National Inquiry into Enquête nationale Missing and Murdered sur les femmes et les filles Indigenous Women and Girls autochtones disparues et assassinées National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Truth-Gathering Process Part 1 Public Hearings Radisson Hotel, Ambassador A Room Winnipeg, Manitoba PUBLIC Monday October 16, 2017 Public Volume 9 Joan Winning, Isabel Winning & Stephanie Daniels, In relation to Nicole Ashley Daniels; Betty Rourke, Mike Rourke, Lorna Sinclair, Elora Sinclair, Kim McPherson, Corley McPherson, Gerri Pangman & Lorie Anderson, In relation to Jennifer Glenna Johnston, Jennifer McPhe rson & Myrna Letandre (Part 1 of 2); Rachel & Matthew Willan INTERNATIONAL REPORTING INC. 41-5450 Canotek Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1J 9G2 E-mail:
[email protected] – Phone: 613-748-6043 – Fax: 613-748-8246 II APPEARANCES Assembly of First Nations Stuart Wuttke (Legal counsel) Les Femmes Michif No Appearance Otipemisiwak/Women of the Metis Nation Government of Canada Anne Turley (Legal counsel) Amber Elliot (Legal counsel) Christine Ashcroft (Legal counsel) Government of Manitoba Kendra Jarvinen (Legal counsel) Coral Lang (Legal counsel) Heather Leonoff (Legal counsel) Samuel Thomson (Legal counsel) Manitoba MMIWG2S Angie Hutchinson (Representative) Leslie Spillett (Representative) Manitoba Moon Voices Myra Sinclair (Elder) Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Beth Symes (Legal counsel) Canada & Manitoba Inuit Association Winnipeg Police Service Shannon Hanlin (Legal counsel) Note: For the purpose of establishing this record