The Smooth Hickory (Carya Glabra) Water

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The Smooth Hickory (Carya Glabra) Water PALMETTO, MAY, 1982, Page 9 was involved with the legislature in AUTHORS AND ARTISTS HOW TO SPROUT A helping draft Section 581.185 (see arti- cle). HICKORY Marcy R. Bartlettsays she is not an Frances Howard is a member of the author, but an artist. She considers Casey Key Protective Association. Her by Steve Riefler herself "a refugee from the tower of article has been excerpted from a fine arts. Now a free lance graphic ar- booklet she wrote, The Beaches of The smoothhickory (Caryaglabra) is only found where limestone or shell tist! my favorite things are Lepidoptera Casey Key, for the association to life cycles with their host plants. Of underlies the soil. The area must be distribute to newcomers and real course, there is no market for anything estate people. fairly moist or have a fairly constant so frivolous, so it becomes a hobby. I water table. The Lake Butler-Wekiva sharpen the skills for this hobby with Mitzi Tremmel is a programmer- Springs-Oviedo area is this type of membership in the Guild of Natural analyst for Florida Savings and Loan. habitat. It is found throughout the en- Science Illustrators." She is married Drawing is a hobby, with hopes for tire Appalachian region as far south as and the mother of seven children, and making it a profession. Central Florida. nurturer of cats, rabbits, birds, and Regular contributor Lew Yarlett, ex- The hickory is strong-limbed, with caterpillars. pert on Florida native grasses, is now good, dark-colored bark, and hardly Kenneth Langdon is a botanist for employed with Breedlove Associates, any diseases, The leaves provide the Florida Dept. of Agriculture, Divi- Environmental Consultants in yellow fall coloring, and the nuts pro- sion of PlantIndustry. He works main- Gainesville. He has been a Range Con- vide food for wildlife, ly with plants identification, and serves servationist with the Soil Conservation - / .. '"oe as curator of the Div. of Plant Industry Service, and was with the U. of F. (' (..,'" 'i ':).k) ' .,.~ Herbarium. He also does some work School of Forestry and Resource Con- :.!' in the areas of endangered olants and servation. To sprout the hickory nuts, put them in moist sawdust or sphagnum moss in a plastic bag, and put the bag in the refrigerator for three months. Then place each nut in the soil wherever you want the tree. Add eggshells or PI<.alllT "lc~1 seashells or coarse-ground limestone to the soil. Your hickory shouldsprout Vi ~15 ft. very soon. 0.
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