Course # COMM-438/638 (004) Production Practicum: Aesthetics/Techniques Editing - Fall 2009 / Brigid Maher, American University, 4400 Massachusetts, Washington DC COMM 438/638 (004) Aesthetics/Techniques of Editing TUESDAY AFTERNOON: 2:10 to 4:50 in the Media Production Center, Room 100 Instructor: Brigid Maher Office Hours: Tuesdays 10:30 to 12:30, Wednesdays 10:30am to 12:30pm, Thursday 2 to 4pm E-mail:
[email protected] Office: MGC 318 Phone: 202-885-2664 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course surveys the editing aesthetics and techniques used in narrative, documentary, and experimental film and video. This includes: Soviet montage, classical Hollywood style, discontinuity, associational, spatial montage, and contemporary narrative. Through a series of exercises, students develop editing strategies for both narrative and non-narrative work. Students receive in-class and written critiques examining the development of each editing exercise. Students edit the final project using their choice of editing strategies covered in class. Projects develop with increasing complexity and enable students to apply their ideas about editing to the material in order to develop their own style and aesthetic. Prerequisite: COMM-434/634 Film & Video Production I or permission of school The student will master the following knowledge: • Understand historical and contemporary contexts of editing theory and practice • Advanced skills on Final Cut Pro • Intermediate post-production protocols in digital editing • Intermediate level organizational skills necessary