Red Cross Roll Call Campaign Not Doing Well
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VOLUME LX, NO. 22. Red Bank Had Quadrangle Club To WesteideYHas New York Woman Register Out Day Vote Machine Testimonial For Buys Mount House , Earlier Next Week Red Cross Roll 35 Years Ago Celebrate Birthday Thanksgiving, Thursday, No- Richard T. Smith At Locust Point vember 25, falling on The Reg- ister's publication day, tho A Reminder of When It Was in Placi have been completed for the*- Dr. Jame* W. Parker Chairman W. H. Mount Estate Sold to Miu paper next week will be issued Call Campaign tenth anniversary of the Red Bank Wednesday, November 24. Ad- Use Tumi Up in the Form of Quadrangle club.- The celebration at Dinner Held Monday Night Loretta Broderick—Frontage vertlsers are advised to have a Model at Real Estate Offic will be In the form of a dance to be at WetUide Y Howe—Direc- their copy prepared a day earl- held Saturday night at the Red Bank of 200 Feet on Creek—House ier and correspondents and : of Albert L. Iviru. Bilks' auditorium, starting at 9:80 tors Present Gifti. Has Nine Rooms. those having; news Items they Not Doing Well o'clock, wish Inserted are asked to send At the Monmouth street real es- Amid the club colors as decora- When the Y. M. C. A. -of Red Bank them In a day sooner than A nine-room residence at Locust usual. tate and Insurance office ot Albert tions, Eddie Leltner and his WNEW was reorganized nine years ago, Point has ben sold through the Ray Postpone Program Membership Drive So Far L, Ivlns Is a miniature model of a "Hit Parade" orchestra will provide Richard T. Smith, who was then the VanHorn agency to MIBS Loretta voting maohlne which was In use the music. The club colors are ma- new secretary, expressed a desire to Broderick, who lives on lower Fifth Of Three-Act Plays In the polling place of the first elec- roon and white. Several novelty have It founded on a Community avenue, New York. The property, Is Considerably Below tion district at Red Bank S5 years dances have been arranged, with a "1" basis. Ono of his major accom- : comprising one and one-half acres, The three-act plays scheduled t ago. Mr. Ivlns had forgotten ,about balloon dance to be the feature of plishments during, tho period when was owned by the W. H. Mount eB- Boy Scouts Want Last Year and Other the existence of this model until a he was secretary of the Red Bank bo presented tomorrow night at the the night At midnight the club will tate. Tho property had been in the Junior high school auditorium by tho few day* ago when he recalled It by dispose of a Vollenda candid camera "7" was the orgalzatlon of the work Mount family 40 year?.. Second-Hand Toys Recent Year*. reason of the fact that a voting among the Negro boys and girls of Masquers cluB of Red Bank high or |2B In cash on the co-operative There is a frontage on Clayplt school have been postponed until machine was demonstrated In the plan. Entertainment will be fur- Westside. creek of 200 feet. The land also Schulte-Unlted store on Broad street. Friday night, December 3, because ol nished by Richard LaRos, who will Monday evening the board of direc- fronts on Locust Point road. The For The Yuletide the illness of Miss Ann Laird, whe Tho maohlne of 85 years ago was, render several vocal BOIOS; by Alon- tors and the auxiliary of the West- grounds are, very attractive and are Is confined to her home with pneu- Nevertheless Confidence discarded after having been In use zo DeVaney, one-man band, and by side branch held a dinner at the well planted with shrubs and old Atlantic Township Troop Plans monia. a' few years. Shortly before It was Miss Patricia Dillon, tap dancer. Westside "V house, honoring "Dick" trees. Several large locust trees, be- Installed Mr. Ivlns entered politics The plays, "The Valiant." "Pink George Martin la chairman of tho Smith for tho unselfish service which lieved to be more than 100 years old, to Re-Condition Them at Its and Patches," and "The First Dross and was elected assessor on the affair and is being assisted by Am- he rendered in organizing and get- are on the property, together with Felt Quota Will Be Met Democratic ticket, a position which Machine Shop and to Give Suit," 'are being directed by Miss ory Osborn, Phil Smith, Arthur Ca- ting underway the work that has many spruco and maple trees. Madeline Gates and Vollih B. Wells. he held many years. He bought the rey, Reginald Wolcott and Harold since been carried on. A supper was A brick swimming pool, built by Them for Christmas Presents. model in order, to Instruct his sup- Schultz. Reservations can be made prepared by tho Ladles' auxiliary of tho Moiint family, will be recon- Miss Dorothy Schllchtlng, chairman porters how. to vote for him. At by calling Mr. Martin. of the Red Cross roll call campaign which the ' executive committee Is ditioned by the now owner. The en- The Boy Scout troop of Atlantic that time there were three eleotlon The club was organized in Novem- Mrs. Lydla Latlmer, president; Mrs. tire house will be renovated and Fifty Years As at Red Bank, and her associates are districts at Red Bank. The first township has asked Tho Register to disappointed but not dismayed over ' ber, 1927, by Richard T. Smith, sec- John Westbrooki secretary; Mrs. papered throughout. It Is Miss Brod- issue an appeal for second-hand toys district polling place, then as now, retary of the Red Bank Young Men's Anna Jackson, treasurer, and Mra. erlck's intention to occupy tho prem- the first week's results. The return! was at the fire house of Naveslnk which are to be re-condltloned and Man And Wife arc considerably less than for tho Christian association, with Dr, Allan J. W. Parker. Following the dinner ises permanently next spring. One given as Christmas presents to chil- hook and ladder company on. Me- B. Randall aa adviser. Mr. Smith a brief program was held with Dr. of the now additions being made at corresponding period last year and chanlo street. Second district vot- CHESTER L. EBIE " dren In unfortunate circumstances. for other recent years. This Is whol- had to relinquish his duties In the James W. Parker acting as chair- tho present time is a Bundeck on the Tho re-condltlonlng will bo dono at Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hackett ing was done at the town hall on man. Dr. Parker expressed the ap- second floor which will command a ly contrary to expectations, as the club because of business. Dr. Ran- In 1835 when Mr. Eblo was re- the Boy Scout machine shop at Observed Golden Wedding Monmouth street and subsequently dall has continued as adviser. preciation of the board of directors fine view of the river. quota for the whole Red Bank dlai at Relief fire house. This is now elected president tho club moved to Scobeyvllle under the direction of Anniversary on Monday- trlct was increased 750 over last Chester L. Kble was elected first and the people of the westside gen- Tho search of former owners re- Scoutmaster John Richards and the third district polling place. The the top floor In the Child building. erally for tho work which had been veals that the property was onco Death Mars Day, However. year's figure of 1,500 to 2,250, third district comprised the territory president of the club. The charter The past presidents of the club Fred Blanchard, who are expert me- MLss Schllchtlng and her associate* members Include Mr. Eble, B. Allen organized for them. Isaac A. Fore- part of tho Hartshorno tract and an chanics and who are donating their west of the railroad tracks and vot- are Chester L, Eblc, the late William man, who, for a number of years, original grant from the King of Eng- are still confident that the quota will ing was done at Union fire house on Parker, Fred VanDorn, Charles Ta- Applcgate, Penn Strode, Ralph Ab- services. Last year the scouts re- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett ol be attained. They point to the fact bor, James Hanley, Ralph Dennis, was Mr. Smith's assistant on the land. There has been a renewed and conditioned hundreds of toys and left Shrewsbury avenue. This building bott, B. Allen Parker, Frank War- westside, spoke in glowfng terms of active Interest on the part of buyers Locust avenue observed their 50th, that In tho past this town has nevei la now the polling place of the ninth Henry Juska, James Wilson, Covert ner, Charles Tabor and Robert' them on Christmas eve at the homes wedding anniversary Tuesday. Ther< failed to do Its bit and they expreit Brown and John Emmons, , the warm friendship which exists be- at Locust this autumn. Several oth- of scores of children who otherwise district. Schroeder. Richard McAllister, Jr., tween the boys and girls of the or sales of sizeable properties have was no celebration to mark the ob- the belief that once It becomes known now holds tho offlce of president. would have received no visit from servance, for on the eve of what was The voting machine was discard- The club at that time met In the branch and Mr: Smith. In token of been- made there in the last few that satisfactory results aro not bs> Broad Street bank building, later The club has a membership of ap- Santa Claus.