I The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIII—NO 81. ST. JOHNS. MICH., THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1899. WHOLE NO.—1698 BREVITIES. BART.” HETLER IS DEAD. Trying to Settle. OLIVER M. HIDDEN BUSINESS LOCALS. J. O. Selden, now of Stanton, was We Are Helping Other*, Why Not Toa? The dog poisoner is at work In Elsie. here last week trying to settle with Economy, Safety aad Comfort. A Letter From t Brother Miner So State*. Our coupon sale runs out Saturday. A widows pension of $12 a month the village for alleged damages sus­ Died at San Joae, Cal., Last Sunday, Wli«r« To secure one or all of these bles ­ There appears to be some doubt We are saving our coupon customers has been granted Mary E. Stanton, of tained some time ago, through a de­ He Wai In Search of Health. sings buy either an “American Stand ­ from 25c to $1 ou every pair of shoes among certain individuals as to the fective sidewalk. We understand the ard,” “Sterling, ” “Olive”or “Record” Ovid. truthful ness of the statement of others A telegram from Mrs. R. M. Steel to this week. Bring your coupons. See Robert Shaw, a hardware merchant prospects are favorable for a satisfac­ her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Waldron, of Wheel of W. C. Allen, in the Clinton St Johns papers of last weclk for cou­ at DeWitt, lias gone into voluntary that Bartholomew Hettler, for many tory adjustment of the matter, and this village, states that Oliver M. Hid­ block, at the head of Clinton avenue, years a resident of ilie eastern portion that Mr. Selden manifests a willing ­ west side, from $20 to $50. They are pons. The Mercantile Co. ’s bankruptcy. of this township, died in the Klondyke den, uncle of Mrs. Waldron, died at Shoe Department. The recent improvements made by ness to meet the village half way. San Jose. Cal., last Sunday, May 14, attracting a great deal of attention country in February last, whither he 1899, aged 56 years. from wheelmen. In the rear part of Special bargains in Wash Goods, and John Hicks in his dry goods store have had gone to seek his fortune in mining his store he lias a repair shop under lent new attractions to that all reli­ for gold. The inquiries and expres ­ Mr. Hidden, well known to the ear­ a fine selection at Noble Burnett ’s. able place of business. Geo. O. Alien died at the home of lier residents of St. Johns, went to the supervision of a first-class work­ sions of doubt have been so frequent ills sister, Mrs. Dr. A. H. Kenyon, Vancouver. B. C., a number of years man. All work warranted. Morgan Flower* For Decoration Day, At the annual meeting of the grand that Mrs. Hetler and family desire us this village, Tuesday, May 16, in ills ago and built a large hotel, similar to & Wright tires, best in the market, in We are taking quite a number of lodge of Knights of Pythias in Grand to publish some extracts from a letter 59 year. He was born in Oakland The Steel, in this village, for a resort, stock. An Inspection of these goods orders for cut flowers for Memorial Rapids last week, R.*G. Steel was elect­ written to her by W. H. Egerton, who county, Mich., where lie had spent which he had been keeping in person. and prices desired. You will find it to Day, and these orders will be the first ed grand inner guard. was engaged with him in mining ope­ the greatest portion of his life, aside Last winter he was severely attacked be to your interest to call before you ones filled. We expect to have plenty Fenton Independent: “The average rations, and dated at *Saw Mill (’amp, from that spent with a brother in by the grippe, from which he did not buy a wheel. He also carries a full of flowers, but it is best to order early bicycle rider is very willing to use a Klutina Valley, via Port Valdes, Kansas. He came here in February recover, ana as his health still contin ­ line of bicyc le sundries. and be sure. C. F. & F. W. Knapp . path, and equally unwilling to pay Alaska, February 8, 1899.” He says: last. A short service was held at the “ I am compelled to inform you that ued to fail, his attending physician A good place to get value received in New Shirt Waists just received anything for the privilege. ” house this morning and the remains advised him to take a trip to Califor­ Dry Goods, Carpets and Curtains, Wm. L. Wilson, of Port Huron, Mr. Hettler passed away at 4:30 a. m. were conveyed to Waterford, Oakland nia, believing that the ocean voyage At John Hicks ’. on February 6, 1899. He had been ill county, and deposited in the family Jackets, Capes and Suits is at formerly Department Grand State all winter, and was very anxious to would be of benefit to him. He died Noble Burnktt 's. Another Invoice Commander of the order of Maccabees, lot. after an absence of only two weeks Of those handsomely trimmed hats will speak in Maecabee hall this even ­ get to his home, and pleaded with us from home. A wife and one young Wanted. to take him to Valdes. But this was Just received at Mrs. S. J. J ones ’. ing, M. M. Trenniman will accompany THE WOODMEN. lady daughter, of their immediate 10,000 pairs of old slices to tap, heel In the Racket Store. him. impossible. To attempt this journey, family, besides a host of friends here and patch while you wait. Workman ­ with the mercury at 30 to 50 degrees ship and stock warranted to be first- Harley Black, of Olive township, below zero, meant certain death. Urctt Preparation* for the Head Cauip and there, survive him. Novelty Dre** Pattern* at Kan*a* City, Mo., In June. Mr. Hidden was an architect, and class. Over Woodruff & Tromp ’s 7 yard lengtiis for $2.75 died Monday morning from consump ­ There was but one chance in a thous ­ shoe store, St. Johns. tion, aged 30. The funeral was held and for him to reach home alive even The two hundred Woodmen of St. planned many of the public and pri ­ At John Hicks ’. Tuesday afternoon at the Wilsey Johns will be pleased to know that vate buildings in St. Johns, Saginaw if he could have reached Valdes. How­ and Detroit. Real bargains in Fancy Silks at Notice to Contractors. church. ever, a party of friends of Mr. Hettler when the Head Camp convenes at Noiilk Burnett ’s. Kansas City, next June, it will be the Sealed proposals for the erection and During the storm last Tuesday made the attempt on the 6th to reach Notice From the Health Officer. completion of a church edifice for the nignt lightning struck and killed a the coast. They started with him on a largest fraternal beneficiary gathering SUMMONED First Congregational church of St. horse in a barn on the farm of Wm. T. sled, and lie appeared to be very happy ever held in the United States. The This is to notify the good people of new convention hall seats 20,000, and To Join the Great Majority on the Other St. Johns that they should look after Johns, Michigan, according to the Stead, in Essex township. The horse over the thoughts of being on his re­ the state of their back premises, plans and specifications now in the was insured in the Clinton County turn trip to his home and friends. lias one acre of free floor space. One Shore. hundred and fifty thousand visitors wherever located within the corpora ­ hands of the building committee, will Mutual for $70. Mr. Hettler continued bright and Entered into rest at the home of tion. It will be far cheaper for you be received up to 12 o ’clock noon of On Monday evening last some per ­ hopeful until about 8 o ’clock that eve­ will listen to speeches by Hon. Wm. her daughter, Mrs. Josepti Brown, St. June 10. 1899. Said proposals are not ning, when lie complained of cramps, McKinley, Col. W. J. Bryan and other Johns, Saturday, May 13, 1899, Mrs. and your neighbors than sickness. son took from the rack in front of Al­ prominent men. Fifteen hundred As regards the premises in the rear to include seating, heating, leaded lison ’s jewelry store, a bicycle belong ­ which continued to grow severer until Janies C. DaFoe, in her 76th year. of the stores and hotels they are mostly glass, lighting or plumbing. For these about 11 p. m., when beseemed easier, couples will trip the light fantastic to Mary Shaw was born September 16, ing to Charles Fritz, in the employ of the mnsic of three full bands. Seven ­ in an untidy condition. If the filth last mentioned items separate bids Geo. Foerch, and lias not as yet re­ and at midnight slept, which contin ­ 1822, in Fredricksburg, county of Len ­ and rubbish is placed in heaps by next will lie received on said above men ­ turned the same. ued until 4 a. m., when he began to ty-five bands and two hundred full nox and Addington. Canada, where tioned date. Upon entering into con ­ talk. He said: ’Boys, take me to companies of drilled Woodmen will were spent her childhood and early Tuesday night, May 23d. the marshal Miss Nina Pennell, formerly of St. participate in the grand parade on will send teams to take it away.
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