Asbury Park, New Jersey, Friday, February 10, 1899. J No

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Asbury Park, New Jersey, Friday, February 10, 1899. J No VOL, XXIV; ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1899. J NO. 6 KILLED BY HIS OWN TRAIN. STRIKE AT STEINER’S. UNEQUAL TAXATION. GETTING RECEPTION READY. GREEN COATS COME TO G R IE F WESLEY’S RECEPTION. ,Y ? ■ ’ '!•:■'• Engineer Durand Meets ;*?is Death Near Nine Cutters Go Out Because they Object The Lakewood Hotel Company Asks for <r Company A’s Welcome Will Bring Cheer to On© of king's Collection Agency Arrested Largely Attended aad a Success in Every the End o f His Run. " i < to Apprentices. Reduction in its Assessment. the Hearts of the Soldiers, on a Serious Charge. Particular— Fine Music. An open switch was responsible for a Nine cutters. employed at Steiner & The State Board of Taxation met at According to a dispatch in the Freehold Several weeks ago several Rreeh. coat In holding its eighteenth annual recep. bad accident op the New York & Long Son’s mill at Bradley Beach struck • on Lakewood iust week and beard the appeal Democrat yesterday the Third Regiment is men made their appearance ft: Asbury tion on Wednesday night Wesley Engine Branch Rulirqpd last Saturday. Oscar- Wednesday afternoon because they ob­ of the Lakewood Hotel Company to haw nearly all musteTed out, and the members Park and by their peculiar dress attracted and Hose Company made anew departure. Durand, engineer of the New Jersey jected to apprentices .being employed in the aasessed vuluution o f Its property re­ will reach thelf respective homes probably considerable attention. It "was soon learned Instead of giving the event at Educational Central Railroad train; which left New the cutting room. Mr, Clarence S Steiner, duced.’ , ' on Monday, that they were collectors, add took "this Hall or tha Beach Auditorium, the West York at 8.80 A, M., was killed instantly, who looks after the local branch of the The assessor ia an employe of the bank . Asbury Park is bhBy arranging a recep­ novel method of dressing In order to be End Hotel was secured. This change was and the fireman, a man named Bradley, business, heard tljat there was. some trou­ of which Capt. Bradshaw ia president. tion to Company A, and the welcome ao- more conspicuous, The men were .em­ much appreciated by thoseiwho attended, was Injured. He had both arms broken ble airiong the cutters, and on Inveatlga- The bank building stands- on one of the corded the boys w ill ba arousing one. A t ployed by King's Collection Agency and many compliments were, bestowed on and was Injured Internally. , tion found the report true. The men most valuable and desirable building lpts first It was the intention of the Common which claimed to have offices ia New the committee of arrangemente for its Tbe run down the shore was without were grouped together discussing the situ In Lakewood. It cost. $8,000'to erect, and Council, and those in charge Of. the “ .Wel­ York and Jersey City. G. A. Hayes, who thoughtfulness. Despite the intense cold Incident untiltbe open switch was reached. atlon They stated their grievance to Mr. yet the assessed valuation Is $2,200. come Fund,” to. have the reception imme alleged that he was the Soliciting agent of and the unfavorable atmospheric condi­ It was about two hundred yards north of Steiner and asked tbat the apprentices be Aaron A. Johnson and Allan McDermott tjlptely upon tbe arrival of the Company tbe concern, called on a number of busi­ tions, over 800 people were present at the the station, apd directly opposite the turn­ dismissed Mr. Steiner absolutely refused represented the Lakewood Hotel Cod5' In the city, but this plan has been aban­ ness men in Asbnry Park, and secured reception. The majority of these were pany, Edmund Wilson appeared for Capt, doned. Instead, the reception .will take table. On the switch, and near the main to gfunt the demand. Thereupon tbe cut- from them a lot of Isad or doubtful bills. Bradshaw, and Isaac W; Carmichael claim­ place on Washington’s birthday, February from Asbury Park, although the surround­ track, was a train", of freight cars loaded tera went out. The plan of the collectors was *o go to a The factory le rushed with orders, and ed to represent the township. 23. This change was considered- neces­ ing towns were well represented. ' with Ice. Engineer Durand's train col­ .The Lakewood Hotel Gompany’s prop­ sary because the members of the Company house where a party owed a bill, and en­ the cutters no doubt thought that they deavor to collect the account. If refused On the porch was a row of slectrlc lided with the Ice cars. There were few would be successful. Mr. Steiner went to erty Is assessed at $252,000. A reduction wlli not arrive la a body. Many of the ; lights. Inaide tlieJiotcljwaa Jllauiinatad. of 152,000 was asked for. Capt. Brad- will st/ tn.rcmte.- t.u their—home,-and they would remain about the premkammL jpassengers on the train at the time, but New York at once and the places of the emWvor to attract ns much attention as from top to bottom, forming, a picturesque near, Ilei ___ i ‘ i was assessed a t spend some days in sightseeing This ob­ .thg8gj!sralhE0SMUtEam_the!r-seats-by4he -possible.— ---------- . ...... and" home-like scene. ' Palms and [lotted Oho ; f thi peculacitles of the strike Is The board was petitioned to ■ Increase this jective point is Washington, ,, force of the collision, .to $150,000 The property of the Laurel On tha day thi thaln body of tho com­ Tha agency, has come to grief, Dr. the fact that seven of the cutters who Pemberton, of Long Branch, having had plants were scattered about, and these also House and laud was assessed at $188,050. pany arrives, a short and Informal recep- The engine toppled over cn .Its side, struck learned tbelr trade as apprentices one of the green-eoated collectors arrested. added to the attractiveness of the place. One parcel of lend In this property, 1,780 tion will bo held, but the celebration burying the engineer and .the fireman Id in the Steiner mill. ,» Dr. Pemberton had an agreement with acres, was put down at $8,650, Capt. proper will not be observed. until Wash­ The hotel was exceedingly comfortable, the wreck. The foreman of the cutting room" Is the agency to collect s number of bills. there b'elng no evidence within of the zero James Conway. He refused to go out Bradshaw is a principal stockholder. Of ington's birthday. An hour before the News of the accident soon spread this 1780 acres 182 0100 were recently sold Company arrives Electrician Hudson will He claims that they collected one, an ac­ weather outside.. Gas.etovea Were used to with the men, knowing that they were la count of $85, and turned over to him only heat the office, and in the parlor an open throughout the village, and hundreds of the-wrong. "■ ■» ' ■ — to George J. Gould - for $78,064, and lota ring the fire alarm, giving ten threes. had been purchased at prices ranging from This will be a signal that the Company $10 of the bill Recently Andrew Oarr, a fire place threw out heat enough to satisfy persons hurried to the scene of the wreck. member o f the agency,' came to Long $000 to $1400 each. Assessor Robbins will scion reach its destination. As the all. The ballroom was likewise comfort- The main office of the railroad company Brhnch, -Dr. Pemberton had him "arrested able. At the lower and of the corridor A FLOURISHING SCHOOL. knew of such Bales, and Insisted it was only train druwa Into the station a similar alarm was notified and a wrecking train was sent worth $10 an acre. Will be given. at once on a charge of embezzlement. In was the beautifully decorated dining-room, President Nathan Straus, of the Lake- default of $200 ball he wasjiommltted to with its score of tables laden with tempt to Point Pleasant from Ellzabethport. Large Attendance and Good Collections at This afternoon the reception committee wood Hotel Company, mado an open offer the county jail to aw ait the "action ot the lng viands; Each table bore a potted rose, Several hydraulic pumps were brought First Baptist Sunday-School, will meet In the Council chamber sad out­ of 00 an acre for all that was left, or grand'jury. find smilax was Intertwined fsmong the Into service, and with these the engine was line a program to tie carried out on the First Baptist Sunday school has inaugu­ $1000. an acre for the land next to that lighting fixtures: raised high enough to enable tbe wrecking twenty-second. One thing Ta certain, the Previous to the dance Voss's orchestra; crew to reach the inen penned In tbe rated a number of new features alnce Su­ purchased by.George J. Gould. Ills offer exercises Will take - place? at Educational" CAMP VOORHEES HEALTHY. was declined. under the leadership of Prof. Fred Voss, wreck. When the engineer was found bis perintendent Ira E. Whyte assumed charge Hall, where there will be. speech-making Assessor Robbins sale he obtained the gave an hour’s concert, commencing at 8 hand was on the throttle He was not as mid music. the first of the year. One of the features valuation of the Lakewood Hotel from so' “ Superior to the larger Camps,” Says o’clock. The music was df a high order, badly cut up as a person would expect, his Is a new class recently organized for the advertisement, In which the lessee stated General Donnelly.
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