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February 2021

February 2021

Coniston and Crake Valley News Serving the parishes of Colton, Coniston and Torver, Egton cum Newland & Lowick with Blawith

February 2021 www.conistonandcrakechurches.co.uk

The Coniston and Crake Valley Benefice “To Grow, Witness and Love Like Jesus”

Revd Brian Streeter [email protected] 01229 861668 The Vicarage, 07505 048736 Penny Bridge. Brian works for Filling Station on Thursday LA12 7RQ Brian and Anne’s rest day is Friday RETIRED MINISTERS Revd David Bickersteth [email protected] 01229 861184 Revd Joanna Henson [email protected] 01229 861800 Revd Ian Swift [email protected] 01539 521337 Revd Harry Welch [email protected] 01229 861068 LAY MINISTERS Hazel Bowness [email protected] 01539 431869 Peter Fox [email protected] 01229 716124 Pamela Hull [email protected] 01539 441997 Linda Inman [email protected] 01539 441777 Vivienne Plummer [email protected] 01229 885636 Pam Priestley [email protected] 01229 861866 Val Towndrow [email protected] 01229 773988 Richard Wood [email protected] 01229 885253 Donald Wroe [email protected] 01229 861275 SAFEGUARDING OFFICER Juliet Caldwell [email protected] 07884 232281 ADMINISTRATOR & MAGAZINE EDITOR Marion Swift [email protected] 01229 861668 PASTORAL TEAM LEADER Barbara Watson [email protected] 01229 861638 CONISTON & TORVER ADMINISTRATOR Pat Fox [email protected] 01229 716124 CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity, Colton John Tarr [email protected] 01229 586174 St Luke’s, Lowick with Blawith Simon Wood [email protected] 01229 885213 Sue Wood [email protected] 01229 885213 St. Mary’s, Penny Bridge David Lancaster 01229 861026 Barbara Watson [email protected] 01229 861638 St Andrew’s, Coniston & St. Luke’s, Torver Nick Monk [email protected] 015394 41255 Linda Inman [email protected] 015394 41777 JOINT CONISTON CHURCHES CHILDREN’S & YOUTH WORKER Charlie Day [email protected] 07788187718


Pastoral Letter

Dear Friends Life seems so extra hard at the moment – the lockdown feels like it has been here for ever and although there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel it looks an awful long way off. Just where is God in this? A heartfelt plea from many of us. Perhaps a little story will cheer us up? There once was a preacher that was invited to attend a men’s breakfast in a country church in the US. As they all set down, the visiting preacher asked one of the impressive older farmers if he would say grace before they ate. The old farmer stood, everyone bowed their heads and the old farmer began. He said, “Lord, I hate buttermilk.” The preacher opened one eye and wondered to himself where this was going. Then the farmer loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I hate lard!” Now the preacher was really worried. However without missing a beat, the farmer prayed on, “And Lord, you know I don’t care much for raw white flour.” Just as the preacher was ready to stand and stop everything, the farmer continued. “But Lord, when you mix them all together and bake them up, I do love fresh biscuits*. So Lord, when things come up we don’t like, when life gets hard, when we just don’t understand what you are saying to us, we just need to relax and wait till You are finished mixing, and probably it will be something even better than biscuits. Amen.” So very much in accord with what Paul writes in his letter to the Romans (8: 28) “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Right now we are finding it hard to discern much that is any good in life but I know that when we reflect on this time of trial in years to come we will be able to look back and see God’s hand on so much that is already happening. We were reminded last month that good things are happening – neighbourly kindnesses – a willingness to work together – and now we have the extraordinary creation of vaccines to help us to overcome the virus – all springing from human endeavour and intention. Let us hold our faith steady, trusting that the “biscuits” will indeed taste good, when God has finished His mixing and baking. (*Americans aren’t going to agree with this, but Breakfast Biscuits are like Scones here). With many blessings upon all of you. Your Sister-in-Christ, Joanna


Churches in the Coniston and Crake Valleys St Andrew’s Church, Coniston LA21 8EN St Luke’s Church, Torver LA21 8AZ St Luke’s Church, Lowick LA12 8EE Holy Trinity Church, Colton LA12 8HF Church of St Mary the Virgin, Penny Bridge LA12 7RQ

Tottlebank Baptist Church, Colton LA12 8HY Welcomes you to our Sunday services from 10.30 to 11.30am followed by refreshments, and midweek prayer meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Our moderator is Rev. Andrew Dodd. For further information contact Chris and Margaret Hamps, [email protected]

Coniston Methodist Church, Coniston LA21 8HH The Sunday morning service is at 11.00am and a warm welcome awaits you. For further information contact Joyce Holland on 015394 41594.

St Francis of Assisi Church of the Sacred Heart, Coniston LA21 8AW Mass is held on Thursdays at 10.00am and Saturdays at 6.00pm. For further information contact Father Matthew Jacob on 01229 779673.

Coniston Christian Fellowship LA21 8AL During the month of March we are meeting on Sunday mornings via Zoom. For more information please contact Alex and Ruth Stewart on 015394 49539. See our website for more details www.conistonchristianfellowship.co.uk

CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19 UPDATE The Bishop of , the Rt. Revd. James Newcome, has previously written to all clergy to advise that the suspension of public worship has been lifted in the Diocese of Carlisle.

Please refer to the benefice website for the latest information on the provision of worship and the associated risk assessments, and note that face masks must be worn Questions? Worries? Chat? Virtual Coffee With the Vicar

The Vicar invites you to join him and others around the virtual ta- ble for a coffee and a chat. Every Monday* where possible, from 2.00-3.00 pm the Vicar will be hosting an afternoon session on Zoom to answer questions, discuss concerns or just have a chat. If you would like to join him and possibly others dropping in, then all you need to run Zoom and join the meeting.

Meeting ID is 648-733-8111 and then enter the password is 883299 *Please check the website Calendar to ensure that the Coffee with the Vicar session is being held that week. 4

Church Services for February 2021 ______

7th Second Sunday before Lent

Holy Trinity Colton 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Luke Torver 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Luke Lowick 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Andrew Coniston 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull ______

14th Sunday next before Lent

Holy Trinity Colton 9.30am Morning Worship Pam Priestley St. Luke Torver 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Luke Lowick 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Andrew Coniston 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter ______

21st First Sunday of Lent

Holy Trinity Colton 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Luke Torver 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Luke Lowick 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Andrew Coniston 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am Zoom Service Pamela Hull ______28th Second Sunday of Lent

Holy Trinity Colton 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Luke Torver 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Luke Lowick 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Andrew Coniston 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter St. Mary Penny Bridge 10.30am Zoom Service Rev Brian Streeter March Magazine Please can all items, news, advertising enquiries and “What’s On” events for this Magazine be emailed to the editor at [email protected] by February 15th, or phone 07505 048736, or to Jean Johnson if that’s more convenient : [email protected] or tel. 015394 41319. If you don’t have access to a computer you can leave items at the Vicarage but please give plenty of time to convert them to electronic format. Calling all photographers! If you have photos of local interest, perhaps not landscapes, that would be suitable for the cover of a future Magazine please email in as above. This month’s cover photo is Frozen by Bethan Butler. We also have a gallery of contributed seasonal photos of our beautiful area on the website: www.conistonandcrakechurches.co.uk. Please continue to send your images of life and work in the parishes to [email protected]


Parish Prayer Diary February 2021

1st: Pray for tired and busy parents doing the best for their children.

2nd: Pray for all working long hours for the welfare and benefit of society: all NHS staff, police, social services, fire service, and local government.

3rd: At 10am join with Christians across the benefice for an hour of prayer at home, praying for family, our community, our nation and the needs of the world. Pray for the Benefice Staff Team meeting this afternoon.

4th: Pray for mental health services and support groups and consider what you can do today to help, even if it’s just a phone call to someone living alone.

5th: Pray for NSPCC’s Speak Out Stay Safe safeguarding programme helping children recognise abuse in all its forms and how to get help if they need it.

6th: Pray for the various children and youth groups in our benefice, pray for the group leaders as they prepare on-line sessions or just keep contact.

7th February: Sunday, the first day of the week Pray our creator God will grow in us reverence for all creation and respect for every person that we may reflect His light and love to a troubled world.

8th: Pray for those struggling financially, and for the charities that can provide practical help such as local CAB, Step Change or Christians Against Poverty.

9th: Pray for our local Counsellors and Parish Council administrators working on our behalf to improve our communities.

10th: Pray for all involved in our local Young Farmers Club, especially the leaders arranging on-line events via social media.

11th: Pray for St Mary’s Hospice in providing effective care and comfort for patients and support to their families.

12th: Pray for the few Christians remaining in Libya, for perseverance and peace to follow Jesus when they cannot publicly own Him for fear of violence.

13th: Pray the sanctity of Christian marriage will continue to be celebrated and faithfully upheld.

14th February: Sunday, the first day of the week May our Holy God, who knows the disorder of our sinful lives, set straight our crooked hearts and bend our wills to love His goodness and glory revealed in Jesus our Lord.

15th: Pray for those who experienced flooding during late December as they work through the clean-up and restoration of their homes and businesses.

16th: Pray, with thanks, for the local Coronavirus Support groups.

17th: As we move into the period of Lent prayerfully consider how you personally can use the next six weeks to deepen your relationship with Jesus.


18th: Pray for relief agencies across the world, and their workers who often put their lives on the line to help the victims of conflict.

19th: Pray for the funding of local organisations working to improve our environment for the benefit of wildlife, which in turns benefits us all.

20th: Pray today’s World Day of Social Justice will impact on reducing hunger and poverty and promote social and political freedom at home and abroad.

21st February: Sunday, the first day of the week Pray our Almighty God, whose Son Jesus fasted in the wilderness and was tempted, as we are, yet without sin: may give us grace to discipline ourselves in obedience to His Spirit; and, as He knows our weakness, so may we know His power to save through Jesus Christ our Lord.

22nd: Pray for Christian Aid as it campaigns for a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.

23rd: Pray for Parent & Toddler groups meeting on line for support and friendship.

24th: Pray for the Benefice Council meeting taking place this evening.

25th: Pray for comfort and peace for families of those who have died.

26th: Pray for our local businesses, especially those who are struggling financially because of the pandemic.

27th: Theme of today’s World Holocaust Memorial Day is Be the light in the darkness to encourage reflection on the depths humanity can sink to but also the ways individuals and communities resisted that darkness. As Christ’s light bearers may we play our part to end injustice, racism and ignorance through prayer and action.

28th February: Sunday, the first day of the week Pray that by the prayer and discipline of Lent we may enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings, and by following the way of Jesus come to share His glory.

Pray for the Fairtrade Foundation campaigning on behalf of people who grow our food and drink and grow the cotton for our clothes, who are often exploited or underpaid.

Soultime Christian Meditation Anxiety, Sleep Help & Bible "Soultime is a beautiful, quiet and accessible way of drawing close to God in Jesus day by day. I warmly recommend it to you.” Archbishop Justin Welby


Prayer Hour, At Home

3rd February, 10am – 11am

Although for the time being we cannot physically meet together in a church building,

our prayer fellowship can still pray, each at the same hour, in the safety of our own

homes on the first Wednesday of each month. If you can join in at 10am on 3rd

February please use this format to guide your prayers as we pray together.

Settle into this hour of prayer by reflecting on the opening three verses of Psalm 5

In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice;

In the morning I lay my requests before You

And wait expectantly

And as we begin our time together, we say the prayer Jesus taught us:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us today day our daily bread Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen.

During this quiet hour…

hold before the Lord, the matters that weigh heavy on your heart, situations you have seen in the media, items or issues from the prayer diary which especially speak to you;

pray for your family, your neighbours, your community contacts;

the Christian fellowship in the Benefice of Coniston and Crake Valley;

the Church across its national and international denominations;

pray for our Country and the Nations of the world.

Take time also to be still, to listen to the gentle whisper of God.

Finally, we close our prayer hour with the words of The Grace:

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, evermore. Amen.



Colton Vaccinations Some good news! Some of the residents of Bouth village have had their first injection of the vaccine to fight of Covid-19—so some light at the end of the tunnel. We hope that there will be quite a few more people round and about in the very near future. Jenny

Coniston & Torver Rainfall, Garden House, Coniston, December 2020 Total - 330.7mm (13.0ins) Wet days - 25, More than 1mm on 24 days Wettest day - 13th - 57.0mm (2.2ins) Snow on the 3rd, 26th & 30th Frost on the 5th, 28th, 29th & 30th Total for 2020 - 3310.8mm (130.3ins) Wettest year since 1954 & 2nd wettest on record.

Coniston First Responders We are looking for new team members. The role is very satisfying: at the end of last year, we were sent this appreciation: "The speed of your response, first aid and calmness were very much appreciated. Your team is clearly invaluable. Thank you for giving up your time, not just for us, but for everyone wh o has needed you, and those who will do." The team continues to provide immediate support to Coniston residents and visitors until the North West Ambulance Service paramedics can arrive. Full training is given, with regular updates, and the team spirit is strong in the village. Appropriate precautions are taken during the pandemic for everyone's safety. If you are interested in either a responder role, or a support role (without patient contact), please get in touch with Janice (07799 001 791) or Alex (07751 589 356) for further information.

25 Years Ago February 1996: During the heavy snow, chairman of the parish council, doing a tour of the pensioners’ bungalow estate in the village to check the condition of the footpaths, came across two boys, aged ten, with a wheelbarrow and spades, distributing salt from the roadside box to every garden path to prevent the pensioners from slipping: a truly commendable gesture. The boys to be congratulated are Scott Durant and Ben Ireton. Amazed householders were showering praise on local milkman, Tony Butterfield, who got up at 1am, and through 12 inches of snow on the ground, made sure milk was still on the doorsteps for breakfast, even in the remote areas.


However, butcher Harold Hutchinson, who has for 40 years toured the valleys of Rusland, Sawrey and Oxenpark with his travelling van, was, for the first time, prevented from getting to his customers by the heavy snow. [These items are taken from Anne Hall’s regular contributions to the Westmorland Gazette. Anne has a wonderful collection of her journalism that is a delight to browse through for an insight into how things used to be]

Award for Arnold Lancaster Arnold has been awarded first place in the Society’s annual Conservation competition, this year part of the Alternative Westmorland Show. The classes in the Farms & Stocks section are strongly contested and to be placed is considered a significant achievement. Overall, our Farms & Stocks classes are designed to encourage good husbandry and farm management and the Environmental class is open to working farmers and landowners who have undertaken a project and done the most to further environmental sustainability and protection and the ideals of conservation in keeping with local conditions and the environment. The class was judged by Ms J Wright of Penrith who had no hesitation in awarding the honours to Arnold, being most impressed with his lifetime commitment to the common, in particular working tirelessly to reduce the bracken whilst increasing bio- diversity. Well done Arnold!




Egton Cum Newland

Greenodd Village Hall

Coffee mornings/evenings, music shows and more Find out what is going on in Greenodd Village Hall www.greenoddvillagehall.co.uk

We are on Facebook… search for Greenodd & Penny Bridge Village Hall


Young Farmers Club Report Southern District AGM The 39th Southern District's AGM which took place on Friday 8th January 2021 saw a departure from its usual format being hosted via zoom rather than in its usual venue of The Castle Green Hotel, . Despite the restrictions of social media, a great night of speeches and catching up with young farmers past and present took place. Southern District President, Mr John Garnett welcomed those in attendance and began his speech by talking about the young farmer events through out the early part of 2020 prior to lock down. John had particularly enjoyed the hedging, walling, district sports and junior just a minute and public speaking competitions. After the country went into lockdown on the 23rd March, young farmer activities moved on line, with the field day becoming a series of virtual competitions won by Eden Valley YFC. Pennine YFC’s “Toilet Roll Challenge” captured the imagination of the internet with 335, 042….yes, 335,042 viewings of their video which went global! The district’s clubs had worked hard this year raising a total of £17, 106 for charities and good causes. A cause very close to the hearts of all young farmers saw the Southern District turn out in force to campaign against the closure of Newton Rigg College with a tractor run taking place in September. Over 80 tractors took part from all over the county with young farmers from both districts turning out (socially distanced) to show their support. John finished his speech by thanking Chairman William and the other district officers who had made such a difference during their very difficult year in office. Next to take to the virtual podium was Chairman Mr William Longmire who talked about the highlights and challenges both he and the district had faced during the last 12 months. William spoke about the success of the district at the Northern Area Weekend with the weekend being the last true young farmer competition of the year. William spoke of his aim to enable the young farmers to carry on with their


Coniston Coronavirus Support

015394 41812

Call us at Coniston Sports and Social Centre between 10am and 3pm daily to chat to our volunteers or leave a message on the answerphone outside of these hours. We can organise practical help with collecting shopping and prescriptions, walking dogs, posting letters and other things as well as being available for just a chat.

We also have a Facebook group where those online can seek sup- port and advice, search for "Coniston Coronavirus Support"

Charlie Day is also answering on the phone every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 12:30 - 2:00 for those wanting spiritual support and chat.


13 stockjudging during lock down. This he had achieved by organising a virtual stockjudging competition consisting of 5 classes of dairy, beef, sheep, lockdown haircuts and biscuits. Over 300 people from throughout the country took part and William went onto thank the judges, sponsors and suppliers of stock for being so generous and making it all happen. Other highlights for the district had been Amy Swinbank from Eden Valley YFC winning the first ever NFYFC Committee member of the year award in December and Ruth Cooper from Lowick YFC who was awarded the High Sheriff of Special Recognition Award. William went on to talk about the decrease in membership this year, which was to be expected due to the pandemic, but that it was also good to see that Crook YFC had actually increased its membership by 21% during a very difficult year! William brought his speech to a close by thanking his fellow officers; Jodie Johnson (Social Secretary), Chloe Dawson (Competitions Secretary), Connie Hodgson (Minutes Secretary) for all their hard work. Thanks were also given to all the judges, stewards and advisory members who continued to support young farmers. Special thanks were given to Vice Chair, Jess Rogerson who had done an excellent job and supported Will during his year in office, to John “Speedy” Garnett, President for accompanying Will on his club visits around the district and to Chief Officer, Joanne Mills for her help and advice in County Office. William’s final thanks went to the young farmers themselves for continuing to support the district over the last year. As he brought his speech to a close, William commented that he had thoroughly enjoyed his two years in office and if the year has shown him anything it was that opportunities should be taken when they are available, as you never know what is going to happen! President Mr John Garnett gave the Accounts and Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Mr Stephen Rowlinson who was unable to attend the meeting. As expected, it had been a tough year for the district with very few social events taking place, however, the Club Challenge had brought in £1400 from the 7 clubs who managed to complete the challenge before lockdown. The district finished the year £15,275.31 down on the previous year which was not unexpected. John continued that once the pandemic was over, the young farmers would be asked to pull together to look at ways of raising funds and replenishing the reserves. John finished the Treasurer’s report by thanking those members and supporters over the years who had helped to raise funds for the district, these very same funds which were now being used for the rainiest of days to keep the district afloat. Following on from the speeches, the election of the 2021 district officers took place. Voting took place via Survey Monkey between the 22nd December and the 4th January: The new Southern District Officers for 2021 are: President: Mr Alan Barker Vice President: Mr Neil Sowerby Chair: Miss Jess Rogerson Vice Chair: Miss Emily Armer Minutes Secretary: Miss Rosie Parsons Competitions Secretary: Miss Becky Coward Social Secretary: Mr Jack Sowerby Treasurer: Mr Stephen Rowlinson Independent Examiner: Mrs Christine Knipe 14

Alan Barker Jess Rogerson Following on from the elections, the district awards were presented as follows: The Barter Shield for Public Speaking: 1st Lowick, 2nd - Kent Estuary, 3rd - Grayrigg The Winter Competitions Trophy: 1st - Lowick, 2nd - Kent Estuary, 3rd - Grayrigg The Harper Trophy for Crafts (walling and hedging): 1st - Grayrigg, 2nd - Kent Estuary, 3rd - Lowick The Allan Wilson Trophy for the most improved club: Lowick The Andrew Wilson Trophy for the member contributing most to a club's development: Mr James Taylor (Crook) The ROC Award for an outstanding contribution by an out of age member: Mr Roger Bainbridge The NFU Cup for Young Farmer of the Year: Miss Amy Swinbank (Eden Valley) The Maureen Boyren President's Trophy for a special contribution to the Southern District: Mr Charlie Barker (Eden Valley) and Miss Isabel Wilson (Lowick) The John Longmire best speech of the night award: Mr Jack Sowerby (Eden Valley) As the evening drew to a close, Mrs Pat Bell made the Cumbria YFC Friends of Cumbria draw, explaining that money raised from the Friends of Cumbria YFC annual subscription of £15 had provided each club with a donation of £100 to help them weather the storm during the pandemic. Anyone wishing to join the Friends of Cumbria YFC should contact County Office at: [email protected] . The winners of the draw were: £100: Mr J Park £50: Mr S Rowlinson £25: Mr and Mrs M Burbury £15: Mr and Mrs J Ellis £10: Mr D Bowes President John Garnett brought the AGM to a close by saying what a great night it had been, but that he sincerely hoped that next year’s AGM on the 7th January 2022 would be back to the usual format with everyone meeting in person!

Open Debating County Final The beginning of 2021 did not start in the way that we had all hoped with the country going into lockdown number 3 on the 5th January. However, this did not stop the young farmers from taking part in the County Final of their Open Debating competition. With members well used to online activities, teams once more took to zoom on Monday 11th January to determine who were the best debaters in the county. The young farmers had the following interesting topics to discuss and the debates

15 were skilled and well thought out: Debate 1: This house believes that mobile phones should be banned for those under the age of 16. Debate 2: This house believes the production of diesel and petrol cars should not be stopped in 2030. Debate 3: This house believes that schools should serve vegan meals to pupils at least twice a week. After 2 hours of fierce and articulate debate, judges Mr Craig Brough and Mr Andrew Dodds placed the teams as follows: 1st - Lowick A - 166 points—Leah Clough - Chairperson; Alice Longmire - Proposer; Ben Cooper - Seconder; Luke Hodgson - Opposer; William Longmire - Seconder 2nd - Raughton Head - 161 points— Katie Rothery - Chairperson; Euan Bulman - Proposer; Robbie Tuer - Seconder; Emma Blamire - Opposer; Phil Potts - Seconder 3rd - Lowick B - 132 points—Isabel Wilson - Chairperson; Chloe Dawson - Proposer; Robbie Hutchinson - Seconder; Jack Sowerby - Opposer; Hannah Sowerby - Seconder The teams will now go onto compete at the Northern Area Weekend hosted by Northumberland via zoom on the 27th February.

Cumbria YFC COVID Clinic Report During the month of January, the Southern District have been volunteering at two local COVID Vaccination Clinics and are continuing to do so over the next month. They have been helping at Captain French Surgery in Kendal and the Nutwood Medical Practice in Grange-over-Sands. Grayrigg YFC have also assisted at Flu Clinics and helped prepare the surgery for the COVID Vaccine Clinic, and have been helping marshall at the clinics over the weekend. Those who took part were; Michael Todd, Robbie Hutchinson, Lucy Wilson, Katie Waine, Matthew King, Harriet Eastwood, Martha Cudby, John and Aidan Handley, Rachel and Katie Hodgson, Jo Young and Rachel and Katie Dodgson. All 10 clubs from the Southern District; Broughton, Cartmel, Crook, Eden Valley, Furness, Grayrigg, Kent Estuary, Lowick, Pennine & have had members attend these sessions, on a variety of days, in all weather conditions for hours upon end! Our members enjoy helping out within their local communities and district, especially at the moment, throughout this challenging time. Will Longmire, our past chairman for the Southern District commented to say, 'It has been great to see all clubs getting involved with this and pulling together to do everything they can for the local community. An extra thank you goes to the Walmsley family for attending every clinic at Grange, the support is greatly appreciated, by not only myself but everyone involved.' Jess Rogerson, our current Southern District Chair says she is honoured to be chairman for the district, especially at times like these when our members are truly showing what YFC is about - helping out when we can, as best we can! I must say a

16 huge thank you to all members, who have been to either one of the clinics and have shown support to our community. We hope to continue to help throughout the coming months. If anyone is interested in getting involved or would like our members to help out a clinic near you, then please don't hesitate to get in touch with Jess Rogerson or Emily Armer.

Young farmers helping out at the COVID clinics Conserving Coniston & Crake It’s coming up for two years since the project organised the first round of emptying for those who signed up to the Septic Tank Group Emptying Scheme. Additional funding at the time meant that this was free to those taking part, unfortunately we don’t have this again but by getting you tank emptied at the same time as your neighbours can result in savings of around £30 per household. Septic tanks should be emptied and maintained as a problem or overflow can result in sewage getting into a beck, killing off those vital invertebrates that our fish and birds rely on. This kind of pollution incident sometimes goes unnoticed so its really important to check your tanks. The project has published a good practice guide https://ccc.scrt.co.uk/sewage- systems-group-emptying-schemes/ I’m pleased to write that the walks leaflet About the Becks has now been published. You can download a copy from our website and we do hope we can get these distributed depending on current restrictions. https://ccc.scrt.co.uk/about-the-becks-walks-around-the-catchment/ If you would like to join in a local scheme, want a copy of the good practice guide or walks booklet then please do get in touch. Kath

Kath Smith, Communities & Engagement Officer, Conserving Coniston & Crake Email: [email protected] Tel:07825873109 Tel:01539 530047 www.ccc.scrt.co.uk

Rusland Horizons Report

Planning for spring activities We are remaining optimistic as we start 2021. Plans are already in place for a number of activities that will focus on our woodlands and meadows. Subject to Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines, starting this spring we will be recording, monitoring and improving 17 habitats to ensure the rich nature of the valley can be enjoyed for generations to come. All activities are to be run outside and will include walling and general conservation work parties, rapid woodland assessments, ancient tree walks and children’s fun and educational days. For the full list of planned activities please keep checking our website for details http://www.ruslandhorizons.org/ or read the latest Rusland Horizons Trust January newsletter (also on the website). If you are interested in participating in any of the activities please get in touch at [email protected]

Grant application for our Atlantic woodland We have applied for a European Outdoor Conservation Association grant focused on woodland improvements for our temperate rainforest. Otherwise known as Atlantic woodland, little of this unique habitat remains in but the Rusland Valley still contains rare remnants. It is under significant threat from pollution, lack of regular maintenance, non-native invasive species and over-grazing. We want to protect this precious habitat, native plant species and wildlife. If we make it to the final shortlist, our success for receiving the grant funding will depend on public support so we hope we can rely on your help. More details and updates on our application progress will follow soon.

Citizens Advice I’ve fallen behind on my bills and the debts are building up. Where do I start? You’ve already taken a great first step by asking for help, and it’s important to know you don’t need to face this alone. You can contact South Lakes Citizens Advice for help. In the meantime here are four steps you can take to get started: • Work out how much you owe - Make a list of whom you owe money to and add up how much you need to pay each month. If you don’t have your most recent statements, contact your creditor to find out what you owe. Some creditors will have special arrangements for people with Covid-related arrears. • Prioritise your debts - Your rent or mortgage, energy and council tax are called priority debts as there can be serious consequences if you don’t pay them. Separate these and work out how much you owe. Again, you can ask the companies or council what support might be available during the pandemic. • Work out how much you can pay - Create a budget by adding up your essential living costs, such as food and housing, and taking these away from your income. The Citizens Advice budgeting tool can help. Any money you have spare can be put towards your debts, starting with the priority debts first. If you have any money left after paying priority debts, but not enough to make your usual payments on other debts, consider getting advice on the best way for you to start getting on top of them. Or contact your creditors and offer them what you can afford to pay. • If you can’t pay your debts - If you’ve got little or no money spare to pay your priority debts or other debts, such as credit cards and loans, just contact us. It’s easy, just call us 015394 46464, Adviceline: 03444 111 444 or post an online request to us at www.southlakescab.org.uk


Again, if you are struggling to pay for basics like food, seek help immediately from us. We know it can feel very daunting to deal with debt, but having a plan really helps and our team will be here to help you each step of the way. Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Advice on any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employment or any other problems. South Lakes Citizens Advice is still delivering a service - Telephone and Digital Advice. How to access: • Call 015394 46464 - this is being staffed from 9:30 - 12 noon • Adviceline: 03444 111 444 • Email advice via our submission page on our website www.southlakescab.org.uk • Help to Claim (Universal Support): 0800 144 8 444

PARISH COUNCIL REPORTS Coniston Parish Council Coniston Parish Council acknowledges the death of its former clerk, Ian Stancliffe. Ian’s involvement and work with CPC, the Rawdon-Smith Trust and the Coniston Sailing Club made him a pillar of the community. During Covid-19 lockdown, Coniston Parish Council will work to keep its community informed and to co-ordinate activities aimed to ease problems arising. Villagers with internet access can go to Facebook pages for Coniston Parish Council, Coniston Area Today, Coniston Village Crack, Coniston Photos and Coniston Local History Group. The Trustees of the Amenities Fund of Coniston Parish Council have agreed to donate £2000 to the village schools to assist the provision of computers for distance learning. A regular item on the Agenda of Coniston Parish Council meetings is “Climate Focus”, i.e., to note any issues relating to the Parish Council’s commitment to monitoring environmental matters within the parish. In December, CPC approved the conversion of streetlight 213 (Footway on the A593 by Cat Bank) from sodium to LED, using money from SLDC. On January 11th and 13th, CPC was represented at Carbon Literacy Training Sessions run by SLDC. Over the two sessions, 20 local council representatives (including Broughton and Coniston District Councillor Ian Wharton) were made aware of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities; the potential, ability, and motivation to reduce emissions; and the onus placed on individuals, communities, and organisations to take early action. Central to the training was a David Attenborough video “Climate Change – the facts” (available, if you are interested, at www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9WyLPgyuqo) and a recently updated book by Professor Mike Berners-Lee of Lancaster University: How Bad Are Bananas: The Carbon Footprint of Everything (2020). The sessions closed with this quotation from Vivian Greene: “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” On January 12th, CPC Chairman, Tracy Coward, took part in a Parish-Level Carbon Footprint Event ("Parish carbon footprinting tool online session") organised by the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Exeter University for nearly 300 council representatives from across the country. The aim of the event was to make parishes

19 aware of how they can measure their own carbon footprint and, having done so, how they can reduce carbon usage in their communities, to combat global heating and climate change. The next Meeting of Coniston Parish Council will be on Monday, 15th February 2021 at 7:00pm. This is to be held using Zoom, online meeting tool. All are welcome to join in; to do so please contact the Clerk, Michael Dearnley, by phone or email.

Egton with Newland, Mansriggs and Osmotherley Parish Council Access to Mearness Point and Greenodd Sands: an Update. The closure of the permissive path along Greenodd Sands and Mearness Point was discussed at the November Meeting of , Mansriggs and Osmotherley (ENMO) Parish Council. It was strongly felt that though technically this path was in an adjoining parish, that of Backbarrow and Haverthwaite (BH) it was a facility also much enjoyed by the residents of the Lower Crake Valley, Greenodd and Arrad Foot. Therefore it was proposed that ENMO should take the lead role in seeking to reverse the closure action. An initial meeting with Holker Estates took place on 13th November, chaired by ENMO PC, attended by BH PC, District and County Councillors and local residents. Holker Estates were represented by their Chief Executive Officer supported by the Land and Property Director. ENMO stated that the local community, which uses this path heavily, saw no reason for Holker Estates to summarily close the facility especially at sensitive time such as this i.e. when we were all being exhorted to take as much exercise as possible and to walk locally. Holker Estates acknowledged that they should have consulted before erecting closure signs and apologised for not doing so. However they had become exasperated by vandalism to gates and fences, by intimidation of Estate Staff, by suspected use of the derelict Mearness Farm building for drug taking, and by general littering of Greenodd Sands including fires and BBQ s. They also stressed that Greenodd Sands are a valuable feeding and nesting habitat for birds and therefore needed protection. They had therefore decided not to renew the previous arrangement for the permissive right of way which had actually expired much earlier in the year. The meeting closed with Holker Estates saying that they would support responsible public use of the path in the future and were engaging with Natural England in the environmental stewardship of the land They suggested a further meeting at which they would propose a solution which hopefully satisfy both parties. The second meeting has now taken place and a proposal has been tabled: Holker Estates will permit use of the path, subject to walkers obtaining a free permit from the Estates Office. Walkers will be expected to keep to the marked path and to keep dogs on leads with no fires, BBQ s littering or vandalism permitted. New signage including a map and general instructions will be erected, the hope being that these signs are not removed or defaced. The path will not however, be policed. On 4th December the following statement was issued by Holker Estates: We’re pleased to announce that following collaboration with local parish councils, Holker will be re-establishing the permissive path around Mearness Point. Holker are keen to work alongside the local community to protect the wildlife and natural beauty of the area, therefore a permit system similar to others operating locally will be 20 introduced to facilitate ongoing access. Permits will be free of charge and anyone can apply. The permit system is expected to be in operation by 1st February 2021 but applications can be made in the meantime by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 015395 58313. ENMO Parish Council believe that overall this represents a sensible interim solution.

A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH by Rev. David Gregg FEBRUARY 16TH : SHROVE TUESDAY An old Punch cartoon shows two archetypal Frenchmen, striped jerseys and berets and all, armed with butterfly nets. One of them has just bagged something over a bush. “What is it?” asks the other one. “I don’t know,” says the captor. “Let’s get some garlic and a frying pan and find out!” Another shows a man opening a huge Christmas present from his wife, labelled “Complete Home Winemaker’s Kit.” He is reading the instructions – “Number 1: Plant the grape pips along a south-facing wall …”!! It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of food and drink in our daily lives. No wonder that the Bible story is so full of it: the Creation story, the forbidden fruit, the “Harvest” covenant with Noah (Inventor of wine!), the Passover Lamb (with unleavened bread), the Manna in the wilderness, the substance of the Sacrificial system and the subject of Jesus ministry (Water into Wine, the fatted calf, the feeding of the five thousand) and the chosen symbols of His commemorative meal – the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist. And some food and drink is clearly regarded as ‘special’: the “fat portion” of the Lamb, Jacob’s “mess of potage” for Esau, and the Psalmist’s thanksgiving for “wine to gladden the heart”, for instance. Two main themes seem to emerge. On the one hand, there is to be enjoyment and thanksgiving and merrymaking – the heart of Feasting and Festival. The Lord Jesus was conspicuous in His encouragement of this – The Wedding at Cana, Partying with the Pharisees, Supper at Bethany, Tea with Zaccheus, Breakfasting at the Lakeside etc. It is recorded of the first Christians that “. . . day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God . . .” (Acts 2:46) (How different to the train traveller’s comment, ‘There was a man sitting opposite us. “We thought at first he was a Christian, but we found out later it was only indigestion!”’ There are occasions for solemnity and seriousness of course, but Christians have no excuse for projecting a permanent air of doom and gloom.) On the other hand, there is clearly a need for moderation and self-control. Gluttony and drunkenness is to be avoided. And it is a scandal that, in the face of dire need and starvation in the poorer parts of the world, the Western nations chief problem is obesity! So fasting as well as feasting has an important role. Jesus said, “When you fast . . .” (not IF . . .) The merits of periods of Abstinence and Self-Denial, such as Lent, are well-attested by such as the Nazirites and John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul, as well as supremely in Jesus own experience in the wilderness. It is self-control that is listed as the culminating “fruit of the Spirit”. Shrove Tuesday provides a singular demarcation in all this. The feasting and merrymaking of “Mardi Gras”, (Pancakes and all) is followed by the discipline and strictures of Ash Wednesday and beyond. May the LORD give us joy for the former and grace for the latter.


Peter Harrison Builder

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Broughton Tel 01229 716386 Mobile 07718 611973 [email protected]

Coniston Co-operative Society Ltd

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Traditional Village Store Great range of food and wines all at competitive prices.

[email protected] Lowick Green Farm Poultry Breeders Free range eggs Homemade jams, chutney and gifts Support your local business Shop supplies on request Meat to order, fruit, vegetable & salad boxes available, pre-ordered Deliveries may be an option after Chris Parker lockdown GARDENING SERVICES — All general Tel 01229 885110 Mob 07525 188381 gardening work undertaken, grass cutting, hedge cutting, flagging and patio laying @lowickgreenfarm

ADVERTISING SPACE PARKER & SON AVAILABLE Please email the editor 07552189116 / 07837712377 6 North Lonsdale Terrace, Ulverston Cumbria [email protected] [email protected] 22

ACCOUNTS MANAGER We have a part-time vacancy for an Accounts Manager to maintain all elements of our financial systems. This is a very important role within the organisation, requiring diligence, ability to work on own under and with others. Experience in an accounting position and with Sage is essential. AAT Technician qualification or equivalent desirable. 24 hours per week £21,840 pro rata Contact Fiona High, Operations Manager, for further information Tel: 015394 41396 Email: [email protected] Brantwood Trust, Brantwood, East of Lake, Coniston, LA21 8AD M T Wood & Sons E.J.H Gardening Services Roofing Contractors All aspects of Struggling to keep the weeds at bay, not roofing ˖ slating ˖ tiling enough hours in the day to keep the 25 year manufacturer’s warranty with all grass short? Keep your leisure time for Topseal Flat Roofs yourself and take advantage of Estimates free E.J.H. Gardening Services 01229 861020 Call Ed on 01229 584413 07843 603617 07795 967991 opticians S.A. Garnett (Dairyman) local independent community eyecare Delivering in Blawith, Water Yeat and eye examination and contact lenses Lowick areas, Mon and Fri evening. glaucoma & cataract screening Fresh milk and orange juice in reusable diabetic eye examinations bottles, eggs, cream, cheese, yoghurt etc emergency eye care service Tel 01229 716326 Tel: 015394 31331

Precision Tree Services Based in the Lake District Tel: 07730 276279 www.precisiontreeservices.co.uk Certified & Insured - Tree Felling - Pruning - Hedge Cutting On-site Firewood Processing Paul Livesey - Arborist


Ian Whiteway Dip. Cons. Indian Bookbinding and Restoration Spiritual Antiquarian to modern Meditation Please ring Achieve relaxation, health and wellbeing Nibthwaite 01229 885024 in your own home [email protected] Mobile: 07711 049886 also books bought pre -1960 Ian Nelson ELECTRICIAN & INTRUDER ALARM ENGINEER Friendly and Professional Service Fully Guaranteed work Tel: 01229 885426 24 hour answering service [email protected] Established 1971

Joint Adventures Wooden Floor Unit 2, Lake Road Coniston Sanding and Finishing Ltd Plan your next adventure with us! contact Adam on 07483 855937 For individuals, families and groups: or email Gorge Scrambling, Kayaking, Canoeing, [email protected] Rock Climbing, Wild Cat Island Adventure and much more. CHIMNEY SWEEP Tel: Adam on 07967 380734 Est 1992 Competitive rates, Fully insured Beauty by Becky Distance no object Penny Bridge For all your open fires, stoves and solid Gel nails, waxing, lashes, manicure and fuel Agas pedicure. 015394 45117 Tel 07896 179483 07763 145594 @beautybybeckyatpennybridge Andrew Backhouse Chimney Sweep Ltd Sam Clarke Angus Braham, Plumber Joinery Manufacturer (HND Building, C&G Plumbing) Traditional box sash windows, staircases, AB Plumbing Services Ltd Hardwood doors all work undertaken Wood machining & woodturning Tel 07777 634141 e-mail [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 07789 591619 2 Malt Kiln Cottages, Grizebeck


THE RED LION MICHAEL SYKES Lowick Bridge - 01229 885366 Painting and Decorating YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL Interior and Exterior Work A warm welcome awaits Professional work done and from Steve and Lucy quality materials used Open every day Mon-Fri 5-11pm 01229 861500 Sat & Sun 12-11pm 07811 554527 Good food served Sat & Sun 12-2.30pm Mon-Sun 5.30-8pm KENDAL HOSTEL QUALITY REAL ALES Self Catering Accommodation Beds from £20 or Rooms from £30 per DICK MORRISON night, or hire the whole hostel 65 bed Spark Bridge over 12 rooms for £850 01539 724066 or 07795 198197 Plastering - Painting [email protected] Property Maintenance www.kendalhostel.co.uk 4 wheel drive cherry picker 01229 885472 07919 062659 Property Maintenance Handyman Chris Clinch W & A Todd Ltd Quality workmanship, no job too small. Woodburning and multifuel stoves Reliable and affordable Painting, plumbing, electrical, joinery, HETAS Registered building Monumental Sculptors 07952 778608 Slate and granite memorials Low Ghyll Farm, Kirkby in Furness, Carpet Cleaning Unlimited LA17 7YB For beautifully clean carpets and Tel: 01229 889115/07768 626678 upholstery, ring Peter Jewell for free [email protected] quotation and advice 01229 885685 member of the Jayne Dennison Physiotherapy National Carpet Cleaners’ Association Chartered Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic Registered with HCPC, and most major Dave Pearce Tree Services insurance companies. Tree work including Over 20 years of experience and a broad Dismantling & Pruning range of expertise. Woodland management Firewood processing & supply Ulverston Clinic Tel 01229 586000 Tel 01229 861137 Barrow Clinic Tel 07423 378087 07753 472229 www.jaynedennisonphysiotherapy.co.uk Qualified & Insured


The Britannia Inn, Penny Bridge Real Ales, log fires and BT Sport, Stanbrooks of Kirkby Ltd offer dogs welcome. quality wall and floor tiling and professional bathroom fitting throughout Open from 5pm Monday to Friday, the South Lakes area. Alongside this we 3.30pm Saturday and Sunday undertake a wide variety of property Delicious home cooked food served : maintenance work. Contact us for a free 5.30 - 8pm Thursday to Saturday quote at: 4.30 - 8pm Sunday [email protected] Tel: 01229 861783 Tel: 07817 590 590 @lakesbritannia

Home-made light snacks & lunches using locally sourced ingredients Seating indoors or out with lake view Free parking. Dogs welcome

Brantwood, East of Lake, Bespoke catering for our weddings, events, Coniston, LA21 8AD groups & private parties. Licenced- 015394 49025 www.brantwood.org.uk [email protected]

Our Plaice Traditional Chippy Lake Road, Coniston Opening Tuesday to Saturday and Bank Holidays 4 til 8.30pm Tel: 015394 41339

Coniston Carers Providing domiciliary care for age 18+ in Coniston, Torver and Hawkshead Established over 25 years Contact Elaine or Brenda on Tel: 015394 41868


The Flower Shop

Hawkshead Old Road, Coniston

Flowers for every occasion, delivered locally Open 7.30am to 3.00pm Wednesday / Sunday 7.30am to 12.00 noon

Contact Anne on

015394 41609

Coniston and Torver Dairy Hawkshead Old Road, Coniston Discover and explore the Local milk in bottles, eggs, butter, cream and yoghurt. Half days, full days or longer Locally grown potatoes and vegetables in 8 & 16 SEAT VEHICLES AIRPORT/RAILWAY season TRANSFERS WEDDINGS AND GROUP Winter opening hours: 8.30am to 3.30pm TRANSPORT closed Wednesday & Sunday

Black Beck Farm, Bouth Tel: 07814 728390 email: [email protected] Caravans and Camping Holiday Caravans Shepherd’s Hut Usher Construction Glamping Lodges Gypsy Bow Top / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Camping area with electric hook-ups Tents, touring caravans and motorhomes Building and Joinery welcome Coniston, Cumbria www.blackbeckfarmholidaycaravans.co.uk Office 015394 41209 Tel: 01229 861284 Mobile 07921 003840 email: [email protected] The Ship Inn and Visit: www.usherconstruction.com Greenodd Brewery A friendly pub with its own brewery, serving Chris Harrison (Landscapes) up to 5 hand pumps of our own real ales! All types of stone walling, fencing, patios. Open 5 -11pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Grass cutting, hedge cutting 2 - 11pm Saturday Pick-up and trailer hire 2 - 10.30pm Sunday stone delivered from the quarry Tel: 01229 861553 / 07782 655294 Tel Lowick 07739 027632


Helen Stoker Crakeside Fish & Chips Advanced Clinical Sports Therapist Greenodd, Cumbria LA12 7RE Treatment for musculoskeletal pain and Frying Times injuries Mon-Thurs 11.30am - 2pm Based in Ulverston 4.30pm - 8pm Tel: 07507 719202 Fri - Sat 11.30am - 8pm [email protected] Sun 12noon - 4pm www.genkisportstherapy 5 star “scores on the doors”

Bay Computer Services APC Joinery PC repair and maintenance Building on Traditional Values System installation, Internet problems Alan Crowe fixed. Prompt and reliable service, [email protected] advice and information 5 Stonydale, Ulverston LA12 9PQ Contact David on 01229 869949 Tel: 01229 585619 mobile 07703 554114 mobile 07799 381757 McDermott Coal MICHAEL SYKES & Chimney Sweep Garden Maintenance Brett McDermott Fencing and Paving Digger Work Coal enquiry: 01229 585543 General Tidy up Chimney Sweep enquiry: 07771 520206 Licensed operative for weedkilling Home: 01229 468898 Tel: 01229 861500 NACS approved rotary power sweep mobile 07811 554527

Trevor Clarke Limited Building Contractor Established Builders with over thirty years in the trade

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