Citation Somsonge BURUSPHAT. 2016. A Discourse Analysis of the Tai Dam Chronicle. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 9:30-47 URL Reviewed Received 17/12/2014, revised text accepted 2/12/2015, published February 2016 Editors Editor-In-Chief Dr Mark Alves | Managing Eds. Dr Sigrid Lew and Dr Paul Sidwell Web ISSN 1836-6821 | Volume 9 | 2016 | Asia-Pacific Linguistics, ANU Copyright vested in the author; Creative Commons Attribution Licence A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF THE TAI DAM CHRONICLE Somsonge Burusphat Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia Mahidol University, Thailand <
[email protected] > Abstract This paper is a discourse study of the Tai Dam chronicle Kwam To Muang. It focuses on rhetorical structure and information structure. The former includes rhyming structure, parallel structure, cyclical structure, and listing structure, which function to facilitate memorization and also provide a linkage to the text. The information structure is analyzed in terms of the bipartite discourse structure, i.e. storyline elements and Nonstoryline elements. The storyline material is signalled by the preverbal auxiliary caŋ2 ‘consequently, then’ and verb types, namely, event proper, motion, and action verbs. Nonstoryline elements include supportive materials which are off the storyline. They include setting, background, collateral, and cohesion. The setting is characterized by descriptive and stative verbs. Background information is marked by non- punctiliar verbs. Collateral information is expressed by a negation having the negative marker baw3 ‘not’. And cohesion is realized by rhetorical structure and repetitive clauses. Key words: discourse, creation myth, Tai Dam ISO 639-3 codes: blt 1.