Nine of the city theatres, aside from "The Evil Eye; or, The Many Merry those which have changes of bill each of Nid and the Weird, WonderfulMishaps week Wanderings of Nod," will be the attraction during the regular season, will have at the Grand Opera House nest week. new offerings for their patrons next week. All arrangements for any successor to At the Herald Square Mrs. A. M. Palmer "Trelawny of the Wells" hare been at the Lyceum Theatre, thoughabandoned starts on her career as a manageress by of various plays will be frequentrehearsals producing the farce comedy "That Man." during the season. At the Madison Square the indefatigable A play thai; has interested New Yorkers for a long time will be seen at the Amphlon adds another to the long Theatre, Brooklyn, next week, with the list of his productions by presenting usual matinee. It is called "The Village /"Because She Loved Him So." Mr. Postmaster." Gillette's"A Runaway Girl," the attraction at the Daly will revive "The School for Theatre, will till in all of the Andrew Mack makes his first New fourteen weeks of the season which Mr. Scandal."Keowles lias allotted to Mr. Daly. York appearance in "The Ragged Earl" at At the Pleasure to Palace next week Mr. the Academy. Francis Wilson returns Proctor bids for patronage with a bill of the Broadway with "The Little, Corporal." straight vaudeville acts of unusual Nethersole at Wallack's will play The leader of entertainers Is Henryexcellence. Olga E. DIxey. who will present a new sketch. "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray" for the Next week will again bring a noveltv to. week of her' engagement. A travestysecondtlie Irvine Place Theatre, where on added to the bill at evening the classic comedy. "A HappyThursday on "Catherine" will be Couple," will be produced for the first time Weber & Fields's 011 Thursday night. in this country. Charles H. Yale's "The Evil Eye" will on May Irwin announces the last few weeks receive its first of "Kate Kip. Buyer." On Monday the Monday metropolitan comedienne and her funny play enter upon duction at the Grand, and at the Irvingproi the eleventh week of "capacity business" Place Manager Conried will on Thursday at the Bijou. A novelty of unusual importance in the produce "A Happy Couple." continuous programmes next week will be Mrs. A. M. Palmer's company, in Mme. found fit Proctor's Twenty-third Street Vivanti Chartres's "That Man," a four-act in the first appearance in this cityTheatreof the engagement at the Herald the famous Streator Zouaves. farce, Begins There will be onlv one matinee a week of Square Theatre next Monday. Among the "Zaza" at the Carriole Theatre for the well known players in the cast are lsabelle Mrs. Carter finds the role she playspresent. Evessou, Olive Redpath, Ada Deaves, Stella too arduous for more than seven Kenny, Ramie Austen, Charlotte Burnett, a Week. performances lteuben Fox, Robert F. "Cotton, John E. Nat Coedwin, Maxine Elliott and Ince and Albert Audruss. Hale" are scoring a great triumph"Nathanat Charles Frohman will present William the Knickerbocker Theatre. The business adaotation of Bisson and Leclerq'sGillette'sof their second week was as big as that of play, now called "Because' She Loved Him tb" first.crowded houses always. So," at the Madison Square Theatre Manager .Tack H. Kahn. of the Columbus evening. MondayTheatre, offers as his next week's Andrew Mack, the singing comedian, goes tion the patriotic drama, "The Red. attrac!White to the Academy of Music next Monday and Blue." for a limited engagement, and' willevening At the Metropolis Theatre next week and she knows how to make your life Belasco declares "The Ragged Earl." Hennessy Loroyle and tils that all the training In iiiKe jsernnarat, like Carter, there is no px-eseut (vimnnny will nrs\wl/1 i., I will next week revive "The In She Is as vain as a tha. Augustin Daly apnear "Other People's Momer." generally miserable. tuum nuc uave given to tnis such tangible Success for thjin for Rehan At Tlill Theatre and in nine cases out of ten her thing. School Scandal," ^liss appearing the Murray "My Friend peacock,community such a performance. And if means death. has again lu her impersonation or Lady teazle. from Tnriia" wl" continue for a second desire for the Is due to more somebody second and of the stage .nothing you wilt remember this, ye stage-sick the summit, and the summit is the The third performances week. Henry V. Donnelly appeaxlng In the than to herself first Nibelungen cycle by the Grau company rolo of Krastns Underholdt. vanity.a longing .place maidens, you. will savp yourselves many last step before the descent. Beware of at the House will be offered at the where she can be at the Metropolitan Opera The rittrnrtion Dewey gazed by moments of agony and disappointment. the man with temperament who tells you given 011 Tuesday and Thursday of next beginning Monday, will he the Theatre But there will be no multitude if week. On Verdi's "Aida" and multitude.Belasco is a wonder, but he cannot make that at last he has achieved success, and Monday evening hnrlesnne vaudeville suciopssfnl this sort of goes on. will will be sung in Italian. "Tammany Tigers." organization thing Managers a silk purse out of a sow's ears any more sighs in the sweet complacency of Francis Wilson and company In "The Ddia Fox is enabled to have to engage audiences.not actors and inning prolong her stay than the children of Israel .were able to got there. Watch his degringolade. That Little Corporal" will endeavor next week in the cltv one week, the entire production actresses. The difficulty will be to get make bricks for Pliaroah the horror of the whole to renew at the the of "The Little Host" eoing to the Harlem without straw. jis thing. Success business enjoyed the first of this season Onora House next week. an} uuuy 10 waicu piuys. snail an oe In addition to which undoubted facts is such a tragedy! The girls who wrote to acting in them. (I at that playhouse. Viola Alien in "The Christian" plavs her feel I shall be regarded;as a wet blanket) Belasco should think of that. The actress "I'hroso" is the greatest matinee play fifteenth week in New York at the Garden Now, I want to come to the rescue of not has a the Empire Theatre has ever had. Many Theatre, beginning Monday evening. let stage aspirants remember that such.a only to gain place, but to hold it. matinee A Mr. Belasco. I want to heln him in these can never have been turned away from every novelty will be introduced at the Rden result as that achieved Mrs. Carter She rest on her laurels. .Laurels so Mnsee whlob dire and troublous moments of by performance given far. Monday erening will show the could never be attained, even with are the curses that are placed by Lottie Gilsoii, John Kernel! and Maude wonderful Improvements made in the He doesn't deserve it, because, the heads of their Courtney are at the head of the nut at The entire second act of the too-muchstage-girl. without hard work. temperament, ^>11 victims.foolapplauders week. "Martha" will he Oinomatogranhe. as I said -before, he has made a target of Nobody Laurels are Hyde A Behman's, in Brooklyn, next opera nroduced. does anything in this world without labor the drugs administered to the Selena Fetter Boyle, who has always The drst students' matinee of the himself., but on. general principles this is lunwily to tempt them to sit still and die. be at Dramatic that causes'the pores of vitality to ooze. been a favorite in New York, will School, seasonStanhopc-tVheatcroft really a time to say Laurels are deadly opiates. Keith's next week at the head of an of 1SPS-P will take place on something. You say of an actress, "Oh, all that she has 2d. at Thursday, Bernhardt lias held her position for two oellent programme, appearing in her January Charles Frohman's Madison Nobody tfho has watched Mrs. Carter from to do is to go on for a few hours and act," or baud's comedy sketch, "The Highballex| SJflnnre Theatre. decades continuous work. She husi "Chattanooga" will be the start cau believe for one moment that of a famous variety woman." "She has a by^taj^r Family. presented at the won wliaVK' worid calls success when At Ivoster & Bial's Music Hall the same People's Theatre next week. One of the she is an actress made bv what is called cinch. Ten minutes work and a huge salary," she croaten "Fedora." But the crags still AI l lU'lll UIU U1 lUIt'lgll V.IUUCVJUC WUJlu greatest things in the play, which will he All the- in the or a nroduced Lincoln I #' ! .^"YfciCHVS,. "schooling." preceptors of writer; "He -nits-comfortably down towered above her. Then came i. is conceded to be one of the best yet by ,T. Carter's company, It " is the use made of the motion '> world, all the schools iu the universe, all at his desk find fillc nr. x-.,k.,.i.- And still- there were crags."Theojdora.""L»a presented will be continued next week. pictures. \ the drilling of book writers and critics does these Tosca" was born. And Bernhardt even Olga Netliersole. pursuing her programme .i: .-. things successfully without the plods laboriously 011. She laughs todayat of a change of bill at Wallack's, Maxims Alioiit Eating. ^ could not have act as weekly P *^ -m/r taught her to Zaza anguish of preliminary training and the insidious enemies who tell her that she Monday night essays for the first time in It is seldom a man dies from eating too gg-y?' she acted it Monday night. The cessant that lias reached the summit. She looks aloft Xew York Pinero's "The Second Mrs. hut thought is far-more wearinginj and sees that little, often from eating ^oo much.. results were all due to there are steps still to be Tanqueray." temperament,marvellousthan brick-laying or floor-scrubbing. Stag climbed, and that to stop in her "The Turtle" frolics into its last Hippocrates. an dizzy a ito innate gift with which she was aspirants look at results see labor means the numbness of inertia. To at the with undiminished Through surfeit in eating wisdom is THE only. They women of fortnight born, but which languished whilepresumablyMrs. Carter the flowers temperament and to men of vivacity. nestling among temperament there is ho "let as the Pastor is to more new en eel-.Alphonse. she was dilly-dallying in drawing rooms thrown at her up," Tony sing gongs The rule Is never to eat or STAGE ;STRUCK GIRL by delighted audiences; saying is. at his own theatre next week, and there do anything and at pink teas. The details were due by anxious for to Mrs. Carter is bound by the terror of are a score of from the mere Impulse of BV ALA Inj people her indorsebesiegedlier nearly other acts. Liontino. dale;. perhaps to discipline. It is all very well to certain brands of corsets, hats, temperament to keep on. "The Heart On account of numerous requests from pleasure..Georgia wines, of Maryland" was a splendid bit of work, subscribers and the steady demand for Eating and drinking not only maintain ! say that Mrs. Carter enjoyed the advantage hair-restorers. They never !o k !but it was molecular compared with life, but are the cause of death..Homer. facebleaches. the seats, the Castle Sciuare Opera Company He who cats with most I. of seeing Rejane play Zaza, and copied at the other side of magnificence of "Zaza." We decided pleasure is he who AVID BELASCO'S mall must be iseif?-In my mind's eye I see. a picture of the picture.the futile at the last always cry management has to present least Rejane's "business." There was 110 the rank contests achievement that nothing finer for an additional week. requires sauce..Xenophon. V\ very curious.odder than my him, clad in his severely scholastic garbs struggles, with prejudice imagined When the ocean A "Lohengrin"Eat not immoderately..Pythagoras.. responsible for the gorgeous and the of travesty upon "Catherine" will be put Nashville Wf own, which is saying a great, and surrounded by a huge, .circle of lithe denoue-JRejane bigotry, heat competition, the reduced the journey from thegreyhoundsOld on at Weber . Smith and Edgar Smith, witli peacefully morning egg dreaming feet, crying "Adapt, .play for me Now we do the trip in five days, and in the music John The traveller his from car the delicatesse of Rejane was blended by Stromberg. "Hurly Burly" put head the with his matutinal kipper.toynonchalaatlyand make me a Mrs. Carter." 1 can see day, stage-struck people are! But in spite of future we shall accomplish it in; will be retained and new music introduced window. During the past week he must have been them grovelling like the in "Patience" with the tragedy of Bernhardt.the very all, they will write to Rclasco just the three. Later on we may breakfast in New in it. "Hullo, there," he said, "what place Is girls York and dine in Loudon. There is no this?" absolutely overwhelmed. Men are at the shrine of Bunthorne. rarest sort of combination. The meehani-1 same lines and kneel at his feet in let-I If crowded houses are an indication of supplP* up. success. of the "This Is sir," said a man. cornered into There a cal, school-made actress is very easily dis-1 net Manager George Lederer, Philadelphia, making dangeroussometimes ndper was time when the cation. stage aspirants ponder over these Casino, is having it with Offenbach's oper a Then he mildly added: "But please don't In moments of emotion a damsel was more She captures her text without tilings before they kneel at poor Belasco's bouffe "La so loud." manyutterances. in evidencestagestruckthan tinguished. It Is the lazy people in this world who feet, for Kelasco knows the Belie Helene." Lillian speak lad ruins she is. You its She has 110 ability to move you truth of all I Edna Wallace Hopper. ThomasRussell,Q. "Why not?" cried the traveller. gallant, laughing deliriously his torday. can't escape her. She spirit. .believe that MIOOPSS Is siieh n etinnlo tVilno- have written. lie is another instance of And after At the Garrick Theatre the of Seabrooke, John E. Henshaw and William "Because, sir," said the native, "you may subsequent tranquillity. the is-fortified. with. .all. sorts of ruses. If she to tears. Monday .such a mere question of chance.and the power hard work to batter down E. Philp have made "hits" of large disturb our peace jubilee!".Cleveland success of "Zaza".a "nrst-nrght,'' Isn't absolutely convinced she night old-timers cried, and girls who would apparently Insuperable difficulties. Lot Plain-Dealer. glittering (and stage undoubtedly offers the most tliexn ask themselves if the game is proportions." by-the-bye, that will live in the anuals of is) that she is an sooner stay at home than get red noses really Chauncey Olcott begins the second week incipient Sarah,generallyshe inducement.^ For the stage weak,spectacularvain worth the candle. It means so much. Xo of his engagement at the Fourteenth Street Complicated Case. iue .m'w 1 one stage.Air. lioiasco made a has a hundred other pretexts. She owns a grew blotchy with emotion. The schools women will leave gir! wants to go upon the stage to Tneatre in "A their homes arid their a play Monday Romance of "You are the first oue-legged target of himself. Said he: "Nine years whom she Is turn out a woman who could walk thinking part. Or to say, "My lord, the Athlone." helpless moinmer, bound to might husbands.-speculators'in. a very bad that was r or ago a woman came to carriage \yaits." Every aspirant clamors Sam T. Jack features "A Hot Time in brought beforehighwaymanme," me, knelt at my support. She has a graduated array of through the part of Zaza. imitate all Mrs. Nat one woman in fiye hundredinvestment.ever for the honors that have fallen to Zaza. "I and me with Alaska" next week, and large audiences said the Maglst hardly know what feet, begged tears in her eyes brothers, all waiting to be educated littleat Carter's actions, wear all her clothes reaches M"rs. Carter's pinnacle, and if she And these mean a life of labor, the per- laugh at the version of life in the to do in your ease." to make an actress of her. Ladles and her hands. She wants to and behave with the netual anguish of apprehension, and the Klondike."You to let me Your Honor." lift the stage charmingly utmost dis-1 does, hard work has removed the gilt from there is no ought go. you have seen that woman." knowledge that rest in tliis The attraction at the Star Theatre next protested the prisoner. "I aint more'n just gentlemen,from its slough. She is anxious to act just cretion. But it would not be the Zaza we the gingerbread, and she takes it seriously world. Success is a tragedy, for you never week Of. course, Belasco felt will be the new comedy-drama of about three-quarters of a man." happy.with a to show the maligners of the stage that saw at the Garrick.a Zaza who crept and really get it. That which you mistake for ami eniMH'il )I "Now that I a non-glitteringly. success.a ivruKL', UHUgliiers reflect little, however," happiness that comes but too seldom in a it is to be and at your cuticle and forced you by sheet A great deal temporary elevation above your the I'oo.r." which is to make its pursued His Honor. "I shall possible great good the beneath has been written about fellows-Ms merely a cruel sort of farce. bine} you lifetime. But what has he done for him-1 same time, sfie Is and to do her homage. I but to the actress of debut Monday evening. metropolitanover. You're the long and the short man persistent insistent, magnetism temperamentSuccess; ALAN DALE. Charles II Yale's pantomimic success. In one.".Chicago Tribune. - AMI USCHIUII13. Amusements. A in mipinen ts Amusements. : Evenings at 8:10. 44TH STREET THEATRE. Matinee Saturdays. HUBER'S MUSEUM. T°an KNICKERBOCKER J. WESLEY ROSENQUEST ..Manager AL, HAYMAN & CO Visit Early Show and Avoid the Crowds. ! EVENINGS AT Proprietors BEST SHOW IN NEW YORK FOR THE MONEY Reserved Seats, Orchestra 8 :l.r> SAT. MAT. AT 2:15. KSinadvce. Remarkably Successful Circle and JUC«CZf\r # 11 COMfc STAY lialcony, ,7 IMMPMPP "An -American Play Leads the # Presentation ^LfUou Af0tf2&&8 8:15. Matinees <(.I Procession" in a Season of Sue JuL JtLJL LJMSSi? First New York Appear- Nights, Wednesday and Saturday. WEEKJ) cesses. 'EVERY MAN. WOMAN, AND CHILD 7 Fatty Langtry, THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF SHOULD SEE NATHAN HALE 86 & 88 LILLIAN /7V\ only fat man bog ..Mail and Ave Cor. 'RUSSELL I I \ J 11 I 11 Express. | Myrtle Lawrence St. in puncher in the world, herald mm MR. N. C. i ~~\ \ U I // ^ Weighs 350 lbs. Most CHAS E. EVANS Proprietor Ctauncey Olcott's Career. Myrtle Ave. Pass the Door. i c \ta Belle Heien&! LJ Va. comical sight ever con- r r iI V I 9 1 Accompanied by -»-- J ceived. < I /I \ 6th anne IHOS. 0. SMOKE. \VY Capt. and Mrs. Sarcho, PRESENTS St.). Trolley 0 Block at > AND Only Away (Get Off Myrtle Ave.)* I Professional deep sea divers, 2D WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY. JAN. 16. G"r*i, Lr,a""' JOHN E. HENSHA* tng pearl and sponge fisheries,illustrati?".jraising MISS MAXINE 'Cjw Mana Teresa and other sunken The REPRESENTATIVE IRISH COMEDIAN and sels, rescuing dead bodies and ves14 SWEETEST ON THE ' EDNA WALLACE HOPPER and other acts. "THAT SINGER STAGE. Cast. interesting Change and Great, of programme Novelties treasure, 20 weekly constantly ELLIOTT J other remarkable features, includingintroduced.the o? WATANABL1J troupe of IMPERIAL JAPANESE CHAUNCEY IN i in exhibitions of wonderful Oriental swordsmanship; THESUCCESSFULNEWAMERICANPLA 7 {Sale Costumes! LE ROY. human clawhammer, draws nails from MAN," Ravishing boards with his teeth; ISHMAEL, Hindoo A Farce Comedy. /^T nr\mm BLACK ART; LOTTIE, educated magician; By Mine. Vivanti Cliartves. Superlative Stage Appointments! New deri of MONKEYS in the menagerie;orangoutang. Nathan . new MU8EE of wax works THE COMPANY: Reuben Fax, OUie Albert rttFATRF- - Los. Continuous Shows, l'rof. VV lledpath, Andrpss, B Y CL YT>E FITCH I lLrt 1 l\L . lace's al1 Isabelle Evesson, Henry Stockbridge, Stella SEATS ROOKEI) MADISON SQUARE T",E;VrK.E' Wargiaph and Stereopticon Kenny, John lnce, Ada Deaves. Ada Xlead, [n the Best Romantic Irish Comedy-Drama of the Day ONE MONTH AHEAD. am dissolving views. Smith and Blanchard, Bartel and q j Hoyt & McKee, Lessees. cLarles Frohman, ifanager. VIorris, the L'orraines, Waldron Bros., Douglas and Robert Cotton, Ramie Austen. Charlotte j£arpef$ Huested, Edward Adams, Mae Oray, Whelan, Henry Levian, John Hughes. Liurnett, A ROMANCE OF Brooklyn 'Amusements. TO-MORROW Prof. Campbell and his talking and trick jtigfler;dog MATINEE SATURDAY ONLY. (MONDAY) EVENIN3 }JHlCAGO, the king of all canines, and 20 others. Charles Frobman Presents i Sunday at 10:45. HI Damaged by Citorsday's fire for the first time here, concerts, special Bill. Evenings 8:30. Carriages VM, iST" T and 30th St. WnramMnr GILLETTE'S COMEDY, AT W Broadway ATHLONE, In 3 acts, entitled, j O. Evgs 8:15. Sat. Mat. 2:15. By AUGUSTUS PITOU, Manager, Jj rO-MORROW NIGHT-One Week HEAR OLCOTTS FIVE NEW SONGS. Only. Pi.«fPl,LFULTON STREET AND Engagement limited to Feb. 4. BROADWAY, lift BECAUSE SHE'1 FIRST TIME IN NEW YORK OF [t takes 110 longer to ride? 15 minutes uptown Unin {Begins fiere maay morning. to ride 15 minutes downtown. OLGA J|DEWEY| Grand Gala BilL TO-DAY, SUNDAY, LOVED HIM SOL MDSIC J°dNclG"J[ 2:30 AND 8:15, Earlv Thursday morni from the of WEBER & HAYES & ng, fire Adapted French Bisson & _ 30tli & THF LYTTON, January 5,a Leclercq. J , St. HALL_Rroadway. ATPF raged 3ast Includes: r 1 tLUb 1 11LA I 1\L, JOHN MIACO'S in this it was J. K. Dodson. Edwin Arden, Arnold Daly. Tully Mats Tuesday & Saturday. .1 KEI&ELL, \ store, extii but not before Marshall W. McAVOY & MAY, iguished, 1 J. Constantine, Charles Eldridge, Ray THURSDAY, JAN. 10, FIRST PRODUCTION > CITY CLUB CO. Tairchilrt. Ida Conquest, Kate Meek, Leonora Bra- j nth st. t FLORENCE MOORE, the black smoke anci the water had tam \Iatrcrie Fielding Mnronret Mnvn V,I Supported by T. B. THALBERG, < " HOWARD & j heavy impaired jikerrett, and others. IN THE < BETWEEN BLAND, UOMMENCINO JANUARY 16, NETHERSOLE,, BURLESQUE 15 Mats., THURSDAY SATURDAY. j | O / / /JL T CHA^' WARD, MONDAY, & the selling of thousands of dollars' worth MATINEE 3d and 4th s westons 3, price of < SATURDAY ONLY. SECOND RICE& BARTONS CO., Evenings, 8:30. Matinees, 2 :13. Mrs. TANQUERAY. "CATHERINE." A VP- COOK & MAIS \ Carpets and Furniture. By ARTHUR W. PINERO. \$ With Full Strength of All-Star Stock Company. [ AND OTHERS. Direction MARCUS R. MATER. £ Com. M'DOODLE'S >iEXT WEEK: In Connection with the To-morrow (Monday Mnt.) and All Week. A FUNNY FAItCE FLATS,WITH But it s an ill wind thtat blows & Laughing Success, COMEDY, nobody good, \ (jniVLTrlN"iAPnFlMTHEATKR. 27th St. Madison ave. t Tomilln " Presented for first time in America TAMMANY TIGERS Evgs.. 8:13. Matinees. 2:13. UalillliC. in the costumes of the 1843. Grand Four BURLESQUERS.of 8 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS. and our loss is cHARLES FROHMAN ijeriod, HURLY' BURLY. , VaudeTille. Emperors Music. your gain. The done Manager iia Preparation.A new comedy bv Max 3. W. Williams. Kihrrn A- Kmcrie, Oarlin & Clark. | damage really "THE PRICE OF WEALTH."O'Rell, ^ | 15th 1rO-NTOHT CMXTrtJV nnitnnnfii to.viuht COLUMBIA J does not the usefuhless of of the WEEK, 1,,1fUT'Xit JO-NIGHT UUIILGII CUIUJEIU 57-A A THEATRE. l'.'v.ay & 28th St. J ONLY impair any things sTILL PLAYING TO CAPACITY OF THEATRE. TO-NIGHT irt/Wfi EDWIN KNOWLES.Manager IATINEE SATURDAY (matinee prices). j 1U|[U8RAY I.ottic Gilson, John C £F& at 8:10. Matinee WOJjP t.\ Rice & at 2 we've Mat. Every Sallie Cohen, , Every Ev'g sacrifice s 1 put price on, for some of the i intire house, matinees. 2oc.: evenings. Daj 160th to 176th Times. HENRY 25c.. & 50c FRANK BUSH. GARDNER & ( V. DONNELLY STOCK CO. JOHN E. CAMP. ELY. HDE Furniture is or Positively Last Week of oppeR \ only slightly blistered so s Jackson & A RUNAWAY AND HIS COMPANY IN THE warped : " Fialkowski, Stanley, GIRL. 'MY FRIEND FROM INDIA Howard & Emerson. HIEATEST OF ALL HOPPER SUCCESSES little that never see it VIOLA ALLEN By Augustin Daly's Musical Company. THE J you'd at first Yet the as ''Glory Quayle," in Hall Caine's Great Play. G » TO-MORROW glance. \\ , NIGHT, JAN. 16, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. OPIjX,AR Having recovered from her recent illness, \ has been hurt, and so ONCERT. TO-NIGHT POSITIVE REAPPEARANCE OF CHARLATAN. selling price in- , * everything \' BILL. Special t In 'ler Brooklyn Amusements. By John Philip bouaa and Charles Klein. iured must be converted i PRESS EI DRIDGE.JOE WELCH i > V«^100J.Ei^ < "In The nto cash at once. This BYANT & engagement Charlatan' Housa is at. Ins best, Klein \\ SAYVILLE, SADIE FOX. of the t Wouder,ul < at his best, Hopper is at his best." OKA ROUTT. , THE [BILLY I'AYN'E, * $ iRIUINAL CAST. SCENERY ANI) CDSTUMF/S. CHRISTIAN V-/A L ma ees I is the chance ii ever SKATS TO BK HAD 6 WEEKS AHEAD. SV ILL C. CARLETON, FORRESTER & FLOYD ( ^omedienne OFTIJS Imitations. I The Production, greatest you' probably have to Si MPXTN CA 1 \A/VV CP CP k"N Immense Vlatinees Wednesday & Saturdav. PRICES 25c. ANI) 50c. rPAivn | THE WHITE 11 EAT 11 Elt. \ buy Carpets and Furnituns worth double the Fire \1 I HARLEM OPERA HOUSE. LHx/All L/. WED. and SAT. 'j Jo-Morrow (Monday) Night. 8:15. Sat. Mat., 2:15, TIIK FAMOUS Insurance prices now mart;ed. -lURTIGSSEAMON'S "NCI T A / ANI> HER GREAT c HARLEM | 50c. j*JilLL.r\ COMPANY, IN as MONTAUK.! | BALCONY, |Mats.Wed. j: SUNDAY IUSIC HALL. IORCH. 50c. and Admission,|Res. Seats, Eve., 35. 50, 75c., $1, (Reserved), Sat. 1 $1.50. Last JER/AON'S blG J^OX "The Little Host," i:5c. & 50c. [lies. Seats. Mats.. 35, 50. 75c., $1. Positively Dav unvcv. 1 riMjji 1 nr. HANLONS' NEW YORK LOAN' COLLECTION OF jtir OK*'." NEWEST AND LATEST EDITION OF MATINEES WEDNESDAY ANI) SATURDAY. FOR i »am Collins and Alice Hanson, Crimmins and Gore, BRAKCH OFFICES: RAITS. roubadour Four. Minnie Cline. Hughes & OLD GUARD ^ICADEMY OF DESIGN. 4th Ave. and 23d St. m Hughes, SAM T. RECEPTION, from 10 A. M. to 11 M. n nidllt I GRAND CONCERT. I Tn.n riht JACK'S THEATRE, n SPORTING BKOAUWVYi METROPOLITAN Open 1*. 1 ct and 2Uth st. ounrnn OPERA HOUSE. A mti 0-niglll I EXTRA BIG BILL. 10"ll;gni B'way Tel. 3670 38th 12UT. near Thirty-second St. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 20, 1809. dmlaidog, BO _ Tickets, $3, admitting gentleman and can CIRA ND r THE HOME OF 1IAR1.EM! ^ : obtained of member ladies, CENTRAL CAT Cllnw Last Week. t I T Vlfll Every Evening, This Week Only, at 8. [W, BURLESQUE. any of the Battalion, at PALACE. t>AI onUV? . Aft. & 2 Big Slknvs Every Day, 2 and 8. LIFE. 350 West 125th St., near 8th Ave. Armory, Broadway and 40th St., and Erg. A ,Y Si SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. J oumrvDH. ALBERT JL! 1 \VITH ALL ITS WEALTH OF n< principal STADLEK, till I U MISS RKHAN as LADY TEAZLE. Fun and Frolic.Vivid Pictures. HR OOKLVXi >tels Boxes and seats from Capt. JAMES F. Matinees ALL NEW THIS YEaR. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY! "<1| near Post Office, ,V\ ENMAN, treasurer, 18 Old Slip, or at World:/ Greatest Lion Tamer. Only Wed. and Sat. ' ORIGINAL Washington Stv Armory. I Next ' COMPANY Monday.Tatting The Shrew. A HOT TIME IN ALAC' Vojtt .y«ia>iMii? &. T> "tader'3 Minstrels. Next week.MODJESKA in Repartoirw. "J

i E