OCT 2018

Parish News Parish

Saint Peter’s Church, Heversham; Saint John’s Church, Levens and Saint Thomas’ Church, Church, Saint and Thomas’ Levens John’s Saint Church, Heversham; Church, Peter’s Saint


Sundays in October at the Parish Churches

7th 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Thomas’ 9.30 am Parish Communion at St Peter’s 10.00 am All Age Worship United for Harvest with the Methodists at St John’s 11.00 am Parish Communion and Sunday School at St Thomas’ 4.00 pm Harvest Service at Levens Methodist Church

14th 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter’s 9.30 am Communion Praise at St Peter’s 10.00 am Parish Communion at St John’s 11.00 am Parish Communion and Sunday School at St Thomas’

21st 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Thomas’ 9.30 am Parish Communion at St Peter’s 10.00 am Parish Communion at St John’s 11.00 am All Age Worship and Sunday School at St Thomas’ 6.30 pm Prayer and Praise at St Peter’s

28th clocks change ! 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter’s 9.30 am All Age Worship at St Peter’s 10.00 am Parish Communion at St John’s 11.00 am Parish Communion and Sunday School Fall at St Thomas’ . Please note: 4th Nov 4.00 pm Service for All Souls at St John’s Please check weekly notices for any changes

Also at the Parish Churches

Tuesday - Thursday 8.15 am at St John’s Church Morning Prayer: if there is no formal Morning Prayer on any occasion you are welcome to visit the prayer chapel to use the books there at any time.

Second Wednesday each month( 10th Oct) 6.30 pm at St John’s Prayers for Healing Service

Thursday An afternoon Service once a month 2.00 pm 18th October Communion Service (Book of Common Prayer) at St Thomas’ Church followed by tea/coffee.

Second Friday each month 10.00 until 10.10 am at St Thomas’ Shoppers’ Service ‘a thought for the day’, a hymn, a prayer

Saturday 8.00 - 9.00 am at St Peter’s to pray for the life of the church and for Sunday’s services. Come along when you can. You don’t have to say a word – silent prayer and listening to God, is just as effective! 2 News from the Parish Churches

Milnthorpe with Heversham MU Messy Together Wednesday 3rd Oct 2.00 pm Sunday October 28th 4.00 pm at the Old School Heversham. Light Party at St John’s Pat Shackleton - First World War celebrating the gift of light

Heversham boys and Women at war. at a dark time of year

www.themothersunion.org For all families with children from International Christian Charity new-borns up to Y6 primary school 4 million members across 83 countries - storytime, art and craft, action rhymes, singing, refreshments T: 60441 E:[email protected]

A Discipleship Course started on Harvest Service Monday 17th Sept - for anyone from Levens St John’s, St Peter’s and St Thomas’. Sunday 7th October Good turn out - 43 people came !

This course based on the book ‘Holy Harvest Supper is on Habits’ is not taking the place of any Monday 8th October at 6.30 pm, Home Groups. It is not essential Levens Institute, tickets £7 for folks attend all sessions - and adults, £3 for children 12 years and - you’re welcome to join at any time. under, available at church after Dates, monthly over 10 months, are service or contact Liz Addison. 15 Oct, 19 Nov, 17 Dec, 21 Jan, 18 Feb, Liz would also be grateful for 18 Mar, 8 April, 20 May, 17 June. offers of help with the catering. Next meeting will be in St Peter's at 7 pm. Please check Weekly Notes for any changes at all over the course duration. Knit & Knatter: It is the time of year Course book details are: Andrew Roberts to start preparing again for the Holy Habits £8 ISBN 978-1910786-15-4 Christmas Shoe Boxes; Any questions please ask or email the knitting group will be meeting [email protected] Annie on Tuesday afternoons through to November 13th from 2.30 – 4.00pm at 4, Church Close, Levens. All the info is also on the Boxes of Hope website. If you cannot manage Tuesday Boxes can be returned to churches afternoons do phone Mary Orr around the 4th of November, if you could (61170) to find out the sort of things have them ready to make. for this date All welcome and please. there is usually cake Further at the end details will be in of the session! the weekly news sheets. 3

info : An Alpha Course Christians Together in Levens starting in January at M:Hub - If you're a people CTiM - Christians Together person and have a passion for in Milnthorpe & Heversham sharing your faith with others you are welcome from all churches and

backgrounds. GOSSIPING THE Initial meeting GOSPEL2 at M:Hub A practical united Tuesday 30th Oct 7.30 pm workshop, Contact Penny Severn, welcoming back facilitators Pioneer worker M:Hub Bishop Geoff and Jean Pearson [email protected] For ALL churches in she'd love to hear from you!

Kent Estuary villages of Prayers and Volunteers Needed! Levens, Heversham, Milnthorpe, Also cooks and food supplies Beetham, Storth and Arnside On Tuesday 16th October at 7pm at the M:HUB in Milnthorpe How can we become more Levens Good Neighbours confident in talking about our faith will launch 29th October. Details will in Jesus Christ? be available in the November issue. This meeting helps us do this - naturally! Christians Together in Levens EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME! The Monday Group meets again 1st October at Levens Methodist M:Oasis Church at 10.15 am. Methodists in Milnthorpe when the theme will be Jonah. M:Hub, Beetham Road We invite you also to join us in Sunday 14th and 28th Oct: - praying for our village; for those who Coffee, Cake & Bible at 3.00pm live in it, those who work in it, and

Sunday 21st Oct at 10.30 am - those who visit. Sunday Gathering & Holy Communion In Oct we especially think of Bell Hill.

Levens Methodist Church, Kent Estuary Catholic Churches - at 10.30 unless stated otherwise Milnthorpe - Arnside - Grange 7th. Harvest at St John’s 10 am Fr. Philip Smith, 015395 32731 Harvest at Methodist Church Christ the King RC Church 4pm led by Revd Hann. Haverflatts Lane , Milnthorpe

14th. Joan Jackson 21st. Revd. Heather Snape. Sunday Mass 10.30 am. Sacrament Service Confessions: Saturday 10.30 -11 am 28th. Mrs. A Wightman. or on request 4 Time for a Coffee ! Men’s Breakfast: St Thomas’ Church Centre

Levens Coffee Shop on Second Saturday 13th October 8 am Mon Wed Fri - includes coffee of course!

2.30 - 4.30 pm Levens Methodist Church Old School, Heversham next to St Peter’s Church

Community Drop In

come & see improved Servery facilities Books 2 Borrow Jigsaws 2 we now have an oven and a fridge !!!

Second and fourth Tuesdays Friday Coffee Morning 9th and 23rd October from 12.30 until 2.30 pm for the whole community

Every week 10.00 - 11.30 am serving Sandwich Lunch

St Thomas’ Church Centre, Milnthorpe Optional activities / table top quizes

Also Shoe box time ! Help available for setting up shoeboxes on Fri 26th Oct. Community Coffee Morning All completed boxes can be returned at Plumtree Hall, Heversham to church on Friday 2nd or Sunday 4th November. second Monday of the month from 10 - 11.30 am

& enjoy a chat with coffee and cake. the second Friday in the month Farmers’ Market Milnthorpe

10am Shoppers Service M:HUB Beetham Rd, Milnthorpe Friday October 12th Friday Coffee in St Thomas’ 9.30 am - 12.15 pm 10 minutes service with ‘a thought for the day’, a hymn, a prayer

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Date for Diary: Sat 24th Nov th Levens Brownies Coffee Morning Saturday 29 September

in Levens Date for Diary: Sat 24th Nov Institute Heversham Bowling Club Christmas coffee morning 10 am - noon 5 ‘LEST WE FORGET’ Roger Bingham comments on how our War Memorials provide glimpses of the impact the First World War had on Heversham, Levens and Milnthorpe.

Our village war memorials ensure that the names of those who ‘fell’ in the First World War ‘will live for ever more’. All our memorials are crosses, which perhaps symbolise the continuing role the Church has had in commemorating what, as regards casualties was Britain’s worst war. The grim statistics inscribed on the memorials tell the local tale: - Heversham 1914-1918 lost 17 men: compared to 4 in 1939-45, ; the Levens’ figures are 16 to 3 and Milnthorpe’s 21 to 9.

Although the morality of the war has been challenged, most notoriously, 50 years ago, in the music satire “O what a Lovely War” contemporaries, believed that ’The Great War’ was a just war. Thus, Heversham’s cross proclaims that it was set up ‘to the memory of those who at the call of King and Country, left all that was dear to them, endured hardness, faced danger and finally passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and self sacrifice, giving up their lives that others might live in freedom’. Milnthorpe’s memorial calls them ’lads’. Very few were aged over 25.

Civilian sacrifices were not recorded. Widows and orphans like the wife and child of Frederick Barnes killed in 1918 received pensions. Fred, who was one of the few local men to leave a family behind him, came from Sizergh Cottages, Levens but was commemorated on Heversham’s memorial. Other dependents had to rely on charity. Hence the widowed mothers of Joseph Chamley of Woodhouse, killed 1917, and James Moore of Leasgill, killed 1918, received loaves from Heversham’s bread charity.

Though rightly revered, our War Memorials provide varied and sometimes inaccurate information. Milnthorpe’s memorial records places of death, surnames and Christian names, Levens has first names and surnames while Heversham’s has only surnames and initials.

Some local fatalities were not inscribed. These omissions include Private Taylor killed in 1916 and Private Crayston killed in 1917 who were reported as coming from Heversham. Harry Bond, who joined up from Milnthorpe, was omitted because he had been born in Endmoor. As his widow related for the next 60 years, Trooper Bond had ‘fallen’ with General Townsend at Kut in Mesopotamia (Iraq). But, at Heversham the name of James Hamilton a Grammar School master (killed in 1917) was put on the village memorial, although he came from Middlesbrough. At 37 he was, perhaps, the oldest local fatality and one of the few officers. The youngest ‘man’ is believed to have been John Sisson from Chestnut House, Heversham who was killed shortly after his 18th birthday in 1918. 6 Most deaths occurred on the Western Front. As elsewhere 1916 was the worst year when Milnthorpe lost 10 men on the Somme. But Heversham suffered 6 deaths in 1918, while Sergeant George Proctor from Heversham died in India in 1919. Milnthorpe’s last fatality was Fred Wilkinson, shot in 1920 by the Bolsheviks during the allied ‘intervention’ against the Russian Revolution. He died in the Ukraine but the memorial stated that he ‘fell’ in Turkey.

Poignantly, the final soldier to die was Sir Alan Desmond Bagot in 1920. He had inherited the Levens Estate in 1913 at the age of 16. He died in France from injuries contracted while serving in Ireland after the Easter Rising. His remains were brought back by special train to be buried at Heversham. Until the 1980’s older people recalled his Union Jack draped coffin being drawn through Leasgill on the way to the funeral. On his tombstone his mother’s tribute, from the Book of Jeremiah, echoed, perhaps, the thoughts of all mourners ‘I have loved thee with an everlasting love’

Roger Bingham is completing an exhibit for Heversham Church’s Commemoration of the centenary of the end of the First World War to be held in November. He still lacks photographs of some of the Heversham men who died in the war. Most he has are from contemporary newspapers and would like to borrow and copy suitable photos. He would also welcome any trophies like helmets and brassware made from Munitions, Medal citations etc . He is going to display some of his own collection of First World War Commemorative Mugs. Please contact Roger at 015395 63694 the Smithy, Ackenthwaite, Milnthorpe, LA7 7DH or [email protected]

Levens Local History Group is researching the history of the parish during WWI and will be holding an exhibition in both Levens Institute and St. John's Church, Levens on both Saturday 10 November and Sunday 11 November. However, do you have any photographs of parishioners dating from that time, or WWI artefacts or memorabilia that you could loan for the displays? If so, please contact Stephen Read on 015395 60318 or at levenshistory.co.uk

7 In the matter of the Charity known as William Bindloss’ Cottage Homes or Almshouses at Milnthorpe, Cumbria (Charity Registration number 222169) at Christ the King Church Hall, ALMSHOUSE VACANCY Haverflatts Lane, Milnthorpe Notice is given that a vacancy will be last Tuesday in the month arising in 2018 for an almsperson/ 7 - 8.30 pm info:.64099 almspeople of this Charity.

Persons of restricted means and of good character who are not less Milnthorpe Craft Club than 50 years of age and have Mondays 10 - 12 noon resided in the Civil Parishes of at St Thomas's Church Milnthorpe, Heversham or Beetham Refreshments available. or in the Borough of for not For details - Maggie on 61806 less than two years before the time of appointment are eligible for appointment. Married couples who are otherwise Alzheimer’s Society Singing for the Brain in Kendal qualified shall be eligible for appointment provided that one of them Join a fun and stimulating Singing for is not less than 50 years of age at the the Brain® sessions for people in the time of appointment. early to moderate stages of dementia Every applicant must state his or her and their family or carers. Sessions name, address, age and occupation provide an opportunity for people with and must be prepared to produce dementia and their carers to meet sufficient testimonials and other regularly in a relaxing, fun evidence of his or her qualification for environment where appointment and unless physically refreshments are provided. disabled to attend an interview in person. Singing for the Brain® Kendal Wednesdays 1.15pm - 3.15pm Notes - (1) In special cases to (Singing from 1.45pm - 2.45pm) be approved by the Charity at Kendal Rugby Club, Mint Bridge, Shap Road, Kendal, LA9 6NY Commissioners persons who do not possess the prescribed qualification as This is not a drop-in session please to residence may be appointed if contact Maria Day, to book a place, otherwise qualified. Dementia Support Worker South (2) Almspeople are required to Lakeland T: 01228 819299 contribute a weekly sum towards the E: [email protected] cost of maintaining the Almshouses of the Charity. PARK VIEW SURGERY PATIENTS Application Forms from: eligible for a flu vaccination? Milne Moser Solicitors th Sat 6 Oct – Carnforth High School Clerk to the Trustees walk in 9 - 11 am House, The Square, Sat 20th Oct – Park View Surgery Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7QJ walk in 9 am– noon and should be returned by Unsure? Require details? Friday 26 October 2018 www.nhs.uk www.parkviewsurgery.org.uk 8 Heversham WI Ladies, men, students are all welcome to this Men U Can Cook! A Beginners’ Open Meeting: Cookery Course just for Men th at the Athenaeum in Leasgill Wed, 10 October at 7.30 pm nd th rd th The Speaker will be Pam Bolton on Friday 2 , 16 , 23 and 30 “Rag Rugging – History & Technique” November from 1.30 - 3.30 pm.

Comp: ‘A Recycled Item’ Learn how to cook some simple healthy meals and be a bit more confident in the kitchen. Cost is £15 for the 4 weeks payable at the first session and you must be able to attend all four sessions. If you would like to find out more or to book a place, please contact Ruth Taylor

next meeting at Age UK on in Levens Village Institute 7.30 pm 01539 728118. October 18 - Sarah Howard: Places are limited Heritage at risk in Cumbria: threats, so book early! solutions and successes £2 to visitors For more details, contact the secretary Heversham Bowling Club Stephen Read 015395 60318 Winter Activities or [email protected] Dominoes.Whist and Scrabble Tuesday afternoons 2pm in the Bowling Clubhouse, APPLE PRESSING DAY Leasgill Low Farm, Lyth LA8 8DJ £1.50 incl refreshments 10am – 3pm Sat 13 Oct Starting Tuesday 2nd October

Bring your apples and pears and turn them into wonderful juice! Heversham Indoor Bowling Club For details contact: at the Athenaeum Leasgill

Hugh Connor 015395 60534 Come along and play bowls in a relaxed friendly environment. Bring plenty of containers as you can 2 free sessions for new members. expect about ¾ litre of juice per kg of fruit. All fruit must be either picked from 2018/19 season starts on Monday the tree or be washed and cleaned 1st October at 2pm with AGM followed by a game of bowls. windfalls. Pasteurisers available. The apple press is owned by the South October to March/April Lakeland Orchard Group Monday afternoons 2-4pm www.slorchards.co.uk Friday evenings 7-9pm with a 2 week break There is no formal charge but donations for Christmas New Year. to SLOG are appreciated. 9

Welcoming & friendly Fitness classes for all levels, Men & Women pinboard - FIRST CLASS FREE! Pilates (Core & pelvic floor strength, joint mobility & muscle flexibility), BADMINTON IN THE Dynamic Pilates, Trigger Point Pilates (Self-myofascia release, ATHENAEUM helps to relieve aches & pains in the back, New players are invited to neck, hips & buttocks), join our small friendly group. SamBarre Toning We meet most Monday nights (Zumba/Barre Fitness Fusion), Interval Training from 8pm to10pm. (Suitable for all levels & 50+) Just turn up on the night or Morning & Evening classes in local villages phone Robin Sisson on Contact Sam Horton 07831 394045 for more info. 07886 457563 www.fitnessdynamics.co.uk [email protected] Line Dancing on Tuesdays Beginners 6.30 pm Improvers 7.30 pm Men’s over 40’s Walking Football new venue Catholic Church Hall at the 3G pitch Haverflatts Lane, Milnthorpe. at Dallam School in Milnthorpe. Looking forward to seeing our Thursdays fortnightly 6.50 - 7.50pm regular dancers info: James Pattison. and some new faces too Westmorland FA More info : Sue 07772 757748 on 01539 730946.

'Yoga with a Chair' starting Friday 5th Oct Milnthorpe Village at Levens Village Institute Walks 2 - 3.15pm on Second Mondays: £5 incl tea /coffee afterwards October 8th For more info contact Jenny Meet by the cricket pavilion at on 01539 568161 or 11am for a walk through the park, [email protected] perhaps beyond [NB: the small print. walkers come at own risk]. Gentle Exercise Class Wednesdays at 10.30 Countryfile Ramble for - 11.30am at Levens Methodist Children in Need Church. 45 mins of gentle Sunday 13th Oct exercise , mostly chair based Meet nr Dallam School car park, followed by coffee and a chat. Heversham.1.30pm help your mobility, muscle Everyone is welcome to join. strength and balance. £2.50 suggested donation £5 on the We are looking for a volunteer to day for CiN. train as an exercise leader to help Ramble route to be decided with run these sessions. Interested? regard to weather! Phone Age UK on 01539 728118 More detail from Tom Grindey

10 Actors & team members Heversham Handbells wanted ! New members welcome in October There is a plan to do a ‘walk when we begin to practise for our about Nativity Play’ this Dec Christmas program. Meeting on around Milnthorpe. We are Tuesdays at 7pm in the Old School looking for actors and people Heversham ( nx to the church). to volunteer with props, For more details 'phone scenery, crowd control etc. Doreen Baines 015395 62362 interested ? Please come along to our first meeting on Thurs 18th Oct at 7 pm Forum meet 1st & 3rd Thursdays at M:Hub in Milnthorpe. Athenaeum, Leasgill 10 am prompt No experience necessary, Oct 4th Gresgarth Hall Garden: it will be great fun. Stephen Halliwell Any questions please email: Oct 18th Morecambe Bay pennysevern Underwater Safari: Gordon Fletcher @googlemail.com Quest meet 2nd & 4th Thursdays October Talks at Athenaeum 10 am Levens Arts & Film Society 11th - Stuart Newton - present Jaywalkers Acoustic roots trio and BBC Heron Theatre Past & present Young Folk Musician Finalists 25th -Colin James -‘Metagrobologist Levens Institute. - an opportunity to look and play with Sunday 4 Nov puzzles you hold in your hand’ 7.30pm for 8pm start Contact Patricia McPoland 62765 Tickets: £10 adult, £5 child. [email protected] Family ticket £25. phone: 60534 E: [email protected]

St Peters Church Quiz night & Hotpot Supper Saturday 13th October in the Athenaeum Doors open 6.30pm Start 7pm Prompt Teams of 1-4 players BYO drinks/nibbles/glasses Ticket inc hot pot £10 from Linda Cooper 63686, Tom Grindey 62125 07907 286836

11 Joeys Nursery and Out of School Club For all your childcare needs from the age of 0-11 50 weeks of the year

Milnthorpe District Places available for Food Bank Koala Room for 0-2 year old provide short-term Little Jumpers Room 2-5 year old emergency food parcels in Nursery Free Entitlement for 2-4 year olds up to 30 Milnthorpe area, distributed hours a week term time or spread over the whole year in response to referrals between the hours of 7.45 am – 6 pm from professional agencies. Out of School Club during term time breakfast and Mobile telephone for after school for Milnthorpe Primary School children referrals: School Holiday Club 7.45am-6pm every holiday open 07582 166564 to all primary age children in the area Items can be left at

Phone 015395 64090 E: [email protected] St Thomas’, St Peter’s, M:HUB, Christ the King, Joeys is part of Milnthorpe Family Centre a registered charity No. 1131829 offering support to families on a non-profit basis Trinity Church and Milnthorpe Library.

E&R AUTOS LTD 07415 303222 The Levens Food Bank Quarry Lane, Sandside contributions go to King’s, 015395 63101 Kendal. Vehicle Servicing & Repairs MOT Booking & Preparation www.kingsfoodbank.org.uk LA 7 .TAXI.com Booths, Milnthorpe have a for your New or Used Car come to MOBILE LOCKSMITH box for LDHAS - PV DOBSON & SONS Locks opened / replaced Lancaster & District (Motors) Ltd Bridge End Garage, Levens Ring for a quote Homeless Action Service. 015395 68170 015395 52441 Mechanical & Body Repairs, MOT Testing 07827481922

BPS Roofing Fibre Glass All aspects of roofing Stephen Malkin 62137 Flat Roofing Slating & Roofing Specialist contact Ben Dormers, Garages, Extensions Re-roof/ Repairs Approved Installer 015395 63844 Exterior maintenance contact Paul Gott 07786 407187 not VAT reg 015395 64529 skb window cleaning local window cleaner fully insured CHRIS EASTON WELDING

hard to reach & velux windows Gates, Railings, frames, doors, garage doors Garden Ornaments solar panels conservatories and General Fabrication 07783 802192 or 62877 07917 402394 CHIMNEY SWEEP Andrew Backhouse Chris Backhouse Chimney Sweep Ltd ICS Registered member. est 1992 Trading Standards Approved Public Liability insured All types of chimneys and flues swept Open fires, stoves, agas, camera Public liability insured inspections 015394 45117 07443 902903 12 07763 145594

CHOICE CATERERS The Villa Hotel, Levens LA8 8EA set in 14 acres of parkland. Authentic Indian Takeaway Bev Carling 01524 736393 Open to non-residents all year open daily 5 pm -10.30 pm 07896 298072 Morning Coffee – Lunch Milnthorpe Square 64700 www.choicecaterers.co.uk Afternoon Teas - Dinner. www.goaspice.com Weddings – Functions Funerals – Conferences The Gilpin Bridge Inn For all your special occasions Private Dining. Levens 015395 52206 Tracie Penwarden Good Home cooked pub food Soprano & Singing Teacher 01539 980 980 E:[email protected] & a cracking pint! 07799 660145 www.thevillalevens.co.uk Food times Sat 12-9 Sun 12-8 Mon-Fri 12-3 & 5-830 3 character holiday cottages Coffee & Cake deal in Heversham from 10.30 daily 015395 64809 or 07717 171283 Free Function room hire available Mary Davies Play area/games room Inspiring trust, passion & care to deliver excellence www.oldebluebellcottages.co.uk 8 bedrooms/dogs welcome Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence to pets and their families. Lancaster 01524 32696 Bed & Breakfast Morecambe 01524 410867 Milnthorpe 015395 62770 at Viver Watermill, Hincaster. Enquiries & Bookings Wedding and Function Venue Caton 01524 770615 to Dianne Woof Park House Farm, Heversham 24 hours emergency service www.parkhousebarn.com [email protected] 015395 61017 015395 63340 or 07977 180939 www.bayvets.co.uk

Lane House at Levens Self catering COTTAGE SLEEPS TWO Ensuite Bed & Breakfast BIRSLACK GRANGE, LEVENS John Riley Proprietor 015395 60989 015395 60381 www.birslackgrange.co.u Experienced vets for your much loved pets

Bed & Breakfast Kendal 01539 722692 Barn Close, Beetham ‘THE ORCHARD’ Holiday Cottage to Let in Levens 015242 71221 Featured in Alastair Sawdays 24 hr Emergency Service “Special Places to Stay for Garden Lovers” Owners: Chris and Shirley Band Enquiries and Bookings to: Anne Robinson www.westmorland-vets.co.uk 015395 63191 07752 670658 01244 352155 www.barnclose-beetham.co.uk www.sykescottages.co.uk

Milnthorpe Kennels and Cattery

Pet Boarding for dogs, cats and small animals. Comfortable purpose built home from home. Pet Supplies 015395 62665 www.milnthorpekennelsandcattery.co.uk


Sad? Struggling? Searching? We can tackle the obstacles together… P U R E E S S E N C E Claire Douthwaite MBACP BEAUTY ● SPA ● ANTI-AGEING Person-Centred Counsellor Flexible Appointments Available Leisure Village 0758 111 9393 (text welcome) Carnforth LA6 1 BH [email protected] Ph 01524 735240

Upper Cuts Barbers HAIR SALON 15 Park Rd, Milnthorpe 13 Main Street, Milnthorpe Green Dental T: 62300 T: 64484 also find us on FACEBOOK 25 Main Street, Milnthorpe


Accepting new patients Living Well Chiropody Clinic Excellent family dental care Supplements & Judith Swift BSc HPC Registered Payment options available Unit 6, Bridge End Business Park Health Foods Park Rd, Milnthorpe Milnthorpe 015395 63685 015395 63870 015395 64303

Sue Spencer Pain - Relief FOOTCARE AT HOME COUNSELLOR Massage Therapy Tracey Garrett BSc MinstCHp FOR HOME VISIT BACP Registered Fully Qualified & Registered Nail trimming - Ingrown nails 015395 62217 back - joint - muscular pain, Corns- Callus 07804 863408 tension and stress. Diabetic foot care & advice www.suespencercounselling.com Louise Wood MSc, SNHS 0770 33 33 770 Phone 07766 167018

L M Baverstock Park View Surgery Irene Taylor Hearing Centres Salt Pie Lane, Kirkby Lonsdale Ophthalmic Opticians Haverflatts Lane 015242 73589 The Square, Milnthorpe Milnthorpe LA7 7PS Specialist in hearing aids & protection Earwax removal by microsuction 62633 and 21 New St, Carnforth www.prestonhearingcentre.co.uk est.1980 www.parkviewsurgery.org.uk Ralph Sutton D.O. Abbeyfield Registered Osteopathic 01539 715555 Hartland House Milnthorpe & District When surgeries are closed Residential & Respite Care Osteopathic Clinic Manager - Mark Harrop call 015395 65777 015395 62251

res PLUMTREE HALL Lakeland & Lunesdale Heversham House HEVERSHAM Physiotherapy Residential Care & Respite Independent living & Sports Injury Clinic Mrs I. Wales for over 55’s Chartered, HCPC qualified staff

En-suite Rooms/Apartments. Lift Aches, Pains & Movement 63769 Good home cooking Problems Reasonable rates. Short stay Sports Injuries, Women’s Health, availability. Care provision accepted Lunesdale House Respiratory Services, Pilates, contact Helen Wilson 63015 Acupuncture, Podiatry/Chiropody, Residential Care Home Myofascial Release, or Sarah Gott 64529 Phone Mr C D Green www.plumtreehall.co.uk Exercise Studio Plumtree Housing Assoc Ltd Milnthorpe 64727 63293 www.physio-sportsinjuries.co.uk 14

Computer Help At Home Burton Tech Support Market Place Books Plain English help All aspects of computer Your local Christian Book shop upgrade, repair and advice Market Square , Kendal with your computer (next to Café Nero) Graham Brook Low call out charge.No Fix No Fee Call Barry on 01524 781306 01539 724532 015395 60868 or e-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Bibles, Christian Books, Computer, Laptop, iPad? Devotional Books, Theology, Do you need help ? Biographies, Fiction. Home or Business Experienced, qualified, friendly teacher Greetings Cards, Gifts, Alvina 079 0000 7979 Church Supplies

[email protected] & Children’s Books

Lakeland Picture Framers

5 The Square, Milnthorpe

015395 62303

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Jane Cushnie 64582 Telephone 015395 64486

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DIGITAL TV AERIAL AND SATELLITE FROM NBC-SKYNET TV Aerials : Freesat : Sky Repairs : TV Install & Set Up

07710 400 499 015395 62561 LOCAL - PROFESSIONAL- RELIABLE Furness Building Society at Poole Townsend 4 Park Road, Milnthorpe Your local Solicitor, 015395 62044 Estate Agency [email protected] & Financial Advisor First appointment FREE 4 Park Road, Milnthorpe T: 015395 62044 E: [email protected] www.pooletownsend.co.uk Furness Building Society is on the Poole Townsend are Independent Financial Advisers authorised Financial Services Register reg n0 159624 & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Regulated by Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA no 00076553 15 HALLS WASTE house clearances. All waste removed, licensed asbestos & waste removal. Mike 07813 855479 015395 63826

Ryan Simpson Septic tank emptying, MARTIN TYSON ltd Skip hire General Builder & ground removal. 07766 971167 Tel. 62125

The Handy Man Holmeworks Handyman

Painting & Decorating Nobody likes doing homework CHRIS POTTS BSc MRICS Joinery & DIY so let Holme Works do it Chartered Building Surveyor Lawn mowing/hedge trimming Design & Construction Consultants Give Neil a call on Phone Ian for an estimate 62410 Full architectural design Service 01524 782177 Extensions, Alterations and New Build 07903 853747 Internal re-design & Space Planning or 07712 475863 Tel: 015242 73228 PLASTERER / TILER Mob: 07540 610582 TRAFALGAR Time Served, City & Guilds Interior & Exterior Work E: [email protected] Projects CNP Associates Ltd, Wall & Floor Tiling 3 Market Square, Building Services Ltd JOHN WALLING 64199 Kirkby Lonsdale, LA6 2AN Call Brian: 07766 131251 07907 286850

Chaplows Heating Services ELMS CUMBRIA LTD Gas Safe and Oftec Registered Door Repair Service STUART MCMINN BSc HND ACABE Garage, industrial, Automatic doors  New Property Designs Boiler Servicing & Maintenance Paul Schofield 64512  Extensions, Alterations Les: 07831 223 140 07799 332141 01524 781081 or 07729 845147 015395 63017 [email protected]

G Pickup Electrician SPARK ELECTRICAL LTD O’CONNELL & BEAN Experienced, Part P registered. Simon Clark Inspection/Testing. All types of work. Free consultation for electrical work Boiler Servicing, 07837 091630 Rewires Repairs and Breakdowns, [email protected] Extra sockets Gas, LPG, Oil Under floor heating ...... Plumbing work Low energy lighting undertaken - Terry Allen (Elect) Ltd 07918 127393 new heating/ Boiler installations Local Electrician for 30 years 015395 64350 Commercial, Domestic, Industrial

Milnthorpe 63832 01539 724602

COLIN HARPER COOPER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LTD Building Services All types of electrical work undertaken 01524 781194 Commercial, Domestic & Industrial & Agricultural 0788 0925170 Inspection and Testing & Portable appliance testing Alterations ~ Extensions ~ Plastering Roofing ~ Patios ~ Stonework ~ Tiling 01524 782474 or 077177 62274 Quality Work at Competitive Prices www.cooper-electrical.co.uk E: info@ cooper-electrical.co.uk 16

JPG Joinery S.C JOINERY DW Johnston Joinery & Property Maintenance Kitchens, UPVC Windows & For all your joinery needs Building Services Ltd Doors, Wooden Flooring Traditional and UPVC 62434 or 07887 756564 Paul Gott 64529 Contact Shaun Confue [email protected] not VAT registered Holme (01524) 781179 Decorator W.G. BROWNLIE Ltd JOINERY & BUILDING CONTRACTOR Kay Griffin extensions, building works, refurbishments, 015395 83542 upvc windows, conservatories, doors, flooring 07971 677171 Levens 015395 60673 & 07810 602999 [email protected]

TOM STEVENS Little Gems JOINERS Lady Decorator & CONTRACTORS Joinery Patios, Fences, Decking etc 01524 701127 A. HUTCHINSON & SON 07515 883609 Levens Property Maintenance [email protected] 015395 60481 & 60491 65833 or 07968 799953 Julian Stobbart Neil Townley Ian Bradshaw Painter & Decorator Painter & Decorator FLOORING 015395 62089 07792 749937 015395 63197 07968 390396 07969 406256 No VAT. Free quotations 015395 62493 Domestic T T Carpets & Commercial The Red Barn, Harmony Hill Flooring / Carpet Installer Milnthorpe 07581 685561 62898 [email protected] www.drjflooring.co.uk THWAITES TREE CARE All aspects of Tree Surgery / Hedges MJM GARDENING T: 015395 87514 grass/hedge cutting, borders etc M: 079869 88166 (retired professional person) FREE QUOTES Call Mark 015395 61833 [email protected] 07845 417639 www.thwaitestreecare.co.uk

D & C ATKINSON STEPHEN TAYLOR Grass & hedge cutting LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS STONEWORK fencing 015395 62184 07732 709622 or 01539 731391 garden maintenance Dry Stone Walling ~ Stone Facing ~ Blocking 07919 892703 Patios & Steps ~ Garden Landscaping ~ David Abel Commercial & Domestic Pointing~ Garden Fences ~ Decking 01524 762360 Hard & Soft Landscaping Fireplaces ~ General Building Low Maintenance Garden Design Home & Garden Maintenance 0789 0502534 Regular Contract Work VFMS General Garden Maintenance Dave Harrison Hard and soft landscaping, Nick 83754 Landscaping Maintenance and tree work 07766 395595 Landscape construction, [email protected] Hedge cutting Kevin 015395 52063 Tree and shrub care, berrysgardenservices.co.uk 0777 345 3548 015395 64495 landscaperwindermere.com 17 Parish News is run by the Parish Churches of St Peter’s Heversham, St John's Levens and St Thomas’ Milnthorpe

by The Editorial Team: Jane Cushnie, Jill Butterworth, John Thorley, Margaret Barrow, Wendy Dodds

Email: [email protected] or 015395 64582 (pref Mon-Fri)

Mrs Jane Cushnie, Dallam Barn, High Haverflatts, Milnthorpe LA7 7DG

NEWS from Levens: Mrs Jill Butterworth, 3 Greengate Crescent, Levens E: [email protected] TEL: 015395 61676

For the November 2018 issue please send info by 10th OCT 2018

The Parish News is printed by S.I.D Designs, Mill Yard, Staveley LA8 9LR. To the best knowledge of the Editorial Team all info is correct at time of going to press 17.9.18

*Whilst the Church is most grateful for the support of magazine advertisers, no automatic endorsement of products or services can be assumed.

November Parish News issue boxes will come back for the villages’ distribution team to Levens Wed 24th Oct

NEW IDEA– Autumn Winter Collection instead of meeting on Wednesday at 5pm as previously, Milnthorpe Heversham distributors welcome to count & collect bundles & call for coffee on a Thursday morning 10 -11am at St Thomas’ 25th OCT.

Room Hire

Milnthorpe St Thomas' Church Centre Geoff Gregory 64082

Heversham Leasgill Athenaeum/Village Hall Roger and Pam 62170

Levens Institute Helen and Alan Miller 60334

Levens Methodist Hall Irene McKay 61881

Levens Pavilion Stuart Duncan 07793 954970

FISHWICKS FUNERAL SERVICE Beetham Hall Beetham 63108

Kendal Wills EDWARD DUCKETT & SON 01539 728020 Joinery specialists & Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorneys Funeral directors E:[email protected] new memorials, repaints & renovations, additional 01524 784211 www.kendalwills.co.uk inscriptions. Home visits available Member of the Institute of Professional Will Writers KEVIN BATEMAN 01539 722838 01524 781232 and compliant with the IPW code of practice. www.parkinandjackson.co.uk 18 www.levens.org.uk www.stpetersheversham.org NEW !……..www.stthomasmilnthorpe.org.uk www.heversham.org (for an archive of Parish News and A4 colour version)

St Peter’s Church, Heversham St John’s Church, Levens

& St Thomas’ Church, Milnthorpe

Priest-in-charge Vacancy

please contact Email: via St Peter’s website To get in touch with the church please contact a churchwarden www.stpetersheversham.org (see below) in the first instance Click on ‘contact us’ then ‘get in touch’

Retired Clergy

The Revd Charles Ellis The Revd Canon Tom Thompson The Revd Colin Honour The Revd Ron Rutter The Revd Bob Wilkinson

Lay Ministers

Mr Roger Bingham Mrs Mary Orr Mrs Linda Cooper Miss Frances Makin Prof Anne Garden Mrs Pam Martin (Local)


Heversham: St Peter’s Milnthorpe: St Thomas’ Levens: St John’s

Mrs Jane Fell 63174 Dr Val Robson 62904 Mr Peter Martin 60441

Mr Richard Simpson Mr John Ricketts Mrs Jean Hayton 61711 01524 761076

PCC Secretaries

Mr Peter Clarke Mrs Judy Rigg Mrs Julie Marsh 01524 761857 015395 83183

PASTORAL VISITING in the PARISHES If you would like to arrange a pastoral visit for yourself, or for someone you know, at home or hospital please contact:

Heversham and Milnthorpe: Levens: email via St Peter’s website or phone Christine Hallas 60541 Linda Cooper 63836 Frances Makin 61417 19

Remembrance Services will take place Remembrance in our three villages We are hoping that as many people on the morning of as possible will have the opportunity Sunday 11th November 2018 to be involved, in one way or another and that no one will utter those words, Remembrance Day Parade “I wish I had known about it”. assemble at Milnthorpe Square 2.20pm, ready to march off at 2:30pm. ‘Songs from the last 100 years’ There will be a short service An Afternoon with Rachel Mercer, at the war memorial followed by Professional Vocalist a Service of Remembrance POPPY APPEAL MEMORIES at St. Thomas’ Church at 3:00pm th Sunday 4 November at 2 pm Refreshments will be St. Thomas’ Church, Milnthorpe served after the service All proceeds to the Poppy Appeal donations welcome - no entrance fee Raffle & Refreshments Enquiries to Sheila Ashburner 015395 62727

There will be a full listing in the November Parish News - Make sure you send us your information of what your school or group is doing!

Highlights will include: Churches decorated and open

Exhibitions in the three Villages and refreshments

17 silhouettes in Heversham and Leasgill

Outdoor Display Poppies

Commemorative bench

All Welcome to a Barn Dance for all ages Saturday 10th November at Park House Barn Heversham Tickets £10 inc Hot Pot Supper from Janet & Adrian Bland 63274 Iain Richards 07824 349270

1,000 churches and cathedrals across the land Bellringing for Peace and The Queen’s Pageant-Master’s nationwide lighting of beacons. Lighting of Beacons at Heversham Head and at Hyning, Levens