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Repor T Resumes REPOR TRESUMES ED 017 400 RE 000 985 GUIDE FOR REMEDIAL READING IN THE ELEMENTARYSCHOOL, GRADES TWO THROUGH EIGHT. BY- SLICK, ELINOR AND OTHERS EVANSVILLEVANDERBURGH SCHOOL CORP., IND. PUB DATE EDRS PRICE MF -$0.50 HC -$4.16 102P. DESCRIPTORS- *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *REMEDIAL READING,*READING MATERIAL SELECTION, READING DIAGNOSIS, ELEMENTARY GRADES, JUNk)R HIGH SCHOOLS, AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, ORAL READING,READING COMPREHENSION, WORD RECOGNITION, DIAGNOSTIC TESTS,VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT, THE REMEDIAL READING PROGRAM OF THE EVANSVILLEVANDERBURGH SCHOOL CORPORATION IS CONCERNED WITH INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS WHOSE READING LEVEL INDICATESA DISCREPANCY BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND CAPACITY FORLEARNING. THE GUIDE WAS DESIGNED FOR USE IN GRADES 2THROUGH 8 AND IS DIVIDED INTO THREE AREAS -- (I) DIAGNOSIS, INCLUDING SELECTED INTELLIGENCE TESTS, SELECTED READING TESTS, AND USEOF REPORTING OF RESULTS? (11) MATERIALS AND FACILITIES, INCLUDING AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, AND (III) TECHNIQUESFOR TEACHING VOCABULARY, INCREASING COMPREHENSION, IMPROVING ORALREADING ABILITIES, AND MOTIVATING RECREATIONAL READING.AN ANECDOTAL RECORD, A WEEKLY PLAN SHEET, AND A YEAR -ENDCHECK SHEET ARE SUGGESTED AS AIDS. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OFPROFESSIONAL BOOKS AS WELL AS BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IN GRADES 1 THROUGH 6ARE INCLUDED. THE APPENDIX CONTAINS VARIOUS DATAAND INFORMATIONAL SHEETS. (JM) 5a U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATIONEDUCATION & WELFARE I THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSONSTATEDPOSITION DO OR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILY ORIGINATING REPRESENTIT.OFFICIALPOINTS OFFICE OF VIEW OF EDUCATION OR OPINIONS GUIDEfor fi ELEMENTARYREMEDIALin the READING SCHOOL GRADESTwo throughEIGHT eLtcg,Ee.,hvoife. EVANSVILLE-VANDERBURGHEVANSVILLE, SCHOOL INDIANA CORPORATION GUIDEfor ELEMENTARYREMEDIALin theREADING SCHOOL Produced by CommitteesSchool Year of1966-1967 Teachers During the THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Mr.Dr. AlbertWilliamC.Vice-President K.Mr. NewsomeWoll JohnA. Foster Barnard, PresidentMrs.Mr.Dr. GuyJackSecretaryLouise Nicholson Pemberton F. Schnakenburg Mr. HubertMr. Herbert Scott,Charge Erdmann, Assistantof Instruction Superintendent Superintendent Evansville-VanderburghEvansville, SchoolIndiana Corporation 111 D ACKNIMURFENTS 04 Development and WritingCommittee LucilleElinor BlickBurke MattieRichard MillerLance BettyJoyRuth Tredway StephensonWatkins JackBeatriceEstherIrene W.D. ClineDavis HumphreyHaywoodW. Farris LucyBettyeJacquelineVirginia Sahraie Jane Mobley NealPurcell RuthJoJimSandra Ann WoottonWood WilsonWootton Format and Editing Committee JackJoyLucyJo W. AnnTredway SahraieHumphrey Wilson HarryArt FrileyWork LANGUAGE ARTS PHILOSOPHY theindividual, useWe of support the in languageorder the thesisto is function essential that language as foran every effectivearts central member ofin Insociety, education, a democratic must and learnsocietytraining to each ex-in worthwhiletopress listen himself currentintelligently, with publications,reasonable to speakclarity and and to And writeunderstand fluency. clearly, theHe musttostructureappreciatebe trained and the goodto functionread literature carefully, of hisand mentlanguage. aboutThe language the body arts of areasubject is undergoingmatter to bemanytaught, changes. we mustSince have there a sequentialis much disagree- program whichinstructionpractices. combines fromSincethe kindergartenthe best Evansville-Vanderburghthinkingthrough of modern the liAguisticsenior School high Corporationscholarshipschool, westresses mustand currenthave language a teachingprogram arts tal,clearlybroad emotional, enough defined to andsequencegive social each of studentmaturity. study, anthe opportunity language arts to developprogram hiswill language contribute power. to hisWith men- a wmimimmumempwwwwwwwwwwwwwwimmilinlii The challenge....Rear -L6 a oundamentatty embedded Amaican changesand bothArrival:4:4i in educat.ion.1? 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Smith (7, p. 42) 0 -3-4,,,romforismilMINII111111111111111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LANCUAGEACKNOWLEDGMENTS ARTS PHILOSOPHY 3 fii rn PARTINTRODUCTION SelectedIIntroduction -- DIAGNOSIS Intelligence Tests 080 1084 U ReportingHowSelected to Use ReadingResults Results Tests p 151412 1.4ri PART II -- MATERIALS AND FACILITIES 18 rol SelectedIntroductionWordVocabulary Materials Attack .......Skills 2220 LIis& FacilitiesAudioOralComprehension SilentVisual andAids Recreational Reading 26252423 PART DevelopingTeachingIIIIntroduction -- TECHNIQUES Vocabulary Word Attack Skills 333029 ImprovingIncreasing Oral Comprehension Reading Abilities. 434238 PART AWeeklyMotivatingIV Year -- AofPlan YEAR Remedial RecreationalSheet LATER Reading Reading 494755 APPENDIX.BIBLIOGRAPHY 6057 / . : .................. : ... Ob. ..............440asecceakzawo................................. .. MEET, REMEDIAL RICHARD ....... 4:* ...... ...................... ..... ............... He doesn'tneedshas problems help like to read He haslacksmeets poor basicfailure study reading everyhabits skillsday He needscanis ado remedialYOU! better reader tk :=7 111111111111111111111111111FE tarlifillifiNi..,.UIPSION'11111111111111111111111111111111111 On the role of theTecteheu teacher.... mat bequa1 i4ed imide iati, the 0 ta41.1andFEEL womencutethey impontant haveundettake. given con4idehation4. .tkeAHow atethey OA THINK a newMany and way bliave how o6 they men whichdependscommunity we inhave canno zmati.Zabeeed go inmecustae keepinga demockacy....Howuponliaiththe withqua icut Chiaiiication4 a idealgiven o6een. each c2a441LoomSo tetnoteacheit....Rezponsib.itityia teacherundaehatimate thenote ceeattyzhe i4gaging in iutune woad aiiaira.ta-AtA. Betts (3, p. 727) 3. Li The remedial reading program for the Evans-INTRODUCTION The fundamental principles of remedial withthatandlevelville-Vanderburgh aindividualpinpoint capacityindicates the forstudentsa problemsdiscrepancySchoollearningjCharacteristics whoseCorporation of abetweenpresent disabled is performancereading concernedreader shouldgroupingtematic,planning,readings not ofindividualized based result onlythe in aware dailydiagnosis instructionof application Thethe and disabledusefulness advanced within of readersys- ofthe considerationarehome,struction determined and socialwithin is in therelationship focus classroom, on theAlthough to awarenessremedial his school, our in-of main the ofdevelop,mustinstruction,his the dailyalso process within begoals, seena of rapportthe but child,hisrealistic must instructional an beCombined understanding inestablished order with needs to this so ofotherlimitations the contributingdisabledOur aimthat can tofactors affectprovide: must the becontinual(1) recognized understanding growth as Too,hisofthat theabilities, athe recordchild teacher and ofcan thehisis be taken child'sselfencouraged concept,into progress, the to alongconfidenceexpand. where withhe I ofand the (2) fundamental methods of principlesdiagnosis andof remedialinstructionreading -- formance,is in competition can stimulate with hishis ownincentive previous for per- Li basistheso thatmaximum in ourRemedial1962 ofchildren andtheir classeshave ability.may grown learnwere untilbegunhow to thereon read a limitedare to methodstopersistence indicate isThe needed. whenmethodsas well a change ofas diagnosisserve in instructionalas andeal evaluation with the Readingclasses,andnow secondaryremedial Center there classes schools. whichare many providein servicesInmost addition for:ofthe available elementaryto these at the Thedeficienciesbeginskills,children's remedial instruction weaknesses, potential readingin reading and and teacherabilities,correction onhabits the makes necessary-- presentof in thisindividual order diagnosisreadinglevels. to . instructReadinging problems clinicianschildren with to diagnosesevere read- and teachersonindicate those onchildrena childForm S-1 isreferred in(see need appendix). by ofthe a moreclassroom completeIf results . 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