AAO Aachen (Germany), 1067,1077,1087 Aalborg (Denmark

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AAO Aachen (Germany), 1067,1077,1087 Aalborg (Denmark INDEX AAO AIR Aachen (Germany), 1067,1077,1087 Adamawa (Nigeria), 330 Aalborg (Denmark), 921 Adams (Colorado), 627 Aalesund (Norway), 1275 Adana (Turkey), 1435 Aargau (Switz.), 1405. 1407 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 964-67, Aarhus (Denmark), 921, 922 1029 Aas (Norway), 1275 Adelaide (S. Australia), 439, 446, Abaco Is. (Hahamas), 419 485, 486, 487 Abadan (Persia). 1306 Adelie Land (Antarctic), 434, 1024 Abaiang Is. (Pacific), 539 Aden, 222-24, 339, 1525 Abajo (Cuba). 906 - opium, 150 Abancay (Peru), 1316 Admiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.), 507, Abastvman (Georgia). 1484 508 Abdullapnr (India), 182 Adola (Ethiopia), 966 Abemama Is. (Pacific), 539, 540 Adrar (Mauritania), 1014 Abeokuta (Nigeria), 315 Adrar Temar (Sp. Sahara), 1385 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 302 Adygei (R.S.F.S.R.), 1472 Aberdeen (U.K.), 63, 64. 69, 70 Adzharian Rep. (Georgia), 1483 Aberdeen (S. Dakota), 723 Ai:gean Is., Greek, 1095, 1099 Aberystwyth (U.K.), 69,70 Ai:toUa (Greece). 1094 Abidjan (Fr. W. Africa), 1013, 1018 Afghanistan, 769-n Abilene (Texas). 729 Afyon (Turkey), 1435, 1440 Abkhazian Rep. (Georgia), 1483,1484 Agadez (Niger), 1017 Abo (Finland), 971 Agadir (Morocco), 1052 Abo-Bjiirneborg (Finland), 970 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 343 Aboisso (Fr. W. Africa), 1018 Agana (Guam), 763 Abor Hills (Assam), 168 Agdenes (Norway), 1278 Aboso (Gold Coast), 324 Agder, AUBt and Vest(Norway), 1274 Abomey (Ivory Coast), 1019 Agion Oros (Greece), ]095 Abra (Philippines), 1329 Agordat (Eritrea), 1192 Abruzzie e MoUse (Italy), 1178 Agra (prov.), see United Provinces, Abu Dhabi (Arabia), 781 183-86 Abu Zenima (Egypt), 953 Agra (town), 142. ]84 Abyssinia, see Ethiopia, 963-68 Agri (Turkey), 1435 Acajutla (EI Salvador), 961 Aguadulce (Panama). 1289 Acarnania (Greece), 1094 Aguascalientes (Mexico), 1233, 1234 Accra (Gold Coast), 322, 323, 324, Ahmedabad (India), 142, 172 325 Ahuachapan (EI Salvador), 958 Accrington (U.K.), 60 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 970 Achaia (Greece), 1094 Ahwaz (Persia), 1306, 1307, 1311 Achimota (Gold Coast), 322 Aidin (Asia Minor), see Aydin Acholi (Uganda), 283 Ain (France), 981 Acklin's Is. (Bahamas), 419 Ain Sefra (Algeria), 1002 Aconcagua (Chile), 860 Aionn-el-Atrousa (Mauretania), 1015 Acre (Brazil), 832,833, 838 Air (Fr. W. Africa), 1018 3D 1637 1538 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1951 AIS ALM Aisne (France), 981 Alberta (Canada), education, 354 Aitutaki Is. (Cook Is.), 527 - held crops, 361 Aix (Fran,·e). 986. 1)87 - livestock, :~62 Ajaigarh (India), 193 - mining, 363 Ajlun (Jordnn), 1211 - municipal govt., 374 Ajman (Arabia), 781 - police, 360 Ajmer (India), 142, 193 - popln. born outside, 352 - area and population, 141 - religion, 354 - communities, 143 - representation, 348 - cultivation, 154 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 693 - forests, 156 Albury (N.S.W.), 461 - justiee, 148 Alcazar (Morocco), 1054 - police, 148 Alcazarquivir (Moroeeo). 1049 Akecshus (Norway), 1274 Aldabra Is. (Seychelles), 343 Akhal-Senaki (Georgia). 1485 Alderney (Channell •. ), 64,126,129 Akjoujt (Mauritania), 1015 Alentejo, Alto (Portugal), 1342 Aklavik (Canada), 406, 407 Alentejo, Baixo (Portugal), 1342 Akmolinsk (Kazakhstan), 1495, 1497 Aleppo (Syria), 1417, 1419 Aktyubinsk (Kazakhstan), 1495, Alexandretta (Syria), 1417 1496,1497 Alexandria (Egypt). 944, 945, 946, Akkerm'Ln (Ukraine), 1446, 1477 947, 950, 953 Akola (India), 174 Alexandria (Virginia), 737 AkraneR (roeland), 1130 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 1095, 1097 Akron (Ohio), 565, 706 Alexandrovsk (Ukraine), 1480 Akureyri (Iceland), 1130 Aley (Lebanon), 1219 Alabama, 615-17 Alfllrt (France), 987 - area and popUlation, 559 Algarve (Portugal), 1342 - cotton, 586 Algeranza Ts. (Canary Is.), 1374 -iron, 592 Algeria, 1001-05 - representation, 554 Al Ghai! (Yemen), 1526 Alagoas (Brazil). 833 Algiers (Alger). 986. 1001-05 Alais (Franee). 987 Alhambra (California), 623 Alajuela (Cost.a Rica), 896, 897 Al Hazm (Yemen), 1526 Alameda (California), 623 Alieante (Spain), 1373, 1374. 1381 Aland (Finland), 970 Alice Springs (Australia), 501, 503 Alapayevsk (U.S.S.R.), 1466 Aligarh (Tndia), J84, 185 Alaska, 751-55 Alipura (India), 192 - area and popUlation, 559 Alirajpur (India), 191 - highway, 368, 408, 754 Al Jauf (Yemen), 1526 -legislature, 557 Al Jibla (Yemen), 1526 - metals, precious, 1)89 Al Rhamr (Yemen), 1526 - representation, fi54 Al Khobar (Arabia), 1370 - social weUare, 572 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1251 Alava (Spain), 1373 Allahahad (India), 142, 184, 185 Alaverdi (Armenia), 1486 Allanmyo (Burma), 855 Albacete (Spain), 1373, 1374 Allenstein (Poland), 1334 Alba Iulia (Rumania), 1359 Allentown (Pa.), 5n5, 715 Albania, 773-77 Alliance (Ohio), 700 Albany (New York), 565, 695, 696, 697 Allier (France), 981 Albany (W. Australia), 492 Alma·Ata (U.S.S.R.), 1450, 1451, Alberta (Canada), 375-77 1453, 1468, 1495 - area and population, 351 Al Matamma (Yemen), 1526 births, deaths, marriages, 353 Almelo (Netherlands), 1251 INDEX 1539 ALM ANN Almeria (Spain), 1373. 1:374 Amran (Yemen), 1526 Almirante (Panama), 900, 901, 1292 Amraoti (India), 174 Almora (India), 185 Amritsar (India), 142, 181, 182 Alofi (Cook Is.), 528 Amsterdam Is. (Madagascar), 1024, Alofi lB. (Fr. PMific), 1032 1028 Alon (Burma), 856 Amsterdam (Netherbnds), 1251, Alost (Belgium), 807 1252 Alpes, Basses. (Fran~e), 981 Amsterdam (New York), 696 - Hautes· (France), 981 Anaconda (Montana), 679 - ·Maritimes (France), 981 Anadyr (U.S.S.R.), 1467, 1474,1475 Alphen aId Rijn (Netherlands), 1252 Anaiza (Saudi Arabia), 1369 Alphonse Is. (SeychelleR). 343 Ancash (Peru), 1316 Alsace·Lorraine (Fr.), 982 Anchorage (Alaska), 752 Al Suda (Yemen), 1526 Anchorage (Cook Is.), 527 Altai (R.S.F.S.R.), 1471, 1475, 1497 Ancona (Italy), 1181 Altoona (Pa.), 715 Andaluces (Spain), 1381 Alto Parana (Paraguay), 1297, 1298 Andaman and Nicobar Is., 197-98 Aluminium, ,'ee Bauxite - area and population, 141 Alverdi (Georgia), 1485 - communities, 143 Alvsborg (Sweden), 1390, 1396 - forests, 156 Alwar (India), 192 - police, 148 Amacuro (Venez.), 1518 - religions, 143 Amambay (Paragnay). 1298 Anderlecht (Brussels), 807 Amapa (Brazil), 832, 833, 839 Andizhan (Uzbekistan), 1451, 1499, Amapala (Honduras), 1116 1500 Ama.ra (Iraq), 1144 Andorra, 777-78 Ama.rillo (Texas), 728 Andros Is. (Bahamas), 419 Amarnagar (India), 192 Anecho (Togo), 1019, 1036 Amasya (Turkey), 1435 Anegada (Virgin Is.), 428 Amazonas (Brazil), 833. 838 Aneityum Is. (Pacific), 542 Amazonas (Colombia), 888 Angara (R.S.F.S.R.), 1474 Amazonas (Peru), 1316 Angduphodang (Bhutan), 822 Amazonas (Venez.), 1518 Angers (France), 983. 986, 987 Amb (Pakistan), 208, 209, 214 Angkor (Cambodia), 1045 Ambala (India), 142, 153, 182 Anglesey (U.K.), 60 Ambatondrazaka(Marlaga.car),1025 Anglo.Egyptian Sudan, 331--38 Ambato (Ecuador), 936, 937 Angola (Port. W. Africa), 1345, Ambeno (Port. Timor), 1356 1352-53 Amboina (Indonesia), !l36, lI39 Angora, Bee Ankara Ambrizette (Angola), 1353 Angra do Heroismo Is. (Portugal), Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 542 1342, 1343 American States, Organization of, Anguilla Is. (West Indies), 426,427, 38-40 428 Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1251 Angus (Scotland), 63 Ames (Iowa), 650 Anhwei or Anhui (China), 871, 875 Amherst (Mass.), 666 Anin (Burma), 856 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 392 Anjouan Is. (Comoro Is.), 1028 Amida (Turkey), 1435 Ankara (Turkey), 1432-37 Amiens (France), 983 Ankole (Uganda), 283 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 178 Annaberg (Germany), 1073 Amirantes Ts. (Seychelles). 343 Annai (Br. Guiana), 415 Amman (Jordan). 1211, 1220 Ann Arbor (Michigan), 669 Amoy (China), 874 Annam (Fr. Indo-China), 1038--42 1540 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1\151 ANN ASII Annamillai (Madras), 176 Archangel (U.S.S.R.). 1451, 1467, AnnilpoliB (Maryland), 662, 663 1472. 1473 Annohon Is, (Sp. Africa). 1385 Ardehil (Persia), 1306 Antalaha (Madagascar), 1025 Ardeche (France), 981 Antalya (Turkey), 1435 Ardennes (France), 981 Antigua lB. (W. Indi"s), 426, 427 Arendal (Norway), 1275 - U.S.A. base, 427, fi79 Arequipa (Peru), 1:116, 1317 Antilles Is. (Fr.), 1007 Arezzo (Italy), 1183 Antioch (Syria), 1417, 1436 Argenteuil (Frall<"tl), 983 Antioqnia (Colombia), 887, 889, 891 Argentina, 783-97 AntipodE's Is. (N.Z.), 526 Argyrocastro (Albania), 774, 776 Antof»L(asta (Chile), 828, 829, 860. Argolis (Greece), 1094 866 Argostolion (Greece), 1094 Antrim (N. Ireland). 114. ll8, 121 Argovie (Switz.), 1405, 14U7 Antsirahe (Madagascar). 1025, 1026, Argyll (Scotland), 63 1027 Ariancoupom (Fr. I nrlia). 1030 Antung (China). 871. 872 Arica (Chile), 828, 829, 1316 Antwerp (I:lelgium), 806, 807. 812 Aricge (I~rance), 981 Anzer6-Sluljensk (U.S.S.R.), 1451, Arivonirnamo (Madagascar), 1027 1452 Arizona, 617-20 Anzoategui (Venez.), 1518 - area and population, 559 Aoba (New Hebrides), 542 - metals, preeious, 589 Apeldoorn (Netherlands). 1251 - representation, 55! Apia (W. Samoa), 531, 765 Arkansas, 620-22 Apolimn (W. Snmon), ;;30 - area and population, 559 Appenzell (Switz.), 1404, 1405,1407 - cotton, 586 Appleton (Wisconsin), 746 - education, ,,68 Apra Harbour (Guam), 763 - representation, 554 Apulill (l tnly). 1178 Armagh (N. Ireland), 114, 118 Apure (Venez.), 1518 Armavir (U.S.S.R.), 1451, 1460 Apurimac' (Peru), 1:316 Armenia (Colombia), 888 Aqaba (Arabia), 1211 Armenian Repub. (U.S.S.R.), 1485- Arab League, 41-42. 1370 87 Arabia States, 778-82 - area and population, 1450 - Bahrain, 781 Armidale (N.S.W.), 461, 463 - Hadhramaut (Aden), 222-24 Arnhern (Netherlands), 1251 - Kuwait, 780 Arorae Is. (Pacific), 539 - Muscat and Oman, 778 Arroyosy Esteros (Paraguay), 1298 - Qatar, 781 Arta (Greece), lO95 - Trupial Sheikhs. 780 Artemovsk (U.S.S.R.), 14fi1 Aracaju (Brazil), 833 Arthington (Liheria), 1223
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