GUELPH Gueqjh Volume 31 Number 33 November 4, 1987
(.L) Al<Chl'llc5 LI BRA 'f UNIVERSITY g;-GUELPH GUeqJh Volume 31 Number 33 November 4, 1987 Cover: Valerie Hodge, a student in Environmemal Biology, reads the Book eFRemembrance in the chapel area ofWar Memorial Hall The book lists the names ofmemb ers ofth e University community who died in the First and Second World Wars. The University will honor those who gave their lives in world wars at a Remembrance Day service Nov. J 1 at J0: 55 a.m. at War Memorial Hall Classes will be withdrawn from I 0:45 to I l:20 a. m. so that all members of the University c::ommunity c::an panicipate in the service, which has been a tradition on campus since 1919. Herb Rausc her. PhoU>grn phic erv1ces ---At UNIVERSITY ¢"GUELPH GuelthhVJ:', Dr. Dennis Howell dies University ambassador The man who projected lhe University of Guelph inlo the international scene, Dr. Dennis Howell, died Oct 29 at Guelph. He was 67. The University community extends sympathy to his wife, Elsie, of Guelph, and two daughters. Dr. Jane Howell of Toronto and Dr. Susan Thompson of Vancouver. A University mefnorial service will be held Nov. 4 at 4 p.m. in War Memorial Hall. Dr. Howell travelled the world - India, Sri Lanka, Malasyia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Uganda, Thaila nd, Japan - for the University and OVC. His involvement with international agencies such as the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United Nations Educational Scien- 1ific and Cultural Organization, the United and facilities were built, and the curriculum was Nations Environmenlal Program and the Inter- largely revised and updated, Matthews said.
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