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7 54 BUR FORD. SHROPSHIRE. (KELLY S COU:8TY MAGISTRATES FOR BURFORD PETTY ·Chairman, James William Rose, Harpfields, Burford, SESSIONAL DIVISION. Tenbury • Officials. The senior magistrate present takes the chair. Clerk. William Samuel Davis, Tenbury Gillam Thomas Henry esq. Stoke house, Tenbury Treasurer, John Charles Tearne, Lloyds Bank, Tenbury Joyoe Rev. Jas. Barclay M.A. Rectory, Coreley, 'l'enbury Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Ernest White M.B., Rose James William esq. Harpfields, Tenbury Wheeler Edward Vincent Vashon esq. Newnham court, , C.M.Edin., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.lrel. 20 Park st. Wellington Tenbury Sanitary Inspector, Richard William Jarvis, Tenbury The chairman, for the time being, of the Burford Bural District Council, is an ex-officio magistrate County Police Station! John Lycett., constable. in charge Clerk to the Magistrates, Arth. s.tuart ~iles, Tenb~ry I Petty Sessions are held at the magiStrates room, Pohce Tenbury Railway Stat10n, Joseph Roberts,statlon master station, Tenbury, tuesday, monthly, at 2.15 p.m The places in the division are :-Burford, Boraston & PUBLIC ELEMENT.ARY SCHOOLS. Whatmore, Nash, Tilsop & Weston, Greet, Whit ton & Burford (mixed), enlarged i~ 18gB,. for 100 children; Coreley 1 average attendance, 82; with residence for maste;; BURFORD RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. William Henry Hill, master; Mrs. Mary J. Hill, Meets at the Board Room, Workhouse, Tenbury, monthly, infants'. mistress on tuesday at 10. 15 a.m. Nas~, built, with residence ~or mast~r, in 1846, for So The district comprises the townships of Boraston, Bur- children; average attendance, 61 , Harry Morgan, ford, Greet, Nash & Whitton, being the Salop town- ~aster . ships in Tenbury Union. The area is 7•798 acres; 1 Wh1tton D1stnct (Wh1tton & Greet), bu1lt. m 18~6, for rateable value, Lady Day, 1 g 13, [.9,921; population 1 6o children; aye;rage attendance, 49; w1th res1dence · s for master; W1lham Lee, master 1n 1911, 1 , 30 • BURFORD. cOMMEllCIAL. Morgan Harry, assistant overseer for A.ymes George, farmer the townships cf Nash, Tilsop & PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bentley John, farmer, Lower house Weston & clerk to Parish Council, Ashley William, Longfield Bentley Sam Fennah, Peacock inn Nash School house Davis William Samuel, Stanbrook ho Bowen Samuel, farmer · Morris Benj. jun. fa:.rr1m-ner, Nash farm . J oyce Miss, Castle Mead Colrick John, farmer Morris Geo. farmer, CQurt of Hill frm McLaughlin Rev. Edw8rd GL"ofton Crofts William, farmer, May hill Nott John, farmer, Upper Hartall Leigh M.A. Rectory Davies Cha.rles, cowkeeper,Woodeaves Poulteney Cha~les, head gardener to Rose James William J.P. Harpfields Downes Benja.min, blacksmith G?rald Ratchffe esq Rushout Sir Charles Hamilton hart. Gri:ffiths James, farmer Robmson John, farmer, Bache farm Burford house Hart Henry, farmer Ste~d Ernest, farmer, Sodem. COMMEllC1AL. Hill Henrv, cowkeeper, Spurtree Wa1the Jane (Mrs.), blacksmith, Th& Depper Waiter Harry, frmr. Dean pk Howells James mason Knowle gate EdwardsH.&Co.coal mers.Railway stn Howells Willia'm, builder Wilding Job, cowkeeper Kemp Thos. farmer, The Linnage Mann Samuel, farmer, Lee house TILSOP. Morris Arthur, farmer, Bank farm Powell Thomas, farmer Bradley George, farmel" Morris Benjamin, farmer, The Lodge Smallman Matthew Henry, farmer, Brown Arthur, farmer Morris George, farmer, Burford farm Middle House farm Walker Charles, farmer Morris James, supt. of public weigh- Yarnold Wm. farmer, Boraston court ing machine WHATMORE. Morris Jn. Rd. farmer, Lockyer's frm NASH. Bevington Geo. farmer, Fern house Parton Edwin, coal agent, Railway Ratcliffe Gerald, Nash court Breakwell James, farmer station yard Catstrey Arthur, farmer Robinson Robt.Jn. Rose & Crown P.H COMMERCIAL. Corfield Edwin,farmer,Whatmore mill Rose James Wm. farmer, Harp fields Ball Daniel, farmer & carrier, Church Mytton Wm. farmer & hop grower St. Mary's Cottage Hospital(Vaughan House farm Rogers John, farmer Lloyd-Evans IM.B., Ch.B.Edin., C. Banks William, cowkeeper, Weston E. Ross F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Irel. of Bird Wm. (Mrs.), farmer, Wood farm WHITTON. Tenbury & Joseph Jewitt Dicl;:inson Brown William, farmer (Letters via Ludlow.) B.~·\..Camb., M.B., D.P.H.,M.R.C.S. Catstrey William, farmer, Riley Lloyd Edward Stanley,Whitton house Eng. & L.S.A. of Tenbury, medical Griffiths William, farmer Mills Miss, Whitton court officers; T. H. Gillam, hon. sec.; Hammond Arthur, farmer Whitefoord Samuel· Charles, Whitton Mrs. Cousins, matron) Jones James, farmer, The Cliffords paddocks Smith Albert Ernest, Swan hotel J ones J oseph, farmer COMMEllCIAL. Smith James, blacksmith Jones Richard, farmer, Weston Clent James, farmer, Whitton farm South Wales Coal Co. Railway station Lewis Wm. farmer, Sherborne farm Hobby Chas.frmr.Whitton Court frm Tenbury Gas Co. Limited (Arthur Lloyd Benjamin, cowkeeper Hoskins John, wheelwright Stuart Miles, sec) Lowo John Hodgkiss, farmer, Green- Meredith George, blacksmith Wheeler Robert Swift, miller (water) way Head farm :\lound Thos. frmr. WhitewayHead fm. Lynall Beatrice(Mrs_ ),Golden Lion inn Mound \Villiam, cowkeeper BORASTON. Millichamp Charles Herbert, farmer, Postans C.harles, cowkeeper, Little Baldwin William, Colleybatch Cotterills Weston {letters through Tenbury) Beniams Henry, Ashdowne cottage Millichamp Edward Henry, farmer, Town William, farmer Mytton John Smith, Boraston house Lower Nash farm Whiteman Edward, farmer, Whitton. Booke Rev. Henry Montgomery M ..A.. Morgan Thomas & Charles, farmers, House farm . Rectory Hartall Yarranton James, farmer ::BURW ARTON is a village and parish, consisting on the south side, one erected in 1885 and the other in chiefly of scattered dwellings, extending from near the 1895, to the children of the Rev. Alfred James, rector; base to a great height on the Brown Clee Hill, and is on two others to Lady Boyne, who died 1903, and three the Ludlow and Bridgnorth road, within a mile of the to the 8th Viscount Boyne : a reredos of marble and station on the Cleobury Mortimer and Ditton Priors stone and ornamental wrought-iron gates separating light railway, g miles south-west from Bridgnorth and the chancel and nave were placed in the church in about 9 north-west from Cleobury Mortimer station on 1876 : in the churchyard stand the picturesque ruins of the Bewdley and W oofferton junction of the Great the old Norman church, now roofless and overgrown Western railway, in the Southern division of the county, with ivy: the Norman arch which once- separated the Cleobury division of Stottesdon hundred, Bridgnorth chancel and nave still remains in a fair state of pre union and county court district, Cleobury Mortimer servation, and is a good example of the architecture o[ petty sessional division, rural deanery of Stottesdon, that period: there are sittings for 220 persons. The archdeaconry of Ludlow and diocese of Hl'!reford. The register dates from the year 1576. The living is a rec church of St. Lawrence, built in zB76, at the cost of tory, with tha.t of Oleobury North St. Peter and St Viscount Boyne, on 8 site contiguous to the old church Paul annexed, joint net yearly value £360, excluding 19, yard, is an edifice in the Early Decorated style, and con acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Hon. sists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and F. G. Hamilton-Russell, and held since 1908 by the an embattled western tower containing 6 bells:_ the east Rev. Arthur Evans Moule D.D.Oantuar. .A. new rectory win{lgw i~ stajnt;~d ; there are twQ IQemor!al windQws house of stone was erected in 1892. TheL"e is 8 Wes-.