From: Kulpa, Paula (MTC) [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:59 AM To: Shoniker, Blair Cc:
[email protected]; Duclos, Bert (MTC);
[email protected] Subject: Bowstring Arch Bridges, Municipal Class EA Projects: Bowstring Arch Bridges, Humber Bridge trail and McEwen Bridge, Schedule "B", Municipal Class EA Location: City of Vaughan, Region of York Blair Shoniker, On October 13, 2010 the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MTC) received your letter with respect to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for two bowstring arch bridges located in the City of Vaughan, and within the Humber River watershed. As part of the Class Environmental Assessment process, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has an interest in the conservation of cultural heritage resources including: o Archaeological resources; o Built heritage resources; and o Cultural heritage landscapes. The Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 issued under the authority of the Planning Act defines “conserved” as “the identification, protection, use and/or management of cultural heritage and archaeological resources in such a way that their heritage values, attributes and integrity are retained. This may be addressed through a conservation plan or heritage impact assessment.” Archaeology: As per our checklist for determining archaeological potential, a primary water source is located within both study areas, confirming the archaeological potential of the property. An archaeological assessment by a licensed consultant archaeologist of all lands that are part of this development proposal will be necessary for this project prior to any ground disturbance and/or site alterations. Once the assessment is complete, the licensed archaeologist will file an archaeological assessment report (3 copies) to the Ministry of Tourism and Culture for review by an Archaeology Review Officer.