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Guia Camps De Treball Internacionals 2007

Guia Camps De Treball Internacionals 2007



QUÈ ÉS L’SCI………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3







AUSTRÀLIA………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14



ÀFRICA...... 104


El Servei Civil Internacional és una organització internacional no-governamental que va néixer l’any 1920, a partir de la trobada d’unes persones que creien que la pau no era només una idea sinó que es podia fer realitat si tots plegats es posaven a treballar i creaven les bases per a la solidaritat entre els pobles que impedís noves guerres.

1920: Primer Camp Internacional de Treball Voluntari a Verdú (França). Homes i dones alemanys i francesos que fins uns mesos abans havien estat combatent uns contra d’altres en la Primera Guerra Mundial es van reunir per treballar junts. Aquests voluntaris van fer tasques de reconstrucció i recuperació de camps d’aquella zona devastada per la guerra. Era la primera temptativa de reconciliació que feia servir com a mitjà un servei voluntari i no retribuït.

A partir de 1924: l’SCI es va anar elaborant la idea d’un servei civil voluntari internacional com a substitut del servei militar obligatori i nacional.

FINALITATS DEL SCI: Fomentar una cultura de pau, la solidaritat internacional, la justícia, l’entesa mútua, la participació política a tots nivells i un respecte pels individus tal com s’indica a la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans.

Organitzar treball voluntari col·laborant amb les comunitats locals, reconeixent la funció educativa d’aquest servei.

Intentar difondre, mitjançant el treball pràctic col·lectiu i comunitari, un sentiment que trenqui les barreres entre la gent i les fronteres entre els països.

Treballar creant xarxes per assolir canvis constructius en les estructures injustes que existeixen en la societat i que divideixen la humanitat.

Impulsar noves formes de convivència que promouen la participació, la tolerància i la solidaritat i ens ensenyen a qüestionar-nos les nostres pròpies actituds. L´SCI: LA SEVA HISTÒRIA I FILOSOFIA

El Servei Civil Internacional és una organització internacional no-governamental que va néixer l'any 1920, a partir de la trobada d'unes persones que creien que la pau no era només una idea sinó que es podia fer realitat si tots plegats es posaven a treballar i creaven les bases per a la solidaritat entre els pobles que impedís noves guerres.

Actualment l’SCI està present en més de 80 països a: Europa Àsia Mediterrània Amèrica del Nord i Amèrica Llatina Àfirca Oceania


••• Fomentar una cultura de pau, la solidaritat internacional, la justícia, l'entesa mútua, la participació política a tots nivells i un respecte pels individus tal com s'indica a la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans ••• Organitzar treball voluntari col•laborant amb les comunitats locals, reconeixent la funció educativa d'aquest servei ••• Intentar difondre, mitjançant el treball pràctic col•lectiu i comunitari, un sentiment que trenqui les barreres entre la gent i les fronteres entre els països ••• Treballar creant xarxes per assolir canvis constructius en les estructures injustes que existeixen en la societat i que divideixen la humanitat ••• Impulsar noves formes de convivència que promouen la participació, la tolerància i la solidaritat i ens ensenyen a qüestionar-nos les nostres pròpies actituds.


Actualment l’SCI té més de 42 branques i grups a Europa, Mediterrani, Africa, Àsia, Amèrica del Nord, Amèrica Llatina, Oceania.L’ SCI es troba representat per les seves branques i organitzacions contraparts a Europa, Països àrabs de la Regió Mediterrània, Africa Subsahariana, Amèrica i Àsia. També està present a diferents organismes de caràcter internacional com la UNESCO i el Consell d’Europa amb qui té estatus consultiu.

És també membre de

CCIVS - Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service Organisations YFJ - Youth Forum Jeunesse AVSO - Association of Voluntary Service Organisations UNITED for Intercultural Action L´any 1987 les Nacions Unides va otorgar a l´SCI el títol de “Missatger de la Pau” en reconeixement als seus esforços per promoure la pau i l´enteniment internacional i per les activitats desenvolupades a l´any internacional de la Pau, el 1985.

Les activitats internacionals es duen a terme mitjançant grups de treball internacionals que tracten temes específics a partir de la filosofia i els objectius de l´SCI. Alguns d´aquests són: Abya Yala (Amèrica Llatina), Àfrica Working Group, YUWC (Youth and Unemployment) SAVA (reconstrucció social dels Balkans), MIDI (Mediterrani i Orient Mitjà), LTEG (Long term Exchange Group). 4 L´SCI A CATALUNYA

L’SCI-Catalunya neix l’any 1982. És la branca catalana del Service Civil International i per tant comparteix la seva filosofia i finalitats en els projectes que es porten a terme a Catalunya.


• Organització de Camps Internacionals de Treball Voluntari a Catalunya, País Valencià i Illes Baleas dins el marc de la cultura per la Pau

• Enviament de voluntaris catalans a Camps Internacionals de Treball Voluntari i Projectes de Mitja i Llarga durada d’arreu del món

• Organització d’Intercanvis Juvenils per joves desfavorits

• Participació i Adhesió als nous Moviments Socials de Catalunya, mitjançant campanyes

• Donar espai als voluntaris mitjançant grups de treball perquè s’impliquin en el canvi social

• Projectes de cooperació per al desenvolupament: Palestina, Afganistan i Guatemala

• Enxarxament amb altres organitzacions locals: Xarxa d´Enllaç per Palestina, Entrepobles, IPO (Observatori Internacional de Pau)

• Seminaris, cicles de formació trimestral: Pau i Conflictes (Sahara, Palestina, Afganistan); La Societat de la Inmigració. La cultura de la discriminació, llibertat i drets humans; Jornades de Reflexió i resistència; Polítiques de privatització dels recursos naturals. (alguns d´aquests cicles s´han realitzat, d´altres estan en procés d´el.laboració)

L’ SCI TÉ ELS SEUS PROPIS GRUPS DE TREBALL LOCAL: l Formació - La funció bàsica que té el grup és la de preparar els seminaris de formació per a les persones que participen dels camps de treball internacionals. Aquests seminaris tenen com a objectiu conèixer la realitat política i socio-econòmica dels països on anem; desigualtats socioeconomiques i situació política mundial; coneixements sobre el SCI i desenvolupament dels camps de treball;. Al llarg de tot l´any s´organitzen activitats, xerrades, caps de setmana de formacions específics, etc.

Camps de treballs - L’objectiu és organitzar camps de treball que es fan a Catalunya, País Valencià i Illes Balears. Aquests camps es realitzen amb associacions i entitats afins a la filosofia del SCI i versen sobre temàtiques diferents com: ambiental, animació d´infants, persones amb discapacitats, art i cultura, educació per la pau.

Yuwg - Forma part del grup internacional del SCI i pretén apropar activitats de l´SCI a joves desfavorits socialment, en concret s’organitzen dos intercanvis juvenils europeus amb les altres branques del SCI.

Midi-Palestina - Les activitats relacionades amb la qüestió palestina, van començar a partir de l’any 2002, amb activitats de difusió i sensibilització. El passat desembre es va organitzar l´enviament d´un grup de dones catalanes per dur a terme una visita d´estudi i de contacte. S´estan treballant altres projectes i accions.

Comunicació - La comunicació és l’eix que vertebra tot el nostre equip humà, tant sia personal laboral com socis i voluntaris.És una aposta estratègica pel diàleg entre totes les parts de la nostra entitat. Versa la seva activitat en doss nivells: difusió de la informació i promoció del SCI a través d´eines com la web, l´agenda bisetmanal i el butlletíi comunicació interna entre la resta de grups de l’SCI.


És la col·laboració en la realització d’un projecte social mitjançant el treball voluntari d’un grup de persones de diferents països. Si vas a un camp de treball, has de tenir ben clar que vas a fer un SERVEI VOLUNTARI DE COOPERACIÓ.

La vida en comunitat és uns dels aspectes mes importants del camp de treball, una bona vida de grup suposa:

• Bona disponibilitat per part de cadascú pels treballs comunitaris (cuina, neteja, organització d’activitats, etc. ... )

• Un desig de compartir amb els altres les pròpies experiències

• Voluntat de conèixer els altres membres del grup i compartir amb ells el màxim de coses

• La tolerància i l’absència de protagonistes individualistes

• El grup assumeix les qüestions que es van plantejant (funcionament del treball, problemes d’organització, material... ), les tasques comunitàries es reparteixen, per torns, entre els voluntaris.

• La vida en grup es basa en un principi essencial: “no hi ha una evolució de l’individu sense una aportació del grup i no hi ha una progressió del grup sense una aportació dels individus”.

Tematiques dels camps i els projectes

Desarmament i l’educació per la pau Nens, adolescents o gent gran Solidaritat amb el Tercer Món Agrícoles o ecologistes amb grups alternatius Antifeixistes, antiracistes, o de minories ètniques Gènere Renovació en projectes socio-culturals Ideològics o espirituals Grups culturals o artístics

Característiques Generals • Camps d’estiu, tardor, hivern i primavera • Durada entre 10 dies i 4 setmanes • Entre 35 i 40 hores de treball setmanal • De 7 a 25 voluntaris de diferents països a cada camp • Edat dels voluntaris: a partir 18 anys:totes les edats són benvingudes! • Allotjament, manutenció i una assegurança en cas d’accidents, coberts per l’organització • Xerrades i activitats sobre temes d’interès social (pacifisme, ecologia, resolució de conflictes,etc...) • Contactes amb la població local i grups promotors • La participació de persones amb disminucions físiques, psíquiques o sensorials és possible en molts camps, així com la de voluntaris amb nens • Camps de treball amb possibilitat d’acollir families

Requisits per participar en un Camp de Treball

• Participar durant TOT el camp, sense arribar-hi tard ni marxar-ne abans d’hora • A la majoria dels camps s’utilitza l’anglès com a idioma, caldrà que penseu quin nivell de comunicació podreu assolir en funció dels vostres coneixements de les llengües • No s’admeten grups formats i molt difícilment parelles • Els viatges van a càrrec del voluntari • Realitzar els diversos seminaris de formació programats pel SCI abans de marxar als camps d’estiu i l’avaluació un cap retornat • Tenir més de 18 anys • Domini de la llengua oficial del projecte: Anglès, Francès • Pagar les despeses de viatge des del país d’origen al lloc del camp de treball 6 CAMPS INTERNACIONALS DE TREBALL VOLUNTARI DE CURTA DURADA A PAÏSOS DEL SUD

Tots els projectes de camps de treball Nord/Sud operen sobre la base del treball per la pau en la creença que nacions, comunitats i individus són capaços de resoldre els seus conflictes sense recòrrer a la violència i de conviure en respecte mutu. És per això que els voluntaris que hi participen, vinguts de diferents països, col.laboren en projectes proposats per una ONG del lloc d´acollida i en la majoria dels casos conviuen amb famílies de la mateixa comunitat. Per tal que no es perdi el caire internacional i l´esperit de convivència amb què hanb estat pensats, a cada camp només poden participar com a màxim 2 persones de cada nacionalitat.

Tots els camps tenen en comú que no són pensats com una cooperació per al desenvolupament, és a dir que no tenen com a objectiu el finançament de cap projecte concret, sinó que pretenen que el voluntari, un cop torni a casa seva, difongui la realitat de la comunitat i el lloc on ha treballat, sensibilitzi el seu entorn al respecte i prepari possibles accions per tal de pal.liar aquests situacions d´injustícia.

Característiques Generals

• Àrees geogràfiques: Àsia, Àfrica, Amèrica Llatina i Meditarrani • Edat: ser major de 21 anys • Durada entre 3 i 4 setmanes • Participar en els seminaris de formació general del SCI i en els específics per àrea geogràfica • Domini de la llengua oficial del projecte: Anglès, francès, castellà • No es necessari ser un professional especialitzat • Pagar una quota de contribució a l´organització d´Acollid en concepte de despeses d´allotjament i manutenció: entre 100 i 200 Euros • Pagar les despeses de viatge des del país d´orígen al lloc del camp de treball • Es recomana contractar una Assegurança Individual extra de Viatge durant el camp • Tramitar-se personalment el Visat i les Vacunes per a entrar al país d´acollida (si cal) • Haver participat en camps de treball internacionals o activitats associatives • Entrevista personalitzada per valorar la motivació per participar en un camp de treball Nord/Sud


El treball del responsable o coordinador de camp és preparar el camp, acollir els voluntaris i voluntàries i donar totes les informacions necessàries, explicar la filosofia del SCI, i coordinar, però sobretot ser un membre més del grup. Els cordinadors/es de camp han d´haver tingut alguna experiència amb l´SCI durant l´any en projectes, actuacions, reunions, o haver fet un camp de treball, assistit a seminaris, formació, xerrades, etc. També poden ser coordinadors de camp persones implicades en altres entitats associatives.

Però, el més important és tenir ganes de ser-ho, fer una formació específica amb nosaltres, tenir la capacitat d´assumir la responsabilitat i sobretot tenir molt clar el paper de coordinador/a de camp.

Si t´interessa ser coordinador/a de camp de treball a catalunya contacta amb nosaltres!!

[email protected]


ELS PROJECTES DE VOLUNTARIAT DE LLARGA DURADA (LTV) L’SCI desenvolupa, amb la col·laboració de les seves branques i organitzacions contraparts, projectes de llarga durada (de 4 a 12 mesos ). Aquests són sense finalitats lucratives i amb un caire d’ajuda social i de suport a iniciatives alternatives.

Sovint es fan sovint en col·laboració amb altres organitzacions i grups promotors que tenen objectius similars als de l’SCI.

L‘SCI ofereix la possibilitat a voluntaris que estan motivats de participar en altres oficines dels SCI’s d´arreu del món, en les tasques administratives o projectes concrets.

Més que una altra modalitat de servei voluntari, aquests tipus de projectes són part d´un treball de fons que l´SCI creu important a seguir perquè opera efectivament en el cor de la societat. Per això, l´SCI estableix des del principi amb el voluntari una relació estreta i procura que la seva experiència sigui enriquidora dintre de la filosofia de l´educació per la pau.

Característiques Generals • Projectes tot l’ANY

• Edat: majors de 21 anys • Durada: entre 3 i 12 mesos • Entre 35 i 40 hores de treball setmanal • Allotjament, Manutenció i una Assegurança en cas d’accidents coberts • Diners de Butxaca per contribuir a les despeses personals del voluntari • Contactes amb la població local i grups promotors • Comprometre’s amb la finalitat del projecte, tot treballant-hi i integrant-se en la vida del grup • Participar en una Formació previa, i en les activitats proposades pels grups locals del SCI-CAT

Com apuntar-se a un projecte de llarga durada (LTV)

• Després de decidir els projectes que ens interessen de la llista de projectes vigents (a través de la web o de la llista de distribució) • Demanar hora per una entrevista personal • El responsable del SCI Catalunya us enviarà la sol.licitud de projectes de llarga durada. • Omplir la inscripció especial LTV • Portar un C.V. i una carta de motivació pel projecte • Cal tenir mes de 18 anys i no hi ha edat màxima • Comprometre’s amb la finalitat del projecte, tot treballant-hi i integrant-se en la vida de grup

Alguns projectes demanen unes quotes especials de camp per tal de garantir la seva sostenibilitat en canvi d’altres pots rebre uns diners de butxaca cada mes.

Per obtenir el llistat actualitzat de projectes LTV contacta sis us plau amb l´oficina tècnic!!

[email protected]


Entenem la formació com una eina valuosa i essencial pels voluntaris/es que garanteix que l’experiència al camp de treball sigui mes enriquidora. LA FORMACIÓ La FORMACIÓ PRÈVIA AL CAMP DE TREBALL representa un dels eixos principals de la gestió dels voluntaris i voluntàries, atès que una preparació adequada permet adquirir coneixements fonamentals relacionats a les dinàmiques socials i humanes i és un element clau per que l’estada sigui solidaria i sostenible.

Per aquest motiu organitzem una formació obligatòria dividida en dues sessions, una més general i una altra específicament relacionada a la zona on el voluntari/a anirà i durà a terme el projecte.

La sessió general ( per a voluntaris que van tant als camps de treball dels països enriquits com dels empobrits) tindrà la durada d’un cap de setmana i es concentrarà en activitats, tallers i ponències que inclouen des de la filosofia de l’SCI i l’actuació a través d’un camp de treball voluntari fins a reflexions que pertanyen a l’actual sistema mundial a i les desigualtats i desequilibris generats.

La primera sessió general està programada pel 9- 10 de juny. I la sessió específica serà el 16 de juny pels que van als països del Nord i el 30 de juny pels que van als països del Sud.

A la tornada dels vostres projectes es realitzará un Seminari d´evaluació que es realitzarà a l’ octubre de forma conjunta. Les sessions específiques estan dividides per àrea geogràfiques


Tots els voluntaris que participen en un camp de treball han de comptar obligatòriament d’una assegurança!!

En el cas dels voluntaris que participin en camps de treball a Europa, Japó, Korea, Estats Units i Austràlia, el voluntari està assegurat directament amb l’SCI obligatòriament, encara que aquest tingui una de complementària. El cost de l’assegurança s’inclou en la quota.

En el cas dels voluntaris que participin en camps de treball d’Àfrica, Àsia o Amèrica Llatina, l’SCI pot assegurar al voluntari en cas que aquest ho demani, amb un cost de 1•/dia. En cas que el voluntari prefereixi portar una assegurànça a part, aquest haurà de presentar al SCI un document acreditant que estarà cobert durant les dates de realització del camp.’assegurança de l’SCI: Assegurança inclou:

• Cubreix accidents i malalties produïdes durant el camp. • Té una durada limitada a la del camp. • No cobreix els accidents que es produeixin durant el viatge del voluntari al camp i malalties que provinguin de problemas físics o mentals existents prèviament al camp (per exemple: disminucions físiques, malalties cròniques, cures d’accidents anteriors,….) • No cubreix la pèrdua o robatori d’objectes personals. • Hi ha indemitzacions limitades en cas d’invalidesa o mort. 9 ALTRES PROJECTES - INTERCANVIS JUVENILS

Què és el projecte de Servei Voluntari Europeu?

Un projecte de SVE permet a un jove (18-25 anys) realitzar una activitat de voluntariat en un altre país durant un temps determinat, habitualment durant un període de 6 a 12 mesos. Aquestes activitats de voluntariat poden fer-se, per exemple, en l´àmbit del medi ambient, les arts i la cultura, l´animació per nens, joves o persones grans, el patrimoni cultural o els esports i les activitats de lleure. Cada projecte té tres socis, el/la voluntària, una organització d´enviament i una organització d´acollida.

L´objectiu del Servei Voluntariat Europeu es basa en tres principis fonamentals: • Proposar als joves una experiència informal d´aprenentatge intercultural fomentant la seua integració social i las seva participació activa i donant ocasió de demostrar solidaritat amb altres persones. • Contribuir al desenvolupament de col.lectius locals. • Fomentar l´establiment de noves associacions i l´intercanvi d´experiències i de bones pràctiques entre els socis. PROJECTES EUROPEUS

• En territori de la Unió Europea. • Recolzament de Projectes/ Accions Locals. • De 6 mesos a un any. • Joves entre 18 i 25 anys • Formació obligatòria • TOTALMENT subvencionat (viatge, assegurança, menjar, allotjament, diners de butxaca)

Més informació: http://europa.eu.int/comm/youth/program/sos/index_en.html


Els intercanvis juvenils dels quals formen part del Programa d´Acció Comunitari Joventut que es troba finançat per la Unió i Comissió Europea.

Característiques Generals

• Fomentar els intercanvis bilaterals o multilaterals (més de 2 països) • Participants: joves entre els 15 i els 25 anys que provenen de medis desfavorits • Duració: entre 6 i 21 dies. • Escollir un o varis temes de treball: racisme, art, ecologia, etc. • Grup mínim de 16 joves. • Acompanyament dels joves amb un Responsable.

Aquest any estem planificant la realització de dos intercanvis juvenils, un per a joves en risc social, mitjançant el grup YUWG internacional del SCI, amb nom DRY STONE WALL que es durà a terme entre joves de Bèlgica, França, Irlanda i Espanya. Aquest tindrà lloc a Stes. Creus (Tarragona). També s’està planificant la realització d’un segon intercanvi juvenil anomenat 24 MIRADES SOBRE EL RAVAL, sobre la immigració a Europa.

VAQUERIA- ESPAI OBERT L´SCI en el seu afany de ser un espai de debat, formació crítica en valors i sensibilització envers el voluntariat i la solidaritat us proposa una nova forma de participació. La Vaqueria com sabeu, és l´espai on es fan les xerrades, cicles formatiu semestrals i les formacions específiques. Ara gaudiu d´un espai per poder desenvolupar qualsevol proposta cultural que tingueu: organitzar tallers, cursos, exposicions de fotografies, tallers d´audiovisuals, etc. És el vostre espai i només cal que ens presenteu una proposta concreta i ben definida. 10 LA INSCRIPCIÓ A UN CAMP DE TREBALL INTERNACIONAL


a) Guia de camps 2006 b) www.sci-cat.org i www.sciint.org (2006 Summer Camps) c) a l’SCI, C/Carme 95, BCN


La primera part del codi, formada per unes sigles, indica l’organització o el país ( BE = l’SCI de Bèlgica..), per tema: solidaritat, desarmament i educació per a la pau..).


Es troben a: a) www.sci-cat.org b) Guia de camps 2006 c) Oficina de l’SCI

ATENCIÓ: Consulta amb la nostra oficina si encara queden places en els camps escollits !!!!!!!

4. REALITZAR EL PAGAMENT de la Quota d’Inscripció

Quota - 165 euros ( preu de la Inscripció en concepte de Quota de soci/a amic/ga 30 euros, tasques administratives 78 euros i Seminaris de Formació/Avaluació 57 euros )

Fer l’ingrés al número de compte: La Caixa 2100-3001-65-2200322889 a nom del SCI Catalunya


1. En el cas d’anulació de participació per part del voluntari no es tornarà cap quota. 2. En el cas de no poder emplaçar-te o cancelacions de camps es retornarà a finals de setembre la quota del camp i la de Formació i Avaluació: 145 euros.


Fer-nos arribar tota la documentació: a) FULL D’INSCRIPCIÓ + REBUT DE PAGAMENT + FOTOCÒPIA DEL DNI b) EN PERSONA A L’OFICINA (c/Carme 95, baixos, BCN) O PER FAX (93 441 70 18)


Es Tramita la teva sol·licitud y et truquem per informar-te on has estat emplaçat


Participes en els Seminaris de Formació


Envies el full de confirmació de participació a l’SCI i organització d’acollida


Reps el full de ruta o infosheet sobre el teu camp de treball: és el document on t’explicaran de manera acurada tot allò necessari per preparar i arribar al teu Camp de Treball.



L´SCI Catalunya és legalment l´associació formada per membres amics/amigues i membres actius/ actives.

Els socis/sòcies amics/amigues són persones que creuen amb les idees i accions de l´SCI. Volen rebre informació sobre les activitats que es desenvolupen o participar-hi, a més a més de col.laborar econòmicament amb l´SCI-Catalunya. Els voluntaris/es que realitzen un camp de treball o projecte de llarga durada durant el 2006 esdevenen automàticament socis/es amics/amigues.

Els socis/sòcies actius/actives són aquells membres amics que a més a més volen treballar al SCI- Catalunya, directament o indirecta, i que mitjançant l´Assamblea General, decideixen les línies generals de l´entitat, trien els membres del secretariat (òrgan executiu de l´associació) i poden ser-ne membres. En definitiva, són aquells, interessats en les idees i objectius del SCI, a més d´estar- ne informats, volen participar en l´elaboració d´una reflexió sobre la problemàtica de la pau, en l´organització d´alguns projectes concrets i volen, fins i tot, donar un cop de mà en el treball quotidià de l´oficina tècnica.

QUI POT SER MEMBRE AMIC/AMIGA? Tothom qui ho vulgui!!!


Només cal que ompliu la butlleta que hi ha aquí a sota i pagueu la quota anual mínima (actualment 40 Euros). Si uns inscriviu a un camp de treball no cal que ompliu la butlleta ja que al moment d´inscriure-us passeu a ser membre amic/amiga.

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13 tre AUSTRALIA S: Human Rights and Antidiscrimination A: In the school AU-IVP 2.1 25-Aug to 09-Sep L: English and Albanian Epau (Vanuatu) 15 vols Q: Interest in working with handicapped children Mixed age and family camp. Epau Village, Efate Island, 1.5 8. Socially Disadvantaged hours from the capital, Port Vila. Project not finalised. Possible work will be helping with final stages of new school AL-PVN 8.1 rooms, painting, work in market gardens, classroom as- NDIHME PER FEMIJET (Elbasan) sistance. Accom: very basic with no electricity, 14/07 – 28/07 . 9 vols/14 composting toilets. Vols are encouraged to home-stay for Help the children is a foundation for every child in need, a few days before the workcamp. A family camp: As there especially for them exposed and without defence to hun- will be children, all volunteers will need to sign a 'work ger, sufferance, abandon, poverty and exploitation. Every with children' form or supply a police record check. Ex- summer holiday, when the children are more exposed to tra cost: 100 Euro payable on arrival. work, they organize in youth centre different activities, that help to prevent the child labour and force their AU-IVP 8.1 10-Sep to 30-Sep potential. The vols will support the staff of Help for Chil- Cana (Sydney) 6 vols dren during their activities, by creating e pleasant enter- Mixed age. Cana Communities is a not-for-profit organisa- taining environment with educational and creative activi- tion in inner-city Sydney. They focus on building rela- ties organized by youths for youths. Part of the program tionships with marginalised people with mental illness and/ is also SCREAM package (Supporting Children’s Rights or addictions, homelessness etc, through a café, shel- through Education, the Arts and the Media). ters, and some long-term accommodation. Vols will be W: Supporting the program on elimination of child labour part of the community, assisting in the day-to-day opera- through youth program tions e.g. café work, outings, , cleaning, encour- S: Children Rights and SCREAM program aging street-people to share in activities with you to help A: According to local standards people feel valued and celebrated. You will need a sense L: English and Albanian of humour and a desire to make an effort to relate to people who are confronting loneliness. AL-PVN 8.2 SHTEPIA E FOSHNJES (Durres) AU-IVP 6.1 26-Dec to 09-Jan 17/08 – 01/09 . 7 vols/12 Peats Ridge Festival (NSW) 15v In Orphanage Durres there are children in the age 0-12 Mixed age. This workcamp is based around a 4-day sus- years. In the summer holidays there are not many activi- tainable arts and music festival just out of Sydney in the ties for the children and the house has lack of person- Glenworth Valley with strong connections to the local nel. Beside the orphanage, the centre has a kindergar- Darkinjung people. More than 5000 people attended last ten for children from disadvantaged categories. During year! Peats Ridge Festival aims to create the benchmark the work camp the vols will support the social workers by on how to run a sustainable event with minimal impact on playing with children, going to the sea etc. the environment. An alternative to commercial festivals, W: Assisting at daily activities and organizing new one for volunteers are a great part of its success. Vols will help the children. with sustainability, through composting and recycling, S: Human Rights and Antidiscrimination seminars and talks. There will be an opportunity for learn- A: In administration offices ing/doing mud structure building , as well as to enjoy the L: English and Albanian festival events. You will help to build up and take down 9. Art, culture and local history the festival with opportunity for creative input. Camping on site. Needs interest in recycling and sustainability. AL-PVN 9.1 VLERAT HISTORIKE TE QYTETIT (Gjirokaster) 13/07 – 28/07 10 vols/15 The historic city of Gjirokastra is a rare example of a well EUROPE AND MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES preserved Ottoman town, built around a 13th century castle – the second largest in the Balkans. The town over- looks the Drinos valley in southern Albania, and it is fa- ALBANIA mous for the tall-fortified tower houses built along the steep sides of the valley, which are reached by a winding 4. Disabilities network of cobbled streets and roads. Gjirokastra is AL-PVN 4.1 known as “the City of Stone” or “the City of a thousand SHKOLLA LUIGJ GURAKUQI (Tirana) steps” and it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 14/09 - 23/09 . 8 vols/14 2005. The Gjirokastra Conservation and Development Of- The school “Luigj Gurakuqi” is for handicapped children fice (GCDO) is a Packard Humanities Institute Office work- 6-18 years from Tirana, where actually PVN is supporting ing for the preservation and development of the town with students for social work. During the work camp, the since 2001. vols will accompany the children in their school activities The volunteers will work on the historical part of the and group work, like group of theatre, painting, drawing town with the goal of enhancing the tourism potential of sport, tailoring etc. The vols will build a theatre scene Gjirokastra. Work foreseen include, but limited to, clean- and at the end of the camp, the children will present a ing, help in restoration and conservation work in the cas- theatre play to the parents, neighbours, teachers and children of a normal partner school. W: Assisting in school activities and preparing the thea- 14 tle of the town and other distinguished parts of the town known to be tourists’ attractions. W: Raise awareness among the Gjirokastra community on ARMENIA the heritage values of the town and educating the com- munity on the importance of environmental protection AM-HUJ 4.1 10-Jul to 29-Jul and a healthy, clean milieu. Yerevan 15 vols S: Development of heritage tourism in Gjirokastra and its The camp is situated not far from the center of Yerevan, region of the Drino Valley. next to the artificial Lake Yerevan and the Armenian A: according to local standards. Brandy Factory which is famous all over the world. L: Main language is English. W: The aim of this camp is to organize the leisure of No specific qualifications are required. children with motor-system infringement and cardio-vas- cular system diseases and to do some environmental work AL-PVN 9.2 on the territory. VLERAT HISTORIKE TE QYTETIT (Gjirokaster) Volunteer’s day will begin from ecological work: main- 01/09 – 16/09 . 10 vols/15 taining the territory, cleaning children’s playground from The historic city of Gjirokastra is a rare example of a well weeds and grass.. After 4 o’clock, when the children fin- preserved Ottoman town, built around a 13th century ish their therapy, volunteers will organize different castle – the second largest in the Balkans. The town over- workgroups for them, where they can draw, sculpture, looks the Drinos valley in southern Albania, and it is fa- sing and dance, do physical training, play games. mous for the tall-fortified tower houses built along the At the end of the camp volunteers and children will or- steep sides of the valley, which are reached by a winding ganize a farewell party. network of cobbled streets and roads. Gjirokastra is The main aim of the camp - is the aesthetic education of known as “the City of Stone” or “the City of a thousand kids. Volunteers who come from different countries will steps” and it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in bring along a lot of ideas, spirit, love and warmth, kind- 2005. The Gjirokastra Conservation and Development Of- ness and make the stay of these children in this Center a fice (GCDO) is a Packard Humanities Institute Office work- great holiday. They make these children feel that they ing for the preservation and development of the town are needed, full-valued and help them to open their tal- since 2001. ents and abilities. The volunteers will work on the historical part of the There must be a strict discipline and self-control in the town with the goal of enhancing the tourism potential of camp. Gjirokastra. Work foreseen include, but limited to, clean- S: Volunteers will have possibilities to arrange some trips ing, help in restoration and conservation work in the castle and hikes to the most beautiful places of Armenia, such of the town and other distinguished parts of the town as St.Sargis and Zoravor Churches, Garni Pagan temple, known to be tourists’ attractions. Geghard cloister, Sevan Lake, Echmiadzin Cathedral, mu- W: Raise awareness among the Gjirokastra community on seums of Yerevan. the heritage values of the town and educating the com- A: Volunteers will stay in a separate cottage of the Reha- munity on the importance of environmental protection bilitation Center and sleep on beds. and a healthy, clean milieu. L: English S: Development of heritage tourism in Gjirokastra and its X: Participation fee 50 Euro region of the Drino Valley. A: According to local standards. AM-HUJ 5.1 ZATIK L: Main language is English. Yerevan Q: No specific qualifications are required. 18/07– 09/08 15 vols The orphanage “Zatik” is located in Yerevan. There are AL-PVN 11.1 135 orphan children living in the orphanage. ZHVILLIMI NE THETH (Theth, Northeast Albania) W: The volunteers will have 2 main tasks: aesthetic edu- 28/07 – 11/08 . 6 vols/12 cation of children and construction work on the terri- Thethi area is a place in North Albania with a very beau- tory of the Cattle Breeding complex of Zatik orphanage. tiful landscape, biodiversity values, as well with cultural In the morning the volunteers will carry out construc- and historical values, but which has been isolated for a tion work - building a fence of stones or metal net. long time from the other part of the country. German In the afternoon the volunteers will work with children. Assistance for Technical Cooperation, GTZ, through its Volunteers will teach children different national and for- economical project, is supporting Thethi for tourism de- eign songs and dances of the countries where the volun- velopment, but also concurrently to aware local commu- teers come from; organize a big performance in different nity of its cultural traditional heritage as well for its envi- languages and an exhibition of their works. During the ronmental protection. In this context, PVN in collabora- workcamp volunteers will organize different workgroups tion with GTZ will organise a work camp with vols and for children, where they can draw, sculpture; play intel- local community, especially youngsters, to support them lectual games, attend elementary English, German and by protecting the environment and developing the local French courses (by their wish), physical training classes tourist potentials. and other things according to the talents and abilities of W: Teaching the youngsters on basic English for commu- the volunteers. nication with tourists, involving youngsters in making up S: Volunteers will have possibilities to arrange some trips cash trans with natural local resources, putting direc- and hikes to the most beautiful places of Armenia, such tion signs on tourist paths etc. as Garni Pagan temple, Geghard cloister, Sevan Lake, S: about peace promotion, SCI and PVN. Echmiadzin Cathedral, Khor Virap, visit museums and A: in local families theater performances in Yerevan. L: English and Albanian A: Volunteers will stay in the orphanage. They will be provided with beds. 15 L: English W: Organizing leisure time activities for children and adults X: Participation fee 50 Euro who live in the center Q: Vols will stay in the centre and are asked to respect AM-HUJ 5.2 14-Jul to 03-Aug the house rules (no alcohol, no smoking inside the build- Spitak 15 vols ings). No self-cooking possible, vegetarian is possi- The camp is in a school in Spitak city, which was totally ble. destroyed by the devastating earthquake in 1988. Spitak A: not accessible for wheelchairs and vols with children. is now being renovated. This is a popular camp for work- BE-VIA 4.1 22-Jul to 05-Aug ing with the children, including teaching children differ- Mpi Oosterlo – Reaggae Geel (Geel near Antwerp) 10 ent national foreign songs and dances of the countries vols where the volunteers come from and run workshops such MPI Oosterlo is an activity centre, which provides chil- as art, sports and languages, according to the abilities of dren, youngsters and adult people with a mental disabil- the volunteers. By the end of this camp volunteers will ity useful day activities starting from their strengths. The organize a performance and an exhibition of works of the first week there is a summer camp for these people, theme: children for local people, and also a farewell party. Extra ‘the fair’. The second week they work together with participation fee 50 Euro Reggae Geel, a yearly reggae festival, where 15.000 young people come to party and listen to music. This is an inte- AM-HUJ 5.3 20-Jun to 10-Jul gration activity for the handicapped people to be active SOS Kinderdorf, Abovyan 15v with young people.Work: The first week organizing work- The camp is in Abovyan (15km from Yerevan) in the SOS shops: painting, photo, film, theater, storytelling, recy- Children’s Village where children found their new moth- cling material… The second week the workcamp will help ers, sisters and brothers and live in families. 6-7 children the people with a mental handicap to build op the festi- live in separate cottages with their SOS mothers. SOS val of Reggae Geel. Needs an interest in working with Children's Villages revolve around the effort to give chil- mentally handicapped people dren who have lost their parents or who are no longer able to live with them a permanent home and a stable BE-VIA 4.2 02-Sep to 15-Sep environment. The family-like structure is formed by four Milieuboerderij Palingbeek (Zillebeke near Ieper) 8 basic principles: mother, brothers and sisters, house and vols village. The vols will participate in most activities with Milieuboerderij Palingbeek is a very peacefully located the children and have a variety of different tasks: they’ll day centre for 15 adult men and women with a mental organize art workshops - painting, sculpturing, disability. Their aim is to give these people a useful day handicrafts; dancing, singing, sports, attend elementary job with respect for the human being and nature. The English, German and French courses (as their wish) etc. farm and the nearby educative centre are open for chil- By the end of the camp the volunteers and children will dren and groups who wants to learn about farming and present the results of their work with a performance ecology. Work:: In cooperation of the people who work and an exhibition. Volunteers will help the trainers to at the farm, maintaining the ecological gardens and tak- organize and will participate in “Funfootball” games se- ing care of the animals. A: not accessible for vols with lection organized in the village. Extra participation fee 50 children and wheelchairs but open to other handicapped Euro people, if you are musical, bring your instruments with you. AM-HUJ 5.4 06-Jul to 23-Jul Krunk, Yerevan 15 vols BE-VIA 5.1 05-Aug to 19-Aug The main aim of the workcamp : working with children in Wemel Kamp (Herentals near Antwerpen) 8 vols a school in Yerevan and ecological-renovation work in Wemel is a parental organization which wants to fill in the the school grounds. This will include teaching children gap of the non-existence of leisure time activities for different national foreign songs and dances of the coun- children, teenagers with ADHD. (Attention Deficit Hyper- tries where the volunteers come from and organize a activity Disorder). During the workcamp there will be a 3- performance and exhibition. The vols will also run work- day camp for parents and a 7-day camp for children (7-15 shops such as art, sports and languages, according to old) with ADHD or slightly autistic. Specific approach of the abilities of the volunteers. The ecological-renovation the children: respect for the individual, no punishment work will include weeding and taking care of trees and but encouragement, conflict resolution through talking. bushes. Extra participation fee 50 Euro Lots of creativity, campfire every day, living in nature. Work: taking care of the cooking and logistics, maybe BELGIUM organizing activities. Accom in tents, sober living condi- tions. Participants of the work camp have to consider VIA-IJU Belgium and follow the strict rules about the approach of the BE-VIA 1.1 15-Jul to 28-Jul children. Some of the local leaders have ADHD themselves. Ter Dennen (Lanaken near Hasselt) 10 vols Creative people very welcome. Strong motivation needed. Ter Dennen is a Red Cross centre for asylum seekers. After arrival in Belgium refugees are send to this kind of BE-VIA 6.1 15-Jul to 28-Jul centers where they get food and a shelter. Ter Dennen is De Wassende Maan (Deinze near Gent) 7 vols a quite isolated place in a green surrounding with about De “Wassende Maan” is a bio- dynamic co-operative farm, 200 people (also children) from more then 20 countries. which grows seasonal and employs about 6 Since a lot of people from different backgrounds are liv- people on a permanent basis. Their aim is to keep the ing together here and the asylum procedure is not al- distance between farmer and consumer as small as possi- ways successful, there can be a lot of tension in the ble. Working in the farm (harvesting, weeding, and plant- centre. ing), little jobs in the farm, small reconstruction work, 16 cooking for the people. Accom in tents that you have to BE-VIA 9.1 04-May to 17-May bring yourself. Needs a strong interest in the life on a Mano Mundo (Boom near Antwerp) 13 vols farm and to be in good condition Mano Mundo is a free and family-minded festival during 2 days (12-13/5) with 80.000 visitors. BE-VIA 6.2 02-Sep to 15-Sep World music, visual acts and workshops (like the living Natuurpunt Begijnendijk (near Leuven) 15 vols library) bring the visitor closer to the richness and differ- In the valley of the Demer, young eco-volunteers are ence between cultures in Belgium and in the world. working on a new natural reserve project. An abandoned The following ideas are very important to the festival: agricultural zone is being transferred into a more bio di- the global aspect, interculturality, environment-friendly verse zone. Cutting foreign dominant trees, mowing the and sustainability. grasslands, opening walking trails and taking care of the W: first week preparation and decoration of the world- sheep and goats. Organizing neighbourhood festivity. do-village. This is an intercultural place within the festi- Heavy, dirty, but satisfying work! The camp place is a val where there is space for a fair-trade café, workshops, tent close to an alternative community house of some poetry, performances, .... During the festival occasional local volunteers where nature and music are integrated support of the activities in the world-do-village. After the in the everyday life. Basic living conditions. Not accessi- festival dismantling the world-do-village. ble for wheelchairs. A: not accessible for vols with children X: possibility to be creative and realize your own ideas BE-VIA 6.3 14-Sep to 23-Sep into the world-do-village Jnm Zwart Werk (Koersel – Beringen near Hasselt) 6- 20v BE-VIA 9.2 24-Jun to 07-Jul The aim of JNM as a youth organization is to work around Na Fir Bolg (Vorselaar near Antwerp) 15 vols nature and environment. This happens by organizing ex- Is a three day family festival (29/6-1/7) with the focus on cursions, camps, workshops, and study sessions, environ- folk music, they received last year 6000 spectators. The mental actions, working in nature reserves. There will be organisation started 11 years ago out of different groups Flemish people (14) on the workcamp (volunteers from who needed funding for environmental investments. On JNM) and 6 international volunteers. Hard work in a moist this moment they want to provide an alternative for com- nature reserve. Basic living, conditions. A: sleeping in a mercial festivals. For this they choose to work only with horse stable, primitive living, vegetarian food, not acces- volunteers. sible for wheelchairs and vols with children, age till 25 W: building up and braking down of the festival, electric- ity, water, tents, also creative input like decoration. BE-VIA 8.1. 08-Jul to 21-Jul A: in tents, not accessible for wheelchairs and vols with De Wroeter (Kortessem near Hasselt) –mixed age 12 children. vols De Wroeter is a non-residential centre for socially disad- BE-VIA 9.3 18-Aug to 31-Aug vantaged people, some of them have a minor handicap. It Boombal Festival (Lovendegem near Gent) – mixed age is situated in a beautiful and nice countryside area. Grow- 11 vols ing vegetables and in an ecological way is the main Boombalfestival (23-26/8) is a 4-days music and dance fes- activity. Other activities are maintenance of the envi- tival around folk music. Atmosphere and social contact ronment (lanes, flowers, and trees…) and occasional build- are very important on this small-scale and multicultural ing activities. The objective of the organization is to en- festival (3000 visitors) for young and old. large the social integration of the people by giving them S: Study part around dance initiation and musical work- work or useful daytime activities. shops. Personal music instruments very welcome W: The vols. will take part in the daily tasks together with W: building and dismantling of the festival (tents, dance the people from De Wroeter. De Wroeter will offer lei- floors, decoration, electricity, water, …) . Free time dur- sure activities: group visits, free concerts, ing the festival. X: The vols. should be motivated to make contacts with A: Only during the festival in tents. Not accessible for the disadvantaged people from De Wroeter, sometimes wheelchairs and vols with children. heavy work on the field, interest in biological farming. A: not accessible for wheelchairs BE-VIA 9.4 15-Sep to 28-Sep Fiesta Mundial (Balen near Antwerp) 8 vols BE-VIA 8.2 11-Aug to 25-Aug Fiesta Mundial (21-23/9) is a world party in the true cense Rizsas (Betekom) - Finaal 8 vols of the word. 10 years ago it started out of the initiative Rizsas is a project on a farm where useful daytime activi- of local development workers who al had there projects ties are organized the whole year through for youngsters in African country’s. With workshops, an exotic market who need special care: school drop-outs, family prob- and music they stimulate the 10.000 spectators to en- lems. During the summer there will be a youth exchange gage themselves to work around the world. The festival is camp for 16 youngsters (aged 17-22) coming from Flan- in the middle of a nature and recreation centre. ders, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Latvia. The main theme will A: not accessible for vols with children. be ecology. Very varied work. Logistics and preparation W: building up and breaking down of the festival, elec- during the exchange camp: building of an ecological toi- tricity, water, tents, also creative input like decoration. let, outside showers, . Organizing activities with the youngsters. Maintaining of the ecological garden. B-VIA 10.1 29-Jul to 11-Aug Basic living conditions, sleeping in tents. No hard work. De Bereklauw (Herent near Leuven) 10 vols Vols. should have an interest in the social aspect of the De Bereklauw is named after a plant of which you will project. Ecological interest (Permaculture) is nice but find species all over the camp site. The owner is living not a must. there almost 30 years now, together with a changing group 17 of young people. He and his friends try to live and work issues and rehabilitation of marginalised people. Need to in an ecological, partly self-sufficient way, by growing like manual work and be open to meet African students their own fruit and vegetables, by recycling materials, and disadvantaged people exchanging food and materials with others and by keep- ing some animals. Although they try to be independent BE-SCI 4.1 05-Aug to 18-Aug from the macro-economical system, the inhabitants of La Clarine, Fayt-Lez-Manage 8v De Bereklauw are not closed off from the outside world. La Clarine is an association taking care of mentally disa- Many neighbors, visitors, friends and volunteers pass by… bled people aged 20 and over, by giving them the oppor- W: maintenance of the house and the garden, ecological tunity to work in a farm, and therefore to be as inde- gardening, restoration, painting, taking part in an art (Maya pendent as possible and opened to the outside world. Indian) route The association focuses on the recognition of the disa- A: primitive and basic accommodation, interest in com- bled abilities. The products of the farm (jam, cheese, munity life and art, if you prefer you can bring your tent, vegetables, , …) are sold on local markets by the not accessible for wheelchairs and vols with children. disabled themselves. During the school year, La Clarine also hosts classes who visit the farm, giving the opportu- BE-VIA 11.1 05-Sep to 16-Sep nity to the disabled to explain their work. Tok Via (De Pinte near Gent) 6v www.laclarine.be General farm activities. Working at the VIA Belgium is part of 2 international networks: SCI and renovation of the site, gardening. Cleaning up the cow- ICYE. ICYE stands for International Cultural Youth Exchange sheds and the house of the association. Overall restora- and gives young people between 18 and 30 the possibility tion of the farmhouse. Volunteers will be working along to do an exchange for one year. The exchange year with the disabled farmers. Study; The integration and starts with a language and orientation camp where they socializing of handicapped people. Fair knowledge of get informed about the life in Belgium and where they French needed. Be prepared for unrewarding tasks such learn Dutch. This camp will be a chance to meet 20 peo- as cleaning up the stables! ple from all over the world (Africa, Latin-America, Asia, and Europe) and to spend time with these volunteers. BE-SCI 4.2 19-Aug to 01-Sep W: logistic support during the language and orientation Facere, Bruxelles 4 vols camp: cooking, co-ordination, hosting, animation, ex- Facere is a day and residential centre for 35 I.M.C. (Cer- change between SCI and ICYE SCI Belgium. ebral palsy) i.e. mentally and physically handicapped peo- ple (adults). The aim of the association is to promote the BE-SCI 1.1 09-Jul to 28-Jul autonomy and integration of the residents, by providing Centre d accueil pour Réfugiés, Rixensart 8 vols them with an appropriate place to live in and a range of Minimum age 20 - Extra form to fill in with AF. The Centre creative and artistic activities, meetings, discoveries and for Refugees in Rixensart is an open centre for asylum guidance in their daily life. Meeting each other and spend- seekers (not closed where refugees go out to work, ing time together is the main aim of the workcamp. Vol- school..) Its main tasks are to feed, accommodate, pro- unteers willing to share a passion are welcomed. vide social and medical aid to asylum seekers during 1st www.facere.be 1) Assist the disabled in their daily life stage of the procedure (4 months at least). Max.160 peo- (awakening, , moving, discussion, …) - 2) Take part ple (mostly families), in a residential area. Promoting in the activities proposed by the centre : games and intercultural understanding, and proposing new activi- workshops (cartoons, painting, computer practice, ra- ties to the residents of the centre are the main aims of dio, photography …) and outings - 3) Animate evenings the workcamp. www.fedasil.be : Organising creative work- and come up with new activities and workshops (arts & shops for the refugees of the Centre (mostly with chil- crafts, music, photography,…). Learn the daily life of handi- dren): theatre, handicraft, artwork, musical evening capped people in a specialised home. Good level of French (drums, guitar) games, sport, …Study :Belgium as a host- required, and open-minded, good sense of creativity (ar- ing country: asylum procedure, Belgian federal system, tistic skills) and autonomy. The work camp could be psy- etc. Fair knowledge of French needed, also to like chil- chologically tiring. Please join a motivation letter to your dren and to be experienced in animation is necessary; application form artistic and musical skills welcomed. The workcamp could be psychologically tiring. Age 20 and over. Fill in the extra BE-SCI 4.3 09-Sep to 22-Sep motivation form. Centre de Hemptinne, Jauche 8 vols The Centre de Hemptinne is a residential centre for men- BE-SCI 2.1 15-Jul to 28-Jul tally handicapped people hosting 54 adults living in 6 Maisons Internationale et Saint-Paul, Mons 6 vols groups of different ages and abilities. Each day the resi- The workcamp will be organised with two different com- dents take part in collective and appropriate work which munity houses: the International House and the Saint- allows them to carry out a task from its beginning to its Paul House. IH offers 42 beds to students coming from end, to approach the professional world and to promote third world countries, roviding info about Belgium and its their activities (farming, making aromatic vinegar and li- institutions and tries to raise awareness about north- queur, growing chicory, etc.). The Centre provides the south issues through events with different NGOs. SPH handicapped people with appropriate leisure activities: offers 50 beds to homeless and socially disadvantaged men hippotherapy, swimming in the pool of the Centre, crea- and provides the residents with some tools to reinte- tive workshops, etc. All those activities give them the grate the society (health and administrative advice, day- opportunity to build relationships with other people and to-day management, training and work). Work: General contribute to the creation of a place matching their abili- maintenance work (painting, cleaning, gardening), with ties, their needs and their desires. Gardening and im- both associations. Organisation of some common events provement of some rest areas, painting work, and crea- for both houses. Study: North South and intercultural tion of an animal park (fences). Possibility for the volun- 18 teers to take part in the residents’ leisure activities and Camp de partage, Hermeton-sur-Meuse 6 vols workshops Study: The integration and socializing of handi- Minimun age 20. Extra questionnaire to fill in with AF. capped people. Be open-minded and interested in meet- The association ‘Le camp de partage’ is a volunteer asso- ing with handicapped people. The work camp could be ciation born in 1974 which organises a 2 week holiday psychologically tiring. Please join a motivation letter to camp for approximately 80 children aged 6 to 18 years your application form old, every year. All of them come from disadvantaged families or have no families and most of them live in child welfare BE-SCI 5.1 29-Jun to 14-Jul institutions. Most of them have gone through very hard Itinéraires 6 vols moments and have deep wounds. Around 30 Belgian vol- Itinéraires is an association offering a help service for unteers aged 20 to 28 take care of the kids and organise youngsters. Its work is mainly preventive and offers 3 dif- activities for them. Around 20 other people of all ages ferent types of help : individual help (counselling, orien- take care of the logistical aspects. http:// tation, …), collective action (organisation of sport activi- www.campdepartage.be Helping with the activities for ties such as climbing, canoeing with youngsters coming the children (sport, games, plays, dancing, art and crafts). from different social backgrounds) and community ac- There will be no free days. Discussions over the child tion (organisation of activities conveying co-operation welfare system and institutions. Accom in tents. Needs values, pacific cohabitation and mutual aid). The aim of some previous experience with kids, and good knowledge the workcamp will be to fight against ghetto mechanisms of French. Artistic skills and creativity most welcome. 20 thanks to encounters and exchanges around an anima- years old and over. Specific questionnaire to fill in with tion project for children (3 to 8 years old) coming from application form. Could be psychologically tiring. different social backgrounds (socially disadvantaged chil- dren, refugees, immigrants). www.itineraires-amo.be First BE-SCI 5.5 15-Aug to 30-Aug week : preparation of the creative workshops, cleaning Téléservices Jeunes, Bruxelles 6 vols of the rooms, climbing training and training session on Télé-services provides a dozen services aimed at listen- the study themes of the camp. Second week : supervi- ing, advising and guiding people in need or up against sion and animation of the sport and creative workshops. difficulties, in order to help them to acquire autonomy. Discussion about the ‘gender’ concept and refugees is- Amongst these various activities, the service for young sues in Belgium. Needs fairly good knowledge of French, people organises different types of activities all year long and experience in animation or/and artistic skills. Please (creative workshops, homework school, sport…) for chil- fill in the extra motivation form dren and youngsters coming from a densely populated area in the centre of Brussels and mostly from immigrated BE-SCI 5.2 08-Jul to 21-Jul origins. http://guidesocial.be/tele-service. Preparing ac- Maison des jeunes, Neufvilles 7 vols tivities for children coming to the centre, aged 6 to 12,. The association works with local teenagers, allowing them Study: Immigration issues and fight against poverty in a to meet other youngsters, like SCI volunteers, and there- disadvantaged urban environment. Animation experience, fore to open themselves to other cultures and other and creativity welcomed. Needs good knowledge of horizons. During the whole year the association organ- French. ises cultural, educational and play activities (drum classes, drawing and photography workshops, mini trips..). BE-SCI 6.1 16-Jul to 28-Jul www.mjneufvilles.be Work :Renovation of one of the Crie, Frasnes-Lez-Anvaing 8v youth house room (cleaning, removal of wallpaper, paint- The regional Initiation centre for Environment of Mouscron ing, ...), upkeep of the garden (weeding, etc.). Study was founded in 1998. Its mission is to organise environ- :The usefulness and purpose of a youth house in a semi- mental awareness activities for a large and varied public rural area. Basic knowledge of French needed, and anual and to support sustainable development projects through and technical skills activities such as nature weekends, guided walks, school activities, garden exhibitions. The objective of the work- BE-SCI 5.3 15-Jul to 28-Jul camp will be to rehabilitate the settling basins of an old Auberge de jeunesse, Malmédy 15/07-28/07 15 vols factory into a nature reserve. www.crie.be Making ‘’Youth Hostels” enable youngsters from all over the world wooden observatories, plantation of reed in one of the to be accommodated at low prices in most countries of basins, setting up stakes and fence, mowing weed. Dis- the world. If youth hostels still have the usual dormito- cussion about the centre missions and debate on indus- ries, today they also include 2 to 8 bed family rooms. tries and nature protection. Basic knowledge of French They are a place for friendly intercultural encounters an advantage, be able to swim and ride a bicycle and not for the young and the less young from all countries. The to be afraid of water malmedy youth hostel tries to promote environmental activities and awareness through its activities and daily BE-SCI 6.2 13-Aug to 30-Aug life. Volunteers will work and discover the region with La Cité s invente, Liège, Mixed Age Camp 12 vols local volunteers. www.laj.be Construction of a gate and La cité s’invente is a young environmental education as- a sluice for the pond, osier plantation, finishing an artis- sociation which aim is to develop an educational eco- tic and recreational construction for children previously centre in the city of Liège in the coming months. Through built, identifying trees and writing technical sheets for the eco-centre the idea is to deal with environmental the arboretum. General maintenance work (wood lining) issues and prove the efficiency of organic building, re- Study: The daily life and the usefulness of a youth hostel newable energy and recycling. Among its activities, the and intercultural encounter. Some French lang.preferably, association will organise, for the second time, on August and liking of outdoor handwork 25th, the ‘Ecoteau’, a one day festival gathering citizens and associations around concerts, organic food, debates BE-SCI 5.4 29-Jul to 17-Aug and games all focused on the environmental challenge. 19 www.mocka.be/lecoteau Volunteers will help to prepare very good knowledge of French, and to be interested in the festival (picking apple for making juice, making signs art and culture activities. Much physical work and information boards, building an organic toilet, mak- ing land art, mowing weed). Discussion about environ- BE-SCI 9.3 29-Jul to 09-Aug mental issues, encounter with environmental associations. Festival Esperanzah, Floreffe 16 vols Interest for environmental issues and creativity most The association ‘Z’, will organise for the fifth time the welcome festival ‘Esperanzah’, a world music festival which aim is to favour open-mindedness, exchanges, meetings and BE-SCI 6.3 08-Sep to 22-Sep (north-south) cultural crossing. The 2007 theme will be Domaine de Mozet 12 vols the food sovereignty. The event will gather for 3 days The Mozet property is a social tourism centre which hosts musicians from all over the world and lots of associations all year long school groups, youth movements, associa- working for a fairer and better world. The whole event tions, families and companies. It is located in a wonderful tends to promote through world music and party time, country landscape and the building is a 11th century farm human and environmental values, peace and equality be- castle. Many activities are aimed at raising awareness on tween people. www.esperanzah.be Volunteers will help nature and patrimony such as trainings about nature peda- with setting up and taking down the festival facilities gogy, discovery walks, wild cooking day…The property is (tents, fences, décor, stages …). They will make some of also managed according to sustainable development prin- the décor elements (painting, drawing,...). During the ciples. http://www.mozet.be Volunteers will help with festival, volunteers will attend the concerts. They will the improvement and maintenance of the park: cutting work with local volunteers. Discussion about the food vegetation, preparing and ploughing the ground for plan- sovereignty. Needs a sense of initiative. Volunteers with tation, constructing a wood shelter. Discussion about some artistic skills are more than welcomed ecocivism and sustainable conversion of the park. Spe- cial interest for environmental issues BOSNIA Youth Centre BE-SCI 9.1 07-May to 19-May BA-YCL-6-1 15-Jun to 01-Jul Sortilèges au château, Ath 6v Hutovo Blato, Mostar Envi 15v Action Jeunesse Info is an association which aims are to With the ecological association “Bura” from Mostar. fight against social and cultural exclusions of young peo- „Hutovo blato“is a nature park. It is a unique ple. Along with the Cultural Centre of Ath, which aims are submediterranean swamp and one of the most significant to create space for creative expression and to promote winter resorts for birds in Europe, in SE Herzegovina. The communication and cultural events, they have been or- main job of the volunteers will be constructing/ repair- ganising for 28 years the event ‘Sortilèges au château’. ing the educational paths, an observatory for birds and It’s a one day event gathering concerts, exhibitions, food cleaning the park. Working alongside the local popula- and craft stands all over the city. The theme of this year tion, activists and employees of the Park. Study: Volun- is the sound universe: special sound installation and teers will have a chance to participate in different work- spaces will be created for the occasion. Volunteers will shops and amusing programmes. Accom. In the park area, have the opportunity to meet and work with local peo- in tents. Age limit is 18-30 years. ple and local youth. Volunteers will help with the organi- zation of the event: setting up and taking down the fa- BA-YCL-6-2 20-Jun to 01-Jul cilities and the exhibitions, welcoming the artists and Trimu¹a, Mostar Envi 10 vols the public, decorating the city and presenting their cul- Organised by the Club of Researchers, "Green Head" in ture through a small stand. Exchanges on different top- Mostar (www.zelenaglava.com). This is the first interna- ics such as cultural differences, democracy, values and tional workcamp in Mostar on the green city oasis, "Trim respect. Needs basic knowledge of French Paths". The main job for the volunteers will be the clean- ing of "Trim Paths" of garbage and unorganic waste, work- BE-SCI 9.2 07-Jul to 21-Jul ing with local people. Volunteers will also prepare some Festival du conte, Chiny 10v of the facilities for the camp. Visiting various sites, his- The Youth House of Chiny contributes to the social and torical and geomorphological, and one great weekend cultural development of the region by giving youngsters trip to Boraèko Lake. Age limit is 18 – 30 years. Extra fee : the opportunity to meet each other and discover new 20 euro. leisure activities. To this end, it has taken part very con- cretely, in the organisation of the Tale Festival of Chiny BA-YCL-6-3 15-Jul to 25-Jul along with the Cultural Centre of Florenville, for the past Youth for life Motajica, Srbac Envi 15 vols few years. The Festival lasts one week-end and takes place With the NGO “Milenijum” (www.milenijum-youth.org.), in the enchanting village of Chiny. It offers a wide range the workcamp will be organized in village Gornja Lepenica, of tales told in French by genuine story tellers. Most on the hill-sides of the mountain Motajica. Volunteers tales are for adults and youngsters, but some children will work together with the local population and local tales are also programmed. http://www.beaucanton.be/ volunteers. They will work on building and equipping the maisondesjeunes and http://www.conte.be Volunteers recreational site, which involves installing wooden houses, will help local people with the preparation and arrange- tables, benches, swings and seesaws. Study: Volunteers ment of the site. They will put up and take down the will participate in ecological and psycho-social workshops. facilities (chairs, stages, sound systems). During the festi- Accom.: In tents. Extra fee : 30 euro. val, they will host the artists and help them with logistic things (food, accommodation) Study: the interest of us- BA-YCL-6-4 15-Jul to 24-Jul ing an unknown cultural media such as tales, work and Sturba 2007, Livno Envi 10v mission of a youth club. Encounter with the artists. Needs Organised by "Youth Centre Livno" (www.cmlivno.org), in 20 Drzanlije, on the banks of the river Sturba.. The main job resource/information centre and working with refugees. for the volunteers will be cleaning the river banks and The work will involve preparation and delivery of activi- bed of garbage and organic waste, working with local ties for Refugee Week, taking part in a 2 day peace festi- people. Volunteers will also prepare some of the facili- val; helping with a night shelter for refugees and garden- ties for the camp. Study: Accom. Tents near the banks of ing at the Peace Centre House. There will be a strong the river. The workcamp is also followed by various work- study element exploring creative ways to respond and shops at the Art Colony, in which volunteers can also connect in a world which divides us. Accom. in tents/ take part. Age limit is 24 + years. floorspace indoors. Bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers should be committed to the Peace House values. NB Strictly no BA-YCL-6-5 01-Aug to 08-Aug air travel. We will not take volunteers who travel by plane. Neretva 2007, Konjic Envi 10v The Youth Council of Konjic (heavily wooded mountain- UK-ENG 3.2 08-Aug to 17-Aug ous, area in North. Herzegovina, 50 km S of Sarajevo) is Interfaith Project, Leicester (PVP) 10 vols organizing the workcamp with the aim of promoting sus- Sponsored by the Elchanan Elkes Association for Inter tainable development and protection of life environment. Community Understanding, supported by Christians Aware The workcamp will consist of workshops, work actions & the Leicester Council of Faiths, and running for the and excursions. Volunteers will be cleaning the canyon 12th year, this year Leicester Interfaith will be held in of the river and beaches on Boraèko lake and make a memory of Rosa Parks (the "mother of the Civil Rights pitch for sand volleyball. The workcamp is also followed Movement in America). Volunteers will do practical gar- by the various workshops (creativity, touristic potential dening work in the grounds of buildings of worship of of this area, lectures about mines and excursions (rafting different faiths in Leicester: Mosques, Churches, Syna- on river Neretva, walking through canyon of river Rakitnica gogues, Gurdwaras, Buddhist and Hindu temples. There and to Boracko lake). Age limit is 18-30 years. will also be some painting/decorating tasks and work on supporting community understanding. There is a strong BA-YCL-9-1 23-Jun to 30-Jun study element to this project around aspects of peace, Glamoè 2007, Glamoè Art/Cult/Hist 7 vols faith and the community. Good accom. in flats. Enjoy prac- With the Culture Centre of the town of Glamoè. Their tical work and learning about different faiths and com- building was totally destroyed during the war. Despite munities. Vols in their 20's preferred. the fact that war ended 12 years ago, the reconstruc- tion process is incomplete. Volunteers will work on inte- UK-ENG 5.1 21-Jul to 04-Aug rior decoration (painting)of the Culture Centre building Inclusion Project 1, Bradford, West Yorkshire 15 vols and on the horticultural display in the gardens. Volun- UK-ENG 5.2 04-Aug to 25-Aug teers will work together with local people , activists and Inclusion Project 2, Bradford, West Yorkshire 15 vols employees of the Culture Centre. No age limit Run as part of the volunteering unit in support of Brad- ford City Council’s inclusion program, this project gives BA-YCL-9-2 15-Jul to 25-Jul volunteers an opportunity to take part in the service Dobojska tvrðava, Doboj Art/Cult/Hist 15 vols provision for young people with physical and learning dis- The organization for tourism development of the Doboj abilities over the summer vacation. Vols will support young region “Rotor” (www.dobojskatvrdjava.rs.ba) will organ- people with mild to severe physical and/or learning dis- ize an international workcamp, Dobojska tvrða, as a part abilities on a day time recreational scheme Children’s dis- of a spectacle, “Cultural summer in Doboj fortress”. The abilities will vary but may include both communication main job of the volunteers will be everyday performances and behavioural difficulties. Some children will be wheel- in concerts with cultural and art content. The workcamp chair users. Vols will work in different locations across will include artistic expression in wood. We need musi- the city and children's Respite Units. There are usually cians, theatre and dancing groups! Age limit is 18-30 years. 20 children on a scheme per day and a much smaller number in the Units. Vols will be matched to individual BA-YCL-9-3 17-Jul to 29-Jul children and support that young person through the day, Ex-yu rocks!, Banja Luka Art/Cult/Hist 15 vols by encouraging and assisting them to take part in the “Ex-Yu Rocks!“ is a unique, multi-ethnic and integrational range of activities on offer, and helping children at . youth event (music festival) which has been held in dif- Vols will work alongside project staff and local volunteers ferent parts of Bosnia since 1996. Krupa na Vrbasu is 20 and will not be involved in personal care of the children. km from Banja Luka, in the beautiful valley of river Vrbas. Study: An insight into Disability Awareness. Accommoda- The main job of the volunteers will be the preparation of tion: Hostel. Needs good spoken English. Willingness and facilities for the festival, helping local people with indoor energy to motivate and encourage the children.. Signed work, maintaining hygiene during the festival and helping declaration and references required. with the preparation of food. Volunteers will have chance to participate in different workshops (short film, graffiti, UK-ENG 5.3 15-Jun to 30-Jun skateboarding, applied art). Accom.: In tents. Needs fes- Children For Peace, Warrington, Cheshire (PVP) 8 vols tival and artistic skills! Age limit is 18-30 years. The Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball Young Peoples Peace Centre is committed to helping young people find peace- BRITAIN ful ways of dealing with conflict. Volunteers will learn IVS England how to deliver anti-bullying workshops working with 1000 UK-ENG 3.1 09-Jun to 23-Jun young people in their final year of Primary School (aged Non Violence In Practice, Coventry (PVP) 6 vols 11), an age when many young people are vulnerable to Coventry Peace House is a peace and environmental cen- bullying. A range of methodologies will be used including tre and a housing co-operative. It was set up in 1999 and a professional theatre production and active participa- over the past few years has been developing it's role as a tion. Volunteers must have the confidence to run work- 21 shops for up to 20 participants. Training and ongoing sup- week volunteers will help to prepare and decorate the port will be provided by staff. A secondary part of the 160-acre site. The work will mostly be fairly manual and work will be visiting local schools which will take on an of a practical nature. During the second (festival) week, international theme. Study : The nature of conflict and vols will help out with different activities around the site conflict resolution. High standard residential at the Peace as needed. There will be plenty of opportunities for vols Centre. Needs excellent spoken English. Teaching/com- take part in festival activities between work shifts. Study: munity youth work experience useful. Signed declara- Green and holistic lifestyles. Accom Tents on site. tion and references required. Website: www.big-green-gathering.com

UK-ENG 6.1 22-Jun to 07-Jul UK ENG 11.2 02-Aug to 13-Aug Grayhill Living History, Chepstow 8-10 vols One World Event, Sevenoaks, Kent 15 vols The Grayhill Living history project works on restoring an 15 Sci vols + local vols/other int vols One World is a week- abandoned piece of land and farm buildings to how they long summer event which runs this year from the 06.08 – were hundreds of years ago in the 17th century for use 12.08.07 The event offers a range of workshops and lec- as an educational resource. Practical outdoor work on a tures exploring different approaches to life on holistic beautiful, ancient, isolated farm. This can involve restor- themes e.g. natural movement and dance, exercise for ing both the simple farm buildings and working on the physical and spiritual development, therapies for health gardens, orchards and land. This year the main tasks will and well being, arts, crafts and sports. There is a strong be working on the construction of a period dye house in emphasis on macrobiotic cooking. Around 850 people are stone in the first week. In the second week volunteers expected to take part in the event. Work: The 15 SCI will take part in the costumed 17 Century Living History volunteers will be a small group within a total number of event for local schools and visitors at the project site. 100 volunteers working at the event. You will help with Study : English history of the common people before 1660. the smooth running of different workshop areas around Accom. In tents (share or bring your own) and very basic the event site e.g. children's area, I.T. suite, stewarding, conditions as in 17 Century conditions. There is also the security. Volunteers will work for around 6 hours a day. chance to visit the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival which SCI volunteers may also spend some time working on a takes place 07-08/07/2007 after the project ends. presentation for the end of the project which will have a cultural theme. During free time volunteers will be able UK-ENG 6.2 17-Aug to 26-Aug to take part in workshops or activities of their choice or Northern Naturefriends, Halifax, West Yorkshire 15 simply enjoy the beautiful countryside as well as a group vols excursion. Study: Holistic lifestyles. Accom. In tents on This will be the 10th anniversary of Northern Naturefriends site. Meals provided mostly organic, vegetarian, vegan or summercamp at Cunnery Woods where we are turning macrobiotic. Please note there will be very little fish and old plant nurseries of a Tudor manor house, Shibden dairy and no meat. Volunteers must be motivated to work Hall, into an urban Eco-Park and Nature Reserve for use hard to make the event a success, be enthusiastic and by local community and school groups. The park was have some understanding of macrobiotics. Please add opened to the public 4 years ago but continued mainte- motivation letter when applying. nance is needed. Vols will work in small teams of 4-6 along- I side Naturefriend volunteers doing various tasks around VS Great Britain (Scotland) the reserve. Teams will rotate so everyone has a chance UK-SCO 6.1 26-May to 05-Jun to have a go at each activity. The work is physically quite Earth Connections Centre, Isle Of Eigg 10 vols demanding so a reasonable level of fitness is required. The Earth Connections Centre is a new sustainable en- Vols must enjoy manual and team work! Repairing the ergy education centre which aims to reconnect people traditional stone wall and post and rail fence which sur- with the earth by providing wilderness experiences, rounds the park. Some habitat management e.g. weed- courses and practical workshops on sustainability issues. ing the pond, footpaths and clearing non native plants. The Centre is being converted from an old lodge house Study: How industrial heritage affects conservation to- and will become an eco-friendly visitor centre. Come and day. Shared bunk rooms in a Scout and Guide Centre, help to build a solar water heater, work in the organic which has a sports ground, archery facilities and fire pits garden, help with the fruit and nut trees and create for evening bonfires. Needs interest in the environment veggie beds. There will be theory as well as practical and a sense of fun! 2 days leisure visiting local places of work on renewable energy, growing food, and workshops interest. in non-violence, co-operative games/work and campaign- ing. Accom in a small cottage with hot water, gas, no UK-ENG 11.1 23-Jul to 06-Aug electricity. Eigg is a beautiful island off the west coast of Big Green Gathering, Weston Super Mare, Somerset 15 Scotland : for info about Eigg see http:// vols www.isleofeigg.org/ The Big Green Gathering is a wonderful ecological festi- UK-SCO 6.3 15-Sep to 29-Sep val which has been running since 1994. It has become Leckmelm Farm II, Ullapool 6 vols one of the largest ecological outdoor events exploring The project is based on Leckmelm Farm, south of Ullapool, green lifestyles and sustainable ways of living. This year, in a particularly beautiful part of NW Scotland. Earth the festival runs from 1 - 5 August 07. The gathering is Tribe Organics aims to develop an organic market garden supported by different NGOs and includes space for a using permaculture design. The aim of the project is host of various workshops, music and entertainment, arts ecosystem enhancement. The work will be revolve around and crafts, therapies, technology etc all exploring more multiple tasks to conserve and restore the surrounding sustainable lifestyles. Help is required to prepare and eco-system: clearing bushes, beach clean, planting or- set up the site, and to maintain the facilities during the ganic seeds, working in the organic market garden and main event when it is open to the public. During the first dry-stone walling. Study :Permaculture design and eco- system enhancement. Accom. in a holiday cottage. Info 22 about Ullapool see http://www.ullapool.co.uk/ One World Summer Camp, near Newton Stewart, Dum- UK-SCO 6.4 14-Jul to 26-Jul fries and Galloway 12 vols Fair Isle, Shetland 10 vols One World Camp is a week-long summer festival on work- One of the most isolated inhabited islands in Britain, Fair shops and lectures on a range of therapies, natural move- Isle lies about half-way between the Orkney and Shet- ment and dance forms, exercise for physical and spiritual land Islands. Famous for its rugged and spectacular rising development, holistic health, arts, crafts and sports, as cliffs, vast seabird colonies and intricate colourful knit- well as specialist areas such as natural cookery. Around ting patterns, Fair Isle also harbours a thriving crofting 150 people are expected to take part in the festival. Work: community. Volunteers will be invited to get involved Part of a team of 20 volunteers helping set up and run with all aspects of community life. Volunteers will help the festival. Assisting with workshops, supervising chil- with community activities such as shearing sheep and dren, stewarding, security and also dismantling the fes- other aspects of croft work. The majority of the activi- tival at the end of the project. Work may be in shifts. ties will be outdoors so volunteers should be prepared Volunteers will work for around 6 hours a day. Study : for some moderately hard work and for the variable Fair During free time volunteers will be able to take part in Isle weather. Comfortable accom. in The Puffin Basecamp. workshops or activities of their choice. Accom. In tents As Fair Isle is a remote Island, there are extra costs/ on site, with toilet and shower facilities provided. Volun- time/ferry bookings involved in travelling there. No phone teers must bring warm sleeping bags and roll mats. Three except Vodaphone mobile reception, no ATM machines. healthy meals a day will be provided which will be mostly vegetarian, or macrobiotic. Volunteers must be motivated UK-SCO 6.5 01-Sep to 18-Sep to work hard to make the festival a success, be enthusi- Talamh I, Coalburn, Lanarkshire 10 vols astic and be in tune with the spirit of the festival. A Talamh Life Centre is an environmental education char- certificate of good conduct is necessary for those wish- ity, 25 miles south of Glasgow. The Centre is staffed and ing to work with children. Please note there will be no run by a core group of volunteers who also live at the meat in the food available. Visit www.macrobios.com/ centre as Talamh Housing Co-op. The co-operative lives concordia for further information. in as low impact way as possible, which makes Talamh a living, working model of sustainability. Volunteers will help BULGARIA with the plum harvest, take plums to market and make wine and jam. There will also be work in the organic BG-CVS 5.2 15-Aug to 30-Aug garden involving permaculture methods We provide work- Ludogorie (Isperih) 8 vols shops and courses in various aspects of sustainable living, The town of Isperih, is in NE Bulgaria. The project is or- such as permaculture, willow work, making bio-diesel and ganized in co-operation with the social home “Ludogorie” much more. We work closely with other local groups, in Isperih for children without parents, poor families, or organisations and schools on a range of environmental neglected children. The group consists of 40 children projects, and to raise awareness of global issues. Fairly aged 5-19. The main task will be to organize the free time comfortable accom. Needs insect repellent, footwear/ of the children on their summer holiday: organize crea- clothes for mountains. tive workshops, excursions, sports and other games and will help with light construction work to improve some of UK-SCO 6.6 Dates not fixed the facilities of the home. Study: Presentation of local Camphill Blair Drummomd, Stirling history and cultural heritage. One day excursion to the Camphill Blair Drummond is a home and a place of work Sveshtari village (5 km from Isperih): visit to an ancient for young adults with a learning disability. Volunteer co- Thracian grave and the nearby mineral springs. The vols workers live with residents in small group housing and all are expected to contribute with the expenses. Needs are supported and enabled by the other staff to develop interest in working with children and good motivation. their skills in the individual, social, and work spheres. Vols over 20 years old. The community provides a cultural and social life for all who live here. Workshops provide meaningful work for BG-CVS 5.3 06-Aug to 19-Aug people including the daily production in our bakery and, Kichevo 6 vols organic vegetables and fruits in our gardens. Other work- The Kichevo village, Varna municipality, is in beautiful NE shops include craft, woodwork, basketry, and a transi- Bulgaria. The project is organized in co-operation with tional group where people are helped to acquire or de- the “Centre for Temporary Accommodation – Family Type” velop skills that help enable workshop participation. Work and will take place in the boarding-house of the children : Building a yurt. complex “Faith, Hope and Love”. The group consists of UK-SCO 11.1 21-Jul to 28-Jul 25 children aged 7-13 from Bulgarian and Roma communi- Scottish Churches House, Dunblane 12 vols ties. These children come from families that live in pov- Scottish Churches House is a conference centre belong- erty and social isolation. Vols are expected to actively ing to all the Scottish churches together. It was created participate and organize the free time of the children, at the end of 1950s out of the conversion of some 18th organize creative workshops, excursions, concerts, sports century cottages on the Cathedral Square in Dunblane, and outdoor activities. They will also help with the cleaning with a large, secluded garden and mediaeval chapel be- of the living area. The volunteers will have the opportu- hind the house. Work :reviving the international workcamp nity to learn about the rich cultural heritage of the re- tradition including gardening, wall-building, interior deco- gion, sightseeing and will be expected to present their rating, internal and external wood and metalwork paint- national traditions to the local people. Desirable to have ing and maintenance work. Study : Theology, arts and some experience with working with children or psychol- counter-culture. Comfortable accom.in the main house. ogy. Vols over 20 years old.

UK-SCO 11.2 23-May to 03 Jun BG- CVS 6.1 25-Jun to 08-Jul 23 Eco Center Vlahi 1 (Vlahi village) 10 vols friendly tourist infrastructure, such as wooden signs, BG- CVS 6.2 06-Aug to 19-Aug plates and sheds. Archaeological excavations, conserva- Eco Center Vlahi 2 Vlahi village) 10 vols tion or restoration are NOT planned. Study: Presenta- BG- CVS 6.3 10-Sep to 23-Sep tion of the local cultural heritage and bio-diversity. Needs Eco Center Vlahi 3 (Vlahi village) 10 vols interest in cultural heritage protection. A: Rooms in the Vlahi village is in the west part of Pirin Mountain, close local houses in the village, decent sanitary conditions, to Pirin National Park, part of the Natural Heritage Pro- incl. baths. Food and catering are provided, primarily lo- gramme of UNESCO. The aim of the project is to build an cal (vegetarian food available). Eco-center, which will serve as:center for environmental BG-CVS 10.1 29-Jul to 12-Aug education for children, pupils, students, and promote Giginski Monastery (Gigintzi village) 10 vols eco-tourism and work for the sustainable use of the natu- BG-CVS 10.2 02-Sep to 15-Sep ral resources. Tthe vols will collect stones for the dry Giginski Monastery (Gigintzi village) 10 vols stone wall in the garden, plastering with clay, building of The monastery “St. St. Cozma and Damyan” is in the mu- an entrance space, and other activities, completing the nicipality of Breznik, W Bulgaria 50 km from Sofia. This is a renovation process. (In 6.3, final activities for completing very remote and quiet place embedded in the beautiful the renovation process and will prepare the grand open- landscape of the Cherna Gora mountain. The aim of the ing of the center (15/9). Study : presentation of the lo- project is to create better life conditions in the monas- cal bio-diversity and cultural heritage Accom. Tents or tery, which is inhabited by a few monks and novices who on the floor in the house. Very simple conditions. Be are trying to bring new life to the place. They grow their prepared for hard physical work. own food in the monastery garden and tend to the ani- BG-CVS 6.4 17-Jun to 30-Jun mals. The vols will help with the construction of an addi- Garvan Marshlands (Garvan Village) 8 vols tional facility in the monastery, prepare winter supplies, The Garvan village, Silistra Municipality, is in NE Bulgaria a gather hay etc. They could also contribute to the every- few km from the Danube river. The main objective of the day tasks of the monastery (work in the small farm and project is the conservation of biodiversity in the pro- attend to the garden). Study: Presentation of the local tected area of the marshlands and the creation of the cultural heritage, excursions in the region. They will have necessary conditions for the survival of a variety of ani- the possibility to learn how to knead , beat butter, mal species and also strengthen public interest towards and prepare yoghurt and cheese. Very simple conditions, the preservation of biodiversity in the region. The main no electricity or telephone. Simple, mainly organic food. task will be cleaning the area around the marshlands. Needs respect for the rules within the monastery and to With part of the gathered materials volunteers will make spend two weeks in a very remote place far from any several positions for bird-feeding. The volunteers will also village or public transport; interest in cultural learning, creatively construct small bird houses with wholly natu- religion studies, orthodox music, the history of the re- ral materials and then will help with placing them in the gion. specified areas in the forest. Study: Introduction to the local traditions and history of the Garvan village. CROATIA Volunteers Centre Zagreb BG-CVS 6.5 17-Jun to 30-Jun Enviroment Lower Danube (Vetren village) 8 vols HR-VCZ 6.1 TKON (Island of Pašman) Vetren village, Silistra municipality, is NE Bulgaria close to 12/5-26/5 10 vols the Danube river. The vols will prepare the place before W: The island of Pašman (63km2, 65km of irregular coast- the arrival of the yearly international Danube regatta. line), belongs to the Zadar island group. The island's well- The village is the last stop of the regatta. The project preserved landscape features many species of medicinal aims to solve a concrete environmental problem and also and aromatic herbs, vineyards, fields and olive groves. public interest towards the preservation of biodiversity The camp has been organized for the second time in in the region. The main task will be cleaning the area cooperation with TRS Association which aims at improv- around the gully, painting and reconstruction of the sani- ing the quality of life on the island. Volunteers will work tary premises made from wooden materials on the Dan- on clearing garbage off the beach. They will also help to ube riverside. The vols will also help with the construc- renovate a local fort by cleaning and marking the 3-me- tion of resting places in the village and on the riverside: tre-long path which leads to the top (1000m). Local com- wooden benches, waste baskets, fireplaces. Study:: In- munity will help volunteers in their work. troduction to local traditions and history of the village. A: Daruvar Resort, Ugrnic Needs interest in environmental protection L: English BG-CVS 9.1 10-Jun to 23-Jun T: Zadar Shtit Village 10 vols HR-VCZ 6.2 TRPANJ (Pelješac Peninsula) Shtit village, municipality of Svilengrad, is in the Sakar 20/5-2/6 13 vols Mountain close to the Bulgarian border with Turkey and Greece. The place abounds with monuments from the W: Trpanj is one of the oldest settlements on the Pelješac past, mostly from Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The Peninsula, an oasis of crystalline sea and untouched na- whole mountain and particularly the area around Shtit is ture. The camp has been organized for the second time the natural habitat of a variety of protected species, in cooperation with local Tourist Board and Municipality. most notably the endangered Imperial Eagle (Aquila Volunteers will work on clearing and marking a path which heliaca). The aim of the project is to facilitate and im- leads to the top of a small hill in the Trpanj municipality. prove the access of tourists to the cultural heritage They will also work on clearing garbage off the beach, monuments. 2 types of work: cleaning the area around local playground and other town locations. Local youth/ the monuments, as well as the pedestrian routes to them; people will also participate. Study part and free time: the second relates to building light and environmental local history and cultural heritage; fishing. 24 A: Tourist camp. Toilets and showers are available. Tents L: English and sleeping bags are necessary. T: Split L: English X: Since the main tasks and activities are aimed at chil- T: Ploce dren, volunteers should send a motivation letter with a HR-VCZ 6.3 KUKLJCA (Island of Ugljan) short description of their skills and qualifications and 2 16/6-2/7 10 vols references along with their application form. A police statement certifying that volunteer has not been pun- W: The island of Ugljan (52km2, 75 km of irregular coast- ished is also required. line) lies just a few nautical miles off-shore from Zadar. It is covered by evergreen pine forests, macchia, fig trees, HR-VCZ 6.4 ŠOLTA SOLAR ACADEMY (Island of Šolta) vineyards and olive groves. The camp is organized for the 24/6-3/8 18+20 vols first time in cooperation with a new local association W: The island of Šolta is one-hour boat ride off Split. The which aims to spread out the idea of voluntary work. camp is organized in cooperation with Zelena akcija Volunteers will work on clearing and marking paths, envi- (Green Action). Volunteers will renovate abandoned mili- ronmental clean-up and maintenance of Kukljaca seaside. tary barracks which will serve in future as an educational Local people will help volunteers during the activities. centre in the field of renewable energy sources, energy Extra (funny) activities, organized by local community, are efficiency and general environmental activism. The camp foreseen. site is 50 min from the sea side by foot. A: In a school in Kukljica. A: Refurbished rooms with beds, mattresses and linen. L: English Sleeping bag is not necessary. T: Zadar L: English HR-VCZ 5.1 KUTINA T: Split 18/6-1/7 6 vols X: Motivation letter is required. Knowledge of environ- W: The camp has been organized for the sixth time in mental issues and technical/practical skills are desirable. cooperation with Kutina Youth Centre. With the help of HR-VCZ 6.5 LOVINAC 1 two experienced local persons, volunteers will organize 8/7-22/7 14 vols different activities and workshops for local children: danc- ing, acting, juggling, playing music... The camp will be W: Lovinac, part of the township of Gospic, is situated focused on street art and circus. It will include activities close to Velebit National Park. The camp has been suc- to entertain local people, tourists, passers-by and so on. cessfully organized for the fifth time in cooperation with The activities will take place not only in the streets but Lovinac Agricultural Cooperative but the entire local com- in closed spaces too. Local youth club will be also in- munity is involved in the project. Volunteers will work on cluded in activities. marking healing herbs educational paths and renovating A: Student dorm. bicycle paths. Local community will organize the work L: English and collaborate with volunteers. Possible excursions to T: Zagreb Mount Velebit, Plitvice Lakes and Adriatic Coast. X: Motivation letter required. A: Centre for day care and domestic help for senior citi- HR-VCZ 9.1 KAŠTEL KAMBELOVAC 1 (Split) zens. 25/6-4/7 8 vols L: English W: Located only 15km from Split on the beautiful Adriatic T: Zagreb coast, Kaštel Kambelovac is one of the 7 towns of the HR-VCZ 9.2 KAŠTEL KAMBELOVAC 2 (Split) Kaštela Bay characterized by medieval castles. The work 9/7-18/7 8 vols camp has been organized for the past three years. Volun- W: Located only 15km from Split on the beautiful Adriatic teers will help in organizing the 10th annual Dalmatia World coast, Kaštel Kambelovac is one of the 7 towns of the Music Festival, one of the biggest in the region. The main Kaštela Bay characterized by 7 medieval castles. The work tasks include preparation of traditional local food, jour- camp has been organized for the past three years. Volun- nalist assignments, building stages for concerts, buying teers will help in organizing the 10th annual Dalmatia World groceries, etc. Music Festival, one of the biggest in the region. The main A: Tourist camp in Kaštel Kambelovac, in tents. Sleeping tasks include preparation of traditional local food, jour- bags are necessary. nalist assignments, building stages for concerts, buying L: English groceries, etc. Q: At least 2 journalists and 2 photographers needed. A: Tourist camp in Kaštel Kambelovac, in tents. Sleeping T: Split bags are necessary. X: Motivation letter required. L: English Q: At least 2 journalists and 2 photographers needed. HR-VCZ 5.2 SUPETAR (Island of Brac) T: Split 7/7-21/7 8 vols X: Motivation letter required. W: The camp has been organized for the third time in cooperation with St. Anna Home for Children without HR-VCZ 6.6 GVOZD Parental Care from Vinkovci. Volunteers will organize work- Second half of July 5-8 vols shops for children from the Home on the following top- W: Gvozd is a small town situated in the beautiful land- ics: dancing, acting, drawing, jewellery-making, juggling, scape of central Croatia. The camp has been organized sports. Volunteers will also help in preparing daily meals for the past two years and volunteer efforts have been and occasionally spend time with children on the beach. aimed at improving the life of local community in coop- A: Food and accommodation will be arranged in a local eration with Suncokret Association. Volunteers will work children's home. Showers, toilets, sheets and blankets on beautification projects (murals and mosaics), environ- provided. mental clean-up and maintenance (taking care of a rose- 25 garden and park in the centre, fixing the playground, L: English clearing weeds and shrubs off the riverbanks, repairs etc.). T: Zagreb The camp also aims to animate and include the local youth and children. HR-VCZ 6.11 KUTEREVO KOPIJA 2 A: In a local school. 12/8-26/8 15 vols L: English W: Kuterevo is small village near Mount Velebit. The camp T: Zagreb is organized in cooperation with Kuterevo Association Q: Motivation letter required. which promotes ecology, sustainable development and HR-VCZ 6.7 MURA eco-tourism. The camp will take place in Brown Bear ENVI/ECO Refuge Centre. Volunteers will work on bear educational TO BE CONFIRMED path through Kuterevo highland hill-encircled valley. Free Second half of July 15 vols time: excursions to Adriatic Coast, Velebit Nature Park, W: The will be held for the third time in St. Martin on the the Gacka River and Velebit caves. Volunteers will also Mura, Medjimurje region in cooperation with Ecologist participate in cultural events in Kuterevo. Association EOL. Volunteers will work on reconstrution A: Volunteers' house. Sleeping bags are necessary. The of the floating river mill and cleaning of the River Mura. accommodation is very modest! A: School gym. Sleeping bags necessary. L: English. L: English T: Zagreb T: Zagreb X: 30 euro participation fee. X: Biologists and ecologists prefereble, but not strictly necessary. CZECH REPUBLIC DUHA Association-Cz HR-VCZ 6.8 KUTEREVO KOPIJA 1 CZ-DUH-6.1 17-Jun to 30-Jun 22/7-5/8 15 vols Kocvaruv Mlýn 20 vols W: Kuterevo is small village near Mount Velebit. The camp (To be confirmed). is organized in cooperation with Kuterevo Association Organized by Duha local group, with ecological theme, in which promotes ecology, sustainable development and the children’s campsite Kocvaruv Mlýn in Horní Mezirícko, eco-tourism. The camp will take place in Brown Bear southern Bohemia. The project is located in a fishing Refuge Centre. Volunteers will work on eco-theatre and protected area with many ponds, forests and creeks. Vol- education platform near volunteers’ station. Free time: unteers will help with cleaning of the creek and the for- excursions to Adriatic Coast, Velebit Nature Park, the est and preparing the children’s camp, due to take place Gacka River and Velebit caves. Volunteers will also par- from the beginning of July. Accommodation in tents with ticipate in cultural events in Kuterevo. wooden base, a wooden cabin for kitchen and living room. A: Volunteers' house. Sleeping bags are necessary. The accommodation is very modest! CZ-DUH-6.2 01-Aug to 15-Aug) L: English. Osinalice 10 vols T: Zagreb (Dates to be confirmed Project organized by civic asso- X: 30 euro participation fee. ciation DoNitra, will be held in a beautiful area of sand- stone rocks. Work will focus on ecological theme, volun- HR-VCZ 6.9 LOVINAC 2 teers will do some reconstruction work in garden and 23/7-4/8 14 vols orchard in a neighbourhood. Accommodation in a re- W: Lovinac, part of the township of Gospic, is situated constructed barn, in 4 rooms. Food mainly vegetarian. close to Velebit National Park. The camp has been suc- cessfully organized for the fifth time in cooperation with CZ-DUH-6.3 12-Aug to 26-Aug Lovinac Agricultural Cooperative but the entire local com- Brusov 14 vols munity is involved in the project. Volunteers will work on Run in conjunction with Expedice Natura, situated in a marking healing herbs educational paths and renovating natural protected area in North Bohemia, surrounded by bicycle paths. Local community will organize the work forest. Volunteers will maintain the buildings of a camp and collaborate with volunteers. Possible excursions to site and surrounding area, help with cleaning a nearby Mount Velebit, Plitvice Lakes and Adriatic Coast. reserve and forest. Work may be hard, experience with A: Centre for day care and domestic help for senior citi- manual work welcome! Accommodation in small huts, in- zens. sect repellent necessary. Wheelchair access difficult. L: English Traditional , vegetarians may find difficult. T: Zagreb CZ-DUH-6.4 02-Sep to 09-Sep HR-VCZ 6.10 SLATINA Rajnochovice 30 vols July/August 10 vols (to be confirmed) W: Slatina is a small town in Virovitica-Podravina Country Organized by Duha klub local group Dla•ka. Project will with some 12 000 inhabitants, surrounded by Mount Papuk be held in eastern Czech Republic (Moravia), where camps and the Drava River. The camp is organized in coopera- for children usually take place. 20 foreign volunteers tion with Krik Youth Centre. Volunteers will work on the and 10 Czechs will be clearing the neighbouring forest construction of outdoors stage in the town centre and and the camp site. Mainly sport and playing games dur- restoration of old furniture for a local museum. Free time: ing free time. possible excursions to Papuk Nature Park, Drava, horse riding. CZ-DUH-9.1 August A: NGO centre with all facilities. Sleeping bags are nec- MUDDUM 10 vols essary. (Dates to be fixed). Located in the centre of Prague, 26 Muddum is an NGO with a cultural space, opened in 2004. Manual help with cultural events. Seminars, meetings: Since then, many visual art courses have been run in Craftsmen handy making traditional products, meeting ceramics, photography, art-therapy, painting and others. with experts in rural and countryside revitalisation, local 5 Czech volunteers and 5 foreigners will work together folklore etc. A: Basic in community house, take your sleep- on combining ceramics with other art media. This will ing bag and light mat! Common cooking from local re- then be presented to the public. sources. CZ-DUH-11.1 01-Jul to 13-Jul SDA 104 PRCICE I 02/07 - 16/07 RENO/ENVI/ART 8 vols Náchod 20 vols The little town of Sedlec-Prcice lies in the valley called (to be confirmed). Organized by Modrá Strelka local group, Cesky Meran, between the towns Tachov and Benesov. A located close to the forest and castle city of Náchod. new infocentrum with a gallery, a regional museum and a See http://www.modrastrelka.duha.cz/zamek.htm for pic- relaxation garden called Atelier Prcice was opened here tures. Volunteers will do small adaptations at the camp last year.W: Theme: “Art in reality and looking for Genius site, building of stairs and fence surrounding the house. Loci“ – reconstruction work in the gallery, museum, in- Free time sport, hiking, outdoor activities, playing games, formation centre and museum shop (paintings and clean- sightseeing and culture are more than welcomed. Peo- ing). Work on the relaxation garden (terrain arrangements, ple can prepare their own theatre performance. No disa- decorating of walls, making mosaic), artistic workshops – bled access. architecture, design, ceramics, painting, drawing, pho- tography etc. A: In the Atelier which is situated just in CZ-DUH-11.2 31-Aug to 09-Sep the centre of the town. Take your sleeping bag and light Karlštejn 10 vols mat. and dinners will be made by volunteers (to be confirmed) Karlštejn is a small village in the valley themselves. in a restaurant. of the Berounka river, in a beautiful hilly landscape domi- SDA 105 OLBRAMOV 09/07 – 23/07 RENO/CONS 12 VOLS nated by a famous medieval castle. A Duha local group, The microregion Olbramov lies in Western Bohemia. It has rented a house and turned it into a Nature-friends nestles in a hilly landscape, formally it was Sudetten re- house which serves for backpackers, youth camps and gion with majority of German inhabitants who were evicted training courses. Volunteers will do jobs in the house from the country after II World war. The local people are such as painting furniture, cleaning the garden and the quite enthusiastic in rural revival and are very open-minded lands near the river. Free time exploring the protected and hospital, the nature is well preserved. W: Archeo- landscape area called Czech Karst, visiting Karlsteijn cas- logical works on a hill of Krasikov on the place of a medi- tle, canoeing on the river, one-day excursion to Prague. eval castle, manual work on the memorial of “peasant SDA 101KOSTELECKE HORKY I23/04 - 09/05 ENVI/RENO rebellion”. A: Basic conditions in a pre-school, take your 12 VOLS sleeping bag. Common cooking from local resources. Co- Kostelecke Horky in Eastern Bohemia is a small village with operation: The camp is organised in a co-operation with about 150 inhabitants situated in the rolling landscape a local civil society “Help yourself”. between Divoka and Ticha Orlice rivers. It is situated in SDA 106 UHERSKY OSTROH 21/07-04/08 RENO/CULT North Eastern Bohemia, not far from the town Hradec 8VOLS Kralove, 6 km from the important railway junction Chocen. LO: Slovacko region in South Moravia, border region - You will help local NGO INEX – SDA Kostelecke Horky. W: region with strong traditional feelings and customs. W: Outdoors – cleaning the forest, tree planting, various spring Reconstruction work on parts of the castle in Uhersky works in the garden. Be prepared to work in all types of Ostroh, help with folklore - cultural events in weather.A: Basic in a former village school (bathroom, town.Leisure activities: Trips in towns, nature, folklore- hot water available), sleeping bag needed. Cooking to- cultural events. A/F: House of children leisure centre - gether from local and common resources in a school in a town centre, take your sleeping bag and light mat! kitchen.Leisure activities: Traditional folklore event – Cooking together, small kitchen available in the house. “burning of witches” (1.5), possibility to participate at SDA 107 OAZA 21/07 – 03/08 RENO/CONS VOLS 15 theatre performance, bring your music instruments. Small village Skalice nad Svitavou about 35km north from SDA 102 MEZNO 18/06 – 01/07 14 VOLS Brno, Capital of Moravia. Nearest town is Boskovice with The little village called Mezno lies about 70 km south from beautiful countryside and rich history. W: Volunteers will Prague. There are about 250 people living in Mezno and help with reconstruction work of cultural hall in the vil- attached villages. Volunteers will have a chance to expe- lage (cleaning, painting) and construct purification zone rience the life in an average Czech village. The purpose of a biotope (natural swimming pool). Leisure activities: of this camp is to bring “the world to Mezno”.W: Volun- Trips in the area (caves, castles, nature sightseeing), col- teers will help with cultivation of public places in Mezno lective discussions, party and lectures with local people. and surrounded villages and with organization of two lo- A: In a reconstructed mill, cooking together from com- cal events: “The kid’s day 2007” and a local variant of mon resources. Take your sleeping bag. “The games without boarders 2007” which for the fifth SDA 108 PRCICE II 30/07-13/08 RENO/ENVI VOLS 8 time will give an opportunity to neighbouring villages to The little town of Sedlec-Prcice lies in the valley called compete in funny games. Cesky Meran, between the towns Tachov and Benesov. A A: In a local “firehouse”. Take your sleeping bag and light new infocentrum with a galery, a regional museum and a mat. Meals will be partly prepared, partly made by par- relaxation garden called Atelier Prcice was opened here ticipants. last year. W: Volunteers will help with the reconstruc- SDA 103 MODRA 29/06 – 10/07 ARCH/CONS 10 Vols tions, paintings and cleaning of the Atelier. They will also The traditional viniculture village in Southern Moravia, work on the relaxation garden (e.g. planting trees). A: In near the Velehrad town, 6km from the Uherske Hradiste the Atelier which stands just in the centre of the town. town.W: Work outdoors in archeological skansen (digs), Take your sleeping bag and light mat. Breakfasts and din- construction of a historical museum of Slovanian houses ners will be made by volunteers themselves. Lunches in a from wood, bushes, hay and other natural materials. restaurant. Leisure activities: Trips to castles of Konopiste, 27 Vrchotovy Janovice, historical towns of Tabor and Pisek, the result of eviction of the Sudeten German inhabitants horse farm, outdoor museum Vysoký Chlumec. and of the communist bad will (castle was several times SDA 109 SVOJSIN 20/08-02/09 RENO/ENVI VOLS: 10Svojsin set on fire on purpose). The castle is near town of Sokolov is an ancient village located in Western Bohemia 40km in Western Bohemia. W: Work within the castle area: re- west from world capital of beer Pilsen (Plzen). This vil- moving rubble and stones within the castle site, arrang- lage was founded in the 12th century during the first ing of the paths and castle environment. Demanding colonisation of low settled regions in Bohemia. This re- manual work. A: In the castle area in tents, near by a gion has a very long and striking history. Czech, German river. Take your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants and Jewish people were living here for centuries. But will cook from common resources (bought food) in the many things changed during and after the Second World kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility to meet depu- War. W: Renovation of castle park and courtyard, cutting ties, to meet people from Nature Protection Association, off invasive plants, help in castle park in Svojsin. A: In from Czech NGO’s. Opportunity to meet Czech-German chateau, bring your sleeping bag and light mat. Meats (Sudeten) questions. Note: See more info about the camp will be partly prepared, partly made by participants.Note: on http://hartenberg.jinak.cz See pictures on www.svojsin.cz SDA 203 CIMBURK I 01/07 – 22/07 RENO/ARCH VOLS 12 SDA 110 DYSINA 27/08-14/09 MANU/ENVI/CULT VOLS 8Lit- The Cimburk castle is situated 4 km from the small town tle village of Dysina in western Bohemia near the city of Korycany (Southern Moravia, Kromeriz district). It is al- Pilsen. W: Manual work on village public spaces and park, most lost in the forest of Chriby mountains, quite far at the end of workcamp will be folk - culture festival in away from civilization. The castle was founded in the 14th the village, volunteers will help with technical organiza- century and abandoned in 1705. Now you can find only tion. A: Volunteers will be accommodated in the school ruins which forms significant dominant feature in the lovely and meals will be served in the school canteen. Take countryside. W: You will help with securing castle static. your sleeping bag. The kind of work is various: clearing walls from vegeta- SDA 111 KOSTELECKE HORKY II 03/09-19/09 ENVI/CONS tion, building walls of stones, painting, auxiliary building VOLS 8 activities, sorting archaeological material.Seminars, meet- Kostelecke Horky in Eastern Bohemia is a small village with ings: Trips to the surrounding countryside, visiting of about 150 inhabitants situated in the rolling landscape nearby historical monuments (Velehrad monastery, between Divoka and Ticha Orlice rivers. It is situated in Buchlov castle), rock climbing.A: Right in the castle bas- North Eastern Bohemia, not far from the town Hradec tion (take your sleeping bag and light mat). Cooking to- Kralove, 6 km from the important railway junction Chocen. gether from common resources. The shower is procured You will help local NGO INEX – SDA Kostelecke Horky. W: at a nearby swimming pool (2 km). Note: We are working Autumn gardening, collecting of fruits and preparing prod- even if it’s raining. Accommodation is rather uncomfort- ucts (apple juice). Work for village benefit: cleaning pub- able. Good choice for people, who are fond of medieval lic areas, wood making for winter, reconstruction work kind of living. in a Centre. A: Basic in a former village school (bathroom, SDA 204 BECOV 9/07-21/07 ENVI/RENO 10volsHistorical hot water available), sleeping bag needed. Cooking to- town Becov and its big castle lies on the river Tepla in gether from local and common resources in a school the natural preserved area Sladkovsky forest. The near- kitchen. est big town is Sokolov in West of Bohemia. W: Terrain SDA 201 HARTENBERG ARCHEO 16/06 – 30/06 RENO/ARCH arrangements of watch-out place, work in forest, cut- VOLS 14 ting invasive plants, arranging of the paths and castle en- Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected castle park, river, vironment, a bit of archaeology digs. A: In the youth dor- forest, fairly tale valley. Area rich in interesting animals mitory. The meals will be partly served in a canteen, partly and plants. The amazing history of the castle goes back prepared by the volunteers from the common resources to the 13th century, current sad state of the castle is in the dorm kitchen. Note: You can see pictures of the the result of eviction of the Sudeten German inhabitants castle on: www.becovnadteplou.wz.cz and town info on and of the communist bad will (castle was several times www.becov.cz set on fire on purpose). The castle is near town of Sokolov SDA 205 MIKULCICE 08/07-21/07 ARCH 6 vols in Western Bohemia. W: Archaeological work is at the Small South-Moravian town, between Hodonin and Breclav. beginning by now but it shows interesting situations and W: Archaeological digs in frame of archaeological research valuable artefacts. Volunteers will make exploring coil and of Czech Academy of Science. Period of digs – 8.-9. cen- some prepare works. They will work under the expert tury. Work includes also terrain arrangements of the area lead of local archaeological institution. This will be first of National Cultural Monument "Valy" near Mikulcice. A: archaeological workcamp on Hartenberg castle. The work In archaeological base right on the spot. Take your sleep- is rather hard. A/F: In the castle area in tents, near by a ing bag. Cooking partly together, partly the will be river. Take your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants served ready. will cook from common resources (bought food) in the SDA 206 HARTENBERG II 14/07-28/7 RENO/HIST VOLS kitchen.Seminars, meetings: Possibility to meet deputies, 16Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected castle park, river, to meet people from Nature Protection Association, from forest, fairly tale valley. Area rich in interesting animals Czech NGO’s. Opportunity to meet Czech-German and plants. The amazing history of the castle goes back (Sudeten) questions. Note: See more info about the camp to the 13th century, current sad state of the castle is on http://hartenberg.jinak.cz the result of eviction of the Sudeten German inhabitants SDA 202 HARTENBERG I 30/06 – 14/07 RENO/HIST VOLS and of the communist bad will (castle was several times 16 set on fire on purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected castle park, river, Western Bohemia. W: Work within the castle area: remov- forest, fairly tale valley. Area rich in interesting animals ing rubble and stones within the castle site, arranging of and plants. The amazing history of the castle goes back the paths and castle environment. Demanding manual work. to the 13th century, current sad state of the castle is A: In the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take your 28 sleeping bag and light mat. Participants will cook from can find more info on the English page www.holesov.cz common resources (bought food) in the kitchenSeminars, SDA 211 HARTENBERG ART 28/07-11/08 ART/HIST VOLS meetings: Possibility to meet deputies, to meet people 16 from Nature Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s. Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected castle park, river, Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten) questions. forest, fairly tale valley. Area rich in interesting animals Note: See more info about the camp on http:// and plants. The amazing history of the castle goes back hartenberg.jinak.cz to the 13th century, current sad state of the castle is SDA 207 KYNZVART 14/07-27/07 RENO/ENVI VOLS 11Fa- the result of eviction of the Sudeten German inhabitants mous castle Kynzvart (Zamek Kynzvart) in 19th century and of the communist bad will (castle was several times belonged to the councillor Metternich. You will find the set on fire on purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in castle in westernmost corner of the Czech Republic - Western Bohemia. W: Last year there was first art region of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), district of Cheb, in the workcamp on Hartenberg, group of volunteers worked so-called "spa triangle" Karlovy Vary - Marianske Lazne - on drawing- documentation of castle and surrounding. Frantiskovy Lazne, at the town of Lazne Kynzvart, about This collection of drawings will be published at websites 11 km from Marianske Lazne (Marienbad). Around castle one month before this year’s workcamp together with there is a charming park. The amazing history of the cas- the description of this year theme and description of tle goes back to the 13th century. W: Work within the tools needed. This project is recommended to art feel- castle park, revitalisation of a park brook, cleaning of ing volunteers. A: In the castle area in tents, near by a historical stairs, repairs of and old green house, cutting river. Take your sleeping bag and light mat. Participants out invasive plants, removing wood after the calamity. A: will cook from common resources (bought food) in the In the castle area in a house. Take your sleeping bag and kitchen. Seminars, meetings: Possibility to meet depu- light mat. Bathroom and small kitchen available.Note: You ties, to meet people from Nature Protection Association, can find more info on www.kynzvart.cz from Czech NGO’s. Opportunity to meet Czech-German SDA 208 GRABSTEJN 16/07-29/07 RENO/HIST VOLS 10 (Sudetten) questions. Note: See more info about the camp Castle Grabstejn is situated near a small town called on http://hartenberg.jinak.cz Chotyne, in the north of the country. There is a special SDA 212 MALSE CASTLES 01/08 - 15/08 RENO/ENVI/ area for the training of military dogs under the castle. ARCH VOLS 15 Stay in the castle is quite romantic. W: Work is manual! In the South of Bohemia in Kaplice region historic ruins Volunteers will work 7 hours per day in the castle park. of castles around the Malse river are situated. The loca- Cutting and removing of the invasive vegetation within tion is the “gate” of Novohradske mountains and the near- the castle park, cleaning, arranging of the park paths, est big city is Ceske Budejovice. W: Installation of tourist building work. Less work in castle itself. A/F: In the cas- path, collection of stones for the renovation of the cas- tle, equipment and conditions are simple and just basic. tles, archaeological research. Take good terrain shoos! It is necessary to bring a sleeping bag, light mat and own A: On the farm, take your sleeping bag! Cooking together eating set! Volunteers will cook for themselves. Note: from common resources in the kitchen of the base. Lei- You can check out the web sites of the castle on: sure activities: Visiting different castles in the neighbour- www.grabstejn.info hood, natural reservations, Ceský Krumlov-UNESCO town, SDA 209 VOLSOVY 18/07-01/08 ENVI/RENO/ART VOLS rafting. 6Castle Volsovy is a former small fortress, rebuilt to ba- SDA 213 HARTENBERG III 18/08-01/09 RENO/HIST VOLS16 roque castle in 17th century. During the former socialis- Ruin of castle Hartenberg, neglected castle park, river, tic republic there have been many negative effects on it. forest, fairly tale valley. Area rich in interesting animals By now the castle serves as residence of local charity and plants. The amazing history of the castle goes back organization. There are many cultural events organised to the 13th century, current sad state of the castle is in castle. Near the castle is park with a river. W: Work is the result of eviction of the Sudeten German inhabitants manual! Cleaning work in park and castle (removing and of the communist bad will (castle was several times branches, cutting grass, bushes etc.). Small reconstruc- set on fire on purpose). The castle is near Sokolov in tion work (painting), help with preparation and during Western Bohemia. W: Work within the castle area: remov- the Sculptural workshop. Leisure activities: Participation ing rubble and stones within the castle site, arranging of at the workshop, building of water chime, participation the paths and castle environment. Demanding manual work. at seminar about voluntarism, possibility to prepare your A: In the castle area in tents, near by a river. Take your own performance (theatre, music etc.) A: In the castle sleeping bag and light mat. Participants will cook from (take your sleeping bag), meal will be partly prepared by common resources (bought food) in the kitchen. Semi- volunteers, partly served.Note: Unsuitable for alergics - nars, meetings: Possibility to meet deputies, to meet peo- dusty workplace. ple from Nature Protection Association, from Czech NGO’s. SDA 210 HOLESOV 27/07-10/08 CULT/RENO VOLS 8Small Opportunity to meet Czech-German (Sudeten) questions. Moravian town Holesov with huge pre-war Jewish com- Note: See more info about the camp on http:// munity destroyed during WW II. W: Within former Jewish hartenberg.jinak.cz cemetery, removing of invasive plants and bushes, clean- SDA 214 CIMBURK II 24/08-16/09 RENO/ARCH VOLS 12The ing of the spot, help with technical preparation of the Cimburk castle is situated 4 km from the small town festival of Jewish culture in Holesov. A: In an old smith Korycany (Southern Moravia, Kromeriz district). It is al- house in Holesov, sleeping bag and light mat necessary. most lost in the forest of Chriby mountains, quite far Cooking partly together from common sources, partly away from civilization. The castle was founded in the 14th meals ready. Seminars: Debates with Jewish community century and abandoned in 1705. Now you can find only members, prospects of current Jewish culture and com- ruins which form a significant dominant feature in the munity. Note: Project is realised in co-operation with lovely countryside. W: You will help with securing castle Federation of Jewish Communities of CR. Volunteers in- static. The kind of work is various: clearing walls from terested in the Jewish culture issue are welcomed. You vegetation, building walls of stones, painting, auxiliary 29 building activities, sorting archaeological material. A: Right system "Yoga in Daily Life". Trips, swimming in nearby quar- in the castle bastion (take your sleeping bag). Cooking ries, singing, camp fires. together from common resources. The shower is pro- SDA 305 SVITAVA 04/08-19/08 KIDS/EDU/FEST VOLS 12Mi- cured at nearby swimming pool (2 km). Seminars, meet- cro-region Svitava, which is consisting of several small vil- ings: Trips to surrounding countryside, visiting of nearby lages about 35 km north from Brno, Capital of Moravia. historical monuments (Velehrad monastery, Buchlov cas- Nearest town is Boskovice with beautiful countryside and tle), rock climbing. Note: We are working even if it’s rain- rich history. W: Volunteers will spend time with a group ing. Accommodation is rather uncomfortable. Good choice of children to teach them English (French) by playing the for people, who are fond of medieval kind of living. games and conversation. Besides, they will help with SDA 301 SKOLA HROU 30/06-14/07 KIDS/EDU/MANU VOLS preparation and organisation of multigenres festival which 10 is held at the end of the workcamp. A: In a reconstructed Village Cerna Hora about 30km north from Brno, Capital mill, cooking together from common resources. Take your of Moravia. Cerna Hora is well known in our region mainly sleeping bag. Leisure activities: Trips in the area (caves, because of its brewery found in 1530. There is also a castles, ruins, nature sightseeing), collective discussions, beautiful countryside in the neighbourhood and lot of partys and lectures with local people. Note: Experiences sightseeing. W: Volunteers will spend time with a group with children are highly recommended. Motivation letter of children to teach them English (French) by playing is required. games and conversation and will make trips with them. SDA 306 POD SMRKEM 12/09-23/09KIDS/CULT VOLS Chil- Beside they will help with some easy work in the village. dren camp is organized in Jindrichovice pod Smrkem, a A: In a summer camp, take your sleeping bag. Cooking village 130 km north of Prague near German border. This together from common resources. Leisure activities: Trips place is hidden behind mountain range and rather iso- in the area (caves, castles, nature sightseeing), collec- lated from the rest of the country. W: Small manual help tive discussions, playing games with locals. Note: Experi- (preparation of children camp site), but mainly work with ences with children highly recommended. Motivation let- children and youth in frame of summer camp (about 50 ter is required. children aged 7-15)) with the aim to realise cultural pro- SDA 302 TOGETHER AGAINST XENOPHOBIA 8/07-21/07 gram for public using national differences (dancing, sing- KIDS/SOCI VOLS 14 ( age 18 – 30 )Cesky Krumlov - quite ing, drama performance etc.). please take folk music or nice, small and friendly town form the 13th century (in typical music of your country with you, possibly video- UNESCO), situated in the South Bohemia, surrounded with tape. Help with organisation of children leisure. Second beautiful nature. Many cultural possibilities during the part is in a close town Nové Mesto pod Smrkem, where summer. volunteers will help again with children leisure in a Child W: During the first week the group of volunteers (com- Leisure Centre. A: In the bungalows within the children’s posed of international and local volunteers) will prepare camp, take your sleeping bag! Boarding together with educative workshops and theatre performance (non-ver- children.Note: For non-smokers preferably. Motivation bal, just with music) focused on the theme Xenophobia/ letter is required! Racism. During the second week will be the play and 4. PROGRAM "BRIDGES TO THE NATURE"SDA 401 workshops performed on children’s summer camps. Take CTYRLISTEK 24/06-07/07 ENVI VOLS 10Centre for eco- everything you think you should use for cool perform- logical education in Zlin town, South Moravian part of ance – like typical music, music instruments... A: Building the country. W: In a Landscape protected area, making of former pre-school. With beds, but sleeping bag is nec- the birds little wooden houses, springs and little rivers essary - also because of planned trips! Cooking together cleaning, outdoor environmental work. Bring rubber boots from common resources. Note: Motivation letter is re- along with you. A: In the club house, part of the gym quired!! In preference people interested in children, space available, kitchen and bathroom available. Sleeping theatre, social problems etc. bag and a light mat are necessary. Leisure: Hiking in a SDA 303 USTI NAD LABEM 09/07-22/07 RENO/KIDS VOLS beautiful landscape and protected area, visit in a eco- 10Usti nad Labem is a big town in North - West Bohemia farm, famous spa Luhacovice. Meetings the students, in- on the river Elbe where a big Gypsy minority lives. Living teractive lectures about ecology, games, fire and drums together with white majority leads in some cases to so- eveningsNote: You can find some info (only in Czech) on cial troubles. Co-operation: Foundation “Clovek v tisni” HTTP://WWW.EKO.ECN.CZ (“People in Need”) W: Reconstruction of the Community SDA 402 CESKY KRAS 07/07-21/07 ENVI VOLS 8LO: Land- Centre and organising leisure time for Gypsy children, scape protected area Cesky Kras in a Central Bohemia. singing, drawing, trips. Weekend trip with children to Limestone base forming considerable part of geological sand rocks. F: Volunteers will stay in a big room in the structure, is broken by karsts canyons and gorges and Community centre. They will prepare meals for them- drilled-through by caves. On the hillsides, it bears oak selves or will be boarded in Gypsy families. Seminars: Learn- groves with uniquely varied herb layer. Besides landscape ing about minority problems in the Czech Republic. Note: and aesthetic qualities, this area is also of big natural- Motivation letter is strictly required! science importance. And it was natural scientists of all SDA 304 ASRAM 04/08-17/08 ENVI/YOGA VOLS 12Asso- people who started to call it Czech Karst. W: In pro- ciation “Yoga in daily life” has it’s base in a little village of tected areas, mowing grass, marking trails for tourists, Strilky in Southern Moravia near the town of Kromeriz. terrain arrangements, black camping place cleaning, rub- W: Volunteers will live and work in the Yoga Centrum in a bish collecting, work in a forest. Be prepared to work in castle. Mainly they will work in the park and outside sur- any type of weather, even in rain! Take water-proof clothes roundings of the castle, e.g. gardening and cleaning. and boots.A/F: Basic accommodation in a cottage, no Motivation letter is required. A: In the castle, vegetarian running water – necessary to bring drinking and washing food only. Please notice that drugs and alcohol are strictly water. Sleeping bag and light mat is necessary. Common forbidden. Take your sleeping bag. Seminars, meetings: cooking.Leisure activities: Many trips and hiking in sur- For those who are interested in Yoga, in the particular rounding, castle Karlstejn, caves, lakes, muzeum of the 30 area. Note: Please find more info on http:// les (The Czech Forest) near the western border of our ceskras.schkocr.cz/info_eng.html country. The NOVA ZEME association is Czech partner of SDA 403 HALOUPKY 22/07-04/08 ENVI VOLS 8LO: Cen- European organisation Eurosolar (www.eurosolar.org). The tral part of Czech Republic, region called Highlands camp lies near Tachov, an old town with the population (Vysocina) near town Okrisky. It is a landscape of rolling of about 10 000 inhabitants, but the camp place is totally hills, woods and fields. Not far away are beautiful towns isolated from civilisation. W: Pruning trees and bushes, Trebic and Telc protected by UNESCO with many histori- mowing grass, fence building, wood preparation, care for cal sights. Centre for environmental education Chaloupky the camp place. A/F: In Tee-pees (Indian tents with a fire is situated in the country on the edge of a wood, near place in the middle) on wooden pads. Good sleeping bag small hamlet. The centre has spacious dormitories, din- is necessary (nights are cold, in the morning there could ing room, showers and sanitary facilities. W: You will have be a temperature around 0°C), blanket or carry mat, too the chance to be one of the group that will take part in (! but for your comfort it’s useful to bring two old sheets annual conservation works aimed to protect unique wa- which you sew together and then can be filled with hay). ter-lodged meadows situated in the hearth of Czech Re- Washing is possible just in a small “bath”, which was made public, in the region called Highlands (Vysocina). There in a small stream near the camp = very cold water. Strictly are unique plant and animal species that depend on an- only vegetarian food and we will prepare it ourselves. nual scything and hay making. And because no heavy ma- The eating set is necessary.Note: No drugs, no alcohol chinery can enter the meadows, we need brave volun- allowed!Leisure activities : Games, performances, ceram- teers interested in learning the old skills how to work ics, woodcarving, trips. An original pottery kiln and an with scythe as well as with rakes and pitchforks. It is Indian sauna available. We plan different excursions. hard but rewarding work. Also, there is other work that SDA 407 OPOCNO 02/09-14/09 ENVI VOLS 12LO: Opocno needs to be done around the buildings of the environ- is quite a small town, but pretty huge in cultural mean- mental education centre to make the education for the ing. There is a big castle of the Colloredo-Mansfeld aris- children more interesting. During your stay, you will ex- tocratic family and many tourists come during the sum- perience early morning get ups (about 4,30 a.m.) because mer months to visit it. The town is situated in Eastern of scything for some days, early morning nature, the Bohemia. The surrounding countryside has an atmosphere beauty of the region and you will get the chance see of low mountains covered with forests and is suitable for interesting places for yourselves. Waterproof shoes are trips and camping. W: Pruning trees and bushes, work necessary. A/F: In the building of the centre Chaloupky. arrangements on a local natural trail. In rainy weather Own sleeping bag is necessary. Centre for environmental panting. A/F: Near a lake Broumar in small chalets, beds education Chaloupky is situated in the country on the available. Cooking partly together, partly ready meals from edge of a wood, near small hamlet. The centre has spa- canteen. cious dormitories, dining room, showers and sanitary fa- SDA 408 NOVY PRALES 16/09-30/09 ENVI VOLS 13 LO: cilities Needed equipment: Sleeping bag, rubber boots Mountain range nearby a famous mountain Jested near (they are essential!), something to shelter your head. Liberec city, northern part of the country. Border re- Note: You can find more info on www.chaloupky.cz gion with Poland, mountains Jizerske hory in a vicinity of SDA 404 PRACHOV05/08-19/08 ENVI VOLS 6Location: Mu- Liberec city. Co-operation: With local NGO Friends for seum of Nature in a Landscape Protected Area Czech Nature Liberec W: Preparation work for tree planting and Paradise (Cesky raj) in Eastern Bohemia. W: In a museum the planting, cleaning the forest, moving the wood. The and its surrounding: garden and water tank for frogs ar- aim is to recover original mixed forests destroyed by rangements, painting, hey making in a orchid meadows, monoculture planting. Be prepare to work in all types of terrain arrangements. Board & accommodation: Tourist weather. Water-proof clothes and boots necessary. The hostel with normal equipment, you don’t need to bring work is manual and rather hard. A/F: Probably tourist hostel your sleeping bag. Boarding in a close restaurant. Lei- – will be specified later in an infosheet. Leisure activi- sure: Trips to the Paradise nature – sand rocks, castles, ties: Hiking in beautiful landscape, trips to Liberec and swimming, debates on an ecological topics.Note: Check other towns, ecological discussions. out more info on: www.ceskyraj.cz SDA 405 PALAVA 19/08 – 02/09 ENVI/KIDS VOLS 10 DENMARK LO: Centre for Ecological Education Palava, nearest his- toric town Mikulov right on a border with Austria. Fa- DK-MS 5.1 29-Jun to 13-Jul mous Moravian wine region. Palava is one of the most Tingbjerg Kids, Copenhagen Kids/Soci 8 vols beautiful natural protected area in Czech Republic. W: Many of the residents in the Tingbjerg-Utterslevhuse area Cleaning the meadows from invasive plants in protected (suburb of Copenhagen) are children (33%) with a non- areas, terrain arrangements on a natural educational trail, Danish cultural background (Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, Yu- activity for tourists, eco-leisure activity for children in a goslavia, , and Lebanon). Most of the children children camp (only few days). A: In a building of CHKO ( come from families with unemployed parents that speak Protected Natural Area ), take your sleeping bag and light poor Danish. These families have no network and very mat. Common cooking. Leisure activities: 1.9 is European little connection to Danish society in general. We think night of flitter mouse – you will take part in this event. that the ethnic diversity is a resource and we want to Many trips and hiking in surrounding, UNESCO landscape highlight that in this project. Work: The aim is to give the monument Lednice-Valtice area. Note: You can find more children shared experiences and insight into games, mu- info on www.palava.cz sic, food and movement from different cultures. Further- SDA 406 NOVA ZEME 27/08-14/09 ENVI VOLS 15LO:. The more, many of these children desperately need positive camp is organised in co-operation with the association interaction with adults. NB: motivation letter required - NOVA ZEME (New Land), which has already implemented that describes the volunteer’s experience in working with many summer activities in this abandoned (nearest village kids, and their thoughts and suggestions for concrete 11 km far) but exceptionally beautiful, hilly area of Cesky activities (games, music, sports, crafts etc.) 31 DK-MS 10.5 06-Aug to 26-Aug DK-MS 5.2 29-Jul to 23-Jul Christiania Democracy, Copenhagen Cons/Reno/Study Kids And Africa, Aarhus Kids 15 vols 15 vols Many of the residents in the Gellerup area (part of Aarhus) Christiania is an autonomous community started 33 years are children with a non-Danish cultural background (So- ago. It is an unparalleled example of human entrepre- malia, Iraq, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Morocco, and Lebanon). neurship and innovative spirit. The story of Christiania is Most of the children come from families where the par- colourful, long, and filled with battles, victories and de- ents have been unable to find work and speak poor Dan- feats the dreams endures. Still today, people from near ish. These families have no network and very little con- and far still feel attracted to the magical mixture of anar- nection to Danish society in general. We think that the chy and love of this community. The last few years, ethnic diversity is a resource and we want to highlight Christiania has been under great pressure from the gov- this through this project. Work: The aim is to give the ernment to have its communally owned land privatised. children (age: 6-10 years) shared experiences and insight The camp is an attempt to support and learn from in their own lives as well as the lives of other children in Christiania. Read more info at http://www.christiania.org/ this world. The overall theme will be Africa: Through games, main/lan.php?lan=gb ,and for the Guide at http:// music, drama, food and movement, we get to know the www.christiania.org/guide/?lan=gb&side=1. And check out African way of life. Many of these children desperately http://www.livingchristiania.blogspot.com/ for the blog need positive interaction with adults. NB: motivation let- of last year’s camp. Work: To assist the people at ter needed. Volunteers are expected to be interested in Christiania with various renovation and construction work working with children aged 6-10 years with different cul- tasks. The study part is to learn from Christiania’s demo- tural background. A general knowledge of and/or inter- cratic models and the life philosophies at Christiania. Mo- est in Africa would be good, but is not obligatory. Please tivation letter needed, describing is thoughts about how describe in the motivation letter ideas for activities with he/she can contribute to the project. Creative souls are kids and anything else you think relevant.. welcome!

DK-MS 2.3 14-Jul to 28-Jul DK-MS 11.6 09-Aug to 30-Aug Fair Trade Festival, Roenne Fest/Study 12 vols In Search Of The Commons, Denmark Art/Study 20 The Fair Trade Festival on the island of Bornholm started vols in 2005 and was a success, with several Danish and for- The aim of the camp is to identify what Danish culture eign world music and rock bands performing, and large has in common with cultures elsewhere from planet earth, sales of fair trade products from esp. Africa. It could be to increase mutual understanding. Intense interaction big this year with thousands of guests. Work: Practical with the Danish population, living and eating with Danish assistance with the events (concerts etc.).The camp will people sharing daily life. Transport mainly through hitch- contain a major study part about issues of fair trade and hiking, a good way to get to talk with local people. The trade policies and global justice. We also want to bring participants will throughout the project work intensively the concept of a fair trade festival to other countries. with the press, communicating their experiences. The Needs good English. Motivation letter required. Partici- conclusion of the project will be presented at a festival pants must be: 1) interested in trade and development in central Copenhagen. The workcamp is supported by a issues or 2) have experience from the labour market or team of experienced Danish volunteers. The camp will be from labour union organization work are encouraged to divided in teams that visit different parts of the country. apply. Starts in Copenhagen, but no permanent base, since they will constantly be on the search for hospitality providing DK-MS 8.4 23-Jul to 05-Aug them with lodging, meals and opportunities for exploring Moving A-Town, Copenhagen Art/Kids/Soci 10 vols the Danish cultures, finding common values. This even Albertslund North is a housing project consisting of 500 means sleeping in tents when necessary. It is important large apartments with large families, total 1900 persons. that the participants understand that the fact of not It is considered to be a “problematic” area with social having any means is seen as a means to get as close inter- problems, but the problems are not especially dramatic action with the Danish population as possible; – do not and the crime rate is not particularly high. It has low worry, the volunteers will never starve! Needs very good education levels, many unemployed at home, many pen- English.:Motivation letter needed. Age limit: 21+. Be open- sioners and early retired people. The workcamp supple- minded to different culture, a talker, a positive attitude, ments social work to animate the local population. The knock on doors, etc. Be ready to act on your own, ready work project is to use whatever methods to animate and for basic conditions, tent when necessary. The project do social and cultural activities with the ethnically di- will be hard work since you each day are on the move. verse population of a suburb with social problems. Both for kids and for families. The idea is to move the people, DK-MS 9.7 11-Aug to 01-Sep both physically and mentally. Some renovation and/or The World In A Straw Bale House, Brenderup Art/Cons/ construction activities might also be proposed. Needs Envi 18 vols determination. NB: motivation letter needed – describing Brenderup Folk High School is a Danish Folk High School, ideas for activities with the kids and youth and adults in like an international boarding school with Danish and for- the area. Ideas: sports, theatre, gymnastics, dancing, eign students. This year, the school is experimenting with games, yoga, cooking, cultural events/presentation from constructing a straw bale house which will become a home countries, showing/explaining why volunteering is house for music, dance and culture. The house stands a meaningful activity, doing spectacular public events etc. finished in its raw form. The vols will complete the house, NB: We also need a volunteer who can create a small doing plastering, painting etc. on the house. We also need video documentary film about the area and the workcamp. to plant small plants at the roof of the house! During the last week, the vols will decorate part of the house and 32 the surroundings in all sorts of creative ways – by paint- are provided, but please bring your sleeping bag. Toilets, ing, sculpting, bringing “cultural relics” from their home showers and sauna are available. There is a hall for per- countries for an international installation. Read more formances, open air stage, swimming pool, sport facilities about the school and the house at http:// for ball games, table tennis, bicycles, etc. Volunteers and www.brenderuphojskole.dk/filer/english.htm. Motivation participants will have their meals in the local café. letter required, describing 1) Your creative skills and 2) if Location you have interest in ecology and straw bale houses plus Camp takes place in Pariisi village, about 100 km from Tallinn 3) any other info to share. the capital of Estonia. Nearest towns are Rakvere (20km) and Tapa (15km). The picturesque area around the camp DK-MS 9.8 16-Aug to 30-Aug with many hills, streams, rivers and lakes is very suitable Connect 1, Copenhagen Fest 20 vols for hikes and bicycle tours. Famous Lahemaa National Park DK-MS 9.9 16-Aug to 30-Aug is about 20 km from the camp. More information on Connect 2, Copenhagen Fest 20 vols www.visitestonia.com , www.lahemaa.ee, www.rakvere.ee Connect is a new urban musical festival, focusing on the democratic challenges that people in the 3rd world face. Special requirements The festival also aims to show that in spite of desperate The minimum age of volunteers is 20. Good level of French, poverty, many young people take responsibility for their also a Motivation Letter is required!!! You should be re- own lives when they can get the opportunity. The work ally motivated to work with kids and teenagers. Previous will mostly be practical such as stage building, guard du- experience is an asset. All ideas of activities for young- ties, fence building, helping out in stalls etc - lots of sters, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring some mate- work. But there will also be time to join the programme rials, postcards, posters, maps, music, etc. from your of the festival (in Copenhagen, in Faelledparken,”The country. Leisure time:There are a lot of possibilities for Commons Park”) which features music, events, leisure time activities: swimming, hiking, sports, etc. Ex- theatre..…Be prepared for sometimes hard physical work. cursions to Lahemaa National Park and Rakvere are fore- seen. Besides you will have a lucky chance to celebrate Mid-Summer on 23.06, which is the biggest festivity in ESTONIA Estonia.

EE-EY 5.5 15-Jun to 29-Jun EE-EY 5.8 29-Jun to 13-Jul Down Town Kids I, Tallinn Edu/Kids 6 vols Down Town Eng I, Tallinn Edu/Kids 8 vols EE-EY 5.23 10-Aug to 24-Aug EE-EY 5.19 27-Jul to 10-Aug Down Town Kids II, Tallinn Edu/Kids 6 vols Down Town Eng II, Tallinn Edu/Kids 8 vols In Down-Town" is a project for children by the language "Down Town" aims to introduce world cultures to teen- school Alternative Language Programs Satellite, with aim agers through language studies and direct contact with of introducing diverse cultures through alternative lan- young people from abroad in the hope to help young guage study. The workcamp will provide meaningful sum- Estonians to integrate into modern world. It will be done mer activities to local kids attending the school's summer through the games popular in the countries volunteers camp. Teaching and playing games and music; drama, sport, represent, drama, sports, excursions, common discus- actions for peace and nature protection; leading and sions, actions for peace and nature protection, etc. Each supporting kids in their work on the team projects. Each day has its theme. The work can be pretty hard . You day the camp will have a special theme and a related have to be really motivated to work with teenagers . Mini- activity. The work can be pretty hard. Experience work- mum age 20. ing with children an advantage. Please add a motivation letter. Minimum age 20. EE-EY 5.9 01-Jul to 21-Jul Karksi-Nuia, Viljandi Kids/Manu 8 vols EE-EY 5.7 PARIISI FRA RAKVERE 19.06- 03.07 3 Karksi-Nuia is a small town in SW Estonia, is known for its vols KIDS/ TEACH 3 vols historical sites. This workcamp, in cooperation with mu- The main aim of the camp is to provide intensive experi- nicipality, is to help take care of an historical church as ence of learning and practicing French for kids and teen- well as assist renovation of local school and parish house, agers outside school curriculum using facilities of chil- important for the whole community. There will be also a dren camp Pariisi. The camp program includes games and local youngsters workcamp at the same time. Also organ- activities, performances in the open air, hikes, excur- ising for local youngsters, to share their cultures, make sions and visits, talks and discussions in the working music and sports, play social games, etc. creating space groups. Naturally the language of this camp is French. W: for the intercultural exchange - volunteers should be Activating kids and teenagers, providing cross-cultural motivated for this part of the camp. learning experience for them as well as French language environment. It will be done through the games, drama, EE-EY 5.10 02-Jul to 15-Jul sport activities, excursions, discussions, etc. Volunteers Kopu, Viljandi Manu 8 vols along with local coordinators will be responsible for the This year’s international camp in Kopu village will be com- whole program of the camp. The work can be pretty bined with the national teenage workcamp taking place hard, involving long working hours some days, requiring at the same time. Kopu School occupies an old German high commitment and responsibility for the camp pro- manor house and it is surrounded by the large park. There gram. There will be two shifts during the period of camp. will be various jobs in the park cleaning and tidying up - The first one will involve kids aged 8-12, the second one and on the future school sport field. Also preparing fire – teenagers aged 11-15. There is going to be around 40 wood or hay making. There will be various activities with participants in each shift. A: Camp has two buildings with local youngsters. 2-5 bedded rooms. Volunteers will have one room. Beds 33 EE-EY 5.12 DOWN TOWN FRA TALLINN 13.07- 27.07 ties for local youth helping school to realize its aim. The 4 Vols KIDS/ TEACH 4 vols 13.07- 27.07 camp language is German. W:Activating teenage partici- KIDS/ TEACH 4 vols pants of the school’s summer camp and providing cross- This camp is organized for teenagers by the language cultural learning experience for them. It will be done school “In Down Town” and non-profit association “Al- through the games popular in the countries you repre- ternative Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s aim sent, drama, sports, excursions, common discussions, ac- is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to youth tions for peace and nature protection, etc. Each day of through language studies, meetings, visits, direct con- the camp program will have a special theme and related tacts with young people from abroad in the hope to help activity. Volunteers along with local coordinators will be young Estonians’ integration into modern world. The main responsible for the whole program of the camp. The work idea of the camp is to provide meaningful summer activi- can be pretty hard, involving long working hours some ties for local youth helping school to realize its aim. French days, requiring high commitment and responsibility for is the language of this camp. W: Activating teenage par- the camp program.The age of youngsters is 14-17. Be- ticipants of the school’s summer camp and providing sides local kids 8 teenage participants from abroad are cross-cultural learning experience for them. It will be expected to join this camp. It is going to be around 20 done through the games popular in the countries you children in total. Most of local teenagers are Russian- represent, drama, sports, excursions, common discus- speaking from Russian minority community of Tallinn. NB! sions, actions for peace and nature protection, etc. Each Since there will be the French and Spanish speaking camps day of the camp program will have a special theme and taking place In Down Town School at the same time with related activity. Volunteers along with local coordinators this German one some joined activities for both camps will be responsible for the whole program of the camp. (e.g. sport competitions, parties, etc.) are foreseen. A:In The work can be pretty hard, involving long working hours the class rooms of the school which is situated in the some days, requiring high commitment and responsibility very centre of Tallinn. Toilets and showers are available. for the camp program.The age of youngsters is 14-17. Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will have break- Besides local kids 8 teenage participants from abroad are fasts and dinners in their accommodation, lunches will expected to join this camp. It is going to be around 20 be organized for whole camp in the city.Location: Camp children in total. Most of local teenagers are Russian- takes place in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. More infor- speaking from Russian minority community of Tallinn.NB! mation on www.tallinn.ee . Q:You have to be really moti- Since there will be German and Spanish speaking camps vated to work with teenagers. Some experience in work taking place In Down Town School at the same time with with children is an advantage. All interesting ideas of ac- this French one some joined activities for both camps tivities for kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring (e.g. sport competitions, parties, etc.) are foreseen. A: some materials, postcards, symbols of your country, post- In the class rooms of the school which is situated in the ers, maps, music, etc. typical for your country and be every centre of Tallinn. Toilets and showers are avail- ready to present it. Good level of German is requested in able. Please bring a sleeping bag. Volunteers will have this camp. The minimum age of vols is 20. breakfasts and dinners in their accommodation, lunches Leisure time:There are a lot of possibilities for leisure will be organized for whole camp in the time activities as camp will take place in the capital where city.Location:Camp takes place in Tallinn, the capital of one can find attractions for all tastes: sightseeing and Estonia. More information on www.tallinn.ee museums, festivals, concerts, live music, pubs, etc. The Q:You have to be really motivated to work with teenag- camp provides an excellent opportunity to establish con- ers. Some experience in work with children is an advan- tacts with young Estonians and experience local life. tage. All interesting ideas of activities for kids, games etc. are welcomed. Please bring some materials, postcards, EE-EY 5.14 13.07- 27.07 DOWN TOWN ESP symbols of your country, posters, maps, music, etc. typi- TALLINN 4 vols 13.07- 27.07 KIDS/ TEACH 4 cal for your country and be ready to present it. Good vols level of French is required for this camp. The minimum age of volunteers is 20. Leisure time:There are a lot of This camp is organized for teenagers by the language possibilities for leisure time activities as camp will take school “In Down Town” and non-profit association “Al- place in the capital where one can find attractions for ternative Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s aim any taste: sightseeing & museums, festivals and concerts, is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to youth live music, pubs, etc. The camp provides an excellent through language studies, meetings, visits, direct con- opportunity to establish contacts with young Estonians tacts with young people from abroad in the hope to help and experience local life young Estonians’ integration into modern world. The main idea of the camp is to provide meaningful summer activi- ties for local youth helping school to realize its aim. The EE-EY 5.13 DOWN TOWN DEU TALLINN 13.07- language of the camp is Spanish.W: Activating teenage 27.07 4VOLS KIDS/ TEACH 4 vols 13.07- 27.07 participants of the school’s summer camp and providing KIDS/ TEACH 4 vols cross-cultural learning experience for them. It will be done through the games popular in the countries you This camp is organized for teenagers by the language represent, drama, sports, excursions, common discus- school “In Down Town” and non-profit association “Al- sions, actions for peace and nature protection, etc. Each ternative Language Programs Satellite”. The school’s aim day of the camp program will have a special theme and is to introduce the diversity of world cultures to youth related activity. Volunteers along with local coordinators through language studies, meetings, visits, direct con- will be responsible for the whole program of the camp. tacts with young people from abroad in the hope to help The work can be pretty hard, involving long working hours young Estonians’ integration into modern world. The main some days, requiring high commitment and responsibility idea of the camp is to provide meaningful summer activi- for the camp program. 34 The age of youngsters is 14-17. Besides local kids 8 teen- ing games and sport activities, introducing volunteers' age participants from abroad are expected to join this countries and cultures, providing practice of English lan- camp. It is going to be around 20 children in total. Most guage, etc. of local teenagers are Russian-speaking from Russian mi- nority community of Tallinn.NB! Since there will be Ger- EE-EY 6.4 15-Jun to 28-Jun man and French speaking camps taking place In Down Vormsi, Haapsalu Manu 8v Town School at the same time with this Spanish one some There used to be 2500 people on this island, mainly Swedes. joined activities for both camps (e.g. sport competitions, Now only 340 people live there permanently. The main parties, etc.) are foreseen. A: In the class rooms of the activities are tourism, forestry, agriculture and coastal school which is situated in the every centre of Tallinn. fishing. The idea of this camp is to help local community Toilets and showers are available. Please bring a sleeping with their conservation/ maintenance plan, valuable not bag. Volunteers will have breakfasts and dinners in their only in terms of work done by volunteers but mainly for accommodation, lunches will be organized for whole camp introducing a multicultural dimension to the population. in the city. Location:Camp takes place in Tallinn, the capi- The work will mainly include cleaning and tidying up of tal of Estonia. More information on www.tallinn.ee some areas and parks with local importance and other Q:You have to be really motivated to work with teenag- manual work. Very good camp for nature and sea lovers! ers. Some experience in work with children is an advan- . tage. All interesting ideas of activities for kids, games etc. EE-EY 6.6 18-Jun to 30-Jun are welcomed. Please bring some materials, postcards, Raasiku, Kehra Edu/Kids 6v symbols of your country, posters, maps, music, etc. typi- This workcamp involves tidying-up an old park belonging cal for your country and be ready to present it. Good to Harju-Jaani Congregation's Church Manor in Raasiku, level of Spanish is required inn this camp. The minimum an important historical and cultural object for the com- age of vols is 20.Leisure time: There are a lot of possibili- munity. During the soviet period the historical part of ties for leisure time activities as camp will take place in the area was abandoned, leaving a lot of work. Some of it the capital where one can find attractions for any taste: has been started by local volunteers, but a great deal sightseeing & museums, festivals and concerts, live mu- remains. Helping renovation and cleaning up of manor sic, pubs, etc. The camp provides an excellent opportu- house of the church. Work is mainly outdoors. There will nity to establish contacts with young Estonians and ex- be various jobs to tide up the church park: cutting bushes perience local life and trees, mowing, burning branches, creating paths etc..Besides practical help, volunteers will make a signifi- cant impact on community life providing opportunity for EE-EY 5.15 16-Jul to 29-Jul intercultural learning through contacts with the youth European Dream I, Tallinn Edu/Kids 3 vols of Raasiku and encouraging local voluntary initiatives. EE-EY 5.22 06-Aug to 19-Aug European Dream II, Tallinn Edu/Kids 3 vols EE-EY 6.11 05-Jul to 18-Jul This camp for kids is organized by Language School AUGIIT Ristitee Farm I, Hiiumaa Envi 8 vols . The aim is to introduce the diversity of world cultures EE-EY 6.27 30-Aug to 12-Sep to youth through language studies and practice, visits, Ristitee Farm II, Hiiumaa Envi 8 vols meetings, contact with young people from abroad, at Hiiumaa, in Nordic sagas, emerged from the Baltic Sea as the same time as introducing Estonian culture to the for- a small islet more than 10,000 years ago. It has many his- eign participants. The camp will provide educational pro- torical and nature sights, and there are kind people known grams and activities that focus on promoting equality in for their hospitality and good sense of humour. Ristitee human dignity in conjunction with other programs such farm is on the small island Kassari which is linked to as those promoting intercultural learning, participation Hiiumaa. The farm has 40 horses and it specializes in eco- and empowerment of minorities. Last not least, another tourism in Kassari and horse riding for tourists. The idea idea of the camp is to provide meaningful summer activi- of the camp is to assist the protection of coastal mead- ties for local youngsters. The work can be pretty hard. ows, which are unique in Europe, including cleaning and Some experience working with children is an advantage. tidying up, cutting unwanted grass and bushes, removing We specially welcome sporty and musical volunteers. Mo- plants not typical for the meadows, and some odd jobs in tivation letter required. Minimum age 20. the farm. Give a hand to Kassari people and have the great chance to experience everyday Estonian country EE-EY 5.21 31-Jul to 12-Aug life on the beautiful island of Hiiumaa! Maidla, Rapla Kids/Manu 8v Maidla is an orphanage, established over 50 years ago in EE-EY 6.16 21-Jul to 05-Aug the beautiful park on the site of the old manor house. Pariisi Eng, Rakvere Edu/Kids 3 vols The children attend school, gymnasium or professional The camp is organized for kids and teenagers by the as- school. Maidla has also a big garden, supplying the insti- sociation of teachers of English in Estonia. The aim of the tution with vegetables. There is a lot of work to do there, camp is to provide intensive experience of learning and and assistance of international volunteers will be very practicing of English language for kids and teenagers out- much appreciated. Although many children will be away side school curriculum using facilities of children camp for the whole period of camp living in the "support fami- Pariisi. The camp program includes games and activities, lies", those staying in Maidla will join volunteers for work performances in the open air, hikes, excursions and vis- and leisure. Other work will be renovation and painting, its, talks and discussions. The work can be pretty hard. piling up fire wood and other odd jobs outdoors and in- Motivation letter required. Minimum age 20. doors. Another task of the camp this year will be to acti- vate youngsters of Maidla involving them to the practical EE-EY 6.17 23-Jul to 05-Aug work, running a leisure time program for them, organiz- Adventure Camp, Polva Envi/Manu 10 vols 35 This is a special camp for those who love adventures and room (see on http://www.hot.ee/hillesteinpilm/ ). So you are ready for unexpected situations, want to do some- can learn and try it and hopefully take self-made rag car- thing useful, learn something new, and encounter Esto- pet back home! NB.To cover the costs of the materials nian nature. The camp will take place in the village of and lessons we ask volunteers to contribute 50 Euro on Polgaste, in an area known for outstanding beauty and arrival. nature. Plans are to use an old watermill as an alterna- tive training and kind of meditation centre. Besides long EE-EY 9.25 21-Aug to 05-Sep hikes and adventure the volunteers are expected to work Culture Factory, Tallinn FEst/Reno 10 vols on various construction/ renovation works in the watermill In the buildings of a former Soviet rubber plant “Culture and odd jobs in the forest, weir and at the riverside. Factory” is developing an environment for workshops for Work can be quite hard. Very basic accomm. and meals. artists and musicians, cultural events, theatre, youth Note: it is hard to provide vegetarian and lactose free activities etc. As the factory buildings have stood der- food. Extra fee of 70 Euro. elict for years, lots of cleaning-up has to be done. Be ready for the hard and dirty work! It will be some renova- EE-EY 6.24 13-Aug to 26-Aug tion works, painting, fixing windows, cleaning, etc. but Imavere, Poltsamaa Cons/Manu 8 vols also jobs help run an annual alternative art festival - like Eistvere village, near Imavere and Pilistvere, is an area preparation/ decoration of the rooms, putting exhibi- well known for a beautiful lake, manor and park. The idea tions, transporting stuff, etc help run an annual alterna- of the camp, in cooperation with the municipality, is to tive art festival. More information on www.teh.net and assist local authorities’ maintenance plan, while intro- www.kultuuritehas.ee Extra fee of 70 Euro. ducing multiculturalism and offering intercultural ex- change to local young people of this rural area who will EE-EY 11.26 22-Aug to 02-Sep be involved to the camp. The work will include cleaning Marjamaa Family Camp Manu 10-20 vols up the banks of Navesti River and Lake Eistvere and tidy- This is a family camp to create a sort of temporary com- ing up the historical cemetery in Pilistvere. It is also planned munity where adults and children (age 4-13) can share to help building a diving bridge, playground, attraction the idea of voluntary activity for the benefit of rural area track as well as do some restoration works in the church Marjamaa is known for its rich historical and cultural her- tower in Pilistvere. Be ready for physical work itage. The task of the camp is to assist with the local authorities' maintenance plan, and bring a multicultural EE-EY 6.28 Two Weeks In July dimension to the local communities. Simple clearing and Soomaa, Parnu Envi/Manu 8v tidying up jobs in the village, mowing grass, cutting bushes, Dates to be confirmed. Lots of species in this national possibly some maintenance work in the Community House, park are protected and belong to the Estonian Red Data painting, various odd jobs in- and outdoors. Local families Book. “Soomaa” meaning huge bogs/flood plains. More with kids will be joining volunteers for work and leisure. details on www.soomaa.com . The camp this year will be As there are no receive funds to support your participa- concentrating on various works in the area around the tion in this camp neither from the state nor from private hostel at the gateway to the park, to make Soomaa Park sponcors, you are asked to contribute towards cost of more accessible for future visitors. Various works in the board and lodging, local transport, leisure time program, forest: cutting unwanted trees and bushes, laying paths etc. The fee has to be paid by volunteers upon arrival to for hikes, preparing firewood, possibly hay making, etc. the camp and it is 100 Euro for adult and 75 Euro for children. EE-EY 9.18 25-Jul to 09-Aug Marjamaa FEstival Fest/Manu 10 vols Marjamaa is known for its rich historical and cultural her- FINLAND itage. The task of the camp is to assist with the local authorities' maintenance plan, and bring a multicultural FI-KVT 1.1 20-May to 04-Jun dimension to the local communities. Work will be clear- World Village Festival and KVT 60th Celebration, Hel- ing and tidying up, mowing grass, cutting bushes, plant- sinki 9v ing flowers, small renovation works in the local school World Village Festival (26-27 May) showcases a large range building, painting, various odd jobs. There will be inter- of NGOs and is organised by KEPA (Service Centre for national Marjamaa Folklore Festival and Days of the Vil- Development Cooperation). The festival supports lage during the second weekend of the camp and volun- multiculturalism, international solidarity and development teers will be asked to help out doing various practical cooperation through music and exhibitions. The camp jobs, also contributing by introducing their national cul- will also focus on the KVT 60th Anniversary celebration ture, music, games, food etc.to the locals. on Lammassaari island. Work: Setting up the festival area including building and taking down tents, setting up stalls, EE-EY 9.20 30-Jul to 11-Aug decorating the festival area, etc. Vols will set up the KVT Vahastu, Paide Art/Manu 8v party by making signs and posters, decorating the venue, In Kaiu community in Vahastu village. Helping make the and preparing a short theatre piece or artistic exhibi- village more attractive through some cleaning/renovation tion. Vols will also spend 1-2 days doing renovation and works on local heritage, bringing an element of outdoor maintenance work on the island where they are intercultural exchange to the population of a rural ar- accommodated. Accom. Simple. More info: eas. Working on a graveyard and dd jobs in the village: www.worldvillage.fi renovating, painting, etc. Possibly work on the nature trail in the forest. Accom. On hatstack in the old commu- FI-KVT 1.2 15-Jul to 02-Aug nity store house. There will also be a workshop on how Faces (Karjaa) 20 vols to make typical country rag carpet in a local handicraft Faces Etnofestival is a multicultural festival including live 36 music, theatre, exhibitions, workshops and dance. The FI-KVT 5.1 23-Jul to 06-Aug aim of the festival is to promote understanding between Hyvä Arki (Espoo) 6 vols different ethnical groups and work against racism. The Hyvä Arki organises voluntary work in Espoo (Greater Hel- festival is held in Billnäs, a little village just outside Karjaa, sinki) and is a meeting place for long-term unemployed, 80 km west of Helsinki. The work will be physically de- immigrants and other socially disadvantaged groups. It also manding and monotonous: building the stages, carrying delivers food aid for disadvantaged people in Espoo. Vol- materials, and tidying the area after the festival. More unteers will participate in a multicultural children’s camp info: www.faces.fi that will take place in Espoo centre on 24-29/07 The vols will help to take care of the children and organise games FI KVT 2.1 07-May to 27-May and activities together with Finnish camp leaders. The Uusi Tuuli, Turku 8 vols other part of the work will be gardening and painting the Uusi Tuuli is a NGO in Turku that works for fair trade, old cottage of Hyvä Arki Association and packing food aid. solidarity and sustainable development. Its ship Estelle More info: www.hyva-arki.fi (Finnish). has sailed to Angola with aid supplies and brought fair trade goods to Finland. The ship needs some repairs, for FI-KVT 6.1 01-Jul to 15-Jul example, the mast and the rigging. Bicycles will also be Unicornia (Kaavi) 12 vols repaired. The work is physical and participants should be Unicornia is a new NGO that aims to provide an opportu- able to take their own initiative. At the end of the camp nity for people to live close to nature in an electricity- the Estelle will sail from Turku to Helsinki. In Helsinki, the free environment and in peace with other people. volunteers will participate in the World Village Festival Unicornia recently started to rent a small disused farm (Maailma Kylässä) on 26-27 May. Study: Fair Trade, Emmaus next to a lake in a rural area of Central Finland, and the movement and other themes of globalisation. Special fo- task of the camp will be to help restart the farm. Garden- cus will be on how to “Make Fair Trade Greener”. Bicy- ing and forestry work, cleaning a well, painting work, cles will be used as vehicles during the camp. Accom: On helping to build an irrigation system. Basic conditions. the sailing ship Estelle. More info: www.estelle.fi and Study: Local culture and nature, alternative healing. No www.worldvillage.fi electricity nearby. Pictures of camp place: http:// www.bowkonsult.fi/unicorniabilder.htm FI-KVT 2.2 11-Jul to 31-Jul Emmaus (Turku) 12 vols FI-KVT 6.2 01-Jul to 18-Jul Emmaus was founded in 1949 as a peace organisation with PorI 9 vols a special focus on development cooperation. Emmaus Tukru Pori is situated in South-western Finland and is famous runs a flea market in a building used by several NGOs. for its yearly jazz-festival. Volunteers will weed mugwort Sorting and packing clothes to be sent to Emmaus' aid (Artemisia vulgaris) as it causes a lot of allergy in different projects, arranging clothes in Emmaus' flea market, possi- places around Pori. Local people and associations will bly setting up and running a stall at a festival. The work also be involved in the work. The second part of the will be at times physically demanding. Study: International work will be helping to maintain nature paths together Emmaus movement, sewing and mending clothes. Simple with the local village association. Age 30+ vols are espe- conditions, for part of the time in tents. More info: cially welcome. www.emmaushelsinki.fi FI-KVT 6.3 08-Jul to 21-Jul FI-KVT 3.1 16-Jul to 27-Jul Rihu (Heinola) 10 vols (PVP) Food Not Bombs (Helsinki) 12 vols Rihu is a biodynamic farm surrounded by forests and lakes Food Not Bombs (FNB) is an international grassroots anti- 30km from Heinola in Southern Finland. Rihu Association military movement, whose aim is to promote disarmament organises courses on biodynamic farming, environment and social justice. One of their main activities is to cook and herbal medicine as well as camps for school chil- and serve meals on the streets and market places in Hel- dren. There are also domestic animals on the farm. Gar- sinki. Food is donated by local shopkeepers. The volun- dening, landscaping and forest work. Note: Expect hard teers will also eat donated food during the camp. The outdoor work! Study: Biodynamic farming, landscaping and food will be vegan and/or vegetarian. Travelling will mostly natural forest-keeping. More info: www.rihu.net/english be by bicycle and travel distances are 5-30 kilometres per day. Volunteers will take part in cooking and serving FI-KVT 6.4 03-Sep to 16-Sep the meals. Study: FNB campaign. Extra motivation letter Keuruu Ecovillage (Keuruu) 12v needed. More info: www.foodnotbombs.net The purpose of Keuruun Ekokylä (Ecovillage of Keuruu) is to pursue a sustainable lifestyle, to cherish the diversity FI-KVT 4.1 04-Jul to 20-Jul of nature and to preserve original plant and animal spe- Äijälä (Jyväskylä) 8 vols cies in the woody countryside of Central Finland. Con- Äijälä Farm is situated near Jyväskylä in Central Finalnd. It struction, renovation and working in the garden. Study : has a charming old farmhouse which has been repaired Ecovillages in Finland and in Europe. Families and 30+ vols to be a home for disabled people. The community wants welcome. More info: www.ekokyla.tk to encourage the integration of disabled and so-called healthy people. Äijälä has been hosting KVT workcamps FI-KVT 8.1 30-Jul to 10-Aug since 1980. Gardening, hay-making, renovating an old Sirkkulanpuisto (Kuopio) 10v building and household work. Work will be done together Sirkkulanpuisto provides drug addicts with support serv- with the people living in Äijälä and also other disabled ices and organises various forms of voluntary work around people from outside Äijälä. Disabled vols, 30+ vols and Kuopio in Central Finland. Vols will renovate the organisa- families are especially welcome. tion’s camping centre and its surroundings in the coun- tryside. Clients of the organisation will also participate in 37 the camp. Study: Drug-user support work in Finland. More circulate and meet people, attend conferences. No need www.sirkkulanpuisto.nettisivut.fi (Finnish) to speak french the forum is international.

FI-KVT 8.2 30-Jul to 13-Aug FR-SCI 4.1 09-Jul to 27-Jul Karhunpää (Nurmes) 8 vols Rennes 14 vols Karhunpään Kuntoutumiskoti was founded two years ago The workcamp takes place in Rennes, in a center for as a rehabilitation home for people who have dual diag- spastic (not mental handicapped). The volunteers will be nosis (mental health problems as well as alcohol or drug in charge of the animation activities : games, discussions, problems) in N Karelia (E Finland). Now the centre is set- going out with residents, introducing their country. Vol- ting up a unit for drug withdrawal treatment. Gardening unteers knowing arts or theatre are very welcome. We work, chopping wood, building a cellar, jetty or sauna, ask volunteers to be at least 20 years old, very motivated building a BBQ in the garden. Study: Local history, dual for this camp and to speak French. Motivation letter diagnosis care. NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL allowed. More needed info: www.karhunpaa.fi (Finnish). FR-SCI 4.2 06-Aug to 25-Aug FI-KVT 8.3 27-Aug to 07-Sep Rennes II 4 vols Viittakivi (Hauho) 15 vols The workcamp takes place in Rennes, in a center for Viittakivi is a folk high school in a rural area in Southern spastic (not mental handicapped). The volunteers will Finland. Viittakivi organises basic schooling for immigrants be in charge of the animation activities : games, discus- and the rehabilitation and education of drug-users. The sions, going out with residents, introducing their coun- school tries work in a sustainable and multicultural way. try. Volunteers knowing arts or theatre are very welcome. Simple building maintenance tasks (eg. painting walls) to We ask volunteers to be at least 20 years old, very moti- make the schools common rooms and accommodation vated for this camp and to speak French. Motivation let- more pleasant. Vols will work together with the immi- ter needed grant students who live at the school. Vols will also pre- pare entertainment events together with the students. FR-SCI 4.3 July/August Simple conditions. Study: organic gardening (there is an Hospitalet 4 vols organic garden at the school). Families welcome. More Dates to be confirmed (August or July) info: www.viittakivi.fi (Finnish). The workcamp will be held in a residence for heavily handi- capped persons, near Blois. A specialised work is done in FI-KVT 9.1 11-Jun to 24-Jun order to give the residents a self-aptitude to their daily Verners Park (Kruunupyy) 12v tasks. The volunteers will help the animation team, tak- Verners Park is a culture park situated in the centre of ing part in the residents daily activities : games, debates, Kruunupyy on the Western coast of Finland. It will be visits outside, picnics… Volunteers knowing arts or thea- opened officially in August. The aim of the park is to tre are very welcome. We ask volunteers to be at least 20 organise different activities including dance, theatre, years old, very motivated for this camp and to speak music and poetry events . It will create a common place French. Motivation letter needed for inhabitants and help to develop a sense of commu- nity. Gardening and landscaping in the park as well as FR-SCI 4.4 30-Jul to 26-Aug different building and painting tasks. They will also help Marseille 6 vols to organise the traditional Midsummer party which takes The Centre of Bellevue in Marseille accommodates disa- place at the end of the camp. Local youths will also par- bled persons (physically handicapped). The volunteers ticipate in the work. will organize animation activities. They’ll be careful to maintain exchanges with the residents and then, to try FI-KVT 9.2 16-Jul to 01-Aug to create a friendly and dynamic atmosphere. They will European Peoples' Festival (Ekenäs) 15 vols help during the meals some persons who can’t eat alone. The Festival provides the opportunity for ordinary Euro- The volunteers are encouraged to be dynamic and take peans to meet and share the common bond of European initiatives. Volunteers knowing arts or theatre are very partners. Every year a different European town hosts the welcome. We ask volunteers to be at least 20 years old, Festival and provides a view of the local attractions, very motivated for this camp and to speak French. Moti- economy, cuisine, cultural and national customs. Festival vation letter needed participants also take part in different sporting events with national sports having priority. Setting up the festi- FR-SCI 4.5 16-Jul to 26-Aug val, making information packs, helping out and tidying Noeux-les-Mines 6 vols during the festival. Physical work. Study: Local history In an APF center (Association of handicapped persons, and culture, European cooperation. More info: France) in the North of France, the workcamp will focus www.epf2007.net/index_eng.html on animation activities. Volunteers will take part to ani- mation activities and to the residents daily life. They will do some artistic work: paintings, decoration... accord- FRANCE ing to their abilities. We ask volunteers to have artistic competencies such as drawing, painting, sculpture… Vol- FR-SCI 2.1 25-Oct to 30-Oct unteers knowing arts or theatre are very welcome. We MINGA 20 vols ask volunteers to be at least 20 years old, very motivated The association MINGA, organises together with public for this camp and to speak French. Motivation letter institutions an international forum for a fair trade, in the needed north of Paris. The volunteers will be asked to help with the organisation, building the stands,.. They’ll be free to FR-SCI 4.6 08-Jul to 29-Jul 38 in this part of France. French would be an asset Tonneins I 6 vols FR-SCI 4.7 05-Aug to 26-Aug FR-SCI 6.7 02-Jul to 15-Jul Tonneins II 6 vols Berges de la Deule 8 vols In an APF center (Association of handicapped persons, The project is about environnemental protection. It con- France) in the south of France, the workcamp will focus sists in sailing on little boats through differents sites along on animation activities. Volunteers will take part to ani- the river “Deûle”, closed to Lille, in the north of France. mation activities and to the residents daily life. Volun- The volunteer will actively participate in the river’s teers knowing arts or theatre are very welcome. We ask environnement protection by working directly on pollu- volunteers to be at least 20 years old, very motivated for tion effects : cleaning the riversides, the water and fauna this camp and to speak French. Motivation letter needed and flora protection. The volunteers will actively partici- pate in the river’s environment protection by working FR-SCI 5.1 06-Jul to 28-Jul directly on pollution effects : cleaning the riversides, Maison Blanche 4 vols the water and fauna and flora protection. Accom.:in tents In a small village, in the East of France, the Maison Blanche residence are welcomes elderly people. Some of the resi- FR-SCI 6.8 08-Aug to 22-Aug dents are affected with alzheimer . The volunteers will Maison de la Nature 10 vols be asked two types of work : animation, mainly, and small The “Maison de la nature of Sundgau” is an educational hand labour. It would be really appreciated if the volun- centre promoting ecology. Created in 1999, it is situated teers came with their guitars, traditional songs and in Altenach, a little village in Alsace. This summer, volun- dances, national recipes... and lots of ideas. Volunteers teers will help building up a table and a bench dedicated knowing arts or theatre are very welcome. We ask volun- to lectures in the forest. They will also build outdoor teers to be at least 20 years old, very motivated for this wooden games along the “discovery path”. There will be camp and to speak French. Motivation letter needed. renovation work too. Accom.:in tents Driving licence would be an asset FR-SCI 8.1 20-Aug to 02-Sep FR-SCI 6.1 01-Jun to 14-Jun Emmaûs 8 vols Vitry sur Seine 1 12 vols The goal of the project is to help the Emmaüs community The project of Planete Lilas, situated in a regional park in Boulogne-sur-mer, in the north of France. The volun- in the south of Paris, aims to create an activity of biologi- teers will have to make some little restauration works in cal farming and fair trade, an open space for inhabitants the house, they will also participate in a collect of mate- of the area, a place for debates and discussion, and a rials to be repaired and sold in the shop. collective garden. It is a new project and the working site has to be set up.. Going to Paris will not be possible FR-SCI 9.1 26-Aug to 11-Sep every day and create an international and dynamic at- SIRIUS-a 4 vols mosphere in the area is one of the objectives of your The association SIRIUS works on linking the different dis- presence. On this first workcamp, the volunteers will help tricts of Paris by artistic and cultural projects. For two building toilets with litter (ecological) in the park, and years now, SCI has been working with them on “La Ronde promoting the project towards the population. Some des Etoiles”, a street show/parade. The volunteers will gardening might also be part of the work. There will be interview the local population (with a translator) and cre- vegetarian food served only. ate a newspaper linked to the “Ronde des Etoiles”. Langs : French, German, Serbian and Albanian. The camp will FR-SCI 6.2 24-Jun to 21-Jul take place at the same place and dates as Sirius-b Vitry sur Seine 2 12 vols FR-SCI 6.3 09-Jul to 18-Aug FR-SCI 9.2 26-Aug to 11-Sep Vitry sur Seine 3 12 vols SIRIUS-b 8 vols FR-SCI 6.4 26-Aug to 08-Sep As 9.1, with the work being part of a bicycle workshop Vitry sur Seine 4 12 vols for children, run by a performer. They will help building As 6.1 with volunteers mainly doing gardening and setting “crazy bike” URO (unidentified riding object). Study up the garden (building the foot path and the fence), theme : Paris suburbs. but also, host visitors and promote the project around the park. There will be vegetarian food served only. FR-SCI 9.3 01-Jul to 15-Jul Château De Blamont 1 10 vols FR-SCI 6.5 27-Sep to 10-Oct FR-SCI 9.4 15-Jul to 29-Jul Guichen 8 vols Château de Blamont 2 10 vols In the South of Rennes, the association Culture bio is The association « Clé de Voûte du Blâmontois », created working on the promotion of the organic agriculture and in 1991, is renovating a medieval castel in the village of also for a sustainable lifestyle (renewable energy, envi- Blâmont, between Nancy and Strasbourg. The volunteers ronment). Every year, they organize an organic forum in will help with building work (masonry), reparing the walls, Guichen which welcomes around 10 000 visitors. The first stone-cutting, clearing the site and general maintenance week of the workcamp will be dedicated to the work on of the site. Need to bring own tent Good but not obliga- a traditional bread oven and the cleaning of a small river tory to speak a little bit of French because 10 other (Le Semnon). During the second week volunteers will help french volunteers will be present ! to prepare the Forum on organic farming (setting up ex- hibition; parking, services and information, bar, building FR-SCI 9.5 06-Aug to 19-Aug and cleaning the toilet with litter...) Many meetings with Etaples 8 vols the mains actors will take place and will enable volun- In the north of France the volunteers will help an asso- teers to have a better understanding about the organic ciation working on saving martim heritage. Repairing old 39 boats for an exhibition in a maritim museum. Study of is 26, and there is an extra fee payable of 120,--•. maritime history. Accom. Camping. Needs ability or en- DE-SCI 1.33 Fürstenberg/Ravensbrück (north of Berlin) thusiasm for woodwork, curiosity for boats and maritime 29/07-12/08 . 12 women history,... German-Polish-Russian Workcamp The former concentration camp for women in Ravensbrück FR-SCI 9.6 30-Jun to 15-Jul was founded in 1939 near the little town of Fürstenberg. La Chapelle-Bouexic 12 vols Until the day of liberation, in April 1945, more than 123 La Chapelle-Bouexic is a small village situated in the south- 000 people (mostly women) were incarcerated there. They west of Rennes. The municipality wish to renovate the were forced to work, e.g. in the factories of Siemens. local castle to make it a multiple activity centre. Volun- They suffered from hunger, bad hygienic conditions, in- teers will clean the castle (inside and outside). They will human work and living conditions, punishment and medi- also participate in the organisation of evenings in the cal experiments. Many of them died. Since 1992 workcamps garden. Volunteers will be able to discover local culture. have taken place on the premises of the formerly largest Volunteers will also work with children in the activity women concentration camp in Ravensbrück in co-opera- centre. Basic accom. in a building of the castle. tion with the “Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück”. More information can be found at www.ravensbrueck.de FR-SCI 9.7 09-Jun to 24-Jun W: Gardening and maintenance work on the memorial Comblesac 12 vols site Comblesac is a small village situated in the west or Rennes S: Prisoners and female SS-guards, remembering at the (Brittany). The municipality is willing to renovate an old memorial of Ravensbrück farm in order to open a traditional museum on Gallo (lo- A: Youth hostel Ravensbrück on the memorial site cal language), and traditional craft. Volunteers will work X: Excursions to the lakes in the surrounding area on the building and help to prepare a traditional party on the theme of horse. Accom. in the farm or under DE-SCI 1.34 Georgsmarienhütte (near Osnabrück) tents. German-Russian Workcamp 05/08-18/08 .12-15 vols FR-SCI 10.1 23-Jul to 07-Aug During World War II more than 2000 persons from 18 coun- Boquen 10 vols tries were kept as prisoners in this concentration camp The cultural organisation of Boquen organizes thematic set up by the Gestapo. The main group of prisoners were meetings on social issues as well as artistic workshops. : forced laborers who came from the Netherlands and the Boquen owes a former traditional farm, and the volun- former . Their punishment also used to serve teers will help renovating it (cleaning and maintenance as a deterrent to more than 25000 other women, men work) and children who were forced to compulsory labor in the Osnabrück region. Almost half of them came from the FR-SCI 11.1 07-Jul to 28-Jul , and . The young memorial site AUI I 15 vols Augustaschacht has been gradually built up for the last FR-SCI 11.2 04-Aug to 24-Aug five years mostly due to the involvement of motivated AUI II 15 vols volunteers. The memorial and research site displays the This workcamp will be organised in co-operation with history of forced labour and national socialism in the re- Action d'Urgence Internationale (International Emergency gion of Osnabrück. The volunteers of this camp will sup- Action) which intervenes during natural or human disas- port the construction of the memorial site and learn more ters. It also organises trainings and works on disasters about the history of WWII and its consequences for Rus- prevention. The camps will take place in the Alps. Vols sian and German people. will renovate former silver mines, archaeological remnants W: Help with the renovation of the former camp building from 9th century: renovating the ancient galleries, as and camp territory well as the outskirts. Accom : Big tents, with beds inside. S: Change of perspective: Russians and Germans during WWII, forced labor, commemoration culture in the two GERMANY countries, the Gestapo camp Ohrbeck, current problems SCI Germany with fascism, anti-Semitism and racism in Germany and DE-SCI 1.31 11-Aug to 01-Sep Russia, meeting of two cultures. Zeithain (near Riesa/Elbe in Saxony) 15 vols A: In a school in Georgsmarienhütte near Osnabrück Based in the former Prisoner of War camp, Zeithain, par- Q: Volunteers must be broad-minded, open for new per- ticipants in this project will be involved in archaeological spectives, interested in the topic and intercultural en- work and in contributing ideas for the future develop- counters. ment of the site and its integration into the memorial complex of Zeithain. There are opportunities for study DE-SCI 1.35 Wöbbelin (near Schwerin) into the experiences of Prisoners of War from the Soviet 18/08-02/09 . 15 vols Union, , Poland, the United Kingdom and other coun- German-Italian Workcamp tries who were sent to the camp between 1941 and 1945. Shortly before the end of World War II, a satellite camp of Accommodation will be in a former school. Kitchen and the concentration camp (KZ) in Hamburg- Neuengamme showers are available. There are also good leisure facili- (between Ludwigslust and Wöbbelin) was built. The first ties and the possibility of excursions to cities such as prisoners came from the main camp in Hamburg- Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin. Neuengamme on february 15th in 1945. They had to build a camp of stone barracks for prisoners of war. Later the DE-SCI 1.32 28-Jul to 10-Aug KZ Wöbbelin functioned as the end station of the death Dachau (near Munich) 12 vols march from different satellite camps. During ten weeks A study camp in Dachau. The maximum age for this camp of its existence more than 1000 prisoners died in it from 40 cepts of antiracism among pupils and that councils for- hunger, disease or maltreatment of the SS. On May 2nd eigners and victims of racist violence. The workcamp in 1945 several thousand people from at least 16 different Leipzig will take place in three schools and school clubs countries were liberated by the U.S. army. After the lib- which are cooperating with the RAA. It is the follow up eration the deceased were given a dignified buried in of a similar workcamp last year and has the motto: Ludwigslust and Wöbbelin. A memorial with an exhibition “Intercultural exchange has to be learnt” about the camp was set up in 1965 in Wöbbelin under In first part there is time to learn about the German school one roof with the Theodor-Körner-Museum. The poet system and methods to work with the teenagers (12 to 15 Theodor Körner died in 1813 in the "Wars of Liberation" years). This part might take place out of town. against Napoleon and was buried in Wöbbelin. In 1938 a During the following two weeks small teams of 3 to 5 par- copse of heroism was created for the poet. In 1945 some ticipants will be in the schools at lessons, such as Eng- deceased have been buried there. lish, Geography, Arts and present their countries. There W: Literally-artistic workshop concerning the whole is- are also afternoon activities to be involved in. Creative sue, maintenance of the area, possibly a theatre work- methods, such as games or video, will be used, German shop teachers and social workers will cooperate in the S: NS local history at the end of the World War II, vio- projects. The project takes place during the last school lence and right-wing radicalism today, interviewing con- weeks before the holidays. temporary witnesses, contemporary forms of remem- W: Creative games with pupils during pauses and free time brance work S: Anti-Racism in schools and youth clubs A: In a youth hostel, shared rooms, bicycles are available. A: Simple, maybe even in tents Q: Enthusiasm to work with disadvantaged teenagers DE-SCI 1.36 Braunschweig X: Preference will be given to applications from South- „Faces of Forced Labour“ Eastern Europe Polish-German Workcamp (Third Country still to be an- nounced) DE-SCI 1.38 Berlin, various regions, summer school 18/08-01/09 . 10 vols 21/07 – 11/08 or 18/08 (for either 3 or 4 weeks) . 15 The memorial site “KZ - satellite camp Schillstrasse” in vols Braunschweig is placed in one of the former satellite Russian Summer School camps of the concentration camp Hamburg-Neuengamme. This programme aims to train young active volunteers of The memorial site remembers the KZ-prisoners who have the Siberian Creative Group. The theme of this year´s been forced to labour in war-vital industries in and around Summer School is “the dangers of right-wing extremism Braunschweig in 1944 and 1945. The majority of prisoners in Germany and Russia”. In the first week, the partici- were Polish Jews from the Ghetto in Lodz. Part of the pants will learn methods of intercultural learning and meet collection of the memorial site are numerous letters which anti-racist initiatives & young people in Berlin. Afterwards the historian Dr. Karl Liedke exchanged 1995 with nearly the volunteers will break into small groups and join dif- 500 at this time still living former forced labourers from ferent international workcamps of their choice. Poland. In their letters they have described their every- S: Learning about racism in Germany and in Russia, and day life as prisoners and sent photos from the satellite- ways to fight it camps. A part of these memory reports, written in Polish, X: Only for medium to good Russian speakers! is not translated yet. As a point of reference, documents DE-SCI 1.39 01-Jul to 22-Jul and reports of Italian forced labourers can be used. To- Leipzig II 7 vols day it is hardly visible where the barrack camps for forced This workcamp on Antiracism in Schools and Youth Clubs labourers stood during wartime. Only old residents of has the motto “Intercultural exchange has to be learnt“. Braunschweig still remember them, but they do not know Having learned about the German school system and meth- much about the everyday life of the camp inmates. The ods to work with the teenagers (12 to 15 years), partici- participants of this workcamp shall prepare a small exhi- pants will be based in the schools at lessons, and in af- bition with the available materials. The exhibition shall ternoon activities, where they can present their coun- inform about the every day life in forced labourer camps tries. Creative methods, such as games or video, will be and how the prisoners (esp. from Poland and Italy) have used, and German teachers and social workers will coop- experienced their time in Germany. The volunteers of erate in the projects. Accommodation will be simple, the workcamp will investigate the earlier camp locations, maybe even in tents. Enthusiasm to work with disadvan- translate original documents, make the selection of docu- taged teenagers is a must. Preference will be given to ments and photographs and take active part in the de- applications from South-Eastern Europe. sign of the exhibition. The documentation will be pre- sented to the public at the end of the workcamp. DE-SCI 4.13 01-Aug to 16-Aug W/S: Preparation of a small exhibition about forced la- Deggenhausertal (near Ueberlingen/Lake Constance) 6v bourers in and around Braunschweig Lehenhof is a community composed of 20 households, A: In a school for alternative civilian service several workshops, agricultural land and gardens. There Q: Enthusiasm for history are living about 300 people with different talents and X: Polish volunteers especially welcome disabilities. The inhabitants spend the summer together on location. The average age of the inhabitants is 45 and DE-SCI 1.37 Leipzig I the demand for help increases continually. The volun- 01/07 – 22/07 . 8 vols teers will support the Lehenhof community in running German-Polish-Belarus the household, attending to the disabled adults, and Workcamp on Antiracism in Schools and Youth Clubs helping with excursions and recreational activities. Ac- RAA (Regional Coordination of matters of antiracism and commodation will be in rooms in the community and on a foreigners) is an East German NGO, that promotes con- campsite. An interest in and openness for disabled peo- ple is required, and knowledge of German advantageous. Minimum age: 20. 41 designed for children aged 6-14 who are not going on DE-SCI 4.14 16-Jul to 28-Jul vacation during their summer break. The children will Osterode/Harz Mountains 10v engage in various games, sports, outings, art projects and The Harz-Weser-Werkstätten gGmbH is an institution which a parade through the city. The volunteers will help staff helps mentally disabled people to rehabilitate. The 36 prepare these activities and provide support as they are inhabitants live and work together in the home, located going on. in the midst of the Harz mountains. Due to their mental Accommodation will be in a school. The camp languages disorder the residents need a lot of help and support. will be German and English. Motivation to work with kids Volunteers will be engaged in plastering the pavement for long hours, and a willingness to bring own ideas for outside the house for the use of the residents. Volun- games and leisure activities are required. teers will also attend the everyday life of the institution. There are opportunities for leisure activities like hiking. DE-SCI 5.18 Lützensömmern (near Erfurt) Accommodation will involve sharing rooms. Participants 06/08-28/08 . 17 vols need motivation to work with mentally disabled people German - Italian workcamp and the camp language will be English and German. The project ”Seminar House Rittergut" is an alternative meeting and educational centre. It is located app. 40 DE-SCI 4.16 Heidelberg minutes by train from the city of Erfurt in the East of 25/08-08/09 . 10 vols Germany. Lützensömmern, an idyllic village, has app. 300 The “Diakonisches Hausgemeinschaften” (“Diaconal Com- inhabitants and the manor takes about 4 ha of the village. munity”) is an innovative community project in Heidelberg In this area residential summer camps for children, teens for people with and without disabilities. They try to cre- and disabled people are arranged. Surely we always need ate a living space with more humane rules of living, espe- helpers to make every day a special day, which is impor- cially for those who are very often excluded in society. tant for our guests. Besides we will realise a few working- At the Diaconal Communities, sustainable forms of neigh- projects, like forest and park management or woodwork. bour ship are tried out in order to create a network of W: Assisting a residential summer camp for children and mutual support. Young and elderly people, families and disabled people. Also manual work. singles, individuals experiencing happy and difficult times, S: Ecological building methods, the ecological situation people with and without handicaps – they are all part of of the region, situation of East-German youths during the this network. Community members with disabilities live in GDR and after unification; social and economic changes; decentralised subprojects and are supported by other unemployment in the region members in their daily live. By involving them in the or- A: In big tents in the inner courtyard of the manor, broad ganisation of all communal activities, members with dis- cooking facilities abilities are treated as responsible and active members Q: We expect the volunteers to be autonomous and of the community. The meeting point for 150 members proactive – minor knowledge of the German language is who take part in this project and live in different parts of advantageous but not obligatory Heidelberg, is the community centre. As for all members X: The boarding house is located in a small Thuringian the old community house became much too small, a sec- village 30 km away from Erfurt, restorative environment ond centre - which also hosts a “Culture Café”- was DE-SCI 5.19 13-Aug to 02-Sep built. In springtime 2007 the new centre will be opened, Sanzkow (South of Stralsund, Baltic Sea) 12 vols but some tasks of building and of planting the garden Volunteers will work renovating a house and garden and have still to be done during the workcamp in summer. A there will be some work on a small sailing-boat. The project second important focus of the workcamp will be an inte- is based in the village Sanzkow, where a youth centre is grative theatre-workshop, which will be instructed by being built in a former farmer’s house. This will provide two young professional theatre pedagogues. Together opportunities for foreign and German young people to with disabled community members the camp group will meet. Activities such as hiking and canoeing are possible develop their own theatre play, which will be performed in the surrounding area. Furthermore, volunteers will stay on stage of the “Culture Café” at the end of the camp. a long weekend in Berlin. Accommodation will be in rooms This theatre-workshop offers outstanding possibilities for in the house. Some knowledge of German is desirable the development to individuals with psychiatric problems because many young people in the project only know or who acquired cerebral damage. German. W: Painting, renovation and gardening work at the com- munity centres; developing and performing a theatre play DE-SCI 5.21 23-Jul to 13-Aug S: Communal living, discovering Heidelberg and its sur- Berge ( near Berlin, Brandenburg) 12 vols rounding The Brandenburg Youth Centre is a development facility A: On mattresses in rooms of the two community centres for socially disadvantaged and mentally disabled young F: Lunch together with community members, people. It offers them the opportunity to reintegrate on and dinner will be cooked by the camp social and vocational levels through development pro- Q: Basic knowledge of German is helpful for communica- grammes on issues including ecology, agriculture, build- tion with disabled members; Willingness to do physical ing and kitchen work and wood workshop. Volunteers work, interest in taking an active role in an unusual thea- will work in small groups in the stables, kitchen, wood tre play, openness towards communal living and co-op- workshop and garden, together with the young people. eration with disabled people There will be the chance to learn about renewable en- ergies, environmental technology, and horse-based therapy. Accommodation will be in tents. Knowledge of DE-SCI 5.17 23-Jun to 14-Jul German is useful because the young people do not speak Moers (near Duisburg) 12 vols English. Volunteers will help with the “Tummelferien”, a program 42 DE-SCI 5.22 25-Jun to 09-Jul with younger children. Please bring own ideas, games, Island Fehmarn, Baltic Sea and Philippsthal (near Bad songs or other material from your country (geography, Hersfeld) 15 vols history) for the lessons with the children The Protestant Nursing House Kreuzberg in Philippsthal X: Excursions to the surrounding and Czech or Polish provides help for old people. Regularly the house organ- Republic, historical sightseeing izes vacations with the clients. This year they’ve planned to visit the Baltic Sea Island Fehmarn. The group will con- DE-SCI 6.40 15-Jul to 05-Aug sist of about 20 people, users of the “Meals on Wheels” Bernkastel-Kues (near Koblenz) 12 vols service, people living outside the nursing home and per- The work will be in the fields or the renovation of a house manent residents. The holidays will be organized and with simple materials. The house and land belong to accompanied by qualified nursing staff of the retirement Friedmunt Sonnemann, who cultivates plants which are and nursing home. The clients are physically disabled or rare or forgotten and sells seeds to the gardeners. Life suffer from dementia, so need special care during the in this remote area, one hour up a hill, is not suitable for vacation. Volunteers will help provide this. Accommoda- anyone. Therefore the volunteers have to be economi- tion will be in tents and in a hostel. cal, avoid waste and adapt to hard living conditions. Liv- ing room, telephone, cold water for washing, and com- DE-SCI 5.23 28-Jul to 18-Aug post toilet are available. Only vegetarian food. Do not Abenden/Eifel (NorthRhine Westphalia) 6 vols bring a mobile telephone because of its unhealthy ef- Next to the Nationalpark Eifel the first European „Hos- fect. pice-Garden“ is being built. It is inspired by „the wheel of life“, based on the ideas of Buddhism, and tries to be DE-SCI 6.41 22-Jul to 12-Aug close to nature and consider ecological landscape pro- Wörme ( southwest of Hamburg) 15 vols tection. Volunteers’ work will comprise construction and In 1947 Hof Wörme, a miscellaneous bio-dynamic farm, arrangement of a botanical purification plant, and care started working in an ecological economic system. Since for hedges, dry-walls and bushes. They will learn about then they also practice ecological youth work like school the aims of the hospice movement and how to back up practical courses, sabbaticals for teachers and pupils, suffering people with the help of the ideas of Buddhism. forest workshops, projects with nursery schools, bio-dy- Accommodation will be in guestrooms in the house. Knowl- namic apprenticeships. Volunteers will plan a forest in- edge of German is advantageous. Letter of motivation let- formation path, signage of the farm, a meeting-point and ter needed! a nature-orientated playground. Accommodation will be in a barn, in tents or in a youth hostel at the farm. DE-SCI 5.24 01-Jul to 15-Jul Buchholz (near Ratzeburg, Schleswig- Holstein) 15- DE-SCI 6.42 08-Sep to 22-Sep vols Tübingen (20 km to Stuttgart) 15-18 vols Volunteers will help organize a party, and build a stage, a In this ecology workcamp, volunteers will work with ex- light and video installation and an international market- perts, tending to woods and fields and removing dead place. This is to celebrate the founding of the „Alte wood and branches from the protected area. The area is Schule“ (Old School), a non-profit association involved in well-known as a habitat for rare and endangered animals combining tourism with projects for unemployed and dis- and plants and has been declared a nature reserve. Ac- advantaged youth. On the same day, the 7th of July, a commodation will be in a municipal building on camp- live concert on the theme of climate change organized beds. An interest in ecological themes and a willingness by the former US vice president Al Gore, will be shown for physical work are necessary. Also, you will work in a on a big screen. Accommodation will be in tents in the slope position, and have to be properly equipped for it. school garden. Necessary are strong working shoes with jags in the soles.

DE-SCI 5.25 Jonsdorf (near Zittau, Saxony) DE-SCI 6.43 30-Jun to 14-Jul 01/09-15/09 . 12 vols Gehrden (near Hildesheim, Hannover) 13 vols German-Polish-Czech Workcamp The NABU (Naturschutzbund) group deals with environ- The school “Schkola Jonsdorf” is a primary school (from mental protection and has been working in Gehrden near 5th to 10th grade) providing general education. The Hannover for almost 14 years now. There is a permanently school, situated close to the border triangle Poland, Czech active group of about 14 volunteers that is taking care of Republic and Germany, is an independent and sponsored various orchards, ponds and biotopes in the region. Vol- school. The aims, forms and methods of the education unteers will help them with this. Accommodation will be are very different from those of public state schools. in houses of the town council in rooms with 4-6 beds. An Intercultural and sustainable education have an outstand- interest in environmental issues and natural preservation ing position. Important is the conscious arrangement of is required, as is good German and/or English language the learning and working environment. More information because of the some studies will be undertaken. on the school can be found here: www.schkola.de W: Support of the methods of the open teaching. After- DE-SCI 6.44 18-Aug to 08-Sep lessons activities with students in “all-day” school. Düsseldorf 12 vols S: The “Umgebindehaus”, half-timbered house, typical in The Farm ”Hexhof” is first mentioned in archives in 1318 the Euro Region “Neisse“, horticulture, architecture, and extends over 33 hectares. In the 1970s, the commu- alternative education. nity of the Düsseldorf bought the farmhouse, protected A: In the near of the school. Please bring a sleeping bag by conservation law. Today the Hexhof functions as the (possible: Camping, if good weather) ecological centre where the landscape preservation work Q: For communication with the children basic knowledge around Düsseldorf is co-ordinated. The aim is to preserve of German is very helpful. Experience in the interaction endangered animals and plants. Volunteers will take part 43 in re-naturalisation work in and around Düsseldorf, and mestic animals. Reconstruction work on the outside of stay in the attic of the Hexhof-farm in common rooms. the house, a little bit of farm work. Study: Eco House Work begins at 7.00 am, four days per week, and a special Construction and Renewable Energy (solar, plant oil, motivation letter is needed. biomass), Eco Agriculture. Sleeping in own tents or in the barn. Be ready for physical work and very basic condi- DE-SCI 6.45 26-Aug to 09-Sep tions. Groß Fredenwalde (north of Berlin) 10 vols The idea of the nature education centre „Feld- Wald- DE-SCI 6.53 07-Aug to 22-Aug und Wiesenschule“ in Groß Fredenwalde is to make peo- Glücksburg (near Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein ) 15 ple appreciate nature and environment. The focus of in- vols terest will be practical experience in ecological educa- “Artefact”, in Gluecksburg/Baltic Sea close to the Ger- tion. Young people work and study in the project garden man-Danish border, is a centre for sustainable develop- and take part in different workshops like health food, ment. The non-profit association runs a guesthouse built nature protection, environmental activities and paper- in earthen architecture with renewable energy supply, making. Volunteers’ work will include cleaning the build- the “Powerpark”, an energy infotainment site for tour- ings, garden work, and painting. Accommodation will be ists, and it conducts project activities for youth as well in the barn: sleeping bags necessary. as specialist seminars for adults on renewable energy, building and water management. In order to keep up its DE-SCI 6.46 18-Aug to 08-Sep attraction as a target for training and tourism, installa- Sipplingen (near Überlingen, at Lake Constance) 20 tions on the site have to be improved. Work: mounting of vols a new biomass demonstration site, painting and arranging This workcamp in the village Sipplingen on lake Constance of existing energy stations and the equipment of the is organised for nature and landscape protection. Typi- artefact power park and nature park, wood and metal cal landscape around Sipplingen are steep banks and the works Study: Getting to know the reasons and effects of territory around lake The habitat of rare and endan- climate change and the different options of renewable gered animals and plants, therefore it has to be regularly and peaceful energy sources for different climates. Accom cultivated in order to avoid overgrow by bushes and trees. In tents. Working under supervision of the experts, cutting trees, removing dried wood and branches, mowing grass in the DE-SCI 6.54 22-Jul to 05-Aug protected area. Study Ecological problems, biotope and Wernsdorf ( near Berlin ) 14v nature protection, lake Constance, “flower-island” Mainau An old GDR vacation complex had been renovated for Accom in tents by the lake Needs interest in ecological recreational and educational purposes. The 14 inhabit- themes, being prepared for physical work ants, aged between 1 and 65 years, moved out of town in this small village in Brandenburg, to live and work together DE-SCI 6.48 27-Jul to 17-Aug in the countryside. They operate the vacation and con- Schelingen / Kaiserstuhl, (near Freiburg) 18 vols ference residence in a volunteer capacity and use atel- Work will involve maintaining the “Kaiserstuhl” nature iers, studios and meadows to pursue their various crea- reserve – known for its numerous rare species of plants tive activities. Their aim is to create and preserve self- and animals – cutting back trees and bushes, mowing fields managed places to live and work. The place contains a and raking the hay on a steep area. There is the oppor- large forest, a lake to swim is there as well. Work in the tunity to learn about the habitat and wine-growing. Ac- forest, collecting woods, sawing; renovating buildings; commodation will be in a hall on mattresses. There will building a fountain. Study: Sustainable development and be a trip to the Feldberg, the highest hill in Schwarzwald. environment protection, creative workshops (acrobatics, Not accessible for wheel-chairs! artistic woodworking, etc.). Needs willingness for physi- cal work, interest in environmental issues DE-SCI 6.51 26-Aug to 15-Sep Rutenberg (near Fürstenberg, Brandenburg ) 12 vols DE-SCI 8.81 18-Jul to 08-Aug Who wants to experience pure nature in a lake and for- Hamburg- St. Pauli II 6 vols est area should go to Eichhof. The diversity of flora and Alimaus is a Christian project for homeless people. The fauna of the near by nature reserve can be explored by project offers the possibility to meet, warm up and trekking or bike tours. The Eichhof used to be a holiday- relax.and get medical help, as well as meals and clothes. motel in the former GDR. After its almost complete de- Funded through donations only. After an introductory struction the rebuilding has been going on for 8 years. period volunteers will be integrated in the daily routine Simple bungalows were built for families, children and of the project and will help with all necessary tasks. The seminar groups that love to live with nature. During the project is located in St. Pauli, one of Hamburg’s poorest camp renovations and painting work outside and on the quarters. At the same time, it is one of the most popular playground will be done. Volunteers will sleep in bunga- living quarters, especially amongst artists and young peo- lows: bring sleeping bags. ple, popular for its colourful and international atmosphere. Help with the distribution of food and clothes; own ini- DE-SCI 6.52 11-Aug to 25-Aug tiatives of the participants are very welcome. Study: pov- Marth, Thuringia (near Göttingen) 12 vols erty and homelessness in Hamburg; chances to visit other The Kastanienhof is a historical timber-framed farm house, projects for homeless people. Needs high level of motiva- in a little village surrounded b beautiful landscape with tion, willingness to associate with a difficult clientele hills. The owner is an association with the aim to sustain nature. The farm buildings are also reconstructed in an DE-SCI 8.82 05-Aug to 26-Aug ecological way.There is a little organic agriculture fo- Berlin and other regions (Aids/ HIV prevention) 12 cused on the conservation of old useful plants and do- vols 44 The volunteers will support different projects for HIV/ bours and be creative. It makes spaces for bike acrobat- AIDS prevention in the capital of Germany. The main tar- ics, beach-volleyball, music making or gardening etc., all get groups are men having sex with men, male and female marked with a special fence and designed with the in- prostitutes and HIV-drug users. Thereby, outreach work habitants. Work: Providing and setting up tree-cut fences. in these communities is the first priority. Volunteers will Study : Methods of landscaping and social work. Camp work on Pub-Crawls, conduct actions and performances language: English and German; volunteers should like on parties etc. After being trained, small teams will visit physical activity. Supporting programme of trips etc. 2-3 international workcamps to run one-day workshops on HIV/AIDS-prevention. Work: DE-SCI 9.92 30-Jul to 19-Aug a) Planning, Organisation and Conducting an outreach Bodenwerder (near Hannover, Hameln) 16 vols activity: create games, materials, outfits, etc.; partici- The “Kulturbahnhof” (cultural railway station) pating invarious activities, support team in every-day-busi- Bodenwerder- a culture-orientated, ecological holiday ness: managing info-material (prepare, distribute, ...) , offers visitors the unique opportunity to rent b) Preparing and organizing workshops on HIV/AIDS at in- draisines (track-driven trolleys) to enjoy the scenic area ternational workcamps of the Weserbergland. The 4,5km-long tour ends with a Study: HIV/AIDS in Germany and worldwide, prevention former factory where people can stay. Draisines are track- strategies driven vehicles (as in Donald Duck comics!). This year the Accom.: Youth centre in Berlin, later simple accommoda- task will be to create an overnight-stay for travelling tion in workcamps. Volunteers should be open to work in groups in a new building of the shape of a railway car- the gay scene and with the other target groups and have riage. Extension and arrangement of the cultural railway a strong interest in this topic. Motivation to do all kinds station, work at the archery facilities of work and outreach actions, good knowledge of English Study: The concept of the Nature and Adventure Course. – German is a plus. For this project we have a special Accom: In the new building which looks like a train. For application form. Please ask for it from: incoming@sci- lovers of nature d.de DE-SCI 9.93 29-Jul to 18-Aug DE-SCI 8.83 16-Jul to 29-Jul Üeberlingen, Lake Constance 20 vols Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 10 vols Right on Lake Constance, Burgberg elemantary school is The association “mob – Obdachlose machen mobil e.V.” planning a new schoolyard for children. Pavement work, (homeless people get active) has the aim to improve the creating and building the school yard with different ma- conditions of socially disadvantaged and excluded peo- terials. Study: creating an enjoyable schoolyard, visit to ple, in particular homeless people and people who are historical monuments from the Nazi era. Needs interest threatened by homelessness. Working in Prenzlauer Berg in the project and creative design, technical carpeting, in Berlin, with projects such as café “Kaffee Bankrott”, interest and motivation the newspaper “Straßenfeger”, sold by homeless peo- ple, an emergency accommodation or the second hand DE-SCI 9.94 29-Jul to 12-Aug magazine “Trödel Point”. Participants will renovate the Berlin-Friedrichshain, Bodhicharya 10 vols court of the building and illustrate it with extracts of the Bodhicharya, derived from the Tibetan Karma Kagyu declaration of human rights. Also finishing the construc- School, has a centre for peace and understanding that tion of a building in the project “Helmholtzplatz e.V.”.They works inter-religiously in Berlin. It yook over a site with will make an own article for the newspaper different badly dilapidated buildings and started to reno- “Straßenfeger”.Construction work, partly exhausting, vate it slowly. They want to install a centre for religion, creative painting work. Study: Working with homeless social projects and culture there. Construction work, people, human rights and poverty, projects for self-help partly exhausting. Study: Inter-religious exchange, dis- for homeless people, design of one page in the newspa- cussions with representatives of different religions, work- per “Der Straßenfeger” Basic accom.. Willingness for shop on inter-religious dialogue in cooperation with In- physical work, interest in working with socially excluded ter-religious centre Jerusalem in Berlin, introduction to people and the issue of human rights Buddhism and meditation. Accom:very, very simple. Inter- est in religion and construction work, ability to work hard; DE-SCI 9.89 29-Jul to 12-Aug due to the challenging study part a good knowledge of Weißandt-Gölzau (near Köthen, Dessau, Saxony-Anhalt) English is very useful. NB. No drinking/smoking. 12-15v The association Fun has bought an old house which will DE-SCI 9.95 19-Jul to 09-Aug be reconstructed an used as an multicultural youth cen- Wechmar/Thuringia ( near Gotha) 12 vols tre with training, musical and meeting facilities. There Wechmar is famous in the international world of music will be the possibility of creating and participating in on- known as the home of the forefathers of the Bach family. going sport or dance courses and performances in the It is a village near Erfurt. The original Bach house is the house. Renovation and creative works in and around the oldest living and working place of Bach family in the world. house. Study: Dance courses, excursion in the region Work: Gardening work in the former castle moat, manu- and community life facturing a ground relief of the castles “Die Drei Gleichen”, joining the International Folk-Festival. Study: Monument DE-SCI 9.90 02-Apr to 15-Apr conservation, local history, rural traditions Kassel I 12 vols DE-SCI 9.91 14-Jul to 27-Jul DE-SCI 9.96 28-Jul to 18-Aug Kassel II 12 vols Hamburg-Osdorf 15 vols Every 5 years the world art exhibition „documenta“ takes Osdorfer Born is a centre of the German Red Cross, fol- place, animating people to get together with their neigh- lowing the tradition of social community work.. It is in a 45 socially deprived area of Hamburg. Work: Repairing and tion Centre, to be an oasis of peace, a meeting and com- arranging: build seating furniture and playground equip- munication place, and a place for self-development. It ment, build a wooden fence, decoration works. Study: will include several meditation rooms, a library, living ar- Getting to know social work in this area, attending eas, small apartments for individual retreats, and a veg- projects in this area, inter-cultural parties with young etarian bistro open for meditation and neighbours. All people of this area, visiting the memorial site of the former kind of reconstruction work in the Centre, and garden concentration camp „KZ Neuengamme“ work. Study: Buddhism in a big city, Buddhist traditions and meditations. Accom.: Simple. Needs interest in Bud- DE-SCI 9.97 05-Aug to 23-Aug dhism, and willingness for manual work. In the Meditation Föckinghausen/ Sauerland (80 km east of Dortmund) 15 centre, no alcohol/drugs. vols The family hostel Föckinghausen is in Sauerland, a rural, DE-SCI 10.63 22-Jul to 11-Aug hilly area across east North Rhine-Westphalia. Child groups Jänkendorf (near Görlitz, Saxony) 13 vols and youngsters, families, choirs and many more stay here The association Holderbusch runs a farm with about 22 to make seminars or to spend their spare time, in a rec- hectares of land for ecological agriculture, aiming for reational house for socially deprived families from the permcultural self-sustainability, landscape conservation, Ruhr area. Renovation work and paintings, outside ar- revitalization of traditional handicraft and agriculture with rangements maintainence. Study: Getting to know of the horses. There are four adults and one child living on the charity federation and the specific features of a family farm. Renovation works at the house and at an open sta- holidays site Needs interest in the subject, readiness to ble for horses, reconstruction of an old path close to physical work . Information about the house the farm, reconstruction works on recent storm dam- www.ferienstaette-foeckinghausen.de ages, work in the garden and on the fields, fruit-gather- ing. Study: permaculture, life in harmony with nature, DE-SCI 9.98 22-Jul to 05-Aug keeping of animals in their natural environment, commu- Berlin, Intercultural gardens 12v nity life. Accom: Simple in tents, during rainy weather in A ‘working group on small agriculture and gardens in city the barn. If possible bring your bike! Needs cycling abil- and landscape’ deals with the social and ecological mean- ity! ing of gardens and small farms worldwide and aims to im- prove the situation of farmers and gardeners, subsist- DE-VJF 6.1 Rothenklempenow 10.08.-25.08.07 12 vols ence-agriculture and women in agriculture. The volun- Work: During our project you will have the opportunity teers will work on an intercultural garden in the middle to learn about the history and culture of small villages in of Berlin, also involved in the integration of migrants Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Your main task will be work- through intercultural projects. Garden work, creative ing in the nature around the forests in this area. You will arrangement work, 6 hours per day . Study: Integration help to re-establish a nature garden in front of the pre- of migrants, sustainable and alternative economy and city vious forestry office, build a rock ramp / river bottom development, sustainable agriculture in the city . Accom: slide to a lake and to mark an orchid meadow for natural Simple. Needs willingness for physical work, interest in use. A: In a house Language: English nature, cultural diversity and exchange Location: Rothenklempenow is a little village in the fed- eral district Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in the northeast DE-SCI 9.99 01-Jul to 21-Jul of Germany, not far from the Polish border (about 10 km). Leipzig III, Theatre Camp 12v It is only 45 km to the Baltic Sea. The area is an agricul- Good mutual understanding is a precondition for a suc- tural one, surrounded by forests. Special Remarks:18-26 cessful international exchange. With theatre we use nu- age merous, above all non-verbal (mimic, body language, sounds) expressions in order to facilitate differentiated DE-VJF 1.2 Wooster Teerofen Dobbertin 17.08.-02.09.07 communication going beyond existing language barriers. 12 vols Under professional tuition the volunteers will learn and Work: Your work will include different activities: cultiva- practice some fundamental techniques of acting and in tion of a biotope, planting work, clearance of a forest, so doing learn about their different cultural backgrounds. mowing meadows and removing bushes in the area sur- At the end of the camp, these volunteers will perform rounding Karow. This is a special task for nature lovers. small theatre-plays in different parts of the city under Accommodation: You will live in big tents. In a separate the motto “strange is beautiful”. Project sponsor is a building are a kitchen and two rooms for meetings. small alternative theatre in Leipzig. Work: Acting and per- Language: English forming theatre. Study: “Strange is beautiful” – study pro- Location: The project is situated in the Nature Reserve gramme on the topic of racism. Good knowledge of Ger- „Nossentiner Schwinzer Heide“, between the two towns man, French or English language, experience of acting is Goldberg and Guestrow in the Federal district of not an absolute necessity, more important is the motiva- Mecklenburg, in the north east of Germany. This area is tion and courage to learn acting. Half the group will be covered with forests and you can find a lot of beautiful volunteers from Hungary, also from Roma-families lakes there. The next biggest village, 5 km away, is Krakow am See. DE-SCI 10.60 01-Apr to 15-Apr Special Requirements: You have to be able to ride a bicy- Berlin-Centre I, Anjali foundation 12-15 vols cle. Spring Camp Special Remarks: 18-26 age DE-SCI 10.61 29-Jul to 12-Aug Berlin-Centre II, Anjali Foundation 15 vols DE-VJF 1.3. Schloss Dreiluetzow 20.08.-02.09.07 12 vols The Anjali-Foundation purchased a building with a won- Work: The task in this workcamp will be to care for the derful garden with the aim to create a Buddhist Medita- park behind the castle. We have been trying for several 46 years to change the park back into an old English park as Special Requirements: None it was in the last centuries until it was destroyed. Special Remarks: This is a remote area. 18-26 age The highlight of the workcamp will be the light feast on the last weekend. Here we need your help in preparing DE-VJF 1.6. Zarnekla (Vegetarian Camp) 06.08.- and hosting the feast. We would really appreciate, if you 24.08.07 17 vols play an instrument, if you could it bring with you. Work: The main work will take place in a forest close to It is possible that your help will be needed to prepare the village of Zarnekla, in Drosedow. This forest was not and run another festival close to the castle. touched since about 60 years. Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated The groups work will include removing rubbish, trees, in a little building next to the castle. which are driving out the original ones, building ways Language: English through the forest, building and establishing benches for Location: The little village Dreiluetzow is situated in the guests. You will learn to build a dry wall and a wall for federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Schloss insects. Dreiluetzow is a 300 year old castle with a big park, which Accommodation: The accommodation is modest and ru- will be the workcamp place. The nearest town Wittenburg ral. There are compost toilets; warm water is available is about 4 km away and the closest big town is Schwerin only in the evening. You can use a solar shower. The about 25 km away kitchen-stove is old (but romantic). You will sleep in one Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg or two big rooms in the barn. Special Remarks: 18-26 age Language: English Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg DE-VJF 1.4 Steinreich Kirch Grubenhagen 18.06-06.07.07 Special Requirements: None 12 vols Special Remarks: All food in the camp is vegetarian. Vegan Work: The task during this project will be to renovating a people are welcome. You will prepare your meals together. chapel in a big castle park. The chapel belonged to the The food will be mostly organically grown, some of the castle of Vollrathsruhe, which is now unfortunately aban- vegetables you will harvest fresh from the garden. You doned. You will clean the area around the chapel, re- can prepare salad with wild herbs, if you like. 18-26 age. move weeds and bushes and build a path. Inside work will include painting and removing broken stones / tiles. Please DE-VJF 2.1 Hoelzerner See Heidesee 11.08-25.08.07 15 be also prepared to work in the natural areas, e.g. build- vols ing fences on paddocks, in a nature reserve or in a very Work: The Erholungszentrum Hoelzener See is set within new “boulders park”. the wildlife park of Dahme-Heidessen, on the shores of Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated the Hoelzener See. Your will be involved in small renova- in the parish house. A bathroom and a kitchen are in the tion and environmental works on the site, including main- house. tenance of existing animal enclosures and public struc- Language: English tures. Location: The little village Kirch Grubenhagen is situated Accommodation: Your accommodation will be in a com- in the federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The near- fortable guesthouse. Each guesthouse has 2-4 beds, show- est town Waren /Mueritz is about 20 km and the closest ers and bathrooms, and all linen is provided. big town is Schwerin about 40 km away. In the area around Language: English you will find mostly forests and farms and lots of boul- Location: The Erholungszentrum Hoelzerner See is in ders. Dubrow, just 15 minutes drive by bus from S-Bahn Koenigs Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg Wusterhausen. You will need about an hour by S-Bahn Special Requirements: None from the city of Berlin to Koenigs Wusterhausen. Special Remarks: This is a remote area. 18-26 age Terminal: Berlin Special Requirements: None DE-VJF 1.5 Bröllin Fahrenwalde 01.08.-22.08.07. 8 vols Special Remarks: 18-26 age Work: Every year at Schloss Broellin artists meet to run international art workshops, festivals and other events. DE-VJF 2.2 Wulkow Lebus 13.07-03.08.07 15 vols The aim is to provide a meeting place for artists and the Work: Your main work will be building a big treehouse public. Artists present their work and exchange ideas within the eco-village of Wulkow. Other work includes: with colleagues. This year, the “4th International dance- maintaining the area around the main house (for example exchange project eX…it! ‘07” will take place and we ex- village pond, castle park, flower beds); working in the pect about 60 dancers in this festival. herb garden; work in the Kindergarten/nursery school; Your help will be needed to build up the stage, prepare clay construction or workshops (topics e.g.: Ecology, the rooms and help in the kitchen. Sustainability) Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated You are encouraged to come up with your own ideas for in a big room inside the castle. The conditions are very, the site and implement them. very modest; there are showers and toilets available. Accommodation: You will be accommodated in beds at Language: English the loft of the Oekospeicher, a former storehouse which Location: The little village Broellin is situated in the fed- is redeveloped eral state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern close to the Polish Language: English border. The nearest town Pasewalk is about 6 km away Location: Wulkow, a small eco-village with 230 inhabit- and the closest big town is Neubrandenburg, about 50km ants, is situated in the east of Germany, about 3 km to away. In the area around you’ll find mostly forests and the German-Polish border and 80 kilometres from Berlin. farms. Please be prepared for a little, isolated but very Special Remarks: 18-26 age nice place in the middle of nowhere!!! Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg DE-VJF 2.3 Sachsenhausen 1 Oranienburg 06.08-25.08.07 47 15 vols Work: Volunteers are going to work near the area of the DE-VJF 2.4 Sachsenhausen 2 Oranienburg 27.08-15.09.07 former concentration camp Ravensbrueck, which was 15 vols established in 1939 by the SS and became the largest Work: This is a unique opportunity to take part in an concentration camp for women during the time of fas- extended study program on the site of the Sachsenhausen cism. Alongside a historical study of the area, it is planned Memorial and Museum- one of the earliest established that the group will work in a small unknown special camp and longest running concentration camps in Germany. near the main area of the women’s concentration camp. The aims of this special project are: There many different tasks to be done including cleaning - To bring together young people from different coun- the area of wild growing vegetation, archaeological work, tries and deepen their understanding of history, enabling and investigation work. them to gain access to the period of National Socialism; Accommodation: You will live in a youth hostel near the - To show how two different camps as the result of two Ravensbrueck memorial. Shower and toilets are available. dictatorships could exist at the same place; Language: English - To go deeper into how the administration and extermi- Location: The Ravensbrueck memorial is close to the small nation machine worked; town Fuerstenberg/Havel, situated in the north of the - To consider oneself as part of history and of today’s federal state Brandenburg about 80 km north of Berlin. society, and taking responsibility for the future. Special Requirements: For this workcamp (very) good You will have the opportunity to talk with former inmates English skills are required. of the camp and employees with historical expertise, take Special Remarks: 18-26 agr guided tours and excursions to nearby memorial sites, and work in the archives and onsite library. Although the DE-VJF 3.3 Sprachcamp 2 Berlin 16.04-23.04.07 15 vols main task will be studies of history, manual work like gar- Work: The major component of this camp is a German dening, maintenance work and cleaning-up of specific immersion and study program. Formal and informal les- areas of the memorial are also planned. sons in German language, history and culture will take Accommodation: Accommodation will be in a youth hos- place alongside excursions to Berlin and renovation works. tel, 2km from the memorial site. The volunteers are asked to work together repairing, Language: English renovating, cleaning and gardening on the campsite. A Location: In a small town 8km north of Berlin. perfect way to improve your German, meet young peo- Terminal: Berlin ple from all over the world, and help maintain a beautiful Special Requirements: Good or very good English skills natural site. are necessary. Volunteers should be able to ride a bike Accommodation: You will live in the centre in small bun- as we have planned short and long bike tours. galows. Special Remarks: 18-26 age Language: German Location: You will live in the “Projekt- und DE-VJF 2.5 Gut Gnewikow 24.08-14.09.0710 vols Begegnungsstaette”, which is the meeting and project Work: ‘Gut Gnewikow’ is a grand old manor situated near centre of the Union of Young Volunteers (VJF) in quiet a lake, and surrounded by a forest. Our task is to restore place on a lake about an hour from the centre of Berlin. the forest, gardens and grounds of the site to their former Special Remarks: A 100• additional fee applies. 18-26 ageg beauty. You will also do other gardening work on the site. Volunteers will also work within the manor cleaning DE-VJF 3.4 MAXIM Berlin 03.07.-21.07.07 15 vols rooms and helping in the service area. Work: This project is based at the MAXIM youth club Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated onsite, within Berlin. Your help is first required in preparing, in rooms of 4-6. Facilities are good and reliable. running and clearing away a festival called RAKATAK. In Language: English the last few years over 7000 people have visited the fes- Location: Gut Gnewikow is not far from Neuruppin, a larger tival! Other work during the camp includes building a town known as the birthplace of Theodor Fontane, a pavilion on the youth club grounds using clay and wood, well known German writer. establishing a summer kitchen, a campfire place and a Special Remarks: No vegetarians! There are no self cater- simple solar heating system for the kitchen. You will also ing possibilities. This is a remote setting. 18-26 age be required to work in the garden. Make a real differ- ence while learning and sharing new skills! DE-VJF 2.7. Burg/ Spreewald 23/08 - 14/09/07 12 vols Accommodation: You will live onsite at the youth club, in Work: You will work about 6 hours a day in the special modest but clean quarters. There is a kitchen and of agricultural area of a biosphere reserve. course bathrooms. Some gardening work is planned i.e. working and harvest- Language: English ing in the herb garden. Location: The MAXIM youth club is in Weissensee, a city Study: Environmental protection, special information on district in the north-eastern part of Berlin. biosphere reserves Terminal: Berlin Accommodation: You will live in the bungalows of a youth Special Requirements: Volunteers should be able to ride hostel near Burg. a bike as we have planned short and long bike tours. Language: English Special Remarks: 18-26 age Location: The project will take place in the famous area of Germany, called „Spreewald“. Burg is a small village DE-VJF 3.5 Krimiweg Berlin 27.8-08.09.07 15 vols with about 3500 German and Sorbish inhabitants. Work: You will live in the “Projekt - und Special Remarks: 18-26 age Begegnungsstaette”, which is the meeting and project centre of the Union of Young Volunteers (VJF). Your help DE-VJF 2.8 Ravensbrueck Fuerstenberg 15.07-18.07.07 is needed to make the “project and meeting centre” 15 vols more attractive for all our visitors - children, teenagers, 48 students, artists and different groups of adults. The vol- Special Remarks: Be prepared to live in an isolated area. unteers are asked to do repairing, renovating, cleaning 18-26 age and gardening work. This camp will also function as a forum for discussing global youth issues, in particular the DE-VJF 4.3 Rackith 10.08-31.08.07 10 vols problem of youth unemployment. Share your ideas and Work: The Diakonie Hof Rackith is a former farm house possible solutions, and return home inspired! where ecological and sustainable farming are the main Accommodation: You will live in the centre in small bun- topics. An everyday task for some of the group will be galows. helping with rabbits and sheep farming. You will be help- Language: English ing to harvest oats and maybe bring in hay. On some parts Location: A quiet place on a lake about an hour from the of the field this also means removing bushes and using centre of Berlin. them to make chopped wood for the winter. Works on Special Remarks: 18.26 age the farm will be preparing compost and removing and establishing a biological purification system of sewage in- DE-VJF 3.6 Marzahn Berlin 27.08-14.09.07 15 vols cluding removing and planting bushes and flowers. A sum- Work: The topic of this project will be the environment mer party will take place on the last weekend and your and traditional farming. You will work at a special farm, help will be needed to prepare and run it. „Tierhof Alt-Marzahn“, a working agricultural museum. In the case of bad weather you will work inside of the Volunteers will be asked to help in the daily running of former mill, renovating the windows, replacing paint, putty the farm, including feeding the animals (donkeys, rab- and broken windows, and building a false ceiling. Be ready bits, chickens, sheep and horses) and cleaning their en- to put in a lot of effort and work- work begins at 7am! closures. During the second part of the project your There will also be the opportunity to learn about eco- main job will be helping to prepare the annual traditional logical farming and alternative, sustainable technologies. market in Marzahn. The group will help with gardening Come and share your ecological ideas with like minded work (such as cutting roses and pulling weeds) to make people! the town look perfect for the festival. Take part in build- Accommodation: You will live onsite in rooms for several ing town spirit and pride, while learning practical agri- people. culture skills and meeting like minded people! Language: English Accommodation: You will be living in 4-bed dormitory style Location: The village of Rackith is located some kilome- accommodation in a big house in the new housing estate tres from Lutherstadt Wittenberg, famous for both the in the eastern part of Berlin. Showers, toilets, a meeting Reformator Martin Luther and the Cranach Brothers room and a kitchen are on the same floor. Terminal: Halle/Leipzig Language: English Special Requirements: Volunteers should be able to ride Location: The project will take place in a new housing a bike. estate in the east of Berlin Special Remarks: This workcamp is not suitable for peo- Terminal: Berlin ple suffering from allergies. The site is in an isolated area. Special Requirements: Volunteers should be able to ride 18-26 age a bike as we have planned short and long bike tours. Special Remarks: 18-26 age DE-VJF 4.4 Güntersberge 25.06.-14.07.07 15 vols Project / Work: The 10th Eurocamp for 250 children from DE-VJF 4.1. Elben Doessel24.07.-09.08.07 12 vols 5 countries will run in August in Guentersberge. The Work: The group will be in charge of the preservation of workcamp’s work will be the foundation for this children's' a historical house. camp. The group will build an “International Coffee gar- Accommodation: In a house on mattresses or in tents, den” which will be opened in August by International depending on the weather. Ambassadors. Language: German Your work will include several works on the ground of Location: In a village 25 km from Halle/Saale. the centre: demolish a bungalow, remove bushes and Terminal: Leipzig/Halle weeds, build an arbour, make up a way with good founda- Special Requirements: Participants should be able to ride tions, paint and plant. a bike, because it takes a 13km ride to work each day. Accommodation: You will live in bungalows with 4 o5 beds; Special Remarks: None the toilets and showers are about 200 m from your bun- galows. Close to the sleeping place you will have your DE-VJF 4.2 Schloss Altenhausen 06.08-25.08.07 15 vols own relaxing place, a big room to meet in the evening. Work: Your help is needed to clean up the surroundings Language: English of the Schloss Altenhausen (Altenhausen Castle). Your tasks Location: close to the city of Quedlinburg will include the maintenance of an open space on the Special Requirements: Volunteers should be able to ride grounds of the castle, the building of new paths and the a bike. maintenance of the park. If the weather is rainy you can Special Remarks: None. do renovation work in a house on the property. Help restore the grounds of this grand castle while meeting DE-VJF 5.1 Gut Gamig Dohna 16.07-03.08.07 12 vols new people and exploring a rarely seen area of Germany. Work: Gamig Castle is used for the rehabilitation and treat- Accommodation: You will live onsite, in rooms for up to 8 ment of mentally ill (manic depressive and schizophrenic) people. people. The patients work on a large organic farm, as Language: English well as in art and craft shops. Volunteers are asked to do Location: Schloss Altenhausen is located in an extremely different gardening work and help in the agricultural ac- remote area in the centre of Germany. tivities such as apple harvesting and cleaning and har- Terminal: Halle/ Leipzig vesting of vegetables and fruits. You will work approxi- Special Requirements: None mately 6 hours a day, sometimes alongside the patients. If 49 you are interested we can have talks with the doctor Sun Flower Festival, and then work with your cameras, about methods and aims of the medical treatment of the videos or phones to best capture it. The team leader will centre. This is a fantastic opportunity to work in a unique sort and archive these images, and create a CD record setting. for each work camp member. The best images and videos Accommodation: You will be living onsite in simple condi- will be included on the Sun Flower Festival homepage! tions; a property with kitchen and bathrooms is provided, As you can see, it is a busy work camp, but a great atmos- and camping is a possibility phere and lots of fun! Language: English During the last week of the camp you will travel through Location: Close to Dresden Saxony with the group. Special Remarks: Remote Area. 18-26 age Accommodation: Your accommodation will be very basic. You will live on the festival ground in a big tent. Don’t DE-VJF 5.2 Sun Flower Festival 1 - Theatre Project worry - showers and toilets are available Freiberg 19/07-09/08/07 20 vols Language: English Work: The Sun Flower Festival is a weekend of ‘laughter, Location: Freiberg is a small university town with about dance and mutual understanding’. German and interna- 50 000 inhabitants, in the Southeast of Germany, not far tional bands play Hippie, Rock, Reggae, Goa and World Dresden music alongside workshops, performances and bazaars. Terminal: Halle/ Leipzig Your work on the festival is two-fold: firstly your help is Special Requirements: Creativity is a must for this project, required setting up, supporting and clearing away after and a readiness to perform! Good English skills are impor- the Sun Flower Festival. You will help to decorate the tant. festival area, the interior of the event tents and build Special Remarks: None different constructions for the festival. Help will be needed in co-ordinating the arriving cars and catering DE-VJF 5.4 Fuchsmühle Halsbrücke 30.07.-18.08.07 12 for the artists backstage during the festival. vols Theatre Project: Work: Your working and living place will be the building of Working as group you will organise and perform a show as a former mill, the Fuchsmuehle- ‘fox mill’.The work for part of the festival program. Alongside the practical as- this project is in two areas- the renovation of the build- pects of helping with the festival set up, we are looking ing, and assisting with the establishment of a museum to you to handle all aspects of the theatre process- plan- onsite. Your help will be needed to renovate the window ning, and performing as a group. It is completely up to frames, removing old paint and painting them anew. An- you and the group to decide if you will remake an exist- other task will be building of dry walls. ing play or create a new piece, but be ready to shine as In the basement of the building is a collection of histori- you show your work to festival visitors! cal printing presses and letters. The plan of the owner is As you can see, it is a busy work camp, but a great atmos- to open a type museum and you are asked to help. If you phere and lots of fun! are interested you will have the opportunity to have a During the last week of the project you will travel through little course in the museum to try the types. Saxony with the group. The host also offers a course in the dance Tango Argentino. Accommodation: Your accommodation will be very basic. If you have dancing shoes, please bring them with you. You will live on the festival ground in a big tent. Don’t Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated worry - showers and toilets are available in a big room inside the building. The conditions are very Language: English modest, but there are showers and toilets available. Location: Freiberg is a small university town with about Language: English 50 000 inhabitants, in the Southeast of Germany, not far Location: Halsbrücke is very close to Freiberg Dresden Terminal: Halle/Leipzig Terminal: Halle/ Leipzig Special Requirements: None Special Requirements: Creativity is a must for this project, Special Remarks: 18-26 age and a readiness to perform! Good English skills are impor- tant. DE-VJF 6.1 Jena 28.08-09.09.07 12 vols Special Remarks: N18-26 age Work: The volunteers will help the environmentally en- gaged organisation “Berggesellschaften” and the local DE-VJF 5.3 Sun Flower Festival 2 - Photo Video Project foresters with the renovation and construction of sev- 19/07-09/08/07 20 vols eral recreation facilities in the Jena-forest. We have Work: The Sun Flower Festival is a weekend of ‘laughter, planned to paint small wooden huts, repair trails, cut dance and mutual understanding’. German and interna- small trees and renovate signs on the educational path tional bands play Hippie, Rock, Reggae, Goa and World through the forest. Other work is also possible. You have music alongside workshops, performances and bazaars. the opportunity to work with and learn from experts in Your work on the festival is two-fold: firstly your help is forestry and environmental management. required setting up, supporting and clearing away after Accommodation: Volunteers will be accommodated in an the Sun Flower Festival. You will help to decorate the isolated hostel on a hill in the Western part of Jena, in festival area, the interior of the event tents and build 10-bed rooms. different constructions for the festival. Help will be Language: English needed in co-ordinating the arriving cars and catering Location: Jena for the artists backstage during the festival. Terminal: Halle/ Leipzig Photo and Video project: Alongside this more practical Special Requirements: None aspect, this year we invite you to work in teams to cre- Special Remarks: No smoking during the project, on any ate a record of the festival and your role in it. With your part of the site. 18-26 age. team decide upon an angle, a theme or a vision of the DE-VJF 6.2 Weisbach 09.08-28.08.07 8 vols 50 Work: Weisbach is a small village in the Thüringen Moun- heavy disabilities. The aim of the workcamp is to give also tains. During the 12th century a fortress was built on a to the children who are left behind a sense of summer hill near the village but it was destroyed during the fol- holidays. Swimming in the sea, going for walks and excur- lowing century. The volunteers are asked to help with sions outside the institution, organizing games and out- the hands on excavation work of the fortress with the door activities and helping the children with daily care possibility of doing drawings or helping with the presen- tasks. Some training on approaching people with multiple tation of an exhibition. This is a great way to learn about disabilities. Please try to learn some basic Greek before the history of the region and the practice of archaeol- arriving, it will be useful! ogy and documentation. Accommodation: You will live in a community house as a GR-SCI-5.5 06-Jul to 31-Jul group. Kataskinosi, Near Elefsina 11v Language: English The workcamp is organized with the “Happy Children- Location: Weisbach is a small town in the Thüringen Moun- Happy Youth” Camps a non-profit Volunteers’ organiza- tains in the centre of Germany, south of Berlin. tion with 70 years of action. The volunteers will help the Terminal: Halle/Leipzig Camp staff in hosting 140 very poor children from families Special Requirements: None with financial and social problems. The camp is in the Special Remarks: 18-26 age Pateras mountain near Elefsina. Cooking (the main task!) and cleaning, painting, garden work. Optional and addi- DE-VJF 6.3 Brandenstein 30.07-11.08.07 8 vols tional activities – organising and assisting in the activities Work: Brandenstein is a small village in the Thüringen with the children. The volunteers will learn how our or- Mountains, not far from Saalfeld, surrounded by beauti- ganisation provides social and educational support to the ful countryside with mountains, green valleys, forests and children. They will also learn things about Traditional meadows. During the 13th century a fortress was built on Greek Shadow theatre, handicrafts and other creative a hill near the village, later was converted into a baroque activities. Accom. in tents. Medical tests (X-ray, blood castle in the beginning of the 18th century. Volunteers test, Faeces microbilogical examination) demanded! No are asked to work inside the castle renovating rooms, drugs, no alcohol allowed. Transportation to Elefsina or removing old plaster and laying bare old colour layers. Athens will be possible on free days. 18-35 years old vol- The volunteers are also asked to do environmental works unteers are welcome. around the castle. Get back to basics and make a real difference to an old beauty! GREENLANDVia MS Denmark Accommodation: You will live in the former shepherd’s General: The following information on workcamps in house. A shower and a toilet are available in the house, Greenland is preliminary. There may be changes in but please be prepared to live under very simple condi- projects, dates and prices. All prices include a two day tions! preparation seminar in Copenhagen and flights from Co- Language: English penhagen to Greenland and return. Thus volunteers have Location: Brandenstein is a small town in the Thüringen to go to Copenhagen before the camp. Volunteers have Mountains in the centre of Germany, south of Berlin. to be minimum 20 years old and should not be strict veg- Special Requirements: None etarians since the workcamps will live partly from local Special Remarks: This is an isolated area. 18-26 age food like fish, seal, whale and lamb. And vegetables are difficult to get and expensive to buy since they are im- DE-VJF 6.4 Bad L obenstein 02.07-14.07.07 12 vols ported. The Work:Your working place will be the border between the two former German countries, now the border be- GL-MSG 5.2 02-Jul to 04-Aug tween Thuringia and Bavaria. You will plant trees, espe- Aasiaat Cons 9 vols cially alders and rowans, with the purpose of creating a 20+ Fee: 2060 Eur habitat for the hazel grouse. Your work on the meadow The project consists in preparing for summer camps for will also increase the stock of orchids growing here. This children/youngsters and thereafter participating in these is a project for nature lovers. summer camps. The camps will take place in the aban- Accommodation: You will live in rooms for up to 8 per- doned settlement of Manermiut. The idea is to give the sons. youngsters who go to Manermiut and meet with the Language: English workcamp participants an active summer holiday. Quite Location: Brandenstein is a small town in the Thüringen basic accom. Letter of motivation:required. Extra fee: Mountains in the centre of Germany, south of Berlin. 2060 Euro. Terminal: Halle/ Leipzig GL-MSG 11.3 01-Jul to 03-Aug Special Requirements: None Qaqortoq Cons 9 vols Special Remarks: This is an isolated area 20+ Fee: 1800 Eur The project is carried out in cooperation with the mu- GREECE nicipality of Qaqortoq, possibly with local unemployed SCI Hellas youth. The work project takes place at a playground and GR-SCI 4.11 06-Aug to 26-Aug the work to be done is to lay down stones for the play- Voula, Athens ground Accom. Student’s dormitory Letter of motivation PIKPA is a centre for children and young people with required. Extra fee: 1800 Euro. multiple disabilities ages 1-35 years old who are aban- doned by their families. It is located in Voula, a suburb GL-MSG 11.1 02-Jul to 04 Aug about one hour from the centre of Athens. For 2 weeks Sisimiut Reno 9 vols in July, most kids leave the institution for holidays ex- Vols 20+ Fee: 1870 Eur cept for the youngest kids and the ones with the most Renovation of old wooden buildings in a closed settle- 51 ment at the small island of Assaqutaq about half an hour involving individual art activity as well. Volunteers will boat trip from Sisimiut. The settlement is being used for participate in the camp as the other participants, do camp excursions by schools in Sisimiut. The settlement is restoration in the parks, besides they can participate in uninhabited during winter but local people from Sisimiut the art work as well in which photography can occur. go there on vacation during the summertime. The workcamp will have at boat so it always will be possible to ICELAND reach the mainland. Quite basic accom. Letter of motiva- Worldwide Friend (WF) tion required Extra fee: 1870 Euro. IS-WF 6.1 01-Jun to 15-Jun Neskaupstaður 8 vols HUNGARY IS-WF 6.9 25-Jun to 09-Jul HU-SCI 5.1 09-Jul to 19-Jul Neskaupstaður 12 vols Tiszadob 14 vols IS-WF 6.24 19-Jul to 02-Aug Tiszadob is a small village next to river Tisza, in East Hun- Neskaupstaður 12 vols gary, which is one of the most deprived areas of the coun- IS-WF 6.35 13-Aug to 27-Aug try. In the last century an orphanage and a school were Neskaupstaður 12 vols founded in the nearby of a 19th century castle. Its in- IS-WF 6.39 06-Sep to 19-Sep habitants (14-24 years old) come from socially disadvan- Neskaupstaður 12 vols taged background, mostly from gypsy communities. This Neskaupstaður is a medium sized town by Icelandic stand- youth are very enthusiastic to meet foreign vols since ards (pop. 1500) which has grown and prospered thanks they have never had the opportunity to travel far from to the fishing industry. Its remoteness has led to a neces- these dwellings. Gardening, and common leisure- sary self-sufficiency. Most of the work will be cleaning intercultural activities with a group of young inhabitants. and beautifying the towns and the surrounding area and Needs creativity, enthusiasm and openness towards young coastline, planting some trees and even make hiking paths. inhabitants Depends on weather so nned to be a bit flexible. Might be hard work. The study theme of the camp is “Global HU-SCI 5.2 29-Jul to 12-Aug warming and new energy - Our climate, our actions, our Children, teenagers, Elderly people, Gálosfa 10 vols future”. Galosfa is a small village in S. Hungary, in a beautiful rural, hilly forest environment, close to Kapsvár the county IS-WF 6.2 02-Jun to 16-Jun capital. This area is typically an underprivileged region of Hveragerði 8 vols Hungary with high rate of young unemployment and high Hveragerði is a small town of about 1,700 inhabitants, 45 risk of social problems. For 2 years successful camps have km east of Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits helped to develop the local community’s life including on top of a highly active geothermal field, providing heat reconstructional works in the village, and organizing youth of hundreds of greenhouses where fruit, flowers and veg- and children activities fo the locals. The villagers became etables are produced throughout the year. The name very enthusiastic about meeting foreigners and learnt to Hveragerði means ‘hot springs garden’. The whole valley know them. Building outdoor leisure site for the villagers explodes with hot springs, geysers, mud pots, fumaroles in the centre of the village, with inclusion of the local and steaming vents. Fixing walking paths, cleaning and youth. Organizing activities for children. beautifying the hot springs in the vmiddle of the village. Accom: in tents Some German knowledge is useful but Planting trees. The study theme of the camp is “Global not necessary warming and new energy - Our climate, our actions, our HU-SCI 6.1 07-Jul to 21-Jul future”. Tarkabarka, Pécsvárad 8 vols Pécsvárad is a country town in the Kelet-Mecsek envir- IS-WF 6.3 03-Jun to 16-Jun protection area to the North-East of the big universíty Borgarfjörður Eystri 8 vols town, Pécs. Tarkabarka foundation was established with The northernmost of the Eastfjords is called Borgarfjörður the aim to orientate young teenagers to an eco-friendly Eystri, also the name of a small fishing village. At a dra- and healthy way-of-life. It runs a camp by the Dombay- matic spot, in between rhyolite peaks and the Dyrfjöll lake close to the Zengo hills as well, which gives the Mountains (1136 m). The area is very famous for stories of opportunity the children to spend their free time in the elves. Locals even believe that the queen of Icelandic nature. In this camp we are going to build an outdoor Elves lived in the town. We will help the locals with all theatre, create a study-path in the forest and we will kind of small projects in the local community. We will also support the operation of the camp with some gardening plant trees and clean the coastline. The study theme of and painting as well as fence reparation and cleaning in the camp is “The hidden people, alfs and trolls” the surroundings. Our work means a huge support to the IS-WF 6.4 03-Jun to 16-Jun development of the area as well. Study: History of the Þórshöfn 8 vols area, operation of the foundation. To truly sense the remote beauty of the north-east coast, then the charming little fishing village of Þórshöfn (pop. HU-SCI 9.1 dates: to be fixed 400) is the place to go. Work: cleaning up the beaches Veszprém 5 vols and shores Additional tasks such as reforestation, plant- Veszprém is the county capital of one of the very devel- ing and caring for trees. oped region of Hungary, 18 km from the Lake Balaton. In the “Town of the Queens” art has always played an im- IS-WF 6.5 04-Jun to 17-Jun portant role, which made to decide a group of Hungarian Gunnarsholt 8 vols and international artist to create the “Europe Statue Park” The Gunnarsholt area is in close proximity to one of Ice- in two locations of the town. Each year they organize land’s most active volcanoes, Mt. Hekla. Gunnarsholt is camps for students to do maintenance works in the parks one of many farms, which was desolated by the Hekla 52 eruptions. Nowadays the landscape is lush green and Fáskrúðsfjörður was the main port for French fishermen partially wooded. Continue the reforestation of the deso- in the 1900s in East Iceland. The fjords are magnificent lated areas - plant trees on strategic places and fertilize and the sea is full of life, the birdlife is very rich and you trees. The study theme of the camp is “Global warming can find a great variety of hiking paths. Most of the work and new energy - Our climate, our actions, our future” will be cleaning and beautifying the towns and the sur- IS-WF 6.6 13-Jun to 27-Jun rounding area and coastline, plant some trees and even Eskifjörður 12 vols make hiking paths. The study theme of the camp is “Glo- IS-WF 6.17 07-Jul to 21-Jul bal warming and new energy - Our climate, our actions, Eskifjörður 12 vols our future”. Depends on weather so nned to be a bit IS-WF 6.30 01-Aug to 14-Aug flexible. Might be hard work. Eskifjörður 12 vols IS-WF 6.13 01-Jul to 13-Jul IS-WF 6.38 25-Aug to 08-Sep Sólheimar 12 vols Eskifjörður 12 vols IS-WF 6.20 13-Jul to 26-Jul IS-WF 6.42 17-Sep to 30-Sep Sólheimar 12 vols Eskifjörður 12 vols IS-WF 6.40 30-Aug to 13-Sep Eskifjörður is a major fishing town (population: 1000) and Sólheimar 12 vols an export harbour with direct sailing to Europe, at the Sólheimar Eco-village, founded in 1930, is the first com- northern shore of the fjord Eskifjörður. The fjords are munity of its kind in the world where so-called able and magnificent and the sea is full of life, the birdlife is very disabled people live and work together, inspired by the rich and you can find a great variety of hiking paths. theories of Rudolf Steiner. Also the first community in Most of the work will be cleaning and beautifying the Scandinavia to practice organic cultivation. Today, it is a towns and the surrounding area. We will also clean the charming village of 100. renowned for its international, coastline, plant some trees and even make hiking paths. artistic and ecological atmosphere. Work: In Ölur forestry The study theme of the camp is “Global warming and new centre, the only organic reforestation centre in Iceland: energy - Our climate, our actions, our future”.. Depends plant trees, construct paths + in Sunna organic cultiva- on weather so nned to be a bit flexible. Might be hard tion centre: plant vegetables, dig the weeds and other work. kind of tasks/ gardening work. IS-WF 6.7 14-Jun to 28-Jun IS-WF 6.14 02-Jul to 16-Jul Vík í Mýrdal 12 vols Húsavík 12 vols Vík in Mýrdalur is Iceland's most southerly village, bor- Húsavik is a beautiful little town (pop. 2500) in the north dered by the glacial river Jökulsá to the west and the at the shore of Skjalfandi Bay. With its colourful houses river Blautakvísl to the east. The district lives mainly by tumbling down to the picturesque harbour and snow agriculture. Construct walking and hiking paths, clean capped peaks across the bay, it could easily win the title the coastline, take down old fences in the surroundings. of ‘most typical Icelandic town’. Húsavík is the place to The study theme of the camp is “The hidden people, alfs experience the magic of whale watching. Construct new and trolls” paths, maintain existing paths and plant trees. The study IS-WF 6.8 15-Jun to 28-Jun theme of the camp is “Global warming and new energy - Akureyri 12 vols Our climate, our actions, our future”. Akureyri is the largest town outside the capital IS-WF 6.15 03-Jul to 16-Jul (pop.15,000), often called "The Capital of the North". It Flateyri 12 vols boasts of a thriving cultural life, museums, a college, a Flateyri is a small village with 300 inhabitants, at the north university and other schools. Build and maintain hiking side of Önundarfjörður, in the West Fjords, where the paths, cleaning the coastline. landscape is majestic, with fjord after fjord, towering IS-WF 6.10 27-Jun to 10-Jul above shore and sea. Most of the work will be cleaning Siglufjörður 12 vols and beautifying the town and the surrounding area and Siglufjördur is the northernmost town in Iceland, at the coastline, planting some trees and even making hiking foot of by a small fjord. - the splendour of the mountains paths. Depends on weather so nned to be a bit flexible. and natural beauty are a great invitation! Planting trees, Might be hard work. cleaning the coastline, making hiking paths. Give a help- IS-WF 6.16 06-Jul to 19-Jul ing hand with the preparation of folksong Mosfellsbær 12 vols Mosfellsbær (pop. 7.200) lies 17km north of Reykjavík. IS-WF 6.11 28-Jun to 11-Jul Often called "the green town", this town enjoys thermal Hveragerði 12 vols activity and quite a few greenhouses have been built here. IS-WF 6.32 03-Aug to 16-Aug Plant trees, rake, seed and fertilize the earth (to en- Hveragerði 12 vols hance grass growth), clean the riverside and create walk- Hveragerði is a small town of 1,700 inhabitants 45 km east ing paths, some work might be done in the horse stables. of Reykjavík. This friendly little community sits on top of IS-WF 6.18 08-Jul to 22-Jul a highly active geothermal field, providing heat of hun- Dalvík 10 vols dreds of greenhouses where fruit, flowers and vegeta- The town of Dalvík (pop.2000) is a large fishing and com- bles are produced throughout the year. Fixing walking mercial port; near spectacular mountains. Planting trees, paths, planting trees. The study theme of the camp is cleaning the coastline, making hiking paths. “Global warming and new energy - Our climate, our ac- IS-WF 6.19 12-Jul to 26-Jul tions, our future”. Reyðarfjörður 12 vols IS-WF 6.12 30-Jun to 14-Jul IS-WF 6.33 05-Aug to 19-Aug Fáskrúðsfjörður/Stöðvarfj 12 v Reyðarfjörður 12 vols IS-WF 6.26 24-Jul to 07-Aug Reyðarfjörður fjord is long, wide and curving, and is the Fáskrúðsfjörður/Stöðvarfj 12 v largest of the eastern fjords. At the end of it rests the 53 village known variously as Reyðarfjörður or Búðareyri. Stykkishólmur 12 vols On one side there are magnificent rocky peaks, on the The fishing town of Stykkishólmur is in western Iceland, other gentle green hills. Most of the work will be clean- to the north of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. Most of the ing and beautifying the towns and the surrounding area people make their living from fishing and tourism. Con- and coastline, plant some trees and even make hiking struct new and repair old walking paths, mark the walk- paths. Depends on weather so nned to be a bit flexible. ing paths with posts. Helping with the preparation of a Might be hard work. The study theme of the camp is local festival “Danish days in Stykkishólmur” and helping “Global warming and new energy - Our climate, our ac- the locals to run it. tions, our future”. IS-WF 6.36 16-Aug to 29-Aug IS-WF 6.21 15-Jul to 29-Jul Hvolsvöllur 12 vols Grundarfjörður 12 vols Hvolsvöllur is a small town in the south of Iceland 100km The small town of Grundarfjörður is in the north of the east of Reykjavik, a young community begun in 1930. We Snæfellsnes peninsula in the west of Iceland. Probably will clean and help the locals to rebuild old beautiful the only town in the world where the building authori- caves in the area. We will also plant trees, maintain old ties have provided allotments for the "hidden people" or trails, mark footways and help the locals to beautify the elves. Making hiking paths, organizing the festival “Good surrounding of Hvolsvöllur. We will also do a little bit of time in Grundafjörður”.. The study theme of the camp is work around the great waterfalls “Seljalandsfoss” and “The hidden people, alfs and trolls” “Skógafoss”. The study theme of the camp is “The Ice- IS-WF 6.22 16-Jul to 30-Jul landic Saga ” Grímsey 12 vols IS-WF 6.41 18-Jul to 01-Aug Grímsey is a small island 40 km north of Iceland, directly Akranes 12 vols on the Arctic Circle and the northernmost community of The town of Akranes lies just across the blue straits and Iceland (pop. 155. Known for fishery and enormous bird is visible from Reykjavík on a clear day. Planting trees and colonies. Construct walking and hiking paths, clean the doing other environmental work needed in the village. coastline, take down old fences in the island. The study theme of the camp is “Global warming and new IS-WF 6.23 19-Jul to 02-Aug energy - Our climate, our actions, our future”. Höfn 12 vols IS–SEE 9.1. Patreksfjörður Kvikmyndahátíð, Film Festival Even though Höfn (“Harbour” ) only has 1,800 inhabit- 21/05 - 04/06 ants, it is the biggest town in SE Iceland and a modern FEST/RENO fishing town. Making hiking paths, cleaning the coast- 8 vols. line. WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be working on few dif- IS-WF 6.25 21-Jul to 03-Aug ferent projects with the development agency of the Siglufjörður 12 vols Western Fjords, and this include preparations for the Film Siglufjördur is the northernmost town in Iceland, at the festival which will take place between May 25th and 27th, foot of by a small fjord..- an invitation to all who love the renovation works on common areas of the town, embel- outdoors. Planting trees, cleaning the coastline, making lishing the green recreational parts in the zone, garden- hiking paths. ing works, maintenance of hiking paths as putting up IS-WF 6.28 28-Jul to 11-Aug marking signs. ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be hosted Bolungarvík 12 vols in a local house; sleeping on mattresses on the floor; Bolungarvík is a village in NW Iceland, at the Vestfirðir therefore bringing a warm sleeping bag is highly recom- peninsula, with a long and interesting history as one of mended. Food ingredients will be provided and a kitchen the oldest fishing towns in Iceland. Working in the for- will be available, volunteers will share the duties of pre- estry, making hiking paths. Beautifying the area around paring and cooking meals.LOCATION: Patreksfjörður is a the village, cleaning the coastline small fishing town, which bears the name of the fjord and IS-WF 6.29 29-Jul to 14-Aug one of the communities of Vesturbyggð, where the main Eyjafjörður 12 vols trades are/were fishing and fish processing. In The district inland from Akureyri is named Eyjafjarðarsveit. Patreksfjörður a coastal lagoon has been dredged and The valleys of Eyjafjarðarsveit are surrounded by impres- opened to the sea to provide a sheltered harbour. The sive mountains that attract hikers and mountain climb- town stands on slender sandpits and stretches two kilo- ers. In the first week the volunteers will do various envi- metres along the narrow northern shore of the fjord. It ronmental works, eg. making hiking paths and planting began as a fishing port, like most of the villages and towns trees. In the second, they will help prepare an Icelandic in this region. Nearness of rich fishing banks, and a shel- art and handicraft exhibition (taking place 9-12/8). The tered harbour, made the town one of the main fishing volunteers will also help the locals to run the festival and ports in the region, dating back to the 16th clean the area afterwards. This exhibition is very well century.However, during the last years and due to the known in Iceland and has become an annual event in introduction of the quota system in the Icelandic fishing Eyjafjörður. sector, the town lost its share in the fishing amounts to IS-WF 6.31 02-Aug to 15-Aug be caught and this has strongly hit the economy and Siglufjörður 12 vols living situation in the area, which will be one of the is- Siglufjördur is the northernmost town in Iceland, at the sues addressed during the workcamp. In the past years foot of towering mountains by a small fjord.- an invitation the emphasis on alternative industries has been more vis- to all who love the outdoors. Planting trees, cleaning ible similar to other fishing villages in Iceland.The vicinity the coastline, making hiking paths, helping with the prepa- offers a variety of interesting places to explore and hik- ration and running of a football tournament for young ing and mountain climbing are popular. The sheer beauty girls which will take place in the second weekend of of the region attracts many people and tourism has started August. to play an increasing role recently. The distance from IS-WF 6.34 10-Aug to 24-Aug Reykjavik is 425 km (6-7 hours drive) by the Whale Bay 54 tunnel but only 270 km via Stykkisholmur and by the ferry from the capital, Reykjavík. The town is first named in to Brjanslaekur. It is perhaps one of Iceland's most re- the medieval "Book of Settlements," and the earliest re- mote areas. Patreksfjörður is located in the Icelandic ports of voyages to Hafnarfjörður date from the end of Western Fjords, which are too often missed by visitors the 14th century. Englishmen began trading in due to its distance (real and perceived) from Route 1, Hafnarfjörður in the 15th century, but German merchants the circle road, and from other population centers. The followed in their wake and eventually drove the English West Fjords are a mass of fjords, mountains and isolated out. After that, Hanseatic traders prevailed in town until villages on spits of lands surrounded by water and moun- 1602, based at Hvaleyri. At this point, the Danish monar- tains. Ísafjörður is the main town of the West Fjords with chy established a Danish trade monopoly in Iceland which the regional airport in town. The area includes its own lasted until late in the 18th century. During this period, glacier, the magnificent, remote Hornstrandir and Europe's Hafnarfjörður was the nation's busiest trade centre.Today, westernmost point of land at Látrabjarg, at two hour’s Hafnarfjörður is one of the nation's largest fishing cen- drive from Patreksfjordur a gigantic, sheer cliff facing the tres and the site of Iceland's first fish wholesalers' auc- North Atlantic Ocean. There, millions of birds nest in the tion market. Through the years, Hafnarfjörður's dynamic cliffs among them puffins, arctic tern, guillemots and other local economy has been strongly linked to fishing, although types of birds making Látrabjarg a must for bird watch- freight transport has recently become the major har- ers. LANGUAGE: English will be the official language in bour activity. It is Iceland’s third-largest town, with just the camp, but high proficiency is not a requirement.STUDY over 23,000 residents. And yet that number is open to THEME: Environmental messenger in the project. S/he debate, since legend has it that some of Iceland’s elves will be in charge of delivering ecological and global edu- and hidden people live in Hafnarfjördur’s lava cliffs and cation messages to both, International volunteers and rocks, in peaceful coexistence with the town’s human local hosts. S/he will arrange and organise few activities residents. In fact, it is possible to tour the elf lands, and as workshops, presentations, simulations, discussions, those with second sight may even be lucky enough to games on topics related to environment, nature protec- spot one or two!! tion and sustainability as use of resources, globalisation, The last country in Europe to be inhabited by the human millennium development goals, global warming, fair trade, race, it was the Vikings who started to settle Iceland recycling, consumption, etc. We intend to raise aware- around 874 AD. During the annual Viking Festival modern- ness and to encourage the participants to undertake sim- day Icelanders and visiting Vikings from abroad celebrate ple but easy-to-implement actions which will affect the their heritage with appropriate vigour. The Vikings' wild way we use our resources and we deal with the environ- and adventurous spirit lives on today, in the people of ment and the world we live in.EXTRAS: Participation fee this unique country. The event is a lot of fun; there are EUR 80,- . Access to the local swimming pool and sports displays of ancient arts and crafts, and large gruff men in centre. Excursions in the area will be arranged for volun- full Viking attire demonstrate their ancient battle skills teers. to anyone brave enough to challenge them.LANGUAGE: IS-SEE 9.2. Hafnarfjörður, Víkingahátíð - Viking Festival English will be the language in the camp, but high profi- 04/06 - 20/06 ciency is not a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmen- FEST/HERI tal messenger in the project. S/he will be in charge of 8 vols. delivering ecological and global education messages to WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be active during the both, International volunteers and local hosts through whole stages of the Viking festival, helping during the organised activities. We intend to raise awareness and to preparation, the festival itself and after it has finished. encourage the participants to undertake simple but easy- During the festival all volunteers will receive Viking typi- to-implement actions which will affect the way we deal cal costumes to wear and perform different tasks. Di- with the environment and the world we live in. EXTRAS: verse types of tasks may be performed as control at the Participation fee EUR 140,- . Excursions and free time venues, assistance to visitors, and help to the “real” Vi- activities will be arranged for volunteers. Transport from king volunteers in the kitchen or serving the meals. The Hafnarfjörður to the countryside and back included. festival will take place partly in Hafnarfjörður and partly IS-SEE 6.1. Sólheimar*. Eco – Village. in another location in the Northern Icelandic country- 07/06 - 21/06 side. It starts on June 8th and last until June 17th. Apart AGRI/RENO from SEEDS “Vikings” there will be around 100 more Vi- 10 vols. king volunteers (Norsemen) coming from all around the WORK/PROJECT: SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, works closely world! A colourful collection of artists will be at the Fes- with the community of Sólheimar since the beginning of tival: artists, warriors, bowmen, wrestlers, woodcarvers, SEEDS. Our first ever project took place in the Eco-Vil- stonemasons, blacksmiths, storytellers and enchantresses, lage and with the time we are developing a stronger rela- musicians and magicians. Volunteers shall be aware of quiet tionship. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in times during the festival, with few visitors; then they can the Eco-village of Sólheimar in different sections as fol- have free time but cannot leave the Viking compound lows: Landscaping in the Eco-village, different tasks on and shall still wear the typical the green and landscape areas; renovation and mainte- costumes.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be lodged in nance works in some of the buildings; and in two work- a house inside the Viking compound, while in shops: The forestry department of Ölur or in the vegeta- Hafnarfjörður, sleeping on mattresses on the floor. A warm ble organic-growing greenhouses of Sunna. At Ölur, the sleeping bag is highly suggested, especially for the 4-5 forestry, the work will range from taking care and trans- days in the countryside, where we will sleep in tents. planting trees to actual reforestation work in the sur- SEEDS volunteers will share the facilities with the other rounding area. While in Sunna, the work focuses on grow- Viking volunteers.LOCATION: Hafnarfjörður takes its name ing organically vegetables as harvesting tasks.Volunteers (meaning Harbour-fjord) from the area's excellent natu- with artistic skills are very welcome to join the activities ral harbour and it is located 10 kilometres away south and there will be time and venue for them to perform or 55 present themselves if wished, the same goes if the group sleeping bag is highly suggested. Food will be provided of volunteers decides during the workcamp to organize and the duties of preparing and cooking the meals will be something together, which can then be presented for shared among the volunteers. LOCATION: One of the last the community.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will stay at wildernesses of Europe, the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve the community’s sports centre and we will sleep on mat- can be reached only by boat. It was established in 1975, tresses on the floor. A warm sleeping bag is strongly rec- its boundaries are in the Skorarheiði moor between the ommended. Volunteers will receive food provided and be fjords of Hrafnsfjörður and Furufjörður. The Reserve area in charge of breakfast and dinner, while lunch will be thus covers the Hornstrandir region, part of the Jökulfirðir served at the local community restaurant.LOCATION: At fjords and part of the district of Grunnavíkurhreppur.Social an hour’s drive from the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, lies changes resulted in the abandonment of all farms during the village of Sólheimar in a valley amidst hot springs. World War II and in the post-war period. The land is mostly That in itself doesn’t make this town stand out, yet private property and the landowners are entitled to its Sólheimar is a special place with special people. Founded traditional utilisation, i.e. eider farming, fishing in rivers in 1930 in southern Iceland by an idealistic Icelandic and lakes, hunting birds and gathering eggs. A few dozen woman, Sesselja Sigmundsdóttir, a follower of the houses are located within the Nature Reserve area, both anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar may well be old, renovated farmsteads and new cottages. People of- the first community where so-called able and disabled ten spend the whole summer in these houses, and it is people live and work together, and also the first eco- important that tourists refrain from pitching their tents village. The community is self sufficient, and has both too close to them.Through the ages, nature and human worldly and spiritual aims. The core idea is to create a life in Hornstrandir were closely interwoven. Traditional harmony of tradition with new technologies that respon- agriculture was always limited; instead, the inhabitants sibly utilise natural resources. based their livelihood on the sea and bird-cliffs. Trips Today, Sólheimar is a charming village of about 100 inhab- between farms were difficult, during the wintertime. itants, renowned for its international, artistic and eco- Outlaws travelled to Hornstrandir in order to board for- logical atmosphere, and prides itself on its varied cul- eign ships and leave the country. As a result of these tural, social and sporting activities. conditions, the history of the region assumes a depth It is pretty much self-supporting and also home to the which gives an added dimension to visits to the Nature Jurtagull Herbal Soap Factory, producing handmade soaps Reserve. The primary factor that made farming in and shampoos from Icelandic plants, a Candle factory, a Hornstrandir different from that of other parts of the Weaving Workshop, an Art Workshop, and a Carpentry country was the struggle with the bird-cliffs. The cliffs Workshop, which creates items hand-crafted from wood, were an important source of food, but their utilisation including children's toys and musical instruments. There was hazardous. The main basis of livelihood was fishing is a small farm with calves and chickens, Ölur, the only and fish processing, but all that ended in 1962 when the organic reforestation centre in Iceland, and Sunna, an last inhabitants abandoned the area and left the Jokulfiord organic cultivation centre. LANGUAGE: English will be the area totally desolated.The simplest way to approach the official language in the camp, but high proficiency is not area is by boat from the west (from Bolungarvík or a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger Ísafjörður) or from the east (from Norðurfjörður or in the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering eco- Hólmavík). There are no road connections to the logical and global education messages to both, Interna- area.Volunteers are welcome to explore the area on foot tional volunteers and local hosts through organised ac- as long as they do not cause any damage to the flora, tivities as workshops, presentations, simulations, discus- fauna, soil or man-made structures. Traversing the area sions, games on topics related to environment, nature on horseback is not allowed and motor vehicles are pro- protection and sustainability as use of resources, hibited. Everything brought into the area has to be taken globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- out again. The camping grounds should always be left in ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend the same condition as it was on arrival. LANGUAGE: Eng- to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to lish will be the official language in the camp, but high undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which proficiency is not a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environ- will affect the way we deal with the environment and the mental messenger in the project. S/he will be in charge world we live in.SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participa- of delivering ecological and global education messages to tion fee EUR 100,-. Free entrance to the local swimming both, International volunteers and local hosts through pool, hot pots and fitness/sports centre.* The name organised activities as workshops, presentations, Sólheimar means “home of the sun”. simulations, discussions, games on topics related to envi- IS-SEE 6.2. Drangajökull – Hornstrandir ronment, nature protection and sustainability as use of 16/06 - 30/06 resources, globalisation, millennium development goals, ENVI/CONS global warming, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. 10 vols. We intend to raise awareness and to encourage the par- WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be working on mainly ticipants to undertake simple but easy-to-implement ac- construction works with a group of locals, repairing and tions which will affect the way we deal with the environ- renovating an old docking pier for small boats to reach ment and the world we live in.SPECIAL REMARKS / EX- this isolated place of the country. The pier belongs to an TRAS: Participation fee EUR 120,-. Boat trips and guided old abandoned farm that has been renovated to offer hikes around this special area will be arranged for the researchers, other volunteers and visitors the opportu- volunteers. nity to stay overnight in this inhabited area. Additional IS-SEE 6.3. Langanesbyggð work can be performed in the old farm building house 20/06 - 04/07 and some old hiking trails in the area.ACCOMMODATION: ENVI Volunteers will stay in the old farm house, sharing rooms 10 vols. and sleeping on mattresses on the floor. Bringing a warm WORK/PROJECT: The county administration of the 56 Langanes district (Langanesbyggð) will be our host and * The name Þórshöfn is the harbor of Þór. Þór is the thun- we will be working on environmental related matters. One der god. His wife’s name is Sif. Þór is the son of Odin the of the biggest pollution issues in the area is the litter most powerful god. Odin’s horse Sleipnir put one of its brought to the shore due to sea currents that even bring eight feet down in Ásbyrgi, hence the horseshoe shape. timber as far as from Siberia. Volunteers will be working It is a must to visit the ponds in Ásbyrgi on your way to on cleaning up the shores and beaches in the area. Addi- Dettifoss. tional work will be undertaken as reforestation tasks, planting trees and taking care of those already planted. IS-SEE 9.3. Akraneskaupstaður - Írskir dagar, Irish Days! Depending on the advance of the mentioned tasks volun- 03/07 - 17/07 teers might be marking some walking paths and hiking ENVI/FEST trails.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be lodged in the 10 vols. local boarding school, sleeping on mattresses on the floor. WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will work mainly with the Therefore a warm sleeping bag is highly suggested. Within environmental and public areas department of the town- the facilities of the school we will have a kitchen to ca- ship of Akranes (Akraneskaupstaður) and be involved dur- ter ourselves. Food will be provided and meals will be ing the “Irish Days” festival in Iceland. Different types of then prepared/cooked by volunteers ourselves. We luck- projects will be developed and depending on their ad- ily have access to the nearby local swimming pool and vance, volunteers will share tasks in already started sport centre with top-quality facilities. LOCATION: projects in an ancient fish-drying area, hiking paths and Þórshöfn* is a compact, busy little town at the base of trails. At the end of the camp, volunteers will be active the Langanes Peninsula in the North-East of Iceland, lo- during the entire festival, helping during the prepara- cated at the Þistilfjörður. The entire district (including tion, the festival itself and once it has finished. ACCOM- farms and the village of Bakkafjörður) has 542 Inhabitants MODATION: Volunteers will be lodged in the local sports (31.12.2005) and they base their livelihood on fishing, fish centre and will sleep in shared rooms and within the processing and commerce serving the surrounding rural facilities we will have a kitchen to cater ourselves. Food farming area. It is probably the best place in Iceland to will be provided and meals will be then prepared/cooked experience what it is like to live in an isolated village by volunteers ourselves. We luckily have access to the almost 60 miles, 100 km from the next village. Around 400 nearby local swimming pool and sport centre with top- people live in the village itself and the distance from the quality facilities. LOCATION: The town of Akranes* lies capital is 629 km by the Whale Bay tunnel.The Langanes just across the Faxaflói Bay and it is visible from Reykjavík peninsula is the last word in Icelandic remoteness and it on a clear day. Settled by Irish brothers in the year 880, narrows like a spear point toward northeast and its fowl- it is now a blossoming industrial town with a focus on ing cliffs have been and still are a means of sustenance fishing and fish production. It started to form in the 19th for those, who live there. Nowadays, the area is very century as a fishing village, and in 1942, it was formally sparsely populated. Most farms have been abandoned chartered; in the following years experienced the big- during the last few decades. Some of the remaining farm- gest surge in population in its history. Industry has been ers tend the breeding colonies of the eiders and collect a big and growing employer: a cement plant operates in their down, clean it and sell at high prices.Nature lovers the town since the 1950s, and an aluminum smelter works often spend days on end at the densely populated bird near the town since 1998. Today, the community is com- cliffs watching gannets, puffins, guillemots, brunnich's guil- posed by over 6000 inhabitants, which makes it the big- lemots, black guillemots, razorbills, kittiwakes, fulmars etc. gest in the Icelandic West.The town is expected to grow One of the best places for the observation of the gan- further in the coming years because of growing industry nets is Cliff Storikarl off the bird cliff Skoruvikurbjarg. and improvements of transportation to the Reykjavík area, Other bird species colonise different parts of the penin- following the construction of the 5.57 km long Hvalfjörður sula, such as the arctic terns near the farm Ytra-Lon. Tunnel which was opened in 1998, one of the world’s LANGUAGE: English will be the official language in the longest underwater road tunnels. Akranes has a strong camp, but high proficiency is not a requirement.STUDY football tradition and the local team, ÍA, has for many THEME: Environmental messenger in the project. S/he years been among the best of the Icelandic football will be in charge of delivering ecological and global edu- league.The festival “Irish days” in Akranes will take place cation messages to both, International volunteers and for the seventh time in July this year; the reason for why local hosts through organised activities as workshops, pres- there are Irish days in Akranes is that the town was founded entations, simulations, discussions, games on topics re- by Irish brothers – Þormóður and Ketill Bresasons shortly lated to environment, nature protection and sustainability after 880. They came to Akranes with their grown chil- as use of resources, globalisation, millennium develop- dren and other people. The brothers were both born ment goals, global warming, fair trade, recycling, con- and raised in Ireland, but their family was originally from sumption, etc. We intend to raise awareness and to en- Norway.The Irish days have gotten bigger and bigger each courage the participants to undertake simple but easy- year. Last year twelve thousand people came to visit and to-implement actions which will affect the way we deal almost every single one of the 6 thousand inhabitants with the environment and the world we live in. took part in the festival. Two thousand people went to a TERMINAL: Closest International Airports: Keflavík dance held in the old cement storage next to the har- (Reykjavík), KEF, (also Akureyri and Egilsstaðir connected bour where two of the nation’s most popular bands played. just by www.icelandexpress.com from Kastrup in Copen- That made it one of the biggest dances in Iceland that hagen, Denmark) nearest domestic airport is Þórshöfn year. The ones organizing the event this year think that (THO), while the closest bus stop is in town. double as many might come this year.LANGUAGE: English SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participation fee EUR 90,-. will be the language in the camp, but high proficiency is Free entrance to the local modern swimming pool, sports not a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messen- centre facilities. Excursions will be arranged by the local ger in the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering contacts. ecological and global education messages to both, Inter- 57 national volunteers and local hosts through organised landic Western Fjords, which are too often missed by activities as workshops, presentations, simulations, dis- visitors due to its distance (real and perceived) from Route cussions, games on topics related to environment, na- 1, the circle road, and from other population centers. ture protection and sustainability as use of resources, The West Fjords are a mass of fjords, mountains and iso- globalisation, millennium development goals, climate lated villages on spits of lands surrounded by water and change, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We in- mountains. Ísafjörður is the main town of the West Fjords tend to raise awareness and to encourage the partici- with the regional airport in town. The area includes its pants to undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions own glacier, the magnificent, remote Hornstrandir and which will affect the way we deal with the environment Europe's westernmost point of land at Látrabjarg, at two and the world we live in. hour’s drive from Patreksfjordur a gigantic, sheer cliff TERMINAL: Closest International Airport: Keflavík facing the North Atlantic Ocean. There, millions of birds (Reykjavík), KEF, while the closest bus stop is in town, nest in the cliffs among them puffins, arctic tern, guille- regular public urban serviced connect the town and mots and other types of birds making Látrabjarg a must Reykjavík. for bird watchers. LANGUAGE: English will be the official SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participation fee EUR 130,-. language in the camp, but high proficiency is not a Free entrance to the local modern swimming pool, sports requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger in centre facilities. Free time activities will be arranged by the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering ecologi- the local contacts. cal and global education messages to both, International * The name Akranes indicates that in the old days corn volunteers and local hosts. S/he will arrange and organ- was grown in the fertile land around Mt Akrafjall which ise few activities as workshops, presentations, simulations, towers in the background of the town. discussions, games on topics related to environment, nature protection and sustainability as use of resources, IS-SEE 6.4. Patreksfjörður globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- 07/07 - 21/07 ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend RENO/ENVI to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to 12 vols. undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be working on few dif- will affect the way we use our resources and we deal ferent projects with the development agency of the with the environment and the world we live in.EXTRAS: Western Fjords, and this include preparations for the Participation fee EUR 80,- . Access to the local swimming Hiking and Culture festival which will take place in late pool and sports centre. Excursions in the area will be July, maintenance and marking of hiking paths, putting arranged for volunteers. up of multilingual signs in places of historical and natural relevance; as preparation works on common areas of the IS-SEE 6.5. Reykjavík & Bláfjöll town, embellishing the green recreational parts in the 11/07 - 25/07 zone, gardening works, etc.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers ENVI will be hosted in a local house; sleeping on mattresses on 12 vols. the floor; therefore bringing a warm sleeping bag is highly WORK/PROJECT: SEEDS Iceland will start working with few recommended. Food ingredients will be provided and a other NGOs in the South-west of Iceland in charge of the kitchen will be available, volunteers will share the duties revegetation in this area of the country. The aim of the of preparing and cooking meals. project is to halt the erosion of vegetation and soils and LOCATION: Patreksfjörður is a small fishing town, which to strengthen the ecosystem of the area by enhancing bears the name of the fjord and one of the communities its natural vegetation. The process of using organic waste of Vesturbyggð, where the main trades are/were fishing materials as fertilizing means, we achieve a double divi- and fish processing. In Patreksfjörður a coastal lagoon dend. Close to 70% of the total population of Iceland lives has been dredged and opened to the sea to provide a in this area of the country and the area has suffered of sheltered harbour. The town stands on slender sandpits overgrazing and volcanic activity; some areas are stripped and stretches two kilometres along the narrow northern entirely of top soil. shore of the fjord. It began as a fishing port, like most of Formerly harsh eroded and rocky, Heiðmörk is now an the villages and towns in this region. Nearness of rich attractive and popular outdoor haven for the people of fishing banks, and a sheltered harbour, made the town the Greater Reykjavík area, all that because of optimistic one of the main fishing ports in the region, dating back and ambitious reclamation efforts in the 20th century. to the 16th century.However, during the last years and Different kinds of organic waste materials are being gen- due to the introduction of the quota system in the Ice- erated in great quantities annually in the area. Over landic fishing sector, the town lost its share in the fishing 130,000 tonnes of organics are being generated every amounts to be caught and this has strongly hit the year in the area, including over 70,000 tonnes of differ- economy and living situation in the area, which will be ent kinds of manure. Quantities of organic household and one of the issues addressed during the workcamp. In the commercial waste are also substantial. Causing local pol- past years the emphasis on alternative industries has been lution problems, these materials have so far lacked a chan- more visible similar to other fishing villages in Iceland.The nel where they can be utilized for reclamation purposes. vicinity offers a variety of interesting places to explore However, better fertilizing agents can hardly be found!The and hiking and mountain climbing are popular. The sheer project strives to combine professionalism with idealism. beauty of the region attracts many people and tourism The reclamation results and efforts can already be seen has started to play an increasing role recently. The dis- at a number of sites in the area, despite the project’s tance from Reykjavik is 425 km (6-7 hours drive) by the youth. Volunteers will basically perform three different Whale Bay tunnel but only 270 km via Stykkisholmur and types of work: a) Fertilising the slopes in Bláfjöll by yard- by the ferry to Brjanslaekur. It is perhaps one of Iceland's waste cover. This is the most important work. b) Monitor- most remote areas. Patreksfjörður is located in the Ice- ing the survival and growth rate of tree plantations of 58 former years. c) Cleaning up litter in the vicinity of caves made the town one of the main fishing ports in the re- in the Bláfjöll area. d) Other jobs may come into account, gion, dating back to the 16th century.However, during but are uncertain at the moment of producing this de- the last years and due to the introduction of the quota scription. Volunteers will be working hand-on-hand with system in the Icelandic fishing sector, the town lost its Icelandic youngsters from the working school, share in the fishing amounts to be caught and this has Vinnuskóli.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be lodged strongly hit the economy and living situation in the area, part of the time directly in the area of Bláfjöll in a house which will be one of the issues addressed during the and the rest of the time in a local school in Reykjavík. workcamp. In the past years the emphasis on alternative LOCATION: For information on Reykjavík please see the industries has been more visible similar to other fishing description of our project IS-SEE 9.6. RIFF – Reykjavík* villages in Iceland. International Film Festival. The Bláfjöll volcanic mountain The vicinity offers a variety of interesting places to ex- range is located about 30 minutes drive from Reykjavík plore and hiking and mountain climbing are popular. The and the river Elliðaá have its source there, streaming down sheer beauty of the region attracts many people and to the lake Elliðavatn in the eastern suburban border of tourism has started to play an increasing role recently. the city, on the way it passes through the nature reserve The distance from Reykjavik is 425 km (6-7 hours drive) by area of Heiðmörk. The highest mountain reaches 600m the Whale Bay tunnel but only 270 km via Stykkisholmur and therefore since 1968 the region became a very popular and by the ferry to Brjanslaekur. It is perhaps one of skiing area among Icelanders and the favourite for skiers Iceland's most remote areas. Patreksfjörður is located in in the Capital area. LANGUAGE: English will be the official the Icelandic Western Fjords, which are too often missed language in the camp, but high proficiency is not a by visitors due to its distance (real and perceived) from requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger in Route 1, the circle road, and from other population the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering ecologi- centers. The West Fjords are a mass of fjords, mountains cal and global education messages to both, International and isolated villages on spits of lands surrounded by wa- volunteers and local hosts. S/he will arrange and organ- ter and mountains. Ísafjörður is the main town of the ise few activities as workshops, presentations, simulations, West Fjords with the regional airport in town. The area discussions, games on topics related to environment, includes its own glacier, the magnificent, remote nature protection and sustainability as use of resources, Hornstrandir and Europe's westernmost point of land at globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- Látrabjarg, at two hour’s drive from Patreksfjordur a gi- ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend gantic, sheer cliff facing the North Atlantic Ocean. There, to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to millions of birds nest in the cliffs among them puffins, undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which arctic tern, guillemots and other types of birds making will affect the way we use our resources and we deal Látrabjarg a must for bird watchers. LANGUAGE: English with the environment and the world we live in.EXTRAS: will be the official language in the camp, but high profi- Participation fee EUR 140,- . Excursions and free time ciency is not a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmen- activities in the area will be arranged for the volunteers. tal messenger in the project. S/he will be in charge of * The name Reykjavík means “smoky bay”: Given by the delivering ecological and global education messages to first settlers that arrived to the area due to the high both, International volunteers and local hosts. S/he will geothermal activity and the constant rise of steam out of arrange and organise few activities as workshops, pres- the hot springs around. entations, simulations, discussions, games on topics re- lated to environment, nature protection and sustainability IS-SEE 9.4. Patreksfjörður - Hiking & Culture Festival as use of resources, globalisation, millennium develop- 20/07 - 03/08 ment goals, global warming, fair trade, recycling, con- FEST/ENVI sumption, etc. We intend to raise awareness and to en- 12 vols. courage the participants to undertake simple but easy- WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be working on a particu- to-implement actions which will affect the way we use lar project with the development agency of the Western our resources and we deal with the environment and the Fjords, the Hiking and Culture festival, volunteers will be world we live in.EXTRAS: Participation fee EUR 80,- . Ac- directly engaged in the preparation, activities of the fes- cess to the local swimming pool and sports centre. Ex- tival and in diverse tasks once it has finished. Possible cursions in the area will be arranged for volunteers. tasks: maintenance and marking of hiking paths, putting up of signs in noteworthy places; as works on common IS-SEE 6.6. Sólheimar*, Sjálfbært samfélag and green recreational areas in the zone, gardening works, 26/07 - 09/08 etc.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will be hosted in a lo- AGRI/RENO cal house; sleeping on mattresses on the floor; there- 10 vols. fore bringing a warm sleeping bag is highly recommended. WORK/PROJECT: SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, works closely Food ingredients will be provided and a kitchen will be with the community of Sólheimar since the beginning of available, volunteers will share the duties of preparing SEEDS. Our first ever project took place in the Eco-Vil- and cooking meals. LOCATION: Patreksfjörður is a small lage and with the time we are developing a stronger rela- fishing town, which bears the name of the fjord and one tionship. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in of the communities of Vesturbyggð, where the main trades the Eco-village of Sólheimar in different sections as fol- are/were fishing and fish processing. In Patreksfjörður a lows: Landscaping in the Eco-village, different tasks on coastal lagoon has been dredged and opened to the sea the green and landscape areas; renovation and mainte- to provide a sheltered harbour. The town stands on slen- nance works in some of the buildings; and in two work- der sandpits and stretches two kilometres along the nar- shops: The forestry department of Ölur or in the vegeta- row northern shore of the fjord. It began as a fishing ble organic-growing greenhouses of Sunna. At Ölur, the port, like most of the villages and towns in this region. forestry, the work will range from taking care and trans- Nearness of rich fishing banks, and a sheltered harbour, planting trees to actual reforestation work in the sur- 59 rounding area. While in Sunna, the work focuses on grow- Fish Day has been a very successful event and during the ing organically vegetables as harvesting tasks.Volunteers first five years, more than 90.000 guests have taken part with artistic skills are very welcome to join the activities in this fabulous village feast. Volunteers will work before, and there will be time and venue for them to perform or during and after the festival, helping in the many differ- present themselves if wished, the same goes if the group ent activities related to the preparation and execution of volunteers decides during the workcamp to organize of the festival as re-arranging all again once it finishes. something together, which can then be presented for Volunteers are also asked to bring with them typical reci- the community.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will stay at pes from their countries involving fish as the main ingre- the community’s sports centre and we will sleep on mat- dient. Hopefully we will be able to set also an Interna- tresses on the floor. A warm sleeping bag is strongly rec- tional food stand as we did last year, where visitors will ommended. Volunteers will receive food provided and be have the chance to taste different non-Icelandic in charge of breakfast and dinner, while lunch will be dishes.ACCOMMODATION: We will be hosted at a local served at the local community restaurant.LOCATION: At community house. Volunteers are expected to cook their an hour’s drive from the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, lies own meals and free access to the newly opened local the village of Sólheimar in a valley amidst hot springs. swimming pool will be arranged. We will sleep on mat- That in itself doesn’t make this town stand out, yet tresses on the floor and a warm sleeping bag is highly Sólheimar is a special place with special people. Founded recommended.LOCATION: The community of Dalvíkurbyggð in 1930 in southern Iceland by an idealistic Icelandic was formed in 1998 by the merger of three districts of woman, Sesselja Sigmundsdóttir, a follower of the outer Eyjafjörður: the town of Dalvík and the rural dis- anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar may well be tricts of Svarfaðardalur and Árskógur. The logo of Dalvík the first community where so-called able and disabled shows three mountains, signifying the joining of the three people live and work together, and also the first eco- communities. The population of Dalvík is about 2000. The village. The community is self sufficient, and has both local economy is based upon the fisheries and fish worldly and spiritual aims. The core idea is to create a processing, in addition to various industrial and food en- harmony of tradition with new technologies that respon- terprises, services, commerce and trade. Dalvík harbour sibly utilise natural resources.Today, Sólheimar is a charming is a large fishing and commercial port; the ferry Sæfar, village of about 100 inhabitants, renowned for its inter- which sails from Dalvík, serves the island of Grímsey, Ice- national, artistic and ecological atmosphere, and prides land's northenmost community, which lies on the Arctic itself on its varied cultural, social and sporting activities.It Circle.The environment is beautiful and the mountains is pretty much self-supporting and also home to the are spectacular. There are many interesting things to Jurtagull Herbal Soap Factory, producing handmade soaps observe such as Hvoll folk museum where one can see and shampoos from Icelandic plants, a Candle factory, a Jóhann Svarfdælingur, once believed to be the tallest men Weaving Workshop, an Art Workshop, and a Carpentry on earth, 2,34 meters high. There are many others possi- Workshop, which creates items hand-crafted from wood, bilities for recreation such as canoeing, whale watching, including children's toys and musical instruments. There angling and horse riding. The swimming pool of Dalvík is is a small farm with calves and chickens, Ölur, the only also a friendly place, with a pool, hot tubs, steam bath organic reforestation centre in Iceland, and Sunna, an and water slid just waiting for you to come and relax organic cultivation centre. LANGUAGE: English will be the after a busy day.The mountains of Tröllaskagi (“Trolls’ official language in the camp, but high proficiency is not Headland” – between Eyjafjörður and Skagafjörður) are a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger renowned as one of Iceland’s most spectacular areas for in the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering eco- outdoor activity. Hikers can find suitable walking routes logical and global education messages to both, Interna- at any time of year, while mountaineers can scale peaks tional volunteers and local hosts through organised ac- of all shapes and sizes.During the Great Fish festival, on tivities as workshops, presentations, simulations, discus- the longest barbecue in Iceland, grilled fish burgers are sions, games on topics related to environment, nature served with bread and . The barbecue is really an protection and sustainability as use of resources, assembly line 10 meters long. A total of 12 grill stations globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- are located at sight where one can try grilled fish such ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend as haddock, cod, salmon, redfish, salt cod and cat fish to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to marinates in different ingredients. All these come with undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which bread and beverages.LANGUAGE: English will be the lan- will affect the way we deal with the environment and the guage in the camp, but high proficiency is not a world we live in.SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participa- requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger in tion fee EUR 100,-. Free entrance to the local swimming the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering ecologi- pool, hot pots and fitness/sports centre.* The name cal and global education messages to both, International Sólheimar means “home of the sun”. volunteers and local hosts through organised activities. We intend to raise awareness and to encourage the par- IS-SEE 9.5. Fiskidagurinn Mikli í Dalvíkurbyggð – Fish ticipants to undertake simple but easy-to-implement ac- Festival tions which will affect the way we deal with the environ- 02/08 - 16/08 ment and the world we live in. FEST/ENVI. 12 vols. TERMINAL: Closest International Airports: Keflavík WORK/PROJECT: Our hosting community, Dalvík organizes (Reykjavík), KEF and Akureyri -AEY- (connected just by once a year the “Great fish day”, a big scale voluntary www.icelandexpress.com from Kastrup in Copenhagen, project where most members of the community dedi- Denmark) nearest domestic airport is Akureyri (AEY), while cate their time to the festival and to host the thousands the closest bus stop is in town. of guests coming from all the corners of Iceland and EXTRAS / SPECIAL REMARKS: Participation fee EUR 130,-. abroad. Everyone is invited to eat a wide variety of sea Free entrance to the local swimming pool, excursions food dishes and everything is free of charge. The Great and free time activities will be arranged by the local con- 60 tacts. to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to IS-SEE 6.7. Sólheimar, vistvænt byggðarhverfi undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which 09/08 - 23/08 will affect the way we deal with the environment and the AGRI/RENO world we live in.TERMINAL: Closest International Airport: 10 vols. Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus stop is WORK/PROJECT: SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, works closely Minniborg.SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participation fee with the community of Sólheimar since the beginning of EUR 100,-. Free entrance to the local swimming pool, hot SEEDS. Our first ever project took place in the Eco-Vil- pots and fitness/sports centre.* The name Sólheimar lage and with the time we are developing a stronger rela- means “home of the sun”. tionship. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in the Eco-village of Sólheimar in different sections as fol- IS-SEE 6.8. Sólheimar i Grímsnesi lows: Landscaping in the Eco-village, different tasks on 13/09 - 27/09 the green and landscape areas; renovation and mainte- AGRI/RENO nance works in some of the buildings; and in two work- 10 Vols. shops: The forestry department of Ölur or in the vegeta- WORK/PROJECT: SEEDS, SEE beyonD borderS, works closely ble organic-growing greenhouses of Sunna. At Ölur, the with the community of Sólheimar since the beginning of forestry, the work will range from taking care and trans- SEEDS. Our first ever project took place in the Eco-Vil- planting trees to actual reforestation work in the sur- lage and with the time we are developing a stronger rela- rounding area. While in Sunna, the work focuses on grow- tionship. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work in ing organically vegetables as harvesting tasks.Volunteers the Eco-village of Sólheimar in different sections as fol- with artistic skills are very welcome to join the activities lows: Landscaping in the Eco-village, different tasks on and there will be time and venue for them to perform or the green and landscape areas; renovation and mainte- present themselves if wished, the same goes if the group nance works in some of the buildings; and in two work- of volunteers decides during the workcamp to organize shops: The forestry department of Ölur or in the vegeta- something together, which can then be presented for ble organic-growing greenhouses of Sunna. At Ölur, the the community.ACCOMMODATION: Volunteers will stay at forestry, the work will range from taking care and trans- the community’s sports centre and we will sleep on mat- planting trees to actual reforestation work in the sur- tresses on the floor. A warm sleeping bag is strongly rec- rounding area. While in Sunna, the work focuses on grow- ommended. Volunteers will receive food provided and be ing organically vegetables as harvesting tasks. in charge of breakfast and dinner, while lunch will be Volunteers with artistic skills are very welcome to join served at the local community restaurant.LOCATION: At the activities and there will be time and venue for them an hour’s drive from the Icelandic capital Reykjavik, lies to perform or present themselves if wished, the same the village of Sólheimar in a valley amidst hot springs. goes if the group of volunteers decides during the That in itself doesn’t make this town stand out, yet workcamp to organize something together, which can then Sólheimar is a special place with special people. Founded be presented for the community.ACCOMMODATION: Vol- in 1930 in southern Iceland by an idealistic Icelandic unteers will stay at the community’s sports centre and woman, Sesselja Sigmundsdóttir, a follower of the we will sleep on mattresses on the floor. A warm sleeping anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar may well be bag is strongly recommended. Volunteers will receive food the first community where so-called able and disabled provided and be in charge of breakfast and dinner, while people live and work together, and also the first eco- lunch will be served at the local community village. The community is self sufficient, and has both restaurant.LOCATION: At an hour’s drive from the Icelan- worldly and spiritual aims. The core idea is to create a dic capital Reykjavik, lies the village of Sólheimar in a harmony of tradition with new technologies that respon- valley amidst hot springs. That in itself doesn’t make this sibly utilise natural resources. town stand out, yet Sólheimar is a special place with Today, Sólheimar is a charming village of about 100 inhab- special people. Founded in 1930 in southern Iceland by itants, renowned for its international, artistic and eco- an idealistic Icelandic woman, Sesselja Sigmundsdóttir, a logical atmosphere, and prides itself on its varied cul- follower of the anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, Sólheimar tural, social and sporting activities. may well be the first community where so-called able It is pretty much self-supporting and also home to the and disabled people live and work together, and also the Jurtagull Herbal Soap Factory, producing handmade soaps first eco-village. The community is self sufficient, and has and shampoos from Icelandic plants, a Candle factory, a both worldly and spiritual aims. The core idea is to cre- Weaving Workshop, an Art Workshop, and a Carpentry ate a harmony of tradition with new technologies that Workshop, which creates items hand-crafted from wood, responsibly utilise natural resources.Today, Sólheimar is including children's toys and musical instruments. There a charming village of about 100 inhabitants, renowned for is a small farm with calves and chickens, Ölur, the only its international, artistic and ecological atmosphere, and organic reforestation centre in Iceland, and Sunna, an prides itself on its varied cultural, social and sporting organic cultivation centre. LANGUAGE: English will be the activities.It is pretty much self-supporting and also home official language in the camp, but high proficiency is not to the Jurtagull Herbal Soap Factory, producing hand- a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messenger made soaps and shampoos from Icelandic plants, a Candle in the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering eco- factory, a Weaving Workshop, an Art Workshop, and a Car- logical and global education messages to both, Interna- pentry Workshop, which creates items hand-crafted from tional volunteers and local hosts through organised ac- wood, including children's toys and musical instruments. tivities as workshops, presentations, simulations, discus- There is a small farm with calves and chickens, Ölur, the sions, games on topics related to environment, nature only organic reforestation centre in Iceland, and Sunna, protection and sustainability as use of resources, an organic cultivation centre. LANGUAGE: English will be globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- the official language in the camp, but high proficiency is ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend not a requirement.STUDY THEME: Environmental messen- 61 ger in the project. S/he will be in charge of delivering glacial rivers. It is an International city with a lively Cos- ecological and global education messages to both, Inter- mopolitan cultural scene. national volunteers and local hosts through organised Reykjavik International Film Festival, launched in 2004, holds activities as workshops, presentations, simulations, dis- in many respects a unique position among film festivals cussions, games on topics related to environment, na- organized around the world. How often are festival- ture protection and sustainability as use of resources, attendees given the chance to catch the cream of re- globalisation, millennium development goals, global warm- cent festival films, see dozens of amazing flicks from the ing, fair trade, recycling, consumption, etc. We intend world’s youngest and most talented directors, meet for- to raise awareness and to encourage the participants to eign film pioneers, see the shimmering Northern lights undertake simple but easy-to-implement actions which and attend informative seminars and symposiums? The will affect the way we deal with the environment and the programme includes a mixture of movies from more than world we live in.TERMINAL: Closest International Airport: 30 countries and more; a special category dedicated to Keflavík (Reykjavík), KEF. Closest bus stop is human rights in cooperation with UNIFEM and UNICEF in Minniborg.SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participation fee Iceland. LANGUAGE: English will be the language in the EUR 100,-. Free entrance to the local swimming pool, hot camp, but high proficiency is not a requirement.STUDY pots and fitness/sports centre.* The name Sólheimar THEME: Environmental messenger in the project. S/he means “home of the sun”. will be in charge of delivering ecological and global edu- IS-SEE 9.6. RIFF – Reykjavík* International Film Festival cation messages to both, International volunteers and 26/09 - 08/10 local hosts through organised activities. We intend to raise FEST/ARTS awareness and to encourage the participants to under- 15 Vols. take simple but easy-to-implement actions which will af- fect the way we deal with the environment and the world WORK/PROJECT: Volunteers will be part of the team or- we live in. ganising the Reykjavík International Film Festival (RIFF). TERMINAL: Closest International Airport: Keflavík Volunteers will team up with the local Icelandic volun- (Reykjavík), KEF. SPECIAL REMARKS / EXTRAS: Participa- teers from the Film studies of the University of Iceland. tion fee EUR 140,-. Volunteers will have free passes and They will share all types of tasks related to the festival access to all the screenings of the festival including re- and the group will be split according to the needs and to ceptions, while they are having their free time. give everyone the chance to try out different assign- * The name Reykjavík means “smoky bay”: Given by the ments. The input of volunteers will make a big difference first settlers that arrived to the area due to the high in making the festival an impressive cultural event. Be- geothermal activity and the constant rise of steam out of fore starting the festival handing out leaflets, posters and the hot springs around. brochures, receiving guests to the screenings, helping the International teams presenting their new releases, selling entrance tickets and festival passes, controlling IRELAND at the entrances in the venues, helping during the screen- ings, guiding and assisting participants and spectators, IE-VSI 4.1 27-May to 09-Jun setting up the venues before and after the movies and a IE-VSI 4.2 17-Jun to 07-Jul wide variety of many different duties to be performed IE-VSI 4.3 15-Jul to 28-Jul during the festival. Volunteers are an integral part of cre- IE-VSI 4.4 05-Aug to 25-Aug ating a special festival atmosphere in Reykjavík. The tasks IE-VSI 4.5 28-Oct to 10-Nov are very exciting for volunteers interested in films, since Cuisle (Co. Roscommon) 4 v we try to give them insight into the working process for The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary organisa- a film festival whilst also offering a chance to experience tion dedicated to the achievement of full social, eco- a fun job in a creative atmosphere.ACCOMMODATION: nomic and educational integration of people with physi- Volunteers will be lodged in a youth accommodation build- cal disabilities, Cuisle is their holiday centre ing. There will be bunk beds, mattresses and all facilities (www.cuisle.com). Socialising and interacting with the needed. Food will be provided, so cooking and common holiday guests and accompanying them on trips. The age tasks will be shared fairly among the participants. A warm and background of the guests varies, all the guests are sleeping bag is highly recommended. physically disabled and some of the guests may have speech LOCATION: Reykjavík*, the Icelandic capital, has been impairments and / or learning disabilities. Activities will called Europe’s hottest capital. Slick advertising campaigns include lots of entertainment and music, if you play a have championed the city’s famed nightlife. But there is musical instrument please bring it with you. Vols are also more to Reykjavik than pubs and clubs. Reykjavík held asked to help in the kitchen for approximately one hour the prestigious title European City of Culture in the year each day. Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot of fun and is a 2000; a welcome recognition of the energetic and col- very rewarding experience. Vols need flexibility, initia- ourful cultural life of the capital. The world’s northern- tive and independence. Study : Disability issues. Fluent most capital bridges the Atlantic, between Europe and English necessary. Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection North America, is framed by the majestic Mt. Esja and procedures will be applied. the blue waters of Faxaflói Bay. The population of the city is about 115,000 (40% of Iceland’s population) in the IE-VSI 4.6 June metropolitan area and 180,000 (60% of Iceland’s inhabit- Last week of June, dates to be fixed ants) including its suburbs. It is growing steadily and 45% IE-VSI 4.7 July is younger than 30 years old; 83,1% of men and women One week in July, dates to be fixed aged 16-74 are active on the labour market. Reykjavík is a IE-VSI 4.8 July dynamic, modern city in harmony with beautiful nature, One week in July, dates to be fixed using renewable energy sources, geothermal power and IE-VSI 4.9 July 62 One week in July, dates to be fixed IE-VSI 6.3 17-Sep to 30-Sep IE-VSI 4.10 01-Sep to 07-Sep Sonairte (Co. Meath) *Mixed age* 4 vols IASBAH (Co. Galway) 6 vols Sonairte becomes an apple lovers paradise at this time. The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Harvesters and peelers please apply. Other jobs include (IASBAH, www.iasbah.ie) runs a 'Summer Independence cropping, planting and weeding. Sonairte Training Project' for its members with Spina Bifida and (www.sonairte.org) was established in the late 1980's by Hydrocephalus. This year the project is taking place in members of the local community and concerned envi- Galway and Dublin over a total of 5 weeks in the summer. ronmentalists. It is a visitor centre promoting ecological Each week there are 16 participants of different age awareness and sustainable development. As well as an groups, 12 to 35 years. Helping the participants with their Energy Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and personal care (which could include toileting needs) and nature trail with ancient Rath. Reception area provides encouraging them to increase their independence and free info on sustainable living to the public and there is take part in activities. These include music, sports, oc- an Eco-shop and cafe. Study: Sustainable development. cupational therapy, arts and crafts, shopping and a disco. Fluent English is essential. Volunteers must enjoy work- Study: Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, disability issues. ing with the public and have an interest in sustainable Fluent English is essential. Volunteers must be motivated living. and interested in this type of work. Volunteers working or studying areas of disability are particularly welcome. IE-VSI 6.4 04-Jun to 16-Jun Volunteers will need lots of enthusiasm and energy for Sunrise (Co. Clare) 6 vols this extremely rewarding and worthwhile work. NB. Vols IE-VSI 6.5 09-Jul to 21-Jul are required to undertake or to have already completed Sunrise (Co. Clare) 6 vols ‘Manual Handling’ training, if you work in nursing or health Hosted by the Sunrise Education Trust, these projects care you may already have this. Please contact VSI for take place on a small organic farm, focusing on attaining further info. Other training will be provided by IASBAH at inner and outer peace through work and cooperative the beginning of each week of the project. In addition development. Alternative construction working with to the SCI application form, volunteers will need to fill-in hemp, lime and dry-stone walling. There will also be some the standard IASBAH volunteer form and will be inter- organic gardening work. Volunteers will learn about me- viewed by phone by IASBAH or VSI, this is required for all dicinal plants and alternative building techniques, if vols volunteers taking part in this project. Two references, are interested they can also learn and practice yoga. which will be checked by VSI, and a signed Declaration NB.Food is strictly vegetarian only. Form are also required to participate in this project. IE-VSI 6.6 05-Jun to 22-Jun IE-VSI 4.11 22-Jul to 29-Jul Gyreum (Co. Sligo) 12 vols Eurofest (Co. Louth) 15 vols To be confirmed The National Association for the Deaf of Ireland The Gyreum is an award-winning eco-lodge providing ac- (www.nadi.ie) and the European Federation of Parents of commodation for specialist events (www.gyreum.com). Hearing Impaired Children (www.fepeda.net) have come Work: laying a sod roof on an award-winning ecological together to organise Eurofest 2007 - European Family Camp building and preparation for a summer solstice celebra- for deaf and hard of hearing children tion event. Study: Ecological construction. English lang. (www.eurofest07.com) from all over Europe. There will Needed. be a daily programme of fun activities for both children and adults including watersports, absailing, arts and crafts IE-VSI 6.7 07-Jul to 21-Jul and hill-walking, aiming to provide a wonderful experi- Glenstal Abbey (Co. Limerick) 15 vols ence for all involved. Meeting and greeting clients, help- Glenstal Abbey is a Benedictine monastery in County Lim- ing leaders in activities and spending time with the chil- erick in SW Ireland (www.glenstal.org). The abbey, situ- dren. An induction and deaf awareness training will be ated between the plains of the Golden Vale and the provided. Activities will take place in the day and evening mountains of Slieve Felim, is surrounded by lakes, streams, times, appropriate breaks will be given.. Good English exotic trees planted in the nineteenth century and some essential. Sign language, experience of working with chil- of the last remnants of Ireland's primeval oak forest. The dren, leading activities and interest/ experience in sports Abbey is home to a community of monks. Glenstal Abbey will be useful. Deaf volunteers are welcome. Child and works to preserve and promote ecological balance. Work: Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied. conservation of primeval oak woodland. Vols will learn about woodland conservation. Accom:half the vols will IE-VSI 6.1 08-May to 22-May camp, the others indoor dormitory. Please say in your Sonairte (Co. Meath) *Mixed age* 6 vols form if you can camp. NB.18 – 30 year olds only. Maintenance on the old farm buildings: redecorating, painting, cropping and weeding in the garden, minor re- IE-VSI 6.8 21-Jul to 04-Aug pairs, assisting at the reception desk and eco shop on Ballybay (Co. Monaghan) 6v the days that Sonairte is open to the public Camphill Ballybay (www.camphill.ie) is one of 60 Camphill IE-VSI 6.2 30-Jul to 19-Aug communities around the world and one of 14 in Ireland Sonairte (Co. Meath) *Mixed age* 6 vols which offers people with intellectual disabilities a shel- Work at this time will involve mainly helping in the Eco- tered environment in which their educational, therapeu- shop and Reception. This involves dealing with the public tic and social needs can be met. At the community there and handling queries. All training will be given. Help will is a small farm building, a weavery, candle-making work- also be required in the Mustard Seed Cafe. There will shop, a wood workshop and garden buildings, complete also be gardening jobs including planting, weeding and with glasshouse and plastic tunnels. The farm is run along harvesting vegetables and soft fruit organic/ bio-dynamic lines as is the garden, 63 the produce from which satisfies the needs of the com- equipment at the end. The study part will be on immigra- munity. Work: Picking fruit and general gardening work. tion issue in Europe and northern Italy in particular; meet- Vols will learn about the Camphill philosophy and life in ings with the immigrants communities, volunteers asso- the community. NB. Child and Vulnerable Adult Protec- ciations etc The camp language will be English. Some tion procedures will be applied. knowledge of Italian is welcome. Also knowledge of Span- ish and French might be useful, being spoken by many IE-VSI 6.9 30-Sep to 09-Oct immigrants. If you also know some Swanili or you Ballytobin (Co. Kilkenny) are most welcome!!!! Ballytobin (http://www.camphill.ie/content/ballytobin/ home.htm) is one of 60 Camphill communities around the IT-SCI 2.1 20-Aug to 06-Sep world and one of 14 in Ireland which offers those in need Solidarietà con l’Africa – Imola (Bologna) 8 vols of special care a sheltered environment in which their SCI Italy, with the Friar Monastery of Imola, organizes a educational, therapeutic and social needs can be met. missionary workcamp in solidarity with Africa. The volun- The Ballytobin Community cares for 50 children and adults, teers will work collecting pieces of furniture, bicycles, most of whom will be on holiday during the camp. clothes, books and miscellaneous to be sold in a “sec- Ballytobin is involved in the Bio Energy and Organic Ferti- ond-hand” market. The goal of the camp is to get funds liser Services Project which provides fuel and energy to drill three wells in DawroKonta (Ethiopia) and raise needs of the Community through the production of biogas awareness on North/South countries issues. Accom. in (methane) by the anaerobic digestion of farm wastes. the Friar Monastery. Some knowledge of Italian is wel- There is always a lot of work to do at Ballytobin, jobs come, as the activity is supported by 80 local volunteers. that previous SCI vols have done include re-varnishing The work can be tiring. the floor of the community hall, fruit-picking, path-build- ing and gardening, we will provide more details soon. IT-SCI 3.1 06-Jul to 20-Jul Vols will learn about the Camphill philosophy and life in Drops of Peace – Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) PVP 8v the community. NB. Child and Vulnerable Adult Protec- SCI Italy in collaboration with Serydarth organizes this tion procedures will be applied. PVP camp. Casale Monferrato is a nice city not far from , Milan, Genoa, and Monferrato. It is well known for IE-VSI 6.10 30-Jun to 21-Jul the nice hills and the producers of wines. Because of Arts For Peace (Co. Offaly) 6v the lack of cultural chances, many young people left the The Arts for Peace Foundation (www.artsforpeace.ie) is city. Volunteers will become Peace ambassador and will a global organisation based in Ireland. Its central mission convey a Peace spirit in the town streets, through smiles, is to develop a residential facility, which provides practi- hugs, colouring the city and organizing events for and cal programmatic excellence in education, therapy and with the citizens. Arts, knowledge, meditation, workshops, recreation for children in Ireland and abroad with a goal creativity, consciousness, are some of the keywords of of development of peaceful co-existence. Through multi– the workcamp. Volunteers will be able to follow a path of cultural residential programmes the Foundation will pro- personal, spiritual, and collective growth, solving con- mote positive understanding, tolerance and healing with flicts and learning from them; they will cooperate with special emphasis on those whose lives have been impacted the Peace, Justice and Development Cooperation Con- by conflict. The purpose of the project is to work on sult, Peace organ of the city and other organizations. the grounds and clean the house in preparation for the Food vegetarian. children’s arrival on an Arts for Peace programme. Vols’ work will include weeding, planting shrubs/trees, replac- IT-SCI 6.1 15-May to 27-May ing fences, general household chores and maybe light Bike Forum – Roma 10 vols carpentry. Carpenters and gardeners extremely welcome. The Ciclofficina (bicycle workshop) “Don Chisciotte” works Accom. On floors in Durrow Abbey, bring sleeping bag at “Ex-Snia Viscosa” (a “social centre”). It is an old fac- and mat. Study: Vols will learn about the work of Arts for tory (abandoned since 1950) in a sub urban area of Rome. Peace and Durrow. The bicycle workshop started 4 years ago, to promote urban bicycling in Rome, a city overcrowded with cars. ITALY The “ciclofficina” recycles used and abandoned bikes and gives to everybody the chance to repair his/her own IT-SCI 1.1 26-Jun to 10-Jul bike, giving technical means and help. In this way it's pos- Forum Solidarietà – Collecchio (Parma) 12 vols sible to exchange technical information and also to share “Forum Solidarietà” co-ordinates a Multiethnic Festival a message of environmental sustainability. The workshop in the “Parco Nevicati” in Collecchio, near Parma. The is going to organize a European bike workshops forum aim of the festival is to help the immigrants and local from 23rd to 25th of May at Ex- Snia Viscosa, just few population know each other better, focusing on cul- days before the 4th annual International Critical Mass ture, tradition and habits. Concerts, dances, ethnic food that will be held in Rome from the 25th to the 27th of prepared by the different communities, exhibitions of May. Volunteers will be involved in several jobs: forum arts and crafts from the countries of origin etc. are organization, logistics, advertising, help the mechanics in planned. A special afternoon section is focused on chil- daily work in “ciclofficina”. The volunteers will have the dren. Public discussion and round tables of the various chance to participate in “Critical Mass” if they want. issues of immigration and integration are as well included. Volunteers are expected to help preparing the park for IT-SCI 6.2 07-Jul to 28-Jul the festival, setting up equipment, taking care of various Zonca 15 vols aspects of the organization (Kitchen, back-stage, exhibi- Zonca is a little village abandoned by local people, not tions): They will help in the surveillance during the nights, far from Seppiana in the Antrona valley (N near cleaning during the festival and in the taking down of Switzerland), reachable only on foot in about 40 minutes walk. Some years ago, a few people began to live there. 64 There started the “Ecological House of Zonca”. Volun- gest environmental organisations) and the museum of “Arte teer help needed in re-building the dry stone walls of Sacra di San Nicola di Bari” organize a working camp in- the path, that are seriously damaged, but part of the job side the National Park of Cilento. Mainly the cleaning of will consist on growing vegetables, used for consump- the holy path that connects all religious sites on the tion. Few days will be dedicated to the organization of a territory and the installation of the posts of the path. intercultural festival in , a village nearby. Accom. Also creation of a picnic area around the old chapel. An In farmhouse or barn, food is mostly vegetarian. In the opportunity for contact with the local community. free time it’s possible to see the Antrona Lake, and make some walks around. Families with children over 5 years IT-SCI 8.1 24-Jun to 06-Jul old welcome. Castagneto Po – Torino 12v With “In/contro” social cooperative, in a residential centre IT-SCI 6.3 14-Jul to 29-Jul in the countryside of Castagneto Po, among the green Aspromonte Liberamente – Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Turin hills (NW Italy), where people with mental disabili- Calabria) 25 vols ties live and work together. Volunteers will help in agri- 6 years ago the association “Aspromonte Liberamente”, cultural works and in the maintenance of the buildings working for environmental education and the recovery together with the guests. Willingness to fully participate of the environmental resources. started to turn a former in the life of the community and to share daily problems USA military base on Nardello Mountain into a scientific and achievements trying to socialize and interact with all laboratory for eco-sustainable development setting up its members, flexibility, enthusiasm and motivation are an astronomic observatory as well. Activities will focus on essential characteristics. A basic knowledge of Italian pre- restoration and maintenance of the trails in the moun- ferred. Accom.in tents. tains, remaking signs, maintenance of fountains of the trail of water, maintenance of the hostel, technical sup- IT-SCI 8.2 15-Jul to 29-Jul port and the restoration of the historical and architec- La Genovesa – Verona 10 vols tural heritage in Comune di S. Stefano d`Aspromonte. The camp is organised in collaboration with the non-reli- Basic accom. Open to families. gious community “La Genovesa” which is involved in the recovery and rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug ad- IT-SCI 6.4 17-Jul to 31-Jul dicts. The volunteers will work at the maintenance of BiRiciclabile, Anzio (Roma) 10v the structure, gardening and biological agriculture. It is Biriciclabile is a project of A Ruota Libera Onlus, working absolutely forbidden the use of drugs and alcohol. Smok- in the area of Anzio on the recycling of olds bikes fixed ing limited. The structure is in the outskirts of Verona in by people with disabilities, Biriciclabile started a project the countryside. promoting the education to the diversity, as a better potential, helping to evaluate the ability of people with IT-SCI 8.3 15-Jul to 29-Jul fewer opportunities; Other tasks are focused on envi- La Città del Sole – Torino 8 vols ronment protection education, by recycling second-hand Sharing time and activities with a group of 5 adults (3 men bikes, and on education of using common goods, sharing and 2 women), with medium to severe mental disabili- bikes. Volunteers will help organize the bycicles garage, ties., within the framework of their regular support. The They'll support people with disability in repairing bikes, centre is concerned with their rehabilitation and main- they'll manage the borrowing service, keeping clean and taining their capacity to be able to live in the best con- taking care of the area at Anzio Railway Station. Also help- ditions possible. This summer work-camp will be to deco- ing set up an Art Exhibition for the end of the camp. rate the inside of one of the buildings and to do the personalization of the rooms, and maintain contact across IT-SCI 6.5 08-Jul to 22-Jul culture and language. Two full days will be focused on EcoVillaggio di Granara (Parma) 15 vols seminars regarding social disadvantages problematic with The Granara Ecological Village is an experiment in sus- mental disabled people and more specifically regarding tainable development for an open community in which the working integration difficulties. Working language will different activities such as solar panel engineering, bio- be English and Italian. Volunteers need to be very moti- architecture, small-scale agriculture, holistic health care, vated and very patient. environmental education, social activities, theatre and art workshops combine to raise local awareness. This IT-SCI 8.4 29-Jul to 12-Aug year’s work will be divided in three teams of 4-5 volun- Acqui Terme – Alessandria 10v teers each, who will work on the final touches to the In a residential centre run by “In/contro” social co-op- construction of the guest-house (not intended for com- erative, in the historical town of Acqui Terme (NW Italy, mercial tourism but rather as support for the activities: 90 km from Turin and 60 from Genoa) where people with stages, workshops, and the theatre festival), will finish mental disabilities live and work together. Volunteers will the inside of the library, and help prepare the village for help in agricultural works and in the maintenance of the the theatre festival (putting the outer stage, the circus- buildings together with the guests. Willingness to fully theatre, solar showers and compost-toilets back in shape). participate in the life of the community and to share The study part this year will include notions of ecologi- daily problems and achievements trying to socialize and cal building techniques and the use of solar panels. Accom interact with all its members, flexibility, enthusiasm and in own tents. Some space indoors. motivation are essential characteristics. A basic knowl- edge of Italian preferred.. Accom: in tents. IT-SCI 6.6 16-Jul to 31-Jul Circolo “Sammaro”di Legambiente – Roscigno (Salerno) IT-SCI 8.5 12-Aug to 26-Aug 10 vols La Tartaruga – Asti 8 vols The ‘Circolo Sammaro’ of Legambiente (one of the big- The workcamp is hosted by a community in Piedmont, 7 65 have an interest for Cinema. km from Asti. The community hosts five women with men- tal disability, aiming to promote their social integration. IT-SCI 9.4 29-Jul to 06-Aug Volunteers will help making the rooms more comfortable, VerdeArte, Pescia (Pistoia) 12v working together with the people living in the place and The camp is part of a greater project to enhance the with the staff. Study Part: two days are planned to focus mountain area of Pescia. The camp will take place in the the attention on disability issues. Seminars will be coor- mountains at 600-800m, at an old watermill, immersed in a dinated by professional staff members, in cooperation forest and next to a river. An exhibition Verdearte will be with IT 8.6 workcamps. Accom.: in tents. Langs : Italian, organized at this location (4-5/8), where all participants English, French. can create displays of nature art, sculptures, paintings, or works of any kind, poetry recitals, music and theatre. IT-SCI 8.6 12-Aug to 26-Aug Both artists and non-artists who are willing to participate La Città del Sole – Asti 8 vols with enthusiasm are invited. Volunteers will both cover The workcamp will take place in the beautiful country the role of organisers and participants. Sleeping in tent. side of the Piedmont region in a community that hosts Versatile spirit required! Very Spartan conditions. adults male with mental disability. The volunteers will improve the building, working outside and inside in the IT-SCI 9.5 18-Aug to 01-Sep rooms. Study Part: two days are planned to focus the Eta Beta – Castelfiorentino (Firenze) 8 vols attention on disability issues. Seminars will be coordi- From old times to recent past springs were important nated by professional staff members, in cooperation with halting and meeting places. Tuscany was crossed until La Tartaruga (IT 8.5) Accom.: in tents. Langs: Italian and antiquity from important roads. Although is not arid, in Spanish.Volunteers with music and entertaining skills are summer is not easy to find fresh and clean water, be- welcome! cause of the particular geological structure. Fountains where built before modern acqueducts age to make easier IT-SCI 8. 7 03-Sep to 16-Sep access to water for people and animals on trip. Nowa- Casa S.Giacinta, Roma 10 vols days our springs and fountains are almost forgotten or in Casa S. Giacinta is an hostel of the catholic organisation bad state of conservation. Even though fountains are Caritas, involved in the reception, board and lodging and spride in the countryside it should be a great act of civic first aid of homeless people and in the promotion of vol- virtue to preserve them. Cause it is an exacting camp untary work. The volunteers will help in the refectory we'll love to have crafted and resolute volunteers as well. (preparation, cleaning and service) and in the hostel or- Work on fountains have to do with cleaning up, excava- ganizing activities to promote autonomy and social inclu- tions, building up, hydraulics, restoration, painting. If you sion of the guests (80 people). An important part will be have a bike, try to bring it or rent locally. dedicated to the relationship between the international volunteers and the guests, creating re-creative activities IT-SCI 11.1 30-Sep to 14-Oct (like playing cards) and informal discussions during the Piccolo pianeta delle margherite – Casale Monferrato work. A basic knowledge of Italian is welcome. Alcohol is (Alessandria) 8 vols forbidden. The study part will be on the activities of Volunteers will work together with the members of Caritas in Rome. “Senape” Co-operative (some of them are underprivileged with mental or physical diseases) that manage the dog IT-SCI 9.1 21-May to 02-Jun kennel of city of Casale Monferrato, fencing the area for Zerogravita’- Sordevolo(Biella) 6 vols the dogs, posing tiles in dog’s boxes and making some IT-SCI 9.3 09-Jul to 23-Jul photographic reportage of the dogs to produce a calen- Zerogravita’- Sordevolo(Biella) 6 vols dar for 2008. Vols will help realize the first “San Francesco Villa Cernigliaro, a historical stately home, in Sordevolo, Feast” dedicated to all species of the planet and will be was in fascist times, a meeting place for free-thinking involved in a workshop for the recovery of second-hand political dissident intellectuals. Since 1998, the non-profit clothes. Study part about personal and collective growth association “Zero Gravità” promotes visual art, perform- for the peace. Food will be vegetarian. ance and happenings of the historical avant-garde there. Planting in the vegetable garden, planting trees, clean- MACEDONIA ing of river stone gutters, general maintenance of the park and Italian garden, painting of iron and wood fur- MK YCCBT 9.1 “BITOLA OPEN CITY- ART FESTIVAL 2007” nishings. Study part on natural reserves and historical 18.08.2007- 28.08.2007; houses 10 VOLS; Bitola, Macedonia IT-SCI 9.2 01-Jul to 08-Jul Documentary in Europe 5 vols W: Volunteers will work on festival like staff. They will be The project relates to the International Workshop on in charge for logistics preparation and realization of the Documentary Film; our goal is to involve the volunteers in festival. Daily work depends of the day but it won’t be the organization of the event, which gathers experts and longer then 3- 4 hours. Also, volunteers will have creative professionals from all over Europe in Bardonecchia for a workshops and will prepare short artistic performance week. Volunteers will have the opportunity of gaining a which will be part of the festival’s program. better understanding of the world of documentary by S: Excursion to Ohrid, barbecue, café bars, etc… meeting experts and professionals and assisting in the A: Volunteers will be accommodated in students’ dormi- following tasks: welcoming the participants, management tory near the center of Bitola. Showers and toilets are and presence at the different events, in the organiza- available. There will be plenty of food of different kinds tion of the “hands-on video workshop” included in the (vegetarian food included). event. Volunteers need to be very fluent in English, to 66 T: Bitola; S: Excursion around Bitola; Visiting historical and archaeo- Q: Creative young people. Participants with previous ex- logical sites in Ohrid. periences in organizing festivals are more than welcomed. A: Volunteers will be accommodated in high school in L: English the centre of the town; you will need swimming equip- X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from ment and sleeping bags; Food will be prepared by the your country, positive energy and smile :) 18 - 35 age; volunteers, but we will have traditional meals in some X2: Participation fee15 Euro. restaurants. Q: No special skills required; Art T: Ohird L: English MK YCCBT 9.2 “Varvara 2007” X: Please bring something characteristic from your coun- 20.08.2007 - 30.08. 2007; try (food, drink,…). Positive energy is obligatory !!!! 15 VOLS; : ) 18 - 35 age; Varavara, Macedonia ( 10 km from Tetovo) X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro

W: The village Varvara and is very picturesque so volun- Education/Art teers very easy can get inspiration and ideas for making art works- pictures .On the end of this camp the art MK YCCBT 9.3 “DEBAR LAKE” works will be donated in the Center of Culture in Varvara 10.07.2007-21.07.2007 there will be a exhibition of the art pictures. 12 VOLs; S: Excursion around Sar Planina, local archaeological sites… Debar, Macedonia A: Volunteers will sleep in Center of Culture in v.Varvara; sleeping bags are necessary, toilettes and showers are W: Volunteers will work on preparing of art visual per- nearby, volunteers will make the food by themselves. formance and attending workshops on Human Rights T: Tetovo S: This camp have and educational character, there will Q: Creative volunteers with artistic skills. be workshops on Human rights issue. L: English A: Volunteers will be accommodated in camping zone on X: Please bring something interesting from your country, the Debar lake in tents, so they will need to take sleep- paintbrush and positive energy! 18 - 35 age; ing bag; Food will be prepared by the volunteers. X2: Participation fee10 Euro. Q: Creative young people. Volunteers with experience in Renovation/Reconstruction human rights are in advantage; bring swimming equipment; MK YCCBT 11.1 “NIZE POLE” T: Debar 11.07.2007 - 20.07.2007; L: English 12 VOLS; X: Age limit is 18- 35 age; Please bring something for inter- v.Nize Pole Macedonia (10km from Bitola) national evening (food, drink, dance, games…..). X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro W: Volunteers will enjoy on 1200m altitude working on the Nize Pole work camp on reconstruction of primary Environmental school which is in very bad condition. Work will be paint- ing the inside walls, doors, fixing the inventory and mak- MK YCCBT 6.2 “GOLAK” ing the schoolyard more creative. Daily work will be 5 – 6 01.08.2007- 11.08.2007; hours. Workshops on intercultural learning and commu- 15 VOLs; nication are inclusive. Delcevo, Macedonia S: There will be organized one day hike to the top of the Pelister mountain with tourist guide from ECO club of W: Marking the walking paths on Golak mountain. national park “Pelister”. S: There will be organized one day excursion around Golak; A: In the winter-summer recreation center “Pelister” in visiting cultural, archaeological and historical sites in Nize Pole village, 10 km from Bitola. Food will be prepared Delcevo by kitchen with the help of volunteers. Toilettes A: In camping zone on the GOLAK in tents, so they will and showers are available. need to take sleeping bag; Food will be prepared by the Q: No special skills required; volunteers; Toilettes and showers are nearby; T: Bitola Q: No special skills required; L: English T: Delcevo X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from L: English your country, positive energy, warm jersey and sense of X: Please bring some characteristic games or food from humor :) 18 - 35 age; your country; Age limit is 18- 35 age; X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro X2: Participation fee: 10 Euro Environmental Environment MK YCCBT 6.3 “More trees-more human lives” MK YCCBT 6.1 “KANEO” 06.08.2007- 16.08.2007; 10.09.2007-20.09.2007 15 VOLs; 15 VOLs; Kavadarci, Macedonia Ohrid, Macedonia W: Volunteers will work on planting trees on empty areas on the mountain near Kavadarci. W: Cleaning coast of Ohrid Lake from the garbage accu- S: Excursion across Tikves vine region. mulated in the last tourist season. A: The participants will be accommodated in Youth Hos- 67 tel in a mountain near Kavadarci; The food and the ac- they are habituated to use for their artistic work (brush, commodation will be provided by the organizers but there colours and other material for painting). City of Bijelo is possibility participants to cook for themselves; Polje. www.visit-montenegro.com Extra fee: 20 euro Q: No special skills required; T: Kavadarci MOROCCO L: English X: It will be very kindly if you bring something character- ACJ1 : Errachidia(IMILCHIL) Imilchil is a beber village in istic from your country (food, drink…..) Haut atlas :150km from RIch and 250km from Errachidia X2: Participation fee: 15 Euro ;we find in it the originality of Morocco : Period : 15days From : 01/08 To : 14/8 Work : Some works in school and MONTENEGRO animation with kids and teenagers in the village. Volunteer Centre of ADP-ZID ACJ 2 Salé : Salé was a corsair town, it’s 2 Km from the ME-ZID 6.1 10-Jul to 22-Jul capital Rabat, on the Atlantic, they are separated by a “Lovcen 07” (Cetinje) 10 vols river: Bouregreg. Salé is known by the old town, tradi- The workcamp will be organized in cooperation with Na- tional markets and pirates locals.: tional park “Lovcen”. Cleaning of the forest, arranging Salé : Work : the volunteers will do two kind of work : 1) and cleaning the walking paths in National Park. Accom.in some works of maintaining in school+ drawing 2) the vol- tents (but special and big tents). City of Cetinje. www.visit- unteers participate to animate with kids(theatre ,games montenegro.com Extra fee: 20 euro ,foreign languages….). Period : 15 days From : 1 August To : 15 August Partner : the regional delegation of educa- ME-ZID 6.2 15-Jul to 30-Jul tion- Municipality Number of vols : 15 Accommodation : in “Plav 2007” (Plav) 15 vols the school. The workcamp will be organized in cooperation with Salé is already full. minucipaluty Plav and mountainers association «Herber» ACJ3 LARACHE :It’s a town in the north of Morocco 70 from Plav city. Vols will clean green areas around Plavsko km in the south of Tanger. Lake and river Ljuca, also clean green areas and paint -Period :from 17/7 to 31/7 fences aruond the monuments in the Plav, Murino and Work :Painting a school . Gusinje comunity. City of Plav. www.visit-montenegro.com. Accomodation: in school. Extra fee: 20 euro Larache is already full. ACJ4 MHAMMADIA:ISa coster twn 20 km in the south of ME-ZID 6.3 04-Aug to 16-Aug casablanca and 60 km in the north of Rabat. “Kolasin 2007” (Kolasin) 15 vols Work : Gardening and some different works in a school. Renovation work and ecological action in order to pro- Period: From 07/08to 21/8 . vide help to local community. Workshops about voluntarism Accomodation : in aschool. and activism for participants of the camp will be organ- Number of volunteers 15 ized in order to give the space to people involved in the ACJ5:Marrakech : it owns a rich and cultural historical activity to discus topics of active participation and heritage . voluntarism and compare situation in Montenegro and Period : 15 days From : 1 august To :1 4 August Partner : other countries. Volunteers will be in direct contact with the regional delegation of education+ local associations. local youth and need to be communicative and ready to Work : some works of maintaining in school + gardening + actively participate. City of Kolasin. www.visit- painting + Animation with the kids : theatre+ language montenegro.com. Extra fee: 20 euro courses+ workshops in human rights. Accommodation : in the school. ME-ZID 6.4 18-Aug to 29-Aug ACJ6.Benslimane: It’s 40 km from Rabat and 25 km from “Geography, History” (Andrijevica) 10 vols Casablanca Renovation of the high school and several more objects : Period : 15 Days From : 25/7 To : 08 august.WORK:Painting in the local community. Volunteers have to bring maps, in a school and animation with kids of the village .Other flags, brochures about their countries, cities, young peo- little works in the school. ple etc. and this will be used to equip classroom of geog- ACJ 7:Moulkay driss ZEhoun: It’s a small and historical raphy in this school. Workshops will be organized to im- town ( 10.000 inhabitants), located 60 k from Fes, 24 km prove knowledge of participants refering human and mi- in the North of in the center of Morocco and 3 nority rights, different religions in a context of toler- Km from Romain ruins( ). In this town is buried ance building, multiculturalism and building of trust and the founder of the first dynasty in Morocco Moulay IdrissiI. tolerance, prevention of all kinds of xenophobia. City of . The ruin contains different signs of Roman people life. Andrijevica. www.visit-montenegro.com. Extra fee: 20 euro Mouly Idriss Zerhoune is known by the historical and environmental heritage. ME-ZID 9.1 01-Aug to 10-Aug Period: From 17 /7 to 31/ “Art Colony” (Bijelo Polje) 10v . Number of vols : 20 The work camp will be organized in cooperation with Work:Painting +wall dawing in lycee :logarithmes+animation ecological NGO “Bjelasica” from Bijelo Polje. Vols will take with kids in the village. photos and paint the most remarkable landscapes sur- .ACJ 8.Beni-Mellal : It’s located under the mountain’s “ rounding Bjelasica Mountain, by their personal style and Moyen Atlas”. It’s an agriculture region with irrigate way. choosing which art motives to reproduce. A: Volunteers It cultures olives and sugar beet . The population : 50.000 will be accommodated in the mountaineers’ house, on inhabitants, around Beni-Mellal a lot of Berber villages It the Bjelasica Mountain, 1,900 meters above the sea level owned a rich natural patrimony. Period : 15 days From : 1 and 26 km far from Bijelo Polje. Only vols with artistic August To : 15 August Work : The work consists in : gar- tendencies. Vols have to take professional material that dening’s drawing in a school. 68 Beni mellal is already full. volume, silence...2) Body expression: the gesture replaces Recommendations to Volunteers: 1) Sleeping bag, work- the word, work of mime. 3) Artistic expression 4) Space ing Clothes and every things whish could contribute to Organization: the scene is a space to tame and control, the good progress of the work-camps are required. 2) work of the entries and exits, relationship with the ob- Meals will be prepared by volunteers. 3) The volunteer jects, put in scene. Working with teenagers and youth has to pay 40 Euros to ACJ as Fees participation on arrival 12-18. Living in families. in the work-camp. Info-sheet : Salé * By aero plane : The aero ports : 1) Rabat-Salé 2) Mohamed V in Casablanca 3) MA-CSM 6.40 05-Aug to 18-Aug Marrakech * By Train : From to Salé Medina” Sta- Essaouira 20 vols tion. * By Bus : From Tangier to “Bus station” ALKAMRA in Essaouira is a very beautiful town on the Atlantic Ocean Rabat. RICH By Bus . From Tangier to RICH .By aero plane between Safi and Agadir in S. Morocco. This camp will be : The aero ports : 1) Marrakech 2) Mohamed V .3) Fès organised in collaboration with the local municipality to Saiss - Moulay Idriss and Volubilis : * By Aero- contribute to the campaigns of cleaning and protecting plane : - The airports : 1) Mohamed V 2) Marrakech * By the local environment. The volunteers will work with Train : - From : Tangier - To : Meknes * By Bus : - From : other young people and some local associations on this Tangier - To : Meknes.TO LARACHE from Tanger by bus. issue and to the mobilization of the local population so as P.S : More details will be sent when applying to contribute to the local environment protection. Accom. NB There are usually extra participation fees of approx camping. 40 Euros towards costs of local projects, paid on arrival. NB Some camps are quite isolated and you may be the MA-CSM 6.44 04-Aug to 18-Aug only European participating. Volunteers need to be over Marrakech 20 vols 21, have some experience and some French or Arabic. Marrakech is a beautiful town in southern Morocco, well CSM Morocco known for its traditional markets and historical patrimony MA-CSM 5.14. 01-Jul to 01-Aug .The project will take place in a centre for poor chil- Zagora 10 vols dren, and it consists on painting and cleaning the class- Organizing English courses to young people aged from 15 rooms and the surrounding area of the school. Accom. In to 18 years old with less educational opportunities .Those the centre. CJV Morocco courses aim to: MA-CJV 11.4 22-Jul to 05-Aug - Give the opportunity to young people who have never Meekness - 15 vols been in touch or who are in their first or second year, to Painting/Renovation. Lodging in a center. Activities : The discover it or/and to overcome the difficulties they have work camp is in collaboration with rural community. Work- in this language ing in a primary school, painting, garden –working frescos - Try to connect those children with friends from abroad creation of garden various manual work. During the work so as to correspond between them in English as a tool to camp volunteers organize cultural activities, evenings, promote their English knowledge and level and establish debates, excursions…. Extra participation fee 50 euros new friendship. All the volunteers with strong motivation (on arrival). to do this kind of voluntary service or who have some MA-CJV 5.11 16-Jul to 04-Aug skills in teaching English language are welcome. All the Fès -6 vols applications must be received by the end of May Teaching French Language. Lodging :With Moroccan Fami- MA-CSM 5.13 01-Jul to 01-Aug lies. Activities : The volunteers will give French lessons Errachidia 10 vols to students aged between 12&20 Extra fee 50 euros One month courses to teach French language in several MA-CJV 5.14 16-Jul to 04-Aug public schools in Morocco. Those courses will be given Immouzer -6 vols to children who are 8 to 12 years old. In general those Teaching English Language. Lodging : With Moroccan children are beginners in this language; some of them Families. Activities : The volunteers will give English les- may have already started studying it one or two years sons to students aged between 12&20. Extra fee 50 euros before. Those courses aim to:- Give the opportunity to MA-CJV 9.9 06-Aug to 20-Aug those children to prepare their selves to study this lan- Ouajda guage and start speaking with it. - Connect those chil- Monuments dren to some children from aboard to correspond in JEC French as a way to promote their competences and es- JEC 11.5 06-Aug to 20-Aug tablish new friendship. All the volunteers with strong SAFI, maison of vieillardes 15 vols motivation to do this kind of voluntary service or who Safi is a beautiful town (400.000 residents) on the Atlantic have some skills in teaching French language are wel- Ocean ; this town is well known for its pottery monu- come All the application must be sent to CSM by the end ments and nice beach. The climate is normally hot in of May. All the applications must be received by the end summer however warm closes are advised to be used in of May fresh nights. Safi is about 190km from Marrakech, 250 km from Casablanca and 350 from Rabat. The project takes MA-CSM 9.21 20-Jul to 03-Aug place in a centre of maison of vieillares difficulties, and it Rabat 20 vols consists on painting and cleaning the rooms and the sur- Workshops of Drama and Animation. With the objectives rounding area of the maison. The volunteers will be lodged of clear communication, trust, openness to the world, in the centre. Extra participation fees: 40 Euros requested creativity and initiative. The courses are given by volun- on arrival to help us to pay the preparation and organisa- teers who got special training for this mission or by vol- tion of the workcamp and general costs of JEC. unteers who are motivated for this workshop. Those vol- unteers are flexible in managing those courses through JEC 11.2 22-Jul to 05-Aug 1) Oral expression: diction, intonation, stamp of voice, Essaouira 15 vols 69 Creating a garden. Essaouira is a beautiful town on the Volunteers will also have to bring with them work- Atlantic Ocean ; this town is well known for monuments ing clothes , a and crafts and nice beach. The climate is normally hot in sleeping bag , and anything which could contribute to summer however warm clothes are advised to be used in the good progress of some fresh nights. Essaouira is about 370 km south from the workcamp (game sets , musical instruments , cook- Casablanca and 470 kilometres south from Rabat. The ing recipe , etc….) project will be organized in collaboration with the del- CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by volunteer on arrival. egation of national youth. The work consists of helping in the renovation of a children centre, painting its rooms MA-CJM 11.13 ; you will also plant flowers in the area. The volunteers 01/08-15/0/ 20 vols will be lodged in the centre . Extra participation fees: 40 Ain Leuh is a village situated in the middle Atlas at 95 kms Euros. to the south of Fes; and 25 km from .Iti is famous for the MA-CJM Morocco snowfall during winter and MA-CJM 11.2 Boulmane mild temperature in summer . The middle Atlas big 18/07-01-08 20 vols summits : Michlifen, Hibri Boulmane is small Town situated in the middle Atlas and Habri are at a height of 2000 m. The area is also at 85 kms to the south- covered with tremendous Cedar east of Fes. Iti is famous for the snowfall during winter forests. It's known by its panoramic naturel view and and mild temperature in authentic monuments . summer . The middle Atlas big summits : Michlifen, Hibri "Chantiers jeunesse Maroc" is organizing a workcamp and Habri are at with the a height of 2000 m. The area is also covered with tre- collaboration of rural council. mendous forests. NATURE OF THE PROJECT : It's known by its panoramic naturel view and au- The work consists to built a wall against erosion. thentic monuments : Number of volunteers :20. "Ksour Ifkern" at 1700 m alt. The duration of work is 5 hours a day . "Chantiers jeunesse Maroc" is organizing a workcamp The work will be going hand in hand with other activi- with the ties which will be collaboration with center Boulmane school” . undertaken by the volunteers themselves :outings , NATURE OF THE PROJECT : family visits. The work consists of to built a wall , painting and LODGING: creating a fresco and laying out in a The 20 volunteers will be staying in "Maison de school. bienfaisance" quartier The duration of work is 5 hours a day . administratif -Aïn Leuh centre. LODGING: Meals will be prepared by volunteers. Themselves who The 20 volunteers will be staying in a center will also have to bring Boulmane school. with them working clothes , a sleeping bag , and any- Meals will be prepared by volunteers. Themselves thing which could who will also have to bring with them working clothes , a contribute to the good progress of the workcamp(game sleeping bag , and anything which could contribute to sets , musical the good progress of the workcamp (game sets , musical instruments cooking recipe etc….) instruments cooking recipe , etc….) This will give you an interesting opportunity to dis- This will give you an interesting opportunity to dis- cover cultural reality an cover cultural reality an habits of the local population. habits of the local population. MEETING POINT: The first meeting will be at Ain Leuh rural council In case of emergency phone our delegate in Ain Leuh: MA—CJM 11.12 Missour Haddou , (070)13-46-70 01/08-15/08 20 vols CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by volunteer on arrival. MA-CJM 11.5 Azemmour Missour is a small town in the east of Morocco between 01/08-15/08 20 vols the Atlas mountains Azemour is a small town south of Casablanca (85km) and and the Desert one(1) hundred km at the east of very close to El Jadida (at 16 Boulmane , two (2) hundres km Km in the north). from Fès, with approximately 13500 inhabitants. It is on the Atlantic coast and the river Oum-er- The climate generally dry and sunny , with some Rabii(mother of spring). very hot summer days. It is close to many touristic resorts. In summer , it’s knows NATURE OF THE PROJECT: an increabe of activities. The project consists of renovation an old mosque Chantiers jeunesse Maroc is organising a workcamp for illiterate women lessons. with collaboration of Azemmour Number of participants:20. municipality. The duration of work will be 5 hours /a day. NATURE OF THE PROJECT: LODGING AND MEALS: The project consists of draining the badly engaged The volunteers will be lodged in the primary school. ground ,making land more fertile Meals will be prepared by volunteers Planting and watering. ACTIVITIES: Number of participants:20 70 The duration of work will be 5 hours /a day. MEALS AND ACTIVITIES: NL-VIA 10.2 27-Jun to 07-Jul As far as food is concerned meals will be prepared Okido Yoga (Amsterdam) 12v by the volunteers OkidoYoga is a yoga centre in the middle of Amsterdam, themselves who will also have to bring with them work- where not only yoga is taught, but also an attempt to ing clothes , a sleeping communicate the eastern way of living is made. Work: bag , and anything which could contribute to the good painting walls and working in the garden. Besides that, progress of the workcamp you will get to know the way of living that belongs to (game sets , musical instruments ,cooking recipe , OkidoYoga. Meditation, massages and a balanced vegetar- etc….) ian diet are part of that. Note: no drugs or alcohol al- The work will be going hand in hand with other activi- lowed! ties which will be undertaken by the volunteers themselves :outings , N.IRELAND family visits , cultural IVS Northern IrelandUK-NI 6.1 08-May to 08-Jun entertainment . Glebe House 1 (Co. Down) 12v Address of lodging: Will include preparation, setting up and clear up for the Volunteers will be lodged in centre d’acceuil Glebe House annual fundraising Open Day on Sunday 3rd Azemmour. of June. There will be other environmental projects on CJM fee 45 euros to be paid by volunteer on arrival. the farm and grounds at Glebe House.

NETHERLANDS UK-NI 6.2 03-Sep to 14-Sep Glebe House 2 (Co. Down) 12v NL-VIA 1.1 30-Jul to 20-Aug Will include general maintenance work around the Cen- AZC Markelo (PVP) 10 vols tre and Farm, including painting and decoration, garden AZC Markelo is an asylumseekers center, where about work, cleaning accommodation areas, work on playground, 400 refugees stay, awaiting the decision on their asylum farm and grounds work. procedure. Work: organizing activities – sport, games, Glebe House is a cross community residential centre on theatre, handicrafts - for the children (4-18 years). Study the east coast. It caters for young people, children and theme: conflicts in countries where the refugees come adults from catholic and protestant communities. It aims from. Affinity with children is important, additional moti- to provide a positive experience for people from all sec- vation letter is required. tions, enabling them to live, play and work together, and in doing so, come to understand their different points of NL-VIA 3.1 21-Jul to 10-Aug view and experience alternatives to violence and con- EMMA, Utrecht (PVP) PVP Camp 12 vols flict and ways of living in peace. Study: There will be Emma is a Centre for Worldpeace and Environment. The information and discussion evenings on the work of Glebe aim of EMMA is: to provide help to individuals, groups, House, Politics and History of Northern Ireland, Commu- movements and associations in Utrecht by facilitating nity Relations work in Northern Ireland. places to study, for secretariats, workshops and meet- ings. The ideal of humanity as one big family, which com- NORWAY monly serves the life on earth without disturbing the needs NO 11.1 08-Jul to 22-Jul of future generations and other life forms. Work: some Vallersund Gård, Fosen 12 vols gardening and reconstruction, restoration of sheds and Vallersund Gård is a Camphill community, a residential and some inside painting. Study: about 2nd Millenium Goal, work community for adults in need of special care. The “every child to school”. And how to promote Human Rights residents include mentally disabled adults and previous in school systems. drug addicts. The farm is located about 3 hours from NL-VIA 5.1 18-Jun to 02-Jul Trondheim, directly ?? the sea. There’s a windmill provid- 'Achter Wes'. (Den Haag) 8 vols ing electricity to the farm, a heating system using ocean This project is a study project about underprivileged water to warm the houses and an ecological sewage treat- youth in the Netherlands. The Schilderswijk in the Hague ment system. The vols will do landscaping, help in reno- is the least developed area in The Netherlands. There is vating the houses, work on a path and eventually help on relativly little income, insufficient housing, and a higher the farm. crime-rate. WES is a local organisation which runs gath- NO 11.2 29-Jul to 12-Aug ering places for youngsters and organizes mainly sport Svalstuenkollektivet, Gol 6 vols activities. There are 114 nationalities attending their fa- Svalstuenkollektivet near Gol (200 km north of Oslo) is an cilities. Work: helping out with sport activities, cooking, educational community, which seeks to integrate young interviewing and other studies. Tours will be organised, people from 13 to 20 years old who face social problems and the gathered material will be discussed. Min.age: 21. in their home environment. The community offers a sense NL-VIA 10.1 10-Jun to 24-Jun of togetherness and education, as a new start in life. Emmaus, Langeweg 10 vols Because it is summer and holidays, some of the young- Emmaus-communities offer a shelter for people, who live sters might not be there during the camp. The volun- in difficult circumstances, like homelessness. They are teers will do maintenance work and outdoor work.. self-supporting by collecting and selling of furniture and clothes. They also support peace-projects in Netherlands PALESTINE/ISRAEL and abroad. Work: helping to organise the International IPYL Palestine Festival-Market, co-operation in the daily activities in the PS-IPY 6.22 01-Jun to 15-Jun community, collecting and sorting out goods, help in the Beit Duqqu Village,Jerusalem Agri 15-20 vols kitchen and at their territory. PS-IPY 6.25 15-Oct to 30-Oct 71 Al-samoo Village, Palestine Jerusalem Agri 15-20 Today there are over 20,000 inhabitants in Sakhnin and vols most of them make a living from businesses, light indus- PS-IPY 6.26 15-Dec to 30-Dec try, and construction work within the neighboring cities. Hebron, Palestine Agri 15-20 vols W: Environmental & Gardening & Painting In Sakhnin is a IPYL in co-operation with the agricultural union. The field that is currently not being used for anything. In projects seek to bring young people of various cultures order to add to the town, this workcamp will turn the together to build bridges of understanding, reconcilia- field into a small park with benches, plants and flowers. tion, and peace. These goals are achieved through edu- In addition, the workcamp group will give to the commu- cation –awareness reaction, youth empowerment and nity by painting the wall that surrounds a school and work camps. The projects have 2 parts. Volunteers will helping with mural painting and drawings inside the help the farmers in the agriculture practices specially in school. Both projects will not only add to the village but the land rehabilitation , vegetable transplants growing, will benefit the lives of the people who live there. S:Part picking up the fruits of the almond and plum trees . Also of the work camp experience includes engaging with in- the volunteers will meet the Palestinian farmers and see ternational youth as well as with the Arab-Palestinian so- the methods of agriculture implemented and the difficul- ciety. Through projects, discussions and cultural field ties they face in planting and marketing by the Israeli trips, you will learn about your peers and about Arab- occupation. Volunteers will visit the site of the wall, meet Palestinian culture while contributing to this community. the Palestinian farmers, and listen about the tragedy and Participation Fee: 150 Euros A: In municipal social cen- the problems had been created to the Palestinian. Beit tre. Umer (10kn north) and Al-samoo (14km south) are centu- IL-BAL 9.01 KOFR-YASIF WORKCAMP ries-old villages near Hebron, dependent on agriculture 14-27/07/2007 for economic survival. However, the Israeli policy of con- Kofr-yasif, Galilee, Israel structing settlements and a wall around these areas has Hosting Organization: Baladna and Kofr-yasif Municipal- isolated villages from the neighbouring villages. The guest ity house is on an area of land continually under threat of Work Type: Renovation & Art confiscation by the Israeli military , so projects there aim 15 vols do demonstrate solidarity with the local people. Extra Kofr-yasif is a small Arab village located in the north-west fee: 150 Euros of Israel, 10 km north-east of Acre. Since the early 1930s Zajel Youth Exchange Program Kofr-yasif has been a center of commerce and services PAL-1 02.06 – 20.06 for the surrounding villages. The area of the village is Zajel Youth Exchange Program 25 vols 6.860 donam. 50% of agriculture is used for growing olive International Summer Work Camp in Palestine trees. The local council was declared in 1925, which makes The ‘Step in the right direction’ camp aims to improve it one of the oldest in the region. According to the fig- the lives of children in the Askar refugee camp by organ- ures given from 2003, the total population living in Kofr- izing activities that are both educational and recreational. yasif is 8,100 citizens. 57.1% Christians, 40.3% Muslims and A chance to meet and discuss the Middle East conflict, the rest is Druze. During the 1948 war many people from share ideas, enhance practical skills, foster relationships, the surrounding villages found shelter in the village. To- and give assistance to members of the Palestinian com- day, 30% of the citizens there are internally displaced. munity. We are specifically targeting people working with W: The workcamp will take place at the high school build- organizations led by young people that address humani- ing. The high school was built in 1949 and was named tarian issues and social justice. Vols will work in one of after "Yanni-Yanni" who was the head of the local council the refugee camps in the city of Nablus in the following between 1934 and1962. During the last few years renova- areas: Counseling and Psychological Support, performing tion work has begun on the school. The workcamp vol- roles that do not require specialist training, including unteers will engage in this effort by helping to create a organising and supervising educational and recreational large, open-space garden for pupils to spend their lei- activities (sports, music, arts, drama) to help children sure time at. The volunteers will be active in creating relax. Working with disabled children and organizing ac- drawings and paintings on some of the school walls and tivities for them - painting, dancing, playing instruments they will participate in general of painting and sight im- and encouraging them to smile. Creating murals and wall proving work in the school. paintings for the city. There will be lectures on history, S: Part of the work camp experience includes engaging religion, gender roles, refugees, and youth. International with international youth as well as with the Arab-Pales- vols will visit local community associations for women and tinian society. Through projects, discussions and cultural youth, cultural clubs and forums and share activities with field trips, you will learn about your peers and about them. There will be visits to places of historical interest Arab-Palestinian culture while contributing to this com- and daily entertainment to help vols relax, inc. visits to munity. A: As a way of engaging the volunteers in the daily coffee shops, Turkish bath, oriental nights, visits to local life of the village, they will be house-guests of the local families, and games. Extra Fee: US$ 200 Age limit: 35 volunteers. This will lead to an enlightening experience in which the volunteers will eat, sleep and be part of the IL-BAL 6.01 Sakhnen work camp local Palestinian family life at the village. 4-17\8\2007 Participation Fee: 150 Euros Sakhnen, Heart of the Galilee, Israel 20 vols The Palestinian summer celebration 2007 Sakhnin is a very old town, which dates back 3,500 years. June 20 - August 18th 2007 The town is situated in the heart of the Galilee and has Come and celebrate Palestine, learn Arabic, study his- holy sites for Muslims, Christians and Jews. tory, know the people and their culture, share some time The town is built over three hills. It is 200-250 meters with local families and volunteer with a local community above sea level, and it is located in a valley surrounded organization by mountains, the highest of them is 602 meters high. The Palestinian summer celebration is a unique annual 72 program that gives people from all over the world the PL – SCI 1.3 BELZEC (South-East Poland) chance to encounter the life and culture in Palestine in 04/08 -18/08. 8 vols addition to donating some of their time to a local com- (PVP Polish – German workcamp) munity organization through voluntary work and The deathcamp in Belzec, which operated between spring internships. The Palestinian summer celebration 2007 will 1942 and spring 1943, was part of the so called ‘Aktion take place in the Bethlehem area in Palestine , between Reinhard’. It was concepted by the Nazi’s to destruct Wednesday June 20th and August 18th 2007. the annual Jewish life in the Polish territories. 600 000 people were celebration is organized by Siraj Center for Holy Land killed in Belzec within 8 months – almost all of them Jews. Studies www.sirajcenter.org in partnership with Bethle- The area of the camp is hidden in the forests of Eastern hem University www.bethlehem.edu and the US based Poland. Nowadays you can find a monument and a mu- Society for Biblical Studies, www.sbsedu.org. seum there – showing the victims and the specific history Participants will also have the opportunity to listen and of the camp. question high level speakers of various positions and ex- W: Maintain the monument (removing weeds) and trans- pertise. lation (Polish volunteers will translate parts of the website When: From June 20th – August 18th 2007. It possible from Polish into English, Germans will translate parts of to participate for shorter. Please contact us for details. the exhibition from English into German) Educational opportunity: S: History of the Holocaust and deathcamps, ‘Aktion An Arabic language Course and a Modern Palestine Course Reinhard’, Jewish life in East Poland before and after the are offered by Bethlehem U as apart of the program. war, minorities of the region Three credits hours will be given for each course, upon A: In a boarding school in a village nearby the participant's request. An opportunity to serve a good L: English cause: Q: Interest in the topic of Holocaust, good English skills Voluntary work in over 50 different organizations in Beth- (needed for work on translation) lehem and the surrounding towns of Beit Sahour, Beit Jala and Doha, also in the three refugee camps in the PL-SCI 1.4 MAJDANEK (Lublin) vicinity Dehaisheh, Aida and Azza who have been suffering 11/08-25/08. 8 vols the longest tragedy in the history of humanity. Where to (PVP Polish – German workcamp) go home to: In the time from 1941 to 1944 Majdanek served the Nazis Accommodation will be in the hospitality of local families as a concentration camp. The camp was going to be the in the Bethlehem and the vicinity depending on the vol- source of a free workforce for the realization of the plans untary work place. Participants will have the chance to to build a German empire in the east. It has been the share the lives of the local family's and get exposed to second largest of its type in Europe. Around 300.000 peo- real life situation where they can practice there freshly ple of 50 different nations have been imprisoned in learnt Arabic and Palestinian culture, experience the Majdanek. Nowadays Majdanek operates as a State Mu- tasty traditional Palestinian dishes and all other aspects seum - every year around 90 thousands people come to of Palestinian extended family life. Such an experience visit it. The aim of the workcamp is to remember them will give the participants the chance to build relations and the crimes against humanity committed at this place, with their host families that may last for ever. also considering of human rights violations today. Never the less accommodations at guesthouses are avail- W: Maintenance works at the memorial site, archaeologi- able for daily, weekly or monthly rates. cal works, educational work in archives Note: From participants from Europe and the USA , The S: History of the camp, concentration camps and death Society for Biblical Studies is able to arrange all of your camps, Holocaust, Polish-German relations after WWII, airline tickets. www.sbsedu.org For more information: peace & human rights http://www.sirajcenter.org/courses.htm A: Simple, inside L:English POLAND Q: Interest in the topic and strong motivation needed

PL-SCI 1.2 21-Jul to 04-Aug PL-SCI 1.5 04-Aug to 18-Aug Zabikowo (near Poznan) 8 vols Refugee Center I (east of Poland) 10 vols Zabikowo, initiated in 1941, was one of forced labour PL-SCI 1.6 11-Aug to 25-Aug camps for Jews building a motorway from Frankfurt/Oder Refugee Center II (east of Poland) (mixed age). 10 vols aiming to include Poznan and afterwards whole Poland in There are 18 centers for asylum seekers in Poland and the net of German motorways. The camp was closed in new ones are opened. Most of the refugees in Poland 1943 and prisoners were sent to other forced labour camps are Chechens. The aim of the project is to bring energy or to Chelmno/Ner extermination camp. The area was of volunteers and spirit of international solidarity to the then used as Security Police prison mostly for the Polish center. The exact place of refugee center will be deter- suspected by Gestapo of anti-Nazi collaboration. Then mined later (due to long procedure of getting permis- till 1948 it was a camp for interned German civilians. Res- sion). Organizing games, art classes sport events for chil- toration and documentation of gravestones saved from a dren and teenagers, English teaching. Workshops on refu- former Jewish cemetery, excavating and exploring chan- gees in Poland and worldwide, SCI peace message. Knowl- nels to check the hypothesis that they might have been edge of Russian language will be very helpful. used as escape routes by the prisoners, arrangement of a memorial exhibition, other maintenance works in the PL-SCI 4.1 04-Aug to 18-Aug camp area. Study: History of the camp, Chelmno/Ner Radwanowice (near Cracow) 8vols extermination camp, Jewish culture, peace & human In co-operation with Brother Albert Foundation in local rights, genocide nowadays (esp. Tibet), neo-nazism and center for disabled people, in Radwanowice (a beautiful neo-fascism. Needs an interest in the topic village surrounded by forests, about 15km from Cracow). 73 The foundation takes care of mentally and physically handi- cultural center). Simple accom. Motivated hikers espe- capped people (age 18-62) through social homes and in- cially welcome. tegration schools, workshops, rehabilitation camps. The aim of the camp is an integration of inhabitants and the PL-SCI 6.2 WOJTOWKA (near Klodzko) volunteers, who will try to change a bit their everyday 18/08-1/09. 10 vols life routine. Help in organizing games and artistic work- (only for current or former EVS Volunteers in Poland) shops: preparing an exhibition of drawings or/and photo- Workcamp takes place in the only one Camphill commu- graphs together with residents, provide integrational nity in Poland, near the Czech border, in the mountains. activities, help with daily task of the inhabitants. Study: It is a very nice and isolated area on the countryside. history of the Foundation, mental disabilities issue, SCI The community consists of mentally handicapped and non- peace message. Needs lots of joy and patience. NB. No handicapped people, who live and work on a farm side- drugs and alcohol. Religion plays a very important role in by-side, learning from each other. the therapy and volunteers are ask to respect that. W: Physical work, helping the community through eco- logical work such as cleaning of a small river, working in PL-SCI 4.2 18-Aug to 01-Sep the fields and the vegetable garden Festiwal Pieciu Stron Swiata (near Chodziez) 8 vols S: The philosophy of the Camphill Communities; workshops Community house in Rzadkowo is near fields on a hill in on SCI peace and Human Rights message the valley of Notec River, a rather isolated place in very A: In a small cottage picturesque landscape. It houses 66 mentally handicapped X: No drugs or alcohol allowed in the community. residents. They decided to go to war with boredom and routine, therefore established their own alternative cul- PL–SCI 8.1 07-Jul to 21-Jul ture. Produce the theatre performances, set up own rock Monar Gaudynki 8 vols band “Na górze”, which due to its positive message win Monar is the biggest Polish NGO dealing with drug and over fans among professional musicians as well. The resi- alcohol addicts, homeless people and HIV infected. The dents with local community organize their own unusual one in Gaudynki is a centre dealing mainly with drug ad- festival. This year the topic is “Five cardinal pints” Taking dicts. It is in a picturesque area NE Poland, among fields part in preparation of the festival (30/8) – preparing artis- and forests, far away from the hectic cities.30 patients, tic scenery, taking part as well, participating in the mu- 20-30 years old, work and live together undergoing a group sic and theatre workshops. Needs artistic skills, interest therapy. The main task of volunteers is to socialise with in art, will of work with handicapped people. NB. No drugs the community, by helping them in their everyday work and alcohol. (gardening, cleaning, working in the kitchen, renovating etc.) and taking part in leisure time activities with them., PL–SCI 5.1 14-Jul to 28-Jul bringing fresh energy and relaxation to the centre. Dur- Let's Make Life More Joyful (Lublin) 10-12 vols ing the second week volunteers go together with the Tirion is an old house in the centre of Lublin now used as patients on a camping trip to the beautiful area on the a recreation center. Children with disadvantage back- lakeside. Study: the problem of drug addiction, anti- ground attend the center everyday, where together with drug therapy, multiculturalism.No drugs, no alcohol. Smok- local volunteers do their homework and take part in dif- ing allowed ferent activities. During the holidays children have no chance to travel, so that they have to spend time in the PL–SCI 8.2 14-Jul to 28-Jul city. Giving children chance to get to know people from Monar Lipianka 12 vols different countries, their languages, habits we give them Our centre is in the middle of Kurpian Forests near chance to get to know the world and increase the chances Ostroleka city and river Narew. Monar is the biggest Polish for development and motivation to study. For those chil- NGO dealing with drug addicts. The main point of therapy dren it will be unusual experience to have fun and learn is working at home and in the centre area. Volunteers English together with people from different nationalities. will join everyday life of the community, helping residents English lessons and workshops with kids. Spending time with daily work as cooking, cleaning, renovating. After with kids, also trips with kids to the centre of Lublin. work, in order to integrate you more with the commu- Basic facilities. Needs interest in work with children, some nity, we would like you to take part in games, camp-fires knowledge of English and sport activities, also a three days camp at Narew River. Vols bring a lot of enthusiasm and fresh energy to PL-SCI 6.1 14-Jul to 28-Jul the place, these kind of events are really helpful in the Nemoland (near Jelenia Gora) 12 vols therapy. Study: Eco-chance aims, dealing with addiction Nemo set up an ecological/cultural center in Stara problem in Poland. No drugs, no alcohol in the centre Kamienica in the Sudety Mountains. The aim is to sup- port sustainable community-based development in this PL-SCI 9.1 07-Jul to 16-Jul region and protection of the natural and historical land- Dla Ziemi 8 vols scape. Mining projects have destructive influence on the “Dla Ziemi” (For The Earth) is an association focused on local environment and therefore the development of ecological and social issues of the region of Lubartów economical alternatives such as rural tourism is impor- and villages around. Members are all artistic and imagina- tant to oppose such industrial plans. Nemoland offers tive souls with wide range of interests, involved in local opportunities for tourists to discover the region through development, also in a cultural field. Their office is in a numerous hiking paths, contact with the local commu- process of improvement and extension; the work is clean- nity and projects for rural development. Support both ing and preparing area for the office, building renova- aspects of the activities of Nemoland: ecological (pro- tion, wood working and gardening; Simple, physical and tection of the old agricultural landscape of the region) enjoyable work! Workshops about nature conservation, and cultural (supporting local initiatives and setting up a our influence of environment and responsible lifestyle. 74 Leisure time can be devoted for learning how to play NB. We’re looking for a possibility to make free invita- drums and music activities. Very basic living conditions. tions but be ready to pay about 25 euro for tourist invita- tion. This camp is only for the wild nature lovers; for PL-SCI 9.2 TYRAWA (near Przemysl) healthy and rich of spirit persons, who want to test them- 4.08 – 18.08. 12 vols selves in extreme conditions of wild nature. Vaccinations (German-Polish-Ukrainian) for encephalitis strongly recommended! The project will take place in an undisturbed part of south-east of Poland, in a small village called Tyrawa RU-ECZ-6.3 27-Aug to 09-Sep Woloska. The place is set in a beautiful region of Carpathian Teberdinsky Reserve, Karachaevo-Cherkessia Republic, mountains, close to the Ukrainian Border. Located in a Caucasus Mountains Cons/Envi 12 vols richly diverse cultural setting, it has always been a place The Reserve is in S. Russia in the Karachaevo-Cherkesia where members of different national minorities lived to- Republic, in a picturesque area of the Caucasus Moun- gether in harmony. On the other hand, the place faced tains: The camp is in the forest on the Teberda River (the big historical regional events, movement of borders, con- nearest city Teberda). Be ready to walk almost every day flicts and repatriation of civilians after the second world about 6 km to the work place and back. Work in the Info war. Through restoration work, historical workshops, art Center of the Reserve (renovation the building and land- and interactions with local community we will try to ex- scape), prepare food for animals in the reserve (bisons, plore the unique history of the place. deers) and rebuild open-air cages for them, landscape We also expect the project to bring some life to the improvement; build a banya (Russian sauna) at the camp village, which has deteriorated, whilst facing the chal- place. Accom. Simple summer house. Quite remote, very lenges of modernity. simple. As the house a bit far from civilization, we’re look- W: The volunteers will do renovation work at a ukrainian ing for a possibility to make free invitations but be ready graveyard (working alongside a professional stone-worker) to pay about 25 euro for tourist invitation. Also we’re and work on excavation of orthodox church ruins. looking for a free transfer from Cherkessk train station S: Art and history workshops - multicultural history of the but be ready to pay about 30 euro. This camp is only for region, national minorities in Poland. Participating in the wild nature lovers; for healthy and rich of spirit per- awareness rising for the local culture. sons, who want to test themselves in extreme conditions A: Basic, in the village school. of wild nature. L: English SFERA X: Motivation letter required. RU-SF-11-1 23-Jul to 08-Jul Novosibirsk Envi/Reno 10v RUSSIA Organized by Novosibirsk State University. The campus of Ecological Center Zapovedniks NSU is in a very picturesque place on the coast of “Ob RU-ECZ-6.1 30-Jun to 13-Jul sea” (the natural reservoir of Ob) and surrounded by Izmailovo Park, Moscow Cons/Envi 12 vols Natural Park. The vols are expected to help the Student's Izmailovo is unique territory with rich interesting envi- Building Group with repairing the hall of the dormitory, ronment – ponds, bee-garden, open-air cages for wild with renovating buildings, with planting trees and gar- birds and squirrels. From the XVII century this area was dens, taking care of flower-beds, with collecting garbage, the favorite place for hunting and resting of Russians Tsars on the territory of the campus. Study: You will get ac- – Ivan the Terrible, Peter the First and others. The aims quainted with Russian culture and get new experience of the project are to help the Park stuff take care of the in work in team. Many leisure time possibilities, on the Park territory, to promote volunteers ideas among locals campus, in the city and in the Natural Park. and give more attention to the park life. The park is east of Moscow; 20 mins walk to metro and civilization. The RU-SF-9-2 13-Jul to 29-Jul vols will take care of pharmaceutical garden and flower- Linguistic Camp “Sodrujestvo”, Cheboksary 8 vols beds, cut bushes, landscape improvement; clean the The volunteers will partly counsellors, partly participate open-air birds’ cages; build the wooden stairs to the pond; in the daily life of the workcamp. Also the volunteers will update the park website and help with web-mapping; get the opportunity to organize their own workshops for translate the information materials and organize and par- students – using their skills and knowledge they have, ticipate in the ecological action with and for the locals. and contribute to other workshops. Study: to get skills Simple conditions. Ecological and historical excursions, in cross-cultural education and skills in organizing groups and basic Russian lessons. NB. We’re looking for a possi- of young people, to learn basics of the foreign languages, bility to make free invitations but be ready to pay about to get acquainted with the Russian and especially with 25 euro for tourist invitation. Chuvash culture and history. Language: English, French, German, Russian and more. The knowledge of language is RU-ECZ-6.2 05-Aug to 19-Aug obligatory! The camp will be on the picturesque bank of Baikal’sky Reserve, Buriatia Republic, Baikal Lake Cons/ the Volga River in the city of Cheboksary. Experience in Envi 12 vols teaching or leading groups of young people are welcome, The Reserve is on the south shore of Lake Baikal in Buriatia but not obligatory. Motivation letter required. Republic. The main aim of the camp is to build historical- ecological-education path for youth and children. The RU-SF-9-3 02-Jul to 15-Jul camp is in the taiga meadow on the Osinovka River bank. Linguistic Camp “LSC”, Nizhny Novgorod region 6 vols The nearest settlement Tankhoi, civilization and Lake Baikal With the linguistic school ‘Lingua Service Center”, a camp within 3 km. Building the historical, ecological- educa- aiming to provide youth with a chance to learn English tion track for youth and children in wild nature; land- and practice it with native speakers (foreign volunteers) scape improvement around the camp place. Accom: In within Russia. Experienced teachers will conduct English tents. Very simple conditions, a bit far from civilization. lessons and volunteers will not only help them in it but 75 also organize teens’ leisure time: play games, organize Baikal Path. Work: common project planning with local sport events, days of the countries culture, music eve- youth, ecological actions and building of a Big Baikal nings and different master classes. This camp will let the Path. Accom. in tents We invite communicative young participants improve their knowledge of English and Rus- people, who love working with youth. Knowledge of ba- sian, as well as to get acquainted with the culture of sic Russian is desirable. Translation is possible. NB. No different countries. We are welcoming people experi- veg food. No alcohol. Extra fee :150 euro (5000 roubles). enced in work with children and who are able to organ- ize funny and interesting leisure time with interesting RU-SCG-6-2 14-Jul to 29-Jul activities for camp participants. Study: You will get ac- Ulan-Ude Envi 20 vols quainted with Russian culture and get new experience The Artistic Youth Theatre of Ulan-Ude was founded in in work with youth. The camp will be organized near 1980. The current 60-80 seat theatre was dug out of a Arzamas town in a very picturesque place on the bank of basement and constructed over a 5-year period by the Volga-river. actors themselves. Besides a stage it houses an art gal- Siberian Creative Group lery and a bar now. It is a place of social happenings, RU-SCG-11-1 30-Jul to 05-Aug education and assistance for non-profit organisations. It Lake Baikal 4 vols was one of the first theatres in Russia to gain financial "Brigantina" is a teenagers' club in Ulan-Ude working with independence. This year the Youth Theatre of Ulan-Ude teenagers and youth from socially disadvantaged back- organizess a volunteer post at a picturesque shore of ground. This summer the club organizes a camp for 20 lake Baikal with the aim to protect unique nature of the teenagers at the lake Baikal. Vols with local teachers will lake. Baikal often called a sacred sea of Siberia is the run human rights education for teenagers and youth. Vols deepest and most ancient lake in the world. More then a will involve the children in all practical activities, pre- half of participants of the workcamp will be local volun- pare food, also give English classes. Also work with chil- teers. Work: building special places for garbage, collect- dren on human rights. The lake Baikal is very popular and ing rubbish, talk to tourists and local people about the beautiful recreational place in our region. Accom. in tents importance of not leaving garbage at the shore of the We invite everyone who loves working with children and lake. Accom. basic accommodation in tents NB. No veg is aware of basic concepts on human rights issue. Knowl- food. No alcohol. edge of handicrafts and basic Russian is desirable. NB. No veg food. No alcohol.. World4U RU-W4U-6.1 25-Jun to 08-Jul RU-SCG-11-2 Moscow backwoods, Moscow Envi 10 vols August 1, 2007 to: August 15, 2007 Nature-historical park “Bitsevski Les” is SW of MoscowThe at the Lake Baikal park authority is on the edge of the forest. The group This summer we organize German - Russian camp at the task is to make a path to the eco-centre building, con- lake Baikal. Volunteers will conduct human rights activi- struct, repair and paint informational boards and railings ties for people in local villages. of the eco-trail for blind people, build tables and benches All happening during the camp, like setting the tents, for the class under open sky. You will also take care of cooking, cleaning if necessary, organizing the fireplace flowers and herbs, clean forest, plant the grass, cut and others will be organized by volunteers. bushes, and dig the ground round the trees. Possibilities Volunteers will have chance to learn about local culture, of sightseeing in Moscow. meet local people and representatives of local organizations. RU-W4U-6.2 25-Jun to 05-Jul The lake Baikal is very popular and beautiful recreational Wonder mountains, Voronezh Envi/Kids 10 vols place in our region. Especially in summer. Voronezh is in central Russia. For 10 years a children his- Work: organize activities on human rights torical camp " Slavs" has been organized in Divnogorie in Accommodation: in tents summer. Volunteers will be engaged in clearing the walls Extra: we invite volunteers from Germany who are inter- of Khazar ancient settlement, replanting endemic field ested in subject of human rights and motivated to learn herbs, removing the brushwood from the forest and to share on this issue. Knowledge of basic Russian is shelterbelt, planting of greenery around the water-spring. desirable. Bring a sleeping bag, musical instruments and The vols will be involved in work with children (partici- interesting games, something to present your country. pating in Slavic holidays - song festival, Ivan Kupala's Day Vegetarian food is not available. No alcohol. (midsummer). Fishing in the Don river, excursions to cave Number of Volunteers: 16 temples, national reserve "Divnogorie", training Slavic crafts. Live in tents. RU-SCG-6-1, 15-Jun to 27-Jun Barguzin, near Lake Baikal Envi 60 vols RU-W4U-8.3 25-Jun to 06-Jul Baikal Charity Fund (BCF), a NGO, works for the rehabili- Groooshine Grooove, Samara Fest/Kids 12 vols tation of disabled children. They organize different sport, Samara Region is in central Russia. Every summer, Samara tourist and cultural activity for them, and other help. hosts the Grushin Festival, devoted to a musical genre This year they organize a tent camp in Barguzin Forest on called "Bard singing" this comparable with the French Lake Baikal. The aim is integration of youth from differ- chanson. The project consists of two parts: first, assist- ent backgrounds, exchange of ideas and experience be- ance in organizing the festival. The second part will deal tween local youth, representatives from other regions of with preparation of the performance of Russian fairy- tale Russia and other countries for collaboration and then and later on the international and Russian volunteers will for carrying out of joint programs for youth. Trips on visit some children summer camps with the show. For the foot to St. Nose peninsula, on catamarans along the period of the festival (25/06- 2/07) you will live in tents, lakeshore, in ecologic actions and in building of a Big in Samara (3/07- 6/07) accom. indoors. You will enjoy a 76 cultural program in Samara. ings.

RU-W4U-5.4 03-Jul to 24-Jul RU-W4U-8.8 15-Jul to 29-Jul L&L, Samara Fest/Kids 10 vols Camelot, Moscow region Reno 10 vols Samara Region is in central Russia. The main idea of the Tver Region is the soul of Russia. The distance to Mos- camp is cultural exchange. On the one hand to give Rus- cow is 167 km, to St. Petersburg 485 km. You will reno- sian children a glimpse of different cultures, on the other, vate an ancient monument -Nilostolbenskiy monastery, to show foreign volunteers Russian culture. International with masonry, brickwork, carpentry work and painting.. and Russian volunteers will be sent to different children The monastery is on the island and your camp on the camps in Samara region with prepared cultural program mainland. So every morning you will travel from the one on a topic “cultures of different countries”, (show-pro- bank to another in a small fleet of boats, canoes, rafts gram for children with many games and competitions). and so on - to your working place. The travel time is 40- The program supposes your active participation and will- 50 minutes one way.. Accom. in tents. ing to communicate with children. Local student organi- RU-W4U-6.9 15-Jul to 29-Jul zation has prepared a very interesting cultural program Deep in Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Envi/Kids 6 vols. and sightseeing. Comfortable accom.in a student hostel. Krasnoyarsk, is in Eastern Siberia. The state nature re- serve “Stolby” (translated as “pillars”) boasts a hundred RU-W4U-5.5 05-Jul to 20-Jul quaintly-shaped rocks found in taiga. So you will arrive The middle of nowhere, Irkutsk Agri/Envi/Ment 6 right to the project site by a direct train form Moscow. vols But!!! the distance is a little bit big .. So please, be pre- In the social village “Istok”, a kind of farm where mentally pared for a 3-4 day train. In fact traveling across Russia retarded and feeble-minded young people of 18-30 years and “living” in a train is a unique experience, a wonder- live. The purpose of the international voluntary project ful chance to see the country and to make a united vol- is to renovate and clean the settlement‘s territory. Also unteer team even before the project has started! Your help the integration of disabled people in a social life task will be to plant seeds of conifers on the territory of through the active labour activities (to work in the veg- a national reserve. Also a chance to take part in a terri- etable garden, to milk cows etc). Discussions on the top- tory cleaning, ploughing up virgin land and building fences ics of disabled people and their place in society are also RU-W4U-5.10 16-Jul to 05-Aug planned. You will work in a settlement for 10 days. After Commonwealth of Art and Good, N.Novgorod Art/Kids/ this period a 2-3 days trip to Baikal lake will be organ- Reno 10 vols ized. You will live in a wooden house. Evening cultural Nizhniy Novgorod is historically considered to be “The programs, concerts. Be prepared for a 78 hours trip by Third Capital of Russia”. Volunteers will participate in the train. In fact traveling across Russia and “living” in a train traditional summer school camp with 30 children. Making is a unique experience, a wonderful chance to see the decorative renovation work and, decorating walls in the country and to make a united volunteer team even be- volunteer club room and in the classes for the youngest fore the project has started! The inoculation against tick- pupils. All necessary materials. Volunteers are also ex- borne encephalitis is desirable.Train return tickets cost pected to provide some spare time activities for the chil- 200 USD. Basic Russian is necessary. Motivation letter is dren – some games workshops, i.e. some animation work. required. Artistic skills are more than welcomed. All volunteers in- volved in work with children have to have medical certifi- RU-W4U-5.6 09-Jul to 22-Jul cates with their recent vaccinations and tests indicated. Smile, Karelia Fest/Kids 8 vols According to Russian Committee of Health Control in Edu- Karelia is a Taiga area. Pitkaranta city is 200 km from cation all tutors/teachers/counselors are obliged to have Petrozavodsk at the bank of the picturesque Lake Ladoga. HIV test annually updated, so volunteers have to either You will organize different social activities at the orphan- bring HIV test certificate with them or pass it in Russia. age. It will be done through teaching and playing the Please contact World4U office with any questions/con- games and music popular in the the countries the volun- cerns on this subject teers represent. Preparing intellectual and sports games for children as well as guided discussions on excursions RU-W4U-5.11 17-Jul to 28-Jul round the places of interest leading and supporting kids Northern theatre, Karelia Art/Kids 12 vols in their work, preparing and leading country presenta- Karelia is a Taiga area. Petrozavodsk, the biggest city of tions. Accom. In the hostel of Petrozavodsk. Excursions Karelia .Pitkaranta city is 200 km from Petrozavodsk at the to Petrozavodsk, cinema. bank of the picturesque Ladojskoe Lake. The project will take place in a Pitkaranta Creative Centre for Kids. RU-W4U-8.7 10-Jul to 30-Jul Your task will be to animate children - to organize sport Rock-garden, N.Novgorod Fest/Reno 10 vols competitions, culture happenings, presentation of your Nizhniy Novgorod The project will be hosted in “Zabota” countries. You will also take part in a staging of a theater (Care) - one of the best NGO in the town. This organiza- play in English. This performance, to be played by both tion deals with help and social rehabilitation. It supports you and children together, become a conclusion of the the professional development and employment pf handi- project. You will live in a building of the Pitkaranta Crea- capped people, teenagers and civilians who need special tive Centre for Kids. Food will be provided in a dining social protection.The project itself will include several room where you will eat together with children. Differ- parts:in Miracle Togeather we will create a rock-garden ent sport events, evening programs, fish caching, swim- on the territory of the NGO “Zabota”. Also participate in ming, boating. http://www.ticrk.ru/rus/region/regions/ preparation of a local rock-festival. Volunteers will also pikyaranta/ have a possibility to perform from the stage. Action : some RU-W4U-8.12 18-Jul to 31-Jul decorative renovation of the “Zabota” building surround- Peace&friendship, Samara Reno/Soci 10 vols

77 Samara Region is in central Russia. Every summer, Samara environment, and just to spend positively 10 days at the hosts the Grushin Festival, devoted to a musical genre coast of the beautiful Black Sea. Tasks: creative – the called "Bard singing". These people live in tents during construction of sandcastles on the Black Sea coast; eco- the festival .Volunteers are to renovate school ?117 for logical – garbage removal from the wild beach; social – we handicapped children, repairing and painting school fur- are for the development of freedom spirit, personal mer- niture, to design classrooms and decorate rooms of rest. its, on the one hand, and for mutual understanding and There should be quite a lot of free time and the second community cohesion. You will live in tents on the Black part of the day will be full of different excursions Girls Sea coast. Campfire food. Visit our website: and boys are supposed to live separately sharing the same www.suncityfest.ru bathroom and toilet. You need to be able to go around RU-W4U-8.19 10-Sep to 28-Sep the city on your own and, to use more city possibilities, Mysterious Island, St.Petersburg region. Agri/Cons 15 take some extra money (150 EUR). vols Takes place on the fantastic island of Valaam, in Ladoga RU-W4U-8.13 20-Jul to 30-Jul Lake. Many churches are here, a lot of pilgrims come The Fat of the Land, Voronezh Envi/Reno 12 vols every summer to help in renovation works. St.Petersburg Your task aims at restoration of Severtsovs’ estate-mu- to Valaam is 220km. The task will be to help the monks in seum : laying out a park and parkways, restoration of cleaning the fields, cutting down grass, preparing fire- headstones, renovating the estate, doing zoological re- wood. You will work in the kitchen, in the garden. Atten- search work according to the Severtsovs’ system. Work- tion: the physical work is really PHYSICAL! Besides this, ing together with Russian students and teens. Sightsee- according to the monastery rules you should be dressed ing, museums, international cultural events, evenings with in a proper way: no open torso for boys (and for girls of local people, excursions, contests, trips to Voronezh, course). Boys : long trousers and T-shirts, girls skirts and the city of Peter I. headscarves. You will have a chance to learn much about Russian orthodox culture. The monastery provides veg- RU-W4U-8.14 20-Jul to 31-Jul etarian food. Shower is available twice a week. Volun- Manuscript skills, Samara Cult/Soci 10 vols teers should be tolerant to orthodox religion. Volunteers Participants get acquainted with the largest library of with heavy diseases are not recommended to take part Samara Region – Lenin’s Library, and also with Samara State in this workcamp, because monastery is isolated and it Teachers' Training University (SSTTU) library which con- could be hard to get to hospital very fast. www.valaam.ru tains unique books of the 19th and 20th cc. Volunteers’ W4U-20 10-Sep to 24-Sep work: assisting library’s workers in classification books, Gestures world, Krasnoyarsk Agri/Kids 10 vols organizing and carrying out a charity action «Second life Krasnoyarsk is in Eastern Siberia. Be prepared for a 3 day of books and toys» - collecting books and toys for for a trip by train. You will live in a specialized school for chil- charitable purpose. Extra fee 50 Euros. dren with hearing problems and will work in the school garden planting trees and bushes, making flower beds RU-W4U-4.15 23-Jul to 05-Aug and doing similar kind of outside work together with chil- Centaur, Karelia Kids/Soci 10v dren. The school is in the suburbs of Krasnoyarsk in a Karelia is a Taiga area. Petrozavodsk - the biggest city of beautiful forest area, which provides opportunities for Karelia was founded by Peter the Great the same year as walking, climbing and just a nice pastime outside.. You St. Petersburg - 1703. You will help to conduct the work will participate in various cultural activities and hiking with children with disabilities who have the course of along with the children. You will be surprised to see how rehabilitation in "Centaur". Also the participants will look friendly, kind and open they are! You can enjoy both after the horses. In free time they will take part in the activities in nature and city life. competitions, games. The participants of the camp will live in the wood building not far from the stable. Excur- SERBIA sions to Petrozavodsk, cinema, games. Volunteers Center of Vojvodina RU-W4U-8.16 23-Jul to 06-Aug RS-VCV 6.1 16-Jul to 29-Jul Nun's yard-1, Moscow region Reno 10 vols Ciste Reke (Ljig) 10 vols RU-W4U-8.17 06-Aug to 20-Aug Ljig is a small town with 5000 inhabitants, 85 km S of Bel- Nun's yard-2, Moscow region Reno 10 vols grade. Every spring when the level of river Ljig rises, it You will deal with the reconstruction of the Cathedral results in trash piling up on the riverbanks.. Because of (the end of 18 c.), the building of Monastic blocks, priest's social and political problems, the locals have lost touch house, the opening of craft workshop (icon-painting, with nature. Our goal is to raise their awareness regard- embroidery), the building of household constructions, ing nature conservation. Collecting garbage on the the development of the charter lands, the accomplish- riverbanks, organizing massive workshops involving locals ment of the territory, the provision of Convent's life. Sum- and foreign volunteers. Discussing environmental issues merhouses where you will live are pretty simply equipped in your countries with locals. Workshops on photogra- so do not expect much luxury). Some skills in carpentry phy and pottery. Accom. in mountain log cabin. and masonry are welcomed but not necessarily. Excur- RS-VCV 6.2 16-Jul to 30-Jul sions possible, It’s possible to swim, catch fish, and gather Ekoklek (Klek) 10 vols berries and mushrooms. Klek is a small town, 7 km from Zrenjanin, with 3000 in- RU-W4U-8.18 10-Aug to 20-Aug habitants. Klek is on the banks of the river Begej, where Sun Castles, Anapa Art/Envi/Fest 25 vols the camp will be held. Volunteers will help finish paths Black sea coast in general and Anapa in particular is a that go by the riverbank, finish volleyball courts and play- Russian national resort. Suncity is a creative, ecological grounds. The main idea is to raise ecological and envi- and social project. We invite young people to reveal ones’ ronmental awareness with the locals. Cutting grass, paint- talents, make a contribution to the cleanliness of the ing and cleaning. Discussing the environment with the 78 locals. Workshops on cooking. lake and castle and the nearby town Novi Becej. Also RS-VCV 6.3 22-Jul to 07-Aug visits to orthodox and catholic churches, cultural cen- Studva I Bosut (Morovic) 12 vols tre and town hall. Accom. in tents in a big park in Becej, Morovic is a village of 3000 people, 70km SW of Novi Sad, RS-VCV 9.2 17-Jul to 30-Jul near the border with Bosnia and Croatia. There are beau- Leto U Krsturu (Ruski Krstur) 12v tiful forests and canals and two rivers flow through the Ruski Krstur is the largest settlement of the Ruthenian village: Bosut and Studva, but the rivers have been ne- (also called Rusyn) national minority in the Balkans. It is glected by local people. We hope to reawaken people 60km NW of Novi Sad, with 5000 inhabitants. Young peo- to their environment. Cleaning the riverbanks; collecting ple in this village have few opportunities to express them- garbage; making trashcans and helping with the prepara- selves in a creative or a constructive way and are not tion of a small local music festival at the end of the camp. aware of the opportunities voluntary work can open to Workshops on using renewable sources of energy; intro- them. Nearby, there is an old Backa canal with a water duction to local folklore and dances. Visits to nearby gate which has been turned into an open swimming pool. nature reserve; historical and cultural sights. Opportu- We aim to develop the ground around it, turning it into a nities to socialise with local people; sport activities; row- space for sport, cultural and recreational events and ing and swimming in the river, and local cuisine etc. Accom. motivate local young people to get involved. Setting up a in two disused railway coaches by the riverbank. small bungalow made of sedge, painting fences and light posts, cutting bushes and grass, making a mini-football RS-VCV 6.4 23-Jul to 03-Aug court, and helping in setting up the stage for a rock Gruzansko Jezero (Knic) 10 vols concert. Study on the Rusyn culture, making dolls of corn Knic is a small town in Central Serbia, well known for its stalks and straw, and wood ornaments, visiting the local customs, folklore, and cuisine.. In an area of well-pre- sacramental temple, church and the museum of Rusyn served nature, between mountains, interspersed with lifestyle and folklore presentations. rivers, meadows and thick forests. It will cover Gruza Lake, Borachka River and Borachka mountains. The aim RS-VCV 9.3 17-Jul to 30-Jul of the camp is to determine the number and diversity of Nije Lose Biti Razlicit (Novi Becej) 10 vols natural species, the quality of lake water, and promote Novi Becej is a small multiethnic town in central Vojvodina, natural and ethno-social values of the region. Working 60km from Novi Sad. People of Serbian, Roma, Hungarian according to interest :- hydrobiological, entomological, and Slovakian nationalities live there in relative peace, botanical and ornithological. Workshops on nature con- but are not aware of the multicultural values of their servation and volunteerism in general. There will be vis- local society. The level of xenophobia increased in the its to the unique site of nature, the Borac Rock, the stressful 1990s. International and local vols will create medieval town of Borac and the orthodox monastery works of art related to the workcamp topic of ’Being Kamenac, to the local Eco-house, kayak club and sports different is not bad’. This includes developing and carry- centre on Ibar River. ing out a street performance and painting a mural. Dur- RS-VCV 6.5 10-Aug to 25-Aug ing the camp, a local volunteer will shoot an educational Priroda Spaja Ljude (Backi Monostor) 14 vols film about the topic. Workshops on intercultural learn- Near Subotica. Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje, ing; group and teamwork; theatre of the oppressed, etc. protected natural area of national importance. Part of Representatives of nationalities will present their cultures an alluvial complex reaching into S Hungary and E Croatia. and traditions. Volunteers will cook meals from their One of the last extensive floodplains in Europe. It is a countries and compile them in a book of international mosaic of forests, wet and dry meadows, alluvial lakes, recipes. Motivational letter is needed. Unless we find oxbows, ponds and marshes formed by the Danube and additional donations, there will be a participation fee of its formerly active meanders. See our website As part of 20 euros for the working materials. WWF project, we will continue work on habitat restora- tion, including removing hawthorns, making bird houses, RS-VCV 9.4 30-Jul to 12-Aug which are going to set up around the village, and also Etno Selo (Alibunar) 10 vols some tourist signs. Also participate in preparation of the Becej is typical, multi-cultural town in Vojvodina, more local ethno fest. Workshops on nature protection is- than 900 years old There are a numerous cultural/his- sues, biodiversity, protected areas, eco and rural tour- torical monuments and more than 12 different ethnic ism, volunteering etc. and workshops on traditional prod- groups living in tolerance. However Becej doesn’t have uct making (gypsy bread, rakija etc). its own flag! The workcamp aim is to promote flags of Extra fee is 10 euros. various countries, sports, clubs or regions and to initiate RS-VCV 9.1 02-Jul to 12-Jul a design of a flag for Becej. Volunteers will design and Becej Grad Biciklova (Becej) 10v create various flags and set up the exhibition which will Becej is typical, multi-national town in Vojvodina, 900+ be the catalyst for Becej Centre of world flags, and par- years old. Numerous cultural/historical monuments, more ticipate in the traditional summer festival of sport and than 12 different nationalities and it is an example of music. Various workshops regarding creating flags, swim- tolerant town in the heart of Vojvodina. The bicycle is ming in the Olympic pool and river Tisa, excursion by really popular in Becej. Even in ‘old’ Yugoslavia, Becej bikes to lake and castle. was the place with the highest number of bicycles per capita. To support an initiative from local municipality RS-VCV 9.5 ZASTAVE SVETA (Becej) for bicycles to become a trademark of Becej, volunteers 17/08–28/08 10 vols/20 (18+) PVP will repair and create 30 new bicycles out of old ones, Becej is typical, multinational town in Vojvodina, more promoting them and riding them around town. Also help- than 900 years old, situated on right bank of river Tisa. ing prepare intercultural evenings in the park, parties, There are a numerous cultural –historical monuments. and film projections. Excursions by bikes to ‘Fantast’ More than 12 different nationalities live there and give 79 an example of a tolerant town in the heart of Vojvodina. the volunteers will help supervise a variety of indoor and Despite its age Becej doesn’t have its own flag! The idea outdoor activities (arts, field studies of local biodiversity of the workcamp is to gather volunteers and to promote and environment, crafts and games) and outdoor sports flags of their countries, sport clubs, regions in their coun- events and excursions. Also help them develop their Eng- tries and also to initiate the idea for design of flag of lish language. Tasks include helping preparing for and clear- Becej. Volunteers will have opportunity to make the flags ing up after the scheme. Accom:: In the school, 2 nights of their ideas, ideals, of workcamp, and to set up the in tents. Volunteers must send a motivation letter that exhibition which will be the offspring for Becej Centre describes their experience in working with kids, and their of world flags. You can read more on our website thoughts and suggestions for concrete activities (games, www.volontiraj.org.yu/ourcamps.html sports, crafts etc.). Needs a good level of English and be very motivated to work with children. W: Volunteers will work on creating, sewing, preparing RS-VSS 6.1 01-Aug To 10-Aug applications for the flags, preparing exhibition of them Zasavica Envi 10 Vols and participation with exhibition on the traditional sum- The Special Nature Reserve Zasavica, W of Belgrade, along mer festival of sport and music. the Sava River, has a river ecosystem, surrounded by the S: Various workshops regarding to creating of the flags, fragments of marshes, hygrophilous forests and meadows. swimming in the open Olympic pool and river Tisa, excur- It has rare and endemic species of animals and fish en- sion by bikes to “Fantast” lake and castle. Volunteers will dangered not only in Serbia but also in Europe. However, visit orthodox and catholic churches, cultural centre and the area has some ecological problems, mostly due to town hall. During the camp, volunteers will have oppor- the negative impact of humans. The volunteers will clear tunity to enjoy the night life in Becej. Volunteers will be away plastic bottles and other waste. They will row boats introduced with our traditions and customs. and collect the floating waste. This area offers educa- A: Volunteers will sleep in the one of the rooms of this tional and recreational possibilities, including bird watch- sport facility, sleeping bags are necessary, showers and ing, sport fishing, camping and hiking. Extra participation toilettes are provided and they are nearby. Lunch will be fee: 15 • provided by local restaurant, breakfast and the dinner will be prepared by volunteers. RS-VSS 6.2 01-Aug To 15-Aug L: English. Zlot Canyon Envi 15 Vols T: Belgrade or Novi Sad. The aim of the project is to clean the entrance of the X: Please bring characteristic flags, games and/or food beautiful Zlot canyon and caves, prepare them again for from your country. Sleeping bags, swimming suit and sun tourist use and protect them from further destruction. protection. Sense of humour is more than welcome! In cooperation with local residents volunteers will clean the riverbanks, as well as Stol mountain. An elementary RS-VCV 11.1 16-Jul to 28-Jul course of speleology (science on caves) will be organised Budjenje (Despotovac) 12 vols but volunteers should have some minimal knowledge of Despotovac is a small town (around 5000 people) in Cen- speleology. Extra 25 • tral Serbia, situated at the foot of mount Beljanica. There is a cinema hall in the town centre, however it has been RS-VSS 6.3 05-Aug To 15-Aug out of use for the past 10 years. Work on clearance of Obedska Bara Envi 15 Vols the old cinema, painting murals on the walls; reconstruc- Obedska Bara, an oxbow lake surrounded with marsh and tion of old theatre stage and enhancing surroundings. forest habitats, is famous as an ornithological wetland Some hard manual labour involved, as well as extensive reserve. Wetlands are among the worlds most threatened creativity. Free time will be filled with art workshops; ecosystems and this one has been gravely degraded. Vol- basketball and small football courts will be available. In- unteers will assist the wet meadows revitalization by re- teresting nearby sites to tour.. moving tree branches and clearing other vegetation. Lectures on wetlands and Obedska Bara's recent envi- RS-VCV 11.2 10-Aug to 20-Aug ronmental problems will be given. Excursion to a medi- Backa Tvrdjava (Bac) 10 vols eval church and a fortress in the area, a visit to the local Bac is the oldest town in west Vojvodinian, called Backa bread museum and a trip to nearby Belgrade are fore- after the town. An old fortress is being archeologically seen as well. Fee: 15• explored, which is an important part of Vojvodinian his- RS-VSS 6.4 05-Aug To 16-Aug torical heritage. Also the city park in Bac is in a terrible Stara Planina Envi 12 Vols condition, with no playground and dead vegetation. Work Stara planina (Old Mountain) is biggest and most beauti- involves cutting lumber, digging, cleaning, planting grass, ful mountain in E Serbia. It is protected as an area of young trees, painting, but also helping with archaeologi- extraordinary natural value, but sadly neglected and most cal excavation. Workshops on archaeology and history. of the natural and tourist potentials are unrecognized Voluntary Service Serbia and unused. The idea is to show values and possibilities RS-VSS 5.1 07-Jul To 17-Jul of development of sustainable tourism. Reconstruction Sljivovica I Kids/Phys 5 Vols of tracking paths, creation of marking signs. Volunteers RS-VSS 5.2 17-Jul To 27-Jul from abroad will prepare exhibition with their overview Sljivovica II Kids 5 Vols on tourist potentials which will be open in the end of RS-VSS 5.3 27-Jul To 06-Aug the camp. Volunteers with special interest in sustainable Sljivovica III Kids 5 Vols tourism and with certain experience in this subject. This Sljivovica village is near the famous mountain tourist re- is needed for thematic workshops with local youth. sort Zlatibor and a National Park. The summer camps aims to provide fun, education and safe environment for RS-VSS 6.5 05-Aug To 19-Aug 40 children 10-15 with special needs. Together with staff, Deliblato Sands Cons/Envi 20v 80 Deliblatska Pescara (Deliblato Sands) used to be a real Location: Palic, near Subotica, 200 km from Belgrade. small desert some 150 years ago, when most of its area Terminal: Belgrade or Budapest (approx. 300 km2) was forested to prevent sand from fur- ther spreading by the wind. However, some of its habi- RS-VSS 9.1 02-Aug To 15-Aug tats remained untouched and are under protection as Kosjeric I Arts 15 Vols special nature reserves. This camp is the continuation of RS-VSS 9.2 02-Aug To 15-Aug activities of the Young researchers of Serbia on revitaliz- Kosjeric II Arts 7 Vols ing areas of Deliblato Sands. Volunteers will assist in con- RS-VSS 9.3 02-Aug To 15-Aug struction of the house - an information point at the en- Kosjeric III Arts 7 Vols trance to this protected area. Some experience in manual RS-VSS 9.4 02-Aug To 15-Aug and handicraft work, not obligatory. Fee: 15 • Kosjeric IV Arts 7 Vols Kosjeric is a small town in W Serbia, well known for its RS-VSS 6.6 12-Aug To 25-Aug beautiful nature. A group of young people initiated sum- Bastara Camp Agri/Envi/Reno 10v mer arts camps to increase and affirm cultural and tour- Environmental association “Bastara” works in old village ist potentials through interaction with citizens in an in- Brdjani, 3km from Ljubovija, a small town near the beau- ternational atmosphere. Participation of the local popula- tiful river Drina in W Serbia near Bosnia. There is perma- tion especially youth and children, picnics, visits etc. nent tension to decrease number of population in this Extra participation fee: 20 • (to cover the expenses of town and surroundings. The association is trying to pro- the excursions) mote eco – tourism and organic agriculture, and to offer 9.1 : Art. workshop essentially focuses on producing some new reasons to people from this region to stay in contemporary drawing and exploring abstract expression this marginalized part of Serbia. In an old 5 ha farm, you’ll in visual art. After two day mini lecture on drawing tech- meet each others culture, customs… exchange experi- niques, participants will take part in drawing workshop ences, learn one from another and all together from na- where they’ll create abstract landscape and/or nude ture. Help renovate old farm houses, collect fruits and drawing on various types of paper, card box and wood make home made juices and jams, cleaning and cutting (including recycled paper participants will make them- vegetation, take part in clean – up action (collecting selves). Possibility of making art photography and art in- recycables) in village and town.. Accom :basic conditions. stallations. No classical painting! Participants are required Extra participation fee: 15 • to have some basic knowledge of contemporary arts 9.2 : Wall-painting Mural or wall painting of certain ob- RS-VSS 6.7 16-Aug To 30-Aug jects in the city of Kosjeric. The work will be done in Grza Envi 10 Vols teams, suggesting an idea, participating in selecting the Grza well is one of the largest karst springs in Serbia. In team’s solution and working on it together. Volunteers the last 15 years maintenance of Grza has been quite are expected to have basic paint art skills. Experience at neglected. The mountaineer's home and the track to the wall painting is a plus, but not necessary. The most prob- spring are in very bad shape. Intensified unplanned build- able technique used will be acrylic façade paint, although ing of summer cottages ruins the environment and illegal there is possibility of painting graffiti using car spray paint tree cutting intensifies erosion. The project consists of if interest arises several phases: clearing forest trails, marking paths, veg- 9.3 : Theatre Participants will attend theatre workshops etation. Extra participation fee: 15• and prepare a short play, based on the folklore material from their different countries. Participants will interact RS-VSS 6.8 ZOO PALIC, Subotica following material they have prepared beforehand. Per- Environmental/Construction forming of the play will take place in Kosjeric. Volunteers Dates: 25/08 – 03/09 do not have to be professionals necessarily. Participants Number of volunteers: 12 should prepare a short sketch or performance (duration: Palic Zoo (Zoo Animal Enrichment and Development of 2 – 3 minutes) based on the folklore of the country where the Wildlife Rescue Center) is a small zoological garden they come from. The stress shouldn’t be on any common located in Palic, a village near Subotica. Subotica is a or universally accepted folklore motive(s). Volunteers town at the north of Serbia near Hungarian border. The should work on a material which affects them as individu- process of modernization of the Palic Zoo has started als, but at the same time is connected to their culture. few years ago by broadening the mission onto nature The theme can as well be a song one sings while tiding conservation and improvement the standards for keeping the room, a story, a poem, or a fairy tale one can find wild animals in captivity. In all activities we try to increase while reading books on traditional culture. It is preferred active participation of schools and specialized group as that the way of performing is mostly based on music and/ well as general public. or dance/movement: volunteers could sing a song, play a Work: Vols will be included in activities on improvement piece on an instrument, make a dramatization, and per- of the Wildlife Rescue Centre namely, building a railing form a short choreography… One may even bring an ob- barrier (cca. 200 m) around the enclosures for sick, in- ject in relation to which one would create a sketch, jured and orphaned wildlife and preparing an artificial song, dance, etc pond for waterfowls. We will also construct different 9.4 : Improvisation Improvisations with sound and moving enrichment objects and devices for wild animals in the pictures. Combination of concerts, theatre, film…in which Zoo like special feeders, toys, artificial pray or items for participants will be engaged as performers, composers training. and actors. Fusion of different music genres in order to Accommodation: In the Zoo Palic’s campus (no sleeping create new forms that will be able to communicate with bags needed). Food will be provided in the Zoo’s restau- wider audience. It is necessary to be able to play at least rant. Language: English 81 one instrument. Sposa, Banska Stiavnica Soci 5v RS-VSS 9.5 12-Aug To 28-Aug Work with children with autistic behaviour. Volunteers Festpo Art/Cult 12 Vols prepare free-time activities for a summer camp for autis- Volunteers will be involved in mural painting on the build- tic children with their families, help with therapies and ings in the centre of Novi Becej. Ideal profile of the vol- creative workshops for parents and siblings of these chil- unteers is mural painters, artists of all profiles, restaura- dren. Accom: In a cottage in the village. Banska Stiavnica teurs, multimedia artists and one cameraman. In the eve- is a beautiful and historic town, 150km from Bratislava. nings there will be organised theatre performances, po- We prefer volunteers who have experience working with etical evenings, national evenings, concerts, parties on autistic children. Motivation letter needed the beach, etc. Volunteers should send a short biogra- SK-INE 5.1 01-Jul to 14-Jul phy of previous activities and experiences and potential Rajecke Teplice Kids 6 vols ideas. Extra fee: 20 • (to cover the expenses of the ex- Organizing summer holiday camp for 60 children (Age 7- cursions) 13) with Slovak volunteers. Volunteers will be responsible RS-VSS 9.6 20-Aug To 30-Aug for leisure time activities for children. Working with chil- Ethno Festival Envi/Fest/Manu 10v dren in workshops of folk crafts, music, games, dance, Boljevci is multicultural and multi confessional village in and organize other activities as trips into the surround- Belgrade suburb. There are 5000 inhabitants, and 40% of ings, etc. Rajecke Teplice is a small town in NW Slovakia, them are Slovaks. The traditional village ethno festival is 20 km from Zilina. Motivation letter needed. main cultural event for people of Boljevci and other nearby SK-INE 6.1 24-Jun to 08-Jul villages. Volunteers will help local youth cultural organi- Sihla Envi/Reno 10 vols sation in preparation for this event. Work: First few days Volunteers who love horses and animals are welcomed to volunteers will work around of “Old cinema” building, help with cleaning and maintenance works around the clean up the center of village, house of culture, school farm. Maintenance works in the village Sihla and con- yard and other spaces where village festival will take part struction of wooden seats for tourists. Helping with the (cleaning village square, painting walls, cutting grass, organization of exhibition and the horse race. Sihla is a planting flowers and trees…). Last 5 days volunteers will village 280km east of Bratislava, near Brezno. Hard work, help with preparing exhibitions, concerts and other fes- minimum age 20.. Motivation letter needed. tivals activities. SK-INE 6.2 16-Jul to 29-Jul RS-VSS 11.1 15-Aug To 25-Aug Senne Envi 10 vols Youth Center Cons/Reno 10 Vols This camp is for bird lovers!!! The participants will be In Valjevo, a little town in W Serbia. The local NGO Re- monitoring birds, doing environmental works in meadows search Society "Vladimir Mandic - Manda" is reconstruct- (raking, making hays, cutting grass) cleaning and doing ing their old premises and making Valjevo's youth centre. maintenance work in the surroundings of the village Senne With local volunteers will help "raising" this building, in and reconstruct walking paths and an ornitoligical build- many ways, from promotional campaign (distributing leaf- ing. The small village Senne is 15 km from the town lets, designing web page, etc), organizing press confer- Michalovce, Eastern Slovakia ences, helping professional workers on the construction site. Extra fee of : 25 • (towards excursions, trekking, SK-INE 9.1 01-Jul to 14-Jul caving etc.) Kalvaria 1, Bratislava Envi/Reno 15 vols Kosovo (Youth Action for Kosovo) SK-INE 9.4 15-Jul to 25-Jul RS-YAK-5.1 03-Jul to 17-Aug Kalvaria 2, Bratislava Envi/Reno 15 vols Vushtrri/Vuctrn 6 vols In the old Calvary that is situated in the famous city park Vushtrri/Vuctrn (Alb./ Serb.) is a town in Kosovo that called Horsky park near the city centre of Bratislava. Your suffered a lot from the war. After the reconstruction main task will be revitalize the area: clean the area, do phase, YAK (Youth action Kosovo) created a youth center. some archeological work and plant arrangements. Lodg- Volunteers will be part of the animation work for kids ing in a school in the city centre. In Bratislava, in SW from 6 to 12 years old. (English classes, painting, drawing Slovakia, which has a fascinating history, culture, facili- etc...). Accom. in a house, in the town. Volunteers are ties, and it is fast developing into a modern “western” strongly advised to get information about the political city. Motivation letter needed situation.Volunteers will first have a training on arrival. SK-INE 9.2 08-Jul to 21-Jul Minimum age : 21years old. Black Castle 1, Zlatno Arch 15 vols SK-INE 9.5 22-Jul to 04-Aug Black Castle 2, Zlatno Arch 15 vols SLOVAKIA Manual work within archaeological research in the area of an ancient castle - "Black castle". This project is very SK-INE 4.1 01-Jul to 14-Jul important for the archaeologists, as the whole history Integra, Bratislava Phys 6 vols has not been discovered yet. Accom: in tents, on a A workcamp dedicated to mentally and physically disa- meadow. Zlatno is a small village 130 km from Bratislava. bled children, to help them in social integration In Hard work! This camp is only for strong mountain lov- Bratislava, in SW Slovakia, which has a fascinating history, ers!!! culture, facilities, and it is fast developing into a modern SK-INE 9.3 08-Jul to 21-Jul “western” city. Volunteers will organize daily activities Sklabina Manu/Reno 12 vols for the children and prepare free-time activities for them The castle Sklabina is surrounded by beautiful nature (e.g. workshops, trips, games etc.). We prefer volunteers nature (Low Tatra mountains). Renovation and reconstruc- who have experience working with mentally and physi- tion of an old historical building and the castle – hard cally disabled children. Motivation letter needed work!. Sklabina is 230 km NE of Bratislava, close to the SK-INE 4.2 12-Aug to 26-Aug city Martin 82 sistance in moving around, assistance in swimming in the SK-INE 9.6 06-Aug to 19-Aug sea, assistance in distributing food and tiding; organizing Stara Lubovna 1, Manu 12v entertainment, cultural events and various social occa- SK-INE 9.9 20-Aug to 02-Sep sions (games, courses,...). Workshop on muscular dystro- Stara Lubovna 2, Manu 12v phy. Good organisation, creativity and a sense of respon- Manual works in the area of a historical military camp sibility are necessary. below the castle of Stara Lubovna. Paint the wooden palisade around the military camp and construct a dam – SI_SCI 4.4 14-Sep to 24-Sep hard work!. Accom. in historical military tents. Sleeping Semic 6 vols on wooden beds with mattresses. Food : meals provided The aim of the camp is to organize physical assistance to in the camp canteen. Vegetarian is possible. Stara Lubovna the disabled, paraplegics and tetraplegics, for their daily is a town in NE Slovakia, 50 km from Proprad. routine and to provide social rehabilitation for them SK-INE 9.7 12-Aug to 25-Aug through contacts and conversation with volunteers. The Banska Stiavnica 1 Envi/Reno 12v vols will help paraplegics and tetraplegics (the members SK-INE 9.10 26-Aug to 08-Sep of our association). They will talk with them and spend Banska Stiavnica 2 Envi/Reno 12v time together, play chess and cards. The volunteers will The old mining and gold city Banska Stiavnica is 180 km not need to help our members in a sense of personal east of Bratislava, surrounded by beautiful mountains and hygiene. During the camp we will organize some tours nature. It is very interesting city from a historical point around Bela Krajina and South of Slovenia. The volun- of view, te whole city is like a giant hill. Reconstruction, teers will learn about problems of day to day life of our restoration and maintenance work of historical buildings members. The association prefers students of humanistic protected by UNESCO. Renovation of benches, cleaning sciences, we would be glad to accept a student which is walking paths and the surrounding in the calvary area. a paraplegic too. SI-SCI 5.1 01-Jul to 20-Jul SK-INE 9.8 18-Aug to 01-Sep Nove Poljane, Ljubljana 5 vols Art Kruh, Stratena Reno 15v Every summer we organise a camp for children who spend Renovation and reconstruction of an old historical build- their holidays at home in Ljubljana, who are mostly poor ing in the village Stratena., (in English “Lost”), a very small children from big parts of Ljubljana which are grown in village in the heart of Slovensky raj (Slovak Paradise), one the age of the so called transition. The neighbourhood of the most beautiful national parks in Slovakia. Stratena Poljane is very big, there are a lot of children, families is close to the highest mountains of Slovakia – the High that are not very communicative. Work: offering activi- Tatras. ties for these children. Our camp intends to help chil- SK-INE 11.1 17-Jun to 30-Jun dren from poor families to increase their socialisation. Bojnice Envi/Reno 10 vols This camp wants to offer this children equal opportuni- You wake up by dawn in the castle surrounded by volun- ties also to enjoy holidays full of freedom, fun and crea- teers from all over the world. Having some breakfast and tivity. energy games and then the work starts, but voluntary SI-SCI 10.1 16-Jul to 29-Jul work can not hurt when you later move on to the swim- Saltpans, Secovlje 7 vols ming pool for some fun and relax or go on walks in the The saltpans of Secovlje are a technical and ethnological beautiful nature that surrounds Bojnice… Cleaning, gar- patrimony (UNESCO Convention on wetlands), which is of dening and maintenance work at the castle and its sur- great importance for substainance of the littoral ecosys- roundings (cleaning the rock, paths, stairways etc.). tem. The camp will help stopping the disappearance of Lodging in a building, located directly in the castle, with picturesque Mediterranean landscape. Volunteers will all facilities needed. Bojnice in the middle of Slovakia, contribute to reactivation of saltpans with the aim of 150 km NE from Bratislava. recreate the traditional way of producing salt. Work will consist of reconstruction of some saltpans pools, helping Rinaldo, the last saltman by the traditional salt harvest SLOVENIA and raising awareness among people through the media. Work will be very demanding especially because of the SI-SCI 4.1 23-Jun to 10-Jul summer heat. Study: Getting familiar with saltpans eco- Dva Topola 1, Izola 6 vols system, study trips in the vicinity. Basic accom. Highly TO BE CONFIRMED motivated volunteers with a sense for self-initiative at SI-SCI 4.2 10-Jul to 27-Jul work and also at the study case. Dva Topola 2, Izola 6 vols TO BE CONFIRMED SI-SCI 10.2 18-Aug to 31-Aug SI-SCI 4.3 27-Jul to 13-Aug Smolnik, Ruse 5 vols Dva Topola 3, Izola 6 vols TO BE CONFIRMED TO BE CONFIRMED Smolnik is an old house on the mountain Pohorje near Muscular Dystrophy Association of Slovenia bought an old the city Maribor. The house is used as a centre of nature former hospital with a park situated close by the shore friends association to gather and explore beautifull envi- of Izola. Project has been established to organize physi- ronment and untouched nature in the surroundings, cal assistance to the disabled for their daily routine and W: With the project we want to help in the renovation of to provide social rehabilitation for them in contacts and the house - old mountain cottage. We will paint walls, conversation with young people from other countries with doors, windows, make isolation, installation. Outside we different views, ways of thinking, culture and knowledge. will cut and collect grass, plant trees, work in the gar- One of the basic aims is that the disabled and the volun- den. teers spend some pleasant weeks by the sea. Work:: As- s: We will organise art and culture workshops, relaxation, 83 SPANISH IS REQUIERED healthy life, massage, meditation workshops, filed trips in the mountains and National park, sport activities, evening ES-CAT 6.1 16-Jul to 29-Jul music and singing around the fire. Accom: we will sleep Can Pipirimosca, Valls (Tarragona) 5 vols and work at the same place - mountain cottage in the ES-CAT 6.5 06-Aug to 19-Aug wild nature 15km from nearest village. Only vegetarian Can Pipirimosca, Valls (Tarragona) 5 vols food. Valls is a city near Tarragona. Its historical centre has immigration, building degradation and elderly people. SPAIN Cultural and social activities are held in the summer to SCI Catalunya contribute to community development in the area. Helping ES-CAT 4.1 13-Aug to 22-Aug with scheduled activities and leading new ones. Skills in Sant Carles de la Ràpita.Tarragona 14 vols arts, theatre, music, etc. needed. Activities will be aimed ES-CAT 4.2 21-Aug to 30-Aug at children, immigrants, women or the elderly. Motiva- Sant Carles de la Ràpita.Tarragona 14 vols tion letter required proposing the activities the vol can ES-CAT 4.3 23-Aug to 01-Sep contribute. Study of permaculture. Very basic accomm Sant Carles de la Ràpita.Tarragona 14 vols (big room inside house).. Langs: English, Spanish and International Exchange Between Young People With Cer- Catalan. ebral Palsy And Without Any Disability. 14 participants (7 with cerebral palsy; 7 without disabilities). This exchange ES-CAT 6.2 30-Jun to 15-Jul is open to participants either with cerebral palsy or with- Lithica (Ciutadella Menorca) 11v out any disability. It is recommended that participants Líthica is working to restore the ‘marés’ (natural quar- with cerebral palsy come with a helper (also a partici- ries) on Menorca. Gardening in the ancient ‘canteras’ pant). Participants with cerebral palsy who are sufficiently (quarries), maintaining plants and pots in the nursery, autonomous can travel alone. maintenance work in the botanic garden, cleaning and FCPC (Fundació Catalana per la Paràlisi Cerebral) was cre- loping to restore paths, landscaping an area near a new ated by a group of parents of adult people with cerebral stone staircase and clearing debris from a quarry to cre- palsy. Participants will live together 24/7 and take part ate a viewpoint. Work may be hard. Trips to places of without distinction in the proposed activities. Non-disa- cultural and archaeological interest and virgin beaches. bled participants will support participants with cerebral Possibility of tai-chi lessons, sculpture and free entrance palsy in their daily needs at any time, helping them to to any activity organized by Lithica. Langs: Spanish and dress, eat, drink, go to the bathroom, etc. Participants English. Bikes provided with cerebral palsy need 24/7 support, so it is very im- portant to be motivated. The programme aims to facili- ES-CAT 6.3 16-Jul to 13-Aug tate mutual understanding between disabled and non- Masia La Torre: Nogueruelas, Teruel 5 vols disabled youth, and so to work towards the normaliza- The Association Airina supports the rural project in Masia tion of life of people with cerebral palsy. Activities: boccia, la Torre. Work in the attic of the farmhouse to arrange it wheelchair slalom, athletics and swimming-pool activities; using bioclimatic technique. Vols will improve the condi- workshops (T-shirts, collages, pictures…); formative ac- tion of some living rooms, make them into shared rooms tivities; two excursions; games; etc.Langs: English, Span- and will install a heating system. Workshops on medicinal ish and Catalan. Basic Spanish advisable. Motivation let- plants, laughter therapy, art and nature, cooking bread, ter required. astronomy, etc.Langs: English and Spanish. Motivation let- ES-CAT 4.4 Occupational centre Sínia. Barcelona ter required. 2/07-13/07 4 vols ES-CAT 6.4. 01-Aug to 15-Aug The Day care Center Sínia is a public day center managed Nature’s friends Association el Xop 4 vols by a non lucrative cooperative. It offers cultural activi- Nature’s friends Association el Xop is a non-profit envi- ties, individual and group therapist to people affected by ronmental organization. It is a field, orchard and vegeta- disabilities: palsy cerebral and other problems associated ble garden in the city of Lleida, which is under threat to it. The main goal of the Day Care Center Sínia is to due to the city’s expansion. Manual work (removing a improve the life quality of the people in order to develop fence, helping in the orchard, painting, woodwork, etc.), their own potentialities and their social insertion. Sínia and creative work (a mosaic, mobile henhouse, labelling had realized many activities and projects as: theatre, tools). Environmental study. Knowledge of carpentry, documentary, electronic magazine, awareness campaign painting or sculpture useful but not essential. Spanish at secondary schools and primary schools. and English. W: volunteers will participate in the daily activities by supporting the staff member (educators and monitors). ES-CAT 6.6 El Panal (La Rioja) Volunteers will help beneficiaries and staff in organizing 30/6 – 15/7 15 vols excursions and activities outside the Day center (muse- Panal was founded in the region of La Rioja, in order to ums, Ramblas, etc). protect and taking care of the natural and cultural patri- A: in a Youth Center in the Gothic district in Barcelona. mony of that area. The participants in this project de- Volunteers will have breakfast and lunch in the Day care velop several activities, such as: restoration of pictures, center and dinner will be organized by themselves in the sculptures and images, recuperations of gardens and Youth center (there is a kitchen) woods, rehabilitation of buildings (like the tower of the S: disabilities church and the cemetery), and development of other L: intermediate level of Spanish. cultural activities. This organization collaborates with a X: high interested in disabilities, minimum experience local agriculture cooperative, which means that people working with disable people and MOTIVATION LETTER IN will also work in the maintenance of the traditional agri- culture.

84 W: To do rehabilitation work in three different places: in where an educational project takes place throughout old natural fridges in the mountains and in the ruins of a the year. At the moment they are getting active in the chapel. Archeological and environmental activities are field of permaculture, bio-construction and renewable related. energies. Their vision is to offer practical and feasible S: Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity of the region. solutions to the ecological problems we face nowadays. Volunteers will visit the local cooperative and get to know The vols will give a hand in a variety of tasks now running some rural projects respectful with the environment. at Ixuxu: preparing bio-construction materials out of the A: In an old housing estate, 800m out of the town. Volun- surrounding natural resources; finishing out with clay the teers will have to cook their meals. Vegetarians welcome. skin of a straw bale house; helping out with the asturcones L: Spanish and English. horses; participating in environmental education activi- T: near Logroño. ties. Basic conditions, tents. Study: Environmental issues Q: A will to participate. and traditional culture. Langs : English and Spanish. For X: No accessibility for wheelchairs. Families and volun- nature and countryside lovers. teers of different age are welcome. ES-MAD 6.2 14-Aug to 30-Aug ES-CAT 8.1. 03-Jul to 17-Jul Tamaragua Tefia (Fuerteventura) 15 vols Fundation ARED (Barcelona and Montgat) 8 vols The municipality of Puerto del Rosario has carried out in ARED is a foundation dedicated to helping former prison- past years environmental campaigns to promote preser- ers (mostly women) reintegrate into society. It organises vation of the coast and barrancos. They want to raise training and awareness raising activities. Participating in awareness among the local population of the values and activities at ARED’s head office (1st week). Organising lei- beauty of the natural surroundings and also convey the sure, peace and civic activities in a cottage in Montgat, message that conservation is a common responsibility. The near Barcelona (2nd week). Study of conflict resolution, international volunteers will join their efforts to encour- social integration and prison conditions. Accomm. in two age the local youth to get involved in active protection flats shared with ARED in Barcelona (1st week), cottage of the environment. There will be meetings and common in Montgat (2nd week). High level of Spanish essential. activities with youth associations of Fuerteventura. Clean- Motivation letter (in Spanish) required. Knowledge of ing and maintenance of natural areas of the seaside and conflict resolution, social-cultural animation and/or so- barrancos and erosion prevention activities. Study : tra- cial education needed. ditional culture of the island; eco-development. Lang : English and Spanish. For nature lovers, work hard. Age ES-CAT 11.1 19-Aug to 31-Aug limit 30 y.o. Memorial of the Popular Army in Pujalt: 3 vols The municipality of Pujalt (Anoia) is promoting the physi- ES-MAD 8.1 16-Jul to 30-Oct cal and historical recuperation of the Training Base of Basida - Manzanares (Ciudad Real) 8 vols the XVIII corps of the Popular Army during the Spanish BASIDA is an NGO that gives medical and psychosocial sup- Civil War. Manual work clearing the area of vegetation, port to HIV-positives and drugs addicted. Since 1987 they earth and stones, cleaning, rebuilding and restoring the opened three centres run by multi-professional volun- structures and walls. Accomm. double rooms with bath in tary staff. Manzanares, a small village in Castilla-La Mancha, Sant Ramon Monastery. Study of Spanish, Civil War and is the location for one of these houses. The aims of body opportunity to meet people who experienced the war. and mind recovery and social rehabilitation are achieved Intermediate level of Spanish. by close team work, showing that someone really cares, to those who for a long time have only experienced so- ES-CAT 11.2. 06-Jun to 18-Jun cial exclusion. There the residents have found a new Magic Market. City council of Sta. Susana, Barcelona 16 frame, where is possible to regain hope and self-steam. vols Sharing everyday life at the Centre: mainly giving a hand The magic market is organised by the Santa Susana city in the maintenance of the place, like cooking, laundry, council, a seaside village in the province of Barcelona. cleaning, carpentry or gardening in a rotational basis. Helping to set up and dismantle monographics, recrea- Personal care of residents who might need it (such as tional activities for the disabled, disseminating helping out to get dressed) is also possible, but only if monographics of the American Indians, designing content you really feel prepared for it. Important part of your of workshops on gender and for the elderly, making post- stay will be socialising with the community. International ers on cultural themes, helping to run workshops and volunteers are a welcome fresh air to their reduced so- children’s activities. Accomm in camping bungalows. Food cial life, so knowledge of Spanish is essential. Study : will not be vegetarian. Basic knowledge of graphic design seminar on HIV prevention and socio-cultural aspects of programs, interest in natural medicines, know how to set the illness. Lang : Spanish. Alcohol and cigarettes are up and dismantle stages (musical and theatrical) or be an strictly forbidden. Any other kind of drug too. Bear in instructor, social-cultural entertainer, social educator, mind that you will be living in a therapeutic community fine arts, artistic expression, etc. High level of Spanish. and internal regulations must be taken seriously. Motiva- Motivation letter in Spanish required detailing excitement tion letter to prove high interest in the project required. for cultural subjects. SCI Madrid ES-MAD 8.2 01-Aug to 15-Aug Basida - Navahondilla (Madrid) 10 vols ES-MAD 6.1 08-May to 20-May This is the Centre that BASIDA runs in Navahondilla, a Ixux, Soto del Rey, Asturias 10v small village between Madrid and Avila. Otherwise the very The environmental association Ixuxu aims to preserve lo- same project description as ES-MAD 8.1. Please read it cal biodiversity of farming species, doomed to extinction carefully! in these days of gene technology, at the farm-school Gaia, 85 ing, some cleaning, repairing and painting work. Vols will ES-MAD 8.3 16-Aug to 30-Aug cook and clean on a rota basis. Basida - Aranjuez (Madrid) 10v Study of ecology and environment. Teachers at the school This is the Centre that BASIDA runs some km away from will conduct some of the studies, but vols should also Aranjuez, a nice town between Madrid and Toledo. This lead lectures and workshops on their own areas of inter- house is isolated in the middle of the countryside. Oth- est. Excursions and canoeing in Färnebofjärden National erwise the very same project as description ES-MAD 8.1. Park and visits to ecological projects. Please read it carefully! SE-IAL 9.1 15-Oct to 02-Nov Gamlebyn (Västervik) Mixed Age 7 vols SWEDEN The Man and the Sea Foundation preserves historical sail- ing vessels and the traditions of building sailing ships. The SE-IAL 6.1 17-Jun to 01-Jul foundation is building a shipyard for the restoration of Hasselängen (Trollhättan) Mixed Age 6 vols historic wooden ships in Gamlebyn, a village on the east Hasselängen is a small farmstead near Trollhättan using coast of Sweden. Vols will work with staff to build the biodynamic methods to grow vegetables and keep sheep, smithy house and possibly some other construction work chicken and bees. Planting, weeding, some hay making, in the shipyard. 7-8hrs work per day. Opportunity to cleaning the sheep stable, making compost, sheep shear- learn about historical ships and traditional ship-building ing, repairing buildings and fences. Introduction to bio- techniques. Vols will live and cook with us in our house in dynamic growing. Vols will take part in Swedish Midsum- Gamlebyn. No wheelchairs. An excursion on one of the mer celebrations. No wheelchairs. No children. sailing ships will take place during the camp. SE-IAL 6.2 22-Jul to 04-Aug West Coast Foundation (Skärbo) 8 vols SE-IAL 9.2 02-Jul to 15-Jul The West Coast Foundation maintains nature reserves, Wadstena Fogelsta Railway (Vadstena) 6 vols including Skärbo, which is by a lake in a forested area The Wadstena Fogelsta Railway Preservation Society 180km north of Göteborg. Skärbo is an 18th century farm, (www.wfj.se) is restoring and maintaining the last remain- and the historic landscape of the farm will eventually be ing section of a former narrow gauge railway system in restored. Restoring and preserving the surrounding land- Vadstena on Lake Vättern, S. Sweden. Cleaning vegeta- scape, such as clearing overgrown pastures and mead- tion from the track and changing sleepers which can be ows. Accomm. in old farmhouse. Interest in nature pres- physically demanding. Study of transportation history. ervation and manual work. Ability to swim desirable. People working on the track must not have any hearing or vision impairments. No wheelchairs. SE-IAL 6.3 01-Jul to 14-Jul Svennils (Hörby) Mixed Age 10v SE-IAL 10.1 24-Jun to 14-Jul Svennils is a small farmstead in Scania in beautiful sur- Esperanto-Gården (Lesjöfors) 8v roundings. Organic farm with cows, sheep, pigs and dogs. The Esperanto guest house is a combined education centre The farm is being turned into a sustainable permaculture and youth hostel, located in the village of place. Installing solar cells on the farm, digging a pond Lesjöfors in the forests of W. Sweden (http://e-g.se). for watering the animals, moving the sheep, stable resto- Repairing and cleaning the house and gardening. During ration, harvesting and hay making, tending the animals the first week vols will work mainly in the kitchen. Espe- and the crops. Hard physical work. Vols will learn how to ranto course in the first week. Accomm. in the hostel. run a farm without oil and external electricity and about Serious motivation for learning Esperanto. Good knowl- the importance of local production. Study visit to a nearby edge of English and other languages an advantage. permaculture project. Outdoor cooking, mainly vegetar- ian. Very basic accomm - sunshower and dry toilet. No SE-IAL 10.2 10-Jun to 23-Jun wheelchairs. No children. Bredsjö (Bergslagen) PVP 12v Bredsjö is a small village in a mountaineer mining district. SE-IAL 6.4 16-Jun to 30-Jun It is a non-profit cultural cooperative working for the Växjö Solidaritetsförening (Hultsfred) 10 vols countryside. Renovating the station house and drama/ Växjö Solidaritetsförening adheres to the philosophy of theatre workshops. Vols will also take part in Swedish the Emmaus movement, which focuses on social commit- Midsummer celebrations. Basic accomm. in an old Folkets ment through collecting and sending used clothes and Hus. Showers in a school in nearby village (transport pro- medical equipment to Third World countries. Cleaning vided). No wheelchairs. Vegetarian food. No alcohol. the area after a festival, sorting bottles and cans, recy- cling and other environmental work - 6h/day. Accomm. SE-IAL 11.1 03-Jul to 25-Jul big military tent first night, then in camping cabins on Jiingijamborii (Kristianstad) 15v the festival area. Access to toilets and showers on the Jiingijamborii is the 2007 Swedish national scout jambo- site. Communal cooking. Lecture by ree. Helping to build and dismantle the entire camp and Naturskyddsföreningen (Swedish Society for Nature Con- staffing the Global Development Village. The Village fo- servation) and Emmaus, seminar on sustainable develop- cuses on current globalisation issues and what we can ment, study visit to Emmaus Björkå. Vols will take part in do together and as individuals to make the world a bet- Swedish Midsummer celebrations. ter place for all. Accomm. in tents. Jiingijamborii 2007 is SE-IAL 6.5 23-Jul to 03-Aug an alcohol and drug free event. Färnebo Folkhögskola (Österfärnebo) PVP 15 vols Färnebo folkhögskola is the school of the peace, envi- SWITZERLAND ronmental and solidarity movements in Sweden. Österfärnebo is a village 80km north of Uppsala. 3/4 work, CH-SCI 1.1 15-Jul to 28-Jul 1/4 study. Gardening, cutting trees and hedges, plant- Strudel Holiday Camp For Migrants (Wengen) 5 vols 86 dren are very welcome. The association offers in the region of Basel a structure for migrants, where they can structure their daily life in CH-SCI 2.1 11-Jul to 25-Jul a sensible way. Strudel is offering German classes and Mandat International (Geneva) 11 vols different social-cultural activities. During the summer Mandat International is a NGO which offers to NGO del- holidays two groups of 30 strudel-members are going with egates from developing countries taking part in interna- companions of the organisation to Wengen, in the Bernese tional meetings in Geneva different kinds of support such highlands. This year’s topic: Against domestic violence. as a working infrastructure, an information service, and Work: to support the responsible persons, work in the inexpensive and hospitable accommodation. Work: reno- kitchen, creation of activities, to look after the children. vation of the building infrastructure (carpentry, paint- Study: Situation of migrants in Switzerland and Europe ing, electricity, building) and work in the garden; prepa- Needs motivated volunteers (Please write a motivation ration of the Pachamanca ceremony, an Peruvian food letter). Minimum age 20 ritual on the occasion of which we welcome up to 500 CH-SCI 1.2 15-Jul to 28-Jul people (cooking, serving, reception) ; possibly, help for Transit Centre For Refugees (Volketswil) 10 vols the organisation of a two-day seminar on international Refugees who apply for asylum in Switzerland have to live co-operation (logistic part). Accom : in tents - please in so called "Transit Centres" for about 6-12 months, their bring your own.French or English obligatory; Spanish: an lives dominated by waiting and uncertainty about their asset. future. They are not sure if they can stay or if they have to leave the country and they are not given a working CH-SCI 3.1 13-Aug to 24-Aug permission. In the transit centre in Volketswil live around Peace Village (Broc) 12 vols 100 people, among them families with children. The aim Broc is in the French-speaking part of Switzerland be- of this camp is to organise activities with and for them tween Fribourg and Lausanne in agricultural countryside, and to spend an interesting and joyful time with the asy- 700 meters above sea level. It lies near the famous old lum seekers. The workcamp will take place during the county of Gruyères and Lake Gruyère. The association school holidays so the children will be very happy to have “Peace Village” has been working for peace construc- you there to organise activities for them. Study: Refu- tion. Its focus lies on the following aspects: solidarity, gees, asylum seekers. Needs high motivation, ability to non-violence, intercultural exchange, a simple life style take responsibility and doing something on your own ini- and spirituality. Work: mainly renovation work in and tiative. Creative people with artistic and/or manual skills around the buildings Study: peace and conflict resolu- are very welcome. Minimum age 20 tion .Participation for volunteers with children is possi- ble To be confirmed CH-SCI 1.3 21-Jul to 04-Aug CH-SCI 3.2 19-Aug to 01-Sep Holidays For Children Refugees (Vetroz) 6 vols No More War (Oberehrendingen) 10 vols The asylum sector of the social office of Valais organizes The military budgets are rising, new weapons are tested, summer camps in the nature for about 50 asylum seekers foreign and interior policy are militarised, intolerance is children aged 7-10 the first week and 50 asylum seekers spreading around the world. SCI Switzerland is offering children 10-14 the second week.. Work: daily organiza- through this study camp the possibility to discuss new tion of a group of 8 children with the help of an assist- concepts of peace policy with different perspectives and ant, participation in the creation of different activities, activists from different organisations. The volunteers will practical participation in the daily camp life Accom: Tents. live at the co-operative “Gipsgrueb” in Oberehrendingen, Need to be motivated, flexible and responsible to take near Zurich. Work: 50% of the time helping the co-op- care of the children, appreciate community life, be crea- erative in helping to work in the biological garden und to tive, sportive and take initiatives during the games, ac- bring in firewood. 50% of the time is dedicated to the tivities and bricolage, adapt to the multicultural aspect study part (Peace Policy, antimilitarism & globalisation, of the camp (different nationalities, languages and men- Human Rights). Accom: Simple, in the barn or in tents talities), participate in all of the activities (meetings, clean- Please write a motivation letter ing, daily organisation of tools and materials), be fluent in CH-SCI 6.1 30-Jun to 14-Jul French and send a motivation letter in French Minimum Jardins de Cocagne, Geneva 8v age 20 The «Jardins de Cocagne» (dreamland gardens) are a con- sumer-producer co-operative, aiming to provide their CH-SCI 1.4 22-Jul to 04-Aug members (400 families) with organic vegetables through Transit Centre For Refugees (Embrach) 7 vols collective farming of the land. The co-operative is in- (Dates to be confirmed) volved in many development projects and in farming train- Refugees who apply for asylum in Switzerland have to live ing with African countries, advocating the right of food in so called "Transit Centres" for about 6 months, waiting sovereignty in both the North and South. Work: in the for the decision about their future (do they have to leave fields with about 20 different vegetables, hoeing, weed- the country or not?). They are not given a working per- ing, planting, sowing, harvesting, irrigation, maintenance mission. Uncertainty about their future and boredom make of the nearby environment (hedge, forest), work in the these days difficult. In Embrach are 120 people, mainly vineyard and the apple plantation, organisation of the single adults but also families with children. Sports and vegetables distribution. Accom: in tents (to bring). games should bring them some fun and a change to their daily life during the camp. Work: Organising activities, for CH-SCI 6.2 02-Jul to 22-Jul adults as well as for children and teenagers. Study: Refu- Community “Gruebisbalm” (Vitznau) 8 vols gees A basic knowledge of German is advantageous Your On the south-side of the mountain Rigi, on a sunny pla- ability to take responsibility and to do something on your teau 450m above the village of Vitznau, overlooking the own initiative is very important and indispensable for the lake ”Vierwaldstättersee”, lies the remote farm of success of the camp. Experiences in working with chil- ”Gruebisbalm”. Woods, pastures, ancient caves, and a small 87 river with a waterfall, which can be used as an open air vegetables and herbs, and with ecological tourism. Work: shower, add to the beauty of this place. The community Renovate stone walls for terraces, clean the site from is doing social work and organic farming, which includes bushes, various building and renovating tasks in houses a garden and some cows, for self-consumption and for and paths, cutting wood, haying and garden work (some sale. Work: Building a barn, in which the cows can move of it is physically hard work) Very simple conditions. freely. Work in garden, on the meadow and in the house. CH-SCI 9.1 27-Jul to 11-Aug Getting wood in the woods. The work can sometimes be Hors Tribu Festival (Môtiers) 6v hard Local language German. Hors Tribu Festival is an organisation created in 1996 and based on voluntary work. The festival takes place in a CH-SCI 6.3 20-Jul to 29-Jul small village of the Jura Mountains and its aim is to give to Adult Education Centre Herzberg (Asp) 10-12 vols a wide audience the opportunity to discover a lot of The “Herzberg Centre” on the Jura hills above the town different music styles, entertainment, circus and even of Aarau was founded 70 years ago in order to have adult theatre. The atmosphere is friendly, interactive and re- education according to the Scandinavian model. Almost spectful towards the environment. Work: thanks to local as traditional is its co-operation with SCI Switzerland. All and international volunteers, Hors Tribu can organise the year, the Centre organises events on topics like Nature, festival from the beginning to the end. You will install a Philosophy, Culture and Politics. Another focus is music big top (circus tent), stages, tents, stands and struc- weeks. Work: creation of a herb spiral and other ele- tures, close the festival area, install lights, create deco- ments, to cut wood, possibility to take lessons in felting. ration and work in the kitchen. You have the opportu- Especially suitable for volunteers with children, and for nity to learn many kind of manual jobs. The work and the handicapped people! festival take place outside by any kind of weather. CH-SCI 6.4 22-Jul to 04-Aug CH-SCI 9.2 05-Aug to 18-Aug Ecology In The Gravel Pit (Wimmis) 8 vols Youth Culture House Dynamo (Zurich) 8 vols The foundation “Landschaft und Kies” was founded by The Youth Culture House Dynamo is a centre for differ- the Bernese gravel industry, working in ecology, public ent culture activities and events. Dance, theatre, con- relations for promoting the worth of the nature in gravel certs, workshops for media and web design, metal con- pits, practical work within the gravel pits (maintainence structions, jewellery making. If you want to get an in- of ecological areas, protection of seldom animals and sight into an institution for youth cultural work, which plants). Taking care of protected areas owned by the should have a preventive and integrative effect, this is foundation. The gravel pit in Wimmis, in the Bernese the right camp for you. Work: Design of the surrounding: Oberland, has several ecologically valuable areas, which pedestrians, visitors and users of the Dynamo shall re- need extensive care each year. Work: removing undesir- ceive an entertaining, humorous and interesting atten- ably plants, which are causing problems to the ecologi- tion. This will be done by paintings and small renovation cal system, like the Canadian Goldenrod. Study: Ecology works. You will get know-how in technical work. In the and economy. Hard work second phase of the camp a creative community project CH-SCI 6.6 30-Jul to 12-Aug will be developed. Needs technical interest, interest in Belle Etoile (Souboz) 10-12 vols youth culture Belle Etoile is a biologically- run farm in mountains of the Jura (1000 m above sea level). The surrounding is very CH-SCI 11.1 10-Jun to 22-Jun beautiful, the place is remote: The next village, Moutier, Geneve Loisirs (Laconnex) 5v is a 3 hours walk away from the farm. The farm is owned Genève Loisirs is a non-profit association that offers holi- by a family. They are specialised on mother cows. Work: day camps for young people 5 to 15 years old. The camp Repair of the attic, modification of the stable, works in prices vary and they are open for all the young people of the surroundings. Study: Ecology and agriculture. Suit- the region. The aims are e.g. to promote different sports able for children and artistic activities and to raise the youngsters aware- ness of sustainable development. Work: the installation CH-SCI 6.7 12-Aug to 01-Sep of the camp makes it necessary to organize the infra- Chestnut Culture Alma (Breno) 10 vols structure (tents, equipment etc.). The international vol- The farm „Alma“ is in Italian speaking part of Switzerland. unteers will work with other volunteers in the construc- It tries to find new ways against the difficult situation, in tion of the camp. No work with the children. Accom: in which a lot of farmers in Europe’s mountains find them- tents. selves. The main aim is to produce in a sustainable way on the meadows of the Alps. The farm is bringing up Scot- CH-SCI 11.2 05-Aug to 19-Aug tish highland cows and is using horses to transport mate- Le Camp, (Vaumarcus) 10 vols rial to the Alps. Another important activity lies in cultivat- Le Camp at Vaumarcus is an accommodation centre for ing chestnut trees and their fruits. Working on the mead- groups organising meetings and trainings. It belongs to ows and in the valley: cultivating the chestnuts; amelio- the Swiss YMCA and is at the foot of the Jura mountains rate the roads, reconstruction of a fountain. Study: Al- and at the edge of a beautiful forest and near the lake of pine economy, chestnut Neuchatel. Many sports grounds are on the site. Demoli- tion of an old building and sorting the different materi- CH-SCI 6.8 20-Aug to 10-Sep als; excavating a basement; possibily putting solar panels; Cooperativa Pianta Monda (Menzonio) 10 vols helping in the kitchen. Different tasks according to the The co-operative “Pianta Monda” is gradually realising its preferences of the participants. Hard physical work. vision of a communitarian and ecological lifestyle on a formerly abandoned alpage in the Vallemaggia (Ticino Alps). SYRIA Their main activities are: renovation the buildings and preservation of the environment, with growing organic SY-JAF 1.1 21-jul to 3-aug 88 Euro Palestinian workcamp (Yarmouk) 15 vols ing against desertification. As every year the workcamp’s main idea will be to let the Accommodation: in youth house. European volunteers have the chance to know and have a more near view about the Palestinian case and the Pal- TN-ATA 6.3 09-Jul to 21-Jul estinian refugees. The workcamp contains lectures and Monastir Envi 25 vols workshops about the democratic Palestine, Palestinian Tourist resort town in central-east of Tunisia. (Tunis – refugees’ situation and case, Palestinian case historical Monastir = 160 Kms) preview, Palestinian refugees in Syria and the situation in Working on maintainence and creation of green spaces the Middle East. in urban park (El Agba). It will contain also field visits to a Palestinian magazine, Accommodation: in youth hostel. Palestinian Youth, children and women organizations and Palestinian camps near to Damascus. Some important films TN-ATA 6.4 09-Jul to 21-Jul from Palestinian directors will be viewed. Sidi bouzid Envi 25 vols The volunteers will be asked to prepare a magazine and Town in SW Tunisia (Tunis – Sidi bouzid = 260 Kms). Work- write reports about their impression and experience. ing on maintainence/improvement and the creation of green spaces at youth house cité El Khadhra, Sidi Bouzid. Extra participation fee: •150 Accommodation: at sports residence.

SY-JAF 1.2 14-aug. to 28aug. TN-ATA 6.10 30-Jul to 12-Aug Children summer camp (Damascus) 10vols Sousse Envi 25 vols Every year the Palestinian youth center Jafra organizes a Tourist resort town in central-east of Tunisia. (Tunis – summer camp in Syria for Palestinian refugee children Sousse = 140 Kms). Working on improvements/creation of between 10 – 15 years old. green spaces at youth centre. About 150 children from different Palestinian camps in Accommodation: in youth centre. Syria will gather in this camp for one week to work in different cultural, children rights, and leisure activities. TN-ATA 9.8 30-Jul to 12-Aug International volunteers are welcome to participate in Tabarka (jendouba) Arch 25v organizing these activities with the Palestinian volunteers. Tourist resort town in NW Tunisia. (Tunis – Tabarka = 160 The volunteers have to be in the Jafra center at least 4 Kms). Working on maintainence/improvements at archeo- days before the start of the camp to take part in the logical site Sidi messaoud preparation meetings and preparation activities and one Accommodation: at training centre. day after the camp for evaluation and writing reports. The volunteers will be asked to prepare different activi- TN-ATA 9.9 30-Jul to 12-Aug ties and to take different responsibilities during the chil- Kairouan Reno 25 vols dren summer camp. Historic town in central Tunisia. (Tunis – Kairouan = 155 Extra participation fee: •150 Kms). Working on improvement/restoration of historical monument in town centre. SY-JAF 1.3 ARTISTIC WORKSHOP – PHOTOGRAPHY Accommodation: in a medical school.. (Yarmouk) 4 vols SY-JAF 1.4 ARTISTIC WORKSHOP – PAINTING (Yarmouk) 4 TN-ATA 11.1 09-Jul to 21-Jul vols Borj cedria (Ben arous) Envi/Reno 25 vols September and October Suburb town SE of Tunis (Tunis – Borj cedria = 17 Kms) In September and October two artistic workshops will be Working on maintainence/ improvements in a holiday vil- organized by Jafra; One photography workshop and one lage La Pinède. Accommodation: in the village. painting workshop. The workshops take one month. The idea is to bring creative Palestinian, Syrian and European TN-ATA 11.5 09-Jul to 21-Jul youth together, allowing these artists to acquire new skills, Gabès Envi 25 vols improve their creativity, confront their practices and Coastal town in SE Tunisia Lieu: (Tunis – Gabès = 365 Kms). express through art what life as a refugee can be like. Working on maintainence/improvements at sports train- ing centre. Accom. at sports centre. The workshops are open for 4 international volunteers each. Experience in painting / photography required. TN-ATA 11.6 30-Jul to 12-Aug Motivation letter required. El mahrès (Sfax) Manu 25 vols Town in SE Tunisia, 32 Km from Sfax. (Tunis – Sfax = 270 Extra participation fee: •150 Kms) Working on improvements/extension of basic structures at scout centre. TUNISIA Accommodation: in the centre.

Volunteers need to be over 21, have some experience TN-ATA 11.7 30-Jul to 12-Aug and some French or Arabic. As with Morocco, there may Djerba – houmt Essouk (medenine) Manu 25 vols be an extra participation fee on arrival. Island in SE Tunisia (Tunis – Djerba = 510 Kms) Working on improvements at scout centre. TN-ATA 6.2 09-Jul to 21-Jul Accommodation: in the college of Houmt Essouk Nefta (Tozeur) Envi 25 vols Coastal town in SW Tunisia (Tunis – Nefta = 500 Kms) TN-UTA-4.1 15/08- 30/08 Participation in nature protection programme and work- FAMILY WORKCAMP 89 2or 3 families dren. Our partner, UTAIM (Union Tunisienne d’Aide aux Can is a large town of 30,000 inhabitants, famous for its Insuffisants Mentaux), is working to promote improvement ceramics and lignite mines. Can is in NW Turkey, near of the life quality of handicapped mental children. This Troy. Nearest city is Canakkale. workcamp is reserved to families only (parents with their chidren – minimum 5 years old). TR-GEN 5.4 24-Jun to 07-Jul W : activities with the handicapped children of the Center Teach Camp-2 Ezine Edu 5 vols : outings, games,… Ee note in GEN 5.3 Ezine is a town with 14.000 inhabit- A : in the Sidi Jilani Center at Sfax. ants famous for cheese. Motivation letter necessary. Ezine Q : families only, very good french speaking. is in NW Turkey, near Troy. Nearest city is Canakkale. FEES : 5 • per days per person. TR-GEN 5.5 24-Jun to 07-Jul TURKEY Teach Camp-3 Devrek Edu 5v Genctur Turkey Ee note in GEN 5.3 Devrek is a town of 50.000 inhabit- ants, famous for walking sticks. Devrek is in NW Turkey, TR-GEN 4.1 01-May to 31-Oct nearest city is Zonguldak. Alternative Camp-1 Yeni Sakran Phys/Soci 25 vols Flexible dates (one can start any time, minimum stay 1 TR-GEN 5.10 09-Jul to 23-Jul month). (www.alternativecamp.org) is a centre for peo- Teach Camp-4 Sakarya Edu/Kids 12 vols ple with physical and learning disabilities, located in west Sakarya was badly affected by the 1999 earthquake. EN- Turkey by the Aegean Sea. All kinds of sport, sailing, so- KA Foundation was established to provide free education cial, educational and training activities will be held. Vol- to disadvantaged child survivors. Volunteers must be at unteers will assist the disabled people, help run social least 20 years old and will practise English with the chil- activities, sport and also cleaning and gardening etc. dren aged 11-14 years through, social activities, chess, Interested volunteers will be trained as dive-buddies for sports (swimming, basketball, volleyball, athletic), drama, disabled people with the standard of HSA (Disabled Scuba handicrafts, games, music & dance. Motivation letter Association). Motivation letter necessary. Skippers for necessary. Sakarya is in NW Turkey. No alcohol or smok- the camp boat welcome. No alcohol permitted. ing in front of the children.

TR-GEN 4.2 24-Jun to 30-Aug TR-GEN 5.15 20-Jul to 27-Jul Alternative Camp-2 Fatsa Phys/Soci 20 vols Let’s Make A Film Yeni Sakran Art/Youth 15 vols Flexible dates (one can start any time, minimum stay 1 Young people of 14-16 from different countries are in- month), first week is for preparing the camp-site. Fatsa vited to create a “group film” in a youth center, using is a sea side town in north-east Turkey by the Black Sea their creativity to express their ideas, using hand cam- coast. (www.alternativecamp.org) is a centre for people eras and computers. The winners will be awarded with a with physical and learning disabilities. Volunteers to as- “Y-Oscar” (Young Oscar) Prize. See www.afacan.info. sist disabled people, run social activities, assist instruc- Yenisakran is in W Turkey, nearest city Izmir. Extra Fee:150 tors during sports and courses, leading groups for trek- Euro. king and excursions, also cleaning and gardening etc. Mo- tivation letter necessary. Accommodation in supplied GEN 6.1 01-Apr to 31-Oct tents. No alcohol permitted. Eco Farms Agri/Cons/Manu 2-6 vols For details of farms, see http://www.genctur.com/evet/ TR-GEN 5.2 20-Jun to 02-Jul search.htm Refer to the address above, as Organic Farm Afacan-1 Yeni Sakran Kids/Soci 5 vols Camps have a different coding. Volunteers will live and TR-GEN 5.9 09-Jul to 21-Jul work with farmer families, on chosen farm/s: harvesting Afacan-2 Yeni Sakran Kids/Soci 5 vols crops; digging; pruning; weeding; animal feeding; basic Afacan is a holiday camp for children 10-14 years from construction work; producing jam; dry stone wall mak- disadvantaged families. Volunteers must be at least 22 years ing, etc. Teaching basic English may also be a task. All old, with good English and ability to lead activities like volunteers will meet in GENCTUR office in Istanbul. Arrive sports; handicrafts, music, dance, drama, photography on Saturdays and spend a night in Istanbul in a youth and group games. Also practising English and guiding groups Hostel for 10 Euro. Minimum stay is 2 weeks on each on outside trips. Limited private life, volunteers may have farm, several farms may be visited. You may be the only fun together only after the kids are in bed. Leaving the volunteer on a farm, but you may apply with friends to be camp is not allowed in case of emergencies, thus con- placed together. Inscription fee of 30 Euro for pro- tact with local people not possible. Motivation letter gramme. necessary and passport sized photo. Yeni Sakran is by the Aegean Sea, W Turkey. No smoking or alcohol in- TR-GEN 6.21 06-Aug to 16-Aug front of children. Family Camp Zeytinli Envi 20v This camp is for families and single parents. Volunteers TR-GEN 5.3 24-Jun to 07-Jul will clean the beach to create public awareness about Teach Camp-1 Can Edu 5 vols pollution, special activities will be arranged for the kids. Anatolian High Schools:- The following three projects are Accommodation will be more comfortable, dormitories at Anatolian High Schools for 14-17 year olds, enabling for kids, parents separately. Zeytinli is a seaside town by them to practise English by close contact with foreign- the Aegean coast, in NW Turkey, nearest city is Balikesir. ers. Volunteers for each project must be at least 20 years Extra Fee: 50 • per person. old, with good English. Motivation letter necessary for each project. No alcohol or smoking in front of the chil- TR-GEN 9.12 13-Jul to 30-Jul 90 Pearl Mullet Van Art 15 vols aware that the level of the local contact will be less then Pearl Mullet is a fish unique to Van Lake in E Turkey, but our other workcamps as the camp site is a little bit iso- ill-timed fishing is endangering the fish. GENCTUR, The lated. Yenice is in NW Turkey, not very far from Troy & Nature Watchers Association and Van University Drama Pergammon. Nearest city is Canakkale. Club are collaborating to make a short play in order to TR-GEN 11.17 29-Jul to 13-Aug create awareness of the situation. The project will start Sunflower Fest Hayrabolu Fest/Reno 15 vols in Istanbul with an orientation meeting, volunteers will With its 19,000 habitants, Hayrabolu is a small town in NW travel to the east by coach (22 hours) on the second day, Turkey. It is famous for sunflowers, 10% of the total sun- Extra cost of 10 Euro for 1st night in hostel. Remainder of flower cultivation in Turkey. Every year, there is a “Sun- camp will be in Van province. flower Festival” to which international groups are invited, this year mainly folk dancers from the neighbouring coun- TR-GEN 9.13 15-Jul to 29-Jul tries. They need extra help before and during the festi- Drawing Camp Inonu Art 15v val. The vols will be helping in preparations such as pav- Inonu town of 5,200 inhabitants is famous for its aviation ing the roads, painting the sidewalks. During the festival, training centre where hundreds of young people join in work in the kitchen. Hayrabolu is in the European part of the trainings for parachuting, gliding, paragliding, etc. Turkey. There are also two ceramic factories. Volunteers will draw pictures on the walls of electric transformer build- TR-GEN 11.18 29-Jul to 13-Aug ings and children’s playground. Inonu is located in NW Picnic Field Alapli Envi/Reno 15v Turkey, nearest cities are Kutahya and Eskisehir. Alapli is a town by the Black Sea coast. Its municipality is eager to host international volunteers for a manual TR-GEN 11.1 10-May to 24-May project., doing some environmental work such as clear- Eco Centre Kucukkuyu Cons/Reno 10 vols ing the forest area (collecting the fallen branches, rub- Bugday Association is building an ‘Ecological Living Cen- bish removing). Cleaning coast area of the town for 2 tre’ in the hills near the town of Kucukkuyu, where in- days. Alapli is in NW Turkey. terested farmers can experience methods of eco farm- TR-GEN 11.19 31-Jul to 06-Aug ing, and alternative technologies. Volunteers will do plas- Techno Camp Ankara Study 15v tering with mud and create a garden around the build- (To Be Confirmed). TechnoKamp is a project that aims to ing. Accommodation in tents or in completed rooms of increase society’s, especially the youth’s awareness on the centre. Alcohol and smoking not permitted. Only veg- the importance of technology and its production, re- etarian food available. Nearest cities are Canakkale and flection on human life from a multi-perspective attitude Balikesir. Nearest village is 3 km away. including the disciplines like social science, economy, TR-GEN 11.6 01-Jul to 16-Jul politics etc. It also aims to form a basis for further and Yibo-1 Kabaduz Cons 15 vols specific projects about technology. Participants having Kabaduz is a small town on the hills of Black Sea Region. the same level of development will share thoughts and The Regional Boarding Primary School (YIBO) needs a con- see the differences and similarities between the coun- crete stone wall around the garden. International volun- tries. Participants will also interact with local people and teers will erect the wall. Kabadüz is 20 km from the have some common sessions held together. Working groups, nearest big city Ordu. seminars, field visits will be the main activities. Candi- TR-GEN 11.7 08-Jul to 24-Jul dates should have a good level of English communication By The Lake Tatvan Reno 15v skills and they need to write a detailed motivation letter Tatvan is a lakeside town by the biggest lake of Turkey. in order to be a part of the Techno Camp. Team working Renovation work in the parks and the youth centre. skills, cultural -interaction and open mindedness are the Accom 15 km from the town centre, transport arranged. other skills participants are required to have. Partici- Tatvan is in the east of Turkey, by Van Lake. Travel across pants are to make research about the level of technol- Turkey will involve 1 overnight in Istanbul with an extra ogy production of their country before the beginning of cost of 10 Euro. the project. The format of the document later will be TR-GEN 11.8 08-Jul to 22-Jul provided by the Organization Committee. There will be Yibo-2 Yalvac Reno 15 vols presentation of these reports during the sessions. This Primary School is in Yalvac,, I hour from Isparta. Paint- TR-GEN 11.20 05-Aug to 19-Aug ing the dormitory’s walls. Yalvac is in SW Turkey, nearest Paving Roads-2 Sarkikaraagac Reno 15 vols city is Isparta. Sarkikaragac is a small town in Isparta, close to Beysehir TR-GEN 11.14 15-Jul to 29-Jul Lake. Some Turkish people who live in Europe, own houses Paving Roads-1 Sarkoy Reno 15v in the area so it is possible to speak German or French Sarkoy is a seaside town where the population triples in with local people. The asphalt material that covers the the summer season. The volunteers will be involved in roads in the town is planned to be replaced by paving helping replace the asphalt material that covers the roads stones, the volunteers will be helping locals paving the in the town is by paving stones.: Sarkoy is in NW Turkey. roads with stones. Goal is 23.000 paving stone! Lake can TR-GEN 11.16 22-Jul to 05-Aug be visited in free days. Sarkikaragac is in SW Turkey. Yibo-3 Yenice Reno 15 vols The Primary School is 2 km from the nearest village & 25 TR-GEN 11.22 12-Aug to 26-Aug km from the nearest town Yenice but has got good facili- Street Market Gomurgen Reno 15v ties. The school management invites the international Be ready for a different experience! Gomurgen is a small volunteers to help them for reorganizing their school gar- town in Kayseri, known for its nomandic life. There are den. White washing the garden walls, painting the iron 30.000 sheep in the town and in the summer people who fences, taking care the trees in the garden, repairing live in Gomurgen go to the mountains to graze their sheep. the broken parts of the ground. Volunteers should be In free days volunteers may visit the nomadic people in 91 the mountains and can participate in the activities like Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm shearing or milking the sheep. All the roads of town is full + Relief + Leather Mask making of muds and in the winter it is very difficult to walk in the TR-GEN 9AW12 13-Oct to 27-Oct streets. Volunteers will pave the roads by stones and this Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm will change the daily life of the villagers. + Relief + Leather Mask making TR-GEN 11.23 15-Sep to 23-Sep TR-GEN9AW13 17-Nov to01-Dec Leader Training Yenisakran 15v All at FETHIYE Art 15 vols For volunteers who have already been in a work camp Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm but not as a leader. First time or active volunteers who + Relief+ Relief + Pottery + Yoga + Leather Mask making are interested in leading work camps in future will be Kayaköy Art Camp is a place where different art work- trained here about intercultural exchanges, group lead- shops are held during the summer for international par- ing, finances, problems etc, their workcamp enthusiasm ticipants. Please note that there is no work in these transferred to a real experience through discussions, camps but the mentioned activities are taught to the games, and visits, experimental and practical working meth- participants. Thus, in order to cover the cost of accom- ods. This camp will also suit to the people who are train- modation, food and materials there is an extra fee of 320 ing their own group leaders in their organisations. A mo- •. These camps are suitable for creative people both tivation letter should be supplied together with the ap- amateur or skilled artists who are interested in photogra- plication form. A certificate will be given to the partici- phy, painting, water painting, pottery, carpet weaving, pants at the end of the work camp. Extra fee: 150 Euro, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi, Astrology, rhythm covers full board accommodation, training & materials. and Salsa. But please note that not all fields are found in No practical work. Yeni Sakran is by the Aegean Sea, in all periods. People who like to share experience and learn west Turkey, nearest city is Izmir. from each other are welcome. Sight seeing tours, excur- TR-GEN 11.24 20-Sep to 05-Oct sions, dia shows, and discos are being organized after the Apple Garden Egirdir Agri 15v workshops. Swimming is a daily activity that the partici- The municipality of Egirdir town has got an orchard where pants can do by their own apart from the organized ac- they grow local sweet apples. The sale of apples brings tivities. No manual work. Workshops will be held in the extra income to the town budget. Egirdir is used to host- fields of arts mentioned above, before noon. Different ing volunteers for many years and all volunteers enjoy social activities are run after the lunch. Accom. Camp- being there. The work will be picking & packing apples site. Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea coast. The camp- and loading them into the trucks. Egirdir is a lovely lakeside site Kayakoy is a small village and an ancient Greek settle- town in west Turkey.. ment. An extra fee of EURO 320.- will be charged on ar- Genctur International Art Workshops Program rival to cover the cost of accommodation, food, and ma- Fethiye Art 15 vols terials. It is possible to join in the following period with a TR-GEN 9AW1 12-May to 26-May discount of EURO 50. Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Relief TR-GSM 9.1 Kemaliye- 1/ Erzincan Leather + Mask making 14 May-27 May 2007 TR-GEN 9AW2 26-May to 09-Jun 18 vols Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm Partner: This is the 2nd time that we have been cooper- + Yoga + Relief + Leather Mask making ating with Kemaliye Culture and Development Foundation TR-GEN 9.AW3 09-Jun to 23-Jun whose aim to promote and protect Kemaliye and its natu- Photography + Painting + Carpet weaving + Water paint- ral, cultural beauties. In order to have more information ing + Rhythm + Relief + Leather Mask making visit: www.kemav.org TR-GEN 9.AW4 23-Jun to 07-Jul Work: During the camp, there will be held International Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Paint- Nature Sports Festival. The volunteers will take part the ing + Rhythm + Relief + Pottery + Leather Mask making preparation of the festival area as well as be responsible TR-GEN 9.AW5 07-Jul to 21-Jul of some practical work within the festival. The working Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Painting hours will be flexible due to the festival program. + Rhythm + Pottery + Leather Mask making Food and accommodation: restaurant / dormitory TR-GEN 9.AW6 21-Jul to 04-Aug Location: In the Munzur Mountains in eastern Turkey is Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm Kemaliye the small town of Erzincan. Kemaliye is one of + Relief + Pottery + Salsa + Yoga + Leather Mask making + few Turkish towns to have preserved its late 19th century Belly Dance architecture, and its beauty is enhanced by its magnifi- TR-GEN 9AW7 04-Aug to 18-Aug cent setting in the steep valley. Beyond the orchards Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm and fields along the river bank the town raises in ter- + Relief + Salsa + Yoga + Leather Mask making + Pottery + races, the houses interspersed with shops, mosques, Belly Dance churches, schools and public buildings. Only at the point TR-GEN 9AW8 18-Aug to 01-Sep where the mountain rears into a sheer rock wall do the Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm buildings and greenery come to an end. + Relief + Pottery + Leather Mask making + Drama + Yoga Terminal: the nearest airport is; Ankara or Istanbul. TR-GEN 9.AW9 01-Sep to 15-Sep Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm TR-GSM 6.2 SDU / Isparta + Relief + Pottery + Yoga + Leather Mask making + Belly 7 July -21 July 2007 Dance 28 vols (18 international + 10 Turkish) TR-GEN9AW10 15-Sep to 29-Sep Partner: This is the fourth year that we organize interna- Photography + Carpet weaving + Water painting + Rhythm tional voluntary workcamp in cooperation with SDU- + Relief + Pottery + Yoga + Leather Mask making + Suleyman Demirel University. For more information about TR-GEN9.AW11 29-Sep to13-Oct the university please visit: www.sdu.edu.tr 92 Work: During this camp, the volunteers will take part in children such as teaching basic English, drawing, playing environmental work in the campus area such as planting games etc. In addition the volunteers will take part in trees, flowering, gardening, painting, etc and in addition some practical environmental work. they will be involving in painting and some practical reno- Food and accommodation: self catering / in pension vation work. Location: Canakkale, which is the cradle of Trojan, Assos Food and accommodation: in the cafeteria / in a guest like former civilization centers, and where Gallipoli Pe- house ninsula Historical National Park, various martyr, monument Location: Isparta is one of the prettiest cities in the and graves are present, the most bloody fights of Çanakkale Mediterranean region, full of fragrant roses and beauti- wars are occurred, and Aegean and Marmara seas are ful lakes of peaceful waters. It is surrounded by impres- connected and Europe and Asia is met at its coasts is sive caves. Isparta leaves a big impression on the visitors worth to see. with its Selcuk fortress, its Byzantine churches, its an- Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul. cient city of Antiocheis and Egirdir Lake, which is one of Remarks: The motivation letter the most famous lakes for its various kinds of butterflies. TR-GSM 6.6 Avcilar-1 / Istanbul Terminal: The nearest international airport; Antalya, An- 14 July - 27 July 2007 kara and Istanbul. 18 vols TR-GSM 6.3 CBU / Manisa Partner: We have been organizing work camps in coop- 7 July -21 July 2007 eration with Istanbul University since 1999. For more in- 18 vols formation about the university please visit: Partner: Our partner is CBU-Celal Bayar University. We www.istanbul.edu.tr have been organizing workcamps with CBU since 1999. Work: During the camp the volunteers will stay in Avcilar For more information about the university please visit: Campus. The volunteers will be involved in practical reno- www.celalbayar.edu.tr vation and environmental work within Avcilar Campus. Work: During the camp, the volunteers will take part in Food and accommodation: in the cafeteria / in student the some practical environmental and renovation work in dormitory the campus area, such as planting, gardening, painting, Location: Istanbul is the only city in the world built on etc. two continents. It’s possible to see the valuable remains Food and accommodation: cafeteria/guest house of these civilizations, standing with glamour and mysti- Location: Manisa, situated in the Aegean Region, is an cism as a harmonious link between East and West, past attractive, modern city with a far-reaching past. Since and present, antique and modern. Istanbul University is the great Ottoman Sultans chose Manisa as the training one of the biggest universities of Istanbul and it has many ground for crown princes, there are many examples of campuses all around the province. The location of the Ottoman architecture, as well as Seljuk. Celal Bayar Uni- workcamp is Avcilar Campus; it is from 50 minutes dis- versity Campus is located very close to the city center tance to Istanbul city center by public transportation. with its good campus facilities. It takes only 15 minutes Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul. on foot to the center from the campus also there are TR-GSM 6.7 Karaelmas/ Zonguldak buses every 10 minutes to/from the city center. 21 July – 04 August 2007 Terminal: Nearest international airport; ?zmir 18 vols TR-GSM 6.4 Afyonkarahisar / Afyonkarahisar Partner: This is the 1st time that we organize an interna- 7 July -21 July 2007 tional voluntary workcamp in cooperation with Karaelmas 18 vols University. In order to have more information about the Partner: This is the 3rd time we organize international university please visit: www.karaelmas.edu.tr voluntary workcamp in cooperation with Afyonkarahisar Work: During this camp, the volunteers will take part in Municipality. environmental work in the campus area such as planting Work: During the camp, the volunteers will take part in trees, flowering, gardening, painting, etc and in addition the some practical environmental work, such as planting they will be involving in painting and some practical reno- trees, flowering, and gardening, in the parks and gardens vation work. of the city Food and accomodation: in the cafeteria / in student Food & Accommodation: in the cafeteria / in student dormitory dormitory Location: Zonguldak, an important port in the Black Sea, Location: The city of Afyonkarahisar is located as a gate- has beautiful beaches in Kopuz and Uzunkum, where one way between the sea and the inner regions of Anatolia. may choose one of the gardens to watch the perfect The history of the city goes back to 4000BC. It is a spa- scene around. It is surrounded by many natural and his- center with thermal baths and it is famous for specific torical richness and on the contradiction of the natural “Turkish delight”. beauty Zonguldak has the biggest and most important Terminal: the nearest airport; Izmir, Ankara or Istanbul. coal mines of Turkey. TR-GSM 5.5 Intepe / Canakkale Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul 7 July -21 July 2007 TR-GSM 11.8 Alacati / Izmir 18 vols 21 July – 04 August 2007 Partner: This is the 1st time that we organize an interna- 18 vols tional voluntary workcamp in cooperation with Intepe Partner: We have been organizing international voluntary Municipality. In order to have more information please workcamps in cooperation with Alacati Municipality since visit: www.intepe-bld.gov.tr 2001. In order to have more information about the mu- Work: Each year Intepe Municipality organizes summer nicipality please visit: www.alacati.com classes and activities for the children of the town. Dur- Work: During the camp the volunteers will take part in ing the camp the volunteers will be joining these classes the renovation of the football ground and some practical and activities and will organize some activities for the work in the public parks. 93 Food & Accomodation: self catering and in a cafeteria / Location: In the Munzur Mountains in eastern Turkey is in a building Kemaliye the small town of Erzincan. Kemaliye is one of Location: Alacati is situated on Cesme Peninsula, which few Turkish towns to have preserved its late 19th cen- forms the Gulf of Izmir. Alacati (Alaçat?, Agrilya), a Medi- tury architecture, and its beauty is enhanced by its mag- terranean town on the Western coast of Turkey, which nificent setting in the steep valley. Beyond the orchards has been famous for its architecture, vineyards and wind- and fields along the river bank the town raises in ter- mills for over 150 years, has now made its name in the races, the houses interspersed with shops, mosques, world of windsurfing. It is known as the Turkish Riviera, churches, schools and public buildings. Only at the point with crystal clear water, consistent and steady wind (for where the mountain rears into a sheer rock wall do the an average of 300 days a year). It is about 70kms to Izmir. buildings and greenery come to an end. Terminal: the nearest international airport; Izmir or Is- Terminal: the nearest airport is; Ankara or Istanbul. tanbul. TR-GSM 6.12 Yenisehir / Mersin TR-GSM 6.9 Avcilar-2 / Istanbul 11 August – 25 August 2007 28 July – 11 August 2007 18 vols 18 vols Partner: This is the fourth year that we organize interna- Partner: We have been organizing work camps in coop- tional voluntary workcamp in cooperation with Yenisehir eration with Istanbul University since 1999. For more in- Municipality. formation about the university please visit: Work: During this camp, the volunteers will take part in www.istanbul.edu.tr the planting trees, flowering and gardening in one of the Work: During the camp the volunteers will stay in Avcilar public parks of the suburb. Campus which belongs to Istanbul University. The volun- Food and accommodation: in a cafeteria / in a guest house teers will be involved in practical renovation and envi- Location: Mersin is one of the most modern provinces ronmental work within Avcilar Campus. with palm-lined avenues and a good base for visiting the Food and accommodation: in the cafeteria / in student nearby historical sites and beaches. It is also the largest dormitory port of the Turkish Mediterranean. One may find all the Location: Istanbul is the only city in the world built on comforts of a big city and all the characteristics of a two continents. It’s possible to see the valuable remains Mediterranean city. Yenisehir is one of the suburbs of of these civilizations, standing with glamour and mysti- Mersin and the municipality is very experienced with in- cism as a harmonious link between East and West, past ternational youth exchanges especially with Japan. and present, antique and modern. Istanbul University is Terminal: the nearest airport; Adana, Ankara or Istanbul. one of the biggest universities of Istanbul and it has many TR-GSM 6.13 Mersin / Mersin campuses all around the province. The location of the 11 August – 25 August 2007 workcamp is Avcilar Campus; it is from 50 minutes dis- 18 vols tance to Istanbul city center by public transportation. Partner: We have been orginizing work camps in coopera- Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul. tion with Mersin Metropolitan Municipality since 2001. TR-GSM 6.10 ODTU/ Ankara For more information about this municipality please visit: 04 August – 18 August 2007 www.mersin-bld.gov.tr 18 vols Work: During this camp the volunteers will take part in Partner: We have been organizing international voluntary the renovation of public parks and in addition in some workcamp with METU-Middle East Technical University practical environmental works such as planting, grassing since 1996. For more information about the university etc. please visit: www.metu.edu.tr Food and accomodation: in a restaurant / in a guest house Work: During the camp the volunteers will take part in Location: Mersin is one of the most provinces with palm- the cleaning and some practical environmental work in lined avenues and a good bas efor visiting the nearby the university groove which is situated in the campus historical sites and beaches. It is also the largest port of area. Turkish Mediterannean. One may find all the comforts of Food and accomodation: cafeteria / student dormitory a big city and all the characteistics of a Mediterannean Location: Ankara, the capital city is the living witness of city. Although Mersin dates from 19th century, it occu- establishment of Turkish Republic. Today’s modern city, pies extremely ancient cities. situated at the core of Anatolia, hides an ancient site Terminal: The nearest international airport; Adana, An- behind, dating back even to prehistorically time. The kara or ?stanbul. remains from Urartian, Phrygian and Hittite periods have TR-GSM 9.14 Mut / Mersin beautified the area here, now fascinating the visitors by 18 August – 1 September 2007 enlivening the respective periods. The foundation is lo- 18 vols cated in Golbasi, suburb of Ankara. Golbasi sits by Lake Partner: We have been organizing work camps with the Mogan and it is 50 minutes far away from the city center. Mut Municipality since 2000. The inhabitants are very TR-GSM 9.1 Kemaliye- 2/ Erzincan motivated to host such an international event in their 04 August – 18 August 2007 small town. 18 vols Work: During this camp the volunteers will take part in Partner: This is the second time that we have been co- the renovation of an old building which belongs to mu- operating with Kemaliye Culture and Development Foun- nicipality as well as do some practical restoration work dation whose aim to promote and protect Kemaliye and around Mut Castle. its natural, cultural beauties. Food & Accommodation: in a cafeteria / in a pension Work: During the workcamp the volunteers will be work- Location: Located 165km far away from Mersin, one of ing in the greenhouses in the village as well as renovating the biggest cities and an important port of Turkey. Mut is the old city wall. a village surrounded by mountains and high plateaus. The Food and accommodation: restaurant / under tents region hosts Turcoman, still living with their old tradi- 94 tions in the high plateaus. This Mediterranean village will 18 vols welcome the volunteers by very interesting customs of Partner: We have been organizing workcamps in coopera- Turcoman, wedding ceremonies, natural beauties and his- tion with Yildiz Technical University since 2001. In order torical sites to have more information about the university please visit: Terminal: The nearest International airport; Adana or An- www.ytu.edu.tr kara. Work: During the camp the volunteers will take part in TR-GSM 5.15 Mus / Mus some environmental work in the campus are like plating 18 August – 01 September 2007 trees, taking care of the special type of grass called “Ot- 18 vols toman Grass”. They may also be involved in some painting Partner: This is the first year that we organize workcamp work. together with Mus Town Hall and Genc Birikim Dernegi Food and accomodation: cafeteria / student dormitory (Youth Accumulation Association) Location: Istanbul is the only city in the world built on Work: Each year Mus Town Hall organizes summer classes two continents. It is a province designed to be the capi- and activities for the children of the town together with tal of three empires. Today it is possible to see the pre- Youth Accumulation Association. During the camp the cious remains of these civilizations, standing with glam- volunteers will be joining these classes and activities and our and mysticism as a harmonious link between East and will organize some activities for the children such as teach- West, past and present, antique and modern. Yildiz Tech- ing basic English, drawing, playing games etc. nical University Campus is located in Garden of Yildiz Pal- Food and accommodation: in the cafeteria / youth center ace, that’s why in the campus it is possible to see very Location: Mus is located at the Easter Anatolian Region precious type of trees and flowers. It is also at the very and it is the highest region of Turkey, hidden between center of Istanbul. the mountains and this plain has a natural has a natural Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul beauty with lakes and greenery between high mountains. TR-GSM 6.19 Didim / Aydin Terminal: the nearest international airport; Istanbul, An- 05 September – 20 September 2007 kara, Erzurum or Mus. 18 vols Remark: The motivation letter Partner: We cooperated with Didim Municipality for 6 TR-GSM11.16 Karaburun / Izmir years. In order to have more information please visit: 28 August – 08 September 2007 www.didim-bld.gov.tr 18 vols Work: During this camp the volunteers will take part in Partner: This is the second time that we organize the construction of a public park in town. workcamp in cooperation with Karaburun Municipality. Food and accommodation: in a cafeteria / pension In order to have more information please visit: Location: Didim (Didyma) was one of the luckiest settle- www.karaburun-bld.gov.tr ments of antiquity since it sheltered one of the most Work: During the workcamp the volunteers will take part sacred spots of those times, it is the Temple of Apollo, in the renovation and construction of a path in the rec- still standing in Didim with its impressive view, though it reation area close to the beach as well as some practical has been attacked and burned several times. This lovely renovation work in the town. Aegean village at the cost welcomes visitors with its his- Food and accommodation: cafeteria / under tents tory and beautiful beaches. Location: The Karaburun Peninsula lies in West-Anatolia, Terminal: the nearest international airport, Izmir or Is- on the Turkish Aegean Coast and 45 minutes to Izmir. The tanbul Karaburun Peninsula has most probably already been in- habited since prehistory. But the most important traces UKRAINE of settlements date from the classical period. The villag- SVIT Ukraine ers of the Karaburun Peninsula stay attached to their old UA-SVI 1.1 27-Aug to 09-Sep traditions and habits, of which hospitality and open- Dobre razom (Kharkiv, Lviv and Kyiv) 10-16 vols heartedness are the most typical qualities. In the framework of “Youth Transcending New Frontiers” Terminal: the nearest airport is; Izmir. project, taking place in Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and TR-GSM 6.17 Urla / Izmir Belarus, with activities on human rights education, social 31 August – 14 September 2007 inclusion, racism and xenophobia. It is planned to ad- 18 vols dress the problem of racism, research and compare situ- Partner: We’ve been organizing work camps in coopera- ation, attitudes in Eastern and Western regions of Ukraine, tion with the Urla Municipality since 1994. organize information events for students, schoolchildren Work: During this camp the volunteers will take part in and local NGOs, develop photo exhibition. Group together the construction of a public park in town. early and late days, in the middle days one group will go Food and accommodation: in a restaurant / in a guest to Kharkiv (East) and the other to Lviv (West). Needs ex- house. perience in anti-racism field or strong motivation; crea- Location: Urla, named Clazomenea in the ancient days, is tive skills, photography skills for development of photo a peaceful place to visit where you can taste the natural exhibition. Motivation statement is needed. and historical beauties of Cesme Peninsula. It’s only 30 minutes from Izmir. Urla is surrounded by many historical UA-SVI 6.1 01-Aug to 14-Aug places and natural beauties such as Cesme, where you Kleban Byk (Donetsk region) 15-20 vols can see the perfect beaches; Kusadasi, with its very live Regional landscape Park Kleban Byk is in Konstantinovka city life and deepest blue sea; Pergamum; Virgin Mary; region, in SE Ukraine. It means “hollow on the water”, Ephesus; etc… remarkable for its landscape and interesting geological Terminal: the nearest international airport; Izmir. structure (it includes chalk rocks, petrified trees). Fauna TR-GSM6.18 YTU / Istanbul of the park includes 200 bird species, many reptiles and 01 September – 15 September 2007 mammals; 600 plants are registered. Due to lack of fund- 95 ing and limited human resources it is difficult to both develop scenarios for sessions on human rights and visual maintain the territory and further develop the structure materials, which will be used for study sessions at the of the park. It is planned to conduct cleanup,collecting volunteer workcamps, and later for educational activi- trash left by tourists, arranging ecological routes and ties at schools and universities. Preparing and running rest places in the park, working on development and seminars on human rights issues in workcamps, develop- research activities. Accom in tents. ing scenarios and methodology for sessions, designing postcards, bookmarks and other visual materials in an in- UA-SVI 6.2 14-Aug to 28-Aug teresting manner for further use at schools. Participants Gomolsha (Kharkiv region) 13-15v will receive info and training on human rights and how to National Nature Park “Gomolshansky lisy” is in SE of Kharkiv organize educational activities on the subject, you need region, remarkable for many rare flora and fauna, includ- experience in human rights education, or creative skills ing old oak-groves aging from 350 to 750 years; and beau- for designing visual materials on human rights. Motivation tiful landscapes. The camp will be in Korobky village in a statement is needed. 19th century estate of the park. Renovation of the es- Alternative Ukraine tate building and museum rooms. Arranging ecological UA Alt 1 31-May to 20-Jun routes (installing information signs about the park and Artek, Crimea 1 observation points), rest places along the routes. Accom UA Alt 2 23-Jun to 13-Jul in tents Artek, Crimea 2 UA Alt 3 16-Jul to 05-Aug UA-SVI 7.1 05-Sep to 19-Sep Artek, Crimea 3 Strong-Equal! (Berdyansk) 8-15v UA Alt 4 08-Aug to 28-Aug The camp will be held in Berdyansk city on the Azov see. Artek, Crimea 4 Women from small cities in Ukraine have insufficiently The International Children Center “Artek” was once one advanced active position in life. To raise awareness and of the best camps for children in USSR! Every volunteer level of knowledge of young people on gender issues, together with Ukrainian leaders will take care of 15-20 initiate discussion on roles of male and female in society kids. The main task of the volunteers will be to help in – important with changes in society and lifestyle, cul- organising everyday life at the camp and leisure time ac- tural transformation. The target group of this educational tivities, such as workshops, sport competitions, contests, project is students of Berdyansk University and senior activities connected with culture, history, traditions of pupils of secondary schools.Elaboration and participation the volunteers’ countries. We expect from volunteers to seminars and discussions, preparation and participa- new ideas and enthusiasm. Volunteers should be ready tion to information sessions with creative elements for to work long hours. young people, distribution of informational materials.. Apart from this work please, see additional information Accom. In student hostels. for each camp : UA-SVI 8.1 13-Aug to 26-Aug ARTEK 1 – camp will host disabled children and will run a Paraskoveyevka (Artemovsk) 13-15 vols festival “Believe in Yourself –and others will!” and Olym- Boarding School for mentally disabled children is in pics “Believe in Yourself”. Paraskoveyevka village near Artemovsk, SE Ukraine. There ARTEK 2 – includes a movie festival and movie making work- are 150 children aged 7-16 years old, among them 12 or- shops! phans. They stay there the whole year and have a spe- ARTEK 3 – includes a Classic Dance Festival! cial education program. Arranging greencorner (building ARTEK 4 – includes a National Cultural Festival “My Ukraine” up shelves for plants and mini-zoo); renovating playground Needs motivation letter, medical certificates with the and installing outside sport equipment, organization of recent vaccinations and tests indicated. NB. Canteen with activities with children. no vegetarian food!

UA-SVI 9.1 27-Jul to 10-Aug UA Alt 5 02-Jun to 19-Jun Peter de Groote (Artemovsk) 8-15 vols Zmina, Kyiv region 1 Peter de Groote was the name of a Dutch salt mine in UA Alt 6 23-Jun to 10-Jul Bakhmut (nowadays Artemovsk). There was a settlement, Zmina, Kyiv region 2 where Dutch engineers and their families lived (1885–1920). UA Alt 7 14-Jul to 31-Jul Last summer local activists and descendants of the Dutch Zmina, Kyiv region 3 colonists discovered an abandoned Dutch cemetery. The The summer center “Zmina” is in a picturesque pine for- workcamp is planned to restore the cemetery and install est 60 km from Kyiv. Near the center there is a lake. The information board about it, also to contribute to open- camp hosts 250-300 children at a time. Every volunteer ing exhibition on the Dutch colony and developing ex- together with Ukrainian leaders will take care of 10-15 cursion route “Salt round” on the historic places of salt children 7-12 years old. The main task of the volunteers extraction in Artemovsk region. Cleaning up the soil from will be to help in organising everyday life of the camp and gravestones, putting fence around, removing bushes and leisure time activities, such as workshops, sport compe- weed, putting information sign at the entrance. titions, contests, activities connected with culture, his- tory, traditions of the volunteers’ countries. We expect UA-SVI 11.1 03-Aug to 20-Aug new ideas and enthusiasm in organising children’s leisure Human Rights Traveller (Donetsk and Kharkiv regions) time to make it meaningful and useful. If you have experi- 7-10 vols ence, but most important desire to work with children, In the framework of “Youth Transcending New Frontiers” this project is for YOU! Needs motivation letter, medical project, taking place in Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and certificates with the recent vaccinations and tests indi- Belarus, organizing activities on human rights education, cated. NB. Canteen with no vegetarian food! social inclusion, racism and xenophobia. It is planned to UA Alt 8 21-Jun to 04-Jul 96 Summer with English, Kharkiv region 1 vation work in Kyiv city in a minihostel. Sometimes physi- UA Alt 9 07-Jul to 20-Jul cally hard). There will be a possibility to see the work of Summer with English, Kharkiv region 2 social workers and to assist in activities for people with Sports summer centre “Boyko school” is situated in a disabilities if volunteers are interested. picturesque place 30 km from Kharkiv. The main task of UA Alt 15 22-Jul to 05-Aug the volunteers will be to help in organising everyday life Petryliv, Ivano-Frankivsk of the teenagers at the camp, such as workshops, sports, Project: “Solidarity” is an organisation, which wants to competitions, and assist with English teaching. Volunteers establish tolerance and solidarity towards PLHA (People must be enthusiastic and motivated to work with chil- living with HIV and AIDS) and HIV vulnerable groups, in the dren, and previous experience would be useful.. NB. Age region of Ivano-Frankivsk. www.solidarnist.com.ua One 20 to 45, Motivation letter needed.Basic knowledge of of the main functions is prevention work in the sphere of Russian or Ukrainian is an advantage, but not necessary. HIV, but they also support a lot of local minorities, pro- UA Alt 10 24-Jun to 08-Jul viding them with the opportunity for self-help groups, Khortytsya boarding school, Zaporizhzhya meeting points and education. Most of the increase of In a Khortytsya boarding school for children and youth. HIV in Ukraine is among intravenous drug-users. The nee- The school consists of kinder garden, school and col- dle exchange programme is working, but it is still neces- lege, and even has its own museum. 400 kids and young sary to support these people, who want to get clean people are studying there. Khortytsya Island has a long (free of drugs). That is why Solidarity started to built a Cossack history. Volunteers will be working in the school: rehabilitation center in Petryliv, where people in the fu- doing site maintaining works (painting the building– to ture can go after detoxification programme for getting prepare the building for the new academic year – while mentally free of drugs. And maybe you want to help us in the children are away. You can learn history, culture and creating this place. The practical work will be to help life of Zaporizhzhya. renovation inside the rehabilitation center and create UA Alt 11 01-Jul to 15-Jul an atmosphere of trust for the patients. Volunteers will HIV/AIDS prevention campaign, Kyiv region be also cleaning the waste and dirt and create a garden Ukraine has the highest growth rate of HIV infection in with flowers and vegetables. At the beginning, volun- Europe. The volunteers will be raising awareness of AIDS teers will be provided with information about prevention and HIV, including prevention, visiting teenage summer actions among drug user and training them about HIV/ camps and raise awareness, eg. through games, competi- AIDS (bring a small presentation on theHIV/AIDS situation tions, performances etc, including performing a play, pre- in their countries. Accom. In a tent camp next to the pared by a professional stage director. As volunteers will center. be expected to perform on stage, performance skills are UA Alt 16 22-Jul to 05-Aug preferable. Accommodation: this is a moving camp, so the Forest’s friends, Dnipropetrovsk region volunteers will stay at the camps they visit. Volunteers of Dnipropetrovs’k is one of the largest and most beautiful a similar age to the summer camp participants are par- cities of Ukraine. The region is rich flora and fauna – ticularly welcome. Motivation letter needed. Performance there are 114 natural preserves here. The project will skills preferable, skills on HIV prevention, possible thea- take place in Dnieper-Orels’k Preserve. Volunteers will tre experience of activities of this kind. carry out repairing, restoring and painting, cleaning of a UA Alt 12 02-Jul to 15-Jul forest area from garbage. Accom.: in tents, campfire food, , Lviv region very simple facilities in the forest. In Brody, a town 130 km from Lviv, well known for its UA Alt 17 29-Jul to 12-Aug cultural and historical places, such as Brody Castle. The Philharmonic Society Building, Kharkiv volunteers will carry out maintaining and renovation works The Kharkiv Philharmonic was started in 1874 as the first on the territory and inside work. Accom . in a student stationary Opera House. The building was closed in 1880 hostel.. because of fire risk. For the next 120 years the troupe didn’t have its own place, but finally the Opera was UA Alt 13 15-Jul to 28-Jul “moved” to its actual place. But it was prone to damage Zoo, Kharkiv again, complete and rebuild again and again. This unique Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine and its first cultural and architectural monument of our city fortu- capital. It is in NE Ukraine in the confluence of three nately held out against pitiless time including two World rivers. One of the most important points if interest is a Wars. From 1991 the Kharkiv Philharmonic is located in city Zoo, in the center of the city, in the park area. the long-suffering building… We will help to restore the There is a young naturalists` centre but unfortunately, front of the building, build the fountain, clean and put in their building burnt. Reconstruction was started - the order inside. Maybe painting and some “make-up” work. group of volunteers will help in some construction and Volunteers must keep all the rules of safety. Here you cleaning works. can find some information : http//www.jamesarts.com/ UA Alt 14 22-Jul to 05-Aug KHRKVPHILWEBPAGE.htm www.kharkov.com/news/ Djerela, Kyiv region and Kyiv ?p=110&secure=&till=&lang= Djerela is a centre whose mission is to protect human UA Alt 18 30-Jul to 12-Aug rights of people with learning, emotional and behavioural Crimean Adventures Workcamp**, Crimea disabilities and their families, and provide their rehabili- The project will be based in a mountain lodge 760 m. tation and social adaptation. Their activities include res- above sea level on the slope of the Mount Chatirdag. pite care and fostering programs, family support services The main objectives of the camp are: : (1) To clean hiking etc. This project will take place in two Djerela buildings paths and renew route marking in mountains, (2) to grow in Kyiv region, in Boguslav and in Kyiv. First week environ- awareness of local hikers of environment saving methods mental work in Boguslav (renovation work in small house and behaviour and to grow culture of ecological hiking, and cleaning forest which is nearby). Second week reno- (3) to continue cooperation with local authorities on 97 preserving natural areas from pollution. Be ready to live cial needs: mental retardation, autism, and emotional dis- close to nature in tents and hike carrying in backpack turbance. In summer we also have young adults with food, necessary minimum of private clothes and simple special needs. We encourage teamwork and fun. We tools for 3-4 days. Simple conditions. Extra fee: 20 Euros. care for the people, some of whom need a lot of physical UA Alt 19 30-Jul to 12-Aug care and companionship and some are pretty independ- Svalyava, Transcarpathian region ent. We work on the farm, in the gardens and in the We aim to create better social and ecological conditions house, helping the people with life, whether it is weav- in one of the orphanages, through renovation workcamps ing, going on a camping trip or going to cultural events. in orphanages in W. Ukraine (renovating windows by in- We all help with cooking, laundry etc. Study: Learn about stalling heat insulation). In Svalyava, a project for nature international peace work, community living, and people lovers! Sometimes work can be hard. Leisure time: this is with special needs. very famous recreation area with mineral sources, tours US-SCI 6.1 27-Aug to 18-Sep to mountains, barbeques etc. Mission Wolf: Sanctuary 1 (Westcliffe, CO) 12 vols UA Alt 20 05-Aug to 19-Aug Mission Wolf Sanctuary is a refuge for captive wolves and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy, Kyiv region an educational center working to provide sanctuary for The camp is in the historical town Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy, wolves that are unable to live in the wild and to educate on the banks of the beautiful river Dnieper, 100 km SE of people about the importance of returning wolves to their Kyiv. Volunteers will help the workers of the Museum of former habitats. Because of wolves’ natural shyness of Ukrainian Folk Architecture through different activities humans, the refuge is tucked away in an isolated, moun- to restore the museum exhibits and to clean the grounds. tainous region of Southern Colorado. Telephone, junk Accom. In student hostel. food and showers are about an hour away. Constructing and maintaining wolf enclosures, as well as other mainte- UA Alt 21 06-Aug to 19-Aug nance projects. Work is very strenuous; expect diversity Belz, Lviv region in work and to be outside. Bring own tent . All volunteers In Belz, a town near the Polish border. The city is well must be at the start commit for full duration of camp known for its culture and history, such as ruins of the (only be ONE pick-up and drop-off). Additional applica- Dominicans Monastery built in 1606, and destroyed in the tion form MUST be filled out, available from admin site/ Second World War. The volunteers will carry out SCI-US. NB. The refuge is at 2.860m, if you have breathing maintainence and renovation works on the territory of condition or ill health please take note. the historical and architectural complex of Hasidic Dy- nasty. Accom. In student hostel . US-SCI 6.2 01-Jul to 31-Aug UA Alt 22 12-Aug to 25-Aug Cal-Wood School (Jamestown, Colorado) 16 vols Sunflower camp, Dnipropetrovsk region Date to be confirmed. Cal-Wood School offers a unique Orlovschina village is on a river bank, in a pine forest. The outdoor educational experience to youth and adults in a idea of the camp is to involve Ukrainian students into an manner that will carry on the vision of Roger and Oral active intercultural exchange with the group of interna- Calvert. The goals are: 1) to help all who come to Cal- tional volunteers, for example through intercultural eve- Wood develop a greater appreciation for the natural world nings, exhibitions, discussions, workshops, concerts, com- 2) to offer environmental education to those who would petitions, parties, etc. Accom. in tents. Food and condi- not otherwise experience it; and 3) to provide unique tions will be simple. English, Russian and Ukrainian will be outdoor education opportunities in a special mountain spoken. You will need to submit a motivation letter when setting. Cal-Wood is on 1,200 acres of forested mountain you apply covering your motivations, ideas, hobbies and land north of the old mining town of Jamestown, near experiences. Boulder, Colorado. Various forestry and outdoor mainte- UA Alt 23 27-Aug to 09-Sep nance projects. Vols may be working in different teams VOLUNTARIZM promotion campaign, Kyiv& Chernigiv re- with different projects, including trail repair, fence re- gions moval, tree thinning and brush hauling. Hard work in the The project is aimed at promoting active participation in sun. Study: Environmental education. NB. Camp is at the social life among young people, participation in the 3,000m. No drugs, alcohol or smoking allowed. development of the local community and at promoting US SCI 8.1 13-Aug to 05-Sep youth leadership in social, economic and political spheres. Hurricane Katrina Relief/ Innisfree Community, (Violet, Volunteers should be prepared to present their national LA and Crozet, VA) 4 vols volunteering traditions and info on similar projects real- A unique opportunity to be part of a life-sharing commu- ized in their countries; to discuss and share information nity in the Blue Ridge Mountains and volunteer for hurri- about volunteering issues.. After introductory days, the cane Katrina relief in New Orleans. The camp will begin group will be travelling through Kyiv and Chernihiv Re- at Innisfree, an intentional community serving people with gions visiting youth centres. Tasks might include environ- disabilities, in rural Virginia. Vols will take part in commu- mental, construction, renovation, social, cultural and nity living with a direct focus on raising money for a spe- archaeological work. Motivation letter needed. cific family in New Orleans, through organizing a benefit held at Innisfree. The second part of the camp involves USA volunteering in New Orleans for a week, pairing special SCI-IVS USA needs folks from Innisfree with SCI vols who will support US-SCI 4.1 15-Jun to 05-Sep each other during the volunteer experience. The money Life Needs Co-Op (Great Barrington MA) 6 vols raised at the benefit will be presented to a local family any three weeks or more, up to 6 vols at a time. North displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The group will return to Plain Farm, an old New England home in the Berkshire Innisfree together to conclude the camp. Work: In New Mountains, is run by a couple and their son, and some Orleans: light construction or kitchen work, depending volunteers. We share our lives with six people with spe- on your preference. Prep cooking and organizational 98 skills helpful but not necessary. Needs willingness to work cial needs on short vacations. Responsibilities include with people who have special needs. Must be flexible ensuring safety, providing support, driving and activity and interested in interacting with a diversity of individu- planning. Training will be provided. A: At a youth hostel als. There is an extra $100 fee to cover the cost of ac- and hotels on trips. Volunteers will be responsible for commodation and food while volunteering in New Orle- their own meals, transportation and activities when not ans, however, travel to and from Louisiana will be pro- on a trip. No alcohol during trips. Fluent English. VFP vided at no cost to the volunteer. MOTIVATION FORM REQUIRED. US SCI 10.1 29-Jul to 11-Aug US-VFP 4.11 13-Jul to 22-Jul St. Francis Farm Community (Lacona, NY) 5 vols Ultra Challenge - Anchorage, Alaska Disa -30 vols St. Francis Farm is run by a Quaker family whose mission Vols will be support crew for the longest, toughest wheel- is to live an alternative to the consumer culture and to chair and handcycle race in the world, the 267-mile. model a way of life based on Catholic Worker principles. Sadler's Ultra Challenge from Fairbanks to Anchorage, in- They seek to live a life in which work, recreation, educa- cludes giving them food and water; assisting with proper tion and reflection are integrated. The farm includes an clothing for weather conditions; changing flat tyres, pro- organic garden, worked by hand, two dairy goats, a small viding encouragement. Vols will be staying at campsites flock of laying hens and piglets. In addition to caring for and must bring personal camping gear suitable for inclem- the health of the land they mentor children, help elders ent weather (tent, mattress pad, sleeping bag). Host will as needed, provide affordable housing and offer time to provide all meals, no cooking. Licensed drivers 25+ wel- listen to those in need. They see work as a spiritual come, are expected to do some driving. No drinking and calling, and welcome people from different religious and driving, no drinking for vols under 21. spiritual backgrounds. Physical tasks such as construc- Vols must be in Anchorage by 1:00 p.m. June 27th. Peo- tion and building repair, landscaping, fencing, gardening, ple with disabilities who can function INDEPENDENTLY are and haying, lighter work if interested such as milking welcome - you MUST specify your diability on your regis- goats, canning and freezing vegetables, cooking, welcom- tration form. Additional food fee of $100 US payable di- ing and listening to guests. Needs patience and willing- rectly to host on arrival in Alaska. English ness to work with people from different social back- US-VFP 5.10 10-Jul to 29-Jul grounds and with varying abilities is helpful. St. Francis Vershare - Vershire, Vermont Kids/Arts/Soci 6 vols Farm has some boundaries : they ask volunteers to re- Vols will work with local adults & teens in a community- frain from drinking, using drugs, smoking or engaging in based summer day camp for children. W: includes per- sexual activity while volunteering. Please no TVs/DVD forming arts, visual arts, nature study and outdoor ad- players, electronic games, radios, or CD players. Musical venture. Some children suffer from emotional and instruments welcome! behavioral problems. Creative vols who love children Volunteers for Peace USA needed. Vols may be able to stay for an additional week US-VFP 3.1 17-Jun to 24-Jun (30-Jul to 4-Aug) to assist with camping trips. A in an his- Sierra Friends - Nevada City, California Family camp 10 toric house. There are no shops or restaurants in town. vols VFP Motivation form required. No smoking. Fluent English Residential educational institution focusing on peace, US-VFP 5.16 23-Jul to 06-Aug social justice and sustainable living, under the Quakers. Hilton-Winn Farm - Cape Neddick, Maine Agri/Kids 10v Play music, clear brush, learn folk dances, pick blackber- Educational farm experiences for children. To foster ries, put on new roofs, swim in the Yuba River, dig in the communication, tolerance and self-esteem through na- garden, create delicious meals, paint buildings. Shared ture and agricultural activities, and to help children gain cabins, central bathhouse, organic vegetarian meals in an understanding of our relationship to nature. W: Vols our dining hall. No alcohol or tobacco use on campus. do outdoor manual work, gardening, animal care, barn Families and parents with children welcome! A parent/ work, trail upkeep and work with kids. A: Within the farm- legal guardian must accompany children under age 18. house – beds and linens supplied. Vols should be moti- vated to work outdoors and with children. No smoking or USA VFP 3.3 30.06 - 14.07 drinking alcohol. Concord, New Hampshire Peace/Arts/Kids 12 Vols US-VFP 5.17 28-Jul to 11-Aug 18-30 Revite - Newport, New Hampshire Edu/Heri 10 vols Vols will work on community projects to include working The project will be working with the youth who will gain with counselors at the Audubon Society’s children’s na- academic credit in Social Studies by learning about vol- ture camp. The camp will demonstrate peace in the unteers' homelands and preparing a multi-media presen- tradition of Gandhi and Martin Luther King by living, work- tation for the community. W: Mornings will be semi-for- ing and enjoying cultural and outdoor activities together. mal instruction with use of computer labouratory; after- A: In the community rooms of the Unitarian Universalist noons will be cultural with cooking, games, music, etc. A church. Because vols are working with children, a po- In the local high school. Bring a sleeping bag and mat. lice check will be required. Please plan to arrive on time and remain for the entire workcamp., people skills and flexibility required. No smok- US-VFP 4.2A 01-Jun to 25-Jun ing or drinking on school grounds. Good English US-VFP 4.2B 21-Jun to 16-Jul US-VFP 6.6 07-Jul to 20-Jul US-VFP 4.2C 12-Jul to 09-Aug Solarfest - Tinmouth, Vermont Envi/Fest 12 vols US-VFP 4.2D 29-Jul to 01-Sep SolarFest is a weekend-long arts festival that is powered US-VFP 4.2E 23-Aug to 15-Sep entirely by renewable energy. Vols will help prepare the US-VFP 4.2F 14-Sep to 08-Oct site (a working horse farm) all involving hard physical la- Sprout - New York City Disa each 6-13 vols bour so please bring suitable clothing and footwear. A: In Sprout helps individuals with developmental & mental dis- a nearby rustic house and cabin with pond and ameni- abilities. Vols will co-lead small groups of adults with spe- ties. 99 Work will be site development activities, including natu- US-VFP 6.8 08-Jul to 28-Jul ral building, sustainable forestry, sheet mulching, trail and Montpelier Parks Department - Montpelier, Vermont fence building, irrigation and plantings. Vols must have Envi/Cons 10 vols strong English language skills. S: Permaculture, ecologi- Building a new trail for hikers, cross country skiers, and cal design, natural building, daily yoga, and others. Events mountain bikers and doing trail restoration work. all in- include SOLFEST ’07 (18/19 Aug. A: Camping! Bring camp- volving hard physical labour so please bring suitable cloth- ing gear and tent. Food is mostly vegetarian. Fluent Eng- ing and footwear. Please bring information about your lish required. country, hobbies, and life to share. A: In the Christ Church with shared cooking duties. Smoking and alcohol are not US-VFP 6.23 07-Aug to 18-Aug allowed in the Church Cross Vermont Trail Association - Montpelier, Vermont US-VFP 6.9 10-Jul to 24-Jul Envi/Manu 10 vols Garden Harvest- Glydon, Maryland Envi/Agri 8 vols The work is hard, heavy physical labour building a bike All crops produced at Garden Harvest farms are given to path working full days of about 7 hours. A: Volunteers will the poor Project is working on organic farm; caring for camp in tents provided. During the work week there is chickens, goats; building a greenhouse; tending orchards no electricity and no running water. We will get a chance and fences. a: vols will live in buildings or tents on the to take a shower just once in the middle of the camp. 100-acre farm Absolutely no alcohol, smoking or exclusive Food is provided and cooking is communal. Sturdy, leather, male/female relationships work boots and durable work clothes. US-VFP 6.13 16-Jul to 29-Jul US-VFP 6.27 22-Aug to 13-Sep Inter-Cooperative Council - Ann Arbor, Michigan Agri/ Wells National Estuarine Reserve - Wells, Maine Envi Manu 6v 6v We provide homes for students that equally embodies Helping prepare for and staff a large Nature Crafts Festi- quality living, community and social equality, all within val fund-raising event. Work involves set up and takedown, the cooperative movement. W The project to be com- assist with food, parking, recycling, and many other jobs pleted will be the landscaping of one of the house’s yard, CO–LEADER with clean driving record DESIRED. A: In dorm clearing trash, other yard work and in case of bad weather, with beds, kitchen, and common area: No smoking is al- interior painting. A: Housing in 1 or 2 rooms of an home lowed at any of the work sites or on the property of the with shared kitchen, bathroom, laundry. Bring sleeping Reserve. Willingness to do physical work outdoors under bag. Vols cook their own meals. variable weather conditions.

US-VFP 6.14 20-Jul to 27-Jul US-VFP 6.29 08-Sep to 22-Sep SCA NH Conservation Corps - New Hampshire State Parks Baxter State Park - Millinocket, Maine Envi 8 vols Envi/Cons 8 vols Work with park staff to accomplish campground restora- The 7-day work camp will consist of doing heavy manual tion, stain or paint park facilities, landscaping, and car- labour while working in an outdoor setting for conserva- pentry projects and work on trails throughout the park. tion. A: volunteers will stay in tents provided but should A: In primitive log cabins with no electricity and some bring camping items such as sleeping bag, pad, headlamp/ with no running water. Must bring a backpack, sturdy flashlight, rain gear, warm clothes, etc. Showers and flush hiking boots, work gloves and rain gear. Willingness to toilets are available in the campground. Volunteers will work hard, ability to hike up 8 miles No smoking. A com- help with cooking. Must be physically able to hike, live plete gear list will be sent with the information sheet. outdoors, and complete hard physical labour. No tobacco, US-VFP 8.4A 30-Jun to 13-Jul drugs, alcohol during project. US-VFP 8.4B 14-Jul to 27-Jul US-VFP 6.19A 30-Jul to 10-Aug US-VFP 8.4C 28-Jul to 10-Aug US-VFP 6.19B 13-Aug to 24-Aug Community Education And Development Center - Phila- US-VFP 6.19C 03-Sep to 14-Sep delphia, Pennsylvania Reno/Soci each 8 vols US-VFP 6.19D 17-Sep to 28-Sep Vols will work on renovation of CEDC building to house Green Mountain Club - Danby, Vermont Cons/Envi each the local & international vols; training local community 2 vols residents in computer technology and providing informa- For vols who are experienced at camping, no running tion about employment and job training opportunities; water or electricity. & must be able to carry a 27kg annual renovation of a church school. A Bed, showers backpack for several miles. Build a piece of the Appala- and a kitchen are provided. We are unable to accommo- chian Trail, a wilderness footpath that runs 2000 miles date individuals with alcohol or drug addiction problems. through the mountains of the eastern U.S. Sessions A and B are working on handicapped accessible trail boardwalk US-VFP 8.15 22-Jul to 19-Aug and treadway. Session C is reconstructing a hiking path Housing Works - New York City Soci/Medi 6 vols and by digging treadway and drainage ditches. Session D We provide services to the homeless with AIDS/HIV in New is working on a hiking path and helping to rebuild an old York. We are looking for hard working volunteers, with cabin. You will get muddy! Tents are provided. Volun- appropriate qualifications, interest and/or experience in teers must arrive in Danby on their first Sunday for orien- public health, social service, gerontology, nutrition or tation. Bring hiking boots, backpack, warm sleeping bag other medical or care giving background to perform health & sturdy work clothes. Work is physically demanding and care related activities. Volunteers will co-facilitate health is done outside in all weather. care groups, co-lead recreation trips in the community, escort clients to medical and other health care related US-VFP 6.22 06-Aug to 20-Aug appointments, and if necessary, perform administrative Mendocino Ecological Learning Center - Willits, Califor- tasks. A: Volunteers will be housed together in our nia Envi/Study 12 vols Brooklyn residence. Volunteers also have the opportu- 100 nity to qualify for academic credits. Questions - quite physical. Volunteers will also be interacting and [email protected]. VFP MOTIVATION FORM assisting with the summer teen arts program. A: Private REQUIRED. Fluent English required Spanish an asset. home on floors. Bring sleeping bag. Vols will be cooking US-VFP 8.20 03-Aug to 17-Aug communal. Be motivated to garden, and to do physical Common Ground Center - Starksboro, Vermont Cons/ and cultural work. Soci 6 vols We are expanding our camp so that more families, includ- US-VFP 9.7 08-Jul to 22-Jul ing those affected by illness, economic hardship and dis- Jefferson Mint Festival - Jefferson, Oregon Fest/Manu ability, can enjoy summer camp. Vols will be involved in 10v construction projects like building a playground, small Building park benches, landscaping, and improving vari- carpentry projects and grounds work. Vols will be in- ous components of the parks, help prepare festival cluded in camp activities such as arts, music, swimming grounds, music stage, booths, etc. The festival includes and hiking, and will be asked to do a short presentation music from local bands, daytime stage performances, car on an aspect of their culture. A: In tents. No alcohol. show, parade etc. A:Historic farmhouse. Meals are vegetarian. Smoking only in designated area. US-VFP 9.12 14-Jul to 29-Jul US-VFP 8.21 04-Aug to 11-Aug Mt. Holly Historical Museum - Belmont, Vermont Reno/ Dismas House - Rutland, Vermont Manu/Soci 8 vols Heri 8 vols Age 21+. The project is painting the exterior of a 3-story Volunteers will landscape and assist in maintenance and Victorian that is a transitional home for men and women restoration of the new house and the original blacksmith getting out of prison and reconciling with society and shop. A study portion will involve the history of rural the community. Vols will work with parishioners who have development. The hands on learning experience pro- chosen this project for service during the Church’s Mis- gram involves indoor and outdoor physical labour. Accom. sion Week. A: On the floor of an activity room at Grace in a community building on the lake. Campers must bring Congregational Church. Shared kitchen and bath. No sleeping bag & pillow. Showers available in local homes. shower on site. In the event of inclement weather, vols Vegetarian meals available No Smoking in buildings. may work on alternative, indoor projects in the commu- nity. No drug or alcohol use. US-VFP 9.28 24-Aug to 14-Sep Lyndhurst Estate - Tarrytown, New York Heri/Manu US-VFP 8.25 12-Aug to 26-Aug 8 vols Community For Creative Non-Violence - Washington, DC Vols will assist the Horticulturist with general maintenance, Soci/Manu 12 vols including debris removal, weeding, vine removal, and A shelter for homeless men, women and children. Work mulching. Vols may also have an opportunity to work with projects might include work at the shelter on the front the restoration crew on some of the buildings. Need to desk, resident's floors, mail room, clothing room, admin- be hard working and don't mind doing repetitive tasks. A: istrative tasks, giving tours, etc; cooking and serving meals Shared living space in a building. Full kitchen and bath. in the DC Central Kitchen; and other tasks as available. Pillows and beds are provided Vols must be flexible and willing to work independently on whatever projects become available. A: In the volun- US-VFP 11.18 29-Jul to 19-Aug teer dormitory. Bring sleeping bag. Only one meal per Orchard Valley School - East Montpelier, Vermont Cons/ day is provided for vols. Vols will self-cater all other meals Agri 10 vols from kitchen supplies or food purchased themselves. *Be Constructing a new building to house the growing middle prepared to purchase extra food supplies if necessary. school and finishing and painting the new classrooms. Fluent English. No smoking in living/sleeping area. DO NOT Also gardens, chicken coop and an orchard that need BRING VALUABLES. care. Guidance and instruction in biodynamic and sus- tainable growing practices will be available. A Depending US-VFP 8.26 19-Aug to 15-Sep on the number of volunteers, a combination of indoor Ufufuo - Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina Relief/Cons 15 housing in the farmhouse, early childhood building, as vols well as tenting. Volunteers will prepare meals. No Smok- This project involves working with the Quakers and Meth- ing or Alcohol Diversity encouraged – we have French, odist Relief Center on the construction and renovation Spanish and German speaking community members. of homes destroyed by hurricanes. Clients live in poverty and are handicapped, disabled and/or elderly. A: To be US-VFP 11.24 11-Aug to 25-Aug determined. Up-to-date tetanus inoculation required. Crystalaire Camp - Frankfort, Michigan Reno/Manu 8 This project is spiritually grounded with very high stand- vols ards of personal conduct. Absolutely no foul language, Historic museum renovation, garden/landscape work, and smoking, alcohol or drugs. Vols required to participate in painting and cleaning an old railroad car that will serve as interfaith discussions and Quaker spiritual activities. Not a welcome center at a trailhead. Vols will assist with meals. recommended for volunteers with severe asthma or weak- Non US co-leader would be welcome. A: Simple cabins ened immune systems, due to possible health risks. with no electricity. Centrally located hot showers and modern toilet facilities. No smoking at camp US-VFP 9.5 05-Jul to 26-Jul Art And Green Space - Boston, Massachusetts Envi/ Arts 8v Age 21 + Mixed Age. Vols will be working on gardening, clean up and maintenance in various gardens and spaces around Boston, often with groups of teens. This work is 101 LATIN AMERICA ECUADOR

EC-CHI 11.1 PRESERVATION AND EDUCATION 01/07-28/ MEXICO 07 12vols EC-CHI 11.2 PRESERVATION AND EDUCATION 05/08-1/09 MX-SCI 6.1 Instalaciones ecológicas desde la equidad - 12vols Orizaba, Veracruz. 2007-07-21 / 2007-08-3 VOLS EC-CHI 11.3 PRESERVATION AND EDUCATION 09/09-06/ El Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli A.C es una asociación 10 12vols civil sin fines de lucro con 10 años de experiencia en la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres y que existe gracias The Foundation Proyecto Ecológico Chiriboga started its a trabajo voluntario y a donativos. El colectivo trabaja en work in a place located 50 km in the southwest of Quito, Orizaba Veracruz y sus alrededores impulsando las in the Chiriboga region, here the Foundation protect a relaciones equitativas entre hombres y mujeres urbanas Reserve where they make Reforestation work and Pro- y rurales. Su principal línea de trabajo ha sido la prevención tection of the nature. Nowadays the Foundation works de la violencia contra las mujeres y su atención. Trabaja in other places of Ecuador in the sensibilization of the con grupos de mujeres y hombres en coordinación protection of the environment in schools, and with Chil- tratando de incidir en cambios sociales para mejora dren with Disabilities. condiciones generales de vida con equidad de género. THE FOUNDATION DOES NOT WORK WITH THE CHIRIBOGA Una de las líneas que ha empezado a trabajar con apoyo COMMUNITY, but it does with other ones. de CEMIAC es la de educación ambiental, y saneamiento The volunteers collect baby trees from the mountain, fill ecológico como una manera directa de mejorar plastic bags with soil to plant more seeds ion order to let condiciones de salud y prevención de la contaminación trees to continue the reforestation with the next groups. de medioambiente.W: Construcción de baños secos They will also help in every need the project has in the ecológicos para viviendas.El trabajo esta centrado en la moment. The volunteers who do not have any Spanish impartición de talleres de sensibilización ambiental y de knowledge will be assisted by the volunteers who do have salud, especialmente relacionados con el uso del agua y it. After two weeks of this work in the Proyecto Chiriboga, saneamiento en compañía de gente del colectivo o de they will come back to Quito CEMIAC.S: Capacitación en la construcción de los baños and then they will travel to the Coast to assist the chil- secos.Un día de introducción y ambientación en Orizaba dren of some schools in the Jipijapa town teaching some con el Colectivo feminista Cihutlahtolli en la Casa de las English classes and depending on their skills with the Span- mujeres \"Zihuakaizintli\", posteriormente l@s volutari@s ish language they can give some conversation about Envi- se trasladaran a la comunidad donde serán presentados ronment Protection. en una reunión a todos los miembros del grupo con el Work: The volunteers will help in the Reserve of the Foun- cual trabajarán. A: Se hospedarán en casas de la gente dation making Reforestation work and will teach some de la comunidad para interactuar de una manera más Basic English classes in schools from other communities. intensa y que los voluntari@s se adapten rápidamente a Study part.- In the meeting day, the President of the la localidad. X: El costo del campo es de 10 USD por día, Foundation gives some que es un costo total de 210. information to the volunteers about the Foundation ac- MX-SCI 2.1 Think global, act local - Xilitla, San Luis Potosí tivities, localization 2007-07-23 / 2007-08-19 10Vols of the Proyecto Chiriboga and the community where the W:• Work physicly in the construction of a guest house volunteers will assist for a social tourism project.• Exchange points of view after the Proyecto Chiriboga Placement. Weekends are about the productive chain of coffee and tourism.• Carry free to go to everywhere, visiting some beaches, La Plata out workshops with recreational, educational and/or Island (the Galapagos for the poor people). If the volun- productive nature. Support on workshop already drew teers need any help to plan their travel around Ecuador, up by SCM: - Design of pamphlets of the tourism project. Virginia can assist you, she is a tourist guide. Working in the computer of the companions and teach- Accommodation.- Lodging is at the Proyecto Chiriboga, ing to them to make that work of design. - Workshop of and "in the house" of handcrafts with material from the forest. Elaboration of the Foundation. Lodging in communities is with families bracelets, necklaces and earrings. of the schools. - Elaboration of soap and shampoo with wild plants. - Location: Chiriboga, Quito, Cocking local recipes with wild products and coffee.S: Language (required): Basic Spanish knowledge is required Debates about local vs global realities around the coffee Participation fee: 330 US$. and tourism will be regualarly carried out.A: The volun- Lodging and food (3 meals per day) (65%) teers will live in the guest house of the tourism project Materials and help to the foundation (35%) which is under construction and some days within the Any transportation is not included families to get closer to them.T: The community of Pilateno Other information.-The foundation can arrange a taxi at is at 9 km from the municipality of Xiltla in San Luis Potosí the airport you can ask for this,the cost is 8 dollars until state in México.X: The cost is 10 dollars/day with a total 22:00 hours after this time the cost is 10,00 dollars. If you cost of $280 USD. need to arrive some days before or to stay some days after the placement, the Foundation can offer some lodg- ing for USA$ 9,50 per day this include a place to sleep, breakfast and dinner. If you need to take some Spanish classes you can take with our teachers for low price, ask us for this information pleas

102 CEPA junto con los lideres comunitarios profesores, EC-GOL 6.1 Fundación Golondrinas FECHAS FLEXIBLES voluntarios, jóvenes y familias. La Provincia de Imbabura A: Con familias organizadas y beneficiarios del proyecto Fechas de inicio y fin. CEPA. Esta abierto y flexible durante todo el año, con el tiempo W: Al llegar, los participantes se organizarán para integrarse mínimo de tres semanas en las diferentes áreas de trabajo de CEP - Escuelas locales - sector Guallupe y comunidades Talleres comunitarios, visitas a familias, excursiones con cercanas grupos, actividades educativas en temas de genero - "Granja demostrativa peña negra" - sector guallupe autoestima, agricultura orgánica y pecuario, grupos - "Estación científica santa rosa" y el Corazón - sector deportivos, ‘Consejo Infantil-Juvenil’, “Red de Niñas/os”, bosque protector golondrinas w: Descripción de las etc. Nuevas ideas propuestas.S: Realidad política, social, actividades (físicas-manuales y de estudio)- Plantación de económica y cultural de Nicaragua. Políticas sobre la Niñez hortalizas en las escuelas y Granja Peña Negra y Adolescencia. Genero, realidad de los campesinos - Mantenimiento y reconstrucción de áreas dentro de “Formas de seguir colaborando una vez concluido el Guallupe y Santa Rosa: invernaderos, formación de campo.X: Cuota 200 Euros terrazas, preparación del suelo para plantar, preparación de material manual y educativo para las escuelas dentro NI-CEP 2.1 Matagalpa 2007-07-10 / 2007-07-305 Vols del Programa de Educación Ambiental. Su objetivo principal es ofrecer un espacio de trabajo en - Clases de ingles y e educación ambiental, investigación el que conocer la realidad nicaragüense y la de sus tanto en flora como en fauna, manejo de criadero de jóvenes en particular. Que la experiencia sirva para animales pequeños como pollos, chanchos, cuyes; promover un compromiso permanente de tod@s por aprovechamiento y uso de los recursos naturales, manejo trabajar activamente desde nuestros lugares, al regresar, adecuado de silbopastoril (combinación de pasto y árboles) por la resolución del conflicto Norte-Sur en la medida de para la producción de ganado bovino. lo posible. Compartir la experiencia y el trabajo diario de Alojamiento: CEPA junto con los lideres comunitarios profesores, Primera estación: voluntarios, jóvenes y familias.A: Con familias organizadas El alojamiento de los voluntarios se encuentra en la y beneficiarios del proyecto CEPA.W: Al llegar, los Comunidad de Guallupe, lugar donde la organización participantes se organizarán para integrarse en las cuenta con Casa de alojamiento. Habitaciones compartidas diferentes áreas de trabajo de CEPA.Talleres comunitarios, separadas para hombres y mujeres. Se cuenta con visitas a familias, excursiones con grupos, actividades servicios básicos de agua, luz, teléfono, transporte público educativas en temas de genero autoestima, agricultura hacia la Ciudad de Ibarra, Centro de Salud. orgánica y pecuario, grupos deportivos, ‘Consejo Infantil- Segunda estación: Juvenil’, “Red de Niñas/os”, etc. Nuevas ideas Con relación a la reserva la organización cuenta con una propuestas.S: Realidad política, social, económica y cul- cabaña dentro del Bosque Nublado, la estación científica tural de Nicaragua. Políticas sobre la Niñez y Adolescencia. “Santa Rosa” donde se ofrece alojamiento en esta área Genero, realidad de los campesinos “Formas de seguir del proyecto. Existe servicio de luz y agua no potable colaborando una vez concluido el campo.X: Cuota 200 pero tenemos vertientes naturales. Euros Habilidades particulares en las voluntarias NI-APA 5.1 APAN, Diribamba 2007-07-21 / 2007-08-11 Adaptable, flexible, independiente, hábil y creativo en Vols: 5 trabajos que puedan servir en el programa de Educación W: El objetivo principal del campo de trabajo es ofrecer Ambiental, positivos a lo que se refiere a saber que lo un espacio detrabajo en el que conocer la realidad que ellos aporten a nuestro proyecto ayudara a las futuras nicaragüense y la de sus jóvenes generaciones, respetuosos a la cultura y formas de vida en particular. Que la experiencia sirva para promover un de la gente. También los voluntarios tienen que entender compromiso que estamos trabajando en mejorar los problemas del permanente de tod@s por trabajar activamente desde mal uso de los recursos, por eso se ha creado este nuestros lugares, al programa para lograr cambiar y mejorar las actitudes tanto regresar, por la resolución del conflicto Norte-Sur en la de la gente como de los voluntarios hacia el medio medida de lo ambiente. Colaboradoras en cualquier cosa que se posible. Compartir la experiencia y el trabajo diario de necesite dentro de la casa entre compañeros. APAN junto con Lengua: Español básico los profesores, voluntarios, jóvenes y familias. Extra: $70 por semana, mínimo tres semanas a)Actividades a realizar:Al llegar, los participantes se organizarán para integrarse en lasdiferentes áreas de trabajo de APAN: Talleres vocacionales, visitas afamilias, NICARAGUA excursiones con grupos, actividades educativas, grupos deportivos, Consejo Infantil-Juvenil, Red de Ninas, etc. + NI-CEP 2.2 Nicaragua, 2007-07-27 / 2007-08-15 Vols: nuevas ideas Total: 5 propuestas. S: Realidad social y cultural de Nicaragua. Políticas sobre la Ninez y Adolescencia. Código de la Ninez Su objetivo principal es ofrecer un espacio de trabajo en y la Adolescencia. Formas de seguir el que conocer la realidad nicaragüense y la de sus colaborando una vez concluido el campo.A:Con familias jóvenes en particular. Que la experiencia sirva para de jóvenes beneficiarios del proyecto APAN.X: promover un compromiso permanente de tod@s por Cuota de participación: 90 USD trabajar activamente desde nuestros lugares, al regresar, por la resolución del conflicto Norte-Sur en la medida de lo posible. Compartir la experiencia y el trabajo diario de 103 COLOMBIA

CO-FD 6.1 Sasardi integrated reserve and ecovillage AFRICA 2007-07-23 / 2007-08-10 Vols12 he Darién Foundation, which is a non-profit NGO which seeks and promote sustainable alternatives of produc- BURKINA FASO tion in order to decrease human pressure on the local ecosystems, thus support community and environmental BF-UJF-2.1 DIEBOUGOU 1 projects that ultimately will improve the living condition 16/07-06/08 of the local population.W: The volunteers will help in the 7 vols amelioration of infrastructure at the Reserve and Our partner is UJFRAD (Union de la Jeunesse Fraternelle Ecovillage Sasardi partly building with natural and local de Diébougou). During all the year, this association sug- material and with ecological gardening/agriculture. Vari- gests that the young people think about socio-economi- ous holistic and integrated activities will take place.The cal questions, about their responsibilities. UJFRAD urges main objective is to solve daily needs of a small commu- them to work and to defend the cultural and environ- nity in a more sustainable way, collaborate to the estab- mental heritage (by theatre). lishment of the reserve as center for exchange of expe- W : cleaning and reforestation, and the volunteers will riences and knowledge, a demonstration center as ex- participate to the creation of theatre play for the 20th ample for the local communities which shows that house- birthday of the association. holds can obtain sufficient livelihood and food security S : in the town of Diébougou by setting up small scale-production. Use and manage A : collective accommodation in school local resources in a sustainable manners in harmony with Q : very good French speaking nature that does not contribute to further environmen- X : arriving the 14th of July at most (someone of UJFRAD tal degradation and extinction of endangered species.In will keep you at the airport). order to contribute to this process the Foundation will FEES : 100.000 Fcfa (153 euros), local transport costs and set up a couple of experiences as examples, where the accommodation in Ouagadougou excluded. volunteers will participate in; 1) Rehabilitation and maintenance of the infraestructure BF-UJF-2.2 DIEBOUGOU 2 of the training center and visitors hostel. (carpentry and 08/08-28/08 building work). 7 vols 2) Planting and establishment of intercropping systems Our partner is UJFRAD (Union de la Jeunesse Fraternelle under ecological principles. (ecological gardening work) de Diébougou). During all the year, this association sug- S:During the camp the participants will get to know about gests that the young people think about socio-economi- the environmental, socio-economic and ethnic reality of cal questions, about their responsibilities. UJFRAD urges the region, and meeting the local population (black them to work and to defend the cultural and environ- afrocaribbean communities, indigenous and mestizo set- mental heritage (by theatre). tlements). There will be some gatherings and activities W : cleaning and reforestation, and the volunteers will together with the local inhabitants in order to get a closer participate to activities for the 20th birthday of the asso- relation with the locals. A:The hosting in the reserve of- ciation. fers basic accommodation with camping-mattresses, bed- S : in the town of Diébougou linen, hammocks and mosquito-nets. Food consists mainly A : collective accommodation in school of local products, mostly vegetarian. T: Integrated Re- Q : very good French speaking serve and Ecovillage Sasardi (RIES), municipality of Acandi X : arriving the 6th of August at most (someone of UJFRAD in the Chocó county close to the Triganá Bay, Caribbean will keep you at the airport). coast. The Reserve is located in a zone with a high FEES : 100.000 Fcfa (153 euros), local transport costs and biodiversity in the North West of Colombia, bordering with accommodation in Ouagadougou excluded. Panamá.The reserve is located one hour walk along a creek within the forest, from the Triganá Bay at the Urabá Gulf. There are daily departures from Turbo by motorboat (7.30 BOTSWANA AM) to the Triganá Bay (1 ½ hour trip approximately), crossing the Urabá Gulf. Turbo can be reached by plane BW-BWA 11.1 SER or bus from Medellín and Bogotá. It is also possible to 08/05/07 – 24/05/07 arrive through Panama City, from there by plane to Obaldia (close to the colombian border), and motor boat to Serowe Museum Capurganá and from there in another motorboat to Triganá PROJECT TYPE: Landscaping Bay.X: If there are not at least 4 volunteers the camp will be NO. OF VOLUNTEERS: 10 suspended.Volunteers are asked to contribute with 13 EUR per day/per person to cover cost of lodging and ABOUT THE HOST meals. Reduction for latinamerican volunteers 6 EUR. Khama Memorial Museum is in the pre-historic village of Serowe, which is one of the largest traditional villages in Africa. The museum has been working with the commu- nity of Serowe for around 17 years and during this time it has gained considerable understanding about the needs of the community in regard to maintaining and enhancing

104 knowledge about Botswana’s history. It is for this reason that the museum has come up with the idea of construct- NO. OF VOLUNTEERS: 10 ing a Youth Centre known as Motlaagana Youth Centre which is nearing completion through our international ABOUT THE HOST work camps for the past two years.. Mokolodi Nature Reserve is located around 15km south WORK of Gaborone wide range of animals can be seen in the The work includes landscaping in front of the newly con- reserve including leopards, giraffes, elephants and a vari- structed Youth Center and helping to beautify the area. ety of small animals and birds. There are numerous day Other projects will as well transpire as they continue and evening game drives and some educational lectures. on. For more information check their website at: ACCOMMODATION www.mokolodi.com Volunteers will be accommodated in tents and roundavels. There are showers for men & women with hot water W:helping in maintenance of the park by maintaining trail parks, helping in day to day business maintenance of the Places of interest around Serowe: park A:Camping equipments including tents will be pro- vided inside the reserve. There are a couple of interesting places around Serowe .This includes the Cemetery Of The Khama Empire who CAMP CODE: BW-BWA 6.4 PTB DATES: 26/06/07- 13/07/ was the first President and Chief Of the Bamangwato tribe. 07 LOCATION: Serowe Village PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation & Gardening There is as well the Khama Rhino Sanctuary which houses a lot of rhinos and other particular species of wild ani- No of Volunteers: 10 mals and is growing year by year. Participants who want to visit this area they can do so at their own expense or ABOUT THE HOST: Permaculture Trust of Botswana is a when arranged so by the group. rural development NGO that provides assistance in the area of Ecological land-use management. It strongly en- BW-BWA 6.2 KRS courages and support tradition and culture values hat relate to sustainable environmental use. Targeted groups DATES: 05/06/07 – 22/06/07 include:

LOCATION: Khama Rhino Sanctuary • Remote area dwellers • Rural small communal dwellers PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation • Other NGOs

NO. OF VOUNTEERS: 10 W:Extension of the garden (debushing),Maintenance of Khama Rhino Sanctuary lies 25km north of Serowe village. the garden (weeding, pruning, watering the vegetables, The sanctuary is a community trust and provides prime Maintaining the orchard near the office (planting trees habitat for white rhinoceros and many other species of and flowers), Feeding chickens and collecting eggs A: wild animals and birds. A black rhino has just been intro- Volunteers are accommodated in rooms made available duced in the park. For more information check their by the management. Provision of tents sometimes is avail- website at: www. khamarhinosanctuary.org able for those who want to use them. Toilet facilities are available at all times. WORK BW-BWA 6.5 MAUN Volunteers will assist in different activities in the park including patrolling with game scouts, reading and re- DATES: 10/07/07 – 26/07/07 cording wild animals every morning as they come to drink from the small dams. PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation

Core work: The other work includes maintenance of di- NO. OF VOLUNTEERS: 12 rectional signs around the park, cutting the grass around the electrified fence so that the animals don’t get elec- ABOUT THE HOST trocuted trying to graze near the fence. The village of Maun is around 927km North West of the ACCOMMODATION capital Gaborone. The work camp will take place inside the park, which is managed by the Department of Wildlife Big tents will be provided in the sanctuary at the and National Parks. It was established as a warm-up for Mokongwa camping site inside the sanctuary. There are tourist as they move further into the Okavango. Its wild showers with hot water and toilets. residents include giraffes, wild beast, baboons, warthogs and other species of small animals and birds. CAMP CODE: BW-BWA 6.3 MOK W:Renovation of the camping site, improving nature trails DATES: 12/06/07 – 28/06/07 and any other work that may be assigned by the warders. A: Camping tents will be provided. Showers and toilets LOCATION: Mokolodi Nature Réserve are available at the camping site.

PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation 105 BW-BWA 11.2 TSOD: Mountain of the Gods* still to be con- NO. OF VOLUNTEERS: 10 firmed!!!!! Mokolodi Nature Reserve is located around 15km south Dates: 10/07/07-26/07/07 of Gaborone wide range of animals can be seen in the Location: Tsodilo Hills: Mountain of the Gods Village reserve including leopards, giraffes, elephants and a vari- Project Type: No Of volunteers: 10-15 ety of small animals and birds. There are numerous day About the Host: Tsodilo is in Ngamiland, north-west Bot- and evening game drives and some educational lectures. swana. Tsodilo is beautiful throughout the year; however, For more information check their website at: from April to September the heat and mosquitoes are not www.mokolodi.com so apparent. As well as rock paintings, Tsodilo is rich in W: helping in maintenance of the park by maintaining archaeological finds. Three rock shelters, White painting trail parks, helping in day to day business maintenance of Shelter, Depression Rock Shelter and Rhino Cave have the park. A:Camping equipments including tents will be been excavated. Rising majestically from the surrounding provided inside the reserve. Kalahari, Tsodilo is Botswana’s highest peak (1395metres) and a sacred landmark that has for thousand of years BW-BWA 5.8 SOS attracted people to live, trade and visit. A local !Kung LOCATION TLOKWENG legend, says Tsodilo was once a family ….a father, mother DATES: 21/08/07 - 07/09/07 and children, hence the names of cliffs: Male, Female, Project Type: Social Work Child No of volunteers: 10 For more information you can see the website: www. ABOUT THE HOST: Botswana-museum.gov.bw Tlokweng “Save Our Soul” (SOS) is an Non-Governmental Organization willing to assist all children in Botswana who W: There will be a community project that we will be have suffered family problems like negligence, street kids assisting the community on. There are working on a com- and to keep them away from those definitions. It pro- munity garden, a well for watering the garden. So it will vides accommodation for them and provides schooling as involve fencing the project, building the well. well. All the necessary logistics for the welfare of the So participants are urged to be very creative on this and children is upon them to make sure and provide regular must commit to working towards community development counselling to them. It has different branches around work. NOTE: This project is very far from the resources Botswana and is well known for its commitment to chil- and enthusiasm and flexibility, cooperation and approach dren of the country. to some issues will be required at all times. Participants should understand that other provisions of other serv- W:Social work…participants are urged to be creative and ices won’t be made. Basic food will be provided just like come up with initiatives that can be a lesson for those in any other workcamp and water is as well safe for kids. Working with children is every day duty. The work drinking.A:Tsodilo has various designated campsites and will be to help with everyday logistics of the running of male/female ablutions. Participants are urged to bring the SOS centre and be supportive around those lines. their own tents please. A:Participants will be housed and you are urged to bring your own tents if you need privacy. BW-BWA 6.6 KRS DATES: 24/07/07 – 10/08/07 CAMPCODE: BW-BWA 6.9 KRS LOCATION: Khama Rhino Sanctuary DATES: 27/11/07 - 14/12/07 PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation NO. OF VOLUNTEERS: 10 LOCATION: Khama Rhino –Serowe


Khama Rhino Sanctuary lies 25km north of Serowe village. PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation The sanctuary is a community trust and provides prime habitat for white rhinoceros and many other species of Khama Rhino Sanctuary lies 25km north of Serowe village. wild animals and birds. A black rhino has just been intro- The sanctuary is a community trust and provides prime duced in the park. For more information check their habitat for white rhinoceros and many other species of website at: www.khamarhinosanctuary.org wild animals and birds. A black rhino has just been intro- duced in the park. For more information check their WORK website at: www.khamarhinosanctuary.org Volunteers will assist in different activities in the park including patrolling with game scouts, reading and re- W:Volunteers will assist in different activities in the park cording wild animals every morning as they come to drink including patrolling with game scouts, reading and re- from the small dams cording wild animals every morning as they come to drink from the small dams. A:Big tents will be provided in the A:Big tents will be provided in the sanctuary at the sanctuary at the Mokongwa camping site inside the sanc- Mokongwa camping site inside the sanctuary and you can tuary and you can bring your own tents. There are show- bring your own tents. There are showers with hot water ers with hot water and toilets. and toilets. BW-BWA 6.10 MAUN CAMP CODE: BW-BWA 6.7 MOK DATES: 27/11/07 - 14/12/07 DATES: 07/08/07 – 24/08/07 LOCATION: Mokolodi Nature Réserve LOCATION: MAUN EDUCATIONAL PARK PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation 106 NO OF VOLUNTEERS: 10 dren coming from the street. This village knows all the problems related to the urbanization: disinherited chil- PROJECT TYPE: Environmental Conservation dren (children of street), given up children, delinquency, prostitution, drug etc. To solve these scourges, Dunia is Maun Educational Park is park that provides education to running a project of opening of reception centre for the schools of Maun under Ecological Management. It children of the street in the village of Ahouabo; in order houses wild animals like wild-beast, warthogs, Impalas, to accommodate and educate the children having lost all Duikers and wild Zebras. family assistance (because of death of the parents or abandonment). The centre will open in October 2007. W: helping in maintenance of the park by maintaining W: The volunteers will have to help for the construction trail parks, helping feed animals & day to day mainte- and will help to make a programme of sensitizing in the nance of the parkNOTE: REPORTS FROM PARTICIPANTS: schools on the children’s street phenomena, to make we encourage participants to send us reports after their proposals how the centre can be directed , compared experience at the workcamp with recommendations so to other similar centres, etc.) that we can improve our workcamp quality. So please A: In the centre. send them via e-mail or through the post box and we S: During the camp, the volunteers will discover the tech- urge partner organizations to send us reports as well, niques of production of attiéké; this food has much suc- even if it is terrible workcamp, or good workcamp, we cess in the area. welcome all kinds of them, which is the only way we can X: Participation fee: 160 • provide quality workcamps CI-DUN 9.3: Animation of a library and cultural program IVORY COAST with children 11/7 – 31/7, 2007, Number of volunteers: 15 CI-DUN 9.1: Abengourou from the 7 to July 27, 2007 Number of volunteers: 15 Dimbokro, the capital of N’ZI-Comoé. In majority Dimbokro is populated by a tribe called Baoulé. People produce Abengourou (Indénié region). In the past Abengourou was coffee and cocoa. one of the most important productive and commercial In this city, there are a lot of primary and secondary points of cocoa in the country. schools, but this city is confronted to a lack of reading Abengourou has a lot of different school in general edu- and research centre. To correct this problem, Dunia cation, technical, school and professional school includ- opened with the General Council’s collaboration a ing the artistic centre Charles Bieth. Opened in 1969, communitarian library. Today this library has a lot of suc- the centre trains young people with the trades of pen- cess. manship, of painting, artist publicity, portrait and deco- W: The work camp aims to help for the animation of the ration. library with meetings of reading with the children, of film This school helped a lot of young men to get a profes- projections with collective discussions and plays in or- sional insertion. Unfortunately, today this it’s abandoned. der to occupy them during the holidays. Indeed, after Bieth left, the centre hadn’t financial and S: During the camp, it will be possible to discover the material contribution anymore. traditional life in Baoulé country. The manual manufac- ture of the traditional clothes which make the reputa- W: The camp aims to help for the rehabilitation of this tion of the area could be tested. centre by repairing the painting and doing a renovation A: in the local high school sleeping rooms of the benches; that could improve the centre walking. X: Participation fee: 160 • Bring all things useful for drawing, films or books for chil- S: Possibility to learn the culture of the Agni tribe. A com- dren…. munity considered for its hospitality and its social organi- zation. Abengourou has also an important background (artistic and cultural: traditional dances) and a diversi- CI-DUN 9.4: Animation of the library and cultural activi- fied . ties with the children, San Pédro from the 11 to August L: French 31 2007, Number of volunteers: 15 A: Accommodation: on the centre San Pédro is a harbour city located at 600 kilometres in X: Participation fee: 160 • the south-east of the country. It is the capital of the Bas Bring all material used for painting and wood work Sassandra administrative area. The population is around 300 000 inhabitants. In majority, San Pédro is populated CI-DUN 5.2 : Sensitizing and construction of a centre for by a tribe called Kroumen. Agriculture is the most popu- street children ,4/8 – 24/8, 2007, Number of volunteers: lar activity. Dunia opened a library for the interest of the 15 schools and the other population. W: The camp aim consists to do a real animation of the Ahouabo is a small village located in the area of Anyama, a library organising meetings of reading with the children, suburb of Abidjan. The population is around 1000 habitants. of film projections with discussions and plays. This project The principal activities are fishing and agriculture. The is done after a request of the general council of San tribe living there is called Attié. The women produce and Pédro. It’s the same project with Dimbokro’s one. sell attiéké, the most popular food in the region. The village has electricity, equipped with a primary school of S: The work camp will permit to discover the how is the 6 classes and a centre of health. It is a favourite place for life in this part of the country (Kroumen area), the mar- education and rehabilitation to a normal life for the chil- vellous beaches (Monogaga….) and all the incredible ma- 107 rine wildlife. -Teaching -Capacity building -Community visits KE-KVD 11.083 August 6th -28th 2007 EASTERN MACHAKOS 30vols KE-KVD 11.101 October 8th -30th 2007 Food security, sustainable agriculture in support of com- CENTRAL KIAMBU 30vols munity self-help initiatives Identity crisis: The Youth agenda to propel grassroots -Construction development -Teaching and counseling -Construction -Outreach on youth issues -Teaching -Community visits -Guiding and counseling -Career canceling for the youth KE-KVD 11.084 August 6th -28th 2007 -Community visits NYANZA TRANS MARA 30vols Peace building and conflict transformation KE-KVD 11.111 November 4th -26th 2006 -Construction WESTERN KAKAMEGA 30 vols -Tree planting Poverty: Empowering the local people to tackle local -Outreach on peace work. developmental challenges -Community visits -Construction -Awareness creation on poverty and education on Income KE-KVD 11.085 August 6th -28th 2007 generating activities COAST WALE 30vols -Community visits Girl child education -Construction KE-KVD 11.121 15th Nov. -5th Dec 2007 -Teaching COAST LAMU 40VOLS -Outreach at community on girl child education. Lamu city council -Community visits Impact of tourism on education -Construction KE-KVD 11.086 August 6th -28th 2007 -Outreach on tourism COAST MALINDI 30vols -Community visits Tourism: Pedophiles and upsurge of sex tourism -Construction LESOTHO -Teaching and counseling -Visits to historical sites of interest to enhance under- LS-LWA 8.1 2007-06-04 / 2007-06- 18 Khubelu Maseru standing on the evolution of local circumstances Low Income House Construction, -Community visits 10vols W: Construction of low income houses in support of the KE-KVD 11.087 August 6th -28th 2007 lowest of the low income earners in partnership with COAST TAITA TAVETA 30vols Habitat for Humanity Lesotho. Poverty alleviation through primary health care for com- A: LWA Training Centre with showers, toilets and beds. munities”) L: English. -Construction T: About 10km on the outskirts of Maseru city -Guiding and counseling X: Places of interest: The city, Thaba Bosiu national monu- -Outreach on health issues ment and many more. -Community visits X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- can based volunteers and this covers transport between KE-KVD 11.088 August 6th -28th 2007 LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food NYANZA KURIA 30vols and accommodation, insurance cover during service as Peace building and conflict transformation well as processing of applications. -Brick making -Outreach on peace work LS-LWA 8.10 01-06 / 2008-01-17 -Teaching Ha Salemone, Maseru District2008- -Community visits 10Vols W: Construction of pit latrines for members of the com- KE-KVD 11.091 September 3rd-26th 2007 munity. NYANZA TRANS MARA 30vols A: Classrooms with simple pit-latrines and no showers. Cultural heritage: The Maasai community L: English. -Construction T: 198km south east of Maseru in the rugged mountains -Teaching of Lesotho. -Outreach at community X: Places of interest: The spectacular scenery around -Community visits Semonkong town and the Maletsunyane Falls (192m). Horse riding and hiking are a must-do. KE-KVD 11.092 September 3rd-26th 2007 X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- WESTERN BUTERE-MUMIAS 30vols can based volunteers and this covers transport between Poverty eradication: Micro finance strategy to support LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food community self-help initiatives and accommodation, insurance cover during service as -Construction well as processing of applications. 108 LS-LWA 10.3 2007-06-15 / 2007-06-27 LS-LWA 8.2 2007-06-18 / 2007-06-29 Hanger’s Hope Church Construction, Berea District Ha Salemone, Maseru District 10Vols 15Vols W: Construction of pit latrines for members of the com- W: Construction of a church. munity. A:A simple private house without bath/shower. A: Classrooms with simple pit-latrines and no showers. L: English. L: English. T: 25km north of Maseru city and 15km south-west of TY. T: 198km south east of Maseru in the rugged mountains X: Places of interest: Mohokare river, Mokhethoaneng of Lesotho. plateau and Maseru city X: Places of interest: The spectacular scenery around X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- Semonkong town and the Maletsunyane Falls (192m). Horse can based volunteers and this covers transport between riding and hiking are a must-do. LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- and accommodation, insurance cover during service as can based volunteers and this covers transport between well as processing of applications. LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food and accommodation, insurance cover during service as LS-LWA 10.5 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-27 well as processing of applications. Hanger’s Hope Church Construction, Berea District 15Vols W: Construction of a church. LS-LWA 8.4 2007-07-13 / 2007-07-27 A:A simple private house without bath/shower. Ha Salemone, Maseru District 10Vols L: English. W: Construction of pit latrines for members of the com- T: 25km north of Maseru city and 15km south-west of TY. munity. X: Places of interest: Mohokare river, Mokhethoaneng A: Classrooms with simple pit-latrines and no showers. plateau and Maseru city L: English. X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- T: 198km south east of Maseru in the rugged mountains can based volunteers and this covers transport between of Lesotho. LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food X: Places of interest: The spectacular scenery around and accommodation, insurance cover during service as Semonkong town and the Maletsunyane Falls (192m). Horse well as processing of applications. riding and hiking are a must-do. X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- LS-LWA 11.400 2007-09-10 / 2007-09-20 can based volunteers and this covers transport between Mokoallong HIV/AIDS Centre Gardening, Berea District LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food 20Vols and accommodation, insurance cover during service as W: The 400th workcamp (!!!) shall form part of the cel- well as processing of applications. ebrations of LWA\'s 30th anniversary. Among other things the activities shall include working on the farm owned by LS-LWA 8.6 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-27 the centre where looking after animals and tilling the soil Training Centre Renovations, Maseru District 10Vols for production of vegetables and other crops shall be W: Renovations of the centre in preparation for 30th the major focus anniversary of the association. A: The centre has several accommodation options but if A:LWA Training Centre with showers, toilets and beds not sufficient the local primary school shall be used. L: English. L: English. T: No. 22 Cathedral Area, Maseru city. T: About 20km outside Maseru city on top of the Berea X: Places of interest: Mohokare river, Mokhethoaneng Plateau. plateau and Maseru city. X: Places of interest: The city, Thaba Bosiu national monu- X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- ment and many more. can based volunteers and this covers transport between X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food can based volunteers and this covers transport between and accommodation, insurance cover during service as LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food well as processing of applications. and accommodation, insurance cover during service as well as processing of applications. LS-LWA 8.8 2007-12-06 / 2007-12-19 Ha Salemone, Maseru District 10Vols LS-LWA 11.9 2008-01-06 / 2008-01-17 W: Construction of pit latrines for members of the com- Mokoallong HIV/AIDS Centre Gardening, Berea District munity. 15vols A: Classrooms with simple pit-latrines and no showers. W: Among other things the activities shall include work- L: English. ing on the farm owned by the centre where looking after T: 198km south east of Maseru in the rugged mountains animals and tilling the soil for production of vegetables of Lesotho. and other crops shall be the major focus. X: Places of interest: The spectacular scenery around A: The centre has several accommodation options but if Semonkong town and the Maletsunyane Falls (192m). Horse not sufficient the local primary school shall be used. riding and hiking are a must-do. L: English. X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- T: About 20km outside Maseru city on top of the Berea can based volunteers and this covers transport between Plateau. LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food X: Places of interest: The city, Thaba Bosiu national monu- and accommodation, insurance cover during service as ment and many more. well as processing of applications. X: Participation fee of US$200 is required from non Afri- can based volunteers and this covers transport between 109 LWA head-office in Maseru and the workcamp sites, food gether in collaboration with the department of environ- and accommodation, insurance cover during service as ment. well as processing of applications. Accommodation Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. MOZAMBIQUE Location Xai-Xai is the name of the capital of Gaza province and is MZ-AJU 11.01 Manhiça District, (Maputo Province) also of a popular beach resort out of town 10km. on the Date: 02 – 17 /07/07 north bank of Limpopo, Xai-Xai was founded in early 20th 20vols century as a satellite port to Lourenço Marques and to Work service local towns. Being so close to the banks of Limpopo In cooperation with local Municipality the volunteers will River, xai-xai was hit very hard by the floods in 2000. do different communities activities as well as carrying MZ-AJU 11.05 Maputo National Reserve (Maputo Province) out various environmental tasks and cultural activities with Date: 25/07 – 08/08/07 the local community. 20vols Accommodation Work Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- Location tal tasks inside the natural reserve in collaboration with Manhiça District is located about 80 km away from Maputo, the Department of the Areas of Conservation of the Min- Mozambique Capital City. One of its beauty is on the plan- ister of Tourism, and environment education as well as tations sugar cane (with two factories: Maragra and take part in the community organized activities. Xinavane) and bananas that supplies Maputo and all the Accommodation southern part of Mozambique. Huts or Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering. Location:The Maputo Natural Reserve, with 1040 km² of MZ-AJU 11.02 Chimanimani (Manica Province) area (locally known as Reserva Especial de Maputo) is Date: 02/07 – 17/07/07 located in the southernmost part of Mozambique, 79 km 20vols south of Maputo Province, on the Inhaca Peninsula. It Work:Volunteer will help to build small path along the encompasses the area from the Indian Ocean on the east- mountain in order to prevent erosion as well as helping ern boundary to the Rio Maputo on the western edge. the administration of the nature conservation area to The Maputo reserve is part of the Lubombos Tran fron- register the number of people living in the reserve. tier park, which links the Maputo Elephant Reserve in Accommodation Mozambique through the Futi Corridor and the Lubombo In huts or tents provided by the local authorities, self Conservancy in Swaziland to the Tembe Elephant Park in catering and so showers. South Africa, creating the first major elephant strong- Location hold along Africa's eastern coastline. Chimanimani is located at the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique about 250 km from Chimoio, the capital MZ-AJU 11.06 Gorongoza National Park, (Sofala Province) of Manica Province. Chimoio is the fifth largest city and is Date: 25/07 – 08/08//07 the archetypal small southern Africa town. 20vols MZ-AJU 11.03 Ilha de Moçambique, (Nampula Province) Work: With the assistance of the department of National Date: 02/07 – 17/07/07 Parks the Volunteers will try and preserve local trees which 20vols are in considered in danger species and find out how Work many people still living in the Park. The volunteers will The participant will live and work together with the local have the opportunity to take part in the process of re- volunteer and help in renovating the Local Hospital has construction of the park.Accommodation: well as painting the local Museum and the Fort of the Huts or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. Island. Location Accommodation Gorogosa Park is located in Sofala Province in the center Classroom or Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering. of Mozambique, about 1000 km away from the capital city Location of Mozambique (Maputo). Gorongoza National Park ex- Ilha de Mozambique is located about 200 km east of tends over the bracetygia-covered plains north of Beira Nampula city, the capital. Declared a UNESCO Cultural Corridor to the south-eastern base of mount Gorongoza. Heritage Site in 1992 is linked to the mainland by 1.5 km Formerly regarded as one of the southern Africa’s finest long single lane causeway, the crescent shaped island wild life reserves, attracting over 12,000 visitors a year, measures a mere 2.5km from north to south and is at no with more game than the much larger Kruger National point more than 600m wide. Despite of its small size the Park in South Africa, the area became central battle- island support a population of roughly 7000 and as the ground during the Civil war ended in 1992. Since the war most important Portuguese settlement on the East Afri- ended a lot of work has been done to reopen the park to can coast for the best part of the centuries, it boast visitors. Landmine have been lifted, bridges repaired and several of the oldest extant colonial buildings in the south- lodges rebuilt. ern hemisphere. MZ-AJU 11.07 Zalala Beach, (Zambezia Province) Date: 15/08- 30/08/07 MZ-AJU 11.04 Xai-xai Beach (Gaza Province) 20vols Date: 25/07/07 – 08/08/07 Work 20vols The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- tal tasks at Zalala beach as well as take part in the com- Work munity organized activities. The volunteer will carry out environmental activities to- Accomodation: 110 Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self Catering. earlier build by AJUDE as well as carry out many other Location environmental activities in collaboration with the local 27 kms away from Quelimane, the capital of Zambezia Prov- authorities. ince. Zambezia is located in the center part of Mozam- Accommodation bique, about 1665 kms from capital Maputo. Quelimane is Classroom or Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering Mozambique fourth-largest town with a population of Location roughly 140,000. This city was almost founded by Muslim Bilene village is located about 180 km away from Maputo traders. The first Portuguese trading factory at Quelimane and 60 km from Xai-xai, the capital of Gaza province. It’s a was established in 1530 and the town appears on Portu- small village very well known due to its beautiful lago on guese maps dating from 1560. The surfaced road from and easy access to the ocean. Bilene is considered one Quelimane to Zalala passes through one of the most ex- of the most developed beaches in the country. tensive coco-nut palm plantation in Africa, and the wide sandy beach offers good swimming and surface. MZ-AJU 11.11 Ilha da Inhaca (Maputo Province) Date: 14/12 – 29/12//07 MZ-AJU 11.08 Tofo Beach (Inhambane Province) 20vols Date: 15/08/07 – 30/08/07 Work 20vols The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- tal and social tasks in cooperation with the local adminis- Work tration. The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- Accommodation tal tasks at Tofo beach as well as cultural activities in Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering Inhambane city. They will also take part on the environ- Location mental education programmes in the Ponta de Barra area Inhaca Island is situated about 40 km away from Maputo close to Inhambane. Capital City, being separated from it by the Indian Ocean. Accommodation With calm, warm and blue waters. Few steps on the right Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. there is another small island called “Ilha dos Portugueses”. Location The volunteers will have the opportunity to live in a very Inhambane Province is located in the South of Mozam- diverse ecosystem and also to get to see one of the most bique, about 420 kms from capital city Mozambique protected species, the aquatic turtles. It can take half (Maputo). The capital of Inhambane Province lies on a hour in a boat ride. The main economic activity is fishing. natural formed by a deep inlet at the mouth of the small Matumba River. Inhambane it’s the oldest extant settle- MZ-AJU 11.12 Chimoio (Manica Province) ment between Maputo and Beira. By the end of the 16 Date: 14/12 – 29/12//07 century it had been incorporated into Portuguese East 20vols Africa monopoly and had become a regular port of call for Portugues ivory-trade ships. Roughly 400 slaves were Work exported from Inhambane in 1762, a number that had In cooperation with local Municipality the volunteers will quadruped by the end of that decade while ivory export do different communities activities as well as carrying fugures steadily sank. out various environmental tasks and take part in the local community activities. Accommodation MZ-AJU 11.09 Catandica District (Manica Province) Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. Date: 15/08/07 – 30/08/07 Location 20vols Chimoio is located about 1100km from Maputo and 460 km from Harare. Work The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- MZ-AJU 11.13 Limpopo National Park, (Gaza Province) tal tasks at Tofo beach as well as cultural activities in Date: 14/12 – 29/12//07 20vols Inhambane city. They will also take part on the environ- Work mental education programmes in the Ponta de Barra area With the assistance of the department of Conservation close to Inhambane. areas of the Tourism Minister the Volunteers will try and Accommodation preserve local and natural ecosystem as well as working Classroom or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. in collaboration with the provincial government to reset- Location tling 6,500 of the 20,000 people living within the park Catandica District is located in Manica Province in the boundaries. The volunteers will have the opportunity to Center of Mozambique, about 1200 kms from capital city take part in the process of reconstruction of the park Mozambique (Maputo) and about 75kms from Chimoio, especially in the process of removing 16 km of fencing on Manica Capital City. Chimoio is the fifth largest city and is the east side of the park and also promoting environmen- the archetypal small southern Africa town. It is attractive tal education, responsible tourism and sustainable devel- for its landscape and for the climate. opment. Accommodation MZ-AJU 11.10 Praia do Bilene, (Gaza Province) Huts or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. Date: 05/09/07 – 20/09/07 Location The Limpopo National Park is located in Gaza Province in 20vols the southern part of Mozambique, about 200 km away Work from the capital city of Mozambique (Maputo). The The work will consist mainly on renovating a primary school Limpopo National Park is part of the Greater Limpopo 111 Cross frontier Park, established late in 2002, that also tree or shed. includes the Kruger National Park, in South Africa, and AIMS OF THE PROJECT: There are no enough classrooms the Gonarezhou Park, in Zimbabwe. The ambitious trans- for pupils. The existing classroom is crowded. There is national project has the main objective of creating an noise pollution so disturbance filters from other classes eco-tourism and forestry and wild life conservation area, to affect lecture. Tutors in the classroom find it difficult covering about 4.4 million hectares. Its wildlife makes it to impart knowledge. more attractive for tourism and activities related to it. RESPONSIBILITY OF VOLUNTEERS The major work here is the laying the foundation of 4 MZ-AJU 11.14 Bazaruto National Park, (Inhambane Prov- classrooms block. The walls will be raised, windows and ince) doors demarcated. The building could be constructed Date: 10/01 – 25/01//08 up till roofing level. 20vols Work NG-VWA 11.1807 18th August to 31st August, 2007 With the assistance the Department of Conservation ar- Agosasa in Ipokia Local Government area of Ogun State eas of the department of National Parks the Volunteers 5-10VOLS will try and preserve local fauna and flora of species con- CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMUNITY SECONDARY SCHOOL sidered in danger by active environmental education, BLOCK responsible tourism as well as promoting sustainable de- DESCPRITION OF PROJECT: This project is an educational velopment. The volunteers will have the opportunity to programme for the young adults. The uncompleted sec- take part in the local community activities. ondary school will be finished, plastered and painted. Accommodation AIMS OF THE PROJECT: It is purposely to give strength to Huts or Tents, no Shower, Self-Catering. the community along with other vassal villages in the area Location of improved facilities on education Bazaruto National Park is located in the Bazaruto Archi- RESPONSIBILITY OF VOLUNTEERS pelago (constituted by Bazaruto, Banguera and Magaruque The major work here is the laying the foundation of 4 Islands), Northern part of Inhambane Province in the south classrooms block. The walls will be raised, windows and of Mozambique, about 700 km away from the capital city doors demarcated. The building could be constructed of Mozambique (Maputo). It is considered an ideal spot up till roofing level. to relax and enjoy the sea and landscape, its natural surroundings (fauna and flora). The sunset here is an NG-VWA 11.1907 July 21st to August 11th 2007 amazing thing to see. in Ode Remo inNorthLocaGovernment of Ogun State. MZ-AJU 11.15 Nacala Porto (Nampula Province) 15-20VOLS Date: 10/01 – 25/01//08 COMMUNITY / TOWN HALL 20vols DESCPRITION OF PROJECT: A Community Town hall will Work be built for Orile Eporo. The community does not have a The volunteers will be carrying out various environmen- place of assembly for public meeting. The town hall lo- tal and social tasks in cooperation with the local munici- cated in the heart of the town and will serve about three pality. (3) other villages to share interest and aspirations to- Accommodation gether. Classroom or Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering AIMS OF THE PROJECT: The Baale and Chiefs of the town Location are very much interested in the communual efforts to Nacala is situated about 200 km north-east of Nampula raise the wall of the building. Youths in the village and city and 70 km from Ilha de Mocambique on a deep at- other communities will also join hands in the contruction. tractive bay of Fernao Veloso. Nacala is a port of some The vening of this project will be devoted to community regional importance and it has been maintained largely interaction, games and creating awareness on topical is- through the use of Malawian and Zambian capital. sues that affect bilateral relationship. RESPONSIBILITY OF VOLUNTEERS Volunteers should be ready to mix up with the commu- NIGERIA nity and various youths groups. Topical discussions will be held in the evening to absorb the community into voluntary service program at local level. NG-VWA 11.1607 18th August to 1st September, 2007 Igbo-Ora, Ibarapa Central Local Government of Oyo State. NG-VWA 11.2007 July 14th to August 4th 2007 10-20VOLS Ijrbu North East Area of Ogun State. CONSTRUCTION OF 4 CLASSROOMS BLOCK 15-20vols DESCPRITION OF PROJECT: This is a project specially pre- CONSTRUCTION OF A HEALTH CENTRE pared to alleviate the difficulties encountered by the DESCPRITION OF PROJECT: A Health Centre / Dispensary community. The project is located in Igbo-Ora, Home of Hall will be put up for a village in Idode. The Community Twins, where virtually in each home exists Twins children. Development Association took up the project to better The School has only one block of two classrooms and the health and improve on the child care system in the runs teaching for pupils from Primary 1 to 6. There is no State. It will later be upgraded to Maternity Home and sufficient space for the pupils. Each class has the dimen- Intensive Care. sion of about 14ft x 12ft. The class is sub-divided into AIMS OF THE PROJECT: This is to reduce the frequent two with mats to enable children of other classes enjoy hazards associated with health sector in the area and to lesson from the teacher. The other classes that cannot give more strength to the community on health care sys- benefit from the classroom received teaching under the tem 112 RESPONSIBILITY OF VOLUNTEERS daily tasks of the inhabitants. The project will start from the foundation level to the A : by host families. roofing stage. It is not compulsory that it has to finish. A Q : very good french speaking. continuous process will be initiated to complete the T: arriving between the 30th of June and the 2nd of July project for the community after the camp in conjunc- at Dakar. tion with Community Chief and :Leaders. X : 77 euros, local transport costs excluded. SN-EL-11.2 ENTENTES 2 03/08 - 26/08 NG-VWA 11.2207: 1st September to 30th September, 255vols 2007 The Ententes is a non-governmental association created village of Agbowa Ikosi, Ikorodu Local Government of by farmers. It wants to be an economic alternative for its Lagos State members. Its aims are : an education work, less inequal- 15-20vols ity in villages between Rich and Poor, stopping the emi- AGRICULTURE (BACK TO LAND) gration to big cities. DESCPRITION OF PROJECT: A large parcel of land has W : workcamp of immersion in small rural villages. Volun- been given for cultivation and plantation of various sea- teers will be separated by groups of 2 or 3 persons and sonal crops suitable for Farming. The land will be cleared will be hosted in a family. They will participate to the and plowed for ridges cultivation to take place. Some daily tasks of the inhabitants. gardens made available for piggery and poultry will also A : by host families. be nurtured. Q : very good french speaking. AIMS OF THE PROJECT: The objectives is to make food T : arriving between the 31th of July and the 2nd of abundantly available for the need of the populace and as August at Dakar. well enrich the beggars and destitute in our society. Part X : 77 euros, local transport costs excluded. of the agricultural produce shall be sent to Orphanage SN-EL-11.3 ENTENTES 3 and Child Care Centers. It will be a channel to provide 05/10- 28/10 partly for the need of the commoners in the society. 255vols Part of the sales made shall also be directed at providing The Ententes is a non-governmental association created other needs of the people. by farmers. It wants to be an economic alternative for its RESPONSIBILITY OF VOLUNTEERS members. Its aims are : an education work, less inequal- The work will consist of clearing, cultivating, planting, ity in villages between Rich and Poor, stopping the emi- harvesting and stocking up the proceeds already ripe. gration to big cities. The volunteers will have intimate relationship with Vil- W : workcamp of immersion in small rural villages. Volun- lage farmers and exchange practical ideas about culture, teers will be separated by groups of 2 or 3 persons and customs and Living in the Farm as a means of Suste- will be hosted in a family. They will participate to the nance. Rural/urban concept, nature/culture, daily tasks of the inhabitants. A : by host families. SIERRA LEON Q : very good french speaking. T : arriving between the 1th and the 4th of October at SL-VWA 11.1 2007-08-04 / 2007-08-18 Dakar. Rebuilding Sierra Leone X : 77 euros, local transport costs excluded. 18vols W:Camp House Reconstruction; Demarcation of the camp TOGO farm boundaries with trees; Planting of fruit trees; Re- productive health/HIV/Aids sensitisation. TG-AST 11.15 from 17/08 to 06/09/09 AGOTIME NYITOE A: Camp accommodation here is normally in community Agotimé Nyitoé is located in Agou district and far about buildings – a school, a community centre and in VWASL 35km from Kpalime. Through this village, you can go straight camp house once it is ready. The country’s staple food is to Ghana. . It will be eaten in the camp once a day. This will be The climate is the same as Agou and Kpalime area. supplemented by bread, fruit and other vegetables. L: English TG-AST 11.08: from 27/07 to 16/08/08 AGOU T: Maburveh (45km from Freetown, the capital) KUMAWU X: $200 or • 190(Payment to be made on volunteer’s ar- Agou Kumawu is a region that is renowned for its particu- rival in Freetown) lar mountainous geography and Togo’s highest summit, le Pic d’Agou at 986m altitude. SENEGAL The population, essentially consisting of peasants, offers a remarkable hospitality. SN-EL-11.1 ENTENTES 1 Agou is also special because of the diversity of its cul- 03/07- 26/07 tures and its tropical fruits. The village of Agou Kumawu 255vols itself inhabits 3000 people. The Ententes is a non-governmental association created by farmers. It wants to be an economic alternative for its TG-AST 5.10: KPALIME from 04/08 to 24/08/07 members. Its aims are : an education work, less inequal- The town of Kpalimé inhabits around 80000 people. Here, ity in villages between Rich and Poor, stopping the emi- you can find a post-office, telephone, fax, internet, a gration to big cities. hospital, a market, banks, video clubs, hotels, bars and W : workcamp of immersion in small rural villages. Volun- restaurants that offer traditional as well as European food teers will be separated by groups of 2 or 3 persons and and a swimming pool. It is a friendly town situated in will be hosted in a family. They will participate to the 250m altitude. We will visit the arts centre and the weav- 113 ing-ateliers of Kpalimé. share of young people in the population of is exception- Taking the route to Kpando up the mountains, you are ally high. Most of the 2500 inhabitants live from peas- passing cascades, woods of teak and lush vegetation. Af- antry. ter some 11km, one reaches Kloto in 600m altitude. One You can visit the cascades of the village and Yoh. You can can make a stop in the comfortable campement where a also visit historical german places and towns of Ghana as restaurant, bar and sculptures can be found. Kpando and Hohoe. Passing some goats, you reach Missahohé, a picturesque Typical tropical fruits are waiting there for you! site dominated by the Mount Kloto (960m), from where you have magnificent views over Kpalimé and Mount Agou. TG-AST 11.02: from 12/07 to 01/08/07 KPALIME One can ask to visit the Chateau Hausberg, promenade The town of Kpalimé inhabits around 40000 people. Here, through the beautiful forest of Yoh and see its cascades, you can find a post-office, telephone, fax, internet, a numerous flowers, pineapples and wild mangos. hospital, a market, banks, video clubs, hotels, bars and restaurants that offer traditional as well as European food TG-AST 5.11 : 07/08 AU 27/08/07 GBOTO VODOUPE and a swimming pool. It is a friendly town situated in DU 250m altitude. We will visit the arts centre and the weav- Gboto-Vodoupe is a small village in Tagbligbo far from Lomé ing-ateliers of Kpalimé. about 70kilometres. This village has his speciality; you can Taking the route to Kpando up the mountains, you are find how the inhabitant makes the local alcohol call passing cascades, woods of teak and lush vegetation. Af- “SODABI”. You can find the local dancing group and you ter some 11km, one reaches Kloto in 600m altitude. One will be enjoyed in participating the main population ac- can make a stop in the comfortable campement where a tivities. Don’t forget that you’ll meet the typical product restaurant, bar and sculptures can be found. of Africa Such as banana, orange, avocados Passing some goats, you reach Missahohé, a picturesque NB:This type of workcamp is associated with the social site dominated by the Mount Kloto (960m), from where and educational with children one you have magnificent views over Kpalimé and Mount Agou. One can ask to visit the Chateau Hausberg, promenade TG-AST 5.12 10/08 AU 30/08/06 KATI through the beautiful forest of Yoh and see its cascades, TG-AST 5.13 12/08 AU 02/09/06 MASSEDA numerous flowers, pineapples and wild mangos. TG-AST 5.14 DU 14/08 AU O3/09/06 AGOME-TOMEGBE The activities The Activity -renovating social, educational and sanitary infrastruc- This type of workcamp consists in teaching primary and tures: volunteers will essentially do building work, wood- secondary students in basic subjects: French, Maths, work and painting English, Physics, German and General knowledge. - preparing and leading a group of painting and discus- Depending on group the volunteers, may be, and would sion with young people of the village on current topics participate for these activities like: such as children exploitation; environment protection; to guide the children in different activities. girls education; AIDS Work with children in the different workshops: modelling writing and producing a theatre that may educate the workshop: making of different things for drawing, games, population. This kind of workcamp often ends with show- talk, tales and songs dance and music. ing of the works of the group of village painting, theatre the volunteers can presented typical cultural aspects of production, dance and percussion, batik, ceramic…. their country as songs, and can participate to commu- nity activities as sensitization about how to promote lo- TG-AST 11.04: from 18/07 to 07/08/07 DANYI YIKPA cal development about hygiene and environment protec- Danyi is a mountainous region that is known for its pla- tion for their free time. teaus and its tropical climate. It is also a region full of a TG-AST 5.12 : 10/08 au 30/08/07 Kati variety of fruits and natural sights like the cascade of Kati is a region that is known for its particular mountain- Yikpa. Its population is essentially young and lives from ous geography and Togo’s highest summit, le Pic d’Agou peasantry and agriculture at 986m altitude. TG-AST 11.06: from 24/07 to 13/08/07 AGOU NYOGBO The population, essentially peasants and merchants of- Agou is a region that is renowned for its particular moun- fers a remarkable hospitality. tainous geography and Togo’s highest summit, le Pic d’Agou Kati is also special because of the diversity of its cultures at 986m altitude. and its tropical fruits. By this village, you can visit the The population, essentially consisting of peasants, offers historical town Notse where all inhabitants of southern a remarkable hospitality. Togo had settled first. Agou is also special because of the diversity of its cul- Kati market converge many people of Togo and gives a tures and its tropical fruits. The village of Agou Nyogbo diversity of tropical fruits. itself inhabits 3000 people. TG-AST 5.13 12/08 au 02/09/07: Masséda Masséda is small village situates about 80 km to Lomé and TG-AST 11.07: from 29/07 to 18/08/07 AGRIPA TODZI not so far to the biggest regional hospital AFAGNAN. By AGRIPATODZI is situated not far from the international this village you can cross easily Benin and another town road lead to the Togo- Ghana border near Kpalimé town. located at Maritime Region. Through this village, you can The name of this village implies its touristy aspect since it visit and know important towns as Aného, Vogan, Tabligbo is situated on a hill in its impressive greenery and a mild and Agouégan, a village not so far to Bénin. Traditional climate. With a population coming from two different culture and dancing are waiting for you cultural backgrounds, Agripa Todzi is used to intercultural Masséda is known village because of his local football team. exchange and offers great hospitality to strangers. TG-AST 5.14 : du 14/08 au 03/09/2007 Agomé Tomégbé The population consists mostly of peasants and has a high Agomé-Tomégbé is situated about 15 km away from Kpalimé. It has a fresh climate and lush vegetation. The 114 share of young people who are willing to develop their TZ-UVI 6.102 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-28 surrounding milieu Central-ZANZIBAR 20VOLS TG-AST 11.05: from 21/07 to 10/08/07 BALANKA W:The host community is running various programs to BALANKA is a village situated in the central region of Togo support youth empowerment and employment. The and far to 400 km from Lomé. The population is round projects include trainings and life skills, soft loans, cam- 8330 inhabitants. The village is not far from Benin (5 Km). paign against drug abuse, environment conservation among The population lives from agriculture. many others. During the work camp, volunteers will be The volunteers will have to pick up sand and gravel, make doing the following activities: 1.Renovation of animal feed bricks, build foundations and walls the volunteers will store, 2.Construction of mushroom shed, 3.Setting up drip work 5hours in the morning. The are free in the after- irrigation system, 4.Establishment of tree nursery, 5.Es- noons, then they can make cultural activities with the tablishment of pasture plots, 6.Tree planting. local population by that time S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive The activities change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global Filling of sachets, putting nurseries in the sachets and phenomenon. It affects almost every country although watering them, land clearance, planting the seedlings. its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- Volunteers will have to work 5hours per day. The are free gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially in the afternoons when they can deal with cultural ac- among young people. It is an international trade and de- tivities with the villagers stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer TG-AST 6.03 from 15/07 to 04/08/06 KUMA APOTI and users. In complementing the Government efforts we As a village in a mountainous region, Kouma Apoti is situ- will have some session around the topic. Please bring ated at 774m altitude and is 20 km away from Kpalimé. It more information about the situation in your community has a fresh climate and lush vegetation. The share of and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to young people in the population of Kouma Apoti is excep- bring positive change. tionally high. Most of the 1500 inhabitants live from peas- A: Accommodation will be at the youth communal living antry. center. Enough rooms for sharing, running water, shower, You will have the possibility to visit the cave of bats (a bat electricity and TV. being also the totem of the village) and the cascades of L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the Yoh. Tropical fruits are waiting there for you! work camps though you do not need to be fluently or perfect. TG-AST 6.09 from 01/07 to 21/08/06 TOGOVILLE T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is As a historical town that gave its name to the nowadays located in the Indian Ocean. Many people have been country of Togo, Togoville was the place where the Ger- thinking to come over to Zanzibar. You are one of the mans signed a treaty of protectorate with African au- few, who will have that opportunity this year. Karibu! thorities in 1884. [Welcome] This town is the source of the Voodoo culture and other X: Leisure possibilities are: a day stone tour visit, traditional rites. The reforestation-project in which you tour, Zala Park with various species of snakes without will participate is for the protection of the coast of Lac forget swimming and playing with friendly dolphins at Togo and of a historically important place. Lac Togo is Kizimkazi or makundichi beach. We can do safari in Zanzi- one of the biggest lakes in Western Africa and it is the bar as well, a nice wildlife safari you can do on Zanzibar is biggest of Togo. The city of Togoville is situated 30km to Jozani Forest Conservation area to see the Zanzibar Red the east of Lomé on the way to Cotonou and inhabits Colobus monkeys. These monkeys are endemic to Zanzi- around 5000 people. bar island (Unguja), but a small population has been trans- The work will consist on going house to house to discuss located to Pemba Island, They are highly endangered, with people and learning a theatre which be presented numbering around 1,500.They are very attractive mon- at the end of the camp to the general public. keys, being red, black and white, with individuals being easily recognizable. The long, limp white \'crown\' on their TG-AST 11.01 : from 09/07 to 29/07/08 TOVE heads is characteristic. Please bring more ideas!!! As a village in a mountainous region, Tove is situated at X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps 670m altitude and is 04km away from Kpalimé. It has fresh the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. climate and lush vegetation. The share of young people Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work in the population of TOVE exceeds even the Togolese camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, average; most of the 1500 inhabitants live from peasantry. pocket money, expenses outside the host community and The village presents all the characteristic of town Kpalimé. an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is The activity doing 2 camps]. After getting a training from a specialise physician, the volunteer will get involved on local approaches about TZ-UVI 6.103 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-28 social mobilisation against STD/VIH/AIDS in rural commu- West-ZANZIBAR 20VOLS nity in Togo. W:We will be working in spice farm, planting, harvesting They will identify local association working in this field or and maintaining the farm. You will have an opportunity to young people. learn different of spices and herbs and how to use They’ll give them training to them and for that young in them. local community will become peers educator. S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global TANZANIA phenomenon. It affects almost every country although y its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- 115 gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially Pemba is not that touristic and most of things still look among young people. It is an international trade and de- natural and traditional. stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid and users. In complementing the Government efforts we together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at will have some session around the topic. Please bring the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- more information about the situation in your community cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a bring positive change. volunteer is doing 2 camps]. A: In the community house. Enough rooms available or sharing. TZ-UVI 6.117 2007-10-21 / 2007-11-03 L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the Chamazi-TEMEKE work camps though you do not need to be fluently or 20VOLS perfect. W: Volunteers will take place in conservation and activi- T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is ties at the proposed “Eco village development project”. located in the Indian Ocean. When we think of Zanzibar, Tree planting, taking care for trees, bricks making, mak- we remember many things. Friendly people, nice culture, ing signs for trial users will be occupy most of the time spices, beach, history etc. You will be in Zanzibar spice during this work camp. farm and very close to the historical sites. Karibu! [Wel- S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive come] change, I have a role to play\". In this particular camp will X: Leisure possibilities are: a day stone tour visit, spice focus on \"Gender and Development\"; Women are vital in tour, Zala Park with various species of snakes without nourishing the world. They produce 60 to 80 percent of forget swimming and playing with friendly dolphins at the food in most developing countries and their role in Kizimkazi or makundichi beach. We can do safari in Zanzi- farming continues to grow. More than simply supplying bar as well, a nice wildlife safari you can do on Zanzibar is labour, women possess a vast and detailed knowledge of Jozani Forest Conservation area to see the Zanzibar Red many crops-such as how the different parts of a plant Colobus monkeys. These monkeys are endemic to Zanzi- can be used for food, medicine, and animal feed. Despite bar island (Unguja), but a small population has been trans- this however women are often among the poorest. What located to Pemba Island, They are highly endangered, is your role to change this situation? Please bring infor- numbering around 1,500.They are very attractive mon- mation from your home community for sharing. keys, being red, black and white, with individuals being A: At the Youth hostel. There is water, shower, solar elec- easily recognizable. The long, limp white \'crown\' on their tricity and other basic facilities. Get ready to share room heads is characteristic. Please bring more ideas!!! with other volunteers. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. work camps though you do not need to be fluently or Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work perfect. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, T: Chamazi pocket money, expenses outside the host community and X: Possibilities are many for leisure time: In the afternoon an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is we will visit various organizations and communities involved doing 2 camps]. in different activities related to the Work camp theme. These will include women and Youth Organizations, clubs TZ-UVI 6.111 2007-09-02 / 2007-09-15 and centers. We might have to sleep over in Dar es Sa- Wete-PEMBA Island laam south beach as a break between the two weeks to 15VOLS enjoy the beach, swimming, visiting the neighborhood. If W: Pemba is known as spice Island. You will be here just time allows we can do two days trip to Mikumi National during the harvesting season of cloves, we will take part park to watch wild animals. There many other possibili- of harvesting in the cloves farm, and the other time will ties to be discussed and please bring more ideas. be used to plant trees in the community. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work effect on individuals and communities and places hug camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, strains on the health care and social systems. During the pocket money, expenses outside the host community and work camp we will be able to have presentation on Tan- an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is zania situation and sharing good practices from different doing 2 camps]. countries. Volunteers and the community members will work on what can be their role to bring change to the TZ-UVI 6.119 2007-11-18 / 2007-12-01 current situation. You are encouraged to bring informa- Usangi-KILIMANJARO tion from your home community and some ideas for dis- 20VOLS cussions. W: Mwanga and in particular Usangi is one of those com- A: Community guest house. We will enough bed rooms, munities in Tanzania which they have realized their de- shower and kitchen. We will be sitting on the mat during velopments through volunteer program as famous known eating. as Msaragambo. During the work camp volunteers will be L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the working with the community members to control soil ero- work camps though you do not need to be fluently or sion by planting trees and various species of grass. The perfect. project will take place in highlands along Pare Mountains. T: Pemba Island is part of Zanzibar and is situated in the S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive North. The main difference between the two Islands is, change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible 116 effect on individuals and communities and places hug due to the availability of materials and weather. strains on the health care and social systems. During the T: Mwanga District is one of the six administrative dis- work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania tricts in Kilimanjaro region. It is situated in the north situation and sharing good practices from different coun- eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south east of Moshi in the tries. Volunteers and the community members will work shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and Pare Mountains. The on what can be their role to bring change to the cur- community is reached from Moshi Town and Dar es Sa- rent situation. You are encouraged to bring information laam by Road. The district covers the area of 2,641 square from your home community and some ideas for discus- kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km re used for agricul- sions. tural activities, 12,007 sq km are for livestock and wild life A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- activities and 37.7 sq km are covered by forest and the ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get rest occupied by water. The population of Mwanga is ready to share room with other volunteers. 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 are men and 59,818 L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the are women. It is an amazing opportunity for those who work camps though you do not need to be fluently or want to experience rural life experience in Tanzania. perfect. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps Q: Flexibility is required since the activities may change the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. due to the availability of materials and weather. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work T: Mwanga District is one of the six administrative dis- camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, tricts in Kilimanjaro region. It is situated in the north pocket money, expenses outside the host community and eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south east of Moshi in the an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and Pare Mountains. The doing 2 camps]. community is reached from Moshi Town and Dar es Sa- X:Volunteers will do some activities to mark the interna- laam by Road. The district covers the area of 2,641 square tional day of volunteers on 5th December 2007. Please kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km re used for agricul- bring ideas. tural activities, 12,007 sq km are for livestock and wild life activities and 37.7 sq km are covered by forest and TZ-UVI 6.121 2007-12-16 / 2007-12-29 the rest occupied by water. The population of Mwanga is Chamazi-TEMEKE 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 are men and 59,818 20VOLS are women. It is an amazing opportunity for those who W: Volunteers will take place in conservation and activi- want to experience rural life experience in Tanzania. ties at the proposed “Eco village development project”. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 Tree planting, taking care for trees, bricks making, mak- camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid ing signs for trial users will be occupy most of the time together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival during this work camp. at the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, S: The theme of this year work camps is “Making positive medical costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host change, I have a role play” In this particular camp will community and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once focus on”-Gender and Development; Women are vital in if a volunteer is doing 2 camps]. nourishing the world. They produce 60 to 80 percent of the food in most developing countries and their role in TZ-UVI 6.120 2007-12-02 / 2007-12-15 farming continues to grow. More than simply supplying Usangi-KILIMANJARO labour, women possess a vast and detailed knowledge of 20VOLS many crops-such as how the different parts of a plant W: Mwanga and in particular Usangi is one of those com- can be used for food, medicine, and animal feed. Despite munities in Tanzania which they have realized their de- this however women are often among the poorest. What velopments through volunteer program as famous known is your role to change this situation? Please bring infor- as Msaragambo. During the work camp volunteers will be mation from your home community for sharing. working with the community members to control soil ero- A: At the Youth hostel. There is water, shower, solar elec- sion by planting trees and various species of grass. The tricity and other basic facilities. Get ready to share room project will take place in highlands along Pare Moun- with other volunteers. tains. L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive work camps though you do not need to be fluently or change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible perfect.T: Chamazi effect on individuals and communities and places hug X: Second InTernational Christmas and New Year Camp! strains on the health care and social systems. During the X: Possibilities are many for leisure time: In the afternoon work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania we will visit various organizations and communities involved situation and sharing good practices from different coun- in different activities related to the Work camp theme. tries. Volunteers and the community members will work These will include women and Youth Organizations, clubs on what can be their role to bring change to the cur- and centers. We might have to sleep over in Dar es Sa- rent situation. You are encouraged to bring information laam south beach as a break between the two weeks to from your home community and some ideas for discus- enjoy the beach, swimming, visiting the neighborhood. If sions. time allows we can do two days trip to Mikumi National A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- park to watch wild animals. There many other possibili- ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get ties to be discussed and please bring more ideas. ready to share room with other volunteers. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. work camps though you do not need to be fluently or Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work perfect. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, Q: Flexibility is required since the activities may change pocket money, expenses outside the host community and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is 117 doing 2 camps]. change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global phenomenon. It affects almost every country although TZ-UVI 6.94 2007-06-03 / 2007-06-16 its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- Mwika-KILIMANJARO gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially 290VOLS among young people. It is an international trade and de- W: The work camp will take place in collaboration with stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United the village environmental committee and other existing Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer institutions like schools and other community based and users. In complementing the Government efforts we groups. Volunteers will be involved in conservation activi- will have some session around the topic. Please bring ties in the forest along Kilimanjaro natural forest and the more information about the situation in your community villages around. This will include: tree replanting, envi- and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to ronment education, helping establishments of tree nurs- bring positive change. eries. A: AcCommodation will be at the youth communal living S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive center. Enough rooms for sharing, running water, shower, change, I have a role to play\". This time we will concen- electricity and TV. trate on Gender and Environment. Effects of develop- L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the ment strategies on the environment and on women have work camps though you do not need to be fluently or lead to development commentators taking increasing ac- perfect. count of the gender, environment and cultural dimen- T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is sions of development policies. Women have suffered dis- located in the Indian Ocean. Many people have been proportionately where environmental degradation occurs, thinking to come over to Zanzibar. You are one of the due to their traditional role as providers of water and few, who will have that opportunity this year. You are fuel wood suppliers. During the project we will share going to be with friends and family members, you are not information related to this subject in the community and a guest. You will be able to discover, learn and experi- from own communities/ countries. Please bring more in- ence. Do you want to experience the friendly culture? formation and recourse materials for facilitation. Think No where than Zanzibar. Karibu! [Welcome] of what is your role to bring about positive change. X: Leisure possibilities are: a day stone tour visit, spice L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the tour, Zala Park with various species of snakes without work camps though you do not need to be fluently or forget swimming and playing with friendly dolphins at perfect. Kizimkazi or makundichi beach. We can do safari in Zanzi- T: Mwika, KILIMANJARO. Are you among the people who bar as well, a nice wildlife safari you can do on Zanzibar is want to be working in the sloops of the highest mountain Jozani Forest Conservation area to see the Zanzibar Red in Africa? Close to the coffee farmers, experiencing rural Colobus monkeys. These monkeys are endemic to Zanzi- life style, being with friendly people and in the area where bar island (Unguja), but a small population has been trans- the life still natural and traditional? Now you have found located to Pemba Island, They are highly endangered, a place to go; this is Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. numbering around 1,500.They are very attractive mon- X: Leisure time: The community is situated very close to keys, being red, black and white, with individuals being the most natural attractions of Tanzania. These includes easily recognizable. The long, limp white \'crown\' on their Wild life National park e.g. Ngorongoro, Arusha, Tarangire heads is characteristic. Please bring more ideas!!! among many others. Mount Kilimanjaro is very close by. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps There is eco and cultural tourism program organizations the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. around to facilitate some programs if it will be our area Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work of interest. You will love Spice tour to learn various spices, camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, herb gardens and learn how to make local meals in the pocket money, expenses outside the host community and area, visiting historical sites including traditional worshiping an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is sites etc. doing 2 camps]. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. TZ-UVI 6.99 2007-07-01 / 2007-07-14 Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work West-ZANZIBAR camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, 20Vols pocket money, expenses outside the host community and W:We will be working in spice farm, planting, harvesting an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is and maintaining the farm. You will have an opportunity to doing 2 camps]. learn different spices of spices and herbs and how to use them. TZ-UVI 6.98 2007-07-01 / 2007-07-14 S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive Central-ZANZIBAR change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global 20VOLS phenomenon. It affects almost every country although W:The host community is running various programs to its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- support youth empowerment and employment. The gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially projects include trainings and life skills, soft loans, cam- among young people. It is an international trade and de- paign against drug abuse, environment conservation among stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United many others. During the work camp, volunteers will be Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer doing the following activities: 1.Renovation of animal feed and users. In complementing the Government efforts we store, 2.Construction of mushroom shed, 3.Setting up drip will have some session around the topic. Please bring irrigation system, 4.Establishment of tree nursery, 5.Es- more information about the situation in your community tablishment of pasture plots, 6.Tree planting. and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive bring positive change. 118 A: In the community house. Enough rooms available for dolphin at Kizimkazi, Nungwi beach etc. We will have more sharing. to do and may be the problem will be time; bring more L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the suggestions and ideas. work camps though you do not need to be fluently or X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps perfect. the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work located in the Indian Ocean. When we think of Zanzibar, camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, we remember many things. Friendly people, nice culture, pocket money, expenses outside the host community and spices, beach, history etc. You will be in Zanzibar spice an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is farm and very close to the historical sites. Karibu! [Wel- doing 2 camps]. come] X: Leisure possibilities are: a day stone tour visit, spice TZ-UVI 11.101 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-28 tour, Zala Park with various species of snakes without North-ZANZIBAR forget swimming and playing with friendly dolphins at 20VOLS Kizimkazi or makundichi beach. We can do safari in Zanzi- W: The work camp will take place in collaboration with bar as well, a nice wildlife safari you can do on Zanzibar the Department of Youth Development and the local com- is Jozani Forest Conservation area to see the Zanzibar munity. Volunteers will be involved in the following activi- Red Colobus monkeys. These monkeys are endemic to ties: construction of school class rooms, tree planting, Zanzibar island (Unguja), but a small population has been more community activities might be organized… be flex- trans-located to Pemba Island, They are highly endan- ible. gered, numbering around 1,500.They are very attractive S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive monkeys, being red, black and white, with individuals being change, I have a role to play\". During this work camp, we easily recognizable. The long, limp white \'crown\' on their will focus on the impact of tourism on the local culture heads is characteristic. Please bring more ideas!!! and environment. Zanzibar is the capital of tourism be- X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 cause of its beauty. Many people are attracted with Zan- camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid zibar. You and me we are too. The beauty of Zanzibar together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival comprise of its natural landscape and culture. How does at the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, this been maintained. Management of waste, buying lo- medical costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host cal products, etc. Bring information related to the theme community and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once from your own community, so that we can share during if a volunteer is doing 2 camps]. the discussions, think of what you/we can do to make positive change. TZ-UVI 11.100 2007-07-01 / 2007-07-14 A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- South-ZANZIBAR ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get 20VOLS ready to share room with other volunteers. W:The work camp will take place in collaboration with L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the the Department of Youth Development and the local com- work camps though you do not need to be fluently or munity. Volunteers will be involved in the construction perfect. of community center, where various facilities will be avail- T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is able like offices, recreational, meeting facilities etc. located in the Indian Ocean. Many people have dream to S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive come over to Zanzibar. You are one of the few who will change, I have a role to play\". During this work camp, we have that opportunity this year. Karibu [Welcome]. will focus on the impact of tourism on the local culture X: Leisure possibilities are: stone town [World heritage and environment. Zanzibar is the capital of tourism be- site] tour, Eco/spice and cultural tour, a day trip to Jozani cause of its beauty. Many people are attracted with Zan- National too animals, swimming with dolphin at Kizimkazi, zibar. You and me we are too. The beauty of Zanzibar Nungwi beach etc. We will have more to do and may be comprise of its natural landscape and culture. How does the problem will be time… bring more suggestions and this been maintained. Management of waste, buying lo- ideas. cal products, etc. Bring information related to the theme X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps from your own community, so that we can share during the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. the discussions, think of what you/we can do to make Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work positive change. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- pocket money, expenses outside the host community and ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is ready to share room with other volunteers. doing 2 camps]. L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the work camps though you do not need to be fluently or TZ-UVI 11.104 perfect. South-ZANZIBAR T: Welcome to South of Zanzibar, the home of Dolphins. 2007-07-15 / 2007-07-28 Makunduchi is located about 70km south of stone town. 20Vols This is longest distance you can go in Zanzibar. If you W:The work camp will take place in collaboration with want to experience the traditional and rural life of Zan- the Department of Youth Development and the local com- zibar you should choose to go to the south of the Island. munity. Volunteers will be involved in the construction of Karibu! [Welcome] community center, where various facilities will be avail- X: Leisure possibilities are: Possibilities are stone town able like offices, recreational, meeting facilities etc. [World heritage site] tour, Eco/spice and cultural tour, a S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive day trip to Jozani National too animals, swimming with change, I have a role to play\". During this work camp, we 119 will focus on the impact of tourism on the local culture T: East Manyoni, central Tanzania. You will be one of the and environment. Zanzibar is the capital of tourism be- first volunteers to participate in the work camp in this cause of its beauty. Many people are attracted with Zan- area. The host community is very excited to share their zibar. You and me we are too. The beauty of Zanzibar lives with you. comprise of its natural landscape and culture. How does X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 this been maintained. Management of waste, buying lo- camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid cal products, etc. Bring information related to the theme together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at from your own community, so that we can share during the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- the discussions, think of what you/we can do to make cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- positive change. munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- volunteer is doing 2 camps]. ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get X: This work camp will be part of celebrations of Interna- ready to share room with other volunteers. tional Youth day to be commemorated on 12th August L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the 2007 world wide. work camps though you do not need to be fluently or perfect. TZ-UVI 11.106 2007-07-30 / 2007-08-13 T: Welcome to South of Zanzibar, the home of Dolphins. West Manyoni-SINGIDA Makunduchi is located about 70km south of stone town. 20Vols This is longest distance you can go in Zanzibar. If you W: Volunteer will be working with local community to want to experience the traditional and rural life of Zan- make bricks and then laying down foundation to con- zibar you should choose to go to the south of the Island. struct a local health centre. This will be a public clinic Karibu! [Welcome] where community members will have access to medical X: Leisure possibilities are: stone town [World heritage facility nearby. HIV/AIDS and reproductive health educa- site] tour, Eco/spice and cultural tour, a day trip to Jozani tion will be added to the activities to be done. National too animals, swimming with dolphin at Kizimkazi, Nungwi beach etc. We will have more to do and may be S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive the problem will be time; bring more suggestions and ideas. change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible X:During the work camp, Makunduchi will host the an- effect on individuals and communities and places hug nual cultural festival [Mwaka kogwa]. This is celebrations strains on the health care and social systems. During the of the New Year. Get ready to be part of it… work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps situation and sharing good practices from different coun- the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. tries. Volunteers and the community members will work Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work on what can be their role to bring change to the current camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, situation. You are encouraged to bring information from pocket money, expenses outside the host community and your home community and some ideas for discussions. an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- doing 2 camps]. ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get ready to share room with other volunteers. TZ-UVI 11.105 L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the 2007-07-30 / 2007-08-13 work camps though you do not need to be fluently or East Manyoni, SINGIDA perfect. 20Vols T: Manyoni is located in the central part of Tanzania. This W: Manyoni community is running various social and eco- year Manyoni is hosting this International work camp for nomic development projects to improve the living stand- the first time. Manyoni is one of those areas with natural ard of its members hence fight poverty, ignorance and attractions, beautiful landscape but it has less people diseases. On of these projects which Volunteers will have who are visiting this area including tourist. You are going opportunity to participate is construction of community to be one benefit the opportunity to discover, to learn low cost housing using local available materials. Depend- and to experience something new. ing on the weather, we will also plant some trees to con- X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 serve water sources. camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at change, I have a role to play\". In this particular camp will the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- focus on Gender and Development; Women are vital in cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- nourishing the world. They produce 60 to 80 percent of munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a the food in most developing countries and their role in volunteer is doing 2 camps]. farming continues to grow. More than simply supplying labour, women possess a vast and detailed knowledge of TZ-UVI11.107 2007-07-30 / 2007-08-13 many crops-such as how the different parts of a plant Dodoma can be used for food, medicine, and animal feed. Despite 20Vols this however women are often among the poorest. What W: Volunteers will join the local community to build a is your role to change this situation? Please bring infor- class room for a Primary school and education resource mation from your home community for sharing. centre. A: We will stay at the community rest house. Get ready to share room with other volunteers. S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global work camps though you do not need to be fluently or phenomenon. It affects almost every country although perfect. its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- 120 gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially volunteer is doing 2 camps]. among young people. It is an international trade and de- stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United TZ-UVI 11.108 2007-08-19 / 2007-09-01 Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer Chake, PEMBA Island and users. In complementing the Government efforts we 20Vols will have some session around the topic. Please bring W: Kazi za ujenzi wa Taifa is a local term used to describe more information about the situation in your community the voluntary service scheme. The scheme is very popu- and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to lar among the villager and in this case volunteers will join bring positive change. the community members to build a school class room in A: At the Youth hostel. There is water, shower, solar elec- Chake chake District. Volunteers are requested to be tricity and other basic facilities. Get ready to share room flexible since we might do more activities, you will be with other volunteers. informed when we have extra information. L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive work camps though you do not need to be fluently or change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global perfect. phenomenon. It affects almost every country although T: Dodoma is exactly centre of Tanzania and where the its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- parliament of Tanzania works. The project will take place gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially outside the town. among young people. It is an international trade and de- X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at and users. In complementing the Government efforts we the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- will have some session around the topic. Please bring cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- more information about the situation in your community munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to volunteer is doing 2 camps]. bring positive change. A: At the stadium sports hostel. Sleeping on mattress on TZ-UVI 11.108 2007-08-19 / 2007-09-01 the ground, shower, kitchen will available. Very basic, Chake, PEMBA Island but suitable. 20Vols L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the W: Kazi za ujenzi wa Taifa is a local term used to describe work camps though you do not need to be fluently or the voluntary service scheme. The scheme is very popu- perfect. lar among the villager and in this case volunteers will join T: Pemba Island is part of Zanzibar and is situated in the the community members to build a school class room in North. The main difference between the two Islands is, Chake chake District. Volunteers are requested to be Pemba is not that touristic and most of things still look flexible since we might do more activities, you will be natural and traditional. informed when we have extra information. X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid change, I have a role to play\". Drug abuse is a global together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at phenomenon. It affects almost every country although the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- its extent and characteristic differ from region to re- cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- gion. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a among young people. It is an international trade and de- volunteer is doing 2 camps]. stroys lives everywhere. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer TZ-UVI 11.110 2007-09-02 / 2007-09-15 and users. In complementing the Government efforts we Michoweni-PEMBA Island will have some session around the topic. Please bring 20vols more information about the situation in your community W: Volunteers will participate in Construction of village and country for sharing. Think of what you/we can do to Clinic to enable women and Children to have access to bring positive change. health facilities. A: At the stadium sports hostel. Sleeping on mattress on S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive the ground, shower, kitchen will available. Very basic, change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible but suitable. effect on individuals and communities and places hug L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the strains on the health care and social systems. During the work camps though you do not need to be fluently or work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania perfect. situation and sharing good practices from different coun- T: Pemba Island is part of Zanzibar and is situated in the tries. Volunteers and the community members will work North. The main difference between the two Islands is, on what can be their role to bring change to the current Pemba is not that touristic and most of things still look situation. You are encouraged to bring information from natural and traditional. your home community and some ideas for discussions. X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 A: At the stadium sports hostel. Sleeping on mattress on camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid the ground. Shower and kitchen will available. Very ba- together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at sic, but suitable. the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- work camps though you do not need to be fluently or munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a perfect. T: Northern Part of Pemba, the community called Michoweni. Pemba Island is part of Zanzibar. The main difference between the two Islands is that Pemba is not 121 so touristic and most of things still look natural and tradi- tural activities, 12,007 sq km are for livestock and wild life tional. activities and 37.7 sq km are covered by forest and the X: During the working days we will be able to visit some rest occupied by water. The population of Mwanga is local organizations/communities, Schools, etc according 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 are men and 59,818 to the interest of the team. On week end we can go are women. It is an amazing opportunity for those who hiking to Ngezi forest and then swim [Forest near beach], want to experience rural life experience in Tanzania. we can as well canoeing/sailing to Misali Island, the small X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps island in Pemba and spend a day there. In Misali you can the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. swim, see various species of fish and enjoy the nice at- Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work mosphere of very Small Island. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 pocket money, expenses outside the host community and camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at doing 2 camps]. the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- TZ-UVI 11.115 2007-09-30 / 2007-10-15 munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a Arusha volunteer is doing 2 camps]. 20vols W: Making bricks for a local school classroom. TZ-UVI 11.112 2007-09-16 / 2007-09-29 S: Gender and Development. Women are vital in nourish- Luhsoto-TANGA ing the world. They produce 60 to 80 percent of the 20Vols food in most developing countries and their role in farm- Description:Information to be provided later ing continues to grow. More than simply supplying la- bour, women possess a vast and detailed knowledge of many crops-such as how the different parts of a plant TZ-UVI 11.113 2007-09-16 / 2007-09-29 can be used for food, medicine, and animal feed. Despite Soni-TANGA this however women are often among the poorest. Please 20Vols bring information on the subject for sharing. Description:Information to be provided later. L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the work camps though you do not need to be fluently or TZ-UVI 11.114 2007-09-30 / 2007-10-15 perfect. Mwanga-KILIMANJARO T: The project will be situated 50km north west of Arusha 20Vols on the road to the National parks of Ngorongoro and W: Mwanga is one of those District of Tanzania in front Serengeti. The Monduli Mountains together with Monduli line to make sure that all kids have equal opportunity to town lie on the right hand if you are heading to these access education. The community has special program parks. Monduli is the capital of Monduli district. to involve the community members to volunteers to ac- X: Leisure: Arusha is known as Capital of tourism activi- complish various community projects, education been on ties. You can not make your trip to Tanzania without be- of it. For the entire period of two weeks volunteers will ing in Arusha. Options for week end activities are: Wild join the community members on construction of school life Safari to Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara or Serengeti Na- classrooms. Depending on the weather we will also plant tional Parks. Others includes escarpment climbing, ever- some tree along school compound green rain forest tour, the medicinal herbs tour etc. Kindly S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive bring more ideas. change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible X: This work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 effect on individuals and communities and places hug camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid strains on the health care and social systems. During the together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- situation and sharing good practices from different coun- cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- tries. Volunteers and the community members will work munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a on what can be their role to bring change to the current volunteer is doing 2 camps]. situation. You are encouraged to bring information from your home community and some ideas for discussions. TZ-UVI 11.116 2007-09-30 / 2007-10-15 A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- Kigonigoni-KILIMANJARO ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get 20vols ready to share room with other volunteers. W: Mwanga is one of those Districts of Tanzania in front L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the line to make sure that all kids have equal opportunity to work camps though you do not need to be fluently or access education. The community has special program perfect. to involve the community members to volunteers to ac- Q: Flexibility is required since the activities may change complish various community projects, education been on due to the availability of materials and weather. of it. For the entire period of two weeks volunteers will join the community members on construction of school T: Mwanga District is one of the six administrative dis- classrooms and tree planting. Flexibility is highly recom- tricts in Kilimanjaro region. It is situated in the north mended since the activities might change depending on eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south east of Moshi in the the weather and availability of materials. shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and Pare Mountains. The S: The theme of this year work camps is “Making positive community is reached from Moshi Town and Dar es Sa- change, I have a role play” Drug abuse is a global phe- laam by Road. The district covers the area of 2,641 square nomenon. It affects almost every country although its kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km re used for agricul- extent and characteristic differ from region to region. 122 Drug abuse trends around the world, especially among situation and sharing good practices from different coun- young people. It is an international trade and destroys tries. Please bring information. During the project we lives everywhere. The Government of the United Repub- will share information related to this subject in the com- lic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer and munity and from own communities/ countries. Please bring users. In complementing the Government efforts we will more information and recourse materials for facilitation. have some session around the topic. Please bring more Think of what is your role to bring about positive change. information about the situation in your community and A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- country for sharing. What do you think is your role to ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get bring positive change? ready to share room with other volunteers. A: Accommodation will be at the local hostel which is L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the serving the community as training center for sustainable work camps though you do not need to be fluently or agriculture. Enough sharing rooms are available with run- perfect. ning water, solar power electricity, and toilet and out T: Are you among the people who want to be working in side kitchen. the sloops of the highest mountain in Africa? Close to the L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the coffee farmers, experiencing rural life style, being with work camps though you do not need to be fluently or friendly people and in the area where the life still natu- perfect. ral and traditional? Now you have found a place to go… T: Mwanga District which Kigonigoni is part of it, is one of this is Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. the six administrative districts of Kilimanjaro region. It is X: This work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 situated in the north eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid east of Moshi in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at Pare Mountains. The community is reached from Moshi the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- Town and Dar es Salaam by Road. The district covers the cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- area of 2,641 square kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a re used for agricultural activities, 12,007 sq km are for volunteer is doing 2 camps]. livestock and wild life activities and 37.7 sq km are cov- ered by forest and the rest occupied by water. The popu- TZ-UVI 11.92 2007-05-13 / 2007-06-07 lation of Mwanga is 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 Mwanga-KILIMANJARO are men and 59,818 are women. Volunteers will concen- 20vols trate working in Kigonigoni village a distance of 24 km W: Mwanga is one of those District of Tanzania in front from Mwanga town. line to make sure that all kids have equal opportunity to X: Leisure: Kigonigoni has many possibilities of things to access education. The community has special program see, and do. We will be very close to the local Maasai to involve the community members to volunteers to ac- community where we can visit and learn about their cul- complish various community projects, education been on ture, having some entertainments buying souvenirs etc. of it. For the entire period of two weeks volunteers will We can as well climb Kindoroko Mountain, rain forest join the community members on construction of school tour, and Spice tour to learn various spices, herb gar- classrooms. Depending on the weather we will also plant dens and learn how to make local meals. We can go for some tree along school compound excursions in canoes to catch fish with local fisherman in S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive the dam called Nyumba ya Mungu [House of God], along change, I have a role to play\";. HIV/AIDS has a terrible the dam shores you will have an unique bird life experi- effect on individuals and communities and places hug ence. Do not forget that you will be very close to the strains on the health care and social systems. During the most Tanzania’s National park like Ngorongoro, Arusha etc, work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania X: This work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 situation and sharing good practices from different coun- camps the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid tries. Volunteers and the community members will work together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at on what can be their role to bring change to the current the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- situation. You are encouraged to bring information from cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- your home community and some ideas for discussions. munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- volunteer is doing 2 camps]. ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get ready to share room with other volunteers. TZ-UVI 11.118 2007-11-04 / 2007-11-17 L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the Siha-KILIMANJARO work camps though you do not need to be fluently or 20Vols perfect. W: The work camp will take place in collaboration with Q: Flexibility is required since the activities may change the village environmental committee and other existing due to the availability of materials and weather. institutions like schools and other community based T: Mwanga District is one of the six administrative dis- groups. Volunteers will be involved in conservation and tricts in Kilimanjaro region. It is situated in the north construction activities village around. This will include: eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south east of Moshi in the tree replanting, environment education, helping estab- shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and Pare Mountains. The lishments of tree nurseries, construction of school class community is reached from Moshi Town and Dar es Sa- rooms. laam by Road. The district covers the area of 2,641 square S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km re used for agricul- change, I have a role to play\". HIV/ AIDS has a terrible tural activities, 12,007 sq km are for livestock and wild life effect on individuals and communities and places hug activities and 37.7 sq km are covered by forest and the strains on the health care and social systems. During the rest occupied by water. The population of Mwanga is work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 are men and 59,818 123 are women. It is an amazing opportunity for those who W: The work camp will take place in collaboration with want to experience rural life experience in Tanzania. the village environmental committee and other existing X: This work camp fee is US$250. If a volunteer is doing 2 institutions like schools and other community based camps the fee will be US$400 for both and will be paid groups. Volunteers will be involved in conservation and together. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at construction activities village around. This will include: the work camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medi- tree replanting, environment education, helping estab- cal costs, pocket money, expenses outside the host com- lishments of tree nurseries, construction of school class munity and an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a rooms. volunteer is doing 2 camps]. S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive X: This International work camp will be part of commemo- change, I have a role to play\". HIV/ AIDS has a terrible ration of world environment day on 5th June 2007. The effect on individuals and communities and places hug community together with the volunteers will organize strains on the health care and social systems. During the various activities for celebration of this day. work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania situation and sharing good practices from different coun- TZ-UVI 11.93 2007-06-03 / 2007-06-16 tries. Please bring information. During the project we Mwanga-KILIMANJARO will share information related to this subject in the com- 20VOLS munity and from own communities/ countries. Please bring W: Mwanga is one of those District of Tanzania in front more information and recourse materials for facilitation. line to make sure that all kids have equal opportunity to Think of what is your role to bring about positive change. access education. The community has special program A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- to involve the community members to volunteers to ac- ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get complish various community projects, education been on ready to share room with other volunteers. of it. For the entire period of two weeks volunteers will L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the join the community members on construction of school work camps though you do not need to be fluently or classrooms. Depending on the weather we will also plant perfect. some tree along school compound T: Siha,KILIMANJARO. Are you among the people who want S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive to be working in the sloops of the highest mountain in change, I have a role to play\". HIV/AIDS has a terrible Africa? Close to the coffee farmers, experiencing rural effect on individuals and communities and places hug life style, being with friendly people and in the area where strains on the health care and social systems. During the the life still natural and traditional? Now you have found work camp will be able to have presentation on Tanzania a place to go; this is Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. situation and sharing good practices from different coun- X: Leisure activities: The community is situated very close tries. Volunteers and the community members will work to the most natural attractions of Tanzania. These in- on what can be their role to bring change to the current cludes Wild life National park e.g. Ngorongoro, Arusha, situation. You are encouraged to bring information from Tarangire among many other. Mount Kilimanjaro is very your home community and some ideas for discussions. close by. There is eco and cultural tourism program or- A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- ganizations around to facilitate some programs if it will ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get be our area of interest. You will love Spice tour to learn ready to share room with other volunteers. various spices, herb gardens and learn how to make local L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the meals in the area, visiting historical sites including tradi- work camps though you do not need to be fluently or tional worshiping sites etc. perfect. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps Q: Flexibility is required since the activities may change the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. due to the availability of materials and weather. Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work T: Mwanga District is one of the six administrative dis- camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, tricts in Kilimanjaro region. It is situated in the north pocket money, expenses outside the host community and eastern part of Tanzania, 60km south east of Moshi in the an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and Pare Mountains. The doing 2 camps]. community is reached from Moshi Town and Dar es Sa- laam by Road. The district covers the area of 2,641 square TZ-UVI 11.96 2007-06-17 / 2007-06-30 kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km re used for agricul- Kigonigoni-KILIMANJARO tural activities, 12,007 sq km are for livestock and wild life 20VOLS activities and 37.7 sq km are covered by forest and the :W: Mwanga is one of those District of Tanzania in front rest occupied by water. The population of Mwanga is line to make sure that all kids have equal opportunity to 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 are men and 59,818 access education. The community has special program are women. It is an amazing opportunity for those who to involve the community members to volunteers to ac- want to experience rural life experience in Tanzania. complish various community projects, education been on X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps of it. For the entire period of two weeks volunteers will the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. join the community members on construction of school Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work classrooms and tree planting. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, S: The theme of this year work camps is “Making positive pocket money, expenses outside the host community and change, I have a role to play” Drug abuse is a global phe- an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is nomenon. It affects almost every country although its doing 2 camps]. extent and characteristic differ from region to region. Drug abuse trends around the world, especially among TZ-UVI 11.95 2007-06-17 / 2007-06-30 young people. It is an international trade and destroys Siha-KILIMANJARO lives everywhere. The Government of the United Repub- 124 lic of Tanzania has declared war against drug dealer and cal products, etc. Bring information related to the theme users. In complementing the Government efforts we will from your own community, so that we can share during have some session around the topic. Please bring more the discussions, think of what you/we can do to make information about the situation in your community and positive change. country for sharing. What do you think is your role to A: At the community guest house. There is running wa- bring positive change? ter, shower, electricity and other basic facilities. Get A: Accommodation will be at the local hostel which is ready to share room with other volunteers. serving the community as training center for sustainable L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the agriculture. Enough sharing rooms are available with run- work camps though you do not need to be fluently or ning water, solar power electricity, and toilet and out perfect. side kitchen. T: Zanzibar! The paradise of Africa, the beautiful Island is L: English and Kiswahili will be official language of the located in the Indian Ocean. Many people have been work camps though you do not need to be fluently or thinking to come over to Zanzibar. You are one of the perfect. few, who will have that opportunity this year. You are T: Mwanga District, which Kigonigoni is part of it, is one going to be with friends and family members, you are not of the six administrative districts of Kilimanjaro region. It a guest. You will be able to discover, learn and experi- is situated in the north eastern part of Tanzania, 60km ence. Do you want to experience the friendly culture? south east of Moshi in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro No where than Zanzibar. Karibu! [Welcome] and Pare Mountains. The community is reached from Moshi Q: Flexibility is highly recommended since the activities Town and Dar es Salaam by Road. The district covers the might change depending on the weather and availability area of 2,641 square kilometers. Out of these 443 sq km of materials re used for agricultural activities, 12,007 sq km are for X: Leisure possibilities are stone town [World heritage livestock and wild life activities and 37.7 sq km are cov- site] tour, Eco/spice and cultural tour, a day trip to Jozani ered by forest and the rest occupied by water. The popu- National park to see animals, swimming with dolphin at lation of Mwanga is 115,145 inhabitants in which 55,327 Kizimkazi, Nungwi beach etc. We will have more to do and are men and 59,818 are women. Volunteers will concen- may be the problem will be time, bring more suggestions trate working in Kigonigoni village a distance of 24 km and ideas. from Mwanga town. X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps Q: Flexibility is highly recommended since the activities the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. might change depending on the weather and availability Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work of materials camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, X: Kigonigoni has many possibilities of things to see, and pocket money, expenses outside the host community and do. We will be very close to the local Maasai community an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is where we can visit and learn about their culture, having doing 2 camps]. some entertainments buying souvenirs etc. We can as well climb Kindoroko Mountain, rain forest tour, and Spice UGANDA tour to learn various spices, herb gardens and learn how to make local meals. We can go for excursions in canoes to catch fish with local fisherman in the dam called Nyumba UG-UVD 11.05: 5TH – 19TH MAY 2007 ya Mungu [House of God], along the dam shores you will KAPEEKA OPHARNAGE AND PRIMARY SCHOOL have a unique bird life experience. Do not forget that DISTRICT :NAKASEKE DISTRICT you will be very close to the most Tanzania’s National ACTIVITY: CONSTRUCTION OF THE SCHOOL AND TEACH- park like Ngorongoro, Arusha etc, ING OF CHILDREN X: Work camp fee is US$200. If a volunteer is doing 2 camps LOCATION: Kapeeka village, Kapeeka sub- countyNakaseke the fee will be US$380 for both and will be paid together. county, Nakaseke District. This is about 45kms North East Paying applicable work camp fee upon arrival at the work of Kampala on the famous Luwero triangle. camp. Other costs are: transport costs, medical costs, PARTICIPATION FEE: $150 pocket money, expenses outside the host community and Kapeeka Orphanage And Primary School was started by an orientation fee US$20 [Paid only once if a volunteer is the Robert Kayanja Ministries to cater for the disadvan- doing 2 camps]. taged children, orphans and formerly street children from the capital Kampala as a habitat to enable them have TZ-UVI 11.97 2007-07-01 / 2007-07-14 education which is free and enable their development to North-ZANZIBAR be of use in the nation. This District of Nakaseke is a 20VOLS new District after it was separated from the famous vast W:The work camp will take place in collaboration with Luwero District , which was poorly devastated by the the Department of Youth Development and the local com- 1980-1986 NRA /NRM-O liberation war, that claimed a lot munity. Volunteers will be involved in the following activi- of lives of the citizens. There was also massive destruc- ties: construction of school class rooms, tree planting, tion of infrastructure leading to a great increase in the more community activities might be organized. number of orphans and the subsequent impact of HIV/ S: The theme of this year work camps is \"Making positive AIDS, having a great negative impact to the development change, I have a role to play\". During the work camp, we of the region. will focus on the impact of tourism on the local culture This school has enabled 45 percent of formerly street and environment. Zanzibar is the capital of tourism be- children and vulnerable / disadvantages children to ac- cause of its beauty. Many people are attracted with Zan- quire free education, free health services, shelter and zibar. You and me we are too. The beauty of Zanzibar there is a need to increase this percentages to absorb comprise of its natural landscape and culture. How does the remaining percentage and a need to have more shel- this been maintained. Management of waste, buying lo- ter for accommodation for the children since the facili- 125 ties for accommodation are not enough, and the existing the biggest composition of the population. ones are old and weak. Kapchorwa and other neighbouring districts being no- Memorial centres full of skulls of the past war are the madic herding tribes have always experienced cattle tourist sites and it’s the highway to Murchison falls Na- rustling. tional park, one of the richest nature National parks in Community that cares has gone as far working with the Uganda. regional representatives to develop peaceful conflict The project is in need of LTV/MTV’s to serve in all ca- management, policy influence and skills development pacities to include teaching and child welfare in all as- to engage in other economic activities that requires pects and a social worker. skills, as some of the priorities for cattle rustling prac- tice which has fueled high inter tribal conflicts as far as UG-UVD 11.06 Kenya – Uganda boarder where Pikoties, Turkana cross 2ND – 23RD JUNE 2007 from to come to rustle in Uganda. BUDIBYA PRIMARY SCHOOL DISTRICT :BUSIA DISTRICT The 2007 work camp programme for the community that ACTIVITY: FURTHER CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUDIBYA PRI- cares will be held in the parishes of Cheptuya and Sansara MARY SCHOOL; ENVIRONMENT PROTEIN, FAMILY LIFE EDU- in Kaseremu sub-county in Kapchworwa District. CATION. Kapchorwa District is geographically located around LOCATION: Budibya project is locacted in Busia District, mount Elgon Region one of the most scenery areas of Manafu Sub-couty, Dabani couty, Budibya village, approxi- the Eastern Uganda and one can easily access mount mately 267 Kms East of Kampala. It is about 30 Kms from Elgon national park for distinctive wild life viewing, Mount the Uganda – Kenya Border and is near Beach Sangalo on Hiking to the its peak (Wagagai) as the camping area is Lake Victoria. along the slopes and the mighty Sipi falls which has at- PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 tracted many tourists in the Eastern region. NOTE: UVDA was invited to Budibya Primary school to construct a new school block in 2002. The Volunteers UG-UVD 11.07B managed to construct 2 classrooms to the wall plate level 8TH – 29TH JULY 2007 in 2 weeks during the workcamp of September 2002. KABAROLE OPHANAGE Since then, the building has never been completed al- DISTRICT : KABAROLE DISTRICT though several people, including politicians in the area, ACTIVITY: BUILDING AN OPHANAGE WITH AN ADJOINING have promised some financial help. MEDICAL CLINIC HOUSING ROUGHLY 100 ORPHANS. This year we would like to see that at least this building LOCATION: The project is located 20 Kms from Fort has a roof, is cemented, plastered, shuttered etc in 3 portal town in Kabarole District about 300 kms in the weeks. Western part of Kampala. During our stay in that area, we noted that many people PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 are very poor yet men marry so many wives as a prestige. NOTE: The mission was founded in 1989 by Christian They live in grass hatched houses made of mud and wat- Life Assembly of Uganda, a religious non-governmental tle and have very large families. They have destroyed nearly organization. The mission operates mainly in western all trees in the area to burn charcoal for sale in Kenya Uganda targeting those who have been displaced from where it is expensive. Being close to the boarder of registered forest areas or by War and those who have Uganda and Kenya, HIV/AIDS is rampant. Smuggling goods NO visible means or survival. across the boarders in one of the main activities in the The mission has undertaken various programmes, includ- area. A lot has to be done to reduce HIV/AIDS, while the ing evangelism, children ministry, orphanage ministry, town is full of street children many of whom are orphans. Bible study and environment protection and more re- Volunteers are to be accommodated in a village house. It cently AIDS/HIV Awareness. is also possible to visit the beach or Sipi Falls and Mt. Volunteers are to be accommodated at the project site Elgon in Mbale since the project is only 60 Kms from or Lake Nkuruba Nature reserve snow view camp site. Mbale town. The project is a few kilometers from Mt. Rwenzori and Queen Elizabeth National Park. UG-UVD 11.07A: 7TH – 28TH JULY 2007 Kabarole District has a population of 359,180 people COMMUNITY THAT CARES PROJECT 179,079 are female DISTRICT : KAPCHORWA DISTRICT 180101 are male LOCATION: It is about 300 Kms East of kampala and 45 Kms They need an LTV/MTV who is a social worker and an from Mbale town. Agriculturist. PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 It started as humanitarian community based organized in UG-UVD 11.08A 4TH – 25TH AUGUST 2007 the year 1996 to fight for the rights of the girl child in GARUBUNDA PRIMARY SCHOOL Kapchorwa District. It was expanded to other Districts DATE of Bukwa, Nakapiripiti, Moroto and others where the cul- DISTRICT : RUKUNGIRI DISTRICT tural practice of female genital mutilation has been on ACTIVITY: FURTHER CONSTRUCTION OF GARUBUNDA PRI- rampage and has made the girl child the victims of this MARY SCHOOL, CLEANING LAKE NYAKASANDA, HIV/AIDS cultural practice among these tribes. Awareness. LOCATION: Garubunda primary school and Community that cares main component has always been lake Nyakasanda are both located in Garubunda village, promotion of the girl child education and has gone as far Kebisoni Sub-county Rubabo county county, Rukungiri as also reaching out orphans and vulnerable children, District about 360 kms in the Western part of Uganda. the aged, people with disabilities, the youth, HIV/AIDS PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 positive living people through planning and programme NOTE: The Construction of Garubunda Primary school monitoring of these marginalized population which makes was started by UVDA Volunteers in 1996. There was only 126 one old grass thatched mud and wattle school building UG-UVD 11.09A 8TH - 29TH SEPTEMBER 2007 built about 60 years ago and was in such a dilapidated MERCY MINISTRIES COMMUNITY ORPHANAGE state that could collapse and kill students and teachers DISTRICT : MBALE DISTRICT at any moment. Since that time, UVDA has conducted 4 ACTIVITY: CONSTRUCTION OF THE ORPHANAGE, TREE big international Youth workcamps constructing that PLANTING AND TEACHING project from primary 1 to 7. The school which had less LOCATION: Manyonyi Village, Bumageni Parish, Bungokho than 100 pupils that time in 1996, Currently has 900 but sub-county, Mbale District 3 Kms from Mbale town. This still the buildings are not enough for them. is about 400 Kms East of Kampala city. Lake Nyakasanda is a small lake of about 150 sq. meters. It PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 is located near Garubunda primary school and close to Mercy Ministries community orphanage started in 2001, the house where UVDA Volunteers are usually accommo- catering for 60 orphans at the beginning but now the dated. number has increased up to 275. The age composition is The Lake water is used for domestic purpose to include, from 3 to 18 years also catering /working with the Youth, drinking, bathing, cooking etc at the same time people widows and elderly and people with disabilities. There swim from the same. Clean drinking water from a spring are several activities being undertaken under this com- well could be obtained from a distance. The water in the munity centre which include; Tailoring and knitting; car- lake is contaminated, while its out flow is very poor. Some pentry and joinery; electrical installation; motor vehicle domestic animals like cows, goats and sheep also drink maintenance; secretarial /work; brick laying; sustainable from the same source. There are very few fish in it due Agriculture; all skills used to improve livelihoods of sev- to contamination and some parts of the lake have a lot of eral communities to include Mbale, Bududa, Manafa, papyrus reeds. We therefore need to help these people Tororo, Butaleje, Palisa, sironko, Kumi and part of by cleaning their lake as well as educating them about Kapchorwa District. Several population live in the Mount Hygiene. It will be very difficult to stop them using that Elgon and its so accessible to hike mount Elgon, Elgon water for domestic use many elders have grown up using National Park, Sippi Falls in Kapchorwa which is about 70 it. However, to achieve this we shall need some experts Kms from Mbale town. A lot of touring can be undertaken and equipments. So you can bring with you anything you from region. believe can be of some use during the exercise. They are also in need of an LTV/MTV to work in this Garubunda village is situated about 100 Kms from Bwindi Mercy Ministries Community Orphanage Project. They Impenetratable Forest National Park where Gorillas are need a teacher and a social worker to conduct activities found and the Queen Elizabeth National Park is also not within the orphanage. Between the age of 3- 18 years old very far. At the same time it is possible to visit Lake (children extra curricular activities). Bunyonyi in Kabale near the Boarders of Uganda and Rwanda. People are pastoralists and the area is hilly and UG-UVD 11.09B 9TH - 30TH SEPTEMBER 2007 cool. Volunteers will be accommodated in a house, a few NSOOLA HEALTH CENTRE meters from Nyakasanda. DISTRICT : IGANGA DISTRICT The population of Rukungiri is about 308,696 people ACTIVITIES: COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF 163,821 are female NSOOLA AFTER UVDA’S WORKCAMP OF 2005, HIV/AIDS 144,875 are male. AWARENESS AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION. LOCATION: Nsoola Clinic is located in Namalemba Village, UG-UVD 11.08B 5TH AUGUST 2007 Busiki county, Magada sub-county, Iganga District off the KIRIBAKKA BRIGHT ACADEMY Iganga – Mbale Tirinyi Road approximately 150 Kms East of NAKASWA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Kampala. DISTRICT : MUKONO DISTRICT PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 LOCATION: Kiribakka Bright Academy is located at Nakaswa NOTE: Nsoola Clinic was established in 1977 by Church of Village, Kakukulu Parish, Kasaawo sub-county, Nakifuma Uganda and later taken over by the Ministry of Health county, Mukono District about 50 kms East of Kampala, and the local community. The Ministry of Health only sup- off Kayunga Road at Namaliri Trading Centre. ports the clinic with some medicines and the local com- PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 munity pays for the staff (Nurses) They need LTVs/MTVs in Agriculture, water Engineering, The clinic caters for a population of about 3000 people Doctors, Health workers, fisheries and fields of Youth and of Namalemba and was too small for such a big population women development projects, environmental protection and too old since it was built of Mud and wattle. UVDA and forestry and disabled. was invited to help the people of Namalemba to con- NOTE: : Kiribakka Bright Academy was established in 1994 struct a new bigger clinic with a maternity ward. For by UVDA Volunteers through Workcamps and the local your information at least 2 to 3 children are born daily. community of Nakaswa. Since then several work camps The construction work with UVDA began in 2003 but has have been held there until the project has reached to never been completed due to lack of funds. Senior Six (6) with over 200 students. It is now a boarding As per now the new building constructed only needs to school but lacks a science laboratory and electricity. HIV/ be cemented, plastered outside, and fitted with doors AIDS is still a big problem in the area although there are 2 and windows. We very much thank the foreign volunteers heath centers in the area. Trees have been cut down for in previous work camps in Nsoola who donated cement, economic purposes and domestic use. clothes especially to children, particularly sister Anna The project is located a few kilometers from River Nile, Landy from VSI Ireland whose donations were even ex- therefore, it is possible to visit Kalagala Falls, Bujagali Falls tended to Nsoola Primary School in terms of food and a and if possible the source of the Nile. People are really new delivery maternity bed for the clinic to replace the very friendly and like visitors very much. Volunteers will wooden old one. The people of Namalemba are really be accommodated in a Schools House. very poor, most of them live in grass thatched houses built of mud and wattle. The only income generating 127 projects in the area is rice growing in only swampy places denomination is not encouraged as the exchange rates and maize growing. Inspite of the fact that people are are low. Also Dollar Bills for the from 2001 and above are poor, men prefer to marry more than on wife. This is a encouraged for those below such Years are not allowed prestige to a man to have a large family. However, HIV/ by forex Bureaus. AIDS is still a big problem in the area since most people have little knowledge about the disease and the use of ZAMBIA condoms. We noted that there were some boxes of con- doms at the clinic provided free of charge. However, the ZM-YAZ 11.2 young people never bothered to pick them because they 10TH TO 23rd may were shy. mumbwa It is possible to visit River Nile on your way to Namalemba. 20VOLS In case a stop over in Jinja, it is possible to see the source Work:Harvesting sorghum and maize. of the Nile, Bujagali Falls or even participate in rafting at AccommodationAt the farm in tents. Carry your sleeping Bujagali. bag and roll mattress. The project is about 60kms to Mbale District where Mt. Location.Mumbwa is located in central province 150 Km Elgon is situated and about 100 kms to Sipi Falls in away from the capital city Lusaka. Kapchorwa District. Arrangements to visit both sites can be arranged from the work camp. The new clinic this ZM-YAZ 11.3 year. a bag of cement costs about US$ 12 and about 60 6th to 19th june bags are needed, 60 roofing iron sheets at US$10 each Chadiza are also cost about US$400. A friend indeed. The rest 20VOLS shall be their community and UVDA contribution. Funds Work can be brought by the participating Volunteers or sent Setting and laying the foundation for the Building of class- to UVDS Office. room block in Chanjowe village. Volunteers will also do Volunteers shall be accommodated in the village house other light work. which also electric system. Accommodation and food Volunteers will be accommodated in classroom/ tents. UG-UVD 11.10 13TH Nov – 3rd NOVEMBER 2007 There will be no hot water. Those who need hot/warm BUWEMBE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL water will warm for themselves. Volunteers will also pre- DISTRICT : BUSIA DISTRICT pare their own food in groups comprised of volunteers ACTIVITIES: FURTHER CONSTRUCTION OF BUWEMBE S.S from different countries. Carry your own sleeping bag SCHOOL, HIV/AIDS AWARENESS, FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION AND and roll mattress. Chanjowe is rich in tradition culture ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (TREE PLANTING). such as Nyau performed by the Chewa people. LOCATION: The project is located in Buwembe Village, LocationChanjowe is located in Eastern province 750 Km Bulumbi Sub-county, Bulimbi county , Busia District ap- away from the capital city Lusaka and 50 km from Zambia- proximately 230 Kms East of Kampala and 25 Kms from the Malawi border town of Chipata. Uganda-Kenya Boarder. PARTICIPATION FEE: $200 ZM-YAZ 11.4 NOTE: UVDA was invited to construct Buwembe Senior 2nd to 18th of july Secondary in 2003. 2 International Youth workcamps were SOLWEZI organized in July and August 2003 whereby the volun- 20VOLS teers and the local community of Buwembe managed to Work: construction of the community school in build 4 permanent classrooms which are all roofed. In Kyalalankuba Village. Work to be done include fixing win- this year’s workcamp, we need to set up 2 more class- dows, doorframes, roof and the floor. Study sessions and rooms since the students are so many – about 700, who excursions to Mutanda Falls, the monument (ancient paint- can not fit in the already completed classrooms. ings and the falls), and Kaole Falls will also be Our observations during our stay in that area are similar done.Accomodation: Participants will sleep in a thatched to those of Budibya Village since they belong to the same grass house in Kyalalankuba Village or in tents. Carry your District (Busia). own sleeping bags and roll mattress. Also carry mosquito We still emphasize that the HIV/AIDS awareness, Family repellent and –nets. life education and tree planting shall be included in our Location:Solwezi is in the North Western Province of Zam- programme this year. bia 583 Km from Lusaka and 173 Km from the Copper belt It is still possible to visit Mt. Elgon and Sipi Falls from Province. Buwembe work camp. Volunteers will also be able to see the Baboons on their way to Busia. They shall be accom- ZM-YAZ 11.5 modated in a village house. 6th to 20th of august Mfuwe UG-UVD 11.11 24TH NOVEMBER- 8TH 20vols LWEMUNA PRIMARY SCHOOL Work: Moulding bricks for construction of teachers house DECEMBER 2007 at the Mnkhanya community school. Volunteers will also DISTRICT : MBALE DISTRICT do other light work at the community school. PARTICIPATION FEE: $150 Volunteers will be involved in study sessions on girl child FUTHER DETAILS REFER TO UG-UVD03 education, impact of HIV/AIDS on child education. Envi- NOTE: All foreign participants should Endeavour to come ronmental conservation issues will also be discussed. with passport size photographs for registration purposes. Accommodation Also foreign volunteers are encouraged to come with big Volunteers will be accommodated in the grass thatched denomination noted of $50 and $100 Dollar bills. Small houses or tents. Carry your own sleeping bags, roll mat- 128 tress and mosquito nets/repellent. W: Development work at Zimbabwe Workcamps Associa- Location Mfuwe is located in the south Luangwa National tion Resource Centre. Park area East of Zambia. It is about 685 Km away from the A: Hatfield Youth Centre, warm shower, Self-Catering. capital city Lusaka and 100 Km from the provincial capital Chipata. It is 25 kilometers from the park main entrance. ZW-ZWA 11.039 Harare 20/02/2007-12/03/2007No of Vol- Mfuwe is one of the busiest destinations for tourists com- unteers 20 ing to Zambia and has the best animals in the world. W: Development and general work at Tose Respite Care Home for disabled children. ZM-YAZ 11.6 A: Dormitories, hot Shower, Self-Catering. 8TH TO 23TH OF OCTOBER SOLWEZI ZW-ZWA 11.040 Gokwe 26/03/07-16/04/2007No of Vol- 20vols unteers 20 Work:Construction of a teacher’s house and bathrooms W: In cooperation with the Zambezi community volun- for the children (orphans) of a community orphanage teers will assist in the construction of a classroom block school in Kilelabalanda. Volunteers will also be involved in at Zambezi Primary School community awareness on girl child, right to education A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self-Catering. and issues of HIV/AIDS. Accommodation ZW-ZWA 11.041Zaka 26/03/2007-16/04/2007 No of Vol- Volunteers will be accommodated in the thatched grass unteers 13 house/tents. Do not forget to carry your sleeping bag, W: In cooperation with the Makumire community, the mosquito repellent/nets and a roll mattress. volunteers will renovate classroom blocks at Makumire Location: Primary School. The work will involve painting, plastering, Solwezi is in the North Western Province of Zambia 583 flooring and fitting of windowpanes. The Volunteers will Km from Lusaka and 173 Km from the Copper belt Prov- also assist on a project “Miti Upenyu”, an environmental ince. pressure group on a reforestation project. A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self-Catering. ZM-YAZ 11.7 18TH NOVEMBER TO 11TH OF DECEMBER ZW-ZWA 6.042 Norton26/03/2007-16/04/2007No of Vol- 20VOLS unteers 12 Work:Renovation of a community school. Volunteers will W: Work will involve winter ploughing on the Zimbabwe also be involved in other community work. Accommoda- Workcamps Association’s farm project and irrigation of tion perishable crops. Volunteers will be accommodated classrooms/tents. A: Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering. Location:21 Km from Livingstone town and 38 Km from the Mighty Victoria Falls. It is about 472 Km from the ZW-ZWA 6.043 Rusape 23/04/07 – 14/05/07 No of vols capital city Lusaka. 15 W: Environmental programmes at Serengeti Five Training ZIMBABWE Centre. Work will include afforrestation, grafting and budding of tree, etc ZW-ZWA 6.034 Bvumba: 13/01/2007-02/02/2007 No of A: Dorms, No shower, self-catering Volunteers 16 W: Cleaning and marking some fire guards in the Game ZW-ZWA 11.044 Harare 23/04/2007 – 14/05/2007 No of Park. volunteers: 12 A: Camping site, with shower, self-catering. W: Development works at Tose Respite Care Home. A Centre for children with disabilities. ZW-ZWA 6.035 Victoria falls:13/01/07-02/02/2007 No of A: Dorms, warm showers, self-catering Volunteers 13 W: Working with a local environmental pressure group on ZW-ZWA 11.045 Gokwe 23/04/2007-14/05/2007No of Vol- the sustainable utilization of natural resources. unteers 18 A: Campsite, with shower, self-catering W: In the spirit of Regional as well as International under- standing the volunteers will work with the community at ZW-ZWA 6.036 Victoria Falls: 20/02/2007-12/03/2007 Sengwa Primary School on the construction of a class- No of Volunteers 11 room block. The work will involve plastering, flooring W: Development work in close collaboration with Envi- and fitting of windowpanes. ronment Africa Youth group environmental project (Envi- A: Classroom block, no showers, self-catering. ronment Africa Resource Centre) A: Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering ZW-ZWA 11.046 Zaka 23/04/2007- 14/05/2007No of Vol- unteers 15 ZW-ZWA 11.037 Shangani: 20/02/2007-12/03/2007 No W: Volunteers will assist in the renovation of Musarara Volunteers 15 Primary School. The heavy rains destroyed the primary W: With assistance from the Ministry of Education Sports school three years ago. The volunteers will also organise and Culture, volunteers will establish a multi purpose re- some leisure programmes with the children and the com- source center at St Lucia Primary school. munity. A: Classrooms, No Shower, Self-Catering. A: Community Hall, No Shower, Self-Catering.

ZW-ZWA 11.038 Norton: 20/02/2007-12/03/2007 No. Of ZW-ZWA 6.047 Hwange 23/04/2007-14/05/2007No of Vol- volunteers 15 unteers 12 129 W: On going environmental programmes – in partnership will involve digging the foundation, flooring and bricklay- with Environment Africa, an NGO. ing. A: Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering. A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self-Catering.

ZW-ZWA 11.048 Gokwe 14/06/2007-5/07/2007No of Vol- ZW-ZWA 6.057 Rusape 16/07/2007-06/08/2007 No of Vol- unteers 18 unteers 18 W: Volunteers will assist in the construction of a class- W: Ongoing Environmental programmes at Serengeti Five room block at Machakata Primary School as well as assist- training Centre. ing in sports and teaching in classes. A: Dorms, No Shower, Self-Catering. A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self-Catering. ZW-ZWA 11.058 Harare13/08/2007-03/09/2007No of Vol- ZW-ZWA 11.049 Harare 14/06/2007-15/07/2007 No of unteers 16 Volunteers 16 W: Developments work at Tose Respite care home. W: Developments work at Tose Respite care home. A: Dorms, warm showers, self-catering A: Dorms, warm showers, self-catering ZW-ZWA 11.059 Norton 13/08/2007-03/09/2007No of Vol- ZW-ZWA 11.050 Beitbridge 14/06/2007-5/07/2007 No unteers 15 of Volunteers 13 W: Developments work at the Zimbabwe Workcamps Asso- W: The volunteers will work with the Malusungene Com- ciation Resource Centre. munity on the construction of a teacher’s house at A: Hatfield Youth Centre, warm showers, self-catering. Masunagne Primary School as well as assist on a garden project at the school. ZW-ZWA 11.060 Mutoko 13/08/2007-03/09/2007 No of A: Dorms, No Shower, Self-Catering. Volunteers 12 W: Assist the community of Chiunye with rehabilitation ZW-ZWA 6.051 Victoria Falls 16/07/2007-06/08/2007No and renovation of the Chiunye cultural and educational of Volunteers13 Centre in Mutoko. W: With assistance from Environment Africa and the De- A: Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering. partment of Natural Resources, volunteers will assist in the rehabilitation of Zambezi National Park as well as ZW-ZWA 11.061 Gokwe 13/08/2007-03/09/2007 No of working on the market garden project for Environment Volunteers 18 Africa (An environmental pressure group). W: Ongoing construction work at Machakata Primary A: Tents, No Shower, Self-Catering School. Volunteers will assist in the construction of a classroom block ZW-ZWA 11.052 Gokwe16/07/2007-06/08/2007 No of Vol- A: Classroom block, no showers, Self-Catering. unteers 21 W: With the assistance from the community, the volun- ZW-ZWA 6.062 Victoria Falls 13/08/2007-03/09/2007 No teers will construct a classroom block at Zambezi Primary of Volunteers 10 School. The work involves plastering, flooring and fitting W: Working with a local environmental pressure group on in windowpanes. the sustainable utilization of resources. It will focus on A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self-Catering. resort places. A: Camp Site, with Shower, Self-Catering.

ZW-ZWA 11.053 Gokwe 16/07/2007-06/08/2007 No of ZW-ZWA 6.063 Shangani 16/09/2007-07/10/2007 No of vols 15 Volunteers 15 W: Volunteers will assist in the construction of a class- W: Development work in close collaboration with Agenda room block at Sengwa Primary School in Gokwe. The 21 and St Lucy Primary School environmental project A: work will include plastering, flooring, brick laying etc Dorms, No Showers, Self Catering A: Classroom blocks, No shower, self-catering ZW-ZWA 9.064 Wedza 16/09/2007-07/10/2007 No of Vol- ZW-ZWA 11.054 Gokwe 16/07/2007 – 06/08/2007 No of unteers 11 vols 20 W: With assistance from the Ministry of Education Sports W: Volunteers will assist in the construction of a class- and Culture, volunteers will establish a multi purpose re- room block at Machakata primary school. The work will source center at Mkonwa Primary School. A: Classroom include plastering, flooring, brick laying, etc block, No showers, Self Catering A: Classroom blocks, No shower, self-catering ZW-ZWA 6.065 Rusape 16/09/2007-07/10/2007 No of Vol- ZW-ZWA 11.055 Gokwe 16/07/2007-06/08/2007 No of unteers 20 vols 18 W: Ongoing environmental work at Serengeti five training W: With assistance from the community, volunteers will Centre. construct a classroom block at the Lutheran Church Pri- A: Classroom block, No Shower, Self Catering mary School in Gokwe. Work will involve, mixing cement mortar, plastering, flooring, brick-laying etc ZW-ZWA 11.066 Harare 10/10/2007-31/10/2007 No of A: Classroom blocks, No shower, self-catering Volunteers 20 W: Development Work at Glenforest Development Cen- ZW-ZWA 11.056 Harare 16/07/2007-06/08/2007 No Of tre. Volunteers 15 A: Classrooms, Self Catering, No Showers W: The volunteers will assistance Glenforest community with the construction of a classroom block. The work 130 ZW-ZWA 11.067 Harare 14/01/2008-04/02/2008 No of India since early 1970’s. Vimochana has been Activities to Volunteers 10 be undertaken at the camp: Discussion on Women Issues, W: Development Work at Tose Respite Care home. A Cen- Participating in the ongoing activities of the project, tre for disabled children. Cultural Exchange, participating in a workshop focused A: Dorms, warm showers, self -Catering, on women issues working with the poor, marginalized and oppressed women to them social, economic, legal and ZW-ZWA 11.068 Norton 14/01/2008-04/02/2008 No of Vol- moral support. CAMP – 2Organisation: SABRIK GRAM VIKAS unteers 10 KENDRA(West Bengal) W: Development Work Kintyre – Zimbabwe Workcamps As- Sarbik Gram Bikash Kendra (SGBK) established in the year sociation resource Centre. 1978 with aim & objectives to awake the weaker sections A: Hatfield Youth Centre, warm showers, self –Catering for their upliftment for economic self dependency lead- ing to joining the main stream of the society. A hospital has been built and yearly about 1500 eye patients are being operated to regain their eye sights. ASIA Activities to be undertaken at the camp Working at the Eye Hospital, Interaction with school children, Cultural Exchange, Participating in the ongoing activities of the INDIA project In the month of November, we have one more workcamp IN-SCI 11.1 SUMMER CAMP-1 01/07-20/07 apart from the two mentioned, the detail of which will IN-SCI 11.2 SUMMER CAMP-2 21/07-03/08 be soon send to all branches, as it is finalized. The workcamp will be again in the Tamil Nadu region and the SUMMER EXCHANGE: work will be to help women from Self Help Group of Tsu- ORIENTATION PROGRAM (In Delhi) nami effected region for setting up of a center. SCI-India is still working on the possibilities of this workcamp and Arrival of Volunteers : 1st July, 2007Orientation will let it know later. Program(Must for all volunteers attending work camps: The above four camps are confirmed. 2nd July, 2007Welcome, Introduction,Registration of VolunteersAbout SCI – India: 3rd July, 2007Workshop on JAPAN Peace Education: 4th July, 2007Railway Reservation for SCI Japan attending the camp and site seeing in Delhi.Traveling to JP-SCI 5.2 04-Aug to 18-Aug 1st camp: 5th July, 2007CAMP 1 8th July, 2007: Reaching Kosugi Farm, Yamanashi 10-15v the camp site 9th July, 2007 – 20th July, 2007: WORK CAMP The farm is in the mountain area 100 km west of Tokyo. In Organization: CADRE – INDIA (Tamilnadu)CADRE-India was 1997, the first workcamp started with the construction established in 1993, since then it has been involved with of a shelter for dropouts from schooling in the local com- Integrated Village Development Programs. It is also run- munity. The project is recently providing local commu- ning Eye care program in the Tsunami effected region. nity programs for mixed age group to learn how to har- Activities: Working in an Organic Farm, Discussions re- monize with environment. The new plan has been pro- lated to Organic Farming and Environmental concerns, posed and coordinated by local activists involving farm- Cultural Exchange 21st July, 2007: Proceed to the 2nd ers to create a play-ground where children can find them- Camp CAMP – 2Organization: SCI-INDIA, Vedanthangal selves closer to the nature. The work includes clearing Project (Tamilnadu)The project has a nursery school for and grubbing forest to improve the environment. Using village children, skill development programme for village the lumber obtained from the forest, volunteers make girls and is recently setting up a computer center for play equipment for kids such as swings. (There may be village youths to get basic know how of Computer appli- some change.). Study : Discuss and experience how vol- cations. Activities during the camp : Tree Planta- unteers work in a relief workcamp in developing area tion, Cultural ExchangeParticipating in the ongoing ac- and/ or in critical living conditions. In order to partici- tivities of the project pate in Bon Odori Festival volunteers learn Bon Odori IN-SCI 11.3 WINTER CAMP-1 01/11-20/11 (folk dance). Accom :in old, simple Japanese-style house. IN-SCI 11.4 WINTER CAMP-2 24/11-07/12 WINTER EXCHANGE: JP-SCI 6.4 12-Aug to 26-Aug ORIENTATION PROGRAM (In Delhi) Kanazawa Farm, Yaita, Tochigi 4 vols Arrival of Volunteers : 1st November, 2007Orientation The project partner, Ms.Yoko Kanazawa has been run- Program(Must for all volunteers attending work camps: ning an organic farm to promote environmentally sustain- 2nd November, 2007Welcome, Introduction, Registration able life style 150 km east of Tokyo for 15 years. She is of Volunteers About SCI – India : 3rd November, 2007 growing rice and vegetables, chickens for eggs, and ducks Workshop on Peace Education: 4th November, 2007 Rail- for rice paddy weeding. The LTV placement started in way Reservation for attending the camp and site seeing May, 2003 and the 7th volunteer is staying at the farm. in Delhi.Traveling to 1st camp : 5th November, The first work camp was held in 2004. Volunteers who are 2007CAMP 1 (Special camp focusing on Women Issues fol- interested in organic farming and sustainable life style lowed by a 1 day seminar on women issues). SCI-India will are most welcome. Weeding, feeding chickens and ducks, try to organize participation of women volunteers from collecting eggs, chopping woods etc. Accom :in old Japa- the Asian Region. Organization: VIMOCHANA nese-style farm house. Study : Environmental protection, (Bangalore)Vimochana is a voluntary organization, work- Sustainable life-style, slow life and slow food. ing for the cause of Women. Vimochana has been work- NICE Japan ing in the Karnataka State of India and was formed by Ms. JP-NICE 6.18 25-May to 07-Jun Celene Suguna, who had been an active member of SCI- Shirakawa-Go, Gifu Envi 5v 131 With Toyota Shirakawa-Go Eco Institute (TSEI), a NPO run so need to be renovated for the safely of the children. by some environmental NPOs, the local government and We will also do various community works needed in the Toyota. It has 172 ha of land and organize various types of area such as farm and forest works. Study: Life of kids in nature protection, cultural activities and nature discov- each country and its activities. Needs motivation to ac- ery programs. They expect voluntary power and fresh tively work with local people! wind to the workcamp, eg. to improve the sanctuary (ed- ible glass garden) for endangered Gifu butterflies by ena- JP-NIC 5.27 23-Jul to 16-Aug bling flowers grown more easily. We’ll do various types of Kuromatsunai, Hokkaido Kids 3 vols nature conservation works such as 1) Cutting glasses to With Buna-no-mori Shizen Gakko (nature school with improve ecological richness of the forest, 2) Planting beech forests). It was started to promote quality and trees with the villagers to recover the forest in the hill of quantity of ecological education for kids and run various soils which was produced by the big road construction kinds of kids programs. They have a summer vacation pro- and 3) Improving the sanctuary for the butterflies. Study: gram in 27/07-15/08 with 20-25 kids aged 8-15 where they Merits and demerits as the World Heritages and future enjoy canoe, playing in the coast and river, camping, etc. plan of TSEI. Bring some info.! Needs motivation to work and want to put global colors which should grow under- for nature protection standing and passion to different cultures in those kids. We will help to run this summer program by playing with JP-NICE 6.22 19-May to 03-Jun kids, running cultural programs such as teaching your Shirakami , Aomori Envi 4v dance, songs, arts, sports, games, cooking, etc. and help- JP-NICE 6.23 16-Jun to 30-Jun ing house works such as cleaning and cooking with pro- Shirakami 2, Aomori Envi 4v fessional staffs and other vols. You won’t have much free With Shirakami Mountains Preservation Society (SMPS). time. Study: Life of kids in each country to be intro- The Shirakami Mountains is a huge mountainous area and duced to the kids there. Needs high motivation to work one of Japanese valuable preserved natural forests con- with kids all day and to run outdoor activities even in sisting primarily of beech trees. It was registered as a rain. Similar types of experience and Japanese speaking World Natural Heritage in 1993 and SMPS wants to help skill are welcome! Motivation letter is needed! preserve the natural beauty, so we will try to revive it by the global voluntary power! We will help to grow a beechen JP-NIC 4.28 24-Jul to 05-Aug sapling together with the members of SMPS. As it is fa- Hinode, Tokyo Envi/Fest/Phys 7v mous for beautiful nature as the registered world herit- With a home for mentally disadvantaged (HTI) which has age, many tourists visit here, but on the other hand, the been isolated from the local community due to their preju- nature has been damaged by them though it is still very dice; it actively opens the place to the people through beautiful. Part of Greening Asia. Needs motivation to ac- the festivals, ceramic art, etc. and NICE also has been tively work in the forests with local people! acting as a "bridge" between locals & HTI through week- end and international workcamps. They also try to be an JP-NIC 11.24 27-Jun to 10-Jul ecological institution and the surrounding mountains Maki 2, Nagano Agri 5 vols need to be maintained. We will 1) run, prepare and clean With Maki Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (MFKG – see NICE/63). the summer festival of HTI for 3-4 days, 2) work with men- This isolated area used to have 100 inhabitants, but peo- tally disadvantaged in the fields or the building for 2-3 ple left there since there is no access of transportation days, 3) maintain the forests(we may make bamboo char- and we have to walk 4 km in the mountains. It once be- coals, Part of Greening Asia) and 4) exchange program came an abandon village in 1970s, but now around 10 with local kids to eradicate the prejudice. Study: Par- people of the farm live there. Because of the great works ticipation of disadvantaged people in each country. Needs volunteers have done, they’d like to host 3 workcamps motivation to work with mentally disadvantaged people. this year! We will help their organic farm by weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care JP-NIC 11.29 27-Jul to 10-Aug of goats and chicken and also carry the things from the Takane,Gifu Agri/Elde/Fest 7v town, renovate the trails, help their house works, etc. As well as many other mountain villages, depopulation is Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with serious here. The population has decreased to only 650, some breaks) and hard. Study: Similar type of communi- so they started to organize “the biggest bonfire festival ties in each country and their networking. Needs physi- in Japan“ in late 90s but lack people to help preparation cal strength. Agricultural or architectural skills are wel- and running, so the workcamp has been appreciated as come! Motivation letter is needed! inevitable voluntary power for it. Also, elders who still maintain the landscape nearly alone in each area have JP-NIC 5.25 07-Jul to 21-Jul been so happy to our activities with them! We will 1) Kodomo-mura 1, Kumamoto Kids 4 vols mainly help to prepare/ run/ clean the bonfire festival JP-NIC 5.26 20-Jul to 04-Aug (we will run “NICE shop” which sales was used for disas- Kodomo-mura 2, Kumamoto Kids 4 vols ter relief in Indonesia in 2006), 2) help elderly people by With “KODOMO-Art” (KA), who run Summer Vacation Kids cutting fire woods and by working in the day-care center Program called " Kodomo-mura" with 30 kids aged 8-15 and 3) work in the corn fields, one of new special prod- every year. This year, they will do it in Nakatsue Village as ucts. Study: Best practice to revive depopulated areas in well as many other mountain villages where depopulation each country and their networking. Needs motivation to is quite serious. A school was abandoned by the shortage activate the village. of the number of students where KA tries to remain and make use of the building for animating the village by or- JP-NIC 5.30 27-Jul to 27-Aug ganizing KV, etc. We will restore the school where KA will Shirakami 3,Aomori Kids 4v organize KV. The buildings had been left for a long time, For the background of Mt.Shirakami, please see NICE/22! 132 The Shirakami Nature School have a summer vacation pro- the summer program, such as supporting activities, teach- gram with 25 kids aged 7-12 where they play, cook and ing songs, sleeping and showing your culture, perform- live in the nature as they plan to grow their independ- ance. You need to respect their ways! Study Life of kids ence, sensitivity, group cooperation, and want to put in each country and its activities For those who love kids global colors which grow understanding and passion to- and try to speak/ understand Japanese language. Respon- ward different cultures. We need to be ready to spend sibilities, group co-operativeness and motivation are nec- 24 hours with them during this period except some free essary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & similar types days.We will first have an orientation to understand the of experience is very welcome. aims and the objectives. Then we will help and live to- gether with kids all the time in the summer program, JP-NIC 11.34 01-Aug to 14-Aug such as supporting activities, teaching songs, sleeping Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Fest/Kids 6 vols and showing your culture, performance. You need to Since the first Japanese large-scale steel manufacture respect their ways! Study: Life of kids in each country factory was completed in Kitakyushu, the population has and its activities. For those who love kids and speak/ been increased and the town has developed since 1901. understand Japanese language. Responsibilities, group However, today the city centers is getting lifeless be- co-operativeness and motivation are necessary! Special- cause of decline of the local industries. We would like to ist of games, songs, cooks & similar types of experience activate the town by youth and global voluntary power. is very welcome. Motivation letter is needed!. The workcamp will be co-ordinated by the local youth, especially an active member of NICE. We will join a kids JP-NIC 5.31 28-Jul to 13-Aug camp for a few days and help and live together with kids Kurikoma 2, Miyagi Kids 3 vols all the time such as supporting activities and showing A summer vacation program with 20 kids aged 8-15 where your culture, performance. We will also try to involve a they enjoy canoe, playing in the coast and river, camp- lot of people and hold an event for activation of the ing, etc, and want to put global colours which should shopping street. Study: Activation of the shopping street. grow understanding and passion to different cultures in Needs motivation to actively work with local people and those kids. We need to be ready to spend 24 hours with for kids activities! Person who doesn't mind Shinto reli- them during this period except some free days. We will gion because we will stay in Shinto shrine (of course, help to run this summer program by playing with kids, volunteers with any religions can join). running cultural programs such as teaching your dance, songs, arts, sports, games, cooking, etc. and helping house JP-NIC 6.35 02-Aug to 16-Aug works such as cleaning and cooking with professional staffs Taishi-Tonda, Osaka Envi 5v and other vols. You won’t have much free time. Study: With local association to protect nature in Tondabayashi Life of kids in each country and its activities For those and Hamuro. Though 70% of Japanese lands are forests, who love kids and speak/ understand Japanese language. huge forests are wasted since imported wood is much Responsibilities, group co-operativeness and motivation cheaper. Once we take care of forests, it’s better to are necessary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & simi- take care of it for various ecology than just to leave it. As lar types of experience is very welcome. Motivation let- most members of this NPO are middle-aged, they expect ter is needed!. our participation in itself and also to involve more local youth. We will try to revive the forests by the global vol- NICE/32 31-Jul to 10-Aug untary power! We will work at 2 different forests. In “NICE Un-nan, Shimane Agri/Fest 6v Forest” where we also often have weekend workcamps, Same as NICE/ 32A We would like to involve international we will cut and clear trees, make trails and cut grasses in adult volunteers as staff to make smoothly communica- an abandon rice field. We will also organize a weekend tion and exchange between teenager participants. We workcamp to involve local youth. Part of Greening Asia. will first have an orientation to understand the aims and Study: Similar kind of activities about forest in each coun- the objectives. Then, in the workcamp, we adult volun- try and their networking. Needs interest to protect na- teers will help and live together with teenager all the ture and to exchange with people. Adaptable to enjoy time such as supporting activities and showing your cul- simple life! ture and organizing some of activities for intercultural learning. Study: youth issues and education in each coun- JP-NIC 11.36 03-Aug to 16-Aug try. For those who like teenager and are very motivated Unzen, Nagasaki Elde/Kids/Phys 8 vols to work with them all day. Similar type of experience is Help to encourage Summer Volunteer School (SVS) that welcome! Motivation letter is needed! are held for 3 days to promote volunteering and interna- tional friendships with 100 kids aged 10-18. . We will 1) JP-NIC 5.33 01-Aug to 14-Aug work with the volunteer club of the 20 local girls and Saga Kids 5 vols boys within the ages of 10 to 15 by such as helping for With Dream School Academia Terra (DSAT), founded to the elderly and disadvantaged people such as wheelchair establish a new alternative school in Saga. They have a users, etc., 2) care for elderly people at nursing-care summer vacation program with 30 kids aged 7-12 where facility and 3) work together with local volunteer groups. they play, cook and live in the nature as they plan to Study: Current volunteer activities by kids in your coun- grow their independence, sensitivity, group coopera- try. Needs motivation to work with them. If you can tion, and want to put global colors which grow under- speak some or good Japanese, it will be good! standing and passion toward different cultures. We need to be ready to spend 24 hours with them during this period except some free days. We will first have an ori- entation to understand the aims and the objectives. Then, we will help and live together with kids all the time in 133 JP-NIC 5.37 03-Aug to 20-Aug problem such as withdrawals. Study: Life of kids in each Kodomo-mura 3, Kumamoto Kids 4 vols country and its activities. Needs interest eco-village and Same as NICE/25 the project of the workcamp.

NICE/38 04-Aug to 18-Aug JP-NIC 11.46 14-Aug to 2 Sep Namino, Kumamoto Agri/Fest/Kids 6 vols Ogi, Niigata Envi/Fest 6 vols With local governmental staff, craftsmen, and farmers. With “Morito”, a local voluntary group in Sado Island. The terrible religious Group "Oom", who caused a poison They take care of the forest called “Furusato-no-mori gas crime in Tokyo in 95, had tried to live here before 95 Park” in Ogi town, the south part of the Island. It gives though local people had been very against. Now, here is local people many opportunities to enjoy themselves in completely safe, all of them have left but the area is still the forest at each season. Now, they are trying to focus damaged by a bad image, so they want to revive an acti- on caring for the forest with local people. They expect vated community by utilizing international workcamps! We youth and foreign volunteers to activate the area men- will be divided into 4-5 groups, help local farmers such as tally and physically. We will participate in the art festival cutting bushes and harvesting vegetable. We will pre- called “Earth Celebration” and sell soba (Japanese noo- pare/ run/ clean the local summer festival. We will also dle) with local people. Also, we will work in the school join kids camp, which will be held in this village for few forests by such as cutting bushes and create recreation days. Study: Activation of local communities by utilizing program for local kids to experience in local forest. Study: former school. Needs interest in agriculture and the Unique festivals in each country. Some Japanese lan- project of the workcamp. guage skills since the camp language will be JAPANESE! Those who have experience to join nature programs with NICE/41 09-Aug to 21-Aug kids are welcome. Ikenohara, Aichi Kids/Soci 5v With Ikenohara Free School (IFS), founded to support JP-NIC 11.47 16-Aug to 29-Aug children who cannot go to the schools due to difficulties Kamakura, Kanagawa Kids/Soci 4 vols such as Asperger syndrome, abused/ cheated, delin- With an orphanage, Kamakura Children Home (KCH) and quency, etc. IFS holds classes for normal studies, arts Child Maltreatment Prevention Network (CMPN). Child and outdoor activities with counseling. They also run some abuse is one of the biggest social problems in Japan. Over seasonal events like a concert in the forest in April and 30,000 cases were reported in 2006 while it was 5,000 in would like to have international volunteers to run sum- 1997 partly because people are more aware of this prob- mer programs together! We will first have an orientation lem. Governments & specialized NGOs are trying to solve how to be with those children. Then, we will 1) take it, but still far and NICE runs a special team for this issue, care of their forest and vegetable field and clean the including weekend workcamps with KCH every month. beach, 2) run three summer camps for high school stu- We will work in KCH for 6 days to prepare/ run/ clean up dents (1 day & 2 days) and elementary/ junior high school their bon dance festival and do some other things like students (2 days) and finally 3) clean the area. Study: farming/ playing/ studying with the kids many of who are The future plan of IFS, similar kind of schools in each ex. abused kids. We’ll also run a weekend workcamp only country. Needs very high motivation to work with youth for families, so it can create even a bit power to prevent in difficulties. You will need much patience, flexibility such tragedies. Study: Child abuse situation and activi- and physical/ mental toughness. Similar types of experi- ties in each country and global cooperation. Very big ence and Japanese speaking skill are welcome! Motiva- motivation to work for this issue even after the project is tion letter is needed! necessary as well as flexibility and creativity. Experience to work for this issue professionally & to run kids camps JP-NIC 11.44 10-Aug to 26-Aug and skills of performance (music, play, etc.) are very Ogata, Oita Agri/Fest/Kids 5v welcome! Motivation letter is needed!. With local governmental staff, organic farmers and other local people. Ogata is famous for the tulip and the popu- JP-NICE 6.48 16-Aug to 29-Aug lation is 6,500. In spite of such wonderful natural heritages, Hoshino, Fukuoka Edu/Envi/Kids 8 vols the population has been decreased, especially children With a local group from a forestry cooperative, a local are very few, so the main problem of Ogata today is ag- youth group etc. This village has got the 1st prize in the ing. We aim to activate the area by workcamps. We will national contests for beautiful stars in the sky and for be divided into 3-4 groups, help local farmers such as shelves of rice fields. In spite of such wonderful natural cutting bushes and harvesting vegetable. We will also heritage, depopulation of especially youth are serious join a kid’s camp, which is held for a few days and help to here as well as many other countrysides in Japan. We aim prepare, run and clean “the Kodai festival” that is a very to help nature conservation and to activate the area by traditional festival. Study: Effective cases to activate workcamps. We will work in the forests by such as cut- depopulated areas in each country. Needs interest in ting bushes. As we will contribute to nature conserva- nature, agriculture and the project of the workcamp. tion in Hoshino with global voluntary power, our move- ment will eventually lead to a greener world. We will also JP-NIC 11.45 13-Aug to 26-Aug visit schools to raise awareness to protect nature! Part Kurikoma 3, Miyagi Envi/Kids/Soci 3 vols of Greening Asia. Study: Effective cases to activate de- Same as NICE/08 except the following point; We will do populated areas in each country. Needs interest to pro- the various works needed in the KPNS and area such as tect nature and to exchange with people. Adaptable to farming and construction work. We will also join an out- enjoy simple life! door kids camp organized by KPNS for few days. We will do various activities with the youth in KPNS, who have

134 JP-NIC 11.49 17-Aug to 31-Aug help their farming separated into some farm houses and Fuji, Shizuoka Agri/Envi 8v work to revive the abandoned tea gardens. Study: Pro- Chuo National Youth House (CNYH) is a social education posal to the future plan of Wazuka and tea garden. We facility, which aims to educate youth through a variety aim to learn and tell about Wazeka tea and activate the of group activities, experiences and study. It is at the area by tea. Need to be flexible/ adaptable foot in Mt. Fuji that has been a popular tourism spot for a long time. However, a beautiful virgin forest that exists NICE/56 30-Aug to 11-Sep widely in Mt. Fuji has been spoilt by garbage that the Souryo, Hiroshima Envi/Fest 5v tourist leaves and illegal disposal. We will activate this There were 80 houses but now just 20 houses in this project as a fresh wind. We will do cleaning activity of area because of dam construction. The population is 50, Mt. Fuji with a local group of 30 university students and half of whom are over 65 years old. There is no elemen- local motivate people and construct volunteer house to tary student. There were youth and normal workcamps promote voluntary activities. We will also help local farm- before where the vols. made wood chairs and big wood ers near the site. Study: The future plan of beautiful art as a symbol of that park. That park was made by many mountains in the world and their networking. Needs mo- people little by little and they are making the Herb Park tivation to actively work and with local people! and café to let more people visit this town from urban area. We will help to cut grasses with cutting machine to NICE/53 23-Aug to 06-Sep protect plants of rare species in this area and help eld- Satsuma, Kagoshima Envi/Soci 4v erly people who have no energy to work. We will also Eco Link Association (ELA) wants to create a sustainable make small art works of animals and sell them at a flea society through environmental preservation and achiev- market.We aim to activate the area by the workcamps. ing harmonious coexistence of nature and humans. They Study: Idea of wood art works. You need to be creative manage a forest equestrian club by utilizing the advan- and interested in art and woodwork. tages of rich nature. They have a horse-riding classroom for various people such as local kids and disadvantage NICE/57 31-Aug to 14-Sep people. They want to activate this town by using this Tokyo-ko, Tokyo Envi 6 vols facility, so we will try to give our global voluntary power! With Green Volunteers of Tokyo Port (GVTP). Because We will do the various works needed in the ELA and area construction plan was delayed, a reclaimed land became such as making nature trail and construction work. We one of valuable natural place in Tokyo Bay with some will also do some forest work such as cutting trees, cut- ponds and many plants, so various kinds of birds gather ting branches as well as support the horse-riding class- there. It became a park and GVTP has been improving room for disadvantage people. Study: Local participation ecological conditions and guide visitors to promote eco- to protect nature and Greening Asia. Needs interest to logical awareness. NICE is working with them success- protect nature and to exchange with people. fully by international and weekend workcamps! We will mainly remove mud from the pond, so their functions can JP-NIC 5.54 24-Aug to 08-Sep be more active and more fish/ plants/ insects can live Shiojiri, Nagano Edu/Kids 8v there. Concentrated work that cannot be done just by The staff of Educational Committee of Shiojiri has run GVTP vols, most of whom have their jobs. Study: Global some workcamps and is an active member of NICE. The environment and Greening Asia. Motivation to work hard elementary schools in this city hold some classes for for nature and with physically disadvantaged. Similar ex- simple English conversation, but the children have rare perience is welcome! Motivation letter needed! opportunities to exchange with foreigners, especially non- native speakers of English. Also, we aim to introduce JP-NIC 6.60 01-Sep to 15-Sep cultural diversity of the world as well as children’s life in Nabari 2, Mie Envi 5 vols each country. We will visit and organize the programs in Same as NICE/13 except the following points :We will do 7-10 elementary schools (mostly, one day for each school), various works to take care of the forest such as cutting like introducing each culture, children’s life, games/ trees, cutting branches, maintain the footpath, etc. music/ dance/ craft/ cooking, social issues, etc. We may Main work of this year is fixing a hiking way near the be often spilt into some groups though we will do it some- pond for dragonflies. Physically hard. Part of Greening times all together. Study: Education in each country and Asia. Needs interested in nature conservation future cooperation like Sister Schools Project. Needs strong motivation in education and those who likes kids NICE/62 02-Sep to 16-Sep very much. Onuma, Hokkaido Envi 6 vols With Onuma Milestone 22, a new localNGO. Though Onuma JP-NIC 11.55 24-Aug to 08-Sep lake has been a popular tourism spot for a long time be- Wazuka, Kyoto Agri/Fest/Reno 7 vols cause of its beautiful scenery, it has been polluted by With a society for the study of producing organic Japa- over use of agricultural chemicals in cattle farming and nese tea in Wazuka. They are farmers some of whom pro- erosion from abandoned forests with non-native trees. duce completely organic ones while the others do partly, They have bought a forest and wants to revive it to origi- but want to activate this area by tea in the future. The nal nature with native trees! We will mainly cut alien trees situation of organic farming in Japan is still difficult, so that disturb growth of other plants and animals. We will we will understand tea, help them and try to involve more also put some stones along the bank of a few islands in local people! This year, we will start making a tea park the lake to protect from the waves made by motor boats that might become a symbol of Wazuka in the future. We for tourism as well as check the pollution with some spe- will organize a big one day event which will involve local cialists. Part of Greening Asia. Study: 100 years plan of people in their redevelopment movement. We will also the forests and sustainable town planning. Needs motiva- tion to actively work in the forests and with local peo- 135 ple! Jya Punhi NICE/63 05-Sep to 18-Sep This is local festival of the Panauti every year .We cel- Shintoku, Hokkaido Agri/Cons/Envi 4 vols ebrate the festival and main day of festival lies in full With Kyodo Gakusha, a cooperative community where moon. Jya Punhi is one of the greatest and particularly people with various backgrounds such as mentally disad- interesting to watch .The festival is observed for three vantaged, people who are tired of city life, who wants to days, every year ,with traditional parties in every houses. learn farming or just want to live in the nature. They have 5 communities in Tokyo, Nagano and Hokkaido and Chariots of Unmanta Bhairab (angry and emotional state grow animals and vegetables in ecological, organic way of Lord Shiva )and Bhadrakali (a female god of power)each with utilizing bacterium. Their cheese got the 1st prize with four wheels, and pulled on by ropes by around 50 in the global contest! We will encourage their practice peoples and another chariot with the deity dedicated to and share the spirit. We will maintain a forest trail and a Lord Indreswor Shiva , without wheels but carried on the camping site and help construction of men’s dormitory shoulders by around 30 people are built and displayed. with the supervision of the specialists. They need us On the full moon day of June ,i.e. on the last day of the since they are too busy for daily works. We will also work festival these chariots strike with each other. The shout- in vegetable and Japanese noodle fields (taking weeds, ing of the people pulling the chariots, the loud and melo- planting and harvesting). Study: Similar types of commuffj dious sounds of traditional drumps beating adds thrill and excitement to the whole scene .Thousands of people MONGOLIA flood to watch this event. W: Generally volunteers will do some renovation work of MN-MCE 5.8 14-Jun to 27-Jun the Ashram. Cleaning the compound and gardening is other MN-MCE 5.9 27-Jun to 10-Jul activities for volunteer. MN-MCE 5.10 10-Jul to 23-Jul S: Good learning place the spiritual life and also general MN-MCE 5.12 23-Jul to 05-Aug idea behind the yoga and meditation. Daily practices on MN-MCE 5.14 05-Aug to 18-Aug Yoga and meditation. However it will not be mandatory MN-MCE 5.16 18-Aug to 31-Aug for volunteer. Attending the local festival and home visits Orphanage’s farm-1-6, Buhug Agri/Kids 20 vols during the festival Childcare Center of Mongolia is the only, national Or- A: Basic accommodation at the Ashram. Sleeping bag nec- phanage where about 300 kids live and study together. essary The farm produces and stores vegetables etc. just enough F: Simple Nepali food. Opportunity to share own for their meals all year. Volunteers will work with the specialties. orphans aged 12-15 to remove the weeds in the field. T: 25 km from Kathmandu airport. Accom.: Mongolian traditional tents which is GER (tradi- tional tent). Add fee 140 Euro NP-SCI 01Name:Banepa Chetana Kendra 2007-04-21 / 2007-04-29 Vols 10 W: tRAINING FOR THE MN-MCE 5.11 20-Jul to 02-Aug ACTIVIST AND SEMINAR FOR THE PEACE EDUCATION. MN-MCE 5.13 02-Aug to 15-Aug A: school rooms MN-MCE 5.15 15-Aug to 28-Aug X: peace rally Kids Camp-1-3, Khandgait Cult/Kids 15 vols Summer camps need helpl Volunteers will help to organ- NP-SCI 9.2 Janagal, Banepa 2007-07-31 / 2007-08- ize many kind of activity with kids and help to take care 09Vols 14 kids etc. Also, some actions of Greening Asia (Asian ac- tion to protect forests)and Bracelet project Asian action This is second year we are having this project. The to decrease kids prostitution) may be organized. Special projects have received very good feedback from those skills working with kids welcome. Extra fee 140 Euro volunteer who have been to this very project. During the period we learn methodology called Stato-Dynamic Yoga MN-MCE 5.17 15-Sep to 28-Sep Philosophy ,for individuals to develop creative intelligence School-2, Ulaanbaatar Cult/Edu/Kids 10 vols through moderation .One\'s personality emerges by be- Summer camp to help kids learn English. Volunteeers will coming mentally balanced ,physically fit ,intellectually teach English, song, game to the kids that can be advan- developed, socially peaceful and spiritually. This Ashram tage for them to find jobs and also to exchange with name is Hansada Yoga Ashram .Cleaning the compound international volunteers, in the future. Also some reno- area. vation works. We may also do some workshops with them for Asian common actions of NVDA for forests and kids W: Generally volunteers will do some renovation work of prostitution. Accom : Youth hostel. Extra fee 140 Euro the Ashram. Cleaning the compound and gardening is other activities for volunteer. NEPAL S: Good learning place the spiritual life and also general idea behind the yoga and meditation. Daily practices on NP-SCI 9.1 Janagal, Banepa 2007-06-01 / 2007-06-12 Yoga and meditation. This is second year we are having Vols 15 this project. The projects have received very good feed- During the period we learn methodology called Stato- back from those volunteer who have been to this very Dynamic Yoga Philosophy ,for individuals to develop crea- project. However it will not be mandatory for volunteer. tive intelligence through moderation .One\'s personality A: Basic accommodation at the Ashram. Sleeping bag nec- emerges by becoming mentally balanced ,physically fit essary ,intellectually developed, socially peaceful and spiritu- F: Simple Nepali food. Opportunity to share own ally. This Ashram name is Hansada Yoga Ashram . specialties.T: 25 km from Kathmandu airport. 136 SRI LANKA . Accommodation in Khujand will be with local families. During the camp volunteers will stay in cottages LK-SCI 11.1 CAMP1 14/07-28/08 with the rest of the camp participants. Some Russian or July: Tajik/Farsi is advisable to make the most out of the expe- 14th - 15th: Arrival of Volunteers. rience. 16th - 17th: Orientation. 18th: Free Day. THAILAND 19th - 27th Work Camp - Blue Rose Special School for Mentally Retarded Children, Long Term Project of SCI-SL TH-DA 4.6 10-jul to 23 jul Manual Work/ Playing with children/Working with parents INTERNATIONAL MUSIC MIX (Nam Krachai) 16vols of MR children/visiting their homes etc. TH-DA 5.7 8-jul to 21 jul CREATIVE ENGLISH TEACHING 28th - 31st Free Days (Baan Don Phutsa) Aug: 1st - 10th Work Camp, Kurunegala - Desilting of irrigation tank - manual work/shifting earth. TH-DA 5.9 2-sept. to 15-sept. 11th - 14th: Free Days CREATIVE ENGLISH TEACHING (Nong Sano)12 vols 15th - 27th: Work Camp - Kalmunai Tsunami Project - Helping tsunami affected families with reconstruction TH-DA 5.11 17nov to 30 nov CREATIVE ENGLISH TEACH- work, ING (Tachang) 10 vols Cleaning, planting trees etc. TH-DA 6.8 5aug- 18aug 28th - FINAL EVALUATION. AGRI- & FRIENDLY CULTURE (Noikoy) 10 vols

TH-DA 6.12 2dec to 15dec AGRI- & FRIENDLY CULTURE TAJIKISTAN (Uthong) 15vols

TJ-IIV 5.1 July TH-DA 11.10 6oct to 19 oct ART, CREATIVE & CONSTRUC- Isfara (Northern Tajikistan) 8v TION (Kuan-Weang) 15vols Dates to be confirmed (during July)..This workcamp is working with orphans. Volunteers would first spend a TH-GRE 11-361 3-Sep / (till 16-Sep) TAK RELIEF 15 week in the city of Khujand with the CANHELP staff get- vols ting acclimatised and then join the kids in Isfara where TH-GRE 11-421 15-Oct / (till 28-Oct) TAK RELIEF 15 volunteers will develop and organise two weeks worth of vols activities for the orphanage kids (e.g. games, English TH-GRE 11-231 4-Jun / (till 17-Jun) TAK RELIEF 15 classes, sport tournaments, drama and arts workshops, vols music, crafts). Accommodation In Khujand will be in fami- TH-GRE 11-273 2-Jul / (till 15-Jul) TAK RELIEF 15 lies. In Isfara it will be very basic, volunteers will all have vols to share one room. Experience with children a definite Place: Tak province, North of Thailand. advantage. Some ability to speak Russian or Tajik/Farsi is Type of camp: Education, Hygiene awareness and vil- definitely advisable. lage development. Extra participation fee of 35 USD. Background TJ-IIV 5.2 08-Aug to 22-Aug On traveling to Tak province, expect to discover a place Kairrokum (Northern Tajikistan) 5 vols with long history, where natural wonders are magnificently Volunteers will teach English, if possible teach econom- enhanced by ethnic diversity. Mostly forested and moun- ics/business skills, organise elective courses, cultural tainous, Tak is a northern province peacefully situated presentations and free time activities for the teenaged on the "Maenam Ping basin". The province covers an area participants who are coming to learn economic and busi- of 16,406 square kilometers. As Tak shares natural border ness skills while making new local and foreign friends. with Myanmar, it is highly regarded as a western gateway Volunteers will stay in tents or cabins with youth partici- to Myanmar, and a northern doorway to Thailand's major pants at beach resort. Vegetarians should consider that cities. Today, Tak is no longer a strategic military frontier meat holds a ubiquitous presence in Tajik cuisine. English between two great nations. It is however a trading gate- will be the working language of the camp but Russian or way to Myanmar where lots of economic activities take Tajik would be useful. ESL teaching experience helpful; place along the border. Apart from military and economic economic or business education/experience a plus; ex- importance the province is also an environmental and perience working with youth and organizing group activi- cultural center with magnificent forests, spectacular ties waterfalls and caves. Fascinating hill tribes live here in these regions, who are economically poor. Due to this TJ-IIV 6.2 July/August condition the people here have very less education and Kayrakkum (Northern Tajikistan) 5 vols no knowledge of cleanliness and Hygiene. In this work Dates to be confirmed (between late July- into August). camp we would like to educate one of the village's school Volunteers will organise workshops on youth environmental children's in English language and hygiene. Near to the networking, thematic English classes, and other events. work camp village runs a river by the name "Mae Tuen", In Last year the volunteers organised workshops on paper the future this place has a potential to attract a lot of recycling, clean–up day at the beach, filmed a short movie tourist for various water activities. If the conditions of together with the camp participants. Volunteers will also this village are improved the villagers will become eco- learn about the environmental problems plaguing nomically strong and will also be able to communicate in 137 English to the foreign tourists coming here. The volun- The camp will consist of two weeks interacting with the teers on the other side learn about tribal culture, tradi- local people in the village. The volunteers will partici- tions, customs and lifestyle. pate in the work and daily life of the local villagers in Work order to teach those better environmental practices apart The volunteers mainly will be teaching English in one of from teaching English to the children in the village. Vol- the tribal schools to the children from the age 5-18 years. unteers will then work together with the villagers to They also educate the school children in health and hy- change sanitation and waste disposal practices. A large giene awareness. The volunteers will also be doing manual part of this project will involve demonstrating to the vil- work to develop the village that will be helping the whole lagers the value of their environment. Some informal teach- community. ing about environmental issues will help the villagers sus- Accommodation tain and build upon the positive changes begun by the The accommodation will be a simple dormitory-style ac- camp. It is expected that the volunteers bring creative commodation or in home-stays with families in the village. ideas for environmental and organizational strategies. Volunteers should bring their own sleeping bag, mat and Volunteers also visit a hill top Buddhist monastery (where mosquito net as not all families can provide this. monks go on horse back for collecting alms) for cultural Location study. The aim is to have fun (sanuk) together, learn more This camp is located in a rural area very close to the about each other's cultures and set a good basis for fu- border of Myanmar. There are beautiful mountains around ture activities while helping the village. Tak province and is 590 km's north of Bangkok. Accommodation Qualification The accommodation will be a simple, dormitory-style or Knowledge of at least Basic English very much essential with home-stays with families in the village. Volunteers as you will be involved in teaching. You should love chil- should bring their own sleeping bag, mat and mosquito dren, and the ability to teach independently and crea- net as not all families can provide this. tively is a must, and you should come up with ideas for Location children's activities before coming. You may need com- This camp is located in a rural area, about 50 km's north munication skills beyond language; music can especially of the city of Chiang Rai and 800 km's north of Bangkok. be a great way of communicating so bring your own songs Qualification and instruments! The other way of teaching will be nice Deep respect for the environment and the ambition to to have a good relationship with the children. If you bring work on improving it in a socially active way. . This camp some idea about games of learning that can be played in involves physical work so volunteers are to be healthy the classroom or when they have free time it will be a and fit. Participants cannot be afraid to get their hands great as the children love it very much than normal learn- dirty and do physically demanding work, such as clearing ing. Should be very much interested to do manual work trails, hauling garbage etc. Knowledge of at least Basic as you will be working for the local community in some English very much essential as volunteers will also be in- physical work. Should not be afraid to get your hands volved in teaching. Furthermore, any ideas for educa- dirty. Should be physically healthy and fit for manual work. tional activities about the environment that we can or- Deep respect for social work and the ambition to work ganize in the village are more then welcome! on improving it in a socially active way. Ideas for commu- nity development are more than welcome! It is expected TH-GRE 11-321 6-Aug / (till 19-Aug) CHIENG RAI 15 that the volunteers bring creative ideas for improving it. vols

TH-GRE 11-312 30-Jul / (till 12-Aug) UBON TH-GRE 11-291 16-Jul / (till 29-Jul) CHIENG RAI GW 15 RATCHATHANI 15 vols vols TH-GRE 11-191 7-May / (till 20-May) UBON Place: Chiang Rai Province, North of Thailand. RATCHATHANI 15 vols Type of camp: Social, Educational and Eco-Tourism Devel- TH-GRE 11-451 5-Nov / (till 18-Nov) UBON opment RATCHATHANI 15 vols Background TH-GRE 11-491 3-Dec / (till 16-Dec) UBON The people here are the Thai people of the north re- RATCHATHANI 15vols gion. The cultural life of these people is different from Place: Ubon Ratchathani Province, Northeastern Thailand that of other people. The road to this place is long, but Type of Camp: Teaching English and cultural exchange. has the charm of beautiful natural environment. On one Background of the hill top from the village is a Buddhist monastery This place has big areas of rice fields across the river where horses are used as a means of transport to trans- "Chee". Fish is also cultivated here. During the season port people and all the other things. One of the most people work in rice fields and during free time people unique specialties of this place is that the Buddhist monks engage themselves in making Silk, Handicraft's, essential collect their alms going on the horse back as the roads Oil. The people here are very hospitable and love to host here are not good and this way of collecting alms can be foreigners in their homes. As people here are not ex- found only here and in no other place of this country. posed to English language, so it will be great if the village Horses are used as a means of transport to transport children are motivated to learn English, it will be better people and all the other things to the monastery. Although for their future. Also the villagers will be exposed with the people living here have very good natural resources different cultures and it will broaden their thinking. to keep their community clean they are not aware of the Work hygiene knowledge. These people also are not financial The work consists of several works with the local people good because of poor education, so most of them work in the village. The local people here love to welcome as unskilled laborers in big cities. visitors. This camp will help you to build up friendship Work and to open up the mind. Volunteers will be involved in 138 Environmental development work e.g. cleaning and beau- VPV28-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 22.7-4.8 DISA/ tifying community facilities, setting up trash collecting KIDS 20 VOLS sites and recycling programs. Non-formal teaching of Eng- VPV34-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 19.8-1.9 DISA/ lish and environment preservation in schools will also have KIDS 20 VOLS to be conducted (bring activities and songs that will in- VPV37-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 3.10-16.10 troduce the children to Basic English speaking skills DISA/KIDS 20 VOLS through fun and games). You will start to know the villag- VPV40-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 8.11-21.11 ers personally by possibly helping them in their work e.g. DISA/KIDS 20 VOLS in their farm, rice fields, to weave cloth, make mat from some kind of tree leaf, learn how to make Thai desert , Vietnam Friendship Village is a treatment/care center for oil massage from herb or do some developing work at the Agent Orange victims, which was opened in 1993 to treat monastery. In the morning you can join the local people children and veterans suffering from the effects of Agent to study Buddhism lifestyle and some ceremonies in a Orange (The children, whose fathers or grandfathers near by monastery. This is a good opportunity to learn were exposed (causing chromosomal damage) or who were their culture and have good experience, but these ac- contaminated from their mother’s milk, suffer from a range tivities also depend on the season too. This camp hopes of difficult conditions. While staying in Vietnam Friend- to make aware the villagers to keep their community clean ship Village, children and veterans are nourished and are and to take care of their environment. Teaching English provided with free medical care. The children, who may will motivate the children to learn English and will be stay there for several years, receive not only basic edu- useful for them in their future for have a better job. cation, but also some forms of job training. VPV has been There is no rush to finish anything quickly. After-school running a lot of international workcamps there to assist organizing sporting event and non-competitive game, sing the children. a song etc is also the best way to create relationship and W: Volunteers will help gardening, preparing food for have fun (sanuk) with the children and the local people. children, renovating the village and the garden, playing Accommodation with children and organizing games for them. The accommodation will be a simple, in home-stays with A: VPV’s dormitory (Peace House) close to the village. families in the village. Volunteers should bring their own Sleeping on floor, sleeping bag is needed. 3 shared bath- sleeping bag, mat and mosquito net as not all families can rooms with hot water. F: Cooked by volunteers with the provide this. help from local people. LA: English. Motivation letter is Location preferred along with application form. LO: The village is This camp is located in a rural area, of the city of Ubon in the outskirt of Hanoi Capital, about 15km from down- Ratchathani, which is 650 km's northeast of Bangkok. town. T: Hanoi International Airport. Participation Fee Qualification 120EUR. No special qualifications are necessary. You should love children, as you will be surrounded by loads of them VPV08-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Hanoi 22.4-5.5 RENO 20 most of the time. The ability to teach independently and VOLS creatively is a must, and you should come up with ideas for children's activities before coming. You may need com- Tu Liem is an suburban district in Hanoi where VPV is munication skills beyond language; music can especially locating its office. There are several schools nearby which be a great way of communicating so bring your own songs need voluntary help in redecorating the classrooms and and instruments! The other way of teaching will be nice garden in the school area, and also in creating a nice to have a good relationship with the children. If you bring international environment for the children. some idea about games of learning that can be played in W: Volunteers will help with painting windows and doors, the classroom or when they have free time it will be a constructing flower boxes and planting trees. Additional great as the children love it very much than normal learn- activities will include teaching English for the kids, play- ing. Should be very much interested to do manual work ing with them, or exchanging with local volunteers and as you will be working for the local community in some people. physical work. A: SIMPLE. Volunteers will stay in VPV’s dormitory (Peace House) which is quite close to the project site. Sleeping on the floor. Sleeping bag is necessary. Toilets with show- TH-GRE 11-522 24-Dec / (till 6-Jan) CHIENG RAI GW ers available. F: Cooked by volunteers with the help from 15 vols local people. LA: English. LO: The project is in Hanoi outskirt. T: Hanoi International Airport. Participation Fee: 120EUR. VIETNAM VPV41-07 SPECIAL EVENT Hanoi 22.11-5.12 SOCI 20 VOLS

VPV05-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 4.3-17.3 DISA/ The “Beauty in Diversity Day” is an annual event organ- KIDS 20 VOLS ized by UNDP in cooperation with many local and inter- VPV07-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 8.4-21.4 DISA/ national organizations in Vietnam to celebrate 3 special KIDS 20 VOLS days together: the World AIDS Day (1 December), the In- VPV10-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 13.5-26.5 DISA/ ternational Volunteer Day (3 December) and the Day for KIDS 20 VOLS People with Disabilities (5 Dec). The event will take place VPV17-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 10.6-23.6 DISA/ in the Reunification Park in Hanoi City. It is dedicated to KIDS 20 VOLS recognizing the diversity of individuals living with or af- VPV22-07 FRIENDSHIP VILLAGE Hanoi 1.7-14.7 DISA/ fected by disability, those living with or affected by HIV/ KIDS 20 VOLS AIDS, together with wide-range of individuals that volun- 139 teer their time and energy to contribute to the commu- VOLS nity's needs. VPV36-07HOANG XA CAVE Hatay 14.10-27.10 CULT/CONS W: Volunteers will Volunteers will prepare for the infor- 20 VOLS mation corner with materials collected from different sources on the themes of HIV/AIDS prevention, disability Hoang Xa Cave locates on Hoang Xa Mountain, one of the and volunteering. The work will include designing, erect- sixteen spectacular hills emerged from the flat landscape ing, decorating and preparing games and activities for of farmland. Hoang Xa Cave and its surrounding area could the event. Prepare a lot of ideas for this. Bring related be considered as a local park with beautiful view spotted materials from your country. Voluteers will also organize by the small lake in the front. It is also a cultural and discussion with university students on the themes above. historical place with the mark of the French force during A: SIMPLE. Volunteers will stay in VPV’s dormitory (Peace the war in the middle of 20th century. Despite the impor- House) which is quite close to the project site. Sleeping tance of the park, is now under a loose protection and on the floor. Sleeping bag is necessary. Toilets with show- conservation due to the lack of financial resources and ers available. F: Cooked by volunteers with the help from people’s awareness. This is a rural area under the trend local people. LA: English. LO: The project is in Hanoi for industrialization and urbanization, remaining in the outskirt. T: Hanoi International Airport. Participation Fee: sharp decrease of land and increase of unemployment 120EUR. for farmers. W: Volunteers will help collecting garbage, placing new VPV14-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Hatay 3.6-16.6 RENO/ waste baskets, making new signboard, reconstructing EDU 20 VOLS some walls. Additional activities will include teaching Eng- VPV18-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Hatay 17.6-30.6 lish for local children in local villages. A: SIMPLE. Volun- RENO/EDU 20 VOLS teers will stay in local families near school. Sleeping on VPV29-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Hatay 22.7-4.8 RENO/ the floor. Sleeping bag is necessary. F: Cooked by volun- EDU 20 VOLS teers with the help from local people. LA: English. LO: The project is in Ha Tay province, in the west of Hanoi Quoc Oai is a rural district with many primary schools Capital. T: Hanoi International Airport. Meeting point is in with poor infrastructure. Limited fund is reserved for Hanoi before going to project site. Participation Fee: school maintenance and decoration but it is never enough. 120EUR. There is also land available for a small garden inside the school and the staff wants their children to start build- VPV12-07 HUNG KING Phutho 27.5-9.6 ENV/HIS ing a beautiful area in the setting. 20 VOLS W: Volunteers will help with renovating the schools, paint- VPV23-07 HUNG KING Phutho 1.7-14.7 ENV/HIS ing doors and windows, planting trees, cleaning, teach- 20 VOLS ing English for children and playing with them. VPV27-07 HUNG KING Phutho 15.7-28.7 ENV/HIS A: in public hall or school with shared toilet. Sleeping 20 VOLS bag is needed. F: Cooked by volunteers with the help VPV30-07 HUNG KING Phutho 29.7-11.8 ENV/HIS from local people. LA: English. Motivation letter is pre- 20 VOLS ferred along with application form. LO: The project is in VPV33-07 HUNG KING Phutho 12.8-25.8 ENV/HIS Ha Tay Province, in the west of Hanoi Capital. T: Hanoi 20 VOLS International Airport. Meeting point in Hanoi before go- VPV38-07 HUNG KING Phutho 10.10-23.10 ENV/HIS ing to project site. Participation Fee 120EUR. 20 VOLS

VPV21-07 CLINIC RENOVATION Hatay 24.6-7.7 RENO/ The historic relic complex of Den Hung, which is located SOCI 20 VOLS in Co Tich village, Hy Cuong commune, Lam Thao district, Phu Tho province, worships Hung Kings who founded the Quoc Oai is a rural district of Ha Tay Province. The com- first state of Vietnam. The Hung Temple was built on Hung mune clinic is supposed to serve local people in the com- Mountain in Phong Chau-the neighboring area of the capi- munity with basic medical support. The buildings and gar- tal of Van Lang State 4,000 years ago. The whole relic den are in low condition due to the lack of maintenance. area has 4 temples, 1 pagoda and 1 royal tombs harmoniz- W: Volunteers will help with renovating the building, paint- ing with the natural beauty. The whole area of Hung Temple ing doors and windows, planting trees, cleaning the ground was previously an old tropical forest. Many visitors come and garden. to this place, especially during the festival season with A: in public hall or local families with shared toilet. Sleep- thousands of people which leads to the problem of pollu- ing bag is needed. F: Cooked by volunteers with the help tion. from local people. LA: English. Motivation letter is pre- W: Volunteers will help collecting garbage, planting tree, ferred along with application form. LO: The project is in clearing site, placing new waste baskets, making new sign- Ha Tay Province, in the west of Hanoi Capital. T: Hanoi board. Additional activities will include teaching English International Airport. Meeting point in Hanoi before go- for local children who are working as tour guides. ing to project site. Participation Fee 120EUR. A: SIMPLE. Volunteers will stay in local families near school. Sleeping on the floor. Sleeping bag is necessary. F: Cooked VPV13-07HOANG XA CAVE Hatay 27.5-9.6 CULT/CONS 20 by volunteers with the help from local people. LA: Eng- VOLS lish. LO: The project is in Phu Tho province, in the north VPV20-07HOANG XA CAVE Hatay 24.6-7.7 CULT/CONS 20 of Hanoi Capital. T: Hanoi International Airport. Meeting VOLS point is in Hanoi before going to project site. Participa- VPV24-07HOANG XA CAVEHatay 8.7-21.7 CULT/CONS 20 tion Fee: 120EUR. VOLS VPV31-07HOANG XA CAVE Hatay 5.8-18.8 CULT/CONS 20 VPV15-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Phutho 3.6-16.6 RENO 140 20 VOLS VPV19-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Phutho 17.6-30.6 RENO 20 VOLS VPV26-07 SCHOOL RENOVATION Phutho 15.7-28.7 RENO 20 VOLS

Lam Thao Primary school is located in a rural setting of Phu THo Province in the north of Hanoi Capital. The toi- lets and water system is very old and need to be reno- vated. Children are also not aware of personal hygiene and environment protection. There are some other schools with the same context and need for volunteers’ help. W: Volunteers will help with renovating the toilets and water well and other school facilities. Additional activi- ties will include teaching English for the kids, playing with them, promoting personal hygiene and environment pro- tection, or exchanging with local volunteers and people. A: SIMPLE. Volunteers will stay in local families near school. Sleeping on the floor. Sleeping bag is necessary. F: Cooked by volunteers with the help from local people. LA: Eng- lish. LO: The project is in Phu Tho province, in the north of Hanoi Capital. T: Hanoi International Airport. Meeting point is in Hanoi before going to project site. Participa- tion Fee: 120EUR.

VPV06-07 SOS ORPHANAGEPhutho 18.3-31.3 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV09-07 SOS ORPHANAGEPhutho 6.5-19.5 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV11-07SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 20.5-2.6 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV16-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 10.6- 23.6 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV25-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 8.7- 21.7 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV32-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 12.8- 25.8 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV35-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 16.9- 29.9 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV39-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 1.11- 14.11 KIDS 20 VOLS VPV42-07 SOS ORPHANAGE Phutho 13.12- 26.12 KIDS 20 VOLS

The first children moved into SOS Children's Village Viet Tri in 1999. The SOS Children's Village is situated in the centre of Viet Tri City, the capital of Phu