This file was downloaded from BI Open, the institutional repository (open access) at BI Norwegian Business School It contains the accepted and peer reviewed manuscript to the article cited below. It may contain minor differences from the journal's pdf version. Gottschalk, P. Determinants of fraud examination performance: An empirical study of internal investigation reports. J Investig Psychol Offender Profil. 2019; 16: 59– 72. Copyright policy of Wiley, the publisher of this journal: Authors are permitted to self-archive the peer-reviewed (but not final) version of a contribution on the contributor's personal website, in the contributor's institutional repository or archive, subject to an embargo period of 24 months for social science and humanities (SSH) journals and 12 months for scientific, technical, and medical (STM) journals following publication of the final contribution. Determinants of Fraud Examination Performance: An Empirical Study of Internal Investigation Reports Petter Gottschalk Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior BI Norwegian Business School Nydalsveien 37 0484 Oslo Norway +4746410716
[email protected] ABSTRACT Fraud examiners from global auditing firms and local law firms are in the business of private policing by conducting internal investigations in private and public organizations when there is suspicion of financial crime. The business is often characterized by secrecy, and reports of investigations are often difficult or impossible to disclose. Since 2012, we have successfully retrieved 63 fraud examination reports in Scandinavia. Based on these reports, this article presents a statistical analysis of fraud examination performance.