Honouring the Promise Aboriginal values in protected areas in Canada A Research Report Prepared by: National Aboriginal Forestry Association Association Nationale de Foresterie Autochtone Honouring the Promise: Writing and editing team: Aboriginal values in Jean Paul Gladu, Doug Brubacher, Brad Cundiff, protected areas in Canada Anna Baggio, Anne Bell, Tim Gray September 2003 We gratefully acknowledge the support of Environment Canada’s Millennium Partnership Program and World Wildlife Fund Canada. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ National Aboriginal Forestry Association 875 Bank St. Ottawa, Ont., K1S 3W4 (613) 233-5563 telephone Wildlands League National Aboriginal (613) 233-4329 fax a chapter of the Canadian Parks and Forestry Association
[email protected] Wilderness Society Association Nationale www.nafaforestry.org Suite 380, 401 Richmond St. W. de Foresterie Autochtone Toronto, Ont., M5V 3A8 (416) 971-9453 telephone Our Mission (416) 979-3155 fax Advancing the concepts of Aboriginal control and
[email protected] sustainable development of forest resources to serve the www.wildlandsleague.org needs of Aboriginal communities. Background The Wildlands League’s mission is to protect wilderness The creation of a National Aboriginal forestry organization through the establishment of protected areas and through was called for at the landmark conference on Native the promotion of natural resource use that is sustainable for forestry, entitled the National Native Forestry Symposium - nature, communities and the economy. Ethic To Reality. The conference was held in Vancouver, November 22-24, 1989, and was attended by some 450 The Wildlands League was founded in 1968 to protect delegates. At the conference, there was a consensus of wilderness in Ontario. We joined the Canadian Parks and support from the delegates in favour of establishing a Wilderness Society (CPAWS) as a chapter in 1980.