"University Student Support for Caribbean Integration: a Four Campus Study" 1
"UNIVERSITY STUDENT SUPPORT FOR CARIBBEAN INTEGRATION: A FOUR CAMPUS STUDY" 1 Walter C. Soderlund, Stuart H. Surlin, Robert M. Krause, Frank Innes, Ronald M. Welch all at the University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario CANADA N9B 3P4 • Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association Kingston, Jamaica May 1993 INTRODUCTION: Following World War II, in spite of reservations evident in the Moyne Report, British policy sought to link the independence of its West Indian colonies to their integration into a federal political system (Will, 1991:5-10). While a West Indies Federation was created in 1958, its British rather than West Indian origins, an emphasis on political over economic factors and the insularity or parochialism of its component parts, led to its collapse before the end of 1962 (Etzioni, 1965:138-139). Excellent accounts of the origins, performance and demise of the Federation are contained in (Proctor, 1957; Springer, 1962; Mordicai, 1968, Millette, 1969; Axline, 1979; and Payne, 1980). In spite of the failure of the Federation, individual West Indian colonies of Great Britain did achieve their independence between 1962 (Jamaica and Trinidad/Tobago) and 1983 (St. Kitts- Nevis). During the same time, a network of cooperative and integrative schemes among the countries developed; chief among these being the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) in 1965, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in 1966, the Eastern Caribbean Common Market (ECCM) in 1968 (which developed into the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States in 1981), and the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) in 1973. The latter organization, presided over by a Council of Heads of Government, has focused primarily on economic and other types of functional cooperation (Emanuel, 1987:1-6).
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