The Italian Debate on Civil Unions and Same-Sex Parenthood: The Disappearance of Lesbians, Lesbian Mothers, and Mothers Daniela Danna How to cite Danna, D. (2018). The Italian Debate on Civil Unions and Same-Sex Parenthood: The Disappearance of Lesbians, Lesbian Mothers, and Mothers. [Italian Sociological Review, 8 (2), 285-308] Retrieved from [] [DOI: 10.13136/isr.v8i2.238] 1. Author information Daniela Danna Department of Social and Political Science, University of Milan, Italy 2. Author e-mail address Daniela Danna E-mail:
[email protected] 3. Article accepted for publication Date: February 2018 Additional information about Italian Sociological Review can be found at: About ISR-Editorial Board-Manuscript submission The Italian Debate on Civil Unions and Same-Sex Parenthood: The Disappearance of Lesbians, Lesbian Mothers, and Mothers Daniela Danna* Corresponding author: Daniela Danna E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract This article presents the political debate on the legal recognition of same-sex couples and same-sex parenthood in Italy. It focuses on written sources such as documents and historiography of the LGBT movement (so called since the time of the World Pride 2000 event in Rome), and a press review covering the years 2013- 2016. The aim of this reconstruction is to show if and how sexual difference, rather important in matters of procreation, has been talked about within this context. The overwhelming majority of same-sex parents in couples are lesbians, but, as will be shown, lesbians have been seldom mentioned in the debate (main source: a press survey).