RESCUE SHIP HEARS WORD FROM NOBILE Antis Hold Conference and For T mto Honrs Pacffic Avia- Cilia Di Milano Reports Re­ Radium Paint Inventor + • ^ ^ _ Plan Ways and Means to tors Battle Elements; TeD ceiving Faint Message; Stop Cabinet Candidate’s Has Disease Himself of Their Tronbles After­ “Franz” in Note fives wards—M esss^ C6m- Nomination. East Orange, N J., June 8 — (A The formula for the compound used in painting watch dials and Hint at Position. Radium poisoning, the dreaded other luminous objects was brought ing Fainter; Befieve Crew Kansas City, Mp., June 8— "Any­ malady which has baffled science, to this country by Dr. 'Yon Sos­ Rome. June 8— All Italy rejoiced body but Hoover— anything to stop has been contracted by Dr. S. A. hocky. He was formerly technical director of the U. S. Radium Cor­ Saving Rafio for Emer­ today over the official communique Hoover.” ’Yon Soschocky, scientist, physician and inventor of the luminous paint poration. He has also worked on a Under this banner the hard- issued by the Italia relief commit­ used on watch dials, in the opinion radium cure for cancer. ^ gencies; Weather Bnrean tee which stated that radio com­ pressed anti-Hoover Allies massed oi an attending physician. For eight years, it became known munication between the missims their forces today for a ^gantic ef­ Dr. 'Yon Soshocky, here, has re­ today. Dr. Von Soshocky has him­ self exhibited external symptoms of dirigible and the Citta. DiMilano fort to prevent the nomination of fused to discuss his own case or Warns Them Other Storms the peculiar malady and is required at King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, had the Cabinet candidate here next those of five women, former em­ ploys of th6 U. S. Radium Corpora­ to make regular trips to high alti­ been established. week tion, who are reported slowly dy­ tudes, which is believed beneficial in Are in Their Path. The relief committee announced The ways and means of accomp­ ing from the effects of radium checking the disease. The inven­ that the supply ship had picked up lishing their objective remain to poisoning. The women have been tor’s front teeth have been removed and the tops of his fingers ' BULLETIN! faint, almost indecipherable mos- be determined. awarded $10,000 each, a $600 year-, turned black from contact with sages from General Umberto Nobile, It is admittedly not an encourag­ ly pension, and medical expenses Honolulu, T. H., June 8.— which indicated the Italia had come ing outlook from the coalition’s by the corporation. - radium. Less than 500 miles from down on Franz Josef Land. De­ point of view. But Lowden men, Brisbane, Australia, the goal Dawes men, Watson men, Curtis spite the faintness of the messages, of its trans-Pacific flfeht Unk­ the radio operator of the Citta Di men, Coolidge-or-Bust men, Goff Milano believed they were authen­ men— everyone, in fact, who re­ WESTERN FARMERS PLAN ing North America with Aus^ gards the nomination of Herbert tralia, the giant tri-motored tic. j The signals were received at Hoover with gloom and foreboding monoplane Southern Crdsa to­ — are part and parcel of the move- | 11:07 last night. The operator was day was speeding 13ong on able to decipher only one -vci’d ment. MARCH ON KANSAS CRY “ Franz” which led to the belief that Not Organized schedule. the Italia was down on Franz Josef It would perhaps be too much to A radio message direct f say that the Allies have perfected the plane p lck ^ up by Radie'T Land. , Calling Nobile an organization. They have met and Corporation this'morning gave The Citta Di Milano is now call­ conferred, not once but many times Advance Guard Expected WOULD GIVE LIFE the position of the plane at 4 ing Nobile on a wavelength of 33 and they have agreed upon spokes- a. m., Suva time (June Nin^ ihen to represent each individual as "Latitude 24.42 south. metres every 15 minutes, advices candidate. ‘ Louis L. Emercon, will Tomorrow; DemandTarm Longitude 161.38 eaat— from Kinig’s Bay stated. speak for Lowden, Henry W. Mar­ TO SAVE BROTHERS miles from Brisbane.” All routine and press matter shall represents Watson, Albert On the basis of this report which ordinarily is sent by radio Newman will look after the inter Relief Plank in New Re­ the plane should reach Bris­ has been reduced to a minimum in ests of Senator Curtis, Wm. H. Mil­ bane between 12 noon and 1 p. order to keep the air clear and ler of Ohio represents the anti- Girl Accused of Murder m., Pacific coast time today. facilitate the picking up of any Hoover element in that state whicB publican Platform. other messages Nobile might send U W N FETE OPENS Girl Lindy May Hop Today; is favorable to Dawes. These men out. j , . will be floor lieutenants in the con­ Grows Hysterical Under Nobile’s brother. Amende, who is Kansas City, June 8.— A farm Suva, Fiji Islands, June NintL.—^ vention, but their principals, that Stubbornly fighting the menace. .ol aboard the Citta Di Milano, radioed is, the candidates themselves, will Diamond Queen Tomorrow WITH BIG THRONG revolt, as widespread as the famous the Cross-Examination. tropical storm, the giant monoplane to his sister in Turin he “now had constitute the board of strategy be­ “ 16 to 1” and populist movements the best of hopes for his’ brother hind the scenes. Theirs will be the Southern Cross was steadily push­ Umberto’s safety.” task of determining how this “ any­ of other days, was being organized ing its blue nose onward oyer the. Trepassey Bay, N F., June 8. _ Orchard, Me., on the first leg of body but Hoover— anything to stop here today to force the writing of a St. Joseph, Mich., June 8.— “ Take South Pacific today, past the hal^ '*'^her oceanic hop. Over a Thonsand Attend Hoover” plan is to be accomplished way mark"on its 1,795-mlle dash SEEK MORE MESSAGES The leak in the fuel tank of the McNary-Haugen farm relief plank my life. Kill me if you want to but Told that Amelia Earhart, who — if at all. from Fiji to Brisbane, Australia. • King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, June 8 tank of the trans-Atlantic mono­ plans to take off from Trepassey Into the new Republican platform. At approximately T2;.30 a. m. __The sealer Hobby, now searching Opening Night; Colt’s Thus far there has been little def­ spare the boys.” plane Friendship was repaired this Bay, Newfoundland, in her huge initely decided upon except the The drive, supported by every This frantic plea shouted to the (Fijrttm el ," it '^ s ' eStTmated. tlfSt the ice-floes to the northward for Fokker seaplane, also had been de­ announced candidate for the Re­ that big tri-motof54;''craft, Tiearing traces of the missing dirigible afternoon cJind Miss Amelia Earhart unity and purpose of goal jury late -yesterday by Marguerite layed and probably would not be The Agreement publican -nomination, excepting its courageous crew of two Aps- Italia, was today endeavoring to and her two male flying compan­ Band Pleases. Bumbaugh, on trial jointly with her able to make a start. Miss Boll, They have agreed: Herbert Hoover, assumed serious tralians and two Americans, had pick up further messages which ions said they hoped to hop off for brothers. George and Gerard for Europe before sunset. Miss Ear- said:, To carry the delegate contests. proportions when farm leaders de­ traversed a distance of some 800. would conflrm30se_re^eived bX,‘ he, “ Of course i do not wish her Involving some 65 votes which clared an army of lOO.OOt) farmers the murder of Walter H. Cook, miles from its starting point 'ufr. Citta 'Ci" ® lano yesterday and be­ hart, Pilot Wilmer Stultz and Me­ Niles basket manufacturer, was still chanic Louis Gordon inspected the bad luck, but 1 am glad that I am Well over a thousand persons Hoover won overwhelmingly, to would march upon .the convention Naselal beach, 20 miles from here. lieved to have been from Gen. Um­ plane as it bobbed in the water of to have another opportunity to be came to the north end last night the credentials committee and per­ to battle for thfe plank. The slogan impressed on the minds of the courtroom fans as the trial , as re­ During the two hours of the night berto Nobile. the bay. It was fueled and provi­ the first woman to cross the Atlan­ and helped celebrate the opening haps to the floor of the convention already is: “ Equality for Agricul­ when heavy rains fell in the path of The Hobby is equipped with an tic in a plane.” sumed today. sioned and the flyers await only a of the sixth annual three-night itself. ture.” , the speeding, monoplane, when . Italian naval wireloss set having favorable breeze to be on their way. Miss Boll said that she would go To button-hole incoming dele­ The Hoover manager, sensing the Miss Rumbaugh’s outburst occur­ to Roosevelt Field this afternoon to Community Club. Dawn Pete held ominous clocda obstructed viaibp a short wave length. Some doubt gates and the lukewarm ones in the farm movement as a direct attack red while Prosecutor Walter H. and when outlook wah blackest, the - Is now felt as to wether the signals START TOMORROW inspect her plane, the single mo­ on the enclosed “ White House” Hoover camp for the purpose of on their candidate, denounced the Book waiter was reading a letter she received by the Citta Di Milano tored Bellanca Columbia, in which crew of the sturdy plane repeated New York, June 8.— Undismayed grounds.
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