has made us to wonder and reason out at times… He has been very kind to us to see that reasoning doesn’t spoil the wonder… Through tantra, Lord is teaching us the balance between the art of wonder and the art of reasoning… We really love him for what he keeps doing for all of us… Let’s totally surrender to him... Loveshree 1 : Truly beautiful.. .My eyes become watery... Guruji : Enjoy! .Lord is with you always. Loveshree 2 : Micro level surrender! Loveshree 3 : In order to surrender totally, we should have his blessings nah Guruji! Guruji : Yeah, choiceless Loveshree3... Loveshree 4 : That sounds like a peaceful and joyous life Guruji… But it’s a far dream for normal people like me… Wish to lead that kind of life one day. Guruji : Now or never... Loveshree 4 : Would love to have it now... But it seems so difficult to take good times and bad times with the same mindset Guruji.. Guruji : Then never! *** Guruji A few years back I was invited for a satsang by a friend of mine… I had gone there... No doubt a lot of people had gathered and there was a big saint… The big saint was narrating some incidents of his life… I was busy in my own way… I was just observing a gentleman in the crowd… My friend suddenly noticed me observing the other person… My friend got wild... He was terribly upset… He was upset because I was not listening to his master and was whiling away my time watching someone else… Then when I knew he was upset I would pretend as though I am listening to the lecture and once again I was observing the gentleman… The gentleman too was busy looking at me… A snake alone knows the other snakes legs… The gentleman was about to leave and I too got up... My friend got wild that I am determined to insult his master… What to do… I had no choice… I left the

50 place and started following that gentleman… He entered many streets and tried to dodge… Lord’s grace we too have learnt some tricks… Everywhere I chased him… Finally we reached Secunderabad railway station after a lot of hide and seek game… I got him a ticket to Delhi and boarded him on to Dakshin Express... To see that he doesn’t get down anywhere else as the train was moving I slipped an item onto him which he had to hold on till Delhi… Further move on to Deva Prayag and deposit in the sangamam of Alaknanda Bhagirathi… Who was he? He is a great Aghori of Vaamachari sect. Poor friend of mine thought I disrespected his master. He went to his master and said I am sorry master. My friend behaved indifferently by leaving the lecture abruptly. His master smiled and told him… Your friend was here on a bigger mission… He not only saved something drastic happening here but also personally me… My friend came running to me and told me that his master told him like that... I laughed and told him, since mosquitoes were biting me I could not sit… This is the truth... Even today my friend is confused about the whole episode… It’s always nice to dupe friends… Is it not? Loveshree 1 : It may be nice to dupe friends- but very difficult to save something drastic happen and to save humans. Gurudeva pranams.You are mahaan. Guruji : Stupid… In the whole episode I really enjoyed when my friend got confused especially when I said mosquito bite... Loveshree 2 : Guruji! Why this mayaa always ? Guruji : Hari maya is also a part of life… Enjoy it totally... *** Guruji A nice incident happened a few years back in Kerala… In one of the families known to me, a girl was in love with a boy… The girl was from a Namboodri family and the boy was a Nair boy.... No one knew this… Even I happened to see it by chance during one of my visits to Trichur at Vadakkunathan temple… They both confessed to me that they were in love and wanted to marry by informing their parents… I told them what little help was needed I will do it at the appropriate time… After 3 years the girl became pregnant and the boy was missing… The girls party wanted to abort the child and took her to a hospital. But it was late. Fearing backlash from relatives they sent the girl out of house. The girl called me… I took a house on rent in Palghat… I kept an old lady known to me to take care of the girl… I used to visit the girl as and when possible… She requested me to be with her for delivery… I went there and was with her in the hospital… The old lady who was taking care of her day and night was also at the hospital. I can never forget the services of this old lady who was a real goddess who helped at the right moment… She delivered a beautiful girl kid... After a few days she was brought back home… Everyone known to me in Palghat used to be curious of my relationship with the girl… I used to enjoy their curiosity. The world is all that… Where is the necessity to prove ourself or defend ourself. Let people think what they want to think… This was my attitude… Finally the boy surfaced one day… Got them married at Vadakkunathan temple… The families got reconciled. They have now two more kids… Even now in Palghat many do not know about this… When they talk of this, I just have a hearty laugh… This is the deception I love the most… Hope you enjoy my deceptive attitude? Loveshree 1 : Amalgamated families seem to cause more troubles… Nice to be close families but not mix up like a melting pot… What is healthy practice, I believe is to respect everyone as unique human being… Bless us all to not pollute our children... Loveshree 2 : Deva… I was also willing to go for a love marriage but God has decided something else for me... 51 Guruji : Yeah… Uniqueness is the key… And we should learn to respect it… No conditioning... *** Guruji Just after marriage… You touch and feel its desire... After one year... You don’t touch and still feel its love... After 10 years… You touch still don’t feel… It’s paralysis… Final stage boss. Loveshree 1 : Deva… I feel it’s only 7 years, you added 3 more years to it... Guruji : Like Facebook, it varies from case to case.. *** Guruji Facebook status update... A guy updates his Facebook status... I’m gonna sleep on my terrace tonight... 100 mosquitoes liked his status… Loveshree 1 : Guruji, welcome back to Facebook ashram… Into our screens and lives. Guruji : Yes… Lord’s grace… Was off to forest for a few days and few more days at South... *** Guruji Girls language... Stupid… You are smart... Idiot… You are cute.... Shut up… I love you... I will kill you… I will die for you... Good night... All slept you can call now... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, we’d like to read guys language also... Guruji : Guys language will be straight and hence stupid… Girls are more shrewd that way.. *** Guruji I would like to write a letter to Lays chips manufacturer like this... Sir, you forgot to mention one thing under your ingredients… So add this in ur future packets… 75% air...

52 Loveshree 1: You should make a CC to Kurkure, Little hearts, Britannia… Among several to name a few Guruji… Hahhaha Guruji : Yeah… Certainly... *** Guruji One should learn to live the present… Present is the truth… This present moment is the essence of promise… I never promise… Since I don’t believe in future… How can you keep today’s circumstances in mind and promise for tomorrow? Suppose things are static you can promise keeping today in mind since the future will be based on today. Since this is an ever changing world, how is it possible for one to promise? Hence it’s foolish to say that he has broken his promise… In the first place we will be fools to believe any one living up to his promise in the ever changing world… Hence I don’t promise for I am not static and I keep changing… How about you? Everyday is a new day… Yesterday is gone… Tomorrow is a mystery… Only this moment is certain... *** Guruji 6 year old boy… I love you Mom.... Mom : My cute little Darling... 18 year old boy : I love you Mom... Mom : Just get lost… I am not going to give you even a single penny... Loveshree 1 : I love you Mom! My love has nothing to do with money... Guruji : He is a very dedicated boy… His love for his parents is always overwhelming… But I always expressed love to my mom whenever I needed money... *** Guruji Be very desireful… Fill your mind with all sorts of desires. But don’t merely keep dreaming… Work for it… Achieve it… See the peak. Peak is momentary… Enjoy that moment… Come down. Realise the reality… Life in the valley is peaceful… Contended… That contentment will not be a permanent one unless you had reached the peak of your desires. If you have compromised… You are certain to grumble at sum point of time in life… Hence don’t suppress your desires… See the peak… And then you will retire to the valley… You will smile at every person who speaks high of the materialistic life which they are living… For you know still they have not reached the peak… In fact doors of spirituality doesn’t open unless you have reached the pinnacles of materialism... Finish off your projects of materialism and then come to me… I will show you the way… I only see the pretensions with those who come to me and talk on spirituality with a secret agenda of pursuing a materialistic life. No doubt to me both are from the divine source of God… But the pretensions of the human mind is what baffles me… Anyhow, I know you are not the doer nor am I… Lord is showing me the tricks which a mind can play on us… I enjoy this…

53 Loveshree 1 : Facebook has been so boring for the past 10 days. Over the weekend I was searching for some Gods’ pictures in the basement and guess what I found... Your picture hidden in between some other photos. I was very happy to get your blessings even in your absence. Guruji : Always with you… I always remember my days with you. Loveshree 2 : Namasthe Guruji! Loveshree 3 : “Doors of spirituality don’t open unless one reaches the pinnacles of materialism”... Golden words of Pujya Guruji… A wonderful blissful radiance totally… Rains started after drought... Loveshree 4 : I was pretending, when I first met you Guruji! Guruji : I too pretend... Loveshree 5 : Golden words Guruji. Pranaam. Materialistic ego is still better, but the ego that develops having turned to spiritual life is worse. It’s like a silent killer, the hidden enemy. Loveshree 6 : Guruji, I want both, be in the samsara and also be with the Lord. Guruji : Lord gave samsara to participate and dance with us... *** Guruji Today’s togetherness… You can touch each other... Today’s privacy… You can’t touch each other’s phones... Loveshree 1 : We are bonded and separated by technology. Sairam guruji. Guruji : So Loveshree1, you are outdated… Upgrade… Nowadays people prefer secrecy through phones than through laptops... *** Guruji The other day at Madurai in a temple, an old man was directing a few young girls the way to light a lamp… He was telling them that the wick should face this direction and light the lamp… The girls attempted to light the lamp many times… But every time from nowhere a wind will blow and the lamps will be fused… The old man said probably it’s the will of the Lord that you kids should not light the lamp today… The girls felt very disappointed… The old man left the place… I told the kids to try lighting the lamp facing the other direction… They asked me is it ok. I said it’s ok. And they could light the lamps since the wind was not blowing in that direction. The old man came back… He got wild… He asked the girls why they lit the lamp facing other direction. They pointed towards me and said that I had asked them to keep it in the other direction. Then he scolded me and said, “You atheists deliberately come to temples to misguide girls”. I just laughed and left the place. I came to the main road. Suddenly lights switched off every where. I saw the old man struggling to walk on the road. I took out the torch I was carrying and gave it to him. He said, “Sir, thank you, I don’t know who you are,who has helped me at the right time. I just laughed and told him… I am the atheist... Loveshree 1 : You are abathpandhavan! Guruji : Don’t be stupid… It’s all Lord’s grace… Without his grace nothing can happen... *** Guruji

54 Gadyams are based on Shabda brahmana… From Shabda brahmana arises the Nada brahmana which is the remedy. Some shabdas originate from Muladhara, some from Swadishtana, some from Manipura, some from Vishudda, some from Anahata, some from Aagya and some others from Sahasrara. The prayogi watches for signals from the nature and sings the gadyams in response. He has to see whether it is day or night, whether there is light or darkness or twilight, whether it is windy, whether it is lull,whether it is stormy, whether it is raining or dry, whether it is hot or cold, whether it is forest or a normal place etc., at any point of time he observes atleast 1008 aspects before singing any gadyam. He has to be alert and should keep watching for the sakunam. So it is not the same all the time. According to the emergence of aksharas he has to sing the gadyam. Sometimes,the need may run into hours or it may be for a few minutes. If he is in a crowd, he has to see the faces of people around him. From the faces he will be able to analyse the problems of the concerned person, their lineage, their manes, their pitrus and the astrological sequences. So he must be patient to gather all the akshara bhavas of people around him,the environmental circumastances around him, the sakunam aspect and then does an analysis to find out the gadyam applicable at that point of time. The analysis normally of the entire situation is done in just around 180 seconds i.e., 3 minutes… He has to be fast and accurate. And then flows the gadyam... Loveshree 1 : Namaste Guruji. We do not have words for the happiness our Guruji gives us. Guruji : Whenever I am down, I think of you beaming face and get energised... Loveshree 2 : Deva… Hope we will also have the darshan of beaming face… With your blessings... Guruji : For that you have to visit a sweet home in Allentown, Pennsylvania... Loveshree 1 : You got tears in my eyes Guruji. Loveshree 2 : Deva… Oh is it! Then it’s difficult for me... Guruji : It’s true… Your face will energise anyone… You smile from the heart and that’s the truth... Loveshree 2 : Deva… Hope we can have that smile on Facebook… Hope I am not asking too much... Loveshree 1: Guruji, your teachings and words makes our heart pure that we are able to laugh with innocence. Thanks Guruji for your words and blessings. Loveshree 1 : Loveshree2, my face is too big for Facebook. Guruji : Certainly too much… Don’t do it… Let this Loveshree 2 spend some money to come to your place and see you… Everything this guy manages free of charge and at his place and will… Don’t oblige... Loveshree 1 : You are most welcome to visit our house. Loveshree 2 : With Guruji’s blessing someday I shall come… At present I don’t have Visa or that much ample of money… So… Please kindly bless me with your smile here… With Guruji’s blessings,we are able to accommodate big or small… With all his love... Guruji : If we would have thought the way you think, we also would not have seen people across the globe… Not that we have a lot of money… We borrow to do service… It’s a question of one’s attitude… If money has to come and then you will travel across the world… Then forget it… Once money comes you will hoard it… It’s attitude… Attitude.. ***

55 Guruji Lord gave us a vast piece of land and water called Earth. He wanted us to enjoy the fruits thereof sharing all the resources available. Lord did not bless us with just the heart. He created the mind too. We used the mind and divided the earth into fragments… Now we say we have built a house… Starting to dwell in it we called it home… Then divided it into rooms… Master bedroom, study room, living room, children’s room, guest room kitchen, toilet etc.,We stacked the rooms with a lot of stuff… No doubt for our own convenience… Once settled comfortably we start thinking on expansion… A trick the mind plays… Not expansion of the heart but expansion of the mind… Ultimately even in the rooms we live only in the empty space available… The emptiness of space is created by useful walls… But the useless space is actually used and not the useful walls to live… Then invite guests relatives in the name of Gruhapravesham… Just to boast how big the house is… How convenient it is! We expose ourselves to all the tragedies it brings along with it… Then the business flops or you are chucked out of employment or you are transferred elsewhere... You cannot live in the house you built… I join with the Lord to laugh at you? Can you laugh at yourself? Loveshree 1 : All your blessings… Still not yet that stage… But everything is Lord’s grace… At last! Guruji : Certainly choiceless even my making the above statement… That’s why I enjoy… Everyone can enjoy provided they treat all actions as choiceless whether it is favourable or adverse... *** Guruji When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you will finally get one of the two results... A person for life Or A lesson for life... Loveshree 1 : Baba… Why we should doubt somebody? Guruji : Chidambara rahasyam. Loveshree 2 : Deva… I feel its enough for my life… Lessons… Please bless me to get a person.. Loveshree 1 : Unable to control my laugh... Guruji : Expectations will lead to disappointments… Since you have already got lesson for life,you may not get person for life… Only one… For normal persons… For poets they may get both… Sometimes they get it at the cost of someone else which they may not realise... Loveshree 1 : Attachment in detachment. And detachment in attachment... Loveshree 2 : Only may be possible to Mahans like you. Guruji : I am a Bahu kutumbhi and a samsari… I am not with you on this... *** Loveshree 1 Is first impression is the best impression? Guruji : It depends on the stamp pad… As to how much ink has been soaked in... *** Guruji

56 A girl sent out her husband out of her house because he was a drunkard… He never owned any responsibility in the family matters… He used to keep shouting at home and was finding fault with the kids… So one day she got agitated and told him to leave the house… He left… Now he went and told his relatives.... He could not keep the matter to himself… Now the relatives are behind her cajoling her to take him back… The reality is he has been irresponsible right from his younger days… Never sticks on to any profession,reasons being inefficiency coupled with ego… He has not stopped drinking… He has not mended himself and will never mend… Now the questions are... 1.Should the girl take back her husband giving in to pressures by the husband’s relatives? 2.Should she believe in the false promises and assurances of the husband? 3.Should she formalise the act of sending him out of the house legally through a divorce? 4.Should she still give him a chance and allowing him inside the house,after 20 years of horrendous experience with him? Suggestions please... Loveshree1: I think she can give him a chance with his relatives support. Guruji : No relative stood by her… Hence there is no questioning of listening to relatives… Cannot any longer believe in false promises and assurances… I know this girl pretty well… She will not formalise the act of sending out through a divorce, though this is a very viable solution… Once inside the house you can see the jackal back to form… Yes my grace and blessings are always there… No one can decide for her sake… Dust may sink and settle after sometime… When mind is clear decisions may be of a better quality... *** Guruji To live a creative life we must lose the fear of being wrong... Loveshree 1 : Gurunatha, you also mentioned “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”... Which is actually my problem… Now I am thoroughly confused… Kindly help me! Guruji : You have to study these statements to understand and not merely read it… Since your level is reading you are getting confused. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, the river is overflowing. You have built a dam across and my prayers to open the flood gate… Anyatha saranam naasti, twameva saranam mama Guruji : I might have built a dam but the sluices are always open... *** Guruji Someone asked me, “Isn’t my wife very beautiful?” I smiled and said, “you will be in trouble”... He didn’t understand… Do you? Loveshree 1 : Bhaaryaa roopavatee shatruhu... Guruji : None have understood what I meant... Loveshree 2 : One should know what to boast about. Isn’t it, Guruji? Loveshree 1 : Please bless us with the meaning devaa. Guruji : Just think about the question asked by the husband.

57 Loveshree 1 : Is it like one should not be proud about the external beauty? Loveshree 2 : He is himself doubtful… Wants opinion from another person. Guruji : Why wants opinion? Where does that lead to? Loveshree 2 : Self doubt. Guruji : Now what may happen in such a case? Loveshree 2 : Complex... Guruji : That’s good… Then you know where it leads to… No one needs to certify beauty… If one is asked to look at another’s wife and certify whether she is beautiful, the way the other person looks at her will be different. Loveshree 2 : Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Guruji : So I said you will be in trouble. If I start looking at her that way, my looks may prey more her physical feature… I am already a notorious guy and this is an invitation for trouble... Loveshree 1 :You are funny Gurudeva... Loveshree 2 : Oh God, why do everyone look at women this way? As objects of beauty, pride and whatever? Guruji : Loveshree2… That’s today’s world… Without asking such questions itself people have such looks… If a question is asked it’s a free for all pass... *** Guruji I lent Rs.1000/- to person and he went missing… I was very happy… It was worth it... Loveshree 1 : Just now I was telling my colleague that I have lent Rs.1000/- to my neighbour 2 years back and am not facing any problem with that person. Coincidence... Guruji : Probably I overheard what you said… Probably... *** Guruji God looks to me like a joker among serious audiences... Loveshree 1 : What was that line, “God is like a comedian performing to an audience too scared to laugh...” so apt na Deva... Guruji : Too scared to laugh is limited… Serious scopes are very large… Su Yen used to say this... *** Guruji Clever boy... A boy calls from a telephone kept at the cash counter in a shop... Boy : Madam I can do the lawn work for you... Madam : Already there is a person who does the job for me... Boy : I will do it at the half the rate he does... Madam : No the person doing it already does very well. I am very happy with him... Boy : I will sweep and clean the house free.

58 Madam : No no. I don’t need your services. I am sorry... The shopkeeper listening to the conversation is impressed about the boy and offers a job. Boy : Thanks Sir… I don’t need the job... Shopkeeper : Why?

59 Boy : I am the boy already working in her house. I just wanted to find out my Madam’s opinion about my job. This is in a way… Self appraisal... Loveshree 1 : Deva... When I read this in the past I got tears rolling. Guruji : Exactly this happened in my life at my age of 13 years… No doubt the job was different… I used to sell murukku and sundal in Marina Beach to earn and give to my masters for Guru dakshina… I called my owner madam to find out whether she was satisfied with my job… A real incident of my life... Loveshree 2 : Guruji… I have used the same story in one of the training sessions on performance appraisals. Guruji : Great… Next time use sundal and murukku since it’s a real time one... *** Guruji A mock interview... Boss : Which is the capital of Pakistan? Me : Kanpur... Boss : What is 2 + 3? Me : 7... Boss : Which is the National animal of India? Me : Monkey... Boss : Who is the Prime Minister of India? Me : Akkineni Nageshwara Rao... Boss : Which is the name of the tank in the center of Hyderabad where a big Gautam Buddha statue is installed? Me : Masab tank... Boss : Who is the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh? Me : Mulayam Singh Yadav... Boss : I can’t promote you... All your answers are wrong... Me : I know they are wrong… Any how you have already shortlisted a candidate of your choice for the next promotion.. I know of this… I didn’t want to give the answers right and get disappointed by not getting the promotion. I wanted to have some fun with you and I had it... Loveshree 1 : For me, without questions they say “you are very good & this time you will get promotion”. More than 12 years passed “no promotion” for which I always get a reply “ we did our duty” for which I reply, “ I did my duty and don’t worry I will do my duty”. They smile and I enjoy that moment as at that moment only I see their smiles. Guruji : That’s why I don’t take risk of giving right answers to my boss.. *** Loveshree 1 The pointlessness of life amazes and enables humble beginnings always..The inner core remains fresh!

60 Guruji : This is where one needs to be alert… From the humble beginnings it makes rapid strides to reach gigantic proportion fuelled by ego and ambitions… Hence the realisation of life being pointless and meaningless will keep one under the influence of wonder and innocence... *** Guruji Faith… Faith… Faith.. That is enough… Everything Lord schemes for you. A man known to me was badly in need of some money to perform his daughter’s marriage… I know his nature… He will not like to take money from any known source. Any time if asked he will say… My family deity will take care. His wife used to cry to me that the daughter’s marriage is a month away and he is not taking any steps to arrange funds for it. So I hatched a plot with a friend of mine. Near his house I requested a North Indian friend to open a pawn broker’s shop. Every day when he used to pass across the shop he used to stand a minute or so, look at the board and go away… Like this 15 days passed… In another 10 days his daughter’s marriage… Suddenly one day he entered the shop and asked for loan pledging his house documents… My North Indian friend called me and said… Your friend has come today asking for money… He has also brought his house documents… I told my friend just collect the document and take signatures in the loan documents… Ask him to come tomorrow… I will come with the money tonight as I am very much in Kerala and you can hand over it to him tomorrow… He did exactly as I said… Evening I went handed over the cash to my pawn broker friend… Next day the cash was handed over to that man… The marriage took place befittingly… We closed the shop and my North Indian friend left… Later I sent back the loan documents and his house documents by speed post to his house. After 3 months I called on the family, a courtesy call to enquire about the marriage… The man and his wife told how the marriage took place… A pawnbroker had appeared in the town. He gave loan and then disappeared. They even got back the loan and house documents. I said your family deity has proved how compassionate she is. They all agreed to it… I thanked ‘Chetti Kulam Karai Kali Kunda Bhagavathy’ who is their family deity and the goddess whom I adore for the opportunity given. Purely Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : Knowing about me,my colleagues and friends always asks me, “ How are you going to perform your daughters’ marriage”, for which I always say “Guru’s grace will take care”. Pranams Guruji : Once you fix their marriage,inform me, I will knock at your doors, with money... *** Loveshree 1 Modern spirituality and love are similar in some ways. People constantly have been in and out of them... Guruji : If it is in and out… It is neither spiritual nor love… That’s the truth... Loveshree 1 : What’s it when most loved and spiritual people behave the other way... At that moment are they in or out? Guruji : Then there was flaw in our thinking… That we took something for granted by thinking that it is spiritual... ***

61 Guruji The husband told his wife… I am going steady with another girl. I take her out with me on my official tours. Either you put up with me for what I am or you may leave. The wife is shell shocked… Any suggestions? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I am sure the husband just said this to make his wife who may be ignoring him or insulting him in some ways or putting him down in front of his children. These days women want her husband to be a yes man. This is my opinion. Guruji : Well said… My opinion is the same as I know her husband too well... Loveshree 2 : Yes, but why can’t he just tell her that he needs more attention? What happened to old fashioned heart to heart conversation? Guruji : Women want everything now a days new… Why now old heart to heart… She knows what she is doing.. Loveshree 3 : Generally, when the husband is clearly mentioning that he is “going steady” with a girl,he is actually complaining that his wife is not giving him enough time. If the wife is sensitive enough to catch this point, the husband’s hunger for affection will be addressed. Instead if the wife continues her strangle, the husband will enjoy her plight. In short, when a situation like this arises, it just means that, it is time for an audit and introspection. No husband or wife will have the energies to re-live all the ordeal of a marriage once again. Guruji : Yeah… I advised her yesterday on those lines. *** Guruji A spiritual head once said… If you forego wine and women here, then you will be in heaven... I asked him… What will you get in heaven? He said.. .Everything including wine and women... I said...Why should I forego this in the certain present to get it somewhere in the uncertain future… I would like to go with the present... Merger with the Lord is heaven… Total merger with the Lord is pure saatvika ananda… Beyond all this… Even the so called spiritual heads talk this kind of a nonsense… If you consider life itself as divine and Lord is the doer, whatever happens is certainly beyond your control… Whether it is wine or women… Then certainly you are heading towards the Lord since surrender is the key word… We are not the doers… For reasons not known to us, he has sent us here today… To just live… In the process the mind the heart everything functions… But he has the key to it… He does. So everything is him and him alone. So the merger as you live itself has happened… You feel him in anything and everything… You see him anywhere and everywhere… Promising a future heaven and moral policing the certain present is absurd... Loveshree 1 : Is it possible to seek salvation? Is it not something that dawns on us. Without any choice. Guruji : Choiceless… Choiceless. Loveshree 2 : Thanks Guruji. Guruji, I wish you spend some time the younger generation when you visit Richmond this time. They have so many questions and we don’t know how to answer them. Guruji : Leave them to my country head (USA) Mr. Loveshree3… He can handle anything and everything… He is quite knowledgeable, diplomatic and very witty...

62 Loveshree 2 : So true Guruji, but being a parent has its limitations. Loveshree3 is ok with the kids being good, helpful, courteous etc, me too for a certain extent. But I want them to spend some time with you and only you can clarify their doubts. Sairam guruji. Guruji : Ok dear… God’s will... *** Guruji It was quite warm day in summer in the forest… was feeling quite thirsty… I could not find any rivulet inside nor any water… I was walking deep inside searching for some juicy fruit… Nothing was available… I thought Lord must be having some reason for this and that I can’t understand… I saw a sage in the forest… He asked me what I was doing in this part of the forest… I paid my respects to him and told him… I just come here, roam around and spend my time… I also told him, when my ego levels go up, I prefer solitude and hence in forest my ego gets totally dissipated… Once dissipated I leave the forest… He laughed… He said I can prove that all that you told is a lie… Would you like to challenge me… I said I don’t like challenges in life… I just would like to accept outright defeat… He laughed very loudly… In that hot summer day within seconds clouds gathered and it started raining heavily… He said what you require I have given… Drink it to your heart content… I require something from you… I said ‘yes’... By Lord’s grace I must be able to do it… He said please go 3 miles west of this place… There is a big banyan tree… Please do the prayogam ‘ varshini’ and pray for the welfare of all. After that he vanished into the forest... Lord’s grace, I had the darshan of the mighty ‘Devendra’ that day. I continued my journey to the banyan tree and did the prayogam. Really it was a wonderful experience. Purely Lord’s grace… Praise the Lord... Loveshree 1 : You are going to complete 100 yagnams shortly Guruji and will be equal to none other than .... ! Pranaams. Guruji : I’m not the doer… Lord is the doer… It’s all his grace nothing else… I have no identity at all in the first place to identify myself with anything.. Loveshree 2 : How to find out how ego level go up? Guruji : If you are conscious, alert you can find it… Not others.. *** Guruji Don’t accept knowledge you were imparted… Better dig yourself to find the wisdom with which you were born... Loveshree 1: “The only thing I know is that I know nothing”... Guruji : Still… She knows nothing… Hence she knows something… So she suffers.. *** Guruji During one of my usual trips to Madurai, I visited the home of a person known to me… Actually it’s an old fashioned home… It’s a big one… The front entrance is one street and the back entrance is another street… I had been promising another friend of mine in the same street that I will visit his home and had been dodging for quite sometime… So he saw me entering this person’s home and hence he and his brother stood outside the front entrance of this home… His sister and mother were waiting at the back entrance… The idea was as soon as I come out, they wanted to take me to their home and not allow me to dodge… They were waiting… I just wanted to play some hide and 63 seek with him… So I came from the other end of the street behind him and patted him from his back… He was stunned… He asked me, I am guarding the front side and my mother and sister are guarding the back side of this house… You went in, how come you have come behind me? I smiled and said, ‘a cunning jackal will have three openings to its den’... Poor guy he blinked… Any how that day this jackal decided to go to his home and did go... Loveshree 1 : How did you do it, Guruji ? Guruji : If I say that, my 30 years of being with masters will be of no meaning... *** Guruji Someone shouted at me… I shouted back... He asked me ‘why are you reacting?’... I said… I am re-enacting... I smiled but he could not smile… Why? Loveshree 1 : May be because he didn’t understand why you re-enacted and I am guessing that you might have told him that’s how he looked while shouting. Please correct. Thank you Guruji. Guruji : Yeah! One way you are right… There is something more to it… There was nothing in my mind when I re-enacted so I could smile which he could not digest because his mind was full of garbage when he shouted.. *** Guruji A husband and wife use to keep on quarreling... I used to interfere and stop the nonsense... They didn’t like this… It was long since they slapped each other and were longing to do it... So one day when they were quarreling as usual I interfered… They stopped and asked me, Guruji why do you do this? Every time why do you interfere and stop it? I said… Since you call me your Guru… That’s my job... ‘maan na maan main tera mehmaan’.... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, Namaste and my pranams. Why is that the people to whom we give birth don’t care for us even after we sacrifice everything for them? Guruji : It has to come from the heart… They will care as soon as it shifts from the mind to heart… It will take sometime for them… First of all expectations lead to disappointments… Stop expecting… Secondly sacrifice is too big a word… To do to your kids,you call it as sacrifice… Had you done for your neighbour’s kid or a kid on the road then its sacrifice… It looks as though you did thinking that they will respond after they grow… Taking care of your kid and giving them a strong life is not sacrifice… You just did it on account of your love for them. I’m sorry, I feel there is basically something wrong in your thinking.. *** Guruji Celibacy cannot be hereditary... Loveshree 1 in a conversation with a friend (co disciple) I said that my cousin is a Bachelor, he immediately said ( he always feels that he is superior to others), what in your house

64 only one bachelor whereas in my house… Guruji : He may be right… Brahmachari like Lord Krishna... *** Guruji This divorce affair about the girl I posted yesterday evening, seems to have been offended by my comments… So our apologies... But the pity is still she has not understood what I meant… It’s ok for us… Because we have not come here to offend anyone… The best part is the girl herself keeps saying that my son looks like my husband… Behaves like my husband etc., I have understood that she has a right to keep blaming her son whereas we don’t have a right to correct her viewpoint. Yes,natural… A kid looking like a father or behaving like a father is very common… Very funny girl… I apologise dear… Henceforth you will not be commented upon in any of my Facebook posts… Our sincere apologies... Loveshree 1 : Deva… Yesterday’s post was a reality in my life. I am a live example for that but my mother did not leave my father but she tried her level best to change him when she came to know it’s not possible… So she took a lot of care and proper guidance where it is required so that we won’t get into that path.... All Lord’s grace. It was right or wrong no idea… But all the Lord’s grace... Guruji : People don’t understand all this. Many suffer self pity, depression, inferiority complex + ego… It makes them suffer more. Loveshree 2: I feel pity on the lady for her desired fate. For she made a divinity to apologise to a human. God only can bless her. Regards Gurudeva. I have not seen hitherto in my life your apologising to anyone. A bad day for me today to see your apologistic posting. Guruji : Don’t be stupid… When I offend someone I always apologise. *** Guruji Anyone can live up to one’s own satisfaction. Never try to live up to the satisfaction level of others. It’s impossible. It’s a wild goose chase. You will be lost... Loveshree1 : Pranams Guruji, today all the messages are really amrutam. Guruji : “Time pass… Time pass..” *** Guruji It’s better to go to a woman dentist… It’s a relief to be told to open my mouth, instead of to shut it. Loveshree 1 : In fact, today, I had an appointment with lady dentist, Dr.Loveshree2, who finished a series of sittings for the root canal...She insisted on keep my mouth open. Guruji : You have a good doc. *** Guruji Long ago myself and Andrews were staying in a five star holiday resort… There inside the resort a man clad in traditional British Army General attire standing like a rock with a gun in his hand… Many kids were teasing him to see that he changes the posture. Andrews too tried, but failed… Andrews asked me whether I can make him change his posture… I said ok, I can do it… But I asked him, in case I make him change the stand what will I get from Andrews… He said he will give me US $ 500. Then I told looking at the man clad in army clothes, in case you change your stand I will pay 65 u the US $ 500 which Andrews will give… He just shook hands with me and Andrews. Andrews asked me,how he came forward to shake the hands? I told Andrews, First give me the money and then I will tell you the secret. As he handed over money, along with another Rs.1000/- I gave it to him and he was happy. Then I told Andrews, I just told him that incase you change your posture I will give you the money which this man has promised to give… US $ 500… So he shook hands with you and me. Andrews said you duped me and laughed. I too laughed, for Andrews doesn’t know that the runam with the other man (Shanmugam) will make both of them bonded for another 17 lives. Better Andrews squares off with Shanmugam now itself… I got a diamond bracelet for his wife ‘Stella’ who was my student for many years, and sent it through Andrews… No doubt that’s another account, another situation, another day… Lord’s grace... Love shree 1 : Devaa… Please bless me to clear the runa of my people in this life… Please give me enough patience to clear my runam. I don’t want to carry them again. Guruji : Don’t be so fast. Then you will be left with one big runam… That is me. In your janmas... Love shree 2 : Deva all your grace… I felt some situations like this joined gym paid one year and after that payment did not went for a month also… Other case a unknown person came told from tikona cable and will give connection of internet. I was in hurry so I said ok on trust, I paid him money without any receipt and when I called up they said he left the job… All Lord’s grace... Guruji : These are installments which you pay… I am talking about closure of liability... Love shree 3 : How do we know the difference between debt being squared off and a new runam/ liability being created? In other words, how will I know whether a transaction is a liability or recovery? I beg to be pardoned in case my question is out of bounds, Guruji. Guruji : That’s the mystery... Love shree 3 : Whenever I get nearer to truth, I am told I cannot go further. Mere number kab aayega, Guruji? Guruji : Love shree 3 maharaj ki jai… Since he feels he is closer to truth... *** Guruji We think in life ‘to eat’ and ‘to sleep’ is easier… Most of us are not able to properly eat or sleep. I know of a case where he had problem of Liver and insomnia. He could neither eat well nor sleep. Even if you are medically alright, how many days do we really enjoy the food and eat? Similarly how many days you really sleep? Most of the youngsters now a days work in call centres and they don’t sleep at night and they sleep during day. That too very disturbed sleep. Today ‘to eat’ good food and ‘to sleep’ itself is a big boon in your day to day life. So I say please ‘eat’ well and ‘sleep’ well. When I say life is to eat and sleep well, people don’t understand me and laugh at me.Infact, I pity them that they don’t have time to eat and sleep. Let us start doing this. Let us take a solemn pledge that we will not compromise on food and sleep. Peace will automatically follow… Otherwise we behave very agitated… No proper food or sleep… When we can’t do these things which are simple, properly in life, why be bothered about what I do in the form of prayogams? Love shree 1 : Deva… Pranam. Curiosity which kills… Curiosity which is more danger than smoking & alcohol... Guruji : Curiosity leads to stress leading to indigestion and insomnia... Love shree 2: Small chewable portion from your compassionate hands. Pranaams Gurunatha! Guruji : Yeah for that small chewable portion,you need to eschew many things in life...

66 Love shree 2 : I only pray for your incessant grace Gurunatha. Please pardon my ignorance at all times. Guruji : Always with you... *** Love shree 1 Sometimes, I suspect ego is dressing up to look like my self esteem, it gets messy… Or I have poor self esteem that I keep blaming myself… How to keep my essence clear? Guruji : When constantly you are able to focus on your not being the doer, all this ego, self esteem and the glamour connected with it disappear... *** Guruji Please do not promise any thing in a moment of happiness nor answer in a moment of dejection.... Love shree 1 : Deva… Choiceless. Guruji : Yes, absolutely. This is a choiceless moment while making the statement… That’s why I said anything I say stems from the root of choicelessness... *** Guruji A few years back someone invited me for a lecture. In fact at the outset I refused since I didn’t have time. As usual he went on pestering me and finally I had to yield. It was a lecture on Bhagavad Gita. I could not understand head or tail since it was very high funda with all technical jargon. Many in the hall were shaking their heads and as a mark of respect to those shaking heads I too was shaking my head.In fact after a particular stage I couldn’t control yawning. I had a deep sleep for an hour… After it was over the person sitting next to me was very courteous to wake me up, otherwise I would have been left all alone in the hall… As I was leaving the hall, my friend came running and asked me how the lecture was… I said it was too wonderful… It was a melody… I literally was transported to another world… Indeed it has happened to me after many many months… He thanked me and left… To my illuck the man who woke me up was his cousin and told him, your friend sitting next to me was in deep sleep and I had to wake him up after the lecture. My friend phoned and shouted at me… He said, now I have understood what you meant that day. Why did you sleep? I said sometimes late at night when I am on bed when my dogs bark I do get good sleep… It looked like one such moment… I said I will come for the lecture since you insisted but I didn’t guarantee that I will be awake through the lecture… Hardly I sleep… You were kind enough to put me to sleep… You did such a yeomen service… He was not convinced… Now a days he doesn’t call me… Once in a while if I want to sleep I do attend such lectures… How about you? Love shree 1 : I don’t sleep Guruji, because I listen to the lecture because I believe that I need to change a little by little atleast for I have wasted so many years of life. So I make it a point to be awake during the lecture, not only that I try to put into practice. If I succeed in following I pat myself and if I lose I tell god I have lost that day. Guruji: I prefer sleeping during lectures... *** Guruji To find your original face, I have traveled long enough...

67 Love shree 1 : You need not travel long. Gurudeva. Our first sight to you is more than sufficient, to find our original face. Guruji Today, Loveshree1 has posted about what happens after death and soul where it goes etc., Rig Veda is being cited. I don’t know all this.I am just for unity of spirits… United spirits… Jai ho Vijay Mallya... Love shree 1 : Deva… With your blessing Vijay Mallya will be back to track... Guruji : We wish so. I love travelling by Kingfisher airlines. It’s just like mango fruity… Fresh and juicy... Love shree 1 : Deva… My wish also, but it’s not fullfilled… Maybe it will be done when Virgin airlines take control… All Lord’s grace... Guruji : This clearly shows you have never travelled on Virgin airlines. Scenario is very poor there… Indian airlines better... *** Love shree 1 Sometime when we lose all hopes and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, relax my dear it’s just a bend, and not the end. Guruji : Spiral bends a challenge in life… With faith it’s an easy roller coaster ride… One needs to have immense faith and accept the will of the Lord. One needs a lot of courage to do that and that too is only His blessings... *** Guruji Girl’s heart is like water... Boy’s heart is like mobile... Whether water falls on mobile or mobile falls in water... The damage is only for mobile... Love shree 1 : Deva, we can opt of water proof. Guruji : No… There are enough holes ( in the mobile.U dirty guy)... Water will find its way... *** Guruji A boy who comes to our yagnams has written an email to me that he would like to bring a big priest who is the chief priest of some temple to the yagnam this occasion and that he may need a separate room. My goodness! I am not sure whether I would get an accommodation in Ahobilam. Big vedic giants like Brahma Sri Venkatarama Ganapadigal and Jayarama Sastry used to stay with everyone like a family member. They never ever requested me for a room.Infact, someone wanted to come to yagnam from Mumbai. I said please come by train up to Kadapa and don’t worry we will take care. Once I have committed that I will take care, I really mean it.... Yesterday she calls me and says, it seems Guruji all rooms are booked and my husband fears about my attending yagnam. No conviction… Lack of faith… When the master has said don’t worry… I will take care… It looks like people need an excuse to escape situations… Really sad... Love shree 1 : Pranams Guruji… It’s me. I still want to attend. Forgive me if I gave the impression of not having faith in you or in your words. Please forgive me and bless me... 68 Guruji : No big deal! *** Guruji The magic wand of the Lord fulfills all your desires. Vanishes all your greed... Love shree 1 : Superb punch! Desires devoid of greed… Can there be any Guruji? Guruji : Yeah! Alertness is the key… The magic wand is the alertness… You will in time know as to when desire transforms into greed... *** Guruji If you obey all rules,you are missing the very fun of life... Love shree 1 : If we don’t obey the rules, Guruji, we have to approach you for solutions Guruji : You seem to be losing track of the statement... *** Guruji Though it is very difficult to find… An ideal husband is one who understands every word which the wife doesn’t say... Love shree 1 : I think I am an ideal husband, Guruji! And I hope that there will be many more like me... Guruji : Then certainly you are the rarest of the rare… A lotus.. *** Loveshree1 What is the meaning of “Rugvija”? Can anybody help me. I didn’t find proper meaning in Google. Guruji : Amorously gained in strength… The core existence of power… Everything gets dissolved in this power… This is Rugvija... *** Guruji Some believe in Santa claus... Some don’t believe in Santa claus... How about you? Me… I am Santa claus... Love shree 1 : Aha I gonna write my letter… Want lots of free flights to all over the world… Please Santa claus, I have been a good girl... Guruji : Yes… Not free flights… Free chartered flights… So it be... *** Guruji Don’t be foolish to expect logic in religion... Love shree 1 : By the way, I used to be skillful for solving logical problems but now something has happened to me. I am very useless,almost unable to get the logic of built logic problems. Gosh! Is that I am ageing?

69 Guruji : You are unwinding… Unwinding... *** Guruji Every time you read my experiences with my masters, you will get a unique experience. You read the same incident the second time it will give you a different experience than the first one… Keep reading it many times... You can read yourself better… This is the power of the masters… Lord’s grace... Love shree 1 : We follow your kind advice, Gurudeva. Guruji : These experiences are a treasure… You should also bring out booklets… Many are not in Facebook. They might read the books… Do something before Ahobilam Yagnam. You need funds come to me... Love shree 1 : Your blessings are funds to me, Gurudeva. I will not bother you for that. Some more experiences are needed for publication of a small booklet and as of now only few experiences are there, insufficient to make a book. Kindly direct Gurudeva. Pranams. Guruji : Oho! Ok I will try to manufacture some more... *** Love shree 1 Heights of our Guruji’s love... Guruji posted about my situation and his suggestion… But in this story Guruji missed something… Which am going to reveal now… When I asked Guruji about this. As we all knew Guruji suggested us to be together and immediately Guruji asked me my account number to deposit money every month till I get a new job… Tears rolled in my eyes... That is Guruji. I am apologizing to you. In this mind game, heart (you) won the game Guruji... Love you Guruji… Always at your feet… And I wanted to tell you that we (me and Loveshree2) staying back in Bengaluru... Guruji : Heartful decision! Good that you will be with Loveshree2… But stupid girl… Exposed me... Loveshree 3 : Exposing you, Guruji?! Aayiram kaigal maraithirundhalum “aadhavan” maraivadhillai! Guruji : Aadivaa… Aadivaa...Aadivaa… Aada pirandhavale aadi vaa.. *** Guruji If someone will discuss ‘others’ with you, they will certainly discuss ‘you’ with others. Love shree 1 : Guruji - there are so many discussing about you, almost daily! Guruji : Yeah, that’s why I am always alert... *** Love shree 1 Nrusimha is everywhere I heard, I believe, I trust When will I experience him..Inside & outside me ? Guruji : When the stage becomes. I hear it happens… Not heard what others say... ***

70 Guruji A super fast express train from Kolkata to New Delhi… Travelling at a great speed. All are sleeping… It’s around 2 AM today morning… The kid just 9 months old sleeping with her mom on the upper berth… In the speed the kid has rolled a bit off from her mother’s grip. She is at the edge of the berth. In the lower berth was a man who refused to give the lower berth citing back pain when the lady with the kid requested him for the lower berth. He was snoring… There was this beautiful beetle in the compartment that was watching… The kid was almost about to fall. The bee flew down and entered the ear of the man in the lower berth. He just jumped, got up and had the opportunity of catching the kid as she fell down from the berth. The woman woke up and thanked the man for his having saved the child. The man vacated the lower berth and the woman came down with her baby to sleep. The baby is going to live a big life full of service to humanity till her age of 87 years. The beetle sighed a big relief and as the train stopped at Mughalsarai junction flew away... Love shree 1 : Gurudevula parakayapravesam into bee. You have started the new year to your Facebook devotees wonderfully well.Pranams my divine ! *** Guruji Be with God… Enjoy to be a part of his miracle called life... Love shree 1 : What when we see cruel things happening around us? It is hard to understand. Karmic? Sairam Guruji... Guruji : Those are your mind games... Love shree 1 : I still don’t get it. When there is cruel inhuman things happening around us, we read about it all the time, some bother us a lot,what should I do. Everything you have said, don’t judge, don’t analyze etc. They go out the door and I find myself thinking the worst for the perpetrator. Guruji : Then you have a long way to go… I don’t say that you should support cruelty but have to be a witness to all actions even when action is being performed and be non judgmental in attitude. *** Guruji Which three letters alter boys into men and girls into women? “Age”... Love shree 1 : Deva… These days I came to know, people are calling me uncle… Feel got older suddenly... Guruji : Boys are clever… They will call you uncle and call your wife sister… Then object… Tell them either call me brother or call your wife aunty... *** Guruji Someone said… Guruji I make everyone happy... A thought flashed in my mind on hearing this statement, ‘this boy is getting into a major problem which will spoil his happiness’... Love shree 1 : Pranam… Deva bless the boy so that he won’t get into problems... Guruji : No blessing is needed for all this… He should shun that stupid thought and stop aiming at happiness for others at all cost... ***

71 Guruji Julius Caesar : I came, I saw, I conquered... Me : I came, I saw, I surrendered.... Love shree 1 : This makes me laugh, my brother is called JC. But is just the name… He really surrenders to his wife... Guruji : What your brother is doing is called total surrenderance and that’s moksha... *** Guruji Another sunny day… Just was waiting for the bus at Perambalur… I had to go to Madurai… It’s a national highway in Tamil Nadu… Suddenly an innova car came and stopped… The driver came out shouting at the passengers and left the car… It looked no one knew to drive the car… They had some altercation with the driver and he got annoyed and left… I asked them where they need to go… They said they were on a trip to Madurai… I said I can drive them down to Madurai but further they may have to help themselves… As I was driving the car, conversations started picking up… As usual, they wanted to know about me. I said, I am businessman and I do rice business... Then they said they were going to Madurai to meet a saint. I was glad to hear this… The woman who looked to be the head of the entire team started talking about the saint. It seems she had travelled with across the globe and attended many discourses and pujas… She was describing him as king, philosopher, godfather and guide. Then she said, it seems the saint will ask her suggestion for anything and everything… It seems he even told her that in her next janma she will be his Guru… This was going on and on… We arrived at Madurai. I dropped them at their relative’s place and left by an auto to my hotel. In the evening I had to go and meet a wealthy man who helps me in my need… I had an appointment with him. I went to his place to find a lot of people there. Probably he had invited them since he wanted me to know them… In that group the people for whom I had driven the car were also there… He was introducing me to every one and then the turn of the group came… Every one in the group started perspiring… I was just silent and they were too as I was being introduced… A kid from the group called me, ‘driver mama’. I could not control my laughter when I saw them controlling the child… I just said to the child… ‘I look like your driver?’ For which she said ‘yes’... A major embarrassment for the family was avoided... Love shree 1 : Yeah! One of our Guruji’s games... Guruji : Snake and ladder game... *** Guruji What do you call a smart blonde? A golden retriever... Love shree 1 : Smart blonde?What? Guruji : I am talking of your wife… She is really smart and sweet.. *** Guruji People who are admitted into this group can be classified as... 1)Disciples/sishyas... 2)Friends and others...

72 Directing friends and others as to how they should reply or question is improper... To me even sishyas can behave the way they want with me since I don’t consider myself as a Guru… Since I am being addressed by some that way, giving respect to the chair, I too assume and reply... Loveshree 1 : We however feel when a few pass or make unwanted unsolicited words cheaply knitted to you… Oh Yogipungava, because you give respect and be decent to all, it doesn’t mean anything less that you are a Sadguru, a Sidha purusha, living ages beyond for loka kalyanam. Strangers shall know about you even after they are admitted to the pages. It’s my feeling only kept, uncontrollably, within me since long but finally came out today. I pray one and all to be respectable, decent, obedient while passing comments on the golden words of pujya Guruji, irrespective of how they call or treat Guruji. My advice may please be taken in true perspective. Pranams. Gurudeva... Guruji : My submission… Loveshree 1 knows me for almost two and half decades… We worked together and he likes me a lot. So don’t go by what he says. When we know someone for long, we will be biased/prejudiced in our opinion. So don’t believe this guy… I am just like you all… That’s all.. *** Guruji When you attend a seminar/conference… You dress formally... When you are at home or on an outing… You dress casually... I am not an office boy… Informal is the key word for any eternal friendship… I love that... Loveshree 1 : I wanted to be informal… It was my mistake… I had to keep myself out of that feeling. But could not. Bless me ! Guruji : Hi enjoy… You are a plain speaking, informal beauty... *** Guruji A couple had come home… After some talk in the pooja room, the wife asked the husband to wait outside so he left… Now she asked me.. ‘is my husband loyal to me?’ Now I knew I am in deep trouble… I said, “I will certainly tell you provided you ask your husband to come in. I thought she may not have guts to call him inside… But she is a daredevil… She called him inside… I didn’t want to embarrass her or him. Even a good opinion is conveyed about the husband, the husband may heart of heart feel that his wife doesn’t trust him… So I just went inside got an apple and gave it to them… I told them… This is a washington apple. A good one… Lord’s grace… Enjoy” Loveshree 1 : What I know from childhood is… An apple a day keeps the doctor away... As generation has changed it might be an apple from a Guru keeps doubts away... Guruji : Aha what an idea? Loveshree 1 : Do you really mean it? Guruji : Yeah! I can use this idea and start giving apples to Adam and Eve… I can tell them this is not the forbidden fruit… You can very well eat it and all your doubts will vanish… If you have any doubt about this ask... Loveshree 1 : The fruit(apple) full and round appears to be one piece externally… But is of two equal halves… Adam & Eve should not doubt each other but be together like the apple in thought & deed… Must be the message...

73 Guruji : For me no problem. I don’t need an apple garden… It’s recycling... Loveshree 1 : How can it be recycled? You have to give an apple to each couple and they leave taking it… Unless you put up a board which reads ‘entry on bringing apples’ like swiping an id. Guruji : My people normally bring atleast a dozen apples when they come to see me. I can supply for the colony sometimes. Hence recycled... Loveshree 1 : Friends, please make a note that we are replying/writing to Master. Hence, no doubts & no cross questions… Please.... Guruji : This is Facebook… And I am Guruji here… Not all here are my sishyas. Some are good friends… Directing them like this is improper… Cool down Sir. Loveshree 1 : Forgive me Guruji. I have mentioned “friends” so that they can take it in a right way… Pranams. Guruji : Now see what kind of hypocrisy is being demonstrated… Now the sishya who directed others himself is cross replying… Very funny indeed... *** Guruji When the soul is more powerful why it can’t reject the body when it does something wrong and leave? Loveshree 1 : Maybe when the body breaks, cannot hold the soul any more? Guruji : So, before breaking,body looks more powerful than the soul? Loveshree 2 : Guruji is praana and soul one and the same? Guruji : No Loveshree 3 : From what I understood from your earlier post, there is no right or wrong for it’s just pure... Guruji : Well said… Excellent! Loveshree 1 : As soul is pure if we realize of it, then looking at the body that has impurities, then we as souls has nothing else to do with the body as we don’t identify anymore with the body. Guruji : Good point… Never ever identify yourself with the body. Loveshree 2 : Then we have soul, body, mind and praanam… One more added to my confusion... When Adi Shankara entered the body of a dead king to learn Kama Shastra, where was the king’s praana and where was Adi Shankara’s prana? Did Shankara’s soul enter the king? If soul is all knowing,why did he have to learn? Pranaams... Guruji : Prana is just breath nothing more. Loveshree 2 : Fantastic… Guruji.You have the shortest possible answer. Pregnant with all clarifications. Pranaams Loveshree 3 : Our own heart doesn’t stop or beat on our command. We don’t even have control on our own heart and we still think we are the doers Guruji : A real beauty… Great… Really proud of you dear… Superb.. ***

74 Guruji Santa’s leave application... Dear sir, My wife is ill… As there is no other husband in the family to look after her, kindly grant me leave for one day… Yours faithfully,Santa... Loveshree 1 : Haha… True there is no substitute for husband… That’s the most difficult thought to be digested… Hahahaha... Guruji : Permanent replacement possible not temporary substitution... Loveshree 1 : The problem will not be solved… The permanent replacement while taking leave uses the same reason for taking leave next time. Is it not ? Guruji : It’s just a chance… New broom may be better. *** Guruji I will provide you provisions… You have to cook and eat… The taste of cooked food depends on how well you have prepared it. I don’t always serve cooked food… ‘only acharya has to clarify’... Is like asking cooked food to be served. I can’t do that for you… I can give ideas to cook. Ultimately you have to cook and also eat what you have cooked... Loveshree 1 : We cook for our unique needs and taste, you certainly provide the perfect ingredients for a divine dish! Always thankful... Guruji : Dance… Dance... *** Guruji He: Guruji, I don’t want my wife to keep gossiping… So I sent her for a job... Me : So that she can gossip better at office? Loveshree 1 : Pranams Acharya… Are the offices meant for gossiping? Guruji : Gossip is a universal phenomena… It depends on the individual… Even men gossip… Just by sending to office this fool thinks she will not gossip. In fact the art of gossiping is more prevalent in the official circles... Loveshree 2 : I completely agree with you. Now I need not explain how the gossip starts and why? Just now 2 people in police dress (semi) have asked a colleague of mine to be careful about the gold chain and bangles and forced her to remove and put them in bag… While doing so… They cleverly pulled them from her and went off… Now the gossip is on that! Guruji : It’s hyderabadi style... *** Guruji Soul, mind, body… Choiceless combination? Loveshree 1 : Please explain it clearly, Acharya. Guruji : Tune up your receiver… Transmitter can’t do the job of receiver... Guruji His intentions are good...

75 His intentions are bad... His intentions are full of ego... His intentions are damaging... His intentions are encouraging... His intentions are dreadful... Ok ok… Where do these intentions emanate from? Loveshree 1 : From egoistic mind... Loveshree 2 : From one’s mind… And from being influenced by his surroundings and people around him… Mostly ! Guruji : Ok for you two… It’s from mind… For me it’s from God... Loveshree 1 : Pranams Acharya, I am a bit dull headed, do you mean good, bad, ego etc intentions are given by God to us due to our poorva punya and papa karmas. Guruji : If you are dull headed then feel lucky… You may be innocent too... Loveshree 2 : Those who kill other people would you say the thoughts came from God? Guruji : Exactly! If you have a God for good and a God for bad, then the problem is who made the God for good and bad? If you say that only good serene thoughts come from God… Then how about the other thought… If you say bad was your creation then you must be the God of bad… Then who created you? All thoughts holy or otherwise emanate from him… He only knows the reason... Guruji He : Life is a maze... Me : Life is amazing… Loveshree 1 : Life is a maze for those who have no clarity of what they need in life and what is to be done to reach a target… But life is amazing to those who take life as it comes to them and enjoy even trivial things... Guruji : Excellent… Wonderful.. *** Guruji A little boy was eating in a restaurant… His mother said, ‘we say a prayer before eating in our house. Is it not?’... The boy replied, ‘That’s in our house… But here the chef knows how to cook’... Loveshree 1 : Nowadays it is mandatory to say our prayers before we drink our glass of water... Home full of patients suffering on account of waterborne infections… Lord bless humanity with clean drinking water... Guruji : Kent… Subse shuddh paani... *** Guruji Someone asked me… Whether like Ganapathy,can we keep a Bhairava idol outside the house? He asked me whether any pooja or naivedyam should be done… I said… Just a show piece… He said… Ok… What do you all say? Loveshree 1 : I dedicate the thanks to God for giving me the thought… He gave me noble parents, teachers and all wise people around me to learn and grow each day! I am happy for your comment 76 like a child... Guruji : God came as parents… God came as teachers… God came as Lakshmi… God came as thoughts... *** Guruji Computers, smart phones, washing machines, fridge, cars, scooters, kitchenette etc., have become very user friendly… Naturally human beings are more attached to it. Loveshree 1 : Unlike humans who are becoming less so? Guruji : Exactly! *** Guruji Someone asked me what’s the difference between your being a disciple and now a Guru? I smiled and said… Now? As a Guru? Abundance... He looked confused… Aha… I have succeeded in confusing one more person... Loveshree 1 : Deva, “when I was a disciple I was confusing just one person, now I have lots of people to confuse...”sorry couldn’t resist... Guruji : You don’t know our capacity… We have confused more people even as disciples... Loveshree 2 : A lay man takes your words in his point of view that on becoming a Guru you have everything in life abundantly… Whereas you might have used it in the sense, you have lots of disciples to train… Your responsibility now is in abundance! Am I right to some extent atleast? Guruji : No... Loveshree 3 : Guruji, I know the answer to this one. The answer is “abundance of love!” as a disciple, your love would have been more towards your Gurus and as a Guru it is always towards us,your blessed disciples. We cannot understand gadyams, the real meaning behind many of your sayings/postings, but we know in our hearts and minds that all your actions and reactions and words are rooted in love! Pranaams... Guruji : Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Someone had given me a loan… I missed to pay his monthly interest… So he started giving a big sermon… Sermon slowly changed into a verbal shout… Slowly the verbal shout reached the position of abuse… I was just smiling... When I had gone subsequently to hand over the interest… He received me politely and offered me a seat and a cup of masala tea. As I was sipping the tea… He asked... How you could be so cool that day? I said… I am not the doer… Lord is the doer… So you now know whom you have abused? He became scared… Better I can delay next month interest payment also... Loveshree 1 : Wondering… When we intentionally do a mistake,then are we the doers ? Guruji : Intentionally? Where do those intentions come from, dear? ***

77 Guruji Many masters have come into this world packed with rich experiences… Whatever they speak will always be very meaningful… But the unfortunate side is the disciples… Though the transmitter is powerful the receiver is dull. The meaning of it being understood in such circumstances will be nothing short of a miracle. The work given is ‘blowing the conch’... The melody which comes out should be heard the way it comes out to understand the lyric behind it. Unless Lord blesses one and all,we are sure to miss the message of the master… Infact what we understand will be preposterous... Loveshree 1 : I have not understood anything of this message… Besides being dull I am also lazy. Oh! But the later is your trait! I only want to offer my humble pranams... Guruji : Very characteristic of you… That’s good! *** Guruji Mother… Narayana… Narayana… She is praying in puja room... Boy is about to leave for school in the morning... Boy: Where is my uniform? Mom : Here is the uniform... Mom continues prayers… Narayana… Narayana.. Boy : Where are my shoes? Mom : Here are your shoes... Mom continues prayers… Narayana… Narayana... Boy : Where is my work book? Mom… I am praying to Lord and you are repeatedly calling me… I am getting irritated... Boy : When Lord is busy with his work, will he not be irritated if you keep calling him… Narayana... Loveshree 1 : Good morning! Very good fable! There should be hell lot of difference between humans and Narayana, the Lord. How can God have qualities like anger, irritation etc. If he too gets irritated, he cannot be the real God... Guruji : Cool dear… It’s only a joke... Loveshree 1 : Sorry if I seem upset… But I am really cool... Guruji : Yeah now you are looking cool... *** Guruji Our boys are too good… Just now someone gave me his date of birth and is asking me to draw his astrological chart and give it to him... Guruji : He feels proud by even liking this post… Choiceless… Real nut! Loveshree 1 : We come to the Earth along with our astrological chart already decided by God… Knowing it may cause anxiety. What would you say? Why can’t we face what is in store for us in this birth? Guruji : Excellent… You are on dot... ***

78 Guruji Mother nature too erupts… Volcanoes,tsunami, earthquake, famine, floods etc., Loveshree 1 : That is to balance the universe and might be the ferocity against the sins by human beings... Guruji : We are not the doers… If you think you are the doer,certainly sins will be written in your account… Unnecessary workload for Lord by doing a balancing act because some think they are the doers... Loveshree 1 : Actually all my responses are mere clarification of my thoughts. No one need to take them as opposing views please... Guruji : Same is our case too... *** Guruji It’s better to lose your ego to one you love,than to lose one you love because of ego... Loveshree 1 : What? Then what about my ego? How can I live without my ego? No, no… Not possible. I attach highest importance to that three letter word… Which actually sounds like four. Guruji : I pity you. You have such a big luggage with you... *** Guruji It’s better to understand the difference between a need and a want... Loveshree 1 : Yes the words will be used extensively without knowing where to use them… I think need is something without which it’s difficult to survive… Want is a desire to have something even without which we can survive… It’s not of urgent nature. Guruji : Excellent! *** Guruji Somehow to me in almost all the cases it looks like this... 1.Get up... 2.Survive... 3.Go to bed... Loveshree 1 : Yes… It’s almost like that, because there must be a plan for everything to lead a peaceful life… If I don’t sleep early I can’t get up early and the delay occurs in everything. Though no one likes to be organised, it is a must otherwise nothing goes properly. If the planets in our solar system are not moving as per their orbit’s jurisdiction, there will be disaster. Now tell me… How according to you should we all be? Guruji : You must be like an asteroid… Unpredictable till the last! *** Guruji Every woman is an embodiment of peace and love… Lord’s grace… Enjoy... Loveshree 1 : What’s that line, from your lips to God’s ears... Guruji : It’s a secret whisper... 79 Guruji : Personal... Loveshree 1 : I feel good! I feel God... Guruji : Yeah, certainly you are godly... *** Guruji One of my disciple’s son lost his job… So the disciple prayed to Lord Venkateshwara of Tirumala that he will come and have a darshan once his son gets a job… Luckily Lord heard his prayers and within a short time got him reinstated in the old job itself… This is the scene... Scene no 1... Disciple calls Guruji, informs that his son has been reinstated in the job. He tells… Guruji, I had prayed to Lord that I would come to Tirumala on getting a job… So kindly guide me as to when I can go to Tirumala to fulfill my prayers to Lord... Scene no 2... Disciple calls Guruji and says… Guruji, tonight I am leaving for Tirumala… Just wanted to inform you... Which scene is proper in a relationship between a master and a disciple? Loveshree 1 : Scene 1- ignorant disciple… Scene 2- disciple knows his master Guruji : Well said! *** Guruji Shat Tila Ekadasi (07/03/2013)... More prayers to pitrus on this day... Six ways in which til (gingelly) is used on this day… It is believed that Sri Maha Vishnu is pleased with this practice and his blessings help you to live a pompous life in this world and occupying a good cosmic constellation in the nether world... 1. Taking bath in til water… Thila snanam... 2. Grinding til and applying it as paste after the bath... 3. Tila homam at home... 4. With tilam and water doing tharpanams to pitrus... 5. Til or til oil as daanam to a brahmin... 6. Taking tilannam… Til bath as prasadam of the Lord... Doing this six things on the Shat Tila Ekadasi day earns the blessings of the pitrus… Lord Maha Vishnu is immensely pleased... Loveshree 1 : Gurunatha, my prayers to make everyone be able to do 3 and 4 as it requires some guidance. Will a priest be able to guide us? I wish all of us should be benefited on the holy day. Pranaams... 3.Tila homam at home... 4.With tilam and water doing tharpanams to pitrus.. Guruji : Yeah some pundit/priest. ***

80 Guruji I had earlier said… Shat Tila Ekadasi on 7th march 2013… Someone searched Google and said it’s on 6th march 2013… I just thought for once… When Google is there, why do you need a Guru? Loveshree 1 : I personally feel that trying to be perfect is not disobedience... Guruji : It’s a matter of faith… *** Guruji Someone was asking… Did you have tila snanam? Are you fasting today because it is Shat Tila Ekadasi? I said, had full meals without brushing teeth and taking bath... He… .Guruji you had said so much about pitrus etc., today making them happy is important etc., I said… What all I said is true… But I am not following… A teacher practices what he says… But I am not a teacher... He is blinking… How about you? Loveshree 1 : Gurudeva… A neighbor of me is a relative of an ardent disciple of you. She follows whatever they say. She had bath early in the morning today. She was asking me, ‘what about you?’ I said, today I had to send breakfast, meals to my in-laws in the hospital. My husband had tila snanam and sandhya vandanam in the morning. I didn’t have time… If serving in-laws is serving pitrus,my job is done. As you say, bath after morning 7 is snanam… Now I am going to have brahma rakshasi snanam… Ha ha..’ Guruji : It is kutty pisashi snanam… Still not elevated to brahma rakshasi status… It will take time… Only after you become a mother-in-law... *** Guruji Doubts in mind occur when you are in the periphery… When you move towards the centre you will start laughing at your doubts... Loveshree 1 : Will everybody without exception move to the center or will it depend on individuals? Guruji : There is no choice… Either you move or don’t move or in the process of moving… None can predict.. Loveshree 2 : Isn’t moving out an option? Guruji : Moving out of what? To once again move into some other chain? Stupid! Loveshree 3 : I guess we still are 1… Need your blessing to understand the concept of 0... Guruji : Simple… Live empty while in abundance… *** Guruji I saw her... She asked… Why are you seeing me? Me.. May be dear I was looking but certainly not seeing... She didn’t seem to catch the difference… Do you? Loveshree 1 : Looking is outward and seeing is observing deeply.. .May be I am not up to

81 your expectation...But this is what I felt... Guruji : The whole point is whether I was looking at or looking through… Mere seeing… I am not of that type.. *** Guruji Two friends in Facebook... First : I just now had a chat with Guruji... Second : Oh what did he say? First : !@#$%*()+_&... Second : %^&*()+$... I came to know of this… I just removed them from my friends list... Can you guess why? Loveshree 1 : You felt that they are not fair… They could have clarified anything with you… As you give the freedom too to express. Inspite of that they didn’t feel the freedom… So you let them go… When there is no faith or trust… The foundation cannot be strong… Am I right, Guruji? Guruji : Gossip… Gossip.... *** Guruji Swami Prana Dev and his disciple Veera Dev lived a very ascetic life… Swami Prana Dev taught Vedas and Vedangas to Veera… Veera was praised and lauded by everyone for his scholarly skills… Slowly Prana Dev became jealous of his disciple Veera Dev and started finding fault with his actions in the mutt… So they were busy fighting with each other… At the height of emotions they never knew the kind of abusive language they were using against each other… Another sage by name Sreevathsaangar visited the ashram… They did not take cognizance of the arrival of the great sage Sreevathsaangar… This infuriated him and cursed that they become crows in the next birth and keep fighting… After they realised their mistakes they were pardoned and told that after their death as crows will reach a pitru constellation called ‘sameera’ and live there peacefully for a few years before being born as humans... Today someone was driving his motorcycle with his helmet on… At 4.15 PM, as he was driving one crow scooped behind another crow missed the other hitting its beak on helmet… Incidentally he was passing by a burial ground at that point of time... I say these two stories are connected... A) Why did the crow attack him? B) Why the attack was at 4.15 PM? C) Why did it happen when he was passing near the burial grounds? D)In this drama of fight between the crows, how is this man involved? Let me hear your views on this? Guruji : Swamy Prana Dev and disciple Veera Dev were born as the crows as a sequence to the curse… Sage Sreevatsaangar came there on a bike… Prana Dev was chasing Veera Dev… Prana Dev noticed Srivatsangar coming on the bike… He was filled with a lot of vengeance… He thought he can harm Srivatsaangar… This was being watched by the Guru of Srivatsaangar, who is an avadhoota…

82 He started chasing Prana Dev in the form of an eagle (Garuda)... During the fight if Srivatsaangar needs to be saved it should be near the burial ground where there will be pitrus, manes, aksharas in abundance who will assist the avadhoota in his operation… So the garuda with all power crashed into the crow and as it fell down it hit the helmet… Yesterday at 5.30 PM Swami Prana dev attained mukti. At 6.14 PM, Veeradev passed off… Yesterday at 11.00 PM, Swami Prana Dev was born to a couple in Varanasi… At 11.15 PM, Veera Dev was born in Prayag, Allahabad… Lord’s grace the eagle took a little bit of rest around midnight after all the drama was over… Lord’s grace… Drama continues.. Loveshree 1 : Pranaams to the protector of Srivatsangar… Pranaams Gurudeva. Guruji : Yeah… I like this character Srivatsaangar… Once to protect his master, he brought in a herd of elephants, to relieve his master from a panther.. Loveshree 2 : Pranams parama Gurudeva. In simple words.. The avadhootha is Sri V.V. Sridhar Guruji… Pranams at his lotus feet... Sastanga dandapranams. Loveshree 1 : What a deception! Hiding from us Deva… Sometimes as a bee, sometimes as an eagle… My master, our saviour… Pranaams Mahaan... Guruji : So stupid of you… Don’t make normal mortals as avadhootas… These are stories of some great masters. *** Guruji He : Guruji, today I am going out for shopping... Me : Take care not to hurt yourself or others... He didn’t understand… Do you? Loveshree 1 : By not shopping you are not fulfilling your desire and not giving business and livelihood to others. So hurting yourself and others so do shopping. Just kidding... Guruji : Well said! *** Guruji In Jwala trust family we are all happy because there are no big funds in the account… I love this state of affairs… See now I am bonded to you all… Easily people can contact me… Talk to me on Facebook… Once it is plush with funds… The first casualty will be Facebook… Now I am a moneyed man… I can’t talk to everyone… So I will deactivate my Facebook account… When money is not there, people will be united… Money divides people… Money makes you a pseudo figure full of ego… It’s better money is not there in the account… It’s good for all of us... Loveshree 1 : Just now a friend is asking suggestions from Facebook, ‘how to spend time with my family, now that I have time on hand and I want to make it quality time?’, I was a bit taken aback, should people ask such questions at all? How artificial the world has become. Guruji : Once you deactivate your account… We all from Facebook will come to your home because we know you are having a lot of money... Loveshree 1 : Ha ha ha, ‘lot’ is a qualifying statement Guruji.. I will definitely say there is a lot because it’s given by none other than God. There is food, place to rest and talk, what more do we need? And if you can grace this humble home, what more would I need to call it rich? Guruji : Yes… In abundance one should feel empty… That’s what is the real state of nirvana...

83 Loveshree 1 : Why should one feel ‘empty’ Guruji? When he is just all over the place within and without? Guruji : That’s what in Vaishnava Siddhartham is called Vairagya Shakthi… One is endowed with the abundance of the Lord that everything else looks empty... *** Guruji They say that ‘chaos theory’ is the origin of genesis. So it’s greedy to expect a non problematic life... Loveshree 1 : But, from chaos came order… Would that be same with problems too? Guruji : Never a total order is reached… Every order itself becomes a chaotic problem… Problem… Solution… Problem.... Solution is a chain and it continues till the last.. *** Guruji When I die, all my sishyas, should burn all my books, sayings, cds, mp3 etc., along with my body… So that after the death of the master, new ideas, new waves out of new thinkings will be born… All the old stupidities will vanish with the master... Loveshree 1 : Everything has to die for new things to be born… Beautiful! I am up to burn! Loveshree 2 : Remember Guruji reminds us always to love without attachment... Guruji : Hey! Still I have to send many people up before I move… I am very much alive with Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Someone was admiring me… Lord’s grace I was alert at that point of time… I smiled at him and said… Sorry dear… I am not joining in this ego trip... Loveshree 1 : Got confused in this… Does admiring increases the ego of the person who is admiring? Or it increases the ego of the person being admired... Guruji : You better observe it… At the time when someone adores you... *** Guruji While cooking in the kitchen keep a cool mind and cook… Otherwise cooked food may become poison… All your thoughts feelings gets attached to the food that is cooked... Loveshree 1: So we eat impressions too... Guruji : Eat others impression to say it as your expressions... *** Guruji It’s better to lose your ego to the one you love,than to lose the one you love because of ego... Loveshree 1 : How do we recognise the onset of slavery/drudgery,in this context? Guruji : Frustration due to lover may be due to expectations or may be an act of slavery… Needs to be watched not with the mind but with the heart… If the mind says it’s slavery it will be due to expectations not being met… If the heart says slavery it is...

84 Loveshree 1 : If slavery is established,it complicates life… Yet I have come across some people who have embraced slavery for the sake of kids. Both men and women. Pranaams... Guruji : Unless they embrace,we don’t get a chance to learn… Kudos to them... *** Guruji When the time comes… You have to let it go... Loveshree 1 : Letting it go is very hard for simple minds like mine, Guruji... Guruji : Then simple minds will suffer hard... Loveshree 2 : Is there any choice, Guruji? Guruji : No there is no choice… That’s why the statement was made. Think well... *** Guruji Someone asked me what is spiritual? I said… Drinking vodka, whisky, brandy, tequila, scotch, champagne is spiritual... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, namaste! Since beer is not included in your list, I am going to stop drinking it and switch to a spiritual one! I heard a dialogue in a movie “when you see someone without a smile,give it to them!”. Just wanted to share this nice one with you! Guruji : Great! Beer is just like sukku kashayam... *** Guruji Consistency in thoughts and action is possible,only if you remain a dwarf without growth... Loveshree 1 : Radical thought… I guess growth is arrested when the person is in valley Guruji : Maybe he is back after reaching the peak... *** Guruji For everything you have missed, you have gained something else and for everything you gain, you lose something else... Loveshree 1 : Pranaam Deva. Forgive my ignorance… But is this a vicious cycle - gaining/losing or Is there a way out. Seeking thy blessings. When does the equilibrium set in? Guruji : No, it goes on and on and on… When mind settles you find the equilibrium… Otherwise… On and on and on... *** Guruji Mother’s heart... A boy and a girl were in deep love... Boy : I would like to marry you... Girl : If you love me that much, bring your mother’s heart... Boy went to mom and told her that he loves a girl and that she longs to have the mother’s heart... Mother smiled, took a knife and cut her chest and gave the bleeding heart and collapsed...

85 The boy ran with the mother’s heart to his love... As he was running… He heard a voice saying… ‘slow my dear son… Slow… You may fall down… Be careful... The boy was stunned... The mother’s heart in his hand was speaking... A mother is always full of love and compassion... Loveshree 1 : Nothing is to compared with mother. Love mother, pray mother, adore mother… Because mother is the first God. Pranams to divine spirit. I came across this story (during my student days.1967-68) in a dubbing version of tamil picture ‘Sarvar Sundaram”, hero Nagesh... Guruji : It’s a very old true incident which is supposed to have happened in Israel in the year 1928... *** Guruji Experience is a comb which nature gives once we are bald... Loveshree 1 : Experience counts(may be hair)... Guruji : Yeah after the hair has fallen... Guruji : Don’t worry… Use navratan thel for coolness... Loveshree 1 : Use “navaratan” means please nine grahas(nav..Ratan)... To get coolness. Loveshree 2 : I do chant the one line Navagraha stotra for many years, but cooling is yet to start. What to do? But I will keep trying. Thanks... Guruji : With Shani as the head… Thel is Shani… The color red of navratan is Sun… If it’s the green variety then Budha… Coolness is … If the hair grows it is Shukra… If the hair falls it is Rahu… Baldness is wisdom Kethu… All this to happen you need the blessings of Guru… Rubbing the thel is work Kuja/Angaraka... *** Guruji A Sadguru accepts you for what you are and doesn’t expect any changes in you… But over a period of time when you keep listening to his thoughts you tend to change. That’s the inherent risk of a Gurukul. This doesn’t happen if you just keep hearing him and not listening him... Loveshree 1 : Pranams Guruji… When we listen, the mind always think first of the Guru and automatically our thoughts are according to his teachings. Please correct me if I am wrong, Guruji. Guruji : Getting brainwashed... Loveshree 2 : Pranams, well I will be so happy if that happens with me Guruji. May your teachings and especially the respect to elders be rubbed on to me. And I want to see the change in me. Please bless... Guruji : You can do it... *** Guruji Completed climbing Varidustra. On way to Myra to walk across Haidas to make Gaita happy. The quality of Haidas is beautiful. It reassures you many things. Haidas is very positive in nature and the rays of Haidas, one needs to experience. The astral walk across Haidas cannot be defined by

86 words. In turn Gaita feels contended after the walk across Haidas. Something in me tells me Jagruthi is still on my trail. It’s all Lord’s grace. He always guides and guards. Loveshree 1: The names are fascinating . Wow! Sounds like (age of empires) mythology game… Wondering ifGuruji is playing a game too!Pranaam Guruji. Guruji: Yes. We enjoy playing such games. Loveshree 2 :When you respond Guruji, I feel so blessed. May your blessings be always there. Guruji: Yes. We are always with you. *** Guruji After leaving Vineeti,Lord gave me an option to proceed to Ganamari. Thera is well known to me and we align very well. Thera controls the entire Ganamari. As I enter, I see Thera at the gate. My association with Thera dates me back to many thousand years. It’s more the smell/vasanathat attracts me to Ganamari. This smell is responsible for smooth revolving of the vishudda chakra. When vishudda spins it leads to a lot of courage. Vishudda also helps in attainment of peace. It’s always peace in Ganamari. When Parasurama visited Ganamari, he was overwhelmed with the hospitality offered by Thera. So he presented an axe to Thera. Thera uses the axe as the symbol in his flag on the chariot. So I decided to spend some moments in Thera. Jagruthi is driven by a curse which will make it weak on entering Thera. So this moment looks like I am lodged in Thera. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 :”My association with Thera dates back to many thousand years. Parasurama presented an axe to Thera”. All these, I am able to understand that you are not human. Paraathpara, Pranams. Guruji: I am a devil. Boo. *** Guruji When I was young may be around 15 years, one of my close friends in school died of blood cancer. His spirit/soul used to talk to me. I was a lot immature and I told one of my relatives that I am in conversation with my friend who died. The news spread. All were in panic. I was taken to an elderly person in my family (an uncle of my mother), who in turn referred me to be seen by an exorcist. The exorcist on seeing me said that one of my close relatives had done some black magic on me and that needs to be removed. It was real fun. He made me sit and called all the Gods and spirits. To my knowledge I could not see any of them. That day, interestingly I could see one of the exorcist’s forefathers standing and saying something to him. When I was about to leave the place, I told the gentleman, ‘one of your forefathers is busy standing next to you and was saying something, as you were praying for me. I smiled and said probably he is trying to suggest something to solve my case. This man got really scared, went and met my grand uncle who referred my case to him. Without the knowledge of my parents, my grand uncle came one day to my school during the lunch time and asked me as to what was going on with me. Interestingly that day I could see a spirit behind him and told him to watch his steps when he walks. He could not understand. Next day he had a fracture. When I met maharishi RAJAR,I told him the whole episode. RAJARscolded me and asked me to exercise restraint. I stopped telling people about anything I could visualize from that day. It was real fun when I happened to see the so called exorcist after a year on the road. Virtually he started running on seeing me. If I think of this incident even today, I have a hearty laugh. Loveshree 1 : If we share this with S.Ve.Sekar, he will develop this into his next comedy drama - like one more exorcist!! 87 Guruji: You are right. *** Loveshree 1 Dear Guruji, One of my friends (Senthil from Tirupur) donated to my Arathana Thayar Scechu, 108 silver lotus flowers for Friday Thayar Astothram. (Regularly I offer original lotus leaves, but some time lotus was not found) . Coming Sunday,(17th Feb.) From Srirgangam Sir Kovil Kanthadai Vathula Bangaru Bhavanachariyar Swamigal is coming to my kudisai and offered the aradhana and the new silver lotus to our Senchu Lakshmi. Please bless us Guruji. Also we are waiting for your visit like this Guruji… Dasan…Adiyen… Loveshree2: Sir, please clarify whether some of the idols were presented to you by Pujya Guruji, with his blessings. The idols look so. Loveshree1 : In this picture, the Ahobila Narasimhar and Senchu Lakshmi is there, that was Pujya Sri Guruji’s last year Ahobila Yagnam Anugragam. Loveshree1 : This year 100th yangam, Pujya SriGurujianugragam was SriBhoo Devi sametha Sri Srinivasa Perumal that was presented him by his Guruji. Gurudever anugragam is unlimited...Dasan... Loveshree2 : Sir, fortunate enough and blessed are you… Guruji: This is a very curious guy. He wants to know what all I do… Loveshree2: The idols appeared in close up like the ones in Gurunilayam. Hence I asked Guruvarya . How many idols have you distributed to deserving disciples, many know. Sri Loveshree1 is deservingly fortunate. Pranams my master! *** Loveshree 1 Ugadi : Guru darsanam, 11/4/2013. 4pm Live webcasting: 4 pm. IST Guruji: I just said 4 pm is too hot. Loveshree1 : Thank you all. With paripoorna guru kataksham, the programme went on well. All had his darshan, padanamaskaram, see yanthrapuja, either in person, or on screen sitting out or on web. We are fortunate specially this year. King of the year - Guru...,vaaram- Guru, guru anugraham. What more is required. Blessed are we. Thank youGurudeva. We are indebted to you for life. Pranams. At your lotus feet ever. Guruji : It’s purely Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace. We are not the doers. Praise the Lord. Loveshree2: It was a beautiful webcast. Thanks for the golden opportunity. Loveshree3 : I am unlucky I missed. If you have any video please post. Guruji: Even I am unlucky. I am not the doer. I would like to see the video. Please post. Loveshree4: Guruji, I just realized that I am very lucky to have a wonderful Guru. Guruji : Don’t call me a guru and all. All are committing that mistake. I am a good friend of you. I love your innocence. Further you do a very dedicated work. Dedication thy name is Loveshree4. You are sincere to the core. In my very little association with you at Detroit, Lord gave me an opportunity to be with you and learn many good things. I am thankful to Lord and you...My love to you… ***

88 Loveshree1 Pranam Guruji… This is my daughter Trinethra, she is a special child, child with cerebral palsy.We have scheduled a corrective surgery for her legs on Monday, the 15th April, to make her gait proper. We seek your blessings for her, to be with her and help her recover well. A million thanks. Guruji : Lord’s grace. Our prayers *** Guruji To be nude is to be true. Free of any inhibition. Perfection is an inhibition, mania. It’s very far from truth. I love to be nude. I love to see others nude. I love to see myself nude. That’s the state of nirvana, Digambara, utterly naked and true, nothing to hide, nothing to shy about, nothing to conceal. Bare truth. Don’t confuse truth with perfection. Truth is perfect unto itself. But perfection is not necessarily truth. Truth is beyond the fabric of right and wrong. Truth is beyond the fabric of good and bad. Truth is beyond the fabric of perfection and imperfection. So drop the idea that all perfectly evolved states are true. All perfectly evolved states are managed so to be so. What is managed so to be so is not utterly naked or nude. Hence may not be true. Lord’s grace… Loveshree1: I am beginning to understand your teachings, I know I am too immature to understand all that you say. But trying to make myself to cope up with the truths you are revealing. One day I will definitely grow and extract the essence. I should try to make my heart and soul vacant to be ready to grasp. Guruji : That’s pretty decent. Honest admission… *** Guruji You should love to postpone anger. You should love to postpone ego. You should love to postpone your possessiveness. You should love to postpone your jealousy. But these things are very sporadic and instantaneous. The idiocy is subtly we feel we are going to live forever. So prayers or meditation can wait. These things can be postponed. God is a subject which everyone loves to postpone. Not today, Not now. Some other time we will see. Life is temporary and short lived. Postpone anger, pride, ego, jealousy, possessiveness, greed, lust etc., don’t postpone God. Don’t postpone prayers. Don’t postpone meditation. Don’t postpone charity. Loveshree1: Good morning Guruji. And Thank you so much for the love you are showing towards us by constantly reminding us to peel off ego, anger, jealousy, greed etc., these reminders make us realize when we are about to get influenced with the above feelings.Atleast, we may avert ourselves now and then, if not always. By trying to avoid being angry, egoistic or greedy and so on it becomes a habit and thereby a permanent nature of us. I wish and hope I will practice Guruji:Lord’s grace. Youare a very fast learner. I wonder this. Amazing. Very amazing. *** Guruji He:Guruji, this time in forest what did you eat? I couldn’t control my laughter. I just said, ‘it was a cocktail, 16666 green chillies of average size of 5 inches and 12.5 kgs of raw tobacco. I took this cocktail in 72 hours. No water is allowed to be drunk and saliva cannot be swallowed. 180 ml of water is allowed after 12 hours of completing this cocktail. He is trembling after hearing this. I just laughed. 89 Loveshree1:SairamGuruji. Anyone would tremble on hearing this. Perhaps it would be better to look at it from a different perspective as it is difficult to comprehend or understand it. May be should be viewed as a part of the divine will and grace for the good of humanity coupled with the conviction that the atma is unaffected at all by the doings of the body. We pray for the day when, out of sheer grace of the Lord, we wake up to the truth from the waking state dream we are in at present. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Lovely… Great… Loveshree2 : I wish prayogams were like eating nice chaat, dry fruits with full glass of badam milk. How areyou Guruji? I am feeling bad for you Guruji:Hi…Lord’s grace enjoying life. Moment to moment. *** Guruji My whole effort is to make you nude. Unlearn. Loveshree1: Is “management” the opposite of “spirituality?” Guruji. Pranaams! Guruji: Management too needs to unlearn. *** Guruji The other day in flight, same drama. One gentleman was sitting by my side and was staring at my rings. Same question, ‘Sir, What areyou doing?’ This time I was not interested in giving same reply. I just went near his ears and in a low shrilling voice said, ‘boooooooooo’. He got scared. He asked the flight attendant to have his seat changed. She asked,‘Why?’ He said, “I am scared of this man”,pointing towards me. I was laughing. After getting down at the airport, he looked at me glancing. I just said once again, ‘boooooooo’. He was terrified. I just laughed and left the airport... Loveshree1: Bear with me, my master… Guruji : Only you and not the bear. *** Guruji Don’t be in anger and punish yourself for someone’s mistake. Loveshree1: Amorous hugs to you Guruji… Guruji:Yes, I am for it. Watch out for your wife and your girlfriends. They will envy me. *** Guruji I was in the forest for quite sometime this occasion. I enjoyed the stay. Lord’s grace. I am sure he will make me visit forest more occasions in the days to come. It’s beautiful. And very peaceful... Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. We missed you a lot! Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Upgrade yourself from physical to metaphysical. Then you won’t miss me. Loveshree2 : Nature needs your company too… Guruji:That’s so nice of you… ***

90 Guruji I have always found very intellectual people, talking about performance, self control, productivity, progress, job, money, status, promotions, competitiveness, efficiency, management etc. These are the very same people affected by the term called ‘stress’. Very funny situation indeed. Loveshree1 :Guruji pranam! You mean all these stuff leads to stress? Or stress is shadow of this stuff? Again shall I need to consider these stuff in my life or not?? Guruji I am the weakest intellectual among your followers. Moreover I have bigger body but hardly brain. Please help me. Guruji : Hi. You ask some intellectual guy for meaning of this. *** Guruji A saint asked me, “I know different techniques to soften mind. Would you like to learn a few of them?” I just smiled at him. Saint : Why areyou smiling? Me : Hope in your ashram smiling is not an offence. Saint : Certainly not. In fact here we teach people to smile and laugh. Me : That’s very good. Due to stress people have forgotten all that and it’s good that you teach them to smile and laugh. Saint : Still you haven’t replied my question. Me : With due respects to you master, I don’t have a mind and so techniques to soften it doesn’t arise and so a smile from my heart... Saint was staring at me because his mind was hard and didn’t believe what I said. I just left the ashram. Loveshree1: May I know what are the techniques the saint taught? Haha because I still have a mind. Guruji : No. I didn’t give him an opportunity to teach since it’s of no use to me… *** Guruji Yesterday a girl had come with her kid for doing ‘pada namaskaram’ to me during the Ugadi function at Loveshree’s house. Around two months back I had reprimanded her and her husband on some issue. Probably she was compelled by her -in-laws to be there, so she was there. Her face was swollen like a pumpkin. I don’t understand when these elders are going to understand and drop compelling youngsters. Really pathetic. Such elders need certainly some counseling. Loveshree 1 : When I was young, I brushed aside the advice of elders thinking of them either senile or banal. It took me years to understand what they had said. Sometimes, I can’t remain appreciating their insightful and thoughtful guidance. Even today very relevant. Their understanding was mind blowing to me even to this minute. Pranams. Guruji : Excellent. Excellent. Pranams to all those elders... Loveshree 2 : If the youngster wasn’t there, I am sure it will the elders who will have pumpkin face. But the elders have good meaning, being there is a blessing regardless she is forced there or not. Guruji: Ha Ha Ha. Good one! ***

91 Guruji New year. Yeah... Same parents... Same -in-laws... Same husband… Same wife... Same children... Same friends... Same neighbors... But can you sport new attitude? Loveshree 1 : We have to ransack old habits, patterns and structures. A wave newness to descend to make life more meaningful and experienced with the kindest blessings of my master, Devara. Changeless is death. He reminded us, I believe. Loveshree 2 : Shri Loveshree1, I didn’t get it this way and yes your thinking is more suitable… Guruji : Loveshree1is my Jalra...Jing jak...Jing jak...Second fiddle...Lol… *** Guruji Someone says, my possession is ‘love’. I don’t have ‘money’. Any thoughts? Loveshree 1 : Might have used the wrong word but hearts in the right place as they say? Guruji : Good. Good thinking. May be usage of wrong words. Not meant so. Not that alert. *** Guruji Ugadi. New year. That’s good. Excellent. Time for celebrations... Now some thoughts to ponder... How many old things are you going to drop? How new have you become? What is new have you found? Loveshree 1 : Good morning Guruji…In this New Year, if I can drop being judgemental starting from this moment with your blessings, it will be best thing that can happen in my life. Guruji : Excellent . New beginning... Loveshree 2 : Pranams Guruji, I am trying not to think of the past events . I go back on past events in my mind a lot and that has given me this health problem. Trying to correctmyself tolive in the now. Please bless me. Gurji : Lord’s grace. Loveshree 3: Sairam Guruji. If I can follow my heart a bit more and rely on the mind less and be willing to accept unconditionally every event, incident or moment as for my greatest good in the divine plan, it will be a step forward which can happen only due to grace and compassion of the

92 almighty. Praanams and namaskarams Guruji : Yes. That’s the way... Loveshree 2 : Just wanted to say Guruji, this year calendar the first pic is so nice, I can feel your presence all the time. I just look at it all the time, whenever I am down and out Guruji : That’s Loveshree’s magic…With his team of professional photographers… *** Guruji Yeah. I can understand that you cannot understand. Exactly I am speaking of actions without any thoughts of past or future. Long way to go to understand this. If you are conscious,you can understand what I mean. Since you are struck up with mind, your actions crystalize from your thoughts. When you transcend to the heart/soul level, mind will cease to exist and action prevails without any thoughts. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji, really very long way for me. Don’t know how many lifetimes more. Most of our thoughts are either thinking about the past, or worrying or thinking of something or someone the future. Actions with thoughts only in the present to actions without any thoughts. Anyway I can’t understand. Guruji:Beautiful...This honesty of accepting of your not understanding is the beginning of better new understanding. Good show. *** Guruji Drop your guilt for you are not the doer. Loveshree 1 : If everybody in a family feel the same, no problems Guruji. Guruji : First you start practicing. Others may follow. *** Guruji When thoughts take over you, no big deal. It’s just that you are losing contact with the present moment. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Wow! It, then boils down to being in a thoughtless stage if one has to be in the moment. When the mind is stilled or annihilated, we just be. That is our pure, natural state. Looks like the mind, a bundle of thoughts, is the spoil sport. Does it mean that being in the moment does not give rise to any activity? Pranams and namaskaram… Guruji : No thoughts. Only actions. *** Guruji Someone known to me wanted me to have a look at his meditation style. I said it’s more a personalised love affair with the unknown and I don’t want to be there. But he went on insisting. I said OK. He sat in lotus posture and started doing his meditation. After sometime, I could hear some snoring like sound. Slowly his body started dangling to left in an angle, so I pushed him towards the centre. Once again after 2 minutes he started dangling to right and I once again pushed him to the centre. This was going on for half an hour. After this, he got up and asked me how it went on. I said, “Excellent. Particularly I liked the hair pin bends, where you were to lose control and I assisted you to put you back on the track. I think you were going down from Tirumala to 93 Tirupathi. Too many hair pin bends. Lucky for you I was there otherwise you might have crashed down on one of the bends. He got wild and stopped talking from that day. Real funny guy. He calls it meditation. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. I have never laughed so much in the recent past. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Lord’s grace.Enjoy...Laugh it out... *** Guruji Sometimes it looks to me that adults are just kids with money. Loveshree 1 : Bhagwan, bless us that we always be kids... Guruji : Yeah... Kids with some pocket money from dad. Loveshree 2 : Haha! Guruji. Perfectly quoted. I have a very silly observation in Support of this statement. In most of the families, elders buy some toys or some electronic gadgets for their children. But I find the elders to be enjoying them more than the children. But it also gives me a thought that there is a child in every adult, who tries to come out at times. (More in my case) kids have to get the money from parents to buy whatever they want. But adults are at liberty to buy whatever they want. That’s the only difference. Being judicious with spending of money is a relative term. Some adults feel they are spending money judiciously. But it may not seem so to children and vice versa too... Guruji : Too good. Too good. Lord’s grace… *** Guruji He asked me...What’s your goal in life? I was a bit amused... I laughed... He : What’s there to laugh about this? Me : I am sorry to have offended you by laughing. I am just interested in travel. In journey, I don’t know the destination. Nor have I any interest to know where I am going. So, where is the goal? Absolutely, no goal. My path is very dangerous. The path is very rebellious. No goal path or probably you can call my ‘goal’ as ‘no goal’. His face looked disappointed with my answer. What to do? I can’t keep pleasing everybody with an answer of their choice. It’s all Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Pranams. Disappointment because we have been conditioned to think, we must have a goal in all areas of life. We find it difficult to digest if we reply we are goalless. It takes so much effort to be goalless Guruji : You need courage to say goalless. So trained to be a coward? Lol… *** Guruji Meet... Mix... Mingle...Merge... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, How am I supposed to read it? Option (a) Meet to mix and mingle to merge.

94 Option (b) Meet...Mix...Mingle and finally merge. Pranaams. Guruji : One more (m)...For a change ‘no’...No maggie please. Search with heart. Find for yourself. *** Guruji Adi Shankara in Prashnottara ratna malika says... Q...Ko visham (what is poison)? A...Avadeerana gurushu (when the guru is disrespected, it is poison)... Loveshree 1 : Pranaams Guruji. Though I knew disrespecting anyone is a symptom of low brought up, but learnt now that disrespecting a Guru is like poison. This is enlightening to me. Guruji :We are friends. No doubt between friends we can always pull each other’s legs. It’s fun. No poison. That’s only in case of a ‘guru’ and ‘sishya’ relationship. That too Adi Shankara felt like that and not me. In case you have a guru or any one in similar capacity it may be of use. But still I personally feel Adi Shankara is a bit harsh in saying this. That’s my personal opinion without any disrespect to the great master’s words. *** Guruji In the midst of difficulty...Always lies opportunity… Loveshree 1 : Guruji, it reminds me of the saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, because we feel the urgency to invent only when there is a dire necessity. Likewise when we face difficulty which is beyond our *endurance*, we try to think of many alternative ways to be out of difficulties. It’s where we find an *opportunity*. You want us not to get panicked at times of difficulty and to think of sources that could give new opportunity . As God gives us difficulties and also tests our ability to search for Opportunities . This is how I take your words...! Guruji : Exactly. Certainly you are not a novice in the field of understanding. Great thoughts. *** Guruji I love my relationship with my bed, no commitment needed nor any complaints. We just sleep together every night. That too peacefully. Loveshree 1 : I love it so much sometimes I feel like carrying it to my work place… Guruji : Ha Ha Ha… Wonderful. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. It just struck me that relationship with bed can also be a teaching. On week days at office, bed and I are separate. Duality. At night, we are closer and intertwined. Qualified monism. Come, Monday morning, it is pure Advaitha, we are one and I hate getting up to go to work on Monday mornings!!! Pranams and namasksarams. Guruji : Excellent… Loveshree 2 : Ha Ha. Yes Guruji. The bed never expects anything from you. It only gives you comfort. At the same time you don’t expect anything from it than what it is meant for. Where there is no ‘expectation’, there will always be peace in plenty. The way you expressed having a relationship with the bed is a point to be noted. Even the lifeless things have relationship with us. This thought is much more interesting. There is a purpose for everything in this universe. Pranaams for imparting Gyaan. Guruji : Yes. Even lifeless things have relationship with us...Wonderful! *** 95 Guruji Wife to husband : With how many women have you slept? Husband : Youare the only one darling. With others I was awake. Loveshree 1 : Wife was like a tranquilizer. She could lull him to sleep. Hence could not sleep with others.He gave an honest answer. Ha Ha Ha...Guruji...It’s so confusing to interpret this kind of thoughts. I feel I am not grown yet mentally. Need guidance. Pranaams! Guruji : Nice. She is indeed a tranquilizer. *** Guruji Teacher : Why can’t you ever answer my questions? Student: Well if that was the case, where is the necessity to be in your class? Loveshree 1 : *Student:* I am being in the same class for not being able to sync/follow what you taught. Resulting in not being able to answer to your questions. If I could have answered all your questions...I could have been upgraded to next level...Pranams Guruji. I do not know the correct answer… Guruji : Ha Ha Ha...Lord’s grace. Even I don’t know many questions leave alone answers. *** Guruji Su... Darshana...Lord’s vision... Loveshree 1 : Yes Guruji...Lord sees, not me… Guruji : Beauty… Lord’s grace... Loveshree 2 : SairamGuruji. Does “su” stand for benevolence or auspiciousness? Can the Lord’s vision be otherwise? Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Yeah...Lord can be Ku...Darshana also. After all he is total. It all depends on the way you look at him. He is just a mirror. That too is his grace. *** Guruji A Havells ad on TV… Register marriage... Registrar : You are Vikas Verma and she is Shanthi Pandit. So after marriage you will become Shanthi verma. Boy : No madam. Let her remain Shanti Pandit. I will take Pandit surname and become Vikas Pandit. I thought it would be better to confuse... Loveshree 1 : In olden days, the kings used to be called by their mother’s names Gautamiputra Satakarni Guruji : In Kerala, in some communities still the property passes on from grandmother to mother to daughter. ***

96 Guruji A man approached a very beautiful woman in a large mall and asked, “You know, I have lost my wife in this mall. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?” She asked,“Why?” He : Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere. Loveshree 1 : Moral of the story: Don’t set bad example.People will implement it. He set an example to his wife she might have left with a handsome guy. Guruji : That’s good… *** Guruji Today I had gone to Tank Bund. I was just looking up the sky. A jet was streaming across the sky. Some passerby was wondering as to what I was seeing. He just said, ‘Have you never seen a plane going across the sky?’ I smiled and said, ‘Yeah, what you said is right. But I was wondering at my school days friend travelling in that flight along with his family from Perth to Dubai. I am happy that I could see him now after all these 35 years. Lord’s grace that I didn’t miss him’. He looked at me as though he was seeing an animal in the zoo. Lord’s grace how curious the people, he has made in this part of the world. Loveshree 1 : Will I too be able to spot my friend flying high in the sky, in an aeroplane, Guruji ? Guruji : Why not ? My vision Lord limited it to an aeroplane. Your vision may be on to the sky lab with Sunita Williams in it... Loveshree 1 : That’s the idea… Guruji : What an idea Sir ji? *** Guruji My friend, who is in to jewelry business is asking, “Guruji, I am confused whether I shall be a slave to my senses or a master of my senses in our paani poori discussions”. Let me put it across like this. In our case, we always feel we are not the doers. We always feel Lord is the doer. We don’t believe in perfection. We believe in totality. As we type this too, we know very well that we are not the doers. Whether we take paani poori or drainage water it’s one and the same for us. Whether we take paani poori or honey it’s one and the same for us. For us all roads lead to God. He and he alone is the doer. Whether it’s Loveshree1 or Loveshree2 or Loveshree3 or Loveshree4 or Loveshree5. It’s all Lord for us. We have seldom any difference. Whether you praise us or curse us or love us or hate us or hug us or kick us it’s all one and the same. Still Lord is the doer and he only knows the best and he alone knows the reason behind the drama called life. Whether you are a saint or a sinner or an honest person or a cheat, these things don’t bother us since Lord knows the best and he is the doer. Because of Lord’s grace we have been blessed to see him in right and wrong, in perfection and imperfection, in the saint and the sinner, in the love and hate, in ego and surrender, in the sun and the rain, in the day and the night, in the brave and the coward, inside and outside, in the ups and the downs, in the pleasure and the pain. Now Loveshree1 tell us whether we are a slave to our senses or a master of our senses? Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : How does one develop this attitude of total surrender and non doership Guruji. Please enlighten us. Is it totally grace of the Lord??

97 Guruji : Everything is Lord’s grace including your question to me. Loveshree2 : I must remember this teaching from Sridhar Guruji. A situation I can’t do anything at all yet the most important in my life so no choice but only to rely, surrender, prayers to Sai Baba for help in this situation. Though a partial surrender, it has also partially moulded me in the process. Guruji : Lord’s grace. Well understood. I am partial.I will become impartial in the days to come. Loveshree 3 : Indeed my father’s/forefather’s blessings to be associated with you Guruji. I am privileged. As I still recollect meeting you exactly after one year of my father’s departure in 1992. A sheer coincidence - my father’s date of birth is 31st Aug 1924 and Guru Poornima falls on 31st. All your grace. I am blessed to share this today with your grace. Guruji : Lord’s grace...His grace. Loveshree4 : For the first time, I heard someone quoted Pitchamma Avadhootha... Amazed and thrilled...Namaskarams Sir. Loveshree 2 : Sir, you have reflected what was mentioned in exactly. Wonderful. But lot of interpretations. Guruji : Painting and buttering sessions by ... Loveshree 2 : At your lotus feet Devara. Guruji : No painting or buttering of my feet allowed… Loveshree 5 : Guruji please bless us that we would remember above words each and every moment. Nothing would stop us from being happy and content each moment if we follow these words. Pranam Guruji. Guruji : Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Cosmetic to cosmic...The eternal journey within... Loveshree 1 : Turning extrovert to introvert, am I right Guruji? Pranams Guruji : No...I don’t think so... Loveshree 2 : Pranams. The spiritual change that happens within us over the period of time. We are cosmetic in the beginning Guruji : Good... *** Guruji Tatvamasi... Has become too noisy... Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Honestly could not understand the statement. Pranams and namaskarams Guruji : Go down somewhere you can find guys fighting on this issue. The funniest part is their arguments are not only funny but noisy too. *** Guruji The Alwars, Acharyas, great Pundits and seers claim Lord as the only male and all others as females. This is called ‘nayaka nayaki bhavam’. In their ecstasy of love for Lord all these seers claiming themselves to be women by heart though physically were males, wanted to dance with the Lord 98 and marry him in some cases. There is nothing patriarchal about this. It’s all one’s attitude (bhava) towards the subject. Ultimately Lord is supreme. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Maybe we are trapped in the maya of the material world and tend to differentiate on grounds of gender, race, color etc. This is due to our identification with the body which in turn leads us to assign such attributes to our personal Gods. The manifest Gods are only projections of our mind and take such name and form in response to our bhava and love for our satisfaction. It is said that in reality, the supreme Lord or divine consciousness is beyond form, transcends the three gunas and is pure bliss and awareness which can only be experienced. Any attempt to express or narrate such an experience itself would mean coming down from such a dimension to the level of the mind and the waking state. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : That’s pretty decent! Loveshree 2 : Reminder to see all beings beyond their gender… Guruji : Excellent...Lord’s grace… Loveshree 3 : It is a fatal attack on my ego to comprehend that. A criminal, a saint, a Guruji person, a hard worker, a learned, an ignorant,an atheist, a devotee, a man and a woman are absolute characters.That no one is superior or inferior compared to the other. That all of them get their directions from one source. Guruji: Exactly! Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Adam came home late. Suddenly Eve pushed him from behind on to the bed and was running her fingers on the back... Adam : Hey Eve, what areyou doing? Eve :Just counting your ribs to find whether they are intact. Guruji : Counting your ribs to find... *** Guruji He : My name is Paripoornananda, your name? Me : My name is Paanipoornananda. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. That’s it. Can’t take it anymore. Taken a vow to go home only after cleansing my body and soul with at least a dozen paani pooris. God bless me. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Just take the paani poori. Take it near your mouth. As you sip the water content drag it in to the mouth and taste it. You can find me in the taste going to your mind. And the joyful tears roll out of your eyes. Jai bolo Swami Paanipoornannada ki jai. This is called paanipoori meditation… *** Guruji When you hide I will seek. When I hide you will seek. But to me ‘U’ always stand before ‘I’. Loveshree 1 : Yes Guruji. As is on a keyboard ‘U’ always stand before ‘I’, ‘I’ am always behind ‘U’ following closely. Guruji : Good one... Very good... Lord’s grace… *** 99 Guruji There was a chaat bhandar. Very nice, big big paani pooris. Just went on eating. It was yummy and tasty. This was just outside a big auditorium. A board... Bhagawad Gita by Swami Geethananda (name changed to protect the privacy of the holy master). I went inside. The discourse started. It was about the control of senses and mind. I heard for about 10 minutes. Lots of temptation to have one more round of paani poori. Came out had one more round. I asked him to pack and give me some bhel poori. I just went inside the auditorium. As I was hearing the lecture, I opened the packet of bhel puri. The smell of the onion and bhel attracted the gentleman sitting by the side. Since he looked at me, I asked him whether he would like to taste it. He said...Ushhh. He meant silence. Bhel poori was too good. My beard was also tasting and hence a lot of bhel bits in my beard. The discourse too was very good. The master was excellently portraying as to how to control mind and senses with reference to Bhagawad Gita. The discourse concluded. As everyone was leaving, the gentleman sitting who was sitting next to me, seeing the bhel all over my beard said, ‘please wipe your beard’. I said I have no control over my beard. It never listens to me. Probably that too is tasting the bhel. He looked at me funnily and started laughing. He asked me what my name was. I too laughed and replied him, ‘I am Swami Decontrolananda’ and left the place. Loveshree 1 : That’s quintessential Guruji... Guruji : Which one? Paani poori or bhel poori? Loveshree 1 : What deva... I meant the one tempting the others listening to the lecture. Guruji : In fact, that day bhel poori was indeed very tempting. The gentleman who was sitting by my side,instead of just smelling it could have taken a little bit. Certainly he would have been transported to the world of ‘Krishna’s consciousness and could have probably heard Bhagavad Gita directly from Geethacharyan. He missed a golden opportunity… Loveshree 2 : Pani poori to Puri … Guruji : Bhel poori to bhed Dwaraka… Loveshree 1 : Aww… Deva we all will come with you one day! Guruji : That’s all. It will be Kishkindha. Loveshree 2 : Yes Guruji… Drooll...Drooll. You owe us all a... Drool... Drool...Pani puri treat now… Because of the crunchy post… Guruji : Yes next yagnam we should have paani poori also...We have to inform Loveshree3... Loveshree 2 : Ha Ha Ha...Gurujiwe want you to be joining us...A more peaceful pani poori session. Yagnam ke baad nahi...Aaap ke saath Guruji : Certainly! We should all have... Loveshree 3 : SairamGuruji. The detailed post on chat was mouthwatering. We lesser mortals have to be content only with Facebookchat! Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Good one Loveshree3! Loveshree 4 : The more we try to control the more it gets uncontrollable. Just let go and just observe the thought is my understanding nothing out of experience or practice though. Guruji : Excellent! Great understanding! Loveshree 5 : I am confused. Shall I be slave to my senses or shall I be master to my senses…Guruji, I am not intelligent like many... Please give answer in simple words... Guruji : I am not the doer. In fact I don’t have senses. How can I reply your question? Probably you

100 feel you are the doer. So you have senses. So you have to master it. Long back we have handed over all that to God. Hey...Simple words… Paani poori at Radheshyam bhandar in MG road is too good yaar. Try it. Walkable distance from your shop...Enjoy. Loveshree 6 : Amazing!Guruji has shown us it is in fact possible to reach this stage since he has done it, we can as well or at least try. Guruji : Thanks for your compliment Mr.Loveshree6. But I am not to be complimented. For it’s purely the Lord’s grace. His grace will help all of us to transcend to better levels of existence with total awareness of him being in the driver seat. Yes we too were shown the way and no doubt as you rightly said it started long long ago with a trial. What’s amazing me is, you sing such beautiful songs. It’s all Lord’s grace. Singapore is that way a very wonderful paradise of great thinkers and workaholics. You are very sweet... *** Guruji Horoscope...Some astrologers make us feel it as ‘horror scope’... Loveshree 1 : I like to know my horror scope like when I get a girlfriend and marriage. Guruji : For that you don’t need the horror scope . Since girlfriend and marriage give enough scope for horror... Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha Ha...Yes Guruji. Please bless me for this horror but cannot say bless. Maybe please shower your grace for this horror. Guruji : Our prayers. We want you to be blessed with what you want in life. A girlfriend, a marriage, an understanding companion, whatever you dreamt of should come true. Our prayers to LordSairam... *** Guruji Accept yourself for what you are. If a change is needed the instructions come from inside. You don’t need any one to guide you. The spirit inside you is your true master. So if any one says that you should change. Just smile at him. Hear him. Don’t listen to him. Don’t think low of yourself. You are in perfect shape. The shape in which Lord wants you to be. In case a change in your stance is required, the Holy Spirit inside you will guide you in simple steps to put the desired change in place. Instead of the noisy external voices, tune your frequency to listen to your inner voice. There is a big radio station available inside you. It’s purely spiritual and devotional. Listening to the inner voice gives a lot of peace, courage and confidence to live life without any fear. Have that kind of a faith. Unshakable faith in the Lord who is seated firmly in your heart is your driver. Lord takes care. Listen to the inner voice. Which is the song of the God. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 1: Unless we believe in the necessity for a change, the change cannot manifest. Very true Guruji! Guruji : Good. Right on dot… Loveshree 2 : I remember the hymn we always sang in our convent as children “make God your Guru. Let him tell you what to do. Listen he’s calling clear and true. Take time to listen have courage to obey. The inner voice is calling, inner voice is calling calling, inner voice is calling calling you. I have understood these words now. Lots of love to you Guruji. Guruji : See, you already knew. I just came to remind you. Excellent... Excellent... Lord’s grace… Loveshree 3 : How healing, just beauty and more beauty all your reminders... 101 Guruji : Hi...Lord’s grace dear... Loveshree 4 : Thank you Guruji...For releasing me from my self cuffed feeling. Your message is inspiring and encouraging. Instilled confidence. Guruji : Hi Loveshree4...Nice to see your comments. Youare always wonderful. Just a little bit of hide and seek. I hide you seek. You hide I seek. We are kids playing in the vast park of the Lord... Loveshree 5 : Sai master, desire to change also depends on prarabdha...? Guruji : Hi...It’s not prarabdha...It is praptha...praptham is grace of the Lord when it’s non doer ship. Prarabdham is the destiny chosen by you when you think you are the doer. Better surrender to Lord. Loveshree 4 : True Guruji...I was lost while playing hide and seek. Finally I am back home. Pranaams. For guiding me home with a magical message which showed the path that I lost. Guruji : No no. Heart wise you are always with me. Speaking to me. So I didn’t feel the difference. Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Dad :Guruji, please bless my daughter to get a h1b visa. This year it’s on a lottery. Me : I don’t mind blessing and she will get it also. But you must be totally prepared. You are a Telugu. She will bring a Haryana boy or a Bihari boy or a Rajasthani or a Kashmiri or a little bit advanced may be a white or black American, or Hispanic or a Jew. You should not come tomorrow and complain to me that had you told me I would not have sent my girl. I don’t guarantee all that. If this visa your girl wins by lottery, the boy also may have to be chosen by lottery. I don’t know. So mentally be prepared for anything. Should you still want me to bless your girl... I saw some confusion in his face. I said, “Please go back home. Consult your elders and wife. Then better take my blessings for visa. Otherwise it’s extremely risky to take my blessings”. Loveshree 1 : Does this mean for certain things, it is not meant to happen but once Guruji blesses and makes it happen, this would also cause something else which he does not want to happen as well? In this case, marriage? Guruji : Exactly! On dot. Perfect shot… Loveshree 2 : Most of them don’t trust their own Guruji that’s why confusion… Guruji : That’s a good point Loveshree2! Loveshree 1 : Guruji, however, according to the law of karma, if they keep doing good, service to the poor, helping others, they may get what they pray for or even more ? Guruji : Yes, certainly! No doubt to be garnished and blended with faith. Loveshree 1 : Yes Guruji, I do believe in that as I do see people who have done service and their children doing well in life now. Can’t get a mango tree from a papaya seed... Guruji : Yeah! Well said. But I have no problem. I like both mango and papaya. Loveshree 3 : Ha Ha, if luck was to be decided by blessings then why would it be called luck ??? And if I want to be a Prime Minister, can I be blessed to be one too!!! Guruji : Ha Ha Ha! Good point. Why not we try it? Join a party... Loveshree 4 : Appa, from the point of genetic engineering, I strongly pitch for lot of cross-pollination

102 as we require at this juncture. It happened some thousands of years back in India... Forgive me if exceeded...Pranams. Guruji : Hey...Youare quite rebellious. I find seeds of religiousness in you... Loveshree 3 : Sir, Today to join a party or become a leader you need vitamin C, vitamin M and vitamin I. I have neither, still struggling hard for my existence. Guruji : Don’t worry... We will pray for multi vitamins for you. Lord’s grace. Our prayers. *** Guruji I was just walking on the road with a cap on my head concealing a portion of my face due to hot sun. My kids are very clever. A couplespotted me though they were driving down the car. Hiding myself these days is becoming very difficult... Loveshree 1 : Guruji is under their radar or you may have been wearing bright yellow. Guruji : Yeah...All my friends are roaming with powerful scanners and radars. Difficult to escape as our technology is today obsolete. Loveshree 2 : It’s purely the transmission of Guruji’s love and compassion on all of us, even the animals and plants too… Pranaam Guruji… Guruji : It’s all Lord’s grace...Purely his grace... *** Guruji ‘Play’ is an act of divine. When it comes to human level our understanding of this word is ‘game’... Oh my God...What a huge difference! Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Our human mind with all its attendant idiosyncrasies perceives the pure leela or sport of the divine through its own distorted lens thereby reducing it to a game full of aspirations, machinations, selfishness, jealousy arising from the ego. How wonderful it would be if the underlying unity in the manifest world is recognized to bring some sanity into the world. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : That’s good Loveshree1. Lord’s grace. He is talking through you. *** Guruji One of my best friends on Facebook, who asks thought provoking questions and gives very apt replies asked me in the private chat as to what was my relationship with Sri Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba, since he finds many of Swami’s devotees calling me also ‘Guruji’. I just laughed and said, “It’s better to ask them about this. Probably our relationship was like that of ‘Arjuna’(me) and that of Lord Krishna (Baba). Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Though I want to answer this question, Guruji, I realized I may not find the right words.But I want to sign off saying that, “You taught me how to love Swami and you made me understand the difference between physical Swami and Swami”. Guruji : I am not the doer of this for Swami is the doer for your understanding. Praise the Lord. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, you have never diluted Swami in my life. Whenever, I come back to you saying I got some help, you graciously smile and say, “Your Sai Ram has helped you again...”. You have always taught me to keep Swami’s flag flying high. 103 Guruji : That’s the eternal truth. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, though you said it in two words - “Arjuna and Krishna” it takes decades to understand - probably even may not understand... Guruji : Dear...Leopard can never change its spots...True prayogi is the most dangerous person...Because he is a closed book and very deceptive by nature. Loveshree 2 : To share with you, the first mantram I heard from Guruji is on “Panch Mukhi Hanuman” way back on 29th Nov, 1992, which is still fresh in my ears.Great! Guruji : That’s all... You gave some idea... Now next visit I have to go to Bahrain with four more heads. Loveshree 3 : SairamGuruji. Whenever I have bowed down to you or had the good fortune of having your darshan, sparshan or sambhashan, I would do so taking the name and form of my dearest and closest friend, the Sarvantharyaami and the indweller of my heart my Swami. You have shared many of your experiences with him and put us at ease.You have showered so much love and affection on me and my family that only Swami can match. This very topic makes me emotional and make my eyes moist. Swami has weaned us away from his physical form over the years and we have moved on to try and find his omnipresent presence everywhere and in particular within my heart. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Yes... I agree with you. We have to move from physical plane to meta physical plane to enjoy the leelas of Bhagawan. He is certainly playing with us even now. *** Guruji My good friend Loveshree1is asking me what is the relation between grace and destiny? My reply... It’s the same relation between heart and mind. If you belong to heart its grace. Incase mind takes over its destiny. Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. Honestly the import of the statement has not sunk in. Does it mean both are the same and appear different only from the point of perception? Then, is everything preordained? For example, you had suggested that your blessings for the visa could lead to attendant problems. In that case, if inviting the attendant problems is a part of the preordained plan, then, is it that blessings and grace are subject to and operate within the ambit of destiny? Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Lord is indeterminate. Your mind or my mind or any mind cannot get to know of it unless one levels one’s mind to the levels of super consciousness which can happen only through his grace. Its grace that’s important. Yeah for a person who lacks this may find the grace of other as destiny. But we do not know. Loveshree 2 : Pranams Guruji… I know one thing for sure, this is what my mother used to tellme, if you have done punyam, you will be blessed by saints and gurus/ and whenever I tell her , I had some function, she will say, ellarukkum vendikoo nee. For all family and loka kalyanam. Guruji : Divine mother... Divine mother... *** Guruji If you try to climb the ego mountain of ‘Everest’, you will ‘never rest’. Loveshree 1 : Edging God Out = ego. Am I right Guruji?

104 Guruji : Youare asking right or wrong? Very scared of you. I am scared when someone asks me to judge. Better inquiry than enquiry. Loveshree 1 : Guruji I am sorry. I request your opinion. Guruji : Oh...Then...May be. *** Guruji : He : What’s your qualification Guruji? I smiled and said M.A.B.F. He :Guruji, I have never heard anything like this. What is it Guruji? I had a hearty laugh and said, Matriculation appeared but failed. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, but you guide lot of us to pass various tests in our life everyday. Guruji : Yeah...It’s generally said such people become good advisers, consultants etc., Loveshree 2 : It’s Master Advisor best friend to everyone. That’s an awesome degree Guruji : Good one... Loveshree 3 : Now a days I have no clue of what is my qualification. I got more than a dozen of certificates and diplomas, but useless. Guruji : That’s great. I like this. Useless is the key. *** Guruji Loveshree has asked a question. Q. My friend’s parents are not performing the yearly karma for their elders. My friend is very upset about this. So can my friend perform? A. It is said that one’s duty one has to perform. I cannot perform my father’s duty. My father cannot perform my duty. Krishna says in Bhagawad Gita, ‘swadharmo nidanam shreyaha...Para dharmo bhaya vaha’, ‘by doing our duty let death be the penalty thereof. We will do our duty and gracefully accept death as the gift, instead of doing someone’s duty and fearing throughout life’. There are some exceptions to this rule... 1) If a Guru says accept this and do it...It can be done. I would like to bring to the notice of all my friends an incident that happened in my life. Through my Guru Maharishi Rajar those days I knew a vedic pundit by name Sri Siva Gurunadha Sastry, who hailed from a village near Paramakudi , south of Tamil Nadu. Those days, I used to meet him very often to get to know the intricacies in Vedas. I used to call on him as per directions of my Guru Rajar. Somehow he used to like me a lot and used to very often say, ‘I would be glad if you do my samskaram after death’. I used to laugh at this since he had 3 sons and 3 daughters. One day when I was in forest with Maharishi Rajar, he told me to go and meet Sri Siva Gurunadha Sastry at his village and do a duty which I was expected to do. I could not understand my master’s words. I just left and came to the village. He had died the previous night and the six children were quarrelling about his property. He had a lot of self-earned property and he had written a will writing the entire property in the name of some Veda patashalas , orphanages and to his kula devata. Nothing he had written in the name of his kids. So the kids refused to perform his funeral. I got the opportunity to perform his funeral when I was 18 years old. Please note here then my father too was alive. 2) Since parents are alive on the thithi day your friend can do ‘aamaroopena hiranya shrardham’, 105 one plantain leaf, on that 2 kgs of rice, two kachha plantain (vazhaikkai), 200 gms seppang kizhangu, 200 gms Moong dhal, 200 gms jaggery, One brass or copper tumbler with water and dakshina which is affordable, to be given to a brahman on the thithi day by praying to the elders and prostrating the brahmin. 3) In case your friend wants me to do, I can do as a Guru on their behalf. But I need details. He has to bear the cost part since he has to spend for his forefathers and not me. Other than my father’s shrardham, I almost get done 56 shrardhams in a year for people known to me or whereever I have done the deha smaskaram. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Pranam Guruji. Thanks for your kurupai like the rain. One doubt Guruji, I like to do the shartham for my Guru’s, I can join my father’s shartham with that? Or do that specified thithi? Dasan Guruji : Only on the thithi of your gurus. It cannot be clubbed... *** Guruji From today a new search has started for me with Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Can I search with you? Guruji : Ha Ha Ha... If you come to know what I am searching, I am damn sure you will run away. Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha Ha… That would be fun!! I am crazy asking what I don’t know.I am just in loved. Loveshree 2 : SairamGuruji. Now you have put us in a spot!! If it is a search for you, yesterday being April 5th, we hope we do not have to give credit to the creditor’s success. If it is a search by you, as Guru is always in search of a true sishya, we being thick headed and slow learners, am afraid the search can take longer than expected!! Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Ha Ha Ha. You have a good sense of humor. *** Guruji Someone asked ‘no posts today’ ? Old stock exhausted...New stock expected. Loveshree 1 : They are all doing good with your blessings Guruji…They will complete 5 months tomorrow. My kid is doing good, back to work now. There was a time when I used to check Facebook for no reason, these days I am so eager to check it as soon as I get up so that I can see your messages. It’s such a blessing. Thanks to the great individual who introduced you to Facebook. Guruji : Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace...My love to kids and of course you... *** Guruji To teach ‘how to behave’ is easy. To teach ‘how not to behave’ is difficult. Every one of us have certain things which teach others ‘how to behave’. Every one of us have certain things which teach others ‘ how not to behave’... So each one of us is sakshaat datta swaroopis. Then why do you sit in the judgment seat and pass judgmentsabout others behavior...

106 When you judge I feel you are teaching ‘how not to behave’... So my prostrations and salutations to you, for you are Lord Datta to me... Loveshree 1 : Pranams Guruji. I remember these golden advice given by Dr. Loveshree, to me many years back. She used to tell me, observe everyone,especially people who do wrong things, because of them, we stand to learn. We don’t do that mistake. My English vocabulary is a bit bad. Soplease pardon me. I can’t express the correct words. Guruji : Hi...We sail in the same boat...My typing skills are horrible. *** Guruji One of my creditors called me the other day and said... He : You keep running from one place to another and I am chasing you but not able to catch you. You easily escape. Remember? You have to pay the interest on April 5th? I just laughed and said, “Youare behind me for your food and I am running for my life. So I escape easily despite chase. Don’t worry. The interest amount will reach on April 5th. Loveshree 1 : What is the significance of April 5th? Any rescue act, out of some compassion? Guruji : Ahaa!You know everything. *** Guruji A person who panics his subordinates is called a ‘boss’. Loveshree 1: Profitable customer is God! Guruji : No...I don’t agree with the concept of ‘profitable customer’. Customer is the king whether he is profitable or otherwise. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, then are we not mixing business with charity, if we are overlooking profit motive ? Guruji : Today’s unprofitable customer may be tomorrow’s profitable customer. Further all customers are equal. You may not oblige. But talk obligingly to make him a profitable customer. *** Guruji We r all qualified... Are we educated? Lovesree1: Pranams, one important lesson Guruji gave always, I can’t forget that life long, never hurt your parents. We really take them for granted and we never say a word of gratitude for all that they do for us. I for one realized it a bit too late. But I am correcting myself now. Guruji: Excellent! Lovesree2 :In my opinion, education is different from qualification...All educated are not qualified and qualified may not be educated. Wisdom should prevail. A certificate or a degree is not the yardstick. Guruji : That’s good dear… Lovesree3: Pranams Guruji. I am a qualified illiterate. I am not educated because I am not wise I’ve lost awe I’ve lost the element of surprise I’ve lost compassion for others I’ve become selfish and possessive. I don’t know my limitations… I don’t know what I should know. Hence I believe that I am a qualified illiterate.

107 Guruji : Qualified dear...But litter ate? Lovesree4: Book knowledge? Maybe yes! Degrees? Maybe yes! Qualified? Perhaps. Educated? Like Baba says education and character building go together. With you as our guide, we are taking one baby step at a time. Guruji : Lord’s grace dear...Lord’s grace... *** Guruji A Master is up the mast flying freely like a flag. But still tied to the mast of Gurukulam and hence called a master. The disciple stands down looks at the flag and salutes with respect. Since he/she is in the process of getting disciplined he is called a disciple. Sridharaamritham is an open group where everyone converges. May be a disciple, may be a friend, and may be a public. So the way a disciple looks at the master is different, the way a friend looks is different, the way public will look will be different. So no hard feelings.There is nothing wrong in analyzing a subject. Where it leads, what it conveys to each one may be different. Finally the master laughs... Why? At the confusion he creates to bring the essence of truth. Enjoy debating, without hard feelings. No doubt I always reserve the right to reply or not or when to reply or how to reply or no reply. For which I have my own reasons...Lord’s grace enjoy... Loveshree 1 : Thank you Guruji. Excuse me for my hastiness. Guruji: Hey you are very close to me. Don’t keep me at a distance by saying like this. Loveshree 2 : So sweet and lucky of having a Gurudeva like you master! Guruji : Hey, I am just a postman. I just deliver what I am asked to. Nothing is mine. It’s all Lord’s grace... Loveshree 3 : SairamGuruji. Am happy to be associated with this wonderful group full of thought provoking and spiritually enriching contributions. Guruji, pardon me for not resisting the temptation, in lighter vein, to call this show as the great divine tamasha with all of us around the ring master, the Master. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji : Good. We are happy that you are with us in this divine tamasha. *** Guruji A real leader never claims that he is the leader. Only others call him a leader. If anyone claims to be a leader its sure he is one category of boss. Loveshree 1 : Honest confession. I behaved like a boss a few minutes back. Guruji : This act of honesty on implementation will elevate you to the status of a leader. Guruji As you grow you will move from ‘sensitivity’ to ‘sensibility’. Loveshree 1 : Today’s post is really somuch a message forme. I amnow becoming sensible for sure, especially whenit comes to relatives and relation. Pranams. Guruji : Lord’s grace.Thank the Lord for his kindness... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I thank him daily, and especially to you and my Satya Sai Baba. For all the blessings that have come my way. Please shower your blessings and keep us all in your prayers always Guruji:Lord’s grace… 108 Loveshree 2 : SairamGuruji. Perhaps the focus has to shift from the mind to the heart as sensitivity is a function of the mind whereas sensibility rises from the heart. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji: Wonderful...Great. *** Guruji Don’t keep carrying garbage in mind. Off load it then and there. Otherwise the garbage accumulated will stink. A joke for you... The queen is arriving. So a guard of honour was to be in place. A day earlier the Prime Minister was inspecting the mock parade. As he was crossing the one by one, a foul smell emanated from one of the jawans by name Santa. So he went near Santa and smelt. Asked him to show his socks. The culprit was the socks. So the Prime Minister gave Santa Rs.100/- and asked him to get a new pair of socks for the next day parade. Queen arrived. The guard of honor in place. As they crossed Santa the foul smell emanated. Now the queen said, Mr.Prime Minister,some bad smell is coming. Prime Minister : I know your honor the culprit. Just give me a minute. Prime Minister went near Santa and whispered, “You idiot, I gave you yesterday Rs.100/- and asked you to buy a new pair of socks but you haven’t. Santa showed the socks. It was a new one. Santa added, “Honourable Prime Minister, since I was doubtful as to whether you will believe me, so I brought the old one. He pulled the old one from his pocket. So don’t keep carrying garbage in mind because it will stink. Drop the garbage then and there and proceed for better growth. Loveshree 1 : Unconsciously, we are carrying the garbage thinking that they are very important and will be useful to us. Who will identify the garbage within us? Pranaam Guruji... Guruji:Consciously breathe...You will know when it stinks. Loveshree 2 : SairamGuruji. On realizing that unnecessary garbage was allowed inside yesterday, the prompt unloading of the burden resulted in an (en)lightening experience. Pranamas and namaskarams. Guruji: No big deal...Lord’s grace...Enjoy… *** Guruji Love is life... Life is love... Love without reasoning is the best... How about living a life without reasoning since it’s all about love? Any thoughts? Loveshree 1 : Namaste Guruji. My kidalways tells, why do we all need to earn money. Why can’t all of them do our own share and everything is for free. Whatever people needs they could get it. There would be so much of love between everyone if this happens. Guruji: Your kid is God... Loveshree 2 : Guruji, living a life with unconditional love with no expectations and judgments, the

109 world will be a beautiful place to live. But for me to make it happen, takes lot of saadhana and help from you. Guruji : Lord is merciful to all. You will...You will...Lord’s grace... Loveshree 3 : Without love, no life in this world however we will get love from someone. Guruji:Lord’s grace... Loveshree 4 : That reminds me of the indigenous people from my place of birth, they emanate simple and beautiful love and amazing absence of reasoning. I see highly healthy emotional beings. God blessed the tarahumaras. Guruji: Excellent! My heart longs to be with them. Loveshree 5 : If it’s a love there won’t be reason. If there’s a reason, that’s not love. Search the love in life, instead of searching the reasons. It’s my opinion Guruji. Guruji: That’s pretty good. Loveshree 6 :God has his own reason for sending us all into this earth. So instead of further reasoning it out, we can fill our lives with nothing but unconditional love. Pranams Guruji!!! Guruji: Good! Loveshree 7: I have many. But I am too confused Guruji. If I express there would be some controversies. Some say we should not interpret your thoughts. Then why are these debates, if there is no sharing of thoughts. We can just be tight lipped and you will never know how far your disciples are able to take your thoughts.But better I keep silent. It will be good for me and the group too...I Seem so out of place always, if someone is keeping me at a distance by drawing lines. Let me not cross it and try to mingle. I cannot feel at home. That too because I do not know whether I am right or wrong! This hurt feeling will always depress me Guruji. Iam sorry but I don’t want anybody to feel that I am an intruder. And I don’t like to trouble you at the same time. Hope you will understand me. Regards Guruji. Please excuse me if you can... Guruji: I have expressed what I have felt with a post of mine. You can always express, for I am not here to judge which is right or wrong. I believe in freedom of expression. No doubt you have a right to have your opinion about opinions expressed and a right to express or not. Not always we can expect others to support our opinions or thoughts. You have your side. They have their side. Any how I leave it to you Loveshree 7 : With due respects to you all,I bow down my head to Guruji. I am sorry. Excuse me if at all I was hurt for no reason at all. I love to be a part of this group. It’s like an addiction to my brain. Thank you all for your love andunderstanding me with a large heart! Especially to Guruji...Pranaams… Guruji:Always with you...Lord’s grace... *** Guruji Once I enter the comfort zone...I retreat. Examples... In my office as I sit in my AC cabin, when I feel comfortable, I switch off the AC. In my car as I drive, when I feel comfortable, I switch off the car AC... As I drive my car, when I feel comfortable, I park my car in a parking lot and start walking. When I feel comfortable bank balance, I start spending the money... 110 When I start enjoying the food. I stop and start starving... When I start feeling comfortable and soothening with the words of a person, I move out to a place where I may start feeling the discomfort. So when I enter the comfort zone, Lord’s grace, He alerts me. And I enter the discomfort zone. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Hope all are having some discomfort with their other half perhaps it’s about equanimity, we may feel at peace but when put in uncomfortable situations or people, often we want to escape or avoid. But if we work through it, we learn though it’s difficult. Guruji:Well said, your thoughts are quite high. Loveshree 1: Guruji, sad to say, my thoughts may not be same as my actions ;( Guruji: No problem. Today’s thoughts are the seeds for tomorrow’s action. I feel you are on the track dear. *** Guruji You can possess a house… You can possess a car... You can possess all material physical things... But to possess ‘love’ is impossible for it is metaphysical by nature... Loveshree 1 : True love is unconditional which no one can get through possessiveness,it is an affection without limitations.All materialistic things like possessions of assets,do differ from love.Am I correct Guruji? Guruji : Exactly! On the dot. *** Guruji I had gone to a shop in Madurai to purchase some house hold articles for a girl from a poor family about to get married. The shop owner asked me. Are you a film producer? Me : No! Owner : Areyou a business man? Me : May be. Owner : Where do you reside? Me : Everywhere... Owner got confused. The sales man in the shop said, ‘Sir, He means he is God’... I laughed and said, ‘Probably for your salesman my reply means that way’. The owner was still more confused. Me : I meant to say you can find me on the streets (Tiruvilayadal movie, Nagesh dialogue, Theru theruva sutharavar pol irukku). After a gap of almost 8 years... I was sitting in a road side shop of one of my close disciples by name Loveshree. He has a sweet and savories shop. The owner of the shop where I had gone came there and was introduced to me by Loveshree as his relative. I could recognize him but he could not recognize me...

111 Then he said, Namasthe Guruji. I laughed and said, “I told you that you can find me on the streets. See this is a shop on the street and you have found me on the street. So my address is c/o platform. And I laughed... He couldn’t understand... Loveshree 1 : I was thinking of the two dialogues. Deivega siripayya umadhu... Love thiruvilayadal. Your thiruvilayadal and the movie...SairamGuruji Guruji : Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace... Loveshree 2 : Guruji why we are not take a new film “ Guruji’ in thiruvilayadal” ... Guruji : The greats of film industry, Sri A.P.Nagarajan and Sri Sivaji Ganesan will file a suite in universal court of justice before God for infringing their copy rights. *** Loveshree1 asked a question. Guruji, There is a huge difference between caste to caste in performing pitru karma. The awareness and significance to perform pitru karma among brahmins is big one but at the same time most of the non brahmins used to perform karma yearly once only. Will the result or effect be different due to this? Guruji: No...Just go by your tradition... *** Loveshreeasked a question. Guruji, my grandfather and grandmother are gone. They have no child. My father took care at their last days. Now what dharma sastram told about their asset allocation?? Is it any special karma doing for that souls? Guruji: One who enjoys the assets of the people who departed is expected to perform the karma according to the tradition to which they belong to. So if you are doing their karma, it means you will be the rightful owner to stake claim of the property. Sastras do not allow one person to do karma and someone else to claim property. Only the people who perform the karma have rights to the property. Loveshree1: Then if we do their karma then there is no problem to have property? Because somebody told that we are not to take the property, it will effect the whole generations to come. So I ask this question Guruji. Dasan. Guruji: Nothing like that. Don’t worry. *** Loveshree 1 SairamGuruji. I have joined the group today. I am back to Hyderabad on transfer from Pondicherry. We still recall the kind words and blessings showered in 2011 before we left for Pondicherry. Apprehensive as I was about what the Lord had in store for me there, I must now admit that the fourteen months I spent there was perhaps the most enriching, enjoyable and spiritually elevating period in my career. I was fortunate to spend a lot of time in Tiruvannamalai, Chidambaram, Kumbakonam, Srirangam etc. I also had the opportunity to meet siddhars and other evolved souls. God’s creation and ways now appear more meaningful and life now appears more clearly to be a game to be played as a part of the divine drama with more focus on the deluding nature of mind and its relation to its source, the self within. Namaskarams and pranams.

112 Guruji : Lord’s grace. So nice to hear from you. Immensely joyous to see your post. Enjoy... *** Guruji She : Guruji, one day my husband is very lovable, next day he is very angry, next day he is calm, the next day very egoistic, the next day very understanding, the next day he is arrogant, the next day he is lively. I don’t know Guruji...What’s going on? I laughed and said, this is character building... Loveshree1:Guruji, just wanted to say, even I am like that. No one can be the same every day. If that was the case, life willbe so boring Guruji: Yes...Then you are building your character... *** Guruji I don’t run fast food centre here. Loveshree1: Nobody can learn anything in a day or two. Nor it’s a course to study and pass. One should adapt certain qualities on the guidance of their Gurus by constantly being in touch with them to grasp the thoughts and deeds from them as and when possible. Unless this is followed, we cannot learn anything by just paying a visit and expecting quick result, as in fast food centres. Guruji:Excellent...Excellent... *** Guruji Not always we understand what a master says. So the time has come for the master to say. So he says. But the time to understand has not come for us to understand. When the time comes we understand. Sometimes, the time may be so, that we misunderstand too. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. This is the perceived dilemma of a disciple who, in ignorance, feels that he is capable of understanding or interpreting the words and actions of the master little knowing that his limited resources are insufficient to either grasp or comprehend the majesty and grandeur of the guru. It is only when the master, out of sheer love and grace, reveals himself to others, can the guru be ‘understood’.The trick is to be patient, receptive and open to the divine power to express itself in the manner it chooses. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji: Very excellent understanding. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 2 : Does it mean that what I have been trying is foolishness? And should be understood that we should not even attempt them but just read them and wait for Guruji to reveal? I feel there should be a rules board first for the new entrants. This kind of messages always upset me. Just for my interest in Guruji, twice I forced myself from quitting the group. What is wrong if we analyze and make ourselves satisfy till Guruji approves our thoughts? Loveshree1: I feel there should be a rules board first for the new entrants. This kind of messages always upset me.” I do not know what is offensive and upsetting in my message (for I am the only new entrant here). God’s ways are mysterious but I accept them cheerfully. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity of being a part of this wonderful group, even for a very short time. Loveshree 2 :BecauseI am a new entrant. Guruji: Your analysis looks perfect...Great dear. Guruji : Comrades cool. 113 Loveshree2: Pranams. Guruji, I have only one query.Is it not OK just try to understand what the master conveys through his message and try and follow that.Then we need not worry about anything as the master knows everything, about the disciple.Whether he is progressing or not. Guruji: Exactly! That’s only between the master and disciple. Not between friends. I may be a master to You, but I am also a friend to many in face book. Every person is entitled to have their opinion and their opinion needs to be respected. It’s not whether it’s right or wrong. It’s just a matter of opinion. I may agree, I may not agree. Similarly a friend may agree or may not agree. I think you are under the presumption that all are my disciples. Many in face book are my friends. So I think you need to correct your position in the light of what I have said. *** Guruji Better to introspect ourselves instead of inspecting others. This makes you less judgmental. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, as you always remind us we need to live our life in ‘inquiry’ than ‘enquiry’, prayers to you and that almighty may we live on those lines forever so that we enjoy his proximity always... Guruji: Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace. *** Guruji Santa at an interview... Interviewer : Give me the opposites... Santa... OK... Int : Made in India... Santa : Destroyed in Pakistan... Int : Good keep it up... Santa : Bad put it down... Int : Maximum... Santa : Mini dad... Int : Enough...Take your seat... Santa : Insufficient...Don’t take my seat... Int : Idiot...Take your seat... Santa : Clever...Don’t take my seat... Int : I say you get out... Santa : You didn’t say I come in... Int : I reject you... Santa : You appoint me… Loveshree 1 : Santa was too attentive . The interviewer asked him to say the opposites. So he was all his ears. The moment there was a sound from interviewer. He was giving opposites. When we want to gain the confidence of someone, we must pay attention with full concentration and win their heart... Pranaams! Loveshree 2 : Pranams. Santa had his final word.

114 Guruji: Hi...Lord’s grace...Enjoy... *** Guruji Panda entered a bar. Had a couple of drinks. As he was leaving the bar, the bartender asked him to pay the bill. Panda took a revolver and shot the bartender. The manager asked, ‘ What is this you have done?’ Panda said, ‘I am Panda, see dictionary for meaning’ and left... Manager saw the dictionary. It was written, ‘Panda...Eats shoots and leaves’. Loveshree 1 : Superb joke Guruji. Some words have dual meanings. If the words cannot be understood as per the context, such disasters do happen! Hope you wanted to unfold your thought hidden inside a joke. Am I right Guruji? Guruji : If Loveshree1 says, it has to be right. Youare on dot as usual... *** Guruji Someone was going on questioning me. I was just smiling and didn’t reply any of his questions. Finally he asked, “I am questioning you only. But you are just smiling and not replying me”. I said, “Dear, I respected you. So allowed you to question. I felt you have a right to question me. Similarly I have a right to respond or not”. He did not understand me...Do you? Loveshree 1 : Yes Guruji. Becauseyou respected him,you allowed him to question you. He was not worthy of your response I believe or respect is not something you can demand. It’s to be gained. Pranaams Guruji... Guruji: I do respect him even now. But I don’t respond to all questions. Since a reply will not satisfy unless he experiences it. So I smiled at him. No enquiry. Inquiry please is the answer. *** Guruji Everyone says Sridharaamritham is too good. Jagada (Jagathi Dhatri) was solely responsible for this. She hatched the idea when I entered Facebook in the name of ‘Viraraghavan Sridhar’. We can never forget this. This girl is very emotionally attached to me. I call her ‘stupid’ but she gracefully accepts it. She is from the literary world. She is more poetical and enjoys nature in her own way. She is actively engaged in a literary forum called ‘Mosaic’ in Vizag. She does service in her own way to the society. She is a teaching faculty in English and psychology in a college in Vizag. Thanks Jagada (the way I call her).What seed you planted is now a big plant. I wish it’s a plant and not a tree, because plant can bend but a tree can’t though it may give shade. Thanks Jagada. Thanks for all this and for being with us. Jagaddhatri: Oh Guruji your Jagada is honored. It’s all preordained and I am just instrumental. I still remember how Balu Sir and few others were asking me how I could convince you to allow me to start this group. It’s all your grace and definitely not my merit (I don’t think I have any) and it’s the ardent love of all of us for you and your divine love for us. Plant has the hope of still growing, tree cannot bend nor can change. So the love plant will grow. I faith in love. Lots of love to you master and all of you my dear pals for the love and interest you are all showing in this group. At your lotus feet Guruji…Love, yours Jagada…

115 Guruji:Lord’s grace Jagada... Loveshree 1 : Welcome back Jagathi Dhaathri ji… Guruji: Hey...She didn’t go anywhere. She was just hiding and peeping. A kid na... *** Guruji Someone asked me, whether Ugadi program is there? I said, “May be or may not be. I do not know.” Another boy asked me, “Guruji, will you be going to Chennai on Apr 14? (Tamil new year’s day”). I said, “May be or may not be”. What does this signify? I am both a yes man and a no man... Highly undependable... Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. We have to learn to live in the present without planning or worrying about the future. We have to go with the flow of life as per the divine will. Possible only when one surrenders and submits to the higher power or becomes a pure channel of the divine power. Namaskarams and pranams. Loveshree 2 : With you, it will be better to love the uncertainty. Who knows where the love will pull you??? Guruji: Beautiful... Guruji: Perfectly on dot... Loveshree 3 : It must be depending on various factors. You are not sure of anything. As we cannot predict the providence, anything is possible yet not possible. Only time will tell if something is going to happen or not. To be present in the ‘present’ and not to bother about future. Is that it Guruji...? Unpredictable!!! Ha Ha Ha… Guruji: Very good understanding... Loveshree 4 : Guruji, do you want to reiterate that you are not the doer? Guruji:Of course...I am not the doer. *** Guruji He : Thanks Guruji. My boy has finally accepted to join with me in my business. So he has resigned his job and is taking over at my office... I smiled and said, ‘Ghar ka murgi...Daal barabar’. Loveshree 1 : Is it necessary that it should be so? Guruji: I know. Lord’s grace. In this case it is so. *** Guruji Some said to me, “Guruji, why not you come home. I have kept some money for you” So I went to his home... I said...Amma, give me some money...Ayya, give me some money...

116 They just drove me by letting loose their doberman... Funny world. He promised me and when I went there he couldn’t recognize me and threw me out. Loveshree 1 : How can it happen Guruji? Why should he call you home when he is not going to give you what he promised? Guruji: Poor guy! He couldn’t recognize me... *** Guruji He :Guruji, I am not able to spend time with my kids... Me : Don’t worry. We will pray to God upgrade you from the status of a ‘father’ to ‘dad’... Do you understand? Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha...Father must be a clergy man and promoting him to dad is the biggest joke. After marriage he will be free all the time I guess... Guruji: Yeah...Just like me... *** Guruji Yesterday night my sister had come home. So we were chatting. The TV was on and it was Sun TV channel. As I was talking to her I was also glancing at the TV. GRB ghee ad. I was stunned. The girl looked like Loveshree1. This girl till recently was in Atlanta in the USA. Now she has relocated to Bengaluru with her hubby Loveshree2 and kids. Sweet girl, charming boy, divine kids. Nice family. I remember those days of our satsang at her place in Atlanta. She feeds sumptuously. Born to nice parents. I know them all for two decades. Lord has his own way to make us all remember the good olden days. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, the little one Loveshree3, last time at yagnam, taught me Tamil! She says she is going to teach me a lot. I was like wow finally I got a chance to learn Tamil! :)) Pranams Guruji: Yeah she will teach me too... *** Guruji Someone asked me, “Why areyou in Facebook?” Me : To interact... He : How? Me : To improve on myself. Certainly not to prove myself... Loveshree 1 : Guruji, everyday your posts makes me feel, that we are listening to you live as we did at Ahobilam yagna. Guruji:Lord’s grace...Good time pass for me... Loveshree 2 : This statement of yours shows that you see yourself in all of us. While it is us who need to improve and not more so your divine self, You are indirectly proving to us that you are Antharyami. Pranams. Correct me if am wrong, Guruji! Guruji : Life is learning till the last breath... ***

117 Guruji Son had scored 55 % marks... Showed the progress report to dad... Dad said...That’s very good...Congrats... Son : What dad, others have scored better marks and you say ‘very good’. Dad : No dear, I just compared it with my marks. It’s thousand times better. In fact I had failed many times. Loveshree 1 : Bhagwan, at some instance I have seen parents not worried but kids they themselves are now getting into competition. Really I feel sad when I saw a kid crying saying that my friend got more 1% then me. And when I asked him whatsyour %, he said 95%. In last 10th year results. Pranam Bhagwan. Guruji: Parents have not properly counselled the boy. *** Guruji The vast sky above made its impact in my heart... Loveshree 1 : Pranaams Guruji. On watching the vast sky, you felt like being expansively generous with large heart to help the needy endlessly. You want us all to learn this from the sky to be vast insuch thoughts and deeds! Guruji: Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace... *** Guruji If someone has hurt you, unless you forgive the person, you will not be at peace. Please note you have to forgive whether he asks for or not because it’s your peace that’s at stake. Loveshree 1 : For me to forgive, do I need to feel superior?Usually the person who hurts never gives a chance to the victim to feel better. Forget about being superior? Guruji: Why go and stand before him? Loveshree 2 :When you get hurt by someone they usually are close to you. Sometimes you have to face them again at that point. Vengeance or tit for tat attitude gives peace of mind. I am being rude here but that’s the reality. Guruji: Yeah! That’s a route to hell… Loveshree 3 : Very soothingly/convincingly explained the truth Guruji... Guruji:Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace... Loveshree 4 : How do we do this? Do we say to ourselves “I forgive so and so for doing this? “ or do we simply tell ourselves “ let it go” many times and just observe ? Or do we say “It’s OK, that’s his nature, just go with the flow etc. Or tell ourselves “it could be karmic I am just paying my debts”? Guruji: Sorry, we don’t run fast food centres. *** Guruji Talent is a product of intellect. It doesn’t impress me. Intelligence impresses me... Loveshree 1 : What a sweet way of expression Guruji! Until and unless you reveal certain things, It’s like hidden. But on seeing the lines they seem so familiar. This is a different feeling Guruji. The experience is so enjoyable. 118 Guruji : Lord’s grace...Lord’s grace. That’s why I say...You already know it. I just came to remind you all. That’s all... *** Guruji To have jealousy is the best way to feel lousy... Loveshree 1 : By being jealous of something or someone makes us forget being at Peace. When we lose peace, we lose temper, thereby lose the quality of being good natured and ultimately we will be the losers in life. Jealousy thy name is woman. Women need to wipe off this old saying. I wish and pray all the women folk to try and prove that we can change the saying. Bless us all Guruji. I thank on behalf of the notorious 420 group for giving us this beautiful reminder! Guruji:Lord’s grace...Our prayers... *** Guruji Someone yesterday told me, Sir I have seen you somewhere. I smiled and said, “May be you have seen my photo on the notice board at Secunderabad railway station(beware...Wanted)”. Loveshree 1 : Appa, you keep appearing everywhere and I am longing for darshan, sparsham and sambhasan. Why can’t you shower your grace? At your holy feet. Guruji: I am always with you... *** Guruji I guess everyone hasone’s own reasons for keeping people away. An instinct to protect themselves from getting hurt. It’s a part of human nature... Loveshree 1 : I easily get hurt and I will be mostly in a shell. Though I come out if the zone is safe Guruji: You have spotted the area that troubles you. You will certainly get it rectified shortly... *** Guruji Parents are so proud that their kids pass in examination with distinction. I cannot but laugh at them. There is some concern also in this issue. What may be the concern? Loveshree 1 : Last night Loveshree2 ask me if Loveshree3 knows the abc. Me. She might know it but she is not a parrot to be repeating it. She knows more important things than the abc. He said, but for her age she should know it. Oh I see. So much conditioning on him, I told him Loveshree3 does not care in showing off she is very unique and don’t compare her with other children. Guruji: Excellent...Excellent. Unique is the word... Loveshree 4 : Guruji - our humble prostrations. Concern is the pressure being mounted on children and not sure what is the end... Guruji: Very good...Very good... *** Guruji The longer the beard...The bigger the deception…

119 Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha... Yes. Bigger the beard... Bigger the deception...Hiding from people...Till the beard grew so long...Being busy planning for extra ordinary things to be done...Is it not Guruji? *** Guruji One day I saw two disciples of two teachers living in the same Gurukulam known to me fighting... First :My teacher is great... Second :No no...My teacher is the best... Both of them approached me...I know their teachers too...They asked me who is the best? I told them I can show you the way. I said, “I don’t know whether you will understand what I say but you can give it a try. They said, “OK”. I said both of you go to your teachers and measure the length of their beard and come back to me. I can tell you who is the best. I don’t know what happened. Recently when I saw the two teachers they were fully shaven. Good joke. I started laughing instantly... Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha… Both wanted not to be the best so they shave their beards Guruji: Good! Loveshree 1 : Thank youGuruji. Luckily you didn’t say measure their eyebrows… Guruji: I will take this guidance for future... *** Guruji Companies, they give fat salaries initially. Adding to that bonus and incentives. Everyone starts flying, car, bungalow, amenities,all purchased on bank finance. Then, EMIs. Suddenly the companies realize costs have gone up and start cost cutting. They see white elephants all around. Just they bring up some issues and send them out. Now you can hire staff at a lesser salary. And a new cycle starts. Now having reached peak, the person sent out is aiming for a similar position or still higher. To jump from peak to peak is difficult. You have to come to the valley and slowly climb the new peak. Once you reach the peak, it’s momentary. The alarm bell should ring in your mind, so that you are alert to accept the reality. Loveshree 1: Bhagwan, with your grace all would like to reach the peak. Guruji: Our prayers. I enjoy the valley. It’s eternal. *** Guruji Literate or litter ate? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, ‘litter ate’ - Is it what the litter ate yesterday? Ha Ha, you hide and we seek. Good game. Enjoying every minute. Guruji: Just time pass with Lord’s grace. Loveshree 2 : Namaskaram to your lotus feet Guruji. Thank you for replying me. Guruji:Lord’s grace. Enjoy. Hope kidsare doing fine. *** Loveshree 3 The compassion of Gurudev is unparalleled. We are all very fortunate to come under the umbrella

120 of SridharGuruji. We will realize that his mere look is enough to shower his entire grace on us. His sentences are powerful, filled with energy to remove one’s fears and doubts. A real realized Guru, speaks very little. The words would be most precious, golden, and which we would have ever heard. Yet, he comes down to our level and indulges in day long chatting with his disciples in the net.If I may be permitted, a humble suggestion here. We should try to get benefits from his innumerable utterances as much as possible, by being a mere spectator. Every story imparts highest wisdom. If need be we can seek clarifications but definitely not suggestions or comments, with our limited knowledge in spiritual matters. The preceptors are always the best sculptors of one’s life. We can never repay the debt to the Guru. Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba once explained to me about “Guru thathwa”. Swami says that there are several channels through which God’s grace is diverted to the deserving sadhaks. God may be pleased to bestow boons directly to devotees, depending upon their intensity of devotion. Sometimes, the benefits would be reached to them in mystic ways, through some santh mahanths, or through some upasaks. These benefits are only on the physical and mundane levels. Swami asserted that the benefit of spiritual uplift can only be bestowed through the channel of a Sidha Guru’s grace. When the Guru takes compassion and blesses a sadhaks (sishya), the Ishta Devatha of that sadhak, wills that the blessing of Guruji comes into force. This channel, from God to sadhak through Guruji works wonders.When Lord decides to bless somebody, the fruition of the grace is subject to the karmic theory etc. But, when a Guruji blesses, it becomes the duty of God to reinforce that grace, irrespective of karmic effects. The compassion of Gurudev is unparalleled.” With love and regards, Loveshree3 Guruji:Loveshree3’s love towards me makes him say all this. In fact he is a supreme master. *** Loveshree 1 Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu being born as raakshasaas, lived as the most cruel, merciless, dangerous and vicious asuraaas in the history. They never tried to change themselves, as they found their purpose in life - to be a befitting opponent for ‘SRI HARI’ (the Lord himself).Wondering if there is a way to find out “the purpose in life” to do full justice to this birth? Guruji: I think there are only three categories 1)Hiranyaksha 2)Hiranyakasipu 3) Headless people. *** Guruji Even after reading so many posts,Loveshree 1 keeps on asking questions like, ‘Why God does like this?’,‘Why people die?’, Etc., Please remember that’s why life cannot be documented or explained. Life is mysterious. Life is dangerous. Anything dynamic is dangerous. Life is dynamic. Nothing can be predicted. Nothing can be explained. Nothing can be reasoned out. That’s why acceptance is the closest proximity to nature. At best with his grace, we can all pray. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Guruji pranam. Whatever you said is perfect. But thousands of people, thousands of villages all vanished. How sad! Out of grief and sorrow, I keep on asking you this question. I beg an apology for sticking to same or similar query. Guruji: I can understand your concern.But the answer is the same. Loveshree 1 : When I embrace life, celebrate life, I feel it quenches the desire to know.Why hugging and kissing God for no reason?Nobody needs to know why. When Guruji says hi Loveshree1, simply embraces my whole existence. Namaste. Guruji: Hi Loveshree1. Lord’s grace. Enjoy. *** 121 Guruji I am really surprised. People think since I am called a “Guru”, I am beyond limitations. They think I speak truth. They think I am very religious. They think I champion the cause of good and hence do only good things. Please remember this is all your imagination. I am just what I am. If you know me closely, you may well curse me. Since you do not know me well, you praise me. I pity you all. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : Hey Bhagavan! What we think of you is our business. But you pity us for our known or unknown thinking. But your pity, grace, dhaya, affection, karuna, calling stupid, anugraham, abhimanam and what not, etc., etc., is enough to us in this janma. I am alone without you. I am not alone, Guruji is with me. Yours ever… Loveshree 1 : 1) Hug, 2) Hug, 3) Hugs to you Guruji… Guruji: Huggggggggggggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyy... *** Guruji If God’s mobile is busy, it clearly shows of a mental block. Loveshree 1 : May be a tower called Guru is required to be installed. Guruji:Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Guruji pranam! Do I have the efficiency in me (may be today or tomorrow or last day of this life) to meet God? Is this possible for a guy like me??? Guruji: Hi. He is always with you. Where did he go to meet you again? *** Guruji Good joke today. I saw my car being followed today by another car. I stopped at many places. The car also stopped everywhere. I entered a shop to purchase some stationery. The car stopped at a distance. Finally I stopped the car outside a grave yard and started walking in backwards. The car zoomed away. All bravery vanishes on seeing grave yard. Really funny. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : They have been frightened by Guruji’s boooo. Guruji: Yeah just saw the keeper of the grave yard. No doubt a form of Shiva. Loveshree 2 : After seeing your head office they decided not to deal with you Sir. Lol. Guruji: Yeah.It’s better for people to be aware of the institution they are following. *** Guruji Thirst and hunger are for the body’s survival. Prayer or meditation is a conversation of the soul with God. Loveshree 1 : Swami, How to overcome disturbances in such conversations? Guruji: First converse then we will see. *** Guruji The demarcating line looks to be thin between the saints and the sinners. There is a lot of temptation by these two to cross this line to go the other side very often.

122 Loveshree 1 : Half God, half beast, mixed salad and I did! Guruji: He is none other than the Great Narahari. Loveshree 1 : Guruji - blessings of masters like you and his grace! Even if there is a trace of Narahari, it is true blessing. Seek your aasirvaatham and prayer! Guruji: Always with you. Your present profile photo is very nice. *** Guruji The beauty of the Lord is he not only protects the sheep, he also shields the jackals. Lord is all merciful. Thanks a lot Lord. Thank you so much. Otherwise we have to live in fear! Loveshree 1 : But Guruji, in the recent times only jackals are strolling around, wearing the coats of sheep. Our instincts must be the Lord, who is helping to distinguish them. Atleast most of the times we are being saved. Otherwise the fear would have been our coat. Guruji:Ha Ha Ha. Good one.Jackals have to save themselves from other jackals. Very excellent.Super. Loveshree 2 : Thank God for shielding a jackal like me. Guruji: Hi.Nice to know we belong to same breed. Loveshree 2 : Hi Guruji, you are too kind.If you know me personally, you may also curse me… Guruji: Certainly not.I just like the way you are. Loveshree 2 : I am very touched Guruji.Thank you… Guruji:Lord’s grace. Enjoy Loveshree2. *** Guruji Poor guys. Some of them need fear to remind their responsibility. The best part with these guys is just they keep fearing and don’t complete their responsibilities. They think they are the doers. Loveshree 1 : Pranams. How to overcome the fear Guruji? Just if we say it’s the Lord who is doer and we just have to witness the same. Please guide… Guruji: OK, then enjoy fear. *** Guruji The husband is a womanizer. The wife had to tolerate him. Even the –in-laws supported him. The girl went through a lot and suffered. Now he is infected with HIV. Still his wife did not desert him. Once she knew that he was a womanizer, she didn’t expect any love from him. She does her duties, still respects him and takes care of him. Even today we find such girls. I am moved by her behavior. Loveshree 1 : Pranaams to the divinity in such girls. Vandanamulu Gurudeva. Guruji: Hi. Certainly the girl is very divine. Loveshree 2 : You are there to kindly take divine care of her. Pranams Gurudeva. Guruji: I am not the doer. Lord takes care of her. Loveshree 3 : Her tolerance is beyond human. She would be blessed Guruji: Hi. Well said. Loveshree 4 : Hi Guruji. I think there are many cases whereby people live through their lives carrying out their duties in difficult situations which seem very harsh at that time. But many years

123 later, their lives become better and better and God takes care of devotees of such qualities and virtues even if they do not know much religiously. Guruji: Excellent. I reflect your thoughts. Loveshree 5 : Guruji pranam! Perfect Seetha/Mandodhari in today’s imperfect world... Guruji: Yes. She is that as you said. Loveshree 5 : Guruji, I heard similar story of AhalyaandGautama Maharshi. In this case it was Gautama Maharshi excused Maa Ahalya. But it was only in long back stories. In today’s world for petty things people go for divorces and still such women existing is next to impossible. With all respects, I sincerely bow my head to that lady. Guruji: The best part with this girl is she is very smiling always and doesn’t expose her husband. The husband emotionally keeps black mailing her. Still she adores him, loves him and respects him. Real wonder these days. Loveshree 6 : That is the commitment towards marriage, respect towards the marriage institution and traditions. Even if she deserts, she is not sure she gets a husband better than the present one. Teliyanu mitrudikannaa telisina sathruvu better kadaa. Guruji: Excellent. Yeah I know too well that she has to put with her husband since he is a known devil far better than unknown angels. *** Guruji Loveshree 1is asking ‘why saints/sages talk in similar fashion?’ I feel probably all of them went to the same school. Lol. Loveshree 2 : Ekam sath...Vipra bahudha vadhanthi. But Gurudeva, your school is different. Youare not only rebellious but also a radical. Kudos to my master. *** Guruji Once you come in to contact with God, don’t miss him. Instead kiss him and hug him. If you fear Lord, how can you love him? The opposite of love is fear not hatred. Fear will make you move away from the Lord. Never fear the Lord, for Lord is everything. So next time you see him, don’t miss to kiss him and hug him. He won’t mind for he is all compassionate. Pure consciousness with mainly compassion as the base. Loveshree 1 : Guruji pranam!!! Thank you. But how to identify God? Please, I beg an apology Guruji: He will inform your heart well in advance. *** Guruji While it’s a grace to have faith in God in one’s own way, it’s a curse to decry others faith in God in their own way. Loveshree 1 : Kisses, kisses and only kisses to you,Guruji… Guruji: Too much of kiss foam around… Loveshree 1 : You are unbelievable Guruji! Today as I greeted you, I actually visualized a kiss on your cheek. And I see your comment! Pranaams Guruji:Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace. ***

124 Guruji He :Guruji I have totally surrendered myself to you. Me : Oh great. Ok first let us start with the disclosure of your bank accounts. Loveshree 1 : First take away his material possession, which is the core part of attachment. You get blank and confused. No answer. Pranams. Guruji: Good answers. *** Guruji A nice woman on seeing the Lord flesh and blood, got scared and ran away. A golden opportunity to hug and kiss him was lost. Loveshree 1 : Guruji pranam! Bouncer… Guruji: This is a carrom ball. Loveshree 2 : God? In flesh and blood? Aisaa bhi hota hai kya Guruji? Guruji:Aisa hee hota hai. *** Guruji Loveshree1lost his grandfather. Our prayers for the soul to be raised to higher levels of consciousness. He was plucking bilva leaves for Shiva pooja on a Friday. He slipped and was hospitalized. He left. His ultimate aim was to reach the Lord’s feet. And it happened as he was getting ready to perform the Shiva pooja. Probably he would have always been praying that he should die praying. We don’t know. If everything can be reasoned out then ‘God’ becomes meaning less. I will tell you my personal experience. My dad was a high ranking Govt. official in the state of Tamil Nadu. He was an engineer by profession and his passion was construction, his being a civil engineer. Every morning his prayer schedule will be for 3 hours including sandya vandanam. He was a scrupulously honest person. Will never use the office vehicle for personal purpose. He will travel by Govt. bus to office. The phone at home if used for personal purpose will pay off the bill from his pocket. Will be bringing the files home and working. I have not seen an honest person to his degree in my life. Work was worship for him. He will always pray that I should die doing my work at work spot. A year after his retirement, he was working with a private construction firm. On 23rd September 1988 at 5.25pm, he slipped and fell backwards and died on the spot. Lord answered his prayers. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : I feel birth and dead go hand by hand.We are born...A happening in the universe, we die...A happening in the universe. In the immensity of the universe, our prayers are listened as a harmonic note that complements the whole unity of love. Big hug for you all... Guruji: Great. *** Guruji Many are asking me as to why I have added the word ‘Lazy’ to my name. The answer is simple. I am just that. If it hurts someone, I am extremely sorry about that. As of date I don’t have any intention to change this. I don’t know what I will do next moment. I just live moment to moment. No plans. No ambitions.This is purely Lord’s grace. For a person who has no plans, no ambitions in life, the attitude of laziness is very apt. There is nothing to achieve, hence no drive. Just enjoying the nature. You all seem to be busy. You all have something to achieve in life. You all have goals. You all

125 feel you are the doer and hence responsible for your actions. You want to see progress in your life, so you work for it. You have to scheme, you have to plan. I have nothing to scheme or plan. Lord plans everything for me and he takes care of everything. So no tension for me. But lots of tension for you. You have to plan, you have to scheme. So lot of tension that everything should work according to what you planned. That’s why I feel you are busy and tensed. For me everything is Lord and hence I am lazy and joyous. Loveshree 1 : I love ‘Lazy’! Always put a smile in my face. Simple lovely! Loose up and relax. No hurting ever for me. If he is your master, you should never feel hurt, as Guruji said… Loveshree 1 : Guys, you are so serious. Ha Ha Ha… Guruji: Very serious guys. Just opposite of us. *** Guruji Some phone call today. He :Guruji? Me : Who is this? He :LoveshreeGuruji. Me : Which Guruji you want? He : My Guruji. Me : Yeah. What’s the name of your Guruji? He : I don’t say his name. Me : Ok can you give a description of him. He : He is bespectacled and has a beard. Me : That’s not enough. He : Normally he cuts jokes. Me : Still not enough data. He : He gives discourses. Me : Still more details needed. He : He always keeps talking… Me : No still more data. He : He goes abroad often. Me : No still more data. He : He always talks on spiritual topics and advises people as to how they are supposed to conduct themselves. He advises people to be good. He advises them to be diligent. He advises them to sacrifice their life for the cause of humanity etc. Me : Sorry Sir. There is no such Guru available on this number. Kindly verify the number and redial. Loveshree 1 : Pranams Guruji. You are like a vast ocean, like the universe, can someone even attempt to describe you. Pranams Guruji at your lotus feet. Guruji: Very stupid of you. I am just as stupid as you. Loveshree 2 : Guruji. Lol. He always keeps talking? Guruji: Yeah. It seems his Guru keeps always talking. 126 Loveshree 3 : In whatever fashion you want to escape from us, we will never leave you. You have to bear us and bear with us in this janma and many more in whatever way we may born! I have verified many times and redialed. Of course I will get you only. But the bad part is, I want to tell 100+ things to you, but forget almost everything. Just like going to Lord Venkateswara to tell mmmmaaaaannnnnnyyyyyy(many)things and while having his darshan, forget everything. Mahaa vaseekaranam. Pranams Gurudeva, at your lotus feet ever. *** Guruji I am a thoroughly lazy guy. I have been some how lucky with the grace of Lord that everyone has accepted me for what I am. If you are lazy, you must be fortunate like me otherwise you will be in for trouble. If you are lazy, you must also have a ‘don’t bother attitude’. Others will say that you are useless, you arelazy, you are good for nothing etc., you can’t expect people around you to praise you. That’s why I say you should develop ‘don’t bother attitude’ towards others’ comments. Laziness with inferiority complex is very dangerous. But still I am happy to be lazy. Others can’t afford to be lazy. Loveshree 1 : I sent a message to Mark Zuckerberg to check if he thinks you are lazy. He just replied that you cannot be, as you top Facebook charts of their biggest contributors. Guruji: Hahahaha.Rofl. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, you just wanted to be silent and observe who is trying to search you. You like to hide and be sought. Isn’t it?? Did you enjoy the chaos of the members of the group?? You must be performing some yagnam or so I guess! Guruji: Hi. Just kidding around for fun. *** Guruji Never encourage anything that affects your psyche. Loveshree 1 : Pranam Guruji.The more I try to avoid, the more it comes to mind, how to overcome this. Guruji: That shows how weak you are! *** Guruji My boys are real creeps. They record and publish all our gadyams and yagnams. Yesterday at Tirumala, I was in a queue for ‘Udaya Asthamana Seva’. There were 10 people before me. A gentleman was standing beside me reading a slokam book. His stomach was bigger than mine and was pressing me. I just requested him to go and stand before me as there was some place. He came and stood before me and suddenly he turned and touched my feet. He said in a low voice, ‘Guruji, I regularly hear your gadyams’. I don’t know him. Oh my God I realized, my boys have publicized too much. Loveshree 1 : Bhagwan, I heard your Gadyams in a lot of temples. Especially in Dilsukhnagar,Sai Baba temple after morning aarthi and in Hanuman temple on the way to my office. They play in the evening,Sarvantharyami. Pranam Guruji: Easily available. Buy one get ten offers. Loveshree 2 : Gadhya gaana praveena, you don’t need human publicity. It runs after you.The smell of a perfume travels ahead of the one who regularly uses it. Pranams *** 127 Guruji Beautiful, excellent, marvelous, wonderful, divine. Was at the feet of LordVenkateshwara at Tirumala for almost 2 hours just standing 10 feet from the Lord yesterday. Had the fortune of participating in Udaya Asthamana Seva of Balaji, Netra darshana since it was Thursday, also Tirupavadai. Once in a year we get the opportunity to perform this seva. Really a grand occasion. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : 2 hours! Not all get such divine chances! But still I am not surprised with you Guruji! That much for physical proximity. All those who belong to you will naturally get the benefit of automatic transmission of the grace straight from the sanctum of Balaji... Guruji:Lord’s grace.This is a unique opportunity which we get one day in a year at Tirumala. Loveshree 2 : Guruji pranam! I heard in some that LordBalaji used to speak to devotees and he was physically present like a human being on the hill? Hope this true? If this is true why Lord is not speaking to us? Guruji: Probably he is not talking to you, but he does talk to us in his own way. *** Guruji She :Guruji, I plan to reduce 5 kgs in September. Me : Not possible. She didn’t understand. Do you? Loveshree 1 : Guruji, your saying not possible may be looking at her mind weight whereas she is focusing at physical weight. Is that so? *** Guruji Try to understand how other people feel through empathic listening and observing... Loveshree1: Sakshibhootha tatwam. Guruji: Sakshibhoothaiti deva *** Guruji Long back I was with a saint. He was a very good yoga master. He said to me, ‘Why not we both join. I am an expert in yoga and you are an expert in prayoga. Together we can bring a revolution in the world’. When I left his place, I had a feeling of a businessman walking out of a five star hotel after deliberating/negotiating a joint venture business. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : He may not know Guruji, that you are of yoga sastra. Pranams Gurunatha... *** Guruji The primordial source of Shakthi, opulence, abundance, prosperity, governance, steadfastness, courage, conviction, wisdom, balance is supposed to have emanated from ‘Kamadhenu’, the celestial cow. So every cow is considered to be a symbol of ‘Kamadhenu’. Further since every aspect was covered by Kamadhenu, Kamadhenu is considered as very auspicious and sacred. Hence even cow’s urine and excreta are considered as purification agents. Hence they are used in all functions for cleansing purpose. Cow’s milk, curd and ghee are also used for all ritualistic purpose. The faith

128 is,if the cow is worshipped, everything is taken care, since it’s not only bovine but divine too. When they open the temple everyday, during Vishwaroopa Darshanam, the cow and the calf is brought inside the temple. Even in Graha Pravesham, we bring the cow inside the house for auspiciousness. The holy cow is revered always as ‘Kamadhenu’. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, how can we include our prayers to a cow in our metro routine? My prayers Guruji: Aum Hreem Shreem Hreem Raksha Bhuvanayai Namaha. Loveshree 2 : Guruji pranams! AreSurabhiandKamdhenuthe same? Did Kamdhenu take birth from Kshira Sagara Madhanam? Guruji: Yes. People say like that. I was away when she took birth from Ksheera Sagara. Lol! *** Guruji To surrender totally to God, one needs to learn the language of heart and forget the language of the mind. Absolute faith in the Lord, mercy, mercy and mercy, nothing else. See the Lord in anything and everything. You should be blessed with the vision to see everything through the heart and not mind. Acceptance, acceptance and acceptance, total acceptance of him in all walks of life leading a life full of choicelessness. Love and compassion is the only language which one should know. Then total surrender is possible. Loveshree 1 : Devara, honest confession. I am so much envious of your gigantic intellectual prowess and authoritative statements. Only such a perfect master can do this. Pranams. That isdurlabham for any being. Guruji:Buri nazar wala, thu bhi jeete raho. Loveshree 1 : Pranams for your great blessings. Guruji: Always with you… *** Guruji Now a days parents whose siblings are employed abroad are in great demand. Once a kid is born, the parents of the girls and the boys in rotation take care of the kids. At least their services are required till the kid goes to play school. The advantage in this scheme of things is the elders get a chance to emotionally up bring the kid. As grandparents they get an opportunity to enjoy watching the kid growing under their care. They enjoy when the kid behaves naughty. When the kid cries they console it with their tender words. An elderly couple who took care of the three kids of their son, travelling 16 times to USA, was left without any care by the son subsequently. Lucky the man was a Govt. Pensioner and did not depend on his son and took care well his wife till the end. The man died three years back and I called his son. He didn’t respond. I left a message through someone close to me of his father’s death. No response. Finally I got the funeral done. Last week the mother of the boy died and the same sequence followed. Finally I was blessed with the opportunity of getting the funeral done in a befitting way. Now throughout my life I have to keep doing the shrardham for this couple. No problem, already as of date I do 57 shraradhams in a year other than my father’s shrardham. Really amazed the way this boy has behaved at the death of his parents? No doubt he is not the doer, I do know this. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : May be it was their wish. Pranam Bhagwan Guruji: Yeah. That’s how I consoled his brothers. Loveshree 2 : My heart lights up. I feel I need to spend some time with my parents soon. I hope it 129 happens. Guruji: You will. Loveshree 3 : In other words, is there a lesson to be learnt in this choiceless episode Guruji? Guruji: Yes exactly. Choicelessness and non-doership is the key, since most of us think we are the doers. Yes,Pitru karyam not being done will fall on the head of younger generations including the karta who ought to have done. Guruji: You will Loveshree3... Loveshree 4 : I do not wish to take this opportunity to comment or criticize the son of the departed soul, though I feel very sad about it. But there is a chance to learn something much more from Guruji’s compassion. A voluntary compassionate act of undertaking andhima kriya is also okay. But doing annual sradham for such unfortunate souls is something which we cannot comprehend. That too, for 57 such souls. Only very highly evolved souls can function like this consistently, bestowing the highest karuna and karuna, without any expectation. Such unfortunate souls become more fortunate. Great indeed! *** Guruji A successful business owes a share of profit to the society from where the business got established and that should reflect through contributions to the welfare and development of the community to which it belongs to. Loveshree 1 : Namaskarams Guruji. Very true. We see that here with many US corporations. In the place where I work, citizenship/community work is considered as one of the core values and every employee is expected to participate in community development activities sponsored by company, as well as privately. Generally companies match $ to $ for the donations made by individuals. If every organization follows this concept it will help build better society. Sairam. Guruji: Yeah! Here I have seen Deloitte guys doing it. *** Guruji I happened to speak to someone very recently. She was asking me, who is her Guru and whether I am her Guru. I can only laugh at her and pity her. In this world every object teaches some thing or the other. How so ever minute it may be, we can learn something. So the entire world is the Guru. When you are ready, the Guru arrives. When you are ready, you understand the subtle meaning of the reality and it is passed on by all that in the nature to you. That’s the direction you get. You have to walk the distance. Luggagefree travel is always possible and it’s there with you. When the time comes you get attuned to it. Everything is possible when the mind surrenders the ego. You can find every object you come across will guide you as a Guru. The problem is your ego and pride. The problem is your greed. The problem is your diffidence. The problem is your lack of faith and so on and so forth. Inquiry is better than enquiry. Please remember I am not a sanyasi. I am a gruhastha with family and kids. The problems are the same for you and me. Lord’s grace and master’s blessings, free of egoI am flying like a dry leaf. I never resist a change. All my actions are choiceless. When we can do it, you are in no way inferior to me. You too can make it. First bring in the attitude of nondoership and live a life of choicelessness... Please do anything and everything in the name of God. You can see miracles for yourself. The point is not whether any one is your Guru or not. The point is whether you can feel the Guru in everything and anything you see. Lord’s grace.

130 Loveshree 1 : Yes Gurudeva. Right from our birth we are being guided by many people throughout our life.Mother is the first Guru.As you said if we can shed our ego we can see the truth. Thank you for the divine message Guruji:Lord’s grace. Enjoy. *** Guruji It’s quite funny to find in some cases ‘knowledge’ also gets married to a great partner called ‘stubbornness’ and it comes the sibling called ‘arrogance’. Loveshree 1 : Though family, a pain indeed. Guruji: Yeah! So true. *** Guruji He:Guruji, you are so cool. Is anybody not jealous of you? I could control my laughter. I said yes, ice cubes are jealous of me. Loveshree 1 : Along with us, ice cubes too melt on seeing you… Guruji: Coooooooooooolz. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, sincere ga okka vishayam: meeru maa Shivayyaa la eppudu challaga vuntu mammalni challaga chustunnaru... Naa jivitham lo eppudu chesina punyamo meru parichayam ayyaru... Guruji: Hi. I am very fortunate to be associated with you. All Lord’s grace. *** Guruji He:Guruji, despite my staying with you all these years, my problems are not solved and in fact compounded. What shall I do? Me : (Had a hearty laugh) That’s why I told you, by following me your problems will increase. You didn’t listen. Do you have internet at home? He : Yes Guruji. Me : Log on to www.Google.Com and search for ‘problem solving Gurus’. And you may get many. All your problems will get solved. Loveshree 1 : Whatever solution Guruji suggests will be really useful. But the applicability to one’s problem is must. If everything is followed as is uttered by Guruji without matching to the problem. Definitely problems get compounded. Ha Ha Guruji once again is giving guidance in a funny way. That’s the beauty of every message he passes on to us. Thank you Guruji. We shall remember the point of applicability. Pranams. Guruji: Once again, once again, your laconic reply. Wonderful understanding. Very proud of you. Loveshree 2 : There is a better world beyond problems… Guruji: Wonderful. Yes there is a world beyond problems and the way to that world is through problems. Excellent. Loveshree : Guruji, Problems are perennial and will come and go. It is all our prarbdhas. Kindly bless us to face them with courage Guruji: That’s good. Too good... *** 131 Guruji You are not responsible for what people think about you, but you may be responsible for what you give them to think about. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, how do you manage to communicate in so many layers? This one carries so many ideas and pointers! Guruji: Hi. All Lord’s grace.I am not the doer. It’s His grace. *** Guruji When there is a challenge you learn better. So when someone argues with you without agreeing to your point, be alert without getting disappointed. You may learn something new. In fact when someone agrees with you, you don’t learn anything. Loveshree 1 : Arguments should be provocative, stimulative and quite engaging just to smash our fort of logic and thinking process that enables us to think in new direction. Guruji: Still you don’t learn anything from him. *** Guruji If you hold on to everything, you get nothing. If you hold on to nothing, you get everything. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, pranam! Holding on to nothing guarantees peace. Sometimes I experienced. Guruji: Hi. That’s the way which you have been asking. I can’t do it for you. Help yourself. *** Guruji He:Guruji, what is resurrection? Me : The new life that begins after the old dies. Certainly you too will resurrect. Much ado about nothing? Loveshree 1 : Sounds like reincarnation… Guruji: Yeah exactly. Everyone is a reincarnation… *** Guruji The most dangerous is the ‘master’. With a teacher, it is comparatively easier. The teacher preaches and practices what he teaches. The master never practices what he preaches. Further he never corrects you even when you are at fault. He makes you to experience life the way it comes and doesn’t offer much solace. Many times he will be straight in his reply and it may sound rude. He is not diplomatic and doesn’t observe any nicety. His ways are rebellious and cannot be understood. He is an Avadhootha. Teacher teaches good and bad, right and wrong etc., but master goes beyond good and bad, right and wrong etc., People often confuse between a teacher and a master. To follow the teachings of a master, one needs to be very courageous and rebellious too. Master may not conform to certain dogmas of the religion. But certainly he is religious in his own way and that cannot be understood by normal people. One needs to be blessed with a holistic vision to have a bird’s eye view of master’s actions. Lord’s grace.

132 Loveshree 1 : A teacher takes responsibility of your growth. Guruji:Excellent! A class on it’s own. Good good. *** Guruji Someonefrom Devarmalai wants to follow my advice and sayings. I pity this guy. He is sure to be lost. For I am already travelling on an unknown path towards the unknown. Hey, you may be lost forever. Our path is rebellious and dangerous. Why risk your life following me? Think well. Loveshree 1 : Reminds me of your message – ‘You are quite courageous to make your child walk the path of unknown’. Guruji: Good. Good. *** Guruji He: How to overcome worldly desires? Step by step direct and I will follow Guruji? Me: How greedy you are! Want to live in the world without worldly desires. Not possible. Live with it and you may transcend. Transcendence is impossible through avoidance. That’s what I believe in. Alternatively nowadays there are lot of people who have been blessed with the art of teaching, control of mind etc., Unfortunately I was not trained in that art. Even some conduct workshops to control mind. I have been told that they are effective. Why not give it a try? They may teach you step by step. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, pranam! I have crossed 36 years andLord’s grace how many more years on this Earth. Out of 84 Lakhs,Lord issued this life and to be honest.Until today I am slave to desires and by trial and error method I kept on trying andLord’s grace failed in concentrating on divine thoughts. Iam worried andI am sure that I am missing this opportunity of life. Suddenly bolt from blue Lord’s grace you gave darshan to me and my heart felt you are the only master who can guide me. I sincerely beg at your lotus feet to guide me to overcome and rest is Lord’s wish. Guruji: Not possible.Dial another guru. *** Guruji He : The system would not have suffered had I been in the driver’s seat... Me : Yeah that’s why the system didn’t allow you to be the leader. He was blinking. He didn’t understand. Do you? Loveshree 1 : Suffering is also an integral party of life and we need to understand this, Deva? Guruji: Ceratinly. Suffering is because of expectation. *** Guruji Sudden splash now. I could feel the urine smell in the nose and taste of urine in my mouth. Just concentrated to find out what is going on. Oh great! A poster for Dwaraka Tirumala Yagnam performed in 2007 being purified by a boy on the road side now, somewhere in West Godavari. I feel sanctified. Vinyl posters work wonders. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Pranam Guruji. We are sorry.We will take care it will not happen in the future. Guruji: Hi.Don’t take it to heart. It’s not your mistake. Love you…

133 Loveshree 2 : Suffering for our sins andwrong doings.Please forgive us Guruji and help us to follow the right path always. Guruji: Hi.Lord’s grace.Enjoy. *** Guruji I would just like to be ‘Sridhar’. Certainly not or Viswamitra. Just myself. I need not try to become someone else and a copycat finally. There is no necessity for us to become a Krishna or a Jesus. Just be yourself. In fact the more you try to be someone else, you will feel frustrated/ dejected/ depressed. The whole point of your not being joyous is because you are trying to be someoneelse other than yourself. Why wear someone’s shirt? It will stink. Just be yourself. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, pranam! You have answered my query. I have used Valmiki etc., to show the efforts employed. As you said yesterday there is Lord sitting in everyone’s heart. Same Lord in Valmiki too, but you cannot stop me calling you Allah or Jesus or my favorite Eshwara. I beg an apology for all the things. Guruji: Hi. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s just normal the way you are. I like that… Loveshree 2 : Ha Ha Ha! Yes Guruji. Trying to be like other person will never be perfect. The spontaneitywill be lost. The naturality is lost. Moreover peace will be lost trying to be alert to copy. And the best part of your message is other’s shirt stinks. Yes even if our shirt stinks, it is bearable! Guruji your explanation will always have the subtle humour, which makes the subject interesting. Finally I love myself very much and don’t want to copy/imitate others. But if at all I get tempted to do so on seeing someone very interesting, then I will remember your words. Thank you so much. Pranaams. Guruji: That’s Loveshree2. Very excellent view point! Loveshree 3 : Sairam. You may say so? You are very humble. But we have other ideas and views. Guruji:Lord’s grace… *** Guruji An interesting dream - God came down to earth to find out how his people, whom he created, were living. He realized that all had a lot of problems. So he decided to open a branch of his office at Hyderabad. He put a board, ‘God –Consultant’ visiting hours - 9.00 am to 12 noon, 5pm to 9pm. He was searching for an executive assistant to him and I luckily got the job since my profile suited him. Lots of rush. Slowly we started increasing the visiting hours and it became a 24 hour consultancy. Finally God got vexed. He asked me, “What shall I do now? I am vexed of doing the same job for 24 hours. I don’t think the problems of the people on earth can be solved. Same person coming with the same problem million times. I am going nuts. Shall I go to moon and settle there for some time since I don’t intend going back home?” I said, “Now a days lots of people are visiting moon. You will get exposed. And people will use your name and operate shuttle services from earth to moon.Once again you will run the risk of 24 hour consultancy”. God asked, “Any other planets?” I said, “I feel same thing will happen”. 134 God smiled beamingly and said. “Ok, I know what to do. I will enter man’s heart and reside there. All will be searching for me out side whereas I will be ‘Antaryami’ in him. That was the day God entered the man. People are searching for him outside and he is firmly rooted inside you in your heart. That’s why Lord is sitting inside and his grace and his grace alone can make you feel that he resides in your heart, waiting for you to explore and find him. Just like the kids playing ‘hide and seek’. Loveshree 2 : Perfect comment for a perfect Guruji. This comment shows the impact of Guruji.Everyone cannot express so nicely. But can feel exactly like Loveshree1 ji. He can represent the whole group’s feelings… Guruji: Hi. Enjoyed your comments. Your comments always originates from your heart where Lord resides and it’s indeed Lord communicating to me throughLoveshree1. Hats off. Great. With lots of love. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, I am speechless with your comment. I feel I am truly blessed. If you have peeped into my heart and uttered those lines, what else would I ask for?? God has given me everything that made me what I am including a master with a loving heart to understand every small creature. I will just close my eyes and feel you in my heart. That will be equal to a thousand pranams or more. I know that you will understand my reverence towards you. Guruji: I love this. *** Guruji Be fun and spontaneous... Loveshree 1 : Working with children you instantly become fun and spontaneous. Guruji: So true… *** Guruji When situations are going tough, always follow your heart. Lord is sitting there to sort it out. Loveshree 1 : Ha Ha Ha! Sorry Guruji. I don’t know. But very true what you said. Lord is sitting there to sort it out… Guruji: Don’t feel sorry. No big deal.We are good friends. Loveshree 1 : Haa Guruji. Sab aap ki krupa hai. I feel very happy when I see those words. Lord is sitting there. Guruji: Certainly Lord is sitting there. *** Guruji You want wisdom? Be light and fluid... Loveshree 1 : What is that sometimes I am in a heavy and stagnant state? Why I forget my essence? I want to be light and fluid and to be Loveshree 1in a full bloom. Guruji:Lord’s grace. You will. You will. *** Loveshree 1

135 Guruji pranams to your lotus feet. One doubt, is it correct to perform the monthly death anniversary with father’s tithi? Maximum of people do that way - Adiyen dasan… Guruji: To my knowledge it’s not fair. *** Guruji Before cooking food in the morning, a little bit of raw grains is just thrown on the floor outside the kitchen. This is a normal practice especially in villages. The hen, the cock, the ants, the insects are considered to be our ancestors. It seems before you start your daily routine in the kitchen, as a mark of dedication to the elders who are in the form of various beings are first taken care. With their blessings the day starts. Even today I find my mother doing this every day morning once she enters the kitchen to start the day. Loveshree 1 : Deva, Almost I do it every day. I keep some water also. Pigeons of different types come and eat. I see God in those pigeons too. Guruji: Good Loveshree 2 : Nice! I will also do it from now Guruji! Guruji: That’s the spirit. *** Guruji It looks like a trouble because you are giving importance to it. Youare tensed because you feel the expectation may not match the reality. When you live in abundance, you should learn to live empty, so that you may not feel the heaviness of luggage. No one can spoon feed you. You should make a move somewhere. Otherwise you will keep lamenting and cribbing throughout life. Neither useful to oneself nor to others. Loveshree 1 : Bless us to have the capacity to translate this wisdom into action Guruji! Guruji: Hi.Yeah! Ultimately everyone will. Loveshree 2 : Guruji Pranam. Thank you I try to follow what you said. I think if I start practicing as you said I may be trouble-free. Guruji: That’s the spirit.You will be out of woods. Loveshree 3 : Pranam Guruji. That is motivating. But to think how long is the process. It looks a bit challenging! Guruji: If you are alert, it can start happening right away. It doesn’t need any big sadana. Just the will that Lord is the doer and he does it. When you think you are the doer, yeah it may be a long drawn or never ending process which will not reach the logical end. Loveshree 4: Guruji,you know my life goes with ifs and buts. How strong I kick the luggage it will attract like Newton’s law. But this time with all sincere efforts I will be following as you said. But above all,you need to bless me. Please, I beg at your lotus feet to bless me, Eshwara! Guruji:Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace and will. *** Guruji On seeing a child in his shop Loveshree 1 feels so much about physically and mentally disabled, he is asking why? To me when I look at many of you I have the same feeling. Physical ailments probably

136 can be cured. But mental illness like ego, selfishness, possessiveness, jealousy, arrogance, battle- ax, self-pity, when I see people with all these qualities, I also think like Loveshree 1. Why such qualities of mental illness? Loveshree 2 : Guruji is saying that what we call mental illness is actually a misnomer and the ones he called mental illness are what we should rather be worried about. It’s our inability to grow beyond our limitations that makes us think these children have a great problem. They may present in these forms for reasons better known to the Lord. Guruji: Good.My mouth piece. Excellent! Good explanation. Loveshree 1 : Mental illness people are in these forms for reasons better known to God. Broadening this concept a bit more I think every living being with so called attitude on this earth may be better known to God only, Eshwaraa! Guruji:Loveshree 1 of late seems to be believing that God is the doer and hence the knower. *** Guruji Once when you are with a Master, he is your Master till your last. Whatever he says is final. Your buddhi, your ahamkar, your intellect, your ego, your pride, your wealth is his.You have to surrender totally and unconditionally. Here in Facebook, many are just pass timers and good friends. So they don’t come under that category. Merely addressing as Guru or Master doesn’t confer the title of a ‘sishya’ or disciple. The idea of this group is to congregate and discuss a little bit about everything that happens in our day to day life, a little bit about Gurus, a little bit about nature, a little bit about God and of course plenty of jokes. So the idea is not to be too serious. For life itself is a big joke and is worth laughing at. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : SairamGuruji. How deceiving and manipulating the mind is to make a simple life complicated rather than letting it unfold naturally as per His will. If the life is lived in the present moment this dilemma would not arise. We have turned our lives into a big joke ourselves and, rightly so, God is having the last laugh! Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji:God is laughing. Ha Ha Ha!. Booooooooo... *** Guruji After years of search and struggle, you will finally not any longer search, you will not any longer struggle, you will be just where you are, you will not do anything to cover or uncover, you will be dried off your aspirations, you will be relaxed since the mind would have ceased to function. In those moments you attain the bliss of non-doership, the essence of ‘nirvana’, the ultimate unison of all cosmic forces into the realm of reality. Can we say we have arrived? Mystery? Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : Not yet Gurudeva. Long way to go… Guruji: Exactly. Yesterday I said about this only. Postponement of God. Loveshree 2 : SairamGuruji. With the grace of the outer and inner Guru, hope that someday the annihilation of the mind takes place resulting in the self, shining forth. I must admit that whenever I spend time in holy Arunachala in Tiruvannamalai, the experience is one of being in a state of stillness, and calmness. Definitely the mind is nearer the state of mano nasa even if it is for a short duration. Have just returned from there yesterday and am still having the hangover! Pranams and namskarams. Guruji: Arunachala Shiva Om. Trishoola Dari Sivom. Hari Narayana Om. Sayee Narayana Om. ***

137 Guruji It’s very rare to find someone unconditional in love. If you find one such person, please bring him/ her to me. I would like to wash their feet and prostrate them with reverence, for, they are my masters. Loveshree 1 : My professional life was in doldrums from the day I joined the office at Hyderabad Guruji. Ever since my getting acquainted with you my problems seem to be narrowing. I don’t know how and why? My Pranams to you Guruji for your presence in my life. Guruji:Lord’s grace.Lord’s grace. *** Guruji The man was on his death bed. The doctors have said, just few hours left. But the man is not prepared to die. He can’t believe that his time has come. He asked his wife, “where is my first son?” He is here. “Where is my second son?” He too is here. “Where is my third son?” He too is here. The man got up and said, “So the shop is closed today?” Let me go there. Even on deathbed, though there is a possibility in this case to think of something else other than money and relationship, this man’s mind is not prepared for the other routes. Even on death bed it is business and money. No time for God. No time for love. No time for relationships. Nothing but business and money. This is a tragedy that has happened to humanity. No one has time for God. Even on death bed, no one believes that he/she is going to die. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : The life we are given by God is precious. It should be borne in mind to lead the life worthy of its preciousness and to be in touch with God along with all other relationships we are bound with. If we are out of touch with God, it’s like being away from the signal zone. Where we are not being able to get guidance from God. God is the only solution for all our problems right from the birth to death bed. He is the right doctor, judge, advisor, guide and what not! Guruji: Excellent! *** Guruji Prayogam - I don’t call it as work. I can’t call it as duty. I can’t call it as my love. I can’t call it as a business. I can’t call it as charity. What shall I call it as? Yeah. ‘Prayogam is more a play to me’. Lord’s grace. We enjoy it. Loveshree 1 : You are bowling and he is batting. Pranaams… Guruji: No. Both of us are sitting in the stands and watching the play. Loveshree 2 : We are the players, watching our actions and laughing at our ignorance. *** Guruji Love like a mother… Care like a father… Smile like a child… Work like an ant… Try like a spider… Loveshree 1 : Enjoy like a? Guruji: Hi. Enjoy like Me. *** 138 Guruji Use the same measure for selling which you use for purchasing. Loveshree 1:Some use Indian rupee to buy or sell. No US $. Lol! Guruji:Hi. Good one yaar… *** Loveshree1 Guruji sent two angels to help in darshan of Samayapuram Amma!! Thank youGuruji! Pranams!So kind of you! Guruji: Wonderful. Praise the Lord and raise to the Lord. *** Guruji A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. Loveshree1:Guruji! This is not new but often I am feeling everything futile and not feeling like doing the work I am supposed to do. Sometimes I feel greatly inspired and sometimes very lost. Just bless me with some balance.A word of yours will put me to work again. There must be some purpose why my life is still there. You know everything Guruji: Just relax. Don’t force your mind. It’s all Lord’s will and grace. Youare absolutely fine. This is very normal. Enjoy. *** Guruji Loveshree 1 : Every Guru’s sishyas cry after they attain samadhi. Is physical interaction important with Guru? Will Guru take responsibility of sishyas after his death? Me : Yeah! Every sishya cries on Guru attaining Samadhi. That shows they were attached to him more on a physical plane and not on a meta physical plane. This answers the first two questions. For the third question my reply is like this. First allow me to laugh loudly. In my case, I don’t take responsibility when I am alive itself, leave alone my taking responsibility after death, for I am not the doer. I just came to enjoy, celebrate and dance with you all. After my death it’s better you all wipe your memory of me, otherwise it will be an eternal pain. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 2 : We can’t wipe you off our memory line. All your disciples are not new to you now. You know them in their earlier janmas also. Again you will identify them, in their subsequent janmas. The contemporaries of Shirdi Sai were not alive today including Sai. But the now disciples of Sai, all may not be new to him. It is also true with all divine souls like Sathya Sai, Maha Periavar etc. You are not an exception to any other great divine souls. We may be desirous of leaving you. But you will not leave us. Of course, we will never leave you. At one place, you have already said that you are your father’s father. Since how many generations you were a Sidhapurusha, world knows. And in how many janmas, you continue to be a Maha Sidhar, Lord knows. Gurudeva, pranams. Bestow us the fortune to be with you ever, though we are burdensome luggage and liability. Pranams to Adisesha, pranams to Pathanjali, pranams to Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi, Pranams to Sri Kakkade, Pranams to you, my Master. Ever at your lotus feet (I don’t think I could express in words, what all I am having in my thoughts. Forgive me master.) Loveshree 3 : Devara, I understand the importance of statement in this way ; (1) Lord out of sheer compassion sends his messengers to us for our elevation and progress. (2) The arrival and departure

139 of master is always pronounced clearly and again in the hands of Lord. (3) Masters come to us and behave very normally to just make us comfortable; For this reason, Devara informed, he has come to enjoy, dance and celebrate. Read each word carefully and contextualize. (4) No master ever wanted his followers, disciples and devotees to attach themselves to master on a physical plane. (5) The set of people cry, wail, sob and weep aloud over the samadhi of their master for the reason, they failed to understand the work,circumstances and duty of master, accordingly set out by Lord. (6) Instances are there, master protects his children after departure through subtler ways. Devara says here specifically, it happens with Lord’s grace.(7) Remember master spelled out on Ugadhi day, master is a mediator (on behalf of us) between us and Lord.”(8) that is why he said,“I can’t take care of you all unless it has the approval of Lord.(9) He repeatedly urges us to move to the core and identify with it. Not mundane and physical planes.(10) You can be in touch with him(after samadhi) still through other means, said about them in recent messages. (11) Memory is short timed phenomenon and subject to lot of conditions. He said that is painful. (12) We all strive to lose our identity and be in him. Pranams Devara. Guruji: Very stupid of you Loveshree 2. Polluting other guys too. Loveshree 4 : Guruji, me also in the queue. Dasan… Guruji: Don’t follow this Loveshree2. He is one stupid guy. But no doubt a guy very loving and caring. Loveshree 3 : Loveshree1, wonderful and extraordinary description of my Devara. Every word is true. Guruji: One more stupid roped in by Loveshree2, Loveshree3. Loveshree 5 : Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnum Guru Devo Maheshwara; Guru Sacshat Parabrahma Thasmy Sri Gurave nama; As this slokam is true You are true Guruji As this slokam is true We are up to you Guruji Guruji: Virus is spreading fast. Next Loveshree5in line. Hey Loveshree2, very strong virus you have yaar. Loveshree 5 : Guruji, for the third day a group of devotees performing Nalayira Dhivyaprabhandham Sevai at our Devarmalai Srikathirnarasinga Perumal Koil. It ends by coming Sunday morning with Saatrumuai. By Lord’s grace Guruji… Guruji: Great. Lord’s grace. Enjoy. Must be very satisfying. Loveshree 2 : Living only with your grace, Gurudeva. Innumerable pranams at your lotus feet. Gurudeva, Pranams. Forgot to add –“Sathyam Sathyam Punah Sathyam Yathirajoh Jagath Guru Sayeva Sarva Lokaanam Udhartha Nathi Samsayaha.So. Maha Yatheendra”.It’s your aroma that is spreading and spreading like wild fire (not my virus). Regards.Sunshine cannot be hidden with keeping palm as a cover. *** Guruji My kids use big big words,’responsibility’, ‘selfishness’ etc., a person who lives in abundance and has an attitude of sharing always fulfills all his responsibilities. Once the attitude of sharing is

140 there, certainly it’s not selfish. Further the problem with my kids is they all feel they are the doers. Heart of heart you all don’t feel that Lord is the doer. Further it’s just pretense. Youare all pretending. Good actors. Certainly Lord is providing me a lot of fun with clowns all around. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : We will try to change and be ourselves. We will also try to rise up to the expectations of Guruji. Pranams Guruji: Hey. I have no expectations. It is said in the general interest of you all. Even if you don’t change, my love remains the same with you all. *** Guruji She: Why Indians don’t prefer divorce? Why don’t they prefer to get rid of a painful relationship? Me: May be they are senti(mental). Loveshree 1 : These days, divorce rate is going up, Devara. Oldies like me think about good old traditions are broken and dissipated. Women are no longer mental and sentimental Swamy. They express their likes and dislikes very openly. ‘Sex’, no longer a tabooed one. Guruji: Good. I was thinking that you are a novice in this area. Looks to be packed with a lot of experience. Loveshree 2 : Guruji, OMG you are good at pulling leg too. Ha Ha Ha, Loveshree1expressed the truth for which he doesn’t need experience I believe. Situations heard and seen around are making everyone (including those novice to the subject) aware of the happenings. Indians somehow are too slave like mostly women. They bear beyond endurance and inflict pain as if pain is their second natural quality. It’s time now to oppose and breath fresh in irreparable conditions. Guruji: Nice. Very nice. ‘Indian women bear beyond endurance’. True. Very true… *** Guruji It’s quite amusing to find that my considering you as ‘unique’ and your considering me as ‘different’. So my relationship with you is going to be eternal whereas your relationship with me is going to be temporary. Really funny. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Our relationship is since time immemorial, timeless and for eternity. Guruve saranam… Guruji: Is that so? Loveshree 1 : Yes, because my heart says so. Guruve saranam… Guruji: That seems to be good. Keep remembering it always with the heart. Loveshree 1 : I am no entity. Guru, like you said always even the remembrance about you is due to Lord’s grace. Guruji: Very nice. Good. Keep it up. *** Guruji People of the heart realize that with every birthday they are nearer by one step to God... People of the mind fear that with every birthday they are nearer by one step to grave... Loveshree 1 : I am incapable of understanding heart and heaven. One thing is for sure. With every birthday, I look forward to entering a huge Yagasala, to see one more Maha Yagnam. Could there be another heaven Guruji?

141 Guruji: Ha Ha Ha! Beautiful! Wonderful! Loveshree1 :Guruji, would like to hear from you about Prasava Vairagyam and Smashana Vairagyam. *** Guruji Prasava vairagyam: The woman undergoes a lot of pain during delivery of pregnancy. At that time it seems she takes an oath that never ever she will sleep again with her husband. But after a period of two to three months, she goes back in to the act with her husband. So prasava vairagyam is temporary. We just make some tall statements during the heat of the hour. But we don’t really mean it. And we go back doing the same thing. Smashana vairagyam: Once a person is dead and goes to burial ground, he is not going to return back alive. In this case people stick on to what they say and they don’t budge. So Smashana Vairagyam is permanent. The statements made, we really mean it and irreversible. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 2 : Bless us to get into decision making as Smashana Vairagyam. Pranam Bhagwan… Guruji: Yeah certainly it comes to everyone on reaching smashaanam. Loveshree3: Poojya Guruji, namaskarams. What is Ghyana Vairgyam. I see this in several shlokas and prayers. Sorry for the inquisitiveness Guruji: I have not heard of it.I don’t know. *** Guruji I have said many times in Facebook and in my lectures about the Guru Sishya relationship. Guru/ Master takes liberty in correcting and advising the disciples. In the process of discussion, he throws certain statements which are aimed at bringing quality change in the attitude of the disciple towards life. He doesn’t carry any ill feeling towards the disciples. If the statements made are taken too personally by the disciple, then the disciple should really think whether to continue with such a master. Master is always of the heart. Unfortunately disciples, most of them are of the mind. So when the master makes a statement it has to be looked from the heart and not from the mind. Otherwise kick the master and leave such Gurukulam. It’s not worth. If you expect the master to be goody goody to you, it may not be possible. I don’t console my disciples. Instead, I try to correct their attitude towards the subject. The relationship between the master and disciple is out of pure love and compassion. Suppose any of my words are hurting, don’t lose time. Quit me. This, I say from my heart and not mind. I don’t say sorry to my disciples. But I do say sorry to friends and outsiders. There is no necessity for the master to apologize to disciples for, the statements / comments are made in the interest of the disciple. In case of outsiders, ‘Yes’, I have to apologize. Lord’s grace.Enjoy! Loveshree1: Whatever happens I will not leave you Guruji in the unknown seas that I travel I will not let go of my anchor. I need to be secure. Thank you Guruji for giving that stability for me. Guruji: Always with you. Loveshree2: What is there to be hurt and offensive? Master has the right to initiate any corrective step. Master should apologize? Really mad and crazy. My master is always challenging for me and 142 I strive to achieve his benchmark. Master speaks from heart and heart only.I never have taken anything negatively what all he said and there is no such necessity, I believe. Guruji: Looks like you have a good understanding of the subject. Excellent. Good show… *** Guruji Self-denial is the height of stupidity. Self-denial is not sacrifice. One to deny self should have lived a pompous and splendid life. After living a life of abundance with an attitude of sharing one comes to a stage of self-denial. Not at the very beginning. Self-denial by people who have not lived a total life is just a mere pretense. They are just pretending. The jackals trying to mask their face like a sheep. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Guruji, the time is always closing on us. On one side the responsibilities will not allow us to live pompous life. Our core always suggests us to deny the self. We feel good when we deny ourselves to serve others.For example, I want to live a pompous life to transcend my desires. I also have the responsibility of my daughter. My pompous life may extend beyond any time, nevertheless, my responsibilities towards my kid are time bound and chasing every month/year, and I have the challenge of limited resources. What should be our attitude which will help us put your words into practice in day-to-day life. Pranaams… Guruji: Then, you are the jackal. Lol… Guruji: Responsibility? Your daughter? Yours? Self-denial for society or daughter? Stupid guy, you are not the doer. Loveshree2:Guruji selfishness means? Guruji: Selfishness means selling fish. Lol… Loveshree2:Guruji, sorry,pardon me. I can’t differentiate between self-denial and selfishness. I don’t mean to criticize your post. I beg your pardon once again… Guruji: Cool yaar cool… *** Guruji He:Guruji, I am desirous of purchasing a BMW x6. Me: Just check whether it’s a need or a greed/want. Loveshree1: The most luxury thing I ever had (still going well) as transport is my two healthy (and sexy) legs, they take me anywhere!!! Is such a bliss!! ThankGod for lending me these pair of legs. Guruji: Well said. Well said. *** Guruji A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of man. Loveshree1:Guruji, Pranam. I am lucky… Guruji:Lord’s grace. Happy that you are lucky… *** Guruji Ok, ok. How to find out whether the man is the first love of a woman or the woman is the last love 143 of man? Narayana, Narayana. Lol... Loveshree 1 : That is how life is granted / extended to both… Guruji: Good. Better to imagine that it is so in order to avoid confusions. *** Guruji Just ensure ‘heart’ is kept before the ‘tongue’ and not the ‘tongue’ before the ‘heart’... Loveshree1: Yes Guruji. Heart obstructs tongue from throwing out acid by being ahead instead of being at the back of tongue restricting disasters. Guruji: Very good. Good understanding... Loveshree2: Tongue is the most dangerous and most sweetest lovable weapon. Be careful before using it. Use it discriminately. Guruji: It’s first applicable to you. *** Guruji Knowledge and realization are poles apart. Loveshree1: One who is knowledgeable cannot accept others’ point of view and hence does not realize. One who readily realizes on something will not definitely be a knowledgeable person. He/ she acquires knowledge on realizing (finally) hence these poles are apart but have attraction. Ha Ha Ha… Guruji: Unique way of explanation. High class. Loveshree2:Loveshree1ma, (1) This statement is too vague, not precise and fuzzy. (2) What kind of knowledge one is speaking of here? (3) Which part of the knowledge is irrelevant to realization? (4) Your definition of knowledgeable is contestable. (5) Knowledge is well informed (in a domain). (6) Realization is also a knowledge otherwise how would you know about it? If one is better informed than you or one who can’t see valid points /grounds in your forte of knowledge, would you call the one is arrogant and dismiss? (7) Any point of view requires larger acceptance, still go with dissent of smaller percentage. (8) There is no stubborn and permanency rule about one point of view is labelled the’ knowledge’. (9) One who is knowledgeable is open to fresh breeze, otherwise he lives in cesspool. (10) Any ready realization may take place if one is possessed with minimal scale of knowledge, otherwise, no. (11) Realization is something to do with internally. It is root cause analysis. (12) We say Lord Buddha, Mahaveer, Ramana and Kanchi Periyava are realized Purushas.It is enlightenment related to science of spirituality or a body of knowledge in the domain(viewpoint/ s). Devara could be referring to something deeper and variant; that part of discussion not now. Loveshree1: I don’t go so deep. If we go far, we reach nowhere. There should be a nearer goal first. If that is achieved, I move on to next level. Moreover I give out my comment on the spur of the moment. Thinking too deep may deviate me. I make everything simpler. Break into bits and feel satisfied. Guruji: Well said! Loveshree 2 needs such whackings. He is an utterly confused guy going nowhere. In short trisangu. *** Guruji She: My husband is a drunkard. He has been harassing me all these 22 years. Sometimes I feel like

144 running away. It’s already 12.30 am. Still he has not come home. He will be fully drunk when he comes. I want to go away from him Guruji. Me: Is it prasava vairagyam or smashana vairagyam? She: I don’t have vairagyam. Me: Then it’s not possible. She: Please I want relief. Me: To eat an egg you must break the shell. This case is a classic example of a sadist and masochist. The husband is a sadist and wife is a masochist, a perfect pair. He enjoys teasing her and she enjoys being teased. No two sadists or masochists can exist in a relationship. This will continue. In fact if he is not doing it, she will get bored and upset. We do see such couples. After a stage they start enjoying the cruelty. They get used to it. But for normal people, this would indeed look cynical. Lord’s grace. Loveshree1: Gurudeva, I referred the dictionary also. I could not properly understand the meaning of masochist. Pranams. Guruji: Masochist is someone who obtains pleasure receiving punishment. Loveshree2: Before judging others, think from their corner. It’s my perception, Pujya Guruji! Guruji: Yeah. You have a point. Certainly. Loveshree 3: Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken so soon. Guruji: I don’t think it’s deliberate. Don’t be so serious, my girl. *** Guruji Truly speaking you don’t know what you want and the pitiable thing is you are willing to go through hell to get it. Loveshree 1: Please guide us Swami. Pranams. Guruji: What else is Sridharaamritham doing? Loveshree1 :Guruji pranams! Since few years I am rigorously searching for one answer - Who am I? Hope to find the answer by your grace. Guruji: Simple. Owner, jewellery shop (near Mahan Kali temple, Secunderabad). LOL… Loveshree1:Guruji pranam! My grandfather thought that the store belongs to him andEshwara’s grace he left body and my father took over the store and asked me to take care. The age of the store/house is much higher than my grandfather’s. I whole heartedly confess at your feet I am still a parasite or dependent on my parents. Iam not the owner of my breath. Still the million dollar question remains who am I? Guruji: Youareyour grandfather’s son’s son. Lol. *** Guruji Be kind and courteous to people who work for you. May be at office or at home. You may not agree to all their demands but be sympathetic to them. When a servant maid comes home in the morning, give her hot good coffee or tea or any other beverage. Serve her hot good food which you eat. See God in them. May be the Lord has come in that form and is giving you an opportunity

145 to serve him. Anyone who comes and seeks alms give him something. May be the Lord. See the Lord in anything and everything.’Antaryami’ has two meanings. Not only inside, but outside in anything and everything Lord resides. In the office treat your colleagues, seniors and juniors with reverence and respect. When you don’t agree, don’t be rude to your colleagues and juniors. Develop politeness. They will understand you better. Be ordinary and do extraordinary. Be simple. Don’t force yourself. There is nothing to get tensed. Everything falls in its place and that depends on your intrinsic faith in the Lord. When you live you share. As you live share.You can’t share anything on the death bed. Whatever you can share, share. Share it gracefully. Enjoy life. Never forget two words. ‘Mercy’ and ‘Grace’. Lord’s grace. Enjoy... Loveshree 1 : Pranam Deva with your blessings, I am following your words. Guruji: Hi.Nice to hear this. Lord’s grace enjoy. Loveshree2:Guruji, your message regarding being kind and courteous to people who work for us Itself is enough for us to change our perspective towards fellow beings. It has cleared a lot of unexplainable sandehas. Dhanyosmi. Now I am very relieved Gurudeva. Further, I am looking after my staff well. I came to know that one of them is stealing articles andfraudulent in money affairs. He works well but. Please guide me as to what should be my reaction to him. At your lotus feet. Guruji: See my post on this. Loveshree3: We are blessed Guruji… Guruji: Yeah I was informed. Lord’s grace. *** Guruji The pure sublime vast form of the Lord is beyond the aspect of Trigunas. You may call this form by any name. May be Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, Jehovah, Allah, Ahur mazda,it’s only one. From this nirgunaswaroopa comes out the sagunaswaroopas in the form of avataras, from the formless to formful, from the nirguna to the saguna,from the limitless to the limitful. The formless is not bound by time and the formful is bound by time. The formless cannot perish. The formful perishes. That’s why all avataras have a logical end whereas such a logic is not applicable to the formless since it’s beyond time. The legend says that the formless or the universal consciousness or the paramatma decides on its own will to transcend down and becomes an avatara with a time bound agenda. to kill Hiranyaksha, Nrusimha to kill Hiranyakashipu, Rama to kill Ravana, Krishna to kill Kamsa etc., here too our opinion is to kill the negativities or the negative energy and not in the literal sense of killing the person. In Nrusimhaavatara, formful Nrusimha’s anger did not quench down after killing Hiranyakashipu. So all the formful devatas who had the boon to be with the formless requested help. So the formless took another Ugra Swaroopam called Sarabaha, which is more a bird form.Nrusimha is Ganda berunda form. So the legend says that Sarabha with his consorts of Soolini and Prathyangira hugged Nrusimha and Nrusimha felt the compassion and surrendered his anger to Sarabha. The formless is so vast and powerful that it can take many forms at the same time. It’s all Lord’s leela. Enjoy his leelas and don’t end up in controversy. Our chicken brain is too small to comprehend and explain the reasons thereof. Lord’s grace. Enjoy... Loveshree 1: Once again my prostrations at your divine feet. For the way God’s leelas explained, which my chicken brain could understand easily. Pranams… Guruji:Sarabha has 8 legs and 4 hands. *** 146 Guruji One needs a lot of courage to subdue one’s intellect. Exhibition of intellect is more because of a feeling of insecurity. Sometimes it’s also due to greed to make others know that you know more than others. In short it’s stupidity and nothing else. Intelligent people normally have a hearty laugh at intellectual ones, who keep jumping like a brinjal with hands and legs. Loveshree 1: Devara, I don’t want to be any form of intellect. I remain to be simple, imaginative and high quotient of common sense sans cunningness and deception. Please bless me. Pranams. Guruji:Lord’s grace… *** Guruj A saint said, “We use rich people to build temples”. Me: We use temples to build richness in people. For a change I winked at him and he blinked at me. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1: Pranaams Deva. Went to the Veena class and came back.Siddhi Vinayakam, Shanmukhapriya ragam,beautiful, divine, heart touching. I am very much thankful to God for giving me a chance to learn music. Guruji:Lord’s grace. I am thrilled because you enjoyed it. *** Guruji Why does the Great Wall of China come in the Seven Wonders of the World? Loveshree 1: Because it’s the first and only Chinese product which stays so long. Loveshree 2: Ha Ha Ha!Guruji has very good taste for wit and humour and the punch lines have his own signature style. I always wonder how can Guruji be so energetic despite his trips to forests and not enjoying proper meal or rest! He is born with a natural flair I guess. Guruji: All the energy I get from the love showered by people like you. *** Guruji Loveshree1: Guruji, what’s the importance of Sandya Vandanam? Is everyone bound to do it? Me : Certainly yes! You have to search in your colony and find out which girl’s name is ‘Sandya’. Then you have to welcome her home. Prostrate her. Feed her and give her good dress. Like this all girls named ‘Sandya’ have to be covered and this is a must. Rofl. Loveshree 2: Very funny. Ha Ha Ha! The name seems to be very profitable. I will change my name to Sandhya. Guruji: Good idea. At least you have a chance to do such things. In my case, even if I change over to saree, this beard will be a nuisance. Loveshree 3: Guruji, would you expand the list to add all girls who are named Gayatri too. Love Loveshree 4: Not just Sandhya, Vandana too… Guruji: Certainly, but Gayathri is a shorter version and Sandhya is a longer one. We can say like this, in case Sandhya is not available in the colony, Santosh can search for Gayathri. ***

147 Guruji Loveshree1, if Sandhya and Vandana are not there in the colony, find out whether Gayathri is there. Sandya/Vandana is longer version/tall girl. Gayathri is a shorter version/short girl. Both are beautiful. Lol Loveshree2: What about Savitri ? Guruji: Savithri is also a beauty, slightly middle aged. Loveshree1 may not prefer. Lol. *** Guruji Loveshree1andLoveshree 2: Guruji, please perform a yantra pooja at our home on the occasion of Sri Krishna Jayanthi. Me: Colossal waste. Loveshree1 andLoveshree2:Why Guruji? Me: I have to bring my entire troupe. Lot of people will attend and you have to feed them. There will be no privacy. My people will occupy all the rooms. Lot of money you have to spend and it will drill a hole in your pocket. Hardly will I be there for 2 or 3 hours. Do you still need it? Loveshree1 andLoveshree2:Yes Guruji, We need it. Me: Give me 10 days’ time for a reply Loveshree1 andLoveshree2:Ok Guruji… Loveshree1: You are our Sri Krishna Paramatma. Krishnam vande jagatgurum !Namo krishna namo krishna . We pray for the Lord’s will and Guru Krupa for the pooja to take place. Guruji:Lord’s grace and will… Loveshree 1: If money is the only obstacle for the yantra pooja, I think a sincere prayer to Lakshmi Pathi to sponsor would solve the issue- testing time for the couple of their faith. Guruji: Money no problem. Not at all an issue. But other things may be an issue. *** Guruji You love my physical presence.. You love my voice. You love my smile. You love my jokes You love my discourses. You love my thoughts. You love my yagnas. You love my mischief. You love my presence. You should also learn to love my absence… If you learn to love the opposites in life, you will be joyous. Please remember I enjoy your absence too. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 1 : Hi Guruji. But you are never absent. In fact these breaks are useful to digest the values you give from previous times. So technically your inputs from before are still with us. So you 148 are still with us also !Pranams Guruji! Guruji: Hi. Youare the rarest of the rare case… Loveshree 2: You are never absent to me Guruji.I always feel you nearer to me. I don’t know why but feel that youarewith me always. Iam able to be cool even at the worst times. Guruji: One more rarest of the rare… Loveshree 3: If one experience the presence of Guruji in their heart then there is no question of feeling the absence at all. Guruji: That’s good! Loveshree 4: The fact is your presence is the only respite from life’s complexities for many of us. Guruji: Hi.Always with you… *** Guruji He:Guruji, youare too good. Youare everything to us. Whether we are down or up we look up to you. Me: Very stupid of you. The essence of your being is already with you and it takes care of everything. Don’t be in the periphery. Move to the core centre to realize that essence inwardly. Once you realize the essence of your being you will burst into laughter for all such statements made by you about me. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Why is everyone not destined to realize their true self Guruji ? Is the answer as simple as “Lord’s will” or something more which can make us celebrate his will?Pranaams… Guruji: Just a matter of time. Why I am not my father’s father? Loveshree 2: Are you not the prompter inside of us and allow us to see the almighty crystal clear and listen to his beautiful and melodious voice? I strongly believe so. Pranams Devara. Guruji: These will not work. Move to the core. Loveshree 1: Guruji, I am taking some time to digest your question… Guruji: Ultimately it will be digested. *** Guruji I was walking in the forest. Heavy rains took almost 3/4th of a day to walk around 20 miles. The prayogam is called ‘Yantramaya’. Some 130 yantras had to be propitiated. Some yantrams for Richmond temple, some for other purposes. Since it was raining I had kept it in a bag. It was watery everywhere. Water flowing right down the mountain. There was a small tree on the slope where I was sitting on a flat rock. I thought if I place the bag on the rock, it may get swept down due to the heavy down pour. So I hung the bag on the tree branch, since the branch was quite heavy. I closed my eyes and started doing the prayogam. It takes 32 hours to complete it. The prayogam was completed. It was not raining. I just looked up and the bag was missing. It was a real surprise. I know very well no one could have taken it, for there is no one around. Even the two tribals who accompanied me were atleast 3 to 4 miles away from this spot, since they too fear this terrain. All the yantrams which I had specifically made for the consecration of idols, Dwaja Sthambham, Bali Peetam for our temple of Sai Amrita Narayana at Richmond were a part of these yantrams. It has almost taken two months for the yantrams to be made. A lot of work was put into it. How will I face Rajagopalan mama? What answer can I give to Sarada and Babu? I thought there

149 is something more to it. I just took a deep breath. This is Lord’s grace and leela. OK. No problem. I started my journey back and came to the spot where the two tribals were waiting. I told them what had happened. They too were perplexed. So we all were coming back to the spot where Srimaan Neelakantan Namboodri was performing the rituals for suddhi of yantrasalong with another 3 brahmins. I told him what all had happened. He winked and smiled at me and pointed his finger to a tree opposite from which the bag was hanging. I know this smile. It’s this smile that has mesmerized me throughout my life. It’s my master Su Yen. Su Yen laughed. He said, ‘I just wanted to see as to how you have designed the yantras. When I came there you were happy with your prayogam deeply meditating. So I didn’t disturb you. I brought the yantras and had a look. Great. You have designed it to precision. Good work. Ok, I have completed the job of Neelakantan Namboodri. Poor guy. He is unwell. You wanted to do Prayoga Deva Prashnam na? Let us do it and complete it’. He stayed with me another 24 hours and we completed the work. He then left with the other three brahmins. The two tribals also left. I walked back and came to my jeep. Started driving back to Madurai. On the way, I received a call from Srimaan Neelakantan Namboodri. He felt bad that he couldn’t make it. Interestingly I came to know none of the brahmins had come and the tribals too were not available due to heavy rains. See how mystical and magical are the ways of our Master Su Yen. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1 : Guruji you are so kind. Like my mother, you have climbed down infinite steps for this fool. Guruji: Hey,I mean what I say. In the system of nature, before God all are one. Hence no difference. Loveshree 2: I suppose the divine also assist in your work Guruji. Guruji: Divine works. I just blink. *** Guruji The most important thing a dad can do to his children is to love their mom. Loveshree 1: Amom being loved by dad is such a good lesson to children. They learn to repeat it in their lives. That makes how to develop bond with family members. And have a firm relationship and to respect mom. Guruji: Exactly! Loveshree 2: Very simple truth… Guruji: Yes… *** Guruji Our problem is never really a problem. It’s our reactions to the problem a real problem. Loveshree 1: Guruji Pranams, a problem is a situation with divine goals only to be realized.If we recognize the goal then the situation is not a problem it becomes a lesson. Please correct me. Guruji: Goal is the biggest problem… *** Guruji Many are busy planning for tomorrow. Some enjoy living today. Loveshree 1: I am enjoying today Guruji with your grace. I am taking some lessons on the internet from a very renowned musician. He says “music is now”. Pranaams Guruji: Excellent! Enjoy. *** 150 Guruji People are to be loved and things are to be used. It’s funny to find things being loved and people being used. Loveshree 1: So true. We love gadgets more than people. When around people we are busy with cell phones and don’t even care to say hi. Guruji: Yes. It’s true… Loveshree 2: SairamGuruji. Of late there is a continued sense of calmness, stillness and peace within. There is less compulsion to bring in the logical mind to whatever is happening around. Appears that everything is as it should be as per his will. I am really enjoying this condition, even if it is momentary. It is like Puttaparthi and Arunachala combined here and now. Just felt like sharing. Honestly, unlike last time, never missed your absence from Facebook this time as the link is elsewhere. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji: Excellent!Lord’s grace. *** Guruji A man in the flight sitting by my side. He: May I know who you are? Me: Frequent flier. He: In domestic or in international? Me: Laughed and said. Even inter galactical (galaxies/milky ways). I enjoyed seeing the confusion in his face. Lord’s grace. Loveshree1: Please specify number of visits to various galaxies, you have made and enlighten please with interesting details, Devara. Pranams. Guruji: Don’t be stupid. I have visited Birla Planetarium many times. *** Guruji Yesterday something nice happened. As usual I was wearing a Gold ring of a nude woman. It’s a very beautifully sculpted ring with a small diamond in the navel. I was in a bank discussing a loan proposal with the General Manager of the bank at its Corporate Office. After some time, he couldn’t discuss the proposal and was fumbling. I noticed that he was staring at the ring and some thoughts were disturbing his mind. Me: Sir, is something disturbing you? Shall I come after some time? GM: No, no. Can I ask you something which is personal? Me: No problem. You can ask anything you want? GM: What’s that ring on the left index finger? Me: Have you never seen a nude woman in your life? GM: I have seen, but not on a finger Me : (After having a hearty laugh) Yeah, I can understand that. But this nude woman on my finger likes to be drilled across with my finger. See the stomach too is slightly bulged indicating that she is just 3 months in to pregnancy. He looked shaken, because no one speaks to him like that and he is considered a terror. 151 People are always curious. Why anyone should be bothered about what I do? I am least concerned about how you are, what you are, what you do etc., Just mind your business and don’t be curious about others. Certain things cannot be explained and will not be explained by me. My relationship with any one is without strings. Privacy also needs to be respected. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Something we really need to learn about. Sometimes it’s difficult to field peoples’ questions. Usually we don’t realize there’s a fine line between interest and intrusion. It’s embarrassing, especially when people ask questions regarding your income, personal life, life choices. And then proceed to give you a detailed consult on what’s wrong and how to fix it. Guruji: Yes.It’s a malady. *** Guruji God gives the best to those who leave the choice to him. So opt for a choiceless life. Treat every action as choiceless and not as your choice. Loveshree 1: Guruji after your many time instructions, I am also trying it, sometime OK. But sometimes… Bless us Gurudev to overcome it. And live a choiceless life. Dasan. Guruji:Lord’s grace. Our prayers to Kadiresa Loveshree1. *** Guruji A life spent making mistakes is more honorable and useful than a life spent pointing out mistakes. Loveshree 1: If someone does a mistake it is evident that there was an attempt. Mistake teaches a lesson which can never be forgotten. One should learn from one’s mistake not to repeat the same. Such life is not bothered of other’s mistakes. Those who never attempt anything just sit and count the mistakes of others. Guruji: That’s pretty good. Loveshree 2: Are these two situations too “choicelessness”- my doubt? Guruji: Exactly! But the person who commits the mistake thinking that he is the doer and it was his choice repents. People like us don’t repent for it’s not our action. *** Guruji Life is effortless. Once you start putting effort all our friends, ego, self-pity, arrogance, stubbornness, jealousy, pride etc., will surface. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Ha Ha… Yes Guruji. Varied emotions pop up once we start putting efforts. Guruji: Well said. Well said. Loveshree 2: Guruji, small sandeha. What is manushya dharma? And how effortless life is connected to manushya dharma?This ignorant soul at your lotus feet. Guruji: Eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. To me this is the maanava dharma. Loveshree 3: When someone tells me you don’t put any effort! I might take it as a kiss. Guruji: Exactly! *** Guruji Since I see God in all parameters of life including the materialistic part, goals, achievements, awards, 152 praises, encomiums, targets, performances, looks preposterous to me. Loveshree 1: We the common men find it difficult to see viswarupam- bless us… Guruji:Viswaroopam part II is being released shortly. Lol… *** Guruji Uncertainty is the only certainty and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security in the dynamics called ‘life’. Loveshree 1: Guruji, I have experienced that one’s strength is one’s weakness and one’s weakness is the strength- kindly enlighten Guruji: Yes, exactly! What is strong is the weak. And what is weak can become the strength. *** Guruji A joke for you Santa went to the USA and met Bill Gates. Bill: Come with me Santa. I will show you how advanced we were. Bill takes Santa to a forest. Bill: Dig the ground Santa. Santa started digging. Went down 100 feet. Bill: Now search. Got anything? Santa: Yes I got a wire. Bill: You know it shows that 100 years ago we had telephone. Bill Gates came to India. Santa took him to forest. Santa: Dig the ground Bill.Dig...Dig...Dig. Bill started digging and went 400 feet. Santa: Now search. Got anything Bill? Bill: No Santa Santa: This shows how advanced we were 400 years back. We had the wireless. Bill swooned. Loveshree 1: Ha Ha Ha... Tit for tat. And he is the great Santa. Innocent and funny. Guruji you get such simple and superb jokes. No one can control laughter on reading them. Thank you for making us enjoy with your joke… Loveshree 2:Emi leni daantlo kooda mana country ni hype chesi chupinchadam patriotism ayi undocchu...Desa bhakthi... Guruji: Yes. It’s a patriotic act. *** Guruji Youare always addicted with ‘success’ mode. You want to find out in which you will be more successful, youare compete. You want rewards, you want awards, you always feel someone else

153 will win the race. This fear, it creates insecurity in mind. Lots of tensions. You have an agenda. You think you are the doer. So absolutely tensed. I have no agenda. Everything is taken care by the Lord. If I have to be first He decides, if I have to be last He decides. There is absolutely nothing to perform. Because anything that happens in life is choiceless. It’s all decided by Him. So with his grace I accept what he decides. That grace he has bestowed on me. It’s sheer grace of Lord. Your life is full of choice, Full of agendas, meticulous planning, inflated ego. When the reality doesn’t match your expectations, you are depressed. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: SairamGuruji. Alas! It is my ego camouflaged as the mind which is the culprit. Even though the indweller is the inner prompter for all the outer experiences, am led to be deluded that I am the doer. To escape from this web, the grace of the self or Guru or God is required. Pray for divine grace to transcend this mess and stay firmly and peacefully within the self. Pranams and namaskarams. Guruji: I have always found all the divine qualities in you. Loveshree 2: My kidis recovering very well, Guruji, we are all set to getting her back on her foot, walking tall and straight, with abundance of your blessings I am sure we’ll succeed in this journey. Pranam. Guruji:Lord’s grace. Very soothening to hear. *** Guruji Fear is making you to sit tight like a bud. It’s risky and painful. One who is courageous will blossom on seeing the day light and prefer to wither away in the evening. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Let the courage manifest on me. Guruji: Certainly! With Lord’s grace it will happen... *** Guruji He said: Oh I want those sexy legs, sexy breasts, sexy thighs. Me: Better immediately visit KFC Loveshree 1: How can a roasted leg, etc., be sexy Guruji ? May be tasty, But? Guruji: Don’t be silly. Sex leads to heat. And anything will get roasted if it’s really hot.It’s sexy too... *** Guruji Intellect will only question. Heart always understands. Loveshree 1: Now I understand. Why a temple is compared with a heart… Loveshree 2: The best way to challenge intellect is to not search for an answer for its question. Pranaams. Loveshree 3: Intellect, intellectualism and intellectual will not have much space in the realm of spirituality. Experience alone matters seriously and that is beyond language and description. Pranams Devara. Guruji:Loveshree2, your intellect is nothing while compared to Loveshree3. He has spent his entire life arguing with his intellect. Poor guy, still searching for the elusive ‘peace’. ***

154 Guruji Glad to hear some people who are known to us were held up in Kedar, Gaurikund, Agastya muni, Uttarkashi, Badri, Hemkund, Gangotri, Yamunodri have reported to be safe. Just received a few calls. Some have even reached Haridwar and Delhi. Lord’s grace... Loveshree 1: It must be God’s wish and there must be some purpose for their survival. Guruji: Excellent. Yes they have something left to do. Certainly! *** Guruji The very word ‘desire less’ is less of desire and not an indication of absence of desire. Loveshree 1: SairamGuruji. You make me happy while you say hi to me as well as like the posts Guruji. Guruji: Hi means in my dictionary, Love you very much. Don’t worry. Lord’s grace is always with you. This is the meaning with which I say hi. *** Guruji It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might not happen. But it’s even harder to give up, when you know it’s everything you wanted. Loveshree 1: Guruji Pranam!!! I beg an apology and sorry a bouncer for me. Not easy to understand by me. Guruji: Duck it. *** Guruji Some times when someone doesn’t yield to us we say, he is stubborn, he is adamant, he is arrogant. On a closer examination it may be even ‘assertiveness’. Loveshree 1: Adjustment. Since maya of this world is dancing on their head. Must pity those who shout and argue since either they are badly hurt or cheated or going to do it to others. Please tell me if wrong, Sir. Guruji: Good. Good… Loveshree 1: Guruji pranam! Will God possess emotions like anger,hunger,love,etc., Guruji, this question is not in respect of death of devotees. For ex: I take vow to do some Pooja on so and so date but forgot to do. Will God fire??? Guruji: Hire and fire is something you do in your shop… *** Guruji A joke: No doubt watch the attitude of man. A man entered a kid shop to purchase a ‘Barbie’ doll for his daughter... Sales man: We have Barbie goes for shopping $19.95, Barbie goes to beach $ 19.95, Barbie goes to beauty parlor $19.95, Barbie goes to dance $ 19.95, Barbie goes to airport $ 19.95, divorced barbie $ 295.

155 Man: Why is divorced Barbie $ 295 whereas others are only $ 19.95. Sales man: Divorced Barbie comes with ken’s car, ken’s house, ken’s dog, ken’s computer and many more. Man: Ok then I will purchase the divorced Barbie for my daughter. Loveshree 1: Guruji, why is it said that marriages are made in heaven? When in heaven there is no separation, divorce, agony, etc. There is unending happiness alone. However contrary to that most of the marriage these days are more materialistic, end up in divorce, it’s more like hell or may be above that. Is it human beings the reason for divorce or God whom we call as the destiny maker? Just a question that I ask for myself always and haven’t got any reply. Guruji: You would have known it had you married. If not wait for it to happen. You can prove it otherwise. *** Guruji Loveshree 1: Why ego develops in me? Any specific reasons or causes? Please enlighten me. I am having bouts of laughter. Me: Please convert it into gold and silver ornaments and seal it. You will get good money. Ego is a false projection. May be you fear something. So to hide it you are projecting the false self. If you can treat your fear, the ego may drop. Just check within yourself as to what you are fearing? The solution may lie in there. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1:Guruji pranam! Thank you. When I haven’t met you, there was too much fear with me. But your grace since you met me,mentally I started leaving all my fears at your holy feet. Eshwara anugraham… Guruji: That’s a good step.Lord’s grace. *** Guruji He:Guruji, I have been talking to her for quite some time. Will she agree to marry me? Me : I don’t think so. Even if you both get married it may not last till the last. He: Why Guruji? Me: In personal life, relationship falls in its place. Relationship cannot be worked out. If working takes place, it will be on a false premises and projections. In love one need not explain. Love is just accepting the person for what he is or she is. In fact in love there is nothing to talk. Once talking starts, false starts. If love is being worked out it is nothing else but commerce/business. No doubt in business we aim at developing a relationship which is not the case in personal relationship. I have seen wherever people have worked for a personal relationship and got committed in the form of marriage have always failed. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: When did I say that I want business? Rather I was just confused and asked Guruji to make me understand the post. Moreover one may or may not marry,it is obviously the personal choice but I am just talking about the normal society rules. If we are part of some society,we are bound to follow the norms. We can’t say we will pick some and leave other because they don’t suit me or my personality. This way we all will face a lot of problems. Guruji: You have to read many times to understand what I have said. Roughly I have performed around 1200 marriages in my life and around 800 of them are inter religion and inter castes. I

156 think you jump too early to conclusion. Relax. Relax. Calmly read what I have said and try to understand. Otherwise don’t worry. I give you the cup and you are the winner. Loveshree 1: I think it was not a debate at all and wining this on Facebook is not my motive at all that to over the person I do not know. I wanted to understand but with due respect Guruji, I think I am too silly for you to handle. Guruji: Well said. Read it many times to understand. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: DhanyavadGuruji. Guruji:Lord’s grace.Enjoy *** Guruji The historian in you makes to question as to when an incident happened. Just enjoy the fact. Don’t be curious to know when it happened, where it happened, why it happened. This is all childish and stupid too. Sometimes we do disclose all details. Many times we don’t. I don’t compel you to believe all this. Just enjoy the essence behind what is said. Don’t go in to detailing business. Then indirectly the faith is questioned. Unquestionable faith is the need. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Devara, with the highest regards to your holiness and authority, I make my humble submission. (1) It is very much true that you have not compelled any one of us to believe in whatever you say till this second. (2) We have the utmost faith, respect and regard for whatever facts you have mentioned without doubts and questions. (3) When a fact takes place, we certainly enjoy it. At the same time, it is natural for ordinary mortals to know the sequence of events before and after ‘the fact’ for greater understanding and unfolding mysteries if any. (4) ‘Fact’ might offer or proffer some lessons or some form of applicability which we may be useful to us either directly or indirectly. (5) Any fact should have some factors, catalysts, players and important results. (6) The essence can’t be enjoyed without proper imagination of the ‘fact’ (7) You have so much of facts in your palm, do forgive us, if we ask earnestly. (8) When we have full faith in ‘fact’ and we tend to know more of it for it may have greater implications. (9) Mercy, mercy and mercy, I seek Devara for exceeding brief. Pranams. Guruji: Then continue to be an ordinary mortal. Lol. Loveshree 2: It’s an enjoyment in the game of hide and seek.Guruji wants us to interpret his ways I guess. Loveshree 1: Devara, you are extraordinary and whereas others are just ordinary. Pranams. *** Guruji Guru poornima function was celebrated with all pomp and splendor in Hyderabad on 21st July and in Chennai on 22nd July 2013. No doubt the program at Hyderabad could not be telecasted due to some technical fault. But at Chennai it was compensated with an excellent relay of the entire proceedings on the net. I have received alot of good wishes for the occasion in the form of messages and calls. Some of them missed the program personally and could not even see the telecast. The reasons given by my boys and girls. 1. I slept Guruji since the previous day I had to work a lot. 2. I had a fight with my wife and my mood got spoiled. 3. It was raining.

157 4. Some repair works at home. 5. My son had just come from the USA. 6. I had severe cold. 7. There was no one at home. Since there were valuables I could not make it. 8. No internet connection. 9. My car’s tyre got flat. So was busy fixing it and got delayed. Couldn’t make it. 10.My -in-laws had come after a long time and we had to go out for dinner. 11.I searched for the venue for one hour. I couldn’t locate it. 12.I forgot totally and an SMS that day from the trust would have reminded me. But no SMS from trust that day. Many more reasons. Had bursts of laughter. Every one said they missed me on that day. But luckily I didn’t miss any of you for you are all always in my heart. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: They were not missed by you, Mahan. But they are destined to miss you, irrespective of the reasons given by them. Pranams Gurudeva. Guruji: Don’t be so impolite and harsh. This can happen to anyone. *** Guruji Whenever you are not feeling well without any reason, please go and hug the special one in your life because sometimes you don’t need medicines, you just need the magic touch. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: What if dear ones are far off Guruji. Ha Ha… Guruji: Good one. Then hug the photo. Lol *** Guruji Unless you drop your logic and ego, no master accepts you as a disciple. Alternatively with logic and ego master treats you more as a friend. Since Master’s meta physics begins where your material physics ends. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Dropping ego is very hard. Please help us do that Guruji. Your posts about life without ego look so tempting and joyful. But getting there seems very hard for me. Guruji: I can show you the path. You have to walk. I can’t lift you. Your ego is too heavy for me. Loveshree 2:Dhanyosmi Devara. This soul started donating to beggars andthe needy. Feeling God in them, dropping ego, anger etc.,ever since you have enlightened our souls. Guruji: Great!Lord’s grace and mercy be always with you. Loveshree 3: Guruji I wonder what is it that you get by giving so much of gyan to all mankind. How can you show the same love to one and all? How do you remember so many of us? And remember our qualities too. You have great vision. The path you show us will not give you anything in return. Still you give your heart out. I am not able to express properly but one thing is sure Guruji. I wish to show love to as many as possible to follow your guidanceand I love you for being the reason for developing good thoughts. Shall try to practice in small ways! Pranams. Guruji: I see myself in you. Your qualities are very divine. It’s purely Lord’s grace and nothing else. He is teaching all of us to live a simple life and enjoy it. In the process we spread that joy. Excellent!God is always with you. ***

158 Guruji Any activity you do make it a prayer. Anything you do, whether be it in office or at home or any other place, do it with total commitment and dedication with a non-doership attitude. The doership attitude comes from mind and the non-doership attitude comes from heart. Such a prayer transforms in to meditation over a period of time. Many a time you will have a glimpse of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, a state of no mind, zero thought but an awakened state of pure bliss. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: The only thing I do with total dedication is sleep. Meditation in shavasana is what I call and it sure is a state of no mind, zero thought and awakened state of pure bliss. I guess I should also add Guruji to my name. Guruji: Hi. Enjoy… Loveshree 1:I have started taking advice of doership and non-doership Guruji. Whenever I do something good I am taking credit for my actions and for the rest I am thinking I am not the doer. Guruji: Good one! *** Guruji Loveshree 1:How to just live? Are pain and suffering also part of life? Dear, the pain and suffering is temporary.And if it continues permanently, it means we are not prepared to let it go. We keep grumbling throughout life. After a stage we become cynical. In case we don’t drop it, we reach a stage where we cannot live without pain and suffering. That’s why I always feel and say that ‘sadism’ and ‘masochism’ are very good partners. The sadist continues to torture and the masochist enjoys the torture. So the cause of pain is the sadist, and the enjoyment of pain is masochist. Unless people learn to drop the past there is no remedy. In a temporary life, one can’t afford to have permanent feelings. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 2: Guruji, is pain from disease also masochist and sadist? Guruji: Body pain subsides with medicine… Loveshree 2: Guruji, western medicinesdevelop diseases that can’t be cured under immune system problems. Though the medicine can subside the symptoms but the body would resist the medicine after a period of time as there is no cure. Perhaps suffering painful diseases is also sadism and masochism. Guruji: Is that so? Loveshree 2: Sorry Guruji, I do not know. But I hope suffering painful diseases is not sadism and masochism. Guruji: We were speaking on the condition of mind sufferings in this context. Not the pain due to diseases. Don’t be formal. Your sorry is returned back to you for I love you for what you are. *** Guruji Me:God is always speaking to all of us. He:Guruji, I am not able to hear or listen to the voice of God. Me: Check the volume control and fine tuning of your conscience. Loveshree 1: In the depth of silence, we can hear voice of the Lord. Guruji: Excellent! *** 159 Guruji A few years back, myself, and two friendshad gone to a bank to meet the Chief Manager for a loan to a venture which we were supposed to start. We waited for a few minutes on the main banking hall. After the waiting period, we entered the Chief Manager’s cabin. Loveshree1 introduced himself and then me and Loveshree2. The Chief Manager was very stiff and stone faced, may be because his boss a DGM from Zonal Office had called him and asked him to give a positive look at our proposal. So the Chief Manager’s face was like that of monkey tasting ginger. Now I wanted to have some fun, some real fun. I was not interested in loan any longer. Chief Manager: What’s your business vision? Me: Smiling like a stupid guy, “Vision?” CM: Yes, business vision. Me: I have only total vision and I don’t have any separate business vision. I could read his thoughts. His thoughts ran like this, ‘Real asshole, Cheat. How come higher officials recommend such a guy for loan? Just this fellow wants to eat the bank’s money. He is after easy money. Let me not fall a prey to this’. I just got up winked and laughed at him,’Thanks for your time’. Had a hearty laugh. Lord always keeps us entertained. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Yes I think one must abide by the rules framed. He is not whole and sole authority. He is answerable to his higher ups. He may not take such risks. After all he is an employee. The loan sanctioning person need not presume that loan is easy money. It should be repaid with interest and only after knowing the credibility of the loan seeker the Chief Manager concludes the loan papers. Doubting someone for no reason is not a good quality. Guruji: Interesting! Good. *** Guruji This is indeed very funny. I am three persons. Firstly, the person others think I am. Secondly, the person I think I am. Thirdly, the person God knows I am. Loveshree 1: Guru Deva, youare not 3. Many many many. God only knows correctly. Our information is only hearsay. You will not tell. Our life time suspense. Guru moolam. Pranams… *** Guruji An authentic man is egoless. He will be full of love and compassion. Ego is just a product of the coward and is a projection of the false. Egoistic people live a falsified life and are very far from reality. But certainly in the system of nature they too are useful. They are living examples of ‘how not to behave’. When you meet egoistic people don’t walk out of them. Observe them. Drag them to talk. See their exhibitive nature. Learn out of it. With such people you should pretend as though you are meek and humble. Then you can count, you can see all the 10 heads of Ravan. So don’t severe your relationship with egoistic people for it’s a great learning opportunity. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1 : Does an authentic man exists in abundance or are scarce? Or is more like a myth? I 160 feel is like the unicorn a blue unicorn. Guruji: Exactly… Exactly… Guruji Use more of ‘I dont know’ instead of ‘I know’. You will grow more consciously. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Namaskaram Guruji. It was a pleasure to watch the Guru Poornima celebration through the webcast. May your grace and blessings always be on us. Guruji: Hi. Lord’s grace. Enjoy! Loveshree 2: Superb Guruji. One who feels ‘I know’ can never learn anything new. And there is so much to learn every day from everything at every point. How can one say ‘I know’? One needs lots of confidence to say I know. Guruji: Excellent. Excellent. *** Guruji A few years back I had been to Mantralayam. After having darshan of the Mantralaya Mahan Sri Raghavendra Swamy, as I came out I felt like taking the Maha Prasadam which was being offered. There were separate halls. One for ‘Brahmins’ and the other for ‘non-brahmins’. I just entered the hall for ‘non-brahmins’. Ate sumptuously. Thanked Sri Raghavendra Swamy and left. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: No wonder. The Lordis always with non-brahmins. Because Guru chose the non- brahmins hall. Lord’s grace. Guruji: In fact I don’t know who a Brahmin is? Loveshree 2:Sairam Guruji. My mama did something different but similar intention. He had taken his good friend who does not wear poonal, just not to hurt his feelings made him wear a poonal right there and both ate at the Brahmin eating hall. Guruji: Hi.Your mama is great because he knows a Brahmin means he wears poonal. Since I don’t know who a Brahmin is, I preferred to sit in the other hall. *** Guruji She:Guruji, I have a doubt. How to spot whether anything is from mind or heart? Me: Such a doubt itself is from mind. From the heart something is done, you will not have any doubts. Once you get a doubt it’s 100% from mind and certainly not from heart. An action of a heart is always 100% free of any doubt. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: What a wonderful clarification Guruji! You define certain things so firmly that such points need not be pondered over again. They get imprinted in mind so that the doubtful mind will never get a doubt again. Guruji: Hi. It’s all Lord’s grace. I too many times felt the same when you commented dear. *** Guruji Live life totally. Accept everything totally. Don’t be partial. No system comes partially. Any system you follow will have merits and demerits. There can be no system which is totally devoid of demerits. If you accept the system or the school of thought totally, then it will be bliss. You will certainly be able to understand better and grow inwardly to better conscious levels. For that to happen you

161 must be free of inhibitions and preconceived notions. You have to accept the system and imbibe that school of thought, flesh and blood, mind heart and soul. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Why worry, especially so when one is in the safe hands of revered Guru and the Lord? One has to accept and fully accept. Guruji: Sri Gurubhyo Namaha. Our salutations and prostrations to you. Nice to see your comment since Guru poornima is just over. *** Guruji Now a days kids are being pumped mostly by parents and teachers. While studying fifth standard, coaching for IIT, IAS etc., This is nothing but sheer ignorance and stupidity. Today such parents need counselling. In the name of future don’t spoil your kids. In the name of future don’t be greedy. Don’t do this. You will certainly land in trouble if not today someday. I have come across many cases of kids getting depressed because of parent’s ambitions being thrusted on them. Don’t be that hard on your kids. In the name of education, don’t spoil your kids. There is no necessity that everyone should be an IITian. Every kid is unique and a blessing of God. Everyone is blessed with abundant talent. Survival is a very small aspect while comparing to larger things in life. Every kid is blessed to survive comfortably in its own way. Infact if such parents don’t put their dirty fingers in to the life of kids, their life will be thousand times better. Don’t convert them into proto types. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Pranams Guruji. Very true. I remember my kidtelling both of us. I will study and do well. Let me choose my own profession. And today I am happy we gave him the choice. He knows his life and how to live life also. Guruji: Good… Understanding parents. Loveshree2: Lord’s blessings and your grace Guruji. Nothing else… Sometimes I learn from my son Guruji. Guruji:That’s good. *** Guruji S a r v a t h o m u k h a m ——————————————— The Lord is omnipotent. The beauty is He is everywhere. The wonder is He is the real face of this jagat, entire creation. He is in every form. He is in every aspect. When Hiranya kasipu saw Sri Hari, he saw the entire creation including himself. He could visualise all the personalities in Nrusimha. He could see every facet of life in him. By looking at the faces he could realise the consciousness at all levels of body, mind and soul. The Lord in the form of Nrusimha revealed himself to Hiranya kasipu. The ego of Hiranya kasipu got dissipated in no time. He was aghast at it. He got mesmerised and dropped the gada. He thought no point in further confronting Nrusimha. He was all long waiting for this moment and the moment has arrived. He just gave in to Lord. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: But I always have a doubt Guruji for dushta sikshanaLord gives his darshan to the one who is a sinner too along with the punya purusha. Is it not too much for a sinner to get the darshan, which by many tapasyas and yagnams too one will not get? Should I call it his previous birth’s karmas? Guruji: That’s why we say like this, Lord is beyond all this.Matru Devoh Bhava Pitru Devo Bhava.

162 Lord is mother, Lord is father. What is wrong in Prahlada saying Om Sri Hiranyakasipuvaya namaha. It’s just addressing your dad with respect, Mr.Hiranyakasipu. Since Prahlada did not see God in his father, Lord decided to take his form away by merging it with him. Whereas he did not even touch Prahlada. He asked him to live Chiranjeevi and learn all the Yoga Prayoga Sastras and do welfare of humanity. *** Guruji The universal consciousness was alone. It then decided to establish Prakriti. In the process came the birth of individual consciousness. The individual consciousness called the jivatma which emanated from the paramatma entered every aspect of creation under the supervision of paramatma. Infact the jivatma is just a minature version of the paramata. Wherever the paramatma instructed, the jivatma blended itself in to the system of creation. It became one with the prakriti/ creation. Due to the guidance of the paramatma (universal consciousness) the jivatma could raise its conscious level to better levels of existence. As the jivatma matured in its existence it looked like paramatma. The paramatma and jivatma (the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness) at one stage looked very similar. So this is that and that is this. Tatvam asi. Sama Veda. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 1: Aum Aham Brahmasmi… Guruji: See the posting of yesterday on Yajur Veda, for Aham Brahmasmi. Loveshree 2: Is it being told in Sama Veda? Guruji, can you please tell me the stanza? I actually completed Sama Veda. I’m eager to know the exact verse Guruji: You completed Sama Veda and you need stanza? It shows you have only read and not studied? Lol. *** Guruji Loveshree 1: Guruji, you didn’t come in my dream, so that I could have taken Pada Namskaram. Me: Stupid guy. At your age it’s better to dream of Trisha or Sneha. Lol… Loveshree 1: Your coming is most eventful and festivity for me. May be ordinary to you but very extraordinary for me and that is great bliss and blessings for ordinary commoner. Guru darsanam nothing but maha bhagyam. Devara, at your lotus feet always, Pranams. Guruji:Hi. Cool yaar cool. *** Guruji Practice silence. Sometimes it’s the best reply to fools. Loveshree 1: Aakashaath pathitham thoyam Saagaram prathi gachchathi. All masters conveying the same message in different format/package to help us. Guruji: Excellent.Good. Lord’s grace… *** Guruji A boy known to me, who is a very nice guy and loving has sent an email to a girl who he selected for marriage. She is in USA. The boy is in a great urgency and wrote to her as to when he can call to further the matter on the subject. 163 He: When can I call you? She: Right now I am in discussion with a boy. I don’t like talking to two people at the same time. Once I am finished with this, I will inform you. Every day the boy is doing japam of her name day and night. I really pity this guy. Boy is still wait listed and not shortlisted. Really funny world. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Guruji Pranam! I feel known devil is better than unknown angel… Guruji: Hi.Well said! Loveshree 2: Luckily not hot listed! Ha Ha!Pranams… Guruji: Too good. That’s a later stage. Then black listed too. *** Guruji I was searching for the man. Finally I found him under his tongue. Loveshree 1:I did not get this, Devara. Please help me. Pranams… Loveshree 2: Before he swallows himself, please save. Om Sai Ram. Guruji: Before he swallows, others run away. Lol… *** Guruji When you a love a person beyond any limits, you start seeing him everywhere. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Like Gopikas. Guruji: Exactly! *** Guruji Ambitious people cannot aspire for peace. Ambition and peace are opposites and they don’t go together. Loveshree 1: Indeed being lazy is more peaceful. Guruji: Well said. Very aptly said. *** Guruji Poor boys and girls, from the morning till now, I received four telephone calls. At 11 am – She: Guruji, have you by any chance come to Delhi. I saw you in a taxi driving out of Palika Bazaar parking lot. At 12 noon : He: Guruji, why you didn’t inform me in advance. My wife says she saw you today while she was shopping in Chembur, Mumbai. Please tell me where you are so that I can come, pick you up and take you home. Please Guruji. At 12.45 pm – He: What Guruji? What sin I committed? You smiled at me near the Majestic Circle on the road and by the time I came around, you were missing? (Majestic Circle, Bengaluru). At 4.45 pm – He: Thank you Guruji for having home and had food with my wife and kid. Sorry Guruji, I wasn’t there due to official commitments I am at Kolkota (Palakkarai, Trichy). Real nuts guys. I am happily sitting in my office.

164 Very funny indeed. Lord always gives opportunities to everyone to laugh a loud. I burst into laughter. Lord’s grace. Enjoy! Loveshree 1: It’s their mind which you have occupied and hence they are able to see you in someone else. They are so occupied with your thoughts. Lucky people. Guruji: Exactly. Well said. They are crazy too. Loveshree 2: Guruji, I am also now becoming greedy to serve food cooked by own hand to you. Please bless me for that opportunity… Guruji:Hi. First you have to serve to your parents and rest will follow. Loveshree 3: You had already given us clue in another posting which reads as under: Gurujiposted to sridharaamritham: When you a love a person beyond any limits , you start seeing him everywhere. Lord’s grace… Guruji:Lord’s grace. Fortunate to be blessed with your comment. Loveshree 4: Guruji you say to serve parents first.I feel you are my parent even more than my biological ones. The way I serve my parents is by taking care of myself and grow on all dimensions of life, first I believe I should not trouble them so I learn to love myself first to be able to serve them in other ways. I am opening my heart to listen to you. I hope is a bit of servicing for you, my spiritual parent. Guruji: Love you all. Loveshree 5: I know of people who are having such experiences with you for decades so it is long gone conclusion that we can see you everywhere only grant us the vision to recognise you when you come in whichever form Guruji we love to be with you. Guruji: Feel like laughing at your comment. Ha Ha Ha... Loveshree 5: For you, it is laughing matter Guruji, but it is aanandam for us… Guruji: Both are one and the same from our view point. Lord’s grace. Enjoy. Loveshree 6: Guruji, No doubt you are omnipresent. But you are the biggest bluff master. Please forgive me if I have used a wrong word here. Always at your lotus feet. Guruji: Yes.You are absolutely on dot. *** Guruji It’s funny to see people at a ripe age instead of retiring from everything and being closeted with their ownself in form of prayer and meditation are busy running around with a lot of ambitions. I can understand the youngsters looking at the sun rise (aditya) which is focus, concentration and success. People in the evening of life should look at the sunset (bhaskara) for contentment, peace and eternal fulfilment. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 1: Guruji do you mean to say we should act according to age? But I feel that age is only for the body and it cannot be for heart. I always feel young at heart. Guruji: Yes. Young at heart and elder at mind. *** Guruji Once you go to a master, you run a great risk. You have to pay him. All that garbage you have accumulated in the past in the name of knowledge has to be surrendered and paid to him. The other perquisites which you have been enjoying hitherto, like your ego, pride, selfishness, greed 165 etc., need to be surrendered. In fact he will make you naked. The master will test you whether you have surrendered totally to him or not. He is not there to teach you anything. So you need a great deal of patience. Because it may be one moment, or one day , or one year, one life for him to enroll you as a disciple. He will test your being to the core. He may cane you, he may shout at you, he may laugh at you, he may joke about you and then look at your heart to find whether still it’s galloping with the feeling for eternal relationship with the master. Then the process of ‘unwinding’ and ‘unlearning’ starts. In case you are not prepared to wait endlessly, don’t waste your time with him. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: I admit, I have accumulated the vast amount of garbage. You are very right in saying, ‘litter ate’. I have realized, surrender and total surrender is the only way out for getting enlightened. For “unlearning” and “unmeaning” is already taking place without my involvement for his sheer grace and mercy. Let you decide the ways and means to subdue and destroy “ego and its allies”. I always seek and invoke your mercy on me, Devara. Let you be my master and light always. Pranams. Loveshree 2: Guruji am I eligible? For getting admission at your holy feet. Guruji: Bursting in to laughter on seeing the comments… Loveshree 3: What if we own nothing. A coolie of Lord’s luggage which the Mayavi had left us and making us run around. Sir where are you? Ab me nachyyo bahut gopal. Guruji: Hi. Samsonite. All weather care. Strong yet light. Lol *** Guruji It’s very interesting to find that people don’t believe or rely on Vedas where it has been clearly spelt out in ‘Naada Brahmanam’ and ‘Shabda Brahmanam’ the effects of sound on a human brain. Now they believe what scientists say, they search for proof in religion and have faith in science. Science is proof, faith is religion. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: I am not knowledgeable of Vedas, but I do believe there is a sound system from time memorial and I have experience traveling with the sound of music to meditation. Guruji: Meditation is only Naada Brahmam. So you know it dear. Loveshree 2:Believers of science only believe in what they can measure or see or touch or proof, yet there are many things which can’t be proven and they call it unscientific or superstition. Guruji: Yes. Youare absolutely right. Loveshree 3: I beg to defer you Guruji. Vedas or Vedantha is science. Faith is different from belief I guess. Faith arises if we know the science. To believe things, it is not really necessary to understand science. People can ‘believe’ God until they realize it. They cannot have ‘faith’ on God without realizing it. How can we talk about something, which we have not realized? Studying of spirit is called spirituality and Vedas never accepted false ideologies or blind faith. That is why Vedanta was elaborated in detail (to encourage/help/appreciate self-inquiry). Rishis are scientists. Current technology and apparatus/tools may not comprehend what rishis understood or grasped from space. But, sooner, current or future gen scientists will discover. When spirit/God can be realized using an external tool called body, science of spirit can also be understood using external technologies/methodologies. Please correct me if I am wrong Guruji : Loveshree3maharajki jai. Lol. ***

166 Guruji You are just a small fragment or a tiny piece of the universal consciousness. Like a holographic plate, when an image taken on it, on breaking, every small piece will have a tiny image of the original. So universal consciousness spread itself as individual consciousness across the system which it created, while retaining its identity as the supreme. It refelected itself in every tiny bit and that tiny bit is a miniscule representation of the biggest one. The big one lay centered in the smallest one observing its own creation and the beauty surrounding it. The universal consciousness entered the individual consciousness and became a witness to the actions of the mind and the body. It just enjoyed being in the centre and was observing the actions of the mind and the body silently. As it sat as a soul in the sheath of body which entered it never lost touch with the it’s parent base of universal consciousness. Ultimately after experiencing various sheaths of body its wisdom in the miniscule body matched with the wisdom of the larger source called super/universal consciousness. Aham Brahmasmi...Yajur Veda. Loveshree 1: Deva, how beautifully you explain. Guruji: Hi. I am not the doer. All Lord’s grace. Purely his grace. *** Guruji One day I was in a state of urgency. I had to leave for the forest. Took a flight, reached Madurai. That day some strike, so no buses, no taxis, no autos, nothing available. Somehow in a private car, I could go up to Theni. There one of my friends has a jeep. So I said I need his jeep and he gladly allowed me to use it. I drove the jeep and after 3 hours of drive in the ghats, I reached the borders of the range, where I wanted to visit. I just parked the jeep near the bushes on the road side and started walking inside. Quite a tough terrain. I walked through the night and reached the spot where I was supposed to be. There was a saint waiting for me. He said... Saint: You are late by a couple of hours. Me: Yes Swami, I am sorry for the delay. Saint: It’s ok. Come with me. We walked, may be another 5 kms, reached a small rivulet. There is a small waterfall at this spot, a pond of water and from that a rivulet flows down. Since it was rainy season there was plenty of water. We both started doing a Prayogam called ‘Amritatapasyatejasi’ by standing hip deep in the pond of water just below the waterfall. It’s a prayogam which is normally done continuously standing in hip deep water for around 40 hours. After it was over, he poured a little bit of water in to my hand and said careful. Since I had the water in hand I could not prostrate the saint. He understood my plight, just gave a broad smile and patted me on my back of shoulder and asked me to proceed. I just took the water and walked on the other side of the forest, may be around 8 kms. The small elephant was gasping for breath. And there were 8 big elephants around it standing. They gave way to me. I wanted to pour the water in its mouth, but I can’t lift its trunk since I had water in my hand. The elephant herd leader an old male came near and lifted the baby elephant’s trunk.I managed to insert both my hands deep inside its mouth and poured it. I waited for about half an hour. The baby elephant suddenly got up and ran towards its mother in the herd. Literally tears started flowing from my eyes and I could visualise the tears in the entire herd. Then one by one they came near me and blew air with their trunk on my head and blessed me. Then they all left. While leaving the baby elephant turned came running at me, pushed me to the ground and with

167 the trunk she kissed my cheeks and ran back with the herd. I really enjoyed this. Today is the day it happened 14 years back. Sri Parasara Bhagawan ki jai. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: I am speechless.Amazing Guruji. Amazing. We can’t even sit continuously for more than 3 hours during meditation now a days what 2 speak of standing continuously 40hours. You have surprising inner strength to withstand any physical challenges. Guruve saranam… Guruji: Hi. I am not the doe. It’s Lord’s grace. Purely Lord’s grace. Nothing else. *** Guruji As you travel to the abyss of prayers or meditation, you can see your face before you were born. Loveshree 1: Is when you have that feeling that you like yourself so much that you are completely in love with everything. I wish that feeling stays longer and longer and forever. Guruji: Good. Very good... *** Guruji Hiranyakasipu was the most fortunate guy to be on the lap of Nrusimha. Lord did not even touch Prahlada. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: As per PuranasHiranyakasipu had a saapam /varam, that he will not be killed either on earth or in sky. So it happened on LordNrusimha’s lap I believe. Everything is predestined except how to live. That is why we have different paapa / punya accounts. Guruji:Saapam was really a boon for Hiranyakasipu. *** Guruji Guruji: How to find out the intentions of a person? Me: Take time to observe his actions. Loveshree 1: Guruji, any shortcuts other than observation of actions? Guruji: Global detective agency. Lol. Loveshree 2: Clarity comes with time. Most of the time it happens that what a person says does not reflect on his/her actions. Time is wise… Guruji: Very good understanding… *** Guruji Chandini loves Kali Matha. She used to call me ‘Kali’. She used to say I remember Goddess Kali when I see you. I don’t know why she was saying that way. One day... Chandini: Kali, why not you perform the tantra nrtyam of the prayogam, ‘jusaralaki’. Me: Yes master. Shall I go and procure white lotus flower? (Because we tie our body with a string of 1008 white lotus flowers while performing the tantra nrtyam). Chandini: Where will you get 1008 lotus, that too white ones this season. Come let us find out whether any of them is available at home. She took a big mud pot, asked me to fetch water from the well at her place. Then she started stirring the pot. After stirring it with her hand for 5 minutes, she asked me to leave my hand inside the pot and take out whatever comes. I just left my hand and took one large white lotus. She said next, next, next. 1008 white lotus was ready. Then we both sat 168 and tied the 1008 white lotus with a string. Then I wore the big garland and performed the tantra nrtyam for ‘Jusaralaki’. It takes 6 and 1/2 hours to perform the 3829 steps. She was immensely happy. She literally was in tears of joy and said, ‘I have waited so many generations to see this kali’. My Master hugged me, then I was asked to go nook and corner and distribute the lotus flowers to 1008 females. The first one I gave it to my Master. She kept it behind her head and smiled and said, ‘don’t I look beautiful with this’. I humbly prostrated my master Didi Chandini and left the place to distribute the rest 1007 white lotus. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Whatever Istha Deivam one worships, they will see that truth in you. Gurudev, even true in my own experience. Jai Gurudev Datta! Guruji:Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 2: Bhaghwan, it’s greed to dance with you someday in this life. I don’t know about the next life. With your grace may not be 3829 but atleast 2 or 4 steps. Bless us Pranam. Guruji: Hey. Don’t nurture such things. My white beard is growing long and not fit for such gymnastics. Lol… Loveshree 2: Bhaghwan, It’s only the external appearance. Youare very young appa. You do a lot which we cannot do. Pranam Bhaghwan. Loveshree 3: At least one step is enough Deva to dance with you.Our janma dhanyam… Guruji:Dhanya dhanya ho pradakshina sathguru natha sri swamee sath guru natha sri... Loveshree 4: Materialising 1008 white lotus from a pot of water - amazing to read/know. Guruji: That’s master Chandini… Loveshree 5: Guruji, give us the Sankalpa Sudhi and Sankalpa Sidhi. Guruji: It’s already there with you. *** Guruji He:Guruji, how to get my wife’s attention? Me: Just look comfortable and happy. That’s enough. Lol. Loveshree 1: Blissful radiance,Appa… Guruji: Ayyo, one of my shishyaswill be wild. Copying his words… *** Guruji Life is the most mysterious. At best you can wonder it but cannot decipher it. It is meaningless to search for a meaning or purpose in life. The best way to live life is to immerse in the mystery it offers. Totally surrender ourselves to it. Enjoy the flow. Enjoy the unexpected twists and turns. You just remain in the river called ‘life’ effortlessly and it takes you to the ocean called ‘God’. Life is simple and we put in efforts and complicate it. Every aspect is taken care by the Lord.Acceptance of life as it comes is the closest proximity to God. There is nothing you need to work for. You just be there. Feel your being from the bottom of the heart with a lot of warmth and love. You can experience God and you will know that he is always with you. Enjoy life. Enjoy the Lord who gave us this life. Show your gratitude and reverence to the Lord by seeing and experiencing the Lord in anything and everything. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Guruji pranam! I put efforts and complicate? I know no spoon feeding but still I beg 169 you, please help me! Guruji: Govinda, Gopala, Prabhu, Giridhaari. Loveshree 2: Seeing the message of Guruji, thought came to my mind: Completely surrendering to the jagatguru like Arjuna during Mahabharatha time, should be our way of life. Kindly correct Guruji. Pranams. Guruji: Certainly surrendering to Lord Krishna is a way… *** Guruji I hear people saying this is my duty Guruji, this is my responsibility Guruji. In fact when you talk like this you look so ugly to me. You should feel from your heart and say, out of love I am doing this Guruji. The words ‘duty’ and ‘responsibility’ indirectly hints a word called ‘forced’. It looks like you have been forced to do and so you do. This looks very ugly and nasty. Never do anything out of a duty call. Do it wholeheartedly with love. Otherwise better not to do instead of doing it and looking ugly. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Wow! It never occurred to me this way Guruji. I have learnt a new thought in life thought. At far end, I will pass it on to my children and near and dear… Guruji: All Lord’s grace. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 2: We have to find joy in everything we have choose to do.Pranams! Guruji: Hi. Wonderful! *** Guruji The beauty of the soul is it is housed in the body. The beauty of the mind too is that it is housed in the body. Literally it is trapped. If the soul is that powerful, it should be able to eject from the body at will. But it’s not so. Only somewhere one like Bheeshma could do it. Wait for the Uttarayanam and leave. So we all are not that conscious of this consciousness. Slowly the mind teaches us to identify our body with the pure self. Soul keeps watching this helplessly, but that’s a measure for the soul to attain better wisdom. We start presuming that this body as the self. But the selfless self waits for an opportunity. As the body wanes and perishes, the soul ejects and searches for another body to enter. May be the soul wants to witness yet another drama with mind and body. This goes on and on and on. Finally the soul having been enriched with pragya to the highest level decides to travel towards its final destination of a merger with the pure universal consciousness to remain there in eternal bliss. ‘Pragyanam Brahma’ (Rig Veda). Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Guruji, is there any shortcut to reach the final stage? Dasan… Guruji: Hi.Shortcut - Be choiceless and realize that you are a non-doer. Karma doesn’t attach. *** Guruji More than knowing your strengths, you should be aware of your weakness. Loveshree 1: Even though we know our weakness, none of us wants to think further about it, Guruji. Guruji: Hi. Then it may turn out to be a problem. Loveshree 1: Sometimes knowingly we keep repeating it and getting into a mess again and again. 170 Guruji: That’s a sign of weakness. *** Guruji Love your job/work, but don’t get attached to your organisation, for you may not know when your organization will stop loving you. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: Namaskaram. If the organization is ours (self-organize)? Guruji: That may be an exception. Even then if its partnership or limited company you may be chucked out. *** Guruji Height of confidence - A 99 year old gentleman purchasing a sim with ‘life time validity’. Loveshree 1: A stockbroker urged an old man to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. Old man : ‘At my age, I don’t even buy green bananas.’ Guruji: Good one! *** Guruji Those days I had a friend by name Sri.Nilakanth purohit. He was an Aghori, belonged to the vamachara clan. But a good man by heart. Used to help a lot of people through his practices. He was a highly disciplined person. You know very well that I don’t believe in the pseudo discipline. He used to wake up in Brahma Muhurtham around 3.30 am. Once I happened to stay with him for a day. The previous night he was telling me about getting up early, how advantageous it is and doing meditation during that time how beneficial it is. I told him that I really appreciate his sincerity in doing so. I said Lord has his own ways. He was trying to impress upon me the need of getting up early. I told him it’s not my cup of tea. He said a Prayogi is expected to be disciplined. I just burst out in laughter. Nilakanth: Why areyou laughing? Me: Some scene flashed in my mind and hence I laughed. Nilakanth: Why don’t you tell me? I will also enjoy it. Me: No sorry Nila, I can’t reveal it. Next day morning, I had to leave. I asked his disciple as to where is Nilakanth? The disciple just opened the door of his room. Nilakanth Purohit was snoring and my watch showed 10 am. Now I didn’t want to burst into laughter since that may wake him up. I just smiled and told his disciple, tell him, I have left. Lord’s grace… Loveshree 1: Pranam Bhaghwan. Hope Sri Nilakanth Purohit ji might have changed the timings now, with your grace… Guruji: He is now beyond time. *** Guruji A feeling is a feeling. There is nothing good or bad about it. Feelings, thoughts emanate from God. Why do they emanate, no one knows! We are not the doers. Lord is the doer. Hence don’t 171 find fault with the feeling or thoughts. It’s Lord’s will… It had to be that way. It’s just ignorance to classify it as good and bad. Lord’s grace. Loveshree 1: I did one experiment yesterday Guruji, which I want to share.Yesterday, I was to face someone with whom I had some differences. Then for a moment, a thought flashed. I wanted to face the person in a neutral way, keeping aside all the bias about him which my mind was suggesting. I silenced all the screaming inside me about the person. I just wanted to “be” with him. For a moment, I felt very energetic. It was a good feeling to experience a situation with my heart, silencing the mind. I should also confess, I couldn’t hold on for long.I did go to the threshold of the pearly gates. Pranaams… Guruji: Yeah! Keep visiting often the practice. Finally you will to hold on… *** Guruji As your wisdom increases, the desire to speak decreases. No doubt many times as wisdom increases you will burst into laughter. Loveshree 1: Yes Guruji. As the proverb goes, “Silence is gold”, Wisdom speaks with the golden glow without words. And as the glow increases, silence converts into laughter by watching the ignorance around. Guruji: Stupendous! Great! Wonderful!