Whitehawk Birding and Conservation USA +1 208 473 2473 Panama +507 6617 0928 +507 6267 9745
[email protected] Birding Colombia: Three Andean Mountain Ranges Tour 2019 Trip Report By Edwin Campbell September 07-18, 2019 Undulated Antpitta, one of the seven antpittas observed in Manizales, Colombia Colombia is considered a mega-diverse country in biodiversity, and has the highest rate of species by area unit worldwide and the highest rate of endemism. The variety of environmental conditions that the Andes Mountains (three ranges) create allow for this higher diversity of wildlife. On this tour, we explored a variety of different altitudes, different slopes and even different mountain ranges which gave us the chance to verify first-hand the bird diversity found here. In 12 days we visited several different environments including paramo, cloud forest, dry forest, moist forest and wetland – recording more than 480 species of birds, of which a little more than 20 were endemics. Some of the highlights include Buffy Helmetcrest, Turquoise Dacnis, Multicolored Tanager and White-mantled Barbet. Tour Leader: Edwin Campbell Whitehawk Birding and Conservation - whitehawkbirding.com -
[email protected] Birding Colombia 2019 - Trip Report Local guide: Ferney Salgado Highlights of the trip 1. Getting a “group lifer” – the Colombian endemic Velvet-fronted Euphonia. Armero is the most reliable place to find this euphoria. However, when we started birding here, things were so slow we almost gave up. 2. At least one endemic bird per day. With the exception of the first day, we saw one or more Colombian endemic bird every day of the tour.