Portland Daily Press: January 7, 1899
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.. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. ISH2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND. MAINE. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 7. IH»»._IglffR/tVrattl_PRICE under of Admiral members. to Ilona, said the of the law were absolutely tho orders ■UOULLAIlKODi weary They stampeded opponent* If to Ma- obliged to resort to Indirection, tecans" Dewey they permitted to return MR. Dl.YGLEY Mitchell, who wee • good men of ordi- BLOW AT CIVIL SERVICE. WILD3M WAS BUACOED. WORSE. WOULD BE CALAMITY. some —ored, mysterious influence prevent nila not In fitted to ed the main He stated that on April 27aftar another nary avoirdupois, thrjleast them from getting question 1 conference h* on behalf of represent a state In the Senate.sad Mitch- directly before the House. agreed, to allow two of the six Mr. Uronvenor, of Ohio who was at Dewey, Insurgent ell wee elected and served years. to fleet to the h«*d of the anti civil service move- delegation aocompnnv the j that there will be many he Later he It Is probable ment daring the last session, said that Manila, going with them. j Hold Ont Little for House Votes To Strike Out Usual to Fall on allow Physicians Watched How Wonld Take Loss at Harrisburg and there la Ap- f *r 13 years he had seen this annually re- Thonslil Filipinos Ready prevailed Admiral Dewey to Hope hellottlngs Washington to successor. Con- curring motion made And each year It had Agnlnaldo go. Deferring to Agulnai- much doubt about Quay's be been met with the argument advanced do's organization of a government, I CONSTANTLY of Mr. John Hal sell of the Pittsburg propriation. Into Inns of (1. S. Recovery. Hingley. gressman by Mr. Moody that this whs not the time, said It was sn absolutely ner«*ssary step bnt to maintain control in I district, would be an Ideal candidate, plan u ,r manner in which the law should over the natives. Afflicted with Eozema. conclusion he said: ‘I to Baby Badly be Is by the manoeuvres of be ns-ailed. He admitted there was tome with put my- hampered self on record as that the insur- Medical Treatment Useless. boss. virtue in the argument. Hut no one stating Chris Magee, the PltteDurg Magee of the island* HE IS UROWINU WEAKER ASBIS FIGHT VOTE TAKEN IN COM VITTKB OF could deny the civil service law had over- REPORTED INDEPENDENI E WAS gent government Philippine Cured Cutieura. SENATOR GREAT be went Into be dealt were by QUAY’S was formerly antl-Quay, but reached itself. It had throttled on the ap- cannot with as though they American to be AT tie bad Eczema all the caucus after against WHOLE AND Nil RECOUPED. of the Men North Indians, willing BELIBIOI'S TIKES. Ur niece's lit baby boy FOR EXISTANCE. Quay and voting pointing power government. SECONDARY CONSIDERATION. POLITICAL a law removed from one reservation to another over bis face, so that be needed continuous moved to make the nomination who supported It when it became Quay at fhe whim of their the watch Inc, and he scratched tbo sores con- never dreamed that It would be carried to masters. If unanimous. The effect of this Is expected Untbed States decides not to retain the stantly. Mornings,his face, handsand clothes the extent to which it had been carried. be that forces In case of modifica- lslan.is its lu,000 000 would bs stained with blood. She never to the Quay may, He favored the Evans bill for a Philippine people Pol«on Prom IHirair lias Perm W»i KvMrnl- at rated could ta!*e him bis face was so full of A Record Vote In the House Will He tion of the law which would restrict It to American Consul Cfeneral will demand independence and the out, Certain Imllcattou That fttruggla May a tleadlook, go to Magee l medical and tried the the tempt of any foreign nation to obtain the Whole System and Renders It urea. 8ha ha treatment, defeat for him a Token Where Friends of Civil something approaching original pur on Very Intimate Term* with Uit"!Vot 1 alike the Revolt Quay's would prove *ly or stations will bo re- everything she heard of. She commenced He Ilia pose and at the lieginnlng of this congress territory coaling frees Potent to Rtaml the Rtraln—io elnoa he wuuld bate tiervIre Reform To Reverse ma- Insurgent Leader*—Was llepeatedly sisted with the *amo with which using the CunocuA Kkmmrc*. The torn It ole of Simon Cameron— very great downfall, Expect more than 100 Republican member*,a spirit Front thev the Improvement Shown at Lste Hour his and he was and now to answer to the lndlotment for bank the of the House had agreed to Instructed Mot to Make Them Any fought Spaniards.” left /bee entirety cured, Klectlon Decision of Home— Expansion jority support Senator llale’a ; (Well .Re- that that had b!««n nnable The shows that Mr. Thl« his face is smooth and rosy. g as a defeated and more or less bill. Hut they correspondence Morning. wrecking Theme In the Hesslon. Promise*. Wlldman was warned not to make Mrs. L. J. ROOT, Nsw Scotland, NrY. crlved. to secure consideration for the bill and pledges man. Hit believe discredited opponents had been their or dl*rusA policy with A^uinaldo and he Bwestst or»a Tbrawirst sob Etrbt Bart Hcmob, Washington, January 8.—The antl- their actions critlolred. Washington, Janaary R—The corre- Washington, January 6.—The condi- — he and VIII LOBS w HajB. Watwi batka with CCTiCt RA I&?E<T1AL TO THE JE.IM.j that the case against him la very strong, motives impugned and their good faith replied that made him no pledges Boai*. by iraolU snomllnt. with Ut'TICVBA, civll service reformers scored a victory In in connec- tion of Kepresontatlvs lev of that no assailed. spondence published ofllolally exacted from him tot two, viz: To obey Ding Maine, poraat of mboUmbU, fSlUat at akiu aam. 8. —The but It Is thought probable jury Washington, January prlnolpal the House to day The legislative, cxe- tion with the peaoa treaty contains much unquestionably the commander of the who ban been tH with pneoraoila for al- Ilril rSr' jvkoul th* v<*rlA. Pnrrvi DSC Cost.. Sot* would be found that would agree on bis flow to Car* about this week have bill was who United States forces in the Philippine most a has Props., lAostou. Krsry Baby Humor, freo. topics Washington uutlve and judicial appropriation of the of Interest front Consul Williams, week undergone a marked oonrlotlon. As frequently happens In Mr. Hepburn of Iowa in support islands and to conduct his warfare on been the Illness ot Dlngley for and when the to the war. for the his Congressman taken up consideration amendment said that what the was stationed at Manila prior civilized llDes. change worse,and tonight pby- such cases the would divide opponents of a far re-eleo- jnry probably be ac- and the light Hall tor Quay for the olvll service commis- ot the present system desired could He wan in constant coin munition with wrote Wild “has iluians hold out little if any for bis This Is ex- appropriation Aguinaldo,” man, hope Air. on Quay and antl-Quay lines. the President If some of tlou to the United States Senate sion was reached. Mr. Kvans, Republican complished by for some lime after the battle written me by every and I recovery. Although the lung has im- In the reoent trial laws were rescinded. Whsn Agulneldo opportunity of his extensive In- actly what happened the existing believe he has been frank with ine both Ulngley by virtue of Kentucky made a motion to strike it 10.000 oill- of Manila bay and his letters throw much proved considerably and the ooagh hafl of the Delaware senator. Ibo law was originally passed bis actions and his motives I his and his out. motion has mode annu- of regarding lessened the effects of the NEXT WEEK! formation, great Industry This been ©er* covered the largest estimate of any light upon the relations with the Philip- do not doubt that lie would like to t* pneumonia has of the business It* dreamed could be bro ght *o thorough understanding Senator Hale’s renomlnatlon was ex- ally for a doztn years or more, but has supporter* pine chieftain. President of the Philippine republic and weakened the system as to decr'-aNe under Its 72; J00 clerks of the House holds a large place in Wash- the news failed. Rut the operation. Today 22 last Mr. Williams wrote: there may bo a small ootcrle of his native he to an extent Thu Sale here, but, nevertheless, Invariably today oppon- the classified service. We February vitality alarming Our Annual pected are within advisers who a like has been felt that entertain ambition, ington. It generally was reoelved with satlsfaotlm by ents of tha law laid great stress on the were he to honest “The who is amiable poison from the disease has permeated tbo of It not opposed, said, any governor general, bnt 1 am perfectly certain that the great loss at u time when when he has years man fact that could not a direct vote civil service but to the humbug- wished whole which re ode res OF his those who belters toat a public they get reform, and popular, having resigned, majority of his followers and all the system 1$ aess po- nume would be a ca- that paraded under that For but tent of usefulness before hint, should show and the cour- upon the ptoposltlon and were therefore credit for pacification and certain rebel wealthy and edua< ;ed have to stand the terrible strata.