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KALPVRIKSH he unique 'Kalp-vriksh' erecting on the bank of Yamuna is the T source . of inspiration for people of the district Hamirpur. By tradition, town Hamirpur is said to be 'Pravesh Dwar' of . The people of the district have distinction of patriotic culture among the entire Bundelkhand region. The age of the tree is unknown but may be conjectured hundred of years old. The scenic beauty of the 'kalp-Vriksh' is magnificient and inspires an individual to grow and to be prosperous to touch the heights of the sky like a pillar. The nearby surrounding area of the tree is plain and un-inhabited. The tree contains numerous big branches looking like a tomb in shape. It is a property of forest department of the State government.



Foreword X Preface XII: Acknowledgement XIII District Highlights -- 200 J Census XV Important Statistics in the District XVI Ranking of Tahsils in the District XVIII Statement-l Name of the headquarters of district/tahsil, their rural-urban status XIX and distance from district headquarters, 2001. Statement-2 Name of the headquarters of district/C D block their rural-urban status XIX and distance from district headquarters, 2001. Statement-3 Population cif the district at each census from 1901 to 2001. xx Statement-4 Area, number of villages/towns and population in district and tahsil, 2001. XXI Statement-5 C D Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001. XXI Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 2001. XXII Statement-7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C D Block level as per 200 I census and amenities available. XXII Statement-8 Statutory towns with popUlation less than ~OOO as per 2001 census and amenities available. xxm Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population of tahsils, rural and urban, 2001. xxm Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 2 (ii) Brief historj of the district 2 (iii) Administrative set-up 3 (iv) Physical featllres 4 (1) Location and size 4 (2) Physiography 4 (3) Drainage 5 (4) Climate 5 (5) Natural Economic Resources 5 (v) Census Concepts 9 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 16 (vii) 2001 Census findings-Population, its distribution etc. 22 (viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1 to 36 23 (ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset 44 tables 37 to 47 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Houselisting Operations, Census of India 1001 based on inset tables 48 t~ 52 52 (xi) ;'\Iajor socia! and cultural events, natural and administrative deVelopments and significant activities during the decade 56

(vii) (xii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 56 (xiii) Major characteristics and contribution of the district. 57 (xiv) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory. 57

Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and II) Section I - Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 61 (b) Statement-List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001Census 64 (c) C.D. Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data 65 0) Map of CD Block 66 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Kurara CD Block 67 (iiO Village Directory Kurara CD Block 70

(i) Map Sumerpur CD Block 88 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Sumerpur CD Block 89 (iiO Village Directory Sumerpur CD Block 92

(i) Map CD Block 112 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Sarila CD Block 113 (iiO Village Directory Sarila CD Block 115

(i) Map CD Block 131 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Gohand CD Block 132 (iiO Village Directory Gohand CD Block 134

(i) Map Rath CD Block 152 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Rath CD Block 153 (iii) Village Directory Rath CD Block 155

(i) Map Muskara CD Block 173 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Muskara CD Block 174 (iiO Village Directory Muskara CD Block 176

(i) Map Mundaha CD Block 190 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Mundaha CD Block 191 (iiO Village Directory Mundaha CD Block 194

APPENSIS I to IX APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages CD Block level 221 APPENDIX lA Villages by number of Primary School 229 APPENDIX IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 230 APPENDIX lC Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 231 APPENDIX II Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or more amenities available 232 APPENDIX IIA Census towns which do not have one or more amenities. 233 APPENDIX II[ Land utilization data in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal towns 234 APPENDIX IV CD Blockwise list of inl1abited villages where no ameriity other than drinking water facility is available 235

(viii) APPENDIX V Summary showing number of viilages having Of not having Scheduled Castes population 2'"'.)6 j\PPENDIX Vl Summary showing number of villages having 01' not having Scheduled Tribes population 237 APPENDiX VIlA List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges 238 APPENDIX VlIB List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges 249 APPENDIX VIII NUITIoer of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C D block wise) 250 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 251

Section II - Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory 253 Town Directory Statements (l to VII) (b) STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 257 (c) STATEMENT II Physical aspects and location of towns 259 (d) STATEMENT III Municipal Finance 261 (e) STATEMENT IV Civic and other amenities 263 (f) STATEMENT V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 265 (g) STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 269 (h) STATEMENT VII Civic and other amenities in slums 271 (i) ApPEjndix to Town Directory 272 Part B - Primary Census Abstract (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 274 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 277 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban block wise figures of Total, SC and ST PopUlation 284 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 290 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 297 CD Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract Primary Census Abstract Kurara CD Block 305 Primary Census Abstract Sumer CD Block 319 Primary Census Abstract Sarila CD Block 329 Primary Census Abstract Gohand CD Block 341 Primary Census Abstract Rath CD Block 353 Primary Census Abstract Muskara CD Block 365 Primary Census Abstract Mundaha CD Block 377

Urban Primary Census Abstract 395

ANNESURES I to VIII Annexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 415 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 415 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 416 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of last 417 residence, 1991 Census Annexure V Brief a~ount of main religions in the districtltahsil as per 1991 Census 419 Annexure VI Marital status of popUlation as per 1991 Census 420 Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the dIstrict, 1991 Census 424 Annexure Vlll Distribution of different mothe~ tongues returned in 1991 Census 427



he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one T of the important publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCBH was in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsilltown levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV -A) on slums was introduced . to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns. 3. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex-wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation. It was expected that the presentation of village directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit. 4. The present series of 2001 census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of gram panchayat, wherever possible. has been provided. Apart from these, more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available tif not available in the village), are given. This includes educational facilities (namely primary and middle schools and college), medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health Centre), drinking water, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank. credit s(lcietics and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The infonnation is given in case or

(x) all statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censuses. The basic amenities available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with thc help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of 'motif highlighting significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexures. The analytical notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place ofbirthlplace of last residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (iv) age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent of changes occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-2001 are analysed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all the villages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs. 5. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerised in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Dr. Ranvir Singh, Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh. Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data and the information brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this publication was cap-ied out by Shri R.G. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr. R.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Ani! Kumar Arora, Deputy Director of Data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Addl. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computerisation of village and town directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCBB manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible.

D.K. Sikri New Delhi Registrar General & Dated: 17.1 0.2006. Census Commissioner, India

(xi) Preface

The District Census Handbooks (DCHBs) are brought-out in two parts giving village and town wise data for each district. The first part contains non-census data for each village and town and is called Village and Town Directories Pm1 A. The Part B provides Census data for rural area up to the village level and for urban areas up to ward level for each town or city in the shape of Primary Census Abstract (PCAs). The i'~formatlon contained in Primary Census Abstract and Village and Town Directory (VDs/TDs) has already been released for data users in soft copy. Data available in District Census Handbooks are very useful for policy planners, Administrators, Researchers and other socio-economic research centers. Till 1991 Census, all the inset tables included in District Census Handbooks were produced manually. But this time the software designed by the Data Processing Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India helped in the fast generations of tables. I am deeply grateful to Shri lK. Banthia, Ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his guidance and support. [ would like to thank Shri D.K. Sikri, Secretary, Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India for his sustained support and spontaneous, unfailing guidance through our endeavours. At the outset I thank to Shri R.e. Sethi. Additional Registrar General, India, who drove us to complete the District Census Handbooks within a specific timeframe and make it ready for printing. I thank to Shri R.G. Mitra, Ex. Deputy Registrar General (C&T), Shri R.P. Singh, Ex. Deputy Registrar General (Map), Dr. I.e. Aggarwal, Ex. Assistant Registrar General (8S) of the office of Register General, India for their guidanc~ at each steps in the preparation of District Census Handbook. Special thanks are due tq Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director (Social Studies) and Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Director (EDP), without their untiring efforts and support we could not have completed the District Census Handbook within this time. The Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Ranbir Singh, under whose guidance, the entire , operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success, but he was/epatriated to the State Government for taking up some other important assignments before the volume could, be made available for the printing. [ am also thankful to Shri R. K. Singh, Ex-Joint Director and Shri S.S.A. Jafri, Deputy Director for their valuable guidance and support to complete this project within specific time frame. The task of data collection in respect of both Census and non-census items was a gigantic on which officials in the State Government had to perform along with their normal duties. For their deep sense of devotion to duty and hard work in this regard, I am thankful to all of them. The preparation of District Census Handbook was done under the supervision and guidance of Shri B.K. Srivastava, Deputy Director of CenSLlS Operations and his team of dedicated workers deserve all praise for their perseverance and dedication in preparing for Camera Ready Cdpy of District Census Handbook.

I am also thankful to Shri Mohan Pandey, Ex-Deputy Director, Shri 1. Majhi, Assistant Director, Shri M.M. Pandey, Dr. S.S. Sharma S.l. Grade-I and Shri S.K. Banerjee, S.1. Gr. II who assisted in the work for timely completion of the project. S.LGr.II, S.LGr.III, Sr. Compilers, Compilers, Data Entry Operators and Assistant Compilers who assisted in the work also did a tremendous job. Shri A.M. Ansari, Deputy Director (EDP) and his team of devoted workers deserve all praise for timely processing of Household Schedule through Image Based Data Capturing Technology i.e. Scanning. The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri Dashrath Singh, Research Officer (Map) in bringing OLlt various maps.

') Lucknow Pradeep Kumar Deputy Director of Census Operations, October, 2008 Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow


Acknowledgement I Guidance Dr. Ranbir Singh lAS Director 2 Shri R.K. Singh Joint Director 3 Shri S.S.A. Jafri Deputy Director Supervision Shri S.c. Tripathi Deputy Director 2 Shri K.C. Upadhayaya Deputy Director 3 Shri G.N. Pathak Deputy Director 4 Shri Mohan Pandey Deputy Director 5 Shri B.K. Srivastava Deputy Director 6 Shri T.A. Usmani Assistant Director "1 Shri M.N. Singh Assistant Director 8 Shri V.K. Nigam Assistant Director 9 Shri Jagannath Majhi Assistant Director DCBB Section (Collection/Compilation of Statistics and Writeup of Analytical Note) I Dr. Ravi Shankar Assistant Director 2 Shri Mritunjay Kumar Assistant Director 3 Shri Banarsi La] Statistical Investigator Grade-I 4 Shri M.M. Pandey Statistical Investigator Grade-I 5 Dr. S.S. ShaI'ma Statistical Investigator Grade-I 6 Shri G.c. Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-II "1 Shri S.K. Banerjee Statistical Investigator Grade-Il 8 Shri V.K. Tiwari Statistical Investigator Grade-II 9 Shri T.R. Deorari Statistical Investigator Grade-III 10 Shri D.N. Saxena Statistical Investigator Grade-III I I Shri Riyaz Akhtar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 12 Shri Ajay Awasthi Statistical Investigator Grade-III 13 Shri R.K. Verma Statistical Investigator Grade-III 14 Shri Vishwanath Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-III ]5 Shri Pradeep Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 16 Shri M.e. Maheshwari Statistical Investigator Grade-III 17 Shri Satya Narain Compiler 18 Shri Vijay Krishna Compiler 19 Shri Khus Ram Compiler 20 Shri Devi Out! Pandey Assistant Compiler 21 Shri K.K. Awasthi Assistant Compiler 22 Smt. Kalpana Kukreti Assistant Compiler 23 Shl'i Alha Prased Loader Census and Tabulation Section (PCA Unit) 1 Shri P.c. Tewari Assistant Director 2 Shri R.S. M eena Assistant Director 3 Shri D.O. Sharma Assistant Director 4 Shri Rakesh Kumar Sharma Assistant Director 5 Shri Suresh Chandra Kaushal Assistant Director 6 Shri Anadi Asthana Statistical Investigator Grade-II 7 Shri Nanku Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 8 Shri Balbir Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 9 Shri P.K. Pathak Statistical Investigator Grade-III 10 Shri D.1. Lyall Statistical Investigator Grade-III II Shri U.G. Jhingran Stati~tical Investigator Grade-III 12 Shri R.L. Yadav Statistical Investigator Grade-_III 13 Shri Vinod Solomon Statistical Investigator Grade-III 14 Shri Ajay Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-III 15 Shri Ramesh Chandra Senior Compiler 16 Shri U.S. Singh Senior Compiler 17 Shri L.P. Yada\' Senior Compiler 18 Shri Aj~y Singh Sharti Compiler 19 Kill. Sonia Jethwani Compiler 20 KI1l. Saubhagya Sl"h'asta\"a Assistant Compiler 21 Shr! D.K.Rawat Assistant Compiler

(XIII) Map Unit I Shri Dashrath Singh Research Officer (Map) 2 Shri M.C. Vimal Senior Geographer 3 Shri R.K. Gupta Senior Geographer 4 Shri Binod Kumar Singh Geographer 5 Shri H.C. Tewari Senior Drawing Assistant 6 Shri Ajay Pratap Singh Sen ior Draughtsman Data Centre I Shri S.R. Sahay Deputy Director 2 Shri A.M. Ansari Deputy Director (EDP) 3 Shri Pooran Chandra Sen ior Superv isor 4 Shri S.D. Sharma Junior Supervisor 5 Shri S.c. Mishra Junior Supervisor 6 Shri Gaffar Ali Junior Supervisor 7 Shri Pancham Ram Junior Supervisor 8 Shri Parshu Ram Junior Supervisor 9 Sl1ri Ram Prakash Saxena Data Entry Operator 10 Shri Satya Narayan Data Entry Operator II Shri Subhash Singh Data Entry Operator 12 Shri Santosh Kumar Srivastava Data Entry Operator: 13 Shri Harish Chandra Prasad Data Entry Operator 14 Shri Ram Dass P.A. to Director 15 Shri M.S. Thapa Deputy Director (EDP) 16 Shri P.S. Chhikara Deputy Director, DP Division, Delhi Printing Unit f Shri Om Prakash Assistant Director 2 Shri Rashid Ahmad Khan S.T.A. 3 Shri Asharfi Lal Investigator - III 4 Shri Satish Chandra Srivastava Printing Inspector 5 Shfi Ram Sumer Assistant Compiler DCBE Section (Village & Town Directory Unit) I Shri Ram Kishore Shashtri Statistical Investigator Grade-II 2 Shri Nirmal Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-III 3 Shri Lalit Kumar Statistical Investigator Grade-Ill 4 Shri RajendraSingh Senior Compiler 5 Shri R.S. Mishra Compiler 6 Shri Ram Chandra Compiler 7 Shri Hari Lal Compiler 8 Shri Ashok Kumar Compiler 9 Shri S.N. Singh Compiler 10 Shri Sita Ram Compiler I 1 Shri Ganga Ram Compiler 12 Shri R.D. Prasad Compiler 13 Shri S.K. Sham1a Upper Division Clerk 14 Shri Ulllar Daraz Upper Division Clerk 15 Smt. Sushma Nigam Lower Division Clerk Manuscl'ipt and CRC P"epa"ation I Shri R.K. Nigam Senior Supervisor 2 Shri H.M. Suyal Junior Supervisor 3 Shri P.K. Bajpai Junior Supervisor tJ Shri G.c. Kandpal Data Entry Operator 5 Shri S.N .Yadav Data Entry Operator 6 Shri Inder Shekher Data Entry Operator 7 Shri Ishwar Singh Data Entry Operator [) Shri Amar Nain Data Entry Operator 9 Shri Mohammad lrfan Khan Assistant Compiler 10 Km. Preeti Nag Assistant Campi ler

(XIV) District Highlights - 2001 Census

1. District Hamirpur ranks 67th in terms of population in the state.

2. The percentage share of urban population in the district is 16.7 as against 20.8 of the population in urban areas of the state. 3. Hamirpur district has popUlation density of244 persons per sg.km.which is less than the state average 690 persons per sq. km

4. Hamirpur district ranks 60th in terms of sex ratio (851) which is lower than the state average (898) females per one thousand males.

5. Hamirpur district ranks 37th in literacy 57.4 which is higher than the state average 56.3 percent.

6. There are only 127 uninhabited villages out of total 648 villages in the district.

7. Decadal growth rate of the district 18.0 is lower to the state average of25.8

8. Rath tahsil has the highest number of inhabited villages (201) while Han1irpur (146) tahsil has the lowest number.

9. The district has 7 towns. No new town has been added after 1991 census and no town has been declassified.

10. There are 175,948 households in the district aCcoW1ting for 0.68 per cent of the total households in the state. The average size of households in the district is 5.9 persons.

(xv) Important Statistics

State District Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur

Number ofYillage Total 107,452 648 Inhabited 97,941 521 Uninhabited 9,511 127

Number of Towns Statutory 638 7 Census 66 Total 704 °7

Number of Normal 25,644,759 175586 Households Institutional 69,848 215 Houseless 43,033 147

Population Total Person 166,197,921 1043724 Male 87,565,369 56380] Female 78,632,552 479923

Rural Person 131,658,339 869916 Male 69,157,470 470298 Female 62,500,869 399618

Urban Person 34,539,582 173808 Male 18,407,899 93503 Female 16,131,683 80305

Percentage Urban Population 20.8 16.7

DecadaI Population Growth 1991-2001 Number Percentage Number Percentage Person 34,136,268 25.8 159212 18.0 Male 17,169,307 24.4 82800 17.2 Female 16,966,961 27.5 76412 18.9 Area (in square Km.) 240,928 4282 Density of Population 690 244 (persons per square km.)

Sex Ratio Total 898 851,

(N umber of females per Rural 904 850 1000 males) Urban 876 859 Number Percentage Number Percentage lLiterates Person 75,719,284 56.3 490606 57.4 ~ Male 48,901,413 68.8 333921 71.9 Female 26,817,871 42.2 156685 40.1

(XVI) (xvii) Ranking of Tahsils in the District

Serial In Terms of Hamiq~ur Rath Maud aha Number Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank 3 4 5 6 7 8 I Total Population 313,575 I1l 369,627 360,522 II 2 Total area (in square km.) 1065.78 III 1619.3 1193.67 II J Density of population per square kl11. 294 II 228 III 302 4 Sex Ratio 853 II 854 847 ]If 5 Proportion of Urban population 21.7 19.2 II 9.6 III G Proportion of Scheduled Castes 21.7 II 25.6 20.9 III 7 Proportion of Scheduled Tribes 0.0 II 0.0 0.0 III

8 Proportion of Literate 60.2 56.6 II 55.7 III 9 Work participation rate (Main + Marginal Workers) 35.7 III 42.7 38.6 II

10 Percentage of vi !lages I [r 87.9 II having Primary School 86.3 93.0 II Percentage of villages having Primary Health 5.5 III 11.4 ; II 19.5 Sub-Center 12 Percentage of villages 95.9 93.5 III 95.4 J] having Well I 13 Percentage of villages 24.7 20.9 III 29.9 having Post Office II 14 Percentage of villages 19.2 25.9 23.0 II having Bus Facility III [5 Percentage of villages having approach by 83.6 60.2 III 63.2 II Pucca Road 16 Percentage of villages having Electricity for 77.4 48.3 III 60.3 II domestic purpose 17 Percentage of villages 30.8 II 32.8 16.7 III having Forest area 18 Percentage of villages 97.3 88.1 III 93.7 II having Irrigated area


Name of Whether Sr. Name of DistrictlTahsil Urbani Distance f,·om tahsil headq uarters to No. District/Tahsil HeadquartcI's Rural district headquarters by road (in km.) 2 3 4 5 HamiqHlr Hamil'pur NPP Urban* 0 1 Hamirpur Hamirpur NPP Urban* 0 2 Rath Rath NPP Urban* 91 32 * Maudaha NPP Urban*

Note: - I. Asterisk in column 2 denotes that the district/tahsil headquarter is a rail head. 2. Asterisk in column 4 denotes that the district/tahsil headquarter is a statutory town.


N.ame of the Nameof District/C.D. Whether Distance from C.D. Block Sr. o istrictl Block Urbani Headquarters to district headquarters No. C.D. Block Headquarters Rural by road (in km.) 2 3 4 5 Hamirpur 1 Kurara Kurara N.P. Urban * 17 2 Sumerpur Sumerpur N.P. Urban* 16 3 Sarila Sarila N.P. Urban* 116 4 Gohand Gohand N.P. Urban* 95 5 Rath RathN.P. Urban * 91 6 M uskara Muskara Rural 54

7 Maudaha Maudaha NPP Urban* ",_)~

Note: I Asterisk in column 2 denotes that the district/CD block headquarter IS a rail head. 2. AstensI.- III column -l denotes that the district/CD block headqual1er is a stalutor: town.


Total/ Decadal Population Ru rail Census Population variation D1STICT Urban Year P M F A bs a III te Percentage

~ 1 2 _) 4 5 6 7 8 HAMiRPUR Total 1901 334,644 167,994 166,650 1911 341,344 172,229 169,115 6,700 2.00 1921 326,978 166,540 160,438 -14,366 -4.21 1931 349,172 178,428 170,744 22,194 6.79 1941 397,321 202,970 194,351 48,149 13.79 1951 407,939 210,448 197,491 10,618 2.67 1961 490,025 254,804 235,221 82,086 20.12 1971 607,908 323,526 284,382 1 17,883 24.06 1981 725,603 391,529 334,074 117,695 19.36 1991 884,512 481,001 403,51 I 158,909 21.90 2001 1,043,724 563,80 I 479,923 159,212 18.00 Rural 1901 306,288 153,920 152,368 1911 312,994 158,049 154,9;45 6,706 2.19 1921 300,038 152,950 147,088 -12,956 -4.14 1931 319,348 163,249 156,099 19,310 6.44 1941 361,470 184,745 176,725 42,122 13.19 1951 369,183 189,975 179,208 7,713 2.13 1961 461,685 239,529 222,156 92,502 25.06 197i 555,435 294,958 260,477 93,750 20.31 1981 616,809 332,387 284,422 61,374 11.05 1991 747,555 406,496 341,059 130,746 21.20 2001 869,916 470,298 399,618 122,361 16.37 Urban 1901 28,356 14,074 14,282 191 I 28,350 14,180 14,170 -6 -0.02 1921 26,940 13,590 13,350 -1,410 -4.97 1931 29,824 15,179 14,645 2,884 10.71 1941 35,851 18,225 17,626 6,027 20.21 1951 38,756 20,473 18,283 2,905 8.10 1961 28,340 15,275 13,065 -10,416 -26.88 1971 52,473 28,568 23,905 24,133 85.16 1981 108,794 59,142 49,652 56,321 107.33 1991 136,957 74,505 62,452 28,163 25.89 2001 173,808 93,503 80,305 36,851 26.91


Popu- latIon per Number Number Number Totall A rea in square of of of Senal DIstrict 1 Tahsil Rurall sq uare blo- Number of villages statutory census house- Population number 1 UA 1 Town Urban kllometers meter Inhabited Unmhabited towns towns holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Harrmpur Total 4,282 00 244 521 127 7 0 175,948 1,043,724 563,801 479,923 Rural 4,241.49 205 521 127 0 0 147,357 869,916 470,298 399,618 Urban 4051 4,290 0 0 7 0 28,591 173,808 93,503 80,305 2 Hamlrpur Total 1,06578 294 146 47 3 0 52,971 313,575 169,225 144,350 Rural 1,045.36 235 146 47 0 0 41,530 245,388 132,409 112,979 Urban 2042 3,339 0 0 3 0 11,441 68,187 36,816 31,371 Kurara (NP) Urban 107 10,729 0 0 1 0 1,928 11,480 6,156 5,324 4 Hamlrpur (NPP) Urban 1330 2,409 0 0 0 5,347 32,046 17,340 14,706 5 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 6.05 4,076 0 0 0 4,166 24,661 13,320 11,341 6 R.ath Total 1,61930 228 201 57 3 0 61,997 369,627 199,342 170,285 Rural 1,60555 .186 201 57 a a 50,555 298,736 161,234 137,502 Urban 1375 5,156 0 0 3 0 11,442 70,891 38,108 32,783 7 Sanla (NP) Urban 6.12 1,283 0 0 0 1,490 7,854 4,201 3,653 8 Gohand (NP) Urban I 35 5,250 0 0 0 1,242 7,087 3,842 3,245 9 Rath (NPP) Urban 628 8,909 0 0 01' 8,710 55,950 30,065 25,885 10 Maudaha Total 1,19367 302 174 23 I 0 60,980 360,522 195,234 165,288 Rural 1,18733 274 174 23 0 0 55,272 325,792 176,655 149,137 Urban 634 5,478 0 0 I 0 5,708 34,730 18,579 16,151 11 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 634 5,478 0 0 0 5,708 34,730 18,579 16,151


Serial Number of villages Rural population * number Name of C.D. block Total Inhabited Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Kurara 84 62 90,573 48,827 41,746 2 Sumerpur 109 84 154,815 83,582 71,233 3 Sarila 84 66 102,998 56,004 46,994 4 Gohand 88 74 103,495 55,548 47,947 5 Rath 86 61 . 92,243 49,682 42,561 6 M uskara 73 63 124,586 67,541 57,045 7 M audaha 124 III 201,206 109) 14 92,092 Dis trict (Rural) Total: 6-t8 521 869,916 470,298 399,618


Serial Name of Name of tahsil where Population number UA/Town Urban status town is located Persons Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 Gohand NP Hamirpur 7,087 3,842 3,245 2 Hamirpur NPP Hamirpur 32,046 17,340 14,706 3 Kurara NP Hamirpur 11,480 6,156 5,324 4 Maudaha NPP Rath 34,730 18,579 16,151 5 Rath NPP Rath 55,950 30,065 25,885 6 Sumerpur NP Rath 24,661 13,320 11,341 7 Sarila NP Maudaha 24,661 13,320 11,341 District (Urban) total: 190,615 102,622 87,993


Amenities available Amenittes available (contd.) Drink- ing Colllllll Whether Whether_.....:Ed=uc:=;a:::tio::;n:::a:._1 __.....:M~e=d:::ic::::al:__~W.:..:a:::te::.r~n:::ic:::at=io:::n~--'B=an=kin::lg"--_ it is it is CD. Primary locatIOn Tahsil block Senior Primary Health Conmer Co­ Senal Nam: of code Popu- head- head- Secondary Health Sub- Tap Railway cial operative n urrher CD block Nam: ofvilJage nUnDer lation quarters quarters School College Centre centre water statIon Bank Bank I 2 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 I Kurara Patara Danda 04673300 5,905 No No 0 0 0 0 No No o o 2 Sumerpur Ingohata 04677800 8,866 No No o o o No Yes 3 Sllmerpur SumerpurRural 04681200 7,077 No Yes o o o o No No o o

4 Sumerpur SurauiJ BUZllrg 04681900 5,705 No No o o o o No No o o Danda 5 Slltn:!rpur Terha 04682800 6,7% No No o o o o No No o 6 Sanla BhediDanda 04690900 5,336 No No o o o o No No o o 7 Muskara Biwanr 04712400 8,913 No No o o Yes No o 8 Muskara Uman 04713700 5,299 No No o o o Yes No o o 9 Muskara Muskera 04715300 13,289 NO o Yes No 2 10 Muskara Pahari Bhltari 04716200 5,131 No No o o o Yes No o o 11 Muskara CXhrauli 04716600 9,735 No No o Yes No o (Par Muskera) 12 Muskara lmiliya 04717300 5,454 No No o o Yes No o 13 Maudaha Artra 04720400 6,613 No No o o o o No No o

1-1 Malldaha SlSolar 0-1721500 5.402 No No o o o ~ No No

15 Maudaha Gauodhi 04726300 10,376 No No o o No No 16 Malldaha Khandeh 04727600 5.163 No No o o o o Yes Yes o o


Amcnities available Improved drinking Commu- EducatIOnal MedIcal water nicllt l(1n BankIng Namc Location Whether it is Whether it is Senior Serial of code Tahsil C.O. block Secondary Health Tar RlIII \\11y number Town number Populallon headquarters headquarters School College Hospital Centre water stat ion Bank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The District has no such Statutory Town


Houseless population Institutional population

Total/ Number Number Serial District I Tahsil! Rural! of house of house· number Town Urban holds Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 1 Hamirpur Total 147 713 408 305 215 2,547 1,959 588 Rural 131 650 373 277 142 1,122 669 453 Urban 16 63 35 28 73 1,425 1,290 135 2 Hamirpur Total 6 23 13 10 66 856 712 144 Rural 3 12 6 6 29 217 139 78 Urban 3 11 7 4 37 639 573 66 3 Kurara (NP) Urban 4 30 15 15 4 Hamirpur (NPP) Urban 3 11 7 4 32 600 554 46 5 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 9 4 5 6 Rath Total 35 191 103 88 52 860 731 129 Rural 25 153 83 70 31 275 169 106 Urban 10 38 20 18 21 585 562 23 7 Sarila (NP) Urban 8 Gohand (NP) Urban 6 30 17 13 1 10 10 9 Rath (NPP) Urban 4 8 3 5 20 575 552 23 10 Maudaha Total 106 499 292 207 97 831 516 J 15 Rural 103 485 284 201 82 630 3(j 1 269 Urban 3 14 8 6 15 201 155 46 II Maudaha (NPP) Urban 3 14 8 6 15 201 155 46



(i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook

The district census handbooks were first published after 1951 census. Since then after every decadal census the publication has remained a constant feature with some improvements. This publication has been traditionally brought out by the Census Organization on behalf of each State Government/Union Territory. This publication provides data on demographic characteristics as wel1 as information on the availability of basic amenities in each vil1age and town of respective districts. The scope of the publication has been changing with the changing needs ~f the data users. The 1951 census series of the publication contained Primary Census Abstract, Vil1age and Town Directories, administrative statistics and an account of the district. [n 1961 the publication was in a single volume containing three patiS covering Census tables, official statistics and Village Directories. The 1971 Census DCHBs were published in 2 parts. The Part A contained

I Village and Town Directories and Part B contained Village and Town PCA. The Part C could not be published in many States!UTs which contained administrative statistics and district census tables. The 1981 DCHBs were published on the restructured formats of Village and Town Directories. The DCHBs of 1981 Census were published in 2 palis for each district. The Village and Town Directories comprised Part 'A' and PCAs of Villages and Towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Castes land Scheduled Tribes PCA up to Tahsil/Town level were provided in PaIi 'B'. If any amenity except electric:ity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such a~1enities was given. Information on some new items was also provided keeping in view of the needs of the Revised Minimum Needs Program. The 1991 DCHBs were almqst same in scope as was at 1981. The new features included in 1991 DCHBs were the nine-fold industrial clas~ification of main workers and the sex-wise p~pulation in the 0-6 age group. Yet other information at the 1991 census was the CD Block level presentation of data. The VD data was also made available through the magnetic tapes! floppies. Unfortunately in UP no DCHBs ,relating to 1991 Census were out of press till completion of 2001 Census defeating the very purpose of these publications apart from causing inconveniences to the data users.

_ The 2001 DCHBs contain more information such as details on greater number of facilities available to the Vil1ages/Towns. The analysis of data with aid of inset tables and statements is more informative. The 2001 DCHBs are fully geared to meet the requirements of Gram Panchayats. At the 200 I Census the DeHBs are entirely available on electronic format and on CD-ROM; hence the word "Handbook" seems now to be a misnomer. Brief History of the District

Hamirpur is one of the district of Bundelkhand Division. A little ::!uthentic information is known about the early history of the district. The first historical notice we get of the district is .obtained from the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang, who visited Bundelkhand in 641-642 AD. The pilgrim has stated that the region was fertile and yielded good crops. The country was ruled by a Brahman king, who was a firm believer in Buddhism. There were more than ten Deva temples. The king patronised man of merit and a number of learned scholar from other kingdom adorned his court. After Harsha's death the history of district again enveloped in darkness for about half a century. During this period of political insatiability many ruler emerged. It is believed that Gond, Kols, Bhils and Bhars etc occupied the major part of the region. In 8th century Yoshaver-man, Paratihara ruler Vatsa , Nag Bhatt II, Govind 111 - the Rashtra Kut King. the Chandel king and Nannuka ruled this area one by one. Between 836-925 AD Mihir Bhoj, Rohila and Harsha also l'{tled. It was followed by Harsha's,son Yashover man and his son Dl1anga (950-1008 AD). Dhanga was succeeded by his son Ganda (1008-1017 AD), who was also further succeeded by Vidyadhar, has dIstinguished himself by containing Mahmud Ghazni's triumphant carieI' and saving his kingdom by the luth less invader. Between 1050-1060 AD Kalachuris reigned the region. Kirtiverman defeated Kalachuris and 2 established his kingdom (1060-1100 AD) and was succeeded by his son Sallaksanaver-man (1100-1115 AD), there after layaverman (I I 15-1 120 AD) Prithivivennan (I [20~29 AD), Madanverman (1129-1162 AD) Promidi deva, also ruled this region. For a short period in 1182 AD Mahalia the capital of Chan del Kingdom was occupied by Prithivi Raj. But Paramidideva drew him out with in a short time. In 1202 Qutub-ud-din Aibak penetrated into his kingdom, thus the Chandel dynasty ended in 1203 AD. After it Ala-ud-din Khilji (1249-1316), Firoz Shah Tughlak (1376-83), Sikander Lodi (1488 AD), Rudra Pratap (1507 AD) and Mahmud Khan Bemgush (1728 AD) one after other ruled over this region until the British conquest. In between, there was Muslim power in this portion but certainly was ill-defined and did not extend far beyond the local headquarters. However, the scene of the earliest Bundela exploits lies outside the boundaries of the district. Bundelas became an important factor in the history of the tract only after the beginning of the 16th century. The Bundelas are now survived in Hamirpur through their remains, though very few, like those of the Mughals. Ultimately by an agreement dated December 16th, 1803, it was agreed "to cede in perpetuity to the Hon'ble East India Company from the province of Bundelkhand conquered for the Poona State by Ali Bahadur, territory yielding an estimated annual revenue of Rs. 36,16,000". In the year 1804, the capture of Kalpi effectually confirmed the British occupation of Bundelkhand., Thereafter, the ciistrict was eX:tremely disturbed till 1812. From 1812 to 1857 it remained almost undisturbed. At the outbreak of mutiny, the composition of the district was the same as it is now and Mahoba having been received from in i 853. During the mutiny, however, the district was much disturbed. By the first quarter of J 858, with the . I defeat and flight of the Nawab of , the great rebellion as far as this district is concerned, may be said to have come to an end. The dist;rict theni soon settled in its normal state and the work of reorganisation was effectually carried out. Thereafter with few exceptions, the history of the ,district since 1858 has been one of the orderly administrations. On 1 I Feb. 1995, the district of Hamirpu~ waS divided into two parts forming yet another district namely Mahoba. Administrative Setup

Th~ seat of district administration is at Hamirpur. There are 3 tahsils in the district; namely Hamirpur, Rath and Maudaha. The numb~r of Community Development Blocks are 7. Total area of the district' is 4282 sq kms. Jurisdictional Change (1991-2001)

During the year 1991-2001 the following jurisdictional change took place in the district. - Name of Notification No. & Jurisdictional Chang~ S.No. Tahsil date Added Subtracted 1 2 3 .t 5 1. Hamirpur 5-4(1 )88-(359)-R-5 - Entire 3 tahsils, viz., Mahoba with 2 dated 09.02. I 995 towns, ~ulpahar tahsil with one town and Charkhari tahsil with two towns transferred to newly created .

District Administration:

District atlministration comprises Revenue:- Development, Police (Law and Order), Judiciary. and Local self-government. District Magistrate is in-charge of revenue administr~tion. He is assisted by Additional , District Magistrate (Finance and Revenue) i.e., ADM (F&R). At the tahsil level Sub Divisional Magistrate is

3 in-charge, who is now rede~ignated as Up-Jila Adhikari. He is assisted by Tahsildars in each tahsil and for revenue collection each tahsil is further entrusted to Naib Tahsildars and Kanongos circles respectively. For . each revenue village, Lekhpal is in-charge. Chief Development Officer and District Development Officer are. in-charge for development activities in the district. Various departments have departmental officers at the district level ego Health, Panchayat Raj, Electricity, Transport, Irrigation, Jal Nigam, Animal Husbandry, Harijan and Samaj Kalyan, Agriculture, Horticulture, PWD, etc. each have a department at district level office, departments point of view the district is divided into community development block. Block Development Officers (BDO) iooks after development works at community development block level. Assistant Development Officer and Village Development Officers at village level.

Under the police set-up Senior Superintendent of Police in big district and Superintendent of Police in small districts are incharge. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) are in charge of their respective area. Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) look-after the Thanas allotted to them. Police Inspector and Sub­ Inspector are in-charge of their police stations depending upon the popUlation and area.

The judicial administration of the district is headed by District and Session Judge. In addition there are several Additional District Judge, Civil Judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate and Munsif Magistrate etc. also developed to help in judicial matters.

The nucleus of the district body for self government is consisted of Mayor and Mukhya Nagar Adhikari (MNA) in the case of Nagar Nigam, Chairman, Executive Officer in Nagar Palika Parishad and Nagar Panchayat. Chairman Dislrict Board and Gram Pradhan in Panchayats and Pramukh of Kshetra Sarniti . etc. come under Local self-government. Physical Features Location and Size:

The district of Hamirpur lies in the centre of division. On the west and north-west lie the district Jhansi and Jalaun, the boundary is formed throughout by the Dhasan and Betwa rivers. The river Yamuna separates the district on the north from Kanpur and . To the east lies Banda district. The natural frontier of the tract being the Ken river, though only forming the border for a distance of some 29 kms. The newly carved o~t M,ahoba district bounds it in the south. The distirct lies between the parallels of o 2S and 26° north latitude and 79°5' and 80°5' east longitude. Total area of the district is 4282 sq. kms.


Topographically, the district is made up of flat plain. The district Hamirpur lies in the Jhansi Uplands and occupies an area of 4282 sq. km.

On the basis of geology, soils, topography, climate and natural vegetation the district is subdivided in the follOWing sub-micro regions.

Dhasan-Betwa Ravines: Mainly formed ofrocks of Recent age the region runs parallel to Dhasan and Betwa rivers in a strip form. Dhasan flows in its lower part and joins Betwa approximately 32 kilometres from the southern boundary of the district. Afterwards Betwa drains in the area. The general slope corresponds to the river flow of Dhasan and Betwa. The area is infested with ravines.

Rath PI~in: Formed by the rocks of Recent age, the region is spread over between the watershed lines of Dhasan, Betwa and Birma rivers in part o(Rath tahsil. Central part of the plain is comparatively higher. As compared to other regions 'it. lacks streams. The general slope of the area is from south to north. The region is served with Dhasan irrigation canal system. The road networks are very well developed.

4 Yamuna-Betwa Doab: The region spread over part of Hamirpur tahsil and is bounded from north and south by Yamuna and Betwa rivers respectively. Here the river Betwa joins with Yamuna river. It is formed of Alluvium and Dun gravels of Recent age. Physiographically it is different from other regions. There are small streams which flow in the region and form ravines along its course. The slope is very gentle from west to east. Hamirpur, the district headquarters, is situated at the confluence of Yamuna and Betwa. Being district town it . is connected with roads from other parts. Rest of the area lacks transport links.

Maudaha Plain: The region spread over Hamirpur, Maudaha, Charkhari and Mahoba tahsils (partly) is situated in the eastern part of the district and covers the largest area as compared to other regions. It is also formed of Alluvium and Dun gravels of Recent age. A 200 mt. contour limits is its southern boundary whereas Birma, Betwa and Yamuna mark the western and northern boundary respectively. The area slopes towards north-west direction. Chandrawal is the main river in this belt. Sukheli, Magaria, Kuraur, Bhainsora are the other tributaries. As compared to other regions ravines are insignificant along these tributaries. North of Maudaha, the surface is comparatively smooth. There are number of canals in the area which serve the irrigational need. It is well connected by roads and railways. The above characteristics are suitable for human habitat. The important urban centres situated in this belt are Maudaha, Charkhari, Mahoba, Kabrai, Kharela . and Sumerpur. Charkhari, Mahoba and Maudaha happen to be tahsil headquarters also. Drainage:

The main river that flow through the district are Yamuna, Betwa, Dhasan Verma, Chandrawal and. Pandwahar. Besides, there are many minor streams. These streams for most pa~ of the year are torrents which get swollen greatly during the rains but at other times quickly subside into narrow stream with a very small discharge. The river yamuna enters the district from Jalaun, first touching the district near Misripur, flowing from west to east forming some portion of the northern boundary. The Betwa flows along the north-eastern boundary from the point where the Dhasan joins it to the village of Radhina in tahsil Rath. The Betwa, a tributary to Yamuna, is the longest river in the district. Dhasan, emanating from the Vindhyachal flows through Rath tahsil, forming the western boundary of the district. Ken, for some 22 lans. forms the boundary between tahsil Maudaha and district Banda. It also emanates from Vindhyachal and flows.


The intense heat and dryness especially in the north are the main climatic characteristics. The..hot '. weather commences early in March and subsides only with the outbreak of the monsoon. If monsoon rains are delayed the heat becomes actually distinctly trying. The rocky terrain in the south adds to the blazing glare of the hot weather day. On the other hand atmosphere is generally clear and free from the dust. The nights during cold weather are generally chilly and crisp. During the rains the climate becomes unhealthy. Indeed rainy' season gives notoriety to climate for unhealthiness.

The district has the lowest rainfall among the districts of Jhansi division. The rainfall in the district is capricious and irregular. It is characterized by heavy falls causing floods somewhere with long breaks or widespread failure somewhere. Actual rainfall during the year 1998 was 709 mms against the average rainfall of 864 mms, in the district. The maximum and minimum temperature recorded was 45.20C and 4.2° Celsius. Natural and Economic Resources

Forestry :

Forestry does not play important role in the economy of the district. Mainly firewood is produced in the forests. The northern portion of the district is particularly devoid of natural vegetation. The hardy Babbol grows spontaneously, and in the riverine tracts where it is generally mixed Jungle of small and stunted type. s The Babool is useful for the manufacture of plough and carts. Khais is a common tree, and the other trees include the Hingol, Karaunda and Karil. In the south, in tahsils Charkhari, Kulpahar and Mahoba, the hills as well as considerable level stretches are covered with forest. The tree that grows in the great profusion in these forest is Tendu. Other common species besides the Mahua are the Semal, Dadhi, Dhawa, Gurja, Dhak, Rionikhair and Kardhai. During the year 1997-98, the covered area under forest was 24,172 hectares out of total area of 416,665 hectares. This comes to 5.80 percent of the total area. The chief trees thus found in the forests of Maudaha and Rath tahsils are Babool, Dhak, Sahjan, Tendu, Teek, Semal, Neem, Jamun, Mahuwa and Mango.

Among the wild animals tiger is a very rare visitant but leopard is fairly common in the rocky hills and forests of Mahoba and Kulpahar. The bear is occasionally found. Wolves and hyenas are common animals to be found in hills and ravines throughout the district. Other animals commonly found in the district are jaickals, foxes, pigs, sambhar and deer. Hares are common only in south. Monkeys are uncommon.

So far birds are concerned, peafowl, gray partridge, peacock, koil and ducks are most common. Of migratory waterfowls, various species of geese, duck and teal visit the area in cold weather. Numerous varieties of cranes, stocks sand other waders also congregate at the places of water. Mineral and Mining:

There are no important minerals found in the district. Sandstone of red colour is found in river Betwa which earns crores of rupees for district administration and it is exported to remote areas in the state. It is used in building and construction work. Muskara and Rath development blocks are surrounded by hilly tract. The minerals Pyrophyllite and Dias pore found in the district is a moderately soft mineral light pick, grejish, white or brownish black in colour and generally used in paints, as filler in paper industry, cosmetics, ceramics and as potstone. It is specially used in the manufacturing of slate pencils and is sometimes called pencil stone. It is also very useful in wall tile products. Soil :

Soil in the district consists of well known Bundelkhand variety, Mar, Kevar, Parua and Rekar. The former two being commonly known as black and the later two are light soils. The northern portion of the district is singularly bare with no tree growth., On black soil there is spontaneous growth ofbabool etc. Land and Land use Pattern :

The district is made up of flat plain. The land use details during 1997-98 are as follows total area was 416,665 hectares, forests 24,172 hectares, cultivable barren land 5,643 hectares, current fallow 13,236 hectares and other fallow 5,134 hectares. Usar and uncultivable area was recorded as 9,615 hectares, other than agriculture 30,851 hectares, permanent meadows 328 hectares, orchards & bushes 683 hectares. The net area sown was 327,003 heCtares. Out of total land holdings of 168,222 as many as 3,187 holdings were of 10 hectares and above, 20,331 land holding lie in the range of 4 to 10 hectares, 29065 land holdings lie in 2 to 4 hectares 37,101 land holding lie in 1-2 hectares 39,574 land holdings in 0.5 to 1 hectares and 38,964 land holdings lie in the range ofless than 0.5 hectares as per statistical holdings 1998. Agriculture and Crop Pattern :

In the district agriculture is the main' stay of the people. This is so, because there is a complete absence of any large-scale industry in the area. As much as 80. 16 percent of the population lives in the country side. The system of agriculture persued in the district is characterised by slovenly ploughing insufficient weeding and an absence of intensive husbandry, which are quite common with these found in

6 other parts of Bundelkhand. The vagaries of climate are also a steady discouragement to improved method of agriculture.

There are three harvests, Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. Zaid is insignificant in the area. The most important is Kharif. The main Kharif crops are juwar, bajra, small millets and rice. Besides, there are very valuable crops of cotton, seasamum and betel leaves. A considerable area is also devoted to sugarcane. During the year 1997-98 the total gross area sown was 366,312 hectares, out of this, the sown area for more than once was 39,309 hectares. The gross area sown during Rabi accounted for 263,662 hectares, Kharif 102468 hectares and Zaid 155 hectares. In addition to this 27 hectares was prepared for sugarcane. Pulses and oil seeds covered 198,369 hectares and 5,051 hectares in the said year respectively. The lack of irrigation network in the district resembles poor scenario of Agriculture.

Among Rabi crops the most important is gram, which is grown in all soils. Next comes wheat and linseed as also urad, arhar and masur. The cultivation of tobacco is also carried on mostly in Rath.


In the year 1997-98 the irrigation network included 797 kms. of canals, 492 government tube-wells, 1094 private tube-wells, 17799 pumping sets, 7450 Pucca wells. The major sources of irrigation are canals and pucca wells. During the year 1997-98, the area irrigated by various sources was as follows: (In hectares)

Tube wells Year By Canal Well Pond Others Govt. Priv. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1997-98 39,692 11,667 16,063 13,622 317 3,665

Animal Husbandry:

Animal husbandry is also a source of supplementing the income of rural population. The livestock population of the district stood to more than 10 lakhs. Of these 84 percent is accounted for by bovine and sheep population. Cows and she-buffaloes are generally kept by all classes of people for production of milk for household consumption. Commercial production of milk is carried on generally by 'Ahir' caste. The dairy industry is not commercially viable because of low productivity and production for self consumption. There are many dairy units in the district. There are nine milk cooperative societies located all in Sumerpur in tahsil Hamirpur. Poultry units are also established in the district. A large number of sheep and goats is being kept in the district mainly in the ravines of the northern tahsils. There is hardly any production of wool. They are reared for milk and meat.


The river, canals and lakes of the district contain a plentiful supply of fish. The usual modes of catching fish are by means of the dragnet, the tapa of funnel-shaped basket and the fishing rod. The fish . mostly found here and locally called Rohu, Nain Chilwa, Saul and those of the Carp type.

Industry :

The district is characterized with very weak industrial activities which are largely confmed to village and cottage industries. In the north of Kulpahar hundreds of persons are employed in making bowls from soap stones found in the hills close by. In the name of registered factory under the factory Act. 1948, there are 50 big and medium size industries in whole of 1he district employing 1104 persons to produce goods. The name of some important industries are Hindustan Lever Ltd., Rin Soap factory, Rajat paper board factory and some medium size industries are Bandana Steels, Sushil Pump and Compressor etc. In the year 1990-91 the number

7 small-scale industries registered in the district were 5042. Another noticeable feature of the district is the total absence of any large central market. Rath is the biggest market. Mahoba owing to prestigious long standing betel leaf business and its position on the railways enjoys a considerable trade. Th other chief local markets are Sumerpur, Maudaha and Hamirpur.

Trade and commerce: The following table gives most important commodities manufactured imported and exported from towns.

Name of the towns Most important commod~ Manufactured EX_Qorted Im_Qorted 1 2 3 4 Gohand Bricks Bricks Cloth Hamirpur -- Wheat Cloth Kurara -- Wheat Cloth Rath Gur Gur Sugar Maudaha Soap Shoes Cloth Sarila Khadi Cloth Wheat Cotton Sumerpur Leather Foodgrains Cement


District Hamirpur is deficient in railway communication on Jhansi Manikpur road, Mohaba is the main railway station. It is served by one branch line of Central Railway between Kanpur and Banda. The important railway stations are Sumerpur, Bhoudana and Bharua. The main commercial centres of the district are Sumerpur, Bharua, Bhoudaha etc. There is a good network of state Highways as well as other all weather roads. The State Highways Nos. 21 and 17 passe through the district with a length of 194 kms. The main transport activities are carried out by roads.

Electricity and Power:

There are no power generation units in the district. It is served by outside district which is used for domestic, commercial industrial as well as irrigation purposes. During the year 1998-99 the total consumption of electricity amounted to 83989 kwh. Out of which 14940 thousand kwh accounts for domestic consumption, 2666 thousand kwh. in commercial light, 40305 thousand kwh. for industrial consumption and 37 thousand kwh. in public light. Irrigation sector claims the consumption of 24554 thousand kwh and public water and sewerage claims 932 thousand kwh. Gram Panchayats, its composition, jurisdiction and role in village development:

A Gram Panchayat acts as the executive of the Gram Sabha. It is vital for village develo~ment. composition: The members of the village of Gram Panchayat are elected by the members of the Gram Sabha. The members of the Gram Sabha generally elect a small committee of 7 -15 members from among themselves who constitute the villagc panchayat. There are 394 gram sabhas in the district.

It is necessary that the village Panchayat should have a member belonging to the scheduled caste and also a woman member. If they are not elected, then the government itself appoints two such members. The Villag1 Panchayat is the sole body, whith looks after the various problems of the village and takes steps to improve the conditions of the villages.

8 its term: The new Panchayat Raj Act of 1993 has fixed a uniform five year for every Panchayat. It can also be dissolved earlier by the state'government, if it fails to perform its duty faithfully, A Sarpanch may be removed from office if two-third Panchas vote against him, But in such a case the sanction of the district authorities must be obtained beforehand,

The Panchayat normally meets once in a month, If need be, an emergency meeting can also be called by the sarpanch, qualifications: In order to be elected to a village panchayat, a candidate should passes the following qualifications:

I, He should be a resident of the village concerned and his name should be in the voter's list of the village,

2, He should be twenty five years old,

3, He should be mentally and physically sound,

4, He should not be a proclaimed offender. functions: A Gram panchayat is entrusted with various social, economic and judicial functions,

I, It provides civic amenities to the people of the village.

2, I.t gets a primary school opened in the village and supervise its work. I 3, It looks after the cleanliness of the village. Drains for waste water are also provided by the Panchayat in the village.

4, It gets a Primary Health Centre opened in the village. The Panchayat has also to provide land and building for such a centre,

5, It gets metalled roads built from the village to the nearest road leading to a market place with the help of the Public Works Department of the District.

6. It arranges for sufficient irrigation facilities, improved seeds, insecticides, chemical manures, improved implements and other such facilities with the help of the Block Development Officer of the area of the uplift of agriculture.

7. It manages and maintains the common property of the village.

8. In some states, the Gram Panchayat enjoys also certain judicial powers. It decides petty civil and criminal case and imposes fine upto Rs. 100. (v) Census Concepts


14 structure on the ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than component unit which are used or likely to be used as dwellings (residences) or establishments such as shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, worksheds, Schools, places of entertainment places of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible that building which have componwt units may be used for a combination of purposes such as shop­ cum-residence, workshop-cum-residence, office-cum-Residence, etc.

Usually a structure will have four walls and a roof. But in some areas the very nature of construction of houses is such thai there may not be any wall. Such is the case of conical structures where entrance is also

9 provided but they may not have any walls. Therefore, such of the conical structures are also treated as separate buildings.

Permanent houses

Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of permanent materials. The material of walls can be anyone from the following, namely, galvanized iron sheets or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, burnt bricks, stones or concrete. Roof may be made of from anyone of the following materials, namely, tiles, slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, stones or concrete.

Semi-permanent houses

Houses in which either the wall or the roof is made of permanent material and the other is made of temporary material.

Temporary houses

Houses in which both walls and roof are made of materials, which have to be replaced frequently. Walls may be made from anyone of the following temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, plastic, polythene, mud, un burnt bricks or wood. Roof may be made from anyone of the following temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, wood, mud, plastic or polythene.


A room should have four walls with a k:toorway with a roof over head and should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e., it should have a length of not less than 2 metres and a breadth of at least I 1/2 metres and 2 metres in height. A room, however, which is used in common for sleeping, sitting, dining, storing and cooking, etc., should be regarded as a room. An unenclosed verandah, kitchen, store, garage, cattle-shed and latrine and rooms in which a household industry such as a handloom is located, which are not normally used for living or sleeping are excluded from the definition of a living room for the purpose of this question.

One is likely to come across conical shaped hut or tent in which human beings reside. In such improvised accommodation, there will be no four walls to a room and therefore, the above definition would not strictly ,apply to such types of accommodation. In such cases, the tent or conical hut etc., have been construed to be a room. In certain parts of the country, particularly in rural areas, the pattern of housing may present some problems. For example, a household may be in occupation of several huts put to different uses such, as main residence, sitting room, store and even for sleeping at night. By strict application of the definition each one will be reckoned as a census house, but this does not reflect the real situation. While huts used as store or cattle shed pose no problems, those used as sleeping rooms beyond the main residence, should be counted as rooms rather than separate census houses. If a garage is used by a servant and he lives in it as a separate household, it should be reckoned as a room available to the servant's household. If the servant is considered as a member of the household then the garage room should be reckoned as an additional room of the household

Dwelling Room

A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide and long enough for a persor to sleep in, i.e. it should have a length of not less than 2 meters and a breadth of at least 1.5 meters and a height of 2 meters. A dwelling room~would include living room, bedroom, dining room, drawing room, study room, servant's room and other habitable rooms. Kitchen, bathroom, latrine, store room, passageway and verandah which are not normally usable for living are not considered as dwelling rooms. A

10 room, used for multipurpose such as sleeping, sitting, dining, storing, cooking, etc., is regarded as a dwelling room. [n a situation where a census houses is used as a shop or office., etc., and the household also stays in it then the room is not considered as a dwelling room. But if a garage or servant quarter is used by a servant and if she/ he also lives in it as a separate household then this has been considered as a dwelling room available to the servant's household. Tent or conical shaped hut if used for living by any household is also considered as dwelling room. A dwelling room, which is shared by more than one household, has not been counted for any of them. [f two households have a dwelling room each but in addition also share a common dwelling room, then the common room has not been counted for either of the households.

Census house

A 'census house' is a building or part of a building used or recognised as a separate unit because of having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or staircase, etc. It may be occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or non- residential purpose or both.

In certain peculiar situations, the manner in which buildings and census houses were identified for numbering in the field by the enumerators is described hereunder:

Sometimes a series of different buildings are found along a street which are joined with one another by common walls on either side looking like a continuous structure. These different units are practically independent of one another and are likely to have been built at different times and owned by different persons. In such cases, though the whole structure with all the adjoining units apparently appears to be one building, each portion was treated as a separate building and its constituent J~its as separate census houses. On the other hand, one may come across cases, particularly in large cities of multi-storeyed ownership flats. In these cases while the structure looks like one building, different persons own the flats. In case of such multi-storeyed structures, having a number of flats owned by different persons, the entire structure was treated as one building and each flat as a separate census house.

If within a large enclosed area, there are separate buildings owned by different persons then each such building is treated as a separate building. There can be a situation where within an enclosed compound there are separate buildings owned by an undertaking or company or even government that are actually in occupation of different persons. For example, Indian Oil Corporation colony where the buildings are owned by the Corporation but these are in occupation of their employees. Each such building was treated as a separate building. But if in anyone of these buildings there were flats in occupation of different households, each such flat was reckoned as a separate census house.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to apply the definition of census house strictly in certain cases. For example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms, each room having direct entrance from the common staircase or courtyard. By defmition, this has to be treated as five census houses. If all these five rooms are occupied by a single household it was not realistic to treat them as five census houses. In such a case, 'singleness' of use of these rooms along with the main house should be considered and the entire flat was treated as one census house. On the other hand, if two independent households occupy these five rooms, the first household living in 3 rooms and the second household occupying 2 rooms, then considering the use, the first three rooms together were treated as one census house and the remaining rooms as another census house. But if each room was occupied by an independent household, then each such room was treated as a separate census house.

In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door of each room in which an inmate lives opens to a common verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel!

11 Hotel building was treated as one census house. but if such hostelslhotels have out-houses or other structures used for different purposes or the same purpose, then each such structure attached to the main hostel! hotel was treated as a separate census house.

In some parts of the country, in rural areas, the pattern of habitation is such that a group of huts, located in a compound, whether enclosed or unenclosed, is occupied by one household. While the main residence may be located in one hut, other huts may be used for sleeping, as a kitchen, bath room, baithak, etc. Though each of the huts was a separates structure, they form a single housing unit and therefore, have to be treated collectively as one building and one census house. If some of the huts are used by one household and the others by a second household as residence, then the two groups of huts were treated as separate census houses. However, if there were also other huts in the compound used for other purposes and not as part of the household's residence such as, cattle shed, workshed, etc., these were treated as separate census houses.

On the other hand, in urban areas, where more than one structure within an enclosed or open compound (premises) belonging to the same person, e.g., the main house, the servant's quarter, the garage, etc., only one building number was given for this group and each of the constituent a separate census house number.

Only cases where a structure with roof and pillars has corne up was treated as a building. Village , The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village, which has definite surveyed boundaries. The ~evenue village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the entire village is treated as one unit for presentation of data. In un surveyed areas, like villages within forest areas, each habitation area with locally recognized boundaries is treated as one village. Rural-Urban area The data in tables on Houses, Household Amenities and Assets are presented separately for rural and urban areas. The unit of classification in this regard is 'town' for urban areas and 'village' for rural areas. In the Census of India 2001, the definition of urban area adopted is as follows: a) All places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc. b) A place satisfying the following three criteria simultaneously: i) a minimum population of 5,000; ii) at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and iii) a density of population of at least 400 per sq. krn.(1,OOO per sq. mile) For identification of places which would qualify to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, as per the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, a popUlation density of 400 persons per sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male working popUlation engaged in non-agricultural activity were considered. To work out the proportion of male working population referred to above against b) (ii), the data relating to main workers were taken into account. Apart from these, the outgrowths (OGs) of cities and towns have also been treated as urban under 'Urban Agglomerations'. Examples of out-growths are railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, military camps, etc., that may have come up near a statutory town or city but within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the demographic criteria laid down at (b) above to qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to.be clubbed with the towns as a continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data, wherever presented, also includes the data for outgrowths of such towns.

12 City Towns with population of 1,00,000 and above are called cities. LJ rban Agglomeration An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban outgrowths of such towns. In some cases railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., may come up near a city or statutory town outside its statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread. For the purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations during Census of India 200 I, following criteria are taken as pre-requisites: (a) The core town or at least one of the constituent towns of an urban agglomeration should necessarily be a statutory town; and (b) The total population of all the constituents (i.e., towns and outgrowths) of an Urban Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 (as per the 1991 Census). With these two basic criteria having been met, the following are the possible differennituations in which Urban Agglomerations would be constituted: i) a city or town with one or more contiguous outgrowths; ii) two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths; and iii) A city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a continuous spread. Household A 'household' is usually a group of persons who normally live together and take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent any of them from doing so. Persons in a household may be related or unrelated or a mix of both. However, if a group of unrelated persons live in a census house but do not take their meals from the common kitchen, then they are not constituent of a common household. Each such person was to be treated as a separate household. The important link in finding out whether it was a household or not was a common kitchen. There may be one member households, two member households or multi-member households. Institutional household A group of unrelated persons who live in an institution and take their meals from a common kitchen is called an Institutional Household. Examples of Institutional Households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 200 I, it was specifically mentioned that this category or households would cover only those households where a group ofumelated persons live in an institution and share a common kitchen. Houseless household Households who do not live in buildings or census houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, in hume pipes, under flyovers and staircases, or in ~he open in places of worship, mandaps, railway platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the President may, with respect to any State or Union territory, specify the castes, races or tribes lOr parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall for the purposes of the Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union territory. Article 342 similarly provides for specification of tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within

13 tribes or tribal communities which are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the various States and Union territories. In pursuance of these provisions, the list of Scheduled Castes and / or Scheduled Tribes are notified for each State and Union territory and are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or Union territory and not outside. It is important to mention here that under the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950, no person who prof~ssed a religion different from Hinduism was deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste in addition to every member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, Majhabi or Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala and East Punjab States Union were in relation to that State whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. Subsequently, in September 1956, by an amendment, the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all subsequent Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the Hindu and the Sikh religions were placed on the same footing with regard to the specification of Scheduled Castes. Later on, as per the amendment made in the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the same footing with regard to the recognition of the Scheduled Castes. The list containing the names of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes applicable for the Census of India 200 I in the State are given below: Scheduled Castes: Aganya 37 Gual 2 Badhd, 38 Habura 3 Badl 39 Han 4 Bahellya 40 Hela Balga 41 Kalabaz 6 BmslVar 42 Kanpr 7 Bajaniya 43 Kapanya 8 BaJgl 44 Kharwal 9 Balahar (excluding Banbasl) 10 Balal 45 Khalraha 11 Bahmkl 46 Kharwar 12 Bangall. 47 Khatik 13 Banmanus 48 Khorot 14 Bansphor 49 Kol 15 Baf\vaI 50 Kori 16 Basor 51 Korwa [ 17 Bawanya 52 Lalbegi 18 Beldar 53 Majhwar 19 Benya 54 Mazhabl 20 Bhantu 55 Musahar 21 Bhulya 56 Nat 22 Bhu,VUlr 57 Pankha 23 Bona 58 Parahlya 24 Chamar, Dhusia, 59 Pasl, Tarmali

Jhusia, Jatawa 60 Patan 25 Chero 61 Rawat 26 Dabgar 62 Saharya 27 Dhangar 63 Sanaurillya 28 Dhanuk 64 Sanslya 29 Dharkar 65 Sll1lpkar 30 Dhobl 66 Turalha 31 Dom Scheduled Tribes 32 Damar Bhol1a 33 Dusadh 2 !3uksa 34 Gharan1J 3 Jaunsan 35 Ghaslya 4 RaJ I 36 Gond 5 Tharu 14 Language and Mother tongue: As per the census concept, each language is a group of lllother tongues. The census questionnaire collects information on the mother tongue of each person and mother tongue is defined as the language spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the person. [fthe mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will be the mother tongue. In the case of infants and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother is considered as mother tongue. It is not necessary that the language spoken as' mother tongue should have a script. The mother tongues returned by the respondents in census are classified and grouped under appropriate languages according to their linguistic characteristics. Literate A person age 7 years and above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is taken as literate. A person who can only read but cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that to be considered as literate, a person should have received any formal education or passed any minimum

I educational standard. Literacy could also have been achieved through adult literacy classes or through any non-formal educational system. People who Clre blind and can read in Braille are treated as literates. Literacy rate Literacy rate of the population is defined as the percentage of literates in the age group seven years and above. For different age groups the percentage of literates in that age group gives the literacy rate. Educational level The highest level of ed~cation a person has completed Work Work is defined as ,participation in any ~co-nomically productive actlvl,ty with or without compensation, wages or profit. Such participation may be physical andior ~nental in nature. Work involves not only actual work but also includes effective supervision and direction of work. It even includes part time help or unpaid work on farm, family enterprise or in any other economic activity. All persons engaged in 'work' as defined above are workers. Persons who are engaged in cultivation or milk production even solely for domestic consumption are also treated as workers. . Reference period for determining a person as worker and non-worker is one year'preceding the date of enumeration. Main worker A person \"ho has worked for major part of the reference period ( i.e. six months or more during the last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in any economically productive activity is termed as 'Main worker'. Marginal worker A person who worked for less than six months of the reference period ( i.e. in the last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in any economic activity is termed as 'Marginal worker'. Non worker A person who has not worked at all in any economically productive activity during the reference period (i.e. last one year preceding the date of enumeration) is termed as 'Non worker'.

Cultivator For purposes of the Censlls a person is classified as cultivator if he or she is engaged in cultivation on

I land owned or held from government or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes effective supervision or direction in cultivation. A person, who Ins giVe,;1 out her/his land to another perSO!1 or persons or institution(s) for cultivation for money, kind or share of crop and who does not even supervise or direct cultivation in ex.change of land, is not treated as cultivator. Similarly, a person working on another person's land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of both (agricultural labourer) is not treated as cultivator.

15 Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing, harvesting and production of cereals and millet crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, etc. and other crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, ground nuts, tapioca, etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindred fiber crop, cotton, cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves, etc. Cultivation does not include the following plantation crops - tea, coffee, rubber, coconut and betel nuts (areca). Agricultural labourer A 'person who works on another person's land for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. She/he has no risk in the cultivation, but merely works on another person's land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of lease or contract on land on which shelhe works. Household industry worker Household industry is defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household herself/himself and or by the members of the household at home or within the village in rural areas and only within the precincts of the house where the household lives in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in household industry should consist of members of the household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act and should be engaged in manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs of goods. It does not include professions such as a pleader, Doctor, Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, Dhobi, Barber, etc. or merely trade or business, even if such professions, trade or services are run at home by members of the household. Other worker A person who has been engaged in some economic activity during the reference period but not as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in Hous1hold Industry is termed as a 'Other Worker (OW)'. The type of vvorkers that come under this category of 'OW' include all government servants, municipal employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation workers, those engaged in trade, commerce, business, transport, banking, mining, construction, political or social work, priests, entertainment artists, etc. In effect, all those workers other than cultivators or agricultural labourers or household industry workers, are 'Other Workers'. Work participation rate Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total popUlation. Population density Population density is the number of persons inhabited per square kilometer of the area. Age Age is measured in terms of the completed number of years. Sex-ratio Number of females per 1,000 males in a population. (vi) Non Census Concepts Improved drinking water: If the household had access to drinking water supplied from a tap, hand pump, tube well or well (protected or covered) situated within or outside the premises, it is considered as having access to improved drinking water. It may be mentioned that 'such unifprm definition may not be valid across all states. System of Sewerage Generally, a sewerage system would mean a network of mains and branches of underground conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and industrial wastage are called sel(arate sewers; those that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those carrying both sewage and storm water are called combined sewers. However, in some towns which are not provided with such underground sewerage system, it is served by open surface drain, box drain, sylk pattern drain, etc., in these towns.

16 Type of latrine and method of disposal of night soil There are three prevalent systems of disposal of human wastes, viz. (i) underground sewerage, (ii)sanitary water flush latrines with individual disposal systems, like septic tank, leaching cess pool and collecting well, and (iii) dry type of latrines with manual scavenging. The system of underground sewerage provides for the street sewerage with which are connected the sanitary latrines constructed in the houses having water closets and fitted with flushing cistern (or hand flushing). Through this sewer the faecal matter is transported without the need for scavenging. This system generally exists in cities and big towns. Where the streets sewer does not exist these sanitary water flush latrines are connected to a local septic tank with a sub-soil dispersion system or a leaching pit. Here the liquid wastes from the water closet is disposed of locally in leaching pit, a septic tank with a soil dispersion system is constructed. This dispersion requires an optimum travel through the pores of the soil which renders the harmful liquid bacterially innocuous by the slow process of filteration through the soil traversed. Where the soil is impermeable, collecting wells are constructed and the sanitary water flush latrines are connected with them. These wells are cleaned at periodic intervals by a suitable device. The dry type of latrines are of service type latrines from where human excreta is removed by scavengers from house to house, in most cases carrying it on their heads or shoulders or in baskets with handle or wheel barrows. These are then collected in bullock carts or trucks or tractors and trolleys for being carried to the dumping grounds. Fertility [n demography, the word fertility is used in relation to the actual production of children or occurrence of births specially live births. Fertility is a measure of rate at which population adds to itself by births and normaJIy assessed by relating the number of births to a full or part of the population, such as number of married women or number of women of child bearing age. The Idefinitions of the terminology used in computing different fertility rates are mentioned below: Crude birth rate (CBR) Ratio of the number of live births in a year to the mid year population, normally expressed per 1,000 population. Number oflive births during the year

CBR = ------x 1000 Mid-year Population Crude death rate (CDR) Ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the mid year popUlation, normally expressed per 1,000 population. Number of deaths during the year CDR=------x 1000 Mid-year Population Natural growth rate Growth rate is obtained as the difference between crude birth rate and crude death rate in the absence of migration. Age specific fertility rate (ASFR) Number of live births in a year to female population in any specified age group normally expressed per 1,000 women. Number of live births in a ~articular age group ASFR ------x 1000 Mid-year female population of the same age-group 17 Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR) Number of live births in a year to married female population in any specified age group normally expressed per J ,000 married women. Number of live births in a Particular age group ASMFR------x 1000 Mid-year married female Population of the same age group General fertility rate (GFR) Number of Iive births per 1,000 women in the reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. Number of live births in a year GFR=------x 1000 Mid-year female population in the age-group (15-49) years

General marital fertility rate (GMFR) Number of live births per 1,000 married women in reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. i Number of live births in a year GMFR=------x 1000 Mid-year married female population in the age-group (15-49) years. Total fertility rate (TFR) It is obtained as the total of the age specific fertility rates (number of children born per woman of the particular age) for the entire reproductive age span. It provides the average number of children that will be born to a woman under the fertility levels indicated by the age specific fertility rates assuming that there is no mortality of women till the completion of reproductive period. 45-49 5 xLASFR . 15-19 TFR= ------x 1000 Total marital fertility rate (TMFR) A verage number of children that would be born to a married woman if she experiences the current fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span (15-49) years assuming that there is no mortality of women till the completion of reproductive period. 45-49

5 x L ASMFR 15-19 ------x 1000 Age-specific mortality rate (ASMR)

Nun~ber of deaths in a particular age and sex group per J ,000 population of the same age group.

18 N umber of deaths in a par1icular age-group ASMR =------x 1000 Mid-year population of the same age-group qi

Probability of dying between birth and age I. This can be llsed as approximate value of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) which gives the ratio of number of deaths in a year of children aged less than one year to the number of births in that year. q2 . Probability of dying between birth and age 2. qS Probability of dying between birth and age 5. This indicator is also known as Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) Infant modality rate (IMR) Ratio of the number of infant deaths (deaths of ch ildren below one year) in a year to the number of live births in that year. .

Number of infant deaths during the year IMR ------x 1000 N umber of live births during the year Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz., Neo-natal mortality rate and Post neo-natal mortality rate. The neo-natal mortality raFe also comprises of two parts viz., Early neo-natal mortality rate and late neo­ natal mortality rate. These are defined as: Neo-natal mortality rate (NMR) Number of infants dying within the first month of life (28 days or und~r) in a year per i ,000 live births of the same year. N umber of infant deaths aged 28 days or under during the year NMR= .------x 1000 Number oflive births during the year Early neo-natal mortality rate Number of infant deaths of less than 7 days during the:> ear ------x 1000 1 Number oflive births during the year

19 Late nco-natal mortality rate Number of infant deaths of 7 days to less than 29 days during the year ------x 1000 Number of live births during the year Post nco-natal mortality rate (PNMR) Number of deaths of 29 days to less than One year during the year ------x 1000 Number of live births during the year Peri-natal mortality rate (PMR) Number of still births plus deaths within 1st wee.k of delivery per 1,000 births in a year. Number of still births and infant deaths of less than 7 days during the year

PMR = ------x 1000 Number of live births and still births during the year Still birth rate (SBR) Number of still births during the year ------x 1000 Number of live births and still births during the year Maternal mortality rate (MMR) Number of deaths of women in the age group 15-49 while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy from any cause related to pregnancy and child birth per 1,00,000 live births in a given year. Number of maternal deaths to women in the agegroup 15-49

MMR = ------x 100000 Number of live birth Eligible couple (Couples per 1,00,000 PopUlation) Number of currently married females in the age group 15-44 years per 1000 persons of all ages. Child woman ratio (0-4) I. Number of children in the age group 0-4 years per 1,000 women in the age group 15-49 years. Child woman ratio (5-9) 2. Number of children in the age group 5-9 years per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years.

20 Migration Migration is the third component of population change, the other two being mortality and fertility. A person is considered as a migrant by place of birth if the place in which he/she is enumerated during the census is other than the place of hislher birth. Similarly a person is considered as a migrant by place of last residence if the place in which he/she is enumerated during the census is other than hislher place of immediate last residence outside the village or town and not simply in another house or locality in the same village or town. Certain aspects concerning temporary movement! migration of people has been explained below as these are important components concerning migration: (i) Migration of persons in search of job is high in the country. In many cases such migrants are only seasonal in nature. People migrate to other places for work in a particular season and come back again to their usual place of residence after three or four months. All such workers are treated as migrants. Similarly, if a person moved to any other place for attending short term vocational or educational course that lasted for only few months of a year, she/he too were considered as a migrant. (ii) Where a person had merely gone out to another place or had been shifting from one place to another purely on tour, pilgrimage, visit to hospital for treatment or for temporary business purposes, such persons are not deemed to have had another residence different from the place where shelhe or herlhis family normally resides. Shelhe is not considered as migrant. (iii) A woman temporarily moves into a hospital or to her parents or other relative's house for delivery and if the hospital or the parents/relatives houses is in a place different from usual place of residence, the place where the hospital or parents / relative's house is the place of last residence of the child but not of the mother. A new response category 'Moved after birth' was added in Census of India 2001 in the question on 'reasons for migration' to bring out additional migration patterns. Natural calamities or distress migration as a reason for migration for last residence migrants included in 1991 Census, is covered under category of 'Others'. The reason for migration has been determined as applicable at the time of migration and not in reference to any point of time after that. For example, if a person had moved from the place of herlhis last residence for the purpose of education and subsequently at some point of time got employment there only, the reason for migration would be 'education' and not 'work/employment'. Internal and International migration The emigrational movements are of three: types (i) Migration within the state itself with its components (a) Migration within the district of enumeration (intra district migration) (b) Migration from one district of state to another district of state (inter district migration), (ii) Migration from one state to another State of the country (inter-state migration), (iii) Migration from one country to another country. The first two streams together constitute internal migration, while the last type of movement is called international migration. The present name of the country, state or district and not the name by which they were known at the time of herlhis birth or last residence were recorded. Rural-Urban components of migration Rural or Urban status in respect of migrants have been determined as applicable at the time of migration and not with reference to any point of time after that.

The flow of migrants consists of four streams viz. rur~1 to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and urban to urban. Civic status of urban units Civic Status of a town/city is determine:d on the basis of Civic Administrative authority of the town e.g. Municipal Corporation/Corporation, Municipal CommitteelMunicipal Council, Municipality etc. Size class of UA / town Size-class of UA/Town is based on the population size of the UA/City/Town UAs.[[owns with 1,00,000 and above population are classified as Class I UAs. / towns. These Class I UAs. I towns are now further sub classified in to seven sub classes namely M 1 to M7 depending on the population size of UA/City/Town. These

21 are M7 (5,000,000 and above); M6 (2,000,000 to 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999) M4 (500,000- 999,999); M3 (300,000-499,999), M2 (200,000-299,999) & MI (100,000-199,999). Towns with, 50,000 to 99,999 population are classified as Class II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class III towns, population with 10,000-19,999 are Class IV towns, population with 5,000 and 9,999 are Class V towns and towns with less than 5,000 population are Class VI towns. Slum area The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act, 1956 which was enacted by the Central Govt. defined slums as (a) Areas where buildings are in any respect unfit for human habitation; or (b) are by reasons of· dilapidation, overcrowding, fault arrange-ment and design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of streets, lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morals. Mega city: The concept of 'Mega city' is a recent phenomenon in the Urban Sociology and is defined in term of metropolitan city in the form of large size, problem of management of civic amenities and capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of population. Indian Census in 1991 treated the population size of 5 million and above as the cut off point to identify a place as the mega city. Whereas, for the purpose of inclusion in Centrally sponsored Scheme for Mega cities, in 2001 Census, cities with 10 mill ions and above population have been treated as Mega cities. (vii) 2001 Census finding Population Distribution: The total popUlation of the district is 1,043,724 in which 869,916 live in rural and rest 173,808 in urban parts. There are three tahsils in district namely Hamirpur,Rath and Maudaha which are sans urban population. The most populous tahsil is Rath with 369,627 popUlation followed by Maudaha with population 360,522 and least populated tahsil is Hamirpur with population of 313,575. The maximum urban population . in term of absolute figure is seen in Rath tahsil while in term of percentage this is maximum in Hamirpur tahsil. The urban population in the district is 16.7 percent percent. There are 127 inhabited villages in the district. The total rural popUlation of 869,916 is spread over in 7 CD blocks and 521 inhabited villages. The most populous CD Block is Maudaha with population of 201,206 and maximum number of inhabited villages (111). Although the population density in the rural area is 205 ,the highest proportion is in tahsil Maudaha with population density range of274 per sq kms. Size-class and status of towns: In the total urban population of 55,950 live in Rath (NPP) the next big town is Maudaha (NPP) with a population of 34,730 followed by Hamirpur (NPP) with population of 32,046. Among 7 towns there are 3 of NPP and rest 4 towns are of Nagar Panchayat (NP) status. Hamirpur and Rath tahsil contains 3 towns each, while Maudaha tahsil has only one town. Population growth: At the present territorial Jurisdiction the popUlation of the district was 884,512 at 1991 Census and growing by 18.0 percent during the decade 1991-2001 it is 1,043,724 at 2001 Census. The decadal growth at 18.0 percent in the district has been lower level than the state at 25.8 percent.. Population Density: The total district area is 4,282 square kilometres. The popUlation density in the district is 244. In the rural areas of the district the density is 205. Sex-Ratio: The sex-ratio in the district is 851 which is lower to 898 at the state level. Indeed the sex-ratio at the district has been all along lower in the district as against the state since 190 I. As against to urban areas of the district the sex-ratio is lower in rural areas except between 1951 to 1991. Among tahsils, highest sex-ratio is 854 in Rath. and lowest is 847 in Maudaha. Among CD Blocks the sex­ ratio is highest in Gohand at 863 and lowest ~n Sarila at 839. Out of 521 inhabited villages in the district there are 36.5 percent villages (with 42.1 percent of rural popUlation) which are having a sex- 22 ralio of 850-899. In the urban parts of the district the sex-ratio in the age group 0-6 is 882 and highest of 954 in Gohand (NP) and lowest of 848 in Kurara (NP). The sex-ratio in the age-group 0- 6 is 903 in the district which is lower than the state being only at 916. As against a sex-ratio of907 in the age-group 0-6 of rural population of the district, it is highest at 936 in Kurara Block and lowest at 890 in Gohand C.O. Block. It may be noted that out of 521 inhabited villages in the district, the sex-ratio in the age-group 0-6 is between 890 to 936. As against the sex-ratio in 0-6 age group of 907 in the rural area is only 882 in urban.

Wor){ Participation Rate: In the total population of the district of 1,043,724 as much as 39.2 percent are workers and rest of 60.8 percent are non-workers. Among workers 26.0 percent are main workers and rest of 13.2 percent are marginal workers of total population. In absolute terms male outnumber females as main workers and females out number males as marginal workers as well. The extent of main workers is highest at 28.4 percent in Rath tahsil and lowest at 24.1 percent in Hamirpur tahsil. Marginal workers are highest in Rath tahsil as 14.2 percent in comparison to only 13.5 percent in Maudaha and 11.7 percent in Hamirpur tahsil. The extent of workers in rural parts and non-workers in urban parts' is higher. In the district among workers 41.3 percent are cultivators and 58.7 percent are workers. Over 35.2 percent of female workers are engaged as cultivators. Literacy: In the district 57.4 percent population is literate. The literacy is 72.0 percent in urban areas and 54.4 percent in rural areas. The male literacy is as high as 7l.9 percent as against 40.1 percent females literacy and therefore, the gap in male/female literacy rate is 31.7 percentage points. In rural areas among 7 CO Blocks, the highest literacy is at 57.6 percent in Gohand CD Block. and lowest at 50.0 percent in Sarila CD Block. The literacy among males in rural areas is 69.7 percent in comparison to 36.1 percent among females. The lowest female literacy of29.7 percent is in Sarila CD Block. The gap in male/female literacy rate is highest in Gohand CD Block which is 38.1 percentage points. In 97.8 percent of villages covering also 99.9 percent of rural population the. literacy range is 11-20 to 71-80. Among urbanites in the district, as much as 82.7 percent males are literates as against 59.0 percent females. The highest urban literacy is in Hamirpur NPP is 81.0 percent and lowest in Sarila (NP) at 59.0 percent. The maximum male literacy is also found in . Hamirpur NPP at 88.6 percent and lowest 75.8 percent in Sarila NP. However, the highest female literacy is in Hamirpur NPP at 72.0 percent and lowest at 39.6 percent in Sarila (NP) Still, the maximum gap in male-female literacy rate is 39.9 percentage points is found in Gohand (NP). The literacy among Scheduled Castes is 47.1 percent in the countryside and 59.9 percent in towns. In rural areas among 5 Scheduled Tribe persons only two are literate while in urban areas 21 persons are found literates. (viii) Brief Analysis of Primary Census Abstract Data Based on inset Tables 1 to 36 :

Primary Census Abstract gives data up to CD BlocklUA/Cityffown level for the country and state. It contains information rela~ing to area (in sq Ian), number of occupied residential houses, number of households, total popUlation, population in age-group 0-6, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe popUlation with male-female break up along with main and marginal workers have been further classified into four broad industrial categories viz., cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and other workers and presented along with non-workers by sex. For the first time during 200 I census the Primary Census Abstract will give number of illiterates, total workers and classification of marginal workers also into four broad industrial categories. This corresponds to Union/State PCA presented separately till 11991 except· inclusion of some extra features as mentioned above. However, only four fold classification of main and marginal workers will now be presented instead of nine fold categories.

23 TABLE 1 : DECADAL CHANGE IN POPULATION OF TAHSILS BY RESIDENCE, 1991-2001 Serial Tahsil Population Percentage decadal Percentage urban number variation 1991-2001 population 1991 2001 1991 2001 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Hamirpur NA NA NA 313,575 245,388 6,8187 NA NA NA NA 21.7 2 Rath NA NA NA 369,627 298,736 70,891 NA NA NA NA 19,2 3 Maudaha NA NA NA 360,522 325,792 34,730 NA NA NA NA 9,6 Dist"ict Total 884,512 747,555 173,808 1,043,724 869,916 173,808 181.0 16.4 26.9 17.3 16.7

The growth rate of district for total, rural and urban areas and percentage of urban population to total population is given in table. The decadal growth rate of the district is 28.8 per cent during 1991-2001. The growth rate for rural and urban areas of the district are 28.2 and 31.7 per cent respectively. Out of the total population of the district 83.3 per cent lives in rural areas while 16.7 per cent lives in urban areas of the district. The proportion of urban population has slightly declined during the decade from 17.3 per cent in 1991 to 16.7 per cent in 2001 in the district. The highest growth of urban population is recorded in Hamirpur (21. 7) per cent tahsil and lowest is registered in Maudaha (9.6) tahsil. TABLE 2: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF INHABITED VILLAGES IN SPECIFIED POPULATION SIZE RANGES WITH THE RELATED POPULATION, 2001 Serial District / C.D. Total number of Total rural population Number and Population less than number block inhabited villages percentage of 200 Persons Males Females villages Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kurara 62 90,573 48,827 41,746 3 (4.8) 185 160 2 Sumerpur 84 154,815 83,582 71,233 7 (8.3) 285 243 3 Sarila 66 102,998 56,004 46,994 7 (10.6) 344 267 4 Gohand 74 103,495 55,548 47,947 5 (6.8) 162 134 5 Rath 61 92,243 49,682 42,561 5 (8.2) 71 59 6 Muskara 63 124,586 67,541 57,045 15 (23.8) 489 403 7 Maudaha 111 201,206 109,114 92,092 10 {9.01 595 522 Dist"icts (Rural) Total 521 869,916 470,298 399,618 52 { 10.01 2131 1,788

Serial District I C.D. Number Population 200-499 Number Population 500-999 Number Population 1000-1999 number block and and and percentage percentage percentage of villages of villages of villages Males Females Males Females Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 II (17.7) 2,455 2,022 12 (19.4) 4,841 4,151 21 (33.9) 16,179 13,803 Kurara & (9.5) 1,625 1,428 17 (20.2) 7,260 6,178 26 (31.0) 21,133 17,887 2 Sumerpur 6 (9.1) 1,269 1,086 13(19.7) 5,304 4,460 20 (30.3) 15,649 13,234 3 Sarila 13 (17.6) 2,319 2,019 13(17.6) 5,028 4,344 27 (36.5) 20,726 17,888 4 Gohand 6 (9.8) 1,165 1,022 15 (24.6) 6,398 5,575 15 (24.6) 12,619 10,635 5 Rath 8 (12.7) ,1584 1,337 5 (7.9) 2,066 1,810 12(19.0) 9,354 8,039 6 Muskara 9 (8.12 1,856 1.563 16 {14.4) 6,873 6,235 42 (37.81 34,771 29,520 Districts (Rural) Total 61 (11.7) 12,273 10,477 91 ( 17.5) 37,770 32,753 163 (31.31130,431 111,006

24 --_--- Se!'ia: District / C. 0 Number Population 2000- Number Population 5000-9999 Number Population 10000 number block and 4999 and and and above percentage percentage ;Jercentage of vIllages of villages of villages Males Females Males Females Males Females 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 14 (22.6) 21,987 18,885 1 (1.6) 3,180 2,725 o (0.0) 0 0 Kurara 22 (26.2) 37,805 32,527 4 (4.8) 15,474 12,970 o (0.0) 0 0 2 Sumerpur 19 (28.8) 30,508 25,541 I (1.5) 2,930 2,406 0(00) 0 0 3 Sarila 16(21.6) 27,313 23,562 0(0.0) 0 0 o (0.0) 0 0 4 Gohand 20 (32.8) 29,429 25,270 0(0.0) 0 0 o (0.0) 0 0 5 Rath 17 (27 0) 28,078 23,605 5 (7.9) 18,787 15,745 1 (1.6) 7,183 6,106 6 Muskara 30 {27 0) 49,920 41,797 3 {2.7} 9,376 7,802 1 {0.9} 5,723 4,653 Districts (Rul'al) Total 138 {26.5) 225,040 19,1187 14 p.7} 49,747 41,648 2 { OA} 12,906 10,759

Table 2 gives CD. block-wise population, number and percentage of villages falling in each range of population size of villages and number of males and females in each population range at C.D. block level in the district. Out of the 521 inhabited villages, 52 (10.0 per cent) are small size villages with population below 200 persons. In the size of 200 to 499 persons, there are 61 villages having 11.7 per cent villages of the district, while in the size class of 500-999 population claims 91 villages with 17.5 p~r cent of the total villages in the district. l63.villages (31.3 per cent) are in the size class of 1,000-1,999 and 138 villages (26.5 per cent) are in the size class of 2,000-4,999. 14 (2.7 per cent) villages in the district fall in the ranges of 5,000 -9999. 2 villages (0.4 per cent) are in the size class of 10000 and above. Table 3: New Towns, Denotified, Declassified and Merged Towns in 2001 Census Name of town

(a) New ( i ) Statutory town NIL ( ii ) Census town NIL (b) Denotified

(i) Statutory towns of 1991 census denotified and also did not satisfy the criteria to be treated as census towns. NIL (ii) Statutory towns of 1991 census denotified but identified as census towns based on demographic and economic criteria. NIL (iii) Census towns of 1991 census are notified as statutory town in 2001 census. NIL

(c) Declassified NIL

Cd) Wholly merged with other town(s) NIL *Declassified means the census towns of 1991 census which failed to satisfy the demographic and economic criteria. During the decade 1991-2001, no new town has been added or declassified or merged with other town in the district.

25 TABLE 4 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY POPULATION DENSITY, 2001 Range of population Total number of villages in Percentage of villages in Population Percentage distribution density (per square each population density each population density of population kilometre) range range 2 3 4 5 0-10 21 4.0 288 0.0 11-20 6 1.2 369 0.0 21-50 17 3.3 5,855 0.7 51-100 43 8.3 24,028 2.8 101-200 141 27.1 198,872 22.9 201-300 143 27.4 274,478 31.6 301-500 105 20.2 248,610 28.6 501 + 45 8.6 117,416 13.5 Not known 0 0.0 0 0.0 District Total 521 100.0 869,916 100.0

This table 4 shows the distribution of villages by population density ranges. The inhabited villages of the district have been grouped under eight different ranges of density. The maximum number of village i.e. 143 accounting for 27.4 per cent of the total inhabited villages of the district fall_in the density range of 20 1- 300 persons having 31.6 per cent population. The lowest ranges of 0-1 0 and 11-20 persons per sq. km. cover 27 villages (5.2 per cent). 45villages (8.6 per cent) have very high density with more than 501+ persons per sq. km., while the corresponding proportion in the lower range of 0 to 10 is 4.0 per cent of the total inhabited villages having (0.0 per cent) population of the district. In the medium density ranges of 21 to 50 and 51-100 persons account for 3.3 and 8.3 per cent of inhabited villages respectively. Both these ranges claim 3.5 per cent rural population. Table 5 : Sex Ratio of State and District 1901-2001 Year UTTAR PRADESH HAMIRPUR Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1901 938 941 916 992 990 1,015 1911 916 922 866 982 980 999 1921 908 918 834 963 962 982 1931 903 916 813 957 956 965 1941 907 922 824 958 957 967 1951 908 922 827 938 943 893 1961 907 921 817 923 927 855 1971 876 884 826 879 883 837 1981 882 889 850 853 856 840 1991 876 879 864 839 839 838 2001 898 904 876 851 850 859 NOTE- Sex Ratio has been defined here as the number offemales per 1000 males

As per 200 I Census sex-ratio of 851 has been recorded in the district against the state average of 898. The sex-ratio of the district was significantly high as compared to the state average figures from 1901 to 1971 and remained above the state average figures during this period. The subsequent decades show declining trend· from 1981 to 2001 and value remained below the state average. The lowest sex ratio of 839 wJs recorded in the district during 1991 against the state average of 876 in the district. From 1901 to 2001 the proportion of rural areas is higher than the urban areas in state. The sex-ratio in urban areas of the district is higher from 26 1901 to 1941, while it is of lower order in the urban areas from 1951 to 1991. In 2001 urban has higher order of sex-ratio in the district. TABLE 6: SEX RATIO BY TAHSILS 2001

Serial number Name of Tahsil Sex ratio Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 Humirpur 853 853 852 2 Rath 854 853 860 3 Maudaha 847 844 869 District Total 851 850 859 The table-6 gives sex-ratios for total, rural and urban areas at tahsil level as per 2001 Census. There are 851 females for every thousand males in Hamirpur district. It becomes clear from the table that sex-ratio in urban areas is higher than that of rural areas. The rural sex-ratio in tahsils varies between 853 in Hamirpur, Rath tahsil and 844. Maudaha tahsil. The sex-ratio in Hamirpur tahsil and Rath tahsil is higher than district rural average (851). In urban areas the highest sex-ratio is recorded in Maudaha (869) and the lowest is in Hamirpur urban (852).

TABLE 7: SEX RATIO BY CD BLOCKS, 2001 Senal number Name ofC D block Sex ratio

2 3 Kurara 855 2 Sumerpur 852 3 Sarila 839 Gohand 863 5 Rath 857 6 Muskara 845 7 Maudaha 844 DistI"ict (RUt'al) Total 850

The table-7 presents C.D. block-wise sex-ratio for rural population in the district. The sex-ratio in rural areas of the district comes 850 as a whole. Among the C.D. blocks the highest sex-ratio of 863 females is found in Gohand C.D. block and is fallowed by Rath (857) while the lowest of 839 is recorded in Sarila C.D. block. The sex-ratios of Kurara, Sumerpur, Gohand and Rath C.D. blocks are higher than the district rural average of 850 and in remaining blocks, this value is below the district average.

TABLE 8: SEX RATIO OIl' RURAL POPULATION BY RANGES, 2001 Range of sex ratio Number of Percentage of villages in Population 2001 Percentage disuibution of for villages inhabited villages each range population I 2 3 4 5 Less than 700 22 4.2 1,434 0.2 . 700-749 10 1.9 5,088 0.6 750-799 56 10.7 73,603 8.5 800-849 159 30.5 343,039 394 850-899 190 365 366,396 -G. I 900-949 55 10.6 66,520 76 950-999 II 2.1 8,509 1.0 , 1000-1099 14 2.7 4,354 0.5 1100+ 4 0.8 973 0.1 ~------~~------~------~--- District Total 521 100.0 869,916 100.0 ------.------~~------~~~~--- Sex ratio (Rural) for District 850 27 Table 8 presents the distribution of villages by percentage of village and population in each sex-·ratio ranges based on 2001 Census. The maximum number of villages i.e. 190 accounting for 36_5 per cent of the total villages having largest population of 42.1 per cent in the district fall in the sex-ratio range of 850-899, It is followed by the sex-ratio range of 800-849, which claims 159 villages (30_5 per cent) and 39.4 per cent population. The highest range of 1,100 and above claims only 04 villages (0.8 per cent). This range shares 0.1 percent rural population of the district.


Serial number Name of U.A. I Town Urban status of town Sex ratio

I 2 3 4 Gohand NP 845 2 Hamirpur NPP 848 3 Kurara NP 865 4 Maudaha NPP 869 5 Rath NPP 861 6 Sarila NP 870 7 Sumer ur NP 851 Sex ratio (Urban) for the district: 859

Table 9 gives the sex-ratio of towns. The sex-ratio in urban areas of the district comes to 859 females per 1,000 males as a whole. Among the towns of the district the sex-ratio varies between 845 to 870. Sarila (NPP) has the highest sex-ratio (870), while Gohand (NP) has the lowest sex-ratio 845 females. TABLE 10: SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR TAHSILS, 2001

Serial number Name of Tahsil Total! Rural! Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 age group Urban Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hamirpur Total 57,048 29,954 27,094 905 Rural 46,269 24,167 22,102 915 Urban 10,779 5,787 4,992 863 2 Rath Total 64,811 33,959 30,852 909 Rural 53,509 28,064 25,445 907 Urban 11,302 5,895 5,407 917 3 Maudaha Total 66,881 35,263 31,618 897 Rural 61,064 32,125 28,939 901 Urban 5,817 3,138 2,679 854 District Total Total 188,7-tO 99,176 89,564 903 Rural 160,8-t2 84,356 76,486 907 Urban 27,898 14,820 13,078 882

The tab Ie 10 presents population of age-group 0-6 years and sex-ratio for total, rural and urban areas in respect of each tahsils/ sub-tahsils of the district. Total population in age group 0-6 is 188,740 persons comprising 99,176 males and 89,564 females. The total sex-ratio in this age-group works out 903 in the district. The proportion of females in rural areas is higher than that of urban areas. The sex-ratio in rural and urban areas comes 907 and 882 in this age-group respectively. The rural sex-ratio in tahsil varies between 901 in Maudaha tahsil and 915 in Hamirpur tahsil. The sex-ratio of Hamirpur is lower than district rural average

28 (907) and lowest sex-ratio of 90 1. In urban areas the highest sex-ratio is recorded in Rath urban (917) and the lowest is found in Maudaha urban (854). TABLE II : SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR C.O. BLOCKS, 2001

Serial number Name of C.D. block Total population in 0-6 age group Sex rati 0 for 0-6 age group

Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 Kurara 16,630 8,589 8,041 936 2 Sumerpur 29,639 15,578 14,061 903 3 Sarila 18,832 9,775 9,057 927 4 Gohand 18,287 9,674 8,613 890 5 Rath 16,390 8,615 7,775 902 6 Muskara 22,229 11,629 10,600 912 7 Maudaha 38,835 20,496 18,339 895 District (Rural) Total: 160,842 84,356 76,486 907

Table 11 gives C.D. block-wise sex-ratio of rural child population in the age-group 0-6 years in the district. The sex-ratio is 907 for the district (rural). The sex-ratio of C.D. blocks varies between 890 to 936. It is highest in Kurara C.D. block i.e. 936 followed by 927 in Sarila C.D. block and lowest 890 is found in Gohand CD block. The sex-ratio of Kurara, Sarila and Muskara C.D block are higher than the district rural 907 while in remai~ing blocks, it is below the average of the district. TABLE 12: SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 BY RANGES, 2001 Range of sex ratio for villages Number of inhabited Percentage Population 2001 Percentage distribution of villages distribution of population villa es 2 3 4 5 Less than 700 49 9.4 3,548 2.2 700-749 16 3.1 2,511 1.6 750-799 38 7.3 11,241 7.0 800-849 71 13.6 29,346 18.2 850-899 85 16.3 36,201 22.5 900-949 72 13.8 26,703 16.6 950-999 52 10.0 20,393 12.7 1000-1099 84 16.1 23,362 14.5 1100+ 54 10.4 7,537 4.7 District {Rural} Total 521 100.0 160,842 100.0 Sex ratio (Rural) for District 907

Table 12 shows the distribution of villages in 9 sex-ratio ranges of the age-group 0-6 years as well as percentage of villages, total popUlation and percentage of population of this age-group falling in each range of sex-ratio in the district. The maximum number of villages i.e. 85 (16.3 per cent) having largest population (22.5 per cent) in the district (rural) fall in the sex-ratio range of 850-899 in age of 0-6 years. It is followed by the sex-ratio range of 1000-1099 which claims 84 villages (16.1 per cent) and 14.5 per cent population. Next to it, nvillages (13.8 per cent) are in the range of 900-949 with 16.6. per cent population. 71 villages (13.6 per cent) having 18.2 percent population fall in sex-ratio range of 800-849. In remaining sex-ratio ranges of 700-749, 750-799, and 950-999 claim less number of villages and these are distributed as 16 (3.1per cent), 38 (7.3 per cent), 52 (10.0 per cent) respectively. In these ranges, the percentage of population is also low. 29 TABLE 13: SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS ITOWNS, 2001 Serial number Name ofUA / Urban status Total popUlation in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 age Town of town group Persons I Males 1 Females 1 2 3 4 ! 5 J 6 7 Kurara (NP) 1,894 1,025 869 848 2 Hamirpur (NPP) 4,480 2,398 2,082 868 3 Sumerpur (NP) 4,405 2,364 2,041 863 4 Sarila (NP) 1,337 711 626 880 5 Gohand (NP) 1,065 545 520 954 6 Rath (NP) 8,900 4,639 4,261 919 7 Maudaha (NP) 5,817 3,138 2,679 854 District (Urban) Total 27,898 14,820 13,078 882

Table 13 gives town wise sex ratio of child popUlation in the age group 0-6 years in the district. The sex, ratio is 882 for district (urban). The sex ratio of town varies between 848 to 954. It is highest in Gohand (N.P.) town i.e. 954 and lowest in Kurara (N.P.) town i.e. 848.

TABLE14: NUMBER AND PERCENT AGE OF SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION IN T AHSILS, 2001 Serial number Name of Tahsil To;al/ Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of Ru al / population Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Urban Castes Tribes population to total population to total EOEulation EOEulation EOEulation EOEulation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hamirpur Total 313,575 67,892 25 21.7 0.0 Rural 245,388 51,179 0 20.9 0.0 Urban 68,187 16,713 25 24.5 0.0 2 Rath Total 369,627 94,720 136 25.6 0.0 Rural 298,736 79,937 0 26.8 0.0 Urban 70,891 14,783 136 20.9 0.2 3 Maudaha Total 360,522 75,290 5 20.9 0.0 Rural 325,792 69,773 5 21.4 0.0 Urban 34,730 5,517 0 15.9 0.0 District Total Total 1,043,724 237,902 166 22.8 0.0 Rural 869,916 200,889 5 23.1 0.0 Urban 173,808 37,013 161 21.3 0.1

Table 14 depicts the distribution of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation as well as their percentage to total population at tahsil level in rural and urban areas of the district. Of the 1,043,724 total population of the district, 22.8 per cent of the total popUlation belong to Scheduled Caste and nil per cent to Scheduled Tribe. The percentage of Scheduled Castes population constitutes 23.1 per cent in rural population and 2 1.3 per cent in urban popUlation of the district. The highest percentage of total Scheduled Caste population is recorded in Rath tahsil (25.6), while the lowest is found in Maudaha tahsil (20.9). The proportion of Scheduled Tribe popUlation is nil and O. I per cent in rural and urban areas respectively. Scheduled Tribe popUlation in the district is mainly concentrated in Rath tahsil (25.6 per cent), Hamirpur . . (21.7) and Maudaha tahsil (20.9). The nil pe;centage of Scheduled Tribes is recorded in Hamirpur tahsil Rath, and Maudaha tahsil.

30 TABLE 15: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION IN CD. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of CO. Total Total Total Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Tribes number block population Scheduled Scheduled Castes population to total population to total population Castes Tribes population ~oEulation EOl2ulation 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Kurara 90,573 19,981 22.1 0 2 Sumerpur 154,815 31,198 ° 20.2 0 3 Sarila 102,998 25,520 °0 24.8 0 4 Gohand 103,495 27,270 0 26.3 0 5 Rath 92,243 27,147 0 29.4 0 6 Muskara 124,586 25,797 5 20.7 0 7 Maudaha 201,206 43,976 0 21.9 0 Distl'ict {Rural) Total 869,916 200,889 5 23.1 0

Table IS shows distribution of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population in each C.D. block of the district. 23.1 per cent of rural population of the district belongs to Scheduled Caste and nil per cent to Scheduled Tribe. At CO block level, Scheduled Caste population varies between 20.2 per cent in Sumerpur and 29.4 per cent in Rath CD block. The other c.o block containing the highest percentage of Scheduled Caste are Rath (29.4), Gohand (26.3.) and Sarila (24.8).

TABLE 16: PROPORTION OF SCHEDUL~D CASTE POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION VILLAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Caste Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Caste Percentage popUlation to total population Population

2 3 4 5 Nil 43 8.3 0 0.0 Less than 5 28 5.4 616 0.3 5-10 38 7.3 4,383 2.2 11-20 129 24.8 43,462 21.6 21-30 162 31.1 94,103 46.8 31-40 87 16.7 45,556 22.7 41-50 IS 2.9 7,729 3.8 51-75 16 3.1 4,561 2.3 76 and above 3 0.6 479 0.2 District Total 521 100.0 200,889 100.0

Table 16 reflects the number of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste population to their total popUlation in different ranges of percentage at district level. 43 villages accounting for 8.3 per cent of total 521 inhabited villages in the district do not have any Scheduled Caste population. The proportion of Scheduled Caste popUlation is 0.2 per cent in 3 villages (0.6 per cent). It varies between 0.2 per cent, while the next range of 46.8 per cent accounts for 162 villages constituting 31.1 per cent of the total villages. Nil and 76 and above, both ranges account for 8.9 per cent villages of the district. 15 villages in the range of 41- . 50 accounts 3.8 per cent of population. 16 villages are such where the proportion of Scheduled Caste is 2.3 per cent. The maximum of the 46.8 per cent of the Scheduled Caste population is covered by range of 21-30 per cent.

31 TABLE 17: PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN VILLAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Tribes Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Tribe Percentage eoeulation to total I2oeulation Poeulation 1 2 3 4 5 Nit 520 99.8 0 0.0 Less than 5 0.2 5 100.0 5-10 0 0.0 0 0.0 11-20 0 0.0 0 0.0 21-30 0 0.0 0 0.0 31-40 0 0.0 0 0.0 41-50 0 0.0 0 0.0 51-75 0 0.0 0 0.0 76 and above 0 0.0 0 0.0 District Total 521 100.0 5 100.0

Table 17 indicates the distribution of villages by percentage ranges of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages. There are 520 (99.8 per cent) villages where none of Scheduled Tribes have been recorded in the district. Hamirpur remaining I (0.2 per cent) village has a population of 5 per cent Scheduled Tribes population.


Serial number Name ofUA / Total Total Total Scheduled Percentage of Percentage of Town population Scheduled Tribe population Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Caste population to popUlation to total population total population population

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gohand (NP) 7,087 1,726 0 24.4 0 2 Hamirpur (NPP) 32,046 5,127 21 16 0.1 3 Kurara (NP) 11,480 4,293 0 37.4 0 4 Maudaha (NPP) 34,730 5,517 0 15.9 0 5 Rath (NPP) 55,950 10,984 136 19.6 0.2 6 Sarila (NP) 7,854 2,073 0 26.4 0 7 Sumerpur (NP) 24,661 7,293 4 29.6 0 District (Urban) Total 173,808 37,013 161 21.3 0.1

Table 18 shows number and percentage of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population recorded during 2001 Census in district. The table depicts that Scheduled Caste population in Kurara (NP) 37.4 per cent and in Sumerpur (NP) 29.6 per cent but lowest about 15.9 per cent in Maudaha (NPP). Scheduled Tribe popUlation is negligible in the urban areas of the district. Highest percentage (0.2) of Scheduled Tribe population was recorded in Rath (NPP). There is a total population of 161 in urban areas of the district.

32 TABLE 19; SEX fl4. no AMONG SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 Si. No. Name of CD block Scheduled Caste sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio I 2 3 4 I Kurara 839 0 2 Sumerpur 839 0 3 Sarila 831 0 4 Gohand 849 0 5 Rath 832 0 6 Muskara 838 1,500 7 Maudaha 833 0 Dish'iet (Rul'al) Total 837 1,500

Table 19 indicates sex ratio among Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in each C.D block of the district. The Scheduled Caste sex ratio is 837 for district (rural). Among the C.D blocks, the highest sex ratio of 849 is found in Gohand C.D block and lowest of 831 is recorded in Sarila C.D block.

TABLE 20: SEX RA no AMONG SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS I TOWNS, 2001 Serial number Name ofU.A / Town Scheduled Castes sex ratio Scheduled Tribes sex ratio ----~~------~2~------1~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~--4 3 4 Kurara (NP) 829 0 2 Hamirpur (NPP) ,825 615 3 Sumerpur (NP) /864 1,000 4 Sarila (NP) 836 0 5 Gohand (NP) 819 a 6 Rath (NPP) 858 789 7 Maudaha (NPP) 835 0 Sex ratio (Urban) for the district 845 769

Table 20 shows sex-ratio of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in the urban areas of the district. The sex ratio of Scheduled Caste is 845 and, while in case of Scheduled Tribe it is 769. The sex ratio of Scheduled Caste in towns is highest 864 in Sumerpur (NP), while it is lowest 819 in Gohand (NP).

TABLE 21: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY TAHSILS, 2001 Serial Name of Total/ Number oflrterates and Ilhterates Percentage of literates Gap in number Tahsil Rural/ male, Number of Irterates Number of illiterates Urban female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females hteracy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Hamirpur Total 154,368 102,131 52,237 159,207 67,094 92,113 60.2 73.3 446 28.8 Rural 111,055 75,809 35,246 134,333 56,600 77,733 55.8 70.0 388 313 Urban 43,313 26,322 16,991 24,874 10,494 14,380 75 S 848 644 204 2 Rath Total 172,586 119,824 52,762 197,041 79,518 117,523 566 72.5 378 346 Rural 131,211 93,501 37,710 167,525 67,733 99,792 53.5 702 337 36.6 Urban 41.375 26,323 15,052 29,516 11,785 17,731 69.4 81.7 55 26.7 3 Maudaha Total 163,652 111,966 51,686 196,870 83,268 113,602 55.7 700 387 313 Rural 143,219 99,502 43,737 182,553 77,153 105,400 S4 I 689 364 325 Urban 20,413 12,464 7,949 14,317 6,115 8,202 706 807 590 21 7 District Total Total 490,606 333,921 156,685 553,118 229,880 323,238 57.4 71.9 40.1 31.7 Rural 385,505 268,812 116,693 484,411 201,486 282,925 54.4 69.7 36.1 33.5 Urban 105,101 1;5,109 39,992 68,707 28,394 ' 40,313 72.0 82.8 59.5 23.3

District and tahsi I-wise literacy rate besides the number of literates and illiter~tes for total, rural and urban areas are given in table-21. The literacy rate is worked out by excluding population of 0-6 years. As per 33 2001 Census, the proportion of literates to total population excluding 0-6 years comes to 57.4 per cent in the district. This proportion in rural area is 54.4 per cent against 72.0 per cent in urban areas. In the district the literacy rate of males (71.9 per cent) is much higher than that of females (40.1 per cent). Among the tahsils, Hamirpur tahsil tops with 60.2 per cent literates followed by Rath tahsil (56.6 per cent). Maudaha. tahsil with 55.7. per cent literates stands at the bottom in the district. Out of 3 tahsils, the literacy rate of Hamirpur tahsil is higher than that of district average. It is observed that in urban areas of district the literacy rate is higher than the rllral areas.

The gap between male and female literacy is 31.7 per cent in the district. In rural areas (33.5 per cent) and (23.3 per cent) in urban areas.

TABLE 22 : NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of CD Block Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in number Number of literates Number of illiterates male-female literacy rate Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Kurara 39,830 26,947 12,883 50,743 21,880 28.863 53.9 67.0 38.2 28.7 2 Sumerpur 71,225 48,862 22,363 83,590 34,720 48,870 56.9 71.9 39.1 32.7 3 Sarila 42,069 30,785 11,284 60,929 25,219 35.710 50.0 66.6 29.7 36.8 4 Gohand 49,102 34,508 14,594 54,393 21,040 33.353 57.6 75.2 37.1 38.1 5 Rath 40,040 28,208 11,832 52,203 '21,474 30,729 52.8 68.7 34.0 34.7 6 Muskara 56,379 39,179 17,200 68,207 28,362 39,845 55.1 70.1 37.0 33.0 7 Maudaha 86,860 60,323 26,537 114.346 48,791 65,555 53.5 68.1 36.0 32.1 Dish'iet (Rural) Total 385,505 268,812 116,693 484,411 201,486 282,925 54.4 69.7 36.1 33.5

The table 22 reveals number of literates, illiterates and the literacy rate in rural areas at C.D. block level in the district. 54.4. per cent of the total rural population excluding the age-group of 0-6 years literates in the district. The corresponding proportion of male and female literates comes to 69.7 and 36.l.per cent respectively, which shows very wide gap of 33.5 per cent in male and female literacy. At C.D. block level, Sumerpur, Gohand C.D. block has the highest rural literacy rate of 56.9 per cent, while 75.2 per cent males. and 37.1 per cent females are literates in this block. The lowest literacy rate in rural areas is noted in Sarila. C.D block (50 per cent). There are wide variations in male and female literacy in all the C.D. blocks of the district. The maximum difference of 38.1 points is found in Gohand C.D. block.

TABLE 23: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE, 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Population Percentage distribution of villages villages of villages population 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 1.0 15 0.0 1-10 0 0.0 0 0.0 11-20 3 0.6 771 0.1 21-30 12 2.3 6,351 0.7 31-40 28 5.4 28,872 3.3, 41-50 128 24.6 219,434 25.2 51-60 224 43.0 419,094 48.2 61-70 101 19.4 184,649 21.2 71-80 13 2.5 10,669 1.2 81-90 2 0.4 52 0.0 91-99 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 5 1.0 9 0.0 District Total 521 100.0 869,916 100.0 Literacy rate for District 57.4

Table 23 gives the distribution of villages by literacy rate ranges in the district. There is no literate in 5 villages (1.0 per cent) of the district and population of these villages is only 15 persons. 5 villages (1.0 per

34 cent) have all the literate population. 224 villages accounting for 43.0 per cent of the total villages are in the. literacy range of 51-60 per cent and 128 villages (24.6 per cent) fall in the literacy range of 41-50 per cent. The lower literacy rate of 1 to 40 per cent observed in 43 villages (8.3 per cent) of the district. The higher literacy ranges of71 to 100 per cent covers 20 villages (3.9 per cent).

TABLE 24: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS / TOWNS , 2001 Serial Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap III number status of UAfTown male· Number of literates Number of Illiterates female literacy Persons ~ I Males I Females Persons I Males I Females Persons I Males IFemales rate I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I 11 12 Kurara (NP) 6,689 4,074 2,615 4,791 2,082 2,709 698 794 587 207 Hamlrpur (NPP) 22,322 13,234 9,088 9,724 4,106 5,618 810 886 720 166 3 Sumerpuf (NP) J4,302 9,OJ4 5,288 JO,359 4,306 6,053 706 823 569 254 4 Sarlla (NP) 3,844 2,644 1,200 4,010 1,557 2,453 590 758 396 361 Gohand (NP) 3,732 2,638 1,094 3,355 1,204 2,151 620 800 401 399 6 Rath (NPP) 33,799 21,041 12,758 22,151 9,024 13,127 71 8 828 590 238 Maudaha (N PP) 20,413 12,464 7,949 14,317 6,115 8,202 706 807 590 21 7 Distnct (Urban) Total 105,101 65,109 39,992 68,707 28,394 40,313 72.0 82.7 59.5 23.3

Table 24 shows number and percentage of literates and illiterates by sex during 2001 in the urba~ areas of the district. Regarding absolute figures of literates Hamirpur (NPP) town is way ahead of other towns. The table reveals that literacy rate is pretty high in the urban areas of the district ( 72.0 per cent). The literacy rate is quite high (above 75 per cent in all towns) among males. However, literacy rate among females is low (39.6 per cent) in Sarila (NP). The gap in male/ female literacy rate is 23.3 percentage points in all urban of the district.

TABLE 25: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN CD. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in number C.D.block Number of literates Number of illiterates male/ female literacy rate Persons I Males I Females Persons I Males IFemales Persons I Males IFemales 4 10 11 12 I 2 3 I I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 1 I I Kurara 8,220 . 5,,697 2,523 11,761 5,168 6,593 50.5 63.7 34.4 29.3 2 Sumerpur 13,016 9,267 3,749 18,182 7,698 10,484 52.2 67.9 33.2 34.8 3 Sarila 8,705 6,482 2,223 16,815 7,454 9,361 42.4 57.2 24.2 33.0 4 Gohand 10,865 7,959 2,906 16,405 6,792 9,613 49.0 65.9 28.8 37.2 5 Rath 9,688 7,231 2,457 17,459 7,588 9,871 44.0 59.8 24.8 35.1 6 Muskara 9,774 7,142 2,632 16,023 6,891 9,132 46.9 62.7 27.9 34.8 7 Maudaha 15,980 11,637 4,343 27,996 12,358 15,638 45.4 60.2 27.4 32.8 District (R) Total: 76,248 55,415 20,833 124,641 53,949 70,692 47.1 62.4 28.5 33.9

Table 25 shows number and percentage of Scheduled Castes literates and illiterate by sex in CD blocks 200 l. In rural areas of the district proportion of literates is 47.1 per cent in which 62.4 males and 28.5 females. Thus, the gap in male and female literacy rate is 33.9. Among 7 CD blocks, Sumerpur CD block has .

35 the highest literacy rate and Sarila CD block has the lowest literacy rate. The gap in male/female literacy rate in Gohand CD block is highest and this gap is lowest in Kurara CD block.

TABLE 26 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED CASTE POPULATION , 2001 Range of literacy rate Number of Percentage Scheduled Caste Percentage distribution of for villages inhabited villages distribution of villages Population population

1 2 3 4 5 0 5 1.0 19 0.0 1-10 1 0.2 18 0.0 11-20 6 1.3 263 0.1 21-30 13 2.7 4,481 2.2 31-40 87 18.2 38,261 19.0 41-50 187 39.1 87,386 43.5 51-60 149 31.2 63,625 31.7 61-70 24 5.0 6,171 3.1 71-80 3 0.6 628 0.3 81-90 2 0.4 36 0.0 91-99 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 0.2 I 0.0 District Total: 478 100.0 200,889 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural) 47.1

The table 26 presents the distribution of villages by literacy rate range for Scheduled Caste population at the 2001 census. In majority of inhabited villages, which form 43.5 per cent of total rural Scheduled Caste. population the literacy range is 41 to 50 percentages. In the district there are 478 inhabited villages with Scheduled Caste population with about 47.1 per cent of literacy rate.

TABLE 27 NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTE LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2001 Serial Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in male/ number status of Town Number of literates Number of illiterates female literacy rate Persons I Males IFemales Persons I Males I Females Persons I Males I Females 1 2 3· ~ 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I II 12 1 Kurara (NP) 1,900 1,296 604 2,393 1,051 1,342 55.0 68.4 38.8 29.6 2 Hamirpur (NPP) 3,076 1,977 1,099 2,051 832 1,219 72.1 84.3 57.2 27.1 3 Sumerpur (NP) 3,418 2,360 1,058 3,875 1,552 2,323 58.7 75.3 39.4 35.9 4 Sarila (NP) 866 653 213 1,207 476 731 50.7 69.7 27.6 42.1 5 Gohand (NP) 779 575 204 947 374 573 53.8 71.1 32.0 39.1 6 Rath (NPP) 5,403 3,715 1,688 5,581 2,196 3,385 60.3 76.5 41.2 35.3 7 Maudaha (NPP) 2,556 1,775 781 2,961 1,231 1,730 58.1 73.2 39.5 33.7 Dist"ict Total 17,998 12,351 5,647 19,015 7,712 1,1303 59.9 75.3 41.4 33.9

The table 27 brings out the number and percentage of Scheduled Caste literates and illiterates by sex in urban agglomerations/towns popUlation at the 200 I Census. The number of literates is less than illiterates in the district (urban) towns. The percentage of literates is least in Sarila (NP) afuong 7 town, but the gap in male/female literate rate is highest in case of Sarila NP. The males in all the 7 towns enjoy higher literacy rate than females and the female literacy rate is lowest in Sarila NP with 27.6 per cent, 36 TABLE 28: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBE LITERATES AND ILLITERA TES BY SEX IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Namc of Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in - number C. D. block Number of literates Number of illiteratcs male/ female literacy rate Persons I Males I Females Persons I Malcs I Females Persons IMalesJFemales I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I II 12 Muskara 2 2 o 3 o 3 40.0 1000 0.0 100.0 District (Rur'al) Total 2 2 o 3 o 3 40.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 The Scheduled Tribe population is found in only Muskara CD Block with the population of 5 persons. The percentage of literates in Scheduled Tribes population in the district is 40 per cent. All Scheduled Tribes females are illiterates in the rural areas of the district. TABLE 29: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy rate Number of Percentage distributi on of Scheduled Tribe Percentage distribution of for villages inhabited villages villages Population population I 2 3 4 5 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1-10 0 0.0 0 0.0 11-20 0 0.0 0 0.0 21-30 0 0.0 0 0.0 31-40 I 100.0 5 100.0 41-50 0 0.0 0 0.0 51-60 0 0.0 0 0.0 61-70 0 0.0 0 0.0 71-80 0 0.0 0 0.0 81-90 0 0.0 0 0.0 91-99 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 0 0.0 0 0.0 District Total 1 100.0 5 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural) 40.0

The table 29 gives the distribution of villages by literacy rate range for the Scheduled Tribe population at the 2001 Census. In the district the Scheduled Ttribe population is found in only one village .. However, the maximum (100.0 per cent) of the Scheduled Tribe population (5) is found in only 1 village with literacy range from 31 to 40 percentage.


Senal I Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in male/ nl! mber ' status of Number ofliterates Number of illiterates female Town Persons I Males I Females Persons I Males I Females Persons I Males iFemales literacy rate I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I II 12 I Hamirpur (NPP) 4 4 0 17 9 8 30.8 44.4 0.0 44.4 2 Sumerpur (NP) 2 2 a 2 a 2 50 a 100.0 0.0 100.0 3 Rath (NPP) 15 13 2 121 63 58 16.0 25.0 4.8 20.2 Distr-ict (Urban) Total 21 19 2 140 72 68 18.9 30.2 4.2 26.0

~ The table 30 gives number and percentage of Scheduled Tribe literates and illiterates by sex in urban agglomerations/town population at the 2001 Census. There is small Scheduled Tribe population in the district, which have Scheduled Tribe population, the percentage of literates is 18.9 and 30.2 per cent of male and 4.2 37 pe!' cent of female. The gop in male/female literacy in Harnirpur NPP is 44.4 percentage points. The gap in male and femak is 100 per cent in Sumerpur NPP. Gap in maie and female literacy rate is 26 per cent in the district. TABLE3]: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN TAHSILS, 200) Serial Name of Persons / Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers number Tahsil Males / populatIOn (Main and marginal Females workers) Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Hamlrpur Persons 313,575 75,431 24.1 36,568 11.7 111,999 35.7 201,576 64.3 Males 169,225 65,282 38.6 15,092 8.9 80,374 47.5 88,851 52.5 Females 144,350 10,149 7.0 21,476 149 31,625 21.9 112,725 781 2 Rath Persons 369,627 105.067 28.4 52,641 14.2 157,708 42.7 211,919 57.3 Males 199,342 86,119 43.2 15,163 7.6 101,282 50.8 98,060 49.2 Females 170,285 18,948 111 37,478 22.0 56,426 33.1 113,859 669 :> Maudaha Persons 360,522 90,461 25.1 48,532 13.5 138,993 38.6 221,529 61.4 Males 195,234 78,468 40.2 17,187 8.8 95,655 49.0 99,579 51.0 Females 165,288 11,993 7.3 31,345 19.0 43,338 26.2 121,950 73.8

Di~trict Total Persons 1,043,724 270,959 26.0 137,741 13.2 408,700 39.2 635,024 60.8 Males 563,801 229,869 40.8 47,442 8.4 277,311 49.2 286,490 50.8 Females 479,923 41,090 8.6 90,299 18.8 131,389 27.4 348,534 72.6

Table 31 gives the number and percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers by sex at tahsils level in the district as per 2001 Census. The proportion of the total workers works out to 39.2 per cent of the total popUlation in the district. The total workers are comprise 26.0 per cent of main workers and 13.2 per cent of marginal workers and the remaining 60.8 per cent are non-workers. Among the main workers, male participation rate in the district is 40.8 per cent and 8.6 per cent of females. Male and female marginal workers account for 8.4 and 18.8. per cent respectively. The percentage of female marginal workers is higher than males. Total workers (main marginal workers) among tahsils varies from 35.7 per cent iti Hamiq)ur tahsil to 42.7 per cent in Rath tahsil. TABLE 32: NUMBER AND PERCENT AGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of C.D. Persons / Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers number block Males I Population (Main and marginal Females workers Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Kurara Persons 90,573 22,503 24.8 9,768 10.8 32,271 35.6 58,302 64.4 Males 48,827 19,092 39.1 4.288 8.8 23,380 47.9 25,447 52.1 Females 41,746 3,411 8.2 5.480 13.1 8,89] 21.3 32,855 78.7 2 Sumerpur Persons 154,815 37,288 24.1 23,141 14.9 60,429 39.0 94,386 61.0 Males 83,582 31,899 382 8.552 10.2 40,451 48.4 43,131 51.6 Females 71,233 5,389 7.6 14.589 20.5 19,978 28.0 51,255 72.0 3 Sarila Persons 102,998 30.634 29.7 17.263 168 47,897 46.5 55,101 53.5 Males 56,004 24.621 44.0 4.688 8.4 29,309 52.3 26,695 47.7 Females 46,994 6.013 12.8 12.575 268 18,588 39.6 28,406 604

38 Serial Name of c.o. Persons / Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers number block Males / Population (Main and marginal Females workers) Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 4 Golland Persons 103,495 30,159 29.1 18,563 17.9 48,722 47.1 54,773 529 Males 55,548 24,292 43.7 4,300 7.7 28,592 51.5 26,956 48.5 Females 47,947 5,867 12.2 14,263 29.7 20,130 42 ° 27,817 58.0 5 Rath Persons 92,243 27,191 29.5 12,069 13.1 39,260 42.6 52,983 57.4 Males 49,682 22,081 44.4 3,784 7.6 25,865 52.1 23,817 47.9 Females 42,561 5,110 12.0 8,285 19.5 13,395 31.5 29,166 68.5 6 Muskara Persons 124,586 31,039 24.9 19,424 15.6 50,463 40.5 74,123 59.5 Males 67,541 27,337 40.5 6,859 10.2 34,196 50.6 33,345 49.4 Females 57,045 3,702 6.5 12,565 22.0 16,267 28.5 40,778 71.5 7 Maudaha Persons 201,206 52,155 25.9 27,485 13.7 79,640 39.6 121,566 60.4 Males 109,114 44,452 40.7 9,350 8.6 53,802 49.3 55,312 50.7 Females 92,092 7,703 8.4 18,135 19.7 25,838 28.1 66,254 71.9 District (Rural) Total Persons 869,916 230,96,) 26.6 127,713 14.7 358,682 41.2 511,234 58.8 Males 470,298 193,774 41.2 41,821 8.9 235,595 50.1 234,703 49.9 Females 399,618 37,195 9.3 85,892 21.5 123,087 30.8 276,531 69.2

Table 32 shows C.D. block-wise number and percentage of main workers, 'marginal workers and non­ workers for rural population of the district. Of the 869,916 total rural population of the district, 26.6 per cent has been categorised as main workers and the marginal workers constitute 14.7 per cent and the remaining 58.8 per cent fall in the category of non-workers. The sex-wise break up at the district level shows that 41.2 . per cent males and 9.3 per cent females are in the category of main workers. Male and female marginal workers account for 8.9 and 21.5 per cent respectively. The percentage of female marginal workers is higher than male marginal workers. Similar trend is visible at C.D. block level.

The percentage of total rural workers of the district comes to 41.2. per cent. At the C.D. block level, Gohand has highest proportion of total workers forming 47.1 per cent of the total population. It is closely followed by Sarila. (46.5 per cent), Rath (42.6 per cent), Muskara (40.5 per cent), Maudaha (39.6 per cent) and Sumerpur 39 per cent. The lowest percentage of35.6 per cent is recorded in Kurara C.D. block.

TABLE 33: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS / TOWNS, 2001 Serial Name and urban Persons / Total Main workers Marginal Total workers Non workers number status ofUA / Males! Population workers (Main and marginal Town Females workers)

Per- Per- Per- Per- Number entage Number entage Number centage Number centage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Gohand (NP) Persons 7,087 1,783 25.2 1,446 20.4 3,229 45.6 3.858 54,4 Males 3,842 1,401 36.5 516 13.4 1,917 49.9 1,925 50.1 Females 3,245 382 11.8 930 28.7 1,312 40.4 1,933 59.6 2 Hamirpur (NPP) Persons 32,046 7,568 23.6 837 2.6 8,405 26.2 23.641 73.8 Males 17,340 6,827 39.4 608 3.5 7,435 42.9 9.905 57.1 Females 14,706 741 5.0 229 16 970 66 13,736 93.4 3 Kurara (NP) Persons 11,480 2,715 236 637 5.5 3.352 29.2 8.128 708 ~ Males 6,156 2,510 40.8 408 66 2.918 47.4 3,238 51.6 Females 5,324 205 3.9 229 4.3 434 8.2 4,890 91.8

39 Serial number Name and urban Persons I Total Mall1 workers Margmal workers Total workers (Mam Non workers status of UA I Males I PopulatIOn and margll1al workers) Town Females Per- Per- Per· Number entage Number entage Number centage Number Per-centage I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 Malldaha (NPP) Persons 34,730 7,267 20.9 1,623 4.7 8,890 25.6 25,840 74.4 Males 18,579 6,679 35.9 978 5.3 7,657 41.2 10,922 58.8 Females 16,151 588 3.6 645 4.0 1,233 7.6 14,918 92.4 5 Rath (NPP) Persons 55,950 12,654 22.6 2,338 4.2 14,992 26.8 40,958 73.2 Males 30,065 11,759 39.1 1,702 5.7 13,461 44.8 16,604 55.2 Females 25,885 895 3.5 636 2.5 1,531 5.9 24,354 94.1 6 Sanla (NP) Persons 7,854 2,646 33.7 962 12.2 3,608 45.9 4,246 54.1 Males 4,201 1,965 46.8 173 4.1 2,138 50.9 2,063 491 Females 3,653 681 18.6 789 21.6 1,470 40.2 2,183 598 7 Sumerpur (NP) Persons 24,661 5,357 21.7 2,185 8.9 7,542 30.6 17,119 69.4 Males 13,320 4,954 37.2 1,236 9.3 6,190 46.5 7,130 53.5 Females 11,341 403 3.6 949 8.4 1,352 11.9 9,989 88.1 Distdct (V"ban) Total Per'sons 173,808 39,990 23.0 10,028 5.8 50,018 28.8 123,790 71.2 Males 93,503 36,095 38.6 5,621 6.0 41,716 44.6 51,787 55.4 Females 80,305 3,895 4.9 4,407 5.5 8,302 10.3 72,003 89.7

The table 33 indicates that as against 23.0 per cent of main workers in the urban areas of the district, such workers are as high as 33.7 per cent in Sarila NP. There are only 5.8 per cent marginal workers in the urban areas of the district. Among towns the marginal workers is highest in Gohand NP (2004 per cent), while it is lowest 2.6 per cent in Hamirpur NPP.

TABLE 34: DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY m TAHSILS, 2001 Serial Name of Persons I Total Total number of Category of workers number Tahsil Males / Population workers (Main + Cultivators Agricultural Household Industry Other Females Marginal) Laborers workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hamirpllr Persons 313,575 111,999 38,449 36,828 2,635 34,087 (35.7) (34.3) (32.9) (2.4) (30.4) Males 169,225 80,374 29,866 19,129 1,996 29,383 (47.5) (37.2) (23.8) (2.5) (36.6) Females 144,350 31,625 8,583 17,699 639 4,704 (21.9) (27.1 ) (56.0) (2.0) (14.9) 2 Rath Persons 369,627 157,708 73,185 52,771 5,723 26,029 (42.7) (46.4) (33.5) (3.6) (16.5) Males 199,342 101,282 48,979 26,233 3,914 22,156 (50.8) (48.4) (25.9) (3.9) (21.9) Females 170,285 56,426 24,206 26,538 1,809 3,873 (33.1) (42.9) (47.0) (3.2) (6.9) 3 Maudaha Persons 360,522 138,993 57198 55,421 3,501 22,873 (38.6) (41.2) (39.9) (2.5) (16.5) Males 195,234 95,655 43,725 29,560 2,684 19,686 (49.0) (45.7) (30.9) (2.8) (206) Females 165,288 43,338 13,473 25,861 817 3,187 (26.2} (3l.l ) {59.7} ~1.9) (7.4) Distl'ict Total Pel·sons 1,043,724 408,00 168,832 145,020 11,859 82,989 (39,2) (-IL3) (35.5) (2.9) (20.3) Males 563,801 277,311 122,570 74,922 8,594 71,225 (49,2) (44.2) (27.0) (3.1) (25.7) Females 479,923 131,389 46,262 70,098 3,265 11,76-1 {2H} p5.2} {S3.4} (2.5} (9,0} Note Percent of Worker to total worker are given in brackets.

40 It call be Seen from the table 34, the economy of the district is primarily agricultural as suppOited by the fact thdt cultivators constitute 41.3 per cent of the total workers (main + marginal) and remaining 35.5 per cent of total workers are engaged as agricultural labourers. Household industry workers (2.9 per cent) and other workers (20.3 per cent) in this district. The distribution of workers by four categories of economic activity \it tahsil shows very high dependence of population on agriculture sector absorbing large number of workers. The proportion of cultivators varies between 34.3 per cent in Hamirpur tahsil and 46.4 per cent in Rath tahsil. These variations within the district may be due to cropping and land holding patterns. The percentage of females cultivators is 35.2 per cent which is very low as compared to 44.2 per cent of male cultivators in the district. The percentage of household industry workers is very low in the district. The workers in other activities occupy the second position next to household industry in the district. The highest proportion of 30.4 per cent of other workers is recorded in Hamirpur tahsil, while the lowest proportion of 16.5 per cent is found in Rath and Maudaha tahsil. TABLE 35; DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN C.D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of C D Persons / Total Total number of Categor~ of workers number block Males / population workers (Main + Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Females Marginal) Labourers Industry workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kurara Persons 90,573 32,271 13,656 12,537 530 5,548 (35.6) (42.3) (38.8) ( \.6) (172) Males 48,827 23,380 10,859 7,310 397 4,814 (47.9) (46.4) (31.3) (\.7) (20.6) Females 41,746 8,891 2,797 5,227 133 734 (21.3) (3\.5) (58.8) (1.5) (8.3) 2 Sumerpur Persons 154,815 60,429 22,751 22,343 1,401 13,934 (39.0) (37.6) (37.0) (2.3) (23.1 ) Males 83,582 40,451 17,187 10,662 1,060 11,542 ( 48.4) (42.5) (26.4) (2.6) (28.5) Females 71,233 19,978 5,564 11,681 341 2.392 (28.0) (27.9) (58.5) (\.7) (12.0) 3 Sarila Persons 102,998 47,897 26,410 15,382 1,741 4,364 (465) (55.1) (32.1) (3.6) (9.1 ) Males 56,004 29,309 16,728 7,860 1,174 3,547 (52.3) (57.1) (26.8) (4.0) (12. I) Females 46,994 18,588 9,682 7,522 567 817 (39.6) (52.1 ) (40.5) (3.1 ) (4.4) 4 Gohand Persons 103,495 48,722 23,747 18,876 1,645 4,454 (47.1) (48.7) (38.7) (3.4) (9 I) Males 55,548 28,592 15,730 8,169 1,141 3.552 (51.5) (55.0) (28.6) (4.0) (12.4) Females 47,947 20,130 8,017 10,707 504 902 (42.0) (39.8) (53.2) (25) (4.5) 5 Rath Persons 92,243 39,260 19.252 15,03 I 1,243 3.73-1 (42.6) (49.0) (38.3) (3.2) (9.5) Males 49,682 25,865 13.863 8,320 819 2.863 (52.1) (53.6) (32.2) (3.2) (II I) Females 42,561 13,395 5,389 6,711 424 871 {31.S} {40.2} {50.1} p.2) (65)

41 Senal Name of C D. block Persons / Total Total number Category of workers Ilumber Males / population of workers Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Females . (Main + Labourers Industry workers Marginal) workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 Muskara Persons 124,586 50,463 20,447 21,897 1,294 6,825 (40.5) (40.5) (43.4) (2.6) (13.5) Males 67,541 34,196 15,946 11,274 1,022 5,954 (50.6) (46.6) (33.0) (3.0) (17.4) Females 57,045 16,267 4,501 10,623 272 871 (28.5) (27.7) (65.3) (1.7) (5.4) 7 Maudaha Persons 201,206 79,640 35,584 32,850 1,741 9,465 (39.6) (44.7) (41.2) (22) ( 11.9) Males 109,114 53,802 26,793 17,848 1,287 7,874 (49.3) (49.8) (33.2) (2.4) (14.6) Females 92,092 25,838 8,791 15,002 454 1,591 (28.1) (34.0) (58 I) p.8) (62) District (Rural) Total l' ersons 869,9}(j 358,682 161.847 138,916 9,595 48,324 (41.2) (45,1) (38.7) (2.7) (13.5) Males 470,298 235,595 117,106 71,443 6,900 40,146 (50.1) (49.7) (30.3) (2.9) (17.0) Females 399,618 123,087 44,741 67,473 2,695 8,178 {30.S) {36.3} {54.S) {2.2) {6.6)

Note Percent of Worker to total worker are given In brackets

Table 35 presents C.D block-wise distribution of workers by sex in four categories of economic activity. In the rural areas of the district total workers (main+marginal) 41.2 per cent of total population. Among these workers, cultivators constitute 45.1 per cent, 38.7 per cent agricultural labourers, 2.7 per cent household industry workers and' 13.5 per cent other workers. The agricultural sector plays a major role in providing employment to the working force of rural population despite the fact that it is not commercially viable. Household industries also could not make much progress in rural areas as reflected in the data and these household industries employ only 2.7 per cent workers of the total working force. Therefore surplus working force has to depend on primary activities. Among cultivators, the percentage of females (36.3 per cent) is low than males (49.7 per cent) in the rural areas of the district. The males playa main role in rural economy of the district. The proportion of cultivators and other workers differ considerably from one CO. block to other. The proportion of cultivators varies between 37.6 per cent in Sumerpur C.D. block to 55.1 per cent in Sarila CD. block. Similarly for other workers, the lowest proportion is 9.1 per cent in Sarila. C.D. block, while 23.1 per cent is the highest in Sumerpur C.D. block. The percentage of household industry workers is quite low i.e. only 2.7 per cent in the district. The percentage of agricultural labourers is highest in Muskara. (43.4.) block and is followed by Maudaha (41.2). In other C.D. blocks, this proportion is quite insignificant. Similarly, household industry workers varies in C.D. blocks between 3.6 per cent in Sarila and 3.4 per cent in Gohand.

42 TABLE 36: DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF URBAN AGGLOMERA TIONS / TOWNS , 2001 S~nal Name and urban status Perscns ! Male; Total populatIOn Total number of Catego of workers number ofUA/To\\fl ! Females workers (Mam + Cultivators Agncultural Household Other Marginal) Labourers Industry workers workers I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Kurura (NP) Persons 11,480 3,352 626 565 167 1,994 (292) (187) (169) (50) (595) Males 6,156 2,918 580 379 128 1,831 (474) (199) (130) (44) (627) Females 5,324 434 46 186 39 163 (82) (106) (429) (90) (376) 2 Halnlrpur (NPP) Persons 32,046 8,405 471 166 173 7,595 (262) (56) (20) (2 I) (904) Males 17,340 7,435 441 122 145 6,727 (429) (59) (16) (20) (905) Females 14,706 970 30 44 28 868 (66) (3 I) (45) (29) (895) Sumerpllr (N P) Persons 24,661 7,542 945 1,217 364 5,016 (30,6) (125) (16 I) (48) (665) Males 13,320 6,190 799 656 ' 266 4,469 (465) (129) (106) (43) (72.2) Females 11,341 1,352 146 561 98 547 (119) (108) (41 5) (72) (40.5) 4 Sanla (NP) Persons 7,854 3,608 1,361 1,209 139 899 (45,9) (37.7) (JJ 5) (39) (249) Males 4,20\ 2,\38 782 5\6 \09 73\ (509) (36.6) (241) (5 I) (342) Females 3,653 1,470 579 693 30 168 (40.2) (39.4) (47 I) (2.0) (11.4) Gohand (NP) Persons 7,087 3,229 \,\35 1,272 293 529 (45.6) (35.2) (394) (9 1) (164) Males 3,842 1,917 739 654 128 396 (499) (385) (34 1) (67) (20.7) Females 3,245 \,312 396 618 165 133 (40.4) (30.2) (47,1) (126) (10 I) 6 Rath (NPP) Persons 55,950 14,992 1,280 1,001 662 \2,049 (26,8) (85) (67) (4.4) (804) Males 30,065 13,46\ 1,137 714 543 11,067 (44.8) (8,4) (53) (4.0) (822) Females 25,885 1,531 143 287 119 982 (59) (9.3) (18 7) (7.8) (641) 7 Maudaha (NPP) Persons 34,730 8,890 1,167 674 466 6,583 (256) (13 1) (76) (52) (740) Males 18,579 7,657 986 438 375 5,858 ( 41.2) (129) (57) (4.9) (765) Females 16,151 1,233 181 236 91 725 (762 (\~ 7) (\9.12 (7,42 (5882 District (Urban) Total Persons 173,808 50,018 6.985 6,104 2,26.4 34,665 (28,8) (I~,O) (12,2) (4.5) (69.3) Males 93,503 41,716 SA64 3,,419 1,69-' 31,079 (44.6) (13.1 ) (8.3) (4,1) (7~.5) Females 80,305 8,302 1.521 2.625 570 3,586 ~ (10,3) (18:~L __QI,6) (6,9) __j:!l~

43 Table 36 presents distribution of workers by sex in four categegories of economic activity in urban areas of the district Hamirpur. It can be observed from the table that the four categories of economic activity are cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry workers and other workers. Figures in the table have been given for total number of workers including main and marginal workers. At the district level, urban· areas recorded highest percentage of other workers ( 69.3), followed by cultivators with 14.0 per cent (13.1 per cent male and 18.3 per cent female). lfwe observe each town, the table reveals that highest percentage of cultivators (37.7) is recorded in Sarila NP. In the agriculture labourer category Gohand NP recorded high percentage (39.4). Hamirpur NPP town has 2.0 per cent agricultural workers. Household industry workers are also very low (2.1 per cent in Hamirpur NPP and 3.9 per cent in Sarila NP. As the usual trend recorded in the urban areas.

(ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables ·37 to 47: One of the major part of the District Census Handbook is Village and TO'Nn Directories. These are non-census data incorporated showing educational, medical, drinking water, bankin& facilities,

cOllllllunication facilities and other such developmental indicators in th~ towns and villages. From this non- census data cel1ain inset tables have been generated and reproduced below showing major trends in the availability of above amenities. TABLE 37: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY OF DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 Senal Name of Number of Type of amemty available Type of amenIty avaIlable number CD inhabIted Education MedIcal Improved Post Tele- Transport Banks Agricultural block villages Approach Power drmking Office phone communi- Credit by pucca supply water' # cations $ Socielles road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Kurara 62 S3 27 61 II 35 17 3 3 52 50 (100) (85.5) (435) (984) (177) (565) (27.4) (48) (48) (839) (806) 2 Sumerpur 84 73 34 80 2S 31 20 II 6 70 72 (100) (869) (405) (952) (298) (369) (23.8) (13 I) (71) (833) (85.7) Sanla 66 61 20 64 IS 28 15 4 31 3S (100) (92 4) (303) (970) (227) (424) (22.7) (6 I) (76) (470) (53.0) 4 Gohand 74 69 40 71 18 21 20 5 4 45 47 (100) (932) (54 I) (95.9) (24.3) (284) (27.0) (6.8) (54) (608) (635) Rath 61 58 53 59 9 3 23 2 4 45 30 (l00) (95 I) (869) (967) (148) (49) (377) (3 3) (6.6) (73.8) (49.2) 6 Muskara 63 49 45 62 18 25 17 5 5 44 37 (100) (77.8) (714) (98.4) (28.6) (39.7) (27.0) (79) (7.9) (69.8) (587) Maudaha III 104 45 106 34 54 34 II 10 66 74 (100) (93.7) (40,S) (955) (306) (486) (306) (99) (90) (595) (66.7) District Total 521 467 264 503 130 197 U6 41 37 353 345 (100) (89.6) (50.7) (96.5) (25.0) (37.8) (28.0) (7.9) (7.1) (67.8) (66.2) Note - Percentages are gIven in brackets • Based on the Improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been clasSIfied as 'Improved' or otherwise If the household has access to dnnking water supplIed from a tap or a hand pump I tube well sItuated \\ Ithtn or outsIde the premIses It IS consIdered as haVing access to 'Improved dnnking water source' However, the concept of Improved dnnking water IS state speCIfic and thIS IS to be consIdered accordmgly # Post offIce Includes Post offIce, telegraph office and Post and telegraph offIce $ Transport commumcatlon mcludes bus servIce. raIl facilIty and naVIgable watemays

Table 37 deals with the C.D. block-wise distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities like education, medical, improved drinking water, post office, telephone, transport,

44 cOlllmunications, agricultural credit societies, approach by pucca road and power supply within the village. Out of 521 inhabited villages in the district 467 villages or 89.6 per cent have been provided with the education facilities of one type or the other. Similarly, 264 villages in the district constituting 50.7 per cent have medical facilities of one type or the other. Improved drinking water facility is available in 503 villages or 96.5 per cent villages. As regards, post office facility which includes facilities like telegraph office and post & telegraph, 327 villages constituting 62.8 per cent of villages have been provided with post office fadlity within the village. 197 or 37.8 per cent vi llages have been provided with the telephone facility, 146 villages or 28.0 per cent with transport facility, 41 villages or 7.9 per cent villages with bank facility and 37 villages or 7.1 per cent with agricultural credit societies. Similarly, there are 353 villages 67.8 per cent villages which· have been linked with the pucca road. Total 345 or 66.2 per cent of villages have been provided with the electricity supply. Almost similar pattern of distribution of villages by availability of amenities in the villages at C.O. block has been found with slight variation. Rath CD. block has the highest 95.1 per cent villages where educational facility is available lowest 77.8 per cent is found in Muskara. Medical facility is highest in Rath (86.9 per cent) and lowest (30.3 per cent) in Sarila C.D. block. Improved drinking water is available to 96.5 per cent villages. Telephone facility is highest in Kurara (56.5 per cent) and lo:-vest 4.9 per cent in Rath transport and communications facilities is available in 146 (28.0 per cent) villages in district. In the field of power supply 345 (66.2 per cent) villages covered in the district.

TABLE38: NUMBER AND PERCENT OF RURAL POPULATION SERVED BY DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 SI Name of Total popula- Type of amenity available T~Ee of amenit~ available No. C. D. block tion of Educati Medical Improved Post Office Telephon Transport Banks Agricul- Approac Power- inhabited on drinking # e communi- tural h by supply viIIages water' cations $ Credit pucca Societies road 2 3 4 5 ·6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Kurara 90,573 86,321 57,717 89,331 33,619 66,587 33,977 9,199 13,253 85,962 83,362 (100.0) (95.3) (63.7) (98.6) (37.1) (73.5) (37.5) (10.2) (14.6) (94.9) (92.0) 2 Sumerpur 154,815 150,946 91,906 153,752 83,453 82,393 61,745 41,799 25,171 136,021 142,294 (l00.0) (97.5) (59.4) (99.3) (53.9) (53.2) (39.9) (27.0) (16.3) (87.9) (91.9) 3 Sarila 102,998 102,616 51,015 102,943 41,749 51,951 30,766 6,734 7,982 63,177 68,469 (1000) (99.6) (49.5) (99.9) (405) (50.4) (29.9) (6.5) (7.7) (61.3) (66.5) 4 Gohand 103,495 102,551 67,782 101,982 46,188 45,197 39,430 11,278 11,225 81,863 79,918 (l00.0) (99.1) (65.5) (98.5) (44.6) (43.7) (38.1) (10.9) (10.8) (79.1 ) . (77.2) 5 Rath 92.243 92,232 84,525 91,432 28,376 5,956 38,520 6,360 7,853 76,443 59,692 (100.0) (100.0) (91.6) (99.1) (30.8) (6.5) ( 41.8) (6.9) (8.5) (82.9) (64.7) 6 Muskara 124,586 123,508 120,840 124,584 84,028 84,372 70,818 37,635 39,625 115,007 108,lll ( 100.0) (99.1) (97.0) (100.0) (67.4) (67.7) (56.8) (30.2) (31.8) (92.3) (86.8) 7 Maudaha 201,206 200,558 125,037 200,113 115,448 132,670 74,194 47,988 42,672 153,110 164,649 \l 00.0) (99.7} {62.1} {99.5} {57.4} (65.9} p6.9} p.9) (21.2) (76.l} {81.8} District Total 869,916 858,732 598,822 864,137 432,861 469,126 349,450 160,993 147,781 711,583 706,495 ( 100.0) (98.7} (68.82 (99.3} (49.82 (53.9) (40.2} (18.5} (17.0) (81.8} (81.2) Note - Percentages are given III brackets * Based on the Improved drInkmg "ater source. dnnkmg waler supply has been classIfied as 'Improved' or otherwise If the household has access to drll1kmg water suppiJed trom a tap or a hand pump I tube well situated \\1thm or outside the premises It IS considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source' Ho\\e\ er. the concept of improved dnnkmg water IS state specific and thiS IS to be considered accordll1gly # Post otlice tIlcludes Post oflke, telegraph office and Po~t and te1egraph oflice j, Transport commUnication mcludes bus service, rail faclilty and naVigable waterways

45 Table 38 depicts the number and proportion of rural population served by different kind of amenities. Out of total rural population of 869,916 persons in the district, 858,732 or 98.7 per cent have educational facility of one or the other type. Similarly, 598,822 or 68.8 per cent population has medical facilities, while 864,137 or 99.3 per cent have got improved drinking water facility. Post office facilities are available to 432,861 or 49.8 per cent popUlation. Telephone facility is available to 469,126 or 53.9 per cent. Transport communications facility is available ,to 349,450 or 40.2 per cent. Bank facility is available to 160,993 or 18.5 per cent. 147,781. or 17.0 per cent have been provided with the facility of agricultural credit societies. 71 1,583 or 81.8 per cent have been provided with the facility of approach by pucca road. Power supply is available to 706,495 or 81.2 per cent rural population in the district. Similar pattern of availability of facilities is visible to the rural population at C.D. block level. In Rath C.O. block facilitiy of education is the highest with 100 per cent. Medical facility in Rath and Muskara CO block is 91.6 and 97.0 per cent respectively. Drinking water facility is highest in Muskara CD block with 100 percent.

TABLE 39: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES NOT HAVING CERTAIN AMENITIES, ARRANGED BY DISTANCE RANGES FROM THE. PLACES WHERE THESE ARE AVAILABLE, 2001 Village not haVing the amenity of Distance range of place from the villages where the amenity is available

Less than 5 kilometres 5-10 kilometres 10+ Total kilometres (Col. 2 - 4) 2 3 4 5 I Education:- (a) Primary School 51 4 0 55 (b) Middle School 217 104 9 330 (c) Degree College 34 99 387 520 2. Medlcal:- (a) Hospital 89 180 233 502 (b) PHC 68 195 241 504 3. Post Office 266 109 16 391 4. Telephone 137 99 88 324 5. Bus Service 162 181 58 401 6. Banks (a) Commercial Bank 196 206 83 485 (b) Cooperative Bank 86 232 188 506 7. Agricultural Credit Societies 189 225 70 484

Table 39 presents distribution of villages not having certain amenities within the village at district level. They have to go out of their village to avail these facilities. Such villages have been presented according

to various distance ranges in this table. 55 villages do not have primary school in their ~illages and out of' these villages, children of 51 villages have to travel less than 5 kms. for schooling, Out of 521 inhabited villages as many as 330 are deprived of middle school and 520 of degree college. Of these 217 avail the

facility of middle school at a distance of less than 5 kms., 104 at a distance 5-10 kms. and the remaining 9 at a distance of 10+ kms. In respect of degree college 34 avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., 99 between 5 to 10 kms. and rest 387 villages at a distance of 10+ kms. Similarly, there are 502 villages in the district which have been devoid of Hospital facility and 504 villages which are deprived of PHC facilities. Of these 89 villages have the facility of Hospital available 46 within 5 kms. while in respect of 180 villages the inhabitants have to cover a distance of 5-10 kms. in order to . avail this facility. Similarly, overwhelming number i.e. 233 villages have this facility at a distance of 10+ kills. As regards PHC 68 avail this facility al a distance of less than 5 kms., 195. at a distance of 5-10 kms. and the remaining 241 have to travel a distance of more than 10 kms. to avail this facility. Regarding Post Office, 391 villages do not have this facility in the village itself. Of these majority i.e. 266 have this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., another 109 villages avail it at a distance of 5-10 kms. In the remaining 16 villages habitants have to travel a distance of 10+ kms. As regards Telephone, there are 324 villages in the district which are without telephone facilitiy. Of these 137 avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., 99 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and remaining 88 have to traverse a distance of 10+ kms. For Bus service out of 401 villages which do not have facility, 162 villages avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., 181 at a distance between 5-10 kms. and 58 at a distance of 10+ kms. In the entire district 485 villages are deprived of Commercial Bank and 506 of Co-operative Bank. Of these 485 villages which are deprived of Commercial Banks 196. villages avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., 206 between 5-10 kms and the remaining 83 at a distance of 10+ kms. Regarding Co­ operative Banks out of 506 villages 86 villages avail this facility at a distance of less than 5 kms., 232 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and remaining 188 at a distance of 10+ kms. 484 villages do not have agricultural credit societies. This facility to 189 villages is available at a distance of less than 5 kms., 255 at a distance of 5-10 kms. and the remaining 70 at a distance of 10+ kms.

TABLE 40: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST STATUTORY TOWN AND AVAILABILITY OF DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 Distance range from the Number of T~pe of amenity available Type of amenity available nearest statutory town inhabited Education Medical Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach by ( in kilometres) villages in Office # communi- Credit pucca road each range cations $ Societies

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 less than 5 50 46 18 6 22 17 2 2 41 (100.0) (92.0) (36.0) (12.0) (44.0) (34.0) (4.0) (4.0) (82.0) 5 -15 297 266 148 73 106 77 20 20 213 (100.0) (89.6) (49.8) (24.6) (35.7) (25.9) (6.7) (6.7) (71.7) 16 - 50 172 153 96 50 68 51 19 IS 98 (100.0) (89.0) (55.8) (29.1) (39.5) (29.7) ( 11.0) (8.7) (57.0) 51+ 1 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (00) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Unspecified I I 1 I I I 0 0 (100.0) {100.0) (100.0) {100.0) {100.0) (100.0) (0.0) (0.0) (100.0) District Total 521 467 264 130 197 146 41 37 353 (100.0) {89.6} (50.7) {25.0} {37.8} {28.0} p.9} p.1} {67.S} # Post office Inc/lldes Pose office. Telegraph office a~d Post and telegraph office. S Transport comllllllllCQIIOl1lncllldes blls service. rail facility and navigable watenvays.

Table 40 deals with the distribution of villages according to distance from the nearest statutory town and availability of different amenities within the village. Out of total 521 inhabited villages in the district, there are 50 villages which have nearest towns upto a distance of 5 kms. Of these only 46 villagd forming 92.0 per cent of these total villages, are having the educational facilities of one type or the other and 18 . villages constituting 36.0 per cent, have the medical facilities within the village, 6 villages fom1ing 12.0 per cent have the facility of post office within the village and 22 or 44.0. per cent have the facility of telephone. 47 17 villages constituting 34.0 percent have been linked by transport service. 2 villages comprising 4.0 per cent have been provided bank facilities, while 2 villages constituting only 4.0 per ent have been provided by agricultural credit societies. 41 villages comprising 82.0 per cent have been provided with pucca road. There are 297 inhabited villages in the district which fall in the distance range of 5-15 kms. Of these 266 villages constituting 89.6 per cent have been provided with the educationill facilities. 148 villages comprising 49.8 per cent have been provided with medical facilities. 73 village constituting 24.6 per cent enjoy the post office facility. J 06 villages comprising 35.7 per cent have been provided the telephone facility. 77 villages constituting 25.9 per cent have been linked with transport communications. 20 villages comprising 6.7 per cent have bank facility. 20 villages constituting 6.7 per cent are having agricultural credit societies, while 213 villages or 71.7per cent are approachable by pucca road. 172 villages fall in the distance range of 16-50 kms. Of these, 89.0 per cent villages have educational facility, 55.8 per cent with medical, 29. I per cent with post office, 39.S per cent with telephone and transport & communications available to 29.7 per cent villages. Banks and agricultural credit societies facilities are available to 11.0 and 8.7 per cent of villages. There is one village in the district which is situated beyond 50 kms. from the nearest town and out of these I.or J 00.0 per cent enjoy the education facility in the village itself whereas one village comprising 100.0 per cent has been provided with medical facility of one type or the other. No such village comprising nil per cent has the post office facility. No village comprising nil per cent has been provided with telephone facility. No village constituting nil per cent has been linked by bus service whereas no village comprising nil per cent has been provided with the bank facilities. None village comprising 0 per cent are having agricultural credit societies, while nil village comprising nil per cent has been linked by pucca roads. There is 1 village whose distance ranges from the nearest statutory town has not been given. Such villages have been grouped under the unspecified category. 100 or cent per cent villages have the educational facility of one or other type. One village constituting 100 per cent has the medical, post office, telephone. Transport communication in the village. One village has also been connected by pucca road.

TABLE 41: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO POPULATION RANGE AND AMENITIES AVAILABLE, 2001 Population Number of Type of amenity available Type of amenity available range inhabited . . '11 . Educallon Medical Improved Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach Power Vi ages 1I1 drinkino Office # communi- Credit by Pucca supply each range water'" cations 5) Societies road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1-499 113 67 17 100 o 13 14 3 o 49 45 (1000) (59.3) (15.0) (88.5) (0.0) ( 11.5) (12.4) (2.7) (0.0) (43.4) (39.8) 500-999 91 84 41 88 I 25 16 o I 51 48 (100.0) (92.3) l45.1) (96.7) (1.\) (27.5) (17.6) (0.0) (I.I ) (56.0) (52.7) 1000-1999 163 162 88 161 29 69 47 8 9 115 113 (100.0) (99.4) (54.0) (98.8) (17.8) (42.3) (28.8) (4.9) (5.5) (70.6) (69.3) 2000-4,999 138 138 104 138 86 74 59 21 19 124 124 (100.0) (100.0) (75.4) (100.0) (62.3) (53.6) (42.8) (15.2) (13.8) (89.9) (89.9) 5000-9999 14 14 12 14 12 14 9 7 6 12 13 (100.0) (100.0) (85.7.) (100.0) (85.7) (100.0) (64.3) (50.0) (42.9) (85.7) (92.9) 10000 + 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (50.0) (I 00.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) District total 521 467 264 503 130 197 146 41 37 353 345 (100.0) (89.6) (50.7) (96.5) (25.0) (37.8) (28.0) (7.9) (7.1 ) (67.8) (66.2) # Post office lOcludes Post office. Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office $ Transport commUnication mc! udes bus service, rail faCility and navigable waterways • Based on the Improved dnnkl.l1g water source, dnnkmg water supply has been classified as . Improved' or otheT\\lSe If the household has access to drmking water supplied from a lap or a hand pump / tube well situated withm or outside the premises it IS conSidered as ha\ 109 access to 'Improved dflnklng \\ater source' However. the concept of Improved dnnkmg water IS state speCific and thiS IS to be conSidered accordmgly

48 Table 41 deals with the distribution of villages by population ranges and amenities available therein. In Hamirpur district out of a total 521 inhabited villages, overwhelming 113 are there in the population range of 1-499 persons. Of these, 67 villages (59.3 per cent) have education facility, 17 (15.0 per cent) have medical facility, 100 (88.5 per cent) have improved drinking water facility. No village (nil per cent) has post office facility. 13 (11.5 per cent) have telephone facility. 14 (12.4 per cent) have been linked by bus service. 3 (2.7 per cent) have bank facility. No village (nil per cent) have been provided with the agricultural credit societies, 49 villages (43.4 per cent) have been linked with pucca road. 45 villages (39.8 per cent) have been provided with electricity. Out of 91 villages, which fall in the population range of 500-999 persons, 84 villages (92.3 per cent) have been provided with the education facility, 41 (45.1 per cent) with medical facility, 88 village with 96.7 per cent have improved drinking water facility. 1 village (1.1 per cent) has been provided with post office facilities, 25 villages (27.5per cent) with telephone facility, 16 villages (17.6 per cent) with transport facilities. No village (nil per cent) with bank facility, 1 village (1.1 per cent) with agricultural credit societies and 51 villages (56.0 per cent) have approach by pucca road. 48 villages with 52.7 per cent have provided with electricity. 163 villages fall in population range of 1,000-1,999 persons. All of these villages have education, power supply and improved drinking water facilities. Whereas 88 villages (54.0 per cent) enjoy the medical facility, 29 villages (17.8 per cent) have post office facility, 69villages (42.3 per cent) have telephone facility, 47 villages (28.8 per cent) have transport communication facilities, 8 villages (4.9 per cent) have bank facilities, 9 villages (5.5 per cent) have agricultural credit societies and 115 villages (70.6 per cent) have approach by pucca road. There are 138 villages in the district which are covered under 2,000-4,999 population range. In this range, all the villages enjoy the facility of education, improved drinking water, telephone, transport communications, approach by pucca road and power supply. 104 villages (75.4 per cent) have medical facility. 86 villages (62.3 per cent) have post office facility, 21.villages (15.2 per cent) have bank facility, 19 vi II ages (13.8. per cent) having agricultural credit societies. There are 16 villages in the district having a population of 5,000 persons or above.

TABLE 42: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO LAND USE, 2001 Serial Name of C. D. block Number of Total area Percentage of Percentage of irrigated area to number inhabited villages cultivable area to total total cultivable area area 2 3 4 5 6 Kurara 62 3,947,7.0 74.5 28.1 2 Sumerpur 84 5,326,6.1 NA 23.2 3 Sarila 66 57,526.0 44.5 33.4 4 Gohand 74 50,538.0 71.9 54.7 5 Rath 61 391,31.4 68.1 64 6 Muskara 63 490,69.2 81.5 34.3 7 Maudaha III 895,59.8 822 21.6 Distl"ict Total 521 37,856,7.6 75.5 33.6 Nole - ClJlllvablf! area = JTngated area + ltlJirrigaled area

49 Table 42 presents CD block wise distribution of villages according to land use. It also gives details of total area and cultivable area available to inhabited villages in the district. Cultivated area includes irrigated as well as unirrigated area. It further elaborates that what is the extent of cultivable area under irrigation .. There are total 52 I inhabited villages in the district having a total area of 378,567.55 hectares. Of this, 75.5 per cent is cultivable and 33.6 per cent of total cultivable area has got the irrigation facility. The area figures have been collected from the revenue record maintained for each village by the State Government. A look at the land use pattern at C.D. block level shows that 7 block with 52 I villages have a total area of 378,567.55 hectares, of this 75.5 per cent of land is cultivable and of the aforesaid area 33.6 per cent is irrigated. In Kurara block, 62 villages have a total land area of 39,477.0I.hectares, of this 74.5 per cent of land is cultivable and of the aforesaid area 28.1 per cent is irrigated. In Sumerpur block, 84 villages have a total area of 53,266.14 hectares, 23.2 per cent is irrigated. In Sarila block, 66 villages have a total area of 57,526 hectares. Of this, cultivable area is 44.5 per cent. Of cultivable area 33.4 per cent is irrigated. Gohand block with 74 villages have a total land area of 50,538 hectares, oftbis 71.9 per cent is cultivable area and out of this cultivable area 54.7 per cent is irrigated. Rath block with 61.viJlages has a total land area of 391,31.4 hectares. Of this 68.1 per cent is cultivated area, out of which 64.0 per cent is irrigated. Muskara block with a total 63 villages have an area of 49,069.2 hectares. Of this 81.5 per cent is cultivable area. Out of which 34.3 per cent is irrigated. The Maudaha block has III villages with an area it 89,559.8 hectares of which 82.2 is cultivable and irrigation of 21.6 percent only.

TABLE 43: PER CArITA RECEIPT AND EXPENDITURE IN STATUTORY TOWNS Per capita receipt Per capita expenditure Through From all General Public health Serial Class, name & urban Local other Admmls- and Public Public number status of the Town Total taxes sources Total tratlon conVenIences works institutions Other(s)

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II V,Gohand,NP 207 0 207 154 55 14 7 0 78 2 III,Hamirpur,NPP 254 16 238 214 63 7 51 a 93 3 [V,Kurara,NP 154 3 151 [82 84 0 76 a 22 4 IIl,Maudaha,NPP 221 14 207 138 0 101 37 0 0 5 1l,Rath,NPP 218 7 211 130- 8 8 113 0 1 6 V,Sari1a,NP 173 0 173 42 34 0 3 0 5 7 1II,Sumerpur,NP 128 7 121 116 48 0 41 0 27 District Total 206 9 197 146 30 25 65 0 26

The table 43 gives the per capita receipt and expenditure ( in rupees) for each town in the district. The average per capita receipts for towns of the district works out to Rs 206. Of which 9 derived through local taxes and the remaining Rs 197 received from all other sources. The average of total expenditure incurred per head is Rs 146. Out of this Rs 30 are spent on general administration, Rs 25 on public health and. conveniences, Rs 65 on public works and Rs 26 are spent on other items. Among all the seven towns the receipt and expenditure recorded per head are the highest in Hamirpur NPP.

TABLE 44 : SCHOOLS / COLLEGES PER 10 ,000 POPULATION IN STATUTORY TOWNS , 2001 SI. No. Name and urban status of Town Type of educational institution Primary Junior Secondary I Senior College Secondary / Matriculation Secondary Middle I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gohand, NP 56 4.2 2.8 1.4 0.0 2 Hamirpur, NPP 6.9 0.9 1.2 1.2 0.3 3 Kurara, NP 4.-1 3.5 0.9 0.9 0.0 4 Maudaha, NPP 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.2 0.3 5 Rath, NPP 6.6 2.5 1.1 0.7 0.4 6 Sari1a, NP 8.9 3.8 3.8 1.3 0.0 7 Sumerpur, NP 4.5 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.0 District Total SA 2.1 1.3 0.9 0.1

50 Table 44 shows in urban areas of Hamirpur district the average number of primary school per 10,000 population comes to 5.4 schools, 2.1 junior secondary/middle, 1.3 secondary/matriculation, 0.9 senior secondary schools and the ratio of colleges is only 0.1 college per 10,000 population. Among the towns, the ratio of primary schools is highest in Sarila NP 8.9 per cent, Sarila NP (3.8) per cent has highest ratio of junior secondary and matriculation schools, while in case of senior secondary school this position is claimed by Rath NP (0.4) college education is available only in Hamirpur (NPP), Maudaha (NPP) and Rath NPP.


Sl. No. Name and urban status of the Town Number of beds in medical institutions per 10,000 population

I 2 . 3 1 Gohand, NP o 2 Hamirpur, NPP 34 3 Kurara, NP 3 4 Maudaha, NPP 7 5 Rath, NPP 5 6 Sari la, NP 6 7 Sumerpur, NP 2 I District Total 10

Table 4S depicts the number of beds available in medical institutions per 10,000 population in each town of Hamirpur district. On an average there are 10 beds per 10,000 population in urban areas of the district, whereas it is highest 34 beds in Hamirpur NPP, while lowest value of 2 beds is recorded in Sumerpur NP.

TABLE 46: PROPORTfiON OF SLUM POPULATION IN TOWNS, 2001 SI.No. Name of the Town District Total Slum Percentage of slum population to District population popUlation Total popUlation

2 3 4 5 Not Available


SI.No. Name and urban status of Most important commodity Town Manufactured Exported 2 3 4 Kurara, NP Pulses, Veg. Oil, -- Pulses, Gram, -­ 2 Hamirpur, NPP Morang, Vegetable, -- 3 Sumerpur, NP Shoes, Steel Rod, Soap --, --, -- '-\ Sanla, NP Pulses, Oil Seeds, Khadi Cloth Pulses, Oil Seed, Khadi Cloth 5 Gohand, NP Gur, Khadi Cloth, Wooden Furniture Our, Oil Seed, Reed Oil 6 Ra'th, NPP Gur, Khadi Cloth, Carpet Our, Khadi Cloth, Reed Oil 7 Maudaha, NPP Fish, Tractor Trolly, Cement Grill Shoes, Tomato, Sugarcane

51 Table 47 indicates most important articles manufactured and exported out of the each town in the district. The chief export items of the district are Khadi and Tilhan are the main items which are manufactured in Gohand NP, Rath NPP and Sarila NP and these are mainly exported to other places. (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities collected during, Houselisting Operations, Census of India 2001 : 48 to 52

Data on houses and household amenities have traditionally been undertaken a few months before each' census. Based upon data collected in the houselist, a few tables on the use of census house, materials of wall, floor and roof etc. are prepared. In 1991 census, the houselist was considerably expanded with 22 items of information. Again in 2001 census many new items on household assets like radio/transistor, television, telephone, cycle, scooter/motorcycle/moped, car/jeep and banking facility availed by household etc. for the first time has been added in the schedule. The district wise tables have been prepared and these are placed in the subsequent tables. The following is the distribution of households by number of rooms occupied.

TABLE 48: HOUSEHOLDS BY TENURE STATUS AND NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED IN THE DISTRICT, 2001 Tenure Number of dwelling Number of households status households Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Total I Rural I Urban Total 1 Rural 1Urban Total 1 Rural1 Urban I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 I 7 I 8 9 I 10 I 11 Owned No exclusive room 1,445 1,190 255 408 341 67 10 6 4 One room 17,976 14,773 3,203 6,160 5,274 886 140 112 28 Two rooms 48,499 41,090 7,409 15,478 13,396 2,082 235 199 36 Three rooms 50,089 44,008 6,081 13,405 11,915 ,1490 276 245 31 3+ rooms 59,505 51,434 8,071 1,0068 8,743 1,325 228 180 48 Median number of rooms 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3

Rented No exclusive room 64 38 26 13 7 6 2 One room 1,617 300 1,317 310 78 232 13 1 12 Two rooms 1,861 352 1,509 310 73 237 8 3 5 Three rooms 609 174 435 102 26 76 2 2 0 3+ rooms 329 132 197 43 17 26 Median number of ° rooms 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Others No exclusive room 25 21 4 5 4 3 3 0 One room 458 287 171 128 81 47 6 2 4 Two rooms 536 351 185 109 61 48 3 2 1 Three rooms 256 178 78 58 47 II 3 3 0 3+ rooms 191 155 36 44 35 9 0 Median number of rooms 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 District total 183,460 154,483 28,977 46,641 40,098 6,543 931 760 171 Da/a source Census oJfndta 2001. H- serIes: "Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets"

The data presented in the table 48 depicts number of households by tenure status and number ~ of rooms occupied in the district. The total number of households in the district stands at 183,460

consisting of 154,483 rural and 28,977 urban households. 46,641 households belong to Scheduled

52 Ca~tes and 931 to Scheduled Tribes. 177,514 households are living in their owned houses. Of these households, the largest number of households 59,505 have occupied 3+ room accommodation' and is followed by three rooms accommodation numbering to 50,089 households. Next position is claimed by households 48,499 occupying two room accommodation. Number of households in owned accoml11odation occupying one room rank at fourth place with 17,976 household7while 1,445 households are with no exclusive room. 4,480 households living in rented accommodation. The largest number of 1,86 I households are living in two room accommodation followed by ] ,617 households in one room accommodation. Households with three rooms and three plus are small in numbers. TABLE 49: PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF HOUSEHOLDS LIVING IN PERMANENT, SEMI PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY HOUSES , 2001 SI. Total Rural Urban No District/ Tahsil Permanent Semi- Temporary Perm a- Semi- Temporary Perma- Semi- 1Tempo- permanent nent permanent nent permanent rary I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T II I Hamirpur 35.8 63.3 0.9 29.3 69.7 1.0 60.2 39.5 .0.3

2 Rath 53.9 45.7 0.5 49.4 50.1 0.5 74.3 25.6 0.2

3 Maudaha 32.9 66.5 0.5 29.6 69.8 0.5 65.9 33.5 0.6

District Total 41.2 58.1 0.6 36.4 62.9 0.7 67.0 32.7 0.3 Data source. Census of India 200 I, H-series. Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets. Note.- Permanent - I Permanent houses refers to those houses whose wall & roofs are made ofpucca materials i.e. where, burnt bnks GJ. Sheets or other metal sheets, stone cement concrete IS used for wall and tiles slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets asbestos sheets bricks, lime and stone and RBCIRCC concreate are used for roof Semi permanent - 2 Semi-permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials Temporary - 3 Temporary houses refers to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials i.e, where grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo mud, unburnt bncks are used for the constructIOn of walls and grass, leaves reeds, bamboo hatch, mud, unbumt bncks, wood etc, are used for roofs

The percentage distribution of households as shown in the above table reveals that 41.2 per cent of the _ households in the district had permanent houses. The trend is different in rural (36.4.per cent) and urban area (67.0 per cent). Among tahsils highest proportion of permanent houses were accounted in tahsil Rath (53.9.per cent) followed by Hamirpur tahsil (35.8 per cent), Maudaha tahsil (32.9.per cent) which is lowest. In respect of semi-permanent houses, the returns were 58.1 per cent of district level, whereas among tahsils, in Maudaha it was 66.5 per cent and lowest was 45.7 per cent in tahsil Rath Rural areas represented a similar ratio at district and tahsil level but semi-permanent houses in the urban areas were in the proportion range of 25.6 to 39.5 per cent. Temporary houses in the district lie between the range of 0.2 to 0.6 per cent in the urban areas.

53 TABLE 50: PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING IMPROVED DRINKING WATER SOURCE, ELECTRICITY, BATHROOM, TOILET AND DRAINAGE FACILITY, 2001 Serial Tahsil Total! Number of Number and percentage of households having number Rural! households Improved Electricity Bathroom Toilet Drainage Urban drinking water* I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hamirpur Total 54,537 40,164 12,261 19,718 14,974 25,780 (73.6) (22.5) (36.2) (27.5) (47.3) Rural 43,045 30,275 4,888 12,947 7,384 15,230 (70.3) (11.4) (30.1) (17.2) (35.4 ) Urban 11,492 9,889 7,373 6,771 7,590 10,550 (86.1 ) (64.2) (58.9) (66.0) (91.8) 2 Rath Total 65,288 42,681 8,716 15,011 14,548 39,808 (65.4) (13.4) (23.0) (22.3) (61.0) Rural 53,563 33,084 2,773 9,843 7,256 29,448 (61.8) (5.2) (18.4) (13.5) (55.0) Urban 11,725 9,597 5,943 5,168 7,292 10,360 (81.9) (50.7) (44.1) (62.2) (88.4) 3 Maudaha Total 63,635 34,972 10,595 16,204 15,262 27,750 (55.0) (16.6) (25.5) (24.0) (43.6) Rural 57,875 29,892 7,073 13,451 11,697 22,542 (51.6) (12.2) (23.2) (20.2) (38.9) Urban 5,760 5,080 3,522 2,753 3,565 5,208 (88.2) (61.1) (47.8) ~61.9) (90.4) District Total Total 183,460 117,817 31,572 50,933 44,784 93,338 (64.2) (17.2) (27.8) (24.4) (50.9) Rural 154,483 93,251 14,734 36,241 26,337 67,220 (60.4) (9.5) (23.5) (17.0) (43.5) Urban 28,977 24,566 16,838 14,692 18,447 26,118 (84.8) {58.1} (50.7} (63.7} (90.1} Data SOUl ce: CellSus oJ IndiG 200 I, H-series: Tables on HOllses, Household amenities and Assets. 'Based all the implOred drindlllg water source, drinking water SOllrce, drmdmg water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or othenvlse /fthe household has access to drinking water suppfledfrom a tap or a hand pump/tube well situated within or outside the premises it is comsldered as !zm'ing access to 'lnproved drinkmg water sOllrce'. However, the concept a/improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be cOllSidered accordingly. Note: Percentage is to be given In brackets after the number o/households. Bathroom meallS bathroom WIthin the house Toilet meallS toilet wit/un the house. Drainage menas closed and open draznage.

The above table shows that out of total households of the district 64.2 per cent of the households had improved drinking water facility. The proportion of rural and urban area was 60.4 and 84.8 per cent. Tahsil Hamirpur had higher order of proportion of households where percentage for rural area was 70.3 and 88.2 per cent in urban areas in Maudaha tahsil. Electricity was available for 17.2 per cent of households at district level households of the district had better access of electricity. Bathrooms and toilet facilities were available

~n 27.8 and 24.4 per cent of households. At district level drainage facility was available for 50,9 per cent of households, whereas the proportion of rural and urban areas households accounted to 43.5 and 90.1 per cent.

54 TABLE 51 NUMBER AND PERCENT OF HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE OF FUEL USED FOR COOKING, 2001 Serial Tahsil Total! Total Fire Crop Cowdu Electr Coal I Cookmg Bio- Kerosene Others No cookmg number Rural! house- wood resIdue ng cake icity Lignite gas gas Urban holds (charcoal) (LP.G) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Hamlrpul Total 54,537 17,356 '2,702 29,239 47 9 4,503 37 560 16 68 (31 8) (50) (536) (0 I) (00) (83) (0 I) (1 0) (00) (0.1) Rural 43,045 12,503 2,274 27,392 13 2 686 18 109 11 37 (290) (53) (636) (00) (00) (I 6) (0.0) (0.3) (00) (0.1 ) Urban 11,492 4.853 428 1,847 34 7 3,817 19 451 5 31 (422) (37) (16 I) (03) (0 I) (33.2) (02) (3.9) (0.0) (0.3) 2 Rath Total 65,288 19,878 3,249 38,402 23 17 3,410 37 181 14 77 (30.4 ) (50) (588) (00) (00) (5.2) (0 I) (0.3) (0.0) (0.1) Rural 53,563 14,924 2,741 35,390 19 390 9 20 9 60 (279) (5 I) (66 I) (00) (00) (07) (00) (00) (00) (01) Urban 11,725 4,954 508 3,012 4 16 3,020 28 161 5 17 (42.3) (4.3) (257) (0.0) (0.1) (25.8) (0.2) (14) (00) (0.1) 3 Maudaha Total 63, 635 24,978 1,944 34,441 32 12 1,678 25 452 6 67 (393) (3 I) (54 I) (0 I) (00) (2.6) (00) (07) (00) (01) Rural 57,875 21,865 1,696 33,380 21 3 729 17 110 6 48 (378) (29) (57.7) (00) (00) (I 3) (00) (02) (0.0) (0 1) Urban 5,760 3,113 248 1,061 II 9 949 8 342 0 19 (540) (43) (184) (02) (0.2) (165) (0 I) (59) (0.0) (0.3) DIstrict Total Total 183,460 63,312 7,895 102,082 102 38 9,591 99 1,193 36 212 (33.9) (4.3) (55.6) (O.l) (0.0) (5.2) (0.1) (0.71 (0.01 (0.1) Rural 154,483 49,292 6,711 96,162 53 6 1,805 44 239 26 145 (31.9) (4.3) (62.2) (0.0) (0.0) (1.2) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1) Urban 28,977 12,920 1,184 5,920 49 32 7,786 55 954 10 67 (44.6) (4.1) (20.4) (0.2) (0.1) (26.9) (0.2) (3.3) (0.0) (0.2)

Percentage IS gIven in brackets

Data source: Census of IndIa 2001, H-series: Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets.

It is observed from the above table that to 33.9 per cent of households in the district use firewood as fuel for cooking, the proportion in the rural area is to 31.9 and in urban area it comes to 44.6 per cent of households. LPG (cooking gas) has been reported as one of the fuel for cooking of food to 5.2 per cent of the households. The composition of rural and urban comes to 1.2 and 26.9 per cent respectively. Kerosene is used for cooking in 0.7 per cent of the households (0.2. per cent rural and to 3.3 per cent urban households). The other methods like crop residue, cow dung cake, coal, lignite, charcoal, electricity and biogas etc. range between 0.1 per cent to 55.6 per cent of the households of the district. The pattern of fuel used for cooking follows the same trend in tahsils (rural areas) where predominant fuel is cow dung cake.

55 TABLE 52: NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AVAILING BANKING SERVICES AND NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING EACH OF THE SPECIFIED ASSET, 2001 -- Total Availability_ of household assets Total number None of the I Scnai Total! number of house- Scooter, specified Radio! Car, 1111111bc Tahsil Rural! of holds Motor assets Transi Television Telephone Bicycle Jeep, r Urban hOllse- availing Cycle, stor Van holds banking Moped services I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hamirplir Total 54,537 16,095 19,715 8,904 2,198 27,855 3,012 569 19,775 Rural 43,045 9,653 14,966 3,768 643 21,676 1,385 289 16,948 Urban 11,492 6,442 4,749 5,136 1,555 5.179 1,627 280 2,827 2 Rath Total 65,288 14,383 23,477 7.024 1,725 25,212 3,436 853 29,765 Rural 53,563 9,783 18,857 3,003 5 II 20,153 1,944 521 25,761 Urban 11,725 4,600 4,620 4,021 1,214 5,059 1,492 332 4,004 3 Malldaha Total 63,635 15,230 21,965 6,569 1,892 27,609 2,746 768 2,7940 Rural 57,875 12,083 20,110 4,396 1,099 25,110 2,135 632 25,983 Urban 5,760 3,147 1,855 2,173 793 2,499 611 136 1,957 Distdct Total Total 183,460 45,708 65,157 22,497 5,815 80,676 9,194 2,190 77,480 RlIJ'al 154,483 31,519 53,933 1l,167 2,253 66,939 5,464 1,442 68,692 Vl'ban 28,977 14,189 11,224 11,330 3,562 13,737 3,730 748 8,788 Data source: Census of India 2001, H-series: Table on Houses, Household amenities and Assets.

The table reveals that out of the total households (183,460) of the district, 24,9 per cent could avail banking services at district level, while only 35.5, 12.3, 3.17, 44.0, 5.0 and 0.1 per cent enjoyed the availability of household assets radio/transistor, television, telephone, bicycle, scooter/motor cycle/moped and car/jeep/van respectively, whereas only 42.2 per cent had none of the specified assets. It also reveals that at tahsil levels a highest proportion of 29.5 per cent of households were availing banking services as well iri Hamirpur tahsil. The highest of none of specified assets 46.0 per cent in the tahsil Rath against it, on the other hand the lowest of 22.0 per cent was observed were availing banking services in . Rath tahsil and 36.16 per cent radio/transistor household asset in Hamirpur tahsil.

(xi) Major Social and Cultural Events, Natural and Administrative, . Developments and Significant Activities during the Decade:

During last decade, the district have been newly carved out from Hamirpur district No important incident took place in Cultural, Natural and Social sphere.

(xii) Brief description of Places of religious, historical or Archaeological importance in villages and places of Tourist Interest in the towns of the district:

Hamirpur, a town of no considerable size, is the district headquarters. It is situated on a tongue of land between the Betwa and Yamuna rivers, at a short ~distance west of their confluence. The town as is believed, was founded by Hamir Deva in the eleventh century. He was a Karchuli

56 Rajput who was driven out of Alwar taking refuge with one Badna, an Ahir here. Hamira, later on drove out Gadna and built a fort, which is now in ruins. It is also said that Prithviraj, the ruler of Delhi left a force at Hamirpur on his way to Mahoba about 1180 A.D. The fort and a few Muslim tombs are now the only trace of antiquity in the place.

(xiii) Major characteristics and contribution of the district:

There are so many famous worship centres relating to various religions like Hindu, Muslim, Gaudh & Jain. Peoples of the district have also taken major part in the freedom struggle.

Fairs and Festivals: Impo11ant fairs and festivals organised in different parts of the district are mentioned· below:

Chaturbhuj Baba, Nav Durga, Gabhaula, Shyamala Devi, Dwij fair, Ram Lila, Deviji, Sidh Saba, Sari la, Mardan Ghail, Barey Pir, Kalika Devi, Kartika Purnama, Chhattra Sal, Maheshwari Devi, Kammu Peer Baba, Donaya, Sayd Bale, Manasir Nath, Daya Karar, Jhara Baba, Sidh Bhanti, Gausal Baba, Sadrukh Baba, Brahma Deo, Sankranti, Shivratri, Bhuiyan Rani, Ghazi Miyan, Nag Panchmi, Rahas Lila, Sravana fair, Mahabirji, Basdeo Baba, Balbhadra Baba, Gau Ghat, Sidh Baba, Gudari, Mahabirji, Jal Bihar, Gobardhan Nath, Sankura, Mania Mela, Garai Baba, Dhanush Yagya, Mahadeoji, Burki, Kanhaiyaji, Iawaraka-Mela, Kajli Mela, Dhanush Yagya, Bidesan Devi, Sidh Baba, Mahabirji, Mela Pipra Muaf, Burki, Ajnar. The above mentioned fairs and festivals attract thousands of people from with in district and adjoining district.

(xiv) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory

Village Directory :

The village directory as the title connotes presents information pertaining to rural areas of the district at C.D block! village level. For each C.D. block a list of villages serialized by English alphabetical order along with their location code numbers of 2001 and 1991 census has been presented. The rational of giving 2001 location code along with 1991 location code is to facilitate the identification of villages for matching information collected at each Census. The villages which have been wholly merged in Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad and Nagar Panchayat are not included in the list. In case of partly merged villages, the remaining rural part of the villages has been treated as independent revenue village and the data have been presented for such villages in the village directory.

However, the villages treated as outgrowth of an Urban Agglomeration or Nagar Panchayat is listed in the village directory but no data are presented against the name of such villages. All these villages are listed in the Primary Census Abstract (rural) without presenting their data for providing 57 villages are listed in the Primary Census Abstract (rural) without presenting their data for providing cross references. Uninhabited or depopulated villages are listed but only area of the village and land use pattern is given. A note against such a village indicates the state of its being depopulated or uninhabited.

The village directory brings out some basic information about a village. These data can broadly be classified into the following categories:

I. Population and households CoisA & 5

2. Amenities. Cols.6 to 13

3. Other infrastructural facilities etc. Cols.14 to 16

4. Availability of news paper! magazine Column 17

5. Commodities manufacture Column 18

6. Total area of village and land use pattern Column 3 & 19-23

Town Directory:

The Town Directory covers all the towns in a district. The towns are arranged by English alphabetical order. The data are presented in seven statements serially numbered (I) to (VII). The following mode of listin& of towns has been followed:-

(i) All the towns having statutory status which are not part of an Urban Agglomeration are listed once in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns.

(ii) All the towns which are part of an Urban Agglomeration and enjoy independent status of a statutory town are listed twice in the alphabetical arrangement of the towns as well as under the main town of an Urban Agglomeration. However, the data are presented separately only once under the main UA. In alphabetical arrangement a note is given against such towns that they are part of such and such Urban Agglomeration.

(iii) The outgrO\vth(s) of a town which do not qualify themselves for being treated as independent town are not listed in the main body of the Directory. Against name/names of the town having outgrowth(s) an asterisk (*) has been placed to indicate that the town has outgrowth(s).

(iv) Census towns are also listed in the body of Directory. These are the towns which do not enjoy statutory status but are declared towns for the purpose of popUlation Census.

Town Directories of the districts give an account of status and growth history of towns, location and physical aspects of the towns, municipal finances during 1998-1999, chric and other amenities lip to 1999 (as well in notified slums), medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities by

58 year 1999, and trade, commerce, industry and banking activities in year 1999. In this way population and growth rates of towns from 190 I to 200 1, density in 200 1, sex-ratio during 1981, 1991 and 2001 cenSLlses, rainfall and temperature of the towns, receipts and expenditures in the towns of the district, road length, system of sewerage, number of latrines, method of disposal of night soil, water supply position and fire fighting services, number of electric connections, number of hospitals, colleges, cinemas etc. and number of banks as well as commodities of manufactured and exports are enumerated vividly in various statements relating to the town directories of the districts.



Section - I : Village Directory

Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Column 3 ; Area of the village village directory ; The area of the villages in hectares are given. The "Village Directory" is one ofthe traditional Wherever the area figures was not furnished by the concerned department the column is left blank. compilations of the Census. It gives the list of villages, their location numbers, their area, population, number Column 4; Total population of households, amenities such as educational, medical, The total population of the village as per 2001 drinking water, post and telegraph, commercial and Census is given against this column. co-operative banks, agricultural non-agricultural and Column 5: Number of households other credit societies, recreational and cultural The number of households as per 2001 Census facilities, communication, approach to village, nearest is given in this column. town with a distance, power supply availability of newspaper and magazines, most important commodity Amenities: manufactured and land use of each village. In column 6 to 23, availability in respect of different amenities such as education, medical, Village is a statutory recognized unit having a drinking water, post, telegraph, banks, credit societies, definite bpundary and separate land records. In case, communication, power, approach road etc. in each a complete village is treated as an outgrowth of urban village has been depicted with appropriate codes agglomeration, data on amenities for that village, have against the column concerned. Wherever the not been given in the Village Directory but shown amenities are not available in the village, a dash (­ along with the urban component. The villages which ) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets . are consider as a Census Town , the amenities data the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. are shown in the Town Directory. For those villages and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility which have partly merged in an outgrowth of U.A., is available is given. Column wise details are given the amenities data are shown in the Village Directory below: for that particular village. Column 6: Educational The 'un-inhabited' villages (villages with no population) have been indicated as such after Classes upto class V included in Primary School. furnishing details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., Serial number, This will include nursery school, kindergarten school. Name of village & location code number and area Pre-basic school, pre-primary school, junior basic of the village against column no. 4 to 18. The land school upto class V. use data for such villages are shown in col. 19 to 23. Classes from VI to VIII are included in the The Village Directory format has 23 columns and middle school. the details given under each column are for the village Classes from IX and X included in High are as follows:- secondary school. Classes XI and XII are included Columns 1; Serial Number in senior secondary school. Self explanatory. All the villages within the CD In case of composite schools like middle school Block are presented serially in the ascending order with primary school or secondary school with middle - of their location code number. school, these are also included in the number of Columns 2 ; Name and Location Code Number primary and middle schools, respectively. of village. Accordingly any of the following types of The name and location code number of the institutions if exists within the village is shown as village are shown against these columns. This also per codes given below : includes the forest and uninhabited villages. 61 · (i) Primary School p More than one institution of a type in the village (ii) Middle School M is indicated by the number within brackets against the abbreviations, e.g. H(3), D( 4), etc. (iii) Secondary School s Column 8: Drinking Water (iv) Senior Secondary School PUC The type of the drinking water supply sources (v) College C available within the village are indicated by codes as (vi) Industrial School follows: (vii) Training School Tr (i) Tap Water T (viii) Adult literacy class/centre AC (ii) Well Water W (ix) Others (specify) e.g. Sanskrit 0 (iii) Tank Water TK Pathshala, Senior basic school, (iv) Tubewell Water TW Navodaya Vidyalaya, Makhtab, etc. (v) Handpump HP More than one institution ofa type in the village (vi) River Water R is indicated by the number within brackets against (vii) Canal C the abbreviation, e.g. P(3), M( 4), etc. (viii) Lake L Column 7 : Medical (ix) Spring S Availability of medical facility within the village is indicated by following codes: (x) Others 0 (i) Allopathit Hospital (xi) Summer Sorce SS- Ayurvedic Hospital Column 9: Post, Telegraph and Telephone Unani Hospital Homeopathic It is indicated by codes as shown below whether within the village exists the following amenities: Hospital H HA HU HHom (i) Post Office PO (ii) Allopathic Dispensary (ii) Telegraph Office TO Ayurvedic Dispensary (iii) Post & Telegraph Office PTO Unani Dispensary Homeopathic (iv) Telephone Connection Dispensary D DA DU DHom PH Column 10: Commercial and Co-operative (iii) Maternity & Child Welfare MCW Banks (iv) Maternity Home MH If the village is served by any banking service, (v) Child Welfare Centre CWC commercial bank, co-operative bank etc. the same (vi) Health Centre HC is indicated in codes mentioned below along with the number of banks in brackets. If not available the (vii) Primary Health Centre PHC distance of nearest place where the facility exist is (viii) Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS given: (ix) Family Welfare Centre FWC (i) Commercial Bank CM (x) T.B. Clinic TB (ii) Co-operative Bank CP (xi) Nursing Home NH Column 11: Credit Societies (xli) Registered Private Medical RMP If the village enjoys the services of Credit Practitioner Societies i.e. Agricultural Credit Societies, Non Agricultural Credit Society or Other Credit Societies, (xiii) Subsidised Medical-Practitioner SMP the same is indicated in codes mentioned below along (xiv) Community Health Worker CHW with the number of such societies in brackets. In case the facility !S not available within the village the (xv) Ot11ers o 62 distance of the nearest place where such facility exist (ii) Electricity for agricultural use EAG is given: (iii) Electricity for other purposes EO (i) Agricultural Credit Society ACS (iv) Electricity for all purposes EA (ii) Non-Agricultural Credit Society NCS Column 17 : Newspaper / Magazine (iii) Other Credit Society OCS If village receives any News Paper/Magazines Column 12 : Recreational and cultural facilities the same is noted in this column using following codes: If facilities such as CinemalVideo hall, Sports (i) Newspaper N Club, Stadium/Auditorium is available in the village. (ii) Magazine M The same is recorded in these columns. If not available the particulars of the nearest place with Column 18: Most important commodities the facility is recorded. The information is indicated manufactured in codes mentioned below along with the number of The name of three most important commodities such facilities in brackets: manufactured in the village is recorded against this (i) Cinema / Video Hall CV column. (ii) Sports Club SP Column 19 to 23 : Land use i.e. area under different types of land use (iii) Stadium / Auditorium ST Land use data maintained by the State/ UT Govts. Column 13 : Communications are furnished against these columns. The data If the village is served by any mode of public / concerning area under Forest, Irrigated land (by private transport like Bus, Railway station or source), Un-irrigated land, Culturable waste and Area Navigable water ways they are to be mentioned as not available for cultivation in the village are shown follows: against these columns. The area figures are given in hectare(s) up to one decimal. Desh '-' is recorded (i) Bus BS wherever the information is not made available by (ii) Railway Station RS the concerned department. The codes used for (iii) Navigable Waterway NW different types of irrigation facilities available in the village are indicated below: Column 14: Approach to village (i) Government Canal GC Approach to village refers to the state of road leading to village. The approach to the village is (ii) Private Canal PC indicated in following codes: (iii) Well (without electricity) W .,(i) Paved Road PR (iv) Well (with electricity) WWE (ii) Mud road MR (v) Tubewell (with electricity) TW (iii) Foot path FP (vi) Tubewell(without electricity) TWE (iv) Navigable River NR (vii) Tank TK (v)(vi)Navigable CanalNavigable (viii) River R waterways other than River,Canal NC,NW (ix) Lake L. Column 15 : Nearest Town and distance (x) Waterfall WF The distance is given in kilometers in brackets (xi) Others 0 against the name of the town nearest to the village. (xii) Total T Column 16 : Power supply The village directory also carries the following Availability of Power Supply 111 the village, appendices. whatever may be the form of its use is given by Appendix-I It gives the abstract of educational, using following codes: medical and other amenities (i) Electricity for domestic use ED available in villages C D Block

63 wise of the district. Appendix-IV CD Block wise list of inhabited Appendix-I-A Indicates number of villages CD villages where no amenity other Block wise having one or more than drinking water facility is primary schools. available.

Appendix-I-B Indicates number of villages C D Appendix-V Summary showing number of Block wise having primary, middle villages having or not having and secondary schools. Scheduled Castes population.

Appendix-I-C Shows number of villages C D Appendix-VI Summary showing number of Block wise with different sources villages having or not having of drinking water facilities. Scheduled Tribes population.

Appendix-II Indicates the list of villages with Appendix-VII A The appendix shows the list of 5,000 and above population which villages according to proportion of do not have one or more important the amenities. Appendix-VII B Scheduled castes and Scheduled Appendix-II-A Indicates list of Census Towns Tribes to the total population by which do not have one or more ranges. amenities. Appendix-VIII Indicates C D Block wise number Appendix-III It gives the land utilization data in of villages under each Gram respect of Census Towns / non­ Panchayat. municipal Towns. Appendix-IX Shows number of different types of girls school in a village.


Serial. Name of the Village Location Code Merged in Town and Number number Outgrowth

2 3 4

Not applicable as there are no villages merged in towns & any outgrowths at 2001 census.


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Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the D'lstrIct: H amlrpur 2001 Census location 1991 Census location code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4

Name of CD Block: Kurara

Name of Sub-Oist: 0001 Abdullapur 04668000 410010001000020026 2 Bachrauli 04666900 410010001000020014 3 Badanpur 04669000 410010001000030037 4 Baije lslampur 04672700 410010001000050074 5 Bainsa Pali 04671100 410010001000040057 6 Bamhanpur 04670500 410010001000040052 7 Barua 04666100 410010001000010008 8 Beri 04672100 410010001000050068 9 .Bhatpura Danda 04668200 410010001000020029 10 Bhatpura Daria 04668100 410010001000020028 11 Bhaul; Danda 04667600 410010001000020021 12 Bhauli Daria 04667300 410010001000020018 13 Bhilawa Danda 04669800 410010001000030045 14 Bhilawa Daria 04669900 410010001000030046 15 Bhitri 04666500 410010001000020012 16 BiJota 04666600 410010001000020013 17 Bindpuri 04672300 410010001000050071 18 Chak jamrehi Teer 04667700 410010001000020022 19 Chakothi 04671500 410010001000040061 20 Chandupur Danda 04668700 410010001000030034 21 Chandupur Daria 04668800 410010001000030035 22 Damer 04670800 410010001000040055 23 Debiganj 04672500 410010001000050072 24 Gimuha Danda 04669200 410010001000030039 25 Gimuha Daria 04669500 410010001000030042 26 Gujraura 04671700 410010001000050065 27 Gulab Ganj 04672400 410010001000050069 28 Haraulipur 04665700 410010001000010004 29 Ind Puri 04672600 410010001000050073 30 JakheJa 04671200 410010001000040059 31 Jal(a 04672900 410010001000060076 32 Jamrehi Teer Danda 04667400 410010001000020019 33 Jamrehi Teer Daria 04667500 410010001000020020 34 Jamrehi Upar 04667800 410010001000020027 ;.. 35 Jhalokher 04673400 410010001000060078 36 Kakrau 04672000 410010001000050066

67 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District'Hamirpur. 2001 Census location 1991 Census location code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4 37 Kanauta Danda 04669100 410010001000030038 38 Kanauta Daria 04669600 410010001000030043 39 Kandaur Danda 04673100 410010001000060080 40 Kandaur Daria 04673200 410010001000060081 41 Kariapur 04671900 410010001000050067 42 Kharaunj 04670600 410010001000040053 43 Kharehta 04671800 410010001000050064 44 Kotupur 04667100 410010001000020016 45 Kurara Rural 04670700 410010001000040054 46 Kusauli 04671000 410010001000040058 47 Kusmara 04668600 410010001000030033 48 Kutubpur 04670400 410010001000040051 49 Lahera 04671600 410010001000050063 50 Magredl 04672800 410010001000050075 51 Manjhoopur Danda 04669700 410010001000030044 52 Manjhoopur Daria 04668900 410010001000030036 53 Manki Kalan 04665500 410010001000010002 54 Manki Khurd 04665400 410010001000010001 55 Merapur Danda 04670000 410010001000030047 56 Merapur Daria 04670100 410010001000030048 57 Misripur 04665800 410010001000010005 58 Nachaut 04668500 410010001000030032 59 Narsara 04667000 410010001000020015 60 Nathi Danda 04673500 410010001000060082 61 Nathi Daria 04673700 410010001000060084 62 Nirni 04665900 410010001000010006 63 Pach Khura 04666400 410010001000010009 64 Para 04673000 410010001000060077 65 Patara Danda 04673300 410010001000060079 66 Patara Daria 04673600 410010001000060083 67 Patia 04667200 410010001000020017 68 Raghwa 04666800 410010001000020024 69 Rameri Danda 04670200 410010001000030049 70 Rameri Daria 04670300 410010001000030050 71 Rani Ganj 04672200 410010001000050070 72 Rithari 04671400 410010001000040062 73 Rithaura Danda 046139400 410010001000030041 74 Rithaura Daria 04669300 410010001000030040

68 Alphabetieallist of Villages (C.D. block wise) N amco f t he D"IS t"net: H amlrpUl- 2001 Census location 1991 Census location code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4 75 Sarsai 04670900 410010001000040056 76 Shankerpur 04666700 410010001000020023 77 Shekhoopur 04667900 410010001000020025 78 Sikrohi Danda 04668400 410010001000030031 79 Sikrohi Daria 04668300 410010001000030030 80 Simra 04666000 410010001000010007 81 Siwni 04666200 410010001000010010 82 Tikonahar 04671300 410010001000040060 83 Todarpur 04666300 410010001000010011 84 Umrahat 04665600 410010001000010003

69 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census ofIndia 2001 - A memOf ICS an d Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown 111 the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ < 5 kms , 5-10 kms and 10+ kms ~ of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS Iven) 1:! ~ c -0 ~ OJ .D " C 0 U'" ~ u ::l "U '" u c ..c'" ~ '" oJ c co 0- co ~ !2 0 0" ~" e '0 E " ..c .'3 0 ;:,; --=- U" ~ .£! E u 0. e "3 0. ~ 1:;' 0 OJ) - ~ ~ CI) " 0 "0. Oi if> --' 0 ~ 0 " ::l ~ -'" ""0 @, ~ ~ .c -0 6 .:!! a7tE' o c u 'l' ~ "iii'" c ~ oj C ;:; ]~g if> ;!: 00 " " ::l ~ c 0 U c ~ -5 g 0 v ..<: " C o-g "iii E ~ 0 '"~ bf) 'Q c ...: u '-- 1:'" 0 Of) == " .!2 (ij E c ~ 0 0. ::; g" -;:; c " E ~ ::l .D 11 '" ::l U -;:; '" u .Q E ::l E Oi -;:; U ~ '" E *'" "E "S< -0 ~ ·c 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 !3

CO Block: Kurua (0408)

CHW H(5- 8S Mank, Khurd 10) MCW(5- HP W ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 4367 1,118 202 P MC(5-10) PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (04665400) 10) PHC« SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

CHWH(5- Mank, Kalan P M« 5) C(5- 10) MCW(5- HP W ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 2 441 I 1,292 187 PO(5-10) (04665500) 10) 10) SS-T C~(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) C (10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO;l-) NW(IO+)

Umrahat P M(5-10) H(5-IO) HPW ACS(IO+) CV(1O+) 8S(1O+) 3 786 I 1,226 201 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (04665600) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) SS·W NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Harauhpur PM(5-10) H(5-10) HPW PH PO(5- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 4 3068 550 77 CM(lO+) (04665700) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) SS-W 10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

HDMCW THP NW M,sripur P(2) M C(5- CWCHC TWW ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 5 3424 2,015 318 PO PH CM(IO+) BS(IO+) (04665800) 10) PHCPHS TKR NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(lO+) RS(IO+) FWCCHW SS-HP OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

P« N,mi H«5) HPW ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 6 1,170.0 37 5 5) M« 5) PO« 5) CM(IO+) (04665900) MCW«5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« 8S Simra H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 218.5 669 125 5) M« 5) HPWC pO«5) CM(5-10) RS(IO+) (04666000) MCW« 5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) C(lO+) SS-W PH(5-IO) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+)

Barua P M«5) H(5-10) W R S5- PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 5082 1,241 214 CM(5-10) (04666100) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) W 5) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS« 5) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

70 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999l_ Land use (i e area under different types of land use In hectare) **

'"c:: 'N "00 ~ '"on :;:

9 ~

GC(50 7) Porridge, Cotton PR Musanagar (4) NM 01 TW(5L9) 2626 235 656 Mankl Khurd Twine T(l02.6)

GC(39.2) PRMR Bhusanagar (5) EDE~e NM TW(2.3) 174.4 3.0 2052 Manki Kalan 2 EO EI\ T(41.5)

TW(3.0) PR Musanagar (5) ED N 147.6 TWE(24.0) 312.0 1.0 UlUrahat 3 T(27.0)

GC(13.0) PR Musanagar (5) EDEAG N 30.0 TWE(38.0) 95.0 16.0 Haraulipur 4 T(51 0)

GC(62.6) EDEAG PR Kurara (Np) (12) 460.2 TWE(31.0) 107.0 Mi~npur EOEA 5 T(936)

TWE(34.0) MR Kurara (Np) (Il) 238.3 14.0 3124 Nlffil 6 T(34.0)

W(37.0) PR Kurara (Np) (10) 50 TW(34 0) 610 130 250 SllUra T(71.0)

GC(223 0) PR Kurara (Np) (10) 73 0 TW(LO) 2020 450 5~ 0 Barua 8 T(22~.O)

71 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - A mcnlof ICS an d Amenities available (if not avaliable within the vlliage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It in brackets the distance In broad ranges viz < 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms Vl <1.> ~ of the ~earest place where the faclhtY_ls avaliable IS Iven) ." ~ '" ~ <1.> "0 _o 0 ;:; " C Vl ::l <.) <1.> '"::> U .c: '" ~ "0 c 0- c <.) S ... 0 '"0 .~ e u t -cr; ~ U ..c 2 0 <1.> ~ <2 ~ ;;:: '-' a. e :; 0- 01 0 00 til ~ __J <3 .;g D.'" ~ ~ 0 '" 0 e ~ (5 1i @, .,Vl "' ., "'d ;;; ~ .c: "0 0 2 :gE' " c u 'l' :; e d c: ~ 01 C OJ <.) ..c: " ~ '" ::> "0 0 0 "'c ~ -5 S 0 ... .c: c 'u ~ ~ d <1.> .c: 0- ro "'d "0 S " .D ~ 0 ;;; " ~ " 'i3 S :> :; '- t~ E ro :> d E 0- 0 ::: bl) e <::: c <.) '- "' t: .~ ..:" c 0 '"~ 0 00 .S" -;0 ~ " 0- ~ .g E~ :J .D ro c: ]" 'i:i E >, u " u E oj '" J2 E'" <.) ~ "E E" ri E "S~ 'i3 -" ~ ~ :J ~ ;;f E '"c: ;:: u '"c 'i3" E ~ 0 -t, 0 0 00 .c:'" - oj 0 Vl "I-- u ~ '" Z'" I-- Z tJ..l 0... '" ~'" a U .0'" ..: 0 ~'" ~CIl u § I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MCWCWC SI\VnJ P(2) M ACS NCS(5- CV(;O+) BS(5-IO} 5872 2,450 392 H(5-IO) HP W PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (04666200) CCIO+) 10) OCS(S- SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) sS-W PH« 5) CP(5-1O) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

SMP(2) 0 Toda'1'ur P(2) M« 5) H(5-10) HPW PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 10 421 3 1,116 171 CM(5-IO) (04666300) C« 5) MCW« 5) SS-W 5) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« Pach Khura H(IO+) HPW ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) II 156.6 1,067 180 5) M(5-1O) PO«5) CM(5-IO) (04666400) MCW(5-10) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Bhitri P M«5) H(IO+) THPW - ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 12 206.8 324 62 CM(lO+) (04666500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-HP PO« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC{IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

Bllola MC:CWC THPW PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) NWBS« 13 566.9 1,751 317 P M C(IO+) CM(5-10) «(4666600) H(\ +) SS-HP PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 5) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+)

OH H(5-1O) HPTW Shanke'1'ur PM(5-IO) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 14 221.8 738 106 MCW(5-10) WSS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) (04666700) C(lO+) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) W PH« 5) CP(5-10) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HPTW Raghwa H« 5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 15 495.4 918 ISO PM«5) W C SS- PH PO(5- CM« 5) (04666800) C(lO+) MCW« 5) 10) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) WT CP« 5) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HHMCW NW Bachrauh P(2) M HPWR PHPO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 16 1,531.0 3,491 539 H(IO+) CM(IO+) 6S(10+) (04666900) C(lO+) SS-W 5) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) RS(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) Narsara 17 2230 ---- Uninhabiled ---- (04667000)

P« KOlupur H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 18 161 1 309 45 5) M« 5) HPWC PO(~5) CM« 5) (04667100) MCW{<5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ~ C(10+) SS-W PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW«5)

72 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i e area under different types ofland use in hectare)**

'"oJ) ~ :;: .9 ..c u '"2 0- «0- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(77.0) PR Kurara (Np) (6) EDEAG NM TW(61.0) 381.0 230 55.0 Slwm 9 EOEA T(138.0)

GC(25.0) EDEAG MR Kurara (Np) (10) TWE(83 0) 279.0 120 20 Todarpur 10 EOEA T(108.0)

GC(79.0) PR Kurara (Np)(IO) TW(16.0) 62.0 9.0 14.0 Pach Khura II T(95.0)

EDEAG. GC(67.0) PR Kurara (Np)(12) 124.0 38.0 12.0 Bhltri 12 EOEA T(67.0)

PRMR EDEAG 64 0 GC{239 0) Kurara (Np) (12) 261.0 48.0 Bllota 13 FP EOEA T(239.0)

GC(I54.0) MRFP Kurara (Np) (8) we lO. 0) 121.0 5.0 140 Shankerpur 14 T(I64.0)

GC(295 0) PRMR TW(20.0) Kurara (Np) (4) EDEAG - Porridge 260.0 8.0 28.0 Raghwa 15 FP TWE(lOO) T(325.0)

EDEAG TWE(179.0) PR Kurara (Np)(14) N 896.0 170.0 2990 Bachrauh 16 EOEA T(179.0)

0(10.0) ------Umnhablted ------1380 30 860 Narsara 17 T(IOO)


MR FP Kurara (Np)(13) -~ 0(320) 300 970 Kotupur 18 T(M 0)

73 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - A men it'eJ san d Amenities available (If not available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and n(:xt to it In brackets the distance In broad ranges VIZ.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms and 10+ kms ~ ~ ::l of the nearest place where the facllltv IS available IS Iven) ~ V) -0 -0 '" !OJ ~ V) .D 0 ..., ~ " ::l U ::l U'" ro .c " U ",- " ~ - ~ u 0 : ~ 0- e ~ 0- ro u oJ) - u E 0- 0 s::: Of) e '0 "oJ) < 2 (; ~'" 0 ~ 2 2 '"" 'OJ ~ c 0- 0:; .2 ro " ~ ;OJ " .D ;;; u ~ "3 u 'iii E E :,Q E'" V)

P« Palla H(IO+) HPSS- ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) NWBS« 19 81 8 146 24 5) M« 5} PO« 5} CM« 5) (04667200) MCW« S) HP NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) S) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

Bhaul! Dana 20 2083 ------Uninhabited ------(04667300)

Jamrehl Teer P« H(IO+) HPW PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 21 Danda 1060 449 65 5) M« 5} CM«5) MCW«F) SS-W 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+} (04667400) C(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO-t) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

J amreh i T eer 22 Dana 2792 ------Uninhabited ------(04667500)

HADA MCWCWC THPW Bhaull Danda P(2) M ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BSNW 23 665.7 2,847 463 PHS RMP R C SS- PO PH CM« 5) (04667600) C(IO+) CHW NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(lO+) H(IO+) HP OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) PHC(IO+)

Chak Jamreh, 24 Teer 210 ---- Unmhabited --- (04661700)

Jamreh, Upar P M« 5) H(IO+) HPW PH PO« ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 25 2792 942 155 CM«5) (04667800) C(lO+) MCW«5) SS-W 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+} CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

MCWH(5- THP Shekhoopur PMO CMCP(5- ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(5-1O) 26 8373 2,065 369 10) PHC(5- TWW PO PH (04667900) C(lO+) 10) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 10) SS-HP OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Abdullapur 27 967 ----- Uninhabited --- (04668000)

Bhatpura Dana 28 996 ------Unll1hablted --- (04668100)

CHW Bhatpura PM«5) H(IO+) HP\\" ACS(5-IO) CY(JO+) BS« 5) 29 Danda 3699 1,943 319 PO« 5) CM(5-10) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) SS-\\" NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) (O~668200) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

74 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i e area under different types ofland use in hectare)--

c: E -'" ;;; Oll ">- _s C c: -0 -0 "3 u 0 :> u " ~ c: E U c" ~ .E -0 "'on u ~ >- ::0" -'" <5 1l "00 ;;: olJ E v, ~ -'" c: >-. " "0 ~ OJ ~ 0.. ~ t::" >-. ~ "0 >- ;;: ~" .s 3: OJ " c <'l C 0. 0. g_3 e .s ro " '- u "0 V> <0" Q_ C[) :§ .3 1! "E ;:: ?: ?: 0 C " 0. 0 v '" " c: "3 '" u '" Q.. a E e.r, " '" <>:: z" Z ~ "E u. => U -< Z '" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22" 23 2 I

FP NR 13 0 GC(33 0) Kurara (Np) (13) 64.0 160 150 Patla 19 NC T(33.0)

------Unmhablted ------760 10 1320 Bhaull Dana 20

5 I 0 Jamrelll Teer PR Kurara (Np) (I J) ED N 0(70) T(7.01 570 40 21 Danda

Jamrehl Teer ------Unmhabited ------2530 1.0 253.0 250 22 Dana

350 GC(194.0) PR Kurara (Np) (12) 43.0 9.0 43 0 Bhauli Danda 23 T(194.0)

------Uninhabited ------0(4.0) T(4.0) 190 I 2 Chak Jamrehl Teer 24

EDEAG N TWE(79.0) ~~ MR Kurara (Np)(12) 1440 30.0 42.0 Jamrehl Upar 25 EOEA T(79.0)

EDEAG 5 0 TWE(253.0) PRMR Kurara (Np) (9) N 80 250 Shekhoopur 26 EOEA . T(253.0)

TW{49'(J} -_ Uninhabited ------TWE(90) 82.0 50 Abdullapur 27 T(58.0)

--- Uninhabited ----- 500 2.0 48.0 Bhatpura Dana 28

PRMR EDEAG TW(I 5 1.0) Kurara (Np)(IS) M 20 480 Bhatpura Danda 29 FP EOEA T(1510)

75 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - A men!of ICS an d Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to 11 III brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ < 5 kms , 5-10 kms and 10+ kms ~ of the nearest place where the facilltv IS available IS Iven) 1: v, d" Ol c -0 ~ -0 .n' 0 U U'" c '" 2 u '" u ",- c ..c'" v " c '"c 0- c > ""§ ~ u S v 0 "0 ;:; u t ~ ;;; U ..c ~ 0 E ;::: ~ 0. e E 0. Ol u OJ CI) 0 on -0 ~ 0. u " '" -0 ...J 0 " " E --~ ~ ~ "0 ~ 9 §j, 2 -;;; '" o(j ;;: t'- 0 Ol '"v E ..c -0 :; ..c ::J " ;;;" C U 0 C ~ on'" -5'" S -0c 0 u '"c .!:! g ..c'" c o(j -0 ~ c! 0; 4- ..c 0. " -0 .S 0 ;;;" ~ .S .n ;;: <.... -;;;'" -;;; ;;: ::l ;;; :; ~ e <) E 0. 0 r: ~ on e :0 c ::l " OJ) 0 « '- 1: 0 °e 2 "<0 ~ c: 0 " 0- (;; S -;;; C e ;:J .D '" :; u ~ E E >.. ~: ~ ~ OJ OJ '" ~, :I2 "E u ~ "E OJ OJ -0 C .><'" e '" c "E (5 (5 § E c u .~" :0 E ~ -0" '"0 c ~.s u 0 CI)'" Z" f-. f-. Z C-L1 ~" 2S "- U .n'" « 0 c:r:" en'" u e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Sikroh. Dana 30 1769 ------Uninhabited ------(04668300)

Sikrohl Danda P(2) M MCWH« HPW ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 31 1,4240 2,822 495 PO«5) CM(5-10) (04668400) C(ltJ+) 5) PHC« 5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nachaut 32 2440 ------Umnhablted ------(04668500)

HHDDH Kusmara P(2) M MCWMH HPW ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 33 1,2820 3,507 591 PO PH CM(lO+) (04668600) C(lO+) PHCRMP SS-W NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) R5(5-10) CP(S-IO) CHW OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Chandupur CHWH(5- NW BS(5- P(3) M« 5) ACS(IO+) eV(S-IO) 34 Danda 551.2 1,601 286 10)MCW« HPW; PO«5) CM(5-10) 10) RS(5- C(5-10) NCS(10+) SP(S-IO) (04668700) 5) PHC« 5) C SS- PH(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO)

Chandupur 35 Daria 147.8 ---- Umnhabited ----- (04668800)

ManJhoopur 36 Daria 470 ---- Uninhabited ----- (04668900)

Badanpur PM«5)C« H« 5) HPW ACS« 5) CV«S) BS(5-10) 37 363.4 522 92 PO« 5) CM«S) (04669000) 5) MCW« 5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST« 5) NW(IO+)

BS Kanauta Danda H(5-10) HPW PHPO« ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 38 7018 1,793 305 P M C(5-1O) CM(5-10) RS(JO+) (04669100) MCW(5-10) SS-W 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(5-1O) NW(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(5-IO)

P« MCWH(5- Gimuha Danda HPW PH PO(S- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 39 291.8 924 153 5)M(5-10) 10) PHC(5- CM(5-10) SS-W 10) NeS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (04669200) C(IO+) CP(5-IO) 10) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Rithaura Dana 40 494 --- Unmhablted ------(04669300)

76 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory L,lnd Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I e area under d I tTerent types of land use III hectare)"

c 9 on S " "0 ~ => U Q.> '"on 0 ::0 Vi .;'; on :>. ';2:'" ~ ~ -;:; '":::: "0 :> ;; .:::-" 0.. Q.> c 0. 0. "'"2 '" '" '- :;; ::0 ....'"' 0" 0 0." 01)" ;:; c ~ t g ~ :::: '":::: ~ E" 0 <= " ;; ::J (5 " '" 'lJ 0- Z 1 '"on .< :z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

W(SOO) ------UllInhablled ------TW(197 0) 2490 40 1090 Slkrohl Dana 30 T(147 0)

70 TW(82 0) Kurara (Np) (12) 31 PR ED EAG N 10_ T(82 0) 91 0 38 0 S.krohl Danda

TWE(790) ------Unmhablled ------0(790) 230 120 Naehallt 32 T(1580)

W(IO) TW(47 0) :~ MR Hamlrpur (Mb) (10) ~~ ~~G N M Cloth 29.0 TWE(I77 0) 10470 420 1270 Kusmara 33 T(225.0)

PR Hamll-pur (Mb) (6) EAG ISS 0 TWE(39 0) 2700 2230 t 9 0 Chandupur 34 T(39 0) Danda

TWE(160) TK(733) ------Unlllhablted -....------I t 8 0 Chandupur Dana 35 0(130) T(1023)

------Unmhablted ------210 70 19 0 ManJhoopur Dana 36

880 TWE(5 0) PR Hamlrpur (Mb) (3) ED N 860 2450 27 0 Badanpur 37 T(S 0)

TW(27 0) PR Hanllrpllr (Mb) (6) EDEAG N 189 0 TWE(70 0) 7440 251 0 670 Kanauta Danda 38 T(97 0)

GC(190) PR MR Klirara (Np) (10) EDEAG 570 R(25 0) 1670 670 31 0 GUTIuha Danda 39 T(~~ 0)

TW(IIO) ------Unmhablted ------160 10 290 Rlthaura Dana 40 T(I 10)

77 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HAMIRPUR Census ofIndia 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available Within the village, a dash (-) IS shown In the column and next to It In brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ < 5 kms , 5-10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilltv IS available IS Iven) OJ "0 "0 o C U c v o > '" ;0 OJ U v ~ o 01) ro 0- __) '"o a'd 6 u "0 C '" "­ '"~ o

Rlthaura PH PO(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 41 Danda 225 4 566 106 P M(5-10) C(5- ~(~~) HP W 10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(5-10) (04669400) 10) PHC(5-10) SS-W CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Glmuha Dana 42 648 ------Uninhabited ------(04669500) Kanauta Dana 43 1108 ------Uninhabited ------(04669600)

MBnJhoopm 138 PM«5)C« H«5) HPW ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 44 Danda 4407 825 PO« 5) CM« 5) 5) MCW« 5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS« 5) (04669700) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST« 5) NW(IO+)

THPW Blutawa Danda H« 5) R C SS- PH(2) ~O~S ACS(5. CV(~ 5) BS«5) 45 482 984 183 P MC«5) CM« 5) (04669800) MCW« 5) HP PO« 5) RS(5-10) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) PHC« 5) ST« 5) NW(IO+)

Bhdawa Dana 46 380 ------Uninhabited ------(04669900)

THP Merapur 420 P(2) M« 5) H« 5) TW W PH(8) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 47 Danda 3707 2,513 CM«5) C« 5) MCW« 5) R C 5S- PO« 5) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) (04670000) CP« 5) PHC« 5) HP OCS(tO+) ST« 5) NW(IO+)

Merapur Dana 48 2566 ------Uninhabited ------(04670100)

Ramen Danda 617 P M« 5) C« H« 5) THP SS PH(5) ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 49 6038 3,379 CM«5) (04670200) 5) MCW« 5) W PO«5) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(5-10) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) 5T« 5) NW(IO+)

Ramen Dana 50 3873 ------Uninhabited ------(04670300)

BS KlItllbplir H(5-10) HP W PH PO(5- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 51 641 5 2,058 303 P MC(IO+) RS(IO+) (04670400) MCW(S-IO) SS-W 10) CM(5-10) NCS(S-10) SP(IO+) NW(10+) PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS(5-IO) ST(10+)

Bamhanpur 37 P« H(5-10) HPW ACS(5-IO) CV(10+) BS(5-10) 52 \&86 268 (04670500) 5) M« 5) MeW(S-IO) SS-W PO(5-l0) CM(5-10) NCS(5-1O) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO-) PHC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(S-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

78 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I e area under different types of land use In hectare)"

c E ;; 0L- on '";;> e b c: -=-v -i3 -i3 u u 0 ::l e U e" E c: ~ ~ ~n u :; '" " , >-. '" g t::: -0 -0 ;- ;;> 0. '" ~ :::., ~ " 0. 0. ~ .9 ;;; U -0 :D" '0" '0 " 0. § oJ) c ~ '" ~ ~ e "2 1: ~ ~ ::l ~ on '"E ~ -;:;'" "C ";: n. c e '" :0 1:" iO n. '" v :s ('j 0 E: 1.> 0 E oil Z (/J < Z Cl." z" 2: E u.. :J 8 '" < 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(JIO) ED EAG N 1430 370 380 Rlthaura Danda 41 PR Kurara (Np) (6) T(310)

0(100) ------Unlnhablted ------70 530 Gimuha Dana 42 T(IO 0)

------Uninhabited ------T(32 0) 310 760 Kanauta Ddrla 43

ED EAG N M TW(30 0) 80 0 ManJhoopur PR Ham, rpur (Mb) (I ) 1170 2130 44 EO EA 125.0 T(30 0) Danda

TW(20) ED EAG PR Hanllrpur (Mb) (2) 0(330) 1.0 20 Bh,!awa Danda 45 EOEA N T(35 0)

------Uninhabited ------28.0 10 0 Bililawa Dana 46

GC(1780) PR Hamlrpur (Mb) (3) ~~ ~~G N M TWe32 0) 2260 160 81 0 Merapur Danda 47 T(210 0)

------Uninhabited ------1160 40 137 0 Merapur Dana 48

pce250.0) PR Hamlrpur(Mb)(I) ~~~~G N M TW(30 0) 439.0 430 81 0 Ramen Danda 49 T(280 0)

------Unlllhabited ------0(30) T(3 0) 2070 108 0 Ramen Dana 50

GC(162 0) TW(680) PR Kurara (Np) (6) 2840 70 46 0 Kutubpur 51 TWE(150) T(3450)

GC(77 0) ED EAG N PR MR Kurara (Np) (6) TW(IIO) 1120 100 II 0 Bamhanpur 52 EO EA T(88 0)

79 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available {Ifnot available wlthm the Village, a dash (-) IS shown 111 the column and next to It In brackets the distance 111 broad ranges VIZ < 5 kms , 5-10 kms and 10+ kms v, of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS Iven) ::: v, Ol c: '" ~ ~ Vl.e " uv u" " ~ 8 " " u t: .c '" ;:; c: '"c:" C; >- H 0 0" " e u t u" ..c::" 2 0 >, ~ 0.. "§ 0.. ~ -g 3 E >- '0 § 0; 0; " "- '"on of! g';3 ..: '- " ~ v == -a c: 0 '"~ 0 on " ~ " "- g " ~ ~ "=> -- ~ oj 0; '" '" S! " E ~ u" u~ .u (1) ::: E E '" "0 -" ..L "'0 '!: c § 5 '" ~ E t> c: Ol 0; 0; -.::;) onC ..c" " 0 0 ~ ol.J -= (/) f--'" U E "o " Z '"f-- :z: l:.J :2" 8 "- u .D" ..: 0 0: ~ (/) u e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

MCW H(5- HPTW Kh3r3tJll) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 53 6548 2,139 335 P M C(IO+) 10) PHC(5- WTK C PO PH CM(5-IO) (04670600) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) SS-WT CP(5-IO) OCS(\O+) ST(10+) NW(\O+)

Kurara Rural P(2) M« 5) H« 5) HPW PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 5~ 2,9370 1,606 253 CM« 5) (04670700) C(IO+) MCW« S) SS-W S) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) CP« S) PHC« 5) OCS(\O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Damer P(2) M MCW CHW T HP W PH PO« ACS« S) CV(IO+) 55 1,4360 1,719 312 H« 5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (04670800) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) SS-HP 5) CP« 5) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

THP BS Sarsal P(3)M« 5) H(5-10) TWW PH PO(S- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 56 471 4 1,256 195 CM(S-10) RS(IO+) (04670900) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) TK 55- 10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) CP(S-IO) NW(JO+) PHC(5-10) HP OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Kusallh P(2) M H(5-10) T HPW PH(3) ACS(5-10) CV(lO-+-) BS« 5) 57 400 479 89 CM(S-IO) (04671000) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) SS-HP PO(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

MCWH(5- Balllsa Pal! HP TW PH POe5- ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 58 5884 1,338 218 P MC(IO+) 10) PHC(S- CM(5-10) (04671100) WTKC 10} NCS(5-IO) 5P(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) SS-WT CP(5-JO) OC5(10+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

MCWH(5- Jakhela P(2) M T HP W PH PO(S- ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 59 6016 1,148 208 10) PHC(5- CM(5-10) (04671200) C(JO~) SS-HP 10) NCS(IOT) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) CpeS-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IOT)

Tlkonahar 60 3043 ----- Uninhabited ------(04671300)

Rlthan P M«5) H« 5) T HPW PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 61 2298 1,460 241 CM« 5) (04671400) C(lO-) MCW«5) 5S-T 5) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS( 10+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OC5(10-) ST(IOT) \'.'W(IO-)

80 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I e area under dltTcrent types orland use In hectare)"

GC(4340} ED EAG PR Kurara (Np) (6) TW(44.0} 371 0 90 47 0 KharaunJ 53 EO EA N T(4780)

GC(4880) TW(410) PR Kurara (Np) (4) ED EAG N 17150 1430 229 0 K urara Rural 54 TWE(4620} T(9910}

GC(137.0) TW(440) ED EAG N PR Kurara (Np) (3) TWE(750) 10980 40 880 Damer 55 EO EA 0(120) T(2680}

GC(175.0) ED EAG N ~~ MR Kurara (Np) (5) 0(50) 3300 180 390 Sarsal 56 EO EA T(l80 0)

GC(IOO.O) TW(8.0) PR Kurara (Np) (10) ED EAG N 2890 420 1270 Kusaul! 57 TWE(280) T(136.0)

GC(1I60) EDEAG N PR Kurara (Np) (10) 380 TWE(18 0) 4180 500 420 Bainsa Pal! 58 EOEA T(1340)

GC(94.7) PRMR TW(127) FP Kurara (Np) (5) EDEAG N 4423 06 623 lakhela 59 TWE(124) T(l198)

40 W(190) ------Unmhablted ------2690 150 110 Tlkonahar 60 T(190)

GC(170) PR Kurara (Np) (2) ED EAG N 1930 1160 380 Rlthan 61 T(170)

81 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available within the Village, a dash (-) IS shown In the column and next to It In brackets the distance In broad ranges VIZ < 5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facd ltv IS avadable IS Iven)

,.'" e n. "o 6 u '0 g" C .D" :;'" '" § n. o ~ co n. -;; E'" '" ;: E -2 '"o Vl" 0... 8B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 J3

BS Chakoth, H« 5) T HP W PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 62 3978 1,103 194 P M C(10+) RS(IO+) (04671500) MCW« 5) SS-T 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Lahera 264 P M(5-1 0) H«5) HP W PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 63 5171 1,596 (04671600) C(10+) MCW« 5) SS-W 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO-) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HPTW GUJraura 81 P M« 5) ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 64 6443 452 H«5) WTK PO« 5) CM«5) (04671700) C(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) MCW« 5) SS-WT PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HPTW Kharehta 80 P M(5-10) C(5- H(5-10) W SS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 65 1550 488 PO« 5) (0467 I 800) 10) MCW(5-10) WT CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH« 5) PHC(5-1O) CP(5-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

HPTW KanapUf 67 PM«5) H« 5) ACS« 5) CV(IOT) BS(5-10) 66 498 6 380 W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (04671900) C(lO+) MCW« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) WT PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

Kakrau 289 P(2) M« 5) MCWH« THP ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 67 3537 1,547 CM«5) (04672000) C(10+) 5)PHC(10+) TWSS- PO«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) WT PH« 5) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

pHPTW HPHCRM WRS BS Ben 830 P(2) M(2) 0 CM ACSOCS CV(IO+) 68 1,345 0 4,898 CHW PO PH RS(IO+) (04672100) C(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) MCW(5-10) ~~S- NW« 5) ST(IO+)

Ram GaoJ 69 873 3 --- Unmhabited ------(04672200)

HPW Bmdpun P« H(5-10) TK R 0 PO(- 10) CM(- 10) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 70 633 ~ 383 (04672300) 54 5) M(5-IO) MCW(5-10) )- )- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO,") PHC(5-10) SS-WT PH(5-10) CP(IO-) OCS(5-10) ST(IO.,.) NW(IO+)


Villaf!e Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I e. arca under different types of land use 10 hectare)+ +

c E g -'" 00 ":>- ~ c :: :; -0 -0 ~ 0 ::l U c E -;:; "c ~ c ..2 N E ~ '"00 ~ 0 '" -0 00 U ~ >'" :0" '-' -'" '" 0 00 ;; o-, ~'" u ~ on 0; :§ ~ c ;>, ?; 1:: " -0 :>- .0 £ ?; D. 1; " ~ -0 C ;; 0- 0 ~ 0- 0- § 3 :0 u C; :0 '" ~ u '" " ~ 0; CL " '0 c 0 ~ '" '" ~ ~ E ;;; c " ~ ~ " 2 -;:; '-' 0; 0. "OJ ?; ?; ~ 00 E E c: '"0 (3 ::l "~ "- "0 " "E c -< Z'" Cl. Z" ~ '"E "- ;:J 8 "00 -< Z" U"J" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(70) PR Kurara (Np) (3) EDEAG N TW(1610) 380 310 Chakothl 62 T(1680)

GC(170) PR Kurara (Np) (4) ED N TW(1050) 2930 470 44 0 Lahera 63 T(122 0)

TW(20 0) PRMR TWE(830) FP Kurara (Np) (7) 5750 170 35 0 GUJraura 64 0(60) T(1090)

TW(47.0) MR FP Kurara (Np)(7) 0(50) 970 50 13 0 Kharehta 65 T(52.0)

20 TWE(34 0) MR Kurara (Np) (8) ED 4100 340 230 Kanapur 66 T(34 0)

W(23.0) PR Kurara (Np) (7) ED \VE(65 0) 2890 420 270 Kakrau 67 T(88 0)

EDEAG 1564 nv£(SI.O) PR Kurara (Np) (14) NM Cloth 8880 2340 173.0 Ben 68 EOEA T(810)

TW(470) ------Uninhabited ------3430 4590 24 a Ram GanJ 69 T(47 0)

MRFP Kurara (Np) (20) 394 0 0(6 0) T(6 0) 1080 4130 1060 Btndpun 70

83 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities 11 n d Amemtles available (Ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and neXI to It In brackets the distance In broad ranges viz. < 5 kms , 5-10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest Dlace where the faCility is available IS Iven) ~'" 1:! <:: "0 -0 .t5 '" ~ lU <:: 0 U'" U '" ::l '-' d) '" J:! <:: -<= ii: '" <:: -0 t: > '"' <.) <:: d) " " e 9- 0 0 G t " v u -<= 2 ~ 0 >, d) ~ 0- e 0- <.) :; 0 OIl 0- 0- u en ~ ;, -0 " " _J'" ~ 0 '" ~" 0 ;:: e _: ~ '" t: ~ "0 6 OIl '" .::: Oi E ~ oG > -<= -0 u 'l' :!! :; _c ::l ~ t: t: V t: -0 "i! U 0 " 1!l 0 <.) c " -5 ~ t: d) g '" ~ 9- 0 u E 0 t: ::: "5b e t: 0- v -a .t @ 1:!'" "0 ~ " M ~ 3 "9- -;e "c ~ '0 g t: 0.> e P- :; <.) E » - _o u _;;; ~ E ::l '" -;;; " E u ~ E ;::: E" E "~ <:: -'"'" ~ c " '" "-a E t: ;:: " '"U " -a E 1: -0 '"0 0 M-<= (1) 0 (/) "l- I- " o .s " Z" ~ Cll :2 8 0- U .D" « <5 ~(/) u e I 2 "3 "4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II '" 12 13

Gulab GanJ P M« 5) H« 5) HPW AcS« 5) CVe5-10) 8S« 5) 71 3246 162 30 PO«5) CM(5-10) (04672400) CCIO+) MCW« 5) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHW H« 5) HP W DeblganJ PM« 5) PH PO« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 72 451 2 833 126 MCW(5-10) SS-W CM(5-IO) (04672500) CCI O+) 5) NCS(IO+) 5P(IO+) R5(IO+) PHCC5-10) CP(5-10) I OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ind PUrl P M(5-10) H(5-1O) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 85(10+) 73 555 3 493 76 HP W R PO(5-10) CM(5-10) (04672600) C(10+) MeW(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) SS-W PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

BaiJe Islampur P M« 'i) H(S·IO) HPW ACS(S-lO) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 74 6273 452 69 PO(5-10) CM(5-IO) (04672700) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Magredl 75 3497 ------Uninhabited ------(04672800)

MCW BS Jalla P M« 5) HPW PH PO(5- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 76 4193 1,256 188 H(IO+) CM« 5) RS(IO+) (04672900) CCIO+) SS-W 10) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) CP«5) NW(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Para P(2) M S HMCW CM CP(5- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 77 1,2560 2,236 388 THPW POPH (04673000) C(10+) PHC SS-HP 10) NCS(1D+) SP(IO+) RS(IO~) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO-)

Kandaur NW 85(5- P(2) M H« 5) THP W H ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 78 Danda 1,1360 1,804 283 CM« 5) 10) CC1O+) MeW(S-IO} SS-HP PO P NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (04673100) CP(5-IO) RS(IO-) PHCC5-10} OCS(\O+) ST(IO+)

Kandaur Dana 79 1963 ------Umnhablted ------(04673200)

HHMCW ACS Palara Danda P(2) M(2) HPW CV(lO+) 85(5-10) SO 3,822 0 5,905 958 H(IO+) PO PH CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (0~673300) C(IO+) SS-W SP(IO+) RS(10-) PHCCIO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO-J

84 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i e area under different types of land use In hectare)··

c E g -'" c Q[) '" i? c E -=- "0 .;:; '" ~ c E U "c ~ 2 ;;; N E ~ '" .;:; 0 u'" 2- 0" "on u ~ "> :0" ~ %; e "oIl ;;: o; 01) ~ c » ;;:'" ~ <> C to: 1l » '"3: -0 > ;;: 9 3: 0. "'"o :: -0 C '" 9 0. '"0- n.;::: e ~ -5 ;:;; "0 '" :0" '" g_ E '"~ b c ~ ~ e .c c e'" l::'" ~ " <..' " > '" Q[) E E" n. 3: 0 E' l:: '" E :;;l e 0. OJ '" 0 C :l '" '" 0 E "

TWE(680) PR Kurara (Np) (10) ED 0(900) 1530 170 23 0 Gu1ab GallJ 7 I T(1580)

PR Kurara (Np) (10) ED 35 0 TWE(29 0) 31 10 1000 I I 0 DeblganJ 72 T(29.0)

MR Kurara (Np) (20) 26 9 W(3.0) L( 4 0) 4. T(7.0) 289.1 Ind Pun 73

GC(45 0) PR Kurara (Np) (7) ED TW(40 0) 3260 1880 28.0 BaiJe Islampur 74 T(85.0)

------UninhabIted ------1250 175.0 134.0 340 Magredl 75

GC(3.0) WE(19.0) PR Kurara (Np) (4) ED N 2960 170 350 lalla 76 TW(SIO) T(1030) GC(1.0) TW(lS.O) PR Kurara (Np) (10) EDEAG NM 269.0 TWE(61.0) 736.0 3590 95.0 Para 77 0(6.0) T(83.0)

TW(27.0) PRMR KUlara (Np) (9) EDEAG NM IS90 TWE(70 0) 7440 2SI0 670 K3ndaur Dando 78 T(97 0)

------Unmhablted ------12.0 7.0 1770 Kandaur Dana 79

GC(70) TW(155 0) PR K"rara (Np) (12) ED EAG NM 25350 8980 2280 Patara Dando 80 0(830) ~ T(245 0)

85 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available Within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It In brackets the distance In broad ranges viz < 5 kms., 5-10 kms and 10+ km, ~ of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS Iven) - "0 ~ "0- ;;! In " ....l E C> 0 e 0 ~ 5h E ::I ~ ;;: ~ .:::; -0 0 '" :gE' ;;; al.l U " :; ..c .~ e c ~ c: '"C:. ;; u 3: on "0 0 0 '"c " -5" S! ~ c U c· E 5 " c al.l -0 3 S! ii '-- ;;; .c 0. a '" -0 .P 0 '" '" ~ ;; ;;; > :; 3: E ~ ""§ c u E OJ 0. '0 '"C on .~ -i3 ..... ~ '"oJ) C 1: 0 3 'Ol ~ ~ 0 0. -;; c " ~ ::I >-. .D ;;: }! :; u ;;; E ~ ;;! " V> E ro -;;'" '" u :i2 E u ~ " ::: '" ro E " "0 -'" 1: C "0 " E U E c E V> E C cOll_<:; " '" ~ 0 ~ 0 0 r- ~ 0 l- Z" '" <{ U § Ul" Z" I-" Ul ~ 0 "- U .0 C C>'." ~tIJ U I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

P(2) M S HHDH HPTW BS lhalokher ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 81 7434 4,452 800 PUC 0 MCW H« W L SS- PO PH CM« 5) RS(IO+) (04673400) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) C(IO+) 5) PHC( < 5) WT CP« 5) NW(IO+) OC5« 5) 5T(10+)

Natlll Danda H(IO+) HP W ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 82 2428 521 72 P M« 5) PO«5) (04673500) C(lO+) MCW« 5) SS-W CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) PHC« 5) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Patara Daria 83 241 6 ------Uninhabited ------(04673600) Nalhl Dana 84 168.9 ------Ulllnhablted ------(04673700)

H(") HA HH(4} D(2) DA DH(3) T(17) MCW(19) W(59) MH TK(6) P(75) M(25) CWC(4) HP(61) 1'0(11) ACS(3) BS(II) Block Total 4~061A 90573 151125(2) PUC Cl\I(3) HC PHC(4) TW(14) PH(49) OCS(2) NW(7) 0(3) PHS(2) R(Hl) FWC RMP(3} C(9) L Sl\lP(2) S CHW(IO) o

86 VILLAGE DIRECTORY------.------Village Directory La nd Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I e area under different types of land use In hectare)"

c :::>

cJ) > c '" -0 :;; u ::0" ;;: ~ e -"! "OJ) OJ) ~ v '" '0 .D .9 ~ ;;: ..c 0. E u 3 '" ...... ::0" ~ '" '" "0 0 c '"0. '"cJ) e OJ c " '" ~ .c 2 E .2 w :;; "E g it c 1:"

GC(IS 0) ED EAG N M WE(432) PR Kurara (Np) (4) 6360 750 480 Jhalokher 81 EOEA 30 TWE(128 0) T(1892)

FP Kurara (Np) (9) 700 GC(35 0) 1280 750 5 0 N atlll Danda 82 T(35 0)

------Unmhablted ------780 20 144 0 Patara Dana 83

---- Uninhabited ------80 50 97.0 Nathi Dana 84

GC(3782.177 ) PC(250) W(143) WE(127.2) PR(S2) ED(49) TW(I836.93 i\IR(21) EAG(39) N(37) FP(I~) 338~ 2 6) 23073.7 6064.2 5298.7 EO(24) M(IS) . TWE(2290.3 "C NR EA(24) 93) "W(7) TK(73_322) R(25) L(4) O(40~) T(8968_028)


1\,4aIJ of Sumerpur CD Bloek



Alphabetical list of,Villages (C.O. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur ,--- LU\) I Census locatlOn I ':)C) I Census locallOn code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Sumerpur Name of Sub-Dist: 0001 1 Arnirta 04679900 410010002000090115 2 Araji Khandehi Jar 04674500 410010002000120156 3 Araji Sager 04674900 410010002000120154 4 Arazi Dhanpura 04674600 410010002000120157 5 Arazi Mutnaja Pandheri 04683200 410010002000150178 6 Arazi Sani Dhanpura 04674700 410010002000120158 7 Atraia 04684100 410010002000160187 8 Atrar 04676600 410010002000130169 9 Babina 04677000 410010002000130167 10 Bada Gaon 04681400 410010002000100130 11 Badanpur 04684200 410010002000160189 12 Bahraoli Daria 04675100 410010002000070087 13 Bahrauli Danda 04675800 410010002000070088 14 Banda 04676700 410010002000130170 15 Bank 04677300 410010002000140172 16 Banki 04677200 410010002000140171 17 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 04678400 410010002000080100 18 Bardaha Sahijana Daria 04677900 410010002000080095 19 Barua 04682000 410010002000100138 20 Bhabhaura 04681500 410010002000100133 21 Bhakaul 04678700 410010002000080103 22 . Bhaunia 04683700 410010002000150183 23 Bhaura Danda 04682300 410010002000100136 24 Bhaura Daria 04682200 410010002000100135 25 Bilhadi 04679000 410010002000080106 26 Bir Khera 04683900 410010002000160185 27 Chand Buzurg 04683600 410010002000150182 28 Chand Purwa Khurd 04682100 410010002000100137 29 Chandaukhi 04680100 410010002000090117 30 Chandauli Jar 04676800 410010002000130165 31 Chanduli Teer 04680000 410010002000090116 32 Chhani Buzurg 04674400 410010002000120155 33 Chhani Khurd 04674300 410010002000120152 34 Dariapur 04678800 410010002000080104 35 Deo Gaon 04682400 410010002000110140 36 Dhanpura 04674200 410010002000120153 37 Dhundh Pur 04684000 410010002000160186 38 Gahtauli 04682500 410010002000110141 39 Gauri 04684400 410010002000160190 40 Helapur Danda 04678200 410010002000080098 41 Helapur Daria 04678100- 410010002000080097 42 Ingohata 04@77800 410010002000140177 43 Isauli 04682900 410010002000110145 44 Itara 04683500 410010002000150181 45 Jalala 04682600 410010002000110142

89 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District·Hamirpur 200 I Censlis loca(lon I \) ~ I CenSlis location code Serial number Name of village code number number I 2 3 4 46 Kalthl 04683100 410010002000110147 47 Kalauli Jar 04676100 410010002000070090 48 Kalauli Teer Danda 04678300 410010002000080099 49 Kalauli T eer Daria 04678000 410010002000080096 50 Kalla 04674800 410010002000120159 51 Kanjauli 04680800 410010002000090124 52 Keeratpur 04678500 410010002000080101 53 Khandehi Jar 04675000 410010002000120160 54 Kuan Khera 04676300 410010002000130162 55 Kuchhechha Danda 04679700 410010002000090113 56 Kuchhechha Daria 04679400 410010002000090110 57 Kumaunpur 04675900 410010002000070089 58 Kundaura 04678900 410010002000080105 59 Lalpura 04676000 410010002000070091 60 Majara Kundaura Danda 04679200 410010002000090108 61 Majara Kundaura Daria 04679100 410010002000090107 62 Mamrejpur Danda 04673900 410010002000120151 63 Mamrejpur Daria 04673800 410010002000120148 64 Mauhar 04683000 410010002000110146 65 Mawai Jar 04676500 410010002000130164 66 Mehmoodpur 04678600 410010002000080102 67 Mihuna 04684500 410010002000160191 68 Mora Kander 04674000 410010002000120150 69 Mundera 193 Pauthia Buzurg 04684600 410010002000160192 70 Nadehra 04676900 410010002000130166 71 Narayanpur 04681000 410010002000090126 72 Nazarpur 04681100 410010002000090127 73 Pachkhura Buzurg 04682700 410010002000110143 74 Pachkhura Khurd 04683800 410010002000150184 75 Padhauli 04684300 410010002000160188 76 Palra 04677400 410010002000140173 77 Pandheri 04683300 410010002000150179 78 Para Ojhi Danda 04679600 410010002000090112 79 Para Ojhi Daria 04680200 410010002000090118 80 Para Rai Pura 04683400 410010002000150180 81 Parsani 04674100 410010002000120149 82 Pateora Danda 04681600 410010002000100132 83 Pateora Daria 04681700 410010002000100131 84 Pauthia Khurd 04675400 410010002000070085 85 Pouthia Buzurg 04675300 410010002000070085 86 Ragaura 04677100 410010002000130168 87 Ringna 04680700 410010002000090123 88 Sahurapur Danda 04675700 410010002000070092 89 Sahurapur Daria 04675200 410010002000070086 90 Saukher 04680900 410010002000090125 91 Shadipur 04677600 410010002000140175 92 Sidra Danda 04679500 410010002000090111

90 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur LUU 1 Census locatIOn 1YY 1 Census locatIon code Serial number Name of village eode number number 1 2 3 4 93 Sidra Daria 04680300 410010002000090119 94 Sikri 04675500 410010002000070094 95 Simnaudi 04681300 410010002000100129 96 Sumerpur Rural 04681200 410010002000090128 97 Surajpur Danda 04679300 410010002000090109 98 Surajpur Daria 04679800 410010002000090114 99 Surauli Buzurg Danda 04681900 410010002000100139 100 Surauli Buzurg Daria 04681800 410010002000100134 101 Surauli Khurd Danda 04680400 410010002000090120 102 Surauli Khurd Daria 04680500 410010002000090121 103 Swasa Buzurg 04676400 410010002000130163 104 Swasa Khurd 04676200 410010002000130161 105 Terha 04682800 410010002000110144 106 Tikrauli 04680600 410010002000090122 107 Ujnedi 04675600 410010002000070093 108 Vidokhar Medni 04677500 410010002000140174 109 Vidokhar Purail 04677700 410010002000140176

91 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Ccnsllsoflndia2001 - Alllcllitie~ alld Amenities available (if not available withinlhe village, H dash (-) is showll 111 the column and next to it i·n brackets the distance in bload ranges viz.< 5 kills. 5·10 kills. and 10+ kills of the nearest place where the filCillty is available IS given)

8 "­o ~ CIl o 5 "E -"c C Z'" o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CD Block: Sumcrpur (0409)

MamrcJpur Dana 24.3 ------\Jmnhabileo ------(04673800)

MamrcJpur Danda tl2 PM(5.10) 11(10+) III'TWW ACS(I()+ ) eV(llll) IlS(5·IO) 3420 640 CM(lll") (04673900) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) RSS-WT I'U(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'( I{JI) 1(,( 10,) 1'11(10+ ) ('1'(10+) I'llC(5·10) OeS(IOI) S'I (10 1 ) N\\,(IO')

Mora K;mdcr 189 I'M(5-10) 11110+) IlI'WR 1'111'0(5. AeS( 10C) eVIIOI) IlS(5-11J) 254.6 1,300 CM(IO+} (04674000) C(IO+) l"ICW(5-IO) SS-W 10) NeS( 104} SI'(IO") RS(I{)+) CI'(IO") !'llC(5-10) OeS(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IOI)

I'arsani 149 PM(5.10) III 10+) llPW R ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) BS(S-IO) 4 536.2 876 1'0(5·IO} CM(IO+} (04674100) C(IO+} MCW(5-IO} SS-W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+} RS(IO+) I'H« 5} CI'(IO+) I'llC(IO+} oeS(lo+} ST(lO I} NW(IOI)

Dhanpura PM(5-10)C(5- 11(5- IlI'W SS. ACS(S-IO) CV(IO"} 11S(S-IO) 450.8 1,490 242 IO} MCW(5- W 1'0(5-10) (O'167'1200) CM(5-IO} NCS(IO+} SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 10} 10} !'IIC(IO+} 1'11« 5} CI'(5·10) UCS(IO+) Sr(lOI) NW(IIJ+)

Il MCW PIIC Ill' W R ACS IlS Chhani Khurd 690 1'(2) M(2) PH PO« CV(IO+) 6 1,016.0 4.038 RMI'(3} CMCP NCS(IOI-) RS(lll+) (04674300) C(lO+) ss-W 5) SI'(IO+} CIIW(2) OCS( 10c) NW(IIl+) ST(IO+}

II MCW PI IS HI' W SS- ACS IlS Chhani Buzurg 470 P(3} M(2) CV(IO") 7 1,143.0 2,734 FWC W POPH(19} CMCI' NCS(IO'i RS(IO') (04674400) C(IO+} SI'(IO' ) PIIC(IO+) OCS(IO") NW(IO~) ST(IO+} AraJi Khandehi Jar 55.4 ------UninhabIted ._-.. -...... (04674500) Arazi Dhanpura 9 51.4 ...... Uninhabited ------(04674600) Arazi Sani 10 Dhanpura 425 ------Ul1lnhablted ------(04674700)

~ICW SMP (,V(IOI) Kalla 228 I' M« 5) ACS« S) IlS«-IU) II 631.3 1.352 11« 5) I'IIC« ~~) W SS- 1'0« S) CM«5) (04674800) C(IO+) NCS(IOI) SI'( 1( 1 ) RS( 10-) 5) 1'11« 5) CI'« 5} OeS(III') S I'( 1( 1 ) N\\'t 10 )

Ara_1I Sager 12 71 6 ---- UnInhabited ------(04674900)

11(5- III' W SS- I'll 1'0(5- I\(,S(5-IO) (,V(IOI) IlS1<-ltl) Khandchi Jar CM« 5} 13 456.9 I.OX!) 16R I'MC(5-IO) 10) MCW(S- W 10) NCS(IOI) SI'( Il)l ) RS( 10-) (04675000) IO)I'IIC(IO+) 1'1'(5-10) OCS(I!)I) S I( 11)1) NW\!tl·)

92 ------Uninhabited ------6.2 14.7 M

GC(33.2) ED EIIO S7 TW(S.8) PR Jlamirpur (Mb) (27) NM 161 3 1157 17 7 f\i;1mIClIHIl [Janda EO lOA .. 5 TWE(27.5) T(665)

TW(24.9) ED EIIG PR Ilalmrpur (Mb) (27) NM 14.1 TWE(18.4) 1585 0.7 28.6 MOla Kander EOEA T(43.2)

GC(86.2) ED EAG TW(42.4) PR lIamirpur (Mb) (27) NM 339.2 46.7 64.3 Parsam EOEA TWE(43.7) T(172.3)

W(60.5) EDEIIO WE(104) MRFI' Sumcrpur (Np) (25) NM 319.3 2.0 40 Il Dhil nr U1

W(86.7) ED EAG PR Hamirpur (Mb) (29) NM TW{71.3) 858.3 2 I 51.1 Chhan, Klllil d (, EOEA T(157.9)

TW(46.6) EDEAG PR Hamirpur (Mb) (26) NM TWE(117.5) 781.1 509 674 Chhani 8uzUI g EOEA T(164.1)

GC(3_0) ------Uninhabited ------5\.0 1.0 ()4 Ala.1' Khandelll Jar T(3.0)

------Uninhabited ------37.5 4.0 11l.4 AI;lZI Dhanpurtl 9

------Uninhabited ------37.9 AI a?! ~[lni Dhnnpurn 10

Oe(18.0) ED 10110 W(1122). 1'1\ MR Sumerpur (Nr) (21) NM 4480 7 I Kalla II EO Ell TWE(37.6) T(167,8)

GC(3.0) ------Umnlwblted ------I o 1'W(70) 55.0 3.0 3 () 1\1(1.11 Sf1gCI 12 1'(10,0)

1'W(116.0) MR Fl' Sumcrpur (Np) (25) EDEIIO 273.0 40.0 no Khandehl J;\I 13 T(1160)

93 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HAMIRPUR Censlis of India 200t - Amenities and Amcnities available (ir not available withlll the village. a dash (-) is shown in the column and ncxt to it in brackets the distancc in broad ranges viz.< 5 kills. 5-10 kills and I()+ kills orthc ncarest place where Ihc racillty is avatlablc IS givcn) '8" c:~ o IJ 'E" U u o ..J Od IJ ,gon .;;: ;:; .... o g "§ E en "E en c:-" o o - " Z'" I- 0... U.no '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Bahraoh Daria 14 1024 ------Uninhabiled ------(04675100) Sahurapur Dana 15 98.3 ------Uninhabited (04675200) DDACWC RMI'(3) BS Poulh,a lluzurg I' M S CM CI'(5- ACS CV(IO+) 16 1,265.0 4.823 11(10+) III' W SS- PO I'll NCS( 10 I) RS(IOI) (04675300) 819 C(104) W SI'( (()I) MCW(5-10) 10) OCS(IO'-) NW(IIH) ST(IO, ) 1'1IC(5-IO)

Pauthia Khurd 1'« 11(10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 17 481.0 304 CM«5) (04675400) 58 5) M(5-10) MCW(5-10) «5)SS- 1'0«5) NCS(I()+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'(5-1O) C(lO+) I'HC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS H(5- HI' W SS- PI! 1'0« CV(IO+) 18 Sikri (04675500) 681.9 908 162I'M«5) 10) MCW(5- W CM(5-IO) ACS« 5) RS(IO") C(IO+) SP(IO+) 10) PHC(IO+) 5) C£'(5-10) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCWFWC Ujnedi 244 1'(2) M HI' W SS- PO PH CV(IO+) I3S RS« 5) 19 526.5 1,428 H(IO+) CM(5-10) ACS«5) (04675600) C(\O+) W NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) NW( 10+) 1'1tC(10+) CI'(5-10) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Sahurapur Dando 219 I' AC 1\1« 5) 11(10+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 135(5-10) 20 623.6 1,305 HI' TW W PO(~-lO) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) RS(IO+) (04675700) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) SS-W PH(5-10) SI'(IO ') I'HC(5-IO) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

l3ahrauli Danda 1'« CllW H(IO+) HI' W SS- ACS« 5) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 21 332.7 443 76 5) M« 5) MCW(5-10) W 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04675800) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(I()+) C(IO+) PHC(5-IO) PH« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\\,(IO+)

CHW H(IO+) III' W SS- Kumaunpur 334 I' M(5-1 0) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S(5-IO) 22 733.7 1,980 MCW(S-IO) W 1'0« 5) CM«S) (04675900) C(IO+) NCS(ltH) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'HC(5-IO) 1'11« 5) CI'(5- to) OCS(IO') ST(I01) N\\(IO' )

CIIWII(IO+) 135 Lalpura 121 I'M(5-IO) PH 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(S-IIl) 23 293.4 733 MCW(5-10) W SS-W CM«5) RS(IO+) (04676000) C(lO+) 5) NCS(IOq SI'(IOI) 1'11('(5-10) CI'«5) NW(IO+) OCS(IIH-) ST(IO+)

RMP H(IO+) Kalauh Jar 407 PM(5-IU) III' WSS- ;\CS«5) CV(5-11J) IlS« 5) 24 852.3 2,324 MCW(S-IO) W 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04676100) C( 10+) NCS(IIH) SI'( 10') R5( IU') PIIC(5-10) 1'11« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(loq 5-1(11l' ) NW(IO') 1

ns Swasa Khurd CIIW;;(5-IO) Ill' W SS- PO '\CS(5-10) CV(IO') 25 3108 1.314 209 P M ('(10'-) M('W(IO+) W I'H(IO,) CM(5-IO) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10') RS(IO') (04676200) NW(IO+) 1'1lC(104 ) CI'(IO+) OCS(IIH) ST(IO'I

94 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i.e. area under diffcrenllypcs or land usc in hectare)"


01) ~

-0: V OJ ..2" t: ... " ~ "01) 1:j 2- ,g 01) "~ "> '":0" ;;: ~ 8 "on ... >, :;;:" ~ on ~ .E :J >. "~ .D 8 0. -0: "> > .c 0. n. :::. ] g 1;; "" -0: :c" " " '- n." on "... c 0 c:: " ... g " .c t: v ec. ~ bfi E ] '" E 0.. ~ 10 ;: "~ " 0 c E " 6 .-,: 0- z" u.. ::> 0 ro .-,: z" V'l I 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 2

------Uninhablled ------50 I\) 'l6A B~hl~n\1 Dana 14

------Uninhabilcd ------39.0 60.0 Sahuraplil D;11Hl 1:-

GC(494.0) TW(36.0) Hamirpur(Mb)(13) EDEAG NM 142.1 Pouthla BU7lllg 16 PR 280 TWE(30 0) 4140 1210 1'(57° 0 )

Hamlfpur (13) Paulina Khllrd 17

GC(199.0) PR Hamirpur (Mh) (13) EDEAG 416.1 67 I Sikn 18 T(199.0)

GC(I64.5) EDEAG TW(20.3) PR lIarnirpur (16) 272.8 453 Ujnedl 19 EOEA TWE(2J.7) T(208.6)

GC(91.0) ED EAG TW(20.0) PR Hamirpur (Mb) (17) 3068 10.5 46.6 Sahur;:\pur D.lnda 20 EOEA 118.0 TWE(31.0) T(1420)

TWE(IS.O) PR Surnerpur (Np) (16) 271.0 240 22.7 l3ahTiluli Danda 21 T(150)

GC(32.0) PR Sumerpur (Np) (14) ED 21.0 TW(3.0) 428.0 84.0 165.7 Kumaunpur 22 1'(35.0)

WE(6.0) PR Sumcrpur (Np) (8) ED 4.0 TW(92.0) 1730 60 12.4 Lalpura 23 1(980)

IVE(91.0) Pit Sumcrpur (Np) (7) ED EAG rW(21)) 0) -197 () 24.0 35 J Kal<1l1it )<1r 24 '1 (2940)

'1 \V(20 0) EDEAG PR Hamlrpur (Mb) (24) N TWE(75.0) S\\,<1sa Khurd EOEA 160.2 30.0 22.8 25 1(950) ------.

95 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Aillenllies available (I f not available within the village. 11 dash (-) is shown III the coluilln alld next to it in brackets the distance ill broad ranges VIZ. < 5 killS, 5-10 kills and 101' kills of the neal cst place where the !;Icility is available IS given) " ~ "'"8 u .c t: " o .~ .:: o ';j ~ ou ..J o

Kuan Khcra 26 461.0 ------Ul1Inhablted ------(04676300)

IlS Swasa [3uzurg 304 1'(2) M MCW 11(5-10) Ill' TW W 1'01'11« CM(5-10) I\CS(5-10) CV(104) 27 522.4 1,697 )(S(IO~) (04676400) C(IO+) I'IIC{S-IIJ) ~vK/S- 5) CI'(5-10) NCS(IOI) SI'(IOI) N\\'( If) I) OCS(IOt) ST(IOI)

Mawai Jar 1'(3) M(5-10) FWC H(S-IO) III' W SS- 1'01'11(5- I\C;(5-10\ CV(IO!) nS(5-10) 28 1,047.0 3,147 (04676500) 517 C(lO+) MC\\'(5-10) W 10) CM(5-10) NCS(It)l) SI'(IO' ) I\S(5-10) I'IIC(5-IO) CP(5-10) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IIl')

H(5- 367 1'(2) M(2) 10) l' Ill' W PH 1'0(5- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) I3S(5-IO) 29 Atrar (04676600) 909.8 2,219 CM«5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TK SS-HP 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) )(S(IO+) CI'(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IOt) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Banda CHW H(IO+) III' W SS- I\CS(5-IO) CV(IO+) IlS('-IO) 30 572.7 1,793 286 I'MC(IO+) MCW(5-10) IV 1'0(5-10) (04676700) CM(5-10) NCS(IO,,) Sp(IO+) I\S(IO+) I'HC(5-IO) I'H« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(IOI) ST(lOI) NW(IO+)

Chandauli Jar 43I'M(S-10) I\CS(5-IO) CV(IO~) IlS(5-10) 31 332.3 362 10) MC\:~~~- III'IV SS- 1'0« 5) (04676800) C(IO+) IV CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IIJ+) RS(5-10) 10) 1'1IC(5-10) 1'11(5-10) Cr(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nadchra MCW H(5-10) III' TW W I'OPH(5- AeS(5-IO) eV(5-IO) IlS(5-10) 32 1,323.0 3,370 556 1'(2) M (04676900) C(IO+) I'IIC(5-10) TK SS- 10) CM« 5) NCS(I!H) SI'(104 ) RS«-lil) IVT CI'(5-10) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) N\\,(IO+)

Babina 33 214.9 ------Uninhabited ------(04677000)

P« Ragaura l\eS(5-10) CV(5-10) BS(5-IO) 34 282.9 15 6 5)M«5) 11(10-) HI' SS-III' 1'0(5-10) CM«5) (04677100) NCS(10+) SP(I()+) RS(>-1I1) C(IO+) MCW«5) PH(5-10) CI'(5-10) PlIC«5) OeS(lo+) ST(104') NW(I()+)

MCW PHS Bank. 607 1'(2) M FWe RMP 111' W SS- 1'0(5-10) I\CS(5-IO) eV(5-IO) BS(>- til) 35 904.1 3,833 (,M(5-10) NCS(IOI) (04677200) C(IOl) C'Il\l'II(S-IO) \\' 1'11(5-10) SI'(IOI) RS(>-IIl) I'llq5-IO) ep(5-IO) OCS(IOII S 1'( 10') N\\'(IO-)

11(5- III' W SS- 203 I' M« 5) I\CS(IOt) CV(S-IO) (3S(>-10) )(1) ~tCW(5- \\. 1'0« 5) 36 Balik (04677300) 412.8 1,189 ('(IO!) CM(S-IO) NCS(IOI) SI'(IOI) RS('-10) 10) PlIe(S-tO) 1'11(5-10) el'(IOI) O('S()()4) S"I'(IO+-) NW(IO+-)

96 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 199:..:9:..L).-__-.- __-.- _____.-_--:-_-,- ___--:----:c:::::- ____::-;----;-_-:--, _____ -, ___ ._ Lalld usc (I.e. area under different types of land use ill hectare)"

E -'" E C .::,0 ?: :a -,:; u 0 'J " '-' .2 '-' ... '" g ';;' ~ ~ eo '" ~ 'J " :0 ~ 2 > :::g on 8 ::l " 1> .;; 01:! ~ 2 011 ~ el) 3 c: » :;;:'" ";0 2"2 » " :3 .D s ?; 0. " c > " 0- e " ~ -" 8 " g_~ "8 " '"- § U ~ [ :c" "... :0 :0 C ... §~ H " 2 "e ~ ::l "" " " ~ -5 0- d ?; ~ b-n rt E ~; "E c 0- " 0 e ::l 0 '" ~ ~ :;;: _§ ::J V OJ) z:" VJ <: z" "- z" "6 "- " -< " 14 15 16 17 1~ 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(11J84) ------Uninhabited - TWE(200) 313.9 9.4 1R 4 KWIn Khcl

WE(63.0) ED EAG PR Ghani (6) N TW(74.0) 2640 900 320 S\\3saBu711ig 27 EO EA T(137.0)

GC(50.3) PK MK ED EAG TW(130.5) 457.0 i 25.7 FP Sumcrpur (Np) (10) EO EA N TWE(I13.5) 1(294.3)

09 GC(310.0) PR Dhani (5) EAG 506,0 60.1 578 Almr 29 . T(31O.0)

W(l49.0) PR Sumcrpur (Np) (22) ED EAG - TW(6.0) 344,0 21.0 53 7 l3allda 30 T(155.0)

TW(IS.3) PRMR Sumerpur (Np) (II) ED EAG N TWE(15.5) 221.5 53.9 13.4 Chandauli Jar 31 Fl' T(33.8)

EDEAG GC(37L4) PR Sumcrpur (Np) (7) 842.0 167 92.8 N ... dchra 32 EOEA T(371.4)

---.---- Uninhabited ---.-.---.-- R(O.I)T(O.I) 202.5 0.3 27 Babina 33

TW(SO.O) Sumerpur (Np) (5) TWE(30.0) 175.6 10.6 109 Ragallla 34 T(80.0)

GC(17.8) TW(45.U) I'K Sumcrpur (Np) (5) ED EAG N M TWE(S7.5) 708.1 21 I 35 TK(4.0) "1"(154.3)

I'RMR TW(IIS.O) FP Sumc:-pur (Np) (5) EDEAG - TWE(150) 2600 !4 Benk 36 T( 130.0)

97 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (Ii"not available within the village, a dash (-)IS sh(1wn in the column and next 10 it III brackets the dislance in broad ranges viz.< 5 ktllS., 5-10 killS and 101- kms "i"llle nearest place where the facility is available is given) "o "() c o c: .9 <:) "o ';J _c () ~ o <:> {J fr ..J o ~ ~ -0 01 ..c "0 c c: CIJ ~ " .~ a .c" ~ _c" 0- ;; :; <.... r: <.... 0- o on o 8. t ..D ~" "E B E "0" o o~ Z" I- I- Z" 0... 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

11(5- I 37 I'a\ra (04677400) 52S.3 969 177 PM«5) \0) MeW(S- III' \\ SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) l\eS(5-IO) ('Y(S-IO) BS(5-IO) . C( 10') \0) PHC(5-IO) IV PII(S-to) CI'(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) OeS(lo') ST(IOI) NIV(IO I)

RMP 11(10+) Yidokhar Medn! III' IV lK PO IlS(5·11I) 38 1,1070 3,002 500 I' M C(IO+) MCIV«5) CM(5-IO) I\CS(5-IO) ey( I () I) (04677500) 5S-IVT 1'11(10+) NeS(I()+) SP(ll);) RS(5-11I) I'IIC(IO+) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) SI(IOI) NIV( 1(1)

Shad!pur 39 509.5 .------Uninhablled .------(04677600)

HARM!' Vidokhar Pumi 11(10+) IIPWTK PO I3S(5·10) 40 1,092.0 3,182 518 1'(3) M(2) CM(5-10) I\CS(5-10) CY(IO+) (04677700) C(IO+) MCIV(lO+) SS-IVT PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SI'(IO+) RS(5·10) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NIV(IO+)

MCIVCIIIV ACS Ingohata CY(IO+) BS RS 41 2,828.0 8,866 1,460 1'(3) M(2) S H(10+) PHC(5. HI' W SS- 1'0 PH CMCI' NCS(IO+) (04677800) rucC(lo+) 10) IV SI'(IOI-) NW( 10") OCS(IOI-) ST(lO+)

Bardaha Sahijana 42 153.8 .------Uninhabited ------Daria (04677900)

Kalauli Teer Daria 43 75.7 ------. Uninhabiled ------(04678000)

Helapur Daria 44 57.1 ------. Uninhablled .------(04678100)

11(5- HI' WTK ACS Helapur Danda P 0) eY(5-IO) I3S(5.10) 45 221.4 1,546 265 M(5-1 10) MCIV« 5) R C SS- 1'0«5) CPCM« NCS(IOI-) (04678200) C(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO') I'IIC(5-1O) IVT PH« S) 5) OCS(IO+) ST(5-IO) NW«5)

11(5- Kalauli Tccr A(,S«5) (,Y(5-10) BS(5·10) 46 439.5 1,914 355 1'(2) M 10) MeW(5- III' W C PO I'll CM«5) Danda (04678300) C(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS( 10,) 10) 1'1iC(5-1 0) SS-\V CP« 5) O('S(IOe) ST(5-10) NW( 10 I)

l3ardaha SahiJana CY(5-IO) IlS(5·IO) 47 JI85 983 170 10) M(S _I:;()5- 10) ~C~(I~~- III' IV SS- PH 1'0(5- CM(5 10) ACS« 5) Danda (04678400) 51'(5·10) RS(IIl' ) ('(S-I() 10) I'lIe(5-10) IV 10) - N(,S( 11)1) CI'«5) OeS(IO') S'I (5·10) NIV( 111,)

Kecralpur 11StS·IO) 48 190.2 838 (04678500) RS(Il) I) NW(IO')

98 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Diredory Land Usc (As on 1999) ..-----,.-----,------,--L-a-'-'d-u-s-c-('-e--_-a-r-ea-u-Ild-e-r-d-,-'-f~-,-e-rc-'-'t-t-y-rc-S-(-)-,-r,..-la-l1-,d-u-~-e--'-Il-r------,----, hectarc)**

c ]' '? on 2 c .S " -6 -0 :; ~ 0 ;:l =C> E " E" ,£ ~ E ~ ~ "00 ::J 0 u OJ U '5 01) u :; > .;;~ "'G " ~ 0 ,,, " C ~ ~ " ~ c g -0 So ';; -"' 8 :l: 0-'" ~ -0 ~ -0 .0 0- o ;;" '" !.> c: ;; > " .<: 0- O. ~ ~ E 8 " "-- g ;;; -:::> = :0 ~ 0- '" a 0 c ~ §~ ,. " " '" e c: E ~ iJ co '" !.> 0- c: ~ 2 -B ~ ~ 0 " ~ "rn -:; " E ",- 0. " 0 0" c ;; 1:! :;;: E (/] « z" c.. Z" "E u.. ::> u 00 « z" l " 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW( I SO.Q) ED EAG Sumerpur (Np) (8) 13100111 TWE(90.0) 229.0 208 36.3 Pal", 37 EO EA 1'(240.0)

GC(21.J) , TWE(422.S) PH.. Sumcrpur (Np) (15) N 517.3 263 92 2 V,dokha, Mcdill ~~ ~~G TK(27 3) '1'(471.1 )

GC(3.G) W(23.0) -.;..----- Uninhabited ------348.6 24.0 44.9 39 TK(3.I) '1'(29.1)

TW(257.6) EDEAG PR Sumcrpur(Np)(15) EOEA N TWE(t23.4) 594.7 18.2 98.0 Vlciokhar Purai 40 1'(381.0)

ED EAG N TWE(7tO.3) PR Sumerpur (Np) (9) Fan, Basket 1835.4 47.8 188.4 Ingot'"ta 41 EOEA 1'(710.3)

GC(7.0) l3atdalw SllhlJ

TK(2.4) ------Uninhabited ------28.1 45 40.4 Ka\au\i Teer D,uia 43 1'(2.4)

TW(3.0) ------Uninhabited ------20.0 1.0 327 Ilclapur Da,;a 44 1'(3.0) GC(27.1) PC(30.0) ~~ MR Hamirpur (Mb) (5) ED EAG - 98.5 1.3 21.8 !-Ielapur Danda 45 W(42.6) '1'(99.7)

GC(16S.S) ED EAG N 38 7 Kalau" '1 cer PR Hamlrpur (Mb) (6) TW(12.9) 217.4 1.2 46 EO EA Danda T(lSI.7)

EO EAG G('(157.6) 37" Bclldaha SahlJrHl

GC( 105.8) MR llalllirpllr (Mb) (12) 61.7 7.8 14.2 Kecmtplil 48 T(105.8) .'

99 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (irnot available within the village. a dash (.) is shown ill the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 kms . 5·10 kms. and 10+ killS or the nearest place where the facility is available IS givell)

~ ri lJ o0- 6 'J

t; .0 § '­o c:: .... ""ii .D" ·c E Vl" Z" 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

. 11(5· Mehmoodpur ACS« 5) .CV(5·IO) I3S« 5) 49 396.6 242 35 I' M« 5) C(5· 10) MCW« 5) SIl;.~ C 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04678600) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(5·11I) 10) PHC(5. I 0) 1'11«5) CI'«5) O('S(IO,) ST(I()"-) NIV(IO,)

1'« H(5· Bhakaul CM(5.10) ACS(5·IO) CV{5·IO) BS{5·IO) 50 641.7 5) M(5·10) 10) MCW(5· W SS·W 1'0(<(5) (04678700) CI'(5-IU) NCS( 10+) SP(5·10) RS(5·11I) C(5·10) 10) 1'11(,(5·10) PH« 5) OeS(IO') ST(5·11I) N\v( 10"-) I

11(5· , Dariapur BS(5·IO) 51 437.7 1,754 316 I' M C(5·10) 10) MCW(5. III W SS· 1'0« 5) CM(S.tO) ACS(5·10) ('V(5·10) (04678800) RS(5·IO) 10) 1'1IC(5.1 0) W I'H( < 5) CI'(5.10) NrS(to+) SI'(5·10) OCS{IO+) ST{5·10) NIV{IIJ+)

OS RS(5· Kundaura 425 1'(2) M ('(5· ACS(5·10) CV(5·IO) 52 758.4 2,669 HH MCW H(5- HI' W SS· PO PI! 10) (04678900) 10) 10} 1'11(,(5·10) W CM(5·IO) NCS(IO+) SI'(5.10) CP(5·10) OCS(IO+) ST(5.10) NW(IO+)

Bilhadi 172 I' M« 5) H« III' W SS. ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) [lS« 5) 53 1680 997 5) MCW« 5) W 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04679000) (,(10+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(5.11J) I'HC« 5) I'H« 5) CI'«5) OCS(IO+) ST(tO+) NW(IO-')

Majara Kundaura 54 87.4 ...... • Uninhabited ...... Dana (04679100)

Majara Kundaura 1'« 11(10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 13S(5·10) 55 61.7 25 CM«5) Danda (04679200) 6 5) M(S.IO) MCW(5.10) « 5) SS. 1'0« 5) NCS(IO, ) SI'(I01-) RS(IO+) PH«5) CI'(5-10) C(lO+) PHC(5.10) OeS( 10+) ST(IOf) NW(IO')

. P« . 1-1(5· , Surajpur Danda ACS« 5) eV(5·IO) IlS(5·IO) 56 66.4 503 91 5} M« 5) C(5. 10) MCW« 5) ~11 W SS· 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04679300) NCS(IO+) SP(5·IO) RS(IOl-) 10) PHC(5·10) V 1'1-1« 5) CI'« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(5·IO) NW( 10~)

Kuchhechha Dana 57 113 ...... Uninhabited ...... (04679400)

1'« ellw 11(10"-) III' W SS. SIdra Danda ACS(5-IO) ('V(S·IIl) IlS(S·IIl) 58 138.4 591 76 5)M«5) MC\V(5~IO) W 1'0«5) CM« 5) (04679500) NCS(I!)I) SI'(IO,) RS(IO-) C(lO+) 1'11(,(5·10) .. 1'11« 5) CP(5·IO) OCS(5·IO) ST(5·10) NW(IO')

Para Ojhl Danda I' M(S·IO) C(5- nlw 1-1(10+) III' W SS. ACS« 5) CV(S·IO) BS(5·IO) 59 357.0 947 151 10) MCW(5·10) W 1'0(5·10) (04679600) CM(5·IO) NCS(IOI) SP( Itll) RS(5·IO) PIIC(5·10) PH« 5) ('1'(5·10) O(,S(IO,) Sl (5·10) NIV(lt)l )

100 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i.e. area undcr diffcrcnllypes of land usc in heclare)"

c K g.., 0/, 0 :: 2- :;:; " 0 ~ ~ " § -;:; ~ ~" t:: 5 ."" "on :;:; "~ '" ,g 01) 8 " "> " o(l "g ~ 0 011 ";: ;:; ~ " ~ c:: >, ?-" bO -'" gll '" "~ $3 ~ 0. '0 > > " 0. '" c:: " " e <.... -" B ""- 8.2 "C) u ;;; ~ " "0) P.. ~/J " 0 ~ " §~ :: 1 ~ a 8" '"~ :l 0. '" '" ~ -e "E .: 0. " ::: @ ~ " 1:J e ~o 0 c: 2 -< Z " z" :2 E ...... :§ :J 8 "OJ) -:::: z" C/J" 14 15 16 17 IX 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(G20) I'R Sumcrpur (Np)( I 0) . 2870 R,O 3Y 6 MellIl1(l(1cipur 1'(620)

TWE(23.0) I'lt MR Smnclpur (Np) (8) EAG TK(40.2) 4()5.6 149 S 33 () !lhakaul 51} T(63.2)

TW(2LS) EDEAG N PR MR Sumerpur (Np) (S) 1'WE(50 3) 344.8 208 50.3 D.Jriapul 51 EO EA '1(72.1)

1'W(54.7) EDEAG N 1'WE(47.3) PR Sumerpur (Np) (6) 677.6 22 75.6 Kumlaura 52 EOEA 0(1.1) 1'(103.0)

1'WE(60.0) EDEAG PR Sumerpur (Np) (4) 1'K(24.0) 62.0 01 21 4 53 EO EA 1'(84.0)

GC(S.O) Majara KundaUlCl -.---.-- Uninhabited ------360 11.0 354 1'(S.O) Dalia

6 Majara Kundaura Sumcrpur (4) SI.O 3.0 ) 7 [Janda 55

WI'(9.0) PR Kuchhed (I) ED N 9.81'(9.0) 40.0 6.0 II 3 SUt.\IP'" Danda 56

WF(I.O) ------Uninhabited ------5.0 3.0 2.3 Kuchhechha Daria 57 1'(1.0)

TW(2S.0) Pit lIamlrpur (Mb) (7) ED 960 7 () 74 S1dra D<1l1d,1 5~ 1'(28.0)

1'W(80.0) PR lIamtrpur (Mb) (6) ED 270.0 5.0 20 I'al" Oilli 11;111(1" 59 1'(800)

101 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200} - Amenities find Amellltics available (if not available within the village, a da~h (-) is shown In lhe column and lIext to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 killS., 5-10 kms. alld 10+ killS or the nearest place where the facility IS available IS given) ~ .'l u !J ..c: o .S o u o o :S o U ..c: c ;;: :l o .~ ..c: "5 ~ "­ o o ~ I.i "­ .D "5 E :l f-" Z 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MCW I'IIS I3S Kuchhcchlla 294 1'(2) M S TIII'W CMCI'« AC~« 5) CV«5) 60 149.7 1,581 11« 5) 1'01'11(15) 5} RS(IO' ) Danda (04679700) PUC C AC SS-1I1' NCS(IO+) SI'« 5) I'IIC(IO+) NW(IO,) OCS(IO+} S 1'« 5} Surajpur Daria 61 29.5 ------Uninhabited ------(04679800)

11« III'TWW Amn1a 128 I'M(5-IO) I\CS« 5} CV« 5) BS« 5) 62 105.2 728 5) MCW« 5) TK II. C 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04679900) C(IO,) NCS(IO,) SI'« 5) RS(III') I'IIC« 5) SS-WT 1'11« 5) CI'« 5)1 OCS( 10+) S r« 5} NW(IOI)

) _ - H(5- Ifl' TW W Chanduli Teer ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) IlS(5-IO) 63 110.9 646 116 I M()-IO)C« 10) MCW(5- TKRC 1'0«5) CM«5) (04680000) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) 5) IO)PHC(5-10)SS-WT I'H«5) CI'« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW«5)

Chandaukhi I' M« 5) Cl'< - H(5- HI' W SS (,V(5-10) BS« 5) 64 596.1 1,385 232 10) MCW(5- - 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) I\CS« 5) (04680100) NCS(IO+) SI'(S-IO} RS(5-10) 5) 10) PIIC(5-IO) W 1'11« 5) CP«5) OC5(10+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Para OJhi Daria 65 41.3 ------Uninhabited ------(04680200) Sidra Daria 66 36.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04680300)

HPWTK SlIrauh Khllrd I' M« 5) C(5- 11(10+) ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) IlS« 5) 67 91.1 RCSS­ 1'0(5-10) Danda (04680400) 10) MCW(5-IO) CM(5-10) NCS( I 0,) SI'(5-IO) RS(5-IO) WT PH(5-IO) 1'1IC(5-10) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+}

Surauli Khurd 68 2,024.0 ------Uninhabited ------Daria (04680500)

HPTW W Tikrauli 430 1'(2) 1\.1 C(S- MCWH(IO+) TKRC POPII ACS(5-IO) CV(5-IO} 13S(5-IO) 69 3678 2,390 (04680600) 10) PIIC(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IOI) SI'(S-IO} R5(5-IO) SS-WT CP(5-IO) O(,S(IOI) ST(5-10) NW(IlH)

Ringna 65 I' M« 5) C(5- 10) MC~:~:- Ill' IV SS- I'll 1'0« I\(,S(5-10) (,V(5-IO) OS« 5) 70 188.6 409 CM(5-10) NCS(It)l) "SI'(5-10) RS(5-11I) (04680700) 10) 10) pH('(5-IO) W 5) (,P(S-IO) OCS(IO'} ST(5-IO} NW(IOC)

Kanjauh 1'« H(5- Ill' IV SS- AeS(5-III) CV(5-IO) 13S(5-IO) 71 5099 128 24 5) M« 5) C(5- 10) MC\V(5- IV 1'0« 5) ('1\.1(5-10) NCS(Il)l) SI'(5-10) (04680800) RS(5-IO) 10) 10) 1'11C(5-1(~ I'H(5-10) ep(5-IO) OeS( 10') ~ S 1'(5-10) NW(101 )

Silukher 167 I'M(5-10) 1-1(5- 111' W SS AeS(toq CV(S-IO) OS(5-IO) 72 418.5 956 10) MCW(5- - 1'0(5-IO} 01(10+) (04680900) ('(101) NCS(ltl') Sl'(IO+} RS(5-IO) 10) PIIC(5-10) W 1'11(5-10) CP«5) OCS(IOI) S 1'(10+) NIV(I(H)

102 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (I.e. area under different types or lamlusc ill hectare)"

c E S -'" £: c- on "> -i3 -i3" u 0 ::! u" "c c; ~ " ~ 5 ~ on "~ 0 " :0 on u E" > :§ ~ " :0" ;: o(j E U;" E .g " >, ::E" '0 £ 01) ...s'" \:i 'l:; >, ~ 9 0. " ." ." "> ;: " a. '5 ~ ~ c E g "0- o.~ :!3" " ._ -5 " ~ ",I) "~ 0 0 ~ ~ 5. .5 ~ ] c ~ .c "E ~ ;:l "u c.. ~ bn "E ~ g " ~ 0 :; E " 0 " "0 E c " ~ .2' Z" n.." Z" ::'E E" LL. ::J U "on < Z" " 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 '"'

ED EAG N GC(340) 13 7 Kuchhcchha PR lIamirpur (Mb) (4) 1010 III (,0 EO EA '1'04.0) })anda

...... Uninhabited ...... 16.0 13 5 SuraJPul (),\I\{! (,l

PC(3.9) W(47.4) PR FP H,umrpur (Mb) (4) ED EAG N M '15.3 511 <.) 2 Amllt;l TW(7.9) T(S9.2)

TWE(IS 8) I'RMR Hamirpur (Mb) (5) EAG NM TK(8.8) 77.9 6.2 24 Ch"ntiull Teer 1'1' T(24.6)

WE(220) ED EAG TW(29.0) I'R MR Sumcrpur (Np) (9) 460.8 1.2 3D 9 Ch"nuaukhi 64 EO lOA TWE(SO.O) T(IOIO)

------Uninhabited ------39.0 2 3 P

...... Unmhabiled ...... W(1.0) T(1.0) 35.0 1)1) SlChn Dana 6(,

I'RMR GC(30.0) 8 7 Surauh Khurd Hamirpur (Mb) (10) ED EAG . 2.6 67 FP T(30.0) LJanda

GC(30 0) .-...... Uninhabited ...... 2.6 87 SUlault Khcud Daria 68 T(30.0)

TK(889) I'R Hamlrpur (Mb) (10) ~g ~~G N 205 J }() 6 69 T(88.9)

TWE(57.7) ~:;MR Hamirpur(Mb)(IO) . 113.3 36 1-1.6 RlI\gna 70 T(57.7)

TW07.2) MR FP Sumcrpur (Np) (7) TWE(839) 368 I 71 T(121 I)

Pit ~IR TWE(919) SumcIllUr (Np) (5) ED EAG . 2829 141 21 (, Sallkhcl 72 FP T(91.9\

103 DISTRICT CENSUS IIANDBOOK : HAMIRPUR CenSllS of India 200 I - Amenities lind Amenities available (Ii' not available withIn the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the colullln and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VI7. < 5 killS, 5-1 () killS. and 10+ kill' of the ncarest place where the facilIty IS available IS given)

"o "u .S" ';j o ....J" ~ "0/) ~ ~ .D" .;: E :;;! "­o -;;" ·c "E (/)" z" 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Narayanpur I'M«5)CI5- 11« III'WSS. 1'111'0« ACo(5-11I) CV«5) IlS« 5) 73 522 0 699 131 10) 5) MCW«5) W Ot(IOI) (0468 tOOO) N( S(tlll) SI'( 10') 1(0,« 5) PHC« 5) 5) CI'« 5) OCS(tO I ) S I (Ill ') NW(tOI)

Nazarpur 1'« 11« III'W R ACo(lll' ) CV« 5) BS« 5) 74 1077 162 28 5) M« 5) C(5- 5) MCW« 5) SS-W 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04681100) NC o(IIlI) SI'(I()! ) I(S« 5) 10) f'HC« 5) 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) O( ~(lllf) S I (III I) NW(IO')

CIlW 11« 5) Sumcrpur Rural HI'W ss- ACS« 5) CV«5) IlS I(S« 5) 75 3,9510 7,077 1,267 I'M SC«5) MCW«5) T PO PI! CM« 5) (04681200) NCS«5) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-IO) CI'« 5) OCS« 5) ST(104 )

Simnaudl 1'(2) M(2) C(5 - II(S- HI' W SS- PH 1'0« ACS(5-IO) CV(5·10) BS(5-IO) 76 630 I 1,843 (04681300) 325 10) 10) MCW« 5) W 5) 01(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(5-10) RS(5-10) PHC(5-IO) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

CHW H(5-IO) HI' TW W itS Bada Gaon CM(S-IO) ACS(IOI) CV(IIH) 77 6836 1,310 202 I' M« 5) MCW(IO+) TKRSS- 1'0(5-10) 8S(10+) (04681400) C(IO+) ep(I()+) NCS(IO~) 'SI'(IO+) 1'1IC(5-IO) WT I'H« 5) NW(IO+) OeS(IOI) ST(III+I

Bhabhaura 1'« CHW 11« 5) III' W TK ACS« 5) CV(IO+) IlS(IU+) 78 1586 714 110 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) C SS-WT 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04681500) NCS(IUi) SI'(IO+) RS« 5) C(lOI) 1'1IC«5) 1'11«5) CI'(5-10) OCS(IIH) ST(IO,) NW( 101-)

HDMCW HI' TW W PO 1'11« RS Pateora Danda 687 1'(2) M« 5) I'HSRMI' CM(5-IU) ACS(5-IO) eV(IOI) 79 1,294.0 4,081 TK RC 5) I1S(IO+) (04681600) ((10+) CHW(2) NCS(I01-) SI'(IO+) SS-WT NW(IO+) I'HC(IO+) CI'(510) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Patcora Daria 80 2748 ------Unlnhablled - (04681700)

Surauli Buzurg 81 2384 ------Uninhabited ------Daria (04681800)

Surauli Buzurg 957 1'(6) M(5-W) 11(10+) Ill' W SS- 1'11(2) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 82 2384 5,705 Danda (04681900) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) W 1'0(5-10) SI'( 10') RS(IO'-) PHC(IO+) ST(IO; ) NW« 5)

Barua 208 I' ~I(IO+) 11(10+) III' IWW 1'01'11« <\( 'I <.5) l V( 10') Il~(5-11I) S} 539 I 1.285 01(10') C(101-) I>ICW(5-IO) ({S5-WI 5) NCS(I(I') 51'( IIlI) RS(IO.) (04682000) ('1'(5·10) PIIC( 10+) I)( S( 101 ) S I «((Ii) NW« 5)

Chand Punva 84 311.6 ------Uninhabited ------Khurd (04682100)

I3haura Daria 85 30.4 ------Uninhabited ------(0-1682200)

104 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land use (I.e area under different types or land usc in I hcetarc)** E g "'" 2- c '0 -0 :: 1; 0 ] ~~ v E u ~ ~" " 8 2 "ell ~ 0 " 'J -0 u "> :c ~ ~ 8 "Oil .;; ~ c M ~ ~ >, ::;;: en ~ g tn" ":< .n " 0.. u > " ..:: 0. c. " " ~ ._ E u 8'" " &2 g :0" " ;;; 0- " ~ §~ eI} " ~ " to: a c e" ..:: " " " ~ _g u " "a ~ ~ 0 " ::l E "~ 5: 0 " 2 < z·" o. Z" ;;: "E ~ U" "~fl -:: Z" :/0" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

W(31.3) ED EAG TWE(164) ~:; MR Sumcrpur (Np) (3) 425 2 357 35 2 Nill

I'RMR ED EAG TWE(56 J) Sumcrpur (Np) (3) 136 I 2 3(, 7 Na7

310 TWE(I020) I'R Sumcrpur (Np) (0) ED EAG . 1453.0 2174.0 19IJ 7 SlItnl"rpUl RUI,d 75 · T(1020)

2S 6 TWE( 136.5) PH. Sumerpur (Np) (8) ED EAG N M 431.9 16.0 Stmnaudt 7(, · T(136.5)

570 TW(200.0) MRFI' Sumcrpur(Np) (!4) EAG 3210 42.5 63.1 Bad;] Gaon 77 · '1(200.0)

PRMR GC(41.2) Sumcrpur (Np) (II) ED M 99.2 184 Bh"bhaul

GC(2866) MRFP Sumcrpur(Np) (16) EAG TWE(29.5) 583.1 4204 177.5 Paleo! a Dandn 79 T(316.1)

------Uninhabited -.-.. ------28.8 245 y Paleol

100 2 GC(34.0) SunHili Buzurg ------.- Uninhabited ..... ---.--- 8832.1 374.4 ~O.1 2 81 · T(34.0) D

1022 GC(34.0) <-lO"\2 SutauliBu7I1Ig MR FP Sumcrpllr (Np) (19) . 8832 1 3744 R~ · T(34.0) - Danda

TW(20.0) MRFI' Sumcrpur (Np) (29) EAG NR TWE(52.0) :!50 0 1090 i () I ~ B,lnl,l ~.1 1'(72.0)

TWE(60.3) ------Uninhabited ------269.8 I-LX Chand 1'\11\\,1 Khtlld ~4 T(60.3)

TWE( 10.3) ------Uninhabllcd ------15.7 ~.(, Bhalll (l IJdn

105 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200 I - Amenities and Amenities available (ir not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance.n broad ranges viz.< 5 killS, 5-10 killS and IIH killS "rthe nearest place where the racillty is aVallable.s given)

"0 "o u c: 2 i;" ;:; u o tP­ ..J o 6 "'d u ~n" ;; '­o t ~ .D " E" § E-'"E '" o 5 z" Z U_15 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13


IIPWR Dco Gaon 488 1'(2) M C(S­ 11(5- 1'01'11« CI' CM« /\(,S(5·10) CV(S-IO) IIS()-IO) 87 869.7 2,618 10) MCW(5- W (04682400) to) 5) 5) NCS(III,) SI'(ltH) RS(5-tll) 10) PIIC(5-10) SS- O(,S(IOI) 51(10 1 ) N\I'(IOI)

H(5- Gahtauh 90 1'(2) M 10) IIJ'WTK /\CS« 5) CV(IO') !lSIIOC) 88 352.9 491 CM«5) (04682500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) C SS-WT 1'0« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(I01-) [(SI< 5) 1'11(10+) CP« 5) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO') ST(IO+) NWIIOI)

HPWTK Jalala 115 PM«5) - 1-1« AC5«5) ('V(IO~) I3S(ltH) 89 219.8 710 5) MCW(IO+) C SS-WT 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04682600) C(IOt) NCS(IO~ ) SI'(IO+) RS« 5) I'HC« 5) PH« 5) CI'«5) OCS(IO~) S'I(IOt) NW(IOC)

IIA MeW llS Pachkhura Buzurg 728 1'(4) M(2) III' W SS- CP CM« ACS« 5) CV(IU+) 90 1,140.0 4,078 1'115 11(5-10) W PO I'll RS(IO+) (04682700) C(IO+) 5) NCS(IUl) SI'(IO+) PIIC(5-IO) NIVIIW) OCS(IOI) ST(IOI)

H(5- HPW SS- CV(5-10) US RS(S- Terha 1,160 1'(2) M(2) CM CI'(5- /\CS(5-IO) 91 3645 6,796 10) MCW(5- W PO PH (04682800) C(IO+) 10) NCS(IOI') SI'(IO+) 10) 10) PIIC(IO+) OCS(IOI') ST(IO+) NW(IOl)

135 Isa"li 70 I' M« 5) II( 10+) HI' W SS- ACS(f()I-) CV(I()+) 92 269.6 415 1'0« 5) CM«5) RSIIO+) (04682900) C(IO') MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO~) SI'( 10 ') 1'11« 5) ('1'(5-10) NW(IO+) I'I!C(!O+) OCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) IIA PIIS IlS Mauhar III 10+) liP W SS- I'll 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(IO~) 93 605.4 1.801 343 I' M C(IOI') CM«5) RS(IO-) (04683000) MCW«5) W 5) NCS(IOI) SI'(lOI) CI'(IO+) NWIIO') I'IIC(5-10) OCSIIOI) ST(IOI-)

- 11(5- HI' WTK Nil' Kailhi 01(5-10) (\(,S(IOI) ('VIIO!) 94 1,682.0 3.584 603 I' M C(IO+) BS(IO') 10) MCW« 5) R SS-WT PO I'll N(,S(5-IO) SI'(IO') (04683100) RS(!O+) PHC(S-IO) ('1'(10+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

Arazi Mutnaja 95 I'andheri 36 ------Unmhab.ted ------.---- (04683200)

Pandhcn 6751'(6) M(3)C(5 MCWII(5-10)THI'WR 1'0(;-10) (\(,S(5-IO) (,V(5-IO) 1,51,-10) 96 1,577.0 3.707 CM(S-IO) NCS(IO') (04683300) 10) P/lC(5-1O) S5-1I1' 1'11(5-10) S!'( 1( 1 ) RSI5-llJ) ('1'(5-10) OCS(ltH) S I (10 I) N\I( 1(11)

106 VillAGE DIRECTORY ----,------Village Directory

Lnnd usc (i,c, area under differcnllypcs or land usc in ~r-" (A' ~ 1999) heclarc)'*

OJ u 5 ~ » ~ -0 ~ ~ 1c! So u_0 I .E: 19 20

TWE(60,3) Sumerpur (Np) (29) EAG 240 I 602 13i1;lUra Dilllda 86 :;:~ ~~\ 1'(60,3)

GC(160,7) \V(OA) PH. MR Sumerpllr (Np) (7) ED EAG N 37,6 TWE(O,S) 489 Z IO(),Z 72 0 !Jet) Claon 87 T(16l.9)

PRMR Sumerpur (Np)(ll) ED M 230,0 (Jahlallh FP

I'RMR GC(113.S) Sumcrpur (Np) (II) ED M 277.6 15,8 89 1'1' T(113.5) J"I"I"

GC(80 0) W(GO.O) PRFI' Sumerpur (Np) (15) EAG NM 883.0 47,0 90.0 Pachkhura Buztllg 90 TWE(40,O) 1'(180.0)

W(70.0) WE(120.0) PR Sumerpur (Np) (to) ED EAG NM 2193.0 6304 169.6 TClhn 91 TWE(460.0) T(650.0)

TW(22.S) PR Sumerpur (Np) (14) ED NM TK(45.0) 185.0 17.5 ISilUli 92 T(67.5)

W(39.1) EDEAG PR Sumerpur (Np) (14) TK(55.1) 452.7 13.5 467 rvlauhar 93 EOEA T(94.2)

GC(18l.0) TW(80.0) PR FP Sumerpur (Np) (22) ED 13.0 R(35.0) 1352.0 530 34.0 K:lItlll 94 NR 0(15.0) T(311.0)

Arazi I\lulnap ------,- Uninhabited ..--- ...-.-. 38 95 Prtndhctl

W(70.0) EDEAG I'R Sumerpllr (Np) (10) NM TWE(200,7) 1039 P(lndhcll 96 EO EA 1'(270.7)

107 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amcnitics and Amenities available (irnut available within the village, a dash (-) is showll ill tile ~(lIUIlIII alld ncxt to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 kms., 5-10 killS. allli IOf- kms orthc nearest place where the facility IS available IS givell)

o o c:'.

~o E z" 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CIIWH(5-IO) IIPW'IK IlS RS(5- Para Ral Pura 340 P M« 5) 97 6864 1.812 CM(5-IO) I\CS(5-tO) eV(5-11l) 10) (04683400) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) S5-IIIT 1'0« 5) 1'11C(5-IO) 1'11«5) CI'(5-IO) NeS(5-IO) SI'(I()I) N\I'(IOI) OC~(5-11l) ST(lllq

42 I'M«5) 11(5- 111'11' SS- 1'111'0« I\CS(5-IO) CV(5-11I) IlS(5-IO) 98 Itara (O~683500) 361.0 196 CM(5-IO) NCS(III") SI'(IOI) C(IO+) :~~ ~~;2;()) III 5) RS(S-IO) C1'(S-IO) OCS( Ill') S I (I Il ') NIV( IIJI)

Chand Purwa MCW Jl(S-JO) HI' TW W 99 Iluzurg 1,317.0 4,890 845 1'(2) M CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(5-IO) I3S(5-11)) C(lO+) I'HC(5-10) SS-WT PO I'll NCS(IOI-) SI'(IO+) RS(5-10) (04683600) CI'(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NIV(HH-)

Bhaunia P M(5-10) C(5. - 11(5- HI' TW W I\CS(5-IO) CV(5-10) BS(5-IO) 100 634.2 1,368 235 10) 10) MCW(5- TK SS- 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04683700) NCS(III") SI'(IOI) RS(5-IO) 10) I'IIC(S-IO) WI 1'11(5-10) CI'(S-IO) OCS(IO+) SI(IO+) NW(IO+)

- fJ(S- , I'achkhura Khurd CM CP(5- I\CS(5-10) CV(5-11l) I3S(5-IO) 101 743.8 1,555 237 I'MC(5-IO) 10) MCW(S- HI'\'. SS- 1'0«5) (04683800) 10) NCS(S-IO) SI'(IO") RS(S-IO) 10) 1'1-IC(5-10) W 1'1-1(5-10) OCS(5-10) Sf(IO+) N\v(IOL)

H(5- Bir Khcm 10) THI'W I\CS(5-IO) eV(5-IO) I3S(5-IO) 102 593.3 2,102 PO I'll CM«S) (04683900) 341 I'MC(S-IIl) MCW(lO+) SS-HP NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(S-IO) CI'(S-IO) 1'1'1C(5-10) oeS( I()I) ST( 1Ilf) NIV( 10+)

Dhundh Pur H« HI' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(IIl-4-) 13S(IO+) 103 596.1 2,364 412 I' M C(IO+) 5) MCW( 10+) W 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04684000) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'I-IC(IO+) I'H« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(H)! ) ST(IO+) NIV(IO+)

11(5- Till' TW Almia ACS« 5) eV(IO-l-) BS(5-IO) 104 751.1 1,661 284 1'(2) M(5-IO) 10) IV R S5- 1'0 I'll CM«5) (04684100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) Ill' NCS(IOI) SPOO+ ) RS(IO+) CI'(5-10) I'IIC(IO+) OC5(lt)l) S rc 10+) NW(IO+)

Badanrur I' M« 5) C(5- - 11(5- Ill' W 5S- I\("S«5) ("\'\5-10) IlS(5-10) 105 3234 1,242 213 10) MCW«5) 1'0«5) CM«5) (04684200) NCS( 10 ,) SI'(III') RS(5-10) 10) I'IIC(S-IO) W 1'11(5-10) CI'(S-IO) O("S(IO') Sr(IIl) NII'lIO')

Padhauli 106 255.8 ------Umnhablled ------(04684300)

108 VILLAGE DIRECTORY-'--______Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i,e, area under

c '2 g -" 2- c ;t " -6 :; ~ 0 ='-' c " ""::;" !J ~ " II E -;;; <2 00 :0 ~ 0 ~ "0 u ":> " :; o " 0- P- ~ ] -"! § E -" B o. " ::l W " .c " ~ 0- u '5 '_0 ::: ~ § ~ " " <2 .r::'" c e ~ '" ::l "u Q. ~ 3 ~ C E" ;: 0- " 0 ~ ::l " 0 ~ Z" Z ;;; E ;G" Vi < " "- " " ~ G "'"' " 14 15 16 17 I~ 19 20 21 22 23" 2

TW(472) I'R Sumcrpllr (Np) (5) ED Ei\G N M TWE(IOO 8) 469.5 22,0 467 1',11(\ Rat I'Uffl T(148,O}

TK(l18,6) 24 (, Itill !VIR Sumerpur (Np) (6) ED Ei\G - 8,1 T(118,6) 2098 a

TK(4368) Chand PU"'

W(98') !VIR Sumerpur (Np) (8) ED N 4898 43 43.2 I3hal/lllil 1011 1'(98.3)

GC(40,0) W(lO,O) PR Sumerpur (Np) (7) ED NM 602,0 40,S 1,0 1'W(50,0) 1.0 Pachkhmtl Kllllld 101 '1'(1 OD,D}

OC(190,2) WE(14,9) PR Sumcrpur (Np) (9) EDEAG N 0,5 TWE(112,0) 328.6 178 55,5 1311 Khcl<1 102 R(78.2) '1'(395.3)

W(58J) TW(41.7) PR Sumcrpur (Np) (15) - 359.4 219 47 7 Dhulldh Pur IO} TWE(67.2) T(167.2)

W(40.0) PR Sumerpur (Np) (IS) - TWE(IIO.O) 454,0 124.1 75 () Atraitl 104 1'(150.0)

TWE(57.0) TK(160) PI< Sumerpur (Np) (10) ED 218.1 30 19.3 Badnnpur lOS R(ID.O) '1'(83.0)

WE(4J.O) TW(9.8) ------Unln!mbllcd ------203.8 1',,<.111<11111 11)(, R(9.2) '1'(62.0)

109 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Al11enities available (irnot available wIthin the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the colulllll alld Ilext to it III brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kills and 10+ kill' "rthc nearest place where the racility is ,lvailablc is gIven)

co o ~ '" ~'"

... .~" .a" :; 0. § o c 0. -;;; _D" ·c § Vl" z 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

Gaun 74 I' M« 5) 11(10+) IIPTWW - ACS« 5) (,V(IOI) IlS(5-IO) 107 293.0 387 CM«5) (04684400) C(J(h) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 1'0«5) NC-S(IO+) SI'(IO !) I\S(IOI) 1'11« 5) CP(S-IO) I'IIC« 5) OC-S(IOI) SI(IO I) N\v(IO+ )

Mlhuna CHW 11(10+) III' W SS- 1'111'0« 108 173 I'M«5) AC~« 5) ('V(IOI) IlSI 10') 412.0 I,03S MCW«5) W 5) CM«5) (04684500) C(IO+) NCS( 101) SI'( 10') RS( 10') I'HC(IU+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IOI) S'I(IO' ) NW(IO' )

Mundera 193 llliMCW ACS 558 1'(2) M III' TW W PO CM CV(IO+) IlS(IO+) 109 Pauthia Buwrg 1,417.0 3,164 11(10+) NCS(IO+) C(IO+) SS-W'I I'H(IU+) CI'(IO+) SP(HH) RSIIO") (04684600) PHC(IO+) OCS( It)l) ST(IO+) N\V( 11)+-)

11(3) IIA(3) 1111(2) 1>(2) DA 1'(5) W(81) 1'(112) ~t(44) MCW(16) TK(l8) PO(25) CI\I(8) IIS(17) Block Total 58528.1 154815 26418 S(4) 1'~C(2) cwe Pile 111'(80) "CS(6) PIIS(6) 1'11(64) CP(6) RS(3) NW C AC(2) FWC(4) TW(16) R(IH) RMI'(II) C(II) L Si\lP CIIW(18)

110 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i c area under

]' g 2- c 'l) " :0 E "<> 0 ] ~ E ~ " "5 E .~ '-" ':ill ~ ~ " .;:; 8 '">- '-' -" .:,l 0" ;J. " OIl ';;: :;;: c e " ~ c:: >, " "0 00 ~ -" t: I:: " -0 .c S ~ 0. ::1" "0 ;: :;: " 0- P- o. ::1 " .c 8 "" U 3 " " " '- :c ~ g ~ 0. § g) " '5 ~ ~ ~ " e 2 ::1 'E " 0. ~ -8 " E " ~ 0 '"§ ] ::1 " c 0. " 0 :;;- C 2 < Z" "-" Z" E ;::J () " < Z" v;" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22"" 23 2

GC(IOO,O) I'R Sumcr],ur (Np) (14) - N 141.0 120 400 Gallil t07 T(IOO 0)

TW(86,O) Pi{ Sumcrpur (Np) (II) ED TWE(510) 2510 240 1"lzllllllJ lOR T(1370)

88 0 193 I'R Sumcrpur (Np) (13) ED EAG N 987.0 13,0 ~'Iundcra 109 . Pauthm Buzurg

GC(3786.14) PC(33.906) \\'(999.799) \\,E(370.286) PH(70) TW(2517.15 ED(64) i\1R(29) 3) EAG(58) N(37) FI'(24) 6XB.7 TWE(4249.9 52279.2 6040.2 5547.7 EO(2?) 1\1(21) NR(3) II) EA(l9) NW TK(870.151) R(l32.538) \\,F(IO) 0(20.47) T(12990.354)




K I L.O N ET R!:5 J 1 • • 7 • L ~~------~-"~ c


.... ,_

/) J

R c

ItOUNDAt.\ V IIJSnaCT TAIISll._ YIIAS KJiA'I1D _ YlllAGr: . ITH PDlIIIAI'r;MT 1,OCAf1(»I CXJDE NU YUl'! G; nooao I IlliAOQUAR1'I:JtI TAHSIL, YIK4S KH ,t "D _ @) --- - @

499 !IOO-1i$':I . 1(o:I 499!l1 !iOOOII'A1-U'o'5 UNI!l HABn'llJo VlLLJt,CE9 WITH f'l:}( M,.,Nt:NT LOCATll»l COUll /rIU NBE:R UmJAN ARf'..'I Wml LOCATION coor. NUWB.flt STAT[ HJCH.A'(_ _ VI KAS KHAND NO OF' VII. I. AGES POPULA TlO INf'OR1'",., N!TALU:f) ROAD l - I--- ~ A R I I. It 8. 102.0011 RIV F.R AND STREAM 1'UST oma; I~ r. 0 II A N 0 OR 103495 ~ HtcM~ / I);"mIOOIl..lC! • RAT H 86 92.243 "KlliAln' H!A.L.Tlf CDn'RE RANI( _ .. I • 1-

Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name, of the Distdet:Hamirpur LUO j Census locatIOn I YY I Census iocattoll code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4

Name of CD Block: Sarila Name of Sub-Dist: 0002 1 Atrauli 04685400 410020003000010008 2 Badhouli 04687000 410020003000070062 3 Bandwa 04692900 410020003000090078 4 Bangara 04689800 410020003000050041 5 Barahara 04686700 410020003000020021 6 Bareda Khalsa 04688100 410020003000080073 7 Bareda Mat 04687100 410020003000070063 8 Bargawan 04689000 410020003000060055 9 Barkhera 04691400 410020003000040031 10 Basariya 04685700 410020003000020011 11 Baukhar 04686900 410020003000070061 12 Benda Danda 04687700 410020003000080069 13 Benda Dariya 04687800 410020003000080070 14 Bhakhrauli 04687300 410020003000070065 15 BhediDanda 04690900 410020003000030025 16 Bhedi Dariya 04691000 410020003000030024 17 Bheshaen 04692500 410020003000090083 18 Bhikhampura 04690000 410020003000050044 19 Bilgaon 04692000 410020003000040038 20 Bilpur 04689500 410020003000050042 21 Birhat 04688200 410020003000080074 22 Budhi 04686500 410020003000020019 23 Chandaut Danda 04685000 410020003000010007 24 Chandaut Dariya 04684900 410020003000010003 25 Chheri Saini 04691900 410020003000040035 26 Chhibouli 04689200 410020003000060059 27 Dadov 04688600 410020003000060051 28 Danda 04685600 410020003000020010 29 Devkhuri 04691500 410020003000040032 30 Dhagwan 04685500 410020003000010009 31 Dharoupur 04690700 410020003000030030 32 Dhauhal Suzurg 04691800 410020003000040034 33 Dhauhal Khurd 04691700 410020003000040036 34 Gahuli 04690100 410020003000050048 35 Gutakbara 04687400 410020003000070066 36 Hardua 04688000 410020003000080072 37 Harsundi 04686000 410020003000020014 38 Hasaupur Sensa 04691200 410020003000030027 39 Idhow 04687600 410020003000080068 40 Indrapura 04686400 410020003000020018 41 Islampur 04688300 410020003000080075 42 Jalalpur 04690800 410020003000030029 43 Jamauri Danda 04684800 410020003000010002 44 Jamquri Dariya 04684700 410020003000010001 45 Jariya 04687500 410020003000070067 4(:5 Jariya Tila 04688900 410020003000060054 47 Jhirmouli 04692200 41002000300009008 '1 48 Jitakiri Danda 04685300 410020003000010006 49 Jitakiri Dariya 04685200 410020003000010005 50 Kadoura 04686100 410020003000020015

113 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the DistJ'ict:Hamirpul" LUU I Ccnsus location I YY I Census location code Serial numbcr Name of village eode number Ilumber 1 2 3 4

51 Kanera 04691300 410020003000030028 52 Karyari 04688400 410020003000060058 53 Katehari 04692100 410020003000040037 54 Kesarganj 04689100 410020003000060056 55 Khandaut 04690600 410020003000030023 56 Kharka 04692800 410020003000090077 57 Khera Silajit 04687200 410020003000070064 58 Kupara 04691100 410020003000030026 59 Lodhi Pura 04686300 410020003000020017 60 Magrol 04692700 410020003000090076 61 Maharajpur 04689700 410020003000050040 62 Mamna 04689400 410020003000050043 63 Mankehn 04688700 410020003000060052 64 Muhammadpura 04690500 410020003000050050 65 Neoli Basa 04686200 410020003000020016 66 Nibauli 04690300 410020003000050047 67 Pachkhura 04688800 410020003000060053 68 Pahara 04692300 410020003000090082 69 Parcht1a 04690200 410020003000050049 70 Puraini 04690400 410020003000050046 71 Rahirka 04692600 410020003000090080 72 Rajamau 04691600 410020003000040033 73 Rar Khera 04686600 410020003000020020 74 Ratauli 04685100 410020003000010004 75 Rigawara Kalan 04689300 410020003000060060 76 Rirwa Buzurg Danda 04685900 410020003000020013 77 Rirwa Buzurg Dariya 04685800 410020003000020012 78 Sarila 04688500 410020003000060057 79 Sikrodha 04686800 410020003000020022 80 Suzguwan 04687900 410020003000080071 81 Tai 04689600 41 002000:~000050039 82 Tikri Parmal 04689900 410020003000050045 83 Turna 04692400 410020003000090084 84 Uparhaka 04693000 410020003000090079


----- DIS1HICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CClISUS of India 20(1 I - Amcnitics and AmenitIes available (if not availc,blc withlll the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colull1ll and next to It ill brackets the d,stallcc' in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 kills, 5·10 kills. and 10+ kl1ls of tile ncarcst place where the facility IS available IS gIven) 1:! ~ .£3 t z '-' v; 'J '-' u ,; c .c ~ :; u c; :;; c r- ._ .:::: .- 0" t::'" .~ u r- 3 ..2 " g_ E E ~ <.> ~ is.. C; u :J OJ -::: ,/l ~ "0 00 co '-' c. '" .~ .r, ....l :§ 0 " ~ 'E .~ :J ~ .s;: '0 ~)'~ 5==B OJ '-' ~ ~ .c" ;:;'" ~jg-a ;:; u ~ ~ .r, ~ u '";; 3 ...... ~ ~ ::l c en ~ ,;; '" <{ ~ .g § 0 d ...::: .....-= _g ..!d. t:::o " '2 E ;:: 0 .D .s;: 0 ~ ~ ~ '':::: " ..... ~ u ""§ >.~ E 0 ~ biJ r- u ..... 5. ,_ C u :; ... "1:! 0 .2 "0 .:e" d '0" C ~ ~ 0 0. " -; C " t :oJ » .D U ~ - " :=: E c/) " " OJ ~..> ~ E ~ v .~ g~ "c " § ~ '5 cr. ~~ -§ c ":J: ;15 0" 0 -6 0 :;£1 -g g .:: 0":: Vl u l- I- llJ IV U,"U " Z i I ~ 0 0.. c5.2 < :oj u 2 2 3 4 5 (, ._-7 8 9 .10 II 12 13

CD BI()ck: Sarila (0410)

Jamauri Dar:ya 235.0 ... ----- UllInhabllcd .. -.... -.... (04684700)

Jamaun Danda I' 1\/1(5-1 OJ 11(10+) III' W SS· 1'111'0(5· ACS(5·IO) CV(IO+) BS(5·IO) 2 900.0 1,532 231 CM« 5) (04684800) C(IOI) MCW(IDI) W 10) NCS(IOe) 51'(101-) I{S( 10') CP(5·10) I'lIqlOI-) OCS(IOI) ST(IO') NW(IOI)

Chandaut 3 Danya 233.0 ...-.--- Uninhabited .--.--.... -. (04684900)

I'IIS FWC Chandout 1'(2) M H(IO+) Ill' W H PO 1'11« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 4 Danda 2,517.0 4,946 WO CM« 5) C(IOI) MCW(5-IO) SS·W 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (04685000) CP(5-10) PI!C(5·10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{!O+)

Ratauh 244.0 ..------Uninhabited ...... -.. -- (04685100) Jitakiri Dariya 6 82.0 --.----- Uninhabited .-...... -.. - (04685200)

. Il(5· HI' TW W NW 8S(5· J itakiri Danda I' M« 5) - ACS« S) CV{IO+) 7 1,327.0 1,377 230 10) MCW(S- TK R SS. PO I'll 01(5-10) 10) (04685300) C(lO+) 10) I'lle(5· NCS(IO+) Sp{IO+) WT CP(IO+) 1\5(10+) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

ACS BS Atrauli I'M(S-IO) . Il« Till' \v 1'01'11« CV(IO+) 8 673.0 1,556 245 CM« 5) NCS(IO+) RS(IO') (04685400) C(IO+) 5) MCW« 5) S5-1I1' 5) 51'(10+) I'IIC« 5) ('1'(10+) OCS(IO') NW(IO+) ~T(IOI )

T Ill' 1'W AC5 Dhagwan P M IIAMCW CM CI'(5- NCS(IO+) C\'(IO+) 85« 5) 9 897.0 2,038 367 W'I K 5S- 1:" 1'0« (04685500) (,(10+) 1',111 ['IIC )) SI'( 10+) 1\5(10+) III' 10) OCS(IO,) 51'( 10+) NW{IO')

Danda 10 505.0 .. ---.-- Unlllhabited -----....--- (04685600)

l3asanya PM(S·IO) 11(10+) III' W SS- 5) AeS( 10,) ('\ (10+) llS(5·IO) II 764.0 973 172 I'O(~ CM« 5) C(IO,') MCIV(IO+) NCS(IO') SP( 10',) 1\5(10") (04685700) \V 1'11« 5) CI'(IO+) Pile( I 0+-) OC5(IO') ~T(I()I ) NW( 10')

Rim a lluzuJ;g 12 Dariya 240.0 -.--.. -- Unlilhabitcd .-.-.... ---- (04685800)

RIr\\'3 Buzurg P M« 5) 111 10 I') III' W SS· 1'111'0(5· ACS(IO,) CV(IO') llS(S-IU) 13 Danda 3700 1,085 1')8 C1I.1« 5) 1 C(lflf} MCW(101) w 10) NCS(IO') SP( III I} 1'.5(10 ) (04685900) CI'(IO+) 1'1IC(1t)f ) OC5(IOI) S 1'110 I) NW(IOI)

115 VILLAGE DiRECTORY------Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area undcrdiffercllttypcs orland usc in hectare)"

E S -'" .g c E' ~ 'i3 " 0 ~ B " '-'c E 'N E 'r, 2 e/) ~ 0 " -5 "t! ·t ;- '"on u " :n" ~ ~ oG OJ) .;;: E '"~ .."! ~ c >. :;;;'" -0 ~ "to E ';::; t >. ;! .!O" .s D.. '"0 1: -0 "> ;;: D. 0.. OJ e v .c S " 0.. " ~ .~ '-' " i?, U -0 ;:; :n" " Cf. D.'" § <2 ;!J ~ 2 i; :l Cf. ~ § " 0_ u ., c ~ ~ c ~IJ OJ " c. ;.; OJ '"0 (3 '= " 0 :;;; i:: <0 " < Z 0..." Z "E LL. :S 8 00 -< z'" 14 15 16 17 22 2] 2 p 18 19 20 21 fj

------Unlnhabitcd ------26.0 W(6.0) T(6.0) 4020 4080 900 () Jamaurt DarlYJ ------

MR FP Rath (Mb) (30) 26.0 W(6 0) T(6 0) 4020 4080 YOO 0 Jamaul! Danda

W(400) Chandaul ------Uninhabited ------256.0 TWE(120.0) 23570 2560 Dariya T(160.0)

W(40.0) PR Kalapi (22) ED EAG - Porridge 256.0 TWE(l20.0) 23570 256 () . Clmldaut 4 !Janda T(160 0)

------Uninhabited ------Ratauli

------Uninhabited ------.htakill DUI iya (,

MRFP Sarila (Np) (24) 1327.0 8180 607 1385 5 .litakiri Danda

TWE(120.0) EDEAG I'll. Sarila (Np) (12) NM 0(6.0) 7.0 Atrauli EOEA T(126.0)

EDEAG PRMR Atarnull (I) N 1000 GC(300.0) 2970 120.0 Dhagwan 9 EO EA . T(300.0)

------Unmhabited ------Danda 10

MR Sarda (Np) (25) 890 6550 llasanya II

Rllwa Buzurg ------Uninhabltcd ------12 Dariya

GC(I~ 0) Rllwa Fl) Sarda (Np) (17) 34R 0 13 T(180) lluzlII g Dandn

116 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is showil ill the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kills or-the ncarcst placc where the facility is available is given}

o '"~ .g" :;" "­ o ... "- .0" ":; Z 2 3 4 (, 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Harsundl 11(10+) Ill' W S5- 1'1 11'0« 8S(5-10) 14 1,014.0 2,108 338 P M CM« 5) ACS« 5) eV(IOe) (04686000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W 5) CI'(IO+) NCS(IOc) SI'(IOc) RS(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11(5· Kadoura 120I'M«5) 10) MCW(S- Till' W ACS« 5) ('V(ID') [3S(IO· ) IS 765.0 829 1'0« 5) (,M« 5) (04686100) C(IO+) 10) 1'1IC(5- 55-III' N e5( 10 I) S 1'(1 0 , ) RS(IOI) i 1'11« 5) CI'(IO+) 10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ncoli Basa 233 1'(2) M« 11(10+) Aes CV(IO+) llS(5-10) 16 908.0 1,418 HI' W SS- PO PH(2) CM« 5) (04686200) 5) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) W CI'(IO+) PIIC( I 0+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IOc)

Lodhi Pura RMP 11(10+) III' W SS- I'll 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(5-IO) 17 494.0 1,222 215 I' M MCW(IO+) (04686300) C(lO+) CM« 5) NCS(lO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) W 5) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMPCIIW Indrapura 11(5-10) HI' W TK AC5(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 18 1,109.0 1,838 307 1'(2) M (04686400) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) SS-WT PO PH CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) CP(10+) OeS(IOI.) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

- 11(5. . , W SS Budhi 12I'M«5) 111 CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) llS« 5) 19 496.0 70 10) MCW« - 1'0« 5) (04686500) C(5-10) NeS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 5) PIIC«5) W 1'11(5-10) CP(5-10) OeS(1o+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rar Khcra - " 11(10+) -- AeS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 20 300.0 4 < (04686600) 1'( 5) M(.)- MCW(5-10) 1'0« 5) C~I« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 10)C(l0+) PHC(5-10) «5)SS- PH«5) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'(4) M S HA CHW(2) Barahara AeS(5-1O) CV(IO+) 13S(5-10) 21 743.0 2,543 415 AC(2) C(5- 11(5-10) HI' W SS- PO(~ 5) (04686700) CM(5-10) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) R5(IO') 10) MeW« 5) W 1'11(5-10) PIIC« 5) ep(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

Sikrodha 22 180.0 ... ----- Unmhablted (04686800)

Baukhar 364 1'(2) M(2) 11(101) Till' W CM(l 0+) "CS(5-10) eV( 101 ) IlS(S-IO) 23 1,663.0 2,095 1'0« 5) (04686900) C(IO+) MeW(5-10) SS-1I1' NCS(I{JI) SP(IO,) RS(IO') 1'11(10· ) 1'11('« 5) C\'(5-IO) OCS( I 0 I) ST( I 0') NW(IO'")

117 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lflnd Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area undcr dl rrerCI)\ types or land lise 11\ hectare)' •

E Q .!< 2i .2, G' .~J .~ 'i3 ." :; "'-' 0 ..::; '-' c: ~ "c: Ei 2 tn Vi" 'N E .~ 'r, " '-5 00 0 " ...9 on u e '-' ";> :c" .:;: "!l 2 OJ) ;>, ;;;:" ." on " ~ c: OJ ." £ ;> -'";; ,g c, t: :>, "~ ..0 9 P. " 1:! ." ;2 ;> .:;: 0 " B 0. 0. :::.. ;; E ::> " 0. il -" .~ ~ " u -:l ::;" .r; " 'n "- 0. 0 0 <: ~ '" .§ OD t: c " 2" 2 ;:I ~ 0. t; u'" '-' " ~ c: 8J E ;:I E" c. 8 0 v 0 "" 5 ~ 2" '5'" Z 0... 'E < " Z ;;;: E'" u... :5 G to -( z" V) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FI' Sanla (Np) (15) IlmsUlH.l1 14

MR FI' 41 0 GC(28.0) Rath (Mb) (45) EAG 4670 4950 KadoUla 15 NC · T(28.0)

GC(ISS.I) FP Sarila (Np) (13) EO 95.1 TWE(40.0) 508.4 In.R Neali Basa 16 T(225.1)

199 0 GC(24.0) MR Sarila (Np) (12) 295.0 Lodhi I'ura 17 · T(24.0)

ED EAG 1'07 0 GC(213.0) PR FP Sarila (Np) (15) NM 7890 Indrapura EOEA · T(213.0) 18

\37 I TW(l6.1) Mil,. Sarila (Np) (8) ED EAG - 238.8 33 0 l3udhi · T(16.1) 28.2 \9

Sarila (7) Rar Khera 20

GC(95.7) W(29.2) MR Sarila (Np) (7) ED EAG - TWE(64.7) 5069 25.3 115.2 Oarohara 21 0(\.8) T(19IA)

------UninhabIted ---.------S,krotlha "

Mil,. Rath (Mb) (40) ~:; ED EAG - Ilauklwr 23

118 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the villagc, a dash (-) is shown III Ihe column and next to it in brackcts the distance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-10 kills. and I()+ klns of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)


01) ~ " o 0- ..:2 o o ;; ~ 6 u OJ c -5 .:2 "c: :; " 0- "o ~ 0- OJ E 'f; E ~ (5" o :: f- Un 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 II 12 13

- 11(5· Badhoulr 215 I'M(5-10) 10) MCW(5- Till' TW ;\CS(IO» CV(IO+) I3S(5-IO) 24 7400 1,301 (04687000) C(lO+) 10) PHC(S- W TK R 1'0(5-10) CM(IOt) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO!) ((S(IO-) 10) C SS-1I1' 1'11(10+) CI'(IOI) 0(,S(10') 5'1'(10,) N\v(IO»

- 11(5· HI' TW W Bareda Mar 85 P M(5-10) ;\CS(IO+) CV(IO+) IlS(5-10) 25 467.0 451 10) MCW(5- TKRC 1'0(5-10) (04687100) C(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO» RS(IO-) 10) SS-WT 1'11(10) PHC(IO+) + CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

MCW OCS BS Khera Slla)it 26 1,256.0 3,540 627 1'(3) M S RMP(3) H(5- HI' W SS- PO I'H(5- CM(5-10) ;\CS« 5) CV(IO+) RS(IO+) (04687200) C(IO+) 10) P!iC(5- W 10) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) S'rcIO+)

Bhakhrauli 16 I'«;)M« H(IO+) HPWTK ;\CS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 27 255.0 64 (04687300) MCW(lO+) SS-WT 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 5)C(10+) I'HC(IO+) 1'11«5) CI'(IO') OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gutakbara 172 I' M« 5) BS(5-10) 28 268.0 1,039 H(IO+) HI' WTK 1'0(;-10) CM(5-IOJ ACS« 5) CV(IO+) (04687400) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) SS-WT I'H« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO-) PIIC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HI! ewe PHSCHW [3S Jariya HI' WTK CM CI'(5- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 29 829.0 2,411 417 1'(2) M H(5-10) RS(IO-) (04687500) C(IO+) SS-WT PO PH 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) MCW(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) I'HC(5-10)

T IIPTW Idhora I' AC M(" MCW BS(IO-) 30 1,035.0 1,318 201 )- 11(10+) WTK R 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) ACS(lO") CV(IO+) (04687600) RS(19~) 10) C(IO+) 1'1IC(5-10) SS-III' I'll ( 'i) CP(- 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(lO+) <- )- OCS(IO') S'I(IO+) NW(IO~)

MCW H(5- T HI' TW Benda Danda CM(S-IO) ACS(5·10) CV(IO+) 13S(5-10) 889.0 708 110 P AC M(S- 10) I'HC(5- W TK R 1'0« 5) 31 NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO-) (04687700) 10)C(10+) 10) SS-HI' 1'11«5) CP(5-10) OCS(IO~) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Benda Dariya 32 276.0 ------UninhabIted ------(04687800)

NW ,- III 10+) I\CS(5-IO) C'" I 0' ) Suzguwan T III' ~V R 1'0(;0+) IlS( 10-) 33 343.0 155 25 1« 5) t-I« MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SI'(10+) (04687900) SS-1I1 1'11« 5) RS(IO+) 5) C(lO+) I'He(IO+) CI'(IO,) OCS( 10 I) ST( 10 ,)

119 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land usc (LC_ arca under diffCrcnt types or-Ialld usc ill hectare)' •

E g -'" .2- .S) " ., -:J ;J u ::l " " ,~ r, ·2 en tl " :0 > -'" " :0" on -:;: ~ '"-r. 2 .2 " on ~ b i _n 2 "~ ~ ~ :;: .c ~ ,._ 5 2 """" L" " 0 c " en e _g ~ 2 ~ -E"'''' 2 .., Q_ '-':J E" ·2 D. "'-' '" -< Z ;3 (; "oJ] ;;: Z" C/)" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(40.0) IvlR FI' Sarlia (Np) (6) 543 () T(40.0)

143 3 G('(58 0) FI' Sarila (Np) (35) 2:'~ () 31 (, (J 130lctia Mol ~5 . T(58.0)

ED EAG PR Sarila (Np) (7) NM Khcla S,ialll 26 EO EA

TWE(41.0) MR Sarila (Np) (14) 56_0 7.0 13hakhlaull 27 T(41.0)

ED EAG TWE(27.0) MR Sarila (Np) (13) 63-0 160 GUlnkbarn 28 EO EA 1'(27_0)

GC(40.0) ED EAG Pit Sarila (Np) (8) N TWE(50.0) 212.0 300 Jari)," 29 EO EA T(90.0)

MRFI' 301 0 GC(SI.O) Rath (Mb) (60) FAG 4820 ~82 0 Idhora 30 NR . T(51.0)

MR FP Sarila (Np) (22) EO 8690 GC(25.0) 3040 Benda Danda 31 . T(25.0)

__ . __ . __ Uninhabited __ -•... , .... Benda I)d"o a 32

MKFI' NR Gahand (Np) (27) SUl:gu\\t1n 33

120 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amcnitics and Amcnitles available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colul11n and next to it in brackets thc distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kills., 5-10 kills. and I()+ 'A ~ killS of the nearest place where thc facilily is ,wadable is given) ~ ~ .:l t 'n u U .c '"~ " ,; c " if, U 0 ~ >- ~ .S 5 Q " u t:~ .~ U § 2 E-:-- [§ 'n '..': g_e ":..I :::~ u ~ 0. -,; rr. ;;- 0 00 0 OJ; U c:Jt/)t " " ":;j "0. " VI ~ ...J ,g 0 " =' ~ ~ c " ;:l~ '"~ .;;: ~ "0 ~) :j ...... =~ ...... c " ro.._., -~ cG -g u 'j' ~ ::i..c U ,~ 2: on ~ ":;j'" g : ':J 0 :l c " -5" .2" ;;J ~ '" c cG",:< ~ '- 0 "8. .-: r::::.s .g .n 0 .c ;:;" 2 "c .; :; ._ -;; i: . " -a>"2 '":3 0- 0 C 3: ~ t> c - .~" ::; " 'oJ '" ;:l ~ ... 0 ~ M '2 ~ SO! ~"d~ c 0 g 0- C "" ~;:l _" § .n ] -.c ~ E V; >, :; " B :;:; "E o:.n E u '5 u " ~g_o f;: '"3: " "E " 8 ;;J :l .;: E"" " 0 ":;j" ::l 'S 0 6 o " 1;, -g v·_ c':-= t/) f- f- Z w ~" ti 0- ~u- 28 uB -< " ~ '-' u e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

THPTW Ilardua I'M(5-IO) 11(10+) 1\('5(5-10) CV(IO') IlS(IO' ) 34 700.0 SlY 149 WTK R 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (04688000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IOI) RS(IO') SS-HI' I'H« 5) CI'(IO+) I'HC(IO+) O(,S( 10 c) ST(IO') N\V(IO' )

Bareda Khalsa P M« 5) 11(10; ) III' W TK I\CS« 5) eV(IOI) IlS(IO· ) 35 323.0 808 131 1'0(10+) CM(IOe) (04688100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) R SS-WT NC~( 11)1) 51'(10 1 ) RS(IO' ) 1'11« 5) CI'(IO» I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) S'I (10 ') NW(IO+)

Birhat PM H(IO+) liP W R I'll 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(IO,) 13S(IO+) 36 768.0 1,097 201 CM(5-10) (04688200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W 5) NCS(IO+-) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) CI'(IO+) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IOI') ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

RMI'(2) Islampur 1'(2) M H(IO+) III'WR ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 13S(IO+) 37 2,850.0 2.762 455 POPH CM(IO+) (04688300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W NC5(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CI'(IO+) I'HC(lO+) OCS(IO+-) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

MH H« 5) [35 Katyan 1'(3) M Ill' W SS- 1'11(6) I\CS« 5) CV(IO+) 38 1,249.0 2,291 403 MCW(IO+) CM« 5) RS(lO~) (04688400) ClIO+) W 1'0« 5) NCS(IOI') SI'(IO+) I'HC(IO+) CI'«5) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) Sanla 39 2,706.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04688500)

Dadov I' M« 5) - H« T III'TW I'll PO« I\CS(5-10) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 40 861.0 681 132 CM(5-10) (04688600) C(5-10) 5) MCW« 5) SS-III' 5) NCS(IO+-) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1lC« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1I(5· W IIPTW Mankehri l' M C(5· 10) MCW(5- TK SS- 1'111'0« I\('S« 5) ('V(IO") I3S(5-10) 41 672.0 840 145 CM(S-IO) 10) 10) PIlC(5- WT 5) NCS(IOq SI'(IO+) RS(IO-) (04688700) CI'(5-10) 10) OC5(10;') 5'1'(10+) NW(IO+)

PHS RMP Pachkhura I' MC(5- 11(10+) HI' WTK ) I\('S« 5) CV(IO+) NW BS« 42 459.0 1,949 268 CM« 5) 10) MCW(IO+) C SS-WT 10« 5) NCS(IOt) SI'(IO+) 5) RS(IO+) (04688800) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-10) 1'11C(5-10) 0('5(10 1 ) ST(IO')

11« Ill' TW \V Janya Tlla I' M« 5) I\CSt< 5) ('V(IIl-) IlS« 5) 252.0 358 60 5) MCW(5- TK SS- 1'0(5-10) nt«5) 43 ('(10+) NCS(IO') SI'( IO~) RS(llH (04688900) CI'« 5) 10) PIIC« 5) WT 1'11« 5) O(,S(IO') S 1'(10') NW\IU")

11« III' TW W I'll PO« Al'S [3arga",.'an I' M« 5) (,V(IO+) IlS« 5) 1,073 217 5) I\1CW(5- TK SS- , CI\1« 5) NCS(IOI) 44 595.0 ('(10+) SI'(IO') RS(IO') (04689000) 10) 1'11('« 5) WT .) CI'« 5) OCS(IOI) S'I (Ill') NW(IO·)

121 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dircctol'Y Land Usc (As 011 J999) L

'f: - 'i'i -'" ;> !;{l ._§, :: ".:i :; "U OJ to ::; "'- "c ,~ I.> 'N .S 'JO OD t1 '0 bll ";> :0" -'" '"OJ ~fJ ai:l ~ 2 2 " ';;: >. :::>: r- -'" t; t: ::: e" .D 3 0. ~ "> :; 0- D • ~ .c .s " " .c" '" .~ " ~ " "~ C'~ b1 ~ " ~ " <2 P en - " ~ .:: ;< t: D. "30 3 ~ :; ~ ";; g c. a3 0 'J -<: z "- z" :5 U eo < Z lfJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22" 23 2

W(lD,O) MR FP Gohand (Np) (27) 75 () TW\50 0) llatdw..l T(80.0)

0 GC(50 0) BCllcda MR FP Gohand (Np) (27) r 35 ) '1'(500) Khalsa

GC(594,0) ::~ MI~ Golland (Np) (13) EAG 77.0 165.0 36 T(5940)

PRMR GC(2087.0) Gohand tNp) (12) EAG N 261,0 252,0 Islam!'ur 37 FP T(2087.0)

EDEAG PR Sarila (Np) (4) 873.0 84.0 Karyatl 38 EOEA

...... Uninhabited ...... Sarllo 39

GC(l30.0) MRFP Sarila (Np) (5) EAG 626.0 7560 Dado\ 40 T(130.0)

43 a GC(l}2 0) PR Sarila (Np) (7) EAG 422.0 ~Iankehrl ~I T( 132.0)

GC(36.4) PRMR Sanla (Np) (8) EAG TK(8090) \22 4 \50 \ 61. \ ,\2 f!'NC l'.lChkhura '1'(845 4 )

7 0('(8.; 0) PR Sardo (Np) (4) EAG 14'1.0 .ktrlya ·lliu 1 0'1 (83.0) -1.1

46.0 GC( 1~~ 0) PR MR Sarila (Np) (4) EAG 352.0 Bmga\\'an '1 (I XS 0)

122 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amcnitics and Al11cl1ilics available (il"l1ol availablc willlll1lhc village, a dash (-) IS shown in Ihe colul11n and IICX t t<1 It in brackets the distance in broad ranges vi7..< 5 killS., 5-10 killS. alld I ()+ kills of the nearest place where thc facility is available is glve11)

·c" ".";:" " o'" Vl" Z 8 f- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

KcsarganJ 45 171.0 ------U 11lnhablted ------(04689100)

- 11« T III' W BS Chh,bouil 261 r M« 5) I\CS« 5) CV( I 0 I) 46 649.0 1,486 5) MCW« 5) TK 5S-1l1' 1'0 I'll RS(IO~) (046~nOO) C« 5) C1I.1«5) NCS(IOI-) SI'(lOI) I'IIC« 5) NW(IO") CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

11(5 Riga" ara Kalan 112 P AC M(5- 10) HI' W SS-, -_ CM(5-IO) I\CS(5-10) CV(IO+) llS[< 5) 47 619.0 692 W 10«) (04689300) 10) C(5-10) MCW(IOe) NCS(IO» SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11« 5) I'I1C(5-IO) CI'(5-10) OeS(IOI) Sl(IO+) NW(IO+)

HI\ D DA MCWMH I3S Mamna 742 1'(4) M(2) HC 1'1IC T,lIP T\~ 1'01'11(5- 48 1,807.0 4,387 CM(5-10) I\CS(5-10) eV(lo+) RS(lO+) (04689400) e(lo+) PHS RMP(3) \\ TK SS- 10) NCS(lO+) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) CIIW(2) HP CP(5-10) OCS( I 0+) S1'( I 0+) H(IO+)

H« T HI' W DS Bilpur I\CS« 5) CV(IO+) 49 180.0 896 170 P M« 5) 5) MC\V« 5) TK C SS- 1'0« 5) C1I.l« 5) RS(IO+) (04689500) C(IO+) NeS(IOI) SI'(10+) I'!lC« 5) HP I'!I(S-IO) CI'« 5) NW(10+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

11« HP TW W Tai 77 I' M« 5) CM(IO+) !\CS(5-IO) CV(IOI) I3S« 5) 50 338.0 531 5) MCW« 5) TK C SS- 1'0« 5) (04689600) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO~) PIIC« 5) \\'1' 1'11(5-10) CP(5-10) OeS(lo+) S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

Maharajpur 70 I' M« 5) - H« 111' WTK ACS(5·1O) CV(IO+) l3S« 5) 51 284.0 406 (04689700) C(lO+) 5) MC\V(5- SS-WT PO«5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO') SI'(IO') RS(IO' ) 10) PHC« 5) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-IO) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(5-IO)

H(5· 1'(2) AC Bangara I\CS(5-10) eV( I 0") IlS« 5) 52 910.0 1,858 327 M(5-IO) 10) MeW(5- ": W SS- 1'0(;-10) (04689800) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO-) C(lO+) 10) PIIC(5- \\ PH < ") 10) ( - CP(5-IO) OCS(1 0 r) S1'( 10+) NW(IO+)

Tikri Pannal 53 185.0 --.--.-- UninhabIted ------(04689900) Ilhikhampura 54 329.0 ------Unlnhablled ----.--.---- (04690000)

BS Gahuil I'ACM« 11«THPW 55 160.0 453 82 5) MCW« 5) TK C SS- 1'0(5-10) RS(IO') (04690100) 5) C(10+) Pile(, 5) Ill' :'11(5-10) NW(llJt)

123 VILLAGE DIRECTORY ______. ______~ Village Directory Land Usc (As un 1999) Land usc (I c. area under different types of land lise 111 hectare)"

g .S §!l ~ ] ..,= "t: g .2 'N 'r, ~ ~ '-' > 00" 3 '., L" n ;;. .:; "~J) ~ >-. :;: ~ '"5"0 "i::; >. ~ ;,: .;;:" .D -0. ~ " ..c D- '"o. ~ "".::: " " ,_ E r;; n ~ 0. " g 0 ~ " ~ .::: ~J ~ '" 'r, 2 '-' E ,=~1) '''> c. ~ ?: E E ·c n. '" OJ '= 2 " 0 "5 E < 0- Z "- :5 U "00 < Z" Vl" 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 2

------UI1111habitcd ------Kesargan l 45

TK(IO) PR Rath (tvlb) (18) ED 4330 . 84 () Chlllb()uil 4(, '1'(10)

Rlga\\ al a rvlR Sanla (Np) (5) EI) EAG - 400 GC(90 OJ 47 . T(900) Kalan

... rI'RMR EO EAG GC(54 0) FP Sarila (Np) (7) tvlulnna 48 EO lOA N M '1'(54.0)

GC(165.0) PRMR FP Sarila (Np) (7) ED Porndgc 15.0 PQI65.0) 140 () BIIpur 49 1'(3300)

MR FP Sarlia (Np) (7) 260 GC(41 0) 128.0 1690 Tal 50 . 1'(41.0)

FP Sarila (Np) (10) 10.0 2540 254.0 Maharajpur 51

ED EAG TWE(200 0) PH. Sarila (Np) (13) 7X30 790 Bangara 52 EO lOA T(200.0)

------Unmhabited ------Tlkri Pannal 53

GC\54 0) ------Uninhabited ------150.a Il11lkhampUia 54 1'(5.1 0)

I'RMR 200 GC(II 0) Sariia (Np) (10) ED 1](,0 140 () 20 () (lahul! 1'1' . '1'(110) 55 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amcnlties availablc (If' not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown III the columll alld ncx t to It in bmckets the dislance III broad ranges VIZ < 5 killS., 5-10 killS. ami 10+ 'r; :::J killS orlhe ncaresl place where Ihe racilily is available IS given) 'r; u"

"""E ::: ~[) -;;" -;; :.g ·c .;: Vl'" I-" cS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

- 11(5· Parchha 10) MCW(5: T HI' TW 1'111'0(5- llS« 5) 56 766.0 2,027 356 I' M C(5- C1.... 1« 5) ACS(5-10) l'V(IO+) (04690200) 10) 10) I'I1C(5- W TK C 10) CI'(5-10) NeS(5-10) SI'(IO') RS(IO~) 10) SS-III' ()CS(IOc) ST(IO') NW(IO~)

Nlbaull 57 3160 ------Uninhabned ------(04690300)

HA H(S-IO) T HI' TW Purami 775 1'(3) 1\1 CM« 5) I\CS(5-IU) CV(IOc) llS(5-10) 58 4,775 MCW(5-10) WTKC PO I'll (04690400) C(lO+) CI'(5-IO) NeS(S-IIl) SI'( In+) I{S( 10 C) PHC(IO+) SS-HI' OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO")

Muhammadpur 59 461.0 ------Uninhabited ------a (04690500)

H(5· W HPTW Khandaul PM ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 262 (5-10) 10) TKRC 1'0(5-10) 60 2,669.0 1,877 CM(5-IO) NCS(S-IO) SI'(IO+) (04690600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 1'11(10+) I<.S(IO+) PIIC(S-IO) CI'( 10+) OCS(I 0.,) ST( 10+) N\v(IO+)

- H« Dharoupur 26 P M« 5) ACS«5) C\I(IO+) NW 8S« 61 508.0 159 5) I\ICW« 5) HP TW _W 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04690700) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) 5) I<.S(IO+) I'HC(IO+) I<.SS-WI PII(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

HMCWMH ACS Jalalpur CWC HC HI' WTK PO CM llSNW 62 101.0 1,897 301 1'(2) M NCS(IO") C\I(IO+) (04690800) C(lO+) FWC CIlW R SS-WT 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) SI'(IO+) I\S(IO+) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO") ST(10+)

MCWCIIW N\\, 8S(5- Bhedl Danda 1'(3) HPWI<. 1'11(5) I\CS« 5) CV(IO+) 63 2,7240 5,336 853 M 10) (04690900) C(lO+\ 11« 5) SS-W 1'0«5) CM« 5) NCS(IOq SI'(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) RS(IO~)

Shedl Dariya 64 361.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04691000)

H(5· Kupara 10) 1\ICW(5- Ill' W I<. ACS(5-IO) CV(IO-) 13S(5-IO) 65 1,5000 2,416 405 1'(2) M 1'0(5-10) (04691100) C(10+) 10) I'HC(5- SS-W Cl\1(5-10) NCS(IO') SI'(IO+) RS(IO-) 1'11(10+) 10) ('1'(10+) OeS(IOI) ST(lO~) NW(IO+)

1l(5· I iasaupur Sensa 44 l' M« 5) 10) r-.ICW(5- 111' W R A(,S(,-IO) CV( 10-) BSI'-IO) 66 655.0 299 1'0(5·10) (04691200) C(IO-) 10) PIIC(S- 5S-\\' C1>.I(5-IO) NCS(IO') SI'(IO') 1 RS(I\)·) I'II(IO~) 10) CP(IO') ()CS(I!)') SI'(IO') N\\(IOT)

Kancra 17 1'«5)M« 11(10,) IIPWR I\CS(IOt) C\I(IOt) IlS(lll' ) 67 94.0 108 PO(S-IO) CM(IOI) NCS(IOI) SI'(IO') (04691300) 5) ('(10+) MC\V(5-10) SS-W RS(lll+) 1'1 1(1 O~) PIIC(S-IO) CI'(IOI) OCS(I()') S 1(1(1,) N\\'(IO I )

125 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land usc (i.c. area under dJiTcrcnttypcs ol"land use In hectarc)"

E ~ -'"' OJ!) ;: .= C C -t3 :.0 ==::l U 0 u " OJ 2 c ~ c: E u ~ ON E ~ "cn :.0 "2 'J 8 ::l 0- > v '" " :.0 o(l "" 0 ~ 2 .;: ~ ;;;:" c 'r, 01) ~ "" c » "0 ;< ~ :.> ~ » " -0 .D 2 ~ 0. 1.> 2 ";J ;- 0. 0 ::':. 0- § :; 0. 0. 2 .~ S ~ ::0 =::l -B ~ u ~ c 'f; 0. ] ~ " .S ·z .., " 2 - 2 1: en "" =: -B" c. ~ C ~D :~ "E "c 0. '" ?: 0 " (5 2 " 0 " E " « z" 0.. Z" :2' "E: u.. :5 ~ bb -:: z" 'll" 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

ED EAG MR Sanla (Np) (7) P

------UninhabJ\cd ------Nlballb ~7

GC(540) ED EAG N 7480 109 () I)lll dllll 5X ~:; ~~ Sanla (Np) (12) T(54.0)

MllhaJllJl1mlpur ------Uninhabllcd ------59

GC(200.0) PR Sarila (Np) (16) 908.0 TWE(87.0) 15560 1269.0 205 Khandalll 60 T(287.0)

I'RMR FI'NR San\a(Np)(14) EAG Dh

PRMR FP NR Sarila (Np) (16) EAG Jalall'lll 62

MR FP Sanla (Np) (18) ED Bhedi [Janda 63

------Uninhabited ------Ilhedl Dan~ l 64

MR FP Kurara (Np) (15) Kupara

{b.:-.aupur FI' Kurara (Np) (17) SCI1,a

1'1' Kurara(Np) (17) Kuncru

126 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of! ndia ZOO J - Amenities and Amcnities available (Ifnot available within the VIllage, a dash (-) is ShOWllIn Ihc COIU11l11 and next to It ill brackets the dIstance in broad rangcs VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-10 k111S. Hlld 10+ k111S of the ncarest placc where the facilIty is available IS given)

o o ~ o o {j "0 ~ ..c c ";:l .02 '"o ~ Oi o :; ..c 0. '0 ~ o o 0. t -.; .D C !J £i E ::-0 o ;:l Z 8 f- Z I 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 II 12 11

Barkhera 104 I'M(5-10) 11(10+) III' WTK I'll !lS(S-IO) 68 4600 698 CM(IO") ACS(IO+) ('V(IO+) (04691400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 1'0(10-) CI'(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO-) RS(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) Sr(lo» NW(IO»

11(5 Devkhun 10) III' W TK I'H 1'0« CM A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) !lS(S-IO) 69 7870 388 51I'M«5) (04691500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 5) CI'(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO') 1'11C(5-IO) OCS(IO'-) S1'(I(~+) NW(IO+)

CIIW H(IO+) HI' W R Rajamau PH 1'0« BS(5-IO) 70 393.0 672 115 I'M«5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO!-) (04691600) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) SS-W 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1IC(5-10) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dhauhal Khurd 71 502.0 ------Untnhabited ------(04691700)

H(5· Dhauhal 10) HI' WTK PO BS(5-10) 72 Buzurg 1,503.0 2,861 475 1'(2) M CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-Wl 1'1I(10r) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (04691800) PIIC(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO,) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chheri Baml 95 I'M(S-IO) H(IO,) Ill' W TK I'll PO« ACS«5) ("V(IO+) I3S(5-10) 73 476.0 617 (04691900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO!-) SI'(10+) RS(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bilgaon 11(10+) TIIl'W I\CS«5) CV(IO+) I3S(5-IO) 74 2,782.0 4,108 702 P M 1'0 PH (04692000) qIO+) MCW(5-10) TK SS- CM« 5) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO<) 1'1IC(S-10) ("1'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Katehari I'M(5-10) CHWII(IO+) Hl'WTK PHPO(S- ;\("S(IO» CV(IO+) BS(~-IO) 75 9510 1,000 (04692100) 158 C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) R SS-\\! 10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO") RS(lO-) 1'1IC(5-10) CI'(5-10) O("S(IO<) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

Jhinnoull 11 ;\("S«5) ('V(IO') 115(5-10) 76 375.0 5 I 41' ;M5 (10+) - -"0«<) (04692200) « ) (-MCW(I-IO) «5)55- I'H«5) C~I« 5) NCS(IO') SI'(IO') RSIIO-) 10) C(IO+) 1>IIC(5:10) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO') S1'IIO-) NW(ICI'I

IIACIIW(2) 1'(3) M Pahara 11(10+) III' \\' SS- I'll PO(5- ACS«5) CV(llll) 13S« 5) 77 689.0 2,995 493 AC(2) (04692300) MCW(IOc) W 10) CM« 5) NCS(IO') SI'(IO') RS(IO') C(lO+) ('1'« 5) I'llqlO+) ()CS(IO') ST(IO+) NW« 5)


_ r- Land usc (I.c. area undcr dlffercnt typcs of I"nd usc III hcctarc)"

g::: ~_'" ~ .S :7 el '5 ::; "u 0 ] '-' " E E .S J> -2 "cn ~ N'" " E '5 on u > -".0 " " " 01) .:; "3 c ~ ~ " ... >, 2" "0 ~ ;II ~ ';::; t >, ~ " .0 ~ 0. u " ~ .c .." -g ~_, ;;: " '" C. 0 OJ ~ .c 3 ::l a. c. 2 '"- " '"<.> n E u -:J ",- 0 g ~ c. co g ...'" J3 ~ V) ::l -.0 ~ 'E'" ] ;:; -;:; 20. ... c E "::l ":s: 0 .~ " c D.. 0 '" "5 t 2 IJ -( Z" c.. z'"" 2 E" u.. :5 U 8J < Z" (/] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22" 23 2

I'lt FP Sanla (Np) (15) Ba,khcla 6~

GC(IS 0) I'RMR T\V(150) Sarila (Np) (20) ]85 12 () 2011 Dc"khlll , 69 1'1' '1 K(I 5) T(31.5)

I'R Sarila (Np) (18) 37.0 Rajamau 70

------Uninhabiled ------4820 20.0 Dhauhal Khurd 71

PRMR \\'(30.0) Sarila (Np) (16) 13150 1170 41.0 Dhauhal 72 FP 1'(30.0) [)uzurg

MR Rath (Mb) (40) 404.0 Chhcn l3ami 73

PR Muskara (8) ED EAG - Bilgaon 74

W(5.0) MRFP Sarila (Np) (23) 75 0 TWE( 1.0) 2220 750 Kalchan 75 TK(40)

GC(I :') Muskara (6) 19.0 T(1.2) 1680 2R':I () .IhlrmolJll 76

GC(460 9) Pit Ralh(Mb)(15) ED 2290 Pahar<1 77 T(460.9)

128 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the colullln and next 10 it in brackels thedislance in hroad ranges VIZ < 5 killS .• 5-10 killS. and 10+ 'f> klns ofthc nearest place where the 'acliity is available IS givell) ~ u" o o ~ .:J (3 ..c g ... .g" o '­ ..c" .n" o :;" E D. o o ... g D. .D" -a E ·c ::r Vl" Z 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 II 12 I J

Turna 11(10 4 ) 111' W SS- 1'111'0« IlS(5·10) 78 756.0 1,689 313I'M«5) CM« 5) ACS(5-10) ('V(I()+) (04692400) C(lO+) MC\V(I04 ) \V 5) RS(IO") 1'11('(101-) CI'(5-IO) ~~:~~:~:; ~11'i:~:~ NW(IO' )

II PHS 13heshacn IlS('·IO) 79 738.0 2,387 4)2 1'(2) M MCW(5-IO) III' W SS- 1'0 I'll (04692500) C(IO+) RS(IOc) I'IIC(5.10) W N\\( 101-)

Rahirka 80 425.0 .------UninhabIted ------.- (04692600)

11(5· Magrol AC 1'(5-10) 10) 111' W TK ACS(5-IO) CY(IOI) 13S« 5) 81 2SS.0 1,271 214 (04692700) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) SS.WT 1'0« S) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) "S(II)+) C(S-IO) plle(5-10) pl1(IOL) Cp(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+') NW(IO+)

Kharka 82 113.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04692800) 11(5· NW 13S(5· lland",a 492 1'(3) M 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS- I'O(~ 5) C"I« 5) ACS« S) CV(5-IO) 83 1,078.0 2,873 10) (04692900) C(IO+) :~; I'IIC(5- \V 1'11« 5) CI'(5-IO) NCS(IOI) SI'(IO") RS(IO+) OCS(IO+) S'1'(IO+)

Uparhaka 360 1'(3) M(5- H(IO+) 111' \V R ACS(IO+) CY(S-IO) 13S(~-IO) 84 1,374.0 2,486 1'0(5-10) (04693000) 10) C(10+) MCW(IO+) SS·W CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) shlo+) RS(IO~) 1'11« 5) pHC(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\\'(IO+-)

11(3) IIA(S) 1111 D DA MCW(7) 1'(17) 1\111(4) W(63) 1'(91) CWC(2) TK(33) 1'0(15) ACS(5) IlS(9) l3Iock Total 65090.0 102998 1714<; 1\1(27) 1IC(2) II P(64) Ci\I(4) - S(2) 1'11(38) OCS ;\'\\'(8) PlIC(2) TW(17) AC(IO) I'I1S(5) R(21) FWC(2) C(9) L Ri\tI'(11) CI1\\'(12)

129 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (I.e area under differenl types of land lise til itcclarc)"

E .Y- ::'IJ ;: .:: ;:. c: :0 :0 C> ::l B '"c: E -='C> "c: .~ C> ~ .~ E :: .r. ~o 0 :0 M Cl "> -" ;; ell c: ~ ~ "~/) c: >-. :;;:" -0 to ~ t .::: :< Ci_ ";:; t::" "~ -g ;: .;; 0. v ::l " ;:; ~ .'2 0. 0. U :0" " ~ ~ 0. E "... 0 ~ ~ ?J 2 ~ " :.8" ~ :l r '" ~ on ~ " 5.. q "~ ~ c: ~ 5 ""'- v 0 ] 0 t < Z "- Z" :;; '"E :...J U" oIl < ~ Vl \4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

370 GC(32 0) MRFP Rath(Mb)(18) 2740 3060 "Ill! na T(32 0)

GC(250) ~~~IR Rath(Mb) (21) 100 W(685 0) 10 () 8 () Ilheshaell 79 T(710 0)

------UninhabIted ------I\aimka

48 () GC(3\0) l\IR 1'1' Sarila (Np) (5) 533.0 564.0 Magtol ~ I . T(310)

------Uninhabited ------Kharka 82

W(2335) MR FP Sartla (Np) (9) 67.61\(6.9) 620.3 589 92.0 Band,,"a 83 T(240 4)

W(79.4) TWF(14.6) PR i'viR Muskara (8) Uparhaka 84 R(22.7) T(116.6)

GC(5612.282 ) 1'C(165) I'R(31) W(1184.122) i\1R(43) ED(22) T\\'(81.11) 1'1'(39) EAG(28) N(8) 5541.2 TW£(885.29 20464.2 9834.9 5811.1 l\"C(2) EO(12) 1\1(4) 2) TK(SI5.5) 1'\1\(4) EA(lO) 1\"\\"(8) 1{(29548) 0(7.7651 T(8770.618)


Map of Gohand CD Block

. SEE PAGE 112


Alphabetical list of Villages (CD. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur L\JU I Lensus locatIOn I ';!';! I Census loca\lon code Serial number Name of village code number Ilumber 1 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Gohand Name of Sub-Dist: 0002 1 Akauna 04701000 410020004000180169 2 Alkachaba 04696300 410020004000130115 3 Amarpura 04694500 410020004000110100 4 Amgaon 04698400 410020004000150137 5 Amond 04696500 410020004000140120 6 Atra 04693300 410020004000100087 7 Aunta 04700700 410020004000180161 8 Aura Khera 01\701400 410020004000180167 9 Bahpur 04699500 410020004000170149 10 Bangra 04694600 410020004000110097 11 Banzni 04698000 410020004000150138 12 Bara 04700300 410020004000170157 13 Bara Kharka 04695400 410020004000130108 14 Bargar 04693700 410020004000100091 15 Baroli Kharka 04693200 4100200040ID0100086 16 Barua 04698700 410020004000160141 17 Beera 04696000 410020004000130117 18 Bigwan 04698800 410020004000160142 19 Bilgaon 04694100 410020004000110095 20 Bilgaon 04695900 410020004000130112 21 Birbahi 04695800 410020004000130113 22 Bohara 04697700 410020004000150131 23 Chadwari Danda 04693900 410020004000110093 24 Chadwari Dariya 04693800 410020004000110092 25 Chak Amarpura 04694400 410020004000110098 26 Chhirawal 04701800 410020004000180172 27 Chikasi 04693100 410020004000100085 28 Chilli 04700500 410020004000180159 29 Chulla 04700100 410020004000170155 30 Churha 04695200 410020004000120102 31 Dhagwan 04694800 410020004000120104 32 Dhanoura 04700900 410020004000180164 33 Dhanouri 04701200 410020004000180165 34 Dhurouli 04694000 410020004000110094 35 Gadhar 04694300 410020004000110099 36 Gohand 04697400 410020004000150128 37 19ui 04701300 410020004000180166 38 Itauragaon 04698200 410020004000150135 39 Itayal 04700200 410020004000170156 40 Iteliya Baza 04695690 410020004000130109 41 Iteliya Raja 04694700 410020004000110101 42 Jaklleri 04701500 410020004000180168 43 Jamangawan 04695500 410020004000130111 44 Jamkhuri 04696200 410020004000130114 45 Jamra 04699300 410020004000160148

132 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur LUU I Census locatZOll I YY I CenslIs location co(le Serial numbcr Namc of village code n u 111 ber number I 2 3 4 46 Jarakhar 04698500 410020004000160139 47 Jigini 04694200 410020004000110096 48 Kachhwa Kalan 04696900 410020004000140123 49 Kargawan 04699200 410020004000160144 50 Karhi 04696800 410020004000140118 51 Karoundi 04697100 410020004000140127 52 Kemokhar 04697500 410020004000150129 53 Khajuri 04697000 410020004000140124 54 Kharehata Khurd 04701600 410020004000180170 55 Kharehta Buzurg 04700600 410020004000180160 56 Kuan Khera 04696700 410020004000140122 57 Kumhariya 04699800 410020004000170152 58 Kushama 04700400 410020004000170158 59 Linga 04699100 410020004000160143 60 Machehari 04698600 410020004000160140 61 Madha 04701100 410020004000180163 62 Magrauth 04693400 410020004000100088 63 Mansgawan 04697900 410020004000150133 64 Mehjoli 04697800 410020004000150132 65 Musahi 04697600 410020004000150130 66 Nadna 04699600 410020004000170150 67 Nahdoura 04695000 410020004000120106 68 Patkhuri 04696400 410020004000140119 69 Pawai 04696100 410020004000130116 70 Rahank 04695100 410020004000120103 71 Rajmai 04700000 410020004000170154 72 Rawatpura 04695300 410020004000120107 73 Regwara Khurd 04696600 410020004000140121 74 Rihuta 04693600 410020004000100090 75 Sa ina 04699400 410020004000160147 76 Sarsai 04699700 410020004000170151 77 Sarseda Maf 04701700 410020004000180171 78 Sigraban 04697200 410020004000140125 79 Sikrondha Kharka 04693500 410020004000100089 80 Sirsa 04698300 410020004000150136 81 Siyawri 04699900 410020004000170153 82 Tikur 04698900 410020004000160145 83 Tala Raath 04700800 410020004000180162 84 Tulsipura 04699000 410020004000160146 85 Tyontana 04695700 410020004000130110 86 Ujaneh 04694900 410020004000120105 87 Umariya 04697300 1410020004000140126 88 Wagipura 04698100 410020004000150134


DISTRICT CENSUS------HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenllies available (ifnol available willlll1 the vdlage. a dash (-) is ,110\\'11 ",thc colUlI11l and ncxtto it ill \,.acKcts th, distallcc ill broad ranges viz < 5 killS" 5-10 killS amll()+klm

~ ;;J orthc ncarc.,t piacc where lite factl,ly" available is glvCII) I ._, " 1:: I -0 '" {._J" ] ~ 8 ..2 a !! " ::: 0 g n ~ I c 0 C; t __ ~ ~ ~ U" c:.'. .c e ..2 ~ >._, 0 c. I I ~ 5.5 ~ ;:; ~'J)c: " co "0- j .r. .3 lP ~ ~" ~ ? ~=2 CD ~ ~ >- ~ _g "0 §l ~ _.. .! V C ~E-§ .,., " I C ~ ::J ();;:. "0" C llJ" .5 g ~ ~ .c" Q U ::»: '1J .... \:, p, ~ c:~ ~ ~ :2 ~ " .0 E .c " g > ~ -:; > ::3 e E ~ 0 - 6. 0 "C " '"51] " e :: C ~ en '-' 2 ~ ~ C c. v S ::: :; E~ ~ .c 13 ::l :.; >. u ,;; ~]~v " E ~ "C v~ t' ~c 2 ;;J i:) ~-f 'J :::..0 " 'J ~ '6" ~" C" 0 tn ..c ;S ; ,--~., Z f- f- Z. '" :: ~C-§ " I UJ 2 0 0- UB'" --:( 0 '0 " I 2 3 4 5 (i 7 R <) 10 \\ 12 \',_\

CD Bluc~: C;uhand (04t II

IJS C1\1b" MeW II(IO~I III' W 55- ACS(S- 101 (V(II)I) L593.0 1.764 313 I'MC(IOI) 1'0 1'11(5) (,MCI' I(~(II), ) (1J46Y3 I 1101 I'II('(lOI) W NCS(l()j I :'1'(1111) NW(IO') OCS(IOI) S I( lOt)

BaroII Kharka I'M AC 11(10') III' W TK ,,(,S(S-IIl) ('V(IIII) B~( C 51 U94.0 2,409 405 PO I'll CM« 5) (04693200) (,(10+) Mc\V(IO") R SS·WT NCS(IIII) SI'( III') [(S( III') (,1'(10') I'ltC(IO') (JeS( 10!) ST(10' ) NW(IO' )

('IIW I!(IO~) III'TW IV I' M /l.C 1'111'0(5- /l.CS( 10 I) CV(IO!) IlS« 5) Aim (04693300) 1.022.0 1,656 293 MCW(IO+) TK S5- CM(5-IO) C(IO+) 10) NCS( lOt) SI'( II); ) I

DAr-ICW ACS MJgraU!h 1'(2) M AC 1'01'11« C\f{IO+) I3S« 5) 4 2.100_0 1,504 259 CHWH(IO+) WSS-W CM(5-10) NCS(IOl) (04693400) C(lO+) 5) SI'(IOI) I(S(IOI) 1'1IC(S-IO) CI'(IO+) OeS(IOI) Sl (II) I.) N\V(IlIr)

CI!W H( 10+) 51krondha Kharka PM«5) III' W 55- 1'111'0« ACS« 5) C'V(IOI) 11S« 5) 378.0 587 112 MCW«S) CM«5) (04693500) C(IO+) W 5) NCS(IO+) 51'(101 ) RS(IO+) 1'11C(5-IO) CP(S-IO) OC5(10+) ST(IO') NW(IOI)

MCWIIC US RlhulJ 1'(2) M C(5- 1'111'0(<' ACS« 5) CV{IOl) 6 870.0 2,427 398 11(10+) I'IIC(5. III' W 5S- CM«5) I(S(IO+) (04693600) 10) W 5) NCS(IOi) SI'(IO+) 10) CI'(5-IO) NW(lIltJ O('S(IO+) ST(IIH)

Bargar I' M« S} H( 10 ') T III' IV ACS(5-LO) ('V(5-IO) BS« 5) 209.0 321 57 1'0(5-10) 0\'1(5-10) (04693700) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) SS-I1P NCS(IO') 51'(5- I 0) RS(IO' ) 1'11(5-10) ('1'(5-10) I'IIC(5-10) OCS(IOt) ST(IOt) NW( III')

Chadwari Dan)'a 145.0 ------Uninhabited -----.. ----- (04693800)

Chad\\'an Danda PM(5-IO) Jl( J 0+) IIr W 55- ACS{5-IO) CV(IO·I 115(5-10) 9 3740 814 138 1'0(5-10) (,M(IOI) (04693900) C(lO+) MCW('i-11ll \V NCS(IOI) Sp(IOt) RS(lll c ) I'j 1(5-10) CI'(III') PJlC(IO') OCS(IOI) S I (10') NW(IO')

Dhuroull PM«S) III 10+) III' Wss- I\CS«5) CV(\\lI) IlS(5-\O) 10 5550 'WI 65 1'0« 5) CM{< 5) C(10 I) MCW«5) \V NCS(IOI) SP{IOt) I(S(IIII) (04694001) 1'11(1')+) CI';:;-IO) I'II~'(IO+) OCS(IOI) S 1(11)1) NW(IOl)

134 VILLAGE DIRECTORY----- Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land usc (, c area undcrdirfcrcnt lypes orland lise in hectare)"

E g" :on " "".5 C E '6 ":j " 0 E B "c " E " ~ ~ " 5 " ~ "00 ~ 0 ~ ~ ;g "'3 b'iJ u ~ ";> '"" OJ 1< 2 :0 11) .:;: ~ '" c !;; 00 ..s ~ ::: ;>, ;::;: -0 '" t:: >, "~ "0 -" 9 ~ 0. '" ~ -0 ;> > " ." 0 :::. ;J c 9 "9- 0- :0" " :; -5 U -0 ~ ~ i5. .S " b1 g _g'" c 2" 1: ,~ E " ;!- 0- ~ '"~ '" "0 ~ ~ "5 C 0- " \) 0 " "'" C ; " 0 (3 § ." -< Z" 0.." Z ;S "E lL. ;:J &-~ < Z 'f' 14 15 16 17 18 1'1 20 21 22 23 2 -~~.

W( 100.0) PH. Galland (Np) (\9) ED Nivl 9092 3439 '1(100.0) C\lI'""

GC(40 0) TW(1450) MRlfl' Goh.nd (Np) (20) N 592.4 T\VE( 1.0) 5n~ B:wJII K h,H k" T(186_(J)

GC(S.O) PK Gohand (Np) (12) EAG ~ 0 TWE(16.0) 6980 40.0 16.0 At,a T(24.0)

GC(30 0) gO 0 PR Gohand (Np) (\3) ED N Leather 280.0 TOO.O} 430.0 200.0 Mclgrnulh

32 I GC(18S.3) PR Gohand (Np) (10) 155.8 S,krondha Kharka . T(185.3)

GC(378.0) l'RMR Gohand (Np) (9) EDEAG NM 4009 Rihuta 6 1'(378.0)

GC(\79.0) EDEAG PC(7.0) PRMR Gohand (Np) (8) N 17.0 0.9 n.\rgrtr EO EA W(5.0) T(191.0)

R(31.6) ------. Uninhabited ------O(O.S} 4.9 09 ChtH.l\, ari DJnya T(32.I} GC(17.6) TK(O.4) 1'1' Gohand (Np) (26) 0.9 Wr:(1.2} 194 I 17.6 Chnti\\ an Danda 0(1316) '1'(150.7)

W(332) 1476 R(17.11) Fl' Gohand (Nr) (22) 221 7 12.8 I ~ DhllJt'lIli 10 0(5.9) '1'(562)

135 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CcnsllsofIndia2001 - Amenities and Amenilies available (ifnol available wllhllllhc village, a dash (-) is shown inlhc colu"," and next to it in brackets the distance in hroad 1<1llgCS VI7..< 5 killS., 5-10 kills and 10+ kms orlhe ncaresl place where lhe racilily is available is given) ~ 5 u o o ~ c: ... .9 ~ .15 o :; E 0- ~ " o c" "Co :.J 'c E E o" ::l '"Vl" z" I-- Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

Bdgaon 70 I'M(IO+) 11(10' ) III'W SS· I\CS(IO!-) CY(IOl) BS(IO' ) II 575.0 476 W I'O(IOT) CM(IO,) (04694100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(J(H) SI'(I(H) I\S(IO') 1'11(IOc) CI'(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO') ST(I(II) NW(III')

HIIMCW III'WTK Jlgml 346 1'(3) M(2) CHW(2) CY(IO+) BS(S-IO) 12 3,556.0 1,771 RCSS- I'OPII« CM(5-10) I\CS(5.10) (04694200) C(IO+) III I 0+) WT 5) CI'(IO~) NCS(IOt-) SI'(IO+) RS(5-11I) PIlC( 11)1) OCS(IO;) S r(lo+) NW(IO-)

MCW I'IIS Gadhar 97 PM(5-IO) HI'WR CY(IO+) BS(5-10) IJ 228.0 564 CHW 11(10+) SS-W 1'0« 5) Cr-.f(- 10) I\CS(IO+) (04694300) C(lO+) . ,- NCS(IO+) SI'(IO,") RS(IO+) I'IIC(IOI) 1'11(IOc) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

MCW PIIS HI' W C Chak Amarpura 163 P M(5-10) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 14 49.0 877 1'0(10+) CM« 5) (04694400) C(lO+) ellW 11(10+) SS-W NCS(IOI) SP(IOI) I\S(IOI) I'IIC(IO+) 1'11(10+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Amarpura 15 162.0 ------Umnhahilcd ---- (04694500)

I\CS flS Bangra Mew RMI' T HI' TW PH 1'0« CY(IO+) 16 514_0 1.555 258I'M«5) CIIWH(IO+) WTKC CM«5) NCS(IO+) RS(lO') (04694600) C(lO+) SI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) SS-Hl' 5) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCWCIIW IlS lIcliya Raja 111'WC ACS(5-10) CY(IO+) 17 677.0 1,276 213 I'M C(IO+) H(IO+) RS(IO+) (04694700) SS-W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) PIIC( 10+) NW(IO~) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCWCHW BS Dhagwan 257 PM«5) HI' W SS- PO ACS(5-1O) CY(IO+) 18 553.0 1,561 lI(lO+) RS(IO+) (04694800) C(lOI) W I'II( 10+) C)\1« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(lO~) NW(IO-) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

C'HW 11(10+) III' W 5S- ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) Ujanch 4~ I'M«5) 13S« 5) 19 189.0 258 (04694900) C(lO+) MCW«5) W 1'0«5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO,) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PIIC(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) OeS(IO') ST(lOI) NW(IO-I

Nahdoura 297 I' M« 5) 11(10+ ) III' \I' SS- I\CS« ,) CY(IO') IlS« 51 20 7860 1,857 W 1'0« 5) nf(5-10) N(,~( 10-" (04695000) C(lO+) MCW«5) SI'(IO,) RS(5-llll 1'11('(5-10) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-IO) OCS( 10') S r(S-IIl) NW( 10,)

DI\ 11(10+) Till' TW Rahank 397 1'(2) M I\CS(5-10) C'V( II)!) I1S« 5) 21 1,037.0 2,493 MCW(5-10) TK C SS- 1'0 I'll (04695100) C(lO+ ) CM(5-10) NCS(IO,) SI'(IO,) RS(IIP) I'IIC(5-IO) HI' CP(5-10) OCS(llll) ST(IO') NW(JO-I

136 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on (999) Land use (I.c. arca under differcnt types orland u<;c in hectare)"

E g -'" :.n ~ ~ C S ':1 'i3 U 0 ] 'J " ~ " ·2 ~" .~ § u- "S ·n on " 0 'J " 'i3 u to ,g ~I) "> IJ 2 .; oil C ¥. ~ ~ ;>, ~ ~ btl '" 9 0. ';:; t::" '" >. " -0 ~ ~ .c" " 0 "OJ .;e ., > .c c. C. 0. e ] ~ 9 " " '~ i;i t> "0 ~ " c. ,.8 c 0 " " ~ B gl ~ IJ "2 ~ t; :l en '" c:; " 0. ~ ~ ~ :: e C " :: 'J 0. " 0 a " "0 ~n 2 -< Z" 0.." Z" 2: E" w.. :;; (_; ,"" -:: z" :/i 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Gahand (Np) (26) 2.8 IR2.9 I R 5 'i_' BligiWIl II

239 I GC(88 I) MR Gahand (Np) (21) 1576.1 21 9 .Jigllll 12 . T(88.1)

53 I W( 1.9) R(99) MR Rath (Mb) (32) 560 III 8 Gadhal IJ . 1'(11.8)

MR Ralh (Mb) (26) 4.6 194 169 Chak AmarpUla 14

GC{8.0) ------Uninhabited ------ISO.O 3.0 Amarpura 15 1'(8.0) GC(1.8) ED EAG W(O.O) PR Gohand (Np)(l3) 0.3 44 17 I Oangra 16 EOEA 1'K(2.7) 1'(4.5)

GC(111.6) PC{IO.I) PR Rath (Mb) (20) EDEAG NM 448.1 0.7 ltcliya Raja 17 1'K(S.3) 1'(127.0)

GC(287.0) 1'C(258.6) PRMR Gohand (Np) (13) EDEAG NM W(10.8) 2072 15 2 '43.6 Dhag\\an I R 1'W(17.6) 1'(S74.0)

GC(99.5) MRFI' Gohand (Np) (I I) 73 <) 15.8 Upneh 19 1'(995)

GC(2140) I'R Gahand (Np) (7) 116 () 'OJ) NahdLHlla )11 1'(2140)

GC(154.4) 1'C(25 0) I'RMR ED EAG W(IO.O) Gahand (Np) (7) N S29.() SO Il 7 Raha!1~ 1'1' EO EA WE{S.O) 21 TW(S.O) '1'(199.4)

137 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the colullln and next to it In blackcts the distance In broad ranges V;7,.< 5 killS, 5·10 kim alld IOj. killS oCthe nearest placc where the facllily I~ availahle IS glvcn) ~ W ,_, " su -;;) ~ ;:J u" ., "'"8 OJ oJ c: -" .~ '"c: ? ;: g "OJ t 2- u" " Q i': ~'" .c l ~ E " >. e "- ;:J ~ -' ::1) ~ )< 'll 0 " 0 fr Q C 'r. " --l" ~ 0 '"0 C "3 S 1> ;; ~ ? co "d -" -0 8 '" _@ -i3 1J c: c: " /, ~ "~ ~' ~ 'J Q on ;::: ;:J h 'J 1) -::" " -5" 0 -"" ] ~ \) :§ ~ 0. '":2 0 -" " ~ E g .D ;:J ~ ;; :; ~ :; [; > Q E 0. 0 c: ~ on g .; ;:J ~ " u -3 ;; "~ 0 h "<:>I) Q ;::: :; c: 0. C; c: " E ~ £3 >. .c u "2 ~ u 2 Vl C; " " .Q " 'J h ~ ;:; E s -3 c: 1) _Q C E" 8 ;:J J> '" c: ~ E ~" ~ 0 'J C ~ c: =-./1 ~ " 0 ""' -5 ;; ..2 Vl" Z" t-- t-- Z '"llJ 2: 0 c.. ~ E -:: Q ~ '-' v" 2 2 4 (, 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13

IlS Churha 11(10 4 ) TTWTK ACS(5·10) C\ (10') 22 485.0 1,134 211 I' tv! C(IO,) 1'0(5·10) GI(S·IU) I\S(IO' ) (04695200) I\ICII'(5·10) SS·III' l'CS( HH) 51'( 10 ') 1'11(5·10) CP[5·IO) NW[ 1O,) I'IlC(S·IO) OCS(IOt) SI(II) )

MCW PIIS Rilwatpura RMP CIIW IlI'IV SS· PO 1'11(5· ACS(5·11J) ('\'(11)) BS(5·IO) 23 1,0120 1,524 260 I' tv! C(10+) CI-I(5·11I) (04695300) 11(10+) 1'1IC(5 II' 10) NCS( 10 » SI'( IOj.) RS(IO+) CP(5·IO) 10) OCS(IO') SI( 11)) NW(IOt)

CIIW 11(10+) Bara Kharka 1'(2) M« 5) IIPWSS· ACS(5·10) ('V(III,) 135« 5) 24 405.0 1,250 195 MCW(5·10) 1'0(5·10) C)'I(5·10) (04695400) C(5-10) W NCS(IOl-) SI'(IO+) RS( 10+) PHC(S·IO) PH(S-IO) CP(5·10) OCS(I()+) ST( 10+) NW(IO,)

Jamangawan 25 340.0 ------Untnhabi ,ed ------(04695500)

MCWMII T1I1'TW Iteli)a Baza 1'(3) M(2) CWC PIIS PO PIl(S. ACS(5·10) CV(loq IlS(5·10) 26 1,484.0 4,116 676 WTKC CI-I(5-10) (04695600) ACC(IO") CHW 1l(10+) 10) NCS( 10 I) SI'(IO+) R5( 10 I) 55-HI' CP(5·10) I'HC(5-10) OCS(IO+) 51'(10+) NW(IOj.)

IIPTWW Tyontana I' M« 5) 11(10+) ACS(5·ltI) CV(loq llS« 5) 27 221.0 309 54 TKC SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5·IO) (04695700) C(IO+) MeW(5·IO) NCS(IOt·) 51'( 10+) RS( 10+) WT PH(S·IO) CP(S·IO) PIIC(5·10) OCS(I04) ST(IIH) NW(IOc)

Birbahi H(lO") lll'WTK ACS(5·IO) CV(IIl') 13S« 5) 28 243.0 - 151 27 P« 5) M(5- 1'0« 5) 01(5·10) (04695800) MCW(5·10) C SS·WT NCS(IOt) SI'( 10''') RS(IO C) 10) C(lO") 1'11(5·10) CP(5·10) PHC(5-10) OCS( 10') ST(ltl') NW(IOj.)

Bilgaon PM«5) 11(10+) T Ill' II' ACS« 5) C\,(IO+) 13S« 5) 29 369,0 416 67 1'0(5-10) 01«5) (04695900) C(IO+) MCW« 5) SS·IlP NCS( 10+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'H« 5) CP« 5) 1'1IC« 5) O(.'S(IO+) 5T(IO C ) NIV(IO' )

1'(2) M IlS 11(10+) PO 1'11(5· ACSt5.11l) ('\'11 iI· ) Beera III'WSS· RS( 10-) 30 911.0 2.939 509 AC(3) 01«5) ~1(,1V(5·1 0) W 10) I'

MCW PHS T III'TW IlS /\CS(5·10) C\'( 1(11) Pa\\31 1'(2) tv! AC RMP(3) W TK SS- 31 881.0 2,580 459 1'0« 5) 0It<5) RS( liP) C(IO+) HllO+) 1'11C(5· 11'1' NCS(IO» SI'(IOI) (04696100) PH(S·lll) CI'\)·IO) N\\'(I\\t) (0) OeS( It) » S I (10»)

138 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Lanu usc (i.e arca under different types of lalld lISC III hectare)"

? g .'2 I ,n S ;:_, :c :c" " 0 :l ~ C " " E ..3 5 .~ '/; on ~ [:I E " -0 "~ "~ " :§ on 8 > :0" '_' ;; o- " .D S ?; 0. ~ to "~ c ~ > 0. ~ "" ._ .L' S "e- p,Z ""B '"" §

GC(3S0 4) I'C(14 I) W(220) I'RMR Gohand (Np) (5) ED Ei\G N WE(5.0) (1) Cillil ha 22 1·1' I) " 1 W(5 0) R(IO 0) '1'(406.6) GC(S07.S) 1'('(2580) MR Gohand (Np) (5) EO I \v(72A) 98~ 34 51 3 Rt\\\atplHa 23 TW(19.6) 1'(857.5) GC(7.8) W(38.6) I'R Gahand (Np) (8) Ei\G TWE(31.9) 287.3 0.5 224 Bala Khalk

TW(12.1) TWE(86.7) PP Gahand (Np) (8) 88.4 11.9 20.n Tyulilano 27 0(1.8) 1'(100.6)

GC(106 I) W(5.0) FP Gahand (Np) (6) ED 86.0 II Bllhahi 28 TW(45.2) 1'(156.3)

GC(41.6) W(234.0) PI' Gahand (Np) (4) 91.0 Ihlg;h.m 29 0(2.7) 1'(278.3)

GC(700.6) W(40.1) PRMR WE(60.~) Gohand (Np) (5) ED EAG 92 I~Ct.'nl 3IJ FP~ TWE(40.7) TK(81) 1'(850.2) GC(170.J) W(195.1) EDEAG PR Gohand (Np) (7) N ~1 WE(3.8) 555 () Pa\\ili 11 EOEA TKWO) '1 (37R 2)

139 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR CenSllS of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities nvailnblc (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is showil ill the col UIlI II and next to it In brackets the tlistallee in broad ranges viz.< 5 kll1s , 5-1 () kill, alld I ()-I- kills "fthe Ilea rest place where the raCility is availahle i, glvCII)

'" '"~ c o ~ ;:; .D" E 0. c ;j "­ o c o "0. "g OJ E '8 B ·c " o .§ (/)" Z f- w 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 I J

IlS Jamkhun 5) 11(10+) (\(,S( I 0+) (,V(IIH) 32 3540 763 130 I' M« III'SS-III'I'O«5) nl«5) I(S(II)") (0469G200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO') Sl'( 10+] PII(IO') CI'(I0+) NW(lO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS( 10 I) S'1(1041

Alkachaba 238 I' M« 5) 11(101-) HI'WSS- (\CS( 11)1) CV(IOI) IlS« 5) 33 346.0 1,395 W 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04696300) C(IO+) I\ICW(IO+) NCS(IO+) ~I'( 11)1) RS(II») 1'11(10+) ('1'(11)1) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IOI) S'I( Ill') N\\'( I III )

MCW FWC Patkhun 256 I' M C(IO ) RMP SMP III' W SS- 1'11(2) (\CS( 10 ') CV(IO') 135« 5) 34 361.0 1,507 01«5) (04696400) + CIIW H( 10+) W 1'0« 5) NCS( 10 » SI'( 10+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) 1'1IC(10'-) OCS(IO ') ST(IO') N\\'(IOI)

MCW PHS BS Amond 513 1'(2) M RMP(2) HI' W SS- (\CS(IO+) CV( 10 I) 35 905.0 3,057 1'0 PII CM«5) RS(lO+-) (04696500) C(IO+) 11(10+) I'HC« W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) CI'(IOI) N\\'(IOI) 5) OCS(IO!-) ST(lO+)

Regwara Khurd 220 I' M« 5) 11(10+) (\(,S(5-10) ('V(IOI) IlS« 5) 36 765.0 1,368 TW W SS- PO(~ 5) 01« 5) (04696600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOI) SP( 11)1) RS(IO+) W PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) PlIC(IO+) O('S(IO') S l'( 10") NW(II)+]

Kuan Khera 2 H(IO+) (\CS« 5) C'\,(104) BS(5-10) 37 403.0 1'0«5) 01«5) (04696700) 1'« 5) M(5- MCW(IO+) NCS(104) SP(11)4 ) RS(IO+) « 5) SS- 1'11« 5) CP(5-10) 10) C(IO+) I'HC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(HH) NW(IO+)

CHWII(10+) HPWSS- (\(,S(IO+) Karhl 232 PAC M« ('V(IO") 135« 5) 38 552.0 1,060 MCW«5) W 1'0«5) Ot(5-10) NCS(I04) (04696800) 5) C(1O+) SI'(IO+) RS[lO+) I'IIC(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) OCS(IOI) S l'( 10+) N\\( 11]1)

1'(2) M(2) I'IlS 11(10+) Kachhwa Kalan III'WTK 1'01'11(5- (\C'S(5-10) CV( 1(11) IlS('-IIl) 39 855.0 2,344 410 AC(4) C(5- MCW« 5) (04696900) SS-WT 10) CM(S-IO) NCS(IOf) SI'( 10» RS(IO,.) 10) 1'1lC(5-10) CP(5-10) O(,S( liP) S1'( 10') N\\ \ 10+)

(\(,S(5-IO) C\'('-IO) IlS('-IO) KhaJuri 108 P«5)M« MCWH(5-IO) HPWTK 1'0«5) 40 412.0 720 CM(5-IO) NCS(5-10) SI'(IO+) (04697000) 5)C(5-IO) 1'1lC(5-10) SS-WT 1'11«5) RS(IIl') CP(5,10) OeS(5-IU) ST( I(I~) N\\'( 111+)

Karoumh PM(5-IO) r~I~~~("(~-)IO) IIPWTK 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) (\('5«5) ('V(5-11l) IlSt5-11l) 41 541.0 1,758 288 (04697100) C(5-10) < SS-WT NCS(101) SI'(5-IO) RS(IO+) 1'1lC(5-IO) PIl(5-IO) CI'(5-10) OeS( 10 f) ST(IO+) N\\\IIl»

Slgrnban 42 3900 ------Uninhabi(ed ------(04697200)

140 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land usc (i c arca underdirrercll( (ypcsorl"nd usc in hec(are)"

I E g -" .9 on ~ 2' .5 -c u 15 G " '-' -" E '-' .~ ." ~" '-' .S ';7,' .;:; "N ~n 00 8 :;J "> '-' " " '- 0 " :;0 Oil ;;: "~ ~ :; » ~" " biJ ..5 g 1:: €"B >, " ;;: " " Ci. " " "0 0- ~ ~ .r:: .9 0- o0.... ;:" e 2 " '-' ;;; " - " " 0- E '-' ~ g c " ~ " -~ ""1! e ~ " "2 e'" '-' 0- ~ g:lj .~ :1"5 E ;: ~ c 1:: 2 "v "'- " 0 0 E <: z" rL" Z" :;;: "E lL :5 ~ ~ < Z 'Jl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(1 14.0) I'R Gohand (Np) (8) ED \v(7 \.2) 121.9 466 353 9 Ja111khull 32 T(1852)

C;C(96 3) w(n.S) MR Sarila (Np) (4) ED 1636 1.6 3-158 Alkachaba 33 WE(.6 I) T( 180.9)

GC(62.6) I'RMR Sarila (Np) (6) ED EAG NM W(6A) 38.0 46 I'atkhull 34 FP T(69,0)

GC(200.0) I'C(IOO,O) EDEAG PR FP Sarila (Np) (7) TW(300.0) 217.0 60 10.0 Amona 35 EO EA 0(50.0) T(6S0.0)

GC(5S.3) PRMR Sarila (Np) (6) N W(274 I) 372.7 104 528 Keg\\ ara Khuld 36 T(329.4)

GC(63.9) W(6LO) Sarila (7) TW(S74) 186.9 15.0 Kurll KhcT

GC(190.9) EDEAG MRFP Gohand (Np) (12) W(170.7) 156.0 4~Jl Karhl 38 EOEA T(3616)

GC(525.0) PR FP Rath (Mb) (14) ED N 255.0 7:>.0 Kachh\\ a Ka\an 39 T(5250)

GC(150.0) I'KFI' Rath (Mb) (14) ED N 220 [) -Ie 0 Khailin 40 T(ISO.O)

GC(221 I) ~IR 1'1' Ralh (Mb) (8), ED W(I27.6) 132 8 9.S :'0 :; Kafl'Undl 41 T(348,7)

GC(nO) --.----- Uninhabited ------' 219.0 2~ () SIg_T

141 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (I r not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown III the colul1In and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 killS. alld 10+ killS orthc ncarest place where the raelilty is available is given)

._ " -sv § z 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13

11(5- III'"1WW Uman)'3 B~ 43 }880 3.41 S 605 1'(2) M C(S- 10) I\CS«5) (,V(IO') (04697300) TK C SS- PO 1'11(5- nl(S.IO) RS(III' ) 10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOq ~I'( 10,) IVT 10) CP(l()+) /'III'( 1(1) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(lfH) S 1110 I)

Gohand 13 1'(2) M(2) 11(10+) IlS 44 1.3650 72 III'IVTK CMCI'(5· ACS(S-IO) eV(II)I) (04697400) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) C SS-WT 1'0« 5) 101 NCS(IOI.) SP(lOI) RS(IO' ) PIIC(S·IO) 1'11(5-10) OCS(IO') SI(IO+) NW(IO')

Kcmokhar CHWII(IO,} THI'W 45 92 I' M« 5) ACS«5} CV(IIH) ns« 5) 499.0 671 MCW«5} TKCSS- PO«5} OI«5} (04697500) C(lO+} N(,S( 10+) SI'(I!)+) RS(IOC) I'HC(IO+) Ill' I'H« 5} CP« 5} OCS(IO+) ST(IO+} NW(IO') Musahl 46 2430 (04697600) ------Uninhabited ------

Bohara 47 52.0 (04697700) ------Uninhabited ------

Mehjolt 150 I' M« 5) H(lO+} ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 48 371.0 746 ~~ IV SS- 1'0« 5} CM« 5) (04697800) C(IO+) MCW« 5) NCS(IO·I) SI'(IO c) RS(IO+) I'H« 5} CP« 5) PHC« 5} OCS(IO+) Sr(lo+) NW(IIl+)

MCW I'IIS BS Mansgawan 155 P M« 5} ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 49 313.0 970 1l(IO+} PHC« ~; W TK 1'0« 5) CI\.I«5) RS(II)+) (04697900) C(IO+) NCS(IOI) SI'(IO+) 5) -WT I'H« 5} CP«5) NW(IO+) OCS(IOI} ST(IO+)

Banzni 50 87.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04698000)

Wagipura 80 P M« 5) 1l(10+) HI' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 51 320.0 539 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04698100) C(lO-) MeW«5) W NCS« 5) SI'(IO+} RS(IO,) 1'11« 5) CP« 5) PIlC« 5) OCS(IO') S 1'(10 1 ) NI\'(IIlI)

Itauragaon 48 I' M« 5) II(IO+} ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 52 1000 298 ~~ W SS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) (0-1698200) C(IO+} MeW«S} NCS(IOI) SP(IO+} RS(IO+} 1'11« 5) CP«5) PHC« 5} OCS(J(J; ) S'I'(IO+) N\V(II)C)

53 S",a (04698300) 80.0 ------Uninhabited ------

J DB MeW .. Amgaon ACS(5-IO) ('\'(5-10) IlS(5-IO) 54 903 0 2.117 372 1(2) M ('(5- CIIW(2) 11(5- Ill' IV ~.~ 1'0 I'll (04698400) ('1\.1(5-10) NCS(IO,) IO} 10) 1'1IC(5-1 0) C ss- SI'(5-IO) RS(Il)c) CI'(5-IO) oes( lIP) ST(IOI) NW(lll')

142 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Lal1dll~c (I.C. arca uI1dcrdiffcrcI11 Iypes orland usc in hcctarc)**

c g

C;' fn -i3 :s a .2 ~ E E .5 ,,2 o '" u u "> "~ ~ 2 ;;: on ~ ~fl" >, '" -0 ;; ;: .c" e ] '" § ::;:;" '" '- -0 bn >- ... g D .r:; u " ':.11 ":.> E g '" " .~ E ;J " " t: ~ ~ u t.L. .§ ::J <.3 '"en -< Z '/) 14 15 16 17 18 19" 20 21 22 23 2

GC(SI.0) W(270.0) I'RMR Rath(Mb)(IO) EI) EAG N TK(S.8) 19.3 12.7 LJIll

GC(721.0) EIJ EAG TWE(2.0) I'R Gahand (Np) ( 17) 5140 tOO 17~ () (J(.)hanu 4.1 EO E/\ N 0(19.0) T(742.0)

Ge(2385) W(I.2) MR Gahand (Np) (2) ED 4.2 27 5 KClllokh", TW(65.7) T(305.3)

1760 W(17.2) ------Uninhabitcd ------35.3 0.0 149 ~Iusalll 46 . T(17.2) GC(26.9) ------UninhabIted ------W(IO.4) 5.2 1.2 7.4 Baham 47 T(37.3)

GC(26 1.3) MR Gahand (Np) (2) ED W(85) 62.6 67 325 Mchjoh T(269.8)

GC(147.1) ED EAG N W(84.6) I'R Gahand (Np) (3) 46.3 8.4 25.7 Mansga\\'an 49 EOEA 0(2.1) T(233.8) GC(27.4) ------Uninhabited ------W(25.1) 25.9 1.6 7 J B'Hllni 50 T(52.5)

GC(167.3) EDEAG W(59.9) MR Gahand (Np) (2) 51.9 5.6 29.6 \Vaglpur

GC(38.8) PR Gahand (Np) (2) ED W(12.6) 37.0 2.1 9.7 Itauragaon 52 T(51.4)

GC(II.O) ------Uninhabited ------64 () 50 51fsa 53 T(11.0)

~ GC(206.6) ED EAG 1'1\ Rath (Mb) (9) W(434.1) 1491 24.5 6.. t5 I\l11gaon 54 EO EA T(640 7)

143 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities ami Ameni\ies avail"ble (.rnol available wilhin the village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and flexl to It In brach.cts the distance in broad ranges vi/.. < 5 kills. 5-10 kills (Ind I()+ kill';;; r----T'" "" "eo,,,, P'"'' WhO; "" f''';''Y ;, """I";' r;"j'~ I ! ~

~ g- ~ g__.-§ ~~ ...... ~ ~/)~ ~-='= e.~ ~] ~ ~~ ]~] ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ i ~ ~ 'g g I on tl) 2 Ee g~g §~ 5 ~ ;::! ::: u ~ E if) E ~. ~ /, g~ c~ b g .6 I=~ 8 2 GE ~n~ ~~-§ c5"2 2 3 4 8 9 10 II 12 13

I'IIS R~Ii' ACS IlS larakhar 769 1'(3) M(3) CIIW 11(10+) T III' IV ('V(IOI) 55 I3S_0 4.583 1'0 I'll CMCI' NCS(IO+) RS(lO+) (04698500) C(IO+) 1\ICW(10+-) S5-1I1' SI'( iO') OeS(ICH) NW(IO'-) I'IIC(IOI) S 1(10')

PAC CIIWII(IO+) HI'WTK Machchati ACS«5) CV(IOf) BS« 5) S6 308.0 630 108 1\1(10+) ''-'ICW« 5) 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04698600) C L 55-IV NCS(I()+) SI'(IOI) RS(IO') C(IO+) Plle(5-IU) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) I ST(IO+-) NIV(ICj-f)

Barua CIIWfl(IO+) IlI'TWW 1'111'0« ACS(5-10) CV(IOI) BS(5-10) 57 454.0 1,236 226 I' AC M« MC\V«5) TKCSS- 5 (,1\I(S-10) (04698700) 5) C(IO+) PHC(S-IO) WT ) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) OC5(10+) 5T(10+) NW(!O+)

Bigwan 1'(2) AC 11(10+) IIPWSS- PH 1'0« ACS(S-IO) CV(5-IO) 8S« 5) 58 429.0 3<)8 (04698800) 70 M( '- 5) C(S- MC\v(S-IO) W 5) CM(5-10) NCS(lOI) ~hS-IO) RS(IO+) 10) PIIC(5.IO) CP(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IOI-) NW(IO+)

. 11(5- Tikur AC5(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS« 5) 59 100.0 202 36 I' M« 5) C(5 10) MeW(5- Ill' W SS- 1'0« 5) (04698900) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO+-) 51'(5-10) RS(lO+) 10) 10) 1'1lC(5-10) W 1'11« 5) CP(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tulsipura 60 70.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04699000)

Linga 263 P 1\C M« 11(5- HI' W SS- I'll 1'0« ACS(5 10) (,V(IO I) BS« 5) 61 213.0 1,374 10) MeW(S- \ I CM(S-IO)- (04699100) 5) C(S-IO) 10) PIIC(5-IO) \ S) (,P(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(5-10) RS(IO") 0('5(10+) ST(5-IO) NW(I04)

RMP(3) CIIW BS Kargawan I'M AC H()-IO) IlPWTK POPH ACS(S-IO) CV(5-10) 62 459.0 1,403 CM«5) RS(IO+) (04699200) 247 C«S) MC\\'(S-IO) C SS-WT NCS(IO~) SI'(S- 10) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) I'IlC(S-IQ) OC5(101) ST( 10 I)

Jamra 63 2280 ------Untnhabited ------(04699300)

M(,W I'IIS BS Sama 111' IV 55- PH POe < AC5(5-10) ('V« 5) 64 286.0 1.100 164 P MC«5) 11«5) \I' Sl ('M\< S) RS(IO~) (04699400) NCS(IO,) SI'«5) I'IIC(IO') ~ CP« 5) N,l.V(IO") O(,S(IOI) ST(H)!)

5 ('(5 OIlY 11(5-10) IlS Ilahpur ACS« 5) CV(5-10) 65 459.0 1,516 280 I'M« ) - MCIV«5) III'SS-III' 1'0«5) CM«S) RS(IO+) (04699500) NCS(101) SI'(5-IO) 10) 1'!lC(S-IO) PII(S-IO) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS(IOI) ST(IOI)

144 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i c. Hr('" ulldcr dlfTerent tyres or lalld liSe III hectare)"

.s"on ;; £; .c u 2 0. "~ 0. 2 < Z" < 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(S24.8) W(33 1.8) WE(67.9) ~:;MR Rath(Mb) (12) ED EAG N 494.7 33.0 55 TWE(30 6) TK(6.6) T(9616)

() 2 GC(210.7) MR Gohand (Np) (8) N 51.5 302 7 I f\1

GC(20S.4) EO EAG N MR Gohand (Np) (6) 0.6 TWE(IOO.O} 34.5 26 I 168 Banla 57 EO EA T(30S.4)

GC(304.9) MR FP Ralh (Mb) (8) N Jaggcry W(56.0) 3\ 2 to 58 T(360.9)

GC(70.3) FP RaIl! (Mb) (7) Jaggcry W(\l.l} 40 9 1.4 824 Tlkur 59 T(82.4)

GC(5S.8) ------Uninhabited ------W(7.1) 1.7 TulsipUl3 6() T(62.9)

GC(141.8) EDEAG N MR rp Rath (Mb) (8) JaggcT}' W(9.3) 20.3 0.2 Ling. 61 EOEA T(151.1)

GC(264.I) \V(8.6) EDEAG N PH. Rath (Mb) (10) TW(51.5) 82.4 4.7 30.J EOEA 62 TK(O.9) T(325.1) GC(I42.7) ------Unmhabllcd ------W(29.5) 44.2 1.6 5.2 Janna 63 T(l72.2) GC(42.4) WE(2 \)

PR Ralh (Mb) (4) EO N 1\1 lWE(496) 15J J J 4 _"-' () S

W(273.0) EO EI\G PR Rath (Mb) (10) EO EA TWE(J2.i) 196.8 1.1 Bilhpur 65 T(lOS.I)


Census or India 2001 - Amcnitics and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column Hnd next to it in brackets the distance in hroad ranges viz. < 5 killS., 5-10 killS ami 10+ killS of the neilrest place wherc the filcillty " available is given) WC '0" S" -g 0 '" U" '" .c" V) " ~ "c: " c:" % ~ ~ IJ 9 ~ u '"0 § ~ e ::; e~ E~ [!. E ..E :0 E .., >. B "'5. ~ 0. " 0 on 0 'J> ::; ~'./) " '0 0." c '"~. " ...J ..9 0 ""Q" i'. [!. 0 9 ~=8 ro ~ "d ;; .c ~fi ~ .!::]--5 ._," :-;: "'"5 " ~ ~ B ~ ~ ~ on" .9 ":3 c ~ '"c: -5" " 0 ... "'" !; :§ '"- ;:; § g .n .c ;:;" -E. ': ~ :'!-§1: g .;; ~ ~ =' E "3 3: E .~ > 5 '" " 0- 0 2 M u EE .... 1:: 0 ... :'11 ... c ~ c: 0 " 0. 9 E ~ " .n ;:; ]" ;! ;: '') n ;; " -;; " w " _;;;" :: In § " E -0" c: ;: x " ... ~ c " 'r, t: :; c_- '0 '0 c Q E tl~::I ;z: " o ~ C til" £ r- r- " Gl ~" 0 0- u..i5 <~ ~ -~ U § 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

I3S Nadna I'M«5)C(5 - It(5- III'WSS- I\CS« 5) eV(5-10) 66 434.0 1,190 208 10) 10) MCIV« 5) IV 1'0« 5) CM«5) RS( Hi') (04699600) NCS(IO+) SI'(5-IO) I'llqlll+) 1'11(5-10) CI'(5-IO) NIV(IO+) OeS(lo+) S I (Ioe)

11« ns Sarsal 1'(2) M lil'WTK 1'111'0« I\CS«5) CV« 5) 67 143.0 2.539 428 5) Mc\V« 5) CM«5) RS(loe) (04699700) C(IO+-) CSS-W'I 5) NCS(IOI) SI'« 5) I'IIC(IO+) CI'(5-IO) NW(IO+) OCS(loe) S'I'(llIe)

11(5- Kumhanya I'M(5-IO) 10) III' \V SS- I\C5« 5) CV(5-IO) BS(5-11I) 68 276.0 1.151 212 1'0« 5) CM(l-llI) (04699800) C(5-IO) MCW(IO+) IV NCS« 5) SI'(5-IO) RS(IO+) 1'11(5-10) CI'(5-10) I'IIC(5-IO) OCS(lO e) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CIIW 11(5-10) Siyawn PM(5,10) III' IV SS, I\CS(510) CV(510) flS(5-IO) 69 329.0 1,432 266 MCW« 5) 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) (04699900) C(5-IO) W NCS(5-10) SI'(5-10) RS(IO+) 1'1IC(5-10) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-IO) OCS(5-1O) ST(IO+) NW(loe)

Rajmai 11(10+) I\CS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 70 77.0 1'«5) M(5- 1'0«5) CM«5) (04700000) MCW(5-IO) « 5) ss- NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) C(IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'(5-10) 1'1IC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IOI)

Chulla 71 59.0 ------Unlnhabned ------(04700100)

CIIW 11(5-10) Itayal PM AC III' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(5-10) flS« 5) 72 412.0 1,055 167 MCW«5) 1'0«5) CM(5-10) (04700200) C(5-10) W NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PJlC(5-10) 1'11(5-10) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

CHW 11« 5) I' AC M('~ Ill' IV SS- I\CS« 5) CV«5) 13S« 5) 73 Barn (04700300) 404.0 868 141 MCW« 5) 1'0«5) CM«5) 5) C« 5) w NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) I'I1C(IO+) 1'11«5) CP«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kushama 74 247.0 ------Uninhabited ------,----- (04700400)

Chillt 1'(3) 1\1 S MCWII(IO+) IIPW'IK I'll I\CS(IO+) CV(IO+) llS« 5) 75 1.651.0 4.356 754 CM«5) (04700500) PUC C( 10-+) 1'11(,( 10~) C SS-WT 1'0(10+) NCS(IO') SI'(IOT) RS« 5) CI'« 5) OC5(10') SnIO') NW(loe)

Kharehta Buzurg I'M(IO+) 1\( 10+) 1\1' IV 5S- I\CS(5-10) CY(IO+) BS(5-IO) 76 3600 280 40 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) C(Jlle) MCIV« 5) W NCS(IlH) SI'(IO-+) RS(IOe) (0-1700600) 1'11(10+ ) CI'(IO+) 1'11('(10+-) OCS(IO+) ST(IOe) NW(IO+)

146 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land usc (i c. area under dl fTcrcnl lyres or land usc in hccl:lrc)H

E -" s r;' q 'i3 "uc 0 "c § on ~ 0 " -a S u ~ OIl ;: ~ ii h :E" C " -0 9 n. -.: t ~ -B 9" 0-" oo.~ " ~ 0- ~ " §~ 2" OJ 0- ~ ffl ~ ~ 0 ~ 0. B 0 « z P.. Z" :;;: E" 14 15 16 17 18

W(2710) EO EAG I'R Ralh (Mb) (9) Jaggel)' 'IW(I L2) 147 () EO lOA T(2822)

G(,(80.0) I'll. Ralh (Mb) (4) ED EIIG NM 61 0 67 T(80.0)

PC(N8) I'R Ralh (Mb) (5) [0 \\'(79.4) 956 10.6 T(IIO.2)

GC(26.3) W(83.1) Ralh (Mb) (6) ED TW(10.9) 141.1 3.1 44.0 Siya\\ll 69 0(23.2) T(l43.5) GC(!3.7) W(17.8) Ralh (5) 1'WE(11.9) 25.7 L! 6.0 Rajmo; 70 0(0.8) 1'(44.2) GC(42.0) ------Uninhabited ------W(LO) 320 Chulla 71 1'(43.0)

GC(9.0) I'R Ralh (Mb) (6) NM Jaggcry W(298.1) 39.1 26.2 40.5 Itayol 72 1'(307.1)

GC(298.7) FP Rath (Mh) (4) EDEAG N Jaggcl)' W(4.0) 59.1 20.5 22.6 [3ala 73 1'(302.8)

GC(62.3) ------Uninhabilcd ------W(5.6) 160.8 0.5 99 Kusha1l1<1 74 1'(67.9)

G('(334.7) W(444.5) I'R MR Rath (Mb) (14) N 6530 1174 C1\111i 0(880) 1'(867.2)

G('(48 I) 1'(,(83.7) MR Rath (Mb) (15) 217.0 8.3 Kh;lIcilta BUl:lIIg 7(, 0(2.6) 1'(134.3)

'147 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amcnitics and AmcllIties avallable (ifnot available within the village. a dash (-) is shown III the column and nextt" it 111 brackcts the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 killS, 5-1 () kills and 10+ kills orthe ncarest place where the (;lcility is available IS glvcn)

._ -;; " gc .0 C" B :; .g Z w.l 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

Aunta 612 1'(4) M(2) 11(5- III'WTK 77 1.1630 3.699 CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) eV(5-IO) I1S« 5) (04700700) C(5-IO) 10) MCW(5- C SS-WT 1'0 I'll 10) PIlC(IO+) CI'(5-IO) NCS(IO") SI'(5-10) I(S(IO') OCS(lO,) ST(IIH) NW(IO')

Tala Raath CHW 11(5-10) III' W SS. 1'111'0« ACS(S-IIl) C'V(S-IO) IlS« 5) 78 4.8140 1.334 236 P AC M« (04700800) 5) C(5-10) MCW«5) W 5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IOf) ~i'(S-IO) RS(I(J~) I'HC(IO+) CI'(5-IO) OC'S(IO') S'I(IO+) NW( II),)

Dhanoura 11(10+) IIPWTK ACS« 5) C;V( 10 I) I3S« 5) 79 348.0 343 60 I' M« 5) (04700900) C(IO+) I\1CW«5) SS-WT 1'0« 5) CM« 5) NCS( 10") 51'(10 f) RS(IOr) I'H(IO+) CI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IIH) NW(IO+)

DA H(lO+) Akauna 687 1'(3) M(2) HI'WSS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 80 1,185.0 4,195 MCW(IO+) 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (04701000) C(IO+) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) I'H(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO,') ST(IO,) NW(IOr)

Madha 81 410 ------Uninhabited --.------(04701100)

ACS BS Dhanouri Il(IO+) CM CV(IO+) 82 1,078 0 3.583 639 1'(2) M HPWTK 1'01'11 NCS(104) RS(I()+-) (04701200) C(IO+) MCW(10+) SS-WT CI'(IO+) SI'(IO'l OCS(I04) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) 5T(l0!-)

83 Igui (04701300) 515.0 ------Uninhabited ------.--

Aura Khcra Ill' W R ACS(5-1O) CV(IU,') 135« 5) 84 444.0 64 II P« 5) M« 11(10+) 1'0(5-10) CM(IO-r) (04701400) SS-W NCS(IO,) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 5) C(I0+) MCW(5-IO) I'H(IO+) CI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO') ST(IO') NW(IO')

Jakhcri 328 I'M(5-10) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO") BS(5-10) 85 628.0 1,883 Mew 11(10+) ~{;_~ R C PO 01(10+) (04701500) C(lO+) 1'11C(10+) 1'11(10;) CP(IO+) NCS(IOc) SI'(IO!-) RS(IO+) OCS(IO+-) 5,T(10+) NIV( 10+)

Kharchal. Khurd 76 I'M(5-10) H(lO+) ACS«5) ('''(10 f ) I3S« 5) 86 4200 432 ;~' W SS- 1'0« 5) CM( Ill') (04701600) ClIO+-) MCIV« 5) NCS(IO-) SI'(lO -) RS( 10·) I'H(IO') ('1'(10') I'I!C(IO+) OC5t I0 ') S 1(10 1 ) N\v( IO'~

Sar.;cda Maf 110 I'M(5-IO) - 11(5- III' W SS- ACS« 5) ('\'(10 1 ) IlS« 5) 87 666.0 623 10) MCW« 5) IV 1'0« 5) C~I« 5) (04701700) C(IO+) NCS(IOI) SI'(IOI) RS(III· ) I'I!C(IU+) 1'11(10 1 ) CP(IOI) O(,S(IO') ST(IOI) NIV(IO')

148 VillAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) LUlld usc (I.e. nrea under diffcrcnllypcs of land lise 111 hcclnrc)H

] § .s' on .s "3 ~ 0 " 3 "::: " ~ E ~ ,2 ~ .::: V- "bn ~ " ~ ~'-' :,e 'i3 o:,fl 8 ;J > 'J ~ ~ §.= E ~ > >. ;:;:" ~~ ;'J ::JJ IF t >. _g S c;, 1: > > " o ;::l " .c 9 0. 0. 0._ e "-'! ;:; § ;;; """ '0 :is" " g " "" G ~ g_ " U 'A ~ :::.£ ~ ~ 2 ;; co e ~ u ~ :l V> 0. ~ c bn E-5 0 ~ .~ 2 ¥ -- 0. 0 0 -; ::: :::; " .§ 'f) < ;z" c.." z" :.0: E t.L. :5 U b'i, -< Z 14 15 16 17 I~ 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(73.0) I'RMR W(349.4) Rath (Mb) (8) ED N 585.1 2tH Aunt'" 77 FP 0(3.5) T(425.8)

GC(199 I) PC(1745) PR MR Rath (Mb) (8) 2253 195 I "I., [{a,llh \\,E(25.0) " T(398.6)

GC(33.0) 1'W(24.0) EDEAG PR Rath (Mb) (13) 1'K(IOO) 197.0 J() 0 Dh

GC(259.1) EDEAG I'R Rath (Mb) (12) NM Jag!;cry 16.0 W(488.3) 317.9 25.0 948 Akauna 80 EO EA T(747.3)

W(23.8) ------Uninhabited ------0(10.0) 72 ~1adlH XI 1'(33.8) GC(444.G) TWE(74.0) EDEAG I'll. Rath (Mb) (12) NM 1'K(25.0) 268.0 Dhan(ltJrl X2 EO EA 0(207.0) 1'(750.0) GC(39.5) ------Uninhabited ------63.9 W(34.9) 306.2 700 19l1l 83 T(74.4)

GC(IG.O) W(4.0) FPNR Ralh (Mb) (18) 58.8 1'K(20.0) 291.0 0.5 6.9 Aura Khem R4 1(34.0)

GC(40.0) PRMR , 4 W(32 0) Rath (Mb) (17) Jagge,y 412 7 20 {> 2~. FI'NR ,0 1K(IO.0) \ J,,"-hcl1 85 T(82.0)

GC(118.6) 1'('(84.6) FP Rath (Mb) (16) Jaggc,), 151 (, In Khareiwta "-hurd )'\(J W(468) T(249.9)

GC(51 0) I'R 1'1' 619 W(50.0) Rath (Mb) (IS) Jagge,y 72.1 2~1 n S.H"cd,\ il-LI! ~7 NR . 1\(75.0) 1 (176.0)

14Y DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India ZOO] - Amenities lind All1cnitice available (II' not available within the vilhlgc, a dash (-) is shown in thc COIUlllll and ncxt 10 it In brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 killS., 5-10 kim and 10+ kills "fthc nearest place where the facility is availahle is glvCll)

·2 Vl" 2 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Cl1W 1I(lt)1·) 111' IV SS- Chhirawal 32 I' M« 5) ACS(510) ("V(IO' ) IlS(5 1(1) 88 4200 204 MCW« 5) w 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04701800) C(I()+) NCS(IO') SI'(IO' ) RS(IO' ) I'IIC(IO') 1'11(10+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO' ) NW(ltI')

1111 !lA(3) T(9) Oil W(68) l\ICW(2U) TK(26) 1'(96) 1\1(36) 1\111 CWC II 1'(69) 1'0(18) CI\I(S) Block Total 53197_0 103495 17723S PUC IIC I'IIS(IO) ACS(4) IIS(20) TW(IO) PH(26) CP(2) AC(21) FWC R(S) RI\IP(t2) C(19) SI\II' L(2) CIIW(30)

150 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory 1999) Land usc (I C area umlcr lhflcrcnt types oChllld U'C 111 hcctarc)*~ I r--i 2;. :[J '> -5 I :: 0 ""'"::: 'J " E .~ "N E 'f; ·2 "on I "'_' :,0 ~ '"CI) B I 5 "> ;;: <: ;;, ~ a :§ >. 2 "0 0. 'l:: ~ >, " "0"n 0 ~ ~ "c. c. ~ ] " " tJ :n ~ ~ c. .§ ~n " § ~ " ~ ~ S ::: r. E " u " ~ 0 2 ~ ~ ::l 0 '" ; :; C 2 E -( "-" z" 2 E "- ::J U" " 16 17 I g 19 20 21 22"" 23

GC(22) Ralh(Mb)(18) 54.6 5A J5(,O Chbll in\ ill :::~~~z R(2 2) '1(4.4)

GC(11544.67 74) PC(1046.454 ) \\'(5655.8124 1 - PR(45) EIJ(45) \\'E(205.646) i\JR(32) EAG(31) N(32) 1768 1'W(840.445) 17716.6 11111.5 3929.R 1'1'(29) EO(18) i\1(11) I .1 1'WE(476.50 NH.(4) EA(l8) 3) TK(I(l3.647) R(145.679) WF(I.219) 0(662.6414) "1'(2(1682.724 2)


Map of Rath CD Block



Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District: I-Iamirpur 2UU I Census locatIon 1')':;1 j Census locatIOn code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Rath Name of SUb-Dist: 0002 1 Agitha 04705100 410020005000230217 2 Akouni 04708300 410020005000250237 3 Alampura 04703100 410020005000200185 4 Alipura 04705900 410020005000210196 5 Athgaon 04703000 410020005000200184 6 Atrouli Rath 04706800 410020005000240223 7 Badanpura 04710300 410020005000260255 8 Bakrai 04704000 410020005000220204 9 Barda 04709200 410020005000250242 10 Barel 04704300 410020005000220207 11 Barguli Rath 04707900 410020005000240232 12 Basela 04706400 410020005000210201 13 Bhadarwara 04706300 410020005000210200 14 Bihar 04704500 410020005000220209 15 Bihgaon 04709100 410020005000250247 16 Bilrakh 04706100 410020005000210198 171 Chak Bihgaon 04709500 410020005000250244 18 Chhapaki 04708600 410020005000250240 19 Churwa 04703700 410020005000200191 20 Dadri 04709600 410020005000250246 21 Dewra 04704100 410020005000220205 22 Dhamna 04708200 410020005000250236 23 Diha 04706000 410020005000210197 24 Diktora 04707000 410020005000240225 25 Galihaya 04707200 410020005000240226, 26 Gauhani Panwari 04704200 410020005000220206 27 Ghughsi 04709800 410020005000260252 28 Girbar 04705500 410020005000230219 29 Giroura 04706500 410020005000210202 30 Gohani Rath 04710400 410020005000260258 31 Govindpura 04707100 410020005000240224 , 32 Gugarbara 04704800 410020005000230215 33 Gursara 04703200 410020005000200186 34 Ikthaur 04702000 410020005000190174 35 Ikthora 04704400 410020005000220208 36 Itora Rath 04705600 410020005000210194 37 Jhinnabira 04704700 410020005000230216 38 Kadipura 04709300 410020005000250245 39 Kaintha 04707800 410020005000240233 40 Kaithi 04710100 410020005000260257 41 Karpoura 04708000 410020005000240234 42 Kaswa Khera 04708800 410020005000250248 43 Khadron 04708100 410020005000250235 44 Kharakhar 04703400 410020005000200189 45 Khiriya 04703500 410020005000200188 46 Kotha 04702700 410020005000190181 47 Kuchhechha 04702900 410020005000190183 48 Kulhariya 04708400 410020005000250238 49 Kulhenda 04705200 410020005000230213 50 Kurra 04705700 410020005000210193 51 Lidhaura 04702500 410020005000190179

153 Alphabeticallisil 0Lyillages (CD. block wise) Name of the Oistrict:HamirpUl- lUU I Census locallon ll)l) I Lensus location code Serial number Name of village eo de number number J 2 - 3 4 52 MaJhgawan 04702400 410020005000190178 53 Malheta Danda 04702600 410020005000190180 54 Malheta Dariya 04702800 410020005000190182 55 Malouha Maf 04705800 410020005000210195 56 Maniyapar 04709000 410020005000250250 57 Mawai 04707400 410020005000240229 58 Mehjouli 04710200 410020005000260256 59 Muskura Khurd 04704600 410020005000220210 60 Nandpura 04703800 410020005000200192 61 Nauhai 04707600 410020005000240230 62 Noranga 04703300 410020005000200187 63 Odera 04707500 4100200050002407.28 64 Padra 04709700 410020005000260251 65 Paharibir 04709400 410020005000250243 66 Paharigarhi 04707700 410020005000240231 67 Para 04708900 410020005000250249 68 Pathnouri 04709900 410020005000260253 69 Rakoura 04708500 410020005000250239 70 Ramgarh Danda 04702300 410020005000190177 71 Ramgarh Dariya 04702200 410020005000190176 72 Rath Dakhin 04706900 410020005000240222 73 Rath Purab 04706700 410020005000240221 74 Rath Uttar 04706600 410020005000240220 75 Rouro 04710000 410020005000260254 76 Saidpur 047062.00 41002.0005000210199 77 Sargaon 04702100 410020005000190175 78 Shuklahari 04707300 410020005000240227 79 Sikrouda Rath 04704900 410020005000230211 80 Tikiriya 04708700 410020005000250241 81 Tala Khagaran 04701900 410020005000190173 82 Tola Rawat 04705000 410020005000230212 83 Tooka 04703900 410020005000220203 84 Tori 04705400 410020005000230218 85 Tugrabara 04705300 410020005000230214 86 Umanniya 04703600 410020005000200190


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBGGI, : HAMIRPUR Censlls of India 200 I - Alllcnitics and Amenities available (If not-available within the village, a dash (-) IS SllOll'11 III tile columll and nexl to il in brack~ls [lie distance in broad rallges VIZ.< 5 kills. 5-10 killS t-___"_Il_d,I_'l_+_kl1ls ()r\h~ ncar('st plac~ wh~re thc facI!lly IS aY~liablc I:; glvcn) "2..,

~ o o o v ";: " "5 ;:•• "0 ::l z u Z 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 II 12

Cll Block: Rath (11412)

I\ICW (,IIW Tola Khagaran 314 PM(5-1O) III'WSS- 1'111'0« I\CS(IIJ') CV(HI') !lS( I (), ) 1.7420 1,862 11(IOe) IV 5) CM(lO') (047019;)0) C(IO~) NCS(IO') SI'(IO') R~( I ()I) I'IIC(IO+) CI'(IO') OCS(IO') SI(II1') NIV( !O')

CIIW Ikthaur 11(10+) IIPWSS- "C~(5- ev( I () I ) Il~« 5) 569.0 109 19 I'M«5J 1'0(5-10) CM(IO') 10) (04702000) C(I 0+) MCW(ID+) IV RS( 10') 1'11(10+) ('1'(10 1 ) NeS( 10' ) SI:(I~) 1 ) 1'11C(IOI) OeS( I 0 I) S I (I) I) NW(IO !)

CllW "CS(5- CV(IO e Sargaon 294 P(2) M(5-10) 11(10+) III' IV SS- US(S-IO) 1,7340 1,910 1'11(2) CM( I 0+ ) 10) ) (04702100) qIO+) MCW(IO+) W 1'0(5·10) CI'(I01) NCS(IOe) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHqIO+) OeS(lo+) S 1 (10+) NIV(loe)

Rarngarh Danya 4 119.0 ------U 111 nhab i ted ----.------(04702200) Ramgarh Danda ~32.0 ------Uninhabited ----.------(04702300) IlA DA HC I3S PHS CHW "CS (,V(;O+) Majhgawan 597 1'(3) M(3) HI' W 5S- PO CM 6 1,495.0 3,412 1l(IO+) W NCS(10+) SP(lOI) RS(IOI) (04702400) AC qIO+) 1'11(10+) CI'(IOe) MCW(S-IO) OeS(lo+) ST(IO'.) N\v(IOI) PllC(5-10)

CllW Lldhaura 11(10') Ill' W SS- "CS« 5) CV(IO+) 135« 5) 1,472.0 1,747 291 I' M« 5) 1'0« 5) CM« 5) C(10+) MCWOO+) W NCS(IO') SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (04702500) PIl(IO+) CI'(IOI) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO"·)

MCWCHW I\C5(5- ev( I 0+) BS Malheta Danda 321 1'(3) M(2) Il(lO~) IIPSS-1I1' 1'0(5-10) CM(5·IO) RS(IO') 1,395.0 1,879 51'(10') (04702600) C(IO+) ~O~. NW(IOI) I'HC(IO+) 1'11(10+) CI'(IO+) I (S(IO+) ST(IO". OCS(IO+)' )

CHW I\CS(5- n'( In' ) Kotha 135 I'M(5-10) II(IO~) III' W 55- BS(~-IO) 9 346.0 717 1'0(5-10) CM(IOL) C(IO+) Me\\ (5-1 0) \\ IO~. SP(Iil') RS()ll' ) (04702700) 1'11(10+) CI'(IO') N( S( 10") S I III') N\I (10') I'llq5-10) DCS(ln') (

Malheta Dariya 10 74.0 (04702800)

CIIW Kuchhechha 74 1>~M<5) 11(10·) "CS( I \I' ) ( V( I \I' ) IlS« 5) II 1,078.0 464 III' SS-III' 1'0(10+) CM(IO') C(104-) MCW(IO+) NeS(I!)') SI'(IIlI) RS( 10 I) (04702900) 1'11(10 l) CI'(1 0 e) 1'11C\10") OC5(101) SI(IO;) NII'IIO' )

'155 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I.e area under di fferent types of lmld use in hectare)··

c: :[ '2 on > .2- Co' 0: :;" '-' -i3 :;:; u 0 :l u 0: OJc: t:: U ._,,- :0" u .:;:~ oJ " Vi E 0:6 ;: iii d ..:! ... >-. ::s em 0:; "" t:: ,," >, 3:"0 2 .D 9 3: 0. c t " > .:;: " 0- e OJ t:: E .c 9 P.. 8.2 "":< .~ ::l U " :0 '" " ii\ 0. ~ ... 0 0 c Vi ... " .5 ~ " '" c: u E'" 1: en :l ~ E 0. OJ V'; c: en a~ E "3: 3: 0 :; :l " ·2 0. 0 e0 'E 1: 'lJ

GC(280A) 79 I PC(264.3) PR Rath (Mb) (23) ED 577.8 423 Tola Khagarall 6 . TWE(2.5) T(547.t)

Rath (Mb) (18) 324 I GC(88 3) 65.9 40 242 I"thaur 2 . T(88.3)

""-. "PRMR Rath (Mb) (20) 5192 GC(850.3) 263.2 22.6 77.7 Salgaon } . 1'(850.3)

------Uninhabited ------2.0 117.0 Ramgarh Dartya 4

------Uninhabllcd ------813.3 W(8.3) '1(8.3) 93.9 102.2 829.9 Ramgarh Danda

GC(6089) PRMR Rath (Mb) (20) ED 159.7 TW(24.0) 366.9 66.7 17,}.} Majhga\\an 6 FP N T(632.9)

Rath (Mb) (25) ED 629.9 522.8 20.6 Lldhaura

GC(141.4) 217 2 PC( 126 3) PR Rath (Mb) (20) ED N 365.8 7~ 5 I S(1 J Malhew Danda . TW(68) T(274 5)

0(,(2034) _y I.1RFI' Rath (Iv\b) (16) Jaggery W(I.I) [H.c Kotha y 1'(204 5)

-----;-- Unmhablted --- 0(4.0) T(.J 01 I'll (,1I i\hllIH_,til DWI)

4203 G('((,. I) Rath (Mb) (20) :2:'02 ~O.:' 1\1.\ K llchhtxhha II . '1(6 I)

156 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200] - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-1 () kms. ane! I ()+ kills orthe nearest place where the facility is available is given)

o .~ o " t'.- 8 on 0- "0 "o b :2 () " -g .... '"o os OJ ..c:" .D "­ -a -a 8 o .~ .... .9" " .0" " -a" u §~ ·c E "::> OJ "0 o S til Z" UJ U.i5 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MCW IIC ACS()- CVI IO~} IlS Athgaon 357 1'(3) M I'HSCHW HPTWW 12 477.0 2,050 SS-WT 1'0(10+) CM« 5) 10} I(S(IO-) (04703000) C(lO+) 11(5-10) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ~I:(IO-) N\v(IO~) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) SI(IO+)

Alampura 13 168.0 ------Unmhabited ------(04703100) Gursara 14 1460 ------Uninhabited ------(04703200)

BS T IIPTW ACS(5- CV(lO~) Noranga 730 1'(4) M(2) Ii D MCW PO CM(IO+) RS(IO+) 15 1,594.0 4,484 10) SP(I U+) (04703300) C(lO+) PHC W SS-HP PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) ST(\o~) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+)

PHS CHW ACS(5- CV(5-10) BS Kharakhar 73 I'M(5-10) H(5-10) HI' W SS- 10) 16 530.0 441 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (04703400) C(5-10) MCW(IO+) W NCS(S- PH(5-10) CP(IO+) 5T(l0+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) 10)

CHW 11(5- ACS(5- CV(5-10) BS Khiriya 161 P ACM(5- 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS- 10) 17 678.0 959 1'0(5-10) CM(5-tO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (04703500) 10) C(5-IO) 10) I'HC(5- W NCS(5- PH(5-10) CP(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) 10)

('IIWI-I(5- ACS(5- 10) MCW(5- TW W SS- 10) CV(5-10) BS(5-IO) Umanniya 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) 18 1,167.0 728 117 I' MC(5-10) 10)PHC(5- WT NCS(IO+) SI'(lO~) RS(IO~) (04703600) PH(5-IO) CP(S-10) 10) OCS(5- ST( I O~) N\v(IOL) 10)

CIlW H(5- I\CS(5- 98 PM«5)C(5 10) MC\V(5- HPWSS- 10) CV(S-IO) I3S(5-IO) Churwa 493 P0(5-IO) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO~) 19 3590 10) 10) PIIC(S- W 1(5(10-) (04703700) PH(5-10) CI'(5-10) OCS(5- ST(IO-) 10) NW(IO-) 10)

Nandpura 20 4S.0 -.. -..-- Uninhabited ------(04703800)

CIlI, 11(5- ACS(5- CV('-111) IlS II) ~IC\\"(S- III' \\ SS- Tooka 117 I'M(5·)O) 1'0(5-IU) CM(5·10) 10) ., - 1- I(S( II) -) 21 4880 10) 1'1IC(5- W (04703900) C(5-IO) PH(5-10) CI'(5-IO) NCS(llI,) SI (1\) NIl (111-) 10) OCS(I 0' ) S I (I ( )

("IIW 11(5- ACS(" CV(5.IO) 1'(2) M(S 10) 10) MCW(5- Ill' W SS- IlS(5·lli) Bakral 1'0(5-10) CM(5·10) 22 433.0 1,24& 207 10) SI'(IO') I(S(IO' ) (04704000) C(5-IU) 10) PIlC(5- W PH(5-10) CI'(5-10) NCS(lO+) SI(IO') N\I'(IU') 10) OCS(llll)

157 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"

~ .0 "E :l :: en ~ oj z0.) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

W(339.3) PR MR Rath (Mb) (16) ED E!\G TWE(49.7) 98.7 8.8 533 !\thgaon 12 T(389.0)

GC(138.2) ------Unmhablled ------18.1 79 108 A1amputa 13 T(138.2) GC(114.0) ------Umnhablleu ------.--- 221 9 13:.3 Gursalil 14 T(114.0) 1

GC(1049.0) ED EAG N M PC(11.2) PR Rath (Mb) (14) Jaggery 6.8 139.3 Noranga 15 EO EA W(11.2) T(1071.4)

GC(154.4) W(214.2) ED EAG PR Rath (Mb) (10) Jaggery TWE(11.1) 77.6 2.2 Kharakltar 16 EO EA 0(21.4) T(401.1)

GC(223.3) W(320.9) PR Rath (Mb) (10) Jaggery 22.3 90.0 Khtriya 17 0(23.7) T(567.9)

GC(206.2) PR Rath (Mb) (8) ED Jaggery W(80.9) 101.2 1.0 2.8 Umanniya 18 T(287.2)

GC(52.0) W(19.0) PR Rath (Mb) (8) ED Jaggcl)' 1570 2.7 :- l) ellul'\l a 1'1 TW(83.0) T(1540)

------Uninhabited ------32.0 Nandpula 20

GC(1059) ~~ MR Rath (Mb) (10) FD 1'0 Jagger) W(898) 102 =1 T( ~9S 8)

GC(3297) MR FI' Rath (Mb) (10) Jaggcry W(53.0) 35 5 lIaknll 22 T(3827)

158 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available wltilln the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance 111 broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 krns. Ul ~ ii: and 10+ kills of the nearest place where the facility is available IS given) OJ c 0.1 "0 t; U c 0.1 '"::J '" ,; -" '" c ~ 0- u 0.1 "C " e ~ ~ .g .= 0 0 .~ 5 t::,-... 'E ~ u ~ _c 2 2 J3 8. 8 "u 0- :; "'fJ ~>, 0 "eIJ -0 0. <.J c:a V) ~ ...J ,g 0 -is ]" " ·c .... 0 '" 1: .; "0 9 eIJ'" OJ::J ~" "'d ~ "0 0 ~~:a -" ? .~ ::J _c ::J ~'" .., t: ~ " t: " U 0-< "eIJ -5 0 ::J ... a o 'u '"c ....., .~ 0 ..c " C 0 :§ '- ..t: 3 0- " .g " .0 .; 0 :::~6::J OJ g :; '- c:; 2 c:;" .<;::'" ,,;>c ._ E 0- 0 C " on e S ::J ..... "~ 0 ... on '2 d] '2" c 0 0- c:; E~ .g ;;l .n is "c: }1" '">, c:; " " :;;; " u;;l ...." " E (/) E ~ " c:; E "u " c §J2 ~ v ... ·c EQ-O " ;;l ::J -a ·c " u C.o oE~ ._ 0 0" -0 ·c 0: on..c VJ'" z 8 f- f- Z t.LJ 2:" 0 c.. 82 <0 .'"0:: "-"uu::J u 2 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CHW 11(5- ACS(5- BS Dewra I'M(5-10} 10} MCW(S- CV(5-10} 23 220.0 807 147 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) RS(IO+) (04704100) C(S-IO) 10} PHC(5- W SS-W 1'11(5-10) CP(5-IO) ~Ols(lo+) SI'(5-10) NW(IO+) 10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

CHW Gauhani Panwari P 1'.1« 5) H(IO+) 111' W 55- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 24 220.0 2,047 355 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (04704200) C(tO+) MCW(S-IO) W NCSq'tO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) I'HC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

ACS(S- MCWCHW BS Barel PM(5-10} HP W 5S- 10) CV(5-10) 25 S02.0 975 187 o 11(5-10) 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) RS(IO+) (04704300) C(5-1O) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) PIlC(5-10) PI1(5-10) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) OCS(5- ST(IO+) 10)

MCW ACS(5- Ikthora 1'1'.1(5-10) HI' W SS- CV(5-10) 8S(5-10) 26 128.0 984 166 I 0') 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) (04704400) C(5-10) lIe W 10) SI'(IO+) RS(lO+) I'HC(IO+) I'H(5-10) CI'(5-10) NCS(IO+) ~T(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+)

CHW H(5- ACS(5- Bihar I'M(5-10) 10) MCW(S- HI' W SS- 10) ~V(5-10) 8S(5-IO) 27 137.0 525 88 1'0{5-IO) CM(5-10) (04704500) C(5-IO) 10) PHC(5- W NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) I'H(5-10) CP(5-10) 10) 0(,S(5- ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10)

CIIW Muskura Khurd !lC 11(10+) HI' WSS- ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 13S« 5) 28 428.0 2,230 379 1'(2) M PO{<5) CM«5) (04704600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO+) 51'(101-) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCCIO+) ocs(loq ST(IO+) NW(IO")

MeW I\C5(5- Jhmnablra HI' W 5S- CV(IOI-) 13S(IO-) 29 1,045.0 2,377 375 I' M CCIO+) 11(10 4 ) 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (04704700) W 10) SI'(104) RS(IO-) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) NC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IOq OCS(IO+)

CIIW I\CS(5- Gugarbara I'M(5-IO) 11(10") I HI' \\' SS- ('V(IOe) 8S(10-) 30 3470 345 51 PO{~-IO) CM(IO+) (04704800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) 10) _ SI'(IO") RS(IO-) 111' I'Ht;U') ('1'(10+) N(,S(IO I) S'I (10") 1'11(,(10' ) NW(IO-) OeS(IOe)

CIIW I\CS(5- S ikrouda Rath l' M« 5) 11(10+ ) HI' \\' 5S- CV(Il)!) BS(IO-) 31 356.0 785 122 1'0(5-10) CM(5-IO) (04704900) C(IO+) M(,W(IO+) W 10) SI'(104) RS(IO-) (,lllIO!-) ('1'(10+) NCS(IO+) ST« 5) I'IIC(IO+) NW(IO') O(,S(IO+)

159 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999l Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)* *

c: :2 ]' E ./ en i::;- .; g c: :; 0) '6 '6 u 0 .2 ...u c: S 0 "c: ._c:~ U) J:: <> .~ E OJ 01) t1 0 OJ I:: ~4) ":> 1> :0 on u ::l ::0 .5 co 01) := ~ .;;: o. :2- .D ... t .... >. 3: "0 ;.- .;;: " :3 3: 0.p. 4) " OJ c: co E ..c: P- e "" .~ B n at "0 E ::0" u ~ 01) '" -0 ... P- .5

OC(190 7) I'RMR Ralh (Mb) (10) Jaggcry W(2.9) 264 Dewra 23 FP T(1936)

GC(317.6) I'R Rath (Mb) (15) Jaggery 236.0 W(I 2) 2162 19 80 2 Gauham Papwan 24 "l(3 \ lI.lI)

GC(329.5) PR Ruth (Mb) (\0) Jaggcry W(41.3) 131 2 Bale! 25 T(370.8)

GC(67.4) PR Ralh (Mb) (7) Jaggery TW(223) 52.6 4.4 2.2 Ikthora 26 T(89.7)

0C(47.7) PR Rath (Mb) (6) Jaggery TW(58.8) 65.6 2.3 Bihar 27 T(106.5)

0C(340.0) W(O.S) MR FP Rath (Mb) (II) ED NM Jaggery TW(145) 21.4 4.1 45.4 Muskura Khurd 28 TK(0.9) T(355.9)

GC(370 8) PR ~IR Roth (Mb) (22) Jaggery 333 - TW(6i 3; .) 0(23.8) 1-13.4 2.9 108.5 JhllllHlblra 29 T(455.9)

OC(63.6) rp 238 I W(O 8) Rath (Mb) (22) Jaggery 27.j q :I ' 0(03) 77 Ciugarhara 31l T(64 7)

GC(167,6) MRF\, Rath (Mb) (22) Jaggcry 112,60(2,2) :'75 4 \ 1580 S'KlOuda Rath 31 T(1698)

160 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200l - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility IS available is given)

c: .g f" B e '0'" "0- .3 "0 o .c 6 :'A OJ " .... o .c .0" E '­o OJ .... OIl c: c: .0" _:;; OJ E 'c c: on :::J ·c o (/)" Z o 0. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MCW IIC I3S Tola Rawal 687 1'(2) M Pl-lSCHW HP W ss­ A(,S«5) CV(I()I) 32 981.0 3,900 1'0 CM« 5) RS(IO~) (04705000) C(lO+) 11(10+) W 1'1-1(10+) NeS( 10+) S\,(IO+) CI'(5·1 O~ NW(lO+) PBC(5-10) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+)

Agllha /lCS(5- eV( I O+} BS(IO-} 33 176.2 P( 5) M( H(IO+) T HP 55-1' 1'0« 5) (04705100) < < MCW(IO+) 10) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 5) C(IOI) PIIC(lO+) 1'11« 5) NCS( I 0+) ST(I O"-} NW(lO+} O(,S(IO+) /les NCS(S- Kulhenda 386 P(3) M C(5- MCW HC HP W SS- CV(5-10) BS« 5) 34 380 a 2,210 1'0(5-10) CM« 5) 10) (04705200) 10) PHC H(IO+) W SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-10) 0(,S(5- ST(IO+) NW(10+) 10)

Tugrabara 35 237.0 ------Uninhabited ------. (04705300)

Tori 36 377.0 ------Uninhablled ------(04705400)

CHW Girbar 11(10+) HP W SS- ACS(5- CV(IO+) BS« 5) 37 738.0 2,337 368 1'(2) M 1'0(10+) CM(5-10) (04705500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W 10) SI'(IO+) RS(IO~) PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) Pl-IC(lO+) NeS( 10 I) ST(I 0+) NW(10+) OCS( 10+)

!tora Ralh CIIW H(S- HI' W SS- A(,S(5- CV(5-10) BS« 5) 38 302.0 2,184 371 PM AC 10)MCW« W PO PH CM(S·IO) (04705600) C(5-10) 10) SI'(IO') RS(IO+) 5) PHC(IO+) CI'(5-10) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+} NWtlO+) O(,S(IO+)

BS Kurra 432 P(2} M C« HI' W ss- ACS« 5) CV« 5) 39 712.0 2,485 ~(:~)CHW PO« 5) CM« 5} KS(IO~) (04705700) N(,S( 10') SI'« 5) 5) PHC(5-10) W 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) NW(IO+) OCS« 5} ST(IO,)

CHW H« 5) HI' W SS­ BS Malouha Mar 98 P M« 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5} 40 147.0 665 MCW«5) 1'0« 5) CM« 5) RS(IO-} (04705800) C« 5) NCS(IO+) Sl'(IO") PHC(IO+) W PH«5) CI'«5) NW(IO"-) OCS« 5} ST(I 0 -)

Ahpura 41 670 --.----- Untnhahlted -.------.- (04705900)

Diha 42 105.0 --.----- Uninhabiled -.-.------.- (04706000)

161 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)"


OJ) ~ ""2- 0 .:: " ::l :.a :.a '_O " 0 ::> " " E u -.2 U)" E .S "- " .~" 0; "on 0 2 :.a on 0 v > -" OJ ~ "::> L on .;;: ~ 1!j E .... >. :2:" §-o s: OJ) " 0) ~'O " .0 .9 0. -;:; t: » '0 > ;; " "~ C) C "-0 0- 0- e. ~ E .c .9 ::l 8.2 ::0 '- ::l U '0 " '" 0 en co. OJ) " .... '".... " .§ ~ " .... " E'" 2 .., en ::l " 'E -

GC(6046) PRMR Rath (Mb) (13) ED Jagg~ry W(12.4) 292.8 S7 630 Tola Ru\\ at 32 FP T(616.9)

GC(84.3) MR Rath (Mh) (20) 23.0 TW(S.2) 49.1 2 I q) "gllh" 33 T(92.4)

GC(273.0) PR Rath (Mb) (10) ED Jaggcry TW(9.3) 43.7 12 5~.9 Kulhenda 3,1 T(282.3)

GC(197.9) ------Uninhabited ------TW(2.7) 14.7 0.4 2~.1 Tugrabara 35 T(200.7) GC(l36.3) ------Uninhabited ------W(141.8) 98.9 2.0 356 Tun 36 '1(278.1)

GC(186.1) PRMR Rath (Mb) (IS) ED Jaggery 856 W(135.3) 416.3 9.3 c3 7 Girbar 37 FP . TK(12.1) T(333.5)

GC(212.0) PR Rath (Mb) (8) ED NM Jaggery W(31.2) 155.3 :,)'0 Itma Roth 38 T(243.2)

GC(322.0) PR Ratl, (Mb) (4) ED Jaggery W(l29.0) Kurra 39 T(451.0)

GC(3I.0) I'R Rath (Mb) (3) ED Jaggef)' W(21.0) 1\2.0 Mallluha ~Iaf 40 T(52 0)

GC(247) ------Unmhablled ------W(13.4) 199 1.1 .....~ ·\1 'I"II " -II T(38 I) GC(354) ------Unmhabited ------W(26.9) 33 5 1.1 62 lldw 42 T(623)

162 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 klns., 5-1 () kms. '/; ~ and I()+ kills of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS given) ~ c u'" U'" "C en .c '"~ ..; " v " :0 c 0 "c ;. e ~ ~ .2 0 0 .~ G t:: .-. .~ ~ .= U" _c ;:; ~ :: E g_ S v ~, :0 0. ... :; 0 on 0 0. Q (/) @ " 0 '" ~ ~ ....J ,g ]" ?" ·c" ... '0 "6 .;; ~ ""§ 0 E:g.g CO - c: 7° .~ '--"" '-'" ~ "" G 0 ~ ~ Of) " o 5 E " -5'" .2" ::; ... " c: " " ..:: ..... " 0. "" 0 '''6.iJ._ c::S ,2 ;:; .c _; ~ .D .;; 0 ;:;'" '" " " g " :; '_ "ii E "ii "ii>c ._" " E 0- 0 C on E:f3 TI :;l '- '"~ 0 .... .2 '8 c ~ c 0 0- "ii c ~ ~ -§ 8 ~ ;., .;:: ;:; u """ ]" :;l :0 " _ I/J "ii "ii'" "ii " u "E~ ... "E 'C "E.g :0 ~ ~ ~ .D c: " (5 (5 § .g .t:: E c "c00 _c" " 0 '"0 a3[) ::3 00-::: (/J" Z u I-- I-- Z Ll1 ~" Cl a. U.Do '" -t: (5 a::::._..(j u "~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CIIW H(5- /\C5(5- BIJrakh P(2) M(S-IO) 10) MCW(5- HP W SS- 10) eV(S-IO) IlS« 5) 43 419.0 2,283 432 1'0(5-10) CM« 5) (04706100) C(5-IO) 10) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(lq4 ) PIi(5-10) CI'(5-10) PHC(lO+) OCS(5- ST(IOI) NW(IO') IU)

1'(2) AC Saldpur H« 5) liP W ss- PO PII« ACS« 5) CV« 5) IlS« 5) 44 440.0 2,936 512 M« 5) C« CM«5) (04706200) MCW(5-IO) W 5) NCS« 5) SI'(IOf) I(S(IO~) 5) CI'« 5) PIIC(IO+) OCS« 5) 51'( I 0 1 ) NW(lO+)

I3hadarwara 45 103.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04706300)

H(5 BS Basela P(4) M(2) 10) MCW(5- HP W SS- eM CI'(5- ACS« 5) CV(;-IO) 46 551.2 2,948 491 PO(5-10) RS(IO+) (04706400) C(5-1O) 10) W 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(104) PH(5-1O) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5- S1'(IO+) 10)

Giroura 47 229.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04706500) H(5 as Rath Uttar 10) HP WSS- ACS« 5) CV« 5) ,\8 1,016.0 6 P« 5) M« PO«5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (04706600) MCW(IOI} W NCS( I 0+) SI'( I 0+) 5) C« 5) PH«5) C:P« 5) NWliO+ ) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BS Rath Purab 11« 5) HP W SS- ACS« 5) CV« S) 49 1,361.0 10 2 P MC'«5) PO«5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (04706700) MCW« 5) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) PH« 5) CI'« 5) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

CH'.... H« 5) HI' W SS- BS Atrouli Rath 1'(2) ~1 C« ACS« 5) CV« 5) 50 157.0 2,204 397 MCW« 5) W PO« 5) CM«5) RS(IO' (04706800) 5) NCS( 10+) SI'(IO'-) PHC(IO+) PH« 5) CI'« 5) N\v(II)L) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Rath Dakhm 51 788.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04706900)

D.klOra 5c 107.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04707000)

Govllldpura 53 155.0 ------Uninhabited ------. (04707100)

163 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under differenl Iypes of land use in hectare)'·

c:: '2 ] 'i'l 01) -/ 5 c c:: .f: 0) :a :a ::; <.) 0 ;:J ...u "c:: E "0 ..2 '" .~ on .~'" E ::0 .s:~ o, ";?;"Q .; B ~ 0. 0) t:; " -s" '" 0- ., c:: ~ .c B "0- 8.Z e 1l ._ § <.) ~ "0 d ::0 " '0 on "0- .§ ~ OJ) 0; c:: ... m ....c '" " " ~ ::> " " ~ e e ·E <.) r. 0- ;?; ~ V> c:: ~ OJ) B E" 0) " 0 ::; ::l 0- " 0 0 ·E" ·c " -< Z 0... Z" z: "E ~ ~ U "on -< Z" (/J" 14 15 16 17 1~ 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

GCC296 'I) PC(304) I'll. Rath (Mb) (10) ED Jaggcry 192.6 58.8 19.0 I3Iirakh ~3 TKO 0) T(329.8)

GC(1769) PRMR FP Rath (Mb) (4) EDEO N Jaggery W(127.3) 174.1 SI.4 45.4 Saldpur 44 T(304.2)

GCC46.0) ------Unmhablted ------W(23 3) 24.6 0.0 96 Bhadar\\'ara 45 T(69.3) GC(438.7) W(3S.I) TW(18.0) PR Rath (Mb) (8) ED M Jaggery 30.7 8.0 Basela 46 TK(1.9) 0(0.3) "1(493.9) GCCI77.0) ------Uninhabited ------18.0 Girollra 47 T(I77.0) GC(540.3) W(250 0) I'll. Rath (Mb) (5) ED NM 18.2 113.3 Rath l)ttal 48 TW(}S.S) T(828.8) GC(430.7) WE(SI.3) I'll. Rath (Mb) (5) ED NM 492.0 89.1 2017 Rath Purab 49 TK(87.8) T(569.7) GC(444) W(30 I} I'll. Rath (MD) (5) ED NM TWE(S 4) ~.6 ': y f\lr(>ult Rath 50 0(3.0) T(83.0) GC(342 I) W(17S'}) -.------Unmhabl\ed ------WE(392) 75.5 48 IOS.1 Rath Dakllll1 , I TWE(IO.t) T(S667) GC(552) -- Unmhabllcd .----.-.--.. W(200) 264 0-1 :. :. Dlklura 5.2 T(75 3) GC(939) ---.---- Uninhabited ---"--.---.- W(75) 131 8 14.5 (j(,\ IOdpul a 53 T(IOI 3) ------.---

164 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - AmeIlities lIlId Amenities available (ifnot available witilln tile village, a dasil (-) is shown ill tile column and nexl to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kills of the nearest place where the facility is available is gIven)

._ (5 o c '­ o .g '" ',n -0" o UJ" 0... 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

CI-IW H« 5) HI' W SS­ Galihaya 289 I' M« 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) 13S« 5) S4 334.0 1,724 MCW(5-10) W PO« 5) CM« S) (04707200) C« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO, ) 1'1-IC(5-10) 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+} NW(IO+)

CI-IWH(5- ACS(5- , Shuklahari 31 I'M«5)C(510)MCW(5- HI'WSS- 10) CV(5-IO) 13S(5-IO) S5 129.0 223 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) 1(04707300) 10) 10) W NCS(lO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) 1'1-1(5-10) CP(5-10) I'HC(IO+) OCS(5- ST(IO+} NW(IO+) 10)

CHWH(5- Mawai 1'(2) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- III' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(;-IO) I3S(5-IO) 56 883.0 2,524 415 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) (04707400) 10) 10) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PI-I(5-IO) CP(5-10) I'HC(IO+) OCS(5- ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10)

MCW PHS Odera PO 1'11« ACS« 5) CV« 5) 13S« 5) 57 893.0 3,289 4911'(3) M CIIWH«5) III'WSS- (04707500) 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) AC(3) C« 5) pHC(5-10) W CP« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHWH(5- Nauhai 1'(2) M(5-10) 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(5-10) 13S« 5) 58 436.0 1,919 (04707600) 349 C(5-10) 10) W PO« 5) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) I'HC(IO+) 1'11(5-10) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

CHWH(5- os I'aharigarlll I' M« 5) C(5 10) MCW(5- III' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) 59 567.0 1,846 315 1'0« S) (]\'I« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (04707700) 10) 10) W PI 1(5-1 0) CP(5-IO) N\\'( I 0+) I'HC(IO+) 0(,S(5- ST(IO+} 10)

MCW ACS(5- CV(104) LlS Kaintha 554 1'(2) M HI' W SS­ PO 60 1,120.0 3.361 H(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('10.1(10+) RSIIO') (04707800) C(lO+) W 10) SI'(IO+) PIIC(IO+) CP(IOI) NCS( 10+) S 1'(10') N\v(IO+) OCS(IOt)

CHW A(,S(5- CV(IOI) Barguh Rath 36 P M(IO+) H(IO+) HP \V SS­ IlS(S-IO) 61 558.0 221 1'0(5-10) Ct.I( 10 4 ) 10) SI'(I(lI) (04707900) C(lO+) MCW(IO") W RS(lll') PII(Hlt) CP(IO+) NCS(IOI) ST(()I) I'HC(IO~) N\\ (lOt) OCS(IOt) Karpoura 62 543.0 ------U nmhabited ------(04708000) r Khadron 63 60.0 ------Unmhabited ------(04708100)

165 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under dirrerclillypcs of lalld use in hectare)*'

E S' -" "5 .5 on > ~ 0 ' :0" 'lJ o(j c ";;, e .2 on ... s: ;>, ~'" ","0 0" :§ OJ ;>, "';l:."," ;l: t:: .", ..D B " 0- OJ > .s: " ..c B 0- "c. e OJ " E () 8.2 " "- iii "0 ~" ::0 " "5 0 c; ... "-'" §~ 1l " "2 '"~ :I " "' -;; 0. '" OJ) E 2.§ " E" "0: ~ 0 1: " ;; "~ c "- " 0 '" " 0 'E ...: z" n. Z" ~ E" u.. :::> u "bfl -< 7." (f)" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21" 22 23 2 J

GC(240.1) PR Rath (Mb) (3) ED N Jaggery W(46) 178.7 56.0 Galihaya 54 T(244.7)

GC(614) PR Rath (Mb) d) Jagge!)' W(42.8) 37.6 2.9 16.3 Shuklahari 55 T(1042)

GC(42.0) MR Rath (Mb) (6) Jaggery 153.6 W(42.0) Maw3I 56 ~ T(84.0)

OC(283.8) PRMR W(60.9) Rath (Mb) (4) ED Jaggery 551.6 445 58.6 Oder. 57 FP 0(2.8) T(347.5)

GC042.2) PRMR Rath (Mb) (6) ED Jaggery TW(120) 28.0 80 45 'I Nauhai 58 T(354.2)

GC(44 1.4) PR Ralh (Mb) (7) ED Jaggery 0(60.5) 26.9 Paharigarht 59 T(501.8)

GC(41.4) ED EAO 8402 PC(345.3) PRMR R.th (Mb) (11) Jaggery ! 36 Kamth. 60 EOEA . R(45.5) T(432.2)

GC(2436) TW(34.2) viR Ruth (Mb) (12) J.ggC!)· ! 540 5(1.~ :-~,Q iJargult Rath (,I R(45.R) T(323.6)

96 -; R(71 4) ------Uninhabl\ed ------375 1 - T(71.4) KalpnUla 62 GC(148) ------Uninhabited ------40.2 tlA KhadlOn 63 T(14.8)

166 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Cellsus of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kills of the nearest place where the facility IS available is givell)

t: o t: > .S o o" " :::; .c u ~ c. e o o 0. ...J o "0'" "o "0 1i" ~ ~ .c "0 6 t: u t: ~ "0 on :;l " .g '" t: o .c oj ;§ .c 0. .;: :;'" e <'3 0- on o ... 'e 0. .n" 1i" " ]3 E E '" o o E~ I-- Z" c.. 82 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CHW H(5- ACS« 5) Dhamna 1'(3) M C(5- 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS- NCS(5- CV« 5) I3S(5-IO) 64 629.0 3,220 534 1'0 PH(5- CM(~)-IO) (04708200) 10) 10) W 10) SP(IO+) R5(10-) 10) Cr(5-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(5- ST(IO,) NW(IO' )

Akouni 65 154.0 ------.- Uninhabited ---.-.----.- (04708300)

Kulhariya 66 165.0 ----.-.- Uninhabited -.-.-.--.-.- (04708400)

Rakoura 67 1590 ------.- Uninhabited -.-.----..-- (04708500)

Chhapaki 6~ 81.0 ------.- Uninhabited -----.------(04708600)

CHWH(5- Tikiriya 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(;-IO) 8S(5-10) 69 250.0 1,621 248 I' M« 5) 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) (04708700) C(lO+) 10) W N~S(~O+) SP(IO+) RS(IO-) PH« 5) CP(5-10) I'HC(IO+) o(S(.- ST(IO+) NW(IO-) 10)

MCWI'HS ACS(5- I3S Kaswa Khera CHW H(5- HI' W ss· 10) eV(S-IO) 70 301.0 1,091 205 I' M C(5-10) 10) 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) RS(IO-) (04708800) W NCS(5- SP(IO+) 1'11(5-10) CP(5-IO) NW(IO-) I'HC(lO+) 10) ST(IO+)

H(5 ACS« 5) CV(;.IO) Para P M« 5) C(5 10) MCW(5- HI' W SS· I3S« 5) 71 432.0 1,204 221 1'0(5-10) CM(5-IO) (04708900) 10) 10) W NC~(~Of) sr(lo,) RS(IO-) PH(5-10) CI'(5-IO) I'HC(IO+) OCS(.· ST(IO+) NW(IO~) 10)

Maniyapar 72 1760 -.--.-.. Uninhabited ---.-.-.--.- (04709000)

CHW /\CS(5- CV( I 0+) Bihgaon 1'(2) M(5-10) H(IO+) HI' W SS· I3S(IO-) 73 1.0890 ~,218 407 PO(5-IO) CM(lOe) (04709100) (,(IOe) MCW(5-10) W IO~ SI'(IO,) RS(IO-) PH« 5) CI'(IO+) NCS(IO,) ST(IOe) PHC(IO+) NW(IO-) OCS(IO»

~(2J IIC Mew PHS Barda Ill' W ss­ ACS ('V(IO') IlS( 10-) .: i 1.0 1.274 218 M«5) 11(10+) 1'0« 5) CM(IO') W NCS(1\1+) SI'( 10-) RS(IO-) PIIC(IOe) 1'1I(IOe) CI'(IO+) C(10,) OCS(10-) ST(10') NW(IO-)

Kadlpura 75 231.0 -.----.- Uninhablled .----.----- (04709300)

167 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land use (i.e. area under dtfferclIllypes of land use in hectare)**

c: ]' ,g M E e- to: .g -a -a :: u 0 :;J 'j " 1.> coto: E U ~ Vi 'N E ~ .S -;-- ~ :;; " 0 ~o" U "e ~'"'> "OIl :;J " o(j 0 " E OJ) .;; if> " .... >. ::;;:'" §--o lid ~n ~ "Q_ "i:; >. ~ .n .9 ~ t 1: ":J ~ > " " Co " ":Jt: E ..c S :;J Co e U " 6.§ "0 " " '- ::J if> ~ :0 " 0 c: if> .... "0. .5 t; .... " "e ~ :;J 'E .2~ ""5 0. ~ ~ c: OIl " ·c 0- " 0 .... " '2 :; ::J " " 0 "0 e 1.> -< Z" "- z" 2 E" u.. E ::::J U ~ < Z'" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(170A) PR FP Rath (Mb) (5) Jaggery W(43.2) 304.2 52 5 2 Dhamna (,4 T(ZI3.6)

GC(45.1) ------Unmhablled ------W(1.6) 96.0 Akollnl 65 T(46.7) TWE(IS.O) ------Uninhabited ------132.0 2.0 110 KulllUllya (,6 T(15.0) GC(129.9) ------Unmhabited ------W(O.S) \63 0.9 RakoUia 67 T(130.4) GC(68.2) ------Uninhabited ------W(0.5) 4.8 4.4 Chhapakl 68 T(68.7)

GC(\58.8) PR Rath (Mb) (8) Jaggery W(25.6) 32.3 4.8 1.1 Tiklriya 69 T(l84.4)

GC(46.0) PR Rath (Mb) (10) N W(2!.7) 160.7 5.1 5U Kas\\ a Khera 70 T(67.7)

GC(74.4) FPNC Rath (Mb) (9) Jaggery 490.6 W(23.7) 186.9 80.0 Para 71 T(98.2)

------Uninhabited ------83.t 604 t 5.5 Ill'! , ~laniyapar 72

GC(ZIO 8) 01 W(49.0) MR Rath (Mb) (12) ED EAG 230.3 26.9 5_t.j.3 i3lhgall ll 73 . RCO.8) TCZ60.7)

GC(107.8) I'RMR Rath (l\lb) (II) FP Jaggcry W(30.9) 547 '12 2< :- Balda .n T(138.7) ;..

GC(l01.8) ------Unmhabitl-d ------W(0.8) 36.6 310 (o.I.).~ k..OdlPlJfU 75 T(I02.7)

168 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amcnitics available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colulIln and next to it III brackets the distallce ill broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-1 () killS. and 10+ killS of tile nearest place where the facility is available is given)

o o f" ~ 8 "0. l' o u '0 C

'­ -a'" ...o 'e .D" "E en -a E ·c en o §~ VJ" 7." 0.. u2 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

CIIWII(S- Paharibir 162 I' M« 5) C(5 10) MCW(S- III' W SS- ACS(5- CY(5-10) BS(5-10) 76 217.0 803 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) 10) , (04709400) 10) 10) W RS(IO+ ) PH(5-10) CP(5-IO) NeS(IO+) SI (10+) I'He(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IOq NW(IO+) Chak B ihgaon 77 27.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04709500) I' CHW H(5- Dadri 10) MCW(5- III' W SS- ACS(5- eY(5-10) I3S(5-10) 78 438.0 974 ISO P M AC 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) (04709600) C(5-IO) 10) W 10) SI'(IO+) RS(IOI) PH(5-IO) CP(5-IO) I'I-IC(IO+) NeS(IO+) 'I (10+) NW(IO+) OCS(IOI) S

CHW Padra 11(10+) HI' W SS- ACS( 10+) CY( 10,) 8S« 5) 79 446.0 816 140 l' M« 5) 1'0« 5) CM(10+) (04709700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(10+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Ghughsi 1l(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 13S(5-10) 80 389.0 4 PO« 5) CM« 5) (04709800) P« 5) M(5- MCW(S-IO) « 5) SS- NCS(lO+) SI'(lO-I-) RS(IO+) 1'11« 5) CP(5-10) 10) C(10+) 1'1IC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PIIS 11(10+) HI' W SS- ACS as Pathnouri NeS(IO+) ey( 10 81 625.0 957 163 I' M C(IO+) MCW« 5) W 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) 1-) RS(IO+) (04709900) I'HC(IO+) I'H« 5) CP(lO+) OeS(lo+) SI'(lOr) NW(IO+) ST(IO+)

CI-IW Ae5(5- eY(IO'-) Rouro 181 P M(5-10) 11(10+) HI' W SS- I3S(IO+) 82 1,092.0 1,167 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (04710000) C(lO+) MeW(S-IO) W 10) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) I'IIC(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) oeS(lo+) CIIW I3S Kaithi 11(10') HP W SS- PO AeS« 5) CY(IO+) 83 548.0 1,590 270 P M« 5) RS(IO+ ) (04710100) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) W 1'11(10+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IOt) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) oeS(lo+) ST(IO+) MehJouh 84 78.0 ------lJ n1nhablted ------(04710200)

IlS l3adanpura 126 I' M« 5) 11(10,) HI'WSS- ACS«5) tV(IO') 85 351.0 609 1'0(10') (,M(IO,) RS(IO' ) (04710300) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) W NCS(IOr) SI'(IO') 1'11(10,) ('1'(10 1) NW(\OI) I'IIC(IO-) OCS( 10 1 ) S I ( \ (), )

CI1W ;"I3S Gohalll Rath 224 I' M« S) 11(IOi) Ill' \v ss­ ACS(IO+)CY(IO') RS(IOr) 86 867.0 1,172 PO« 5) eM(IO+) (04710400) C(lO+) MCW« 5) W NeS(IO+) SI'(IOI) NW(IOI) 1'11« 5) CI'(10-+) I'IICC 10 I) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

169 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under.different types of 1~lld use in heclare)"

E g"0 > ""2- :0 c. OJ 'is 'is '3 u a :>" u E .... " U c2 t;" .~" E .!'i ;;;J 0 ::0" .s: Cd C'" 0 .... oS "00 .... 2'" %J 00 ;; ,g 'i:; t:: v >,'" ..0 2 C.'" u "''''' C > .s: " ..c " P. c. e e E 2 8.E ""~ :0"""" '- ;;;J " ~ c. b1) '" '0 0 " W3 .... '" .§ ~ "" 8 a " 2'" .... 0.> ::> C5" 'E -a Cl. ~ t: '" 00 B"fl " "E ·c 0. 0 (3 'c ::; ;;;J .... '" 0 " " :§ " « Z" a." z" 2 "E Ll.. ~ U "OIl « z" Vl" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

GC(87.9) PRMR Rath (Mb) (9) Jaggery W(878) 93 21 16 I I'ahanb!r 76 TCI75.6)

GC(25.0) ------Unlllhabilcd ------12 0.2 10 Chak l3!hgaon 77 T(2S.0)

GC(90.5) PRMR W(l7.1) Rath (Mb) (10) Jagger)' Dadri n FP TK(O.6) T(IOS.2)

GC(141.0) 07 W(61.3) FI' Rath(Mb) (II) N 212.9 35.8 Padra 79 . WF(\'4) T(203.7)

W(46.7) Rath (Mb) (12) 0(9.7) 202.6 19.7 62 I Ghughs! 80 T(S6.4)

W(34.8) PR Rath (Mb) (13) R(G.7) 320.1 18.4 263 G Palhnollli 81 T(41.5)

WE(56.6) MR Rath(Mb}(IS) Jaggery 29.3 TK(77.0) 753.9 Ie I g7.1 Rottro R2 T(133.6)

W(6!.2) PRMR Rath (Mb) (16) TK(O 3) 437.4 14.4 :154 Ka,th, 83 1(6 \.5)

------Uninhabited ------W(3 6) T(3.6) 62.4 2.9 1:1.3 Meh,loul! 84

'l'RMR W(576) Rath (Mb) (IS) 241.1 19.7 3~ I BadanplI!" 85 FP T(57.6)

RIII.4) PR Rath (~Ib) (12) ED 357.7 0.9 4113 Goh"," R"th R6 T(l \,4)

170 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR CenslJs of India 2001 - Amcnitics and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in brackets the dIstance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-10 kms and 10+ k1l1s of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS given)

c: o .S o <0 r-J u o ...J -<3 o(! ] ~ ::l o ._.c o ~ ..D" E ;;J Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

II IIA D DA T(3) W(57) 1'(90) M(27) MCW(l4) II 1'(58) 1'0(9) Block Totat 44457.4 92243 CJ\1(2) ACS(4) BS(23) 15687 AC(IO) 1IC(4) TW(3) 1'11(4) PIIC{Z) L(2) PHS(8) CIIW(46) 0

171 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As un 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different Iypes of land use in heclare)"

] .E

.0" E ._ :::l o C ::; E C 11 z" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC( 14363.44 9) PC(777.56l) W(3081.921) PR(45) ED(30) W£(147.044) " T\\'(393.492) MR(Z6) EAG(S) ~(12) 6485.7 TWE(93.755 11032.3 1583.0 5186.8 FP(l8) EO(5) M(7) ) NC EA(3) TK(183.502) R(181.618) WF(1.4) 0(151.757) T(19375.499)


" .' ~ " ~ • ~ ., I ~- '., '" '" ::> I 0.. a:: .:l.. :::>: .~ « ; I ~ i I 0:: ,c ... u - -- --r ~ l . ~ ...a:: I : I ~ ~ VI :] ::.: a I ~ ~ . ~ <::

. • ~ " A :r; ~ ~ , < ( ,:,'_~_X ", ' \- , , ::,. ~ I , I . ~ fl -




I J - - '- ,. _. '<.

Alphabcticallist of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur lUU I Census locatIOn I YY I Census locatIon code Serial number Name of village codc number number 1 2 3 4

Name of CD Block: Muskara Name of Sub-Dist: 0003 1 Ainjhi 04715200 410050009000050061 2 Alra 04716400 410050009000070071 3 Bagherka 04712000 410050009000020016 4 Bahdeena Achhpura Danda 04710700 410050009000010003 5 Bajehta Danda 04710800 410050009000010005 6 Bajehta Oariya 04710500 410050009000010001 7 Barethi 04712500 410050009000020024 8 Baswari 04715400 410050009000050057 9 Behdeena Achhpura Dariya 04710600 410050009000010002 10 Bhadan 04714500 410050009000030039 11 Bhandhur Buzurg 04711600 410050009000010012 12 Bhandhur Khurd Farooq !-lussain 04711200 410050009000010008 13 BhandhurKhurdMahadeo 04711500 410050009000010011 14 Bharkhri 04712800 410050009000020023 15 Bhatra 04711800 4~0050009000010014 16 Bhugaicha 04716900 4~0050009000040043 17 BhujPUf 04710900 410050009000010004 18 Bibhuni 04713000 410050009000020021 19 Bihuni Kalan 04715600 410050009000060062 20 Bihuni Khurd 04715700 410050009000060063 21 Bilpura Tarf Binwar 04712600 410050009000020025 22 Bilpura Tarf Umri 04712700 410050009000020026 23 Biwanr 04712400 410050009000020020 24 Chak Bhandhur 04712300 410050009000020019 25 Chak Sauna 04717000 410050009000040044 26 Chandauli Ahir 04711400 410050009000010010 27 Chandaura 04715000 410050009000050059 28 Chhadi Basayak 04711300 410050009000010009 29 Chhani (Par Muskera) 04716100 410050009000060067 30 Chilehta Jalalpur 04711700 410050009000010013 31 Chilehta Rath 04714900 410050009000050055 32 Chilli 04713900 410050009000030038 33 Damu Pur 04715500 410050009090050056 34 Deeha 04712900 410050009000020022 35 Dhamna jalal 04715100 410050009000050060 36 Dikhtaura 04714000 410050009000030035 37 Dohri 04713400 410050009000020030 38 Galiha Mau 04711100 410050009000010007 39 Gaura 047~6300 4~O050009000070068 40 Gehrauli (Par Muskera) 04716600 410050009000070069 41 Gundela 04716000 410050009000060066 42 Husaina 04716700 410050009000070070 43 Imiliya 04717300 410050009000040048 44 Itwan 04714100 410050009QOOO30036 45 jalla 04713600 410050009000030032 46 Kaimokhar 04717100 410050009000040045 47 Kandhouli 04715900 410050009000060065 48 Kar Gaon 04713300 410050009000020029 49 KhandehiLodhan 04714200 410050009000030037 50 Khera 04717600 410050009000040049

174 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur LOU I Census local Ion I 'j'j I Census loeClllon code Serial number Name of villClge eode number number I 2 3 4

51 Lodha Mau 04711900 410050009000010015 52 Lodipur Jalalpur 04712100 410050009000020017 53 Lodipur Rath 04717200 410050009000040046 54 Mahera 04713500 410050009000030031 55 Masgaon 04714400 410050009000030041 56 Mihuna 04714600 410050009000050052 57 Muskera 04715300 410050009000050058 58 Naugawan 04717500 410050009000040050 59 Nauranga 04714800 410050009000050054 60 Neoriya 04717400 410050009000040047 61 Niwada 04712200 410050009000020018 62 Ora 04716500 410050009000070073 63 . Pahari Bhitari 04716200 410050009000070072 64 Pura Jahan 04713800 410050009000030034 65 Ruri Para 04711000 410050009000010006 66 Satauwa 04714300 410050009000030040 67 Sioni 04714700 410050009000050053 68 Sirsai 04713100 410050009000620027 69 Souniyan 04715800 410050009000060064 70 Tagari 04717700 410050009000040051 71 Teehar 04716800 410050009000040042 72 Tikri Khurd 04713200 410050009000020028 73 Umari 04713700 410050009000030033


______:D:._:i-=S:_:_T_:_R:_:_:ICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 200 I - Amenities lind Amcnities available (if not availablc within (he village, a dash (-) IS shown III (he colUllln and next to it in brackets the distance in hroad ranges viz < 5 kms , 5-10 kms_ and 10+ kim of' Ihe nearest place where the Iflcility is available IS given)

.9" :; 0. '"o 0.

o 0..'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I J

CD Block: ~Itlskara (O~I3)

Bajchta Danya 184_0 ------Uninhabited ------(04710500) Bcbdccna Acbhpura 1710 ------Umnhablted ------Danya (04710600)

Bahdcena MCW PHS I\cbhpura p(3i M CHW(2) III' W SS­ eV()()I ) BS(5-10) 7610 1,993 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) A(,S(IOI-) Dill1da 364 C(lO+) 11(10+) W SP( 10+) )(S(IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'(IO+) NCS(IOI) (04710700) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\V(IO-+)

MCW PIIS Bajchta Danda ACS(ltH) eV(lo+) BS(5 10) 4 2,143.0 3,546 555 1'(3) M CHW(2) H« III' W R SS- PO I'll (04710800) C(IO+) W CM(5-IO) NCS(IOI) 51'(10') )(S(IOC) 5) I'HC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(llh) ST(tO+) NW(IO+)

CHW H(5-1O) - Bhujpur CV(IOI-) BS(5-10) 595.0 856 151 PM«5) MCW(IO+) III' W R SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) A(,S(IO+) (04710900) C(IO+) Sr( 10") RS(IO+) I'I-IC(IO+) W I'H« 5) CP(IO+) NCS(IOI-) OCS(tOI-) ST(IO+) N\\,(IO-f-)

Mew PHC Ill' W SS- Run Para 517 1'(2) M PO 1'1-1(5- ACS(IO ') CV( 101) BS(5-10) 6 1,410.0 3,203 PHS CIIW(3) W (04711000) C(lO+) 10) CM(5-IO) NCS(I()+) SP(lO+) RS(IW) J!(5-10) CI'(IO+) OCS(loq ST(IO+) NW( 10+)

- 1l(5- Ill' W SS- Gahha Mau 53 I' M« 5) I\(,S(IOI) CV(IOI) )lS( 10') 349_0 372 10) MCW« 5) W 1'0(5-10) CM(IOI) (04711100) C(lO+) NCS(ltH) SP( I ()l) RS( 10+) PllC(IO+) 1'11(10+) CI'(IO+) OCS( 10.) srI 10'-) 1'

Bhandhur MCW PHS Khurd Farooq Till' W R I\C5(5-IO) C\ ( III' ) llS(5-10) 853.0 2,348 375 I' M C(lO+) 1l(10+) PO PH HussaIn SS-IlI' CM(5-10) NCS(IOI-) SP(II)!) RS( 10+) PHC(IO+) (04711200) CI'(IO+) OCS(II)!) SHII)!) I'\\'()()I )

Chbadl CllW 1l(10+) HI' W TK 186 I' M« 5) ACS« 5) C\(IOI) IlS« 5) Basayak 7423 1,084 1'0« 5) CM«5) 9 C(IO+) MCW« 5) SS-WT NCS« 5) sr( II) I) RS(IO") 1'1IC( 10+) I'H« 5) CI'(IO-+) (04711300) O(,S(IOI) 51( 10' I ,,11(10')

CIIW III 10+) Ill' W ss- ~-\ (1\1 I) tl~( tll ) Chandauh Ahlr 328 0 54I'M«5) "CS( 1(1) 10 ~ 339 MCW.L<5) W 1'0« 5) CM(IO,) (04711400) C(lO+) NCS(IOI) srI 1(1) R~(IO' ) Pile( 10+) PH(IO+) CI'(IO,) OCS(IOI) SI(IOI) NW(III')

Bhandhur CIIW(2) Khurd 11(10+) Till' W R CM t\( 'S(5-11I) CV( II) I ) tl~(~-II)I II IM.2 244 40 I' M C(IO+) 1'0« 5) MCW«5) SS-IlI' Cp()(), ) NCS(IOI) SP(IOI) RS(IO') Mall.dc"O 1'11« 5) (04711500) I'HC( 10+) O(,S( 10' ) S 1'(1 0 i) N\\'(IO')

176 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i.c. arca under dirferent types orland usc ill hectare)"

on ;§" ;;- 8 .c: u "e 0. ..:0. 14 15 16 17 I~ 19 20 21 22 23 2

------Uninhabited ------0(1.0) T\ I 0) 19.0 Ilg.O Bajehta Danya

GC(190.8) TK(32.8) \ S2.0 Behdccna Achl1p'" a ------Umnhabited ------14.0 \ \9 0 2 0(4.0) Danya T(227.6)

TW(n.O) I I 0 l3ahdccna MH. Hamirpur (Mb) (24) 134.5 TWE( I 000) 528.0 203.0 Achhpura Danda T(122 0)

TWE(3U.U) I'H. Sumerpur (Np) (25) EDEAG 23.70(26.0) 250.0 1460.0 171.0 Bajehta Danda T(56.0)

W(l6.0) PH. Sumerpur (Np) (23) 0(3.0) 477.0 44.0 41.0 I3huJpur T(19_0)

GC(24.0) TW(43.0) PH. Hamirpur (Mb) (31) ED 823.0 \710 158_0 Rut; Pmn R(20) T(69_0)

FP Hamirpur (Mb) (33) - \50.0 136.0 151.0 51.0 Galiha M'll!

TW(48.3) EDEAG 105 ~ I3handhUl Khurd I'R Maudaha (Mb) (28) N 134.9 TK(O 3) 489.7 46.0 EO EA farooq IIUSSillrl T(48.6)

GC(93.0) I'RMR Maudah. (Mb) (32) TW(30) 590.8 II 4 5R (l 1'1' ehhatll Bosayak T(96 0)

GC(26 0) FI' Maudaha (Mb) (30) TW(6.0) 260.0 26 U Chandaull AI111 10 T(32 0)

TW(5.9) 1R l) Blumdhlll Khurd I'R Maudah. (Mb) (28) EDEO 113.1 375 II R(O 7) T(6 51 - ;\Iahlldco

177 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 200] - Amcnitics and Amcnitics availablc (i r not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown ill thc column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kills of the ~ ncarest place where the facility is available is given) "a !'l ~ "0 ~, c: "'"u u u " Jj ~ ,; " <) 0 " "§ ~ ~ .S:" 5 " 0 "0 :: Gt- u" e " [§ 2 ~>. u ;:; ~~§ '/l C'J a "co co {l e. 0.. u .~ 1'. ....J" " §:::§ ~ a ~ l' :l " o c: u ~) ·3 -;E-g ~ " c 1A '0 to: " u 0 « "00 -5" ::l o - ~ ,... .g 0 b ..c:" § c: is "c t; ::§ 0- s: .D a ..§ ..c: '" :!-9E s: .;; "- c; _- 2 a ~ "... ~ g> u § 5. c: ~ -- 0,,"'" '" "- "~ 0 0 " ~ 21l... ~ c: 0 0- t; " c; c: g _ .~ E ~ :l >. .D U "" B ~ :;;; " u "E! " E u -5 c: S '" .D " '1:" §" (:) (:) :l E ~ .~) _g t g " I: 0 0"":: Z f- f- Z t.U" ;;;:" '" ~Q_.g " " '"" " "'" I 0 0.. 8J5 u C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -< II" 12 13

MCW Rhandhllr I' M« 5) CIIW(2) 'I' HI' W 55- - ACS(5-IO) CV(IOI-) 11S(5-10) 12 Buzurg 1,290.0 2,451 392 CM«5) (,(10+) lI(lO+) liP 1'0« 5) NCS(IOI) SI'(IOI-) I\S(IOI) (04711600) PH(S-IO) CI'(IO+) PHC(lOI-) OCS(IO+) ST(IO!) NW(IO'I

Chilchta - 1'« - ACS«5) CV(IOI) IlS« 5) 13 Jalalpur 334.0 5) M« 5) H(IO+) TW W SS- 1'0«5) CM«5) MCW«5) NCS(J(H-) SI'(IO» I\S(IOI) (04711700) I'H«5) CI'(IO+) (,(10+) PIIC(IO+) OCS(IOI-) S-I(IO+) N\v(IO I)

13hatra I'M«S) H(lO+) HI' W SS- ACS(S-IO) CV(IOl) 13~(S-IO) 14 454.0 286 58 I'O«S) CM(5-10) (04711800) (,(10+) MCW«S) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) I\S(IOI-) PH(S-IO) CI'(IO+) PIIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) Sl(IOI-) NW(IO+)

CHW 1\(10+) Ladha Mau I'M«S) III' W SS- ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) I3S(5-10) 15 283.0 5S1 92 MCW«'5) 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) (04711900) C(lO+) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(,(10+) 1'11(5-10) CP(IO;) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IOI-)

Bagherka - 1'« H(I~+) ACS«S) CV(IO+) 135« S) 16 488.7 III'SS-HP 1'0«5) CM«5) (04712000) S) M« 5) MCW« 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) I\S(IOI-) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(lO+) I'IIC(lO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

I-IHCHW(2) Ladlpur I3S PM«S) H(5-10) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 17 Jalalpur 506.0 2.204 369 T W SS-HP PO PH CM«5) I\S(IO+) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) (04712100) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PH(,(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCW I'IlS BS Niwada I'(S) M(2) S RMI'CHW(3) THI'TW AC5« 5) CV(IO+) 18 1,011.0 4,020 686 PO 1'1-1(20) CM« 5) RS(lO" ) I'UCC(IO+) 1-1«5) SS-IIP NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) (04712200) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) 1'11('(10+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO")

Chak Bhandhur 19 209.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04712300)

IlA MCW ACS HS BI\vanr 1'(6) M(2) S I'IIS CIIW(5) T 1-11' W ss- PO CM CV(IO+) 20 8,913 1,391 NCS(IO+) RS(IO') 1,291.0 PUC (,(10+) III 10+) 1'11('(5· Ill' PII(lIO) CP(IO+) 51'(10+-) (04712400) OCS(IO !) NW(J()I) 10) ST(IO-l)

13arcthl - 1'« II(I~') III'TWW At'S« 5) ( \'( \(1' ) IlS« 'I 46 10 1'0« 51 CM«5) 21 3870 5) M« 5) MCW« 5) S5-WT NCS(IO') 51'( 10') RS(IO'I (04712500) PII« 5) CP(IOI) ;.. C(lO+) I'IIC(IOI-) OCS« 5) S f( IO!) NW(IO')

Bilpura Tarf 22 Bznwar 122_2 ------Uninhabited ------(04712600)

178 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (I.e. area undcrdifTcrcllt types "fland u~c ill hectare)"

";'fJ ~ ;; "­o 2 "E u Z" z'" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

(,q 1550) 343 TW(lSO.O) Pit Maudaha (Mb) (26) ED N o 600.0 460 I -'I) Bhandhllr 1l1l7l1rg t2 0(16.0) 1'(3210)

OC(17.0) Sumerpur (Np) (24) EAO TWE(n 0) 600 223 () ~.f) C1l1lehta Jalalpur 13 1(40.0)


MR Maudaha (Mb) (29) - 440 PC(6.0) 240.0 , 59.0 23.0 Blwtra 14 0(3.0) 1'(72.0)

GC(20.0) TW(II.O) Mit Maudaha (Mb) (39) 194.0 14.0 28.fJ Lotlha Mall 15 0(5.0) 1'(36.0)

TW(39.4) MR Maudaha (Mb) (23) ED 292 7 o I n.ll l3aghcrka 16 1'(39.4)

EDEAG Handloom Cloth, Gctl38·8) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (22) 287 I 1.3 42.0 Lotlipur Jalalpu, 17 EO EA Cotton Carpet 1'(138.8)

TW(305.0) EDEAG PR Maudaha (Mb) (23) NM Handloom Cloth 1.00(1.0) 403.0 180 99.0 Niwada 18 EO EA 1'(306.0)

.------Uninhabited --.------202.0 50 5.l1 (,hak Ilhandhur 19

OC(426.0) EDEAG 1'W(190.0) PRMR Maud.h. (Mb) (22) N 473.0 29.0 \62.0 B\\\,flm 20 EOEA 0(7.0) 1'(623.0)

G(,(II3.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (22) TW(24.0) 2' 2 I) 37.0 Rueth, 2 , T(137.IJ)

GC(4.0) ------~- Umnhabited ------1'W(14.0) 92 1I Btlpura I at flllll\\ar 22 1'(18.0)

179 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (Irnot available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the colu1l1n and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges Vi7•. < 5 klllS , 5-1 () km<;. and 10+ klllS "rthe nearest place where the raclhty IS avaJiahlc IS given)

o o ~ o o ~ o ~ -" c: g o~ _s -" '­ D- o ~ o" o D- II "E S § Z" ~ z 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

8ilpura Tarf 1'« 11(5- ACS« 5) CV(IO!) 8S« 5) 23 Unln 106.0 5) M«5) 10) MCW« 5) W 5S-W 1'0« 5) CM«5) NCS(IOI) SP(IO ,) RS(IO+) (04712700) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'(IO+) OCS(IOI) S'I( 10 ,) NW(I()+)

Bharkhn 1'(2)M«5) CHWII(10+) THPTW PII PO( < ACS« 5) CV(IDt) 13S« 5) 24 706.0 1,828 CM«5) (04712800) 324 C(lO+) MCW« 5) W SS-IIP 5) NCS(IOI) SP( 10 ,) RS(IO+) PIlC(IO+) Crt lOI ) OCS(IOI) Sr(IO,) NW(IOl-)

- P« - Decha HPTWW ACS« 5) CV(IOI') 13S« 5) 25 182.0 29 II 5) M« 5) H(IO+) CM« 5) (04712900) SS-WT 1'0« 5) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW« 5) 1'11« 5) CI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO I) STeHle) NW(IO+)

CHW H(lD+) HI' W S5- 8ibhuni 41 l' ACM« PH 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8SNW 26 344.0 180 MCW«5) CM«5) (04713000) 5) C(IO+) W 5) NCS(5-10) SI'(IO+) RS(lO+) plIC(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+)

Sirsai 27 15LO ------Uninhabited ------(04713100)

Tlkri Khurd 28 164.0 ------Unmhablted ------(04713200)

Kar Gaon MCW PHS T 111' W SS, PH ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 29 1,217.0 2,249 384 1'(3) M CM(IO+) (04713300) C(IO+) CHW H(IO+) III' 1'0(10+) NeS( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHe(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(101)

- P« - DaM HI'W SS­ I'll 1'0(5- ,\CS( 101) (,V(IO,) BS(5-10) 30 186.0 158 22 5) M« 5) H(IO+) (04713400) MCW(IO+) W 10) CM(5-10) NCS(ltH) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) IPIIC(IO+) CP(10+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

MCW PIIS Mahera CIIW(2) III' W TK PO PH(5- AeS( I () j) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 31 1,638.0 3,623 620 I' M C(lO+) 10) CM(5-IO) NCS( 10+) (04713500) H(IO+) SS-WT SP(lO+) RS(W+) 1P1lC(10+) CI'(101) OCS(IO+) ST(IO') NW(IO+)

CIIW H(I()+) HI' W TK Jalla 73 I'M«5) ACS« 5) ('\'( Ill') 13S« 5) 32 569.0 386 MCW« 5) SS-WT PO« 5) CI\1«5) (04713600) C(lO+) l\:CS(IO' ) 51'( 10') RS(lll+) ~'He(l 0+) 1'11« 5) CP« 5) (X'S(IO') SI (Iil') NW(l\li)

HAMCW BS(5-IO) Uman 933 1'(3) M PHS CHW(4) Till' W TK PO I'll 33 1,444.0 5,299 [(S(IOt) (04713700) C(IO+) lilt 10+) SS-III' PHC(IO+) NW(I\H)

180 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (I.C arca undcr difTcrent types "f land "'C III hectare)"

c E !2 -'" :§_ G- Ion ~ -a 5 :;" u 0 u "C "" ... !'i "c U" oS Vl § en ~ 0 :.S '"d> d> " :.a en u ~ > !J ~ ~ :0 cO o-. :2:" §"d "~ ~ ~o ;; ::§ c >. ~ .D S ~ 0. "t: t:: ~ > ;; " P- e c E .c S Ii oP-~ " "";;;" :0" "" " u ;; en "i; '0 ""' ~ ... ""- .5 ~ "" E .c c '" "e ~ d> l:l u P- Vl C 01) E z "5 ~ ~ 0 " r! ·2 :; " C 0. " 0 0 u < Z 0.. Z" :2: S" w.. S ;:J U "co ~ Z" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(176) MR 1'1' Maudaha (Mb) (20) . IOY.8 1.8 II 5 Bllpura Tall Umn 23 T(17.6)

GC(30.0) I'R MR Maudaha (Mb) (21) ED TW(80.0) 432.0 20 62 I) Bhalkh" 24 T(llO.O)

TW(5.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (23) 162.0 1.0 14 I) Deeha 25 ~~ ~~G T(S.O)

GC(5.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (16) ED EAG - TK(12.0) 226.0 96 Olbhul11 26 T(17.1)

GC(21.0} ------Uninhabited ------121.0 8.0 Silsai 27 T(2l.0) GC(S3.0) ------Uninhabited ------TW(S.O) 89.0 25.0 Tlkn Khurd 28 T(SS.O) GC(llS.5) PC(2.0) PR FI' Maudaha (Mb) (17) ED 25.5 TW(118.8) 823.8 22.9 91.5 KarGaon 29 0(91.5) T(330.S)

GC(30.0) TW(S2.0) PR FI' Maudaha (Mb) (19) - 98.0 90 Dohn 30 0(l.0) T(83.0)

GC(185.0) I'R Maudaha (Mb) (29) ED W(96.0) 1280.0 102.0 Mahem 31 T(28 1.0)

GC(SI.O) Pit FI' Maudaha (Mb) (27) - TW(130.0) 3580 32 T(18l.0)

GC(399.7) W(1.6) PR Maudaha (Mb) (28) ED 7E2 24 TW(117.7) 157 _1 lim"" 33 T(SI9.0)

181 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR CenslIs of rndia 2001 - Amenities lind Amcnities avwlublc (irnot available within the village, a dash (-) IS ,1H1wn 11\ thc column and ncxt to it In brackets tlte distance In broad ranges VIZ.< 5 kms , 5-10 klns and 10+ kills or tlte ncarest place where tlte facility IS available I' given) ~.., U" t:: o .g o C!. is" o {I ....J o '0 oG C!. ..c "on ~ ~ o II ;; .__..c E o " "­o " _r;," 'c §" E "[/)" Z 7." 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13

PUI it Jahan 47 I' M« 5) - 11(5- HI' W TK C I'll 1'0« /\(,S(5-IO) ('V(IO') [3S« 5) 34 276.8 298 10) MCW« 5) . , ('1>1(10+) (04713800) C(lO+) NC'S( 10') SP(IO' ) RS(IO I) I'IIC(IO+) SS-\\ I 5) CI'(IO+) O(,S(IOI) S 1'(10 I) NW(IO+)

MCW PI IS [J$ Chilh RMPCIIW /\CS( ICH) (,V(ICH) 35 601.2 1,514 267 1'(2) M S I-lPW'IKC 1'01'11 (,M(IO+) RS(ICH) (04713900) PUC C(IO+) H(IO+) SS-WT NCS(IO') sr( IOc) CI'(IO+) NW(IOI') PI-IC(IO+) O(,S(II1') ST(IOI')

1'« - H(5- Dikhlaura 135« 5) 36 190.9 4 25)M«5) 10) MCW« 5) ~;v. \V SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) /\C$(5-10) ('V(5-IO) (04714000) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(5-IO) \ I 1'11« 5) ('1'(5-10) NCS(I(H) SI'(IO,) OCS(IO+) ST(IO,) NW(IO+)

P« - 1-1(5- Itwan CM(5-10) /\CS(5-10) CV(5-IO) BS«5) 37 254.0 5) M« 5) 10) MCW« 5) TW W SS- 1'0« 5) (04714100) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PIIC(5-10) WT 1'1-1« 5) CP(5-IO) OCS(IIH) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Khandchi MCW PHS 13S CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) 38 Lodhan 682.4 2,902 515 1'(2) M(2) CHW(2) H(5- HI' W R SS- PH 1'0« RS(IO+) NCS(l04) SP( 10+) C(IO+) 10) PHC(5-10) W 5) (04714200) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Satauwa 39 161.0 ------UninhabIted ------(04714300)

Mew PHS 13S Masgaon /\CS(IO+) (V(IOC) 40 977.0 2.590 423 1'(2) M« 5) CHW(2) 11« T HI' W SS- PO PH CM«5) RS(IOC) (04714400) NCS(I()+) 51'(10+) C(IO+) 5) I'HC(5-IO) Ill' CP« 5) NW(IO+) OCS(10'-) ST(IO+)

- P(S Bhadan H(I~+) T llP W TK PO(~ 5) /\CS(5-10) (V(IO+) BS(5-10) 41 137.0 32 10) M(5-10) MeW(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO") SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (04714500) SS-T PI-I(-< 5) C(l 0+) PllC( I 0+) CPt 10+) OCS( 10') S r\ 10+) NW(I()+)

CHW H(lO+) Ill' TW W ACS(5-IO) (,V(IO") I3S(5-10) Mihuna 190 I' M« 5) 42 624.0 1,166 MCW(IO+) RSS-WT 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) SI'\IOe) (04714600) C(IO+) RS( 10 ') PIlC(IO+) PIl( 10+) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO') ST(IO') NW(IOc)

ellw H« 5) HI' W ss­ i\CS( < 5) C\·« 5) IlS« 5) S\om 1,571 255 1'(2) M« 5) MCW« 5) 1'0«5) (,M« 5) 43 1.7660 w NCS( < 5) SI'( 1(1·) RS( 10') (04714700) C(lO+) PIlC« 5) 1'11« 5) ('1'« 5) OC5(<.5) S I (10' NW(IO,)

1'(5 11(5- III' W SS- /\CS(5-IO) ('V(5-IO) IlS(5-IO) Nauranga 1'0(5-10) 44 315.0 31 4 10) M(5-10) 10) MCW(5- W CM(5-IO) NCS( Itl') SI'(IIP) RS(IO') (04714800) PH(5-10) C(IO+) IO)PHC(5-IO) CP(S-IO) OCS(H1') S r(lO') NW(IO')

182 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lllud Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e arca undcr diffcrent types of land usc in hectare)*'

c E S co "'" i':' b'" ~ -5 :; -5" u "u 0 .... c: c: El ~ ~ " g_ ...s cn ~ 0 ~ " :a CD u > :§ ~ 0 :0" . ;; o(l " "g Vi" ..:l "00 .... ,., " ~"O to ;§ i!: ii .0 8 P.. ~ t:: " >-. " > ;; " "i!: c. " e .c: 8 "c. 8.a "'":0:; :0" "'"" .~ u ;;; " ".... '0" 0 "~ .... "c. El " "'" co ~ :0:; .c "e :J " "u -;; C. !! en- '" bJJ E ~ " E" "~ ~ 0 ::l .: 0. :; " 'i) " 0 " ~ E ~ ~ Z c. z" 2 '"E lL .§ ::J U "bJJ « Z" (/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

GC(147.8) I'R MR Maudaha (Mb) (27) - N TW(54) 95.6 5.2 22 2 I'ura lahan 34 T(153.2)

GC(275.5) PR Maudah. (Mb) (27) ED N TW(35.3) 440.9 11.8 46.7 Chilli 35 T(310.8)

W(27.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (30) - 154.0 I 1.0 DlkhlaUl a 36 1'(27.0)

FP Maudaha (Mb)(30) - W(2.5) 1'(2.5) 203.0 8.0 Ilwan 37

GC(260.6) ED EAG Pit Maud"h" (Mb) (30) NM 1'W(143.7) 352.5 580 Khandehi Lodhan 38 EOEA '1'(404.3)

GC(24.0) ------Uninhabited ------136.0 2.0 Satauwa 39 1'(24.0) GC(210.0) PC(2.0) EDEAG PR Maudaha (Mb) (24) N WE(65.0) 360 29.0 Masgaon 40 EOEA 565.0 TW(5.0) '1'(282.0)

GC(114.0) Pit Maudaha (Mb) (28) ED 27.0 1.0 5.0 Shadan 41 1'(114.0)

W(31.0) 92 8 TW( 18.0) PR Maud"ha (Mb) (30) - 424.0 46 () Mlhuna 42 . 0(16.0) '1'(65.0)

GC(103.0) W(31.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (36) 1213 0 84.0 21 ~ (} Slllnl 41 0(106.0) '1'(240.0)

1'W(4.9) !'P Rath (Mb) (25) 1122 R(35.1) 1346 3.7 20.5 Naliliinga 44 '1'(152.1)

183 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; HAMIRPUR CenSllS of India 200} - Amenities alii Amenities avmlHble (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the GOlumn and next to it In brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kl1l~ , 5-10 kIlls. and 10+ killS of the nearest pilice where the facility is available is given) " 15u .gc uo'" ...J ~ ,g~o .:;

....o Ii ~ o ~o Z f- 0.. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1'« - 11(5- , Chilchta Rath CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) CV{5-10) US« 5) 45 3140 188 29 5) M« 5) 10) MCW« 5) III W SS- 1'0« 5) (04714900) C1'(5-IO) NCS(IOI-) SI'(IO+) RS{IO' ) C(lO+) PI1C(5-10) W 1'1l(5- 10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO')

CIIW 11(5-10) III' W SS- Chandaura 117 I' M{< 5) CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) CV(5-IO) IlS«5) 46 799.0 789 MCW«5) W 1'0« 5) (04715000) C(I()+) CP(5-10) NCS(IOI) SI'(IOC) I{S(IO') 1'1IC(5-IO) 1'11(5-10) OCS( 1(1) S r(IOI) NW( 10')

Dhamna Jalal 47 318.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04715100) us Ainjhi 215 I'M«5) IJ« III' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 48 479.0 1,307 5)MCW«5) W 1'0«5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (04715200) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP{IO+) I'I1C« 5) PH«5) C1'« 5) NW(IO-r) OCS« 5) S 1{10+)

HMCWHC 1'(13) M(g) CV BS Muskera PIIC PIIS T HI' W SS- PO TO 49 1,757.0 13,289 2,211 S PUC PTO CM(2) cr ACS OCS SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (04715300) NCS(IO+) C(lO+) FWC RMP(3) III' I'H(220) ST(IO") NW(IO+) CIIW(5)

BS Baswan 820 1'(4) M(2) MCW PIIS 111' W SS- PO PH ACS« 5) CV«5) 50 1,16'1.0 4,943 CIIW(3) 1-1« W CM«5) RS(IO+) (047 I 5400} C(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) 5) I'IIC« 5) CI'«5) NW{IO+) OCS«5) ST(IO+)

Damu Pur 146 P M(5-10) H« HI' W SS- CV{5-IO) 51 298.0 903 S) MCW«5) IV 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) ACS(5-IO) ~~(IO+) (04715500) C(IO+) NCS(5-10) I'HC(5-IO} PH(5-1O) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) CI'(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCWMH CWC IIC PHS Bihuni Kalan CM(5-10) ACS(5-10) 52 1,740.0 3,298 536 I' M C(lO+) Fwe CHW(3) HI' W ss- PO (04715600) 11(5-10) W PH(10+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) OCS(IO+) PIIC(5-IO)

DAMCW BS CV(S-Ill) Bihuni Khurd 759 1'(3) M AC CHW(3) 11{5- III' W R C 1'0« 5) ACS« 5) R5(10-) 53 1,495.0 4.766 CM{5-10) NCS(lll") SI'(IO") (04715700) C(lO+) 10) I'HC(5-10) SS-W 1'11(5-10) NW(IIl'l CP(5-10) OeS( 10!} ST( 10+)

Souniyan 54 218.0 ------Umnhabited ------(04715800) BS MCW PIIS eV(5-IO) Kandhouh 393 1'(2) M II{IO+) PIIC(5. III' W TK PH PO« CM(5-IO) ACS« 5) ((S(IO-) , 55 834.7 2,116 SI'(IOI) (04715900) C( 10+) 10) SS-WT 5) NW(IO') C1'(5-IO) ~~~i::;:~ ST(IO')

MCW I'IIS ACS eV(S-IO) BS« 5) Gundela 380 I' MC(10+) CIIW 11(10+) IIPWTKC 1'01'11(5- CM(S-IO) NeS(\O\) 56 1,262.0 2,234 SI'(IO+) KS(IO") (04716000) 1'11('(\0+) SS-WT 10) CP(5-10) OCS(H)!) SI(II)1) NW(IO')

184 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lund Usc (As on 1999) Land usc (i.c. area under diffcrcnllypcs or land u'c III heclarc)**

E :2 "'" 00 2- c 5 ~ .;:; -0 1; 0 .=: 'J to: c u u " § .5 V; 2 eo '6 ~ 0 2 ~dJ ..=! 00 U ::l .c 2 " ~" ,.0 bll "d* ;;; ~ " ~ ;; ~ bi) to: >. :2" ,... "-0 ~ .0 8 0. u ~"8 -0 ,. " 0- 0- -2 1] " to: ~ .c 8 ::l " 8.z '~ u "0 .0 ".... (] oj - " '" "0- §Jl "eo g ~ 2 '" i; ~ ::l ';:l-" 't: 2 OJ) ~~ E 0- ~ '" c ~ - ::l " e 0- 'c ',) " 0 o " 0 ::l " 2 « z" p.." z" ;?; E (J.. .§ ;..J U co -:: z" C/l 14 15 16 17 I ~ 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(58.9) TW(134) MR Ralh (Mb) (26) EAG 184.7 33 3 () Clillchl" Ralh 45 0(12.8) T(85.2)

GC(255.0) PC(71.9) W(34.4) MRFP Rath (Mb) (24) 384.6 219 17.1 ( 'hnnd<1l1la 4(, TW(l.l) R(24.3) T(386.7) GC(219.9) ...... -- Uninhabllcd ...... - ..... 55.0 I 8 Dhamna Jalal 47 T(219.9)

GC(229.4) PR Maudaha (Mb) (3S) ED N 189.5 8.2 AinJhi 48 T(229A)

GC(930.0) EDEAG TW(50.0) PR Ralh (Mb) (27) N 511.8 29.0 19.1.0 Muskcltl 49 EO EA 0(19.6) T(999.6)

OC(lS2.0) W(2.0) I'R Maudaha (Mb) (30) ED N &16.0 36.0 SIU Ba~m(m SO TW(43.0) T(227.0)

GC(l55.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (2S) ED N W(25.0) 73.0 J 1.0 Damu Pur 51 T(ISO.O)


PR Rath (Mb) (21) ED 745 TW(IO.3) 867.2 122.5 124 rlihu", Kalan 52 . R(99.S) T(ISO.6)

GC(153.1) PRMR TW(54.1) Ralh (Mb) (20) ED FPNC 12.1 TWE(2.9) 973.1 134.1 150.1 Blhunl Khurd S3 TK(O.I) T(210.2) GC(II7.0) ...... Uninhabited ...... 1040 29 il ~OUI11\all .14 T(II7.0)

OC(2268) PR Rath (Mb) (30) ED TK(2.7) 597.3 9.9 02 Kandhou!1 .15 T(229.5)

OC(38J.() PR Rath (Mb) (26) ED 735.1l ~~ (I llllllt\cl.1 Sf, 1'(383.0)

185 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200 I - Amenities and Amenities available (irnot available within the villagc. a dash (-) is shown in the colullln and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kl11s "rth" en U fJ. nearest place where the facility is available is given) '0 "0 u ~ u" § 'n -"" 1 ~ oJ ::; 0 > -= en g" " 0 "0 :::" e G t: .-.. u" C!- " t~ "u -"o. E " >. 0 on t '" g_ § en " ...J " 0. a ::i f./l C :§ "" ~ " 0 -g ""C!- ::; H ~[) rn E o>l :: -C -0 6 ~~ 0) c: !) 7 ~ ~]~ on ~ -0 c: " :.) 0 ~ ~ -5" 0 ~ 1) __ ~ [; s: .. -C" ::; :§ ~ ;, 0 § c: 0 .S: ..0 0 -C 3 0. _: en :: :; ~ c; ~" E ;, g E 0 ~ i3 ~ ~ ~ > ;:: u " <.... 0. " on e "~ 0 g en Ii f}, " 0 0. .. " -;; e ~] g,,] ..0 c: 2]" -;;" " ?i \) " >. .t: " u :s:I U" l-u 2 t Vl~ S" "S S .9 § :l .-0 S'>

ChhClnl (P<1r MCW PI IS 57 P(2)M(5-IO) CHW 11(10+) III' W ss- I\CS(5-10) CV(IOI) IlS(5-IO) Muskel") 774.0 1,452 255 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) C( 10+) PlIC(IO+) W NCS( j(H) SI'( 1(1) I\S(I\)') (04716100) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) OCS(IOI) ST(IOI) NW(IO')

Pahan Bhilan MCW PI-IS 58 1'(3) M S T III' W SS- PO I'll ACS« 5) CV« 5) IlS« 5) 1,240.0 5,131 910 CIIW(4) 11« CM«5) (04716200) C(IO+) HI' NCS(IOI) SI'(IOI) RS(IOI) 5) I'IIC« 5) CI'«5) OCS(IOI) S 1(101) NW(IO')

CHW 11« 5) Gaura I'M«5) T IIPTW PH 1'0(5- ACS(5-IO) CV(5-IO) I3S(5-/U) 59 224.0 777 149 MCW«5) CM«5) (04716300) C(lO+) W SS-HP 10) NCS(5-IO) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) I'HC(5-IO) CP(5-IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(lOI) NW(IO+)

P« PHSCI1W Alra 11«5) T IIPTW PH 1'0(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-IO) I3S(5-10) 60 136.6 498 72 CM(<:5) (04716400) 5) M« 5) MCW(5-IO) W SS-HP 10) NCS(5-IO) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) Cp(5-IO) C(lO+) 1'11('(5-10) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+I

P« 11« Ora III' W SS- ACS« 5) eV( 10 i) I3S(IO,) 61 779.0 76 20 5) M«5) 5) MCW«5) 1'0«5) CM«5) (04716500) W NeS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS« 5) qlO+) PIIC(IO+) 1'11« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+-) NW(It)~)

Gehrauli (Par II Pile PHS /JS 1'(9) M(4) S CI-IW(5) THPTW CM CP(5- ACS NCS eV(lo+) 62 Muskera) 3,112.0 9,735 1,796 PO I'H(23) 10) RS(IO+) W 5S-liP OCS(IO+) SI'(II)+) (04716600) PUC C(10+) MCW(5-IO) NW(IO+) ST(IO+)

MCW PHS Husaina ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) IlS(5-IO) 63 1,268.0 2,506 418 I' M C(lO+) 11(5-10) T HI' W SS- 1'0(;-10) CM(5-IO) (04716700) NCS(IO+) SI'(I()+) RS(IO+) PllqlO+) 1-11' 1'1-1(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IIH

Cl-\W 11(5-10) Techar HPW SS- I'll 1'0(5- AeS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 64 849.0 1,767 311 I' M C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) CM(5-IO) (04716800) W 10) NCS(IO+) SI'( 10+) RS(IO+) PBqIO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO·)

CHW 11(10+) BhugaiehJ HPWSS- 1'11(2) I\CS( 10 I) CV(IO') BS(5-lnl 65 320.0 1,500 261 I' M C(10+) MCW(10+) CM(IO+) (04716900) W 1'0(5-10) NCS(IOf) S~( 10') RS(IO-) I'IIC(IO+) CP(10+) OCS(IOI) S-I( 10') NW(ltl'l

('IIW lI(5-10) C'hak Sauna I'M«S) III' W SS- ACS(5-IO) (,V(II)I) BS(5-111) 66 337.0 498 121 MCW(5-IO) 1'0(10+) CM(S-IO) (04717000) C(IO+) W NeS( I!)l) SI'(IOI) RS(ltll) I'IIC(IO+) 1'11« 5) el'(lo+) O<:S(IOI) S I (Iii I) NW(IO'I

186 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Lm1<1 usc (i c. area under lhlTercnllypcs or lalld lISC III hcclarc)H

g" E_:,I. 2- c- on g O.> 'a -B" u 0 e v ~ c: e -'"u ~" E ,2 on S 0 2- "' 'J " -B on () "> () ,g ~ on ;; o, ~ §"d on -" () ~ ;; .D 0- -5 1:: " "d " "d > ;; S "~ a. E .J:: S Po 8.2 :0" " "- 0 i;1 U ~ "~ g p. E_IJ «: Z VJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(1120) 1690 Chhani (Pm I'll. Rath (Mb) (24) 28S.0 950 57 T(112.0) Mu>kera)

GC(722.0) W(97.0) I'll. Kurara (Np) (10) 320.8 5.0 ~2 0 Pahan 131111311 0(3.5) T(822.5)

03 GC(85.0) PI{ Kurara (Np) (15) ED N Jaggery 119.0 8.3 <-l I Gaura 59 . T(85.0)

GC(8S.0) PR Kurara (Np) (15) ED Jaggery 111.0 4.5 0.6 Air" 60 T(85,0)

PR Kurara (Np) (13) 48.0 6730 58.0 01<1 61

GC(2038.3) PI{ Kurara (Np) (10) EDEO NM 978.0 98.7 Gehrauh (Par 62 T(2038.3) Muskera)

GC(429.6) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (29) ED 1.0 TW(124.2) 6248 240 6}.1 Ilusaina 63 T(553.8)

GC(149.0) W(9.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (28) 503.0 140 810 Teehar M TW(93.0) T(25 1.0)

GC(90.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (17) 24.0 TW(35.0) 127 () 60 .1~ (1 Bhug

GC(120 0) WE(S.O) MR Maudaha (Mb) (29) 69.0 TW(IO.0) 1060 20 250 Clwk Sauna 66 T(135.0)

187 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (Ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is showllillthc COIUllllI alld next to it ill brackets the dIstance in broad ranges VIZ < 5 kills .. 5-10 kills alld 10+ kills of the Ilea rest place where the facility is available i, givell) '" 5"'" u

g" :;" C­ ~ o o 0. E" So :z" f-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

ClIW H« 5) KUllllokhar 192I'M«5) HI'W SS­ I\(,S«5) (,V(IO') I3S(-.: 5) 67 497.0 1,098 MCW«5) 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (047t7tOO) C(to+) W NCS(loq SI'(II)+) RS{IO') PHC(IO+) PIl«5) CP(IO+) OCS{IOI) S r{lo') N\\'( I IjI)

H« Ladlpur Rath 1'« I\CS{<5) CV(IIH) 135«5) 68 174.0 5) M«5) 5) MCW« 5) TW SS-1'W 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04717200) NCS(ltH) SI'(tO+) RS(It») C(lO+) PIIC{IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'{< 5) OCS(IOI) S'I(lt)l) NW(IIJI)

II 0 MCW l' III' TW llS 11l111iya 898 1'(6) M(3) CM CI'(5- I\CS ev( I!)l ) 69 1,135.0 5,454 PHC PIIS WCSS­ PO I'll NCS{IO') RS(IO') (04717300) C(lO+) SI'( 10+) CHW(4) W1' 10) OCS( 10 I) NW(IO') ST(IO+)

MCWI'HS llS Neoriya l' HI' W SS- PO 1'1-1« ACS«S) CV(IO-'-) 70 1,105.0 2,684 460 1'(3) M(S-IO) H« 5) CM«S) RS(IO+) (04717400) HI' 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(lO+) C(lO+) I'HC(10+) CI'(IO+) N\\,(IO+) OCS(IO+) S1'{IO+)

Naugawan 71 243.0 (04717500)

CHW H(5-10) III' W 5S­ Khcra 24 PM«5) A(,S(5-10) ('VO 0+) BS(5-10) 72 293.4 132 MCW«5) 1'0(5-10) (04717600) C(10+) W CM(5-1O) NCS(IOI) SI'(IIl+) RS(IIl') I'HC(IO+) 1'11(5-10) ('1'(10+) OCS(IOI) S-l-(lO+) N\\'(IO')

CHW 1I(5-10) Tagari I'll 1'0« ACS(5-10) CV( 10+) BS(5-IO) 73 1,076.0 1,113 165 P M« 5) MCW«5) HI' W SS-T 5) (04717700) C(10+) CM(S-IO) NCS(5-1O) 51'(10+) R5(IO+) PIIC(IO+) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) 51'(10") N\\'( 10+)

11(3) IIA(Z) 1111 )) DA T(l9) 1\ICW(24) W(60) 1'(108) 1\111 CWC TK(9) 1'0(18) ACS(<;) BS(l7) 21080 M(40) S(6) I1C(2) Block Total 51010.4 124586 111'(57) TO PTO Ci\I(6) CP NCS -OCS C\ PUC(S) 1'1IC(4) i\\\ TW(I3) 1'11(395) AC(2) I'IIS(24) R(7) C(5) FWC(2) L(Z) RMP(5) CIIW(80)

188 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land usc (i.c. area unuer eli f"f"ercn( types of land lJ'C III hectare)**

E ..>< ~ S C '0 ~ -a -a" ::; "u 0 ;j ;::: OJ E u c= Oil a E V> " :;; "~ 0 -'< ~ on u " "> oJ ;; ~ ;:; ~ E ~ " h >. 2 ,,-0 OJ) :§'" '"~ .c £ ~ C. t " -:J ;; ;; " .<: " 0. ~ £ '"0. g_2 II C- § u ;;; "oJ :0" .... " D. §J3 "00 ::: '" 0 :: E" t1 ::l " 0- ~ E -B ~ ~ E ::l "E r: 0. " 0 0 " c: "2 v «: z" 0.. Z" :2 '"E ;:J U" "OJ) «: z" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(32.0) W(2.0) PR MR Maudaha (Mb) (26) ED EAG . 353.0 I.tl 4S t) Kmmokhill 67 TW(60 0) T(94.0)

GC(29.U) FI' Maudaha (Mb) (22) . 7.0 T(29 0) 1300 4 II

PC( 171.0) WE(25.0) PR MR Maudaha (Mb) (22) ED EAG N 704.0 log Il Imdl)'a 69 FP EO EA TW(12S.0) T(32 1.0)

TW(146.7) PR Maudaha (Mb) (18) ~g ~~G 126.0 TWE( 157.5) 602.8 40.0 lOR I Neoriya 711 T(304.2)

OC(104.0) ------Unlnhahited ------.----- 3.0 W(26.0) 230.0 10.0 Naug<1wan 71 T(1330)

TW(18.1) MR Maudaha (Mb) (29) . 249,8 10.7 16.0 Kher" 1'2 T(18.1)

TW(193.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (26) . R(9.0) 817.8 10.0 45.7 ragan 7 } T(202.0)

GC( 10218.99 9) rC(252.88) W(400.492) W£(95) rR(44) ED(35) T\\'(2559.15 ~1R(21) EAG(16) 1\(16) 1426.69) 27360.2 3509.1 3897.0 . FP(14) £0(13) ;\1(4) T\\,E(313.40 NC NW EA(II) S) TK(47.948) n(170.81) 0(316.34) T( 14534.203)


Map of Maudaha CD Block



Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur LUU I Census location I ':.1':.11 Census localion code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4

Name of CD Block: Maudaha Name of Sub-Dist: 0003 1 Achhrela 04719700 410050010000090093 2 Adhai Purwa 04727800 410050010000170174 3 Akbai 04728400 410050010000170180 4 Akhaipur 04723500 410050010000130131 5 Akana 04727500 410050010000170171 6 Artra 04720400 410050010000090096 7 Asuai 04719300 410050010000080091 8 Atghar 04728200 410050010000170178 9 Bahinga 04729200 410050010000180187 10 Baije Mau 04721700 410050010000110113 11 Bakchha 04722500 410050010000110119 12 Bamhrauli 04720800 410050010000090099 13 Banni 04727000· 410050010000160170 14 Barhmauli 04728900 410050010000180184 15 Behrela 04719600 410050010000090092 16 Bhabhani 04726800 410050010000160165 17 Bhabhaura 04724800 410050010000140148 18 Bhabhmai 04722400 410050010000110120 19 Bhaderwara 04727100 410050010000160168 20 Bhainsmari 04723000 410050010000120125 21 Bhainsta 04723700 410050010000130133 22 Bharsawan 04718000 410050010000080077 23 Bhaturi 04722000 410050010000110116 24 Bhulsi 04721900 410050010000110115 . 25 Bigehna 04725700 410050010000150151 26 Biherka 04723200 410050010000120128 27 Burhai 04721800 410050010000110114 28 Chamar Khanna 04726500 410050010000160161 29 Chandi Kalan 04723300 410050010000120129 30 Chandi Khurd 04722300 410050010000110121 31 Chek Daha 04725800 410050010000150152 32 Chhani (Par Maudaha) 04722100 410050010000110117 33 Chhimauli 04725400 410050010000140145 34 Chhirka 04726600 410050010000160162 35 Chichara 04728800 410050010000180183 36 oea Kali 04718700 410050010000080080 37 ohungawan 04719100 410050010000080089 38 Fatehpurwa 04727700 410050010000170173 39 Fattehpur 04720200 410050010000090103 40 Gadaria Khera 04725900 410050010000150153 41 Garha 04721600 410050010000110112 42 Gauodhi 04726300 410050010000150155 43 Gehbra 04726700 410050010000160164 44 Gehrauli Khurd(Par Maudaha) 04722700 410050~10000120126 45 Gekheri 04721100 410050010000100107 46 Ghanduwa 04729800 410050010000190196 47 Ghatkana 04724100 410050010000130137 48 Gidhras 04725200 410050010000140144 49 Gurdaha 04723900 410050010000130135 50 Gurha 04727200 410050010000160167

191 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur 200 I Census locatIOn I YY) Census locatIOn co(le Serial number Name of village code number number I 2 J 4

51 Gusyari 04727900 410050010000170175 52 Hailpur 04717900 410050010000080076 53 Himauli 04726400 410050010000150160 54 Ichauli 04728000 410050010000170176 55 Jignauda 04728300 410050010000170179 56 Kahra 04729600 410050010000190189 57 Kamehriya 04718400 410050010000080085 58 Kapsa 04723400 410050010000120130 59 Karhiya 04723800 410050010000130134 60 Khair 04722600 410050010000110122 61 Khairi 04721300 410050010000100109 62 Khamriya 04729300 410050010000190191 63 Khandeh 04727600 410050010000170172 64 Khanna 04727300 410050010Q00160169 65 Khendehi 04719200 410050010000080090 66 Khiruhi 04729400 410050010000190192 67 Kishunpur 04724700 410050010000140142 68 Kiswahi 04720900 410050010000100105 69 Kulkuwan 04729500 410050010000190190 70 Kunethta 04726200 410050010000150158 71 Kusmela 04719800 410050010000090094 72 Lachhmanpur 04722800 410050010000120123 73 Ladar 04726900 410050010000160166 74 Laraund 04725000 410050010000140149 75 Lewa 04722900 410050010000120124 76 Madarpur 04725300 410050010000140146 77 Mahcha 04719400 410050010000080088 78 Makrown 04720100 410050010000090102 79 Masgawan 04725500 410050010000150156 80 Mavaiya 04725100 410050010000140147 81 Mawai Khurd 04728600 410050010000180182 82 Mehrka 04718500 410050010000080084 83 Mutni 04725600 410050010000150157 84 Naik Purwa 04728100 410050010000170177 85 Narayetch 04724600 410050010000140143 86 Noorpur 04730100 410050010000190195 87 Pach 04730000 410050010000190194 88 Par Khera 04718900 410050010000080082 89 Para 04726000 410050010000150154 90 Parchha 04720300 410050010000090104 91 Parchhachh 04720600 410050010000090097 92 Parohri 04721400 410050010000100111 93 Pasun 04723100 410050010000120127 94 Patanpur 04718100 410050010000080078 95 Perehta 04721000 410050010000100106 96 Pipraunda 04718300 410050010000080086 97 Pura 04728500 410050010000180181 98 Ragaul 04724500 410050010000140140 99 Ratauli 04724900 410050010000140150 100 Ratwa 04729000 410050010000180185 101 Reevan 04727400 410050010000160163 102 Rohari 04718200 410050010000080079

192 Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:Hamirpur 1001 Census location I 'J'J I Census IqcatlOl1 code Serial number Name of village code number number 1 2 3 4

103 Sahpura 04726100 410050010000150159 104 Sarha 04720500 410050010000090100 105 Sayar 04718600 410050010000080075 106 Sichauli 04724400 410050010000140141 107 Sijnaura 04723600 410050010000130132 108 Sijwahi 04724200 410050010000130138 109 Silauli 04719500 410050010000080087 110 Sirsi Kalan 04729700 410050010000190197 111 Sirsi Khurd 04729100 410050010000180186 112 Sisolar 04721500 410050010000100110 113 Suhela 04718800 410050010000080081 114 Tamaura 04728700 410050010000180188 115 Tikri Buzurg 04724300 410050010000130139 116 Tilsaras 04720700 410050010000090098 117 Tinduhi 04729900 410050010000190193 118 Tinduhi Kishori Lal 04720000 410050010000090101 119 Tinduhi Kishun Chand 04719900 410050010000090095 120 Tinduwa I 04722200 410050010000110118 121 Tala Khalsa 04717800 410050010000080074 122 Tola Mat 04721200 410050010060100108 123 Uprai 04719000 410050010000080083 124 Urdana 04724000 410050010000130136

193 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK HAMIRPUR Census of Iudia 2001 - Amenities and Amcnities available (irnot available wahin the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in1brackets the dislance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-1 () killS. and I (H· V> 2 Si killS of the nearest place where the facility is available IS given) u'" " "" en <> '"::1 U" .<: v '" :B E 0 c<> > '.0 .2 ,:; v 0 '8 5t::~'" " '" U ;< - E~ E u ~ ~ .E ~ g_ S ':J ;::, u C. 1J => 0 on 0 D- U d (/) 2 ..J .::: 0 '" '"' 0 .... '0 ~ ~ :::: ~ :::I ::1 'J 0 ~[) ?1 -.. =c:I'- .__. OG ':; ~ .<: 0 ro_--' -:1 0; u '? ;::: '"3_c:-g V ] 1) on '.!l .... -0 ~ -5'" 9'" v o'" 'w ~ 8 ~ c:' ~ "-< 0 ~ c::~ £ g " .D .;;: 0 .c c; '" .9 :; ...... OJ ~ OJ" ~:;~ " 0 ::.0 -;; c - :; "c. .~ - g '" '- "2 0 .... .2 on 'J ~ 0 c. 0; " -;; " v ~~ g2] >, -;;'" u ..0 u :.;;; B => u g ~ 1.> -;;" -;; u " EJ2 u .... ~ ;:) VIr C E '6 :; " "-0 ::1 "::1 'c u.S ~ 0 0 "0 'C" '" E '" on .r: ;:: " Vl'" Z'" "u l- I- Z UJ ::;:" 0 JO. U..oo " -< :5 ~u-u 02 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CD Block: Maudaha (0414)

Tala Khalsa 55.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04717800) I-Iailpur 232.0 ------Unlllhabited ------.---- (04717900)

Bharsawan I'M«5)1 11(10+) III' W SS- PH 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(104 ) 1l~(11) I) 3620 452 67 CM(IO') (04718000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) T 5) NCS(IO+) SI'( I (if) IZS(5-IO) CI'« 5) PllC(1 0+) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) N\v(ltH)

CHW(2) I'atanpur 1'(2) M H(10+) HI' W SS- ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 13S(IO+ ) 4 781.0 3,521 559 PO I'll CM(IO+) (04718100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) T NCS(IO+) SI'(10 I) RS(5-10) CI'(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S-IO) Rohari PM«5) HI'WTK ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) 13S(5·10) 1,174.0 1,093 186 MCW(5- 1'0«5) CM(5-10) (04718200) C(IO+) SS-T NCS(S-IO) SI'(5-10) RS\5·IO) 10) I'HC(5- PH(5-10) CI'(5-10) OCS(IOI) ST(IO.) N\v( 10+) 10)

H(5-10) Pipraunda P M C(5- liP W 55- I'll 1'0(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-IO) OS(5-IO) 6 746.6 1,479 293 MCW(S- CM« 5) (04718300) 10) T 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(5-10) 10) PHC(5- CI'(5-10) OCS(IO') ST(IO+) N\\'(IO") 10)

IIU DU IlS RS(5- Kamehriya 1'(2) M MCW 11(5- HI' W 55- AC5(5-10) CV(5-IO) 7 715,0 3,152 544 PO PH(IO) CM(5-IO) 10) (04718400) C(10+) 10) PHC(5- T NC5(1O' ) SI'(lO,) CI'(5-10) N\\ (10") 10) OCS(IO') ST(IO' )

Mehrka 261.0 ------Uninhabiled ------(04718500) HU DU RMI'(2) Sayar 1'(2) M C(5· CHW T liP TW ACS OCS CV(la. ) 13S(IO~) 9 1,614.0 4,669 759 PO PH CM CP (04718600) 10) 11(10+ ) W SS-T NCS(IO') SI'( 10') RS(~-IO) MCW(IO,) ST(IO') N\\ lin,) I'IIC(lO+)

T 1-11' T\\ Dca Kali III I 0 I) ACS« 5) CV(llI') BS« 5) 10 81.0 70 II P« 5) M« WTKC 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04718700) MCW(IO+j NCS« 5) SI'(IO' ) RS(IIl' ) ~ 5) C(lO+) SS-T 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) PllC(IO+t OCS« 5) ST(IO+) N\\«5)

11(10+) Suhcla - ACS(5-IO) CV(I()! ) IlS(5-IO) II 218.0 1'« 5) M(:,- MCW(5- 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04718800) « 5) 5S- NeS(IO,) SI'(IOI) RS(IOt) 10) C(lO+) 10) PIIC(5- 1'11« 5) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO") S 1'(101) N\\'(IO') 10)

194 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under dIfferent types of land use In hectare)"

E .S ..I< Of) " .:: c t: OJ :0 -0 ~ u 0 => t: ~ " E U" 2 ~ .~ E .S: ~, "on -0 0 " ,. ,g OIl u ::I " :c" Cd <0 ~ E r- "01) .;; ;.;: "~ 00 <- t: >. §-o ~ >. "30 "C r. .;; .D .9 ~ c.. t " .." ,. " 0. OJ 6 OJ t: t: .c .9 '"0. 8.B g u "0 :0 " " ~ 0. OJ bIJ g 0 ~

------Uninhabited ------40.0 13.0 20 Tola Khalsa

------Uninhabited ------1660 13.0 23.0 lIailpur 2

W(25.0) PR Maudaha (~b) (15) ED 3490 14.0 20.0 I1hars3wan T(25.0)

GC(1.0) ._rR Maudaha (Mb) (12) ED TW(281.0) 657.0 34.0 24.0 Patanpur 4 T(282.0)

TW(146.9) PR Maudaha (Mb) (9) 9736 4.2 510 Rohan T(146.9)

GC(135.0) TW(l102.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (7) ED EAG - l'iprallnda 6 TK(12.0) T(1249.0)

EDEAG W(60.8) PR FP Maudaha (Mb) (10) N 484.9 58 7 Kamchriya 7 EO EA T(60.8)

------Uninhabiled ------:!660 24.0 11.0 Mchrka

W(l90.3) WE(193.0) EDEAG TW(2.1) PR Maudaha (Mb) (13) N 1311~ Y 20.7 Sa)ar EOEA TWE(5.1) TK(4.1) T(394.5)

PI< MI< FP Maudaha (Mb) (15) ED I 8 61 J o :! I ~ 7 Deo KalJ 10 ;..

GC(IO 0) Maudaha (8) 1880 5.0 150 T(IO.0) SlIhcla II

195 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and A'llen,ties available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges v,z < 5 kms., 5-1 (J krns. ami I (J+ kills of the ncarest place where rhc fac,llly ,s available is given)

.gc: >" u e "o 0. .,J "o


Par Khera 12 32.0 ------\J n ,"I,,\lncu ------(04718900)

ACS MCW RMI' Till' TW CV(IO" ) IlS(I()") Uprai 263 I' M« 5) CP CM« 13 650.0 1,654 11(10+) WTKC 1'0« 5) NCS(I[)+) (04719000) C(IO+) 5) SI'(l1J I) l{S« 5) I'IIC(IO+) SS-'I 1'11« 5) O(S(IO') ST( 10i) NW(IO»

11(10+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IDI) OS« 5) Dhungawan 58 I' f'vl« 5) III' W SS- 14 319.0 258 MCW(S- T 1'0« 5) Clvl(IO+) NC5(IO') SI'(I01) RS(IO+) (04719100) C(IO+) 10) PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO-) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+)

CV(IO+) [)S« 5) Khendehi 28 I'M(S-IO) 11(10+) HI' W S5- PO« 5) I\CS« 5) 362.0 183 CIVI(IO+) \5 C(10+) MCW« 5) T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO' ) (047 \ 9200) CI'(5-10) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(IO+) BS(S-IO) 53 I' 1VI(5-10) Ill' wss- I\C5(5-10) CV(IO+) Asuai MCW(5~ T 1'0(\0+) CM(IO+) \6 125.0 276 C(IO+) NCS(I()~) SP(IO+) RS(IO") (04719300) I'H(IO+) ('1'(10+) 10) OCS( I O~) ST(I 0+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+)

H(5-10) Ill' W SS- /\C5(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) Mahcha 416 I' IVI C(S- PH rO« 17 5\9.0 2,584 MeW(5- T CM(5-IO) NCS(IO~) SI'(IO+) RS(5-IO) (04719400) 10) 5) 10) PHC(5- CI'(5-10) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) \0)

H(5-10) HI' W SS- ACS(5-IO) CV(S-\O) 13S(5-10) Silauli 282 P M« 5) MCW(S- T 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO-) SP(\O+) RS(S-IO) \8 827.0 1,698 (5-10) (04719500) (0) PIIC(5- 1'11«5) CI'(5-10) OCS(lO-) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10)

11(5-10) Ill' W TK ACS(5-IO) CV(5-10) ns« 5) Behrela 30 I' IVI« 5) 1'0«5) CM(5-IO) NCS(5-IO) SP(5-10) 19 238.0 157 C(5-10) MCW(S- C SS-WT RS« ~) (04719600) 10) I'IlC(5- PH(5-10) CI'(5-10) OCS(5-10) ST(IO') NW(IO-) 10)

H(S-IO) Ill' W 1 K I\CS(5-l(l) C\'(5-IO) 13S« 5) Achhrcla 20 164.0 163 23 1'« S) M« MCW(S- C SS-WT 1'0« 5) CIVI(5-10) NCS(IO-I Sp(S-IO) RS(5-11l) (047\9700) 5) C(5-10) 10) I'IlC(5- 1'11(5-10) C 1'(5-1 0) oes( l(1- ) S r( 10' ) N\v( 10-) 10)

Kusrnela ------Unrnhab'tc'd ------21 94.0 (04719800)

IO TlOduhi Kishun H« 5) HI' W SS- I'll 1'0« ACS(5~ 10) C\'(5- ) ns« '1 iOO I' M« 5) CM«5) SI'« 5) "S('" 5) 22 Chand 173.0 679 C(IO+) MCW« 5) W S) NCS« 5) CI'(S-IO) S 1(10 I) NW(lll') (04719900) PllC« 5) ()eS(lo' )

196 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.c. area under different types of land use in hectare)"

E "2 -" .:: c on "~ -a " ;:; 0 -a " E u " " ",,~ .2 t5"'" .~" E ._ ~ '"on 0 ~ ~":- :0 OIl '-' " " ~ t5 :c "01) .;;: o ;;: B 3:" P- 3: "C .c 0. 0. 8.2 e !! § u £ " -0 :n" " '- ~ 0. tl1l " c t: '- " .§ ,fj " " ~ t: " 0) ::l t5 " " -a 2 '"~ tl1l 'E 2-B " P- Ol 3: '"3: :g ~ ::l E ·c P- 0 0 ·E ;:; " I.> " " " (/) -< Z" 0- Z" ~ "E u... .":J U ~) -< Z" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

------Uninhabited ------740 2.0 6.0 I'ar KhclO t 2

GC( 17.3) W(t 6) PR Maudaha (Mb) (II) ED WE(19.7) 4849 134 769 lJpral 13 TW(36.2) 1'(74.8)

W(2.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (12) T\\I(23.0) 262.0 12.0 :6.0 Dhungaw311 1<1 T(25.0)

GC(73.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (14) PC(4.0) 325.0 45.0 t8.0 Khendchl t5 T(77.0)

GC(6.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (15) 108.0 7.0 17.0 Asuai 16 T(60)

TW(71.1) PRFP Maudaha (Mb) (7) EAG TWE(IOO.O) 2858 Mahcha 17 1'(171.1)

PC(81.0) PRMR TW(67.0) Maudaha (Mb) (9) ED 577.0 220 760 Silault 18 FP 0(5.0) 1'(153.0)

MRFP Maudaha (Mb) (7) 1'WE(84.9) 159.3 2082 l3ehrela 19

1'W(44.3) MR Maudaha (Mb) (8) t 17 2 I 7 Ill, Achhrcla T(44.3) :0

------Uninhabited ------86.0 ~O 4.0 Kllslllcia 21

EDEAG GC(41.0) 100 Ttndllhi Kishun I'R Maudaha (Mb) (4) 110.0 7.0 22 EO EA T(41.0) . Chand

197 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within tile village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and nel(t to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills and I ()+ k1l1s orllle nearest place where the facility is available is given)

c: .9 u o ..J" c'(l

00 .... ,g" .g" ..D" .s: :;" to: c...... o "c: o 0. ·c " OJ §~ " "CIl z 8 !- 2 3 "4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

Tinduhi I\CS« 5) CV(IUl) US« 5) 23 Kishori Lal 849.0 241 38 1'« 5) M« ~~~< 5) ~~p W S5- ~;,l 1'0« CM« S) NCS« 5) SP(\OI) RS« 5) (04720000) CP« S) 5) C« 5) I'IIC« 5) OCS(IO-) ST(IO+) N\v(IO-)

H(5-tO) Makrown BS(5-IO) 24 1780 2,055 360 P M C« 5) MCW(5- HI' \V S5- PO I'H(12) CM(5-IO) I\CS(5-10) CV« 5) (0472@IOO) RS(5-IO) 10) PIIC(5- \\. CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO') OC5(10-) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO) 10)

Fattehpur ACS« 5) ev« 5) BSRS«5) 25 239.0 2,156 386 P M« 5) H«5) TIIPWSSI'0(~5) CM«5) (04720200) C« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO I) NW(IO") MCW« 5) III' PH« 5) CI'« 5) PHC« 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) CHWH« I'archha 5) MCW« ACS« 5) CV« 5) BS« 5) 26 391.0 1,368 220 P M« 5) ~; W SS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04720300) C« 5) 5) PHC« NCS« 5) SI'(IO+) RS« 5) I'H« 5) CI'« 5) 5) OeS« 5) ST(IO+) NW«5) HAMCW RMP(3) Artra HI' W SS- PO PH CM Cr(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) OS(5-10) 27 3,429.0 6,613 1,133 1'(5) M(3) CIIW(6) (04720400) C(5-IO) W 10) NCS(IO+) SI'(lO+) RS« 5) H(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lOI) NW(IO~) PHC(5-IO)

Sarha H«5) W TK RC ACS« 5) CV(5-10) NW OS« 28 257.0 177 26 P M« 5) CM«5) (04720500) 5) MCW« 5) SS-HP 1'0« 5) NCS« 5) SI'(IO+) 5) RS(IO+) C« 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) I'HC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Parchhachh 1'(2) M« 5) H(5-10) HI' TW W PO PIl(S- A(,S(5-10) CV(S-IO) US« 5) MCW(5- CM« 5) 29 1.248.0 3,114 553 NCS(IO') SP(10+) RS(5-10) (04720600) C(5-10) 10) PHC(5- TK SS-WT 10) cr(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO~) 10)

HPTWW ACS« 5) CV(IO') BS(IO*) Tilsaras 126 I'M(5-10) H(IO+) TK R SS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) 30 2660 700 NeS(IO') SP(lO') RS(IO·) (04720700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) WT I'H(IO-) CI'(IO+) PIIC(IO;'} OCS(lO') ST(IO·) NW(IO-)

Bamhrauli ACS« 5) CV(IO+) IlS(IO-) 268 cl'«21)o~)«5} 11(10+) IIPTWW 1'0«5) CM« 5) 31 5404 1.494 NCS« 5) S(,( fO") RS(IO- ) (04720800) MCW(IO·) SS-W 1'11(10-) CI'(5-10) 1'1lC(10-) OCS« 5) ~'I(IO' ) NW(IO-)

MCWMH NW Kiswahi 415 1'(2)M(5- (WCPIIS HPWR I'OPH« CM(IO+) ACS(IOr) (,V(IO+) BS(lO-) 32 1.371.0 2.651 I (04720900) 10)C(10+) 11(10 1 ) SS-W 5) C(,(IO+) NCS(lO-) SI'(IO ) RS(IO-) I'IIC(.:.:IO:_+..:_) ______::O_::C_::S,;_;(l:..:O_-;_) ___:S:,,:T..:._( :,,:IO_'.:..) _____

198 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise In hcctare)**

]' g ell " S c- t: ~ :0 ::J '5 OJ Uc:" D 2 "t: E u c:~ ..2 ~ .~ E OJ ._ th "00 D :0 t: ~ " -" 00 u > :0" .;;: "', 2:" <= on fl t;{J " .3 c >, i'i .9 !l: 0. 'i:; t"''' " !l:" .c 0- "0 c ;;: " .c .9 Po 8.2 e ~ ._ u ;;; " ""0 " OJ ;;; 0- " :0 " "5 @ ... " §~ OJ) e ~ c: e ~ on ::J on "2i" " " Po el !l: on c: Ol) E 3-;j .~ Po 0 "!l: 0 1: ::J E" 0 0 'c ::; "<: i) Z c.. 'E < z" 2: "E u... ::J U "CD < Z" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

W(28 0) ~ 0 1II1<1ulll PR Maudaha (Mb) (3) EDEAG TW(\9.0) 119.0 40 23 .. Klsh"n Lal T(41.0)

I'RMR TW(I060) Maudaha (Mb) (4) Fl' ED FAG IWE(390) 6230 30 CO.n Makco\\"n 24 T(1450)

TWE(100.0) EDEAG I'RMR Maudaha (Mb) (I) NM TK(8S.3) EOEA 3.8 Fallehpur 25 T(185.3)

TW(50.3) PRMR EDEAG TWE(25.2) Maudaha (Mb) (3) NM 226.7 760 3~.5 I'archha 26 FP EOEA TK(lO.O) T(85.5)

EDEAG I'R Maudaha (Mb) (S) N EOEA 0.6 TWE(40S0 0) 3041.0 96.0 24110 0 Artra 27

TW(31.0) MRFP Maudaha (Mb) (4) EAG TWE(80.0) 166.0 26.0 17.0 Sarha 2S T(III.O)

W(120.0) PRMR TWE(400.0) Maudaha (Mb) (S) ED 609.0 3460 I'archhachh FPNR R(S.O) 2'" 0 29 T(528.0)

MRFP Maudaha (Mb) (12) II 0 TWE(26.0) 1910 210 2~ U '1llsards NR T(26.0) 30

TW(94.0) MRFI' Maudah. (Mb) (12) - TWE(770) 4350 :' n Bamhrauh 31 T(171.0)

GC(36.0) FI' Sumerplir (Np) (17) 600.0 TK(237 .0) 857.0 145.0 I.'~ 0 Kls\\uhi 32 T(237.0)


Census of Jndia 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot avallable within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 I

c: o .g o 2 ~ o o .:g ....l o -0 0:3 ~ ..c c: "~ ~ .g o 0.1 ..c .D :;'" c... d ] E "­ o ~ o 2 c: o ·c" " "- .D 0; " u "E ~ ·c E ":3 E-" " o :3 "0 o c: tI'l" f- Z W ull 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13

11(5-10) Perchla T It I' W SS I'll 1'0« I\CS(tOl) CV(I01) NW I3S« 33 1,083.0 2,003 321 I' M« S) MCW(5- CM(tO+) (04721000) C(IO+) liP 5) NCS(I01) SP( 10 I) 5) I<.S(I 0+) 10) I'HC(S­ CI'(IO+) OCS(to» ST(IOI) (0)

Gekhcri 34 313.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04721100)

CHW 11« Tola Mar 5) MCW« TIII'WR ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 35 374.0 1,661 319 P M« 5) CM« 5) (04721200) C(IO+) 5) I'IIC« SS-1I1' 1'0« 5) NeS(IO,) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII« 5) CI'(lO+) 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Khatri 181 "M(5-10) H(IO+) HI'WSS- 1'0«5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I3S(IO+) 36 407.0 1,108 CM(5-10) NCS« 5) (04721300) C(lO+) MCW(ID+) W SP(IO+) RS(IO+) I'HC(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(S-IO) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

I-IHMCW Parohri 610 1'(3) M(2) ewc H(5- HI' W R PO PH(5- ACS(5-10) CV(5-10) 13S(5-10) 37 1,419.0 3,475 (04721400) C(5-10) 10) I'IIC(5- SS-W 10) CM(S-IO) NCS(IOc) SI'(IO+) RS(5-10) 10) CI'(5-IO) OCS(IOc) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'(2) M(2) H OA BS Sisolar ACS NCS ~V(IO+) 38 1,571.0 5,402 841 5 AC MeW PHC III' W SS- PO PH CMCI' R5(10+) (04721500) OC5(10') SP(IO+) C{lO+) FWC CHW W NW(IO+) ST(IO+)

NW Garha 332 P M(lO+) H(IO+) Ill' W R /\C5(\(\ C) CV(IO+) 39 772.0 1,950 PO PH CM(IO+) BS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS-W NCS(IO') SI'(IO+ ) (04721600) CP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCSOO' \ S'I(IO+)

11(10+) 135(10+) BaijeMau 340 1'(3) M III' W SS- I'll 1'0« I\CS(5-10) CV(IO+) 40 1,309.0 1,937 MCW(5- C(lU+) W 5) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO,) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (04721700) 1 10) CI'(5- 0) OCS( 101) S1'( I 0+) NW(IO+) PIK:(IO+)

A(,~« CV(IOl) 135(10+) Burha; 145 PM«5) 11(10+) Ill' W SS- I'll 1'0« 5) 41 395.0 944 CM« 5) C(lU+) MCW« 5) W 5) NCS(IIl') SI'(IO') RS(IO"\ (0472IS00) ('1'(10+1 pIIC(IO-) ()(,~(Ill') S I'(10e) NW(IO-)

HB 011 NW ll5(5- PHS H(5- Ill' W R I\CS(IO I) CV(IO+) I3hulsi 491 1'(2) M 1'0 10) 42 1,650.0 2,891 10) MCW(5 SS-W CM(5-10) NCS(IOI) (04721900) C(IO+) 1'11(10-) SI'(IO+ ) I'IIC(5- RS(IO.) 10) CP(5-10) O(,S(I01) SI'(IO+) 10)

200 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i,e, area under different types of land use In hectare)·'

c ]' "i5 OJ) " :S c ,::; .~ 'i3 "0 :; "(j 0 :::J u ;§ oj .c en ;: Oil i;\" ';J" E " >, ::E 0)"1:) on -";; u I:; » "~ "0 " S ":lo 0. "t:: " "0 c > > 0. e. '-' ..c 0. 2 ~ u S " 5.2 .0 " C/o "0 "... C G '" "... "0- .5 ~ ~ 2 c 1 "e ~ Ul ';j" 'E ..c" .. 0. 1;) bll .'3 u E " :lo 0 " i':'" '" .~ 0- 0 0 "5 E" " " E " Z" -< Z "-" Z ::E S" u.. '":::> u " -< '" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22"" 23 2

W(93,0) TWE(104,O) TK(2,O) ~I~FP Sumerpur(Np)(16) EDEAG _ 758.0 56 () Pelchl~ ]J R(2.0) 20 ° 0(54,0) T(255.0) TWE(28.0) ------Uninhabitrd ------TK(1.0) 222,0 34 ° 22.0 Cickheri T(29.0)

W(lO.O) TWE(26,0) Sumerpur (Np) (16) EAG 270.0 24.0 6.0 Tol3 Maf 35 ~~~: 0(7.0) T(43,0)

TWE(770) MR FP Maudaha(Mb)(12) - 338.0 39.0 250 Khaili 36 1'(77,0)

I'RMR TWE(309.6) Maudaha (Mb) (7) EDEAG 905.1 5.9 106.7 Parohn 37 Fi' 1'(309.6)

W(9.0) EDEAG PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (16) NM Porridge, Fan TWE(139.0) 1279.0 1415,0 Sisolar 38 EOEA 1'(148,0)

MRFP G«132.1) Maudaha (Mb) (2S) - 7.5 0.6 85 3 Garha 39 NRNW 1'(147.4)

TW(221,0) MRFP Maudaha (Mb) (18) - 2.0 TWE(23 0) 777.0 1650 I:! '.I) Ilaiie ~Iall JO 1'(244,0)

Gt(n,O) Mil. PI' Maudaha (Mb) (17) 3180 30 (1 llJlt BUlhm 1\ 1'(28.0)

1'W(5.0) 1'WE(IIO.O) I'R Maudaha (Mb) (22) EIJ EAG 6.0 ~ 10 11IIl.l" K(IOS 0) 846 ° ·12 1'(223,0)

201 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIHPUR CenslIs of India 2()Ol - Amenities alld AmenitlCs available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is ,hown in the column I and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-1 () killS. and 10-'­ ktlls oCthe nearest place where the facility IS available is given) '~~r~~~~----~

.,8" "> "u e'-' o 0. ...J ? ",<" o u 1) -0 ... on c: "l> 2 ._ ,. .D .;; o E -a ... .~ c: :J " .D -a "E if> ·c E E-¥ zo (/]" z" o_ 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13

8hotun 11(10+) HI' W C ACS« 5) ('V(IO') NW 8S« 43 535.0 892 164I'M«5) 1'0« 5) C'M(tO" I ',0472::0Qil) ctIO+) MCW« 5) 5S-W NCS« ,) SI'(IOI ) 5)gS(IO-1 I'll« 5) el'« 5) PIIC(IO+) O(,S« 5) ST(IO' )

Chhani (Par 11(10+) Ill' W R C 1'111'0« AeS(5-IO) ev( 10;) NWl3S« 44 Maud::tha) 917.0 1,500 251 I'M(5-10) MCW(5- eM(IO+) C(lO+) SS-W 5) NeS(5-10) SI'(IOI) 5) RS(I('-) (04722100) 10) CI'(5-IO) 0(,S(5-10) ST(\O+) i PIIC(IO+)

Tinduwa ACS« 5) CV(IOI) 13S« 5) 45 217.0 76 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04722200) II 1'«5)M« ~~~IO+) WS5-W NCS(IO-') SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(5-10) 5) C« 5) I'HC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO i) NW(IO+)

Chandi Khunl 28 I'M(IO+) H« 5) HI' W SS- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 46 269.0 193 I047223()0) C(IO+) RS(lO+) PIl« S) ~~;I(~~;) W CP(5-10) ~~~~:~~~ ~~i~~:~ NW(IO~l

H PHS l3S Bhabhmai ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) 47 608.0 2,335 378 I' M S AC MCW(IO+) Ill' W SS- PO PH CM« 5) RS(IO+) (04722400) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) C(5-10) PHC(10+) W CP(5-10) NW(IO~) OCS(IO+) ST(10+)

H(IO+) l3akchha 138 I' M« 5) TK R SS- CM\IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) l3S(IO+) 4~ 657.0 820 MCW(S- TR 1'0« 5) (04722500) C(IO+) NCS(lO+) SI'(I0+) RS(lO+) 10) PH(lO+) CP(l 0+) OeS( I 0+) ST(10+) NW«5)

Khalr H(lO+) Ill' W SS- PO« 5) A(,S(IO- ) CV(IO+) l3S(IO+) -19 486.0 925 146 P M« 5) CM(lO+) C(IO+) MCW« 5) W NCS(IOl) SP(IO ~) RS(IO+) (04722600) CI'(IO+) PI-IC(IO+) PH(\O+) OCS(10;) ST(II)+) NW(IO~)

Gehra"li Khurd(1'3r 174 1'(2) M« 5) H(5-10) T HI' W SS I'll PO« I\CS(5-1O) (,V(5-10) flS(5-101 50 428.0 997 CM(S-IO) NCS(IOI) RS(5-10\ Maud"I,") C(5-10) MCW«5) HI' 5) ~I'(I0+) Cp(5-le) OC5(10,) ST(lO+) NW(lO+1 (047<2700) I'H('(5-IO)

11(10+) AC5«:5\ CVlIO") l3S(5·IOI lachhmanpur CM«:,) 51 1810 19 3 P« 5) M(5- MCW(5- -_ 1'0« 5) NCS(I(1') SI'(IO') RS(IO' ) (04722800) _ 10) C(lO+) 10) I'HC(5- « 5) SS- 1'11« 5) el'(5-10) (jCS(IO'1 ST(IO') NW(IO-I ------_._------_._--'------Ie) DClIW ACS{'i·I(l) BS(IOi) LeiVa 1'(2) M« 5) H(5-IO) III' W SS- PH 1'0« C'V(IOI) 312 CM(IO+) 52 779.8 1,723 W S) Nt'S(IO'i SP(10') RS(IO') (04722900) C(IO+) MCW« 5) CI'(IO}) 1'1lC(10+) ()CS(lO' ) S'! (10+) NW(lO- )

202 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types orland lise in hectare)' •

<= 0 ~ ]: fj Oll ~ t;- c: i: OJ -0 '5 "5 0 ::J U "c: c: Ei U .., t; .~" Ei U 'n ~ bn " 0 ~ '5 (.) 2 :> OIl ::l <.> " ~ t; " ::0 br, .:;: c)j " ~ e ~ " c: >-. :;;: 15-0 on ;; ~ .. ~ >-. "~ .r. B 0: 0. to " --;; "0c: :> .s: " 0. 0. _ (.) e E .r. 2 g " 8.2 ~ ::0" .~ ~ " 0- ~ " '0 c C " to ~ " .S ~ "'" E c: "8 ~ .., V> ::l "i5 .r. OJ "bO .2 "'-' P- ~ ~ (3 c: '"... .~ ::l "E g 0. " 0 0 ·E :J " C> -< Z" a.. Z" :;;: "E Ll. :5 U "OIl -< Z" v; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 ,

MRFI' Maudaha (Mb) (19) - Bhailln 4.1 NC

MRFP GC(164 I) NRNC Maudaha (Mb) (2 I) - 9 17.0 Chhulll (Par j [ R(O.O) 1'.lautlaha) INW

GC(18.0) MR Maud.h. (Mb) (25) - 166.0 240 9.0 Tinduwa ":5 T(18.0)

PR Maudaha (Mb) (22) ED 264.0 2.0 11.0 Chandi Khurd

PR Maudaha (Mb) (21) ED W(5.0) T(5.0) 532.0 18.0 56.0 Bhabhmal

W(30.8) Mil. Maudaha (Mb) (25) - 624.5 9.4 !Jakchha .18 T(30.8)

Wf(50 4) Mil. Maudaha (Mb) (25) - 470.0 1.0 1,.0 Khair J

Gehrauh TW(113.0) Mil. Maudaha (Mb) (10) - 302.1 1.0 ~6.2 Khurd(Par 5-11 T(l133) Maudah.)

Maudaha (12) 168.0 3.0 Ilh_l Lachhm.lIlpur

rW(17.6) MR fP Maudaha (Mb) (14) - TWECi3.ll 581.8 6.9 4'7_2 Lcwa 1'(50.8)

203 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - AmemtlCs and Amelllties available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ.< 5 ~Ills. 5-10 kms. and 10+ kills ofthc nearest place where the facility IS available IS given)

c .2 u o o ,__}'" o c

Mew RMI' 1'0'1'0 I3hamsmari /\(,S{<5) (V(IO+) os 53 707.0 2,048 393 1'(2) M 11« 5) HI' W SS- PTO 1'11« CM« 5) RS(IOl-) (04723000) C(IO+) W NCS(IO,) 51'(10 1) I'IIC« 5) 5) el'« 5) NW(IO» O(,S( 10+) S-I (10,)

I'asun 11(10+) '1'111' W SS PH 1'0« /\CS(5-10) CV( 10 » 8S(IO, ) 54 412.0 668 124 I' M« 5) (04723100) C(IO+) MCW« 5) III' 5) CM(IO+) .NCS(IO,) 51'(10+) RS(IOI) I'IIC(IO+) ('1'(10+) OeS(IO') 5T(10)) NW(IO+)

MCWRMI' Biherka CHW H« Ill' W ss- /\('5(5-10) (V(IO+) OS(IO+) 55 614.0 1,696 264 P M CM«5) (04723200) C(lO+) 5) W PO PH NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(5-10) CI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

Chandi Kalan 245 1'(2) M« 5) 11« 5) III' W TK ACS(5-10) eV(lo+) 8S(10+) 56 723.0 1,466 (04723300) C(lO+) MCW« 5) SS-WT 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) I'IIC(IO+) l'HOO+) CP(10+) OCS(IUI) SI(IO+) NW(IO+)

CIIW BS RS(5- Kapsa 220 I' M« 5) 11(10+) HI' W SS- I'll 1'0« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 57 696.0 1,222 CM« 5) 10) C(IO') MCW« 5) W 5) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) (04723400) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(lO+) 51(10+) Akhaipur 58 234.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04723500)

11(5-10) HI' TW W ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) B5(5-10) Sijnaura 169 P M« 5) 59 380.0 1,209 MCW(IO+) TK R SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(5-IO) (04723600) C(5-10) PHC(5-10) WT PH(5-10) CP(5-10) OC5(5-10) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

HPTWW AC5(S-IO) CV(S-IO) B5(5-10) 8hainsta 186 P M(5-10) H(S-IO) TK R SS- 60 454.0 1,130 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) NCS(5-IO) 51'(10+) R5(S-10) (04723700) C(5-10) MCW«5) WI pHe(5-10) PH(5-10) CI'(5-IO) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

DAMCW MHewC CV(10+) B5(10+) Karhiya 808 P(3) M(2) HI' WTK PO PH ACS(I()+) 2,284.0 4,992 RMI'(2) CM(IO,) 61 AC C(lO+) C 5S-WI NCS(I

CV(IO+) IlS« 5) Gurdaha 311 PM«5) H(IO+) 'I' HI' W R PH 1'0(5- ACS(IO+) 62 1,151.0 1,638 MCW« 5) 5S-HI' 10) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO.) 51'(10' ) RS(IO+) (04723900) C(IO+) PlIC(IO+) CI'(10,) OeS(lo+) ST(IOI) NW(IO,)

204 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999)

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use \I) heclare)"

,. c: E S "'" "il 2- 0 ""t: ~ ~ :0 -;; "uc: a :l '-' E <3 .... 0) E " ·2 b/) .~'" E v- :0'" a e :.S ~ :§ OIl u :l > :0" .;;: "'3 C .._0 0lJ >, " :;: 00 -" " .... c: ~ ~ ;:; ~ OJ » 3; "0 .;; ..0 .9 P. 1::""a "h > 0. e c ..r:: .9 ""0. 0.3 " E " "0 " " "-- :l " ~ " ::0 "h " OJ> 0. .§ Jj OJ '6 a c OJ " " "J> ..r:: 2 h b :l 'E""" " C; 0. c: OIl E "u " E" 0. ~ '"0 .... '2 -;; :l ·c " 0 "0 'E" "~ OJ -< Z" 0.." Z" ~ "S LL. :::J U "eO -< Z" Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

GC(IIO.O) PR Maudaha (Mb) (22) ED TK(16.0) 474.0 flhalllsmari 53 T(126.0)

TWE(51.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (12) - 307.2 3.1 40.0 l'as\l11 T(SI.O)

TW(32.7) PR Maudaha (Mb) (15) ED 581.8 55 T(32.7)

TW(118.2) I'K Maudaha (Mb) (18) ED M 530.3 24.1 SO 7 Chandi Kalan 56 T(118.2)

GC(O.I) PR Maudaha (Mb) (17) ED TK(6.3) 61S.7 S.2 49.0 Kapsa 51 T(6.4)

GC(29.0) ------Uninhabited ------174.0 5.0 240 Akhaipur 5g T(29.0)

GC(94.2) TW(84.0) I'R Maudaha (Mb) (6) ED TWE(IS.5) 1.0 310 Sijnaura 59 TK(S.O) T(201.7)

WE(IS.O) TW(S3.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (8) ED 453.9 TWE(31.0) 354.0 14.0 36.0 E3hainsla (,(1 T(99.0)

GC(144.4) TW(427.5) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (II) ED 1503.S 33'1 130 q (,1 TK(2.1) Karhlya T(S74.0)

GC(32.0) PC(40.0) ED EAG I'R Maudaha (Mb) (13) 10 0 TW(35.0) EOEA 826.0 50 770 Gurdaha 6: TK(20.0) T(137.0)

205 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200 I - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a da3h (-) is shown ill thc colul11n and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 killS. and 10+ kll1s of the nearest place where the facility IS available IS given)

r::: o > g o " ~ 2 Q" o o 0- __l -0 " o l' ~ '0 o o -0 .... .g o '_ ..c " .D" o :; .... '" E '" o :l Cl.. C o '- "'e Cl.. .D" "E ~ E t: ::> g~ "VJ" "~ :z: uB 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MCWMH 13S Urdana CWC PHS III' W TK ACS(I(H) CV(IO+) 63 662.0 1,664 241 PM CM(IO+) RS( I 0 l) (04724000) C(lO+) RMI' CHW R SS-WT 1'0 PH NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) 1-1(10+) CI'(IO+) NW(IOcJ OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) I'HC(IO+)

CHW [3S Ghalkana H(IO+) III' W TK 64 287.0 752 133 I' M« 5) CM(5-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) RS(IO+ ) (04724100) C(IO+) MC/W« 5) SS-WT 1'0« 5) I'H(IO+) CI'(IO,) NCS(IOt) SI'(IO+) NW(IOI) PIlC(IO+) OCS( IO!') ST( I 0+)

MCW SiJwalll PM CHW HI' W SS- I'll PO« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) [3S RS« 5) 65 743.0 1,691 CM«5) (04724200) 289 C(lO+) 11(10+) W 5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) S1'(IO+)

CHW H(5- BS Tikri Buzurg 10) HI' W SS- 1'1-11'0« CM ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 66 449.0 1,960 333 I' M RS(10+) (04724300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W 5) CI'(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) NW(IOt) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Sichauli 151 1'(2) M« 5) H« 5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) OS« 5) 67 383.0 890 ~~' W SS- 1'0« 5) CM« 5) (04724400) C« 5) MCW« 5) NCS« 5) SI'(lO+) RS« 5) PH« 5) CI'« 5) I'HC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5) HDDA Ragaul MCWMH THI'TW ACS« 5) CV« 5) [3S RS 68 677.0 3,383 628 PM (04724500) C{lO+) CWC HC W S5-HP PO PH(IO) CM« 5) NCS(lO+) 51'(10+) NW(5-IO) CI'« 5) PHCNH OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

HA 11(5-10) Narayetch 1'(2) M C(:'. MCW(5- Ill' W R C ACS(5-10) eV(S-IO) ~;) RS(S- 69 815,0 2,823 474 PO PJl(20) CM(5-10) NCS(5-10) (04724600) 10) 10) PHC(5- SS-W SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) 10) CI'(5-10) OCS(5-10) ~T(IO+)

Kishunpur 64 P M(5- 10) H(5-10) 1'1' WSS- S ) CV(510) NW I3S(5- 70 201.0 484 , 1'0(5-10) CM(5-IO) AC(S-IO - 10) RS(5- (04724700) C(5-IO) MCW« 5) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) pBC(S-IO) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) 10)

Bhabhaura H(5-10) III' W SS- PH 1'0« AeS(5-IO) ('V(S-IO) BS« 5) 71 456.0 1,164 184 I' M« 5) (04724800) C(5-10) MCW« 5) W 5) CM(5-IO) NeS(IOI) SI'(IOI) RS(5-IO) PHC(5-10) CI'(5-IU) OCS(IO+) ST(IOt) NW(IOI)

Ralauh 11(101-) III' W ss- 1'0(5-10) CM(5-IO) ACS« 5) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 72 7050 1,286 236 I' M« S) (04724900) C(IO+) MCW« 5) W NeS( I 01) SP(]() t) RS(IO+) I'HC(IO+) PH(IO+) CI'(101) OeS(lo+) ST(I()+ ) NW(lOt)

206 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dircctol'Y Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land usc (I.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)"

E .'2" -" ~ t: en V z:- t: .~ '> '6 :i '> 0 '6 u t: _2 c:l e u ~ ;;; " 0:;- ·2 bI) .~" e .:: U? " 0 ~ '6 on '-' e > ~ " :;s" '-' .;;: o, " "~ CD l2 ... t: ::>: §-o 'il .8 .9 0. >, '"~-o :. t " -0 t: > ;;: oS" ..c:: .9 0. ""0. ~2 e u ~ -0 " ::0" " "- :: ;;; 0. §~ oD " '0 0 C "0 ... " e a t: ... e ;:l ;;; 'i::" "..r:: - ~ 'E" ~ u 0. ;l: on 0. " ~ 0 e E" ·c'" " a 0 'c :i " " " " t.J.. ;:J " -< z "- z ~ e E U "eo -< Z" Vl" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(181.4) TK(0.5) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (12) ED 418.8 6.6 419 Uidilila 63 R(S.2) 0(8.4) T(l95.5)

TW(176.S) TK(0.8) MR FP Maudaha (Mb) (14) ED 2104 0.9 12 (> Ohatkana R(O.O) 0(6.2) T(183.8)

GC(2.6) TW(67.9) PR Maudaha (Mb) (13) ED TK(2.7) 930 14.9 8.2 SI.I" ahi (-5 R(S.O) T(81.2)

EDEAG 0(36.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (16) N S41.0 11.0 1.0 Ttkn Buzurg EOEA T(36.0) M

TW(37.2) EDEAG MRFP TWE(16.8) Maudaha (Mb) (2) NM 334.3 Sichauil 67 EOEA R(IS.5) T(69.5) WE(2S.I) PRMR EDEAG TW(81.6) Maudaha (Mb)(l) N 528.6 11.5 Ragaul FP EOEA TK(3.7) 6" T(110.3)

TW(102.5) EDEAG PR TWE(52.3) Maudaha (Mb) (7) 61S.7 110.6 73.0 Narayetch EOEA TK(S.2) 6<+ T(159.9)

PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (6) . GC(201.0) EDEAG 81.0 7.0 20.0 Kishunpur ~\) T(201.0)

GC(35.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (8) EDEAG N W(16.4) 403.5 105 37 (> Bhabhallra -I T(414)

GC(I.3) W(O.S) TW(O.4) MR Maudaha (Mb) (12) ED 1'WE(145.4) 302.2 1.0 90.0 Ralallii TK(O.I) R(0.6) 1'(315.6)

207 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOI< : HAMIRPUR Census of India 200t - Amenities Hlld Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colullln and ncxt to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms .. 5-10 killS. and 101· killS of the nearest place where thc facility is available is given) c~ U" c "o .c 8- ]

"­o ::l d Cl. c g_ .9 ~ u ::l '0" "d '"o I- I.LI 0.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Laraund 1l(IO+) HI' W SS- I'll I'O(S- ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 73 751.0 1,982 299 P M (04725000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W 10) CM(IOI·) NCS(IOc) 51'(10+) RS(IO') I'IIC(IO+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IOI-) 5T(l01) NW(IOl)

BS Mavaiya H(5-10) HI' W R C 1'111'0« 74 326.0 456 89 I' M« S) CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) RS(IOI) (04725100) C(lO+) MCW(5- SS W 10) I'IIC(S- - ~) CI'(S-IO) NCS(5-10) 51'(10+) NW(IO") OCS(5-10) 5T(IO+) 10) Gldhras 75 1,921.0 ------UninhabIted ------(0472S200)

H(S-IO) Madarpur I'll 1'0« CM(S-IO) ACS(5-10) CV( I 0+) I3S« 5) 76 492.0 1,982 342 I' M« S) MCW(S- HI' SS-HP (04725300) C(5-10) 5) RS(S-IO) 10) I'HC(5- CP(5-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) 10)

Chhimauli ll« 5) HI' W R PH 1'0« ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 77 15S.0 2,342 398 P M« S) CM« 5) (04725400) C« 5) MCW« 5) SS-W 5) NCS« 5) SI'(10+) RS(IO+) CI'« 5) I'HC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« 5) Masgawan 145 I' HI' WSS- CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) 135« 5) 78 889.0 728 M« 5) MCW(5- W 1'0« 5) (04725500) C(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) 10) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) PHqIO+)

CHW Mutni H(IO+) HI' W SS- ACS« 5) CV(IO,) I3S« 5) 79 448.0 2,281 347 I' M« 5) PO« 5) CM« 5) (04725600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(10·1) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS Bigehna PM H(10+) PO CV(IOI) I3S« 5) 80 489.0 1,716 (04725700) 265 C(IO+) MCW(10+) HP SS-WT PH(IO+) SP(1 0+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO" ) NW(IOI)

MCWMH Chck Daha 174 CWC H(5- HI' W SS- ACS« 5) eV(5-10) I3S NW 81 323.0 l,072 PM«5) (04725800) C(5-10) 10) I'HC(S- W 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-10) RS(IOI) 10) PH(5-10) CI'« 5) 0(,S(5-10) ST(S-IO)

p < <- 11(5-10) Hi' W SS- ACS(5-101 CV(S-IO) NW 13S« Gadaria Khcra CM«5) 82 t 13.0 78 12 . ( -,) M(5- MCW« 5) W 1'0« 5) NCS(5-IO) SP(5-10) 5) RS( 10 ~ 1 (04725900) CI'« 5) 10) C(5-1 0) PHC(5-10) PH(5-10) OCS(5-1O) ST(5-10)

208 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different types orland lI~e in hectare)**

]' 0g0" I ~ G' 0)) .t; :; :; :i <> " u u 0 ~ E u ~ !J " ,,~ ,£ 0) " E ._ '" on :;'" "~ 0 :§ 0 e - "> :;::;" .;; o(! ""OJ " " e E '"'on ,., ;;;: ,,"0 "fil ~ on 'OJ E t 0. ~ ..r:: .9 ""n. 8.E e ~ " " .~ S .0 " u

GC(61.0) MRFP Maudaha (Mb) (12) ED TK(IOO.O) 489.0 101.0 Laluund 7} NR T(161.0)

GC(3I.7) TW(77.8) PR Maudaha (Mb) (7) EDEAG - 1240 25.1 8.1 f\la\uiya ~ ~ TK(39.S) T(149.0)

TW(12.0) ------UninhabIted ------141.0 36.0 7.0 Gtdhras 75 T(12.0)

GC(6.0) MRfP Maudaha (Mb) (10) EDEAG - 667.0 7.0 66.0 Madarpur 76 T(6.0)

W(52.1) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (5) EAG ,TW(41.1) 80.1 C'hhimault ,7 FP T(93.1)

TW(95.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (12) - 485.0 2.0 27.0 Masgawan i8 T(95.0)

TW(87.0) PR Maudaha (Mb) (15) ED 358.0 19.0 33.0 Mutni T(87.0)

W(l90.0) PR Maudaha(Mb)(12) 323.0 20.0 45.0 I3tgehna ~~ ~~G T(190.0)

GC(I04.0) PRNC Maudaha (Mb) (10) ED 1090 680 4c 0 Chck Daha ~ I T(104.0) ..

GC(128.0) PRNC Maudaha (Mb) (9) 60.0 9.0 16.0 Gadanu Khcra T(128.0) ~2

209 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India ZOO J - Amenities lind Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 krns. and 10+ ';;) 1? i;l kills of the nearest place where the facility is ill ailable is gIven) oj -::l " OJ; tl '" U" c ..c:" " " oj '" 0 ~ '-' .'2 0 " "~ e t_ " 2- u" 0 U '" 0; " ~ .c" '§ 3 ·13 o ;: 'E - () P- :; " >. 'f> 0. " en :: 0 "on 0 0- '-' -qtnc -J 0 " " ·c en c: :2 "0 ] ? ;,=iE .;;: ~ " .", 0 co'" -" ol <:; ::> '- ~ 0 ... g OIl 'e" " ~ c: 0 0. "" ]" A~ ·fS '" E >, '> .D u :;2 " u " E Vl '" " " '-' " E '" '-' i:: ~ . E '': "::> "-a c: E-'< ·c'" ~ " E " '0 '0 ;:;

Para I'M(S-IO) 11(10+) HI' WR ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 83 770.0 1,450 232 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) (04726000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(I()~) SI'(IO< ) RS(IOI-) 1'1-1(101-) CI'(IO+) 1~1lC(10+) OCS(IO~) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sahpura 84 175.0 ------Uninhabited ------(04726100) MCW -, BS Kunelhla 1'(3) M(3) CWC I'IiS HPWC CM CI'(5- ACS(IO-) CV(IO+) 85 1,405.0 3,236 SY5 PO PH RS(IO'} (04726200) «10+) 11(5-10) SS-W 10) NCS(IO-) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) PIIC(5-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) H D(2) DH MCWMH PO TO ACS SI' Gauodhi 1'(7) M S 1-11' WSS- 8S(5-10) 86 4,876.0 10,376 1,610 HC PHC PTO CMCI' NCS(IO+) CV(IO+) (04726300) C(IO+) W RS(IO+) PHS FWC 1'1-1(50) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) CHW

CHW Himauli PM(5-10) 11(10+) HI' W ss- ACS(5-1O) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 87 359.0 745 117 1'0(5-10) CM(S-lO) (04726400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) 1'11«10,) OCS(IO~) ST(IO+) NW(IO+1

Chamar I'M(S-IO) 11(5-10) HPWR ACS(5-1O) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 88 Khanna 225.0 436 77 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) C(10+) MCW«S) SS-W NCS(IO+) ~I'(I0+) RS(lO+) (04726500) I'H(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5-IO) Chhirka r M« 5) HPTWW PO I'H(5- ACS(5-IOI CV(IO+) NW 8S« 89 986.0 2.703 500 MeW(S- CM«5) (04726600) C(5-10) RSS-WT 10) NCS{5-IO) SP(IO+) 5) RS( Ill-) 10) PHC(5- CP(5-10) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) 10)

TIIPTW Gehbra l' M« 5) H« 5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+I 8S« 5) 90 283.0 333 57 W R C SS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) (04726700) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(5-11l) HP I'H(IO+) CI'« 5) I'H«IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

11(5-10) 8habham I'M(S-IO) III' W R C ACS(S-IlI) CV(IO+) BS{5-IO) 91 709.0 1,204 186 MCW(5- 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) (04726800) ('(10+ ) LSS-W NCS(IO-) SI'(IO+ ) RS(IOI-) 10) I'H(IO+) CP(5-10) O(,S(IO-) ST(IO' ) NW(IO'j I'I1C(IO+)

Ladar I'M(IO+) 11(5-10) III' W R ACS(IO-) CV(IO,) BS(5-10) 92 598.0 1,435 267 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) (04726900) C« 5) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(lO+ ) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11« 5) CI'(S-IO) !'IIC(IO+) OeS(lo+) S 1'(IOt) NW(IOt)

210 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use In hectare)" K gc: on ";> 2- c- c: O) 'is :; "3 U c<.> 0 :l .... " E 2 .~ E 5 'r. on tl '" u " 'is 0 " ~ ~ on u ~ "> .;; o:" ,,-0 ~ ~ ;>, "30 '8 ..c 9 '"30 P.. t:: " -g""" > ;: " 0- "g_§ :: .c 9 "0- :::- .~ u ~ "d ~ :0" .... '"' u; "- E ?J 2lJ " c c ~ .... ._ ""' "".':: e c: IJ e" ~ ~ E ;0 .. 0- V; C on E ·c "~ ~ 0 '" 1:: " :; -g '"'~ ._, 0- " 0 0 'E ..; Z" p.. z" ::>: E" u... :5 u :b ..; z" CO 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(39.0) 1'11. MR Maudaha (Mb) (15) ED 5760 96.0 59.0 1'81 a T(39.0)

GC(14.0) ...... -- Unmhabiled ...... 107.0 4-1.0 10.0 Sahpum T(t4.0)

PR MR Maudah. (Mb) (16) ED EAG N 240 GC(161.0) 1021.0 167.0 32.0 , Kunelhla T(1850)

GC(363.0) PRMR TW(252.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (22) ED 833.0 69.0 199.0 Gauodhi 0(34.0) T(649.0)

W(230.0) MR Maudaha (Mb)(15) • 88.0 27.0 22.0 Hllnauli S7 T(230.0)

GC(3.1) TW(46.7) FP Maudaha(Mb) (13) . 106.0 40 '70 Chamar 38 TK(28.3) - . Khanna T(78.1)

GC(159.1) TWE(115.0) MR FP Maudaha (Mb) (10) ED 489.0 44.0 95.0 Chhirka 39 TK(118.4) 1'(492.4)

GC(112.4) I'C(64.6) W(3.5) PR FP Maudaha(Mb)(15) ED 89.2 :'.-1.9 ~:' I Gehbra Q() TW(2S.3) 11.(16.8) T(222.5)

GC(70.0) TW(1050) MRFP Maudaha(Mb) (14) . -122 6 '-I.t Ilhahhalll R(365) T(211.5)

GC(l6.9) MR Maudaha (Mb)(19) ED R(l84 I) 365.0 210 ~LO Lad.r T(2010)

211 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amcnitics and Amenities avail"ble (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colulnll and next to it in brackets the distance III broad ranges VIZ. < 5 killS., 5-10 kills. and I ()+ 'J> ::> killS of the nearest place where the facility is aV<1ilable IS given) Vlc OJ U o c > o o" " ..c '§ ~ D.. o ~ o '0 "c. -0 ~" ~ ..c: " u ~ ::> -0'" ..c: " ...." -;;'" "~ "2 .D" " E E ~ ::> o~ §~ Z "- ull 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

BanO! 186 P M(5-10) 11(5-10) III' W TK 1'111'0(5- CM(S-IO} ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 93 427.0 1,238 (04727000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) RSS-WT 10) CI'('i-IO) NCS(IO+) 51'(104) RS(IOI) I'IIC(IO+) OeS(IO!) ST(IO+) NW(IO')

Bhadcrwara 94 20l.0 ------.- llnmhahlled --.-.----.-- (04727100)

Gurha 311 P AC M« 11« 5) HI' W R ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 95 828.0 1,651 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (04727200) 5) C(IO+) MCW« 5) SS-W NCS« 5) 51'(10+) RS(lO i) 1'11(10+) CI'« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(104) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

HDMCW MHCWC TIII'TW ACS BS Khanna CV(IO+) 96 1,758.0 4,763 826 1'(3) M(2) PHS W TK R C PO 1'11(6) CM c[' NCS(IO+) RS(lO+) (04727300) C(lO+) SI'(IO+) RMP(5) SS-HI' OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) ST(lO+) PHC(IO+) MCWMH cwe Reevan CI'CM« ACS eV(lo+) BS« 5) 97 1,501.0 4,428 741 1'(2) M RMI'(2) TIII'TW 1'01'11 NCS(IO+) (04727400) C(lO+) W SS-1I1' SI'(IO+) RS« 5) H(5-10) 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC(IO+)

Akana 98 293.0 ------Unmhablled ----.------(04727500)

DAMCW Khandeh 890 1'(2) M 0 CWC CV(IO+) RS BS« 5) 99 2,714.0 5,163 THPW PO PH CM(5-1O) ACS« 5) (04727600) C« 5) H(IO+) TK SS-HP CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+)

CHW Fatchpurwa 148 PM(5-10) H(IO+) '1' HI' W R I'll 1'0« CM(S-IO) AeS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 100 700.0 922 (04727700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T 5) ep(lo+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(5-10) PHC(lO+) OCS(104) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Adhai Purwa 101 379.0 ------Uninhabllt:d ------(04727800) MCW Gusyari 518 1'(2) M AC cwe 0 Ill' W S5· PO I'll ACS« 5) CV(lO+) I3S RS« 5) 102 843.0 3,193 CM« 5) (04727900) C« 5) H« 5) W NCS(IOl) 51'(10+ ) NW(IO"l el'« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS('I O') S1'(IO+) DMCW 1'(2) M S ACS Icha'JI! RMI' CHW III' W S5- PO I'll CM eV(lo+) BS RS 103 1,0940 2,470 457 PUC 0 NCS(IO') (04728000) 11(10+) W CI'(IOI) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) C(lO+) OCS(IOI) I'IIC(IO+) ST(IO+)

212 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land usc in hectare)"

E '"2 ." .>I d ::1l > 2- 0 t: -i3 -'3 ~ "u 0 2 u t: E ... "c: c: J3 ~ , .~ E: '"' - 00 '1J " :0 0 i::: '"> ~ en u "::l " ::D :; o. :2:'" §-o ~ '-' (i) '">. ~ ii " ., t -0 " -0 :; .ro £2 D. OJ t: > ..c: 0. 0- e (i) ,._ E u £2 " 8.2 -0 d " " OJ ...'"' '0 0 C en " '"'0- §~ Oll c: " '"... en " ·c ~ ..c: 2 ... (l) " ""2 0. " ., ~ en ::1l ... 2 CJ "E ·c 0. " 0 "OJ ·2 ::l . (i) '" 0 (5 ·E" "3 "1:: « z" a.. Z" :2: E'" u.. ::l U "on « z" Vl 14 15 16 17 IX 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

R(74 0) MR FP Maudaha (Mb) (22) ED 0(16.0) 2520 SS 0 520 Bunm q3 T(900)

GC(31.0) ------UninhabIted ------1350 230 12 n Bhadcr\\ ara y~ T(31.0)

GC(1615) PRMR W(16.3) Maudaha (Mb) (17) - N 232.4 14.8 GUlha 9~ FP R(122.0) T(299.8)

GC(264.0) PRMR TW(220 0) Maudaha (Mb) (15) EO NM 5330 54.0 1970 Khanna 9(. FP R(540.0) T(1024 0)

GC(6234) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (16) EO EO N W(S.I) R(1.0) 1.0 3.0 119.0 Ree\'an 97 FP T(632.4)

GC(II.O) PC(SO.2) ------Uninhabited ------4.0 R(2.2) L(2.0) 226.0 110 16.0 Akona 9~ T(6S.4)


PR Maudaha (Mb) (15) ED 3330 TWE(15.0) 2490.0 20.0 13.0 Khandeh 99 . R(50.0) T(2IS.0)

R(62.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (26) S690 210 480 Fatchpuma l()(l T(62.0)

GC(32.0) ------Uninhabited ------321.0 180 220 Adha i Pu", a 101 T(32.0)

TWE(2.0) EDEAG PR Maudaha (Mb) (21) N TK(3.0) 8:'00 10 n I, [1 Gusyall 10: EO EA O(S.O)

R(99.2) PR Maudaha (Mb) (27) ED NM Bricks 850.j 38 S 76 ~ IcimuiJ 103 1"(99.2)

213 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR Census of India 200t - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown 111 the column and next to it in brackets the distance In broad ranges viz < 5 killS, 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facJilty IS aVililable IS given)

c o" _c 0. o o ~" ~ c .... ._ .S 0> .D" :; "­ E "D. o ;:J "­ C .... c o Q, 0) .0" OJ OJ E ·c E " ;:J on o" '6 o (/)" z8 f- f- Z 0.. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

MCW Mil ACS Nalk Purwa HPWTK 1'11(20) CM CV(I04) BS RS 104 820.0 2,417 425 l' M AC ~~~(;;IC NCS(IO') (04728100) C(I 0+) 5) CI'(IO+) SI'( 10 I) NW(IO-) SMI'(2) SS-WT 1'0« O('S(I. I)'} S I( 10+) 11(10+)

Atghar U«5) HPWTK I'OTO ACS« ~) CV(IO+) BSI\5«5) 105 1,151.0 1,984 320 (04728200) I' M C« 5) MCW(IO+) SS-WT I'TO 1'11« CM« 5) NeS(IIl') SI'( lOt) NW(IO~) 5) I'HC(IO+) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO~) ST(lIl+)

Jjgnauda H(IO+) HI' W TK 1'0« 5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 106 378 0 483 98 P M« 5) CM« 5) (04728300) C(lO+) NCS(lO~) SI'(IO+) RS« 5) MCW(lO+) SS-WT I'H« 5) CI'(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST( 10+) N\v(IO+)

Akbai H(IO+) HI' W TK I'll 1'0« ACS« 5) CV(IO+) I)S« 5) 107 1,067.0 1,678 321 P M« 5) CM« 5) (04728400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-WT 5) NCS(IO+) ~P(IO+) I\S« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) N\v(IO~)

Pura 192 1'(2) M(5- 1l(5-10) HI' W SS- I'll 1'0« CM(5-10) I'ICS(5-IO) eV(lo+) BS(5-10) 108 824.0 1,244 (04728500) 10) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) W 5) NCS(lO~) SI'(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO~)

MCW 1'(2) AC THPW Mawai Khurd CHW TK SS- PO PH(5- CM(5-10) I'ICS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 109 1,993.0 4,311 724 M«5) R (04728600) H(IO+) Ill' 10) CI'(5-10) N(,S(lO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO-) ST(IO+) NW(IO~)

Tamaura 301 P M« 5) H(IO+) HI' W SS- PH 1'0« ACS« 5) eV(lo+) BS« 5) 110 617.0 1,533 CM(5-10) N('S(IO-) (04728700) C(lO+) MCW« 5) W 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) ('1'(5-10) OeS(IO-) ST(IO+) NW(IO-)

PHS RMP(2) ACS BS Ch,chara CHW(2) HI' W SS- PO PH (,V(IO+) 1,746.0 2,600 503 1'(2) M eM« 5) NCS(IO-) RS(IO-) III H(IOI) W SI'(IO+) (04728800) C(IO+) CI'(5-IO) OeS( 10,) NW(IO-) MCW« 5) ST(IO' ) PHC« 5)

MCW ('V(IO,) 5) Barhmauh 302 I' M« 5) CHW HI' W SS- ACS(5-1") B~(~ 112 715.0 1,884 W 1'0« 5) CM« 5) C(IO+) H(IO+) NCS(IO-) SP( I Oll RS(IO-l (04728900) 1'11« 5) CI'« 5) PUC(IO+) OeS( 10-) S I (lOll NW(IO-)

214 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land use (I.e. area under eli rrerenl Iypes or land use in heclare)*"

c: E ::: "'" > .5 0 c: " v -0 '5"" ~ u 0 :::J U c: '- c: E u ..::;: ~ 'N" E c: "on 0 ~ '0 (.) > ~ "OIl ":::J "'" :0" ~ ~ E "0" :: c ~ 00 --'" .. c: >. 2-" '5 'U -;:; t,,"" 0) >. 2 .D .9 0. .", '" -0 > ;:: OJ E" ~ V :::J '" ~ 'E" '" 0- Ol ~ on c: OJ] B-5 E 0) 0 ~ :::J ~ 0- 0 0 :; '"~ «: z 0..'" Z" 2- "E u... :5 '";:J U "00 -< z" Vl" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

R(67.2) PR Maudaha (Mb) (27) EDEO N 669.2 23 'l 387 NUlh Plll\\ a \04 T(67.2)

W(3.3) rRMR Maudaha (Mb) (23) - N TK(O.6) 100\ 0 5 \ 7 1)4 Y i\tghul lOS 0(0.0) T(3.9)

FP Banda (15) ED 340.0 \0.0 280 Jign<.Iuda \06

TK(O.2) MR Randa (15) ED 958.0 \ 28 57.6 i\kbal 107 T(0.2)

GC(l06.0) 10 TW(53.0) FP Maudaha (Mb) (26) 582.0 32.0 PUla lOR - . TK(S.O) T(167.0)

GC(128.0) TW(200.0) PRMR Maudaha (Mb) (25) ED EO \393.0 99.0 127.0 Mawa; Khurd 109 0(46.0) T(374.0)

GC(6S.7) TW(31.6) PRFP Maudaha (Mb) (27) ED 376.7 26.9 SO 0 Tamaula 110 TK(63.0) T(163.3)

GC(37.5) PR Maudaha (Mb) (21) ED 1519.0 54.4 135 0 C'hichara III T(37.5)

GC(IO) PR Maudaha (Mb) (21) N M 6434 80 5r: 7 Balillll(Jull 112 ~~ ~~G 0(2 3) '1'(3.3)

215 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the vill

o .S" o ~ u o ....l" all

.D "E 7." 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IJ

Ratwa 128 I' M« 5) 11« 5) HI' W SS- ACS« .') (,V(IO' ) IlS« 5) 113 886.0 693 CM«5) (04729000) C(I 0+) MCW« 5) W 1'0« 5) NCS(IO-) SI'( III I) RS(S-1I11 CI'« S) PHC« 5) PII(IO~) OCS(lll-) S r( jO' ) NW('jll'l

SIrSI Khurd 389 I'M(S-IO) H(S-IO) lIP W SS- PO PH ACS(S-IO) ('V(IU'I BS(5-1(11 114 1,348.0 2,119 (04729100) C(5-10) MCW« 5) W CM(5-10) NCS(I(H SI'( 10.) RS(5-11I1 I'HC(5-10) ('1'(5-10) OCS(IO-) ST( I (Ii ) NW(IO'I


Bahinga H(IO+) HI' W SS- PH 1'0« ACS(5-IO) eV(lo+) BS« 5) 115 1,072.0 1,630 287 I' M« 5) MCW(5- (04729200) C(lO+) 5) CM(5-1O) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(5-101 10) PHC(5- W CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(\Q+\ 10)

CHW Khamriya 378 I' M(5-! 0) H(lO+) HI' W SS- PH PO« ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 116 290.0 1,809 (04729300) C(IO+) MCW(!O+) W 5) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SI'(I04-) RS(5-10) PHC(!O+) CI'(5-10) OCS(IO" ST(IO+) N\v(IO+)

CHWH« Khiruhl 5) HI' W SS- PO PH ACS{5-IO) CV(IO~) I3S(IO-) 117 275.0 950 165 I' M« 5) CM« 5) (04729400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IO~) SP(IO+) RS« 5) CI'(IO+) I'HC« 5) OCS(lO~, ST(I 0+) NW(IO-)

Kulkuwan 178 r M« S) 1-1(5-10) HI' W TK 1'0« 5) ACS« S) CV(IO+) US(5-IO\ 118 436.0 1,085 CM(5-10) NCS(lO.) (04729500) C(10+) MCW(lO+) R SS-WT PH(IO~) SP(IO+) RS(5-IOJ I'HC(IO+) CI'« 5) OCS(IO-'-) ST(IO+) N\V(HH

HADA PHS RMI' III' W TK (,V(IO+) Kahra 555 1'(2) M ACS« 5) I3S« 5) 119 2,191.0 3,109 H(IO+) WT PO PH CM« 5) (04729600) C(lO+) N(,S(IO-) SI'(IO+) RS(5·IOJ MCW(IO+) SS- CP(5-!0) O(,S(IO-) ST(IO· ) NW(IO-) I'IIC(IO+)

A(,S ('V(IO'I 1l~(5-llll Sirsi Kalan 638 1'(2) M H{IO+) HI' W TK PO I'll 120 2,177 0 3,893 CM« 5) NCS(IO-) C(IO+ ) MCW(!O+) SS-WT SI'(IO') RS(5-11I1 (04729700) CI'« 5) O(,S(IO ) pI!C{IO+) S'I (If I, ) NW( Itl·

CIlW 11« Ghanduwa P M«5) 5) HPWTK ACS(5-IOI ('V(III'j IlS« 5) 121 748.0 803 PO«5) CM(5-10) N('S(S-I\l) SI'(IO" (04729800) 148 CCIO T ) MCW(IO+) R SS-WT RS« 5) PII(IO" ) PIlC{< 5) (1'(5-10) OCS(IO-) Sl(IOI} N\V(IO' \

216 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different types of land lIse III hectare)"

0 ,. ] '"g > c.::- G' ""c: :; OJ'" :a u 0 :a '"u OJ .... c: E U" ..2 -u:'"" .~ E .5 .~ 0 ~ :;:; 00 u e >- " ;§ " :0 cn cl(j 0 ~ e " .... .;; " "on 0lJ ~ c: >, ~ ,g " >. "~ > .;; .0" .9 ~ 0. OJ t::"''''' " '0 c: c 0. :::..

GC(67 0) PRFP Maud"ha (Mb) (20) 356.0 0.5 450 Rat"a 113 - T(67.0)

W(56 0) MR FP Maudaha (Mb) (23) ED TK(0.5) 1120.5 0.7 1709 SlISI Khurd 11-1 1'(565)

GC(~5.2) PRFP Maudaha (Mb) (22) - 716.0 38.0 980 Bahinga 115 T(85.2)

TW(SO.O) MR Kurara (Np) (27) R(IO.0) 230.0 10.0 33.0 Khamriya 116 T(60.0)

TW(8.0) MR Maudaha (Mb) (8) ED TK(6.0) 261.0 8.0 18.0 Khiruhi 117 T(l4 0)

W(5.6) TW(43.2) TK(5.1) MRFP Kurara (Np) (8) 316.1 10.2 464 Kulkuwan 118 R(l6.1) 0(61) T(76.0)

\VE(IO.O) TWE(220) TK(19.0) PR Kurara (Np) (15) ED 1947.0 22.0 203.0 Kahra IIY WF(2.0) 0(15.0) 1'(680)

W(20) 1'K(IO.O) PR Awaral (18) ED 1587.0 1730 179 (l SIrs! Kalan I~(l L{ 150) 1'{27 0)

W(IO.0) MR FP Ichouli (10) ED EAG - R(44.1 ) 69-1.0 26 345 Ghandu\\ a 121 1'(54.3)

217 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR Census of India 200 I - Amenities and Amenities av"ilable (ifnot available within the village. a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance In broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ if; kills of the nearest place where the facdlty is available if given) ~ ~ "'OJ '-' ~ " if; U" ..c:e on " .¥ ,; " 0- '-' 0) "~ .9 0 " e '5 t~ " U" 0" E 'i5 2- ~ ..c: "2 a ~ 8.. E ;; u 0- :; ~ 00 u --a V} .@ 0 " 0 co. 'J; '" ...J 0 -0 ]" " c ::l ~ ,g -0 ? 00 ~=E .;;: ~ -;:l 0 ~ co o(j ..c u 'i' -3..2:; 'i5" ~ 1l, C) oc: ._'il {.) 0 :J - ~ -0 "M " .S ::l .... " c: .... -5 '" 0 OJ ..c o::l " « .9" ~ "- ..c: 'i5 co. c~ ~ ::1 i: .S .D .;;: 0 ._ C; C;" -a> :; " :; ~ e 2 " E p.. 0 00 .~ E·-=: " ._ " OJ ,,"'OJ '- .... 00 2~-g 'c ~ "~ 0 .9 -;; .::: ~ ::l 0 p.. '" c 'i5 E c/) >, " .D u "8 "E " u E " " '§ :s2 u ~ (l.) r -a" c; c; E c "' ·c ,,-0E" " ::l :a (if E-'" c t; E :<'" '0 '0 "0 ·c 0 o c oo..c ~.:: ~ 0:-;:: VJ" z 8 l- I- Z" r..u :2" a "- ul « '0 ~~:3 U e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Tinduhi I'M«5) 11« 5) III' W ss- ACS(5-IO) CY(IOI) I3S RS«5) 122 572 a 1,110 204 PO« 5) CM(5-IO) (04729900) C(IO+) MCW«5) W NCS(5-IO) SI'(IO,] NW(IO") 1'11« 5) CI'(5-10) I'IIC« 5) OCS(5-IO) 5T(l0 I)

MCWH« I3S RS(5· I'aeh Pahrn III' W ss- ACS(5-10) CY(I 0") 123 1,498.0 1,813 311 P M C« 5) 5) PHC« PO« 5) CM(5-IO) 10) (04130000) W NCS(5-10) 51'(10+) 5) PI1« 5) CI'(5-IO) NW(IO") OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+)

Noorpur 124 272.0 ------Uninhabned ------(04730100)

11(5) IIA(3) HU(2) HII(2) 0(6) OA(S) OU(2) T(16) DII(2) W(106) 1'(147) MCW(24) TK(21) 1'0(34) 13S(23) 34 92 1\1(43) S(4) MH(9) 111'(106) TO(3) CJ\I(9) ACS(IO) Block Total 94071.8 201206 SI' RS(4) 1 PUC CWC(l2) TW(l3) I'TO(3) CP(6) NCS OCS 1"W(I3) AC(7) 0(2) IIC(2) R(29) 1'11(175) 1'1lC(4) C(14) PIIS(IO) L(3) FWC(2) Nil RI\1I'(25) SI\1P(2) CllW(32) 0

218 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land use (1.c. area under different types of land lise in hectare)" •

,1. E " --'" 00 " e, 1:' c S" '6 -is :; "u 0 u C '-' ~ C E U" ~I .~ 5 .., c2 "00 -is 0 '-' cn u ;;" 0> .n-" '-' ~ " ~n ~j "V) :; c ~ " 2 ..<:: ... c >-, ;;;:'" <0"0 'r; :§ :- "i::: t: >-. "'l: "0"" .s;: .r. B ~ 0. ~ "0 t: > ..c B 0. "'- gil ::':.. S ..!! ._ u " "0 .D " ~ "~ 0 0 '" .... 0.'"' .S eE U CfJ" c - 2 '"~ :;l E " "'- "?; '"?; c "' bn 3 ~ 5 t: 0. " a '0 "<; "E ·c :; " « z" CL Z" ;;;: E'" u.. ::.J U "CfJ :;: z. v:.'"' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TK(ll.O) I'R Maudaha (Mb) (4) ED 0(11.0) 5260 2.0 T(22 0)

PR MR Maudaha (Mb) (3) 0(3.0) "1(3 0) 40 nil I'aeh I'ahra

------Uninhabited ------2480 12.0 t 70 Noo'l'UI

GC(4346.655 ) PC(239.77) W(1I69.481) WE(262.831) PR(66) TW(5176.00 MR(58) ED(70) 8) FP(49) EAG(31) N(19) 1441 4 TWE(6302.8 59941.9 J-'IS.6 I0211S NC(4) EO(18) M{S) . 33) NR(7) EA(15) TK(829.187) NW(13) R(1472.492) L(17) WF(52.4) 0(254.994) 1"(16079.403)


Appendices to Village Directory

220 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Ahstr°act of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level Name of District - Hamirpur Educational Institutions

Primary school Middle school

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Total Total number of population Serial inhabited of C.D. number Name of C.D.block villages block 1 2 3 4 5 (J 7 R Kurara 62 90,573 53 75 23 25 2 Sumerpur 84 154,815 73 112 34 44 3 Sarila 66 102,998 60 91 25 27 4 Gohand 74 103,495 69 96 n 36 5 Rath 61 92,243 58 90 22 27 6 Muskara 63 124,586 49 108 24 40 7 Maudaha 111 201,206 104 147 35 43 District(Rural): 521 869,916 466 719 191 242

221 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abst.'act of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level

Educational Institutions (contd,) -,

Matriculation / Secondary Higher Secondary / PUC / College (graduate and Adult literacy school Intermediate / Junior above) classes/centres college

Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions

9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 10 I I 1 1 0 0 16 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 6 6 5 5 0 0 2 2 4 4 1 1 0 0 7 7 19 19 10 10 43 52

222 APPENDIX [- Village Directory Ahsll-act of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level Name of District - HalllirplIl- Educational Institutions Medical Institutions ( contd.) Others No Hospital Dispensary Primary Health edu- Centre / Health cation Centre al Villages Insti- faciliti Villages Insti- Villages Insti- Villages Insti- tutions es tlltlons tlltions tutions Serial number Name of C.D.block I 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Kurara 3 J 9 8 9 5 6 4 5 2 Sumerpur 0 0 11 8 8 2 3 .., .J Smi la 0 0 5 8 9 2 3 4 4 Gohand 0 0 5 1 4 4 I 5 Rath 0 0 3 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 Muskara 0 0 14 6 6 2 2 5 6 7 Maudaha 2 2 7 12 12 12 15 4 6 District(Rural): 5 5 54 45 47 28 34 23 29

223 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abstn-Ict of Educationa!, Medica! and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level

Medical Institutions (contd.)

Primary Health Sub- Maternity and Child Family Welfare Centre Community Health centre Welfare Centre / Maternity Workers Home / Child Welfare Centl'e Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Numbers

26 27 28 ?9 30 31 32 33 2 2 19 24 10 10 6 6 17 17 4 4 16 18 S S 9 13 2 2 9 12 10 10 20 22 1 1 28 30 8 8 14 14 0 0 46 46 24 24 24 26 2 2 41 80 10 10 24 4S 2 2 2S 32 65 65 127 161 12 12 175 228

224 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abstnlci of Educational, l\1edical and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level Name of District - Hamiq)lJr Medical Institutions (contd.) Drinking water source

Others No medical Tap Well Tank Tubewell River facilities

-- Villaues Institutions '"

Name of Serial number C.D.block I 2 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Kurara 4 6 35 17 59 6 14 10 2 Sumerpur 8 12 50 5 8 I 18 16 18 3 Sarila 6 II 46 17 63 33 17 21 4 Gohand 7 13 34 9 68 26 10 5 5 Rath 8 3 57 0 3 0 6 Muskara 3 5 18 19 60 9 13 7 7 Maudaha 16 29 66 16 106 27 13 29 District(Rural): 45 77 257 86 494 119 86 90

225 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abstnlct of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level

Drinking water source (contd.) Post, Telegraph & Telephone

FOLintain Canal Others More than one No Post Telegraph Post & source drinking office office telegraph water office facilities

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 I 9 61 61 0 I 1 0 0 0 II 80 79 2 25 0 0 0 9 64 64 2 15 0 0 0 19 69 69 2 18 0 0 0 0 58 57 1 9 0 0 0 5 57 60 0 18 0 14 106 106 ) 34 3 3 67 495 496 9 130 4 ..t

226 APPENDIX I - Village Directory AlJslracl of Educational, Medical and othel' Amenilies in villages - C.D. block levcl Namc ofDislrict - HamiqJUI' Post, Telegraph & Telephone Transport Banks Power supply (conld.) Comm un ications Post Tele- Post, Phone Bus Railway Navi- Villages Num office graph tele· service station gable ber of & office graph water- com phone & office way mer- phone & cial phone and Not Serial Name of co- Avail- availabl No. C.O.block opera able e I 2 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 I I(urara 10 0 0 35 II 0 7 3 .) 50 12 2 SUlllerpu'- I) 0 0 31 17 3 I II 1-1 72 12 ~ Sarila 9 0 0 28 9 0 8 4 -I 35 31 "I Gohand 9 0 0 21 20 0 0 5 7 47 27 5 Rath 0 0 3 23 0 0 :2 :2 30 31 G Muskara 13 25 17 0 5 7 37 26 7 MaudahC1 25 54 23 '-I 13 II 15 74 37 Districl(Rural): 82 2 2 197 120 7 30 .t1 :52 345 176

227 APPENDIX I - Village Directory Abstract of Educational, Medical ancI other Amenities in villages - C.D. block level

Credit societies Recreational facility Newspaper / Magazine

Stadium/ Audito- Number Number riuml of of nOI1- Commu- agricul- agricul- Number nity hall tural tural of other Cinema! News credit Village credit Villag credit Video Sports News paper &. Villages societies s societies es societies hall club paper Maga-zine Maga-zine 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 3 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 37 15 14 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 21 18 5 5 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 11 11 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 7 6 5 5 I 0 0 16 4 4 10 10 0 0 19 8 7 37 37 2 2 5 5 0 161 70 64

228 APPENDIX IA - Village Directory Villages by Number of Primary Schools Name of District - Hamirpur Serial Name of C. D. block Total Number of primary schools number number of None One Two Three Four+ inhabited villages

~ I 2 .) 4 5 6 7 8 ..,.., Kurara 62 9 .).) 18 2 0 2 Sumerpur 84 II 48 18 4 3 .., .) Sarila 66 6 40 II 7 2 4 Gohand 74 5 49 14 5 5 Rath 61 3 36 14 6 2 6 Muskara 63 14 28 8 7 6 7'" 7 Maudaha III 7 74 ~.) 5 2 District Total: 521 55 308 106 36 16

229 APPENDIX I B - Village Directory Villages by PI-im;Il-Y, Middle and Secondary Schools Name of Dish-ict - Hamil-pur Serial Name of C. D. block Total Type of educational institutions available number number of No School At least one At least one At least one inhabited primary school primary school middle school villages and no middle and one middle and one school school secondary school I 2 3 4 5 6 7

)~ Kurara 62 9 30 _.) 2 2 Sumerpur 84 II 39 34 4 3 Sarila 66 6 3S 25 2 4 Gohand 74 5 41 28 I 5 Rath 61 3 36 22 0 6 Muskara 63 14 2S 2-1 6 7 Maudaha III 7 69 35 4 Total: 521 55 275 191 19

230 APPENDIX Ie - Village Directory Villagcs with different sources of ddnking watel- facilities available Namc of Distl-ict - Hamirpur Number of villages with different sources of drinking water available More than one source Serial Only Only only from tap, well, number Name of C. D. block Only lap Only well tube well handpul1lp tube well, hand pump I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kurara 0 0 0 60 2. SUll1erpur 0 2 0 I 79 3 Sarila 0 0 0 0 64 4 Gohand 0 0 2 69 5 Rath 0 0 2 57 6 Muskara 0 I 60 7 Maudaha 0 I 0 2 104 Distr-ict Total: 0 6 9 -193

231 APPENDIX II - Vlilage DIrectory ViIlages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or morc amenities Name of District - Hamirl'ur

Amenities not available Amenities not available (mdlcate N A where amen Ily not (indicate N A where amenity not available) available )

Senior Pnmary Tap SI Location Name of Secondary Health Sub drtnkmg Bus Approach by Commercial No Name of VIllage code number CD block Popu-Iation School College Centre water faclhty Pucca road Bank 2 4 I 5 I 6 7 9 10 II 12 Patara Danda 04673300 Kurara 5905 N A NA NA NA NA Available NA Ingohata 04677800 Sumerpur 8866 Available NA NA NA Available Available Available Sumerpur Rural 04681200 Sumerpur 7077 N A. NA NA NA Available Available NA 4 Suraull Huzurg Danda 04681900 Sumerpur 5705 N A NA NA NA NA NA NA Terha 04G82800 Sumerpur 6796 N A NA NA NA AvaIlable AvaIlable Available 6 Bhedl Danda 04690900 Sariia 5336 N A NA NA NA NA NA NA Blwanr 04712400 Muskara 8913 Availahle NA Available Available Available Available Available Uman 04713700 Muskara 5299 N A NA Available AvaIlable NA AvaIlable NA 9 Muskera 04715300 Muskara 13289 Available NA Available Available AvaIlable Available Avatlable 10 Pahan BhHa" 04716200 Muskara 5131 NA NA AvaIlable AvaIlable NA Available NA II Gehrault (Par Muskera) 04716600 Muskara 9735 Available NA Available AvaIlable Available Available Available 12 Imlhya 04717300 Muskara 5454 N A. NA AvaIlable AvaIlable AvaIlable Available AvaIlable 13 Artra 04720400 Maudaha 6613 NA NA NA NA NA Available AvaIlable 14 Sisolar 04721500 Maudaha 5402 N A NA NA NA Available Avatlable Available 15 Gauodhl 04726300 Maudaha 10376 N A NA AvaIlable NA NA Available AvaIlable 16 Khandeh 04727600 Maudaha 5163 N A. NA NA Avatlable NA Avatlable NA

232 APPENDIX II - A Census Town Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities Name of District -Hamirpur I Amenities not available Amenities not available Name of Location Name Senior College Health Tap Approach SI. census code of Popu­ Secondary Centre drinking Bus by Pucca No. town number C. D. block lation School water facility road Banks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 There is no such town.

233 Appendix III - Village Directory Land utilisation data in respcct of Ccnsus Towlls/noll- municipal towns Name uf District - lIamirpur Land Usc ( i.e., area under different types of land usc in haetarc) Name of Census Town Culturable Waste Arca not SI. and C.D block with in liTigated by (including gauchar & available for No. brackets Total Area Forest source Un irrigated groves) cultivation __~ ______~2~ ______~3 ______~4 ______~5 ______~6~ ______7~ ______8___ __

Not available

234 APPENDIX IV - Village Directory C.D. B1uck wise list ofinhabitcd villages where no amenity other than drinking Name of District - Sultanpur Serial number Location code NIII11C of village number 2 3

Name of cn Block: Kurara 1 04665900 Nimi 2 04666400 Pach Khura 3 04667100 Kotupur 4 04672300 Bindpuri Name of CD Block: Sumerpur 5 04675400 Paulhia Khurd 6 04677[00 Ragaura 7 04679200 MCljura Kundaura Danda 8 04680800 Kanjauli Name of CD Block: Sarila 9 04686600 Rar Khera 10 04687300 Bhakhrauli 11 04691300 Kanera [2- 04692200 Jhirmouli Name of CD Block: Gohand 13 04696700 Kuan Khera 14 04700000 Rajmai 15 04701400 Aura Khera Name of CD Block: Rath 16 04705100 Agltha 17 04709800 Ghughsi Name of CD Block: Muskara 18 04712500 Barethi 19 04712700 Bilpura TarfUmri 20 04714000 Dikhtaura 21 04714100 ltwan 22 04714800 Nauranga 23 04716500 Ora 24 04717200 Lodipur Rath Name of CD Block: Maudaha 25 04718800 Suhcla 26 04719700 Achhrela 27 04722200 Tinduwa 28 04722800 Lachhmanpur

235 APPENDIX V - Village Directory Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population Name of District - Sultanpur Number of inhabited village Total Uninhabited Inhabited having no Scheduled Castp~ SI.No. Name orC.D. block villages villages villages population - I 2 3 4 ~ 6 - --~~ \ Kurara 84 22 62 7 2 Sumerpur 109 2S 84 6 3 Sarila 84 18 66 S 4 Gohand 88 14 74 4 S Rath 86 25 61 3 6 Muskara 73 10 63 9 7 Maudaha 124 13 III 9 District Total 648 127 521 43

236 APPENDIX VI - Village Directory Summal-Y showing number ofvilJages not having Scheduled Tribes population Name of District - SultanpUlr

Total Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having SI.No. Name of C. D. block villag(.;s villages villages no Scheduled Tribes populatlOll 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kurara S4 22 62 62 2 Sumerpur 109 25 84 84 3 Sarila 84 18 66 66 4 Gohand 88 14 74 74 5 Rath 86 25 61 61 6 Muskara 73 10 63 62 7 Maudaha 124 13 111 III District Total: 648 127 521 520

237 APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List of villages acconling to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population hy ranges N ameo fD't'tIS nc - II anurpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village --- - I 2 3 _.. _._

Name of CD Block: Kurara Less than 5 04670700 Kurara Rural 04669800 Bhilawa Oanda 04672600 lnd Puri 04667400 lamrehi Teer Oanda 04665600 Umrahat 04672700 Baije Islam pur 04665700 Haraulipur 04668200 Bhatpura Oanda 5-10 04666400 Pach Khura 04666600 Bilota 046676"00 Bhauli Oanda 11-20 04671900 Kariapur 04670400 Kutubpur 04669100 Kanauta Danda 04666100 Barua 04670000 Merapur Danda 04670500 Bamhanpur 04670200 Ramen J Inllda 04668400 Sikrohi Danda 04672500 Debiganj 21-30 04667800 lamrehi Upar 04667900 Shekhoopur 04670900 Sarsai 04672900 lalla 04669200 Gimuha Danda 04673300 Patara Danda 04670600 Kharaunj 046716()0 Lahera 04666900 Bachrauli 04673100 Kandaur Danda 04672100 Beri 04665400 Manki Khurd 04672300 Bindpuri 04671100 Bainsa Pali 04670800 Darner 31-40 04665500 Manki Kalan 04668600 Kusmara 04666200 Siwni 04671400 Rithari 04673400 Ihalokher 04666300 Todarpur 04666700 Shankerpur 04673000 Para 04671700 Gujraura 04666800 Raghwa

238 APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List of villages according to the proportioll of the Scheduled Castes to the total populatioll hy rlillges N a IIII.' 0 f D'IS t rIC't - II- III11II'pUr' Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 1 7 3 - 04665800 Misripur 04669400 Rithaura Danda 04671200 lakhela 04671000 Kusauli 04672000 Kakrau 04673500 Nathi Danda 04671500 Chakothi 04671800 Kharehta 51-75 04672400 Gulab Ganj 76 lind IIbovc 04666500 Bhitri Name of CD Block: Sumerpur Less than 5 04675800 Bahrauli Danda 04678400 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 04681400 Bada Gaan I 04673900 Mamrejpur Danda 04683500 !tara 04679500 Sidra Danda 04681000 Narayanpur 5-10 04675000 Khandehi Jar 04680700 Ringna 04684500 Mihuna 04684200 Badanpur 04682000 Barua 04678600 Mehmoodpur 11-20 04681600 Pateora Danda 04680800 Kanjauli 04684100 Atraia 04681900 Surauli Buzurg Danda 04683900 BirKhera 04684400 Gauri 04674000 Mora Kander 04683000 Mauhar 04680900 Saukher 04684000 Dhundh Pur 04682300 Bhaura Danda 04683100 Kaithi 04683600 Chand Purwa Buzurg 04679700 Kuehheehha Danda 04678900 Kundaura 04682500 Gahtauli 046 74400 Chhani Buzurg 04682400 Deo Gaon 04680600 Tikrauli 04677700 Vidokhar Purai 04676900 Nadelua 04675300 Pouthia Buzurg

__ 2_3_9 _ APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List ofvillllgcs according to the proportion of the Schcduled Castcs to the total populatioJJ by ranges N amco f D'IS t rae . t - II anllrpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village I 2 3

04682600 Jalala 04676400 Swasa Buzurg 04677500 Vidokhar Medni 04676500 Mawai Jar 04677300 Bank 04683400 Para Rai Pura 21-30 04674200 Dhanpura 04676100 Kalauli Jar 04675500 Sikri 04674100 Parsani 04681200 Sumcrpur Rural 04678500 Keeratl'"r 04682900 Isauli 04679300 Surajpur Oanda 04682800 Terha 04676200 Swasa Khurd 04678800 Oariapur 04683800 Paehkhura Khurd 04674300 Chhani Khurd 04678300 Kalauli Teer Oanda 04676600 Atrar 04677400 Palra 04684600 Mundera 193 Pauthia Buzurg 04677200 Banki 04681300 Simnaudi 04678200 Helapur Oanda 04679000 Bilhadi 04683300 Pandheri 04675700 Sahurapur Oanda 04677800 Ingohata 31-40 04680100 Chandaukhi 04675600 Ujnedi 04682700 Pachkhllra Buzurg 04676700 Banda 04675900 Kumaunpur 04679900 Amirta 04674800 Kalla 41-50 04683700 Bhaunia 04676000 Lalpura 04677100 Ragaura 51-75 04681500 Bfabhaura 04676800 Chandauli Jar 0467960() Para Ojhi Danda Name of CD Block: Sarila Less than 5 04691600 Rajamau 04(J87300 Bhakhrauli

240 APPENDIX vn A- Village Directory List of villages according to the propodion of the Scheduled Castes to the totlll population by nlJlges N lImco fD··lstnct - J-IamJrpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code llumber Namc or village I 2 3 -----

04689600 Tai 5-10 04691400 Barkhera 11-20 04688000 Hardua 04690600 Khandaut 04685700 Basariya 04685000 Chandaut Danda 04687600 Idhora 04684800 Jamauri Danda 04686200 Neoli Basa 04688600 Dadoy 0468690(J Baukhar 04686700 Barahara 04686500 Budhi 04689300 Rigawara Kalan 04690400 Purailli 04686000 Harsundi 04688800 Paehkhura 21-30 04688300 Islampur 04689800 Bangara 04692000 Bilgaol1 04691100 Kupara 04692400 Turna 04690900 Bhedi Danda 04690800 lalalpur 04692900 Bandwa 04685900 Rirwa B uzurg Danda 04692100 Katehari 04691900 Chheri Baini 04686300 Lodhi Pura 04692700 Magrol 04687000 Badhouli 04687400 Gutakbara 04687100 Bareda Maf 04691800 Dhauhal Buzurg 04693000 Uparhaka 04688100 Bareda Khalsa 04685300 litakiri Danda 04689200 Chhibouli 04685500 Dhagwan 04686400 Indrapura 04687200 Khera Silajit 04692500 Bheshaen 31-40 04685400 Atrauli 04690200 Parchha 04687700 Benda Danda 04689700 Maharajpur 04688400 Karyari

241 APPENDIX VII A- Village ))In·r.tory List of villages according to the proportion of the 1;cheduled Castes to the total population hy rangl'~ Nameo rI'JJstnct - IfanlJrpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 1 2 3

0'1686100 Kadoura 04687900 Suzguwan 04692300 Pahara 04688700 Mankehri 04687500 Jariya 04688200 Birhat 41-50 04689400 Mamna 04689000 Bargawan 51-75 04689500 Bilpur 04690100 Gahuli 76 and above 04688900 lariya Tila 04690700 Dharoupur Name of CD Block: Gohand Less than 5 04695700 Tyontana 04701800 Chhirawal 5-10 04694300 Gadhar 04701600 Kharehata Khurd 11-20 04693500 Sikrondha Kharka 04694000 Dhurouli 04698100 Wagipura 04695900 Bilgaon 04697000 Khajuri 04694600 Bangra 04697500 Kemokhar 04695800 Birbahi 04693700 Bargar 04700500 Chilli 04694400 Chak Amarpura 04695600 Iteliya Baza 04694100 Bilgaon 04694200 ligini 04701500 lakheri 04699200 KargawuJI 04697100 Karoundi 04693900 Chadwari Danda 21-30 04696400 Patkhuri 04699600 Nadna 04701700 Sarseda Maf 04699100 Linga 04693300 Atra 04700700 Aunta 04701000 Akauna 0470120() Dbanouri 04693600 Rihuta

242 APPENDIX VII A- ViIlagc Dil'cctory List of villages according to the proportioll of the Scheduled LII~lcs to the total population by nlllgl'S N f D'IS t flC't II. anllrpur amco - - Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code nUlnber Name of village I 2 3

04698200 Itauragaon 04700300 Bara 04693200 Baroli Kharka 04696000 Beera 04693100 Chikasi 04694900 Ujalleh 04695000 Nahdollra 04697300 Umariya 04695100 Rahank 04700900 Dhanollra 04696100 Pawai 04699900 Siyawri 04699700 Sarsai 04695200 Churha 04697900 Mansgawan 31-40 04698900 Tikur- 04696300 Alkaehaba 04700800 Tola Raath 04699800 Kumhariya 04696800 Karhi 04696600 Regwara Khurd 04698500 larakhar 04698800 Bigwan 04696200 lamkhuri 04696900 Kachhwa Kalan 04696500 Amond 04699500 Bahpur 04698600 Machehari 04700200 Itayal 04694700 Iteliya Raja 04694800 Dhagwan 04698700 Barna 04699400 Saina 04695400 Bara Kharka 41-50 04697800 Mehjoli 04698400 Amgaon 04695300 Rawatpllril 04693400 Magrauth 51-75 04697400 Golland Name of CD Block: Rath Less than 5 04704800 Gugarbara 04705800 Malouha Mat 5-10 04707900 Barguli Rath 04704100 Dewra 11-20 04703400 Kharakhar APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled CAstes to th~ total population by ralll-(l'S N f· H amlrpur . ameo District ------Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location eode number Name of village I 2 3

04709900 Pathnouri 04704900 Sikrouda Rath 04706600 Rath Uttar 04708800 Kaswa Khera 04703600 Umanniya 21-30 04707400 Mawai 04704400 Ikthora 04702700 Kotha 04704300 Barel 04704200 Gauhani Panwari 04708200 Dhamna 04705600 Hora Rath 04705000 Tola Rawat 04702600 Malheta Danda 04705500 Girbar 04706100 Bilralf:h 04702400 MajhgawlIlI 04704000 Bakrai 04702000 Iklhaur 04703300 Noranga 04709200 Barda 04702500 Lidhaura 04706800 Atrouli Ralh 04701900 Tola Khagaran 04707600 Nauhai 04704500 Bihar 04707800 Kaintha 31-40 04709600 Dadri' 04706200 Saidpur 04703000 Athgaon 04702100 Sargaon 04706400 Basela 04709700 Padra 04704600 Muskura Khurd 04705700 Kurra 04710100 Kaithi 04710300 Badanpura 04707700 Paharigllilli 04702900 Kuchhechha 047011700 Tikiriya 04709100 Bihgaon 04710000 Rouro 04707200 Galihaya 04707500 Odera 04703500 Khiriya 04704700 lhinnabira 41-50 04709400 Paharibir 04705200 Kulhenda

244 APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List of villages aeeol-ding to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to thc total population by rnngcs Namc of District - Hamirpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location elide number Name of village 2 3

04708900 Para 51-75 04710400 Gohani Rath 04703900 Tooka 04706700 Rath Purab 04703700 Churwa Name of CD Block: Muskara Less than 5 04714700 Sioni 04715000 Chandalllll 04710700 Bahdeena Achhpura Oanda 11-20 04711100 Galiha Mall 04716800 Teehar 04711400 Chandauli Ahir 04714600 Mihuna 04716400 Alra 04711500 Bhandhur Khurd Mahadeo 04711900 Lodha Mau 04713600 lalla 04715600 B ihuni Kalan 04711800 Bhatra 04711600 Bhandhur Buzurg 04717700 Tagari 04716900 Bhugaieha 04710900 Bhujpur 04710800 Bajehla Oanda 04717300 Imiliya 04716700 Husaina 04711000 Ruri Para 04715400 Baswari 04717400 Neoriy" 04715300 Muskera 04715700 Bihuni Khurd 21-30 04713500 Mahera 04716600 Gehrau1i (Par Muskera) 04716200 Pahari Bhitari 04717000 Chak Sauna 04712200 Niwada 04713700 Umari 04712100 Lodipur la1alpur 04717100 Kaimokhar 04714200 Khandchi Lodhan 04712400 ~iwanr 04711700 Chilehta Jalalpur 04716100 Chhani (Par Muskera) 04711200 Bhandhur Khurd Farooq Hussain 04713900 Chilli 04713300 Kar Gaon 31-40 APPENDIX VII A- Village Dir-ecto,-y List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges N ameo f D-IS t flC . t - II anllrpur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) LocatIOn code number Name of village - _-_ ~ 1 2 3 ---J ~ 04715900 Kandhouli 04712800 Bharkhri 04711300 Chhadi Basayak 04714400 Masgaon 04713800 Pura Jahan 04716000 Gundela 04715200 Ainjhi 04716500 Ora 04716300 Gaura 04715500 Damu Pur 51-75 04713000 Bibhuni 04714500 Bhadan 04712900 Deeha 76 and above 04712700 13i1pura Tarf Umri Name of CD Block: Maudaha Less than 5 04719100 Dhungawan 04721800 Burhai 04727700 Fatehpuf \\'11 5-10 04729300 Khamriya 04725300 Madarpur 04727900 Gusyari 04723300 Chandi Kalan 04725600 Mutnl 04724400 Sichauli 04722600 Khair 04720800 Bamhrauli 04724000 Urdana 04721200 Tola Maf 04720300 Parchha 04728500 Pura 04725700 Bigelma 11-20 04723600 Sijnaura 04722500 Bakchha 04721900 Bhulsi 04726400 Himauli 04721500 Sisolar 04721400 Parohri 04725400 ChhimllllJi 04722400 Bhabhmai 04729500 Kulkuwan 04719400 Mahcha 04722700 Gehrauli Khurd(Par Maudaha) 04725800 Chek Daha 04724500 Ragaul 04729600 Kahra 04722000 Bhaturi

~46 APPENDIX VII A- Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total popuiatiull hy ranges N ameo f D'Istne . t - II- amu'pur Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 1 2 3 -- -- - 04718400 Kamehllya 04726200 Kunetbta 04727400 Recvan 04723400 Kapsa 04724300 Tikri Buzurg 04720900 Kiswahl 04723000 Bhamsmari 04720200 Fattehpur 21-30 04719000 Uprai 04721000 Perehta 04720100 Makrown 04726600 Chhirka 04721700 Baije Mau 04721600 Garha 04725000 Laraund 04722100 Chhani (Par Maudaha) 04719300 Asuai 04728600 Mawai Khurd 04728400 Akbai 04724800 Bhabhaura 04720600 Parehhachh 04726500 Chamar Khanna 04729000 Ratwa 04719900 Tinduhi Kishun Chand 04727000 Banni 04718100 Patanpur 04728200 Atghar 04724700 Kishunpur 04728100 Naik Purwa 04720700 Tilsaras 04724600 Narayetch 04728000 Iehauli 04730000 Paeh Pahra 047272()0 Gurha 04727600 Khandeh 04718300 Pipraunda 04723800 Karhiya 04719500 Silauli 04729700 Sirsi Kalan 04722900 Lewa 04719600 Behrela 04727300 Khanna 04726300 Gauodhi 04729200 Bahinga 04720400 Artra 04724100 Ghatkana 04724200 Sijwahi 04725500 Masgawan .31-40 04723200 Biherka APPENDJX VII A- Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the tolal population by ranges N ameo fI)"Istncl - II- amlrpur Range of Scheduled Castes popUlation (percentages) Location code number Name of village 1 2 3

04718600 Sayar 04723700 Bhainsta 04726800 Bhabhani 04718200 Rohari 04723900 Gurdaha 04729100 Sirsi Khurd 04724900 Ratauli 04728700 Tamaura 04726000 Para 04729400 Khiruhl 04725100 Mavaiya 04726900 Ladar 04729800 Ghanduwa 04723100 Pasun 41-50 04728300 lignauda 04728900 Barhmauli 04722300 Chandi Khurd 04728800 Chichara 04721300 Khairi 51-75 04729900 Tinduhi 04718000 Bharsawan 04726700 Gehbra

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Castes Population have been excluded

248 APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges Name of District - Sultanpur Range of Scheduled Tribes Location codc Name of village 2 3

Name of CD Block: Klirara Name of CD Block: Sumerpur Name of CD Block: Sarila Name of CD Block: Gohand Name of CD Block: Rath Name of CD Block: Mliskara Lcss than 5 04715900 Kandhouli Name of CD Block: Maudaha

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Tribes Population have been excluded

249 APPENDIX VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchyat (CD. hlock wise) Numbcr of villagcs InCOlllc and expcnditure with location eodc of Gralll panehayat (in numbers Rs.'OOO)

:'>.- Name of District - Suitanp ur

The information is not being provided for districts of Uttar Pradesh due to certain reasons

250 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages Name of District - Sultanpur Name of Village Name of District Name of C.D. Block Location Code Number No. of Girls School

2 3 4 5 ------~------=------~------~------Information not available for this district


Town Directory Statement II Physical Aspects allel Location of tOWIlS, 1999. Note explaining the abbreviations used in Column 3 to 5 Physical Aspects Town Directory : In this columns thc Rainfall and Maximum & Statement I : Status and Growth History Minimum Temperature of the town is recorded. Column (2) : Class, name and civic adminis­ Column 6, 7 and 8 : tration status of town : Name of the State hcadquarters, District Class has been introduced to facilitate analysis headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with of town directory data at the state and all India distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to levels. It is prcsented according to 2001 Ccnsus be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned in Population of the town as follows : these columns are the same as the rc lercnt town Population Class itself, the distance is recorded as (0) Zl:ro. 100,000 and above I Column 9 & 10 : 50,000 - 99,999 II Name of the nearest city with one lakh and 20,000 - 49,999 III more and five lakh and more population arc recorded. 10,000 - 19,999 IV Column 11, 12 and 13 : 5,000 - 9,999 V If referent town enjoys the facility of railway station, bus route facility or navigable river/can.d. Its Below 5,000 VI name is to be mentioned. If not available, thclI the Town with a population of one hundred thousand name or nearest place with distance, where slich (1,00,000) and above is treated as a city. [acility exists is to be mentioned. The civic administration status of the towns is Statement III indicated within bracket against the name of the Municipal Finance 1998 -1999 town. The following abbreviations are used to denote civic status of town. Item-wise amount of receipt and expenditure in (i) Municipal Corporation M.CorlNN thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the town for the year 1998-99 is to be recorded. (ii) Municipal Committee MC Statement IV (iii) Municipal Council M'CI Civic and Other amenities,1999 (iv) City Municipal Council CMC Column (1 to 6) : Self explanatory. (v) Town Municipal Council TMC Column (7) : Road length (in kms.) (vi) Municipal Board MB/NPP (vii) Municipality M Information about kutcha/pucca road is to be recorded separately for the roads within the limits of (viii) Cantonment Board! the referent town. Cantonment CB surface are known as stonn water drains, while (ix) Notified Area NA those carrying both sewage and storm water are (x) Notified Town NT called combined sewers. (xi) Notified Area Committee/ The codes used for different types of drainage Notified Area Council NAC system are as follows : (xii) Notified Town Area NTA (i) Sewer S (xiii) Industrial Notified Area INA (ii) Open Surface Drains OSD (xiv) Industrial Township ITS (iii) Box Surface Drains BSD (xv) Township TS (iv) Sylk Drains SD (xvi) Town Panchayat TP (v) Cesspool method CP (xvii) Nagar Panehayat NP (vi) Pit System Pt (xviii) Town Committee/Town (vii) Others a Area Committee TC Column 9 to 12 : Number of latrines (xix) Small Town Committee ST Number of various types of latrines both Public (xx) Estate offiee EO and Private arc givcn in these columns. (xxi) Gram Panchayat GP Column 13 : Method of disposal of night soil (xxii) Census Town CT The various prevalent method of dispos:i1 of night

253 soil are given below with codes: (i) Hospital I-I (i) Head Loads HL (ii) Dispensary D (ii) Basket B (iii) Health Centrc lIe (iii) Wheel Barrows WB (iv) Family Wellnre Centre FW(' (iv) Septic Tank ST (v) '1".11. Clinic Ttl (v) Pit System Pt (vi) Nursing Homc NI-l (vi) Sewerage S (vii) Others a (vii) Others a In case of more than one institutions of any type, Column 14 and 15 : Water supply it is indicated within brackets the number of such Source and capacity of storage system. The institution (s) e.g. D(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions following codes are used in these columns: have further been distinguished by providing additional codes within the bracket as given below: Column 14: Ayurvedic A (i) Tap water T UM~ U (ii) Tube-well water TW Homoeopathic Hom (iii) Tank Water TK Column 6 to 9 : (iv) Well water W The codes uscd for these columns are as follows Column 15: (i) Arts only 1\ (v) Over Head Tank OHT (ii) Science only S (vi) Service Reservoir SR (iii) Commerce only C (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG (iv) Arts & Science only AS (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP (v) Arts & Commercc only AC' (ix) Pressure Tank PT (vi) Combined for all The information on major source of water supply t:ategories-Arts, Science are given in column 14 and the storage capacity against each in kilo-litres (in bracket) arc presented and Commerce ASC in column 15. (vii) Law L Column 16 : Fire Fighting Service Column 10 : Recognized shorthand, typewriting In case the fire fighting service is available in and vocational training institutes the referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility "Recognised" should mean recognised by some is not available within the town. The name of the statutory authority, like education department, nearest place having this facility with its distance from commerce department, labour department etc. of the referent town has been recorded. the government or semi government or autonomous Column 17 to 21 : Electrification (Number of bodies, public sector undettakings etc. connections) Different types of elcctric connections Imv,e been (i) Pueca Road PH.. shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic, Industrial, (ii) Kutcha Road KR Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others., Column (8): System of Sewerage Statement V : Medical, Educational, Generally, by sewerage system is implied the Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 network of mains and branches of underground Column 1 to 3 : Self explanatory. conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point Column 4 & 5 : of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and The data covers all such medical institutions run industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those by or aided by Government/Semi GovernmenULoeal that carry stornl water from roofs, streets

254 Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed. Collegc, Column 16 Working Women's hostels Teacher's Training Institute, Music/Dance School, with number of scats Nursing School etc. are covered under 'Others'. The number of working women's hostel if Column 11 to 14: available in the referent town is mentioned with Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Sen ior number of scats. If the facility is not available in Secondary/PUC/Junior College level, Secondary/ the town the name of nearcst place with distance . Matriculation, Middle Schools! Junior Secollliary and where the facility is available is recorded . Primary Schools. Column 17 to 19: Recreational and School up to class V are treated as Primary or Cultural Facilities elementary schools. These include Nursery schools, Stadium, Cinema, Auditorium/Drama/Community Kindergarten schools, Pre-Primary schools, Junior Hall are covered under recreational & cultural Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools upto facilities. The particulars of permanent recreational class IV. facilities arc considered lor these columns. Schools upto VIII are considered as Middle Column 20 :Public Libraries, Reading i{oOlllS

school or Junior Secondary. Number of public; libraries and reading IOlllllS Schools up to class X are considered as availabk ill the referent town are recorded ill elides Matriculation or Secondary schools. as follows: Schools up'to XI or XII classes are considered (i) Public Library P L as Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Pre University/ (ii) Reading room RR Junior College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes Statement VI : Trade, Commerce, whether held in schools or college. Industry and Banking, 1999 If there are composite schools like middle schools Column 3 to 8 : with primary classes or Secondary schools with Middle classes, these are also included in the number Name of three most importallt commodities of Primary and Middle schools, respectively. For exported and names of three most important example, ifin a town, there are two Primary Schools commodities manufactured in the town are recorded. '~ and one Middle school with Primary classes, the Column 9 Number of Banks number of Primary schools in the town is given as . Number of Banks available in the referent town three and that of Middle schools as one though there both Commercial and Co-operative banks are are only three educational institutions. recorded against this column. If there are more institutions of a type in the Column 10 & 11 Numbel' of town, the number is indicated within bracket along Agricultural Credit Societies and Non with the abbreviation, e.g. P(4), M(3). Agricultural Credit Societies Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres The total number of Agricultural Credit Societies This column has been introduced keeping in view and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning town are recorded against these columns. Commission. There are number of Adult Education Statement VII : Civic and other Alllcllilks Centres which are included in these columns. in Slums, 1999 If an educational facility is not available in the This is the statement on civic· and other amenities town, the name of the nearest place and its distance in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns in kilometres from the town where the facility is having statutory bodies, like municipality, Municipal available is mentioned. Corporation, Town area committee etc.



256 STATEMENT-I Status and Growth History Sri Class, flalTle and LocatIOn Name ofTaluk! Name of Area Number of PopulatIOn and growth rate No CIVIC status code Tahsil! Pohe" CD. block (10 sq kill) households mel (10 blackets) of the town at of town number Statlon!lsland etc house less the Censuses of households (2001 Census) 1901 1911 4 6 7 8 9

IV Kuram (NP) 43801000 Hall1lrpul' Kurara 107 1.928 Created after 1971 Census

III Hanllfp"r(NPP) 43802000 Hamlrpur Kumra 1330 5.347 6,721 7,452

III Sumerplir (NP) 43803000 Hamrrpur Sumerpur 6 OS 4.166 4,039 4,682

V Sanla (NP) 43804000 Rath Sarila 6 11 1,490 Created after 1971 Census

V Gohand (NP) 43805000 Rath Gohand I 35 1.242 Created after 1971 Census

6 II Rath (NPP) 43806000 Rath Rath 62R 8.710 11,414 10,\69

ll\ Maudaha (N??) 43807000 Maudaha Maud"ha 6 34 5.708 6,172 6,047

257 STATEMENT -I Status and Growth History Population and growth rate (in brackets) Density Sex latlo of the town at. the Censuses of (200 I 19X1 1991 21)1) I Census)

1921 .1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 III 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 "J:;'_

6,713 8,661 11,480 10,729 R(J(J 836 865 32.55 6.760 7.195 8,144 8.469 10,921 14.7R3 21.376 26,835 32,046 2.409 772 821l 848 19.42

4,86R 4.712 6.260 6,537 DeclassIfied 14.678 18,354 24,661 4.076 R~R R16 851 34.36 6,445 7,413 7,854 1,283 X59 868 870 5.95 5,519 6,478 7,087 5,230 863 825 845 9.40 9,372 10,472 12.785 13,852 17,419 23,061 32.027 42,696 55,950 ~.9()9 863 838 861 31.04 5,940 7,445 8.662 9,898 Declassified 14,629 22,036 26,520 34,730 5.4 711 849 854 86Y 3096

258 STATEMENT- II Physical Aspects and Location of TOWIlS, 1999

Name or and wad distance III PhysicaJ aspects J

259 STATEMENT-II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1999

Name of and road distance In kllometer(s) from Sub-divIsion ffalukl Navigable river! Tabsll / Pollee station! Nearest city with Nearest City with Railway statIOn Bus facility canal (Ifwlthm Development Bladd population of one population of five 'Island HQ lakh and more lakh and more ten kilometers) \3 8 9 10 II 12 HamlrpUr Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Road Pariwal Yes ( 16) (85) (85) (26) (0) H Hamirpur Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Hamirpur Road Yes Yamuna, Betwa, (R) (0) (69) (69) (10) (0) H Hamlrpur Kanpllr Nagar Kanpur Nagar Sumerpur Yes (16) (85) (85) (0) (0) H Rath Kanpllr Nagar Orai Yes (30) (65) (122) (65) (0) H Rath Oral Kanpur Nagar Orar Yes Gohand R (13) (40) (145) (40) (0) H Rath Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Kul Pahar Yes Rath R (0) (\50) (150) (48) (0) H Maudaha Kanpur Nagar Kanpur Nagar Ragoal, Ragoal Chandrawal (R ) (0) (15\) (15\ ) 0.5) (I) H

260 STA TEl\'fENT - !II Municipal Finance, 1998 -99 Serial Class, name and CIVIC status of town Receipt (in Rs.'OOO) number Receipt Revenue derived from Government Loan through taxes, municipal properties grant etc. and power apart from taxation

1 2 3 4 5 6

IV Kurara (NP) 35 378 1,351 2 III Hamlfpur (NPP) 517 730 6.524 3 III Sumerpur (NP) 162 401 2,590 4 V Sanla (NP) 175 1,185 5 V Gohand (NP) 426 1,038 6 II Rath (NPP) 385 1,852 9.959 7 III Mqudaha (NPP) 482 977 6,210

261 STATEMENT - III Municipal Finance 1998-99 --'---' 1 Receipt (Contd.) (in Rs. '000) Expenditure (in Rs.'OOO) Advance Other Total General Public Public Public Public Others Total sources receipt administrati safety health and works institutions (specify) expenditure (specify) on conventenc - es 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1,769 970 110 878 140 2J)9~

383 8,154 2,010 2,724 227 1,641 24'! (,.~51 3,153 1,175 526 1,017 14(> 2.R64 1,360 270 39 27 11(, 1,464 390 375 102 47 177 1.11'11 12,196 448 55 460 6,315 72n 7,669 -- 1,500 1,300 ·1,XUO

262 STATEMENT - IV Civic and other Amenities , 1999 Nllluhcr Population 200 I Census (II' latrincs

Serial Numbcr of Class, namc and civic Population Road 'length System of numbc latrincs status of town (200 J Census) (in km. (s) ) SCWCI';]ge r Scheduled Scheduled Tolal Walcr Castes Tribes bornc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

IV Kurara (NP) 11,480 4,293 0 KR(--) PR(l4.4) OSD 920 411

2 III Hamirpur (NPP) 32,046 5,127 21 KR(--) PR(l7.3) OSD 635 375

3 III Sumerpur (NP) 24,661 7,293 4 KR(l3) PR(5) OSD 6,000 4,000

4 V Sarila (NP) 7,854 2,073 0 KR(4) PR(24) OSD 65 25

5 V Gahand (NP) 7,087 1,726 0 KR(5) PR(5) OSD 190 90

6 II Rath (NPP) 55,950 10,984 136 KR(5.6) PR(29) OSD 5,2.'i(1 ,I,XO(l

7 III Maudaha (NFl') 34,730 5,517 0 KR(--) pR(24) OSD 4,0(1) 3,475

263 STATEMENT - IV Civic and otlicl- Amcnitics, 1999

Number of Water supply Electrification (number of connections) latrines

Method of Fire System of disposal of fighting " storage with Road night soil Source of scrvicc* Service Others capacity in Domestic Industrial Commercial lighting Others supply kilolitres (in (points) brackets)

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2{)

509 WB,Pt TW,T SR,BWP Hamirpur 545 19 130 140 -- (200) (16) 210 50 ST, WB TW,T OHT 3,488 43 449 600 -- (600) (--) 1,190 810 ST, WB TW OHT Hamirpur \,742 30 175 (250) (16) 40 B, ST TW OHT Hamirpur 200 7 17 36 -- (250) ( 115) 100 WB, ST TW OHT Orai 200 10 9 (250) (40) 1450 WB,ST TW OHT Hamirpur 3,500 64 469 2 ( 1250) (8) 590 ST,B T OBT Hamirpur 3,364 45 125 317 (900) (32)

2'64 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, R,ccreational and Cultm-al Facilities, 1999 Serial Class, name and civic Population Medical facilities* Educational facilities* number status of town (200 I Census) I-los)) i ta Is/Oispen sari es! Beds in Arts/Science/ COllllllerce/ T.B. clinics ctc. medical Law! Other colleges (of institutions degree level and above) notcd in column 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

IV Kurara (NP) H(--) DC--) He FWC TI3(-· 4 Harnirpur.16 ) NH(--) Othcr(--) 11,480

2 III Hamirpur (NPP) H(3) DH HC(--) FWC(--) 109 II S(--) C(--) AS(--) IIC(--) Tn NIl( --) Olber( --) IISC(--) U--) U(--) 0(--) 32.046

3 III SUlIlcrpur (Np) H D(--) He FWC(--) TB(-. 4 I-famlrpur. 1(, ) NH(--) Othel{--) 24,661

4 V Sarila (NP) H D(--) Hq--) FWC(--) 5 Ralh,30 TB(--) NH(--) Other(--) 7,854 i 5 V Gohand (NP) H D(--) Hq--) FWC(--) Ralh. 13 TB(--) NH(--) Othcr(--) ° 7,087

6 (( Rath (NPP) H D(--) HC(--) FWC(--) 28 A(--) S(--) C(--) AS(2) AC(--) TB( --) NH( --) Other( --) ASq--) L(--) U(--) 0(--) 55.950

7 [[[ Maudaha (NPP) H D(--) HC(--) FWC(--) 23 A S(--) CH AS(--) ACC--) TB(--) NH(--) Other ASCH L(--) U(--) 0(--) 34,730

265 STATEM ENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 Educational facilities' Medical colleges Engineering colleges Polytechnics Rceoglli~cd shorthand, Ilighcr secondary! typcwriting and vocational Intcrillcdi,ltc! Scn ior tnlining ill~tituliolls Secondary/PUC' (Pre- lInivcl'slty college)! Junior college level 7 8 9 10 - II

Kanrur, R5 KanpUl,85 KallplIf,85

Kanrur,69 Kanrur,69 Kanpur,69 VT(--) 511(--) Type( -) 4 SHType 0(--)

Kanpur,85 Kanpur,85 Mahoba,75

Jhansi, 150 Jhunsi, 150

JhUllSi, 112 Jhallsi, 112 Mahoba,20

Jhansi, 135 Jhansi, 135 Jhansi, 135 VT(--) SH(--) Typc(--) 4 SIlType(3) 0(--)

Kanpur, 104 Kanpur, 104 Mahoba,54 4

266 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 Scnal Class, namc and Educational facilitics (Conttl .... ) Ilumbcr civic status of town ScconcJary/ Junior s(;condary and Middle Primary schools Adult literacy (1;I';sL'~! cClltres. Matricu lation schools others (spccify)

I 2 12 13 14 15

IV KUlar" (NI') 4

2 III Hamilpul (NPP) 4 3 22

3 III Sumcrpul (NP) 2 4 II

4 V Sarila (NP) 3 7

5 V Gohand (NP) 2 3 4

6 II Rath (NPP) 6 14 37

7 III Maudaha (NPP) 4 5 7

267 STATEMENT - V Medical, Educational, Hccreational and Cllltural Facilities, 1999 Number of recreational and cultural facilities Working women's Stadiulll Cinel11a Auditoriulll I Drallwl Public lib,aries lI,eluding hostels with cO'llll1unity Illlils reading r()(Jllls number of scats . 16 17 IX 19 20

PI RR(--)



268 STATEMENT - VI T.-adc, Commcrc1c, Industry and Banldng, 1999 Serial Class, namc and civic status of Name of three most important commodilies exported number town

1st I 2nd 1 3rd I 2 3 I 4 J 5

I IV Kurara (NP) Pulses Gram 2 III Hamirpur (NPP) Morang Vegetable J III Sumcrpur (NP) 4 V Sarila (NP) Pulses Oil Seed Khadl Cloth 5 V Gohand (N P) Gur Oil Seed Reed Oil 6 II Rath (NPP) Our Khadi Cloth Reed Oil 7 III Maudaha (NPP) Shoe~ Tomato Sugarcane

269 STATEMENT - VI T rade, c_ommcr'ce, I n d ustry and Bankin , 1999 Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number of Number of Number of non- banks agricultural agricultural credit credit societies societies

1st I 2nd I 3rd 6 I 7 I 8 9 10 11

Pulses Veg Od 3 2

Shoes Steel Rod Soap 5 2 Pulses 0,1 Seeds Khadl Cloth 2 2 GUI Khad, Cloth Wooden FurnIture 2 GUT Khadl Cloth Carpet 5 I FIsh Tractor Trolly Cement Grill 5 3

270 STATEMENT - VII Civic and other amenities in Slums

Class and No of Senal name of Name of Is Jt households PopulatIon of the Paved roads (m System of number town the slum notified (approximate) Slum (approximate) kIlometers) sewerage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Number of latnnes No of tap pointsl Electricity connections Private Method of public hydrants water dIsposal of I11ght installed for supply Road Itghtmg borne service others Commumty sOIl of protected water DomestIc (poinL<;) Others 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17


271 APPENDIX TO TOWN DIRECTORY TOWNS SHOWING THEIR OUTGROWTH WITH POPULATlOj\' ----=---:------=--:----c:------;:------=:-: Senal Population of Popu!atlon of Number Name of the town with location code core town Outgrowth outgrowth 1 2 3 4 5

There is no outgrowth

7~ 2 IL


Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

he first census of the third millennium and twenty Census 200 I, about 202 million schedules consisting Tfirst century the Census of India, 2001 of about 1,028 million records were scanned and was the 14th continuous and uninterrupted processed within a span of only 10 months starting Indian census since 1872. Thus, 2001 Census will October, 2002. provide data on population and its characteristics Task Force on Quality Assurance marking transition from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on the part of the data producing agency to sat isfy itsel f The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration about its quality before putting the same in public (considered by many to be the single largest and domain. This has to be done mainly through the complex peace time administrative exercise in the process of internal consistency, comparison with world) was made possible due to the door to door similar data in the past and also through validation universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by with likewise data if available, from external sources. about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering Quite often the local knowledge and perception has 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and to be brought into play to understand both the existing 638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household and the new emerging trends of population distributioll Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three and characteristics. The other very important aspect parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the of the data quality is to ensure complete coverage of Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual all geographical areas especially for the population Particulars and Part III contained questions for enumeration phase where the data is disseminated Household engaged in Cultivation/Plantation. The part right up to the village level in the rural areas and the II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the 23 questions all of which were universally canvassed complete coverage and correct geographical linkage and no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. of each enumeration block was one of the major Data Processing planks of the quality control, specially for small area A quantum leap was made in the technology front population statistics. while processing the Census 2001 data both for A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The was put in place to objectively examine the preli­ Census schedules for both the phases were scanned minary Census 2001 Population Enumeration results through high speed scanners in fifteen data centers and finally clear them for use. The responsibility of across the country and hand-written data from the the final clearance of data was with the Task Force schedules were converted into digitized form through on Quality Assurance (TFQA), headed by the Intelligent Character Reading (ICR) software for Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. creation of ASCII records for further processing. The The other members 'of the TFQA were the llcads .designing and formatting of the Household Schedule and senior officers of the Census Division, Data . had to be done very carefully using specialized Processing Division, Map Division, Demography software so as to ensure uniformity, which was an Division and Social Studies Division. The Directors essenJial pre-requisite for scanning. The selection of of Census Operations were co-opted as members appropriate state-of-art teclmology in data processing whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their has made it possible to produce all the Houselisting StateslUnioll territories. The Directors and their as well as Population Enumeration tables on full count senior officers were required to make detailed basis for the first time in the history of Census. For presentations of data for their own state both in

274 rcspcct to thc quality and the coverage and only after being finalized by aggrcgating the population data for thc full possible cleared. individual Scheduled Castcs and the Scheduled Trihes There has been a major departure in Census at appropriatc geographical levcls. 200 I from the past in respect of the procedure The entirc work relating to the data validation followed for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and and scrutiny was completed by all the SUItes/Union the Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier Territories under the ovcrall supcrvision and, censuses, the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled monitoring of the Censlls Division of the Officc of Tribes populations were finalized at the time of the the Registrar General, India with active coopcration manual compilation of the pi'imary Ccnsus Abstracts and support of the Social Studies Division, Data (PCA) at the Regional Tabulation Offices which Processing Division, Data Disscmination Division and were ::'jJt;"ia;;)' :;;::t up for this purpose. The individual Map Division. Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for each state was finalized much later Primary Census Abstr'act based on manual coding done by the coders. In 2001 The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another Census, each individual Scheduled Caste and the important population of 200 I Census gives b;lsic Scheduled Tribe have been coded directly on the information on Area, Total Households, Total population, computers by the Data Entry Operators through a Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes populatio'n, process known as Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main workers and taken up along with the processing of PC A data. and Marginal workers classified by the four broad The CAC process involves pulling down, from the industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) relevant dictionary of the Scheduled Castes and the Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, Scheduled Tribes, on the computer screen and coding and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The from the dictionary by referring to the imagc of the characteristics of the Total Population includes specific individual entry in the Household Schedule Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and appearing on the screen. The CAC of the response on Religion wherever required, was also undertaken Houseless population and are presented by sex and along with the processing of PCA. This is because rural-urban residence. This data is presented at the Scheduled Castes status had to be determined in different levels, namely, India, StateslUnion territories, relation to the religion of the individuaL Two Special Districts and Cities, Urban Agglomerations Task Forces, one on Religion and the other on (Population 1,00,000 and above) in three different Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes were constituted tables. In addition, the Appendix of said publication for scrutiny and appropriate classification of these provides Houseless and Institutional Households and responses. their population by residence and sex for 2001 for India, Stale and Union territory. The main task of the Special Task Force on Religion was to appropriately merge or group the new Apart from the India and StatelUnion Territory responses encountered and code it into the appropriate volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District religious community based on available literature and Census Handbook contains District Primary Census Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census local knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Abstract, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries Tribes, Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban encoun-tered and classified these into appropriate Primary Census Abstract of thc concerned district category of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled in the state. Tribes principally based on the Presidential Notification and the available literature. Thus a very systematic It was for the first lime at the 198 I Ccnslls that the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was brought and scientific mechanism was operationalised to finn out for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled up the individual religion and the individual Scheduled Tribes separately on the pattern of General Primary CasteslTribes returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Census Abstract. 111is practice was continued in 1991 Scheduled Tribes population in 2001 Census, is thus also. In the 1961 and 1971 CensLlscs. such data wcre 275 made available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural In 1981 census only main workers were presented ill table and to some extent in the series 'Special Tables to four categories. One of the novel features of the for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. primary census abstract of 1991 cenSllS was thc The format of Primary Census Abstract has been presentation of data of the population of agc group 0- restructured slightly in the 2001 Census 35 comp(lrcd 6 is continued in 2001 Ccnsus also. This will help the .):,.jo that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial data users in better analysis and understanding or this classification of main workers given in the Primary literacy data. Census Abstract of 1991 Census has bcen discontinued Level of presentation in District Census and its place, four-fold industrial classification of both Handbooks: 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. Name of the Primary Census Abstract Level of presentation 1. District Primary Census Abstract District/CD Block/UA/City/Town 2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castcs District/CD Block/Town 3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes District/CD Block/Town 4. Village Primary Census Abstract CD BlocklVillage wise 5. Urban Primary Censlls Abstract TownlWard level The Primary Census Abstract data in different Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houselcss PCAs arc presented at different levels. The level of populations. The explanation regarding area figures presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as presented at various lehl in the Primary Census under: Abstracts are as follows:

The PCA Data for villages was presented CD Area Figures Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data The area figures supplied by local revenue for each CD Block is presented both for rural and authorities of the district in respect oftehsils. Police urban areas separately. All the villages within the Stations and by the local bodies in respect of tOWllS CD B lock constitute the rural portion and the Census are given in square kilometers. The area figures of Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is been converted and shown in hectares. The area spread over two or more districts, than pOltion which figures of the CD Block is the total of the village falls within the district is presented, the data pertaining areas coming under each CD Block. TIle area figures to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in for the district are the same as adopted by the the concerned District Census Handbook. The data Surveyor General of India to maintain unifonnity at in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town the national level. The total area figures of all the as well as for town with outgrowths in the district tahsils/CD Blocks within the district may not tally are presented. The data for all the wards and the with area figures of the district because former outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented represents land use area only. Similarly, the total of separately below the concerned town(s). all the villages may not tally with the elltire rural of Police Stationrrahsil. The difference may be due to The District Primary Census Abstract is the fact that while the area covered by hills, forests presented in 59 columns. The Primary Census and rivers etc, have been accounted in the Tahsils Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Primary Census and P .S. level the same may not be covered under . Abstract for Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 the area of the villages. Apart from this it may also columns. Thc Village Primary Census Abstract and differ due to varying methods of computation adopted Urban Primary Census Abstract are presented in 58 at different levels. columns. An appcndix to District Primary Census Abstract The concepts and definitions used in the column has also been furnished showing urban enuIllcrat ion heading are explained under the sub heading 'Census block-wise particulars on Total PopUlation, the Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The tenn 'Total Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the Tribes Population for each town. 276



Location District! CD Total! Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code Block! U.A.f Rural! Town! households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number City! Town Urban Ward in population) square kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

38 1I.1iI11rpur ToLl1 4282.0 I 75,9.J8 1,0·0,72'" 563,801 479.923 188.740 99.176 89.564 Rur.ll 42J I A9 147,J57 869,91li .J70,298 399.618 160.842 84.356 76,486 UrlWII 40.51 28,591 173,808 93,503 80.J05 27.898 14.820 13,078 0408 l\.urara Total 440.6 15,112 90,573 48,827 41,746 16.630 8,589 8,041 Rural 4406 15,112 90,573 48,827 41,746 16,630 8,589 8,041 Urban 0409 Sumcrpur Total 5852 26,418 154,815 83,582 71,233 29.639 15,578 14,061 Rural 585.2 26,418 154,815 83,582 71,233 29.639 15.578 14,061 Urban 0410 Sartla Total 6509 17,145 102,998 56,004 46,994 18,832 9,775 9,057 Rural 6509 17,145 102.998 56,004 46,994 18,832 9,775 9,057 Urban 0411 Gohand Total 5319 17,723 103,495 55,548 47.947 18,287 9,674 8,613 Rural 5319 17,723 103,495 55,548 . 47,947 18.287 9,674 8,6\3 Urban 0412 Rath Total 444.5 15,687 92,243 49,682 -\2,561 16,390 8,615 7,775 Rural 4445 15,687 92,243 49,682 42.561 16,390 8,615 7.775 Urban - I 0413 Mllskara Total 510 I 21.080 124,586 67,541 57,045 22,229 11,629 10,600 Rural 510.1 21,080 124,586 67,541 57,045 22,229 II,6i9 10,600 Urban 0414 Malldaha Total 940.7 34,192 201,206 109,114 92.092 38,835 20,496 18,339 Rural 9407 34,192 201,206 109,114 92,092 38,835 20,496 18,339 Urban URBAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 1,928 11,480 6,156 5,324 1,894 1,025 869 43802000 Hamlrpur (NPP) Urban 5,347 32,046 17,340 14,706 4,480 2,398 2,082 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 4,166 24,661 13,320 11,341 4,405 2,364 2,041 43804000 Sarila (NP) Urban 1,490 7,854 4,201 3,653 1,337 711 626 43805000 Gohand (NP) Urban 1,242 7,087 3,842 3,245 1,065 545 520 43806000 Rath (NPP) Urban 8,710 55,950 30,065 25,885 8,900 4,639 4.261 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 5,708 34,730 18,579 16,151 5,817 3,138 2,679


Totall District! CD Block! Rural! U.A.I City/ Town Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons r-dales Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

237,901 129.427 IOS.475 IGG 93 73 "'90.60G 333.921 156,685 TotAl 11.lllIlrpur 200.889 109,3G' 91.525 5 2 385,505 2G8,812 116,693 RUI"I 37,013 2O,OliJ 16,950 161 91 70 105,101 65,109 39.9n III bnn 19,981 10,865 9.116 39,830 26,947 12,883 Tolal KlIrara 19,981 10,865 9,116 39,830 26,947 12,883 Rural Urban J I ,19X 16,965 14,233 71,225 48,862 22,363 Total SlImerpur 31,198 16,965 14,233 71,225 48,862 22,363 Rural Urban 25,520 13,936 11,584 42,069 30,785 11,284 Total Sanla 25.520 13,936 11,58.J 42,069 30.785 11,284 Rural Urban 27,270 14,751 12,519 49.1 02 34,508 14,594 Tolal Gohand 27,270 14,751 12,519 49,102 34,508 14,594 Rural Urban 27,147 14,819 12.328 40,040 2&,208 11,832 Tolal Ralh 27.147 14,819 12.328 40,040 28,208 11,832 Rural Urban 25.797 14,033 11,764 5 2 3 56,379 39,179 17,200 Tolal Muskara 25.797 14,033 11,764 5 2 3 56,379 39,179 17,200 Rural Urban 43,976 23,995 19,981 86,860 60.323 26,537 Total Malldaha 43,976 23,995 19,981 86,860 60,323 26,537 Rural Urban URBAN 4,293 2,347 1,946 6,689 4,074 2,615 Urban Kurara(NP) 5,127 2,809 2,318 21 13 8 22,322 13,234 9,088 Ur!Jan Hamirpur (NPP) 7,293 3,9L2 3,381 4 2 2 14,302 9,014 5,288 Urban Sumerpur (NP) 2,073 1,129 944 3,844 2,644 1,200 Urban Sarila (NP) 1,726 949 777 3,732 2,638 1,094 Urban Gohand (NP) 10,984 5,911 5,073 136 76 60 33,799 21,041 12,758 Urban Ralh (NPP) 5,517 3,006 2,511 20,413 12.464 7,949 Urban Maudaha (NPP)

279 DISTRICT PRIMARY ---_. Location District! CD Total! cod~ Block! U.AJ Rural! IlUll1bCI City! Town Urban III i tcrates Tolal workers Main workers

Persons Males FClllaks Persons M::iles Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

38 Ilallllrpul Tot.d 553,1 IX 229.BHO 323,238 ",08,7{)U 277,311 131.,389 270,959 229,%9 ..11,090 I{III.II 48 .... ~ II 201, ... Ui 282,925 35S,6~2 23:;,595 123,087 230,969 193,774 37,195 llihall 6B,7('7 28,J9J -lO,31J SO,IIIS 41,716 8,302 39,990 36,095 3,895 0/108 Kurara TOlal 50,743 21,880 28,863 32,271 23,380 8,891 22,503 19,092 3,411 Rural 50,743 21,880 28,863 32,271 23,380 8,891 22,503 19,092 3,411 Urban 0-109 Sumelpur Total 83,590 '4,720 ..\8,870 60,429 ·10,451 19,978 37,288 31,899 5,389 Rural 83,590 34.720 48,870 60.429 40,451 19,978 37,288 31,899 5,389 Urban (I·IIG Sarda Total 60,929 25,219 35,71 () 47,897 29,309 18,588 30,634 24,621 6,013 Rural 60,929 25,219 35.710 47.897 29.309 18,588 30,634 24,621 6,013 Urban 0'111 Goh"nd Total 54,393 21,040 33.353 48,722 28,592 20,130 30,159 24,292 5,867 Rural 54,393 21,O~0 33,353 48,722 28,592 20,130 30,159 24,292 5,867 Urban O,~ 12 Rath Total 52,203 21,47'1 30,729 39,260 25,365 13.395 27,191 22,081 5,110 Rural 52,203 21,474 30,729 39,260 25,865 13,395 27,191 22,081 5.110 Urban Oil I] Musknra Total 68,207 28362 39.845 50.463 34,196 16,267 31,03if 2~,337 3,702 Rural 68,207 28,362 39,845 50,463 34,196 16,267 31,039 27,337 3,702 Urban 0'114 Maudaha Total 114,346 48,791 65,555 79,640 53,802 25,838 52,155 44,452 7,703 Ruml 114,346 48,791 65,555 79.640 53,802 25,838 52,155 44,452 7,703 Urban URBAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 4,791 2,082 2,709 3,352 2,918 434 2,715 2,~10 205 43802000 Hamirpllr (NPP) Urban 9,724 4,106 5,618 8,405 7,435 970 7,568 6,827 741 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 10,359 4,306 6,053 7,542 6,190 1,352 5,357 4,954 403 43804000 Sarila (NP) Urban 4,010 1,557 2,453 3,608 2,138 1,470 2,646 1,965 681 43805000 Gohand (NP) Urban 3,355 1,204 2,151 3,229 1,917 1,312 1,7&3 1,401 382 43806000 Rath (NPP) Urban 22,151 9,024 13,127 14,992 13,461 1,531 12,654 11,759 895 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 14,317 6,115 8,202 8,&90 7,657 1,233 7,26? ·6,679 5&8


Industrial category of malIl workers Total! District! CD Rurall Block! U.A.I Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers Urban City! Town workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons !'vlales Females Persons Males Females 30 31 32 33 .34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 2

135,%1 IIG,515 19,,1-17 60,J82 .15,893 1..1,589 8,127 7,163 1.06-1 66.288 60,293 5,990 Total Hamirpur 129,986 II 1,2G8 18,718 57,6~8 .0,762 13.SSG 6,571 5.732 839 36,764 33,012 3,752 Rtlral :',976 5,2-t7 729 2,M3-t 2,131 7U3 1,656 1,.131 225 29,524 27,286 2,238 Urban t2,347 10,538 1,809 5,765 4,531 [,234 415 353 62 3,976 3,670 306 Total Kurara 12,347 10,538 1,809 5,765 4,531 1,234 415 353 62 3,976 3,670 306 Rural Urban 18,5'18 16.200 2,348 7,739 5,650 2,089 SS7 97 10,017 9,162 855 Total Sumerpur 18,548 16,200 2,348 7,739 5,650 2.089 887 97 10,017 9,162 855 Rural Urban 19,363 15,673 3,690 6,580 4,867 1,713 1,142 1,000 142 3,549 3,081 468 Total Sarila 19,363 15,673 3,690 6,580 4,867 1,713 1,142 1,000 142 3,549 3,081 468 Rural Urban '') 18,278 14,970 3,308 7,449 5,364 2,085 1,083 9J~ 151 3,349 3,026 323 Total Gohand 18,278 14,970 3,308 7,449 5,364 2,085 1,083 932 151 3,349 3,026 323 Rural Urb~n 16,295 13,448 2,847 7,109 5,427 1,682 806 679 127 2,981 2,527 454 Total Rath 16,295 13,448 2,847 7.109 5,427 1,682 806 679 127 2,981 2,527 454 Rural Urban 16,509 15,167 1,342 8,078 6,315 1,763 924 823 101 5,528 5,032 496 Total Muskara I 16,509 15,167 1,342 8,078 6,315 1,763 924 823 101 5,528 5,032 496 Rural Urban 28,646 25,272 3,374 14,928 11,608 3,320 1,217 1.058 159 7,364 6,514 850 Total Maudaha 28,646 25,272 3,374 14,928 11,608 3,320 1,217 1,058 159 7,364 6,514 850 Rural Urban URBAN 566 543 23 335 271 64 131 119 12 1,683 1,577 106 Urbin Kurara (NP) 460 437 23 137 100 37 147 127 20 6824 6,163 661 Urban Hamirpur (NPP) 811 746 65 324 300 24 239 197 42 3,983 3,711 272 Urban Sumcrpur (NP) 1,025 741 284 709 425 284 126 106 20 786 693 93 Urban Sarila (NP) 824 687 137 415 277 138 156 102 54 388 335 53 Urban Gohand (NPl 1,214 1,116 98 624 503 121 501 456 45 10,315 9,684 631 Urban Rath(NPP) 1,076 977 99 290 255 35 356 324 32 5,545 5,123 422 Urban Maudaha (NPP)


Location District/ CD Total! Industrial category code Block! U.A.I Rural! number City/Town Urban Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

lIallli'llur Towl 137~7J I "17,4-12 90,299 32,870 6,055 26~815 84,538 29,029 55,509 " U.UI,11 127,71.) .11,821 85.892 31,861 5,838 26,023 81,268 27,681 53,587 VI!};III 10.028 S.liZI J,J07 1,009 217 792 3,270 1,3<8 1,922 0408 Kurarn Total 9,768 4,288 5,480 1,309 321 988 6,772 2,779 3,993 Rural 9,768 4,288 5,480 1,309 321 988 6,772 2,779 3,993 Urban 0409 SUlllcl-pur Total 23,141 8,552 14,589 4,203 987 3,216 14,604 5,012 9,592 Rural 23,141 8,552 1'1.589 4,203 987 3,216 14,604 5,012 9,592 Urban 0410 Sartla Total 17,263 4,688 12,575 7,047 1,055 5,992 8,802 2,993 5,809 Rural 17,263 4.688 12,575 7,047 1,055 5,992 8,802 2,993 5,1)()9 Urban 0411 Golland Total 18,563 4,300 14.263 5,469 760 4,709 11,427 2,805 8,622 Rural 18,563 4,300 14,263 5,469 760 4,709 11,427 2,805 8,622 Urban 0412 Ratll Total 12,069 3,784 8,285 2,957 415 2,542 7,922 2,893 5,029 Rural 12,069 3,784 8,285 2,957 415 2,542 7,922 2,893 5,029 Urban 0413 Mliskara Total 19.424 6.859 12.565 3,938 779 3,159 13,819 I 4,959 8,860 Rural 19,424 6,859 12,565 3,938 7.79 3,159 13,819 4,959 8,860 Urban 0414 Maudaha Total 27,485 9,350 18,135 6,938 1,521 5,417 17,922 6,240 11,682 Rural 27,485 9,350 18,135 6,938 I,SQI 5,417 17,922 6,240 11,682 Urban URIlAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 637 408 229 60 37 23 230 108 122 43802000 Halllirpur (NPP) Urban 837 608 229 II 4 7 29 22 7 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 2,185 1,236 949 134 53 .81 893 356 537 43804000 Sarila (NP) Urban 962 173 789 336 41 295 500 91 409 43805000 Galland (NP) Urban 1,446 516 930 311 52 259 857 377 480 43806000 Rath (NPP) Urban 2,338 1,702 636 66 21 45 377 211 166 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 1,623 978 645 91 9 82 384 183 201


or !11Clrginal workers TOlal! District! CD Location Rural! Blockl UA! code Household iI1dustry Other workers Non-lI'orkers Urban City! Town number workers

PerSQ!1S Males Females Persons f'v1Cl\eS Females Persons Males Females 51 52 53 54 S5 56 57 58 59 3 2

3,632 1,.31 2,201 16,701 10,927 5.77~ 635,024 286,490 348,534 Total llalllirpur 38 3,U2' 1.IG8 1.856 11,560 7,134 4.-126 511.23-1 2J4.70J 276,531 Rur.1I G08 263 345 5.1-11 3.793 1,3..18 123,790 51,787 72.003 Urb,lIl 115 44 71 1,572 1,144 428 58.302 25,'147 32,855 Total Kurara 0408 115 44 71 1,572 1,144 428 58,302 25,447 32,855 Rural Urban 417 173 244 3,917 2,380 1,537 94,386 43,131 51,255 Total SUl1lerpur 0409 ·117 173 244 3,917 2,380 1,537 94,386 43.131 51,255 Rural Urban 599 174 425 SI5 '166 3~9 55, I 01 26,695 28.406 Total Sarrla 0410 599 174 425 815 466 349 55,101 26,695 28,4C6 Rural Urban 562 209 353 1,105 526 579 54,773 26,956 27.817 Total Gohand 0411 562 209 353 1,105 526 579 54,773 26,956 27,817 Rural Urban LI37 140 297 753 336 417 52,983 23,8! 7 29,166 Total Rath 0412 437 140 297 753 336 417 52,983 23,817 29,166 Rural Urban 1 370 199 171 1,297 922 375 74,123 33,345 40,778 Total Muskara 0413 370 199 171 1,297 922 375 74.123 33,345 40,778 Rural Urban 524 229 295 2,101 1,360 741 121,566 55,312 66,254 Total Maudaha 0414 524 229 295 2,101 1,360 741 121,566 55,312 66,254 Rural Urban URBAN 36 9 27 311 254 57 S,12S 3,238 4,890 Urban Kurara (NP) 43801000 26 18 8 771 564 207 23,641 9,905 13,736 Urban Hamirpur (NPP) 43802000 125 69 56 1,033 758 275 17,119 7,130 9,989 Urban Sumerpur (NP) 43803000 13 3 10 113 38 75 4,246 2,063 2,183 Urban Sarila (NP) 43804000 137 26 III 141 61 80 3,858 1,925 1,933 Urban Gohand (NP) 43805000 161 87 74 1,734 1,3R3 351 40,958 16,604 24,354 Urban Rath (NPP) 43806000 110 51 59 1,038 735 303 25,840 10,922 14,918 Urban Maudaha (NPP) 43807000

283 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT __ TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Schedule Schedule Code urban block I populatio d Castes d Tribes EB number n populatio populatio

2 3 4 5

43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 507 333 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 373 278 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.2 EB NO.3 530 353 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.2 EB NO.4 569 314 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.3 EB NO.5 857 309 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.3 EB NO.6 726 219 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.4 EB NO.7 654 136 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.4 EB No.8 630 250 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.5 EB NO.9 668 212 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.6 EB No. 10 711 344 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 11 701 37 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 12 517 388 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 13 497 160 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 14 506 274 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No. a EB No. 15 493 326 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No. B EB No. 16 647 135 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 17 408 85 43801000 Kurar8 (NP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 18 533 32 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 19 575 100 43801000 Kurara (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 20 378 8 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 668 441 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 945 425 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. :2 EB NO.3 483 327 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No . .2 E8 No.4 522 182 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. :3 EB No.5 753 269 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No.6 621 263 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.4 E8 No.7 687 214 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.4 EB NO.8 464 74 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 9 931 41 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 391 158 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 11 637 43 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 12 533 137 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 13 751 113 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 14 537 81 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 15 639 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward NO.8 EB No. 16 592 43 43802000 Hamirpuf (NPP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 17 783 244 4 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 9 EB No. 18 483 40 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. '9 EB No. 19 878 146 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 20 663 203 84 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 21 535 104 17 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 22 635 150 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 23 620 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 24 411 93 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 25 747 79 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 26 826 618 72 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 27 61 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 28 325 36 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 29 611 40 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 30 693 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 31 416 738 35 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 32 553 74 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 33 625 145 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 34 434 30 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 35

284 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTHACT TOTAL. SCHEDULED CASTES A.NDSCIIEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of tovin Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Schedulcd Code urban bloek I population Castes Tribes EB number: ucll:ll.llal iOIl OQaUILlI iOIl 2 3 4 5 Ii 7

43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 37 487 84 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) WarJ No. 18 EB No. 38 646 91 43802000 I-Iamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 39 323 32 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 40 824 24 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 19 EBNo.41 S36 30 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 42 389 14 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 20' EB No. 43 552 23 43802000 Hamirpu[ (NPP) Ward No. 2l EBNo.44 412 9 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) \Vard No. 21 EB No. 45 522 49 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 46 1.075 122 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 47 427 9 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 48 594 20 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 23 EBNo.49 846 3S 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 50 833 3 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 51 725 [7 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 52 613 23 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 497 180 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Ward No. I EENo.2 499 323 43803000 Sumerpur lNP) Ward No.1 EB No.3 773 685 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 572 454 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Ward No.2 EENo.5 826 471 43803000 Sumerpur (NF) Ward No.2 EBNo.6 418 278 43803000 Sumerpur

285 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA nON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Schedule Schedule Code urban block I populatio d Castes d Tribes EB number n populatio populatio

2 3 4 5 6 7

43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 718 190 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.2 420 130 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.3 420 93 113G'J4(lC·!1 S:;Jrila (NP) Ward No.3 EB NO.4 493 146 43804000 Sarila (NP) VV;J.,d Nt) 1 EB NO.5 479 55 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.6 619 85 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward NO.5 EB NO.7 347 4 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.5 EB NO.8 338 66 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.6 EB No.9 622 123 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 10 463 138 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 11 419 289 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 12 440 258 43804000 Sarita (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 13 322 135 43804000 . Sarita (NP) Ward No.9 EBNo.14 535 169 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 15 293 91 43804000 Sarila (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 16 394 22 43804000 SarBa (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 17 532 79 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 437 158 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 378 82 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.3 353 90 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.2 EB No.4 125 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.3 EB No.5 254 23 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.3 EB NO.6 573 295 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.3 EB No. 21 321 118 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward NO.4 EB NO.7 308 20 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.4 EB No.8 305 23 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.5 EB No.9 473 90 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.5 EB No. 10 430 95 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.6 EB No. 11 416 139 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.6 EB No. 12 446 137 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 13 230 96 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.7 EB No. 14 424 208 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.8 EB No. 15 270 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.8 EB NO.,16 242 8 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.'9 EB No: 17 238 38 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No.9 EB No. 18 227 32 43805000 Gohand (NP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 19 376 47 43805000 Gohand(NP) Ward No.10 EB No. 20 261 27 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 739 69 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 696 210 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.1 EB NO.3 527 176 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.1 EB NO.4 412 171 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.5 639 237 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.6 261 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No.7 638 479 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.8 473 41 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.2 EB No. 9 412 23 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 10 839 285 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 11 283 131 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 12 426 243 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 13 880 270 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 14 458 69 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 15 389 132 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 16 987 520 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 17 497 73

286 APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL. SCI-IEIJUI,ED CASTESANDSCI-IEIJULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN I/LOCK II'ISE Location Name of (own Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Schcdulcu Code urban block / population Castes Tribes EB Dumber [)Q[2IlIaliolJ [)QIJltiiJlioIl 2 3 4 5 (j 7

43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 21 538 276 43806000 Kalh (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 22 382 69 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 23 407 48 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 24 345 91 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 25 377 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 26 364 120 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 27 367 12 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 28 464 273 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 29 1,101 185 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 30 556 66 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 31 523 290 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 32 681 188 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 33 952 155 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 34 904 288 43806000 Rath (NPl') Ward No. 10 EB No. 35 432 122 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 36 915 218 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 10 EB No. 37 611 128 43806000 Rath (NPl') Ward No. 10 EB No. 38 746 186 43S06000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 39 490 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No. 40 578 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 11 EB No.41 762 408 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 42 567 105 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 43 276 109 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 44 584 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 12 EB No. 45 601 200 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 46 758 357 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No, 13 EB No. 47 436 197 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 48 651 107 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No,49 373 94 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 50 764 341 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No, 51 538 110 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No, 14 EB No, 52 327 130 43806000 Ruth (NPP) Ward No, 14 EB No,53 501 76 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 54 1,012 503 114 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 14 EB No. 55 351 174 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 56 735 202 43806000 Rath (Nl'P) Ward No, 15 EB No. 57 531 310 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No, 15 EB No. 58 691 21 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 59 871 20 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No, 16 EB No. 6Q 668 175 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No, 61 373 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB NO,62 497 29 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 16 EB No. 63 561 57 22 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 64 519 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 65 738 105 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 66 481 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 67 373 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 68 558 X3 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 69 759 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No, 18 EB No. 1'0 897 6 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 11 505 46 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No, 19 EB No. T2 639 136 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No, T3 693 5 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 74 523 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 75 827 197 43806000 Ralh (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 76 584 38

287 APPENDIX TO DISTHICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTHACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA T/ON - URBAN BLOCK WISE Location Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Schedule Schedule Code urban block I populatio d Castes d Tribes EB number n populatio populatio

2 :3 4 5

43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 73 693 5 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 74 523 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 75 827 197 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 76 584 38 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 77 779 55 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 78 574 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 79 424 47 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 80 552 13 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 81 1,067 21 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 82 613 13 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 83 582 4 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 84 738 63 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 85 705 86 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 86 327 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 87 840 2 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 88 386 13 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 23 EB No. 89 636 27 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 90 447 19 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 24' EB No. 91 254 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 92 592 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 93 836 26 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 94 567 7 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 95 331 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 96 387 43806000 Rath (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 97 360 4 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.1 382 87 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.1 EB No.2 330 64 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.1 EB NO.3 592 244 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.4 491 197 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.5 588 273 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.6 747 253 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.2 EB NO.7 597 245 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.3 EB NO.8 587 171 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 9 438 43 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.3 EB No. 10 301 72 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 11 269 52 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 12 361 163 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No.13 212 32 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 14 397 138 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 15 377 188 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.4 EB No. 16 303 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 17 441 194 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.5 EB No. 18 801 11 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward NO.5 EB No. 19 301 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 20 246 80 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 21 749 259 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.6 EB No. 22 565 85 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward NO.6 EB No. 23 508 105 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward NO.7 EB No. 24 858 173 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.7 EB No. 25 99 1 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 26 235 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 27 478 50 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.8 EB No. 28 309 167 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 29 435 206 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No.9 EB No. 30 293 71

288 API)ENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCIIEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URI1AN BrOCK IVISE LocatIon Name of town Name of ward Boundaries of Total Scheduled Scheduled Code urban block / population Castes Trihe:-- EB Dumber I)QDlliallon DQDI da I ion 2 3 4 5 6 7 .

43807000 Maudaha (N!'P) Ward No. 12 ED No. 37 206 13 43807000 Maudaha eN!'p) Ward No. 12 EB No. 38 564 113 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 34 610 44 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 13 EB No. 39 439 13 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 13 ED No. 40 438 R4 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 14 ED No. 41 750 143 43807000 Maudaha (NP!') Ward No. 14 ED No. 42 544 29 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 15 EB No. 43 990 367 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 15 ED No. 44 461 50 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 15 ED No. 45 482 (j 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 15 ED No. 46 490 80 43807000 Maudaha (N!'P) Ward No. 16 EB No. 47 891 14 43807000 Maudaha (N!'P) Ward No. 17 ED No. 48 575 70 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 49 301 (1 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 17 ED No. 50 884 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 17 EB No. 51 281 70 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 52 481 .~ 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 18 EB No. 53 510 49 43807000 Maudaha (Nl'P) Ward No. 19 EB No. 54 601 39 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 19 EB No. 55 547 54 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 20 E13 No. 56 213 II 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 20 EB No. 57 684 12 43807000 Maudaha (NPl') Ward No. 20 EB No. 58 460 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 59 435 21 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 21 EB No. 60 322 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 22 EB No. 61 850 43807000 Maudaha (Nl'P) Ward No. 22 EB No. 62 485 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 23 EI3 No. 63 768 8 43807000 Maudaha (NPl') Ward No. 23 EB No. 64 775 10 43807000 Maudaha (Nl'P) Ward No. 24 EB No. 65 685 48 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 24 EB No. 66 500 55 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 67 382 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Ward No. 25 EB No. 68 450 8




Location District! CD Block/ Total/ Number of households TotaLpopulation (including code Town Rural/ Population in the number with at least institutional and houseless Urban .. age-group o-() one population) Scheduled Caste Persons Males Females Persons Males Females member 2 3 4 5 (j 7 8 9 10

38 Illllllirpllr Totat 42,772 237,902 129,427 IOS,475 45,889 24.215 21,674 Rural 36.3'14 200,88'1 10'1,364 '11,525 38,'132 20,556 18,376 Urban 6,378 37,013 20,063 16,950 6,957 3,659 3,298 0408 Kurara Total 3,557 19,981 10.865 9.116 3.700 1.922 1.778 Rural 3,557 19,981 10.865 9,IIC) 3.70() 1.922 1.77H Urban 0409 SU1llCrpUr Total 5,700 31,198 16.965 14.233 6.260 3.325 2,935 Rural 5,700 31,198 16.965 14.233 6.2(JO 3.325 2,935 Urban 0410 Sarila Total 4,522 25,520 13.936 11.584 4.994 2.6()() 2,388 Rural 4,522 25.520 13,936 11.584 4,994 2.606 2.388 Urban 0411 Gohand Total 5,005 27,270 14,751 12.519 S.IOS 2.681 2.424 Rural 5,005 27,270 14.751 12,519 5.105 2.681 2.424 Urban 0412 Rath Total 4,950 27,147 14,819 12.328 5,138 2,734 2.4114 Rural 4,950 27,147 14,8 1'1 12,328 5,138 2.734 2.4()4 Urban 0413 Muskara Total 4,683 25,797 14.033 11.764 4.951 2.634 2 . .117 Rural 4,683 25,7Y7 14,033 11,764 4.'151 2,634 2,317 Urban 0414 Maudaha Total 7,977 43,976 23,995 19,981 8.784 4,654 4.130 Rural 7,977 43,976 23,995 19,981 8,784 4.654 4.130 Urban URBAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 768 4,293 2.347 1,946 840 451 389 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Urban 904 5,127 2,809 2,318 863 465 398 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 1,233 7,293 3,912 3,381 1,471 778 6'13 43804000 Sarila (NP) Urban 416 2,073 1,129 944 364 192 172 43805000 Gohand (NP) Urban 314 1,726 949 777 279 140 139 43806000 Rath (NPP) Urban 1,812 10,984 5,911 5.073 2,026 1.052 974 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 931 5,517 3.006 2,511 1,114 581 533


Total/ District/ CD Glock/ Town Rural/ Literates Illiterates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

94,246 67,766 26,480 143,656 61,661 81,995 96,358 63,030 33,328 Total 11:lll1irptlf- 76,248 55,415 20,833 124,641 53,949 70,692 84,927 54,108 30,819 (tllrnl 17,998 12,351 5,647 19,015 7,712 11,303 11,431 8,922 2,509 Urhan 8,220 5,697 2,523 11,761 5,168 6,593 7,431 5,107 2,324 Total Kurara 8,220 5,697 2,523 11.761 5,168 6,593 7,431 5,107 2,324 Rural Urban 13,016 9,267 3,749 18,182 7,698 10,484 12,246 R,007 4,239 Total Surtlerpur 13,016 9,267 3,749 18,182 7,698 10,484 12,246 S,007 4,239 Rurdl Urban 8,705 6,482 2,223 16,815 7,454 9,361 11,940 7,235 4,705 Total Sarila 8,705 6,482 2,223 16,815 7,454 9,361 11,940 7,235 4,705 Rural Urban 10,865 7,959 2,906 16,405 6,792 9,613 12,926 7,502 5,424 Total Gohand 10,865 7,959 2,906 16,405 6,792 9,613 12,926 7,502 5,424 Rural Urban 9,688 7,231 2,457 17,459 7,588 9,871 I 1.438 7,613 3,825 Total Rath 9,688 7,231 2,457 17,459 7,588 9,871 11,438 7,613 3,825 Rural U,ban 9,774 7,142 2,632 16,023 6,891 9,132 10,842 6,943 3,899 Total Muska,-a 9,774 7,142 2,632 16,023 6,891 9,132 10,842 6,943 3,899 Rural Urban 15,980 11,637 4,343 27,996 12,358 15,638 18,104 11,701 6,403 Total Maudaha 15,980 11,637 4.343 27,996 12,358 15,638 18,104 11,701 6,403 Rural Urban URBAN 1,900 1,296 604 2,393 1,051 1,342 1.316 1,075 241 Urban Kurura (NP) 3,076 1,977 1,099 2,051 832 1,219 1,276 1,109 167 Urban Hami(1)ur (NPP) 3,418 2,360 1,058 3,875 1,552 2,323 2,461 1,839 622 Urban Sumcrpur (NP) 866 653 213 1,207 476 731 1,004 589 415 Urban Sarila (NP) ~79 575 204 947 374 573 768 473 295 Urban Gohand (NP) 5,403 3,715 1,688 5,581 2,196 3,385 3,155 2,660 495 Urban Ruth (NPP) 2,556 1,775 781 2,961 1,231 1,730 1,451 1,177 274 Urban Maudaha (NPP)


Location District! CD Block! Total! Industrial category code Town Rurall number Urban Main workers Cultivators Agri<.;ultural Inhllur<.;r~

Persons Males Females Pcrs()ll~ Males Females Persolls Males FClllail:s 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2<'1

3M lIamirpur Tolal 59,218 48,671 10,547 17,570 14,916 2,654 24,556 18.601 5,955 Rural 51,261 41,708 9,553 16,979 14,418 2,561 23,417 17,761 5,656 Urhan 7,957 6,963 994 591 498 93 1,139 84() 299 0408 Kumla Tolal 4,837 3,929 908 1,837 1,550 287 2,130 1.611 519 Rural 4,837 3,929 908 1,837 1,550 287 2,130 1.611 519 Urban 0409 Sumerpur Tolal 7,221 6,014 1,207 2,353 1,987 )66 2,434 1,8 II (,2) Rural 7,221 6.014 1,207 2,353 1,987 366 2,434 1.811 623 Urban 0410 Sarila Total 7.100 5/,29 1.4 71 2,440 1,996 444 3.225 2.387 838 Rural 7,100 5,629 1,471 2,440 1.996 444 3,225 2.387 838 Urban 0411 Gahand Total 7,211 5,767 1,444 2,251 1.834 417 3,519 2,680 831) Rural 7,211 5.767 1.444 2,251 1,834 417 },519 2,680 839 Urban 0412 Ralh Total 7,504 6,048 1,456 2,432 1,983 449 3,736 2.929 S07 Rural 7,504 6,048 1,456 2,432 1,983 449 3,7J6 2.929 S07 Urban 0413 Muskara Total 5,946 5,004 942 1,818 1,675 143 2,750 2.091 659 Rural 5.946 5,004 942 1,818 1,675 143 2,750 2,091 659 Urban 0414 Maudaha Tolal 11,442 9,317 2,125 3,848 3,393 455 5,623 4,252 U71 Rural 11,442 9,317 2,125 3,R4R 3,393 455 5,623 4,252 1.371 Urban URBAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 946 851 95 126 120 6 186 147 39 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Urban 1,119 996 123 24 22 2 10 10 43803000 Sumcrpur (NP) Urban 1,355 1,230 125 80 72 II 177 164 13 43804000 Sarila (NP) Urban 775 554 221 151 105 46 341 206 135 43805000 Gahand (NP) Urban 326 254 72 92 74 18 127 91 36 43806000 Rath (N?p) Urban 2,349 2,101 248 84 74 10 251 187 64 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 1,087 977 110 34 31 3 47 35 12


of main workers Total/ District! CD Block/ Town Rural/ Marginal workcrs Urban Houschold induSlIY workcrs Othcr workers

~crsolls Males Fcmalcs Pcrsons Malcs Females Pcrsons Males Femalcs

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

2,369 2,010 359 14,723 13,144 1,579 37,140 14,359 22,781 To!al Ilamirpur 2,026 1,719 307 8,839 7,810 1,029 33,666 12,400 21,266 Rural 343 291 52 5,884 5,334 550 3,474 1,959 1,515 Urban 133 106 27 737 662 75 2,594 1,178 1,416 Tolal KUlara 133 106 27 737 662 75 2,594 1,ln 1,416 Rural Urban 211 189 22 2,223 2,027 196 5,025 1,993 3,032 Tolal SUlllclvur 211 189 22 2,223 2,027 196 5,025 1,993 3,032 Rural Urban 392 358 34 1,043 888 ISS 4,840 1,606 3,234 To!al Sarila 392 358 34 1,043 8K8 155 4,840 1,606 3,234 Ruml Urban 411 333 78 1,030 920 110 5,715 1,735 3,980 To!al Gohand 411 333 78 1,030 920 110 5,715 1,735 3,980 Rural Urban 316 268 48 1,020 868 152 3,934 1,565 2,369 To!al Ra!h 316 268 48 1,020 868 152 3,934 1,565 2,369 RUial U,ban 276 243 33 1,102 995 107 4,896 1,939 2,957 To!al Muskar" 276 243 33 1,102 995 107 4,896 1,939 2,957 Rural Urban 287. 222 65 1,684 1,450 234 6,662 2,384 4,278 Total Mauuaha 287 222 65 1,684 1,450 234 6,662 2,384 4,278 Rural Urban URBAN 61 55 6 573 529 44 370 224 146 Urban Kurara (NP) 17 13 4 1,068 951 117 157 113 44 Urban Halllirpur(NPP) 84 69 15 1,014 925 89 1,106 609 497 Urban SUlllcrpur (NP) 41 32 9 242 211 31 229 35 194 Urban Sarila (NP) 28 19 9 79 70 9 442 219 223 Urban Gohand (NP) 39 35 4 1,975 1,805 170 806 559 247 Urban Ra!h (NPP) 73 68 5 933 843 90 364 200 164 Urban Maudaha (NPP)


Location DislricU CD Block/Town Total/ Industrial catcgory of marginal workcrs code Rural! number Urban Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workcrs

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4(,

38 Hamirpur Total 4,203 839 3,364 27,289 9,947 17,342 1,1167 463 (,04 RIII'al 4,063 794 3,269 25,732 9,292 16,44() 910 JHH S22 Urhan 140 4S 95 1,557 655 902 157 ·75 ~2 0408 Kurara Total 173 34 139 2,129 933 1,196 23 7 16 Rural 173 34 139 2,129 933 1,196 23 7 16 Ulban 0409 Sumcrpur Total 609 154 455 3,482 1,205 2,277 99 47 52 Rural 609 154 455 3,482 1,205 2,277 99 47 52 Urban 0410 Sarila Total 887 165 722 3,525 1,217 2,308 14X 55 93 Rural 887 165 722 3,525 1.217 2.308 148 55 93 Urban 0411 Gahand Total 625 94 531 4,521 1,357 3,IM 191 90 101 RUial '625 94 531 4,521 1,357 3,164 191 90 101 Urban 0412 Rath Total 366 62 304 3,164 1,324 1,840 163 51 112 Rural 366 62 304 3,164 1,324 1,840 163 51 112 Urban I D413 Muskara Total 376 79 297 4,018 1,528 2,490 144 73 71 Rural 376 79 297 4,018 1,528 2,490 144 73 71 Urban 0414 Maudaha Total 1,027 206 821 4,893 1,728 3,165 142 65 77 Rural 1,027 206 821 4,893 1,728 3,165 142 65 77 Urban URBAN 43801000 Kurara (NP) Urban 39 24 15 161 65 96 12 3 9 (, I 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Urban 3 3 12 8 4 7 I 43803000 Sumerpur (NP) Urban 13 5 568 211 357 72 41 J 43804000 SarHa (NP) Urban 39 4 35 15\1 24 135 3 3 10 43805000 Gohand (NP) Urban 30 6 24 364 186 178 15 5 43806000 Rath(NPP) Urban 6 I 5 200 115 85 18 8 10 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) Urban 10 2 8 93 46 47 30 12 18


Tolal! Di~trict! CD Block! Town Location Rural! codc Non-workers Urban lllllllhcr Other workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 5 I 52 3 2

4,581 3,110 1,471 141,544 66,397 75,147 Total lIalllirp'"- 38 2,961 1,926 1,035 115,962 55,256 60,706 Rural 1,620 1,184 436 25,582 11,141 14,441 Urhan 269 204 65 12.550 5,758 6,792 Tolal Kurara 040S 269 204 65 12.550 5,758 6,792 Rural Urban 835 587 248 18.952 8.958 9,994 Total Sumerpur 0409 835 587 248 18.952 8,958 9,994 Rural Urban 280 169 III 13.580 6,701 6,879 Tolal Sarila 0410 280 169 III 13_580 6.701 6.879 Rural Urban 378 194 184 14,344 7.249 7,095 Total Guhand 0411 378 194 184 14.344 7.249 7,095 Rural Urban 241 128 113 15,709 7,206 8,503 Total Rath 0412 241 128 113 15.709 7,206 8.503 Rural Urban 358 259 99 14.955 7.090 7.865 Total Muskara 0413 358 259 99 14,955 7.090 7.865 Rural Urban 600 385 215 25.872 12,294 13,578 TOlal Maudaha 0414 600 385 215 25,872 12,294 13,578 Rural Urban URBAN 158 132 26 2.977 1.272 1,705 Urban Kurara (NP) 43801000 135 99 36 3,851 1,700 2,151 Urban Hamirpur (N PP) 43802000 453 349 104 4,832 2,073 2,759 Urban Sumerpur (NP) 43803000 28 7 21 1,069 540 529 Urban Sarila (NP) 4380400(1 33 22 II 958 476 482 Urban Gohand (NP) 43805000 582 435 147 7,829 3,251 4.578 Urban Rath (NPP) 43806000 231 140 91 4.066 1,829 2.237 Urban Maudaha (NPP) 43807000



Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Number 01 codc houscholds Total population (including Rural! Population III thc with at least institutional and houselcs, numbcr Urban age-group 0-(, onc population) Scheduled Trihc Pcrsons Malcs FCl11alcs Person'i Males FCl11alc'i 2 3 5 6 7 X 9 10

38 lIalllirpur Total 211 166 '13 7:J SO 2X 22 Rural I 5 2 J Urban 27 161 91 70 SO 2X 22 0413 Muskara Total 5 2 3 Rural 2 Urban URBAN 43802000 Hamirpur (NPP) Urban 4 21 13 8 4 4 43803000 SUlllcrpur (NP) Urban 4 2 2 43806000 Rath (NPP) Urban 22 136 76 60 42 24 18


Total/ District/ CD I3I(lck/ Tuwll Rural! Litcrates III iterates Total workers Urban

'~WSOIlS Males Females Persolls Males Females Persolls Males Females

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

23 21 2 143 72 71 91 52 39 -Ioiat Ilami,-pllr 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 RII.-al 21 19 140 72 68 86 50 36 LJrhan 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 Total Musk,lIa 2 2 3 3 5 2 Rliial Ud""1 lJIWi\N 4 4 17 9 () 5 til!>,II) Ilal1111pLlI (NPP) 2 2 2 2 Ulhan SUl11clpur(NP) 15 13 2 121 (,J 58 80 45 J5 llt hall Ralh (Nf'P)


Location District! CD Block/ Town Total/ Industrial category codc Rural! number Urban Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21{

38 lIamirpur Total IS 9 6 Rural Urban 15 9 6 0413 Muska,a Total Rural Urban URI3AN 43802000 I-Iamirpur (NPP) Urban (, 43803000 Sumcrpur (NP) Urban 43806000 Rath (NPP) U,ban 9 4 5


of main workers Totall District! OJ 1310ckl Towil Rural! Marginnl \Vorkers Urban Household industry workers Othcr workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Feillaics ~~~------~------29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

9 4 5 6 5 76 43 33 Total Ilamiqlllr 5 2 3 Rural 9 4 5 6 5 71 41 30 Urhan 5 2 3 Total Muskala 5 2 3 Rural Urban URBAN (, U.ban Ilamirpu. (NPI') Urban Su.ncrpu. (NP) 9 4 71 41 30 lJ. ball Ralh (NPP)


Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Industrial catcgory o("lllarginal workers code Rural! number Urban Ilollsci1old industry Cultivators Agncultural labourers workers

Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Persolls Males r'eillaies

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

3R lI11mirpur Total 'i 2 Rural 5 2 Urban 11411 Muskara Tolal 5 2 3

I\.Un:11 5 2 Urban URBAN 43802000 Hanmpur (NPP) Urban 43X()30()() Sumerpur (NP) Urban 43806000 Ralh(NPP) Urban

302 FOR SC111m ULim TRIBES

Total! DIstrict! CD l3\ock! Town Locatioll I~ural/ code NOll-workers Other workers Urball number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

71 41 30 75 41 34 Total lIamirp'''· 38 Rural 71 41 30 75 41 34 Urhan Total Muskara 0413 Rural Urban URUAN 15 8 7 U,ban Hallllrpur (NPP) 43802000 4 2 2 Urban SUlllcrpUi (NI') 43~()3()OO 71 41 30 56 31 25 Urban RaIl! (Nf'P) 43806000




VILLAGE PRIMARY C () Block - Total population (including Localion Area of institutional and houselcss Population III the eode Village in Number of populatilJII) age-group ()-(, number Name of Village hectares ho u seh 0 I ds -;:I'-er-s-o-n-s--1..:..::J.:-':-'-''''ll:':'es:':':':''--:-:F-e-lll-a-:-1M e-'s-' Person, Males Fenwles 2 3 4 5 6 7 x <) I ()

040H Kurara (Total) 44,061.4 15,112 90,573 48,S27 41,746 16.6JO H,SH9 H,041 040H Kurara (Rural) 44,061.4 15,112 90,S73 48,827 41,74(, 16,6JO X,5X9 8,041 040S Kurara (Urhau) Ku,'ara (Rural) 04665400 Manki Khurd 4367 202 1.118 591 527 230 112 118 ()4665500 Manki K~!an 441.1 187 1.292 698 594 2(,0 142 11 X 04665600 Uillrahal 786.1 201 1.226 646 580 217 104 I 13 04665700 lIaraulipur 306.8 77 550 311 239 111 5X 53 04665800 Misnpur 342.4 318 2,0 15 1,102 913 348 In 170 0';665900 Nillll 1.1700 5 37 16 21 R 2 6 04666000 Simla 218.5 125 669 357 312 141 71 70 04666100 Barua 508.3 214 1.242 667 57S 251 13l) 112 04666200 Siwni 587.2 392 2,450 1,302 1.148 ~()4 IR'! 215 04666300 Todarpur 421.3 171 1,116 565 551 22(, 102 124 04666400 Pach Khura 156.6 180 1.067 580 487 18(, 109 77 04666500 Shilri 206.8 62. 324 179 145 52 27 25 04666600 Bllo13 567.9 317 1,751 895 856 313 152 1(,1 04666700 Shankerpur 22l.8 106 738 395 343 134 (,5 (,9 04666800 Raghwa 4954 150 918 492 426 187 88 99 04666900 Bachrauli 1,531.0 539 3,491 1.901 1.590 651 355 2'16 04667000 Narsara 223.0 ------Un-inhablled------04667100 Kotllpur 161.1 45 309 170 139 S8 34 24 04667200 Patia . 81.8 24 146 82 64 34 14 20 04667300 Shauli Daria 208.3 ------Un-inhabiled------04667400 Jamrehi Teer Danda 106.0 65 449 227 222 112 50 62 04667500 Jamrehi Teer Daria 279.2 ------Un-inhabiled------04667600 Bhauli Danda' 666.7 463 2,847 1,528 1,319 499 241 258 04667700 Chak Jamrehi Teer 21.0 ------U n -i n ha bi 1ed ------04667800 Jamrehi Upar 279.2 155 942 484 458 169 79 90 04667900 Shekhoopur 837.3 369 2,065 1,089 976 329 174 155 04668000 Abdullapur 96.7 ------Un-inhabited------04668100 Bhalpura Daria 99.5 ------Un-inhabited------04668200 Bhalpura Danda 369.9 319 1,943 1,016 927 419 219 2()O 04668300 Sikrohi Daria 176.9 ------Un-inhabitcd------04668400 Sikrohi Danda 1,424.0 495 2,822 1,512 1,310 50S 254 251 04668500 Nachaut 244.0 ------Un -i n ha b i ted ------04668600 Kusmara l.283.0 591 3.507 1.865 1.642 735 377 358 04668700 Chandupur Danda 551.2 286 1,601 881 720 325 183 142 04668800 Chandupur Daria 147.8 ------Un-inhabiled------04668900 Manjhoopur Daria 47.0 ------Un-inhabiled------04669000 Badanpur 363.4 92 522 275 247 100 48 52 04669100 Kanauta Danda 701.8 305 1,793 1,014 779 358 202 156 04669200 Gimuha Danda 291.8 153 924 526 398 120 6X 52 04669300 Rithaura Daria 49.4 ------Un-i nha b i1 ed ------04669400 Rilhaura Danda 225.4 106 566 300 266 86 53 33 04669500 Gimuha Daria 64.8 ------U n -i n ha b i ted ------04669600 Kanauta Daria 111.0 ------Un-i n h a bi ted ------04669700 Manjhoopur Danda 441.0 138 825 434 391 178 75 103 04669800 13hilawa Danda 48.2 183 984 528 451'> 160 88 72 04669900 Bhilawa Daria 38.0 ------Un-I n ha bit ,,,1-· ------.-- 04670000 Merapur Danda 371.7 420 2.513 1,332 1.181 465 226 2J9 04670100 Merapur Daria 256.6 ------Un-inhabllt"I------··-- 04670200 Rameri Danda 603.8 617 3,379 1.778 1.601 (J09 2X7 04670300 Rameli Daria 389.3 ------Un -i n habll'"I-----. -.. ----- 04670400 Kutubpur 641.5 303 2,058 1,12] 935 397 195 202 04670500 Bamhanpur 188.6 37 268 164 104 56 }6 20 04670600 Kharaunj 654.8 135 2,139 1,151 988 352 16] IX9 04670700 Kurara Rural 293.3 253 1,606 829 777 1·13 162 04670800 DameI' 143.9 312 1,719 975 744 143 118 04670900 Sarsai 471.4 195 1,256 656 6()~) 137 119 04671000 Kusauli 404.3 89 479 261 218 .1) 34


Schedulcd Castes ropuation Scheduled Trtbes porulatiol1 Literates Persons Mnlcs Fcmales Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Name or Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 19,981 10,865 9,116 J9,8JO 26,947 12,8XJ Kurara (Total) 19,'J81 111,865 'J,116 39,830 26,947 12,883 I(urara (Rural) KIII'ara (Urhan) 1(lIrara (Rural) 309 167 142 503 340 I (d Manki Khuld 388 222 166 508 374 134 Manki Kalan 36 24 12 370 271 9'J Ulllrahal 21 13 8 285 190 95 Iialaulipur 710 392 318 926 632 294 MlslipUi 14 10 4 Nlrlll 281 208 73 SlIllra 201 108 93 612 421 I'} I (3arua 770 413 357 1.207 826 381 51wni 365 185 180 532 342 1'10 TodarpUi 66 37 29 429 315 114 Pach Khura 245 139 106 181 119 62 Bhilri 150 80 70 716 SOl 215 Bilnla 245 126 119 332 234 98 Shankclpul 315 163 152 330 227 103 Raghwa 866 466 400 1,315 942 373 Bachraull ------Un-inhabllcd------Natsala 69 55 14 KOlupur 18 18 Palia ------Un -i nha b ilea ------Bhallii Daria 13 8 5 91 63 28 Jallllchi Teer Danda ------Un-inhabilcd------Jamrehl Teer Daria 260 156 104 1,551 995 556 Bhauli Danda ------Un-inhabilcd------Chak Jalllrchi Teer 194 96 98 540 348 192 Jamrehi Upar 429 208 221 1,086 710 376 Shckhoopur ------Un-inhabilcd------Abdullapur ------U n-i n ha b Ited ------Bhalpltla Dana 97 54 43 732 494 238 . Bhalpura Danda ------Un-i n ha b iled ------Sikrohi Daria 519 276 243 1,140 769 371 S ikrohi Danda ------U n -in It a bi led ------Nachaul 1,090 570 520 1,720 1,134 586 Kusmara 329 269 60 Chanaupur Danlla ------Un-inllabilcd------Chandupur Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------Manjhoopur Daria 156 I 17 39 Badanpur 250 143 107 589 426 163 Kanauta Danlla 210 121 89 415 310 105 GlIlluha Danda ------U II - i n ha b i(cd ------Rilhaura Daria 203 121 82 283 181 102 Rllhaura Danda ------Un-mhabilcd------Gil1ll1ha Daria ------U n -i n ha b iled ------Kanauta Daria 321 238 83 Manjho<'pur Danda 14 8 6 518 326 I'll Bhilawa Dandn ------Un-in hnbi lcd------BllIlawa Daria 416 223 193 989 658 331 McrapUi Danda ------U n- i n Iii, b I\ cd ------rvtcrapur Dat I" 606 318 288 1.614 1,025 589 Ramen Ddnda ------Un-Inhahllcd------f{,HllCI i Dana 260 149 III 1,001 682 319 Kulubpul 45 27 18 108 87 21 Bamlwilpur 516 283 233 1,050 696 354 K1IHrauIIJ 20 10 10 650 453 197 Kunlla Runt! 511 289 222 923 625 298 D.llner 273 138 135 562 3(,(, 19(> Sal "Ii 177 97 80 303 197 1(1(, KUSHUI,


Location eode III iterates Total w()rker~ Main workers number Name or Village Persons Males PemBles Persons Males Pellwlcs Persons Males Pcmales 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(1 27

0408 Kurara (Total) SO,743 21,880 28,863 32,271 2J,3S() 2l,S03 19,092 3,411 040S Klimra (Rural) SO,743 21,880 28,1163 32,271 2.1,:'110 22,503 19,1192 3,411 0408 Kllmra (Urban) Klirara (Rural) 04665400 Manki Khurd 615 251 } (,4 272 2(,2 10 258 249 l) 04665500 Manki Kalan 784 324 4(,0 600 360 240 258 184 74 04065600 Umrahal 856 375 481 457 32() 128 454 326 In 04665700 Haraulipur 265 121 !44 214 172 42 172 164 04665800 M isriplIr 1,089 470 61 ') 803 555 248 418 392 2(, 04665900 NIl11i 23 6 17 15 8 9 6 3 CJ4666000 Sin1l6 6 04666500 Bhitri 143 60 83 liS 80 35 52 16 04666600 Hilola 1,035 394 641 872 484 3~g 798 450 348 04666700 Shankerpur 406 161 245 344 184 160 25(, 1,9 117 04666800 Raghwal 588 265 323 36ti 23(, 130 245 196 49 04666900 Bachrauh 2,176 959 1.217 1.622 988 (134 1.434 937 497 04667000 Narsara ------Un-1nI1ab1Ied------04667 100 Kotupur 240 115 125 154 q2 62 74 67 7 04667200 Patia 128 64 64 71 45 26 34 29 5 04667300 Bhauli Daria ------L!n-inilabi led ------04667400 lamrehi Teer Danda 358 164 194 205 112 93 III 76 35 04667500 lamrehi Teer Daria ------Un-i n ila b i led ------04667600 Bhauli Danda 1,296 533 763 1,016 732 284 651 608 43 04667700 Chak lamrehi Teer ------Un-inhabiled------04667800 lamrehi Upar 402 136 2G6 461 256 205 255 201 54 04667900 Shekhoopur 979 379 600 840 562 278 714 505 209 04668000 Abdullapur ------U n -i 11 ha b i led ------04668100 Bhatpura Daria --~~~------U n -i n ha b i led ------44(, 04668200 Bhatpura Danda 1,211 522 689 811 499 312 359 X7 04668300 Sikrohi Daria ------U n -i n h a b i lcd ----~------157 04668400 Sikrohi Danda 1,682 743 939 1,130 788 342 870 713 04668500 Nachaut ------U n-i n ila b 1t cd ------78 04668600 Kusmara 1,787 731 1,056 1,218 88G 332 791 713 284 7 04668700 Chandupur Danda 1,272 612 660 451 365 86 291 04668800 Chandupur Daria ------Un-inhabiteJ------04668900 Manjhoopur Daria ------Un-inhabited------81 77 4 04669000 Badanpur 366 158 208 197 146 51 449 57 04669100 Kanauta Danda 1,204 588 616 816 488 328 500 247 32 04669200 Gimuha Danda 509 216 293 286 251 35 279 04669300 Rithaura Daria ------U n -1 n il a b i led ------204 158 46 04669400 Rithaura Danda 283 119 164 204 158 46 04669500 Gilllllha Daria ------U n -i n h ab i tcd ------04669600 Kanauta Daria ------Un-Inhabitcd------78 II 04669700 Manjhoopur Danda 504 196 308 262 206 56 89 242 224 18 04669800 Bhilawa Danda 466 202 2M 2S6 235 21 04669900 Bhilawa Daria ------Un-inhab,lcd------539 516 23 04670000 Mcrapur Danda 1,524 674 850 695 636 59 04670100 Mcrapur Daria ------UI1-inhab1Icd------441 37 04670200 Rameri Danda 1,765 753 1.0 I '2 852 768 R4 04670300 Rameri Daria ------Un-lIlhnhltcd------489 423 66 04670400 Kutubpur 1,057 441 616 645 468 177 59 54 5 04670500 Bamhanpur 160 77 83 97 74 23 296 567 484 83 04670600 Kharaunj 1.089 455 634 835 53'1 189 3(,3 353 10 04670700 Kurara Rural 956 376 5XO 568 37'1 67 370 350 20 04670800 Damer 796 350 446 512 445 98 293 280 13 04670900 Sarsai 694 290 404 412 314 28 79 69 10 04671000 Kusau" 176 64 112 127 99


Industrial category of malll workcrs Iiouscholu industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Othcr workers Persons Males Felllaies Persolls Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Pcrsolls Malcs Fcmalcs Namc of Villagc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 2

12,347 10,538 I,R09 5,765 4,531 1,234 415 353 62 3,<)76 J,670 J()() Kllrara (Tot:") 12,347 10,538 1,IW9 5,765 4,531 1,234 415 353 62 3,976 J,670 306 1(lIr"r" (RII,'al) 1(lIrara (Urha,,) Kllrar. ('~lIl'al) 120 119 104 96 5 5 29 29 Manki Khll1d 218 151 67 9 (, 5 3 2 26 24 2 Mankl Kala" 226 181 45 210 13 I 79 5 3 2 13 II 2 Unllahat 154 149 5 17 14 3 I H,lIaulirur 200 200 12(, lOS 21 II J XI 79 2 ivIi",pu, 5 4 I 2 2 I I Nirlll 169 10 I 9 5 4 5 21 20 Sjl11r~t 148 148 53 51 2 4 4 120 101 19 l3a,ua 445 393 52 68 40 28 14 12 2 45 35 In SiWlIl 88 86 2 124 106 18 5 5 16 13 ., oliarrul 165 159 6 I I 2 2 4 4 P,lch Khura 31 27 4 22 13 9 I 14 11 3 l3i1il,; 595 333 262 187 102 85 16 15 Gil"la 112 57 55 13R 77 61 6 5 Slw"kerpllI 88 80 8 74 48 26 9 5 4 74 6~ II Ragln\" 1,214 799 415 197 118 79 2 2 21 18 3 Buchrauh ····------Un-mhabilcd-·------Narsara 34 33 I 30 26 4 10 8 2 Kolupur II 9 2 23 20 3 Patia ------U n-m ha b i tcd ------Bhauli Daria 46 32 14 65 44 2 \ hmrehi Teer Danda ------U n-in ha b i Icd ------Jamrehi Teer Dana 447 423 24 75 65 10 33 29 4 96 91 5 Oh"uli Danda ------Un-inhabllcd------Chak Jamrehi Teer 214 168 46 10 6 4 2 2 29 27 2 Jamrehi Upar 442 327 115 168 81 87 5 5 99 92 7 Shekhoorur ------U11- in ha bi tcd ------Abdullapur ------Un-inhabiled------Bhatpura Daria 196 168 28 153 106 47 7 7 90 12 Bhalpura Danda ------Un-inhabitcd------Sikrohi Daria 432 389 43 293 187 106 10 10 135 127 8 Sib'oili Danda ------Un-in ha bi Icd ------Nachaut 445 397 48 82 69 13 40 38 2 224 2D9 15 Kusmam 88 88 22 22 5 5 176 169 7 Chandupur Dantia ------·------Un-inhabiled------Challdupur Daria ------Un-inhabilcd------Manjhoopur Dana 66 63 3 8 7 I 7 7 Badanpllr 76 72 4 300 280 20 20 13 7 110 84 26 Kanaula Danda 194 189 5 70 45 25 6 5 9 8 I Gimuha Danda ------Un -inhabi ted ------Rithaura Daria 76 73 3 88 55 33 21 16 5 19 14 5 R ilhaura Oanda ------1 Jn -inha b lIed ------Gimuha Daria ---.------Un-inha bit ed ------Kanauta Daria 79 68 II I 9 9 Manjhoopur Danda 32 28 4 2 2 2 206 193 13 Bllilall a Danda ------Ull-inhabilcd------Bhilawa Daria 144 138 6 226 215 II 16 14 2 153 14l) 4 M era pur Oanda ·-----·-----·Un·inhabiled------·-- M crapul Dana 75 71 4 70 60 10 7 1 326 303 2J Ramen Danda ------·--·---Un-;nhabitcd------·----- R;mcn Daria 239 198 41 108 95 13 2 2 140 12R 12 Kuluhpur 24 23 32 28 -l 3 3 13alnhanpul 384 329 55 127 103 24 5 50 47 3 Kharaunj 145 143 2 103 100 3 I 114 109 5 Kurara Rural 184 175 9 103 94 9 10 10 73 71 2 Dallier 116 113 114 116 II 5 50 47 3 Sat "at 42 40 2 20 16 2 2 15 II 4 KLI~auh

308 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C [) Block - Imlustrial category Location code Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name or Village Persons Males fcmalcs i'l:l'SllIlS J'yJalcs Fl:JJ1,dcs 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4~ 4~

0408 Kurara (Total) 9,768 4,2118 5,48H 1,309 321 988 (',772 2,77~ :1,99:1 040& Kurara (Hural) 9,768 4,2IJ& 5,480 1,309 321 988 (',772 2.77~ 3,'193 040& Kurara (U I"IUlIl) Kur..ra (Hunll) 04665400 Manki Khurd 14 13 1 I I 11 10 I 04665500 Mankl Kalan 342 176 166 13 4 <) 320 I () 7 153 04665600 Umrahal 3 3 04665700 Haraulipur 42 8 34 39 8 31 04665800 Misripul 385 163 222 9 33!: 138 lOll

04665900 Nil11i (, 2 4 5 1 4 04666000 Slml~l 94 49 45 4 2 2 (,2 26 :16 04666100 Barud 222 38 184 14 3 11 5<) 51 04666200 Siwnl 300 113 187 67 5 62 222 101 121 04666300 Todarpur 171 65 106 3 3 123 J(I '13 04666400 Pach Khllra Z7 24 3 I 24 21 3 04666500 Bhilri 47 28 19 3 44 28 16 04666600 Flilota 74 34 40 20 8 12 53 25 28 04666700 Shankcrpur 88 '15 43 18 10 S 70 35 35 \)466()8()() Ragl\wa 12\ 4() 8l 68 l5 53 35 14 21 04666900 Bachralili IS8 SI 137 3 3 185 51 134 04667000 Narsara ------Un-inhabited------04667100 Kotupllr 80 25 55 12 5 7 6S 18 47 04667200 Patia 37 16 2l 2 1 35 15 20 04667300 Bhalili Daria ------Un-inllabited------04667400 Jamrehi Teer Danda 94 36 58 1 1 93 35 58 04667500 Jamrehi Teer Daria ------Un-inhabited------04667600 Bhalili Danda 365 124 241 22 10 12 335 108 227 04667700 Chak Jamrehi Teer ------Un-inllabited------04667800 Jamrehi Upar 20G 55 151 57 15 42 143 35 108 04667900 Shckhoopur 126 57 69 31 7 24 91 47 44 04668000 Abdullapur ------Un -inhabi ted ------04668100 Bhatpura Daria ------U n-i n ha bi tcd ------04668200 Bhatpura Danda 365 140 225 118 28 90 19.' 81 112 04668300 Sikrohi Daria ------Un-inhabilcd------04668400 Sikrohi Danda 260 75 185 149 25 124 80 23 57 04668500 Naehaut ------Un-inhabited------04668600 Kusmara 427 1'J3 254 106 29 77 200 33 167 04668700 Chandupur Oanda 160 81 79 4 3 93 29 M 04668800 Chandnpur Daria ------Un-inhabited------04668900 Manjhoopur Daria ------U n -inhabi tcd ------04669000 Badanpur 116 69 47 04669100 Kanauta Oanda 310 39 271 7 5 2 230 18 212 04669200 Gimuha Oanda 7 4 4 3 04669300 Rithaura Daria ------U n-i nimbi I cd ------04669400 Rithaura Danda 04669500 Gimuha Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------04669600 Kanaula Daria ------Un-inhabilcd------04669700 Manjhoopur Danda 173 1:28 45 23 23 6 04669800 Bhilawa Danda 14 II 3 2 4 04669900 Bhilawa Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------04670000 Mempur Danda 156 120 36 11 10 123 lOr, 17 04670100 Mcrapur Dana ------Un-inhabitcd------04670200 Rameri Oanda 374 327 47 7 7 48 04670300 Rameri Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------,-- 04670400 KUlubpur 156 45 111 85 11 74 50 22 2R 04670500 Bamhanpur 38 20 18 38 20 18 04670600 Kharaunj 268 55 213 37 7 30 228 45 183 04670700 Kumra Rural, 205 26 179 10 7 3 191 17 174 43 04670800 Dam.:r 142 95 47 4 3 131 88 04670900 Sarsal 119 34 85 17 17 IO() 34 66 04671000 Kusauli 4H 30 18 3 36 25 11

309 PRIMARY CENSUS f\BSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kurara of marginal workers I,(]catioll Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fel11"les Name of Village numbel 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

115 44 71 1,572 1,144 428 58,302 25,447 :12,855 Klfrar" (Total) 040S 115 44 71 1,572 1,144 428 58,302 25,447 31,855 Klfrara (1{lIral) 0408 1(lIrara (lirhall) 040R KIII'"r" (Rllral) 2 2 846 329 517 Mankt Khuld 04665400 9 5 692 338 354 Manki Kalan ()4(,6550() 2 2 769 317 452 Ulllrahat \)4 (,656()() 336 139 197 Hal,wlipur ()4 (J(;S 700 5 2 33 18 15 1,212 S47 665 ivtisnplll ()466580() I 22 8 14 NII'I1I 0466590() 7 6 21 20 371 177 194 SU111<1 \)46660()() 8 8 141 27 114 695 325 370 Bartla 04666100 II 7 4 1.578 709 Rli9 Sl\\'nl 04666200 4 2 2 41 30 II 712 290 422 Tnd,lIl'ur 04666300 2 2 868 390 478 Pach KhUla 046(,(J4()l) 209 99 t I 0 l3hi~1! 0466(,5011 879 411 46R Btlnla 046M60() 394 211 183 Shankcrpur 0466670() 17 II 552 256 296 Ragh\\'a 0466(,XOO 1,869 913 956 l3aclllaull 04666900 . ------Un-inlJabitcd------Narsm" 04667000 321 155 78 77 KOlupur 04667100 75 37 38 Pat;a 04667200 ------Un-inllabited------Blmuli Daria 04667300 244 115 129 Jalllrchi Teer Danda 04667400 ------Un-inhabited------Jalllrchi Teer Daria 04667500 2 2 6 6 1,831 796 1,035 Bhauli Danda 04667600 ------Un-inl1ubitcd------Chak Jamrchi Tecr 04667700 651 481 228 253 Jal1l1chi Upal 04667800 3 3 1,225 S27 698 Shckhoopul 046(71)00 ------Un-inl1abited------Ahduliapul 04668000 ------Un-inhabitcd------Bhatpllra Oat ia 04668100 6 5 48 30 18 1,132 517 615 BhatplIra Danda 04668200 ------Un-inhabited------Sikrohi Daria 04668300 31 27 4 1,692 724 968 Sikrohl Danda 04668400 ------Un-inhabited------Nachaut 04668500 3 2 118 109 9 2,289 979 1,310 Kusmara 04668600 63 51 12 1,150 516 634 Ciwndllpur Danda 04668700 ------Un-inhabitcd------Chandupur Daria 04668800 ------Un-inllabited------Manjhoopur Daria 04668900 116 69 47 325 129 I 96 Badan pur 04669000 15 2 58 14 44 977 526 451 Kal1auta Danda 0466')100 3 3 638 275 363 Gillluha Danda 04669200 ------Un-i n ha b i ted ------Rllhaura Daria 0466930() 362 142 220 Rithaura Danda 0466c}400 ------Un-inhabitcd------Gimuha Datia 04(,(1c}500 ------Un -in h a b i ted------Kanauta Daria 0466

310 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY CD nlock- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houscless Population in the code Villagc in Numbcr of ~o~ulation) age-grou~ 0-6 numbcr Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males FClllaks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !.} 10 04671100 Bainsa Pali 588.4 218 1,338 718 620 229 120 109 04671200 Jakh'cla 602.0 208 1,148 646 502 194 107 87 04671300 Tikollahar 304.3 ------Un-inhabllcd- 0467J400 Rithari 229.8 241 1,460 809 651 267 147 120 04671500 Chakolhi 397.8 194 1,1 U} 6U4 499 194 101 93 04671600 Lahcra 517.2 264 1,596 855 741 324 177 147 04671700 Gujraura 644.3 81 452 242 210 66 36 30 04671800 Kharchla 155.0 80 488 254 234 94 50 44 04671900 Kariapur 498.6 67 380 213 167 75 }(, 39 0467200U Kakrau 353.7 289 1,547 869 678 242 131 1\1 04672100 Bcri 1,345.0 830 4,898 2.669 2.229 913 4RR 425 04672200 Rani Ganj 873.3 ------Un-inhabited------.. - 04672300 Billdpuri 633.3 54 383 220 163 74 36 38 0467240U Gulab Ganj 324.6 30 162 87 75 21 10 II 04672500 Dcbiganj 451.2 126 833 451 382 142 75 ('7 04672600 Ind Puri 555.3 76 493 276 217 99 47 52 04672700 Baije [s[ampur 627.3 69 452 249 203 83 39 44 04672800 Magrcdi 349.7 ------Un-inhabiled------04672900 Jalla 419.3 188 1,256 660 596 282 139 143 04673000 Para 1,256.0 .l88 2,236 1,251 985 36R 217 151 04673100 Kandaur Danda 1,136.0 283 1,804 1,005 799 258 129 129 04673200 Kandaur Daria 196.2 ------Un-inl\abiled------04673300 Palara Danda 3,822.0 958 5,905 3,180 2,725 1.165 600 565 04673400 Jhalokher 743.4 800 4,452 2,384 2,068 777 404 373 04673500 Nalhi Danda 242.8 72 521 288 233 87 48 39 04673600 Palara Daria 241.6 ------Un-inhabilcd------04673700 Nalhi Daria 168.9 ------Un-inhabited------


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons I'vlales Females Name or Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

384 217 167 670 457 213 Bail\~a Pail 418 243 175 5S0 394 186 lakhcla ------Un-Ill habllcd ------Tikonalwf 460 249 211 742 493 249 Rilh",i 414 235 179 473 331 142 Chakolhi 390 208 182 831 552 279 Lahera 155 83 72 243 164 79 Gujlaultl 186 96 90 141 101 40 Kha."Chla 47 30 17 170 121 49 Kariapur 573 326 247 725 498 227 Kahau 1,276 684 592 2,140 IA08 732 Beri ------Un-Illhabited------Rani Gani 109 60 49 105 80 25 Bindpuli 81 44 37 49 34 15 Gulab Ganj 165 84 81 396 250 146 Dcbiganj 9 4 5 77 65 12 Ind Puri 15 10 5 256 167 89 Baije 1~la111pllr ------U II-In ha b i l cd ------Magrc(h 277 146 131 509 324 185 lalla 745 422 323 RR6 606 280 Para 456 252 204 853 566 287 Kandaur Danda ------Un-illhabited------Kandaur Daria 1,386 751 635 2,149 1,480 669 Patara Danda 1,452 78! 671 2,296 1,498 798 lhalokher 193 110 83 240 164 76 Nathi Danda ------Un-inhabiled------Palara Daria ------Un-illhabitcd------Nathi Daria


Location codc Illiterates Tolal workers Main wOlh:rs Ilumber Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(> 27 2S 04671100 Bamsa Pali 668 261 407 378 334 44 316 301 15 04671200 lakhcla 568 252 31(, 320 304 16 319 304 15 04671300 Tikonahar ------lln-inhahiled------04671400 Rilhari 718 31(, 402 530 418 112 417 381 36 04671500 Chakolhi 630 273 357 336 282 54 228 221 7 04671600 Lahcra 765 303 462 540 375 1(,) 216 20(, 10 01671700 Gujraura 209 78 131 ISS 130 2R 118 lOt) 9 04671800 Kharcilta 347 153 194 203 130 73 77 76 I 04671900 Kariapur 210 92 118 130 116 14 83 SO 3 04672000 Kakrau 822 371 451 478 439 39 281 277 4 04672100 Beri 2,758 1,261 1,497 2,102 1,442 (,(,0 1,713 1_32(, 3117 04672200 Rani Ganj ------Un-Inhaolled------04672300 Bindpuri 278 140 138 209 139 70 161 125 36 04672400 GulabGanj 113 53 60 98 52 46 84 47 37 04672500 Dcbiganj 437 201 236 254 IS{) 104 254 ISO 104 04672600 Ind Puri 416 211 205 265 159 106 (1(, 64 2 04672700 Baije Islampur 196 82 114 100 100 83 83 04672800 Magrcdl ------Un-Inhablled------04672900 jalla 747 336 411 430 289 141 168 165 3 04673000 Para 1,350 645 70S 758 571 IX7 466 436 30 04673101) Kandaur Danda 951 439 512 507 469 38 292 287 5 04673200 Kandaur Daria ------Un-Illhabited ------04G73300 Palara Danda 3,756 1,700 2,056 1,839 1,506 333 1,443 1,400 43 04673400 Jhalokher 2,156 886 1,270 1,385 1,071 314 843 788 55 04673500 Nathi Danda 281 124 157 130 123 7 124 122 2 04673600 Patara Daria ------Un -in ha b ited ------04673700 Nathi Daria ------Un-inhabited------

313 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT I(ural'a Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Othcr workcrs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Naille or Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 189 184 :; 86 77 9 3 3 38 37 Bainsn Pali 136 132 4 159 149 10 3 3 21 20 lakhcla ------Un-inllabilcd------Tikollahar 121 113 8 113 96 17 4 4 179 168 II Rlthari 85 82 3 91 88 3 1 51 50 I Chakothi 164 160 4 13 10 3 3 36 33 3 Lahcra 63 59 4 50 45 5 5 5 Gujraura 64 64 5 4 2 2 6 6 Kharchla 75 74 3 2 I 4 3 Kmiapur 197 196 60 S9 21 19 2 Kaktuu 725 GOZ IZ3 597 378 ZI9 55 40 15 336 306 30 Ber; ------Un-inhabitcd------Rani Ganj 71 62 9 74 48 26 6 5 10 10 l3illdpuri 51 29 22 32 17 15 I I Gulah Ganj 227 137 90 20 6 14 7 7 DcbiganJ 35 35 28 26 2 2 2 Inti Pun 80 80 3 Baije Islampur ------Un-inhabitcd------Magrcdi 88 87 58 57 i I I I 21 20 lall;, 359 334 25 32 29 3 8 8 67 65 2 Para 205 201 4 58 57 3 3 26 26 Kandaur Dantla ------Un-in ha bi led ------Kandaur Daria 802 778 24 345 340 5 2 2 294 280 14 Patara Dalltla 308 293 15 306 288 18 41 40 188 167 21 lhalokhcr 93 92 I 1 I 30 29 I Na(hi Dantla ------Un-i nha b ited ------____ Patara Daria ------U n -i nImbi ted ------Nathi Daria


IndustrIal cat~_ Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural I"bourns Ilumber Name of Village Persons Males Femalcs PersollS Males Fcmales I'crsolls Males Fcmales 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 411 49

04671100 Bainsa Pali 62 33 29 7 7 54 32 22 04(,71200 Jakhcla I 04671300 Tikonahm ------Un-i 111, a b,t ,,<1------04671400 Rithari 113 37 76 6 I 5 78 16 (,2 04671500 Chakolhi 108 61 47 20 12 8 52 2~ 24 04G71600 Lahcra 324 169 155 3 2 200 (,7 133 04671700 Gujraura 40 21 19 39 20 19 04671800 Kharchta 126 54 72 4 3 119 49 70 04671900 Kariapuf 47 36 II I I 46 }:, II 04672000 Kakrau 197 162 35 2 192 1'i8 34 04672100 Be'; 389 116 273 113 19 94 248 HI 167 04672200 Rani Ganj ------Un- inh a bi led ------04672300 Bindpuri 48 14 34 12 2 10 34 II 23 04672400 Gulab Gallj 14 9 13 '1 04672500 Dcbiganj 04672600 Ind Puri 199 95 104 199 95 104 04672700 Baije Islampur 17 n 16 16 04672800 Magredi ------lin-i II ha b itcd------04li72900 Jalla 261 124 138 24 4 20 233 118 115 04673000 Para 292 135 157 93 17 71i 186 107 79 04673100 Kandauf Danda 215 182 33 9 13 1 19~) 163 27 04673200 Kandauf Daria ------Un-inhabited------04673300 Patara Danda 3% 106 290 8 4 4 326 57 269 04673400 Jhalokher 542 283 259 28 18 10 462 215 247 04673500 Nathi Danda 6 I 5 6 5 04673600 Patara Daria ------Un-inhabited------04673700 Nathi Daria ------Un-il1hahited------

315 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kural'a of marginal workers Loc

316 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE': PH.IMARY C () Block - Total population (including Location Arca of institutional and housclcss Population in the codc Village in Number of population) age-group ()-(, IHi III ber Name of Viliage hectares houscho Ids -:-:-1'e-'r-s-o-ns-' -L.=-M:::':,:'::ll:'::c:'::s:..:.L--'-'F-cr-ll-a-I c-s- Pcrsons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

0409 SUlllcrpur (Total) 58,528.1 26,418 154,815 83,582 71,2:13 29,6]9 15,578 14,()(; I 0409 58,528.1 26,418 154,815 83,582 71,2-'3 29,639 15.57R 14,0(, I 0409 Sumcrpur (Urban) Sumcrpur (Rural) 04673800 Mamrcjpur Daria 24.3 ----·------IJI1-inhahllcd------04673900 Mamrejpur Danda 342.0 112 640 353 287 132 63 04674000 Mora Kandcr 2546 189 1,300 732 56R 253 112 04674100 Parsani 5362 149 876 477 399 143 76 04674200 Dhanpura 451.0 242 1,490 789 701 289 135 04674300 Chh,mi Khurd 1,016.0 690 4,038 2,160 1,878 741 J 7(, 04674400 Chhani Buzurg 1,14} ° 470 2,734 1,469 1.265 533 262 04674500 Araji Khandehi Jar 55.4 ·------Un-inhabilcd------­ 04674600 Arazi Dhanpura 51 4 .--.------U n -i n h a b i 1cd ------­ 04674700 Arazi Sani Dhanpura 42.5 ------U 11-i 11 h a b I tcd------04674800 Kalla 631.3 228 1,352 723 629 287 150 I J 7 04674900 Araji Sager 71.6 ------Un -i n ha bi lcd ------.------04675000 Khandchi Jar 456.9 168 1,080 577 503 185 'II 94 04675100 Bahraoli Daria 102.4 ------Un -i 11 h a b 11 cd ------04675200 Sahurapur Daria F83 ------Un-inhabitcd------04675300 Pouthia Buzurg 1,265.0 819 4,823 2,618 2.205 752 412 340 04675400 Pauthia Khurd 481.0 58 304 163 141 65 39 26 04675500 Sikri 681.9 162 908 514 394 134 75 59 04675600 Ujnedi 526.5 244 1,428 792 636 254 131 123 04675700 Sahumpur Danda 623.6 219 1,305 693 612 278 139 139 04675800 Bahrauli Danda 332.7 76 443 221 222 110 50 GO 04675900 Kumaunpur 733.7 334 1,980 1,049 931 389 198 191 04676000 Lalpura 293.4 li21 733 396 337 136 57 79 04676100 Kalauli Jar 852.3 407 2,324 1,261 1,063 443 241 202 04676200 Swasa Khurd 310.8 209 1,314 707 607 258 140 118 04676300 Kuan Khera 461.0 ------U n-in ha bit cd ------04676400 Swasa Buzurg 522.4 304 1,697 943 754 283 156 127 04676500 Mawai Jar 1.047.0 517 3,147 1,682 1,465 587 310 277 04676600 Atrar 909.8 367 2,219 1,190 1,029 477 249 228 04676700 Banda 572.7 286 1,793 996 797 314 157 157 04676800 Chandauli Jar 332.0 43 362 198 164 97 54 43 04676900 Nadehra 1,323.0 556 3,370 1,823 1,547 644 309 335 04677000 Babina 214.0 ------Un-i nha b i led------·----- 04677100 Ragaura 283.0 6 15 10 5 04677200 Banki 904.0 607 3,833 2,087 1,746 707 356 351 04677300 Bank 412.8 203 1,189 657 532 277 139 138 04677400 Palra 525,0 177 969 517 452 ( 78 97 81 04677500 Vidokhar Medni 1,107.0 500 3,002 1,605 1,397 584 304 280 04677600 Shadipur 509.5 ------Un - i nha b i ted ------04677700 Vidokhar Purai 1,092,0 518 3,182 1,690 1,492 587 286 301 04617800 Ingohata 2,828.0 1,460 8,866 4,806 4,060 1,698 'i23 775 04677900 Bardaha Sahijana Dana 153.8 ------.--Un -i n ha bi ted ------04678000 Kalauli Teer Daria 7,568,0 ------Un -i 11 ha b i led ------04678100 Helapur Daria 57.1 .------Un-inhabiled------165 04678200 Helapur Danda 221.4 265 1,546 817 729 315 ISO 1'14 154 04678300 Kalauli Teer Danda 439.5 355 1,914 1,046 868 353 04678400 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 318.5 170 983 532 451 147 75 72 77 04678500 Kecratpur 190.2 154 838 446 392 158 81 20 04678600 Mchmoodpur 3970 35 242 130 J J2 43 23 04678700 BhJkaul 642,0 ." I 191 04678800 Dariapur 487.7 316 1,754 941 813 391 200 277 221 04678')00 Kundaura 758.4 425 2,669 1,508 1.161 498 133 112 04679000 Bilhadi 167.9 172 997 515 482 245 ______Un -in hab i ted ---. ----.---.. 04679100 Majara Kundaura Daria 87.4 I 04679200 Majara Kundaura Danda 61.7 6 25 15 10 I 46 32 04679300 Surajpur Danda 66.4 91 503 269 234 78 ______Un_inlwbited------04679400 Kuchhcchha Daria 11.3


Scheduled Castes pOJluation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Malcs females Persons Males females Namc of Village II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2

31,198 16,965 14,233 71,225 48,862 22,363 SlIllIerpllr (Total) 31,198 16,965 14,233 71,225 48,862 22,363 SlIlllcrpur (Rllral) SlIlllerpur (Urhan) SIIJllcrpllr (HII"al) ------Un-inllabllcu------Malllrcjpur Daria 24 II 13 189 140 49 Malll,c.lpur Dallda 171 93 78 S,}4 421 173 Mm a IZander 186 105 81 422 295 127 Palsani 305 176 129 710 499 21 I Dhanpura 943 494 449 1,85 I 1,238 613 Chhani Khun.l 420 220 200 1,378 922 456 Chhanl BUZllI g ------Un-Inhabllcd------Arajl Khandehi Jar ------Un-inhablted------Arazi DhallplIl


Location codc 1IIItcrates Total workers Main workers numbcr Namc oCVdlagc Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Pcrsons Fcmalcs 2 20 2 J 22 23 24 25 26 27

0409 SUllIcrpur (Total) H3,590 34,720 48,870 60,429 40,451 19,97H 37,288 31,1199 S,J1I9 0409 Sumcrpur (Rural) H3,590 34,720 48,870 60,429 40,45J 19,978 37,288 31,1199 S,JX'I 0409 SUllIcrpur (UdJan) SUll1crplir (Rural) 04673800 Mamrcjpur Daria -Ull-inhab,tcd------04673900 Mall1rcjpur Dantla 451 213 238 264 172 92 175 15(, 19 04674000 Mo,·a Kander 706 JJ 1 395 341 298 43 223 218 5 04674100 Parsani 454 182 272 233 222 II 162 I (, I I 04674200 Dhanpura 7~0 290 490 688 395 293 253 ISS 65 04674300 Chhani Khurd 2,187 922 1,2(,5 1,586 1,019 5(,7 1,036 839 197 04674400 Chhani Buzurg 1,356 547 809 1,257 730 527 414 3XI 33 04674500 Araji Khandehi Jar ------Un-inhablted------04674600 Arazi Dhanpura ------Un-inhabited------04674700 Arazl Sani Dhanpura ------Un-inhahited------04674800 Kalla 849 366 483 675 389 286 284 25l) 25 04674900 Araji Sager ------Un-inhabited------04675000 Khandehi Jar 566 218 348 375 283 n 331 267 64 04675 J 00 Bahraoli Daria ------Un-inhabited------04675200 Sahurapur DaJia ------UJ)-inhabiled------04675300 Pouthia Buzurg 2,172 937 1,235 2,002 1,267 735 969 S(,l) 100 04675400 Pauthia Khurd 238 114 124 99 78 21 II 8 3 04675500 Sikri 523 231 292 427 236 191 354 230 124 04675600 Ujnedi 601 224 377 475 364 III 300 265 35 04675700 Sahurapur Danda 792 336 456 703 399 304 316 288 28 04675800 Bahrauli Danda 366 162 204 134 109 25 87 87 04675900 Kumaunpur 1,179 494 685 620 491 129 400 383 17 04676000 Lalpura 368 149 219 340 216 124 321 204 117 04676100 Kalauli Jar 1,262 551 711 907 592 315 594 470 124 04676200 Swasa KJlUrd 684 J09 375 472 326 146 197 192 5 04676300 Kuan Khera ------Un-inhabited------04676400 Swasa Blizurg 946 414 532 535 451 84 261 236 25 04676500 Mawai Jar 1,737 691 1,046 1,355 838 517 1,085 755 330 04676600 Atrar 1.222 502 720 864 583 281 536 511 25 04676700 Banda 869 349 520 916 538 378 539 422 117 04676800 Chandauli Jar 221 100 121 187 101 86 73 68 5 04676900 Nadehra 1,856 775 1,081 1,594 898 696 974 784 190 04677000 Babina ------U n -i nhab i ted ------04677100 Ragaura II 6 5 5 5 3 3 04677200 Banki 2,129 881 1,248 998 863 135 661 5R7 74 04677300 Bank 687 283 404 484 362 122 188 184 4 04677400 Palra 463 171 292 438 260 178 427 258 169 04677500 Vidokhar Medni 1.728 729 999 1,450 848 602 886 678 20S 04677600 Shadipur ------Un-inhabited------04677700 Vidokhar Purai 1,593 587 1,006 1,373 847 526 823 699 124 04677800 Ingohata 4,864 2,064 2,800 3,289 2,200 1,089 1,804 1,669 135 04677900 Bardaha Sahijana Dana ------Un-inhabiled------04678000 Kalauli Teer Daria ------UII-i nha biled ------04678100 Hclapur Daria ------Ull-inhabited------04678200 Helapur Danda 809 306 503 433 381 52 393 365 2R 04678300 Kalauli Teer Danda 956 395 561 605 500 105 513 479 34 04678400 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 488 190 298 513 294 219 259 220 39 04678500 Kecralpur 520 233 287 223 187 36 147 140 7 04678600 Mehmoodpur 127 55 72 i 6 5 I 5 48 48 04678700 Bhakaul I I I 04678800 Danapur 1,093 469 624 482 432 50 424 398 26 04678900 Kundaura 1,394 603 791 878 703 175 784 686 98 04679000 Bilhadi 543 210 333 509 287 222 245 218 27 04679100 Majara Kundaura Datia ------Un-inhabllcd------04679200 Majara Kundaura Danda 9 2 15 10 5 3 2 04679300 Surajpur Danda 238 103 135 135 129 h 135 12<) 04679400 Kuchhechha Dana ------Un-inhabited------

319 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT SUI11crpur Industrial category of main workers Household industlY Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Fenwles Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2 18,548 16,200 2,348 7,739 5,650 2,089 984 887 97 )(J,O 17 9,162 855 SlImcrpllr (Tot"l) 18,548 16,200 2,348 7,739 5,650 2,089 984 887 97 10,017 9,162 855 SIImcrpllr (Rllral) SlImcrp"r (l]J-ball) S"merp"r (Rund) ------Un-I n h a b i tcd -----~------Mamrcjpur Dm '" 31 30 I 34 16 18 3 3 107 107 Mamrejpur Dallda 114 III 3 31 31 5 73 71 2 Mora Kandel 99 99 41 40 1 22 22 Parsan[ 95 65 30 123 89 34 7 7 28 27 Dhanpura 364 308 56 368 252 116 68 65 3 236 214 22 Chhani Khurd 146 143 61 45 16 94 90 4 113 103 10 Chhani Buzulg ------U n -i n h a bit ed ------Araji Khandelll Jal ------Un-inhabited------Arazi Dhanpul a ------Un-Inhablted------Arazi Sani Dhallpula 173 158 15 27 19 8 4 4 80 78 2 Kalla ------Un-inhabitcd ------Ara)i Sager 239 196 43 35 24 11 27 19 8 30 28 2 Khandehi Jm ------Un-In h a bit cd ------Bahraoli Dal'" ------U n- i n h a bit ed ------Sahurapur Dalla 359 345 14 III 96 15 23 21 2 476 407 6\1 Pouthia Buzurg 2 2 9 6 3 Pauthia Khurd 115 113 2 230 109 121 9 8 Sikri 136 128 8 57 39 18 5 102 93 9 Ujncdi 158 145 13 54 46 8 II 10 93 87 6 Sahurapur Danda 33 33 52 52 2 2 Bahrauli Danda 243 242 78 67 11 6 6 73 68 5 KUlllaunpur 194 117 77 66 35 31 61 52 9 Lalpura 338 280 58 205 144 61 I 50 45 5 Kalauli Jar 152 149 3 7 7 8 30 28 2 Swasa Khurd ------Un-inhabitcd------Kuan Khera 175 167 9 6 3 77 63 14 Swasa l3uzurg 729 512 217 273 165 108 13 12 70 66 4 Mawai Jar 282 280 2 169 164 5 8 8 77 59 18 Atrar 358 315 43 160 87 73 7 7 14 13 Banda 34 33 1 5 5 34 30 4 Chandauli Jar 437 431 6 431 253 178 4 3 102 97 5 Nadehra ------Un-l11habited------Babina 2 2 1 I Ragaura 436 393 43 37 24 13 2 2 186 168 18 Banki 146 145 I 1 1 41 38 3 Bank 377 228 149 22 IS 7 28 15 13 Palra 440 333 107 307 217 90 24 21 3 115 107 8 Vidokhar Mcdlli ------Un-inhabitcd Slwd[pur 479 416 63 249 195 54 17 13 4 78 75 J Vidokhar Pural 742 684 58 328 294 34 87 74 13 647 617 30 Ingohata ------Un -[nllab [ted ------Bardaha Sahijana Dana ------U n -i n1 Jab i ted ------Kalaull Teer Dana ------U n-inhabited------Helapur Dana 124 121 3 70 63 7 7 7 192 174 18 Helapur Danda 208 201 82 71 II (J 6 217 201 1(, Kalauh Teer D.tlld" 106 87 19 4 2 2 1 1 148 130 I g Bardaha Sahijalla l),llllia 52 52 11 9 2 3 2 81 77 4 Keeratpur 38 38 10 10 MehmoodplII Bhakaul 131 126 5 88' 35 7 6 198 181 17 Dariapur 400 343 57 240 207 33 15 14 129 122 7 Kundaura 59 49 10 37 26 II 10 10 139 133 (, Bilhadi ------_. ---tk -inhabitcd------MaJara Kundaura Dana I 2 Majara Kundaura Danda 37 36 38 34 60 59 SUfUJPUI_ Danda

- - --.---- - __ A Un- :F..habitc~j--·------"_ Kuchhcchlm Darlll


Inuustrinl category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourcrs numbcr Name of Village Persons Malc~ Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0409 SUlIICrPUf (Total) 23,141 8,552 14,589 4,203 987 3,216 14,604 5,012 9,592 0409 Sumcrpuf (Rural) 23,141 8,552 14,589 4,203 987 3,216 14,604 5,012 '1,592 0409 Sumcrpur (Urban) Sumcrpur (Rural) 04673800 Mamrejpur Daria ------Un-!nhabitcd------04673900 Mamrejpur Danda 89 16 73 88 1(, 72 04674000 Mora Kandel' 118 80 38 2 109 76 33 04674100 Parsani 71 61 10 1 Iili 57 9 04674200 DhanplIra 435 207 228 33 11 22 387 ISS 19'1 04674300 Chhani Khurd 550 180 370 107 27 80 430 143 287 04674400 Chhani BlIzlIrg 843 349 494 2 3 789 324 4(,) 04674500 Araji Khandehi Jar ------Un-inhabited------04674600 Arazi Dhanpura ------Un-mhabited------04674700 Arazi Sani Dhanpura ------Un-inhabited------04674800 Kalla 391 130 261 147 44 103 176 43 133 04674900 Araji Sager ------Ull-illhabltcu------04675000 Khand<:hi Jar 44 16 28 4 1 3 12 2 10 04675100 Bahraoli Daria ------U n -i nIl a b it cd ------046752001 Sahurapur Daria ------Un-!llhab!ted------04675300 Pouthia Buzurg 1,033 398 635 936 468 255 213 04675400 Pauthia Khurd 88 70 18 2 1 43 30 13 04675500 Sikri 73 Ii li7 I I 72 6 66 04675600 Ujnedi 175 99 76 18 8 10 60 29 31 04675700 Sahurapur Danda 387 III 276 64 8 56 138 23 115 04675800 Bahrauli Danda 47 22 25 47 22 25 04675900 Kumaunpur 220 108 112 37 6 31 157 78 79 04676000 Lalpura 19 12 7 1 12 6 6 04676100 Kalau1i Jar 313 122 191 186 61 125 123 60 63 04676200 Swasa Khurd 275 134 141 4 2 2 259 120 139 04676300 Kuan Khera ------Un-inhabileu------04676400 Swasa Buzurg 274 215 59 4 1 3 208 161 47 04676500 Mawai Jar 270 83 187 28 8 20 235 68 167 04676600 Atmr 328 72 256 4U 9 31 282 60 222 04676700 Banda 377 116 261 12 6 6 357 106 251 04676800 Chandau1i Jar 114 33 81 65 13 52 45 18 27 04676900 Nadehra 620 114 506 17 9 8 589 94 4'15 04677000 Babinn ------Un -inha bi I cu------04677100 Ragauta 2 2 04677200 Banki 337 276 61 24 9 15 74 70 4 04677300 Bank 296 178 118 2 1 215 98 117 04677400 Pa1ra II 2 9 6 6 5 2 3 04677500 Vidokhar Medni 564 170 394 179 48 131 336 to(J 230 04677600 Shadipur ------Un-inhabilcd------04677700 Vidokhar Purai 550 148 402 52 8 44 485 132 353 04677800 1ngohata 1,485 531 954 131 40 91 1,161 348 813 04677900 Bardaha Sahijana Daria ------Un-inhabilcu------04678000 Kalauli Teer Daria ------U n -inhab iled ------04678100 He1apur Daria ------U n -in ha b ilcu ------04678200 Helapur Daada 40 116 24 13 3 10 12 6 (1 04678300 Kalauli Teer Danda 92 21 71 76 12 64 04678400 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 254 74 180 11 10 25 20 04678500 Kceratpur 76 47 29 22 10 12 04678600 Mehmoodpur 8 5 5 04678700 Bhakaul .. 04678800 Dariapur 58 34 24 3 3 18 13 04678900 Kundaura 94 17 77 52 10 42 33 30 04679000 Bi1hadi 264 69 195 27 8 19 21X 47 171 04679100 Majara Kundaura Daria ------Un-inhabited------04679200 Majara Kundaura Danda 12 8 4 1 I 04679300 Surajpur Danda 04679400 Kuchhechha Daria ------U n -i n ha b i I cd ------

321 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT SUnlcrpur of marginal workers LocatIon Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers couc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

417 173 244 3,917 2,380 1,537 94,386 43,131 51,255 SlImerplIr (Total) 0409 417 173 244 3,917 2,3HO 1,537 94,3H6 43,131 51,255 SUlllcrpur (Rural) 0409 SUlllerpur (Urban) ()4()9 SlIl11CrpUr (Rural)

------Un-lIl hab I ted- Mal11rejpur Daria 04673800 I I 376 181 195 Mal11rejpur Danda 046739()0 7 4 959 434 525 MOla Kander 04674000 I 3 643 255 388 Pmsani 04674100 6 3 9 4 S02 394 408 DhaJ1pura 0467421J0 3 3 10 7 3 2,452 1,141 1,31 I Chhani Khurd 04674300 20 10 10 29 13 16 1,477 739 738 Chhani Buzurg 04674400 ------Un-inhabitcd------Araji Khandehi Jal 04674500 ------Ull-inhabltcd------Arazi Dhanrura 04674600 ------Un-inhabitcd------Arazi Sani Dhanpura 04674700 67 43 24 . 677 334 343 Kalla 04674800 ------Ull-inhabltcd------Arajl Sager 04674900 8 2 6 20 I I 9 705 294 41 I Khandehi Jar 04675000 ------Un-in habi tcd------Bahraoli Daria, O~675100 ------Un-lnhabitcd------Sahurapur Darib 04675200 20 10 10 536 130 406 2,821 1.351 1,470 Poulhia Buzurg 04675300 43 39 4 205 85 120 Pauthia KhlJld 04675400 481 278 203 Slkn 04675500 97 62 35 953 428 525 Ujncdi 04675600 20 7 13 165 73 92 602 294 308 Sahurapur Danda 04675700 309 112 197 Bahrauli Danda 04675800 25 23 2 1,360 558 802 Kumaunpur 04675900 6 5 1 393 180 213 Lalpura 04676000 3 2 1.417 669 748 Kalauli Jar 04676100 2 2 10 10 842 381 461 Swasa Khurd 04676200 ------Un-illimbitcd------Kuan Khera 04676300 8 7 54 46 8 1,162 492 670 Swasa Buzurg 04676400 3 3 4 4 1,792 844 948 Mawai Jar 04676500 6 1,355 607 748 Atrar 04676600 4 2 2 4 2 2 877 458 419 Banda 04676700 4 2 2 175 97 78 Chandauli Jar 04676800 6 3 3 8 8 1,776 925 851 Nadchra 04676900 ------Un-inha b ited ------Babina 04677000 2 2 10 5 Ragaura 04677100 2 2 237 195 42 2,835 1,224 1,611 Banki 04677200 79 79 705 295 410 Bank 04677300 531 257 274 Palra 04677400 28 6 22 2 I 10 II 1,552 757 795 Vidokhar Mcdni 04677500 ------Un-i nha bi ted ------Shadipur 04677600 7 2 5 6 6 1,809 843 966 Vidokhar Purai 04677700 35 11 24 158 132 26 5,577 2,606 2,971 Ingohata 04677800 ------Un-illhabited------Bardaha Sahijana Daria 04677900 ------Un-I nha b i ted ------Kalauli Teer Daria 04678000 ------Ul1-lnhabilcd------Helapur Daria 04678100 i5 7 8 LlI3 436 677 Helapur Danda 04678200 16 9 1.309 546 763 Kalauli Teer Danda 04678300 2 2 216 68 148 470 238 232 Bardaha Sahijana Danda 04678400 2 I 51 36 15 615 259 356 Keeratpur 0467X500 .3 3 186 7J{ 107 Mchl1100drur 0<\678600 Bhakaul 04678700 25 1.272 509 763 Dariapur 04678800 3 I 2 6 1,791 805 986 Kundaura 04678900 10 6 4 488 228 260 Bilhadi 04679000 Majara Kundaura Daria 04679100 "I. 7 !O 5 5 Majara Kundaura Damla 04679200 140 228 Surajpur Danda 046793(10 Kuchhcchha Daria 0467

Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Populatioll in the code Villllge in Number of population) numbcr Name of Village h eetarcs h 0 u seh 0 Id, --c1C""'e-'r-S(-1I-1s----,c..::.<"'M::':,'::II:':'es':::':'<""""p"-, e-'I-n-a'-I e-s- I'ersons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

04679500 Sidra Danda 138.0 7(, 591 348 243 III 72 04679600 Para Ojhi Danda 3570 151 947 490 457 151 80 04679700 Kuchhcchha Danda 1500 294 1,581 853 72R 335 t73 04679800 Surajpur Daria 29.5 ------Un-inhablled------04679900 Amilia 105.2 In 728 400 328 131 74 57 04680000 Chanduli Teer 111.2 116 646 344 302 145 70 75 04680100 Chandaukhi 596.0 232 1,385 764 621 269 130 139 04680200 Pal a Ojhi Daria 41.3 ------Un -ill ha bi lcd------04680300 Sidra Daria 3(\ 0 ------Un-inhabilcd------04680400 Surauli Khurd Danda 91 I I 04680500 Surauli Khurd Dana 2,0240 ------Un -In ha b i tcd ------04680600 Tikrauli 3678 430 2,390 1,292 1,098 412 227 185 04680700 Ringna 1886 65 409 212 197 71 3S 36 04680800 Kanjauli 509.9 24 128 66 62 20 13 7 04680900 Saukhcr 418.5 167 'J56 519 437 160 83 77 0468 1000 Narayanpur 522.0 131 699 385 314 III 59 52 04681100 Nazarpur 107.7 28 162 95 67 39 24 15 04681200 Sumerpur Rural 3,951.0 1.267 7,077 3,860 3,217 1,341 713 628 04681300 Simnaudi 630.0 325 1,843 963 880 373 197 17(, 04681400 Bada Gaon 683.6 202 1,310 694 616 285 153 132 04681500 Bhabhaura 158.6 110 714 379 335 125 63 62 04681600 Paleora Danda 1,294.0 687 4.081 2,184 1,897 851 442 40'1 04681700 Paleora Daria 274.8 ------U n -i n h abi ted ------04681800 Surauli Buzurg Daria 238.0 ------Un -in ha bi tcd ------04681900 Surauli Buzurg Danda 238.0 957 5,705 3,069 2,636 I, lSI 630 551 04682000 Bama 539.0 208 1.285 713 572 248 118 130 04682100 Chand PUlwa Khurd 311.6 ------Un- i n lia bi ted ------04682200 Bilaura Daria 30.4 ------U11- ill ha bl ted------04682300 Bhaura Danda 358.0 362 2.(113 1,065 948 411 204 207 04682400 Deo Gaon 869.7 488 2,618 1,393 1,225 398 216 182 04682500 Gahtauli 352.9 90 491 273 218 75 41 34 04682600 1alala 219.8 115 710 376 334 113 57 5(, 04682700 Pachkhura Buzurg 1,140.0 728 4,078 2,159 1,919 766 408 358 04682800 Terha 364.5 1,160 6,796 3,739 3,057 1,240 671 569 04682900 Isauli 2696 70 415 219 196 64 29 35 04683000 Mauhar 605.0 343 1,801 942 859 383 189 194 04683100 Kailhi 1,682.0 603 3,584 1,949 1,635 765 416 349 04683200 Arazi Mutnaja Pandheri 3.6 ------Un -i n ha bi ted------04683300 Pandheri 1,576.0 675 3,707 1,959 1.748 698 373 325 04683400 Para Rai Pura 6860 340 1,812 987 825 341 186 t55 04683500 1Iara 361.0 42 196 97 99 37 20 17 04683600 Chand Purwa Buzurg 1,317.0 845 4,890 2,687 2,203 1.009 532 477 04683700 Bhaunia 634.0 235 1.368 750 618 233 115 118 04683800 Pachkhura Khurd 743.8 237 1,555 861 694 265 149 116 04683900 Bir Khera 593.3 341 2.102 1,105 997 392 200 192 04684000 Dhundh Pur 596.0 412 2,364 1,234 1,130 585 313 272 04684100 Alraia 751.0 284 1,661 914 747 329 lSI 148 04684200 Badanpur 323.4 213 1,242 671 571 229 124 105 04684300 Padhauli 255.8 ------Un -i n h a b i ted ------32 04684400 Gauri 293.0 74 3R7 209 178 SO 48 109 04684500 Mihuna 4130 173 1,035 559 476 222 113 278 04684600 Mundcm 193 Pauthla IAI7 () 558 3,164 1,685 1.479 (lOO 322 Buzurg


Scheduled Castes [!opu8tioll Scheduled Tribes [!o~ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Pcrsons Males Fcmalcs Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

25 13 12 236 183 53 S,o,a Dando 706 363 343 570 358 212 Para Ojh, Danda 238 I 17 12 I 6"i5 458 197 Kuchhechha Danda ------Un-Inhabltcd------Sura.1pur Daria 250 142 108 308 203 105 Am1l1a 266 197 69 Chandult Teer 416 231 185 674 472 202 Chanuaukhi ------U n-i n h3 b i ted ------Pala Ojhi D31 ia ------U n- i n ha b i led ------S,o,a D


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

04679500 Sidra Danda 355 165 190 225 144 81 122 109 13 04679600 Para Ojhi Danda 377 132 245 328 250 78 124 IOC, IX 04679700 Kuchhcchha Danda 926 395 531 466 372 1)4 265 254 II 04679800 Surajpur Daria ------UI1-l1h~bltcd------04679900 Amirta 420 197 223 177 173 4 29 26 3 04680000 Chanduli Teer 380 147 233 285 178 107 241 149 ')2 04680 I 00 CIJandaukhi 711 292 419 398 381 17 389 379 10 04680200 Para Ojhi Daria ------Un-inhabiled------04630300 Sidra Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------04680400 Surauli Khurd [Janda 04680500 Surauli Khurd Dana ------Un-inhabilcd------04680600 Tikrauli 1.206 495 7 II 1,172 650 522 . 563 497 04680700 Ringna 177 58 119 141 89 52 54 54 04680800 Kanjauli 59 19 40 52 37 15 14 14 04680900 Saukher 497 197 3.00 358 265 93 \70 168 2 04681000 Narayanpur 286 \ \4 172 219 159 60 121 120 04681100 Nazarpur 117 56 61 83 49 34 26 25 04681200 Sumerpur Rural 3.046 1.212 1.834 1.960 1,737 223 1.562 1.461 101 04681300 Silllnaudi 995 377 618 653 447 206 40 1 386 15 04681400 Bada Gaon 774 339 435 323 269 54 204 200 4 04681500 Bhabhaura 319 130 189 245 202 43 200 192 8 04681600 Paleora Danda 2,545 1.1\3 1,432 1,748 1,130 618 927 829 98 04681700 Pateora Daria ------Un- i n ha b i ted ------04681800 Sumuli Buzurg Datia ------Un- i nha bi tcd------04681900 Surauli Buzurg Danda 3,252 1,397 1,855 2,720 1,573 1,147 1,674 1,337 337 04682000 Barua 811 325 486 709 413 296 486 346 140 04682100 Chand Purwa Khurd ------Un-inhabited------04682200 Bhaura Daria ------U n -i n ha b i tcd ------04682300 Bhaura Danda 1,252 488 764 783 518 265 506 445 61 04682400 Deo Gaon 1,156 420 736 809 594 215 497 414 83 04682500 Gahtauli 204 74 130 120 116 4 107 106 04682600 lalala 313 109 204 198 196 2 188 187 04682700 Pachkhura Buzurg 1,902 726 1,176 1,503 1,043 460 1.163 932 231 04682800 Terha 3,438 1,472 1.966 2,913 1.873 1,040 1.915 1.525 390 04682900 Isauli 184 63 121 \88 III 77 160 102 58 04683000 Mauhar 1,222 494 728 762 478 284 456 402 54 04683100 Kaithi 2,224 930 1.294 1,549 902 647 860 800 60 04683200 Arazi Mutnaja Pandhen ------Un-inhabited------04683300 Pandheri 1,803 724 \.079 1,269 889 380 9'J6 713 283 04683400 Para Rai Pura 944 383 561 790 500 290 428 365 63 04683500 lIara 112 49 63 82 47 35 39 35 4 04683600 Chand Purwa Buzurg 2,755 1.167 1.588 1,882 1,287 595 1.115 1.052 (d 04683700 Bhaunia 769 346 423 479 372 107 303 288 15 04683800 Pachkhura Khurd 735 300 435 774 446 328 169 166 3 04683900 Bir Khera 1.065 420 645 737 517 220 420 376 44 04684000 Dhundh Pur 1.716 7\5 1.001 603 517 86 528 479 49 04684100 Atraia 966 469 497 799 470 329 432 416 16 04684200 Badanpur 785 347 438 631 332 299 2YO 263 27 04684300 Padhauli ------Un-inhabited------04684400 Gauri 257 119 138 170 107 63 126 90 36 04684500 Mihuna 587 262 325 435 301 134 307 270 37 04684600 Mundera 193 Pauthia 1.911 809 1.102 1.755 962 793 1.072 816 25C, Buzur

325 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sumerpur Industrial category of main workers Houschold industry Cultivators Agrieulturallabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmalcs Persons Malcs Females Persons Males Females Name of Village ...- 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 4() 2

59 51 8 3 2 5 4 55 52 3 Sidra Danda 84 71 13 40 35 5 Para OJhi Damla 40 37 3 2 2 222 215 7 Kuchhechha Dantla ------U n - i n ha bit cd ------Surajpur Dana 12 10 2 144 12 II Amirta 171 106 65 35 19 16 7 4 3 28 20 8 Chnnduli Teet 169 166 3 194 189 5 13 13 13 2 Chandaukht ------Un-inhabitcd------" Para Ojhi Daria ------Un-1llhabilcd------Sidra Dalia Surnull Khurd Danda ------Un -i n ha bit ed ------Surauli Khurd Daria 269 231 38 78 66 12 7 6 209 194 15 Ttkraull 33 33 5 5 3 3 I3 13 RlIlgna 9 9 2 2 2 2 Kanjauli 140 139 15 14 4 4 II II Saukher 64 64 16 16 41 40 Narayanpur 7 7 16 15 3 3 Naz:arpur 78 75 3 176 163 13 84 83 1.224 1,140 84 Sumcrpul Rural 161 153 . 8 96 92 4 14 13 130 128 2 Silllnaudi 97 95 2 7 7 100 98 2 Bada Gaon 114 III 3 33 29 4 22 21 31 31 Bhabhaura 431 379 52 147 113 34 22 19 3 327 318 9 Pa(cora Danda ------Un-inl1abited------"a(eota Daria ------Utl-inhabilcd------SUlauli Buzurg Daria 1,012 864 148 395 247 148 15 14 252 212 40 Surauli Buzurg Danda 292 262 30 169 62 107 24 21 3 Barua ------Un-in lla bi tcd ------Chand Purwa Khurd ------Un -inha b i ted ------Bhaura Daria 230 205 25 213 184 29 27 26 36 30 6 Bhaul'a Danda 279 250 29 90 42 48 7 7 121 115 6 Dco Gaon 60 59 34 34 13 13 Gahtauli 125 125 36 35 I 18 18 9 9 Jalala 452 398 54 450 285 165 22 20 2 239 229 10 Pachkhura Buzul'g 1,014 826 188 583 410 173 59 52 7 259 237 22 Tctha 145 89 56 II 9 2 4 4 Isauli 214 188 26 17 IS 2 8 8 217 191 26 Mauhar 652 614 38 21 18 3 18 18 169 150 19 Kaithi ------Un-inha bi ted------Arazi Mutnaja Pandheri 343 257 86 253 145 108 18 14 4 382 297 85 Pandheri 335 282 53 24 19 5 7 3 4 62 61 Para Rai Pura 19 15 4 8 822 10 10 Ilara: 436 418 18 81 68 13 28 27 570 539 31 Chand Purwa Buzurg 190 187 3 I 2 2 110 99 II Bhaunia 139 137 2 3 3 27 26 I Pachkhura Khurd 226 21 I 15 7 3 4 13 9 4 174 153 21 Bir Khcra 325 2'19 26 29 24 5 6 5 168 151 17 Dhullllh Pur 229 220 9 144 142 2 59 54 Alraia 150 137 13 41 31 10 10 10 89 85 4 Oadanpur ------Un-i n habi \ed------I'adhauli 35 35 4 466 81 45 36 Gauri 211 181 30 J .3 1 I 92 85 7 Mrhuna 715 549 .66 164 96 68 16 15 177 156 21 Mumkra 193 Paulhia ___,,_ .. ______~ ______...:13~l::.:lz:::t:Jr"___

32:6 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE: PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Location eode Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers numbcr Name ofYillage Persons Males Fcmaks Persons Males Females Pcrsons Maks Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4X 4Y

04679500 Sidra Oanda 103 35 68 23 IX 27 7 20 04679600 Para Ojhi Oanda 204 144 60 I 148 103 45 04679700 Kuchhcchha Oanda 201 118 83 9 7 2 105 28 77 04679800 Surajpur Daria ------Un-inhabilcd------04679900 Amil1a 148 147 I I 131 130 04680000 Chanduli Teer 44 29 15 9 4 5 23 14 9 04680100 Chandaukhi 9 2 7 5 I 4 04680200 Para Ojhi Daria ------U n-i nh a bi tcd ------04680300 Sidra Daria ------Un-inhabited------04680400 Surauli Khurd Danda 04680500 Surauli Khurd Daria ------Un-inhabitcd------04680600 Tikrauli 609 153 456 243 30 213 304 71 233 04680700 Ringna 87 35 52 2 2 75 2'; 50 04680800 Kanjauli 38 23 15 38 2J 15 04680900 Saukhcr 188 97 91 112 48 64 74 49 25" 04681000 Narayanpur 98 39 59 53 16 37 43 21 22 04681100 Nazarpur 57 24 33 II 3 8 46 21 25 04681200 Sumcrpur Rural 398 276 122 II 6 5 126 (,

327 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sumcrpur of marginal workers Locatioll Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Felllsies Persons Males Females Pcrsons Maks Females Namc \)f Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 2 2 51 23 2R 3(,6 204 162 Sidra DlInda 0467'lS(}() 55 40 15 619 240 379 Para OJhi Danda 04(,79600 6 5 81 78 3 1,115 481 634 Kuchhechha Danda 046797(}() ------Un-inhabllcd------Surajpur Dana 04(,798()() 15 15 551 227 324 Amirta 046799()() I II 10 361 166 195 Chanduli Teer 046XOO()() 3 I I 987 383 604 Chandaukhi 046801()O ------Un-rnhablted------Para Ojhi Daria 04(,X()2()0 ------Un-rnhab,ted------Sid'a Daria 04(,X()3()() Surauli Khurd Danlla 046X04()(J ------Un-inhabitcd------SUlauli Khurd Daria 046805()O I 61 52 9 1,218 642 576 Tikrauli 04(,80('!)() 2 2 R 8 268 123 145 Ringna 04(,~\o7()O 76 29 47 Kanjauli 04680800 2 2 598 25'1 344 Saukher 04680900 2 2 480 226 254 Narayanpur 04681000 79 46 33 Nazarpur 04681100 25 15 10 236 186 50 5,117 2.123 2,994 SUlllcqJUr Rural 04681200 5 I 4 21 II 10 1,190 516 674 Simllaudl 04681300 28 26 2 987 425 562 Bada Gaon 04681400 2 2 7 3 4 469 177 292 Bhabhaura 04681500 6 2 4 74 48 26 2,333 1.054 1,279 Paleora Danda 04681600 ------Un-inhabited------Paleora Daria 04681700 ------Un-i n ha b i ted ------Surauli Buzurg Daria 04681800 17 3 14 107 67 40 2,985 1.496 1,489 Surauli Buzurg Danda 04681900 I 3 3 576 300 276 BarlJa 04682000 ------Un -i n hab ited ------Chand Purwa Khurd 04682100 ------Un -in hab i tcd ------Bhaura Dana 04682200 7 2 5 981 1,230 547 683 Bhaura Danda 04682300 9 3 6 58 49 9 1.809 799 1,010 Dco Gaon 04682400 4 4 371 157 2 I 4 Gahtauli 04682500 10 9 I 512 180 332 Jalala 04682600 8 2 6 10 8 2 2,575 1,116 1,459 Paclrkhura Buzurg 04682700 10 9 40 28 12 3,883 1,866 2,017 Terha 04682800 2 2 227 108 119 Isauli 04682900 7 7 86 54 32 1,039 464 575 Maullar 04683000 2 I 5 3 2 2,035 1,047 988 Kaithi 04683100 ------Un -in ha b i tcd ------Arazi Mutnaja Pandhcri 04683200 16 3 13 143 133 10 2.438 1.070 1,368 Pandheri 04683300 23 7 16 22 16 6 1,022 487 535 Para Rai Pura 04683400 2 2 16 5 I I 114 50 64 !tara 04683500 28 7 21 263 126 137 3,008 1,400 1,608 Chand Purwa Buzurg 04683600 2 46 42 4 889 37R 511 Bhaunia 04683700 12 II I 103 101 2 781 415 366 Padlkhura Khurd 04683800 2 2 45 41 4 1,365 588 777 Bir Khcra 04683900 2 33 21 12 1,761 717 1.044 Dhundh Pur 04684000 23 II 12 862 444 418 Atrllia 04684100 213 35 178 611 339 272 Badanpur 04684200 ------Un-inhabited------Padhauli 04684300 27 II 16 217 102 115 Gaun 04684400 15 14 600 258 342 Mihuna 04684500 6 5 17 13 4 1,409 723 686 MUlldcra 193 Pauth;a 114684(,(11} !3uzur DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIf1PUR VILLAGE. PRIMARY C [) Block - Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss Population in the code Village in Number of population) age-group 0-6 number Name llrVillage h ee(a res housch 0 Icis -I-'c-r-s(-)I-'s-' -L..::.LM"'a"::l.c.:c"::s:..:.L.-F-cn-,-a-Ic-'s- Persons Males Fel11,lIc<; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10

0410 Sarita (Total) 65.0900 17,145 102,9'18 56,004 46,994 18,832 'J,775 '1,057 0410 Sal-ila (Rural) 65,090.0 17,145 102,998 56,()()4 46,994 18,832 9,775 9,057 0410 SariJa (Urban) Sarila (Rural) 04684700 Jamauri Da. iya 235.0 ------Un-inhabilcd------04684800 Jamauri Danda 900.0 231 1,532 811 721 304 147 157 04684900 Chandaut Dariya 233.0 ------U n-in ha bit cd ------04685000 Chandaut Danda 2,517.0 soo 4,946 2,725 2221 841 445 390 04685100 Ratauli 244.0 ------Un-inhabited------04685200 Jitakiri Dariya 820 ------Un-inhabited------04685300 Ji\akin Danda 1,327.0 230 U77 7~ M3 2~ 116 1 I R 04685400 Atrauli 6730 245 1,556 830 726 289 IS4 135 04685500 Dhagwan 897.0 367 2,038 1,077 961 368 172 1% 04685600 Danda 505.0 ------Un-inhabitcd------04685700' I:lasariya 7640 172 973 530 443 192 100 04685800 Rilwa Buzurg Dariya 240.0 ------Un-inhabitcd------04685900 Rilwa Buzurg Danda 3700 198 1,085 604 481 195 103 l)2 04686000 Harsundi 1,014.0 338 2.108 1,137 971 339 164 175 04686100 Kadoura 765.0 120 829 474 355 149 R2 (,7 04686200 Ncoli Basa 908.0 233 1.418 770 648 249 \ IS 134 04686300 Lodhi Pura 494.0 215 1.222 658 564 t 91 100 91 04686400 Indrapura 1,109.0 307 1,838 998 840 301 152 149 04686500 Budhi 496.0 12 70 39 31 15 9 (, 04686600 Rar Khera 300.0 I 4 I 3 04686700 Barahara 743,0 415 2,543 1,402 1,141 454 253 201 04686800 Sikrodha 180_0 ------Un-inhabiled------04686900 Baukhar 1,663_0 364 2,095 1,120 975 349 190 159 04687000 Badhouli 740.0 215 1,301 696 605 197 108 89 04687100 Bareda Maf 467_0 85 451 238 213 90 47 43 04687200 Khera Silajit 1,256.0 627 3,540 1,904 1,636 604 335 269 04687300 Bhakhrauli 255_0 16 64 36 28 8 6 2 04687':\00 Gu\akbara 268,0 172 1,039 545 494 240 116 124 04687500 Jariya 829.0 417 2,411 1,302 1,109 386 188 t98 04687600 1dhura 1,035_0 201 1,318 761 557 226 121 lOS 04687700 Benda Danda 889.0 110 708 383 325 164 84 SO 04687800 Benda Dariya 276.0 ------U n -inha bi led ------04687900 Suzguwan 343.0 25 155 92 63 28 13 15 04688000 Hardua 700,0 149 819 442 377 140 77 63 04688100 Bareda Khalsa 323_0 131 808 467 341 \38 86 52 04688200 Birhat 768.0 201 1,097 592 505 193 112 81 04688300 !slampur 2,850.0 455 2,762 1,504 1,258 531 279 252 04688400 Karyari 1.249.0 403 2291 1.228 1,063 376 190 186 04688500 Sarila 2,706,0 ------Un-inhabilcd------04688600 Dadoy 861.0 132 681 388 293 92 50 42 04688700 Mankehri 672_0 145 840 457 383 \59 88 71 04638800 Pachkhura 459,0 268 1,949 1,071 878 295 166 124 04688900 Jdriya Tila 252,0 60 358 189 169 72 31 41 04689000 Bargawan 595.0 217 L073 586 487 183 99 84 04689100 Kesarganj 171.0 ------Un-inhabited------04689200 Chhibouli 649.0 261 1.486 809 677 273 142 0468930f) Rigawara Kalan 619_0 1\2 692 352 340 139 55 4 04689~00 Marnna 1,807.0 742 4,387 2,347 2,0 0 900 458 04689500 BilplJr 180.0 170 896 490 406 i66 86 .04639600 Tai 338.0 77 531 281 250 11(, 56 0468<)700 Maharajpur 184.0 70 406 216 190 93 45 04689800 Bang.ll1l 910.0 327 1.858 1,006 852 376 20R 04689900 Tikri Pannal 1850 ------UI1-inhabill'd------.--.- -- 0469(1)00 Bhiklwmpura 329,0 ------, --Un-inhabited------.------, 0<'690100 a"lh.lii 160.0 82 453 248 205 105 51 iJ.? r)f~69020C,' Parcl',~l~ 766.0 356 2,027 1.069 9~8 46l tJ'fGr:nJ~)~! Nibauli 3160 ------. --Un-mha!>i lcd- ---~~-~


Schcduled Cnslcs popunlion Schcdulcd Trihcs population Litcrntcs Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females Nallic or Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

25,520 13,936 11,584 42,069 30,785 11,284 Sarila (Total) 25,520 13,936 11,584 42,069 30,785 11,284 Sarita (Rural) Sarita (Urhan) Sarita (HIlI-al) ------U 11- i 11 h ab I ted ------~----- lamauri Danya 233 124 109 389 334 55 Jamaun Danda ------UII-illhabi tcd------(,!landaut Danya 647 364 283 2.058 1.523 535 Chandaut Dallda ------Un-il1hablted------Ratauil ------U 11- in habi tcd------Jl(akill Dallya 367 194 173 469 386 R3 Jitaklll Danda 473 265 208 722 513 20') Atralll, 580 312 268 837 607 230 Dhagw'lIl ------UII-Illhabitcd------Damla 127 73 54 349 280 6') 8asmiya ------Un -in ha bitcd------Rirwa Buzurg Dildya 254 145 109 504 371 133 Rirwa B1I711rg Danda 410 225 185 761 565 I ')() Harsulldi 281 164 117 360 278 R2 KadoUla 216 128 88 564 413 151 Ncoll Basa 309 163 146 509 394 I 15 Lodhl Pura 526 284 242 804 599 205 Indrallura 13 6 7 28 20 8 Budhi Rar Khera 425 233 192 971 747 224 Barahal a ------U n -inha bi ted ------Sikrodha 349 194 155 892 686 206 Baukhar 333 182 151 543 411 132 Badhouli 116 60 56 183 139 44 Baleda Mar 1,023 555 468 1,500 1.058 442 Khela Silajit 2 I 33 22 I I Bhakhrauli 267 144 123 393 284 109 Gu\akbara 882 481 401 1,344 881 463 Jaliya 199 116 83 606 467 139 Idhora 223 118 105 216 175 41 Bcnda Dallda ------U 11-inha b i ted ------Bcnda Dariya 53 28 25 52 38 14 Suzguwan 90 48 42 381 290 91 Hardua 214 130 84 377 295 82 Bareda Khalsa 414 228 186 536 376 160 Birlwt 555 304 251 1,185 833 352 Islampur 766 419 347 1,043 736 307 Karyan ------Un-i 11 habi ted ------Sanla 104 57 47 300 229 71 Dad(1v 296 153 143 292 222 70 Mankehri 334 215 169 836 602 234 Pachkhura 318 168 150 154 113 4 I Janya Tila 518 279 239 453 348 105 Balgawan ------Un-in habited------Kcsarganj 397 214 183 613 482 131 (,hillonuli 130 60 70 286 197 89 R,gawar" K"lan 1,757 957 800 1.932 1,362 570 I\lal1"'" 528 1 287 241 401 278 123 BilpUl 21 13 8 184 141 43 Tai 13"- 71 63 171 I i6 55 Maharajpur 380 217 163 711 521 1')0 Bangara ------Un-inlmbitcd------Tikri l'al111al ------U n-i nha bi led ------Bhikhampura 286 154 132 197 149 48 Gahuli 631 321 310 ~09 627 182 I'mchha ------Vn-illhabitcd------Nloauli


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Pcrsolls Males Females ('CI'SOIlS Males Pcmales 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0410 Sar-ila (Total) 60,929 25,219 35,710 47,897 29,309 111,588 30,634 24,621 6,013 0410 Sarila (Rural) 60,929 25,219 35,7 J() 47,897 29,309 18,5118 30,634 24,621 6,OIJ 0410 Sarita (Urban) Sarita (Rural) 04684700 Jamauri Dariya ------Un-inhabiled------04684800 JallJ8uri Danda 1,143 477 666 788 433 355 598 427 171 04684900 ChandaulDmiya ------Un-inhabiled------04685000 Chandaul Dallda 2,888 1,202 1,686 2,473 1,489 984 1,747 1,226 521 04685100 Ralauli ------Un-inllabilt.:d------04685200 Jitakir"i Oanya ------Un-inhabiled------04685300 Jilakiri Oanda 908 348 560 756 457 299 744 448 296 04685400 Atrauli 834 317 517 810 464 346 655 417 238 04685500 Dhagwan 1,201 470 731 1,124 629 495 565 547 18 04685600 Danda ------Un-inhabitcd------04685700 Basariya 624 250 374 448 295 153 236 224 12 04685800 Rirwa Buzurg Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04685900 Rirwa Buzurg Danda 581 233 348 549 332 217 277 231 46 04686000 Harsundi 1,347 572 775 1.124 634 490 549 521 28 04686100 Kadoura 469 196 273 322 227 95 233 219 14 04686200 Ncoli Basa 854 357 497 756 446 310 366 329 37 04686300 Lodhi Pura 713 264 449 547 302 245 344 251 93 04686400 Illdrapura 1,034 399 635 907 557 350 716 483 233 04686500 Budhi 42 19 23 24 16 g 21 15 6 04686600 Rar Khera 4 I 3 3 2 3 2 04686700 Barahara 1,572 655 917 1,270 745 525 775 656 119 04686800 Sikrodha ------Un-inhabiled------04686900 Baukhar 1,203 434 769 1,073 614 459 644 493 151 04687000 Badhouli 758 285 473 662 365 297 392 296 96 04687100 Bareda Maf 268 99 169 219 117 102 113 113 04687200 Khera Silajit 2,040 846 1,194 1,748 954 794 1,103 875 228 04687300 Bhakhrauli 31 14 17 42 25 17 25 25 132 04687400 Gutakbara 646 261 385 527 293 234 399 267 524 165 04687500 Jariya 1,067 421 646 1,179 725 454 689 226 04687600 ldhora 712 294 418 637 390 247 578 352 157 04687700 Benda Danda 492 208 284 355 197 158 J51 194 04687800 Benda Oariya ------Un-inhabitcd------58 04687900 Suzguwan 103 54 49 61 58 3 59 249 124 04688000 Hardua 438 152 286 452 266 186 373 59 04688100 Bareda Khalsa 431 172 259 413 242 171 246 187 4 04688200 Birhat 561 216 345 521 272 249 241 237 737 22 04688300 Islarnpur 1,577 671 906 1,340 769 571 759 455 163 04688400 Karyari 1,248 492 756 !.l51 643 508 618 04688500 Sarila ------Un-inhabitcd------214 185 29 04688600 Dadov 381 159 222 295 206 89 280 206 74 04688700 Mankchri 548 235 313 427 230 197 420 885 541 344 04688800 Pachkhura 1.113 469 644 993 573 80 44 43 I 04688900 Jariya Tila 204 76 128 173 93 130 231 214 17 04689000 Bargawan 620 238 382 408 278 04689100 Kesarganj ------Un -inhabi lcd----~-----~--- 612 420 192 532 408 124 04689200 Chhibouli 873 327 546 46 222 178 44 04689300 Rigawara Kalan 406 155 251 225 179 575 1.324 I, 122 202 04689400 Mamna 2,455 9BS 1,470 1,819 L244 190 305 240 65 04689500 Bilpur 495 21? 283 448 258 104 176 119 57 '\)4689600 Tai 347 14() 207 245 141 102 106 78 71 7 04689700 Maharajpur 235 10(1 135 208 4\9 202 437 371 66 04689800 Bangara 1,\47 .~ l~~) 662 621 04689900 Tikri Pannal ------U n-inhabitcd------04690000 Bhikhampura ------Un-inhabilcd------185 121 64 127 116 II 04690100 Gahuli 256 157 977 S64 413 SOO 479 21 04690200 Parchha 1,:!IS 776 ------Un-inhabitcd------04690300 Nibauli PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sarila

Industri81 category of main workers Household industry Cultivalor~ Agricultural labourers workcr~ Ollicr workers _ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Maks f'cmales Name or Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 2 19,363 15,673 3,690 6,580 4,867 1,713 1,142 1,1100 142 3,549 3,08 I 46X Sarila (Total) 19,363 15,673 3,690 6,580 4,867 1,713, 1,142 1,000 142 3,549 3,08 I 4CiR Sarila (Hu ral) Sarita (Urban) Sarila (Hural) ------Un-inhablted------JamaUli Dariya 389 279 110 199 142 57 R 5 3 2 Jaillauri Danda ------Un-inhabltcd------Chandaut Dallya 1,388 928 460 184 142 42 40 34 6 135 122 13 Chandaut Dand" ------Un-inhablled------Ratauli ------Un-inhablted------Jllaklri Dariyu 521 308 213 203 124 79 8 5 3 12 II )itaklri Danda 425 267 158 144 81 63 23 15 8 63 54 Y Atrauli 321 317 4 149 144 18 15 77 71 6 Dhagwan ------Un-inhabiled------Danda 170 164 6 51 49 2 15 II 4 Basariya ------Un-Inhabited------Rllwa Buzllrg D'lliya 227 192 35 38 28 10 6 6 6 5 Rllwa Buzurg Dallda 365 354 II 136 126 10 3 3 45 38 7 HatSlll1dl 120 115 5 27 21 6 8 78 7S 3 Kadoura 262 235 27 41 36 5 28 25 3 3S 33 2 Neoli Basa 211 151 60 88 60 28 22 21 I 23 19 4 Lodlii Pura 519 351 168 88 38 50 18 14 4 91 80 II In(liapura 12 8 4 4 3 3 2 I 2 2 Budhi 3 I 2 Rar Khera 530 434 96 175 158 17 25 23 2 45 41 4 Barahara ------Un-inhablted------SiklOdha 477 357 120 104 82 22 32 27 5 31 27 4 Baukhar 287 212 75 53 41 12 29 21 8 23 22 Badhouli 71 71 35 35 1 I 6 6 Bareda Maf 650 508 142 289 216 73 25 '23 2 139 128 I I Kliera Silajit 22 22 I I 2 2 Bhakhrauli 208 141 67 130 76 54 15 13 2 46 37 9 GUlakbara 313 255 58 158 104 54 36 33 3 182 132 50 Jariya 456 265 191 82 49 33 18 17 I 22 21 Idhora 193 90 103 42 21 21 6 4 2 110 79 3 I Benda Danda ------Un-inhablted------Benda Dariya 28 28 26 25 I 5 5 Suzguwan 228 156 72 139 89 50 6 4 2 Hmdua 190 143 47 23 13 10 6 6 27 25 2 Bareda Khalsa 207 206 I 5 4 I 29 27 2 Bilhal 486 482 4 103 98 5 28 26 2 142 13 I II Islampur 536 381 155 14 14 20 20 48 4U 8 Kmyari ------U n-i n ha b i ted ------Sarila 154 133 21 35 28 7 4 3 21 21 Dado\' 150 123 27 93 70 23 2 2 35 II 24 Mankehri 631 376 255 207 125 82 '4 3 43 37 (, Pachkltura 38 38 I I 5 4 I Janya Tila 141 137 4 71 58 13 8 8 II II Bargawan ------U n -I n habi t cd ------Kesarganj 311 260 51 173 105 68 2 2 46 41 Chhibouli 97 92- 5- 87 50 37 5 5 33 31 2 Rigawara Knlan 608 532 76 380 283 ,95 149 t36 13 187 169 It' Ma1l1na 71 54 17 )2 10 2 6p 54 12 156 122 ~.j Bilpur 85 69 16 78 39 39 2 'I II 10 I Tai 37 33 4 2 2 II If) 28 26 Maitarajpur 243 20') 34 93 74 1-9 43 39 58 49 l) Bangara ------Un -i n hab i ted ------"------TI kri Panna I ------.Ull-inhabilcd------Bhikhal1lpUl a 51 47 4 67 60 7 q <} Gahuh 221 218 )- 175 165 10 12 12 92 84 8 Pmchha ------UJI -I n h'll> i ted------Nlhal1it DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C [) Block -

Indu~trlal catcgory Location code Marginal workcrs Cultivators Agricultural labourel-s number NalllcofYillagc Pcrsons Males Fcmalcs Pcrsolls Malcs Fcmales Persons Males Fcmales 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4X 49

0410 Sarila (Total) 17,263 4,688 12,575 7,047 1,055 5,992 8,802 2,993 5,809 0410 Sarila (Rural) 17,263 4,688 12,575 7,047 1,055 5,992 8,802 2,993 5,809 0410 Sarila (Urban) Sarila (Rural) 04684700 Jamauri Dariya ------Un-inhabltcd------04684800 Jamauri Danda 190 6 184 185 5 180 4 04684900 Chandaut Dariya ------Un-inhabitcd------04685000 Chandaut Danda 726 263 463 287 64 223 372 158 214 04685100 Ralauli ------Un-lnll"bited------04685200 Jilakiri Danya ------Un-Inhabited------04685300 Jllakiri Danda 12 9 3 2 2 4 4 04685400 Atrauli ISS 47 108 66 13 S3 74 24 SO 04685500 Dhagwan 559 82 477 273 35 238 272 42 230 04685600 Danda ------Un-Inhablted------04685700 Basariya 212 71 141 91 33 58 118 37 81 04685800 Rllwa Buzurg Dariya ------Un-lnllabitcd------04685900 Rilwa Buzurg Danda 272 101 171 142 16 126 125 80 45 04686000 HarslIndi 575 113 462 313 36 277 240 66 174 04686100 Kadoura 89 8 81 46 3 43 11 II 04686200 Ncoli Basa 390 117 273 212 33 179 174 81 93 04686300 Lodhi Pum 203 :01 152 92 16 76 IDS 33 72 04686400 Indrapura 191 74 117 8 5 84 19 65 04686500 Budhi 3 2 2 04686600 Rar Khera 04686700 Barahara 495 89 406 321 40 281 166 42 124 04686800 Sikrodha ------U n-i n habi ted ------04686900 Baukhar 429 121 308 274 57 217 133 47 86 04687000 Badhouli 270 69 201 200 52 148 16 12 04687100 Bareda Maf 106 4 102 52 52 53 50 04687200 Khera Silajit 645 79 566 420 36 384 206 32 174 04687300 Bhakhrauli 17 17 17 17 04687400 Gutakbara 128 26 102 87 18 69 32 27 04687500 Jariya 490 201 289 146 36 110 311 141 170 04687600 Idhora 59 38 21 44 25 19 10 8 2 04687700 Benda Danda 4 3 04687800 Benda Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04687900 Suzguwan 2 2 2 2 45 04688000 Hardua 79 17 62 17 I 16 60 15 04688100 Bareda Khalsa 167 SS 112 52 6 46 100 39 61 16 04688200 Birhat 280 35 245 3 I 18 13 248 232 15 162 04688300 islampur 581 32 549 379 II 368 177 114 20t 04688400 Karyari 5~3 188 345 130 21 109 315 04688500 Sarila ------Un-inhabited------7 i2 04688600 Dadov 81 21 60 50 6 44 19 21 04688700 Mankehri 147 24 123 67 3 64 80 59 4 J 04688800 Pachkhura 103 32 76 89 26 63 17 3 49 79 04688900 Jariya Tila 129 50 79 128 62 112 04689000 Bargawan 64 113 2 2 174 04689100 Kesarganj ------Un-inhablled------04689200 Chhibouli 80 12 68 44 6 38 34 04689300 Rigawara Kalan 3 2 2 430 10) 3n 04689400 Manma 495 122 373 13 3 10 65 X 57 04689500 Bilpur :4~ 18 125 21 2 19 22 8 14 04689660 Tai (.r.J "'~ 22 47 42 11 31 4 82 8 74 04689700 Maharajpur 13~ 31 9\1 23 19 75 30 04689800 Bangara 1~4 48 136 101 18 83 04689900 Ttkri Pannal ------Un-inhabitcd------04690000 Bhikhal11pura ------U n-i nhab i tcd ------44 4 04690 I 00 Gahuli 5 53 14 I 13 225 n 04690200 Parchha 392 241 53 188 04690300 Nibauli ------Un-inhabited------332 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTHACT Sarila

of marginal workers LO«ltion Household induSlIY workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fem

599 174 425 SIS 466 349 55,10 I 26,695 28,406 Saritn (Total) 0410 599 174 425 SI5 466 349 55,10 I 26,695 28,406 Sarita (Rural) 0410 Sarita (U.-IJaI1) 0410 Sarita (Hural) ------Un-11111abllcd------Janlallri Dariya 04(J84700 744 378 366 Jalllallri Danda 04684800 ------U 11- i 11 h a b i I cd ------Chandaut Dariya 04684YOO 8 5 3 59 36 23 2.473 1,236 1.237 Chandaut Danda 04685000 ------Un-Inhabltcd------Ratauli 04685100 ------Un-Ill ha blled ------Jitakili Dariya 04685200 6 3 3 621 277 344 Jitakiri Danda 04(,85300 14 9 5 746 366 380 Atrnlili 04685400 4 4 10 5 ~14 448 466 Dhagwan 04685500 ------Un-i nha bitcd-----. ------Danda 04685600 2 2 525 235 290 Basariya 04685700 ------Un-inhabitcd---·------Rirwa Buzurg Dariya 04685800 5 5 536 272 264 R,rwa Buzurg Danda 04685900 13 II 2 9 9 984 503 481 Harsunch 04(,86000 I 3 3 29 5 24 507 247 260 Kadollra 04686100 3 2 662 324 338 Neoli Basa 0468620n 4 I 3 2 I I 675 356 319 Lodhi PlIrJ 04686300 27 7 20 72 43 29 931 441 490 IndrapUia 04686400 46 23 23 Budhi 04686500 I IRaI' Khera 04686600 7 6 1,273 657 616 Barahara 04686700 ------Un -in ha b i ted ------Sikrodha 0468(801) 11 11 11 6 5 1,022 506 516 Baukhar 04686900 52 11 41 2 2 639 331 308 Badhouli 04687000 232 121 I I I Bareda MaC 04687100 4 4 15 II 4 1,792 950 842 Khera Silajit 04687200 22 II I I Bhakhrauh 04687300 1 8 5 512 252 260 Gutakbara 04687400 16 , 13 3 J7 11 6 1,232 577 655 Jariya 04687500 3 3 2 2 681 371 310 tdhora 04687600 3 2 353 186 167 Benda Danda 04681700 - .----. ------Un-inhabitcd------.--- Benda Datiya 04687800 94 34 60 SlIzguwan 04687900 2 I 367 176 191 Hard1l8 04688000 5 4 10 9 395 225 170 Bareda Khalsa 04688100 I 576 320 256 Birhat 0468820\) 7 I 6 I~ 5 1,422 735 687 Islampur 04688~OCl II 6 5 77 47 30 1,140 585 555 Kmyari 04688400 ------Un-mhabilC'd------Sarila 04(>88500 Ii 3 386 182 204 Dadov 04688600 413 227 186 Mankehn 0468~7()() 956 498 458 Pachkhura 04688ROQ 185 96 &9 Jariya Tila 04(,8R9QO 665 308 357 Bargawan 046i!'1000 ., --. ------,Un' inhabiled------_ .-- Kc~argallj ()4(Ji;910'~ 2 874 389 4R5 Chhihouli 04(,8'120(' 467 173 294 Rigawara Kalan 04(lX{)JiiO 29 4 25 23 12 II 2,568 1,103 1,465 MHllllla 04(1)\<)4\)1) 35 4 31 22 4 I 448 232 216 BilpUi 04(,~\)',1)\I 2 t 1 2 I 286 140 146 Tal 04 (,X<)(J()U 18 12 ~ 198 114 84 Mahamjpur 04(JRI)7!)i) 6 1,237 587 650 Bang",a 04(J~l)S('() Tikri Parmal ()46~\ll)()11 13hikhampllra 04 (,<)I)()Ot) 268 127 141 Gahult ()~6t)lll')I) 4 2 1,050 505 545 Parchha 04{J(}(i~~' ;0 N,oauli \)-1{l'r!)_':OIJ 334 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C [) Block- Total population (in<.:iuding Location Area of institutional and hOllscless Population in the code Vil\agein Number of [!0[!ulatioIl2 age-group 0-6 Ilumber Name of Village hectares households Pcrsons Males F cmales Persolls Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Il '1 10

046'10400 Puraini 1.1940 775 4,775 2,692 2,0~3 945 511 434 04690500 Muhummadpura 461.0 ------U11-111 ha bl Icu------04690600 Khandaut 2.669.0 262 I.Xn 1,000 877 369 IllS 181 04690700 Dhuloupur 508.0 26 159 87 72 27 14 I:l 04690800 Jalalpur 1010 301 1,897 1,054 843 305 157 148 04690900 Bhedi Danda 2,7240 853 5,336 2,930 2,406 1,039 538 501 04691000 Bhcdi Dariya 361.0 ------Un-Illhabilcd------04691100 Kupara 1,500.0 405 2,416 1.357 1.059 441 216 225 04691200 Hasaupur Scnsa 655.0 44 299 167 132 65 33 32 04691300 Kancra 940 17 108 59 49 27 15 12 04691400 Burkhclu 460.0 104 698 356 342 163 87 76 04691500 Devkhuri 7870 51 388 211 177 95 46 49 04691600 Rajamau 393.0 115 672 351 321 140 84 56 04691700 Dhauhal Khurd 502.0 ------U11-111 ha bi Icd-- 04691800 Dhauhal Buzurg 1,503.0 475 2,861 1.545 1.31 (, 544 270 274 04691900 Chheri Baini 476.0 95 617 333 284 125 75 50 04692000 Bilgaon 2.782.0 702 4,108 2.234 1.874 745 398 347 04692100 Katchari 951.0 158 1,000 550 450 228 liS 1/3 04692200 Jhinhlouli 375.0 4 51 30 21 7 5 2 04692300 Pahara 689.0 493 2.995 1,624 1.371 512 253 259 04692400 Tuma 756.0 313 1.689 8'10 799 282 138 144 04692500 Bheshacll 738.0 412 2,387 1,326 1,06l 396 214 \)\2 04692600 Rahirka 425.0 ------Un-inhabilcd------04692700 Magrol 255.0 214 1,271 684 587 235 121 114 04692800 Kharka 113.0 ------Un- i nh a b i Icd ------04692900 Bandwa 1,078.0 492 2.873 1,531 1.342 485 235 250 04693000 Uparhaka 1,374.0 360 2,486 1,384 1,102 434 229 205


Scheduled Castes ropuation Scheduled Tribes Eo[!ulation Litemtes Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males F cmnlcs Name of Villagc II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

922 523 399 1,920 1.378 542 Putallll ------U11- in ha b i (cd ------1'.1 uha!1111ladpUl a 211 101 110 835 591 244 Khan"allt 159 87 72 77 55 22 Dhm llupur 436 241 195 980 658 322 Jalalpu\ 1,207 673 534 1,576 1.129 447 Bhedi Dallda ------U n -i n h a b ited ------Bhed\ Dariya 516 287 229 962 697 265 Kupara 77 60 17 lIasauI'lIr Sensa 36 3 I 5 Kaner~l 35 16 19 158 136 22 l3arkhcld 140 125 IS Dcvkhun 18 9 9 171 140 31 RaJal11au ------Un-inhabitcd------Dhauhal Khurd 749 399 350 1,332 911 421 Dhallhal Butuig 153 85 68 330 217 113 CI\heri Baini 866 481 385 1,760 1,268 492 Bilgallll 247 134 113 325 259 66 Katehall 27 19 8 Jhillll()uli i,048 573 475 1,124 867 257 Pahara 382 193 189 639 482 157 Tu 111 " 691 384 307 1,034 749 285 Bhcshaen ------U n -in ha b i ted------Rahirka 323 179 144 498 378 120 Magrol ------U 11-i nbabi (ed ------Khmka 668 355 3J3 1,248 885 363 Bandwa 658 362 296 872 642 230 Upmhaka


Location eode Illitcrat<:s Total workers M,lin workel s number Naille of Village Persons Millcs Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femaks 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 n

04690400 Pwninl 2,855 1,314 1,541 2,561 1,461 1,1 00 1,305 1.247 5R 04690500 M uilalllllladpul" ------Un-inhabitcd------04690600 Khandaut 1,042 409 633 678 471 207 363 3~4 39 04690700 Dharoupur 82 32 50 87 47 40 3<) 27 12 04690800 Jalalpur 917 396 521 625 551 74 511 45:; 56 04690900 Bhedl Danda 3,760 1,80 I 1,959 2,096 1,495 601 1,601 1.321 2XO 04691000 Bhcdi Dariya ------Un-inhabitcd------04691100 Kupal<' 1,454 660 794 751 645 106 329 301 2~ 04691200 Hasaupur Sensa 222 107 115 94 90 4 49 47 04691300 Kuncra 72 28 44 26 24 2 18 17 1 04691400 Batkhera 540 220 320 344 195 149 147 II:; 32 04691500 Devkhuri 248 86 162 225 124 101 100 100 04691600 Rajamau 501 211 290 349 180 169 170 159 II 04691700 Dhauhal Khurd ------U n -in ha bi ted ------04691800 Dhauhal Buzurg 1,529 634 895 908 740 168 779 6(,(, 1 13 04691900 Chhcri Saini 287 116 171 252 154 98 231 151 XO 04692000 Bilgaon 2,348 966 1,382 1,937 1.191 746 1,543 1,13X 405 04692100 Katehari 675 291 384 467 274 193 220 2tl(, \4 04692200 Jhlllllouh 24 II 13 27 17 10 24 14 10 04692300 Pahara 1,871 7S7 1,114 1,630 906 724 893 639 254 04692400 Tuma 1,050 408 642 788 471 317 413 332 RI 04692500 Sheshacn 1,353 577 776 1,039 678 361 545 523 22 04692600 Rahirka ------Un-inhabited------04692700 Maglol 773 306 467 430 292 138 274 252 22 04692800 Kharka ------Un-inhabited------04692900 Bandwa 1,625 646 979 1,473 854 619 629 597 32 04693000 Uparhaka 1,614 742 872 1,193 664 529 677 040 37

337 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sarita Inuustrial eategol)' of main workers Household industry Cultivfltors Agricultural labourers workers Other workers ---Persons Males Females Persons Males FelTlales Pcrsons Males FClTlales Persons Males Females Name (11' Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 3

853 832 21 332 304 28 34 32 2 86 '/') 7 Purallli ------Un-inhabited------M 1I1dllll1ladl'lIra 184 177 7 78 51 27 5 3 2 96 93 3 Khandaut 34 24 10 3 3 2 2 Dhar<1l1pur 176 170 6 205 169 36 22 20 2 108 96 12 )alalpllr 892 761 131 345 267 78 61 S9 2 30] 234 69 Bhedl D


Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivaturs Agriculturallahourer'i number Name of Village Persons Malcs Females Persons Males Females Persons Males I" cma/cs 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 41) 49 04690400 Puraini 1,25(, 214 1,042 800 112 (,XX 440 lJX 342 04690500 Muhammadpura ------Un-Inhabitcd------04690600 Khandaut 315 147 168 43 3 40 265 142 123 04690700 Dharoupur 48 20 28 16 4 12 32 1(, 1(, 04690800 lalalpur 114 9<> 18 2 2 10(, <)() 1(, 04690900 Bhcdi Danda 495 174 321 234 56 178 224 84 141l 04691000 Bhedl Dariya ------Un-il,habited------04691100 Kupara 422 344 78 2 1 416 341l 7(] 04691200 Hasaupur Sensa 45 43 2 45 4:1 2 04691300 Kancla 8 7 7 04691400 Barkhcra 197 80 117 152 (l2 '10 04691500 Dcvkhuri 125 24 101 8 3 14 'i 04691600 Rapmau 179 21 158 96 88 43 2 41 04691700 Dhauhal Khurd ------Un-inhabited------04691800 Dhauhal Buzurg 129 74 55 12 2 10 105 60 45 04691900 Chhcri Bailll 21 3 18 5 I 4 12 I II 04692000 Bilgaon 394 53 341 265 25 240 114 19 95 04692100 Katchari 247 68 179 8 8 238 60 In 04692200 Jhirmouli 3 3 2 2 04692300 Pahara 737 267 470 102 13 89 (,04 23') 365 04692400 TUt11a 375 139 236 lOS 16 89 18(, 90 96 04692500 Bheshacn 494 155 339 172 13 159 244 91 1"3 04692600 Rahirka ------U n -i nhabi ted ------04692700 Magrol 156 40 116 109 21 88 46 19 27 04692800 Kharka ------Un-inhabitcd------04692900 Bandwa 844 257 587 147 37 110 525 152 373 04693000 Uparhaka 516 24 492 323 10 313 173 8 165 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Sarila

of marginal workers Locatiol1 Household industl): workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persol1s Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

8 2 6 8 2 6 2,214 \,23\ 983 Pu\,,\n\ 046'J04()() ------U n -i 11 ha b It cd ------Muhammadrura 0469050() 4 4 3 2 \ 1,199 529 670 Khandaut 04(,90('()O 72 40 32 Dharoupur 04690700 6 4 2 1,272 503 769 Jalalpur 04690800 36 33 3 3,240 1,435 1,805 Bhcdi Dantla 04690900 ------Un-Inhabited------Bhedi Danya 04691000 2 2 2 \ ,665 712 953 Kurara 04691100 205 77 128 Hasaupur Sensa 04(>91200 82 35 47 Kancra 04691300 21 3 18 24 15 9 354 161 193 Barkhcla 04(>9 I 40() 101 15 86 2 I 163 87 76 Dcvkhun 04691500 21 3 18 19 8 II 323 171 152 Rajamau 04691600 ------U n-i n ha b i Icd ------Dhauha\ KhUld 04691700 12 12 1,953 805 1. 148 Dhauhal Buzurg 04691800 4 I 3 365 179 186 ehheri Baini 04691900 6 5 9 8 2,171 1,043 1,128 Bilgaon 04692000 533 276 257 Katchali 04692100 I 24 13 II Jhirmouit 04692200 12 6 6 19 9 10 1,365 718 647 Pahara 04692300 48 9 39 36 24 12 901 419 482 Tuma 04692400 10 10 68 41 27 1,348 648 700 Bheshacn 04692500 ------Un-inhabited------Rahirka 04692600 841 392 449 Magrol 04692700 ------Un-inhabited------Kharka 04692800 68 18 50 104 50 54 1,400 677 723 Bandwa 04692900 14 2 12 6 4 2 1,293 720 573 Uparhaka 04693000


VILLAGI~ PRIMARY C J) Block - Total population (includlllg Localion Arca of institutional and housclcss Population in the codc Villagl: in Number of ____--L p-"-o,Lp.=.u;_:la':'-ti"-o....;Il"-) ____ age-group o-() nllmbcr Name of Village hectares hOllseholds Persons Males Femalcs Persons Males Fcmales 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

041 I Gohalld (Tolal) 53,197.0 17,723 103,495 55,548 47,9~7 18,2H7 9,674 X,(d J 0411 Gohand (Rural) 53,197.0 17,72.1 103,495 55,548 47,947 18,2S7 9,(,74 H,('Ll 0411 Gohand (Urban) Gohalld (Rural) 04693100 Chikasi 1,593.0 31.l 1,764 960 804 328 172 156 04693200 Baroli Kharka 1,394.0 405 2,409 1,262 1,147 426 207 219 04693300 Alra 1,022.0 293 1,656 920 736 270 145 125 04693400 Magraulh 2,100.0 259 1,504 782 722 298 153 145 04693500 Sikrondha Kharka 378.0 IlL 587 304 283 104 51) 54 04693600 Rihula 870.0 398 2,427 1,314 I.l13 473 242 231 04693700 Bargar 209.0 57 321 171 150 47 2S 22 04693800 Chadwari Dariya 145.0 ------U 11-111 ha bi led ------04693900 Chadwari Danda 374.0 138 814 458 356 122 70 52 04694000 Dhurouli 555.0 65 401 210 191 74 39 35 04694100 Bilgaon 575.0 70 476 247 229 106 47 59 04694200 Jigil1i 3,556.0 346 1,771 910 861 270 149 121 04694300 Gadhar 228.0 97 564 299 265 129 65 64 04694400 Chak Amarpura 49.0 163 877 481 396 151 72 79 04694500 Amurpura 162.0 ------U 11-111 ha b It cd ------04694600 I:langra 514.0 258 1,555 851 704 283 150 IJJ 04694700 Iteliya Raja 6770 213 1,276 688 588 252 130 122 04694800 Dhagwan 553.0 257 1,561 837 724 308 169 139 04694900 Ujaneh 189.0 44 258 140 118 52 30 22 04695000 Nahdoura 786.0 297 1,857 993 864 292 152 140 04695100 Rahank 1,037.0 397 2,493 1,343 1,150 395 203 192 04695200 Churha 485.0 211 1,134 629 505 172 100 72 04695300 Rawatpura 1,012.0 260 1,524 829 695 301 173 128 04695400 Bara Kharka 405.0 195 1,250 681 569 204 108 96 04695500 Jamangawan 340.0 ------UI1-il1lwbiICd------04695600 lteliya Baza 1,484.0 676 4,116 2,216 1,900 699 361 338 04695700 Tyonlana 221.0 :,4 309 163 146 58 28 30 04695800 Birbahi 243.0 27 151 84 67 25 15 10 04695900 Bi1gaon 369.0 67 416 218 198 86 46 40 04696000 Becra 931.0 509 2,939 1,554 1,385 449 231 218 04696100 Pawai 881.0 459 2,580 1,382 1,198 427 228 199 04696200 lamkhuri 354.0 130 763 408 355 119 69 50 04696300 Alkachaba 346.0 238 1,395 755 640 267 14S 122 04696400 Palkhuti 361.0 256 1,507 805 702 213 107 lOG 04696500 Amond 905.0 513 3,057 1,669 1,388 562 297 265 04696600 Regwara Khurd 765.0 220 1,368 719 649 287 138 149 04696700 Kuan Khera 403.0 2 8 5 3 04696800 Karhi 552.0 232 1,060 577 483 162 90 72 04696900 Kachhwa Kalan 855.0 410 2,344 1,260 1,084 375 209 166 04697000 Khajuri 412.0 108 720 401 319 118 63 55 04697100 Karoundi 541.0 288 1,758 953 805 327 178 149 04697200 Sigraban 390.0 ------U n -i n ha bi led ------04697300 Ulnatiya 388.0 605 3,418 1,842 1,576 653 341 312 04697400 Gahand ,365.0 13 72 40 32 6 3 3 04697500 Kemakhar 499.0 92 671 354 317 114 58 56 04697600 Musahi 2430 ------Un-inhabiled------04697700 Bahara 52.0 ------U n -in hab I led ------. -- 04697800 Mehjoli 371.0 150 746 385 361 157 81 76 046~7900 Mansgawan 313.0 155 970 523 447 128 73 55 04698000 Banzni 87.0 ------Un-inhabilcd------04698100 Wagipura 320.0 80 539 269 270 124 53 71 04(i98200 It.auragaon 100.0 48 298 163 135 71 40 J 1 046983e'0 Si:-S3 80.0 ------Un-inhabiled------.- ()469f.400 Amgaon 903.0 372 2,137 1,146 991 }g7 2lU 1~4 0469R500 larakhar 135.0 769 4,583 2,448 2,135 827 44') J7K 0,:('98(,00 Macheha'; 308.0 108 630 332 298 10(' 4R 5R J(P (}'~(/)R Ji\1) Bcl[)Ja 4540 226 1,236 629 607 I


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes populatioll Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males I'cmalcs Persolls ivlales Females Name orVill


Location c{)dc IIlitcrates To\al workers Main workers nUlnbcr Nallle of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Femafcs PersoliS Males Femafcs 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2X

0411 Golland (Total) 54,393 21,040 33,353 48,722 28,592 2V,131) 30,ISI) 24,292 S,NG7 0411 Gohand (Rural) 54,393 21,040 33,353 48,722 28,592 20,130 30,159 24,292 5.8(17 0411 Gohand (Urban) Gohand (Rural) 04693100 Chikasi 945 390 555 676 489 187 357 334 23 ()4693200 Bamh Kharka 1,378 518 860 1.231 667 564 704 542 I (,2 04693300 Alra 860 342 518 677 479 198 401 388 13 04693400 Magtaulh gl2 276 536 545 356 189 326 311 J 5 04693500 Sikmndha Kharka 273 89 184 302 158 144 145 141 4 04693600 Rlhuta 1,383 531 852 1,229 663 566 '.10<) 6(,0 249 04693700 Bargar 182 71 III 134 89 45 92 8(, (, 04693800 Chadwari Danya ------Un-inllablted------04693900 Chadwari Danda 472 191 281 422 238 184 213 20<) 4 04694000 Dhurouli 221 83 138 190 104 86 85 84 04694100 Bilgaoll 260 90 170 210 127 83 160 121 3<) 04694200 Jigini 858 355 503 484 406 78 343 325 18 04694300 Gadhar 388 158 230 238 163 75 16<) 162 7 04694400 Chak Amalpura 384 130 254 447 256 191 235 1<)3 42 04694500 Amarpura ------Un-inhabi\ed--- 04694600 Bangra 773 327 446 837 462 375 379 33<) 4U 04694700 HeJiya Raja 602 259 343 561 348 213 384 317 () 7 04694800 Dhagwan 777 302 475 660 367 293 451 357 <)4 04694900 Ujaneh 128 43 85 124 64 60 67 62 5 04695000 Nahdoura 932 328 604 935 549 386 752 513 239 04695100 Rahank 960 358 602 1,183 719 464 692 602 90 04695200 Churha 486 167 319 628 331 297 495 303 192 04695300 Rawatpura 769 297 472 745 431 314 430 380 50 04695400 Bara Kharka 636 247 389 555 325 230 376 284 n 04695500 Jamangawan ------Un-inhabited------04695600 ltc1iya Baza 2,048 718 1,330 1,95 I 1,099 852 1.101 910 191 04695700 Tyonlana 142 44 98 174 94 80 69 67 2 04695800 Birbahi 64 21 43 92 48 44 39 32 7 04695900 Bi1gaon 232 92 140 198 118 80 105 93 12 04696000 Bcera 1.431 505 926 1,145 742 403 835 597 238 124 04696100 Pawai 1,311 525 786 1,283 706 577 746 622 35 04696200 Jamkhuri 422 178 244 406 221 185 186 151 89 04696300 A1kachaba 804 314 490 601 377 224 448 359 409 16 04696400 Patkhuri 715 253 462 492 429 63 425 792 237 04696500 Amand 1,832 751 1,081 1.483 896 587 1.029 343 298 45 04696600 Rcgwara Khurd 695 261 434 630 344 286 4 2 04696700 Kuan Khera 2 2 6 4 2 6 508 297 211 04696800 Karhi 565 228 337 535 311 224 471 14 04696900 Kachhwa Kalan 1,106 428 678 1.205 654 551 485 214 197 17 04697000 Khajuri 381 1 ~)4 227 291 210 81 458 3<)2 66 04697100 Karoundi 960 381 579 863 471 392 04697200 Sigraban ------Un -in habi tcd ------1,042 831 211 04697300 Umariya 2,136 893 1.243 1,817 978 839 4 3 04697400 Gahand 43 17 26 28 22 6 <)9 94 5 04697500 Kemokhar 400 176 224 180 149 31 04697600 Musahi ------Un- in ha bi tcd ------04697700 Bahara ------Un-inhabitcd------15S 149 9 04697800 Mchjo1i 421 ISS 266 388 195 193 267 263 4 04697900 Mansgawan 426 155 271 337 268 69 04698000 Banzni ------Un -i n habi tcd ------130 120 10 04698100 Wagipura 265 87 178 263 148 115 72 100 76 24 04698200 ltauragaon 148 62 S6 161 89 04698300 Sirsa ------Un -iII habi I cd------573 537 36 04698400 Amgaon 1.206 478 728 893 608 285 1.125 7X4 341 04698500 Jarakhar 2,443 901 1.5-11 2.364 l.270 1.094 325 Il)X 127 04698600 Machehari 270 70 200 384 2U2 182 32<) 246 274 257 17 04698700 Barun 597 224 373 575 343 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Gohand Industrial cntegory of main workcrs Household industry Cultivators Agricultural lnbuurers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males females Persons Malcs Females Persolls Males Fcmales Naille or Vill

3'-14 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial category Locution code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Pcrsons Malcs Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

()411 Cohand (Total) 18,563 4,300 14,263 5,469 760 4,709 t 1,427 2,805 8,622 ()411 Gohand (Rural) 18,563 4,300 14,263 5,469 760 4,709 11,427 2,80S 8,622 ()411 Gohand (Urban) Gohand (Rural) 04693100 Chikasi 319 155 164 17 4 13 197 74 123 04693200 Baro Ii Kharka 527 125 402 17 7 10 496 lOS 391 04693300 Atra 276 91 185 4 4 264 86 In 04693400 Magrauth 219 45 174 62 13 49 152 27 125 04693500 Sikrondha Kharka 157 17 140 112 II 101 42 3 39 ()4693600 Rihuta 320 3 317 2 2 314 311 04693700 Bargar 42 3 39 38 3 35 4 4 04693800 Chadwari Dariya ------Un-inhabiled------04693900 Chadwllli Danda 209 29 180 98 9 89 109 19 ')0 04694000 Dhurouli lOS 20 85 84 14 70 17 2 15 04694100 Bilgaon 50 6 44 17 4 13 33 2 31 04694200 Jigini 141 81 60 52 26 26 81 48 33 04694300 Gadhar 69 I 68 6 6 63 I (,2 04694400 Chak Amarpul a 212 63 149 , 92 12 80 \04 45 59 04694500 Amarpura -L------Un-inhabited------04694600 Bangra 458 123 335 12 6 6 246 (,0 186 04694700 lleliya Ra.Ja 177 31 146 68 9 59 J03 16 87 04694800 Dhagwan 209 10 199 116 2 114 87 8 79 04694900 UjanelJ 57 2 55 55 2 53 2 2 04695000 Nahdoura 183 36 147 74 11 63 99 17 82 04695100 Rahank 491 117 374 23 7 16 437 96 341 04695200 Churha 133 28 105 33 5 28 97 .' 22 75 04695300 Rawatpura 315 51. 264 [3 5 8 294 42 252 04695400 Bara Kharka 179 4Ji 138 22 2 20 154 37 117 04695500 Jamangawan ------Un-inhabited------04695600 Iteliya Baza 850 189 661 502 15 427 290 94 196 04695700 Tyontana 105 27 78 3 2 102 25 77 04695800 Birbahi 53 16 37 53 16 37 04695900 Bilgaon 93 25 68 50 12 38 40 II 29 04696000 Beera 310 145 165 17 7 10 213 112 101 149 04696100 Pawai 537 84 453 3\3 27 286 202 53 37 04696200 lamkhuri 220 70 150 112 24 88 59 22 <) 04696300 Alkachaba 153 1:& 135 95 95 39 30 33 04696400 Patkhuri 67 20 47 14 14 52 19 70 263 04696500 Amoml 454 104 350' 101 20 81 333 6 70 04696600 Regwara Khurd 287 46 241 203 37 166 76 04696700 Kuan Khera 17 8 9 04696800 Karhi 27 14 13 2 2 127 446 04696900 Kachhwa Kalan 720 183 537 68 9 59 573 37 9 28 04697000 Khajuri 77 13 64 38 4 34 275 63 212 04697100 Karoundi 405 79 326 128 14 114 04697200 Sigraban ------Un-inhabited------486 100 386 04697300 Umariya 775 147 628 116 25 91 20 17 3 04697400 Gohand 24 19 5 44 29 15 04697500 Kcmokhar 81 55 26 04697600 Musahi ------Un-inhabitcd------04697700 Bohara ------Un-inhabitcd------182 38 144 04697800 Mchjoli 46 184 48 8 40 64 4 60 04697900 Mansgawan 5 65 5 5 04698000 Banzni ------Un-inhabitcd------25 4 21 04698100 Wagipura 133 28 105 102 21 81 12 9 04698200 ltauragaon 61 '13 48 46 8 38 04698300 Sir5a ------Un-inhabilcd------210 57 153 04698400 Amgaon 320 71 249 107 II 96 179 915 393 522 04698500 larakhar 1,239 486 753 224 45 59 4 55 04698600 Machchan 59 4 55 13 282 69 213 04698700 Barua 301 72 229 14

345 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Gohand of ll1arginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females PersOlls Males Fem

562 209 353 1,105 526 579 54,773 26,956 27,!l17 GoiIall(l (Tnt"l) 0411 562 209 353 1,105 526 579 54,773 26,956 27,H 17 Gollalld (Rllral) 0411 Gollan(1 (Urhan) 0411 Golland (Rural) 41 25 16 64 52 12 1,088 471 617 Chikasi 04693100 12 12 2 I 1,178 595 583 Baroli Khal ka 04693200 3 2 5 4 979 441 538 Atra 04693300 4 4 959 426 S33 Magrauth 0469}400 3 3 285 146 139 Sikrondha Kharka 04693500 4 4 1,198 651 547 Rihuta 046lJ36iJ0 187 82 105 Bargal 04693700 ------Un-inhabitcd------Chadwari Danya 04693&00 2 I I 392 220 172 Chadwari Dando 04693900 4 4 211 106 105 Dhurouli 04694000 266 120 146 Bilgaoll 04694100 3 3 5 4 1,287 504 783 J.gini 04694200 326 136 190 Gadhar 04694300 2 14 , 5 9 430 225 205 Chak Am3.puca 04694400 ------tlJn-inhabited------A 1Il3'JlUra 04694500 9 4 5 191 53 138 718 389 329 Bangra 04694600 6 6 715 340 375 Iteliya Rap 04694700 5 5 901 470 431 Dhagwan 04694800 134 76 58 Ujanch 04694900 5 4 1 5 4 I 922 444 478 Nahdoul a 04695000 II 2 9 20 12 8 1,310 624 686 Rahank 04695100 2 506 298 208 Churha 04695200 7 4 3 779 398 381 Rawatpura 04695300 2 2 695 356 339 Bara Khar ka 04695400 ------Un-inhabitcd------Jamangawan 04695500 15 6 9 43 14 29 2,165 1,117 1.048 Iteliya Baza 04695600 135 69 66 Tyontana 04695700 59 36 23 Birbahi 04695&00 3 2 218 100 118 Bilgaon 04695900 12 7 5 68 19 49 1,794 812 982 Beera 04696000 18 4 14 4 4 1,297 676 621 Pawai 04696100 II 4 7 38 20 18 357 187 170 Jamkhuri 04696200 4 3 15 6 9 794 378 416 Alkachaba 04696300 I 1 1,015 376 639 Patkhuri 04696400 4 3 16 II 5 1,574 773 801 Amond 04696500 3 2 5 I 4 738 375 363 Regwara Khurd 04696(,00 2 I I Kuan Khera 04696700 4 3 4 3 525 266 259 Karhi 04696800 37 10 27 42 37 5 1,139 606 533 Kachhwa Kalan 04696900 2 2 429 191 238 Khajuri 04697000 ,22 895 482 413 Karoundi 04697100 ------Un-inhabited------Sigrahan ()4697~t)O 54 5 49 119 17 102 1,601 864 737 Umariya 04697300 I I 3 2 44 18 26 Gohand 04697400 18 8 10 18 17 491 205 286 Kemokhar 046lJ7:<1.10 ------Un-inhabitcd------Musahi 04697600 ------Un-inhabited------__ Bohara 04697;00 358 190 168 Mehjoh 04697800 , 633 255 378 Mansgawan 04697'lO0 ------Un-inhabitcd------__ Banzni 04698000 633 276 121 I S5 Wagipura 04698 ItlO 321 137 74 63 Itauragaon 0469R~00 ------U n -inha b itcd ------_ .. _ Sirsa 04(,98300 3 3 1,244 538 706 Amgaon 0469R400 64 32 32 36 16 20 2,219 1,178 1,041 Jarakhar 0469S50() 246 130 116 Machchari 04698t{10 2 2 3 2 661 300 ~61 Barua 04(,lJS7t)O


VILLAGE PRIMAHY C [) Block - Total population (including Location Area of institutionul and houselcss l'oJ1Ulatloll ill the code Village in Number of 12opu\


Sehedulcd Castcs popualioll Schcdulcd Tribcs po~ulation Litcratcs Persons Males f'clllalcs Pcrsons Mnlcs Fcmalcs Pcrsons Malcs Fcmalcs Namc of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 134 75 59 157 126 3 I Bigwun 62 33 29 73 52 21 Tlkur ------U n-i n h a b itcd ------Tuls'l1l11a 296 156 140 716 484 232 Linga 266 149 117 762 552 210 Kargawan ------U 11-i n h a bl ted ------Jalllra 408 223 185 586 379 207 SalllCl 533 280 253 741 538 203 Bahpllr 240 126 114 572 430 142 Nadna 728 379 349 1,161 806 355 Sarsai 369 188 181 551 388 163 KUl11haliya 402 233 169 642 457 185 Slyawli Raj 11la i ------Un-inhabited------Chulla 372 201 171 546 386 160 Itayal 211 128 83 358 244 114 Baril ------U n -i nh a bit cd ------Kushailla 698 383 315 1,962 1,356 606 Chilli 82 63 19 Kharehta Bllzllrg 818 455 363 1,715 1,227 488 AUl1ta 416 240 176 582 414 168 Tol,a Raath 95 52 43 163 109 54 Dhanoura 957 520 437 2,072 1,416 656 Akaulla ------Un-inhabited------Madha 818 446 372 1,648 1,146 502 Dhal10uri ------Un -i 11 ha b itcd------Iglli 17 17 Aura Khera 352 199 153 763 560 203 Jakheri 43 22 21 166 139 27 Kharehata Khurd 127 70 57 261 178 83 Sarseda Maf 6 2 4 80 55 25 Chhirawal



Location codc III iterates Total workers Main workers numbcr Namc ofVillagc Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Femalcs Persons -Males Fcmales 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

04698800 Bigwan 241 96 145 IRS 117 68 I IS 107 1\ 04698900 Tikur 129 53 76 74 55 19 54 53 04699000 Tu1sipura ------Un-inhabitcd------04699100 Linga 658 237 421 748 383 3()S 351 295 5(, 04699200 Kargawan 641 213 428 706 390 316 393 306 X7 04699300 Jamra ------U11- i n ha bi ted------04699400 Saina 514 194 320 460 275 185 400 261 139 04699500 Bahpur 775 273 502 804 439 365 462 325 137 04699600 Nadna 618 203 415 361 297 64 319 289 30 04699700 Sarsai 1,378 562 816 1,410 741 669 707 667 40 04699800 Kwnhariya 600 21'1 381 446 275 171 429 271 ISS 04699900 Siyawn 790 309 481 594 404 190 302 793 9 04700000 Rajtnai I I I 04700100 Chulla ------Un-inhabited------04700200 Itayal '509 190 319 460 286 174 326 265 61 04700300 Bara 510 237 273 530 288 242 290 219 71 04700400 Kushama ------Ull-inhabited------04700500 Chilli 2,394 970 1,424 2,070 1,1 ('9 901 1,199 1,(l0~ I YI 04700GOO Kharehta Buzurg 198 88 110 154 91 63 153 91 62 04700700 Aunta 1,984 791 1,191 1,932 1,040 892 U91 919 472 04700800 Tola Raath 752 333 419 730 406 324 387 355 32 04700900 Dhanoura 180 78 102 122 90 32 71 69 2 04701000 Akauna 2,123 841 1,282 1,871 1,150 721 1.222 1,03] 189 04701100 Madha ------Ull-inhabited------04701200 Dhanouri 1,935 760 1,175 1,767 990 777 1,168 897 271 04701300 19ui ------Ull-inhabited------04701400 Aura Khera 47 15 32 31 19 12 31 19 12 04701500 Jakheri 1,120 449 671 891 546 345 559 . 474 85 04701600 Kharehata Khurd 266 97 169 225 125 100 182 118 64 04701700 Sarseda Maf 362 155 207 292 179 113 290 179 III 04701800 Chhirawal 124 51 73 100 63 37 98 62 36 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Gohand Industrial categol}: of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricullural labourers workers Olher workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Namc of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

70 68 2 34 30 4 1\ 'J 2 Bigwan 39 38 I 15 15 Tikur ------Un -i nh a b i ted ------Tuisipllla 197 154 43 97 91 6 21 16 5 3(, 34 2 Linga 228 178 50 113 82 31 19 17 2 33 2'1 4 K,lIgaw(:t1l ------U n-i n h a b itcd ------J(lIll! a 191 136 55 158 87 71 14 7 7 37 31 6 SalllCl 260 20~ 52 159 81 78 24 19 5 19 17 2 Bahpur 225 223 2 73 47 26 6 6 15 13 2 Nadlla 349 320 29 73 70 3 32 32 253 245 8 Smsrll 185 118 67 192 108 84 32 25 7 20 20 KU11lh;1Ilya 166 163 3 72 71 I 21 21 43 38 Slyawll Rainlal ------U n -in ha b i ted ------Chulla 112 109 3 121 70 51 10 10 83 16 7 Jt.lyal 234 166 68 ') 8 3 3 44 42 2 Sara ------U n -i n ha b i ted ------Kushallla 802 683 119 289 230 59 29 25 4 79 711 <.J ('hilli 102 68 34 44 17 27 7 6 Kharchta BU7urg 781 542 239 453 249 204 80 56 24 77 72 5 Aunta 147 135 12 136 127 9 33 26 7 71 67 4 Tola Raatil 26 26 18 18 2 2 25 23 2 Ohanoura 548 484 64 330 226 104 45 43 2 299 280 19 Abuna ------U n -i nha bi ted ------Madha 661 508 153 287 190 97 28 22 6 192 177 15 Dhanouli ------Un-inhabited------Igui 31 19 12 Aura Khcra 364 306 58 III 92 19 34 30 4 50 46 4 lakheri 160 101 59 2 2 20 15 5 Kharehata Khurd 148 91 57 133 79 54 ') ') Sarseda Mal 33 21 12 65 41 24 Chhirawal


Industrial calcg"!}: Location code Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name ofYillagc Persons Males Females Persons Males Fen18les 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 ' 47 4X 4<)

04698800 Bigwan 70 10 60 13 3 10 57 7 50 04698900 Tikur 20 2 18 4 4 I () 2 14 04699000 Tu1sipura ------Un-mhabited------04699100 Linga 397 88 309 95 16 79 292 ()(, 226 04699200 Kargawan 313 84 229 8 2 6 304 XI 223 04699300 lamra -----Un-inhabited------04699400 Saina 60 14 46 40 40 () () 04699500 l3ahpur 342 114 228 93 11 82 216 X5 131 04699600 Nadna 42 34 40 () .14 04699700 Sarsai 703 74 629 82 16 66 597 37 ')(,0 04699800 Kumhariya 17 13 7 7 :1 04699900 Siyawri 292 III 181 66 13 53 190 81 IOc) 04700000 Rajmai 04700100 Chulla ------Un-inhabited------04700200 Itayal 134 21 113 112 13 99 04700300 Bara 240 69 171 5 3 2 226 61 I ()S 04700400 Kushama ------Un-inhabitcd------04700500 Chilli 871 161 710 463 62 401 382 85 297 04700600 Kharehta Buzurg I 1 I I 04700700 Aunta 541 121 420 214 26 188 277 77 200 04700800 To1a Raath 343 51 292 201 18 183 53 7 46 04700900 Dhanoura 51 21 30 I 39 10 29 04701000 Akauna 649 117 532 220 22 198 315 50 2()S 04701100 Madha ------Un-in1Iabited------04701200 Dhanouri 599 93 506 361 37 324 197 49 148 04701300 Igui ------U n -in hab i led ------04701400 Aura Khera 04701500 lakhcri 332 72 260 147 13 134 118 20 98 04701600 Kharehata Khurd 43 7 36 8 8 34 6 28 04701700 Sarseda Maf 2 2 1 1 I 04701800 Chhirawal 2 I 2 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Golland of marginal workers Locatioll Household industQ:: workers Other workers NOll-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Nal1le of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

213 lOS 108 Bigwall 04(,9R800 128 50 IX Tikur ()469X900 ------Un-i n ha b i leu ------Tu!<;rpurn ()4(,l}<}()()() 4 4 6 6 626 338 288 Linga 04699 I (){) 697 375 322 Kargawan 04699200 ------Un-inhabited------Jamra 046')9300 2 2 12 12 640 298 342 Saina 04699400 16 6 10 17 12 5 712 372 340 Bahpur 04699500 2 2 829 336 493 Nadna Q4(,99600 I 23 20 1,129 627 502 Sarsal 04699700 5 2 3 2 2 70S 332 373 KUl11hal iya 04699800 14 4 10 22 13 9 838 362 476 Slyawn 04699900 RaJl11ai 04700000 ------Un-inhabi tcd-----, ------Chulla 04700100 4 2 2 10 6 4 595 290 305· Ilayal 04700200 3 2 6 4 2 338 193 145 Bara 04700300 ------Un-inhabiled------Kushalna 04700400 II 5 6 15 9 6 2,286 1,157 1.129 Chilli 04700500 126 60 66 Kharchla BuzlJl g 04700600 21 4 17 29 14 15 1,767 980 787 Aunla 04700700 67 14 53 22 12 10 604 341 263 Tola Raalh 04700800 II 10 I 221 97 124 DhanoUla 04700900 55 21 34 59 24 35 2,324 1,107 1,217 Akaulla 04701000 --.------~Un-inhabited------Madlla 04701100 7 ·2 . '5 ,34 5 29 1,8\6 916 900 Dhanouri 0470\200 , ----:------Un-inhabiled------Igui 04701300 -_ -- _. ,0 .. "'-- 33 13 20 Aura Khera 04701400 8 " 3: " 5,0, 59 36 23 992 463 529 lakheri 04701500 1 207 III 9G Kharehata Khurd 04701600 , . 331 154 177 Sarseda Mar 04701700 . ,_ 104 43 61 Chhirawal 04701800 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block-

Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in tlte code Village in Number of population) age-group ()-() number Name of Villagc h eetares h ouseho I cis ---'P;::-e-I-~s-()-ns-L;:..':-M:::-:-=aI~e'::s :.:.L----::F,--c-m-a-:-Ic-s- Persons Males Femalcs 2 3 4 5 6 7 x <) 10

0412 Rath (Total) 44,457.4 15,687 92,243 49,682 42,561 IG,3YO H,6IS 7,775 0412 Rath (Rural) 44,457.4 15,687 92,243 49,682 42,561 16,3YO H,GIS 7,775 0411 Rath (Urban) Rath (Rural) 04701900 Tola Khagaran 1,742~0 31~ 1,862 989 873 388 I XC) 202 04702000 Ikthaur 569~0 19 109 59 50 18 8 10 04702100 Sargaon 1,7340 294 1,910 1,034 876 350 170 ISO 04702200 Ramgarh Oanya 119~0 ------Un-inhabiled 04702300 Ra mgarh Oanda 9320 ------Ull-inhabllcd------04702400 Majhgawan 1,495.0 597 3,412 1,791 1,621 595 299 2% 04702500 Lidhaura 1,472.0 291 1,747 963 784 327 172 155 04702600 Malheta Oanda 1,395.0 321 1,879 998 881 301 155 14(, 04702700 Kotha 346~0 135 717 386 331 91 48 43 04702800 Malheta Dariya 74.0 ------Un-inhabited------04702900 Kuchhechha 1,078.0 74 464 237 227 9(r 54 42 04703000 Athgaon 477.0 357 2,050 1.109 941 357 191 166 04703 I 00 Alampura 168~0 ------Un-inhabited------04703200 GUI~sara 146~0 ------Un-inhabiled------04703300 Noranga I ,594~0 730 4,484 2,387 2.097 751 407 344 04703400 Kharakhar 530.0 73 441 241 200 67 36 31 04703500 Khiriya 678~0 161 959 487 472 183 89 94 04703600 Umanniya 1,167.0 117 728 377 351 145 77 68 04703700 Churwa 359.0 98 493 262 231 123 69 54 04703800 Nandpura 45~0 ------Un-inhabited------04703900 Tooka 488.0 117 669 357 312 151 75 76 04704000 Bakrai 433.0 207 1,248 664 584 245 132 113 04704100 Dewra 220.0 147 807 410 397 150 65 85 04704200 Gauhani Panwari 220,0 355 2,047 1,099 948 330 182 148 04704300 Barel 502.0 187 975 537 438 176 101 75 04704400 Ikthora 128~0 166 984 519 465 171 108 63 04704500 Bihar 137~0 S8 525 282 243 77 38 39 0'\104600 Muskura Khurd 428~0 379 2,230 1,215 1,015 392 216 176 04704700 Jhinnabira 1,045.0 375 2,377 1,327 1,050 430 232 198 04704800 Gugarbard 347.0 SI 345 180 165 64 32 32 04704900 Sikrouda Rath 356~0 122 785 438 347 167 90 77 04705000 Tola Rawat 981.0 687 3,900 2,111 1.789 668 336 332 04705100 Agitha 176.2 I I I 04705200 Kulhenda 380.0 386 2,210 1,221 989 404 219 185 04705300 Tugrabara 237~0 ------Un-inhabited------04705400 Tori 377.0 ------U n -inha b i ted ------04705500 Girbar 738~0 368 2,337 1,246 1,091 440 225 215 04705600 Hord Rath 302.0 371 2,184 1,167 1.017 314 I (,y 145 04705700 Kurra 712.0 432 2,485 1.334 1.151 472 250 222 04705800 Malouha Mal 147.0 98 665 356 309 118 57 61 04705900 Alipura 67.0 ------U n -in ha bit ed ------04706000 Diha 105.0 ------Un -i nha b i I cd ------04706100 Bilrakh 419~0 432 2,283 1.274 1.009 406 231 175 04706200 Saidpur 440~0 512 2,936 1,573 1,363 547 292 255 04706300 Bhadarwara 103~0 ------Un-Ill ha bit ed ------04706400 I3asela 551.2 491 2,948 1.532 1.416 529 2H2 247 04706500 Giroura 229.0 ------Un-i nhabi led-- 04706600 Rath Uttar 1,0 16~0 5 6 5 I 04706700 Rath Purab 1,361.0 2 10 4 6 J ~ 2 156 04706800 Atrouli Rath 157~0 397 2,204 1,ltlO 1,024 348 192 04706900 Ra\h Dakhin 788.0 ------U n-i n hab i led ------04707000 Diktora 107~0 ------U n -in h a bIt cd ------04707100 Govindpura 155.0 ------U n -i n ha bit cd ------04707200 Galihaya 334.0 289 1,724 960 764 309 172 137 04707300 Shukla han 129.0 31 223 120 103 42 27 15 2]<) 215 04707400 Mawai 883 ~O 415· 2,524 1.367 1.157 454 549 2114 2(,5 04707500 Odera 893~0 491 ),289 1,761 1.52R


Scheduled Castes popuatioll Scheduled Tribes [!opulatioll Literates Pcrsolls Males Females PcrsOllS Males Fcmales Persolls Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 Il) 2

27,147 14,819 12,328 40,040 28,208 11,8:12 Rath (Total) 27,147 14,819 12,328 40,040 2S,20S 11,8.12 Rath (nllral) Ralh (Urhan) Rath (Rllral) 541 301 240 (,73 514 159 Tola Khagaran 29 16 13 51 32 19 Ikthaur 618 343 275 878 582 296 Sargaon ------U n -i 11 h a bit cd ------Ra1l1garh Dariya ------U n-J nl Ja bit cd ------Ra1l1gm h Danda 868 479 389 1,879 1,152 727 Majhgawan 488 267 221 756 524 232 Lidllaula 446 255 191 1,144 686 458 Malheta Danda 149 85 64 366 257 101) Kotha ------U n -i n h a b i tcd ------Malhcta DaJiya 168 83 85 172 112 60 Kuchhcchha 649 363 286 1,054 714 340 Athgaoll ------U n-i n ha b J ted ------Alaillpura ------Un-I n ha b Ited ------Gursara 1,203 634 569 2,297 1,543 754 NOlanga 54 34 20 229 156 73 KhaJakhar 371 187 184 425 290 135 Khiriya 144 78 66 379 235 144 Uillanniya 316 166 150 223 155 68 Churwa ------Un-inhabited------Nandpura 367 201 166 278 185 93 Tooka 321 173 148 561 391 170 Bakrai Tl 39 38 417 287 130 Dcwra 437 232 205 954 673 281 Gauhani Panwari 203 115 88 551 364 187 Barel 198 102 96 442 295 147 Ikthora 155 84 71 241 171 70 Bihar 767 425 342 1,056 742 314 Muskura Khurd 941 534 407 709 547 162 JI\l1111abir3 108 78 30 Gugarbara 128 73 55 305 240 65 Sikrouda Rath 880 485 395 1,817 1,283 534 Tola Rawat Agitha 923 516 407 946 680 266 Kulhcnda ------U 11 -i nha bi ted ------___ Tugrabara ------Un-inhabited------___ Tori 580 300 280 848 629 219 Girbar 487 262 225 1,113 784 329 Hora Rath 866 463 403 1,134 802 332 Kurra 7 4 3 224 164 60 Malouha Mar ------Un-inhabited------__ Alipura ------Un-inhabited------___ Diha 578 332 246 924 691 233 Bilrakh 923 497 426 1,144 841 303 Saidpur ------Un-i nha bited------___ B\\adarwara 959 509 450 U28 R53 375 BaseJa ------U 11- i II ha bi red ------___ Giroura 5 4 I Rath Uttar 6 2 4 5 3 2 Rath Purah 639 343 296 1,252 823 429 Atrouli Rach ------Un-inhabited------___ Rath Dakhm ------U II - i 11 ha b i ted ------Dlktora ------U 11 -i 11 ha bi ted ------Govindpura 648 363 285 809 600 209 Gahhaya I 0 ~ 6X 33 Shuklahari 507 274 233 961 72Y 232 rvtawai 1,271 690 581 IAXr, i,()10 476 Odcra 354 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C I) Ulocl{ -

Localion code III iterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0412 Rath (Total) 52,203 21,474 30,729 39,260 25,865 13,395 27,191 22,O/l1 5,110 0412 Rath (Rural) 52,203 21,474 30,729 39,260 25,865 13,395 27,191 22,081 5,110 0412 Rath (Urban) Rath (Rural) 04701900 Tola Khagalan 1,189 475 714 918 541 377 474 374 100 04702000 lkthaur 58 27 31 55 30 25 24 24 04702100 Sargaon 1,032 452 580 754 527 227 433 420 13 04702200 Ramgarh Dariya ------Ull-illhabited------04702300 Ramgarh Danda ------" -- Un- inhabi ted--- 04702400 Majhgawan 1,533 63') 894 1.360 842 518 548 SOl 47 04702500 Lidhaura 991 439 552 725 482 243 346 316 30 04702600 Malheta Damla 735 312 423 789 510 279 511 451 (,0 04702700 Kotila 351 129 222 413 223 190 192 191 I 04702800 Malheta Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04702900 Kuchhechha 292 167 242 125 117 148 113 35 04703000 Athgaon 996 601 1,075 588 487 730 550 I RO 04703100 Alampura ------Un-inhabltcd------04703200 Gw"sara ------UI1-il1habited------04703300 Noranga 2,187 844 1.343 2,121 1.238 883 1,551 1.134 367 04703400 Kharakhar 212 85 127 207 117 90 149 99 50 04703500 Khiriya 534 197 337 444 231 213 192 179 13 04703600 Umanniya 349 142 207 370 190 180 157 147 10 04703700 Churwa 270 107 163 147 125 22 129 119 10 04703800 Nandpura ------U 11-in hab i ted ------04703900 Tooka 391 172 219 203 178 25 194 172 22 04704000 Bakrai 687 273 414 504 346 158 318 313 5 04704 100 Dcwra 390 123 267 433 234 199 215 208 7 04704200 Gauhani Panwari 1,093 426 667 1,120 615 505 516 494 22 04704300 Barel 424 173 251 513 291 222 334 276 58 04704400 lkthora 542 224 318 522 295 227 444 265 179 04704500 Bihar 284 III 173 256 141 115 201 133 68 04704600 Muskura Khurd 1,174 473 701 1,007 620 387 1,000 616 384 04704700 Jhinnabira 1,668 780 888 682 638 44 598 576 22 04704800 Gugarbara 237 102 135 106 95 11 88 87 I 04704900 Sikrouda Rath 480 198 28.2· 397 237 160 235 229 6 04705000 Tola Rawat 2,083 828 1,255 2,006 1,115 891 1,528 1.025 503 04705100 Agitha I I 1 I 73 04705200 Kulhenda 1,264 541 723 844 633 211 631 558 04705300 Tugrabara ------Un-inhabited------04705400 Tori ------Un-inlmbited------106 04705500 Girbar 1,489 617 872 789 573 216 639 S33 10 04705600 Itora Rath 1,071 383 688 644 624 20 401 391 646 44 04705700 Kurra 1,351 532 819 904 684 220 690 130 04705800 Malouha Mal 441 192 249" 341 206 135 336 206 04705900 Alipura ------Un-inhabited------04706000 Diha ------Un-inhabi\ed------731 576 155 04706100 Bilrakh 1,359 583 776 980 668 312 728 110 04706200 Said pur 1.792 732 1.000 I, 1:1S 838 297 838 04706300 Bhadarwara ------U n -inha bit cd ------810 621 189 04706400 Basela 1.720 679 l,ll'1, 1.255 810 445 04706500 Girourd ------U 11- in ha b ited ------4 4 04706600 Rath Uttar 4 4 2 I 04706700 Rath Purab 5 321 I 547 514 3f 04706800 Atrouli RaUl 952 357 622 544 78 04706900 Rath Dakhin ------Un-inhabltcd------­ 04707000 Diktora "------Un-il1habitcd------­ 04707100 Govindpura .------U 11- in habi tcd------387 365 22 04707200 Galihaya 915 360 J5.~ 665 493 172 47 47 04707300 Shuklahari 122 52 "il! 66 5H 8 754 (,'U 101 04707400 Mawai 1.563 6JS 9~5 884 707 177 940 H41 99 04707500 Odcra 1.803 751 I,03~ 1.387 934 453 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Rath Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

16,295 13,448 2,847 7,109 5,427 1,682 S06 679 127 2,981 2,527 454 !talll (Total) 16,295 13,448 2,847 7,109 5,427 1,682 806 679 127 2,98J 2,527 454 Hath (Rural) Hath (Urhan) Halh (Rural) 311 267 44 142 90 52 20 17 Tola Khagalan 14 14 3 3 7 7 Iklhaur 323 318 5 63 59 4 46 42 4 Sargaoll ------U 11- i 11 h a b i Ied ------Ramgtlrh Danya ------U 11-111 II a b i led ------Ramgal h Danda 318 299 1<) 56 53 3 45 35 10 129 114 IS Malhgaw



Industrial category Location code Marginal workers eu Iti vators Agricultural labourers number N

()412 Rath (Total) 12,069 3,784 8,285 2,957 415 2,542 7,922 2,893 S,U29 ()412 Rath (Rural) 12,069 3,784 8,285 2,957 415 2,542 7,922 2,893 5,U29 ()412 Rath (Urban) Hath (Rural) 04701900 Tola Khagaran 444 167 277 119 28 91 323 137 IR6 04702000 Ikthaur 31 6 25 12 12 19 () 13 04702100 Sargaon 321 107 214 145 29 116 163 70 ')3 04702200 Ramgarh Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04702300 Ramgarh Danda ------Un-inhabitcd------04702400 Majhgawan 812 341 471 97 13 84 692 30X :184 04702500 Lidhaura 379 166 213 25 7 18 348 154 194 04702600 Malheta Danda 278 59 219 102 5 97 164 48 116 04702700 Kotha 221 32 189 2 I 219 31 188 04702800 Malhcla Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04702900 Kuchhcchha 94 12 82 40 6 34 38 5 33 04703000 Athgaon 345 38 307 219 6 213 123 3 I '!2 04703 100 Alampura ------U n -i n ha b i ted ------04703200 GUI"sara ------U n -in ha b i ted ------04703300 Noranga 570 54 516 13 I 12 450 4<) 4() I 04703400 Kharakhar 58 18 40 3 2 54 16 38 04703500 Khiriya 252 52 200 5 5 245 50 195 04703600 Umanniya 213 43 170 5 2 3 26 15 II 04703700 Churwa 18 6 12 8 7 6 2 4 04703800 Nandpura ------U n-inha b i ted ------04703900 Tooka 9 6 G 4 2 04704000 Bakrai 186 33 153 51 3 48 133 29 104 04704100 Dewra 218 26 192 2 I 200 11 189 04704200 Gallhani Panwal~ 604 121 483 61 12 49 450 90 360 04704300 Barel 179 15 164 101 101 76 14 62 04704400 Ikthora 78 10 48 1 74 29 45 04704500 Bihar 55 8 47 5 5 49 8 41 04704600 Mllskura Khurd 7 4 3 6 3 3 04704700 Jhinnabira 84 62 22 65 47 18 04704800 Gugarbara 18 8 10 17 7 10 04704900 Sikrullda Rath IG2 8 154 83 82 76 5 71 04705000 Tola Rawat 478 90 388 213 17 196 184 35 149 04705 I 00 Agitha 04705200 Kulhenda 213 75 138 29 14 15 148 38 110 04705300 Tugrabara ------Un-inlmbited------04705400 Tori ------Un-inhabited------04705500 Girbar 150 40 110 27 I I 16 119 27 92 04705600 Itora Rath 243 233 10 15 12 3 193 187 6 04705700 Kurra 214 38 176 44 10 34 164 24 140 04705800 Malouha Ma[ 5 5 04705900 Alipura ------Un-inhabited------04706000 Diha ------Un-inhabited------04'706 I 00 Bilrakh 249 92 157 41 18 23 201 67 134 04706200 Saidpur 297 110 187 51 3 48 212 89 133 04706300 Bhadarwara ------Un-inhabited------04706400 Basela 445 189 256 70 9 61 361 174 187 04706500 Giroura ------Un-inhabitcd------04706600 Rath Uttar 04706700 Rath Purab '04706800 Atrouli Rath 75 30 45 II II 04706900 Rath Dakhin ------Un-inhabited------" ----.- 04707000 Diktora ------Un-inhabitcd------0470'7100 Govindpura ------Un-inhabited------04707200 Galihaya 278 128 150 68 18 50 182 85 10 (I~707300 Shuklahari 19 II 8 17 1).1";07400 Mawa! 130 54 76 57 14 43 59 30 29 (li f'4-i07SCO Oderd 447 93 354 280 23 25~ 154 93 357 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Rath of margll1al workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name 01' Village Ilumber 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 437 140 197 753 336 417 52,983 23,817 19,166 Rath (Total) tl412 437 140 297 753 336 417 52,983 23,817 29,166 Rath (Rural) O~12 Rath (lld,a") 0412 Rath (Rural) 944 448 496 Tala Khagaran 047019(JO 54 29 25 Ikthaur 0470200() 13 5 1,156 507 649 Salgaon 047021(JO ------Un -i n h a bit cd ------Ramg2pl) ------U n-in hah i ted ------I3hadarwara 04706~01) 5 9 6 3 1,693 722 971 Basela ()4706400 ------Un ·inhabi ted------Giroura 047065()() 2 I Rath Uttar 0470(J('o1l 7 2 5 Rath Purab 04706700 7 7 56 30 26 1,582 636 946 Atrouli Ralh 04706800 ---.------Un-inhabltcd------Rath Dakhin 04706900 ------U n-inhabitcd------Diktora 04707tl\)\) .. ------. ----Un-mhal)itcd------GOvilldpura 04707101l 8 6 2 20 19 1 1,059 467 592 Galihay" 0471}7::ol1 I 157 62 95 Shuklahan 04707Jt!O 3 2 II 9 2 1,640 660 980 Mawai 04 iO 74(.0 3 3 10 6 4 1,902 827 1,075 Odcra 04707:>1)(l


VI LLAG I~ I'RI iVIAH. Y CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of' institutional and hOU5Clcss Populatioll in the code Village in Number of' ~o~ulation~ age-group a-c) number Name of Villflge hectares houscholds Pcrsolls Males Fcmales Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 G 7 S 9 10 04707600 Nauhai 436.0 349 1,919 1,014 905 317 1(,4 153 04707700 PaharigaJhi 567.0 315 1,846 1,002 844 272 13() 13(J 04707800 Kaintha 1,120.0 554 3.361 1,808 1.553 633 330 303 04707900 Bargllii Rath 55&.0 36 221 125 96 33 20 13 04708000 Ka'lJollra 543.0 ------Un-illila hi teu------04708100 Khadroll 60.0 ------Un -illhabi tcu------04708200 Dhumna 629.0 534 3.220 1,731 1,489 586 284 302 04708300 Akouni 154.0 ------U n -in h a b i ted -- --.---. ----- 04708400 Kulhariya 1650 -:------U n -i Il ha bi tcd ------04708500 Rakoura 1590 ------Un-In habitcd------04708600 Chhapaki 81 0 ------Un -i n ha bit cd ------04708700 Tikiriya 250.0 248 1,621 888 733 271 155 I I () 04708800 Kaswa Khcra 301.0 205 1.091 603 488 231 121 110 04708900 Para 432.0 221 1,204 645 559 249 133 116 04709000 Malllyapar 176.0 ------Un-inhabi Ied------04709100 Bihgaon 1,089.0 407 2.218 1,196 1.022 379 193 186 04709200. Barda 217.0 218 1.274 689 585 191 III 80 04709300 Kadipura 231 0 ------Un-inhabi ted------04709400 Pabanbir 217.0 162' 803 419 384 134 55 7<) 04709500 Chak Blhgaon 27.0 ------U n -i n ha b ited ------04709600 Dadri 438.0 150 974 551 423 IGO 100 ()O 04709700 Padra 446.0 140 816 458 358 135 77 58 04709800 Ghughsi 389.0 I 4 2 2 2 04709900 Pathnouri 625.0 163 957 499 458 176 79 97 04710000 Rouro 1,092.0 181 1,167 635 532 200 103 97 04710100 Kaithi 548.0 270 1,590 868 722 324 162 162 04710200 Mehjouli 780 ------Un-inhabited------04710300 Badanpura 351.0 126 609 322 287 100 48 52 04710400 Gohani Rath 867.0 224 1,172 667 505 249 135 114 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Rath

Scheduled Castes ~o~uali()n Scheduled Tribes ~()rulalion Literales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Naillc of Yill,lgc 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I g 19 2 558 300 258 7(,S 5<)4 171 Nau"al 656 351 305 807 588 219 Pahallg:.uhl 994 561 433 1,010 752 258 Kall1lha 19 II 8 72 49 23 Balguh Rat" ------U l1-i11ha bitcd------Ka'1l



Location code Illiterates Total workers Main wprkers Ilumbl:r Naml: of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~ 04707600 Nauhai 1,154 420 734 570 549 21 566 545 21 04707700 Paharigarhi 1,039 414 625 742 569 173 70 I 546 155 04707800 Kaintha 2,351 1,056 1,295 1,382 921 461 968' 792 176 04707900 Balguh Rath 149 76 73 110 61 49 94 52 42 04708000 Karpoura ------U n -i 11 ha b itcd ------04708100 Khadrol1 ------U 11- in ha bit ed ------04708200 Dhaml1a 1,945 829 1,116 1,367 933 434 914 R45 69 04708300 Akoul1i ------Un-il1habited------\),. ;[;;.;400 Kuihariya ------U 11-111 ha h itcd ------04708500 Rakoura ------U 11- i 11 h a b i tcd ------04708600 Chhapaki ------U n -i 11 h a b i I cd ------04708700 Tlkiriya 1,009 435 574 641 469 172 532 421 III 04708800 Kaswa Khcra 674 295 379 455 306 149 243 237 6 04708900 Para 739 310 429 452 313 139 399 304 95 04709000 Maniyapar ------U 11- i 11 h a bit cd ------04709100 Bihgaol1 1,386 582 804 1,114 685 429 544 440 104 04709200 Barda 647 225 422 584 384 200 366 343 23 04709300 Kadipura ------U n -in h a b itcd ------04709400 Paharibir 1453 164 289 406 250 156 376 238 138 04709500' Chak Bihgaol1 ------U n -i n ha bit ed ------04709600 Dadri 551 246 305 334 252 82 182 141 41 04709700 Padra 543 263 280 350 197 153 259 165 94 04709800 Ghughsi 2 I 1 2 2 1 1 04709900 Pathnouri 574 202 372 570 296 274 505 280 225 04710000 Rouro 772 330 442 569 318 251 427 299 128 04710100 Kailhi 987 393 594 931 509 422 669 366 303 04710200 Mchjouli ------Un -i n ha bi lcd ------04710300 Badanpura 307 104 203 327 175 152 266 163 103 04710400 Gohani Rath 890 458 432 461 324 137 164 155 9


Industrial eatego~ or main workers I-i()uschold industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Nallle of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

345 338 7 158 147 II 13 13 50 47 Na"ilm 284 234 50 342 249 93 23 16 7 52 47 5 P"h'"lgal hi 682 543 139 222 190 32 24 20 4 40 39 Kai11lha 89 48 41 I I 4 3 [3arguli 1{'llh ------Un-inhabilcd------Karpollra ------U11-inhabitcd------Khalho11 605 554 51 288 271 17 4 4 17 16 DhalrHla ------Un-inhabitccl------Akouni ------lJ n-i11 ha b i Icc1------Kullwnya ------Un-Inhabitcd------RakoU1a ------Un-illilabllcd------Chhapaki 303 247 56 101 75 26 23 18 5 105 81 24 Tlklliya 138 137 II 10 I 16 15 I 78 75 3 Kaswa Khcl(I 173 142 31 173 116 57 21 16 5 32 30 2 Para ------U n -i 11 ha bIt cd ------Ma11iyapar 213 177 36 239 195 44 75 52 23 17 16 [3ihg,l(lIl 230 210 20 107 105 2 4 4 25 24 BarcJa ------Un -i nh a bIt cd ------Kadipura 206 148 58 119 52 67 16 15 35 23 12 Paharibir ------Un-in habltcd------Chak Bihgaoll 137 103 34 12 7 5 3 3 30 28 2 Dadli 146 117 29 55 33 22 2 I 56 14 42 Paclra I I Ghughsi 392 215 177 85 41 44 28 24 4 Pathllouri 392 266 126 24 23 10 10 Rouro 438 248 190 118 67 51 42 25 17 71 26 45 Kailhi ------U n -inha b ited ------Mehjouli 139 110 29 51 33 18 4 4 72 16 56 Baclanpura 76 68 8 71 70 I I I 16 16 Gohalli Rath


Industrial catcg0'1 Location code Marginal workers Cultivalors Agricultural labourers number Nallle of Village Persons Males Females Persons 1\1 ales IOelllales Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49

04707600 Nauhai 4 4 I 04707700 Paharigarlll 41 23 18 2 2 33 19 14 04707800 Kaintha 414 129 285 143 G 137 243 112 131 04707900 l3arguli Ralh 16 9 7 I I 12 l) 3 04708000 Karpoura ------Ull-illhabiled------04708100 Khadron ------U11- i 11 h a b i I cd ------04708200 Dhamna 453 88 365 155 7 148 28') 73 216 04708300 Akouni ------Un-illltabiled------04708400 Kulltanya ------UI1-lllhabllcd------04708500 Kakoura ------U11- i Illla b II ed ------04708600 Chhapaki ------Un -i n ha bllcd ------04708700 Tikiriya 109 48 61 24 6 18 47 29 18 04708800 Kaswa Khcra 2J2 69 143 3 2 178 43 135 04708900 Para 53 9 44 25 24 24 6 18 04709000 Maniyapar ------U n -i n ha b II ed ------, ------04709100 Rihgaon 570 245 325 155 36 119 390 200 190 04709200 Barda 218 41 177 132 18 114 83 21 62 04709300 Kadipurd ------Un-inhablled------04709400 Paharibir 30 12 18 5 3 2 19 5 14 04709500 Chak Bihgaon ------Un-inhablled------04709600 Dadri 152 III 41 13 4 9 138 107 31 04709700 Padra 91 3-'". 59 41 13 28 39 18 21 04709800 Ghughsi 04709900 Pathnouri 65 16 49 62 16 46 04710000 Rouro 142 19 123 127 II 116 10 5 5 04710100 Kaithi 262 14J 119 36 19 17 90 82 8 04710200 Mehjouli ------U n -i n ha bi led ------~-- 04710300 Badanpura 61 12 49 20 3 17 18 6 12 04710400 Gohani Rulh 297 169 128 6 4 2 280 161 119

363 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Rath of marginal workers Location Household indus!l}' workers Other workers Non-workers codc Persons Males females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 2 2 I I 1,349 465 884 Nauhai 04707(>()0 6 4 2 1,104 433 671 Paharigarhi 04707700 18 3 15 10 8 2 1,979 887 1,092 Kamlha 04707S00 3 3 III 64 47 Barguli Ralh 04707YOO ------Un-I n h a b lIed ------Karpoura 04708000 ------Un-inhabited------Khadrol1 04708100 4 3 5 5 1,853 798 1,055 Dhamna 04708200 ------UI1-il1habiled------Akoul1i 04708300 ------U 11- i n ha b i ted ------Kulhanya 04708400 ------U II-In h a b i Icd ------Rakoura 04708S00 ------Un-inhabiled------Chhapaki 04708600 4 4 34 9 25 980 419 561 Tlklriya 047087()O I 30 25 5 636 297 339 Kaswa Kllcla 0470K~l)0 3 2 I 752 332 420 Para 04708900 ------Un-inhabilcd------Manlyapaf 0470l)O(lO 20 4 16 5 5 1,104 511 593 Bihgaon 0470l) 100 2 2 690 305 385 Barda 0470<)200 ------Un-inhabllcd------Kadlpura 04709300 2 4 3 1 3~7 169 228 Paharibll' 04709400 ------U n-lI1ha b i ted ------Chak Bihgaon 04709500 1 1 640 299 341 Dadri 04709600 II 10 466 261 205 Padra 04709700 2 I 1 Ghughsi 04709800 2 2 387 203 184 Pathnouri 04709900 5 3 2 598 317 281 Rouro 04710000 131 41 90 5 4 659 359 300 Kaithi 04710100 ------U 11- inha b i tcd------Mehjouli 04710200 22 2 20 282 147 135 Badanpura 04710300 10 3 7 711 343 368 Gohani Rath 04710400


Total population (including Location ArCd of institutiunal and huusdess Population III the code Village in Number of population) age-group o-() number Name of Village hectares ho useho Ids --;:P:-e-rs-,-m-s_J,~M~a~le':':s:..:..:.L-=F'-c-nl-a-:-lc-'s- Persons Males Femalcs 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 0413 Muskara (Total) 51,010.4 21,080 124,586 67,541 57,045 22,229 11,629 10,600 0413 Muskara (Rural) 51,010.4 21,080 124,586 67,54 I 57,045 22,229 11,629 IO.liOO 0413 Muskara (Urball) Muskara (Rural) 04710500 Bajchta Danya 184.0 ------Un-inhabitcd------04710600 Bchdccna Achhpura Dariya 171.0 ------U 11- i nila b i I cd ------04710700 8ahdccna Achhpura Danda 761.0 364 1,993 1,051 942 478 255 2D 04710800 8ajchta Dancla 2,1430 555 3,546 1,951 1,595 (>12 316 296 04710900 BhuJpul 5950 151 856 450 406 I X7 9~ 89 04711000 RUI i Para 1,410.0 5\7 3.203 1.762 1.441 544 295 ~4LJ 04711100 GalihaMau 3490 53 372 IR5 1117 <)1 ~2 4'1 0471 1200 Bhanclhur Khul d Farooq 8530 375 2,348 1,279 1,069 476 26') 2117 Hussain 0471 1300 Chhadi 8asayak 7423 18G 1,084 604 480 20(, III 95 04711400 Chandauli Ahir 328.0 54 339 190 149 7S 37 38 04711500 Bhandhur Khurd M ahaclcu 164.0 40 244 142 102 67 38 29 04711600 Bllandhur Buzurg 1.290.0 392 2,45 I 1,299 1,152 457 247 210 04711700 Chilchta Jalalpur 334.0 5 8 6 2 04711800 Bhalt'll 454.0 58 286 163 123 55 34 21 04711900 Lodha Mau 2830 92 551 297 254 114 64 50 04712000 Baghcrka 489.0 I \ I 04712100 Lodipur lalalpur 506.0 369 2,204 U50 1,054 417 222 195 04712200 Niwada 1,011.0 686 4,020 2,137 1,883 608 285 323 04712300 Chak Bhandhur 209.0 ------Un -inhabi ted ------04712400 Biwanr 1,291.0 1,391 8,913 4,861 4,052 1.497 764 733 04712500 Barcthi 387.0 10 46 22 24 9 3 6 04712600 Bilpul1l Turf Binwar 122.2 ------Un-inllabited------04712700 Bilpul1l Tarf Umti 106.0 2 2 2 04712800 Bharkhri 706.0 324 1,828 %1 867 358 172 04712900 Deeha 1820 II 29 19 10 4 4 04713000 Bibhuni 344.0 41 180 92 88 35 18 17 04713100 Sirsai 151.0 ------Un-inhabited------04713200 Tikri Khurd 164.0 ------Un-inhabited------04713300 Kar Gaon 1,217.0 384 2,249 1,280 969 397 226 171 04713400 Dohri 186.0 22 158 98 60 33 19 14 04713500 Mahera 1,638.0 620 3,623 2,023 1,600 741 394 347 04713600 lalla 569.0 73 386 203 183 84 43 41 04713700 Umari \.444.0 933 5,299 2,819 2.480 J.(151 521 530 04713800 Pura Jahan 277.0 47 298 155 143 57 25 32 04713900 Chilli 601.0 267 1,514 832 682 245 135 110 04714000 Dikhtaul1l 191.0 2 4 3 I 04714100 itwan 254.0 I 3 2 I 04714200 Khandehi Lodhan 682.0 515 2,902 1,567 1,335 526 276 250 04714300 Satauwa 161.0 ------Un-inhabited------04714400 Masgaon 977.0 423 2,590 1,373 1,217 502 253 24') 04714500 Bhadan \37.0 8 32 18 14 4 2 2 04714600 Mihuna 624.0 190 1,\66 618 548 253 123 130 04714700 Siolll 1.766.0 255 1.571 856 715 268 158 110 04714800 Nauranga 315.0 4 31 15 16 10 4 6 04714900 Chllehla Rath 314.0 29 18R 100 88 45 27 I ~ 04715000 ChandalJra 799.0 117 789 421 368 149 77 72 04715100 Dhamna Jalal 318.0 ------Un-inhabitcd------04715200 Ainjlll 4 79.0~ 215 1,307 688 .. 619 174 '14 80 04715300 Muskera 1,758.0 2,211 13,289 7,183 6,106 2,32R 1,258 1.070 04715400 Baswari 1,164.0 820 4,943 2.651 2,292 871 464 407 04715500 Dillllll Pur 298.0 146 903 481 422 173 79 94 04715()00 Billuni Kalan 1.740.0 536 3,298 1,824 t ,474 613 326 04715700 BI11 .. lI1i Kllurd 1.495.0 759 4,766 2.565 2,20: 902 454 448 0471580G> Smllliyan 218.0 ------Un-inha bitcd------·- 0<1 7 ! 5900 K,lIldhouli 8350 393 2,116 1.165 951 327 04'/1 (lOO() Gun:lc:la 1,262.0 }S() 2,234 1,245 <:10


Scheduled Castes ropuatioll Scheduled Tribes populatioll Literates Persons Males Fcmalcs PerSOllS Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Namc of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

25,797 14,033 11,764 5 2 3 56,379 39,179 17,200 I\Jllsknrn (Tolal) 25,797 14,033 11,764 5 2 3 56.379 39,179 17,200 Mllskara (Rllral) Mllskara (Urhall) Muskara (RIII'al) ------U n -i n ha b i ted------Bajchla'Dariya ------Un-inh"bitcd------Bchdecna AchhpUla Dallya 63 34 29 648 486 162 Bahdecna Achhpura Danua 575 311 264 1.416 1,007 409 Bajchla Danda 131 72 59 323 215 108 Bhu.lpur 555 303 252 1.529 1.06(, 463 Ruri Para 38 17 21 102 68 34 Galiha Mau 630 348 282 1.092 719 373 Bhandhur Khurd Faronq Hussain 334 179 155 410 296 I 14 Chhadi Basayak 37 21 16 144 103 41 Chanoauh Ahir 29 18 II 80 61 19 Bhandhur Khurd Mahadcll 358 191 167 1.050 708 342 Bhandhur l3uzurg 2 2 Chilchta Jalalpur 40 22 18 94 71 23 Bha!ra 66 34 32 219 157 62 Lodha Mau Baghclka 515 269 246 1,116 727 389 Lodipur Jalalpur 938 487 451 2,226 1.439 787 Niwada ------Un-inhabited------Chak Bhandhur 2,187 1,186 1,001 4,687 3,171 1,516 Biwanr 33 19 14 Barelhi ------Un-inlmbited------Bilpura Tarf Binwar 2 2 1 Bilpura TarfUmri 563 284 279 879 587 292 Bharkhri 19 11 8 9 7 2 Dccha 106 57 49 98 58 40 Bibhuni ------U 11- i11 h" bi ted ------Silstli ------Un -i nhab i ted ------Tlkri Khurd 665 382 283 1.114 789 325 Kar Gaon 65 55 10 Doilli 738 405 333 1.195 925 270 Mahera 52 26 26 99 71 28 Jalla 1,238 639 599 2,156 1.530 626 UlIlari 95 48 47 173 110 63 rura Jahan 4\9 242 111 869 566 303 Chilli 1 I Dikhlaura 2 2 llwan 696 378 318 1.286 949 337 Khaliliehi Lodhan ------U n -i11 ha bi ted ------Salauwa 822 448 374 1.245 849 396 Masgaon 20 12 8 8 8 Bhadan 131 70 51 383 313 70 Mllllma 16 6 10 650 456 194 Sinni 9 8 1 Nauranga 51 41 I () Cllllchta Ralh 21 8 13 318 226 92 Chalillaul a ------Un -i n ha bi t cd ------Dharnna Jalal 479 260 219 557 378 179 1 A 111.1 hi 2,525 1,366 1,159 7,178 4.702 2.476 Muskcra 866 473 393 2.175 1.548 (,27 Baswari 344 187 157 350 259 91 Dalllll Pur 446 249 197 1.374 1.023 351 Blhulli Kalan 945 519 426 1,799 1.343 456 Billlllli Khurd ------Un -i n ha bl t ed ------SOlllllyan 650 346 304 5 2 1.069 770 29') Kalldhouli 780 425 355 1.133 781 352 Gundela 366 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C [) Block -

Location code Illiterates Total lVorkers Main workers number Name of Village Persolls Males Females Persons Males females Persolls Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 27

0413 Muskara (Total) 6R,207 28,362 39,845 50,463 34,196 16,267 31,039 27,337 3.702 0413 Muskara (Rural) 6R,207 28,362 39,845 50,463 34,196 16,267 31,039 27,337 J.702 0413 Muskara (Urban) Muskara (Rural) 04710500 BaJchta Dariya ------. -U n-i nlla b Itcd ------04710600 Bchdecna Achhpura Dariya ------Un-inlmbitcd------04710700 l:Jahdcena AchhpUia Danda 1,345 565 780 979 513 466 2(,'} 249 iO 04710800 Bajchta Danda 2,130 944 1,186 1,532 982 550 703 (,(,) 411 04710900 BhuJpur 533 235 298 321 224 97 I'll 1')1 0~711000 RunPara 1,674 696 978 1,265 990 275 974 XX() '14 04711100 Galiha Mau 270 117 153 88 80 8 76 75 04711200 Bhandhur Khurd FalOoq 1,256 560 696 823 608 215 427 409 18 Hussain 0471 1300 Chhadi Basayak 674 308 366 502 290 212 337 202 135 04711400 Chandauli Ahir 195 87 108 163 93 70 83 80 J 04711500 Bhandhur Khurd Mahadco 164 81 83 80 67 13 67 66 I 04711600 Bhandhur Buzurg 1,401 591 810 664 583 81 488 457 J I 04711700 Chilchta Jalalpur 8 6 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 0471 1800 Bhatra 192 92 100 122 81 41 7') 75 4 04711900 Lodha Mau 332 140 192 139 J 34 113 III 2 04712000 Baghcrka 04712100 Lodipur Jalalpur 1,088 423 665 812 578 234 603 50S 98 04712200 Niwada 1,794 698 1,096 1,307 972 335 636 592 44 04712300 Chak Bh:mdhur ------U n-inlla b i ted ------04712400 Biwanr 4,226 1,690 2,536 2,910 2,348 562 1.987 1.819 168 04712500 Barethi 13 3 10 II 10 10 10 04712600 Bilpura TarfBinwar ------Un-inhabited------04712700 Bilpura TarfUmri 04712800 Bharkhri 949 374 575 694 466 228 530 388 142 04712900 Dceha 20 12 19 II 8 10 9 04713000 Bibhuni 82 34 48 40 38 2 38 36 2 04713100 Sirsai ------Un-i nhab itcd------04713200 Tikri Khurd ------Un-inhabiled------41 04713300 Kar Gaon 1,135 491 644 616 543 73 498 457 04713400 Dohri 93 43 50 88 60 28 81 58 23 260 04713500 Mahera 2,428 1,098 1,330 1,567 1,058 509 1.146 886 . 99 14 04713600 lalla 287 132 155 182 106 76 113 1.272 173 04713700 Uman 3,143 1,289 1,854 2,583 1,441 1,142 1.445 41 04713800 Pura Jahan 125 45 80 60 57 3 44 3 254 45 04713900 Chilli 645 266 379 743 419 324 299 3 04714000 Dikhtaura 3 4 3 I 3 2 2 04714100 Itwan 3 2 I 221 04714200 Khandehi Lodhan 1,616 618 998 1,124 760 364 903 682 04714300 Satauwa ------Un-inhabited------622 513 1O'l 04714400 Masgaon 1,345 524 821 1,344 734 610 20 II lJ 04714500 Bhadan 24 10 14 22 12 10 258 253 5 04714600 Mihuna 783 305 478 556 300 256 435 406 29 04714700 Siani 921 400 521 745 453 292 8 8 04714800 Nauranga 22 7 15 8 8 52 52 04714900 Chilehta Rath 137 59 78 52 52 (, \83 ISO 04715000 Chandaura 471 195 276 206 200 04715100 Dhamna Jalal ------Un-inhabited------172 II 04715200 Ainjhl 750 310 440 563 389 174 .1~3 :'.125 2. .8U2 }23 04715300 M uskcra 6,111 2AB 1 3,630 4,180 3,441 739 1.247 1.1l16 141 04715400 Baswari 2,768 1,103 1.665 2,016 1,308 708 115 112 .1 04715500 Damu Pur 553 22'2 331 482 262 220 657 1.12() l)1)4 126 04715600 Bihuni Kalan 1,924 801 1,123 1,690 1,033 1,153 1.(10(, 1.:'.34 1,72 04715700 Bihuni Khurd 2,967 1,222 1,745 2,569 1,416 04715800 Souniyan ------Un-Inhabited----·------577 04715900 Kandhouli 1,047 652 927 621 306 654 550 104 ·1'17 04716000 GU11l\da !,l01 637

367 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Muskara Industrial eategOlY of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 2 16,509 15,167 1,342 8,078 6,315 1,763 924 823 101 5,528 5,032 496 I\tuskar" (Tolal) 16,509 15,167 1,342 8,078 6,315 1,763 924 823 IO[ 5,528 5,032 496 Muskara (Rural) I\luskara (Urhan) Muska,." (Rural) ------Un-i n ha hit ed ------£3ajchta Dariya ------Un-inhablled Bchdccna Achhpura Danya 209 203 6 39 27 [2 I I 20 18 2 Bahdccnu Achhpura Danda 340 335 5 251 236 21 6 6 \00 S6 14 Bajcht;, Danda 148 148 27 27 3 3 13 13 BhUJIlur 456 443 13 376 299 77 4 4 138 134 4 RUlI Para 51 51 24 23 I 1 Ga\iha Mau 256 249 7 73 65 8 8 7 90 88 2 BhandhUi Khunl FaI(loq Hussain 101 57 44 213 123 90 14 13 9 9 Chhadi Basayak 66 65 I 15 13 2 Chandauli Ailir 43 43 [4 [3 I [0 10 l3handhur Khurcl Mai1adco 258 254 4 131 117 14 37 34 3 62 52 10 Bhandhur Buzurg 6 4 2 Chilehta Jalalpur 37 37 2[ 21 2\ 17 4 Flhatra 103 101 2 2 2 2 2 6 (i Lodha Mau Bagherka 237 206 31 256 196 60 3 2 107 101 (, Lodipur Jalalpur 397 375 22 81 74 1 26 26 132 117 15 Niwada ------Un-inhabited------Chnk Bhandhur 978 875 103 284 255 29 39 34 5 686 655 3 [ Biwanr 8 8 2 2 Barethi ------Un-inhabitcd------Bilpura Tarf Binwar Bi/pula TarfUlllli 426 288 138 70 68 2 3 2 31 30 Blmrkhri 9 9 Dceha 27 26 10 9 Bibhuni ------Un-inhabited------Sirsai ------Un-inhabited------, Tikri Khurd 240 236 4 162 135 27 [4 9 5 82 77 5 Kal" Gaon 65 47 18 14 10 4 2 1 1 Dohri' 833 654 179 197 127 70 29 22 7 87 83 4 Mahcra 58 53 5 51 42 9 4 4 Jalla 505 414 91 702 634 68 32 31 206 193 13 Umari 27 25 2 8 8 8 7 Punl Jahan 153 144 9 76 45 31 70 65 5 Chilli 3 3 Dikhtaura 2 2 ltwan 445 383 62 217 130 87 6[ 57 4 180 112 68 Khandchi Lodhan ------Un-inhabited------Satauwa 276 256 20 244 16[ 83 [9 16 3 83 80 Masgaon 6 4 2 [4 7 7 Bhadan 169 169 60 56 4 3 3 26 2S Mihunu 383 364 19 47 37 10 4 4 Sioni 7 7 I I Nauranga 50 50 2 2 Chilehta Ralh 176 173 3 6 6 Challdaura ------Un-inhabited------Dlwmna Jalal 209 200 9 14 [4 9 8 [ IS[ 150 ~ Ainjhi 971 932 39 430 33 [ 99 [65 [33 32 1.559 1.406 153 Muskera 705 651 54 296 245 51 5 [ 46 5 195 164 31 l3aswali 69 67 2 [9 [8 2 2 25 25 Dalllu Pur 849 794 55 186 120 66 6 6 79 74 5 l3ii1uni Kalan 924 804 [20 433 194 239 32 27 5 2[7 209 8 l3ihuni Khunl ------Un-inhabited------Souniyan 264 252 12 231 193 38 47 41 6 101 91 10 Kandhouli 271 265 6 [56 [48 21 20 70 64 6 (~lIndeia

368 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY CD B1ock- Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0413 Muskara (Total) 19,424 6,859' 12,565 3,938 779 3,159 13,819 4,959 S,RGO 0413 Muskara (Rural) 19,424 6,859' 12,565 3,938 779 3,159 13,819 4,959 8,860 0413 Muskara (Urban) Muskara (Rural) 04710500 Bajehta Dariya ---Un-inhabited------04710600 Behdeena Achhpura Dariya ------Un-inhabited------04710700 I3ahdeena Achhpura Danda 710 2M 446 139 12 127 561 247 314 04710800 Bajcilta Danda 829 319 510 125 56 69 670 241 429 04710900 Bilujpur 130 33 97 126 30 96 04711000 Ruri Para 291 110 181 110 27 83 180 83 97 04711100 Galiha Mau 12 5 7 10 3 7 04711200 Bhandhur Khurd Farooq 396 199 197 32 12 20 313 150 163 Hussain 04711300 Chhadi Basayak 165 88 77 12 6 6 145 75 70 04711400 Chandauh Ahlr 80 13 67 69 8 61 5 4 04711500 Bhandhur Khurd Mahadeo 13 12 13 I 12 04711600 Bhandhur Buzurg 176 126 50 33 20 13 114 81 33 04711700 Chilehta Jalalpur 04711800 Bhatra 43 () 37 19 18 19 4 15 04711900 Lodha Mau 26 23 3 23 20 3 04712000 Bagherka 04712106 Lodipur Jalalpur 209 73 136 19 9 10 174 53 121 04712200 Niwada 671 380 291 22 7 15 619 347 272 04712300 Chak Bhandhur ------Un -ill ha b ited ------04712400 Biwanr 923 529 394 125 33 92 612 , 345 267 04712500 Barethi I 04712600 Bilpum Tarf Binwar ------U n-inha b ited ------. 04712700 BUpum TarfUmri 04712800 Bharkhri 164 78 86 58 17 41 79 34 45 04712900 Dccha 9 2 7 9 2 7 04713000 -Bibhuni 2 2 2 2 04713100 Sirsai ------Un-inhabited------04713200 Tikri Khurd ------Un-inhabited------04713300 Kar Gaon 118 86 32 321 30 9 21 04713400 Dohri 7 2 5 4 4 2 I 1 04713500 Mahera 421 172 249 18 II 7 353 140 213 31 04713600 laBa 69 ') 62 34 3 31 34 3 795 04713700 Umari 1,138 169 969 222 49 173 911 116 04713800 Pura lahan 16 16 2 2 13 13 269 04713900 Chilli 444 165 279 9 9 433 164 04714000 Dikhtaura I 04714100 Itwan 74 04714200 Khandehi Lodhan 221 78 143 22 16 6 91 17 04714300 Satauwa ------Un-inhabited------435 04714400 Masgaon 722 221 501 81 20 61 619 184 04714500 Bhadan 2 I I 2 I I 34 152 04714600 Mihuna 298 47 251 102 9 93 186' 38 64 04714700 Sioni 310 47 263 208 9 199 102 04714800 Nauranga 04714900 Chilehta Rath 19 2 04715000 Chandaura 23 20 2 21 04715100 Dhamnalalal ------Un-inhabited------2 18 04715200 Ainjhi 180 17 163 159 14 145 20 231 238 04715300 Muskera 1.055 639 416 70 24 46 ~469 131 306 04715400 Baswari 769 202 567 272 50 222 437 148 216 04715500 Damu Pur '\67 150 217 3 2 I 364 15 163 04715600 Bihuni Kalan 570 JI9 531 389 22 367 178 131 343 04715700 Bihuni Khurd 963 182 781 410 34 376 474 04715800 Souniyan ------Un-inhabited------17 167 04715900 Kandhouli 284 44 240 65 3 62 1~4 46 75 04716000 Gundela 136 53 83 10 5 5 121

369 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Muskara of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males FelTIules Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Namc or Villagc number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 370 [99 [7[ [,297 922 375 74,123 33,345 4(),778 Mu,kan, (Total) 0413 370 199 171 1,297 922 375 74,123 33,345 40,778 1\1"skanl (nllral) 0413 Muskanl (tit-ban) 04 t3 Mllskara (Rllral) ------U n-i n ha b i tcd ------Bajehta Dm iya 04710500 ------Un-inha bl tcd ------Bchdccna Achhpura Dariya 0471 oClon 10 5 5 1,014 538 476 Bahdccna i\chhpUi a Danda 04710700 9 4 5 25 18 7 2.014 969 1,045 BajchtaD.1I1ua 04710800 4 3 535 226 309 BhuJl1ur 04710900 I 1,938 772 1,166 Run Pala 04711000 2 2 284 105 179 GallhaMau 04711100 9 4 5 42 33 9 1,525 671 854 Bhandhur Khurd FalOoq 04711200 Hussain 5 4 3 3 582 314 268 Chhadi Basayak 04711300 6 4 2 176 97 79 Chandauli Ahir 04711400 164 75 89 Bhandhur Khurd Mahadco 047 J J 500 2 2 27 23 4 1,787 716 1,071 BhandhUi l3uzurg 04711600 2 2 ChJlehla laiaipul 04711700 1- 5 4 164 82 82 Bhatra 04711800 3 3 412 163 249 Lodha Mau 047 J 1900 Bagherka 04712000 15 II 4 1,392 572 820 Lodipul Jalalpur 04712100 13 13 17 13 4 2,713 1,165 1,548 Niwada 04712200 ------U n-inha b i tcd ------Chak Bhandhur 04712300 38 33 5 148 118 30 6,003 2,513 3,490 Biwanr 04712400 35 12 23 Barethi 04712500 ------U n -inhab i ted ------Bilpura Tarf Bmwar 04712600 2 2 Bilpura Tarf Umri 04712700 26 26 1,134 495 639 Bharkhri 04712800 10 8 2 Dceha 04712900 140 54 86 Bibhuni 04713000 ------Un-inltabitcd------Sirsai 04713100 ------U n-i nhab i lcd------Tikri Khurd 04713200 84 74 10 1,633 737 896 Kar Gaoll 04713300 I I 70 38 32 Dohri 04713400 35 12 23 15 9 6 2,056 965 1,091 Mahera 04713500 I [ 204 97 107 Jalla 04713600 4 3 2,716 1,378 1,338 Umari 04713700 238 98 140 Pum lahan 04713800 771 413 358 Chilli 04713900 Dikhlaura 04714000 !twan 04714100 15 10 5 93 35 58 1.778 807 97 J Khandclll Lodhan 04714200 ------Un-inha b i led ------Satauwa 04714300 21 16 5 1,246 639 607 Masgaon 04714400 10 6 4 Bhadan 04714500 10 4 6 610 318 292 MihunH 04714600 826 403 423 Siol1l 04714700 23 7 16 Nauranga 04714800 136 48 88 Chilehla Kalh 04714900 583 221 362 Chandaul1l 04715000 ------Un-Inhabited------Dhulllna lalal 04715100 , I I 744 299 445 AlIIjlll 04715200 94 43 51 422 341 81 9,109 3,742 5,367 Muskela 04715300 12 3 9 48 18 30 2,927 1,343 1,584 Baswari 04715400 421 219 202 Dumu Pur 04715500 3 2 1.608 791 817 Blhuni Kalan 04715600 20 5 15 59 12 47 2,197 1,149 1.048 Bihuni Khurd 04715700 ------U n -i nhab i tcd------S()uniyan 047 I 5ROO 16 6 10 19 18 I 1.189 544 645 Kandhouli 04715<)00 5 2 3 1,580 695 885 Gundela 04716000



Total population (including Location Arca of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of l2()pulation~ agc-grouJ.: 0-(, number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Fem,lles Persons Malcs Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 04716100 Chholli (Par Muske.a) 7740 255 1,452 804 648 235 In 107 04716200 Pahari Bhitan 1,239.0 910 5,131 2.779 2,352 7(,0 399 J(,j 04716300 Gaura 224.0 149 777 417 360 155 7X 77 04716400 Alro 137.0 72 498 275 223 72 43 29 04716500 Ora 779.0 20 76 46 30 13 9 4 04716600 Gchrauli (Par Muskera) 3,112.0 1,796 9,735 5,375 4,360 1,472 7M, 70(, 04716700 Husaina 1,268.0 418 2,506 1,361 1,145 50') 253 256 04716800 Tcchar 849.0 311 1,767 941 826 352 185 167 04716900 Bhugaicha 320.0 261 1,500 813 687 28() 144 136 04717000 Chak Sauna 3370 121 498 271 227 97 44 S3 04717100 Kaimokhar 4970 192 1,098 598 500 211 105 10(, 04717200 Lodipur Rath 174.0 2 2 04717300 Imiliya 1,135.0 898 5,454 2,953 2,501 902 462 440 04717400 Ncoriya 1,105.0 460 2,684 1,446 1,238 473 247 22(, 04717500 Naugawan 2430 ------Un-inhabitcd------04717600 Khcra 293.0 24 132 63 69 36 16 20 04717700 Tagari 1.0750 IG5 1,113 588 525 209 107 102


Scheduled Castes popuatioll Scheduled Tribes ~o~ulati()n Literates 'Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Nallle or Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

368 210 158 612 437 175 Chhani (Pa,. i'v!u,k"ta) 1,086 612 474 2,231 1,573 658 Pahari 8hil," i 292 158 134 407 280 127 Gaur(1 59 32 27 284 195 89 Aha 28 I~ 10 19 17 2 Ora 2,049 1,163 8S6 4,303 3,028 1.275 Gchrauli (1"" Musk"",) 434 240 194 984 697 287 Husain" 190 102 88 693 508 185 Tcchar 225 121 104 644 460 184 8hugaicha 109 54 55 237 161 7(, Chak Sauna 259 145 114 363 283 80 Kaimokhar 2 2 Looipur Rath 921 497 424 2,497 1,735 762 Illliliya 475 252 223 1,237 818 419 Ncoliya ------Un -in ha b i tcd ------Naugawan 19 14 5 Khera 166 92 74 431 301 13D Tagati


Location cooc Illilcralc!i Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28

04716100 Chhani (Par Muskcra) 840 367 473 563 423 140 336 332 4 04716200 Palmi Bllitari 2,900 1,206 1,694 2,430 1,506 924 1.132 1.007 125 04716300 Gaura 370 137 233 277 177 100 193 157 3(, 04716400 Alra 214 80 134 238 140 98 104 89 15 04716500 Ora 57 29 28 45 24 21 35 22 13 04716600 Gchrauli (Par Muskcra) 5,432 2,347 3,085 3,994 2,849 1,145 2,808 2,559 249 04716700 Husallla 1,522 664 858 1,092 726 366 640 534 106 04716800 Tcchar 1,074 433 641 895 507 388 353 343 10 047J6900 BJJUgaJcha 856 353 503 755 408 347 386 3J6 70 04717000 Chak Sauna 261 110 151 176 148 28 155 133 22 04717100 Kaimokhar 735 315 420 475 329 146 260 257 3 04717200 Lodipur Rath 04717300 Imiliya 2,957 \,218 1.73g 2,29g 1,547 752 1.2\0 1.055 \55 04717400 Neoriya 1,447 628 819 1.315 752 563 562 517 45 04717500 Naugawan ------Un-i n ha b i ted------04717600 Khcra 113 49 64 72 38 34 10 10 04717700 Tagari 682 287 395 375 321 54 358 313 45

373 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Muskaru Industrial categol}: of main workers Household induslry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers OIlier workers Persons Males IOelnales Persons Males Females Persons Males IOemales Persons Males Females Name or Vii lagc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 196 193 3 51 SO I 8 8 81 81 Chhani (Pal" Muskel"a) 900 830 70 130 89 41 30 25 5 72 63 <) Pahm i I3hitan 91 82 9 70 52 18 3 2 29 21 X Gaura 70 64 (, 20 II 9 13 13 Alra 24 19 5 10 2 8 I Ora 1,246 1,207 39 1,012 855 157 157 152 5 393 345 48 Gehl"auli (Par l'vluskera\ 326 306 20 288 206 82 9 9 17 13 4 Husaina 267 26~ 3 49 44 5 18 16 2 19 19 Techal" 161 157 4 185 119 66 10 10 30 30 Bhugalcha 69 61 8 71 58 13 2 2 13 12 Chak Sauna 147 145 2 III 110 I 2 2 Kaimoklwr Lodip~r Rath 603 535 68 415 340 75 38 33 154 147 7 Imihya 358 343 15 Jl1 92 J9 7 6 86 76 10 Neoriya -:------Un-inhabitcd------Naugawall 9 9 I Khcl"a 232 230 2 III 71 40 15 12 3 Tagall


Industrial categOil Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 04716100 Chhani (Par Muskcra) 227 91 136 42 20 22 17(, (,5 III 04716200 Pahari Bhitari 1,298 499 799 340 57 283 930 425 505 04716300 Gaura 84 20 64 I I 68 R (,() 04716400 AlIa 134 51 g3 8 6 2 109 30 79 04716500 Ora 10 2 8 2 2 8 8 04716600 Gehrauli (Par Muskera) 1,186 290 8% 168 22 146 902 198 704 04716700 Husaina 452 192 260 223 98 125 218 85 133 04716800 Teehar 542 164 378 64 27 37 471 134 337 04716900 BllUgalclla 369 92 277 369 92 277 04717000 Chak Sauna 21 15 6 I 10 7 3 04717100 Kaimokhar 215 72 143 5 4 210 (,X 142 04717200 Lodipur Rath 04717300 lmiliya 1,089 492 597 81 30 51 973 439 534 04717400 Neoriya 753 235 518 124 16 108 607 205 402 04717500 Naugawan ------Un-in hab ited------04717600 Khera 62 28 34 7 6 I 55 22 33 04717700 Tagari 17 8 9 8 4 4 8 4 4

375 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Muskara of marginal workers Location Household industry workcrs Other workcrs Non-workers code Persons Males Fcmales Pcrsons Males Females PersollS Males Females Name of Village nUlllber 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 5 2 3 4 4 RR9 381 508 Chhani (Par Muskera) 0471 (J I (Jf) 10 4 6 18 13 5 2,701 1.273 1.428 Pahari Billtan 0471 62()() 15 II 4 500 240 260 Gaura 04716300 17 IS 2 260 135 125 Alra 047 164()(1 31 22 9 OW 047165()O 43 26 17 73 44 29 5,741 2.526 3.215 Gchraul; (I'ar Muskera) 04716600 6 6 5 3 2 1,414 635 779 Husaina 047167()0 4 3 3 2 I 872 434 438 Techar 04716800 745 405 340 Bhugalcha 0471 69(JO 9 2 322 123 199 Chak Salina 047 I 70()(J 623 269 354 Kalll1okh~lr 0471710() 2 2 Lodlpur il.alh 047 I 72(JO 11 7 4 24 16 8 3,155 1,406 1,749 lmlhya 04717300 10 6 4 12 8 4 1,369 694 675 Nconya 04717400 ------U n-; n ha b I tcd ------Naugawall 04717500 60 25 35 Khera 047176()O 738 267 471 Tagar; 04717700


Total population (ineludll1g Location Area of institutional and houseless Populatioll in the code Village in Number or 1)0 I t' n) age-group o-() 11'.,.t'lrcs 11()llsell()ltls _:::-__--L.c..IL.)U::..:.::u.:_:I.:..:0:..:..L ____ number Namc of Village vv. • _ Persons Mules Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 7 8 l) 10 0414 Malldaha (Total) 94.071.8 34,1192 20 1,206 109,114 92,092 38,8.15 20,496 I H,J39 0414 Maudaha (Rural) 94,071.8 34,192 201,206 109,114 92,092 38,8.15 20,491i IH,339 0414 Maudaha (Urban) Maudaha (Rural) 04717800 Tula Khalsa 55.0 ------Un-I n I, a bit cd ------04717900 Ilatlpur 2320 ------U 11-II1I,a bit cd ------04718000 Bharsawan 362.0 67 452 252 200 117 67 50 04718100 Pulanpllr 781.0 559 3,521 1,915 1,60() 581 307 274 04718200 Rohari 1,1740 18(> 1,093 573 520 227 II R 109 04718300 Pipraunda 7466 293 1,479 782 697 270 134 136 04718400 Kamchriya 715.0 544 3,152 1,735 1,417 (,O I 312 2R9 04718500 Mchrka 261 0 ------Un -1111, a bit cd ------04718600 Sayar 1,614.0 759 4,(>69 2,551 2,118 873 470 40J 04718700 Dca Kall 81 0 70 41 29 14 7 04718800 Suhcla 218.0 "I I 04718900 p,lr Khcra 82.0 ------Ull- i Jl h a bit cd ------04719000 Uprai 650.0 263 1,654 889 765 316 158 158 04719100 Dhungawan 3190 58 258 140 118 49 27 22 047119200 Khendchi 3620 28 183 89 94 54 25 29 04719300 Asuai 1250 53 276 153 123 58 )0 2R 04719400 Mahcha 519.0 416 2,584 1,423 1,161 572 321 251 04719500 Silauli 827.0 282 1,698 934 764 325 171 154 04719600 Behrcla 238.0 30 157 79 78 23 13 10 04719700 Achhrela 164.0 23 163 88 75 29 12 17 04719800 Kusmela 94.0 ------Un-inhabitcd------04719900 Tinduhi Kishun Chand ]73.0 100 679 373 306 152 93 59 04720000 Tinduhi Kishari Lal 849.0 38 241 124 117 49 27 22 04720100 Makrown 17S.0 360 2,055 1,105 950 409 204 205 04720200 Fattehpur 239.0 386 2,156 1,204 952 408 241 167 04720300 Parchha 391.0 220 1.368 725 643 221 117 104 04720400 Artra 3,429.0 1,133 6,613 3,608 3,005 1,125 618 50? 04720500 Sarha 257.0 26 177 98 79 38 22 16 04720600 Parchhachh 1,248.0 553 3,114 1,737 1,377 526 295 231 04720700 Tilsaras 266.0 126 700 379 321 151 68 83 04720800 Bamhrauli 540.4 268 1.494 783 711 355 183 172 04720900 Kiswahi 1,371.0 415 2,651 1,474 1,177 498 267 231 04721000 Perchta 1,083.0 321 2,003 1.123 880 310 166 144 04721100 Gekheri 3130 ------U n -i n ha bit ed ------04721200 Tala Maf 374.0 319 1,661 911 750 374 188 186 04721300 Khairi 407.0 181 1,108 596 512 I xc, 93 93 04721400 Parahri 1,419.0 610 3,475 1,867 1.608 681 357 324 04721500 Sisalar 1,571.0 841 5,402 2,968 2.434 1,077 583 494 04721600 Garha 772.0 332 1.950 1,075 875 424 236 1~8 0472 (700 Baije Mau 1,309.0 340 1,937 1,070 867 348 186 162 04721800 Burhai 395.0 145 944 508 436 208 109 99 04721900 Bhulsi 1,650.0 491 2,891 1,573 1,318 565 285 280 04722000 Bhaturi 5350 164 892 443 449 168 78 lJO 04722100 Chhani (Par Maudaha) 917.0 251 1.500 834 666 331 181 150 04722200 Tinduwa 217.0 II 76 43 33 14 10 .j 04722300 Chandi Khurd 2690 28 193 95 98 45 25 :0 04722400 Bhablllnai 608.0 378 2.335 1.258 1.077 475 249 :::26 04722500 Bakchha 657.0 138 820 443 377 148 61 n 04722600 Khair 486.0 146 925 504 421 I'll) 91 ~~ 04722700 Gchl-';;uli Khurd(Par 428.0 174 ')97 534 463 204 108 9(> Maudaha) 04722800 L1chlllnanpur ISIO 3 19 II 8 2 04722900 Lewa 779.8 312 1,723 935 7R8 358 202 156 04723000 Bhainsmari 707.0 393 2,048 1,087 961 362 19) 169 04723100 Pasun 412.0 124 668 352 316 14:1 74 69 140 04723200 Bihcrka 614.1 264 1,696 928 7(,8 2% 156 04723300 Chandi Kalan 7230 245 1,466 7()S 701 )Ol) 158 151


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes populalion Literates Persons Males f'cmales Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males Felllalcs Nallle oj' Vdlage II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

43,976 23,995 19,9H1 86,86() 6(),:U3 26,537 ~ '.u] I'lpraunda 508 282 226 1,559 I ,OM, 4tjJ Kamcllnya ------Un-illhablted------Mcllika 1,417 780 637 1,651 1.1% 4)5 Sayar 32 28 4 Deo Kali Sulltla ------U n -in h a bit cd ------Pal Kilcla 335 182 153 706 495 2 II lIpr,lI 7 4 3 104 74 30 Dhungaw"" 87 57 ~O Khcl1dclll 61 31 30 119 85 34 ;\5ll,111d. Ka la" 378 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY C () Block -

Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers !lumber Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons i\1 ,des Females I'ersoll~ Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25

0414 lVJaudaha (Total) 114,346 48,791 65,555 79,640 53,S02 25,8.18 ~2, ISS 4,j,452 7,70.1 {)414 Maudaha (Rural) 114,346 48,791 (,5,555 79,64() 53,1I()2 25,838 52,155 44,452 7,70:\ ()414 Maudaha (Urban) Maudaha (Rural) 0471 7 800 Tala Khalsa --.------. -. Un -i \\ Itab I ted ------04717900 Hailpur ------Un-Illhabitetl------04718000 Bharsawan 248 112 136 80 64 16 74 62 12 04718100 Palanpur 1.888 811 1.(177 1.786 979 S07 3% 339 57 04718200 Rohan 601 241 }(J() 488 296 192 224 209 15 04718300 Pipraunda 7(19 275 434 423 361l 63 375 3 I (, 59 047 I 8400 Kamehriya 1,593 669 <)24 1,055 760 295 920 697 223 04718500 Mehrb ------Ull-Illhablted------047 I 8600 Sayar 3,018 1,355 1,663 1,651 1,170 481 1,227 995 232 04718700 Deo Kal! 38 13 25 35 25 10 18 IS 04718800 Suhela 04718900 Par Khera ------Un-Inlwblled------04719000 Uprai 948 394 554 697 452 245 567 402 165 04719100 Dhungawan 154 66 88 71 69 2 41 40 ) 04719fOO Khendehi 96 32 64 98 49 49 (,2 4(, 16 04719300 Asuai 157 68 89 92 89 3 91 88 J 04719400 Mahcha 1,539 669 870 764 615 149 548 510 38 04719500 Silauli 885 365 520 530 413 117 450 381 69 04719600 Behrela 55 22 33 75 41 34 35 30 5 04719700 Achhrcla 86 32 54 95 56 39 30 30 04719800 Kusmcla ------U\1- i nh ab i I ed ------04719900 Tinduhi Kishun Chand 305 118 187 154 149 5 152 149 3 04720000 Tinduhi Kishori Lal 101 40 61 103 51 52 86 51 35 04720100 Makrown 1,063 417 646 689 582 107 67\ 568 103 04720200 Fattehpur 952 393 559 462 418 44 375 354 21 04720300 Parchha 726 317 409 372 352 20 316 312 4 04720400 Artra 3,289 1,395 1,894 2,480 1,830 650 1,679 1,547 132 04720500 Sarha 90 37 53 51 44 7 40 3X 2 04720600 Parchhachh 1,790 764 1,026 1,330 837 493 742 (ISS 54 04720700 Tilsaras 387 146 241 360 205 155 204 200 4 04720ROO Bamhrauli 976 377 599 782 412 370 259 248 \\ 04720900 Kiswahi 1,477 646 831 1,121 757 364 771 663 108 04721000 Pcrehla 973 398 575 1,064 685 379 595 538 57 04721100 Gckhcri --.------Un-inhabitcd------04721200 To\a Maf 987 397 590 823 478 345 299 252 47 17 04721300 Khairi 542 212 330 374 282 92 252 235 04721400 Parohri 2,092 890 1,202 1,38S 902 483 %9 765 204 247 04721500 Sisolar 2,767 1,101 1,666 2,118 ),531 587 1.554 1.307 0472\ 600 Garha 1,302 577 725 777 522 255 502 476 26 04721700 Baije Mau 1,014 452 562 913 591 322 734 521 213 \ 7 04721800 Burhat 526 230 296 424 255 \69 250 233 76(, 04721900 Bhuisl 1,945 898 1,047 1,300 835 465 966 200 04722000 Bhaturi 464 \72 292 258 222 3(, 222 194 28 2g 04722100 Chhani (Par Maudaha) 1,028 461 567 563 384 179 292 264 21 20 04722200 Tinduwa 30 \3 17 21 20 I 2 35 35 04722300 Chand I Khurd 109 46 (>3 45 43 331 I:; 04722400 Bhablll11ai 1,358 572 786 843 630 213 ll() 222 40 04722500 Bakchl18 488 191 297 475 265 176 047226(1) Khatr 563 243 320 427 260 167 171 13 04722700 Gchmuln<.hurd(Par 603 243 360 419 271 148 Maudaha) J4722800 Lachhrnanpur 7 2 5 53 04722900 Lcwa 976 421 555 596 512 84 4~7 }70 .121 115 04723000 Bllainsl1Iari 1,080 437 643 911 541 170 49 15X .11 (J~ 723100 Pasull 355 138 217 219 (,(oS 215 4llll 04 7:~32()O Blhel ka 859 358 SOl 453 4el 3 'U .1.1) I (Ill ;J47~'3300 Chandl Kalan 825 339 486 754

379 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRA.CT CENSUS ABSTRACT Maudaha Industrial e,ltcgory of main workers Houschold indust,-y Cultivntors Agrieulturallabourcrs workcrs Olher workc,-s N,11l1C Village Pcrsons Males Females Pcrsons Males fcmales Persolls Mules fcma\cs Pcrsons Males FC1l1Hlcs ()r 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S J'J 4() KSO ~lll\llillh~ ("I (jllll) 2X,f.46 25,172 3,374 14,928 11,60S J,:UO 1.217 I,OS8 IS') 7,364 6,514 X50 ~I"\ldall" (Rllrlll) 28,646 25,272 3,374 14,928 11,608 3,320 1,217 1,058 159 7,364 6,514 ~Iallda)t" (Urhan) M,,"dal,a (RIIl-al) --Un-inhohllcd------Tola Khalsa ------U n -i n h a b Il cd ------Il"dpur 60 49 II 4 10


Industrial category Location code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4<)

0414 I\laudaha (Total) 27,485 9,350 18,135 6,938 1,521 5,417 17,922 6,240 11,682 0414 Maudaha (Rural) 27,485 9,350 18,135 6,938 1,521 5,417 17,922 6.240 11,6H2 0414 Maudaha (Urban) Mall"aha (Rural) 04717800 Tola Khalsa ------U 11- i 1111 a b iled ------04717900 Hailpur ------Ull-illhabited------04718000 Bhalsawan 6 2 4 I I 3 04718100 PatanpUi 1,390 640 750 66 20 46 1.318 616 7112 04718200 Rohan 264 87 177 157 38 119 103 47 'i(, 04718300 Pipraunda 48 44 4 43 40 3 04718400 Kamehriya 135 63 72 36 14 22 88 41 47 04718500 Mehrka ------U11 - i n ha b i Icd ------04718600 Sayar 424 175 249 132 47 85 262 117 145 04718700 Dco Kali 17 7 10 12 6 (1 04718800 Suhcla 04718900 Par Khera ------U11- i n ha b i ted ------04719000 Uprai 130 50 80 I I 121 45 7(, 04719100 Dhungawan 30 29 1 I I 2':1 28 I 04719200 Khendehi 36 3 33 9 2 7 27 I 26 04719300 Asuai I 04719400 Maheha 216 105 III 43 14 29 III 41 70 04719500 Silauli 80 32 48 13 2 II 38 15 23 04719600 Bchrcla 40 II 29 26 3 23 7 2 5 04719700 Achhrcla 65 26 39 30 II 19 35 15 20 04719800 Kusmela ------Un-inhabited------04719900 Tinduhi Kishun Chand 2 2 2 2 04720000 Tinduhi Kishori Lal 17 17 13 13 4 4 04720100 Makrown 18 14 4 9 8 1 4 2 2 04720200 Fattchpur 87 64 23 3 3 3 2 I 04720300 Parchha 56 40 16 4 3 I 48 33 15 04720400 Artra 801 283 518 157 4 153 546 214 332 04720500 Sarha 11 6 5 1 10 6 4 04720600 Parehhachh 588 149 439 76 22 54 501 119 382 04720700 Tilsaras 156 5 \5\ 56 2 54 95 2 93 04720800 Bamhrauli 523 164 359 126 26 100 378 123 255 04720900 Kiswahi 350 94 256 69 10 59 263 76 187 04721000 Perehla 469 147 322 36 11 25 381 117 264 04721100 Gekheri ------Un-inhabilcd------04721200 Tola MaC 524 226 298 329 122 207 193 102 91 04721300 Khairi 122 47 75 44 16 28 70 26 44 04721400 Parohri 416 137 279 87 79 319 120 199 04721500 Siso\ar 564 224 340 66 44 22 460 146 314 0472 \ 600 Garha 275 46 229 188 \8 170 81 26 55 27 04721700 Baije Mau 179 70 109 124 46 78 45 18 116 04721800 Burhai 174 '22 152 45 9 36 128 12 262 04721900 Bhulsi 334 69 265 7 5 2 325 63 25 (1 04722000 Bhaturi 36 28 8 5 3 2 31 " 106 04722100 Chhani (Par Maudaha) 271 120 151 55 17 38 145 39 04722200 Tinduwa 9 7 2 04722300 Chandi Khurd 10 K 2 259 94 04722400 Bhabhmai 497 299 198, 97 22 75 353 19 52 04722500 Bakehha 163 43 120 86 19 67 71 158 44 114 04722600 Kilair 219 84 135 22 14 8 190 80 110 04722700 Gchrauli Khurd(Pal 235 100 135 , 32 10 22 Maudaha) 04722800 Lachhmanpur 25 13 12 04722900 Lewa 56 25 31 18 10 8 302 87 215 04723000 Bhainsmari 375 120 255 66 28 38 20 12 04723 100 Pasun 20 12 8 IX I 31 150 04723200 Bihcrka 234 44 19a 43 II 32 64 198 04723300 Chandl Kalan _lOll 76 224 32 7 25 2<>2 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT iVlnudnhn

of marginal workers I,OC,llioll Household industry workers Other workers NOll-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Feillaies Naille uf Village llulllber 50 51 52 53 54 55 5() 57 5X 2

524 229 295 2,10 I 1,360 741 121,566 55) 12 6(',254 i\I:111daha (Tolal) 0414 524 229 295 2,101 1,360 741 121,%(' 55,312 6(',254 i\lalldaha (H,"·al). 0414 I\la!ldaha (lJo-hall) 0414 1\I"udaha (Hural) ------Un-inhabilcd------T()la Khalsa 04717RIJO ------Un-inhabllcd------Iiailplir 047 I 79(J() 2 372 188 I ~4 Bharsawnll 0471XIJ(JO 6 4 2 1,735 936 799 1',IlanpUt 0471XIOU 2 605 277 J2X Rohall 0471 X21J() 4 1.t)56 422 (,34 I'lpralillda 0471 X]O() If 8 2,047 4 120 Asual 0471'13110 4 2 2 58 48 10 1,820 ROB 1,012 Maheha 047 I ()40U 5 2 3 24 13 II 1,168 521 647 Silauli 04719500 1 6 82 38 44 \3chrda 0471960() 68 32 36 Achlll cia 0471970(] ------Un-inhabitcd------KlIsmc1a 04719800 525 224 30 I Tinduhi Kishun Chand 04719900 138 73 65 Tinduhi Kishori La) 04720000 5 4 I 1,366 523 843 l\1akrowlI 04720100 3 2 78 58 20 1,694 786 908 Fallehpur 04720200 4 4 996 373 623 Parchha 04720300 15 7 83 57 26 4,133 1,778 2,355 A,1ra 04720400 126 54 72 Sarha 04720500 2 9 7 2 1,784 900 884 Parchhachh 04720600 5 4 340 174 166 Tilsaras 04720700 19 15 4 712 371 34 I' Bamhrauli 04720800 6 2 4 12 6 6 1,530 717 813 Kiswahi 047209(]O 31 26 21 14 7 939 438 50 I Peleilla 04721000 ------Un-inhablicd------Gckheli 0472II()O 2 2 838 433 405 Tola Mar 04721200 S 3 2 3 2 734 314 420 Khain 047213(1) to 9 2,090 965 1,125 Parohl i 04721400 6 3 32 31 3,284 1.437 1,847 Sisol,lr 04721500 5 4 J I 1,173 553 620 Garha 04721(>()0 I 9 6 3 1,024 479 545 l3aiJc Mau 0472 I 7(]O 520 253 267 Burhal 04721 XOO 1,591 738 853 Bhulso ()472191111 634 221 413 Bhatlll' 047nOlili 4 2 2 67 62 5 937 450 487 Chh"nl (I'ar ~Ialldaha) 0472~ lOll 55 23 32 T,nduwa 04722200 148 52 W) Chand, Khll,d 04722JlHI 4 43 15 2X 1,492 628 864 Bhahh,mlt 04722-1l10 6 5 I 345 178 1(,7 Bakhha 114722500 2 I, 37 25 12 49X 244 254 Khan' 04722(l\)\) 4 2 2 9 8 57R 263 315 Gchrallh Khllld(l'm 04722701J M"udaita) 16 H X L~lChhl1l(lnplll 04722~1I0 7 7 6 7. 4 1.127 423 704 Lc"a 04722'lllO 2 2 5 1,137 546 591 Bha,nsman 04723(100 449 IX2 267 I'a,un 0472.'lliO (, 8 2 ::': 1,{J2S 475 553 [3,h,',ka 04n3201l 712 344 3(,X Chand, Kal.1Il 0472331)1)

382 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK' HAMIRPUR VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houselcss l'opulatl(111 in the eodc Village in Number or population) agc-group ()-(l ',lres Il'lll". eh(ll'ls' --1'-- number Name of Village Ilect '" ----:1::-)e-r-S(-ll-lo__Jc..;:.J:-:M::.:.:::-:.:."~~I=--. ~ a e, -cma es Persolls M


Scheduled Castes (10pu

202 104 555 374 I HI I(ap'" ------U 11- i 11 ha bi IcJ------Akhaiplil 121 (,0 61 4()'l 2X1 12(, S'I""''''' 347 188 159 521 365 15(, 1l1,a""ld 1,355 736 619 2,243 1.522 721 K,1I111)," 518 279 239 743 521 222 GlIlll:ih,1 143 88 55 740 S02 23R l)ld,,'I

Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Namc of Village Persons Males Females Persons Ma(cs ['cm,llcs Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2X

04723400 Kapsa 667 271 396 497 338 15<) 281 233 48 04723500 Akhaipur ------Un-'ll ha bit ed ------04723600 SIJnaura 800 358 442 449 313 136 400 292 lOS 04723700 BhainSIa 609 266 343 531 355 176 458 .114 144 04723800 Kadllya 2,749 1,18 i 1,568 1,933 1,288 645 1.287 1.136 151 04723900 Gurdaha 895 363 532 543 431 112 471 393 7R 04724000 Urdana 924 403 521 495 362 133 376 348 28 04724100 Ghatkani! 433 163 270 2~1 216 75 192 173 19 04724200 SIjwahi 899 370 529 638 463 175 462 388 74 04724300 Tikn Buzurg 1,017 412 605 603 476 127 466 423 43 04724400 Sichauli 487 215 272 250 202 48 1'J9 186 13 04724500 Ragaul 1,364 568 7'16 924 824 lOt) (,72 (li <) 53 04724600 Narayctch !,654 730 924 917 670 247 ()86 545 141 04724700 Klshunpur 253 108 145 108 97 II 89 88 I 04724800 Bhabhaura 559 211 348 263 229 34 140 130 10 04724900 Ratauli 725 308 417 522 345 177 369 299 70 0472500() Laraund 1,24Y 536 713 939 511 428 560 487 73 04725100 Mavalya 275 109 166 180 121 5'! 82 7(, (, 04725200 Gidhras ------Un-Ill ha b, Ied ------04725300 Mada,vur 1,083 450 6JJ 622 479 143 433 398 35 04725400 Chhim3ult 1,786 824 962 821 609 212 537 477 60 04725500 Masgawan 397 167 230 222 207 15 207 1'!8 9 04725600 Mutni J,394 587 807 640 516 124 468 433 35 04725700 Bigchna 916 381. 535 563 429 134 354 334 20 04725800 Chck Daha 683 293 390 501 263 238 227 220 7 2 04725900 Gadaria Khera 66 38 28 2 2 2 57 04726000 Para 950 401 549 735 422 313 364 307 04726100 Sahpura ------Un-inhabited------9 04726200 Kuncthta 2,001 928 1,073 1,548 955 593 702 693 2,319 618 04726300 Gauodhi 6,348 2,799 3,549 4,742 2,765 1,977 2,937 129 120 9 04726400 Himauli 460 194 266 231 186 45 120 42 04726500 Chamar Khanna 253 103 150 212 125 87 162 662 120 04726600 Chhirka 1,843 850 993 1.Q95 721 374 782 77 66 II 04726700 Gchbra 185 92 93 102 76 26 324 44 04726WO Bhabhani 757 355 402 475 344 131 368 450 373 77 04726900 Ladar 938 398 540 695 396 299 48'! 347 142 04727000 Banni 807 367 440 649 377 272 04727100 Bhaderwara ------U n -i n ha bi ted ------461 348 113 04727200 Gurha 1,099 470 629 908 475 433 1,008 912 96 04727300 Khanna 2,816 1,221 1,595 1,794 1,254 540 1,340 1,105 235 04727400 Rccvan 2,488 1,066 1,422 1,74 I 1,194. 547 04727500 Akana ------Un-mhabJled------1,532 1.263 269 04727600 Khandch 2,940 1,256 1,684 2.231 1.459 772 328 221 107 130 114 16 04727700 Falehpurwa 563 206 357 04727800 Adhai Purwa ------Un-mhabi tcd------1,099 719 380 SOO 671 129 04727900 Gusyari 1,615 634 981 969 691 278 587 564 23 04728000 Ichault 1,258 495 763 622 289 603 508 '!5 04728100 Naik Purwa 1,332 542 790 911 4-13 124 269 265 4 04728200 AIghar 1,096 476 620 567 164 164 1(>3 163 04728300 Jignauda 247 110 137 435 4\)6 <\58 441 t 7 04728400 Akbai 1,125 472 (>53 S9\ 365 142 S04 3(d 141 04728500 Pura 836 366 470 507 1,208 787 'i7') 856 II'! 04728600 Mawa, Khurd 2,474 1,077 1.397 1,995 645 430 215 3\?S 29\) \5 04728700 Tamaura 905 396 509 755 182 8M 735 12'! 04728800 Chichara 1,281 521 760 937 756 489 267 576 435 141 04728900 Barl1m3uli 1,181 506 675 211 () 215 2\ \ ... 04729000 Ratwa 381 134 247 217 595 348 451 420 31 04729100 SirsiKhurd 1,004 442 562 943 4'!9 183 4.18 421 17 ()4729200 Bahillga 914 440 474 681 558 453 'i1l2 55} 349 04729300 Khamriya 962 405 557 1,0 II 13-1 50 221 21" (, 04729400 Kh,ruhl 461 1<)2 269 284 385 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Maudaha

Industrial category of lnalll workers Householu inuustry CultIvators Agricultural l KlsllUl11)ur 96 91 3 2 I 4! 37 4 Ah.Jbhallra 272 217 55 45 39 6 42 36 6 10 Ratallh 394 337 57 127 112 15 4 4 35 34 {_at


VILLA(;I<: I'RliVIJ\ln' C () Block -

Induslrial calegolY Location code Cultivators !\gl ieultural 1,1I)()urcl s number Name of' Village Persolls Males Felllaies Persolls Maks l'ell1:lIe> 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4:-1 '1<)

04723400 Kapsa 216 105 III 19 so 77 04723500 Akhalpur ------Un-inllabitcd------04723600 Sijnaura 49 21 28 4 3 I 37 II 04723700 Bhaillsta 73 41 32 43 27 1(, 30 14 04723800 Karlllya 646 152 494 138 27 III 425 1)0 04723900 Gurdaha 72 38 34 10 7 04724000 UI dana 119 14 105 85 8 77 31 04724100 Ghatkana 99 43 56 12 12 85 2<)" 04724200 Sijwalll 176 75 101 41 10 31 132 (,4 04724300 Tikri Buzurg 137 53 84 5 2 3 81 22 04724400 Sichauli 51 16 35 II I 10 36 1.1 04724500 Ragaul 252 205 47 4 2 2 129 1()7 22 04724600 Nmayctch 231 125 106 14 3 II 24 7 17 04724700 Kishunplll 19 9 10 18 8 III 04724800 Bhabhaura 123 99 24 I 33 2<) 4 04724900 Ratauli 153 46 107 57 7 50 91 3(, 55 04725000 Laraund 379 24 355 197 8 189 180 1(, 1M 04725100 Mavaiya 98 45 53 2 I 90 3<) 51 ()4725200 Gidhras ------Un-illhabltcd------04725300 Madalvur 189 81 108 7 2 5 139 54 X5 04725400 Chhimauli 284 132 152 25 14 II 246 109 1]7 04725500 Masgawan 15 9 6 2 I I 8 4 4 04725600 Mutni 172 83 89 6 I 161 77 84 04725700 Bigehna 209 95 114 205 91 114 04725800 Chek Daha 274 43 231 116 16 100 153 25 128 04725900 Gadaria Khcra 04726000 Para 371 115 256 143 16 127 218 122 04726100 Sahpura ------U n -i n ha b i tcd------04726200 Kuncthta 846 262 584 32 16 16 805 240 565 04726300 Gauadhi 1,805 446 1,359 584 141 443 1,074 25<) 815 04726400 Himauli 102 66 36 3 2 I 17 12 :- 04726500 ChamaI' Khanna 50 45 46 2 44 04726600 Chhirka 313 59 254 41 3 38 218 39 179 04726700 Gchbra 25 10 15 16 2 14 5 4 I 04726800 Bhabhani 107 20 87 65 9 56 35 6 2<) 04726900 Ladar 245 23 222 206 I 205 20 5 15 04727000 Banni 160 30 130 115 15 100 40 15 25 04727100 Bhadcrwara ------Un-inhabitcd------04727200 Gurha 447 127 320 20 3 17 421 Ill) 302 04727300 Khanna 786 342 444 234 44 190 J 14 137 177 04727400 Rccvan 401 89 312 159 9 150 205 54 151 04727500 Akana ------Un-inhabited------04727600 Khandch 699 196 503 22 8 14 631 173 04727700 Fatchpurwa 198 107 91 37 17 20 92 3(, 04727800 Adlmi Purwa ------Un-inhabitcd------04727900 Gusyan 299 48 251 97 16 81 192 25 167 04728000 Ichauh 382 127 255 37 2 35 337 f 17 220 [)4728100 Nnik Punv" 308 114 194 24 2 22 222 72 1511 04728200 Atghar 298 \78 120 2 3 2RR 172 11(, 04728300 Jignauda I I 04728400 Akbai 433 44 389 354 30 324 42 04728500 Pura 2 I I I 04728600 Mawai Khurd 1,020 352 668 294 94 200 t>X6 231 4-';5 04728700 Tamaura 340 140 200 93 30 63 19(, 12 124 04728800 Chichara 73 20 53 15 8 7 57 II 4(> 04728900 Barhlllauli 180 54 126 53 26 27 124 25 lJlJ 04729000 Ratwa 2 2 I 04729100 Sirsi Khurd 492 175 317 323 112 211 155 104 04729200 8ahlllga 244 78 166 ~o <) 41 IX5 11<) 04729300 Khalllnya 109 5 104 65 (,5 42 37 04729400 Khiruhl 63 1'1 44 2 I 2> K


or marginal workcrs 1,()C

II 9 2 725 307 4 I R KaJl;,a 04721400 ------Un-lnI1abilcd------Akhaipul 04723<;01) 7 6 760 328 432 Sljnallia tl4721!,t1tl 599 276 323 Bh"",s1" (472371)0 27 5 22 56 30 26 3,059 1,415 1,644 Karhiya (4723)l{)() 62 31 31 1,095 453 642 Gurdaha 04723'!oo 3 2 1,169 543 626 Urdana 047240(l0 2 2 461 171 290 Ghalkalla 114724 1(1) I 2 I 1,053 439 614 SIJwahl tl47242011 4 2 2 47 27 20 1,357 589 768 Tikn Bll7urg 047243t10 2 I 2 1 I 640 280 360 SlchdUil 047244(1) 5 2 114 94 20 2,459 1,036 1,4 23 Ragaul ()47245011 124 73 51 69 42 27 1,906 RSO J ,05(, Narayctch ()4724600 376 178 J 98 Kishunplil 0472470() 89 69 20 901 382 S 19 Bhahhaula (l4724800 4 2 2 764 349 415 Ralauh 1l4724lJtlll I I 1,043 5~8 485 Laraund ()4725()t11l 5 4 276 103 173 M"vaJya 0472'i1l}() ------Un-inhablted---- Gldhras 1147252(1) 3 40 25 15 1,360 553 807 Madal pur 047253011 6 4 2 5 2 1,521 663 858 Chhllnalill 04725400 4 506 174 332 Masgawan 04725500 4 4 I 1,641 710 931 Mutni 04725600 2 2 2 2 1,153 513 640 Bigchna 0472570(l 2 2 3 2 571 316 255 Chek Dalla 04725800 76 48 28 Gadaria Khera 0472591)(l 8 7 2 2 715 366 349 Para 04726000 ------Un-Ill ha b i tcd ------Sahpura 0472(,100 7 4 3 2 2 1,688 849 839 Kunclilla 0472(,2()() 14 3 II 133 43 90 5,634 2,958 2,676 Gauodlll 0472(,300 16 12 4 66 40 26 514 205 309 Hil11aull 0472(1400 4 3 1 224 112 112 Chamar Kilanna 0472(,500 12 6 6 42 II 31 1,608 780 828 Chhilka 04726600 4 4 231 114 117 Gehbra 0472670l) 7 5 2 729 345 384 Bhabhalll 04726800 19 17 2 740 396 344 Ladnr 04726900 4 4 589 321 268 Banl1i 04727000 ------Un-inhabilcd------Bhadcrwara 04727100 I I 5 5 743 375 368 GUIlla 04727200 5 2 3 233 159 74 2,969 1,311 1,658 Khanna 04727300 5 4 32 25 7 2,687 1,186 1,50 I Rccvan 04727400 ------Un-inhabitcd------Akona 04727500 29 7 22 17 8 9 2,932 1,341 1,591 Khal1lich 04727('Otl II 10 58 44 14 594 218 376 Fatchplima 04727700 ------Un-Inhabiled------Adhm PUI\\'a 04727800 2 6 2 2,094 991 1, I 03 Gusyan 04727900 ! 7 1,50 I 662 839 Jchauh 047280lJO 3 2 59 39 20 1,50() 687 819 Naik PUI IV<1 04728 lOll 4 I I 1,417 625 792 Alghal 04728200 319 97 222 JlgnautJa 1}47283tlll 3 3 34 7 27 787 421 366 Akhal 04728-l00 2 I 737 307 430 I'ura 04n~5011 26 15 11 rt1 12 2 2,316 1.. 127 1,189 1\1 <1 "'a; Khuld 04n~(1()1l 5 3 2 46 35 (( 8SS 404 484 Tal11auru 0472,QoO I I 1,663 648 1,015 Chichara tl472XXOtl 3 3 1,12~ 502 626 Barhmauli 0472X'l(lO 1 47() 153 323 Ratwa 0472\)tltlll 2 2 12 12 1,176 540 (,36 Sirsi Khurd 0472<1100 6 3 2 948 415 533 Baillng;l ()472l)~(lll 2 2 7YX 431 367 Khalllllya 0472


Total populalion (including Location Arca of institulional and houseless Population in the code Village in N umber of population) age-group ()-(, number Name of Village hectares houscholus Persons Males Females Persolls Males 1"Clll"lcs 2 3 4 5 6 7 X ') 10

04729500 Kulkuwan 4360 178 1,085 594 4<)1 257 157 100 04729600 Kahln 2,191.0 555 3,109 1,683 1,42(, 552 30B 2'14 04729700 Sirsi Kalan 2,177.0 638 3,893 2,109 1,784 810 409 401 04729800 Ghanduwn 748.0 148 803 390 413 1(,2 77 85 04729900 Tinduhi 572.0 204 1,110 596 514 1<)5 9'1 96 04730000 Pach PalmI 1,4980 311 1,813 990 823 333 17(, 157 04730100 Noorpul 272.0 ------Un-lililabitcd------


Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Feillaies Persons Males Fel11ales Naille of Vilhlge II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 2 131 79 52 432 320 112 Kulkuwall 458 249 209 1.485 970 515 Kal"a 1,060 587 473 1.4 I I 974 437 SllSl Kalan 304 144 160 319 20l) 110 GhallLiuw(j 590 315 275 466 317 149 Tinduhi 469 256 213 823 573 250 Pach Pallia ------Ull-inhabited------Nnnlpul


Location eodc Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name of Village Persons Males Fcmales Pcrsons fVlalcs Fcmales Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 2() 27 2i)

04729500 Kulkuwan 653 274 379 537 296 241 42X 292 I Jr, 04729600 Kahra 1,624 713 911 1,183 858 325 859 708 151 04729700 Sirsi Kalan 2,482 1,135 1,347 1,673 1,069 604 1,036 92O I 1(, 04729800 Ghanduwa 484 181 303 283 20J 80 188 1(,4 2,1 04729900 Tinduhi 644 279 365 508 334 174 327 321 6 04730000 Pilch Pahra 990 417 573 714 507 207 377 3(,1 1(, 04730 100 Noorpur ------Un-inhabitcd------

391 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Maudaha Industrial catcgory of main workcrs Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Othcr workers Pcrsons Males Fcmales Persons Malcs Fcmales Persolls Males Fcmales Persolls Malcs FClllidc'i Nailic or Village 29 :\0 :\1 32 33 34 35 37 40 2 284 203 81 124 71 53 2 18 17 KlIlklllV


Industl"ial category Location eode Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Name of Village' Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males Felll a les Persons Males females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4X 49 04729500 Kulkuwan 109 4 105 104 103 5 3 2 04729600 Kahra 324 150 174 51 16 35 253 124 129 04729700 Sirsi Kalan 637 149 488 204 42 162 371 74 297 04729800 Ghanduwa 95 39 56 17 2 15 45 1(, 29 04729900 Tinduhi 181 13 168 133 6 127 44 5 39 04730000 Paeh Pahra 337 146 191 84 15 69 234 117 117 04730100 Noorpur ------Un-illhabllcd------


or nl

548 298 250 KlIlkuwall ()412'!51J11 3 2 I 17 8 <) 1,926 825 1.101 Kailla 0472%00 4 2 2 58 31 27 2,220 1,040 1.1 RO Si,si Kalall 04729700 3 2 3D 19 II 520 187 333 Gilantiliwa 04729WO 2 2 2 2 602 262 340 Tilldllhi 04729900 12 7 5 7 7 1.099 483 616 Paeh Paill a 047JO(lO(l ------UIl-lllllabltcd------Nt,olpur 047JO 1(10



Area of Location Name ofTownl Ward Townl Wilrd Number of Total populatioll (including Populatioll ill lite code In square households institutional and hOllselcss age-group 0-(1 number Kilollletrc population) PersollS J'vlaJes Fel1lales Persolls 'Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

43801000 I

438020()() lIantirpur (Nrl') 13.3 5,347 32,046 17,340 14,706 4,480 2,398 2,IIK2 0001 Wal'd No. I 273 1.613 837 77(, 273 131 142 (,() 0002 Ward No, 2 1(>8 1,005 553 452 144 84 0003 Ward No 3 240 1,374 738 636 201 109 92 79 0004 Ward No.4 213 1,151 62S 526 181 102 0005 Ward NO.5 243 1.322 716 606 136 78 58 175 101 74 0006 Ward No.6 204 1,170 633 537 1 90 0007 Ward No, 7 187 1,288 680 608 194 104 0008 Ward No.8 202 1,231 641 590 131 64 67 128 0009 Ward No. 9 373 2,144 1,169 975 265 137 0010 Ward No. 10 358 1,833 1,015 818 241 132 109 82 64 0011 Ward No. II 172 1,031 575 456 146 124 130 0012 Ward No. 12 270 1,573 848 725 254 68 0013 Ward No. 13 139 943 503 440 143 75 71 0014 Ward No. 14 188 1,304 701 603 162 91 99 82 0015 Ward No. 15 151 1,154 622 532 181 81 76 0016 Ward No. 16 197 1,178 632 546 157 77 74 0017 Ward No. 17 ISS 928 486 442 151 94 81 0018 Ward No. 18 197 1,133 625 508 175 136 127 0019 Ward No. 19 29(, 1,683 874 809 263 60 55 0020 Ward No. 20 141 941 485 456 115 104 55 49 0021 Ward No. 21 145 934 479 455 110 73 0022 Ward No. 22 21(' 1,502 984 518 183 193 107 86 0023 Ward No. 23 242 1.440 771 669 159 85 74 0024 Ward No. 24 144 83J 440 393 153 80 73 0025 Ward No. 25 230 1,338 708 630

4,405 2,364 2.1141 43803000 Sumerpur (Nr) 6.05 4,166 24,661 13,320 11,341 34& 192 15(, 0001 Ward No. I 320 1,769 967 802 169 16(, 0002 Ward No.2 315 1,816 948 868 335 373 1% 177 0003 Ward No.3 349 1,917 1,069 848 338 180 158 0004 Ward No.4 283 1,740 944 796 142 118 0005 Ward No,S 269 1,629 860 76':1 260 19S 135 0006 Ward No.6 2% 1.134 943 791 330 322 171 151 0007 Ward No, 7 238 1,583 859 724 1,022 402 207 195 0008 Ward No, 8 383 2,184 1,162 219 II X 101 0009 Ward No.9 248 1,437 777 660 252 122 130 0010 Ward No. to 232 1,391 724 667 291l 169 121 0011 Ward No. II 251 1,523 852 671 680 222 1.11 91 0012 Ward No, 12 238 1.476 796 715 :!25 114 III 0013 Ward No 13 261 1,581 866 254 ~X 126 0014 Ward No. 14 248 1.506 805 701 235 IJO 105 0015 Ward No, 15 235 1.375 748 627

3,653 1,:''3'7 711 626 43804000 Sarila (NP) 6.12 1,490 7,854 4,201 1.19 76 (>J 000 I Ward No. I 147 718 371 347 132 72 (10 0002 Ward No.2 154 840 445 395 93 ~2 0003 Ward No 201l 972 525 447 175 102 57 45 0004 Ward NO.4 107 619 3~X 2XI


Name 01" TOWlll W,ll\J Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Litenltes

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1'1 2

4,293 2,347 1,946 6,61!9 4,074 2,(115 I(lIrara (NP) 611 327 284 431 287 144 Wal(] No I 667 367 300 54R 360 IRH Wald No.2 528 294 234 741 436 305 Wald No :> 386 208 178 854 505 J4~ Ward Nu 4 212 119 93 403 237 166 WmdNo.5 344 182 162 412 251 161 W,"d No (, 585 326 259 1.057 627 430 Ward No.7 735 397 338 9% 644 352 Ward No. ~ 117 65 52 621 358 26J W,"d No () 108 62 46 (,)_6 369 257 W:lld No 10

5,127 2,809 2,318 21 13 8 22,322 13,234 9,OHI! iI".lIi'·pllr (NPP) 866 442 424 1,013 607 406 Ward No. I 509. 283 226 56S 377 191 WardNo.2 532 300 232 886 550 33(, Walu No.3 288 155 133 773 473 300 W:ud No 4 199 107 92 1,069 604 465 W:uu No ') 180 98 82 715 426 2H9 W:nd No. (, 194 99 95 936 536 400 Ward No.7 43 22 21 992 546 446 Ward NO.8 430 244 186 4 3 1,712 986 726 Ward No 9 391 215 176 17 10 7 1,440 856 584 Ward No. 10 150 87 63 782 470 312 Wa.d No. II 172 95 77 972 627 345 Ward No. 12 133 68 65 574 346 228 Wa.d Nu. 13 76 43 33 1,009 561 44R Ward N,) 14 35 17 18 582 352 230 Wald No 15 219 126 93 881 511 370 Ward No. 1(, 125 72 53 578 337 241 Ward No. 17 175 102 73 668 425 243 Walll No. 18 86 46 40 1.162 660 S02 Watd No. 19 37 17 20 713 393 320 Ward No 20 58 27 31 685 375 310 Wa.dNo.21 131 90 41 1,064 746 318 W:lldNo.22 55 29 26 1,030 600 430 Ward No. 23 3 2 426 272 154 Ward No. 24 40 24 16 1,092 598 494 Wald No. 25

7,293 3,912 3,381 4 2 2 14,302 9,014 5,288 Slimerplir (NP) 1,188 642 546 942 633 309 Ward No. I 1,203 627 576 1.035 667 368 Ward No.2 1,100 607 493 929 633 296 Ward No. J 675 373 302 789 524 265 Wa.d No.4 387 197 190 1,084 645 439 Wa.d No.5 536 291 245 995 620 375 Ward No 6 507 271 236 762 530 232 W,"d No 7 287 149 138 4 2 2 1,327 806 521 Walll No li 153 113 70 728 470 258 Wa.d No.9 347 181 166 862 540 327 Wa.d No. I () 389 207 182 813 528 285 Wa.d No. II 1]0 70 60 999 579 ~20 W,"e1No 12 91 50 41 1,190 691 499 W,lId No 13 208 III 97 905 571 334 W:lId No 14 92 53 39 942 577 3(,5 W".dN" 15

2,073 1,129 944 3,844 2,644 1,200 Sa. ila (NI') 190 96 94 305 206 91) Wa.dNo 223 110 113 497 318 179 W,"d No 2 201 106 95 367 2M IOJ W,"d No 85 48 37 361 234 127 \-ValdNo 4


Location Nmne ofTownl Ward eoue Total workers M,lin w(Jrkcrs number

Persons Males Felllale:; Person:; Males Felllail:s Persol1s Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

43HO(OOO Kura,·a (NP) 4,791 2,011l 2,709 J,352 1,91 X 434 1.715 2,510 2(15 0001 Ward No. I 449 liQ 2(,7 239 211 28 148 132 If, 2(, 0002 Ward No.2 551 225 326 369 312 57 245 219 0003 Ward No.3 842 417 425 470 439 31 373 3f,7 (, 0004 Ward No.4 430 177 253 370 312 58 294 281 13 0005 Ward No.5 265 II (, 149 194 158 3(, 191 ISS 3J 000(, Ward No.6 299 1.32 167 248 192 56 169 154 15 2(, 0007 Ward No.7 658 296 3(,2 422 387 35 398 372 0008 Ward No.8 650 271 379 532 436 '16 440 397 43 1(, 0009 Ward No 9 320 126 144 252 234 18 23K 222 II 0010 Ward No 10 327 14U I ~7 256 237 19 219 20S

431102()()() lIamirpur (NI'!') 9,724 4,1()(, 5,618 8,405 7,435 970 7,5611 6,827 741 372 46 000\ Ward No. I (JOll 230 370 442 383 59 418 1'12 1 (, 0002 Ward No.2 437 176 261 241 212 29 208 3() 0003 Ward No 3 488 188 300 339 298 41 320 284 251 2C, 0004 Ward No.4 378 152 226 292 259 33 277 253 30 0005 Ward No.5 253 112 141 339 300 39 283 162 IY 0006 Watd No.6 455 207 248 235 213 22 1181 259 18 0007 Ward No.7 352 144 208 283 26J 20 277 302 266 36 0008 Ward No.8 239 95 144 305 267 38 413 38 0009 Ward No.9 432 183 249 459 418 41 451 488 458 30 0010 Ward No. 10 393 159 234 505 467 38 251 235 16 0011 Ward No. 11 249 105 144 258 240 18 252 15 0012 Ward No. 12 601 221 380 377 343 34 267 81 175 156 19 0013 Ward No. 13 369 157 212 316 235 293 34 0014 Wvrd No. 14 295 140 155 345 311 34 327 232 14 00(5 Ward No. 15 572 270 302 267 249 18 246 298 278 20 0016 Ward No. 16 297 121 176 312 290 22 49 170 158 12 0017 Ward No. 17 350 149 201 275 226 55 2% 246 50 0018 Ward No. 18 465 200 265 312 257 348 48 0019 Ward No. 19 521 214 307 406 356 50 396 192 179 13 0020 Ward No. 20 228 92 136 222 206 16 204 177 27 0021 Ward No. 21 249 104 145 241 205 36 36 573 538 35 0022 Ward No. 22 438 2.38 200 595 559 102 422 338 84 0023 Ward No. 23 410 171 239 467 365 173 9 182 173 9 0024 Ward No. 24 407 168 239 182 50 364 314 50 0025 Ward No. 25 246 110 136 390 340

6,190 1,352 5.357 4.954 403 43803000 Sumcrpur (NP) 10,359 4,JU6 6,053 7,542 470 329 403 387 16 0001 Ward No.1 827 334 493 799 495 188 335 2H7 48 0002 Ward No.2 781 281 500 683 37 197 184 13 0003 War" No.3 988 436 552 509 472 399 45 23:1 227 5 0004 Ward No.4 951 420 531 444 434 100 438 388 50 0005 Ward No.5 545 215 330 534 455 98 484 413 51 ()006 Ward No.6 739 323 416 553 81 379 348 3 I 0007 Ward No.7 821 )29 492 486 405 510 57 518 484 34 0008 Ward No.8 857 356 SOl 567 373 142 341 310 31 0009 Ward No.9 709 307 402 515 329 66 336 313 23 0010 Ward No. 10 529 184 345 395 44 342 }26 1(, Ward No. II 710 324 386 409 365 0011 241 25 477 217 260 397 333 64 26(J 0012 Ward No 12 21 175 216 434 407 27 391 :170 0013 Ward No. 13 391 1 356 44 36l) 3.r.l 24 0014 Ward No. 14 601 234 3(,7 400 3R7 30 326 311 15 0015 Ward No. 15 433 171 262 417 1,470 2.1)46 1.%5 oX 1 43804000 Sarila (N!') 4,010 1,557 2,453 3,608 2,1311 206 161 231 If,2 69 0001 Ward No I 413 165 248 367 175 l~(' \(,1) 17 (1002 Wald No.2 343 127 2 1(, 389 214 162 33{) ?34 lOS 0001 WE,d No J 605 261 344 426 264 Xl) I (,l) 1(,1 X 1)01)4 \\'w'd No.4 258 104 154 254 165


Nallle ofTowll/ Ward Household industry Cu I ti vators Agricultural 1800urcrs Otller wOI'kcl S workers

Persolls Males Females Persons Males r-cln;lles Persons Males Females Pcrsolls Malcs I'cllla!cs __~2(_) ____3_() _____ 3_1 __~32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

566 543 23 .335 271 64 131 119 12 1,683 1,577 lOr. I,"rara (NI') 32 26 (, 3 1.'\ 13 2 93 ()O X Ward No I 90 85 5 57 37 2(J 98 97 I W'"li No 2 104 10] 7(, 73 3 27 27 1(,(, 164 2 W,"J No 3 22 21 '! 9 19 18 244 233 I I W,"d No 4 33 33 49 35 14 10') ()O 19 Wanl No :; 61 59 6 5 4 97 X6 II Wald No (, 53 52 65 56 9 17 17 263 247 I (, Ward No 42 41 35 2(, I) 38 32 (, 325 29R 27 v.,',,,u N<) 62 (,0 2 9 7 2 4 2 2 1('] 153 III W",d No \) (,7 63 2(, 20 (, (, 6 120 119 I Ward No 10

460 437 23 137 100 37 147 127 20 (,,824 (',163 (,6 I lJamirplIr (N!'!') I I 17 12 5 400 35') 41 W,"d No I 4 2 202 188 14 Wald No 2 19 16 30() 267 33 W",d No 1 276 250 2(, W",d No 4 25 24 258 229 29 \V"'U No 5 7 5 2 4 4 17() 153 17 Wald No (, 41 40 2 2 4 230 214 16 Wald No 7 5 5 I 296 2(JO }(, Ward No 8 7 6 6 438 400 38 Ward No <) 2 2 7 6 479 450 29 Ward No. 10 15 12 236 223 13 W,"d No II 18 18 I 1 247 232 15 Ward No. 12 3 3 3 3 169 150 19 W"rd No. 13 5 5 31 28 3 290 259 .11 W,"d No. 14 9 9 236 222 14 Ward No. 15 16 12 4 281 265 16 Walt! No 16 5 4 164 153 II Ward No. 17 11 11 12 II 273 224 44 Wald No Ii( 22 21 2 8 7 364 319 45 Ward No 19 15 12 7 7 170 160 10 Ward No 20 5 4 4 195 168 27 Ward No 21 240 237 42 42 4 4 287 255 32 Ward No 22 2 2 70 35 35 3 2 347 300 47 Ward No 23 5 I 4 2 2 175 170 5 Watd No. 24 8 15 14 341 293 48 Wmd No. 25

74{, 811 65 324 300 24 239 197 42 3,983 3,711 272 SIlIll~"PIl" (N!') 40 4G 187 183 4 7 6 I 169 158 11 Wanl No 1 22 22 32 29 3 15 12 3 266 224 42 Ward No 2 (, 2 25 24 164 154 10 Ward No 3 35 15 14 12 2 6 6 177 174 3 Ward No 4 88 75 13 14 10 4 19 16 3 317 287 30 WaId No 5 39 36 3 9 6 3 30 21 9 406 370 36 W,"d No (1 63 49 14 10 10 305 288 17 Wald Nll. 7 65 61 20 18 2 34 31 399 374 25 \Vtud No X 139 1}2 7 7 6 1 18 16 2 177 15(, 21 \V .. ud i"~)

1,II2S 7d! 7(19 425 2R.t 126 106 21) 7tH; 9' Sarna Ilil') 137 X3 18 II 7 17 16 59 \V'l):..! i'ill \

61. 513 10 (, 4 4 4 ! 10 1I \\laud t,.l t ! 2 149 53 101 58 43 17 16 72 V/;!I'i ~('\) _1 ')7 25 25 2 2 85 5 \Vj


Indust ri;ll category Location Name ofTownl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators i\gricultur;ll labourer, number

I'ersons Males Females Persons Males Female,> I'ersolls Males Female, 2 41 42 43 44 45 47 4X 4')

43l!01000 KlIrara (N") 637 40H 229 60 37 2J DO lOX 122 0001 Ward No. I 'II 79 12 3 3 (,5 SR 7 0002 Ward No.2 124 93 31 36 27 ') 23 II 12 0003 Ward No.3 97 72 25 14 6 8 2 I I 0004 Ward No.4 76 31 45 1'1 5 14 0005 Ward No.5 3 3 I 0006 Ward No. (J 79 3R 41 2 2 44 15 0007 Ward No.7 24 15 9 2 I 0008 Ward No.8 92 39 53 2 59 I, 4(, 0009 Ward No.9 14 12 2 (, (, 0010 Ward No. 10 37 29 8 I.) 4

43X02000 Hamirpur (NP") 837 608 229 II 4 7 29 n 7 000 I Ward No. I 24 II 13 0002 Ward No.2 33 20 13 0003 Ward No.3 19 14 5 13 J() J 0004 Ward No.4 15 8 7 2 2 0005 Ward No.5 56 47 9 0006 Ward No.6 54 51 0007 Ward NO.7 6 4 2 0008 Ward No.8 3 I 2 0009 Ward No.9 8 5 3 0010 Ward No. 10 17 9 8 3 0011 Ward No. II 7 5 2 2 0012 Ward No. 12 110 91 19 2 0013 Ward No. 13 141 79 62 0014 Ward No. 14 18 18 0015 Ward No. 15 21 17 4 0016 Ward No. 16 14 12 2 0017 Ward No. 17 105 68 37 0018 Ward No. 18 16 II 5 0019 Ward No. 19 10 8 2 0020 Ward No. 20 30 27 3 0021 Ward No. 21 37 28 9 0022 Ward No. 22 22 21 I 2 0023 Ward No. 23 45 27 18 7 6 2 0024 Ward No. 24 0025 Ward No. 25 26 26 537 43803000 Sumerp"r (NP) 2,185 1.236 949 134 53 81 893 356 310 34 276 0001 Ward No.1 396 83 313 I I ISS 123 0002 Ward No.2 348 208 140 2 2 nl 9 0003 Ward No.3 312 288 24 16 101 24 0004 Ward No.4 212 172 40 4 4 125 0005 Ward No.5 96 46 50 13 12 <,0 25 35 19 0006 Ward NO.6 69 22 47 18 4 14 21 2 <) IX 1<; 0007 Ward No.7 107 57 50 4 5 2 10 4 0008 Ward No.8 49 26 23 2 7 0009 Ward No.9 174 63 III 39 17 22 X (, 0010 Ward No. 10 59 16 43 22 (> 16 9 :I 12 3 l) 0011 Ward No. II 67 39 28 5 2 21 10 II 0012 Ward No. 12 131 92 39 I 0013 Ward No. 13 43 37 6 I 0014 W,ud No. 14 31 II 20 14 II I 0015 Waod No. 15 91 76 15 4 3 91 43S04000 Sarita (Nt') 962 173 789 336 -II 295 5tHI 1<; 41 53 13 0001 Ward No. I 136 44 92 56 2(1 0002 Ward No.2 203 45 158 60 (, 54 95 OOOJ Ward No. J 87 30 57 15 4 II 67 22 nO()4 Ward No.4 X5 <1 R I -'~ 37 27

400 CENSUS ABSTHACT of m,lrgillal workers N:lllIC .. rTowllI W,ml L"C,ltioll Ilou,ei;old industry Olher workers NOIl-workcrs codc workers IltllllhL'I

Persons Males Fcmalcs Persons Males Females Persolls 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

36 9 27 311 254 57 8,128 3,238 4,X'IO Kura,·" U'{l') 43XOIOOO 23 21 2 (>4 \ 258 383 W,,,d No. \ 0001 5 2 3 60 53 7 730 273 451 W,"d No.2 0002 80 65 15 I,' 13 414 699 Ward 1"(1 3 OO()3 \ 3 12 44 25 19 9\4 370 544 Watt! No, 4 0004 2 2 474 \95 279 W~rd No.5 0005 4 4 29 27 2 463 i91 272 Watd No.6 (JOO() 3 1 2 18 13 5 1.293 536 751 Ward No 7 0007 2 3 25 23 2 1.l14 479 ()35 Wa,d No 8 OOOg 8 (, 2 689 250 439 Ward)\;" I) 00(1) 3 24 21 ()97 272 425 Ward No, 10 (JOIO

26 18 8 771 564 207 23,641 9,905 1:1,736 lI"mirpur (NI'I') 43802000 24 II 13 1,171 454 717W,lId)\;p\ 0001 33 20 \3 764 34\ .423 Wart! No.2 0002 5 4 I 1,035 440 595 Ward No, 3 OOO} 13 6 7 859 366 4\13 W~rd No 4 0004 55 46 9 983 416 567 Ward N" 5 0005 54 51 3 935 420 5 I 5 Wall\ )\;0. (, 0006 6 4 2 1.005 417 588 Ward Nn 0007 2 926 374 552 Watd;-";o 8 O()OH 8 5 3 1,685 75\ ')34 Ward No 9 000') 2 11 3 1,328 548 780 Ward No. 10 0010 4 I 773 335 438 Ward No. 11 00\ I 2 2 106 90 16 1,19G 505 691 Ward No. 12 0012 141 79 62 627 268 359 Ward No. 13 00\3 1 17 17 959 390 569 Ward No. 14 0014 5 16 12 4 887 373 514 Wanl!"o.15 0015 5 5 9 7 2 866 342 524 Ward No. 16 00\6 4 3 101' 65 36 653 260 393 Ward No. 17 0017 I 14 10 4 821 368 453 Ward No, 18 0018 9 7 2 1,277 518 759 Ward No, 19 0019 25 22 3 719 279 440 Ward No. 20 0020 36 27 9 693 274 419 Ward No,21 0021 22 21 907 425 482 Ward NQ. 22 0022 36 24 12 973 406 567 Ward No. 23 0023 651 267 384 Ward No. 24 0024 25 25 948 368 580 Ward No. 25 0025

125 69 56 1,033 758 275 17,119 7,130 9,989 SUlllerpur (Nl') 438()3000 10 4 6 75 44 31 970 497 473 Ward No. I 0001 10 3 7 55 45 10 1,133 453 680 Ward No.2 0002 38 34 4 258 245 13 IA08 597 811 Ward r-.:o. 3 0003 3 80 68 12 1,296 545 151 Ward NQ. 4 0004 4 I 3 19 8 II 1,095 42(, 669 Ward No.5 OOOS 2 2 28 14 14 USI 488 693 Ward No.6 (1006 4 4 72 46 26 1,0'17 454 643 Ward No, 7 0007 \0 7 3 27 13 14 1,617 652 965 Ward Np, 8 0008 2 3 122 43 79 922 40~ 518 Ward No.lJ (11)0') 4 4 24 7 t 7 996 3,)) (,O \ Ward :0;" 10 00\0 () 6 44 34 10 l.l 14 4R7 ()n Ward "" II Il()11 17 6 II 92 75 17 1,079 4(,.1 h16 \Vnrd ~t) t:! llili2 I 41 35 (I 1.147 45'1 (),~s Ward ,\,,, 11 001.1 2 13 7 () 1,10(1 44'1 ()S7 \VanJ i\p 14 0014 3 83 74 l) 958 3(lI 5Y7 Ward;o.o 15 OOIS

13 3 jO 113 38 75 4,246 2,06,l 2,IXJ SarHa (r-;r) ,UX()41IiHI 4 2 2 23 14 9 35\ 165 186 Ward ~'Jo. I on:) I 48 13 35 451 23\ 220 \Vard ~:o ' nfiD] J 3 546 2(>1 2~5 Ward !'iI' {:(/(iJ 4 15 2 365 \7.\ \ 92 \Varu :--1\, -~ ,,,11"\


Area of Location Name ofTowll/ Ward Towll! Ward Number of Total populatioll (1I1cludillg I'ol;ulatioll III tile code in square households institutional and IHlusclcss age-group 0-(, number Kilolllctre population) Pcrsons Males Females Persolls Males FClll,JiCS 2 3 4 5 (, 7 10

0005 Ward No.5 123 3(,(, 319 'i4 50 44 OOOG Ward No 6 127 338 2X4 122 (,5 57 0007 Ward No.7 166 482 400 151 ]X 73 OOOS Ward No.8 146 413 349 144 77 (,7 0009 Ward NO.9 ISO 451 377 125 68 57 0010 Ward No 10 170 472 454 153 75 78

4J8(J5000 Gohand (NI') us 1,242 7,OS7 3,842 3,245 1,1165 545 520 0001 Ward No. I 144 815 435 381J 125 M (,I 0002 Ward No.2 75 478 254 224 87 45 42 (JOO] Ward No.3 197 1.148 (,33 515 155 X3 72 (J004 Ward No.4 112 613 315 2'i8 85 41 44 0005 Ward No.5 159 903 492 411 138 72 (,(, 0006 Ward No (, 153 Se,2 488 374 144 82 62 0007 Ward NO.7 126 654 352 . 302 III 54 57 OOOX Ward NO.8 88 512 2'J2 220 58 32 26 0009 Ward No.9 80 465 238 227 66 26 40 0010 Ward No. 10 108 637 343 294 'i(' 46 50

43806000 Rath (NPP) 6.28 8,710 55,950 30,065 25,885 1l,90() 4,639 4,261 000 I Ward No. I 433 2,374 1,297 1,077 373 206 1(,7 0002 Ward No.2 345 2,423 1.301 1.122 363 182 181 0003 Ward No.3 217 1,548 824 724 286 146 140 0004 Ward No.4 263 1.727 895 832 325 159 1(>6 0005 Ward No.5 303 1.888 1,005 883 344 180 164 0006 Ward NO.6 321 2,063 1,071 992 326 175 151 0007 Ward No.7 252 1,453 773 680 246 116 130 149 0008 Ward NO.8 378 2,644 1,681 963 325 176 240 0009 Ward No.9 450 2.537 1.323 1.214 471 231 0010 Ward No. 10 476 2.704 1,477 1.227 485 253 232 144 0011 Ward No. II 311 1.830 953 877 279 135 134 0012 Ward No. 12 296 2.028 1.091 937 291 157 179 0013 Ward No. 13 351 2.218 1.172 1.046 366 187 284 0014 Ward No. 14 568 3,493 1.878 1,615 618 334 236 0015 Ward No. 15 446 2.828 1,472 1,356 512 276 170 0016 Ward No. 16 301 2,099 1,124 975 355 185 145 0017 Ward No. 17 375 2,669 1,396 1,273 430 235 299 139 1M) 0018 Ward No. 18 324 2,161 1,157 1,004 263 145 118 0019 Ward No. 19 266 1,855 978 877 222 191 0020 Ward No. 20 506 2,764 1.509 1,255 413 269 150 119 0021 Ward No. 21 290 2.043 1.123 920 301 166 135 0022 Ward No. 22 268 1.933 1.026 907 434 231 203 0023 Ward No. 23 408 2.894 1.571 1.323 2~3 132 161 0024 Ward Nn 24 323 2.129 I.O'!3 1.036 770 233 121 112 0025 Ward No. 25 239 1.645 875

5,817 3.D!! 2.679 43807000 Maudaha (NPP) 6.34 5,708 34,730 IS,579 16.151 24~ 124 124 (JOO 1 Ward No. I 208 1.304 699 605 430 225 20S 0002 Ward No 2 414 2.423 1.322 1.101 :!29 122 1117 0003 Ward No.3 240 1.326 728 5'i8 345 178 167 0004 Ward No.4 32S 1.919 1.003 916 2.10 122 lOX 0005 Ward No.5 257 1.543 825 718 900 ,1l)(, 229 167 0006 Ward No.6 349 2.068 1.168 170 105 (,S 0007 Ward NO.7 125 957 541 416 488 I 22<) 187 0010 Ward Nn. 10 343 2.257 1.23(, 1.021 JO(, 307 )4 44 00 II Ward No. II X6 613 240 1:1') 101 0012 Ward Nn. 12 23H 1.286 707 579 70X 2Xl) 154 135 0013 Ward No 13 25H 1.487 77'i IX4 100 84 0(114 Ward No. 14 209 1.2<)4 707 5'117


N,lI11e or "l'm",,/ \N :lrd Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes populalioll Lileratcs

I'<.:rsotls Males F<.:ll1ales Persons Maks F<.:ll1aks P<.:rsons Maks F<':lllalc~ II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I') 2

70 40 30 401 270 131 W,,,d~,,-" 123 71 52 221 169 52 W,,,d N" () 427 234 193 439 32(, 113 W,,,d;-';,, 393 220 173 324 244 RO W,,,d~,, 8 260 147 113 449 30& 141 W,,,d,,,, 9 10\ 57 44 480 305 175 Ward No 10

1,726 949 777 3,732 2,(,38 1,094 (;oha"d(NI') 240 130 110 390 278 112 W,,,d "" I 90 50 40 275 1&4 91 W;"d "" 2 436 241 195 522 386 13(, W;"d"" 3 43 23 20 346 229 117 W,,,d N" 4 ISS 105 80 460 332 128 Ward No 5 276 154 122 469 328 141 Ward No (, 304 164 140 32(, 226 100 W,,,d No 7 8 7 332 235 97 Ward NO.8 70 36 34 23\ 167 64 \Y;\ld No. () 74 39 35 38\ 273 lOS W,,,d No 10 I 10,984 5,911 5,073 136 76 60 :n,799 21,041 12,758 Rath (NI'!') 626 338 288 1,563 979 584 W,ml No. I 780 422 358 1,299 837 462 Wmo Nl'. 2 659 351 308 692 461 231 Wal" No.3 471 254 217 746 472 274 Wmd NO.4 593 300 293 1,040 645 395 Ward No.5 792 402 390 1,172 713 459 Ward NO.6 223 122 101 820 512 30g Ward No, 7 814 464 350 1,783 1,336 447 Wmd No 8 631 328 303 1,527 928 599 Ward No \I 654 370 284 1,561 1,054 507 Ward No 10 408 222 186 \,225 724 501 W,lId No 11 414 217 197 1,342 820 522 Ward No. 12 755 412 343 1,385 848 537 Wald No,,13 1,334 713 621 114 64 50 1,844 1,205 639 Ward No. 14 553 296 257 1,409 888 521 Ward No, 15 261 147 114 22 12 10 1,387 837 550 Ward No 16 188 98 90 1,579 9~4 645 Ward No 17 52 29 23 1,358 833 525 Ward No 18 141 72 69 917 548 369 WUld No. 19 290 159 131 1,796 1,145 651 Wanl No. 20 8l 49 32 1,440 861 57<) Wanl No 21 80 44 36 1,318 785 533 Ward No. 22 128 66 62 1,913 I, 158 755 Ward No 2] 45 28 17 1,460 817 643 Wanl No 24 II 8 3 1,223 701 522 Watd 'It) 25

5,517 3,006 2,511 20,41J 12,46-1 7,'149 i\la"daha (N!'P) 395 212 183 495 347 148 Ward No I 968 524 444 1,215 829 3&f, Ward N() 2 286 156 130 836 527 lOlJ Ward 'I" 1 573 311 262 1,085 (]6(1 41'J Wnn.1No.4 205 109 96 1,013 (lOt> 407 W,,,d '0 -" 529 3DI 228 939 636 30J \V;lId '0 (, 174 'lOS 69 392 266 12f, Watd No 217 119 98 573 348 225 Wald No 8 277 145 132 407 264 143 Ward N() <) 469 261 20S 1,101 685 41(> Ward N() 10 447 238 209 W,lTd No ! I 128 74 54 687 451 23() Wanl N" 12 141 76 65 739 467 212 Watd ;-':(1 J.l 172 97 75 7(,() 479 2~\ W.\IdS~\ 14

403 UIWAN ('({IMAIn'

Location Name ofTownl Ward code Illiterates Tolid workers Mail! workers Illlillber Persolls Males females Persons Males Fell1

4, 0005 Ward No 5 2R4 46 IRK 31<) IX6 133 207 000(, Ward No (, 401 169 232 290 174 11(, 241 7(, X(, 0007 Ward No 7 443 15(, 287 369 243 12(, 32(, 1)1) OOOX Ward No.8 438 169 2(,9 365 221 144 303 2')!> 74 OOO~ Ward No 9 379 143 236 415 228 IX7 0010 Ward No 10 446 167 279 414 237 177 348 113

4JSOSOOO Gohand (NP) 3,355 1,204 2,151 3,229 1,917 1,312 1,783 1,4 34 0018 Ward No. 18 803 324 479 585 533 434 30 367 352 15 0019 Ward No. 19 938 430 508 464 23 6<)8 673 20 0020 Ward No. 20 968 364 604 724 701 490 23 448 431 17 0021 Ward No. 21 603 262 34\ 513 45 474 452 0022 Ward No. 22 615 241 374 533 4RR 729 33 720 (,'II 0023 Ward No. 23 981 413 568 762 526 44 503 47<; 0024 Ward No. 24 669 276 3<)3 570 3(,1 26 375 355 20 0025 Ward No. 25 422 174 248 387

7,657 1,233 7,267 6,679 5Sl! 43807()OO i\Iaudaha (NPP) 14,317 6,115 8,202 8,890 332 99 212 202 II) 0001 Ward No. I 809 352 457 431 705 546 15'1 4~2 4)<, 44 0002 Ward No.2 1,208 493 715 4(> ~7~ 2_~O 0003 Ward No.3 490 101 289 322 276 431 65 4~7 379 0004 Ward No 4 834 337 497 496 341 58 2% 0005 Ward No.5 530 il9 311 399 458 42 370 12 0006 Ward No.6 1,129 532 597 500 210 24 17~ 1(,7 {JO()7 Ward No.7 565 275 290 234 219 20 216 202 14 ()OOS Ward No 8 449 IX6 263 239 47 15(, 12h }\) OO()9 Wald No.9 321 125 196 IX6 13'1 <;14 4(,X 46 424 1,97 27 (JOIO WUlt! No 10 1.156 551 60S 155 147 S 153 14(, 0011 Ward No. II 1(,(, 68 98 293 30 31 (, 292 ()Ol2 Wm


Industrial category or 111<1111 wOI·kers Name or Townl Ward Iiouselioid industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers

Pcrsuns Males Femaks Persons Males FelTlalcs Persons Males females Persons Males FClllales 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 37 38 39 40 2

90 78 12 21 (> 15 <) 2 R7 73 14 W",dN,,:; 58 39 19 104 59 45 19 14 (,() 53 7 \V~td No (, 87 69 18 113 71 42 8 8 Ill! 92 26 WaHl No 7 82 61 21 168 106 62 20 15 33 J I 2 W",d No II !OI 78 23 7() 39 37 21 17 4 ')8 88 10 Wa,,! No.

824 687 137 415 277 13S 156 IO! 54 3l\l\ 3.35 S.3 Gnhnnd (NI') 78 78 3 2 I 9 7 2 66 48 18 Wan] No I 61 57 4 35 25 I() 10 2 20 20 \V'1Il1 Nu 2 78 71 7 53 29 24 I 48 44 4 Walll No 3 91 89 2 5 5 13 27 25 2 \Vald No 4 58 51 7 161 93 68 52 27 2S 45 38 Ward Nll ) 142 101 41 56 44 12 17 13 4 (,9 58 11 W'II0 N" (, 82 50 32 36 27 9 3 2 36 32 4 Wmd No.7 83 55 28 24 17 7 24 I"7 7 33 31 2 Ward No II 75 63 12 21 16 5 11 4 7 25 22 Ward No. 'I 76 72 4 21 19 2 16 !6 19 17 2 W'lId No 10

1,214 1,116 98 624 50) 121 501 456 45 10,315 9,6114 6.31 R"th (N~'I') 58 57 14 12 2 3 I 25 6 461 433 211 Ward No. I 50 48 2 65 59 G 2~ 27 453 441 12 Ward No 2 I I 10 5 5 4 4 312 254 58 Ward No.3 III 89 22 79 71 8 7 3 4 254 222 32 Ward No.4 16 14 2 2 2 17 14 3 364 334 30 Ward No.5 28 28 4 4 26 26 377 341 36 Watd No. (, 91 85 6 84 63 21 6 6 225 213 12 Ward No.7 23 21 2 5S 5 I 4 26 26 318 299 19 Ward No.8 liD 105 5 21 18 3 22 21 I 450 429 21 Ward No. '} 62 58 4 8 8 35 32 3 501 467 34 Ward No. 10 23 22 2S 20 5 6 366 331 35 Ward No.1 1 32 31 46 45 21 21 392 377 15 Ward No. 12 57 55 2 I 41 34 7 365 337 28 Watd No. 13 55 50 5 96 79 17 13 12 447 414 33 Ward No. 14 56 47 9 81 36 45 25 23 2 56~ 530 311 Walll No. 15 54 52 2 2 19 14 5 496 454 42 Ward No. 16 104 92 12 II 9 2 359 352 7 Ward No. 17 30 28 2 20 16 4 448 420 28 Ward No. 18 22 20 2 5 5 339 326 13 Ward No. 19 88 88 12 II 7 590 572 18 Ward No. 20 32 31 2 2 2 412 397 15 Ward No. 21 8 8 64 61 3 402 383 19 Ward No. 22 62 51 II 23 635 617 18 \Vatd No. 23 17 17 5 4 16 465 439 26 Ward No. 24 24 18 6 10 10 25 316 302 14 WaLd No. 25

1,076 977 99 290 255 35 J56 J2~ 32 5,545 5,123 .t22 ~Inlld"ha (NPP) 56 54 2 44 44 5 .\ 107 100 7 Ward No. I 46 38 8 41 34 12 12 383 354 29 \Vatd Nn. 2 20 19 4 2 ~() IS 2 234 211 23 Ward Ni,. 3 60 55 5 )ll :'7 337 297 40 Wal\l No.4 22 20 2 7 I ~ I" 2 279 262 17 Wan.\ Nn S 44 42 2 24 24 I~ I:' 302 2'12 10 W'IIlI No () 2 2 I 171/ 164 (> W'IIlI No.7 47 4S 2 2 2 166 154 12 Ward Nn. 8 28 23 5 12 4 II III lOS 119 16 Ward Nil. 'i 22 19 3 3 394 372 22 W:ml No. I () 15 15 2 2 136 12'1 7 W,mINo. II 22 21 39 ,9 _'0q, 197 177 20 W,IItI No. 12 45 38 7 11 10 ') 218 201 17 W,ml No. 13 42 37 S 6 4 "2 25() 215 35 Wan.1 No 14 lJ RBAN I'IOIVI A I{ Y Industrial calcgOlX Location Name ofTownl Ward codc Marginal wmkels Cultivaturs i\gricultulallahoul'cr, number Pcrsons Males females Persons Males FClllales Persol1s Malcs FClllnlcs 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4X 4~

0005 Ward No.5 112 22 90 49 2 47 4X 14 34 0006 Ward NO.6 49 9 40 17 4 13 31 S 26 0007 Ward No.7 43 3 40 II 2 9 31 30 OOIlX Ward NO.8 62 8 54 12 12 50 42 0009 Ward NO.9 I 19 (, 113 42 5 37 72 7 I 0010 Ward 1'10.10 66 2 64 35 34 26 25

43S()50()() Gohand (NP) 1,446 516 930 311 52 259 857 :177 480 0001 Ward No. I 187 78 109 32 32 151 7X 73 0002 Ward No.2 66 I.) 57 46 4 42 I() 2 14 0003 Ward No.3 368 201 167 13 7 6 278 I{)I I 17 0004 Ward No.4 92 3 I 61 22 5 17 55 14 41 0005 Ward NO.5 145 36 10'! 37 13 24 54 15 39 27 0006 Ward NO.6 78 32 46 21 4 17 50 23 0007 Ward NO.7 129 54 75 8 I 7 112 50 62 0008 Ward NO.8 89 14 75 I'! 2 17 50 8 42 0009 Ward NO.9 104 17 87 29 10 19 36 3 33 32 0010 Ward No. 10 188 44 144 84 6 78 55 23 I 438060()O Rath (NPP) 2,338 1,702 636 66 2J 4S 377 211 166 0001 Ward No. I 50 28 22 2 I I 0002 Ward No.2 125 61 b4 2 2 50 31 19 0003 Ward No.3 13 I 110 21 26 23 3 0004 Ward NO.4 84 72 12 I I 12 9 3 0005 Ward NO.5 172 131 41 15 II 4 22 0006 Ward NO.6 87 54 33 3 2 56 34 2 0007 Ward No.7 10 6 4 3 27 57 0008 Ward NO.8 252 137 I 15 7 6 84 2 0009 Ward No.9 58 43 15 2 I 0010 Ward No. 10 90 79 II 20 8 12 0011 Ward No. II 71 37 34 6 6 2 0012 Ward No. 12 64 56 8 2 24 21 3 0013 Ward No. 13 68 58 10 37 28 I.) 0014 Ward No. 14 339 261 78 2 2 6 0015 Ward No. 15 47 26 21 I 6 0016 Ward No. 16 18 10 8 2 I 38 13 25 0017 Ward No. 17 217 169 48 15 2 13 I 0018 Ward No. 18 87 69 18 0019 Ward No. 19 97 82 15 8 8 0020 Ward No. 20 26 23 3 0021 Ward No. 21 65 59 6 0022 Ward No. 22 59 36 23 2 2 0023 Ward No. 23 42 38 4 3 4 3 2 2 0024 Ward No. 24 67 51 16 0025 Ward No. 25 12 6 6

3R~ 183 2(11 43807000 Maudaha (NPI') 1,623 978 645 91 9 82 40 40 40 12 2K 0001 Ward No. I 219 130 89 I I 2 I 12 <) 0002 Ward No.2 223 lOS I 15 \8 7 0003 Ward No.3 44 26 2 5 3 0004 Ward No.4 69 52 17 16 3 IJ 0005 Ward No.5 76 43 33 42 34 X 0006 Ward No.6 118 8~ 30 2 2 Ward No.7 60 43 17 0007 2 0008 Ward No.8 23 17 (1 18 (, 12 Ward No.9 30 ij 17 0009 19 IS 4 0010 Ward 1'10.10 90 71 l'l 00 II Ward No. I I 2 (, 0012 Ward No. 12 7 (01) Ward No. 13 1.)7 65 32 22 14 0014 Ward No 14 75 42 .13

.10(-] CENSUS ABSTRACT of Illurginal workers Nnllle o\' Tllwn! 'N ard LOl,al;lln Household industry Other worker, NOli-workers code workers IllIl11hel

Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Persons Males l;enHiles 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2

14 8 366 180 186 Ward No OO()S I 332 1M 168 Ward No () OO!)(, I 513 23') 274 Wald No 7 (10(17 397 192 205 Wald No 8 O(jOX 2 2 3 4\3 223 \90 WardN\1 9 U()09 5 5 512 235 277 Ward No 10 (JOIO

137 26 III 141 (,1 80 3,858 1,925 1,933 Gohand (NP) 43805000 3 3 472 222 250 Ward No I (JOOI 4 3 2R6 135 151 Ward No 2 0002 5 2 72 31 41 600 287 313 Ward No 3 O!)03 14 12 2 385 157 228 Ward No 4 0004 46 2 44 8 (, 2 442 2~7 195 Ward No 5 0005 3 2 4 4 500 240 260 Wald No (J 000(, 2 2 7 4 368 188 180 Wald No 7 (J007 7 I 6 13 10 259 158 101 WanlNo 8 OOUR 31 3 28 8 7 229 J 16 113 Ward No !) U009 37 14 23 12 II 317 175 142 Ward No 10 0010 I 161 H7 74 1,734 1,3RJ 351 40,958 16,604 24,354 Rath (NPP) 4380(,000 3 2 I 45 25 20 1,7(,0 742 1,018 Ward No. I 0001 18 6 12 SS 24 31 1,702 665 \ ,037 Ward No.2 0002 2 2 103 85 18 1,090 450 640 Ward NO.3 0003 2 I 69 61 8 1,192 438 754 Ward No.4 0004 46 40 6 III 80 31 1,317 510 807 Ward No.5 0005 27 18 9 1,541 618 923 Ward No, 6 0006 7 4 3 1,037 400 637 Ward NO.7 0007 27 II 16 134 98 36 1,970 1,147 823 Ward NO.8 0008 2 2 52 41 II 1,876 707 1,169 Ward No.9 0009 3 I 2 86 77 9 2,008 833 1,175 Ward No, 10 0010 5 3 2 40 26 14 1,339 538 801 WardNo II 001 I 2 2 60 52 8 1,473 561 912 Wald No. 12 0012 3 2 41 36 5 1,686 687 999 Wa,d No. 13 0013 4 4 296 233 63 2,543 1,062 1,481 Ward No. 14 ()014 2 2 38 26 12 2,051 810 1,241 Ward No 15 0015 15 9 6 1.510 593 917 Ward No. 16 0016 4- 3 160 151 9 1,977 773 1,204 Ward No. 17 0017 10 2 8 76 66 10 1,576 624 952 Ward No. 18 OlliS 96 81 15 U91 544 847 Ward No~ \9 0019 17 14 3 2,040 808 1.232 Ward No. 20 0020 2 2 63 59 4 1,530 633 897 Ward No.2 I 0021 16 4 12 42 32 10 1,400 538 862 Ward Nt, 22 0022 4 4 33 32 I 2.132 842 1.290 Ward No 23 0023 3 2 58 48 10 1,559 567 992 Ward No 24 0024 10 5 5 1.258 514 744 Ward No 25 0025

110 51 59 1,038 735 303 25.8~O 10,922 14,9111 i\laudaha (NI'I') 4JX07000 17 II 6 122 107 15 873 367 50() Ward No. I 0001 10 2 8 191 94 97 1.71R 776 942 Ward 1'(' 2 0002 9 5 4 2H 21 7 I.Oll4 452 552 W,ud No 3 (lOO] 2 2 57 43 \4 \ .423 572 lI51 W",


Area of Llll:atioll Name of Town! Waru TownfWw'u Number of Total population (lilCludlllg I'opulation in the code in square households instltutiollal and houseless age-group o-() IlU 111 bel' Kilometre populatioll)

PersollS Males Feillales Persolls Male, i'elll

0015 Wald No. 15 }XX 2.423 1,29.1 1,130 452 2SX 11)4 0016 Ward No 16 145 K91 4(,1 428 IJ7 (,(, 71 0017 Wald No. 17 333 2,041 1.(71) 963 .120 170 IS(, 0018 Ward No. 18 157 Y'!I 518 473 l.'i() 8S 71 0019 Wald No 19 180 1,148 (,o'! 534 191 103 8K 0020 Ward No 20 253 1,357 710 647 I (,Y 79 90 0021 Ward No. 21 131 757 }'!2 }65 107 54 53 (lO22 Ward No 22 210 1,335 6<)4 641 182 100 82 0023 Wald No. 23 239 1,543 RJO 713 215 II R lJ7 0024 Ward No 24 20 I 1.18S 6}() SSS IR8 IfiX Xfl 0025 Ward No 25 122 832 418 414 110 5X 52


Name of'Town! Wil/'LI Sehedulcd Castcs population Scheduled Tribcs population Litcrates

Persons Males fOcmales Pcrsons Males Females Persons Males females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1<.1 2

503 265 238 1.326 844 4R2 W;IIU No, t5 14 6 8 (J6J 379 284 Wal'u No I () 146 75 71 1,298 753 545 \Vald No 17 54 Jl 23 578 359 219 \V.11<1 No 1 R 93 49 44 714 430 284 W.lIU No, 19 23 12 II 1,075 60 I 474 Ward No 20 21 10 11 524 298 226 Ward No, 21 1,039 563 47() Willd No, 22 18 9 9 1,151 (J(J4 487 WillU No 23 103 55 48 739 4]7 302 WalJ N" 24 8 4 4 617 327 290 Willd No 25

409 1I1WAN I'Rli\,IAI{Y

Locution Name ofTownl Ward code Illiterates Tot:]1 worker, Main wOlkers Ilumber Persons Males Females Persons Males FClllaks Pcrsons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 2() 27 2l)

0015 Ward No. IS 1,097 449 648 612 505 107 474 44(, 2X O()I(, Ward No. 16 12s 84 144 224 208 1(, 215 203 12 0017 Ward No 17 743 325 418 489 4(>} 2(, 435 414 21 0018 WaldNo.18 413 159 254 27() 212 (J4 22X 19n 3X 0019 Ward No 19 434 179 255 234 219 IS 213 20 I 12 0020 Wani No .LV 282 109 173 322 30} 19 311 294 17 0021 Ward No. 21 233 94 139 213 171 42 167 140 27 0022 Ward No. 22 296 131 165 390 3(,0 30 344 325 III {;.1:::3 'He!d Nc: ?3 392 166 226 404 3(,6 3R 352 335 17 0024 Ward No 24 A16 193 253 229 183 4ti 204 IM{ 3(, 0025 Wanl No 25 215 91 124 230 177 53 Il)O 173 17


Industrial categol"y of main workers Naille or Towill \Nard Household Industry Cultivators Agriculturnl labourers Other \VOl kcrs workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2Y 30 31 32 33 34 35 3(, 37 3X 39 40 2

118 110 8 31 30 15 13 2 310 2l)J 17 WaHl No. 15 9 9 5 80 76 4 121 113 X Watd No 1(, 38 32 6 I 1 395 3iW 15 Watd No 11 62 52 10 14 11 7 (, 145 121 24 Ward No. 18 43 42 I 11 11 12 12 147 136 II Ward No 19 30 30 2 279 263 1(, Ward No. 20 82 69 13 14 10 4 71 hi 10 Ward No 21 10 9 4 4 4 4 326 30S 18 Ward No 22 99 94 5 (, (, 14 12 2 233 223 10 Ward No 23 39 34 5 17 15 2 8 5 140 114 2(, vVtud No 24 7S 68 7 5 3 2 10 8 2 100 94 (, \Vmd No. 25


Industrial category Loe8tion Name of Town/ Ward code Marginal workers /\grieultund lahourers number Persons Males Feillaies Persolls Males Feillaies Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4H 49

0015 Ward No. 15 138 5<) 7') 36 35 53 21 32 001(, Ward No. 16 9 5 4 3 2 0017 Ward No. 17 54 49 5 0018 Ward No. 18 48 22 26 JO 15 15 0019 Ward No. 19 21 IX 3 0020 Ward No. 20 II 9 2 4 0021 Ward No. 21 46 31 IS 20 12 X oon Ward No. 22 46 35 II 0023 Ward No. 23 52 31 21 12 0024 Ward No 24 25 15 10 I 0025 Ward No. 25 40 4 36 1,7 2 35

412 CENSUS ABSTRACT of margillal workers Name ofTowll! Ward Loeatioll Household industry Olher workers NOf1-workel's code workers Illllllher Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales 50 51 52 53 54 55 5() 57 511 2

13 9 ;I, 36 28 X I.R II 7XS 1.023 W,"d No IS OOIS 2 2 2 2 667 255 412 Walll No 1(, 0016 49 44 5 1.552 615 937 Walll No 17 0017 5 4 12 (, (, n5 306 409 W",d No, IS OOI~ 2 2 17 17 914 390 524 Ward No 19 0019 (, 5 I 1.035 407 628 Wald No 20 0020 2 2 23 17 6 544 221 323 W",d No 21 0021 45 35 10 945 334 (d I Wmd No 22 0022 3 2 36 22 14 1,139 464 (,75 Ward No, 23 0023 1 22 14 8 956 447 509 Ward No 24 0024 602 241 3(>1 W,"d No 25 0025





Not provided for this district.


The three factors affecting the population size of mortality. Migration may be perceived as percentage the district are fertility, mortality and migration. These distribution of migrants by place of birth and/or place concepts are explained in detail under the caption oflast residence. The child mortality indicators at the Census and Non- Census Concepts and Definitions in 1991 Census in the district and the State was as the Analytical Note portion. One major aspect of following: consideration under mortality is infant and child

Child Mortality Indicators in the State and the District

Indicator PersonslMaleslFemales UP* Mahoba ql Person ~ 105 Male 98 100 Female 104 III q2 Person 117 124 Male 117 116 Female 118 133 q5 Person 134 148 Male 135 132 Female 132 172 The child mortality by ages 1,2 and 5 years was females shows higher except for males q2 and q5 as higher in the district as against the State, thus child compared to the State. mortality indicators in the district for both male and

415 Annexure - III Various Measures of Fertilitv and Mean Aqeat Marriaqe-1991

Person Mae Utter 8. No. Ferti I i ty Measures Femae Pradesh Ha1llrpur 1 2 3 4 5 CBR 37.21 33.08 2 TFR 5.60 4.87 3 TMFR 6.30 5.32 4 GFR 172 156 5 GMFR 200 172 6 Meal a;:Je at merria,)e (1981-91) 17.27 16.57 7 Number of children BIer born pe- ever mEnied 4.59 4.81 women a,)ed 45-49 yeas

8 Child womCll ratio 0-4 631 630 5-9 752 721 9 Child mortaity indicator p 99 105 q1 M 98 100 F 104 111 p 117 W4 q2 M 117 116 F 118 133 P 134 148 q5 M 135 132 F 132 172

Source: (i) E~imates of fErtility indicators Uttar Prade;;iJ Table # 2.23 (ii) Di~rict Profile Uttar Pradesh 1991.

416 Annexure - IV Percentage distribution of Migrants 1991 Census In-migrants by Place of Birth From other districts of the Total Migrants From other States lUI's From other Countries state

Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Uttar Pradesh 11580285 2362506 9217779 9417319 1737013 7680306 1870226 493253 1376973 292740 132240 160500 100.00 100.00 100.00 81.32 73.52 83.32 16.15 20.88 14.94 2.53 5.60 1.74 District Hamirpur 97557 10156 87401 61791 7870 53921 35226 1896 33330 540 390 150 100.00 100.00 100.00 63.34 77.49 61.69 36.11 18.67 38.13 0.55 3.84 0.17 In-Migrants by Place of Last Residence with duration of Residence 0-9 years. From other districts of the Total Migrants From other States lUI's From other Countries , state P M F P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Uttar Pradesh 3862338 1074934 2787404 3075049 798639 2276410 728329 249463 478866 58960 I 26832 1 32128 100.00 100.00 100.00 79.62 74.30 81.67 18.86 I 23.21 17.18 1.53 I 2.50 I 1.15 District Hamirpur I 32176 I 5596126580 21996 1 4776 I 17220 10090 I 800 1 9290 90 1 20 1 70 100.00 1 100.00 1100.00 1 68.36 I 85.35 1 64.79 31.36 I 14.30 1 34.95 0.28 1 0.36 1 0.26

Annexure - IV (a) Percentage distribution of Migarants 2001 Census In-migrants by Place of Birth Statd Total Migrants From olha' districts of the state From other States I Ufs From other COUIlt1ics District Person Male Fetmle Person Male Female Person Male Fetnale Person Male Fctnale 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1\ 12 \3 Uttar 14,580,015 2,960,201 11,619,814 11,607,904 2,112,073 9,495,831 2,807,680 788,995 2,018,685 164,431 59,133 105,298 Pradesh 100.0 100.0 100.0 79.6 71.3 81.7 19.3 26.7 17.4 1.I 2.0 0.9 99,624 10,~55 89,069 88,341 9,620 78,721 11,241 918 10,323 42 17 25 Hamirpur 100.0 100.0 100.0 88.7 91.1 88.4 11.3 8.7 11.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 In-migrants by Plaee of Last residence "ith duration of Residence 0-9 years State! Total Migrants From other distriLiS of the state From other States I Ufs Frolll other Coulltncs District Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male hlnale PLTIOIl Male Fmklk I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Uttar 4,289,555 1,175,866 3,113,689 3.178,390 767,271 2,411,119 1,079,055 398,230 680.825 32.110 10.365 21.745 Prddesh 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.1 65.2 77.4 25.2 33.9 21.9 0.7 09 07 27,001 4,789 22.212 23,462 4,237 19,225 3,530 548 2.9112 9 4 5 HarrrilEur 100.0 100.0 100.0 86.9 88.5 86.6 13.1 11.4 13.4 0.0 D.I 0.0

i The annexure presented above shows which a person is enumeratC"d during the census at a percentage distribution of in-migrants as per the 1991 place other than place of birth) and in-migration by and 2001 Census amongst tIte ~otaI migrants in the place of last residence (a person is enumerated dmillg state and dist.rict. There are two type of in-migration the Census at other than his place of las! residence). in the district such as in"migration by place ufbirth (in The comparison between 1991 Census and 20(J I 417 Census reveals that among the total migrants the In respect or in-migr;lI1ts by place of last proportion orin-migrants within the state ([rom other residence, it is evident that in-migrants li'ol1l other districts of state) was 81.3 percent and 79.6 percent districts of the state amongst total migrants, constituted respectively. The corresponding figure for the district 79.6 percent in 1991, while it was recorded 74.1 was 63.3 in 1991, while in 2001 it was 88.7 percent percent in 2001 at state level. District level figures respectively. The proportion of in-migrants from other were 68.4 percent and 86.9 percent during 1991 and states was 16.2 percent at state level during 1991 2001 Census respectively. The pcrcentage of in­ Census, whereas it rose to 19.3 percent in 2001. The migrants from other states worked out to be 18.9 in district level figure was 36.1 percent and 11.3 percent 1991 and 25.2 percent in 2001 at state level, whereas respectively. This shows in-migration from other states district figures for both the CensLises were 31.4percent to this district was decreased in 2001 in com pari son to and 13.1 percent respectively. The movement of 1991. At district level in-migration from other countries population from other countries in the district was 0.3 was 0.6 percent in 1991 and 0.0 percent in 2001. While percent in 1991 and 0.0 percent in 2001, while stale at state level figures were 2.5 percent and 1.1 percent level figures were 1.5 percent and 0.7 percent during 1991 and 2001 Census respectively. respectively.

418 Annexure - V Brief ac~ount of main religions in the StateIDistl.ITah. as per 1991 Census Total .. -r--.----. Religion -- I Population (percent to total population) State/Distt.!T ah. I Buddhist Christian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Other Religion I Religions not Stated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 139112287 221433 199575 113712829 176259 24109684 675775 8392 8340 Uttar Pradesh 100.00 016 014 81.74 0.13 17.33 0.49 0.01 001 1466491 110 783 1358247 171 106828 252 19 81 Hamirpur District 100.00 001 0.05 92.62 0.01 7.28 0.02 0.00 0.01 257600 52 307 243057\ 22 14154 8 0 0 Hamirpur Tahsil 100.00 0.02 0.12 9435 0.01 5.49 0.00 000 0.00 324117 0 39 302605 a 21315 64 19 75 Rath Tahsil 100.00 0.00 0.01 93.36 0.00 6.58 0.02 0.D1 0.02 243572 0 313 231448 - 8 11803 a 0 a Kulpahar Tahsil 100.00 0.00 0.13 95.02 0.00 4.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 122824 0 52 115536 8 7206 22 0 a Charkhari Tahsil 100.00 0.00 0.04 94.07 0.01 5.87 0.02 0.00 0.00 302795 58 13 268700 0 34019 5 0 0 Maudaha Tahsil 100.00 0.02 0.00 88.74 0.00 11.23 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 215583 a 59 196901 133 18331 153 0 6 Mahoba Tahsil 100.00 0.00 003 91.33 0.06 8.50 0.07 000 0.00 Source: Religion table (C-9)

Annexure ~ V (a) Brief account of main religions in the Sta_tel Distt.! Tahsil as per 2001 Census State! Disttl Religion (Percent to total popUlation) Tah Total Other Religion Population Buddhist Christian Hindu Jain Muslim Sikh Religions not Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 .10 Ottar 166,197,921 302,031 212,578 133.979.263 207,111 30,740,158 ·678,059 9,281 69.440 Pradesh 100.0 0.2 0.1 80.7 0.1 , 13.5 0.4 0.0 0,0 Hamirflur 1,043,724 115 301 959.438 48 83,064 453 6 299 District 100.0 0.0 0.0 92.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 Hamirpur 313,575 36 77 295,433 21 17,791 114 0 103 Tahsil 100.0 0.0 0.0 94.3 0.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Rath Tahsil 369,627 33 125 344.126 14 25,020 223 6 80 100.0 0.0 0.0 93.1 0.0 6.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 Maudaha 360,522 46 99 319,879 13 40,253 116 0 116 Tahsil 100.0 0.0 0.0 88.8 0.0 11.2 0.0 0.0 0,0

Annexure-V presents composition based on and 92..0 percent in 2001, while Muslim were 7.3 i eligions at the state, district and tahsil level. If we percent ill 1991 and 8.0 percent in 2001. Rest of the compare the data for 1991 and 200 I Census, we find four religions j,e. Buddhist, Christian, Jain and Sikh that demographic pattern based 011 religions is almost alongwith combined population of other religion had same in both Censuses at the state level. Hindu rei igion insignificant proportion which was less than one percent pt'edominates with 81.7 percent popUlation in 1991 and of total population for each religion, Similar trend is 80.7 percent in 200] followed by Muslim which were visible for state, district and at tahsil level in 1991 as 17.3 and 18.5 percent respectively. Against this, district well as 2001 Census. figdre for Hindu religion were 92.6 percent in 1991

419 Annexure - VI Marital status of populations as per 1991 Census Uttar Pradesh ~rital Status Total Populabon NeverM3med Warned WrdrJNed Divorced & Separated Unsrrofied Status fv;je Group Person ~Ie Feffille ~Ie Ferrele ~Ie Feffille ~Ie Feffille Mlle F8ffille ~Ie Feffille 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 139,112,28r 74,036,957 65,075,33C 40,272,59L 29,883,04 31,400,421 32,150,734 2,222,53 2,968,95, 87,69, 53,278 53,710 19,323 All ages I 100 C 100.0 l00.C 544 45, 42.4 49.4 3C 4E 0.1 0.1 0.1 00 39,136,48< 20,393,831 18,742,6s.< 20,393,831 18,742,6s.< ( ( ( ( ( 0 0 0 0-9 100.( l00e 100C 100.0 100e o.e DC O( 0.( O.C 0.0 0.0 00 16,937,61E 9,233,769 7,703,84 8,925,81" 7,142,62 291,714 546,98C 4,71C 5,28C 2,99C 2,180 8,540 6,780 10-14 loo.C l00e 100.( gal 927 3;; 7.1 0.1 0.1 OC 0.0 0.1 01 12,984,32 7,357,77L 5,626,551 6,092,526 2,980,51 1,243,73E 2,629,181: 10,02C 9,09C 4,48C 4,310 7,010 3,450 15-19 100C 1000 100.( 82.8 53.( 16S 46 0.1 O~ 0.1 0.1 0.1 01 11,359,808 5,821,885 5,537,92 2,432,031 450,62E 3,333,71 5,050,82" 39,32 26,51 11,09C 8,BOO 5,720 1,160 20-24 100.C 1000 l00( 41.8 81 57. 91 O. OE a 0.2 0.1 0.0 10,250,052 5,252,576 4,997,47E 785,349 75,40r. 4,382,64~ 4,877,18: 67,764 37,BOE 12,43C 6,700 4,390 380 25-29 1000 1000 100 ( 150 1: 834 97 E 1. O.E O.L 0.1 0.1 00 8,971,70 4,563,374 4,408,32c 301,950 31,33 4,148,12C 4,303,2(£ 97,938 67,09E 11,SOE 6,310 3,860 380 30-34 l00G 1000 100.( 66 0 ro.f 97.E 2.1 1.: o.~ 01 0.1 00 7,884,91,~ 4, 128,96L 3,755,95C 163,20" 12,23C 3,838,23" 3,6;47,9&: 114,274 90,68C 9,67C 4,942 3,580 110 35-39 l00.C l00.C 100.C 4.C a 93.( 97.1 2.e 2.L O. 0.1 0.1 00 6,834,OOr 3,719,737 3,114,27C 156,49r 20,31E 3,384,88: 2,927,754 167,44C 161,77C 8,14E 4,220 2,770 210 40-44 100.0 100.0 . 100C 4L a 91C 94.( 4c 5 0., 0.1 0.1 00 5,716,73J 2,967,06r 2,749,66C 111,3&: 16,64( 2,678,04 2,548,lOE 169,204 181,74; 6,02E 3,040 2,400 133 45-49 100.C l00e 100.( 38 OE roo 92. 5 6~ O. 0.1 0.1 00 b,116,611 2,966,928 2,149,68c 105,514 12,53C 2,582,701 1,781,~ . 269,98:: 353,00f 6,49C 2,881 2,240 170 50-54 l00.C l00.C 100 ( 3.6 OE 87.C 82.S 9.1 16. O.~ 0.1 01 00 3,398,34" 1,694,10r 1,704,231: 51,76<; 3,451 1,457,14E 1,466,08C 181,21E 232,93 2,93C 1,710 1,050 60 55-59 , l00e l00.G loo.C 3.1 0 86.( 86.( 10.7 ' 13. O. 0.1 0.1 0.0 3,863,92~ 2,181,12 1,682,80 74,10 11,74( 1,756,62 1,056,46f 344,814 611,72r 4,13C 2,775 1,450 ro 60-64 100.C loo.C 100.( 34 0 80: 62.E 15.8 36.4 0 02 0.1 00 2,079,65, 1,100,721 978,931: 32,5OS 3,77C 862,97[ 636,285 202,252 337,36? 2,220 1,470 770 50 65-69 loo.C l00e 100.( 3.0 0.4 78.£ 65.0 184 34.~ 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 3,603,35S 2,060,424 1,542,9~ 158,56 69,78C 1,346,30c 620,:<81 547,955 848,8Of1 4,588 3,450 3,010 620 70+ 100e 100.[ 100.( 7.t 4.: 65.~ "40.< 26.6 55.~ 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 fv;jenot 974,744 594,681 380,06: 487,541 309,42E 93,574 59,285 5,640 5,13(: 1,000 4ro 6,920 5,730 stated 100 C 100.0 100.( 82.e 81. 15.1 15E O.S 1.~ 02 0.1 12 1.5

420 - District Hamirpur Marital Status Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Never Married Married Widowed Separated Status Age Group Person Male Femate Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1466491 796448 670043 420843 282915 348968 355063 25767 31635 820 390 50 40 '\ Alt ages 10000 10000 100.00 5284 4222 4382 52.99 324 472 0.10 0.06 0.01 0.01 401819 211984 189835 211984 189835 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 I 168032 95592 72440 93912 67930 1610 4480 20 10 50 20 0 0 10-14 10000 10000 10000 98.24 93.77 168 618 0.02 001 0.05 0.03 0.00 0.00 129675 77985 51690 64867 19840 12938 31770 100 40 80 40 0 0 15-19 100.00 100.00 100.00 8318 3838 16.59 61.46 0.13 008 010 008 000 000 126185 66010 60175 24400 1770 40860 58035 620 320 130 50 0 0 20-24 100.00 100.00 10000 36.96 294 61.90 96.44 0.94 0.53 0.20 0.08 0.00 0.00 115258 60440 54818 8150 320 51350 54008 840 390 100 100 0 0 25-29 100.00 100.00 100.00 13.48 0.58 84.96 98.52 139 0.71 0.17 0.18 0.00 0.00 95872 50102 45770 3330 70 45612 45150 1080 520 80 30 0 0 30-34 10000 100.00 10000 6.65 0.15 91.04 98.65 2.16 1.14 0.16 0.07 0.00 000 B0741 43410 37331 lB20 50 40030 36441 1470 840 90 0 0 0 35-39 100.00 100.00 100.00 4.19 0.13 92.21 97.62 339 2.25 0.21 0.00 0.00 000 69229 37179 32050 1860 440 33509 30470 1730 1420 70 20 0 40-44 100.00 10000 100.00 5.00 1.37 90.13 95.07 4.65 4.43 0.19 0.06 61648 31854 29794 1180 30 28824 27876 1790 1868 60 20 45-49 I 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.70 0.10 90.49 93.56 5.62 6.27 0.19 0.07 40.00 0.00 58550 33517 25033 1170 10 29190 21673 3117 3310 40 40 o 0 50-54 100.00 100.00 100.001 3.49 0.04 87.09 86.58 9.30 13.22 0.12 0.16 0.00 1--0.00, 42523 21813 20710 670 0 18753 18160 2380 2550 10 0 ' 0 0 55-59 10000 100.00 100.00 3.07 0.00 85.97 87.69 10.91 12.31 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 42799 24562 18237 710 20 20162 12110 3680 6077 10 30 0 0 60-64 10000 100.00 100.00 2.89 0,11 82.09 66.40 14.98 33.32 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.00 25840 140BO 11160 500 10 10920 7440 2630 4310 30 0 0 0 65-69 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.55 0.09 77.56 63.27 18.68 36.65 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 40770 22760 18010 2160 890 14290 7110 6250 9970 60 40 0 70+ a 10000 100.00 100.00 9.49 4.94 62.79 39.48 27.46 55.35' 0.26 0.22 0.001 0.00 Age not 7550 5160 2390 4130 2000 920 340 60 10 10 ·0 40 40 stated 100.00 100.00 10000 80.04 83.68 17.83 1423 116 042 019 0.00 0.78 1 67 L.... L_ Source Part -IV (a) table No - C iI)

421 -- Annexure - VI (a) IVIarital Status of Different /It;Je Groups Of Population As Per 2001 Census Uttar Pradesh Marital Status Divorced & U~ifiCd Age Total POQulation Never Married Married Wid

P-JI ages 166,197,921 87,565,359 78,632,552 50,293,457 35,455,809 34,854,050 35,300.720 2,286,618 3,763,168 131,244 112,855 0 C 1000 1000 1000 575 <18.9 39.8 46.2 2.6 48 01 0.1 00 DC 0-9 45,612,898 23,885,951 21.726,937 23,885,951 21)26,937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC 10-14 22,310,434 11,986,055 10,324,379 11,822,378 9,973,612 150,276 330,133 8,058 15,834 5,343 4,800 0 C r 1000 1000 1000 986 966 1.3 32 01 0.2 00 00 00 DC 15-19 16,044,841 8,976,423 7,068,418 8,272,CX30 5,129,765 690,029 1,917,280 8,950 14,531 5,384 6,842 0 C 100.0 1000 100 0 921 726 7.7 27.1 01 02 01 01 00 OC 20-24 13,311,974 6,974,638 6,337,336 3,744,296 l,019}87 3,181,782 5,261,466 33,909 38.448 14,651 17,635 0 ( 1000 1000 1000 537 161 45.6 83.0 0.5 06 02 0.3 00 DC 25-29 11,792,446 5,981,334 5,811,112 1,137,665 171,237 4,758,194 5,562,983 65,110 59,356 20,365 17,536 0 C 100 0 1000 1000 190 30 79.6 957 11 10 03 03 00 OC 30-34 10,814,273 5,339,300 5.474,877 368,129 53,986 4,856,793 5,3CX3,215 94,806 98,423 19,668 16,253 0 ( 1000 100.0 1000 68 10 91.0 96.9 1.8 1.8 04 03 00 DC 35-39 9,008,560 5,076,548 4.732,012 190,645 28,721 4.747,237 4,541,089 121,495 1<18,392 17,170 13,810 0 C 1000 1000 1000 38 06 935 960 24 31 03 03 00 DC 40-44 8,047.432 4,314,100 3.733,332 131,755 22,995 4,016,181 3.493,170 152,402 205,982 13.762 11.185 0 1000 1000 1000 31 06 93.1 936 3.5 5.5 03 0.3 0.0 o~ 45-49 6,639,015 3,452,212 3,186,803 86,077 13,431 3,100,529 2,920,267 160,105 245,844 9,501 7,261 0 C 1000 100.0 100.0 25 05 92.6 91.6 4.6 7.7 0.3 0.2 00 OC 50-54 5,334,446 3,013,249 2,321,197 76,820 11,263 2.710,771 1,942.782 217,862 361,585 7}OO 5,567 0 ( 1000 1000 100 0 25 05 900 837 7.2 156 03 02 00 00 55-59 4,095,223 1,982,803 2,112,420 49,028 7,672 1.745,863 1,BOO,S60 183,466 300,796 4,446 2,992 0 C 100.0 100.0 100.0 24 04 88.1 85.3 9,3 14.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 DC 60-64 4,292,319 2,263,835 2,028,<184 72,411 21,926 1,867,889 1,334,332 318,<189 668,663 5,046 3,563 0 ( 100.0 100.0 100.0 32 1.0 82.5 65.8 14.1 33.0 02 0.2 0.0 DC 65-69 2,r05.703 1,467,691 1.439,012 53,837 20,726 1,158,387 923,190 252,621 493,059 2,846 2,037 0 ( r 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.7 1.4 78.9 64.2 17.2 34.3 02 0.1 0.0 DC 70+ 4,450,446 2,443,368 2,007,078 120,893 54,754 1,655,776 849,381 662,CX30 1,100,088 4,639 2,855 0 C 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.9 2.8 67.8 42.3 27.1 54.8 0.2 0.1 0.0 DC Pgenot 735,911 407,756 329,155 281,502 198,997 118,343 117.472 7,284 12,167 627 519 0 ( stated 1000 1000 100.0 690 604 29.0 357 1.8 3.7 0.2 0.2 0.0 oC

422 Anllexure - VI (a) M:lrital Status of [)jfrerent Age Croups or Population As Pcr 2001 Ccn,,,s I1:lmirpllI' i\'I arital StattlS

Divorced & lInspecifi Never Mllrried i\'I a rricd Widowed Separated cd Status Age Total I'opulatioll /II F M F M F Group p M /II F 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 All ages 1,043,724 563,80 I 479,923 317,838 223,409 229,105 231,035 16,184 24,701 674 778 0 ° 100,0 100,0 100,0 56.4 466 40,6 48,1 29 5 I 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 000 0-9 276,855 145,818 131,037 145,818 131,037 o 0 o o 0 100,0 100,0 100.0 100,0 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 00 0.0 0,0 0,0 00 10-14 132,330 71,841 60,489 71,394 59,621 393 S02 ~O 52 14 14 a 0 100,0 100 0 1000 994 98,6 0.5 1,3 01 °1 0,0 0.0 00 0,0 15-19 90,634 55,310 35,324 53,395 26,787 1,856 8,450 42 65 17 22 0 0 100,0 100,0 100,0 965 75,8 34 239 o I 0,2 00 0,1 00 00 20-24 80,171 44,731 35,440 26,558 3,575 17,882 31,511 226 247 65 107 a 0 100,0 1000 100.0 59.4 10.1 40,0 88.9 0.5 07 0.1 0.3 0.0 0,0 25-29 77,277 40,792 36,485 9,072 519 31, II 0 35,449 502 393 108 124 0 0 1000 100,0 100.0 22,2 1.4 76.3 972 I 2 1.1 0,3 0.3 a a 00 30-34 72,109 36,659 35,450 3,285 184 32,50 I 34,456 768 699 105 111 0 a 100,0- . 100:0 iOO.O 8.9 0.5 88.7 97.2 2 I 2,0 03 OJ 0,0 0.0

35-39 64,514 34,~53 30,161 1,839 90 31,490 28,924 938 1,04 I 86 106 0 0 1000 100,0 1000 5.3 0,2 91 7 95,9 2,7 ),5 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 40-44 53,207 29,001 24,206 ! ,209 78 26,717 22,782 1,004 1,266 71 80 a a 100,0 100.0 100,0 4.2 0.4 92.1 94.1 3.5 5.1 02 0) 0.0 0.0 45-49 43,443 23,071 20,372 747 44 21,141 18,813 1,112 1,446 71 69 0 0 100,0 100.0 100.0 3.3 OJ 91.6 92,3 4.8 7.1 0.3 OJ 0.0 0.0 50-54 35,739 20,004 15,735 670 48 J 7,890 13,582 1,388 2,059 56 46 0 0 100,0 100.0 100.0 3.4 OJ 89.4 , 86.3 6,9 13.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 55-59 29,252 14,563 14,689 499 35 12,705 12,731 1,338 1,896 21 27 a a 100,0 100,0 100.0 3,5 0.2 S7.2 86,7 9.2 12,9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 60-64 29,786 15,822 13,964 620 114 13,069 9,708 2,113 4,114 20 28 0 0 100,0 100,0 100.0 3.9 D,S 82,6 69.5 13.4 29,5 0,1 0.2 0,0 0.0 65-69 21,151 10,841 10,310 447 95 8,627 6,912 1,755 3,286 12 17 0 0 100,0 100.0 100.0 4.1 0.9 79.6 67.0 16.2 31.9 0.1 0.2 0,0 0.0 70+ 33, II ° 18,544 14,566 812 203 12,809 6,273 4,899 8,068 24 22 0 0 100,0 100,0 100.0 4.4 1.3 69.1 43,1 26.4 55.4 0,1 0.2 a a 0,0

Age not 4,146 2,451 1,695 1,473 979 915 642 59 69 4 5 0 0 stated 100,0 100,0 100.0 60, I 57.7 37.3 37.9 2.4 4,1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 Annexure-VI deals with marital status of different 2001 it was 40.6 percent male and 48.1 percent female. age groups of population. On perusal of the annexure for Percentage for widowed persons at state level was 3.0 state and district for two respective Census in the years percent male and 4:6 percent female in 1991 and in 200 1 it 1991 and 2001, it is evident that, for all ages the percentage was 2.6 percent male and 4.8 percent female. At district of never married is higher than proportion of married for level in 200 1 it was 2.9 percent male and 5.1 percent female state and at the district level also. Percentage of never while it was 3.2 percent male and 4.7 percent female in 1991 (man'ied has increased from 54.4 percent male and 45.9 percent Census. Percentage of divorced and Separated remained jo'emale in 1991 to 57.5 percent male and 48,9 percent female constant at 0.1 percent for male and female in state and I in 200 I at state level, while it rose marginally in the district district level during 1991 and 200 I. None person was from 52.8 percent male and 42.2 percent female to 56.4 percent recorded in the category of Unspecitied marital status in male and 46.6 percent female. Percentage of married male· state and district during 200 J Census. Among the age and f~male shows declining trend in conYparison to 1991 groups, the proportion is in the descending order for never fi·om42.4 percent male and 49.4 percent female to 39.8 percent married and ascending order for widowed. The trend for male and 46.2 percent female. Percentage of married male married is pyramidal the peak being between 25-29 and 45· was 42.4 percent and female was 49.4 percent in 1991 and in 49 (years) age-groups. 423 Annexure· VII Age, Sex and Educ ation in the state/district 1991 census. Percentage dlstnbutlon of literates by different level of education % of illiterate to total Age Total Population Literate without Matriculation and population Primary Middle Group educational level above Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Mate Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Uttar Pradesh 139,112,287 74,036,957 65,075,330 40,926.108 52.041,983 1,465.535 449.171 7,933.631 3.934,633 7,215,543 2,420,334 9,991,012 2,874,456 All ages 1000 100.0 100.0 55.3 80.0 2.0 07 107 6.0 9.7 3.7 13.5 44 28,199,623 14,627,899 13,571,724 14,627,899 13,571,724 0 0 0·6 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 00° 00° 00° 00 00° 00 0.0° 0.0° 27,874.478 14,999,701 12,874,777 5,846.901 7,950,935 463,197 198,530 3,073.611 1,592,580 1.144,748 590,456 104,855 63.705 7-14 100.0 100.0 1000 390 61.8 3.1 1.5 20.5 12.4 7.6 46 0.7 05 12.984,323 7,357.772 5,626.551 2,330.724 3,452,861 121,242 37,573 952,621 546.837 1.796.973 644,923 1,853.616 787,179 1519 100 ° 100.0 1000 31.7 61.4 16 07 129 9.7 24.4 115 252 14.0 11,359,808 5,821,885 5,537,923 2,087,946 4,031,669 106,028 32,388 606,314 398,841 945,648 332,867 1,880,115 638,014 20·24 1000 1000 100.0 359 728 18 06 10.4 72 162 60 323 11.5 10,250,052 5,252,576 4,997,476 2.101,867 3,826,974 100)60 28,830 558,013 341,547 812.500 250,163 1,496,088 456,534 25-29 1000 100.0 1000 40.0 766 19 06 106 6.8 155 5.0 28.5 91 23,690,621 12,412,073 11,278,548 5,726,510 39,239,151 263,694 62,340 1,351,908 .670,797 1,517,584 415,282 3,079,360 701,819 30-44 100 0 1000 100.0 461 3479 2.1 0.6 10.9 5.9 12.2 37 248 6.2 14,231,695 7,628,102 6,603,593 4,422,538 5,936,165 192,156 31,909 818,018 246,342 643,997 127,914 1,182,394 167,296 45-59 100.0 100,0 100.0 580 899 ,2.5 0.5 107 3.7 8.4 1.9 155 25 9,546,943 5,342,268 4,204,675 3,701,473 3,946,256 157,506 18,881 499,846 97,089 315,853 43,869 335,441 39,609 60+ 1000 100 ..0 100 ° 693 93.9 29 04 9.4 23 59 10 6.3 09 974,744 594,681 380,b63 80,250 86,248 60,952 38,720 73,300 40,600 38,240 14,860 59,143 20,300 ANS 100.0 100.0 100.0 13.5 22.7 10.2 102 12.3 10.7 6.4 39 9.9 5.3

424 District Hamirpur Marital Status Total Population Divorced & Unspecified Never Married Married Widowed Separated Status Age Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1466491 796448 670043 420843 282915 348968 355063 25767 316351 820 390 50 40 All ages 100.00 10000 100.00 52.84 4222 43.82 5299 3.24 472 0.10 0.06 0.01 0.01 401819 211984 189835 211984 189835 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0·9 10000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 000 000 ODD 0.0~1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 168032 95592 72440 93912 67930 1610 4480 20 10 50 20 0 0 10-14 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.24 93.77 1.68 618 0.02 001 1 005 0.03 0.00 0.00 129675 77985 51690 64867 19840 12938 31770 100 40! 80 40 0 0 15-19 , 10000 100.00 100.00 8318 3838 16.59 61.46 013 0.081 010 0.08 0.00 0.00 126185 66010 60175 24400 1770 40860 58035 620 320' 130 50 0 0 20-24 100.00 10000 100.00 36.96 2.94 61.90 96.44 0.94 0.531 020 0.08 0.00 0.00 115258 60440 54818 8150 320 51350 54008 840 390 100 100 0 0 25-29 10000 100.00 100.00 13.48 0.58 84.96 98.52 1.39 0.71 0.17 0.18 0.00 0.00 ,,- - .- r---' --_._ - 95872 50102 45770 3330 70 45612 45150 1080 520 80 30 0 0 30-34 100.00 100.00 100.00 6.65 0.15 91.04 98.65 2.16 1.14 0.16 0.,Q7 0.00 0.00 80741 43410 37331 1820 50 40030 36441 1470 840 90 0 0 0 35-39 100.00 I 100.00 100.00 4.19 0.13 92.21 97.62 3.39 2.25 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 69229 37179 32050 1860 440 33509 30470 1730 1420 70 20 10 0 40-44 100.00 100.00 100.00 5.00 1.37 90.13 95.07 4.65 4.43 0.19 0.06 0.03 0.00 61648 31854 29794 1180 30 28824 27876 1790 1868 60 20 0 0 45-49 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.70 0.10 90.49 93.56 5.62 6.27 0.19 0.07 0.00 0.00 58550 33517 25033 1170 10 29190 21673 3117 3310 40 40 0 0 50-54 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.49 0.04 87.09 86.58 9.30 13.22 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.00 42523 21813 20710 670 0 18753 18160 2380 2550 10 a 0 0 ,155-59 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.07 0.00 85.97 87.69 10.91 12.31 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 42799 24562 18237 710 20 20162 12110 3680 6077 10 30 0 a 60-64 100.00 100.00 100.00 2.89 0.11 82.09 66.40 14.98 33.32 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.00 25840 14080 11760 500 10 10920 7440 2630 4310 30 0 a 0 65-69 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.55 0.09 77.56 63.27 18.68 36.65 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 40770 22760 18010 2160 890 14290 7110 6250 9970 60 40 , a 70+ a 100.00 100.00 100.00 9.49 4.94 62.79 39.48 27.46 55.36 0.26 0.22 0.00 0.00 Age not 7550 5160 2390 4130 2000 920 340 60 10 10 0 40 40 stated 100.00 100.00 100.00 80.04 83.68 17.83 14.23 1.16 0.42 0.19 0.00 0.78 1.67 ~-.~.-.~. Source: Part -IV (a) table No. - C (I)

425 Alluc\ure-VII (a)

Agt'. Sn II lid Edllc~ti()n in the SI:lt('1 (hstdcl 20fH Ct'II~II~

l'('rCCI1I:t~t· dl~lnbutlOlI of Iltcrlll~ by dlnt'lull Ic,"cl (Jf educ:ltion I'opul:ltion alHll'cfcenl.lgc of ill it crl\(t' to tot.11 Literate without Totltll'opul:illOn pop"l.llioli cllucatiollallcvcl Prilililry Matnculation and above Age Group PcrSOIi 1\I.lle Felll~llc I\lale Felll,llc J\lale Female J\lalc Female ~Iale Female f',1ale Female 10 (I 12 13 14 Uiloir IJradesl1 All ages 166,197,921 87,565,369 78,632,552 38,663,956 51,814,681 1,961,714 1,310,621 11,368,153 7,326,401 9,819,868 4,509,966 14,461,484 5,716,743 1000 1000 1000 442 659 28 2 I 160 115 138 71 204 90 O·b 31,624,628 16,509,033 15,115,595 16,509,OJ) 11,115,595 o 1000 1000 1000 100U 1000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7·14 36,298,704 19,362,983 16,935,721 4,678.913 6,087,3 72 283,716 227,686 <1,406,653 3,072,478 1,273,576 902,318 a 1000 1000 1000 2-12 359 10 13 228 181 66 53 00 00 15'19 16,044,841 8,976,4'23 7,068,418 1,869,289 2,809,961 175,987 136,719 (,584,362 1,039,221 2,44],564 1,228,966 2,J70,804 1,508,356 1000 1000 1000 208 39& 20 19 177 147 272 174 264 210 20·24 13,311,974 6,974,638 6,337,336 1,679,600 3,462,976 191,666 150,427 872,075 628,316 1,353,384 629,911 2,603,362 1,295,658 1000 1000 1000 2-1 I 546 30 24 125 99 194 99 373 200 25-29 11,792,446 5,981.334 5,SII,I12 1,676,230 3,611,954 189,089 137,648 738,548 547,333 1,068,370 485,184 2,075.081 877,106 1000 1000 1000 280 622 30 2.4 123 94 179 83 347 150 30-59 4..1,738,9<-19 23,178,30S 21,560,6<11 8,533,9::20 15, 745,2:71 779,749 473,0--16 2,991,138 1,784.271 3.106,989 I 155,870 6,644,639 1,908,852 1000 1000 1000 368 730 30 22 129 83 138 54 287 90 11,649,468 6,174,894 5,474,574 3,5-18.275 4,786,100 227,349 115,775 747.588 238,200 449,912 97,057 726,235 111,517 1000 1000 1000 575 874 40 2 I 121 ..t4 73 18 118 20 ..... NS 736,911 407,756 329,155 168,696 195,452 114,158 69,320 27,789 16,582 24,073 10,660 41,363 1;,254 1000 1000 1000 414 594 280 21 1 68 50 59 32 101 50 Distnc:t.II:11nirpllr 10 II 12 13 14 All ages 1,043,724 563,801 479,923 229,880 323,238 9,321 4,855 83,615 49.088 81,281 27,973 84,162 22,609 1000 1000 1000 408 674 20 12 180 126 175 72 18 I 58 0·6 188,740 99,176 I 89,564 99,176 89,564 o 0 0 o 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 0.0 00 00 00 00 DO 00 00 7·14 220,445 118,483 101,962 22,406 31,881 971 818 30,856 20,039 8,624 5,049 1000 100,0 1000 189 313 10 OS 260 197 73 50 00 0,0 15·19 90,634 55.l10 35,324 '8,878 12.840 128 388 9.9.30 6.252 19.244 7,665 13,824 6,454 1000 1000 1000 161 36 :3 1.0 II 180 177 348 21.7 25.0 180 20·24 80,171 44,731 35,440 8,895 20,269 847 529 5.668 4,464 12,494 4.22t 15,228 5,038 1000 1000 1000 199 572 20 15 127 126 279 119 340 140 25·29 77,277 40,792 36,485 9,500 23,735 933 '517 5,388 4,191 10,328 3,400 13,113 3,660 1000 1000 1000 233 651 20 14 132 11.5 25,3 93 32 I 100 30·59 298,264 157,651 140,613 53,042 108,218 4,231 1,926 25,187 12,740 27,514 7,178 38,912 7,156 100,0 1000 1000 336 770 3.0 1.4 160 91 175 51 24,7 5,0 60+ 84,047 45,207 38,840 26,762 35,481 1,252 SIS 6,344 1,330 2,886 405 2,843 250 1000 1000 1000 592 914 3,0 IJ 140 34 64 10 6.3 10 ANS 4,146 2,451 1,695 1,221 1,250 359 162 242 72 191 55 242 51 1000 1000 100,0 49,8 737 150 96 9,9 42 78 32 9,9 30 Age and sex wise education in the state and Similar trend can be observed in the district district has been presented in the Annexure - VII. also. Illiterates were 55.4 percent male and 83.4 From the annexure it can be observed that percentage percent female in 1991 which declined to 40.8 percent of illiterates has declined from 55.3 percent male and male and 67.4 percent female in 2001. Primary level 80.0 percent female in 1991 to 44.2 percent male and education was i 4.6 percent male and 7.1 percent 65.9 percent female in 2001 at the state level. female in 1991, which was 18.0 percent male and 12.6 Consequently percentage of literates has increased percent female in 2001. Middle level education was in all educational levels. Percentage of literates 11.4 percent male and 3.7 percent female in 1991 and without educational level was 2.0 percent male and 17.5 percent male and 7.2 percent female in 200 1. 0.7 percent female in 1991 at state level, which Matriculation and above level of education was increased to 2.8 percent male and 2,1 percent female achieved by \ 2.5 percent male and 2.7 percent female in 2001. Similarly primary level education was 10.7 in 199 \ which was 18.1 percent male and 5.8 percent percent male and 6.1 percent female in 1991 and female in 200 I. Primary level of education was highest percentage for male and female rose to 16,0 and 11.5 in the age-group 7-14 in 2001; while middle level respectively in 2001. Middle level education was 9.8 education was highest in 15-19 and the age group that percent male and 3.7 percent female in 1991 which had highest percentage of matriculation and above level increased to 13,8 percent m~tle and 7,1 percent female of education was 20-24 (years). in 290 \, Matriculation and above level \vas 13.5 I;ercent male and 4.4 percent female"in 1991 which was 20,4 percent male and 9.0 percent female in 200 \,

426 Annexure - VlII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 Census Uttar Pradesh Total Urdu Bhojpuri Gartlwdli Kurnauni Punjabi Awadhi Bengali Bundel- Nepali Jaun-sari Sllld~li Sanskrit Population khandl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

139112287 114240698 12492619 6806047 1829530 1701845 646085 470180 165299 114727 99855 96932 52167 44847 L (100 00) (82.12) (8.98) (4.89) (1.32) (1.22) (0.46) (0.34) (0.12) (008) (007) (007) (0.04) (0.03)

GraJ Bh

19834 17500 15606 15533 14613 11258 10549 8379 7391 7331 6935 5213 4933 206381 (0.010) (001) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (001) (001) (001) (0.01) (0.01) (0.004) (0004) (015)

District - Hamirpur Total Hindi UrDu BundelJ Punjabl Slndhl English Taml Iv'Brathi Population Bundel Khandi

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1466491 1408942 37905 18883 255 116 63 61 45

10000 9608 258 1.29 002 001 0.00 000 0.00 Rajasthani Bengali' Iv'Brwan Iv'Blaya- Oriya Awadhi Telugu Mishrri Total of lam Other tvbther Tongues

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

38 36 25 17 13 9 6 6 71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 Source: District Profile Uttar Pradesh -1991

427 r\l\tH!XUIC - Vlll (l1)

DI ... lrihulloli oj" difl('lcnl !Holllcr tonutJl"SM returned ill 2001 Ccnsus UtI:lr l'r:ldcsh llulluclJ/Uunucl 'I olal POPIII;lti()n lIindi UnJu fJllojlJllri Awadhi Punjabi :\cpali Bengali khanui flrajbhm,ha - I 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10

1(i(i j I97,921 137,823,602 13,272,074 10.994,863 2,502,330 511,711 263,935 181,60S 174,305 127,922

1000 831 80 6" 15 O~ o 2 o : 01 01

G,ll"ll\\'.lli Silldhi Chha1tisgarhi [\1.11.1),.11.1111 Kha!"i Uoli Oli)J Tamil I\larathi English l\:um;!UnI

II 12 13 I~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 43,813 34,32 I 28,919 19,355 17,669 14,960 13,549 12,6"'0 I 1,163 9,561 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Total or Other l\lothcr

A',Ii),cfAlhi R.ljaslhani GUj'lf~lti A~s.Hllrsc Tclugu l\1.aithdl Sanskrit J\Ian\

21 22 13 2~ 25 26 27 18 19 30 8,493 8,018 7,914 7,913 7,550 7,214 7,048 5,159 4,464 75,8-18 , 00 00 00 00 0.0 00 00 00 00 00 District - Hamirpur o a, v . Other' BUlidcli/Bundd l\lother Total PopuLltlOn lIindi Urdu khandi Nepali Tongues I 2 3 I -l 5 G 1,043,72-1 1,011,023 21,686 5,300 5,266 4-19 1000 969 2 I 05 0.5 0.0

I NOle. For state level only first 28 mother tongues and at district level only those mother t9ngues are shown In the table whose proportion is greater that 0.02 percent. The remaining tongues have been merged in the column of "Total or other mother tongue".

Annexure- VIII presents distribution of for 96.1 percent person in 1991 and 96.9 percellt in population accord i ng to different mother tongues with 2001. Urdu returned as second largest spoken mother percentage for the state and the district. There is tongue as 9.0 percent was recorded in 1991 and 8.0 identica I trend for Census of 1991 and 200 I as the percent at the state level whereas 2,6 percent and 2.1 , highest percentage of the people reporting Hindi as percent at distri.ct level in 1991 and 2001 Census I • the mother tongue (82.1 percent in 1991 and 83.1 respectively. Persons speaking other languages ~l percent in 2001). This trend is visible for the district mother tongue were very small in number in both th as well. The district reported Hindi as mother tongue state, and district, in both Censuses.