Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 67, NUMBER 6 CAMBRIAN GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY IV No. 6.—MIDDLE CAMBRIAN SPONGIAE (With Plates 60 to 90) BY CHARLES D. WALCOTT (Publication 2580) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1920 Z$t Bovb Qgattimote (press BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. CAMBRIAN GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY IV No. 6.—MIDDLE CAMBRIAN SPONGIAE By CHARLES D. WALCOTT (With Plates 60 to 90) CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 263 Habitat = 265 Genera and species 265 Comparison with recent sponges 267 Comparison with Metis shale sponge fauna 267 Description of species 269 Sub-Class Silicispongiae 269 Order Monactinellida Zittel (Monaxonidae Sollas) 269 Sub-Order Halichondrina Vosmaer 269 Halichondrites Dawson 269 Halichondrites elissa, new species 270 Tuponia, new genus 271 Tuponia lineata, new species 272 Tuponia bellilineata, new species 274 Tuponia flexilis, new species 275 Tuponia flexilis var. intermedia, new variety 276 Takakkawia, new genus 277 Takakkawia lineata, new species 277 Wapkia, new genus 279 Wapkia grandis, new species 279 Hazelia, new genus 281 Hazelia palmata, new species 282 Hazelia conf erta, new species 283 Hazelia delicatula, new species 284 Hazelia ? grandis, new species 285. Hazelia mammillata, new species 286' Hazelia nodulifera, new species 287 Hazelia obscura, new species 287 Corralia, new genus 288 Corralia undulata, new species 288 Sentinelia, new genus 289 Sentinelia draco, new species 290 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 67, No. 6 261 262 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 6j Family Suberitidae 291 Choia, new genus 291 Choia carteri, new species 292 Choia ridleyi, new species 294 Choia utahensis, new species 295 Choia hindei (Dawson) 295 Hamptonia, new genus 296 Hamptonia bowerbanki, new species 297 Pirania, new genus 298 Pirania muricata, new species 298 Order Hexactinellida O.
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