Rdum tal-Madonna rat control project December 2006 - March 2007 Final Report to BirdLife Malta & RSPB Karen Varnham Independent Invasive Species Consultant & Guntram G. Meier InGrip-Consulting & Animal Control, Senior Consultant March 2007 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Methods 4 3. Results 8 4. Future of the rat control project 12 5. Recommendations 12 6. References 13 7. Acknowledgements 13 Appendices 1. Text of warning signs displayed at the site 14 2. Distribution of rat activity 15 3. Warden’s manual 19 Suggested citation: Varnham, K. J. & Meier G. G. (2007) Rdum tal-Madonna rat control project, December 2006 – March 2007, Final report. Unpublished report to BirdLife Malta & RSPB, 28pp. Contact details:
[email protected] Front cover illustration: rock pool on the South Cliffs of the Rdum tal-Madonna SPA 2 1. Introduction Rat control at the Rdum tal-Madonna Special Protected Area (SPA) was carried out as part of BirdLife Malta’s ongoing project to protect the Yelkouan shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan (EU Life Project LIFE06/ NAT/ MT/ 000097, SPA Site and Sea Actions saving Puffinus yelkouan in Malta). These cliff-nesting birds are known to be at great risk from rat predation, with annual losses of eggs and chicks between 40 and 100%. Around one-third of Malta’s 1500 breeding pairs of P. yelkouan nest at this site, making it an obvious focal point for conservation efforts (references in EU Project Proposal). The relatively small size of the SPA (75.3ha), and that it is surrounded by the ocean on three sides, make it a good site for rat control.