RESCUE SHIP HEARS WORD FROM NOBILE Antis Hold Conference and For T mto Honrs Pacffic Avia- Cilia Di Milano Reports Re­ Radium Paint Inventor + • ^ ^ _ Plan Ways and Means to tors Battle Elements; TeD ceiving Faint Message; Stop Cabinet Candidate’s Has Disease Himself of Their Tronbles After­ “Franz” in Note fives wards—M esss^ C6m- Nomination. East Orange, N J., June 8 — (A The formula for the compound used in painting watch dials and Hint at Position. Radium poisoning, the dreaded other luminous objects was brought ing Fainter; Befieve Crew Kansas City, Mp., June 8— "Any­ malady which has baffled science, to this country by Dr. 'Yon Sos­ Rome. June 8— All Italy rejoiced body but Hoover— anything to stop has been contracted by Dr. S. A. hocky. He was formerly technical director of the U. S. Radium Cor­ Saving Rafio for Emer­ today over the official communique Hoover.” ’Yon Soschocky, scientist, physician and inventor of the luminous paint poration. He has also worked on a Under this banner the hard- issued by the Italia relief commit­ used on watch dials, in the opinion radium cure for cancer. ^ gencies; Weather Bnrean tee which stated that radio com­ pressed anti-Hoover Allies massed oi an attending physician. For eight years, it became known munication between the missims their forces today for a ^gantic ef­ Dr. 'Yon Soshocky, here, has re­ today. Dr. Von Soshocky has him­ self exhibited external symptoms of dirigible and the Citta. DiMilano fort to prevent the nomination of fused to discuss his own case or Warns Them Other Storms the peculiar malady and is required at ’s Bay, Spitzbergen, had the Cabinet candidate here next those of five women, former em­ ploys of th6 U. S. Radium Corpora­ to make regular trips to high alti­ been established. week tion, who are reported slowly dy­ tudes, which is believed beneficial in Are in Their Path. The relief committee announced The ways and means of accomp­ ing from the effects of radium checking the disease. The inven­ that the supply ship had picked up lishing their objective remain to poisoning. The women have been tor’s front teeth have been removed and the tops of his fingers ' BULLETIN! faint, almost indecipherable mos- be determined. awarded $10,000 each, a $600 year-, turned black from contact with sages from General Umberto Nobile, It is admittedly not an encourag­ ly pension, and medical expenses Honolulu, T. H., June 8.— which indicated the Italia had come ing outlook from the coalition’s by the corporation. - radium. Less than 500 miles from down on Franz Josef Land. De­ point of view. But Lowden men, Brisbane, Australia, the goal Dawes men, Watson men, Curtis spite the faintness of the messages, of its trans-Pacific flfeht Unk­ the radio operator of the Citta Di men, Coolidge-or-Bust men, Goff Milano believed they were authen­ men— everyone, in fact, who re­ WESTERN FARMERS PLAN ing North America with Aus^ gards the nomination of Herbert tralia, the giant tri-motored tic. . j The signals were received at Hoover with gloom and foreboding monoplane Southern Crdsa to­ — are part and parcel of the move- | 11:07 last night. The operator was day was speeding 13ong on able to decipher only one -vci’d ment. MARCH ON KANSAS CRY “ Franz” which led to the belief that Not Organized schedule. . . . the Italia was down on Franz Josef It would perhaps be too much to A radio message direct f say that the Allies have perfected the plane p lck ^ up by Radie'T Land. , Calling Nobile an organization. They have met and Corporation this'morning gave The Citta Di Milano is now call­ conferred, not once but many times Advance Guard Expected WOULD GIVE LIFE the position of the plane at 4 ing Nobile on a wavelength of 33 and they have agreed upon spokes- a. m., Suva time (June Nin^ ihen to represent each individual as "Latitude 24.42 south. metres every 15 minutes, advices candidate. ‘ Louis L. Emercon, will Tomorrow; DemandTarm Longitude 161.38 eaat— from Kinig’s Bay stated. speak for Lowden, Henry W. Mar­ TO SAVE BROTHERS miles from Brisbane.” All routine and press matter shall represents Watson, Albert On the basis of this report which ordinarily is sent by radio Newman will look after the inter Relief Plank in New Re­ the plane should reach Bris­ has been reduced to a minimum in ests of Senator Curtis, Wm. H. Mil­ bane between 12 noon and 1 p. order to keep the air clear and ler of Ohio represents the anti- Girl Accused of Murder m., Pacific coast time today. facilitate the picking up of any Hoover element in that state whicB publican Platform. other messages Nobile might send Girl Lindy May Hop Today; U W N FETE OPENS is favorable to Dawes. These men out. j , . will be floor lieutenants in the con­ Grows Hysterical Under Nobile’s brother. Amende, who is Kansas City, June 8.— A farm Suva, Fiji Islands, June NintL.—^ vention, but their principals, that Stubbornly fighting the menace. .ol aboard the Citta Di Milano, radioed is, the candidates themselves, will Diamond Queen Tomorrow WITH BIG THRONG revolt, as widespread as the famous the Cross-Examination. tropical storm, the giant monoplane to his sister in Turin he “now had constitute the board of strategy be­ “ 16 to 1” and populist movements the best of hopes for his’ brother hind the scenes. Theirs will be the Southern Cross was steadily push­ Umberto’s safety.” task of determining how this “ any­ of other days, was being organized ing its blue nose onward oyer the. Trepassey Bay, N F., June 8. _ Orchard, Me., on the first leg of body but Hoover— anything to stop here today to force the writing of a St. Joseph, Mich., June 8.— “ Take South Pacific today, past the hal^ '*'^her oceanic hop. Over a Thonsand Attend Hoover” plan is to be accomplished way mark"on its 1,795-mlle dash SEEK MORE MESSAGES The leak in the fuel tank of the McNary-Haugen farm relief plank my life. Kill me if you want to but Told that Amelia Earhart, who — if at all. from Fiji to Brisbane, Australia. • King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, June 8 tank of the trans-Atlantic mono­ plans to take off from Trepassey Into the new Republican platform. At approximately T2;.30 a. m. __The sealer Hobby, now searching Opening Night; Colt’s Thus far there has been little def­ spare the boys.” plane Friendship was repaired this Bay, Newfoundland, in her huge initely decided upon except the The drive, supported by every This frantic plea shouted to the (Fijrttm el ," it '^ s ' eStTmated. tlfSt the ice-floes to the northward for Fokker seaplane, also had been de­ announced candidate for the Re­ that big tri-motof54;''craft, Tiearing traces of the missing dirigible afternoon cJind Miss Amelia Earhart unity and purpose of goal jury late -yesterday by Marguerite layed and probably would not be The Agreement publican -nomination, excepting its courageous crew of two Aps- Italia, was today endeavoring to and her two male flying compan­ Band Pleases. Bumbaugh, on trial jointly with her able to make a start. Miss Boll, They have agreed: Herbert Hoover, assumed serious tralians and two Americans, had pick up further messages which ions said they hoped to hop off for brothers. George and Gerard for Europe before sunset. Miss Ear- said:, To carry the delegate contests. proportions when farm leaders de­ traversed a distance of some 800. would conflrm30se_re^eived bX,‘ he, “ Of course i do not wish her Involving some 65 votes which clared an army of lOO.OOt) farmers the murder of Walter H. Cook, miles from its starting point 'ufr. Citta 'Ci" ® lano yesterday and be­ hart, Pilot Wilmer Stultz and Me­ Niles basket manufacturer, was still chanic Louis Gordon inspected the bad luck, but 1 am glad that I am Well over a thousand persons Hoover won overwhelmingly, to would march upon .the convention Naselal beach, 20 miles from here. lieved to have been from Gen. Um­ plane as it bobbed in the water of to have another opportunity to be came to the north end last night the credentials committee and per­ to battle for thfe plank. The slogan impressed on the minds of the courtroom fans as the trial , as re­ During the two hours of the night berto Nobile. the bay. It was fueled and provi­ the first woman to cross the Atlan­ and helped celebrate the opening haps to the floor of the convention already is: “ Equality for Agricul­ when heavy rains fell in the path of The Hobby is equipped with an tic in a plane.” sumed today. sioned and the flyers await only a of the sixth annual three-night itself. ture.” , the speeding, monoplane, when . Italian naval wireloss set having favorable breeze to be on their way. Miss Boll said that she would go To button-hole incoming dele­ The Hoover manager, sensing the Miss Rumbaugh’s outburst occur­ to Roosevelt Field this afternoon to Community Club. Dawn Pete held ominous clocda obstructed viaibp a short wave length. Some doubt gates and the lukewarm ones in the farm movement as a direct attack red while Prosecutor Walter H. and when outlook wah blackest, the - Is now felt as to wether the signals START TOMORROW inspect her plane, the single mo­ on the enclosed “ White House” Hoover camp for the purpose of on their candidate, denounced the Book waiter was reading a letter she received by the Citta Di Milano tored Bellanca Columbia, in which crew of the sturdy plane repeated New York, June 8.— Undismayed grounds. The exact number of ad­ converting them. agrarian demands as “ defeatist wrote Cook from California. The the radio message, “ All’s /Well” , to came from the Italia. They were Charles Levine and Clarence Cham­ To pursue diligently and vigor­ letter was addressed “ Dear Hop.” by the failure of her first attempt to missions is not available, but more move” against the secretary of com- an anxious world. Fearing to arouse not signed by Nobile, nor v.ns any­ fly the Atlantic, Mabel Boll, “ Tlie berlin hopped to Germany and ously the defeatest campaign which (The H. in Walter H. Cook is for which Levine has turned over to than 900 tickets were purchased at cerce. They declared the Republi­ apprehension in the minds of th’pse thing else deciphered to definitely Queen of Diamonds” expects to aims to convince the practical poli­ can Party could not accept a Hopkins). came directly U^ke off tomorrow morning for Old her for the flight. the entrance and this does not in­ ticians of the party that Hoover who watched their - progress confirm that they McNary-Haugen plank without Bookwalter read: “ It is hard to throughout the night, they allowed: from him. clude any of the advance sale which cannot be elected against A1 Smith “ slapping President Coolidge,” due know dearest that you would rather Lieut. Lutzow Holm has been in h^ovember. no inkling of their ordeal to escape ran up to nearly 5,000. to his veto of the bill two weeks do what you call your duty to through their wireless, conveying unable to take-off in his seaplane The Depot Square section of the But the deep strategy and the others than'to be with me.” • & q O. only word of cheer, when their on a second reconnoitering trip DANBURY ADMITS AVIATION A BOON town fairly buzzed with ex­ high tactics remain to be deter­ Then Bock waiter asked r “ As a mined Farmers Optunlstic. hopes were at lowest level In the from the Hobby because of over­ citement. Many out-of-town people The farm leaders however faced matter of fact weren’t you trying hanging fogs. The ice-boat Bragan- came here by automo'bile. The traf­ Await Curtis to get him to leave his family? midst of a grim battle against the the future with optimism. They danger q£ south seh storm; za is now anchored outside Lomme fic, both vehicular and pedestrian, The Allies are anxiously await- Weren’t you as much to blame as 400 SPEAKEASIES TO NEW ENGLAND were cheered by the statement of First Warning Bay, hemmed in by ice-floes. was well cared for by the local po­ he was for all tjiis?” (Continued on page f) Nicholas Murray Butler, of New The only intimation caught by lice department which stationed York, that the Republican Party- TIiss Bumbaugh s:.t forward in SEAPLANES START men at congested points. Although her chair. Instead of answering in radio listeners, of their struggle. would be guilty ‘ of a “ political against the elements, came at 6:1* the program began withe selections an even tone as usuai, her voice Leningrad, Soviet Russia, June State Police Starts Drive To­ More Industries Conung blunder” and an “ exhibition of p. m. (Suva time), some-three an4‘ .. 8__Three seaplanes, carrying five by Colt’s Armory Band of Hart­ WILL NOT DEFEND cowardice” if it failed to heed the vibrated. ford at 7 o’clock followed by a pa­ “ But I loved him. I worked for a half hours after the plane had flyers hopped off today for Arch­ iarm demand for an adequate farm taken off from Naselai beach. angel’ on the first leg of four separ­ Here Than Are Leaving, rade to the grounds, the bulk of him like a dog,” she said ln,a shrill day to Put Thena Out of the crowd did'not come until quite plank. A similar endorsement of “ Possibility of fairly dirty weatV ate flights to Franz Josef Land in their movement by Mrs. Ruth Han-^ voice. er tonight, hence self will relieve search of the missing polar expedi­ a bit later in the evening. SUIT OF P R IN C E Brookwalter cut in sharply. “ Wait It was the first time that the na McCormick, of Illinois, also’, Smith at'controls now so, that he tion headed by Gen. Umberto No­ Business. Industrial Survey Shows. served to strengthen their battle a miiinte, wait a minute.” • Lawn Fete ofidcials have had to Chi ignor^ Urn. “ I loveu him may be reisted for night flying,” said. - bile. ^ _ , contend with a Thursday night lines. a message signed by Captain Ulm,, The flights to Franz Josef Lana Three farm plans were being: more than he loved me, I tell you.” Woodstock, "Yt., June 8— Deliver­ store schedule and this kept many Ex- Carol to Again Bookwalter tried to inter­ co-pilot. will not be commenced, however, Danbury, Conn., June 8.— State_^ drafted for submission to the co.m-] It was not until almost three, until the ice breaker Maligin has away until after nine o’clock. Then rupt/ ^ police are in the midst of what they ing a preliminary report on the there was the parents’ Night school mittee on resolutions, although the hours had elapsed and darkness had- established a base off Nova Zembla ultimate battle will be fought on “ Are you ‘mad’ now?” he asked. declare to be a campaign intended second annual survey of migration program at the Harding school on Allow Divorce— Hearing Miss Bumbaugh’s attorney claims enveloped thCrown Prince Carol of Roumania, 'ttia will be the administration now that we are out of it; we will land is covered with glacial hum­ paign at the request of parents of of the council at its eleventh quar­ nights, anyway. .^ n k , endorsing, in effect, the mocks, deep indentations and con­ terly meeting here that “ instead of who is now living in Luxembourg tell you that for .the past two hqurs. young people who had been using Good Attendance with Mme. Helene Lupescu, will not President’s veto of the McNary- we have been battling worst weath-. siderable snow and ice. liquor and seemed to have no ! an exodus of New England indus­ Despite these handicaps, the at­ Haugen measure. COAST TO COAST HOP tries to other sections of the United defend the dlvorde action brought er of whole flight. At 7,506 feet to trouble getting all they wanted. tendance last night was "i^ery satis­ against him by his wife, Pflncess The Second Plank. 6,000 feet altitude exceptionally The latest victinr of the raids in States, more industries are* being factory and a most substantial fund A attracted to New England than are Helen, mother of little King second plank, pledging the H ALT^ AT COLUMBUS heavy rains and bumps, giving us . town is Clement la Pine, of Maple was realized. ’With a continuation Republican party to the enactment being attracted from New England Miqbael, of Rumania, It was learn­ severela drdps of over 400 feet at^ WILD PARTY CHARGES avenue, whose home was visited of last night’s excellent weather ed here today. of a farm bill, containing the a time and generally a.series n£* during the night in a search that to other parts of the country.” promised by forecasters, expecta­ equalization fee, was being drafted Asserting that “ New England is The petition accuses Carol of de­ Flyers Fail to Break. Record mean tricks by the elements on this ! yielded 34 cases, two cases tions are that the affair will be sertion and of a method of life “ un­ one last stage. Smithy and 1 are not WITHOUT FOUNDATION peculiarly adapted to aircraft man­ an even Weater^ success than, last ! When Fog Forces Xhem to of whiskey, a still and bottling out­ becoming the dignity of marriage.” (Continued on Page 2) through bu .'Ss soon as moon comes fit, many gallons of wine and much ufacture,” that “ aviation is already /year. Charlps B.-. Loomis, treasurer I Land. established on a commercial basis” The action has been put upon the up and blind flying e*ds- for the mash. La Pine gave a uond of $1,- of the committee, is opttoistic Appellate Court callendar for June Anti-Saloon League in Massa- and that “ factory buildings are a,bout the outcome. • ’ “ Columbus, Ohio, June 8_.—The night, we will eat and have a shot 000 for a police court hearing to­ 21. The petition lists indignities of our emergency ration of whisky. chusetts Fails to Prove Its morrow. available in New England which can Seated, ,Qn a'high platform; in a TRY TO J^SASSINATE attempted non-stop record Sight of be inexpensively converted to air­ rear corner ' of the grounds,, Colt s which the aggrieved wife declares Lee Schoenhair and H.rry Tucker I’m too cold to write more. We have Case. . Other An’ests plane manufacture,” the report of a Band" filled thV air “/wRli strains of have brought deep sadness into her from San Diego, Californ’a to New no gloveA.” Following the raid here the state survey of New England’s opportuni­ popular 'and' concert ■ selections life. PREMIER OF JAPAN York City, ended here,today when ■jnie message was- signed by Ulm Boston, Mass., June 8.—-Charges Helen denied a rumor and' concluded wltb the heartening 3f a “ wild party” in the Ngtate police meved on to Newtown w’here ties in aviation, made for the New which were well received. The ’band the filers were forced to bring tlieir they arrested Stanislaws Wojcie- England Council by a group of 14 -will 'be back at-the grounds to play that she intends to remarry. She plane down when they were turned^ words “ Cheerio. All well. We are- House on the evening of proroga- said she would devote the rest of Police Save Life of Tan­ ;ion last year were flatter than a chowski on a charge of making professional research consultants back by fog near Harrisburg, Pa. ' Okay.” ' headed by Dr. S. W. Stratton, presi­ (Continned on Page -2.) her life to rearing her son, Michael. aka Attacked in a Railway Apparently the menace of the,. jlown tire today. alcoholic beverages, and Anthony The fliers set out from San P’tgo dent of Massachusetts Institute of Secret Proceedings. to breaw the record mad^ by Lieu­ troplcal rains had not yet dlsapj* William M. Forgrave, secretary Tilaski on a charge of selling alco­ — <$> Station. holic drinks. Each man furnished Technology, was presented today It is believed testimony will be tenants Kelley and McCready <.-f 2,6 peared when this ’ taessage wito y , )f the Anti-Saloon League and sev- secret and that the divprce will be >ral clergymen told a legislative bail of $1,000 for trial Saturday. by Col. Sanford E, ThomTson of Odd Things They Tokio, June 8.— ^An atteanpt to hours established in 1923. The transmitted, but the crew granted. The decree is expected Southern Cross had conquered r ■ nvestigating committee that they The Newtown raids yielded some Boston. ' bo to Earn Their assassinate Baron Tanaka, ^ the plane, a Lockheal Vega, capable of nine barrels of alleged hard cider. New England must become "in­ within a few weeks unless delayed Japanese premier, at the railway i a speed f 160 miles an hour, was worst phase o( the rainstorm and lad no personal knowledge of the for political reasons. was anticipating the appearance of Among previous raids in the vestment-minded in relation to the Living in Town. station here was frustrated today called the “ Yankee Doodle.” The illeged party. Their charges, it de- future development and prosperity According ;-to useage it would a 'moon to pierce the darkness,,.of reloped, were the result of informa- past month were three on road by the timely intervention of the fliers had been in the . air about 19 of these six states,” President John have been necessary for Helen to ion brought in by two private de- houses, six on local so-called Men make their living in odd police. hours when forced to halt their the clouds. V S. Lawrence of the Council said. obtain the King’s consent before Shingo, Okamura,' a ■ merchant, Another S to^ .ectives employed by the Anti- “ speakeasies,” , and one on an alleg­ ways in Manchester. she could file her suit. But in this fiif'ht. ' -. “ I wish to differentiate between The difficulty ^is in finding out was arrested for, attempting to at­ Pears, hOwevey, werto .again 5aloon League. The detectives told ed gambling house. loan-mindedness and investment- case the king is her own son apd he red more than' a,h,honr later, .wher )f seeing a man unsteady on his these queer, ocetjpations. is only 7 years old." Consequently tack the premier with a knife. After OFFER PEACE TERMS mindedness,” he added. a message was Intercepted wWer eet enter a committee room and But one day a man was walk­ his arrest, he admitted the attempt­ An auspicious beginning has been the princess had to get the approv­ ed attack and said he felt Justified Managua, Nicaragua, June 8.— had been transmitted to the me of them told of seeing a couple ing along, one of our main al of the Council of Regents. FIRE ON AMERICANS made in putting into effect the New streets. He heard queer sounds because ho was outraged at Tana­ United States marines have turn­ from a statloh in. Sydney, Ani if girls emerge from the capitol England Council farm marketing The “ insulting behavior” men­ and contained a lorecaet o| weath luilding. Records of the detectives and walking into a little store tioned In the petition explained ka’s recent political activities. ed flrom bullets, to propaganda In program, Harry R. Lewis, Rhode along the path .istlll strei vere produced, showing that they Peking, June 8.— Retreating he investigated. that Carol has been and is now The police believe there is' an the campaign of pacification In Nic­ Island commissioner of agriculture And what he discovered aragua. Marlnb, rebels ' have been ah^d of the Southern. Croas. - lad been convicted of offenses in Mukdenite. troops fired on an auto­ “ leading a life In foreign countries organized conspiracy under way to and chairman of the New EiySland makes a mighty interesting local active urging .the- Insurjpnts to TTie ^ message,' addressed;^ mobile party including Captain J. which Is a digrace ’ to the institu­ do away with the premier. They be­ he past. council’s agricultural committee, story which will be found in to- lieve the same band which murder­ make peace. Amnesty la, ,6romised “ KHABi” call letters'of the The commission will next review P. Rapay, assistant military at­ announced. Mr. Lewis tion of marriage.” , to ail who lay down their arms. declared morrow's It Is believOd that the recent "al­ ed Premier Kelbara in 1921 havo ' ■ ■ he nnrevealed findings of the ad- tache of the American Legatloi^ that New England farm products- This offer does not artendr how­ and one other American, enroute leged plot against little King been ,hired to aasasslnate Premier ainlstration And finance commis- g^ded and labelled in accordance Herald ever, to rebela' who ' afe bearing lon, which Inquired into reports from Tientsin to Peking yesterday, Michael was one of the contributing Tanaka. A -wide March .foi^ known •vmh the program are now reaching . “ Out. at Noon” when’, captured. hat liquor from the department of according to wordjeaching here to­ causes of the divorce suit. the New England market. ■ubllq^safety stores was missing. day. " V . / . fim *^PA5EB MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1928*

•y-.K • low the belt” and giving aid and ..... comfort to the enemy. REV. COLPITTS GIVEN COUNH LEAGUE OF r LAWN FETE OPENS "ANnHINGTO Both sides are shooting out MURDESUSPEa “ farm statements” with regularity OBITUARY and precision. The Allies issue BIG APPOINTMENT WOMEN VOTERS HERE WITH BIG THRONG one statement from a prominent TELLS ODD STORY STOP HOOVER” farm organization leader asserting that the middle west will bolt the Elect Officers and Hear Politi< (Continaed from Page 10 Made a Member of World FUNERALS u Therfe-lW’an excetttidn^Iiy notice­ ticket in Noveinber if Hoover is cal Talk— ^Meet at Cheney able pick uj) in building activities uomiuated; the '^Hoover managers Service Commission— Is a tonight and tombrrow night, open­ ALLIES’ MOTTO Homestead; ing . festivities the same as last In.:, “ tpvfp^ ^^o,iMxaqtpr William immediately counter with a . state­ High Compliment. , Mrs. Anne Heflron Says llBbown Man Kilkd night with a selection at Depot l^thi&teil^Wportfltli^ ne has ready ment from some other farm leader The funeral of Mrs. Anne Heff- At the annual convention of the (Continued from Page 1) An announcement in a current is­ Square. for finishing a English to the effect that “ Hoover is the ron was held this morning with Hartford County League of Women type of house,jfJn^urst sec­ sue of Zion’s Herald contains the service at the home at 8:30 and at Under the supervision of Robert His Sweetheart While friend of the farmer and will really Voters held at the Cheney home­ tion and a bungalow in South Ing the arrival in Kansas City of news that the Rev. Robert A. Col- St. James’s church at 9 o’clock. M. Reid, well, known local auc­ do something constructive for agri­ stead here yesterday the following tioneer, who has had a wealth of Windsor ready to plaster. He is also Senator Curtis of Kansas. They have culture.” The barrage of state­ pitts,:;pastor of the South Methodist Rev. James P. Timmins oflSciated. officers were elected: Hpiscopal church, who was a dele­ experience in this business, twenty With Him. building a Dutch CjQlonia^,.hou3e of talked with Curtis in Washington The choir sang, “ Nearer My God County chairman: .Mrs. C. B. 'by long distance several times in the ments, pro and con, is seemingly gate to the recent general confer­ booths were put Into operation six rooms for Eldfyd''J. McCabe oh endless. It must be admitted, how­ to Thee” as the body was borne in­ Collier. last 48 hours. Curtis, an astute poli­ ence of the Methodist Episcopal to the church. At the offertory, within the enclosure. The work of Russell street,: and ts' also' arrang­ tician and an adroit general, is said ever, that the Allies hav® produced church at Kansas City, was honor­ Vice-chairman of membership: arranging the lawn had been well Boston Mass., June 8^—Claiming ing, for ereeth)n;.eiE:pa ihquse of more statements than the, Hoover Mrs| Margaret Sullivan sang, Mrs. 6. H. Glover Campbell. to have informed them that the ed by that body by election to the “ Some Sweet Day.” At the eleva­ cared for by Wells A. Strickland,, first that an unknown man who bad six rooms for Geoi®B»,.McKiBney on .managers to attest the resentment World’s Service Commission as rep­ Vice-chairman of finance: Mrs. who worked at the grounds from! outlook from the coalition’s view­ tion, Mrs. James Foley sang, “ Ave R. Dustin. ridden with himself and Miss Mary .Foster, street. ;^ -.5ConJ^fci was point “ is not as dark in Washing­ against Hoover between the Ohio- resentative from the Boston area. Marla.” At the recessional Mrs. 7 o’clock In the morning until C. Mahan to the Blue Hills, had rid-., awaraiaed today- itoi tfiie oManiajester ladiana line and the Rockies. This practically means the whole of Vice-chairman of program: Mrs. starting time at night. ton as it may seem in Kansas City.” Sullivan sang, “ Some Sweet Day.” A. G. Dugan. died the body of the South Boston" Uonslrvtctron CompaDy foT ilte erec­ Just what this portends has not New England for the Southern New The booths were occupied by The bearers were Lott Lahey, Mi­ Press chairman: Mrs, Charles H. girl with bullets. John Tartar, al­ tion of a six fbOm'b } built been made clear, but it cheered England, New Hampshire, Massa­ chael Sullivan,. Henry Mutrle, young men and women, most ,of leged slayer^ today changed hls- for Arthur KndQa afcJthel^Boier of Senator Watson and the Lowden- chusetts, and other conferences are Strong. whom are connected with the Com­ CONSTRUCTION CO. James Molley, Joseph Cooney and Secretary: Mrs. - Ernest "W. statement, police said. Summit and Washihgtdti streets. Dawes managers mightily. included in , the Boston area. This Andrew Dowden, Burial was in St. munity Club In one way or an­ Spaulding. other. The former boxer and taxicab ' W. Harry-Ettgland’- fepor.t? that It might mean, one of the Al­ important appointment is for a four- Bridget’s cemetery. drlvw.then told the police that Miss- he ha's'Ih^'Injuses'tbat^are^idw be- GETS BIG CONTRACT year term and is generally recog­ Treasurer: Mrs. James M. Bug- Those in Charge lies’ spokesmen said, that Curtis has bee. Mahah had threatened to shoot him ihgfstarjeil,' six tjlat btrij'reifti^or be­ not yet given up hope that Secre­ nized as a high compliment to the Dana B. Taylor Those in charge of the booth.s minister receiving it. The item in County director: Mrs. A. H. were as follows: when he told her that he was going ing'hlaktered" ah'd' that t 6u^ ar€ tary of the Treasury Andrew W. Local Concern to Build Big The funeral of Dana Boardman Wightmaji. to Detroit. The implication was now ready t o ’finish.- ■ ; Mellon may yet be prevailed upon the Methodist publication is the Hot dogs: Thomas Altken, Mer­ first news the church here has had Taylor who died in Hartford Wed­ Nominating committee: Chair­ taken Jto be that he had killed the not to throw Pennsylvania’s power­ Dormitory at Massachusetts nesday was held from Christ church rill Balch, Marjorie McMenemy and of the new honor to its pastor. man, Mr^ Stanley H. Warner; Mrs. Arlyne Moriarty. girl in self-defense, according to ful delegation of 79 votes to Hoov­ Masonic Home. in Hartford this afternoon at 3:30. Moreat, Mrs. Guens, Ml». Valen­ police. er. it might mean, another ventur­ Soda: Aldq Paganl, Margaret Burial was in the old North ceme­ tine; Mrs. R. G. Rich of Manches­ ^re.,Himself Up ed, that Curtis, who has been rather The Manchester Construction tery. Rev. J. Stanley Light, officiat­ Zorskis and R ada Zorskis. ter. Flowers: Mrs. R. K. Anderson, ' Tartar voluntarily gave himself mysteriously remaining behind in Company was today awarded the CHURCH TEAMS REPORT ed at the funeral. Following the election Maurice Washington, has had some cheer­ contract for the erection of a new Mrs. WllHam Eels, Miss Florence up at the Boston police head­ NEW ROAD THIS’IEAR S. Sherman, editor of the Hartford Shaw, Miss Madeline Smith. quarters. , ing word to the effect that “ I 't dormitory building at the Masonic Courant, addressed the league tak­ choose’’ does not necessarily mean Home in Charlton, Mass., just be­ Home made candy: Mrs. Maude The suspect also told the officers SUCCESS IN DRIVE WESTERN FARMERS PLAN ing as his topic “ The League and that he was in Detroit on the day “ I won’t.” yond Southbridge. The plans call Shearer. Mrs. Wells A. Strickland,' The road ’ (hat Ih,e' state , is tc the Political Parties.” Mr. Sherman following the crime, and knew Whatever it meant probably will for a three-story brick building of Mrs. Charles B. Loomis, Mrs. Wal­ .build, startipg at the Renter and brought out clearly the influence ter Balch apd Mrs. Nevers. nothing of the murdei until he read be made apparent within the next fireproof construction and having a Teams from the Luther League MARCH ON KANSAS C IH the league could have in the com­ continuing on. to fhe.'.^oiipp line; few days. Senator Cuntis is due slate roof. Ring the kane: Vincent Moriarty it in the papers. Questioning re­ will .not "be built tpis year,: unless of the Swedish Lutheran church en­ ing elections by forcing the parties and Cyrus Tyler. vealed, according to the police, that to arrive late tomorrow or Sunday The dormitory will have 80 gaged in the drive for funds for to come out and state their plat­ It is taken ,up as a {jaft .q f‘the fall to join his fellow allies in the grand rooms, a laundry, auditorium, social (Oondnued from Page 1.) Fortune telling: Madame Vic­ be knew little of the train schedules constructiojQ^ wort by repairs on the church had a meet­ forms and embodying in party toria, grand-daughter of the late and they were doubtful if he ha4 offensive against Hoover. rooms, elevators and bath rooms, ing last night in the basement of platforms pledges of legislation While lines ^pve bpen-,dgfiped as The coalition met again today j The job will total $140,000. Al­ by George N. Peek, IJjlinois econ­ Prince Williams of Hartford, fa­ been in Detroit. . the church. There are 11 teams omist, whose ideas were incorporat­ that would do away with slum mous gypsy leader who owned to. the highway ther^ has been nc bert Knofla will supervise the con­ Tartar was up fbr arraignment for further discussion, just as they among the young people of the ed into the McNary-Haugen bill. conditions and unemployment. much land 'in East Hartford. She decision reached in regard .to' elim­ struction work for the local con­ in the Quincy court today on a met yesterday and will meet every Luther League and 7 teams made Gov. Adam McMullen, of Nebraska, was assisted by her daughter. inating the curves on the road be­ day until the end. The conferring cern and the building will be stak­ charge of first degree murder. John up of members of the church board. will collaborate with Peek when Blanket rack: Howard Keeney, tween Manchester Green and the is continuous and unending. ed out on Monday. O’Brien, taxi driver, who claims Two persons compose a team in he reaches Kansas City. The third CHICAGO GANGS Mrs. Jay E. Rand, Harold Hanna. thpt he drove Miss Mahan and Tar­ Boltoa-llne. Four different lines Hoover Not Idle each organization. No report has was prepared by heads of the Monkey ball game: George tar to th^eath spo* and then drove have been surveyed.-hut iBUIhe lay­ Meanwhile, the Hoover people are FIFTH GRADE PUPILS yet been received from the board American Farm Bureau Federation Kelly. - Tartar alone back to Randolph after ing out of'"the n<5w toad''thfere it not idle. They, too, have been teams which are visiting the older at Chicago, along the same lines. Hat and candy wheel: Arthur hearing several shots, has been in always taken into consideration ths meeting and will continue to meet. members of the church. The Luth­ The farm move leaders, aided by FEAR CO-EDS AT Coseo and William Schoneski. Dedham jail, waiting a bail of cost of The;'work hs rriatefl’ to the They believe they have enough bal­ GIVE FINE PROGRAM er League teams, which are calling supporters of former Gov. Frank Cat rack ball game: Jim Mc­ $10,000; use of thd highway for’ traffic.' lots. Their principal job, they be­ upon the people of the O. Lowden of Illinois, Senator Laughlin. y lieve, is to hold the lines fast, and congregation, report visiting 104 Charles Curtis of Kansas, Senator ELECTION BOOTH Drive-the-nail contest: Francis they are supremely confident of The program for the Fifth prospects and receipts of $1350. James E. Watson of Indiana, and McCarthy. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED their ability to do so. grade as presented for Parents’ day The next meeting will be held Tues­ Senator Guy P. Goff, of West Vir­ Corn game: Joseph Handley, DANCING I yesterday at the Washington school day evening at the church. After ginia, already have agreed upon Mary Ann McFarlane, Annie Scran- There are about as many practi­ Chlca.q;o.— Unafraid of the wlzz The engagenient of Miss Helen cal politicians and convention stia- was as follows; the 12th the drive will be open to their course of action. Their first ton, Viola Shearer, Margaret Mc­ Caroline Anderson, daughter of Mrs. EVERY SATURDAY E’VG | 1. Song and Storie.s of Ireland. all so that participating teams may efforts will be concentrated on of rival bullets about their heads, Laughlin. This game is located in tegists in the Hoover camp as there undismayed by the, bombs’ of other Carrie Anderson of 37 Edgerton are in the Allies’ line up— men a. Story of the Sham~ock, by call upon anyone they desire. The gaining control of the resolutions the center of the grounds. Chairs LAKESIDE eASINQ; factions, “ "rats” of police,, or ^the street, to William G. Bergston, son Sdnth Ikiyeh'try ' j i like Senator George H. Moss of Murjorie Edwards. drive will close June 16 and all in­ committee. If successful, they will are placed about it for the comfort write Uneir plank into the plat­ star of federal authority. Chicago of those who wish to sit down and of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Beagston of New Hampshire, Senator Simeon b. Wearing of the Green, by the dications are that the necessary 925 Burnside avenue, was announc­ .Mnsic by l‘eerless Orcheatlm. | class. • sum will be raised. form and then fight to keep it gangsters yet shrink from conflict hear the concert while playing. Fess of Ohio, C. Bascom Slemp of with th? modern co-ed. ed today. "Virginia, Ralph William, of Oregon, c. Killarney, by the class. there. Failing in this, the farm Hoop-la game: Mark Holmes, 2. Songs of Scotland. leaders will go into the convention This revelation was made here Lillian Sheridan, Mabel Sheridan vice chairman of the Republican and seek to have their plank in­ by Prof. Jerome Kerwin.' of the and Antionette Jhmroga. national committee. James W. a. Blue Bells of Scotland, by the class. serted by a vote of the delegates political science school of the Uni­ Country store wheel: Robert Good of Iowa, ex-Gov. James P. MME. CURIE IS versity or Chicago. b. Auld Lang Syne, by the class. invasion 'Foniorrow Chase. Goodich of Indiana, and a number The f9.rmers invasion of Kansas Here are the facts from which Dinner set: Flora Thrall and Jf other long skilled .n the tactics 8. Songs and stories of England. City, headed by Gov. McMullen of I'rof. Kerwin makes his deduction: a Story of King Arthur, by Faith Fallow. Jnd strategy of political conven­ CALLED WORLD’S Nebraska, probably will begin to­ During four years I T . of C. co-eds Grocery basket wheel: Richard tions. Roland Lashinski. morrow. Farm leaders here said j have stood guard at Chicago elec­ b. Story of Robin Hood, by Gates and Anthony Tuminski. Good, in a statement resigned to that several hundred farmers from i tion polls. Bunnie rabbit and airplane wheel Jeassure any wavering ones in the V’erdhica Zahalowski. the Dakotas and Nebraska would Not a single ca.sualty has result­ contest: Gordon Wheaton. Hoover camp, declared today that c. God Save the King, by the GREATEST WOMAN arrive by automobile tomorrow. ed to any of the interpid young wo­ class. Dart game: Richard Brow'nell the Hoover delegates now number Hundreds of Kansas and Mis­ men during these watches, whicti and Gordon Reid. 4. Wales. “ more than 500 net counting any of souri farmers will drift into the are part of the prerequisiles for Milk bottle game: Raymond Final Times GALA a. Song March of the Men of Har­ Pennsylvania’s 79.” Paris.— Madame Pierre Curie is city over the week-end, they add­ credit in the school political Reid, Peter Goche and Raymond TONIGHT! 2 Features “ To nominate requires 54 5,” con­ lech by the class. the most illustrious woman in the ed. while other motor caravans are science. Merz. WEEK-END tinued Good. “The nominatior of 5. France. world, according to the results of expected Monday from as far west Safe .At Polls. Balloon booth: Douglas Robert­ BILLIE DOVE in Mr. Hoover is now a fore,gone con­ a. In Flander Fields, by Milton a contest conducted by the Paris as Colorado and as far east as No co-ed has ever been thrown son and two others. THE YELLOW LILY’ FESTIVAL! clusion. Helwig. newspaper “ Le QurMdien.” Thus Ohio. Five carloads of Indiana | out of a polling place during these “ Good,.,Republicans in this hour b. Marsellaise, by the class. the woman in science is given hon-' farmers, it was said, will reach here four year;. ■ - and-—' Ki> i -L-,, ... p tf* hathfiirri will not say or do anything that .vill 6. Holland. ors over the woman In the theater, Monday by special train. Election judges in Chicago, the ALL STAR CAST ^ " TOMORROW’ impair the party’s chances of vic­ Poem, by Gertrude Wilson. in music, and In sport. Madame Thus far, the farm fight has professor pointed out, were not BUCKING BAD WEATHER tory in November.” 7. Germany. Curie is noted' for her research in been a battle of w’ords and state­ prone to accept criticism from any C()NTINtJOUS SHOW a. The Watch on the Rhine, by radium, a work in which she still ments. 'The Hoover headquarters is­ one as to taking of ballots, or their Rap at Defeatists is carrying on. sued one statement, signed by four FLYERS NEAR BRISBANE ‘‘THE THIEF 2:13 to 10:80 ]). m..' This last was a thrust at the de­ the class. , counting. Persons who found fault b. The Lorelie, by the class. With a total of 98,086 votes slio farm leaders, declaring: “ A certain with the manner in which voters IN THE DARK” featist talk which the Allies have Wall street element, shrewdly BIG r c Something Unexpected Happens, won by 8,000 over Sarah Bernhardt were accepted by the poll judges (Continued from I’aije 1.) been pursuing so ener.getically in whose name was uppermost in working through and with certain FEATURES.. Kansas City and in Washington (from the story of Heidi), by Flor­ usually were at least ejected sum­ 2 ence Turkington. French minds until death came six farm leadership, is endeavoring to marily. that Hoover will lose the disgruntl­ make the country believe some and timed at 10:15 (Greenwich Here 'They Are! The Famous Laugh-Getters ' 8. Austrla'and Russia. years ago. During th? recent election here, meridian time) said: ed grain belt in November and that Ruth Elder, who captured the corn belt states will be lost to I'le he cannot refeat A1 Smith' in tii. a. Russian National Anthem. Republican Party in November if numerous cases were repoi^ed of “ Must expect one or two repeti­ CHARLEY AND GK0|VBE1 b. Austrian National Anthem. imagination last fall in her daring terrorism at the polls, of sluggings, tions of storm experienced at 7 p. East. The Hoover managers are hop over the Atlantic to the Azores Herbert Hoover is nominated. To 9. Italy. of kidnappings, and of killing of m. (Sydney time). Sharp squalls to MURRAY : Sjp^fey complaining that this is “ hitting be­ led all American women on the that end, they have endeavored to , a. Santa Lucia and Funiculi, kindle flames of discontent by ' i election workers, capped by the as the southwest and rain during next Funicula by the class. list. Miss Elder was among the sassination of Octavis Urafiady, In a Comedy wifh More Laughs tiiaiv‘‘Lost;Cat .tfie. first ten until the final which licious mis-statements and misrt-i. couple hours before wind settles 10. Noi’^’aj and Sweden. resentations. it is a defeatist policy, negro candidate for preefhet com- down to steady southeast.” ront” and more thrills than. “ Life of Riley.7 . " a. Norweigian Mountain March, put her in eleventh place. She rnitteeman. polled 26,083 votes, falling behind well organized and financed It is a The steady stream of messages, by the class. desperately conceived last stand of But not a girl has been armed. which had been pouring out of the b. Bleking. Madame de Stael, French writer, Professor Kepwin said. “PLYING ROMEOS” Select Your who had 27,331. an already beaten opposition.” plane since, its takeoff, became The young have gone into V 11. .America. Mary Pickford was the next From the farm headquarters, slightly weaker and less frequent al America for Me, poem, recited though, came a different story. M. the “ tough precincts on the west at about this hour of the night. American in line, holding four­ side, and have watched the baliot- MYRNA LOY IN' by Elmore Keish. teenth place with 20,367 vo|.es, a J. Tobin, of Vinton, Iowa, chair­ Earlier inr the afternoon, when the b. Love of Country, poem recited shade in the rear of Florence man of the executive committee of ing elbow to elbqw with the scions plane had been some four hours in FEATURE! THE.. Clothing From of gangland. They have Investi­ 0 by Peter Ambrose. Nightingale, English nurse who in­ the farm movement, said: “ We the air, it reported that a radirt gen­ c. Dance of the Indian Braves, by spired the Red Cross idea during know Hoover won’t give us a gated voting In wards that ran red erator had given out. the boys ,pf the class. the Crimeai) war. square deal and we know he won’t w'ith blood of clashing factions and , Trouble in transmitting had evi­ 12. Flag Drill members of the Many twentieth century women be elected. That is why we oppo^ challenged votes where they dently increased aboard the craft, Our Nationally 5 th grades. having attained fame in the arts him. If President Coolidge and Mr. though irregularities were being stations here reporting that it was SUNDAY EMIL Programs arranged by Miss Ny­ Hoover had carried out the 1924 permitted. were given less votes than Harriet necessary on several occasions to and man and Miss McAdams. Beecher Stowe, author of “ Uncle plank ancL pledge of the Republi­ Apparently, according to Profes­ ask the Southern Cross to repeat can Party, there would be no need sor Kerwin, the young ladies have MONDAY Tom’s Cabin.” She followed Miss for a fight this year We demand several words In order to decipher Pickford In the standing of Ameri­ the gangsters and corruptionists its message. Advertised Vjustice for the farmer and we in­ “ bluffed.” cans, although 12,426 votes placed At 10:15 p. m., a Sydney station The Giant of •ABOUT TOWN her. tend to put the Republican party Harriet Ray, pretty young stu­ -in— on record through its platform.” message seemed difficult. 'To which The Screen. V j - Isidora Duncan, American dent watcher, reported that during the plane replied that signals from Walter Silkows’ki, 12 years old, Amid all this uproar,' Senator her vigil at the last election VTHE STREET-OF iSIN’?” of 10 Broad street, was treated at dancer, who was killed in an auto­ Smoot went on calmly drafting the Sydney were also picked up with . . . . ■ ■■ v'- 1. • Lines mobile accident at Nice last Octo­ threats were made to lock her up the -Memorial, hospital at noon to­ administration’s tentative plat­ In a polling place in the fourth difficulty. day for slight injuries he received ber, stood twenty-fifth with 12,- form. He will feature Coolidge eco­ “ Will see you later. Want to save Pay through our 10 payment 062 votes. The late Lole Fuller, an­ ward. She .stayed, despite the when he fell. The youngster was nomy, Republican prosperity, debt threats, and nothing was done batteries,’” concluded the massage plan if you yvish. §10 down running behind a bicycle when he other American dancer, was rated reduction and tax reduction as the to Sydney from the plane, indicat­ thirty-tUIrd, two places behind about it, she said. and the balance in 10 equal stumbled principal Issues. Then, he will sub­ Pick Own Watches, ing that the crew were taking no MANCHESTER i ' Eleanora Due, Italian tragedian, mit the completed document to chances with their transmitting ap­ weekly payments. and three ahead of Adelaide Patti, The co-eds are permitted to ONE DAY ONLY • •’| 1 - Rev. and Mrs. Julian S. Wads­ the resolutions committee late next c’noose polling places where they paratus in order to Insure them­ THURSDAY ■■iimbi i. ' You’ll be surprised in the worth of Chateau Thierry, France, Italian song-bird. Tuesday. When he does this, there selves that it would not fail in case former local residents, will be Evangeline Booth, commander will be plenty of fireworks. will watch, Kerwin said. If they value in the Blue Suits we are so desire, they are permitted to go of emergency. TENTS ON PEARL’S LOT selling for guests at the reception to Rev. and of the Salvation Army lassies, fin­ The Southern Cross, if it main­ . •' fi .’j »■ ■ ’ ! i -■ Mrs. R. A. Colpitts at the .South ished third, while Suzanne Leng­ even into the “ river wards,” no­ torious for their roughness during tains »n average speed of approxi­ Methodist Episcopal church this len, tennis star was ninth, 27,000 WOULD GIVE LIFE mately 95 miles an hour, is expect­ evening. behind her predecessor. Nurse Ca- elections. The girls have been re­ 22,^0 quested to take their parents with ed to arrive in Brisbane about 8:30 $ vell who was executed by the Ger­ a. m. (Australia time) today. - i t . See Them in the Window. The Manchester City club at its mans during the war. TO SAVE BROTHERS them, or friends, but few have done regular meeting last night voted to so, Kerwin added. o r have President Burke name a com­ Madame Georges Barbet, the last “ Since none of the girls has had AGAINST WIRE TAPPING mittee of five to plan for a sum­ of the canteen women died at the (Continued from Page 1.) any trouble, we are willing to let Special for This Week mer outing. age of eighty-nine years. them go almost any place. Washington, June 8— Wire tap­ When her husband was called to Standing upright in the witness “ Some of the bravest have gone stand she shouted “ Mother— Moth- ping will not be permitted on any $6.50 and $7.50 Rev. E. T. French, pastor of the the colors in 1870 Madame Barbet into places where the boys members of the lines of the Chesapeake. & er don’t let them tak'j th j boys. Nazarene church is in Wollaston, followed him as a “ cantinlere” and of our classes have been thrown Potomac Telephone Co., operating Don’t let them take the boys. They out. The girl members merely an­ Mass., and will remain over Sun­ remained 'with the regiment until in Washington, Maryland and "Vir­ day. He is attending the commence­ the armistice. can kill me but don’t let them take nounce that they are there to stay, the boys!” and to see that the voting is hon­ ginia, it was announced today by u ment exercises of the Eastern A forerunner of Y. M. C. A. girls A. E. Berry, president. Dress Pants Nazarene College. and Salvation Army lassies, the Then she stepped squarely in est, and nobody has the temerity to front of the jury. touch them,” The supreme Court recently held canteen-woman served in the front that evidence secured by tapping Woolens and Worsteds , Two changes in train schedules lines and followed the charges In “ Take my life. Kill me If you The college boys who watch the want to but spare the boys!” she polls, however, have not fared so telephone wires was admissable in Fancy Patterns were announced yesterday by the the battles, as they were fought be­ criminal prosecutions. N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R. which will fore the days of trench warfare. screamed. well, it was revealed. A few of be noticeable here. A new train will Before'her breakdown Miss Bum- them have been “ beaten up” and “ In most states intercepting and f’-i divulging telephone conversations $ 4 ' 7 5 • leave Boston on week days at one A real murder, as imagined for brugh had been severely cross ex­ many of them have made hurried o’clock in the afternoon for Hart­ amined by Bookwalter. He attacked departures from the vicinity of the is prohibited by law,” said Berry. .■4 the cliiiax of “ My Sister and I” “ Tapping wires for such purposes ford. It is due at Manchester at cast its shadow over the first per­ particularly her story that she had polls. 3:43 p. m. (standard time). Train formance of the play. tried to sever relations with Cook. is’ a trespass upon the property of the company which it will resist” Number 112 now leaving Manches­ “ I’ll have the heroine called sud­ He Intioduced another letter, part IRISH WOMEN STARTLED ■f Straw Hats ter at 6:06 a. m. for Boston will, denly out of town because the of which read: BY DRESS REGULATIONS leave at 6:16 a. m. daily (standard caretaker of her chateau has been "Dear Hop, have only met one or IN c a t h o l i c c h u r c h e s FIVE CLUBS AFTER YOUTH Season’s Newest Creations time). slain,” reflected Monsieur Georges two men who had your energy and Limerick, Ireland.— Irish women Five major league clubs are in­ VI r.: Berr when he wrote ■ the lines for ability.” Another read “ There isn’t terested in the 18-year-old. short­ The steerjing gear on an automo­ the piece. a business man in town as sharp have been startled by a sweeping $ bile driven by a woman broke just list of dress regulations which have stop, Stevens, with New Haven in 2.()0 Thus the play was written. Thus and shrewd as my Cookie.” the Eastern League. His 'work has as the car passed over the Wood­ Monsieur Berr, In his box, heard it been posted in the Catholic church­ In her account of the shooting es at Ennis, County Clare. featured for New Haven this sea­ land mill crossing at noon and the being given at the first perform­ of Cook in his Niles factory Miss son. machine smashed Into the thnee ance when an usber called him to Bumbaugh said: The regulations prohibit any wo­ just west of the tracks. The car the telephone. There, Monsieur man or girl frtjm entering a church “ I remember I just had to shoot if her dress is more than fout'Ipch- GEO. H. was damaged but tfle occupants Berr learned that the caretaker of him. I remember he was attacking were unhurt. The machine, had es above the shoes; If the neck Tine CHANGE YOUR OIL ■ir.- his own chateau at Chinon had me.” is lower .than the collar-bqne, aiid been towed away before the East been beaten to dieath with an iron She insisted Cook had struck hei* Hartford police investigated. If the sleeves do pot covey Tier a^ms ,Use Marland Super Motor Oil bar. with a basket before the shooting. as far as her wrists. .': WILLIAMS Further, no one wearing a frock - Incorporated I A butterfly’s eye has been adapt­ The juice of the ink plant of The oldest national flag in the of transparent material can enter Campbell’s FiDing Statien ed as a photographic lens by an New Granada can be used as Ink world Is that of Denmark; it has the church unless she is wearing a TicR.ets on sale Circus Day at Packard’s Pharmacy johnson Block, So. Manchester I Austrian scientist. j without any preparation. I beta In use since 1219. nop-trauaoarent alio beneath it. J?aone 1551 Same nrice as oja show sron n d s. ' - - - . '^V‘ ^ fv- ’’''V -V ' ’’ v '5

MANUriBSliiat XWNN.) BXTENTNG HERALD, FRIDAY, XDNS. 8,1928, JUNE 25 OPENING COtIDDISED M iU ISj Rockville The regular monthly meeting ot^ • * M JlM tA S r tllKlIKY ,^,7/t jVu i ' the Board ot Selectmen; will be held flurnishedi by Putnam & Co.’ .,1^' on Monday evening^ when the ques­ 4th Celebration Hartford, Conn. tion of the re-establlshihent of No organized effort has as yet street lines on Keeney street will be been made by the common council Summer Season Begins Bank 1 Stocks And People There Can Do taken up. I Is the board’s intention' for a celebration in this city; July ' Bid Asked to provide for a fifty foot roadway. 4th,-despite the annual appropria­ Bankers Trust Co . . . 320 tion of $500 for such a civic ob- Three Days After School Capitol Nat B & T . 305 -— Wonders With Cans— Ex­ Commandant______,_____ J. P. Spohn___ re- servahce, which usually takes on do righ ts...... 85" — quests all Boy Scouts of the Sal-j the form of an early morning pa- City Bank & Tr . . . ,1100 — vation Army and Girt 'Guards to ‘ rade followed by sports in the after- Closes; Dowd Re-Engaged Conn R iv e r...... 425 . — hibit Here. appear in uniforms Saturday hight noon and \ band ■ concert and fire Frst Bd & Mort . . . , --- 60 for the march and open,- air serv­ works in the evening. Local lodges First Nat (Htfd) . . . .295 — ices and clubs as a rule present a fine The playgrounds operated by the Htfd Conn Trt Co . .790 810 The exhibit of work done .by peo- showing in the parade and ^Ith the Htfd-Nat Bank Tr . . .590 610 school children, Polish society, Heoreatlon Centers at the east and - pie in the Near East opened today. Miss Nellie M. Bate, librarian at west sides of the* south end will bj Land Mtg & Title .. — 60 the University of Southern Califor­ Elks, Red Men, K. of P., American Morris Plan Bank . .160 — The exhibition is being held in the Legion and other societies with the officially opened for the • summer — « nia is on a three weeks’ visit at season on Monday, June 25, it .was Park St. B a n k ...... 825 store owned by House & Hale, the the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart- municipal organizations making up Phoenix St B & T . . .475 — - ’ ijmall vacant store between the land of Maple street. the flirst division of the parade It stated today by Director Lewis Riverside Trust . .. .600 — House & Hale building and the has not been difficult to make a Lloyd. School closes three days Bonds t Cheney block. Among the exhibits Dog Warden Frederick Kran, five division parade nearly .a mile previous. Htfd & Conn West 6 . 95 — will be shown the uses to which the has started looking around for dogs in length. In the absence of any ef­ In addition to the regular staff East Conn Pow 5 . .101% 103 condenseo milk cans are put in the that have lost their friends and are fort to close the city July 4th with of workers, It is necessary to em­ Conn L P 7s ...... 119 121 Near East. not properly tagged or registered. a safe and sane observanceTt Is not ploy three directors to supervise Conn L P 5 %s , .. .108% 110% In this connection Capt. E. A. Seventeen of these dogs were pick­ unlikely that sufficient Interest and the playground work. Last year Conn L P 4%s . . . .102% 104 , Yarron, state supervisor of Near ed up during May and yesterday he enthusiasm can be revived to «per­ the work was cared for hy James Brid Hyd 5 s...... 104% 105% On Our East Relief, has written as follows: took two more into camp, gather­ fect a very interesting program. Dowd of this town, Thomas Pickelt Insurance Stocks To the. ordinary Individual there ing one on Cedar street and anoth­ Rockville now has three bands and of Willimantlc and Miss Mary Drew Aetna Insurance . . . .870 890 is nothing romantic abSut American er on North street. When he makes a drum corp and with Talcottville of Bridgeport. Aetna Casualty . .. . 1240 1260 condensed milk, but to those of us catches he reports them to the town within the town of Vernon there is It has not been fully decided who Aetna L i f e ...... 960 975 Easy Buying Plan who have spent years overseas in clerk, stating the time, place and available for parade purposes three will look after this work this year. Autom obile...... 430 445 trylUK re-establish the health and date of the investigation ^or the bands and two drum corps. Mr. Dowd has been re-engaged, Conn Generali ..... 1875 1920 str4nkW of countless hosts of boys picking up of a dog. At Sandy Beach but just who the other two will be; Hart F ir e ...... 890 900 and girls who were starving and Rainy weather has delayed work has not been decided. It is under­ Htfd Steam Boil . . .820 — With U 3 .jdylpgSttnder the deprivations caus- Myron Peckham who recently un­ on the new Sandy Beach ballroom stood that both Miss Drew and Mr. Lincoln Nat Life . .130 — *ed by* the Great War, condensed derwent an operation for appendi­ at Sandy Beach Park, but It Is ex­ N ational...... 1210- 1240 milk merits a crown of glory and Pickett will be unable to return citis at the Memorial hospital, has pected the building will be com­ here because of other engagements. Phoenix ...... 850 . ; 870 our sincerest respect and praise. pleted, lighted and decorated ready made a rapid recovery and return­ Frank E. Busch, well known box­ Travelers ...... 1940 1970 A t is very difficult for us here in for the opening before the close of Public Utility Stocks Aifierica to picture whole cities and ed to his home on Lydall street to­ ing and swimming Instructor at the 12 WEEKS TO the month. A special opening pro­ Conn El Sv pfd ,. :104 107 communities starving for want of day. School street Recreation Center, gram is now being arranged. Conn L P 8 % ." • • • .119 123 food and with no possibility of ob­ has been appointed as lifeguard to Clarence W. Wo6d moved yester­ Coming Wedding supervise Globe Hollow which will Conn L P 7 % . . . .117 120 taining it by their own efforts. Dur- Invitations have been issued for day from Center street to his new probably be opened either on June Conn L P 6% % pfd .112 115 ' ing recent years 1 have been thru the wedding of Miss Ella Friedrich, Conn L P 5%% pfd.103 105 PAY home at 29 Wellington road in the a number or situations like the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolf 23 or June 25. However, this will Conn Pow Co .... .160 164 above, but the most acute that 1 Hollywood tract. «The house was Friedrich of Harlow street and be governed- to a great extent by do fractions . . . . .1.45 1.55 liave ever seen was in Russia along built by Harry England and sold to John Carter of East HarlfoX. 1 the weather. In case of unasually Green W& G 6s . .102 104 the Volga River in 1922. As a Mr. Wood through the James J. The ceremony will take place Sat­ warm weather before that time, an Hart El Lt ...... 144 149 member ot an American Investigat­ Rohan agency. urday afternoon, June 15, at 2 do vtc ...... 149 12 MONTH ing Commission, I was able to ob­ o’clock at the home of the bride Hart Gas com .... .128 135 serve one of the strangest and most Mrs. Martha ' Hooks and family the circumstances. — elect’s parents’ and will be perform­ do pfd ...... 95 •3 paihetlc experiences that human be­ and Mr. and Mrs. George Poots of ed by the Rev. George S. Brookec, S N E T C o ...... 180 187 ings have ever been subject to. Eldridgc street ^have returned from pastor of the Union Congregation­ do righ ts...... 20 22 GUARANTEE 'I. There had been the worst blight the Bridgeport where they attended the al church. * CENH R CHURCH PICNIC Manufacturing Stocks ; country had witnessed in decades, funeral of Mrs. Hook’s brother-in- Am Hardware .... . 72 74 and then came a deluge of locusts Summer Vacations law, Edward Robert Barber. Mrs. With school closing two weeks American Hos . . . . 22 — Our new tire department has started like wildfire. which even the ancient Egyptians Barber was the former Miss Eliza­ American Silver .. . . 26 — would have considered, excessive. from today many of the local high- The large volume of sales in the past two weeks beth McRoberts of this town. school students are looking about Ar Elec pfd ...... 105% 107 - ’•Ti The country was in the throes of a Automatic Refrig . .. 12 — affords ample proof that this department is here to great revolution and railway trans­ for summer jobs and several have ■"Hi Noble Grand Mrs. Frances Cham­ already signed up for the next Edna Case Parker Heads Com­ Acme W ir e ...... IS stay—a red public indorsement of our plan of offer­ portation was practically at a stand­ bers and Vice Grand Mrs. Minnie Billings Spen com . . --- 6 still. Food became exhausted and twelve weeks until school reopens mittee in Charge—^Trar ing Williams 'Tires on easy buying terms. Smith will represent Sunset Re- do pfd ...... 10 e * the weakened people left their following Labor Day in September. M bekah _dge tomorrow, home day, Jack Keeney, saxophonist, and Les­ portation to Be Furnished. Bigelow-Htfd com . . 90 95 You can have these finest quality tires today—a homes and lands and began to do pfd ...... 105 — full set or only one— by making a small do\m pay­ travel, direction was no considera­ at the Odd Fellows home in Groton. ter Ludke, pianist, both of Max Ka- They will be accompanied by the brick’s orchestra of this city, are The Center Bristol Brass . . , . 17 20 SAVE MONEY ON ment with 12 weeks to pay the balance. ^'And in tion. The only impulse was to get Case, Lock & Bri in . .375 — away from certain death and toward same officers from the Rebekah playing week-ends with the well- addition you receive an iron-clad guarantee positive­ lodge at Rockville. known Casino Grill orchestra of Collins C o ...... 120 3 30 the hope of food. Our commission Colt Firearms ...... 35 37 GUARANTEED ly ensuring you of at least 12 months service. visited village after village in which Saybrook, and on tAe 22nd will June 19- A ! Grand Protector Mrs. Chambers, leave for a twelve week engagement at 6 o’clock by the members ! Eagle L o c k ...... 65 70 Make it a point to see Williams 'Tireis brfore you not a single inhabitant was left. Fafnlr Bearing . .. . .135 Doors were left ajar and the con- and past chief Mrs. Ada Peckham at this popular Wright Club playing Group one at aL nominal charge. 1 d U A L l l Y ! buy, that you may judge for yourself their worth daily including Sunday until Sept. menu will be; beef loaf, poti Fuller Brsh Cl A .. . . 22 ►-- ten ts of the houses were undisturb­ and Mrs. Gladys Clark attended the and quality. , meeting of Harmony lodge of Tor- 3rd. The Casino Grill band will be salad, baked beans, strawbe f do Class A A . . . .. 38 ed, but a deathlike silence prevad- . Hart & Cooley . .. — ..ed. the streets and dwellings. rington last night on the .occasion heard at Sandy Beach Ballroom fol­ . .240 b?gan to'^overtake those lowing the close of the season at Those desiring to 1 Internat Silver . .. . .148 155 ■l. -'4 of the grand chief’s ^'visfet^pre do pfd ...... 125 — ^T^ho were fleeing death to^a hope of than 200 were present. The Pythian Saybrook. 1 Miss Scanlon Injured in Accident t Jewell Belt pfd .. . .110 — G. E. Keith Furnitur e Go., Inc. life. The process of deterioration hall was unable to accommodate Land, Frary & Clrk f j was very marked. A family would Miss Gertrude Scanlon of Pros­ the church by 5:15 p. m. 3 . . 72 74 the gathering and the Masons kind­ pect street met with a painful auto J. Mann & Bow A . . . . 19 21 Bouth Manchester start with animals and wagons and Opposite High School, ^ .• ' ■ ly extended the use of their hall accident on Wednesday morning. In 1 do Class B ...... 19 12 .some of their more valued posses­ across the street. some manner she fell from the ku- J. N B Mach pfd ...... 102 — ^ — ------^— sions. Before they had gone far, do c o m ...... tliey would have to throw away ar­ tomdbile in which she rides to Hart­ . . 26 28 Mrs. John McMenemy of Marble information as to plans. New H Clck fc.)m . ., 30 ticles by the wayside; then they ford and was drattjed along the The committee in charge o • .4*1 ■ I street who entered the Memorial . do pfd ...... 25 — would have to eat their animals and street. She was remoY^d to the arrangements are Chariman hospital Tuesday, was operated Rockville City Hospital. As! she en­ • Niles, Bement, Pond . 65 70 struggle along on foot. Soon the upon thi morning and latest re­ Edna Case Parker and the fc weaker members would sicken and tered The automobile her coat do pfd ...... 98 ports are that she is as comfortable .ing: Mrs. Gertrude Purnell, *• North & Judd . ., . . . 34 36 'di.e. We., met, remnants . of such caught in the door As she opened as can be expected. H tiic..dopr to release.,the,.cofLt, she Frank Cottrell, Mrs. George H *■ J R Mont pfd . . . , . . --- 75 ^groups ^unSred of miles a^ray from ____ YV I Mrs. George Smith, ‘Mrs. B . _ thfcfr* bWrft* bl 'debirture. 6ne case Irfst’ ’ mir? Balance;' an^ ;fell ‘ to; the ^ do c o m ...... 50 George H. Wilcox, secretary of street. r Pratt & Whit pf . . . 90 — -4=.% left an indelible impression on my ---- mind. At a railroad station 1 got the Manchester Kiwanis club,’ will Friendly Class Social 5- Peck, Stow & Wil 19 : into conversation with an emaciated leave this afternoon for a trip to- The Friendly Class of the Union ^ Russell Mfg Co . . .115 125 Mrs. D. C. Y. — I but intelligent man who had been Seattle, Wash., where he will at­ Congregational church held a meet­ s Seth Thom Cl com , . 30 I a comfortably well off farmer. He tend the international convention ing and social Wednesday evening. s. do p f d ...... 26 — was carrying a one year old baby of Kiwanis clubs. He expects to be The meeting was called to order at Eva White, Mrs. 3. Smyth Mfg Co . . . .400 — t .'in his arms and he had a rope over absent from town about two weeks. 8:00 o’clock by the president, Mrs. 3, Stand Screw ...... 114 120 I his shoulder which was attached to The trip will take in many poi Lawrence Southwick. It was voted Mrs. Lucius Foster, Miss y Stan Wrks com .. . . . 59 61 I a little tin bathtub. A little three of interest in the far west including to appoint a commitete to plan for Hutchison. Taylor & Fenn .. . .130 I year old girl was Crowded into the a visit to Portland, Oregon. an outing in July. A committee was T orrington...... 106 110 E 'bathtub, too weak to walk. The also appointed to make, arrange­ Under El Fish ...... 6 9 70 I faaM ;saifi that on the way the Attorney William Hill who came ments for a bazaar in the fall. THREE HUNDRED HEAR Union Mfg Co . . . . 20 I TOOtner and three children had died here recently from Maine, has open­ Following the business meeting U S /Envelop pf . .. .122 ---- S and he was trying to get the re- ed an office in the Balch & Brown ah entertainment in charge of Mrs. iff do c o m ...... 270 — S mairiing two children to safety. I Margaret Schmogro was announc­ M Whit Coil Pipe . . 1 8 Z1 building on Depot Square. i I rushed back tto our private car to ____ \ ed: S get some condensed milk and bread Vocal solo, My Prayer, Miss Mary Judge Raymond A. Johnsem will More than three hundred attend­ g for them, but before I could return leave tomorrow night with the Tompkins. H to the window our train had pulled Violin and Piano selection, Dl.x- ed the “ Parents Night” exercises at Connecticut delegation for Kansas ieland, David and Edna Ballard the Manchester Green schoDl last out of the station. It has ever since City to attend the Republican na­ N. Y. Stocks Song, Ramona, Girls’ Quartet. evening. From 7 to 7:45 the pupils been a source of painful regret tional convention. that 1 was not able to get these Mexican Play, His B6ok,“ by al pursued their regular studies. The " /j;-’ M group of twelve children. parents, friends and children then su^pjies to thetn. It might have Sunday will be observed as “ Chil­ meant the difference between life Song, Juanita, Girls’ Quartet. ' gathered In the assembly hall, and High Low 1 p. m. l^^-and .death to this loyal father and dren's Day’’ at nearly all' of the Every number was-well received. it was long after 9 o’clock before Ailed Chem .176% 174% 176 his two little ones. churches. The children in many Coroner Finds Holota. Guilty they left the building, there was Am Bosch . . 28%. 27% 28% 7 There are millions of people alive cases ;will provide both the program Coroner John E Fahey issued so much of Interest to hear and to Am Can . .. . 90% 89% 90 and the decorations, and infants .195 194% 195 lb the world today who owe their the following finding in the death of see. Am Smelt . very lives to American sympathy will he presented for the sacrament Joseph NIemick on May 29. Mich­ The small piano recently pur­ Am St Fdry . 58% 58 58 offers new seasonable merchandise at great savings^ and generosity, which was poured ot baptism. ael Holota was guilty of negligence Am Sugar . 72% 72 72% chased for the schobl by funds left 182% 6)it to-them in their honor of dire in not calling a physician and in by the Parent-’Teacher association, Am T, & T . .183 182% e'hd 'Of 4hla>7vast..enterprise'' is sold ,,their six room bung|lq,w on tivities; Mr and Mrs. Charles Reed, exhibited by the Humane society in No Am Co . 72% 71% ' I Nor Pac . . . 97 97 97 vin sight, 'but '^''drder to finish it Phelps Road to Charles H. aijd^Fan- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitkin, Mr. Hartford. ; with'dignlfcy,.and honor It is nece.s- nle M. Beam of Hartford. " The and Mrs. William Thrall and Mr. Penn R R . . 64%. 64% 64% • During the evening the school Post Cer ., .129% 128% 129% SUMMER SDL^ PRESSES yw.ry to -rai^ a ; stated' fund during transfer was made through the and Mrs. Edwin Baker. orcheMra furnished musical num­ jas if she me'.nt it," he j[pal premedlatton j &eoi%e North, who has been at a sana- nlhg-a,t 6:15 o’clock. Th^ piroceeda ©ts ana the teachers in turn show­ toruim at Stockbridge, Mass., for from supper are used to' give* ed some* of the art- and composi­ said. 7'Twelve years ago,) she took a idMv'foe^ the elevated stairway gun. after me at Mpnroei La., and in four months is much impro'vied in. the County Home Children', thetr tion work done during the year by caught": la the arma^of Burton she tried'to kill me again.’^ Vhnan OorcorBB. “ a&n^idv^icnic. the different students. - . r* ^ i:. *•- A ** r- '.-K MAJ^CHESTBK iCCpNTt.) IfiVBNWrG HERALDi ^TOAT, TUNE 8,1928, \ V'iii— ■feave Brobkiands,- ns ” nothrng but world,' and" among Us succesees The other speakers, "JUnmy’’ Mis- danger could be seen in his further have beeit the h. p* VLvrosl^- ^ tretta, ‘'Jimmy’* Foley and Coach ROYAL AERO CLUB All Right, Fellers! This Is Gonna Be for Keeps! HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 'experiments., ' '■ pierj the first mahhfoe^im the / Kelly all redterated HantellL’s senti­ '■ Soon afterwards successful filghts with a 1,000 horssfipbw'er enlidne ments and it is expected that a lb ferels^ countries and the cross-, goodly crowd will be present at the FETES EARLY FLIER; V ARBflrw l The following officers have been ing of the Channel by. Blerlot con­ game this afternoon.: The band will A. ^ vinced-the World that there’ was s' PlAYING, elected In the band for 1928-29: lead the parade to the fiddl The ONCE WAS BAMISHEB OW.V1M? I President, Warren Case;, vice vaudeville skit entitled "Safety something in aviation, and Roe r^, president, Reginald West; secre­ turned to Brooklands, where ho Razors First” was presented by ' Oiled andlhghtdncid tary, Jacob Ruhlnow; treasurer. Stewart Lynn and Terrence Shan­ started ope of the first and ,moet Carle Cubberly. London.—-The Royal Aero Club successful' flying.-^ schools in the non. The entire. performance was has decided to give a banquet to A. i;SS*STl There was but one award in the very cleverly put over and the ac­ country. - ^ ^ , *1 « We 'o . commercial department this week. V. Roe, famous British pilot and .’ Since the war, the 'nrm of A. V. Campbeirs F ^ ' Stalien tors deserve much credit for such a aircraft manufacturer, to commem­ SWIPE HIS Gladys Harrison was awarded a brilliant performance, that kept Roe & Co.» has been ope of the ; Ptifflie 1551 ‘ MAP.BUES Sterling Silver Royal pin for 42 orate the 21st anniversary of his leading iV aircraft .concerns ^In the the entire audience in one succes­ first flight. WHEM H& net words. sive convulsion of laughter \5I4'T ,, J The following men'will make the Roe was the first Englishman to lOOVOMJ trip to Buckley with the track team: fly, and his flight in 1907 was the Mgr. Olson, Foster, Glennie, Keen­ first ever made in the British Isles. ey, Kittle, Schoen, Tomlinson, Che­ An Italian earthquake expert It took place at Brooklands, and his ney, Eels, R. Glenny, Greenaway, predicted a quake the other day.. machine was a . biplane driven by a 7 horsepower ■ motorcycle engine. Johnson, Mevier, Murphy, Mc- But then Mussolini probably call­ Carr, McCluskey, Nicola, Robert­ As a result of this feat. Roe was These Markets, son, Salmond, Scarlota, Taylor. ed it off. requested by the authorities to The following banners have been ''"X. awarded in the Franklin Building: Attendance, Room 16; Scholarship, • ‘ — Room 25, Room 23. The assembly yesterday was part­ ly devoted to a baseball rally and Men*s Blue Serge Suits _ T f f , - to a short vaudeville skit. The first speaker for the rally was Elmo Everyone a remarkable value. Mantelli, and he bewailed the sup­ port that the students were giving ■ Well cut..perfect fitting, .finely their championship team. He urged every student to be present at the tailored___unusually well finish­ East Hartford game to give the ed suits at this low price. The team every possible bit of moral support in order to make possible very latest styles in single and , the winning of this crucial game. double-breasted models. Specially Campbell’s Market priced at $37.50. Patterson’s Market Louis S. Jaffe Good Clothes One Dollar a Week Smachetti’s Market Jeweler George England’s Market 801 Main SU, South Alanchester VERY SPECIAL THE Lantier’s Market Hartford Hartford i Canale’s Market LADIES’ 24<0 As-irivVjvVST. WRIST WATCHES John Knoll’s Market $6.95 and up Nichols’ General Store

10 to 20% Off on All Dairymen i Diamonds, Watches and MILLINERY SALE Jewelry. Charles Seinberg •V Closing Out One Lot of 75 Spring Hats. Headquarters for Wedding and Values to $4.98 at Rasmiond Miller erican Arbitration Treaty which is Great Britain alone, or to any other Graduation Gifts. expiring. individual country. John Conlon ANGLO-AMERICAN Two ways in which it is proposed British public opinion In the that Treaty relations between the views of the Council would wel­ Why bny on time and pay all two countries may be improved are: come wholeheartedly any American your life. Cash works wonders at Florist (1) To secure a more inclusive proposal to participate in a really Jaffee’s. t - y - - ■» ’ •. . . . . RELATION UP AT treaty to replace the so-called Ar­ responsible partnership of nations. bitration Treaty and (2) To open Milikowski, the Florist up negotiations for a multilateral New Felts in White and Pastel Shades PEACE MEETING treaty on the basis of the recent FOR SATURDAY ONLY Kellogg proposal. Merchandise sold by these business men Is kept at It is clear, the council states, that the proper temperature at all times insuring you of the London—Improvement of Anglo- the text of the present treaty Is best service. . American relations is to be the confined to disputes of a legal BROWN and GOLD principal subject of discussion at character, and excludes all disputes this year’s National Peace Congress which can be deemed to affect the 11 wnvened by the National Council vital interest, or the Independence Is the Name of the New Haven Dairy lor the prevention of War, in Lon­ or the honor of the two nations. don, on July 5th next. War Still Possible. The Council further points out Special for This Week-end* ALFRED A . . , As a basis for consideration the Congress has selected the following that even under the Bryan Council- Headquarters for Plumbing and Heating Supplies thrbe points upon which to Inform iation Treaty, which provides for Sounds Good Doesn’t It! The Ladies Shop Main Street Opposite Park St., South Manchester public opinion: use of conciliation methods and a cooling-off period of twelve months, South Manchester ‘ 1. The psycholocal reaction of during which investigation and re­ 535 Main Street, v v v v w v v v v v the brea'idowh of the Coolidga.^]^ port may be conducted by an Inter- ] It Consists of val Conference. national Peace Commission, re­ Z. The Kellogg proposal for the course will still remain open if the Coffee Ice Cream and Orange Sherbet. renunciation ;of war as an Instru­ process of conciliation does not lead ment of national policy. to settlement. ■ 4 J!’ The vexed question of the The negotiations between the Also Bulk Ice Cream and Fancy Shapes. freedom of the seas. United States and France make it Arbitration Treaty clear, the Council adds, that Ameri­ For sale 1^ the following local dealers: During the next few months the ca Is not prepared to enter into Council is concentrating on, the agreement with France alone for question of a renewal on a more the outlawry of war. Presumably Farr Brothers Edward J. Murphy *f- favorable basis of the Anglo-Am­ the same attitude ^would apply to 981 Main Street Depot Square t:- Duffy & Robinson Packard’s Pharmacy 111 Center Street AC the Center CUT DOWN THE OVERHEAD Ladies’ and Gents’ Hair C u t s ...... 35c Children’s Hair C uts ...... 25c .^ly shop has passed the state inspection. Cleanest place In town. Equipped with the latest fixtures. THE WHITE WAY BARBER SHOP MURRAY’S t Between Bissell and Pearl Streets, “ Correct But Inexpensive” t Simon Hildebrand, Prop. y State Theater Building, South Manchester

MARLOWS VALUES Our Sale __>OF----- Special Values Midsuminer Ladle's Lingerie Ladies’ Rayon Vests, line quality... 79c HAtS o Ladies’ Fine Rayon Bloomers and Step-Ins ...... 79c w Rayon Combinations ...... 1.00' Now In Full Swing! Rayon Night Gowns...... 1.00 s Rayon Shadow-proof Slips . . . ____1.00 Two-Trouser Shadowproof Slips of Alpaca and Important Special Palmetto Cloth ...... 99c Children’s Rayon Vests and O ffering!! \ Bloomers ...... 50c, 59c, 75c New Felts— all colors • ■ ' Children’s Combinations...... 1.00 and Many Other Suit Values ■■ y ^ .n?*'''. '~ T- ■ I':.' Milans A* K. SLEEPmC GARMENTS ■ '■ u . Straw and Combinations . m SHIRTS, NECkTI|Sy Ladies’ Porto Rican Gowns— hand Tremendous ... - . . -'L • E embroidered...... 79c " Large and Small Shapes Ladies’ Voile and Cotton Gowns ... 59c Values Ladies’ Crepe Pajamas ______1.00 Group 1, Values to $2.95 Men’s Night Shirts------1.00,1.49 At $1.00 Men’s Pajamas...... 1.29 to 1.98 M Group 2, Values to $3.95 Q O Children’s Sleeping Garments 50c to 99c l^ys’ Pajamas ...... 99c, 1.39 Group 3, Values to $4.95 QQ R V i s i t Our Basement Plenty of Large Head Sizes COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. $ '■'tv'' S' I ■' - ■r-'- Men’s Fmmt Men’s Clothi^-^^Fifth' -.Floor . . ^ , t .■ ,1'-i V, ‘ -V'i: ki. v'.Vi'.r-’-ws ^ ^ T^ - ^ - j:- FO R VALU ES MURRAY’S

*- f a ■1 M A E L U W S ^ V A L U E ^

: ' /..jiA^-'4-.v ■ -' '■'1..V 1 » ' t-i 3 '" y . i ■ 't v '. f


ceeding fifty miles at night in by the development of a new and bination ,of the an^nn^.' is due to a distortion that is Intrcir specialized type of aircraft receiv­ this plan for closer beacon spas do wltjh Nan Toy, slave In 'the presents Emil Jannings, the great­ mountainous territory. duced in radio waves as they travel ing set. l-will eliminate t l^ e night , efp “ House of a Thousand! Daggers,” est of all character actors, in “ The through the upper atmosphere,” the This phenomenon was referred to CHARLEY MURRAY AND RADIO BEACONS Bo/// rf' •: est credit terms! V V W N V W 5-PIECE DECORATED SET Come in now and The drop leaf table and 4 chairs to take advantage of match complete this fine breakfast set! these great sav­ The price is extremely low! Finishes $ 1 2 .7 5 ings ! In gray and cream! Come early!

Albert Special! HARTFORD

—now, in the Downstairs Shop Gas $39.50

This Is absolutely one of the finest val­ ues we could offer! This range is built to the highest standards for the modern / A t home!


4-Poster Refrigerator Day Bed Finished In mahogany—a beau- 3-door, side tring model— Couch model Day Bed—cte- tiful reproduction of the charm- Mulshed In oaki An unusual tonne covered mat- d»-| P pTfi Ing C l 4 value at this low (F-l fT O K tress. Special only.. Colonial! ...... price ...... d l l * ^ 9


m s is the Downstairs Shop’s most famous sale ... * known to thousands of thrifty shoppers as the best time to buy suntmer dresses. . . offering ev^y wanted . Finished In Walnut— i I the Bed—Dresser and summer style in flowered and plain georgette, printed Chest of Drawers! Also m the Spring—^Mattress and crepe, washable silk and flat crepe . . . m white, summer ^ Pillows Included! An high shades and pastels, tans, navy and black . . . extraor- exceptional value at this dinaiy values made possible by Steiger s unrivaled buying low price I ^$1.00 WEEKIiY power... hupdreds of new dresses go on sale to-morrow . every Iotc and preference can be suited... at this sen­ GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AND EASIEST CREDIT TERMS OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS sationally low price. Are Offered Without Extra Qharge 1 Weekly Paymente^'^jn If You Prefer an Jp 1 > U U Purchases up to ^ f w Evening $2i 50 Pnrchases.jtop P^m^nts to Appointment 0 C A Weekly PaymCTits ^ 0 » 0 U Purchasea up


440.9—WeX-WJR, DEtROIT--6SO Leading DX Stations. Downstairs Thrift Priday»Jftt®'8. 8:80 TtSI^WJZ programs UH hrs.). ! 4»m e» y*. . Hter audlencea of late.'There'will also 8:01 7:01—Tho Wise Man. 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—77p. 8:30 7:30—Lope* musical potpourri. WASH be heard In thla hour h lymphony or- 10:00 9:00—Coon-Sanders nlghthaw':^*. ^Vcheatra and vocal and inatrumental 0:00 8:00—True stories, drama. 10:20 9:20—Harmony team; cicheittra Jolata, Halt an hour later the Pur- 10:00 0:00—Columbia La Pallna nour 11:00 10:00—Throe dance orcheetras. e . network will Inautiurate a new with James J. Corbett, 365.6—WEBH.WJJD, CHICAGO—820. feature entliled "On the Front prize fighter, actor. 7:00 C:00—Symphony orchestra; talk. Porch". Thla will be an Informal 10:30 9:30—On the front porch. 9:00 8:00—Moo.selieart children’s hr. pralherinR of young mixed voices sing­ 11:05 10:05—Roseland orchestra. 11:80 10:30—The Witching hour. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. DRESSES ing the songs to be heard on the front 416.4— WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO—720. Ready for Tomorrow—k porch of the average American home 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND-900. 7:00 6:00—Rambler’s concert. - 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. during the summer montha^OurinK 11:15 10:15—Louie’s German band. Dlxlea circus hour through WJZ and 7:80 6:30—WJZ Dixies circus. 8:00 7:00—Soprano, baritone, pianist. 11:30 10:30—Sam ’n* Henry; ship. the Blue network at 7:S0 Uncle Bob 12:^ 11:15—Hawallans; porters. For Summer Wear Sherwood, the last of Barnum a 8:30 7:80—WJZ White Rock concerL 9:00 8:00—WJZ Wrlgley review. 1 2 :« 11:45—Meeker’s dance orchestra. clowns, will tell stories, and music 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO-870. played by the circus band.s and cal­ 10:00 9:00—Musical art trio. 11:00 10:00—Lowe’s dance orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Studio concert, liope mav be heard. WEAF and the 11:00 10:00-—Showboat, organlrt, ait- Newest Print Effects red network at 8:.t0 will Intr^uce to 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—610. 6:55 4:55—Baseball scores. ists. Jack and Jean, Colorful vSilks—Printed, Plain" their listeners songs by the National 447.5— WMAQ.WQJ, CH4CAQO—670. Choristers. Oiher highlights may be 0:00 5:00—Waldorf-Astoria music. Fast Colors Guaranteed Uined in from WPG. WLW. KTHS 7:00 6:00—Happy Wonder Bakers. 8:00 7:00—Concert orchestra, and WON-WLTB_____ 7:30 6:30—The Happiness Boys. 8:30 7:30—Orphos program. Plain .Georgettes! Printed Crepes! Printed Georgettes! 8:00 7:00—Cities Service quartet. 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) Wave lengths In metera In left pf 9:00 8:00— National Choristers. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’n' Andy; orch. station title, kilocycles on the right 9:30 8:30—La France orchestra. 11:30 10:30—Potpourri; orchestra. Sizes 16 to 46, Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 10:00 9:00— Palmolive hour of music. 499.7— WFAA, DALLAS—600. and Eastern Standard. Black type 454.3—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 8:00 7:00—WEAF orch; quarteL 1-00 12:00—Astor luncheon music. 10:00. 9:00—Studio entertainment. indicates best features. X;00—Weather: home talks. PE 2:00 374.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—800. t. A 5:30 4:30—■\Tarkets; violinist. 10:00 0:00—.WEAF Palmolive hour, Leading East Stations. 0:00 6:00—Baseball: orchestra. IIKIO 10:00—Tho pled pipers. 6:30 5:30—Children’s program. 11:30 10:30—Varsity vagabonds quart. (ST) r,;on—Stardom of Broadway. 272.«--WPQ, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 7:00 12:00 11:00—Heuer’a orchestra. .74 i i ) 1 8:00 7:00—Custllllan’s orchestra. 7:30 6:30—Dixies Circus, with Bob 325.9— KOA. DENVER—920. k >• 8:32 7:30—Ventor string band. Sherwood, clown. 11:05 10:05—Studio orchestra. S'lR 8:15—Five dance orchestras. 8:00 7 :00 -Godfrey T.udlow, violinist. 11:15 10:15—Denver composers hour. 285.5—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1050. 8:30 7:30—White Rock concert, with 499.7—KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—600. 8:00 7:00—Dinner mti.sic. Carroll Cooney’s orch. 9:30 8:30—Vapor City fiddle band. 9:00 8:00—WrlQley musical review. 8:30 7:30—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) 9:00—Lenox string quartet, so­ 10:15 0:15—Baritone, pianist. 10:00 0:00—’Cellist, pianist 10:00 340.7—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—880. 10:30 0:30—Musical memories. prano. 11:00 10:00—Slumticr music.__ 7:30 C:'30—Orchestra, artists. 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON—650. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH--950. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Wrlgley review, B-SO 5*30—Dinner music, pianist, talk 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. \ 8-00 7 :00 -Morse Idrthdny serennders 7:00 C:O0—Baseball scores: talks. 7- 30 6:30—W.iZ programs (VJt hrs.)11:00 10:00—Dance orclie.stra. HOSIERY 8:30 7:30—Sandy MacFarlune’s orch 9:00 8:00—Ag'tn»°>;a ^coiicexL 370.2—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810. 0:00 8:00—W OH broadcasts (2 hrs.) 461.6— WCAE, PITTSBURGH-650. 11:00 10:00—Pla-Mor orchestra. II'IS 10:15—Yoeng’s dance music. 6-3I) 5:30—Mnthllde Flinn’s recital. 1:45 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. Full Fashioned Pure Silk Gordon Make. 302.8—WGR. BUFFALO—990. 7:30 6:30—Uncle Gimbee; talks. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 1:00 12:00—Hawaiian nights. All the Leading Shades Now in Demand 11-00 10:00—'Van Siirdam's orchestra 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs ) 548.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—550. 280.2—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070 2:00 1:00—N. B. C. dance music. 7:30 6:30—WGY players program. 8:00 7:00- Studio concert. 422.5— WH AS, LOUISVILLE—930. 8:00 7:00—WGY Fro-Joy our. 8- 30 7:30—WJZ White Rock concert10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour, *:0n 8:00—WOU programs (2 hrs.) 0:00 8:00—WJZ Wrlgley review. 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—740. 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 10.00 0:00—Studio concert 10:30 9:80—Merry Ramblers prog. pair 379.5—WGY. SCHENECTADY—790 11:00 10:00—Singing fireman; quartet. 8:0.'> 7:05—Roehr's orchestra. 12:65 11:55—Time; weather; markets. 1.14 8:30 7:30—WJZ White Rock concert 12:05 11:05—Long’s orchestra, tenor. $ 9:00 8:00—WJZ Wrlgley review, 2:00 1:00—Romano’s orchestra. 336.9— WSM, NASHVILLE—890. 7:00 B-OO—Stock reports: baseball. 10:00 9:00—inetrumanUI trio, eongt. f.:S0—Radio rolllckers; play. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Wrlgley review. 10:30 9:80—Baseball ecorea; trio. 7:30 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. 8:00 7:99—Fro-Joy hour with Kolln Hager, baritone. 12;.30 11:30—Vanderbilt U. dance. 399.8—WTAM, CLEVELAND—760. 344.6—WCBD. ZION—870. 7:00 6:00—Jesters; baseball scores. 9:00 8:00—Musical program. 8:80—Cathedral mixed quartet.qu 9:00 8:00—Mixed - quartet, string 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs 9:30 quartet, artists. 11:00 10:00—Studio recital. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. RURINOW'S Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. 508.2—WEEI. BOSTON—690. 309.1—WABC, NEW YORK—970. 288.3— WENR, CHICAQO—1040. 9:00 8:00—Studio musical program. 8:15 7:15—Organist: feature prog. 9:00 8:00—Orchestra; twins; artists. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 9:30 8:30—Dutch girls quintet 10:01 9:01—Dance orch: artists. 1:00 12:00—Dance orchestra: artists^ it'.w .* 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. 394.5— WHN, NEW YORK—760. 305.9— WHT, CHICAGO—980. 11:05 10:0.5—Renard’s dance orchestra. 8:30 7:30—Orch., artists (4 hrs.) 10:00 9:00—Rambler.s happiness prog. 261.2—WSAI, CINCINNATI—830 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—670. 12:00 11:00—Your ho'.:r iengue. '. l x ? 9-15 8.15—Scrap book time. 8:10 7:10—May Alta duo; book talk. 535.4— WHO, DES MOl N ES'i^560. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. U;45 7:45—Song recital; violinist. 8:30 7:30—Drake Univereit.y hour. 11:00 10:00—Dance orchestra. 9:30 8:30—Pianist, songs; orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Music clubs program. 265.3—WHK, CLEVELAND—1130. 365.6— WeSH, PORTLAND—820. 9:30 8:30—WEAir p; hrs.) 9:00 8:00-Dance music; contralto. 9:00 8:00—WEAF Persians orch. 384.4—KGO, OAKLAND—780. 10:30 9:30—Accordlan entertainers. 0:30 8:30—Davls-Cartland program, 12:00 11:00—Wrlgley revic.v. NO. 3 nR E LADDIES NOTICE 11:00 10:00—Moonlight trio; team. 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. 1:00 12:00— nighls. ,12:00 11:00—Reveille dance music. 293.9—WSYR, SYRACUSE—1020. 2:00 1:00—Westeip artist.*. concerL 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 7:30 6:30—Dinner music; baseball. 508.2-WOW, OMAHA-590. HOLD THEIR ANNUAL TO CONTRACTORS Choice models of dainty frocks for the bridesmaid—softly model­ 8:00 7:00—'WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—Studio concerts. 11:00 10:00—Musical, vocal recital. 11:00 10:00—Dance music: songs. 10:00 9:00—Dance program. 2:00 1:00—Artists’ programs. 12:30 11:30—Hollywood frivolities. 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON—640. 254.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1180. ed Printed Georgette and Chiffon Dresses for dinner or dance. > 1:30 13:30—Organ recital. 7:30 6:30—Mayflower orchestra. 10:15 9:15—Piedmont choir, splrituale 410.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730. 8:00 7:00—WEAF progs. (H4 hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Country fiddlers. James Stevenson Elected Fore­ SEALED PROPOSALS will be 7:80 8:30—Battle'*s orchestra. 9:30 8:30—J.,ord Calvert orchestra. 12:00 11:00-Richmond dance program. received by the Selectmen of the 8:80 7:30—Lafontalne band concert 10:00 9:00—WEAF Palmolive hour. 348.6—KJR. SEATTLE—860. man— Chicken Dinner Is Town of Manchester, Conn., at 10:30 9:30—Denny’s dance orchestra. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber*muslc. ‘ 11:80 10:30—Studio program; trio. Served. their office in the Municipal Build­ Washable Printed and Plain Crepes for Street and Sport Wear. ing, South Manchester, Connecti'- Hose (Company No. 3 of the South cut, up to four o’clock (Standard Manchester Fire department held time) in the afternoon, June 11th, YOUR SIZE, YOUR COLOR YOUR TYPE mma hopes COURTESY CARDS FOR Its annual meeting last night in the 1928, for wrecking and removal of headquarters on Spruce streei. The the buildings formerly occupied by HERE TOMORROW AT W TIC OAKLAND AUTO OWNERS meeting was proceeded by a chicken the Connecticut Company on Cen­ TO FIND WAY TO dintier attended by 25 members of ter Street as follows: T r a c e r s ^ Insurance ,(3o. the^corttpany. ? r • 1-Story building formerly used as James Stevenson was elected the ^ Hartford' Manchester owners of Oakland car barn, wood construction. CHECK LEPROSY company foreman and Thomas Has- 1-Story building formerly used ns and Pontiac six cylinder cars who sett was elected first assistant. 535.4 m. 560 k. c. will heed the call of t^e open road freight house, wood construc­ Other officers elected were, second tion. San Francisco. — The dread this season will be assured of the assistant foreman, Joseph Barrett: spectacle of Islands of ‘living dead,’ best possible service, such as they 1 Small building formerly used ns Program for Friday, June 8. would expect at their home service treasurer, Edwin T. Ferris; secre­ blacksmith sliop, wood con­ on which lepers live their lives in tary, August Mildncr; trustees, 6:25 p. m.— Summary of program exile may be banished If the tenta­ station all of which will be possible struction. through the Issuance of courtesy William Barrett, Thomas McKinney 1 Small building formerly used as and news bulletins. tive findings of Dr. E. L. Walker, and David Finnegan: auditors, 6:80 p. m.— ^Hotel Bond Trio— professor of tropical medicine In cards and Inauguration of a coun­ boiler room, brick construc­ try wide service plans for vacation­ James Burke and James Schaub. tion. Emil Heimberger, Director. the Univirsity of California Medi­ A committee was named to ar­ Jerome Kern Period— cal school prove true. ists James Stevenson, the Manchester range for an outing oi the company, all in accordance with specifica­ a. — Selection from “ Good Returning from 14 months’ stay dealer for the Oakland and Pontiac and was given the power to select Morning Dearie.” in Honolulu where he carried on tions on file in the office of the is Issuing these courtesy cards and the place and time. Another com­ Board of Selectmen, Room 1, Muni­ * b.— Selection from “ Stepping investigation? of the cause of lep­ all owners in this vicinity will be mittee was named to arrange for rosy, Dr. Walker stated that his cipal Building, Manchester. * Stonea.” cared for promptly as there Is every horse-shoe throwing contests. The Each bid Is to be sealed and : c.— Selection from "Sunny.” research Indicated the disease may Indication of an early exodus from winner of the contest will be award­ marked “ Bid for Buildings” for­ ' 6:65 p. m.— Baseball scores. not be : ecessary to isolate victims the silk town for the reniote re- ed a silver cup. warded to said. Selectmen at the ' 7:00 p.m .— The A. B. Clinton if further work substantiates his fjlons. above address and accompanied ■j Musical Period. theories. It may be that some local owner with the Contractor’s certified 7:30 p. m.— Connecticut. College “ Scientists have suspected for In fils hurry to get started on his check in the amount of $200.00 During summer months— more than ever— you will appreciate the shopping comfort * on the Air— some time that bacteria called ’ac- trip has overlooked some service re­ MISS THURSTON RESIGNS payable to the Town Treasurer of., * Joint Recital with 'Winifred A. tlnomyces’ might be Involved in quirement. He need not worry the Town of Manchester, Conn. of our spacious well ventilated store. N', J L i \ Beach, soprano and Loretta leprosy,” Dr. Walker stated today, about It for he may call at any Oak The Board of Selfectmen reserves _ Murnane, pianist. “ but it has been difficult to obtain land or Pontiac service station In AS MATRON AT LODGE the right to reject any or all bids, I'l;;’ I. Ju:ie ...... Beach laboratory evidence of the theory. tho United States and Canada and and all bidders are requested to Miss Beach Cannot Use Animals get just what he desires. consult with G. H. Waddell, Clerk II. March Wind .... MacDowell “ This is because the bacteria ap­ The courtesy cards will be used of Board of Selectmen before by every dealer in the country and Miss Katherine L. Abbott of t f - , Jeux D 'e a u ...... Ravel pear in a different form when cul­ Southbridge, Mass., to Take submitting bid. Miss Murnane tured in a laboratory. And it is Im­ in the event that an Oakland or For and by order of the Board of Position. Here. m ' III. Tell Me, 0 Blue, Blue Sky .. possible to produce exactly the Pontiac owner from some other city Selectmen of the Town of Man­ ...... Giannini same environment as is found in desires service while here, Mr. chester, Connecticut. Stevenson will see that he Is prop­ Miss Clara M. Thurston has ten­ D ov e...... Schindler living human tissue. THOMAS J. ROGERS, erly cared for. Points of Interest dered her resignation to Cheney Miss Beach “ It is impossible to use animals will be noted. Good short side trips Secretary- I'V. Valse T riste...... Sibelius for experimentation for only man Brothers as matron of the Chestnut will be suggested and all that sort Lodge, which positioi she has held Miss Murnane is susceptible to the disease.” of thing In other words the stay Outlet Radio Stoim; - since 1923. Miss Thurston Is retir­ ' y . L’e t e ...... Chimlnade Dr. Walker examined hundreds of of the stranger In Manchester will Miss Beach lepers at Kalihi Hospital, Honolulu, ing from active service and expects be made pleasant to leave Manchester the latter part 119 Spruce St., Near Bissell St. ^8:00 p. m.— Austin Organ Recital: a receiving station for those des­ Mr. Stevenson is also Issuing log W. H. PRENTICE, JR., * Elgar’s majestic “ Pomp and tined for incarceration at Molokai of June. E. A. ERICKSON books which are arranged to cover Mrs. Katharine L. Abbott, who Circumstance” will be the open- leper colony. a twenty day trip. • - W* - '.1 . ing selection on this evening’s “ In these examinations I found has been matron tor the, last five STRAW Austin Organ recital with Esther' that the bacteria ‘actlnomyces’ al­ years at the girls’ dormitory, “The Optlo”, at Southbridge, Mass., has A. Nelson at the console. Among ways appeared in leprous tissue. FRENCH THIEF, AGED 82, Announces Opening the numbers listed is Karg-El- The bacteria Is classified as a plant been secured for this position and MAKES RICH iEIAtJL FROM expects to arrive In Manchester In ' bert’s "An Claire du Lune,” an fungus and Is a soil-growing organ­ TWO PARALYZED VICTIMS New Blair Six Tub^ Set^ ^ ^ old-time selection in a ,pleasing ism like that causing tetanus or the near future. DeForrest 201-A Tubes___59c arrangement. Saint-Saens fami­ lockjaw. Working on this assump­ HATS Mezleres, France.— One Is never Milo Type 199 ...... 89c list$75 .....^...... liar “ The Swan” is also included. tion I discovered that the bacteria too old to steal, according to Louis- '\ I.— Pom.) and Circumstance .... is present In the soil practically Philippe Anatole, aged 82, recently Get yours now before the CeCo 201-A, list $1.50 .... $1.22 Bosch Electric, Console .t^j^,' ...... Elgar everywhere in Hawaii. arrested with considerable booty In selection becomes limited. ' II.— Au Claire du L u n e ...... In Barefoot Nations his sack. His latest robberies were 171 Flower Tubes ...... $1.98 list $225 ...... f Karg-Elert “ What more natural to assume made In the homes of old widow Auto Glass Large 45 V. B. Battery ... $1.49 I III.—Idilio ...... Lack then, since leprosy quite frequently Collard and Monsieur Lacaille, both Zenith AC Electric, IV. — Dawn’s Enchantment ....appears around the feet or legs, of them paralyzed. $2.00 $7.50 Burgess 45 V Battery, '^Uii ■. Dunn that it might easily be picked up in While they looked on, unable to List $375 $225 V. — Allegretto ...... Guilmant cuts or wounds. It is well known call for help, he rummaged through and Mallory and Other L a rg e ...... $2.49 VI. — The Swan . . •, .Saint-Saensthat leprosy Is most prevalent in the drawers and carried away linen, § Esther A. Nelson, Organist countries where natives run bare­ silver and diverse objects. The fol­ Styles. New Westfield Six Tube Friedeisman Model 800, .8:30 p. m.— Colt Park Dance foot. The disease, though entering lowing day he was caught with his List $300 ...... , . ..j$p0 1', Orchestra. the feet, may not first break out fortune, including a large number S e ts ...... $7.89 of bonds and bank notes. ^:8:00 p. m.— The National Chorls- there. It may enter tjje body, spread Windshields And other items too numerous to mention. ji 'Y ters. through glands and break out S:30 p. m.— Hartford Electric sl.multar.eously In several places X Light Company Program under after a lengthy incubation period. CARSGREASED Neckwear TIRES TUBES if the direction of Ralph H. Mlx- “ It must be emphasized, however, V i i ■ H . ~ . \ § 0 c » f er. that all this is tentative, and must Oiled and Tightened 30x3 1 / 2 ...... $3.25 30x3 10:00 p. m.— Palmolive “Hour from wait-further corroboration.” 29x4.40 $1.39 Campbell’s FOlhig Station 1 Installed Knickers 29x4.40 ...... $6.00 N. B. C. Studios. • , The districts In which leprosy Is 3 2 x 4 ...... • $11.00 32x4 . . $1.69 11; Oo p. m.— Howard Correct Time most common are well known. In / ■it:00 p. m.— Road Report. East Belgian Congo, 200 out of 1,- Phone 1551 11:05 p. m— Dave Bernie and his 000 persons have It. On the Ivory We Do All Kinds of Golf Hose Battery Charging 75c orchestra. ^ Coast of Africa 60 out of 1,000 11:30 p. m.— News and weather. have It. By Investigating In these We Continue to Offer Yon Glazing Willard Batteries for light cars and radio $7.75. i *•*)».! i)‘j places witbi the soil origin of infec­ THE ANSWER. tion in mind, by adoption of shoes RUBBER HEELS "REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF RADIO SETS and full disinfection of wounds, ii , Here la one solution’ to, the LET­ positive evidence of the truth of his Attached TER GOLF puzzle on comic findings may be obtained, Dr. nage: Walker said. SYMINGTON TENT. CENT, CANT, • CART (JARP.CAMP.------W. J. CARRINGTON BAMFORTH^S•» . t Congress passed 923 new laws At the Center terms the session iifst adjourned. Plumbing, Heating, Hardware and v '$MTlng out tax reduction and SAM YULYES I'ytf fiL Haicle Shoals, go ahead and name Jobbing Paiiiters’ Supplies . tliro of pur new laws,,Neither can 4 5 I m n lH i ll street 701 St., Johnson Block Tel. 810 'South Mtahehester Johnson Block. So. Manchester Read The HeraU m - -


WOOF! WOOF! BLAME NIGHTLIFE FOR "While we have not adopted com­ look for certain ally of Mussolini, but Bel­ panionate marriage, the Indiffer­ i grade believes that few Jugoslavian UNHAPPY HOU8HOLDS Cleveland.— Because a dog die RedTagl AND GROWING DIVORCES. ence with which many people view JUGOSUV KING’S troops will be necessary to check its marriage amounts to the same catcher needs and has “ great dili­ armies because Czechoslovakia Is thing,” ( the Judge asserted. gence” and a "peculiar skill,” he expected to stop any Hungarian Cleveland.— Gay night life in "There are too many divorces In is entitled to more money, accord­ military movements. restaurants and road hpuses are the the country. “ If people would ing to K. H. Ferry, superintendent GRAVE ILLNESS reasons many young couple^ be­ of the Animal Protective League. *T*hi8 C a i Side With Italy turn the years back two scovt and Bulgaria is expected to side with come disappointed and seek di­ live, as sensibly as we did then, we His petition to county commission­ Mussolini but only by facilitating vorces, Common Pleas Judge Judges would not know how to hear ers also recommended classiAcatlo'n WORRIES PEOPLEthe guerilla warfare of the Mace­ Frederick P. Walther , declared, a divorce case and would be might- based on ability with sliding scale donian band, which Belgrade be­ here, in discussing “ Doniestic Re­ ly glad of it,” Judge Walther con­ of pay. But the county fathers fail­ lations as viewed from the Bench.” ed to agree. “ What’ll we do, get a lieves, It can check by organizing cluded. Berlin— At a moment wh,en Jugo­ a Bulgarian peasant revolt. The Judge Walther stated that young bunch of dogs for ’em to practice USED C A R S married couples go in for "The on here in the court house?” one slavia and Italy stand glaring at attitude of Rumania and Greece is The right possessed by the Brit­ each other across the Adriatic aiid held to be still uncertain. gilded life” and at the same time of them wanted to know. IvMflSSt- complain they could not afford. to ish public to take gold to the Mint when Jugoslavia feels that Its very How far these tears are justiAed to be coined into sovereigns was V/VA an that existence is being threatened by is, of course, impossible to tell. Bel­ have children or commence buying a home "little by little. ’ withdrawn in 1925. Hemp, said to be the oldest cul­ Mussolini’s alleged ambition to re­ grade’s greatest hope for check-, tivated fibre in the world, was store the glory of ancient Rome, It Ing Mussolini rests on Paris and ■grown in China as early as 2,800 is revealed that King Alexander of London. B. C. Jugoslavia is ill and that his Illness Belgrade depends on Prance, Priced for Quick Action has already precipiated a grave po­ with which it has a treaty of X litical and constitutional struggle friendship, to support it not only l "=■ ■■ s '' in his'kingdom. diplomatically but, if necessary in a ^.. ..V 4 Due to the tremendous popularity of Alexander is sutlerin.g from a 1 military way. SPEQAL the Bigger and Better Cheivrolet in this stomach ulcer and is afraid that it No active support is expected >s may be cancer and that he may be from London, but Belgrade believes r community—we Have on hand a large facing the same fate that fettered that Mussolini’s strength depends number specially fine used cars bis father-in-law, King Ferdinand on England’s backing and that this BLUE SERGE of Rumania, to the sickbed for a backing would be withdrawn in which we want to move at once* \ear and Anally killed him. case of Italian aggression. But such The king’s court physicians deny a withdraw of English backing, These cars have been thoroughly re* that it is cancer, but Ferdinand’s Belgrade believes, would mark the X ' , ' ^ V.-V.S . < While this domestic Aght is pro- a much higher speed will be ob­ Mark The p ceeding practically unknown to the tainable. The frontal area is con- public, Jugoslavian fears of Italian I siderably less than that of the 900 aggresssion are growing. SACO XXX horsepower engine used by the Mussolini’s establishment of a Italian “ ace” Bernard! when he ob­ virtual protectorate over Albania, tained the world’s air speed record his alliance with Hungary and Ital­ of 31S miles an hour. Pure Lambswool Plaid Blankets ian shipments of arms to Hungary The twelve cylinders are ar­ I In violation of the peace treaties, ranged in the shape of a V. The GREAT his negoiations with Greece and carburettors are between the. cyl­ his recent conferences with Premier inders and the magnetoes are . Betblen of Hungary, Foreign Miu- tucked away at the rear of the . • Ister Zaleski of Poland, and Foreign engine, which has many novel Minister Tltulescu of Rumania— all technical features, the details of $ ^ ^ .2 5 p *” these are interpreted in Belgrade as which are unavailable owing to the parts of an “ encircling policy” com­ parable with that which the Ger­ secrecy of the design. The compression ration is 6 to 1, mans felt England was using and the fuel consumption at nor­ After July 1st They Will against them before the war. mal power and speed is 30 gallons Fear Mussolini an hour. Designed by Mr. Royce. Be Priced $13.50 Pair Many circles in Belgrade believe, the engine weighs 865 pounds. It By placing your order now In fact, that Mussolini will strike has successfully passed the Air this year yet, and Jugoslavia is be- Ministry’s 100 hours’ test and is you save $2.25 on every * lieved to be making preparations to now being Atted into a fuelage of pair. ^ meet an attack. one of the Royal Air Force’ giant Saco XXX Blankets are Belgrade military circles have bombers. OF already Agured out the whole Ital­ of excellent quality— soft, ian campaign In case of war. They fluiffy, strongly woven of believe that Mussolini would strike The city .of Manitou, Colo., has 100% pure lambswool from four directions— from the fleece. They are thor­ north through the Austrian pro­ legislated against needless honk­ vince of Kaernten in the direction ing of auto horns. Now how about oughly shrunk. Ample of Marburg; from the east through the neighbors’ chickens? width and length for full CARmrS DEPARTMENT Albania, which Belgrade believes sized beds. Ends are has become an Italian Military bound with 4-inch lustrous COLORS: i base; from the south by lapding sateen in the color of the Blue, Gold, - Rose, ’ troops at Saloniki, and with or Orchid, Gray, Tan SOUTH MANCHESTER : without Greek consent; and Anally, plaid. Blankets will be de­ 3S OAK S’niEET from the west by utilizing the Ma- livered about September Green : cedonia bands of western Bulgaria. 15th, and may be paid for Black>'cki Irid-irid-White Having placed his $12,000 Stock o f Seasonable Up-to-date Stock on the Bargain Blwk and The recent theft of Austrian de­ or charged at that time. Red-a d-Black fense plans would lend color to the ordered Sold. We are moving into new quarters and wdl dispose of all our merchandise Arst assumption. at prices that will surprise you. We urge you to come and see for yourselves. Hungary, Belgrade holds, is a

1 Lot of Children’s Hose, 75c Men’s Work Shirts. Re­ Install a $4.50 and $5.00 Ladies’ 1 Lot Ladies’ Purses and The follow’ing coupop is for your black and tan, merchandise moval Sale price . Low Shoes, all up to date. under arm Bags. Value good quality. Removal convenience in ordering: Good styles, assorted lots. to $2.50. Removal Sale price Sale price while they last ' 39c SEXTON Sage-Alien & Co., Inc., Removal Sale price Hartford, Conn. $2.00 Boys’ and Girls’ Play Gentlemen: 49c $1.98 Suits. Removal Sale price Please enter my order fo r ------pairs of 1 Lot Laces, all fine sheer UNDER­ blankets at the special advance sale price to $2.00 Child’s Shoes, differ­ goods, narrow and medium. Fast colors Prints, values Let Us Make be delivered to me in September. . 69c ent styles, all good grades. Value, regular 10c yard. 30c yard. Removal Sale Sold all at the low Removal N a m e ...... Removal Sale price price These Suggestions Sale price of Men’s Ties, a large assort­ GROUND Address ...... 19c ment. Values to 75c. R e ­ 98c 3c moval Sale price As Gifts for Ladies’ High Grade Silk Good Sheets, 81x-0O. Re- 39c GARBAGE 75c Ladies’ Silk Hose, high Hose, regular 75c aird $1.00 grade. Removal Sale Price graces. Removal Sale Price moval Sale Graduates a pair $2.00 Men’s Trousers, good ;i 39c $ 1.00 work pants. Removal , RECEIVER For Her— 39c 48c Sale price ! Wrist Watches A t Oar 35c Boys’ and Girls’ Fancy 32 inch Gingham, good $1.50 and - $2.00 Dress $1.29 and know that you are doing Stone Rings Cotton Hose. Removal grade. Removal Sale Price Shirts, not all sizes, but away with all odors. Pearl Beads Sale price yard bai'gains. Sale piice $1.50 Men’s Dress Shirts, Bar Pins They are rat, fly and dog Fountain 2 Pair for 2 5 c good grade. Removal Sale Bracelets proof— sanitary and inconspic­ 10 c price uous and non-freezing in win­ Pen and Pencil Sets 39c ter. Mesh Bags Sodas, Sundaes and 35c. Girls’ .(kitton .Hose, 1 Lot Ladies’ Gloves, black 89c Black, white and tan. Re­ and white, formerly sold at $1.50 Men’s Khaki Pants. moval Sale price 50c and 75c. Mixed lot. For Him— Removal Sale Price 25c Arrow Collars, choice Reinforced Concrete 2 Pair for 2 5 ^ Sale price each Watches including Gruen, Try your favorite drink or ice Styles Hamilton, Walthan., Elgin 10 c 98c cream dish here for real satisfaction. 3c and IlliUois. A lot of Ladies’ Hats, a 1 Lot Ribbon all silk, good 10 gal. capacity .. $9.50 Strap Watches good assortment. New $4.00 Men’s Dress Shoes, quality, former price from $1.75 Boys’ Wool Trousers, 15 gal. capacity.. $13.50 Rings up to date styles at prices all leather, good styles. Re­ 10c to 40c a yard. Remov­ all sizes. Removal Sale Pen and Pencil Sets unheard of. Removal Sale moval Sale Price al Sale price, yard price Cigarette Cases QUINN’S price Cuff Links $1.98 All Metal Styles Watch Chains 25c°98c 2c*” 10c 98c Tie Pins 7 gal. capacity ... $6.00 \ Exclusive Agency • 10 gal. capacity.. $7.25 for Gruen Watches t5 gal. capacity $10.00 Manchester F.E.BRAY 35 OAK STREET SOUTH MANCHESTER Plumbing & Supply Jeweler 645 Main SL, Farr Block Co. South Manchester PA G E EIG H T

with the advent of the presidential party next week the Brule post ] office will begin to handle more lEnrnins IHeralb mall In an hour than It has han­ dled In a month. The Postmaster PUBUSITED BT General has realized this and has THE HERALD PRINTING CO. Founded by Elwood S. Ela, rushed there an electric stamp-can­ O ct 1. 1881 celing ihachlne and arranged for (183) TWO INSTITUTIONS FOR THE DEAF Every Evening Except Sundays and extra help, but Mr. Webster will Holidays. ___ ConnecUcut’s dqaf are cared for at two insUtutlons, one en­ Entered at the Post Office at Man­ work for reduced pay in the busiest tirely state supported and the other partially supported by ap- chester as Second Class Mall Matter. time of his official career. But next propriaUohs from the state The latter institution, the Ameri­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES; By Mall You don’t want a porch or sun rboriKjust ilke .Mrs. Jones six dollars a year, sixty cents a year, with pay increased on the can School for the Deaf, in West Hiartford, is the oldest institu­ month for shorter periods. or Mrs. Smith. . That’s why you will always find so many dif­ basis of business done the previous tion for the instruction of the deaf in the United States, having ferent and unusual pieces at Watkins; We efideavor to buy By carrier, eighteen cents a week. year, Mr. Webster will have much Single copies three cents. been opened in 1817. The second institution is the Mystic Oral different things so your hpme can be entirely different from 4ny SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ more leisure and more money to School which was taken over by the state in 1919. It is more other. But in selecting these distinctive things we must also SENTATIVE. Hamllton-De Llsser. enjoy it. And on top of that he will consider price. So you’ll find these things here at Watkins Jnc.. 2.S5 Madison Avenue. New York than 50 years old. have had an opportunity to study priced as low as you would pay for the ordinary and common h«id GI2 North Michigan Avenue, During 1927 there was an average of 211 inmates at the (;iiicago. the executive machinery of the na­ furniture elsewhere. The Manchester Evening Herjild Is American School. The school staff consists of a liberal number H>n sale In New York City at Schultz's tion at close quarters, au oppor­ of resident teachers, besides the teachers of drawing and .-'S' News Stand. Sixth Avenue afid 42nd. tunity never before enjoy?d by a nactics and instructors in the industrial department. All the New Street and 42nd. Street entrance of , . , tirand Central Station and _a:t all ; postmaster of Brule. England states make provision through their legislatures for Hoatling News Stands. I the education and support of deaf-mutes, and four states send pupils for instruction to the American School. Last year Con­ RE-DISCOVERING TRUTHS . Client of international News Ser­ necticut paid a tothl of ?88,086 to the school for board and tui- vice. The best authorities disagree as . tion. "International News Servlco has the to the nation which flrst invented e.xclusive rights to use for republlca- Average, daily attendance at the Mystic Oral School last year tion in any form all news dispatches the compass. It is admitted, how­ was 103, and there was an average of 41 officers and employes credited to or not otherwise credited ever, that the Chinese had com­ at the institution. Twenty years ago there were 38 Inmates at in this paper. It is also exclusively entitled to use tor republicatlon all passes of crude design back in the the school and seven employes. the local or undated news published early days of the Christian* era. herein." Full Service Client of N E A Maintenance costs last year totafcd $87,035, while $20,124 Service. And now it seems that the recent was spent for a new dormitory and equipment and a barn at "discoveries” of medical men of the school at Mystic. The average cost per Inmate per week FRIDAY, 'JUNE 8, 1928 the value of adrelln in heart dis­ was $16.00 last year and $5.50 in 1908. The estimated value of the school property is $196,987. ease and of liver in anaemia were MR. HOOVER’S ORG.VNIZING known a thousand years ago to Monday— ^Provision for the Blind ABILITY the Chinese and the American In­ - Herbert Hoover’s whole career dian. No less an authority than has been marked by his brilliant Dr. Hugh S. Cummings, Surgeon to reduce the standing of support­ accomplishments as an organizer, General of the United States Public ers of the dry law in the minds of [n college this was true. As a min­ Health Service, has made public a the general public. But it seems to ing engineer in Australia, China, statement that gives food for be necessary that anyone in public Russia and in his own Far West thought. life must expect to be subjected to this ability was among his foremost For a thousand years, he said, injurious statements by those who Three Willow Pieces $79 attributes. He organized the neces­ m i l l the Chinese have prescribed the believe the enforcement of the Vol­ sary influences required to get These willow suites consist of a full length divan, arm chair and rocker, heads of powdered toad fish as a stead act takes precedence over all 160,000 Americans out of Europe By RODNEY DUTCHER similar to the sketch above excepting with broad, comfortable arms. Loose remedy for heart trouble and the laws of God and man. after the outbreak of the war. Be­ Washington, June 8.— Senator J seat cushions and upholstered backs make for comfort. Finishes: Natural modern scientists have discovered Boomboom McWhorter will have j This wing chair ot reed 'i» cause of this ability he found him­ his convention headquarters in one cr brovm with cretonnes tp hairnonize. different;. It’s high, comfort­ that adyelln, the most modern drug NO PERMITS self at the head of food relief. for treatment of heart disease, ex­ of the homiest, coziest hotel bed­ able, upholstered back and Folks began to ask who he was. By Assistant Secretary Lowman, in rooms in all Kansas City. spi'.iig seat are co v e r t with, ists in the head glands of that fish. charge of Prohibition enforcement Its attraction, he hopes, will be cretonne, $17. the time he could get around to get Evidently the Chinese were using for the Treasury Department, as­ irresistible when the party plotters home again the world knew who decide that it’s finally time to nom­ a prescription we have only re­ sures the country that he will not he was and something of what he cently discovered to be of value. inate somebody. Senator McWhor­ ^ ' Three Pieces of Fiber $53 , permit his agents to resort to wire ter as most people know, is a can­ had done. In his capacity as Secre­ The American Indian always tary of Commerce every job no one tapping to pick up conversations didate. And he suspects that after A full length divan, an arm chair and a rocker are the pieces included in chose the liver for his share of an by law-abiding citizens. As we un­ the convention has writhed in dead­ these three piece Artfiber suites. The fiber is dyed clear through to the met­ else wanted was shifted to his animal killed when in company lock for two or three hundred bal­ derstand it Mr. Lowman does not al core in brown, green and natural colors. Removable, spring-filled cushions shoulders and when the Mississippi with white men, leaving to the in­ lots everybody will be yearning for permit his agents to accept bribes, a nice Cool bedroom, with refresh­ in cretonne, to harmonize. and her tributaries got out of con­ vaders of his country their choice trol who but Hoover could be look- either. But they have. ments, where the real work can be of thb remainder of the carcass. done' in comfort. led to to perfect the necessary or­ The Indianb were deemed Ignorant. Hence, in the McWhorter bed­ ganization for general relief? Hour­ Today the price of liver has gone room headquarters, there will be electric fans, two or three seduc­ ly the press reports from Kansas to unprecedented altitudes because City indicate that the Hoover or tive divans, cerise draperies, over­ modern medicine has just found stuffed morris chairs, a few baskets Three Reed Pieces $53.55 ganizing ability has been function­ that it is very valuable in cases of of roses and possibly a lovely cig- In these groups a full length divan, arm chair and rocker are included, fin­ ing for months and now is at the aret girl in flowing robes. anaemia. Evidently the American ished in a pleasing putty enamel. Spring-filled cushions are used for the height of its efficiency. Indian was not such a fool as trap­ Even the leaders of the antis Plenty of cigars, of course. Good seats, upholstered in a cheerful cretonne that adds greatly to the beauty of per and hunters credited him- with cigars, too. Five-cent cigars may be the pieces. have discovered it. Toil as they being. Perhaps It is true that^ any good enough for ordinary delegates, Wide arms make, ibis genu­ New York, June 8.— The Broad­ ine reed chair very comfort­ may in the interests of this or that custom that has held its own for but not fof the type of heavy poli­ Candidate each day sees a flrmer way that presents itself to the suni- ticians the Senator hopes to lure able. The b^ k and spring generations has something good mer visitors thiff season is a i'it seat are in erfttonne, $13;50. grip on the Republican nomination into his web on that' fateful nighi. about It. more tawdry than ever before. Bit Senator McWhorter watches his ci­ for President in the bands of the by bit, the section above 45th Street gars closely since that recent occa­ Hoover forces. Practically every has been surrendering to the “ rack­ sion when an enemy substituted a Willow Barrell Chairs $17*55 CONTROLLING INSECTS contested seat has been won for ets.” In and about 50th street, it Box of explosive perfectos on him Why we allow mosquitoes and now resembles a combination of A unique chair of natural willow. Their backs are him. Superb organization helped to just as he was about to receive a flies to pester us, especially when Coney Island and the street fairs. delegation of postmasters from his rounded like a barrel, endl|^ in the front with small bring this about. When President There is a fly-by-night cheapness nfit we try to sit out doors on piazza or home state. He had a heck of a time wings as sketclied, making a high, comfortable back. Coolidge steps in to prevent the about the catch-penny shops and transferring the wrath of his Cretonne cushions $1.'59 extra. .use of his name it will be all over steps in the long summer evenings the sidewalk tradesmen. guests from himself to the enemy. when a clump or two of castor oil Even the “ orange drink” stands but the shouting for Hoover, a man On each wall will be large pic­ bean plants would have given us have begun to decorate their empo­ tures of the senator himself, with who cares little or nothing for riums with scenery reminiscent of freedom from the pests is one of banners urging “ McWhorter for ^houts. > the cheap grotto fronts of carnival President.” McWhorter is a modest our unanswered riddles. All kinds Caves-of-the-Winds. In one store­ man, but the little group of pow­ of Insects have a strong dislike for room a mechanical baseball game Fiber Ferneries $395 THE WIND SHHi'TS erful men he expects to entertain these plants. They will not go near operates. Next door a- fake oriental will realize that this is his head­ Disclaiming any approach to the manipulates trick cards and. points Choice of brown, red and natural fiber with metal lin­ them. In many southern sections a quarters and that no special at­ ers, similar to tr.e sketch to right. Diamond panel de­ supernatural we are inclined to to his array of puzzles and magi­ tempt is being made to persuade clump or two of this plant is to be sign in front as shown. Wboden legs. point to the fact that the predic- cian’s wares. A song plugging shop them Or anything like that. } r found closp to the houses whose oc­ makes the night hideous and two ]tion in this column some days ago Of course there may be some 1 cupants enjoy the evening air on radio and es­ slight difficulty in drawing the that President Coolidge would cer­ tablishments seek to rival it from unscreened porches without dis­ meeting of the best minds into tainly peremptorily stop the use their tiny cubby-holes. .The bally­ the McWhorter bedroom rather comfort from buzzing insects. hoo men of the automatic photo­ of his name in the Republican con­ than some other bedroom, but the This has long been the custom graph galleries inform you that vention has become the opinion of McWhorter board of strategy ex­ in cd^aln sections but it is only “ there are plenty of cameras ready pects to have an active little group WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc. political prognosticators of all in the rear” So step right up! The recently that the idea of planting at work which will be weaving shades of belief. Wall Street turn- gyp auction stores run night and around and exclaiming to people a row of the plants to every five day and cheap jewelry concerns EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES FOR CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES pd a flip flop Wednesday on the re­ every few moments; rows of cotton as a protection flash their paste baubels from the “ Migosh, have you seen the Mc­ port that this would be the case. against the boll weevil has been windows. Whorter bedroom?” Experts following every detail of The endless line of Chinese res­ tried, and with success. Castor oil And after two or three hundred the preliminaries at Kansas City taurants have strung loud speak­ ballots have been taken, everybody beans are themselves a profitable have become convinced this will be ers from their doorways, so that thb will know all about it and the pres­ crop and cotton is much more strains of the orchestras upstairs done. Apparently' Mr. Hilles and ident-makers will know just where profitable where the boll weevil overflow into the streets. Now that to come. Chairman Butler of the National the evenings are warmer, the 10 ______can be kept out. The combination Republican committee have reach­ cent dance halls have opened tsMrj ^ seems ideal although general windows and jazz mingles with however, p - ed that conclusion. Nothing else 1 . *■ 5, adoption of the plan might tend to in a mad discordant symphony. The ■ . ’ ; , »I : serves as answer to their change sagacity of the McWhorter strate­ an overproduction of the beans. odors of sizzling hamburger sand- of direction in voting to seat dele­ wiches and hot dogs hangs low gy. As far as any one can remem­ Even then we wouldn’t com­ ber, no politician in history has gates. over the corners. And each day pelled by law to consume the prod­ sees some new racket springing to ever carried on such a subtle .and Colors: Rose, Light What we cannot understand Is yet brilliant pre-convention cam­ 1 uct of the bean and it would be sev­ life to catch the summer trade. Blue, Gold, Tan, the reason for this belated belief paign. Green and Orchid. eral years at least before the cot­ Perhaps I am growing a bit old in the President’s announcement of and finicky. But Broadway wasn’t Senator McWhorter, one learns, ton, raisers of the South would try has established himself as the elev­ i E year ago. The President, in pub­ like this a few years back. There to incorporate a plank in the Re­ enth choice of an enormous num­ lic life at least, has not been given whs an illusion of tinsel that seems ber of delegates. He has reason to publican platform assuring them to be fading. And', walking along to equivocation. Because he saw fit believe that the final fight on the relief from an overplus of castor about 9 o’clock in the evening, it ‘ ' I'. to phrase his first renunciation of seems just a little depressing. fioor will be between those leaders oil. and delegates who will take him as the office a little outside of the or­ Be that as it may and even their eleventh choice and those who dinary man’s way of expressing There are millions in this city, however, who cling to. the simple will never take him under any cir­ himself has been, and is, no reason though entirely ignora'nt of the cumstances. beauty of the castor bean plant we pastimes. The year’s record shows to believe that he was seeking the that nearly three million persons have knowledge of one house near “ If Caleb Grunt had only had prestige of being the first man to visit the Bronx Park zoo each year 'Jr the piazza of which there is due to — and these are attracted only / some eleventh-choice strength in be nominated for the office in spite 1876 he would have been nominat­ bloom— or don’t they— a castor oil the warmer months. Almost as Df efforts to avoid such distinction. many go to visit the Aquarium. And ed and elected,” Senator McWhor­ bean plant and determine person­ ter explains. “ One by one, tbe first When or by what agency Presi­ hiking societies are quite the rage. The Secret$ - . • of ally the reaction of mosquitoes to ten can'didates were weeded out f ■ V f ‘ dent Coolidge will finally take him Golfing Is so popular that the near­ ;L. - • It. by links are jammed from dawn to and anybody with foresight could — — ^ ■ . jp < SE self out is his secret,f>That men sunset and one must have a healthy have had it then. Today I’m the high in the ranks of the party purse to have any sense of free­ eleventh choice of more delegates Good Linoleum . have professed to believe their dom. The same goes for tennis. But, than you can shake a stick at and SPREADING GOSSIP look at my prosnects! leader has been merely a framer “ Do you of your own knowledge I am told, it’s- pretty much the same in most cities today, “ Hoover will ^e stopped early be­ of phrases is the puf^le of the cause the middle west and east know anything of this allsged pro­ GILBERT SWAN. Back in the days of hoop skirts and leg-of-'m'tittoh * t day. rogation party?” was the question ,don’t want him and he couldn’t be sleeves people tacked their linoleum down because elected. asked of some leading lights in the Worthy of a place there wasn’t any better way to lay it. Nowadays yo'ii^ “ Coolidge can’t take it after re­ linoleum can be laid so it will be permanently .smpotii I / PAY ANT> BUSINESS charge that Massachusetts legisla­ fusing it and neither can Hughes, — warmer, more silent, more resilientf--sp U ^11, When the President of the Fnit- tors had enjoybd a “ wild party” a j fs cfafe if^ and neither o f them would be wear a lifetime. Id States selects an out-of-the-way year ago. They answered that they j elected. amorig the finest gifts (lace for his summer vacation his American “ Lowden and Dawes can’t win That’s the. way we do it. They won’t buckle, w;ave did not. Those who so answered in­ because they’re against the admin­ The lovely decorative colorings and the soft, fleecy or crack; and the seams stay tight. We'cement lecision affects every individual in cluded the state superintendent of istration and neither of them could texture of Kenwood blankets assure their presence e'_- HISTORY it down, oyer a layer of heavy builder’s felt, closing ^ I ihe vicinity of his temporary home. The Anti-Saloon League and three be elected. among the choicest and most appreciated of wedding the seams so tightly that the linoleum becomes a prac- or anniversary gifts. Their pure wool quality will iq^ Brule, Wisconsin, is to be the post Boston ministers. Yet they had JUNE 8. “ Curtis won’t get it because tically one-piece, bullt-iu permanent floor. r 1709— Paper money first author­ he’s too old and he couldn’t be give years of luxurious comfort and service; Plain iffiie address of the President for signed a demand for an investiga­ ized .and issued in New elected. colors, ends bound with lustrous satin ribbon. Come in and let us show you how it’s done* Oi leveral weeks. It’s a fourth class tion of the acts of legislators upon York. “ Borah and Norris are Bolshe­ lost office, one of those on which someone’s story or, possibly, on 1844— Senate rejected treaty made vik! and couldn’t be elected. ( 70x80 inch, $10. 60x84 or 72x84, $14 Hj! be salary of the postmaster Is based their assumption that such things with Texas. “ Jim Watson won’t be nominat­ 1845— Andrew Jackson, seventh ed because of the Indiana scandals. intlrely upon the amount of busi- myst be. By their general charge president, died. ' He couldn’t be elected, anyway. - less transacted through his office, they have, perforce, dragged in 1861— Tennessee seceded by popu­ "Senator G off-is out of it, of WATKINS BROTHERS WATKINS BROTHERS business had been slack with the the entire membership of the legis­ lar vote and northern states course, and wouldn’t stand a chance in November. CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES lost office in\ Brule the past year lature. Seeking to make a point in announced a “ war chest” of $32,000,000. "Yes, , this party has got to md Hajold E. Webster, the post- their over-zealoushess to support have a man that can be elected!” ttaster, had been notified by the prohibition they have resorted to iigher ups in his branch of the the spreading of gossip of which lubiic business that his salary they had no personal knowledge. It i,'!. V- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUl^E 8r 1928. JL one officer, “ take it with a grain believe that she wilt prove the best a vigorous’ punch, and her* back'?'] ways throughout the United States fails the parachute is the only re­ hand drive Is eic^dinly good boths sort left^ as soon as the general of salt. There,are ways and ways English girU player of her genera­ PARACHUTE SCHOOLS and the constantly Increased travel tion. f in speed and placement. In the air by persons owning their run of aerial passengers realize to get killed in a parachute, but it the parachute makes their safety Trill always open for you if you •Without doubt she is the “ find” The British Lawn Tennnis Asso­ '■own planes has brought about the ciation is watching her very close­ HEALIHo'DIET ADVICE FOR TRAVELERS TO necessity for a ^widespread knowl­ in the air practically certain. Army pull the ring. of recent years. Just nineteen fliers say, commercial aviation will years of hfee, she is a versatile play­ ly and it will be no surprise if she edge of the use of the parachute, is included in the British Wightman SH Di» F rank Mc Coy „ Army aviators declare. show a far greater expansion of BRITISH TENNIS FANS. er who possesses all the strokes. BE NECESSITV SOON passenger carrying air lines. ^ Her service Is one of the best Cup team. The parachute, thus far the only SEE VERA MONTGOMERY AS A COMING LUMINARY. models in the country: in conse­ known and tested safety device for The most importaht advantage of parachute practice, say those who quence, her delivery is very fast QUeSHOm IN RECARO TO HEALTH 60IET WIU KMUWOeO Washington. — The American those who are stranded high above and unusually well-controlled. Hef A small cannon, fitted to a sujj the earth in a frail machine of have made the leap, is that it in­ London.— Lawn tennis enthus­ m MtMCCOy WHO can s e aooaesseo in care op thi$ m p e r traveling public will have to go to stills confldence in the jumper. forehand drive Is very similar to dial, is still used as an alarm clock Ef/CLOSe STAMPED ADDRESSED EMVELOPB FOR REPLY parachute schools one of these days whistliag wires^ and struts, is as iasts might well look out for the that qf^Miss Helen Wills In charac­ by the Sultan of Morocco. Just deeds of Miss Vera H. Montgomery ^!3»6 AC. COY HEAITN SOWCS. IPS AUCCLeS- CAL. as a part of its general education. important as the airplane engine, “ When people tell you stories of ter. She hits a very early ball with the thing for city council. The expansion of commercial air­ aviators say. When the engine chutes that don’t open,” declared this season. A great many people few individuals, suffering from Dr. McCoy will gladly answer acidosis, the oxalic acid is passed personal questions on health through without being consumed. As long as the individual has this and diet, addressed to him, care tendency, he should avoid those of The Herald. Enclose stamp­ foods containing oxalic acid. The’ ed, addressed, large envelope commonly used foods that contain for reply. sufficient oxalic acid to be avoided are cocoa, tea, pepper, sorrell, spinach, and rhubarb. Contrary to d e c e p t iv e b e a d d e r p a in s the opinions of many, tomatoes do not contain enough of this acid to C E. HOUSE & Many people, who think they are have any detrimental effect. 'mfferiug from kidney disease, are Growths inside, the bladder usual­ l.’eally feeling the effects of a dis­ ly do not produce any distress until order of the bladder The symptoms they are well developed. Ulcers of of this trouble are varied, but the bladder sometimes fornt in usually include pain in the back or cases of chronic inflam'mation or i^roin, painful or frequent passing gonorrhea, the latter disease being 75th Aiwersary Sale Now In Prioress of urine, gravel-like sediment, not uncommon, even among those blood, and sometimes pains that are who are entirely Ignorant of the piistaken for rheumatism. These fact .that they have contracted it. disorders are found in both sexes, I advise a urinalysis as soon as at any age, from the cradle to the one notices any discomfort in this wheel ohairc!;; V " ■^V i region; in fact, it is a good policy MEN’SandYOUNG MEN’S Fumishings 1.' Some forijl of . infladimation is for one to have this done at inter­ l^ractically aI:Ways present in blad­ vals simply as a means of being SHOES der trouble. is usually slow in forewarned against the develop­ developing, bijt may form suddenly ment of serious disease. from an unusual irritant or infec­ FANCY SUITS STRAW HATS tion. Questions ahd Answers The bladder walls,are adapted to Question: Mrs. H. V. writes— “ I Contain a slight^ acid fluid. A have had stomach trouble for near­ permanent tend^c^ toward either ly two years and very often I have SELECT YOUR STRAW HAT iBxcessive alkalinity: or-acidity will distressing pains helov/ the stom­ produce enough irritation to tn- ach. The doctor thinks I will have NOW Uame the delicate lining. Some to have an operation and have the foods and medicines are particular­ gall bladder taken out before I shall ly irritating to the bladder and be better.' Do you think I shall be ikldneys. This is true of onions, gar- obliged to have this operation?” r !Bc, turpentine, wintergreen, and Answer: It is unwise for me to lA’rong combinations of food, attempt to diagnose your case li The pressure of abdominal organs through this column or to estimate kpon the bladder itself is a cause of whether or not you should have the fc-akness that is not often recogniz­ gall bladder operation. I find only OFF ON ANY HAT IN THE ed. The intestines, and sometimes a small percentage of gall bladder actually the stomach Itself may slip cases require operation, as a diet STORE down out of their natural positio: i treatment will usually effect a com­ and weight upon the bladder. Chil­ plete cure. The diet should be tried dren often have mild cases oJ blad­ first and if this fails it is time der infl‘'mmation that become acute enough to try surgery. V WOMEN’S AND the age of p.uberty. from the pres- Question: J. G. R. writes— “ I use SHIRTS ihre of developing organs, In wo- two tablespoons of bran along with aen, there Is often a piossure fiom clabber every morning for my ^ e wo.-nb during pregnancy, and breakfast. This acts as a laxative. $50.00 Suits Now ...... $39.75 $3.50 Men’s S h ir ts ...... GROWING GIRLS’ wmetimes forms an antroversion Is this combination all right?” $2.75 (^falling forward). A shyness or Answer: The combination of bran $45.00 Suits Now ...... $35.75 50 Pairs Red Cross Style, , TR 1^2.50 Men’s Shirts ...... carelessness, causing one not to and clabbered milk is all right for $40.00 Suits N ow ...... $31.75 $1.75 Now . . '...... obey the natural calls, will often be you if you are getting results with $10 Pumps, t*e beginning of a bladder irrita- it. I suggest that you use pulveriz­ $35.00. Suits Now . . , ...... $27.75 $2.00 Men’s Shirts, 2 f o r . $2 75 ^on. ' ' ' ed bran, and only the curd of the N o w ...... U>0» • V clabber, discarding the whey. $30.00 Suits N o w ...... $23.75 $9.00 %nd $8.50 Pumps, 7 7 ii Stones in the bladder, or renal ^XnOO Shirts •«••«••••••••••••• • 75c calculi, produce a tenderness In the Question: Embarrassed writes— $25.00 Suits N ow ...... $19.75 N o w ...... V f c 9 adder, and /severe, ..i^arp pains “ I am a younr girl and have a $8.00 and $7.50 Pumps, heavy growth of hair on limbs and 7H )on passing water. There is a ten­ $22.50 Suits N ow ...... $17.75 Now ...... f U a n c y to frequent urination, and arms. In fact, there is a visible hair t $7.00 and $6.50 Pumps and ^ C '7 f t usually only a small amount can be in practically every pore on my en­ 10% Off All Blue Serge Suits- passed at a time, which may be tire body. Will you please tell me NECKWEAR O x fo rd s...... I tjinged with blood. The calcu’ i or the cause and how to overcome this $6.00 Pumps and Oxfords ^ f t 1 O gravel may vary in size from a dus­ condition?” Now ...... 1 y j ty sediment to that of a f£,lr sized Answer: It is perfectly natural BOYS’ FANCY SUITS marble. / for some persons more than others $5.50 and $5.00 Pumps and ...... $4,15 Oxalic acid, found in many com­ to have a growth of hair on their 6 to 18 Years SPECIAL mon foods, is the basis of most limbs. It is foolish to try to do any­ calculi. This acid should be oxidiz- thing to remove it as- long as it Broken L ots ...... ’. c and rendered qntireiy harmless covers such a large area, as drt your With 2 Long Pants One Lot of Four-in-Hand Regular $1.00 Ties—- $2 75 sit as are the citTfC- adldsybui tri a particular case. With 1 Long Pant, 1 Short Pant New Spring Patterns. White Footwear not included in this sale. « With 2 Short Pants 2,000,000 VACATIONISTS TO SPEND $150,000,000 $22.50 Suits N ow ...... $17.75 ON NEW ENGLAND SHORES MEN’S SHOES AND $20.00 Suits N ow ...... $15.75 3 for $ 1.75 Boston. Two millions of fathers, mothers, children and sweethearts $18.00 Suits N ow ___ _ .$14.75 ' OXFORDS will visit the mountains, lakes, sea­ $15.00 Suits N ow ...... $11.75 THE TREE OF LIFE shores and historic spots of New Lsometimes called the “ arbor- England this summer and will $12.50 Suits N ow ------.$10.75 vfiae” the western red cedar is tru- spend over 1150,000,000 in this UNDERWEAR l« th e "tree of life” to the Alaska section, according to estimates $10.00 Suits Now . . . ------$8.75 M made by the National Touring Bu­ I%ians. LThe walls that inclose the Indi- reau of the American Atomobile a i’s house, the blankets that keep Association. , Men’s and Young Men’s ...... $4,75 hfm warm, the ropes, indispensable The estimates are based on a in fishing and in harnessing his careful study of 1927 figures, with $2.00 Now ----- ...... $1 75 d(jg teams, all come from the in­ an allowahce of 10 per cent in- PALM BEACH ^UITS ner bark of the tree. He makes his craese for this year, which is ap­ proximately the normal growth in $1.00 Now ...... c^ oes from the western red cedar $30.00 Suits Now ...... — $25.75 75c ai fl cuts the biggest specimen: he motor louring, according to the As­ 10% Off On All Other CJ p find for the totem pole that he sociation. $25.00 Suits N ow ...... $21.75 cwves into his family tree. Launching of the "Ten-way Pro­ Underwear Jearly nine-tenths of all the gram” by twenty A. A. A. Motor $18.00 Suits Now ...... $15.75 agles manufactured in the Unit- Clubs in New England and intensi­ ...... i...... $8.75 States are western red cedar. fied. development of motoring serv­ $16.50 Suits N ow ...... $13.75 $9.00 anj^ $8.50 Footwear ...... $7,75 fProbably two-thirds of the cut of ices in this area have already exer­ wi^tern red cedar goes into shin­ cised a pronounced effect on the stimulation of motor tourists inter HOSIERY $8.00 and $7.50 Footwear gles, the’ remainder being used for Men’s and Young Men’s $6.75 lumber, polqs, post, piling and oth- ests in New England, according to ei“ uses where durability is impor­ the Association. $7.00 and $6.50 Footwear ...... $5.75 ts it. Western red cedar poles, on TOPCOATS 25c Hose, 4 f o r ...... 75c a( lount of the^r form and size, are LEATHER SHORTAGE LAID si ipped to nearly all parts of the TO CHINA AND MEXICO $35.00 Coats N ow ...... $27.75 35c Hose, 3 f o r ...... 75c U ilted States. WEARING NEW SHOES ... $5. i 0 Incense cedar, which gets its $30.00 Coats Now------.$23.75 $5.50 and $5.66 Footwear 1 g name from its remarkably aromatic Cambridge, Eng.— The startling $25.00 Coats Now ...... ,.$19.75 5pc Hose, 2 f o r ...... 75c Now ------...... Jjj qijality, grows in California and revelation that the present world southern Oregon. The cut is com­ shortage of leather is partially due $20.00 Coats N ow ...... $15.75 75c Hose, 3 for paratively small and is practically to the fact that people In China $1 75 Broken Lot of Shoes ...... ^ V * D all used locally except some high ;and Mexico have just discovered grkde lumber whictL. is shippe^ to that there are such things as shoes, Men’s and Boys’ Chamois and Horsehide $1.00 H o s e ...... f U C wqod-using factories and m^'^.into wa's made by a delegate to the Fed­ fli^h, doors and pencil slats, v'- eration of Boot Trades Associations WINDBREAKERS Port Orford cedar, noted for Its here. b^uty and size, grows only in a “ People who have never Worn BOYS’ SHOES AND narrow belt bordering the coast of shoes before,” he declared, I’have $18.00 Blouse N ow ...... $14.75 MEN’S PAJAMAS so|itiiern Oregon and northern Cali- now taken to them. $15.00 Blouse Now ___...... $12.75 fo|nia. The wood is in demand for “ Large quantities of footwear OXFORDS sa^h and door construction and boat are now sent from Russia to China $13.50 Blouse Now .. ,... . .r.... .:.i. $10.75 .AND ROBES bt^lding. and Germany is exporting to Mexi­ co. Boys’ $5.50 Footwear 7ft “ Another cause of the shortage I- Now ...... of boot leather,” he continued, “ Is f;:, CHILDREN'S TOP COATS $4.60yajamas... $3o75 Boys’ $5.00 Footwear 2 g the large amount used for uphol­ iT H O U G H T stering, motor cars.” T- $12.00 Coats Now ------.$9.75 $3.50-Pajamas ...... — ' I — — $2.75 Boys’ $4.00 Footwefu: i o O f t littiD one sliaU become a thou­ $10.00 Coats Now ...... t.t. ...t.$8.75 N o w ...... • sand and a smaJl ode a strong lia- $2.50 P a ja m a s...... ^ $1.75 tion.— Isaiah 60:22. A woman drove 2,500 miles on a $9.00 Coats Now ...... t.$7.75 Boys’ $3.50 Footwear . ^ ' CO QQ motorcycle to give aid to her son N o w ...... in Toronto, Ont. Yes, woman’s ?r:-’ $8.00 Coats Now $6.75 $2.00 R o b e s ...... $lc75 Ian Lcems the only grovi^th that place Is in the home. fe* indies here,— Goldsmith. , ;

■ x J j i VISIONS BY GIRL DRAW SPECIALI Men’s and Young Men’s . i PILGRIMS TO WITNESS CHANGE YOUR OIL SWEATERS » EXPECTED MIRACLE. ! Use Marland Super Motor Oil MEN’S SWEATERS BOYS’ SWEATEES lioUBLE TEXTURE RAINCOATS Remirmont, France.— Marcelle Geteges, blonde peasant girl, age CampbelFs Filling Station $9.00 Qualify ...... $7.75 $2.00 Quality,. ------$1.75 is [ goes every day to a roped-off $8.00 Q uali^ ...... $6.75 $2.50 Quali^, 2 for . .^.$3.75 $22.50 Coats N o w ...... $15.75 $18.00 Coats Now ...... •$1L7§ spdt in the fields to kneel and pray Phone 1551 $16.50 Coats N o w ...... • • • -$10.7o while awe-struck pilgrims, heads $6.00 Quality ,,...... $4.75 $3.00 Quality, 2 for .. .$4.75 $20.00 Coats N o w ...... $13.75 Jo^bred, watch her. $18.50 Coats N o w ...... $11.75 $12.50 Cpatis Novp ...... •$8*7a; week ago, Marcelle said, while $5.00 Quality ______.$3.75 $3.50 Quality ...... $2.75 pryin g in the same spot she saw $3.50 Quality...... $2.75 $5.50 Quality...... $3.75 tho Yirgin Mary appear on the Second Mortgage crest of a cloud. A voice coni- Now On Rand mahded the girl to return every day to pray and saying that a miracle .voutd be performed. Marcelle as- Arthur A. Knofla jerts that every day at the same C E. H O U SE & SO N , incorporated (lOur she agaia has a vision of the Virig|ln Mary. Pilgrims are arriving Money n ^er-increasing numbers hoping 875 Main St. so witness the miracle. PlMWe 782-2.

'h .. /. t:



nm ninw initiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiH in 'T^rJh---- y irk .-. rmiDGE I ALLENE SUMNER. W hen Loves An old and a young mother gave*,and only gave her the decoration of i © 1926 by NEA Service RUTH DfWfY GROVIS A4ADEEASY the lives for thelu children the ' “ Officer o f. Public Instruction” J i y .other day. Mrs. Verlous Allen of makes one wonder why slngera and Faifmount, Ind., hurled herself actresses and other celebrities, gen­ erally ones, will do these THIS HAS HAPPENEP huddled in .a chair, her bead on you'd say she was quite right be­ herself that It wasn’t Nlel’s best upon the knives of a disc harrow ■W ;W .W eT»tu>ortb things. Don’t they realize that their VIRGINIA BREWSTER, ,%ftFt her arms and her eyes feverishly, cause, you know. It was just the interest that had prompted the on her farm in order to keep it loxing; both fnther.and tvenlth, petty outbursts make them lose dry, trying to hold her courage to other night that you expressed question so much as a wish of her from passing over the body of her consontM to make her home with much more with their public than gether by the will to do it. yourself very clearly on the sub­ own that he replace Chirl. And little 5-year-old-son who had fallen CLARISSA DEAN and her father. the bestowal of any - honor upon Her flnnee, NATHANIEL DANN, Bitter loneliness, bitter despair, ject of freedom.” she was determined, not to let her (Abbreviations: A—ace; tefcifc it. object* to fhia for he mlatmst* king; Q—queen; J—jack; Xi them could ever give? crept up and sought 4o take pos­ Nathaniel gazed at her hard for ridiculous feeling toward Miss Mrs. Elizabeth A. Freeman, 80, DEAN'S motive*. Mond color her remarks. any card lower than 10.) of Bradford, Pa., died in saving the Meanwhile, DEAN nlot* to eel sesion of her soul, but Virginia a moment. “You’re cleverer than, NIEL away from VIRGINIA but fought them off with the thought I thought." he admitted reluctant­ Perhaps Nlel might discover how life of hei- middle-aged daughter, fail*, and later i* forced to pay of her ultimate happiness if victory she felt, and even though he 4— Initial No Trump Bids Mrs. Gertrude Cook. Mother and blackmail to a MRS. EARLEY or ly. “I see now how you led me were hers. laughed at her, as Virginia knew At times difficulty is experi­ daughter were clea.ning house when noiCTOLD face a acandSl. CI.ARI.SSA be­ Into that just so you could use It enced in determining whether come* jealon* of VIRGINIA, nnd “It must be! It must be! Oh, the next time I brought up < this he would, she’d be terribly humil­ the daughter broke through the the latter re*olve« to leave, hut to bid a no trump or a suit. The dear God, help me!” subject." iated. She felt itumiliated enoqgh railing of the second floor porch. DEAN InxlKt* that *he marry, him. as it was to have to acknowledge best distribution of cards for a no The aged mother held her as long aaylntr that lihe cannot endnre But help seemed very far away She nodded and smiled at him p o v e r ty . to herself that Chirl disturbed her, trump is 4—-3— 3— 3. We ,hkve as she could, but was unable to wistfully. “I want you to see it GRA'tED CHEESE When *he refiiKen. be threaten* and' the orchids on the bed were but she couldn’t help how she felt. determined that if the hand con­ pull her back, and was dragged to reveal the fact that her father so near. Time dragged along ’in my way so you won’t doubt me,” “I can help making an open ifool tains a blank suit, a singleton or with her daughter to the sidewalks If you have made a creamed soup eh e n te d h im o n t o f SltHl.flOO I n ,a weary, heavy seconds and endless she said softly. hcotlecsrina: deal. Rerkleanl.v, *he of myself, though," she warned a worthless doubleton, it Is r|iad- b-low rather than give up her that seems ro lack something tasty, minutes until—was it really so?— . “Doubt you . . proml*e* to earn enonirb to repay herself silently.' yisable to bid a no trump. A gr.aEp. 'The mother died 15 minutes him In o*>e vear—nr marry, him. “You might. You did when you try adding a tablespdonful of grat­ Nathaniel telephoned. “I suppose you must finish with major suit (spades or hearts) al­ later. The daughter will live. VIRGINIA leave*, hnt hri* to said I didn’t know enough about ed cheese just before serving. pa we a rinir '«-.'tlde over niitil «he He noticed at once when he came her,” she said conversationally. ways should be given preference And such is the poorer of the e-e OnfJ a caaftton. She cne* to for her that Virginia’s spirits were love.” “Yes, I’d rather. Soon reach the to a no trump when holding a maternal Instinct that it is more NTEt.*«! efodio to te|t Ktm of her “Virginia, forgive me. I know WASHING RUGS break with the DEANS, hnt her very low and he set himself to stage where 1 won’t need a model sound bid in the major suit. A no merciful for each mother to die It isn’t selfish love that’s greatest, Jo t at *ee*nK him la elonded he- cheer her up, but there was no flash to finish .the things.”. trump should be given preference than to see her child die. Much is When washing rugs, do hot wring eanae ehe .tnen ..ol reveal her com - of spontaneity in her mind or heart. and I was, I am, selfish, for I want to a isinor suit. pee* with ni^AN. and n1*o beean»e ■Bhey talked for a while of Ws 9 9 2 said about the price of motherhood, out. Hang o l the line and play the The day’s events had dulled her. you to throw all your own wishes In the light of the foregoing, let of the ren.llInrttT with which hi* work and then Nathaniel took Vir­ its bonds and‘responsibilities. The hose on them for rinsing. Then m "’et. CHini. treat* MET,. robbed her of all semblance of Into the discard for me. But I’m us examine the following illustra­ biggest price Is the constant fear She cne* to an eitmtovnient ginia unawares - by a direct ques­ leave hanging until dry. gaiety. trying to see It as you do, and If tions with a' view of determining engendered by too much mother pe*e-.ev Keekinir work end I* *ent I can’t It’s because I love you with tion regarding her circumstances. whether to bid a suit or a no etfit to le t e e v le w o n e o f th e She saw understanding and sym­ “Have you all the money you love. “ newly-rleh” lmnoi>*lbte*. She re- every breath I draw.” trump; RAW VEGETABLES tnrn* to the nireecT to renert nnd pathy in Nlel’s eyes as he talked need?’! He intentionally put it “I’d rather have you feel that Spades—X X X; hearts—A K t* «i*Tpr|eed to find e mn.n foHow- to her over a table in an East Side abruptly, hoping to surprise the More Of It tnar h er. D la eon raired . *1>n troe* to way than not to care so much,” X X ; diamonds— X X X. Only A raw vegetable salad is a fint restaurant to which they had gone truth. Another maternal love story. h e r h o te l to Mean th e b e ln w n e t e d Virginia replied; “but If 1 don’t two suits are stopped. Bid one luncheon dish. Use slivers of jar- rd* nnd I* nncered to dnd orehid* for the Russian music. Virginia Nearly 22 years ago ,Mrs. Grace “Why, 1 . . . of course, Nlpl.” heart. rots, chopped cabbage, grated beeti r'b'AN awnltlesr her. tried to appear interested In the love you so . . . violently, it’s not Wilson saw her baby Ether for the NOAA’ GO ON tVTT»t STORY menu of foreign dishes but gave It because 1 don’t love you as much “Virginia, you haven’t!” Spades—K J X; hearts—A X and sliced beans. Serve on lettuce “Yes, really I have plenty for the X; diamonds—K Q X; clubs—X last time when the child’s father with French dressing. , CHAPTRR XXVTT up and let Nathaniel order for her as you do me. Nlel. I think- wo­ took it away from her. The mother men can Jove in more ways than present, and you know I have an ------. Three suits stopped. von forget what the The best soup with sour cream now has begun wandering over the one at the same time.” she added uncle in England.” Count 20 points. Bid one no DIFFERENT DRESSINGS she ate because she knew he would whole earth searching like crazed worfd ha.s to offer." VJrgtnta be troubled if she refused all food enigmatically. “But I thought your father trump. wasn’t on good terms with that Demeter for her Persephone. Her Mayonnaise can be varied tre­ read on Frederick Dean’s card. It After that she finished her dinner Nathaniel thought she meant Spades—A K J X; hearts—A X branch of the family,” Nathaniel trail takes her from one city to mendously by- adding any of tke with tea and lemon in tall glasses that love of her father’s memory X X; diamonds—K Q X X; clubs seemed to her. as she stared at the said, troubled. another, wherever she heard .of following; whipped cream, grated Nathaniel spoke of the music, en stood abreast with her love for him — K. Three suits stopped. Count hit of pasteboard, that she could see That’s ' true, but I’m sure he her husband’s presence. cheese, peanut-butter, hprse^adisht joyed It, but it seemed to Virginia and he told himself he’d be a cad 31 points. Singleton in clubs. Bid his .leering smile behind the words, would help me." one spade. How rarely we hear of a child chili sauce or shredded pineapple. that the plaintive notes of the bal to object to that. Virginia really dedicating its whole life to finding mocking her fight with him. taunt­ alaikas would break her heart. What she did not add was, “ If 1 Spades—A K J 10 X; hearts— was thinking of a love that can a missing parent— probably be­ EMBROmERY TOUGHES ing her with her misfortune. sacrifice everything for one thing ask him.” She wouldn’t have asked A K J 10; diamonds A K X; clubs “ Virginia, dear, have you any —none. Three suits stopped. ENCHAXTIXGIiV LOVELY cause parents don’t often get mis­ French lingerie' is using Inseta She was tempted to throw the plans?” Nathaniel asked quietly alone—honor. / him for worlds. He and her father You’ll be ready for any daytime had quarreled bitterly when her Count 37 points. Blank in clubs. placed as children do. Probably, of exquisite embroidery medaliosi frajdle blooms across the room when the music crashed to silence. “ 1 wouldn’t want you to love me occasion if you choose Style No. 992 too, because Nature means the race with its fine lace and dainty,hand­ except In your own way,” he told uncle had expatriated himself, Bid one spade. with the same fury that she tore She reached out and laid a hand Spades— X X X; hearts— A Q and select novelty silk crepe, crepe to go on and not back and makes work. A flesh set has cream trim­ her earnestly; “and as long as that damning the United States as unfit satin, sheer woolen, faille crepe or his card to bits hut their beauty on his, a gesture of gratitude for for a to live in. And X; diamonds—A K; clubs—A K each generation more concerned ming. lasts I’ll be happy.” georgette crepe for its development. with the one ahead than the one be­ his patience. "Not exactly,” she at best, if she humbled herself to Q X X. 'Three suits stopped. restrained her. Hastily she re­ said, shaking her head; “but you “Then you will help me by just The bodice closes in most unusual hind! believing In me and waiting until appeal to him, she could benefit Strong club suit. Count 35 poiats. placed them In the box and put on know, Nlel, I’ve got to prove to Bid one ho trump instead of manner with buttons at right side, . . . until the right time comes only in easing her struggle |pr a the lid. myself that 1 can stand on my own with inverted tucks at shoulders for Mama-In-Law His Bride Fashion Plaque for our marriage?” livelihood. minor suit. \ u feet. It’s everyone’s right to have decorative effept. The narrov4 turn­ Here’s another mother-in-law “What a horrid thing to do.” ,she It was unthinkable that she Spades—A K.J 10 X-X; hearts that chance.” “ Don’t make it too tar off,” he __A Q J; diamonds—A; clubs A back collar is caught at center-front story that is no joke. George Fur­ considered, frightenend a little that should tell him of Frederick Dean's pleaded. X X. All suits stopped.. -On •ac­ with jeweled ornament. The at­ bish, 27, -will wed his former the Ignoble gesture of flaunting a “But you didn’t seem to think charges against her father. Vii> “Not a day after I’ve proved that tached- two-piece draped skirt, the mother-in-law as soon as she gets about that when . . . when ...” ginia could hear him sneering that count of singleton A, give prefer­ symbol of what she had lost could r can earn my right to love.” Vir­ ence to major suit (witlr 80 hon­ back extends to center-front from her di voice from her erstwhile son- “ I know . . . when father was u» man could remain respectable upset her so greatly. To be dis­ ginia’s answer was fraught with underneath the right side o f front, in-law’s erstwhile papa-in-law. The alive,” she finished for him. “I in America. Oh, yes, he would be­ ors). Bid one-spade. a different meaning for each of In bridge, the word “ never” is and is decidedly smart. Pattern groom is 27, the bride 45. They say turbed was to admit her enemy’s just took everything for granted in lieve her father guilty, and even them, but Nathaniel did not know taboo. The proper expression to for the charming slip-on dress can that their mutual affection utterly power, she knew. those happy days, Nlel. Perhaps if he were willing to part with tdiat. be used is “ hardly ever.’’ . The ex­ be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, disproves the old mother-in-law The thought so occupied her that If It had occurred to me to want $100,000, and Virginia doubted It, “Well, 1 suppose i would con ception to the rule that to bid a 38, 40 and 42 inches bust measure, joke. They may learn that it’s the to make my own living I might she could not think of subjecting she overlooked the astonishing fact gratulate you if you weren’t the trump" only“ ‘ w he7'' you “have and only requires 3 yards of 40- same old joke in another guise. have tried It, but I doubt it,” she her father’s memory to bis con­ nO — .^ - .. .. incii material with % yard of 32- that-Dean had her address. When girl I want to marry,” he admitted, three suits stopped is found in the added honestly. tempt. inch contrasting for the 36-inch it did at last occur to her she puz­ half reluctantly. “ After all. you’re hands containing four'quick tricks “I don’t want to upset you with She succeeded, however. In satis­ right. One has a right to justify size. Pattern price 15 cents in No Funnier ’N Us zled over It in much annoyance arguments, dear, but I can’t see fying Nathaniel that she would not massed in two suits, but offering his existence as he sees fit. If you stamps or coin (coin preferred). In China the bridegroom shoots until she solved the

physicians as different disorders. of the body. If one sits in a warm you had you really been obluged and uncertain. Surely she couldn’t : .1# For instance, any irritation of stuffy room, or in any place where to earn your- living— or attempt Interviews be in the right place! This enor­ Describe Our '-t k the nose and throat with the dis­ the body is overheated and is to— for a few years. Then you mous room, a whole floor, indeed, “AMERADA” charge of some fluid is ,called by blown upon suddenly with cold would probably know that it is with its rows of desks, each bear­ Values. We Are i~y the lawman a common cold, .but air, ha is likely to develop a cold. not all as exciting and fine as you ing a typewriter, behind which sat TJERE is a two-strap shoft^; VEGETABLES, RARE, the physician may distinguish it There are all sorts of explana­ think. a man in shirt sleeves clacking Known for the that strikes a happy? as an infection of the siijuses, a tions as to^the mechanism of this BEST FOR HEALTH away for dear life— this couldn’t be You really have had it about as Best Values in Thumb sucking does look sweet compromise—■ it" is tailored; symptom of grip or influenza, the process, the best one being that easy as any girl in town, and you John’s office. enough for walking, becauseir first manifestation of hay fever, congestion of the tissues takes Why nobody had a coat on even, in a baby, but it is disgusting in the made a better marriage than most three-year-old and sometimes it of its Cuban heel, formal^ or merely a general infection of place with associated irritation and such a glare of light! What Town and We of your friends— to say nothing of “ Vegetables, rare, please!” That,* hangs on until fifteen or sixteen! enough to wear • with one’lf. the nose and throat. and greater opportunity for the they needed there was a woman going to the city to live. And yet, says Dr. Ruth Okey, will be as com­ The habit may cause an ill-formed little silk frocks, .. because a. Today the common cold is like­ germs to begin their work on the or two to put up some shades and Live Up to Our you still feel as if you .were ‘.‘tak-- mon a,, dinner orier of: the future, mouth or induce adenoids; and it cut-out between the strapa,,; ly to he considered an IrifectiOfi in tissues. curtains, and teach those men ing other people’s dust*.” when food values Feally mean some­ Reputation always interferes with digestion. gives an effect of lightness. 5, f itself in addition to, being related It is a general observation that When your father and I were thing to us, as .“Stwk,-rare,” is to­ some manners! I could .see that in Every Cantilever.. .Shoe ist" to the various diseases .that .have her eyes. No coats! And not a Pinning the sleeve over the hand; a cold tends - to get well in from first married, I did all'the' house­ day. ■ ■ attaching mittens, or putting on made with a flexible shank, s& soul to greet-her and ask her what been mentioned. five to ten days regardless of what work, and we did not liave the Dr. Ruth, as Associate Professor cardboard cuffs, which prevent that the important foot musSi*! No Definite Germ she wanted! Nobody paid any may be done for it, whether one conveniences everyone -has today,- o f. Household Science at the Uni­ bending the arms at the elbows, 3les can gain strength: Unfortunately no single germ more attention to her than ' if carries a potato in the back and I made all your clothes— and versity, Is “ Okey” on her vitamins. are some of the ways to stop the through exercise, thus cor­ has been isolated as the actual pocket, a bag of asafetida around made my own. I had a life-sized “ Private homes are - learning to she’d been a chair; And that habit. recting or preventing wealt; cause of all colds, but .dozens .of. -the-neck, put his feet- in hot wa­ noise and clang from the street, job and there was no need for my cook vegetables as llttU aa possible, DRESSES Another bad habit— irregularity arches and kindred ills. B yt' germs have been found in associa­ and the dirt and dust! Horrible! ter,, or adopts any of the patent thinking of any career; thereby conserving more of the in bowel action— is responsible for keeping the foot well-balaneff’’ tion with colds at various times in medicines that are widely sold In How could they think? I used to think that If I were food values,” she said. weak bowels and constipation in ed and permitting it to func--^; various places by different inves­ drug stores for self-treatment. Then she saw John, over In a For Every Occasion not sp busy, I would love to read • “But restaurants, institutions babies. Give the tiny bowels an 6p- tion naturally, Cantllevefi' tigators. Regardless of this- fact, how­ hot corner, tired and disheveled, more, and study more, and make and hotels that cook In large quan­ White Coats that are portunlty to act at-regular periods Shoes enable you to go gailyj:^ Indeed, not only are the ordi­ running his hand through his ever, it is worth while to adopt more of myself. After my mar­ tities steam, boll or bake vegetables each day. If they don’t act at first, through a busy day. ^ nary germs known to medical sci­ certain definite measures with a hair and reading over some copy. the Talk of Hartford# These new models fit per-^p. riage, I did not have time to keep until you have to look at, them to a little Fletcher’s Castoria will ence found occasionally, but even view to shortening the extent of I saw the startled look in her fectly at the heal;’ they hu ' up my music, which had always see what species they are—-for their Every. Garment, in soon regulate them. Every mother those very small organisms that the severity" of the infection. The taste has disappeared along with eyes, and then came pity. Her should keep a bottle of it handy to the ankle; they fit the arch will pass through a porous clay old-fashioned treatment included been such a pleasure to me. John, whom she wasn’t always and they provide room for th It seems to me so foolish on the vitamins. ' . this Shop use in case of colici cholera, diar­ filter and that are called filtrable the hot bath, followed by hot lem­ nice to when he came home! toes. your part, not to cultivate your­ “Vitamins are destroyed by over­ rhea, gas on stomach and bowels, viruses...... onade and then perspiration under Why not organize, a sdciety to They give you a beautlfu] self more when you have all the cooking. Vitaniin B, for instar ce, constipation, loss of sleep, or For this reason most bacteriolo­ several blankets. can have 65 per cent of its value take young wives to the- places when baby is cross and feverish. Its fit— and a beautiful foot. gists are convinced thalt it is not opportunities a large city affords. where their husbands work all day You have a very sweet voice, I cooked out of fopds. ’"he lack of gentle influence over baby’s system Come and see them^ a single germ but the presence of long? Then perhaps if John forgets can’t understand why you don’t this vitamin causes loss of appetite, enables him to get full pourish- many germs that may he respon- SLIPPERY SOLES. failure « ! young, animals to grow, the meat, or says he has a head­ ment from his food, helps him gain, fllble for different individual cases. take vocal lessons—you would loss o f weight, lack of vigor, and in-: ache and can’t play bridge, she will sthengthens his bowels. Many people are convinced tliat If you sandpaper the soles of have so much time to practice. Or understand why, arid not add to why not join some- good study testinal difficulties. Castoria is purely vegetable and CANTILEVER changes in the weather are asso­ children’s shoes before they are his already crowded day by having harmless— the recipe is on the classes? “The loss of Vitamin C, which ciated with catching cold. Expo­ worn, it will prevent their slip­ him to coax her' out of a temper. wrapper. Physicians have prescrib­ SHOE SHOP Why don’t you study French or overcooking reduces about 50 per sure to inclement weather, damp- ping on polished floors which ed it for over 30 years. With each Corner: Ghacett. and sometimes provqs disastrous. some modern language? Then If cent, causes Irritabllj^y, certain FLAPPER SHOP HMS, or sudden change, particu­ package, you get a valuable book you have a chance to go to Euro-pe types of decay, .fleeting pains in TURNING BELTS TninilMiirSts; larly sudden changes from very To turn a belt right side out' on 'Motherhood. Look for Chas. H. you can enjoy yourself so much the limbs and Joints.' Vitamin A, 57 Pratt Street -H e r t fo r d warm to very cold, aeem to be Holbrook Blinn was elected presi­ that you have stitched on ths wrong Fletcher’s signature on the - wrap­ dent of the Actors’ Fidelity League more. also destroyed by overheat, pro­ definitely related to rapid spread ; ide, pin a safety pin on one end per so you’ll get the genuine.— the other day. We wonder If that I am sure you will look lovely tects one from susceptiSllity tb in­ 3 Hartford, Conn. of the common cold III the epm- and use it ais a bodkin. Adv. '■,'-',->'‘^■■--•''5.'’*!' lunity. .Coldft are.: more league b w a-6lx>pteg in HoHj^wood. for the party, whether you have a fection, so 1b all lihpbrtanti”

■'J* / ) ■ ■ ' i ■ Li-'W- afe-iL«ii<«sjts


Tolland, Hon. Edward tjl. Fuller of Song ’^America The Beauliful;?.". eon'ijdward, '«r/-and Mrs. Augustus . Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks of Eddie Rudolph ’ \whoMs/- at­ Chorus Mueller bf WilUmanCo weiw csllws Daytona; Beach and Coventry, form­ tending college In-New Yorfc City Tolland and Hartfordi John ,N. Inscription For Louvain Library Keeney of-Rockville, l\aye domptet- Recitation, “ The Ahierlcan’s Sunday guests of . Mr. and Mrs. TOLLAND ed ' rbsldents in Tolland have been was a week-end guest at the Jhome Creed” ...... Susie' Hankb George P. Charter.- ’ ■'X of his mtfther Mrs.'Henry Wilkins. ed the audit of the books at the visiting friends here. Songs, “ of the Sea and The regular meeting of Tolland Starts “Peace” Rumpus In Europe The entertainment given under Miss Ruth Ayers who Is In train­ bank. The annual meeting of the The iron fence on the south side corporators will be held Monday, Land’v .... jRiyer-Sghool Pupils Grange was- held Tuesday evening . of Skungamug cemetery is being the auspices of the officers and ing at the Hartford hospital, made “ Spring Song,” Buff School pupUs a short visit at' the home of her June 25. At that time the treas­ in the-Federated church veatry. Improved by an attractive new en­ mismbers of the Tolland Fire de­ Essay, “ Our Schools” ...... parents Mr.^and Mrs. William Ayers urer I. Tllden Jewett will present The rbllf call of-|Ouniber8 was re- Brussels.— Jult Fourth this yearthe American work and money trance -being put in by Charles partment In the Town Hall on Fri­ Lawrenpe Labote. Spoud^d' to;byij;;-'^|j&at has ;-the . . . . . _____I MrVirtV. 4n which is giving 4the'>«a cbuntry oan n IIm­ m . day evening was a great success. of Merrow rokd. , his report. ' / will mark the end of a great battle Holman of Manchester and his sis­ The graduation exercises for the Song/“ Happy Softg“ C^x .0 o | | p q r a '^ f with asany for “ peace” in Europe. On that day posing structure to replace the his­ ter Mrs. Alice Holman Hall of South The hall was filled to Its capacity Mr. and Mrs, Rpbelskl of Manr Chester, called on several acquaint-^ eighth grade pupils'of-the 4o-Wn of Essay, “ Opportufiit^^ i • •/>■• interesting ways 'lY bad been of will be inaugurated the Louvain toric library. For this reason the Willlngton. , and all who were present enjoyed I ^nita ;?Tjt8hman cbuntry in no diplomatic sense Is ances here recently., Tolland will be held in Hick's Me­ bbnedt. A dlseussion on the part Library, rebuilt by funds from the The All Day sewing meeting of the program which consisted of Songs, “ The Garden by the Sea,” oi different nv^bess- in regard to being drawn into the controversy numbers of much interest. Nir* Mrs. Marion Agard Baker is morial school assembly hall, Thurs­ Carnegie Foundation of America. the Union Mission society will be day evening, Juno 4, at eight Grants Hill pupils jjyeparedness, by the Grange. With the inauguration a bitter con- waged between the American held Thursday with Mrs. Howard numbers rendered on a harmonica visiting relatives in Hyannls, Mass. Emil Ewald. who has spent o’Olock (D.S.T.)^ The following “ O Tuneful Hosts,” - : . sThe £|venhifer,wnai-'iulL'ol intevest •fllct over the inscription on the donors. Crandall. It is expected a large by children from Frog Hollow ' Hicks Memdrl'^^Schobl school in Ellington. Salvation the winter in New York City em­ program has been arranged: 'dfid the social hour was given oyer library’s cornerstone probably will But the Press is outspoken. Little number will be present as this is Award of diplomas ta refreshments by.the folloyrjng sympathy is found in Dr. Butler’s Army orchestra, members of the ployed as a baker, has returned to Processional. ..have been- decided. the last se-ning meetino until Sept­ Invocation, Rev. William C. Dar­ Award of prizes. .. .A. L. Young pbmmittee,.Mrs. Madge.Wilcox and ; Belgiuri is awaiting the outcome contention that the carefully nur­ Salvation Army band of Manches­ his home here for the summer. em ber. Mrs. Aaron Pratt and children, by. Song, “ Shout Aloud in Triumph” Henr^Hill.' ^ of the controversy with intense in­ tured spirit of Locarno would be Tolland Grange has received an ter, rendered a program that was Chorus ruffled. Newspapers believe with -Aaron, Jr., and Mary Agnes Pratt, Song, “ Amaryllis” ...... Chorus Mrs. .^mbetta left Thursday for terest because of the persons in- invitation from Echo Grange, Mans­ highly enjoyed by all present. Reception to Graduates.' Mr. Warren that if Cardinal Mer- Mr. and Mrs. George P. Charter of Windsor, Conn., made a short Essay, “ America The Beautiful, East' Bfkiiitree^. Mas,^.:., .where ,she 1 volved and because of the Question field, to attend its regular meeting Florence Ludwig Class colors— Blue and. Gold.' ’ cier were alive today he would re­ attended the funeral of their nep­ visit at the home of Mrs. Pratt’s will spend several menths at-the at issue. V on Tuesday evening, June 19, and Recitation of the-poem, Alex But- Motto— Rest is rust.'. “ Destroyed by German fury— Re­ fuse to change the original inscrip­ furnish a part of the evenings pro­ hew Bert Arlon in Waterbury, Mon­ mother, Mrs. Charles H. Daniels. home of her daughter and family. Auditors of the Savings Bank of tin. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jones and , . i ..i', ■■ ■■ ' * . :___ stored by American generosity” — tion. gram . „ day. these two lines written for the in­ Dr. Butler’s Effort Dr. Butler is said to have tried scription by„the late Cardinal Mer- i • I ’• l cier-, war' hero, have provoked the unsuccessfully to sound out diplo­ storm. Do ■ they_ engerider 'hatred? matic circles as to the official Will they, grayen in marble be the Belgian attitude in view of the cause of, everlasUhgi hostility be- protest his proposed modified text . H'een Belgium and iSermany? caused. It is pointed out in the Views Differ Press that this attitude would be “ No,” says Whitney Warren, in favor of Cardinal Mercier be­ New York architect who planned cause the principle at stake is the the new Louvain Library that same as that in the showing of a stands on the -site where the old film of the life and execution of the m 'one . was burned by German sol- British nurse Edith Cavell. ‘diers. “ Yes,” asserts Dr- Nicholas England banned the motion pic­ Murray Butler, president of the ture as one likely to awaken war Louvain Library Committee. hatred, but Belgium, despite repre­ “ Dr. Butler would substitute the sentations from Germany, allowed ^ following lines for the inscription: the film to be shown in Brussels “ Destroyed during the war— Re­ where it was acclaimed. Critics stored in days of peace.” said: “ Why bury the past. The pic­ Cardinal Gasparri, Papal secre­ ture does not excite hate and breed tary of state, one a query from w’ar consciousness. On the con­ Monseigneur Ladeuze, accepted the trary, it so graphically depicts the Butler version, but authorities at horrors of battle that no one will the- University of Louvain and ever want another war.” numerous Catholic dignitaries of Today, the principals in the con­ L Belgium ' are not in accord with troversy refuse to yield yet some­ • Rome. Monseigneur Ladeuze wrote where a concession must be made. to Mr. Carol Greenaugh, member of There is one man who could settle the American committee to say he the dispute with a single word. He Tune la personally Would admit the revised is Albert, King of the Belgians but on WB2 inscription. his silence in such matters has al­ WBZA ways been traditional. Monday ' Belgium is naturally gtatefUl for Night, 9:30 to 19 KANE’S Variety Electric Furnace To Convert Steel Hour ' Into Vapor, Made By Colorado Man

-D en v er.— ^Porter H. Brace, a . Steel, thus magnetised by focus­ graduate of Manual Training High ing an alloy of combat, namely School here, and of the University Chorium and Tungesten, has been of-Colorado Engineering Depart­ put to many practical uses, among ment,-has invented a furnace or them the automatic switch in an “still” that will melt and then turn electric iron. The current is shut to a vapor solid steel off when a certain temperature is The devise is- called “ High Fre­ reached. It is also used in a ma­ quency Vacuum Induction Fur­ chine that teaches the dumb to talk nace.” It is operated by an electric and locates oil underneath the sur­ current-thSt^li^siclllateB. at ^ e rate face of the ground. Brace has been associated with Q x | 2 of 30,1)6O« ^.,1,.«- Jm^es ' per second. Heat, in the oVdinary meaning, is not pro­ the Westinghouse Research labora­ V ELV ET RUG duced, in fact the machine will not tories since his graduation from scorch a bit of paper. Nevertheless, college. His mother lives in Boul­ "Ui. der, Colo., and his father was a when a piece of steel is placed in- NEWEST DESIGN—FINEST QUALITY—THRILLING LOW PRICE. ffide and the current turned on, the former leading mining man of Col­ tod'dy of metal takes on a glistening orado. surface. Suddenly it begins to This Elaiborate 6-Piece Bedroom ’TIS A CROOL WOILD take on the properties of a liquid, ( French Vanity—^Lowboy Chest-7-FuU Stoc 'O" gnd finally evaporates like water Includes' 1 Red—Largs Dresser — Boudoir Chair — In the tea kettle. Oakland, Cal.,— It’s tough when ^ Upholstered Bench. ,^ H e fumes f^Qm-this ,jjyap(j|^tioo you make up your mind that/you; GIVEN EXTRAORDINARY—to buy a bedroom of such quality for only , » n -iv p | 5 | r r-: 4 ft pumpe

'V % At vm ,,L i j i u— my. iA’ i > ■i' ^ 'Tr A.. ^ ti«r-'»ii--i**t «?>.4 jw •,

Ma1^6h15TES "(C0NN.)^"WENTWS fRlDA?, JUNE S; 19S8. - 1 V- ’.v . .-: vr^-- v'ik'a ":»AGB'fwBLWr ^ t* - A. > - . .■ -r-:- off Holmes 4, Beebe 11^ Cervini, 2; first base on balls: of Holmes ^2, Beebe, 0; struck out: Holmes Twiiyit Baseball Beebe 4, GenrUii 2., • r-.. Fugazy, Great Muddler NORTH ENDS ( I G ) ^ O’Brlgbtl'lf .. 3 ^1 d OC 0 ^,1 "s< H. Wright, S8 . 2 4 I (1 1 , 1 Game Called OIF H. Wright, 3b ^3 2 - X - 0 Varrack, 2b, p 4 1 2 1 In Signing Up Bouts Aliii BUT ONE CREW ' Kebart, cf, c . 4 0 1 12 J The twilight game between Man­ Bon Ami and H eists Each BEADY FOR RBCfATTA Chartler, p, 2b . 4 11,1 chester and Torrington set for Hic­ D6han, l b , ... 4 0 0 7 p r o YOU KNOW THAT— key’s Grove this evening has been postponed The Torrington team re­ Poughkeepsie, jN. Y., June 8 jaekmore, c, cf 4 0 0^ 0 Leo Lomski Contracted to Wait on Own Fiejd for Brown, ...... 3 1 1" 0 Another Glendon, young ported late yesterday that it would \ — ^With Syracuse on deck today be unable to come here tonight. the contenders in the Inter­ Hubert, Is teaching rowing at 3T 10 7 21 Fight Two Topnotchers Columbia . . . Brother Dick is Sunday, the locals go to Bristol, Other to Show Up; Hence collegiate regatta, June 19,'are but there will be no game tonight. all here with the sole exception HIGHLAND PARK (3). varsity tutor at Columbia and 3 0 0„ 7 0 1 of Cornell. The Ithacans are Beer, l b ...... Papa Dick teaches the nayy how 4 0 0 3 2 3 and Chances Are He Will , , .The Braves had to give $10,- No Game; Green-Depot slated to arrive here on Sunday. Ro'han, ss ..... Nichols, c .... 4 1 2 ” '7 1 = 1 000 for Slsler instead of the ORCHilRD’S OUTFIT W. Kiss’n, rf . 3 1 1 ,1 0 0 Not Meeting Either Man. waiver price. . . . And his Square Postponed. Holland, cf-... 1 0 0 0 0 0 salary will run him up to about The garage nine Is pointing for its A, Kiss’n, 2b . 0 0 1 4 ,10 twenty grand . .. . Hornsby games with the Bon Ami and Man­ Schieldge, 3b . 3 1 1 1 0 1’ says he has three trades heat­ VICTIM OF A JINX chester Green. Bentley, If . . . 3 0 0 1 0 1 New York, June 8— If those in ing . . . One is for a swell Two games were played and two Grorman, p . . . 3 0 1 0 1 - .0 the rear will kindly be quiet and outfielder . . . Red Grange is postponed in the Community Club 'The summaries follow: twilight baseball league last night. watch the birdie very closely, quitting football and going back TALCOTTVILIiE (2). 28 3 i l 8 ^7 Humbert J. Fugazy, the man with a to the movies . . . Four thou Trade School Drops Second 'Gibson’s Garage triumphed oVer AB. R. H. PO. A. E. North Ends .... 20 ■ 330*“ —-10 a week Is four thou whether fountain pen for a forflnger, will Talcottville at Hickey’s Grove and Gogdz, c ...... 3 0 1 4 0 0 Highland Park .20 ^ "0 1 0 -4 3 ’ Pyle likes it or not . . . ’The the North Ends were returned a 10 0 '0 show you today how he can sign Overtime Game in Suc­ McNally, If . . . 3 0 . 1 3 Two base hits: Varrick, swell Vanderbilt Hotel where to 3 winner over Highland Park. W. Smith, 3b . 3 0 1 1 0 0 Wright; hits off: Gorman 7> Char-^^t*^ j the leading challenger for the light Pyle lives was burnt up about The Depot Square-Manchester 1 0 0 heavyweight title two bouts with L. Smith, cf .. 1 1 0 tier 1, Varrick 4; left on base^:,.,;: the bunions hanging around the cession by 4-3 Score at Greed contest was put off until a R. Smith, S3 .. 3 1 1 2 0 2 North Ends,5, H. Park 6; first bMe the champion in that class and the lobby waiting for their dough later da;te because of the Lawn Blank’berg, lb 2 0 1 5 0 0 one immediately below it and wind on balls: off Chester 2, Varrick'3, . . . The house dicks strained Fete. Both the Bon Ami and| 2 0 0 2 2 0 up by getting him neither fight. Douglas, 2b . Gorman 3; hit by pitcher: Brow'fl; " __ at the leash. . . Reigh Count Hartford. Heights players were in uniform Beebe, p ...... 2 0 0 0 6 0 struck out: by Gorman *6. Varrhik A.nd the fault need not be of the won’t races Victorian in the Bel­ for their game, each waiting on its Wilson, rf . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 13. challenger’s making. mont on account of bad leg own field for the other team to The saps were startled to learn Coach Tom Orchard’s State . . . The Swipes whisper it is show up, due to a misunderstanding 21 2 6 18 8 2 LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS yesterday that the New York com­ only a skin bruise , . . But ’^rade school baseball team is evi­ dently the victim of a jinx. Again as to where the game was to have GIBON’S GARAGE (5) • At New Ydrk— Armand EmaM- , w mission had sanctioned a match be­ Victorian crawled out of the been played. As a result the La Frances, ss 4 1 1 1 0 0 el, San Francisco, won ‘ decislflfn ^ tween Leo Lomski, chronic chal- yesterday. It dropped an overtime Derby engagement . . . So the game by the margin of a single game was not played. It was sup­ Hanna, 3b . . . 4 1 1 1 0 0 over Mike McTigue, former ^ ■ enger in the light heavyweight divi­ score is tied , . . Luque’s posed to have been on the Bon Cervini, cf, p . 3 2 3 0 3 0 heaVywelght champion, 10; J6e- ^ > sion, and Mickey Walker, middle­ run. This heart-breaking decision name is "Loo-kee” . . . And was lost at Hartford, La Sallette Ami’s field, it is understood. McGowan, rf . .3 0 1 1 0 0 Monte, Boston, outpointed Jamea J. -tj weight champion, for July 4. It he’ll carve you for calling him Charlie Varrick struck out thir­ Griswold, c . . 3 1 2 13 2 0 Braddock, Jersey City light , is a good match but it may never College being the winner by a 4 to something that Cubans ain’t. 3 score in twelve innings. teen batters in leading the North McGonigal, If . 3 0 1 0 0 0 weight, ] Harry Ebbetts, Free-*,M- * take place. Lomski also is signed Only a few days ago, Springfield CHARLES E. BORAH Ends to their triump. He allowed Clemson, lb . . 3 0 2 1 1 0 port, N. Y., stopped Ollle Joyner,' with Fugazy to get a title shot at Vocational beat the Trade school but five * hits. Highland Park Gibson, 2b .. . 3 0 0 3 1 0 Bradenton, ..Fla., middleweight, '4; Loughran or Slattery before the end by the same score In a fourteen-in­ fielded poorly. Varrick and Nichols Holmes, p . . . 2 0 0 0 8 1 Jimmy Moore, California negke^w of the current outdoor season. Lorn- ning struggle played in the Home A nephew of Senator Borah of Idaho, Charles E. Borah of Southern were the best hitters. Smith, cf . .. . 1 0 0 1 0 0 welterweight, outpointed Jack /r* ski may lose that spot, too. Giorgetti Wins .City. And once again yesterday, California, is probably the greatest sprinter in this country today and The much-improved Gibson’s Kierna^ Long Branch, N. J., 4. ; Has Three Fights Manchester had a chance to win naturally an almost certainty to grace the United States Olympic squad Garage outfit looked impressive in 29 3 11 21 15 1 —------; .-.s In fact, with three contracted the game In the closing Innings, at Amsterdam this summer. beating Talcottville. Jerry Holmes Talcottville . . . .00 00 200-- 2 NEW ORLEANS GETS MEET i f i fights before him, the only one he but the breaks were against It. Borah was forced out of the recent I. C. 4-A meet, at Harvard becausei and Hanna, new men, played well. Gibson’s ...... 00 40 lOx 5 The Women's Southern Golf is certain of is his meeting with Race With Ease The Trade scored two runs in the of an injured leg and the muddy track, but his sprint performances in The former fanned eight men dur­ Two .base hits: Griswold, McNal­ sociatlon will hold their annual's: Pete Latzo next week. A mirror seventh to take a one-run lead hut the past few years are deserving of a place on the team provided his leg ing the time he was on the mound. ly; three base hits: R. Smith; hits tournament at New Orleans In ' maze of absurb matchmaking has Hartford knotted the count in the made it possible for Lomski to beat Leadlng the way unmolested eighth. Landeen pitched a strong Borah has twice run the 100 in 9.5 seconds and has been clocked Latzo from here to there and still from eight miles to the finish, ^game...... whiffing...... ten batsmen and al- for the 220 in 20.9 seconds. He won the national A. A. U. champion­ stand disqualified from any chance Franco Giorgetti, Italian seven hits. His rival, Kus- ship in 1926 at Philadelphia and again in 1927 at Lincoln. He also of meeting Walker on July 1 or of and winner of the American cham­ ' tosz, was touched up for only four won the 220 at Lincoln. At the I. C. 4-A meet In Philadelphia last getting his chance at the light pionship last year, got away to a hits and fanned fifteen. Errors pav year, he won the 100 In 9.8 seconds and the 220 in 21.9 seconds. In good start in the 1928 series last his career, he has defegited practically every important sprinter in the heavyweight title later in the sea­ ed the way for most of the runs. AT 575 MAIN ST. iji-oKsO son. night when he captured the forty- New Britain Trade plays here country. The situation in question can be mile motor-paced race at the Hart­ next Friday afternoon. Yesterday’s Borah is 22 years old and a junior in the dental college at Southern brought about in this manner: ford Velodrome, completing the box score follows: College where he has averaged better than 96 in his studies. He weighs Ace Hudkins and Walker are to course In exactly 58 minutes while . MANCHESTER TRADE 148 pounds. His training for the Olympics has been carried on under I meet for the middleweight title in over 5,000 persons looked on. The AB R H PO A E the direction of Dean Cromwell, Southern California’s famous track Chicago on June 21. If Hudkins Italian rider was pushed hard once Bauer, If . . , . .3 0 0 0 0 0 coach. f-olt or twice when Vincent Madonna, 7<'f, winjfi, Walker is out as Lomski’s op­ Peltier,' rf . . .-.5 0 2 2 0 0 his countryman, from whom he Landeen, p . . .5 1 0 0 3 0 ponent. And so is Hudkins, since took the lead early in the race, but V'-. Lomski and the Nebraskan are Carlson, 2b . . .5 0 0 1 3 0 the latter was'unable to regain the Connelly, 3 b . .5 0 0 0 2 1 handled by the same management. lead. Mrs. 1 P. Cheney, Mrs. F. J. BendaD Mr. Pugazy’s active mind has con­ Ramsay, cf . . .3 1 0 0 0 1 The only rider to pass Giorgetti Lauridsen, c . .5 1 0 11 2 1 ceived several alternatives, includ­ during the night was Victor Hop­ ing the possibility of Latzo winning Tirone, ss . . . .5 0 1 4 5 0 kins of Iowa, former U. S. cham­ Christensen, lb 4 0 1 15 0 1 Win Blind Bogey Events Ladies’ Day from Lomski and then meeting pion, who did so In making up a either Walker or Hudkins, accord­ Adams,. If . . . .2 0 0 0 0 0 lap after losing a pedal. He climbed Dalims, cf . . . .2 0 0 0 0 0 ing to the way the Chicago figAt back Into third place only to fall A good-sized number of women HIGH SCHOOL MUST goes. But when I left his presence back again. Here is how the rfders AVIN TODAY’S GAME today; he still was struggling man­ 54 3 4 33x 16 4 golfers turned out yesterday for the L“ -ii finished: Franco Giorgetti, Italy, LA SALLETTE COLLEGE fully with the problem of removing first; Vincent Madonna, Italy, sec­ Ladies’ Day program at the Man­ the bag from Lomski’s hands in the AB R H PO A E chester Country -Club and some As a result of West Hart­ ond; Sammy Gastman, Newark, Nadeau, 3b . . .6 1 1 3 6 O event that Hudkins wins that heat third; Frank Keenan, . Boston, very interesting matches resulted ford’s 8-3 victory over East Conway, If . . . .2 2 2 0 0 0 during the blind bogey events play­ Hartford High yesterday after­ In Chicago. fourth; Victor Hopkins, Iowa, Leclerc, c . . . .4 Next Problem 0 1 14 2 3 ed over both the nine and eighteen noon, Manchester must beat fifth and Rene Boogman, Holland, Kustosz, p . . . .5 0 0 0 1 1 Mr. Fugazy’s next trick will be left the track when something went 0 hole distance. East Hartford this afternoon at Hearn, ss . .. .5 0 1 0 3 u Mrs. John P. Cheney, Sr., was the the West Side grounds in order * TOPCOAT to demonstrate just how It will be wrong with his pacer’s motor i on he Murphy, lb . . .4 0 0 12 0 0 winner of. the competition over the to entitle it to a tie with West ’ possible for Lomski to beat both the thirty-fifth ihile. However, Bernard, cf . .‘ .5 0 1 2 0 0 complete course, shooting an 109, Hartford for the championship Latzo and walker to a pulp and had no chance of winning. Durand, 2b . . .4 1 0 4 2 1 still fail to get his fiing at the light which with her chosen handicap of of the Central Connecticut In- j Laroche, rf . . .2 0 0 0 0 0 terscholastic Baseball League. . heavyweight title, the inducement WHO CHAIiLENGES HIM' Rush, rf . . . . .3 0 1 1 0 0 nine strokes, made her net exactly : which attracted him to Mr, the same as the blind bogey— 100. j The locals beat East Hartford j earlier in the season 18 to 9. Fugazy’s front parlor in the irst William Wimsatt, a track ath­ 40 4 7 36 14 9 Others competing in the 18-hole j place. He can lose this chance lete at the Georgetown University, event were Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Cox, | but in these schoolboy ball Innings: games, anything may happen. I without the slightest degree of come Is seven feet tall and believed to Manchester .. 100000200 000— 3 Mrs. Dexter, Mrs. Blish, Mrs. Baker back, provided Jimmy Slattery be the tallest college athlete in the and Miss Alice Cheney. Dave McConkey, who has won | La Sallette .. 101 000 010 001— 4 both of his first two games was j beats Tommy Loughran out of his country. Two base hits, Hearn; hits, off Mrs. Fred J. Bendall was the championship on June 28. For, winner of the nine hole event, her scheduled to pitcK' for Man­ Landeen 7, Kustosz 4; stolen bases, chester. I according to the official views of ti n if Lomski comes around to head­ Peltier, Ramsay, Lauridsen, Ti- net being four strokes above the 47 ------local commission, Loughran is the quarters seeking redress, he will rone, Christensen, Nadeau, Con­ drawn for the blind bogy. She had only fighter who is obligated to find the noble commissioners look­ way, Bernard; double plays, Tirone a gross of .59 with a eight handicap fight Lomski for the title. If Slat­ ing out the window, too. to Christensen, Leclerc to Nadeau for a 51 net. Others in the event ed today that another tournament tery doesn’t want the spot— and re­ As matters stand, our busy pro­ to Durand; base on balls, off Lan­ were Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Austin will be held next Thursday. Play ports have him refusing to fight moter has made so many contra­ deen 5, Kustosz 1; struck out, by Cheney and. Miss Ruth Cheney. will be on a basis of selected scores Lomski last winter— he may gaze dictory bets that possibly he stands Landeen 10, Kustosz 15; umpire, Players in both__ events were al­ for the best six holes over the pensively at the distant skyline and. to cash exactly none of them. Conway. lowed to choose their own handicaps course, three on each nine. In the and the result was very satisfactory nine hole event, the scores of the to all concerned. In fact, Ladies’ three best holes will be selected. Day was highly successful. Prizes will be awarded for each r Mrs. J. Clarke Baker, chairman event and a light luncheon will be of the tournament committee, stat- served. Men’ s Wear of Quality When You Take a Garment at Any of theRedi^ced Quality Suits for M en ...... $25 to $42.50 Straw Hats of distinction $2.50 to $8. A very large variety to Prices Quoted Below |>r>t.*‘lB REMBRANDTS COME HIGH Wimbledon. The Is a terrible choose from. One of the most celebrated ten­ tennis player and he’s a southpaw nis players is also a good writer with it. He trips and falls almost as Carter’s,Underwear...... 75c to $2.00 and a good drawer. In 1924 when often and ungracefully as his elder she was in England she got ?500 brother, Dave, but like the prince Interwoven H osiery ...... 35c to $1 for drawing a picture of her fore­ he refuses to give up. One Suit or Coat* 11.95 N ow 2 for^l2^^ h most rival. The duke gets into the doubles Bo^onian Shoes ...... $6 to $9 When the business agent of the because he can swing the royal f foremost rival heard of it he prop­ wand over his subjects for a part­ Florsheim S h oes...... $10 ositioned the .correspondent of ner and twice the royal wand has the paper who had bought thp pic­ socked poor old Norman Brookes, 0neSuitorCoat*16.95 N«w2 for ^ 1 7 = K ed s...... $1.90 to $3.75 ture. the Australian wiz, who knows he "Fifteen hundred,” the F, R.’s could go farther without the duke. agent came b&ck and the corres­ It’s a long way for Brookes to pondent yelled murder travel from Australia to Wimble­ “ That ain't so much when you don to get knocked off in the sec­ One Suit orCoat*21.95 Now 2 for ^ 2 2 = figure it out.” the agent argued. ond round, but when one of the SPORT WEAR That gives her ?500, me $500 king’s little boys says, "Come on,” and I’d have to pay some drawer it’s a “ come On Game.” $500 to do it and keep quiet” They wouldn’t dare keep 'the Sport Sweaters...... $5.00 to $8.50 duke away from WlmbleddTi, but « flow 2 for ^ 2 9 ^ they did succeed in peirsuading him 0neSuitorCoat*28.95 Linen Knickers ...... $4 to $5.50 Would That I s Tracker Wuz not to play singles and the draw ■ The hard-worklhg college ath­ for courts strangely has kept him White Flannel Trousers ...... $6.50 letes in the east are asking "How. pretty far away from the main come?” about the nice .thing the courts. White Duck Trousers ...... ____...... _.. $2 Stanford track team fell into. It Complete Selections—All Sizes 3 3 t p 5 0 n ^ seems that when Dink Templeton Golf Hose ______$1 to $4 gathered his little band of athletes RUTH’S NO. 20 Without question the greatest value-giving sale Hartford has ever known and started them east to win their ;..>r , Golf Shirts, Colored Flannel, White Oxford, White sectfnd championship the professors —Thousands of garments have been sold. Doii*t delay— everything sacri­ New York, June 8.— Babe Ruth kissed them goodbye, the president ficed—nothing reserved. * ‘ > Broadcloth ...... $2 to $3 blessed them and someone slipped today is six games ahead of his them ten grand to keep them in 1927 home run pace. He collected ; groceries. No. 20 against Cleveland yesterday and exactly one minute later Lou Work ’Trodsers, $1.95. Quality'Trousers and JCnickers, $3.95 They, according to the complaint Gehrig connected for his twelfth in the east,’ Were excused from a circuit clout' of the season. Ruth SMARTWEAR CLOTfflNG STORES, INC. • - V.r:i Buy Your Father s Day Neckwear Here month of classroom work, relieved had not made a hit in his last elev­ of the terrors of final exams and en times at bat. A new; shipment just arrived. authorized to stay in the east until the Olsunpic ’trials In July. A lot of The National League sluggers are them will start then for Amster­ staging a red-hot home rim Mara­ dam. thon.' Hack Wilson got his tenth Father’s Day: is June 17th. for the lead. Rogers -Hornsby hit ‘Taln’t right, the ' eastern boys yesterday and tied Del Bissonette weep, and they quote the slap one his ninth and is tied with Jim Quality merchandise is always found at Glenney’s. of the good Yale^boys got from bis profs. He got a'leave to go home Bottomley for runner-up honors. Lxx’ and stand up with a brother who was being married. He w’as a dav late getting back and was fin ^ DOUBLE-HEADER AS OPENER enough credits to make him ineligi­ ble for the intercolleglates. Indiana will, open-the l928^fdot- I mHARTEOBD B.elow Cajnjpl TK^er^ ball season on September 23 with Open Evenings But Think 0(f the^ Honor! a double-header at "Bloomington, Wabash to be played In ; the first The Duke of Y o ii was permitted- •iSh: i again this year to enter the BrltlsS' game and Indiana State Normal in J , national tennis omuxuDionahiss ax the second*' rvl * - A ■A' 7 ...... 4 ; - -, i5lr '' ' V A- ' 4 ;


h a t , h a y , FA RH EB ! f|REV.J.S.FQ^ Philadelphia PARTY FOR TEACHERS AB. R. ■■ H. PO. A. B. H ^W ’ S THE OA8 OROPY 0 Bishop, 2 b ----- ..... 4 0 0 1 5 POUCE COURT 0 0 Cobb, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 inch by ihoh the farmer is be­ OF CZEdl American League 0 0 2 0 0 \ SOON TO BE MARRIED ^ f O X V Speaker, cf ...... 4 0 Store Burke of tlulon Street ap­ ing driven, to thp wall and now National League Simmons, If ...... 3 1 0 2 0 Results 3 0 pears to be playlus lb hard luck. You can hardly expect a bit­ F oxx, c ...... 3 0 1 5 all that Is deft for him is to Results 0 1 9 1 0 He was released from Jail yesterday 'That CiecKoBlovakla has iw Hauser, lb ...... 3 0 grow— gasoline, ter grudge, battle to make Dykes, 3 b ...... • • 2 0 0 3 .1 A party was given at the forgotten America is evidenced;, 1 0 after senrlng a term for gssault ou Fred H. Norton, of Main B oley, ss ...... 4 0 2 0 the word just arrived from R« a sweet fight At Cleveland J— „ „ 0 1 0 his wife and was immediately ar­ Barnard school last night In street near Henry street, has a Grove, p ...... J 0 0 John S. Porter of this town At Boatont— YANKS 8, INDIANS a 0 0 1 0 0 rested on the charge of non-support honor of Miss Lillian Tread­ splendid stand of hay next to N ew -Y ork Orw oll, P ...... " 0 0 PIRATES 8, BRAVES 6 M iller, ...... 1 0 0 0 of his wife and two children. His well and Miss Marie Hunni- since 1891 a vforker Pittsburgh ^ „ 0 0 0 0 0 his home. For years it has been American Board of Commlaslonc AB. R. H. PO. a . E. Combs, cf ...... 5 0 4 0 0 Collins, ...... 1 wile was the principal witness and ford by the teachers of the Nathan admired by farmers and others 3 1 2 0 for Foreign Mission in Prai L. Waner, c f ...... 6 Jr 3 5 0 0 Durocher. s s ...... o 31 1 4 24 12 0 from her testimony it was gleaned Hale school. Miss Hulda ^ t le r ' who used horses. It was almost 1 1 0 0 OOx— 4 “ On July 4," writes Mr. Porter,l Bartell. 2b ...... ^ n S 5 5 o Ruth, rf ...... 3 2 004 000 that he had given her very little was in charge of the arrangements Gehrig, lb ...... 5 1 11 0 001 000— 1 a case of submitting sealed bids monument to Woodrow Wilson v B rick ell, ...... 1 0 I 0 “ “ 1 2 0 0 liiird^Shu- 000 o«.-i support since last Christmas time. and the Boys Lunch Room was Burweil. P ...... M o 4 1 0 Paschal, If ...... 3 Two base hits, McNeely, Betten when the/matter of selljng the be unvelle'd in front of the princlpa Lazzerl, 2b ...... * 2 2 3 0 There is' friction among the mem­ transformed for the time beins in­ P. Waner, rf 5 J; ? t i i 1 1 3 2 court; three base hits, Hauser; home hay carnet up. There was a great railway station of Prague, whW ^ Wright, ss ...... ° 0 1 1 « 1 Dugan, 3b ...... 4 run. Brannon; stolen bases. Bishop, bers of the family. Judge Johnson to Radio Broadcasting station Collins. 1 5 0 0 demand for it. has borne the name of Wilson Staj^ Barnhart, If ...... 6 1 3 4 0 0 0 double plays, Hauser to Foxx to found h*... guilty and senteaced him W.E.D. The color scheme of the .Traynor. 3b ...... 6 1 0 1 2 0 Pipgras, 1 0 4 This morning Mr. Norton was tion for the past ten years. Hauser, Dykes to Hauser, ®n to jail for 30 days and then sus­ decorations was orange and yellow 4 base. Philadelphia 8, Louis 9, b^e heard asking a man if he would year we are celebrating the tentl E. Smith, ...... 6 0 1 2 2 0 36 11 27 12 pended' the execution of the jail plus floral bouauets of daisies and Cleveland on balls, off Grove 1, Orwoll 4. Crow­ kindly cut it and take it away. anniversary of the Czechslovak Re-^ H. PO. A. E. der 1; hits, off Grove 8 in 3. off Orwoll sentence in order to give him a white flox. The place cards were public. Many Czechs are coming A d L s , 2b ...... 3 in 5; losing pitcher, Grove; umplros, “ Sorry but I have no horse.” Jamieson, If ...... 4 0 0 5 0 0 tim e. chanca to get to work and .con­ loud speakers v^lth the names Re­ from America and elsewhere 1 1 0 Ot Geisel. Campbell and Owens, 50 8 15 36 18 2 Summa, rf ...... 4 0 tribute $1C a week for the support versed so that Miss appeared on the participate.” X__Brickell batted for Bartell in Langford, cf ...... 4 0 2 2 0 0 2:04. 1 2 2 0 of his family. card as SSIM thus causing those Mr- Porter, who Is a native of E 9th. J. Sewell, ss ...... 4 0 B oston, Fonseca, lb ...... 4 1 0 6 0 0 A t DetroltJ— o Edward Garland, an old offender, attending some minutes of diligent PUBUC RECORDS Gilead, and who married a local w o-^ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. M yatt, c ...... 4 0 0 5 0 0 TIGERS 5, RED SOX 2 , man, occupies a class all by himself . ^ 0 was before the court this morning search before they found their Rlchbourg, r f ...... 6 2 2 0 0 0 Hind. 2b ...... 3 1 1 4 2 Detroit . _ on the charge of intoxication. He as he is the only representative of W ard, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 2 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. right places. , . . Moore, If ...... 5 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 was arrested by Ofhcer Edwin Refreshments consisted of straw­ Warrantee Deeds the American Board in Czechoslo- A Sisler, lb ...... ® ^ i 2 ? Burns, z ...... i ^ Shaute, p ...... f ^ 1 1 3 0 iTcrcr.^.’! . 4 iy\ \ « Donaldson last evening. Garland berry shortcake and coffee. The James A. Hall to William Rad- vakla He adds the interesting in- : Hornsby, 2b ...... 3 1 2 3 5 1 1 0 0 0 Bell. 3 b ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Uhle, zz ...... 1 ^ has not been in the local court for faculty presented Miss Treadwell ding a small tract of land having a formaUon that the street on which i » r i . If B row n, c f ...... 5 0 1 6 0 0 1 with six goblets and six lunch frontage of seven feet on Summit Wilson Station ip located Is c^led Farrell, ss ...... 6 0 0 3 4 0 35 2 7 27 9 McManus. 3 b ...... 2 1 1 1 J- more than three yearr ano, lor this Taylor, c ...... 4 1 1 5 0 0 TME CANf CUUB New Y ork ...... 000 000 044— 8 Heilmann. r f ...... 2 0 1 2,0 0 reason Judge Johnson gave him a plates of rose glassware and Miss street, adjoining the land of Rad- Hoover street, named as Mr. Por­ O — Cleveland ...... 010 000 0 0 1 -2 Galloway, s s ...... 4 1 1 4 £ Greenfield, p ...... 8 0 0 0 3 C chance to make good by a suspend­ Hunniford with an electric waffle dlng. ^ 4. ter writes, ‘'after our American R. Smith, p ...... N c o c a m Y u v j e . Two base hit, Durocher; home runs, W oodall, 0 ...... 4 0 1 3 1 0 Howard M. ’Tingley and wife to Hoover.” The field of this Ameri-. Lazzeri, Gehrig, Ruth; sacrifices. C arroll, p ...... 4 0 ^ 9 2 ed judgment. iron. The entertainment consisted mAT A U1A<2. CLUB" Paschal, Pipr-as, Lind; double plays, of a Musical Romance arranged and Charles H. Beam and Fannie Beam can Mission is a wide one, contaln-, ?| 44 6 10 36 15 1 31 5 11 27 12 3 P it t s b u r g h ...... 110 Oil 002 002— 8 J. Sewell to Lind to Fonseca, Dugan REAL AFFECTION presented by Mlss Butler. land and buildings located on Ing as it does, 31 organized church-^ TVfkWki t o W -P- to Lazzerl to Gehrig; left on bases. B oston es and more than 150 places wherej* B oston ...... 210 020 100 000— 6 AB. R. H. PO, A. E. London.— George Wilcon, 40, is Miss Lillian''Treadwell will be Phelps road. Two base hits, L. Warner, P. Wan­ saoTiA New York 6, Cleveland 8; base on Robert Wetherell to William regular Christian services are held/| er. Scott, Richbourg, Hornsby: home balls, off Shaute 3, off Pipgras 1; Flagstead. cf ------...2 1 i » « u real affectionate— especially when married on June 23, the day after | struck out, by Shaute 4, by Pipgras 4, Rogell. ss ...... 2 1 1 4 0 0 the school closes to Stuart Segar of ’ Wetherell, land and buildings there­ He is ably assisted by a large num-^i runs, Scott 2, Barnhart, Hornsby, his eyes vision offeera of the law. A on located on Alton street in the Taylor; sacrifices, Burwell, Moore, balk, Pipgras: umpires, Hildebrana, M yer, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 demonstration of his love for the Main street, Mahehester. Miss ber of Czechoslovak pastors. M^^ Ormsby and Guthrie; time, 1‘46. Williams, If ...... 4 0 1 3 0 1 Pinehurst section. Porter speaks both the German euw Hornsby, Brown; left on bases, Pitts­ Marie Hunniford will be married on burgh 12, Boston 70; base on balls, off z—Burns batted for Ward in 9th. Taitt, rf ...... 4 0 1 5 0 1 stalwart gdardians of Justice was Intentions of Marriage Bulgarian languages fluently. Hill 3, off Burwell 2, Greenfield 3, R. zz—Uhle batted for Shaute in 9th. R egan. 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 given recently when he' tore one June 30 to Verde Dockum, building Joseph Levrio'and Margaret Ves- Smith 1; struck out, by Hill 3, Green­ Major League Todt, l b ...... 4 0 0 8 1 0 copper’* trousers in an attempt to contractor, of Waterbury. field 2, R. Smith 2; hits, off Hill 9 in At Chicago I— _____ Hofmann, c ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 co, both of Manchester. Russell, p ...... 1 ^ “ « bite him and then delivered a lusty Harold A. Pitch anad Leora 8, Burwell 1 in 4, Greenfield 11 in 8 Standings NATIONALS 7, WHITE SOX 5 2 J: A necklace of beetles’ legs i»| 2-3, R. Smith 4 in 3 1-3; winning W ash in gton Ruffing, p ...... 0 9 9 0 0 kick at another. For that offense, Yorkitls, both of Manchester. R oth rock, X ...... — used as a love-token by natives ofj pitcher. Burweli; losing pitcher R. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. and for being intoxicated, he was Size for size, a thread of spider Theodore Wagmer of Rockville Smith; umpires, McCormick, McGee, R ice rf ...... 5 2 3 2 1 0 27 2 5 24 7 2 fined approximately ?8. Living’s and Freda Danger of Manchester. the Solomon Islands. and Kleni; time, 2:25. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Sarrls. 2b ...... 8 0 0 5 6 0 silk is tougher than a bar of steel. Barnes, cf ...... 5 0 2 1 0 0 X— Rothrock batted for Russell In cheap in the old country. Eastern League I I I t I I D etroit ...... 200 010 02x— 6 At Brooklyn I— B^sron ::::::...... DODGERS 1, REDS 0 Providence 9, Hartford 7. Judge, lb ...... 3 2 1 8 0 0 200 000 000-2 Reeves, ss ...... 3 1 i ^ j v Two base hit, Taitt, Carroll, Rice; B rooklyn New Haven 7, Waterbury 1. stolen bases. Galloway; sacrlflcea, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bluege, 3b ...... 3 \ ^ ^ \ J 2 Pittsfield 7, Springfield 2. Kenna, c ...... 4 0 2 5 0 0 Rogell, Myer, Russell, Flagstead, Statz, cf ...... ,.401 0 Gehrlnger 2, Heilmann, McManus; Partridge, z ,...... 100 0 0 Albany 14, Bridgeport 7. H adley, p ...... 1 0 0 0 2 0 Marberry. p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 i double plays, Galloway to Gehrlnger Hendrick, 3 b ...... 311 1 4 American League to Sweeney, Carroll to Galloway to Herman, rf ...... 5 0 1 0 New York 8, Cleveland 2. ■ - Sweeney: left on bases, Boston o, pe Dressier, If ...... 502 0 0 20 1 Detroit 5, Boston 2. 35 7 11 27 14 0 trolt 8; base on balls, off Russell 2, Bissonette, lb ... ..400 Carroll 3; struck out, by Russell 1, 3 't ago The Most Important Rug Announcement Rlconda, 2b ...... 300 Washington 7, Chicago 5. 4 AB. R. H. PO A. E. Carroll 3; hits, off Russell 8 In 7. Bancroft, ss . . . ..200 2 St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 1. Ruffing 3 in 1; wild pitch. Ruffing ..400 3 1 Metzler, c f ...... 4 0 0 4 1 0 Henline, c ...... 0 losing pitcher, Russell: umpires. Van Doak, p ...... • . 4 9. 0 J) 4 National League Clancy, lb .... , 5 1 1 14 1 New York 4, St. Louis 3. Reynolds, rf .. . 5 0 2 2 0 0 Graflan. McGowan and Connolly; time 35 1 5 33 21 McCurdy, c ... . 5 0 0 2 1 0 1:37. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 2. 0 , of the Year I Cincinnati Falk, If ...... 4* 0 1 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 0 (11.) Kam m , 3b .... . 4 1 2 1 2 0 EAGLE ATTACKS MAN 2 Critz, 2b ...... 500 0 1 Pittsburgh 8, Boston 6 (12.) Redfern, 2b ... ,. 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 5 0 Callaghan, cf ...... 502 4 0 Cissell, s s ...... 4 Bar Harbor, Me.— An American Pipp, UbV...... 4 0 '1 7 1 Lyons, p ...... 3 1 2 0 1 0 ZltxmaihQ# X ,•«• 0 0 0, 0 ■0 Connally, p ... . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 sea eagle is being mounted at Ban­ 0 Kelly, ilh ...... 1 0 1 5 0 Barrett, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 gor for the Lafayette National THE STANDINGS -- — — W a lk ed r f ...... 4 0 0 2 0 5 12 27 16 2 Park. It was killed with an axe by Purdy, 1^ ------...4 0 0 2 0 38 Dresseti, 8b ...... 3 0 1 2 3 Eastern League 100 103 110— 7 Raymond Hanscom of Hull Cove, Plcinlcb, ,c ...... ; 4 0 1 6 1 W. L. 000 500 000— 5 when the bird attacked him while Ford. 8s ’...... 3 0 0 2 5 Two base hits, Kamm, Rice 2, he was driving a truck on the high Donohue, p ...... 4 0 0 1 1 New H aven...... 27 12 Barnes 2, Judge, Goslin, Kenna, &nd Providence ...... 22 16 Reeves; three bdse hits, Reynolds, road near here. According to Hans- 37 0 6 a31 12 Bluege; sacrifices, Harris, Reeves, com’S story, the bird alighted on Hartford ...... 23 17 Bluege; left on bases Washington 6, B rook ly n ...... 000 000 OOO 01— 1 Pittsfield...... 20 22 the windshield and attacked him Stolen bases. Rlconda; sacrifices, Chicago 8; base on balls, off Lyons 2, when he tried to dislodge it. Walker; double play, Ford to Pipp; Bridgeport ...... 19 21 Hadlev 1; struck out, by Lyons 2, by left oil bases, Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn Springfield ...... 16 23 Connally 1, by Marberry 5; hits, off Hanscom’s face was severely lacer­ 8; base.en balls, off Donohue 3; struck Lyons 11 In 8. off Hadley 8 In 4; hit by ated before he finally subdued the out, by^Doak 2, by Donohue 3; hit by Waterbury ...... 16 23 pitclier, by Hadley (Metzler; winning pitche®-by Doak (Ford, Dressen), by Albany ...... 16 25 pitcher, Marberry; losing pitcher, bird. Donohlfc.- (Rlconda, Hendrick): um­ American League Lyons;' umpires. Nallin, Dlneen and pires, fipfirman. Stark and Quigley; W. L. PC. B arry; time, 1:49. The bamboo holds the record time, 1:59. among plants for quick growth; Itj New Y o r k ...... 3S 8 .826 X—Zltzmann ran for Pipp In 9th. At St. Louis I— has been known to grow two feet I a—One out when winning run was Philadelphia...... 27 17 .614 BROWNS 4, ATHLETICS 1 scored. Cleveland ...... 24 24 .500 St. Louis in 24 hours. AB._R. H. PO. A. E. St. Louis ...... 24 24 .500 McNeely. rf ...... 5 1 2 1 0 0 NOTICE At Nei^'^ork:— Detroit ...... 20 28 .417 Brannon, 2b ...... 4 1 1 2 2 0 - GIANTS 4, CARDS 3 Boston ...... 16 24 .400 Manush, If ...... 4 1 3 8 0 0 New York .. .. Washington ...... 16 27 .372 Schulte, c f ...... 3 1 2 3 0 0 Refusal of my wife’s love any AB. R. H. PO. A. E. .362 Kress, ss ...... 4 0 1 3 2 0 longer, I will be responsible for no R oush, c f ...... ___ 4 0 0 3 0 0 Chicago ...... 17 30 Blue lb ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 O’Doul, If ...... 4 . 1 2 2 0 0 National League hills contracted by her from this Lindstrom, 3b , ...... 4 1 2 0 2 0 W. L. PC. { I I ( S date, June 7, 1928. , Ott, r f | | .i...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 20 .615 Crowder, p ...... 3 0 0 0 2 1 Signed, FRANK PALOZIE. T erry, ...... 4 1 1 11 0 0 Cincinnati ...... 32 Jackson, ss ...... 2 0 0 1 6 0 New York ...... 26 17 .605 32 4 11 27 7 1 Cohen, 2b ...... 4 1 2 5 4 0 St. L o u is ...... 28 20 .583 t)’Farrell, c ... • • • • • 3 0 0 0 0 0 22 .560 W elsh, z ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chicag ...... 28 Fullls, zz ...... 0 0 0 0 .0 ,0 Brooklyn ...... 25 21 .543 B e n t o n ,'P ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 Pittsburgh. . , . . . .21 25 .457 Cummings, zzz ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Boston ...... ___ 17 26 .395 Service — Quolity ^ Low Prices 33 4 10 27 13 0 Philadelphia . . ___ 8 34 .190 St. L ouis AB. R. H. PO. Douth c f 4 H igh, 3 0 1 0 1 1 GAIMES TODAY Frisch lb ...... 3 0 0 3 5 0 B ottor y. lb...... 3 0 0 13 1 0 H a r p e A ^ f 4 0 2 1 0 0 Eastern League Saturday Specials Hafey?l^rf 0 0 0' 0 0 0 Hartford at Springfield (3:30). Roettgar, If ...... 4 0 2 1 0 0 Pittsfield at Albany. W ilsoiU 'C ...... 3 0 1 4 1 0 Finest Fresh Strawberries at right prices. Marani^le. ss ...... 4 1 1 1-6 0 Bridgeport at Waterbury. R bem , p . . . . » ...... 4 1 1 1 2 0 New Haven at Providence. M artin, X X ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 American League 32 3 9 x26 16 1 Washington at Chicago. Finest Line of Fresh N ew Y ork ...... 200 100 001— 4 Philadelphia at St. Louis. St'. L o ttl* ...... 000 020 Oai— 3 New York at Cleveland. Two 'base bit, O’Doul; three base bit, Lia^trom; borne runs, . Coben, Boston at Detroit. Rbemt^^olen bases, Friscb, O’Doul; National League Vegetaibles at Right Prices sacrifio^, Wilson, Jackson; double Pittsburgh at Boston. plays, ''vCoben, Jackson and Terry, Effective Coben’ and Terry, Jackson, Coben and Cincinnati at Broklyn. Finest Green String Beans...... 10c qt. Terry,5Hlgb, Friscb and Bottomley, Chicago at Philadelphia. at once! Frisch, ■ Maranvllle and Bottomley; St. Louis at New York. Fancy Native Head Lettuce ..... 7c head left on bases. New York 6, St. Louis W H ITTA LL’S 6;-bas6' on balls, off Benton 3, off R bem ,2; struck out, by Benton 4, by Rbem g; umpires, Rigler, Hal^ and Jorda; time, 1:40. <8^ X—'FjfFO out when winning run was Meats scoredi’^ Quality Anglo Persian Worsted Wilton Rugs XX—t^artln ran for Harper In 9th. Hartford Game z—"^Ish batted for O’Farrell in Small Legs Baby Spring Boneless Roast Baby 9 th. Lamb. Spring Lamb. zz—^jpullls ran for Welsh in 9th. At H artford I— zzz—Cummings batted for Benton GRAYS 9, SENATORS 7 Boneless Rolled Roast in 9th.. P rovidence Prime Rib Roast Beef a t l o w e r PRICES! AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 40c-45c lb. Beef for oven roast 45c lb. Barron, rf ...... 5 0 1 1 0 0 At PhUadelphlat— Touchstone, rf .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 . . PHILLIES 4, CUBS 2 McNamara, If ...... 6 1 1 2 0 0 Boneless Pot Roast Beef Boneless Veal Roast 40c rj Philadelphia Harris, 3b ...... 3 3 2 2 0 1 lb. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Peploski, ss ...... 3 1 1 2 1 0 35c lb. Southern, cf 4 1 2 5 0 Clark, c f ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Thompson, 2b ...... 4 0 2 4 1 Wright, lb ...... 5 1 2 11 0 0 Finest Fresh Killed Tender Chickens to Roast H u rs t,/ib ...... 3 0 0 3 0 Segrist, 2 b ...... 5 2 4 5 6 1 53c lb. Leach, If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Cronin, c ...... 3 1 2 3 2 0 Fowls 43c lb. Jahn, Tf ...... 3 0 1 3 0 u Dunlap, p ...... 2 0 0 0 3 0 Whitney, 3b '..'------'. 4 0 0 4 2 0 Spear, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Small Lean Fresh Should­ Fresh Pork to Roast 30c- FribengS'ss ...... 4 1 s 2 1 2 Douglas, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 32c lb. Lerian',’. c ...... 4 2 2 5 0 0 M orrison, p ...... 1 0 1 0 4 0 ers 22c lb. Willon rass SSHSaf OriS&f patteri''E Benge; *p ...... - ... 2 0 0 0 2 0 40 9 14 27 16 2 1*;-^ - , 32 4 9 27 6 2 H artford Chicago AB. R. H. PO. A. E. On«“ K ’‘3 i n i K te ■ f „AB. R. H. PO. A. E. W atson, I f ----- Beck, s a ...... 4 0 1 J J Slayback, 2b ...... 5 Special Maguire, 2 b ...... 3 1 0 2 4 Roser, rf ...... 4 HeathoOte, r f ...... 4 0 0 2 0 Cosgrove, cf ...... 4 Sirloin Steak, best of beef . 55c lb. Wllsoa, cf ...... 3 1 2 3 0 Martineck, l b ...... 4 StepheaVon, If ...... 4 0 1 1 0 Schmehl, 3b ...... 4 Grimm, l b ...... 4 0 0 9 1 Krahe, s s ...... 3 Hartnett, c ...... 4 0 1 3 0 Bryant, c ...... 2 81/^xl0% FT. B utleiivJb ...... 2 0 0 2 0 Woodman, xx ...... 0 9x12 FT. R oot...... 3 0 1 0 1 Eiseniann, c ...... 1 Specials m Nehf, 6 - ...... 9 0 0 0 1 Styborski, p ...... 3 Grocery r Englism, X 9 9 0 0 0 Brown, p ...... 0 0 0 u i u Cloverbloom Butter in W e b b .X X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Levy, XX ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cloverbloom Batter in 2 K elly, XXX ...... 1 9 P 0 0 37 7 11 27 ' 7 1 lb. rolls 93c. 1-4 lb. prints 48c lb. 33 2 6 24 101 Providence ...... 000 222 102— 9 White House Coffee 49c $ i 4 0.50 Philadelphia ...... 003 000 lOx— 4 H a rtford ...... 310 210 000— 7 Chase & Sanborn Coffee C hicago ...... 000 001 001-|—2 Two base hits, Harris 2, Segrist 2, Two; .base hits, Wilson, Southern, Roser; home runs, Cronin, Martineck; lb. 49c lb. Thompson; home run, Wilson; stolen stolen bases, Barron; sacrifices, Pep­ base, /Tompson; sacrifice, Benge; loski, Clark, Cosgrove, Bryant 2, Puffed Wheat 10c pkg. I I double plays, Whitney to Thompson, Brown; left on bases, Hartford 11, Puffed Rice 13c pkg. Maguire to Beck to Grimm; left on Providence 11; base on balls, off Dun­ Premier Salad Dressing Formerly |1S8.00 fo r this size. A bases,-.CSiicago 7, Philadelphia 7; base lap 3, Morrison 4, Spear 1, Styborski Our Boy Tender Sweet Formerly |150.00 for this size. A on barie, off Root 1, Benge 2; struck 1, Brown 4; struck out, by Styborski 31c bottle. saving ctf -$7*00...... out. by^ehf 1, Benge 5; hits, off Root 6, Brown 3, Dunlap 1, Morrison 1; Peas 19c can. « saving of fT.SO. 8 In G '.^ on e out In '6 th ), N ehf 1 In 1 hits, off Dunlap 7 in 4, (none out in La Touraine Coffee 47c 2-3; hit. by pitcher, by Bsnge (Ma- 5th), Spear 2 in 2, Morrison 2 in 3, Kulre^J^y Root (Jahn); losing* pitch- Styborski 10 in 5 (none out in 6th), lb. Gold Star Coffee 39c lb. er, Iw t; umpires, Reardon and Brown 4 in 4; winning pitcher, Morri­ M oraiy.tlm e. 1:42. son; losing pitcher Brown; umpires, X—Stttgllsh ran for Hartnett In 9th. Summers and Sullivan; time, 2:38. n XX—Ifebb batted for Butler In 9th. X—Douglas batted for Spear in 7th. >, I C^ xxxi^ elly batted for Nehf In 9th. XX—^Woodman ran for Bryant In Finest tVuits and Fresh Vegetables. XXX—^Levy batted for Brown In 9th, exc lu siv e representatives for CRAWFORD a n d 'CHAMBERS ISVillys- Oi|erland-Whippet BUY YOUR TIRES AT Manchester Pubfic Market Campbell’ s Filling Station A. Podrove, Prop. PHone 10 OAKLYN FILLING STATION Xel^Aone 1 2 8 4 -2 ^ Phone 1551 PAGHB FO TTR TB ISf MANCHBSfinBrB XCOlJfN.) EVENTNG HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928,

-■-i ■ ^ MMWPIMIMliMMWIMWWMMWMMIMAWWIMlIMn Best Places to Shop The Best Stores Advertise te r - MARKET PAGE

ter meeting of the local club. DANDELION DOOMED CUMMINGS A JUDGE Plans are rapidly taking shape Is secretly brewed Into a glorifying for the coming event. The awards PUBLIC IMPROVING and edifying concoction, must go, Saturday Special OF FLOWER SHOW committee, since the vote of the Guthrie, Okla.— The lowly dan­ according to an edict by Mayor meeting not to award money prizes, Ralph Davis. Davis has sent out a HOLLYWOOD MAEHET have had red, white and blue rib­ TASTE IN MUSIC delion has run its course. This need bons printed with the name of the which, in addition to being used as proclamation urging citizens, as All Steak At Cor. East Center and Parker Sts. Phone 330 3Vill Act With Mrs. Louise club ap'd other data. Several com­ part of their "Clean Up Week” , to a food, or something for the home- rid the community of "this obnoxi­ Kellogg on Garden Club Ex­ mittees * have had meetings this week and report progress and much loving man to weed out of his lawn. ous flower.” , hibits Here. enthusiasm. Watkins Men Report Gener­ Low Price Swift’s Boneless Shoulder Hams .. .28c lb. A number of the members, par­ Lean Pot Roast B eef ...... 28c-35c The committee on Judges for the ticularly those in charge of the wild al Optimism at Music Con­ Roast P o r k ...... 28c Manchester Garden club’s flower flower exhibit, are planning to take Best Frankfurts...... 30c Veal R o a s t...... 35c lb. show at Center churen Thursday in a similar show at Glastonbury tomorrow under auspices of the Pork C h op s...... 32c and 35c Shoulder Pork Chops...... 29c Ih. and Friday of next week. In addi­ Garden Club there. vention. tion 10 securing Mrs. Louise Kel­ Veal C u tlets...... 48c Sliced Bacon ...... 35c lb. logg, the West Hartford Iris grower HOPE FOR ALL-AMERICAN to act in this capacity, have ar­ The Washington Huskies ex­ C. Elmore Watkins and William Fresh Shoulders...... 28c Extra Fancy Marshmallow Cookies 27c Ib. ranged with Alexander Cummings, 'rrhe store that holds faith with the people.' pressed belief recently that they Rush of Watkins Brothers return­ Roast B e e f...... 30c and 35c Jr., of the Bristol nurseries, who would have an All-American foot­ Comer Main and Maple Streets Telephone 200Q Strictly Fresh Eggs from White’s is.well versed on shrubs and plants ball star on their team next fall in ed Wednesday night from the an­ P. Kelley, Prop, F a r m ...... 45c dozen to Judge the exhibits. Mr. Cum­ Chuck Carroll, high point scorer in nual convention of the Allied Mu­ mings gave a comprehensive talk on the Pacific Coast Conference last sic Industries of America, held at N. Waszkieliewicz Large Bottles Pale Dry Ginger Ale .. .20c roses and perennials at a mid-win-fall. the Hotel Commodore, New York 20 Florence Street City, this week. Optimism was the Planning A Weekend prevailing note of the great con­ vention. Despite the admitted fact that the sale of pianos has declined Party For The Seashore during the past year, statements f U O N B were made by eminent authorities ' i in various lines that the public EASTERN PROVISION CO. taste for better music was increas­ Or Some Lake? 127-129 State Street, Hartford ‘ ing. There are hundreds of people today who with their 0$ «• During the Tuesday morning ses­ Satisfaction sion, Roxy (S. L, Rothapfel) car, can enjoy the week-end at their favorite seashore FREE NEXT TO 1 THINGS TO EAT resort or lake. Gnaranteed or C X30D came over and talked to the piano DELIVERY CAR BARNS Money Refunded men about his experiences with the Why not eliminate the food problem for the whole public. . No one who has not seen affair by planning what you ne^ and then come here We will have an e^tceptionally good well cured bacon, Roxy personally can describe the sliced with the rind ofif, to sell at 37c lb. charm of the man. Although his and get it. Our food service is complete in every re­ IPC talk was mostly about his work, his spect and much of it is home made. ^ It carries Pinehurt guarantee of satisfaction or your bearing was so modest and so far THE PUBUC KNOWS money back—and is the same bacon many stores are from seeming egotistical it endear­ where to buy good meats and save money at the same ed him to his audience in a very HOME COOKED FOODS putting out for their best. time—that is why our store is filled with customers unusual way. He stated that he Large assortment of ready to eat cooked and smoked iiad received over three million let­ A ROAST every day Pinehurst Hamburg 2 5 / ters from admirers find made hun­ meats and roast native chicken. Full line of Elizabeth Park Brand Canned Food Pro­ of prime gdodness from this sliop You may shop around but you owe it to yourself toi dreds of visits to towns small and to your oven makes the mealtime Did you ever try this Hamburg baked in the oven, cov­ great to find out how his programs ducts. compare our prices before buying for Saturday. ered with bacon and onions? win your appetite. Wholesome were being received and what the Cooked Sauerkraut and Frankfurts ready to serve. business— this of serving choice public really wanted. The letters Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. meats to weU pleased patrons NO In response to a demand for smaller poultry, we have a and the visits convinced him that ne e c o n o m y c u t s Imported and Domestic Cheese. with properly provisioned appe- S? WASTE shipment of 4 lb. fowls for fricassee, coming in for to­ only the best things would hold the ' tites. morrow’s business which will be sold $1.59 each. public's interest permanently. Imported .Jams and Jellies. Shoulder Clods ___ On Sunday afternoons, he now Kalas-Sill. Anchovies, Salt Herring. Fancy F o w l...... 40c plays the Symphonies of Beethoven Sirloin B utts ...... Broilers, larger fowl and fancy roasting chickens will Imported and Domestic Beverages. Rolled Roast B eef ...... ! 38c be included in this shipment— ail milk fed, well dress­ and Schubert and some of the more Rump R o a s t...... ed, birds that will be as “tender as chickens” should be. modern things of DeBussy and Boneless Pot Roast ...... 30c Richard Straus and they are much Heavy Cream, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Brown’s Butter, Boneless Shoulder more popular with the public than Roasting Pork ...... 29c From Peterson’s Farm PINEHURST MEATS the Monday evening concerts which Leg L a m b ...... 45c Roast Spinach, 15c peck Rib Roasts boned and are given up to light programs. Someone asked him if he wouldn’t Sausage M eat ...... 29c Beef is high— but not here. Visit us Saturday and boy It Head Lettuce, 9c each. rolled or cut short for 40% cheajier in price than elsewhere. A 40% to 50% saving standing roasts. suggest in his Monday evening Smoked Shoulders ...... 21c From Pinehurst’s talks that people ought to take guaranteed. Famous Fruit Stands Dried Beef, sliced fresh more Interest In learning to per­ Boneless Veal Roast ...... 32c Green Beans, tender, prac­ for your order, 1-2 lb; 39c, form themselves. He laughed and Veal Chops ...... 40c tically stringless 1-4 lb. 20c. said that would take care of itself. Virden Peaches...... 28c A w R o U n d Green Peas Boiled Ham, 1-2 lb. 39c, He was sure that with the evidence CAMPBELL’S Virden Peaches, sliced ___ 18c 1-4 lb. 20c. he had of the love of most people Carrots, Beets, for really good music it would fol­ White Loaf Flour ...... $1.29 Liverwurst _ STEAKS Tip 2 1 New Potatoes low Inevitably that more and more Alice McDougall Coffee ... 49c Old Potatoes Eckhardt’s Frankfurts would want to play. QUALITY GROCERY Skat Hand Soap, 3 for .... 25c Onions, special, 4 lbs. 25c. Beef and Calves Liver Many new short cuts to learn­ Phones 2400— 2401 30 Depot Square Pet Evaporated Milk, can 10c Fancy firm ripe red Lean cuts of pork for ing piano playing were presented. Native Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c ALL LEAN MEAT chops or roasting. One of the most interesting was the TOMATOES Vi.suola. This is an electric device GROCERIES Native Spinach, pk...... 19c SOUP SHANKS ...... Parsley, Spinach Link Sausage Bananas, 3 lbs...... 25c which requires the use of two PLATE BEEF ...... Celery, Lettuce / Sausage Meat pianos. The notes played by the Gold Medal, Washington or Rising Sun Flour, sack $1.25 Onions, 5 l b s ...... 25c lb* Green Peppers Lean Ribs of Corned leacher on one piano are picked out Raisins, package ...... •...... 12c CHOP STEAK ...... Beef, 16c lb. . on a second piano by light signals Quaker Oats, paclfage ...... 10c Asparagus in red and green above correspond­ Ripe Pineapples Briscuits and other lean Hatckett Brand Fancy Corn, ca n ...... 20c ing notes. Children from five to NATIVE FRESH DRESSED PORK Ripe Bananas, Oranges, solid pieces of Corned Beef seven who had only three weeks’ Elizabeth Park Peas, can ...... 25c Lemons, Grapefruit Boneless Hams to boil at lessons on the Visuola played with Wolcott Brand Peas, can ...... 16c RIB AND SH OU li)ER ROAST, lb. 1 6 ic 33c lb. are all meat, no astonishing correctness delightful Elizabeth Park Succotash, can ...... 25c Pinehurst Tub Butter, little melodies with accompaniment. 49c lb. waste and good value. Blue Star Succotash, can ...... 20c Many Other Wonderful Meat Values to Intdredt r&lb Matches, strip of 6, 27c. Two little brothers played a duet King Arthur Flour, and when called upon from the 3 Pkgs. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, and 1 Pkg. Pep $1.59 bag. Pinehurst bulk molasses, audience changed to different keys. Special ...... 25c JUULS MARKET FRESH FROM OVEN 35c quart. Boneless Veal These two not only changed the 5 3 9 M A I N S T . 2 LOAVES OF BREAD FOR • • • • 1 Shoulders of Lamb, j key correctly five times but alter­ 15c Roasts boned and rolled, any size nated parts, the younger playing MEATS PH O N E 2339 Daisy Hams from 3 lbs. up. first the bass and then the treble. The whole "Visuola device is soon Smoked Shoulders ...... 29c lb., Shoulder Hams Pot Roasts to be offered in a single duo-art Roasting Pork, 10-12 s i z e ...... 28c lb. Butt ends Sinclair Hams Legs of Lamb piano. With this new instruction, Legs of L a m b ...... 45c lb. an adult unfamiliar with music is Native Veals Roasts ...... 35-40c lb. ‘ GOOD FRESH RIPE MELONS able to execute a fairly difficult Corned B eef ...... 15c Ib. musical composition with very little liecchmit Coffee, 1-4 lb. can free with each 1 lb. purchased. Beef L iv e r ...... 25c lb. SMITH’S GROCERY practice. We have another lot of Glass Shakers in to be given out for Other devices for the better Roast Beef ...... 28-38c lb. North School Street T e l 1200 1 cent eacli with each purchase of a can of Toddy— we will understanding of music and musical Pot Roasts ...... 28-35c lb. not liave any further shipments of these shakers after this terms were offered in the audio- lot is sold. graphic roll and the musical dic­ tionary. The audiographic roll FRUITS and VEGETABLES BLACK WALNUT CHIPS If you want your order on the special early Saturday de­ gives briefly the story of the com­ livery, won’t you please call 2000 tonight— we will be here to Melons, 2 for ...... 25c is just what the name implies, a candy with a real flavor of the forest. When we say] take ’phone orders until nine o’clock. poser’s life and accompanies the music with a running explanation California Navel Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Berries, that it4s “different” we believe we have used just the word to describe it. But it is only one of many Eline candy specials that we enthusiastically recommend to those Headquarters for juicy tender short, porterhouse or of what the music is attempting to Pineapples. say. With more leisure, people who Beet Greens ...... 15c pk. who want quality candy at modest prices. Special sirloin steaks. have missed the advantages of early training in music are now Spinach ...... 15c pk. At your next party—try Pinebey or Grenadine. taking up these helps toward musi­ Lettuce, Beets, Carrots, Asparagus, Cucumbers, .Cab­ cal appreciation. bage, Onibns. One Pound Jar Black Walnut Chips...... 49c CaU 2000 On Tuesday night, Mr. Watkins Hardware, Stanley Paints, Grain, Hay, Straw; and Mr. Rush attended the annual dinner and meeting of the Steinway MEAT DEPARTMENT representative of the United States. XX9S9(3(3S9tX9SX3S9(9CaaC9eX3(9»(9exXS(9C9(X9SX^^ This annual affair is most unique. It is believed that nothing like the Roast Pork...... 27c relation between the members of Fresh Shoulders...... 18c the Steinway family and their deal­ ers exists elsewhere in modern in­ 1878 1928 dustry. In the whole country there Pot Roasts..... 30c-35c Scotch Ham... 35c in piece Specials For Saturday are forty-eight major representa­ tives. These men are chosen for Short Steak ___ ...... 50c Ib^ certain qualities of Integrity and financial responsibility, and once KIBBE’S Corned B eef...... 14c Fresh Fowl...... 4 4 c Sirloin Steak ...... 48c lb. chosen are almost always members Round Steak ...... • rtT*f#TiO OI*! 40c lb, of the tSeinway family for life. In other piano agencies and other Ham kiirg...... 25c Roast V eal...... 35c Hamburg Steak (fresh ground) ui»x.25c lb* lines of Industry the rule is for the gUAUn FOOB manufacturer to set their dealer a Shoulder Steak ...... 30c lb. quota and woe betide him if he Veal Steak (Native) [• r* razo • •; • i*x*jaiZiCEbX«s 50c lb, fails to live up to It. A great many NATIVEEGGS. .39c dozen | SPINACH .. . .15c peck times this results In a constant PRODUCTS Veal C-^OPS . » 45C lb. nervous tension if not In the utter ruin of the dealer who tries to get Uune is the month' of Brides and Roses. We con­ Pork Chops • i>z*i • • • rox*:cj>zu aitj fz 9 mxaXoTtZbxu 28c lb. rid of the merchandise forced upon EVAPORATED MILK ...... • • • • gratulate the many happy brides who 'will commence Pork Roast him. •' • C#IeXeXCL«Z*Z»TCr*T .ax«.x.«,3 16c lb, ers sits down around the tables to Select your Food Products with as much thought as discuss frankly the problems of In­ FOlVl ...... r.T.3 «i..c»T«'zs»>Tiira.» mu 39c lb. teresting people in better music jTou select your home. The finest foods can be distin-” I E Special Mixed Com Flakes...... i . Fresh Ham 38c lb. and making America truly musical. guished by our name and trade mark. Look for them Theodore Steinway, who It^ will be ^t your grocers. It is your guarantee of quality. Smoked Ham ifXfT*Lrux. caKzn.i^T.r.'.Dznr.Tix.T.x'.-Tim.-i a i.3 «i* [.It rnaar«i)pLeiti5»inaix#3 38c lb. remembered spoke in Manchester at Cookies...... White Lily Peaches, the opening of Watkins Brothers’ Calves’ Liver 3 3 0 ]>3 ^'Good Food is the greatest ally of Romance’* uxt.ioQ Dxritrc *::•* .,x.-UXK E 55c llx new store. Is npw president of ^ 0 Steinway & Sons and presided at the meeting. Mr. Steinway Joined Campfire Marsh- large can...... in the general optimism that pre­ V- SOUTH COLONIAL MARKET vailed during the convention. THE E. S. KIBBE COMPANY maflows...... 29c A. G. HYJEK, Prop. TT Wholesale Grocers / loaail poster St., Cor. ^ e n . South Manchester Electric power and light, isuffl- HALF MOON TEA KIBBE’S QUALITY COFFEE TeC5l60-4 clent for a town of 70,000 Inhabi­ HARTFORD, CONN. tants, Is produced by the machin- Mascot Catsup...... 23c •ry of the larges^ size ocean linen. V S P S m V . ■ PAGE V'KV- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENlNG'HEEAtP,.rRipAT, JUNE 8,1928.


menced last Sunday with the bac­ tuin from the Orient of William C. Cheney of the Park Commission. WASHINGTON SCHOOL MURPHEY TO GRADUATE calaureate services in the new com­ munity church at the college. Free ' HAS PARENTS’ NIGHT FROM C. A. C; TOMORROW Mr. Murphey was graduated with MUSIC PERILS TOWN the.1924 class from the Manches­ Parlting HALE'S SELF-SERVE ter High school. During the sum­ <« Maplewood, N. J.,— Too much Horace F. Murphy, son of Mr. InterestingtCrCBWIlK xXU^xwsnProgram Given mers he has devoted his entire Jime music on this towns’ police force Is Space to the extensive Murphey Gladioli Yesterday; Dramatizations and Mrs. Charles m . Murphy of 19 not good for the safety of the com­ m . __ rM __ I TJornHnHamlin -cftootstreet lais "nresldeDtpresident Ofof tll6the gardens at Coventry. Flower ex­ and Songs Given. hibits by these growers have receiv- munity, according to Police Com­ in Rear G B O C E P Y senior class of the Connecticut fed many first prizes at Connecticut missioner Runyon. Out of 28 Agricultural college af Stores, Parents Day was observed at the state fair shows and also in Boston members of the force, 24 of them o f Store xn W AIT DH IfOUdj which gradutes, tomorrow forenoon. are on the Police Department Washington street school yesterday. A number of local people attended and other places. The young man is a candidate Banfi and when the band is play­ .Grade 6 under Miss Grace E. (Jor- the class day exercises today and for the position of superintendent ing an out-of-town engagement it will remain for the comedy to be corcan presented the following pro­ of Manchester’s parks which has leaves only four men to guard the given this evening by the dramatic gram) a dramatization of the King not been filled, awaiting the re- town. . of the Golden River by the 6th. club. Graduation activities com­ When Buyitijg ‘grade boys in correlation with the Think o f literature class.' In the first scene the class showed how the agricul­ tural system of the Blach Brothers was interferred with by the South Foodstuffs For Your Table West Wind, "the second scene sho^w- ed how after the Treasure Land was destroyed when the Black Brothers became goldsmiths. The Our rapid turnover assures you of fresh goods at all O u r tremendous buying third and fourth scenes showed hO'W power assures you of the finest foodstuffs at the lowest possible prices. both Mr. Hans and Mr. Schwartz set off on expeditions in search of the Golden River and failed. The Our modern, up-to-date method of doing business assures you of a wide selection of last scene showed how little Gluck set off on an expedition and sue-1 both imported and domestic goods well displayed. - ceeds because of his honesty. Dance.—The May Procession with the 6th grade girls. Dance A SPEaAL HAM SALE! composed by Janice Remig and \ Edith Brown of the 6th grade. Songs.— Groups of songs by member„ of the entire class. Cudahy’s Puritan, Sugar Cured, ‘‘My Farm”— farmers: Joseph Sartor, Ernest Taggart, Charles Skinned Back Ham l b . smith. ' The' Spinning Jenney,^ colonial HAM maidens—Edna Modean, Emily Buy a whole ham and bake it and serve it cold for salads or for sandwiches. Palmer, Gra.ce Proctor, Janice Remig, Edith Brown and Jennie Kose. To My Mother— An aged mother, Fancy Maine Evelyn Bach. MEADOW GOLD Manchester’s Cookie Headquarters Somebody’s Mother;-—poem re­ Featuring N. B. Cookies— over 66 ' varieties— aU cited by Edith Taggart. 1 5 l l M . 1 9 « The Street Band — drummer BUTTER fresh from the oven. Potatoes Something new! "Ernest Taggart. ‘‘Allegience: Girl Scout, Bertha 2 lbs. 97c 1 lb. 49c McNeil: sailor, Janice Remig: Boy (Fresh made) , CHOCOLATE GRAHAM Scout, Gordon Fraser. Fine Granulated This butter is certainly becoming more and more poptuw “ Nightfall” and “ Stars of the weekly. So many customers tell us they like it because of its SANDWICH lb. 30c Summer Night" by all the pupils fine, uniform quality, and because it goes further. concluded the program. Sugar 1 0 “>»• 65 LIBBY’S AND ARMOUR’S SEEK COP ADONIS GENUINE GRUYERE EMENTHAL Fancy New Crop Florida Utica, N. - Y.— Lawbreakers of CORNED BEEF 2 cans 49c this city haven’t half the. chance CHEESE pkg. 39c 'Twelve ounce can. they used to have. Talk among old- lb s. Imiiprted from Switzerland. Portions and solids. time criminals is that crime isn’t 3 9 « what it used to be. It’s all because Potatoes 15 the city policemen who are over weight are forced to use the new other Week-End Specials reducing machine recently Installed lb . 4 7 c PROVISIONS in the police station and must get New Grass Butter Jello, all flavors, 4 pkgs...... down to a perfect “ 36.” Officials Grote and Weigel Frankfurts, lb. ..:. 28c contend that with less weight the Lipton’s Yellow Label Tea, pkg...... 45c^ cops can run faster, and thus catch HOUSEHOLD SALE Jellied Corned Beef, lb...... 27c crooks where previously they^ had Blood Bologna, lb...... |3c Ivory Soap Flakes, Ig. pkg...... * • * failed. f : Hind’s Tomato Soup, small can, 3 cans 29c ECLIPSE MOPS ...... each 39c Pressed Ham, lb...... 33c GALVANIZED PAILS, 10 qt. size ...... * lc Mettwurst, lb...... 43c Fairy Soap, 5 b a rs...... 19c DUSTAWAY BROOMS, No. 6 size, each...... 39c AtC.H.Tryon’s DUST AW AY BROOMS, No. 7 size, each ...... 45c Try this the next time you make shortcake— lam n Airy Fair, New Improved ' ^ A 0& pP . Just the flour for fine shortcakes and all pastries! Sanitary Market ----- — 5 LB BAG 24 Vi LB ROOT REER EXTRACT CAKE FLOUR, lb. pkgi Pastry Flour 2 bottles 2Sc Free! One small package. Try the small package flnst and if you are not entirely satisfied we will refund the large pack­ Tel 441 Tel 442 Makes yowr shortcakes light and tender!tei Each bottle makes five gallons of delicious, LB age. root beer. ’ R u m to rd ’ s CAN FOR SATURDAY 29' WHITEHOUSE. aA very special low price! TALL Fresh Fruit and Vegetables CANS . J . 1 anfi hniinds.^ Hdre vou will get the finest selection of fm lt and vege- “ ■ Wliite Loaf Flour, 1-8 bbl. Sack, Evaporated. Milk 3 25 Our fruit and vegetable department is growing in Waps and bounds^ More jou w s ' » f t . 2 0 . tables In season. • A fresh truckload every morning. ^ Brookfield. Batter, 55c lb. Try a peach ashortcake for a change! es. Bulk Cocoanut, S5c lb. LARGE Fancy Chicken in Glass, 02c can. IONA CAN 1500 QUARTS u— • . .. ut. 18c, 2 qts. 35c Sliced Ox Tongue, in Glass,- 55c. Peaches 1 5 Extra Fancy Maryland Strawberaes...... , Carnation Evaporated Milk, 10c The very best we have had this year. can. For qiquickly prepared summer desserts! Lima Beans, 18c can. ASSORTED PKGS Fresh Potato Chips, 1-4 lb. 20c. FLAVORS NATIVE HEAD !«■ Fresli Marshmallows, 25c lb. Jeuo Pink Meat Now is the time to can -• Cucumbers 4 29 HAWAIIAN Ketchup, Large Size, 18c. Seidner Salad Dressing, 25c jar. Extra standard, young, tender, sweet corrd Cantaloupes PINEAPPLES Lettuce 5c each Elizabeth Park Raspberries, 43c CAN 1 for 25c can. ' 1 0 2 fo r 2 ^ (Large. Special price by 2 heads 15c (Large size) Jello, All Flavors, 3 Packages Corn the crate or half crate.) (or 25c. (Large, ripe and meaty) Now packed in tin to insure absolute freshness! New Potatoes, 59c peck. Now paci LB Fancy Peanut Butter, 10c jar. . AMERICA'S FOREMOST. New Cabbage, lb...... 2 lbs. Yellow Eyed Beans, 25c. TIN PACKAGE COFFEE ^ . FRESH BEETS ...... ••••*• RADISHES, 2 bunches...... • ...... 3 lbs._Rice for 25c. Bokar OLD POTATOES ...... Peck 25c, bushel 95c VTi^en Peaches, Large 28c ,cah. Virden Peaches, Sliced, 25c can. RELIABLE FLOUR 37c 19c SHORT BREAD Educator lb 23c A toe ; S c T & ^ ^ pl“ terSEtoart!" Fancy Pens, 18c can. ‘ ' BURNETTS EXTRACTS bot 33c RECKITTS BLUL b ottle "Oc / K' cb«ri«, ..rtco.. «.d GELATINE A&P pkg.Uc ROYAL GELATINE 3 pkgs 25c MEATS A & P CO,RN 2 cans 27c SUPER SUDS pkg 9c Store , QUAKER OATS 3 sm pkgs 25c LIPTON^S TEA YeltowLabel pkg 45c Pork to Boast, S2c lb. ( DONA CASTILE SOAP 3 cakes 19c IV O R Y SOAP FLAKES Ige pkg 21c N(latlve Veal Today Read Our Open Veal Cutlet, 55c lb. \ SOAPINE ' Igepkg 21c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 3 cans 25c MALES VCal Patties, 3 for 25c, PEACHES A & P Sliced 2 No. 1 cans 2Sc F A IR Y SOAP ' 5 bars 19c Saturday L ^ of Lamb, Spring, 49c lb Adv. qp Nftive Fowls, 4 1-2 to. 5. lbs. ^ ------ieach, 42c lb. Made from the finest matei^k!materials! the Back Until gmaH Link Sausage, 39c lb. PKGS Honey Comb Tripe, 22c Jb. Page - HEALTM MARKET c ; 9 p . m . Pot Boast, 82c lb. Macaroni 4 » r N O O D L E S ^ RJb Roast Beef, 35c lb. Oiuuu>M 0‘iHiant*s i i bV ’ •iliidPriees FRUIT ■ • - , .* r Sttaurberries, 20c and 28c Qt. // Bananas, 8 lbs. for 25c.-^ _ ,,, /' Grapefn^t, 2 lor 25c. ' ’ rm m a k e s b b v t e r Milk Fed BroUers lk 47e California OrangM, -790 doz, \ Canteloupe, 18c each. > ' SANDWICHES (Tender and fresh') ^ 1 Apples, 2 lbs. for 25c. ' \ f t 3 flavor brings out the best in ■il I VEAL and BEEF ^ 7 all aendteich fillings! y' IPOULTRY and PDHK Trader, Braeless VEAL ib...... «• • • *** • *35c VEGETABLES e!!» Milk fed ROASTING CHICKEN, lb. •...


■ m , • /

p^n s snrnsBiT toNCHES'nSR (CONN.) e v e n in g h e r a l d /FK iDAt,^JUNES, 1 ^ . ' V Prbduce action-^tell ypur story to a number of peopl^. Jhey*re waiting io redd itli Want Ad Information Cards of Thanks E Help Wanted— Male. 86 change m^n-with two or three yhere • CARD OF THANKS WANTED—SA^SM BN to sell Super to their u e ^ iwho hai^.worked bn1 Manchester 7’ f.^lah to thank -•ur friends and Automatic Olt Heators. Steady work. iinisvAi m n s ihoiieoihuimrs nelghbora for their kindness, and Straight comnalsslon. >Large earnings rhnjUg^efore the transfer! Evening Herald during the lUness, and at to wotketh. Apply The Super Oil I'rd, fall back., Classified Advertisements time of the death of our baby. Heator Sales Ciorapany. 976 Connecti­ go lntt». effec MR, AND MRS. ED. MACMANUS. cut Boulevard.! Ehst .Hartford, Con­ FORPARENlSNieml ' . ?.?'¥** ■** a w a « « words to a Ha*. necticut. Tel. Laurel, 1789. Phone Your Want Ads Initials, numbsrs and abbroTlatlona Annonncenients 2 each oonnt as a word and oompond Spare List Lengthened on | words as • two worda Minimum cost LABORERS Wj^TED-!-Apply at Job, To The Is pries of threo llnoa STBAMSmP TICKETS—all parts of Summer Bids for R uns^ 35 • • • thK world. Ask tor sailing Hats and corner Main an|ll Park street. ’ . . » • . ■'.T' . HoOistier Street PapOs Shiw Lins ratss per day tor translsnt Phons 760-9. Robert J Smith. WANTED—SATURDAY. 20 boys, 14 One-Mans Begin. ada 1009 Main atraet or over, at Burr Nursery. Apply Mr. — ■ BffsettTS March XT, XOaT Gthboins ^ Assemi atholle. Herrick, befpife 7 o’clock. Bring Their Ability in Specml Bids were completed last night Cash Cbargs Antomoblles for Sale lunch. ; I - ft Ladies of Onlumi old its 6 Conssoutlvs Cays .. 7 ots 9 ots Evening-Hbrald for the summer runs on the electric regular meeting t g at 8 3 Conseontivb Days .. 9 ots 11 ots 1926 Ford Coupe. FIRST CLASd FAINTER wanted. Call lines of the local .division of the 1 nay ...... 11 ou IS OU at 116 Charter .Oak ^ street. South ‘ Session. o’clock. The busli^ lli-be fol- AU ordsrs for Irregular Insertions O. M. C. Truck. Manchester. Connecticut Company. As far as lowed by a rehearsi f the degree will be charged at the uns-tlms rats. Chevrolet Truck. the Manchester people are concern­ Ma n c h e s t e r m o to r sa le s team. . < Special rates tor long term every Dependable Used Cars ed there will be few noticeable day advrtlaing glvn upon reuuast. Slfuations Vl^anted— Female 88 Parents! Night was observed at Ads ordered for thre^ or sis days 10G9 Main St. Tel. 740 Call 664 changes. During the day the run Office em||loyee3,^| the |Orford,j on the ’cross town and Manchester and stopped be'oro th» third or flfth 1927 Otdsnioblle Sedan. WANTED—OLD-FASHIONED Braid­ the Hollister street school last night Soap Company motored out to^ day will be charged only for the ac­ 1926 Chrysler 68 Sedan. ed rugs to make, 2x8 feet, >62. You and the’mp,JorIty of the parents of Green will be divided between Guz ■Somers ^sterday at 5 o’clock and'j tual number of Unies' the ad appear­ Waltz, who has the Manchester ed. charging at the rate earned, but 1924 Overland Champion. furnish rags, other sizes, according­ V And Ask for “Bee’* enjoyed a .|Loa$ ^‘ii^P®*' f “ 4 social' 1923 Dodge Sedan. ly. Phone 1189-5 or 1214-3. the pupHs took advantage of the Green Line and Fred Dart, who has no allowances or refunds can be made 1922 Bulck Touring. ppp'ortuhity to observe the work get-to-jsethjer-f X.ia '•« -i'- on Bis time ads stoppei^ after the 1922 Chandler 7-Pass. Touring. Tell Her What You Want the ’cross town with A1 Gilman as flfth day. 1924 Chevrolet Touring. Live 3tock— Vehicles 42 being accompnlshod by their chil­ the third man. No “till forbids’':'* ulsplay lines not dren In the school classes. Piaal‘!‘ Feheacsa4s-|oR 1 the chil­ sold 1924 Maxwell Coach. In the night runs the cars will be, 1923 Ford Coupe. She will take your ad. help you word It for best results, The andltorlum was 'lied with dren’s dqVj fptercts;e^,'w4j^ bh ]ipld at | The Herald will not js responsible FOR SALE—HOLSTEIN BULL. 14 operated on the ’cross tow:j line by 1922 Reo Truck. «nd see that It is properly Ingerted. Bill will be mailed displays from the following depart­ Second (joj^regatlonar ckurch to­ for more than one Incoireot Insertion 1923 Ford • itMiring Car. months old. accredited. Shea Bros., Bob Cleveland and Tom Tomlinson morrow' af£e)iiioon'l,*r'2 o'droifk. The,, of any advertisement ordered for Avery street. Telephone 1346-4, Man­ same day allowing you until seventh day after Insertion ments: dcmestic science, health and CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. will have the Manchester Green more than one time. Center and Trotter Streets chester. to take advantage of the CASH RATE. manual training. The manual train­ children are reminded byrthh-decor- The Inadvertent omlssloi or incor­ night run. Tel. 1174 or 8021-8 ing department which Is under the Htjpn committee to bring bqaqueti rect publication of advertising will be Thirty-five one man cars are be­ reclined only by cancellation of the Poaltry ana Supplies 48 supeivision of Josep'i.G. Dean : id of daisies and other’ flowersr* 1927 Studebaker Standard Sedan. ing substituted throughout the charge made for the service rendered 1924 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan. perhaps the most Imposing of the • • • division, which makes the "spare 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. BABY CHICKS—Blood tested, Ohio many Interesting 'exhibits. The All advertisements must conform 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. State University accredited. Order In board" much longer and by trie In style, copy and typography with 1921 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. advance. Manchester Grain and Coal work displayed' was made by the regulations enforced by the publish­ A few cars of all makes. Good buys Company. Phone 1760. Booms Without Board 50 pupils o.» grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. The ers. and they reserve the right to for little money. Suborban for Rent 66 edit, levise or reject any copy con­ THE CONKEY AUTO CU. OLIVER BROTHERS day old ohtoka manual training departmert besides sidered objectionable. 39-22 East Center St. Tel. 340 from two year old hena Hollywood FOR RENT—THREE OR FOUR fur­ CAMPING TIME—At Columbia Lake, the usual equipment found in a CLOSING HOURS—Classified ..ds Strain-Blood tasted and free from nished rooms for light housekeeping, rent reasonable, 122 Oakland street. elglu acres foiv rent. In the-woods. school mauual training department to be published same day must be re­ CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE white diarrhea. Oliver Bros.. Clarks Small store, spring water, high has one electric saw and two elec­ ceived b.v 12 o'clock noon. Saturd.ays Those wishing to purchase open Corner. Conn. ground, nicely located, fuel furnish­ ll),:30 a m. TO RENT—FURNISHED room for tric lathes. The majority of the pro­ PUBLIC AUCTION^ANTIQUES cars will do well to inspect our stock. gentleman $4. fine location, 17 Hunt­ ed. Good proposition for worker. In­ Prices right—cars right. BABY CHXCKR—Best . local stock; ington street, second street on left quire J. A. Isham, Columbia, Conn. ducts are made from while wood. the late F. E. Hughes. EntCro-con-tents of Jibe Old Telephone Your Want Ads H. A. STEPHENS popular breeds; guaranteed live de­ Wood Shop Pitkin street. Manchester (Sreen, Saturday, June 9tb, 4t Center at K.nox Tel. 939—2 livery; we do custom hatching; free from Center, to'ward Manchester The back wall of the auditorium eatalogua Clark’a Hatchery. Eaet Green. Wanted to Rent 68 contained »numerous blueprints, ^ (Daylight Saving Time). It stormy at tlni'a of salci able Ads are accepted over tho telephone Hartford. Conn. will be held on Monday. Ju^e 11. Comprising 2 early tredded. glass at the CHAUG12 KA'l'Ifi given above Aulo Act^essorles— 'Tires 6 FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week. tracings and drawings made by the windows, d^sy design. buH';s eye glass boarder, (Connecticut glass as a convenleoce to advertisers, hut Apply by phone or call telephone SINGLE HOUSE WANTED—Not less pupils In connection with the work Dottles. Staffordshire flgures, bric-a-brac, china, glassware, books, the CASH HATES will he accepted as Articles for Sale 45 1160-4, corner Bissell and Foster than 7 rooms, can use 9 rooms. Call prints, art objects, pewter, brass and copper pieces. Blue' china, $15 BUYS CO.’VIPLETE set of four streets. M. E. Jacobsohn, 991 Main street, in this department. Tho products pottery, and furniture A large and varied assortment -of new EULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ Indian Shock Absorbers. Free trIaL Phone. 588.' turned out by the students which ness ofllce on or before the seventh The Indian is the finest shock ab­ NOW IS THE TIME to buy your articles, suitable for gifts. Exhibition Friday, afterhp.o.. from 4 t* 6 day following the first Insertion of sorber yet made. Ask us about IL camping outfit. For sale cheap. 2 Country Board-r-Resorts were arranged In a near display p. m. Sale by order of the Home ‘Sank qjBd TrustiCo, Ekecutbr, each ad., otherwise the CH.\RGE 60 Honses for Sale 72 South Manchester • ; ’ • i Center Aulo SuDuly Co.. IS5 Center. tents, camp stove; also almost new contained the following articles: - ■■■ — RATE will he collected. No responsi­ Tel. 673. lawn mower and a vise; Phone 2342 tabarets, boudoir lamps, floor bility tor errors In telephoned ads until 5 p. m. Evenings and. Sundays PLEASANT VIEW RHODE''ISLAND FOR SALE—2 TENEf IN'.’ house, JOHN M. MITCHELL, Auctioneer. will be assumed and fheir accuracy call at '29 Main street, corger Hud­ Yolanda cottage, now open for the with 10 rooms, and single house with lamps, hall trees, wagons, crystal 4 cannot be *iuarante6d .Mtttorcj'cles— Bicycles 11 sumpier, rooms and boarders. All • • • son. Manchester. home cooking. Mrs. A. Waddell. Tel. five rooms, furnace, lights, water, sets, tube- sets, radio tables, toys, sewer and gas. lot 100 by 175. Three fern stands, and davenport tables. FOR SALE—DELGO electric lighting 1422-5. Miss M. Erickson, telephone Index of Classifications 22S4. minutes to schools and Main street. The two articles that perhaps at­ 4 Evening Herald Want .\ds are now FOl: SALE—ARROW bicycle. In A-1 plant engine and 16 baUerles. Alex­ Price $6,000. James J.- R ohantele­ grouped accordln.5 to classifications condition. Telephone 62-5. ander Bunce. Bolton Zuft ke. Telephone MYRTLE BE.'VCH. Rooms In splendid phone 1668. tracted the most attention were an below and for handy reference will Manchesiei 2422-3. cottage, on waterfront, home cook­ ofllce desk built by W a’ ter Dent appear In tho numerical order indi­ Business Services Offered 18 ing. Reservations being made. Mrs*. FOR SALE—SINGLE 4 room house. 8th grade pupil and r cedar chest cated: FOR SALE—PERFEC'r CURED horse Cus.son. Buckland. Telephone Man­ ^Vlth Improvements on Lockwood Births ...... A and cow hay. at market price. In- chester 963-2. street,tlO lots, 1600 grape vines, fruit built'by Irving August also of the STOP PAYINCt RENT ,. ; Wa n t e d —te a m work. scrapping gulre Dr. 'P. H. Weldon. trees, and small buildings, asking Engagements ...... b cellars, plowing, carting ashes, eta 8th grade. Marriageb ...... o $5000. James J. Rolian. Tel. 1668. „The boys of the 7th grade had We Offer for Your Consideration Deaths ...... b 55 Bissell street. L. T. Wood Tel. FOR SALE—LUAM-" ' Inquire Frank Apartments, Flats, Tenements 68 496. Damato, 24-Huinstead street, Man­ an attractive exhibit of their own Cards of Thanks ...... E FOR SALE—NEW 5 room single Five room single all modern and ifecently-btOTt' w4h In Memorlam ...... f chester. Phone 1507. house, oak floors, tile Irath, lot In the form of a fleld labeled Man­ Florists— N urseiies FOR. RENT—3 ROOM apartment. 50x135, steam heat, all modern. Price 5 minutes’ walk from Main street." 85.800 ,terras Lost and Found ...... i 15 FOR SALE-^FERTILIZEH for lawns. chester’s Flying Field on which Announcements ...... 2 i bath, heat, gas itove. Call ''lanch 3- reasonable. Hawthorne' street.- In­ Brand new single on Phelps Road, 6 roqms, steam heat, j^ls Personals ...... j Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. Tel ' ter Trust Company. quire James Rohan, 2U Gardner were displayed numerous models FOR SALE — “STONE" 'TOMATO street. Tel. 2549-J. loors and other up-to-date equipment. Small cash payment. Antoniolillea plants IGc dozen, $l hundred; winter of the Lindbergh plane, the new «.* ?' • HERB JS A CHANCE— 6 rooms, all Automobiles fur Sale ...... 4 ■ and sumnior cabbage plants 10c doz; Ford plane and army scout planes. Porter street, convenient to new School, si.x room single, all Automobiles for Exchange ...... 6 60c hundred. Strawberry plants T5c o.yerhk offer? Wm. KanehL Talaphone this same department were brought ments. Call'or phone-1716. 1776. Household Services Offered ...... 13-A We have now ready 250.OUU flower .ELECTRICAL CONTHAC'TINO appR- out by a display of the following Building—Contracting ...... 14 and vegetable plants, geraniums 10 to aiiccs. iiioiors. generators, sold and wiring systems; simple bell circuit, Florists—Nurseries ...... is 25c each. $1.00 to $2..50 per dozen. FOR RENT—FLAT AT 63 Clinton 1009 MaitvSt Funeral Directors ...... le repaired; work called tor. Pequot street. AU Improvements. .-Ypply 65 two button one bell circuit, apart­ Robert J. Smith Bego.’iias 'J5c each, vinca vines, coleus, EIpcitIc C d.. 407 Center street. Phoni Clinton stretet, 2nd floor. Heating—Plumbing—RooPng .. ice plants, ageratum. 15c each. Fuch­ 1592, ment bell circuit, return call bell Real Estate, Insurance. Steamship TihftMR Insurance ...... jg sia. dracaena. English ivy. German WAPPING circuit and a bell system operated •Millinery—Dressmaking 19 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, first Ivy. We nil boxes, dirt and labor floor. Improvements, steam heat and through a transformer on house .Moving—Trucking—Storage------20 free. Zinnias, asters, marigold, pan­ Hoijseliola (ioods 61 Fainting—Papering ...... 31 sies, calendulas, straw flowers and garden. Inahlre 365 Center street. current. '•■'i.sional Services ...... 2‘i salvia, all 25c per dozen. Galllardia. THIS IS THE SEASON of rugs. WiB 1TPO- RENT—5 ROOM flat, first floor, The Pioneers held their last reg­ The opportunity class under Miss Repairing ...... 28 hardy pinks, forget-me-nots. Core- are showing some good seamless ular meeting, until next fall, at the THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: \\ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. 24 steam heat, all Improvements at 16 Stack offered as an example of the opis. Baby's Breath, phlox. $l.oo per 9x12 .-\xminster $39.5U. regular $45. Hollister street. Inquire 281 Spruce Parish House last Wednesday af­ ‘7 "01 Toilet Goods and Services .. 25 doz. Hardy chrysanthemums, hydran­ rugs. Brussels rugs from $25 and street. work accomplished in that depart­ (309) Trade and W.anted—Business Service . .. 26 gea 25c each. Ever-blooming rose $28.50. Twenty-live - 9x12 Congoleum ternoon. After the regular business ment samples of basket weaving, EdiirntInniU bushes and blue spruce. Tomato and rugs $8.95. Take, them while they Sketches by Hessey; Synopsis by Braucher s and Classes ...... i-'.DR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, new- meeting, they all went over to the toy making and rugs woven by .. 27 cauliflower plants 15c per dozen. $l.o>i last. 400 lbs of ice given with eacii l\ r.-ii-.vated.. with modern Improve- school playground where they en­ Private Instruction ...... 28 pel hundred; Tomatoes $7-,5j per thou­ - refrigerator,- new shipmen’ just re­ i:i-.-iiis Rent reasonable. Apply 429 hand. The domestic science depart­ Dancing ...... ,.28-A sand, lettuce and cabbage 10c per ceived. Dp bettOn at Benson's, Home Foiiter street. joyed a game of baseball. ment had a display of articles of .’dusical—Dramatic ...... 29 dozen. 75c per hundred. 379 Burnside of good bedding. The three teachers from this vil­ their handicraft. The gWa of the Wanted—Instruction 30 Ave. Greenhouse. East Hartford. Fliinncinl FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, all lage who have taught at the Buck- 8th grade ran a food sale. The FOR SALE — SO.ME BARGAINS— modern Improvements, steam heat, land school for the past year, have Ronds—Stocks—M '"tgagej . . . . . 31 Moving— Tracking— Storage 80 Stroller, Wakefield baby carriage, best location, rent $36. Ready Juno money derived from this will be Business Opportunities ...... 32 crib, bassinet, refrigerator, rockers, 1st. See Stuart J. Wasley, 827 Main been re-engaged for the coming used by them for their graduation iMoney to Loan ...... 33 plates, bed, mattress, 29 Strant. street. Telephone 1428-12. year. They are Mrs. Marlon F. Money Wanted ...... 34 LOC.AL AND LONG distance moving 859r4. expenses. Pierce; principal, grades 7 and 8; Help and Situations by experienced mr L, T. Wood- 55 APARTMENTS—Two. three and four Miss Moore through her display Help Wanted — Female ...... 35 Bissell street. Tel. 496. Walnut bed and dresser, $49; 3- room apartmenta heat, lanltor ser­ Miss Irene Buckland, grades'5 and brought out clearly the fact that Help Wanted—Male ...... 39 plece-reed suite. $27.50; S piece fumed G and Miss Eleanor Stoughton Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 PERRETT & GLENNEY moving sea­ vice. gas range, refrigerator, In-a- throughout the school year her de­ oak dining room suite. $60; 5 piece door bed furnished. Call Manchester grades 1 and 2, also. Miss Anna J. Agents Wanted ...... 37-A son Is here. Several trucks at your new._.l«drpom set, $S5; 9x12 Congo- Construction Company, 2100 or tele- partment has tried to Impress upon Situations Wanted—Female ___ 38 service, up to dale equipment, ex­ l^um'ru^slightly damaged, $8. Sullivan for ,gradea‘’^xijid 4. the minds of the students the value Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 perienced men. Phone 7-2. W ATKI^; FURNITURE EXCHANGE The Blue Triangle^ls or . W. Employment Agencies...... 40 of good health, through health Fdil' SENT-^^BE V ERA L flrst class C. A. are planning a[,.lft%a.fete for Live Stock—Pets—Poiillry —Vehicles Ma n c h e s t e r & n. y. m o tor dis- 3 BURNe'R, GLAS STOVE with oven $8; rents with all Improvements. Apply courses In connection with their art, Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 jjatch—Part loads to and from New 4 burner .-Vulcan, broiler, baker and ^dward J. Holl, 865 Main street. TeL June 2 .5. Their uextTliegi^r meet' music and English classes. Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 York, regular service. Call 7-8 or ing will be given oh wien 1282. shelf $18; roll top desk $8. Ostrin- ■ The class room exhibitiona were Poultry and Supplies . •...... 43 sky s Furniture Store. 28 Oak. a “ surprise program” ■^111 ,b|j"i'n Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Sleek 44 FOR 'RENT—TWO AND three room all Interesting, each class having on F4IV Sale—Hlscelinneous Repairing 23 OI’ffi^S-PIECE 'JACQUARD parlqvL suJ.tSiS In Johnson Block, with mod- charge of Miss Clara CWradler ;ahd exhibit ^products from some par- Articles for Sale ...... 45 f Miss Miriam Welles. 8ul«. material all aiVund. reversibloj V«rn‘Improvements. Apply to John- ^ i ^ ^ r country or state, and the Boats and Accessories ...... 46 cushions, serpentine front. Special .soh. Phone 524 or'janitor 2040. The Pioneers, or-intfe^'^ltte- Building Materials ...... 47 la w n m o w e r s s h a r p e n e d and work of the evening centered about From the fourteenth sixteenth centuries repaired, chimneys cleaned, key Bt- $99 was $145. Holmes Bros. Furni- Ivl. C. A, are planning tbj,hpld their l)iamonds—Watches-—Jewelry .. 48 . ture.Go., 649 Main street. Tel. 1628. •e^R RENT—FIVE ROOM second that'particular subject. The dis­ Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 Ing. safes opened, saw Qlln'g and last meeting of the schhoV-year in Dutch sailors made themselvls''-feared on the seas, grinding. Work called for, Harold floor flat. In Greenacres. Phone Home plays. showed painstaking effort on Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A FOR SALE—BABY CARRIAGES— Bank & Trust Company. the form of a picnic, atv Bolton o f ‘the Dutch ships of the peHod is sketched abfve. Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 Clemson. 108 North Elm streeL TeL thejj;|)art o f'th e teachers to make 462. good as new. Few-gas stoves, all Lake, Tuesday afternoon. During This was purely a sailing vessel, oars then being getter* Household Goods ...... 51 guaranteed. Ice boxes exchanged If Parents Night a success and each Machinery and Tools 51 Apartments, Plats. Tenotnents 68 the summer a Pioneer baseball SEWING MACHINE, repairing Zt •you want furniture for your cottage- may be . proud of the work shown ally supplanted by sails. The Dutch were daring nilvi- Musical Instruments ...... 53 see us. Furniture bought and aold. team will play in a twilight league Offlee and Store Equipment . . . . . 64 all makes, oils, needles' and suppl/.sa by her own particular pupils. It was gators and made many Important discoveries. j R. W. Garrard. 37 Edward str et. Spruce Street Second Hand Stora FOR RENT—CENTRALLY located, with Manchester, Buckland, and Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 66 X6l« 2627*4. three room apartment, modem and a credit to them and the school dls- By NEA, Thraugn Sptcial Ptriniuion of tho Publiohero of Tht Book of Knowltdgt. Copyrl(ht, 19^-2a Phone 715. Manchester Green. 7 i i Specials at the Stdres ...... - 56 pleasant. Rublnow’s, 841 Main street .tidct. Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 FOR SALE— 1 oak bedroom set, 1 The new state road ' through ■Wanted—to Buy ...... 53 LAWN MOWER sh^'^nenlng, repair­ The kindergarten came In for Its ing. Phonographs, clocks, alMtrlo cherry sideboard, 1 davenport bed Honses for Rent Wapping ■which has been under con­ R >oms—Board—Hotels—Reeorte couch, 1 velvet rug 7 1-2x10 1-2 1 65 share of praise. The cutout- by the cleaners, locks repaired. Key mak­ struction for many mqnths. Is now ReatBaronts oak dining taUle, old-fashioned biue children arranged In the form of a Rooms Without Board ...... 69 ing. Bralthwalte, 63 Pearl street. plate (large). .11 Hemlock street. open for traffic, though not yet Boarders Wanted ...... 68-a 6 ROOM HOUSE all modern improve­ completed. Dutch' Colony, a circus and farm Country B oard-R esorts...... 60 Tailoring— Dyeing— Cleaning 24 ments. 26 Clinton street. Inquire 24 yard attracted considerable praise Wanted— To B'iiy 58 Clinton street'or Phono 867. J. Mc­ There is to be a rehearsal for all Hotels—Restaurants ...... oi and more than a Ill|tle attentloni Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 Kay. • those, who are to lake part on HARRY ANDERTON. 38 Church Thanks to the interest o f the teach­ ■4 Real Estate For Rent «reot. Phone 1221-2, So. Manchester. HERE’S MONEY FOR YOU Children’s Day, at the church, on Apartments. Plats, T in em ets.. 63 Conn., representing Hunter, Inc.Boyt highest price for your F(JR RENT—TWO FAMILY modern ers, the superintendent and his as*- Business Locations for Rent . . . . 64 old furniture or Juhk. Call 849. Honest bouse, five rooms each half of next Saturday afternoon at half Better Clothes. 8 piece suits with ex­ housa AH ' In excellent condition, sistants and the splendid. tuThout kya,V...»v.Houses forM Rent ••••••••eeeeeee...... «*dO 6 weight Prompt attention...... past two, (daylight saving time). suburban for Rent ...... 66 tra pants, sizes to 18. Price for all Summit street. Apply Home Bank o’f the parents last bight was with-^ sizes, $9.76, end Trust. Company, The Children’s Day service' will ^m m er Homes for '^ent ...... 67 HIGHEST: prides'tor all be held next Sunday morning at out a doubt one of the most suc­ Wanted to R e n t...... eg kinds, of poultry. We will also *uy cessful of the many Parents Nights Real Estate For Snir Help Wanted— Female 85 of junk. eleven o’clock-In the place of the Apartment Buildings for Sale .. 69 w&ll 9o2**4« •AIR-TAXI STARTED regular church' - service, and Sun­ observed at the school. Business Property for S a le ...... 70 WANTED—SINGLE GIRLS 1*. years day school. Everyone Is Invited to or over to learn mill operations. Ap­ attend. Come and hear the children, HouTe'sYor Sa?e".!°" ...... ply Employment Bureau, Cheney NEW OWNER FOR AKRON Alliance, O.— ^Wlth an approprl- ^ ks the committee have provided a Brothes. alo»n, “Anywhere In the Unlt- NEVER WON CHAMPIONSHIP SuhSrt.^*'for Sale . . . . ; ; ■ ?4 fine service fdr;all.- Sub^b^an for S a le...... 75 J. W alter Morris, for the. past ®^wB,.by Air," the Alliance Avl- for Exchange ...... 76 Help Wanted— ^Male S8 wn years an Important ^figure In aUon^School has starWd business Track athletes of the University Wanted—Real Estate ...... ' 77 of Iowa have never won the out­ Texas League baseball, recently here.? The landing field occupies a The oldest historical , diamond Auction-Legal Notices YOUNG MAN experienced In clerical door track and field championship Auction Sales ...... 70 work and the use of calculating ma­ bought controlling Interest'In the space of about 2200 " by 600 feet known was ‘ worn by ChaTl(fes''tHe' Here is sketched the Legal Notices ...... 73 chine. ^ p ly Employment Offlee, Akron club of the Infant Central and4;haB been constructed to com­ of the Western Conference. They ship that discovered a Bold In a pendant set with three came closest in 1922 and 1924 by f grisfrkc- Cheney Bros. ply with, all governmjiit regulations. large rubles and four pearls. placing second. ^ new world, the SantR lyTrt'Wpbuildlng. fhe GAS bu g gies—Dynamite Maria, in which Christo­ galleon became one-^ of pher Columbus crossed the important sty ^ 'in j nsN.iieii 5 OH, MR. SMlMCr:.. By F^nk Beck the Atlantic fn .l;^2« m l ~ £ R ~ ALEC__ OP COURSE I CARE FOR YOO...BSI A W AY. BUT HOW \OU

WHY SO per sisten t ABOUT W IN TIN S ME BVER T O L E T M Y 9MCE yH.BC BESAiJ TT> T»4AT . HENRI, " r V E HWRPRELSJtR, h *5 ' BAASINARY RiMkL BOR HAND* HE 54AS UAO H W n , until FtNALDY Spain was the last of the maritime rtatiohs^ ta ti^ !^ HE RXIND the galleon as a model; but when she did she.madjgitfii^^ A SCHEME galleons higher and of heavier rnaterial than, ha^'^^itvu •RD been tried. But they were hard to manage in.'Bny . . h i m . of a wind, and that fa<^ went generally t|^nst^a> Spaniards in 158iB when the Spanish^Armad^' ' stroyed. X '-

PAGE SETVIENTI MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928. By Percy L. Crosby SKIPPY 9&L MFM uWO ARe REAL JU06£5 He 0NCL£ Cpoie SENSE aod NONSENSE uwccc COOI6 607" visitieo] H6 CHlRFf uR 6€foRG tHe fHOhCO OUGHT "fO 06 ON ’THR flflRotF jHoULO ouch t to ceroPfi OFP A WHO JAVr H£'l CA0/MGT a n * FAVF Otit oF ThC PA’S FFULL NAME QOaRP* I ’hFMFNOW It NOlu AI/JT lUHAru Gtue T he 6/6 o u c F(ftrr 'THtues tTiS cot/NfRv' eueRW600W A fiRBAR.tHG Census Taker— “ Your husband’s If NEW CfMjJX. He ^ OP 0 N 6 veM rH tN G . irAiwrfAiR name, please.” l . i ^ - FROM cA6l^oeT Coes outs/r f a m ' Mrs. Grogan— “ Pat.” F0/Nt60 OUT THAT THC \ fo 'fMG JoPC£S noR to tne Bflcr/Moae. MATIOM NCCOr A CR(M6 ^€oP(G AJofttotHG Oepe(0t)Af)T?. votes tHAt tne ou)z Census Taker— "I want his name 13 to in lull.” COMMISSION 7b cececAre t 'J *tHe U-S. LAt-US AN’ H6 36Z Mrs. Grogan— "Well, sir, when tHiNGF iw YHe feoefiAc tH A t HA3 70 SOUeSTO C^LONC -fo 0A)CL€ tOOiC’S he’s full he thinks he’s Gene Tun- PFNfewRiARV, ■XO FOLLOUJ THE CON^ilTlOKJ, C A 6 (A )6 t NOU). ^ ney, but when I lay my hands on his he’s just plain Pat again.” RETROSPECTION

My dreams recall a shady lane Where you and I were wont to roam; ■.11 But I grabbed off another Jane. And you got married for a home. Youngstown, Ohio, Telegram

I had a mop of touseled hair, You were so fair I was appalled. And now you’ve freckled every­ :e.u.s.MT.orr. where •' lO» MC That freckles show, and I am Copytistat, 18*8, Pwer i* Ctm*r. Cwtnl - bald. With men anti woinai dressing Houston, Texas, Post-Dispatch OUR BOARDING HOUSE bo much alike, friend wife some* By Fontaine Fox times presses hubby’s trousers— And you were just my age, I know. Fam ily Stuff By Gene Ahern When we were sweet on one Into service. . anothei". I saw you yesterday, add ohl WES, ~ Bli t' You’re old enough to be my -fHF -THA-f <*oT -T/M^ v r o b a b l w R ^APPE mother! ,?ULLMAAS SMOkER NOLiR EKiVlIOliS ' VoC VtiOKi^ IM p a p e r During the extremely cold spell -frtE S e SOUV/Ef^lR ‘SAUOOkiS^ Moui Woii-fRiEP in thfe Puget Sound country, some­ AMUSEP thing gummed the works of the UsifeiaERS,^l(A-r/ ■ lAl IVJ •• • thermometer hung outside the 3\<3 Chamber of Commerce building and I , WoU'Re (50MMA S E L L / co/^v/gKJrfio#^ FOR SU.M.MER TOURISTS. the worst it could do was seventy- wA-1bKAQiUR0\AS I LEAV/E * “T6W B A L L O O N S \ ^Aa,PIS6l3ISEP two above. Along came a man, ' TOR kAKiSAS cKV wrfM A-f-rn’ CaMVASHTTiOd! / * AS A Come pitch your TENT in a bundled up to his ears, but still tourist CAMP, the weather and shivering. For a moment he gazed TVF1V ^^^OCSAKiP OT 'CPE^SES “ Alas, for my vanished youth!” 1 T R O M ^ T e : N T exclaimed a man yesterday. ^\4AS^IM<3l6Ki^ “ The girls all used to smile at 1 l > me, and now they laugh at me!” O A father took his son of four years to the Incubator in the cellar to see the eggs hatch. Said dad impressively: “ Isn’t it queer how the little chicks get out of the shell?” “ Huh,” said the youngster, “ what gets me is how they get in there.” “ If I had your telephone number I would call you up sometimes,” p c A M said he. “ It’s in the book,” she replied. THE RULES <‘Fine— but what’s your name?” “That’s in the book, too.” 1— The Idea of letter golf is to change one word to another and do It in par, a given number of Since home became merely a strokes. Thus to change COW to place for changing one’s clothes, HEN. in three strokes, COW. HOW. prospective buyers are mainly in­ 6-8^- HEW, HEN. terested in knowing the number of •J—You can change only one let­ baths and wardrobe closets. ter at a time. ;i— You must have a complete TAKING THE INTEREST OUT OF ^ ©1 word, of common udage, tor each LIFE )oaR lunp. Slang words and abbrevia­ “ I hope that I shall not be here,” (?KA?BS -=^ Remarked old Mr. Brumback, tions don’t count. f\S 5T/c/^ f I MO. U. 8. FAT. OFF. ©'»»•■ NT* MRVlCt. INC; 4— The order of letters cannot be “ Should these long skirts of* yes­ changed. teryear Attempt to stage a come back.” (CPontihie Fo«. 1928, The Bell Synd Mr. Goofus— I see by the papers that the chain stores are selling “ Why does McTavish look so By Crane more than .W ore;' ' • • tlreTand slepy today?” WASHINGTON TUBBS II Mrs. Goofus— I don’t see what “ He bought an all-day sucker TRSIN6 To SELL OUR peoptb want to buy scPmany chains after dinner and it kept him up un­ TEN SPANISH DOUBLOONS NOTHIN’ DOIN’. C'MOM. NEH. AND WE HAVEN’T TREASURE-MV GOSH! tor,'^ you? j til 3 a. m.” J ^H^W, I neveiv ^REAfAtO tv^NT FOR tOUR wheelbarrow, I A\Nt NO SUCKER. PULL '/'SELF tA'K.l FARE To HAUL OOR ' ^ VIOOUDN'T eXCH/\VJ6E OUR 'SODDlE^tEM OP ’EM. VIORtl^ i'l l l o a n vT To WE C-AN't EVEN G IV6, m e n they’re sick even the i Put an “ s” in front of the day’s CHe^t Th e r e , o h , what tR.E^^UR£. HERE VME M?E , SfUCK toCsEtHER. MOOi THO, f e r \t AWf>H. toughest .old bachelors like to have | “ mile”— it will shorte \ it. SAPS WE WERE t o CrWE Vj$\BO ANN a woman looking after them. ' \ii\XW A ?\RAte soots WOl^H There'S a coopla T hem CURIO SHOP \^^/a s o N a l l our /honev. 5,000 AMO NOT A PlMt to STodilES. OOR, NAMES DOWN The 5tREEt, iSN’t ^ 3 T here?,


.mau.s.PAT.OFr. ei»a>. >v wo »CTvict. me-


RUO U 4 (»*T. OFF. I 92B. bv NCJk 6C R V I C C I N C 6 y S m ^ i READ THE STORY. THE.N COLOR THE IMUTURL I d e n t i f i e d SALESMAN SAM The donkey galloped down the and I will give you quite a trip. Be sure it’s good and tignt so it O.K.VHTH M E.- WeYl WHPT A FINE ©ONCH shore. The Tinies wondered what ‘ rHeY, WHSM iN tw \ «o w oo i WELL,HOWS CHANCES r suppose. oe< for. And then it stopped just op- can’t possibly come loose.” “ Oh, OP COIN OOTlNTH’ ©UT HUKKt O' PR.iSONeR.StOO cu ts ARC. iia e c K iS MS cAse..;KMOw? t «' Let that STOPPALOMel WHt,j COT OS IM iposite to where their houseboat let me tie it,” Scouty cried. “ A JAiLtpROPA’ ©fVLK Xa V e R ’! COCMN’ O P ? ouocse iS OUT tOO'RE MOTHIM' ©OT A 'Stood. The donkey man yelled, “ If nice big hook Is on the side of our SHOOTIM’ lo c k in 'OP MH CELL’ iyou’re stuck out In that boat, small boat. I’ll tie it well. I know PACK O' THteves'. FOR? tSOLLUP’. VOPiOON? tH'5 ^you’re now in luck. I have a plan a Boy Scout noose.” fevteRVeoot §f1f Itlrat I am sure will do you lots of 0 He worked away, and then at OP HNO good.” last, he had the long rope fastened 5lMG"tHE ’ o ■j -He waved a rope and said, “ See fast. “ That won’t come off” he 0 £ 'this? Well, if my hopes don’t go shouted. “ It’s as tight as it can PRiSOMCRS laiBtss, your boat will soon be mov- be.” The man soon saw the rope soivie"— » I’m going to tow you was caught. He tried it out, and r [all. ■‘i^l toss the rope from where pulled It taut. "All right, we’re SAM IS IN Please try to catch it in ready,” he exclaimed. "Some fancy ITSUr hand: But, when you’re try- w'ork you’ll see.” t u e . 'InKito catch it, just be careful you With one end of the rope in COOLER. !floi\’t.fall." hand, he stood there on the near­ FOR. * ‘'*A11 tight,” yelled Scouty, “ let it by hand and tied it to the donkey. DLOCKINO ifly.t To catch It we will gladly Then upon the donkey’s back he ^ 0 jtryir” The rope came flying through quickly hopped and moved along. they air. It was a long, long line. The little donkey seemed real Them as it dropped, someone strong. It pulled the Tinies boat, rea'ched out, and grabbed it, with and ambled down a winding track. ^ merry'shout. The donkey man im. u. t. pAt.pff. tooked.. very pleased, and shouted, (The Tlnlmites ride the rapids !■ »*Tlrtftva8 fine'! • “ Now. fasten It upon your ship in the-n'ext story.).' 7 V PAGE'EIGlffflBr-

At. a whist given at the home of Mrs. George M. Williams on Oxford Sacred Church Vernon ABOUT TOWN street last night seven tables of wo­ men played. Mrs. Felix McEvitt Entertainment and Diance was winner of the first prize and TUESDAY, JUNE 12 ^ N ew 'Assortment Considerable local interest cen­ Mrs. R. E. Carney second. Mrs. 8 O’clock. D. 8. T. ' Modem and Old ■ Fashioned r A ters on the auction of the stock of Raymond Fogarty was awarded the "DJtSAJ A nLUJJNvjnTJTTvTP L/A PCfjto Fred Hughes’ Old Wood Shop on consolation prize, all of which were Music, Buckminster’s Orchestra Admission 25c. Pitkin street tomorrw, starting at attractive and useful. 2,DC, 50ci 99c 10 o’clock. Should it be stormy to­ Gunday will be the memorial day morrow the auction will be held Walter Bradley ha:, returned to Main Floor observance of the Hartford Fire­ SOUTH •'MRNCHESTER ■ CONN ' Monday. Everything is to be sold, his home on Middle Turnpike East men Veterans Association and on Including antiques, bric-a-brac, after recovering from an operation that day graves of deceased mem­ books, pictures, old and modern art for appendicitis. He was at the bers are to ^ be decorated: But one objects, old glass and china-. Memorial hospital. . grave will be decorated in Manches­ ter. That is the grave of the late Colonel Frank W. Cheney, who was KX30tXX36XXXX3C3C30tXXXX36XXXXXXXXXX3^^ an honorary member of the organi­ zation. Gn Sunday .aornlnf the wreath will be placed on his grave by Walter Mahoney. Workmen, who have been busy • for several weeks in the State 'The­ C h o p p i n g ater building installing a fire ex­ ARE THE MOST APPROPRIATE tinguishing system, have about completed the job. 'The test will be made next week when the air and SUMMER FASHION the water pressure will both be given a try-out. All of the work has Attractive June been carried on in such a way that there has been no necessity for the postponement of any shows nor has there been any inconvenience to the $ 16*75 and $2 5 ‘00 Prices occupants of the building. Lingerie • • Corsets NOTICE! Flannel and Basket Weave -A WIDE CHOICE OP The Home Bank and Trust Com­ What could be cooler, more refreshing than pany, executors of the Estate of the white? Not only is it essential for summer late Frederick E. Hughes, pro­ days, but it is the approved mode of all those who prietor of the Old Wood Shop, Man­ Summer Hats I Slips chester Green, Connecticut, re­ dress for chic as well as comfort. We have a quests that anyone having property charming collection of - white coat—flannel and at the Old Wood Shop, call for the basket weave materials in tailored or smart fur attractively priced Pair same before Saturday, June '9th, as trimmed models. Lined or unlined. Also pas­ all goods will be sold at Public $L68 $5.95 'Auction on that date. tel shades—nile, blue, pink, tan, etc. Crepe de chine Step-ins, La Resista 'inner belt $ French Panties, Chemise Cirdle. Transparent Velvet Coats $25 4.95 and Bloomers, values to WATKINS BROTHERS $2.00. . « Rippled brims, off-the-face models, or $3.9 HALE’S COATS—Main Floor smart cloche hats fashioned of the summer’s Nemo and Binner Girdle favored materials — crochet, felt, pedaline, $2.68 f u n e r a l hair and silk. Light and dark shades. Largs Crepe de chine Gowns, and Corsets. and small head sizes. Regular $5.95 grade. Chemise, Step-ins, Dance Pair ^ trE ttors . SPRING MILLINERY...... ?1.00 Sets, Bloomers, etc. $2.95 , MARILLYN Roben K. Anderson $3.95 grade—good assortment $3 to $3.50. DeBevoise Corsettes, iesh brocade, swami top. Phone ?00 or 748-2 HALE’S MILLINERY—Main Floor $ 88c 1-2 PRICE Hand made nainsook Washable Gowns, white and colors. Odd Girdles, Corsets. SUNDAY DINNER Again We Feature You Need Not Go at the Silk Frocks I THE NEW ip-Less With Those HOTEL SHERIDAN FOR SPORT WEAR MaR^eCettg' Turkey, Duck or Chicken With Famous with all th e‘fixings, $1 Big Values . - ^ a $ 16.75 Good quality crepe de chine, lace trimmed d^O AO or hemstitched special...... Charles Laking The well dressed girl and woman will have two or three Marillyn silk frocks in her summer wardrobe— Crepe de chine, satins, etc, $2,68 /Auto tops repaired, recovered for golf, for general wear, and for vacation days. They Five Reason;^ Why tub so easily, are so cool, and always look fresh and They Fitr and rebuilt. Autorpobile trim­ Reason 1— Reinforcement ming in all its branches. Best youthful. Marillyn crepe frocks are guaranteed wash- of coutil across dia­ Extra s'z: Pongee Slips ...... $2,48 materials u^ed. All kinds of able and sold exclusively at Hale’s. White, orchid, phragm, with three hori­ leather goods repaired. maize, nile, peach and flesh. ' zontal bones. Reason 2—A V elastic gore Glo Sheen Silk Pongee $1.68 Also Harness Repairing. in center of front elimin­ ates strain when the fig­ Second Floor 314 Main St., Tel. 128-4 ure is seated. 'i Reason 3—Belt slightly South Manchester ONE GROUP $16.75 raised in front; takes caret of flesh thickness through the diaphragm. j?gXXXXXXXXXXXX3CXXXXXXXXXX3g3CXXXXV

HALE’S FROCKS—Main Floor HALE’S CORSETS—Main ^loor Wash Suits • <'1

Special Value TOMORROW I Cinderella A fine selection of patterns, well made of durable um m in§ ‘^ i r d fabrics. A great bargain for school or play at FU a FASWOMDJlDSIErar $1.00 PANTY Guaranteed fast colors. Sizes 3 to 10 years.

iN/ASH ^UlTf W ash Suits Special price! A large assortment of plain colors and fancy pat­ ll- terns, including Broadcloths and Linens. Well made an dguaranteed fast color. Sizes 3 to 10 years. $1.00 $1.65 $1.95 $2.45 $2.95 spring Beauties .1/ Prints, Plain Broadcloths, >1 Daiiity, colorful, ddicate- Childi^ens Pied Piper Dimities, End and End ly textured as a spring Boys Trousers Cloth. .Guaranteed tub fast bouquet is Humming Oxfords and Pumps Bird Full Fashioned silk- Khaki and Linen Mothers should take advantage of this V tO'topChiflfon Hosiery— Many new styles special dress sale tomorrow—Cinderella two excellent styles, with Full cut (plus four style) strdhgly and shades for Day. These frocks are not the regular ruh-stoppinc hem. reinforced at pockets, etc. school or vaca­ dollar quality, but higher^ priced model^ tion wear. offered at this price for Cinderella Day Style 60 "ChiSovk** Linens in many new checks and only. Dainty, cool dresses In plain mate­ $2.75 and up rials or little prints trimmed with touches Silk Sanslcl Soie stripes. Hultman’s make of embroidery or smocking. Guaranteed $2.50 and up washable.. The wise mother will buy one $ 1 . 4 5 and up ' to a half dozen frocks and solve her Also complete ' I child's dress problem for the rest of the line of Misses' summer. Style 50 •‘Chiffon^* Pumps and Ox- i Mercerized Sanda» Sole ^ ‘*“ $ 1 . 5 0 fords. ^ Sizes 2 to 6 years. \ HALE’S BABY SHOP—Main Floor ARTHUR L. HULTMAN Main Floer

• >7'’ - ...... • • - ''•’v'* a.'v:
