Fall 2018 MIRROR Newsletter

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Fall 2018 MIRROR Newsletter The MIRROR The Richmond Museum Association Newsletter Richmond Museum of History Fall 2018 SS Red Oak Victory Ship THE RED OAK VICTORY THE CALIFORNIA STATE RETURNS VICTORIOUS! LIBRARY NAMES RICHMOND The crew of the SS Red Oak Victory ship succeeded in ITS ITY OF THE ONTH lighting off the Ship’s boilers for the first time in the 50 years “C M ” since it was placed into the Ready Reserve (Mothball) Fleet in The Richmond Museum Association is proud to be one of Suisun Bay in 1968. This was a monumental achievement in the the history organizations instrumental in the California State history of this venerable artifact of World War II, and is the first Library’s selection of the City of Richmond as its “City of the time in 40 years that any similar ship has lit off in the United Month.” States. In recognizing Richmond, the State Library’s California The light-off occurred in Vallejo at the dock of the Califormia History Section posted this to its website : Maritime Administration (CMA), to which the Richmond Museum “Congratulations to our September City of the Month, Association is extremely grateful for the loan of the dock space. Richmond! Incorporated in 1905 and located on the historic The CMA’s own ship, the TS Golden Bear, was away for Rancho San Pablo, Richmond boasted a population of 103,701 maintenance in dry dock for five weeks, during which time the people as of 2010. In addition to having several active local Red Oak occupied its space and the crew performed numerous history organizations, Richmond is also home to a shipyard tests of the Red Oak’s propulsion system. We are happy to instrumental in constructing naval vessels for World War II, announce that the Red Oak passed its tests and proved its several historic structures and more! If you are looking for exciting capability to operate. Hats off to the entire crew for a job well- local history resources in the California History Section’s rich done! collections, then check out what we have for this city!” (From the California State Library website, http://www.library.ca.gov/ california-history/city-month/)” (See letter to Melinda McCrary, our Museum Director, from the California State Library’s California History Section on p.6.) In This Issue: Red Oak Victory Light-Off pp. 1, 4 Richmond “City of the Month” pp. 1, 6 President’s Message p. 3 Director’s Message p. 2 Jewish History in Richmond Exhibit p. 2 The Red Oak Victory returns home after successfully Annual Gala Wrap-up pp. 9-10 lighting off at the California Maritime Academy dock New Acquisitions p. 10 in Vallejo. (Photo by Dori Luzbetak) Museum Free Field Trip Program p. 7 Movies on the Red Oak p. 5 The RMA was greatly assisted by the capable crew of Foss Upcoming Events pp. 5, 7 Maritime in Richmond, which provided the tow in both directions Who’s This? p. 7 and also managed the line crews in untying and tying-up at both Letter from Original ROV Crew Member p. 10 docks. Join the RMA p. 11 (Please see detailed article on the light-off from Johannes Hoech, Director of Ship Operations, on p. 4.) FROM THE DIRECTOR A NEW EXHIBIT SHOWING Dear Friends: JEWISH COMMUNITY The board and staff of the Richmond Museum HISTORY IN RICHMOND Association are making great progress in the quest to professionalize the organization. We are excited to announce On January 13, 2019, the Richmond Museum of History will that Debra Adams, an external accountant, has joined our open an exciting exhibition called “Pioneers to Present: Jews of team to help with bookkeeping and ensure that we adhere Richmond and Contra Costa County.” Honoring the to the generally accepted accounting principles. We’re so contributions of the Jewish community in Richmond and greater glad you’re here. Welcome, Debbie! Contra Costa County, the exhibition developed out of our work on the “History Unfolded” project in support of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. We searched through the Earlier this spring, the Museum was very fortunate to Museum’s collection of the Richmond Daily Independent and be invited to apply for—and receive—a grant to catalogue Richmond Record Herald newspapers for coverage of Holocaust- all the photographs in the permanent collection. Funding related events. The results of our efforts in support of the History was provided by the California Revealed project, an initiative Unfolded project will be part of the exhibition in February. of theSS California Jeremiah O’Brien State Library and USS. The Potomac Museum hired three part-timesail past collections the Red Oak technicians Victory to create an electronic The exhibition committee has gathered biographical database with information about all the photographs in the information about significant Jewish individuals in Richmond collection. The collections technicians made a remarkable and greater Contra Costa County. The information-gathering discovery of almost 200 glass plate negatives during the will continue for another three months, when final exhibit course of the inventory. Glass plate negatives were preparations will begin. Do you have information related to local Jewish people in the past and present? We welcome information common during the 1880-1920s and don’t always survive about Jewish-owned businesses and Jewish people from all walks because they’re so fragile. The negatives portray some of life. images that are unique in our collection and depict features like the Smoky Row houses in Point Richmond and San If you have information about aspects of Jewish history in Francisco after the 1906 earthquake and fire. We are the area, including stories about individuals, communities and currently in the process of preparing them for final storage businesses, please contact the Museum at in proper archival-quality sleeves and boxes. I am [email protected] or (510) 235-7387. continually impressed with the depth and significance of the permanent collection at the Richmond Museum of The exhibit will be on display from January 13 until June 30, History. Finding the box of glass negatives reinforced just 2019. how special our permanent collection is. Thank you for your continued support that allows us to care for, exhibit and teach with the objects in our fabulous HISTORY UNFOLDED collection. The United States Holocaust Memorial Mu- Best, seum (USHMM) is asking citizen historians to help them track coverage of events in American news- papers leading up to the Holocaust in Europe. The Richmond Museum of History has contributed cov- Melinda McCrary erage from the Richmond Daily Independent and the Richmond Record Herald and is seeking people to search Oakland, San Francisco and other news- papers. We will share the results of the research with the public in the form of an exhibit opening on January 13, 2019. Learn more here: https://newspapers.ushmm.org. - 2 - FROM THE PRESIDENT One of the great joys of being involved in the leadership extra effort and sacrifice on the part of our volunteers. of the Richmond Museum Association is meeting the many Oscill went above and beyond the “call of duty.” I was volunteers who so generously give their time and talent to informed that aside from assisting in the engine room, Oscill the organization. Our Executive Director, Melinda McCrary, orchestrated getting cabins ready for overnight crew does an excellent job of utilizing the skills of a small cadre members, arranged for daily meals (three of them), shopped of dedicated volunteers at our Museum of History at 400 for supplies, restocked the heads, did the daily galley cleanup Nevin Avenue. We are an organization that puts forth a and was involved in or behindLois aBoyle host ofand other Jef fnecessary Wright concerted effort to maximize our financial resources; actions. I am grateful forprepare the effort behind that the she scenes put forth. therefore, we maintain a “lean paid staff.” Not only do our Having said that, please join me in sending sincere thanks volunteers help out with a wide array of duties and and appreciation and putting the spotlight on one of our assignments, they also help the RMA maintain financial great volunteers, Oscill Maloney! integrity with their unpaid contributions of time and talent. Let me take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thanks to Thank you Oscill and the RMOH/ROV team, all of our volunteers at the Richmond Museum of History as well as aboard our single largest artifact, the Red Oak Jeff Wright Victory ship. Thank you all! President As many of you already know, the Red Oak Victory ship recently returned from spending time at the dock of the California Maritime Academy in Vallejo. The CMA graciously allowed us to dock there to begin a series of “light-off” tests, which, among other things, involved firing up the ship’s boilers. The boilers had not been in operation for 50 years. The light-off was a milestone event that required tremendous coordination and volunteer support. Once again, our volunteer crew was invaluable and performed in a stellar manner. I had the opportunity to visit the Ship while she was docked at the CMA, and when I made my way all the way down to the engine room, the excitement was palpable as I was greeted with a cacophony of mechanical sounds that had not been heard in 50 years. One of our longtime Oscill Maloney onboard the Red Oak volunteers, Oscill Maloney, greeted me enthusiastically and Victory for the return trip from Vallejo. immediately proceeded to introduce me to other volunteers, (Photo by Fred Klink, ROV Director of some of whom came over from the Liberty Ship SS Marketing) Jeremiah O’Brien—another restored WWII cargo ship— which is docked in San Francisco and sails the Bay.
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