montai and manner of the wind of his bullet my head. He WASHING D1SHK3. Emaciation. dropsy, physical WAS IT IIAI NTED? AT MY LOOKING-GLASS. Harry's speaking impressed by weakness arrested Malt Bitter». α first a is ex- l>y me tor be was seldom commu- sank to hie knees without struggle und Among the things girl 1 loved Ibrc well In "nalml days," strangely, and he fell hi» face in the enow. be- to learn is dish ι». Hot sr. ox Rtcuaitneox nicative, at all times reticent, upon My pected washing, though A woman in Des a α bftlMoiù Democrat' Γι Giiwin Forever flown, Moines has hen which He was in the shadow a little below him and it U not that it u them she Lul Ο faithful friend, whose honc»t face rarely referred to his past life. ing always taught declares to he twenty-eight years old. cwn. I hure fourni More than Reflect* my a dashing fellow about 35 years of age, the moon's rays falling on his pistol bar. properly. In my'experience fifty hotel-keepers have soumit to the fowl. PUBLISHED KVKUV TUESDAY, The old farm hou-r on Lake Richardson Nor do I mete thee scanter pmlw, and there was not a thread of silver in rel had, even at a short distance, dis- this to be one of the most important as buy Bf j m 1Η4β had the reputation of bcinz haunted (Sincerity <· hard to And), ac- his raven hair or his drooping mustache. turbed his aim. 1 walked forward, well as the most neglicted of kitchen V nun by the of Silver had died there. Sow time has distanced 4n the nice. Hood'* Samaparilla give» an appetite and ko. ir. He was a native of and had turned over the still warm, and I now select ο w\TKivs, η I himself near his he me far behind— Buffalo, body, complishment*. my help v\"hen he fou end, And left panting imparts new life and energy to all the funi· its had on this F.ditor »nd Proprietor· >·· it h * «-οι* -hi* to llelgh-ho!— been conected with the Courier of that looked down in face. My bullet by examination point especially. only companion—out tioniof thel»ody. Try «bottle and realixeit. Indovt r. near twenty miles, through an Another weary niile or so. city, bail written a half dozen books, and sped true. There was a small, bluish- I invariably find that the girl whose T»ni>w ■ «ftVÎ.OO i>«»r \*·»ηγ. uibroken wilderness. a (ad of twelve years United States from which the blood had are anil whose dishes How well I recollect the hours there was very little of the looking hole, glasses always clear, "Bridget, what oerainc of the tallow I • but It ni» una- «net»«η of *ιΥ\ rt·, get help Help came, ar never She I used to that he had not His not sprung, in the centre of his fore- sticky, can be relied upon. greased my boots with this "1 » · «e»*ts« » and he dud. «pend thoroughly explored. yet morniugV" ·« '* m··**. Κ Γ"·' 'h ·'* vailing. fried the » h» Before thee once—In year* gone by, was head. If one heard the will most be and can buckwheats In it." "Oh, I was 't-t",n of t «n'v·11, <·»··· wll' Thrre wi re other hard stories told of the full name and title Captain Henry any pistol shots, surely trustworthy, ■ '*· me afraid had wasted It." in l·' If not ι- «1 toi ih» cn<1 My trusty friend' was branch of you I «appearance of certain individuals that J. Norton, the title having l>een no heed paid, and not wishing to be readily be taught any other * τ l«o Will b· r*-»rtt !. Ο sun and showers ! acquired be accounted for. Aud further- Ο April youth «·»»·. •oul>l not in the recent Cuban revolution. arrested and with murder, 1 fepl»· Atf me to confess charged housekeeping. OxKOFTiir *tii|le 1< told of the Indians, Pray, don't expect Grbatkst Statksmkx that uore, the gends as 1 am to term walked down the over the hard- The first to success in How I took to knot my tie, "This incident, valley thing necessary America ever Hon. James <ί. n iu\ years before the old bouse was built long pleased produced, H»!··» «'Γ ·\·Ιv«»rti»ine« The that 1 to .lets. he "ban never been narrated beaten snow and returned to h»tel. this branch is to have of hot wa- Blaine, uses A'lim*<>n'* Iiotunir Bit I ta m In i> this liKatioit was the old camping day proposed it," began, my plenty Ubti Norn i*. was into a ter and clean cloths. You ; his family, and endorses it as a «aft· and •ii id of the St. Francis tribe, whenever (Alack* but once before,and then it pored After minute's pause Harry Norton need.two pane S ,'tf of ·!>ντ Ο-·· »·**. il I boxed cars-an I man led Jack ) effectual remedy fur and Colds. * came dow n through the lakes on their She my the at the St. Charles Hotel, New- his emitted a cloud of if are not clean, make them Coughs rti *t *"k ^r«»et·. relighted cigar, they perfectly > nu'··^·!'·* and priest ν ^ iv· l. .« .miaul huniinj and excursions; -I.4 ·*·—prf Mili'iDt!. rtshiDg And now I wear-well, never mind. about months ago. smoke his nostrils and then con- so. some warm weak suds in when Orleans, eighteen through Prepare A country doctor, being asked what was d-> of the l'enobecot tribe they I ri<>uri (Time's ruthless shears cross the and tinued : one. Take first wash them best to cure a for their euin- When I range go prospect- your goblets, the way ham, remarked that un·· up the Audroecoggin bless «lie'» been dead ilrHiρ .1 Ν·<> .-*.»■ K«.*l Κ-tat«, S·· And Jeaa why. you, Ood's can tell it if "The afternoon I saw a them in the before answering that he should IV ner hunt. ing country, you you following quite quickly, draining rinsing pan. question ...--■«ν·· These twenty year»! want to what ailed ham. 1 v ..... V was Λ cotton know the ·· I mm aud even individuals, see fit. Four 1 crowd assembled at the undertaker's, and clean »Ρ·" S il mm parti—, The fruit of I.ife ta rind years ago tonight city wipe immediately. 1 * gone—the « 'atwr·' ·!»>! Ktrt- ti*·'V«Ue»«, r >iu these two tribes met near an an case, will accidentally I· somewhat bitter to the taste. in Dead wood. 1 had returned from elbowed into the and cloth, made of old r» ·. « r*».r»* \i»ti-·*« (.Λ my way group, pillow or 'us ace and aud IIavb Wistak's B\i.s.tvf Wii.d Ciikk- ρ pow-wowed together, for fled— and near clean them If of » Oh, vain the Yellow-tone river asked an any your r. »lT m· m»·V »>»h î'>^«1 % en· regret· pleasure» up standing nicely. glass ry at hand. It cores » ho >hail say there vv· r«· uot tragedies expedition acquaintance always coughs,colds, »·■ «m» m· "nnt'iuiil %ητ for days when I possessed—waist a book on research. Dead- what caused the commotion. disses have been used for milk or butter, inrtu- .< ι· »fnrr Later. oid Metalluc had his camping wood that day 'Some cuss got sick of the camp, you consumption, I'll brush the sorry imps away. ,'»o a < Γ -t »r »'ν·Γ»:-·>· ir th«* IH *·Χ** *T. ii »·* And who has uot lung complaints. cts. and 91 bottle. .ι ml at tli point. at the time—all life and fire, and up the last and committed your silver, for silver must be free from τ * I·· »t «he f" low Λ Will r.laM|»li·· present valley night ail the of his mode of with some man story dealing Ah, if scientific riches and glitter. There were no beg- suicide. The wolves were hovering about, grease of any kind. Take plenty of soap » love to Mrs The idea that and ·■ » -m, I Γη r, Γ »r* KreOv'twncu who made Would but Invent gunpowder whiskey |· t >; Ν,-W Y in the street, and ev rv man was the and clean before to silver, and it warm out of ··... .«<· V > o-k ,» d· t alloc. A looking-glass wherein to find picked pretty wipe feel brave is all .1 Par) H· » Ne» York r. m. Petttmri1' sto, k or unlimited one men the suds ; if it too cold, hot sense. Put him behind a stone wall if \nd h. re were the romains of tb· One's moral bent, gold, mining of the from the 'Homestead gets pour « l'ark K··» New 'Γ. f nu surely [Xissesorof λ Y'irk; over want to sec his stiffen. >: I m's with the birch tree over scan was a of the Dacota mine' came to town and found water it. Have hands yon spine M.-., v. M P.-t;en« ;i .* r.. |0 <>' e.tinp A tell-tale mirror—there to :redit. 1 guest down your dry, 1 '* « *» aud withes aroiitxt * I M» Hi :>c* Ι·»» .14 -h u<· e «tuoke hole. the very kach petty failing that appears— and my at the thea- him.' and one at a time. » House, passed nights wipe piece Γ M \\ \|rr Son, l"h I«·l>-·|· s. the Wiiat is iiik I'm·; of worthless t ..m where old fellow withed The furrows the buying < cynic of mind, one the theatres a woman and saucers come next : then the Γ A. oak à o.,* h cjn{u (Il S. K. VI· tres. At of 'He have been murdered ?' I Cups ou e of hi* wife to preserve it the might medicines, and spending money quack li t. ■> 1'·' d, Ma- ». ly by That gather with Increasing years! and ■ in Detroit three tone. other dishes, the nicest clean- to » ό wuiie his moose whom I had known years answered in a taking doctors whose only idea Is gull the public. ι Ιι-ιιι» toasting Ah. Well. questioning • »»«ckh«»:k was too water and Is it not to a ■ t:i stilus, th »se coM winter before was ballads. She was the est first, hot soap better buy reliable medicine, at 1 nights 1 fear those glasses would not—sell. singing "No; he committed suicide, pieces adding V'* * ïS»· <· ·' ». Λ ·| a"a<-h«* »· ·»!!. \amin t ρ η·γ ire the cam-· and the as like Sulphur Bitters? I think so. as ·· spring-tim·» noble a woman to tread the boards of was found in the them, and hot clean they oeet tn ιΝι>*φ Journal. reply. "His revolver you require pour ΡΜΊ*.Ikl ··! s«» a —Chamber*· cured me of catarrh after three .il -ho i.i\n.rn· ground »> i that he c.uild dig hole was suffering ft Ιο ·τι iifw^lri·. vtvtaml stage, but like many others road, aad^rnc chamber had been ; water over e^ch pan of washed ones be- i 1 « .»» any emptied /'. Ml l·» lh« *ι·>η··| m in th< *aud to bury her. And the big pile years.—J. Cl! > >nts front of this camp,—w ho can tell ASLKKl». gifted mezzo-soprano just got up wiping. :■> th*| d»i« an ave- arc »ut s me of these tniues were human she found in the 'called' the wolves had a it will warm while :" You are the * hn Mm * ί· «rit Γ··«Γ· *!)·> ! 1 he » »»» η Ιο v&tiety stage easy himself, and keep you drying '•Ciraugor right: wagon · their KOsK Tl.ttKV σοοκκ. screw •λ π :.4Ρ ι!»ί ►ϊ'ρ, a ι" 11-e moucv ι» not erelit·- >.»ncs. a: 1 this bl ip of dry bones nue to a livelihood. She was a woman, meal and he can't be identified. them. Wash knives before scour-. jack is used to raise wagons, and the * good your » » e··*· »e -. j. I l« -<-rl ol ll. inou'iiueut. jack is used to raise buildings ; but it is a »uly In summer-time how fall It showed!— every inch, and was always accompanied He was not murdered, for over β5UO in ing, and do not the handles in hot η on the shore put inistak·· to >se cau raise \ nd to row all ; right here ! tlic ν roa supp you apples My garden by IIInge l, a sister to and from cities were about. water. When are to wash >' where by youDgtr biiLs found scattered you ready It isn't In the t!ie !»e e that you get tu u,es. aud the b eroglypbics on the ple departed *:.'<» total 81.-Ό0—all of this ex- And odors that perfumed the night i)f the time. No man in Dead wood, ex- them clean. You can easily do p°r year, r· », liu r than words of mortal· every day, mysterious disappearances perfectly ex pen*·· was .stopped three bottles speak pi Where'er the south wind rnshed. to act as her warm by Counselor nf ii ii self would she were I am in this if have been sooked in Attornrj and Law, rt remiin> buried beueath. cept mj permit rarely reported. ignorance they of Hop Bitters, taken by my wife. She Ρκγημ. Mr »s.w an an.l s the was that it a s : : :ι ι r I arrows. hatchets There salemn purple |>un<·· stood, iscort, and conséquence as to the name of the man whom 1 shot water. You should always put your has done her own housework for waa their custom. loss of a and B. Itlt li 1Ν ttlier trinkets. I.ay tulips red with rt »rul blood, was not many weeks until 1 was envied down in that strange duel, and though 1 cooking vessels to soak,immediately after year since, without the day, ^ Λ ") «rt s : ii s ir« gt s that this grove \nd wild things frrsh from field and woo<1. 1 want to kuow it, for their by half the men in camp. On the night remained in the Illack Hill some time they are empted. unless you have tiin to everybody ii» uti .ted for p »w wow au 1 war dance Alive with dainty grace. benefit."—V. K. Ftrm- r. at 1 the 1 went down an to and (*ount/!nr I.au\ >n refer to, after theatre, afterward I never another visit to wash them. I heard old say Attorney mrj ■« », wh^re the mo looked down !>tep heaven blu· Im lis of columbine. paid lady Ri *ii>an M· ou into the bar-room of the hotel for the her will wash seven ! tii'-r year* the midnight revel of The darkly mystic pa»»ion-vlne, the theatre where my lady acquaintance girl, "Mary, they A distinguished man once wrote to his ι ii wr>tn the red man. And clematis, thai loves to twine, |»ur|H>sc of taking a drink before retiring. was playing. That is all." times as easy if you soak them and newspaper; "Η'·η« w mv name this year; t < re ou this weird stood the as as I live, and IC ght s;»ot Bedecked that happy place While pouring out a glass of whiskey a Handsome, talented Norton has that is so. tend mo your paper long > from the lake Harry can send it after me in the next I farm-hoiise—hidden by accosted me, If you and Clhtr at Lau\ Iteneath the atrong unclouded bla/e stranger walked up and his last duel and his last If you have tin-ware to wash, you had Attorney ·.-· tl k w >vis. and near tw· uty miles fought penned world do so." They say this man lived to Fiinrae. Vr or long and fervent summer days : into the last better fresh water, take hot suds, ι.» ay fr 'in th·· abode of any human being say ing leader. He fell long sleep get good a very old age. the 1'-><ι*ι«·ι ·ντ for Si·» Man «Ί'Γί. » moved Their colors smote gaze, are believe?" use 1 t.» th is dated place th·· writer passing "You Mr. Norton, I May, after a day's illness from pneu· crystal soap if necessary, wipe well, of bis wife and two And dazzled every eye. « III- li-KY. us t uuiiy. consisting 1 answered in the affirmative, and in- monia. Such a funeral as he was ac- and the stove to them Several y«*ars I have been taking so- of scented dew dry by prevent > ν »uti_r 1.1 the l^is for th·· Their cups honey and from 1ΪΙ-Ι.Μ Uiidren, year to drink. He hesitated for a to see called remedies prescriptions all the that o'er them cited him corded was never before witnessed in from I/wk about you ·>·· i·; tiic ol 1 harmed bees flew, rusting. for with no benefit : rs lbli>>Wti>g occupation a physicians, dyspepsia, Counsel' at Law, butterflies of radient hut- moment : and then called for lemonade The four in the that have left When all is .! hunting. And l^eadville. daily papers you nothing. one bottle !>. It. V. (i. has cured me: I »/*. was Paused as floated with a asked me to accom- and wash Ilurkprh!. t»aiii·· of ail kinds abnudant and they by. "light .*tick," camp turned their column rules, and the done, take fresh suds, carefully take pleasure in recommending it to all. vciHtllllrs for Weeks together the wife and ν >w a of snow. out to the street. He was a an I di*h cloth ; rinse saac Stoddard. V I AKT Pi KLIC fur Olf«H> CiHITT. falls clou.! sailing pany him Pacific Coast Association and a band of your wiping towels I T. » rare were left al<>ue to for theiu » w Charter Oak Life, ·.»<> I» <>. H τ The liter nuls of winter blow. tine looking young man. of heavy build, music followed the remains to the second them, and hang in the sun to dry, if in Adjuster »· wo* as alone in the — ! ν s, wh le 1 much No blossom dare* Its cup to show Hartford, Conn. 1 wore clothes than the mi- the the stove in winter. a better average that I^eadville has filled in less summer—by λ : ne>> witb traj's and gun seeking harth folds them In her breast, cemetery Guaranteed by all druggists. ( ) ner. 1 noted all this from the fact that He was buried the Take a brush and to kitchen liv elibtMtd. A shroud of white, a virgin pall, than three years. by soap your si cl·, η «V Sur w ts m le I »v is on one of these hnnt- he was a who wished a a table at least once a Wash and a witness, Πι;, Jean. It Is slowly, «only, biding all ; stranger private side of Charley Vivian, the actor, and day. A Boston lawyer, badgering ** am re- ·. ^ \i ursions that !iat I a'iout to call and had l>een so "I believe, sir, served «οι r;i rxuis. In valu shall any sweet wind conxersation with me, friend from Colorado informed me a few dry well your dish pans and hang up your said .sternly you i> ρΓλ MO"*. To break their silent res:. uncivil as not to introduce himself. To- that in the vacant lot cloth.—/Vs. Hannrr. prison'/" *»' a> mar as told it to ago adjoining pot 1- η -r ft' I 'f ^«ιΐ>·<· fî %»h g i^ f my wife she days the unconcerned "I have, aud I had we the door- reply, -· *r» t.» Ι).·· I- to the left, Texas 'Tis an excellent to wash all cook- me. as 1 can remember. gether stepped beyond poor Harry's grave, just plan the misfortune to occupy the cell your I» <·»·! in tlu* wutiin# moon's cold be α mi. and then halting, he said: Jack was laid to rest last summer. \esscls and tins first as they will be had had." >· -tn to tu »cd fr· n mirhtjust way, ing brother >1 !ι >ur«, ft 4 ρ 1- ...... )l...l.,..,r k.nv t 1»·λγ above it itleum » ... Icicle* a ο and the others t "You are man and gentleman, ready to put away by the time « » An«1 — I know not how — >< at·. »U'I we used .M animal fat for yet I am thp simc. I love Mi*s men- '■flow ark Yor \n On» Krikm»'" asked Β V«>k*k.V J>.. are done. •cru ng ;rι■ >»e». a* 1 sat rocking tnjr in· My flower· «111 hear the dropping rain π hritrht In. ik η" inun "Oh! I feel miser- ^ ρ the name of actn"^ friend: ROBBING AN ΚΠΓΙΌΚ. w.l» renewetli hill anil tioning my tu:. and iny lut.·· boy Jotiu^ toward When spring plain, WHO WAS BLÏ EBKARD able. l in bilious and can't cat, and my κ ι- lone- and she couhl love me, I am certain, Physician Λ" Surgeon, ».<]>. a- c\ .-rything %till and Λη<1 then it «hall l>e mine strain, Sjon after the completion of the plank A trentleman who saw the urav, for- back is so laine I can't work." "Why in I !.. ir : » triul groan which sound- It is l.oU » g-.ir.Icn now. were it no* for a the world don't take Kidney-wort? ΓΑΚΙ». Il \INE. you." road between Detroit and Lansing, castle of Bluebeard rising above you ed iu t!n· n« \t root». The rooms were bidding what I take when I'm out of sorti», —Hurper'» Magazine. I raised my hand to strike him down, or that* Τ <■ at r»»i>1e*f* of Mr·. Λ. H ν,Ί-οη Par« of the station of l·'ranee, telU irm· aud empty. a» wehii) wry little furu- }>eriod twenty-seven twenty-eight Champotce, ami it nu· in tune. Hill and the muzzle of a revolver, the butt of always keeps perfect ■ the editor of a lo- vt was : *.ur· « \ pting iu the middle of the room. years ago, newspaper ho the frightful hero of the nursery doctor recommends it for all such was deterred me. 1 My TIIT«>. was a vtrr Dl'KL. which in his hand, for cure l»r%. I VO» Λ Iti t! >t there long box. hea\v. A BLACK HILLS cated about half way between started Some reader may a>k, "who was this troubles." Kidney Wort is the sure some a of ι·! we c»uM I niacins we srncllcd back paces. one on the of a for hiliousuess and Dou't ï"« L S.V<">», NORWAY. HAUlE. stepped couple Detroit evening wagoh real, historical Bluebeard ?" constipation. v« disagreeable odcr from the box. but this matter he Λ'< ten. » « ry never the- which "I have over," an fail to limnch ». » 'oor*. t·. U, » œ *γΊ t ρ m I shall forget night thought teamster. After about hour I answer that in he was the try it.—Lm>j ην —fgf WMld open that box travelling Brittany IV Var awt η to of the*'»· haibMil the "and pavl closed the that Jack McCombe sold continued, lowering revolver, the vehicle was a Sieur Gilles de a feudal lord, » »r hv I »r. t· χ »*·. aid u* \ < r ... >1. We hid moved into diy stopped by highway Retz, great Some time a in a deaf and lately that one of us must die. a^o. pupil ·".·«·· ι1"» * · τ over it. the "Maid of Krin" mine on Carbonate have determined out Γ of Α.Γ l'a»·**-· tiiM hoti»e ι·, l I had not been al! robber. The teamster shelled ^about who vast estates and great dumb in New read a por- I" Til τ* m. possessed asylum Kugland, •i .·. λ ou the ground, with consideration was 1 could have shot down to ■ » larg·- many Hill, Leadwlle. The jou any night showed the the book of Job. When asked »β«* ν». ι x r».»\ %L II α ν Κ BUILDTOO. $12, but when the editor up power in this neighborhood in the latter tion of ν m ι· r > M vcnl unilnished chamber!·. was not none have been the wiser, but out his of Job's suffer- α;λ t. ΙΛΆΝν $H.l,OU0. The "Maid of Krin" and could reached fifty cent*. of tie fourteenth and of write understanding ► Μ ΤΙ Τ Τ« »s M r». «et com·* froiu the room pot" only part beginning UWK I ll·· ».»uu.l idiil to was am to make a ings, he wrote as follow*: "The Lord the one of Jack's mines. He I frank enough you prop- the in was a the !··»*. Well I reasoued witli only "You've hidden money your the fifteenth centuries, and beside 1>. ΤΙ ΚΒί>, coiu.-t uiug boiled Job seven days,'* hou-e in haunted interested in the Chief," "Cal- osition." boots!" shouted the robber, and he made of France. Ι-"-·. Il 1 Ν Τ 1ST my self thu-'v If this by "Highland marshal unre- a dozen and "Hut I shall offer no to ill-:ir> «.1 il spirits. I am in their ifornia Tunnel," and others, | objection your the editor pull them oft'. No more cash be- The castle was his stronghold and he lit: Tkmi-kuati;.—When sickness or de- I confess to a as as Miss I -»-rv« : ι i*ir. Although his heart was just big his purse. marning ," said, hurriedly. found, the robber insisted that coat ruled it and the Loire around pression comes, do not buy "tonic bitters." Vet I ing country -i \< _· fitting about the heart. more than α dear friend It is better to die of disease than drunken- He was one of I/cadvill*'s first six alder- "She is nothing and vest should come off for a close search with a hand of iron and a sword of fire. «ell knew 11 ould not expect auy help from ness. Buv a bottle of "Favorite «. a me. ahead and win man." I Remedy" *Λ»η\ κ. «Μ Κ. \IIHWM muni men, and made it to know every to Go her, but at the end of the search he with liai !>eings, ai: l i would be just point angrily Ciifted in youth physical strength aud cleanse the The great multi- any was not in his system. a* » not so man in the mines, and a fellow that he right : .ι. /:. s// ι u ι» s.kft ,u «me room her, and jollier thought demanded and beauty, and an enormous fortune, he tude of human ills have their foundation the box room to inind. trusiiug iu (iotl 1 oprurd cannot be found from Denver Sayna- j "What sort of a man are you to set impaired both by all sorts of indulgences. in impure blood. Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Γ» ^ΤΙ*Τ. r. Α-1 u« d it a cold breei* .«.truck that a said he and with deter- these at the fountain's op· che pass. Jack determined por- "No," slowly out on a with only fifty cents in When too late, with a defiled and Remedy" attacks c. and at the same time another hor- journey the »tream of life iu) fan of his last sale should mination ; "this world ι» not head and makes pure. I'AWK ΜΛΙΝ'Κ tion of the large enough your bloated he found himself lashed i, groa .—it ».»uinled fearfully like a per- proceed* pocket?" body, by one dollar bottle. All druggists to as a con- for we two men. I will kill before Only per <· be devoted his friends and you am ride for and sure to i'fo>TomrE -«rABKWt >u iu gr.-ut aïutiy, uud this time further I getting my nothing, the that is always sell it. I)r. David me scorpion whip Kennedy, Proprietor, '-·· r· «•m ν ·. ·" ιβ β was a at Carbo- this is done or will do the "i βγ» Vp .\ in the (κ xt room 1 draged my fal- it gala night night you I was to in De- Itoudout. Ν. V. — sequence going pay my expenses follow sin. ί »>«■· >rr a -t ·γ·1 w Sen ItuUrfût a^irtea'»!» > and shall '· ly a.to anotm-r room, thinking nate Drinks and were same favor. You arc armed the hotel at which I he * ■«···» »ι· »8'*d. Camp. cigars troit by advertising Instead of growing penitent, only « .· 1 tt»-r to dud out the worst; saloon in have an chance for life; we A to be uu- free at Shea's Gem your more and literary gentlemau, wishing ι r. josiv » iu aloue Johnny equal became relentless. i- i ·. have t slay the hou«e 1 stop." bloody disturbed one Instructed his Irish avenue and the was will the a little way, and day. a of Harrison programme go up valley "How much will a wicked and ηκντι^τ •\ r: _ht, aii I even number nights advertising you Seduced by cunning servant to admit no one, and, if any one with the box, an un- there settle our like men. If 1 ·« \ .r husband would return from the concluded stage quarrel me to let off?" alchemist to believe that in should for him, to him an Ν'··»»* VtLLâOI. MK 11.y give you by bathing inquire give over this served none shall ever know whether wih Alter l-Hikiug empty limited quantity of champagne by kill you "A column per week for human blood he could claim back his equivocal answer." N'iijht came, and the Τ· »tb ) oa <»< !d. *ι.'τ·γ nr straight inerte r" aid not unusual, were or if I Pat as to his call- » > in. finding anythiug waiter at Tom the "cases and <·*»> îmI Kr pretty girls, Kemp's right wrong," four weeks." vanished health, and he gentleman interrogated .t·» «J- the door the beauty spirits, and 1 opening no toward ers. Grand Central Theatre, the largest vari- fall it will be malice you. I'll take and the teamster children and of UTGIKSIC 1.1«T1TUTE iwf mu w an I th.* time "Well, it, young persons "Did one call?" repeated, —or we walked dn entrapped any ^JAIVP house ever erected in the west He took my arm and witness to our I'll send t! m in the dun- it sounded iu the room 1 had left my child ety is the bargain. both sexes, murdered "Yes, sur, wan gentleman." It seemed like a VtotH Kxrta.aivelT to loT^lid·· Λ c«* 1 ! chill ran over uie, vet I east for that matter. Being "aI the street next issue." own r> u in. either, together. in the copy in time for your geons of the cattle with his hand, "What did he say?" K*mr»*D Me. ι;.ιιν·, r· 1 leturued to my child· as Jack the dream to me, and there was the man was CO«rafCai.d new-paper man," put it, par- yet The robber moved off into the and bathed in their warm blood. "He axed yer honor in." Γ y the groan presently <.|Ϊ»·*-*ΤΙ K u Γ). "uperuiiinUai r«u. an l soon after shocking be without the to murder me, at side. 1 •'Well, what did you tell him?" would not anxious my and as the vehicle once more was that more than a hun- «ε au : -îrf -i rtfroa. w AU tntereau-i time ia the ty complete woods, It believed answer <>{*-*; cam ag iiti, and this eutry- was "Sure, I gave him a * ·· η >r work and ac- to nettled, and suffici- qulvlkle v>u*MDd(or ( »tairs into a and writer, so, dropping my began grow rolled over the the editor rubbed were thus murdered. way ti.at led up large plank dred jist." \*E* H almost Norton, tbe reckless before we reached the Γ||ΑΙ*ΜA>", un>»< cuj'icd chamber. My heart companied by Harry city ently his hands together and chuckled: After of the nutter be- "How was that?" him years impunity J when 1 took ho!d of the latch of the editor of tbe 1 the Hismark road to have a for me! I so "I axed him was his a fai!« Chronicle, joined gay stage fought "Kgad! but isn't this lift came so notorious and spread much grandmother DEPUTY SHERIFF à CORONKB, t ai *r door, but after waiting a moment too. bowie knives had he demanded !" party. A gay party it was, Apart with found a chance to pass a bogus half dol- fear the tint the monkey CQBTIM, 1 the door through country people Κ κ ζλ κ rALU. Mt. to Remit my epcan there were Lieutenant- it. too, I was at the free from the host Then, angry lar, a item of news for my lo- rose in a mass and made Hi I started up strirs. On reaching the got spledid against him, Marre·» t.ν nia il pr»*ipi>tl* «tV-riVO to. Ed. Kava- manner in which he had of Miss Govenor Tabor, Alderman spoken cal and worked a column ad. to a and him to Nantes. t ρ .ν >:her ft ghtful groan greeted my up help him prisoner carried me otf mv feet, J. M. Alder- the we strode, some- tari» winch nearly t'Hjk nagh. Alderman Murphy, Up valley tide me over the dull season! I tell you There he was tried by his suzerain PROBABLY NEVER ISAAC nearer and louder than any a ma- 400 The snow was BAC-NALL, wha h sounded man and half-do/en local thing like paces. the Herald will be on a basis in the Duke of and con has to Kelley, paying lord, Brittany, In the history of proprietary medicines « > m» unes, and this time it appeared one moon was full and Π oolen and c lonels, and fiom and hard, the less than a at a success at home to that Manufacturer! the window near left as I jors general crisp year!" demned to be burnt the stake, judg- .my article met equal Mill·· "Ut of my tne ΗΑΤϋίκττβ,Ο'οττ"·» the whose name 1 cannot in the clear lit up surrounding in 1410 on which has been poured ujh>u Hood's SaBsa- Miaaftr:ot«·C*wmsn r· λ !:» <1 the door. 1 again h'sitated, but regular army, sky ment carried into execution ir r*«x *ΐ"«α· a has been the micc» *s W.*>L, *»·)*. Woiti rUMIl· window, and recall. The female members of the and the below in rABii.Uk. Why, such " > *ad KoU after a little. 1 opened the country sleeping city what is now the Chaussee de la Mad- AtM.LÎttoa CLOTH Somewhat of λ of <>( this article, that nearly every family in t-AIOUie. then came another groan directlv over theatre were also well it fantastic manner. Two or three hungry Sxorek.—Many of represented, eleine, on the Gloriette Island in front been it at k. mk. asertaiued it came from our readers remember Gen. A. v. hule neighborhoods have taking hanovk hea·I. and I the custom in the wickedest which had ventured down to the George my that, coyotes, the now stands. the sa/ne time. week brings new evi- werther-cock." being the where great hospital Every the rusty for the actresses, from outskirts of the away Sheridan, eloquent stump-speaker, curative of Journal. city in the world, camp, scampered dence of the wouderful properties J. G. H.. in Levt9(»H la- and who in two campaigns spoke with such ORIGIN OF THE UNION JACK. OXHABD t BUBIHAX, song and dance artists to the leading and were, except myself companion, this medicine. effect in Rochester. They will be Before the crowns of England and to vi»it the boxes and cham- the only evidence of life in the valley. happy — a dy, quatf LAW AND FEAL ESTATE '· ■, S,'." year; Spring· amused with the anecdote of were united under James 1 ; Combines the CFFICE, at j a On that and enemy following Scotland ■»- Ν ni r Kigbteen, lia·· a pagne $ particu- Presently my strange guide IIUUU ο M pint. him. earned was Κ est Remedies Lni Ol.\. > KB. <î. one of the sis- and said : the by English ships irt. le 'iy Mr. II. Ilepworth, lar Ida Corey, Corey halted flag i>( the night was over from cross of St. A ·// vegetable ■ with the red • r of the ten coming white, George ■ •'tî. *te· Γ the distribution a most flirted with "You stand here and I will George recently " Λ1" S are τ ρ *···■ 'οίο* >n ri:r proi>· ters, finished dancer, step a he had a on that on »» .r or.«* \· r relief fund, ou Irelaud Boston in car, where emblazoned it; and hoisted kv°manJ a farwi« *ea* Fr"»» Γ Il·nid Governor Tabor, Maggie McClare clink- paces farther on." sleeping Sarsapar/l/aΓ such proportion to!:.· Vg r3> tD'ttl ID:«>r*t at r«M il in which Ιι«· relates his per- He was on the of Scotland was blue effects II 1 whole section. sitting board the ships as to derive their greates; medicinal ir. t g η- rr ·-<·»·.. rfvrr 1«>·β «# οTer ftpMbinl ed with Alderman I his directions. •v ri· t. ·. the famine strick- glasses Kavanagh, obeyed on the disturbance to the whole » .· among berth in the about to cross of St. Andrew with the least sys- of *«. ο .·■ ·* u-ι »uh '*>· r.»uran··* lower morning, put with the it; y view» as to Viola Tudor. Frankie He off ten strides and removing !B*' * ·« «I lo»<. and his and Wray, Amy paced tem. this Is so well bal- pi a m Ί*·*··· ntt-r en ι ·{·:«·. expresses his shoes on, when he was acccsted a red lines of the first In fact preparation • I· wth m* "β* Ί*· An ac- and Fannie faced me, revolver in hand. by being perpendicular V .►'-». « II Bl'KMIAM Garretison entertained the company '•Hold, on," I, your fully canal, the liver, the kidneys, who art., ned such wonderful profl- was also on his shoes, with the nal. Some difference arisen be- f "oi iln t \ot«a*. Oi'ordC» H«.m :t:au that Ned the man- made to shoot me, at least let me putting having the bowels and the circulation oithe b!i*sj, el ■ r. e f ν hi> ninth royally Barry, stage up a y* iu μι twenty : are rich man?" tween the of the two countries' his that it about a action uf the was to cut out several name." inquiry "My friend, you ships brillé healthy ru· w.th Webster and as obliged krow your )■ .ir (.'lay ager, looked astonished, but answered to this in future, and entire human organism, that can hardly be AGENTS WANTED of nnxlern because the no difference to he George majesty, prevent :. r -r There is a sketch acts from the bill, 'That makes you,' credited those who have not set η the re- To HfcLL specialty the tired to teach his that formed one by ·! I. W one as can looking gentle- people they ti ivi K_'v;it Mr< i^hampney ladies were not to go on when the said. 'It's as good a you pleasant.faced, markable rvsults that have followed Its us»·. Fill ready man with a I'm rich." ordained that a new should IT 1 l ODOTHEK ■·. satire on "Yes, tolerably nation, fiag λ leveriy doue ephemera! called. boast, l'lease be ready when I count to If the SanapaitlU docs not prove sufficient- ", eiititl···! The Story ol prompter A and then came another the cross of St. M KHI It ν ΛΤΟΙ Κ r reputati Norton pause occured, be adopted, having ly laxative, takeafewdovsof Yro- is the Amid all the Harry three.' well eases of a Lion. A bit of rlction true to life hilarity : "How rich are interlaced with that of St. I taiilk 1'ILLS. It Is in ail In llir >»>« drank a few a with the and question you?" George Γιι^):ιιμΙ weir New Kngland story. On the ill at ease. He I am clever shot pistol, biliousness to take these pills in connect iou Tie b^·· l·- wstt^·* .uaintiy appeared "About or $800 000. on the blue of the with Hi·» for the tlrst ten da vs. m nUI· r>i|«trrd A of which th< then from a card at even 8700,000 Why?" Andrew ground fiag Sarsaparilla -t· ·π n»*a I _■ W iM, story of and removed can shoot the " he nrrWiott in ►nre^--fi»l glasses champagne, spot? was as That dull, sleepy, sick feeling e.iri wholly ■ said the old if I were to it >■·! « o®* is A of Cadiz. ao "Well," man, of Scotland. All ships carry the ijm· of the remedu ». W ■ fi ir'·- -i»ti^i a*f pr»*io·» sciue is laid in Spain girl his chair to the corner of the box, out twenty yards, and felt confident that overcome t-~ r relVr· or»· an installment of Kose and the rich as are, and snored at the mainmast head, but the ycu give them a trial and le yourself again.' There is and lit a matter how a shot was you say you English M ami of the of the footlights, good my antago- \ tt C.iAH AttKii'l*. t.in could kill him at ten you do, ships display George's An ex-alderman of this city says of Rood's >· I uer. .1 rial as oue of the paper» calk nist, that paces. ; cigar. a whole every time I traveled. red cross at their sterns, and the Scottish Sarsaparilla, "It h the strongest Sampa- Than· t has a CoINmjuv in whicb "What ails I asked. "It I drew and cocked it care- sleeper it; Octave you, Harry," my derringer rilla I ever saw." '6EHTS are dis· —Rochester Democrat. that of St. Andrew. On 12, 1606, .·, WA1TE0.—iΐ to April »*Λ>-ί. 0 T,».T tnc ·>\ιοκρ Pkm- them tholsof practicing charity cannot be that have the I was with my back possible you fully. standing was at Κ"*Γ in « ou the New Testa· the Union Jack first hoisted sea, Each dollar bottle contains one hundred ΐ;«· ΓΛ.» )|jpoi JIiIim. Sa a:T eu»»· ; ti re i» a paf»er he was a little above me, Ρ* 1 ··. blues the moon, and t■ *>,! m^n articles un to-night?" all .and Creeds; and several ate half a but it was not till the union (averages) doses. Sold by drugghts. meut was the moon shone full on his broad —A young lady wedding parliamentary oue ol "No"*aid he, but I just thinking and Price one or six for live dollars. der Dtoenssion and Sugg«-stion, of the two countries; in 1707 that it was dollar, Α Ι ΤΙΛΤΙ*». manifest- four He levelled his and be- cake and then tried to dream of her future whii the opposition of a little incident which happened brow. weapon Hood'* Sarsaparlila, prepared only by G " Ε » deprecates· as the of Great r r <1 > ug ιο t»»ke s tli'M' ·" the words were husband. Now she says she would rath· military fiag lie of the southeru bourb«jn paper; ajjo in 1876, in to count. As fatal adopted I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries,Lowell, Mass. Τ '··* «i| η* a ^bte··» to ,by years to-night, January, gan now *■ jwr» the couditiou auc man saw Britain. Both services, therefore, ■« » m«*e I n m· <11 «t· ie views regarding care to raised revolver. er die than the she in r· al» to t the Black Hills. If you hear it, slowly pronounced, I my marry rÎOOD'tJ P*>eaet a .hjbTJaa i. iwl, *HI the South, recently expressed bj u*e it as the national banner» fyUec Tooth-Fowdek. * η evis of J felt that dream. '** •'•'-fc *a draw chair a little nearer' We fired at the Mme instant, and attorne» ιο cιι1οιι member Hath la the Ukble of hi* law « «unuwuKsl hanglug, obnrit» uor A Meld*, having t>o«u Mitchell's farm for one :uml, dtofbun.)". wilt thou thru lift* with a chance for pardon, or opportu- , and and a old fash- year. Cnmm oj., » Hi »t tu tbe tlriu of rt.»t thou «halt il«· no murvtor, lay Wednesday, "big HuktU. Mirlnd. partner riel.l», υ*(ο«κΐ 4 Decisions. la with a crew leoce an.l Newspaper at IIis tMict, au>l fuldll a mans? for a second murder. I huow Sewell Golf engaged quite Co., which lUOCNdml It, having beeone spurn nlty ooed nap inoThursdayrnlng Aon 11.11, TobHb. la take· ft hoKU In ht» hanl« that break mill at Canton. Storer ha* hauled Mr. t partner» tlli*m he ha· *ub»cribeU or aot— to a mail's neck ; to see the ι .on Benj. another'*. or whether rv. break pinioned farm. Worldlle WUo Tb.ycr, who lu —[shakes i*· river. CMfford, D. Ticknor, IKli, founded the Lou«e of t» rwpoosihle «or tbe payment. with the the house tlfty cords to the banks of Swift Icobod hi* «li*oowtiBn*d, limbs, the pale couutcnauce, Oliver Merrill haa moved into Clifford, A Held·, ami both tbeae aon» i. li ft t*er»f the late Jan. Farrington. Cllff,.r.l long experience Uie l.ui tin oe to tend I» ubUI pay meut ift made, and Its Sburlllff, Zed.H.b coo la again raised fur the gallows A. C. for Fred A. Porter, "0 Jrretnl.b of till·· llmi It ba» the whole aaaouat. whether the pftper la the mental agony within, the haug- Frank Perkins haa leased C. Coolidge reorganisation *liown u<, collect saith the traying P.LoveJqy's Tb. r.pld ood .o<-c«.»fol taken rVoa the o«ce or not. victim. is mine Parker and Qoll.hBr1«g.. little enterpriM) In gathering about II «owe "Vengeance man the and then the black haa onto I'ords. Joseph Conatit, T., 0f h*»e ilocided Ihatroftuiftfto tak· adjusting rope, arm. and C. W. Hodgtnan moved In . niM.orv S. The Court* an·! I will But from the ex- others scene ch.nge. were Kr«t .lie leading writer» of tbe couuiry. A fto-l t>om the do4 o®ce. Lord, repay." Isaac Bradeen, Edwin Barrett and iioiabie ••w»p«pen periodlcai* drawn all. To watch for the the farm he last a I» tue recent thee uictlliJ lor, l* at cap veiling purchased spring. Jordan, who h·» happy example of tbia acceMion of i»r remottaf U'l iNfsg of anxious solicitude, mixed have the of the ilue to Mrs. pression the been hauling greater part w I.I.I Λ Μ fmem fTidence ol frftud. sheriff's signal, then the fall of drop, Mandevllle Corson closed his successful order out of confusion, HU. υ IlOWKUJJ with a little the cords of bringing times malignant spleen, as winter, making many faculty tbe editor of the Atlantic followed the »ound indlacribable, the ichool last In District No. 4. altogether lu Its Ικ-st pos- l.ately Monthly He would seem by Friday of a tableau* advocates of the death penalty ilestined to become valuable above Its and presenting un» now re»lgned that poaiUou, and i,a» PER CENTS BELOW PAR. takes up the slack ol the rope. As this (9 the time when farmers pur· Is ri- THREE will falling body Vour reporter connect*··! with Hwwr« to a fear that the murderer worth as Are wood. sible advantage. cwiuo O»goo.| 1 »catlon ; following to patronize Messrs. Kendall Whitney, to the musician-, ami will bave the benefit of hi» u*te, times. one admit that io the matter i>era of the ladles aid. ja.l*. to have been covered forty Every must and * pretty fair siied lot of white ash. watch the convulslre contortions jf Portland, seedsmen, and thereby encour- assisted at the .lient. au>l experience lu their literary eutcr. alone exceeded foremost stands the now other» who in any way he subscriptions of murder, first and The mill at Kumford Falls, is and lelievod ol tue care» ÇjrtedEnglish I and twisting and we recommend grist pria·:» iieiiig of editor- And President Hayes death throes, the wa'plng ige home markets, 000.000. yet of the the red run J. from Mans. The enterUiuin.-nt. Mr. Howell· will hereafter the I protection public against a by Andrew Long, •nip, have inocU and the banks and Repub- the knees drawn up with spasm, from a ο» and Gartlrld next is body, practical experience. graduate to ilevote to the 3 cent of the murderer. The point law mill Enoch the shingle mill Misa Κ. Jennie Thompson, more time euthorahlp lie 1» liow lican to defeat per hand and thrown down with a ; and then Mom tow. by Knapp, party join j-rk Institute, Χ. V « a new en tilled "A the govern- we best deter the inurdererfirom his Hill, and Dramatic nguged upon «tory tearlul bill, and thus prevent how can and by Philip Andrew. Kent's landing as that the body tlyiug, In-tiding waving Iteadlug* which will be flrvt published is as good the best scarc we can width will oue of her delightful ile»puu»lbtlliy," ment whose credit quite work'· What is give school on dis- Lenoard Wood in iu the shop give an I a the air. this o! Bkthcl, March ;U>.—The 11 so rib ucr'· Monthly, will aft.reard ap from to negotiate through Ah, type firing at the M. K. church. Wedo»·- of France attempting or has been the popu- the in- Frank llolmau making with .Hongv book lorui froui tbe of him? Hang him. is, of a state govern- trict So. 1'-' closed thin week under formerly occupied pear In pre»· Jamr* II. loan at the same rate.—JMfaet Ay*. trapeze; every member next. Its loan» at But with the hangman, aud all This and re wagous, ic. day evening ilagixNl A to. sold lar cry. who hi·* voice and vote sanc- •trudion of Mrs. Kllen 1*. Kimball. paring sleighs, The French government ment gives CI»··. A. Young received mvik twaiw thus realizing for every la, the murderer She Fifteen of oxen were driven past Friday. Mr. S3 1-4 per cent, his shocking paraphernal should be to witness m Mrs. Kimball's thirty-sixth term pairs aniouul of our debt tioning it, obliged that his wife wa<· ven Tim author, who can boaet a popularity Mich 8H3 ii5. The not scare worth a cent." And why? An unusual inter* here this morning. were U-legr»m. utatlug «100 only TOO "does work on his flr-rt victim. I'll engage is a first class teacher. They purchased lot of few year is nearlv his fl· ®' a» lia» fallen to tbe author» In (tilt or maturing the present it Is In this wise. He argues i of Llvermore. ill lu Boston. Very largely that ■st was manifested the making liy Messrs. Trask Piper an·! who··· book* ar·· aoM million·»—in exact ligures ees7.S50.00i». it will awaken a mW fv sentlmentallsm by pupils any other country, our some time. An igno- K« u- we h-.l a» at the same rate, that die he must at school and The ill ou Κ ist bank of Swift river from Mar. #l*t, iu Knglaml a· well In America, by ten· of To raise this amouut will make his .'-f/s y irn (or amaurrrsis the pleasant profitable. Portkr —Yesterday, sell bonds to feet as a iu 01 will hereafter would have to death he under his was a success— Ihii Richards in to Storers, of a foot ihoueaml·, publi*U through government minious put·· or a of the hnntring set. tehool exhibition grand Byron Beuj. :i r.,|I of suow to the depth Would the the by surgery, r»-p«-nl Λ Co. H" I· now engage! upon »ev«M»l the amouut of (4£,S%. consideration, the motive for tableaux Mexico. A of neighbors »*g«x>d negative lie but of music, recitations, couple your more, and it I» drifted fearfully. of such a sacrifice? The prop- With Macbeth will say, "any shape consisting *ork» which uiay be expected »oou to appear Age approve the to of th a 3 cent murder being largely primary thought. trem- »nd select The waa ■.«il. <1 around here trying buy something Is now the order osition of Congress was. that per that and my firm nerves shall never reading·». programme Sugar making under their auaplcM. The dr»tof the··· wtii !*. • after death were either short at If France The dread of that something : in the cattle kiud. They our are doing quli Handbook of bond dhoaldbe floated par. ble." la follows il ij : many of farmers "Mar» Twain'· Kil>j.n*tt··, tUe which I# to it* of λ consol loses «Γ or did not know the value and ol which may with rea»oa· hit to sell below par —the undiscovered country." the 1st, Address Wallace Farwell ; 2d. script, Λ l>U.-iU«»S at it. character eoope to see how the Years ago, Mr. Kditor, I witnessed by not easv s Iro.o the tin.· run 7.' vears, it is the mind a* he a>ks < Mr (»r· « tIt»i» ; :ld, Si hool Kid· and rows, ox· U aud stock. We know win title certainty, be inferred it. to run force upon murderer's and m iv to In· eiitfage.l U|ion * ■·» yrlo I niN.i state·. can percent were legal process the se hool ; 4th. Til· King of III reporte»l ••What If this cursed hand thicker Motto*, by i.r no trade» made. Send around ou th of a work f··»· whichbW ceuts. The >ery large 1 !iV Tin· oc- they new which he is erectiiig .•«••lia iluutoi," thirty vears for 100 eyes never behol the ignin. Iteeltatloii, What Shall the tils lionne, will in· Indicates, with a blood, is there [ïlory; .'ill, Jacksou' or "Joe Tufts",aud tlie iiil ^uallû>ali<»n» readily recognue,!, the Fret» h consols. than itself brother's with Voii keep boys oue burued la*t win- of auth»»r« a» tin· demand for ca*Iou was thi-*. My preceptor 11 irv· -t Β>·; »>th. Song, Only C«>Usln* old lot where he had Wtill »uch a liât Urm ». that tile might in sweet Heaven to wa>h itl and around home until have learned »»····'«, and tile progre*«ive «-nu-r It i* true, true government uot ra.u enough was Know ; 7th. Dialogue, Manners and they ready |h»·· if It had beeu whom I was reading mediclue, called, City ter. winch the·»· ami··· n<· m»*nt» obtained a larger '.Uh. print· 1111ply.1t have price It white a* snow?" Hands; sth, I>· clamaliun; llie trade. all ll,e woo»I- that tell .nn. securities the the L'ountry I/iggers have nearly m»'1 need li*r«lly be Mid rary >r to ask it. The*»· being city physician, by govern· and Detraction; 10th, Will Oc shrewd enough cent murderer who the Γ ibleanx.Attraction Fernando C. Illchards has sold his farm » •nil It» bu*tiic*« pr«»| ertly |ier|ietu advanced Ί per The premeditates to attend tin ior th»· season, having accomplisbed ο tut· drill I.» have already. In fact, 111· ut professionally hanging, Singing by the S hool ; 11th, Recitation. 4ted. it I» lite ptirpo»· 4'11,'uiir in the market a of which in and Into this tor.u. new writer*. In Hit* μίι,« and are non bringing ·»."» 1-4 criuie. has standpoint thought him Farwi IMxIicId, inovnl winter's tge ami develop J and as Ms »tudi iit I k· |t l< ^ d murd· r. 1.· t the sigl.t- by dec«as-( ami I» lu good demand. Hay if novel·, the publication Of which will «. .·, the British 3 per celt-"· ι.·»Ιμ*1 iij; η : Mr*. S. S»n'»orn above In th·.· Snow I. uira i>c till· ««lie· will con·!·! nf a ril, ing Thi« view kj* re* lveen The new woolen mill Iraiuatic effect will be aimed In al of tii. ,, The tO"'the utidlscov· red country." J » of the writer* much or more loss thau gaiu. expri- sag··." pa** Mrom.ni ; 20th. I· and th* nam· Ix-lng wltiili· 1 common sewer of mu to the lifth.Tableau.Silent Prayer; or three will work It will fx set m to through the a warrant f«»r poor for two year*, up) fast neariug Completion; acli IxM'k w III real on IU own merit···! ment» of France au J F.ngland pro*e "Not *fruM to kill him, baring Our New Song; 21st, School Head- of Song. ί M ΓΙ·»· Immi, are to be of eonvenlenl « *., blossom out. when all hope t>ut to Ιη> ilainiir.l for hltn. from h woi«t the larger pile younger operation « line, by Sylvie Farwell; 22«l, l<> ma We from J·*) U» *<») |«Mf· each, an I .a no wnrrant can ·Ι·-ί«·η·Ι you.**— Mink··». ι is goue. Into a saint?" «lilrh World insk·· Itself? 2.1d, Song. Twinkle and well men. He works raiu or snow, j tit 1 activ<· In an pe*r. (.. 21th. Tableau. will lie dollar The criminal is told "lean little Star, by Carter; cold or warm—in fact cold OXFORD COUNTY ϋΗΑ0ΓΑΤΚ8. ·· of the Maine pnfer* or, \»ιιι··Ι··«* Nobleman" will b·· prolj· 1 eirl The second annual reunion INMtTi'Ti'., Goddess of 25th, Declamation, by Jesus." He leans— lIvutr.Mi' Liberty; work. firm ο III and "A Irwin In i^ive an l ullirrt of l>edham. Mas» was held in "trust iu repents—he stormy weather for out-door received from the April· Association Wat mil oku, Mu., Mir. U. C ('a pen; Τ «bleau. Faith, llo|».·. Charity; Having just will follow ut «tillable Interval· in that town Thursdav he trust·. aud on the gallows he slnu* J. T. Hall and Storef, both above »V of Boston, a tb·* I nltarian vestry 27th, Select K-a ling. »>y llattle Firw.ll; j Benj. J. H. O*goud Co., cop< OfllKM l*t'»l.'< vTIo**. two hundred sons aud Jesus ne»* eveaiug. Abont will dm and Sillle .U)th, Dia- three more and have Ih-cu learning Burnetts Λ < ·>. ar·· well known at "He carry through," Lew liton Journal. 2*tb, Dispute, Dialogue; ten, j of Mrs. Franc·* Hodgson )le*«r«. of the Pine Tree State met and .llth. The atten ol "Πι·· MeMorial ..f i^.. daughters all. all the debt 1 owe." Say·» he logue, Teacher orul Neighbor; d uices" at c.ur school this S "J / r!4:.· the t-\rn;ng was very enjoy ably passed. SÏKIP LAXI». Coining Women ; Ϊ2Ί, God is In lleaven.by ion," In and i» «·>- winter. .I "the bear huntrr" feels sort lion has been called anew to this Urg' wnrk· of hUlory l»*ue.| m n-cent year·, to wa> called to order has "found salvation Jesus, ÎMd. Dosing ad- d, The l>us.aesa meeting Laura and Minnie Capcn; alileli the aeholar· and •lixinguUheii men 1:1 a to ax .· (' (' >ftB<,er><>n. and to Is—ierked Allll'I l.K«I«ION'lt Spkimî about It. Γntil he has had the nam· ! firm, it has been re-organ by t President. ing straight glor>nud S UEIIUVi, dri »s, by Sylvia Farwell; 41ti. Song. latnly publishing otli· r nH-cialtle» of 111·· city coi'trlbute.l, an t In a list of w i· csnnmit'ee of six chose· to bring Jc»us. Believing the atonement can do st γγτλ <·» 8wnmxo—Ax Imuvura (i I Night, the schory i* tlie tr « s« of the weeks. lias been known ■•peratlve plan Sec- the candle of life in th·· rvlce of the term nine Sil.i* M Locke has robbed him of his tit!· and long e C Sanderson Treasurer. I>a\id M out St «.All Maki:u. present every day County, me. Vctlng U|xin till* lielirf, thl* Urm has l»ecn a mem- tne alion of \ N*rr*«ive ·:ι·ι W A. Walker. S< t eral t Ice presi- de\ II.then blow- the soalT Id the Almighty's Wallace had a declamation every Friday as ••Im.'.s l>rar catcher**. Taken all Boston He lerlakeii publl retary. togeth-1 publisher. Critical llUlory of Ain-ri i" ii|»m ti..· ; also chosen. There are at prvs. wliilti ou Li· ber of the firms of James It Λ dent» were face. Thb is the kind of scnUiucuuUsui Hu« ot uur ruporter*. and er, he is sad. SlviRkr-s. Oagood pile iiro»|>ectu· of I lit* lm|H'itaut work w.!| a composition. of j«v«c Κ'ηπ. and morning. n<»t!«-«-«I a vehi- j h· •oon be It will be under the e·!- >r- w*er !75 mem's-rs a voice round··. Tttcvlm and William »>. Co \* Co.. and l*«ut*i. which H W Beecher raise» Mr. Daniel Hastings Houghton, Osgood ot it constitution against a ■ if \|r ,|||*(In Wln«or, l.llirtrian II*·· iarge numSer sigued the cle t-oinmoulv calh-d hiu k itoard, pulU-·! A Field.-, criminals are cos- announce i%as with the tirm of Tickner with the awUlani-e f a.ln»«y the coinmiiiee* ol tbe varlou· huturical »oeietie4 we of th· w as the hall and at its con- flowers to the mur- in the of will believe. The second served in upper set ted. Women send Τ lie grutleinao was apparently for Ashland, Wisconsin to take charge that a mmistrclentertainment »*·given partner • •f the country. w aUo a nativt clusion th* were again sought 1 even Mi«ar hu.*ln<·*·». and th·· boxe* under a ί c< firm is Η. I.. parlors derer's cell. Some of them woul map!· a party to lay out new railroad next week, in aid of our village Band, Osgood, λκγ rt:nucAn<>*« W. \ sweet heart* surveying j The committee of arrangements, th· t>arr« I» were fill·· I wtththe of but who has resided ii |llu«trated book* and hiif a:«t·· kiss an ulcer for hiui. l'rl^st- au 1 philan- from Ashland to Grand Lake, Minnesota, There will In· songs, danc· s, ir.. Fryeburg, picture* and Mrs F. F Favor, and melt so de· speeches, ( a the "f : * Morrill. Mr. present- and »«|iiare* that crumble for twelve He no»» Iteeu fenlure among publication* and In- run see him Tracts, Itooks the North Pacific Κ It for such atfiirs. The l'a ris, France, years. drm of the fluent Illustrâtef Mr At* the evening enjoyment. Interesting because he Is to die. lie was Mr. 1 B. H<»arce Hebron. W went on the same this business. Osgood, h·· •klllful vuperlntcnilenc·· all. forsooth. going Goddard aff »rd. :!. « s C. |{. ν / of Henry «ame town, wlil continue to cultivât· .Irt-.s. Rh M. Smthgate. Mr. Β "I brought d«»«n 2oo pound* a brother and a native of the vnllioii). They bj he died In to look after! was a sma«h in the Tbe llciiotyp·· Engraving· pu Seth Ε Beach. A U The newspapers say trusting an.I I've sold out all train for Chicago, Illinois, There ijnite lively up *p»fbilty. R Mu.'ge. Rev. Miliar this morning, i* at ι he head of the w hob-sale and ship- ll'lmi by till· Itrm li.iv·· btscoiu·» widelv Ι» *·ι — a world of mis* died we· at- Went worth aud others. />·**. Jon» Kaugh! What »s. 1 came from Hebron. the estate of his brother who recently village last k. A horse with sleigh the a* an it !u Uut flfty poun of the new tirm. Oui througli'Mit country lin|M>rt j !" con*** in education. of tlie- the society, chlcf that thief on the cross did I grant That'.* where lot* of your syrup then. tachi d. started from Mrs. Mason's stable ping department art Their atalogne Mr. Sanderson. President of ( to learn of th· brae· three hundred > I» a!··;. .ν from. M>>*t all the maple sugar in this are alwuv» glad nearly *ubj< a of Mr. Kditor. tM* type of sentlmentalism Arthur J. Brown and wife will leave and landed in the school house shed. The people •elected from Un· ma»terple»'e» of Cla·». ■· »!1 I was resident Norway. If* a j formerly market now cam·· from Hebron. I *ucce*s and which lU'xIern art. each being »·»Ι·Ι al tie· ·>« iu Maine for several years. two with 1 enterprises appertain print are a number af O.v ha- slumbered u ηιπ about the middle of for Grand Kap- hor»e went through one or door* ·· I here quite large great πι :ι·ιιιπ; April and nothing of 3 cenU The picture-dealer· In a;l t no maplecountry. to natives of the price there has l>een 11, ui.ki..... n» III·»·. County, citlea ami town· In the I nlted ford Count ν natives in iVdham. Aud why Becausc 1»· con ι.·* a for the »ugar at whole- MU II Ρ ΙΓΙΛ III llir ?«ingu S* ΒΙΙΙΙΓΙΠΙ leading pound can be more to us than the in an· lbe«e llcllotype Kn(ravi .g< or * We i>l*asing placing Criminals are not cossetted «ale, It the parrMuft gen- Mi ή Κ 'Γ. and si.» ter, formerly Τ1ι«· sidewalks were burled in snow tbelr *t,»» k. mid Bn.l them ι,ο.·ι Inrf *itn (>·>ρ·· hanging. to-day. Cmtby by f.iematÎon th if «nillP ta a in ke hiuh place aale. —lion. James Walker ol «\m- more than sugar, hut lar appreciation and ready JaMr» Wai khr here. 1 have no more erally make syrup a inuker's and Tliurn- made her·** of Norway, have opened dress the storm of Wnlnndtj night W· are t.· whowr death *« announced ye»- i» a dru;; in the market, this year, world. willing Bangor. thau fur "those ucrv »yrup In Kimball's Mock, over Orover A. dev. For the Ur-t Hint· In our tbeliu-rary jathy jou ilcllcitely an<1 don't '»rin^ »o we're shop many year* in will. terdav. «in horn in Borlington. Mi»*., nothing, scarcely. assure our reader* that dealing 1, • and sin will and wa* named for hl« km who imagiue crime it off." llurnh:itn's store. Miss I', comes with the m mail fail*»»! to out. The rut.· Aitwi 11·. 1MÎ. people »ucarin£ irnlng go this «ill l«««ve h'-norable ol con- firm, they uncle J a nu··. Walker, formerly President «ο unpunished, and whose highest "How many tree·· have you?, *>est of recommendation*, and I would ad- which haut let l« one "Ι'τγ 3ύ0 trees. 1 have made '»oy shingled by hi* np:, m of a son] anil Just judge tapped viae all η ho waul a nice filing dress to were blown full of soft wet snow, anil thus to Lo*e!l Ox- of and don't know the of select- puri'DU will shed water. year* ok! hi* family moved aud about I*>0 pound* sugar, Osiood ha* happy faculty Hho will >av to the foul culrpit go rail on ami slsier. made w'.ere the deceased coutinuevl tnor»· I this Mi>* Crosby — ford County, how inu<*h shall make, year." impss*able. it>K f»r publication only such manuacript- The richest man In Russia I·« only thi> siu ho jujrr." 1 believe ou the contrary «Ιο vou make Kllis G. sixteen of age, re- will he h»*ld in tin· ves- υ! I·re» deMftU Ikjftt 185·. During "How much syrup usually Anna.·, year* Meeting* litptist ,, ill bave a value, and aoout one third xi wealthy a- Vander ill I permanent time the deceased actively ir it will be *aid and be damned- in a <Μ·*»οη, from y<»or :l.» tree·»?" saw«-U four cords of four foot wooti and also liter- engaged *'g«> cently try Mondiy evening, Tuesday «national —A little of Ave i* one of the in ami nr oui, I make a'w>ut avoiding entirely, cheap, girl yearn r»*j»> bn» mes» and became leading 1 ϋπιΐι>·. conceive, even in the blood -Take year y< Who t au anr.^ m. n of that e. lie wa«. a •.«•a»·»!!. <>ne of Wednesday ature Monday j.lat very popular 1 1'jO galious gallon syrup <«f the l.amb a spiritual chemistry, by religious Inter- , , convul»ious caused r with his tuauMOcD. who fully appreciated wll make eight pound» of sucar.—ami Ικ-at thl«? evening*. There in some Mr* Burnett'· novel which ha* led liy jumpiug ipe. can atome hi» ability a.·· α bu»in··»» man and sent lrtu which a red-handed murderer *···0 I lia»β maile 10·»» are an effort Is ι that-!· pouud». The Μ Ε. society makiug est in the village, and It hoped todee|»en this notice, i· a interring boo*, —Emigration from for Ameri a from In in an extra pure, Germany tothe lei:i»l*ture almost a tit to nestle iu a season, hut that a ·* continoou»ly »>e M.'j !ιλΙ Into saint, pounds to raise money enough to purchase p»r- It. f« rth in the contrit Ν so Urjii· thai the steamship coinpsul Î 54 * tO 1 ►«m. a» ami S: it· netting K<*xl light, Representative Abraham's hosom. There must be retribu- g«>od year." Swan, now M have liera ordered to charter extr t «u-irn m<»\t ! •»otiage. Nathaniel years At th·· School meeting. Saturday night. between a American and h'-τ xenator. In MM Mr Walker "You « ail thi» a favorable do yon bright girl m somewhere. H·· does year, er*. (.{30 emigrant*. >stly Germans, »ti tive mtlee for him one member of the society. has κκ chosen M-»derator. both male and female llangor. at wmch time he held the po»iti not?" old, leading II Ε II imntond British cousin*. arrived at New York, to aud he walk ·»τη cold Wedoetjiy. of Stale La: 1 A|«ut. Hecontinued in th«- l >t send hi> victim Hell, "Yes a pretty fair year. It*-» «•tiered to give 8lu0 in cash au.I other prop- M I» Hammond Clerk, and Geo. Β Crock, It coat· only one dollar. *nt by mail, and ri\cr « —Jerusalem exi«t»-d 7·» before lumber buaine«s on the 1'enohecot t<> mautle of charity uichi». an.I when it cold night». you're will in- years straight glory. My erty to the amount of 9200. Other* ••tt. Agent. will well our reader* for this the where he ha* been one of the inoft exten- 1 >st two or three it repay Koine w is ΓοαοιΜ, ft<)0 years before will uot cover all this. all right. The dly* the Several riM III of hut hrfore tiiat follow In the good undertaking, and mon- | I take this opportunity to thank considerable outlay· siege of Troy an*fou 4 tssachiis^Us st.tiidsn', Increased from *!»»·« greatest possible or 'm· la like circumstance*. article cut from /i Journal Hou. George Walker. ex-Mayur of "lioodn· s> ! ye*. There are two thro.· a large body fur the rtr«t diy of April. It ; placed Ddily «·< *77,:i»;'J 50 in IS77 to $300 „Ί3 77 lu I·»-.'. had two «rother» J >hu and Wil· are. an·! to the p· "pie the greatest poesi- a mile of last week city, and thouviml tm» running within half is distributed over the ground so ! J. B. Field. ; ·» evenly urn), re».ding in Lovell. He lei ν» ble It Is claimed that statis- of h »u«e There"·* W I. Οοπι··ν—hV» ••a rvtu hahbvuuv" —The « fll I· ncy of tke Maine Comm protection my in the tkdds are well Paru, i. ·· that the crass roots April i* and tfve children—Mia* Kate B. Walker, committed lu the th·· most—ht·'» cot «·*νΐ tre· ». ! I d »'i't The public need little Information a» to the «loner· of Fisheries and (» une hlii'iiy tics >how lets murder got ·· more the F·γ>·»ι nn.< Vr< Mr. J. P. Walker. Mr. Κ. K. Walker Mr» inu< ri in Mnesyiwp from the· than I do protected. author.».' thl- work Tberehave be«n few omplim-nted t>y considered—where the (■1 a r» fam· States—population are »w for the SofTit Pants.—Mr. 0>·ο. M h aud The U B. Thatcher and Mr». Jacob Stearns. from my .>j0. hi» tree* thicker w is the largest fl of sap striking SU.-C——S 1» literature than that prominent sportsmen's ριρ-r are the Friday — g allows and hangmau among r Λ' ιΐ li iwuian hi» to H an fcommeuded that the combination ΛΥι t >iicth> lb.iu mine. season. Our sugar orchard will yield an lly have removed irpswcll. achieved by Mr» France* llo Us■»·» tluni.-lt. pap-r ·· iu that were, rather than in those i trees. Fred Karris hsa cut 400 a few of who had m k,lr Ain,,ril* h, r >f rl»h and gaine be tried thlug* Sot sweet this season. Mrs. K-ndall Swift entertalued t.ngltsh la.lv. ®·Γ|* production lOLITICAL NOTES has 150 tree* abundant supply of other States. States where still exist tu their pres- tree». Charl"* II. George got and borne. Tit*· editor of scrlbne»·· Monthly earlv they a Iter frU-n.ls l ist afternoon or more. There ! 1 can't to tell them. Dr. W A. Husaell. graduate of Middle- Thursday wa. que with the concomitant of mur- begin dl«eerned her talents. Her reputation --The numl>er of Immigrant· to th·· I StaUa is glory. are or firmer* richt in of New hiving au old·fashioned 4: France, our neighborhood. School, h is taken the office t>f the late Dr. Ing. sumptuous supper ••That Ijmw oLowrteV fairly number f>v almost .lo 000 th in ever un t·» » ·* of Holland. "Tlier*· 1» no aure foundation t»ct on Mo·»!; avi g ill of »yrup apiece, thi- eu- It *»« received wltli enthusl of F.ngiand. $117; #114; rajj»* I> W. l»ivis, and is to attend to the six o'clock, after which the compauy reading world. the iu a singl·· before. The more and Home les».·». ready country y«'ar tf Canada. ofMt x c-> *;*· ; of Switzer- No eertalu lif« achiev»·.! by others ilemth," asm crltt « year.—some a hour. In both continents, and KnglWb year of the greatest number » ·λ tri* vera sick. He come* us recom- social previous "How much do. of. tre ««Ire. among highly joyed while «- The murderer with tlie death penalty hare rie I with Amerlea In It* praise. ΙϋΰΙ when came to our shore. iu Mr. Johu Γ. who has done much 4-'7,&ΙΛ aud iuafair lo itiou, generally yield, mended as a man and a Murphy. an —Judge Hughe» <·.' Virginia .».iys that staring him in the face, from one stand- physician. edition alter edition Ims been sluorbetl by a I season ?" In the late rati " st .» to it gOi iu the course .service with the —A second Advent congregation Slate abundantly a'>U· pay ail that all. The third lecture Academy good sledge eager public. aworthV followe.1, an.l tolly point of argues salvation to 1.' from a real tree, Κ lost couddence an 1 that Mat :i·· .* iu I'aror ol thought "About gallons g.wl further labor Greenwood. uisas, have owes, really was given evening William K. -.hop, is incapacitated from •ustalned Its rutlior'a reputation. "LonNlana." From another view it Is salvation to I should »av. \Vc calcul ite it taken 4 cal- Friday by lu th. Ir while all. As a ua'.:ve be l»e catne her In a new an.l pastor because. publicly paying repu1·!.can iu the hall of of kiud. One of his arms is so badly which ne»t, pre ented Ion* of the clear sap to make a pouud of Skillings. Α Μ of Bethel, any avowing a belief that the world would lirves that the true policy I» to sustain the those who trust iu Jesus aud Γι peut, aud entirely different field; but It was. If anything, un"". The that It is of uo use to him what- I'oine to an eud iu he t'Wk * sugar. the Bethel house. "K paralysed success It» ls»l, aecr»-ily Mahone rebellion agaluet Bourbonism. that w ill come even at the eleveuth hour. Subj<>ct, cvrn a great «τ literary than pre We all of u» have »ugar camp*, and we ever. Mr. entertains but little note for live year* on a loan of $1,000. and hall was tilled to its utmost capacity, and Murphy .tece.sors, In her latest novel. "A >alr liar- —A of the LeirittoH ./>>ur If he is an oblivious nothiiiirt».-ss with correspondent atheistic, have theiu rigged much more convenient the u.ie of the demanded twelve per ceut interest after refering to the imperial city under hope of ever recovering barlan." we And Mr*. Burnett atnl.l still other n-iJ mt< that the leu»tative apportionment is his solace, and If the world κ·*** rough than we n»e to. When we had to boll onr ample security. limb. seems an.l character·, an.l here she .eem. vetoed Governor Plais ted. was agreed tc In and ki ttle·», we used to work Its different forms of government, from its by with with this view of death he has a sap pot·» at lea-t »» far a* him. Jones was married last likely to pcllpee. popularity —Our IJule 0«es la » splendid by th< Fu»ion nuiii'*!» ol the County d»-l niirhts. Now we have larire, calvaidz<*d foundation to the of Cte«ar, lie Mr. Seward Β Juvenile, than a scare. crowning all her earlier The that ca»e. it wm a mi^taki restfUluee*. rather U consented, triumphs. which his issued iu sixth number. It is egations. In peaceful ir«in pans to tioil the sap in. They're week to Mis# Belle Clark. have our syrup took us among its ruins, and into its They of I* l« "··**' * mo·1 Γοη" ovei a better con- Utle the story > to adjouru without ptwiBi! the bill With either view he expects scveu'or eight inches and will hold the Uussell Γ deep, best wishes. I» a published by Publishing v«to. — /'· rtl iHil .l· rrtùer. buildings, and introduced us to c«ptloo. The "'»'«· I'arbarlan- young the ditiou the other side the shore of life, aud about a barrel of sap apiece." principal a In at 81.50 per The illustrations well*?" the works of art found iu the Vatican, St. Mr. Lawson Hill has been circulating American la.ty who hrui lived Nevada, and Boston, year. a» I "Doc· it pay you pretty —David Davis sajs that the larges is willing to take his chance. with are at- to about out Grand Truuk Co. to who coûte· upon an English country town, exquisite,the reading is pure aud number of the votes that him wa« "Ye*. I calculate get £100 Peter's and the Museum, by such masters petition, asking the fleeted The murderer acting from the of name of to a» push of it at a time »heu 1 couldn't ol the «uggeetlve "Slowbridge," tractive, and the whole inayl/.iue Is worth »a«t the democrats, he is under obliga every, year, as Micha-l and Murillo. rebuild their rail shop here. The list by motives, mu-t bave a scare than Haphu'l, Angelo tonUb It» Inhabitant» by an Individuality of « and greater do much else." the best of It* the well lions to vote th that party, thedem the naines secured was a one. reputation editor, told our re- He accompanied us to the ruins of long character wholly unique. call it The the or for life held Another Hebron gentleman known "Oliver ocrais consistency. large»! gallows, Imprisonment Keene succeeds Mr. John I» not fair to fore»tall the reader's lntcre»t Optic." ran so fast he couldn't the Forum, and dowu the Mr. Leslie F. It of voU» that elected Mahone wa« : porter that his sap Coiosseuiu, Ap- uuml*r l>efore him, and the «juestion follows full of the but it until la»t uicht. as clerk at the Andrews House. by a revelation oftbe plot story, —Messere. Holt i. Co. are hard to ca»t and because he voted catch up with Saturday way into the Catacombs, those great Carsley, Ileury by republican.», What is thau these' 1 auswer— plan more aallent be The greater Mr. Austin of Fannlngton. η great at It* point» may •uggested. suit. Iu the past til tee u years they have »ccordlni!y the demoemts call It treach buys burial of centuries ago. The lec- A Blb'e class was organized recently tht lent of the He has places heroine U a thoroughly ti.urr.ttng and ordin- ex.ιmiucd above a thousaud manuscript T. Tri'mte. diwAarx crystali** rye. part of the syrup in hi» vicinity. with *ry—Χ. ture was with Interest and instruc- the Methodist vestry, twenty-one al creation, she I» Unrrioan. she This is attended with but little sent about 1000 gallons to Lewiston alone, replete thoroughly novels, and have found among thetu only best cert ideate of Mr. James's effi operation was elected —The has furnished at enchained the attention members. Rev. I. G. I» unconventional In her Idea·, when two that are to The and under the influ- this seasou. Farmington tion and once Sprague entirely they willing publish. rieney as po»tma»ter was the promptnes· pain comparatively, »und»rda. She confound» the mo»t of our aud licbroa the the lecturer and Mr. S. Stowe assistant teach- tried by fcnglUb first was the seer.', accounts. syrup. of the audience. In 1870 spent teacher, ••Democracy." and accuracy of his The N»*n ence of ac anlsthetlc, no whatever. ainaze» the devotee· of pain most of our sugar. and rigid propriety, of the authorship beiug ho well kept York office receives one-ninth of th« six months in Rome, and bronght away er. uearly This pets the murderer In a condition so with wboin she come» In contact In this sleepy that to this day even the publishers them- revenue late of "The Nor- •ntlre po»tal of the Government of the ruins, Mrs. Chase, Branch," All look her with selves do not are In- he has no chance for mur- photographs buildings, paint- Bngltsh village. upon know to whom they and Mr. James had this baainea? comparatively "OLD ABE" DEAD. store. Mrs. yet great ings and sculptures be described, and ex- way. is to occupy the Colby mingle·! curloalty and wonder. She absolutely debted for the book The business ar- to in hand that hie accounts wer« der the second time, has four oot of the Madison, Wis., March 27.—"Old Abe," pertectly the audience. λ\'. C. will deal in and fancy goods. horrifie· I-a.ly Theobald, who 1» the head of rangements between publisher and author hours. state famous war died at the hibited them to millinery In twenty-four The Ave senses left, his bodily powers remain Wisconsin's eagle, «"nd who embodies all that were made au pasted Hidden is one of our best slowbrldge society, through agent. The second n»«-ut com··» from that thij last night. The bird whs l)r. Ε. B. Washington is in a condition State capitol I» and In the la uot out. Intact, semi-helpless ; visit to arrogant, angular domineering yet prompt Mtllcim nt is unprecedented. sold to the Kichth Wisconsin Infantry in 2.— The drama of checker On a recent the sense of vision be lives more Fkyrburo. April players. worn type of the BrUWIi regulator of proprl. loosing 1»01. was with the regiment through the one win and one draw —The 7 iw/s thai "East was brought out and Portland he secured elle·. Ttie racine»» of the »cere· that attend PkihulrlfJiit predicts within himself, is better conditioned for of the and at the Lynn" played —We call attention to the aJ- long four years rebellion, W. H. of the»e I» special Mr. who is abont to enter the Sen ou 25th at out of three games with Capt. the meetlnK partie» Indescribable. Frye, war was to the State. before a full house the ult., verti«em< nt of of Soath rt flection, the of his crime Is with close of the presented I» not an untamed Bolster, ate from this State, is destined to be th« penalty oue of New best Thl» American girl hoyden, Capt. This famous feathered hero has been all Court Hall. The entertainment was very- Broughton, England's Paris. The continues, as he fhture leader of Maine. Th« h m continually, and he live· to expiate his by any mean». She I», on the contrary, true- Captain Republican over the nation since, and in 18C5, at the a successful in netting good players. «enec ot the term. She a cU'* Immediate result of the substitution ol crime In sackcloth and ashes. every respect, womanly In thebe»t I» always in the past, to keep first great fair iu Chicago, hi» exhibition netted Next will the great auc- and Hale for Hamlin and Blaine. th« sum for the in view—lighting our Saturday begin kind of heart, »ympathetlc and »elfrespectlng store and in Krye If he has no means for support, he may fli'i.OUO while at a Milwaukee fair, the object country variety ; anything will be a consolidation ol sale of D. H. stock of -a If a somewhat Ttm/.* thiuk.», with street A dramatic tion Colby's dry really lovely, unconventlon· the as drv and l»e a on his relatives or friends, or same year, $«,000 were realized. "Old Abe" village lamps. line of groceries, as well the broken Republican lines in Mrine ant charge and woolens. kl, person. She I» hlgh-»ptrlted, too. and while was four months at the Centennial r.t Phila- company has been formed to furnish other goods can be found there. Farm- a restoration of Republlcai become a pauper. A pity for his downfall she manifeste a willingness to learn the stand, fancy goods, complete All the State officials, headed by aud 11. N. Bolster has formed a co- is withiu the delphia entertainments for the above object, Capt. whom ers the well- power. This certainly powci aud condition, will naturally warrant all re- uni· of thoee among her lot I· tetupor- using fertilizers will find the Governer, visited aud viewed the with Mr. Walker of Lewlston, of the uew senators, if they exercise Hell other village In the above partnership ca»t, there I· a charming known there. iu treating him kindly. The chances are mains of this historical bird. improvements. arlly youthful dignity tiradley's Super-Phosphate Adttrtistr. on the custom and made I· oneol leadership wi^ly.—Pbrr/i«J it would be invidious to out to carry ready about her which the beet point· In lier has one in that he will Even in his blind- play single He engaged of the best tailors migrate. at this delineation. Of courae »he find· her lover. so black a as Hanniba one where all ac- business place. Grange Of a stock of —To republican can any for special compliment clothing the State, and has in large ness there is much of work he do. cutter in the the rc»ult» that attend hi» we leave put was called a —Mr. C. \V. Parsons, been secured as a work room and wooing, Hamlin—and he mulatU themselves with so much credit. Hall has dress and will up nice The writer made the of Stanl ijuitted the reader to learn from the «tory. The merit gents' goods, get the war. some Southern news· foregoing propo- Custom Clothing Department are to this week. They during by Several of the citizens took operations begin „f the novel U larg ly In It» admirable and suits at less than city such southen sition the in in the as prominent purpose "nobby" papers—is now imputed by through press Boston, Brothers, Gorham, New Hampshire, will work a number οΓ in the part In the drama. large girls »nd the eiqulalte «kill with which It I· rarrl.-d leaders as Thomas F. Bayard, Β. II. llill of 1341 or 2. The occasion that be seen advertisement in another prices. year will by and also out work at the houses r>ut. It 1» a vindication of John G. Harris. Matt W. Ransom. *unque«> The time of sugar Is at shop, put refreshing the called It ont was Lincoln, visit South Paris Hill maple making ar thekilliugofMr. column, will Paris, Mr. Walker comes well re- American girl, whom It ha· been too tnuph the lioned devotion to public duty." Such haiid. The trees are runuiug very freely, of workmen. —Notice of the Auction Sale of Col- the warden of the Massachusetts state month with a fine i>u»lom of writer» to of late. Mr*. emanating from the most dis- and Norway, every as a tailor of aud depreciate seen in espre»»ion and there is of before commended experience, by's entire sto;k of goods, will be meu ol the > >utb. wottUi at Charleston. A who stock of furnishing and will promise larger yield Burnett know· her well and doe· her ample tinguished public prison prisoner gents' goods, success lui cutter. He was foreman of another column. commence Ibe season closes. a Iu»tice. Mie know· England, too, and we The sale will ue>er have sceu the had not the prej· had been committed for murder and worked to take measure, cut light be prepared your of 8. Richards every ihlictt and of the war and it» the clothing establishment iiave the lienefitot thut knowledge lu the type· Saturday, April 9, and continue px»sions ί in the shoe struck Mr. Lincoln with and make a suit in the latest so shop, you style was in business at A English character presented. afternoon stock i* preceding agitation* been far di»ipatetl K. has moved & Co., when thattlrm and evening until the at rates. Mr. Mexico.—Ellis Flagg book I» to be at the a shoe knife from behind ; the knife passed and best manner reasonable and iter likely no» Jonly to succeed In out be that Northerners begin judged the Moumouth. Assb>tod by the ability •old ; also great may from Hill," avor her bargains the »anie eanous of criticism as between the bones of the cervical vertebra Parsons is well known as a cutter in this "Thompson purchased beyond own prevlou· production·, South by tact of II. S. Bolster, the made at sale in the forenoons of rbomas Farr&r farm ou liill" aud business Capt. jut to gain a which none other private their own old-time favorite*. This is a severed the im- count c ted with at "Popple popularity of and spinal cord, causing County, being Colby, be successful and be ft :ach A chance to for moved there. drm will no doubt , hoee novel· which have treated thl» pliaae ot day. good purchase promising augury making party poli- mediate death. South Paris, in the of cutter, for — capacity ' te fee à st tic* and ·?<Ίΐοοβ1 lines Ζ*·*/.·» /·Μ»β- M. has leased hi* form bmu* of much good tbt plae·. g*·* T"·*1?" oM>lned, gwd» mswaUe xsua. At the time referred to the torn* time. Giv« him a call. tfuulej Virgin 0T>fd. i proposition Λ._ NEWS OF THE WEEK. STAN] DARD ROOM PAPERS A WEU KNOWN LADY as η CNtpti th· βητι, and Pnjri far htr B·· AUCTION! lltir·'. Monday.—Λ wild young fellow named BOPUDERS 1 -35 η«^9 Chaa. shot his young wifte at Chica- île YittBjf, 8PA8MH. ud FAUCI Goods AND CAT MocktrtoRT HORSE medicines, go, in a Ht au.I Colby'· Ja«t received direct hm the manufacturer cents. Λ Mot hern of.Mowy. then killed biro· Mr·. P. A. Mrllwai·. of FeteuwnTllle, Deli- FBKPAH ED BY (astona •**lf- the lawnt aanortinrm of Uoonj I'apcra an er o.Iert'd in Oxford County. Our »tock for sleepless eagle. is «load. 0«car IK· remedy Lafayette, fore 1 comaerctd uaing the 'tarcrite Roiiedy.' w-spcbiw· coot, til» of The Keiipeof Old I>r. Senator of France, and of lien. (llldrrn. grandson la one of my »pa»ma and «inking apell», my Free iroin and Lafayette, Is dead. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK, Maine. Fitchcr, Morphine, friend» thought I «ras dead, and cave up ine at- Paris, Owr Ods Hundred Different Mens Formula reatnre an con- lUwion'i IrrtUb Ointment. not Narcotic. published Tvr.*DAv.—Forest fires an· raging In t«mpt lo me to rorac|nu*ne»a. I IUwmii'i Conditio· Powder·. OF TU Κ UTEDT «TVLB*, South Paris, (Jive* universal RatiefticlJoD In all caaea where ea« h bottle. For F parts of Massachusetts and fident that If I bail not taken \ our medicine* Par. Dctt »n«l chrauest In the market. Sur' death with latulency, Pennsylvania. m. such a I» needed. FltOM TU* (ο woi a>«. Leave ihe borae la good couditl remedy the food. Sour Stomat The Nihili>t committee hi* resolved ortte Uim»*dy," during ui\ period· 0Γ ci II lei I lll- will b« Htlil at «Mril'tM fnumtii'iin «U'wrday· assimilating h, err*· Powder·. to kill the Cz »r if ne·· I ahouid never h»\c recovered. April ·. and rnatlnue e*er> afternoon and IUwmii'i Httv· Rauaon'a Water W orm>, And I disor- Sophie Mcoirer.ard may jet GREAT BARGAINS on an aoon aa float remedy for all hoof Ir )ublct>. Ureal hoof· -noauotly band, and uactl any Best Satins and Gilts ! ing. Several dead bodies have been found. orttc Ktiii.dy' and it* diMO*«rer." Icranjcement la noted. pruggists. I rower. A snow storm THF RUUY K1VKR. Otlnod Kverr Forenoon TO MATCH. general throughout Rawaoa'· AaaaaoaUUd Llalattal. Medteiaea warrtut· d In every ca«e, or money WITH BORDERS Ohio anil Indiana. Lord Beacons field To ktep tae blood pure, i· the pMneipal end ol »n It I» alao lor Rbeumatiam, au<*b trouble·. good Manufacture.ι and for tali. wholesale and retail aold very low. · Seuralnia, < uta, Huroa, Scald·, ko., on human about him. tti vtjfrt pribably corne hn»eaTld of R ndout, of Wkumcbday.—President Garfield olli- Kennedy, v V., In the |»rt«laotien <>l a n: edit Ire abich hi» ciallv anuounce* that he ha* decided not C. M. IVOHM IVELL, OXFORD, Ha: —At a Court ol Probate held at DIU US, PATENT nEDICIKES, become famou* under th* ti le of the Favoriti- within and for the Cocnly ol Oxford to call an extra sessiou of Coogr?tia. Paria. DAYS. ROOK*!, STATIOXEKV, TOI- Kemedy." It remote» all tmjmrit'tf of the Illood, ! Auctioneer. on the third Tuesday o| March, A. D.1881, 60 The Γ. S. Senate the past week, has been (he of LORENZO D. IIKKKV, ol rcaulaie· the diaorded Liter and curc* petition LET ARTIC LES. Ac., engaged in a content over a resolution to Kdceya, Denmark. In aald county, pra>ln< Ibal he Ρ«γ1Β·γ of th· ! and all dircaeca and ON on the estate of. A Pirfwtfd Spttm· the >«-uate officers nominated ConatipatiuB, Dyrpepaia, may be appointed Ailminlatrator to b* lound to the count}·. ûsh-ToniC·■ appoint by late of 8an Cal tk* /*· ! «eakoeaaca lo lemalci. Mary Ann Deerirg, Francisco, Sale. χ.<τ. the caucus. The democratic ptrtlitr Closing Out A full aitortmcnt of republican lirn deceased : inquiring cf jour diiiigi«t for thi· not 10» .«IblW- Maaeaaa have resisted by llllibustering, Orpkkeu, That Ihe laid petitioner give new avoid mUlakc· The aubacrfber* a tbelr all to reach a vote. The medicine, by tcicrmbtring to all Interested by earning a eopy of tbla contemplai in* cbanxein Paint*, attempts gov- persons their atork of I iou, and ihe l*r. orderto be three week» successively in bumneaa, propose to offer catlro For mildest Dy -pepsia, ernor ol Wisconsin has a bill re- name, David K< nncdy'a "Favorite Reme- published OIK. sigued Oxford Democrat at I'aria.that the) the wbitb ia one a the printed forms of Liver Com- dy," and price, dollar bottle, held at liruUiro, the many cently pass·-·I by the législature prohibi- may ear at a Probate Court to be Tail· and tuat the ad Ire·* api Overcoats, and ting the of "treating." docioi'· it Handout, Sew SPRING OF 1881 In aaid County, on the third Tuesday ol Apr. next Vnrnlslir*. plaint, Impure Impoverished practice ihew cause If York —l«l at β o'clock in the forenoon and any Tube ΓηίιιΙν. Dlood, and Functional Derange- Tin rsiuy.—Gen. Lew Wallace declines they have whv (he aame ahonld not be granted. Ulsters, R. A. FRYK, Judge. , Color.·· lu Oil ments attendant and h:> a> minister to Paraguay upon Debility, appointment A true copy—atteat: U.C. Daw·. Register. ITats, niul Ac and Croguav. A tornado over Jnpnii, t^r ItuildiiiK «·|» the weak, A»h- passed We mill onr Kmc" at the old »tand, Mar- on hand, at Danville, Va., night, blowing ket South rati·, and aa uiual, we i.a»a a a Court of Probate held at! and alvray* kept Touie is doubtless the most prompt Tuesday Square, OXFORD.*·:—At Caps, down bouses, uproot in.: trees and level- I'arli. within and for the County of Oxford Mar .A. D.,l*Hl. md certain remedy yet devised. In fences. There was a terrific on the third Tuesdav of Gents' ling cy- of I.OIS KI'MU KIT. of Mex Furnishings, H». "«"» Six the petition NOYES' DRUG & BOOK STORE, 1-» UJttlcs, ents; bottles. clone in liandolph county. Ala.. Tuesday, Line In aald that Oscar F. Large OVico. County, prayine alao one of the largeet and be»t sio< ki of At redited and which the house of aud killed Traak.of Mexico. he appointed Ailminlatrator οι» NORWAY. ΜΛΙ\Ε. Physicians destroyed o' aiich aa are found in a country the of Mr. Jack fonde— usually the e«ta(e of l>ardner Rundlett, late of Mcxico, in to test entire family Embrey. · aa we would Inform the c lergymen, who may desire variety tore-and usually raid Coutitv «1ère a d: »«-We reapecttollv public hut and Hart of Utt N< w York «aid notice to FINE READY-MADE CL0THIN6 tliat in c mncction w it h thou· now rmploved in ν 1 not Ptiilp. ordered, fhat the Petitioner give liu Ionic, be with ou thin our »tore. we have »e.-ure I thi· aenrlce· of Mi. supplied I ι.,Ά, have been released the chance all persons Interested by causing u ropy of that ran bo found In the Sut*, at pricea that wl!l whoc>n:e« t·» u· hiirhly reco·· «u six !·ιβ···(:οιηιηΐ«Μ.>η<π» Pharmacy to accoin- as are the printed »ee, in the retail Geu. Garfield, the olH-ers satisfied Pari* at bfinu r» !h ι,υι.'Ίι ck every w*ek we keep well aunplied at may at a I'robate Court to lie held at appear re» t. We «ball do everything wo «'an order sold did uot write the letter. all time» with «nrli a »ο·1« at are n»ed.« I and will laMldOoootT.ooihoiMidTooMteyaf \pr next, ELLIOTT Λ STOWELL'S every |>ec .:-.y the by Dru^ists, they to m»et the want* of our cuatomeri. I aini(>l) tntlto all lu waut of •t V o'clock I η the forenoon and ■hew cauie if any D Β. I λ* C a war In- ar.d by Vwey o., 46 Dey Friovy.—Chill demands large they hare why the same should not be «ranted. CLOTHING Χ. Y. of Peru, aud will hold λ large strip It A. FRYK, Jutfge. ROOMS, demnity ,lSTOP,E GOODS" :—II. C. Davh, latter until It is A true copy, attest Register. of the country paid. Under has declined the invitation to the λ Court of Probate held at Masonic llall, England to rail and axamin* our good· and try onr price# OXFORD. ·« —At to l>e held at We ►h*» aend Mb. Γ culler in and for the of Oxford on u> >netary conference Paris, W. PARSONS, and »r believe we <-an make it to >our advanta** Pari· within county South 1'ari*, Maine· oar l uat-ni moatli the of March. A. D KM, 1 lib. Ku<"»ia ami are en- rio'hin* Department, etcry to gîte ua your |*troaage. We have a good third Tuesday April Germany '<> *oath Pari·, Ρ»»ι» IIiii anl with the J. liKRRISH, widow or Natlianul t.cr· to the Norway, stack of IN PRICES deavoring persuade European pow- Kr«< at anil b««t »e.edel atock of ■ i*h, late of .Mimner. rtWBIIHl. having pre GREAT REDUCTION 8ARAII lor an ailowanae ont of '.he W, J. WHEELER, ers to take harsh measures with the revolu- •en led her petition é Dry uo«rfa, Pi raonal K-(«te of raid deceased : DtALKK IN tionist s. A Montreal immigration agent II·!» 4k Ordered, That the aald Petitioner to (ire notice \ to the Cap·, ι* «iting New I'.ngUud {H-rsuade all int. rea.e by causing a of (bia Boole * *b*ea. to person· eopy F re ut h Canadians to return to Canada. order to be published three weeks successively In Trot that Pianos ! Gsods Almost Given Avar! He off. r* them grants of land. The k»ry Ware, the Oxford Oemocrat printed at Paris, they CENTAUR Fins Woolsns Paint· A. «lia. ut a Probate Court U> be held at Paris Missouri river near Bismarck, Dakolah, j may appear * all kind· afUrottrUl I In said < '>unty on the third Tuesday of Apr. next, ORGANS, ht* risen so as to fl mhI the country for ^1 V o'clock in the lorenoon and »h >w eauae If an} MELODEONS, the came. The aubaertber would reaper tfully Infortu Um milt s arotiud. It Is higher than ever be- tu«v bate against PIAttO AND STOOLS ; It. A. FRYK, Judjre. COVERS friend* and the public ifeneratly, that he will were to flee f««re known. People forced »st II.C. Da via. Resist* r. fvor exhibited a tunc the line ol the (i T. R. The' A true copy—atf Inatrnrtloii Book· of All liliida. from their homes. 100 of which were cor- a*auriuiciii embraces all the ootvitiea m ALABASTINE a*: —At :i(..iirt of l*r«,t.:.«♦· held at nier g ed Thi re was an exciting debate ! OXFORD· For The Next liniment.The mo>t •nit the beat thing made fur w bitewaahlag and within and for the Countv of Oxford on Thirty Days Powerful, Paris, New #tvle« received of "he Orjtar Senate, between Yoorhees and Ma· alao I D just Kateya' GOODS in the colorie* your touma; the third Tuesday of March. A 1881. Mason Λ Hamlin Orzan*. smith American and SELL AT and Pain-rclicviutf »u a ·, ol Florence and Κ I· Penetrating hoae. Yoohee* read extract from |:. os.oo <;iiardian (jeortre Wood A Co.'sOrKan». minor children and heira e\er devised man. It r Mahohe a traitor aud mira Wentwofb, 1 ««ill 1'ianos tnd Organ· on eaav month 1 ν and remedy by Ρ ψ calling repudl- Îp Itrowrileld. in «.lid I ot Martha Wentworth, late of quarterly Installments. My plan of selling IMano·» ASTONISHINGLY LOW PEICFS > :· c> Pain, it alhi\^ i nil am mat: on, ator. Fury **u«ln··· Panting·, hi· account of ROOM PAPERS & BORDERS. county havmr prevented guardian- and Organ* on the installment plan, enable· th To mike room for h!a of said waida for allowance. to a or i: i.ea.s it turcs > Fine \Vor»t»d Duldngi I ahip purchaser buy ηΙ<·ο ΙΊιβο Orgia without Wounds,and s ν τ t "κ ι α γ —Two I S. marshals in Κ··η- not Ire A GOOD AiWOHTMBST OF ordered. That the said Ouardlan give rmb«rra-snic»t. e a of HllfrXMATlSM, luek\ «ere killed Wednesday uight by Spring A. Kuisrair CI« rcoatlnga, to all peraons Intereeled by causing copy this I hive Jmi received Grand Spring Opening. 1 ..rder to be three week· successively in Sciatica, illicit distillers. Austria will send three published Lumbago, Scalds, l'aat) Pauling·, the Oxford Deancrnt printed at Parla, tbat thry Λ LARGE STOCK ili-leg »t« » to the con· Ill· «fork concur· in of a fine line of Wool- Hums Slifl" Joints, S\v**|l- proposed monetary may at a Probate Court t<> be held at Paris j>*rt Cuts Woriltd Panting·. j appear OK en * of ft η uce at Paris —Grtece refuses to ac- Fall countv on the third Toearfav of neat foreign and domeatlc mauufacture. i'ro^t bit« <», Naît In said Apr. t^iiiiix'y, Flour, cause ground ·ι·ηοοη and ihnw If > o'clock in the f the (v»unilary prepared by the Powers at nine NEW STYLES ! Hat». Khciuii, and cept All Ibrir gocd* (rub frv. ra Uorton and Now have whv Ihe ••me should not he allowed Itch, S|>raiu>, («alls intimates a to AT any tbey ami Turkey, and purpose Yurk B)»rk«U. RICHARD A. FRYK. Judge. Cap· lameness t rum cause. •#-C»:i at my MbMo K'X>m> and * Inj elsewhere ferers from Berlin conference. Four bundled peo- Rrieea are lower now than ever before. Alio a good auortment of Low Prices, OXFOKI». *a :—At a Court ot I'robate held at the flood 1 PAIS IS Til Κ B ACK, ple have beeu ma\»*r F.ru|>lions, ltrok<*u 17"W> krrp rrry Li tie, tenEKT and hair the ÏÏ ρ aril/ Made Clothing of desperadoes are causing much terror iu : ΤΑ Λ VID A COLC-ORD Ouardian of Chtrle· A Hn-a^ts contracted Conls, N«mi- bpM of 11 i it* in i it «·, η ml u*c ilio^r Kdwln S., irsnk aud M»ry Itrooka, minor Λ *n*at part ofwhich ia of own manufacure. v « Mexico. and Gov. Wallace hxs called κ yj my VERY LOW, children and heir» of Julia A. Ilrook· late of Por- I ral-^ia. Palsy or dislocated liiubs; Victories! have enpagM out the militia to subdue them. I ter in said e« unty, having presented hia account Sweopiiiff owners oui). ol *ald warda for allowance, and of Ιιογμ'*, j Janters, me· 1 of guardianship MR. P. J. ordered, that the said Ouardlan give notice to IIVKLBY, merchants and a of tnames, — interested causing thli professional I your medicine* in stock. XL all pceaon* by copy PdEDflrs Swirel Plow One of η >«tov* h.>»t ami am therefore always keep Bradley's Super-Phosphate. » in th· t*llor«, to I·* three ekssuoceasfvi ly ir.c cvcr\ wnere, unue in sj\ in<. uu\· I* better than I order published Has defeated th» lollnw nj 1«· :··Ι land and awivl to do all kinda of D >wns'Eiiiir selling any Democrat at Purl·, that may prepared α cultrr ilr. F. i« wrll a Man I -r.l FertllliT, and »·μ·/'.·ι».'. teitalMi known Oxford C'ouii- (•hate. Try 1. and »i*e If it doe* out pay you well. I said Countv Tuesday Apr. Oliver n.tlle.l, Moiuh Be··4 Chilled, relief when a!l other I ;ni- throughout cause If brin^"* V. A. at V o'clock in the lorenoou and inow any *v«r«| «'hilled .t»H VorU Clipper !Vevv .atne «hould not lie allowed. -it «hort notliv.ind in the be»t mtni»r. S itl«f«c· ! tbey Jiave why the Tnrh 1 Γ"II tt««na. Π·ι··?'·, r«»i»r»n'«, ner.s. Ο s. Extracts and Lmbroci- 1 »r Baxter*» Mandrake Bitter* the iy. ti. η ifii'»raiu-«ed ia all cite*. Give him a call be- give RICHARD A FRYK,Judge. Kr r »'··'»"· Plo*v.*llv»r I'^f'f.Widdtril'a, fore Cons have failed. b» st satisfaction of any medicine I sell A trueeopr —Attest B.C.DAVM 8l|1l|«l 4'ent.iiulal .< h»rii r <>«k.,\->rlli %itierleai«, purchasing. He will slim nil who W ι» hit·· Alao ·mrttrn.I tn.l in r./innt£tlûB inetn*. > vt ami fflndl) Harrow'·. Hale·. Ifolbrouk'· I ν iiavf aiireritseii s. a Ooifl ot Probate heM »t I.ranfer, witb I OXFORD.aa:-\t «» Milrhltat. Mortaa'i. Mufkliia. and warrant bottle.— .V. to ι la r a%«ori· Pari·, within and for the County of Oxford, on every Dth'ri'f, Dnig· ■mi) uMi inspect Wood*·. A4 Τ » -· Id f A. M. U-rry I'ari» /·*/1 innfactttrer of Plow*. H<>r«e imeti*. for external use is D^MKL I*'* of In wM equally good. Ilr will tnke inra«urr. * throughly tailor. »h*II cArrr on · ·oil Fl'z* Κ Ko«»rll Watcrford, Hop·. Harrow* Ac., A··· jour rompeten» I account of tillmlaf hiiineu. Wr bave ainpl* rooma for I county. h«v|ng presented h guard- of w*r<|· for allowance. March 18. 1*«1 don't u-11 as; aud nnd make ouli iu llie Intent mar.ufarturiDg, and (h·» make II · fpirlilly to ianship gatd —Farming pay. thwjr your thr said iinanlian notice (et up ordered. That glre don't : an-l don't a of thi· tJshinir pay shoemtkiog hii«I in η lir*t rlnw ιηηιι- fo all person«lutere»ud by eautlng copy t«-!l us *t)le» In the HI Tl \L piy an·I print ing don't pay. Tray ordertobepuhll«hedthree wv*k*«ucee«alvely 1 MO* Suite" fan·, that thev what .It*··. it I and sniokiug nrr, nl reasonable rates. Oxford Democrat printed at may STAND FOR SALE! p»y—U >ailug Tfry be held at appear at a Probate Court to Paris, and The fact is. a·» the Irishman of neit Known *· »*e *Τ4^Π» ·ΙΠι<(ίι) η the drinking men. Wo hare λ lino of In aid Couotr no the third Tur»d«y Apr. LIFE CO. All caruiroli warranted to lit for young *ocd of WiirlilleM «η Ih" "«Ί »o H 4WT INSURANCE <»«id, "It is Bftfr aisy to wor-r-k hard," at nine o'clock In the forenoon and ·Ιι·ι«γ cause If ν··Ι·β» Fori»; ron«i«tinr of *'/wv in// hnlfk-Wf, ell *η·| ni'»t and that's what's the any they hare why the fame ehouM not Ix; al- or VAIME. for po-ople; just or no «nie. *ti%hU Λ" I one nnd a hnlf acre* /.in.f In « hlffh io vrd. nf matter. The land and the sea an· as ·»*»» or entHrallon !ofre»Vr with 20 arret of ready RICHARD Λ FRYE. Judge. j r\tr to their treasure* to thos eltnii·* infrmils ne*r th» lionne in I 1·. rfr'l ot a.·» j uld up Very Keipectfnlly, Now A true nttiti.||. C· Dirti, ItoiliUr. Spring Styles sopy, ·Ίη·Ι»,Ι on »h" ι**"·^»-··'«ι·I roe I ""I 'vith'n huttlii prtiture Iur|tlui, Main· and Mmti who will ·». « k them in caruest. it, Try un t .u'ta it le·. than oee.ha'i'mil» ofhe 'l η» \ r a Court of Probate MM at Pari· laafrn mil gruuibb-r*.—i*"rf.«i»«owfh We hate ala«> a good line of aamplea of OXFORD, •I'ore'her or in wn^'H'o lot*. prtrt'· within ami for the Countv of Oxford, on the Dftrmbrr .1:1 u»,froiu Pnrilanl And Β >«t »n. and can tfhm* _ftn» »hir1 r*alanr« on 31. INff, DIM» third Tue«dav of Wir A I». ISM. order whaievrr may lie rerdrd toacltour Cliatom < timi> to »n" the ι«"Λ»·»γ. " " ItROWX.fJusrdUn of William ,an.l M. M. PHINNEY, 1*7*, ΙΛ4.Ι7Μ97 et* «η all cm··. For further t'*r»'«"ii'ar· l«nnlr* of Ν. Τ "haw, Htlllfâtll·· |ttir**tMd llnraae K. Mien ml*o>· children and heir· of — than coffee is set D\Mim. B"c|rri»M. or of w'illim Andover, Me. »· ?:| Nothing strot>c«r STAHL Wat»rfoM,lB «ai·! coun- (Îrcgjr, 1*71». *3θ.».ΐα BROTHERS, YVii'lam A Allen. Iip«f Π·|·ΛΠ.·· : Mirrh 1». '"«I. il'iwn in th»· hill »»f f»rv of the Schiri din- tv, bavin· present"! hi· account of guardianship " » AT ι *»©. 306 «13 77 ner at Boston Tue«d*v. which account*, of s«'il war·*· for »l|'iwm»« Notlrr of Forerlo«nrt'. That the said Cnardian (Ire notice for the t< rate and ch ar-head- Pleaae to call, one and all.au] trr oar price·, Ordered. perhaps. mp« Interested caudng a eopv of this IIFRFAS. Sn«an T'elt. οf Itnmfonl, In lit* E. aad mm believe we can that we mean to all per-on» by JOBS lUWiTT, of the eches. The aatiafy )ou week* In Count of Μ«κ·η| M*In*. In oon«i.l· ed character »p« example (υ do order to be published three «ueceaslrely f'xf-r«Ι. TUE CLOTHIERS, you got*]. ·π·ι>η conveve I her of the White Hou^e under the adiuiuistra- the Oxford Democrat printed at P»rl-. that they er«flon of bundle·! dollar» In JPrreiUent. Ceurt to be held it Pari* mor»e«pe de»d. d«ic I In'r il. 1*~V to .Turn»· have baI some- mav at a Probate NORWAY VILLAGE, tion of Mr» may appear »rd Cniintr un I *»·!» ifnrrxiil Hayes In said Countv on the third of Apr. next, ΜρΠγΙΙΙΙ· in Rnmf Tveaday *«t »'·· thing to do with it. Η. N. BOLSTER. at nine o'elork In the forenoon and »h«w cau»c If a certain parcel of re*l «Heated in llnmfopl ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK, t.« «Mow···!. «Γηηι>·Μ on 'h» north «Idn of the river, on So. I'ari», April 4.1M1. any ihey hare, why the «aine not R A "R»-1 ΙΙΠΙ." ·ηρ«11ρι| ft»i"g f.imio-lv the hoir»· Lire. — live in a beautiful KRYE. .fudge. H OFFERING àOMF. Kxjoy We • I j>»« I farm oft In· .1 im»< Mefr'lll* tmnnd. Atrue copy. atte*t H. C. Davis. Register. afhrea*id wr.ir I. at) i a temperate enjoyment of life's rd a· fallow·: nortb»r|i· »η·Ι eoterlr hr Ian·' own' «I li» .Tom··· K<*n«*»«on : northerly an I wr«t i·]· ssina* is both reasonable and riirht : but a Court ol Probate held at OXtORI).*·:-At crlr hr land of Flwin Wood· :»f -terlv an·! aonth to do tl s we must have health. within and for the Countv of Oxford on Dyspepsia Ν. H. |*an· erlv hr land o( H»i rv A. 'm'll. or tinknown; GORHAM, • be Tne»dav of March. Α. I). 18HI, an»l Liver Complaint is the ilirect cause of thtr.i •oqtherlr am) e»«'erlr hr land that one Pafr'^k SPECIAL BARGAINS \R|.K„ II COLBY i.uardim of Roberto. ■UHSHAM'S PHOTOGRAPHS, cent of su. h diseai»e* a.s llovt houch'. of th« afore»ai.J .1 im»« M-'Villi*. wventy-flve jH-r minor child and heir of Orange F. Small, Ha Id mor»F«cr» t· r«eorded in Oxford Biliousness, Police of Hale. CM Uttar, late of JkRMW· ttegi-trr, viKWiv. uni:. Indigestiou. sick-Headache, Smalt and M*rv « the Honorable hi» account of IN Cositiveiies*. Nervous prostration. Palpit- llcn'e to «aid countr. h«rfng presented l·* th<" eft>re«»l I î»m»« M«fHIII» in Probate 'or lh* ennntr of OilnH. I »aii| w»rd for allowance. M*. Pa" ι» cm cn-a M* bna'o··». «i h Heart, and tuanv other •In '(re of gna»dl«n«hinof consideration or on» hundred an I two «loi ation of the PI'Il'lUNTw» ihe oh dav of Μ·ν. WHKRK •hall »ei| at nnM'c arrtion on Ordered.That the »aid tioarilian. girennlice cent». hv hUactof aa«ljmm<'n' Baxter's Mandrake all of thin lar· anil η·ηοιν·«Ι\ distre«siu2 symptoms. Α. I» ·» lOoVlork.A. M «η the nrvmlae· to all Interested by causing η copy NEW STYLES ! 1®*1. pcMon· ηροη II»" b'ck or the ftforUt mocr»t at Pari·, that they may DRY AND FANCY remove the cause and cure the disease. 2·'. late Oxford printed nn,| «evenly Ave. convered to m» <Ί»-ι»1»« V. de«erit>ed renl eatate. to be held at Parla In »e.I to ihe fi>l?«'Wlne appear at a ProbaieCocrt MfOilli· of fto«ioQ. οιιη'Τ 01 HuTolk. Common 23 cts. bottle. which mIH Daniel tiontd. id. had on the third 'I'uc^Uty of Apr. nest, Only per τ·/ —The ri*ht in laid countr wexjth of Ma»*achn*e(tii, the lira» tiavntent an.| IE# to fKiwm the Homcaicad an>l farm lately oceu- o'clock In the forenoon and ahewcauaelf any SCENERY BACK-BRONWDS at V |n»er<»H''«<· on 'he aforeaaM raT'tr · 'ind all hi» tiied hv him. «ame «hould no» he ,11,.%%·.· |. J f»· I lenf'h fl ·*^§ they hare why the rleh'Ό the im'rai»e « therehr vmveved to »ec ire Ί . |*h, A. FRYF, Judge, Hi m .k· a a|>»· lalljr "f rn'ar/ η* "M JfJ HHIl· It. Dated thi· 30th RICUARO n*l)l drat marnent. Said a««iirnm»nt l« recorded Κ F.KOri.D. Adror. U.C. Davis,Registei. ;<:·»·*. .r I .·, nrf'.n.in ο lai. Pl.^·* b-η* OEoR' A truecopy.atteat in Oxford R»«l*trv. Rook 17'·, Page :«·'» Ν iw *» w ι ,··.υΓ»» «α Ι I ·ι·1 «arrant Ibctr tho afore«a|i| n-oriff ige. 00 far a« relate· «o tif to examine ρ of >ulr. Don't fail > V Notice — at ·«'. -'VI τ» In Rueforit. \l*ieb :· bv It· S I». Kro»n Ν. II. DOWNS' OXFORD, a·: At a Court of Probate held Ûrat »aid pavmmt, h»« heen hr^ken I claim to ι·*» ftf ·Ι|·» I" (· n-'ιιθιΙ th* prV-ρ (inilreit »·. rsr K'Di»u lu Mr*. At bie Λ K«nt»on, WT »o a lieen*» from th» Honorable Pari» within and fortheCountv of Oxford foreeloac th* «nme j hr «he IÎ »r!»ed Statute* * 1'rvfD »f them. .ce rai»r«e>l (rvm « »**Al »· taken bo hoi Hrlb·! VEGETABLE BALSAMIC .lu le» of Pro'iVe <"or th-î (>>οη'τ of Oxford on the third Tue«dav March 4. o. 1831. Of the State of Mai"·· i>r«»r| |».l. on of Id Knnii^l. M·', il b* it ». 8. P. Br »wn, Mr. Fî«H*I ·Ιι«(Ι «ell at «Miblte an-tion »he 4th day On the pa'ition of ΑΙ.ΠΚΚΤ MKKRILL, guard- CR VUI.L» S. k|0 on I n, " r* '» > m vlr a 'art·- ·ο au 1 .Mr·. μ the an of Lo» %·? t»w« ! btrf ,Ι,Μ! II U*t>t ··( U\roo. C.t&enoc Mav, a. n. "St. ail o'eloelt. ι· ,οη prem- ian of Abraham Drown, Insaue tvr»',u M. r". KNK.H l'ta my Ajont at sa! 1 llumlorl. vra >·*» ··*·■«! and •■•i. whl»-h h·*»**»···» Ο AhUvtl I KuinfimJ. • •e· a II the rirht. title and Intereat. wh^ Ha'tlc ell In said Countv. pravln* for tii>-n»e to sell M irch II. 1S41. <»" dee eared, hla ti I» K. Woufd. late of Hiram, in -aid county, eonver i—rtaln real cst«te described In petition '·■· V WUTf » e« tate. or uA It· 1 ) bid >n « «id to the following <.e*crlhed real an flle ill th« Probate Offl.·.·, nt public private •I* Alt th* rlrht wh'ch aaid llaitle K. Oonl.l •sle the to be put out on Interest for the rr« M eut her Heport. proo-ed· V*KIKV U» HI11K1. had to re>|ee' ISAAC S COLL'*. Adtnr. thereon to be 9 lê»l. pennon wuii tlil· order published —I. « 'ic·; clear; WednM lay. 28 cloaJv, Thur»· when taken in season. |W· I ie μ.,»ι two JiAfa. ajj't •1*v,l.' »aom Frtdar, ii>3 clear; Saturday, Cnmmlsiionrr«' Notice. at aProbate die of printed at Paris,that they may appear 17B4. 1**1. ·'■-«'· ».l Im » IiNmiim tak»n In th» I»»· People consumption simp- on the .( c hiring been br Court to be held at Pane in said Countr «· I'.. „-<■ « as 1 a«-t oudy. HIE tini'eralirned appointed call i.«u ια wig, apec because of when the of lor the of next, at 9 o'clock in the »·. ly neglect, a the Honorable .liidg»- Pmhare third Tuesday April Τ Fe'·· and show cause if have η hy the use ol this would Couotv of Oxford, on th·» th ;r>i TueeUy of forenoon any they of North timely remedy be tarance Company America, mart A η Dtfl. e r»*Y, XortCtiy. §'ifty-o$ie count*. d-re*«ed. represented Insolvent, hereby date of aaid oi held at >η·Ι fas J as. 1. lesi. Ilf A. Rl SsKLL. M 1)., ! *t.mt use the fact that no tire notice that «ix montba from ap OX F »RD. s·:—At a C'onrt Prebate f > Annual C't^locue of Vtgttalilt Coxpitiox or tuk com v, proves which on ι· >τι< iiolntment are allowed to aaid credlto-s in Pari', within and for the County of Oxford, ('lowirSriil for lH«tl,rifh in ♦ ngravinit #2.0fo noo oo the test » <'»«h eiplttl. SEWING machines. has stood to an I prove th'-lr claima, and that they the third Tsfrdiv of Mar., A. D., ltWl. of the original*, *» ill b «· nt HCKK [ cough remedy pT««>nt pbotofrr tphn ReMrve tor K'-ineurance, l.Mtl.M 10 will he In acaaion at the following place and timra KELT. Administrator on the e>ta'e to all who I offer ο no Of the lnric''«t «ν «I ho ! Λ* like Do iriu' Elixir. app'jr. llMTTt? for Unadjisted Loisoi, »nJ ton w ϋ ι· t h nrw ^liicliliir Physician Surgeon. for the purpose of receiving the aanie. viz:—At of P.ei'nmin F. Richmond, late of DlxH> ld, jna table tent out Prht iV. .Vte. »ΐι<1?1 '\>per bottle, ALON/.O lec'i of vex· aeeil ever by any oth.'r eltlm., WW..VU Î4 li.thrl Me f W. ttcdloo'a la* oflice, June l and Au< l.A D., in said ccui'ty, de<-ea*ed, having preseuted his aeed Rou*e In America, a larjte of which z.454 <*« 42 h® >ou huui a trconil hand um, ro. SU* Kri··y·Ι·'Ι#. portion Surplue over ail liabilitie·, account of administration ol the estate of said were iirown on mv tire *ee.| farma. t\ill ilirtc (MTre by Dr. Dan·. IMt*. Ihrvrr'T <·<··αρι«Ι of March. Α. ι>.. 1H8». allow»n,-e: on All «Mil *»· linif ttlee. Dated this 30th day deceased for tii η fir cult hat ion each fttu'Liiye. Toui Cath A*eet·. i7,3CO,e& X liisi'Mieat Κ Hull'».«>p|K(-ile «' l_ Adtniu'r notice to name Κ »BDI,oN, t0B1 Ordered, I hat the «aid glre ifiirrantt l to le bv>k frt*h uud Irvr Mandrake JOKDAN I Interested a copy of »o nth- r* i-« I uriU '*0)«u wiiiit In r\( Imngr your De. Baxter's STACY. to all person· by earning far, that should It prove Lo«ae« Paid eince Organiza- ELIXIR thi· order to be three weeks the order Th.î orlcrinal ln!rodn-cr of th- WHITE 3 .\ORTIIEK.\ published gratt*. tion. $ ii.oru.aoo.ae \** lime lur a li'U our Î IMPERIAL· FIHK successively in the Oxford Democrat priuted Hubbard > are unjc- Jaundice, Dyspepsia, tarai® Assurance Crmpany. Court to be held at Paris «table·. I invite the p:itrot>a?e aU Hartford, t'onn. Company. Tu.--.lav ol next, at 9 o'clock in the iim'to hitrrtkrir ieed the 'jrover, true, l*un >cf(||r« f,»r u it miirhlur, Liver Complaints. Indigestion, tf Laadoa. third April dirtrtlft/rom tieneral y N. G. WHITE'S of Laadon. and shew cause If any hare why the the bent ttrairi. C. C. KIVRAU,, Agent. DR. and all diseases from Bil- forenoon they and frtth, of very **lu. arising same should not be allowed. HEfV VEUKT a HLKa A apRCKLTT. Loeiee Paid when Determined. %rrrw Drirer», Oil liut, bottle. Decem- Promptly rriniiii i iousness. Price 2ζ cts. per I'altad State* IIranch Ktatemaat, R. A. FRYF,Judge. JAMES J. H.UBKGORY, >·· Αγ.! Sale her· ber IHNU. Γ..Γ Every* 31, A traecopy—attest : H.C. Davih.Register j Marblchead, Mas». At a meeting of the ftockholdere. Nor. 13, Ιάβο, " imperial. Northern, it wa· vo'ed to Increaiu) the Capital and Snrplnt LL> inuardi*!· LINIMENTI •Landing risk·, 273411 272,111 blaekanalth *h»p ree'd, Beast. alao three a^rea of land anil " Lateen 8.1 ». utii aria, Malta·. For mf!an antl 086,119 5ΙΛ 526 In ootid repair ; gootl paid, :18,4«0 Krh.v· ike t > 7 /1 V 1 >1 our*. Surplus, trre* altuateU In ALBANY at IIUNT'â ever ITt/rvU '· most liniment Maine. FREELAND HOWE, i''. *U· \: a I "·π oi Pn-batr h«l Ufcro ulceration. [The perfect J •Mtt.202 Norway, COltNEK. within forty rod· of cbarrb, •cbool· »' Price and For further Inform·- Agent for Ο ford Ceaaty, "Mo a· J to* th»· c« upt\ el oiloiil Τ h ii OA T. I compounded. 25c. 50c. from od· of the houae. *u>re and poatofflce. Cur* SOIir where. R. D. ALLIflER, Resident Mtaagir, I hare juft purchased largcat Λ OU WAT, ΜΑΠΕ. I U* of Ma>cO. A 1> I»l. For Nkl· Everj tioa addrea· DEXTKtt A.CUMMIWG^. .· Cut* if· 3J Pine New York. and beat honaea in Boatoi, ..I ·>► ·. \ ·. «:»»· : ► ·.:·■ mtSingrroargptakci» St.. Albamy, Maine. » A "' Ok·. IK ΟΙ P«rt rr, in n I . D.· r.r ,.J I I- » ·■· D I·' i!«ati can·* t! * ja! tut to U«**Fttr of n«co»d of Creditor· In Maine. ''H'OiifiltMinif Mid decease 1 rtoitc· Ctatoa, OF » «a*. lt>T AT S1ÏHT ΙιιμΙτ«·γ/. FARM FOR pradoc· of hie SALE. of llor· Notice of Aaalgaea ippelatmeat. I >ttoe «Aid Ul all drain· u. Xnth· by writing We»t Pari·. Enquire of <>*< ; of the Judge of ih» Court undereigncd hrrrtiy gire notice of their FOR employment ï-ofllv-moc,,! at Paria, that th«rt Vt. 1 hat With tbe aiproTal ♦pHE D C.BEAN, SMITH DUDLEY. IlDillMgton. for said Courts of Oxford, Ibe a· Aaaignecaof the e*Ute of 44 * I- ««"t to b· h«Id at Pari» of iD-'lvrn.-v X afpoimtmi.t *. H. Paru, Maixe. ·· iT1' of »alkt .fMDil «reetlr* of the creditors s.j· Iklrii IwmUt el Ai r. D»II, debtor·, who Gent's Suits. March 21,1881. D to be bel·! at 'b·· Probate Court room >n the County of Oxlord. ineolvrat of Probate held at f"2b..k t.-frnown. »i..J ·!»«« eauar il I* appointed OXFORD, soAt a Coart of Oxford .on MVdneadar uare been declared insolvent· upon the e » th* aa tur m Pari·, in sal t Conn'y petition are, in Parla, within and lor the of Oxford, oa Freedom bj -t».'Ul«l ι»>| b«· λ)Ιο« wwitiselixTk!^ the Theie good· price, County Notice. or a i> lïH.at H o'clock in οι Jonab i>«t(on.one of uld eupartren. by A. 1>. In»I. UK Η Λ Kb A FKYE. Jud«(c In ih«*iOthday April the third Tueantrd guardian- Κ R. OODUABD. Ir ti e < rutin of the Court ni after true date. *♦ j-..· tjoi OaurU. aa.l a-.uai«.i I Tbil «KVKH Κ C t»A VIS. It'ifi-ier of"«aid wuid« for allow anc.·. Ο*Ρ,Γ.^••«•' a·* b«-reby •••lien», hereby give pub:lc notice that ship JR. A''mir i*l ·>γ na -lven. J-» ι«·γ:—Yo· rv ( «watt fOlAr l THKanbacribei tc Attoet. ABULCIIAVDLEB, a ul tlw r»r»t· »f of tl:·τ C-uri lainl··! for »aùl tiie Honorable Ordered, That the sai l Utt trdian give notice th·· of ibe .lettre he baa t>eeu duly uppolnted Ly. Bethel, March 2fl, lsei. Ku,,u ·■■«"■· e*-w· m tfh »ρΐ·π·η1 of 0*l"f1. it»· and and Make Them Inter, -ted, br caa*lng a copy ol thi· t 1.1a the of Oxford, Cat all per*one "* In>o »- »ev It'r Μ»Ϊ·1 rtimiy of iwi(i·· of ippalataMM, ji <*f Frob.U· for County ·*'»*·!. κι τ Qjf tx>u>l Aa Ih* of ot >-«id η»· !- s7tlc« idge to te three week· ei.ccrs»lrelv *"'llm·· >» ·» the ere«l!i.»r> th·· t> u«t of Xdmlni.tralor ol the eatutc ol to order pulillxhcd lh*r> lu mroi>d nη· d the prot.ate tourt At Bethel, in the Couijiy SUte ol in the Oxford Democrat, it newspaper al " t* luied to be be at Τ SOMAS 11. i>K vN, Me of Fnwtucket. printed *i»|e«'i ui,| •id'4-aacii to make in*. »»M »l OD tie fonrth day of a d 1*1. that ->t a In ►»·«! C unty of Oaffcrtf, Mali··, April, ueceai>ed. ι,'ΐν,η^ bond a· the Pari·, Ln -«aid County, the) may appear :'5· " d r..m ·■ Ρ»»·· Kite* notice of bit U M-de laland, by on ku.;, to >-e «h·· bate any dv ea» of April. Λ 1» Κ urderfl ta τ tbr <»rrti»tfc Of tb« ealate ol law dliect·; be Hertford r* w •de»· Hi wiU ut ae Assigne* ol next, at nine o'clock in the lore· ·· J« lb» fo-tBoon. al)|M>iotu>· to the c»tate of aaid litceaMed Ut make Tuesday April ln-l, at noe eWk Til t> d'-ar·! of itrihel . The ELI Β ΒΕΑ-4. F (jab B. and tbooe wbo have de- Remember me. boob, «nd Ihow eauae if any they bar· «by Utt U aureu tou'-elve· eecort'imly wbo ba· tiers declared in, mediate pa>ment. any ••me be »c«n in the Arid lioward barn «rîer of Court Oalord. laeolveni debttr. not allowed. may to ν b«nl »o«! ibe to exhibit the ixtne to same ahonld be TWENTY «m u»«i'r upon bia by the Court 01 m. ibd. theie«n HENRY la Buekfltfld. Ensure of ot *af*. a. ϋ ISM· an insolvent petition, XLIB. BEAN. LANE, BlCiLAMp Λ. /RYE, Judge· 8 (1iffrt**n! mi» » at-rn'h ''»» aaid of Oxford '^VILOPB*. ol the Insolvency for loamy tree it : HT C. DaVu, flUBES A HSMKT. " l'· Αί·· H. C DAVIS, Ke«ioter ίββι. KarteaUt Maine, A cop/—«tt« Keeiiur, Mai·. ■ »·* a·! Ir^e·, '· «.· BEKRH Arai'dTUS M. CAKTER, Aarlgaee. gvcbis. ■"· to» aafci CotUW o< Oxford. utiuirt Cu, Pau·, Mxuix- Court of leMlttaoT notice that For the OXVORD Dbuotrat. emaciation and TIIK Subscriber hcieby giro· public Night sweats, cough*, he haa bfrt duly appointed by lb· lion. Judffe Of IN [jRANDTRUNKR.il, AIXM BAKING POWDER Winter OF TERROR. decline by Malt Bitters. Probate for the Couaty of Oxford, and aaaumed 4rr«n«tui*ni, « REIGN prevented of ibe tmet of Administrator of the uutt COURT. On and alter Ο-t. IT. anl am i ΤΙ1ΓΚ4ΤΙΝ I'INuKKK, late of Denmark, ibIb« will r*n m l'oit»w«: farther to*. detected a of bon I·· the I Heart A Boston man who piece 10 aald Countv, deoeaaad, by giving The Alarming acre·** of therefore all vur. his visited the butcher law direct·: he reqaeita pernon* testimony or scientific men brfoie bark in sausage to traie· for a ad Ike who are indebted to the estate of «aid deccaaed Kipre»· I.ewMon ill leave DKeate, Sya|Moa« what bad become of the rest ■ Port...,rx , shop to know «ake immédiat' payment ; and thoae who have ('111 Κ J" Jt" STICK 8EIHIWICK IN TIIF. Sl- ,17Toa m.. U .L-.μΛ ! ,. in < *» hi« li il. thereon, m exhibit the tame to K..f H.«nh l'*r «, Ν »» M- Precede of the dog. any demand· CITY. 'itfal. > IT RIOR («IHT OF NEW YORK m lb·· W*-t -III ·«»'.· <λ»."» Κ DM Γ M P. Pl.vntEK. Ι'οπι,ι,: , I r* Ι»Ι·'Β »ι 1 ■' μ m.. >· Ρ*· are cured March 15.1881. k (Λ and by at S rn «· ».·· μ'; Dyspepala Indigestion Sor«r»« AI V ·» ·:β·ιι *ι (| I· Scifaliik Inveotiga· Bali s Salt at the table iu- Oxruan.sa:— At a Courier Probat» held at Pari· Mr. Editor :—I'lease allow me through Ml\eOUlb Pan· Leadàag using Digestive on (he third Ν_ ceuts will within and foriheCounty of Uilurd, ' laa will Irave PortUel al ι'· * I· Check *tead of unlluar; table nalL ?*> to to readers ai ao Hum hmI mm .lllrapl of March. A. D ls"l. your columns, present your m atvl ·«> lh Par* at II Γ. tl-^i Η from Tueaday » m «·■«« m ,B i a package or bottle your drug- AHItorr.liuardian of .Susan Κ Cobb, lalaad 7„ | lt« larrea»f. get TTKMY the following synopsis of the testimony Jj«f«5ssf8 SS&tëJ? M lead for Poed leata. or See advertisement. minor ehlld tad reir of Kariilla Cobb, late I). to. ■ gist grocer. JLJL .Ç^^ÎjnLK"· κ Wh»e>ut*. on of Itumfbrd, la aahl county. decoawd. baring pre· of eminent chemists the deleterious OOISt» 111·!. •anted bl· account of of Mid ward their guardiaathtp effect* of alum ae an in Halt- Klprtaa train· for P-nlae! Many men proclaim "houeety" for allowance. ingredient ■ wi.l Uave of "Sedi· W IV KILLER «t ; :I0 awl X, *o It Lta, The Wonderful the at- notice ™ MH Ν in. Properties to take That the Mid OVanlian I kllll I PA , λ from their housetops, only Ubukred, give Powders. jj. s ing DAVIS' »:v'"·- Pari». * PERRY rorsu'b I.· and how to from what Is to all per*oa* interested by cautlng a ropy ol rr~r""i vitiO h^eicr -K-D.Pu.Li,, tine-de-lndi»* Prop- tention of the police going Mr. A. testified : I was ι- I llon'fin If·*·» Ι·Ι·η Ι Pond η .hi* order to be publitbcd three week· «uf<-c«»trely Henry Mott, " τ , in their i>a*etnenls. I <11X1 at It:'»"» a in > "»tl« l'a a at erly Use It. on In the Oxford Democrat printed at Part· that the> the I'nited States Govern- at ParD employed by Son* >J *' I» may at a Probate Court to be held appear aext ment as to all the .T^V^ouT^or^T, Mixed tra'D· lor P«>iilaad >01 !.<■ > thou- la on the third Tne«dar of Apr. chemist, ·ι«5 Thk 1'r.Ri vux 8υβγγ has cured Mid Coaniy analyze » evi* (i···llâdl al ·Ι'·Ή· a* ■ · lorenoon and »how cau*e II ΊΙι .'> % for All, KtfltrdlM at la tbe any ■» It.. 41 I'arli of Impertaac* «o'clock articles of and to an « al or*· a. m ·· sand* who were from food, express opin- -- «"·' * ■" atb Pan* ·» ι· suffering dyspepsia, hare the fame ahould not be allowed; ι— «ί hfcKr .1 frV 1 of «Π Λ'«\» DIm ottrjr. they why .su.il.·:» fh(. w trt-^1 ηη·1 tmsted !»r vi ■ rft-■»«*j ιβ.ι»ίβ liver boils, humors, Κ A. HO K. Judge. ion as to the of their healthful- Μ \··<Ι |. debility, complaint, analysis ! ta-IPualaïuj, etc. free to A true eopv—alteaf li. C. Davi·. KcifliKr, female complaints, Pamphlet* ness and 1 found alum in nam·»1 ra*h' 1,1 S. Sons, purity. Dooley's adr| ν hrtûi» Β wllSil ·ι«τ*ι V,„,f„ Boston. the lion. Judgeol HtK I "Γ * ··'' l'T Ml <> tiU.5Oc.-0rt»l.o»perU4t.... show that a of deaths he hai been duly by j la-Ju "> Providonco. IV I» great proportion appointed «'\!"rd. and a»*umed "Queen." "Vien- .„-,Hetnv·. But aside from Probate for the OMHM I "Potopsco," "Charm," from Heart Diva.»»*. »r of ari*e was the tru*t ol Administrai of the estate inconvvn- When our skipper found it impossi- na," "Orient," "Amazon," "Lake Side/ Ntllk TIIMi |. 1. the fatality which attend·» It, the CH AKI.K·» JOKi'AN. Ia:e of >ewry, T„ ble to moor his he said he was pret- br bond *» the and which even the fr*t yacht, m «aid County, dicea»od, givnz "Twin Sisters," "lying," ieace «ufferins a can't au- lr.· "Superlative," to tike mad. At any rate he wis of law direct·: h·· ihorei •ien>«|U«,-t·allper*«r« briug make it neceaaary ty to maki ; "White "Monarch," frame of mind. lebted to the c«tate ol .i l deceased Lilly," "OneSjioon, I chor-us < I prompt measures for relief. ndoubtedly mtnedi.xle payment; «nil who bare au} de "Royal," "Imperial," "Honest," "Kcon- Hclloway's Pills of modern lime* for luand· thereon to exhibit tlie aame to the jirrau—t remedy n i* "Sedatiue- K\riRHN< κ Ταιίϊητ Mr.! and my money tNOCli NiTKK JR. ist," "Kxcelsior,*'"Chartres," "Grant," ΑΛΊ) « urins diseases of th» Heart A TRUE TONIC OLYTMKXT. for it. After Liver complaiut llMtk IS, 1MI. "(tiant." It is based is such having my opinion upon f*·» Slonv·» >■ 1 il^lihlia." which accomplishes paid Τ » k. on noa- i and attract ins "O much four rears, aud speudlug money THKaut-cin·. ι »ι ·τ· ι j kit·· mUm MInIM j actual on animals, that ««■η a· «t f η«·ι »l ·'* 'ΊΙν '«ι wouderfUl result- c experiments living who didn't me 1 «He ha* tn-vu by trit lion. Judge a'l'l J« * '■ ■««*>«·* tro ma and doctors 1»«·Ιρ Jul) appointed in- I' H I'his remedy pos is « attetitiou. great Probate tor the Couutv of Oxlord and a»-umrJthi alum in these various <· »irri 0*1· V,,v' 1' for all the tried Bitters. Six bottles cured compound" i specially dnlfMd Sulphur truct of AJain'rtrttili ol tin estate of IRON t.· ingredient* i. com- tue. 1 shall use them.— !.. PkM.KI, I ale of l'a !·, jurious. ··«'#!» <· «**,»,!? ■ uuiueiou.s troubles of the Heart The always M>llrriuda*tti· la· : »ι I an I in aaid Count\ d>o by gu log j Mr. Charles K. Chandler, testified 1 SURE * ib trorfia· »i l I Λ > I ;.* the r« suit of lou* careful »»· *'»,.· " bination taeretor* <»ts all per*on* who *. • ■■c< ·Ι· Γι in will lirtvU; ah· re*ju< BIX7 ·> »·.·.,. t ,. I aud it can be averted Gum arable dissolved whiskey dec· aw I In make im am at Professor of in «•xf«ermn»ut. safely tn lebted to the ent.ite ol >a!il present Chemistry ur.i rln·· "I I I I curled in weather. who demand· < w lien t.iken in time it will cure in every keep the hair damp sedlatr paymen* and thoa· bave «U) the Academic of Columbia ■ llir ·Μ*ΙΙ'·α f lb- Ργμ III that Department APPETISER <|Uai 14 In it has a «inn» t·· » *· 1» ever have op- And a little sugar dissolved hereon to exhibit the fry «II r* U» IU· «I lh· I «or I case. Do you Nightmare, Μ \ y. I KM I Ï the School of Columbia I Κ 1.1 College; Mines, •■(•Π* I Λ "β II Ml «Il Ml lu fjri·! in aide and breast, Irregu- similar effect on the leg*. f>r all ΰ.-■ ϊ·»γ pressed leelins March l.V KM ami the New York of IROX HITTERSBITTE arc liL'Uv recommended Jumpins. Flutter· Collegr, College lar Action. Throbbing. notice that Indigestion, I)j*· Impôt iiii «•ι.·.·,..n. loo much in favor of Til Κ »ub»crif>· r hereby give- publie j a!*o President of the New & certain and ctiicicnt tollic; esncolally Slow Circula- I cannot say your inff l^)s« of \ mr * lull it all 1). K. V. G.' I am uow tin Intermittent «*rni I ■ tion of the Blood ? These are symptoms dyspepsie remedy. Probate for tbe County of Oxford ai.d wtunud York Hoard of Health. There is an in- pcpnin, Itvnri'Ii^th·· I Ιι*«!,«?γ< r !ι· II i\ ·<«·Κ are be»t I can cat of the elate ul Luek of ElH'nry,oti\ ,.·ι <] .rh " ν ·»' Pi Heart Diseaae. Those who suffer· u*iug it with the résulta; irudof Kxeoutm Strength, n. '* h thun.i t>n tl. of .·· constituent lift after the mixture in * (·» tin· nerve*. It lilu> r· ι» ιηΊ me. JOHN t. \ Κ I AM· 111. It (he). jurious the intucle*, aii.l life i. m·. ι·, | never tried it should do so at any thiug aud it does» not distress girw 7* 11!,· ιns ami have I'ounte rteee>i»id bv bond a· the I·· ·<ι<Ίι as Τ / « who have Truly 11 reel* »be therelori reij'ie.i» ah peraon* rtr. The onlv Iron I'rcpjl- • 0* r » *· e« in·- to the litlrhi ft II» thf Stiimnrh, Ι/ftt''hnr*, IIU II to do so asa.n. If II J. Wattles, rdebleil to tl>e « «la'i ol -aid d. a»· I to mak· I I think, is dangeiou* digestive ι,ΙΙ 111)1 ι ιΤ λ 'Μ Υ·ΐϋΚ need to be urged your I In* or heudnelw». λ, ai.d thoa· who ba»r any demand· will not hlnckon teeth ^Ίνο I·» »-.ir Ll scud one dollar and North avenue. naMiate ρβ>ιιι··ηι organs, and liable to serious dU- rutioit that uri-l bas nut sot it <(»·!" produce Β C ot' usctul Oru^s1*' Ν Y •.htrrcp to exhibit th· Hold l>r all druggist*. Write for the Λ Book, pp. to our address ami it will be Rochester, ΙΈ I.I ν Κ It.U xKl AN D. of the liver of the individual flfty cents Α turbance frrt* Sole in America, Guaranteed ail l.V I •mu«ing reading—*ni mailed to\··ι, Agent* hy druggNts. March MM use of such CO., Baltimore, Md. ». nuking powders. BROWN CHEMICAL o'slelI Chemical Co., St. Louis, M a (I ai I TilK •suMcr.b· r 1ι· by riTi t*ub>lcBCtire Dr. Morton. President of When the Sumlav-*t-hoo] Mip.rint«-iiden: hcli-. Ν. ι: ia 'nivd !i tlie lion Jndj: c: Henry i.ir u»-tv »l Ovl r.| *nl un-; 1 have f»r asked his c a*s why Mu·»^ siimte the rvek. I'r at· |.«r Stcuns liisti*·.ν, tc< i(i·· 1: ■·« to-ol t. e eatatc Of rc< :.etru«t <>f A M jJ·. a little fellow ont ·Ί kin" he ■ A ί have 1 I r. >1 .bit li. >t Urékief «<«r *ung II \KI V Κ. \ IK· IN It "it· 1 mai.y \c.ih. l.ivn chtItniet Hi the feller bo alnud at." I·· b«>r.J a» tl.e lue » < < Μ«η- missed Il «ai ! t f « Cucu, d ''«t f;> t tlrrrt»; lWtht'f. ιι· ner«i nstL I· b'« draw V L» i'· nab in. roe·! ·ι· itc i Haktu.» | .Ri -1W' <-r Kit'en, jùjJWi MALT-TEA. ll»od°· SatMpatill· • tlx Mlatc <>l »ndd Hiking powdere; Any mβ Li»«r « \er tut-n:. aa ! lbo»e μ Ιι iarv .any d ri»a .» li«.f«· mmk r'tirlflf/, I'he moot important retndial aseut I» to meet the wants of those who L>a> Powder in which alum enter* a» a c >m- l ! Mtk ι.«·;··ι ·>·* Con- designed s to hit'it the came to Regu -> nt. I r>r linlis' -t:on. Ν \- ν. .«- pr« Dyspepsia. need a medicine to build tliem up, .*» i:i ι I IIO.il art, in my ι- r\ Λd· -t s from im- give ponent j opinion, rI1 t st!; ν >c u I ..il disi&st ar -dug Marrh 15. 5*1. ,.p wtn-r» Itop tlitm an their blood, and it inn ile. Jtoill \ ·'el .î'itAil nutritious appetite, purify <· iJcdîy object ?Ut*nJ perfect digestion. a ln.t: mj fulull I I od up the machinery »>f their bodies. No θΧ>ΟΗΙ> m:—At J I>r. Samuel W. Johnson. Profes«or .)( t«ev« ras»·: a in\ gorating tonic; * > ι·η I r of·· pleasant. other article takes hold of the system nn«i l'an·. HILL-DRILL r.~ t: '.iJ 1 iilrs- a for the debilitated, a sov- the third Τ M in i> V l< strengthetu-r ι·-*d«y the Scientific hooi. j· !· > :.t ·'»'» IrmreUri h:i the like Hood's η .1 Chemistry r» exactly spot Sarsapa- the jkH'.i ol MDIV oPARRoW TotUi er< gn re··. ■!*■ '"or lisor b of the Throat, ... -T T·· Λ I· « »· testified: Po kier l.w n!la. It Murk» like e»err I.Ill an Of ί< 1 Ημ*τ College, Any H>king IT ,..| Sîontac.'i. It corrects magic, rvaching ■J ,·.· ·Γ3ι·.!»β1. ι.'lu st. 1. iti^s aud ON ι,· ι·* (il U in, H. *»|M'roW. lal* Ο <( ilr» an A >rt of the human the blooJ. ••>w m η in «hich there are aluminous salts, or ΛΛ,Αί .v.CMUut into*- l ut other p l>od_v through fil I! not only the nvcu the «sjually l( »r *··! :, In a.1 I CUBIr, ilura-id [fi in; to .ill rent-wed Lie and il π ρvinjf energy, «a a π >« lao thi d». on i»id"l resultant from is PHOSPHATE ic.it il. ni organ*. I nc« t ll ! y any alum, extremely 8CNO FOR PAMPHLET. port ant >m*s[H»n » bet a bot ;le ; s:x f r t. 'arm ef tr «- |«te Κι il..··· Il S rvi.UT i« f the ac.lfad r h« ai .»ct. »n. aud recommended ant! il·' »n<1 I c wtnl tir 4 tht thy » « I »■ t »d objectionable injurious. TttU U » lf»« Null·' wi^rflnnfh Γ •".II •ui !« Il» lu y <τ· III Hi· l.lll 1er*. |N I«'t "Λ as nir onk mode of said a ll.r » r. I Gllaot Μ· ·Ι·ΙΙ ■ proper permanently Brilliant and Prof. H. testified: ·» »·™ r··. impulsive p-ople," Jo«iph brn«·Ι li»r lurd. tiltaïucivu* ■.-» « li »r, il Ut <"Γ > < mprov ..s scUerai lecturer on "hate black η tome time •lid will pnali< I ku.^î.-r.;», physiognomy, Ih ιι·*η I d 1 «r<. lla\* be for Sanitary Ιι ·ν t"r it m; eujrwl ν Super- In «h^ Κ· («>rt ··! Ih· *1» ■ ;»se mak'-s over a of me>hclne. Κ h «*«■ « m. «·Γ«·ρ. "i ·>" f r» t1"* t M Ά gallon or if .j »n't they're api t»r 'iat lh« «aid IVI Ί oner IioliCt to > ij »r «ι n t ni ρ t t 8500 r>.-'4 eyes, they iler· 1,1 »;i»e 1 alum • ( r>rtlU**r* li» ll< t y.«ir tr ..j, ue vi u τ-rr. must intendent of Hrooklui. consider « « ».*. Iv> r t * k age of tl·· tt»o I > au alwlta· t o. :« lil h' r !Un mmtt «"•ΓΜΙ" I cry pa gem: tog«t t-m. If they're Impulsive." ail μη «*>ο· ul· ■te·). <'au*iiijr #|0|-rr fc Ο j »t 11 ir ikjuir I ·■- | t'< Hop Nar U'x ; of th« Soto ■•«.-r «aitbthi· .':der I .· r· η to be | ut»ii»li with soda in a »Mr fhi Agents."LabM pftin·· baking |>owdcr, injurious »ff ψ >i>| ».· |(*) ■·■'.> ■·. .Γι I it ihr u*|i>i>iIhiu Trtr or.-r SOUO loi.· I' ι» <>t weeàa >j<<<—urh il I· ^·ιί· Ch· inical Co IIwuu tt (VtivtNLv. the bane llkiia and I.HI· tilt· ·· A .u. »[|. 14 ; Il it « new d at l'ai ι·.ιη »ald t M 19 dangerous. )>'4I| it ratyi »pa)«-r pr.iit« Ukrit t>V Hi 14(1 Kill·! .1 I. t· <·! -i.'i fKuao nearly American notuan. From a PruUlc irt^W prick, on κ doi.i.ak. every I that Un mai ap|H-ar at The to the ·. ·ι »rn | ntuo or fami arises those disorder* that so sure- Lou't t» be held al Pari* in aaid roil»!» »-.J ol usually « ivm. it of or order it Il o'ebn k li> fact that this at least, AIm for u STOCKBSiDOE NASli^ES· ili nu Buy your Drugsist, undermine their health and str. •t· Îbe tlurd Turxlat of April ml. country produces ty ngth baie M "'·'»» u* mail. '.lie loreiioon aiol abow rail·· if am Ihey ■· and to ht-r two different kinds of .n... by Woman owes it to In r*elf Ί torty baking f ilI %' Lrery » II.« :u< ·. e αΐι'< FERTILIZEK CO Ciikmh α C«» .. Î80WKER Lobiikll family lo uae that celebrated nioiiciiH·, Κ A rKYK Ju<1gr. ! powders. Dr Mott stated it would 1* 8S, Latk Mfc It is the sure lor A il. C luvia U«i—atteat: d.tbcult to remember all the powder* l.< aud for all disorders of the b 'eli· κ'*e« noilre thaï 61 cottstipatioD. I Till. »uto»cr|t>er pu'>lic as for the t nit»«l llir 11 ·u Je >f had examined, a^ent kidneys aad liver. Try It In liquid or dry • i· lia* b··*·!! Jul appointed l«r 11· c OxftrJ auda<«amrd the ■ form efficient in either.—Jfctfoa Proba f r the i.ut ol States government, used for baking pyr A Wi(K. It? 14le mi au* who dirt<:a .ahe tLeralioe |i<| I |i »ΙΟ.ι LOST MANHOOD REST03E3 Nothing [ ■ lu ilr to 1 -, de· t ad\i»es the avoid * » from his that η Irl4ed t> tin • Hie woO'leriul wh-ch although very po.*i- mand· Ihcfcvu to alii'. Il purchasing powders k>Tia|t.>4 iBfiuiorr k· >· .r .... •tcM» ni«-vi by t »n. vtt he considered himself prrttv IMIM l> Kl.M'AI.I. in bulk, a» he found by analysis of many *rts λ *.η:ι li. l-ol. I tr ·. f : » w J. il K! off. March that the worst adulterations an K>L\ W -fc. jnrv. ι samples, 43 I lia lia lit M., V ï. M>\|n|t|l. aa:-AI a Icu-t o* Probate held all id this f >rtn, the brand Win τ Tut y Li:*r» To.—Kklney trouble· l'aria mtMn and lor t lie uunlr of rd o· packages being aud liver trouble*, unies* checked in time | the third Tu«-»Jai "I Mar ,\ D 1.n»I. leas a ιιΐ·τ m a certain injurious. DR. RHODES MoKItlI.L natvd 1 AH ENORMOUS ASSORTMENT l>r Da* Id "Favorite Reme- \V. κ, M 1» by Kennedy'a Inatrume't l'br.x ire t > b· the la«t Η'·ΙΙ »n«l P. SiiATrn or rheu- I<.· dy," will end in coustipatiou, piles, [ I «t ivi al of Km man llo lia lata'rf (lu alttld le HyoILNK 1.VSTITITK, ( H DESIRABLE. matism and crawl. The latter are ail- a.d Coaniy, di-na·* d. kai m κ pincnttd the **n>o '«»r l'i- b^t* Maim. ments of *erlou» character. "Favor- Watekfokd, ) very a· îie ■ d I *<■· uîir notice Λ Dt II i Or le: Thjt Rite j \'lullir· Mil I'lirlrhi « th<< IIIikhI, Ton·'· ELEC· o r BLE acts the disordered kid- I a ite Remedy" upon to ail ma inti n ad -I by rau>ln^ a raip> of t ta > per* -—In the .\"rth hi /«VnVtr for th·· Mth« IVrak aud liver with and certain- ^rder lui·· iVI*h< I lin *rik' »uere«»ire|y la ibe April np Sjrtlrm, oeys t|ulckne>s J A. \V. "» IVI *U»' lH i»o< «t -r l at ttual uu, la a article Juiljji· tluilil· Ih<· ltroki-u- \\ Il Λ k k il I~V uw U UC»IW [ i»f ri pru l'an·, tha) noteworthy by Ktroujj, up 2 »; a ΓγιΙ.41< »UII 1 > w n< n ,n IIu i. in which the reform. r* READY-MADE CLOTHING. Ask for it h heu jou arc ue\t iu tpprar rourgee, prof· tlllWD, iDliglinilrl tho purpose. it> aa.d > D ι·..- ; I.; 4 lu..d». of »|r neat. .Ok.. .1. .1 mr.. ι.··, ι.» II... .4. Λ.Ι1.Κ at Koo· It min. anil W the store. or write to the Doctor *t v o'clock in tbe lorrain iu>i »oa i-au»e If an» I* η of th* virtu· η a c η ·· s to romprmnd aiOparil· «■ ri ihoàlil nut U ή "Γtheir* h ë i of reform pronounced Hats, and Jour. Ν Y ;hf τ ba< whi tht ■·.·) Ιβ·Ιγ«ι»' | la. ii'4iul;ak·' \·.ίι.·*ν «Ι·· Κ. with Ά Caps, .,»ttu· la*; Will and h ktilliiuia. and allowe4 be with American "♦ > ■ rroved. ifpmtrd Incompatible 41,t. ).λΙ.·Ιι· ut III'!), .ill il dnv«M J —CURES .41.>1 |- ·Ι··ν said to s frieud.who r««!tarl l ol Hill «« If-uovvriniU'iit. nul ou diver. "ll" Gent.s' Fur- \η·: M.irpheu* i: a iKVK.Ju.i4*. ! l|<* «I-iiih'k îî»'. Ι!υ<>1·« 1ran>ïug. iin>ί i ■*■ c «·Ι » *· χ?η· cold "You have 5 chauce grounds luadmlsslble a»1' >!··· Affections, Gen- 'ani.ii » ··'· ιι:··ΐι·« i- tΙι·: -«.ι ^r, h A true copt- ait» it II. C. Πατι*. Reg later Impractica Dyspepsia, Nervous It |>ur»->f. mf (Λ t· ci tki a fortune iu the livery stable busi- The same number οί the review contalue, eral Fever ai. I nio^t r(f··· trial ι!·« ratm· m ·*! »* 1 tobale held at. Debility, Neuralgia, nishing have no of ι'ΧΜ»Κ1·. -ΛΙ » I'.ifi ol undertbe f.miful till··. "The Thing that kitoufior i\aiUI'.·■ to *!.·· |ι·ι1·Ί<·. ΤΙι·· i- er·» Bm You «ad on wm Pan». witMn and for the C>unty of Oilord, and Chronic < ι;.· < I n·· i;< < Migunt lie," a philosophical A.^ne, Paralysis, m i-i tut-ili «μι*I iifiutntrv >■: Goods. hacks th< Ihld Tueada» -f A". I» I*·!. profoundly < of <·«! *·> a.iuilil·' truirilr, iu>r on·· m 11.1 J All I! «.Ol DARD. h< -r.i f Mart A ^tuTlv of the laws and condition* hu Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, |·γ«μ|ιι ; fiîrut t ii r· 4.1 ·1ι- ι- * t -»itlf ι* li WOW M—> receive M 4.1» dard lM« of He ··:. d, c«-»»e>l. ΙιχτΙβ* ...n "CV· Female Com- I filUTSrri FÎJ h> Humors, m ni· ret lion f"r a·» tl ri*.ii>rr oi l <>( W"". ,hV trnjmr· Mood. It rates Scrofula 0 Tliotr ««ho ilirm- u.vit l» btuellt. aud uouc arc so profoundly |i((imlid Hector uf lJneolu ΐ:Oxford. If η"; Liver Com- prr>un«lf ib·· Peraonai Fatale of «ai! : College, plaints, ,Γ.Ι M*rofiiloiM divans I0r\>ΙριΊ *(..1 show such an interest iu re- i«< a def» n*e of tin· Ho- ^'uttful Ordered, Thil the »a!rt .ui'rt'kn glrf pr;it. I tfiird nrtlcle »trong Remittent IJnsi», or >t \iiri> ni'» I"t»«·. I'impI· BATTERY. our sire iufr- It * ol t hi» j. plaint, «fltr* thai κηοι!« cvunieuding Hop Bitters as wotneu. lo all peraon· Interested b* cau«lcg copy nun Catholic sid·· of the pontrovers, »ui .«,«<1 t 4i'i'-iii ubs I'll·»!ulr.. Iiloti ii we· Fever, and wii.L ctlticj: to nrJrftobfpaMI irouj il.·· η ·· Iloils lunioit, ItU i*. Il'.ttti·· so is til·' ouU remedy peculiarly adapted Γ,-ηΐίΙοο μ« iar brritu«r Ihr |»ri«r«. %erm Oxford l>efii'»crit at Pari· that l'if) ti.a the vx is almo»! printed of i he tii mat y i;ls universally Probate Poirt t <· ►>·· held at l'art· Itinhop Μι «^uald. K'»chester. great Alt CIStASES ORIGl'.ATI'.G Π A BAD STATE appearata I !ι ··».>·.!.·>. Kîsi MTn.it i-.ni. ΛΙ ν ! RHEUWATiS..^: lo««. do in t*;. » hills and fever, on the third Tu<«i«ro! nrxt rob Inn of t»»«- κ '«.τικη·nttl control of A< : BY lhfm«/lTr« injustice subject iudigcstton I a «aid County Apr I» OF THE ClOOD, OR ΟνΡΑΜΓΙ) \V< ι!. nr>or and-h« w eau», II ar) pjv.nr, Neur.Jsi.i, Ι·'ιγ.».:1·· or constant or at «.> o'clock liJth>'('>r, Is »li»' us.rtl with reference to NEURALC.AÏ deranged ,'ιν«τ, periodical monopolies DEBILITY OR A LCW STATE ιι»·»«.«·» ιιΐιΊ I r. <·™ιιΙ .1 ni.«ι! not at least 11 » a Tisit of r»t the -an iiltl·—, i».ij ιιις weakness iu the l>ack or tbejh»».·, im»niu{eii»« "l ",,n aiek headache, It A. Vit Υ Κ Judge railway l,y OF ThE SYOTEM. ΛΠ<-ι lion- υ» tiu l.i\rr, 1 >ν -1» (μΙ.ι DYàPëPSSA! ~ * of k: iu the puuuKIiTsand different «· ί. I Cartl*. whocontr-nd* that ·>' » ;t ι«·« ·"· examination lor the purpose liiey*. paiu A tme r->pv—BtteO Η Rrgl-ter. j Tlcktior I'liMiUtluu, uud ftbt l»ody, railway compel vj ««J I' .·■» ι: i. ■>:. I < : -· i'cralv»i». |._ — « hrM at I DJ( MWh at *«· \i a oartrf Probate. iMMfeww <·*· r> comparison, aud are all removed OXFORD, State U «Jt.'-es much an.l 110 BOft: ^ f>ciit br null w(.· de»pundcncy, readily 1 of 10 this it j «nit u.- foul n>rrti|t mt» hi h > l'ait». MiihiDJC'l It tiu· cunt* Oxford.! Uxi Il S I « >' l>o«t SYRUP < .*·· « « M/»·, to sue.ι PERUVIAN 1 these bitters.—Courant. Ixfrl that Its *ball I* rOL .tuiautr tLc· «il an«l _■ on »ij* third Tii,'*day of M »-ch \ D property subject .ii. l»y 1 AU.Iivr s w Ίιι« i>f ( tf. Child, a·» ! » Vif .I ΓγΙγιΊι it 11.vl.Τ I.il >!·■ .· Γ. % .4 .1 Elliott Clothing Store, Γ ΓΙΙ)Ι.Ιι, Ι|(Γΐη legislative control the act«>f lucor|«or.v 1ι·, M.vjtiluW H il. HKOU M nue". re- hir ! I ...· I mi ni, ib. who frivolous 1 of ia dfriwl, IIUX*» Hrrn;l!i, I »».. Il M*· V garrulou·» fop. by his let* Iratt .'Van'atlon llou embrace», to the exercise of the IMi Tromo"t «tr·. I. UIInK out of ^ τ ".'inll. m: .'11 f Γ NORWAY, ^lAIXE. his iu a hall- ie* preaeBtcd hi r |h iition .f tu. V,i -ij! Γι-Γ f' tr \* liether she had ever had her ears pierced. to all Inter··-·, 4 c*u ib^· a rojir of tht· I Thasay ρκηοιι· by km. In ita lim-. I- • ■ v. > bearing upon ;< rient I .· • » ·· '11* 1 ··<>' often order to be .!.·!<· d Iktl e VNÉI aucce»*irel\ in I I». No." was the "but I have pu discussed theJIou· U 111 reply; the (»*f<>rd I»» mo r»t at Pari» that the· ably ·>)' printed J.' r hail then» bored." » Paru· has an ··"1.'r? ut- .ι Th mav api-rar at a Probate -«art be I.eld at u-. Mr. John Flske article, ;r.w;it.i..v lair it .il. on 1 hi· third ol next, [;'«· CC: la aal.fCountv. Tuesday Apr. Historic Genesis Of Protestantism, and .r It ι* :·> tit uitlt Ιίι* t 1 .'oily «.'.|< ιιψ« C«H NTUtss sufferers tind the balm of re- -t · o'clock In tbr forenoon :.Bd abow «au·· if aBj ΙΊ Anthony an esaay on Ho* po· t κ at y c ■« ο ; « il ut> ν ..of tit.it wim&ηη«! fountain of their health and ha*· the «arar. Trollope, w iun-p. t lui a lief. aud the tticr »f»laat .mil i..·· Il Κ A. FRYR, Judge. Loneiellow. Mr Desire tharnay, the ..ûfi.i-.t mal \triti··*' \H. In - sesses invigorating «,uaiitits. J'a·!·. ιιι all ave-·ι kni·" tt'an Marc*. A I 1 "I searcl.es in legion* reiuou· Γρ I?e«t In the worM. |,»·ι« »n> on tbr tl il rue .1: ·« the faded vitalities and »' »t. r ■ ol mnln m ta ·'»··*· or. stimulates purg<« > K Ο »ί%ιι·«ϊ·ι A'waya In Bali. Sen > »h· |.· ! iot IOIIN \| I'll 11 KR uu. of communication wl»h the ordinary π f ira·. (.'»-!« I m l| il- m··»· ■· out the which with the sri tli·» l·'· ··, hrul-r· iti'l tliu condiment ennurt r corruptions mingle .. i' I —ι g M the :t|»id Belte· If.p world. m:d neither pre ·Ιι^ο· r» t·»» h» ON consequently ih« imi» Εν i«ack%«· ^ and ·· Ch ·ι*η < ·■ » » '. I»'*. ·ιηΐ 1 I"r i-te·· <11 bcc*u*«î t.i«. 1 Mood, promoting derangement decay. ζ I. ρ ... i,t namberoftlieHeTlew ia-i iru te nark. Ihe *ι:Ί no ration, tuh u alo ol Call fur g'rouine lakt »Dd<*r the w |!| of INpf L.IWÏ". < η·ν >.virv %ii >a ι We arc assured by many intelligent phy- arvnorthern contribute Ι:;Ι1|1 It for «li.;· Bettte1. 1» ·»»:e May MUiitier, however, I xsrr its kind, and vvc can this ere·!*·' bv «μ b; a c t>» Pre sd Dr. J. C.Ayr dicist. It π. il.·-. «!t tu» t (VI others of fortify to all perx'B* In L· il be ,-!>··! auollier of ιό» by κ ι.τι··.·ι*. In th«· 1 j.u'· 1*TJI » statement ί·τ our own experience.—Ρ\ιηχ. if thla or<1 r thrte w«v k· !jr ru tU it an 1 Λ 4i't; » i. with tho «·Ϊο:ιι.κ!ι : fT> • a B<«r .rr at Far· instructive WISCONSIN Ll II ! U U Bit· iKford l»»sB-cr*!, ji» priot·-'! papers. _ -.tho : Fa. n.«. t·· ,ΊΟΟ υοο Acir« LANDS Lo.ve Mai$. relier- wrak *toi..» Il ! sita*rn»y Ara di*ir<ιιϊί«·Γ brl lil L ! ..'Ii 1* i-liV any : What are doing out there my at ihui· <· > I» tbe lun u rclîih fm;d ; ; I you of Apr. next, Mr. Archibald Fobe lelk an amuM! g y your 1 I »f o«r II inr lk««, uiiy tbe | ·■ ' <::i sjhter, in the night dew?" said the kin and nu*. lltcf i«*k i*oi' *-tj«i. Ttrra; anl $5 a tendonci But be 0«n WlSCOMSt^ CEH R1L R, R, «ij-ippjitic •ib« thould jrrsBtc*. Lis of fra·. A did ou the "Precticlns story, f-tUr 4t expenee, »P"· S66 If TT 1CPort »«J ι CiiQuot t Γ m ■( ^«-utlenartiC"N'j.whi'*ti will h·· fret a'Idre·· y* pi was the sweet as she at the t..»' l «'·»« HY il il t»l h· t IV U..lii fencing. rep!y, A trttr copy—Atfr«t II C. DaVI·. Krjrtater. tjiatilicati'jn app«»e»»l |UHI.K«L gr^-t, lli I.Ktlil Wl« leaned over the pickets till her face w^s -man and brother" for higher intellectual ΓϋΐΜ·Ι«Ι»«Ι'»Ι»··» Hll»7«Ukf Adamson's prie·». by the |>ropru' >m. close to William's. ·»·:— \t a Cmrt of Probate bcld st ( Balsam dreadfully OXFORD, culture. On at the station at : ROBEIITSON Λ; U Bnêàmt Parl«. «Itbin ao·! lor « Itr County of Oxford, on arriving WANTED ! CO., V H— Mu: i» Bob*· tin· third runhn r f Matib A. I> 1^1. \\ est where he was ceuls. Piun»—Symptoms and Ci'kk.— Cheater, Pennsylvania, A. LIVE AQEMT Price 35 to Trial Size 10 m\ IniiiM· Γ Α Ι·| ΓΗ \ υ KlilllAf I «ilow cl AIMon Pc pain fcf ph r M hat- to lecture, a hackman offered his «ri CI'ltEH *· The symptoms are moisture, like perspira- Κ Ρ KlUlb ill. W'· f Hirijord, ilr^eatril, darkey In nfh c »ilo'v »0 -can»»·* h lh· ••î,*illr«· Till* ι»· -«««ι»· anil val crteon'fl 8acchirat<-1 Ρ·τ " 1 ί,. — ■* for an a lowante out o( I the τ.τν 1>·-ι ■ « (■ àll Λί» b» Λ i tion, intense itching, increased by scratch- g pr M-oted brr p<-tl'lon .ervices as convej ancer to convey him to Krltn r«rp»l I •««Ι» rrui· y ti ι·* .*γ*ίΙ·.ί r«tat· 1 1 *ald c«cr ..ed -w»rp»r In ihe world Λ ·|ΐΙ·*η·ΊΊ ptt ir.g bu·!-ι core ii·. firrni m·'·· inirl,· I distressing, at the peraoiiBl ing. very particularly night, Ordered, l'bat tbe nil! lit|iion,r fire notbv the hotel On arrival, Mr. lubes a>».eu Oi'-i wilb Ike whUr NDlml ni (ic1! roant* f> the '•u··'- 'h»i *1' oihrr m»·' as If worm* were crawling In and leter*#t»c cauOt ι «ropr oitbl· ruir nun. Τη»· lïcnernl w'l J > thr utb ! COLl>8, »λτ r< »·' pin toallpcr»oB· by ex'ent of remuneration e* g Π·Ιβ* |·ι .ft ι| mbi* tbtee week· «ucceolreh Ό the λο l Λ r aulertobe publivhed j pecuniary the «•tfc'e to Ù»rç·) ; μ πα all that to·I alaml· IM it un».ι <11 tbr Oxford Democrat printed at Pail* list fbev : manœuvre. Ί lie >ι <1>I re«< AVT1IMA, ι· a aura til l <<(r <«irr somet.mes affected ; if allowed to continue pecUd for the darkey 1 aiat at a Probat Conn to b· l e d at Pa' ia C. O. LOCKE (C*'-e tli's Offlor}, ar Gh««ter, V». ill •.If.r'i n- I t:»· ll|r..a results appear ! if me very serious may follow. "Dr. on the third To· sdav <»f Apr. next. "Well, sah. II itu.vru ITI* • D'l Inn κ« < A -Ht ill η UiutnuiU" is a at V o'clock 10 tiietoreBooB ana »bow eante It any ··» lb» ill >n «n i »l< ·».|\ Intf TI κ I*'1 tbe ran e j !.·»( lian.ir·· ilo I'll, t ο W»*T'l» Kwi »S|I ant sure cure. Also for Salt tb«y have, agaicat Muet Ι'*τ1 «(.or relist in ΓΛΤΛ llllll il. D'art?·!' I'l Tetter. Itch. WANTED •►*T Λ Μ mil-for Hi.i 1. I> It. A. FRY F sr 'h·· of «· Jodpe. right glad." » q»amitv i.thff ρ r».· '·' Barbers' rr* io arctioo in wi>l h h" 'ρ«η1«*. 4ι>ι«ΐτ ι·Ι< ul l« τ·>η· vln. h. «r Kheum. Scald Head, -t If.C Davi· K***»l-t»-r. ration·. wM>*li *r·· aoM » η», Ν M Eryaipelas, A tree »opy—a|u ot coreu, 1 This unusual trom a member reference·. to BKHZIWEI* «HOTII Kit η. .'>·< ι·* τ Itch. B.otches. all Cutane- request ha «line Iτ■«*··. ami I.«-«1.1» r| Μι if fy, .S tu Scaly. Crusty, ;ill llrnmltTii)'. Xriv Viirk Pru" as c η.· '!■· t»»»t U «voinn'xry K't.!»»ion* J' ous Priee 50 cents. 3 boxes ai a Court ol ptooâfr hejd a' »htt struck him not sin- B»ri\ Uic chr ρ ''r' " Eruptions. OXFORD.«a:— profession only au««ri| h· nirMirrt|*D -ell »' u» within and for tb»· f'ouatyrf Oxford.00 Λ γ κ λ κ and exi>eiue· to &k'»n'» ·»ι 1.1 b y. for $1 25. Sent by mail to any address on Pari·, ar.d but as ouite "W *9 ( ·!··«·>» I· 1.1» t·» mi·· :.. tbe third Tue-day ol Mar;h, A. D. 1**1. gular laudable, compli- free. ArtdrwP.O.VICK SOUP. **■ or three cent >">·· Ijr j W! I| ΠΙΓί C M nine ADAM80N'S pe'illon mentary himself, he said, "Certajn φ 777vît?: 0r.·' ·ΒΙ|ι'« <> te ol Setli THROAT, m lr»»,ra<*rt "r postage stamp». Prepared only by I)r. Admlni»lra'or of the enta W, Turner, ■ haven't a * ,a ί>0 »»· Ou'St BOTANIC r *tx ly>xr· >or ϋτβ ·!■>! ·r«. late of Canton, iu *nid 1'se a mississ Ure an fui·, 1er Pa., to whom letters should -0, yes, sah, got jr Wlrhfi-h "· Philadelphia, asd de«cril>«d 111 hi· petiiloB m ille In the Probate ve lo >OU6H BALSAV ·'·« "1··«. if ■■ μ->icO w in be addressed. Sold all prominent U>Gwrp C Ru»»ell,ol Canton, at an ad- "Well, shall have one fjr her lOAKftE.t Kim. * by drug- Ofir«, you ·*·η·Ι the |>πγ· h.M'r ηοι m Ii'1 offer of thirteen hnuditd dollar*. Vv* η··! Ίγτ bd a <· "ih ir·' gist*. vantageous md his to hand to the •W ih»· monft If th«> tirai m "i l Petitioner agent PENSIONS l»a»a f can·»· Ordered. Ttiattbeiai iriveaotior reques'ted DIFFICULT tt b'liinl I· '■ \ V o| Merηred. Aleo Bounty. Buek pa-and» Of. a » '" li«hed three bee!;· itttoniTclj lu tbe Oxford glance imm alt 'm."trill· I * -4M reaching tl»·· lime· I to n«t ilela> I i»ol·νιτι» «Th.j. ,.Ι. «aid Ltlildrer·, Pareut··. D(dUrr.< an.) entitle·! | ILL » She talked of at a .Probate C'oarl to be held ai Caria iu il tak»n b» lboii«*na ί >r bla· k« .1 in»tu ont ρ»»· AFFECTIOSN o'clock 1b tbe forenoon and ahow cauae any Ihey i«n· ηοΊ hv the pre·· It· ty. on the third Tu»#e |traut<-d. appearand. ItNKhS FITZGERALD, ure to call c« iB'iij-»loiu :· to rectlre sigh. have why for Haine *l 1 examine th· cUiia· t. ,il .{tloi n· y. P. Ο. Buk .iu,'V aalitiitftoii. or τπε Steamship ■ as he R A >RYK,Jodge on the s&nu< ( afeiif •t crcdiun t llie "Oh, by the way," said Buckles, Next getting into (nu estate «·ί Henry D. — atte»·. Π C Davib. morning ADA sat on the sid< the bed off his A trieîop* Rrglater MOON "8 Line to l\fw \ork Haieaius. |aM 4 fljitlll ia aa;d county, d-v of pulliug gentleman's to go to the station. THROAT nul-H>rkly oWMd. repre^ente-i .*u.\eri. neaotic· saw a town palanquin BOTANIC hereby boots. "I gentleman down AAA worth .&«; at* Boatha ircia the date ot perdiyaUom*. Sa-nplai $5fra«. Sir. Kobes "1 didn't see at the «aid appoint- who would a thousand dollars t9 Port and Mt. said, you AMD ment are to today give AdJr«>> STiHSON 4 CO., allowed na Ί creditor* la vlucti e *e»aion GRIST-MILL! in at the *a«l uar· "Who was he? Does he live In Little 1 wer not dar." lollowiarf place· ••No, sah, Takrnnoitirr He" tor the ol rece.viu* SALE! purpose the aanie, vU :—At FAUX ·· Bock?" FOR "But I tickets for LEADISU the mm·* of Κ W Κ IS» ^ the office οι Α. II. Walkrr ia Love.1 V,.Ia*e. on gave you yourself a# the Otia Reui tara, i» sn l 11 IN 'ι» blow· in 11 β b ·" > Saturday. April il. neat, at ten o>lorA ia the fore- "I don't know his name." faraa knows W ISH to inform the fnrm»ra of BKTflEL " Pan·, about lt« β muea rnd wife?" TO ■»««|i| all noon, ud at the oftot of »h« Ifntrr nf Dead*, "I'll warrant that it was Ollrer Mearn* di-trlct in adl'iiaiDK towns, lhal 1 lia?e puribatoi thr kf rtrnn^lalt t^nmere Eleanors and Gregg THF. I» offered tor Γ anil «laalcra at Air FwnfJn" ■a > rTet>u'g Village on ith aeit. from south Paru etaiwn, hereby ••Yes, but, diet mill lormtiiy known a· tt>o lUr., "''ill until further n«>tirc ι«»«» ..%> TbartUay, Hay KO acre· of eah.IUov dat, sah; you oxsrnpTiox attd 75c. J.. at tea "No." •ale. i>al·! lartn contain» abont good >rt!.;nd. e»er\ M<»M>AV »o·' T" n-« o'elork λ the tu>«a >>a. a .,, must b« Weatherton.'* into mowing, tiliaxo and w.^>d ce, sah, I sold dem tickeU for Ooiiar. » l>at«d thi- e *r (1st a»' Κ*;' "...γ KARNES WALKER, "Guess I know his uame land. It ia well adapted sheep 'cause I don't know much bout nrk, even MONDAY lid 1'HIBS"J agaiu. u>igfct contain· a larxe amonntor which ah, m>l hire remodeled and Γ»μβ < i it b\ eti Β 14. WALKER. farm alao wood, thoroughly Wanted tÀ|l· WILLIAM O. were to »· i. * tf I hear it-" one mile from a mill, which hab dc new ll-lier Λ C'leanaer, aoit am |.r· „ Agentsn«cos i· » 8«"iJ « la loeat«neo/« '.lV exhibiting excitement. "Was it Oscar panlcultr, , Pari*. IIjimc. nvecimt and comiortable rootf 4 \ | 1·" This was a new and cute way ot real- It. J. VUMMJV. ι- itwren New York w.d Ma ne. Peoples March 1J. 10S1. " % w 1 SObUi Pari·, Me.. Μ m»ir m «••lithe the·»· ete»m*r« 1Γ· . "Guess I remember hla name more than the usual fare, and Mr. Λο. Bethel. Απ/. I. !**>. Cipr again. r.ing 'or tliG Mines. »«!'«"'Γ Η «·ι. »n ih«m .. Nonaj Maifactory, " neyard ps«r*f „ %l ib· a now r i-u»l«r orw, |Im fnr Rrttaninta' • si»·' »·1 XOR » A I , •obes it York lerleoiru f·, ri MAINE. Annual Meeting. thought "interesting. «.at .V a> d 7ft rent# each. For P«»>«|re, 1 "" Glenkins." ,K* ml»· *>y Bal»e*irn. l.cirft» <|e»lnnl l><-> uBu· "Harvey the if HKSHT M W4TKINH Ρ»»Ι· Ι·1Ι |.. W* oβ♦,· WOLUALt DSALEKfl Π» The metnbera of Corporation Γar,, Card Collections. Ne· York io w*ru· Ί tort··'·' "No; his name Is Lucas will hold their annual «t likes company, and company Wentwing." Savinga Bank Mettlrp —Misery two .( cent kUiui'· ni' nnaiiuti upli *<> iBl; on ttieffh dav j^KSD Pon "I don't know a man that name. their Ro< nit WrdneMlay, tw·· Bent I i" ,. u r·1 by Booking jves misery, from the animated , 7 beautiful chromo c»r·'· No aMIt*. ι() Af\ ^Twn dolltra wit! «ν HkNU> K«.\, Put HAVANA mi DOMESTIC of a. 18*1. at 2 P. w f>>r ihe election of judging U tv ΒΗοα,Ι. Agtot Cliail would he a thousand dollars to April, v., 1 b.ng -tut. Ίίκυκί) Ιομή'κλ r β > J.f AMK« Why give A. manner in which it sometimes deals with .ζ AftP •r3bK.B"^«J|diîi:01,1,1 MAAniart ir^r· ot the celebrated branda, officer*. U£0. WILSON, A«t. K«w Home ItwIaR Jfwcfcl·*/ w m a οομτ of ΚηβββίΓ» New of Raise. riekeu aatl Stele room* c*n b« see me ?" and Map Site Treasurer Secretary, hat ' ··. tmrU, *·. IM Ktt IsclMe. ieiise«e etreew ami *'Ojr/9r