RP28 v 3

Resettlement Action Plan Public Disclosure Authorized Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Backwater Dike Financed by Government Utilizing World Bank Load

Public Disclosure Authorized (Revision)

Public Disclosure Authorized

Hubei Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydroelectric Engineering Exploration & Design Huanggang Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planning and Design Institute Construction Administration Office of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike

Public Disclosure Authorized August 2007









11.1 IMPLEMENTATION PRINCIPLE ...... 156 11.2 PROGRSS PLAN...... 156

1 Report overview

1.1 Porject background

Consisting of four uncontinuous dikes, Changjiang River Huanggang main dike locates at left bank of Changjiang in the section from Jinluo Port of Tuanfeng Countz to Makou Port of City, this dike is devided by four first-class tributaries of Changjiang River, i.e. Jushui, Bahe, Xishui and Qishui rivers. The tributary dike combines with Changjiang main dike to form a flood barrier to protect Tuanfeng, Huangzhou, Xishui, Qichun and Wuxue counties (district, city) in Huanggang City and etc. Dike of estuary of four tributaries influenced by backwater effect of flood of Changjiang River main stream in flood season is called as “Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike”, including some branch dikes, i.e. Judong, Changsun, Laocheng, Beiyong, Yongbao, Yonggu and Chidong. Judong branch dike locates at left bank of Jushui River;Changsun branch dike locates at right bank of Ba River, Laochengdi dike is adjacent to Zhangsun dike and locates at upper stream of Zhangsun dike, Beiyong branch dike locates at left bank of Ba River;Yongbao branch dike licates at right bank of Xishui River, Yonggu branch dike locates at left bank of Xishui River; Chidong dike locates at left bank of Qishui River. Located between Hankou and Hukou, Changjiang River Huanggang main dike connects to conflow of Chuangshui River, Hanjiang River and Dongting Lake and receives backwater effect of flood from Poyang Lake. Rapid rising, slow falling and long term high water level are features of Changjiang River. Under backwater effect of Changjiang River flood, water level in Jushui, Bahe, Xishui and Qishui Rivers stay in a high level in a long term;All tributaries often receive intensive and long-duration rainfalls, therefore, even Changjiang River is at low level, water level in tributaries may be high still, for this reason, flood danger often occure in flood season. In 1996, Yonggu branch dike was bursted. In flood season in 1998, 8 flood peaks in upper stream interacted with flood from middle and downstream to form a flood which ranked second in historical full basin type flood since 1954. The flood risk frequently occure in Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike and cost much in emergency protection in flood defense. From 1998 to 2004, Flood prevention and reinforcement work had been developed in Changjiang River Huanggang main dike, the completion of the work thoroughly eliminates threat of flood to safety of main dike. However, the flood control project system in protection area consists of main stream dike and branch dike, therefore, the hidden danger of flood still exists in branch dike, the protection area is still subject to flood. In order to upgrade flood control standard and ensure safety of people and properties in protection area and facilitate and stabilize development of local economic and perfect flood control project system, reduce flood threat in this area, it is very necessary to eliminate risk and reinforce Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike. This project involves in full length of 57.392km in scope of flood prevention and reinforcement project of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike, where, Judong dike, Laocheng dike, Beiyong branch dike, Yongbao branch dike, Yonggu branch dike and Chidong branch dike is at length of 17.774km, 6.23km, 3.76km, 2.343km,5.286km

3 and 22km respectively. Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike and main dike protects 758-thousand Mu cultivatable land and 1.344 million people, after completion of this project, 37.8 million RMB economic loss due to flood will be reduced, internal benefit of the project will be 9,90%, main construction includes heightening and thickening of dike body, slope protection, highway specially constructed for flood control on top of dike, vertical anti-seepage wall, cone-penetration grouting, immersion inhibitive platform, clay anti-seepage trench, pond filling and foundation solidation, riprap revetment, maintenance and reinforcement of one culvert gate, rebuild of five culvert gates. Since the construction require permanent acquisition of 1622.02 Mu land and resettle 1622 people, a detailed resettlement action plan is prepared to reduce influence of the project.

1.2 Consistency with original project

Original project refers to “Reinforcement of Changjiang River main dike financed by Hubei government utilizing World Bank loan”, which include Changjiang River main dike, Changjiang River Hannan main dike, Changjiang River Jingnan main dike, Changjiang River Huanggang main dike and Bapu major dike. Targe of the project is as same as the original project, i.e. to upgrade flood control standard, to protect safety of lives and properties of people living in the protected area, to facilitate continuous and stable development of local economy, to perfect flood control project system, to relif threat of flood. This dike connects with original Changjiang River Huanggang main dike, the protection area is as same as before, therefore, reinforcement of dike will strengthen safety of protection area in scope of original Changjiang River Huanggang main dike.At the same time, consisting with original project, the project works on reinforcement of dike, i.e. heightening and thickening of dike body, construction of slope protection, special highway for flood control on top of dike, vertical anti-seepage wall, cone-penetration grouting, immersion inhibit platform, fond filling and foundation solidationi and etc. In view to operation of original project, these measures will not cause heavy environmental issues. Causes of resettlement of this project are as same as that of original project. Although the alternative project program maximize the use of vertical anti-seepage wall (which occupies less land than horizontal anti-seepage) to replace horizontal anti-seepage and the use of flood control wall to replace thickening and heightening of dike to minimize resettlement, some sections need occupying land and cause resettlement. As same as original project, belt type, scattered resettlement features this project; the land expropriation has small affect on the whole project area, resettlers will not loss living resources. At the same time, this resettlers had been living beside the dike, flood directly treaten their safety, for safe reason, the project will directly benefit these resettlers, the investigation for resettler’will indicates that all resettlers support the project. Therefore, there is no social risk to the project implementation. The original project was implementd in accordance with Resettlement Action Plan approved by World Bank, the settlement targets of production and living were realized. As same as original project, this project will follow resettlement policies specified by national authority and World Bank to recover or upgrade original living standard of resettlers, information of project will be disclosed to public, infirm group will be supported, public will be encourage to participat and negotiate with the project, social

4 adjustment will be strengthened, administration offices will be established during implementation of the project. Deriving successful experience of original resettlement project, the programming of RAP of this project includes a lot of resettlers in; especially, resettlers and local government are consulted with for resettlement planning. After assessment of World Bank, RAP will be kept in local library and resettlement office and will be disclosed to public in local newspaper, TV and broadcasting. 1.3 Project influence

Flood prevention and reinforcement project of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike involves in 4 counties, 1 district, 8 villages and towns, 33 executive villages (farm lands). The project has small adverse influence on local society and economy. However, residences of resettler will be removed, therefore, their lives will be affected, at the same time, local cultivable lands will be reduced; therefore, it has to take measures to adjust economy. Expropriation of land-The project will permanently occupies land of 1622.02 Mu, of which 308.5 Mu are cultivable lands in dike area, or 19% of total, paddy field is about 9.6%, crop productivity suffers loss about 118t/year. Land temporarily occupied is 4396.25 Mu, of which 2487.3 Mu is cultivable land (2288.5 Mu locates in dike, 198.8 Mu landed out), or 56.6% of total, crops productivity will loss 1125t per year in 2-year occupation period. Resettler-406 households, 1622 people will be resettled due to occupation of the project. The investigation for people affected by this project indicates that no minority people was found, some minorities maybe get married with Han nationalities, and has been melted in Han culture, they will be treated neither as weak group nor as aborigines, therefore, OD4.2-Aborigines is not applicable in this case. The investigation also found 66 infirms, or 4% of total resettlers (including orphans and widows, disables and familis without labor force). Since lands expropriated are linearly distributed, therefore, there is no need to resettle the whole village, in most condition, the influence is small. In 33 influenced villages, number of resettlers takes only proportion of 4% of total population. Resettlement of residences—Houses to be removed occupy lands of 77510 m2, where private house is 68558m2 , or 88.4% of total, houses pertained to enterprises and institutions is 8952.1m2,or 11.5% of total. 17 enterprises and institutions are involved, most of them, only limited portions or appurtenant houses and facilities need to be removed. Four enterprises or 23.5% will be relocated wholly. Professional project facilities-following facilities are affected by the project, i.e. 9.6km mechanical plough, 12.1km 10kv electric line, 25.6km communication line, 21.6km CATV, 2880kw pump unit and etc. There are no important cultural relics in area of project. Influence on ecomony-the land expropriation has small influence on production of enterprises; production of 85% enterprises will be affected in resettlement period (1—2 monthes). The expropriation of cultivable land reduces productivity of crops, this consequently reduces revenue about 3.775 million Yuan per year, according to planning, 538 agricultural population need production rearrangement, which maybe reagreement of agricultural production and improvement of per unit area yield of existing land. Population in settlement area—since the project is placed in adjacent area of local

5 village, these villages are not only area affected but also settlement area, therefore, original social relationship is not interrupted, no adverse influences will bring to those people in settlement area, to the contrary, the compensation for the project will improve infrastructure construction in settlement area, this will benefit people staied in settlement area. See table 1-1 for fixed assets and population in covered area, see table 1-2 for influence of land expropriation and resettlement on area covered in the project.

1.4 Laws and policies frame resettlement. The flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike and resettlement plan is established based on current law of the People’s Republic of China, and also meet requirements of constrained resettlement policy and OP-BP4.12 of world bank. Main references are as follows: Involuntary resettlement policy and procedures of world bank, OP/BP4.12; Flood control act of the People’s Republic of China (1997); Water laws of the People’s Republic of China (2002); Land management law of the People’s Republic of China (1999); Code for compensation for land expropriation and resettlement in large-medium scale water conservancy and hydropower construciton (2006); Design specification of land expropriation and resettlement in water conservancy and hydropower construction (SL290-2003); City planning law of the People’s Republic of China (1989); GB50188-93 Standard of village and town planning (1994); Implementation regulation for land management law of the People’s Republic of China (1999); Implementaqtion measures of land management of Hubei Province (1999); Notice of further reinforce management of land expropriation and practical protection of legal rights and interests of peasants whose land is to be expropriated, Hubei government. (EZF [2005] No. 11). Rules above are main references of compensation to resettlers in the project of flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike. The principle is: recover or upgrade living standard of resettlers, create condition for development of resettlers after remove. In view to actual condition of area covered in the project, based on average resettlement cost of various houses, unit price for house compensation rangesfrom 250 Yuan /m2 to 360Yuan/m2 , the interview with resettlers indicates that current standard of compensation covers resettlement cost of house. Compensation for land is determined based on annual yield of various types of land and multiplying factor specified in national policies, unit price of compensation will be2000-30000 Yuan/Mu. 1.5 Implementation plan for resettlement and rebuild Various measures for house rebulding and recovery of economy are proposed in implementation plan of resettlement and rebuild in the project of flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike, this will (i)be supplied to resettlers for selection, through providing familiar production and resettlement measures and assistance in transition period, influence of the project on resettlers will be reduced; (ii) be accepted by both resettlers and resident in settlement area; (iii) recover or upgrade revenues and living standard of people under coverage of the project. (a)Livelihood of resettlers

6 Ther are 430 households or 1622 persons lived in project area, take annual increasement of population into account, resettlement scale for resettlers will be 411 households or 1644 persons. According to the principle that relocate people to original village as close as possible and wills of resettler, based on resources of arable land, increasable production and settlement quantity and feasiability industrial development, following resettlement measures are established: In order to reduce interruption of social and economic systems, 380 households, 1518 people or 92.3% of total resettlers will be resettled backward of the project spot nearby, the investigation indicates that this resettlement method is applicable to all other counties and towns, except one county, which shall be wholly removed to an adjacent county. The backward resettlement has small influence on social service system, the recovery cost is within budget scope of resettlement planning. House will be built by villagers according to relevant standard. (b)Production reloction Principle of production resettlement is as follows: (i) based on land, take various resettlement measures. (ii) fully use local resources to avoid adverse affect on environment. Production resettlement population will be 538 persons, people resettled on the back of project spot nearby will be 412 persons, 126 persons will be relocated to adjacent counties, 488 Mu cultivable lands will be removed. The cost will come from land compensation and resettlement subsidies. (c)Temporary land occupation Land temporarily occupied will be 4396.25. Loss compensation will cover two-year yield and cost for recover plowing in cultivable land in dike area. (d)Recovery of special facilities, enterprises and institutions The compensation shall be implemented based on the principle of recovering original production standard, function and scale, compensation for special facilities will be 8, 983.8 thousands Yuan, compensation for working time of enterprises and institutions will be 3,326.3 thousands Yuan, the speical authorities and enterprises and institutions affected will rebuild facilities by themselves.

1.6 Budget estimation of compensation

According to feasibility research of this project, total static investment will be 422.36 million Yuan, of which 24 million US$ (approximate 187.20 million Yuan) are loaned from World Bank, Hubei government supplies 235.16 million Yuan. The calculation indicated that compensation for resettlers and land expropriation will be 87.997 million Yuan, of which basic compensation will be 66,054.5 thousands Yuan for land compensation, resettlement subsidies, house move, infrastructure construction, facility move of enterprises and organizations, infrastructure construction and rebuild of special project;other costs for surveying and designing (3%), execution and management(3%)and supervision and assessment (1.5%)will be 4,954.1 thousands Yuan,basic budgetary reserves (15%)will be 10,651.3 thousands Yuan,tax and charges for cultivable land reclamation, recovery of woods vegetation will be 6, 337.1 thousands

7 Yuan. In July 2007, National Development and Reform Committee give an official written reply to feasibility reesearch report of this project in Official Reply of National Development and Reform Committee to Feasibility Research Report of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Financed by World Bank Loan (FGNJ [2007] No.: 1819). In order to ensure smooth implementation of the project, Hubei government promises to supply self-financing, i.e. 50% funds (117.58 million Yuan) in the method of self-financing will be supplied by Hubei government as speical funds , another 50% funds (117.58 million Yuan) will be born by Huanggang government and beneficiary counties(cities and districts) governments. At the same time, in order to transfer funds for resettlement and compensation for land expropriation and to ensure that all rights and interests of resettlers are guaranteed in accordance with Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) approved by World Bnak, Huanggang government promise to compensate people affected based on standard not lower than RAP, if the cost for resettlement exceeds RAP budgetary estimation, additional funds will be supplied by Huanggang government through self-financing.

1.7 Resettlement organizations and systems

Investment for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike comes from World Bank Loan and funds supplied by provincial government and local county government through self-financing, resettlement action plan, resettlement organizations and systems are established refering to flood prevention and reinforcement of Hubei Changjiang River main dike financed by World Bank loan. The provincial resettlement management organization will use project environment/resettler settlement and management office previously used for reinforcement of Changjiang River main dike financed by World Bank loan, the office staff have already establish a good relationship with World Bank, these staff have been working in settlement of environment/resettler and management for 7 years, and have accumulated plentiful experiences and are suitable for management of this project. In August 2007, Huanggang government approved establishment of construction administration office for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike as legal organization of the project, according to requirement of World Bank, municipal resettlement and environment management sector (office) are established under this legal organization, all county governments involved in this project estalished resettlement and environment administration offices under municipal government as office for resettlement implementation and management. Resettlement implementation and administration offices of all level will be in charge of planing of resettlement implementation, trasfer of funds, routine management, treatment of resettler’s complaints, coordinating relationship among different resettlement authorities, cooperating with design unit to prepare planning,at the same time, based on requirement of environment assessment report, get done with environmental protection and public health-care in settlement area and project site. Municipal and county (municipal and district)resettlement implementation and management organizations have been established in accordance with requirements of Huanggang government, office staff have been assigned.

8 Except for thouse provincial, municipal, county (municipal and district) resettlement implementation and management offices, all villages affected shall assign 1-2 village cadres to be in charge of resettlement and environmental management in area under his jurisdiction. External resettlement organizations include planing, design, supervision and assessment agents. Changjiang River Survey, Planning, Design and Reearch Institute will be in charge of planing and designing of this project in the period of feasibility research and initial design, Hubei Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute and Huanggang Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planing and Design Institute will jointly be responsible of Resettlement action plan (RAP) and Resettlement implementation and planning report in implementation period, works include review of real object index, modification program for resettler reduction, assistance for implementation and administration office, assessment of population affected, determination of settlement area, compensation plan and etc. Hubei Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute is an authorized unit, which previously established Resettlement action plan (RAP) and Resettlement implementation and planing report for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River main dike financed by World Bank loan, this unit has experience in design of resettlement financed by World Bank loan and can provide excellent technical assistance to resettlement design of this project. An experienced supervison and assessemnt agents will be introduced to the project, the supervison organization will be in charge of control of investment, progress and quality. Independent supervision assessment organization will regularly assess resettlement progress and make monitoring and assessment for implementation effectiveness (include economic recovery of population affected) and social adjustment during resettlement, and will propose suggestions and advice to resettlement supervision unit for resettlement results and existing problems, at the same time, the agent will submit monitoring and assessment report to implementation and administration offices and World Bank.

1.8 Public negotiation and social adjustment

Establish public negotiation and social adjustment measures to ensure that all parties affected will benefit from the project without adverse influence. National favorable policies and other policies specified in this report are provided to resettlers. (a) Tax-relief for expropriated land, examption of relevant production quota, these policies will benefit the resettlers and natives in settlement area. (b)When government arranges special funds to support agricultural development and relieve pverty and social development funds for traffic, posts and telecommunications, culture, education and sanitation, a part of funds shall be transferred to resettlement to support production and development of resettlers. (c)Based on 10 years planing of local society, governmetn shall give priority in arranging for industries pertinent to industrial and agricultural production and development in project area, at the same time, priority of employment shall be given to natives and resettlers in settlement area. (d)In the year of resettlement, dike maintenance work shall be relived from

9 resettlers. Negotiation and participation of people affected and representatives is integral part in design of resettlement planning. Handbook of resettler’s rights and agreements signed with partied affected are guarantee of successful planning and allowing resettlers to learn and accept resettlement. A smooth and high effective treatment system for resettler’s complain shall be established, relevant procedures shall be listed in handbook of resettler’s rights to allow people affected to learn resettlement works. All resettlement organizations will fully record complaints and resolutions.

1.9 Important contract and agreement

Huanggang city, subordinate county, district, village (town and farm) governments, supervision and construction units, relocators and relocator representatives are involved in the resettlement implementation. In order to ensure above organizations will efficiently work together, it is necessary to sign some contracts and agreements specifiying responsibilities of all parties, important contracts and agreements are as follows: (i)agreement among municipal, county and district resettlement management organizations(ii)compensation agreement between resettlers and county (town and street ) governments;(iii)land expropriation agreement between resettlement management organization and village;(v) resettlement construction contract(including detailed environmental protection requirement).

1.10 Monitoring and supervision

Internal monitoring organization of this resettlement works is provincial resettlement office. Staff of this office have experience in resettlement for Changjiang main dike project financed by World Bank loan, and will monitor resettlement implementation in Huanggang city, counties, districts, villages (towns and streets) in project area, and will be responsible for coordination of all parties in resettlement works, master resettlement implementation at all times. Major works include:(i)resettlement move, allocation of house location and rebuild;(ii)quality of production and development project of resettlers;(iii)propose suggestions for problems in the process of implementation; (iv)recovery of incomings;(v) construction of basic and special facilities;(vi)recovery of infirm groups;(vii)duly pay compensation to resettlers;(viii)participation and negotiation of resettlers;(ix)training of resettlers ;(x)Management of project and organization. Municipal resettlement section will regularly submit monitoring report to World Bank(twice per year). Provincial resettlement office will employ independent monitoring and assessment unit to supervise land expropriation and resettlement of this project. Obligations of this unit include technical consultancy, supervision and monitoring of resettlement implementation; submit report of resettlement progress to municipal resettlement office. This unit will also take part in public negotiation meeting regularly held in county and village level. Monitoring and assessment unit will regularly make site investigatioin, and will assess public complaints and effectiveness of complaint procedures, if

10 necessary, suggestions for modification of procedures shall be made. Working time of independent monitoring unit include construction period and two years after completion. Resettlement unit is responsible for supervision for resettlement and will be in cahrge of supervision for resettlement implementation and usage of funds, find out problems and duly report to resettlement office and employer to quickly resolve problems and prevent problems from intensification and development. Supervision unit will control resettlement implementation, progress and quality of relocation of special facilities, transfer and usage of resettlement funds, accept completed works to ensure resettlement works will smoothly complete in accordance with quality requirement and implementation progress. The supervision organization consists of supervision headquaters and site supervision teams. A general engineer will be assigned in the headquaters, 2 site standing engineers, 3 site supervision teams and 2 site standing supervisors will be assigned.

1.11 Schedule of resettlement implementation

Early stage of the project In August 2005, design sector made an investigation for real object index, resettler family, basic social economic condition of resettled village and wills of resettlers as well as settlement area and farmer households, whose lands have been expropriated for the project in area affected under cooperation of government at all levels. In April 2007, design sector completed project feasiability research report containing works and resettlement plan and passed through the examination of Ministry of Water Conservancy of the People’s Republic of China. In May 2007, the sector completed Official Reply of National Development and Reform Committee to Feasibility Research Report of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Financed by World Bank Loan issued by Ministry of State-Owned Land Resource of the People’s Republic of China with GTZYS Zi [2007]No.: 118. and pass through the preparatory examination on this project. In June 2007, Huanggang government and involved county (municipal and district) governments approve real object index for land expropriation and resettlement plan and make commitments. In June 2007, based on examination and submittal project for examination and approval specified in Land Expropriation Compensation and Resettlement Code of Large-Medium Water Conservancy and Hydropower Works on No. 471 decree issued by Department of State in 2006, Hubei government approved resettlement plan specified in stage of feasiability research with Official Reply of Hubei Government for Resettlement Plan of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike, EZH [2007] No.: 103.

In July 2007, National Development and Reform Committee give an official written reply to feasibility reesearch report of this project in Official Reply of National Development and Reform Committee to Feasibility Research Report of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang

11 Backwater Dike Financed by World Bank Loan (FGNJ [2007] No.: 1819). In August 2007, RAP report was completed and submitted to World Bank for assessment. After assessment of World Bank, the RAP will be dept in relevant municipal and county libraries for public read and will be disclosed on newspaper, TV and broadcasting. Ater official replay of initial design, the designing unit will complet resettlement implementation report. Implementation stage of resettlement Resettlement is implemented based on principle as follows: (i) resettlement maybe implement on slack season based on construction schedule; (ii) Appropriate of compensation and allocation of house sites shall be completed before move; (iii) before move, public infrastructures shall be prepared in settlement area; (iv) arrangement shall minimize influence of resettlement on construction of the whole project; (v) Training for resettlers shall be developed on slack season. The total time of this project is 20 monthes, the resettlement shall be completed in early 10 monthes, production training and production resettlement for resettlers will be carried out in another 10 monthes.

Table 1-1 Fixed assets and population of area affected

Item Unit Total Counties, cities and districts affected Village 5 Villages, towns (farms) affected Village 8 Villages affected Village 33 I Resettlers 1.Relocate household Household 406 Urban relocate household Household / 2.Relocation population Person 1622 Urban relocate houseold Person / 3.House removing m2 77510 3.1House of enterprises and institutions m2 8952 Brick and concrete mixed house m2 3438 Brick and wood house m2 5514 Soil and wood house m2 / Other house m2 / 3.2 Private house m2 68558 Brick and concrete mixed house m2 40543.94 Brick and wood house m2 21650.24 Soil and wood house m2 4102.02 Other house m2 2261.8 4.Other fixed assets Fencing m2 7466 Concrete ground(outhousehold) m2 3734

12 Water well Pit 197 Cattle stall Piece 499 Simplified building Building 9 Woods(wood and fruit trees) Piece 2000 II. Land Mu 6018.18 1.Paddy field Mu 1648.5 2.Dry land Mu 1141 3.Pot garden Mu 6.3 4.Wood land Mu 438.6 5.Fish pond Mu 68.9 6.House site Mu 89.2 7.Grass land Mu 1214.9 8.Land for road Mu 72.2 9.Other land Mu 366.49 10.Unused land Mu 972.09 III. Pond filling and foundation reinforcement Mu 511.8 IV.Special facilities 1.Mechanical plowing road km 9.6 2.Power line km 12.1 3.Communication line km 25.6 4.CATV km 21.6 5.Pump house kw 2880

13 Table1-2 Influence of Land Expropriation and Resettlement of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike on Project Area Basic condition of affected area Condition of land expropriation and resettlement Proportion affected % Cultivable Population needing Population planned Total Land County Name of county Village Total Agricultural land per production for production Cultivable expropriated(Mu Population Cultivable land population (person) capita resettlement resettlement(perso land(Mu) ) (Mu/person) (person) n) Chidong Town Gaoyuan team 288 1590 5.521 1 1 4 0.35 0.25 Chidong Town Jincheng Village 1503 1500 0.998 43 47 42.7 3.13 2.85 Chidong Town Baichi Village 1194 1430 1.198 38 42 46.1 3.52 3.22 Qichun Chidong Town Beitoufeng Village 2268 2237 0.986 7 8 7 0.35 0.31 Chidong Town Caiyuantou Village 776 390 0.503 20 22 10.0 2.84 2.56 Chidong Town Caijiazui Village 823 1103 1.340 5 6 7.0 0.73 0.63 Subtotal 6852 8250.0 114 126 116.8 1.84 1.42 Lanxihe Town Lanxi Village 1872 1930 1.031 17 19 17.9 1.01 0.93 Lanxihe Town Sanquan Village 1196 781 0.653 53 58 34.3 4.85 4.39 Xishui Bahe Town Shehu Village 1087 634 0.583 33 36 19.0 3.31 3.00 Bahe Town Dongshou Village 1080 900 0.833 8 9 6.4 0.83 0.71 Subtotal 5235 4245.0 111 122 77.6 2.33 1.83 Lukou Town LvjiadawanVillage 1210 1463 1.209 7 8 8.6 0.66 0.59 Lukou Town Oulinshan Village 1191 1181 0.992 29 32 28.4 2.69 2.40 Taodian Village Sunzhen Village 1513 701 0.463 97 107 44.9 7.07 6.41 Huangzhou Taodian Village Yangjiawan Village 1420 900 0.634 20 22 12.8 1.55 1.42 Taodian Village Baqishan Village 1154 719 0.623 24 26 14.8 2.25 2.06 Subtotal 6488 4964.0 177 195 109.5 3.01 2.21 Tuanfeng Town Jinluogang Village 1287 1382 1.074 4 4 4.3 0.31 0.31 Tuanfeng Town Xulou Village 1801 1365 0.758 6 7 4.4 0.39 0.32 Tuanfeng Town Xihu Farmland 2722 1705 0.626 3 3 1.6 0.11 0.09 Tuanfeng Town Village Farmland 1930 959 0.497 4 4 1.9 0.21 0.20 Tuanfeng Town Weijiawan Village 1299 1051 0.809 21 23 16.6 1.77 1.58 Tuanfeng Tuanfeng Town Liaoyezui Village 1421 835 0.588 5 6 3.2 0.42 0.38 Linshanhe Town Wangfang Village 1581 800 0.506 18 20 9.3 1.27 1.16 Linshanhe Town Fengjiadun Village 1815 1530 0.843 6 7 5.2 0.39 0.34 Linshanhe Town Agricultural Science Institute 12.5 Linshanhe Town Wanjiafan Village 1577 1221 0.774 19 21 14.5 1.33 1.19 Subtotal 15433 10848 0.703 105 95 73.5 0.62 0.68 Total 34008 28307 507 538 377.4 1.58 1.33

14 2 Project background

2.1 Introduction of the project area

2.1.1 Natural condition Jushui River, Bahe River, Xishui River, Qishui River originated from the south foot of Dabie Mu ntains flow to Changjiang River at Tuanfeng town, Bahe town, Lanxi town and Qizhou town respectively. The flow direction of each branch is basically from north to south, the distance between adjacent branches is 20~30km. There are Sanhekou, Fuqiaohe, Mingshan, Weidoushan and Daohuanhe etc 5 large scale water reservoirs connected in parallel on the main stream and branch of Jushui River, there are Zhangjiazui and Bailianhe two large scale water reservoirs connected in series on the main stream of Xishui River, and Huayuan two large scale water reservoirs are built on the branch of Qushui River. The protected area consists of the dike of main stream of Changjiang River and dike of backwater part; this protected area is divided into 4 pieces: Huangzhou, Beiyong, Maoshan, Chidong. There are mainly hills in the protected area, the river width of each branch is generally 200~300m, flood land is developed. The topography is inclination from northeast to southwest, the ground elevation is generally 13~20m. The river basin of backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang belongs to subtropical zone monsoon climate, which features warm weather, abundant precipitation, sufficient sunlight, rich quantity of heat, clear four seasons, and long frost-free period. The mean annual air temperature is 16~17 , the extreme lowest air temperature for past years is -15 , the extreme highest air temperature is 41 , the frost-free period is about 240~270 days, the mean annual sunshine time is about 2000 hours, the mean annual quantities of rainfall are respectively 1267mm, 1377mm and 1339mm. Affected by the change of monsoon climate, the rainfalls of each river basin are unevenly distributed in one year; rainfalls are concentrated between May to July, which features concentrated quantity of rainfall, extensive rain surface, high rainfall intensity, long duration of once rainfall. The rain storm weather system is mainly vortex, plum rains peak and typhoon. The flood for the main stream and branch of Changjiang River within the boundaries of Huanggang is formed by rain storm; it features large flow rate, high water level, and long duration etc.

2.1.2 Population and economic position According to the statistics by the year book of year 2006 of Huanggang City, the total population of Tuanfeng, Huangzhou, Xishui 4 county districts is 2.7429 million persons, among which the rural population is 2.1373 million persons that occupy 63% of the total population; the total household number is 813.7 thousand, among which rural household number is 515.3 thousand that occupy 63% of the total household number; there are average 4 persons in a rural family, the annual income per head of rural population is 2618 Yuan, the annual disposable income per head of town dweller is 6138 Yuan. Backwater dike along Changjing River in Huanggang together with the stem dike of

15 Changjiang River protect the 758 thousand mu cultivable lands and 1.344 million population in Huanggang City; within the protected area, there are Huangzhou that is the government location of Huanggang City, Tuanfeng, Xishui, Quchun etc county seat, Nanhu, Lanxi, Sanhua, Qizhou, Bahe etc key business towns. The transportation in the area is developed; the transportation by land and water forms network, the - express highway, 106, 318 etc major national highways, and -Kowloon Railway run through the protected area. The land of the protected area is fertile; it is an important production base of grain and cotton, which occupies extreme important position at east Hubei province.

2.1.3 Flood disaster Huanggang stem dikeof Changjiang River is located between Hankou and Hukou; during flood season, it connects to water catchment of Chuanshui River, Hanjiang River, and The Dongting Lake at upstream, and bears the uplift of discharge flow of Poyang Lake at downstream. The water level of Changjiang River features fast rising amplitude, slow flood discharge, and long duration of high water level. Effected by the uplift of flood water of Changjiang River , the durations of corresponding high water level of Jushui River, Bahe River, Xishui River, Qishui River are long; the rainfall of each branch is concentrated with high intensity, the duration of once rainfall is long, even when the water level of Changjiang River is lower, the water level of branch may be still higher, which result in continuous dangerous condition during flood season. In 1996, the dangerous condition of dike failure occurred at the permanent branch dike. In 1998, the second major flood of whole Changjiang River Basin in the 20th century occurred, altogether 200 places of dangerous conditions occurred at Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike (not including Zhangsun dike, the same below), among which there were 92 places of major dangerous conditions, Beiyong branch dike had dike failure with length near 100m.

2.2 About the project 2.2.1 The necessity for the construction of the project During the flood season of 1998, there were 8 times of flood peaks successively appeared at the upstream of Changjiang River, and these flood peaks met with the flood of middle-lower stream, and formed the second major flood of whole Changjiang River basin since 1954. There were continuous all classes of dangerous conditions at Backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang , and we had paid out huge cost for the flood fighting. During 1998 to 2004, overall danger eliminating and reinforcement project was finished for stem dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang; the danger of flood for the safety of the stem dike was relatively completely solved. But the flood control project system of the protected area consists of dike of stem dike and branch dike, because the hidden flood dangers of branch dike are not solved, the protected area still confronts flinty the danger of flood disaster. In order to improve the flood control standard of Huanggang district, ensure the safety of people’s life and property in the protected area, facilitate local economy to develop continuously and stably, perfect the flood control engineering system of this district, reduce the danger of flood, it is extreme necessary to carry out danger eliminating and reinforcement to the backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang .


2.2.2 Main construction content and investment This time, we will use World Bank loans to carry out danger eliminating and reinforcement project construction to the Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike, the total length for the range of danger eliminating and reinforcement is 57.392km, among which Judong branch dike is 17.774km, Laocheng branch dike is 6.23km, Beiyong branch dike is 3.76km, Yongbao branch dike is 2.342km, Yonggu branch dike is 5.286km, Chedong branch dike is 22km. The main items of the project include reinforcing engineering of dike body, anti seepage engineering of dike body and dike foundation, bank protection works, culvert gate reinforcing engineering. The main construction contents are: heighten and reinforce the dike of 53.64km, slope protection for dike body of 53.64km, anti seepage wall for dike of 19.49km, awl exploration grouting for dike body of 22.61km, immersion pressing platform of 10.27km, flood prevention road for dike crown of 53.64km, filling pond to reinforce foundation for dike foundation of 20.91km, stone riprap for Chidong dike of 1.69km, clay cutoff groove for Beiyong branch dike of 0.75km, remove and rebuild 5 dike crossing culvert gates, repair and reinforce Judong culvert gate. The main engineering work loads required for the engineering above: earth rock excavation is 733.5 thousand m3, earth rock placement is 6.1249 million m3, concrete is 64 thousand m3, awl exploration grouting is 177.19m, grass protection is 1.6916 million m2. The project duration of construction is 20 months, the price level for the investment of the project is the fourth quarter of 2006, the basic contingency fund is calculated according to 10% for the sum of part 1 to 5. The result of calculation: the static total investment of the project is 422.36 million Yuan.

2.2.3 Affected area by the project Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike involves 4 counties, 1 district, 8 townships, towns, farms, 33 administrative villages. See the distribution schematic diagram of relocation of residents and relocation points for each dike section of Huanggang dike of backwater. The protection scope of Huanggang backwater dike involves 4 county districts of Huanggang city, which constitute 5 protected areas, that is: (i) Judong branch dike protected area located between Jushui River and Bahe River; (ii) Laocheng branch dike protected area at the right bank of Bahe River; (iii) Beiyong branch dike proected area located at Xiyanghe Minyuan for the left bank of Bahe River of Xishui county; (iv) Maoshan protected area of Yongbao and Yonggu branch dike located between Xishui and Qishui; (v) Chidong protected area of Chidong branch dike. The protected area sum to 1520km2, the protected cultivable land is 758 thousand mu , the protected population is 1.344 million persons, and more than 1 thousand large and small enterprises are protected.

2.2.4 The measures to reduce resettlements The heightening and thickening of dike body, fill inside and outside platforms, seepage control treatment of dike foundation are the main reasons of resettlements for the danger eliminating and reinforcement project of dike. Through technical and economical rationality research and optimum design, in the case of not affecting the flood control capability of dike, the following measures are taken to reduce resettlements of this

17 project. (a)In population concentrated area, when heightening and thickening of dike body are carried out, compare between several schemes and choose the optimum scheme to reduce engineering occupation of land and relocation of resettlements result from the heightening and thickening of dike body. Such as, at the aspects of selecting heightening and thickening methods and dike lines, we compare the outside reinforcement and inside reinforcement, and carry out optimization section by section for dike line and mainly use the scheme of outside reinforcement; (b)The general method of seepage control measure for dike foundation is “Take suppression as main measure, combine Suppression with Dredge to control flood”, according to the detailed geologic condition of dike section, if the dike foundation has shallow sand layer, take the measure of controlling the elevation of platform according to the vertical height of dike body, so as to reduce resettlements result from the occupation of land by seepage blanket and cover weight of rear dike.

2.2.5 Technical and economic feasibility study The feasibility study of this project has been carried out, the design unit is Changjiang River Water Conservancy Commission, Changjiang River Surveying and Planning and Designing Institute, works in early stage shall be thoroughly prepared and down-to-earth , the main result is “Feasibility Study Report for Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike” (hereinafter referred to as “Feasibility Study Report”). In April 2007, this report passed the examination by Headquarters of Plan & Design of Ministry of Water Resources. On July 30th 2007, this report is approved by National Development and Reform Commission with document number of FGNJ [2007] No.:1819. When the project is carried out, after benefit allocation according to the protected range of dike, the annual flood control benefit will be up to 37.8 million Yuan; the economic internal rate of return of all investment is 9.9%; the economic net present value is 118.18 million Yuan, the economic benefit cost ratio is 1.28, which are larger than the reference values stipulated by the state, therefore, the implement of this project is reasonable for economy. The World Bank loans for this project will be borrowed and returned uniformly by the state, therefore, the paying-back capability can be adequately ensured. This project is a social benefit project that benefits the country and the people, which is emphasized and supported by all levels of government and the public, the local government of the project area has made promise for the domestic counterpart funding of the project.

2.2.6 Project management organization In order to strength the management of this project, fulfill legal person system for the construction project, ensure to carry out the project as soon as possible, so as to realize uniform and continuous for the construction management of the project, Huanggang government established a Construction Management Office for Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike” (hereinafter referred to as “Huanggang Backwater Construction Office”) that is the corporation organization of the construction project, the corporate representative is Chen Pangqiang (the director of Huanggang Water Conservancy Bureau), the technical principal is Zhang Tie (the director of Huanggang Riverway & Dike Administration Office). According to the requirement of World Bank, comprehensive coordination department, financial

18 department, engineering department and environment & resettlement department should be established under the corporation organization, at the same time, project management departments are established under Tuanfeng, Huangzhou, Xishui, Qichun these 4 project areas, in order to develop all items of construction management works. The corresponding land expropriation and relocation of resettlements leading groups and project management departments are established at the project counties and districts under Huanggang city. In order to strength the cooperation between governmental departments and World Bank, the provincial resettlement office will assist Huanggang Backwater Dike Construction Office to cooperate with the mission of World Bank and the environment experts of international resettlement on relevant issues.

2.3 Investigation on resettlement family 2.3.1 The aim of investigation In October 2006, under the cooperation of all levels of government, the design department carried out investigation on the basic economic conditions and Settler will of resettlement families and resettlement village collective within the effected range, and also carried out investigation on the project receiving area and farmer whose land has been expropriated for the project. The aim of the investigation is that: (a)Promote the importance of this project to resettlements; (b)Investigate the degree of effect of resettlements andfarmer whose land has been expropriated for the projects by the project; (c)Take counsel with resettlements, analyze the receiving area and the wills offarmer whose land has been expropriated for the projects, consider their wills in the production & relocation scheme and life restore scheme as possible; (d)Analyze the level for the economy income and payout of resettlement, in order to determine the target value for the economy development of the affected area, and provide accurate basis for the relocation planning of resettlements; (e)Establish economy income model of resettlement family, analyze the change of economy incomes before and after migration.

2.3.2 Content of investigation (1)Investigation on resettlement family The investigation on resettlement family is divided into 3 kinds: the first kind is investigation on the basic condition of resettlement; the second kind is investigation on Settler wills, and the third kind is investigation on the income & payout condition of resettlement family. (a)The contents for the investigation on the basic condition of resettlement are mainly general situation of the family, material goods of the family, the contract of collectively-owned land etc. General situation of the family: including name of householder, gender, nationality, habitation, labors, dwelling space and its structure, contracted plow land area and etc. Material goods of the family: production goods include jointly contracted land, water surface, industry & sideline of family, manufacturing machine (including vehicle, ship etc); consumption goods include major furniture, television, refrigerator, washing machine, video recorder, electric fan, air condition, autocycle, bicycle, telephone, mobile telephone, computer etc. (b)The contents of investigation on Settler wills include current housing structure

19 of resettlement, drinking water, communication, domestic electricity, fuel, traffic, hospitalizing, school entering, employment etc basic conditions. It also includes the degree of understanding this project, altitude to the project, acceptable production relocation method and life relocation method, occupation that the resettlement hopes, the requirement to the new address of house building etc. (c)Investigation on the income & payout condition of resettlement family: the family income includes operating income that includes the income of farm production, forestry, animal husbandry, fish husbandry, part-time work; non-operating income that includes interest in dividends, gift, all kinds of allowances, other incomes etc. The payout of family includes productive expenditure that includes payout for seed, chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemical, nursery stock, feeding stuff and etc; Expenses of taxation that include agricultural tax, hiring of agricultural machinery, irrigation, social duty tax etc; individual consumption payout includes food, clothing, shoes and hat, daily groceries, books and magazines, fuel, water supply and power supply, medical expenses and etc. (2)Investigation on the receiving area andfarmer whose land has been expropriated for the project family The investigation on the receiving area andfarmer whose land has been expropriated for the project family is mainly to investigate the basic condition of the family, the income and payout condition of the family, the understanding to the project, the understanding to the effect of the project, relocation will investigation etc contents. (3)Social economy investigation at resettlement village level Investigate the population household number, population composition, dwelling space per capita, plow land area per capita, net income per capita etc general situation for the administrative villages involved in the project; current traffic, communication, water and electricity, culture, education and sanitation etc basic infrastructure conditions; village level agricultural production resource, enterprise, the degree of culture and education and etc. 2.3.3 The method and process of investigation (1)In this basic social economy condition investigation of resettlement family, we adopt the method of personal interview, the investigation form is offered by the design department, site investigation is carried out to the resettlement village at the cooperation of the owner and local government. Question answer form is used in the site investigation; the form is filled in by the design staff, and signed and approved by the resettlement. This project involves 430 households of resettlements, 1622 persons, select 120 households of investigation specimen according to the method of random sampling, which occupy 28% of the total household number for migration. The area distribution of resettlement specimen is shown in table 2.3.1. (2)The investigation on the receiving area andfarmer whose land has been expropriated for the project family is carried out by adopting the method of questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire for investigation is provided by the design department, and issued to the investigated object by the cooperation of local government, then carry out reclaim, and carry out statistics to effective questionnaire. The reclaimed effective questionnaires this time are 112 pieces, which involve 153 persons that occupy 29% of the total relocation population. (3)The social economy investigation at resettlement village level is carried out by using the method of sampling investigation combined with collecting annual report information, investigation and statistics are carried out to the basic conditions of the administrative villages involved in this project.

20 Table 2.3.1 Distribution of resettled household specimen Number of sampling Resettled village Resettlment investigation City County invloved Number of (village) Household Person Proportion household Xishui 5 128 321 45 35%

Qichun 8 86 444 15 17% Huanggang Huangzhou 4 70 329 10 14%

Tuanfeng 13 146 528 50 34%

Total 30 430 1622 120 28%

2.3.4 Analysis result of specimen Population and family Rural resettlers: the average population of each household is 3.8 persons, basically agricultural population. The ratio between male to female is 0.96 : 1. In the age composition structure, the labor force with age ranging from 17 to 60 take proportion of 59% of total population, semi able-bodied workers and disables are 41% of total. Family property Rural resettlements: during investigation, the dwelling space per household of resettlement is 159m2, the dwelling space per capita is 42.3m2. The cultivated area per household is 3.61 mu , the cultivated area per capita is 0.95 mu ; among which dry land takes proportion of 43%, and paddy field takes proportion of 57%. Every hundred households resettled share 8.1 home-operated trades for industrial & sideline production.

Family property: every hundred households resettled own 335 pieces of large furniture, 150 sets of televisions, 17 sets of refrigerators, 45 sets of video disc players, 210 sets of electric fans, 64 sets of radio-receiver recorders, 150 mobile -phones, 81 fixed telephones, 16 sets of personal computer, 88 motorcycles, 221 bicycles; the farm households that own farm truck, tractor, ship, large farm machinery take proportion of 5.4%; every hundred households of resettlements own 242 heads of cattles/sheeps, 269 pigs/rabbits and 1590 chickens/ducks. Family income and payout Rural resettlers: the annual income per capita of farmer is 2856 Yuan, if divided according to the source of income, then the income of primary industry takes proportion of 58%, the income of family industry and commerce takes proportion of 12%, the income of salary work takes proportion of 30%; from which we can see that the incomes of primary industry (farm production, forestry, animal husbandry, fish husbandry) and part-time job are two major resource of farmer’s income. The annual payout per capita of farmer is 2721 Yuan, among which the productive expenditure per capita takes proportion of 20%; consumption expenditure per capita takes proportion of 70%. Infrastructure The infrastructure construction condition of rural resettlers: 30% of rural drinking water

21 come from tap water, 70% water come from well, river and reservoir. The rural communication is relatively advanced; every rural family possesses broadcasting receiver, television, telephone, and mobile-phone and etc. In general, rural labors have received junior middle school education, 27% of rural people only received primary school education or under, 18% people received high school or college education, the enrollment rate for children of school age reaches to 100%. As for fuel used in daily life, 40% is coal, 30% is firewood, 30% is liquefied gas, the power supply is guaranteed generally. Vehicle roads have been constructed and access to every village. General merchandise and medical center are available in rural area, people generally receive medical treatment at countryside medical station. Resettler’s will The resettlement problems that are mostly cared by rural resettlers are as follows: 35% resettlers pay their attention to sufficiency of compensation, 45% resettlers keep their eyes on payment of compensation in accordance with standard, 8% resettlers are concerned about ideal settlement area, whereas 12% resettlers forcus on production and revenue after resettlement. Among which mid-age and old age resettlements pay more attention to perfection of resettlement point and influence of the projects on production after resettlement, while young resettlers pay more attention to the compensation. Primary expectation of rural resettlers for resettlement: 85% resettlers hope for a good living condition, 8% resettlers expect a excellent employment opportunities, 10% resettlers want a good education condition and communication. Most of female resettlers wish for good living environment, while young males hope for quantity of employment opportunities and good education condition. The best resettlement method in the mind of rural resettlers: 33% resettlers expect that the whole not part of village shall be resettled in a same place, 21% resettlers want to live together with people with same surname, 29% resettlers hope to resettle with same village team, 17% resettlers hold “anyhow” attitude. Trade that rural resettlers want to engage in after resettlement : 65% resettlers hope for original agricultural production, 35% resettlers want to transfer their career to industrial and commercial works or salary work and etc. 100% Rural resettlers want to recover normal intercourse with main relatives as before. The best resettlement method believed by rural resettlers: 75% resettlers want to build house by themselves at backwards place near original residence, 25% resettlers want to build their house by themselves in a centralized area. Acquaintance of rural resettlers with the project: nearly 100% resettlers have learned or are quite acquainted with this project . The altitude of supporting the project by rural resettlements: nearly all resettlements support the project. Acquaintance of resettlers with resettlement information: 37% resettlers know much or a lot about resettlement, 63% resettlers basically learn the project. Among which males learned more information about the project than females. The way to learn: 73% resettlers learned the project through investigation of real object index, 27% resettlers collect information of the project through other sources.

22 3 Project influence

3.1 Overview The necessity of project construction and great benefit of flood control and disaster reduction are indicated above, this chapter mainly discusses the loss result from the project construction and potential negative effect. This is also one of the key points of this report. In August 2005, the Construction Management Office for Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike jointly with Changjiang River Water resources Commission, Changjiang River Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research, under the cooperation of relative local departments, carry out overall investigation on the real object index of effected land expropriation and relocation of residents, the result shows that, the influence of the project involves 4 counties and districts of Huanggang city, and Xinzhou district at the juncture between Wuhan city and (small amount of land of 1 village), 8 townships, towns (farms), 33 administrative villages, the affected population is 430 households (1622 persons). The influence of the project is linear and local, the influence on local social economy is small, but resettlements will be affected by house relocation and life arrangement, the amount of rural cultivable land will be reduced, corrective measures must be taken at economy.

3.2 Investigation process In August 2005, the Construction Management Office for Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike cooperate jointly with staffs of Changjiang River Water resources Commission, Changjiang River Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research, under the cooperation of water conservancy bureau, Huangzhou dike management section, Tuanfeng county dike management section, dike management section, Xishui county dike management section, according to the engineering design (floor plan and construction plan) scheme, carry out investigation on the real object index within the land occupation range of Tuanfeng county, Qichun county, Xishui county and Huangzhou district involved in the project by using 1:5000 topographic map.

3.3 Investigation content and method The investigation content for rural district includes population, house and accessory structure, land. Special items include road, transmission line, communication lines etc. The real object index is divided into permanent, temporary, inside dike, outside dike according to the property of land occupation; the detailed investigation method is as follow: (1)Population: take habitation at the land occupation district of the project and household registration book issued by the public security department as standard, carry out investigation according to village, citizen, and unit, the registered permanent residence is classified as peasant population and non agricultural population. (2)House: houses are classified as village, citizen, unit, enterprise, measure the building area on the spot.

23 (3)Land: the investigator will carry out field investigation by using 1:5000 topographic map, measure and calculate area according to land class and patch, carry out statistics according to the sorting. (4)Special items: road, transmission and substation, communication, water supply etc, carry out investigation and registration on site.

3.3.1 Population investigation The population investigation takes household registration book and the location of the main house as standard, the population lived in the main house that is required to be relocated within the range of permanent land occupation is taken as resettlement population of this project. Population registration is carried out by taking household as unit according to the sorting of peasant population and non agricultural population, the household number takes the household registration book issued by local public security organ as standard. In the investigated population, the children born outside birth-control plan who are not registered, targeted-area recruited student who return to his ancestral home after graduate and his registered permanent residence has been temporarily transferred out, compulsory serviceman, criminals undergoing reform through labor and persons undergoing rehabilitation through labor, these persons can be registered along with the householder after the certification issued by countryside town government is obtained, and make remarks in the remarks column. Other persons without registered permanent residence other than these are not accounted as resettlement population all and singular, if his house property is located at the land occupation area, only the house property is registered.

3.3.2 Investigation on house and accessory structure The investigation on house includes public housing of the village, house of enterprise or institution, and private housing of resident. Houses are measured according to usage and structure one by one, and calculated according to the building area. The accessory structures are accounted by square meter or places (number). Sorting of houses The houses of resident are divided into 3 kinds: main house (including one-story house and storied house), minor house, and sundries room according to their usage. (a)Main house refers to dwelling house and living room etc inside the gable wall; (b)Minor house refers to newly built house outside the gable wall or newly built house by using penthouse. (c)Sundries room mainly refers to toilet, tool house, girth rail for pig, cattle, sheep, chicken, duck etc livestock and poultry, the bottom layer of suspended wooden building and housing other than above 2 kinds. According to the material of load bearing element, the building construction is divided into 3 kinds: frame construction, brick-concrete structure, half timber construction. (a)Frame construction: reinforced concrete poured bearing beam and column, reinforced concrete floor slab or roof covering. (b)Brick-concrete structure: brick or stone body of wall, reinforced concrete floor slab or roof covering. (c)Half timber construction: brick or stone body of wall, tiled roof or thatched roof. Accessory structure It includes brick (stone) enclosing wall, concrete drying yard, water well, water pool,

24 basement, biomass pool, manure pool, bondless stock barn, general kitchen range, energy saving kitchen range, sepulture and other temporary buildings. Among which, enclosing walls are calculated by facade area, concrete drying yard is calculated by plane area of square meter, water pool is calculated by cubic meter, others are calculated by number of places.

3.3.3 Land survey The investigator will carry out field survey with topographic map at scale of 1:5000, measure and calculate area according to land class and patch, carry out statistics according to the sorting. Sorting of land Land is classified as state-owned and collective owned according to proprietary rights, it is classified as 3 major kinds: agricultural land, land used for building, unused land according to its usage, land investigation takes administrative village as unit, takes horizontally-projected area as standard all and singular, and calculate by using standard mu (1 mu = 667m2). Agricultural land is classified as 5 kinds: cultivable land (including less than 2.0m ditch, channel, road, border dike ), garden plot, forest land, grassland and other use of land. Land used for building refers to rural population house sites, traffic use of land, special use of land etc, unused land refers to land and water area other than agricultural land and land used for building. For sporadic fruit trees and forest, carry out field investigation on the physical quantity within the land occupation of dike by taking village as unit. The calculation for the area of land expropriation (a)According to the dike reinforcement measures, calculate the floor area (including management use of land) of dike after reached the standards, and initially determine the composition of land kinds according to 1:5000 topographic map. (b)According to survey data, calculate the floor area (including management use of land) of present status dike that the land right has been confirmed. (c)Land expropriation area = the floor area of dike after reached the standards-the floor area of present status dike (d)Use topographic map to verify on site all classes of land kinds, village borderline, and account all classes of land expropriation by using administrative village as unit.

3.3.4 Investigation on enterprises or institutions For enterprise or institution units involved in the land occupation of dike, investigate the fundamental state of the unit and the occupation condition within the land occupation range of dike. The investigation of real object index includes the occupied area of the unit, the name of workshop or building, building structure and area, location site, department in charge, economic nature, date of establishing the factory, start up date, original value of fixed assets, net value of fixed assets, operating status (annual yield of main products, annual output value, main market of product, sources of raw material and fuel, dependence relationship with outplant cooperation), resident population in the plant area.

25 3.3.5 Investigation on special facilities The investigation on special facilities includes: transmission and substation, communication, and all classes of pipes etc. Transmission and substation Investigate and ascertain the membership of transmission line, voltage class, the specification of electric pole and cable and the length of line within the range of land occupation. Investigate substation on its transformation grade, capacity and transformer facilities and equipments. Communication Investigate and ascertain the name of line, grade, specification, membership, start and end site and the length of pole road (only investigate the length of trunk line for local telephone line) within the range of land occupation. Investigate post office on the capacity of switchboard, the amount of equipments and facilities. Broadcast television The broadcast television line should be investigated according to 2 levels: from county to township (town) and from township (town) to village, no investigation will be carried out for level below village. Investigate and ascertain the name of line, start and end site, membership, date of built, land occupied site, length of land occupied, and technical indicators of the line (pole material and length, specification of line). All classes of pipes These pipes include gas pipes, oil pipes, and water pipes. Investigate and ascertain the class and name of pipe lines, membership, pipe diameter, material, transmitting capacity, start and end site, length of pipe line and quantity of facility within the range of land occupation.

3.4 Affected population The population that is required to be relocated result from the present status of land expropriation of the project sum to 430 households, 1622 persons, among which the peasant population is 430 households, 1619 persons, which takes proportion of 99.8% (see table 3-1 for detail). The population required to carry out production arrangement as a result of land expropriation sum to 507 persons. The reinforcement project of Huanggang dike of backwater involved in this project is distributed on the dike line of up to 57.392km, the effect of land expropriation and relocation is scattered, which appears linear and local, in relation to the whole project area, the proportion of cultivable land expropriation is small, the influence on the production of industry and agriculture, people’s life and social economic development is small. In the 33 effected villages, only 4% peasant population is required to be immigrated, about 1.3% cultivable land will be occupied. Rural resettlements will be relocated at current village or adjacent village, most new addresses are within 1km, the influence on social and production system is reduced to minimum degree. There is no concentrated place of residence for minority in the land expropriation area, individual minority person may marry the Han nationality person, and is integrated into the culture of the Han nationality, they will not be regarded as weak population as a

26 result of ethnic, they are also not local aborigine, so OD4.20—aborigine population does not apply to this project. The weak population is mainly elder household, disabled major labor household and no male labor household, which sum to 66 persons that occupy 4% of the total resettlements. These families are largely affected by the relocation of the project, their difficulties at building house after removing are larger, their compensation of house building should be appropriately increased at arrangement (see table 4-5).

3.5 Affected land and property 3.5.1 Land occupation of the project According to the engineering design (floor plan and construction plan) scheme, the land occupation of the project involves Tuanfeng county, Qichun county, Xishui county and Huangzhou district, the total length of dike section is 57.39km, the total land occupation area is 6018.27 mu , among which permanent land occupation is 1622.02 mu (1509.02 mu inside dike, and 113 mu outside dike), the temporary land occupation for construction is 4396.25 mu , the land occupation for filling pond to reinforce foundation is 512 mu . The range of permanent land occupation (a)Pile number 0+000~22+000 for Chidong branch dike of Qishui River of Qichun county, dike length is 22000m, the land occupation area inside dike is 655.68 mu , the area outside dike is 113 mu . Among which, for the section of pile number of 11+072~16+500, the inside immersion compression platform is 50m wide, the management range for inside dike of other dike section is 10m. (b)Pile number 0+000~5+700 for Yonggu branch dike of Xishui River of Xishui county, dike length is 5286 m, the land occupation area inside dike is 230.34 mu , for the section of pile number of 0+520~3+250, the dike length is 2730 m, the inside immersion compression platform is 50 m, the management range for inside dike of other dike section is 10m. Pile number 0+000~2+342 for Yongbao branch dike of Xishui River, the dike length is 2342 m, the management range of inside dike is 10m, the permanent land occupation is 35.13 mu . Pile number 0+000~3+760 for Beiyong branch dike of Xishui River, the dike length is 3760 m, the management range of inside dike is 10m, the land occupation area is 56.4 mu . The total length of these 3 sections of dike is 11388m; the land occupation area is 321.88 mu . (c)Pile number 0+000~6+230 for Laocheng dike of Bahe River of Huangzhou district, the dike length is 6230m, the land occupation area is 305.91 mu . Among which, for the section of pile number of 1+034~3+000, the dike length is 1966 m, the inside immersion compression platform is 80 m; for the section of pile number of 6+087~ 6+230, the dike length is 143 m, the inside immersion compression platform is 50 m, the management range for inside dike of other dike section is 10m.

27 (d)Pile number 0+000~17+774 for Judong dike of Jushui River of Tuanfeng county, the dike length is 17774m, the management range of inside dike is 10m, the land occupation area is 225.56 mu . The permanent land occupation range is detailed in table 3—1. Temporary land occupation range Temporary land occupation includes camp building, construction road and material yard. The temporary land occupation for construction is 4396.25 mu , among which, the land occupation for camp building is 54.75 mu , the land occupation for construction road is 158.4 mu , and the land occupation for material yard is 4183.1 mu . The expropriation period for temporary land occupation is 2 years; compensation will be given according to crop loss and second plowing cost. The temporary land occupation for filling pond to reinforce foundation is 511.8 mu (437.7 mu inside dike, and 74.1 mu outside dike). The range of temporary land occupation is detailed in table 3—2. Real object index of land occupation The total land surface area for the land occupation of this project is 6018.27 mu , among which the cultivable land is 2795.8 mu that takes proportion of 46.5%, the forest land is 438.6 mu that takes proportion of 7.3%, the fish pond is 68.9 mu that takes proportion of 1.1%, the residential area use of land is 89.2 mu that takes proportion of 1.5%, the grass land is 1214.9 mu that takes proportion of 20.2%, the traffic land occupation is 72.2 mu that takes proportion of 1.2%, other use of land is 366.5 mu that takes proportion of 6.1 %, unused land is 972.09 mu that takes proportion of 16.1%. The land surface area for permanent land occupation is 1622.02 mu (1509.02 mu inside dike, and 113.0 mu outside dike), among which the cultivable land inside dike is 308.5 mu that takes proportion of 19%, the forest land inside dike is 429.3 mu that takes proportion of 26.5%, the fish pond inside dike is 68.9 mu that takes proportion of 4.2%, the residential area use of land inside dike is 82.2 mu that takes proportion of 5.0 %, the grass land is 297.9 mu (270.9 mu inside dike, and 27 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 18.4%, the traffic land occupation inside dike is 51.1 mu that takes proportion of 3.2%, other use of land inside dike is 77.9 mu that takes proportion of 4.8%, unused land is 306.22 mu (220.22 mu inside dike, and 86 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 18.8%. The land surface area for temporary land occupation is 4396.25 mu (3550.75 mu inside dike, and 845.5 mu outside dike), among which the cultivable land is 2487.3 mu (2288.5 mu inside dike, and 198.8 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 56.5%, the forest land is 9.3 mu that takes proportion of 0.20%, the grass land is 917.0 mu (459.2 mu inside dike, and 457.8 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 20.8%, the residential area use of land is 7 mu that takes proportion of 0.15%, the traffic land occupation is 21.1 mu (15.5 mu inside dike, and 5.6 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 0.5%, other use of land is 288.6 mu (262.9 mu inside dike, and 25.7 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 6.5%, unused land is 665.9 mu (517.6 mu inside dike, and 148.3 mu outside dike) that takes proportion of 15.1%. The temporary land occupation for filling pond to reinforce foundation is 511.8 mu (437.7 mu inside dike, and 74.1 mu outside dike).

28 The real object index of land occupation of the project is detailed in table 3—3.

3.5.2 House removing It is required to remove houses of 77510m2 for the construction of the project, among which the area of private house is 68558 m2 that takes proportion of 88.4%; the area for the houses of enterprises or institutions is 8952.1 m2 that takes proportion of 11.6%. (a)Residential building The area of residential buildings that are required to be removed in this project is 68558m2. Among which the area of brick-concrete structure houses is 40544m2, the area of half timber construction houses is 21650m2, the area of soil-wood structure buildings is 4102 m2, and the area of sundries rooms is 2261.8m2. (b)Enterprises or institutions The enterprises or institutions effected by this project sum to 17, among which there are 4 enterprises that are required to be entirely moved. It is required to remove 8952.1m2 houses, among which there are 3438m2 brick-concrete structure houses, and 5514m2 half timber construction houses. (c)Accessory structure and scattered fruit trees Other properties affected by the project are mainly brick wall fence of 7976m2, concrete drying yard ground (outhouseholds) of 3734m2, 197 water wells, 494 cattle fittings, 9 simple buildings, and 2000 scattered fruit trees. The real object indexes for the removing of rural houses and houses for companies for land occupation by the project are shown in table 3—4.

3.5.3 Special facilities As a whole, the influence on special facilities is small. The affected special facilities are mainly road and all classes of lines. Among which tractor plowing road of 9.6km, 10kv transmission line of 12.1km, communication line of 25.6km, cable television of 21.6 km, pumping station installation of 2880kw etc are required to be removed or restored. The real object index for special facility is shown in table 3—5.

3.5.4 Cultural property In the investigation of real object index, no important cultural relics or historic site is found to be removed.

3.6 Effect economy Through estimation, affected by land expropriation, 308.5 mu cultivable land will be reduced in the project area, the annual reduction of output of grain 118 tons. It is planned that the mode of production for altogether 538 peasant populations is required to be adjusted. As a whole, the loss of cultivable land result from the project is not large. Through dispensing land, reforming middle-low yielded cultivated land, popularizing agricultural production technology, supporting village-run enterprise and tertiary industry etc measures, the added value of farm product can be improved, and their opportunities to earn a living can be solved, so that the economic loss result from the reduction of cultivable land can be compensated. There are 17 enterprises affected by the project, most of them are middle and small businesses, and most of them are locally affected, the influence on production use of house and land is not large, they should be relocated backwards nearby and the loss

29 result from stop production should be considered. For few enterprises that are required to be totally removed, carry out compensation for the rebuilding according to original function and original scale, the original employment number will not be reduced, but the loss of stop production result from removing and rebuilding must be compensated.

3.7 Influence on population of settlement area As the rural settlement area is located at current village, as parts of their cultivable lands are also occupied, the residential resettlements of the settlement area are also subject to economic impact; the economy can be recovered through land development, which will also benefit the whole community. For resettlements moved to adjacent village, through interview investigation, most (92%) residents support the construction of this project, and also support relocate resettlements from other village to their village, they think that the relocation of resettlements can bring promotion to local economy, and the condition of local infrastructure will also be improved. Only 8% residents represent certain ideas to the relocation of external resettlements, their main concern is that: whether external resettlements will have influence on current benefit of local residents.

3.8 Farmer whose land has been expropriated for the project and project effect In the 33 affected villages of this project, less than 2% peasant population is required to be immigrated, about 1.3% cultivable land will be occupied. Except for individual villages, the project effect is mainly linear and local, the influence of land expropriation and relocation is scattered, in relation to the whole project area, the proportion of cultivable land expropriation is small, the adverse effects to local production of industry and agriculture, people’s life and social economic development are small. Through questionnaire investigation to the village farmers involved in the project, most of these potentialfarmer whose land has been expropriated for the projects (90%) understand and support the construction of this project. 25% farmers think that the land expropriation for the construction of this project will have influence on their incomes; 75% farmers think that there will not be large influence. Thefarmer whose land has been expropriated for the projects agree with the proposed production arrangement measures (adjusting cultivable land, reform middle-low yielded cultivated land, livestock breeding developing etc), they think that these measures are reasonable and feasible, 85% of farmers think that their incomes can be restored or improved. 60% farmers express that after the land is reduced, they will take other measures to increase their incomes, including develop secondary industry and tertiary industry, stay away to do salary work etc methods. The problem that these farmers (55%) mostly care is that whether the capital of production arrangement for this project can be fully funded, the problem in the next place that these farmers (30%) care is the method of production arrangement is reasonable and reliable.

3.9 Women and project effect The women status for the location of this project appears typical property of China village. Women can basically attend social economic activity equally as the same as men, most women who select to remain inhouseholds to take care of family and manage farm work are voluntary, they insist the principle of men first at employment

30 opportunities. At political affairs, the political position of women in the project affected area is gradually improved, the proportion of woman cadre, women’s consciousness of political participation, women’s consciousness of entitlement and the consciousness of participating social activity etc are gradually strengthened. At the position of education, women can basically obtain equal educational opportunities as the same as men. For marriage, woman mainly adopts free courtship and introduction, the elder member of the family no longer carries out arranged marriage. The influences of project construction on women are mainly materialized at the following aspects: for economy, the project construction requires occupying land, the reduction of land will reduce the contribution of woman to the income of domestic sideline production, and some women (25%) express that project construction will bring them the opportunities of non-agricultural economic activity. For politics, the woman’s consciousness of entitlement wakes up further, the consciousness of participation is further strengthened, they pay more attention to social public affairs, the effects of project construction are mainly positive. There is no negative effect of project construction to the education position and marriage position of woman.

3.10 Weak population and project effect There is no concentrated place of residence for minority in the range of the project area, individual minority person may marry the Han nationality person, and is integrated into the culture of the Han nationality, they will not be regarded as weak population as a result of ethnic, and they are also not local aborigine. The weak population involved in this project is mainly elder household, disabled major labor household and no male labor household, which sum to 66 persons that occupy 4% of the total resettlements. During the process of resettlement arrangement, we should consider the property of social economic living of weak population, try to avoid decreasing the life level of these weak population result from land expropriation and relocation, at the same time, give certain supports to them at policy and compensation, it is proposed to give 5000 Yuan additional allowance to each household of weak population.


Table 3-1 Statistics of permernently occupied land of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike

Permanently Permanently Pond filled and From-to Length occupied land occupied land foundation Section Anti-seepage program of dike body Land occupation type inside of dike outside of dike reinforced Nubmer of pile (km) Land(Mu) Land(Mu) (Mu) 0+000—2+016 2.016 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 30.24

2+016—9+463 7.447 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 111.71 9+463—12+200 2.737 Natural dike, reinforcement is not necessary 12+200—12+450 0.250 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 3.75 278.2 Judong branch 12+450—12+950 0.500 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 7.50 dike Geomembrane applied on inclined core of outer 12+950—13+217 0.267 Area under control 10m 4.01 slope of dike Geomembrane applied on inclined core of outer 13+217—15+344 2.127 Area under control 10m 31.91 slope of dike 15+344—17+774 2.430 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 36.45 Subtotal 17.774 225.56 0+000—1+034 1.034 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 15.51 Seepage inhibitive platform 1+034—3+000 1.966 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body 235.92 inside of dike 80m Geomembrane applied on inclined core of outer 3+000—5+917 2.917 Area under control 10m 43.76 0.2 Laocheng slope of dike di dike 5+917—6+087 0.170 Natural dike, reinforcement is not necessary Seepage inhibitive platform 6+087—6+230 0.143 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body 10.73 inside of dike 50m Subtotal 6.230 305.91 0.00


Table 3-1 Statistics of permernently occupied land of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike

Permanently Permanently Pond filled and From-to Length occupied land occupied land foundation Section Anti-seepage program of dike body Land occupation type inside of dike outside of dike reinforced Number of pile (km) Land(Mu) Land(Mu) (Mu) 0+000—0+550 0.550 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 8.25

0+550—1+000 0.450 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 6.75

1+000—3+000 2.000 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 30.00 Geomembrane applied on inclined core of 3+000—6+650 3.650 Area under control 10m 54.75 outer slope of dike 6+650—8+250 1.600 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 24.00

8+250—11+072 2.822 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 42.33 181.4 Seepage inhibitive platform inside 11+072—12+780 1.708 Hill up clay outside 128.10 Chidong of dike 50m branch dike Seepage inhibitive platform inside 12+780-13+470 0.690 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body 51.75 of dike 50m Seepage inhibitive platform inside 13+470—13+989 0.519 Hill up clay outside 38.93 of dike 50m Seepage inhibitive platform inside 13+989—16+500 2.511 Hill up clay outside of dike 50m, blanket outside of 188.33 113.00 dike30m Area under control 16+500—18+600 2.100 Hill up clay outside 31.50 10m 18+600—22+000 3.400 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body Area under control 10m 51.00

Subtotal 22.000 655.68 113.00

33 Table 3-1 Statistics of permernently occupied land of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Permanently Permanently Pond filled and From-to Length occupied land occupied land foundation Section Anti-seepage program of dike body Land occupation type inside of dike outside of dike reinforced Number of pile (km) Land(Mu) Land(Mu) (Mu) 0+000—0+520 0.520 Vertical anti-seepage wall on top of dike Area under control 10m 7.80 Seepage inhibitive platform 0+520—2+250 1.730 Cone-penetration grouting of dike top 129.75 inside of dike 50m Seepage inhibitive platform 2+250—3+250 1.000 Cone-penetration grouting of dike body 75.00 32.3 Yonggu inside of dike 50m branch dike 3+250—4+100 0.850 Natural section, reinforcement is not necessary

4+100—5+286 1.186 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 17.79

Subtotal 5.286 230.34 Geomembrane applied 0+000—1+500 1.500 Area under control 10m 22.50 on inclined core of outer slope of dike Yongbao branch dike 1+500—2+342 0.842 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 12.63 3.5 Subtotal 2.342 35.13

0+000—0+250 0.250 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 3.75

0+250—1+000 0.750 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 11.25

Beiyong 1+000—1+500 0.500 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 7.50 16.4 branch dike 1+500—3+250 1.750 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 26.25 3+250—3+760 0.510 Hill up clay outside Area under control 10m 7.65

Subtotal 3.760 56.40

Total 57.392 1509.02 113.00 512.00


Table 3-2 Statistics of temporarily occupied land of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Camp building Road Stock yard Total Name of section Number of pile (Mu) (Mu) (Mu) (Mu)

0+000—6+577 3.00

Judong branch dike 6+577—9+463 1.50 36.00 369.7 414.70

12+200—17+774 4.50

0+000—3+000 3.00 Laochengdi dike 42.0 248.7 299.70 3+000—6+230 6.00

0+000—2+550 3.00

2+550—6+900 3.00

6+900—11+072 3.00 Judong branch dike 54.0 2462.7 2536.20 11+072—15+200 3.00

15+200—18+900 4.50

18+900—22+000 3.00

Yonggu branch dike 0+000—5+286 6.00 6.0 617.3 629.30

Yongbao branch dike 0+000—2+342 4.50 2.4 7.2 14.10

Beiyong branch dike 0+000—1+500 3.00 18.0 477.5 502.25 1+500—3+760 3.75

Total 54.75 158.4 4183.1 4396.25

35 Table 3-3 Real Object Index of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit Mu Pond filling Name Area and of Name Number Village Nmae Cultivable land of Fish Residential Grass Traffic Other Land foundation county Section Type of of (town, of Woodland land pond place land land land unused reinforcement and dike pile farmland) village occupied Paddy Dry Vegetable Inside Outside district Subtotal field land plot of dike of dike 0+000- Lanxihe Yonggu Lanxi Village 138.0 15.3 15.3 50.2 2.6 7.6 22.3 2.2 9.6 28.2 10.6 21.7 2+300 Town branch 2+300- Lanxihe dike Sanquan Village 92.4 27.7 27.7 21.1 6.6 1.1 12.0 1.7 13.2 9.0 5+700 Town 0+000- Lanxihe Yongbao Jinshatan 22.5 15.7 0.8 2.0 4.0 2.1 1+500 Town branch Permanent 1+500- Lanxihe dike Nianyuwei Village 12.6 6.4 1.8 4.4 1.4 2+342 Town 0+000- Bahe Beiyong Shehu Village 48.0 19.0 12.2 6.8 15.0 5.0 2.6 1.0 1.1 4.3 13.2 Inside 3+200 Town Xishui branch of dike 3+200- Bahe dike Dongshou Village 8.4 6.4 6.4 1.0 1.0 3.2 3+760 Town Subtotal 321.9 68.4 55.2 13.2 102.0 9.2 15.5 43.3 7.7 25.9 49.9 30.5 21.7 Stock Yonggu Lanxi Village 617.4 363.6 363.6 7.0 65.7 11.0 78.0 92.2 yard branch Camp dike Lanxi Village 12.0 4.3 4.3 2.0 5.7 Temprory and road Yongbao branch Stock yard Jinshatan 7.2 3.0 3.0 2.4 1.8 dike Camp Jnshatan 6.9 3.2 3.2 3.7 and road Stock Beiyong Shehu Village 331.9 218.3 32.0 186.3 28.3 33.9 51.4 yard branch Camp dike Shehu Village 24.8 7.0 7.0 9.6 8.2 and road

Stock yard 956.6 584.9 32.0 552.9 7.0 96.4 11.0 111.9 145.5 Subtotal Camp 43.7 14.5 7.0 7.5 11.6 14.7 and road Beiyong Outside Temporary branch Stock yard Shehu Village 145.6 68.0 77.6 of dike dike

36 Table 3-3 Real Object Index of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Mu Pond filling Name Area and of Village Nmae Cultivable land Name Number of Fish Residential Grass Traffic Other Land foundation county Section Type (town, of Woodland of dike of pile land pond place land land land unused reinforcement and farmland) village occupied Paddy Dry Vegetable Inside Outside district Subtotal field land plot of dike of dike 0+000- Tuanfeng Zhangjiawan Tuanfeng 27.8 22.0 0.8 2.5 2.5 7.0 26.2 1+852 Town Village 1+852- Tuanfeng Liangzhong 7.5 6.7 0.8 1.3 2+352 Town Farmland 2+352- Tuanfeng Jinluogang 15.7 3.8 3.8 0.5 2.2 1.5 2.1 5.6 10.4 17.6 3+400 Town Village 3+400- Tuanfeng Xulou 16.5 4.4 2.4 2.0 2.1 3.0 2.8 4.2 1.7 4+500 Town Village 4+500- Tuanfeng Xihu 10.5 1.6 1.6 8.9 4.1 5+200 Town Farmland 5+200- Tuanfeng Vilalge 10.5 1.1 1.1 0.8 2.8 2.2 3.6 2.3 Judong 5+900 Town Farmland Inside branch 5+900- Tuanfeng Weijiawan Permanent 31.5 2.6 2.6 14.0 2.3 7.2 1.8 3.6 40.0 of dike dike 8+000 Town Village 8+000- Tuanfeng Liaoyezui 22.0 3.2 6.2 6.1 2.2 4.3 15.3 9+463 Town Village 12+200- Linshanhe Wangfang 15.3 6.3 3.1 3.2 3.0 0.9 3.2 1.9 47.1 13+220 Town Village 13+220- Linshanhe Fengjiadun 17.9 3.2 5.2 7.3 2.2 44.8 14+410 Town Village Agricultural 14+410- Linshanhe Science 17.4 11.4 7.2 4.2 3.2 1.1 0.4 1.3 5.4 15+570 Town Institute 15+570- Linshanhe Wanjiafan 26.0 9.0 9.0 3.0 5.5 1.1 4.1 3.3 27.0 17+305 Town Village Subtotal 218.6 40.2 20.7 13.2 6.3 38.1 33.3 31.7 24.2 17.1 7.5 26.5 206.4 43.8 Xihu and Outside Judong Stock Temporary Village 369.9 198.8 198.8 9.3 59.8 5.6 25.7 70.7 of dike dike yard Farmlands

37 Camp Inside and 45.0 14.0 14.0 12.0 1.3 4.0 13.7 of dike road Table 3-3 Real Object Index of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Mu Name Pond filling of Village Nmae Area of Cultivable land and foundation Name Number Fish Residential Grass Traffic Other Land reinforcement county Section Type of dike of pile (town, of land Woodland pond place land land land unused and farmland) village occupied Paddy Dry Vegetable Inside Outside district Subtotal field land plot of dike of dike - Qichun 0+000 Balihu Gaoyuan 1+000 Farmland team 15.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 0.4 1+500- Balihu Liangzhong 3+450 Farmland Team 29.3 26.0 3.3 13.0 3+450- Balihu Yuzai 4+465 Farmland Team 15.2 13.2 2.0 26.7 4+465- Chidong Yangtan 8+000 Town Village 53.0 17.5 0.3 22.4 2.5 10.3 74.9 8+000- Chidong Gongdawei 11+000 Town Village 45.0 33.3 0.4 1.6 5.7 4.0 37.1 - 11+000 Chidong Jincheng 120.0 42.7 40.2 2.5 44.0 0.8 15.3 1.9 5.3 10.0 4.2 Chidong 12+600 Town Village branch Inside 12+600- Chidong Baichi 180.0 25.8 25.8 103.0 20.3 4.0 9.8 1.6 4.7 10.8 of dike Permanent dike 15+000 Town Village

15+000- Chidong Beifengtou 17+200 Town Village 126.1 7.0 7.0 42.0 0.5 34.0 1.8 11.2 29.6 1.8

17+200- Chidong Fengwei 18+000 Town Village 12.0 11.0 1.0 18+000- Chidong Yangshufan 19+000 Town Village 15.0 11.8 1.4 1.8 3.4 19+000- Chidong Hedawan 21+000 Town Village 30.0 23.6 3.2 2.0 1.2 2.7 21+000- Chidong Caiyuantou 22+000 Town Village 15.0 10.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 8.6 8.6 Subtotal 655.6 88.5 80.0 8.5 289.2 21.3 11.6 127.7 15.2 26.9 75.2 172.8 8.6 Chidong 12+600- Chidong Baichi 45.5 21.0 24.5 branch 15+000 Town Village Outside Permanent of dike dike 15+000- Chidong Beifengtou 61.5 17+200 Town Village 67.5 6.0 Subtotal 113.0 27.0 86.0 Chidong Inside Temporary Stock 275.3 125.0 278.8 of dike branch yard 2132.7 1453.6 1453.6 dikeStock Outside yard SStock of dike yard 330.0 330.0

38 Camp Inside and 73.0 52.0 52.0 8.0 13.0 of dike road

Table 3-3 Real Object Index of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Mu Pond filling Name Area Cultivable land and foundation of Name Village Nmae Number of Fish Residential Grass Traffic Other Land reinforcement county Section Type of (town, of Woodland of pile land pond place land land land unused Inside and dike farmland) village Paddy Dry Vegetable Outside occupied Subtotal of district field land plot of dike dike 0+000- Lukou Lvjiadawan 13.5 8.6 8.6 2.1 0.8 2.0 0+900 Town Village 0+900- Lukou Oulinshan 100.0 28.4 28.4 8.6 32.4 2.6 6.0 22.0 1+850 Town Village Laocheng Inside 1+850- Taodian Sunzhen Permanent branch 143.0 42.3 42.3 2.6 12.2 34.0 3.8 11.6 36.5 of 3+400 Village Village dike dike 3+400- Taodian Yangjiawan 22.5 12.8 12.8 0.5 4.3 1.8 3.1 4+900 Village Village 4+900- Taodian Baqishan 26.9 14.8 14.8 5.0 2.1 5.0 6+230 Village Village Huang Subtotal 305.9 106.9 106.9 2.6 23.4 75.7 11.1 17.6 68.6 Zhou Stock 248.8 157.5 157.5 44.0 3.2 16.0 28.1 yard Temporary Cmap and 51.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 21.0 road 0+900- Lukou Oulinshan Laocheng Outside 1+850 Town Village branch of 1+850- Taodian Sunzhen Permanent dike dike 3+400 Village Village Subtotal Inside Judong 17+305- Caijiazui Xinzhou Permanent 7.0 4.5 4.5 2.5 28.0 Of dike dike 17+774 Village Inside 1509.0 308.5 155.9 146.3 6.3 429.3 68.9 82.2 270.9 51.1 77.9 220.2 437.7 74.1 of dike Permanent Outside 113.0 27.0 86.0 of dike Inside Temporary 3550.8 2288.5 1492.6 795.9 7.0 459.2 15.5 262.9 517.6 of dike

39 Outside 845.5 198.8 198.8 9.3 457.8 5.6 25.7 148.3 of dike Subtotal 4396.3 2487.3 1492.6 994.7 9.3 7.0 917.0 21.1 288.6 665.9 Total 6018.3 2795.8 1648.5 1141.0 6.3 438.6 68.9 89.2 1214.9 72.2 366.5 972.1 437.7 74.1 Table 3-4 Real Object Index of Unit Rural Household of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Population(person) House(m2) Associated facility Name of Name county Name Number Non- Principal room Concrete Compressed Cattle Type of Section Agricultural 2 water and of dike of Total agricultural Total Brick Brick Soil Otherroom Fence(m ) ground Stall village population 2 well village household population and and and (m ) (pit) (piece) concrete wood wood RuraDDl Yonggu Laxnxi Inside 23 102 102 3619.4 3266.6 322.8 30.0 50.0 56.0 branch Village of dike dike Sanquan Inside Village of dike 5 32 32 1240.0 1160.0 80.0 5.0 Yongbao branch Jinshatan Inside 32 119 119 4311.5 3383.8 862.6 65 305 60 40 43.0 Xishui dike Village of dike Beiyong Shehu Inside 2 2 2 685.0 400.0 285.0 175.0 branch Village of dike dike Dongshou Inside Village of dike 66 66 66 10008.0 8455.0 1540.0 13.0 8.0 Subtotal 128 321321 19863.816665 2805 393 530 60 40 112 Tuanfeng Desheng Inside Dulongdike Village of dike 13 42 41 1 1040.3 123.1 858.4 58.8 81.4 7 Wangfang Inside Village of dike 4 8 8 705.0 211.0 343.0 151.0 1 4 Fengjiadun Inside 30 126 126 4789.0 2441.0 2135.0 213.0 511.0 48.0 16 65.0 Caohu Village of dike dike Agricultral Science Inside 2 7 7 622.2 218.1 404.1 15.0 4.6 2.0 Institute of dike Zhangjiawan Inside Village of dike 5 9 9 429.0 166.0 263.0 270.0 4 3.0 Liangzhong Inside Farmland of dike 3 7 7 378.0 259.0 119.0 45.0 37.0 4 Jinluogang Inside Village of dike 26.0 26.0 Judong Xulou Inside dike Village of dike 9 33 33 533.4 533.4 20.0 4 7.0 Xihu Inside Farmland of dike 28 87 87 3122.0 497.0 2559.0 66.0 284.0 121.0 8 16.0 Village 44 farm Inside 11 44 1477.0376.0 1016.0 85.0 39.0 9.2 6 13.0 land of dike Weijiawan Inside Village of dike 12 58 56 2 1371.1 191.1 1149.0 31.0 89.0 84.1 16 31

40 Liaoyezui Inside Village of dike 20 72 72 3599.0 1851.0 1728.0 20.0 403.0 25.0 17 42 Subtotal 137 493490 3 18092.06167.3 11011 913.8 1757.4 328.76 83 183 Caohudi Caijiazui Inside Xinzhou dike Village of dike 9 35 35 2581.0 1795.0 786.0 Table 3-4 Real Object Index of Unit Rural Household of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Name Population(person) House(m2) Associated facility of Name Name Principal room Number Non- Number Type county of of Section Agricultural Brick Brick Soil Other Agricultural of Total agricultural Total Fence(m2) of Total and dike village population and and and room population household population household village concrete wood wood Fengwei Inside Rural 12 43 43 1397.3 392.5 212.4 792.4 96.0 39.5 7 1 Village of dike Hedawan Inside 12 77 77 3363.0 2068.6 457.3 714.1 123.0 216.0 16.0 3 12 Village of dike Yangshufan Inside 16 28 28 854.3 338.6 190.4 325.3 156.0 58.0 2 6 Village of dike Baichi Inside 27 188 188 8748.3 5780.0 1587.0 1235.3 146.0 543.0 213.6 23 28 Chidong Village of dike branch Beifengtou Inside Qichun 8 85 85 3268.0 1768.0 143.0 1035.0322.0 72.0 26.0 3 5 dike Village of dike Gongdawei Inside 5 9 9 185.7 185.7 32.0 11.0 1 Village of dike Jincheng Inside 5 9 9 198.3 198.3 Village of dike Yangtan Inside 1 5 5 35.1 35.1 Village of dike Subtotal 86 444 444 18050.0 10348 3009 4102 591 1115 364 39 52

Oulinshan Inside 23 99 99 4386.2 3295.5 1036.7 54.0 16.0 200.0 20 57 Village of dike Sunzhen Inside Laocheng 25 114 114 3271.0 1510.0 1471.0 290.0 40.0 1 47 Village of dike Huangzhou branch Yangjiawan Inside District dike 2 8 8 86.0 86.0 5 Village of dike Bachengshan Inside 20 108 108 2228.0 763.0 1445.0 20.0 260.0 7 38 Village of dike Subtotal 70 329 329 9971.2 5569 4039 364 316 200 28 147

41 Total rural village 430 1622 1619 3 68558.0 40544 21650 4102 2262 3718.4 952.86 190 494

42 Table 3-4 Real Object Index of Unit Rural Household of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike 2 Name Population(person) House(m ) Associated facility of Name Principal room Name Number Non- Type county of Section Agricultural Fence Number of Agricultural of dike of Total agricultural Total Brick Brick Soil Other rooms Total and village population (m2) household population village household population and and and concrete wood wood Judong Inside 234.0 234.0 137.0 150.0 1 dike of dike Hengdi Inside 496.4 496.4 20.0 1 section of dike Management and Judong maintenance Inside Tuanfeng dike 163.0 163.0 60.0 1 point of dike of Hengdi section Jinluogang Outside pump 740.3 550.8 189.5 169.5 of dike station Subtotal 1633.71047 587 387 150 3 Xiaao Outside pump 260.0 260.0 of dike Unit station Gongdawei Outside pump 120.0 120.0 of dike station Jinchengdi Outside water 80.0 80.0 of dike Chidong station Qichun branch Jinchengdi Outside dike water 20.0 20.0 of dike station Baichi Outside water 5.0 5.0 of dike station Beifengtou Outside water 48.0 48.0 of dike station


Table 3-4 Real Object Index of Unit Rural Household of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Population(person) House(m2) Associated facility Name of Name Principal room Name Number Non- Type county of Section Agricultural Fence Number of Agricultural of dike of Total agricultural Total Brick Brick Soil Other rooms Total and village population (m2) household population village household population and and and concrete wood wood Fengweidi Outside water 23.0 23.0 of dike station Hedayuan Outside water 46.0 46.0 of dike station Caiyuantou Outside water 52.0 52.0 of dike station Water Inside 364.0 364.0 works of dike Chidong Management Unit Qichun branch and dike maintenance Inside 429.0 429.0 897.0 622.0 1 2 point of of dike Tuqigang dike Beifengtou Inside dike 1587.0 1587.0 809.0 1047.0 1 2 of dike section Xiheyi Inside dike 632.0 632.0 351.0 420.0 1 1 of dike section Dingjiawujiao Inside dike 1426.0 1426.0 1217.0 542.0 1 of dike section

44 Table 3-4 Real Object Index of Unit Rural Household of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Name Population(person) House(m2) Associated facility Of Name Principal room Name Number Non- Number Type county of Section Agricultural Other Fence Agricultural of dike of Total agricultural Total Brick Brick Soil of Total and village population rooms (m2) population household population and and and household village concrete wood wood0 Chidong Inside branch Temple 74.4 74.4 of dike dike Qichun Qihe Inside Huangsha 77.0 77.0 87.0 of dike toll-gate Subtotal 5344.4 1119 4225 3361 2631 4 5 Cotton Inside 1062.0 972 90 200 station of dike Yonggu Primary Inside branch 130.0 130 125 Xishui school of dike dike Middle Inside 96.0 56 40 375 school of dike Subtotal 1288.0 1028 260 700 Lukou water Inside Unit 256.0 211 45 Laochengdi conservancy of dike branch station Huangzhou dike Hongqiba Inside pump 33.0 33 of dike station Subtotal 289.0 244 45 Management and maintenance Inside 163.0 163.02 60 2 45 point of of dike

Tuanfeng Hengdi section Judong Inside 234.0 234 137 150 1 60 dike of dike Subtotal 397.0 397 197 150 3 Total 8952.1 3438 5514 3748 2781 7 5 Total 430 1622 1619 3 77510.1 43982 27164 4102 2262 7466 3734 197 499

45 Table 3-5 Real object index of special facilities of land occupation for Changjiang River

Huanggang backwater dike Motor Power Name of county vehicle Communication CATV Pump Name of dike line and village lane line (km) (km) station(kw) (km) (km) Yonggu branch dike 1.70 2.20 2.20 2.10

Yongbao branch dike 1.20 2.00 2.00 1.80

Xishui Beiyong branch dike 1.80 2.10 1.90 2.10 300 Subtotal 4.70 6.30 6.10 6.00 300

Tuanfeng Judong dike 1.90 4.60 9.10 9.00 200

Qichun Chidong branch dike 1.50 1.00 7.60 2.00 2380

Huangzhou district Laocheng branch dike 1.50 0.20 2.80 4.60

Total 9.60 12.10 25.60 21.60 2880

46 4 Policy regulations and law frame

4.1 Policy regulations 4.1.1 Procedures of the World Bank BP4.12 Preparing a plan for resettlementis an essential part of preparations of assistant project of the World Bank. During appraisal period of the Project, Project team (TT) will determine possible involuntary migration arising from the project. In the whole process, the Project team shall take counsel with Local Social Development Department and Legal Executive Governor (LEG), and also shall consult with resettlement committee of theresettler if necessary. According to operation policy OP4.12, the Debtorshall deliver resettlementprogram and reports of resettlementpolicy frame or requiredresettler procedure frame as one of the conditions for project assessment (see section 17—31 of Operation Policy OP4.12 for details). Once the Debtor officially delivers the resettlement document to the World Bank, employees of the World Bank including local experts of resettlement and lawyers will conduct examination to determine whether the report provides actual and detail basic data for project assessment or not, in addition, related conclusion will be notified to local administrative department. Once the director general of the State approves the assessment, the Project team shall deliver the resettlement document to public information center of the World Bank. The project team shall prepare English execution summery report on the basis of the report, and then deliver it to Secretariat of the Directorate attached with transferred report statement to determine that the report and its summery report may vary during assessment. In implementation of the Project, the project manager shall supervise and examine implementation of resettlement and ensure that necessary participation of experts in society, finance, law and technology in examination. It shall focus on supervising whether implementations of examination project and resettlementare carried out according to legal documents, including project implementation planning and resettlementdocument. If there is any deviation between the examination and the original agreement, the Project team shall discuss with the Debtorand report to local administrative department for correction. The Project team shall regularly review internal supervision report of the project, and also the external supervision report as proper to ensure problems and suggestions found out can be absorbed and accepted in implementation of the project. In order to avoid possible problems during implementation ofresettler settlement, the Project team shall review the preparation and implementation of the resettlementplan in the early period of the Project, discuss with the Debtoron the basis thereof, and modify related resettlementdocument if necessary to realize the objective of the policy.

4.1.2 Operation Policy OP 4.12 Policy objective If not elaborately planned and taking proper measures, it may cause long term severe difficulty, poor and damage to the environment of the involuntary resettler . Therefore, integrated objective of involuntary resettler policy of the World Bank is as

47 follows: Discuss all feasible project design programs to eliminate or minimize possibility of involuntary resettlement. If relocation is unavoidable, the activity shall be designed and implemented as a sustainable development program. Sufficient funds shall be provided to allow resettler to benefit from the Project. Earnestly negotiate with resettler to provide them opportunity to participate in planning and implementing of resettlement plan. Assist resettler in trying to improve their subsistence and living standard, which shall be, at least recoverd to an original level or improved to a higher level than original before resettlement or beginning of the Project. Required measures The Debtor shall prepare a resettlementplan or resettlement policy frame, which shall contain contents as follows: (a) Resettlement plan or resettlement policy frame shall cover related resettlement: (i) Being notified the right to choice and other rights on resettlement; (ii) Provide channels to allow resettler to learn feasible technological and economic program, to participate in negotiation and to make selection ; (iii) Rapidly and effectively give compensation to resettler based on all replacement cost to balance out direct property loss arising from the Project. (b) If influence contains relocation, proper measures shall be taken in resettlement plan or resettlementpolicy frame to ensure proper implementation of resettlement; (i) Provide assistance to resettlers during relocation (such as provide relocation subsidy); (ii) Provide houses or site, or agricultural production area to resettlers as requested. Production potential, geological advantage and other comprehensive factors of the agricultural production area shall be equal to that of the original place at least. (c) In order to obtain policy targets, if necessary, corresponding measures shall be added to resettlement plan or resettlement policy frame to ensure proper resettlement: (i) Provide assistance to resettler in transition period, which shall be reasonably calculated based on the possible time period allowing for recovery of normal life and living standard after relocation; (ii) Provide assistances to resettlers in land preparation, credit training or employment besides of compensation specified in section (a)(iii). In order to realize the policy objective, demands of the social vulnerable group in theresettler shall be specially cared, especially those under poverty line without any land, senior citizen, women, children, minority or people impossible to be protected by the land compensation rules of the State. Necessary infrastructure and public services shall be provided in new resettlementplace or resettlement community in convenience for perfecting, recovering or protecting utilization degree and service level of original facilities for resettler and the resettlement community. Substitute or similar resources shall be provided for compensate loss of usable resources of the community (such as fishing area, pastoral area, fuel or herbage food). Preparation, implementation and supervision of resettlementplan The Debtorshall be responsible for preparing, implementing and supervising related resettlementplan, resettlementpolicy frame or procedure frame(“resettlement document forresettler”). Resettlement document forresettler indicates strategy of the policy and concerns all proposedresettler settlement. The World Bank determines whether participate in a project, it is essential whether the Debtorcan ensure to

48 successfully completeresettler settlement. The Debtorshall ensure that the project implementation plan is completely identical with the resettlementdocument. As conditions for assessment of relocation project, the Debtorshall submit corresponding resettlementdocument draft complying with the policy to the World Bank, and shall hand out at places convenient forresettler and local non-governmental organizations, the mode, style and language of which shall be easy understanding. It will be publicized through the public information center of the World Bank if the document is sufficient for project assessment as determined by it. The World Bank and the Debtorwill publicize it again in the same way after the World Bank approves the final version of resettlementdocument.

4.1.3 Laws and ruls of the State See Table 4-1 for key laws and ruls of the State on migration of the Project. (a) Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China issued in 1999 (reference10) It is the supreme law for land use and planning of the People’s Republic of China. Chapter 5 of the Law, Article 47 emphasized the issues on resettlement: If the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not sufficient to maintain original level of living, the resettlement fees shall be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomus regions and municipalities. But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the expropriation. Article 42 In the case of state-owned land or land owned by rural collective are temporarily used for construction projects or geological survey, advance approval should be obtained from the land administrative departments of local people's governments at or above the county level. If the land to be temporarily used locates in urban area, the consent of the urban planning departments should be obtained before submitting application for approval. Land users shall sign contracts of temporary use of land with related land administrative departments or rural collective organizations or villagers committees depending on the ownership of the land and pay land compensation fees for the temporary use of the land according to the standard specified in the contracts.

Users who use the land temporarily should use the land according to the purposes agreed upon in the contract for the temporary use of land and no permanent structure construction is allowed.

In general, time limite for the temporary use of land shall not exceed two years.

Article 51 of Chapter 5: The standards for land compensation and method of resettlement for land expropriationed for building large and medium-sized water conservancy projects and hydroelectric power projects shall be determined separately by the State Council. Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike belongs to large hydraulic engineering, so it shall be under the restriction of the Article. (b) Water Law of the People’s Republic of China issued in 2002 (reference11) Article 29 The State applies a development-oriented policy with regard to construction

49 of waterworks that involves relocation of people and,on the principle of combining compensation or subsidies given in the early stage with assistance given in the later stage,makes proper arrangements for production and daily lives of theresettler and protects their legitimate rights and interests. Arrangements ofresettler shall be made simultaneously with the construction of the projects. The unit launching the construction project shall,on the basis of the ambient capacity of the places where people are to be located and the principle of sustainable development,work out a plan for arrangements to be made for such people in light of the local conditions,upon approval in accordance with law,it shall be implemented through arrangement by the local people's government concerned. Funds needed for relocation of people shall be included in the investment plan for construction of the project. (c) Regulations on Land expropriation Compensation and Arrangement ofresettler for Construction of Large and Medium-size Hydraulic and Water Power Engineering issued through No. 471 Order by the State Council on July 7, 2006 (Reference 12) This code indicates: as for land expropriation for large-medium water conservancy or hydropower construction, sum of land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall be 16 times as much as annual yield of this cultivable land in first three-year after expropriation. If the land compensation and subsidies cannot recover original living standard of resettlers, the project legal person or administrative sector shall upgrade standard after approval by superior authority. Compensation and resettlement subsidy standard for other land expropriated shall be in accordance with standards specified by local provincial, autonomous district or municipal administrative authorities. (d) Specifications on Land expropriation and Resettlement Design for Construction of Water Resources and Hydropower Project issued by the Ministry of Water Resources in 2003 (Reference 13) Item 2 of Article 8 of Chapter 2: Economic and reasonable reconstruction plan shall be made for recovering facilities as required which including railway, highway, shipping, electric power, telecommunication and broadcast television influenced by flooding based on flooding degree and influences and under the principle of original scale, original standard (level) and recovering original functions. Economic and reasonable reconstruction plan shall be promoted for local infrastructures combined with relocation of villagers in reservoir area and removal for construction of market town and town for overall planning. The unnecessary or that difficult to recover shall be reasonably compensated according to details of flooding influences. Item 3 of Article 14 of Chapter 2: Compensation fees of villageresettler shall be calculated based on the following sub-items: 1. Compensation fees and relocation subsidies for land expropriation shall be calculated based on the Regulations and related rules issued by the province, autonomu s region and municipality. 2. Compensation fee of houses and affiliated buildings shall be calculated by different structures and reconstruction price of quality standards. (e) Investigation Rules on Flooded Object Indexes of Water Reservoir of Hydraulic and Water Power Engineering (Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 5) issued by the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power in 1986 (Reference 14) The Rules specifies calculation method of object compensation arising from the Project, which is also applicable of flooding proof and water reservoir engineering. (f) Standard of Urban-rural Planning issued by the Ministry of Construction in

50 1994 (2.Scale grading of the urban and the rural; 4.Land use standard for planning construction) (Reference 15) Article 2 describes urban-rural planning and design of arrangement ofresettler. Article 4 concludes calculation of unit price of residence land and how to set up infrastructures.

4.1.4 Laws and Rules of Hubei Government Implementation Methods of Land Administration of Hubei Province emended by Hubei Province on September 27, 1999 (Reference17) Article 26 The following standards shall be applied for paying compensation fees for land expropriation including land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land: The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the cultivated land. And the land compensation fees shall be 5-6 times the average output value of the preceding three years of the neighboring cultivated land; green crops and ground attachments on the expropriation land shall be compensated based on output value if it can be calculated, and shall be reasonably compensated if not; compensation standards for ground attachments including buildings and structures on the expropriation land shall be reasonable referring to market price. Those rushing to plant and construct when the land expropriation program is publicized shall not be compensated. Subsidy standards for resettling each peasant shall be 4-6 times the average output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the cultivated land, resettlement subsidy fees for each hectare of the cultivated land shall not exceed 15 times the average output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the cultivated land at maximum. Subsidy standards for resettling other land with efficiency shall be 4 to 6 times the average output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the neighboring cultivated land. No resettlement subsidy will be paid for expropriation of land with any efficiency. Resettlement subsidy can be increased upon approval of the Provincial People’s Government if original living standard cannot be kept forresettler after land compensation fees and resettlement subsidy paid according to Item I and II of the Article. However, the total of land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy must not exceed 30 times the average annual output value of the three years preceding the expropriation of the land. Development and construction funds of new vegetable plots shall be paid according to related rules of the State and the Province for expropriation of suburban vegetable plots. Collection, use and management of development and construction funds of new vegetable plots shall be carried out based on related rules and regulations. Compensation standards of state-owned farm land shall be carried out based on the above rules. Other rules of law and regulation shall be obeyed. Article 33 As for residence land of villagers, the villager shall apply for land use, and the land belonging to farm land shall be treated based on Article 24 of the Implementation Methods after being agreed by the villagers' committee, then being reviewed by the People’s Government of the Township (Town) and being approved by the People’s Government of the County. Total area of newly-built and modified house cartilage (including affiliated facilities) of farmers must not exceed 140m2 per each household using farm land, those not using farm land (construction land) must not exceed 200m2. The Municipal and County

51 People’s Government can determine the standard of land occupancy of farmers in the administrative region within the above restrictions. Town dwellers must apply for land use when constructing houses, land use area must not exceed 100m2 per household. Notification on Further Strengthening Land expropriation Management and Practically Protecting Legal Rights of Farmers of the Provincial People’s Government issued by Hubei Provincial People’s Government on February 27, 2005 (Reference18) Compensation standards of land expropriation of large and medium-size hydraulic and water power engineering and resettlement of theresettler shall be carried out based on related rules of the State Council.

4.2 Compensation standards Compensation standards of land expropriation, migration and relocation shall be basically based on compensation unit price for land occupation and investment in Section 5 of Chapter 7 of the approved Feasibility Report. Compensation standards for land, house, affiliated building, relocation, infrastructure and special facilities have been listed in Table 4-3. Compensation mode, scope, applicable standards and other measures for reducing influence of the project have been listed in Table 4-5.

4.2.1 Land compensation and relocation subsidy Land compensation (a) Main crops and output value per mu Main crops in expropriation area are rice, wheat, beans and potatoes, main economic crops are cotton and oil plants (including rape, peanut and sesame) and vegetables. Because the expropriation land covers a wide area, natural conditions of each places are different, cultivation system and plant proportion are also different. As for unit price calculation for permanent land expropriation, land output value shall be calculated by counties according to the original Rules on Land expropriation, Compensation and Arrangement ofresettler for Construction of Large and Medium-size Hydraulic and Water Power Engineering, and it shall respectively calculate average annual output value of irrigated land and non-irrigated land taking crop, cotton and oil as main outputs based on local cultivation output and crop rotation system. See Table 4-2-(1-4) for output value per mu of cultivated land. According to calculation results, annual output value per mu of irrigated land is shown as follows: Tuanfeng 1346yuan/mu, Huangzhou 1525yuan/mu, Xishui 1376yuan/mu, Qichun 1265yuan/mu; annual output value per mu of non-irrigated land is shown as follows: Tuanfeng 1313yuan/mu, Huangzhou 1297yuan/mu, Xishui 1319yuan/mu, Qichun 1142yuan/mu. Vegetable plot shall be calculated 1.5 times of the non-irrigated land. Output value of fish pound per mu: Tuanfeng 1481yuan/mu, Huangzhou 1678yuan/mu, Xishui 1514yuan/mu and Qichun1392yuan/mu. (b) Compensation standards Compensation standards of irrigated land, non-irrigated land and fish pound shall be calculated by the unit prices 16 times annual average output value per mu, i.e. compensation unit prices of irrigated land are shown as follows: Tuanfeng 21536yuan/m, Huangzhou 24400yuan/mu, Xishui 22016yuan/mu and Qichun20240yuan/mu; compensation unit prices of non-irrigated land are shown as follows: Tuanfeng

52 21008yuan/mu, Huangzhou 20752yuan/mu, Xishui 21104yuan/mu, Qichun 18272yuan/mu. Compensation unit prices of fish pound are shown as follows: Tuanfeng 23696yuan/mu, Huangzhou 26848yuan/mu, Xishui 24224yuan/mu, Qichun22272yuan/mu. Unit prices of all lands mainly refers to “Initial design report of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike ” , see Table 4-4 for details. Vegetable plot shall be 1.5 times of non-irrigated land, woodland shall be 5000yuan/mu, grass land 3000yuan/mu and others 2000yuan/mu. As for cultivated land outside the bank, it shall be compensated as cultivated land inside the bank if there is summer dike. Permanent land occupancy: It shall be compensated as unit price of land inside the bank, green crop fees shall be separately calculated; only green crop fees shall be compensated outside the bank. Temporary (Borrow pit, construction camp and road) occupancy of cultivated land: it shall be compensated based on output value in construction period (two years) inside the bank (including green crop fee), reclaim fee shall be added separately; green crop fees shall only be compensated outside the bank. Reclaim fee: borrow pit shall be calculated based on 2000yuan/mu of cultivated land; construction camp and road shall be 500yuan/mu. Green crop fee: 600yuan/mu for irrigated land, 500yuan/mu for non-irrigated land, 545yuan/mu for vegetable plot and fish pound 660yuan/mu. Pond filling for foundation reinforcement: because water surface is changed into non-irrigated land, land type is changing, so compensation unit price is the balance of that of the pond and the non-irrigated land, green crop fee and reclaim fee shall be added separately. Reclaim fee of cultivated land: it shall be 13000yuan/mu based on Implementation Methods of Land Administration of Hubei Province. Recovery fee of forest vegetation: in accordance with Forestry Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Regulations for the Implementation of Forestry Law of the Peoples Republic of China (Order No. 278 of the State Council) and Interim of Expropriation, Use and Management of Recovery Fee of Forest Vegetation, recovery fee of forest vegetation shall be 5 yuan/m2. Relocation subsidies Subsidies for relocation mainly includes transportation fee, material loss fee, subsidy for loss of working time and other subsidies, subsidy standards of suburbanresettler and units which shall be determined combined with the characteristics of the Project that people will be backed off or relocated to nearby places . Subsidies can be properly increased (from basic contingency cost) for few poor families. Relocation fee of families in countries, loss fee of relocation and charge for loss of working time shall take the area of relocated principal rooms as a basis calculated by 18yuan/ m2, relocation fee of social vulnerable group shall be 3500 yuan/household according to compensation standard of relocation for strengthening trunk dike of Changjiang River in Huanggang (Huangzhou section) by using the loan of the World Bank, relocation fee of enterprises shall be 20yuan/m2.

4.2.2 Compensation of houses and affiliated buildings Compensation standards of houses shall be divided into rural resident houses and

53 houses of enterprises. Compensation unit price shall be calculation complying with the approved Feasibility Report based on bill of quantities per 100 square meters of rural houses and local prices of building materials considering actual situation of project site. As for rural houses, unit price shall be as follows: brick and concrete 360yuan/m2, brick and wood 340yuan/m2 and building 250yuan/m2. Unit prices of housing unit are as follows: brick and concrete 372yuan/m2 as well as brick and wood 350yuan/m2.

4.2.3 Compensation of special facilities Influenced special facilities mainly concern highways and all kinds of routes, compensation standards of which shall be determined referring to compensation standards for trunk dike of Changjiang River assessed by the World Bank in the principle of reconstruction based on original scale, standard or recovering the original functions.

4.2.4 Compensation of public facilities and infrastructure Public facilities and infrastructure mainly include land expropriation of new relocation site, site leveling, highway of relocation site, water supply, power supply and others. According to object index of land occupancy of the Feasibility Report, resident land use in migrate resettlement plan is 89.2 mu, cost for construction land expropriation shall be estimated, and there shall be no compensation to cartilage. Compensation of infrastructures includes floor leveling, highway of relocation site, water supply, power supply and others. Leveling and infrastructure fee of rural land expropriation shall be 2500 yuan/person, and that for enterprises and institutions shall be 15000 yuan/person.

4.2.5 Compensation for enterprises and institutions Compensation fees shall be calculated in two ways because influence degrees of enterprises and institutions in different industries are inconsistent and relocation distance are different: (a) Enterprises and institutions with no influence on production shall be compensated based on the above standards for houses, affiliated buildings and land under expropriation. (b) As for enterprises and institutions influenced on production, reconstruction cost shall be counted in the principle of reconstruction based on original standard, scale or recovering the original functions. Facility compensation, stoppage compensation and transportation fees of enterprises and institutions shall be counted in compensation fees.

54 Table 4-1 Laws and ruless of resettlement Chapter below Year of Laws Item quoting relevant issue items I. Laws This law is supreme law for land use and planning in China.. Chapter V in this law emphasize resettlement issues,article 47:if land compensation and resettlement subsidies cannot recover original living standard of rural 1.Land management law resettler, the subsidies shall be increased after approval of the People’s 1999 Chapter IV and V by provincial, autonomouse and municipal Republic of China administrative authorities. However , sum of land compensation and resettlement subsidies cannot exceed 30 times as much as average annual yield of land in first three-years after expropriation. Ariticle 29: national government will follow guideline of development resettlement for water conservancy 2.Water laws of the construction to properly arrange production and living of People’s Republic of 2002 resettlers and protect legal rights and interests of Chapter IV China resettlers based on combined principle of give compensation in early stage and give assistance in last stage. II. Regulations As for land expropriated for large-medium water conservancy and hydropower construction, sum of land compensation and resettlement subsidies shall be 16 1. Code of compensation times as much as average annual yield of land in first for land expropriation three-year after expropriation. if land compensation and resettlement of and resettlement subsidies cannot recover original living large-medium water 2006 standard of rural resettler, the subsidies shall be Chapter III conservancy and increased after approval by provincial, autonomouse and hydropower municipal administrative authorities. Land compensation construction and resettlement subsidies for other land shall be in accordance with compensation and subsidy standard established by local provincial, aotunomous and municipal governments. 2. Design specification of land expropriation and resettlement of 2003 Issued by Ministry of Water Conservancy Chapter IV water conservancy and hydropower construction 3. Details of real object index investigation of reservoir submergence of 1986 Chapter I, II, III and V Chapter IV water conservancy and hydropower construction. 4. Standard of village 2 Classification of village and town scale 4、standard 1993 Chapter IV and V and town planning of land planning 5. Contract articles of water conservancy and Contents and use method of articles of general contract Chapter IX hydropower and civil and special contract work constructions 6. Method for land management National rules on compensation and subsiy standard for Chapter IV and V established by land expropriated for construction provincial government III. Business handbook 2001.12 OP/BP/GP 4.12 Appendix 4-1 of World Bank

55 Table 4-2-1 Comprehensive output calculation of cultivable land in Tuanfeng Main product Byproduct Planned Total output out0put Type of land Rotation mode Name of crop Yield per value Weight Output value Yield per unit Output value value unit area (Yuan/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) area (kg/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) (kg/Mu) Rape 111 278 278 20 Rape Early season rice 358 401 430 30 1396 0.59 Late season rice 489 626 587 41 Rape 111 278 278 20 Paddy field Rape Middle-season rice 432 501 518 36 1288 0.35 1346 0.4vegetable 666 453 Wheat 153 184 230 23 Wheat Middle-season rice 432 501 518 36 1197 0.06 0.4Vegetable 666 453 Wheat 153 184 230 23 Corn 602 783 963 77 1460 0.15 Wheat-maize-sweet potato Batata sweet potato 301 361 452 32 Yam 339 458 509 36 Corn 602 783 963 77 1747 0.1 Dasheen sweet potato Batata sweet potator 301 361 452 32 Rape 111 278 278 20 1313 Rape cotton 1345 0.18 Dry land Cotton 63 731 158 316 Wheat 153 184 230 23 Wheat cotton 1254 0.12 Cotton 63 731 158 316 Yam 339 458 509 36 Corn 602 783 963 77 Dasheen maize (bean) 1558 0.25 0.5mixed bean 59 195 118 9 Wheat 153 184 230 23 Wheat-peanut 688 0.2 Peanut 145 464 218 17

56 Table 4-2-2 Comprehensive output calculation of cultivable land in Huangzhou Planned Total output output Main product Byproduct Weight value (Yuan/Mu) value Type of land Rotation mode Name of crop (Yuan/Mu) Yield per Output Yield per unit Output value unit area value area (kg/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) (kg/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) Rape 119 298 298 21 Rape Early season rice 333 373 400 28 1424 0.39 Late season rice 516 661 619 43 Rape 119 298 298 21 Rape Middle-season rice 504 585 605 42 1845 0.35 1525 Paddy field 0.4vegetable 1322 899 Wheat 333 373 400 28 1105 0.2 Middle-season rice 516 661 619 43 0.4Vegetable 144 173 216 22 Wheat Wheat 504 585 605 42 1721 0.06 Corn 1322 899 Batata sweet potato 144 173 216 22 Wheat-maize-sweet potato Yam 136 177 218 17 956 0.15 Corn 434 521 651 46 Batata sweet potator 663 895 995 70 Dasheen sweet potato Rape 136 177 218 17 1726 0.15 Cotton 434 521 651 46 Wheat 119 298 298 21 1297 Rape cotton 1564 0.13 Dry land Cotton 75 870 188 375 Yam 144 173 216 22 Wheat cotton 1440 0.12 Corn 75 870 188 375 0.5mixed bean 663 895 995 70 Dasheen maize (bean) Wheat 136 177 218 17 1417 0.25 Peanut 75 248 128 10 Rape 144 173 216 22 Wheat-peanut 820 0.2 Early season rice 188 602 282 23

57 Table 4-2-3 Comprehensive output calculation of cultivable land in Xishui

Main product Byproduct Planned Total output value out0put Type of land Rotation mode Name of crop Yield Weight Yield per unit per unit Output value (Yuan/Mu) value Output value (Yuan/Mu) area (kg/Mu) area (Yuan/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) (kg/Mu) Rape 150 375 375 26 Rape Early season rice 388 435 466 33 1652 0.39 Late season rice 574 735 689 48 Rape 150 375 375 26 Rape Middle-season rice 469 544 563 39 1190 0.35 Paddy field 0.4vegetable 303 206 1376 Wheat 388 435 466 33 1251 0.2 Middle-season rice 574 735 689 48 0.4Vegetable 215 258 323 32 Wheat Wheat 469 544 563 39 1079 0.06 Corn 303 206 Batata sweet potato 215 258 323 32 Wheat-maize-sweet potato Yam 135 176 216 17 938 0.15 Corn 348 418 522 37 Batata sweet potator 723 976 1085 76 Dasheen sweet potato Rape 135 176 216 17 1700 0.15 Cotton 348 418 522 37 Wheat 150 375 375 26 1319 Rape cotton 1231 0.13 Dry land Cotton 50 580 125 250 Yam 215 258 323 32 Wheat cotton 1120 0.12 Corn 50 580 125 250 0.5mixed bean 723 976 1085 76 Dasheen maize (bean) Wheat 135 176 216 17 1598 0.25 Peanut 102 337 204 16 Rape 215 258 323 32 Wheat-peanut 1147 0.2 Early season rice 258 826 387 31

58 Table 4-2-4 Comprehensive output calculation of cultivable land in Qichun

Main product Byproduct Planned Total output value out0put Type of land Rotation mode Name of crop Yield per Output Weight Yield per unit (Yuan/Mu) value Output value (Yuan/Mu) unit area value area (kg/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) (kg/Mu) (Yuan/Mu) Rape 124 310 310 22 Early season rice 324 363 389 27 1308 0.49 Rape Late season rice 430 550 516 36 Rape 124 310 310 22 Rape Middle-season rice 475 551 570 40 1301 0.35 1265 Paddy field 0.4vegetable 556 378 Wheat 324 363 389 27 976 0.1 Middle-season rice 430 550 516 36 0.4Vegetable 158 190 237 24 Wheat 475 551 570 40 1183 0.06 Wheat Corn 556 378 Batata sweet potato 158 190 237 24 Wheat-maize-sweet potato Yam 207 269 331 27 778 0.15 Corn 205 246 308 22 Batata sweet potator 210 284 315 22

Rape 207 269 331 27 870 0.15 Dasheen sweet potato Cotton 205 246 308 22 Wheat 124 310 310 22 Rape cotton 1578 0.28 Dry land Cotton 75 870 188 376 1142 Yam 158 190 237 24

Wheat cotton Corn 75 870 188 376 1460 0.22 0.5mixed bean 210 284 315 22 Dasheen maize (bean) Wheat 207 269 331 27 699 0.1 Peanut 28 92 56 5

Rape 158 190 237 24 Wheat-peanut Early season rice 121 387 182 15 616 0.1

59 Table 4-3 Compensation Standard for Resettlement Demolition caused by Land Expropriation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Compensation standard(Yuan) Type Item Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou Xinzhou Paddy field Mu 22016 21536 20240 24400 Dry land Mu 21104 21008 18272 20752 21008 Vegetable plot Mu 31512 31512 Fish pond Mu 24224 23696 22272 26848 23696 Inside of dike Woodland Mu 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Permanently Grass land Mu 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 occupied Land Other land Mu 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Unused land Mu 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Paddy field Mu 600 600 600 Dry land Mu 500 500 500 500 Inside of dike(Young crops) Vegetable plot Mu 545 545 545 545 I. Land Fish pond Mu 660 660 660 660 Compensation for Paddy field Mu 2752 2692 2530 stock yard Compensation for Dry land Mu 2638 2626 2594 stock yard Reclaim cost for stock Paddy field dry Mu 2000 2000 2000 2000 yard land Camp and road Paddy field Mu 2752 2692

Inside of Camp and road Dry land Mu 2638 2626 2284 2594 dike Reclaim of road and Dry land Mu 500 500 500 500 camp Pond filling and foundation Fish pond Mu 3120 2688 4000 2688 reinforcement

60 Table 4-3 Compensation Standard for Resettlement Demolition caused by Land Expropriation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Compensation standard(Yuan) Type Item Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou Xinzhou Pond filling and foundation Young crops Mu 660 660 660 660 Temporarily reinforcement occupied land Pond filling and foundation Reclaim cost Mu 500 500 500 500 reinforcement Compensation for I. Land Dry land Mu 2638 2626 stock yard Pond filling and Temporarily Outside of foundation Fish pond Mu 660 660 660 occupied land dike reinforcement Charge for young Dry land Mu 500 500 crops Brick and concrete M2 360 360 360 360 360 Brick and wood M2 340 340 340 340 340 Soil and wood m2 250 250 250 250 250 House Other rooms m2 150 150 150 150 150 II Rural Remove charge Person 320 320 320 320 320 Village Charge for infrastructure Person 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Fence m2 40 30 30 30 Attached structure Concrete ground m2 40 30 30 30 Compressed water well 口 1600 1000 1000 1000

61 Table 4-3 Compensation Standard for Resettlement Demolition caused by Land E xpropriation of

Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Compensation standard(Yuan) Type Item Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou Xinzhou Cattle stall Piece 100 50 50 50

Brick and concrete m2 372 372 372 372 Brick and wood m2 350 350 350 350 2 House Remove charge m 20 20 20 20 Charge for Mu 15000 15000 15000 15000 infrastructure Subtotal Fence m2 40 40 40 III. Unit Concrete ground m2 40 40 Attached Well 口 1600 1600 structure Simpale structure Foundation 100 100 Tree Piece 30 30

Total Highway Simpale highway km 200000 200000 200000 200000 Power line 10kv km 40000 40000 40000 40000 IV Special item Communication line km 40000 40000 40000 40000 CATV km 14000 14000 14000 14000 Pump station kw 1300 1300 1300 1300 1. Reclaim charge for cultivable land 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 V Tax 2.Recovery charge of forest vegetation 3333 3333 3333 3333

62 Table 4-4 Rights and interests of resettlers with land expropriated for the project Project Affected Compensation policy Other measures influence population/entity □Provide equivalent cultivable land Cultivable land, nearby(if available) □Rearrange land in Loss of vegetation plot, □ Provide cash compensation to original village or cultivable land woods, orchard, village affected(Compensation unit resettlement village.; due to pond and based on yield of cultivable land, □ Use land permanent agricultural compensation multiple and relevant compensation for land expropriation of population on the land administration rules) development to land path of main dike □ See table 4-3 for compensation effectively use land standard

□ Payoff compensation for land Loss of land lease(compensation amount is based Cultivable land on □After cooperation, due to on annual yield and reclaim cost of the path of main returen temporarily temporary land land leased); dike leased land lease □ See table 4-3 for compensation standard

□ House compensation includes □ Those building private house(village and town); materials removed □ Arrange house foundation in from old house can be original village as far as used for construction possible(arrange in original village); of new house; House, attached □If it is imposible to resettle house in House, attached □ Assist resettlers to building and original village, select area nearby to building, build new house; residents on the resettle house(collective scattered trees □ Provide residence and path of main resettlement); and etc ecomonic subsidies in dike □House in town will be exchanged; transition period; □ Pay cash compensation to urban □ Subsidies for resettlers(based on original house traffic/remove will be area); issued to each □ See table 4-4、4-5 for compensation household standard

□ Pay cash compensation to □ Land expropriation Crops on the path Loss of crops peasants(Based on average yield in shall avoid harvest time of main dike first three-year) to reduce loss of crops

63 Table 4-4 Rights and interests of resettlers with land expropriated for the project

Project influence Affected population/entity Compensation policy Other measures

□ Land, building, and □ During transition facility compensation; period, provide Enterprises and Enterprises, institutes and □ Compensation for temporary land to institutes staffs working time and remove; continue work of staffs □ See table 4-4 for or compensate salaries compensation standard lost

□ Compensation to rebuild Water and power supply water, power and Loss of public and sanitation facilities sanitation facilities (based service for resettled house and on original infrastructure) enterprise □ See table 4-6 for compensation standard

Road, water, power, □ Give compensation to □ Duly allocate land for communication, owner of infrastructure; Infrastructure rebuilding of broadcasting supply in □ See table 4-6 for infrastructure area affected and etc. compensation standard

□ Give additional Resettled elders, orphan, □ Pay subsidies to Influence on subsidies to infirms; widow and family without infirms as soon as infirms labor force □ See table 4-6 for possible compensation standard

Loss of cultural No heavy influence has □ Not applicable □ Not applicable properties been found

References: Land Administration Law of P.R.C. enacted in 1998 Water Law of P.R.C. enacted in 2002 “Ordinance of Compensation of Land Expropriation and Resettlement Planning for Middle and Large Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction” enacted by No.471 Decree on July 7, 2006 “Specification for Treatment and Design of Reservoir Submergence of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project” enacted by the ministry of hydropower in 1985 “Rules for Practical Index of Reservoir Submergence of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project” enacted in 1986 “Planning Standard of Village and Town” (2. Scale Grading of Village and Town; 4, Usage Standard of Planned and Constructed Land)” enacted by the ministry of construction on September 27, 1993 “Enforcement Method for Land Administration of Hubei Province” enacted by Hubei Province in 1999 “Notification for Further Administration of Land Expropriation and Favorable Protection on Legal Right and Interests of Expropriated Farmer” (EZF [2005] No.11 Documentation”

64 Appex 4-1 Consistency of project with guideline of World Bank

Pertinent Code No Applicable Requirement description to whole of correlation chapter report manual

OP4.12 Operation instruction X

Plan and implementation of resettlement shall meet 1 requirement in item 4 below

The policy is applicable to all parts of resettlement due 2 to usage of water resource or land Chapter II

All possibilities shall be figured out in resettlement 3 Chapter I planning to reduce Involuntary resettlement

Target of resettlement:minimize advers influence on 4 X resettlers,and allow resettlers benefit from the project

(1)Make resettlers to be familiar with rights and interests of resettlement family ; (2)Selection of resettlement method must be based on consultance with resettler; 7.4、6.3、 (3)Duly and sufficiently pay compensation to any loss 5.3、7.9 5(a) caused by the project;(4)If original cultivable land is sections, replaced by the project, productivity of new cultivable Chapter land shall be not less than original land;(5)During IV transition period,assist resettlers to maintain revenue level.

Resettlement supports shall be available for resettlement 5(b) family with formal rights to land /other resources,and X family with “customary”right

Resettlement plan shall be notified to resettlement community, and shall provide various opportunities to Section 5(c) resettlers, such as participation, implementation, 7.4 supervision and etc.

Resettlement plan shall be notified to residents in Section 5(d) settlement area,provide opportunities to them, such as 7.4 resettlement, implementation, supervision and etc.

The resettlement plan shall take social cultural situation 5(e) X of resetted village and settlement area into account.

65 4-1 Consistency of project with guideline of World Bank

Code Pertinent No Applicable of Requirement description to whole correlation chapter manual report

Section Before remove, make sure that compensation has been 7.9 5(f) paid to resettlers,new house and community have been Chapter constructed, channel of revenue has been prepared. IX

Chapter 5(g) Monitor shall be made for resettlement implementation. IX

Beneficiary qualification

Debtormust prepare procedures acceptable with World Bank , in the procedure, measures to identify Section 6 compensation qualification of resettlers shall be 7.4 explained clearly(Including participation)。

Resettlers with legal rights to use land and water 7(a) resources are qualified.

7(b) Resettlers with “customary” rights are qualified. X

Resettlers illegally use land and water resources are not 8 qualified, however, other settlement will be made for X them.

Resettlement planning

Resettlement plan prepared by the Debtormust meet 9 X requirement OP4.12

Debtormust integrate resettlement into implementation 10 Chapter I plan of the project.

Debtormust publicize resettlement plan draft, as for class Section 11 a and b ,disclosure shall be made before assessment of 7.6 World Bank

66 4-1 Consistency of project with guideline of World Bank

Code Pertinent No Applicable of Requirement description to whole correlation chapter manual report

World Band use INTOSHOP to publicize resettlement Section 12(a) plan 7.6

Resettlement plan shall be disclosed to Debtorand World Section 12(b) Bank after approval by World Bank 7.6

Agreement of resettlement shall reflect elements of Section 13 project, Debtorshall duly notify progress of project to 8.2 World Bank

items containing subs

“Partial investment”(SI) and “financing transition”(FI)loan

As for “partial investment” loan,the Debtorshall submit resettlement policy frame meeting requirement OP4.12 14 X and containing information specified in item 14 to World Bank

15 As for “financing transition” loan,as per item 14. X

As for “partial investment” or “financing transition” loan in subitem,Debtorshall submit resettlement plan meeting 16 X requirement of OP4.12 to World Bank before assessment of subitem

Other items containing subitem

As for “partial investment” or “financing transition” loan in subitem,Debtorshall submit draft of resettlement 17 X plan before assessment( see item 17 for special condition)

67 4-1 Consistency of project with guideline of World Bank

Code Pertinent No Applicable of Requirement description to whole correlation chapter manual report

Agent of approval rights

18 As for subitems in 14, 16 and 17 X

Assistance for resettlement

19 World Bank will give assistance as follows: X

(a)Aspects of resettlement plan; X (b)Finance be helpful to upgrade ability of resettlement X organization; (c)Technical support for resettlement policies, strategies X and plan; (d)Resettlement investment; X

GP4.12 Good practice X

Resettlement plan

Responsibilities of organization (a)Borrower/implementation organization shall establish 1 resettlement management structure in project Chapter 6 preparation period as early as possible. (b)If necessary, ability of resettlement planning and implementation of borrower/implementation Section 6.9 and organization shall be upgraded,including establishing 6.5 independent resettlement department for the project;

Participation of people in community during remove

In resettlement planning, existing social system shall be 2 maintained as far as possible, whole production team Chapter 4 shall be resettled. During planning, implementation of resettlement,public Section 3 participation of resettlement household and residents of 7.4 settlement area is necessary The resettlement plan shall ensure that condition of Section 4 settlement area will not be deteriorated by the 7.10 resettlement Compensation, rights and interests If loss of cultivable land of resettler is less than 20%, Section 5(a) pay cash compensation or provide equivalent cultivable 4.4 land to resettler. Section 5(b) If los of cultivable land is more than 20%,do as per 5(a) 4.4 Complaint The resettlement plan shall include practical disput Section 6 resolutions in 7.7

68 4-1 Consistency of project with guideline of World Bank Code Pertinent No Applicable of Requirement description to whole correlation chapter manual report Selection of ground Identify practical point receiving resettlement,revenue 7 of resettlers shall be taken into accout in selection of best place. Section Successiful resettlement implementation need to transfer 8 7.9 and responsibility from resettlement organization to resettlers 6.8.2 Infrastructure and social service Resettlement plan shall allow resettler to build house by Section 9 themselves 4.3 Econommic development Resettlement plan shall discover all possible revenue 10 resources. Environmental protection and management 8.4、6.4 Resettlement plan shall meet environmental protection 11 Chapter requirement IX Implementation schedule, monitoring and assessment Resettlement monitoring organization shall prepare Chapter 12 sufficient funds and shall include resettlement experts in. IX Implementation and supervision Frequently check project progress(including irregular 13 X deep investigation) Resettlement under(APLS) As for (APLS)projec including resettlement,it is a good 14 practice to quote previous (APLS) project to establish X resettlement law and organization structure.

69 5 Implementation Plan for Reconstruction and Resettlement

5.1 Guideline, principle and objective of plan for resettlement implementation Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike is beneficial for society with objective to control flood, reduce disaster and guarantee people’s life and property, so the residents who encounter frequent flood along both banks of backwater dike will give high praise and support to flood prevention and reinforcement for backwater dike. As for flood control and disaster reduction the project is directly beneficial for the resettlers. Although, production and living will be disturbed to some extent, the resettlers will still support the project. Since the resettlement have wide influence on people involved, and complexity of social factors shall be be taken into account, rationality of resettlement will directly determine success of reinforcement and will have profound influence on economic development and social stabilization. The guideline, principle and objective of plan for resettlement implementation are established in accordance with state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, involuntary resettlement policy and World Bank’s procedure OP/BP4.12 and other resettlement experiences

5.1.1 Guideline of plan for resettlement implementation The guideline of plan for resettlement implementation is established as follows in accordance with “Ordinance of Compensation of Land Expropriation and Resettlement Planning for Middle and Large Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction” (a) Combine resettlement planning with sustainable development strategy for society, economy and environment and specify the relation between harmonious society and economic development and resettlement and environment; (b) Properly select layout method for living and production according to resources property and capacity for settlement, and reserve development so that settlers continue or exceed the original materials condition necessary for living standard. (c) Make overall planning, economically and reasonably utilize compensation for investment, develop resources according to the local condition and archive the simultaneous economic increase for settlement area and non-settlement area so that settlers live and work in peace and contentment.

5.1.2 Principle of plan for resettlement implementation (a) Land economization is basic national policy. Resettlement planning will consider less land occupation and population transfer according to quantity of population in China; (b) Coordinate resettlement planning with land rectification of resetltlement area, national economy and social development, combine resettlement with regional construction, resource development, economic development, environmental protection and the conservation of soil and water, establish measures on recovery and development

- 70 - of production for settler according to the local condition and create favorable condition for the settlers’ development; (c) Carry out resettlement policy for development, promote state support, make policy preference, take full consideration for the strategy and give attention to state, group and individuals so that the settlers’ life reaches or exceeds the original living standard; (d) Production resettlement mainly depends on arrangement of large-scale agriculture and land. For resettlement planning take consideration for protection and optimum development of land resources, and reasonably plan and exploit wasteland resources providing that water and soil can be conserved and ecology and environment can be improved; (e) Select settlement area in the principle of benefit for production, convenient living, economization for land usage and safety guarantee. Adopt scattered and centralized settlement provided that the environmental condition is sufficient; (f) Make centralized settlement according to planning for town and city; (g)For the resettlement planning reflect the settlers’ attitude and obtain understanding and approval of settlers; (h) Construction scale and standard for the resettlement is based on the original scale, the former standard (grade) and the original function. As for the local government and authority consider regional development, expand scale, improve standard and increase investment for the future planning.

5.2 Target of resettlement implementation plan Construction period is 20 months for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike. Resettlement schedule will be 10 months according to resettlement plan. Investment price is subject to the fourth quarter in 2006 and natural growth rate for population is 7‰. Objective of plan for resettlement implementation is detailed as follows: (a) Provide house for settlers and method for production, ensure living standard reaches or exceeds the original standard; (b) Improve living standard for poor population. (c) Recover and improve living condition, public facilities and infrastructures.

5.3 Planning for resettlers’ life 5.3.1 Planning method For planning method of resettlers’ life in the period of flood prevention and reinforcement of backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang the project specifies that settlement is made in the village, the group or the town as much as possible on the basis of the specific condition and the settlers’ will and attitude. These advantages are shown as follows: (a) No large change shall occure in living condition and social relation of the resettlers; (b) The replacement price compensation is adopted, so the resettlers can build new house not inferior to the original house under support of compensation fee and sales income of depreciated old materials and use of old materials. (c) Minimization of moveing distance and travel costs; (d) Expand production for the settlers

- 71 -

5.3.2 Calculation of resettlers population Flood prevention and reinforcement project of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike includes four counties and districts in, eight towns and 30 villages (sites) are inviolved in. There are 1622 people will be resettled to vacate land for project construction. In considereation for rowth rate of population, the planned resettlers population = population relocated ×(1+7‰) Two years’ construction period, n=2, the calculated and planned resettlers population is 1644, See Table 5-1.

5.3.3 Settlement planning Settlement planning specifies that there are 1644 resettlers, among which the there are 1519 resettlers in the village and town and 126 resettlers in the nearby village and town. Resettlement plan for the county and district is detailed as follows: For settlement of building construction there are 450 resettlers in Qichun County, 126 resettlers in Chidong Town moved to Balihu Farm of the adjacent town, 324 resettlers in Chidong Town in post phase and 9 resettlers in Balihu Farm by means of resettlement on the back of porejct site nearby. There are 126 resettlers to approve production settlement in Chidong Town For building construction by means of settlement on the back of project site nearby, there are 325 resettlers in the town of Xishui County. For building construction by means of settlement on the back of project site nearby there are 334 resettlers in the town of Huangzhou District. For building construction by means of settlement on the back of project site nearby, there are 535 resettlers in the town of Tuanfeng County. See 5-2 for settlement details

- 72 - 5.4 Production settlement planning 5.4.1 Scope of production settlement Permanently-occupied cultivated land in dam is involved to five counties such as Qichun, Xishui, Huangzhou, Tuanfeng, Xinzhou, eight towns and 25 villages. 2006’s statistical document shows that there are 34008 agricultural population in 25 villages, total cultivated land area is 28370 mu and permanently-occupied cultivated land area in dam is 377.4 mu. For loss of productive materials caused by permanent occupation of the project the following formula is used to calculate population for production settlement: Population for production settlement = Permanently-occupied cultivated land in dam/cultivated land per capita for country (town) related to occupation Planned population of production settlement = population of production settlement ×(1+7‰)2 Growth rate of population 7‰, two years’ construction period, n=2 507 calculated population of production settlement 538 planned population of production settlement. See Table 5-3 for details.

5.4.2 Planning principle Most of villages along the dam are abundant in land resources. Agricultural settlement is planned according to the actual situation and the local condition. Land resource is regarded as basis with main dependence on plant production and livestock breeding (fresh water breeding). The local settlement is planned in the current group, village and town as much as possible.

5.4.3 Standard of production settlement 2006’s statistical document shows cultivated land area per capita (cultivated land and pound, as the below) is 1mu in Qichun County, 0.7 mu in Xishui County, 1-1.3mu in Huangzhou District and 0.65 mu in Tuanfeng County. According to the current situation in settlement area the local and near settlement is planned within the limit of the original cultivated land area per capita. Resettlement is performed for the area with favorable condition through different channels and methods. See Table 5-4 for standard of production settlement

5.4.4 Plan for production settlement For Permanently-occupied cultivated land there are 538 planned population of production settlement including 412 population for the near settlement and 126 population moved into the adjacent town, and the cultivated land is 488mu for adjustment. County and district will make plan as follows: Movement from Chidong Town of Qichun County to Balihu Farm of the adjacent country, 126 resettlers in total, 1mu/person, 126mu cultivated land for adjustment; Scatted settlement in the country and town of Xishui County, 122 resettlers, 0.8mu/person; 94mu cultivated land for adjustment; Settlement on the back of project site nearby Huangzhou District, 195 resettlers, 1.3mu/persion, 177 mu cultivated land for adjustment; Settlement on the back of project site nearby Tuanfeng County, 95 resettlers, 0.65mu/person, 62mu cultivated land for adjustment

- 73 - See Table 5-3 for production settlement plan.

5.4.5 Balance between land compensation fund and production settlement investment Article 9 in “Ordinance of Compensation of Land Expropriation and Resettlement Planning for Middle and Large Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction” [No. 12 Reference] specifies that “the expropriated unit will use land compensation and settlement fund to recover and develop production, arrange employment for surplus labor and subsistence allowance for unemployed persons caused by land expropriation, and also assign county (city) to use such fund for land development, resettlement production and living with no peculation and embezzlement.” If land compensation fund and settlement subsidies are insufficient to production settlement, settlement subsidies will be increased. Therefore the single capital source for production settlement is land compensation fund and settlement subsidies. 5.4.6 Temporary occupation Related areas For the project temporary occupation is 4396.25mu including 2536.20 mu for Chidong branch dike of Qichun County, 629.30mu for Yonggu branch dike in Xishui County, 14.10mu for Yongbao branch dike, 502.25mu for Beiyong branch dike, 299.70mu for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District and 414.70mu for Judong branch dike in Tuanfeng County. Loss compensation is based on two years’ output value and costs are considered for the second reclamation of cultivated land (see Table 6-1) Capital of temporary occupation Such capital is used for expropriation compensation. Compensation for temporary occupation of construction team is listed into construction cost for the project. Agreement on compensation for temporary occupation will be concluded before utilization of capital to define his/her responsibilities. Requirement on the second reclamation of land During the period of project construction soil sampling is based on the design depth, deep excavation and reconstruction for pound is approved by villagers and protection is taken for soil course of cultivated land. Construction unit will recover the cultivated land after service expiration. Resettlement surveillance department will supervise the second reclamation of land, and land administration and resettlement office in county will plan inspection and acceptance.

5.5 Relocation planning for enterprise and institution 5.5.1 Principle of planning for recovery, relocation and reconstruction (a)According to the principle of feasible technique and reasonable economy confirm plan for enterprise and institution. Adopt near settlement for land expropriation for workshop, facility, office and residential buildings except for occupied area of workshop; if land of residential building is expropriated, use resettlement on the back of project site nearby; If workshop is expropriated for enterprise adopt reconstruction in the near area or different region. For enterprise which fails to abide by state industrial

- 74 - policy and environmental specification carry out shutdown, merging, transfer and bankruptcy. (b) Check and verify the assets of industrial enterprise in occupied area according to the solution plan of industrial enterprise, investigated physical indicator and theory and method of state-owned asset assessment. Compensation investment is calculated as per the original scale and standard compensation.

5.5.2 Planning for relocation of enterprise and institution Influence from removal for expropriation Investigation for physical indicator along backwater dike in Huanggang shows that there are 17 units, among which removed house is 8952.1m2, 3438m2 for mixed brick house and 5514m2 for brick-wood house. The related enterprise and institution includes school, village department, dike management branch, small processing factory related to dike. Some influences are produced on land usage for production and living and facility of enterprise and institution. Except for 4 enterprises and institutions to be completely moved the majorities are partially influenced with no influence on the main body and teaching. Planning for relocation of enterprise and institution As for linear feature of dike enforcement, resettlement on the back of project site nearby is adopted for rural enterprise and institution to be beneficial for production continuity of enterprise and institution and production and living of staff in enterprise and institution. For the unit which can not use resettlement on the back of project site nearby due to that house (workshop) are mostly removed, consideration will be taken for compensation on the different regional settlement according to suggestion on relocation and reconstruction. For the small unit to be completely removed the local government will propose solution according to the local resource, market condition and productivity level. The local government will make organization and execution on the basis of construction procedure. Budget estimation on compensation investment for relocation and reconstruction unit Budget estimation on compensation investment for relocation and reconstruction unit is calculated according to the original scale and standard, including compensation fund for house and building accessory, transportation expense and compensation fund for infrastructure. Compensation fund for enterprise and institution totals RMB 3.3263 million, including RMB 211,900 for Tuanfeng County, RMB 136, 400 for Huangzhou Distirct, RMB 549,700 for Xishui County, RMB 2.4283 million for Qichun County.

5.6 Reconstruction plan for special facilities 5.6.1 Principle of recovery and reconstruction (a) For transportation, power, telecommunication and broadcasting facility reconstruction will be made as per the original scale and standard to recover the original function. The planning will not be made if it is unnecessary to reconstruct and recover facility which loses the original function. (b)Wiring in the adjacent area will be made for transportation, power, telecommunication and broadcasting facility without influence on the normal operation of the original system. Additional facility is provided for power and telecommunication

- 75 - if necessary. (c)Reconstruction plan will be made for water conservancy facilities like hydropower station, electric pumping station and main irrigation conduit according to influence status and the actual situation of the beneficial area. Compensation will be made if it is unnecessary to reconstruct water conservancy facility. (d)Qualified design department will make planning for county highway, country highway, 35kv transformer substation and 35 kv transmission line. (e)Enterprise and institution will make compensation as per the original scale and standard and utilize the existing equipment and technology for reconstruction and relocation to reduce loss. (f)For unit to be relocated the relative department will increase investment on technology reconstruction, adjustment of industrial structure, expansion and standard improvement.

5.6.2 Planning for recovery and reconstruction Special facility will be reconstructed as per the original function and scale. For reconstruction 10 kV high voltage line, communication line and cable TV will be moved to the executive area within 10m as per 18.33km, 35.1km and 29.9km or outside of the platform of 30m and 80m. Road is reconstructed as per 13.42km and pump station reconstructed as per 2880kw. See Table 5-6 Planning for power, communication and cable TV Power line totals 12.10km, including 4.6km for Judong dike in Tuanfeng County, 0.2km for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, 6.3km for Yonggu dike, Yongbao dike and Beiyong dike in Xishui County, 1.0km for Chidong branch dike in Qichun; communication line totals 25.6km, including 9.10km for Judong dike in Tuanfeng County, 2.8km for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, 6.1km for Yonggu dike, Yongbao dike and Beiyong dike in Xishui County, 7.6km for Chidong branch dike in Qichun County; Cable TV line totals 21.60km, including 9km for for Judong dike in Tuanfeng County, 4.6km for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, 6km for Yonggu dike, Yongbao dike and Beiyong dike in Xishui County and 2 km for Chidong branch dike in Qichun County. For relocation and reconstruction line function will be recovered according to line distribution feature and resettlement plan. Planning for traffic facility For expropriation and removal road in four counties totals 9.6km, including 1.9km for Judong dike in Tuanfeng County, 1.5km for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, 4.7 km for Yonggu dike, Yongbao dike and Beiyong dike in Xishui County, 1.5km for Chidong branch dike in Qichun. The planning is made by means of compensation. The local government will organize qualified construction team to conduct recovery. Planning for conduit and pump station Ten pump stations will be relocated in four counties, including 1 pump station for Judong dike in Tuanfeng County, 1 pump station for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, 2 pump stations for Chidong branch dike in Qichun. According to planning recovery and compensation will be made for conduit and pump station, block will be

- 76 - made for building which makes influence on dike safety. Compensation fund is used for water conservancy facility.

5.6.3 Compensation investment Relocation and reconstruction are made as per the original scale and standard. Compensation investment is calculated as per the original function. The related department will make investment on expansion for relocation and reconstruction. As calculated special subsidies totals RMB 8.9838 million (see Table 6-1), including RMB 1.7311 million for Judong dike in Tuanfeng, RMB 627,400 for Laocheng dike in Huangzhou District, RMB 2.6497 million for Yonggu dike, Yongbao dike and Beiyong dike in Xishui County, RMB 3.9756 million for Chidong dike in Qichun County.

5.7 The environment protection in the settlement area 5.7.1 Domestic sewage treatment of rural resettlements The resettlements number involved in this project is large, and they are scattered, carry out treatment to their domestic sewage by household to reach the standards, the domestic sewage discharge of residents should be treated by adopting anaerobic pool, and combine with develop and utilize marsh gas, if it is not convenient to develop marsh gas, we propose to build grid, water flush or double urn etc type toilet. Compensate appropriately about 300 Yuan to user adopting sanitary toilet.

5.7.2 The treatment of solid waste Village generally has no dump area, domestic wastes are piled everywhere, wastes are easy to be washed out when heavy rain is met, and result in flowing all around and pollute environment. Therefore, each household should select well the place to pile waste to avoid running out, at the same time, according to the composition of rural waste, try to turn waste, waterlogged compost the waste etc as possible.

5.7.3 The environment protection for the public infrastructure of resettlements (a)The residential area of resettlements should be far away from industrial and mining enterprise, select the area at upper drift and upstream of industrial and mining enterprise to avoid the effect of waste gas, waste water. (b) During the resettlement of affected residents, take full advantage of waste mu ntain, waste hillside, try to reduce the occupation of forest land to build house or reclaim cultivable land as possible, take the principle of less occupation of cultivable land, try to distribute at hill and sloping field with good geologic condition, do well the conservation of soil and water, discharge ditch should be set at the upper part of the cut surface to lighten washout, and protect the safety of housing; the spoil of excavation should be back filled as soon as possible to plant trees and grass to avoid soil erosion. (c)The matching road and drainage facility etc built for the dwelling of resettlements should reduce the damage to land form and vegetation as possible. After the project is completed, the cut surface, exposed cut-over land etc should be restored by adopting tree planting and grass planting. (d)In the residential area, pay special attention to the construction of swinery, bullpen etc livestock used house, the discharged waste water and domestic sewage

- 77 - should be concentrated to water pool to be treated, never allow them flow everywhere and pollute environment. (e)The house arrangement residential area should be planned, so as to be favorable to reduce land use and facilitate lighting. For domestic drinking water, try to adopt tap water as possible to be convenient for the resettlements to use. (f)Some resettlements of the reservoir area are required to be removed externally, which will effect local residents by these external resettlements. Take cooperation measures; try to reduce the influence on the natural environment and social environment of local place by the rebuilding of residential area as possible. During design, consider to let local residential area obtain advantage from the rebuilding, improve their life environment, allow the settlement area to develop healthily, and realize long period of order and stability. (g)The residential area should have forestation plan, and gradually allow the forest and grass cover rate to reach more than 30%, so that green trees are distributed at the front and rear of house and at both the beginning and the end of the village, actively popularize ecological courtyard. The selection of tree species should consider the like of public, which can not only beautify environment, but also increase their incomes.

5.7.4 Health protection measures for public (a)During the resettlement of affected residents, strength the supervision for the fully funding of all items of capital for resettlements, understand the living condition of resettlements, do well the supervising work for the water quality of domestic water of resettlements. (b)Hygiene and disease control measures Strength the propaganda and education of patriotic sanitation, mobilize large masses of the people to develop large scale of rat destruction and mosquito destruction activities, fill and level up channeled and depressed waterlogged zone, destroy the vector of transmission of communicable disease at coming thing. Do well the health care work for the settlement area of resettlements. For resettlements relocated backwards, select well ventilated and good lighting place, and build matching common facilities, regularly carry out sterilization treatment, and do well the planning and sterilization work of drinking water resource, stop the drinking of impure water source. Carry out physical examination to the body of resettlement, and also carry out corresponding physical examination to people at the settlement area, strictly prevent the introduction of communicable disease resource or communicate resettlements. (c)The supervision and management of epidemic situation Complete the supervision organization of hygiene and disease control, environment supervisor should carry out sample survey to the health of public, closely pay attention to the health dynamic of public, and cooperate closely with relative professional departments to strictly prevent communicable disease from occurring and prevailing.

- 78 - Table 5-1 Calculation of Rural Resettlement Population for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Person Name of Name of Land occupation Land occupied in plan County village Name Name of village and and of dike Resettlement Resettlement district town population population Yonggu Lanxi Village 102 103 branch dike Yonggu Sanquan Village 32 32 Lanxihe branch dike Town Yongbao Jinshatan 119 121 branch dike Xishui Subtotal 253 256 of village Beiyong Shehu Village 2 2 Bahe branch dike Dongshou Village 66 67 Town Subtotal 68 69 of village Subtotal of county 321 325 Wangfang Village 8 8 Fengjiadun Village 126 128 Caohu dike Linshanhe Agricultural Science Institute 7 7 Town Caijiazui Village 35 35 Subtotal 176 178 of village Dulong dike Desheng Village 42 43 Zhangjiawan Village 9 9 Liangzhong Farmland 7 7 Tuanfeng Jinluogang Village Xulou Village 33 33 Tuanfeng Judong dike Town Xihu Farmland 87 88 Village Farmland 44 45 Weijiawan Village 58 59 Liaoyezui Village 72 73 Subtotal 352 357 of village Subtotal of county 528 535 Balihu Chidong Gongdawei Village 9 9 Farmland dike Yangtan Village 5 5 Jincheng Village 9 9 Baichi Village 188 191 Chidong Beifengtou Village 85 86 Qichun Chidong dike Town Fengwei Village 43 44 Yangshufan Village 28 28 Hedawan Village 77 78 Subtotal 435 441 of village Subtotal of county 444 450

- 79 -

Table 5-1 Calculation of Rural Resettlement Population for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Person Land occupied Name of Name of Land occupation in plan county village Name of dike Name of village Resettlement Resettlement and district and town population population Lukou Laocheng Oulinshan Village 99 100 Town branch dike Sunzhen Village 114 116 Laocheng Yangjiawan Village 8 8 Huangzhou Taodian branch dike District Village Baqishan Village 108 110 Subtotal 230 234 of village Subtotal of county 329 334

Total 1622 1644

Table 5-2 Calculation of Rural Resettlement Population for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Person Destination of house population building and remove Name of Name of Total Resettlement building house Remove county and village and Backward house population of resettled building district town building built village house Population population Balihu 9 9 126 135 Farmland Qichun Chidong 441 126 315 315 Town Lanxihe 256 256 256 Town Xishui Bahe Town 69 69 69

Lukou 100 100 100 Town Huangzhou Taodian 234 234 234 Village Tuanfeng 357 357 357 Town Tuanfeng Linshanhe 178 178 178 Town

Total 1644 126 1518 126 1644

- 80 -

Table 5-3 Calculation of Rural Resettlement Population for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Production Total Total Cultivable Name of Name of Cultivable Production resettlement agricultural cultivable land per county and village Village land resettlement population population land capita district and town occupied(Mu) population(person) in (person) (Mu) (Mu/person) plan(Person) Chidong Gaoyuan 288 1590 5.521 4 1 1 Town team Chidong Jincheng 1503 1500 0.998 42.7 43 47 Town Village Chidong Baichi 1194 1430 1.198 46.1 38 42 Town Village Chidong Beifengtou Qichun 2268 2237 0.986 7 7 8 Town Village Chidong Caiyuantou 776 390 0.503 10.0 20 22 Town Village Chidong Caijiazui 823 1103 1.340 7.0 5 6 Town Village Subtotal 6852 8250.0 116.8 114 126 Lanxihe Lanxi 1872 1930 1.031 17.9 17 19 Town Village Lanxihe Sanquan 1196 781 0.653 34.3 53 58 Town Village Bahe Shehu Xishui 1087 634 0.583 19.0 33 36 Town Village Bahe Dongshou 1080 900 0.833 6.4 8 9 Town Village Subtotal 5235 4245.0 77.6 111 122 Lukou Lvjiadawan 1210 1463 1.209 8.6 7 8 Town Village Lukou Oulinshan 1191 1181 0.992 28.4 29 32 Town Village Taodian Sunzhen 1513 701 0.463 44.9 97 107 Village Village Huangzhou Taodian Yangjiawan 1420 900 0.634 12.8 20 22 Village Village Taodian Baqishan 1154 719 0.623 14.8 24 26 Village Village Subtotal 6488 4964.0 109.5 177 195 Tuanfeng Jinluogang 1287 1382 1.074 4.3 4 4 Town Village Tuanfeng Xulou 1801 1365 0.758 4.4 6 7 Town Village Tuanfeng Xihu 2722 1705 0.626 1.6 3 3 Town Farmland Tuanfeng Tuanfeng Village 1930 959 0.497 1.9 4 4 Town Farmland Tuanfeng Weijiawan 1299 1051 0.809 16.6 21 23 Town Village Tuanfeng Liaoyezui 1421 835 0.588 3.2 5 6 Town Village

- 81 - Table 5-3 Calculation of Rural Resettlement Population for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Name Production Total Cultivable of Name of Total Cultivable Production resettlement agricultural land per county village Village cultivable land resettlement population population capita and and town land(Mu) occupied(Mu) population(person) in (person) (Mu/person) district plan(Person)

Linshanhe Wangfang 1581 800 0.506 9.3 18 20 Town Village

Linshanhe Fengjiadun 1815 1530 0.843 5.2 6 7 Town Village

Agricultural Linshanhe Science 12.5 Town Institute

Linshanhe Wanjiafan 1577 1221 0.774 14.5 19 21 Town Village

Subtotal 15433 10848 0.703 73.5 105 95

Total 34008 28307 377.4 507 538

- 82 - Table 5-4 Balance of Production Resettlement for Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Production Backward Resettlement Resettled Name of Name of resettlement resettlement population Settlement cultivable county and village and Village population in population of ex-village or standard land district town plan this village ex-town (Mu/person) (person) (person) (person) (Mu) Chidong Gaoyuan 1 1 1 1 Town team Chidong Jincheng 47 47 1 47 Town Village Chidong Baichi Town Village 42 42 1 42 Qichun Chidong Beifengtou 8 8 1 8 Town Village Chidong Caiyuantou 22 22 1 22 Town Village Chidong Caijiazui Town Village 6 6 1 6 Subtotal 126 126 126 Lanxihe Lanxi Town Village 19 19 0.8 15 Lanxihe Sanquan 58 58 0.8 46 Town Village Xishui Bahe Shehu 36 36 0.7 25 Town Village Bahe Dongshou Town Village 9 9 0.7 6 Subtotal 122 122 93 Lukou Lvjiadawan 8 8 1.3 10 Town Village Lukou Oulinshan 32 32 1.3 42 Town Village Taodian Sunzhen Huangzhou Village Village 107 107 1 107 Taodian Yangjiawan 22 22 1 22 Village Village Taodian Baqishan 26 26 1 26 Village Village Subtotal 195 195 207 Tuanfeng Jinluogang Town Village 4 4 0.65 3 Tuanfeng Xulou 7 7 0.65 5 Town Village Tuanfeng Xihu 3 3 0.65 2 Town Farmland Tuanfeng Village Town Farmland 4 4 0.65 3 Tuanfeng Weijiawan 23 23 0.65 15 Town Village Tuanfeng Liaoyezui 6 6 0.65 4 Tuanfeng Town Village Linshanhe Wangfang Town Village 20 20 0.65 13 Linshanhe Fengjiadun 7 7 0.65 5 Town Village Linshanhe Agricultural Science 0 0 0 Town Institute Linshanhe Wanjiafan 21 21 0.65 14 Town Village Subtotal 95 95 62 Total 538 412 126 0 488

- 83 -

Table 5-5 Infirms of Land Occupation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:person Orphan Name of Main Name of and Household county household village Name of dike Name of village Total widow without and with and town and elders male labor district disable household Xishui Subtotal of county 0 0 0 0 Wangfang Village 2 0 1 1 Fengjiadun Village 6 1 3 2 Linshanhe Caohu dike Agricultural

Town Science Institute Caijiazui Village Subtotal of village 8 1 4 3 Desheng Vilage Dulong dike Zhangjiawan Village Lianzhong Farmland Tuanfeng Jinluogang Village Tuanfeng Judong dike Xulou Village

Town Xihu Farmland Village Farmland 3 3

Weijiawan Village Liaoyezui Village 5 3 2 Subtotal of village 8 6 2 Subtotal of county 16 7 6 3 Balihu Chidong dike Gongdawei Village 11 1 10 Farmland Yangtan Village 9 2 7 Jincheng Village

Baichi Village 9 2 7 Qichun Chidong Chidong dike Beifengtou Village 3 3

Town Fengwei Village 5 5

Yangshufan Village 3 3 Hedawan Village 3 3 Subtotal of village 32 4 28 Subtotal of county 43 5 38 Lukou Laocheng branch dike Oulinshan Village 4 2 2 Town Sunzhen Village 3 2 1 Laocheng Yangjiawan Village Huangzhou Taodian branch dike Village Baqishan Village Subtotal 3 2 1 of village Subtotal of county 7 4 2 1 Total 66 16 8 42

- 84 -

Table 5-6 Special facility rebuild plan of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Name of Motor Power line CATV Pump county and Name of dike vehicle road Communication (km) (km) station(kw) district (km) line (km)

Yonggu 2.40 3.64 3.64 2.99 branch dike

Yongbao 1.86 2.60 2.60 2.60 branch dike Xishui Beiyong 2.66 3.25 3.25 2.73 300 branch dike

Subtotal 6.92 9.49 9.49 8.32 300

Tuanfeng Judong dike 2.53 7.28 12.48 12.48 200

Chidong Qichun 2.12 1.30 9.23 2.60 2380 branch dike

Laocheng Huangzhou 1.85 0.26 3.90 6.50 branch dike

Total 13.42 18.33 35.10 29.90 2880

- 85 - 6 Budget Estimation of Compensation Investment

6.1 Content, basis, principle and approval procedure for budget estimation

6.1.1 Content Considering design specification and the project characteristics the overall budget estimation for compensation investment will be involved in: (a) Compensation fund for rural land (b) Expense on movement of rural building and infrastructure (c) Expense on movement of building of enterprise and institution and infrastructure (d) Expense on reconstruction of special item (e) Other costs (f) Basic budgetary reserves (g) Expense on reclamation of cultivated land (h) Expense on recovery of forest cover For other costs survey and design are 3% of flat cost, management execution is 3% of flat cost, supervision, monitoring and assessment are 1.5% of flat cost. Basic budgetary reserves are 15% of sum of flat cost and other costs.

6.1.2 Basis and principle Basis (a) “Ordinance of Compensation of Land Expropriation and Resettlement Planning for Middle and Large Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction” in No.471 Doc issued by the State Council on July 7, 2006 (b) Law of Land Administration of P.R.C. (1999) (c) “Enforcement Method for Land Administration of Hubei Province” (1999) (d) “Design Specification for Expropriation Resettlement of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Construction” (SL290-2003) (e) “Temporary Ordinance for Taxation Standard of Cultivated Land Occupation of P.R.C.” (f) “Notification for Taxation Standard of Cultivated Land Occupation of P.R.C of Hubei Province” (g) The related rules and regulations for departments (h) Physical indicator for project occupation influence investigated by administration office of flood prevention and reinforcement of backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang and Changjiang River Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research in August 2005。 Principle 1. Prepare budget estimation of investment on the basis of physical indicator, policy and rules and regulations and actual condition of the project, and deal with the relations between state, group and individual; 2. Calculate and confirm land compensation fund and settlement subsidies for

86 permanent expropriation and temporary land usage and young crops compensation fund according to “Enforcement Method for Land Administration of Hubei Province”; 3. Confirm compensation for house and accessory facilities as per replacement price; 4. Confirm compensation fund for special item according to “the original scale, the original standard and the original function and actual recovery situation. For the local government or the authority improve standard or expand scale and increase investment. 5. Calculate such cost as removal, transportation and compensation for the objects which is not easily recovered and reconstructed for expropriation and occupation for the project.

6.1.3 Approval procedure For expropriation compensation fund of flood prevention and reinforcement of backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang, design unit will prepare budget, water conservancy ministry make check, finally National Development and Reform Commission conducts examination and approval.

6.2 Budget estimation for compensation On the basis of price level of the fourth quarter in 2006 and budget estimation, investment for expropriation compensation fund of flood prevention and reinforcement of backwater dike along Changjiang River in Huanggang reaches RMB 87.9970 million, including basic cost of RMB 66.0545 million, other costs of RMB 4.9541 million, reserves of RMB 10.6513 million, recovery expanse of RMB 6.3371 million for cultivated land reclamation and forest cover. See Table 6-1 for details.

6.2.1 Basic cost Basic cost includes land compensation, rural building movement and infrastructure, building movement and infrastructure of enterprise and institution and reconstruction of special item, totaling RMB 66.0545 million in inclusion of RMB 13.3301 million for Tuanfeng County, RMB 8.7444 million for Huangzhou District, RMB 16.9251 million for Xishui and RMB 25.7421 million for Qichun County. Rural land compensation fund Rural land compensation fund totals RMB 24.7841 million accounting for 28% of total investment, including: (a)Compensation fund for permanent occupation: totaling RMB 11.6640 million for cultivated land, timberland, deep pool (pound) and other lands; (b)Expense on young crops for permanent occupation: totaling RMB 207,300 million for young crops of the expropriated land; (c)Compensation fund for temporary occupation: totaling RMB 12.9129 million for aggregate yard, construction camp, pool filling and foundation fixation, young crops and reclamation recovery. Expense on rural building movement and infrastructure Rural building movement and infrastructure totals RMB 28.9603 million accounting for 33% of total investment, including: (a)Compensation fund for house and building accessory: totaling RMB 23.7120 million for mixed brick building, brick-wood building, outbuildings, brick fence and

87 concrete floor (outhousehold); (b) Subsidies for resettlement: totaling RMB 1.1933 million for transportation, material loss, construction delay, disabilities and others; (c) Subsidies for infrastructure total RMB 4.0550 million Compensation fund for enterprise and institution Such compensation fund totals RMB 3.3263 million accounting for 3%. (a) Compensation fund for house and building accessory: totaling RMB 2.9833 million for mixed brick building, brick-wood building, outbuildings, brick fence and concrete floor (outhousehold); (b) Compensation fund for transportation: totaling RMB 172,000 for materials transportation, materials loss and construction delay; (c) Compensation fund for infrastructure totals RMB 171,000. Compensation fund for special item Compensation is made for such special item as influenced highway, power and communication line, broadcasting and television line as per replacement price, totaling RMB 8.9838 million, 10% of total investment.

6.2.2 Other costs Such costs include survey and design, management execution, supervision, monitoring and assessment, totaling RMB 4.9541 million, 5.6% of total investment. (a) Expense on survey, planning and design: accounting for 3% of basic costs, totaling RMB 1.9816 million; (b)Expense on management execution: accounting for 3% of basic costs, totaling RMB 1.9816 million; (c) Expense on supervision, monitoring and assessment: accounting for 1.5% of basic cost, totaling RMB 990,800.

6.2.3 Basic reserves The basic reserves account for 15% of the sum of basic cost and other cost, totaling RMB 10.6513 million.

6.2.4 Reclamation of cultivated land and recovery of forest vegetation cost 6.3371 million RMB, or 7% of total investment. See 6-1 for details of charges for unforeseen factors during resettlement (including compensation for resettlers in transition period and infirm groups).

6.3 Funds 6.3.1Capital source Total RMB 87.9970 million Yuan are required for compensation of land expropriation and resettlement, this amount will be transferred from 235.16 million Yuan financed by local government. In order to ensure successful fulfillment for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike, Hubei Government makes the following commitments for capitals invested for local use: provincial government will specially arrange 50% of local capital, i.e. 117.58 million RMB; another 50%, i.e. 117.58 million RMB will be born jointly by Huanggang city and beneficiary (municipal and district) governments, Huanggang government has made this commitments to Hubei

88 government. Capital for resettlement will be managed by provincial resettlement administration office, which will pay this amount specially for land expropriation and resettlement of flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River backwater dike, compensation standard will be in accordance with RAP approved by World Bank, if the capital is insufficient, the gap will be filled by local government through financing.

6.3.2 Capital appropriating After special funds for resettlement is approved, provincial resettlement authority will appropriate such funds to municipal and county resettlement office, and then the county resettlement office will classify and appropriate funds according to construction project: (a) Appropriate expropriation compensation fund and settlement subsidies to the supreme local government in county, town and street and organize and arrange production of village. For resettlement leading group in county and district and project management department check capital on a regular basis. (b)Appropriate compensation fund for house and building accessory of resettlement, resettlement subsidies and building allowance for poor family to the coordination group of the supreme resettlement office in the county and town, and then to the resettlers with approval of village committee and neighboring committee. (c)For compensation fund of the public facilities and infrastructures resettlement leading group and project management department in county and district will make progressive payment for construction contractor. (d) Resettlement leading group and project management department in county and district will directly appropriate compensation fund for special item and enterprise and institution to the department related to the original project and the influenced enterprise and institution. (e)For settlement area where building will be constructed, in order to ensure sufficient capital offered for successful construction of settlement area, with approval and signature of the resettlers, resettlement project management department of the county, town (farm) will control compensation fund for house and building accessory of the resettlers. After the completion of building, compensation fund will be calculated by means of progressive payment as per cost for the house selected by the resettlers.

6.3.3 Annual investment plan As required by construction organization and design, land expropriation and relocation shall be completed in advance to ensure the project will be constructed on schedule, so the plan will be made for resettlement progress execution of Changjiang River Huanggang backwater dike (see Chapter 11) and investment plan will be made for compensation fund of rural resettlement, infrastructure, enterprise and institution and special item, other costs and reserves.

89 Table 6-1 Investment Calculation of Land Occupation Compensation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Yuan, Ten-thousand Yuan Investment Type Project Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou district Xinzhou Total QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit pricestment Inve QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTYment Invest Paddy field Mu 55.2 22016 121.53 20.7 21536 44.58 80.0 20240 161.92 0.0 24400 155.90 328.03 Dry land Mu 13.2 21104 27.86 13.2 21008 27.73 8.5 18272 15.53 106.9 20752 221.84 4.50 21008 9.45 146.30 302.42 Vegetation plotMu 0.00 6.3 31512 19.85 0.0 0.00 0.00 31512 0.00 6.30 19.85 Fish pond Mu 9.2 24224 22.29 33.3 23696 78.91 21.3 22272 47.44 2.6 26848 6.98 2.50 23696 5.92 68.90 161.54 Inside Wood land Mu 102.0 5000 51.00 38.1 5000 19.05 289.2 5000 144.60 0.0 5000 0.00 5000 429.30 214.65 of dike Grass land Mu 43.3 3000 12.99 24.2 3000 7.26 127.7 3000 38.31 75.7 3000 22.71 3000 270.90 81.27 Permanently Other land Mu 25.9 2000 5.18 7.5 2000 1.50 26.9 2000 4.39 17.6 2000 3.52 2000 77.89 14.59 occupied land Unused land Mu 49.9 2000 9.98 26.5 2000 5.30 75.2 2000 15.04 68.6 2000 13.72 2000 220.22 44.04 Subtotal 298.7 250.83 169.8 204.18 628.8 427.24 271.4 268.77 7.0 15.38 1375.71 1166.40 Paddy field Mu 55.2 600 3.31 20.7 600 1.24 80.0 600 4.80 0.0 0.00 155.90 9.35 Dry land Mu 13.2 500 0.66 13.2 8.5 500 0.43 106.9 500 5.35 4.50 500 0.23 146.30 6.66 Inside of dike Vegetation plotMu 0.0 545 0.00 6.3 545 0.34 0.0 545 0.00 0.0 0.00 545 0.00 6.30 0.34 (young crops) Fish pond Mu 9.2 660 0.61 33.3 660 2.20 21.3 660 1.41 2.6 2.50 660 0.17 68.90 4.38 Subtotal 77.60 4.58 73.50 3.78 109.8 6.63 109.50 5.35 7.00 0.39 377.40 20.73 Compensation Paddy field Mu 32.0 2752 8.81 2692 1453.6 2530 367.76 1485.60 376.57 1.Land for stock yard Compensation Dry land Mu 552.9 2638 145.86 2626 0.00 0.00 157.5 2594 40.86 710.40 186.71 for stock yard Reclaim charge Paddy field Mu 584.9 2000 116.98 0.0 2000 0.00 1453.6 2000 290.72 157.5 2000 31.50 439.20 for stock yard dry land Camp and road Paddy field Mu 7.0 2752 1.93 0.0 2692 0.00 0.00 7.00 1.93 Camp and road Dry land Mu 7.5 2638 1.98 14.0 2626 3.68 52.0 2284 11.88 12.0 2594 3.11 85.50 20.65 Reclaim of Temporarily Inside Dry land Mu 14.5 500 0.73 14.0 500 0.70 52.0 500 2.60 12.0 500 0.60 4.63 Occupied of road and camp land dike Pond filling and foundation Fish pond Mu 30.5 3120 9.52 206.4 2688 55.48 172.8 4000 69.12 28.0 2688 7.53 437.70 141.64 reinforcement Pond filling and Charge for foundation Mu 30.5 660 2.01 206.4 660 13.62 172.8 660 11.40 28.0 660 1.85 28.88 young crops reinforcement Pond filling and Reclaim Foundation Mu 30.5 500 1.53 206.4 500 10.32 172.8 500 8.64 28.0 500 1.40 21.89 charge reinforcement Subtotal 289.33 83.80 762.12 76.07 10.77 0.00 1222.09

90 Table 6-1 Investment Calculation of Land Occupation Compensation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Yuan, ten-thousand Yuan Investment Type Item Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou district Xinzhou Total QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unitnvestment price I QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTYtment Inves Compensation Dry landMu 2638 0.00 198.8 2626 52.20 198.80 52.20 for stock yard Pond filling and Temporarily Outside Foundation Fish pondMu 21.7 660 1.43 43.8 660 2.89 8.6 660 0.57 74.10 4.89 occupied reinforcement of dike land Charge for Dry landMu 500 0.00 242.0 500 12.10 242.00 12.10 young crops Subtotal 1.43 67.20 0.57 0.00 69.20 Total 546.17 358.96 1196.56 350.18 26.54 0.00 2478.41 Brick and m2 16665 360 599.95 6167 360 222.02 10348 360 372.52 5569 360 200.47 1795 360 64.62 40543.9 1459.58 concrete Brick and m2 2805 340 95.38 11011 340 374.37 3009 340 102.31 4039 340 137.32 786 340 26.72 21650.2 736.11 wood Soil and m2 250 0.00 250 0.00 4102 250 102.55 250 0.00 250 4102.02 102.55 wood House Other room m2 393 150 5.90 914 150 13.71 591 150 8.87 364 150 5.46 150 2261.80 33.93 Remove m2 19471 18 35.05 17178 18 30.92 17459 18 31.43 9607 18 17.29 2581 18 4.65 66296.20 119.33 charge II. Infrastructure Person 321 2500 80.25 493 2500 123.25 444 2500 111.00 329 2500 82.25 35 2500 8.75 1622.00 405.50 Rural charge village Subtotal 816.53 764.27 728.67 442.78 104.7 0.00 2857.00 Fence m2 530 40 2.12 1757 30 5.27 1115 30 3.35 316 30 0.95 3718.36 11.69 Concrete ground m2 60 40 0.24 329 30 0.99 364 30 1.09 200 30 0.60 952.86 2.92 Compressed Attached structure 口 40 1600 6.40 83 1000 8.30 39 1000 3.90 28 1000 2.80 190.00 21.40 water well Cattle stall Piece 112 100 1.12 183 50 0.92 52 50 0.26 147 50 0.74 494.00 3.03 Subtotal 9.88 15.47 8.60 5.08 0.00 0.00 39.03 Total 826.41 779.75 737.27 447.87 104.7 0.00 2896.03 Brick and m2 1028 372 38.24 0 372 0.00 1119 372 41.63 244 372 9.08 2391.00 88.95 concrete Brick and m2 260 350 9.10 397 350 13.90 4225 350 147.88 90 350 3.15 4972.02 174.02 wood III. Unit House Remove m2 1288 20 2.58 1634 20 3.27 5344 20 10.69 334 20 0.67 8600.00 17.20 charge Infrastructure Mu 1.5 15000 2.25 1.2 15000 1.80 8.2 15000 12.30 0.5 15000 0.75 11.40 17.10 charge

91 Table 6-1 Investment Calculation of Land Occupation Compensation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Unit:Yuan and ten thousand Yuan Investment Type Item Unit Xishui Tuanfeng Qichun Huangzhou district Xinzhou Total QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit pricestment Inve QTY Unit price Investment QTY Unit price Investment QTY ent Investm Subtotal 52.17 18.96 212.49 13.64 0.00 297.27 Fence M2 700 40 2.80 197 40 0.79 3361 40 13.44 4258.00 17.03 Concrete M2 150 40 0.60 2631 40 10.52 2781.00 11.12 ground Well 口 3 1600 0.48 4 1600 0.64 7.00 1.12 III. Unit Attached structure Simple 4 100 0.04 5 100 0.05 9.00 0.09 building Tree Piece 107 30 0.32 1893 30 5.68 2000.00 6.00 Subtotal 2.80 2.23 30.34 0.00 0.00 35.37 Total 54.97 21.19 242.83 13.64 0.00 332.63 Simple Highway km 6.92 200000 138.40 2.53 200000 50.60 2.12 200000 42.40 1.85 200000 37.00 13.42 268.40 highway Power line 10kv km 9.49 40000 37.96 7.28 40000 29.12 1.30 40000 5.20 0.26 40000 1.04 18.33 73.32 IV.Special Communication line km 9.49 40000 37.96 12.48 40000 49.92 9.23 40000 36.92 3.90 40000 15.60 35.10 140.40 item CATV km 8.32 14000 11.65 12.48 14000 17.47 2.60 14000 3.64 6.50 14000 9.10 29.90 41.86 Pump station kw 300 1300 39.00 200 1300 26.00 2380 1300 309.40 1300 0.00 2880.00 374.40 Subtotal 264.97 173.11 397.56 62.74 0.00 898.38 V. Sum from I to IV (direct charge) 1692.51 1333.0 2574.2 874.44 131.2 0.00 6605.45 1、Suvey, plan and design cost 3% of V 6605.45 198.16 2. Implementation and 3% of V 6605.45 198.16 management cost VI. Others 3. Supervision and 1.5% of V 6605.45 99.08 monitoring assessment cost Subtotal 495.41 VII. Sum of V and VI 7100.86 VIII Basic budgetary reserves 15% of VII 7100.86 1065.13 1. Reclaim cost of cultivable land 377.40 490.62 (13000Yuan/mu)

2. Recovery cost for forest vegetation IX. Tax 429.30 143.09 (3333Yuan/ Mu)

Subtotal 633.71 、 Total 8799.70

92 Table 6-2 Investment Plan of Land Expropriation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huanggang Backwater Dike Compensation investment Task arranged plan(Ten-thousand Yuan) Name of Name Compensation No. project Name of dike Compensation Compensation Compensation Compensation for Compensation for of county for house Compensation or charge for land for special for infrastructure of infrastructure of Subtotal September2007 December2007 Total and attached for unit remove occupation facilities resettlement residents organization structure Basic I 2478.41 2669.51 898.38 119.34 405.5 17.21 17.1 6605.45 3903.38 2702.08 6605.45 charge Chidong Qichun 1196.56 814.67 397.56 31.43 111 10.69 12.3 2574.21 1554.90 1019.31 2574.21 branch dike Yonggu, Yongbao and Xishui 546.17 761.24 264.97 35.05 80.25 2.58 2.25 1692.51 978.55 713.96 1692.51 Beiyong branch dikes Laochengdi Huangzhou 350.18 360.56 62.74 17.29 82.25 0.67 0.75 874.44 527.16 347.28 874.44 dike

Tuanfeng Judong dike 358.96 641.7 173.11 30.92 123.25 3.27 1.8 1333.01 769.13 563.88 1333.01

xinzhou 26.54 91.34 0 4.65 8.75 0 0 131.28 73.63 57.65 131.28

Other II 495.41 346.79 148.62 495.41 charges Basic III Budgetary 1065.13 319.54 745.59 1065.13 reserves IV Tax 633.71 190.11 443.60 633.71

Total 8799.70 4759.81 4039.89 8799.70


1. Other charges include survey, plan and design cost(3% of basic charge), implementation and management charge(3% of basic charge) and supervision monitoring assessment(1.5% of basic charge)。 2. Basic budgetary reserves is 15% of sum of basic charges and other charges 3. Tax include reclaim charge of cultivable land and recovery cost for forest vegetation.

93 7 Resettlement Organization and System

7.1 Organization

It is important to establish the complete resettlement organization and management system for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike as large-scale water conservancy construction project in China, which is finainced by World Bank Loan, being involved in planning and design unit, management execution organ, and consultancy, supervision and monitoring authorities. Administration framework for the project is specified as follows: Hubei administration office of resettlement and environment for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River backwater dike financed by World Bank Loan is established as leading organization for resettlement execution to be responsible for Supervision of resettlement and environment. Administration office of flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike as legal person organization establishes environment and resettlement department (municipal resettlement office). Project county and district under municipal jurisdiction establish administration office of resettlement and environment. Provincial resettlement office will execute resettlement within jurisdiction and take the following responsibilities: ——participate in coordination, investigation and recheck for real object index, resettlement compensation and establishment of settlement plan and plan for resettlement implementation; ——organize and manage the plan for resettlement implementation and control capital in county and country; ——Coordinate the relation with supervision and monitoring unit for resettlement execution and do a good job of resettlement and settlement in the name of owner; ——cooperate with design institute to make resettlement planning and execute the plan; ——supervise and monitor rural resettlement and administrative resettlement planning and prepare resettlement progress report for submittal to the related department. Municipal resettlement office will be responsible for receiption on World Bank, provincial project office, Supervision and monitoring unit of resettlement planning, and contact and communication with project management department in county and district. The office will report and execute the annual plan, prepare financial statement, examine and calculate the annual audit and build public relation. County and district resettlement office will be responsible for the above resettlement within administrative area. According to agreement between municipal resettlement department and provincial project office, provincial project office will appropriate capital to the municipal resettlement office. The municipal resettlement office will appropriate capital to the county and district resettlement office according to the similar agreement. Town and village resettlement office will adjust land, organize movement for resettlement, give support to building reconstruction of the resettler, promote the related policy for the resettler (resident in the settlement area) and solve problem during the period of resettlement execution. See Diagram 7-1 for resettlement organization


7.2 Function of Organization

7.2.1 Competent organization Hubei administration office of resettlement for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River backwater dike financed World Bank Loan is the supreme policy-making authority to make the overall guide for resettlement implementation. Provincial project office as owner will be fully responsible for flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike .

7.2.2 Organization for resettlement planning As commissioned by Huanggang Water Conservancy Bureau Changjiang River Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research will make design and planning for the resettlement in the stage of feasibility study and preliminary design, and Hubei Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydroelectric Engineering Exploration & Design and Huanggang Institute of Planning and Design for Water Conservancy and Hydropower will prepare “Resettlement Action Plan” (RAP) and Resettlement Implementation during the period of execution. Design unit is the main planning organization, but Huanggang Riverway Dike Administration Office and General Station of Dike Administration in four counties along Changjiang River will provide important information, and the country, village, the principal and the representative of common people related to the project will actively participate in the resettlement planning (see Section 8.4 for the public participation). The design unit will make planning as follows: (a)Investigation on real object index; modify construction plan to reduce resettlement if possible; (b) Make analysis on land capacity and environment capability in settlement area; Besides design unit will cooperate with the local government; (c) Prepare resettlement action plan; (d) Confirm compensation budget; (e) Make relocation planning (f) Prepare diagram for resettlement During the period of resettlement execution, the design unit gives assistance to resettlement implementation authority; (g) Provide necessary documentation (report, diagram and notification) for resettlement Supervision; (h) Assist resettlement office in resettlement planning; (i) Make the detailed executive planning according to the actual situation.

7.2.3 Resettlement enforcement authority Resettlement office is established in province, city and district and resettlement coordination group established in country (town) and village to execute resettlement. There are 3-5 resettlement officials for city and district, 2-3 for country (town and street), 1-2 cadre (s) for village (see Table 7-1). Resettlement is executed by government for the society, all the resettlement office is composed of officials assigned by government department, land administration department, water conservancy department and agricultural department. The official with experience in management will serve as

95 leader of resettlement office. The resettlement office will manage, plan, execute, coordinate and supervise the resettlement in the name of owner. ——Provincial and municipal resettlement office as administration organ for expropriation and resettlement will have the following functions: (a) Make macroeconomic control according to the approved design for expropriation and resettlement, executive planning and budget estimation; (b) Make plan for long-term investment on a yearly basis and conduct Supervision and check in the process of execution. (c) Cooperate with district and country (town and street office) governments to make check and acceptance for resettlement; (d) Check variation of resettlement planning and report of budget estimation for submittal and approval; (e) Make commission and management for supervision and planning; ——The executive unit for resettlement planning nominated by county and district resettlement offices will has the following functions: (a) Take responsibility for administrative resettlement under the instruction of municipal resettlement office; (b) All the resettlement offices will investigate real object index, make plan for resettlement compensation and settlement and conduct post-phase resettlement with coordination of the local government; (c) Resettlement office will assign personnel to assist design unit in the detailed planning for resettlement; (d) According to the overall implementation plan prepare the annual implementation plan for the project, organize and manage implementation plan and capital, coordinate the relation with Supervision and monitoring unit for resettlement implementation, and do a good job of resettlement in the name of owner; (e) Organize the related unit to make inspection and acceptance as required by project management. (f) Take responsibility for complaint letter and visit for expropriation and resettlement; (g) Supervise and monitor resettlement made by the controlled resettlement office and prepare report of resettlement progress for submittal to the superior Supervision department. ——Country (town and street offices) resettlement office, village resettlement investigation group The town and villages related to the project will be responsible for resettlement within administrative area in the name of the local government, and also execute compensation agreement, confirm settlement location and participate in formal activities; the village is an important executive organization to be responsible for the followings in cooperation with the superior resettlement office: (a) Land adjustment (b) Development for the secondary and third industries (c) Organization of resettlement and removal ; (d) Support to building reconstruction of the settler (e) Promotion on the related policy for resettlement (resident in the settlement area); (f) Solution of problems for resettlement; (g) Support for resettlement City and county executive resettlement management organization (city and district) is

96 nominated and planned in accordance with “Resettlement Planning of Huanggang People’s Government”. 7.2.4 Supervision and monitoring unit Assessment on Supervision and monitoring for resettlement is important for resettlement execution and commissioned to the qualified and independent agency. Supervision unit Construction Supervision system of flood prevention and reinforcement of Changjiang River backwater dike financed by World Bank Loan specifies that Supervision will be made according to and “Supervision Regulation for Hydraulic Engineering Construction” and the actual situation. Provincial resettlement office will nominate the Supervision with national qualification to control investment, progress and quality of resettlement project and cooperate with the local government to make project proposal, examination, coordination, inspection and supervision for local design department and completed project acceptance. Monitoring and assessment unit According to agreement on World Bank loan it is required to nominate the independent and qualified agency to make independent monitoring and assessment on the resettlement project for social and economic development. Assessment includes agricultural output of the new settlement area, labor and employment, culture and education, public health, economic income, public participation and the resettlers’ assessment on organization, social service and development.

7.2.5 Environment administration Report of environment influence assessment for project shows that environment administration office will be established for project to coordinate implementation for environment measures specified in such report and inspector of environment construction will be nominated to check performance and effect on environment measures and environment cadre will be nominated in the village to report construction progress and resettlement information. The resettlement is closely related to: monitoring for infrastructures and health and security services including safety water supply for drink, sufficient washroom facilities in building, favorable management for solid waste and floor drain.

7.3 Overall Resettlement Coordination

The overall coordinator will cooperate provincial and municipal office to prepare report of resettlement to facilitate job and visit of water conservancy department, resettlement expert group and delegation of World Bank. Resettlement coordinator will take responsibilities as follows: (a) Supervise and coordinate operation of resettlement Supervision unit and environment administration office and make suggestion (if necessary) to complete resettlement in efficiency for the project. (b) In order for environmental protection, make recommended and approved study or require state sponsor. (d) Prepare report of resettlement status (including environment status) on a regular basis (twice per year), submit it to water conservancy department, resettlement expert group and World Bank.

97 (d) Prepare report of resettlement status (including environment status) on a regular basis (twice per year), submit it to water conservancy department, resettlement expert group and World Bank. See Diagram 7-2 for project coordination and external supervision

7.4 Management System of Resettlement

Different measures are taken for project management, including owner responsibility system, project supervision system, project bid system and contract management system. Provincial resettlement office will be fully responsible for resettlement implantation and bid for infrastructures construction. In addition the organization with state Supervision qualification will supervise project construction. The Supervision unit will manage all the concluded contracts for the project construction. Provincial resettlement office will engage resettlement monitoring and evaluation organ to make monitoring and assessment on resettlement. Besides computer is used to manage information for resettlement and save all the files and other information on resettlement

7.5 Training

In order for satisfactory execution of resettlement training will be offered for resettlement staff and training plan will be made. ——Training on staff of resettlement organization Technical training for resettlement staff offers guarantee for resettlement planning execution. It is important for satisfactory execution of resettlement to establish the system of staff training and human resources development for city, district, country resettlement office (town and street office) and resettlement organ in administrative village. Training form includes lecture, technical training, visit for study on other resettlement project and field training. Training contents include: (a) Introduction for principle and policy of resettlement given to management and technical personnel (b) Project management training (information management, investment management and financial management); (c) Execution, monitoring and management for project (d) Systemic training for staff responsible for social coordination ——Resettlement training Expropriation and removal causes damage for the original production system, resettlers move to the settlement area with great change in production mode, cultivation system and occupational property and some farmers are not acquainted with agricultural production mode of new settlement area, consequently occupational training on agricultural production technology and industry will be offered for resettlers. Agricultural training focus on economic forest development (peach, pear and grape), industrial sideline, livestock breeding, dry farming, greenhouse of vegetable and irrigation farming and economic crop. Training is oriented to resettlement labor.

98 Technical training is offered for rural resettlers who are transferred as non-agricultural type and engaged in the secondary and third industry. Training on enterprise plan and business operation is made for the resettlers who will establish family business. Training will be organized and executed by district and country (town and street office) resettlement training centre. Such training plan is important support for resettlers’ study and new skill application. What is more important such training offers practical manual to the resettler for reference so that it is easy to master key points of training. Training course and manual will describe channel to obtain more information and suggestion (from agricultural technology station and technical personnel), in which resettlement group will be encouraged to organize formal or informal new technology development group to share experience and improve cooperation of community.

7.6 Measures to Strengthen Organization Competence

In order to enhance effect on resettlement management and implementation the following measures will be taken to strengthen and optimize resettlement organization competence: (a) Define responsibility and function of resettlement organization, strengthen management on resettlement, nominate one coordinator for the overall resettlement, establish the independent resettlement monitoring and evaluation unit and resettlement Supervision unit to supervise function of resettlement organization and specify the related authorities’ function, optimum solution and department (b) Improve resettlement organization competence, specially for occupational skill; upgrade technical equipment, such as computer, testing equipment and transportation means; (c) Strengthen resettlement organization, specially for occupational skill, upgrade technical equipment, select resettlement staff, enhance service training, improve staff ability and management. Resettlement organization will employ experienced staff. Training plan in Section 7.5 is to improve management competence and resettlement effect.

Fig.7-1 Resettlement Organization

99 Th e overall resettlement coordinator Provincial resettlement office Independent monitoring Resettlement supervisor Environmental unit management Design Municipal institute resettlement office

District resettlement ffi Town government

Resettlement village

Resettlement population

Fig. 7-2 Project coordination and external monitoring Water conservancy sector

World bank

W ater Provincial conservancy resettlement Resettlement department office expert group

Independent monitorin g unit Municipal

resettlement Informal


District resettlement office

Coordination group of town resettlement office

Coordination group of village resettlement office 100 8 Public Negotiation and Social Adjustment

8.1 Favorable policies

According to relevant national rules and regulations, in order to advocate and support resettlement for development, the state will provide compensation and subsidies to resettler in early stage and will give supports for production in later stage”, resettlers will enjoy the following favorable policies, (a) According to 11th Five-Year planning of social development of Hubei Province, give priority in arrangement for those industries pertinent to industrial and agricultural production and development, at the same time, give priority in employment for qualified resident in settlement area and dweller; (b) When the state transfers special funds to agriculgural production and poverty relief, and such funds to social development in communication, posts and telecommunication, cultural education and sanitation, resettlement area shall be prorpely appropriated to improve living standard of resettler and develop production; (c) In order to release burden on resettler and support resettler and resident in settlement area, resettlers who rebuild house will enjoy exemption policy in cultivated land tax, land use tax, real-estate tax and funds of flood control and security; (d) Resettler who occupies woodland to rebuild house will enjoy exemption from woods and woodland compensations. (e) Taxes for industry, agriculture and stock in districts and countries will be adjusted based on resettlement influence. (f) Resettler will enjoy exemption from compensation on mineral resources used for stone and sand quarrying and tile fabrication for building; (g) Establish poverty relief funds used in the later stage to ensure that resettler’s basic living conditions can be maintained in special condition. Funds for production and resettlement are used for recovering and developing production which influences population. In order to ensure effectiveness of compensation funds, these funds will be transferred to district resettlement office for control. This will exert professional advantages of local government in knowledge and will timely plan and establish feasible production system and enterprise to avoid potential risk (inability in management, improper investment decision) incurred if compensation funds are directly transferred to resettler. One mission of independent resettlement supervision unit is to supervise usage of compensation funds of district resettlement office to ensure that development plan can effectively meet demands of resettler. 8.2 Special measures to recover living condition of residents affected

It takes long time to recover living conditions of resident in settlement area, during the period of which, in addition to arrangement for necessary and reasonable living and production and training for agricultural technologies and other skills required for resettler, it is necessary to take the following measures to recover living and production conditions of residents affected, especially resettler, based on local actual conditions under the guide of national and local governmental favourable policies and post-phase

101 support. (a) Each village covered in this project shall give special assistance to disabilities (such as poverty family, women, orphan, widow and elders ), especially for house building and purchasing. Some of resettlement funds will be specially transferred to disabilities as compensation. (b) In addition to capital assistance, villages will assign labours to rebuild or purchase houses for disabilities to resettle their residence; (c) During resettlement, all governments shall establish the complete safety security measures, provide necessary vehicles, labours and temporary residences, assign special safety inspector to maintain social security and traffic system, guarantee life safety and properties of resettler to ensure smooth proceeding of resettlemen.

8.3 Adjustment in transitional period

Resettlement is a complex and long-term task with wide influences on local people. Effective management in transition period is very important in the whole process of resettlement. Therefore, government shall fully understand wills of resettler and organize resettler to participate in negotiation on resettlement in planning stage. Pertinent government shall do their best to arrange resettler with the same living background (such as neighbours, relatives and etc) in a same place to relieve their physiological pressure and worries in transitional period. Resettlement planning includes subsidies for temporary residence and compensation for loss of working time in transition period (this fund has been listed in resettlement costs). Transfer of house compensation and allocation of house site shall be implemented at least 3 months prior to house removal to provide enough house rebuilding time and relieve pressure of temporary house. Besides, in transitional period, a lot of people are unwilling to risk their living condition on resettlement with conservative attitude toward change of living, therefore, in this period, officers in resettlement office and village cadres shall provide guarantee for production and living conditions of resettler in early stage after resettlement. In order to ensure people affected smoothly get through the transitional period, the following measures will be taken: provide critical infrastructures (such as water, power and road and garbage treatment and etc.); provide credit; transfer partial funds from reserves to subsidies in transitional period, provide technological services for agricultural industry, secondary and third industries, organize training course for settler:provide sanitations design and workers, expand market information service:establish organizations joined by resettler; organize relevant activities to improve aggressiveness and independence of resettler and reduce difficulties encountered in transitional period. Experience proves that even after house compensation is granted, a lot of resettlers will live together with relatives to expect reduction of demands for building, therefore, their houses are rebuilt gradually. It is true for resettler relocated in the local village, because relatives or friends in the local village will provide temporary residence for such resettler. In transitional period, resettler can live with compensation for crops on land to be expropriated. Since the land expropriation is often arranged after harvest time, resettler can receive incomes from both of the compensation of land expropriation and sales revenue of crops, constituting a part of support funds in transitional period.


8.4 Public participation and negotiation

In the planning for resettlement, villager representatives will be organized to attend the resettlement meeting and discussion, sign the agreement through negotiation with governmental authorities, participate in investigation for real object index and sampling investigation for resettler, release the relevant information and collect information from resettler and cadres for suggestions. Planning and implementation of resettlement are described as follows. Table 8-1 lists activities developed in project area.

8.4.1 Participation of people affected and representatives The first step: Before investigation, establish working guideline and refer to the advices of local government for details, methods and requirements of investigation. The second step:In general investigation period, invite leaders and resettler from countries, village and group to take part in the investigation and explain necessity, project benefit, influence, compensation principle and resettlement schedule and discuss possible resettlement location. The investigation group holds village meeting (women are also invited to attend the meeting) when they pass by each village; although it is impossible that all villagers attend the meeting, resettlement information is effectively publicized to all people through oral statement in the meeting. The third step: In the period of resettlement planning, personnel from design unit will discuss with leaders from municipal, district or village government to seek for advices, accept requirements, find out problems and select settlement area. In addition, sampling investigation is made to obtain detailed information on wills and attitudes of resettler. As an important link, Handbook of resettler’s right are prepared and issued to each settled household. . The fourth step: sign agreements with villages affected and settlement villages, including land and property, compensation standard, location and method, implementation date and the mutual responsibilities. If the village affected cannot approve resettlement planning, its requirements will be considered and planning will be made again. The fifth step: The items in agreement with villages affected shall be agreed by resettler. If resettler cannot accept planning, it shall be modified to solve unacceptable problems. If all planning are approved by the resettler, the modified handbook of resettlers’ right will be issued to all families affected. A critical guarantee for successful implementation of resettlement plan is enthusiastic participation in all activities. In the implementation of resettlement, people affected shall take part in activities as follows: House building: resettlers from rural district often build house by themselves or hire others to build the house. Resettler can reuse materials removed from the original house to build new house or on other purposes; they will remove the original house before the specified date, then to deal with documents on land and house transfer. Training: based on condition of resettlement area and wills of resettler, training courses are provided to resettler to give support to recover and improve earning of resettler. Complaint: It is proposed that if resettler and resident in resettlement area have any complaints, they shall follow procedures of complaint (see section 8.6), in which mechanism to find out and resolve problems in resettlement implementation is specified

103 (see section 8.6). The resettlers’ right handbook describes the existence and treatment method of complaints procedure. Through training and village cadre’s explanation, resettler and resident in resettlement area will understand the importance of establishing interest team and mutual benefit team in village (or between county and village), which may focus on social life or production condition of settler. Besides such teams will find out problems effectively and report them to village cardre and resettler, and participate in visit from village commission and resettlement monitoring and assessement organ in the name of their community. The independent resettlement supervision and assessment unit will collect data on change of earning and living standard of resettler after resettlement from place affected through sampling investigation.

8.4.2 Public opinion poll

Number of samples in sampling investigation is 120 households, or 28% of total relocated households. See report in 8.4.3 Pertinent parties Opinions of pertinent parties (including resettler, resident in settlement area and other participants) are included in assessment and study for influence of project through approval for opinions and attitude of people. Public opinions and issues on reinforcement of Changjiang River branch dike are understood through questionnaires and forum. It shall be noted that most attendees state that the resettlement for resettler are their concerned issues. Most people expect that resettlement planning and compensation shall be complete and perfect. The forum attended by governmental representatives, non-governmental and business personages also reflects that issues mostly concerned by these people are complete and perfect relocation planning and compensation. These attendees generally have high education background, and have been working in education, health care, water conservancy, environmental protection, business, and forestry industries, specialties involves in industry and commercial industry, medicine, forestry, water conservancy, law, literature, economy, news, architecture, environmental science. These investigations indicate the importance of resettlement management from the public and necessity fpr participation of people affected and public in resettlement implementation and rebuilding of community affected.

8.5 Publicity of resettlement information

From commencement of the project to resettlement execution, project information and relevant resettlement laws and regulations shall be publicized to resettler through public participated activities (forum, discussion and other form, see table 8-1). Working personnel of resettlement and local government shall make resettler familiar with calculation method and compensation method for real object index and compensation standards, resettlement measures, transfer and usage of resettlement subsidies, rights and favourable policies granted to resettler. At the same time, local newspaper shall

104 issue bulletin of removal to resettler and resettlement information to residence in settlement area; resettlement implementation reports shall be archived in the local library and resettlement offices, including land expropriation, land compensation standard, fund useage and resettlement conditions. Issuance of resettler’s rights handbook will dramatically strengthen understanding of people affected for resettlement to increase transparency of resettlement works and improve working efficiency in resettlement.

8.6 Complaints

8.6.1 Possible complaints and resolutions As an important national construction project, a life protection project beneficial to people, Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike will protect life safety and properties of people lived in flood control and protection area in Huanggang city, resettler are people affected and also beneficiaries, therefore, they shall obey overall situation and support construction with actual deeds. However, the resettlement plan is established based on the overall area affected by the project, which makes the overall planning for settlement. Although a wide negotiation is made with local government, resettlement control authorities, resettler and resident in settlement area, in the process of implementation, the change of actual condition and operation error will incur misunderstanding and complaints from settler. According to previous resettlement experience and existing issues on water conservancy, the major complaints of resettler are as follows: a) Real object index for house removal Since there are errors in investigation, statistics and calculation, item omission and errors maybe appear in the real object index, this will damage interests of settler. In case that this problem appears, person affected and village committee shall notify in oral or written form this to county resettlement office, which will report this to employers and supervision units in document. Employer will organize designers and supervisors to make in-situ check to identify items omitted and errors in real object index, compensation will be made in accordance with standard. b) Standard of resettlement compensation Since a small number of resettlers are not familiar with policies and rules of resettlement, they complain that compensation standard is low and cannot meet requirement of house rebuilding and production recovery. In this case, before and after implementation of resettlement, government of all levels and resettlement offices shall publicize national resettlement policies and rules and organize designers to make site design disclosure to resettler to explain principle of compensation standard establishment, to make resettler understand that compensation standard is established in accordance with relevant national policies, rules and documents, to eliminate suspicions of resettler. At the same time, we shall reasonably plan various facilities and associated buildings in resettlement area to complete production and living settlement. c) Fulfilment of funds In the process of resettlement, many causes will result in delay of resettlement funds, which will affect living and production schedule of resettler. Therefore site supervisors shall properly control funds, progress and quality to ensure funds of resettlement can be earmarked for a specific purpose, at the same time, shall coordinate with financial

105 management department to transfer funds based on actual progress to ensure that resettlement works can be implemented in accordance with schedule. d) Arrangements of living and production After completion of reinforcement of Changjiang River backwater dike, the expropriation will reduce area of cultivated land per capita, which causes complaint from some of resettlers and residents in settlement area, in this case, governments will use land compensation and resettlement subsidies, take a series of production and development measures, such as land reconstruction, science and technology publicity, agricultural industry adjustment to improve yield of per unit area, to maintain economic earning and living standard of resettler not lower than level before resettlement;as for non-agricultural resettler and those resettlers engaging in small business, processing industry, labor service industry, the loss of original operation site may cause complaints from these people, therefore, local government will provide proper operation and production places and grant favourable policies in credit and tax exemption to resettler based on their skills to ensure stabilization and development of resettler. 8.6.2 Complaint channel and procedures Resettler has rights and obligations granted to citizens by constitutions and laws. The exsiting law will completely ensure legal rights and interests of resettler if legal rights and interests of settler are infringed. Resettler aggrieved can appeal to complaint office, procuratorate, court; there are also some arbitration authorities in charge of civil suit. If people affected are unsatisfactory with compensation, the following procedures can be conducted: a) Complaint channel Provincial resettlement office has functions to supervise subordinate resettlement and can accept and hear complaints from resettler; citizen complaint offices are established in district, municipal and provincial governments to accept and treat complaints from resettler; Resettlement Supervision unit will supervise the local government to arrange resettler in accordance with laws, and will treat complaints of resettler through audition, check and coordination. Independent resettlement supervision and assessment authority will implement supervision for resettlement in accordance with relevant state rules, and maintain legal rights and interests of resettler, and can reflect infraction of rights and interests of resettler to the relevant departments; law violation case will be received and treated by executive supervision, audition, discipline inspection, judicial administration and procuratorate sectors. b) Complaint procedures When resettlers are unsatisfied with resettlement, they can report complaints to village committee (resident committee), the complainant or village committee (resident committee) will directly seek assistance from local resettlement office, or report in oral or written form to the superior resettlement office, and then record the complaint upon receipt of complaint, and will find out solution within 10 days together with village committee (resident committee) and local resettlement office. If any disputes cannot be resolved through negotiation, village committee (resident committee) can appeal to executive government agencies (such as project office, resettlement management authority, office accepting complaints of citizens, administrative supervision, discipline inspection and procuratorate sectors ) level by level in accordance with Administrative procedure law of the People’s Republic of China and complaint procedures, if the

106 adjudication cannot satisfy complainant, who can appeal to people’s court; the complainant can also directly appeal to people’s court. The resettlement office will record issues complained and solution process. Although all complaints shall be recorded and archived, this issue is often omitted, especially at village government level; the complaints are treated orally and randomly. However, whatever types and natures of complaints, it shall be recorded in writing to identify general trend and reinforce confidence of complainant in treatment of complaints. This record shall be regularly submitted to district resettlement office (the office shall also record the complaints). The independent resettlement supervision and assessment unit will check and make comments to recorded complaints to ensure that issues will be properly solved according to complaint procedures in time. 8.7 Relationship between resettler and resident in settlement area

In land expropriation and resettlement of reettler, backward and scattered settlement is adopted for most of rural resettlers, therefore, resettler will still live in a familiar environment, the original social relationship and society guarantee system will not change dramatically due to resettlement. In order to facilitate resettler to communicate with resident in resettlement area, the following measures shall be taken: (a) Participation in planning: In order to facilitate cooperation between resettler and resident in settlement area and encourage resettler to participate in resettlement and obtain feedbacks. During planning of the resettlement rights, interests and selectable programs shall be introduced to resettler. The resettler can select one acceptable from optional programs. Program can be selected through direct negotiation with resettler, or determined by formal of informal leaders and representatives. In most cases, some institutional arrangements will be made, such as holding regular meeting attended by project officers and local organizations to understand opinions of resettler and resident in the whole period of planning and implementation. (b) Supply of sufficient resources: after resettlement, demands for land, water resources, wood land and social service will be increased cause capital competition and hidden conflicts. In planning of resettlement, quantity of existing resources and services shall be assessed to check whether these resources can satisfy future demands. If insufficient, the existing resources shall be upgraded or expanded and relevant budgets shall be arranged (such as water, power and road supplies). In addition, garbage disposal measures and new sanitation standard shall be optimized in esettlement area to dramatically improve existing public health conditions.


Fig. 8-1 Public participation of resettlement planning

Initial planning Negotiate with local t

·Understanding of project and resettler Investigation of ·Understand resettlement site, method and

implementation partiality ·Negotiation of compensation implementation

Establishment of resettlement plan


Require approval of county of county ·Approval of compensation standard and cadre resettlement method Approved ·Handbook of resettler’s rights and issuance

Require approval of family and enterprise

Complaint Procedures 108 Implementation of resettlement ·Allocation of house site ·Payment of compensation

Table 8-1 Content and method of public participation and negotiation

Stage Date Location Attendee Content Method Result

Municipal and Discussion of Government Preparation 2005.7 district investigation Discuss officers governments method

Tuanfeng county Resettler and Investigation of Investigation 2005.8 and Huangzhou resident in Participate real object index district resettlement area

Settler and Investigation of Investigation 2005.8 Xishui county resident in Participate real object index resettlement area

Resettler and Investigation of Investigation 2005.8 Qichun county resident in Participate real object index resettlement area

Discuss, Cadres and Resettlement Investigation 2005.8 Qichun county negotiate and villagers planning forum

Cadres and Cadres and Sampling Investigation 2005.8 Xishui county villagers villagers investigation

Cadres and Cadres and Sampling Investigation 2005.8 Qichun county villagers villagers investigation

109 Tuanfeng county Government Resettlement and Huangzhou Resettlement 2005.9 officers and Discuss planning district point and plan cadres governments

Xishui county and Government Resettlement Resettlement 2005.9 Qichun county officers and Discuss planning point and plan governments cadres

Discuss, Resettlement Chidong town, Cadres and Resettlement 2005.9 negotiate and planning Qichun county villagers planning forum

Selection of Resettlement Lanxihe town, Cadres and Discuss and 2005.9 resettlement planning Xishui county villagers visit point and plan

Table 8-2 Complaint record form

Item Complaint Measures

Nature of Nature of Department taking Date Name Date taking Results complaint measures measures measures


9 Important contract and agreement

In order to reinforce project management, it is necessary to employ resettlement supervisors to make follow up management for quality, funds and progress in the implementation of resettlement, provincial resettlement office will be in charge of management for heavily-invested individual works or large projects, and will take part in signing of important contract and agreement. Resettlement area and local pertinent governmental sectors shall sign agreement. Building contractor, municipal resettlement office, district resettlement office and village affected will sign contract according to engineering scales.

9.1 Resettlement agreement

(a) Agreement is necessary for total funds for resettlement and capital resources,. Municipal and district resettlement offices will sign investment contracting agreements specifying the responsibilities of the units for which construction projects are built (see appendix 9-1), all districts shall complete resettlement within scope of total funds. (b) Agreements shall be reached on resettlement program and selection of resettlement area: after approval of resettlement program jointly made by design unit, districts and farms, district and farm shall make negotiation on resettlement location and method, date of relocation and compensation funds, and shall sign relocation agreement for resettler. (c) An agreement shall be made for real object index: compensation contract (see appendix 9-2) shall be signed with resettler based on documents of investigation made by design unit and recheck of resettlement office, supervisors, designers and resettler, All district, counties and villages shall reach an agreement and all documents shall be signed and stamped as approval.

111 (d) Before relocation, an agreement for compensation investment shall be concluded with the local government to confirm amount of compensation investment, resettlement location, method and specific responsibilities and obligations of all parties signing the agreement.

9.2 Agreement on resettlement construction

9.2.1 General requirement In order to reinforce market management, normalize bidding and tendering works and management of contract, guarantee legal rights and interests of tenderees and contractors and ensure that construction management, bidding and tendering is implemented on the basis of fair and justice, all special projects and constructions need construction contract for resettlement and shall follow Contract conditions of water conservancy, hydropower and civil engineering (reference 24) (contract condition consists of general and special articles). General contract articles include: a) Meaning of words b) General obligations and responsibilities of both parties c) Performance guarantee d) Supervision agent and supervisor e) Correspondence f)Drawings g) Transfer and subcontract h) Contractor’s personnel and HR management i) Materials and equipment j) Transportation k) Working schedule l) Quality of works m) Construction measurement and payment n) Price adjustment o) Alteration p) Default and claim q) Settlement of disputes r) Risks and insurances s) Completion and maintenance t) Environmental protection measures u) Others See Attachment 9-3 for contract format

9.2.2 Environmental protection constraint of contractor As specified in assessment report of environmental influence, it is necessary to define environmental protection articles for contractors in construction contract to make contractors understand requirements and cost of environmental protection before preparation of bidding document. The environmental protection is listed in Attachment 9-4.


Attachment 9—1 Agreement jointly signed by provincial resettlement office and municipal and district resettlement offices

Contract of Resettlement for Flood prevention and Reinforcement of Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike

As a key national project, Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike will generate great flood control benefit after completion. The smooth implementation of resettlement is a key for successful completion of works. In order to realize flood control target as early as possible, responsibilities and missions of pertinent units are specified as follows: I. Requirement for time county(district)government shall complete resettlement of households and persons and production resettlement and infrastructure construction before month year. At the same time, production development and construction of professional project shall be completed in stages and in batches based on demand of relocation. II. Compensation investment According to opinions and comments of pertinent department, the total compensation investment is Yuan for district, see appendix. This amountwill be used for construction unitil it is completed by county (district) government. III. Responsibilities of all parties 1. County (district) government shall duly complete resettlement and employment arrangement for resettler in dike section of Huanggang Changjiang River backwater dike on the time specified in article 1. Moving and resettlement shall be implemented as per Implementation and planning reports of relocation and resettlement in Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike to avoid second resettlement. If it is necessary to adjust or modify program, approval of municipal project office shall be obtained before implementation. County (district) government will assume all responsibilities for loss caused by overdue completion. 2. Municipal project office will transfer resettlement funds to county (district) based on funds schedule, if resettlement work is delayed due to overdue funds, the municipal project office will assume responsibilities thereof. 3. Municipal project office will check, supervise and coordinate resettlement works; will make management for resettlement funds according to Implementation regulations of management of special funds for large water conservancy and hydropower projects and other codes for resettlement; and shall be responsible for check and approval of implementation planning of resettlement, passing annual plan on inferior and check and approval of special projects. IV.This assignment is jointly signed by municipal project office and County (district) government, the paper is with equal legal force.

Municipal project management office (Common seal) Legal representative: (signature) County (district) government: (Common seal)

113 Legal representative: (signature)

Attachment 9—2 Compensation agreement signed between resettler and county government

Compensation agreement of resettlement of resettler

No.: Party A: County(district) county(town, farm)government Party B:house holder total number of family members , native of county(town, farm) village team.

In order to ensure smooth implementation of Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Backwater Dike in Huanggang and support construction of national key project, this settler select resettlement method on his free will, according to Code for compensation for land expropriation and relocation in large-medium scale water conservancy and hydropower construciton, Land management law of the People’s Republic of China and Implementaqtion measures of land management of Hubei Province issued by state department, and approved Implementation and planning reports of relocation and resettlement in Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Backwater Dike in Huanggang. Hereby, pertinent agreements are made below; both parties shall follow this agreement. I. Items, quantity, standard and amount of compensation and subsidies 1.Item and quantity of compensation is based on investigation document of design unit in 2005 and site review results of resettlement office, supervision unit, design unit and settler. 2. Calculation based on approved standard of this project 3. Total amount of land remove compensation is (calculation schedule attached hereafter) II. Party A’s payment method of compensation 1.Party A will deposit total amount of compensation into Party B’s special account of “resettlement and remove” in credit cooperative only one time, it will pay cash against current passbook. 2. Party B must obtain accommodation certificate (shall be signed and stamped by 70% peasant households) from local village and team and obtain permit for resettlement at county (town) government, and shall obtain registration certificate for household relocation at original registration agent. 3.Party A will examine accommodation certificate, permit for resettlement and registration certificate for household relocation submitted by Party B and will approve to pay compensation and subsidies (10% wood compensation will be held as logging charge, after completion of logging, this amount will be paid )to Party B only one time. III. According to municipal, county (district), town and farm governments, it is guaranteed that before , the house will be demolished, the settler will resettle to city county(district) village(town ,farm) village team, the moving program cannot be modified without permission, return is not allowed. IV. Party B shall complete resettlement before , otherwise, loss shall be

114 born by Party B. V. Party A will sign contract with governments of accommodation county (town) , which will be in charge of production arrangement for settler. VI. Population arrangement for production will end on the date of completion of calculation of resettlement cost, natural population growth is not under consideration. VII. After resettlement, settler shall abide by national policies and regulations, comply with local village regulations, respect local customers, at the same time; they are granted with favourable national policies for settler in accordance of law. VIII. After Party A implement resettlement policy according to Implementation and planning reports of relocation and resettlement in Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike , the linkage between Party A and Party B in resettlement is finished. IX. If resettler in resettlement county and village cannot fulfil obligations in this agreement, both parties can report to district resettlement office through complaint channel, the office will make investigation and figure out resolutions. X. This agreement is triplicate each Party (Party A and Party B) has one copy, county (district) resettlement office keep one copy, the agreement is effective with both parties’ signature and stamp.

Party A (Common stamp): Party B (Signature): Legal representative (Signature): County (district) resettlement office (Signature): Legal person (Signature): Resettlement supervisor (Signature):

Attachment 9—3 Construction contract of resettlement

Construction contract of resettlement

Name of contract Contract No. (Hereafter, tenderee) will construct the project and accept the bidding of contractor both parties reach an agreement below and sign the contract on the date Total amount of this contract is 1.Meaning of words in this agreement is as same as those specified in special contract articles and general contract articles listed in article 2. 2.Documents in this contract: .Agreement (including memorandum of agreement ) Notification of award Tender offer Special contract articles General contract articles

115 Technical articles Drawings Priced BOQ Environmental protection articles (see appendix 9-4) Other integrated documents All above documents include and replace all agreement, records and mutually consented documents before signing this agreement. 3. Contractor promised that he will complete all contracting works in accordance with contract and will assume all responsibilities specified in the contract. 4.The tenderee promised that he will pay price and will assume all responsibilities of tenderee in accordance with contract. 5.This agreement is effective with signatures and Common stamps of representatives or authorized persons from both parties. (if it is required for notarization or authentification, the agreement will be effective only after notarization or authentification ). 6.This contract is . Two originals, each party has one copy, total copies, tenderee hold copy (copies), contractor hold copy (copies). Other copies will be submitted to relevant unit by tenderee. Tenderee:(Common stamp) .Contractor:(Common stamp) Legal representative:(signature) Legal representative:(signature) Handler: Handler: Address: Address: Postal code: Postal code: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Bank of deposit: Bank of deposit: Account number: Account number:

Attachment 9-4 Environmental protection requirement of the project No. Item Requirement 1 Waste water Discharge of waste water shall be in accordance with national standard a.all machine using oil as fuel shall be in accordance with national exhaust emission standard 2 Air pollution control b.blast dust control measures; c.road dust control d.Prevention of emission of toxic fume 3 Service water . water usage shall be in accordance with schedule

116 a.physical examination shall be available for workers to remove infective virus carrier from the site. b.safe drinking water resource c.waste water treatment and control d、Prevention of schistosomiasis; 4 Health of worker e.Food sanitation f.deratization and pest control g.medical care and facilities (including first-aid equipment) h.proper treatment for excrement and urine i.industrial health j.House with sanitary installation a.All machines shall be in accordance with national standard; b.Night construction shall be avoid in residential place. 5 Noise control c.Workers operating high noise machines shall be provided with protection equipment. Architecture waste 6 .Treat architectural waste in designated method in specified location. treatment .regularly collect solid garbage, and dispose garbage in safe method and 7 Solid waste treatment at safe (or specified)location 8 Soil erosion Retreat surface soil and filling soil. Cultural relics shall be integrated; the construction shall be stopped as 9 Cultural relic soon as unearth of relics. When carry out “blasting filling” in the road section where rare animals Changjiang River 10 are haunting about, assign special person to observe and protect rare ecological condition animals from injury. Land expropriation shall be in accordance with rules, damage other 11 Use of land cultivated land and crops is not permitted; after construction, the land shall be levelled. Monthly report of The contractor has full responsibility to provide environmental protection 12 environmental for construction site and residential place and shall submit report to condition environmental control office/environmental inspector on monthly basis.

Note:(a) All requirements above shall be in accordance with national and local laws and regulations and relevant construction rules. (b) Municipal project office and environmental protection office sahll establish detailed environmental protection requirement based on above items, and shall include this requirement into the construction contract.

10 Monitoring and Supervision

10.1 Monitoring Index

Some indexes should be taken into consideration for resettlement monitoring, such as schedule of project construction and planning, effect of resettlement, performance of resettlement implementation organ to realize production resettlement, as well as social integration. Monitoring indexes are detailed below:


10.1.1 Living Resettlement Monitoring indexes of living resettlement include schedule of resettlement, payment and usage of compensation, together with area, location, quality and procedure of building erection, family income level, source of income, family property status and living quality before and after relocation, recovery quality and progress for such infrastructures as water, power, road, telecom, TV and radio; location, coverage area and field flatness which the resettlement town focuses on, as well as employment and school enrollment status of resettlers.

10.1.2 Production Resettlement Monitoring indexes mainly comprise quantity of land expropriation, date and plan of expropriation, payment and usage of land compensation, change of resetter’s production mode, quantity of production projects (land adjustment, courtyard development, and planning for secondary and tertiary industries), production infrastructure and progress and quality of special facilities to be rebuilt, and training on production skill with its effect

10.1.3 Others Other monitoring indexes cover progress of initial resettlement, capital status, situation of contract implementation & finance, situation of resettlement agreement, recovery for disabilities; preparation of resettlement area, plan of resettlement in transitional period, social security measurements as medical treatment & health; organization, training, work hour and efficiency of resettlement organs.

10.1.4 Public Participation and Agreement Monitoring indexes of public participation and agreement include date, method, times, content, degree and effect of resident participation and negotiation, as well as proportion and role of women and disabilities.

10.1.5 Complaint Monitoring indexes of complaints involve complaint channel and procedure, as well as solution of various problems and dissensions occurred during the course of resettlement implementation.

10.2 Internal Monitoring and Supervision

10.2.1 Internal Monitoring Institution The internal monitoring institution of demolition and settlement for Flood Prevention and Reinforcement for Changjiang River Huangang Backwater Dike is municipal project office. Professional leaders are required for this institution to deal with relevant resettlement issue. The leaders will have authority with abundant experience to coordinate each department relating to resettlement. In order to perform the obligations, all staffs will be trained to enhance their capability of management, planning, supervision, monitor and evaluation (see section 7.2).

118 10.2.2 Purpose of Internal Monitoring Internal monitoring will be performed by municipal project office to maintain the function of the resettlement institutions, to coordinate relevant work, and be familiar with resettlement implementation situation at any time.

10.2.3 Enforcement Procedure of Internal Monitoring Municipal resettlement office will coordinate and monitor the implementation of district resettlement office, and then report it to the project office. See Fig. 10-1.

10.2.4 Details of Internal Monitoring Internal monitoring focuses on following issues: (a). house location separation and house rebuiling situation; (b) Progress and quality of implemention for resettlement production and development project (including land adjustment, courtyard development, allocation of secondary and tertiary industries); (c). Investigation, coordination and suggestions to major issues that resettlers and the implementation institution may have; (d). family income recovery status after resettlement; (e).progress and quality of infrastructural and specific facilities of resettlement project; (f) recovery situation of disabilities; (g). payment and usage of compensation funds as well as whether put in the right place in time; (h). status of resettlers’ participation and coordination; (i). training on resettlers and the effects (j). organizations of the local resettlement office, training, working schedule and efficiency;

10.2.5 Responsibility of Internal Monitoring (a). support relevant work of initial resettlement institution, competence department, external monitoring and supervision units. (b). Tables will be made accordingly and implementation units will be required to submit regular reports to the competence department and owner on a monthly basis; (c). supervisors will make field check and investigation once a month and participate in resettlement project acceptance. (d). supervision for implementation of annual work planning, useage of funds, annual capital audit organized by municipal resettlement competence department; (e). regularly submit monitoring report to World Bank and Resettlement Committee (twice a year); (f). regularly submit reports of implementation situation to municipal government and negotiate with competence department at any time if necessary.

10.3 Independent Monitoring and Assessment

10.3.1 Independent Monitoring and Assessment Institution Municipal project office (owner) will employ a resettlement monitoring and assessment

119 company to take charge of demolition and resettlement compensation. Independent monitoring unit offers to owner technological advice for implementation of internal supervision and management, as well as information of resettlement implementation; make evaluation and give guidance to the work of monitoring units, submit reports of implementation progress, existing problems and solution to owner and Project Resettlement Committee.

10.3.2 Purpose of Independent Monitoring and Assessment Independent monitoring is to evaluate resettlement and check all the implementation with a comprehensive and long-term insight. Independent monitoring institution will follow up resettlement to evaluate whether the goal can be achieved or not.

10.3.3 Details of independent monitoring and assessment Independent monitoring units will monitor and evaluate implementation effect of rural resettlement, reconstruction of special facilities and infrastructural facilities, and use of resettlement funds. (a) Monitoring and assessment on rural resettlement implementation plan; including preparation for planning, project design, funds collection, establishment of implemention plan and preparation for resettlers’ production and subsistence. What need to be done for inhabitant resettlement is as follows: land development and regulation, house movement and rebuilding, construction progress of recovery of water, electricity, road and supporting infrastructure, reconstruction of social service system, situation of living standard and production change and living quality. Give concern to secondary and tertiary industries and income status of employment. Make investigations on training of resettlers’ production skill and educational improvement. (b) Monitoring and assessment on special facilities reconstruction; including special facilities such as water supply, electricity supply, posts and telecommunications, radio and television, and traffic. Based on the approved document designed by project planning, perform whole-course monitoring and evaluation on construction quality, progress, investment, and efficiency. (c) Monitoring and assessment on income recovery; including change of quantity and quality of living style, make an income comparison between resettlers who used to work in secondary and tertiary industries, whether there is training or not to improve skill of production or whether resettlers’ participate in or not. See the attachment 10-A for the table of monitoring and assessment on the above issues.

10.3.4 Responsibility of Independent Monitoring and Assessment Independent monitoring institution will serve as a consultant for municipal project office and district project office to offer some selectable ways of resettlement activities under the condition that some problems are predicted to occur, so as to achieve all the goals which the resettlement action plan specifies. The independent monitoring institution is responsible to evaluate results from resettlement supervisors (see section 10.4.3) and the quality of monitorin. Assessment on county and village resettlement planning and implementation is made based on frequent field investigation and records from resettlement office. Activities to be launched are as follows: Assessment of Living Standard The independent monitoring institution will put forward and make an investigation on basic living standard before resettlement starts. According to samples from random sampling of people affected and a control group, an annual investigation on living

120 standard will be repeated to follow up the change on living standard of people affected. If resettlement starts, make an analysis on change of living standard of people affected and whether it satisfies designed living standard based on basic living standard of the area. Public Negotiation The independent monitoring institution participates in the public negotiation meeting held by village resettlement office regularly. By monitoring such meetings, the institution will evaluate participation effects of affected people and participation status of planning making. Make records including participants’ name, position, opinion, and measures. In addition, the institution shall communicate with people affected to know their preference, wish and knowledge on their life recovery, moreover, report such findings to municipal resettlement office. After resettlement, such activities shall highlight discussion on measures to income recovery. Complaint The institution will pay a regular visit to the location influenced, communicate with the local resettlement office and talk with people affected to inquire their complaints. Constantly monitor the solution efficiency for complaints, and if necessary, give suggestion to possible changes, so as to make the whole process more efficient. Other Obligations Independent monitoring institution will also offer suggestion when inhabitant resettlement action plan is prepared and implemented, and monitor following indexes: (a). compensation payment (b). land re-adjustment (c) preparation of resettlement location (d) house rebuilding (e). movement of people affected (f). training on recovery of income (g). recovery of vulnerable (h). new construction and recovery of infrastructure and special facilities (i). compensation to assets loss (j). compensation to loss of working hour (k). transitional subsidies (l.) compensation to relocation of assets loss (m) timetable for above projects (applied to any time) (n) organization of resettlement network Scheme (draft) for independent resettlement monitoring and assessment institution (draft) is listed in table 10-1.

10.3.5 Measures of Independent Monitoring and Assessment (a) The monitoring unit will assign people to make spot check at the site and site visit regularly or aperiodically, find the problem timely and submit it to project offices for timely solution, and present the monitoring and assessment reports to the owner. (b) Establish monitoring station for resettlement implementation to make follow-up monitoring according to theory of spot check. Establishment density depends on actual resettlers’ livelihood category (industry, labor force composition, cultural level, sex, age, economic situation and region distribution), but not less than 1/200 of population or 1/50 of the number of households. The monitoring station is established by independent monitoring units with certain rewards, referring to method of rural statisticians. (c) Build input and output analysis model for resettler, and make analysis and prediction

121 on typical resettlement administrative units. (d) Make a conclusion for resettlement effects, give assistance in determination and establishment of demonstration region, and publicize advanced experience.

10.3.6 Period and Expenses for Monitoring and Assessment Schedule of independent monitoring units includes construction period of project and two years after the completion of construction. Submit reports at least twice a year. All reports will be submitted to resettlement supervision office, municipal resettlement office and resettlement committee of the project, and then will be copied to district resettlement office. Reports cover data record in monitoring period (see attachment 10-A), analysis on situation encountered, indication for the existing problems, proposal for solutions and implementation procedure. Furthermore, the independent monitoring unit will also cooperate with World Bank delegation and resettlement experts grouop to launch relevant work, and evaluate the resettlement implementation. It estimates that the project may nominate independent monitoring and assessment unit prior to the end of December of 2007, expenses on monitoring will be listed into total budget estimation of resettlement.

10.4 Resettlement Supervision

Construction of any individual work related to resettlement (main works of the project undertaken by construction supervisor), quality, progress and funds usage will be performed by the institution with national supervision qualifications. Problems will be reported to resettlement office and the owner for timely solution to prevent problems from deterioration and development

10.4.1 Purpose of Supervision Supervision unit will make control on implementation of resettlement and progress, quality of special facilities relocation, as well as input and usage of funds, and will perform inspection and acceptance on the completed project to ensure the resettlement construction meets quality requirements and the implementation plan can be finished smoothly.

10.4.2 Purpose of Supervision (a) Supervision before resettlement Examine the organizational plan and progress proposed by the resettlement institution and contractor (see the attachment 10-B, table 1). Examine labor force arrangement, supply plan for building materials and construction tools specified by the resettlement organization unit according to progress, and fill in examination sheet accordingly (see attachment 10-B, Table 2). Examine the plan for balance between income and expenditure of movement, relocation and production resettlement funds submitted by district resettlement office, namely quarterly income and expenditure situation, so as to make a reasonable useage of funds. Fill in the examining sheet (see the attachment 10-B, table 3) accordingly. Examine and approve special facilities subcontractor, partner, engineering materials

122 and equipment supplier selected by district resettlement office. After the examination, fill in their examination sheet (see attachment 9-B, Table 4). If the contract specifies the project contractor the subcontractor will not be selected. Selection for subcontractor or partner will be approved by the supervision engineer. Examine and approve project principal (project manager) of special facilities reconstruction, production, development and resettlement. The contractor willcollect above personnel’s major experience or document related to the similar projects and then submit them to resettlement supervision for check. With approval, fill in the examination sheet (see attachment 10-B, table 5). Before resettlement, supervision engineer shall carefully examine whether residential area meets requirements for construction, and shall supervise the resettlement office to start construction according to the contract. (b) Quality control of resettlement Resettlement supervisor shall check site management and quality testing system of the resettlement institution, and supervise the contractor’s quality self-check and construction records in each stage. Improper self-check and any potential quality problem shall be reported to the resettlement institution for timely correction. Resettlement supervisor will carry out inspection and acceptance. Supervision engineers shall be informed of inspection ahead two days after settlement area, production resettlement project and special facilities project are completed. Organize and invite relevant resettlement representatives and department representatives to make discussion and assessment. After the projects are inspected and accepted, fill in the assessment form (see attachment 10-B, table 6) accordingly. Standards of inspection and acceptance for each project shall meet design requirements, or comply with standard specified by the resettlement institution and the owner. Resettlement supervisor shall give opinions on solutions to quality problems incurred during resettlement, and fill in opinion form of quality problmes and quality problem notice (see attachment 10-B, table 7 and 8). For significant accidents, pictures of site material evidence or video will be provided. Fill in site material evidence form (see attachment 10-B, table 9). Resettlement supervisor has the right to ask for shutdown if there are quality accidents or other reasons, and then issue notice of shutdown. Fill in shutdown sheet. The resettlement office agrees to return to work until it receives notice of resuming work from the supervisor (see attachment 10-B, table 10). (c) Schedule Control of Resettlement Resettlement supervisor usually makes a monthly check on schedule, and fills in the monthly report. If the progress is delayed due to disputes, the supervision engineer shall inform the resettlement office in writing for solutions. The resettlement office shall complete the resettlement project within the construction period agreed with the owner in the contract. Period extension due to some reasons shall be agreed by resettlement supervisor and approved by the owner, and the supervisor shall inform resettlement office in writing. (d) Fund Control of Resettlement The resettlement office and the contractor shall complete the resettlement works by funds negotiated in the contract. Amount of works will be altered and projects will be increased or decreased due to changes in design, the resettlement office will prepare detailed quotation, and then the resettlement supervisor makes calculation and informs the resettlement office and the owner in writing for coordination and execution.

123 Funds are paid according to the period and method stipulated in the contract. Before each payment, the resettlement supervisor shall check works amount and project quality, and calculate funds payable, examine whether the installment payment reported by the resettlement office and the contractor is consistent with works amount. After check, certificate of payment will be issued. The competent department will check the after-payment. For the project of special facilities of the subcontractor and the contractor, 5% of each payment shall be used for qualiry warranty during the maintenance period, and paid to the contractor after the project is completed.. (e) Inspection and Acceptance of Resettlement After the resettlement works is completed (or partial completion), resettlement supervisor shall participate in the preliminary inspection and acceptance for the whole or partial construction, make records for the unacceptable item based on the contract and design requirements, and then require the contractor and the resettlement office to make alteration and reconstruction within the limited period (see attachment 10-A, table 10) to comply with quality standard. Final formal inspection and acceptance is made. If acceptance is up to standard, the Certificate of Resettlement Project Completion Acceptance will be issued to relevant units. The issue date is date of project completion. After the resettlement project is completed, the resettlement supervisor will submit relevant technical documents to the owner for filing. For the project which is deducted 5% as maintenance fee, the resettlement supervisor shall supervise the contractor to repair defects within the maintenance period. After the maintenance is done, the maintenance fee will be refunded and the “Certificate of Obligation Completion within Maintenance Period” will be issued.

10.4.3 Supervision Responsibility (a) Clarify to the resettlement institutions and the contractor the resettlement planning and shop drawings, and supervise relocation and production resettlement. The construction of special facilities shall be completed in accordance with the contract, construction specification, and the shop drawing. (b) Examine and approve the resettlement plan, the implementation scheme, the shop drawing and the modified documents compiled by the county resettlement office t. (c) Test the transportations, building materials, special equipment, and installation quality of resettlement based on requirements of the plan, contract, and the shop drawing. Supervise whether the resettlement institution submits the design paper, completion report, and testing document for filing. (d) Release execution requirement to resettlement institution and contractor according to planning documents and shop drawing, and reply construction problems to resettlement institution and contractor (e) Examine the appropriation plan and calculate amount; Make payment with approval of owner; (f) Execute the supervision required by the supervision headquarters in execution, fill in all forms required, together with other technical documents, being formed as supervision technological file. (g) Submit a monthly report of detailed implementation to the project management unit and resettlement monitoring and assessment unit regularly. (h) Support project management unit, resettlement monitoring and evaluating unit, as well as the expert team. 10.4.4 Supervision Institutions

124 The supervision institution is mainly comprised of project supervision headquarters, and site supervision teams are set up according to different work tasks of affected areas. The headquarters is made up of 1 supervision engineer and 2 site permanent personnel respectively responsible for office and supervision Each supervision team is divided into 1 team leader, 1 supervision engineer, and 2 site long-staying personnel. (See fig. 10-2)

10.4.5 Work Period and Expenses Supervision shall be conducted in the whole implementation process. Summary report will be submitted after resettlement is completed. The supervision must be executed not later than February of 2006. Total RMB 6.636 million is used as fees for supervision, which is included in the budget estimation. (See table 6-1)

10.5 Overall Resettlement Coordinator

The overall resettlement coordinator will be nominated to communicate with each department (see section 7.3). The position includes 1 professional manager and 1 assistant to make coordination for resettlement of reinforcement of Changjiang River tributary main dike. The coordinators together with the resettlement office will make the report of all resettlers’ situation based on monitoring result and give necessary assistance to the expert team and World Bank delegation, including: submittal of regular report, support for field inspection, meeting with relevant institutions, and questions reply.


Fig.10-1 Executive process of internal monitoring

Provincial resettlement office (Internal monitoring)

Resettlement office subordinate for municipal projecct (Supervision and coordination)

District (farm) resettlement office

Village (divisional farm) resettlement office


Fig.10-2 Supervision Organization

Supervison Headquarters

Chief supervision engineer: 1 Supervision engineer: 1 Field permanent persons: 2

Supervision group of Supervision group of Supervision group of Tuanfen g and Xishui Qichun Huangzhou Leader: 1 Leader: 1 Leader: 1 Supervision engineer: 1 Supervision engineer: 1 Supervision engineer: 1 Field permanent persons: 2 Field permanent persons: Field permanent persons: 2 2


Table 10—1 Table of Measures of Internal and Independent Monitoring

Items Measures Internal monitoring Independent monitoring & assessment unit Community rebuilding Issuing progress of budget Evaluate progress report of district Compensations for farmers report and compensation of resettlement office, compare with district resettlement office investigated dates

Progress & quality of house Resettlement supervisor and Estimate whether compensation building village cadre supervise house can cover rebuilding costs, rebuilding, county resettlement compare with actual investigation office determines which family is poor Progress & quality of control on progress and quality evaluate preliminary plan, and infrastructures prepared by resettlement records of district resettlement supervision, and reported to office and supervision schedule, district & municipal time of relocation as well resettlement office preparation of settlement resettlement supervisor check preparation situation area supervises preparation of (includes infrastructures and land) settlement area, county resettlement office signs agreement of infrastructures production settlement village cadres make negotiation for field investigation assess maintain previous living and solution with families production and rebuilding standard (specially for influenced, and conduct (interview) of disabilities disabilities) submittal

Industries not relocated but investigate industries affected, affected assess staff and production status; make field investigation on villages influenced randomly during negotiation

Village cadres supervise Check records of work of district whether villagers retain normal resettlement office after training is production, receive education. finished, and conclusion of Employment and education County resettlement office measures on village production for resettler supervises work of villagers settlement who receive non-agricultural resettlement training

village cadres monitor income Through field investigation, check supports in transition period recovery reports from district resettlement office, make an evaluation


Table of Measures of Internal and Independent Monitoring

Table 10—A: Table of Independent Monitoring and Assessment Items Measures Internal monitoring Independent monitoring & assessment unit public participation district resettlement office check records, verify whether to progress, sufficiency monitors progress of rural delay production settlement, or application of rural land resettlement, and ensures obey rules of funds using compensation sufficiency of funds for settlement area and development villager’s knowledge of the provincial/municipal join in village meetings (before project and influence resettlement office helps people and after resettlement) to make (including resettler) know the project through sure villagers understand investigation on real object resettlement planning, participate index in agreement signed with resettlement village

district resettlement office evaluate the plan (especially measures to support for confirms relevant requirements training and support during the disabilities by virtue of village cadres transition period)

Solution for complaints village and city resettlement the survey form can help villagers Villager understand office both keep the records on know more information complaint channel and complaint record complaint

Rapid solution for Village cardre reports date of Evaluate application and solution complaints complaint, measures and date of complaint by checking record and method of solution resettlement institution Provincial/municipal Based on records and site survey complete task in good time resettlement office will confirm of municipal resettlement office, deficiency based on report of evaluate period of complaint district resettlement office solution and efficiency.

Make assessment and suggestion Sufficient personnel and improve efficiency

129 Attachment 10-A: Table of Independent Monitoring & Assessment

Table 1 Backgroud Survey of Resettler S/N:

District (Farm) Country (town, divisional farm) Village Group Household:

I. Family Particularties Relation to Name Sex Aage Occupation Education Householder

Country (Town, farm) (seal) Investigator:

130 II. Statistics of Floor Space of Resettler

Area 2 2 Category Before removal (m ) After removal (m )


House Brick-concrete


Brick-concrete Utility house Brick-wood


Country (Town, farm) (seal) Investigator:

III. Statistics of Resettler’s Family Property Qty. Category Before removal (set) After removal (set)


Washing machine

Electric fan


Sewing machine




Farm cattle


Country (Town, farm) (seal) Investigator::

131 IV. Questionnaire of Land Area and Crops of Resettler Qty. Description Unit Before removal After removal I. Total land area mu Subtotal mu 1. Paddy field mu Cultivat mu ed land Dry land Sloping field mu 2. Pond mu 3. Garden plot mu 4. Woodland mu 5. Vegetable plot mu 6. Homestead mu II. Food crops mu Crop area mu 1. Rice Output ㎏ Crop area mu 2. Cole Output ㎏ Crop area mu 3. Wheat Output ㎏ Crop area mu 4. Potato Output ㎏ III. Economic crop Crop area mu 1. Cotton Output ㎏ 2. Crop area mu Sugarcane Output ㎏ IV. Vegetable mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu


VI. Questionnaire of Resettler’s Income

Qty. Before removal Before removal (RMB) (RMB) Category

I. Agricultural income

1. Grain

2. Economic crop

II. Forestry income

1. Fruit tree

2. Medical materials

3. Tea

III. Animal husbandry

1. Pig

2. Cattle

3. Sheep

4. Fowls

IV. Fishery

1. Fish

V. Industrial sideline

1. Temporary workers

2. Contractual worker

VI. Other income

Total revenue

I. Production expenditure

II. Living expenditure

Total expenditure

Net income

133 VII. Questionnaire of Resettler’s Psychology

Date: Day Month Year

Name Add.: County Country Village

What you concern most:

What you concern most:


134 Table 2 Questionnaire of the Original Resident in Settelment Area

The original Income change for The existing Agricultural incom cultivated land resettlement cultivated land (rice) (㎏ Place of Family (mu) ) (RMB) Name SSex Age Education residence population Before Paddy Dry Paddy Dry land After Increase Decrease field land field land adjustment


Table 3 Questionnaire of Agreement on Resettler’s Relocation

To be signed Signed ﹪ Country No.of No.of As per As per Pax Pax household household household person

Table 4 Questionnaire of Resettler’s Relocation Destination

Move town Scattered Destination (self-purchased Total settlement house) Town No.of No.of No.of No.of Pax Pax Pax % Pax % household household household household


Table V Questionnaire of Resettler’s Production Settlement

Adjustment of cultivated land Settlement Pax of secondary and Production Pax tertiary industries Country Village settlement To be To be Pax Item Relocated ﹪ Item Relocated ﹪ relocated relocated

137 Table VI Questionnaire of Resettlement Trainning

Item Date Place Pax

138 Table VII Questionnaire of Information on Resettler’s Settlement Area

Rebuilding Name of Infrastructures (Household) Town Village settlement Houshold Pax Homestead House Water Power are Road demolished rebuilt supply supply

139 Table VIII Questionnaire of Resettlement Funds Operation

District (farm) Country (Town, divisional farm) Village

Planning Completion status Invested Description Investment Completed Works Proportion (RMB Proportion (RMB ten works amount (﹪) ten (﹪) thousand) amount thousand)


Attachment 10-B: Filled by supervisor

Table 1 Verification for Resettlement Schedule

Description Date

Details for resettlement plan:


Chief supervision engineer


Table 2 Examination for Labor Arrangement, Plan for Materials and Construction tool

Description Date Location Speciality




Chief supervision engineer


Table 3 Examination for Blance Between Income and Expenditure for Project

Description Date Location Speciality




Chief supervision engineer:

143 Table 4 Qualification Check for Subcontractor, Partner, Materials Supplier



Chief supervision engineer: D/M/Y

Previous comments

D/M/Y The table is made in triplicate, respectively for the construction unit, the owner and the supervision unit.

144 Table 5 Qualification Check for Main Principals



Chief supervision engineer: D/M/Y

Previous comments


The table is made in triplicate, respectively for the construction unit, the owner and the supervision unit.


Table 6 Assessment on Settlement Quality Description Location Executive Unit

Date of completion D/M/Y Date of inspection D/M/Y



Principal of quality department: Seal of unit

Principal of technical department: D/M/Y

Representative of resettlers:


Seal of unit

Chief supervision engineer: D/M/Y

The table is made in triplicate, respectively for the construction unit, the owner and the supervision unit.


Table 7 Check for Settlement Quality Accident Description Date Executive Design unit unit


Solution of executive unit


Chief supervision engineer::


Table 8 Notification of Quality Problme Description Check date

Existed problems


After above problems are solved, send the results in writing to the unit that issues this notification

Quality Supervisor of Supervision Unit

The table is made in triplicate, respectively for the construction unit, the owner and the supervision unit.

148 Table 9 Picture of Field Evidence

Date of photograph Spot name Brief summary


Brief summary


149 Table 10 Command Sheet of Project Reworking [No.] Description: Contractor: Contract No.:

Dear contractor:

Due to reasons specified by the command unit your department will be notified of project reworking as per the following requirements to ensure that reworked project satisfies the standard.

Supervision unit Signed by: Date: H/D/M/Y □Unacceptable upon inspection □Construction not made as required by design Reason □Modification for design docuement □Variation for project or contract □ □Removal □Materials replacement □Repair for defects □Replacement with qualified construction team Requirement □Construction by owner’s nominated construction team

□Cost for reworking borne by contractor Annotations □Cost for reworking listed into expropriation of payment □ Deliveried to: Contractor Copied to:


Table 11 Notice of Shutdown (Reworking) of Supervisor

Description Executive unit

Location of Location of shutdown shutdown (reworking) (reworking)

Shutdown Causes:


Chief supervision engineer


151 Table 12 Monthly Report for Supervision Project (resettlement details)

Executive Description unit

Details for the current month


to be


Chief supervision engineer: D/M/Y


Table 13 Monthly Report for Supervision Task (divergence analysis for resettlement schedule) Description Date Schedule

Actual schedule

Cause of divergence


Chief supervision engineer::

153 Table 14 Monthly Report for Supervision Task (Others)

Description Date

Chief supervision engineer:

154 Table 15 Record for Chief Supervisor’s Patrol Inspection Executive Description unit Venue of spot-check Comments from spot-check Situation and solution

Signing of executive unit: Name of checker; Position:

D/M/Y D/M/Y The table is made in triplicate, respectively for the construction unit, the owner and the supervision unit.

155 11 Schedule of Resettlement Implementation

11.1 Implementation Principle

(a) Backfoward relocation nearby and scattered resettlement: For most of rurual resettlers the planning for implementation schedule is based on agricultural production features, so expropriation relocation and house rebuilding will be planned in the slack season to reduce influence on agricultural production. (b) Relocaton will be conducted after the agreement is concluded and compensation funds are paid to reduce influences on living environment from construction before commencement. ((c) Granting of compensation funds and distribution of homestead will be made ahead 3 months so that resetter has funds and time to complete construction of new building and relieve influence in transition period. (d) Infrastructures in settlement area will be planned before resettlement for rebuilding. (e) For enterprise relocation workship is built and then relocation is made to reduce loss of shutdown. (f) Resettlers’ production settlement will be made afte compensation for land. (g) Resettlement progress will be related with construction progress. In order to ensure resettlement quality condition will be created for satisfactory commencement and completion

11.2 Progrss Plan

The progress plan will be made in advance according to resettlement to confirm the

156 resettlement period is 10 months. Resettlement will be implemented ahead 2 months of construction commencement, namely from the middle ten days in July of the first year to that in May of the second year. Three steps will be adopted for the resettlement: I. Preparation: organizations establish and execute plan and recheck real object index from the middle ten days in July to that of September of the first year, totaling 2 months; II. Implementation: Including agreement conclusion, expropriation, house relocation and rebuilding, construction for settlement aea and infrastructures, relocation and recovery for special facilities, execution of production settlement, all of which will be completed from September of the first year to the middle ten days in May of the second year, totaling 8 months; III. Acceptance and assessment on completion.