* the Ombudsman Office of andPrivacy the Information Office of the Environmental Commissioner Office of the Children’s LawyerOffice of the Assembly Office of Development Pickering Corporation North Fund Heritage Corporation Northern Livestock Financial Protection Board, Fund for Liquor Control Board ofOntario Legal AidOntario Investor Securities EducationFund, Ontario FinancialGrain Protection Board, Funds for CommissionofOntario Financial Services Election Fees andExpenses, Chief Electoral Officer, Centennial Centre ofScienceandTechnology Algonquin Forestry Authority AgriCorp General by theAuditor 1. Dates in parentheses indicate fiscal periods endingona indicateDates fiscalperiods inparentheses date other than March 31. March date than other Commissioner Livestock Producers Commission Canola Soybeans, Corn, ofGrain Wheat,and Producers Electoral System Referendum Act whose accounts are audited Agencies Exhibit 1 Election Finances Act Agencies oftheCrown Agencies Election Act Election

and Ontario FoodOntario Terminal Board Financing Authority Ontario Financial Electricity Corporation Ontario EducationalCommunicationsAuthority Ontario Development Corporation Ontario CleanWaterOntario Agency (December31)* TVOntario Foundation TVOntario Area Transit Authority Operating Public Guardian andTrustee Province for the of Provincial Judges Pension Fund, Provincial Judges Provincial Advocate for Children andYouth Arts CouncilforProvince the ofOntario Pension BenefitsGuarantee Fund, Financial Owen SoundTransportation Company Limited Commission Securities Ontario Realty Corporation Ontario Commission Racing Ontario PlaceCorporation Ontario Transportation Northland Commission Ontario Mortgage andHousingCorporation Ontario Mortgage Corporation Ontario MediaDevelopment Corporation Ontario Investor Immigrant Ontario Corporation Trust Heritage Ontario Ontario Pension Board CommissionofOntario Services 489

Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 490 fiscal year: The following 2007/08 changes were the madeduring Note: * Workplace Safety Board andInsurance St. Lawrence Parks Commission Foundation Health Mental Ontario (October 31)* Motor Vehicle Accident ClaimsFund General the Auditor of direction the under auditor another by 2. 2008 Annual Report oftheOffice ofthe 2008 Annual Report Auditor General of Ontario Ontario Exports Inc. Exports Ontario Deletion: Provincial Advocate for Children andYouth Mortgage Corporation Ontario Chief Electoral Officer, Addition: 31. March date than other (December 31)* whose accounts are audited Agencies Dates in parentheses indicate fiscal periods endingona indicateDates fiscalperiods inparentheses Electoral System Referendum Act