Sporting Life," Feb
TRADEMARKED BY THE SPOKTINO LIFE FITS. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTEB VOLUME 28, NO. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 20, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. PHILADELPHIANEWS THE INTER-STATE LEAGUE NOW IN THE ROSIE-TAYLOR-CLEMENTS DEAL JJOODSHAP& WAS A MYTH. Mansfield Will Make the -Eighth City A Short-Lived Rumor Dissipated by John C, Strouthers to Handle Col, Rogers "Jedge" Cullom Goes the New Member No More Trouble Back on the Boys Manager Stall- Expected at Wheeling, ings Due Here Next Week, Etc, Mansfield, O., has been accepted as the Philadelphia, Feb. 16. It was rumored eighth member©of the Interstate Itase Ball about town Monday evening- that catcher League. The circuit now comprises Toledo, John Clements and pitcher .John Taylor Youugstown. Springfield. Dayton and Mans had been traded to the New York Club for field, O.; New Castle, Pa.; Wheeling, W. pitcher Itusie. When asked as to the trutti Va., and Fort Wayne, Ind. Stroutiiers will of it John I. Rogers said there was abso manage the Mansfield Club. The Wheeling lutely no truth iu it, and that there were Oiub will be handled by the Coyle family. no negotiations iu progress looking to sacii They will ignore Ix>uis Delaplaine. who a deal. The advisability of such a trade liad the Interstate Leagito Club there last is doubtful. There is no certainty that year. Delaplaine has grounds and grand Kusie is as good as he used to be. Clements stands on his hands and wanted the new has become quite a standby, and patrons comers to talk business with him before of the game would be loth to see him go to Intruding.
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