THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. ISH2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND. MAINE. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7. IH»»._IglffR/tVrattl_PRICE under of Admiral members. to Ilona, said the of the law were absolutely tho orders ■UOULLAIlKODi weary They stampeded opponent* If to Ma- obliged to resort to Indirection, tecans" Dewey they permitted to return MR. Dl.YGLEY Mitchell, who wee • good men of ordi- BLOW AT CIVIL SERVICE. WILD3M WAS BUACOED. WORSE. WOULD BE CALAMITY. some —ored, mysterious influence prevent nila not In fitted to ed the main He stated that on April 27aftar another nary avoirdupois, thrjleast them from getting question 1 conference h* on behalf of represent a state In the Senate.sad Mitch- directly before the House. agreed, to allow two of the six Mr. Uronvenor, of Ohio who was at Dewey, Insurgent ell wee elected and served years. to fleet to the h«*d of the anti civil service move- delegation aocompnnv the j that there will be many he Later he It Is probable ment daring the last session, said that Manila, going with them. j Hold Ont Little for House Votes To Strike Out Usual to Fall on allow Physicians Watched How Wonld Take Loss at Harrisburg and there la Ap- f *r 13 years he had seen this annually re- Thonslil Filipinos Ready prevailed Admiral Dewey to Hope hellottlngs Washington to successor. Con- curring motion made And each year It had Agnlnaldo go. Deferring to Agulnai- much doubt about Quay's be been met with the argument advanced do's organization of a government, I CONSTANTLY of Mr. John Hal sell of the Pittsburg propriation. Into Inns of (1. S. Recovery. Hingley. gressman by Mr. Moody that this whs not the time, said It was sn absolutely ner«*ssary step bnt to maintain control in I district, would be an Ideal candidate, plan u ,r manner in which the law should the natives. Afflicted with Eozema. conclusion he said: ‘I to Baby Badly be Is by the manoeuvres of be ns-ailed. He admitted there was tome with put my- hampered self on record as that the insur- Medical Treatment Useless. boss. virtue in the argument. Hut no one stating Chris Magee, the PltteDurg Magee of the island* HE IS UROWINU WEAKER ASBIS FIGHT VOTE TAKEN IN COM VITTKB OF could deny the civil service law had over- REPORTED INDEPENDENI E WAS gent government Philippine Cured Cutieura. SENATOR GREAT be went Into be dealt were by QUAY’S was formerly antl-Quay, but reached itself. It had throttled on the ap- cannot with as though they American to be AT tie bad Eczema all the caucus after against WHOLE AND Nil RECOUPED. of the Men North Indians, willing BELIBIOI'S TIKES. Ur niece's lit baby boy FOR EXISTANCE. Quay and voting pointing power government. SECONDARY CONSIDERATION. POLITICAL a law removed from one reservation to another over bis face, so that be needed continuous moved to make the nomination who supported It when it became Quay at fhe whim of their the watch Inc, and he scratched tbo sores con- never dreamed that It would be carried to masters. If unanimous. The effect of this Is expected Untbed States decides not to retain the stantly. Mornings,his face, handsand clothes the extent to which it had been carried. be that forces In case of modifica- lslan.is its lu,000 000 would bs stained with blood. She never to the Quay may, He favored the Evans bill for a Philippine people Pol«on Prom IHirair lias Perm W»i KvMrnl- at rated could ta!*e him bis face was so full of A Record Vote In the House Will He tion of the law which would restrict It to American Consul Cfeneral will demand independence and the out, Certain Imllcattou That fttruggla May a tleadlook, go to Magee l medical and tried the the tempt of any foreign nation to obtain the Whole System and Renders It urea. 8ha ha treatment, defeat for him a Token Where Friends of Civil something approaching original pur on Very Intimate Term* with Uit"!Vot 1 alike the Revolt Quay's would prove *ly or stations will bo re- everything she heard of. She commenced He Ilia pose and at the lieginnlng of this congress territory coaling frees Potent to Rtaml the Rtraln—io elnoa he wuuld bate tiervIre Reform To Reverse ma- Insurgent Leader*—Was llepeatedly sisted with the *amo with which using the CunocuA Kkmmrc*. The torn It ole of Simon Cameron— very great downfall, Expect more than 100 Republican member*,a spirit Front thev the Improvement Shown at Lste Hour his and he was and now to answer to the lndlotment for bank the of the House had agreed to Instructed Mot to Make Them Any fought Spaniards.” left /bee entirety cured, Klectlon Decision of Home— Expansion jority support Senator llale’a ; (Well .Re- that that had b!««n nnable The shows that Mr. Thl« his face is smooth and rosy. g as a defeated and more or less bill. Hut they correspondence Morning. wrecking Theme In the Hesslon. Promise*. Wlldman was warned not to make Mrs. L. J. ROOT, Nsw Scotland, NrY. crlved. to secure consideration for the bill and pledges man. Hit believe discredited opponents had been their or dl*rusA policy with A^uinaldo and he Bwestst or»a Tbrawirst sob Etrbt Bart Hcmob, Washington, January 8.—The antl- their actions critlolred. Washington, Janaary R—The corre- Washington, January 6.—The condi- — he and VIII LOBS w HajB. Watwi batka with CCTiCt RA I&?E»r«. force, many being wantonly shot to death an COMMISSION'S INSTRUCTIONS. The next eminent of tbelr own. In the organization sentiment of Penneylvanla. \ seems to be a misunderstanding among Moody, Repaidl of Massachusetts; and sixty two taken prisoners. moral he would desire American ud- New 6. — The World to- Republican of Illinois; Flem- Hruatr I'umci Hoar Rr«olution Rr- were marched to the cemetery of which Yolk, January the men—and they are some of the ef Santiago as to the Hopkins, day they While Quay people of Re- a of vioe and assiatanoe.” morrow will These new ing. Democrat Georgia; Bros!us, Them of Prraldrut. and nhot down in body. Many these, say: points the “oldman" as they of the with respect to lug Assistant Moore, in a memo- SPOTS that policy government of Pennsylvania; Henderson, Mr Williams added, wire not participants .Secretary were legion—hold publican in the Adams randum to the said: “Mr. developed today allectlonately call him,has confounded his the expenditure of money collected from Hep u hi lean of Iowu, and Dollivor, Re- Washington, January 6.—I mined ia Uly in the rut-etui 4. lie al-o added the t such Sicretary THE SUN unallcr eoale were Pratt wfw Instructed that It was proper potsunlDg mystery. ON are sanguine revenue and customs souroes. It publican of Iowa. after tho Sena* couvened the reeo horrors though on a enemies the opponents vrry internal todaf for him Do obtain the unconditional as- During the general debate on the bill of almost ii 4.1y occurrence. He also re- Prof. Wltthaus found that Kutnow’s Cannot Be Removed. at last the reign of the famous is not believed that General Wood mis lull on offered yesterday by Mr. Hoar of sistance of General but not to that lung Mr. Swanson, Democrat of Virginia, ported that several hundred native prison- Aguinaldo powder was mixed with the cyanide of There seems r-aeon to understands the of the govern- delivered a on Massachusetts calling on the President of In make any political pledges.'’ buss Is broken. purpots speech Antl-Imperiallsra. ers wore disposed by being In the bromo seltzer battle sent but in event nothing will be done placedwhere Wlifting on June 16 to Mr. Pratt, Secre- mercury that this Is so. Hts tlgut lacks ment any for information us to the Instructions of low dungeons in the city wails believe General Wood arrives »ai It lieu of farlonghs and leave of absence. that r Senate right former attitude toward the ! Kid Gloves oiaaused every uay. ever, will revive a proper and sneotion of the forts, arsenals and battle- Spanish gov trained nurse who attended Barnet that memorable for Sant It has been the practice to grant these such lmurination as the members of the that obedience which will be 18 years ago when the Repub- a sufficient allowance ag ships in aod about Manila even at that eminent, Hill another attempt had been made on Is cert .iu loaves of abeenee or furloughs so that in due fmtn tnem.’’ Simon Cameron oc- but full consideration foreign relations committee and that the and that he was Infor- lawfully his life that the w s licun revolt against province, the bill to do what early day sending showing poisoner to sections which ooilect reality sought directly to dictate to be given President should determine whether the mation thus derived to Commodore determined In bU murderous purpox- curred. Quay was attempting from customs. It is ex- has heretofore been done indirectly. nothing or little Senate should have iU The resolution Dewey, who with nit fleet, was then at SENATOR MORRILL’S SUCCESSOR. and persisted until on Ike second a Hemp of a senator as Quay dic- distribution of Mr. Hailey announced that he had no the nomination a fair and equitable session. In were so thick that he he was successful. pected to the bill. was adopted In secret support Hong kong bpiee of Penrose iwoyears collected on the Island will be objection in GRIPPE. tated the nomination the funds the offered some time ago, did not dare despatches office to II. K. Another deveiupement was the alm< st LA of resolution I n I in Hlfleld. copy rut Teudr»f(l **•*»-«■ Ihe bill was passed. tpyu a number of secured. Vest of in to books. Mr. Williams left Manila on of Mrs. Mollneaux ago. Then as now large "Tt»o House then went into committee by Mr. Missouri, opposition complete collapse Nothing of especial interest hus been of de- 38. was a witness of of Koland Burnham Molinvaux woo tiers declined to ottend wnole and took the considera- Mr. Caffrey Coalsiana, April He Dewey’s Wife mem the from Ilolk) of the op expansion, 0.— It wa* Republican received by government livered an extended sjowoh. At the con- and on May 19 resumed hie reports Montpelier, Vt, January as the Miss Biauobe Chaabroagh wits a A Dumber In tion of the executive and judloial appro- victory caucus. great The administration has full oonhdenoe Mr. His first of that warm friend of Croseman Barnet the Republican to coniine khe clusion of Mr Caffrey’g arguments, frotn Cavite. despatch learned from reliable source* that Gov- Henry TO PREVENT IT. the and no bill. It was agreed 1I0W less resulted No candi- its representatives on ground priation of announce! on behalf date began with assurance of “the friend- before sbe married Mollneaux. Mrs. trul ballottlngs debate to one hour on each side. Morgan Alabama, ernor Smith has tendered the meant further action will te taken until some general ac- natives to our s condition was described as the niajori- of of tue N carugua caual committee the lines* of the Philippine Mollneaux date could command required as to the situa- Mr. Sima ton, Democrat Virginia,de- Ststes from this state luriher is learned in a form of the amend- and to me as its United ^enatOTship her sister. Mra. Mollneaax re- of the ballot- thing an hour’s in critloRm of ceptance modified country representative, pitiably by Finally, in the midst As soon as the treaty is ratified by livered speech he “I have had found* tyy. tion. adminis- ments offered by Mr. berry before the bcuree of tiro as," continued, to Hon. B. F. FiftaJd of Montpelier. vived knowledge that the police chanced it is the policy of expansion. 'Iho a member named Mitchell the tSenaie the President expected to the oanal bill. The heard emressed that either the letter ’‘with love Blanche, "written ting tration which would be hardly driven in holidays pending hopes signed down will make auy changes that may have the or Great Britain would oc- Mrs. Mollnoanx to Mr. Barnet and that to arise from his seat and walked for had within a few Amendment® were not passed upon by United btates THE WEATHER. y USE to be in matters of to a war liberty, bog i>een found necessary be dm to. the islands.” this letter hau been submitted Co a hand- aisle of the House. A fellow mem months become greedy for conquest. '1 he quire the administration to the end that his in- told me today," be wrote for with the and then liberators of the Cubans wrre to become “Agulnaldo writing expert comparison him for a moment structions to General Otis and by him that his friends all I on the the contemplated con- on June Itf, hoped I writing package containing be the despoilers of the Filipinos. He vote for Mitchell, the ex- proclaimed to the people, may fully The resolution introduced In the Senate that the wonUl be held as a holder and false bromo seltzer bottle sent BROWN'S anuounced|his tended that It was unconstitutional for Philippine# on I he carried out in letter and spirit. Mt. Hoar calling ujwn the of the United btates." t<. Cornish. She became also aware that of this vop. was contagions the United Slates to undertake a colonial yesterday by colony ample President If not in his judgement incom- This whs only four days after the first were made Into system and cited the Dred Soott decision marching investigations with the Interest, to send the formation of a government by t..T her with Bax net in of his contention. patible public provisional past, acquaintance support Senate the instructions he hod given the natives Mr. Williams said be was in- and her wlih Motineaux. But He declared that the main support of marriage “INSTANT RELIEF” commissioners who negotiated the treaty vited to be when this government the*.- facte her sister were not the imperialistic policy came from those present implied of Paris, the correspondence which hud was organised by the Filipinos, but that sufficient to account for her very serious of Pubiication. who were seeking an offensive and defen- Year between him and the department he declined. For this he afterwards re- condition. sive alliance between the United states passed of the state and tohe commissioners and oelved a note of from the slat* asserted that und Great Britain. Wo were throwing approval Capt. McClnsky positively NIGHT AND MORNING. Che report made by the commissioners department On August 4, he wrote: the letter In Mrs Mollneaux’* haodwrlb- away great trade possibilities on our either too him ot the department of state, “it has been my study to beep on lug was an ordinary one and contained northern b< rder by restrictive laws and was laid before tho Hen a to early in the pleasant terms with Agulualdo f*T ulti- uspicious. yet we to reach out to the ends Jaa. 0.—Local forecast for nothing proposed session. mate Admiral Dewey says I have , Mollneaax was taken to White It is not necessarily dangerous of the earth lor a trade which was utterly objects. yesterday Mr. Davis, one of the commissioners plunttd the seeds of cordial oo-o novation. Saturday: lUin: clearing iu the after- Fincher the wig maker in Newark who to insignificant. ei itself, the is pneumonia and chairman of the committee on foreign with has been sold u red to a Flatchor tendency '1 he did not consume the hour My argument Agulnaldo noon; much colder; wiud changing to wig stranger. majority moved that the resolution be that the conditions of by the declared that Mollneaux was not and all shonUl sec to it th^t its fangs are allotted and at the conclusion of Mr. relations, government flatly referred to that committee. United btates In the Philippine islands west and northwest. his customer. not fastened them. Swanson’s remarks the bill was read for upon Mr. Hoar to such a reference would be better for him and his The World brought to New York last amendment utter ibe five minute rule. objected vastly Washington. Jan. 0.—Forecast for The circulation ueeds to be quickened, of the resolution. people in honor, advancment and profit evening the other Newark wig maker, Mr. Hurtnmn, Sliver Republican, of for Maine: Snow into Mr. Davis said: “I the motion than could « xlst under any plan fixed by Saturday turning who had told of a the toned so as to enable na- un amendment to the hope Zimmerman, very mys- system up Montana, offered I have and will prevail.” himself and the Filipinos. rain; warmer; northeasterly gales, shift- terious visitor who had examined false assert herself and throw it off or paragraph allowing each member ture to Mr. Hoar said the information asked traversed the entire of government beards but decided not to buy. in Congress $100 a month for ground to fair and much better still to it delegate for the resolution was \ roper with him and he has ailed bis officials ing northwesterly; Mollneaux confronted Zimmerman and prevent altogether. clerk hire which provided that if any by perfectly to to the Senate, explaining that the from fifteen to meet for dis- colder Saturday night. the man ulso failed tj Identify him. Brown’s Instant Belief has been found member or delegate should retain any give provinces resolution was In the form of cussion. ail stated as but un- New of his allowance be should forfeit ordinary friendiy, Storm signals are displayed on the to be a for Mla aDd if specitic grippe” portloQ such official on my part.” HAVANA. his seat in the House. requests. Atlantic coast from to East- KINGS HOLIDAY AT a American Mr. White—“Tho resolution is not in On Mr. Williams cabled: Wilmington taken in little cold water upon rising Mr. Mahon, Republican of Penney)- September 5, way from 4000 V Isay an Havana, January rt.—“Kings holiday" in the ami at will any dictator/.” •Today delegations port. morning retiring right Mr. Hoar—“Not at all. The oommnnl- also southern busi- wu-> observed hero today just as though It was sustained. Mr. soldiers, representing amendment and .i.rl.in nf.irniuti/in In MflflpH)* Lora: Weather Report. ”la ness interests, came to tne the King over Cuba. The busl- prevent your having grippe.” Hartman then modilled his amendment pledging reigned within the direction of the President. to anuexatiuu. boveral ness houses were closed but the Ameri- deciiTdlralstp that member who sought loyalty Insurgents Portland, Jan. 5.—The local weather to provide any cannot offices for Mr. Allen—’‘Is there any rea*iu why leaders likewise. .Spain control. cans kept tbA public opened. to retain a portion of the allowance records as to the weather the resolution should be referred to the If we evacuate, anarchy rules.” bureau ofHco Col Richards, General brooke’s adju- clerk hilt' should forfeit It. He sa:d > e Almanac committee un ioreltfi) relations?" Consul WDaman wrote to tant has arrived hero from Porto On are as follows: hart no desire to make nnv charg« s n July 18, general, Mr. of State his He that General bates with ’l do not know of any," replied the Secretary expressing — Rico. says half a American Almanac connection with member- of the pr seui 8 a. tn. Barometer, 30 312; thermome- nearly century Ayer’s Huftt. views on the then poiloy of the the Oth Ohio, has arrived idero with the House but he had reliable inter urn. ion reported ter, 28.0; dew polut, lo; Humidity, 19; for all that is reliabie and exact as a cal- Mr. Allen addressing Mr. Duvis: “Why. United States government to allow the wound Illinois battalion which makes laOti has stood that In the past some member* hud re- wind, NK; velocity, 14; weather, cloudy. has nbould the resolution he referred to the islands to return to Spain. Americans amped in and aoout Clenfno- and book of reference. Its circulation gone tained a portion of this allowance, in Philippine 8 p. in. —Barometer 20.872; thermome- endar on relations?" he mild: “I consider FOR and committee foreign Among other things 92; gos. some allowances the 29.0; dew point, 18; humidity, other in the majot portion, re- both ter, is near the American “Vitos” •« into more millions than any publication "Because," replied Mr. Davis, “it t o forty or fifty Philippine leaders It enow. lhe Cuban camp It in their own pjekets. wind, NK,velocity, 18; weather, after in put lates to matter* which are still pending the of the Malays ami the camp. There have been no disturbance. 4 world. It Is asked for and eagerly sought forty No man who would be guilty of such superiors Mean dally thermometer, So; maximum before that committee It would be un- Cubans. A i to and Col. Diddlf, from Matanzas who has jnst j are credi- an he Is lit to hold a seat In this Aguinaldo, gone! minimum thermometer, said. thermometer, 40; a stores Its publishers act, in not would be said there were jX is breakfast oereal, the ♦ thousand drug every year. precedented at least my experience £luudlcio are all men who of wind, 22 NK; arrived hero, ll*,00o House. 90; maximum velocity calculations are as exact to refer the resolution in accordance with leaders In their in Spaniard* and 400 Americans there whan and cheapest in the X informed that its astronomical Mr. Bingham made a of order separate departments total .80. point motion." while the wealthier precipitation, the American was raiseJ. Nor there Almanac. the amendment and was iny any country, among tlag ♦ arid reliable as those of the official Nautical against modified and Americans and ail is The market, Before the debate could proceed further Manila men who live In Hong Kong Weather Ottservarmu. are 1300 quiet. we a sustained. For 18W, with the New Edition, begin Mr Duvis said: ;,1 desire. Mr. Presi- who are spending their money lilierally steamers Roumanian and Covadonga, the and have dent, to eut«*r u privileged motion. 1 lor the overthrow of the Spaniards and The denartment weather latter with .30 exiled nnuimoes, have ar- new We have added thirty-two pages, Mr. Kvans of Kentucky moved to strike agricultural departure. move that the of the Senate te States, men rived here from for the civil service doors annexation to Che United for January 0, taXen Spain. not to information out the appropriation '’ bureau yesterday, Manitoba over these thirty-two pages, any the closed. like the Cortes family and the Pasa The United States transport given commission. He reviewed briefly 8 time, the observation ibest but we have ihe motion was seconded Mr. Del- would hold their owu among the at p. m.,meridian has arrived at Mnianzus. and about the house of or its medicines, Ihe extension of the civil by family : f Ayer struggle against Senate went into secret in mite each aeotlou being given In this order: The United Staten commission- and the for facts for the had its original linger, bankers and lawyers anywhere. military full of and helpful law. It outgrown concert and dance at crowded them intelligent to session. of statements to the contrary I know they direction of wind, state of ers gave h farewell a grounds, he said, and he was willing Temperature, ! is a ♦ and student, making it are for annexation to the U ulted the Trotchu hotel last night A number rapidly becoming farmer, housewife, the to a test outliug «»fl lighting family, bring question by second- weather: of Cubans and X fa to because of its X into one small committee States ttrst and for independence distinguished Spaniards rite, reference boiled down the appropriation for the In the secret session of the Senate the 30 NK, whole handy library In In fact, 1 have bad the most promi- boston, degrees, rain; were present. as a food uet. ♦ He whs not a He believed on the same lines ns in ly. ♦ merit prod spoilsman. itTalrs proceeded nent leaders call on rae and say they New York, 40 degrees, NE, rain; Phila- book of reference. and in tbe of the pub- merit Improvement he open session, Mr. Hoar making a 1 could 40 Wa-li- PROMISES AID. out of s to lift would not raise one Unger unless delphia, degree*, NW, rain; ENGLAND We don’t want to make any money Ayer I lio service, but he wus opposed rlef sooech on the He was not * subject. assure them that the United States in- 84 degrees, VV\ rain; Albany of tenure and to the conduct of tilt he had ingtou, 0.—The of Lord we have a nominal price present interrupted and when finished the them States London, January reply j Almanac, but put tended to give United 32 degrees, St, rain; Buffalo, 28 degrees the of law. S»nate to the resolution calllug hu* Salisbury to proposal Emperor he ugreed citizenship If they wished It. There show degrees, Mr. of Massachusetts said 11or the to the commissioners W, ; Detroit,22 SW, cloudy: Nicholas for a disariuation conference of Moody instructions been a to blaoken ibe It’s Backer not believe the from systematic attempt 10 degrees, NlV, clear; St. Paul, the which is Ibly could gentleman without a divlilon. on ac- Chicago, powers, just published, i | hie cabinet * to name of Aguinaldo and snow; X Kentucky was serious In his ueslro that other members of 8 degrees S, Huron, Dak., promises the cordial eo-operaiion of the X * a Mr. Hoar insists count of the terms of their 2 cts. withdraw the for tbe civil to fall in- questionable 12 N\V, clear; Bismarck, —8 britlsh government and asks for an indi- copy appropriation the Senate had as much right forces a aco degrees, surrender to the year at a is of “Best” a hurvioe commission. of the com Spanish Jacksonville, 02 cation of the heads of the discussion Plllsb»xv, into formation as the members this mouth. It has been said that they degrees, NW, clear; that this almanac may get Mr. the debate would not the oonTerence. Flour renowu, who T this time forward, Moody hoped wlttee on foreign relations. but this has degrees, nW, cloudy. pro- | sold their for ■— 1 1 ■ be law but would country gold, »J IL- jr of those who actually desire it and will touch the merits of the Mr. Davis stated that he had no not only by X duces uo but the ♦ the hands only of the been conclusively disproved, poods bo confined to tbe merits propo- to the of the resolu- the What costs nothing is usually foi objection adoption their own statements, but by speech interested in it. rtion to out tho he It un- X best X preserving wipe appropriation tion except that considered ol the late General Kivera, in the commission If the taw itself war President governor 4 sep29 Tu.Th&S # as of little value. He believed the 1 was in Hong regarded an uiCfSHtry. the apanith Senate. Kong vlolons it should be uttseked directly all the information that and will show a of the new alma- would furnish in {September 18W7 when Aguinaldo Your druggist you copy lo cut off tbo approprlatloi to the in- of manfully, could be given without injury his leaders arrived under oontract with nac, if he is to date to have taken advantage would be a to congre.-s. It wa without up enough reproaoh terests of the country any special he government. They waited mere of the resolu- Spanish our liberal offers to him. If he doesn’t happen to have it, toy’s play. request, hence the passage until the first of November for the pay- Mr. said any attempt to nulli- or can mail Dookerty iou wus superfluous. ment of the mouey promised lor the some other in your town will, you the law declining to fo re-oonvened druggist fy Ly appropriate At 12.p m. the Senate widows and orphans of the Insurgents Lowell, ihe oommlseion would tail. It mlgi ANDERSON. ADAMS & a two-cent stamp to the J. C. Ayer Company, n open session. and the fulfillment of promised re arms. GO., o but the com- embarrass tbe mni-aion, was ever one return mail. am fit0,000 (Mexican) placed Mass., and receive fre$ by missi >n oould go into the courts anU Only ^ Fire insurance to their oredit." Agency for their salaries under the law. Mr. addressed the Senate on the ROYAQ't Absolutely 'Pure Oaffery Mr. W'Udman also wrote that on the 31 Sired whole of this amendment today resolution offered by Mr. Vest, de Exchange put pose joint out of the war be reoeived a del- tha • of the breaking e *hnrged was to create an agltatiuu luring that under the constitution the food more delicious and wholesome the egation from the insurgent juuta and Mokes First Hass Amerlcau and Foreign companies v.ouhi the President to issue United States no power is given to ao- compel bound thwu selves to obey all laws of rumored order amending the iaw. they liOKAOK ANDWtHON. ( MAS. C. A DAMS. olTillxsd warfare and to place themselves Mr. liinnvy, Republican of North Caro- Centlnued o€> Third *>»■•. deem Thos, J. Little, p edtotf ifrom 1 ■ BRYAN STILL 0 TALKING. THK FALLOW MVM.

Says Forcible Annexation of Philip, U Haag Chsagi Mg DaaHatt pixel Wo«l«l Violate American no toooiooo to.Omo Prlartples. (Chicago Reonrd.) to Utot, to bo rInrt’f Id Hang Chang ha* agglted to Mm Oh Ml of Kngtnrere in tat IMirni Portland. January 7, 1893. Cincinnati, January ir.» hereditary, In a state of Mrror. / l#§ipadMW. *IUr .Ml ill* »•*" ■ y inhabitants*re K IShnh nation may learn by experience that It is always and a disease of fine a Sum* when LI Chang An assorted lot embroidered nainsook Chemises, the of not wlee to conquer people years ago Hung consequently / product wa* Vlcsroy, he employed Ueaeral James CHOKKH DOESN'T AGHKK WITH who was v of the blood. V one of the best factories in the world, have been selling at $1.50, 2.50, 2.90 H. Wilson, of Delaware, .second Tjsi5S!£»ai^2B«I BRYAN. In command daring the reseat Invasion External and to at of Porto Rleo, and Is n*w In oamp at «. 3.60. go today half price. New York. January 0 —The Journal l applications. ^ Huntsville with his army ooqros, to .make lajja*-* and Advertiser will tomorrow print the afford a and submit a plan for the per- therefore, may statement out survey following given tonight by manent of the situation v i »b Richard Croker: Improvement relief, but to curt DRAWERS. Ueneral Wilson spent some time fa Chinn vlwT 5sje?5PS.J temporary “I believe in I believe In Jp expansion; for that but ble plan wa* not whatever we have purpose the it is C bolding possession* and his services wor* dispensed disease necessary or war. adopted, / lot of fine cambric gained by annexation, purchase wltn because his oondltlona and methods |ja3SSs,tfgfe-!a:| One Drawers, trimmed with Swiss at “This in not only putrlotlo but , to treat it the embroidery, 30c, policy were not to tbe maadarlns. He through* U is the eafe one to agreeable only pursue. Any claimed the right to appoint and dis- 1 reduced from 50c. othar would show weak none on the blood. policy charge bla assistant* Instead of allowing part of the U. b. and invite foreign com- to All hie staff with favor- In the madarme Another lot at 50c, reduced from 75c. This must be avoided hence Williams rlHK Kills plications ites. He insisted also that tha appropria- from tion for the Improvement should be sub- One lot at 67c, reduced #1.00. “Jefferson was an other- to the dis- expansionist; teot to his own espendlture without In- the se&t of wise ho would not have favored the terferenoe from other officials in other One lot at 75c, reduced from #1.25 and 1.50. uf Louisiana with its blood eliminat- acquisition foreign be Insisted upon managing the the which in Jefferson's time worda, cing by at with population, bneineee hlmaelf, which would prevent One lot #2.00, trimmed lace, reduced from 5.00. was ns remote as the fortes. quite Philippines. tbe mandarine from making a profit act In this of steam ami dis- renewing health-giving age electricity of the tance is no improvement. argument against expansion. LI Chang's appointment aa “We millions annually fot mis- Hung NIGHT ROBES. spend director of the Improvement! waa then- sionary work in oo on tries. Mow foreign fore alt one; but at the aarne we have a chance to this in appropriate spend money time it la auapeateti that the Kmpreaa our own possessions and make the people An assorted includes four distinct of Dowager waa glad to hove an exouaa for lot, styles, cambric at of our new lauds law-abiding citi- nightgowns good, •ending him to a distant provinoe when zens, who in time will be to our reduced from 89c and loyal bin energy might be employed 69c, #1.00. constitution and our Take progreselve llag. England, without Interfering with her own pur- for the people of this little One lot of children’s flannelette example, poses. The venerable hiarl has undertek fancy sizes tw'O to ten Island come pretty near owning the uni- Nightgowns, en the work with great teal, and If he verse. Are not our people as intelligent, at 36c. reduced from 50c. euooeedt In protecting the people of China years, as and as the powerful patriotic English from the danger which constantly threat The United States is thu only A small lot of tine muslin for people? ena them from thla terrible river he will Nightgowns, children two to four on earth to the years, oountry superior Eugiish. be entitled to the everlaetlng gratitude of not illustrate to the world that we at 59c. reduced from and 1.10. why hla country. Until now they have de #1.00 are able to with greater tents box. fully cope making burning p«T than we have had occasion to pended upon prayenand small lots ladies' muslin problems Inoenae to tbe dragunt wbleh hues oon- All of broken ends of assort- in the aud In the future dominate Nightgowns, sizes, past, trol of thla river. We a of yellow ments, odd worth from to any emergency? havo population styles, samples, etc., #4.00 10.50 each, to go at 80,0011,000 the oountry teems with half people; WAYS. young men full of life, hope aud am- STEADY CONNECTICUT price today. bition. Why not give these young men a to our There are also a few at chance develop newly acquired Marked Btradfastaeas af tkr Nutmeg Bishop style Nightgowns 69c, reduced from possessions, and build up a country rival- Btate In Political Matters. and 1.36. ing in granduer and patriotism our own #1.19 Lulled Mates. 1 bay by all maan* bold on to all that to ut If '* CAP A|N DIED AT SEA. And another lot of muslin with rightfully belongs (N. Y. Bun.) oandldute onoc elected In Connecticut to I ived the following telegram yesterday lace trimmed collar, sleeves west of the m Nightgowns tbs great country iiocky continueaUT. on n« a candidate (or other and Remedies, dated January 2: Thu term of the next Uovernor af Con- at Mountains was tilled with wild Indians higher office* Governor-elect Louneburr “General • arrllo directs me to Inform a"d front, marked down from 1.75. how Iona would neotlout on Jan. 4, and It la olted Maine R. B. Thoma* Arrives In #1.00, at the present moment, begins wne formerly a State Senator at Hartford tou that General-in-Chief Gomes has just whip a them and make it take us to suppress aa an llluetratlon of the marked ateedfaet lepreeentlng part of the Kalrlleld county arrived at his camp at Guanguayabo. and Belton. them our laws and our education? tout he does not know when he will leave respect □eaa of the Nutmeg State in political aa d let riot there for two terms. WHITE SKIRTS. The same thing applies to the for the capital. Phillppinssfall Into In other matters that tbe Governor-elaot, and any other country that may IMPROVING CUBAN AFFAIH8 ‘Rafael Carranza." Boston, January 0.—The Searsport.Me., our hands by the province of peace or George K. Louotbury, la a brother of As the despatch was not in answer to a fl.—Gov. Gen. Brook.- ship H. B. Thomas from Manila and war Pblneaa C. Who waa elected Harana, January query it was not replied to. One lot of umbrella cambric trimmed with Swiss Lounabnry, to shape Skirts, embroid- ‘It Is an insult to the American people learned today that dlplomne graduate* The funeral services over the remains of Hong Kong arrived at this port today. to the same office Just twelve yearv ago. and to our even to that we of the University of Havana wrre elgned H. of the first Texas, at 69c, reduced from llag suggest Colonel W. Mabry The Thomas loaded a cargo of 8#40 bales ery, $1.00. abundon the we Imre r*I«a*<-d Ha la a shoe manufacturer of Boutb Nor- under the late oaptnln a-ueral of and who died at on people Quemados camp January and a of each He hae of hemp at Manila left that port from bondage or what would be n ore »ls- walk and bla father was in tba shoe busi- subjected to tax (480 4, took plaoe yesterday. One lot of fine cambric with wide cluster tucks and to the motor of the She sailed from Skirts, ruffle, at 69c. gruoifu), that we should offer to *ei> he*" leaned lnetruotlone Further particulars concerning the April 22. there hurriedly ness, too. and the director* to to the highest bidders. Such a pro, o* on uolrerelty grant shootine of a negro by the United States as It wus supposed that Admiral Dewey’s reduced from osenrrenca in an Amarloen $1.00. the American in the same It la a rare hereafter without a tax. Threa on show that Privates places people diploma* patrol Wednesday fleet was near at hand and that a battle are now In atten- of category with the Chinese who 'save State that two brothera should within a hundred young men Weiss and Cox of company E, bih regi- One lot lace trimmed Skirts, at reduced from 2.90 and 3.25. dance the At the re- was Imminent. For this reason the ship $1.62, neither patriotism nor foreign policy ami bold tbe executive upon unlrenlty. ment, arrested a negro who had In his brief period hlgbaat the of are In utilized as a door mat of Gen. Brook* Hank Spain a Jorgensen On sailed without waiting to procure provis- One lot at reduced from consequence little favor la quest possession lirag bayonet. $1.98, world. office, but In Connecticut hae to the amount of primary tried to ^.25. by the powers of tl:e reporter! his way to jail the mao escape ions and w»s to pnt Into Hong new on The obliged This is too great a to be con- accorded to new candldatea end po- sohool fund* It hold* deposit. and waa ordered. In to halt. Rut Several small lots of cambric trimmed with question English to take on stores. She left Skirts, line and la worth a Kong Hong embroidery sidered as a mere matter of dollars and litical principles, tbe view of the voters bank ha* (88,400 paper currency as he oontlnned running Weiss fired Our want their about do on a dollar, $1M In diver and shot lhls did not the and had a long and trying’ cents peoplo rights pro- that there It mnch in the air. stop Kong May linen laces, worth $4.60. 5.00 and to 9.00. to be sold at being almost uniform The teachrrs have been actually up half theta* tected ; they will not figure on the cost, (y7 In bronze. negro and Weiss shot him through the passage. On October U she was In the in An- tiring it down to local government, in the dangerjto their Interests obangea. unpaid for n long time, the arrears vary- heart. Weiss bus beeo airanted pending south Atlantic with her supplies rapidly prices today. case of street oleaniug. The cry is “we other illustration of the truth of tbla la ing In Individual oases according to po- an inquiry into fibs case. diminishing and It was decided to bear clean streets” of tJe litical Influence. About this want regardless cost. furnished by the pending Senatorial oon- up at Montevideo. tlme.Capt. They demand them as their right. Jum The courts arc an Intrloot* snbjeot. ALL QUIRT AT ILOILO K. D. Blanchard was stricken with toat In Connecticut or (be vacancy arising so with our posezslons, the people Probably one or two Cuban l*wyem will and died on October jw. 8he APRONS. Janoary d.—The news- puralysls want the war Iroui the of the term of be mtalnad to aid Judge Advocate Dudley Hong Kong. Montevideo a few latter the properties acquired by pro- expiration h reached days for a court papers here publish the following deep t tected. They will pay for a standing H. Hawley. Hlx years ago the In preparing plan* supreme captain's remains were taken ashore fer Joseph of la*t resort. The irom Hollo, evidently from a Filip.no army, a powerful navy and the protection to act as trlhnoal interment. three candldatea fur the Republican source: When the Americans arrived at One lot of embroidered lawn at 25c. reduced from of our the world over, of United State* guard* at San Severlne With the death of the master the duties Aprons 36c. flags regardtoz* no at were San a Hollo found looting any consideration. have oauoue nomination Hartford fortress, Matansa*. f utnd prisoner in they absolutely of devolved First Mato monetary They the of the forces or captain upon One lot at reduced from 67c. their to sacrifice their G. Bui former a cell who had been three day* without upon part Filipino oradum. He communicated with the 39c, proved willingness atur Hawley, Morgan In-ley, of d had to re- conduct of any kind unworthy olvlllz blood for the honor of their country and Fessenden. Six food. Tb* Spaniard* neglected owners on reaching Montevideo and Uovernor. and Samuel people. In conformity with the agree One lot at 59c, reduced from $1.00. flag. And when the question is brouglI lease him. was ordered to bring the vessel to Bos- later the candidates are tbe at merit with the the r illplnos to an issue they will rise as one man and ytwra Juat Gen. Maximo Gomes ha* arrived Spaniards ton. After provbioning the Thomas sailed entered Hollo in an orderly manner ami And many other odds and ends at even a reduction from the old demand expansion as a citizen s sacred samr, and tbla la not an exception bnl the KiOMdlOt. ou November 2. greater sailed formally boietai the Filipino dag. I he right. role in Connecticut. Senator Brig. Gen. Joa* Miguel Gomez polKtoul Americans found a good government “1 thiol: the 10 to 1 question as out- for New York today. prices. Hawley, whom term la about to expire, established and meeting with the oom- lined in the Chioago platiurm a Col. Mapery’* body bn* been placed MILKS 3 MEAT INVESTIGATION. decidedly war elected Uovernor of Connection! of ihe residents. In connection with this sale we will also sell several lots of dead issue. That was fully demonstrated temporarily In a vault at Colon oenta plot# approval foreign satteen, thirty-two years ago. Tweiniy-alx yean January 6. —The investiga- in the last electl -n. We did not enibo tery. A GRAVE PROBLEM. Washington. y h• was elected a Representative In tion Instituted by Gen. Miles through the mohair and silk Skirts at much under the real worth. the 10 to 1 question in our platform ouu ago moreen, prices very Congress. aurt eighteen veare ago he wae 0.—A to the Inspector general's office as to the quality the result is thaw we have elected ever one BELLICOSE LONDON TIMES. Manila, January despatch '* ohoam a United States Senator and ha from the seat of of meat furnished the troops In the Held For of our Independent!!* Malolos, example,— congressmen. has held the offloe aver rtnoc. Senator Is Letters have been ad “London, January A—A bin* book has the eo-oal.ed Mllplno government, says progressing. Hawley's Immediate predecessor as Gov- the of all the •1 rested to all inspectors In the field but One lot of fast black satteen Skirts at reduced from 62c and 75c. SERIOUS UUAttUBS AU A INST A boon printed containing the corre- government governors 50c, ernor of Connecticut wae William A. just at the as far received have contained between Gr*»» Britain end provinces of Luxon have assembled replies GOVERN OH. Bncklngbam, mere generally known as spondence Malolos. fought only for chiefly negative information. One lot of fast black satteen Skirts, trimmed with at yranoc on the subject ol trade restrictions They say they braid, flounced, 7oc, Uonnxotictu s war uorcrnai. wnsa no the of the and The investigation will be thorough Topeka, Eos., Jauuary 6.— Governor In Madagascar. Independence Fllipiuos was first chosen the term of Governor are now surrender 10 and from its nature and method sent a to toe House oonceasit n which they unwilling to however, reduced from $1.00. Leedy message today The only apparently, a erne one year, bat Ur. Busblngbom served >n President of procedure it is expected to produce Id reference to the accusations mode ly has resulted from Lord Salisbury's nu- strangers. Commenting up fur elgnl suocetslve years. After (he ex- to the large amount of information. One lot of umbrella Skirts, trimmed with braid and double Representative brown In the House th»' merous protests Is the revocation of the McKinley's proclamation Filipinos shaped ruffle, of Senator term as Issued on the Leedy was Influenced by the use of piration Hawley’s decree oontlnlng the ouaet trade to French Wednesday, Independencia, Governor the voters of the a native the at reduced from money. It reads as follows: steady-going vessels which M. Del Cases, Frenoh for- pa par, says problem presented TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT 89c, $1.25. State of Connecticut bod what tba voters is most “l'o the House of Representatives: eign minister notified the British govern- grave. of a more volatile community wanld not Tablets. AU An assorted lot of black mohair lined the of which “I am reliably Informed that u member ment in a despatch dated Deoember DO Take Laxative Bromo Quinine drui Skirts, regular prioe ns much of a choloa. The falls to cure. M. of the House stated on the floor that he regard respect- last. A WJCST1CRN OPINION. gists refund the money K It ive leaders of the two parties The has L. B. Q. on each tablet. is .75 to to at a discount one-third. had letters In his possession from the ex- political genuine $1 4.50, go of j were Marshall a ead (Indianapolis Journl.) ecutive department, to parties demanding Jewell, Kepublloee, James K. English, e Democrat. Bo Senator Hale's on the Some satteen Skirts at reduced from 1.62. money as the consideration for official ; London, January 7.—The morning pa- position question fancy striped $1.25, Jewell and were the rival oendl- of bus aroused some action. 1 think the House owes It to he English pers commenting the Madasaecer blue expansion opposition dates for Governor for some years after- In Maine to his re-election. The leaders One lot of moreen Skirts at were 4.50. state to have me evidence produced. book Issued yesterday asking how it le fancy plaid $3.00, voters of Connection! ohose a “JOHN LKEDY.” ward. and the to live in amity with a country of the movement have sent out circular MU I HBtlBIB (Signed) Ur. In 1X07 end possible A lot of silk moreen Skirts at were 6.00. Owing to the absence of Mr. Brown one or 'be other ; English wbleb tramples upon treaty rights and In whioh they say: striped $4.50, Mr. Jewell In 1MU. .Mr. English In Halo lias over to the when the message came up, it was al- 1668, treats a friendly country In such a man- “Senator gone op- and Mr. Jewell In 1*71 end 1(78. or his and he wants One black silk Skirt at was 13.50. lowed to go over without action. 1x70, ner: ponents party, old, $6.75, this have How loug arrangement night 'lhe Timet says: "It la a good thing stanch and stalwart Hepubllonn Maine, Is not known but like a Two black silk Skirts at were 11.50. SPANISH GENERAL PUNISHED. oontlnu-d positively for the world's peaoe that we are eble to which never surrenders, riderless $8.00, Jewell was Post- over filially Mr. appointed oontent our sonic In pallenoe with the cavalry horse, to go dancing to the Madrid, Jan1 6.—Col. Julison San Mar- wester-Generel In the Cabinet of Presi- of the French enemy with him. No; there must be no COAL. One black silk Skirt at were 7.86. pin pricks government $5.50, end so tnded the chenoe of tin, who was in commaud ot the Spanish dent Grant, which under the cover of g:sud eloquent serious split In the Kepublloau party In One double ruffled black taffeta silk Skirt at reduced from 10.00. garrison at Ponce, Porto Rico, when the the Connecticut electors to retain at In- phreeee habitually acts with oupldity Maine. Hals's apostasy Is known even in $6.50, tervals htx services. Toe voters of Con- tne far-off lues, and ambitious United States troops under Gen. Milos and short sighted ennnlng of the peas Phllipi are not In favor of a far at dictatorial Assortment of nl Fret- One black silk double at reduced from lauded in the islaud and who abandoned necticut change ant." Agulnaldo, aiming power, A Fall LeIHgh gros-grain Skirt, ruffle, $6.50, the aake of ohnnge, and whenever they sends a deputy witn a petition to Hale to the place without resistance, has been for Do noetic Use. silk eeoure a Governor to thvlr liking they intercede against his own government for Burning Coils 9.50. A few fine fancy Skirts at $6.00, were and a lot of ele- sentenced to for life. He MAINE TKOOPS TO BE MUSTERED 8.50, very imprisonment seem to he Inclined to reelect him. the independence of the Philippines. It will be incarcerated at the OUT. (heml-Bltimlnon*) and brocade silk Skirts, and with wide flounce and Ceuta, Span- Of the present Repreaentallvta of Con- Is known everywhere except to certain I'ocnkoiU* gant green heliotrope shades, ish colony, iu Congress the member front the Maine that Mr. Hale will not prison necticut Savannah, Ga., January, 6.—The newspapers .rerrei Creek Cumberland Coal* are district was a ratification of the dust at worth 12.00. Hartford representative In Obdara aaila tosiorrow for only oppose tnsUy, but ruffle, $5.98, really Cooneciloal Legislature fifteen transport iu all fer feaeral steam and the years Matanzas with Gen. Wilson and the subsequent legislation by Congress, unsurpassed and he has bean an officeholder or will bo an antl-Hepubltcan and must The sale is for ago, of the first two Saturday only. candidate for offloa pretty steadily ever headquarters army corps, querulous obstructionist." toriie use. of that end a slnoe. 1 he Representative from the New signal companies corps It Is not likely the movement will tttnuine Franklin, Haven dutrtot was elected to bla first battalion of the 8th Massachusetts. amount to anythin* beyond demonstrat- Ljrkens talley was of the 8th Mass, office In 1*48. and Secretary of State The remainder will ing its own weakness, {senator Hals is Kugllsh aaJ American (anael. of Connecticut forty-three years ago. The follow on the nest transport. Advices too useful a uian in public life to be re- Representative of the New London dis- wore received here today that the bat- eOd beoauee of hla position on a ques- Above Coals Constant- trict a younger man, graduated from talion of the first Maine artillery now in tion regarding whioh there is so ureat a la a at of on which the Vale College, 1878, ;was legislator •anep here is to be musterrd out of ser- diversity opinion, and ly On Hand. fifteen and has not defined its Hertford years ago bearstarj vice et onoe. Republican party yet TELEPHONE ... IOO-*> MOORE two years later. The The first to do la to rati- & CO. of State Represents- thing OWEN, 1 position. district wee a to the Cleans and Polishes ctve of the Norwalk mea- GOMEZ'S PLANS UNCERTAIN. fy the treaty confirming our title OFFICE: ner of tbs ConnoetlaBt Legislature twelve Philippines, and after that there will be METALS AMD SUM |«IRVTMIN«aaMINT. years ego As aay he seen from tkpm Hava—. Jan ussy A—Major Geaeral ampin time to discuss what to do with 7b Cammsrcial & 70 Eichaiw Sts. PATH TVSS# OILCLOTH, TIM WAMC AHD MAHSS instances, It Is oe unvsaal thing Hr s Breoke, the gov worn general of Cuba re- thsm. [ lets M.waru KINO Of BUSINESS THAT COUNTS. A MUSICAL SUCCESS. BLOW AT CIVIL SERVICE. Tear Hr(lm With Rising Remand Banjo, Mandolin and OwMar Cnrnlvnl For Finished Prodnrts. >1 City Hall.

New York, January 6.*—R. fl. Dun A CMtlnswl from Klrst Fs««. There was a caretv.il of music In City Co. '* weekly review of trail* will say to- Down Sale. tha Mark hall lost and In spite of big to be held and governed Annual evening quire territory with an morrow! storm tha house was well filled permanently as oolonlea the were 18.- affair wae The felluree for year 1896 Mr. Caffery’* speeoh was oonetHottonal appreciative aodlenoe. The 960. and other financial ooncern* argument In sappovt of the declaration* Messrs Sklllln and Hatch banking arranged by of the resolution. He declared that the these two Included, with liabilities of 8H9,067.99S— and refleoted great credit upon resolution went to the very root of the 3 oent leee than last and 46 1 musicians 18 per year question of the power of the united States enterprising young failure* sots In of course lees than In 1896. Commercial to establish permanent!* govern The feature of the evening land*. of territories far distant from our own oroheetr* of one hun- were 19,186. with liabilities * I.*0,668,899, was tha mammoth He he said, to Institute an CO„ cent leee than last year and 4K8 proposed, FOSTER. 16.3 per of the AVERY~at dred members composed of mandolins, Inquiry Into the basic principles In The average and orohesiral lnstru per cent les* than 181*6. poweri of the government. g ltars. violins of of liabilities failure 110,748, Is the He out that the government The completely filled per pointed ments performer! the United Mates was formula!-d by ics a smallest ever recorded. ... of stage ami |>res*oted eery founders In order that a social and gov- and 27 Stores. the large kind of busi- Besse Clothiers Outfitters. Operators filed out to take The year begins with the ernmental fabric* of their own might be Syndicate pretty ploture as they ness demand that counts. owstailevd Into form of law. Mr Caffery the assigned to them. Mr. pred A. places l*een a de- said that the sword find councils of did For month* there ha* rising Given was the director and right well made the £*arlor of his mand for material but not the crowding Washington him out all there to that his and he wield the baton, bringing demand for finished products bggltie country, supreme patriotism The the Iron and steel In- wisdom eminently him to was In thle large orchestra cloalng advance prices In qualified without establish this government. He held I hat was about 1 per cent quotable number on the programme es]ieotally dustry east. and his counsels and changes In pig Hon except In the Washington and the selection was reni ej In a was to the fine Hearns have advanced 14 per ton, angle* teachings opposed acquisition with of for moot effective manner. Mr. Given was 81 bar* ?l and plates are strong, foreign territory despotic govern- lor Urns re- ment. He referred them to that sentence before this number with a an Australian order 38,000 presented because the works were of Jefferson that governments can only violin bow Mr. W. H. fused at Chicago AND handsome by Many thousand acquire their just powers from the consent ULSTERS already overcrowded. #1551 Hatch In behalf of the members of the orders at of the goveroel. r,We have heard,” he I bars are covered by Pittsburg, OVERCOATS, works at said, *rsoine startling doctrines as to the big orchestra whose rehearsals he has con- 10 0 Cure taken for agtlouliural tons rails are taken by power of the United State* to establish with so much skill. The names Chicago. 160,000 ducted the Midland governments In foreign teirltonr acquired i**1|pr*1 lit. the Pennsylvania oompanvy, " Ill In this orchestra t the States announced on this DOWN of the performers big ol has or- y United MARKED Hallway company England the Tlaldwin floor. follows: dered 80 looonmtlrei from and He doclared that these announced Mandolin—Mrs. Fannie Is Tbomspon, works and many uther home foreign : demand ha* nev- doctrines were more arbitrary than any Uewett 0. A. Pennell. Clarence orders are reported. The Appleby, of the which had ever before been heard in the K. George W. Pennell, A. K. er been greater at the beginning Gurney, there discov- United States Congress. They conferred ^ Mor Is Jordan, V. J. llsley, Perey K Bobbins, year than It Is now. career. have doubled last resort to boot and shoe Indus, upon Congress a supreme power, a des- success in our business We year’s sales without sensational W. W. Poole, Walter Miss Mar- ered reaction in the The season has been the grandest Curtis, In the power, unlimited and unrestricted. just past Miss Mary O'Connor, trv although shipments holiday potic Sales.” Dissolution Sales" or Sales” of name. OURS IS A garett Holland, some “If the argument advanced by Senator of sort. We have no “Fire Sales.” Shoddy any Martha A. Colesworthy, Week were smaller than for yeurs advertising any “Bankrupt Louisa L» Hose, Platt of Connecticut be true and sound Isabel Mva Merrl- With hide* a shade higher in Chicago into the confidence of the our success and Kitty Willard, Pierce, then the Individual of men are to STEADY HE ALT II FIJI* GROWTH people. Earning grand completely obliterating ©very also a Irnctlou higher While right* man Kittle Merrtrnan, Clara B. Pitcher, leather is 18-8 cents be held bv tbe United States under a con- B. Sadie Thomas, Mis of wool average form of Sadie Pitcher, quotation Is competition. Clifford Woodbury, against 80.71 a year ago the market gressional despotism. Alice Woodbury, Mr. Caffen then entered an season of is comes the time for eCann, r. «• yielding, because people appre- upon How that the profit past, Joseph Heselton Harry gradually elaborate to show that hereto- milling ciate the magnitude of stocks on band, argument Buckley. J. W. Crawlu.d. fore it had been the of B. A. Newell. but are not yet low enongh to on unwavering policy Banjo—Charles Keney, prices from the Har- or by this government to obtain Albert Willard, Augusia Belyed, courage large buyers oonsumptloo The heavy governed their oonsent before the reins of rold Hamilton, Willard Woodbury. Georg* the manufaotureres. only are at reduced government were drawn over them. Mr. Harry Libby, Gertrude Davis, weight goods yet opened HEAVY WEIGHT GARMENT IN OUR Wilson, we to STOCK, even had tbe EVERY how Tar Caffery said If right CLOSING OUT Ham. Mary and It Is still uncertain Karl Murphy, Cuandler prtoes, these distant Islands, in- Farnum the trade for the coming season may proye incorporate Goodell, H. W. Johnson, Percy Into this woods are in fair de- habited bv a strange people, new customers with this Harry A Bawyer, Bobert B Wilson, satisfactory. Cotton Hake business hum and attract 5.87 end country, freedom could not exist In the Arthur K. Buokuam, C. T Kxeustelna, mand with cott n at price# jtre even If August Nelson, W. H. not likely to decline materially sub-tropics C. C. Collander, ‘‘The history of the word shows that Fred Goth, Samuel 1C Leavitt, cotton falls. Hatch, far idui- God has set the bounds where the differ- Le Grow, KUa 11. bcholes, Minute The movement ot cotton tnn* Charles bales ent peoples of the earth shall abide. When GREAT MARK DOWN SALE. 1C A. Libby, George Libby, cotes a crop of over 300,010 larger L. HUoson. 1 look at the conditions of the world 1 am J. U. Johnson, L. D than that of lest year in suite ol all nat- Frank P. Landers, convinced tnat no K. L. Funk, and concerted efforts to unalterably permanent All new of this season’s manufacture. Morse, Howard H. Johnson, ural disposition o*er poods H. so heavy hin- sway can be held hy the white man M. S. K L. Baker, W. hold it back. A movement smaller dealers for same this is an honest Woodbury, although the tak- the black man In the sub-tropics except Itrmembrr Our Prices arc always less than any goods; Steele, Miss Grane Cummings, Win. der- advance in price, us I In 181*8 by u strong military and cruel dMptoism." Boners, Miss Florenoe Parker, Mrs F. ings ol spinner* nave been .rge Hesse LOWEST OM EAKTII. and larger Mr. Caflery said that we ware sotu*- reduction from Syndicate prices—the C. Hall, Maud Chipman. K. C. bteel, as in any other year exports wheat movement has limes told from the pulpit that we had a Frank MoLuugblln, ii H. Johnson, P. than Is-fore. The T -T dc- mission to perform; that mission being to at.t. a tt; A TREA.TED EQUAL. John x. J. Smith, r. to sustain It and the largest foreign INCITED. G. Uhreman, clary, among all the doctrine of Charles llalrose, Charles m»nd ever known for wheat and corn spread peoples W. He.tlon, human rights. He doubted whether this Hunan Smart together. I This sale includes Hall, and the could be done bv placing upon the people Violin—Fie 1 A. Given, F. P. Manley, The country ii on the up grade downward a and whether the principles of Charles G. Richards, men who It to take the yoke Harry L. Crain, expeot could be advanced by force. Maitle K. Williams rood have seme time to wait. Exports Christianity Joseph W. Klwlng, At the instance of Mr. Hoar, the House FOR BOYS AND Lois F Bounds, with continue-to indi- SUITS AND ALL WINTER 6ARMENTS MEN, CHILDREN. Mrs. Fan .Me K. Howell, oompart'd Imports and dmiss ULSTERS, cash due this I bill to extend the powers of OVERCOATS, Win. Anderson, Carrie cate an to orrnous balance in John Conlev, the commissioner of tlsh and fisher!** so each MOW A. G. Lemeux, Ralph K. ooutffry ami gold Imports Is-gtn again. sale will be remembered for to come, and will be repeated year. SALE («OL\(i OM. Manohesio-' 818 in as to include gam* birds and other wild This great years Thomas Newman, Dennis M. Failures for tbe week hove been Hovey, 888 last birds useful to man, was passed, the 8**n- | Kvcreit Hatch, 0. H. Collin, the United States, against year; Conley, 3J last ate bill being added M Adams, H. C. A and 34 In Cunadu against year. protecting songfbirds llehron Smith, as an amendment. Heny, Perciv il Hodge, Alloc Quliuby, --- Palmer Alice Dolly. Mi lira ibury, l)r. WATER CASES. Gertrude WINTERPORT and Son, George Geer, Miss Mr. Morgan called up the Nicaragua Cookson, J. J. Conley. canal hill and explained the modification* Frank K. Hud- Guitar— H. T. bklllin, Important Hearing llefore Jndge agreed by the committee to the amend- A Lamb, Arthur Gen. the son Ueury Merry, Belfast. ments offered by Mr. lierry, before F. Whltrhonsr at Long, Miss Leo hlllott, C. S. Dresser, holiday recess. W. MeCoDky, George Curtis, Kreilsrlck At the of Mr. the bill & Morgan, AVERY request mih* Hall. Mils Adelaide v>niaru. ^SPECIAL TO THE TEEM.! as modified and amended was ordered to CO., Mrs S. FOSTER, Mollie K. Curtis, P. Leighton, bo 5.—Two important printed. Miss Knimar E. Tucker. Belfast, Januury Mr Allison said he hoped no vote o o 516 Street. C. H. before the under- of 27 Stores. o o Congress Flute—J C. Melville, Thompson. cases were heard today supreme would be asked fur today as. if he Operators Cello—Charlss 11 McDonnell. in stood the amendments offered .Mr, court, Judge Whltebonse presiding, by D. Das*—J. A. Dillon. berry, they were substantially an appro- whicn ex-Uovernor Cleaves appeared as of the most numbers on of money for the con- One pleasing priation publio Mother should have it hi the counsel. 'The casts in litigation grow struction of the canal and provision m »■ vr% £my the or musical excellence BEEF WAS GOOD. house for cold*. colic, croup^ i long programme entered into be made or otherwise to coughs, out of a contract for water *h< uld by bonds cholera morbus For bites, burns, bruises, was the cornet solo of Miss Evangeline A. A|CU1 ImP ./mm and the raise the money. Washington, January ti —Col. Henry or strains it is the sovereign cure. between the town of Winterport g (|M r}*^ ~ sprains Ballard, who is an artist of more than At 3.45 p. in., the Senate went into ex- Sharp of tbo cnmmlaeary department, All who use U are amazed at its power m \\ interport Water company. session and at 3.£»0 ad- Thomae aod in it ever after. It soothe* ordinary talent 5?he plavs with great ex- ecutive p. m., who nerved at Camp « IIP* ■ J A r r» and praise A charter was in lb95 to the Porto Hioo the war, wan before LJ* ache, every la meneat, every J\ granted during every and so does she journed. b\l I pain, pression obarmingly per- eoiuiuisslon JHB1B wll »lnw* w B muscular soreness Water company with authori- tue war investigation today. every everywhere, Winterport cures. CLOCKS. and form upon th*8 difficult instrument, that Ho rra d that he ha made the contractu' J_whether internal or external, and in nine casern in leu speedily relieves John- Safe works INJUlUCiJ M OiJSU.N KIVkIy to oonstrnct u system of water was in 1810, the late Dr. A. an old fash- last she ca tivoted the ty with JSVIhou, Morris A Go., for beef at non’s Anodyne Liniment originated by Johnson, night completely > all aiUaesu with irritation aud inflammation. in the town of W interport. At the annual Albany. N. Y January tt.—A heavy Thomas and bad the ioned Family Physician, to cur accompanied a which showed Its Camp superintended We have all the new dienoe appreciation snow Id this Bank Solid storm of sleet and prevailed of or beef town meeting in Aiarcb under appropriate issue and inspection refilgeru of her work by reptatei encores section today. The storm Is accompanied He wild that the the the town voted In Porto Rica quality The Real articles in warrant, a Dangerr-mm-mmm-*.'—•' cure the inflttHUUatkm and of Messrs Skillin, Hatch and McConnell by warm temperature which has had of fresh beef ieaueu at Camp Thomas was Substantial of the water corn the direase in each case I ufl a ruination is of clocks. to exempt the proj>erty disastrous effect on the Ice Industry of the to he had ever been In the you have conquered styles in their musical numbers were as delight- equal any manifested redoes*, swalling and heat; in- taxation and directed the se- Hudson. Last evening the ice was He said he had one ves- outwardly by as puny from upper army inspected of the blood vessels, growth ox ful and as flatteringly received ever. ti thick and was in fair Porto wardly by congestion with the water corn- nearly 1-L* Inches sel of refrigerated beef at Arroyo, and disease. The lect.i eu to contract *' unsound tissue, fever, pain One of the novelties introduced by this condition. Many Ice men had field* that the boef was the Wonder mu- No action Kico and vita! organs form one complete plan Hundred* of (hem in wlftl Deposit lor water for lire purposes for the l ; trio of entertainers was the corn meal I pany and marked and ready and admiration" of all the na Ivr* an tually dependent; therefore inflam- un- scraped from. More than all Hie other! been taken by the selectmen none of whom hail ever mation anywhere ia felt I of Mr. McConnell, executed in a having cutting. foreign resident*, External In- picture the lumber in or less 4nd -. — the vote, a Last night the Ice opposite seen such good beef. The native cattle everywhere. flamiUHtkmaccom. dealer* combined. b while Mesat-rs. Batch and der tbe powers granted by the Venera* delightful way, district, which had ln*en marked and Porto Hico, he said, were infinitely in- impairs brmscs, bitea, ts owned by every possessor of a X town meeting was held in. April, panics £ 8 illin pleated the ear with their lint- special partly cut by the Hudson Valley Ice com- ferior to the American refrigerator beef. Ptlngs. burns, *■ aids, chaps, Eight U«r Enamel (Block) the town voteJ to Insurance Cash X I at which meeting to move. A force of men had of no meat cracks, strains. spiaiu», fractures, Life policy. paid !»•*}, pany began He knew chemically prepared 1 .30 lo 2 playing. and laft etc., and ia the chief danger therefrom. Cathedral lion.' Clock, $: contract with the Winterport Water com- been at work during the day ls-uod to the army and ho emu mended all to the credit £ Mra. Thom little class of Internal inflammation causes ont- 4* on account is placed of Fanny peon's several hundred dollars worth of tool* and the American leaf our troops In frequently $IOOO. Ilrewlrn Chinn Clock*, for not less than UO hydrant- for not given ward Hwelhngs; as instance* familiar to all we misses who are Pmy As soon a* the Meld broke the Iom ^ mandolin players, young appliance*. up, Porto Hioo. Col. Sharp thought mention toothache. stiff joints and rheumatism. fi.UO to $t!0.0«. Small 1 liuuilr r the contract, which, rf for* in £ i,.ss than &; in accordance with the but tx*cn in pimples, 2 than the mandolins they years, these wont to the om. of the beef which has Yel the of internal intlammatioii* makenoouL not much larger spoiled ^ great majority Clocks, $1.00 to $0.00. Alarm settlement £ to the town, and di* lhe Consolidated loo company and fell to the contractor and not to side show, for which revsou are often more dangerous; a* the systematic of on so won the hearts company’s proposal question they 2 play well, completely Hall woo have been cutting near said hat appendicitis etc. For fall infor- 91c lo a committee, consisting of Parker the government. CoL Sharp for example pneumonia, peritonitis, Clocks, $3.00. were with reeled rand for oar book INFLAMMATION premiums, •will souse accrue to X of the audience and greeted | Lagoon lost fc-HJO worth of tools order of for beef would lo mation about all inflaimnntorv dfsens*». day B. and E. T. island, his pn'ferenoe mail. L S. A CO-, Bo*QH, Maz*. (Two hundred of them.) most flattering Ol c urae Mr Bllery liowdoin. U. Dunum there was a Care of Sick Room, scut free by JOHNSON applause and lunil»»r. This evening fur refrigerated beef first, canned second, end 2 ‘he financial advantage of the £ Trtxi Given's violin solos were one of the name of the town to make river. Ktrnuid.ln the heavy freshet In the and "on the hoof" third Abenuttful line of til It Clocks, fnuiu-es of the programme death occur, or the delightful a contract with the WiDterport Water beneficiary, if $ the uiher were: Mis* Houkc. Otllee and Hall Clock* at 2 while performers ITALIANS WILL PL SUnSTTIUTh.1) AGEDSHIP BUILDER violin company agreeable to the vote, accepting DEATH OF AN if he survive the £ Carrie B. Manchester, soloist; FOR NKOROLS. boliom price*. 2 policy-holder McConnell. sketch artist and the ol the compa- L Buck i iYhWhiiVmi IV lift IVI Cfi George adopting proposal Bnckfiport, January 6.—Joseph V" uVmiVm of the agreement. Kmuiercon Male Andrew pan- 111*, January &— Eighteen iiivWkV)^ 2 period 2 Quartette, ny. Pana, died today of pneumonia, aged eighty l>orn, William Lewis, John Wright Italians have arrived her from Chicago annual £ This executed a contract in was a having built Small deposits purchase Thoma- evens; Premier Mandolin and company it is stated that some of the leading coal years. He shipbuilder, 2 M. first man- accordance with tbe company's proi*>snl the services of a vessels than other builder on and £ Guitar club, P. Greene, operators have procurtd more any JANUARY «««€«*«** Me 2 large guaranteed financial pro- to work In KENNEY, Uoiin, P. t. Bobbins, second mandolin, to the and as directed by vote ot labor agency to hire Italians river. He was a lineal descend- town, Penobscot | 70? a week, accumulated Z C. A. Pennell, mandula, 11. 'J. Skillin, the Pana mine*. 1 he operators are ap- THE tection. tbe town, which contract provided among of <' l Jonathan Buck, founder of | JEWELER, 2 Miss becoming dLsatiflfied with the ant who re- guilur, Varney, aecoompanisi. sum parently is tho month of and the t and once a is all that is £ other that in audition to the so eJJ good resolutions, housekeeper Monument raid year, thiDgs, negroes brought here from Alabama Buck • t Square. 2 the or octiG dif of | O' 0 per year for hydrant service many of thirn proving shiftless and -2 solves to dispense with the otd Cooking Ituuge Furnace f necessary to be paid by a middle- VETERAN FIREMEN. 'lhe Italians ou arrival were FRANCE AND ENGLAND WILL 2 £ town should such further sum *aoh turbulent. pay to visit our Rstail Kooms at the The name man insurance on At the of the Veteran Firemen met by a oommitiee of union miners and AGREE. ‘2 will do well Foundry. aged for $1,000 of £ meeting as shall Le to the amount of 2 year equal escorted to the union headquarters The these were elected officers of the hand en- —Fiom well informjd the Life plan. There £ taxation, if any,assessed again-t the prop Italians seemed to be great!v surprised on Paris. January ■ "• PEKFKCT pins six hours after being ‘strut.. wide con- IPIAN1 new of American attend style while in the Hrst esse I wasablt to STOVE have used alley baa been made by Louis K. You will never know what perfect bread is until you gress to business about two dry before KetiiDg | THE BLOUNT In a con- | Cinch, of the club, Headline is Fellowship down.' bur sale by 1J. W. AND with John A. Lender of the Oakland stsven.s HOOK CHECK SPRING) test Co., 3s7 Congres- St.; Kdwln W. club. Ulriob scored exactly 300 pins, the S. 107 Portland St; King Kaymond, HOTEL TEMPLE SIMPLE AND PERFECTLY ADJUSTABLE maximum In a ten frame game. The Win. Oxnard. Ml Cumberland Mills; FOUNDRYC0, tollM BEST” he made an tU3 I'rlrrt foot »J..W no. accord.ug “HOFFER’S night previous averoge*of St.; H. P. S. Uoold, congress 2(1 ami JJ St. a contest between Congress | Temple mluttkmi. in three games during Hotel. | Don't be decelroo by Square his club and the Oakland oiub In the NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Chicago tournament. The latter FLOUR. League AM. MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, score is said to be the world’s records for the highest average In three games. Food Steam Heat. Klee trie Lights nml Bells. New Process. Easy Elegant Baths and Handsome Dining Booms, Perkins & Co., Entirely Barters and N.M. SCHOOL APPEALS eleg*nily tarnished Sleeping ■FfABBOTT to Buy, Kooms. barmington, January ti.—The propri- Every courtesy ami attention show n to j>a- Ask Grocer about It. t. on* of t its hotel ltutes $1 50 ami s-'.oo pe- HARDWARE DEALERS, jour of the Abbott School at Little Blue to Cook, etors isy day. Special mtes to parlies wishing bo rl minute * walk St. have tiled an to the supreme anu theatrical Only half S Free appeal to Eat, ELIXIRof people. m deunslne and harmless mixture vegeta- t renetal an Middle streets UES from the uinount of the award isy I Is not a stimulant but a Mood purify lug, K oiigres'. court against of the tract and expels worms. It. 3 Electric cur*. Telephone connection. I Me Ingredients yrhich cure, disorders digestive the commissioners fixing land to us most remedies do. followed ■ RINCS. D. W. TftUE & CO. by county isy Digest. B does not whip the tired m eans into lemporary activity WEDDING Somerset Elixir removes the cause of the trouble and its tonic H One hundred ot them to fleet trom. All damages against the Franklin, ■ by an equnl reaction, but True's II Oats yvhlch follow Its use. A favorite ■ title- all wbiK'ite. all prices In 1». 14 Mul uaker are due to sound digestion and pure blood, 6c Kennebec railroad company at |1700. I® effec.s good, WARD i CLARITY. L-ouett and beat "took of AGENTS. Us Is d “• «““ * Props. Ku (.old. rtngt medlctue for 17 years. popularity a thousand M them. Men t > inm consider the award too low At all family i'i TUMBLE STREET. ;d tin- ciiv. The appellant grocers a 1>H« TRUK «fcyf^If,,m VO,, AUMUKM, I SOsud 4 druggist for IU 35 cents Lwttle. ^ ■odlm tbeJpweler, Monument Square ;t:ne7«lu in with the actual damages ME. comparison •lb. pkgs. only nr—g uggfcsagmMaras^^ l PORTLAND, alleged. «isy NBLin DAILY ftm legislature! It It la the doty of a Imln In »sk Instructions of Ilia laglalalurs aad AHD , to follow than we shall hove tbe apsetaafit nun mn puk fequantly of Repobllaaa Hmatara tom- bs tied by Den aw «la la|lala«ma sad POMfflpTHEATBnir^ ll» lUMnwil t» tm *» Democratic) ftenatom by BepnblMm leglt- a 60 eente a moat TOD A 11! ?:«: ! $1.60 quarter; latnraa. v-unsn delivered mantes cast season's okkatbst success, The Daily li every by _ earTler anywhere within the city ItaMf ana a ABOUT KtOVIIHT. ffflJT* O A WEST . Weodforda without extra charge. PBICRS Thera can be no doubt that the flnaaalal IS., as., (Sr. sac. I Daily (not In advnaee). tevartebt at IM nod eoonoraloal oondlMone of aha We la t lata ot |T a year. NlffeM C*Mai.ncla| M.atfsr Isa, 9(tnd Wednesday nil. demand the cloeeat —May of all appropri- Maim statx Puss. (Waste y) publlabed a Tie# them aa avaa^thyeday^^l.os jerjiy; M eente fcr I ations with an making amall aa la compatible with tbe proper *a .aKaaasBisKga^™- Paseous wishing to taave town lor long at discharge of the duties Imposed apoa the (he addsaana af Mr abort pari ads may have government and tbe ooneerreBoa of Hie abaagad as often aa destrea. pagers Important Internets which are more or teaeae. AdvoraMag leee under lie cere. Oor. Powers points RELIEF ASSOCIATION In Daily Pisans $1 AO par eqaire, tor ear out that only a rery few states la tbe or THE »«% Throe Insertions •ask; $4.00 for one union are taxed at so Mgb a rate as Is ar Mery other dny ad- laps, $1,00 per aqaara Mains todar. He might haw pointed oat vurfleeamits, oaa Mrd Me thaa theaa rates. Portland Fire Department. also that tbe valuation baa been screwed gad square adverttaemessta $1.00 Cor oaa Red Sale. ELEVENTH ANNEAL high Furthermore local taxa- tsgsk or $3.60 cor oaa month. up protty least la the tew ns aod clttrn •A aquaro'* la a apaaa af the width (tiid tion at Urge Figure MSB and one Inch long. la wall up. Tbe state In era ease baa SUMO CONCERT MO Mil JfrectoCAWleaa, an Aral page, aaa-thM addP slowly either la wealth or popalaMoa. for tbs bsnsfli of Mr rsltst fund. UogaL For sevewl years past tbe farming Indus- A.««oa City Hall, Wednesday Evening, Amusements add .votes. $*.00 per try has not been profitable, prloes ruling weak. Three laserUons or lass, Jan. 1899. agave each low with frequent failures of same of the 11, «J0 par square. LAST DAY. staple products like apples The fishing Bnutlful DM. Marti ny .Yortee# in nonpareil type and elaased Prompts. In Ibd Industry which used to be eneof consider- adtb other paM notices. 16 centa par Bps each E. C. STARWOOD & GO. msnir ■!<■• »od able profit to the coast towns of the state wd surs wbt. Tlcksta tu Of course Pure AroMng Xotlcns In reading matter type, bos largely disappeared. many tsdls., LAdlw barn beta Into ■ANKERS $g cants par Una each laaertten. new Imioetrhm introduced Is the fifth and last of oar Annual Red Sale. Far Ms and similar adva* statu the ten Today day figure Wants, lb 1st, the during past yean, yet rnuKoiu. weak In fur Uramenta. S6 cents par adranee, the tlmee are not booming and the It is In the Cloak Department. Half Price or less on Ladies' Jackets, ~ 40 words or no display. Displayed advar- lets, arernge cltireu hat to look pretty care- 191 DEVONSHIRE ST. tissmeets under theso headlines, and all Bdvu> Skirts, Silk Mackintoshes, Tea Golf CoUar- fully after tbe oents to make both ends Capes, Salts, Waists, Gowns, Capes, 920,000. tWanants not nted In adranee, will ha charged meet. ! Far Cloaks and Far of MASS. at regular rates. ettes, Wrappers. Neckwear,—Children’s Sots,--Remnants BOSTON, City Water Cons pa ay af Chaim* tbe are to la Mam Statx rnxss-tl.OO par square Indlrldaelly people having and Fnr Trimmings. Gaarnmid. dV dm far Srat Insertion, and to cants par squire for practice economy. Collectively they ought Cloakings aoega, earh subsequent Inset don. to do mi too. But while tbe need of econ- INVESTMENT BONDS wt* Address all communications relating to omy is clear, the accomplishment of lt.lt and advertisements to Pout land oor officers 920,000. '< I garlpoons difficult. Tbe salaries* we pay ,,MT 0N 97 Kxomavm BrauuT. PcBLianixo Co* are. ae a rule, not large, end for tbe moat Whatever Remnants and Odd Lota I-Miff APPU0AT1c of to Ignore In cases where the inter—lad 2.00 Representatives completely tions persons —every Cloth Cape, ages of Merchandise, etc., the same barla# In his makeup of the committees of the volunteer to accept a redaction An assorted lot of Col- Skirts—75c and 1.75. been In their possession, unclaimed, for foe Misses’ Jacket. high grade Separate space of six months. one of the representatives will b# salaad and —every Legislature every salary in One a full description of property to he sold may and In- Reefer. larettes, about twenty altogether, lot of Mohair 1.50 MUNICIPAL SECURITY CO., he from the most, populous, wealthy no appropriation will be les- —every Child’s figured had by reference to ihe Forllaud Kyeftin* from MrtMDiaAlaviN of use 8th, the Lewiston Journal or In the economical different kinds of and dark fur in Skirts will be sold at 75c MtooDaodooiipoo* Fxpress fluential cities s»ate, especially sened. The tenuity of belDg light each. F MMT 2.50 Cape $45 price bonds, under tbe Qrm name and style not called a "friend of Spain" and a 9t5.0o, 16.00 and 17.50. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS that unless the salaries of our prices Fnr Neckwear. EXEMPT PROM TAX- of "Little American?" Why was he not want; Cape 20. $>4 Cape to 10. *27 Cape BENJAMIN SHAH A CO., and ure up ATION, doe 1M6. Op- crushed with those epithets? judges county attorneys put to 12. $>5 Cape to 15. For the d^y of the sale only we tor the purpose of continuing we shall our ohauoes of tion IMS. imperil getting Jackets—98.00. shall sell Jan’jr 1, the real estate business previous- to be Ladies’ Thirty any piece of Pur Neckwear The people of Santiago appear proper m#n for these offices; and so on Fire lots of Misses and Children s ONE MILLION the in black and ly conducted by senior mem- making a good deal of unnecessary fuss uhnest ad infinitum. There won’t be a Jackets colors, among and any Child’s Fur Set at 180,000. BANGOR & AROOS- Garments at lowest erer exactly ber of the firm. over the oiders to transmit tho customs gentleman appear before the some of the best we have prices TOOK 1ST MORT- legislature them very one half the former price. The business will be continued of to Havana. en- sneh new Gar- receipts Santiago Appar- who will sugge#t that the particular Former made on good, GAGE 6 rent Gold had this season. prices The Furs are all desirable and the DOLLARS. per ■t the same office, 51 1-2 Ex- ently their Idea is that what money is terprise or lnatitntlon In which he is In ments. bonds, dne Jnn’j 1st, custom is 20.00 and 22.50. Portland, Me. received at Santiago bouse terosted can get along with one cent less 918 00, former prices low and we consider this 1943. change 8t., and should be turned is asked for. There will be a BENJAMIN SHAW. Santiago's money than great Lot i. Children's Reefers for- one of the greatest bargains of the Interest PnM on over to the oity. The United States au- many editorials in the newspapers about WALTER H. DRESSER. Black Cloth 89c, 41.75, sale. *6,000. NELSONYILEE, OHIO, Jan. J«»W. thorities, however, hold that all oustom* the need of and resolutions In Cspes, 2.75, 3-00, 3.50 and >.75 at TI1RE i DEPOSITS. Portland, a, ]Udl> economy, merly 6 cent dne into a per bonds, receipts should go general fund, favor of retrenchment will be unanimously 2.75. 1.25 JOO— and Le 1 to the different of April 2, 1014. ^ apportions parts adopted by many associations and aocLe- This is a little lot of medium weight Mackintoshes at half. Ten Mack- Draft* drawn on NaClonnl Frsv/senl jOO;»333»PB Bank of In or the island as circumstances may require. tles. But none of these will point out Lot 2. Children’s Reefers, former- England, London. Inn* Black suitable for late intoshes formerly $5 to 13.50 will be •os nil amount*, for *nlo nt warrant /ntan N. GAB The olalm of the authorities Is undoubt- can cut down The Kersey Capes *6,000. GENEVA, Y„ EVERY... where expenses be 4.75 and 5.00 at 2.00 Currant Acconnt* raonteod an faearablo wear ly 4.00, 4.50, in the sale at half 6 cent dne, edly the correct cue. and no doubt it will legislature will have to discover that, and Fall and early Spring just former prices. farm*. per bonds, swltalMd from Indie be oarried out. Perhaps the real reason It won’t get much real assistance in the —thirteen 92-50 to Lot Misses Jackets Oarraspandaa** Id- Aug. 1, 1917. . . . Capes formerly }. formerly ■ala, Ranks and other* doaiattM MAN of the of the Is the Corporations, agitation Santiagonna work. And when it has discovered it the Tea Gowns at half. Twelve to i*eo«atn a* wall aa from 4.50, at 89c 3-75,4.50 and 5.00 at 2.00 Wool- daairlng apan fear that the customs, once turned Into a only thing for it to do is to proceed to thorn wishing to trnnaaot Banking boat* at en Tea Gowns $5 will be in nans of nay doaerlptloa through this TO HIS TRADE common fund, will be treated as they cut, without regard to the kloklng and —seventeen Capes formerly 95-00, Lot 4. Misses’ Jackets formerly bank formerly the sale at used bo be by the Spaniards, and prac- screaming that ensues. If it hasn’t the 41.75 3.50 NEW LOAN. 6.00,6.50, 6.75, 7.00 and 7.50 at W ■ tnqmantlj l»rt nitmun tically all of them used for the benefit of to do that it lacks the ilrst STEPHEN a SaOLL,-PriiaMent. courage —seven formerly 96.50 42.75 Havana. and most important essential for the Capes 3.00 One MAASHAU a BOOING. CnMw. eons to bj vrttfc —fy nod «g Wrappers—69c. hundred print f,b74U making of un economical record. The Albany Journal is an expansion Lot 5. Infants’ Long Cloaks and flannelette Wrappers in 1.25 and City of Deering 4 Per Cent Put It to attracts fbm tag and believes that the should Plush 1.50, 2.50, 8,50. paper treaty Capes I.50 will be in the sale at COMMENT. formerly 3.50 at 1.25 qualities be rati bed without amendment, but CURRENT Short and medium length embroid- School Bonds. mak> th> pilot roMonabU." It has no sympathy with the spirit 69c ered Plush Remuauts of Cloaking at half I» rash mam Ot work is thut trntilil turn Ant trltwl and allti- HAVANA AND YELLOW FEVEli. Capes. Own To be tinted —twelve and Cotton Shirt Waists—less than | January, 1899, ^ MMffliMff publican legislators because they do not (New York Evening Post.) Capes formerly 93-75 price. grade^bonds hrtffffi payable SO after date agree with Its views on this point, as Is The portion* of Col. \Vfiring's report on 4.00 at 1.50 Remnants of Fur Trimmings half. year* units Havana which have a really inter* clear from the following comment on tragic at iu front 1-2 to 2 All our not over without option. Cht nre those to lever and —five 96.50 2.50 length yard stock, two dozen, in the rtnominailon of Senator Hale: relating yellow Capes formerly TUB THURSTON PRINT. Its lufeotlous qualities. He spoke at con- marked at about one two and Unite! States. 1908-1918, 3’s AtMiMd Valuation, The re-election of Air, Hale to tho Sen- | —seven formerly 98.50, 9-00, yards quar- lots, 50c 69c kinds at 25c— siderable length upon this subject, saying Capes PORTLAND, MB. ate of the United Stutes Is eminently that fever certain peou- ter former and 2. kinds at Unite! Statu. 94,7S«,OOS.OO yellow "possesses 10.00 at 3.50 prices. I.50 50c. 1925, 4’s -- --1 cridi tulle to the Hepulilloans of the state liur characteristic which make It one of of Alalne. Mr Hale It a publio man who the easiest uisenses to combat;’* that "lei Cuiberlaad County. 1900, 4’s Total Debt, 173,049.89 does not ran with the tide. He is cot a certain sense it Is non-contagious"; thui Lett .Vfmbreg du Conteli d'Adniini*- nfruld to the that are speak thoughts a "nurse can sleep with his pationt with During, 1919, 4's Within him. He la not ashamed of his Males, t ration du Cercl? FrancaU impunity, but the exposure of a look of Which Is less than 4 per oent. of oonvIctioDS. It Is last Fall Garments almost away. re- 'ihue, though possible hair from a yellow-fever subject, alter an A few given Partlaid Water Coapany, 1927, 4’s sent invites a etre presents a la proebaine M not In accord nlth prevailing sentl- interval of several weeks during which it nssessed valuation. union pour arreter quelque* meu.res admin Is* mant In Maine on the foreign policy of had lain undisturbed in an has Portlaad Elevator 1 SOS- tradm envelope, above was new this season. Company, the McKinley administration, his party killed all who inhaled the air which had Every Cloak advertised FRENCH LEttfONN FREE. as In the has 1919. 4’s French represented Legislature been confined with it"; and that "to pre- a Misses’ Jackets carried over from last M Dnpalet Protestor of the to We have few Ladies’ ai\d to every voted unanimously send him hack to vent its spread it is only necessary to language at- titi Pertlaud school, offers the Senate of the United States. This is Portland & Runitord serious lessous free on Saturday eve* maintain constant cleanliness, to remove Fall which we shall into the sale today at absurd in Falls, 1927, 4’s PORTLAND |rtudent s wise determination. Mr. Hale Is put prices nothing from the vicinity of the patient will also be and In all “’For private studeuts two lessons trained, experienced uapable deal- without adequate sterilisation, and to order to close them out. Preildeaea ft Teuton Railway, 1918,0's with affaire He Is In agree as trial. ing public kept cremate all substances which cannot be l^ar information, write or call at PROF. odes because of the wlee of his West us. policy sterilized." He mentioned many "in- Chicago Railway, 1909, 0's nOWPAHY, DUPALET6 offle© Saturday at s p. In snoh station men Embroidered Jackets and one Black Cloth Jacket with satin Baxter Block. state la retaining explicable vagaries of the disease, "never Two Black Velour fancy trimming—form- TRUST Ja2otl H. DU PA LET. whose has been demonstrated, Joint ability by dreaming that at the time in which he Bed Railway. 1918, 0’s ilec 30 dtf this Maine exercises more in- er 35.OO and 45.00. figure sale price 8.00 proceeding was writing the Infection had prices $33, CALTIIN k. woodside fluence on affairs than Is exerted penetrated Maine Ceniral pnbllc his own system. If he, with all his Railroad, 1912, 7’s stales of that oonstantly by greater degree of the pest, and with all the in smooth and and Blues—former - • their In Con knowledge Thirty Ladies’ Jackets rough cloths, mostly Blacks Navy prices at are ohanging representatives precautions which that knowedge would Attorney Law, gross. Red of prompt him to take against it, oould not $10.00, 12.00, 14.00. 15.00 and 20.00 figure sale price 2.50 •nsoancM the ehsagr hU escape, what possibility is there of hoping oBm to Senator White asked the California to erect auy trustworthy barrier against PORTLAND TRUST CUMPANY. NEW LOAN. NO. 51 l.S EXCHANGE ST., to Instruct him huw to vote on it. or any sure means of its Ladies’ Jackets in all sizes from 32 to 44—former prices $5.00, 6.50,6.75, 7.50, 8.50, 10.00 and legislature preventing Twenty TddDhout H03*l* Po floss d, Ns. intr du^tion to ones d»o31dtl_ oxpanslon, and he has been told to vote this country when it Rod sale 1.00 jamkdaw breaks out in Havana.He came back with 12.50. figure price for It. Probably It was enator White’s it so concealed in his system that the TOWN OF CANTON, MAINE, Idea that hs should follow the wishes of officials saw no trace of It. be case be Sixteen Misses’ Jackets in sizes 14, 16 and 18, $5.75 to 16.50 will also sold at 1.00 and 2.50 bis state on this question and with a auarantlneis may that of hundreds an1 formerly INVESTMENT 4 per cent Bonds. thousands next view to ascertaining wnat they are put summer, with conse- quences which nre too to be his to the legislature. But the appailing Oattd January tat. 1899. Due Jan 1, 1919. question imagined. Surely the only adequate pre- legislature has no more authority to in ventive is tho purification of Havana on Cptonal January 1, 1909. the lines Col. no SECURITIES terpret the wishes uf the people In a mat- Waring proposed, mat* Store at 8 o’clock. ter what the cost. open Thus bonds are isaued to refand bonds tor oouoernlng which It has not been In- WIELDING FROM bearing a higher rate of interest due Jnu- structed than tbe Senator, and no more WILL GIVE STRENGTH. uary lit, 1891). The total debt of the ability to do so. It Is the wishes of tbe (Bridgton News.) Sale at 9 o’clock. town ia only *21,000. majority of the people that the Senator The spirited contest for suoceeeor on the begins 3 3-4 to 6 PER CENT. ought to follow, not the wishes of tbe Republican State Committee of Hon. E. Freeman, had a most at tbe legislature, and how does Dudley happy MISS A. L. SAWYER'S ruajarlty termination in the selection of %the Hon. For sale by WOODBURY & MOULTON, hs know that the wishes of the latter Geo M. Solders o( Portland. Finely O'lnolfle with those of tbs former? In equipped in all respeots he will give BANKERS, School of Shorthand and Typewriting to a ihort how does he know but he would strength and solidity representative C»r»«r Middle asd Bschsagr Streets at best when OS EXCBAN4UB STREET, political body always its PsrUssd, Me. d«c31dtf have as oorrecHy the wishes BROS. MASON ft represented & • of men of BANCROFT. MERRILL, composed Integrity and entitled EASTMAN Poriluud, • Maine, rf tbe people by fallowing hts own Inoll- to the respeot and confidence of their oon- 88 Exvhauge Si. dtoddlw Mftt mM pglls— |g mffairtuti those ot thq ultuenta.

• I [ lag, which face* on Mmu Plain a Mali; hall la to ha provided with ground NIlUIllflTtUmWtR. avenue. I* a akort Bight nf graalta atnpa, gleet Inoaudesesut faunpa The lamps are loading to a portico, the floor of which I* to he arranged from the eelllag In etrcu- covered by a haotlenme light colored ler form. Several smaller clusters ol tiling. The corridor of the building rune lights ars to be placed In the four eoraers at right angle* Wlth.tbej front entrance of the hall. A row of lights also extends New During High School Hoise At the right of *he,eoartdor la a good along the wall over the stage. There are sited room which Is to ha used for tha to he shoot one hundred lights In the lompIcN. principal’s room. The room ha* been room Another part of the building fitted up with the necessary furniture and which le of much Interest to the visitor Is # a ** handsome couch adorns It A con- the basement. Here Is located the Janitors MARK DOWN SALE. venient toilet room la also connected with and engineers department. The floors ars PROBABLY BEST SCHOOL BUILD- tho princIpaPs office. At the right of the cemented. The building le provided with principal's room Is a class room. The two boilers for use In heating. Owe will 119 1.1 MAINE. .. ante rooms connected with the several be ueed In mild weather, while In the -+ class rooms are well equipped for the oold weather both wNl be needed. The accommodation of the clothing of tha building Is bested by the latest end most students. Kach tne class rooms are Wai Ittipocted R) ritlieni fHtordajr- of approved method, adrlsed by Prof. Wood- well and are with of The bot ana Hrlef Description of Dferlnf'a lighted, provided bridge Massachusetts double storm windows. The curtains In cold air Is otroulated through the build- We Have Had a Great Winter Trade and Now Feel That Proudest Kill tier -Thoar Who Put us* are of a dark green *hnds and are lag by means of large fans located In the It Together. fitted on tba latest design In roller*. The basement. Yesterday afternoon from one to four seats and desks are.of the latsst type being The sanitary arrangements bare been We Can Cat Loose From Profit on the new school on use of Everything. o'clock, high building adjustable to the students, largo wall provided for and the water closets and small. The seats and desks are mad* Stevens h'lains avenue, Peering Center, ere located nt the right and Ml re- the HO that can be raised or lowered as was opened to Inspection of the pub- they spectively of the engine room. Tho recto desired. Tha blackboards In use are Ho. Despite the stormy afternoon quite a atlou rooms in the basement are large made of the slate now number of citizens of Deerlng and a few specially prepared and will meet every demand of th* from Portland them miiob la use. On the lower floor there students. Lunch people among being counters have been nr PROFITS ARE BLOWN BY OUR IRRESISTIBLE ONSLAUGHT TO THE WINDS. are three rooms fitted up for use by the Superintendent of Schools, O. hi. Cord | ranged both on the girls' and bays' side Men’s Ulsters, Overcoats, Reefers, Suits, Odd Pants, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps

TO : BE : SOLD : RECARDLESS : OF : COST. Men’s Black, Blue and Brown Overcoats, former price Voting Men's Blue and Black Box Overcoat (Satin lined) well $0.00. Mark down to $3.98 worth $ 18.00. Mark down to.$12.48 Men’s Black and Bine Kersey Overcoats, former price *8.00 All onr flue $20 and $22 Overcoats. Mark down to $15.00 and 10.00. Mark down to.$5.98 Men’s Gray Mixed Rough Ulster, small sizes, former price Men’s Bine, Black and Brown Kerseys, light covert and $8.00, Mark down to .$2.08 gray frieze Overcoats, former *10 to *12. Mark down price Men’s Heavy All Wool Ulster, former price $10.00. Mark to $8.98 down to ... .$6.25 Yonng Men’s Brown and Olive (Box Cat) Overcoats, sold all Men’s Black anti Gray Frieze Ulsters, former price $12.00. the season for $12. Mark down to .... $7.98 Mark down to .$8.00 Young Men’s Fine Kersey Overcoats, former price $15.00. Wool and Mark down to. $10.98 Four hundred pairs of Men’s WorjteJ Pants, every Blue and Black Cheviot Snits, former price *6.00. Mark pair worth $3.00. Our price at this sale, $1-08 a pair Extra good value in trmi'ers at down to . $4.25 Several lines of Brown Check and Cheviot Suits, former price $3.CO, 4.00, 5.00 and $6.00 a pair One lot Long Paul Suits, 0. B., former $10.00. $10.00 and 12.00. Mark down to .... $6.48 Boys price Fancy Cheek and Gray Mixed Casslmere Suits, former price Mark down to.$6.98 former $12.00. Mark down to.$8.00 One lot Boys Long Pant, all wool suits, price 96.00. THE NEW DEERINO HIOH SCHOOL BUILDING. A few sizes on fine $20,01) Snits. Mark down to $12.00 Mark down to.$3.98 Mackintosh Coats and Umbrellas. Mark down at less than Boys’Kersey Overcoats, sixes 15 to 19, former price $8.00. looked the building over. 1 he building students, and the same number have of the basement, and ltinobea are to be from these counter*. Mark down to.$6.00 which has been over u year and a half iu been arranged on the second floor. dispensed wholesale prices. the process of construction has at last There are fourteen rooms In all In the In tbe construction of the building the been ami is an ornament and including the library on the following contractor* have bad a part: completed building, | and former 75c, SI.OO, 1.95. Mark dowa price 39c a credit to the city. The completion of first floor and chemistry room on the Architect—!*. A. Thompson, Portland. Men’s heavy, fleece lined Shirts Drawers, price Masonrj—Higgins and Benner, Port ■ IS* l-'i cents the a large amount of second floor. The library room has Icon at 8c a One lot off Men's linn y ndershirts, each. building represents land. each. lOO dozen SOc Suspenders pair. up in size and the shelves and money which has besn well expended, made intge Carpentering— Elbridge Johnson, L'eer 4 Linen Collars, 9c each. Cnffffs 18c a pair. Hosiery, Ciloves, Mittens and in fact all onr floods marked the building ia modern in all its appoint- cases to he placed around the room will Ing i'ly B Jackson ments, and while it is a larger etruotnre provide for a large number of volumes. Mastering—W. Sc Bro., to the lowest possible prices. Ueering. than is needed for tho The room for the is to be aeod present purposes, present Galvanized Iron Work— HoUlran A: day in ay not Le far distant when the en- by the school committee os a place in Parker, Portland. tire building will be needed for the ac- which to hold their regular monthly busi- Furniture— Thomas P. Beal* At Co., Portland. commodation of the increasing popula- ness sessions. Wiring—W. A. ilerrah. Woodford*. for chemical is tion The lirst money appropriated for The room experiments Electric Lighting—Westbrook Electric the building was by the nklermen of 18!*7, not ns yet completed lmt will be fur- Light and Power company. under tne administration of Mayer Henry nished at an early date with all of the Roof Slating—M. H. Bourne A: Son, Portland. J. when the sum of $30,000 was latest and roost Improved he iievis, apparatus Blackboard Slate — Monson-Bormah appropriated. Work was oomuwncagl but floors of the bnlldlng are flntwhen in Slato company, Brownville before many months had passed it became maple and the wainscoting Is of ash hand- Painting—C. J. Clark, Wood fords. Miller, Portland. evident that in order.to meet tho demands somely oiled and varnished. The room Plumbing—J. Boating ami Ventilating—N. E. Smith, of the future a larger amount of money on the seoond floor for use in the study of Gloucester, Mas*. & would have to be raided to the French and lectures Is with con- IR A P. Window Moore CLARK complete provided Shades—Owen, At Co., Portland. CO., building. The next money set apart for venient high back ash chairs with a broad the work was appropriated in the summer arm on the right side to accommodate the The entire work of construction has of when was when or notes. been superintended by Alderman J. M. in Maine. 1808, $l'.»,0<)u appropriated. pupils writing making The One Price, Gash, Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers chairman of the Spot work has been and the walls class rooms and Lane, Largest The completed The of assembly publio building* who ha* *oiiey has been well expended, and it is : hall art* timed in n handsome shads of committee, given much time and 2(5 and 28 MONUMENT NQUAKE. safe to ussert that there is no liner High sage gmn. The walls of the corridors are attention to the perfection of every detail. school building in the state, and it Is tinted in terra cotta. The assembly hall The erection of the building wns com- menced under the supervision of Messrs CHAS H. .. doubtful if a better building either from on the third floor is a large and spacious Go wan, Lane and Cobb. ihs board of an artistic or architectural room. A low across the standpoint platform exttnds aldcruum being changed last spring, the can be found in New England. front of the hall. It is furnished with new publio building committee was mads MUSIC AND DRAM* weather, a good sired audience witnessed The eulr of seats for tbe Pitman Come- THE MUNICIPAL COURT. I *• *Tho Jef- is built of brick which is settees, and has up by the appointment of Messrs. Lane, tho second of (invest Manhat- dy Company, which will at fcThe building ordinary seating capacity presentation 1 Smith and Farnbam. It Is that ferson all next week uesday id oiu «11 c nonin son set oil the terra cotta of about 750 The hall expected tan at the Portland theatre last beginning handsomely by persons. assembly a dedication of the UKCAUciK SHK LOVtl) HIM SO. evening, at prices, be- publio building will evculng, playing popular Friday—Jam s Curran. Intoxication. T. F. FOSS trimmings. At the entrance to the build- is tinted in green and white. The as be held within the next few week*. and the tuneful music, good specialty gin* ibis morning. JVliss Ida Conquest, who will come to Fined |5 ami costs. arts and funny situations wait* received "McUlnty the Sport,’* will be the Port- ihe Jefferson theatre next Monday even- land Theatre attraction the latter portion John Killer. Int xl'-atlon. Fined fft Nils Johnson, clerk at Bell’s grocery with marks of satisfaction. There is DECKING. Corps was observed last evening nt the lug as leading lady with ‘'Booase She of next week, and costs. store. East Deering, Is very sick with the nothing broad or objectionable about this & SONS. Post ball where a goodly nunibsr as- Loved Him So,” under the management Frederick H. S. Morrill. Intoxication. vaudeville entertainment and as a matinee BARBER SHOP BROKEN INTO. grip. sembled and Is a Uoston passed a purely social eve- of , girl, Morrill was leniently treated by the There was a pound party at llleley hall, production it should be a success. There The of Thomas Newman on Frank Veranda street is ning during which light refreshments und extremely proud of that fact. This barttershop a ?hort tin *• for a Hindi ir Libby, quite Is a Judge ago East Deering, last evening. The proceeds vein of humor running through the street wus entered by burg- sick with were served by the ladles of the s the flret opportunity her New England Washington offense. He failed to keen bU of the pneumonia. corps. it for part are to be devoted to tbo sewing circle. piece which makes enjoyable young lars on ni*ht and about $l.5u Kev. K. P. pastor of the Wood- friends have ot seeing her in this position Wednesday Sent-need to day 4 in Wilson, as well as rtgruHinnt. sixty The* officers of Rockameccook tribe of BOWLING. older persons. was stolen from the money drawer En- fords church, is to ex- —a very exalted one in the theatrical pro- the Congregational will close its en- County jail. Red Nlen. Morrllls corner, were installed The company present trance was made through a trap door change pulpits tomorrow morning at 10.33 fession, which few young ladies of her Stillman JJuprcy was brought up for D. D G. Ira tit rout of Cumber- Slerrl weather's (treat single aud Tilres with a matinee and even- ty S., Ever since she left the gagement today overhead wher* there is a aiub room. o'clock with ltev. W. S. pastor of igu can reach. ■ sule. 1:, ared that the |nrtien Mills Ayer, Total. ingle ai p land last evening. String t Ing performance. TOILET the First Baptist church of Portland. lashionable society of iioston, and chose who made the made a mistake The Ladies’ circle connected with All 1 SACO MINISTER DEAD. complaint The letters are advertised at the stage as a she has been was the following At last profession, A TERRIBLE TIME. and the case ncl proseml by City HooTs church held a supper and tooial Pines alloy night the Shutters 0 — Rev. James M. the Morrills Corner office: Mra. advancing, constantly doing Saco, January Marshal. post and the continually Next and lust in the vestry of their church. Waverleys bowled most Monday, Tuesday Wednesday a retired Free minister Juiuth search ami seizure. evening Arthur exciting excellent and showing her posses- Bailey, Baptist Palazzo, Henry L. Bates, Mrs. Campbell, work, of The evening services attendant upon game of the tournament the Shutter* evenings and Wednesday matinee Mr. died this after several months Compluint dismistel on account mis- Mrs. Susan J. Mrs. Charles Hods sion of that "white tire” without which afternoon Darby, 1 will his one nomer. SETS. two of the throe till. He was at time su- the week of prayer at the Woodfords Con- winning games played Harry Roger present splendid illness, aged _ don, Mrs. George Kennedy. Mrs. L. L. ■ uoeesa—great success—on the stage «mn- of the school of Saco and the Free Mor- by the great work of Merriweather who aggregation of farceurs to the amusement perintendent public gregational Church, not le attained. Her in this merry Aijo Lawton, Stephen li. Leighton, F. K. Lit* part and lor a .ong time city missionary. lime n rllls, have been well Attended and consid- made the great single of 136 and a three lovers of this city at Portlnnd theatre in lurge Miss Mabel Itev. li. 8. Mel coimdj of 's tits Miss by, Maloney, the latest success entitled ‘Ter- erable interest manifested. string total of 88k. the best that was ever laughing STORM STILL CONTINUES. In Saco, Jiin. 1. John d. Bennett of Buxton; variety of pat- Mrs. Mrs. H. like the proverbial glove. No cher, Harry Pages, George made In a Conquest rible Time. This is a farce with and Miss Alice Mtilike.i of S<.eo. terns There was a special of Rose tournament In these alleys. The comedy ti.— in luie*t meeting J. S. Mrs. G. actress outside the Comedie Francaise Highland Light, Mass., January In BMdefor'i. Dec. 31. ( liarles A, Pellertr. aud Poor, Mr. Kicker, Russell, Shutters the n with the dotuigtlc relations €u and during acts make a most entertain- w<»r which he value* Mr. and Mrs. rutin 11 el W. Davis, Main 83 M agreeable h'paniFb-Americnn Mr*. Ayer. Merry, 78— 243 run at the Uoston Museum, the ionge*t Maggie THATCHER POST RELIEF CORPS. ment iu its on that comes to us It is a policemen's club made In Ian. 1. Klein Lowell and Mis* • rwet, Kavt Deering, are both stole, wl h Kuos, 74 77 89— 2411 entirety highly. spimgfleld. engagement she has ever played in her ui K-e iC. Urean. burn of 1/ce. S2.00 lo Merriweather, 116 136 87— S;rj with endorsements from the at S9.7S t >e 'lhe anniversary of Thatcher Relief strong press from the block house Guantanamo Jan. l. Albert B. Patten and Mrs. grip.f now on sale at In Bangor. Waite, 95 94 84— 273 native city. 'Jicketsare llirruu A. Sanborn and of every city visited. Reserved seats are tnd sent him by his uncle Herbert Fuss Millie s. Taylor, Jan. 2. the box oflioe. Miss A. Pmgree. ri.n SET. 458 479 427—Ti«4 now on sale. Lydia of the U. S. S. Marblehead. In WaiervlUe, Jan. 1. Taul Marshall and Mrs. WAYKKLEYS. GAYEST MANHATTAN. Ahble Butler. McGINTY THE 8PORT. In Hallowed. Jan. 2. (ieo. W. White Mauche ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ the unfavorable How to PrfVfiit I'nriiinonln. rawn, 98 83 85— 261 Notwithstanding very ter and Miss Elizabeth I H er. A Is Jan. 2 Kndle Perrault and Mis* Sbiw, 101 87 99— 387 sparkling bright comedy MoGlnty You are i>erhaps aware that pneumonia In B'ddeford. "Is, 78 79 ‘6— 247 the Sport" which is announced to appear always results from a cold or from an at- Odira Deiorge. Host! 78 79 78— tack of la the l, 235 at the Portland Theatre for three nights grippe. During epidemic CONGRESS AND PREBLE STS. ..u. 83 85 99— 63 of lu few years ago when so many and matinee grlpne 8aturday commencing it was ob- _)an7U3t ChaseSanhorn's 483 418 451—7x95 oases resulted lu pneumonia, -cAI S. Thursday evening, Jan 12. The dialogue served that the attack was never followed Monday night, Shatters and Iain’s Arling- is ingeniously witty and during the action by that disease when Cham bet In this city, Jan. 6. Mary Cahill, w ife of John ton s. Remedy was used. It counteracts Harrigau. of the play the latest catchy songs are in- Cough any tendency of a cold or la grippe to re- j tFuneral Mouday morning at 9.30 o'clock from troduced and interesting specialty num- sult In that dangerous disease. It In tbe I 179 Spring street. Rirc INSTALLATION AT HOSWORTH mass at St. Dominic's church at bers best In the world for bad colds I Requiem high arc rendered by competent people. remedy lo o’clock. Coffee POST. bottle warranted. and la . The is said to be one continual grippe. Every I Now Vork C oi n play long, 887 paper* please copy. Pop Joist the elected officers For sale D. W. Heeeltine & Co., In fids e.ty. Jan. «. ai> •> M.. daughter ot the evening nswly and the ever ohanglng scenes pre- by laugh Congress St.; Edward W. Stevens, 1U7 late Edward and Small K. Pennell. If you want a cheer- of Hoaworth post were Installed by Pott Seal Brand’Uava&Mocfia sent a brilliant picture to the eye. The Portland St; King S. Raymond, Cum- [Funeral services on Sunday afternoon at 2! ful! time at home for William o’clock at Ucr late residence. 27 Merrill street, Department Commander Major is and odd sayings, berland Mills; Wm. Oxnard, W\ Con- j dialogue bright many In this city, Jan tS. Mis. Ellen A., wife of John IO Cents, H. Given. The a t-ndanoe was not gress St.; H. P. R Goold, Congress unique Ideas and funny situations are B. Pike, aged 62 years. i\ month*. 9 days. storm und eo Square Hotel. Funeral services afterm-o.i at 2.30 1 order of your grocer Best Coffee eWorld. very largo owing to the introduced. No of the present Suudny players Public. o’clock at her lato resideuce, 57 Elm street, a package of SMITH, grown X. P. Heals who was to have read To Uie j Major time ate more successful in this sort of Bur‘al private. CLAPP St GAY’S 1 an on “The Last Charge In tills Jan. Mrs. Ann Interesting paper than the cast to We are authorized to guarantee every city, 5, Duffey. WHITE RICE comedy present engaged from her late residence, 80 Salim ; on reading It un- bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy [Funeral Perfection of Petersburg," postponed Whit do the Children Drink? the different parts in this most street. Mommy morning »t 8.30 o’clock. pop coax. interpret not to refund the mon- til next 1-rlday evening. and if satisfactory Requiem high mass at St Dominic’s church at ft imirable conceit. Reserved seats go on contents makes 10 quarts of Pop i'oruand costa Don’t them tea or ey to the purchaser. There is no hotter 9 o’clock. give coffee, but one cent quart. There are counter- sale at popular prices. medicine made for la grippe, colds and In Deerlng. Jan. 6. huth, Infant daughter of you per and MEN’S MEETING. Tuesday morning feits of our ewe that our name is on the Flavor it will make Price £5 and 60 cents Albert M. aud Lizzie Cobb, aged lft mentns. goods, Grain-O; whooping cough. satisfaction. Try NOT £8. funeral will be package. We guarantee trength Tho regular men’s meeting at tho Y. bottle. Try It. For sals by D. W. • On account ot sickness the them eseltine & 887 St.: Ed- private. M. O. A. afternoon at 4.80 o'olook strong. Mr. 8. P. Bender, business manager of Etr Co., Congress Elizabeth wife SMITH, CLAPP & CAY, / as a Sunday 107 Portland in Boston. Jan. 6, McDonough, V Look for the seal OM the Genuine made, by McGlnty the Sport is in this city pro- ward W. Stevens, St.; King of Michael Slak. formerly of Portland. ITOIUHTO.N, MASS. | will be led by a delegation from the rail- The Geneeee Pure Food O©., moting the interests of his attraction that S. Raymond, Cumberland Mills, Wm. [Funeral Saturday aiteruo-'u at 12,80 o’clock attendance la of Corn In Guarantee of road department. A good Bold is to be seen the last throe days next week Oxnard, W81 Congress St.; H. P. S. from the Union StaUiu in Forilaud. Burial at Orls1n»tori Pop l’u.isge*. 1' ,Purity> by gTooer* everywhere. JAU7&14 looked for. | at Portland theatre. Goold, Congress Square Hotel. Calvary Cemetery.

* ANNUAL MEETING*. FOR 8AUL WESTBROOK. SUWOAV SERVICE*. wawtbb._ SOUTH PORTLAND. **** I F#rl» ***4l IMWiI Md«r tkl* head free wm*» MM !■*» ***» BTOTZCIL Notice-Churo\i notices are published Twrty mm wiak tmr M mbm, Mah la aSvaaaat ... *r**k ,mr ** *—** —* — »**—**• to the ehurcbee. The The The meeting of the students as an accommodation anneal meeting of the stork holders of the adjourned bo sent to the Chapman National Bank f 0* po^lble; wllh.i pupil*. Youri(p*r oh ldrrn fancy iron side*, very stylish, has only b*«*n of masonic a a iri. held at the rooms of tin* Bank on on tbe sonthsast earner tbe on such notices are mil received or corrected by »ir»'l. K»(or.nee« uli.n. Addr.it Tuesday, used for delivering hat* and caps For other Mills library room, Saturday January 10th imm. at 10 o'clock a. m. I H evening Me. call on COE THE building In Tbe room la a telephone. E9TRY. Woodford!, H. particular*, HATTER, ifT Kalgbtvtlla. at 7.80 o'clock. All students are Invl ted _)*n'd_ XBOMaH BATON. Cashier. Middle St Souls Cin ncH iUniversal 1st>. IVeering. 1 ortland. 7*1 bright, commodious one nnd there la a AM A K T KI>—Hteond had naftta •T*"0'™* Me., December 9th, IMS. to be present. preaching at 10.45 a. m. by JUv. B. O. Davis. In *ood r.p»lr, declOdtd iMMb. ffito n fee* long. __ roil SALE -2 sets 2ml hand Team vault about ten feet equate for the accom- Hunday school 12. 6. Y. F. C tJ. at 7.15. Par- VI. Hamesae*. Mr. James Sproul is contend to ths Addroit 1>K. KTEVENt*. Birlon LW'llnn, T JAMES Q. McOLAUFLlN. 66 PreMe st. of record* ish meeting Monday evening 7.30. modation publlo Adjoining with the Merchants’ National Bank. e-i house grip. A. M. E. Zion Mission. Bve. 8. W. Hutch- _____ this office are two large room* which will m. Mr*. Walter Groff am, Main street Is ings. pastor. Preaching at 1J).*6 a. Hunday IVAft’TKD-AI one. •* » »°»> poll SALE—Double Harness. One set made be uted tbe officer* when tbe school at 12 m. Preaching at 7.4ft n. m. All are »» Iwtt Of tt.nrlty gTt.n. The nnnual of ■ Hill of Concord, full mbb-r, 1 1-6 trace, by oily with o severe attack of facial r»f. of tnterwt, meeting the stockholders of the by suffering Invited. M Merchants' Natloual a at half One set of the ooveernmeat l« set Addrnt Box nil. Hank. Portlmn. Maine. used few Hines, tell price; machinery city oltY._ f«»r the election of 1 l-f tr fine neuralgia. ABYSSINIAN Cono. Chtrch, 81 Newbury U. wont of tnir*! seven directors for the et> Rockawa silver mounted, c*^ con J In motion. These rooms arc 20x20 feet Kev. Theo. A. Preach- ANTtb-All POTMO* suing year, and Ute transaction of any other dllton, price low. BRADLEY & SMALL. 3.1 \ Mrs. KA. Rand and her two (laughters street. Smythe, pastor. H mi] to call on fc' lX EEi NOLDS, 11a.m. and 7.80 m. Han school hags business that HIST legally be will b« Preble St. and 20x17 feet and will make good quar- ina at p. day 5G3 street, one door above Ptiaw'i presented, _6-1 Bessie and Laurie Snow, aro sick at their service. C. I. at Congress held at their Painting bouse, on the after rooming prayer meeting as we manufacture our goods Tuesday, ters the of the aldermen, grocery store, loth of 1899. nt io SALE Edison Moving Ktnetoseope n id for meetings home on street 0.30 p. in. All are Invited. if bottom Trunks day January. o'clock a to. POR Main and ra,. therefore g vs price*. C. O. r wltti Alma and over 100 colored eta. With the 286 More street—Rev. We frame picture*. BANCROFT. Cashier. siereoptlcou school committee, exception Mrs. Charles Cole of Main street is sick Bethel Church, repaired, open evenings. 1998. and plain slides of Porto Blco, Cuba, the war Southworth. Residence 108 Dec, till. decodtd the rooms mentioned and those Francis pastor. •hips, being very busy In my buslnees I can- cf Jost with the street. Mcrvloaa at 10.30*. m.. 3 and grip. Newbury ANTED—Two rooms with all convenience* CANAL NATIONAL BANK. not And time to give enter tat omen ta: a food by Ur. Rogers and Hutchinson *be 7. JP m. Preaching service In the afternoon. j W. MORRIS. 72 occupied The meeting of Curmnt Events p. for housekeeping, nee of bath. per | chance to make money. <». All are welcome. tf fight The Annual Meeting of »tie stockholders of tbe barber, tbe building will be devoted menent. rent per mouth; rail 9 and 10 s. m Franklin St. olnb next Thursday afternoon will b** $10 tho ( anal National Hank of Portland._|M_ Bktiiany Cono. Chvrch. south Portland. room Portland, will be to masonic |urposas snd tbe I.KHMA N. Boyd Bldg., Vl_ bouse on exclusively held at the home of Mr. It. W. Edwards Preaching at 1U.45 a. n». and 7 p. m. by Kev. 1-_ held nt their banking Tuesday, th* SALK—Two Family House located be- aa- one to know that 6 bottles of 1999. at 11 a. Fj*OK etreet* first stated msetlng ol Hiram Uodge, F. Geo. W. Kelley of I leering. Hunday school at ANTED—Every loth day January, o'clock in., tween Coagrees and Cumberland Th is to be the "Drama." Ahak's Great Indian Stomach of aettn Directors subject 12.16 All are welcome. q| Dr. and for the election and for tha near Lincoln Park, containing 13 rodms with and A. will be held In their rooms cured CAFF. other business that M., Mrs. Letnnel L. Lane Is confined to — Blood remedy dyspepsia. transaction of any may be baths, new plumbing, and ad other Improve- CHURCH or the Mrmiah, (Uatvrrsallst) 4-t Jan. i0.3oa. .1. W. CRAIG. n ongress legally presented. ment* ; lii Arst class repair. Mast be sold; want about 27. the house Illness Rev. W. M. klinirell. pastor, rervlce at._ ( by D—After the bike Dr. GEORGE C. PETERS ashler. an offer. For particulars apply at once. Real nnd bar m. of serinou. "Help for Burden-bear- having Grippe Mrs. Fred A. Uysr daughter of Westbrook 8ub)e WANT* to I >e< *rnber 10. I *tat* office. First National Bank Building, The officers elect rominan- ers." Junior P. P. C. U. 6.46 p. m. V. P. c, L. Ahsk’s fltomac ana Bload Remedy 1898,_declodtd Susie are sink with the grippe. purify the blood snd build iip the system. For FREDERICK 8. dery, D. O. G. C., are to lie installed this 7 p. in. 1 lie National Traders Bank of VA1LL._Al_ retnrned to sale by I». W. Heiellme. and C. K. Newcomb. Mist Helen Plngiee bee t iii-u< h or Christs Scientist, 662 Congress EH)! BA LB—Leealed on CkkMt ft., gjp— to Members from Casco Hay and M 4 1 evening. loom Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.4 6 p. Vespar w,__ Portland. Congress st.. a detached wooden house of Boston after a chart vacation spent In street, 2. oommanderles of Portland are 7.4c m. Readme room open ustomer for a One »op sleigh at 1" rooms aud bath. In the best of repair, ar- Gorges m. VVedue day p. \tr ANiEI>—C The annual of the stockholders of 2 to 6 m tf "v lo*< than wholesale com:ort. style, meeting ra -get! for one for one the village. to be The third degree dadv. Sundays excepted. p. price, The Natloual Traders Ban* of Portland will be family, good opportunity expected present. hack, screen dash. a good one and to purchase a nice home.Dor further particulars 1 Fuller Is distributing CONOMM ST. M. E. CHURCH—MdV. W. F. high spring held In tholr room. No. 38 Exchange | banking Representative will be worked. a. m. we nr<-going U> s«n It low. Look at It. BRAP- price and term* to HENRY 8. TRICK KY. pastor. Sunday school at 10.80 street. 11 o'clock Tuesday. io, im;»9. apply biographical Berry, LKY & n M A LI* :« Preble January 'll ume Ht. H pamphlets, eta., glelng Calanthe assembly, P. 8., are to hold At 3 p. m preaching by tne Kev. R. T. Hack. St._4-1 for the choice of Directors and such other busi- the dlfferont members of tht At 0.80 ni. Junior meeting. At 7.30 p. m. re- ami tils wife. In a ness as come before the meeting. sketches of their Installation or offijors 14. p. IVAN FED—By a'gentleman may legally UOU SALE -4 nice stogie road sleighs, cloth January vival men* All are invited. vv of refinement, two rooms, Iso to determine Section 9 of the Ar- 1 ing. private f.imtly A whether trimmings, best Mack or red legislature of Wade No. of workmanship, The oflloers camp, It*. Congress Square Church tFIrst Univers.v suitably furnished, and buafd good quality, ticles of Association shall be amended. running gear. Fan b** seen at 307 Commercial will hold an at use «d oxclflelve, also JuHN M. GOULD, Cashier. The Uolverexiiit parish 8.ofV., and the ladies aid society were in- 11st) Rev. Dr. Blanchard, pastor. Service hath, preferably required; Bt, MILl ik. N roMLINBON < O. 4 1 will Juulor references exchanged ; im boarding house. Ad- declOdtd __ on 10.80 a. m. The pastor officiate, __ adjourned meeting Tuesday evening last the division sur- 3-1 stalled evening by V. P. C. I*, at 6 p. m. eutiday school at) 12 m. dress **€," P. O. Box 1671. 8 A LI Hay horse, young, sound and ! next at the home of Mr. Hiram Pyer, m Il***Rkind. Price reasonable C. x Mr. F. C. Smith were served followed a so o had beattb that H-I-P A N A freshments by At 7 p.m. reception <»f members and Sacrament- wiubTED- Case be win t.* held at their banking I MB or Inquire at Room it, n friends in wUi not benefit. Ken4 6 cents to It tun' < hetuh al presented, Kxcn&nge St., facturing company waa visiting al service. An are welcome. rooms on the loth of January, Portland. rial evening a part of which was spent York.for ami 1.000 testlmont as Tuesday, day 3.1 Co.,New lusamples at 10 o’clock a. tu. Portland Chkstnuy Street Church. (Methodist 1899. South village yesterday. in in a brief and informal order of dances. W —Rev Luther Freeman, E. ENG REN, Cashier. hand covered In The of Willard are determined Lplseopal) pastor, decodtd_J. s’elgh poople The funeral services of the late Mrs. 4*R Cumberland »t. Preaching atr WANTED MTEJATlONiL FORSALK—Secondgood suitable for doctor's Resilience C'aaco National Rank. repair, use; a solid front In favor of annex- .J'O a. id. the •Giving. low WHITMAN SAWYER STABLE to present JOslnT A. Brock, wife of Albert Brock, li by pastor, subject. price as 1 Have." Afternoon "1U« as In «»7 St. 3-1 to or to Such subject, ^housekeeper Th* Annual of the stockholders of CO., Congress ation Capo Kllxabetb, preferably beld at ‘1 o’clock school 12 m. of Meeting were yesterday morning Blessing of Want." Sunday Fp- WrANTPJ>-Slttianousmall family, or care aged couple, by the Casco National Bank of Portland, will be off and to this end at«. 16 ten old. rc- BALE OR LEASE-A lot of land at the be set by themselves, from the Advent church this city. The or Hi League prayer meeting Gospel woman with daughter years Only held nt the office of said bank on Tuesday, the POR service at 7.80 in. Altars welcome. Qtied need answer. Call or address 19 A ■ West End, corner Forest and Congress are of ail voters who p people 10th of Jaiuiary. 1H99. at io o'clock a. m.. securing the.names services were conducted by Rev. F. M. K. CROWELL.M day streets containing about 4.224 feet. to East Deeming iM. E.* church, Kev. John St. MRS for the purpose of electing seven Directors for Apply bass not already signed the petition. 46 m t. Harlow. 919 Congress street. Jau2Mt/ Clotbey, the (uistor of the church. The R. Clifford. pastor. Sunday school at X p. WANTED— At Mrs. Palmer's office l-'J the ensuing year, and the transaction of any Mr. William F. Newton Is severly 111 at At 3 sermon by the pastor. Praise and "v out other business that may legally come before the bnrlal was at tbe-old ceme- p.oi. Congress St., by 73 girls and women RENT—The entire flww over Haskell 8accor»ppu service 7 p. m. All are Invited. MARSHALL IL GOD1NG. street with the prayer of employment; men and women hotel cooks, meeting 14^ORA Join s' Store, steam heat bis horns on Sawyer Cashier. Clothing and tery. 1-iKnT Barrier Chir< ii. comer of WUmot private tiimlly cooks, general work gal*, kitch- J.uiL'dtd u*e of elevator i .chided. ln<|nlr.i for further grippe. and Congress Sts.-Rev. W. S. Ayres, v**u»r en. Utundi j and seruh girls, nurses for the sick, information of HASKELL & JONES. Monu- at 10.40 a. m. Kev. R. F. Wilson. for Call UlllTUDAY PARTY. MAINE TOWNS. Preaching by all waiting employment. Tlw Portland & ment Square. decl.r>-4 Sunday school at 12 in. Prayer meetlug 7.30 Immediacy. Ogdeasburg Railway. of %__ All are welcome. The T2J anniversary of the birthday p.m. W ANTED—Position as stenographer ard Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of MARRY First of Scientist, 4R4H vv slor»* a ME, NELLIE, was made the oc- (tmi of ViBtsrpit (i»th*r*d by Oorvti Church Christ, typewriter or clerk In by young THEthe Portland A ()gd*u*burg Railway will Capt. Stndley Monday Preble House. Servi- Congress sireel. opposite man of considerable experience in both lines ol be bald at the office of thp Mayor of the city of And I will buy >ou 9ii *h a pretty at and reunion of the nofdcnti of the Press* a. m. m. Children’s Sun- King casion of a iwrtT cs at 10.30 and 7.46 p. business; reference furnished. Address’ A,” Portlaod on Tuesday the seventeenth day of McKenuey's. A thousand solid gold King*. .4 school at close of morning service. Expe- A time was enjuyed. box 81. E-xst Deentitf. Me. _4-1 January. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, to Diamonds, Opal*Pearls, Rubies. Emeralds am! fumlly. good rience meeting Wednesday at 7.46 p. m. tf all other stones. ANTED—A young lady who has uuvelfeH choose Directors for the ensuing year, nd to precious Engagement and Mr. G. M. Ritchie, aesletant superin- HARP5WKLL. Kings a stock in First Univeksalist Parish of South Port- W extensively, iJust returned from Australia transact nnv other bo si ness that may legally Wedding specialty Largest had McKKNKKY, The Jeweler. tendent at the Lovell Cyole factory, 6.— Mr*. Isabel land. Services at Union House. Babb HU and wishes to go abroad or travel come before the meeting city. Monument W«it liarpswell, Jan. Opera PhiUtpInes) inan£4tf School at 1.80 in. at 2.80 by Rev. through If. S. A. with family as com- Jaiudl’w JOHN W. DANA, Clerk. Kquare. his household removed Thursday at tbe Maine J>. PromSiiug private goods la M. Hatley whose Illness W. M. Kimniell. tf panion, secretary, ladles' maid, or wait on in- from Kincaid street. Into Win. Harring- General In Portland ond subse- valid. Address stating salary. MISS M. FUI<- SALE—In I leering. elegant, new, 12 CASTORIA Hospital First Church or Christ. Sctehtiht, 40-1V» F’Oliroom on T(rN, 817 North Ave Bridgeport, Conn. 4-1 TO LET. house G lea wood Ave., $4jsor): new For Infants and Children. on Pine etreet. Preble House Bervi ton's house quent removal to her home here has been Congress street,opposite .»room house 0 leu woo Ave., $40 h»; handsoins ces lu.Ro a. children's school at James the driver iu. Sunday lirOKK WANTED—Two boys. 3n and 17, evidence 9 'Ome, corner of Deering Ave. and | Mr. Kent, popular 1 efore In the PRESS died Mon* Wed- Fortr wuris lnMrt«il nniitr this head reported close of services. Experience meeting Vv want work at anything: will work for William 81 $4000, 9 room house M. vens Plain* & Kent to title who has at 7.4a m tf onrne*k for 36 c«-uU. raih >n ndvaun. t ir Goody city, d*y morning. Funeral services were nesday p. small wages. Address ’•WORK,” Press office. Ave.. Dear Spring 8L, f J&jn; cozy 6 room cot a position as driver of Engine 6 First Free Baptist chtrcii Opposite 8-1 tage. Thomas s»., Woodford*, ‘ivx>; the*’ Have accepted held from her l»te residence Wednesday seven rooms in Kind You I.I tenement of ? The Public Itev. l.ewU Mahavn. pastor. T—Upper houses ai uew. modern sod have hoaL eleotTh* Portland Are will he Library. hand fine of the department, at 11 a. in. Rev. G..C. Andrews, pastor .Sunday *cboo| :«t 1.46 p. id Pieasbing at a p tiflNtED-FlsIb sewing Including T'O bouse 5'JS Cumberland street, has separate lights arid bells, sewer*, bath room, etc they tf v" bemmlng; also kultttug and (Tocnctlng. l Hteatn heat electric* bell calls, sun all much missed by his many friends on tills Sh«' m. In the Free Street Baptist church. ba’h, are cheap at these prices; we will inaire terms of the M. K. church, officiated. will aisofead the hour to anv requiring sum and all modern conveniences. For other Friends' Church. Oak street. F.ULson Ft. by day to suit you and will make it an object to buy side of the harbor. one own Mrs. Annie F. a service. Apply to or address MISS ROGERS, eall on cot 1TIE HATTER, 197 W leaves daughter, Purdy, Morning servfte JO.NO. Sunday particular this month. DALTON & CO., Exchange 8L, Always Bought of will pastor. 87 Oak SI, Portland. >-l Middle street. 7 1 dedi-tf for As- I Rev. G orge W. KeMy Doering her died school 12 m. Junior C. F.. prayer meeting at _ city. table Palmer, other daughter having ... .i— ■ JCliCe Preparation tf — L. v. tomorrow at Congrega. 0. 30 p. m. Evening Social service 7.30. fibdTood andRegula- 1 preach Dethany but a few mouths ago, and several step- rnished house ro let-a thorough stmttQtlng First Parish Church—(Unitarian) Con- Fu ly condor laid- li aise to let at reasonable LOST AND FOI ND. thr stnuada andBowas of Monal church. children who loved and esteemed her as n John C. Perkins, ; mg gress street. Itev. pastor. terms for a few months or permanently, wltn j Conductor Charles Conners of.the Cape and friend. the Morning service at 10.30 a, m. Sunday school or without furniture. Address MIBB E. S. kind mother Among 8. ’99, a pair « f gold bowed with the at I m. 8ARUKNT, Ixs Danforih -» reet, corner 4 electrics Is sick grippe. iloral offerings was a pillow ot yellow iOHT—Jan.glasses on Green, Portland. Preble or Mid- First Presbyterian Church—Cor. Park Brackett. •'-I dle call between 5.uo lhe North ohuroh Is Sts. Finder please and Congregational smilax and line (lowers with the and Pleasaut Streets. Sunday school at £ p. m. • • roses, 7.00 p. in. at 1' : lark St. and receive reward. Willard and m. Flev. C. s. and rents-Frederick s holding special services In the word mother in blue In center .from the Preaching at 3 7.30 p. by Downing. 1>. i>. Ail are welcome. Beats free. Mouse*VAN.I. lias the Urgent list of desirable __ _4-1 Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- Hoss house thie week. of and callas rents for sat* to let of daughter; bouquets begonia High Street Church—Rev. W. U. loan. houses and and any Real 1 OST—On Tuesday evening somewhere lie- neither Estate office In For Hand. His is ne- ness and Rest .Contains from each of the Mrs. Janie* I). I).. Morning service at 10.30 a. in. specialty 84 tween Neal and Crescent Sts., Dec. 27. a NUE MEETING OP BROTHERS*. sisters, pastor. collecting reut*. and the nor Mineral. SI K A Evening service at 7.3o p. in. Sunday school at gotiating mortgages, square blade pocketbook containing a sum of Opium,Morphine Dyer, Mrs. Henry Merriman and Miss general care of property. Particulars. Real also cards. Finder will be New York bun: While Her- 12 in. money, visiting Narcotic. bays the Estate office. First National Bank Building. rewarded to HAR- Not Allen; callus from Mrs Lois J. m Church. New High st. suitably by returning same was Betsey New jbrusai FREDERICK v V A man Merger of Patterson, N. J., ILL._6__l_ RIET 6. PROCTOR, JT Crescent FI Stover; bouquet of pink aad white car Rev. Samuel Worcester, pastor. Morning ser- afternoon at vice nt lo. Jo. of sermon, •'The Pre- > I 1 1 INM standing last Wednesday nations* ferns and niiglonette* from Cap?, Subject OST—On the afternoon or evening of Dec. 3t, sentation In the The Holy simper 11 rooms, centrally located, prices $0. 10,11 Oiti I)fS.4Ml EL mxmR wait- F r. of Temple. 1 4 a small containing a consider- fyaptt cf Central uvenne and Congress street, and Mrs Hodgkins; bouquet* service. and 12 month, J. C. WOODMAN xi pocKetboolc \\ ill be administered after the morning per by able suin ot money. Finder will be ~ white carnations from other friends Dt* liberally Stud for a car to take him home a Sunday suioot ai 12.80 Evening service ’.3o Ktchange 3-1 J\tmpktn ing trolley Bt._ _ rewarded by leaving at 174 DAN FORTH s»T- ceased was Cl of age. “The oFthe Run.Moon, .41x. Sr/mm J and uskrd him which aar years iBubjcoi. corres|K)ndence 2-1 man approached a.-* arc of In tire Bible.” riU) LET—llano. Inquire at 123 Exchange J’mAM Srnlix j LIMING TON. uiul'Stars, they spoken 1 I to to Patterson. Mr. are welcome. j4m.u Se*d he should take get all St.__ ___ G-l_ > 0.—The weather of on MALE BELT WA9TPD. that he was waiting for Lliulngton, January Oakda e School. In hall Pitt street, LET—An stairs rent of five room-. Cari '.meltSida 1 Merger answered Sunday up J.*i this week furnishes u very good example at 2.46 p. oi. All sre welcome. tl TO suitable for small faintly. 43 Parris St tent Srrd 1 car himself. To kill time lOVRRNMENT POSITIONS—Don't fiixm a Patterson Mark idea of New Kev. 00 month. to 8. "■ prepare of Twain’s England rEAKH Island Methodist Church #10 per Apply HENRY for any civil service examination without Into a saloon on the a. No. the two men went weather. Monday morning last the ther- Win. y. Jones, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 1 RIQKi Y. i£i Kx< h&oge St. seeing our illustrated catalogue of informal Ion. was mometer was w3 below *ero at u. and 7.30 p. in. Sunday school 12 iu. V. P. Scut free. COLLM HI AN COKKK8PUNDENCE corner for a drink. Then- something degrees mo LET—Premises Pal- b. C. evening, 7.46. Class meeting formorly occupied by D. C. 7-1 sunrise. This Thursday morning atfsua- E, Tuesday ■ COLLEGE, Washington, A for in the faoe and manner of the two men Thursday 7 4op.m. Strangers are always ace Theatre, corner Congress and Pearl perfect Remedy Constipa- rise it was 44 decrees above. A difference 8ts.; in flue given to each and welcome. u building repair: possession tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, that seemed familiar other, of 07 degrees with the snow of .Saturday’s about Feb. f. Apply at ORKN HOOPER.S 18’ A NT ED—A young man of good ad.Ires*, to Pine Street Church. (Methodist F’plsco- himself useful In an office notes found ► most and make generally Worms Convulsions Jcverish- when they compared they torm all disappeared many "dor. At 10.30 pai >. Rev. K. B. J McAllister. SONS._4.1 ou Exchange SL. one capab e of making coW had not of bare ground. oi ««r- LOSS OF SLFFJP. that they were brothers. They spots a. m. Preaching by the pastor, subject lection* and writing a good legible hand pre- ocss and Albert A. 8trout And family ha* moved school 12 fro LET—Desk room in office. 176 1-2 Middle owns mou. “The Binless Christ-. Bunday * fereu. Address llox 44, Press before In -- Herman St.; steam beat and use of private office. met years. on to the Au- Junior league meeting at 3 n. m. office._n-l place formerly occupied by m. Epworth to JOHN P. Ho State Inter Tac Simile o[ silk mill In Patterson. His song service and prayer meet- Apply UBS, Agent AN WANT ED- In real estate and business Signature a dyeing gustus Strout. Kpworlli League school at 3 i>. m. Kev. M reus II. Car- Sta'e « Co. 3-1 B 16. Prtacb'ng ;it7.8o p. m. by th* pas- Sunday aaualty M brokerage office in Boston, can draw $25 whose name Is Carl, Is travelling Adoniruxn lodge. No. l7, F. .and A. M ing 11 brother, tor. “A Whole Mam” All are welcome. roll O LET—The ’>6 1-2 Preble street. weekly and commission which aught to make held a Installation of officers Sat- subject. 'f shop lately salesman for a silk dyeing house in Port- public The First Spiritual Society. Mystic ■ occupied by William ft Frazier, the up- $5o wecklv $ o Cash required, call at u. 8. Years and algo dedicati p m Temperance meeting, under Pretue BROWN._ installed; W. Charles M Cousin*; the light reflected its pages by Spirit- M., direction of Arcana Lodge of uood Templars,at upon i.i ual utm and Criticism. Preaching at 7 45 Not i. Lower tenemeni of hpow DO NOT U1VE HER AID 8. W Ivory tAmlth, J. MY., Benjamin 7 in. All are invited. Itlgbrr 75c. p. tlie pastor. Beat** free. All invited. t! To No. 1 Dl* Spring SL. entirely separate, seven MAINSPRINCS, 8. James F. J. li., by American made the And It Small; D., Pillebury; Salvation Army. 230 F'ederal Bt. Meet- rooms besides halls and bath, first class con- The best Mainsprings, by The Associated Charities still WooDFoitn* Congregation a i. Cwnuii— and Waltham Warranted Beuajiuln KL Couku every night at h. except Tuesday. Sunday dition, steam heat. Inquire at F* Deering St., Elgin companies. ings Kev. E. r. Wilson, Morning service at the Jeweler to ask not to give charity Fannie of Woodford* 7 and 11a. in., and 3 ami 7 3o m. pastor uoon or night. octJJNtf ior one year. McKtNNEY, necessary people Miss E.Hopkinson at p. Adju- i0.80. school at close of morning er- mornlug. Mrs. McDouall Id All are Sunday Monument Square. marlMtf a under different names, solic- of her winter vacation with tunt and dharge. at m. A cordial tXACTCOWOP WHAPPEB. to woman, spent part tf viee. Evening sendee 7 p. friends in She has been u welcome. tf frlen l on Portland Lliulngton. welcome to all. MISCELLANEOUS. with business iting Ut her living In Sr. Paul* Church—Corner and 1A'ANTED—Man experience, CASTORIATMI CC«T*UW COM—WT. HKW VOM CITY. teacher in thefpubllo schools Leering Congfe?* ♦ * address to a church and good represent leading as we knuw her to bo well pro- 1. «H'ust streets, Kev. Jos. Batlell rec- West End Methodist Kpihcopal stieet, for nearly 10 years 8b«|>herU. VO I ICE—To luy customers and the public: Commercial good rates allowed. Call at tor. Hours of service 10.30 a. iil and 4 p. m. —Kev. II. K. Dunnaek. pastor. Residence 3>J paper; to which of Mrs. Brown who if you want .i custom suit, Winieror Spring 1-2 oofore 9 a. vided for by the organliatiou The body Ingalls of the ser- Frederic street. le.Soa. ui.. "The fu- .tl Exchange 8t.. Sunday school at the close morning subject, overcoat, a first class dress suit nude from *-'» _5-1 and the resided in Portland was brought to North welcome. tf ture. At /..ho seruum. Subject, •‘Drifting.'’ her husband belonged olty. vice. Strangers always to $26, former price $28 to IBS. M. M. NAN A NTED—Youug man, reliable,good saies- for burial on Wednesday ot All are welcome. Seats free. \17 obtained Llxnlngton St. Stethkn’s SEN. Merchant tailor, 11 Bt. *■-' v lour Dtsvlux and We are convinced that supplies Miss Church (Protestant Episco- Temple unn, year*’experience last week. Mrs Ingalls, formerly street, head of state. Rev Dr. *Vuxihton CHt-R* it. corner Thomas and and shoe* wants the caretaker pal) Congress sailing clothing, furnishings by this person, professedly Santh Hopkinson, was a native of Lim- Dalton, rector. Sunday morning service at Carroll streets. Take spriug street car. Kev. I lm\ again taken my shop 33 situation, head salesman or manager Dept.; service NOTICE and will be to see all WHIN IN DOUBT, TBY thet.«iofT«»n. of tlie one, have never gone farther lngton. 10.30 a. in. Bunday school at 13 m. Weekly Smith Baker, f). D pastor. Morning Preble St., pleased woul go outside city; first class references. Theybmitmdand cured thuuunot of needy storage AVRAIIA have is a move In cattle In this service W at 4 p. in. Bowing school 10.30* subject. •‘Second Sermon On Lords of my old customers and others; good Address H 73 Federal 8t,4 1 such thanks to the la- There quite ednesday V I *:*>©* of Nervous Diseases, than the solicitor, good 2.30 p m. if God’s Dwelling Place. Evening lec- room for furniture at reasonable rates. WM. B. Dflim section and prices range high. Mr. Kd. fW»--dav $t Frayer. 0 I KlUn U at Diinoris. Sleepless* our women ture 7.30. "Climbing Spiders.” All FRAZIER. Reliable young man. good ad- Dehjity, dles who are giving poor Wentworth has and sold 10 oxen Bajl Loet meetings are held at No. f> Cen- subject, __t-2_ n per are checked Unless M. MOORE, Kev. H D. D. Bishop; vigor to the whole W»«- All drains and losses p^rmantutly. patients W. Scott Small who was cot in tbe gy-Kt. Neely. 3 from last si.uday). Fro eh year and upwards, to security W. or Death. C. Morion Sills. D D., Dean. Services.—Holy p. n*.(|MMf|M)ii(H! according WANTED—One for every 'late, are their condition often worries them into Insanity. Consumption tiMuil hv m nlrnulnr sun’ has ho far rroov- r rails SALESMAN properly cured, at a. in. and ing|Mt H.jop.m. subject. "The figured r. akk. room second neor, uxioru o iron-dad to cure or refund the Communion 7.30 Morning Prayer to Sell goods to the retail trade. Malted sealed, ftice At per box; boxes, with legal guarantee hohk mokk proof. Life. 186 Middle street. Experi- Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Claroltnd, 0. ered as to be out. holy Coraiuuuion at 10.30 a. m. Suuday school ing, _l*-4_ ence umn e-sary. Salary from the start $ll to money, |>oo. Send for frer book. ~St»*nral*partlcs are putting In their sup- at 3' p. m. Evening (choral) with sermon at 7.30 Woodford’s Univi.ksalistK mi n> ii. Kev. I I 1.1A N A ll V f 1.1. Kina ueuc clairvoyant. $30 weekly and expenses. For full particulars, C. A Co.. Agents. Portland. of It on tho llubbura’H n. m. tf Manley B. Townsend, Preaching at L has taken rooms for tho winter at I Port- and postage, send 30 cents to THE II. Oaijipjr Me._ If There I» Anything In Portland Kn- ply Ice, cutting pastor. sample 10.30 a. in. Subject. •Tilt* Way in. or How Can land Ht.. a few doors from Preble. Sittings WILSON COMPANY, 34 School St., Boston. mill pond. St. Paul’s Church, (Protestant Kptsconsh, donatlou You (art It llrrr. 1 Become a Christum Sii «tav school at »2 daily on health, business or private tainily mat- 3-1 OF INDIA. Hon. J. F. Brackett bought four very cor. and Locust •treats. The Hev. AMERICAN WOMAN QUEEN Congress m. Evening servL. e at 7. First sen ice in week ters. All advue confidential aud reli- heifers of Mr. Edwin Brack- reeior. Hours uf service strictly McHIUNflPS nice Jersey Jos. Baitell Shejrhcrd, of meetings. Kev. W, M. himui'dl of able. * M AN WANTED to take lull charge 4 m. school at special ett of Gorhaiu last week. They are of the —10.30 a. in. and p. Sunday will an office in Port- Assumed the Our realtors fere not asked to Lelieve the Portland preach. # HONESTand manage business Lord Carzon Formally close of morning service. All are welcome. tf draw C. 1. llood breed. Free. Strekt Baptist Church—Kev. Jo- WHAT’S THAT? land. Maine. The right man can 319 Vice following until thormwnly investigated. st. Lawrence Gdnob*©atio*al Church, MURDER, and commission; must $300. Royalty Yesterday. seph Keunaru Wilson. D. D.. pastor. Preaching One of Alarm c locks. Xic to weekly deposit be done. It docs not Cor. ami Muujoy streets—Rev. A. II. McKcuney’s In or letter, with references, to This can easily CougrasS 10.30 a in. and 7.so p. m by the pastor. Sun- $11.00. Warranted to wake tho dead. More Applv person by PIPE EXPLODED DYNAMITE. Wright, pastor. Morntus service at 10.80. sun- *. m. EM EJKY & CIA. 34 School St.. Room 15, Boston, OF that day school at it m, Y. P. S. C. E. at 13 o. clock 'hail all the other dealers combined. OPIUM the usual ELIXIR 2-1 6.—Lord Curzon of necessitate questioning school is in. Keening Choral service and Mass. Calcutta, January hay Morning subject, "Th’* Expectant Atiitude of the Jeweler. Monument Square. St. N. F., January 6— Cornel ins address st 7.so. McKKNNKY, ■ -—----—.■ 1st preparation of the Drug by which Its assumed the viceiov- attends ths perusal of newspaper state- John, (iospel tin* Redeemer." Evening. What is the uios sep38dtf .13 Kedlestone, formally McGourty, contractor fjr exwvntiiw thune whl ring at loa. m. and 7.00 p. m. in :he Answers are while the val- as selfish prayer recorded Bible?” FEUsLK II KM* WANTED. ujurious effects removed, A ut ments when mode they are, by people as i. u n i. r.f \ alty of India today. large gathering work, last his life today the result of So. Portland People's M. K. Chur* h— from members of the congregation. \\r i It ▼ v or wi.l uable inedcclual properties are retained. one hundred tulles away from of lie was W. K. Ho mes, school at fixtures of any ties* rii-tlon, re- house witnessed the cere- living careless handling dynamite, Kev. pastor. Sunday and stenographer. anti- government at u. "The volve the same ar our au non rooms l«>r WANTED—Bookkeeper possesses all the sedative anodyne and ran be no as to at pulp now uu 11 a m. Preaching *.8d in. Subject. WIT AND WISDOM* M had Portland. There doubt employed Mooney’s fmill on OOSs a A lady win has mony. l and its Lessons.’* Kpworih sale commission. Wil.SON, young experience powers of Opium, but produces no‘ dor course of construction at riHisligurHtion, deel7-5 books l y double entry, and is a pro- spasmodic It has in Portland Mi-peek, iu. Auctioneers, is Free street. tig reliability. appeared League .l- p. (ieaeral evening meeting ai S. 1 res* of the no no con At 9.30 a. in. the,«ew viceroy, proceeded 10 miles from here. A bag containing nt type-writer. Address S. M., sickness stomach, vomiting, and it would 7 p. in. All are invited. on first and second at before during the past yeur. which he had left Ahead. e. 5,1 no Itaaduaha. lu acuta nervous die his arrived govern- dynamite cartridges Forging; IWiTT'TOI.OAN at S>1 liveuess, by aides-dc-camp, second Advent Church. Congress Place mortgages ou real estate as have been contradioted unless in the boiler room to ensure it is an Invaluable and is recoin ment house and to the throne instantly damage Rev. K. P. Woodward, pastor. school Gotham me—Is Chicago advancing rap- low rate of Interest as can b* obtained in Port- orders remedy, proceeded on Sunday of 17 Slimmer from frost, was discovered fire, having ses at 1.45 ui. land also loans made on stocks, bonds, prrsoti- tne best the Earl trim. Mrs. Wtu. Moore, and Bible cla p. Preaching at uowv —Ol.D COLD. mended by physicians. room whore he shook hands with a from the idly SPOT CASH been ignited by spark unfortu- 3 in. by the pastor. subject, "Parmer al or auv good security. to A. “I for p. Lakeside—You bet! it’« even left property Apply We the lilgbest price tioM a, the viceroy, with the street, says: gave publication early nate men’s Calling to his men to and Power: Part 2.Obstacles and Hindran- Why, LIBBY a t 12 2 1 xchange M. Uecl4d4vv Btv you for.Old of Elgin, retiring ptpa. ship wc use tieior rings. MeKfc.NNr.Y thO about Doun’s .Social and at 7.80 ui. its brilliant futuro behind making E. aides-de the In 1BU6 a statement Kidney run, McGourty took the tug in his arm.-' prayer meeting p. it!—Brooklyn 01£T(J AGJES MdjoTl-ATL'i)—We have Square. ocl27dtf FERRETT, Agent. latter's family, with camp, invited. Jeweler. Monument with the intention of fecsts ireo; ith are Life. I of to Invest in first 37* PJCAKL %T.f NEW YORK. oouncil aud with the Pills caring me of aunoytDg, aching pain supposed throwing funds clients mortgages members of, tho near Street Conukeoational Church— «mi at s per cent, interest. Senate mill lloilme of Hriirnrntn- Juei.NV&8at,tlnrm In evidence It luto tho stream by. Before he got State real estate .security To the aud others. aoross the kidneys, always Lev. .1 L. Jeultlns. 1). 1». minister. Morning We make a of placing loans on city lteuteunnt governor clear of the power house, however the Wliilr I here ii life there l» hope. specialty tlveo. eom- when I walked far or service at 10.3u. Sabbath school at 12 in. Eve- un i suburban property. Apply real estate Uoneral Sir William Lockhart when I Stooped, dynamite him to atoms, : exploded,blowing ning service »: 7.30. could office, Hr>t National Batik FKEDEK- respectfully pray for a raaudor in chief of the liritish luroes in of movement. Until the house and I was afflicted with catarrh; neith- Building. miK Under signed mode any unthought wrecking power shattering U K VA1LL. Jec9d4ur * as a street railway company, from 7rinitv Church, Woodforda, (Episcopal.) taste nor smell ami could hear but little. charter India, then formed Lord Curzon’s pro- the windows in th»« mill, some distance er Gorham, thence Stand* the of 1SM8 I wss free from any Morning service at 10.30. prayer and somep.m 11 through cession the to spring of the other Evening Cream Balm cured It.—Marcus to Casco ami whelp,part? proceeded away. The esoope workmen Ely’s Ci. ,H1, Wit. 1 lUant. Raymond, village Indication of kidney complaint. Over Dr. the council room where the impressive was a narrow one. Shautz, N. J. HORATIO HA1-L. AT PROVINCE. thence ; some point m or near Naples village, Rahway. to iiml- liaron Curzon while household of v met) as have been grauted Lyon’s royal warrant appointing exertion clcauing McGourty was 55 years age, married Balm readied me and the effect up powers The solely TOWN. and as to Honorable ol V of India, was read. a AUGUST FLOWER. ].,!• corporations your PERFECT Kedlestune, lteroy on a slight recurrence. 1 dill and leaves large family. Is son the first At and brought surprising. My says appli- — may >e.-m proper The formal, was most a Provincetown. January »5. The north- Body ceremony, though to severe. I went at “it is surprising fact” says Prof, >. u. HANCOCK, and Associate#. of the not wait tor it grow cation gave decided relief. JteapeotluIly, cast storm which set in morn striking, the brilliant uniforms “that iu travels in all early this l««. dec28d3w CALLED TO lloutou, my parts 11. December ltith, officials and the foreign consuls lending once to H. H. Hay At Son's drug store, PASTOR AUBURN. Min. Franklin Freeman, Dover, N. in# naus U a heavy sen oil L'aj>-> Co ♦ to- J of the world, for the last ten years, 1 much color to the boeue. Lady Curzon took a few A 10c. trial size or the40c. size of Ely’s day. The Maine company s procured Doan’s Kidney Pills, 0.—Rev. met more used Steamship A solute Lewiston, January C. A. have people having totoauier Horatio m. Q N INST ALLM ENTS. Powder was among those present. royal obtained Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by drug- Hall, Cnpluin W ATCH ES ? Tooth and the results of fully jus- Dorchester, Flower than was tired and the natioual anthem was doses, Knickerbocker Muss., hus Green* August any from New York f v with gists. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., N. Y. Portland, pn-- Waltham and Elgin Watches. A large stock titled me in saying, Doan's Kidney the committee of the oilier remedy, for derauged and into I up- TOILET LUXURY. played again notified parish film dyspepsia, seiigtrs freight, put Prov of new model Watches will be sold ou easy pay- AN ELEGANT and and for Directly after the warrant had been Ptlls can be depended upon. A daughter Street Universally church. Auburn his liver stomach, constipation. town harbor at iu.fi o'clock for shelter. ments at reasonable prices. All Styles. A LI of refinement rend the Karl of Elgin and Lady Elgin 1 liud for tourists and salesmen, or for Flab ting;. The vessel Is due in 1 oriiand ut five rues. Me KENNEY, the Jeweler, Monument Used by people of mine liring In bowdoinbaiu, this state acceptance to the call to the pastorate of marltkitt aud their immediate party left govern- persons fliliug office positions, where Maiden—Why. Jimmy, o'clock this evening. Lut a ni.ou 1 wa> Square. lor over a of a century. was of weakness of the back. the church and will commence his labors Sympathetic re- quarter ment house. Cord Curzon accompanied also,cured headaches ami general bad feelings from been considered probable that -he would you boy! Havo you fighting!- n in Maine. Karl of to thoriverbidenml Tims iu of uttering my opinion of the lirst iu that poor main here all night. The Rnoo Point Eighteen y*u successful practice the Elgin they place Sunday February. irregular habits exist, Green* been Treated without or house escorted Jimmy—No; I’ve fought.—Golden f ile Station sent a this this ii #%=¥■■■■ M pain returned to government by Doan’s Kidney Pills has strengthened. Aiitfii** Flower is a grand remedy. It report to city r|U I III M detention fromu business. a lull ot the Calcutta Light Days. aftjrnoon that high seas wers runnl» g no lure body guard It.” fast train breaks record. does not injure the system by frequent #■ I J\ I Big U Easy; safe; knife, The route was liued by troops, outride and that n rain storm pre- Guaranteed! 01 No DEERINC Horse. and is excellent for sour stomachs heavy 5 |W I w Lslu l*ay. llred and the- Doan’s Pills for sale ail deal- use, another royal salute was Kidney by Portland, Ore., January G.—The new- vailed. and ttamule bottle* ONLY FORMALLY DISCuSsiCD. and the of vessels In the Hooglly dis- AO cents a bex. Mailed on re- fast mall train from the east arrived indigestion.” Toe storm continued tonight Keith Diseases. Dr.C.T. FISK Real Estate squadron ers; pride on at E. Dan I O. R. and I rue F. Pickett's, 212 forth, E. 0.—The Sonata* Hull was mill hero. One of the of twery played all their bunting. of Poster-MIlburn time over the N., making the Washington, January liorulio ye Main Street, Lewiston,M*. R9I description oeipt prioe by Go., 107 c. 4 llahed an article on the Beaver favorite route to and »t Andrews. btsamship larketo. Cheese white lOHe; nmQ do NEW LONDON-Ar 5th, seti J 8 Lamprey, Cauipobello I never be laid at the door of • housewife, Leading steely; bAi B. shook! line and the controversy created by its at lie. Barren Island for New Bedford. N. Neglect j NEWPORT KEWfl -Ar steamer Bramble. her but Eggs steady: State and Penn at 27e; Weaero 6th. Wlnifr A rriingtmcnt. be she works harder than neighbor, doesn’t | sale. The Montreal Star of Thursday af- Portland; sch* D y light. Nickerson, Boston vis I It may fresh 2 re. On and after Dec. 2Ctb, steamer 3 13 1. Delaware Brea*water; Emma K Angell. Tripp, Monday. I in the way. Her neighbor uses ternoon says: Plow York Stock and Money Market. Migsr—raw quiet: fair refining r2V will leave Portlaud on Mondays at 0.30 p. m about it just right trlfugal 06 test 4 molasses sugar 8 9 6c Philadelphia go Present, would indicate 6-16; *ob Boston. Returning leave su Joke and Eastpor appearances tit refined quiet. Mid Mb. Bulllvan sawin, Cobh. that the season of 181*9 will sec | NORFOLK-Ud 6th. schs Bertha F Walker, Thursdays. shipping NEW YORK, Jan. 6. CHICAGO much In the -Cashquotations: Pearce, Providence; Edwin K Hunt, Crowell, Through tickets Issued and baggage checked lively competition ^passen- on oall was firm at bwt loan Is uuiet but of Montreal Money 2H #4i flour steady. j Boston. to destination. Freight received up te 4.00 ger servloe between the ports • dSe 8 do at 63 | |jp~ at 3 mercantile Wheat—No 3 spring 66H ;No 81*1. «ch Mount McLean. Boston. m. and In the llrst place the El- per cent; prime paper 3® A67e: No 2 at 86 Hope, p. Liverpool. 2 Red at 7o*7U. Com—No PHILADELPHIA—CId 6th. sons Elm City. For Tickets and Staterooms at the der- with the 8*4 per cent. Exchange steady, with No at 36 H apply Dempeter Company, energy Sterling *86*4c a yellow 65>Ae.O*ts-Na3 Boston; Isaac H Illlyer, do; tu Carbonero, Fine Tree Ticket Monument or to do actual 4 No 2 No 3 white SIU Office, Square with whloh they are accustomed business in bankers bills 24*4# &27c; white 29#29*«f; | towing barge Burkridge for Portland. for other Informstlon, at Company's Offlefc No 3 5 No 2 40'a46c; on things, have entered Into the trade and 4 84 for 4 82 for six- #29o; Rye *4 o; Barley Island- Passed down 6tb, sch Olive T Railroad foot of htate street Huns fast special schedule via Chicago Mi detnand.and 81*4 |4 No 1 at 2 80; Reedy Wharf, the Flaxseed at 1 12; prime Timothy Whittier, for Turks Island. vnd *lton. Iron Mounts!" Ponte, Trim promise Is made that the company rates 4 86Mi, Commer- 6 48*6 J. K. LIBCOMR, Mupt. ty days; posted 82V4£4 Mess fork at 9 70*9 SO; Lard at 60; RC—CM 5th, Mb Blanche H ■ nd Pacific, oonlhftra I'Melflo Co. RtimPr will place four fast passenger steamships PORT ROYAL, mar ladtf U. P C. IIKR8BY Agent cial bills 4 80.: short rlt* mdes 4 6fto 4 9 ; Pry salted meats— Kins, Bennett. Pernannina. route for winter travel. For particulars apply to oq the route the season. Indeed shoulders clear sides at 6 coming 8llrer certificates 4*,* d4H m ; short 00ft ritOVIDENCE-Ar 6tl», sch Te umab, Perth Lbi« ago A Alton, 206 Washington St. state that the will be far 69V4#20Vfc. ft >1OIIOI >» I ri they vessels 10. froil A I IM fif I and keep* her house twice a* clean wftb half Bar Silver 69. dairies at Amboy. .. JW W ishtBfftoa Ft. faster than anything now running on the Butter firm; creamery 14<#20Hc; saLi* M—Ar 5th. seb Rosa Muollsr, McLean. reia* A Pan Or. I I effort. Gold Dust Powder has 16c the Washing Ht. Lawrence and will have a speed not Mexican dollars 40*4. 12 a Perth Amboy. so. Pacific Co.. 9 State St. a Cheese I given many woman the reputitkm of hasne far short of eighteen knots. Government bonds Irregular. atea y at 9*4 *lle. Mid. seb O M Marrett. Harris. New York. Boston. Mass. fresh ©• M Has- dec7dWedA8at I a of house Do use it? It Is the Intention Eggs dull; 2e#3 WILMINGTON. NO—Cld 6th, brig C queeu keepers. yon evidently company's Flour receipts BG.ftuO bbls; wheat Uft.000 to Beaver kell, Wingfield, Trinidad. K Largest package— greatest economy. place the present vessels of the Riporu. bush; com 3;fl 000 bush; oat* 179,000 bush; Lina, whloh thay have In the LIVERPOOL. ENG. Steamship GeorgUn- 24,« m* bosh. I > C0WPA5Y, CUtai. St. L—io. Its York. Boot—, purchased, rye tmsli; barley bt.ooo Forctirn Fort* MAINE CENTRAL R.R. THg j(, i. FAIRBAKK ntfciitpMa ■ background and operate modern passen So.♦*•’•*5 bush wheat 9187 do oats i486 bates of shipment* Hour 72.0110 bhls; wheat 44.000 meats 7022 e* ger steamers In their stead. cotton 8317 boxes bbls apples kuabjjcorn 161.000 bush; oats 251,000 bush; Ar at Buenos Ayres Jan 4. seb Viator. Parker, ma< 7 do mdse 7826 flour 4160 bxs bush. .fToo Nov. J8 The use of the title “Beaver Lins''Is the hlimry bags rye 41.000 bush, barley 24.0U0 Baltimore for Rosario. jr t-ni ^nnwwwiKTonoaam3MUKaaciooa3a]ncaaouoK_ cheese 1496 do butter 481 bags beans and peas Md fm Jan A Reuce. Adams, cause of a In at the MINNEAPOLIS—Wheat—January at 67%4e; Hong Koog ship Trains leave Portland as follows: dispute England pres- in/ bales 1.athcr oo lard 34 bdl lumber York. kgs at 68''-c; >0 1 hard on track New a.m. ent time, and the matter may be settled blocks loo starch 46 fur May 6774c; July Hloao Jobn 7.00 For Brunswick. Basil, Rockland 3771 maple nags pk «8*-c; No 1 Northern 07Hc; No 2 Northern at In port at Nov 80, ship McDonald. In court. The Molvers, who own the nlture 1< em stones hoc a orcaus 200 * hxs Btorer. for New York. August*. WatervlUe, Skowhegan. 1.1*hop Falls pk 06*sc. vu Brunswick. and control the lease the 150 butter 16 bbls 190 at Barbados Jan D J Kel- Dally Mnr, Hnn4nys rireptsd. Lewistou Belfast, Bangor Gallia, who of anued apples pk potash Flour—first at 3 SO second pat- Ar A schs Bawyer. bams h to bbls 61 cts 28?eattle patents 70£3 NC: A R Keene. Keeue, Jack- Bueksport, lloulion. Woodstock and St longarlro, and who have acted as the i) glucose poles ents 8 60*3 60; first clear 2 6j>#2 80. ley. Wilmington, TN» NEW AND PALATIAL STFAXtHI via Vanceboro and St. 653 sheep sonville. Ftephou John. English agents of the “Beaver Line "claim 830 a. ni. For Dauville Mechaolo DETROIT—Wheat was quoted at 71*4 for Ar at Honolulu Dee 28. W F Babcock, Jc., Falls, that the naiue “Beaver Line" was not In- ship cadi White; cash Red at 71c; May 73%c. Baltimore. Kumlord Fall*, (.ewlstou. Wlnthrop. Oakland, Portland Wholesale Market. Colley. Head field, JACKETS! cluded In the sale of the company’s fleet, at Rosario Alice Reed, STATE AND Watervllle. Livermore Fails, Farm- JACKETS! TOLEDO-Wheat cash at 70V*c; Jan In port Nov 20. barque BAY rjftrLkN Jan dull; TREMONT, and whloh Included what nr® commonly known 0. Ford, for Rio Janeiro; brig Dixon, for ington rutiliM- —May 73*4c. Daisy. alternately leave Franklin Wharf. Port- lo..'5 a. m. For Brunswick. as the “Lake" They make The following quotations represent the whole- Delaware Breakwater; sen Henj C Frith. Keen, Bath. Augusta steamships. 8T. LOi: IS-Cash Wheat 72 bid; Jan at 71 n land. every Evening at 7 o’clock, arriving In Watervllle and Lewiston via Brunswick. the to them for this for New York. Boston or Baltimore. the claim that name belongs sale prices market; 71 07He. season for connection with earliest tra .no for 12.30 m. Express for Brunswick. Bath. He; ay 73T4 ; July Ar at Mt John NB. 6th. sch Piepben Bennett, p. and threaten to enter the Canadian trade points Rooklaud and all stations on the and MIlWAUKBK— Wheat closed quiet 69&69H Muoie, Parrsboro.far Barbados. beyond. Knox With the Gallia and the under Floor. Through tickets for Provldeuce, Lowell, Lincoln division. Watervllle. Ban longarlro lor cash. Ar Olh. sch Maggie J Chadwick. Pritchard, New Augusta. the of the Beaver Line. Thus Superfine and low grades.-.2 86a 3 10 Wereester, Turk, «tr, xor. Bar Harbor. Greenville, and Houlton, via title they Kastpori. leave India new factor Spring Wheat Bakers.3 10«3 36 „Returning Wharf. Boston,every ft. & A. K K. JACKETS! suddenly become an altogether s. at 7 o’clock. W heat 40:a4 60 Cottoa Macke Evening 110 pm. For Mechanic Falls. Rumford ... In the trade. Spring patents.4 u- Mich and st Louis st. roller.3 86 4 10 Spoke J. F LIbCoMH. Manager Falls. Bern Is, Danville Jc.. Lewiston, Liver that the g. iHy Telegraph.) It Is said here In Montreal Mich, and su Louis clear.3 70«4 oo N 31.47 steamer Phil- bent L INC- more Falls, Farmington, HmaHeid. Carrabas- JAN. 6. 1889, Jan 1. lat 48.18 Ion W. _ United States Gvernment has offered the W inter Wheat 85 ML aud patents.4 26^4 NEW YOKE —Ihr Cotton m»rkiM IwUy wii adelphian, McCaltum. L.verpool, Dec 24. for Phillips Rangelev. Winthrop. Oakland. a talr for the Gallia, BlnKhAm. Watervllle And Mclvers very price « orn and Feed. middling at GVac; do uplands at Boston. Skowhegan. steady, gulf I.Ta Hi. For » Bnduwick. Au- desiring that vesssl for tranpsort purposes Corn, car lota,old. 47 sales Dales. p. reeport. 00® 6Vic; 000 CHANGE OF Watervllle, Skowhegan, Belfast. Hart- and the 1m that the owners would orn. car lots, new. (Xa, «6 TIME. gusta. opinion CMARLR8TON—The Cotton market to-day land, Dover and Foxcroft. Greenville. Bangor and Children. be standing In their own if they did Corn, bag lots. OOa, 48 RAILROADS. Misses light closed 6Vic. For 40 | steady, middlings On anil .tier Dldtown and Mattawamkeag. Ladies, to do this the Meal, bug lots.. 00 ft, hept.mber «*, -TKAMICIt not take it. If they deciJe closed 6.10 m. For Brunswick. Bath. Lisbon Oats, car lots tt 38 M KM IIII18—The Cotton market to-day p. will clear as ouly V7NDFK THE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED I'HAJilOM will I.... Portland 7*1.r Falls. Gardiner. and Watervllle. atmosphere perceptibly, Oats, bag lota. Oo.i «0 ! steady middlings f»:* «e. Augusta lessees of the tJ TOUKIrtT mYMTE.M of tli* Pennsylvania For Falmouth. Con.ini. 6.16 p m or New Gloucester, Danville being remaining steamship Cotton seed, car lots,.00 00 « 21IKI NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed Chfbaague, Bultln't Railroad, a Merles oi Jacksonville Tours, allow- Inland. no. Frefinirl at J tn. Junet, Mechanic Falla, Auburn and Lewiston. the longarlro, they would be altogether Cotton Seed, bag lots.00 (JOa 2 2 OO ! 6 8-18c. p. quiet; middlings ing two weeks in loav» at t.iki • 1100 p m. for out of the Canadian trade. Sacked Bran, car lota.16 uo» id 00 Hemming m.. Ho. Freeport Night Express, every night, MORI I.K-Cotton market steady; “middlings atT.lia.tn.. H’l.tiu'. l-laml at 7.30 a. Brunswick. Bath, LewlsiOn, Augusta, Water- 1 he Allan Line the season will racked Bran, bag lota.MtiK»u l7 00 m., Jan. will bo the coming 6 Vac. Chobeanue at s a. in.. Falmouth at ».» a. m. ville, Bangor. Mooseiie&d Lake. Aroostoog Jan. 7th and 9th, in the Middling, car lots .0U0l«17 00 Saturday, Monday, have two new and fast steamships Cotton market closed county via Dldtown, Bar Harbor, Bueksport. lots.Oo 00a 17 00 SAVANNAH—The nepMdt K M. service. are the Middling, bag, SKABUKY, Manager. Ft. Ft. nt. John and Aroos- Montreal-Liver They Mixed OO steady; middlings ft l-16c. Stephens. Andrews, pool of the teed.OOO0&17 took via Vanceboro. Halifax aod the Bavarian and the lunlaian and one market closed county ot the Season at Our Store. <»A L\ t N—The Cotton FLORIDA, Provinces. The night train dode not Jacket Days two vessels will be ready in May, 1?>99. Will leave Saturday Grain Quotations. steady ^middlings 6 7-l6c. no*ton,«l*inat*ryr|‘43,February run to Belfast, Dexter. Dover an-! or Both of the*e steamships are good for six- O and *40 and March W, PoaOprt, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE mm beyond Bsngor. Sleeping cars to SC. John teen knots and are of large passenger and Karopesn Markets. Rite, Including Pullman accommeJatlons. CASCO BAT STEAMBOAT CO. of our Thursday's Whits Moan tala Division, We m»n close out the bulnncc Jacket Stock freight oapacitv. quotations meals. Ac., from New Y'ork. $50; irom Boston of mail contracts and sH»Ar via Steamer Maryland mute. Including birth ( ustoni House Wharf, I’ortland, .Me. 8.45 a. m. For Brldgton. Fabyans, Burllng- cos, of production and they will go The question Jan. n. 1899—Consols closed at not Jan. LONDON. me a from Boston via Fall River lon, Quebec. St. Sher- regarding what the Government will eventually do May. July for and 1*. $«>.>. WEEK DAY Lancaster, Johnsbury. in fact most of them are 1106? for money and 110 13-in account. for March 6 to return TIME TABLE, brooke. St. and Minne at less ttaau one-lialf price, marked a serious con- Open nr.. 71** tlOVfe line. SM. Tickets good Montreal. Chicago Paul In regard to the matter is « Clos u .• .m2 7u“a 08“4 LIVERPOOL, Jan. «.'• 1898.-The otton until 80. (’nnnufi W Spoils and all point* west. former with the different lines. In May riiiL' edneedey. Dee. 7, 199k nl one-third of tlicir prices. sideration market is steady ; spot at 3 8-32d. sales 16.000 1.46 p. m. For Sebago Lake. Cornish. Brldg- Into For I ove»t Cl»y Lend iig, I>»U« Island, s.30, May next a new contract will go sales ; speculation and ex;»ort OOOO bales. ton and Hiram. May. 6.43, 8. 10.3U A. M, 2.13. 4.00. 0.15 p. m. the of which are July. WASHINGTON, f».50 r. uj. For *Ounberland Mills. We have divided them in lots which will be sold ns effect, requirements ...37’ a 87 *4 Sebago unknown at the present time. Opening Mt. Vernon For Trefethen'a l.a> ding. fruits la>end, L ike. Biidgton, Fryeburg, North Conway, Glen practically Clos ^i...... • ... 37 37:,s •AILING GATS Or STEAMSHIPS. and Alexandria, lltile Mini Grrut arc of course Diamond UlSiidi. follows: The compsnles •’Oft IX ROUTE. steamship OATS FROM Visiting Philadelphia ( .43, 8,00, 10.30 a. in.. 2.15, 4.0 J p. in. miverse to wnr mumik \M T*- ftUJiDAT TRUNS. *■> maning up Bueno* Ayrean Portland .Liverpool.. Jan 7 Tours leave Boston. 28, February 6 (llrntl this.) % January For Ponc**'» I.andAng. Iilsud, 8.00, 10.30 for the coiu season until this mat ter. is Portlaud Bristol.fan 7 Long 7.20 a m. tog Opening. 27*4 Memnon.... aud -7. March 13 and 27, April S. 10 and 24. A. M. 2.13 P. M Paper train for Brunswick. Au- and 8 98 choice at 20 % Montcalm. New York.. Loudon..fan 7 Watervllle and Lot No. 1—t 2.98 Jackets, your $1.50 I decid'd upon. Closing... 27% C. W 1. OOD1NG. General Manager, |UtUi. Bangor. l ork .. Liverpool ..fan 7 I.'.JO to the time the Elder-Dempster line ruMR Auranla.New SEVEN DAYS 823. decs dtf p. m. Train for Brunswick. Lewiston, “ “ Up York Hamburg .Jan 7 Bath. and « « 2— 4.98 and 5.98 2.50 I bought out the Beaver line there were but I Mny. Patna.New Itineraries of D. N. BELL. Tourist Agent Augusta. Waterville Bangor. Gascogne.New York..Havre fun 7 Boston. II. oo p.m. Night Express for all points; two companies In the field Opening...... 10 42 Penn. K. R,, S05 Washington Mt., “ “ " “ steamship Maasdam_New York. Rotterdam.. Jan 7 Beeping car for a>L Juhu. «< <« a of a show of obtaining CIos 10 3u Jau4,7.10,12,14. and 7.50 had __ 3— 6.50 3.50 which ghost ... Portland Hamburg Jati »0 I Htrathgarry Portland A Small Point Steamboat Co. Arrivals In Portland. the contract, and the Dominion Friday's quotations. 1 rave.New York. Bremen Ian 10 “ the..Allan From Bartlett, No. Conway and Brldgton, 8.23 o « 4— 8.50 and 10.00 4.50 Line*. Mow, however, the Elder-Demps- Wheat. Malestle.New York.. Liverpool ....Jan 11 .Jan in.. I/ewtston ani Mechanic Falls, 8.30 a. m.; ters ary In the and this may have .Ian May Kensington. New York. Antwerp 11 Winter arrnnR.oneuta. cons- m am “ running July ■ Waterville and AllgU'ta, 8-3'» a. rn.; Bangor, « “ 'pmim. 60% St.Paul.New York.. So'arnnton.. Deo 11 November Hf*. m B « 6— 10,98 and 12.50 a tendency to change the complexion of 71% TOURIST SLEEPING nienclng 1st, uni Rockland 12.15 m.. 5.50 Pomeranian New York. .Glasgow ..Ian 12 Steamer Aouita p ivtngfleld, matters. Closing.|66% 70% 68% | HF» liJ IX O "V" m m Phillips, Beiuls, Rumford rails CARS]:> Farmington, « «■ “ Marquette.New York. London.Jah 14 To California and New Mexico, will leave Portland Pier. Port- Vv « .< and 15.00 '1 he when out. will Corn. < L**wision. 12.20 p. m.; Htrain, Bridittoa and f,_ 13.60 6.50 mall contract, given York. .Genoa.fan 14 Arizona and Tezaa. mi it m. iu wm ■ Mav. Ema.New land, JornUh. 5.00 t>. m Sko* be for two vears and will no doubt bo July York. .Havre.!.Jan 14 Mondays. began. Watervllle, * Champagne ...New and tor “ “ “ 0 ...... 37% Wednesdays Fridays Rockland and 5.20 M. « <. 37% .Liverpool ....Ian 14 S’lnaft 1. mil Exrtimnn* !**»• Wuhlrvt. I- > Augusta, Batn, p. m.; 7— 16 50 and 17.50 7.50 worth the having. Umbria.New’.York. Orr’s Island, Great Islam!. Fast ( Moos*- Closing. U6H 37 14 4 C and Saturday. Through »i«wp- Ilurpsweu, luhn. Bar Harbor, Aroostook ounty, Prince .New York. .Azores .Jan .rTcry Wednesday ► Ashdnl*-, Small Point an 1 Harbor. Trojan era ti> San FreneiaoO without change through New Cuudy’s lead Lake and Banirur, 5.36 o. m Kangeley, « “ “ Oats. York. .Lacuavra .Jan 14 4 « 20.00 111AM Caracas.New Or lea na and the »prm-trupieal region* of the Booth. Return, leave ( undy’s Harbor at u.30 a. m.. 8— 18.50 and 8.50 GO TG HAVE AUTOTRUCKS. * Farmington. Rumford Falls, Lewiston, 5.45 o. May. July. Bulgaria.New York. Hamburg .. .Jan 14 Personal aud 1‘niter* I and Conductor* through. d>ya Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays, touch- n Chicago and Montreal and al! White “ “ “ seen U>»nlt g .. New York. Rotterdam.. Jan 17 tn tan Pranctaeo. 4 to Lot 3 1-2 day* at all » “ Autotrucks will soon be In the KotierdAm. day* Angela*. ing landings. Special will leave Port- Monnuin *.10 t>. from Bar " and to Haw Arlaoua 2 12 to Tazaa poiuts. m.; Harbor, 9— 21.50 23.50 9.50 Closing. I 27% 25% Cymric ..New York Liverpool Jan 17 4 Mexico and day* land every Sunday at t p. m., for Orr • Island. str»**ts of New the New York Sice para for Tneaday and Friday md from Bangor, Bath an Lewiston 1.30 York, says .... York. Liverpool.Ian In op«n occupancy < daily PORK, Germanic New to ahnw the National Itriuru leave rr's Island every at 18 night* and guide Capitol Monday m.; Halifax, St. Joint, Bar Harbor, Water- Herald. Platform trucks for St Lonls.New York. .So’ainpton. .Jan without extra on Wednrad»r and Befnr- > 7 a. in. for Portland. in the store over carrying May. chant* -• tile and August*. 3.50 a m. except Mondays. eleven Cloth Jackets $9.50. Noordland.New York. .Antwerp... .Jan 18 4 day morning* Write ft handaoac Itinerary. f*X- J. H. Only with Opening. ► McDonald. Manager. heavy machinery and trucks high York. P’rnambuco Jau 20 niahinf full Information. Bent frea * CEO. E. EVANS. V. P. & li. M. Ciorng. .. 10 00 Coleridge.New 4 >fflce, lo« Commercial sl Telephone && rorinf»rmari''n. richet* and reaervattnua. ana re*# F. E. BOOTH BY. li. P. A T. A. boxes for ice or other commodities Winifred New York. Porto Rico. .Ian 20 * HOSTS dtt coal, E. I. CUMLIEB. If B A Bo Pac Co Nov. lima. nov24dtf will Menominee New York .London. Jan 21 * » BUta BOSTON Portland. 22, will be lirst used. Compressed a!r P.Mtem Street, * Seal and Velour Jackets al About (ne-Half of Prices. Phoenicia. New York. Hamburg). Jan 21 0E0 C. DANIELS T P A 3o By Electric Regular furnish the motive power. The were uie dost* -nou- 1 following Bretagne. New York Havre.Jan 21 221 Wajhicjton Etraet. BOSTON .Moto rmen who operate these trucks ons of stocks at Boston: 4 ALEX B. TNWEATT, Eaat’n Faaa A«t By til Broadway NIW rOIX V w 11 have a high seat forward, with Mexican (Antral «s.671 Port an j & Eoothbay Steamboat Co. the AuiUlsou. ion. a»;sania Fe. R. new. 1H% COMMENCES SATURDAY AT 8.30. do u ble wheel similar to arrangement M 4 n *• 7. SALE AI .. JANUARY Boston a Maine.171 MINIATURE nov5 eodtf on a cable car for controlling the power. aould WINTER AKKAM.KUENK Ilk Oct. I One wheel will lie for steering purposes 1 li, vfAine rntrai. 3K2?:?s2 llie heel assortment. This is and the other will or close a valve c>0 DEPARILKivi Br on hnnd to igel posllivel} open Union Pacific. 42% Moou rises .... 2 351 Height.0 0— betwee n the air chambers and the mo- iJmo.i Paeinc Dfd. 73% After Dec. 14th 1.30 A. M. and l.10 F. M. From ( ulun Station lowest Mark Down bale of J At'KIiTS we shall have Ihc tor. Although theso trucks wli) have a amor at |H«U.27*1 for Poland, Mechanic Falls, Buckfield. Can- this season. carrying capacity of eight tons and cat. merinnu sugar. nonmn.124% ton, Dixneld and Rumford Fad*, ...112 \ I A KIN K IN EW6 MONDAY Oct. ad. 1W*. trains bo tun on smooth pavement* as fust as 3uf*r,9ta Ou and after Steamer ux m. t.io and 6.16 i>. in. From Union with this Jacket sale we are rl. iU i, Dia...... will leave os follows: Enterprise In connection offering eight miles an hout, it is asserted that Station for Mechanic Falls and Intermediate ■lo common 8J PORTLAND. LEAVE. station*. on Che s can be in their own length PORT or leaves East Booth bay a*. 7.15 a. in. Monday. InOnccinents following; goods: they stopped Connections at Rumford Falls for all special off the air the wheel* are For Lewiston and Auburn, 8.10 a. in., 1.30, Wednesday and Friday for Portland Touch- points ljy shutting »w York on* of Stock* and Bond*. So. >ii the K. F. & R. L. K. R. Beints aud Quota! 4. (MJ and tl.OO I*, in. ing at Bristol aiul Itootnbay Harbor. tncludlng locked and the truck con.es to a sudden FRIDAY. Jan. «. .li* Lakes. Telegraph.) For Gorham. Berlin and Island Fond, 8.10 a. Kangeley CUOTII CAPES, standstill. The trucks are built with (By GOING EAST. LADIES the ot Arrived. in., 1.30 and 6. p. in. wide so that or macadam The following are closing quotatious tires, asphalt For Montreal aud Chicago, 8.10 a. m. and 6.00 and Saturdays leave R. ('. BRADFORD, Tiafflc Manager. Bonds: tow ing Tunnel Tuesday. Thursday Main* “ roads will not be Injured by them. Tug Valley Forge, hnrge Ridge, m. Portland at 7 a. in. for Fast Boothbav. Touch- Portland. GOLF Coal to A K Wright. p. E. L. LOVKJOY, tec dent, CAPES, Property for the site of a power house Jan. f>. Jan rt. PhtUde phla. For Quebec, tf.oo p. ni. lug at Booth bay Harbor and iso. Bristol. Bapenu Sch M B Oakes, Garnet. Machlas for Boston. jelc dtf Rumford Falla Malax has teen and a plant costing New 4s, reg.120 120 declMtf ALFRED RACK. « purchased Sch Mabel Hall, Raul -i. New York for Rock ARRIVALS. Manager. FUR $25‘».OUO is to be ercted for the initial op New 4s. coup.125* 12V* CAPES, Del. lairk. & West.168 exdlfto* land. From Lewiston aud Auburn, 8.10, ll.3ft a. oration*. Janies 11. Hoadley, who is Samnel Brown. Rondout, cement to New 4s. reg .112 111% mu Hart, m.; 6.46 and 0.45 i». in. in the autotruck com Island. BOSTON & MAINE R. JR largely interested N ew 4s, 112% Diamond From la laud Foud, Berlin and Gorham, 8.10 and NEW YORK IHItECT ami coup.11 Ginn, Rockland for New LINE, in Effect Ovieber WrtippcrA Waists, puny, nays: Denver & It. il. 1st.108 108% *cli Charlie Woolsey. 11.30 a. tn. and 6.15 p. ru 3rd, ISM. which Mr. York. A f7,ixiJ,000 corporation, in Erie gen. 4s 72% 72% From Chicago and Montreal, 6.10 a. m. and I>! VISION. “ sch J B Norris. Holmes. Gloucester. Maine Co. WESTERN and Velvet Leiter is interested, is be- Mo. Ran. & Tex.2ds. 70% 70% 5.45 p. in. Steamship Silk Waists, Joseph largely Sell Laura T Chester. Beals. Itockport :or Bos- 1-ong Island 'Sound By Day'^^hn Trains leave l’orHand, Union Station, for Air. letter w’ill not bt Kansas & Pacific consols. From Quebec, 8.10 a. m. ing organised. ton. Krtiibmu t rosmng, 1(LOO a. in,. 6.20. p. ZD.; of the Oregon Nav. 1st.118 113 TRAINS. 3 TKiPS Pr R WEEK. “ president. He wijl probably be one j Sch Ripley. Banks. Itockport for Boston. SUNDAY Scar boro IteMch, line Point, 7.00, UtUO a Dress Skirts, of stocks: FARE ONE WAV ONLY directors 1 his company will be incor- Closing quotations Sen Roy, 8t John. N H. tor New York. For Montreal. Quebec. Toronto and Chicago £3.00. 4.30, 5.25, 6.20, p. m.. Old Orchard, Atchison. 18% 18"** a. porated in New Jersey. An existing ; Sch Neptune, Berry. Boston. h. 00 p. in. The *.teamsh»ps Ho>atu» Halt anu Man- taco, KiddMord, 7.00,8.40, 10.00 m., 12A5, “ Atchison pfd 61% 6u% and W H Perkins, 7.30 a in. and haiihii -cave 16 Ill; Kriicehiiok, 8.4^1, Underskirts, plant hus been bought by Mr. Leiter for gobs J R Clark fishing. For l^wlstonand Auburn. ooop.m. allcruatlve'.v Franklin Wharf, it), '>..5,6.20 p. T.Qy, entral Pacific.42s* 42% For lu 7.30 a. u. and o.oo ip, and l. m.t 12 > 3.30. .25, 6.20 p. m.; K»>imebonk and It will bo in operation SAILED- Steamer Georgian. Liverpool. Gorham amt rlln, p. Portland, Tuesday*. 11'lrsday* Saturdays Ches. a Ohio 25% 24 % at in. for New V- rk d.rect. leave 7.110. 8.40, a. in.. 12.3\ 3.30, 5.20, p. in.; Mr. L.dter 1m* in- ARRIVALS Up. Returning, port, i Muffs and within eixty days. Chicago a Alton.17u 17o PierF, K., lu-sdays, lhursuaysaud Satur U rdu limch, 7.00. 8A0 a. in., 3^0, 5.20 p. m.; fnr Collarettes, Scurfs, and other Euro- 1 FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Island Montreal j X 12.35 terested the Rothschilds h tea go a Alton pfd. From Foud, Berlin, Gorham, da\s .it ;■ p. tn. lFiT«r, So liters worth, 7.00. 8.40 IU., and 8.10 a. m. Hoche* pean capitalists in the Introduction of Chicago, bur. & Quincy.125 % J 24% West, These steamers are superbly fitted and fur- L30, 6.-6 p. in.; er, Faria log ton, anil Del A Canal Co 10% BOOTH RAY HARBOR. Jan 6-In port, sebs Fr. in Lewiston and Auburn. MO a. in. 1 Alton I.*1 :u 3.30 Lake- Children’s Reefers Oretchens, autotrucks In foreign cities. They will Hud. 1C6% lushed tor pass* age: trav* nud atl«*rd the most ! |ta>. nu, 12.3.5, p. in.; Denver & K. U. 10% 18 * Ida Hudson, Boston tor Kockianu. Commerce, Cars ou and cuntortaole route port, Laconia, \\nlrs, I’lymtmih, 8.40 a. Zn.. oe manufactured In this country and will ; Pullman Palace Sleeping Night eouvenluit telwaon Erie, new. 141 a 13% Braoksvllle lor Portland. Gold Hunter, Boston Portlaud and New York. U.X' p. m.; Worcester (via Somers worth and Misses’ Fur be lirst in Loudon, loiter thev trains. and Sets, operated Erie 1st 37* a 37* or Mt Desert. Miantouomah, do for Ylnaihaven; Rochester/, 7.n0 a. in.; Manchester, Ceacot-d Children’s pfd. TICKET DEPOT AT FOOT OF F. List OMB.General Ageut will bu introduced in n and Paris.** Illinois .114% 114% Red jacket, do for Portland. Robert A Snow. OFFICE, ini n. r. n. 7.00 a. m.. 3-30 p.m.; North Ber- Central THOS. M BARTLETT. Agh OCU.U1 20 19% Rockland tor New York. Oriole. River Herbert. INDIA STREET. wick, Dover. Fieisr, Haverhill, Lawrence, Ftc. Lake Erie A |West. dtf Ftc., Ftc., Lake Shore..11*7 197 NS. tor Boston: Laura C Hall, Harvey, NB. for novl l.<• wall. Bo-ton, a 4.06, 7.00. 8.40 X m„ 12.3\ Mr*. Alfred Louis & Nash. 64% U4*i Boston. LS0, p. in. Arrive Boston, T.26, 1415 X ra.. : Leave Boston for of Hite- Manhattan Elevated.102% 100% EXCHANGE DESPATCHES. rj. *. 4.10, 15. p. m. Clarke, 5.60. 7.30, 8.30 X ID.. l.Ib, 4 15, p. in. Manor Mexican Central. 6% 6 Sid fm Liverpool 5th. steamer Canada (Br), Portland, wan, Central.Ill 111 STEAMERS. Arrive Forth ml, 10.10, 11.50, u. in., 12.10, 6.0U has Michigan Ma.dox. Boston, Co.. Iowa, ; Minn & 8t. Louis 36 35% ALLAN LINE rji> p. in. been the moth-ff SUNDAY Tit A IN A. Mum. ft: M. Louis mil. W7* a or, Notice to Mariner*. e r of four Missouri Pacific 45 44 WEST INDIA ROYAL MAIL 8TKAM*HII’ CO. For bear ho r« Hesvb, Pino Point. Old the Lighthouse ) children. Now New .lersev’L'entral. 96 a* DO5** Office or I.nhfector, Dri-hard (touch, hiwo, lllddeford, Kr»nno- llltST DlSTK ICT. CRUISES and Portland Service. New York Central.U2* 121 *-* .^oU Liverpool l>unk. North Berwick, Dover, Exeter, she says | Portland. Me.. Jau ♦». 1899 ) & *• The Steamers h rom LEWSEN to New York, Chi. ft: St. Louis.. 1 :*1 ** 13' Elegant Passenger From Huvoihitl, Lawrence, Boston, 12.55, R. M. ura about Lowell, CO., Desert Kook, Two Bush 5. S. M A Dl A n A. 3.060 tons, sails Feb. 4th. 8.22 m. become a mother New York. C. .v st Louis pf... 73 73 From Mount through Liv«Tpo.ii Portland 1.30 p. m. Arrive Boston 5.18, p. Northern Pacific com. 4.m 43 Channel, to Segutn (Outside). b. s. PKETOK1 A, 3,300 tons sails Jan. 12th aud Rochester, J‘'arming;toiia Alton Bay 4.30 a g a i u and I MO *1 lei ot \.. < v li in. 70 Feb. lt>ui. *• *• have been troub- Northeru Pacific pfd. 71V* '* Notice Is hereby that Mellmo Island -M [t. in. glveu Other steamers ten days. 31 •Sardinian Street. led with morn- Northwestern.M2 I4ias red and black horizontal every ! ASTERN DIVISION. 538 Congress Ledge Buoy, spar, tilted w ith electric lights, baths, aud 12 Jau. Mongolian .8 sickness and Northwestern pfd..18G1 1851* Is adrtit. It will be Specially ** For lllddeford, Portsmouth, Newbury- JautkiF,8iM3. ! ing stripes. reported replaced all latest For uuio into, 19 Nuuudian » Fob. I could Ont. & West. 2n*i» 20V# as soon as improvements. ** Atn*»hury, saieno, I.rou, Boston, 2.00, vomiting. practicable. ht. Thomas. St 8l Quads •JO .Turanian 1! purl, .. 21 Croix, Kitts, loupe not eat any break heading 21 s vs it* oruei ol uie Light House Board. 2 Castilian in 00 a. m., 12.4:*. 6.00 p. m. Arrive Boston, 5.50 1 Dominica. Barbados, Jamaica aud Feb. new) fast ; but two Island.114f># 113*>. J. K COGSWELL. Martinloue, •• i. 12.40, 4.oo '.«.05 p. in. Lea\e Boston for days Hock| Deineraru. For Illustrated 9 •Buenos Vyreau ui., I taking 8t "Paul.I2il* l20'‘h Lieut. Comma ider. U. S.N.. pamphlets giving l or'.laud. 7.30, 9.00 a.m.. 12.30, 7.00, 7.45 A h KAIL) TO GET MARRIED. ago Ix-gan rates of and all information, to 1G •.'Sardinian •* 31ar. p.m. your Favorite Fn* at. Paul pfd .lot;3* 166»* Inspector 1st L. 11. Dial. paaaaee apply strive Portland, 11.45 a. m.. 12.0J. 4J0^ io.15, A L OUTKRBttlDGE A CO.. A gems, 3* • twice a day. at Paul & Omaha. U2]4 wl steamers marked thus do not carry pas- IU.45 p. 111. Spencer, Mass., January C.—-Henry innption Broadwa>. New \ ork, ARTHUR AHERN a teuspoonAil at a at Paul & Omaha pfd 107 1C7 Memoranda. sengers. Mongolian, Nuuudian and Castilian SUNDAY TRAINS. iluinmoDd, a prominent young Canada, or J. B. KHATING Spencer time ami 1 am St. Mimi. ft. Maim ..180 180 Secretary. Quebec, carry all classes. man committed suicide this pleased C—The owuers of the Vice Me. For Piddefo d, Portsmonth. Newburr- morning by to say that 1 nave not'' Texas I Pacific. 17s * 1B>* Vineyard haven, Jan (British Consulate), Portland, himself lu the head. or Bath have KATES OF PASSAGE. ^ort, Salem. I.vun, Boston,2.‘X) a. m.. 12.43 shooting No ale hnd a vomiting spell for Union •'acillo pfd 78M 73*# stranded schooner Marlon Draper in. Arrive Boston 5.57 a. 4.00 m. motive for the deed cat. be assigned. two morniugs Wal ash. 7*n * contracted with the Boston Towboat Company in., p. quote cabin. Leave Boston for Portland. 9.00 a. m., 7.00 p. iu. Young Hammond was but 2k old The “Favorite Pre- Walvoii 'ptd 2** 22Vfc to float the vessel and low her to New Bedford year* Her of lumber has been Per Mongolian or Numidlan, $50 and ftoo. arrive Portland, 12.1% Vk >0 p. in. be mom Hostou ft; Maine.170 170 lor.rcpalrs. cargo light, and was engaged to married’ to Mins scription” relieve* > aud A reduetiou ol ft a. except Monday and at North New York and New Eng. uu '.»*♦ ered and transhipped to destination. Castilian, $55. $<; $;o. Dally stops iris The announcements of their ing sickness and the other |pf.. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. cent ts alloweu ou return tickets. Berwick and Ex ter STEPHEN BERRY, Prouty. C Ml Sandy Hook. Jan 6—Ship Cyrus Waknfleld, per ouly. of the Old olony. l'J8« 19* wedding were out and the event was to discomforts period .108 los Iroiu Ban Fra cisco, wbkn groutuled this morn- Nov. 0. 1£98. steamer Aucoclsco L>. J. FLANDKRa. G. P AT. A. Boston, the Adams Express Beginning hl CO.NI> CABIN. have occurred next Tuesday. llammoud preceding motherhood by purifying American 142 ing In Sw ash Channel, Is now afloat aud has pro- will leave Pori laud Pier. Portland, dally. Sun- oc t: dll and Caul Express.142 To Londou or l,oudonderry—$35 ttycolc, took Miss to drive after- whole system and by strengthening and U. S. G4 54 ceeded to New York. N damage was sustained at 2.00 m. tor Long Island. Liverpool. Job Prouty yesterday Express days exc'pteu, p. return. leak. single, JG6.fto Kn. 37 P:un noon and in the evening was at her home, invigorating the spe- People Oas...... 112** lit '"a other than a slight Little and Great Chebeague. I'iifT Islaud, Soulli Straftt_ involved. 68 67 Mi sand Orr’s Isiaiul htcekagb. lie went home early In the evening uud cial organs Home stake. Harpswell, natley & Line. sickness is Ontario. o o Domestic Ports, Heiuurn for Portlaud. leave Orr’s Islaud,7. on Lon- Portland Worcester spent a short time pleasantly with his Morning Liverpool. London. Glasgow. Belfast, Pacific 44 * 44*# a. m. via above landings. Arrive Portland y.ju or $22 50 and notice. This he assisted his due to the efforts of Mail.,. NEW YORK—Ar 6th. ship Cyrus Wakefield, donderry Queenstown. $23.50. family. morning Pullman Palace.101 V* 161 a. ul ISAIAH DANIEL, Gen. Man. certificates ft-4. father barn nature to remove from Henry, Buu Francisco. Prepaid & R. R. between the rmler- at the and they went Into .Sugar, common.126 Vs ■epdodtf i.uder 12 half fare. Hates to P0RTLA\D ROCHESTER The existing the bit of 125}* Cla, baiquo Clara E McGUvory, Kafuse. Hali- Children years, partnership Son 6. breakfast As breakfast was not body Western Union 94l* 94 # ou to T. P. under the firm name of Hooper. together. .every fax. NS. or from otner points application Million Tool of Preble **i, slgued cou- the man weut into the impurity which might Congress .LB. :>1 l-J Leighton is this dav dissolved by mutual ready young Southern hy pfd.... BUTTON—Ar 6tb. sch Estelle. Littlefield, Do- McGowan .420 Si., keatlug. Ouaud alter Monday. Dot. 3. nws. Passouger who continue when the offset the health of the BANK HAD A NARROW KSCAPK. Exchange St or H A. Allan, 1 India 8t.. »-nf. The heir* of Oien Hooper, library and tuald called him did ver, Ml. trains will Leave Portland: Own little one to corue. The » li 8ioea M*ru» the hutlrees under the style o! uot After a second cago Lit* id. »chs John Twohy, Stevenson, for a coal Portland. For WoreesUu, Clinton, Ayer Junction, Nashua. firm and reply. calling time, T R 0.—The outside Me._novHdtl Sons will receive all bills due the old she direct cause of the nau Bootlibay. Phoenix, L, January Windham and at 7JO a. m. and 12.JO went Into the room and found him on (By Telecraptt.* port: Silas MeLoou, Merrill, doors of the vault of the Phoeulx Kppuif pay ail debts of the same. the lloor sea is an irritation of Sid. sens Lauia m Lunt. coastwise: William J p. in. HOOPER,unnps.w with the pistol beside him CHICAGO. Jan. « 1 SPft-CAttle—receipt* hank blown out (Estate of) OKRBN the nerves of the femi- and John Twohy. lo coal ports; Pema- National were by dyna- For Manchester. Concord and poluta North at k. Neither oan any motive for 3,000 ; fancy cattle f> 86g ft 96, beef sleets 4 tO Llpsett fitKD N. hoop* family assign tor Ann C Stuart. Gloucester. mite about one o’clock this morning by 7 JO a. ut. and 12.30 p. ia the act. The nine organism, which n£4 Texans 3 16 <* 4 06. (juld. Bootlibay; L. M. LEIGHTON, young man was of a very 7B; Mauila three men who to rob the bank For Rochester, Alfred. Water, Jau. 1 have a Hoes- at 3 02 Ai bin ship K it Thomas, April 22, attempted bpriugrale, retiring nature and it Is sslble that he sympathetic receipts 30,6oo; quiet; quoted boro and ttaco Hive? a; 7.30 a- ul, 12J0 and jautdlw p connection with the 76; 90 ,.3 43' via Montevideo Nov 3. tug Cumberland, Mills, but were frightened away before they BOSTON Slid PHILADELPHIA. dreaded the thut would attend *3 pigs a. A. 5Jo p. in. publicity 8,0- lambs at 3 75 Portland, towing narge oould gain access t,o the interior apart the nerves of the stomach. Sheep—receipts o;; quoted eastward at 9.30 DlltECT STEAMSHIP USE. For Gorham at 7 JO and 9.45 a ia, IMfc 3.00, wedding. The Hammond and ** Light—Passed tsth, Prouty *6 25; sheep 2 26 «,4 26. Highland msnts where the valuables are kept. The mo m. The Favorite Pre- a Horatio Hall, from New loik for ftjo and p. families are very prominent in town. m, steamer and to ten o’clock Cumberland Westbrook goes di- Portland. Horatio Hall has put into Prov- burglars escaped up For Westbrook, Mills, DR. F. AUSTIN TENNEY, scription Domestic Markets. [The little clue to their and WacslXurda at 9.40 a ul, to the seat of the lucetown.l this forenoou there was From Boston every Wednesday and Saturday. Junotiou 7Jh CRKLLIN BEFORE GRAND JURY rectly bank will 12.3a 3.00, uj*< and mo p. m. soothe* the (By Telegraph.) APALACHICOLA Ar 6th, sch Willie H identity. The da rouge to the trouble, From Piiili e and The 12JO p. ui. traui uoai Portland oonnects JA \UAKY 6. 1809. Child. B .-.ton. not exceed $<00. The attempt to lob the pHii every Wemesday OCULIST Saco, January 6.—The grand jury is ruffled nerve* and st .luncuou wiui ‘lioosac Tunnel Route” 6th, sobs Warren Adams, W. cl. a Ayer comfort at NEW’ YOKK-The Hour market -receipt# BALTIMOBE-Ar hank was discovered by Briggs, at Union htation. on the North Saco murder case. bring* Provi- [or the Wt*st and Worcester, 453 1 ( working 20.701 bbls; sales 12,00 Glveu, Apalachicola; O H Brown, Brown, whose house is situated Saturday. rta uugrcn once. It i* a safe bbls; exports 24,632 hotel proprietor, From Central Wharf. Bos tom m. From lor Providence anu New York, Providence and lower to dence. __ Sp. M., Opp. Kolairr.' Every witness who appeared at the pre- packages -.moderately active 5*lo near toe Phoenix bank. He was aroused In- Line" lor Norwich aud New York, via “Nor- medicine to take. IUMJTHBAV—Ar eui, sch, clement »d<1 Ida Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia, at ft p. m. Munumrnt. sell. and summoned a wich Line” with Boston aud Albany EL K for liminary hearing has been summoned. It contains no al- Grade Jeuule ii Plllsuury by a heuvy explosion surance one-half the rate of sailing vessel*. Winter patents at 3 76.<« 00 winter straights Hud,on. Cortland: .I, the aud with the New York ah rail via in- RoukUud. lot of 'they enterud the Freights tor the West by the Penn. K. it aud West, examined free dav. Hours 9 a. in. Several witnesses from Bar Mills where cohol, or 3 Go.1,3 00; Minnesota patents 3 9»>#4 2o;" ami l.auu, Kobtiisou. townspeople. Eyes evory opium sell Helen M At- found as described connecting lines, forwau'ded ire# of “Bprimcheld." other ter extra# 2 Minnesota baker# 2 86* BRUNSWICK. Oa-Ar BID. bank and things but 8out£ by at Portland from Worcester to C p.m. dee.’Odtf Creiltn claims to have dangerous 66*2 9o; commission. Trains arrive George passed the w 05 wood. Walts, 81 Japo aud Nassau, Nr. the had tied. The amount of drug. It contains 3 Oo; Inter low grades 2 46*2 burglars Bound Trip 118.00. kl 1JO p. ox; from Rochester at IJ9 a m.. L30 02,- sub Oliver 8 Barrett, trwlu. Bath. was Passage $13.00. evening of the murder testified Friday af- no or Wheat -receipts 201,776 bush; exporta hid. money in the bank last night be- xnd A48 p. in.; from Gorham at Ml aad sugar syrup. iHirt Auule K Meals and room Included. A THOUSAND RINCS 62 sale# l.tf bush futures and BUCKsJHJKT—lu Alb,sch Lewis, and 000. A I 1 JO. A15, A4S m. testified that saw It alas the bush; *,00o tween $1*,OQQ $15 For or passage to F. P. WINQ, 10.50 in. p. ternoon. Boys they diges- »» weak;rioa Iruni Sow York lor freight apply select from- Diamonds. Pearl »• 0 o bush spot and outports;apot WiaMrporl. tickets tor all Waal and To Opals. at the Bar Mills station In tion and is a Maud H Agent, Central Wliari. Boston. For through point* Creiltn early gen lied 79L4 t» 79V*c fob atloat to arrive. CHARLESTON-814 fuu.sch Dudley, Dubya and ah oilier precious sioues. Hall’s cures ME. Treasurer and General Booth to t V. McGlLLlCUDDY. TiqpOt Engage- the but were not wheth- eral system tonic, 02,542 Duutou. Bartmdos. Hr. Couch syrup always a 8AMP80.N. apply ment and Wedding Kings a evening, positive Corn—receipts 46,800 bush; exports 1$ blate F»**ke specialty. Largest or bush HAKBOR-SId Oth, sch bronchitis aod asthma. Nothing equals tins Manager. 6W Build.ng, Boston, *tock iu tbe city. MaKENtrfCY, the er it was September Ik 14. If It was while it acts directly and strongly oa the busU;sales 160,000 bush futures; 106,000 DUTCH ISLAND oecudtf Jeweler, afloat. tor N,w York. wonderful remedy. Price 2$ cents. sia Monument Square. mariydtf the 14th It would clear Crellln one spoottloet of oqgaas. spot ;spot weakiNoSat 43 V#*43M|C fob Aunt, Bliss, Hills,pro «nfW «BT«MMWm HKW ADVWKTlUgMBirlm. H*W APTFHTWMPm». Tin: PRESS. TIE OSOIDIGI. mM WWWWWW WWWtt# | NEW ADVBRT1BRXRIVTI TODAY. fl 9? *fJhhu &a Almost a Year and a Half Kastman Pro*. ft Bancroft, J. R. Libby Co. ™* * ^ Moore ft Co. Iliindsitme Kevenno Cotter Row in Owen, We T. F. Fos* A Bona. Captured W. H. Goodwin ft Co. Port. 7 Ago lrn F. Clark ft Co. | Dow ft Finkhatu. Rice Pop Corn. “Seconds” of a great accumulation of Table Linen New Want* To Let. For Sale. Lost. Found similar advertisements will be found undei “SECONDS." were the and IS COMHANDED BY They year's gather- tl*«lr appropriate head* on pane S. SHE CAPT. ~ • •» -I of a Linen Manufacturer in JOHN DENNETT. m y Ing Belfast, BRIEF JOTTINGS. PEOPLE I la Die Linen ,re,and» who is so fussy, and jealous of his Rev. Kdwln P. Wilson, of the Wood reputation, that every pin-holed,—thread- ford Church, Deering, TO Congregational One of the Beat Nhlpa In the Itevrnnr OF THE8G l machine is thrown will exchange pulpits next Sunday morn- THE EXCELLENCE SYNE OF FWS | dropped, punctured piece ( otter Service—Well ( nl« nlotrd to and eat them, 2* ^ I , ing with Rev. W. Ayres of the First is due not only to the originality and Bay out as a Second*” When of these ?*erve Aa « (Junbont In Time of War enough Baptist church. Portland. simplicity of the combinatWa, but also — of coarse, V^ale^ ^ —ller OIBcera. skfll f “Seconds” had accumulated a Saturday will be pay day for the call to the care and with which it is for transaction oc- manufactured scientific men of the lire department. On that Through the courtesy of Capt. John by processes he sent them to us, and we sold them to you casion will receive three mouths’ a known to the Cali roams Fio Stbup 1WHAT they Dennett of the revenue cutter Onondaga oan be said Co. and we wish to Canned Goods Never So Never So at that made the sale the sensation of the week. pay for their services. It l’KKSS rep »rter was given an oppor- only, impress upon Good, Cheap. % prices all the of the without any stretching of th« truth that t unity yesterday to inspect the new ship importance purchasing true and As the Do you remember? the men have more thin earned their i t'.apt.Dounett.who Is temporarily In cora- original remedy. Did You Ever Buy genuine of is manufactured §E DAY” for stipend this time. mand of the Onondaga during the absenoj Syrup Figs 'Twas a “GOLDEN-LETTER your Linen closet. the California Fia Srawp Co. which the committee ar- by The fine Raphael l 01 Capt. Wood who is on the sink list, A Calif. LeBM Clint BciwrtPencIi lor • 19c or of a knowledge of that fact will JJ we’ve the Second lot ‘‘Seconds” of Table on school room decoration has her*.' in the cutter from onl3'. Well, just got provided rived Thursday A Plum from Florida for • I Sc or ■’ assist one in avoiding the worthless Fancy for the West, school Is on exhibition in I os ton. He is here to meet the come to us from 15 assigned Choice Barilctl Pear for ... 14c or Damask. They straight Belfast, and imitations manufactured by other par- A m' Ireland, they Goold & Whipple’s window. the cuttei he commanded £>e- I Woodbury, ties. The high standing of the Cau- A Pie Peach for .... IScor ■- beat the first collection. Mr. John H. Donovan, who Is employed fore beiug assigned to the Onondaga forma Fio Svrup Co. with the medi- A Choice Tobm, 1 can* for ... 29c or a^ at the post office, was last Saturday pre- temporarily, and it is presumed that some cal and the satisfaction » 9c or profession, A Dandy Maine Cara, 4 cans for S 2 on sale ninth. Part of lot.” Thl# is the Queen-collection sented with a very beautiful anti costly transfers of men and petty oflloera may ; They go Monday, Jan. “Queen which the genuine Syrup of Figs has Maine for • ■ Sc or •' the of the cash- and the A Fancy Pumpkin are on of all our store ploture by lady employes I be made between the Onondaga to millions of makes them history. given families, A Choice fflarrowIM 9 cans for 20c t ier'* department. Woodbury. Pea, 2' exhibition in v the name of the Company a guaranty Every edge is wrought for durableness as Maine Historical Socie- Meetings of the i he Onondaga is one of the live new of the excellence of its remedy. It is our Con- dis- well as for ty for the reading of papers and for revenue cutters built within the two beauty. past far in advance of all other laxatives, Can You Use Fancy Creamery Butter? gress street cussions, will be held ut their library, i The collection includes years. 1 he other new ships of the service as it acts on the kidneys, liver and NO BETTER MADE. window No. Edges, Insertions, on JC Baxter Hall, in Portland, Thursday are the the bowels or Manning, the McCullough, without irritating weaken- 3. Thero Flounces, All Overs, Open Work In afternoon at 2.80 Cents Per Lacey pat- SJtith January, the Itiresbani and the Algoniquin. The ing them, and it does not gripe nor Pound. o’clock and at 7.80. aro sixty terns, evening | Onondaga Is the sister ship to the Aigoni- nauseate. In order to get its beneficial ft pound b*Mi for $1.10. S Ancient Brothers No. 4, 1. O. O. on different And are on lodge, 1119 and was put into commission the effects, please remember the name of |'s cambric, nainsook, mull] and will attend the memorial services ot the — and F., .:4th of October this year. She was built Company styles la vn. Walton who was lost on the late John T. at the Globe Irou Works, Cleveland and DO YOU USE PECANS P CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. patterns. There be one hundred and steamer Portland, at Methodist chuich, litted out then*. She is 5305 feet of may fifty styles. ; was tutr no at § san Francisco, o«L Wouldn’t thoy ju*t rood m Many Woodfords, Sunday* morning, at 10.80. 32 feet 12 feet and is of the Frices start at 3 cents and run up into dol- long. beam,draws LOUISVILLE. Ky. NSW TORE. Kt. higher Cars leave head of Preble street at 1C SoO tons. Her engines are of powerful S Cents Per Pound 1 grades havu lars. There’s not a piece at over three-quart- o’clock. 3000 S'; construction and very powerful with electrical devleee for team stearin# goat, farapart set ers More are at and one- ine axcoisior ciuu win rneei wmi airs. the Onon- 3A I’iwm for 4c per price. two-thirds, horse power. On her trial trip communicating to the engine room and Souplne package which T. 33 on 41 Bove* Lnuudry IO bar* for 8.1« patterns C. Koterts, May street, Monday. daga made 17 knots. She is built of steel of the search and Soup f half. other parts eblp, lights ■ In the window of Gould dc 18 Dutrn Small Will to Onion* fur 10c per bottle £ show the Whipple, and well calculated for the service she electrlo automatic steam whistle. This Sale of Embroideries be seen the line busi begins Monday, Congress street, may will be called to perform. She now and a remarkably upon whistle operates by electricity by 9th. of which Is to be in the _— _ .. m.. ui v hniinJuia Hlltlivilf lVltu Ilf line texture Jan. Haphael pluced In a thick it Boxes Navel clockwork arrangement fog 25 Fancy Oranges, p West School the school room decora- of the by war her armaments would bejat least sounds regularly and automatioly every body tion committee. fore and !l§ Cents Per l>oxen. 5; four four inch rides. .She is aft luluute. Aft the pilot houne ie a well ar- of the goods A sketch in water colors by Miss Cathe- aud her lines are beautiful, rigneU i very ranged and convenient chart room admit one* if you want. All are bleached. The There's a boistrous Is Cheaper f to advantage. BLACK GOODS. (not rine P. Talbot of this city, attiacting in fact she looks more like one of the of the charts while good ting of the examining but much attention in the windows of Oren like a M n. in. to IO o’clock m. the are and far very effective) sale of smaller gunboats than she does the ship is under way without Interfer- front ’^o’clock p. today ^ imperfections infrequent apart. in of sons. The sketch is a portrait of war she would above price* rule the grocery department m'. on Hooper’s revenue cutler. In time ing with the helmsmen by lights In the 42 cent quality, 4 styles at 25c. Black Dress Goods now going at our from the life of a Setter dog. well lltted for blockade or ser- * be dispatch pilot house. 45 cent 3 at 30c. Dress Goods Section. Mrs Mary Myers of 83 York street, quality, styles vice, and it was with this very purpose in The Onondaga now lies off the foot of and broke her 69 cent 4 at 42c. •lipped Thursday leg. view that she was built. Union wharf and even In the etoim of quality,, styles of was observed The feast the Epiphany The curries six boats and her be as a WILL H. 10 at 50c. she seemed to clean GOODWIN Onondaga yesterday 123 89o satin finish, styles 400., 1 at tit. Luke's cathedral with yesterday, war complement Is 70 men and 12 officers. care nnd attention i| f.8 whistle, showing the C6, and 50 Inch. CENTEMERI KIDS. We have—maybe— a service at 11 a. m. At present she has only 42 men and eight she receives from her executive and other The Monument Grocers, 98c 5 at 09c. 100 Ladies' not that the 1 Square ifpi kind, styles pair It is expected Superior officers. The commanding officer’s cabin officers. s>he is a ship in which the men | ♦ 1.00 5 72 inch, at 67c. Kid that we Court will with leave (lore nt IO o’elock a. styles, Colored Centemeri Gloves offer grand jury get through is on the upper deck. It is handsomely and officers take great pride nnd they well JJ Wagon* m* f quality, dinner. its business before the middle of next and M Plenty of time before It £ Satin 5 72 inch at 75c linished in cherry,| with transoms may for she Is one of the very best ships ♦ 1.25 Damask, styles, j at a bargain because they aro broken sizes, week. furniture upholstered In leather. Adjoin- in the service. ♦ 1.75 & 11.50 Double Damask, 72 in. at 89c broken coler line and have buttons Instead of The relief committee of the general ing the cabin proper are two staterooms, Her officers are as follows: uuuaniiui|)i|i |iiinuiiiin§ 6 styles tills line. Steamer Portland have voted to refer all bath and further the newer snaps. lavatory, room, puntry Captain—John Dennett. And other not named above. to a committee. First H. Gulnan. many styles oases sub-investigating aft Is a co/v little oard room. The entire Lieutenant—J. Some are Glace, some are Suedes. church Second Lieutenant—K. O. Crisp, now At the West End Methodist fittings and appointments are artistic Y. W. C. A. NOTES. OBITUARY. on sick leuve. The sizes are 6-T and 7. at 7.80 in the 5'*, 6L, 5*., G, GV., Sunday evening p. orga- and comfortable and few shipa^in thla ser- Third Lieutenant—F. W. Smith. TOWELING ALSO. All linen Crash, per Adjutant Trevitt of the Salvation Army There are no 6 !*. nist, Charles J. linker, will be assisted vice have better cabins than Is to be found Fourth Lieutenant—J. F. Hottel. JOHN a OLDHAM. | will at the service Sunday, yard 4c. of seven a chorus Chief E. Jefferies. speak Gospel by an orchestra pieces, on the Onondaga. Engineer—J. m. All women are John A. Oldham, whom death wa« an- First Assistant Engineer—J. H. Cotle. at 4.90 pi cordially All extra 5c. The are and and soloist. The pastor He?. H. E. Dun- The ward room Is on the gun deck and LiDen, heavy, regular prices $2.00, $1.75 Secoud Assistant S. Sny- nounced yesterday, was a member of Co. after a Engineer—F. Invited. ack will resume his preaching this is one of the pleasantest parts of the der. Check for 5c. The of the branch who wish D, 6th Massachusetts infantry, And ships Toweling glass, $1.50. Illness. girls girls' month’s ship. It Is finished in oak and Is well First Lieutenant was at one Quinan to the Beading class to be taught by Seminole, Wyandotte and Harriet Lune, Extra fine Bleached Linen Crash, 6'*c. The out is 49c The Women’s union will hold 'i he join closing price Literary lighted and cheerful. furnishings time stationed In Portland and at that was Mrs. De Garnet, are requested to be at the U. 8. N. lie born in Lowell, Mass., a social afternoon ia the of the vestry here are all of leather and oak and the time had friends here, lie was as- died In many T. W. C. A. rooms on Saturday, January the Soldiers’ home. Chelsea. Pine street church at 3 m. A lot of Damask Towels today p. panellings ahd decorations ure in gold sistant inspector In charge of the fitting of TOWELS. great 7 at 2.80 p. m., when the class will be Mass., January 5th, 189U, pneumonia Arcauu lodge, I. O. G. T., will have and white. worth 25c. Price out and building of the revenue cutters further A few with complications. In 1890 his father, many of them MEN'S COLLARS You may thank the of the formed without delay. charge public temperance meeting There are four staterooms in a side open- and at Cleveland Isaac Manning Onondaga entertainments are to be given for the Oldham, lived In Portland. The 12.'>c storm for the second to be held at Preble eve- AT HALF. chaple, Sunday ing from a passageway leading aft from with Wood as his chief. The fine funeral Capt. pleasure of the members of the girls' service will be held at the ning ut 7.30 the ward n»om In each room is of chance you get at these proper. equipment and perfect arrangements Soldiers’ home, Chelsea, at 10 a. m., Sat- The Ocean Street circle will meet this branch. a lavatory with a desk, transom and com- these two ships show the care and atten- EMBROIDERY Miles and miles of Snow Collars and Cuffs at Half The Christinas box was opened at our urday. extra-high grade with Mrs. George H. Crocker, a eveniug fortable berth. Further aft is bath tion which these officers gave to their Embroideries. social and many things or hearty beauty WITCHERY. White Price today. A clear Friday might have Ocean Stieet, Deerng. room and in fact every thing seems to Assistant J. li. J. R. LIBBY. duty. Fir«t Engineer found therein. We take this ollicers of the Woodfords Kebekah and use were of The have been of which would In any and was will offer for next a Leagues cunningly them away. thought Coyle is a Portland roan at one for their Monday magnificent swept will bo installed this Af- way of thanking our friends lodge evening lend to the comfort and con- »n on the of table linen In 60 dlffer»*nt daintinesssos. less than degree time many years ago engineer Randall & McAllister display styles wrought Bought 20 cent Collars—4 ply—at 10c ter the installation refreshments will be kindness especially venience of the ward room officers. Be- lioston steamers. and patterns. Many of these goods are in the of our coal Will three-fifths wholesale rates. Will be sold at a 35 and 25c Cuffisat 12Kc flerved. is the reoeipt 40, pair neath the ward room passage maga- | It is probable that tho Onondaga may The dress making olaaa will hold Its on exhibition in Window No. 3 on the The Portland Ministerial association store Lead- the cook- fraction above Half zine, with various rooms, etc. remain here over Sunday, but If (the first meeting Tuesday at 4: also Congress street side.; He will also offer a price. will meet in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Mon- class will meet afternoon at ing to the ward room and the command- should arrive in Portland ing Thursday choice line of embroideries, toweling and used to call Woodbury today to t hese or (Folks January at 10.30 a. ra.. three. A nr wishing join any day, 0, Paper ing officers cabin are speaking tubes to for Boston before that muny other lines of goods that the ludbe On in she may leave other classes are invited lor the last time 'em •■Hamburgs," WHITE SHIFTS .Monday connec- Kev. W. S. Ayers. All members are the while en- ♦ will by different parts of ship, the time. to leave their names at the rooms. learn all about by perusing the ad ___ some call them so tion with the Table Lineu and Embroideries inviu.ti to be present tile vessel is well lltted with electric vertlnment. HARBOR NOTES- "OERCLE FRANCAI6.” lights, electric bells and is heated with now, but the faot is Sale, we will offer a lino of Men’s White PERSONAL. CAPTAIN MORTON APPOINTED IN- Thursday evening the usual meeting Dress made of set-in Items of Interest ricked Up Along the SPECTOR. there are no more so Shirts, superior stock, Just forward of the ward room on this was held at the ‘‘Oercle Fran cals.” Af- G. F. Woodsum has been promoted to Water Front. called Linen 4 neck and wrist bands, deck are the ward room '-ter some remarks upon the difficulties of Among the army orders issued In ‘'Hamburgs” Kosoms, ply be foreman of running repairs in tho companion ways just und on either side are the executive offi- xhe French language, a story ‘‘Lo reven- Washington is the following: Captain made in double stitched felled seams, gathered yoke, Grand Trunk rouud house at Gorham. With the sailing of the Georgian yester- Hamburg cer’s office, ward room, pantry, armory ant pour rlre” was read in French, by Churtes O. Morton, 61st infantry, now at cut full and 75o N. H vice F. M. Thurston, promoted to day the only English steamer.ln port left city than there are continuous facing, long, and lockers fur officers’ oil skins and sea Mr. Dupalet. Miss F. M. Rest gave a se- Portland, Me., is appointed a special in be locomotive foreman in Portland. aud the Grand Trunk officials are ^now French wines made kind. Price 39c togs. lection on the piano. The club selected a rpretor, and will proceed to August-, Monday H. A. Estes, recently a conductor on awaiting the arrival of several boats which Uolaunitered. One of the most attractive features of to a for next Me., and unserviceable the Grand has a commltte organise party insect property, in France.) Trunk, accepted posi- me to be outside wait lug for a lor which Lieutenant John the thought The are now First D. Bar- tion with the Porltand & Hum ford Falls Onondaga are the arrangements Thursday’s soiree. meetings chance to get Into port. rett, 7th artillery, is responible. If our which have been made for the comfort strictly private for members or such of These exquisite em- CREDIT Cl'STOMEHS. charge- railway. The steamer Georgian of the Leylund convenience of the crew. In the fore- who huve the intention of customer- Dr. Carlton Kimball has recovered and their friends broideries were woven, bleached and line, Captain Robert Parker, sailed at m m ■ i.« «11 uu Mf.nmi* mu itAintif •jLli’, wrought castle are rnciti rit wwrwttiffwirtiKliiwtwi ..W.tfu.Vi from his rocent illness and can bo bath rooms, lavatories, closets, ^y t^r. not found eight o'clock yesterday morning for joining.______in Swiss their immac- friends who have yet settled their I898 ice a valleys. They caught as chests, pantries and handsomely SOCIETY. at bis ulUoe usual. Liverpool, having on board one of the FIRST SPIRITUALISTIC will the matter their tea from tha white accounts, kindly give is the lit up and well arranged galley, 'lhe ulateucss by contagion topped Win. Pennell, Brunswick, ut that bas gone out of the The Society has biggest cargoes First Spiritualistic we as a hotel. forecastle is light and well ventilated, attention will take it favor. Congress fc’qunr** port this season. It included 91,COO elected these olliooers: Alps. prompt Hon. b. W. heated with steam and is a very roomy ( Carr, Bowdolnhnm; John bushels 1500 bales cotton. 2317 L. B. T. The Best grain, President—Mrs. King. W. Perkins. N. Y. ; J. ii. Aiu- and comfortable place. 'ihe berth ueok Elmira, boxes 7000 barrels 8000 bar Vio* President —Mrs. Frances C. Burns. | meats. apples, brcse, Orono; Hun. O. H. liersey Buck where the men swing their hummocks Clerk—W. k. Bmdeste. H. A. Hon. and rels Hour, 4160 boxes cheese, I486 boxes 8. LIBBY Held; Wormwood, Saco; and there has of Treasurer—Mrs. Kate Jefferson. J. R. LIBBY GO. j CO. E mess, plenty light and Mrs. b. Marshall, York. F. K Town- butter, 481 bags beans aud peas, 187 bales Directors—Corbin 11. Smith, Mrs. Ada are at tho Falmouth air and both the forecastle and berth deck send, Brunswick, leather, 3 0 packages lard, 8000 cages Baker, R. W. Woodman, Orrin Dunlap. are i Medicine heated with steam and ! Herbert M. Lord of supplied with Mrs. L. Wood. Majcr Kockland, canned meats and provisions. 4UC0 maple F. A. Baker, i- who is an additional paymaster in the that will lend to the health everything 12 cars army has returned to Washington from blocks, 150 packages paper, I *NA ISMJAMrJUr..\ 1. and comfort of the crew. POCKETABLE Maine where he has been his 28 cattle and f53 shet ( visiting sundries, p. of Una He will be l he pilot house is well forward and is The following officers Encamp- family. stutioned in Washing- The Allan line will hr.ve two new and CONVENIENCES ton for the present in all Its with ment, No. 40, 1. O. O. F., were installed I 02W & FIMKMAM. I complete appointments, ( fust steamships between Montreal and j 'lhursday evening by District Deputy Money are | the coining season. They Liverpool (jraml Patriarch Herbert W. Seal: ( HAY’S the liuvarian and Tunisiun, aud cue of AT > Our name on an insurance policy, X • • Chief Patriarch—Orin NY. Bateman. J ?*?•?• ^a£> •XaXsX*>• be Roth of PHARMACY. ♦ • ^'•A»XSA»A*■*?*1^2 the vessels will ready In Mav. Senior Warden—Thoms s H. Look f the writers of it, makes that •f <• • these steamships are good for sixteen High Prieal—S. C. Ripley. I Can I 2 as valid as a coin stamped at X Scribe—Henry ti. Miller. Com 10c, 25c policy knots and are of large passenger and Heoording Buy ns.5c. F. A. 25c U. S. Mint. Our name has X Financial Scribe—Carl NV'eber. Mirrors, ., .5c, 10c, 2 freight capacity. Treasurer—Clarence K. Walker. Match Safes.25c, 50c T stood for many in thus com- ♦ of the Allan line which years The Grecian Junior Warden—Henry C. Leary. Key Kings,. 5--, 10o for the best there is in Fire X was to ar- Trustee—A. H. Brown, D NY. llcgel- 50c unity Yon know 1 sailed front Glasgow expected Nail Kii.es...... 25c, fi A. A. surance. There is not a tine, Montgomery. rive here as was also the Huroua IIs 5C tO 511C 2 living £ yesterday I CofcKSt'RKWS. of Hall--John K. Palmar. of the lhomson line, but it is thought Agent Folding Tooth Brushes, 25c who can stand up and truthfully ♦ are outside for the 5c that they waiting fog Quill Picks. we have ever resorted to shaarp X what ami storm to blow away. BARGES LIBELLED. 10c say Is in it. I Dental Floss, .... M H arrival* Hood's and Our X the I yesterday morning I to practices. | Amoug 5c 2.5c disreputable «S) ®* ufternoon Tweezers,. were the tug Valley Forge, having in tow Yesterday Deputy Cr#ted in the is a ♦ of these are mailable. reputatian pasr guaran- The a Tunnel Ride with coal. She SUttes Marshal Smith served a libel on . Any Si only baking powder having the barge 1 i tee for the future. X |5 2. The cleared from Philadelphia January the twirge Annie M. Ash of the Atlantic ian statement of its composition on the IS schooner Neptune also arrived in ballast. S| Transportation company. The libel wus Sarsaparilla Lon. Hight, inspector in charge of the | H. H. HAY & SON, •1 label is offices is confined to his home brought for a towage bill against this 5 ®» steamship •I with the grip. company by the Central Wharf Towboat MIDDLE STB EE I'. The Assyria of the Hamburg-American company of Benjamin Thomp- America's D3W & PINKHAM, line, which is expected Sunday from Borland, j on board son, is thAttorney for the Central Hamburg, has 377,000 bags of Esq., | |'“[T| 35 Exchange St. 2 sugar and about 1000 tons of general Wharf Towboat company Greatest THE STORM. I I the barge William 1). Bee x or cargo._ Yesterday 1 I Qleveland’s Is"!., A pretty fierce wow storm set in yesfcor- THE ROWKRS-HOLT MATTER. belonging to this company was libelled at fi ... I*1 Humors, J: Powder lay morning and by evening the wind Baking Boothbay Harbor for the SAine bill. * bo.i., fj There will be a hearing tonight before vas from the northeast r.itha fell if softened a little rain and fol- XA VAL NOMINATIONS. s>» •• medicine | blowing by the board of trustees of the Eye and Ear 3 Pimplas, ;j tood deal of foroe. It was more noticeable lowed by a fi'jeze, to make good sleighing. Washington, January ft.—The President ! This is a satisfaction to house- HEAD ESTATE TRANSFERS. |S Infirmary In the mutter of charges pre- Be sure to Dyspepsia, f n the harbor where it kicked up a heavy today sent these nominations to the Sen- These transfers are report'd: §~ DTKriT PARISH. ate: Rowers the was and a *• ferred by Dr. against manage- ,, Catarrh, 5 ija. The snow heavy and packed keepers safeguard against Dennis W. Clark of Portland to \Ym. Hood s : f Navy—Commodore Albert Kautz to be || ment of the institution. getb Later in the At the First Parish church Sunday, at MoEaughllu of Portland land at the Rheumatism, < rery closely. evening the rear admiral, Captain Frederick Rogers adulteration. 12.15 Kev. Air. Perkins, the Dr. Rowers has bean cited to appear and corner of West Commercial and Beach and only Nervousness, < now changed to halL The various rail* o’clock, to be oommodore, Commander hdwln S| J on Bible resume talks the White to be Lieutenant Com- is expected to bring papers, letters, etc., (treats. ThatT.rad 1 ouds had no trouble with the storm. ]>a*tor will the captain, Cleveland Baking Powder Co., N'ew York. Annie S. Kelley of Boston, to Hood's Deoem* mander C. C. Cornell to be commander. S>, to support his specific charges. It 1* not Mass., § I hey ran smoothly and on time. The that were discontinued through Catherine F. Driscoll of Sotnersworth, \ Feeling. £ Lieutenant L. C. Heilner to be lieutenant known whether this is so her. The cf tomorrow’s talk will investigation to be H., land and buildings on Dsufurth !. dorm outside was bad that the Hoston subject commander, lieuvenant (junior gruia) A. Ancients.” carried on with open or closed doors. •treat. iiiuui UUIMIA* >oaw did not leave port. Enough snow be *4Writing Among the »tl Litlenbich to be a lieutenant.