CORELEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council:-Sue Jones M.A.A.T. Yew Tree Cottage, New Road, Hopton Bank, , . Worc. Tel: 01584 890 375 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Coreley Village Hall on Wednesday, 15th March 2017 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

1. PRESENT Mr. L. Bywater (Chairman) Mrs J. Williams Mr. V. Romeo Miss M. Hammond Mrs J. Thomas Mr I. Smith Mrs. S. Jones (Clerk)

2. APOLOGIES Ms. K. Sylvester (Work Commitments)

3. PUBLIC PRATICIPATION One member of the public attended to hear about the Council Review and Call for Housing Land . 4. TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the meeting held on 15th February, 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record by the chairman.



7. PARISH MATTERS a) George Cummings from The Friends of Clee Hill Forum has approached the Parish council about a proposal to put a path from the car park on Clee Hill to the Topograph, but apparently the Commoners Association has objected. Another suggestion was for it to be moved to the car park by Craven Place, but this would then put the Topograph out of line. The Parish council have no objection to any of the suggestions made as long as the Commoners Association agrees. b) It has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the footpath that comes out between Falkners Fold and The Barn then crosses the road and into the field opposite that the access into the field is not in the right place, although it has been there many years.

8. REPORT FROM THE LJC Dr Allsop talked about the Shropshire Care model and gave details on what services Cleobury Medical Centre is offering: They gave out a first point of contract for social workers as 03456789044. There is a video about and Hospital that we could show at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.

9. REPORT FROM THE VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE On the 8th April there is a 60/70 night with Rachel Hind and on the 13th May there is a Folk Band. 1St July the Fete and the 23rd September Rock and Jive evening.

10. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) None b) Review and Call for Housing Land The purpose of the review is to update those elements of the plan that is considered necessary and to ensure Shropshire council can respond flexibly to changing circumstances in line with the National Planning Policy Framework. It will include consideration of housing requirements (including objectively assessed need), employment land requirements, and the distribution of development and review of green belt boundaries. There is a consultation open until the 20th March and everyone should be encouraged to respond, a paper copy of the consultation was shown.

15. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT a) Chq 501 S Jones (Salary) £340.00 Chq 502 S Jones (HMRC) £85.00

16. CORRESPONDENCE a) Election Update b) Letter from Les Stephan Planning Ltd – Land at Hints

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.00p.m. The next meeting will be on 19th April, 2017 at 7.00 pm.