1 The Effect on the Lunar Exosphere of a Coroual Mass Ejection Passage 2 3 R.M. Killen, 1,3 D. M. Hurley2,3 ,and W. M. Farrell,I.3 4 5 ! Planetary Magnetospheres Branch 6 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 7 Greenbelt, MD 20771 B 2 The lohns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 9 11100 Johns Hopkins Road 10 Laurel. MD 20723-6099 11 'NASA Lunar Science Institute 12 NASA Ames Research Center 13 Moffett Field, CA 94035 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 In preparation for j. Geophys, Res, Planets 21 SSLAM special issue 22 Oct. 10,2011 23 24 25 26 27 Pages: 62 28 Figures: 5 29 Tables: 10 30 index Terms: 6250, 0328 31 2 31 Running Head: Effect of CME on the Lunar Exosphere 32 33 Corresponding Author: 34 35 Dr. Rosemary Killen 36 Planetary Magnetospheres Branch 37 Goddard Space Flight Center 38 Greenhelt, MD 20771 39
[email protected] 40 301-286-6574 41 3 41 Abstract 42 43 Solar wind bombardment onto exposed surfaces in the solar system produces an energetic 44 component to the exospheres about those bodies. The solar wind energy and composition 45 are highly dependent on the origin of the plasma. Using the measured composition of the 46 slow wind, fast wind, solar energetic particle (SEP) population, and coronal mass ejection 47 (CME), broken down into their various components, we have estimated the total sputter 48 yield for each type of solar wind. We show that the heavy ion component, especially the 49 He++ and 0+7 can greatly enhance the total sputter yield during times when the heavy ion 50 population is enhanced.