VOLUME LX, NO. 22. Red Bank Had Quadrangle Club To WesteideYHas New York Woman Register Out Day Vote Machine Testimonial For Buys Mount House , Earlier Next Week Red Cross Roll 35 Years Ago Celebrate Birthday Thanksgiving, Thursday, No- Richard T. Smith At Locust Point vember 25, falling on The Reg- ister's publication day, tho A Reminder of When It Was in Placi have been completed for the*- Dr. Jame* W. Parker Chairman W. H. Mount Estate Sold to Miu paper next week will be issued Call Campaign tenth anniversary of the Red Bank Wednesday, November 24. Ad- Use Tumi Up in the Form of Quadrangle club.- The celebration at Dinner Held Monday Night Loretta Broderick—Frontage vertlsers are advised to have a Model at Real Estate Offic will be In the form of a dance to be at WetUide Y Howe—Direc- their copy prepared a day earl- held Saturday night at the Red Bank of 200 Feet on Creek—House ier and correspondents and : of Albert L. Iviru. Bilks' auditorium, starting at 9:80 tors Present Gifti. Has Nine Rooms. those having; news Items they Not Doing Well o'clock, wish Inserted are asked to send At the Monmouth street real es- Amid the club colors as decora- When the Y. M. C. A. -of Red Bank them In a day sooner than A nine-room residence at Locust usual. tate and Insurance office ot Albert tions, Eddie Leltner and his WNEW was reorganized nine years ago, Point has ben sold through the Ray Postpone Program Membership Drive So Far L, Ivlns Is a miniature model of a "Hit Parade" orchestra will provide Richard T. Smith, who was then the VanHorn agency to MIBS Loretta voting maohlne which was In use the music. The club colors are ma- new secretary, expressed a desire to Broderick, who lives on lower Fifth Of Three-Act Plays In the polling place of the first elec- roon and white. Several novelty have It founded on a Community avenue, New York. The property, Is Considerably Below tion district at Red Bank S5 years dances have been arranged, with a "1" basis. Ono of his major accom- : comprising one and one-half acres, The three-act plays scheduled t ago. Mr. Ivlns had forgotten ,about balloon dance to be the feature of plishments during, tho period when was owned by the W. H. Mount eB- Boy Scouts Want Last Year and Other the existence of this model until a he was secretary of the Red Bank bo presented tomorrow night at the the night At midnight the club will tate. Tho property had been in the Junior high school auditorium by tho few day* ago when he recalled It by dispose of a Vollenda candid camera "7" was the orgalzatlon of the work Mount family 40 year?.. Second-Hand Toys Recent Year*. reason of the fact that a voting among the Negro boys and girls of Masquers cluB of Red Bank high or |2B In cash on the co-operative There is a frontage on Clayplt school have been postponed until machine was demonstrated In the plan. Entertainment will be fur- Westside. creek of 200 feet. The land also Schulte-Unlted store on Broad street. Friday night, December 3, because ol nished by Richard LaRos, who will Monday evening the board of direc- fronts on Locust Point road. The For The Yuletide the illness of Miss Ann Laird, whe Tho maohlne of 85 years ago was, render several vocal BOIOS; by Alon- tors and the auxiliary of the West- grounds are, very attractive and are Is confined to her home with pneu- Nevertheless Confidence discarded after having been In use zo DeVaney, one-man band, and by side branch held a dinner at the well planted with shrubs and old Atlantic Township Troop Plans monia. a' few years. Shortly before It was Miss Patricia Dillon, tap dancer. Westside "V house, honoring "Dick" trees. Several large locust trees, be- Installed Mr. Ivlns entered politics The plays, "The Valiant." "Pink George Martin la chairman of tho Smith for tho unselfish service which lieved to be more than 100 years old, to Re-Condition Them at Its and Patches," and "The First Dross and was elected assessor on the affair and is being assisted by Am- he rendered in organizing and get- are on the property, together with Felt Quota Will Be Met Democratic ticket, a position which Machine Shop and to Give Suit," 'are being directed by Miss ory Osborn, Phil Smith, Arthur Ca- ting underway the work that has many spruco and maple trees. Madeline Gates and Vollih B. Wells. he held many years. He bought the rey, Reginald Wolcott and Harold since been carried on. A supper was A brick swimming pool, built by Them for Christmas Presents. model in order, to Instruct his sup- Schultz. Reservations can be made prepared by tho Ladles' auxiliary of tho Moiint family, will be recon- Miss Dorothy Schllchtlng, chairman porters how. to vote for him. At by calling Mr. Martin. of the Red Cross roll call campaign which the ' executive committee Is ditioned by the now owner. The en- The Boy Scout troop of Atlantic that time there were three eleotlon The club was organized in Novem- Mrs. Lydla Latlmer, president; Mrs. tire house will be renovated and Fifty Years As at Red Bank, and her associates are districts at Red Bank. The first township has asked Tho Register to disappointed but not dismayed over ' ber, 1927, by Richard T. Smith, sec- John Westbrooki secretary; Mrs. papered throughout. It Is Miss Brod- issue an appeal for second-hand toys district polling place, then as now, retary of the Red Bank Young Men's Anna Jackson, treasurer, and Mra. erlck's intention to occupy tho prem- the first week's results. The return! was at the fire house of Naveslnk which are to be re-condltloned and Man And Wife arc considerably less than for tho Christian association, with Dr, Allan J. W. Parker. Following the dinner ises permanently next spring. One given as Christmas presents to chil- hook and ladder company on. Me- B. Randall aa adviser. Mr. Smith a brief program was held with Dr. of the now additions being made at corresponding period last year and chanlo street. Second district vot- CHESTER L. EBIE " dren In unfortunate circumstances. for other recent years. This Is whol- had to relinquish his duties In the James W. Parker acting as chair- tho present time is a Bundeck on the Tho re-condltlonlng will bo dono at Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hackett ing was done at the town hall on man. Dr. Parker expressed the ap- second floor which will command a ly contrary to expectations, as the club because of business. Dr. Ran- In 1835 when Mr. Eblo was re- the Boy Scout machine shop at Observed Golden Wedding Monmouth street and subsequently dall has continued as adviser. preciation of the board of directors fine view of the river. quota for the whole Red Bank dlai at Relief fire house. This is now elected president tho club moved to Scobeyvllle under the direction of Anniversary on Monday- trlct was increased 750 over last Chester L. Kble was elected first and the people of the westside gen- Tho search of former owners re- Scoutmaster John Richards and the third district polling place. The the top floor In the Child building. erally for tho work which had been veals that the property was onco Death Mars Day, However. year's figure of 1,500 to 2,250, third district comprised the territory president of the club. The charter The past presidents of the club Fred Blanchard, who are expert me- MLss Schllchtlng and her associate* members Include Mr. Eble, B. Allen organized for them. Isaac A. Fore- part of tho Hartshorno tract and an chanics and who are donating their west of the railroad tracks and vot- are Chester L, Eblc, the late William man, who, for a number of years, original grant from the King of Eng- are still confident that the quota will ing was done at Union fire house on Parker, Fred VanDorn, Charles Ta- Applcgate, Penn Strode, Ralph Ab- services. Last year the scouts re- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackett ol be attained. They point to the fact bor, James Hanley, Ralph Dennis, was Mr. Smith's assistant on the land. There has been a renewed and conditioned hundreds of toys and left Shrewsbury avenue. This building bott, B. Allen Parker, Frank War- westside, spoke in glowfng terms of active Interest on the part of buyers Locust avenue observed their 50th, that In tho past this town has nevei la now the polling place of the ninth Henry Juska, James Wilson, Covert ner, Charles Tabor and Robert' them on Christmas eve at the homes wedding anniversary Tuesday. Ther< failed to do Its bit and they expreit Brown and John Emmons, , the warm friendship which exists be- at Locust this autumn. Several oth- of scores of children who otherwise district. Schroeder. Richard McAllister, Jr., tween the boys and girls of the or sales of sizeable properties have was no celebration to mark the ob- the belief that once It becomes known now holds tho offlce of president. would have received no visit from servance, for on the eve of what was The voting machine was discard- The club at that time met In the branch and Mr: Smith. In token of been- made there in the last few that satisfactory results aro not bs> Broad Street bank building, later The club has a membership of ap- Santa Claus. to have been a festive day for th ing achieved there will be a general ed because it proved faulty. Fre- appreciation which they had for Mr. months. The machine ship Is equipped with moved to the Orange Shutter tea proximately 60 and Is active In vari- Smith, they presented him with a Hackett family death claimed Mrs, movement on the part of the pub- quently it broke down and some- room, now the Red Bank T house; lathes and other machinery for do- Hackctt's brother, Edward Oakes of times It required an hour or so to ous sports as well as In civic affairs. leather wallet. L. G. Handy, who lic to Join. Another reason for their then to the Shrewsbury avenue In the past ten years the club has ing the work. Part of the income Belford. Plans to hold a celebration hopo that tha quota will be reached repair It The work was usually was.one of the charter members of of the troop is derived from repair- school house, and back to the T developed leading teams In football, the Westside board, also spoke In Rumson Church at the Elks club Tuesday were Im- is the fact that economic condition! done by the late Frank Gray. On house on Branch avenue. The mem- Ing chairs and other furniture for mediately canceled. one occasion when (he late J. Frank basketball and baseball, and has high praise of' Mr. Smith and his are considerably better than in pre» j bership grew to such an extent It was staged many successful entertain- Atlantic township residents. The Mr. Oakes was to have attende vious years. Miss Schllchtlng states Patterson, for many years chief of necessary to move to larger quarters. work and presented him with a scroll Choir Members shop Is ments. which each of the living charter gift from Carroll W. Bar- that celebration. He had been look- that the team captains and other police of Red Bank, was a candi- clay and Laird and company. A brook 1 members of the board of directors Ing forward to it for some time. II workers havo been unusually active date for constable the machine rec- flows nearby and tho scouts have was Just 50 years ago Monday thai orded a larger number of votes for had signed. Past President John B. Have. Banquet and that It would be unjust to at- * made the place a beauty spot and Mr. Oakes droyo his horse and wag trlbuto the poor showing thus far '-' him than the total number cast. Allen and President Frank Groff of have made a swimming hole. They Installation Of Vanderburg Girl's the general Y. M. C. A. board of di- on from Atlantic Highlands to Red made to them. f Other municipalities had similar Rev. Morton A. Barnes, Rector are prepared during the next few Bank to attend the wedding, which Only a week remains In which to experiences and eventually all the rectors spoke of the many handicaps weeks to spend a large part of their which had to be overcome In organ- of Long Branch Episcopal was held in the. old St. James' church conclude the campaign but that will machines were eliminated In the Officers Of Post Holiday Hunting time outside of school hours In mak- building on Wall street. Tho cere- be enough if proper public co-opera- ;» state. In appearance they were izing tho work and also the opti- ng second-hand toys presentable for mism *vm the part of the secretary Church, Speaker at Dinner at mony wag performed by Rev. Michael tion Is shown. The quota for the * muoh the same as those of today, Christmas gifts. Th'ose who Inspect- Kane, then rector of the church. town Is 1,200. In addition to the s but the Invisible mechanism has been And Its Auxiliary Netted One Rabbit for the job, which to him, had to be Molly Pitcher Monday Night. ed the work done last year said the done. Mrs. Hackett recalls that the day workers mentioned In The'Register * greatly altered to correct feiulU and articles woro so well rebuilt that It was bright and clear, Just such a last week 20 havo been appointed foij \ reports from all plsces where they was Impossible to perceive that they Elaborate Ceremonies to be Held Margery Conover Stayed Home Other boafd,, mombon who were Declaring that war and social un- day as the ono on which they ob- two districts. They are Miss Wlllafl , are In use indicate that they are rest would bo alleviated If only the wero not new ones. served their golden anniversary. from School Last Thursday to called on wore Dr. M. C. Dabney, Savage, Miss Lois Cook, Mill Evt- x > giving general satisfaction. Tonight at the Rotevelt Tea Christian nations practiced the doc- Those who wish to contribute BCC- There the resemblance endB, how lyn White, Miss Marjorie Hammond, * treasurer of the Westside board, and ond-hand toys may do so by notify- Room at Little Silver by Vet Go Gunning—She i« Atlantic Lester Ross of the general board. trine contained In the "message from ever. The automobile has supplantc Miss Margery McConnell, Miss Jane Calvary's hill," Rev. Morton? A. ing Mr. Richards, or Mr. Blanchard, tho buggy in which (he trip to tin Powers, MIBS Van Wagoner, Miss Jane, Rebekah Lodge To eran* of Foreign War*. Township's Only Huntress. Among those present from the Barnes, rector of St. James' Episco- or the members of the Atlantic town church was made, The church IB ni Westside board of directors, In ad- Hammell, Miss Alice Parks, Mils til- pal church, ot Long Branch, In an ship Boy Scout executive committee. longer housed lp' the frame' bulldln lie Parks, Miss Magna Mountford, Meet November 23 dition to those named were M. Q. address at the annual dinner of the The latter are Carroll W. Barclay, on Wall streeVf&k la located In • Vemon A. Brown Post, Veterans Margery Conover, daughter of Mr. Latlmer, William Lyons, Dr. G. E Mlsa Jean Dunnell, Miss Florence and Mrs. Chrlney S, Conover of Van- choir of St. George's church of Rum- Joseph Crine, Frank Magee, Joaquln beautiful building on Broad street Averre, Mlsa Madeline HendrlcbSDD, The Naveslnk Rebekah lodge will of Foreign Wars of Red Bank, and Marshall, Burnard Mason, Reginald the Ladles' auxiliary to the post have derburg, stayed homo from her son Monday night In the Molly Pitch Lawrence and Reed E. Gager. And but few remain of those who at- Miss Mary Burke, Miss Ruth Walker, hold an anniversary meeting on studies at the Red Bank high school Pulley, John Westbrook. Guests cr hotel, called, for a better under- tended the couple on that memorabl Tuesday night, November 28, In Odd made elaborate preparations for the from Asbury Park were William Mrs. Helena Riechers, Mrs. George Joint installation of their officers to- on Armistice day In order to go gun- standing among men. day. M. S. Goff, Mrs. Robert Dean antl • Fellows hall on Monmouth street. ning. She shot ono rabbit. The next Knuckles and Charles Berkley, exec- Play to Be Given The state president, Mrs. Mabel S. night at the Rosevelt Tea room at utive secretary of the Monmouth Tho speaker devoted a great part News of tho death of Mrs. Hackett' Miss Florence Brown. ; Little Silver. Members of the five day sho went to school with a writ- of his address to pointing out the brother came as a distinct shock t< Miss Schlichtlng, the team capfc Miller of Trenton, and district dep- ten explanation from her parents County Urban league. Thoso pres- At Fort Monmouth uty president, MIBS Kathloen Stltt of V. F. W. posts and auxiliaries In ent from the general board of direc- responsibility which he said the men her and her husband. The Elks hall tains, workers and all other persona Monmouth county are expected to which frankly Btatcd her reason for of the choir owed boys of young age. had been engaged for a party, and Interested In the campaign are con- Asbury Park, and their Btaffs of of- tho absence. The excuse was ac- tors in addition to thoso already A melodrama, "Gold in tho Hills," ficers will be present. participate. A turkey supper will be named were Albert W. Worden, Hu- Ho warned his listeners never to for- Mr. and Mrs. Hackett's three chil- tributing their services. The rumor served. ceptable to her teachers and they dis- get that they were once boys and to will be presented early next month dren wero to attend the reunion. which has been more or less pre- A social hour will follow the buslj- played a great deal <5f curiosity as to bert Farrow, F. Pierce Holmes, Dr. in the Fort Monmouth poat theater Refreshments will be Armistice Day was observed by tho Samuel W. Hausman, Ralph Eckdrt, serve as an example to the coming Tho threo children are Mrs. Anna valent that they are being paid foe ness session. how sho fared in hunting. Margery generation. for tho benefit of the army relief. Sallsh of Brooklyn and Thomas and their work is absolutely without served by committee headed by Red Bank post, by placing two had wanted to go gunning tho first and general secretary Wllmer A. wreaths at the monument on Mon- "Thero is something In tho heart The cast has been selected and re- William Hackett of Red Bank. Thom- foundation. Miss Esther Welnsteln. Mrs. Carrlo day of tho season, but her parents Robblns. Frank Plngatore, who hearsals are being held. Those who Paterson Is chairman of the enter- mouth street on the town hall prop- Induced her to accept Armlstlco day worked with Mr. Smith in organiz- of man that we must put into the as Hackett combines music with tho erty. James Glendlnnlng, command- hearts of boys," he declared. "You will appear in tho play are Mrs. Clara i0Wi be|nK an orchestra leader and tainment committee and Miss Anella for her hunting holiday Inasmuch as ing the work at River street school, Skene, Mrs. Luelllo Bland, Mrs. Legion Bingo i Lamb Is chairman of the decorating er-elect, and a delegation of ladles of tho schools wcro open only half a was also present. have heard of men who endeavor,to constable, while William Hackett Is the auxiliary headed by Mrs. Alfred mix with boys, to bo one of them, Pauline Decker, Mrs. Violet Kane, following In his father's footsteps and committee. day and sho lost less tlmo from her Mrs. Mildred Rea, Misses Ireno Con- Party Monday Visitors from Aabury Park, Long Castln, observed two minutes of studies. and of fathers who seek to make a occupies the job which tho latter had sllenco at 11 o'clock at the monument 'pal' of his boy; I say that this Is nell, Helen High, Kathryn Cottlo and for 30 years—that of baggage-master • Branch, Keyport, Manasquan, Tonis Forty Hours At Helen Pierce and Martin Kuner, Shrewsbury Post, No. 168, of the River, Trenton, Sea Bright and Bel- In respect to.Vernon A. Brown, whoso Margery is Atlantic" township's not Important; thnt your boy docs at the Red Bank station. The young- onjy licensed huntress. Sho has taken 1 Franklyn L. Holmes, John K. Tem- er Mr. Hackett has been employed American Legion of Red Bank will mar are expectej to attend, name the post bears, and his depart - St. James' Church not need a 'pal —he has dozens of perly, Joyce B. James, Robert Thom- ed comrades. out a license for several years past them—but that he does need an ex- In railroad servlco 22 years. hold tho first of a series of weekly as, Joseph Donnolly, Charles F. Mor- bingo parties Monday night at the OFFICE HERE. A delegation of members from tho and thoso who have seen her In ac- ample, and looks to his father for Another child, Miss Marlon Hac- tion say sho is better at stalking Beginning next Sunday, forty rison, John Sczalkowicz, Frank E. kett, passed away about a year ago Smoke Shop Tavern, Broad street, post and auxiliary attended tho Joint hours' devotion will bo held at St. this example. Givo your boy the^ Sosebee, Jr., Gregory Browne, Doug- Installation of the Asbury Park V. gamo and a better ahot than many companionship that he needs, but do in California. Shrewsbury. Felix Santangelo, a past Mrs. Mario Cox, Prominent County male hunters. Since last Thursday James' church. The men of the par- las F. Morrlsson, Samuel Pickering commander oWhe post and one of Realtor, Now Has Red Bank Office. F. W. pott on Armlstlco night at something moro—bo .a real 'dad' to and William F. corschenhausen. Mrs. Hackott before her morriago sho has bagged a considerable num- ish will open tho devotion by receiv- was Miss Anna Oakes. Mr. Hackett the owners of the tavern, has offered Turnor'B Grill in Bolmar. They also ing Holy Communion in a body Sun- your boy. And If you have no. boy Mrs. Marie Cox, prominent Mon- attended similar events at posts in ber of rabbits, squirrels, pheasants to which you can be a 'dad,' Just be was born In Ireland and came to this tho use of the place free of charge mouth county realtor, who has main- and quail. day at the 8 o'clock mass. Tho men country with his parents when he for tho parties. Keansburg and Bridle. will meet in the auditorium of Bed a 'dad' to some other boy." Women Golfers To tained an office In Portaupeck sev- Father Barnes stressed the need was only six months old. His father Games are scheduled to begin at eral years, has announced that she Bank Catholic high achool and march settled at Headden's Corner and 3:30 o'clock and It IB announced that to the church in a body . Beforo and of deliberation in choosing a voca- Hold Card Party has opened an office at 183 Riverside NURSERY SCHOOL DIRECTOR, Union Services On tion. Ho said that if he wero young worked on tho railroad. When Pat- thero will be 22 prizes for the win- avenue, near Bridge avenue, In the after Communion they will occupy rick became old enough he Joined his ners of tho games and a door prlie. seats ins the middle aisles of the again and called upon to make a Plans for a card party to be held building: occupied by tho D. H. Ap- Miss Ilorlt F. Hurst Appointed to Thanksgiving Day x choice he would probably deliberate fathor'lri this work but left soon af- The party will bo under tho direction plogato real estate headquarters, 'Position at New York. church. by tho Women Golfers' association ter to drlvo a team for Samuel Mor- of a committee of which Vincent Masses will be at 7 and 8 o'clock longer than he had before entering of tho Swimming River country This' office will bo operated In con- Tho Protestant churches ot Red the priesthood,) While praising the ford, a coal dealer. For several years Moyes Is chairman. The other mem- Miss Doris F. Hurst, daughter of on Monday and Tuesday mornings. club tonight at 8:30 o'clock wcro hn worked for Stephen & Hubbell, junction with hor office on Comancho Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hurst of Mld- Bank will join In holding a Thanks- choir for providing an insplrution bers aro Arthur Fleldnor, Daniel Bed- drive, Portaupeck. Holy Communlonmay bo received at completed at a meeting of tho or- billiard bail manufacturers, who then ford, Jacques Norrell, John Pfolffen- dletown township, noar Mlddletown giving service in tho Methodist 6 and 6:30 o'clock. Confessions will for-worship, the speaker said hehad ganization Tuesday/ The commit- •had a factory on West Front street Mr, Applegato also occupies the village, has accepted tho position as church Thursday morning, Novem- always felt that the deslro to pay berger and Robort H. Rogors. ofilccs on a part-tlmo basis in con- bo heard from 4 to 6 o'clock Sun- tee consists of Mrs. J. Joseph Con- near Burrowcs place. When this Tho profits will bo used to carry on director of tho nursery school of the ber 25, at 0 o'clock. Rev. Herbert M. day and Monday afternoons and af- tribute to tho Deity was moro im- nor, Mrs. Jack Rohrcy, Mrs. John company moved to Toledo, Mr. Hac- junction with his real cstato activi- First Presbyterian chutch at Twelfth Smith, pastor of tho Methodist portant than tho musical portion of welfaro work during the winter. ties and In connection with tha di- ter tho evening services. Rav. Jos- Slmonds, Mrs. Eugene Massey and kett went with It but was forced to street and Fifth avenue, Now York. church, will bo In chargo of the pro- eph Connelly of Long Branch will de- tho service. Miss Ruth Manson. glvo up the work after two months rectory of the FHA chapter of tho . Tho speaker will bo Rev. Ed- DINNER FOR EMPLOYEES. Miss Hurst Is majoring In music edu- liver the sermon Sunday night and Dr. George Flsko Dudley of As- Prizes will bo nwarded to the because of poor health, county. Mr. Applegato spends most cation at New York university and ward W. Miller, pastor of the Bap- bury Park, priest In charge of St. \ of his tlmo at present In connection Monday night the pulpit will bo oc- winner at each table and thero will Mr. Hackett was also employed at Electrical 'concern to Give Feast at vaa recently elected to reproscnt the tist church, Pastors of the other cupied by Rev. Eugene Davis of New George's, stated that although a new- with the Federal Homo Relief dopart- local churches will also participate bo a door prize. Refreshments will tho Walters & Oaborn Co. lumber Mlddlctown, lophomore muslo students on the ex- Brunswick. comer at Rumson he had been made bo served. • mont. icutive board of the school of edu- In tho service. Tho musical program to feel thoroughly at homo. Father mill and as fireman at the old Rob- MiB. Cox was appointed publicity The organization la planning to erts boiler works on Oakland street. To express appreciation for loyal cation. Sho was elooted to the po- will bo In chargo of Mrs. Theresa O. JOHN H. SUTPHIN'S AUCTION. Dudley recently completed 43 year? and rlllcicnt servlco and to promote director of , tho Monmouth County Wlllcy. of servlco at St. Stephen's church of hold two other card parties, and During tho past 50 years, however iltlon of historian of tho sophomore probably a dance, this year. better acquaintanceship among lf» Real Bstato Board a year or so ago. ilass of the school of education. Hor he Incarnation at Washington. Ho ho has been employed In only three Sho has conducted sovoral campaigns Venduo on Farm Near Colt's Nock different jobs. employees, tho Electrical Industrie* lister, Miss Elizabeth S. HurBt, waB ELECT OFFICERS. Monday, November 20. highly praised J. Stanley Farrar, or- Manufacturing company will give 111 for tho sponsoring of moderato recently elected Into Kappa Delta PI, ganist and choirmaster of the church, Dessert-Bridge Forty. In 1007 Mr. Hackott went to work prlcod homes throughout this section as assistant to tho well-known "Uncle econd annual turkey dinner Monday national honor society In tho field Mrs, M. C. VanSnuter Elected Preal- John H. Sutphln will havo a sale for his work in directing tho choir. A dessert-brldgo party under the and in hor surveys has compiled a or live stock, machinery and crops: Davo" Rlddlo, veteran baggage-mns- evening at the Louli restaurant and of education, Miss Hurst Is a junior dont of Letter Carriers' Auxiliary. Bertram H. Borden, senior warden j direction of tho Ladles' Aid society on Jtho_state_hMU} large list of available properties both t Trwton 8tata_Teachers college Monday, November 29, on Hie ^orrner pJL9jstt|LthhhJ!klllL: o dld Jer at the Bnrt-Banli-Btatlon.—A- few _for_rosldontlul nndJjuslncsaj'urp.oBqflj MrsfMtmimor-C.-VanSnutor-was CohoVdr farm~nbar~Colt's~NccK" on" years later Mr, Rlddlo dletl and Mr. dieTowiT, vlliago. and Is In tHS Business education cur- tho choir and its leader for their fine town village wll bo held in tho recre- Hackett took his place. From that tho event havo bcon made by Harry Sho also specializes in the listing and riculum. eloctod president of tho Letter Car- tho Colt's Nock-Vanderburg road. It work and extendod an Invitation to ation rooms of tho church Thursday selling of farms and riverfront prop- riers' auxiliary at a meeting Tues- Is scheduled to begin at 11 o'clock, time on until January 8 of this year, G. Lend), president of tho company. he former members to attend a New afternoon, Docember 2. Tho usunl Seventy persons uro employed at the erties. _ day night at tho homo of Mrs. Mel- with Walter P. Fields of Colt's Neck Years ove service. when ho retired, ho held that po- features will be enjoyed and the sition. And durlnR these 30 years plant and a gathering of 100 or more Rummage Sale Saturday. vln Stout ot Madison avenue. as tho auctioneer. The farm whero George Gray served as toostmanter. members of tho society state that a Garden Club to Meet. A rummage sale for the benefit of Mrs. Waltor W. Noblo was elected Mr. Sutphln lives was bought recent- of servlco Mr. Hackett made an army Is expected. Tho company moved A quartet composed of Dr. Dudley, largo attendanco will bo appreciated of friends. It became a common say- Its business to tho C'onovor bulldlnf The Neighborhood Garden club of St. Mark's Episcopal church of vlco president, Mrs. Arthur E. Slat- ly by Robort Malsol, a New York Eugene Magee, Allen Woolley and as tho profits will bo used to buy Red Bank will meet nt tho home of Keansburg will bo hold Saturday, to ry, aocrolary; . Mra. William J. merchant, who will occupy It. He ing at tho station, when any prob- on tho river bank at Red Hank more Samuel Harvey sang "Let Mo Call supplies needed for tho maintenance lorn arose, to "OBIC Pat Hackett, or Mrs. John Warren, Sloopy Hollow beginning at 10 o'clock in the morn- Sweeney, treasurer, and Mrs. Mor- purchasod It from tho Merchants You Sweetheart" and "I Want a Girl of tho church. • han a year ago and the ohange nil Walter Glblln—they'll thrash II out." boen followed by gratifying, remits, road, MIddlotown township, Monday Ing, in tho hoadquartora of Union rcll J. Moore, mistress at arms, Trust Co. tof Red Bank. He Is hav- Llko the Girl That Married Dear Old afternoon, November 22, at half- fire company on Shrewsbury avenue. Mrs. Leonard Marthons was ac- ing a house built for the use of the Dad." J. Morton Smith ot Oakhurst, Member of Authors Association. Both Mr. and Mr>. Hackott onjoy It la stated. past two o'clock. MrB. F. Wk3Qod- good health. During, tho day thoy The committee consists of Mrs. coptod as a now member, Plans woro operator of tho farm. Mr. Sutphln baritone, sang "Mandalay," "Take Mrs. J. L. Sutton of Atlantic High- dard, presldont of tho Garden'Club George Snellgrovo, Mrs. William mado for an Installation dinner to will move to tho Fltkln farm on tho Thou This Rose" and "Until." Heinz received many telophono calls and In BUite Orchestra, of Now Jersey, will speak on the lands, who has written a number of messages, congratulating thorn upon Arnold Scliramm, son of Mr, anil Merrlman, Mrs. Louis Kuhn and bo hold In December. Following the road between Colt's Nock and Scobey- Hllmer and Samuel Harvey also gave poems, has been accepted as a mem- New Jersey Federation of Garden Mrs. ». O, Williams. mooting refreshments woro Berved. vlllo which was recently bought by solos. tholr observance of 50 years of mari- Mra, Kugono Scliramm of Atlantic clubs. ber of tho Authors and Composers tal bliss. Highlands, and pupil of Angelica O»V John Conklln of Deal. Tho following officers wero elected: association of America. Sho • was Stabbed In Chock tendord, who conducts tho violin ill* For Sale, Bachelors) Boiee for Thanksgiving. Pmldont—George Gray of R«d Bnnk. commended by James Clark, direc- Typewriter Duiintlns. partmont of tha Ostendotff rauilo It* Soda water, all flavors, Clicquot Let us tike oare of your laundry- Walter Rlnowsld of Lelghton ave- Lend homlness to tho Thanksgiv- Vice president—John LlntUny o( Sea tor of tho association, on hor recent Factory outlet portable and ottloi Sooki darned, buttons replaced— Drlght. dlos, played in the tUl-ttito lOhOOS, Club beverages. Whlto Rock and nue was treated at Rlvervlow hos- ing table, |1.00 and fl.25 per dozen. Secretary—Loula VnnBrunt of Red public recital ofjaomo of her poems. typewriters; prices S8.60 up. Terms symphony orchestra tt-Atlantlo Olty everything mended and ready to Dorothy Jane Rose Shop, 40 Hub- So a day. All makes 1087 models, all Cold Indian Spring water, also dis- wear. Phone Red Bank 2100. Leon's pital early Monday morning for cuts Dink. Sunday under the baton of JoH tilled water. ler's beer and oth- bar 4i Park, phone 601, Red Bank, for Tre&Burar -Dr. O. C. Porrlno of Fair Don't Blame guaranteed. Superior Typewriter Laundry, 70-76 Whit* street. Red n the loft side of his chest, which prompt delivery; also., chrysanthe- tho turkey Thanksgiving day—It Service Car Ron theater building. Red Iturbl, famous Spanish plino vlrtlff}. er brands. Benjamin H. Crate, 14 Bank.—AdtertlinmfnL ho Bald ho received when stabbed Taven, North Bridge avenue, Red Bank, mums,—Advertisement. might bo a poor roaster. Got a new Bunk, phone 485. Open evenlngs,- oso and conductor. The young Violin* ( nhono 1485.—Advertisement. during a scufllo at Shrewsbury ave- •m i — Thanksgiving Poultry. Savory roaster. . Priced at 08 cents ATlvortlspment. 1st la tha only hlKh/ school iiuiJ«M" Phone 8100 nuo and Herbert street. Ho. refused Learn to Dance Big Apple, Why take chances on your holiday up to 52.49. National fie, 10c nnd $1 lecoptod from Monmouth oounty.fof Money to Lend. and find out U you art paying too o name his aisalllont or to divulge shag, fox trot, tango, waltz; adults' dinner. You know our ducks cannot Store, Prown'B.—Advertisement. Farm UstltiKi Wanted. , hd orchestra this y»»r. on first murtKUH' •"> imyroreq prop- mush (or your Automobile Insurance.* details ot tho Incident. Capt. Harry class, Monday evening 8:80. Open bo beat at any price. Quality always Have damanit (or properties ot 0 erties in good oondlllon. Prompt ac- Saving! to 80%. Oroislnger & Hell- all winter. Howoll's (of New York), the earno. Order early. Blatchloy Tetley'i (oi Pypewrlters. to 20 aorei with or without buildings T, VanNote was assigned to Invosl- Bros., East Freehold, phono Free- Pint CUM JoTsMall tion. Allaire A Bon Agency. Ino., 19 er, Ino, Broad and Mechanlo street* ato. Monmouth road and Roosevelt ave- Guaranteed machines at bargain Also larger farms. Send full particu- Monmouth street. Red Bank.—Ad- —Advertisement * nue, Oakhurst.—Advertisement. hold 1M-J-2.—Advertisement. prices. Expert repairing. Tetiey's, lars to Allaire A Son Agency, Ino.. The Register is oompftti vertisement. Brand street. Red Bonk.—Advertue- 10 Mnnmnuth street Red Bank.—Ad- nd to turn out iny.klaa Ot Clean Window Shades Supported by Merchants. Mrs. Anna Grabs announces the - Venetian Blinds. • ment . vertisement. ng exp«Hly and «t rtiion Fuel Oil make a home look different. Don't The Red Bank Register Is sup- opening of The Yorkshire HouBe, 180 Lovely new Jobs being Installed And the work H d«n« :«• to ault your Dutnuii best grides tad delay a minute and got now shades ported bv local as' well as out-of- Broad street, Bod Bank. Saturday, every day by us. Lowest prices and For real estate, insuranco and frubln'* for Typewriter Bargain*, lied. Th« mxl t.lmi yoi» prices. Unexcelled •arvloe, Fred D. or appearance'* sake. Holland town biulnoss men. Advertisement! November 20, 1937. Luncboons, teas, the hlghost quality. Free estimating. mortgage loans, Bee Hawkins rentals and expert repairing, It thiriR In th» prlntlm Wlkoff Co., Red Bank, phone m shades, I for $1. Natldntl Bo. lOo and appearing regularly tell the story— dinners, catering. Telephone 2770.— National 5c, 10c and |1 Store. Brothers, 10 Monmouth streot, Red Broad stroot, Red Bank<—AdVMtUs- Inen card to • book 1*11 AavtrtlMUUl 1 Blow. Prown'if-Acivtrtliemtat, Advertisement Advertisement, PVown's.—Advertisement. Bank, phone 852.-Advertisement. ment. UUr a o»IL~Ad>i« RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987. Bradley Beach Girl Keansburg. Matawan. The students war* Margaret Jasper- Ilind Auction son, Elizabeth Devlin, Ann Moll, The}- To Wed in Spring (The Bid Baas ItailUr «u U boasrqi ma Porter, Wlllam Kuhns, Ireni (The IUJ Bank BtttiUr'tan tx bonsbt In UiUno (ran it J. tfComiri. 11 Thompson, Fannie DeNardo, Petet Held_ByUon! In Kuuubors mt ti. •ton. of B. L. Millar, Main IUMU and J. * J. Taulnl). Seaboard Fuel Oil Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hopkins of N. But* Laol«. PhlUr K.ll.r. ChuU* Colot, Dorothy Tansey, . Robert Bradley Beach have announced the VogiL L Zodnrsun). Hits -Anna GreUhea Lyons o Wooley, Martha Cross, .Spafford Wly $300 Turned Into Club' engagement of their daughter, Mist Philip D. Sliver, who has conduct- Georgetown, IX C, was a guest of Thompson, Ernest Ludwlg, Margaret Postmaster and Mrs. Raphael C, Marale, James Horton, Betty Korts, Charity Fund •• • R«>«It Janet MacKenzle Hopkins, to Clif- ed Us cleaning and dyeing business Donald Frltzlnger, Arthur (tough, Service Affair Held Tuesday Night ford W. Hackman, son of Mr. and at 259 Main street, has moved the Devlin from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. John Hackman, also of Brad' business to the building formerly oc- The Matawan Woman* Democrats Althea Stryker, John L*covltch, Elk*' Home. ley Beach. cupied by Eugene J. Knowles, who club held their ..annual, election Elinor But,. Henry Snydam, Rloh- Wednesday evening in the Amerloan ard Start, Robert Sturt, Ann' Ludwlg, baa retired from the radio business. William Tlohenor, Ids. Grant, Helnn IN ATORWARD PASS IT'S A "blind auction" for tho benefl A heating system Is being Installed Legion hall. Ths following ofBeera were olected: President, Mrs. Rosa Merla, Dorothy Wells and Jacque- of the Bed Binfc Llona club charltj in the Crystal dance ball, whioh for line stiles, • : < ..••; fund was held by the prganliatloi several 'weeks has been used as a Hoey Bergen; vice president, Mrs. Tuesday night at the Elks hom roller skating rink. This has proven Margaret McDonald; secretary, Mrs. December 13 will bo anniversary Nearly $300 was raised. so successful that U» management Margaret Brldeau; financial secre- Sunday In the First Methodist ohuroh. tary. Mrs, Genevleve Donnell; treas- Each member of the olub broughi decided upon beating; the building. Dr. Leon Chamberlain, a former pas- TIMING The license of David C. Allardlce, urer, Mrs. Hazel Carney; sergeant-at- tor of the church, and now district an article, suppoiodly worth at leas arms, Mrs. Matilda VanPelU Mrs, SI, and these were dispc-Md of at who conducted a tavern on the superintendent, will deliver;an an- Beachway, was revoked last week by Bergen was tho organiser and the nlversary sermon. ' On Thursday prices ranging from $3.50 to 111. 9 ant president of the club, lervlng And It's Timing That Makes Sheriff George H. "Roberts was the the borough council, after Edward night, December 9, an anniversary Juska, his attorney, pleaded guilty for two years. She was succeeded congregational fellowship supper will When you Invert your aav; auctioneer. He wu assisted b: In 1939 by Mrs. Margaret Fury Dev- James H. Mattenlee, Jack Rohre; to the charge that ha bad not been be served In the'leoture room Ing* with us, you know you a resident of th* atata tie required lin, who has been president for tho Mlsa Edith Early of Leonardo Is Seaboard Service Click; Tod! and Frank P. Merrltt In "crying" th past two .years. An Installation din- an fully protected against auction,, and tho clerk* wereCounc! five years. Th* attorney asked for working In the high school" library. IOM up to $5,000 by tho . • . . , \ a refund of the license fee for the ner will, be held in the American MUi.Barly keeps, the library open man Kenneth M. WyckoEf and Joh Legion hall Thursday evening, De- Federal Savings & Loan) P. Mulvlhlll, secretary and treaiurei remainder of the period of license. the first second' and fourth and This was not granted until an opin- cember 3, at T o'clock. Mrs. Alice ilxth periods while the regular librar- i Insurance Corporation. TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT, of the club. Lester R. R°«». third Blggan la chairman of the dinner, vice president of the Lions, wa» ion Is received from the A. B, C. ian, Miss El. Irene- Sayre, Is absent . , Atkfor bocHrt chairman of the special committee in commissioner. Mrs. Adelaide Y. Lawrence, state Miss Early also assists the librarian, WHEN YOU WANT IT. charge of the affair. The Holy Name society has com- commltteeman, and Mr*. Pearl Q, with circulation, and typing, ' WWW YOU YOU* pleted plans to distribute shoes to Kent' , president of the Monmouth Mr. arid Mrs. Charles H. Blood and «E1 THIS SAVINOS' The articles consisted of everythlnj needy children who attend St. Ann's County Women's Democratic club, IMIIIM, APESAH Imaginable, from a live rooster t grandson, HaroM Blood of Dover, school. The shoes will be distributed will Install the officers. 'oxcroft, Maine, were the week-end an Imitation dead turkey, which wa shortly before Christmas. . made of cement and Included a smal The Matawan Civic club Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob A. radio,'a ping-pong table top, an dec- Mrs. George Worth of Blrchwood night discussed a proposal for seek- Lewis 6f Main street Mr, and Mr*. trio razor, an automobile heater, t avenue, who has been sick for sev- ing support of the mayor and bor- Blood are on their way to Hollywood, eral weeks, is well on the road to ough council for the widening of Florida, where they will spend the Seaboard Ice Co. bottle of perfume which retails at recovery. Main street from Park avenue to the) /Inter. RED BANK i, $16.80, a table lamp, candy, ruts, gro- ceries, auto oils and accessories, MISS JANET HOPKINS Mlas Ivian Compton of Commodore Vicinity of Thlxton's automobile Miss Althea Stryker entertained a BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. Telephone 248. neckwear and many articles of avenue, a nurse at the Presbyterian agency, President Charles Yarger The wedding will take place in the lumber of her friends at her home 10 IIKOAD SI • RtD BANK, N J. humorous nature. hospital at Newark, underwent an will appoint a.nominating committee in Broad street Saturday evening. spring, it was stated. Both families operation for appendicitis at the in- All were wrapped In lores of va- to present a slate of officers. are well known at Bradley Beach stltiutlon last week. The Wednesday Dessert-Bridge rious shapes and sizes to conceal their and In the shore section. Mn, Louis Hersch of Chicago, the real nature or worth and much fun club met at the home of Mrs. Joseph former Miss LJlllan Selgel of Keans- Baler last week, Mrs. Hafry Kohn BUY KLEENEX and amusement was had in openlni burg, Is the mother of a son. them. was awarded first prize and Mrs. ; IN1HI .' ' Red Bank Youths At the last meeting of Fire com- Charles Ferrlne second. Mrs. Perrlne The dining room was decorate! pany No. 1 James Rltter wai nomi- and Mrs. Donald Rlley substituted. SERV-A-TISSUE BOX with euch signs a«: "There's On : FULL • doubl. tlniM-nut At Philadelphia nated /or captain to succeed Edward The Junior Auxiliary, American OM popi up rwdr for uu. Born Every Minute," "Abandon Hope Clark, who resigned because of bis Legion post, met Tuesday afternoon 2O0SHEET AP All Ye Who Enter Here," "Barnum Two Eed Bank boys, William Con- health. In the Legion hall, Fourteen mem- 2 BOXES 25c was Right" and "Never Give a Suck- John O. Hewitt of Oak street Is NOXZEMA er an Even Break." * nors, 16, of Hudson avenue,and Jos- bers were present, with Miss May eph Reiss, IB, of Monmouth street, home from a trip to Atlantic City, Devlin, president, presiding. Plans Medicated Cream—wtM The attendance prl", presented by torUU.1 CHAPKO NMUM, PIMrUI. whose disappearances were reported The regular Democratto club has are being made for a play to be J. Daniel Tuller. waj won by Bor- nominated the following officers: CHWINO AND 0THU SKIN Will*. ough Engineer George K Allen. Vo- to the police on Wednesday and direoted by Mrs. Herbert Olttens. TION* nOM HTKML MVtU cal selections were Riven by a trio Thursday of last week, were found Pr«itd«nt—J. Ft 8. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones of Pater- Get your j«r while this spedsl composed of Jack Bohiey, Eugene Thursday afternoon at Philadelphia. Viei preildint—Mn. Binjnnln Andrl- son and Mr, and Mrs. Edward H. limited time money^tvlng offer They had "hltoh-hlked" their way to ich. Domlnlck drove to Meadowslde, Mt. lilts. Contains twice is much Magee, Jr., and Charles Meeker, with Secretary—John Murphj. THI HANDY SIZE FO» KMY 1OOM that city, Tr*Mur»r— Edward Luckner. Pocono, Armistice day. Broad St., PHONE 1444 Hed Band, n. J Noxzenu u imtli |»n. Charles Gotechalk at the piano. 1 E. J. Connors and George Relss, Financial Hcrttary—Gtcrgr* Uhrig . Miss Anna Laird has been a pa Truiteei—Andrew Obirraan. Binjimln Uent in the Monmouth Memorial hos- fethers of the boys, went to Phila- Andrv&eb, Junes Cantrtlla•Hi. IHnI . Mary Marlboro. delphia Thursday night and returned McGrath, Thomu Tfarnir',. Rolfirt Sehlag- pital at Long Branch for the past with their offsprings the following entwelth and John Relllr. few days. morning. The election will be held Decem- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manee hive Mrs. Elwood Weber and Miss Kath- ber 8. The club has completed plans moved to Miss Ami M. Radio's house erlne Weber of Elizabeth,, visited to hold a card party November 27. or. Broad street. Mrs. Walter Helser Friday. PIGEON BREEDING. Pre-Thanksgiving Sale The Catholic Daughters of Ameri- Miss Mary Devlin, daughter of Charles Patterson ol Brooklyn ca held a social in the auditorium of Postmaster and Mrs. Raphael C, Dev- •pent Wednesday here. Oomnport 4-H Club to Hake This St. Ann's school Tuesday night Miss lin, attended the mid-season prom at 2-Lb. National Dairy 1 Found of Ltjgett's Famous Mr. and Mr*, William Coetlgan are Main Activity. Mary Tumelty and Mrs. Katherine Lawrencevllle school Friday evening. 4-1*. Jar PRESERVES S-Oz. Pure" Extract of the proud parent* of a ion born at MoCudden were the hostesses. She was the guest of Charles Pineapple, Strawberry, /»/SJ C Several of the members of the MALTED 4Qc Orange Marmalade, Meal Tyme QJc LEMON or OQc the Hazard hospital at Long Branch. ceanport 4-H Garden club, having A balloon dance under the auspices Schock, Jr. A each Mrs. Alfred Conover paued Wed- Men Interested in pigeon breeding of the building committee of St. Misses Madeline Egan and Mar- MILK ^ Grape. each COFFEE *«* VANILLA > nesday with Mrs. Marshall Smith of for the past few years, decided to Mark's Episcopal church will be held jorle VariBracklq of Matawan and Red Bank. maka this their major activity from at the Oak street fire house tomor- Misses Cadoo, Marjorle Bronkhurst Mr.! and Mm. Kmll Greyer have now on. This action was taken at row night. and Wllhelmlna Vander Waal of 5 Pounds' closed. ttelr summer home and re- their last regular meeting which was Mrs, E. M. Sohoen of Manning Keyport attended a Sunday music SPECIAL! DrSchollj turned to Jersey City for the win. held onv-Friday evening, November place has been on the sick list, hour at the Paper Mills playhouse at ter. ' ' • . 12, at the home of Lloyd and Fete Rev, John Lucltt Is. driving a new Short Hills. The artists were Mlsa 2% Pounds Zino-pads Ernest Verclls, Jr., has moved back Goldsberry, Garden club work may automobile. Margaret Arne, 'cellist, and Miss Cbttage Brand Assorted for Into rooms over ElsDnberg's store, tgaln be carried in the spring, how- Robert Vogel has been confined to Dorothy Dudley, contralto. which he vacated last spring. rer. his home with a fracture of his left Raymond Fallon and Mr. and Mrs. CORNS 17*>Sx Mrs. Alllo Scbasck spent Wednes- Due to a nearness to the pigeon leg. John N. Miller of Keyport have left Chocolates day with Mr. and Mri. Garrett breeding establishment at For Mon- Thomas Gllmour, Jr., of Maple for West Palm Beach, Florida, where Assorted Schanck of Freehold. mouth, there is probably more local street, has been confined to his home they will spend the winter SSc Smltb Bros. 10o Joseph Wallace of New York vis- iterest in pigeons in this commun- with sickness. The Ladles' Aid society of the First ited friends here Tuesday, ty than In most places, It Is hoped Mrs, Margaret Trenery was hos- Methodist church has contributed ?5O Cough Syrup; 19c Chocolates Only Lux Soap 5c Mr. and Mrs. Martin Collins and hat several new members in the tess at a card party Tuesday after- toward the coal fund. Hard and Chewy Centers. 1.00 son Kenneth, were Sunday guests at lommunlty may be attracted to the noon. A group of students from the Mat- ..BOq PhlUlps .. , ,60o Packer's tile Meyer home at Laktwood. Iub through this line of work. It Mrs. Paul Felbelkorn Is a patient awan school, accompanied by How- Mrs. Ella Tilton visited her son, was pointed out by the club agent at tho Hazard hospital at Long ard Wolverton, a teacher, visited the Milk Mag. 27c This is the Best Shampoo 32c Ira Tilton of Freehold, Tuesday. that the results of the pigeon breed- Branch. Museum of Natural History and the Alfred Storer, who has been 111 for Ing contest at Mlllvllle revealed a 100 Bayer 60c Candy Value in Town. Mo Tooth Powder Mrs. Dorothy Waltta Is home from Planetarium at New York recently sometime, suffered a stroke of paraly- wide variation in the ability of dif- a visit at Scotch Plains. sis Monday. ferent pairs to produce squabs. Slnco Victor Hess, the Carr avenue Aspirin 43c Lyon's 28c Mr. and Mrs. John Becker have re- [uab production represents the ma- butcher, has a new automobile. turned from their wedding trip, ir Income from pigeon breeding, it 200 Sensational Offer ! SOO Faoe Tissues which Included Washington and oth- hoped a simplified record system MODERN ELECTRIC er Southern cities. nay be developed to measure the At Waldorf-Astoria Party, Carter's Pills 15c Klenzo 19c Mrs, Clarence Burke was tie re- bllity of the various pairs to pro- Resident* of this locality who at- REVERSO TOASTER cent guest of Mrs. Frederick Hub- uce squab weight. Some of the tended the opening of Miss Fan- Pint S0o Tooth Paste bard of Dewitt, N. Y. oys are well established with CO to shawe's Sunday Evening club last 1.25 Value. Christopher Meyer, Sr., hai been birds and claim they have a ready 28c market for all of the squabs they Sunday evening In the empire room Witch Hazel 13c While they last—Only Kolynos very ill for several days. of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel at New 89' The firemen held a dance in their can produce, particularly of the 17-Oz. Squibb 600 eavler breeds. York were Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Law- hall Friday evening. rence White of Naveslnk avenue, 29c The next meting of the club will Rumson, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Liquors Milk Mag. AN EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! Barbasol 29c The road to better and bigger busi- held on Friday evening, Decent- A. Hurd of Naveslnk River road and ness leads through The Resistor's ad- r 10, at the home of the Klncald1 Mrs. Haskell Busk of WhlpporwlU SOo . . Z GREAT BOOKS FOR TUB PRICE OF 1 Silo Cream vertising column*.—Advertisement. >ys in Oceanport. road, In Middletown township. Gold Cup Lavoris 32c The New Universities Webster Dictionary Lady Ester 31c 60e and a Dictionary of SINOinnMS AND ANTONYMS Largo Tooth Paste Alka Seltzer 49c An Indispensable aid to anyone wh» writes or spmks the Squibb 33c Wines 1Q English Language. ( 100 SqoJbb , (Wo Pond's Port Aspirin 39c While They Last! Both for— Age Sherry 3 Cream 34c WAGNER'S Pint Squibb 10o Woodbury Muscatel for 59c Block & White 36 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Fifths Mineral Oil Cigar Soap 2 ^ 15c 1.00 750 CIGARS Special PRICES IN EFFECT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 43c RETNALDO Modess 19c Ben-Gay For years the BANKERS Bar C c largest selling So Blend 69 i* Large • cigar. Box of 10 ' GEM Razor Blades LEGS Senna Leaves 13c CIGARS Ss GENUINE About SPRING JL 8-tb. Aver. Royal Club 25c LAMB 23 Peppermint Box of E0 for $1.15 Blend 98c Pt. Boneless STEW BEEF lb. 25c

CHUCK lb. CROSS RIB lb. ROAST 21 RO/AST 25 Baltimore Electri —Roxbury— VIBRATOR Electric Porlfolio~ Electric HEATING WAFFLE SO sheets Water Bottle HEATER Envelope* Percolator PAD - IRON Guaranteed FRESH HAMS 191 ,$•£.19 39° $| .19 $|.59 (Whole or Shank Half) Wildroot SENSATIONAL VALUE! LISTERINE Hair Tonic 1 Pound Chocolate With Oil COATED ALMONDS TOOTH PASTE Old Quaker FBE8H ROASTED JACK LAND A Apple DOUBLE (Formerly wltii A & F Tea Co.) SIZE ... Wagner Market ... 1 yr. oil A Real Treat Le Marquis BIHOWr SUDS' SPECIALS THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY. d£AB WATO HNSf Turkey Dinner Cape Wines (USTROUS'HAIB Cod Jer.ey Beets & Carrots 3 bun 10c Generous portions of Cranberries UblOc Meat, Cranberry Sauce, Juicy C Cr*b Potatqes, Dressing, Gib- Oranges 20 for 25 wr.LSpinach 3 lbs 10c let Gravy and Buttered Former «So Bite Orchard Bread. C Fresh COLGATE Jersey, EGGS l doz 39c Cashmere Bouquet Grapefruit 7 for 2 5 BEER and ALE SOAP 10c FREE DELIVERY — TEL. 2257-J. in Cam 4 A Turkey Sancjwicl 3 for 27c (I RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937.

Freehold Contractor Dead. New Men's Club. ' Fined For Loaning license. Frederick A. White of Freehold A new men's club has been organ- Richard Tyler, 45, colored, of near CLINICAL DIAGNOSTIC LABOR* Here And There In died Monday of a stroke with which ized In the Marlboro Reformed Engllshtown, waa fined $20 last week to Broad Street Phones: R. B 6TO-M0M he was strloken Saturday night He church with Rev. James VanVes- on a charge of loanlng/nls hunting LOW RATES A,. RAYMOND CAGARLANDT , Directo' r -<^' waa 58 years old and for many year* »em, pastor, aa the leader, B. K. license to his son, Robert, 19. A. A. EIBENDKBO, M. b* Consultant Pntliokuttt had aonduoted a plumbing business (PntholoRlit at Sjrdtnbam Hoipltiij) Monntouth County and hardware store. He have* a. WMUon l« president, Warren Ham- WESSON TAXI Urine Analysis — Blood Counts'— Blood Chemlitry — 8mMM widow and a daughter. mond Mcretary-treasurer and Al- Boys can make extra pocket money "Hen of Science Without Laborstorlu Art. u Soldlan fred Snook vice president telling The Register.—Advertisement Without Arms"—Futiur

Found Dead In Home. • • / Personal Notes; Sales of Property. Building Operations, Thomas Newton; 78, of Long Branch, was found dead In his home Friday by police, who farced their Lodge Doings, Births, Marriages, Deaths way Into the house. He had suffered a hemorrhage and died while sitting and Other Notes of Interest In a chair, .A aon and a daughter survive him. 32 Broad St. • . County Ward Jailed. , fleld, 0, waa awarded WOO and his Binary Errlcksori, 78, of Farrolng- father, George Mansfield, I1B0. The Will Raise Foxei, tale, wa» sentenced last week to CO Judgments were against Mrs. Emma M. Gettolman of Atlantis City, Red Bank to 90 daya In the county Jail on a Voget. who recently purchased the K. L. trunk and disorderly chargo. Tho Duller farm near Freehold, has bs- oomplalnt was made by County Ad- . Belmar Floneer Dead. gun the erection of fox pens on the |uitar John L. Montgomery, who re- Honry J. Stlnei, a resident of Bel place. He will raise foxes for show cently announced that anyone re- mar SS years and veteran starter of and commercial purposes. races for the Belmar Yacht club, netvlnsr county aid, and spending Freehold Couple Wed.' . their' money for liquor would bo died Tuesday of last week at the age of 80. For many years he conducted Miss Kathleen M. Fleming; and SAVEIH OUR 2-OAY punished, Hrrlckson had ' received Paul W. Lane, son of Mr, and Mra Bid age benefits. a carpentry business. He Is survived by his second wife, one brother and Turner H. Lane, both of Freehold • WanamaMa Couple Die In South. two sisters. were married last Friday week a - New* waa received Tuesday of tho the Reformed church parsonage by le&thi by asphyxiation of Mr. and To Build New Bestauront. Rev. W. L. Sahler. Urs. Charles A. Nightman of Wan- Paul Gallucclo of Belmar has pur- chased-a plot of ground on Tenth . New Gamp Physician. imaua at St. Petersburg, Florida, Dr. Qeorge McDonnell ot Freehold where they Sad gone to spend the avenue at that place on wilch he will build a restaurant. The place has been appointed physician for the . winter. Details wero lacking but It CCC camp at that place., He suc- is believed their deaths were caused will specialize In Italian dishes with Mrs, Gallucclo in charge of the ceeds Lieut, Harold Knox, who has by ga> escaping from a refrigerator been relieved of duty and returned antt. They had been summer real kitchen. Mr. Qallucclo will continue lents of Wahamoaaa several years. his barber business. to his home at New York. Died at Sanitarium. Fort of Shortage Paid. Belmar Pastor Dead. Rev. John Wharton Stokes, pas- Stanley DahKowskl of Farmlng- The Freehold council has received dalo died in the Glen Gardner sani- l oheck for {10,000 from tho Amer- tor of the Belmar Methodist church died Wednesday of last week at his tarium last Saturday week. He was Friday and Saturday, our greatest money-saving event oi ican Surety company, which held a 32 years old and leaves a widow - bond on Wlllard P. Throcltmorton, home at the ago of S3 years. He had been at .Belmar eight months and one eon. Burial was made In the season I strand new, fashion-right merchandise at prices former borough clerk, who resigned the Freehold Cathollo cemetery. last June when a shortage was dis- Ho was a practicing lawyer 12 years that will make you buy now, for yourself and for gifts 1 covered In his accounts. He was al- boforo entering the ministry. He . Marlboro Man Eallsta. lo collector of water and sewer rents loaves a widow and one son. Robert S. Thompson of Marlboro ind hU total shortage was $3»,000. Spring Lake Man Knighted. has been accepted for enlistment in As partial restitution he turned over the U. S. army. Bo Is attached to two farms to tho borough, ~ John A, Coleman, who baa a sum- mer homo at Spring Lake and la ac- the medical department with station Takes IJfe as Romance Enda. tive, in community affairs thore, has at Fort Jay, Governors Island. MISB Mario Stalllngs, 27, formerly been knighted by Pope Plus XI in Dubols—Davlson. of Birmingham, Ala., committed sul the order of St. Gregory. He was Mlsi Louella R. Dubola, daughter Big Sensational Offering elde by Inhaling gas In a furnished given the honor for his work as of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Dubols room at Neptune City Saturday, Ac chairman of Catholic Charities at of freehold, was married last Satur- oordlng to police tho young woman New York. day week to Charles H, Davlson, al- tamo to Neptune City early In the Former Sheriff's Son Weds, so of Freehold. week to wed a man whoso name was MUs Elizabeth Pearce, daughter not revealed. When told ho could of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pearce of not marry her aho tried to kill bev- Point Pleasant, and Howard Height, •elf Wednesday'but was prevented, Jr., son of former Sheriff and Mrs. Farmlngdale Doctor Dead. Howard Height of Spring Lake, were MEN S SHIRTS Sr. Walter P. Havens of Farming- married last Saturday week. The dale died Sunday at his Some after groom Is proprietor of an auto Schulte-Lfnited a long Illness. Ho was 66 years old agen6y at Point Pleasant, and had beon bedridden ten years. Studying Agriculture. ' Outstanding Buy in Town He served many years on the Farm' Wilbur Cunningham of Freehold, Ingdalo borough' council and was a Claude Kohler ot Engllshtown, Jack This Quality Shirt is sold elsewhere up to $1.39. former president of the fire company. SPECIALS Morris of Farmlngdale and John Months of preparation for this great sale, will make He Is survived by a widow and one Ion, Dr. W. Paul Havens of Fhlla- Frudden of Clarksburg are taking the men's section a beehive of activity Friday and lelphla. short courses In agriculture In the New Jersey College ot Agriculture at Wines & Liquors Saturday! We've sliced the pricel Buy a dozenl Buy New Brunswick. for gift-giving I Just read these features: Woman Killed By Gas. FOR Mrs. Ada Bazin, 56, a sister of Fire Nightingale—Crawford. Chief William 3. Taggart of Asbury • Splendid Quality Vat-Dye Prints Park, wai killed by illuminating gas Miss Florence Nightingale, daugh- in the bathroom of her home at that ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nightin- THANKSGIVING • Newest, Nattiest Holiday Patterns place Monday afternoon. Her body gale of Asbury Park, was married • Fine Tailoring • Fused and regular collars was found by hor son, A. L. Bazln Saturday to Rullff E. Crawford, son when he returned home from work. of Mr. and Mra. RullfT Crawford of • 7-Button Front • Pearl Burtons • Sizes 14-17 A hose on a gas heater had been torn Wanataassa. They will make their Paul Flamoert loose and Mrs. Bozln's body lay on home at Asbury Park. the floor. Bullet Hits Clammer. Champagne Men's 79c Men's & Boys' Men's H.I 9 Tuck-Stitch ' Truck Seized; Still Balded. Robert Farry, 21, of Long Branch, Vintage of 1929 William Berry, 39, colored, of New- was struck In the head by a 32 cal- ark, was arrested at Matawnn Mon- iber bullet while clamming near fifth UNION SUITS *1 PAJAMAS GLOVES PANTIES-VESTS day night and the truck he was driv- Occanport last Thursday. Bleeding $2-49 ing was seized along with a quantity profusely Farry made his way to the Warm, heavy winterweight, long Fine flannelette, full cut, well made. Fine quality selected leathers, splen- Regularly 19c each. Made of cotton of Illicit liquor. After questioning shore and reported to the Ocoanport sleeve ankle length)th, Iin random; Bu- MEN'S: Coat or slipover, pajama did workmanshipp, correct styling; and Dureen. Panliei are knee length, police. r slipover, pajama several hours Berry led officers to an reau or Standards (tripes. Sizes A B colors black, not- ~~ double crotch, Illegal still near Matawan and Ed- McBrlde—Asay. Piedmont Club elastic at waist. _ __ _ gar Solomon, 25, was arrested. dimensions and C,D. BOYS', neaf ural, brown, ma- Miss Marie A. McBrlde, daughter Bourbon Whiskey weight, sizes 36 pajama checks; hogany.grey.Full Vests have rayon H #• * Mew Bencn Board Member. of Mr. and Mrs. John McBrlde of cut sizes 7n to binding, Each South Belmar>*nd Warren H. Asay, to 46. Save about sizes 6 to 18. Governor Harold Q. Hoffman has SO Proof 30% on each suit. Choice. I0V4. appointed Doris I. Weedon as a mem- son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Asay 15 MOJ. 14 of Spring Lake, wero married Sun' 57 79 89 ber of the beach commission to suc- day ot last week. They will make 69 eeed James Forsyth, who resigned Monday. Commissioner Forsyth's their homo at Spring Lake. right to a seat on the commission, Will Make Trip Abroad. LAIRD'S had been attacked on the ground be John Westerman, supervisor for was not a resident of AaburyPark. the Monmoutb County Herd Im Apple Jack Tots Chinchilla Coats provement association, working out New! Smart! Values! Harried 80 Years. of the Monmouth county extension 80 Proof C pt. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stratton office, will sail December IB on the $1.39 Qt. of- North Long Branch celebrated Queen Mary for a business trip 75 their Mth weddlrtg anniversary Mon- abroad. day. As part of the celebration they SNOW SUITS made a week-end trip to Washing- Road Contract Awarded. Park & Tilford H AT S ton. Mr. Stratton has been chief Edward H. Bills of Westfleld has fish and game protector and Scad of been awarded the contract for grad- Sanderson's Styles: t-rti Boxes, Tarns, Off-The-Face, Close- the state flsh and game commission ing and paving nlne-tentha of a mile Special

daughter of tha Bronx and Charles children of Mlddletown vlllaf • ipen Arcanum Lodge Capacity Crowd Belford. , Brennan of Washington Heights were Sunday with John Mulder. r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mao- David W. Plahn spent,Friday In Meet Tonighi Sees Minstrel Show > p» all ooninmt—a business as old ae Odd Fellows hall on MonmoutS Harold,A. Glblln, secretary of the The members of tha Methodist fcMIUatlonT Tho foil story Is of absorb. street Councils of Keyport, Lon bur MacConnell. Alfred E. Langford spent Friday Elks. Woman's Bible claii were enter afternoon at Asbury Park. FRANK B. LA WES fat Interest. It has brought a happy Branch and Aabury Park will be rep talned yesterday at the home of Mrs, Mrs, Vreeland Morris was tendered resented. A social hour will follow The premiere endmen, Mrs. Kath- TEL. WtS. BBD BANK ftnralnt point In the lives of many peo- leen Kirman and Mrs. Ethel Krau», Ella Bade. a surprise party at her home Mon- Iple. Bend (or tha etory today. No obli- tho business session and refresh Miss Anna Luker has been ilck. day evening by a few friends and There are other LAWES Coal Dealer*. ments will be served by a committee featured the "how while specialty relatives, the occasion being her Centerville. gation. Address Prank B. Hlbberd. Prcsl- dance numbers were alao well re- Miss Mabel Beam Is confined to Be Sure to Get FRANK B. ient, 124 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. consisting of the orators of the fou her bed by Illness. birthday. The guests were Mr. and councils. ceived by the audience. Those giv- Mrs. Alfred Richardson, Miss Anna Kenneth and Peggy Wllley, ohtl' ing specialty danco numbers were Mrs. Irving Roop won a cash prlta dren of Mr. and Mrs, Harry 8. Wit- last week for naming a ladles' coal Luker, Peter Luker, Miss. Mabel Mlssea Jean Smith, Leigh Pennlng- Luker, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Mao- ley, enjoyed an automobile ride over ton, Jean Ueneck and Margie Jones.' for a Chicago mall order company. Washington's bridge, New York, The company offered prizes to those Connell, Miss Marie MacConnell, Miss Miss Gladys VanNesa, Miss Doro- Doris Balbach, Mrs. William Suther- Sunday, with their aunt and uncle, thy Mytlnger and Mrs. Rhoda Szll- whose names were selected by the judges. Each contestant had) to write land and Miss Marjorlo Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Key- agyl rendered vocal aolos as did the SO words or less why tn* coats wero Mrs. Stanley Cook entertained the port. PUBLIC SALE four endmen, Mrs. Lou Miller, Miss popular. Mrs. Roop sent tn a name members of the Thimble club at her Mr. and Mrs. Peter Genoveae spen Madeleine Dennett, Mrs. Elizabeth and essay and she has received her homo Monday evening. The club Sunday at New York, Farm Stock, Machinery and Crops King and Mrs. Dorothy Ryan. reward. made plans to go on a trip to New Mrs. Harry Curtis, who has been Mrs. Mary L. Jones was the Inter- York. 111, Is much Improved. ON THE OLD CONOVER FARM locutor and Georgia Mason was the The service at St. Clement's Epis- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Oranato are pianist Following the show danc- copal church Sunday morning will be Mrs. Thomas Dinnon spent a few the parents of a daughter, born Sat- ' 1 Mile North of Colt's Neck on Vanderburg Road at 10 o'clock. The adult Bible class days of last wihrk visiting relatives ing was enjoyed. Tom Hackett's meets each Sunday at 10 a. m. The urday, In Monmouth Memorial hos- rchestra played for the dancing. on Long Island and at New York. pital, Long Branch. church Is conducting a campaign for Mrs. Melvln Leek spent last Thurs- funds to finish the basement celling Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cerllona MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1937, day at Jersey CJty and New York. have returned from a motor trip to and to lay a hardwood floor. The Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Langford . At 11 a. m. Colt's Neclc. church has been presented with a Brooklyn. and their granddaughter, Teresa Frank Ambr'oslno and family spent motion picture machine and It is Cook, motored to Jersey City last Four good work horses, work single or double; Wallace (The Red Bank Reglitar ean be bonsht stated that many attractive social Thursday at Brooklyn. it the store of kmli Plotkin.^ Thursday and spent the. day with Mr. William Potter's woods caught fire ORDER YOUR tractor; Little Wonder tractor plow; 3-liorse Oliver sulky ivents will be in the offing, A bingo and Mrs. Frank Warnock. George Rlchdale, Frank Magee, mrty will be held by the ladles of Friday night. It Is thought the flre plow; walking plow; 90-tooth tractor iron harrow; 60-tooth the church next month In the pa> Miss Vorona Schnoor spent last was. caused by a careless hunter. 'ohn H. Sutphln and 'two friends Thursday at Asbury Park. iron harrow; 1 double disc; Planet, Jr., soda drill, new; iron rent gunning one day .last week and Ish rooms. Miss Anna Potosky of Brooklyn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Devlno of spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, roller; Meeker harrow; springtooth harrow; McKensil No. 5 ;ot 30 rabbits. Miss Arllne Runyon attended the Belleville spent the weok-«nd with Thanksgiving Homemade and Mrs. IgnoU Potosky. potato planter; Friend -duster, motor'drive, brand new; 3- Frank Demarest has been reap- teachers' convention at Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook. DOintcd a constable by the township Friday. Albert Slano and family motored runner furrowing sled: 2 International No. 4 cultivators; 2 Philip McGovern of East Orange o New York Sunday. committee of Atlantic township. He Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Lohsen, Mr. passed the week-end with his mother, walking cultivators; McCormick mower; McCormick dump has filled the duties of constable 21 Mrs. Edward Tetter and son Irwln nd Mrs. John Ayera and children Mrs. Felix McGovern. and Mr. and Mrs. Irvla Bennett of Pumpkin and Mince Pie rig; side delivery rig; Massey & Harris hay loader; Empire years, having served at Eatontown tnd Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ayers Miss Margaret Reddlngton and Mr, sefore he moved here. ipent the week-end In Maryland. Keansburg spent Tuesday with' Mr. Brill; 2 hand-made farm wagons; 18-barrel potato box; Bogg and Mrs. John H. Wermert attended and Mrs. Harry Curtis. William Polhemus of Asbury Park, They expect to bring home a few the concert given by Fordham Glee potato grader; International corn binder; John Deere manure 'ormerly of this place, visited friends Maryland turkeys for the holidays. Several roadside stands have — NOW — club at Georgian Court college at" closed for the winter. spreader; 2 sets double harness; corn slieller; 2 hay shelvings. lere part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman spent Lakewood last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Robert DenOuden Is visiting Frank Demarest and John Conk- he week-end with Mr. Hofman's par- Mr. and Mrs. John Wermert mo- Try Our Delicious Holiday Special Forks, shovels, hoes, etc., and other small articles jtoo In are new members .of Atlantic ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman, Sr., at New York. ored to Camden to visit relatives Frank DePalma of this plaoe, and ;ownshlp fire company. Mr. Conklln, of Brooklyn. iunday. CAKE numerous to mention. vho lives at Deal, recently bought IVsher Schenck of Holmdel, who had Miss Grace Polhemus of Freehold Mrs. Fred Dreher and daughter "The Cake People Talk About" About 6 tons of Tennessee hay, 6 tons alfalfa, 6 tons he Fltkln farm on the Scobeyvllli was the week-end guest of Miss Al- large .sales this week, had a good •oad and he spends a large part o: Marilyn of Newark have returned representation of farmers from this mixed hay and 800 bushels corn. ma Tarnow. home after spending a few days with :1B time here. Mrs. William Harner of Ardsley, locality at their respective sales. Delicious Homemade Bread—Vienna, Rye {Terms: Cash. Mrs, Harold Qunther returne Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Volkland. Mrs. Harriet Thorne Is spending Pa., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sam- Mrs. Herman Tarnow, Miss Emma and French; also assorted Pies—Apple, Lemon" : lome last week from Fltkln hospital uel Smith. ;he winter with her daughter, Mrs. JOHN H. SUTPHIN. 3. Plahn, Mrs. Anna Boyce and Mrs. fohn Rapp of Keyport. t Asbury Park, where she was a pa' Capt. and Mrs. Rutt of Port Mon- Meringue, Pineapple and Cherry. iW". T>. FIELDS, Auctioneer.. lent several weeks for Injuries suf- Fohn Euler attended a meeting at Mr. and Mrs. J. Sportelll of Free- mouth were recent guests at tho St. Andrew's Episcopal church at >red In an automobile accident. She home of Capt and Mrs. John Glass. hold spent the week-end with Frank well on the road to recovery. Highlands last week. Lucarelll and family. SPECIALS ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rose and Mrs. Mabel Hlgglnson of Deal spent The apple growers throughout thl Mrs. Jennie Trimble visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, William • Danuck of ectlon have finished harvesting theli Thomas Walling of Hazlet last Thurs- hursday with Miss Emma S. Plahn. Matawan spent Sunday with Michael Homemade Biscuits . . 15c dot. Tops. The largest was on Carrol day. Miss Dorothy Turklnton of Red Menosky. ank visited Miss Plahn Sunday. V. Barclay's Delicious Fruit farm John V. Glass, Jr., celebrated his Invitations havo been tent out for SPECIAL Jr. Barclay was unable to find Miss Margie Walsh of Cherry Tree ho wedding of Miss Rose Callenda Egg Rolls 19c dox. 16th birthday on Armistice day. He nough hands hereabouts to do the farm passed Friday with her sister, Matawan and Anthony Granato received many fine gifts, a shower Mrs. Joseph Slovenz. For pork and he was obliged to hire of cards and a cocker spaniel from f this locality. The ceremony will outhcrn Negroes. The men ate and The Ladles' auxiliary of Indepen- e performed by Rev. J. Burke In St his aunt, Mrs. Albert Scott of Red lent fire company will hold a card lept In a former chlckenhous Bank. Joseph's church on Thanksgiving htch was enlarged and remodeled nd bunco party this evening at the day at 10 o'clock. FRIDAY- SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling spent Iremen's ball. Prizes will be awarded City Bakery >r their use. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James The hunting season at Frederick .nd refreshments will be served. Mrs. The musical pitch-pipe was the Bloodgood of South Amboy. ohn H. Wermert and Mrs, Charles >asis of the Chinese system of meas- 68 BROAD ST. Tel. Red Bank 1983-J. urghard's Big Brook pheasant farm Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Runyon visit- •egan last week and will continue Roche are chalrladles. ires, of the calendar and of their ed Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LeQuler of Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Travers and itronomlcal calculations. mtll February 23. Many gunners Red Bank Sunday. 2-pc FLANNEL PAJAMAS lave been on the place, some o. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rockafellow hem being from distant communl- of Keansburg spent Sunday with Mr. es. - There Is a lodge on the farm and Mrs. Irving Roop. Warm, Stylish cut. Man- rhere hunters may spend the nigh Mr. and Mrs. E. Lohsen of Farm- ind It has been used to a large ex- ingale and Mrs. Donavan of Flatbush nish, and just the thing for ent. spent two days last week with Mr. Carroll W. Barclay, Jr., son of Mr. Fowler's Prime Quality Steer Beef .Winter nights. and MrB. Herman" Tarnow. id Mrs. Carroll W. Barclay, has re- Tha spaghetti dinner given at the 88 overed from pneumonia and he home of Mr. and Mrs. John Helns 'iack at school. For several weeks last week for the, benefit of Mon- c he was a patient at Fltkln hospital mouth Eastern Star chapter of At- Asbury Park. lantic Highlands was a financial suc- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanchard and cess. Eighty-one dinners were served. RIB ROAST 29lb children plan to spend Thankoglvln^ Tha members of the Belford Meth- FUNNEL GOWNS week at their former home In Ver- odist church will participate In a mont Communion service next Sunday JERSEY MILKFED VEAL! SMOKED HAMS ^nM 27fb Peter Pan collar on nice 'Elwood Douglass, who has been morning at 10:45 o'clock. The ser- very sick, continues to show steady mon topic for the evening services quality Flannel, in Peach) improvement. He takes short walk will be "Meeting God Halfway." SHOULDERS .... 15fb CALA HAMS .... 22fb Blue and White, with daily and It Is expected that he will A Thanksgiving service, It was an- resume his duties as county farm nounced yesterday, will be held In RUMP ...... 23s, COTTAGE HAMS 39fb floral necklin demonstration agent soon. the Belford Methodist Episcopal 88 Austin Buck, son of Mr. and Mrs. church Wednesday evening, Novem- SLICED BACON 21c Alfred Buck, has returned , home ler 24, at 8 o'clock. The Daughters VEAL CUTLET . . . . 39fb FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY from Fltkln Memorial hospital, if Liberty and the Junior Order of where he was a patient for penu- United American Mechanics have LOIN or RIB CHOPS . 25fb BOILED HAM (Imported) „20c monia. He Is well on the road to re- been invited to share In the service. covery, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Compton en- SHORTENING (JEWEL) 25c Atlantic grange cleared $19 at the tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams BREAST ...... 12& recent bunco party which was held and daughters Joyce and Jean of Ruby Lane Stores at the school. A report about the Union City Sunday, the occasion be- party was made at the grange meet- ing the seventh birthday of Lois 28 Broad Street ing last week. Officers were elected Compton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. To Insure a Successful Thanksgiving Dinner Red Bank and at the conclusion of the meeting Compton. refreshments and a social time were let us personally select your Turkey or other Poultry. This year our Turkeys are better enjoyed. The new officers are: Capt. and Mrs. John V. Glass and son John were recent callers at the than ever, more plump, generally more choice. Be assured of the best. Place your order Master—Warren Snedekar. home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter War- Overseer—Joseph Crlne. early! r Lecturer—Mrs. Russell Heulltt. don of Keyport. Steward—Charles Crlne. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Atlee and Assistant steward—Austin Meglll. Mrs. Carrie Foster of Atlantic High- Chaplain—Miss Julia Parker. A REAL TREAT ! Have a Steak Dinner ! Treasurer—Frank Magee. lands were recent guests of ' Mrs. RUG SALE! Secretary—Mrs. Warren Snedeker. Georgia Foster. . Jersey Giants from Colt's Neck Gstekeeper—Douglas Parker. Ceres—Mrs. Austin Meglll. Mrs. William Hyers has been laid Pomona—Miss Dorothy Thompson. up with a sore back as a result of a Flora—Mrs. Marlanna Ellis. fall. ROASTING CHICKENS Lsdy assistant steward—Mlsi Annie Mrs. Eliza Scott of Headden's Cor- Sirloin Steak 35 Sherman. ner spent a day recently with Mrs. (8 to 7 Ib.) 39 The Sewing club of the Reformed lb church met at the homo of Mrs. Wil- "ennlo Trimble. liam Hunt last Thursday. The next Mrs. Grace Cottrell of Highlands Dressed to Order meeting of the club will be held passed part of last week with her Roll Butter 2 lbs 89c SUCKLING PIGS All Sizes Thursday, December 2, at the home sister, Mrs. Emma Brown. of Mrs. Russell Heulltt. The club Mrs. Arllne Rauscher entertained cleared $39 by the election day sale at her home Monday evening 1' THANKSGIVING SPECIALTIES ! Fresh Crisp Vegetables and Luscious Fruits ! members of the Central BaptlBt of luncheons which It held. Prices In Effect Until Saturday, November iith A metal fence is being put up on church of Atlantic Highland*. Re- Crisp-Celery Hearts 2 bun. 25c a largo portion of Frederick Burg- reshments of assorted plea were College Inn Tomato Cocktail ...... : 2 bot*. 35c Sweet Potatoes 5 lbs. 23c hard's Big Brook pheasant farm. isrved after the business meeting. The land which Is being enclosed Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tarnow Fruit Cocktail, largest can 2 cans 49c Canadian Turnips 3c lb. was bought by Mr. Burghard a short elebrated their S5th wedding annl- Beech-Nut Tops • box 15c White Boiling Onions 2 tbs. 15c time ago to enlarge his farm. rersary at their homo Friday oven- ng by entertaining their children Cranberry Sauce ...... :...... 2 cans 25c Peas, Sweet California —.2 lbs. 25c Leroy Daniels Is painting the house ind families. Others present besides at Bed Bank owned and occupied by the celebrants were Mr. and Mrs. None Such Mince Meat ..:.... llcpkg. .- Walter H. Conover, formerly of this Grapefruit, Seedless IXOBIDA 4 f 25c Earl Yarnall and children Betty, Al- Herih's Best Brandied Mince Meat, 2-lb. 33c jar or place. fred and Ronald of Leonardo, Mr. Juice Oranges 23c doz. MUs Dorothy Thompson led tho ind Mrs. William Tarnow and chil- Pumpkin, largest can 2 cans 19c. meeting of the Young People's Fel- dren Billy and Barbara of Sandy Squash, largest can 2 cans 25c Eating and Cooking Apples 6 tbs. 19c lowship at tho Reformed church Hook, Mr. and Mrs. Mllford Van- Washington State Eating Apples, large 6 for 29c Sunday night. Tho subejet was "How Brunt and- ohlldron Bobby-and Ken- Flako Pie Crust : :..-2 pkgs. 25c Christian •1«-Amerlcrr"— neth of Campbell's Junction and Miss "Tangerine! •.•.::.;...... v^.;^^:n^..r.:r.::..-;;.T,.'n-25cdoz.— The churoh training group of the ~'orls Tarnow, Ronald Tarnow, Miss Bosc Pears, large j ,..8-25c the Reformed church will meet at Minerva Eular and Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Soups Puddings the parsonage tomorrow night at 8 Harold Tarnow and cl Pecan Stuffed Dates -1-lb. pkg. 25c o'clock. nd Ronald of Belford, 2 cans 25c Mb. z-n>. Tho Young People's Fellowship of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bennett R&R Plum ...23c 43c C the Reformed church will participate .nd children spent Sunday at Roose- $1.49 per doz. Crotie & Blaokwell. Basket of Assorted in a rally Sunday night, December B, elt park. Fresh Fruits for the Table 49 See their luxurious beauty and choose at the Reformed church of Freehold. Gumbo, Consomme, Date & Nut Bread 2-29c Special efforts are being mado to Capt. Edward Lee of New York Is Mince Meat 49c jar the colors and patterns that will glorify have a big Colt's Neok caravan. A visiting his brother and family, Mr. Clam Chowder Nuts special fellowship meeting will be and Mrs. Garrett A. Lee. Mints 19c pkg. Cigarettes your rooms. held at the churoh here Tuesday William Andoraon of New York Is 2 cans 31c Chooolote Diam'd Walnuts 25c » night, December 7, when an Illus- visiting his sister, Mrs. Sarah Rlch- Mixed Nuts 23c » , $1.17 carton trated stamp lecture will be given rdson. Assorted Olives J« 29c m§ Persian, Modern, Colonials and Chinese entitled "Religion In Stamps." * Pride of Belford council, Sons and Chestnuts 3 25c Laird's Cider Vrgal. 27c gal. 43c m Patterns. The Reformed church will reach Daughters of Liberty, No. 151, will Pecans r*p« shell .29c Chesterfield, Old Gold, Cameis, Its 82d. birthday April 22 and plans hold a bunco party after their meet- Kemp's Salted Nuts, assorted 59c lb. n to observe It are already being dis- Ing tomorrow evening In Chemical Fruit Cake, dark (each 4-lb. aver.) $M9 Almonds 29c cussed. Araonff-trtlifii/things It Is flro house. Prizes will be given and While they last! Salesmen's Samples proposed to have an attendance of refreshments will be served. Variety of colors and patterns .... $4.00 not lew than 82 on that day. , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walling spent SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY, NOV. 20th Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 27"xS4" Others at...... $2.50 to Give Show. Joaeph, Lovett of Hazlet. Mrs. Mary McGovorn returned home United Rebekah lodge of Bolmar Saturday after spondlng a month will present a minstrel show, enter- with her cousin, Mrs. Mary easterly tainment and dance Friday night, of,Philadelphia. December 10, In Newman's hall. It will be for. the benefit of the lodge Mrs. Franols Craig and daughters and the Rebekah home at Brlelle. Kitty and Shirley, spent part of last FOWLER S MARKET Armitage & Baynton, Inc. Mrs. Nan Croter and Mrs. Albertine week with Mrs. Craig's mother, Mrs. BETTER FOOD' FOR THE TABLE Wallach will direct the show. Katherlne Craven of New York, MIM Doris Balliack of Ke&nsburg iZ Monmouth Stseet Red Bank, N. J. Is spending * week with MUi Marls .„Boy—s caTzrn- •—mak- e extrJ»a 'pocket: money MacConnell.1 Red Bank — 7 Broad Street — Phone 3334 aelliiw THeBeilstar^-AdTirtlsemsnt. Mrs, Kathleen MoDJnald and RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937.

Ited funds^ would permit. Mew OLD BELIEFS SHATTERED. flowers will last Just' as long in a WBRB PROGRAMS. 6;45—Concert Hour. rminanng 7:00—Dinner at Seven. ditches out) 4,728 feet or .9 of a mil*. glass or pottery container. 7:16—Sport, Sizes 111x2* Inohea to 80x80 Inches. Professor Says Old Legends of Gar- It is much better to hold flowers The programs are as follows s .7:30—tMulin? Sinters. Monstrous Old dlUhes recut;'15,BU feet or 8.6 deners Are Worthless. In place In a wide mouthed contain- (1210 Kilocycles) 7;4S—Banjo Leonard. / Mosquitoes In miles. Slxe 1BX24 inches, to 86x60 8:00—Home Philosopher. er with a wire support than to put P. M. Thursday, Novembvr 18. 8:15—N»wi Inches, Old ditches cleaned: 13,»89 Legends are just as popular with twigs of evergreen or other plants in 6:00—Rev. Rnhntr. Dovotiona. 8:30—Convention Hnll Organ. BINGO PARTY This Locality 'eet or' nearly Hi miles, Slse, rals- some gardeners and florists as Santa the bottom. 5:80—Where To Go. 0:00—Movla Gossip. oellaneous, Brush cut from aides of 5t45—Youtb Forum. 0rl5—Sonus. Ol&us and the Eiastor bunny are lOO—Dincl Music. ditches: 1B,O« feet (lineal) or 2.9 with some youngsters, according to There Is littlet truth In the state- 0:30—Avo Maria Hour. Report for the Fiic«I Year Made ment that living plants are valuable :16—Newi Ravlov. 10:00—Muflto By fie quo it, MONDAY NITE, November 22d miles. it, A, Clark, assistant county agricul- 180—American Yesterdays. 10:30—Dance Hunlc. " by Momnoutb County Com- tural agent. In a talk given by a as air conditioners In tho home. A :«B—Fire.Mo Circle. 11 ;00—Resume. Inspectlon. room 10 feet by 10 feet In elze would :00—Resume. The Inspection force of the com- professor of floriculture before a re- P. M. Saturday, Nov«mb*r 20. Smoke Shop Tavern miwion—M«n-Made Moiquito cent Florists' convention at Boston, need at least twenty good-sized A. M. Friday, November 19. 1:45—Football Game, Red Bank v« mission, consisting of 20 Inspectors, plants to furbish enough moisture to 8:00—Mornlnx Varieties. Scotch Plains. Broad Street, . Shrewsbury, N. J, < Breeding Places Numerous. patrol the shore area from Cllffwood several well established beliefs were 9:15—Zcke Manners. 6)00—Horn* Town Interview!. debunked. meet the requirements of Its human on the north to Brlelle, on the south Inhabitants. By tho time the twenty 9:80—American Family. 5:80—American Scene. : of the county, Their inspection also 9:46—Woman's Hour. 8:45—Where To Go. 22 VALUABLE PRIZES and DOOR PRIZE. Tho following l« a report of the There is no advantage In cutting plants were placed around the room 0:16—Shopping Guide. 0:00—Radio Camera Club. ; Monmouth Oounty Mosquito Exter- Includes the Inland municipalities sit- the stems of flowers under water, there would not be much space left 0:10—Bridie Briefs. 6:1S—Newt. mination oommliilon for the fiscal uated some four or five mles distant particularly with smaller stemmed for furniture, as the Idea Is decidedly 0:(6—Concert Favorites. 6:80—Jungle Jim. v Playing begins at 8:30 P. M. Sharp. year ending October 81, being Its from tha shore line of Rarlton bay flowers or flowers with woody stems Impractical. 1:0O—Besmne. 8:45—Songs at Ereinlde. and the Atlantic ocean. '. M. 7:00—Resume. 23d annual repprt, like roses. I :B0—Mniteile. Admission 40c Per Person. This service U indespenslble and The professor further stated, that During the year William H. Hln- Shallow w«tor Is just as satisfac- nothing is to bo accomplished by 4:00—Fads and Fashions. If you havo a bright ostrich feath- telmann of Rumson and Robert N. a vital factor In mosquito pest con- tory for keeping cut flowers as n 4 :30—Voice of Philosophy. trol work because of the thorough putting aspirin In tho water contain- 5:00—Places To Go. er try using It at the V neckline of Benefit Shrewsbury Post, No. 168, Beeley ot Fort Monmouth were re- large amount of water, Cut flowers ing cut flowers, and most other ma- 6:16—Children's Hour, a black afternoon frock. A match- appointed by supreme Court Justice, and systematic search for mosquito will keep Just as well in water 1V4 e :0o—Front Page prams. American Legion of Red Bank,. N. J. larvae, whloh Includes inspection of terials suggested for this purpose 6:15—Newi Review. ing: feather may be placed on the Joseph B. Porsklo, presiding over the inches deep as they will if tbo vast are useless. hat worn with tbe costume. court* of Monmouth oounty, to mem- house and business yardsy . Where Is filled with water more than half 8:80—Tho panes Whirl. It I d bershlp on the commission for a mosquito larvae la found It way up the stem of the bloom. tbree year term each, beginning stroyed by the application There Is no truth In tho ofton ex- To Wed on Saturday. March 31. which h the Inspectors "carry withi them Miss Rose Lamb, daughter ot Mr, for this purpose. pounded theory that certain flowers Mosquito pest control during the can be made to keep a longer time and Mrs. Josoph -Lamb of Sweet- The result of their work shows by burning or singeing the stems. man's Lane, near Perrinevllle, will latter part of August received a setthat the number of house and bus- back, due to the heavy rainfalls fill- iness yarda Inspected and re-Inspect- He said too that the commonly be married Saturday in St. ROBO of ing countless numbers of mud cracks accepted belief that copper contain- Lima church at Freehold to John W£M PAIHTINC THE TOWN WITH ed throughout the moiquito breeding created by the hydraulic fills made season was 4,125. The number of ers have a tendency to extend tho Kozalicvich of tho latter place. Miss last winter on two salt marsh areas, water-holding containers In which life of flowers has no basis in fact. Lamb Is a graduato of the Freehold where uncontrollable mosquito brood- mosquito breeding was found and de- The copper containers do not kill high school and Is secretary to Sam- Ing bad taken place. stroyed was 1,840, deicrlbed as fol- th bacteria In the water and the ueT S. Sagotsky, Freehold lawyer. Man-made mosquito breeding con- lows: cesipools, septic tanks and ditions In the county at the present cisterns, 297; barrels, tubs, palls, 472; time are almost ai plentiful, or on cans, 681; other water-holding con a par with those created by nature. talners, 390. Designated as natural mosquito The number ot mosquito breeding breeding conditions are, the salt places wiero aotual mosquito breed- IAFETY THROUGH SERVICE marsh, and on the upland depres- Injr was found and destroyed, ex sions In open low-lying areas and In elusive of house and business yards, the wooded and swamp areas where were 8,172 which Included 41 upland few dwellings exist ditches, 11 talt marsh ditches, 62 Man-ma'de moiquito breeding vats, 00 water pools In law land de- pplaces are described as hydraulic pression, 17 manholes, 23 auto mud fills, excavations, artificial pdnds, guards, 8 cement mixers, 10 excava- municipap l dumpsp, , old type street tions, 17 small ponds, 11 tanks, i pits, catch basinsbi , raiin barrels, tubs, cans, 2 ditches In cranberry bogs, 6BO street cesspoolB, septic tanks, and other catch basins and other miscellaneous DRUG cor water-holding receptacles. water holding containers, such as Most of the water-holding contain- b'arrels, tubs, tin cans, palls, bottles, ers are found In Jiouse and business municipal dumps and other places. FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY yards. When rain water la allowed During the past ten years educa- to stand in them ttey become prollflo tional knowledge has been dispensed OPEN , mosquito breeding units. through the medium ot the press of Cesspools and aeptlo tanks are al- the county and the distribution of 54 Broad St. Red Bank KVENINGB so found In house yards where there mosquito manuals Informing the pub- is no munloipal sewage diipoaal. lic ot the cause of mosquito breed- Carelessly covered, they become Ing and how'to prevent If. 25c prolific mosquito breeding recep- Many householders havo taken ad- FITCH'S tacles. vantage of this knowledge and dis- ROYALE It has taken the commission many pensed with water-holding recep- GLAZO 10 THRIFTY WAXPAPER^ years of its activities to establish and tacles In their yards and have caused maintain the drainage systems on their cesspools and septic tank tops counm LILAC 30 FT. ROLL in CUTTER:EDGE BOX *J' the Bait marah areas of the county to be tightly covered. The Interest As authorized Dodge-Plymouth dealers, we MANICURING SET to the point where they are now they have taken In eliminating mos- Handsome Balelile Caie practically under control, barring quito breeding places on their prop- offer you factory-approved service to prepare your car for With Ten Essential unusual tidal conditions and the de- erty baa considerably helped the safe winter driving. And -we use genuine Dodge-Plym- Acceuories 10 TREET BLADES vices of man's njechanlcal power work of mosquito pest control In the WHILE equipment to change the physical fresh water areas. 50e structure on parts of somo of those outh parts. Drive in now for radiator cleaning—anti- THET Heavy Quality! FOR SINGLE ED6E RAZOR - PKQ p On the other hand, there aro many AAST areas inti o mosquitito breeding incu- householders who are lax and seem freeze—winter lubrication—engine tune-up—brake in- MINERAL bators. to have no Interest, nor do they take Last winter, hydraulic fills of 78 advantage of the elementary know- spection—steering adjustment—ignition checking—and acreq on thePortaupeck meadow ledge of toocaus e of mosquito breed- everything else to assure safe, economical and efficient OIL and 20 acres on the Rumson Coun- ing, which Is that) mosquitoes breed RUBBING ALCOHOL* Pint' try Qolf club meadow were made by only In standing or stagnant water. performance during cold weather. GUARANTEED 70% - PINT BOTTLE M f pumping mud from the adjolplng The commission takes this method Bet. river and depositing It between dirt Of thanking tho Monmouth county dykes constructed for. the purpose of y board of freeholders, the municipal government*, the agricultural exper- holding the mud, gvem, g 10c Ib. After the nil was completep d tie iment station, the press state LO VEIOURPWD.PUHS ,; mud settled and became solidifielidifid highway departmentdepartt,, the women's FRANK VAN SYCKLE SUNFLASH '; causing Innumerable cracks to de- clubs and civiiic clublbs fofr their friend- LARGE SUE - IN CELLOPHANE ;l;Velop, varying In size from two' to ly attitude and hearty co-operation. 149-153 West Front Str Red Bank 'four Inohes in width and from 12 to Respectfully submitted, A. O. John- 10c Genuine ', 50c Dona Rosa DOG FOOD ; 16 inches In depth, If these erodes son, • president, Monmouth Beach; Tel. R. B. 1296. were stretched out Into one straight Oeorgo C. Hance, vice president, Red CASTILE FACIAL line their distance would be approx- Bank; Richard J. Rogers, treasurer, 50 ASPIRIN TABLETS , lmately 170 miles. Rumson; Dr. O. Van Vorls Warner, SOAP TISSUES S GRAIN - BOTTLE OF IOO During an ordinary rainfall the Red Bank; William.H. Hlntelmann, GUnt Siis CsU •water In thorn was absorbed before Rumson; Robert N. Seoley, Port DODGE•PLYMOUTH For Toilette or Handlin mosquito breeding could take place; Monmouth; Officers and members of but the unusual heavy rainfall be- the Monomuth County Mosquito ex- ginning August 22, and raining some termination commission. Harry a. 15 parts of the day or night for six days Van Note, superintendent, •Oakhurst. tseauinui nana-Paimed • Z^^ ~Z*^LJmm ^following, filled the craoks In the mud level full with water, causing CANDY DISH with | PASTE Intense mosquito breeding to take FOUNDS place, which became uncontrollable. Woman Is Held What oiling and temporary drain, OF age work was done proved to be of In Shore Slaying CHOICE no avail against the terrlBo mos . "Me Robert BouWIn, 3S, of Asbury ID DilV WWOKSIM ~ I qulto breeding that was taking place LD. DUA ASSORTED CHOCOLWIS J Household In the mud cracks. Spreading lar- Park, was fatally stabbed Sunday vlcldo over theses cracked areas by afternoon, and Flossie Johnson, 29, I D DIsV LUSCIOUS CHOCOLATI RUBBER aeroplane could have been resorted with whom police said the victim had EXQUISITE MATCHED LD. DUA CORDIAL CHERRIES lived the past several weeks, was held I D DflV SELECT GOLDEN too, but the operation would have LD. DUA PEANUT BRITTLE been too expensive for the commls on a charge ot murder. Tho two GLOVES slon to finance. had made the rounds of drinking BOUDOIR SET Worth places and quarreled when another Pair Intenso hot weather augmented man made & remark to the woman Comb-Brush-Mlrror $1.50 maturity of the mosquito larvae to at one of the places. After going In Modern Streamlined Deilgn. the adult stage and. heavy emergence outside the place, police allege that Silver Matal with Enamel Back* All For of mosquitoes from these areas nol the woman drew a knife and stabbed PandG only severely annoyed the residents Bouldin In the chest, penetrating his in Anorfed Colon. In dwellings adjacent to them, bul lungs and plefcing his heart The REGULAR $1.95 Value LAUNDRY' they were prevajont in largo num man walked about 100 feet and fell bers in localities three or four miles distant from their breeding placei dead. SOAP • m , m To prevent such a reoccurrence Sir Richard Steele once took next year the commission Is nowfriend to a tavern, where they dined Sals! WHOLE having the mud cracks filled in by hoartlly; th»n together they wrote scarifying them with a disc harrow an article which the friend had to JUMBO and scraping the loose dirt into the take out and eell to pay the bill. ICe cracks. Both Implements are being drawn with a tractor. . , GLACED CASHEW PARK The hydraulic fill on the north side 10c box of FACE 25c DJER KISS FRUITS NUTS Absorbent Paper ' of Shark river salt marsh, starting POWDER and SOc Scented The Ideal Holiday KITCHEN for the second time this season, the Confection Oven Fresh and first woek In August, created another WOODBURY'S Slightly Salted TOWELS uncontrollable mosquito breeding Worth TALCUM 60c Vol. L150 Sheet " area. Tho sollcltan mosquitoes, CREAM $2.00 Roll emerging from the water pumped in 99 POUND by the fill on this marsh, sevorely 60c liriininniiWH \" annoyed tho citizens, of Neptune City, VALUE * Ho Both for 39c located Just north of this area for about two woeks. C/ticwuttu •/•M The area was oiled as soon as it If you want a mammoth had become safo enough to be acces- e 11 GLYKHINE alblo and the remaining mosquito MIDLAND M.°r 79c GROVES 19c 12c larvao was destroyed. The oiling op- eration was continued weekly until MEAD'S 43= 89c CASTOR-tm-gg 8»ptBmbor_-lB._-.Tiero_was - no_nuid c 11 cracks on this fill, most, ot it being for special occasions, we have StllllBB'S ?'.""'.; M.29 CAMPHORATED °»."' 14c composed of sand. them for Had It not been for the uncon- 'J. / $1.00 Bottle "Seventeen A. ». D. CArSULIS o IODINI, *n trollable, lntonse mosquito brooding 18-Lb. TURKEY:YS f1 44 .<.60 ABBOTTS ItJI, ••••til 89c| HALEY'S ..^an. 63c «?3' I INll I. "'" !• *" and emergence .from tha hydraulic J>JlSlB.l Secret" PERFUME with fills, the mosquito control, with few and H c exceptions of .alight annoyance In M-U. TURKEY 3-10c Cakes CAMAY NORDLAND .n'.'.i. .tK 59c I FATNLR JOHN'S •a^ 42c BORIC ACID J2c some other parts of the oounty, • ' ,. • -nit C 011 would have boon satisfactorily main- Far 12-1*. BIRDS ..25 • She knows something! Knowing it TOILET SOAP HEAD'S '«""A 34c I SMITH BROS, asms? EPSOM SALTS tained throughout tho season, While Quantity Lasts ••4 Illl tUT IA. The labor force of the commission pleases her 1 What docs she knowt just the simple MUSTARD .SM%. for the past season consisted ot ono Beautiful three-coat enamename. l ALL FOR SQUIBB'S .-Tc 33= I CAROID num. >•• iin 43' foreman and 12 men. They were as- Routers In red, green J fact that when she turns that faucet she's going sisted by tho labor force ot tho and white —at-*- Works Progress Administration. •2 to get plenty of clean hot water, right off the bat. Wo also have the finest alum- SPOTUCHt SMOKERS Vi BUGLER, ! Their activities consisted of cleaning A small thing to be BO plensed about? Not so small SHOWBOAT, and reouttlng old ditches and Install- inum self-basting Roasters wltti 15c TOBACCOS GOLDEN GRAIN ing new ditches where necessary to meat reck to remove your bird BULL DURHAM supplement tho" drainage systems on easily. Brown your turkey by (ft that! If you accept our offer to put an auto- HALF and tho salt marsh and upland areas. ' merely opening the vent I HALF. VEL. matic gas water heater in your homo on 60-day free VET, HI. HO Bolt Harsh. 16-Lb. SIZE $£f>.4B sr P. ALBERT 10 Ml* '• New Ditches Cutt 88.B20 feet or 73 -«t- «| trial, you'll find a much greater Improvement In IOI Miue Ce« miles, size 12x24 Inches, Including and • 1 16 ".TOBACCOS IMA. SIZE IA.S0 the ease of housekeeping than you ever expected. 1,20ft feet of new ditohes, slzo 60x80 I $1.00 Guaranteed |! . j5eS-oj. can BUGLER Inches cut on tho Ollffwqod meadow. • •• ' .-•*-" £k >' Claor.lt* Old ditches reout: 03,872 feet, or 11.8 VACUUM GARCIA-SUPREME: ,' miles. Old ditohes cleaned! 622,809 TODDY PERFEQTO Tobaeca 39< CHOCOLATE B-OEHT foot or 117 miles. Removed blookage I BOTTLES 1Oo TOBACCOS I TOI and silt. Brush out away from sides R. Hance &Sons JERSEY CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT CO. MALTED gf ISo BEECH-NUT M«d. ofi.l.el.d | Mad. In U..S. A. Ouillry lobacw • of ditches: 42,617 feet or B.I miles. MILK J r or RED MAN i • . Upland. • ' . 10 Broad Street, Olllce Hours: 9:S0 A. M. io B V. M. Tel. Bed Bnnh IDUO. CeiWlRO; BOX' or MIOIT, emergency I'hnno utter oUico hours nod Banb 108. P PINT »;* r.Mi.ii'W «.f. n. a. Teboec* BSK TUWDO 'J The maintenance of the upland SIZE IOTH FOR »e 50. ' dralnago this, year, was. extended in- Red Bank 3 PROS. 35< 2PK0B. to the upland arsas as far as tha llm- torn

'•/"• "fto RED BANK.REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987.

between this town and New York and would undoubted- P. R. gives from machine politic* and shore, the.approach to It also was a ly result In a large addition to the commuter population Its incalculable coat How The Oceanic source, of dispute at the Locust Point Better Railroad BANK REGISTER of this section. Mr. McCarter'a address leaves no room The counting of P. R. ballots to end. This difficulty (or a time waa formidable. ESTABLISHED U» for doubt that he Is In favor of this great Improvement Editorial Views nothing more than a mathematical Bridge_Was Built Service Asked By operation. Already the Cltisens' Rev. and Mrs. Haslett MoKlm both because of his belief that It would prove a paying GEORGE C. BANOE, Editor Union In New Tork hu on display a lived In the handsome residence. on Investment for the railroad and because of the public the bluff . overlooking the Locust FBEDEBIU & HATES, Managing Edttof (Tht oplnloni ucmsed Is the Editorial P. R. voting and counting machine. Many Citizens on Both Sides of Leonardo People benefits which would accrue. Not the least of these Vlem hareandn do not neewtaruy earry With proper equipment the union be- the River Took Part in Cam- Point end of the bridge, There had THOMAS IRVING BROWN. would be Increased real estate values and building ac- U>« •adornment of Tin iUtfstw). lieves that P. R. results can be been for many years at that point on This Was One of the Chief Mat- known Just as quickly at those of paign but Central Railroad the river a' dock used by river steam- Publisher «nd Business Manager tivities. To mention all the other advantages which would result from such Improved service would require A Chance to Save Money. any other type of voting. Perhaps Official* Played Star Parti. era for passenger and freight service. ten DiKUMod at the Meeting the lesson othet cities may learn The!MoKlm resldenoe and lawn were MEI rmc ASSOCIATED PBESS more space than Is here available. How many New Jersey employers from New Tork is to make' Instal- adjaee to, but high above the of the Citizen* Association 4ba Asaoolated Press U exclusively entitled to the In another part of his address Mr. McCarter men- are behind in their payments to the By William J. Leonard lation of suoh maohlnes an Integral dockf level. Monday Night we for republlcatlOn of all news dispatches credited to tioned that the Publlo Service corporation of which he New Jersey unemployment compen- sation commission?" * part of their P. R. Plans. For half a century Shrewsbury Popular i ir had arisen In con- Is president Is endeavoring to purchase a controlling In- tt or Hot otherwise credited In this paper and alio the Reports from the offices' of the —The Christian Science Monitor. township waa foreign territory to neotlon unfinished bridge, terest in the Jersey Central Power and Light company. Mlddletown township eastward of claiming the < With President James MaoPhee looal news published therein. commission indicate that there are Id shore road used by presiding at the meeting of the The Ideal set-up for Red Bank would be a publicly- many of them, and unless they bring Those Who Create. Red Bank, through lack of a bridge the publlo go to and from the over the North Shrewsbury (Nave- dock waa Leonardo Cltlzena association In the Member Audit Bureau of Circulations owned electric plant, like the publicly-owned water their payments for 1937 up to date Without an economic system whloh at all At for an ap- Brevent Park and Leonardo fire Member National Editorial Association. plant, to provide service at less cost than that exacted sink) river, until 1890. Folks talked p roach _ new bridge. Not a before January 15 it la likely to cost offers rewards to those who work tew favor; house Monday evening considerable, Member New Jersej tress Association. by private corporations and to help meet the cost of them considerable money. and wished-and prayed, for btldge re- levelling the beautiful business was transacted. All the of- and create, America would not be, llaf, before that date, but got none. lawn of l. MoKlms for a spacious Member Monmoutb Count; I*reH Club. looal government from profits. That happy situation The commission, of which former setting the pace for the world. ficers were present except two of the Member The American Frees Half Century Club Senator W. Warren Barbour Is chair- In the 'SO's quite a bridge furor roadway to the shore end of tbe new trustees. A letter from Charles may be brought about some day, but unfortunately con- That Is the belief of Charles R. arose each aide of the river. On the structure. ditions are not such as to indicate that this Is probable man, is trying to make this clear to Hook, president of the American Braun of Newark, who la a summer Mlddletown side John H. Patterson, The delay of the freeholders In resident of Leonardo, was read, ap- In the near future. New Jersey employers, and is con- Rolling Mill company. In an ad- (Age at B«d Bank. N. J. under the Act of M««rcr h I, ducting a school for that purpose at who lived opposite Red Bank and completing the north end of it to proving the work dono by the asso- dress before the American Life In- Broad street's river end, championed The next best outcome would seem to be ownership their headquarters in Trenton. The surance convention In Chicago, he the shore was next made an excuse ciation and commending the co-oper- Subscription Prioee In Advanoe) of lighting facilities by the Public Service corporation, other day an employer called at the a bridge from "Blossom Cove," near for demanding that the township ation of the township committee re- said: . bis home, right Into the heart of Red On* year 12-00 Three months _ I JO The concern formerly supplied Red Bank with electri- offices, declared hla annual payroll "When you look at your alarm committee of MlddUtown township garding the harbor and beach proj- Bank, His was a farslghted vision, pay for the 600 feet of bridge to be Bbt montha ' 1.00 Single copy — city and the service was less costly and more efficient amounted to S20.000, and sought in- clock you see only the hands and ect. formation regarding Title IX of the whloh then, or today, could speedily built and provide the approach to it* than at present figures on the dial. ToU do not see transform the community between which would have made quite a The matter waa discussed regard- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987. More power to Mr. McCarter and his strong right Social Security act and Its relation that main spring, or that tiny motor, township tax burden In 189J, most Ing train service from Leonardo to to unemployment'compensation. 'Blossom Cove" and the Bayshore arm to achieve the alms which he outlined In his ad- deep down Inside. at Leonardo into a flourishing town unwelcome to the township officials New Tork, the same as that afforded dress! Sixty-five years ago be became a summer resi- It was pointed out to him that his "There Is a main spring deep down and residents. Kesnsburg, so that Leonardo resi- contribution to the New Jersey un of well located homes between river dent of this section and. for the past 82 years he has Inside America, too. It Is the Incen- and bay, all conveniently accessible dents may leave about 7 a. m. In or- Red Bank Muit Not employment compensation fund, at tive to work and create, to share In Mr, MoKlm retained the writer as lived at Rumson the year round. One cannot help but to and from New Tork city by boat counsel to aid In protecting his In- der to catch the train at Matawan. the rate of one and eight-tenths per- the profits of one's work. A committee of commuters wae ap- "Fall Down on This Job." " realise In view of what he has done for the benefit of cent would be $380. To the federal or train. terests, hla residence and grounds. "Without this Incentive to the In- With such a bridge the Leonardo Conferences between Mrs. Reed, Mr. pointed to ascertain the approximate Red Bank has never failed to "go over the top" In this part of the county and what he is trying to.do government, under Title IX of the dividual America would not have number of passengers using the Cen- that we are very fortunate in having such a public- railroad depot would be less than 10 Parsons, the McKlms, the township any Red Crow campaign, but this will happen If the Social Security act, he must pay two developed her natural resources; we officials, and the freeholders resulted tral railroad of New Jersey, In order per cent on his annual (20,000 pay- minutes' ride from Red Bank's bus- to demand the extra service the resi- response for the remaining week Is not larger than It spirited citizen,' -.. would not have our great factories, ness center. The Atlantic High- however In an agreement In favor of has been up to the present time. The members of the roll, or $400. However, If .this em- our magnificent public Institutions the present approach to the bridge dents of Leonardo feel they are en- lands steamers to and from New titled to. A station agent all year Jted Cross roll call committee are disappointed but not ployer pays his unemployment com- and our high standard of living," —and peace. pensation contributions for 18S7 be- Tork would become.as useful to Red round Is wanted. The members of As proof that the American incen- Bankers as their present all-rail de- dismayed over the showing made thus far. They are Class "A" Ruling but Not fore January 15 and thus has a clean tive system has worked, be pointed , The township committee agreed to this commltee are Frank Wads- hopeful that the remaining days will produce a pick-up slate, be need only pay the federal pot Mr. Patterson seems to hftve assume their share by constructing worth, Walter Bills, Walter Schoell- out that the United States today has been a far-seeing gentleman, very that Will more than offset the unsatisfactory results of Class "A" Common Sense. government the difference between 71 per cent of the world's automo- the approach. The bridge waa com- ner, John Waldemann; Morris Jo- the first week. his payment to the state and the bridge-wise indeed. pleted without- delay or litigation. sephs and Bernard A. Scanlon. After long and exhaustive hearings held during the biles, 08 per cent of its telephone and But the fates then favored another The outcome up to now Is doubly disappointing be- summer the Interstate Sanitation commission has ten- amount due the federal government, telegraph facilities, SO per cent of Its On Decoration day, 1891, It was for- Howard W. Roberts, one of the of $40, thus saving *360 of the plan—that, of Mayor Thomas H. mally opened. The event waa cele- cause the receipts are less than for the corresponding tatively decided Uiat Rarltan and Sandy Hook hays are radios and S3 per cent of Its rail- Leonard, Rutsen 8. Snyder, John E. trustees, was expected to give a re- period last year and because the quota tor Red Bank to receive a Class "A" designation. This is not a sure amount levied by the latter. roads—The Metuchen Recorder. brated by a banquet given by the port on what progress was being Williams, William E. Andrews, Atlantic Highlands board of trade at and lta environs has been increased from last year's thing, however. Being only a tentative decision there It was explained that this Is an made by the township committee re- Important reason why New Jersey James L. Leonard, Joseph Lufbur- the hotel of William ffi. Andrews. The figure of 1,600 to 2,250. One thing is sure. The falling Is still a chance-that the dumping of raw sewage and Government and Business, row, the Roberts brothers, the Sick- garding the Leonardo harbor and employers should not be delinquent There is no reason to believe that Invited guests lnoluded the board of beach project, but he was unavoid- off cannot be attributed In any degree to the roll call other filth into the two bays will be permitted. in their, payments to the state unem- les', the Swans, Mrs. Caroline G. freeholder!, the township committee, sober-minded business men are look- Reed, William Barclay Parsons, Ja- ably detained. In his absence Mr. committee. The members have perhaps been more ac- For the benefit of the unitlated it should be ex- ployment compensation fund, as ing to the government now for an Atlantlo Highlands officials and MaoPhee reported that there was tive than ever before under the capable chairmanship plained that the Class A designation means that sewago these payments have to be made In cob P. Stout, Thomas J. Emory, Wil- boards of health of the township and act of omnipotence or the perform- liam M. Foster, William M. Roberts some delay In clearing up some of of Mies Dorothy Schllchtlng. » * and other refuse mutt undergo purifying before being full by the above date, when the ance of a feat of magic. What bus- borough. The county magnates were the titles, but these were expected to commission must make certification and many others of the Naveslnk also present be finished very soon and then the The work of the Red Cross is so well known that released Into the bays. That the sanitation commission iness really needs, as It attempts to and Atlantic Highlands vicinity, who there should be no hesitancy to join on the part of sny- directed that this be done is no cause for wonder. to the Bureau of Internal Revenue check the recession which Is now In The newspaper published at At- advertisements regarding bids for of all persons, who are entitled to wanted the bridge located between the building of bulkheads and Jetties one not In distressed circumstances, The society has What Is remarkable la that the commission has lost so progress, is not some new kind of Locust Point and Oceanic, where it lantlo Highlands described the event make such a deduction. unexpected;,intervention by the gov- as one of the greatest that had would be Inserted. It was suggested performed many acts of large public service In this much time In deliberating when it Is perfectly obvious is now. that the legal department of the or- town and In the countryside, and It would show a singu- "That is why this commission has ernment, but rather a lifting of un- transpired In the locality slnoe the that the best Interests of the Bsyshore section would asked New Jersey employers to co- Bo the course of events was as fol- ganization request $50,000 from the lar lack of appreciation to fall below its quota needs. necessary handicaps which govern- lows: war of 1812, Indeed, the occasion be served by. such a course. operate and bring up to date their ment has already imposed upon it was made a gala day both at the state, but before doing so formulate Other communities much less able to do so are fulfilling There was no reason why a single hearing should accounts," a statement from the In the late '80'a the Nevf Jersey bridge and at the banquet The bills and bring them before the or- their requirements and Red Bank can 111 afford to bear Some of these handicaps are to be ganization so they could bo carefully have been held in order to ascertain public sentiment commission office declares. "The de- found in regulatory measures which Central railroad company had stem guests and people generally gath- odious companion by "falling down on the job." linquent employer, who must pay warnings from Unole Sam to pre- studied before presenting them to Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows how have overshot the mark of protect- ered at the bridge and walked over the legislature. It was said that dreadfully the Ba.yab.or6 region has suffered because of penalty and Interest charges to this ing the publlo interest and become pare to vacate the United States gov- It to Oceania where they were re- commission, will also face the added ernment reservation from Its pier at these bills should be formulated now, unianltary conditions. In the past bans against the essentially punitive in character. ceived by the Oceania board of trade. and not wait until too late. sale of shellfish have been enforced, resulting In large penalty—and this is a heavy penalty Others are to be found in the crush- the end of Sandy Hook as far as Speechmaklng was reserved until —of having fo pay in full the two Highlands. The railroad company The Atlantic Township Boy losses for those engaged In. the clamming industry and Ing weight of taxation under which the banquet The Atlantlo High- It was asked what the township per cent tax under Title IX of the concluded to remove its pier termi- lands committee of arrangements ln- In throwing many persons out of work. business Is now forced to work Its committee had done regarding the Scouts and Their Good Work. Social Security act"—Pateraon Morn- way uphill.—New Tork Times. nal for steamers from the Sandy oluded James H. Leonard president, placing of garbage slgna along the •' One appeal which requires no money to comply with Happily, there Is a vast improvement over such ing Call. Hook "Horseshoe Harbor" across the Peter S. Conover, John E. Foster, highway, but as Mr. Roberts was not bot which should bring a hearty response because It Is conditions. The tentative decision of the Interstate Borings, bay to the mainland at Atlantlo D. Lane Conover, Thomas H. Leon- present the question waa laid over. Sanitation communion wilt perhaps mean a continuance Speed Expensive. Highlands. At length in 1891 the or- ard and Webster Swan. At Oceanic It was moved that the township for a sound, practical philanthropy Is that which has Reminding the people of Texas der issued from Washington for the of such conditions. But why it should be so belated, Speed is the boast of the age. It the Hotel Bellevue and the Pavilion committee be requested to have a bees made by the Boy Scout troop of Atlantic township how their welfare la bound up with railroad to skedaddle! Then rapid Hotel next to the bridge displayed why there should be so much palaver and red tape is almost an obsession. Everyone is that of the oil industry, Dale Miller regular policeman at the Junction of for second-hand toys. Last year the boys re-condltloned construction of the long pier at At- many flags, Next tbe company Leonard avenue and the new high- hundreds of toys at their machine shop at Scobsyvllle when It was clearly apparent yeajs ago what should be in a rush and' the man with the writes in the Texas Weekly: done Is Impossible to understand. Much time and ex- lantlo Highlands began In earnest In walked bank on the bridge to Locust way on Saturday and Sundays, when and brought joy into the homes of scores of unfortunate means of getting there the fastest "Just now it (the petroleum In- the month of November. Also the pense would have been saved by such a course and the is the envy of others. Point where flag-decorated stages football or baseball, games are children who otherwise would have received no visit dustry) Is supporting a tremendoui road bed along the Bayshore to waited to take them to Andrew's h(* played, In order to' direct traffio and Bayshora would be much farther along the road to re- The point of any trip by automo- taxation burden, paying directly 42, Highlands was hastily prepared for tel and the banquet to prevent accidents, since the traf- from'Santa Claus. bile is not, What did you see? but, covery if this bad been done. per cent of all taxes levied by the railroad use. . The happy outcome of the enter- fic at these times particularly Is vory The shop Is very completely equipped with lathes How long did It take you? State and Its local subdivisions," and other machinery and the boys do their work under No one would think of permitting the roadways to But this decision in favor of the prise assumed marvelous contrast heavy. The association will also ask be strewn with odoriferous, unhealthy refuse. Anyone It Is the same in any city. Any- That's pretty nifty for other Texas Bayshore route to Highlands and with the troubles and disputes In for a policeman to be stationed at the direction of two expert mechanics, John Richards, one who drives to the nearest met- who proposed holding a hearing on allowing this to be taxpayers. Sea, Bright was not the first plan, February, 1891. the corner, of Hpsf ord avenue and the their scoutmaster, and Fred Blanchard, both of whom ropolis In less than the' average We know states with no oil Wells done would be laughed out of court and properly so. But which bad proposed to connect the But an equal event today, the writ- old highway - when children leave donate their services. The value of this charity cannot time brags about it to his friends at all that nevertheless get an in- new Atlantlo Highlands pier with er believes, would be opening a new school. Only a few days ago a bad readily be computed and perhaps equal or even greater there Is even more reason why the waterways, which and neighbors and Is always sure of creasingly large percentage of state accident was averted because the are virtually highways, should be kept free of such mat- Sea Bright's railroad by way of the bridge to connect both Maple avenue are the benefits derived by the boys both In character commanding an audience. revenue from oil or gas taxes to bal Stone Church route and along the and Broad street at Red Bank with driver of a car drove upon a private building and in training In doing useful work. They ter because in addition to being used for travel they The big Idea now is to get some- ance state budgets. north shore of the river to a point Blossom Cove or another nearby lawn In order to avoid being hit by are In a plastic period of life when altrulstlo and In- provide a large source of food. where in the least possible time as It'a done by simply treating every on the seashore near the former point on the Mildletown aide of tbe a bus coming from Hosford avenue automoblllst's pocket as a money and another car. Formerly a man dustrious habits are formed. Of all the juvenile agen- though a life depended on it, where- Normandle hotel. This plan was river and a state highway thence as actually nothing depends on it well—and the boring Is far easier pursued so far as to construct the across Chapel Hill to Leonardo depot was statltoned at this corner but cies In this section there Is none with a better record except the chance to talk about it than for oil.—New Tork World Tele- none has been there of late. for public eupport than the Atlantlo township Boy Una to Stone Church and to create on the bayshore. A boom would High School Athletics afterwards. gram. an apparent desirability which Scouts. follow on both sides of the river com- Another request to be made of the in Bad Repute. The indulgence of this peculiar stirred railroad officials to action In parable somewhat to Long Island's township committee Is to have the -O-o-O-O-O-O- mania is expensive, or Is it that behalf of the bridge between Oce- expectations of benefits from New road from Appleton avenue to the ' The exaggerated importance which high school etu- human lite has become cheap? News- Rumson Pays anic and Locust Point in 1889, to en- Tork's coming World's Fair. railroad station, running parallel Cooperative Refrigeration dents attach to athletic contests was aptly Illustrated by- paper headlines the first of this able a free use of the proposed Stone And what a boom would have with the railroad on Viola avenue, two events the past week, One was the demonstration week were a fair example of the Church railroad depot—which depot, struck Locust Point and Naveslnk, put in good condition. It was stated Warehouses for Orchardists. and strike which the Keyport pupils Indulged in under usual Monday reading—181 die in County Taxes however, never materialised, al- had that original plan of a riverside that about $25,000 of WPA money the mistaken impression that the board of education week-end accidents In nation—21 in though the bridge was built and railroad to Sea Bright prevailed and was available for road work In Leon- . In a number of Western states and of late to some New York state alone. Eighteen of ardo. Some could ba used for this had taken action to prevent basketball games with out- Sum for Fourth Quarter of This opened In May, 1891. that Stone Church depot material- extent In the Bast orchardists have been co-operating in them were killed in three crashes Edward D. Adams of Rumson was ized! road and to flnlah the road from the building what has been termed community refrigerating of-town teams at Keyport. It turned out that the board In each of which the toll was six Year u $19,053—Note Re- railroad tracks to the beach on Ap- had mads no such ruling and the pupils were thus the president of the New Jersey storehouses. These places are used chiefly for apples lives. duced from $40,000 to $25,- Central company at that time. And pleton avenue. and other products which can be kept for long periods placed In the role of buffoons who did not know "what That Is what speed costs. It does 000—Bingo Request by Club he realized how useful the bridge LEGION UNIT HAS SESSION. Information waa requested regard- of time. Reports Indicate that the operating and main- it was all about." not appear to be anything worth over the river would be to Rumson's Ing the closing of the rdad, which Mrs. Otmar Phillip* Installed ae tenance costs for the owners are approximately half Even If the rule complained about hsd been put In- boasting about.—Asbury Park Press. summer colony to reach the pro- had once been opon across the rail- County taxes for the fourth quar- posed Stone Church depot. His as- President by County Officer. road tracks leading from Thompson 'that paid for storage rental and that space is rented to effect the demonstration put on by the pupils would ter of this year, amounting to $19,- profitably to "non-owners at lower prices than are have been unjustified. However righteous might be Paradox., . sistant superintendent, Justus H. Mrs. John Watson of Neptune, avenue. Mrs. Albert W. Cross-waa 053.03, were ordered paid by the Rum- Ralph of ABbury Park, became very president of the County American appointed a committee of ono to se- charged at private storehouses, their grievance they had no right to go shouting and One doesn't very often point to the son mayor and council at the regu- cure this Information from the yelling about the streets to the annoyance of citizens active in bridge affairs. Free rail- Legion auxiliary, installed the offi- Apple culture has Increased'tremendously In Mon- controlled press of as au- lar meeting last Friday night A note road passes to Freehold became use- township committee and also to find who were In no way responsible. What do these pupils thor of a pungent commentary on cers of Shrewsbury Unit 168 Friday mouth county the past few years and In view of the for $10,000 held by the Fidelity Trust ful for Messrs, Leonard and Snyder afternoon following the regular bus- out If a re-hearing on this matter happy results achieved by Western growers It should go to school for—to play and watch basketball games— the American scene, but even in Ger- Co. of Newark was reduced to $25,000 In securing a goodly delegation of might be arranged. • ' many almost anything can happen, iness meeting of the county unit occasion no surprise U similar enterprises were started or to be educated? and an emergency relief note of influential citizens to visit Freehold held in the Red Bank Presbyterian Quite a controversy raged over the sometimes. $1,000 was paid. and the board of chosen freeholders question of asking the township In MonrriOuth county. Due to low prices the past year Even more disgraceful was the street fight which For instance: "President Roosevelt church. The local unit acted as hos- has not been a profitable one for the orchardists of this took place at Atlantlo Highlands last Thursday between Council President Lewis T. Wilson and Impress the members with the tess. committee to place name signs on in his extraordinary speech in Chi- presided In the absence of Mayor overwhelming need of the bridge at the streets of every part of Leonar- section, but their returns would have been far larger boys of the Mlddletown township high school at Leon- cago announced that America hates The officers Installed were as fol- Nellson Edwards, who was attending Oceanic. John S. Applegate, Sr., of lows: do, Some felt this should be done if storage prices had been cut aa had been done In the ardo and of the Atlantic Highlands school, Intense riv- war and actively engages In a search a convention In the South. Council- by the township committee, all agree- alry has existed between" the two schools over athletic Red Bank, who from, time to time Preildtnt—Hn. Otmir Phillips. West through the construction of co-operative refriger- for peace. In view of American in- men James C. Auchincloss and Shel- aided the railroad company in legal ing that these street signs wore ne- ated warehouses. Many farmers of Monmouth county contests for a period of years and following a 6-to-6 tie dustry's steady and tremendous ship- don T. Coleman wera also absent. matters, was not Inactive in the lit rlci pmldtnt—Mri. Chsrlts Sklll- cessary. Al W. Cross asked the ment of scrap iron and other raw BQAt). store their crops In such places and an increase of prof- football game a gang of Leonardo boys Invaded Atlan- A written request from James Dur- bridge campaign. The board of 2nd vice prMldint—Mri. Dudley Shaf- members of the organization why its for them through such a measure of economy would tlo Highlands to give vent to their Joy over the fact that materials of war to theFfar East, not f«r. they should request the township year of the Rumson Athletlo club for chosen freholders succumbed to the Secretary—Mrs. Carl Briinar. provo a good thing not solely because it would benefit their team had not been defeated as most of the experts to mention finished materials of war, urgent demands for the bridge and committee to spend more money we are puzzled ,to Interpret Just how permission td hold bingo parties In Trtuuni—Mn, John PiitlTinbirgtr. agriculture but also because It would.increase purchas- had predicted. the Anderson building on the corner voted to get the charter and assume ChaDlaln—Mr>. Walter Bojrd. than they had on hand. He said they earnestly the search for peace pro- Hlitorlan—Hn. Hobtrt Bogtri. wera doing a splendid Job, were co- ing power, Th« Invaders attempted to lower the Atlantic High- of River road and Washington street the undertaking. Sarswnt . at - (nai — Mri. CaUttrlnt ceeds."—Glens Falls (N. T.) Post The march on Trenton followed operating with the organization in Agriculture still forms an important part of the lands goal posts and a pitched battle ensued in which Star. for the benefit of tbe club was re- Chrlitmtn. every way, but should not be asked ferred to the police committee, as the the favorable decision of the free- A number of coming activities woof and fabrio of Monmouth county prosperity and stones, over-ripe eggs and tomatoes were used as mis- to do thlngB which he felt the. or- question of whether it was a viola- holders. Mayor Leonard's and Mr. were planned on Friday, including ganization could very well finance It- anything that advances it: Interests Is certain to diffuse siles. Thanks to good fortune no one was seriously In- P. K, Snyder's delegation! also were po- jured. It might readily have happened for someone to tion of a borough ordinance was In- a dance at the Veterans hospital at self. He suggested a series of enter- benefits far and wide, Red Bank is the market place Reports of New Tork's difficulties volved. The letter stated that at tential factors In winning legislative Lyons, when members of Monmoutb, have been killed or Incurably hurt Incidents of such tainments whereby ways and means for scores of rural people and better times for them with the count of proportional rep- times when the place Is not being approval of the bridge by their pres- Middlesex and Mercer counties will might be devised to create the ne- would Inevitably bring Improved business conditions tragedies resulting from nonsensical athletic rivalries resentation ballots In the city coun- used for bingo parties the athletic ence in the state house, when sum- act as hostesses. A dance Is also are all too prevalent cessary funds to put these markers and more employment. cil election should not discourage club would be glad to donate its use moned by Mr. Applegate, before the being planned for the patients at up. A committee, divided Into vari- Every exhibition of this sort is a reflection upon friends of good government In Bos- free for events for the benefit of assembly, and by Mr. Ralph after- Marlboro state hospital to be held ous districts to find out how many the public schools. All pupils who engage In such com- ton, Philadelphia and other cities local charitable and church organi- wards In March, 1890, before the November 23d. Music and a floor markers would be necessary, was ap- where P. R. is under discussion. zations. senate. (how will be provided by Felix San- pointed consisting of Fred W. Mey- bats show that they place a higher premium on brawn There was somewhat of opposition Thomas N. McCarter's Address and physical prowess than upon brains. Worse even P. R. Is not failing in New Tork; The police department was thanked tangelo and his Smoke Shop orches- ers. Harry Neumeyer, Walter It is not yet even on trial. What Is In a letter from Mrs. DeWltt Scott to that bridge charter before the leg- tra. • ' Schoellner and James MacPhee. than thlsjt nhows^thatjthoyjre lacking Jn_gOQd.sports. on-trlel-la-New—Tork's—method -of Sinu7o~ln~y§DTOary7-1890;—TM Mrs. Watson .read the president'* Hanshlp and are Incapable of being magnanimous win- counting the two million-odd ballots. 'shipping Interests" objected that It Albert Johnson wanted to know Elsewhere in The Register Is printed the speech kept order on Hallowe'en. report of the state board meeting In ners or cheerful losers. It Is a poor advertisement for And even on tils point an effort The clerk's office reported receipts would obstruct the river channel and where the dividing line of Leonardo which Thomas N. McCarter of Rumson made before Trenton which she attended and Mrs. the schools to produce such specimens on the field of should be made not to pass judgment amounting to $188.07. ruin navigation, even as a draw- Hattle Godfrey, historian, told of the was and where the Hillside section .the Rotary club of Red Bank last Thursday. It relates sport In the battle of life after leaving school every before all the evidence Is in. A resolution approving the work bridge. Objections had, to be met or recent central conference at Menlo started. This section Is not to be to many facts of large local interest that are worth the Individual, however successful, must occasionally meet The Board of Elections was late in of road resurfacing Job was passed their fallaoles exposed. It was quite Park, when It was announced that assessed for the harbor and beaoh attention .of all persons of this locality. making final arrangements for the a "tug of war" to get the charter the membership for the auxiliary project The ordinance advertised with reverses and regardless of whether he wins, loses and forwarded to the State Highway by the township committee stated With good reason the I-told-you-so Individual is or ties he is not privileged to pelt stones, rotten eggs count. This Is understandable. No commission for final approval before through the assembly. And then a this year was 3,0110. The next con- similar project of such magnitude similar contest was renewed before ference will be the Northern one and that all of the fourth election dlstrlot generally regarded as obnoxious, but all the same one and over-ripe tomatoes at those whom he dislikes. the borough receives the sum allot- of Mlddletown township would be as- znay pardonably take modest pride In having made an was ever previously attempted In the ted to It by the state for the work. the Senate. But union between the will be held In Newark on November .Any man who gave vent to his spleen by such an United States. Some 1,600 men and sessed except Hillside, After consid- accurate prophecy. When, about two years or so ago, people and the New Jersey Central 27th. act would very shortly "cool his heels" In Jail, where he women necessarily were thrown. Into Railroad company was strong erable discussion the publicity com- |fr. McCarter was appointed a director of the New the counting work virtually without TCBES SLASHED WITH KNIFE. Mrs. Watson announced that Mrs. mittee was requested to ascertain ex- ought to be. There Is equally as much reason why pu- enough to carry the project through Edna Phillips of Shrewsbury unit Tork and Long Branch Railroad company. The Register preparation. It took these workers to success. aotly where the lines were and to pils who disturb the publlo peace by street brawls Holmdel Resident Has Unpleasant had received an appointment as dis- publish same, It was stated that commented on this fact with gratification, stating that should be put behind the bars. If that is the inevitable a day or two to become adept It Well, the survey was then made. took another day or two for those in Experience While at Party. trict child welfare chairman of Mon- rumors were rife that tho Beacon It would probably react to the publlo good because of product of school athleUo contests, then such events The contract to build waa awarded mouth, Ocsan and Burlington coun- charge to adjust the flow of work. Charles Bennett, Jr., of Holmdel Hill golf links and the Rice estate Sir. McCarter's Interest in the welfare of this section. should be eliminated. Much Is said about the schools and Boon the work was completed In ties. would not be included in, thoso as- There are other factors: Mayor La- kas been unsuccessful thus far In 1890-1. When the Job was turned We are still without a new railroad station, but we being an agency tor character building, but such an in- Mrs. Watson was presented with a sessments. A committee headed by are pleased to note that due principally to Mr. McCarter Ouardia has accused many of the seeking to ascertain who ruined four over to the freeholders, however, the cident aa that which took place at Atlantic Highlands tlrts on his automooblla by slashing corsage from the Shrewsbury unit Al W. Cross was appointed to make the board of directors of the company has taken action workers of soldiering on the Job In north end of the bridge was yet M0 an Investigation. Is on the opposite side of the ledger. order to stretch out the SlO-a-day them with a knife. The Incident oc- feet out In the river away from high following the Installation. Songs and to have part of the station plaza paved with concrete There Is good reason to believe that many schools pay, Other workers are Tammany curred at Colt'a Neck a few nights tap dances were given by Anne Matthew Stevenson, vice president, water mark! People wondered why. Tlldsley, who wae accompanied by Sutd to put a new atone surface on the remainder. Au- (there are notable exceptions) have emphasized sports sympathisers and they reallie that ago while the car was parked near Some explanation, heard by the spoke about the bingo party whloh toMs who have experienced the displeasures of driving P. R. means the end of easy machine the school at that place and Mr. Ben- her mother, Mrs. Arthur Tlldsley. the association will hold at Hauser's far beyond their real Importance. They are certainly writer, put blame on th» freeholders. Refreshments were served at the ©rer this bumpy, hole-filled land do not have to be told not doing a good Job when their representatives on ath- rule. There have been arrests for nett was attending a bunco and Others said their engineer made the Leonardo grill Saturday, December tampering and. sabotage. dance held by Atlantic grange. Usual- close of the meeting. Guests Inolud- 4. He said, "All work and no play fww greatly It will add to their comfort, convenience letic fjelds do not accept riotory or defeat graciously. It blunder over, the width of the river. ed Mrs. Tlldsley Miss Ruth Kelley and safety to have It resurfaced. There has also been The net effect seems presently to ly Constable Frank. Demareat of Still others said the cfiarUr was at made Jack a dull boy," and felt that has l*en said that If athletics were eliminated fewer Soobeyville guards the automobiles and Mrs. Haiel Johnson. ''ft great Improvement In sanitary condition* at the sta- Indicate that It la going to take New fault But who knowsT At any rate an entertainment, dance or some pupils would attend high school. V when suoh events take place, but he sort of "get together party" would be tion. Tork fifteen days to do what It orig- the useless bridge became quite a The next meeting of the county Perhaps that Is true/but what of It! After all, was not on the Job on the night In group will'be held in Asbury Park a welcome ohange. The admission Perhaps mare Interesting than anything else'In. Mr. inally hoped to do In ten. These 'five bone of hot contention for a short quality Is more Important than quantity and whit good days and their estimated total cost question. when the annual Christmas party to this party would be free, • A mem- ~ iTter-a addren li the hint whlob he gives that the time. The freeholders also, It was Is a high school education that produces brawlers and In excess) of $100,000 may loom rath- rumored, bad refused to put any will take place. The affair will be ber's card will admit the holder and may not ba far distant before electrified railroad street fighters? With fewer high school pupils there er large in Immediate discussions; Invisible "black light" aollng on more money Into It Anyhow, talk held deasmber 10 at the Legion home a friend, will be provided. What that would mean In would be less expense for the taxpayers to meet and at but if P. R. should ever go on trial fluorescent paint will Impart new could not finish the structure and ac- In the form of a covered dish lunch- About 75 persons attended the Its to Bad Buik and Its environs are too gnat to least that would be some gain for economy and alto a few years from now the Jury of wealth of color to architectural fea- tion was what everyone wanted, of eon. There will be a program and meeting. The next wilUbe held In ' r. «*Uajat»d. It would shorten traveling tun* eome gain for public peace. «™°«w ana two citizens would find that the cost waa ture* of the 1989 Golden out 60,000. Chief Industry may be assumed to have been dele- tal thing—he is an illuminated Inter- tho sacred privilege of administer- club oaters to a clientele that never rogation point, y°t ho Is the most en- ing our juvenile court laws. We reasonable to assume that if we on the island is pottery making, terlous to the rearing of children, a earned an honest dollar, made a concerted attack on the ma- fact not infrequently illustrated by tertaining animal that Is. The whole Bhould constantly strive for the per- Tour wants are simple; but there world Is new to him. Therefore, his petuation of an enlightened attitude jor Influences, (we ought to expect studies of Individual criminal ca- highly valuable social results. We reers. It Is quite common to, find is no money at home to satisfy them. should be a life of adventure, of dis- on the part of Judges, social workers, Even a' ten-cent movie Is out—there covery, of great understanding. He and the public at large. In the ad- know that, Involved in the complex any unduly high Inoldence of broken of, forces In which delinquent atti- or distorted homes among delinquent are no extra dimes In your house. must spend much time, If he is to ex- mlnstratlon of Juvenile courts In our You meet Jlmmle on the corner, and pand, in the land of make believe. respective communities, hearings tude^ and behavior are generated, or criminal families. Moreover, to are not only those agencies especially a marked degree, these broken homes he suggest* that you both hook a One of tho sad things In tho world, should be conducted within the ride on the rear of a truck up to is that he must grow up Into the court in accordance with juvenile set up to deal with violations of the SEARS NATIONAL occur during the childhood and ado- criminal code, but practically all so- lescent years of the ohlldren. when Blank *treet. There you meet some land of realities. He is a complete court philosophy, and adequate and of the boys you were swimming with Belt-starter, and therefore wisdom in decent detention facilities provided, cial Institutions: the state, the com- they most need the protection and munity, the home,,the school, the guidance of a healthy Integrated off the river dock or the bay last dealing with him consists mostly In where the health, morals and general PLUMBING AND HEATING SALE Saturday. You go their club house what to do with him next. welfare of children might at all recreational center, the welfare family. agency, tho general economlo order; XJnwholessome Homes, i—* oellar roam in a vacated tene- To preserve the strength that this times be protected, ment—and hear about plans for a great force in American life repre- In brief, the standard of civilization ONE WEEK ONLY -- NOV. 17th TO NOV. 27th foray on a store that closes early. Exclusive Jurisdiction. which wo pride ourselves upon hav- Even when homes are not defin- sents, we are obliged to provide such ing achieved. itely broken through death, deser- You are so far from home that all instrumentalities in our community Probation administration should SEARS NATIONAL PLUMBING AND HEATING EVENT tion, divorce, separation, or other oops seem strangers to you, and you life that will prevent the develop- be competently and effectively con- Handicapped Children. reasons, a frequent oondltlon In the go in on It The Job la pulled oO ment of abnormal conduct and all ducted in accordance with profes- The community has first and fore- households of delinquents and crim- successfully. Tho petty loot Is dis- adjustment to our community living. sional standards by workers who are most the duty to safeguard and en- inals Is drunkenness and Immorality posed of to a fence, the proceeds are The failure or neglect to adequately trained for their tasks as other edu- divided, and you come home with cators. Moreover, a system of rec- rich family life. Obviously, these ALL KINDS OF HEAT FOR or orlmlnallty, on Ui» part of their appraise the needs of these mlllons families need help, and the civilized parents and near relatives. Most two dollar*—untold wealth—In your of children growing up in busy ords should be maintained which will community should give It to them. serious of all, however, Is the, eco- pocket, and on your lips the ready streets, with only cobblestones and permit ot study and evaluation of This calls for the establishment of nomlo status of the parents of de- excuse that you have been over at pavements, presents a problem which methods and results, so that the a marital and family guidance clinic linquents. A vast proportion of John's house or Harry's house. Your challenges the Intellect of our na- court may from time to time, modify in each community. It should ba a ALL KINDS OF HOMES homes are chronically poverty-strick- father beat* you because bin father tion. Boys' clubs and character and adapt Us decrees and orders on place of assistance for puzzled par- en or, at best. In but marginal eco- beat him when he was a boy, but be building institutions, supervised by a basis of tbe child's actual needs. ents, who are unablo to copo with the nomic circumstance. Typically, they doesn't learn about tbe two dollars. skilled personnel, can help meet the And, finally, the court, through Its personality and behavior difficulties are the client* of various relief and And, thus—as naturally as that—Is needs of the present delinquent child. studies, should establish co-operation of their children. There they might charitable organisations; typically, the boy started on the road to ju- Education, sympathy and under- with community organizations and be taught the fundamentals of whole- 00 0 the fathers are unikllied and Irregu- venile delinquency and adult crime. standing, with the co-operation of agencies, and make Itself tho focal point In the projection and develop- some parent-child. relationships and lar workers, many of them unem- Mental DefecHveneas. the whole community, represent a the proper disciplinary practices. ployable; quite typically, the moth- fundamental attack upon the roots ment of crime prevention programs Both religious guidance and edu- ers are forced to work outside the There are other factors In the de- home In order to supplement the velopment of delinquency that are meager family Income, thereby no- the conern of public agencies. Many :lacUng the ohlldren; more frequent- children are doomed to delinquency .y than In general population, the because of mental defectlveness or boyiy' s of such famllle* withdraw from emotional disorders, unless they are school at an early age to engage in Spotted while they are still in the You can afford hazardous street or factory trades problem—child stage—and the logical for the few dollars they can add to agency to do this Is the public the family purse. As might be ex- school. Truancy, disciplinary trou- pected from such a background, the., bles, and retardation in classes are homes of delinquents are not whole- danger signals of whose significance Big Price Reductions on all Steel WARM AIR FURNACES public school officials are perfectly some places for the rearing of chil- H> ',, dren. Dirty, crowded, poorly ven- well aware. Their facilities and per- tilated, unattractive, they are set In sonnel for diagnosis are, In many F moat unfavorable neighborhoods. The places, woefully limited. The ten- Note These Savings! great majority of them are In slum dency iIn many publl*- o school' system—'—s areas, regions full of corrupting In- toward1 indlvlduallzatlon of lnStruc- reg. prloo sale price fluences, containing few facilities for Uon la a hopeful sign. Our next step the healthy use of Ieliure, To sum- must be to vitalize and make more marize It all, I find substantial pro- significant the public school currlcu 95.50 79.95 lum. whioh is badly suited to the at the MILES LOW PRICE! portions of dellnqueuenti s and criminals needs and Interests of tens of thou- oome from familieMs and homes that sands of children. The subject of 107.15 89.95 biologically and •oclologlcally are crime prevention is In the air today unwholesome, as never before, but crime preven- 119.50 99.95 Harmful Pursulto. tion will not be accomplished Just What, now, of delinquents them because the subject is In the air or selves? A substantial proportion o: on the air. Some good people hon- them are only la fair, If not in poor, estly think that It will. 20-yenr guarantee on these furnaces. physical health. As a olass, they Punishment Not tho Answer. nave a higher Incidence of menta There are those who cry for ven- deficiency than the non-criminal geance. They wont more law, more At these low sale prices you groupB with whom they have been police, more prisons. We aro now compared. Like their parents, de- spending a hundred million dollars cannot afford to wait. JJJhis is linquents are well below the average for jails, whole only purpose Is pun- in educational equipment. What are ishment But punishment does not the last sale'on heating mater- the sparetlme activities of such de- deter crime. There are sociologists linquencies? The question is import- who tell us the home is broken down ials this year, so buy now and ant because, during their formative —we must have better parents. But years, children have an abundance who has any practical method of save the difference. of energy which, not guided Into creating better homes and hotter wholesome recreational channels, parents, There are those who tell •will spill over Into harmful pursuits. us that the remedy lies with the pub- The vast. majority of delinquents llo schools, But no one has dovisod , The New use their-spare time harmfully in a plan to meet the situation, and It such recreational outlets as frs- is not because our educational lead- quentlng the streets, gambling and ers are unconoerned over serious San Diego Sink unhea'.iy forms of sex expression. conditions existing. There aro those Verr JW delinquent* have ever be- who advocate religion as the solu- lo' to supervised clubs or recrea- tion, But wbo will get the criminals and Cabinet te centers. Without moorings to to ehuroh? We can not get them to Reduced a\ /olesome group having legltl- jail. Dttt.y Ideals and constructive acuvl- to $ .00 tiea, without absorption into Its Activities for,Juveniles. Sold on easy plans and activities, without oppor- 42 To prevent delinquency, there payments.' • tunities for a" healthy expenditure of Must be & plan by which boys of all energy, and deprived of • substitute ages are provided with activities Regularly $54.95 for all this Is an adequate home, that have ms'grletlo drawing force these children tend to drift Into and positive behavior training ob- Don't lot this low prlca fool you. You companionship with others equally jeotives. To be most effeotlvo, the can't buy a sink elsewhere like the San deprived and equally unattached. work Should be planned upon p. city- Diego for lesa than $70 to }B0. The layman does not realize how wide, adequate service basis, without Tho most practical sink ever built early In life appear many of thsse limitation to age, creed, nationality. Mado of sturdy enamellte motal, coated and other manifestations of malad- A program that successfully com- justmenj t of the yyoung individual to petes for the boy's leisure time with with gloaming white acid resisting por- th*• o• various socia" l" ipa In Which earner gangs and cellar clubs and celain. Two spacious drain boards, h_-...e finds. himself.. . JB my study unwholesome places of amusement, Stamped in soap holders. Now type made some time ago, It was proven must be available at all times; it spout with rinse attachment. Tho low that 11 per cent of (he juvenile de- must be more attractive; it must ap- price gives you no Idea of how fine a linquents show such symptoms of peal to the instincts of play and sink It really Is. maladjustment and misoonduot at youthful adventure. The boy's club the age of six years or less, and the Idea is primarily a behavior train- average age is nine years and seven ing organization for the purpose of Automatic months. Yet a few years-later, we preventing delinquency, ft uses the condemn and punish these same aots powerful gang influenoe of youth to or others growing naturally ouj; wHd_oharacter-by_tliejiunatvIslon-Ot Qil Burning- them as orlme, of whlohTlEe oirenL— leisure time. It operates from a Water Heater Is regarded'as unquestionably fully building equipped to Interest any responsible. and all boys, and its work is super- Reduced to vised by personnel skilled in the Early Siena Ignored. techniques of that field. This activ- Not only thst, but when they, as ity should find positive places In our $ children, first begin to show signs of community life. maladjustment, we customarily do 39 little or nothing about it; we wait Behavior Citato. Sold on - until they come to be juvenile delin- It is our duty as a nation to allevi- quents before trying to understand ate suffering and misery, to prevent Easy Payments the difficulties In the individual oase starvation, and to safeguard health Regular Trice and doing something appropriate to in the present orlsls. It Is likewise $52.(10 meet the problem. And In many our Important duty to maintain reo- oasos and plaoes, we do littit that Is reatlonal and behavior training agen- Automatlo hot conetruotlvo, even when problem cies, whose work is the first line of water service at ohlldren have become offlolal delin- defense against orlme and social up- lowest cost. Burns quents, This, then, Is a rough sketch heaval." This oourt. in its official ea- low priced fur- Hercules Oil Burner of the characteristics and baok- )»olty, dealing with the offender as They mutt be good to hava pleased so manyl ncLoo oil, range oil ound of delinquents which I have he Is brought Into oourt, Is, In fact, Exquisitely sheer—beautifully clear—unbelievably or k e rosene. Sund In my studies of this problem. a ollnlo of human behavior; some of HeaU 1,500 gal- I have also found that persistent tli* Individuals come to court and durablel Only at Miles can you get genuine ringles* lons of water for No down payment. violation of the law on the part of present problems which are easily adults leads to disrespect and enoour- adjusted: others require highly do- hosiery of fh)i quality for only 47c, If you haven't Jl.OO. Fully auto- 8 years to pey. agei lawlessness among children, In- veToyed ieohnloM skill. However, oil matic. - Has 10- At this low price iinjono enn afford oil heat. Whyy difference or negleot of spiritual ob- of tfitro refleot community standards tried Miles hosiery buy a pair today. You'll gbt guage o o p p e r ligations on the part of parents, fre- and dlsoloss influences which affeot bearing 30-gnllon shovel coal and carry ashes \thcn you gof automatlt o quently results In a lack of moral family lire generally, They are the Milet of Wear from Every Pairl i stool tank. heat for so little. ' and ethical training of the children, manifestation of the offender's reao- wmiiii. of course, frequently brings tloft to his environment. - them Into court for attention. Pubflo Every agenoy or Institution which education, conduoted by mass teach- n any way Influences human oon- jn ff, results in rigid curricula. The duot and behavior is Involved in Sears/Roebuck and Co. child is frequently made to conform bese problems and le utilised to to the-currlculum of education, rath- treat and prevent delinquency and er than the currjoulum made to con- crime, . It has been the aim of this St nnOAU STREET, BED BANK form to the child. Ohlldren back- oourt to approach all of these prob- 700 Cookmtn Av»., Atbury Park (cor. Bond St.) 27-29 Monmoufh St., RED BANK Red Bank 1290 ward In mental development_ _ _ , with lems with an understanding attitude, 1 Smith Strati, firth Ambo? low Intellectual eapioityr and unable and to bring to Its aid I..n. thei. r solu- Shou operates nan than 90 ttoru In Ntw York, New Jtruy, Conntoticut and Pennsylvania FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE to grasp book knowledge, frequently tlon all of. the human ana Eight RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987; TOWNSHIP OF MIDPLETOWN BOROUGH Ot SHREWSBURY. York & Loner Branch railroad. I and while busy at the moment elec- at Princeton who la playing footbal ALSTON BUJSKMAIf, Summary Rapori «» Audit (*r Yaar I*. trifying to Harrlsburg, and they are Naturally he Is very much Interested COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ; SUMMARY BBFOHT.gr.AUDIMPOBT «? AUDIT rOFOHR TEAIKARB 1111«»*! • v<; - fRotarians Told did it reluctantly, because I have no Offlwa, 10 Broad St. BSD'BANK. N. Tn* following Is • synopsll r of th*ti . AudiAtftt off thth * *sjounMoUoU of f Ilh* Township of The following is published in aocorlan desire to take on additional burdens. also electrifying * their line from In football and In football at Prince- Mlodlstown tot the 7ear lilt, a* na4* hjr Oharlea B. Co a, PuBlfe Aeaduntan) with' th* provisions of Chapter III P. But in addition to pleasing him, I South Amoy to Jamesburg so as to ton in particular. All you have got *.wi Auditor, for th* >«u mclns ,D*e*mb«t flit,' MM, .MM-.MMUI. being dated 1»U from th* annual report prepared I had two other objects in view. The have an alternate route In case any- to do la to take a look at my figure QUINN A DOBEMU8, nitwitted by John P. Mulvlhlll, Rsglats That New Station first was, if I could do something thing happens to the electricity on the to know I never was a football play- Abstract of Currant Balanc* She*!. Municipal Asoountanf No, 117, as to I that would help this community in main line, Mr. Clement, president of er. But the fact Is that I have beet Financial Condition of til* aald Munloip.. the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been Joho J. Qulnn - Thomas P. Doremul . Incrsaator KT as of Dec*mb*r list, 1986, which an. general—the community In which' I a football rooter. I graduated al Bat. Doe. II.UJI Deoreas*1 ' nual report (s on Al* In ths Offles off Here Is Remote have so long resided—and I was very very appreciative of my point of Princeton a good many year* ago Jen.l,UH view and has agreed to go Into the Cub. BalaAMr—Tnusm A-t $ in ,oi I SOt.ll * "»•}» Olerk. . familiar with the conditions existing And I began to go to Princeton gamei Fanona, Labreoqae A Borden, TMM Baoalyabla A.10 . M.410.54 . JUM.tS matter thoroughly and have a report when I was very young. My oMei A.I I TMoe.tt «104llll Balanc* Sheet a* of December Slat, 19 Thonuu N. McCarter Says Pres- on that road, and I thought I saw a made to him on jiut what la Involved COUNSELLORS AT LAW. T« Titl. Ltam . lf.JM,70 ASSETS fleld for Improvement. The second brothers filled me with enthusiasm, I: IS Wallace SU • Rid Bank. Franchlaa Turn A-l! 171,811.11 1,(44.41 Current _ and then take the matter up with Grou Kaoallita Taxai —-..., A-U " 1,071.41 ent Financial Condition of reason, perhaps a more selfish one, I go to New Haven on Saturday (and Tbeo. D. Pareone, Theo. J. Labncqg* A.I I loai< aso.4i ; : -.1 117.111 was that if we were to take over the me. I don't know what may come I don't think It Is going to be a very John r. Bordeo Othar Account! Rwalvabla ~~— 7IM8 111.71 «,«80,171 ot it, but I, do sav they are going to Elttoo f, Combs Lonn a Lewis intarfund. AccounU Eacalrjbla— A-U »8I1 t.llO.M ' MM.05 Balano* Broad Street 9I1.S7] Railroad Will Not Permit Ex- Jersey Central Power & Light Co. have the subject put right before pleasant day), but if I go to New Dafarrad AaaaU ...... ,,— ., A-U 40.4IM* 4Mio.il - MIM4 Taws Bicsiyable __... It would be an added Incentive to them. I think It would be a wonder- Haven on Saturday, as I hope to, It T«x TIM* Liens ll,17t.4ll penditure. do all I could to Improve conditions, ful thing If out of It camo that great will be mv 58th straight Yale-Prince- 1717,151,01 I it,iia,Tt Bank Stock ...„..._.-..-.. 200,00 j like service on that railroad, so that improvement ton same attended without a miss. DR. L W. CARLBON Assessment Receivable 108.« the community would grow perhaps And I don't know of anybody, nor Tax Banna* NotM and Bonds... A-i a » tl,77M> I sa.siuo 'f' -I.K4.Tl. Deferred Asistt One of ths most forcible addresses faster than It otherwise would. And There are entirely too many sta- do thev at Princeton know of any- StaU and County Taxei Payabl* 7»,6««.8J »l,48!,0 17.TII.J.T tat.to j given before the Red Bank Rotary FOOT AllJUBNXS Local School Tun Payable ___ A-17 J13.4J1.70 74,111.11' so I went on the board, and I think tions. In theso days of motor cars body who has quite that record. Mr. Budget Appropriation Baaarvah. A-U 15,111.7*5. 1 1I,1»7.*T 4O,BS6,J7 • club In a long time was heard by I have become famllar with the facts there Is no occasion to have a sta- Walter Camp, the great New Hven ffice Hoursi Dally 10 a. ea. to C p. a* [nterfund Aoooanta Pa7ab!«___ A-U 787.BO i the Rotarlans Thursday, Tho gueBt tion everv mile or so. "Tak" e for in- player and coach, told me before hi Bvaalagsi Tuesday and Thursday. Baunra for Intirait and Coita ."Sits- gu* Custodlan~rjl™""°..-.| 10,7lj,4» relating to the operation of that rail* Per appolatsaaai phone M4S. Reserves for, Outstandlnj Ac- speaker was Thomas N. McCarter of road throughout Monmouth county. stance those stations at Elberon, died that he thought no one had tha —Tax Dana A-1S 17,110.10 787.80 «l,ll counts ,...:...... „*_—„.—_ ao«,4i Bumson, president of the Public Ser- I think sometimes perhaps they were Deal, Allenhursi and North Asbury record, and that he himself hadn't ao BBOAD err, BED BANK. K. «. Baaint for Tax OrarpaymintL. A-10 111.07 ' 17.ISl.04 9 U7.»B Note* Payabl* __„. 6,091,73 Inan* for Dot Tuaa ...... - A-ll 110,15 «4»7117.85! IOJ18O vice corporation of New Jersey, and a little sorry they put me on the Park, and so on down tho line. It had it because for two or three yeara A-ll Reserves, Overpayments .„.„ t,45 la overdone. The Long Branch and he had gone out to the Pacific coast laiana for Stata Road Bonda T.OOO.OO - 4.000.00 ' 1,000.00, Reserves, Dor Account ..___.. 114.00 one of the foremost corporation men board because, for a fellow In the Monmaath County Surrogate'* Offlc*. laiarra for Soldlarl Bonua Bonda A-ll 1,000.00 ' aoo.oo - aoo.oo Ressrvss, 1917 Taxes 281,(4 same kind of business, I have been Branchport station should be com- to coach, and he has been dead some Ranm for Bonda in Rafundlm Reserves, Acoount Cloesd Bank 111,(7 In the United States. Mr. McCarter doing some of the kicking here. bined In one station at Broadway. years. When I had done this for SO In tha matter or tha •itatt of Merrlam A-ll i7S,lli.4t M, 1,771.49 ll',l«0,Oo •wu secured by Rotatlan Warren H. S. Steen, deceased. S*s*rv*s, Bank' Stoolc ..„ 100.00 Now there are two or three things They know It but say "where are wo years the Princeton University Ath- Surplui Rav'anu' a A-l 144,119.70 Capital Surplus „„-_„._...... «,0J8,7l Smock, and Mr, Smock; Introduced I think vou will want to hear about going to get the money to do It?" letic association, forgetting my figure, Notice to creditor* to present Blaimt him to the club. -" '' treated me as though I were an old agalnat estate. im.7tO.I« I7I7,I8«.O1 Surplus Revsnue ; „. 16,850,18 and get the exact facts In the matter, There are three stations down at the Furauant to tha ordar of Joaaph L. Don* Balanc* Sheet.—Truet Account. : The address was. not only excep- whether they are pleasant to hear or end of the line—Sea Girt. Manasquan football player and presented me ahnjr. Surros*U of tha County of Mon- ASSISTS . . • . • I 40,898,87 tlonally Interesting to the Rotarlans whether they are riot. There has and Brlelle—the combination of with a gold football emblem, which mouth, mtda on tha Twaaty-thlrd day ol nntMor Recommendations. been a good deal of criticism about which Into one station has been ap- I prize verv much. I hope I have not Oetobar. 1027, on tha application of Bat. Jan. 1.1911 Dae. II, IBM Daorsaaa. That Interest be charted on all dslln- but also had much Information for detained you too long. Charlaa Holme* Thomaa, oxacutor of tha O*ah Balinca „ —— B.I t 4,»1 I 4.(1 o.uens taxes, tho station here in Red Bank. And I proved by tho Public Utility com- That all dsfsrred assati ba covered by • the general public. The Register has think It was in a disgraceful con- mission but there Is no money to •atata of Marrlam S. Stein, daeuatd, Aaaaaamtnta Raceltahl* ...... -.._. B-l I 17,899.97 14,111.01 been favored with the manuscript notlca la heraby irlven to tha eradltori of ntarfund Account! R«cal»ab!a.._ B-l 197.99 IB7,t» 1,171.(4 an appropriation In a future Budget. dition, and I so told the board of carry It out My thought la that reg- laid deceased to exhibit to tha lubicrlbari Dcfarrtd Anon -~ B-i 47.50 That a, monthly reconciliation be made. and Is presenting It herewith for the directors of that company. The sta- ulation has been overdone. They ixacutoc ai aConaald, th«lr dabts and d* Daliml Chargas to Futura 111.70 145.10 That ell Tax Title U*ns CertlncaUs pl{asure of our readers. tion Itself Is an old-fashioned build- haven't been regulated; they have landa ag-alnat tha laid eatata, ondar oath, Taxation ___,_.--.-—— IJ.«15,84 show all taxes transferred. Navesink Man Fined within abt montha from tha data of thl 49,l88.iO 4,«H,o4 Mr. President my neighbors and ing outmoded and except for circum- been strangled. In our strictures FREDERICK W. ROOINSON. stances to which I will refer In a few and criticisms upon them wo must aforaaald ordar, or they will ba foravar I 92,481.00 7.450.11 AtU.f - Acting Mayor. moments, it should undoubtedly be bear those facts in mind. For Drunken Driving iarrad of their action! therefor agalnit LIABILITIES t 85,080.81 I have an acquaintance living In tha aald anbaorlbar. 'otaa Parabla . ....— _. B-8 | 17.(10.11 t 14,129.92 1,1(0.19 OBTRUDE C. VAN VLIET. Clerk. Bed Bank, who Is not here today, replaced by a modern station. Red Now I know that I am running ou: Dated Freehold, N. J., Octobar II, 19*7. 208.82 of time, gentlemen, and 1 will get toaarva for Unldantlfiad Racalpti • ISS.BI who tells me that In the Judgment Bank Is the biggest station on the William Kohl of Navesink, charged CHARLES HOLMES TH0KA3. Intarfund Accounts Fayabla . B-l 455.97 658.87 TOWNSHIP OF HOLMDEL. of Red Bank people no one can bo road as I understand It—bigger than through shortly. I just want to say with operating a motor vehicle while Franklin, Pa., Box 4», Rcasrra for Bonda In Rafundlng a few more words seriously. I havo laiua B-8 87,300.94 18,040.84 SojifM'j;, Report of Audit lor Year 1039. catted a "Red Banker" who has not Asburv Park and Long Branch, It under tho Influence of'liquor, was Executor. 4,160.00 The following Is published In accordant* tlther himself or his forebears lived would be a fine thing If we had a quite a little banking experience Unit! S. Walnnd, Eau-. 'ruit Suip 8,705.18 e,7O5.ia . VtMltJi 1IIUWVI4 wa —~ "-. " —. | fined $200 by Recorder John V. Cro- 65 Broad Street, with th* provisions ot Chapter 2«a P: L. within, the coroorato limits of Red station of the character of the new which I think enables me to speak I 11.4B1.00 I SB.OS081 1818 from th* annual report prepared and " one thev did build at Asbury Park of banking conditions as woll as pub- woll In police court Sunday after- Bed Bank, N. J.. 7.450.19 submitted by John P. Mulvihlll. Registered Bank for 60 years. I am wondering, noon. His license was revoked for Proctor. Balsncs Sh**ts—Capital Account with that limitation, how nearly I some few years ago. lic utility conditions. ASSETS Municipal Accountant No, 217. aa to the The Long Branch railroad Is a When mv brother died, the Fidelity two yeara. Inorssi* or Plnsncfal Condition of tha aald Municipal' Ca Q Supported by Merchants. Ity aa of December Slat, 1986. which an- in 1872, when I was five years old, separate company, the stock of which Union Trust Co./of which he was Kohl was examined at police head- R*f. Jan. 1,Ida Dto. II, 19SJ Dacraaia nual report: is on HI* In th* Office of th* Is owned 50 per cent by the Penn- president, and which he had created, Tho Red Bank* Register U sup- 3aah Balanc* ....._ ;.. . . Nona. - Kon* my father built a house over at Sea quarters by Dr. M. J. Lorenzo alter [ntarfund Accounts Rtcalvabla. „ C-l | 757,80 757,60 Clerk. BriRht, to which he took his family sylvania Railroad Co. and 50 per wanted to keep somebody of long lorted by local as well as out-of. 1 having been arrested on Mechanic own business men. Advertisement* Koanabura Bank Stock ...... Comment 0,241.SO 0,14!.50 Belaocs Sheet aa of December 31st, 1938. ' in the summer time—we all lived in cent by the Central Railroad Co. of familiarity with It in it, and insisted 'nion Baaeh Bonds . -«__ ..Comment 1,600.00 I.iOO.OO ASSETS Newark In the winter—and there wo New Jersey. And It is operated un- that I should at least go nominally street by Captain Harry T. VanNote ippearlntr roeularly tell the story.— 'afarred Chargoi to Futura all grew up as far as the summer der ^a'very complicated Joint agree- to the head of it. and ever since I and policeman Frank Mazza. Advertisement. Taxation . ;.....w., -..„• - C-l 268.J8J.67 838.16i.86 84.879.9t Cash ;...... ,- : , season went. Those days were very ment—each company being obligated have been ohalrman of tho board of Cash Collector , primitive, and they have long since to put up one-half of the money for the Fidelity-Union Trust Co., which I285.7B2.87 • 85O,J63.96 t 84,879.99 «. O. Chsck improvements. The Central Railroad Is the largest bank In the state. I LIABILITIES Tax Receivable .., pajsed out so far as Sea Bright and 3erlal Bonds C-t I24S.000.00 1827,100.00 I 81.800.00 Tax Title Lien .., this community aro concerned. Later Co. of New Jersey Is In a bad way am also a director and member of Temporary Notes ...... -...«.... •'"C-6 financially. . It Is too bad. It used the executive committee of the Chase 3,000,00 2,000.00 franchise ... Sea Bright became a lovely summer [nterfund Accounts Parable „ C-4 8,282.17 8,182.66 Gross Receipts r. resort It had, the older among you to be a great property. In the good National bank of New York, which ia lap'tal Surplus . . .Comment U,500.00 12JOtOO 79.(9 Firs Tax Remitted ' will remember, several line hotels. old days It hauled tremendous quan- a very largo bank, as you know. So I The ocean had not commenced its tities of anthracite coal, and I can feel qualified to say something about 1265,782.67 IJS0,t63,96 I 8M7B.99 I 46,344.27 remember when the stock sold banking. LEON'S Balanca Shoits—Emcrj.nc.y RaUaf Account LIABILITIES devastating work. The beach was around 360 and 370. But It has come ASSETS Due Custodian » 19,185.50 lined with a series of nice, houses, I am only going to say that I don't Cleaners - Dyers • Ineraaioor Appropriation Reserve ...... _. 860.84 many of which hava tumbled Into the upon evil days. It la controlled by sea how wo can expect things to be Bof. Jan. 1,1688 Dso.n.1981 Dscraaa* lessrv* Overpayment _..-. 18.It ocean In the Intervening years, and the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad much better than they are, when the 7tuh Balancs ...«..«....„,».».... D-l I 16,88 I 16,85 Ussrve Cog Account 717.42 • it makei mo sad to to over there which In turn is dominated by the railroads are in the position that I rrtd Charaej to Futura Reserve Fire Tax Remitted .... 12.97 now and see the change In Sea Bright Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, So that have described, when the Adminis- Taxation A-l 1.891.19 1,801.19 8urplus Revenue ..._....- 25,544.68 ' —between the Sea Bright of say 60 though they are separate entitles, tration at Washington has been de- I 2.908.02 16.8S .1,891.19 t 4«,t4«.lT years ago and the Sea Bright of to- what you really have here are the Bal- liberately trylne for four years to LIABILITIES day. Those days were extremely timore & Ohio and the Pennsylvania Recommandatlont. ruin the public utility business, and nterfund Accounti PayftbU ...... D-8 | 2,508,02 l,«08.0S That a Tax Sal* b* held according to simple. My father had three horses Railroad. Now the Pennsylvania when the banks of the country are Surplus ...»....»...... ,...„....» ~... 18.88 Law. but wer» mainly used to transport Railroad has also been through very so restricted that It Is the hardest That all deferred assets ba covared by people to and from tho station, and serious trouble but It Is financially thine In tho world for them to earn I 1.908.02 16.81 8,891.19 a Budget Appropriation, to allow my mother and sisters to In a much better position than Is the a fair return upon their capital. The HOWARD W. ROBERTS, Dhat interest h* charged on delinquent take their afternoon drive. We boya Central Railroad. The Central Rail- banking business is shot to pieces as Township Clsrk. • didn't get In much on the horses. But road takes the position It hasn't the compared with the old days. There JOSEPB A. TILTON. once a month the horaea were com- money for any Improvements of any were some abuses in the public utility BOROUGH OP FAIR HAVEN Chairman. kind. But I made myself so dis- Attest! mandeered to bring us boys over to business. No one says there weren't SUMMABY REPORT OF AUDIT FOR YEAR It'll SIDNEY V, BRAY. Clark. - Red Bank to havo our hair cut and agreeable in connection with this But If a condition of affairs which Tha following la publlihid In accordanca with tha provlilona of Chapter 168 P. It was a matter of considerable plan- matter, not only about Red Bank but L. 1918, from tbe annual report prepared and aubmlttad by John F, Mulvlhlll, strangles the great railroad trans- Raglatered Municipal Accountant No, 217, as to tha financial condition of tha said TOWNSHIP OF SHREWSBURY. . ning In the family how It was all Little Silver as well, that they have portation system of this country: municipality as of December alat, 1(16, which annual report Is on file In tha going to be done. When I see how done something. They have made tbe which attempts to destroy the great Offlce of the Clerk. , - < Summary Report of Audit for Year 1930. station, old building that It is, pre- ' The following Is published In accordance the youngsters of today, who fly all public utility business, which If al- Balanc* Sheet as of December 31st, 1938. with th* provisions of Chapter 26a P. L, about In motor cara and think ot the sentable; they have swept it out; lowed reasonable latitude can spend ASSETS 1918 from the annual report prepared and simplicity of those days, It shows they have cleaned It out; they have enormous sums of money- In capital Current Trust Capital submitted by John P, Mulvlhlll, Registered what changes 60 years will make. painted it inside and out, and they Improvements, thereby putting people Cash . _ -I 6,927.85 t 111.48 Municipal Accountant No. 217, as to the Red Bank In those days was a very have established respectable, decent to work, and which so restricts the Tax Receivable .- ,., 48,910.86 - Financial Condition of the said Municipal- simple place. There wasn't much to sanitary requirements for both men great banking Industry of the coun- Liens Receivable , ,, , — 6,762.14 . ity as ot December Slit. 1986. which an- and women. These facilities -used to Bank Stock . ———..— 928.00 'I nual report Is on file In th* OBce 0! th* it, as John Mount will remember, ex- try that the banks can't make any Gasoline Tax . .. 48.58 Clerk. cept Peters' store, to which we used be disgraceful. I think If the sta- money and can't get ahead. Is It any Emergency Appropriation ^Mwm.ww..,.—i..M 100.00 io come to buy supplies, etc. tion is to stay it is In fairly good wonder that we are having hard Aiseiiment R«c . C72.16 Balance Sheet aa of December Slat, 1936. shaie at the present time. I read times? The stock mai-ket goes to Assessment lions . ~ 655.11 ASSETS After I was married, a little be- In The Red Bank Register recently Deferred Taxation 4B.tOP.00 Current Capital fore the turn of the century. I came nieces and billions of values are Improvsmenta Authorised (uncompleted).. CMih Treasurer ....I ^682.44 18,179.71 an article which took a somewhat eliminated. 2,261.(6 Cash Closed Bank.. to Rumson to live In tho summer different position from that I don't ^.478.77 time, and I have lived there ever „ t 68,871.88 I 1,488.96 t 80,761.86 Cash Collector 1,678.74 think the. building is in a disgrace- Now In some Utopian New Deal UAB1UTIES Tax Receivable .... 25,955.87 . since In the summer. Is 1905 X move.! ful condition now, except as the these things mav be for the advant- Tax Title) Lien 14,806.82 down here to become a permanent Dua Custodian ...n...wn—n_.«~ 1 27,794.00 building Itself Is outmoded. Then age of the average man, but I can't Reserve Appropriation "^. ,,!•.— - •cmti Deferred Assess _.. 195,86 resident of Rumson and it has been there Is a Dlaza around the station see it gentlemen. And I think the Reserva Tax Overpsymant »«»» 28.0S my leital residence ever Blnco. For that has little stones dumped on it sooner we got back to some cond Reserve Advance Faynant «—.- 80B.73 a 46,192.40 18,178.71 65 years I have lived here part of Notes ...... _...... -...__ 1,000,00 LIABILITIES occasionally and it doesn't stand the tion of normalcy the better we al Due Custodian a 11,866.78 the time, and for 32 years all of the traffic to which it is subjected, and will be. Notes, Emergency »» 800.00 year. One reason that I had for com- Reserve Lien Interest , B88.87 Reiervs for Appro. 17.69 It Is full of holes, and I have been It may Interest you gentlemen t< Reserve Bond Sale 28.11 Reserve for Col .BH ing here was that In those days, oc- on the warpath about that. When the Itnow that I am an old stager at an- Notes Payable , 110.41 Reserve Account... 21.96 cupying the position to which Mr. rains come, or In winter weather, It other end of the line. I have been Reserve Interest Assessment . 110.43 Reserve Dog . 850.73 Smock has referred, I was subjected is an Impossible situation there. I talking hero to your president dur- Reserve Assessments ...... 672.56 Reserve Adv, Pay- tbal] kinds of telephone calls—prefer- think there Is another great nuisance ing luncheon. He has a boy ovei Reserve Assessmsnt Llsns . 4(4.65 msnt Tax 288,50 ably In the middle of the night—to growing,up there, and that Is the Surplus Revenue ..—...... > 20,465.20 Reserve' Lien. Aec't 462,20 Reserve Park _ 1.00 • Reserve'Closed know whv I should not order out a number of cars narked on both sides Bank . trolley car to take home some be- Bonds t 48,500.00 J.478.77 tbat prevent free and easy Ingress Improvements Authorised —- Du* County . m 8,216.60 lated traveler, and I made up my and egress to and from the station. MONMOUTH COUNTY . 2,261.86 Notes 1,000.0. 0 mind that that fellow would have to But I have gotten them to say (and » 98,871.88 I M3B.B5 I 60,761.86 Cash Surplus ti,179.71 pay 50 cents to reach me on the tele- they have issued an authorization, as Recommendations, Surplus Revenue ... 28,848.84 phone. This reminds me of the story they put It), that they will pave at People That all deferred assste be Included In next year's budgat. Albert Carlton. who was comptroller once with some durable pavement Tbat Interest ba charged on all delinquent taxes. a 46,192^49 IJJ.1TO.71 of the city of Elizabeth, used to tell That all expenditures be kept within their appropriation. 'RetommehdallonsT" the avenue or the street, or that They're Coloring That a Tax Sala ba held according to law, That all deferred assets bo covsred by of the demands of his constituents, part of the plaza that Is used to go That deposits ba made according to law. a Budget Appropriation. •e was In bed one night and the in and out, just what part I do not this Coal A. M, MINTON.' That a-Tax.Sale covering all delinquent telephone rang vociferously and he know, and the rest they are going Attest 1 Kajoi. taxes b*i held -according to LAW. •went to answer It. And a German to cover with crushed stone and put M. FLOYD SMITH, Clerk. Tbat ,all VDuchsrs be sworn to before woman's voice said On dialect) "Is a binder on It So that conditions being passed for payment. this Mr. Carlton?" "Yes," he replied. with regard to that aro going to be KENNETH FIELDS. "And why hasn't my ash barrel been NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT 120/249 Chslrman. much better than they have been. Estate ot Edward Lawranc* Hartshorns, Attest! taken away?" she asked., He said, "I USTS SHOW TUT. IN CHANCERY Or NEW JERSEY. MARQRETTA L. RUED, Clerk. don't know, but I will be' right up an Incompetent. To ANDREW BOLTON and CLARA BOL. and attend to It." Now when It comes to a new sta- Notice is hereby given that tha accounti TON, his wife| FANNY B. SOHAtTOK: tion there la something to be said of tbe subscribers, guardians of tbe estate and JACOB BECKER, his deviseesTind Monrxouth County Surrogata'a Office. Now reference has been made to for tbem. The railroads of this of said incompetent, will be audited and personal representatives! , the fact that I am president of the stated by the Surrogate of the County of In the matter of th* estate of Louis J, country are in a terrible condition. Monmouth and reported for settlement to Pi virtue of an Order-of th* Coqrt>of Boury, daosased, Public Service corporation of New They have had foisted upon them the Orphans Court of said County on Notice to oredltora to present olalms Jersey, and I don't propose to go Into since 1933—only four years ago— Thursday, the twenty-third day of De- of th* dat* hereof, In s causa against estste. any detailed discussion of that ex- $660,000,000 of Increased expenses, cember, A. D. 1987, at 10:00 o'clock a. Opadlah E. Davis !• eomplafnan" »nd Pursuant to the order of Joseph L, Don. ahay, - Surrogate of th* County of Mon- cept to say that wo have a very lar^e consisting very largelgy y of raises In m., at which time application will be and others ar. d.fendanta. „„ >,. re- business—serving about 75 per cent made for the allowance of eommlaalonl quired to appear and answer the bill mouth, mad* on tha twenty.seventh day wages t o employeesl ; enormous IIn- and counsel fsee. of October, 1987, on the application company that serves this community, outgo to meet, they are simply up BANKING COMPANY OF NEWARK. S« » Bolton, *Wy Ellen Hojeton and asutora aa aforesaid, their debts and de- which Is not Public Service. against it They have just received to tell you at a glance that Byt William'E. Hockar, . MiUedge Holeton, dated Oetohtr »0, 1828, mands against the said (state, under oath, The Jersey Central Power & Light Trust Officer, on lands In th* Township of Shrewsbury, within six months from the dat* of th* a small increase from the Interstate 744 Broad Street, , Newark", "N". J, County of Monmonth and BtaU of New Co. Is doing very well under adverse Commerce Commission; and the rail- it's the Finest home Fuel Jersey, and you. Andrew Bolton and'Clara aforesaid ordsr, or they will be forever circumstances. That property was Guardians. barred. of their action* therefor against roads of the country have filed an 'Itney, Hardln eV Skinner, Bolton, are made defendasu beoauia you th* said eubserlbtrs. put together In the halcyon dayB be- application which would give them National Newark Bids., executed th* original bond and mortgage fore 1929, and was, I am sorry-to P YOU want complete heating satjs* Newark, N. J-. and may be liable tot a denclsnoy on ths Dated Freehold, N. J., October CT, It IT, some $500,000,000 of new money if the BANK OF NEW YORK AND say, exploited by the promoters and Increases are granted by the gov- Ifaction, always order 'blue coal'. Proctors. bond I and you, Fanny B. Sohaltcr,' are alleged financiers who put • It out. Its distinctive Blue color telli you •nade a defendant becaus* you an on* of TRUST COMPANY, ernment. It takes a long time to Bet the hairs at law and nut o< kin of, Jacob Byt Stewart L. daVausnsy, There were two or three of them In an increase, even If ever granted. So it's America's Finest Anthracite. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF .'ACCOUNT Bs«ker, deceajed, who held a Judgment Assistant Vice President. succession. Then' the smash came there Is something to be said from Anthracite is the perfect home Estate of Margarat J. Sanford, deeeaesd. •;«ln;t Andrew Bolton doekeUd Oetob*r 48 Wall Street. New York City. and the public were left with a great their point of ylew. You can't EC*. Notice Is hereby given that tho sc- 31, m«, In th* Monmouth County'Com. •-. • JOHN-M. OOETOHHIS. lot of securities;- the company was fuel! You get no uneven, unhealthy* There is no need to experiment. You can counta of the eubsorlbers, executor* of 1115 Fifth Ateaue. New York City, blood but of a stone! You can't make heat when yon burn it.lt gives only th* sstste of said decsased, will be au- Executori. over-capitalized, and It has been a. bricks without straw! That Is the dited and stated by the Surrogate of the lien on an undivided .Interest In "saisaid land 1 sort of "Orphan Annie" ever since. It situation that confronts them today. steady, even heat that helpi to pre- be sure that your holiday clothes look County of Monmouth and reported for and Jacob Becker, hhiilis. dcTlaee-....„.s .„an„d „,e . H controlled by nobody. Tho control- I haven't got any stock or bonds vent colds and keep the doctor awny. settlement to tha Orphans Court of aald aonal represantatlv'cav ar* made defend- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY ling Interest of the stock of the com- bounty, on Thursday, tha sixteenth day of ants beosuie of th* same judgment Isst To THOMAS QALANTB (unmatrUl) i of any sort In any railroad. Kven So always burn anthracite—the their .nicest if they are Sanitoned regu- ecember. A. D. 1987, at lOtOO o'clock, mentioned. • pany is soon to go on the auction Dated October II, 1987. _ By virtu* of an order of the Court of tho qualifying sharo I have as a di- fnel your furnace was built (or. And _ m,. at which time application will be Chancery of New Jeraey, mad* on th* day block to satisfy a lien, and It Is our rector of tho New York & Long mad* for th* allowance of commissions ALSTON BEBKMAN, hope, but It Is by no means certain, to get the best, insist on 'blue coal' larly. Our patented Sanitone cleaning Solicitor of Complainant, Branch Railroad was advanced by —good, dean, carefully prepared and counssl fses. Red Dank Building and Loan Aisotla'lon! that wo will be able to acquire it. In tho Pennsylvania Railroad. So It 10 Broad Street. Bad Bank, N, J. expressing that hope I do It with tho Pennsylvania anthracite-laboratory method is equally effective in the cleaning Dated October H, A. D. 1067. > corporation of the State of New Jeney, isn't a personal Interest ot mine that THIS NATIONAL NEWARK AND ESSEX la #conipla.ln*nt and you and othsrs ar* thought that It Is for the best In- prompts this statement. But I have letted, and colored Blue lor your BANKINO COMPANY OF NEWARK, .Monmouth County Surrogate Offle*. defendant*,- you' are required to sppoar terests of the people of the state, been a student of the situation, and protection. It comes in six domcstlo of dainty frocks or heavy woolens. And By William E. Hockor. In the matter of the) asute of William H. and answer U*. bill of said «omplali"» for the best interests of the people I know whereof I speak. sirei. Order a (upply today. Trust OfBcer, ' Paltas, dK*ased. ' . • o» .*» J»'°r* Ih* twenty-nlntk day of D«. served bv this particular company, . J. FREDERIC .WHBHBY, Notice to creditor* to present claims cember n«^ or tb, ,aid bill will ba taken My thought is that the most sig- laboratory tests show that it is the only loth of 744 Broad Strait, Newark, N. J, against estate. ' • • . ' •s oonfsssod against you. and for tho best interests of tho com- HENRY ALLEN COMPANY ,__ „ ^. , -Sxecutora*— nificant Improvemennt that coulcould bo -Fursusntlo the order efJaierkbDen- —Th*-eaId-wiPis-fliad-to-foricloU-»-carort ; —panjt.|tselfr-In-thesodttys-tlmro-aro mmla-att o tH-RSd3tHe-RSd3anr r railroad'ild'is r Phon. E.tonlown **«« given by Antonio flalanU no great fortunes to be made out of ation in this community would BRANCH F(JEL COMPANY National Newark Bldg,, moutb, mad* on th* ninth day of Novem- and Rosa Galsnts , hla wU*. to Bed Bank tbe operation of utilities, but thoro in this community would bo Newark, N. J., ber. 1017, on th* application of Madeleine Building and Loan Association, a corpora- the continuatioiti n of tthho electrificatioli n Phono Long- Branch 1666 tl»n of the state of New Jarssy. datad th* la a «afo return from companies prop- T. F. BURKE AND SON all three types of soils in the regular clean- Proctors. S. FteiFettei,, sol* exeexecutric rix of ta*ta*' ntat* of erly operatod. And It would bo our of the Pennsylvania Railroad to this Wllllsm H . P*tt*sP*tt , dsceassddeasd , nollell** III tw.lfth d«y ot March, 19JB, on lands In point and beyond It I think If, in Phone Freehold 63S-W-2 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT hereby givei n to tthh* cMdlotMdlt n of sslld dde- th* Township of MlddUtown. In th* Coun- thought that, If we got this property ing operation. Send us your garments for eeaeeeaeei to exhibit to th* subscriber, sol* ty of Monmouth, and State of New Jar- we would co-ordinate It with our keeping with Its policy of electrifying HAROLD COAL COMPANY Estate of Elizabeth Obre, • lunatic. to exhibit to th* subscriber, sol* tho metropolitan system, tho Penn- Phono Atlantic Hiihlandi 132 Notice Is hereby given that the accounts •xeoutrlt x as aforesaidfid , theithi r ddebtb s and •fV •»*'TWii. Thoirlaa Galsnte, ere mad* property and operate it economically, sylvania Railroad would electrify be- Sanitoning now so they will be ready to if the subscriber, guardian of th* estate demands against th* sajd *state, -under Isfendaiit becauie you own th* land* efficiently and fairly as to rates, and H. B. SHERMAN A SON f aald lunatic, will b* audited and stated oath, within alx montha from the date ol le.orlbed In said mortgage. I think It would be a good thing. But yond South Amboy at least as far Phontt Long Branch 3&O >y th* Surrogate, of ths County ol Mon- the aforesaid order, or they will, be for- DaUd October 18, 1917. as Red Bank and preferably further, FRED D. WIKOFF CO. wear on Thanksgiving Day. nouth and reported for eettlement to the ever barred of their actionact s tbsrefor other peoplo aro after It In these HOWARD S, HiaGINBON, It would be the beBt thing that could Phone Red Bank BB1 )rphan* Court of said County, on Thure- atalnil t thh* aalld subscriberbiber. day» it la very hard for one utility happen to this whole community. lay, th* twanty-thlrd day of December, Dated Freehold, N. J., Nov. (th 1917. ,. Solicitor of Comnlalnant, to acquire another. You first must Electric trains aro more comfortable; I. D. 1>>7, at IOiOO o'clock a. m., at MADKUaflllS.PBTtasMADKUaflllSPBT s. U Broad Street. Red Bank, N, J. •atlsry tho State Board of Public thoy make better time and It would hlch time application will be mad* for Orang* Av*nu*,-Falr Haven, N. Utility commissioners, which must le allowance of commissions and eoun* Max Mahler, Esq, - NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT approve the transaction. And now also save the four or five minutes it il fees. - 744 Broad St., ' takes to change engines near South Datad November 8, A, D. 1987. Nenrark, N. J., Ei«lfiofiWi!"l*!a H00""*". deceased. wo have tho Federal authorities at Notice le hereby glvan that th* Account- Wanhlngton to deal with. And there Amboy and sometimes near Rahway, MATHILDA OBBE, Proctor. ' '..'•'. th ?i.°.'tth W* ..^"""'utlonar1 nd y Administrator «re almost insupe'rablo conditions to I havo had tho matter up with of- TUNE IN ON "THE SHADOW" Shrewsbury. N. J., V*. *. Ji ,..'! •?""«" Ann*«d of th» it- But if we can acquire It with the ficials of the Pennsylvania Railroad Evsry Sunday at Bt30 p. an. Station WOR Guardian. Monmoulh County Surrtga's's Oflu. 'J.1^ •' Wjlllara Hookman. late of th* Iherman A. Vanning. Esq.. In the matter of Ui* esUt* of Agues V, •' Monmouth/ deoeaiad, will be approval ot these regulatory agencies flS Broad St., SlmUton, dscsaaed. Ul d br Z think it will'be a good thine, all Bed Bank, N. J.. Notice to oredltora to present elaln* ,,i? *. >l '!!• Surrogst* of around. It ia all in tho lap of the Proctor. agalnat estate. • •, , ' ' unty of Monmouth and Stst* of godi. I don't know what Is gohifc to SAMIOM: Pursuant to th* order of Joseph U Don- »••«.""•? t ""1. rt'M"**cl for eettlemsnt ahay. Surrogate if the Count" y of" Moo~ - of Monmouth, on Thursd«y, th* laid d*» happen to It, but I thought I should NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT •nay. ourrogai* 01 \am • wiimr as ww mh r Wl YOU this. I don't want to leave E»tmU of Mary J. Schanok. daeeaaad. mouth, mad* on th* twentieth dsy of Oc- ?i.?.rA .' '.N!.;;t..n HuJdrsd .nJThK CUCANERS tober, 1917, on th* applleatlon of John ty-seveu _at 10.00 a. m.. at which tlm* tho aubiect without expressing my ap- YES! WE SELL Notle* la harsby glvan that the aocounte O'Connor, administrator-of th* estate of III ha tproval of the Way Mr. Crumley has ! th* lubiorlber, administrator of th* Ami V, Slnilfton, deeeased. noUc* U application .. . ade for th* allow*nc* tate of said deceased, will be auditld of *ommlsilons and ,...i fees....,. , handled this property under tbe try- id stated by th* Surrogate of the County herabr glvan to tha credltore of aald de- suu ing condition* existing. And I think cease•aa*d ttoo *xhlbeathlbltt to tFth.* subscrlbsr--.—..--,, ad; gated Asbury Park. New Jersey, Have Your Monmouth ind rsportsd fot sattlamont ilnlstrator as aforesaid, tbelr dsbts *od November ltd, mV. ""••" i the community Is under a gnat obli- 'blue coal' 0 the Orphans Court of said County, on demands against lh* s»ld

jr> i • • ' RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937. Pane JJfi»i;S:.'l MEN WANTED Barbara Sopp Joins various athlotlo teams. Miss Bopp •on Ausollus. He was to be tnade $100,00 a month paid t? many took part In toe senior play, was lstimate and a Jealous sailor stabbed men at first and more later. Lo- Academic Sorority literary editor of the year book and him to death. I havo his picture. cal manager of nationally known assisted with the co-edltlon of the This William Harvey lived about sohool paper. Genealogy where Avon now I0. I attended his Dress Up Your Home For company wants to hire levetal Miss Barbara Ferine Bopp. daugh- men for worV In, thl» locality; funeral with my father and mother ter of Mr. and Mro. Albert" L. Bopp at about the age of 7. He was bur. Deliver orders to farmeri, render of Lake avenue, has been pledged To Start New Sohool. BULES. •ervloa and do other work, .Farm at Point Pleasant; would like' epecl- to Kappa Kappa Oamma, national Ground will be broken, by the Queries or answers may be sub-flo directions to his grave. My experience very desirable, Car ncademlo sorority at Woman's col- first of the year and possibly early neoesaary. Permanent work. You mitted by mbtcriberi to The Bedmother was Lydla Harvey. (COL.) lego, Duko university, where she Isnext month for the new 20-room Bank Becbter. only need to glvs your name and a member of 'the freshman1'class. consolidated sohool for Howell town- address. Address H, F., Box fill, ship. It will, be. located on a 12- Be *ure Information Is accurate, There will be a meeting of the gen- Red Bonk...... Before onterlng Duke university. brief and typewritten or written In ealogical department of the Mon- Mlis Sopp attended Red Bank high acre tract at Ardana bought re- ; cently for Henry Kapp.- Bonds wlU Ink on one aide ot the paper only. mouth County Historical association Fresh, Colorful Beauty at Your Windows Name , , — - sohool, There she wai a member The full name and address of the Saturday, November 20, at ImH-pajt of' tho National Honor soolety, Na- be sold to the state teachers' pen- Addreis • sion fund. ' . writer matt bo given. two o'clock. Tho meeting will be hold tional Kl-Y, dramatic club arid op In tho association building, 70 Court QUESTIONS street, Freehold, to which the pub- 86. SCHANCK. Wanted ancestors lie is cordially Invited. of Ephralm-Loree Schanek, father of William Bchanck b. Freehold 6- 0-1811. William was father of El- Adjustable len Allison Bchanck. (Mrt.- C.H.N.) Curtains FINAL CLEARANCE 97., COVENHOVEN - BENNET. The World Of William Covenhoven m. Aarlntje Bennet bp. 1695. Wanted date of Lace Neti marriage and list of their children. of Odd Pieces Left Over From Bedroom, I know they had son William b. 3- Stamps 13-1726 m. Elizabeth Amack. Would Rayon Nets Living Room and Dining Room Suites like William and Elizabeth's chll Central American tempers are still dren, too. (L.V.C.) steamed up over the Nicaragua-Hon- Figured 98. McCLANE. Can anyone tell duras boundary dispute. It flared In Marquisette Costs Not Considered, We Must Have Room for New Christmas Merchandise. me where Jacob McClane d. 0-1-1825 September after Nicaragua put out Is burled? Also bis wife. I do nother now famous airmail map series, DON'T WAIT .. . BUY NOW ! know her name. Jacob was father Let's flip back the album pages Organdy of Jonathan McClane d. 4-7-1869, Bejular Clearance and look at some earlier adhesive! owning: a large tract of land along whioh have played their part in in- Cottage Price Price Mlddletown side of Naveslnk river. ternational feuds of this sort 1—Walnut Dresser (Moderri Design) $69.00 $35.00 (H.C.MCL.) First there 1B the Dominican Re- Cushion Dot OB. CONOVER-HULITT. Follow- public map set of 1900. These stamps 1—Walnut Vanity (Hanging Mirror) '. 49.00 25.00 ing notes ««nf to me a long time (A-17) made the Haitians mad be- Priscilla ago. Can anyone make sense out cause the frontier line was drawn to 1—Walnut Chifferobe (Large Clothes Space) t 74.00 39.00 of them for me? Cornelius Cono- 1—Maple Dresser (Hanging Mirror) 39.00 24.00 ver of Manalapan had son Cornel- ius, a farmer of Howell Twp. d. 1892. 1—Rock Maple Dresser and Full Size Bed 98.00 68.00 He m. Catherine Hulltt dau. of Sam- 1—Maple Chest of Drawers , 29.00 19.00 uel d. 1880. Their children were: 3 Piece Maple Dresser, Chert and Bed 79.00 59.00 Awllda, George T., Nelson, Joseph- ine, R. C, John B. and Mary. Of 1—Genuine Frieze Lounge Chair ; : 49.00 25.00 these R. C. m. Mary E. of Freehold, 1—Large, Conifortable Chair (a Real Man's Chair) .... 65.00 39.00 a dau. of Edwin. Children were FOR " KITCHEN, BED- Ada, Edwin and Stanley. (T.A.M.) 1—English Wing Chair (Gold Damask Covering) 59.00 32.00 100. BROWER. Who were par- ROOM AND BATH " 1—Love Seat (Burgundy Velvet.Covering) 98.00 65.00 ents of Anne b. 2-22-1761 d. 10-11- 1811, wife of Peter Brower b. 1760 d. 2 Piece Tapestry Living Room Suite 98.00 69.00 show how much of the Island the 2-13-1821. Peter's ancestors ware Dominicans claimed. The dispute AND PARLOR s 4—Odd Comfortable Chairs (Tapestry) 29.00 21.00 Cornelius Sybrant and Jacob Brow- • was 35 years old then, and it wasn't i 3—Maple Bedroom Chairs (Chintz Covers) s... 9.75 6.00 or. (Mrs. G.W.M.) settled until 1035. 101. COVENHOVEN-WINTERS. Next came the Gran Chaco issues 1—Maple Wing Chair (Tufted Red Cover) 34.00 19.75 Cornelius D. Covenhoven b. 3-10-of Bolivia and Paraguay. In 1927 these curtains right now 1—Maple Tapestry Living Room Chair 29.00 19.75 1801 d. 8-9-1877 m. 0-8-1835 Rachel ParagUiy started off with a map Winters, d. 12-20-1861 age 53-tt-27. stamp (A-49) which Included the 2 Piece Modern Maple Living Room Set 149.00 98.00 Both bur. Mlddletown com. Who "Chaco Paraguayo" In her territory. —and be ready to pub them 3 Piece Colonial1 Maple Living Room Set 98.00 69.00 were their parents? What were Bolivia replied next year with ono names of children and whom did (A-69) which labelled the same area 5 Piece Porcelain Breakfast Set (White and Red) 34.00 26.00 they marry? " (D.V.P.) "Chaco Boliviano" and put it inside up right after your fall clean- 1—Large White Porcelain Table (28x54-in.) ,29.00 19.00 102. BRAMSON-WOLCOTT. £y- Bolivia's border. dla, dau. of Peter and Lydla Potter Wilderness clashes started In the Wolcott m. 1-8-1807 Joseph Bramson Chaco in 1928 but the 111-Ieellrig dated ing. They may never be this SUMMER FURNITURE AT FINAL DRASTIC REDUCTION ! (or Branson) or Cranbury, N. J. Want records of their descendants. ' 1—Glider (6 Cushion, Waterproof Cover) 29.00 16.00 (L.M.M.) low price again, because these 6—Spring Steel Chairs (Green and Tan) , ". 9.75 6.00 108. CONOVER-GORDON. Who was James W. Conover m. Mary A. curtains represent a special 1—3 Cushion Chromium Sofa (Leatherette) 98.00 49.00 Gordon and had son Clam who later 1^-Wheel Chaise Lounge (Green, Waterproof Cover) 45.00 24.00 lived at Deal and mi. a Bouse? (T.D.C.) purchase every pair perfect, 3 Piece All Chrome Sun Room Set :'. 175.00 98.00 1M. WOLCOTT-CROXSON. Peter T. Wolcott, son of Peter and Lydla 1—Philco Console Radio (5 Tube) : 54.00 40.00 Potter Wolcott m. 11-21-1811 Han 1937 in style, colorful, and nah F. Crozson. Wanted records 1—Philco Table Radio (7 Tube) 69.00 45.00 ot their descendants. (L.M.M.) back almost to the time when the 103. CON OVER-SHEPHERD. countries won their Independence finely tailored. * Ask About Our New "Personalized" Budget Plan. Cornelius L, Conover m. 6-14-1864 from Spain. As the fighting went on, Lucy Shepherd; both of Mlddletown, Bolivia stressed her claims with two Who were their parmts? What more map stamps (A-71) in 1931 and were names ot their children, and a whole set (A-79) In 1935. Ons ot, the 1935 issue Is illustrated. whom did they marry? (D.V.P.) 1 • 108.' VAN SCHAICK - SCHENCK. Paraguay produced a large stamp The SHERMAN SHOP inc. STERLING Furniture Shop In 1932 (A-60), Riving a detailed map Wanted information regarding an of the "Chaco Paraguayo," which in< 21 WHITE STREET, PHONE R. B. 291. cestors of William Van Schalck m. (Next to Sun Hoy Drug Co.) Patience, dau. Koert Schenck, who eluded even more land than her 1937 56 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. OPEN EVERY EVENING TUX 9 P. M. is bur. Brick church, Marlboro. Who map stamp. And so It went until tho peace was were his parents and grandparents? patched up in Is he related to the Francis Van 1935. Schalck, shown to be a penholder in Old Tennent church, as shown Then there was by the diagram in Symmes' History that Argentine of that church? • " (G.S.V.S.) Btamp In 1836 which pictured a map of South ANSWERS Am erica an d 19. COVENHOVEN. Benjamin caused a furore "GAS— It's the Covenhoven b. 1783 (William b.1102; by reasserting' the Albert b. 1676; William b. 1636; Ger- old Argentine cheapest form of ret V 1610; Wolfert) m. 2-5-17B0 claim to Britain's Catherine (Catrina) Wyckofr. They Falkland Islands (Islas Malvlnas" to "What heating fuel automatic heat!" had 3 children: William B., Garret the Argentines). Incidentally the Benjamin and Benjamin Garret. cartographer nipped off a corner of THRU THESE has come down (Pruof/OO&ution&wfy— William B. b. 17B2 d. 8-5-1807 m: 1- Chllo which was restored when the 11-1774 Eleanor Forman, dau. of stamp was withdrawn and re-Issued PORTALS while other fuels THE MOST BEAUTIFUIi THING ON WHEELS Peter and Nellie Williamson For- _ few months later but with the PASS THE AGAIN OUTVALUES THEM ALL! man. Their child was Wyckoff b. Falklands still colored like the main- have gone up?" 1784 d. 5*1838 m. Kly 'Craig b. SV-land. WORLD'S MOSr 11-1790 d. 11-11-1880. bur. Old Ten- Now. It Is Nicaragua which has BEAUTIFUL nent church. (R.B.R.) stirred up hard feelings with a . 72, SCHANCK. Practically all the neighbor. She insists the airmail GIRLS information I have conies from the Monmouth Co. Hlstl. Aesn. Children of Cap. John Schanck: Garret b. B-14-1768; Tunis b. 7-27-1770; William b. M4-1772 d. 8-5-1844; John b. 6-26- 1774 m. Micha Van Hlse; Denlse b. 7-6-1776; Daniel b. 12-26-1778 d. 10- 2S-18S8; De Li Fayette b. 5-27-1781 d. 9-11-1862; David b. 5-10-1783 d. 4-2S-1872 m. 11-12-1818 Sarah Smock; Mary b. 8-7-1786; Catherine b. 6-16- 1787; Jane 1st b. 7-12-1789 d. 4-28-stamps show merely her "official 1791; Hendrlck Van Brunt b. 7-23-map." Tho sector marked 'Terrltorlo 1791 d. 11-17-1877 m. 12-1-1812 Sarah en Lltlglo" Is shaded the same as Schanck; and Jane 2nd b. 8-3-1793. Nicaragua, and this Is what Irks the (D.W.S.B.) Hondurans. 82. CONOVER-STOUT. Sidney Conover was son of Nancy Ely and Fall Proves Fatal. Joseph Conover; wlfo Emily May G. Augustus White, 61, of Asbury Bate of England. They had 7 chil- Park, died last Thursday In the dren: Emily May; Kitty (both de- Hazard hospital at Long Branch ceased); Joseph 8.; William A.; from injuries suffered in a fall Oct- Winifred A.} Sally W. m. C. K. ober 9. White, a painter, fell 25 Thomas (divorced 1934), m. 2nd Dr.feet from a roof while at work. He Alexander Hadden (now deceased); leaves a widow and two daughters. and Emily May m. Hanson V. R. H. Stout. (Mrs. R.V.R.H.S.) Milk Business and Farm Sold. 69 and 76. HARVEY-JOHNSON. Tho lato Loon A. Barltalow farm William _Harvey (1770-1852) m. and-mllk-buelncsa -at-Adclphla—has Issue: been sold to Walter C. Hall ot Me- T? VBN IF the 1938 pilver Streak rlne m. Mr. Lake, lived In Brooklyn. tuchen. The farm contains 120 acres JC/ laciced the distinctive styling; the THI LATI3T AND GREATIST FUTURES N. T., had several children; (2) and Is fully equipped to operate a extra roomlnesjj the peak'economy; Jacob had 10 children, one dau.,dairy business. Tho sale included Everybody knows gas is the last word In heating fuels, but did you know end all-around quality that set it sport from OfAMIRICA'S fINtST lOW-PklCtD CAB Martha m. Henry True* of New all tho Btock and machinery, that its cost has been dropping and dropping until it's at rock bottom other can, the Safety Shift Gear Control* would Monmoutb, now Belford, N. J.; (3) Xydla m. Henry White, dau. Eliza- today, just when other fuels are zooming like the price of beef? •till make you prefer "the moit beautiful thing MW SAfltT IHirT OUt CONTHOL *(«(1taHl at iBaht utM on wbeeli." For this treat feature is tha tbxmi beth Ann b, 6-26-1840 d. 2-17-1906 m. . improvamtnt in handling ease in tha low •MI), • NIW inyn mux imma • NTW CUIKH HDAI Emerson D. Spellman; son John Our new budget-billing plan is 25% more liberal than ever before; you pay Harvey b. 9-10-1818 d. 11-27-1863, DAFFY price Stld. •oosra • NIW *AHTV.»TYHO INTOHOH • NIW Mrrwt number Co, G, 14th N.J. Vol.; killed fc but 10% of your fuel cost per month — no more in February than in May. Safety Bhlft clears the front floor completely; locAtioH • ranem KNU-ACTION MM • unmovm at Locuit drove, Va.; dau. Mary speeds Up gcar-ihlf[lng, lets you drive with both Heneretta b. 8-7-1846 d. 1M-18M m. • hands near the wheel. It's a sign and oymbol of c>Hin.romr mnm» • ADJUITAUI, mum •.»*• Richard Lawrence; dau. Catherine M'DRIVERS tha amulng pltit value built into America's •men nom.tuT • noM-ukM UM***I COMPAHT- Lavlnla b. 4-2-(T) d. 8-6-(?) (years fineit low-priced or—va/us whioh, a ride wfll not given; material from family Bi- vmt •V NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL tell you, tops them all. MINT . IIMAR WHH1MII (1 If" Ml «*, MI" •» BsM) ble); <4) Margarett m. John De ' fWHUUUO HTDtAUUC MAKU • HMirOl lOMIt It Groot, moved to Illinois about 1868- PONTIAC MOTOR ' DIVISION rum • niHn NO-DIAPT VIHTIUIION • eotwuimr 87 (Can furnish death notloes; am . Omnmrmt tfotor* Sulma Corporation In touch with grandchildren of this PONTIACi MICHIGAN HMD outsit • Mnrr MMTI-IUM HIABUOHT* branch of family; (B) Eliza (Hilt* and Margarett were twins); (6) Su- TWO GREAT RADIO PROORAMSi "Niwt Through :. • , nowcr or MNIMI MOTOM san m. Edward (?) Shrlner (or *ai rruuipiWam*n'ti m Eyn" tvrr Man,, Wed,, and Fit, tt, »p.m.,BS.lp, m., S.S.T., Columbl, network. "Vmlly Show" Sohrelner) and had 1 dau. who m. —dirtOt-J---" 'tornIro, thm ludlna collet, tumpuiM mar- trnn LOOKINS • inm WILT # A Hrm IUT Cuban named Rodreglus who owned frldmr "Ui/tfM, NSd BQi, n.twork mt 9 p.m. JERSEY CKNTKAI POWER v\ 1M.III <;o. p. m.I. C.3.T.-TpC.S.T.—T p.m..a,S,T.-l in.. A P. m.. 100 tlavu during Civil War; (7> B.3.T.-1 p i Mary Ann w, Charles Bowman of Colt't Neck, N.,J.i and had 0 chil- dren: Annie E. m. Robert J, Miller; Omoo Hourst 8:30 A.M. to sk'.RL Telephone Red Bonk l900| proerrenoy Ptiomafter ofM*. hoai* ftftd OMsltlh \, Frank; Hattle m. Holmes Thorn; RASSAS BROTHERS Charlotta m. Robert Lester; Ella m, Frank Neltoni and Marlah m. Mr. Butphln. (8) Ann Bllw and (») Register Want Advertisements Bring Quick Retultf 19-21-23 Mechanic St., Red Bank William m. Catbarlne, bad but 1 PaeerTen' BED BANK REGISTER, NO"^EMBER 18, 1937; The Date A cauliflower should b« white.' A Delicious Yams on tha addresa on vour paper »how§ yellowish' color Indicates exposure to SIDNEY BJfOW Will be glad Food, 0/ course, must bo well when vour subscription expires. Tbli the Bun and a consequent strong seasoned to l« worthy of paper, like most •elf-reinectloe pub- flavor. •-.•-..•• to answer any question*, For Two lications, la operated on a cash-in- on food Three Meals a its piquancy advance basis. If your.final data (• drawing near, send In vour check VoL 1 No. 1 Copyright BX SIDNEY SNOW 1835 Edited by WHJ4A E. DEUTE Potato and Grapefruit Combjne for renewal todav ao that vou will not miss anv Isauea ot your favorite YOUNG GUINEA HENS to Mutual Benefit home newspaper.—Advertisement. «•••••••••»«••••»«•«»••• and FANCY BROILERS, There are many families composed Orchids To The Winter of Just two people, and the wife often Bananas are best for eating when Dressed to Order Hot Off the Griddle times finds herself at her wlt'a ends the akin Is speckled with brown. Thanksgiving Mince Pies wondering Just what to prepare that will be a little different. Dishes Vegetables ; ESTHEB DONLAN made > ln small quantities ara some- times difficult and do afford many WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Monmouth Descend From Ancient < »••»»>••<•«»«»•»•»•»••• problems but here Is one dish that U UNDEN PLACE, BED BANK What Spring Onions Are in April can be increased ln proportion to Did you know that: serve many people, but given hora la Hubbard Squash Is in the Fal England It Is best to buy. vegetables b> the proper proportions for two. Fancy articles, children's Goat Dairy weight rather than measure, clothing, useful articles, Llnoroft,N.J. Tel. B. B. B18-M-1 pound Is a definite quantity, but YAM AND QRAPBFEUIT BY SIDNEY SNOW quart will vary, depending on wheth- , CASSEROLE! knitted goods and gifts. er the dealer packs the measure oi Now is the timo when the great come now hardy beets, harvested las 3 large yams cold weather vegetables come Into in'the s.eason and stored for winter nils it loosely. U teaspoon salt their own and woe betide the family use. They are merely washed and H teaspoon nutmeg cook who falls to understand or np- then boiled—always with the skins The best artichokes are green ln 2 tablespoons cream preclate. They add that something on, and in well salted wator. When color. A brownish color suggests 1 tablespoon butter to the fall and winter menus which they aro tender, remove the skins that they have been kept too long. 1 beaten egg FOR GOOD COAL nothing else provides. with the fingers while still hot. Then 4 grapefruit sections Take the sturdy Hubbard squash merely butter well and serve, or In choosing winter cabbage, select Candled grapofrult peel —the squash which must mo demol- piclilo them. a firm, heavy head. A pound of cab- Oranulated sugar, ished with) a battle axe or at least a bage yields approximately 3Ji cups Wash the yams, cut off ends and Call Monmouth Lumber Company hefty hatchet Cuf Into convenient STUFFED ONIONS LESS of finely shredded cabbage for salad boil until tender ln salted water (1 WELL KNOWN and 2V4 cups when cooked. sizes, cleaned ot seeds and surplus And then there are the big stuffed teaspoon to 1 quart water). Peal pulp, salted, peppered and topped winter onions. Peel and. boil In ealt i —«^— yams and mash fine with salt, nut- with a bit of butter and then Into the During the winter old parsnips are meg, cream and butter. Fold ln the Red Bank 2060-2061. oven to come out ere long, tender water until nearly done.. When cool, well beaten egg and put In buttered and golden brown—here Is a vege- take out the Inside and chop up with sold by the pound and there are usu- cabbage which has been boiled ten- ally about four medium sized roots casserole. Over the top arrange the table for man and boy—not to over- to the pound. grapefruit sections, free from seeds Best Grade Only. D&H. Cone Cleaned. look women who have appetites. der in ham broth. After filling on- and white skin, in plnwheel design, • And then big, hardy turnips—boll ions with this mixture, top off with radiating from the center. Between or steam a half a dozen for lour good pepper and salt and a bit of butter. Dried apricots are among the most each section lay a strip of candled portions. They maybe big white or Place in buttered pan and Into oven inexpensive fruits that can be grapefruit peel. Dot with butter and yellow turnips, as they happen to for a slight browning and then serve bought. One pound makes about 3H sprinkle granulated sugar over the come. When tender, run through a very hot. cups of fruit when soaked and top. This can be prepared In the The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing sieve. Salt and pepper are added to PARSNIPS NOT SUCH UGLY drained, or 3 cups when cooked. morning or even tho day before. Juat taste. Three or four tablespoons of cover and set in the refrigerator un- ELKS AUDITORIUM, Broad Strcll and Plnclmiy Ro«d, RED BANK, N. J. fcutter are added and when heated DUCKLINGS til used. Bake- In a moderate oven Tmltphaam School 007 R«ld

ifth Baptist church bf FhlladelpHls the apeakef tit the Hduae of As- shore not owned and controlled by by Rev. Dr. Pettj.,,: i^iitbly. He wal one 0/ the tiiost ho c'diirity. Tho street waa in very Items 6f Yesteryears Johnny Sproui, Tommy Anderson popular assemblymen and was at-J bad condition duo to tho heavy au- nd Sebe Walling wcro playing In ways Identified with the measures tomobile traffic. William Matthtws yard at Keyport advocated by OoVerhor Wilson. . Tlib Eurcaka Athletic club df Red FREE GIFTS— wheh Johnny accidentally shbt off k Charles Carr, Edward Compton Batik was organized. The members From Register Piles pistol, tho boll striking both the and Charles Smith were re-elected were George Roop, Goorgo Hogdh, —at— othir Boys, J.tommU y was struck In trustees b't the Keahsburg Methoaitt lloul l and Gabriel Titnnchbaum, AnAn- he calf of the leg and Sebe Just church, Jbhh p*v«rt, Herhiah L*hr drew Doughertyh , Gcbrjfo Hlckeyk , Hdpperiings of SO and 23 Years Ago Ctilled Frflni The ibove the ankle. and Itlehard Brbwn were now trus- James Carroll and Barton Chamber- VINCENTS Hairstylists ''SI Parkins', The Threshing Ma- tee;) on the bojii'it. lalri. ', News and Editorial Columni (or Entertainment china Agerit" vtiU presented at the William teeCpeiry was circulating Charles K. Champlln btnight the Rol Bank Opera; House by Frank a petition lh the Oceanport district William A-. French lot at the south- BEAUTY SALON Joituson. A featuhl of the play Was which rifju&Ua the trolley company east corner of Monmouth and West of Today's Reader*. he actual operation bf the threshing to change Its pfbposed route 40 as to (Streets for {6,000. Fifty Yew* Agd; I m^chlns on the stage. ko through the village, Over 800 res- Edwin Hobbs of Little Silver wai On Opening Date ... yeira had conducted a fancy wooS Mlllari C. Bly, proprleW of the idents ahd property owners had thrown from his wnge-n when his ihe will or Jarne* ti. PtibH *ai molding busIriMts on the old Captall) salts and exchange. Btablea at Holm- sighed tho petition. horse bolted and was badly cut ahd SATURDAY, Wmlttod to- probato. The Peters Winter farm, near Ciapol Hill, died del, broke his right leg just above The Red Bank briard of commerco bruised lh mnny plnccs oh his face. Building on Broad ettcot, together in Now York at the ago of 60 years', he ariklo while playing ball on alee. feeorrinierided to bie federal govern- Dr. William B.1 Sayro took several NOVEMBER 20th With tho buBlncaa, raorohandiao and Mrs, S. S. Antonldea of Broad Aoti day. . ftiintftiifit ihSTpMiertleIn67 p?Siiertles .-aofl Henry BS. stl.tpbes to close the cut. Ml oCier equipment was loft to his street entertained at a party at her Q. H; SylvesUr and J, Watei an- White ahd William O'Brien at the Miss MaUilb Firquhar bf New Plan iibw for that tipreiiWe me- —nt— •on, Jamoa H. Fetor?, Jr., as was al-residence. The principal pastime of jouheed they were prepared to act corhtr of Broad and Cianal streets York, formerly of RSo Bank, and moriiil tHbUte, porhipi already too to tho Peter* rbaldohbo oh >irbad the evenlhtf *m» singing and danc- as waiters at weddings ahd private for ft tJoatbm6d ijite, TH6 owtiers Jamea'Anderson were married at-thd long deferred! Rfcgreta srs averted Itreet. Tho family rwldeiitio, How- ing, . Ttoafc wHb look part In tho parties, . agreed to stll fdr $26,000, which was bride's home at New York by'Rev. Attd tatUfactlbn endtiret vrheh jou 10 Linden Place, ever, was BUbJoot to a Ufa right of singing were Mr. and Mrs. Hagor- Arinlo MoMnhon ahd Daniel $1,009 more than the appropriation Rbbtrt JiacKellar of Red Bank.. avail of tho facllltlei and expert Mr. Peters' wife and daughtor no long man, Mr. and Mrs.'H. D. Parker, Mr. made 6y Congress, but It wai Arrangements were heltig com^ knowledge: remltlng from our expe- Dean, both pf Fair Haven, tfero mar- : Red Bank jf» they remained unmarried. By theand Mrs. Antonldea and Miss Jen- ried In St. James church by Rev. M,thought that their offer of sale, would picled for the establishment of a ha rience In memorial craftiriion«hlp. terma of tho will, Jamca H. Peters, nie Wood. Instrumental numbers' be accepted. were rendered by Mr. Randolph, Mr, E. pane. tlonal brink at Farmingdalc. Jacob (Flm doors from Broad Si) , ur., became ono of tho *»4ttHI«»t Miss Annie Oak?s" and Patrick Lilts and James L. Hall were the ften In tho county, hl( estate being anil Mrs. Charles Nclman and Mr. John M, Corlies, mayor of Rumion, arid Mrs. Hagerrdan. Hackott, both of Bed Bank, were arid Daniel A. Naughton, tlio bor promoters. • . Long Branch fetlmatcd to excodd .?300,OOO. married In St. James churqh by Rev, oUgh clerkj gave a Democratic din Edgar H. Cook, moved hla law of- Joseph Ballley of Koyport was An average of over 600 pupils at- M. tS, Cane. ii6r In the Central hcitei at East Oce fice from tho TMoniaa H. Leonard Monument Co. The Latest in, tiurslng a badly cut band as tho re-tended the Eed Bank public school ahlc. Among tho invited guests were building nt Atlantlc^Hlghlahda tb the •ult of a soda water bottle bursting every day during tho past term. Thli Twonty-Flvo Years Ago. Frank 0. Covert, mayor of Fair Ha- offices In the John E. Fostfer build- Wall St. nnd Locust Ave., OIL PERMANENTS $0.50 up while ho waa handling It. was an actual attendance of more James H. Stevenson, aged lit years, vfen, and Mayor George W. Elliott ing over the bid postofllee. John S. West Long Branch, N. J. Mrs. K. A. Pollard of Asbury Park, than 85 per cent enrollment. The and coUhcllmcn of Sea Bright. Manning, the Jeweler, took the jvlfe of tho southern editor ahd his-pupils who took first and second po- and Alexander Hail, aged 16 years Telephone Long Branch 3307. lost their lives at tho railroad cross- John S. Perry of Red Bank, a for- rooms formerly occupied by Mi-, Specializing in all Branches of torian, fell heir to prdjjbrtji ValueB sition! lh tholr respective grades mer resident of Belford, died In the Cook. at {60,000. during tho past school term were ing at Hazlct when a locomotive George A. Hughes Beauty Culture at Popular Prices. struck tho automobile In which they Long Branch hospital ot peritonitis, Mrs, Dewltt Scott of Rumsbri was Rev. N. J. Wright, pastor of tho Maggie Evans and Holon Browor, given a pet cat by ah ' Intimate Red Bank tlcpresoiltntlro tenth grade; Emma Laugand Mamie wore riding. Hall was a New York He "tyas taken to the hospital Buffer- FOR APPOINTMENT CALI, RED BANK 862(1. Farmlngdalo Methodist church, friend of Stevenson and was on ing front an Internal rupture. friend. Tho animal had six toes on Shrewsbury, N. J. jiteachdd a forcible sermon on "Cap Nlchol ranked alike In the ninth each froht paw, grade; Qj-aca thdnipibn arid Benja- visit to the country. Martin Griffin of Red Bank bought Tel. Red Bank 8952-W. arid jUbor and the Strikes." min Ford ranked alike, lh the eighth George D. Cooper, tho borough en> tho Harry Shubert properly at New W. I,. Bordon of Shrewsbury was grade; Howard Patterson and Mamie glneor of Bed Bank, began number- Mohmoiith. Thero was a largo grave! Aerlously Injured when ho fell from Hubburd, seventh grade; Flora Will- ing tho houses itt tho William street bank on the place and Mr. Griffin fi building to tho ground, a distance guBS and Eva Shomo, sixth grade l district in response to requests from planned to use the gravel in his road H 20 feet. Carrie Ivlna and Bertha Duncan, fifth the property owners. work. J. Monroe Smith and Edward Car- grade; Madle Lovett and Ada Hoff- The Red Bank High School Alumni William Dietrich of Lcighton ave- fart, both of Harmony, were out mire, fourth grado downtown-school association held tho first of a series nue Had a very narrow escape from Hunting together when tho former Lizzie Carmen and Mario Reckless, of monthly shirtwaist dances at the fatal Injury, While doing some work Accidentally shot tho latter, 14 sliot fourth grado uptown school; Che's high school. Miss Cornelia Aul wasfor Cook & Oakley at tho Curtis lodging in his back, heck and arm,ter Hagcrman and Nellie Bray, thlrc president of the association. store on Broad street, a cave-In prac- I Jamba Hill and Mike Hiley had grade tlowiitoWft school; Qi-aco Peek Tho Red Bank Qleo club gave an tically burled him alivo. It was esti- Some dlfticiilty over an electlan bet and Llbblfa Dosrer ranked even in entertainment at the Young M«h's mated that he waa fully covered with third grade uptown school; Grace earth for five minutes before he was T. it one of the Kcyport hotels. Christian association. Those who Charles Brltton attempted to aopar- Sutton and Florence Hagorman, sob' took part were Harold A. Laros, Her- rescued. ate thorn, when Hill drew a revolver ond, grado down town school, bert Culllngton, Leroy Chamberlain, Frank Smith of Little Silver got up and fired at Britten's heal Hill re- Dr. Herbert E. Williams, Bugeho Ma- purposely ono morning to watoh( his ceived a eovoro pounding and then tiio pe"rkonal prdpcrtjr of the late gee, Cecil I. Led lard and Harry Bos- celery patch. He soon saw a man In George Hance was inventoried by the celery patch helping himself. Mr. Was held to await the action of too Tylco W. Tlirockmorton and Orrln key. ftrand Jury. Tho oyster Smith and hla aon Raymond started Currlc and found to bo worth 110, Industry In the North after the intruder with a shot gun. John Nowlan, a former resident of 968.84. Shrewsbury river received a severe fcatontown, drbite oh the railroad blow when the McClees eroek prod- They overtook him, but jie could not TALKS TURKEY track at Portaupcclt. His rig was Morris Paoh moved his cigar and uct was declared to be unfit for sale. speak English and he got down on *truok by a locomotive and waa tobacco business to his store adjoin Oysters sent .to New York by Fair hla knecB and pleaded for mercy. Mr. wredted. He was thrilwn 6Ut andIng hla did stand, Haven men were seised by tho De-Smith took the man back to the sustained ecrloua Injuries and his rc- . Miss Josephine Rhodes removed partment of Agriculture and con- farm, mode him alt on a box for a Ihovery was thought very doubtful. her dining establishment In the Stoii demned. Tho shippers were Obadlah half-houri giving him a severe lec- ture. He then returned to the lira, Jano B. Conover ot BoBbey Wltt Carhnrt. • Chocolate cOTered Cara- Wile moved to freehold. Sho was Mrs\ M. A, Bowne* purchased Wll Alston Beekman of Red Bank was Harry Branson of Belford caught mels. Chocolate covered XMAS CARD ASSORTMENT the widow of the late Charles Con- Ham it, jyoater'a laundry buBlncssa' an opossum Which weighed 22 pounds Pchperhiihts, etc. Atlahtlc Hlghlahdsi Sho planned U left $25,000 In a will of hla father, Ah,to assorted crtami MENtHOt INMAIEU | ovdr'i flfst sergeant of Company E, Edmund Beokman. His farm in Mid and was proudly exhibiting it ONLY beautiful Christmas A N OLD-TIME REM- ^«k 14th roglmoht, Now Jersey VolUn- move the business to the new build dletowh township and $15,000 was through the village. ing adjoining the Bowno Homestead EDV FOR RELIEF IT' toefs. left to Edwin L. Bcelmmn, and $10,- The Tlntcrh Manor Water com- Ib. cards—latest design OP HAY FEVER. M( (Jttplnlh Jathos 10. Soqiy died at his Pei'ey Faulltenburg Was building i 000 was left to Jacob T. Beekmah. pany wrote to the borough council I NASAL AND SINUS I l% hortle In Now Monmouth of pneu- store ahd dwelling oh the hdmcBtea The body of Felix fielford, a High- of Fair HaVen that hot enough BOX 79' CONGF.STION. LJ m oh In. Captain Sooly was a pioneer tract at Atlantic Highlands, adjoin lands plumber, wns found by Chris*- peoplo wanted water In that district ,cf the farmers' tftleli .transportation Ing LutbutroW'a shoe store. tuphcr Larson, near tho Patten Llhe to pay tho company for extending Chocolate Covered from Jionmoulh county to New TOO baiis of marriage of Miss MarySteamboat company at that place. Its mains. from Mtinmouth county to New York, Cutnmlskey and Hobart Eggo ot Nut Belfoid \ett a sick bed ond Jumped J. Fielder Cross, son of Mr. and CHERRIES ualfiS sloops and schooners to trans- swamp were published in St. Jump Into thaTTver, About ten days pre- Mis. Charles P. Cross, celebrated I Delicious, fresh picked port the prOduee. tie lftter operated church, Reft Bank. vious to his death, Belford caved Silo fourth birthday by entertaining cherries, dipped in rich $1.00 Value with tlteoesa tha slcatnboat Knglo Daniel W. White of Occanpor young Bernard Crelglitan from 20 of his yoUng friends. milk chocolate. from the plank road dock at Port atild the Park hotel at that,place foi drowning and It waa Ihoiight that hla Th6 borough couhtsll of Keyport Fountain Syringe] Jtonniouth to New York. In 18B1 ho $10,000. Impromptu bath resulted In a severe asked the Mdhmouth county board C 25 colorful Christmas cards and 25 or operated the steamer Jessie Hoyt Dr. Thomas O. Ely, formerly o attack ot pleuro-pncumonia, of freeholders to take over Broad Pound 29 Mtweort Now Yol-li, Port Monmouth street at that place as a county road. .envelopes. EACH design is differ- Hot Water] end Bandy Hook. • Halnidol, ana MlsaAtiHa Cromwell Assemblyman Leoh K. Taylor of Chocolate Covered nr daughter bf •vyilllam H. Cromwell oi Aebury Park, who Wns re-elected for It Was the only stretch ot road be- c ent with distinctive friendly greetings. Bottle his third torm, Was a candidate for tween Middlesex county and the pea- MlnlPaltiai/i>./D 59' Thamaa H. Stewart, who for many Philadelphia, were married at th A PRE-Christmas Bargain for the early shopper.

Farke - Davtg ] BISODOL MEDICATED TF IT'8 BOtflothlng new and Throat 1 modern-if it adds to K CHICKEN •afety, comfort or oonven- '1.00 Discs lenos—If it makes aotlon Size more thrilling, more enjoy- *2.00 Value ir able or more economical, you'll find It In the 1938 3 DAY - SPECIAL | Oldsmobiles. Again Olds* {COUPON! FOR ONLY mobile's dashing now Six Standard 200 FACIAL and dynumlo new Bight Quality When purchases TISSUES ere topi in styling, in flne- Powder:! amounting to Regular 13< car features and In value. $2.00 have been EPHEDRINE Comparison will convince Puffs : NOSE DROPS you that nowhero e/ss made in our store. Regular SS( money buy so much! WITH Total Value 48c IBIS hOW tO get this Bargain! Get a punch card free at your Both sCOUPON Wlielan Drug Store. Have the amount of your purchases punched. When card 2< is completely punched ($2.00 in purchases) you may secure this marvelous B Chicken Fryer nt this very special price. • I w » LOOK AT THESE FEATURES! • T1,C utensil of marfy uses-open frying, roasting, deep fat frying. • Will fry a whole chicken at one time. Self PHILLIPS basting cover. • Well made—heavy gauge steel, chromium finished. FITCH'S DENTAL CREAM SHAMPOO LINDE ASTOK 25c 15c -5pec/f/izel In.• rsizE i Talcum 39' P3RQJDUC.TS Powder Halibut 3M FORiiWsl I Capsules SO'f 63c Olnnt Cnn HILL'f TOOTH HALIBUT Liver Oil 50c size VIO8TEROL CASCARA f O PASTE CArSULES QUININE I Xc 50c f IM COD LIVER 30c size 1U OIL, PLAIN 16 OI. HALIBUT tlVER OIL and ., , COMB, MIRROR I VIO9TEHOL 6ee AND HALIBUT UVIR $l.'Jfl GUAIUNTKEl) Pro-Ker OIL and NAIL FILE SET VIOSTtROl SO , FEVER HAIR 71 HALIBUT MALT EXTRACT. ,4 ofc VIOSTEROL *° "*"89c Thermometers MILK'* Vlorterol SpeciaItoctall or Mouth SIEP AHEAD AND 33c at inOU (Sec KEECONSINYOUR L__ 69c ( ft B D O PURSE: LEATHER. I lie BE MOW AM AD CAPSULES 63c ETTJJCASH. 10 VBMAN- OPEN EVENINGS WHELAN'S RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 'Page TVelva H" RED BANK REGISTER; N0VEMBER18' 1987. Stork Shower West Kearaburg, CARBURETORS As rhythmic «$ a A Little House Held At Rumson Mrs. John E. Luts spent Armis- Bteotory Serrto* (or Carter, Btromberg and Zenith. poem: as. digni- tice day at Brooklyn with friends. Complete Stock of New and Befagllt Carburetors. Miss Grace Hicks of Rumson George B. Hatalaa was a Perth fied as a concert i hostess at her home Friday night al Amboy visitor Sunday. Offers A Compact Plan ai considerate as a stork shower for Mrs. Arthui Harry Huber, son of Mrs, Kath- DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. Fauels of Washington street, Rum- arine Huber, hu been playing end on 18 MECHANIO ST, . BED BANE your dearest son. Fink and green decorations ths St. MaVy'i high school football friend—our funer- adorned the rooms and for the table cam at South Amboy, where he Is centerpiece Miss Hicks had a "pair a second year student a! service answers of crepe paper booties. Mrs. Fauels Miss Evelyn Haster U the owner every true require- was the recipient of many of a new Ford V-8 automobile. which were In a bassinet with Paul Carlucolo of Hoboken was a ment. stork looking on. week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- [ The guests were Mrs. Anna Fauels, iel Daly. Mrs. E. Mergard, Mrs. Edward Stew- Miss Isabelle Paynter Is employed art, Sr., Airs. Edward Stewart, Jr. at the DuPont plant at Parlln as Avail Yourself of JOHN E. DAY Mrs. George Mellloh, Mrs. Percy E. executive secretary. Hicks, Mrs. WUlIam Calvin Colby, Mra. Theodore J. Franxen of Stone FUNERAL HOME Mrs. Joseph Clancy, Mrs. Will Ward, road Is a medical patient once more 85 Riverside Ave., Phone 332 Red Bank Mrs. L. B. VanNest, Mrs. Arthur at the Medical Center at Jersey West and Misses Ruth Melllsh, Elis- City. Ml Maple Place Phone 1SSJ5' Heyport abeth Feyerl, Jessie Yeomans, Josle Mr. and Mn. Fred O'Keefe- and LJgler and Annabelle Marthens of ons, Douglas, Lawrence and Alan Our Personal Rumson, Mrs. William Curchln, Miss of Irvlngton, spent the week-end at Dorothy Curchln and Mrs. John the Lewis summer home on Stone Bailey of Bed Bank, Miss Alice Cor- road. • nelius of Monmouth Hills and Mra. Mrs. Madeline Seaman is confined PLAY SAFE! SINCLAIR-ize William White of Hammonton. o her home ton Eighth street with trip. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. Louis Furman of the Leybro Man- Loan Plan lfacturing company spent the week- Your Car For Winter Show Talking Pictures, >nd witi relatives at New York. Leon Rex, chemistry teacher, Tony Allocco has purchased a new Goodyear Tires, Batteries, Heaters and showed a talking picture, "The Wave )odge truck for use in his dairy bus- Length of Sounds," last week In the ness. Car Radios assembly. The picture explained that Miss Loretta DeTuro, registered And Do Your Sold on a 20-Week Payment Plan. vibrations are quicker If the tone Is lurse at the Medical Center at Jer- higher. A picture depleting a bit of ey City, spent Armistice day with CAB WASHING - POLISHING AND SIMON1ZING. the life and love of Stephen Foster :r family here. CAKS CALLED FOB AND DELIVERED. was also shown with his most pop- Miss Marlon Connolly of Jersey ular songs as was another picture, Ity has returned to her home at "Beneath Our Feet." Excerpts from that place following a few days spent the picture "The Plainsmen" starring with her brother and sister-in-law, Christmas Shopping Early Community Sinclair Service Station Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Connolly. also shown. The orchestra played al ,,Lou!s Furman is the owner of a ERNEST DIFJORE, Prop, ARNOLD HEWITT, Mgr. the opening and closing of the as new Chrysler automobile. sembly.—Ruth Lewis. Sol Agate has returned from a stay Monmouth & West Sts. Tel. Red Bank 1494. with his family at Jamaica, Long Is- Educational Week. land. The 16th anniversary of •American Miss Anne Gllllgan, registered Education week and the Centennial nurse*in the Brooklyn hospital, spent of Horace Mann was celebrated las Monday with her parents, Policeman Friday during chapel period. Two and Mrs. James Gilligan. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dickey are The First National Bank radios were set up in the auditorium For Your Real Friends In order to receive the broadcast A the parents of a daughter born last This compact small house, designed dramatization was given by the stud- Tuesday. Mother and infant are do-to rent for $50 a month, was built at Midland, Texas, for $3,600. ' . • *• ents and was broadcast over the loca' ing welL Mrs. Dickey is the former Payment Of $4,200 radio station, WBRB. Those taking Miss Madeline Flelschour of Keans- The areas of white wooden siding of Eatontown, New Jersey Solve a dozen Christmas problems with' part in the play were Howard Alex- burg. offer a pleasant contrast to the dark Is Recommended ander, Robert Forsythe, Arthur May- Mrs. Meyer Starkman of Old brick: which covers most of the ex- the gift that only you can give— hew, Ruth Loversldge and George Bridge was a recent guest of her terior walls. The roof is of red cedar On recommendation of Governor Schoeck.—William Havlland. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Con- shingles stained. Hoffman, payment of $4,200 to Lester Member Federal Reserve System A chimney and fireplace would nolly of Stone road. C. Leonard of Red Bank, was app- Miss Mao Willick spent several have to be added if this plan were proved b y thhe State House commis- Morris Miller Speaks. adapted to a northern sotting. Morris Miller, a member of Shrews- days at Verona last week. sion as the balance duo him for de- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Miss Margaret O'Connor of Union The floor plan provides two well fending the Asbury bury Post, No. 168, American Legion, ventilated, roomy bedrooms. The your Photograph and Monmouth county American Le- was a Sunday guest of Miss Adelaide Front Commission bill against legal g Moore. kitchen has a breakfast alcove and ttk gion commander, spoke to the school rear service "door. The front door attacks by the Asbury Park city gov- Approved Mortgagee pupils in senior chapel on Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Nagrosky spent t St Monday at Newark. opens directly Into the Uvlng-dlnlng Mr. Miller told of the real significance room. Closet space is ample. Durand, who sponsored the Beach Federal Housing Administration of Armistice day, what it means to Mtss Catherine Wolfe of Jersey Front Commission bill, said he would City spent Sunday with relatives Architect J. J. Black designed this those who saw action in the World home. The plan was chosen by the recommend to toe Legislature that war and the horrors of war. The here. the Commission be reimbursed. 1 Architectural Forum, 135 East 42d speaker was Introduced by Larry Miss Mary Hajtalan, Thomas J . street, New York city. Holmes—Dorothy VanSauter. Braw and Peter Ruddle of Perth Am- It pays to advertise In The Register LOUIS MENDEL boy were Saturday guests of Miss Additions to library. Nell Hatalan. The Photographer in Your Town The Encyclopedia Americana has Miss Vivian Compton, nurse In the Presbyterian hospital at Newark, jjus t been added to the libraryy. IIt Over Whelan Drug: Store Entrance White Street is in 30 volumes and bearb s tthh e copy- was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tjomai Compton. Phone Red Bank 2297. right date of 1937. Other new books include Wings Over Asia, Wildcat, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flynn and Finding Yourself In Tour York, Cor- daughter Marie, were Jersey City poral Corey of the Royal Canadian visitors one day last week. Mounted, Three In a Trailer and The Miss Freda .Helfrlch was a Red TAKE IT FROM ONE WHO School That Didn't Care. Ths Sat-Bank visitor Monday. urday Evening Post and Times have Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blum enter- been added to the magazines, and tained Arthur Blum of Newark on Ev are being received regularly. Saturday. Miss Louise Huber has returned to Jacob ^thmbach her duties as student nurse at St. Win Typing Awards. Lillian Golder and Sally Sleber of Michael's hospital at Newark, follow- WOULDN'T EOOL YOU! BROADWAY the 12-B class have won the Wood- ing a stay with her mother, Mrs. LONG BRANCH Katherlne Huber, stock typing awards for writing 40 The West Keansburg ftre company Drive Tour Car In Our Froo Parking Yard and Shop In Comfort words a minute on the Woodstock iave completed plans for their No- machine. vember dance to be held next Satur- day in the nre house. The Morris Attend Conference, Sisters' orchestra will play for danc- Harry Greenwood/Thomas Gatnon, ing. Siguard Thompson and Vollln B. The Young Ladles' Sodality, chil- Wells attended the First New Jersey dren of Many of St Ann's church Year Book Editor's conference Sat- held a successful costume barn dance urday at the Newark Athletic club. at ..the auditorium Saturday evening. The conference was sponsored by About 200 people attended. Ben Ver- The Colyer Printing company of non and his Modernists furnished Newark. the music. Dick Forbes, former New York actor, was master of cere- Wins Prize for Designing. monies. Miss Doris Balbach was the I Carl Lyons won a prize In the 8-B winner of the door prize, a live Science class for designing the best chicken and Miss Helen Masavltch double-acting force pump. His draw- won a turkey which was donated on ing is being displayed on the bulletin the co-operative plan. board in room 8. Lauren Taylor was voted as being the most represent- ative young scientist in the 8-A PBUNING YOUNG APPLE TBEES group. This year the 8-A group has been studying under the plan where- Important to Do This Work Early by each individual is given an op- In the Winter. portunity to do his own experiment. Because the pruning operation on young apple trees Is so Important It Oakland Street News. Is advisable to do It early in the win- Many TSarents attended the night ter so the job will not have to be session held recently at the school. hurried or done carelessly, according They saw various forms of enter- to M, A. Clark, assistant county ag- tainment by the various classes. ricultural agent. Furthermore, if Mtss Mary A. McCue, principal and the orchardlst prunes his young teacher of the sixth grade, attended trees now he can look them over for the state teachers' convention over rabbit and mouse Injury at the same nemctUiauttntoiUthiW)ICfcBPECUa,(-4 UlC0 Q B RE E ihtcklef, DO tfnu« pqfnti, no clutter, no premitara Armistice day program last Thurs- ance so long as the Job Is done to £££™« ? V ?°? ? "£ . sence of wander-thwe also .tem" MM* tlra wear. • Ivory with Red Trim day In chapel. The Glee club sang. strengthen the tree when It reaches SPRiNOiNc-we're not just gushing, f ti, e stout, easy-flexing, ever, bearing age by eliminating all weak rom 0S Wio latest and smartest kitchen colors. "Tops" In quality—in PINE KNOT GAME SCPPBB, branches and sharp angled crotches we re stating facts you can prove out 8Oft springs of coiled steel. at the main stem. n«w, modern design and shape—rich, now; ensemble beauty for Step in-take charge-put this quick v ...... MATCH VNISE VALUES I the modern kitchen. Hunters Spend a Jolly Evening at Some varieties tend to grow up- You hol roa cven on h The Louis Inn. and quiet honey up against the kind «* *". right, and the orcbardlst should take rSEB snuNOIHO, lliu» model. dollTur it Film, Mloh. advantage of this tendency to de- of driving you know best-you'll sense ^»rvea. You face fewer skid nsks- Bread Boxes 1.19 Waste Baskets ... .75 Forty-five members of the Pint even n •t Ibm prlout Bible 8PKCIAI builniu coup., |Mf I Knot gun enjoyed a game dinner velop a strong central leader from inttantly in it. smoothness and lift is out.?, maintenancwe-tfljized estreets is simpler. You. Alfindl Bulok Sf BCIAL 4-door touring ndu, U047I CKIf. Canisters 1.95 Sav-Ur-Bak Dust Saturday night at the Louis Inn on which the scaffold branches can be becausear ere BuiCoil8 on Springiner 8 gn is herrea8me 1 TUBT 4iloor touring Hdia, IUt7| ROADtUSTEBl selected In a spiral, Other varieties that this car is really giving you more T *! '??!J * » . P". « 4 « +4oor towing Him, »M5| LOOTED 8-MMMM Pantry Boxes 98 Pans 75 the state highway near Mlddletown for your gasoline money! •xba, USK. All prlow Inolnd. •tudud .ojiwS. village. Rabbits and other game grow with an open center. Here the Fool you ? We wouldn't even try I Let Match Safes 25 pruner should be rare to leave plen- Ask more of it than you've any honest Special Memorial, looal tana If en/ and frelgb.1 aitrm. Step-On Waste shot by the club members comprised us demonstrate, and you'll know ••Her Buy •ulck on aTny General IHotora Term* Salt and Pepper the menu. Louis Colorlto, proprietor ty of low branches and delay the right to ask of any car-and the fret- Cans 1.95 of tie inn, la a member of the club open spreading of the tree as much less, gracious, joyous way it doe's which car you've got to have I Sets 65 as possible. Galce Cover Set .. 1.75 and he -was lavish In bis hospitality. things tells you that you've got some- Cleanse Holders .. .75 Peter Morris was chairman of the Cutting off small twiggy growth thinginthatDYNA- Toast Covers 1.75 dinner committee and J. R. McDon- from young apples Is not advisable Soap Flake ald was toastmaster. The club U In most cases since the young tree PLASH engine! Flour Boxes 1.25 Holders 7$ planning to hold a venison dinner at depends upon an abundance of foli- And don't lavish the inn soon. age in the growing Mason to supply all your praise on —BASEMENT— the plant food for Its rapid growth To Fly to Tennessee. and development. Ths non foliage the tree has the more vigorous it HOURS OF BUSINESS: Mr. and Mr*. Richard dorse Tice of will be. These twigs are too small A Department Store Fair Haven will leave In 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. a ttw dayi to do any serious damage any way in the "Pe! Thsnk"glvln8 w1th M" and If the pruning can be Judicious- Saturdays— Same Location Ticc's father, Judze J T All«n ly done by removing the weak Nashville, Tenne.tee. W&llf jSdgS . crotches and thus eliminating some •T. ; » A. M. to 9 P. ^. Al h 'Since 1873 Al en Is in his 88th yMr he Is fairly, of ths larger twigs ana branches, the urn? M th<> prai!tl« of law. to smaller ones will not Interfere with H. L. ZOBEL urn? each other aufflolentlr to do any par- wantnt harm, " • Sea Brighr~ .ted Bank Loner Branch RED BANK REGISTER. NOVEMBER 18.1987. Paw Thirteen assailed and their live* taken. In- Ulnlng the Ongirprint records of ail bog of crime In which we have been consequent result that bank robbery Crime Is Not On nocent onlldren lured Into vacant criminal* arresUd in this country, of floundering can be transformed In- Insurance In thirty-five states has nouses, Into deserted basement*, In- 32,783 fugitive* who are. balng ac- to a highway of honesty, been reduced 20 per cent. Wo have to unfrefluented ravine*, their bodies tively sought by law enforcement Again, it strikes me that one of tho been proud of the fact that In cases The Wane Says defiled and assaulted. authorities, 8,061, or 33,3 per oent are Important duties of the average cit- Investigated by tho Federal Bureau It has taken year* to arouse tbe parole violator*. izen today Is to protest against the of Investigation convictions have Amerloan publio to th* consciousness When it I* realised that (very one element* which make for crime. I been obtained In the Federal Courts J. Edgar Hoover of its crime problem. It ha* taken of the Special Agent* of the Federal am thinking particularly of the1 many of 94.6 per cent of all persons thus the lives of many faithful law en-Bureau of Investigation who ha*boys, who, in the past, have seen the brought to trial, and while our total forcement officers, who have unsel- been killed In reotnt yyears, with tbe gangster glorified upon the silver expenditure for last year was IS,- CLEARANCE SALE Director of Federal Bureau of fishly laid down those lives In battle exception of on«, WM• th—e victim of sorecn until, In one Instance of which 800,000, tho total value of recoveries with the underworld, to draw the at- a paroled convict: when paroled "con I am aware, a certain motion picture effected, lines Imposed, and savings Investigation Gives Talk on tention of th* publio to the faot that vlct* can shoot down policemen on actor who had made a reputation for to the Gvernment In cases investi- "Crime'* Challenge to Sod- orlme Is not a mythical thing, but our street, a* baa occurred times portraying the moat vile, oowardlv gated by the Bureau totalled $41,- one that aotually threaten* them day without number: when bandit* with type of gangster, waa all but smoth- 488,870.22, or in other words, for every •ty"—AddreM Printed Here. In and day out. The Ignorant blath- two and three' and more paroles to ered by thousands of young admir- dollar which waa spent for tho op- erlngs of either ill-informed or settheir credit commit highway rob- ers, When publio opinion at last out- eration of the Federal Bureau of In- flshly-motlvated person* to the faot berj**; and attacker* of women and lawed tbe gangster film, there begun vestigation for the last voar, mom J. Edgar Hoover, Director, Federal that our crime problem Is something children are released from their cells, to develop a definite Improvement In than seven dollars was saved or re- Anthony's Clothier Bureau of Investigation, United about whloh we should not be par- patted on the back, told to be good publio psychology toward law en-turned to the Government or Indi- States Deportment of Justice, deliv- ticularly oonoarned, or at least I* not boys, and turned loos* to repiet tbelr forcement. . vidual citizens In property recovered 41 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK ered a forceable address reoontly at as momentous a* it ha* been por- orlme* or commit others, still more The three great molders of public fines Imposed, or savings affected. Pittsburgh befora the American Hotel trayed, can do Irreparable harm, and raprabenilble, T believe that tbe pub- opinion are the Dress, the radio, and This Is, I believe, one of the most can set back the cause of deoent and lio Is fully justified In beoomtnjz bit- the motion picture. These three profitable investments, publio or pri- 3 DAYS - THURS., FRI. & SAT. Uioolatlon of the United State* and amolent law enforcement many years vate, which tho American people pos- Canada on "Crime** Challenge to So- terly aroused against the "adminis- molders of publio opinion, while ' If taken seriously by our oltlien*. Be- tration of any lystnn whloh raakjs termed suoh, merely reflect, in many sess. . : ciety." oause we are afflicted with too many such things possible, ' Instances, what the publio wants, I hasten to add, however, that It An Opportunity to buy Your Xmas Gifts and Save Money The address ha* brought forth know-nothings who Inslat upon "fld- and nvhat it believes, and thinks, In- • . dllng, while Rome burns," who nave Call It maladministration or any- would be sclftah, indeed, If wo,took much favorable comment and by vir- thing you like, all tbe publio can sofar as the portrayal and presenta- all of tho credit for theso results, for figures perhaps of their own manu- tion of entertainment Is concerned— tue of lta timeliness and thsjspeak- facture, we are today faced with mis- know I* that the administration of It must be remembered that our In- •r'« reference to many matters now parole systems in too many of ourwhether It be by the spoken word, vestigative ataff is a jjrouo of onlv information designed to further pub- the acted word, or the printed word. e uc Ior on before the American publio the lio apathy toward the tremendous states is setting desperate criminals 674 men, in a nation of 128,000,000 free to prey upon law-abiding cit- Consequently, the citizens of this persona. We have had great and speech Is of interest to not only hotel problem of crime and toward the country were awakened to the true men but should Interest the major- necessity for greater efficiency In allizens and tbelr families. „ Those ene- poworful assistance In the support \5% ^ ^ ' * all our mies of society should be kept behind menace of our national orlme; the and tho (rood will, and tho determined ity of the Amerloan voters. phaaca of law enforcement. Tbe oalfi true proportions of tho octopus of professional propagandist* wjo »eek bar* where they bilong, and It be- aid of our citizens. Therefore, the The Register has been favored hoove* every oltlzen to become In- the underworld were portrayed with answer to our criminal problem I to aid the criminal by pulling the the shocking realization that everv With the manuscript of Mr. Hoover's death mask of misinformation over formed a* to the fact* In this matter one which concerns co-operation. Be- high class merchandise address and we are glad to devote ao that he may properly serve his twenty-our seconds throughout the ginning with the sheriff and the town tha mind of the American citizen day, and night, week after week, and the time to the setting of the type should be made to reveal their sel- community and perform hi* civic constable, this co-operation should duty. That la why I am relating to month softer month, unremittlng.lv extend through municipal, county, and the space it takes In this lsaue fish motive for doing ao. someone was being robbed, someone of Tho Register for the general In- you gentlemen, In Borne detail,, thi* state and, federal organizations, all Much is said these days about picture of parole a* It Is administered was being assaulted, someone was working toward a common goal of formation It sets forti a* well as thewhat shall be done with the orlmlnal today In our country. It la one ofbeing plundered or attacked, or mur- detection end apprehension. This educational value contained therein. after be Is caught. There Is great the great obstacles in the way ofdered; and that there was a death co-operation should go even farther, Mr. Hoover's addrei* was as fol-argument about what oonstltutes re- effective law enforcement. by criminal violence In the United ao that lustlce mav be dona In the • Suits low«: . form and what steps should be taken It i* amazing that so few easy- States every forty monutea. There Courts, and In the Punishment which to Insure that men who have offend- freedom advocates who constantly waa a realization that Irrespective of hna been meted but by the Courta. I look upon this talk today as one ed against our laws be returned to so- the billions of dollars paid In tribute with great possibilities. I know I resent any criticism of tho adminis- There are not cnoucrh porsons In ciety in a mental condition to respect tration of parole as It exists In alleach year by a crime-oppressed am now addressing as representative those laws. A certain olass of over- America to a graaplng and vicious the United States who pauso to think a body of men as can be found any- too many of our states, absolutely about tho wrockajio caused bv a mur- sentimental persons believe that mir- refuse to profit by the fine example underworld, there was that greater where In tho United States and Can- acles can be accomplished by kind- cost of human anguish and agony derer, the broken family ties, thf • Overcoats ada. I, therefore, want to talk about of parole set by the Federal Parole loss of livelihood, and anguish of ness; rather, I should say, by maud- System, under the able direction and brought to the hundreds of thous- your relationship to the results lin sentimentality. Respect for law ands of families that had beei loved ones and often poverty, which the Federal Bureau of Inves- supervision of Attorney General brought about by a criminal's bullet. Is not going to be achieved If atten- Homer Cummlngs. Here Is an organ- touched and blighted by tho octopus tigation Is seeking. tion Is given by authorities to tho of crime—then It was that there Instead, they center only unon the ization without political dominance criminal himself, because they can Ho organization, no matter how sentlmontal appeals of so-called Ciu- or any other consideration except came an awakening of the slumber- faithful: how .eager! bow energetic; manltarlana and the oleaginous con- Ing America to ths true menace of see him and ear his whining pleas or how Inspired, can succeed without the desire to free those persons who the situation, for sympathy, with the result that • Topcoats niving of venal politicians to gain the should be given another chance and the aid and active co-operation of release /of Influential criminals. all too often these vermin are spewed those who constitute the great body keep imprisoned the dangerous ones That aroused America demanded out of prison cells to continue their of publio opinion. I feel that today While much progress has been who should be deprived of their lib- and has received, an Improved ma- slaughter and again be saved by this Smart Styles , , . Fine Quality I am addressing the type of Intelli- made In the battle against lawless- erty for the protection of society, No chinery of law enforcement—not per- unexplalnablo tvooof sentimentality. nets, criminal* are not reforming, one ever hears anything; but praise fect, and with still much to be de- gence, whloh molds publio opinion— Gentlemen, I have laid these mat- the kind to whloh we must look for Persons on parole are not showing far the successful workings of the sired and attained, but at least an a greater effort toward rehabilita- Federal Parole Board. If all parols evidence of real progress In the rlE ters before you for vour consider- • Mackinaw* for Men aid in the terrific battle against what ation and for vour action. There hnjs has becomo nationalized crime. It tion. These are facts, cold facts from systems throughout the United direction. The Attorney General of official records, Every time aome States worked with the same consist- the United States, Homer Cummins;- been an unfailing axiom in tho his- ti gentlemen such as yourselves who tory of any nation that the people must form a line of stability and professional panderer of the crim- ency, the same efficiency, and desire prepared and submitted to Congress • Boys' Hooded Mackinaw* inal, tho convict, the rapist, and the fOr tbe welfare of the public, there a Berles of crime bills, designed t get exactly what they aro willing to ralnforoement upon which honest endure. If you want crime to flour- law enforcement agencies, national degenerate feeds you the misinfor- would be no crltlolsm whatever of strengthen and fortify the machlr mation that the crime situation Is be- the administration of parole. firy of the Department of Justice ish, then you need onlv to continue .• Underwear and local, may pursue their course the apathetic, attitude which has toward wooes*. coming better, he tend* to open your However, there se«ms to be a per- and In particular the Federal Bur- nocketbooks to the grasping hand of eau of Investigation. That organiza- been only too prevalent In some sec- sistent effort oh tbe part of advo- tions of our country. If you want We hear much about tbe duty of the robber, the buglar, and the thief, cates of easy freedom to defend tion, In a few years, was transformed the citizen in the battle against and he opens the door of your home from a fact-finding investigative crime to end, then I ask you that thr parole a* It I* practiced In many of newer feelinK which has manifested crime. That Is a vague statement. I to (be homlcldlst, the murderer, and our states. It s-aould be tbe dutv of -body into a militant organization, feel sure that such persons as your- the rapist. swlft-movlng, quickly mobilized and Itself In our national life during the Pants $2.50 up - Scarfs 75c up every honest citizen to inquire deep- last few vcars, as1 reflected In thf selves can and will give Invaluable Let Buca parsons carry upon their ly Into the reaaon why these advo- nlgh-powered for the relentless pur aid, If you know what that aid can suit of criminals. . magnificent spirit of co-operation accomplish and how you should go conscience suoh affair* a* tbe mur- oatea Insist upon following methods which has permeated vour organiza- about giving it. Therefore, I am der and rape of numerous Innocent which time after time result In ths All of this has been accomplished tion and which. In turn, has been Sweaters . . $1.65 up — Shirts . . $1.15 up «appy today for the opportunity to children In cities extending from the release of old and hardened convicts without once sacrificing the high of great assistance to the Fedcaal flscuss with you some of the vrob- Atlantic to the Paciflo coasts, vermin on the untruthful promise that they standards of Integrity necessary In Bureau of Investigation In the hand- Suspender and Garter Sets Ideal for Xmas Gifts. ftmi facing law enforcement officers In human form who had been pre-have reformed and will not return efficient functioning of any body of ling of many of Its most difficult and also to describe some of the viously arrested by efficient police, to their old ways, public servants. It Is a boast of thecriminal cases, bo carried on even Very Special ! Neckties , . . The Largest Selection in Town methods by which titt finer tyije of convicted by judge and jury, and sen- • We must follow the only rule that Federal Bureau of Investigation that more zealo.uslv, than ever with the citizens, suoh a* you represent, can tenced to prison In an attempt to ever has been successful In combat- Its Agenta who form a far-flung line unalterable determination Oat this bring about a newer and clearer day protect society, only to be released Ing law Infraction, and that Is theof defense and offense aralnst the spirit will develop Into a vigilance Regular 65c Handmade Ties . 3 for $1.27 to dispel the great fog of orlme which before that sentence had expired, use of relentless, persistent, and de- criminal in every part of the United that shall not be relaxed until Amer- bas enveloped our country. through the sentimentality of unwar- termined methods of selentlflo detec- States are gentlemen whose training, ica Is made a nation which no long- ranted parole, that they might- go tion and apprehension, followed by whose object, whose sole purpose is er need stand ashamed before the May I cite an example 7 We have out and steal bnbiea. lure them away, speedy prosecution and by the prop- that tbe brain* of honesty must more law-abiding nations of the Sox, regular 35c - plain and fancy 4 for $1.00 today In the Courts of our country defile tljem, and leave them shape- er and just punishment which the triumph over the brawn of lawless- world, _ the moit appalling scourge or pw-less masses of broken pathetlo hu- crime deserves. That can be done ness—and I think we are succeeding MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ON ALL FUBCHASES. Jury ever known in the history of manity, dead at the hands of degen- only by publio support and confl In our ambition. NO CHARGE FOB ALTERATIONS. America.' A criminal seeking to out- erate parolees. dence, by an Increasing sense of pub- There are more than 1,300 dally wit tho 'authorities who so justly lio vigilance, and by looking a*ganc< I take pleasure in saying that of have arrested him for his crime If we law enforcement officers are at thoae persons who seek to delud the 107 kidnapln£*fca*es whloh have newspapers in Japan. soema aple with amazing ease, to as- o be accused of "machine-gun crim- us with false figures and Irrespon occurred since the passage of the semble a multitude of witnesses who inology," beoaute we desire to pro- sible statements, designed to lure us Federal Kidnaping Satute In 1932. will swear falsely to his whereabouts tect tho* American home and theInto a state of Insecurity. 106 have been successfully solved by at thej ne of. tbe commission of bisAmerican family against these anc ' How unfair it Is to stats the un- the Federal JJureaij of Investigation, deed, r this effort the .crimina...... l la greater'outrages, tSen, Indeed, I, fpi truths that have recently been ut- with the excellent assistance and co- dldcd,nnd abetted an& all too fro one, am glad to be so characterized tered about such things aa youthful operation of many local law enforce quently, directed by the lawyer-crlm I shall be proud to be termed a mem- delinquency, .when all of us should raent officers. There la pride In the lnaljwho. Instead of rememberlnt ber of the so-celled "machine-gun b fqi tj henb all l with th t knowledge that this Bureau has been Ue fact that he Is an officer of theschool of criminology," because, In- be facing problem with the ut able to make progress in its cam- Court, aligns himself with the forces deed, I shall be In a better position most off apprehensiohi n andd off deterdt - paign of tearing up the roots of of the Underworld, and creates false to face my fellow-men with a clear mination to do everything possible to orlme; the doctor* who attempt to alibis for tho aid of his client, for- conscience than members of the relieve America of the awful know- multllate the fingers of criminals; Retting his responsibility not only tc "cream-puff sohool of criminology," ledge that' over 18 per cent of ourthe hideout owners: the plastic sur- tho Court but to society as well. Thi whose effort* dally turn loose upon present-day crime Is being oommlt- geons; the crooked lawyers; the go- result Is that In case after case thi us tho robber, the burglar, the ar-ted by persons under 21 years of age. betweens; and all the rest of that guilty person escapes because a dozei sonist, the killer, and the sex degen- During the first nine months of 1087, allmy crew who feed upon crime. others have committed another crime erate. persons who were little more than We take pride in the growth of In order to help him—that of per- There has been a deliberate effort boys and girls committed 18 per cent the scientific crime laboratory which jury. It Is time that such men as by some of these moo-cow sentimen- of our murders: 38 per cent of ourhas been developed aa a part of the yourselves take an active and mili- talist* to misrepresent to tbe publio robberies; 41 per cent of our bur-Federal Bureau of Investigation, the tant part In driving out the hangers- the position which many other law glaries; SI per cent of our automo- facilities and services of which are . on of crbjie, suoh as the witness who enforcements officers and I have tak- bile thefts) To me, that Is a matter today available to every community commits'nerjurv. This vou can d en upon this problem of parole, , of grave concern. We cannot evade of this country, without cost. It Is through Your trade associations an do not know of any other experienced It. We cannot get away from It. We also with a sense of pride that wo CADiitAC qmurrr imtVAXO TBHV the dvl6 groups to which vau be-law enforcement officer who has, and cannot curt It by mealy-mounthings. have viewed the great growth of the long by arousing public Interest, by certainly, 1 have never, myaelf, ques- by listening to the misinformation Identification Division, from a few assuming those civic responsibilities tioned the wisdom and deslrabllltv that emanates from the members of hundred thousand seta of finger- wMoh every man should-share, by of parole as a part of the program the "cream puff" school. prints in 1924 to what now totals dearly/ Indicating to your employees for the reformation and rehabilita- Our youthful delinquency Is a prob- over 7,750,000—tho largest reposlton- LOOKAT that he who Is not willing to help tion of orlminals. On every occasion lem which strikes Into practically of criminal information in the world - stamn out crime Is not worthy to re- when I have referred to the problem every home In America. It Is some- —available again to each and everv eelve, the money whloh you weekly of parole, I iiavo stated specifically thing to which every parent should law enforcement official, not only of pay him. and emphatically that I believed In give the deepest of consideration, be- tho United States, but of the world. We are Indeed at a crisis In th the principle of parole, but I have cause the responsibility for youthful In the field of bank robbery It Is matter of crime. The question arises condemned in strong language, and law Infraction today lies more on the interesting to note that following the whether society shall control tin as strong language, tie maladmlnls- door-step of the adult than It does passage of the Federal Bank Rob- criminals, or whether the orlmlnal as trong language, the maladminis- because of a lack of discipline. It bery Statute In 1934, suqh robberies •hall control society. I hope that thi tration of the parole systems. It on that of youth. It exists largely were reduced by 75 per cent, with tho (talwartness and Integrity, the fear would be far more consistent to their Is due to a tendency to evade respon- lessness and tpe upstanding quali- expressed sincerity if the gentlemen sibility that parents In many In- ties of Amerloan manhood will not who have so diligently and ao des- stances have allowed their children fall us In this emergency. Wjat ap- perately endeavored to portray my to stray without the proper guidance, plies to perjury applies to a dozen vlewa on parole aa being hostile to without the proper sense of respon- other methods by which the crim- tho principle of parolo (bad been en- sibility, and In straying committed inal works his slimy way Into the tirely honest and truthful in their thousands of crimes, which send so very heart / of our civilization and statements and had recognized, as I many of our boys a/id girls yearlv takes advantage of the fact that we have tried to recognize, not only the Into criminal colleges, where thev arc are honest, and, to a degree, a son wisdom of the principle, but also the either educated Into further crimin- WARNING tlmental nation. Today Is a day tha evils and defects of- the administra- ality by hardened rocldlvlsts or pam- demands atearnness, tempered with tion vot the systerivjso as to bring out pered by crlme-coddlers Into the be- COLD WEATHER common senso, and stearnness, plus of tho morass of parole a structure lief that they can commit now In- common sense and lustlce, forms toe whloh would bring real rehabilita- fractions and get away with It. only enemy which Is feared by thotion to the violator of our laws, and Sentimentalists who have been DRAINS BATTERIES criminal underworld. at tbe same time safety to our homes and families, prating about the wonders of earlv If I teem to be obtuse - In these reform, have created In the minds of statements, lot me stats plainly and We have heard muoh about the too many criminals a conviction that clearly that I refer to numerous per- faot that less than one per cent of release after a brief term Is almost sona who, either through Inability all arrests made In the United States a right, as evidenced n few weeks properly to assimilate the true crime are of persons on parole. That figure ago when over ono thousand pris- picture, or through the deliberate was not complete, because It wasoners In one of tho great peniten- and reprehensible dissemination of compiled In IBM from records not tiaries of the middle West,went on misinformation about the status of all-oomprehenslve and not entirely strike, duo not to prison conditions, crime, are dally enoouraglng the de-complete In details, due to the laok but to a resentment against the predations of over 4,800,000 thieves, of~ th' e ,submission of Information on Stato Board of Pardons and Parole, murderers, and rapists—crime's parole, si during preceding years. But which had refused to continue the FACT—cold w«ath«r puts oxtra standing army In America. when we look at th* Publio Enemy vicious and unwarranted policy of strain on batteries—waalc, run- There has been, in faot, quite a Fllo of 1937 In the Federal Bureau their predecessors In turning loose In down batteries "go dead." Pre- blatant outcry from these crime-cod- that state more criminals on narole vent battery trouble — com. In of Investigation, oontalnlng the com- esoh year than\were convicted dur- dlers to tha effect that any one who plete criminal records of the 13,610 7 and 111 uiglr* your baltary a seriously oBJooti to ths spewing forth ildnapers, extortionists, bank' rob- ing the same VjAr. _•,,_ complete check-up . . . on from prison of the fomenting soum bers, racketeers, and outstanding As a law enforcement official. I can calls, terminals, cables, gener- EVER-NIW V'B PlRfORMANCE of criminality belongs to what thev gangsters, there I* revealed aomo do only my utmost to combat these ator charging rate ... every orltloally call the "macilne-gun highly Interesting Information, It abuses. The men and women who school of orlmlnology." In an at- shows that 80 per cent of these notor- form the loyal and hard-working detail " THAT SETS A RECORD FOR THRIFT tempt, either through Ignorance or ious hoodlums have been the reolp- staff of the Federal Bureau of Inves- through design, to throw a smoke ents of clemenoy not onlv once but tigation can do no more. We need screen about ths true, orlmlnal sit- In many oases, six,- seven,'elfrM, nine something to aup_nort us In our ef- The moment you drive this naval effortless—-the cir literally seems to uation, these self-appointed ambas- and ten times, Of these 2,700 or 20.4 forts; tho concerted opinion and tho anticipate your erery wish. sadors otUbe open oell-blook tell' us per cent were recipients of paroles concerted action of such businoss LnSnllc V-8, you'll recognize a type of that the piotu of crlmo, as It la on various occasions during their men as yourselves. After all, wo are performance that will moke all your And yet, powerful as it Is—beautiful generally know! Ilia false one. Thev criminal careers, and 76,4 per centyour emplovocs. We can do onlv former conceptions of road mastery and luxurious and fine-performings i it my that orlme Is on the decrease, of tbe persons who wero the recip- what you want done, for you are a that parole la success, and that our ients of parole were subsequently ar- part of the nation and we are tin ecem commonplace by comparison! is—the new LaSallo is priced very low. prison systems are building refor- rested, either while on parole or of-nation's servants. 'Therefore, vou \ Whatever tho demands may be, you will And ita remarkably low first coet is have a duty to us as wehavo a duty mation and rehabilitation with suoh er tha expiration of the parole per- continued la sn economy of operation regularity that fear of the predatory iod, Two-third* of those arrested to you, and your duty Is the unflag- never tax the enpneity of this Cadillac- criminal should rapidly abate. . while they were already on parole ging Insistence upon the wiping out built, 125-hor«eipower V-8 engine, no other Coo car can approach. Every- of such abhorrent conditions as ex- Let control the - against the 1,333,(520 major crimes In parole failure 1* substantiated bv BATTERIES Why not drive the. ruuvif in A fine* 1030, There aas been a sharo In- many local parole surveys which tha men who have endangered their great power and spirited performance crease In robberies, burglaries, lar- show parole failure to range from IB own lives In an effort to proteot hu- AS of this car with amazing new case. LaSalle V-8-lodsy? We will (Udly manity. cenies, and automobile theft*. How per o«nt to 80 per cent LOW Driving the new LsSslie Is entirely place a car at your serrloe—at any ttao. can anyone say that crime Is decreas- In a report for IMS, the New York What are you.doing about this sit- $495 ing when we look at this record? 'rlaon Association, after a nation- uation? Are vou, u employers, or Crime I* not lessening: It Is distinctly wldo survey of Carole administration, members of business and civic or- Uioreaslng, The records of 198T show stated ""'Nat more than sis or aeven ganisations, constantly mindful that that more parsons died by man-itate* and tbe Federal Government t Is vour power and vour dutv at •laughter, that more were murdered, have what can be termed suitable or he time of municipal and other eleo- HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. and these same reoords reveal an •olentlflo parole methods." • Thin re- tlons. to •«• that the venal polltlcan Frank Van Syckle alarming Increase In the moat hor- port also stated, "In some jurlsdlo- with his bag of filthy tricks, Is de- RED BANK, N. J, rible oUprlmlnal violation* that ex- lon* parolo Is not worthy of tta feated, and that honest men are UI West Front St. 8 MAPLE AVENUE, ists—UiaT of the degenerate attaoka name*'*.", That, gentlemen, Is the Placed In the positions they deservef of filthy prison-bred reptiles upon tho ecord, and not a theory, It you do this, I offer my conerat- women apd chlldron of Amerlcn. Let us look further. Wo find that ilatlons And I offer mv thanks, for It Telephone) .Bed Bank 1S90. yVomon strangled, bjaton by the rot- n.the Identification Division of the s 4nly through such efforts—It ti flit* ja 4«g»nereoyj their virtue Federal Bureau of Investigation, coo- mlr through suoh vigilance, that Hi* 'Page Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987.' Financial leereUrr—Jtueph R. Peiaux. Married iMt August Treaiurer—John H. Bahrenbure. la committee of whloh Mr*. Joseph : Hazlet. ChUI ot Barltan township—Edmuni Holmdel. PbUMpa was' chairman. Miss Grace Hoagland Weigand, iw' Bad Bank Remitter can be bought Cirhart. A meeting of the AUantlo-Holmdel daughter of P. Otto Weigand o( EXTRA QUALITY Foreman;—John B, Bsbnnburv, Jr. > A community Thanksgiving service Haslet, and Frank A. Cerraty of Key. SMitt from Mrs. Edn« H. W. Paewx). First aiiliUnt foreman—-Jamaa B. Aok< Social Service organization was held will be held Wednesday evening at Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Carroll port, son of the late James Cerraty Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Bahrcnburg the Reformed church at 7:45 o'clock. of Brooklyn, were married August of the Holmdel turnpike had aa their SeconS d assistanssita t foremen—Chaileoreme a L. W. Barclay. Johh on and.iWaltadWlt r Blntfl*.Btfl ' Rev, Marshall Harrington will preach Rev. Marshall Harrington of Wls W at AnnOnlc, New York, They were dinner guests last Wednesday Mr. Trustee—Stanltr J. Latham, tho sermon, his subject being "div- and Mrs. John H. Dierson and Mr. Chief Engineer—Elmer A. Bahrsnburg. place took part with Rev. Albert L. attended by Miss Lucille CosnOBky TURKEYS First asslitant engineer—Leon W. Wall ing: Thanks Always for All Thing*.' of WesleyvlIIe, Pa,, and Joteph and Mrs. Ernest Walt-wood of Brook- Llnder of Freehold In the "Better Ing. The choir will sing "Hymn of Vogulluei ot Jersey City. , lyl n anill William Wrighi t of Cali- Second anlsUnt engineer—Leiter \V Thanksgiving." John B. Harrington Baptist Churches Program", by Very Attractive fornia. Bahrenburir. student .assistant at St. Nicholas speaking In the Baptist church of Now b the time to It you want a nice House committee for December—Lester Union City recently. It pays to advertise In The Remitter. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Soball of New- W. Bahrenburg. Edmund Carhart, Cnartet church. New York, will offer tbe GQOKYMJRS settle the turkey turkey, try one ot ark became the parents of a daugh- 1 Youn-'ounrg, JrJr. Thanksgiving prayer. The boys and question. ter Friday. The baby died Sunday. CommunitC y tree committee—Ernest E. girls under the direction of Mrs. Rob- my milk ted birds. Paienx. Harrr Peaaux, Charles L. John- In red,' green, yellow knd bine. Mrs. Scball Is tbe daughter of Mrs. son, Hoellf H. LeRor, Joseph R. Peseux ert S. Lockwood, principal of the Now Open Af ray tokey Mrf Mary Pfluger of Bethany road, and and Elmer A. Bahrcnbure;. public school, will present a short Specially Priced at Fresh killed. NO Is seriously sick in a Newark hos- pantomime play, "The First Thanks- pheasant t*rm ytm Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Borncamp of COLD STORAGE. pital. giving." win find a flue se- Hazlet avenue are the parents of,a Any size you wish. Mrs. Leon Hardy of the Holmdel daughter born at the Rlvervlew hos- "Tho Family Album" was given In 79c lection of select tram turnpike are spending a week with pital at Red Bank Tuesday. the chapel of the Reformed church ZAGER'S GROCERY STORE regularly 98c & $1.25 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Teasdale of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Williams and last evening by the choir of the Mat- Order Early ! Order Early ! Tuckerton. daughters of Point Pleasant, former- awan Methodist church, in oo-oper- Nests of bowls In oolor* to Miss Marlon L. Feseux, a student ly of Hazlet, vlalted Harry Peseux of atlon with the Reformed Ladles' aid 70 LINDEN PUCE RED BANK, NEW JERSEY match at— at the Trenton Teachers' college, Bethany road Sunday. soolety of this place. Twenty resi- $1.15 Fine Flavor Milk Fed Turkeys HJIlwood Lakes, spent tho week-end Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strickman dents of Holmdel took part In the en- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- have gone to St Petersburg, Florida, tertainment. Full Line of Groceries & Vegetables Here yon will see one of the finest and best win K. Peseux of Hlllcrcst road. where they wll spend the winter. Tennis continues 'to be played to a selections to choose from, and I would say the Miss Eleanor Pfluger and Fred Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons and considerable extent on the commun- R.Hance&Sons choice of the choicest These birds are all Heuea and son of Freehold •were daughters, Joan, Shirley and Patricia, ity court recently given by Mrs. Ber- Telephone 3725 Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Pfluger were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. non'S. Prentice. Marshall McDowell x 10 Broad Street, ' carefully dressed and cleaned. These Turkeys of Bethany road. H. VanDecker of Pompton Plains. and Harold Bennett are the best players. For some reason the game Red Bank are the finest in this Ticinity. v Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bahrenburg Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tlntlo of Free Parking Space Always Available of Beers street and Mr. and Mrs. El- Pompton Plaint spent the week-end does not seem to have attracted mer A. Bahrenburg and daughters with Mr. and Mrs. George Emmom many feminine devotees thus far. Judge Reid's Turkey and Norma and Elinor were Manalapan of Bethany road. Asher Schanck Is having an auc- and Hlghtstown visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Plerson-. Dean and tion of Ills farm goods today..., The The regular meeting of Hazlet fire children Eva and Walter visited rela- Ladles' aid society of the Reformed company was held Monday evening tives at Clarksburg Sunday. church Is serving cafeteria luncheons Pheasant Farm at tho.vendue. at the flro house with 24 members Mrs. William O. Reya of Bethan CHESTUUT GROVE, EATONTOWN, N. J. present. Edwin H. Walling was elect- road is spending two weeks at Lc A meeting of tho congregational ed trustee of the Rarltan Township cust Valley, Long Island, where sh committee of the Reformed church Firemen's Belief ssoeiatJon for three Is visiting her sister, Mrs. WUllar was held at tho parsonage Monday years. J. Canton Cherry was elected Storzlnger, who Is sick. evening. JYANKO MONEY LOANED to fill the unexplred term of George Harry Reich Is confined to his horn A daughter was born to Mrs. Wil- B. Roberts, who resigned. Ernest E. with sickness. bur Hammond at' Fltkln Memorial on Jewelry, Surer, Musical Instruments, Camera*, Peseux was elected trustee of the hospital, Asbury Park, last week. 30 BROAD STREET EED BANK Binoculars, etc. beneficiary department, Leon W. Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux am The work of reconditioning the > Licensed and doodt d bi Stata o! N. J." ling to the visitors' and trustees' de- sons Malcolm, Ernest, Jr., and Don windows of the Baptist church has WE FAT CASH FOB OLD GOLD AND SELVEIt partment and Leon W. Walling, Wil- aid spent Saturday at New York. been completed. Officials and other fred Morrell and Lester W. Bahren- Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cerraty left members of the church express grat- Broadway Loan Co. burg delegates to the county associa- by automobile Tuesday to spend ification over the efficient work done tion. The following nominations were month at Miami, Florida. and many compliments have been be- Linens specially priced MB Broadway, (OPP. Jacob Steinbacb'e) Long Brand) made for the general election to be stowed upon Mr. Schader of Sharpc Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- held In December: Chinese painting Is a form o Bros, of Newark, who boarded here handwriting, since a brush Is used for a month at the home ot Edward President—J. Carlton Cherry, ified Advertisements. Here you find the seller who Vice president—Harvey Walling, both for painting and writing. Ink Johnson while doing the work. John wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. Recording secretary—Roellf H. LeRoy. Is the favorite medium for painting. Farrell of Newark, president of Sharpe Bros., was also here part of for THANKSGIVING :ho time. The lead In the windows ,vas reinforced and T-bars were used 0 stiffen the glass. The American Mechanics havo Quaker LACE CLOTHS ompkted arrangements for the mnco parly which they will hold to- norrow night. 3.95 & 5.95 Good progress Is being made with he annual Red Cross roll call mem- Two yards square, exquisite filet de- icrship campaign. Mrs. Charles S. Sly is chairman of the Red Cross sighs, lace and block centers. ommlttec. Worship will be held In the Re- ormed sanctuary Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, when Rev. Marshall Har- lngton will preach on "Sharing IRISH LINEN SETS iplritual Possessions." The Sunday- Introducing Steinbach Kresge's chool will meet at the Baptist hapel at 8:45 a. m. under the lead-, 5.95 & 7.50 rshlp of Mrs. Jonathan L Holmes, if uperintendent. Mrs. Wilson Conover has returned SILK DAMASK Sparkling double damask, of pure Irish ome from Fltkin Memorial hospital linen, gleaming white, hemstitched, In 'ith her new-born daughter. •/'• Tho Reformed Ladles' aid society 7.95 * choice of several attractive patterns. onducted a rummage sale at Key- ort Tuesday, under tho direction of Rayon satin damask in Napkins to match; service for 6 and 8. Special Christmas exquisite classic patterns. White, eggshell, pink and blue. Other sets from Payment Plans 2.95 to 25.00 a set. LINEN DISH TOWELS full-size, extra heavy, cotored borders. 19 each. _ Three Helpful Buying-Plans To Assist You In Doing Irish Linen Dish Towels Your Gift Shopping EARLY.' Regularly 5oc each; kitch- en and glass towels, made 39' Let Mary have of flax linen, extra large size, attractive [The three deferred payment plans that have been so helpful all during colored borders. . the year to thousands of budget-wiste shoppers ... "CHKISTMAS-IZED" her little lamb .. to be of further convenience during this busy gift-buying season. What you want LINEN SETS jA. regular Charge Account... a North Jersey Shore Deferred Payment is Turkey 2.95 let Glassware for Thanksgiving lAccount ... An Income Charge Account. All important contributions sparkling crystal tumblers, -3Sc ea. towards making Christmas shopping more convenient and unhurried. It's going to be Block linen sets in very * choice of 3 sizes, 3 for 1.00 your finest attractive patterns, col- They enable you to start to shop right now, today (before the Holiday crystal highball glasses, 29c ea. crowds) without waiting for your Christmas Savings funds. Thanksgiving i f ored borders with figured you'll let it... if centers. Service for 6. fine quality, choice of 2 sizes you'll slip into Other sets 1.95 to 5.00. — BASEMENT — J these smart new suits and slide over to a mirror. r No Down Payment Another nice thing... you can afford these Until February 1st, 1938 clothes . . . they are priced to.al- low you to play Santa to yourself fur'trimmed On A Regular Charge Account, Which May. Be now without in- Opened Upon Application at Credit Office, Novem- terfering with the ber Purchases Are Not Payable Till February, 1938. Santa you are go- On A North Jersey Shore Deferred Payment Ac. ing to play next Winter Coats count, Thefelr NoDownPaymehTUnlil February —montluta. othera._ 1st . . and the Balance Is Spread Over" Convenient Monthly Installments. Huge selections await every man's chest and check measure. An Income Charge Account to Provides for weekly payments of $2 or ?4 Thanksgiving Suits . . . with credit limits of (25 or (50. $25 to $40 .00 Overcoats STEINBACH $25 to $65 Sample coats of exception- ally fine quality one-of-a- And accessories to put the "stuffing" in your kind models. Spectator KRESGE CO Thanksgiving outfit. sport and dressy styles. ASBURY PARK Limited quantity. .

J.KRIDEL " —2ND FLOpR— — Red Bank ~ BE A BOOSTEB Boost jroai merobants, Boost root organisation i, Boost row oOelals, Boost'you neighbor and roar com- munity will Booat you. RED BANK REGIS TWO

VOLUME LX.NO. 22. RED BANK, N. J., THUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1937. PAGES 1 TO 1 Golden Wedding Seven Houses Robbed Rainbow Division Christmas Party Celebrated By Veterans Making Red Bankers Su< Rumson Couple At Atlantic Highlands Membership Drive Arranged For at Party Tendered Mr. and Mr*. A series of nocturnal houso rob- electrlo switch. An electric clock Meeting of New Jersey Chapter Freehold Bank for beries at Atlantic Highlands—three which stopped when the curront was Daniel Dean in Observance of In one night, seven altogether with- cut off showed tho burglary was Held Sunday Night at Fire BO Years of Married Life— in two weeks—has terrorized tbe committed at five minutes to two House of Navesink Hook and community. Many residents are o'clock, A topcoat was also taken Carlton Theatre To Winter in Florida. sleeping with guns under their pil- from the Bpleer home. There was Ladder Company. Breach Of Trust lows. Many who heretofore have a small amount of money In It and Mr. and Mr», Daniel Dean of Rum- been careless about locking doors the coat was found the next day In About 25 members were present Annual Event for Girh and G-Man to Speak At son have passed tho 60th milestone and windows are making sure that a vacant field nearby with the money Sunday night at a meeting of New Seal Sale Opens . Charge The Freehold Trurt $ of their, married life. Their golden everything is locked now before re- gone, Jersey chapter of Rainbow Division Boys to Be Held by Ex Firemen's Service wedding was observed at their home tiring. Lack of clues have baffled Tho apartment in the Kelly home Veterans at Navesink hook and lad- On November 26 Co., With Illegal Invert* \ on River road with a festlvo gath- tho police and up to the present no is occupied by two Atlantic High- der fire house at. Red Bank. John Represenatlves of the six fire com- ering Monday night,.attended by 70 arrests have been made, although a lands high school teachers, Miss Mil- McNeil and John Burnett of Red The Christmas seal campaign In merits and Mismanage-r \ empt Firemen's Asaocia' panies of Red Bank which have a relatives and intimate friends. A close surveillance Is being kept on dred Haight and Miss Cecil Bray- Bank were received as honorary Monmouth county will get under way membership of 210, will attend speolal family dinner party was held Sun- the actions of several suspects. ton. They wcro away over tho week- members. The chapter Is making a Friday, November 26, it was announc- tion. services to be held In the Reformed day night. Judging from the manner in which end. The thief climbed to a second campaign to increase lia membership. ed yesterday by the Monmouth ment of $25,000 Tru«t" 'i church on Sunday night, December the burglaries havo been committed floor balcony and entered through a Only those who served with the County Organization for Social Ser- 12. Rev. W. Carman Trembath, pas- It Is believed that all are tho work window. Two wrist watches, three Rainbow division 6r* their kin are vice. Bells throughout the county tor of the church and chaplain of of one man. It,la. the general opinion rings and a small amount of money eligible to join. The chapter has will ring for two minutes beginning Santa Claus To the lire department. Is arranging the that he Is no amateur. So stealthy were taken. Mrs. Kelly was attend- made a custom of providing firing at 11 o'clock on the opening day. Vice Chancellor service. It is expected that a special does he work that on two occasions ing a bingo party Saturday night ! squads and military funerals for de- To celebrate the opening of the agent of the New York division of %ie has entered the bedrooms of vic- and no one was In the house. j ceased veterans, regardless of wheth- sale, Bertram Borden has arranged Make Many Gifts tho Federal bureau of Investigation, tims and has stolen their clothing Two nights before an automobile, er they arc members of the organ- for a sunset concert of the chimes Issues Restraint of which J. Edgar Hoover Is chief, without arousing them, and in only owned by Arthur Havens of Stone ization or not. at St. GeorKe's Episcopal church at will speak. Fire Chief Jacob Bloom ono out ot all the burglaries there Chfcrch, was stolen from his garage. Tho 42d division was named the Rumson. This will be held at 4 will head the delegation. Preparations are well under way has been no one home at the time. Mr. Havens kept the car keys In his Rainbow division by Secretary of o'clock and tho public la Invited to Vice Chancellor Mala Leon Berry for the annual party to be held The thief was floen Saturday night pants pocket and he left his pants War Baker and General Douglas attend. ____^^_fc____ of the New Jersey chancery court Christmas morning at the Carlton when he attempted to break Into the hanging over the foot of hU bed. The MacArthur when the United States Tuesday Issued an order directing theater for tho children of Red Bank. Complaint Made home of Dr. Thomas C. McVey. Dr. thief entered tho bedroom, Btole the entered tho World war. The division Tho Freehold Trust Co. to show cause Santa Claus has promised, In reply McVey's sister-in-law, Miss Helen pants and drove off in the car. Mrs. has chapters in #every state. The Y.M.C.A. Directors why It should not account In th» to many anxious Inqulrios, to be on McMonagle, a registered nurse, was Havens told police that she is a very New Jersey chapter has about 150 court of chancery for the adminis- hand at 10 o'clock to make gifts - About Personal In the house at tho time. She heard light sleeper, but was not. awakened. members, most of whom served with tration by It and by Its predecessor, apples, oranges, candy and toys. someone attempting to turn the The car was found abandoned the the Red Bank ambulance corps. The Vote To Purchase Freehold TruBt Co., of a $28,000 The use ot the theater will be do- knob of the.front door. She thought next day In a woods in the Hillside chapter has its meetings at Red trust created In 1917 by the will of nated as usual for tho party and also Tax On Airplane it was her sister and brother-in-law section of Mlddletown township, Bank. Former K-C Home tho lato Andrew S. Buckelow of Free- for a food show. The food show date returning home, but when she opened about a mile away from tho Havens Those at the meeting Sunday night hold. has not yet been set. At the show George West of Middletovm tbe door there stood a tall man, with borne. were Francis Hlggins of Flemlngton, In the order The Freehold Trust admission may be paid In food and his face partly concealed by a slouch The home of William Rowan was Stanley Barrows of Newark, Joseph Purchasing Committee Appointed Co was enjoined from continuing to the goods will be used to help ram- Claims That Machine Was hat and turned up coat collar. The broken into last week and $60 and Belmont of Long Branch, Seymour settle an accounting of the trust In Illeu In bad circumstances. at Meeting Friday Night— Bought for $275 and is As man took to his heels before Miss a commutation ticket were taken Brand of Bradley Beach, Thomas tho orphans' court, where it had filed The Christmas morning theatoi McMonagle could get a good look at from Mr. Rowan's coat which was Kane of Middletown township and Harry Malchow Named Chair- an accounting for the period from party has been an annual feature a seued for $SO0. him, and as a result was able to give hanging- In tho hallway. The thief Aloyslus Patterson, C. Harry Smock, 1932 until tho present time. Thurs- Red Bank many years, For a long of Committee. DANIEL DEAN only a meager description to the po- did not take the coat this time and Thomas Valentine, Robert Haywafd, man day morning, December 2, at tha tlmo It was conducted by Indepen- lice. Mr. Rowan was not aware-he fiad Arthur Slattery, John Fix, Raymond chancery chambers at Long Branch dont flre company. Last year It was Protest was mode by George West The Red Bank Y. M. C. A. board of Mlddletown village Saturday after- Monday night's party was featured The same night tho homes of Wil- been robbed until ho reached Into Phillips, Joseph Fix, Frank Rellly city hall the vice chancellor will de- under the auspices of the Exempt liam Woodward, assistant postmaster his pocket for his commutation tick- and Reginald VanBrunt of Rerl of directors at a meeting Friday cide whether that court will take over Firemen's association and the com- noon at tbe meeting of the township by the cutting ot a large wedding night at the Elks' club unanimously commltteo of Shrewsbury township cake by Mrs. Dean as the guests of Atlantic Highlands, and of Jos- et on the train the next morning. Bank. Refreshments and a social jurisdiction of tbo accounting from ing event will be under the direction eph Spicer, and an apartment In the time were enjoyed. voted In favor of purchasing the 1018 until the present time, or per- of the samo organization. against a personal property assess- gathered around. In every room Other places robbed . were tho ment of $M0 on an airplane, which home of Mrs, William B. Kelly were homes of E. A. Tredwell and Mat- An especially designed rainbow former Knights of Columbus hall on mit the partial accounting to bo com- The commltteo in charge statei were clusters of large chrysanthe- Riverside avenue. Tho proposition pleted In tho orphans' court la owned by him and several othor mums and for a table centerpiece entered. Mr. Woodward's topcoat and thew Mortenson. Tho thlej went in- wreath to bo placed on the graves that thOBe desiring to donate toys o: persons. The plane Is kept at the his wife's pocketbook were taken to the bedroom where Mr. and Mrs. pi departed comrades has been of purchasing the J. Lester Eisner Action againBt Freehold Trust Co, any kind, either broken or In good there was a large bouquet of gar- property on Broad street was Red Bank airport on Shrewsbury denias and lilies of the valley. from their home. The thief entered Tredwell were sleeping and stode Mr. adopted by tho chapter. It is a The Freehold Trust Co. and Carl K. condition, may do so by telephoning avenue, In Shrewsbury township. the house through the front door. Tredwell were sleeping-and stole Mr. replica of the national button which dropped. Withers, state commissioner of bank- the town hall. The number is Red With Mr. West at the meeting was The Spicer house was entered watch was in the vest. A leather the national Rainbow division uses. Ing and Insurance was started by Bank 3100. Firemen will call for Ward Vanderveer, an official of the through a cellar window. Before go- coat was taken from the hallway of The New Jersey chapter hopes to Mrs. Thomas Kelsey of Pearl street t(je toys and repair them, An early airport and Mrs. George Truex and Andrew response will bo appreciated, as th ing upstairs the thief pulled the main the Mortenson home. sell the idea to all other chapters in Mr. West claimed that the assess- the other 47 states. The wreath S. White, both of Oakland street, leisure time of the volunteer firemen principal beneficiaries of the trust. is limited and the period for doing ment was unjust Inasmuch as the prominently displays tho figures 42 plane was bought three yeara ago with a rainbow radiating from it. The complainants are being repre- toy repairing before Christmas is sented by the Red Bank law firm of brief. • „ for only $275. He also claimed that Survey Of Voting The first time the wreath was used the airplane is Included In the per- Youngest Hunter was at the funeral of Lester Shibla. Carton & Abramoff. Kenneth Woodward Is secretary of Armistice day a wreath was placed Mr. Buckelew died October 21,1817, . the committee in charge of the party. sonal property tax which he pays In Districts To Be Mlddlotown township. The commit- Bags One Rabbit on the monument on the town hall leaving a will, of which Freehold The theater committee la headed by property. Trust Co. and Tho Freehold Trust Co, Morris H. Jacks, manager of the tee declined to make a decision about the assessment and advised Mr. West Made At Red Bank Johnny Crowell, 10-year-old have had exclusive management since Carlton. Tho other committees aro son of Recorder and Mrs. John September 16, 1920. Mr. Buckslew as followB, the first name In each In- to make an appeal to the county board ot taxation. He said he would V. Crowell, has long had an am- specified In his will that the money Btanco being that of the chairman: Tenth District in Westiide Over- bition to be a hunter—like his Local Auxiliary left in the trust be Invested in1 do so. 1 Chrlitmaa treo—John H. Oopk, Jr. Kenneth Fields, chairman of the crowded—Survey May Result dad. A.special llccnac was pro mortgages. . .JiijihJ"V Elaetrlclan—Frad E.. Btowar. committee, reported that progress, li Plans For Supper- On-«Tartiett3»a|iMlBI|as' liriiilrs uf Binge—D. D. White, Oharlei Bannatt. Sr. Creattdn ~6f "«f 1 T ather and Rolston Wa- Freehold Trust Co. were taken over Candy—Jarry McConvey, Kenneth being made In re-surfacing the Pine Wnodward, Ex-Chl«f Nad Cnlltl. Brook-Reeveytown road. Frank trict. terbury of Little Silver went by the commissioner of banking and Ornneo—Ex-Chlefa' aiscclatlon. Slndllnger of Holmdel Is tho con- gunning at that place, Dance December 3 Insurance and thereafter Freehold Toyn—Laall* Woodward ind whole com. Mr. Waterbury and the boy Trust Co. transferred its entire as- m tractor. The mayor and council at a meet- Anplta—Horold Bra

• • •• PflCA TWO TIED BANK REGISTER. NOVEMBER 18,1937. and refreshments will be served. Thi St.Agne«PTA ual Monte Methodist Bible Shrewsbury DAR Musical Concert Who's Who And troop will be hosts to Troop 67 o: Class Election In Catholic Hal Rod Bank Friday, December 10, In Has Card Party Carlo Night Has Annual Card What's What return rally contest. MEN'S PANTS Officers of tha Married Couples' Final arrangements have been com' Troop 60, Bed; Bonlc Mrs, Hannah Mayer ot Rlohmond, Made to Meuure Bible class of the Methodist church We"at*»l Ipletep d for a concert to be presentep d It has been planned to hold a par Virginia, had the high score In Held Tuesday were alected Thursday at the annual nUlCI Sunday afternoon startinstarting at t Among Scouts ty Instead of a regular meetln bridge, Mrs. Charlei Schmidt secured From High-Grade meeting of that •organization In the Io'cloc l k aat the Red Bank Catholi Thanksgiving night. Members o: the most points ln pinochle and Miss social hall of the- church, The new Forty-Seven Tables of Cards in high »?h°ol auditorium by Charles Summary of the Activities of the troop and several girl friends Jane McCue and Miss Margaret Mill Ends. * Lmfie.' Hebrew Society Award* officers are; _, _ , _ , _ Dean Dixon and his symphony or- will take part in this affair which Schmidt were tied for the number of , Many Priiet—Clear Abort President—HerWt BchlU. rlay Tuesdays—Several Door chestra. The profits -win. go toward Girli* and Boys' Troofc>» at will' be held ln the scout rooms In games won in bunco, at the Parent- $7.00 building a new garage and work- tho Jewish synagogue on Rlve'rsid Teaoher oard and bunco party in St. 1.95 $350 — 2S0 Person* Are Vice presldenk—Mrs. Marie Dlrkss. Prises Awarded—Candy Dish- Red Bank and Vicinity During .venue. At Thursday'* mooting sev- Agnes' auditorium, Atlantlo High- Values 8«ef«t4rr—Marvin Riehael. shop for the boys at Foreman' Present es M Table Prise*. boarding school. the Part Week. eral of the boys passed tests and lands, Tuesday afternoon. Mn. Kay Treasurer—-Un. Grace Carhart, games were played. Barnes and Mrs, Walter Haliaran Guaranteed for 1 Tear. All of the officers were elected were joint hostesses. The blind pack- Forty-seven tables were In play at Jack Miller, scoutmaster. 100% Wool—To Hold Crease. More than 260 persons attended unanimously after their names had Following Is a summary of aotlvl age, a hand-embroidered drester the annual Monte Carlo night held been proposed by a nominating com- the third annual card party held Girl Soout Troop Si, Red Bank. scarf, was won by Mrs. Robert Cat- Tuesday by Shrewsbury Towne chap- ties of Girl Scout and Boy Scout Tuesday by the Ladles' Hebrew so- mittee. The officers were Immedi- troops of Red Bank and vicinity dur- Members of this troop, accom- laghan of Atlantlo Highlands. ciety in the soolal rooms of the con- ter. Daughters of the American Rev- ately Inducted Into office by Fred ing the past week: panied by Captain Eatolle, placed a Because the women of the parish A. Boncore gregation B'nal Israel at 10 River- Ayres, tie retiring president. Mr. olution, at the Molly Pitcher hotel. wreath at the monument at the Town Mrs. W. Paul Btlllman and Mri. Girl Scout Troop, Holly Pitcher No. aro Invited to a "Sister's Tea" Tues- 118 SHREWSBURY AVE, side avenue. Proceeds amounted to Ayres and Mrs. Carhart, who has Hall ln commemoration of Armistice day afternoon, November 38, the card about $350. •erved as treasurer of the class since Harry Morford, co-chairmen were as- 8—Atlantic Highlands. day. The flag bearor with troop flag Tel. B, B, 468-M, sisted ln directing the event by Mri. At the meeting of this troop Joyce party will be postponed until the fol- Mrs Murray Cowan was chair- It was organised four years ago by and color guards) were present arid lowing Tuesday, November SO, at Open Sundays 0 to U. man of the event and her eo-cha'ir- Dr. Samuel W. Hausman, were pre- Harold C. Hancock, regent, and oth- Mount, Dorothy Logan and Anna the entire group sang taps. Three which time Mrs. Mary Sodon of Leo- men wore Mrs. Samuel Cohen, Mrs. sented with gifts from the members. er members of the chapter. Champl passed their second class patrols had perfect attendance and nardo and Mrs, Eugene O'Rourke Jacob Yanko, Mrs. Samuel Green- Brief addresses were given by Rev. The tea table was attractively dec- ests. Mrs. John Logan was a visitor. all dues have been paid for last will aot as hostesses. Now You Can Wear Watt and Mra. Leon Ruecknaus. 9 Herbert J. Smith, pastor of the irated with lace cloths and large sil- Mrs. George Kurau, Captain. month. Methodist church, and Dr. Hausman. ver trays of fruit In the center, sur- A professional fortune teller was Girl Scout Troop 11, Eeansburr. Mrt. Ruth Eatelle, captain. During the business meeting It was rounded by bittersweet and tall or- Possible Leg Fracture. FALSE TEETH present and various booths were voted to contribute to the white gifts Members of this troop took a hike Troop it, Bed Bank. ange candles, > Harmony, according to plans Charles Stcnzol of Mount avenuo, Without Embarrassment erected for candy, cigarettes, —• fund and the organ fund of the Mrs. Stewart VanVllet, Mrs. Phillip Jacobs, Jr., assistant scout- fceshmenU, tea and groceries. church. It was also decided to pre- made by Clellle Peeden and Serai- master, opened Friday's meeting with Atlantic Highlands, was taken to Sat, talk, laugh or antes*, without fiar Charles P. Johnson, Mn. Edwin M. ine Schoessow. Animals, birds, Monmouth Memorial hospital yester- of falae teeth droppnls; or clipping. FAS- Five door prizes were awarded. pare Christmas baskets. Farrier and Mra. Marlon T. Hazel- flag ceremony and the scout oath. TEETH holds them flrmlr and comfortably Tfiey included a half ton of nut ooal Mrs. Mary Warden was appointed trees and flowers were Identified A dinner meeting, with a menu of day In the first aid squad ambulance alt day. Thla new, nn« powder haa no ton poured, using old silver tea ser- along the route, thereby making sev- for X-rays of an Injured leg to de- gummy; gooey, pasty taste or failing b«* donated by Lawes Coal company, chairman of a committee to work vices loaned by.friends of the mem- baked beans, will take place Friday, cause It's alkaline. Makea breath plesa- •won by Morris Sachs, who donated with a committee of members of the ral of the troop eligible for obsnr- November 28. The boys have started termine whether or not It had been ant. Get FASTEKTH today at any good bers. Prizes were pale blue glass nut er's badges. The girls gathered broken. He suffered the injury In a drutt atore. Accept no substitute. It back to the society; a permanent Parent-Teacher association In mak- and candy dishes' with chromlnum a campaign to sell Christmas cards •wave donated by Bob's beauty par- ing plans for a mock wedding to be lckory nuts and persimmons. The fall Sunday ln his.home. tops. which will continue until the week It pays to advertise I* The Register. lor, won by Mrs. Alex Rassas; a hand held in the auditorium of the Me- roop was hostess to the other troops before the holiday. Troop Scribe chanlc street school, January 14. The The door-prize winners included f the county at a roller skating par- bag donated by Simon's "Nice Mrs, Frederick Adams, Mlddletown, George Schmidt has announced that Things," won by Mrs. Benjamin Ad- profits will be divided between the .y at ths Crystal Palace roller skat- :wo organizations. subscription to Readers Digest, do- the troop Is collecting old newapaperi if ler; a knitted dress donated by B, ng rink at Keanaburg Thursday and magazines. These will be sold nated by Mrs. Harry Morford; Mrs, ISAAC A. FOREMAN ight Girls from the surrounding Welntraub, won by Mrs. Abraham David Matthews, chrysanthemum and the amount derived will be 'X Bradln, and an Imported silk scarf :ommunltles as far away as Nep- placed to the troop fund, part ot plant, donated by Berardl florist, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. Foreman une and Asbury Park wore present. donated by Armande Hate, won by Church Drive To Little Silver; Mrs. Louis Herberg, which will be used to register Troop Mrs. Louis Lipack. have conducted Uio school the past Captain Chamberlain expreaaed the permanent wave, donated by Bea- 12 years for children of unner- 23 next year with the county coun- Those winning prizes at bingo were ope that many more girls would cil, Friday, December 10, the troop Open November 28 trice Beauty shop of Long Branch; prlvlledged families; with usually the ako part next time. NOTE I Our Stores will be Mrs. Irving Krakovltch, Shrewsbury, Mrs. Kenneth L. Mytlnger, Bergen mother as the solo support. Mr. Fore- will be host to Scout Troop 33 of olosed all day Thanksgiving. Open late Wed- a hand made fancy cushion donated Mrs. Allda Chamberlain, Captain Wooodbrldge and Tuesday, Decem- place, ten-pound ham, donated by man is well known In this commun- Mario Vogel, Lieutenant, nesday night to serve you. by Mr. and Mrs. Max Grand; Mace I Monmouth market, Eaton town; Mrs, ity, having been leader of the West- ber 28, the boys will hold a Christ- Doris, New York, a man's shirt- do- $5,000 With Which to Raymond Guenther, Waverly place, | side Y. M. C. A. three years, as well Irl Scout, Troop 16, New Monmouth. mu party ln their meeting rooms ln the Reformed church. nated by Clayton & Magee; Mrs, Ar- Structure on Church Site on blue glass book-ends, donated by as a scoutmaster. At the last meeting Miss Ruth thur Meltzer, Brooklyn, a sweater by Reussilles; Mrs. Charles F. Borden, Cunningham of Kearuburg exhibited Warren deBrown, scoutmaster. Leon Kislin; Harold Komar, Red Eait Front Street. double deck of cards, ln lacquer box, iweaters, scarfs and hats which she The club scouts; boys from nine Bank, $2 worth of merchandist do- donated by a friend; Mrs. Charles nade on a loom. Several of the girls nated by the Surprise store; Mace to 12 years of age, are re-organlzlng A campaign to raise $5,000 with R. English, large basket of fruit, do- County To Improve the troop have started various under the leadership of Worth Cun- Doris, New York, an arrow shirt do- which to build a church ln 1938 will nated by Davidson Bros,; Mrs. J. W. rtlclea for their own use which they ningham and Eugene Magee, One Everything you will need It very rea- nated by Stanley's men shop; Mrs. b8 Inaugurated Sunday, November Ransley, silk scarf and manicure set, lll bring to tha next meeting which Charles Komar, Red Bank, man's Three Waterways den of cubs held a meeting ln tho 1 28, at a special service of Trinity Lu- donated by The Silk Shop, Red 111 take place Tuesday at the home Reformed church Friday night. sonably priced In the American Store. , suit and Woman's dress 'cleaned, do- theran church In its present meeting Bank, and Rochollo Beauty parlor, famous for quality-tested foods. From near and far we )lace in the Clayton & Magee build Frances and Hazel Hurst. * nated by City Dry Cleaners; Mrs. Ar- respectively and Mrs. T. C- Sherman, Appropriations of $15,000 Made Mrs. Allda Chamberlain, Captain. have assembled the finest available to maka your din- thur Meltzer, Brooklyn, a sweater do- ng on Broad street. The church One of tho quickest waya to find a large orange cake, donated by a by Freeholders Yesterday— Job is to advertise In The Regis- ner a sure success. nated by Monmouth men's shop; las acquired ax site on Bast Front friend. A rally of Troop 67 of Red Bank treet. ter's Want Department.—Advertise- •klrt and blouse, (winner unknown) Those attending were Mrs. Emll West Long Branch Road nd Troop 77 of Readden's Corner donated by Jean Frocks, Inc.; Thom- ment The campaign will continue until Engel, Mrs. D. H. Applegate, Mrs. F. Taken Over by County. ,-aa held In the meeting rooms of the Pillsbury'a-Gold MstJal—Caresota—Hacker's as Irving Brown, Fair Haven, $3 Jecember 5, when the annual thank J. Flcker, Mrs. Hazel Brown, Mrs. ed Bank group In the Presbyterian worth of merchandise donated by F. ifferlng service will be held. The ihurch Thursday night. The boys of Michael J. t Lorenzo, Mm. Thomas W. Woolworth company; Miss Ger- slogan of the campaign will be "A Gopalll, Mrs. Dorman McFaddln, Mrs. Resolutions providing approprla- iach troop competed In semaphore trude Levlnsky, Red Bank, complete hurch on Our Tenth Anniversary." .nd Morse signalling, knot-tying, fire Frank T Mr71io0ert Hlg- FLOUR 24;: 95° pa r th wash and grBase Job, donated by The local church was Incorporated in glnson, Mrs. Marshall B. Leland, friction and flre by flint and steel, Commuters Super Service, and case IBM. . .^. . ' °' ° istacle race and two tugs of war, l county wore adopted by the board of\ beer (winner unknown), donated R. Theodore Blxler, financial sec- W kmg Mr Mrss cS M BuXMrs 'f '""holder. «t their regular meet-1 Troop 67 won boti ,lsnalllng con. ininf g 'hlat thde courtt hhoui el ind& t by'Monroouth Tavern. retary of the congregation, will Robert Dean Mrs Stewarart VanVllet "° VV' 1y- 1 teststests, ,kno knot ttyin tying gan andd th the etu tug go fo waf war r d fo r tt e Other winners were: serve as chairman of the campaign *l°* ° h " ^jbetween ten boy. of each troop, flr. committee. Members of the com b y fllnt lmd ateeI and th& 0lMtaole Shortening • Boudoir enalr, donated br Sterling Furr ry Coddington, Mrs. Peter Bentley, nlture company—Airs. David sbipkln, Fros< mlttee are Mr. and Mrs, Harold A. 1T?Jm1 t m a m tI Hendrlckson, George Floger, Clar- .•-re. «* p«t avenue, Ked Bank.. W. Irwn, Mrs Charles P. ^K the boys had to climb over and un- ft>8 Swift's Jewel . Hall ton of coal, donated br Harold ence Maxson, Erich Kaecks, Henry , providing for a chan- der chairs, over tables and to step Vegetable J& Coal eompanjr—Harrr Klatakr, Riverside Franz, Kev. Walter Cowen, George Mrs, W. Paul Stillman, Mrs. Sher- , .VanchoragVh e area, andd protec Prints or Bulk Heights. man t Strong, Mr . Martin Martin, • „, ^ £ through each rung of a ladder. Neith- Lubrication and oil change, donated br Hansen, Frederick Pagenkopf, Mrs. s u thfl har) r with m s and er side succeeded ln accomplishing Mrs. H. Lefkowltx. 8«* r I L D 0U8la M alle C Emil Saland: Fred Wllman, Mrs: Albert Lliiden- J? \,?' w - r ''A ™-,X i -1 bulkhead work; protective measures the feat of flre by friction. Troop Bright. struth, Mn. Martin Dougherty and Guptll, Mrs. James A. Guthrie, Mrs. at m mouth of Com ton creek ln CRISCOI » Table lamp, donated br Jersey Central 67, of which Whitney Burst Is scout- company—H. K. Slyer, Miss Mary LeValley. Albert LIppman, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mlddletown township, which has oan Power * Light Mrs. John Cantllllon, Mrs. Jane Wll- i . through Federal master, entertained their guests by SPRY Keaniburg. The campaign will be conducted ibeen mpi oved serving doughnuts and elder after Taffeta bed ipread, donated br Straus chiefly among members of the church llama, Mrs. Brooke Bonnell, Mrs. | f unda but ,„ now ln d r of belng company—Mis._, i Hannah MM, Red Bank. Thom»a shultls, Mrs. Al.lan B. Ran-; . dging and pro- the contests were over. Permanent wave, donated br Katharine and families with children In the mled up and tne dre Special for the Week-end! beaut/ shop—Mra. Joseph; Bennett, Mon- Sunday-school and those of Lutheran dall; Mrs. Harry Hoidt, Mrs, Harold jteotlve measures for Way Cake Troop 77, Headden's Corner. mouth street. background. Eaoh member of the C. Morford, Mrs. Dorothy Reiner, creek at Keansburg. Buddy Boyd of Riverside Drive and THI WIISHIRC MODEL Selected +• fc? C Blanket, donated by Ruby Lane atorea Mrs. Elizabeth S. Nelll, Mrs. Ten- municipality will —Dr. M. H. Rudnlok, Fetera place. committee will bear a letter ot Iden- Iu each case| tno Jack Kaney of River Plaza became Guaranteed fc J Table lamp, donated b ized to transfer a balance of (933.50 lands tonight. The boys were ad- too will make lr your choice, Shoe atore—Edward Crook, Aibury Part. At this time each member will sign chow, Mrs. Guy Belcher, Mrs. in the fund for the Improvement of vised that in future oaeh scout must OSCO Fancy Sweet or Tiny Sifted Furae, donated by Tit Bilk Shop—Dr. his or Ser pledge card. Charles F. Borden, Mrs. John Ous- Swimming River road and Half Mile be ailo to send 30 letters a minute BudgttUrmu Your Old H. R. Appleg.te, Red Bank. Piano I Pram robe, donated by Hlrsch's Kiddle erman, Mrs. John F. Wright, Mrs. road to tho fund for the lmprovo- In semaphore signalling before be- Shop—Florenci Murfitt, Red Bank. A MEMORY GIFT. Harry Herberg, Jr., Mrs. Leon Bon-! ment of the Phalanx road. The ing eligible to receive a first class Cong-oleum roar, donated by Samuel board also transferred $3,000 origi- pin. Tomorrow night will mark the Swarti—Mrl. Max Morrla, Red Bank. ello, Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller, Mrs. Ball ton of nut coal, donated by L Mrs. J. Amory HnskeU Presents Val- Charles R. English, Mrs. Clifford W. nally allotted to Neptune township, opening of the winter series of bunco out of state aid funds allotted for the parties at the flre house to be spon- The Tusting Piano Co. Peas 2 • Coal company—Mn. Madge Kohrey.j uable Letters to Historical Ass'n. Humphrey, Mrs. John F. Trudeau, Shrewsbury townahip, ] Mrs, John D. Simpson, Mrs. Fred resurfacing of improved roads, to sored by this troop, A turkey and Choice of Blue or Orson label. The finest quality. One pair of shoes, donated by Albert The Monmouth County Historical Dunnell, Mrs. Eric Muelberger, Mrs. Middletown township. The transfer 100 pound bag of potatoes will be dis- 60S Mattlaon Ave., Aibury Park S. Miller Shoe Co.—Lucy E. Tompklm, Ij Associatio, n has received a very fine was made because Neptune township la Monmoutb. St., Red Bank NONE SUCH Bed Bank. Edwin J. Stewart, Mrs. V. Parker posed of. Prizes will bo awarded to Open Saturday Evanlnga Pair"of ellhouettei, hand made, donated . gift from Mrs. J. Amory Haskell of Wilkinson, Mrs, Coy Bowen, Mrs. had no roads that came within the those holding high score at bunco by Helen B. Art loop—Mn. Max Lewis. | Cooper Road In membory of her Frank Tlchenor, Mrs. Herbert category, whereas Mlddletown town- waua«. atreet1. . . . brother, Samuel Riker, late of New ship has such roads. One - month ! paes, donated by-Carlton Wright, Mrs. Fred R. Long, Mrs. Mince Meal theater—B. W. Clayton. East Orange. York and Red Bank. Mr. Riker was Howard Clarke, Mrs. Benjamin A communication from TJ. S. Sen- Stetson bat, donated by M». J. Krldll born in Paris, , May 17, 1868 ator A. Harry Moore Informed the —Mrs. Eira Davidson, Fair Haven, Crate, Jr., Mrs. Herbert A. Franck, NBCRITZ Chenille bed ipread. donated by Tha and died at his estate, Overlook Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mrs. Fred B. board that the PWA project for Im- Sherman Shop— Louis Mitchell, Red Bank. Farm, July 17, 1936. The gift con- Simons, Mrs, George Heller, Mrs, Os- provements at the tuberculosis hos- CHILDREN'S Gallon of apar varnish, donated by Klar- sliU of a letter In the form of a pital at Allenwood had been ap- Supreme Broad 'S'8c in'a Faint ahop^—Mn. Samuel Welmteln, car H. Metz, Mrs. John E. Ballly, Ked Bank. warrant, signed by George Washing- Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mrs. Henry H. proved by President Roosevelt and Child', allk dreei. donated br N. Gold- ton at Headquarters, Robinson's Kohl, Mrs. Romayna T. Uhler, Mrs. had been passed on to the controller berg—S. Cohen, New York. Houie, N. Y., July SO, 1780 and Is ad- for further action. Corset, donated by Lewis Specialty ihop Thomas C. Sherman, Mrs, Augustus •—Mrs. Mae Greenwood, Bed Bank. dressed to Moore Foreman, Deputy Dangler, Mrs. Harold Llppincott, Harry G. VanNote, superintendent, 15 credit on Venetian bllnda, donated by Quarter Master General. It author- Mrs. Walter Woolley, Mrs. E. C. Haz- submitted the annual report of the FREE COUPONS National Eo Ho and |1 store—Mrs. Harry izes him to Impress as many teams In ard, Mrs. H. W. Brown, Mrj. A. L. Monmouth County Mosquito Exterm- Madansky, Rid Bank. ination commission, which was re- with every pound purcliuxt? ot our heat fla' YVaah, lubrication, oil change, donated by the State of New Jersey as are nec- Blaladell, Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. May • Atlantic White Flash—Miss Florence For' essary to forward tho Btores and pro- Ketchem, Mrs, George A. Steele, ceived and filed. goteon. Red Bank. vltlons for the army as are under Mrs, Augusta Ohl, Mrs, Guthbert A. Electric toaster, donated by Miller's directed to secure an adequate sup- Hardware company—Mra. Josephs. Red Osborn, Mrs. Clark Kemp, MM. R. A. GSCQ Coffee 22 Bank. ply of forage "by purchase, Impress Dorrlll, Mrs, Lawrence Iverson, Mrs. November Meeting Sport dress, donated by I. Vogel J or otherwise." , David P. Wood, Mrs, Theodore Parm- Sons—Arthur Dorie, New York. Lubricating oil, donated by H. A, Hsn< The gift also consists of a letter ly, Mrs. Erlck Parmly, Mrs, Frank Of Baptist Guild WEEK SPECIALS 1 drlckson— A. W. Slmmlll, Newark. from Francis Hopklnson, signer of K, Sturges, Mrs. Joseph L. Turner, Win-Crest Coffee 2O Pearl top wicker clothei hamper, do- the Declaration of Independence to Mrs. Howard S. Hlgglnson, Mrs. John The November meeting of the M) M) xated by Becker's Hardware^—Irving John Hart, another signer, dated Htrich. Elberon. J. Knodell, Mrs. Albert Willgorodt, Mary Mount chapter of the World For the Beginner Mother'sJo yy *)CCL ACME O"7( from Philadelphia November 19, 1776,Mrs. A. H. Foster, Mra. E. W. Swack- Clfaninc and pressing, donated by Carl- Wide guild was held Friday night at Maple Flat Top Desk with Book Shelf > on Side.' Size - cfee «.»n2D Coffee '"// ton cleaners—DcFasIo's floriat. In which he reilgns as a delegate hammer, Mrs. Irving Hance, Mrs. the home of Miss Grace Belth of Merchandise valued at IK, donated by from the state of New Jersey, Con- 24x15 - 24" high. Complete with Chair. Aa outstanding The Children'a Shop—Acme Market, Daniel Adams, Mrs. William J. Gard- Shrewsbury. Miss Dorothy Brown Toilet set, donated by Miner's Supply gress having thought It proper to ner, Mrs, David Matthews, Mrs. was In charge of the devotional meet- value. company—Harry Rose, Red Bank. honor him with an appointment In- Charles C. Conover, Mrs. Robert Ing and Mri. Chris Berge conducted Cleaning of nig. donated by Leon's— consistent with his seat in the House. Dunn, Mrs. Lyman Mlddledttch, Mrs. the business session. Dr. M. M. Kudnlck, Peters placs, Bed Included In tha memorial gift is a ScotTowels 2 •* 19c Sank. Theodore Appleby, Mrs, Charles The guild voted to send $10 to Soft Smoking stand, donated by Acme Fur- John Hancock signature, the only Lewis, Jr., Mrs. Oliver R. Hatfleld, Madam Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of SeotTlMU* < " oU linen) 3 rolls niture company—Miss Ruth Lewli, Red one the Monmouth County Historical 1 Bank. Mrs. Peter C. Olsen, Mrs, C. C. Bald- the Chinese dictator, for Chinese Waldorf •Soft-wve'Tisiut If" " 19c Basket of groceries, donated by King association possesses. win, Mrs. William Pratt, Mra. Har- civilian rollcf, and $10 to the Bap- Arthur market—Mlse MMildred Green, Red ry Sutton, Mrs. P. Broadus Powers, tist Foreign Missionary society for DOQ Bank. REPUBLICAN UNIT MEETING. One pair of shoes, donated by Miles Mrs. Lawrence Souovllle, Mri. John Chinese relief. SOAPJ Marco FOOD Shoe store—Ml.. Margaret Keller. Pearl -T.jrJovett,_Jr,,_Mrs..Jllfr«d--Mathle^ The annual guild vesper service -Itrest,—Rfa-Binlt— : Annual—Event—Heia—by BeUorfl son, Mrs. Chester Conrow, Mrs. will boheia ln'the cKufch'bn Sun- Two pair* women's shots, heels and Women's Organizatio James O. Davis, Mrs. Fred Gi^Adams, e«# cans •olea cemented, donated by Grand's Shoe day afternoon, December S. This atori!—Mrs. Robertnan, Red Bank. Monmouth Unit, Woman'B Repub- Mrs. Ira Crouse, Mra. Roy Truswell, will be followed by a tea for mem- Official football, donated by Joe Bennett lican club of Belford, held its annual Mrs. James H. Mattenlee, Mrs. John bers of the visiting guilds of the Dbh Clotfi for Ic wHh •porting goods—Miss Josephine Doris, Warren, Mrs. David J. McLean, Mrs. Newark. luncheon and regular meeting laat county. ,Mrs. Eleanor Konyon Is 18c MerchandisMerchndise to value of 1515,, donateed by week in the Methodist church annex. Joseph Turner, Mrs. David Russell, chairman of tho committee in charge 0CTAGOH30AP Rainbow Schnlte-UnltehltUltdd ddepartment t storteM Mrs. GG. About 70 members and guests at- Mrs. C. G. Lumley, Mrs, Harry Mor- and Mrs. George Voorhls and Mrs. 3 cakes 1'. Wise, Red Bank. ford, Mrs. J. J. Ballln, Mrs. Seeley Bleach and Disinfectant FouF r garmentta cleanel d and pressed, do- tended. After welcoming the guests Warren Fowler will be In charge of quart |*f. nat«d by Red Bank Cleaners and dyers— Mrs. George Yarnall, the president, Tuthlll, Mrs. R. c. Hackitail, Mrs. dining-room arrangements. lira, >j. Laiskr, Hotmdel. presented to Mrs. Jane Johnaon, Frank Quackenbuah, Mrs. Joseph OCTA00H POWDER .*« 3C bottle I /C Tnr trict, a leather handbag from the Francis J. Marckstcln, Mrs. Edwin M. at the homo of Mrs. Alfred Beck of Another'Array of Big PRODUCE Specials One month's vaas, donated by 8trand club, In recognition of her services Farrier, Mrs. Henry J. Elgonrauch, Hudson avenue. theater—Mri. Rachelle Madansky, Red and also In celebration of her birth- Mrs. Clinton Kre.ua, Mrs. Frank L. Dank. day, which occurred November 8. Mrs, Bcrge appointed Miss Anna- Sweet Juicy Florida .95 like to pay a tribute to th« heroea of complete plans for a rummage sale 2 n>. |5 Thro*, rut, donated by Annltaga * two great wars. She recited a pdem to be held Saturday, December 4, In Btewart Cook. '12 Red Emperor Grapes C Beynton, In..,—Mrs. Herbert Bchlld, Shrewsbury. of Civil war days and "In Flanders Union Ore house on Shrewsbury ave- Field." The meeting was closed with DemocraUo Meeting. a salute to the flag. The last meeting of the year of Supported by Merchants, ThanksfWtaa; Service. PEAS 2. »• 25c To* Red Bank RegUter travels the Women's Democratic olub of TETLEYS A Thanksgiving Communion sir- over every street In town and •very, A Friindly Visitor, Bringing Oool Monmouth county will be held Satur- Where Quality Counts tna Your Money Goes Furthest News every week for 68 vests, to all vice will be held Thursday morning, day afternoon at 2:80 o'clock at the HfflMC COOPS-TOYS road In thr county. Let It carry your the fsmllv In the homes of Rid November 28, at 8 o'clock at Chapel ———————.——————————— ; isajre to those who live on thus Bank and vlclnlty-About local events of the Holy Communion of Fair Fair View awhool.. Nomination* of of- B ROAD if. RED BANK Produce Price* Effectlvo to Saturday Nlajht. and local OMplrv-Advertlsameat Haven, ficers will take place. Mri. Merrltt Grocer? Prices to Wednesday, NOT. S4. Kent, the president, will preside. RED BA^K BEGISTEB, NOVEMBER 18,1937. Part evening'service he wlirspe«i{,on,the Conaver, Mrs. El«le Mason, Mrs. will ba held Wednesday night at 8 thou only upon God; for my expec- advanced typing- 1:10 to 8i20. lntermtdl«t« Church Notes. tation is from him." (Psalms 62:6). typing 8:20 to 9, Italian 7 to 8, Spanish theme, "A Man Called Bartlmfceui,". Olive Teller, Miss Ruth Montroit, o'clock. The Red Bank Bio t,. Al Attractive Prlcaa The ohuroh quartet wills'lng'at'both Mrs. A. M.VanNostrand, Mrs.. Myrtl* Dr. Cdakley Graves, a member of Among the citations which com- Sand for frta-iara. Presbyterian. piss with knltUns services. •'_ •'.-' •,-:'.- '"•'.'' tenors! Floyd Imlay, Bbbert B. Mo- Games will be played and refresh- unto you that believe on the name Without Cost—A Wide Vari- The Young Ladles' Sodality of St Concord, N. H. of the Young Men's Bible class of ' The ushers for November are; Hi Carter, Jr., basses. ments will be served. Plans for the of the Bon of God; that ye may Anthony's church will hold a: party the Proabytorlan ohuroh Sunday, Russell Blackmail, Jr., Li. Harold The musloal program-will Include organization's annual banquet will know that ye have eternal life, and ety of Subjects Taught. and dance Wednesday night,' Nov- morning. ' • Wood, Allen H. Vanderhoef, James A! the prelude, "Festival Prelude" from be formulated. that ye may believe On the name of ember 24, at the Smoke Shop tavern .> ert Blaokman, •.•;-,-. ; ; /•-•• Persons over the age of 16 years, reited because he advocated free processional, •'•'Come, Ye Thankful Lutheran. Tho Lesson-Sermon also includes who desire to attend the Red Bank Miss Mildred Innacelll, Miss Phyllis OJNOCO speech but that he wag oruolfled not Dr.. Hi W. Beherd Of. Westminster People, Come," by children's choir; A monthly meeting of the Lutheran the following passage from the evening school may do so at no cost. Figaro, Miss Marion DeAnthony, SERVICF STATION by Pilate, whom ho likened to & mod' college of Salt Lake City addressed offertory, '.'Meditation," Valdes; hymn, brotherhood of Trinity Lutheran Christian Science textbook, "Science All those Interested may register any Miss Angle Aschettino, Miss Eliza- "Now Thank'We All Our God"; can- IS-IS WHITE BTBJSJBT, J em dictator, but as a result of mob members o't the congregation last church was held last night at the and Health with Key to the Scrip- evening from 7 to 9 p. ni., Monday to beth Blzzarro, Miss Dolly Fetillo, USD BANK. N. I. rule. Sunday morning. The memorial bou- tata, "A Song of .Thanksgiving," J. home of Theodore Blxler of McLar- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus Thursday, Inclusive, In the principal's Miss Cecelia Rufflnl, Miss Camillo The speaker was Introduoed by W. quet which adorned the pulpit was H. Maunder! hymns for choir and en street. George Ploger presided said substantially, 'He that believeth office of the senior high school build- Claglla, Miss Nellie Galatro, Miss Albert Doromtu. Arthur Cadman given In memory of Mrs. Allen H. congregation, "We Plough the Fields over the session. The subject was In me shall not see death.' That Is, Ann DoPlerro, Miss Frances Cheto and Scatter," "The Fulfillment," "Let ing on Harding road. Although Boys can make extra pocket money" presided at the mooting and Ernoat Vanderboef by members of her fam- "Spiritual Growth." he' who perceives the true Idea of classes have been organized and In and Miss Angelina Qarruto. jelling The Register.—AdverUseminiv Griffiths led the devotional period. ily. All the People Praise "Thee," choir The catechetical class will meet for and congregation, "All People That Life loses his belief in death. He who attendance for about a month, It Is Harry C. Fay Worden was at the The Sunday-school association held Instructions tomorrow afternoon at * bos the true idea of good loses' all still possible to enter nearly all piano for the group singing of a business meeting in tho Dutch Trio on'Earth Do Dwell"; postlude, "A o'clock at the home of the pastor. Song ol Joy." sense of evil, and by reason of this classes. Class work in some classes "Praise Him." Frank Llnderoth re- toa room on Broad street Monday Rev. Walter Cowen of Brown place. Is being ushered Into the undying Is differentiated according to the In ported that progress was being made night, Tuesday -night the Improve- Mrs. Jacob Yost will review a chap- Henry Bolwyn of Fair Haven was realities of Spirit" (p. 324.) dividual pupil.needs. In Others the Happy Days art? Here Again 4n the mattor of making Improve- ment society met in the chapel. A ter In the textbook, "Young Moslem received into membership by letter subject matter permits pupils to en- ments to the class room. Norman dessert hour and sewing and business Looks at Life," at the meeting of from the Lutheran church of Hol- Buy where quality is consistent with price. Hewitt of Long Blanch, a member meeting of the Gold Hour circle was the International school of missions ter and derive benefit without taking land at the service last Sunday. or making up any previous class- of the Blblo class and also a, mem- held yesterday afternoon In the so- to be held tonight at .?: 24 vention of the Christian Endeavor were about" 30 members' present-at offertory, "Lefeburo," Wely, and post- o'clock at the Reformed church by on Hallowe'en night, was found last the meeting. Mrs. William A. Mil- preferably 15 or more, ask for it The Flrloln and Porterhouse last summer. Miss VanHlse presided lude by Stults. the pastor, Rev. F. Carman-Trem- week on Riverside drive and has course will meet once per week, the over the meeting. ler assisted Mrs. Farrow '.with, her bath. Members of tbe American Me- been returned to Mr. Stantfti. duties as hostess. ' • The church school will meet at 9:45 time and place to be arranged. All Legs Lamb Mrs. Walter F. Fredericks presided o'clock. A new method In'.teaching chanics and Its auxiliary will attend Misses Sally and Mary Warneker those Interested are asked to get In STEAK over the weekly session of the Young has been Initiated by Mrs. Harold J. the evening service at 7:30 o'clock. spent the week-end with Dr. and touch with Charles Gelber, principal Women's Bible class on Sunday : Baptist •: .: ' • Coddlngton, director of religious ed- The Ladles' aid society of the Mrs. Jefferson Vozlmer at New York. of the evening school, any evening church will hold an old fashioned lb. 29c morning. The membora studied sev- "Help One Another" will bo the ucation. In the class which she Benjamin S. Hanklnson purchased from 7 to 9 p.. m., Monday to Thurs- ib. 25c eral passages In the Old Testament. subject of the. sermon to be given teaches, the members -actively par- corn beef and cabbage supper to- second-hand wagon Saturday at 1 day, inclusive, at tne senior high The Golden Hour circle will hold Sunday morning , Jn' the Baptist ticipate In the' teaching program. night In the social hall. Mrs. Wil- Red Bank. • school building. a food sale and fancy work bazar In churoh by tho pastor,' Rev, Edward The special Armistice service last liam Bradshaw is chairman of the LEGS and BUMFS FRESH JERSEY committee In charge. Gunners throughout this section The schedule of lessons is as fol- the parish house Friday afternoon, W. Miller. The musical selections will Sunday was largely attended. "The report game to be plentiful. lows: Mrs. Walter Fredericks is chairman Include the prelude, "Caprice Vlen- Holy City" was given as a violin solo Mr. and Mrs, George Ransome of VEAL ,pt the committee In charge of the nols," Krelsler; Junior choir selec- — r^" Mondar and Wednesday—Art 7 to 8 and BUTTS by Mrs. Lyman Session. Miss Ann Madison, Mrs. Bertha Cannon and 8 to 9. public speaking 7 to 8 and j8 to 9. C food sale and Mrs. Henry Kohl will tion, "Dear Lord and Father of Man- Engholm of Sea Bright, a pupil of first Church of Christ, Scientist. Mrs, Florence Emptage of New York beginners' EnglUh 7 to 9, knitting and direct the bazar. The tea table will kind"; anthem, "A Song of: Thanks- Mrs. D. W, Shipps, read the story, Services In First Church of Christ, and Mrs. James Avery of Middle- crocheting 7 to 8, business English 7 to 8, lb. C b$ in charge of Mrs. Charles Eng- high school mathematics 8 to 9, advanced 25 giving," Parks; "The Lord's Prayer," Yellow Butterflies." Mrs, John Os: Scientist, at 209 Broad street, Red town were Sunday visitors at Fore- grades 7 to 0, Intermediate typing 7 to >• 25 lish. Mrs. L. J. Bergen and Mrs, Malotte; offertory, "Autumn Morn," born sang a.-solo, "There lfa.pt Hour Bank, are held on Sundays at 11 a. man's Boarding school. 7:40, shorthand 7:40 to 8:20, typing 8:20 Richmond are chairman of tho grab Fryslnger...... "'.''• • of Hallowed Peace," and the com- m. and 8 p. m., and oh Wednesdays Two motion picture shows were to 9, Italian 7 to 8, Spanish 8 to 8. Ask About 15-Lb. Prize Turkey to Be bag committee. bined Vested choirs sang the anthem, Tuesday and Thursday—Beginners' A vesper sqrvlce will be: held Sun* at 8:15 p. m. presented Sunday afternoon at Fore- French 7 to 8, advanced French 8 to 9, Given Away FREE ! "When Jesus Wept" will be the day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the 'Judge. Eternal. Throned In Splen- Soul and Body" will be the sub- man's school by Isaac A. Foreman. economics 7 to 8, advanced booVkeepIng subject of tho sermon to bo given choir under the direction of Fred- dor." Organ selections were given ject of the Lesson-Sermon In all One picture was Will Rogers* in 7 to 0, beginners' English 7 to 9. knitting Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by the by Mrs, Theresa Wllley. and crocheting* 7 to 9, business English 7 erick K.' Ball., Members of the choir Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- "Don't Park There," and the other to 8, bookkeeping 8 to 9. advanced grades We Deliver. Full Line of Fish on Fridays. pastor, Rev. John A.. Hayes. At the are Miss Grace Belth, Mtf.. Adeie Th« mid-week devotional service day, November 21. was, "The Land of Evangellne." 7 to 9, advertising shorthand 1 to 7:40, The Golden Text Is: "My soul, wait !Famous iige REFRIGE 7.25 CUBIC FEET FORMERLY $214.95 FAMOUS FEATURES



• PORCELAIN HYDROVOIR This is tfie Norge that made history in 1937. We're •ICE TRAY RELEASE clearing all of them at this time to make ivay for. • ODOR-PROOF DOOR ON ICE COMPARTMENT PROTECTS the new 1938 model—which gives you a superlative ICE CUBES AND FOODS FROM FOREIGN ODORS chance to get yours at a saving that wouldn't be' MMlGHT^JMYaJNmESi WIDTH 33 11/16^ INCHES-, possible under any other circumstances! Of course DEPTH 21»/8 INCHES PORCELAIN INTERIOR WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT at this price we have only limited quantities. Use The Budget Plan, MAJOR APPLIANCES • BAMBEHGEWS 7I/» FLOOR • JO YEAR WARRANTY ON ROLLATOR COMPRESSION. UNIT . •'...'

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BAMBERGER'S BUREAU OF STANDARDS has checked and approved every statement made in our advertising, regarditigmerclwn- L. & Ml. t tfwe conlflnt, construction', and serviceability. Ml IF ant.-

"^ Four RED BANK REGISTER. NOVEMBER 18,1987. subjeot of the morning sermon wj; New Store Opened be "A Rule for Rlght-Llvlng." Fair Haven. Tinton Falls. Corporal Thomas MoKinley of thi m. Rtd Bank Buluer eanU booght Tin BiiUtw BUT U bough* »1 David state police addressed tht member* la Firir H»«n from tat Mi BST«D JUr- Soott's ator*. On Linden Place lMt. the Oardan Stau iton. Ur. ' RlPM of the Rumson Fire Police associa- Lewis Btelnmuller Is having a new tion at the regular meeting Monday The Sons and Daughters of Libert: roof made for his bouse on the Eat- Must Liquidate Stock Adolph Zager Proprietor of night at the borough' hall, Nomln lodge will attend a Thanksgivlni ontown road. Other Improvement* Neighborhood Grocery—Hi* tlon of officers was deferred irot: servioo next Sunday night at thi the next meeting. are also under way. The B. O. Mar- 'ALL OUR HIGHER PRICE DRESSES Brother James to Continue at Episcopal churoh. On the followlnj tin Construction company la doing Holy Cross and Holy Rosarj Sunday evening, November 88, • Junior Mils, Missy and Half Sizes School and Auiit in Store. • •' the: work. ,, churches and other buildings on the Thanksgiving service will be held ll The Ladles' auxiliary of Rlvervlew ', SIZES 11 to 48. ' ' ' . ,' Holy Cross property are .being re- the Methodist ohuroh, which will b 1 hospital nut.at the ihome of Mrs. , Zager ! Grocery la the name of painted. John Yeomani Is the con- attended by the lodges of this place William McDougal Tuesday. Thanks- ;95 and f9S Stainless Carving Sets new neighborhood store which tractor, , and the Masonic lodge of Red Bank giving donations were made for the 2 3 THREE-PIECE SETS WITH SIMULATED STAG HANDLES. opened for business Friday at Selections will be rendered by th hospital. Last week the auxiliary ALL OP STAINLESS STEEL AND PRICED AT— Linden place, near Waahlngtor Sea Bright. Craft Choristers. met at the home of Mri. William E. ALL HATS • $1.39 street, In the (tors formerly occu- The Ladles' auxiliary of (he fln England and elected the following $£.95 $ff.95 and $g.75 pied BI a, branch store of the Oreal company will meet tonight at th officers; Mrs. Anthony MOMO presi- Atlantic & Pacific company . anc Plans have been completed for thi nre house. dent, Mri. Edward Carney vice pres- whloh wu operated several years b; card and bingo party tomorrow night Capt. and Mrs. Edward Little spenl ident, Miss Janet Scott aeoretary and Ethel Krauss Claude O&kerson. In the schoolhouse. The affair Is be- the week-end with friends at Osiln Mrs. John E. Lemmon, slok commit- R. HANCE & SONS Adolph Zager, son of Mrs.'" Rosi ing given by the Parent-Teacher as- Ing, New York. •" tee chairman. MODERN SHOP ' Zager of William stret, who for thi sociation for the benefit of the milk Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Callahan and It was reported that $88 wai 10 BROAD ST., RED BANK past IB years has been employed ai fund. : family have moved back to Fal cleared, by the recent spaghetti sup- 1062 Ocean Avenue Sea Bright, N. J. the Slgmund Eisner company's Rec Fishing here has ended for the sea- Haven from Red Bank and are living per held by the auxiliary. At the. Bank factory. Is the proprietor. He son. There was a time when the on Willow street. conclusion of the meeting refresh- Is being assisted by his brother, fishermen, after the blueflsh had gone, Among the residents on the sick ments and a social time were en- James Zager, who Is a member of would continue during the winter and list are Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chandler; Joyed. the Junior class of the Bed Bank fish for cod'but no more. This Is due and Mrs. Tlllle Martin of River road 'Mr. and Mrs. William W, Bennett high school. to the fact that most of the men are and Mrs. Elizabeth Morris and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. George Wlthey are By special arrangement of" hit getting along In years and cannot DELCO Frigidaire Mary Martin of Fair HaVen road. well on their way to Arizona, aocord- OIL BURNER-BOILER UNITS-AIR CONDITIONING studies by the school faculty James, stand the many hours' exposure out Mrs. Will Llttlo Is recovering after ing to postal cards and letters which who was a. former Register newsle at sea during the cold weather. Some wo weeks' illness. have been received by relatives and Uei) several years, will be able to con- of the fishermen now go to Florida Mr. and Mrs, Austin Harvey and friends. They are making the trip NORGE " ' ' * tinue his scholastic course and at the for the winter and combine business daughter Joan and Mrs. Anna tor- ay automobile and they expect to same time relieve his brother at the with pleasure by carrying on their Meer spent Sunday with relatives at ipend tho winter In Arizona and ROLLATOB REFRIGERATION • GAS RANGES - WASHEB8 store. fishing in the warm waters off the Newark. California. Mr. Zager has a ipeclal announce- Florida coast. Mr. and Mrs. Lefferts M. DashlBlI Game Is evry plentiful hereabouts] COPELAND - BRUNNER ment In today's Issue of The Regis- Someone with malicious intent cut mve made contributions to tho book and most of the hunters have fared ter. He told a Register representa- the lines strung from Howard Apple- tond of the Fair Haven public 'Itb- well. One of the leading Nlmrods is Commercial Refrigeration tive that he will conduct a real gate's pavilion to a fishing net In ary. Mrs. Dashlell has been In Harry Coleman of West Long SHOW OASES • REACH IN BOXES • BUTCHER BOXES neighborhood store endeavoring at the surf last week. The rigging li erested In tho library, slnco It was Branch, formerly of this place, who all times to have a stock of grocer- owned by Mr. Applegate. The net ilartod and has helped In a numbor has been here almost every day since SALES and SERVICE ies, vegetables, dairy -products, soft was attached to two buoys and thus f ways. Sho has donated books and ho season opened. Others who have ALL MAKES drinks, etc., t that will meet the re- provented it from being washed magazines and has contributed to jagged many rabbits, squirrels, Gas, Belts and Farts - Oil Burners - Refrigerator*" quirements, of his patrons. He also iway. Other acts such as cutting bow he book fund the past three years, pheasants and quail are David and will feature certain merchandise de- ropes on fishing boats have been com- 3ooks have boon donated by Maurice Robert Scott, Charles Holmes, Allen New arid Rebuilt Boxes - All types - Moving and sired by the Hebrew trade. mitted within the past week. Dttman and magazines by Mrs. Wai- Crawford, Wellington Wllklns, Sr., Reflnlshlng Service. A number of years ago Mrs. Zager Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Johnson and :er Mountford. George Fox Is giving Wellington Wllklns, Jr., Christopher was left a widow with a large fam- amlly have arrived at Salerno, :he Forum magazine to the library. DeFazlo and John and Felix Dom- REFRIGERATOR EXCHANGE ily. By perseverance and grit' she Tlorlda, where Mr. Johnson will >roskl. 8 White St., Red Bank Phone 869. mastered the task of bringing up her ipend the winter deep-sea fishing. Mrs. Tunlson, who makes her home children to manhood and woman- Andrew Bundgard, who Is a patient Navesink. with her daughter, Mrs. William Mc- hood and commanding high respect t Monmouth Memorial hospital with Dougal, Is confined to the house with • 'When you wear one of our Arrow patterned shirts Adolph was next to the eldest and punctured lung, has made such sickness. Mrs. Oliver Mclntyre Is much of the support of the family Nine members of the Women's Re- you can be sure it's correctly styled... styled with the •apld strides toward recovery wlth- urs(ng her. fell upon his young shoulders. I the past week that he is oon- jublican' club of Naveslnk are at- incomparable skill that has made Arrow America's leading endlng The Ladles' Aid society of the Those who know of the family are dered to bo out of danger now. ' , turkey dinner today at the Methodist church will hold a Christ- authority on masculine fashions. loud in their praises of Adolph and The Sons and Daughters of Liberty 3radley Beacn Methodist ohurch. mas bazar and pot luck supper Fri- Sale Antiques Tho affair is under tho auspices of All are Mitoga form-fit. All Sanforized $ wish him well In his new undertak- 111 entertain the Past Councilors as- day, December 10, at the home of ing. oclatlon of tho county Friday night, he United * Women's Republican Mrs. B. G. Ehlnger. ... a new shirt free if one ever shrinks. November 26, at Dowd's hall. :lubs of Monmouth county. In tho Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and Mountain Hill Road, Middletown Misses Nora and Catherine Dowd roup from Naveslnk arc Mra. Thom- aughter of Plalnfleld spent Satur- Rumson. vlll leave shortly to spend the Win- Fowler, Mrs. Theodore Dayton, ay and Sunday with Mr. Scott's STANLEY'S er in Florida. s. Fred Rader, Mrs. John Savllle, [Other, Mrs. Sarah Scott MADELONPROAL Red Bank's Newest Shop for Men and Young Men. (Thi R«4 Bank Rerlitti ew U George F. Doyle, Harold Mlnugh s. Howard Maxson, Mrs. Annette In Ramion from Eforbtrt Knlffbt, H*rrv nd Andrew Johnson have arrived at 'ape, Mrs. Samuel Howe, Jr., Mrs. Chimney Eire. 14 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. BsrJun. Fnd Flnnart> >nd Wtlur Torbirv illiam Hopkins and Miss Belle Mc- tnJ Mr. Q«rir.>- 'ort Pierce, Florida. Tho Atlantic Highlands flre depart- The Truth Seekers Bible class of ielvey. Joseph Bannon of Rumton was on ment was called out about S o'clock 0 young women of Simpson Metho- A. E. Irving of Locust Point has Monday evening to a chimney flre White House Antique Shop a cruise- last week to Bermuda and 11st church, Long Branch, known as eturned to New York for the wln- was a guest at Belmont Manor. the home of A. W, McHenry on he "Powder Puff Minstrels," will en- er. ' ' • .,.•-.-.' -. 'Ifth aVenue. When the firemen ar- Ralph Longstreet, Jr., son of Mr. ertaln at 'CfeTSea Bright Mothodlst Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sweeney Going out of business. Everything to be sold at and Mrs. Ralph Longstreet of Lenox ived the flames had broken through LOW FARE EXCURSIONS :hurch Monday night, November 22, ave moved to Toms River, whtio wall between the dining roam and avenue, was bitten on the stomach it 8 p. m. The show wjll be put on Ir. Sweeney Is editor of the Toms reduced prices. Glass, China, Rugs, Paintings, Saturday by a dog owned by George vlng room. Folding doors between inder the auspices of tho Ladles' Aid :lver Courier. >ese two rooms were scorched but Furniture Antique Dolls, Banks. Hoffmlre of Forrest avenue while he oclety of the church. was playing with the Hoffmlre boy. Mrs. Henry Maxson and Mrs. Mor- e firemen put out the. blaze before ^ TO NEW YORK! is Walsh are canvassing Naveslnk could spread farther Ho was taken to the office of Dr. Ed- The Date .nd Monmouth Hills In the Red mond 8., K&nses, where the wound m the address on your paper shows wts cauterized. The boy's sweater vhen vour subscription expires. This oss roll call campaign. »1.50 saved him from more serious Injury. aper, like most self-respecting pub- Miss Grace Jones attended the $126 The Rumjon auxiliary of Rlvervlew Icatlons, Is operated on a cash-ln- eachers' convention last week at PENNSYLVANIA hospital at the regular meeting last dvance basis. If your final date Is .tlantlo City. • '. • BOUND xawlnj; near, send In vour check Forty children attended a party STATION week at the home of Mrs. August or renewal todav so that YOU will Drombrovskl voted to purchase a iot miss any Issues of your favorite londay afternoon at the Ifaveslnk EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY radio for1 the auxiliary's ward In the ome newspaper.—Advertisement, ibrary In observance of Book Week. INC. hospital as a Christmas gift. The MAHONEY& HARVEY 'Many women feel the "exciting change, from' radio will have attachments to be placed under a pillow to enable a PHONE 2404 same.way! Not just routine. And"by train", patient to hear the radio without dis- 30 MONMOUTH ST. FREE DELIVERY. RED BANK because these special is so comfortable, GO turbing the other patients In the excursions make the convenient—no traffic room. It was decided to hold a food fare so inexpensive, jams, no parking sain Friday, December 3, In the WINES and LIQUORS but because it'sa grand Pazlcky building at the corner of charges. Take anyj River road and Lafayette street. matinee and shopping PennsylvaniaRailroad Mrs. Jobn Lemlg Is chairman, with WEEK-END SPECIALS! day in New York—an train returning!. Mri. Orrln G. Boule and Mrs. Ralph Roasters Longstreet In charge of the sale of . IRAIN LEAVES RED BANK 9:50 A. M. clam chowder. A quilt made by Mrs. FERRERO WEAREVER Ida Eldred was awarded on the co- Hiram Walker operative plan to Hie. Embury Mc- VERMOUTH SAVORY ENAMEL Lean of River road. Straight EttPOBTED Famous self-basting raised bottom, giving even ALUMINUM $-i.49 For delicious roasting, The annual Thanksgiving day ser- heat over entire roaster; also giving deep gravy pit. Will PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Rye ITALIAN hold fowl 12 lbs. vice will be held In the Presbyterian Full Quart 80-Oz. Bot. 79 7-16. FOWL I U-m. FOWL | 18-It>. FOWL church of Rumson on Thursday, No- vember 25, at 9 a. m. This service Is held for all the people and a cor- OLD AMERICAN OLD DRUM dial Invitation Is extended to friends 1.29 1.79 2.29 Othera $3.48 and $5.45 end neighbors who care to' attend. I Straight Full • Special music will be rendered by the Rye Fifth Knife and Fork Sets 26-pc. Silverware youth choir with vocal and Instru- Pint 69 99 CARVING SETS King Edward patterni., Hollow mental solos. Rev. W. C, Colby, the Colored handles, A complete selection In horn, •$j.79" handle in tarnish « pastor, will deliver the sermon. stainless blades, >95 The Queen Mary came Into port stag and composition handles. proof case. l4 Monday and returning from Europe APPLEJACK Stainless blades. <).2B to Q-85 8 knives, 6 forks, sot were Mrs. Samuel Riker of Naveslnk L OHROMZJ Chromium River road, Mlddletown township. SANDERS | TREE TOP FABEBWABE 69 and Miss Alice Kneeland of Ward C 94 95 BREAD TRAYS Nut Pick Sets avenue. Miss Kneeland went abroad qt. 1.39 to give a month to motoring in 99 I 6 Pt. pt. qt. gal. 75' URN SET Oral , 1.19 Nut Cracker—6 Pick* Franco and then doing the plays In Large tray, creamer, sugar. London. Tho finest money can buy. SO PROOF—IS Months Old 9-cup urn "with Oral frith Handle'. Chrome Covered Guests at the Park Avenue club in 8-polnt fuse. All 5 tho Vanderbilt hotel at New York in- chromium. I" Butter Dish ~ clude Mr. and Mrs. William S. Has- CUBAN RUM kell of Ridge road, Mr. and Mrs. SCOTCH lohnfritz Achells of Rumson are at RON RICO JOHN O'GAUNT 8. :he Waldorf-Astoria. " The executive board of the Public Full Health Nursing association of Rum- Flnt $•1 .99 USE THIS EASY son, Sea Bright and Fair Haven held Fifth its regular monthly meeting Monday 98* Toyland Is Open CONVENIENT PLAN at the home of the Misses Nellie and # Take advantage of this easy way Grace Porter on River road. Mrs. to buy. No Money Down — Easy George Dwight, the preaident, pre- CHATEAU REIMS We sure the sponsor! for Billy Termi and weeki to pay. Equip sided. Eight Thanksgiving dinners GIN CHAMPAGNE BOYS and Ruth Toyr In Bed Bank. GIRLS yonr car now and pay as yon ride. were promised by members of the For boy's best 2»-word letter- Come in. Get your free copy of Olrl'i local prize for best 20- board to needy families. Tho report White Rose $1.39 Big Fort with Cannons, Draw- word letter—Electric Lighted )f the two public health nurses Full Quart Full Fifth $1.59 bridge, Flags, etc Billy and Rqfli Book. 4-Boom ihowed a total number of visits for Get Entry Blank Now. ' month of October, 543; 163 visits DOLL HOUSE homes of school children; 116 BELLOWS * CO. T| RES Bought now will jivo school visits with first aid treat- I. W. HARPER •»•»« you Non.Skid o ments; 36 trips to hospital and 111 FINE COGNAC protection all winter and will be liko transported by nurses and volunteer OLD OVERHOLT new next spring. Come in today and helpers. MOUNT VERNON BRANDY AN D get a set of new Firestone Standard At 9:80 Thanksgiving morning Hev. Tires si low as 75c n week. George Flske Dudley, priest In charge Bottled In Bond £7 18 Years Old SQ.59 of~Btr-aeorRB'B~Ep'[«coparcliuTCn~at Full-Pint .U I- RUTH Rumson, will preach from the text, Reg. 11.09 HEATERS ™« new 1988 "So Run That Ye May Obtain." Re- Fireitone Auto,, newing an old custom, members of AMERICA'S TOY STYLISTS Hesters give more than 40% Greater the Monmouth County Hunt club will He«». They have a scnaatlonal n»w attend tho service In a body and at- 4.wijr He«t Diilribmion, with foot tired in hunt regalia. Special music ITALIAN TYPE WINES warmer and a custom fit defroster. will be arranged by J. Stanley Far- AIRPORT GARAGE As low as 82c per week. rar, organist and choir master. Barbera Garage,1 Aeroplane, $<4|, Thii Ladles' auxiliary of Rumson .00 1 "Dump Truek, Wrecker, JL fire company will hold a beano party Flay School Furniture Set. BATTERIES »•»«« tomorrow night at the fire house. Barberona FULL 3 Buses, Tank Truck. Teacher's desk with t| (Ul n over to a GAL. Ths Red Cross roll call drive Is un- STREAMLINED drawers; 4 pupils' »••««' new Firestone DattcrT' and forget der way. In the borough. A house- Zinfandel HEADQUARTERS desks. , •lining worries. As low us 71e per to-house canvass Is being conducted I Years Old Mechanical Freight keek for the Courier. by Mrs. Harold Clark, Mrs. Catherine Chianti 98 Edwards, Mrs. Edwin M. Farrier, TRAIN OUTFIT Automobiles DOLLS Mis, Marie Murphy, Miss Veronica 103 Inches track, bell. $>4 ,00 Beautifully dressed In large or jU«en to Ifta Volte of Flretton, featuring Margaret Sjwafci,' Murphy, Miss Margaret Phelan, Miss Tings and sparks fly. \, Wagons • Pull toy* small sizes. 36 different ones Monday evening, over NatlomcUe N. B. C. Red Network Ann Smith, Mrs. Frank Welnhelmer, Pure California Wines ta choost from. ' . Miss Jennie Worthley and five high FORT, SHERRY, Desk and Chairs MUSCATEL, ETC, Full Quart 300 GAL. 1.49 school girls, Cora Boman, June Bo- man, Alice Delanoy, Muriel Kalomyck Lionel Trains Doll Carriages Dionne Sewing Sets, and Ruth VltaL S dolls' dresses, thread. Every- EMPIRE GAR AGE • The public schools will dose on and Accessories thing thht's needed to Wednesday, November 24, at 1 p. m., make thtao dolls ALLAN FROST, Frop. at Reduced Prices pretty. for the Thanksgiving vacation and SANDERS SHOE SKATES i ™v°pV lho foll°wlng Monday. Men's, Women'* tubular BkaUi Sales and Service The most complete assortment . f Thanksgiving day service will be Broad & Wallace Sti., , RED BANK A deposit will hold merchan- with quality'shoe. SQ.35 neld next Sunday evening at 7:30 dise till Xmas. Shop early T we have every shown at prices 21-25 E. FRONT ST. Tel. Red Bank 209. O Clock Hi ihm M.11....II-1 -L. .. . _ pair O For Quality Winei «-Liquors'q ' while assortments we complete. attractive to all. Delivery Servicvic e at All TisCTimes—Can n SSfo Ope Kvenlnf • for Being Thankful.:1 The Open Kvenlnf • triitll It. BED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937. Wedding*. sage of 'gardenias, and lilies of the Personals. Woman's Guild valley. Mrs..CurUn -wore a wine-col- County Y.W.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary ored velvet gown with accessories Heller—vLotd, Nominates Officers Poter Dlbb of Shrewsbury^ avenu*, to match and a corsage of Tallaman F REE left by motor Sunday for hi* annual Bazar Postponed Miss Sara Heller, daughter of Mr. oses. Groups Organize winter's stay In. Florida. While in and Mrs. Edgar W.' Heller of Bum- Following the ceremony a recep- The Ladles' auxiliary of tho RedHAVE YOU THESE SYMPTOMS the Southern clime h« will be oloie- son and Newark, became the bride tion was held at Mrs. Curtln's home. Marlboro, Little Silver and Colt'* Bank fire department nominated, of- N.rroo. Eihiutlon saskee Ton feel Mrs. Oharlei Chlnnook of Kim place. Foulkei offlcUted. Thursday night, December 9, at 8are»l (He*. U. S. Palest Of.) COLDS Maryland tea bouse on Riverside ave- Miss Allco Buokson of Rehobatb Article*, Including Christmas The bride was attired in her moth- Molloy—Gaver. The Asbury Park board of the uNo matter hew lens M» iaffir.il wllh and Beach, Delaware, has bean visiting er's wedding gown of cream satin, John Milton Gaver, 86, one of theToung Women's Christian association nue and for the annual Christmas N«r»e«s Eihaustlon. «».n If jn \at all GifU, for Sale on That Date. party Monday night, December 20, at faith In medicine, cut thii free coupon out FEVER Mr. and Mr».-Edward Fenton of Ber- ross point and duchess laee, with her trainers and a manager of Mrs.recently held a tea at the 1'. W. C. A. 5? «•' a swerooi alie ef Bl-Sercol FHEE. 666 Bnl i*i gen place. Mr, Fenton, who has veil arranged' with orange blossoms. Helen Hay Whitney's Greentree farm, office at Asbury Park. Mrs. James Liberty fire house. Mrs. Grace Ben- Start taking it todari ion notice amailnj LIQUID, TABLETS Headache, been serlouily 111. Is reported some- The Woman's guild of Trinity She carried white orchids, lilies of a branch of which Is located at Lln- Pregnall did the pouring. Mrs. Emer- nett was accepted as a new member. result. In "II hoars''. SALVE. NOSE DROl'S 30 mlnutaa. what Improved. Eplioopal onuroh of Red Bank, at a the valley and gardenias. croft, was married Tuesday to Miss son Haines welcomed tho guests and Refreshments were served and a This coupon li good onljr at this etsre. Try •Rub-Mr-Tlea'. World's Best Unlnutrt social time enjoyed. H. T. YOUNG PHARMACY, Mm. Blancho Lesh entertained at meeting Tuesday afternoon, deolded Miss Nancy Heller was' her sister's Mary Huston Molloy, 30, of Newgave a short talk. «5 Broad Str..t, Red Bank. a dessert-bridge Tuesday afternoon at to change the date for Its bazar from maid of honor, and she wore a dress York, at All Saints' church. New The Busy Bees of Marlboro, under Tho 'officers nominated were: Her home. Attending were Mrs. W, Friday, December 8, to Friday, De- of rose taffeta, trimmed with velvet York. the leadership of Frances Hayes and President—Mrs. Ada Wllmnn. ribbons. The bridesmaids were BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN. N. J. P. Strode, Mrs. Grace King, Mrs, Ar- cember 10, The committee in charge Mr, Gaver Is a son of William and Evelyn Luxemburg, met with Re- Vice preildent—Mri. Helen Fix. Notice of Tax Sate. thur Walker, Mrs. Harry McQueen, Of this event Is Mrs. James Hunter, Misses Noel Nellson of Shrewsbury, Laura Urner Gaver and was born at becca Barber as leader of the de- Treasurer—Mrs. Mary Bloom. Ludlow Boyd of South Orange and Recording secretary—Mrs. Ada Aiay. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mrs. George A. Delatmh and Mrspresiden. t of the guild, and Mri. Har- ML Airy, Maryland. Mrs. Gaver was votional period. The group Is plan- Financial secretary—Mrs. Ada Button. that I, Percy L). Bennett, Collector of KATHERINE rison Bance, co-ohalrmen. Peggy.jtord and Marjorla Merrow of born at Lexington, Kentucky, a ning a Thanksgiving party. Taxes of th« BorouKh of Fair' Haven, Joseph Harrison. Chaplain—Mrs, Freda Munden. County of Monmouth, State of New J«r- Ralph Abbott of Long Branch, for- Newark. Their frocks were of pea-daughter of Patrick and Alice Mulli- Truitees—Mrs. Freda Munden, Mn. The Girls' club, under the direction Tho Little Silver group under the Helen Fix. Mrs. Catherine Hendrlelcson. *•/.. will, on tho wventh day of D«cem< njerly of this place, to a patient at cock blue taffeta, wfth velvet ribbons, gan Molloy. Mr. Gaver graduated leadership of Ruth Wlide and Vir- b«r, 1937, at 8:00 p. m. of that day, at Beauty Salon at Miss Ruth Walker, will operate a and Mary Stuart caps to match. The the office of the Borough of Fair Hav«n, Medical Center, New York, booth for the sale of Christmas gifts. from ErlnoBton university In 1929ginia Satter held its first meeting attendants carrrled American Beauty and came to work for Mrs. Whitney in the Borough Hall of said Borough, oel) 46 Monmouth Street, ^ Ulna Bessie Rlordan of Oakland The Junior guild, under the direction roses. with Betty Wilde In chargo of the Supported by Merchants. at public auction the several lota, tract* street returned home* Sunday from of Mrs. William Longstreet, Mrs. Ed- aa secretary to her trainer, the late devotional period. Officers we.ro elect- The Red Bank Register Is sup-or parcels of land hereinafter mentioned, James Gordon Rowe, Jr. In f««, to such person or person* aa will Red Bank Rlvcrvlew hospital after undergoing ward Magee and Miss Rita Grass, the Albert B. Dlss of South Orange ed. They are Elaine Squillante presi- Ddrted bv local as well as. out-of- purchase the iimt, subject to redemp- (Next to A&P Store) latter being the olub president, will was best man, and the ushers were dent, Mary Ruddy vice president, town business men. Advertisements tion at tho lowest rate of lnt«r«Bt, but In an appendicitis operation. ' appearing regularly tell the story,— Mrs. Rlohard. H. Thompson has re- havs a booth for the sale of candy. Frederick Heller, brother of the Carlson—Caidella. Violet Ryaor secretary, Ruth Hen- no caie In excess of six per cent D«r an- bride; William M. Parker, Jr., of Advertisement. num.-u provided by tho Act entitled "An turned to her home at Mew York Other departments of the bazar and Announcement has been made of drlckson treasurer and Patricia Act concerning unpaid taxes, assessment! after a three weeks' stay with her thoie In charge will be as follows, tho Rumson, John Morris Miller, Jr., ofthe marriage Sunday, November 7, Simpson reporter. Other members ond other municipal chartrea on real prop- Newark, Horace K. Corbln of Llewel- are Mildred Hcndrlckson, Lucy Her- erty, and providing for the collection daughter, Mrs. Clarence 0. Burger of first name in each Instance being of Mrs. Dorothy Carlson of Sea thereof by the creation and enforcement lyn Park, Robert W. Cummlngs, Jr., Bright and Eugene Garddla of Rum- bert,"! Dorothy MacConnell, Marlon of liens thereon (Revision of 10181," and Alston court. Mr. an* Mrs. Burger that of the chairman: of Summit, Walter M. Krementz, Jr., moved to Alston court recently from son. Dunnell, Lois Dilks and Ruth Sam- the Acta aupplementary thereto and amen- Fine/ work—Mri. Uon da la Beuiellle, of New Vernon, and Fred W. Fair- uel. datory thereof, pursuant to which thii Sllvorwhlto Gardens. lira. 8«mu«l Opmrtne, Mri. Herrleon YOU OUGHT TO SEE lale Is held. Burn, MrBin.. JJi; r Willlami, MrB. Benjamin man of Chicago. . NEW CORPORATIONS. Mra. Elmer Hodges of Winchester, Covert, MraMri. . .Uabl l Youns, Mr;. Fran- ,k Tho Terriers Y. W. group of Colt's MY MARKS SINCE The following Is a list and description, S. Ourtli, Mri. Harrj Johneon. Mri. Ed. A reception followed at the bride's Neck, which la under the leadership according to the tax duplicate of the Virginia, has boen visiting ior sis- Newark home and afterward the Several Monmouth County Firms ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. wtrd Mini. ,. ' .. of Frances Snedeker and Bernlce lands subject to the sale, and the own- Aproni—Mri. Coorge Chandler, Mri couple sailed for Bermuda, They will Have Filed Their Official Papers. VanDorn, met Tuesday night at the DAD GAVE ME A er'e name, a> contained In the list raatie Louis Mendel of Lake avenue. Walter Boakey, Mri. Mart Bavllind, Mri, llvo at Orange. The bride's family up by the collector, together with the Victor Ooodrldie, Mr«. Charlei Flilta Cannel's Cigar and Stationary, Inc., home of Mr. and Mrs, Joaquln A. totaJ amount due therton as computed Mrs. William Maxson of SS6 Broad Mill Nellie. Uwlai. MM. Eugene F. Brooki, have been summer residents of Rum- to the first day of July. 1937. and the street has moved to St. Petersburg, la the name of a feew corporation Lawrence. Bernlce VanDorn led the Mri. Chirlei Reavei. Mri. E. H. Waltar. son a number of years anjl are pop- devotional perlo8. Plans were made •aid respective lands will be sold to make Florida, fr tha winter, Bale* tabl: Frederick Mundln, ular members of the summer society with Its principal office at 1050 Ocean ROYAL the amount chargeable against iuch lands Mr.. Clifton Abbott. Mri. Ralph Slcltlei, avenue, Sea Bright The lncorpora- for a bunco party Friday, December on the laid fir it day of July. 1937, m 'Mrs. William H. Pope of William colony. 10, to raise money for the county Y. computed In nnld Hat, together with in- street and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cur- Mra. Charle> Reivn, Mri. Harold Daven- tors are Rose Cannel, Fanny Cannel terest on said ^amount from said first day port, Mri. Jonti. , * and Samuel Cannel, all of .231 Eigh- W. C. A. After the meeting Mrs. PORTABLE! of July, 1937, to the date of sale and the Latest Crocquignole ' tis and son George of Little Silver Onb bas—Mln Joiophlne Wetke, Mn Zoro—Lockwood. Lawrence gave the girls a talk about costs of sale. are visiting Horace K. Curtis at JIRUI 0. Farket. Mn. LeiUr Bon, Mri. teenth avenue, Patersop. Donild Lawn, Mn. Jomai S. Parkel, Mri. Miss Phyllis More Zorn, daughter Cuba and showed war souvenirs. Miss ONLY A FEW YEAR 1035 Chappaqua, New York. Charlia Korrli, Mri. J. O. Davli. Mri. Al- Another new corporation Is that Julia Parker of Little Silver will bo Sarah Reevey. one lot on the weat of Mr. and Mrs. Errol M. Zorn of known as the Sea Bright Safety side of'William street | 18.85 Permanent Wave Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ticehurst fred Hathlaien, Mlia Marguerite Planltfc White Gate farm, Valley drive, Mata- guest speaker at the next meeting CENTS A DAY! of Maplo avenue recently returned Tei room—Mri. Hubert 8. Crils, Mri. Skiffs, Inc., dealing In boats. It's of- Arthur Tucker and Cllmlo, one lot Alan Froit. Mill Dorothy Brown, Mn. wan, became the bride of Walter Ray fice is at Grant avenue, Rumson. The on tht west side of Cedar ave- $3.50 — $5.00 -I from a two weeks' trip through the Fred Whitney, Mn, E. H. Waltar. Lockwood, son of Thomas Lockwood nue — ." 4.64 New England states. Incorporators are Charles A. Mount, Oelcho Rhodes Estate, house and $7.50 ; The meeting Tuesday was opon»d of Matawan, Saturday afternoon at Jr., of Locust, Ralph K. Mulford of Junior, Senior PTA AND THE lot on the west aide of Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wllber of Mc- avenue 27.86 by a reading, "What Shall the Har- 3:30 o'clock at the Matawan Presby- Sea Bright and Harry Braverman of DEALER . We Specialize In Facial), )\ Laren Btreet have returned from a vest Be?" by Mrs. E. H. Walter. A terian church. The ceremony was To Meet Next Monday Jesse Frost, house and lot on the ten days' visit at Pittsburgh, Penn- Brooklyn. , CAVE ME 1 west side of Cedar avenue 10.1? Scalp and Hair Treatments. ginia, the couple will reside at Whit seventeen acres on the north ,'• Joseph Osheskey of Sterling, Pa., Red Bank Register, Gato farm. On their way North they aide of Ridge road 1*1.68 visiting his brother, Steven Oahesjcg Bed Bank, N. J. will stop at Washington, where they YEAR 1838. of White street. Dear Sir: " will be guests of Congressman and Arthur Tucker and Cllmle, one lot' I wish to "correct statements made Mrs. William H. Sutphin. on the east side of Cedar ave- In the article "Rotarians See Films A WARM WELCOME' Regarding Life In V. S. Navy,'' which Mrs. Lockwood Is a graduate ol SOLE Danfel Hat field Estate, house and l>ocal Women Give lot on the weit ilde of Maple appeared In The Register Thursday, Matawan high school, Mr. Lockwood avenue ...«....«..*. ~ 20.34 November 11. Is employed by the Hanson-Van Peter Doyle, one lot on the south always waits in the home $500 To Hospita The rank of the speaker referred Winkle-Munnlng company of Mata- tide of McCarter avenue 4.40 to as Lieutenant William B. Hamil- wan township. By Popular Demand REPEAT SALE! Payment of the amount due on any par eel may be mtde at any time before the heated with MOTOR The Red Bank auxiliary of Mon- ton Is, William B. Hamilton, chief sale, by payment of the amount due aa mouSh Memorial hospital voted tc electrician's mate, USN. I also wish Reed—Werlemann. advertised, together with the Interest and ' oontiylbuto *W0 to the hospital for to correct the statement about tie lYIONTICELLO cost Incurred up to the time of payment, STOKOR probationary period. In the article A wedding of Interest to society whereupon the Impending sale thereof wf" a ntotUlzlnK machine Monday after- referred to It was stated that the was performed Friday at New York be cancelled. . ETURN from wort to s noon »t a meeting at the home of recruits were given three months In when Mrs. Amle Myers Reed be- The payment for the sale shall be made Mrs. S., Burrltt Boynton. A food came the bride of Henri Werlemann, before the conclusion of the sale, or the R home where nobody tended •which to decide whether or not they property shall be resold. sale Is bilnK held this afternoon al wished to continue life In the navy. son of Mrs. Henri Werlemann of Lo- Bonded Rye WItnees my hand this tenth day of furnace all day—yet be greeted the home of Mrs. Walter A. Rul' This Is an error. RccrulU when cust Point, The ceremony was per- November, 1037. by the same comfortable warmth man on We«t Front street.. Assist- finally enlisted In the navy must def- formed in the presence of only the For a second wtek we feature tale fine BONDED Rye PEKCY D. BENNETT. ing' Mrs. Rullman aro Mrs, Paul Ash- initely serve the full required term Immediate families at the home of Wlilikejr, pricid it only S2J9 for • full quart. Monti- CollectoV of Taxei. you left behind you in the morn- of enlistment. The writer probably •ello Is Bg*A In charred o»k barrels '<"* B yesr*—100 worth, Mr«. fl. B. Boynton, Mrs. Irv- Mrs, Reed's son-in-law and daughter, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT,OF ACCOUNT ing 1 That's what automatic an- Ing Feist and Mrs. Thomas M, Oop misunderstood the speaker when he proof—full bodied, mellow flavor. Buy thie grand old stated that men of the navy are al-Mr. and Mrs. Marshall J. Dodge, Jr., bottled-ln-bond American Rye todsy . . . absolutely the Estate of George O. Waterman, deceased. thracite [heat with Motorstokor illl. Pt. lowed hut three months In which to of 1170 Fifth avenue. There were no lowest price at. which we bave ever offered • bonded Notice U hereby given that the ac- attendants. The bride was attired In counts of the subscribers, executors of will mean to you. Set the thermo- Canned foods and preserves were renew their contract with the navy whiskey. the estate of said deceaaed, will be audit- collected for the hospital pantry by re-enllstlng after completion of an a deep blue crepo ensemble with a ed and itated by the Surrogate of the stat at "snug 70'* — and your enlistment, In which case If they do blue and ^silver hat. She wore a County of (Monmouth and reported for furnace tending is over for the • Present at tho meeting besides thos not re-enllst within three months mentioned were Mrs. Alfred Edwards, corsage of gardenias. After the settlement to the Orphans Court of tald they are forever barred from re-en- ceremony other guests came fdr an County, on Thursday, the ninth day at duration of cold weather. No Mrs. Mart Havlland, Mrs. Samuel Ustment In the naval service. BELL'S ATHERTON December. A. D. 1837. at 10:00 a. m., at Hausman, MrB. H. Norman Hoyl Informal reception. which time application will be mado for need to switch to expensive fuels*. Very truly yours, ROYAL REGENT—8 YEARS OLD th« allowance of commissions and counsel ,Mrs. Clark Lamborn, Mrs. Brio Leav- W. B. Hamilton, The couple sailed Saturday on the — Motorstokor burns econom-v ens, Mrs. 'MauricoJSchwartz, Mrs Chief Electrician's Mate, USN., Queen of Bermuda for a honeymoon 8 Dated October 10. A. D. 1987. Val anthracite. Marlon StommeJirMrs. Harry Button, Whiskey .79 THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK - Recruiter, Fostofflce Bldg., In Bermuda as the gueats of Mr. SCOTCH -2-Jt, AND TRUST COMPANY Mrs. Royal Trukwell, Mrs, Judaon S. Trenton, N, J, and Mrs, J. Ford Johnson, Jr., of 4/S quart 25% of Atherton Is 7 years old—a line product OP RED BANK yaughan, Mrs. Ralph O. Willguss, Rumson, and on their return will Blend of the fln.it imported Highlands Whiskies. By: Ralph S. Pearce, Merritt Machine Shop Mrs. William Wlkoff and Miss Sadl Bell's 8-year-old li a light and flavorful Scotch of of National Distillers and mado exclusively for Trust Officer, Reformed Church News. reside at Rumson. Mrs. Werlemann great Donularlty and distinction. On Bale this week A&P, Economically priced! Red Bank, N. J. Child. was formerly the wife of Nathan at a thrifty price 1 FLORENCE HOWARD BROOKS, 24 Mechanic Street The next meeting will be held al Members of the Junior Order Reed. They were divorced several Shrewsbury, N. J., United American Mechanics will at- years ago. Mr. Werlemann Is the Executori. Phone 322. tho home of Mrs. Eric Leavens o Applestte, Stevens, Foster Alston court Monday, December 3. ' tend, a service to be held at thebrother of George Werlemann of GANCIA IMPORTED Downing Street church on Thanksgiving day. TheRumson, Emllle F. Werlemann of Red Bank, N-'j., speaker will bo Dr, Milton J. Hoff- Paris and Frederick H. Werlemann FRENCH or ITALIAN Proctor*. man, who will speak on the subject, of Locust Point. Gift of $100,000 'Why We Are Protestants." Maglo GIN «"** .85 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate of Charles Lewis, deceased. lantern slides will be shown. The Kllleen—Schenok. Vermouth ^ .79 Notice ti hereby given that the accounts For Methodist Home Ladles' auxiliary of Onward councl Excellent quality Vermouth for Manhattans An economy gin of high quality—made from of the subscriber, aurvlvtng executor of Miss Mary Kllleen of East Orange and Martinis. 100% American grain—85 proof. the estate of said deceased, will be audit- and the Daughters of America wll ed and stated by the Surrosate of the .Announcement has been made that also attend. and Elwood N. Schenck, son of Mr. County of Monmouth and repbrted for let- an Atlantlo City man has bequeathed and Mrs. J. Herbert Schenck of Ever- tlement to the Orphans Court of laid JIOO.OOO which will go toward build- The Men's club will be In charge ett, wero married last week at East ALBERT ROBIN ~- CHARLES HEIDSEICK County, on Thursday, the sixteenth day ing the new Methodist home for theof the evening service Sunday, Do- Orange, Tho attendants wero Mrs. of December, A. D. 1987, at 10:00 o'clock aged at Ocean Grove. An entire block combor 6. Joseph Keating, supcrln Roso Curtln and James Kllleen, sis- a. m.. at which time application will be tendent of the City resoue mission al I IMPORT ED made for the allowance of commission! ot land has been purchased for H6V ter and brother of the bride. ' and counsel fees. 000 by tho trustees of the home. The Trenton, will bo the speaker. With CHAMPAGNE Dated October 28. A. D. 1037. him will coma several of the men Tho bride wore a blue velvet gown CHARLES LEWIS, JR.. endowment fund of the Institution with matching accessories and a cor- COGNAC X* 249 Connoisseurs recognize Charles Heldsclck as SOS Suniet Ave., Asbury Park, N, J., now amounts to $248,000. Tho pro- who have been converted at this mis- Surviving Executor. sion. They will relate the events 15 years old, made and bottled at Cognnc, one of the best * , , and 1023 an exceptional posed new homo will accommodate France. Compare Albert Robin's quality wltti Patterson, Rhome and Morgan, leading up to their conversion. A vintage. Asbury Park, N. J,, 200. It will not; be started untl other brandies selling for much more. Proctors, enough funds are on hand to com- corps of musicians from the mission Lester C. Leonard,' Esq.. plete tho building, The gift oMlOO,- will provide music, Including old Red Dank, N. J., 000 was made by the lite George F. time evangollstlo hymns. COVERLEY D.E KUYPER'S CALIFORNIA Proctor. Wilson of Atlantlo City, Officers eleoted by the club Mon- IMPORTED NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT day night are James Burner presi- Estate of Horace Tros, deceased* dent, William Macintosh vice pres- 4/B Table Wines Notice Is hereby given that the ac- GIRL SCOUTS MEET. LIQUEURS counts of the subscribers, surviving ex- ident, drover Carter seorotary' arid SHERRY! quart 1.19 Apricot ecutors of the estate of

AMUSEMENTS. Balrd. The new members brough called out Friday afternoon to ex- Riverside Heights their ohuroh cards from the Baptist tinguish a grass, flre on Sycamore We offer yon two dlsttnot valueawrremlum Jeddo-Hlchland ohurob of South Amboy.' Mis* Balrc courts, near the tittle Silver bound' or our eplondld Lenlgh coal Tfcemoit heat for die least money. Mr. and Mrt Martin McGuire and "High, Handsome," vm elected superintendent of tin aiy line, family of Riverside drive moved Mon starring Irene Dunne and Randolph Sunday-school at the annual meet Mr. and Mrs.' 'Michael McGarity day to the McQuire farm on Highway Scott, will be the feature attraction Ing of the church and she began be: and Mlas Ella McGarity spent Sun- h 35. today, tomorrow and Saturday at term Sunday. day at Brooklyn. " . • Several member* of the Alexander the Carlton theater. The large sup- Fred Yorg has been confined to family attended a surprise party In porting cast Includes Dorothy La- his home on White street by illneis. Brooklyn Saturday night mour, Aklm TamlrolT, Raymond Highlands. An apron social will ba held to- COAL Walburn, Charles Blokford, Ben morrow night, at the Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Everett Asay and son $100 $100 Donald were recent visitors to BlaJrs- Blue, Elizabeth Patterson and Wll- (Tha Bad Ban* Bajlatir can U liuug Sunday-school room by • tbs Helping la HwhlamU from 1. Omnapan, Mr. Mul Feed Cannel Coal Hay town. Donald visited his friend. Ed- lam Frawley. tor, Badla'a drat ator. and Jacob Staaant Hand society starting at 8 o'clock. wards Rullman, who la a student at There will be a program of mualo, $1.00 '::"• Blair academy. Mayor Harry A. Brown, Grandli Henry Obre and David Emmons of V. Johnson, U. Grant Johnson an< this place' and William Bennett of LEHIGH COAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Corcoran of J.' S. Hoffman are attending the. con' Stateslr place will move Into the Ely Colt's Neck killed 17 rabbits, three Hors d'Oeuvres house on the same street. ventlon of the New Jersey League o pheasants and one woodcock the flnt $4 4 .00 Per Ton Joan Arlene McNaJly recently at- Municipalities today and tomorrow day of the. hunting season. Rev. Chicken Okra Soup (Gash) tended a party for the first birthday at Atlantic City. They motored t George H. MUtach spent the opening of Patricia Ann McLaughlln of At- Atlantlo City this morning la Fred day gunning at Manasquan. Ha Roast Spring Turkey lantic Highlands. Mohr's new Bulck car. bagged three rabbits and two squir- Chestnut Dressing ii Friday Jack Ransley accompanied The Lions club bingo party las rels. . • * " NUT OK STOVE SEE. • . his mother and grandmother to New- Friday night was attended by 20C Holy Communion will be celebrat- Candied Sweet Potatoes i ark, where they enjoyed a tour of the persons. Forty-five prizes were award' ed by Rev. Carroll M. Burck at Christ Mashed Turnips , , Our special value to appeal to the wise, .thrllty buyer who Newark Airport . ed. Mrs. Eleanor Woodruff of Rum- church Thanksgiving morning at 9:30 seeks A-l quality at the lowest price. Mrs. Howard Stamm has returned son won the door priie and Mrs.o'olock. Fresh Green Peas to her home after a few days' stay Belle Hulse of Highlands woo the Plans are being made for the BOth Cranberry Sauce , ' • v • at Monmouth Memorial hospital for special prize. celebration of. the Young People'! observation. , Councilman-elect and Mrs. William Missionary society of the Presbyter- Endive Salad Richard White, eighth grade stu- L. Parker and family left last week Ian church, which takes plaoe In De- Hance -& Davis dent of Fair View school, Is visiting for Florida. Mr. Parker will return :ember. Mrs. Morgan C. Knapp la . Mince Pie with Ice Cream in Vermont. early next month but his family wil In charge of arrangements and Is be- Tel. 103 Red Bank remain there for the winter. A surprise party in celebration of ing assisted, by other members of the Demi Tasse The dinner-dance given last week loclety. Where Quality Rulea ! - the birthday of Marjorle Bwlng was at John'* hotel by Twlnllght post of held at the home of Stuart Eddlng- About 200 air mail tetters were sent P. S, Of course—Celery, Olives, Radishes ton Saturday night Dancing, games the American Legion was attended out of the postoffice, Tuesday morn- and refreshments were features. At- by 180 persons. Murphy -Rockett ing in observance ot air mail week. •---'••'• and Nuts tending were Misses Marjorle Swing, commander, was toastmaster, and Rev. George H. Mlksch, pastor of FUEL OIL Sally Porter, Helen Powers, Frances speeches were made by George W. tho Presbyterian church, will preach Hurst, Betty Woodward, Mary Lou Tho attraction for four days be- Hardy, Frederick Kleterdorf and & Thanksgiving day sermon Sunday Route 34 Matawan Phone 2069 Hammer, June Smith, Marjorle Con- ginning Sunday will be Eddie Can- Edmond Duffy of this place, and by morning at 10:45 o'clock. Sunday- PER GAL. nelly, Peggy McDonald, Bernice Mil- .or's new musical, "AH Baba Goes visiting legionnaires. Songs were school will: bo held at 6:45 o'clock. ler, Marjorle McGlnnls and Stuart :o Town." Supporting Cantor In rendered by Sam Romandettl and a (Cash) HMdlngton, Donald As&y, Charles this, the first of bis pictures to be dance was given by Theodore Mount. TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Orlesenbeck, Thomas Lloyd, Edward made by 20th Century-Fox, are The legion held a parade Armistice Between November, 1033, and De- Grlesenbeck, Christopher Elgen- Tony Martin, Eoland Young, June day, followed by exercises at tho war :embor, 1938, nearly $316,000,000 In Contractor and Builder Let us explain our Special Cash Flan . . . Its convenience rauch, Bud Curohin, Thomas,Meade Lang, Louise HovJck, John Carra- memorial monument Mr. Hardy federal government funds was spent Jr., William Hall, Jack Forsythe, •poke at thegexerclses, Music was for the construction and Improve- as well as money-saving feature. dine, Virginia Field, Alan Dlnohort, SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Thomas Gannln and Nicholas White. Douglas Dumbrllle and Raymond provided by the Atlantlo Highlands ment of recreation areas In the va- Mr. and Mrs.- Einar Hammer re- Scott. high school band. rious states, 8CBEKN AITD STOBJU ENOLOSUBES cently entertained at bridge in honor Miss Reba Nelmark of New York TEL. 8ZW-M. M HUDSON AVB. BED BANK, N. «.* of Mm. Hammer's brother and sister spent the week-end with her parents, in-law who sailed this week to re- Strand. \ Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Nelmark ot Mil- turn to their home In Maracalbo, "Flight" From Glory," with Chea- ler street. ter Morris and Whitney Bourne, and Mrs. A. M. Robertson won first Venezuela. A buffet BUpper Was serv- prize at the Trailers club meeting ed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. "Wine, Women and Horses," with Barton MacLane and Ann Sheridan, last week. The dark horse prize was R. A. Grleaenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- awarded to Mrs. Henrietta Quast. liam T. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer will be shown for the last times to- day at the Strand theater. Mrs. Harry Duncan Is a surgical Methot, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Scott and patient at Monmouth Memorial hos- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dclatush. Two features, "Counsel for Crime" Boys' Suit Sale with Otto Kruger and Jacqueline pital. A snow fence has been put up In Miss Mary Burdge Is spending a lt» customary place on Riverside Wells, and "Hop-along Cassldy Rides Again," with William Boyd and week at Newark. drive, extending from the highway to Mrs. Charles Smith of Miller street Conover place. George Hayes, will be BhownjFrlday 200 BOYS' LONG PANTS and Saturday. ~~A spent Sunday at New York. Among the visitors hero over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ladies' Sport Coats Union Beach. O'Donnell, Paul Kouhat, Hugh Mc- SUITS TO BE SOLD Glynn and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Tha Red Bank Baitatar can ba bought In Union Beach at tba 'ton of am 6«n- Fltzslmmons of Newark and Mrs. Sold at Factory Prices •on). Frank Mons and daughter Gladys of Brooklyn. •_ Mr. and Mrs. William Kellam of AT A SACRIFICE Sydney avenue are the parents of a son. Shrewsbury. Luxuriously Warm A social for the benefit of the pub- lic school Parent-Teacher association (Tha Red Banl Rfglatar can da bought 1.95 was held at the Cottage Park school In Shrawabury from tha 8hrQwabury Mar- xat* at tha poatofflca from Ura. Jame« Sport Coats in Friday, night' Rlordan. and from Our Ednarda on the Miss Rose Cerrato of Florence ave- coroar of Newman Burton road and SIZES 14 to 19. nue has returned from a visit at Phil- Shrawibary avanue). Shag and Fleece adelphia. The Shrewsbury Field Hockey club The Harris Garden hose company will bold Its annual winter dance at has elected the following officers: the Old Orchard Country club; Mon- Presldtnt—Henry Kluln. mouth road, Eatontown, Saturday ALL MODELS AND STYLES • ALL COLORS Vice praildent—Thomas HUL night, December 4, starting at 9:30 Secratarr—Thurlow Harrii. o'clock. A midnight supper will be Treaiurar—Hanry Rubbaln, Jr. • ALL SIZES Chlaf—Hugh Kirn. served. There will be entertainment. BUY NOW AND SAVE. Aaalatanta—John Janaon and Chacles Mrs. James' Flensing. Smith, Mrs. Ed- Thomaa. win L. Best and Miss Jane Sutton COME EARLY WHILE Truataaa—Petar Panek, Frank Hill and Joaeph MeCor. are In charge. Edward Hounihan returned homo SELECTION IS LARGE William Wright and family have Sunday from Monmouth Memorial moved to Newark. The feature attraction Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of next week hospital, where he had been under Fred Zohn, who has been on the observation. Mr. Hounihan, who Is sick list for several weeks, Is able to will be "Sophie Long Goes West" with Gertrude Michael In the title confined to his home by Illness, Is bo about again. much Improved. MEN - YOUNG MEN - STUDENTS 1 9.75 Miss Burtina Aumack was hos-role and Larry (Buster) Crabbe In the leading male role. More than 30 persons attended the No AHeratlon tess to the members of the Toung Young People's Missionary meeting Women's club lut night Friday night at the ' Presbyierlan SUITS - OVERCOATS - TOP COATS * " Union Made», Mrs. M. Gernsback has returned to Sunday-school room. Dr. Eugene her home on Lorlllard avenue after a Middletown Village. Newman of Red Bank was guest visit at East Orange. " SOLD ON FACTORY PREMISES UP (The<,Red Bank Register can b« bought speaker. He told of his experiences Mrs. Emma Leltz of Hoboken has In Mtddletown from J.-C. Knight and Wil-during his trip to the Pacific coast. been the guest of Mrs. Mary Rosen liam D. Watera). Miss Bessie Green was in charge of hagen of Washington avenue. Mrs. John J. Maasey, Miss Rita the program. Edward Conroy of Union avenue Is Mrs. Florenz Dean was hostess Frank Garruto & Son a patient at the Jeriey City Medici Masaey and Mrs. William Bohn and HF0BS, OF MEN'S CLOTHES daughters spent one day last week yesterday afternoon at her home to Open Every Day — Saturday, 0 A. M. to 10 P. M. Center, members of the Shrewsbury auxiliary Mrs. Gus Dlrner was hostess last nt Now York. Dead grass on the Potter farm of Rlvervlew hospital. 42 WEST STREET, RED BANK week to the members of the Sun- The Shrewsbury Hose company was shine Sewing club. Those present caught fire Saturday and a consider- Canadian Cloak & Suit Co. able area was burned over before the were Mrs. Elizabeth Splelman, Mrs. INC. Harry Doyle, Mrs, Anna Ron, Mrs blaze was put out by the firemen.Th e LINCOLN STREET, Highway 35, Laura Nobbln, Mrs. Helen Ross, Mrs flre is thought to have been caused Theresa Schober and Mrs. C. Hauje- by a careless hunter. , Near Mlddletown Firehouse (on former Fair Grounds Property) man. ' A dessert-brldgo party for the ben- MIDDLETOWN, N. J. Tel. Red Bank 473. The Ladles' Aid society met at the efit of the Reformed church will be home of Mrs. Charles Behr of Poole held In the recreation rooms of the avenue last week. church Thursday afternoon, Decem- ber 2, at 1:30 o'clock. It will be un- der the direction of the Ladies' aid society and the members of that or- ganization state that a large attend- ance would be appreciated because the profits arc to be used for main- tenance of the church. DOREMUS BROS. Kenneth Smith enjoyed an auto- mobile ride of 60 miles Saturday along the coast as the guest .of Wil- COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 liam R. Russell of Red Bank, Mr. Smith la an invalid and ho was ac- companied on- the trip, by Mrs. 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 • 1562 Blanche Wilson of Belford, wio is a. nurse. 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:- FREE DELIVERY George Spafford went hunting one day last woek and ho shot five rab- bits. Mr. and Mrs. John Sabo and son SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ! Robert o£ Jersey City spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Julius Ley. John Koelsch of Jersey City was a guest of Kenneth Smith one day last JERSEY SPRING FRESH PRIME week. Mrs. F. Markllo Schad has a new -car. ..._J__ , PORK LAMB KILLED CHUCK Mrs. R. E. Ncvlus entertained the Middletown brldffo club at her home Friday. The guests were Mrs, Irving Shoulders Shoulders DUCKS ROAST Hanco, Mrs. Egbert Swackhamer, Mrs. John Carey, Mrs. Charles O. Bennett, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Stanley McQucon, Mrs. Gerot H. Con- c over, Mrs. F. MarkJie Schad, Mrs. 1b. George A. .DeUtush, Mrs. Charlei 19Ib. 21 Bteurwald and Miss Emily Peacock. 2% High jcorcB were mode by Mrs. Swackhamer and Mrs. Delatueh. The annual union Thanksgiving New Eng. Walnuts 2 ,„.. 39c Prem. Lima Beans 2 can, 27c service will bo iield In the Reformed church Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public la Invited. Rev. Pitted Dates ^. pkr 10c R large pkjf. 21C Goorge Young of the Baptist chureh will proach and Rev. William Spot- Waldorf Tissue 3 roll. 13c ford of Christ church will assuit. Large New Pecans 27fb Mrs. James c. Hendrlekson, presi- Frosted Oysters pi*. 35c dent of the. Missionary society, and Pumpkins . ta,eMtcnn 13c four other members of tho society, Mrs. Walter Walling, Mrs. Fjed Telophon* Cauliflower snow «,„ 17c heod Bromoyer, Mrs. R. O. Balrd and Mrs. Fresh Prunes ,arrc,t „„, 17c George Young, attended the meeting Calif. Carrots 6cc bunch of BaptLst missionary societies of will b« in effect on calls of 50 miles Monmouth county at Aabury park and over, just as they are every night Premier Corn 2ca». 25c" Fla. Oranges 29c - 35c last week. (White or Yellow) ta (Extra, tarts and Juicy) A program of sacred muslowlllbe after'7 o'clock, and all of Sunday. given at the Baptist church Sunday morning, November 28, by the Skill- The same reduced rates will also apply ing quartet of Long Branch. all Christmas and New Year's Day. ^IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS The Baptist church received three new members Sunday. They are JBr. Iflir MMMVJUUfc aUSUAW MMVJUIC mnd Mrs. R. O. Balrd and, MU» DorU RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987. Pace

"Sharing Christ With Children of County Religious Every^ Land," will be given by the ,•'«.-.. • , , 'A -A ''•••>, THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE Leonardo society. A roll call will Christian Science Unit at Fair Haven follow. Expert Repairinj Following the recital of the Junior • Reading Room The Christian Endeavor society of 1 Christian Endeavor pledge, music Broed Street National Bank Bldg, WATCHES, CLOCKS Monmouth and Ocean cbunties will will again be rendered by the Asbury hold a' junior rally In the Fair Haven 12 Broad 8treet, Red Bank and JEWELRY MethodlBt church Saturday after- Park group under the direction of Miss Tillle Davlson, junior superin- OPEN DAILY noon, November 20, beginning at 2:80 tendent for the state. A hymn will Accuracy, skill and experi- o'clock. Mrs. Ellwood Wolf, county be sung and benediction will be pro- IIISO A. M. to 4:30 P. M. . ence enable us to do the Junior superintendent, will have Tnaiday and Friday Evenlnrel A few charge of the program. The theme nounced. 7l3O lo «>30. most delicate repairing Wf for tbe day will bo "We Share Games for children and a confer- drops into cut guarantee satisfaction. Ow Christ." ence for junior superintendents will Hera the Dibit, the Work, ol Mary Baker Eddy. Plworaru and Founder or minor burn relieves prices will please vou.. After a short program of music the follow the rally. of Ohrletlan Science, end all other members will bo called to worship. Ruthorlud Ohriitlan Solans* Litera- the pain—prevents dan- ture may ba read, borrowed or par* Silverware Repaired A song service will follow, after shaeed. gerous minor infection. which greetings will be extended by To Assist at Forty Hours. and Replated Like Nev Douglas Melton of Asbury Park for Rev. Daniel E. Power, S. J., assist- Beading Room Maintained by the county union. George Curchln of ant professor of history of George- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Fair Haven will extend greetings far town university, will assist with forty SCIENTIST. REUSSILLES the Fair-Haven society. hour devotions, beginning Sunday at 209 BROAD STREET. RED BANK 36 Broad St, Red Bank A musical program will be present- St James' church. Father Power Is The Puklle la Welcome. ' Tel IML !$' ed by CalvarysPresbyterlan Juniors a son. of Mrs. James Power of Jer- of Ajbury Park, after which a drama, soy City, formerly of this place. Everyone Can Have a Turkey SAVE at ACME cms

Save W% to 5O% en Y Kn.aialLeaiii V«M M I * «*- - MARKETS

One of the truity steeda in Bamberger's Annual Thanksgiving day parade at Newark. The parade will be a mile and a quarter long, have 400 marcher!, alk bands and 23 Immense floats, The parade will start at 73 Broad Street, Red Bank Orange at 9:30 a, m, and will end at the Bamborger store at 11:00. Fairy tales, Arabian Nights and Nursery Rhymes will be represented by huge characters, which have hcen over a year In the making. One of the most striking floats will be the 60-foot Slant that Jack Killed. Rip VanWlnklo will awake 752 River Road, Fair Haven In time to Join th« parade with his dog, Slnbad the Sailor, Hickory, Dlckory Dock and tho Mouse will fall In line. "Three' Dudes," comic figures whloh have Just arrived from abroad, will be a laugh-provoking fea- ture. Humpty Dumpty, Jack In the Box, Simple Simon with his Me Cart, Old Mother Hubbard, the Snake Charmor, Plnocohlo and the Crlcke t, Little Snowdrop, Robinson Crusoe* and the Pirate Ship, will all bo there. The Middle Ages will be represented by a knight In armor, Among other novelties are a Rocking Clown Head and a Smoking: Turk. Selected Eggs 2 49 the Leonardo grade school, has beoi Leonardo. 111 with grip and was forced to fore- Keyport. go the teachers' convention at Atlaiv (Thi Red Bank Regliter can be bought Mrs. Roy Huylar has been a re- In Leonardo (rom F, X. KlIdufT, Harry tlo City. She has sufficiently re- Montgomery Jtrnr Bottlno •nd Mary Si covered to attend to her duties 1 cent patient in the Long Branch hos Seedless Raisins a ~ 5' kon'e i tore. the school. pital. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Green and The first meeting for the reorgan Mrs. J. H. Hendrlckson attendei their daughter, Miss Ena Greon, Izatlon of the Dollar a Month clu a banquet of tho New Jersey We motored to. Elizabeth Sunday and was held at the Leonardo grill Fr lesley club at the Canoe Brook Coun- Red Hoed Apple Settee passed the day with Mr. and Mm, day night under the direction of a try club at Summit Wednesday even • Cook Book . Chris Thomassen. committee composed of Josep ing last. WHh 3 P«t NMk Sweet Apple OderW gm*on Mil. Wesloy Wakeflold has reooy Walsh, Albert Woods, James Caruso, Mrs. Fred Bronkhurst has returne COCOA During Sf»oM enwxnti ««on 1-qt •red from Illness which kept her con- Edward Schuman, John Stoltz and from a visit with her brother an Gold Seel Prune Juice 2 bots fined to the house several days, Robert Holdsworth. sister-in-law, Mr. ai)d Mrs. William Friday atal S»kirAiy No. 1 W-J_ Lieutenant and Mrs. Arthur Han Tuesday evening another card and Miller of Rldgewood. Florida Grapefruit Juice can rV/C * nett and family of Jersey City were bunco party will be held at the home Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberts havi Baiter's mn a^ Sunday visitors at the home of Mi of Rev. Frances Stevenson, pastor of moved from the Snyder house on At CXH1S Ftiwt Nectars pea*>—stna •nd Mrs. Bernard A. Soanlon. Lieu the High Point Spiritualist chapel foi lantic street to the Lambertson houfte 2 Swn-Dine Orange Juice — lOc Hannett Is a member of the Jerse; the benefit at the chapel. There will on Third street. 1 PUMPKIN City motorcycle corps. be a special door prize and refresh- The annual roll call of St John Fancy Home Style Cal. Peaches N°»n I5e Thomas Scanlon and Miss Hele ments served by ladles of tho church. Methodist church will be held to- Bett's Poultry Seasoning 9c Crow of Woodbrldge spent Sunda; The bingo party given for the Bro- night. 1 Fru'it Cocktail or Salad »°;™ 23c with Mr. Scanlon's parents, Mr. an Vent Park and Leonardo fire com- Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Gelger spent the Ground Black Pepper cans Mrs. B. A. Scanlon. pany Tuesday evening In the cafe- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Citron, Orange or Lemon Peel l'k" 9e Mr, and Mrs. Claude Smith are teria In the Leonardo high school wa Boews of New York. Toasted Bread Crumbs making their home temporarily at well attended. Vincent O'Sage wa Miss Emma Honn has returned t 6-oi Sunsweet Evap. Apricots "j," 17c Westport, Connecticut They spent the winner of the door prize. Othe her duties aa nurse in the Fifth Ave- Diplomat Boned Chicken Sunday with Mrs. Smith's parents, prize winners were Miss Anna Mey- nue hospital at New York after Cake Flour Wkok ^..led Apricots ^n Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Christy. ers, Mrs. Peter Green, Miss Edn visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni,Noo£*'2Oc trlo wringer last week. She was i SKced Mushrooms 89. No formal celebrstlon Is Mrs. Albert Lindenstruth, the li- planned. painfully but not seriously hurt and Ve* Dyk P>Hed DaWs her hand Is In splints. brarian at this place, announces Imported Stuffed Oftves 25c 1 Edward Almond of New York display of new books for children to •pent the week-end with his parents A meeting of the Democratic exe- here. cutive committee of' Mlddletown be held Monday afternoon from 3:90 Ateerted Pickles Sauce - township will be hBld this evening at o 6 o'clock at the library In th Comet Riee Re«te« ^ K>c Mr. and Mrs. John Benjaok and Community clubhouse on West Front Cider or Distilled Vmefter Mr. and Mrs. James Lawden and the home of Ernest B. McGllvary. jwnbo street, One-third of the books will Criep Teaseed Corn Ftakec It-on phc son of Newark passed tbe week-end remain here, one-third will be placed x Camay Toilet Soap 5c r*C at their Center avenue bungalow. In the Mlddletown village library Fred Hill Is the new owner of th Headden's Corner. and one-third will be at Naveslnk. Woodbury's Facial Soap JelUO Atlantlo diner, having purchased th Mrs. Edward H. Scattergood enter- Liaien't Yellow Laeel Tea pkc Interest of Mr. Goldberg. (The Red Bank BlirliUr esn 1» boughl S. O. S. Magic Pads 12c la H««dd«n'« Corner at tht itore of Ed tained the BOO "club at her home las Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kreltler and ward O'Flahtrty and (rom Bay O'Neill) Thursday afternoon. First prize wa» family of Irvlngton were at their 2O Mule Team Borax cottage on Rldgewood avenue from John and Joseph Fee of South won by Mrs. William Kaney, second Cra* Armistice day until Monday. River spent Friday and Saturday with prize by Mrs. Benjamin Crate, the Braided White Clothes Line hank Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Flaherty. heart prize by Mrs. SheldtPand the Mrs. Frank Buyes, and four chil- consolation award by Mrs. Scatter- dren have closed the(r bungalow on Mrs. Lavlna Mlnton returned to her Big Fr**h PRODUCE Center avenue and returned to thilr home in Highlands Friday after good. Mrs. Sheldt will entertain Order Thanksgiving Poultry Now Newark home. spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. this group at tho next meeting. Henry Paoach Is oxpected to re- Miss May Bryan and Edward Paun Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Annie Within a few d»jn our fancy Poultry for T>in»l»agl»liin' wW fee ready. Bo tan of » Lo*« bU*xJ or of Newark spent the week-end with Johnson, turn to his homo soon from Fltkln Pick of the Crop—plaoo your order norr (or » plmmp trail kMed Tmrtxy, CMrtm, Miss Bryan's parents, Mr.' and Mrs Joseph Maloney has aocepted a po- hospital, where ho is a patient. Oooso or Dtickline. For the licet neat ami fullfet fctTor—dftxrvl on AOME TovHwj Edward Bryan. sition as bus driver on one of Sid- TJio Parent-Teacher association will Mrs. Anna Repossl of Brooklyn ney H. McLean's school buses. meet at tho school next Tuesday, No- POTATOES entertained Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miss Marie DoSayda, who has boon vember 23, when tho subject of "Re- C Curry several days last week, confined to the house with a heavy port Cards" will bo dlecussed. Mrs. Margaret Leonard Is recover- cold, Is able to be up and about. Sevoral members of the Commun- Legs Lamb 25 C ing from a severe cold and grip. Miss Alleen Simpson, a student at ity club met recently at the home Mrs. Jack Bohney of New York Glasjboro Teachers Normal sohool, of the president, Mrs. Harry Gold- hurst, who is now residing lit But- I5-25 has closed her cottage on the boule- spent part of the past week with tier e vard until the spring. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Simp- tonwood Park, Shrewsbury, son. : Fresh Pork Loins 3 - 2l Miss Blanche Leonard has accept- ed a position for part time work at Daniel O'Brien of Jersey City was 1 Cauliflower the Silk Shop In Atlantlo Highlands. week-end visitor at. the home of Oceanport. Fresh Pork Shoulders »•J5 M Nell-Corbettrone-the-hlfh-soliool C football squad, is suffering: from a Mrs. Richard Nagle gave a birth' (The Red Bank Hegliter can be bought Long ht*d ' broken collar bone, reoelvel while day party Monday afternoon for her In Ooeanport at the Itore of Carlo VUil>)< celebrating the Armistice day foot- son Richard, who was oelebratlng Miss Dora Boyd of Elizabeth vis- Wand IO ball gams with Atlantlo Highlands. his 11th birthday. ted tho Misses DuBola of Main Mrs, William Oakes Is again con- Mrs. Thomas Finn spent yesterday stroot last week-end. Chuck Roast 19 h |C fined to her bed with sickness. visiting relatives at New York, Or. and Mrs. Charles Smith and FferMa Mr. and Mrs'. Fred W. Sehmltt aro Mrs. Fetor Snelger, -who has boon their daughters, Audrey and Janet, Oranges expeotlng a visit from their son, Fred seriously 111 at her home, was rekrlsltc- d In Ocoanport last Sunday. JWheU or W. Sehmltt, and his family from Hor. moved to Hazard hospital at Long Warrant OfUcor and Mrs. H. K|rl»y Smoked Hams Green C nell, Now York, over the Thanksgiv- Branoh Sunday night. and their daughter Mildred visited Opllo|>lukiio ing soason. Martin J. MeQuIre and family have friends in Oceanport last Sunday, Wd pltg ScrapplW 2 - I5 Mr. Klrby was formerly stationed at Beans A surprise party was tendered Lo- moved from Riverside Drlvo to Mr. retta Walsh, daughter of Mr. andMcOulre's father's home on the Fort Monmouth but Is now at Clean Them) Frmh Mrs. Frank Walsh, last Thursday by State highway, whloh he recently Brooklyn army baso. Their son, Cranberries 2 - 29c some of the membors of the high lurohaied. Horance, enlisted In the army and is sohool In colobfatlon of her 17th Mr. and Mrs. Joieph Olmato anter- statlonod at Honolulu, — Whiting *5c * lOc GraoefrMit ju,,T birthday. alned relatives from New York Sun- A food sale will be held by the Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Cross and lay. Ladles' Aid society of Oceanport M, Suveet Potatoes their guest, Mrs, Mayer>of Richmond, Joseph MoCaffory of Now York has H). churoh Saturday. Virginia, who Is Mr. Cross' sister, will ieen visiting Thomas Finn and fam- Mrs. H. Slbert has returned from Flounders »' lOc Crabmeat » 29c Nad spend Sunday in New York as the ng during the week. a visit to Illinois. . Her husband Is guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lewis, expected home with the 61st Signal Chowder Clams or Froth OysUrs Lettuce Jr Mrs, Lewis will tender a turkey battalion from San Antonio, Texas, dlnnor party in celebration of ..the Confer on Beach Erosion. next week. . STORE HOWS: Monday, TwMrfay, 8 A. M. iw fi P. M. FrM«* and Saturday, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 'birthday of Mrs.. Cross, who Is her Mayor-eleot Walter J. Sweeney of After a four-day vacation at home NOTE* ACME mWwtilw'W^H wQ •ro*f* M • slstor. Sea Bright has returned from Wash- Miss Louise Mullen has returned to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Barls have ington, D. O,, where he held a con- duty at Monmouth Memorial hospK purchased tho' Kandy Shoppe on ference with Congressman William al. i, Sutphln relative to a boaoh oro- Hrest and Tro&mn prices «(• Leonard avonue, formerly operated Mrs. Mlohael Ryan of Arcana avs- f««Uv« to Saturday night, by Jerry Bottlno.' William Btst and ilon survey. Army engineers told Mr. IUO has boen at Now York for about tirsmry >«t«*a to Wed., N»v. bis mother, who took over ths busl- Sutphln later that New Jersoy would weok, duo to the Illness and death peis a short time ago, have returned He required to pay half the oost of a if hor slstor. Mrs, Ryan's son Eld- M. Rlcto remrVed ' to Mmlt |o tholr home at Port Monmouth. proposed $18,000 survey of beaoh win and his wife attended the fu- Mrs, Oearge Reeck, principal o{ roslon. neral Monday, Eieht RED BANK BEGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937. company will hold a card party at SheUflsb. Ban In Shore AIM. Torn* river In Oo»an county and por- Detector Test Lincroft. Port Monmouth. the are bouse Friday night, Novem- The State Board pf Health has tions pf Manasquan and Shark rivers ber 28. Mrs. Joseph Wackar Is chair- placed a shellfish ban on portions of Id Monmouth county. W Cost* No More to Buy tho Best at Indicates Guilt (Tha Bad Bank Baglatar can ba bough (Tha Sad Bulk B.siitar o»n ba booaht man of the. party committee. Her •t Uneroft from Hubert Molwn, "bo In Port Monmouth from Larrj Oananll Barnegafbay aid two rlvtra eacji In • dlllvtrj rout*). Charlu Martra and Oharlaa Uabbai|.«r assistants are Mra. Charles Llebhau- Ocean and Monmouth county on the One of the quickest wavs to*flni) a / "(Judga J. Edward Knight said yes- ser, Mrs. Charles Btava,.Mrs. Fred Job Is to advertise In The Regis- More than 30 persona attended thi Mr, and Mm. Joseph Josephsoi ground that they were polluted. The I^Urtsy the report ot m lit detector Weniel and Mrs. Frances Morbltier. rivers affected are the Meteconk and ter's Want Department.—Advertise- second in a series of dances hell have moved for the winter to New- MIBS Elsie Mixer and Thomas Mur- ment. '' "l given a constable convicted of at the ark, where Mr. Joiephson is em- extortion chargo Indicated the doch of Newark spent part of last Muslo was furnished by McGulre's ployed. week with Mr, and Mrs. Charles constable "was falsifying when ho orchestra of Anbury Park. Francis Mrs, Antoinette Stratton had rela- toptiOed he did not' receive a |10 Quackenbush, Jr. ' Mauser is chairman of the dances tives from Newark at her home ovo James Johnson, son of Mr. and MARKET tolbe." and his assistants are Frank Mc- the week-end. t«t was taken by Constable I , Mrs. Albert Johnson,- Is on tht lick EST. 19O3 c Q d Dom dlon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Braun en- list. Charles M. Fremgen of Marlboro Charle— - s• Toop_" . The next dance will tertained relatives from Union City township at Fordham university yes- An illuminated sign showing the 123 WEST FRONT STREET be held Friday night, November 26, Saturday and Sunday. time when services are held haa been terday In bis attempt to win a new Flans are being completed for th Mrs. Roy Kolb entertained the tflal. Fremgen was convicted by a placed on the grounds of Community POELGER'S PHONE: Red Bank 678. Christmas entertainment to be give members of the Wednesday After- church. It Is a gift from Arnold jury last month of accepting $10 from this year at Lincroft chapel by thi noon Sewing club at her home las a motorist he had stopped for speed- Wesley. It shows large artlstio abil- FREE DBUVBBV, IHEB PABKINO IN BEAB OB MAK&ET. Sunday-achool. The plays which havi week. A spaghetti dinner was ity and the church officials and mem- been selected aro "Sign ot Peace" t 1 served, The guests were Mrs. No- bers state that they are very grateful \jildge Knight mado no other com? be presented by Patsy Anabel, How- ble, Mrs. Acker, Mrs. Vlscontl, Mrs for the gift 1 vttnt on the report he received from ard Long and Mrs., Ada Woodward, Richard Best, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs RUMSON INN .To insure the success of that all important Rav. Walter O. Summers of Ford- and "The Fairy's Christmas." Thoie Ruddlen, Mrs. Donald Rellly, Mrs, Tho Boy* Scouts of this place will Thanksgiving Dinner, we urge you to order Suun. He said further argument on taking part In the latter play will be Curley, Mrs. Denlnes, Mrs. Falks and ake part In the court of honor to be the application of Fremgon's counsel Helen Long, Lois Owens, Edith May Mrs; Dora Rose, the latter being a eld tonight at Atlantic Highlands. your Turkey today. As usual our customers will Mauser, Gloria Mauser, James Wll- Ct is expected that there will be a tp >et aside the verdict and order a resident of Weehawken. large attendance of Port Monmouth eat the finest turkey sold at the lowest possible new trial would bo considered along coxen, Robert Daly and Edward Stil- Joseph Casey of Jersey City, well. Mrs. Sarah C. Boughton is in residents at the event. Announces price. Thank you! • With the report Friday. summer resident of this place, died Mrs, Frank Bryck underwent an charge of the costumes and Miss Friday. The funeral was held Tues- Julia McCarron is directing. operation Monday at the Hazard hos- day at Jersey City and was attend- iltal at Long Branch. She is Im- Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday ! ' New Monmouth. Fred Langendorf has returned to :d by several residents of this place, proving. Free Buffet Suppers bis home in New York after spend' imong them being Miss Lillian Qll- Mrs. Pearl Henry celebrated her Ing a week with his father, Harry ette and Mrs. Roy Kolb. lira Samuel Johnston, wife of the ilrthday Monday with a gathering SMAIX pastor, sang a solo at the Baptist Langendorf. While here he spent a Mrs. Joseph Till was a visitor at f relatives and friends. church Sunday morning. The even- good deal of his time with his father. New York last Thursday. John Wubbenhorst of Mount Car- every Sunday Night Ing service was in charge of the Mrs. Harry Anabel has named her Richard Wallace of Red Bank icl; New York, has been spending FRESH HAMS World Wide guild. It was featured daughter Susan. Mrs. Anabel and ipent last Thursday with his father, leveral days with his parents, Mr. daughter returned home last week fames Wallace. ' (whole or ball) m, by a solo by Mrs. Thomas Roberts md Mrs. John^ Wubbenhorst, Sr. from Monmouth Memorial hospital. and selections by the Sunday-school Frank Meyers of Newark spent Mabel Beam" daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hannon of leveral days recently with his grand- Harry Kaab and Billy Bauer 7 orchestra. New York were Armistice day visi- Mrs. Edwin Beam, is confined to the other, Mrs. Amalle Gross. house by sickness. Miss Elizabeth Roberts, a student tors of Michael Mahoney and family. Mrs. Russell Poling made' a visit »t Woman's college at New Bruns- Barbara Potter, daughter of Mr. Mr. and MrB. Charles Stava, Jr., will entertain nightly with' LEGS LAMB Monday at the home of Mrs. Samuel ntortalned . Newark and Irvlngton wick, spent Saturday and Sunday .nd Mrs. Harold Potter of Red Evans of Keyport . GENUINE SPRING with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. How- Bank, has joined the Lincroft Sun quests Saturday night. swing music. Miss Georgia Neuhauser of New- Three additional members of the ard W.Roberts. day-school. She Is in Miss Julia Mc- ark, who is well known here, Is a The bingo party held Saturday Carron's class. toy Scout executive committee have patient at a Newark hospital. She is ecn named. They are Robert N. evening at'Atlantic Highlands for Dante Daverio was a member of improving. Sunday she received a eeley, Francis Ranch and Eugene the benefit of St. Mary's church of a gunning party that spent several irtsit from Mrs. William H. Willett of leardon. The original members of WASHINGTON ST., RUMSON, N. J. Fancy Selected FOWL this place and St. Agnes' church of days last week In the vicinity of his place. Mrs. Carrie Voorhees of committee are Fred Frelbott, (4 • S It).) , Atlantic Highlands was largely at- Flemlngton. They report having ?alr Haven and Mr. and Mrs. Harry 29ft oseph Wackar and Henry Pulseh. tended and very successful. The shot the limit of pheasant and other Hay of Fair Haven. The Ladles' auxiliary of the fire at Oceanic Bridge ' door prize, a turkey donated by Tim- game, Norman Willett was the guest of >mpany has started a campaign for othy Sheehan, was won by Mrs, Mrs. Alice Willgerodt's house Jias Ihea Walling of Phalanx last icreased membership to continue for Stanley Cook. . been repainted by William Wood- 'hursd&y and he spent the day In hree months. First reports are very TRY OUR Sheriff George H. Roberts returned ward of Riverside Heights. ;unnlng. He bagged two rabbits incouraglng. Phone for Reservations—Rumson tl3. home Tuesday from a hunting trip in Word has been received here from nd a pheasant Maine. Victor Fox, who recently under- Fresh Chopped BEEF 25f Walter Waibel, who Is in Bermuda. Beatrice Bennett, daughter of Mr. went an operation at an Orange hos- h The Baptists of this place will join He plans to reach Florida this week ind Mrs. John E. Bennett, is unable Hal, Is now well on tho road to re- with the Baptists of Leonardo Thurs- where he will spend a month and attend school because of a heavy overy and Is back at work. < day morning, November 25, in hold- then return home by bus. A Few of Our Many Grocery Specials ! ing a union Thanksgiving service at Mr. and Mrs. William McKnlght, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hillyer and Mr. 10 o'clock at the Leonardo church Jr., Bpent Sunday with Mr. Mc- ,d Mra. Courtney Hillyer of The Bermon will be preached by Rev Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 'amesburg visited Mrs. Cornelia Hlll- pkgt Samuel Johnston of New Monmouth liam McKnlght, Sr., at Freehold. 'er Sunday. . . COMING • Royal Gelatine Desserts Game continues to be unusually Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Weaver and Mrs. John E. Bennett, Mrs. Dora PREVUES (nil flavors) plentiful in this neighborhood and son Del, of Washington, were Sun- arnes and Miss Alma Williams at- GRETA OARBO all -gunners seem to be doing well day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ended an organ recital at Shrcws- WED. & Among the most successful are John Owens. iury Monday. CHAS. BOYER Walling, Dilllam Truex, Aaron The flre company was called out Mrs. Grace Curran of Freehold vls- SAT. Maxwell House COFFEE 2 9 • Kuckle, Sr, and Aaron Nuckle, Jr. twice on Wednesday of last week to 'ted Mrs. John E. Bennett over the -In— 1b New Monmouth always been extinguish grass fires. One was at week-end. NITES noted for weather prophets and Lincroft Estates and the other was Mrs. Benjamin Dennis is Improv- "Conquest" among the latest to blossom forth on Phalanx road. There was no ing from sickness. Chase & SanbornV Coffee in this role Is William E. Mortord. damage. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bennett at- (DATED) Up until recently few persons knew Gunners throughout this section tended the state teachers' convention 25» of his talents along this line, but ac- report game to bo plentiful. George at Atlantic City Friday. cording to those who knew of his Toop since the opening of the gun- Preparations are well under way 3 DAYS — TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY prognostications he has been 100 per ning season has killed seven rabbits for the fifth annual Christmas bazar cent correct the past 24 years in pre- and one pheasant while Billy McCar- which Is to be held Friday evening. dicting winter weather. Mr. 15 or- ron has bagged five rabbits and a December 3, by tho Ladles' Aid so- IRENE DUNNE - RANDOLPH SCOTT ford says he is guided by cats In squirrel. ciety of Comumnlty church. The so- RED making his prophesies. He finds that ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. ' if felines are heavy eaters In the fall Stained fingers are often the result Pearl Henry Monday afternoon. BAN:: and have thick coats of fur a severe cca holding of cigarettes. Tho Ladles' auxiliary of tho fire STRAND winter Is in store, Otherwise mild weather will prevail, as was the case "HIGH, WIDE and HANDSOME" LAST TIMES TODAY ! Double Feature ' last year when he Bays cats ate little and had only a small amount of fur. BEN BLUE - DOROTHY LAMOUR - RAYMOND WALBURN BARTON MacLANE - ANN SHERIDAN Mr. Mortord says he has not yet ob- served enough cats to make his pre- GRETA Beauty Salon in "WINE, WOMEN and HORSES" diction for the coming season. He GKETA ABEL, Prop. specializes on winter weather and 86 Broad St. Formerly Added Attraction ! PETE SMITHS "Pigskin CHESTER MORRIS - WHITNEY BOURNE does not often make prophesies about Spanish Beauty Salon Tel. 2342. other periods of. the year, FEATURING THE GREEN BAY PACKERS in "FLIGHT FROM GLORY" Mrs. Howard W. Roberts has re- CROCQUIGN0LE ENDS co\ered from sickness. ASK FOB OUR Formerly J ,95 THURSDAY NIGHT — "JUMBO" Mrs. Laytcn, who lives with her SPECIAL OFFER CARD! 4 DAYS — SUNDAY • MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY $25.00, CASH AWARDS - $65.00 JACKPOT daughter, Mrs. Ralph W. Morford, S.M to 5.00 to 2.95 has returned home from Rlverview We will remain open until 8 P. M. Friday evenings. Crocqulgnole or Spiral Waves PREVIEW SATURDAY NITE AT 11 P. M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY hospital at Red Bank, where she was Complete Head O QC a patient. She Is well on the road Formerly , *'**> TWO BIO FEATURES! to recovery. 8.00 »<> 3.95 Wilbur Roberts, who has been en- OTTO KRUGER -. JACQUELINE WELLS gaged In surveying at Southbury, Duart Velzor Connecticut, several weeks, has fin- Combination 4.95 in "COUNSEL FOR CRIME" ished his duties there and is back at Formerly 7.S0 "MARCH his home. WILLIAM BOYD - GEORGE HAYES Rev. William C. McConnell has re- BIACHINKUESS 4.95 OF covered from Bickness. He was In WAVE in "HOP-ALONG RIDES AGAIN" charge of the service Sunday at St. Formerly 7.60 *• 5.95 Mary's church. Harry Kelleher Is driving a new Special ! SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Ford automobile. CHILDREN'S PERMANENT PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT AT 11:18. Clarence Anderson has bought an (up to IS years) Oldsmoblle car. Finger Waving, API Entire Head A postponed meeting of the Bap- Shampooing, Etc. Ov tist mlssioary society will be held Monday to Thursday FREE PARKING SPACES YOU'VE GOT TO HAND IT TO SOPHIE... tills afternoon at the home of Mrs. 3 Items and Rinse $1.00 IN REAR George Acker. If you don't, she'll takt It anyway) Sho'i the smoothest little thief in East Keansburg. the business. Her- specialty s diamonds...but thtre's nothing (TU Rid Bank Iteeiiter can ba bought WEEK.END SPECIALS! In Eait Kianiburs from Isadora Walling). to stop her from stealing hearts I Twelve members of the Church Improvement association met at the home of Mrs. 'Ruth Krueger last Campbell's Jet. Market week and planned to hold a party Monday, November 29, at the Thistle —AND— Inn. Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. Scott -will be in charge. The Goraldlne Thompson Republi- can unit held its card party yester- Middletown Market day Instead of today as usual. Tho change was mado in order to allow the members to attend tho Repub- Phone Mid. 297. Keansburg 661-J. lican rally at Belmar today. The next meeting of the unit will bo held Lowest Price Guaranteed Monday, November 29, at the homo of Mrs. Beatrice Sanks. Mrs. Edward Voorhees is sick with Fancy Young TURKEYS mumps, FOR THANKSGIVING A bingo party will be held tomor- row night at the firo house under the Kindly Phone Your Order Early This Week. 41cestIfin_.of_MrB..Pftmsy..Eennlg-End- Harold Krauee. Prime-Rib Roast--.—-— Tho Men's and Women's Repub- ~m, lican club will hold a card party Sat- Chuck Roast or Steak . urday night at headquarters on Thompson avenue. 24k Miss Mary Rose Donley of Mont- Round and Sirloin Steak clalr was a guest last week of Mrs. William Ruffgarden. OUR OWN MADE PURE PORK 34k Mils Goraldlne Molt, granddaugh- giitwesr ter Of Mr. and Mrs. George Ruppcll' of this place, Is a new pupil at St.' Sausage Meat or Links Gertrude's boarding school of Rich- > TRY OUB REGULAR 29*. ley, Maryland. , Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mead enter-1 tallied guests Saturday. Hamburger—Special . . Mr. and Mrs. William Rullman, Mr. and Mrs, George Ruppell and Mr. STRICTLY FRESH CHOPPED 25k and Mrs; Leon Champagne attended the dinner held by the Veterans of FRESH HAM . . . Foreign Wars of Keansburg Satur- 22k , day,night, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY - Double Feature Mrs. Clara -Louwer is spending sev- FRESH SHOULDER eral weeks with her daughter at 20k JAMES ELLISON - MARSHA HUNT Newark. ;>., Preview Wed. Nite in "ANNAPOLIS SALUTE" Mr. and Mra. Theodore Breton are Spring Legs Lamb . . ' on their way to Florida to spend the 27k at 11 P. M. of Charles (Buddy) Rogers - Betty Grable winter- Mr*. Genevleve Molt Is making a SHOULDER LAMB GARY COOPER in 'THIS WAY PLEASE" •olotinv In Maryland. 21k GEO. RAFT in ', CUorge Ruppell spont part of last V i yittk visiting relatives in Massa- RIB LAMB CHOPS "SOULS AT SEA" "BSSr "JUMBO" . btU 29k SM.00 CASH AWARDS — $70.00 JACKPOT RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937. NTfir Ml "ri ! "* funds. Among to* Jobs to bis done at man of Cloister, New Jerfey, over Berkeley Play* Open gCeyport. the sohooi will M to npisM all heat- Atlantic Highland*. the wttk-tnd. m ing equipment, resurfacing of toilet A New Entertainment (The Bed Bull BarfiUr tu be buusJit Miss Alice Llveaey of Montolalr in Karport (rom CoaU Brotlun, Mrs. rooms, as addition to the present spent Sunday with her aunt, lira. W. Menace llelM. Gni Suion ind Mrs. Olera balcony in the assambly room, and MWfitud u4 J. Urn- U Sills of Navealnk. Tbs Bsrkaisjr-Carttrst botsl, As- ) £3* a rest room for the women teaoh- Beginning of the PWA water main Dancing ATLANTIC bury Park, U Introduolpi somsthlns; Miss Katherlne Dunham, a student fs. • v . • nsw In tntsrtalnmsnt with !U Batur. A! publio msettng ha* been called project here was scheduled for yes- — THEATRE In - the Montclalr State Normal At a meeting <&tht borough eouo- by the Tax * Rent Payers' associa- terday but was postponed until next Every day nlfht Csrtwst elub prassnta- school, spent the week-end wi& her oll Monday night a resolution was Tuesday. Four-Inch mains will be tlon». \ ; k. tion for tonight at the borough hall parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dun- pssssd providing for the removal of to discuss the possibility of Inducing laid on Wesley, Central and Leonard Saturday Night ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Th« Bsrkslsy Flaysrs will opsn a ham. » all the wrecks from the water front. avenues and two-Inch mains on sev- nor avsnus to tUticta in th» Oar- an Industry to locate In Atlantlo LAST TIMES "Wife, Doctor and Nune" Miss Oretohen Ha,lgh has resigned The project will oost about f»,000. Highland*.!- , eral other'streets. The step-by-step Urst olub n«t B»turd»y for the of whloh Us* borough will supply TODAY Loretta Young • Warner Baxter her position as technician In the Harvey -H, Bowtell Is ohalrman of procedure In obtaining Federal aid youn* and iutninf artist. "He» Mrs. John L. Morrell and daugh- A birthday party was heM Satur- Turkeys Dr. C. C. Graves, Jr., Joseph Se- ter, Mrs, Harry A. Brown, will re- tion. Myrtli has been chosen as one ness leads through The Register's ad- day night for Carol Ann Nazaro, one- of the characters In the college play, vertlslne columns.—Advertisement gul and Mli« Viola McCluekey vis- turn tomorrow from a several weeks' year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ited the Harlem River Valley State visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lott at an honor which rarely comes to a Joseph Nesaro of Chestnut street member of the freshman class. hospital, WlngtfMe, New Sork, Mon- LaGrange, III, ' The guests numbered about 40. A day. James A. Grodeska attended the Ice Announcement has been made of large birthday oaks, containing one carnival Monday night at Madison Dr. J. B, Gordon attended the an- the engagement of Miss Dorothy oandle, adorned the center of the Square Garden at New York. nual dinner of the National Commit- Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and table, whloh was prettily decorated, tee for Mental Hygtene at New York Mrs. F. Palmer Armstrong, to Refreshments wsre served. Carol re- Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rowan enter- Don't Deny Yourself the Best, Shop and Save November 10. JameB Humphries of Red Bank. ceived many gifts. tained Mr. and Mrs. William Hoff- Dr. and Mr*. O. H, Luteler have Miss Armstrong has been employed IN-— returned. after spending a vacation In the office of John I* Montgomery, In Pennsylvania and Montreal, Can- chief probation officer at Freehold, adt. and Mr, Humphries, a former teach- Miss Edna Opdenaker spent the er In the local schools, Is employed week-end at her home at Trenton. by Tetley'a in Red Bank. The wed- THANKSGIVING DINNER Mils Versa McClelland Is spending ding will take plaoe January 8 and a week's vacation at Waterbury, the couple will reside In Fozwood CHNEIDER Connecticut Park, Red Bank, At a meeting of the newly organ- ized Parent-Teachers association last *L25 Search For Missing Fishermen. week, John J. Scully wu elected Tie Coast Guard dlspatohed cut- president. Other officers are vice Enjoy a Full Course Home Cooked Turkey MARKET „ ters and one amphibian plane yes- presidents, Mrs. Herbert Burrowes terday to search for Viotor EricKson and Miss Eleanor Walling; secretary- Dinner on Thanksgiving Day. of Menasquan and another man min- treasurer, Mrs, Carleton Wharton; ing In a 38-foot fishing boat off tho historian, Mrs. Herbert R. West. The Served from 12:80 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. 21 W. Front St., Red Bank, N.J. «™f New Jersey coast since Monday. The next meeting will be held December 2653 Coast Guard said Brlekson's rela- 1 Prices in Effect Thursday Noon, November 18, Till Saturday, November 20th/ tives requested the search." Tho men Announcement has been made that For Reservations PHONE RED BANK 2S33. headed for fishing grounds between the work of rehabilitating the gram- Manasquan and Barnegat Inlets. mar school will start about Decem- ber 1. The cost of the work will be These 2 Items Start collecting unusual bottles, about $80,000, of which the board of MARYLAND TEA HOUSE jars and boxes to use In packing education will supply $7,000 and the 63 Riverside Avenue, RED BANK Friday Christmas goodies. balance will bo supplied from WPA Only! Sirloin or Porterhouse Steaks * 24* a good buy Inaugurating a New Era in Entertainment Meats and Poultry Fancy Groceries t Choice Chuck Roast 5s >b- 21c None Such Mince Meat 2 (Or 23c The Berkeley-Carteret Players ROYAL Cross Rib Roast lb. 27c SCARLE^ET Cranberry Sauce 2 for 25c PRESENT Quality Rib Roast lb. 27c Sunsweet Med. Prunes 2 PK« 19C

CITY ^^ 1 IT whole or lb. 23c Libby's Evap. Milk 3 tor 19c "HEADLINES" OOT Fresh Hams ,»« Either End Loin Pork lb. 23c Libby's Pineapple Juice 3 for 25c .... SATIRIZING THE NEWS OF TODAY JEWEL Fancy Small Fowl lb. 25c Crisco lih. 19c : Shortening 2ibs.25c Devised and Staged by Jack Riley BEECH- Fresh Plate or Navel Ib. 14c NUT Tops Pkg.16c : urge Oxydol 19c AT THE lar e voi MEADOW Roll Butter , 41c I & I *y Soap CARTERET CLUB CIOLD MEDIUM I for llo Assure of a Real Fancy Turkey SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20 The Price Will Be Right. J Now! His entire Troupe of Dancers, Singers and Comedians in a Broadway Rehearsed Floor Show That We are Sure Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Sea Food SNOW head ' Ib. 29c Will be a Smash Hit WHITE Large Cauliflower 9c Fresh Fillet Flounder

U. S. No. 1 Jersey Potatoes ™ 29c Fresh Fillet of Cod Ib. 19c Such Outstanding • GINGER WAYNE In the Last George White's Scandals, 2 for 25c Fancy Jumbo Smelts lb. 24c Personalities on the Air, in Accordionist and Singer. Calif. Broccoli

Night Clubs and of the • WILLIAM HUBERT Small White Onions Ib. 5c U-2 1b. Weakfish Ib. 24c Legitimate Stage Being Star Baritone of «$he Desert Song." Stayman Winesap Apples 5«,,. 19c H-2 1b. Fresh Mackerel Ib. 19c Presented in • BILL LANGE Ventriloquist, with Frankle Wilson. Cape Cod Cranberries 2 H... 29C Fresh Codfish Steaks lb. 15c "HEADLINES" • THE ETHEL EARLY GIRLS MED. Salt Mackerel each 19c Versatile Singers, Dancers, SIZE Juice Grapefruit 7-25c. Comediennes. i- Large Sweet-Oranges 15 ^25ci Oysters and Clams each fliirCdrteret CM in the Crystal floom • MALVENA Next Saturday, Are as Follows: Modern Dancer and CaricaturUt, Fancy Wayne Large County Cider gal DANCING Chestnuts 3 ** 25' 39J !/2Gal. 25c Berhie Brenner and His Swing Band Late Sensation of the London Terrace, New York City ' • Honor Brand Frosted Foods Specials in Cheese Dept. -'-full Asparagus Garden-Fresh pound 43c Genuine Romano Cheese Jb. 69c DeLuxe Dinner $1.50 full Blackberries pound 27c Danish Blue Cheese Ib. 39c Minimum Check $1.00 Per Person After 10:00 P. M. rod Whole Frosted Strawberries H,. 33C American Daisy Cheese J£CO 33c full lb. Frosted Peas \ ib. 18c pound 33c American Loaf Cheese 25c full Hotel Berkeley-Carteret Lima Beans b. 19c pound 35c Holland!

ASBURY PARK Cut Corn 1.6c pound Domestic Swiss Cheese RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1937. Leonardo Ties Hancock Eleven Wins Red Bank Battles Athletics At Over Fort Monmouth Crimson Charger —By Pap' Old Rivals In 6-to-6 Game With Fort Hancock Fort Hancock's eleven proved better football team than Fort Mon Neptune Eleven Anbitiom Program of Sport* Grid Contest mouth last Thursday afternoon whei Planned by Y. M. C. A. for they won, 18 to 6, In a Monmouf MS Enlisted Men of Cout Artil- county football conference game o: VS BALL OH Ctitch Dick"e«e«t> Ttwrn Out- 1 Armistice Day Battle With At- lery on Sandy Hook; -•, the Red Bank athletic field. Bradle; ALMOST BVBK/ play* Visitor* in Postponed lantic Highland* Results in and Gerecke did the scoring for Forl Hancock. • :: >•: PLAY • Game on . Monday^—JJotli Volley bsu, bowling; basketball, 6-6 Score—Both Teams Cross cross country rum, boxing and base- Port Hancock Fort Monmout! Teams Score in Final Quarter* ball are among the various activi (Goal in Final Minutes. Daube LE Rhlnenal Naglo I,T Jingle: ties listed on the recreational pro- Wertiberger I.G Deve Although' outplaying their Neptune gram for 1637 and 1038 for the en- A scrappy Leonardo football team Doyle C Snelso opponents! the Red Bank high school listed man of Fort Hanoook, A, took some of the-glory away from VVIihlcwski RG Stoem Black BT Kelly football team battled to a 6-to-« Us complete program for the soldiers the heretofore unbeaten and untied Nemcth UK Miller Monday afternoon at the local ath- has been announced .by Robert C Atlantio Highlands grldders in a Cercckc QB Hani-. letioneld In a game postponed from Harris, executive secretary of tho thrilling game Armistice day at Leo Bradley LHB Goldberg GIrard RHI) Johnson Saturday. , More than 1,000 fans saw Young lien's Christian association nsrdo before 2,000 fans. Tho result O'Kourke FB Thomas the encounter. at the pott, who has been working was a «-to-6 tie. As is always the Fort Hancock 0 12 0 6—1 0 0 0 0— Tie Red Bank team was In tip top In collaboration with officers of the case when these great rivals meet In Fort Monmouth . condition and put up a hard fight post their annual classic past perform- Touchdowns: Fort Hancock—Bradley 2 from start to finish. Bed Bank had The object of supervised athletics ances meant nothing. Leonardo had Gorcckc. Fort Monmouth—Thomas. Substi- S/AKSLB wa/G tution,!: Fort Hancock—Dow. Cryeweskl, 11 first "downs to their opponents' will be to provide the maximum op- tasted of defeat this year and had all Nlsslilatt DeYounB, Price. Robinson, Mur- nine. Both teams played. scoreless to gain and nothing to lose. Atlan- phy. Miller, Llvinjnton. Fort Monmouth— portunity for th* majority of the llerrlll. Case, Brleb, Galanatl, Anderson. ball until the fourth period. command to bsnsDt themselves eith- tio Highlands" record was unsullied. McCullin. Stowskl. Reeves. VanDmen, Neptune was the flrst to tally. Late Atlantio Highlands was in there to er physically or to derive some Broadbeck, Hess, Shavara. Carter. Sprague, In the third period with the ball on pleasure from witnessing the con- do or die to keep the slate clean and RlBffs. Clanlclo. Officials! Referee—PlnK- Red Bank's S3, Joe Vetrano dropped this fact made tho Leonardo team Itore. Umpire—Sherwood. Head Linesman tested events. In addition, the ath- 'acoubs. back and whipped a pass to Ford, etes developed through inter-organ- fight all the harder In attempting to who was downed on the one-yard line lower their opponents' colors. Foot- liatlon athletics will form the main- as the quarter ended. For. three' stay of the post teams and Insure ball dopestera figuring out the com- downs the Red Bank team'held,,but parative strength of the two teams favorable results in Inter-pout com- Rumson Defeats on the fourth with less than a half petition. Monmouth from their records wasted a lot of yard to go, Vetrano leaped over cen. time because such deductions were ter for the score. Vetrano's • drop Nothing has been ,omltted from as useless as one's appendix. Matawan Team In kick for the extra point failed to this complete schedule. It Includes Men's Shop Before the game Atlantic High- make the uprights. rules of eligibility, protests, post- 8t Broad Street, Red Bank lands rooters were predicting that ponements, athletics council, awards Postponed Game Red Bank took the kick-off on and even competitors numbers for (Next door to Llggett's) their team would make mincemeat of their own 28. Vernon Bennett the Leonardo aggregation. It was IS/PSAU the various sports have been as- trudged his way through center to lgntd. just a question of how many touch- Coach Lows Jacoubs' Eleven WE S/AJ&kE MAIS BACK the S8 for a flrst down. Falling' to downs Atlantic Highlands would Teams will be composed of mem- Hands Matawan Schoolboys -COACH AARLOW gain, Bennett punted to Vetrano wio make, they said, and many bets were CAULS H/M 'THE fumbled and then recovered again bers of headquarters battery, 7th made on that basis. 24-to-0 Drubbing—Tally Two for Neptune. Coast Artillery; 52nd coast artillery; The fireworks started in the fourth Battery C, 62nd coast artillery; Bat- Scores in Second Period. Vetrano on an exchange of punts tery E, 52nd coast artillery; com- quarter. Atlantic Highlands had got off a bad boot which went out threatened to score twice earlier In of bounds on his own 33. From this posite battery and the Civilian Con- the game. An attempt to place kick Rumson high school's football team osltlon Red. Bank drove to their servation corps. from the 25-yard line In tho flrst' rounced the Matawan eleven, 24 to 0, HE ROMS icore. Angelo DeGeorge was sub- Individual awards will be given period failed. Things looked dark uesday afternoon at Rumson befor* FOfS HIMSBLP stituted for Bennett, who was taken o flrst, second and third places In for the Leonardo team In tho second small crowd of. shivering fans. from the game with a bad shoulder. each sport Not only will the men period when Haulboksy fumbled the The game was postponed from Satur- DeGeorge proved himself a ground receive awards but an annual tro- ball on his own 20-yard line and At- phy will be presented to the organ- day. • All Rich!* Rwflmd 07 The Associate* Frsls gainer when on six plays he carried lantic Highlands recovered. Leonardo the ball from his own 25 to the score. ization that secures the most num- dug in and held. The Leonardo sup- Coach Lou Jacoubs juggled his Ineup throughout the entire game Bill Geronl moved the ball from the ber'of points for the season. This porters cheered. Atlantic Highlands 33 to the 25 from where DeQeorge will be the most coveted prize of could be stopped. ind gave every man a chance to get nto action a few minutes before the Exhibitions To Quads Lose In started his attack. all and ail of the contests will have As the game progressed Into the Tries Trick Shot; bearing upon this trophy. " last quarter. It looked like a scoreless jeason comes to a cloae next week. The Red Bank line drilled holes Us would be the result. With less Rumson started to score early In Feature School Loses a Tooth League Game To i their opponents' line and dla- We're Shooting the ttan five minutes to go Haulbosky the flrst quarter. Veary of Matawan ilayed an outstanding running and Hospital Auxiliary Works! Intercepted Abe Pleasant's toss on ivas forced to kick out of danger blocking, offense. A plunge by De the Leonardo 30-yard line. On the from his own 15-yard line. His kick Boxing Tourney Over confident because he had West End ElevenGeorge for the extra point failed. Holds Card Party Everything must go. We need next play Haulbosky took the ball, raveled out to Howard Prichard on bagged the limit in rabbits on Red Bank tallied six flrst downs In the room for trade-Ins on the got through the line and in one of he 40, Prichard moved the ball up Friday, Edward Egan of White the opening quarter. They threat- Cadillac, LnSallo and ^Olds! inals of Catholic School Tour- street, a printer's devil, decided Sunday's Tilt at Long Branch ened to score about halfway through Mora than E0 persons attended the Fine used cars, many of them the nicest bits of broken field running the 30 before being knocked out ard party held by the Fair Haven seen thla year on high school grid- if bounds. Murphy then hit the cen- nament to be Held Tomorrow he would give the game a break Speedway Ends in 6-to-2 he period when a pass from Bennett Cadillac-Standard Recondition- Irons in these parts he eluded the Saturday by shooting left-hand- :o Ned Collins on the fourth down auxiliary of Rivervlew hospital In the ed, slightly-driven house cars, for two yards and Jakubecy Night — McDonald Defeats arleh house of the Episcopal church secondaries and galloped 70 yards for licked up four more, on an off tackle ed. On his flrst attempt the Score—Victors Tally in Last ilaced the pigskin on their oppon and a- few brand new 1637 care a touchdown. He attempted to plunge Laing. 410-guage shotgun he was using tnts 16-yard line Later in that per- Tuesday afternoon. Door prizes were never olT the floor—all must bs lay. Jakubecy was again elected to Half Minute. won by Mrs. C. C. Perrlne, Mrs. through for the extra point but failed. .0 the carrying and he carried the kicked back in his face and iod a 14-yard pass was thrown to Col- soldi Leonardo 6, Atlantic Highlands 0. knocked out a tooth. lins who this time placed the ball on Charles Harm and Mrs. Robert all to the 19-yard marker for a flrst The finals of the Red Bank Cath- The Red Bank Quadrangle club he 16-yard line. John Summonte Cherry. BIG DISCOUNTS FOR The score was well nigh unbeliev- own. Murphy going around left end lic high school boxing tournament Undaunted, he switched back QUICK CLEARANCE! • able. The under dog was" on top. to his natural way of shooting, lost to the West End Wildcats Sun- fumbled. The hall was recovered by Those present were Mrs. Wallace dvanccd the ball to the one-yard will be held tomorrow night at the' day afternoon, 6 to 2, at the Long Collins of Red Bank as the flrst per- B. Bankiri, Mrs. C. R. Patten, Mrs With precious seconds ticking away ine and then he tossed a lateral to and before the day was up had Jim Lempsey took the Leonardo chool auditorium. In addition to Branch speedway. The winning iod, ended. " • Harvey Smock, Mrs. Milburn Stearns, Harold Kerr, who stepped over the" en bouts in which tho champions of bagged two more rabbits. He Week-End Special! klckolT to his 28-yard line. Leonardo shot one of these while wading score came in. the last half minute Again in the second period with Mrs. Elisabeth Scowcroft, Mrs. W. C. held for two plays, and then a pass ;oal line for the score. Jakubecy's velghts from 70 to 160 pounds will of play. Eed Bank attempted a kick VanHorn, Mrs. I. N. WllllamB, Mrs ick for the conversion failed. te decided there will be three ex- through a swamp at Phalanx. the ball on Neptune's five, Summonte 1936 Terraplane from Pleasant to Mose gave Atlantic The rabbit surprised Egan and from their 30-yard line and the kick was called to take the ball. He Thomas Voorhls, Mrs. William Wlch- Highlands a flrst down. This time a Rumson began hitting their stride ilbltlon bouts. Tony Revlello of was blocked and recovered by Rowe mann, Mrs. John Ryan, Mrs. John ,t a faster paco in the second quar- ong Branch, who in, his short career started across the swamp, swim- fumbled and Neptune recovered. Mertz, Mrs. Werner Bennlng, Mrs. Trunk Sedan . pass from Plesant to Keyes and At- ming, jumping and running at of the West End team on Red Bank's Vetrano kicked out to his own 18 and Bodlo and Heater, lantic Highlands was In the enemy's r when they managed to push over s a professional boxer has fought alternate intervals. 29. Line plunges by Bennett and Geronl of Red Bank fumbled on a 'ereia Herold, Miss M. E. Hendrlck- territory. The boys of the Red and wo more touch'downs. The first tally is way up to the top of the state Woolley advanced the ball to the six- everae and again the ball was re- son, Mrs. Augusta Dolflng, Mrs. Wini- $595.00 Black were going to town. Three the second quarter came about af- elterwelght ladder, will appear in yard line and Woolley scored on covered by Neptune. Late in that red Williams. Mrs: A. Bchroeder, minutes to play. Pleasant shoots the r Rumson blocked Veary's kick on mo of tho exhibitions. Vic Nelson, third down. On the scoring play It period the Neptune boys made their Miss Lillian Flannery, Mrs. J. H. Answer to last week: pigskin to Morse and It Is a first is own 25-yard marker, with Glenn former light-heavy weight champWm ChadwicW,.Mrs. W, J. Roswell, Mrs. appeared as if one of the West End flrst threat of the game when they Milan, Mrs. George Conrad, Mrs. Whales aro mammals. At down on Leonardo's 24. Jim Posten 'richard recovering for Rumson. )f Denmark, will also appear. He is players was off side, but after due took possession of the ball on Red grabbed the next toss from Pleasant Sparling on a wide end run picked mployed by W. Barclay Harding of1 Elect Officers David Leroy, Mrs. Peter Lang, Mrs. times when they exhale their deliberation the officials allowed the Bank's 40. Moore of Neptune Inter- George Curchln, Mrs. Charles Cross, breath under tho surface, water and goes to the 18. Now It's a plunge ip five-yards and Jakubecy hit the Holmdcl and Is under the manage- score to stand. cepted Bennett's pass and ran to the through the line by Pleasant to the enter for a first down on the 11. ment of Joe Cross and Charles Wag- ten where he was.brought down from Mrs. Qeorge Moxley, Mrs. John A. may be thrown Into the air For Riding Club The Red Bank score, a safety by Chaunsy, Mrs. O. A. Hawkins, Mrs. giving tho appearance of spout- eight-yard stripe and then Keyea Vest, Sitting the tackle, moved the er of tho Red Bank Physical Cul- Bob Matthews, was made -In the tie rear by Bennett As he was smashes through for a touchdown, iall to the five. On two successive ure and Training school. The third Russell Mlnton, Mrs. A. C. Dlxon, ing. Shrewsbury Riding Club Reor- third period. The Quads backed tackled the half ended. Mrs. H. C. Hawkins, Mrs. Patrick tying the score. It was a crucial ilays Jakubecy moved the ball up ixhibitlon will bring together Benny their opponents to their goal line and moment The extra point meant vic- "icosla, a 16-year-old Red Bank ganizes for Ensuing Year— Pets Weddle, who called the sig- McCarron, Mrs. Carl Schwenker, Mrs. or another flrst down near the goal Matthews blocked an attempted punt, John Ivins, Mrs, R. A. Cherry, Mrs. tory for Atlantic Highlands. Instead Ine. He then plunged the center for ichoolboy, and Frank Zebrowskl of Plan for Ride and Luncheon nals for Neptune, was taken from Phone 910. of kicking Atlantic Highlands tried recovering in his opponents' end Michael Jacobs. Mrs. Allan Hascall, ho score. Jakubecy's kick hit the 3cobeyville. Both youngsters have zone. the game In the second period with Open Evenings. a line play. Keyes met a stone wall During Holidays. an Injured chest. Mrs. Qeorge Harm, Mrs. E. A. Dowd, ;oal post and bounded back as Rum- ippearcd In several exhibitions here- Mrs. William E. Tobias. Mrs. E. A. S. W. Ullpplnger, Mgr., and failed to make the extra point ion once again missed their chance bouts. Red Baafc W«t End Hooters from the borough of High- Kerr LE Mancy Red Bank Neptuna Flaherty, Mrs. J. E, Balr.es, Mrs. Used Car Dept it the extra point. The Shrewsbury Junior Riding Mellish LT Rowe Hadley LE Petlllo Phil Peters. lands were sort of on the fence in The schoolboy bouts will bring to- club recently met and elee'ld new Boyd LG Bruno Plngltora LT • Weddle "STOP AT THE COP I" their choice between the two teams. With about 12 seconds left to play ether Donald Griffiths and Mike Ar- J. Loversldge C Harvey Scala LG Bush the second quarter, Matawan officers for the, ensuing year. Mrs. Pettlgrew RG Granite .0. Tllton This was because the captains of one in the 70-pound class, Martin 1 Head hose, to try a trick play Instead of L. S. Ylvisaker Is adviser of tho club Shea RT Conway Vincent RO Smith Sportsmen's Meeting. both elevens were from that place. McGuIre and Donald Egan in the 80-and Mrs. Robert Ilsley is treasurer. Olnas RE Wlleox O'Connor RT Hulaa Robert Robertson was captain for kick from their own 30-yard line. J. Matthews QB DtShcplo Collins RE MoLauKhlin A special legislative meeting of dund class, James Marley and Bro-Tho offlcers Include Frank Quacken- Irona Leonardo and Robert Johnson led iumson'3 line smeared tho play and io Betts In the 85-pound division, Schulti '..HB O'BiTtn Holme* QB he New Jersey State Federation of hen went on to score. Sparling gush, president; William Her, vice Gonway RHB Bennett J, Suntmonta LHB 3. Vetrano the Atlantio Highlands players. foe Alvator and Ray O'Neill in the president; Doris Baynton, secretary, RHB Stirling portsmen's clubs will be held Friday itepped back to the 35 and shot a E. Matthewi FB Wooll«r DeGaorge 10-pound class, John McDonald and and Edwin Jones, Janet Farrier and Red Bank ...... 0 0 2 0—t Bennett FB Moore night, December 8, at 8:30 o'clock at Looking upon tho tie game as a iass to Glenn Prichard on the 15, Maryland Black, membership com West End ...... ,.000 6—6 Bed Bank — 0 o O 6—S Hotel Hlldebrecht, Trenton. All Prichard traveled the remaining dla- Ed Healy In the 115-pound division, 0 0 0 6—< moral vlcEBi^for Leonardo some of John O'Neill and Tom Dunn in the mittce. Scoring—Touchdown—WoolteySfsTwly; ; safetyy,, Neptuna ...—- sportsmen Interested In better hunt- the adherents of that school drove :ant without a Matawan man touch- I). Matthewi. Substitutions: Red Bank— Touchdownai Red Bank—DeGeorare. Kap- 125-pound group, James Elmer and The club is now riding each Sat- Fhifer, Griffiths, Savage, Worthley. Van- tuna-iVatrano. Substitutions! Bed Bank-' ing and fishing are urged to attend. to Atlantic Highlands that night In ng him. Rumson's attempt for the Brunt. Yorg*. Schwenker, Decker. Holmca, ;onversion again failed. "•etc Marchetti in tho 135-pound urday morning starting at 9 o'clock Geronl, Erb, Adler. Neptune—Cod.r. 81o- an attempt to steal the goal posts on lass, Harold Elmer and August Flcone. Arnone. Fleming. Found. West End cum. J. Palala. Woodworth. Laplnskr. O. the practice field on First avenue. A from Silvcrbrook farm. Plans are —Vlncelll. Howland. Malta, A. MorrU, F. Palala. Officials! Referee—Mjllman: Urn- The Rumson lads came back in Ichwecrs in the 140-pound group, being made for a ride and luncheon Morris. Officials: Referee—Phlpps. Umpire plra—Dlleo. Head Llneeman—Clttadlno. battle ensued In which mock oranges. he third quarter to score again af- eggs and stones were thrown by Fames Murray and Les Smith In the to take place during tho Thanksgiv- —Cltldlno. Head Linesman—Bresett Field lima of quarters—IS minutes. losing 15-yards on two plays. 150-pound class and Roy Bauer and ing season. Judge^—Henderson. Time of quarters—12 FOOTBALL both sides. Two small windows in Sparling passed from mldfleld to minutes. ^_ _ ^ a nearby garage were broken and a Billy Rohrey in tho 160-pound dl- The new members of the club in- ., Clovers .Want Games. , tcrr on Matawan's 20, Kerr ad- islon. clude Jane Ford, Jean Moffat, Jeanne Second In Golf Tourney, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st passing car was spattered with eggs. vanced tho ball to the ten before be- The Fair Haven Clovers, a newly- Later the samo evening Atlantic McDonald defeated John Laing Niel, Maryland Black and S. Gualdo Ben Loving, assistant golf pro at Highlands supporters rounded up an ng downed. Jakubecy started around Ford. The associate members are organized basketball team averaging RED BANK QUADS the right end and then ho tossed a uesday afternoon In an ellmln- tho Rumson Country club, and Har-160 pounds, would like to book games "army" and Invaded Leonardo and ition bout in the 115-pound class at John Hemming, William Ylvisaker, ry Dorsett of High Point, North Car- the trouble started all over again. lateral to Sparling who carried the Robert Ilsley, Jr., Raymond Relss, with teams in this vicinity. Games vs. ball over tho goal. Sparling took his he Red Bank Physical Culture olina, finished In second place in an would be played either on the Clov- The lineups: chool, Joe Cross refereed the. bout Betty Grippcr, Sara Spencer, Shirley amateur-pro best-ball tournament urn for the try for the point, but Cotton, Virginia LaMarche, Joan ers' home court In the. Fair Haven FORT HANCOCK Atlantic Highland. Leonardo IC also missed. md the judges were Robert Burke Saturday at Pinehurst, North Caro- school or on courts of opposing Illo IX Halliday nd Bill Balbach. Best, Elaine Shanley, Claudia Riven- lina. They had a gross score' of 70 McCLASKEY'S FIELD, Newman Springs Road Badla LT Robertson Matawan came close to crossing burg, Elizabeth Pegram and Joanne and a net of 05. The tournament teams. Victor Marasclo is booking Woodward LO Rembert Three technical knockouts featured Neil. manager and he may be reached at Johnson C Hnlscy Rumson's goal In the first period af- was won by Howard Phillips of Pine- Admission 88c. Free Parking. 2:30 P. M. KG SchllnglofT ter Kerr kicked to Matawan's 15, Friday night's semi-flnal bouts. Don- .The active members are Robert 4B West Front street. Dalaney ld Egan stopped James Birming- hurst, amateur, and Al McDonald of Minor HT with Manuel moving the oval up to Baynton, Franklyn Eck, William Her, Yardly, Pennsylvania, pro, with a Cardner HE am In 50 seconds of the flrst round, Posten QB Suplenskl the 22. Manuel went wide around William and Edwin Jones, Phil gross of 68 and net of 64. Vic Ghezzl, Pleasant LH Haulbosky right end for 18-yards, putting the Harold Elmer stopped Jerome Bot- Brady, Graham Shanley, Frank Deal pro, and George D. Murphy Dempsar BK Evans ball on the 40. Matawan received a tino in a minute and 40 seconds of Quackenbush, Jane Guptll, Doris of Now York tied Harold Calloway Kares FB tho third round and Lester Smith Baynton, Dorothy Fealcr, Nancy INTRODUCING Touchdown—Leonardo, Haulbosky; At- 15-yard penalty which moved them and Robert E. Harlow with 67 for back to their 25. On the next play itopped Charley Biancamano in 30 Ilsley, Elizabeth VanVllet, Marguerite ow gross, Ghezzl's card show S3 lantio Highlands, Keyes. econds of the flrst round. CROSk AND CHARLES WAGNER Substitutions—Atlantio Highlands, Colc- Mancint passed to Manuel to move Wood, Janet Farrier, Yvonne Snyder, out and 84 In. JOE uan, Moria, Foppa; Leonardo, Henth. tho ball pass mldfleld. Working it The other results aro Donald Cfrlf- Mary Lois Delatush and Jean Mof- up to the 15, they once again received lths defeated James Shea in the 65-fat. Lincroft Gunners a 15-yqrd penalty moving them back >ound class, Martin McGulre was to Rumson's 30. Fighting for the 'Ictorlous over George Smith in the Defeat Pine Knot lost ground, Matawan worked their iO-pound class, James Marley defeat- way up to the five-yard marker. Rum- id Fred Becker in tho 35-pound di- vision, Joseph Alvator won frcyi The Lincroft Gun club defeated the son's hard fighting line refused to • Pine Knot club Sunday afternoon in let their opponents cross their goal. incent Fitzgerald In the 110-pound a special match on Harry Langen- In the second quarter Matawan :lass, Ed Healey won from Larry reached Rumson's eight-yard line Mahoncy in tho 115-pound group dorfs shooting range at Lincroft. In By GENE DB the flrst match on Fourth of July, when they lost the ball on a fumble. ohn O'Nell dofeatcd William Glynn the Lincroft club won, whilo tho scc-Harold Kerr recovered for Rumson. In tho 125-pound class and Pete Mor- ond match was won by Pine Knot. Trying hard for a score In the last hettl won from Eddie Bloom in the THEY'RE HEBE AGAIN —The-clubs-are-competlng-for'a-cup !?5-pound- group., •perlodrMatawairmarched from Iiilil= This Is* the season of ihe which goes to tho club winning two field to Rumson's five-yard marker. Star when autumn woods are consecutive matches. Rumson's flrst string wall was called hushed with In Sunday's match tho Lincroft into action and Al Robbing broke Football Player fear. For thosa, gunners won by three shots, 225 to through on the next play to move the who come to 228. Oscar Mundy of South Ambpy Matawan team back for a 20-yard Suffers Broken Leg chase the buok was high man for Pino Knot with 50 loss. dose both out of 80. Albert L. Ivlna of Red Porter Toomcy, 20, of Rumson, I a (heir eyes, and Bank was high man for the Lincroft A Matawan man Intercepted Sparl- trust to luck ing's pass In tho last quarter and was member of tho Holy CroBs touch foot- w h enever team with 48 out of 60. ball team In tho St. James' club sighting down The scares: mistaken for an opponent when he was tackled by one of his own team- oague, suffered a broken left log the srun on PINE KNOT. mates whilo trying to advance the bove tho knee last Sunday aftcr- anvthlnr that Blundy ...... _. ... 25 25 loon whilo playing touch football In starts to ran. > Bedle .... ,....V._...T.... 24 23 ball down the field. Dr. Hartman 23 ' 23 ho rear of Red Bank Catholic high McDonald ..._..-.._._.. : 14 21 Matawan Rumson Their look Is , Wilson ichooi. He was taken to Rlverview seldom worth • boast. Th«j • Morl<)r _.. . 23 21 LE Schuller ospltal where ho is a patient. If another Imnur coat 1100. Ian ttaa Unit LT Kins • Silent Glow Air SMI, tba SItent Olow bar the other hunters most! ! 100 116 Hollen LG Robblns burner would cost yon leaa to own. L«t II. Veary U Davison na tell yon why—thtra ar* ttrti 1 Total _ : 225 Conpro ; • • LINCROFT. Hfi Courtney "Pigskin Champs" Returns. If you want to boast of hav- , 1 Windas RT McCltes Ing- no trouble starting or drlv- Ivtni . _ I...... 24 24 Hlnes "Pigskin Champs," a Pete Smith Hower 2a 2R Hill lnr your car during the winter I! ' Langendorf ..... ,.„. 22 22 Manclne * QB Kerr lovelty reel, in which the Green Bay months, have It prepared now, , Red Bank Physical Culture & Training School Kenan 21 28 V. Veary LHB Murphy 'ackers, professional football cham- ANTHONY'S MaeDonaid II. Prlch.nl A complete,' expert winter ser-; Y Langcndorf . « 28 23 Manuel mm Jakubecy lons of last year appear, will be vise rendered by the mechanics THIRD FLOOR OF MONMOUTH BUILDING FB of the De Halco Serrloo Sta- ' 113 IISRumson 6 12 0—24 ihown at tho Carlton theater today, 65 BROAD STREET „„;, 22.8 HEATING CO. tion. Shrewsbury A Sunset, will Total .... Matawan _ 0 0 0— 0 omorrow and Saturday. The plc- render It capable of easy start- . SPECIALISTS IN . Substitutions: Humson—(!. Prlchnrd, ure was recently ahown at tho Carl- 9 Mechanic St.,. Red Bank Itur and safe drlvld* In even Supported by Merchants. West, Leon, Sparling, Cartwell, Toop, Sher- :on and Is' being brought back aS a the lowest temperatures. Drive Building Up and Reducing Exercises for Business Men and Boxing and •' The ' Red Bank Register Is (up- man, Ryan, Delaney, Holmes, Fatlerson, esult of many requests. Just Oft Brood. PHONE 1MJ. In today and be prepared to' portad bv local at well ae out-of- Stanley. McLaughlln, lloyle. Matawan— save much time and, monej Wrestling Lessons for Boys and Young Men at Reasonable Rates town buslhesi men. Advertisement! Dormon, Thompson, Holmes. Ofllolals: later on. • V •DPstrlni regularly* tell the story— Iteferee—rMpps. Umpire— Plngitore. Head The road to bettor an„..„d bigge„,„.„,r. „„,busi-. OPEN FROM 1 P. M. UNTIL 9 P. M. Linesman—Holmes. Beorlng touchdowns— nesess leads througihrouRhTheRltrh Tho Roelsrnr"t. nrf OllTHuHMlR A4y«rtl»mtnt. flwllng. K«rr, J.kubeor, G. Prlch.rd. vertlslnjf C0luS_A4vertl.eSen" RED BANK REGISTER, NOVEMBER 18,1987. OWTRWW * Ml Schneider Lead /awhnut -» 111 Inn Bowlers Gain Jelra _™^ I4t First Air Mail Flight * Maybe They'll Go Kennedy „ 110 "The Quality of Mercy..." Still 5 & Straus „ fit 111 Mensiopsiie l«l First Place In To Africa Next HI Carries 5,620 Letters Marketmen Maintain Comfort" 971 1,014 PITH'S CHATTI—.BOX. Eatontown Loop Three Red Bank hunters dis- «bl« Margin Detpite Setback Turnock 147 181 More than BOO persons wero at ttie port to greet the air mall plane and en Monday—Two Tied for Ivans — . U4 101 lit covered yesterday that the old, Smith .... 114 MS ll» Defeat ClwmmyV and Servico Red Bank airport Tuesday afternoon lead It into the airport. adage to the effect that "pal* Second Place. Murdloo 119 117 its to see offlelals pf the Red Bank post- Among the sir. mall letters sent turei In your own baolt yard Zbla Ml 111 Station Bowler* in Two otnee dispatch 0,620 pieces of mall by from Red Bank were two to Presi- are just a* green as those 710 UT lit air in observance of New Jersey air dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, one bear- farther away".- correot. The Sohnelder Market team jnaliv Gunei—Panl't Open Door Ing a. cover of the Monmouth Coun- (lined Its load of five games In the LUMBBR CO. "w. mall week. Red Bank was the 14th After carefully planning an Red Bank bowling league despite 1U 110 1J4 Team in Second Plact. ty ' Philatelic sooleiy ' and another Patterson lit 102 of nineteen New Jersey towns where bearing The Red Bank Register cov- "expedition" to Laurelton, Clem- •etbaek Monday night. The Boneore Lake ,„„ 111 18 ent Pace, assistant manager ot Queokenfcuali._ 178 »w (tops were made, on a survey made er. Letters with like covers were Tailors and Smoke Shop. Tavern are JIO Tie Pine Tree Inn bowler* move the Carlton theater, Anthony lighting for leoond place honors, Neu if! no by Major William J. Griffiths, Jr., sent to Mayor English, Postmaster it! Into first, place In the Eatontow; crack pilot of the Eastern Air lines, General James A. . Farley, , W. W. Talarlco, an operator at the' each having'won 18 and lout 8. »l) 154 OOt Bowling league when on Thursda: Strand, and Elmer Butphen, al- STANDING OF THE /TEAMS.' MONMOUTH SPORTSMEN'S OLUfl.179 which eond'ueted the flight. As much Howes, first assistant postmaster gen- M. Horan 141 night at Taylor's arcade they defeat eral, and Harloy Branch, second as- so employed at tbe Strand, went W L PA US Hannibal ., ed Hill's service station team In twi It not more mall- was dispatched Bohntldir'i > M»k«t —..21 I OSl.t 105 180 188 U» sistant. All these covers carried old to tbat section and returned to T. Swift.... IBS IIS 114 games and on Tuesday night di from Red Bank aa from any other Red Bank empty-handed. Bonsor. Tailors ...... 18 8 0JO.8 10O D. Swift _.. ITT tested 'Broad street gsrago team in town where stops were made and 24-cent air mall stamps long since Smoke Bhoji TIMTO It 8; »«,! J0« K. Bed!* „ 111 111 Major Griffiths stated that Red Bank recalled. Eugene Patterson, Jr., a for- Uddy ft Son IS 9 851,1 06 Brndihaw , 171 1SS 171 two games. . . mer employee at the Strand, Aoerre, Bakery : -...IS 0 tt«.l 101 Paul's Open Door, being Idle this airport was one of the finest In the Mr. vonKattengell this morning Olothlen * Insurance....!*1 10 023.1 lOi •18 90S 788 thanked the Red Bank residents tor took it into his head to go hunt- Nevillnk 12 12 834,1 HO week, dropped Into second place, The »t»te. •• - • their co-operation In making the cel- Ing at Fair Haven and bagged MM'» Tavern 18 12 822 t4 Broad street garage and Chumm/i two rabbits—Just like that. N«u Lumbar ; „....« 12 876.1 04 Homesteaders Keep teams came Into a third-place tli The Smoke Shop band in one of ebration such a successful on*, espe- Qirruto Olnlhlm 10 14 873,1 08 with 12 wins and the same numbai the Boro busies Jed a parade to the cially Herbert W. Hill, president of Gentile Market U II B30.1 04 airport, where Mayor Charles E. the Monmouth County Phllatello so- Pete'a datterbox 9 li 8114,1 OB Shore League Lead of defeats, Qardanirs ..;. „•...... 8 U 882,9 05 On Monday night SoIIng'a Dlnei English and other officials of the ciety, who assisted with the arrange- Oomste i 0 IS 856.1 98 town gathered with Postmaster Ed- ments. Red Bank Reonatlon 8 16 841.1 0t Mlddletown Township and Lennox defeated Chutnmy's In two out o! Monmouth Sportamon .... 2 22 778.1 05 three games. ward vonKattengell and other of- Mr. Hill announced that a meet- Three Leagues LEADING BOWLERS, Tavern, tied for second place In tbe flelals of the local poatofflco and post- Ing of the Philatelic group would be WE Bay Shore Bawling league at the end STANDING OF THIS TEAMS. masters from 15 neighboring towns •I. Acerra 801,8 .. of the sixth week, tre right on tbe W L hold tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at Start Play In Tuttle 107.14 241 Iieele of the league leaden, the Fine Tree Inn .... to greet the plane. Abram Krldel, the borough hall, when an exhibit of Wooiward 108.12 S« Paul's Open Door Charles LeMeJstre and Theodore D. Monmouth county covers would be Golei ,., 104.11 25 Homesteader*. CHttlf of Lennox Broad Suaet Garage Moore went up In a plane piloted by Sohnolder ".»., 198.14 261 TTavern leads In Individuai l scoring chum—y'e made by Walter I. Quelch of Aabury Table Tennis Taylor 198.5 341 Hill's Service 8-Uon Leon Schaeffer of the Red Bank air- Park, Merrill 102.13 241 with an average of 109,4. Sallng's Diner .... Tomaln 101.11 281 Last Thursday night the Home- QAHES THIS WEEK. . Mercury, Wolverine* and Elbef- Gurchln, jr. , ., 10O.7 111 steaders won two from Leonardo ' Tonight—Hill's /Sirvlce Station vs. Fan] Parker 189.18 22 Field olub while Mandalay took two Open Door. jjpn Teams Top Respective A, Colmorffan 180.5 221 Monday—Broad Street Oarage VI. Oattta ...... 138.10 28 from Lennox Tavern. Service Station. am B and C Leagues—Garnet To- Str.ua ...... 188,1 21' STANDING Or T£X TEAMS, Tuesday—Paul's Opin DMT VI . Baling- Menstopane , 188,1 23' Diner. morrow Night. N. Aschottlno 186.17 28< Homesteaders -„-«*_— IS 6* 858.9 YOUR HOME FINE TREE INN. OM1DENERB. Mlddletown Township _ 11 7 888.11 Uoyes , .. 119 175 jl Mulvlhlll -..„, 10 Lennox Tavern ... • 11 7 856.1J N. /Mareello ... 181 The annusg? Monmouth County B. Turner ...... - 187 Leonardo Field Clnb _~ 10 8 818.15 P. Marcello _—__ US 16 Table Tennis asjoclatloon tourns> Sutherland ... 104 Naveslnk ____.• 9 9 858.1 ".' US Davlion Mandeley . _....._—..-.—.—— 8 10 8M.18 n T..-U 152 ment got underway recently w&sn Computers ..„._„,..... 6 It 784.10 18 ail three leagues started Into action. nnv^rt [ • ITS 178 18 Drawn for tha American Rei Croii by _aior

FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FARM PRODUCE BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DAIRY FEED—Park * Pollard, 24% itF IT] MUSICAL we can lupply It. la* 81ABWO0D, H.OO laid. 110 eordl it* TOB BALB sod. top toll. HI dirt, aUdera •NE laiWn portabl«>v.v—•«,e« electrl«,«»*..o it la*a>wn offenvu«,«du fo,ur 1J38 GOVERNMENT JOBS—Start tlOS- HOUSE of alx rooms, all Improvementa; MynMUUNTH COUNTS feme. *utr» £ B_lj| _|u _*I*_|B^ •».—J ^^~. ••t^M•>• ^ AI _i •* tnlut _.-* A n on any wind -^ itring itutru- plate It.SO load, llO.lt eordi loenat and (ravel I price* naaeaable. Cfeada sale at great price) reduction. - Phone dairy I balanced ration, 13.10 ieDSr bag. . .atro! »i76 month. Dapendabl.. Man, wom- esrsuo, at 43 W«t Suns.t avanue. Wrltht, Uarkbam pUee. UtUe lilrer. Be— d- Ban- k• 816- - -4 i.i^e Caih. Hanca A Davla, phona Red _.__jt Ineludlns aosordlan. Arrangement! i. Prepare Immediately for Red Dank Apply Robert L, Cook, 19 West Suniet front lota...... poita, fractal, piling, ctk boat and btit phone Bed Bank UM-J. 108. can be mid* to ouichase laatrumtnta. At* lumbar. Charles a Bsnnett « Co. phone BABY'S SOALB for Tale 11.60, eliotrio •o repairing* Annas*. 4T Wtihlorton . amlnatlons. List poiltlona tie'- Write -venuo. Rad Bank.-phone CQ.J. properties. Bay B. Stlllmen. But* Mlddltlown 198. bottle warmer 75 oenta, elaotrlo vaeuum IF YOU want a Jeraey turkey, come here* •tretU phon* EUd Bank 17B1. today. Franklin Institute, Dept. 278-P, FOR RENT. Red Bank. 28 North Bridge way. Eatontown. phone •tteatown eleaner with all attaonmenta 911 excellent where you can have a fine aelactlon of Bocheiter. N. y. • avenue, all Improvements i six rooma KOH BAVE, sta rooms, ell improvnaenlai DBX OAK wood, itovt, turnut uid nr*. JS%SM!i oondltlon. Addreaa L. A,, box (11, Redhome ralaed blrda; alive or dreaaedi ptlce PIANOSi Profeailonal piano tuning, re- and bath | also Mlddlatown, near highway, two-oar carafe i lot 70x14? i n,ar riva,, place Ungthei JH.OO per loti, 110 eon). Bank. reaionable. M. Gagella, Nutswamp road, conditioning, (Buyers' Guide Servle*), YOUNG LADY, white or colored, to work five-room house, one* acre ground. Wll- . J. phone Bolmdal second farm west of River Plaaa achool. In home; sltep in or out. References stores and bus Una. Alao lot Bo«IOO. !»• Kindling ifoai, 15 cent, b»f. P. SoMpinl, OR SALE cheap, SedaT mattraeaea, FOR SALE, two keatera, ona brown anam- Dlrhan'a Piano Shop. Drummond place, llttm Kane, Mlddletown. N. J. quire at I Clay itraeu Fair Hav.n. IU West front atreet, pbom 1N6, R positions In the best households. Apply apartments available In Red Bank and desired. Henry L. Conovar. Wlokatuoi, FOR REAL haat trr Old Conpanr'e La- polntment Lorn Branch 10. BataU Jacob leum. leoretarUi; alto van load! of slight- ner on Thanksgiving day, November 20, et once at Monmouth Employment Agen- vicinity. Rolston Waterbury, realtor, !1 blah coal; It laat» lomer, Prompt _iJfc__^_nJ_i_.^ canta, will make a good pumpkin plei two- GOOD jou'ng trotting hona wanted i must water, with or without meaie. 181 Hud-FOR RBNT, house, six rooms and bath, J7.000. $1,600 cash. Selling on account Red Bank 1765-J.* manure, fill dirt, cinders, gravel and Band. on avenge, Red Bunk, phone iltt, located In finest section of Red Bank, of alcknaas. Alex Balaab,. US Sea Braese frOR SALE, Arcola, good condition, with quart Pyrax baking dlih at 7S eenta will bo rtasonable and In pood condition. Eattmatfls given. Phone B*d Bank 8440-J. (our tadlaton and pining: reaaonable. •Id you. National to, 10c and II Store. BAGATELLE] games, aame aa thoae uiad in AddrtBi Good Trotter* •tatlng where borsa TWO attractive furnished rooms for rent. only (45 a month. Call Eatontown 812 avanu., Eaat Keanaburg, phone Keaoa- atoraa, etc., 60 to pick from) 12 each. Oscar Becker, 47 Second itreat, Fair Ha- or Red Bank 1040. burg 7.8-J. ' • Addraia (targe B, Curtla, Llnton place. ^Prown'a, Good condition delivered. -48 Riverside may be ieen, box 611. Red Bank.* ve n.N, J. ______Board optional. Maryland Tea Houae, Kaanabun. N. J. A8 Rlyerslda avenue, IUd Dank.* FOR R&NT In Fair Haven, abc-room houia, FOR SALE or exchange for property In REBUILT eeoond-band water pumpa, r. avenue, Bed Bank, phone 1208-J.' MONEY to loan on firm bond and mort- CARPENTER and painter, Swedish; new ' MINI. IAN(5s, Hardman Pack Mniatlon O, Hunt. Mlddlatown, phone ulddletowi sas*. A,- L, [vtns Agency, 18 Moo- ROOM for rent, private home; business all Improvementa; hot water heat, one Monmouth county, eight-room . frame •old .idu.lT.ly by Tuetlng Piano Co., PORCELAIN sink and drain, about 42 mtmta itrBut, pbonc Red Bank 1490. homes, remodeling, general repairlna. person preferred. 20 Peters place. Red block from school. Inquire 12 Oak place. colonial house at 17 Vernon place, K*at Inches long, 110., Can be seen at Tin- houie painting; estimate! furnished. Rea- Fair Haven. Orange, N. J., two blocks from drove II Monrnouth street, liberal trade-In, HIGHEST prlc«t paid for ragi, mo tali and Bank. easy terms. VAUGHAN'g true floral perfume, wrought ton avenue and Hope road, Eatontown, J. sonable prices. Phone Red Bank 28G9-M striet station, Lackawanna railroad, with R. Smith, phone Eatontown 78. nowapapara. Alio bouse wrecking; alio after 6 p. m. Address P. O. Box 611, Red COMFORTABLE furnished roomi for rent, MODERN sU-room rtouso, hot water heat, five rooma and colonial hall on first Door, ADBLPHI PAINTS, 11.88 Ballon for Inalde Iron noveltlea, bridge prliee and pottery. buy old cardboard. Jotepb Mtele, box 88. fireplace; convenient location; five min- Hat palnta; you will apand a lot of tiro* Honey Bee Flowera, Upper Broad itreet. LADY'S winter coat, alia 14-111 mink Bank. centrally located, Phone Red Bank utes to station; rent (46. Thompson four bedrooms, two tiled bathe and stall KtanBbum, N. J__phono ili. 1220-J. shower second floor: mald'a room third Indoors—sprue* up thoia roomi our pa Bed Bank, phone m. collar: good condition; price 15. Phone CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars dug, scoop- Agency, 81 East Front street, phone Red loor; all modern convanl.ne.a and two- your spire time. It will ooit IOU very lit. Rad Bank U6.J.' BEST PRICES paid for furniture, antique*,, lrnr and grading at re anon ab la rates. FURNISHED room In Leonardo on high- Bank 700. CORD WOOD, locuet poata, corn, alao hog •Uverware, rugs, bric-a-brac, bronxai, way; no other roomera; »B per week. car garage. Inquire any broker or O« tie, Full Una of turpentine and United LARGE aelaetlon of >new and rebuilt re- Howard Maxson, phone Atlantis Hlgh- Palmar, Hanover 2-1180, or Sad Bank oil. Everything In paint. National 6c, corn, cormtalki. Frank ', Mknnlno, old guns, caih realiters, typewriter!, ofllct landa 77 5. Call Atlantlo Highland. 180. SEVEN-ROOM house for rent, all 1m- Laurel avenue, Mlddletown, W. 1- phone frlgeratora, ell alsea i. commerclel units; nnd i to re equipment. Freedman, 85 South prov-ments; large garage. Accessible to 2210. . lOo and II Btore. fronn'a. gas, baits and parts! oil burners, rafrlg- HOOVER cleaners repaired, brushes re- FURNISHED room, next to bath, very »uises. Rent »25 per month. Herman DEMOUBHINa buildings at gchlft'a ei- WINTER will aoon be here. Order jour eratoraj moving and reflnlahlng service. Main atreet, Aibury Park, N, J^ phona fa rls tied. Allen Elactrlo Shop. IS Whit! best location; privet, home; five min- P. Labrecque, Campbell's Junction, near A REAL bargain: one of the beat, lota atove repalra before It la too laU. Bun- 8148. ______itreet, phone 612. Rad Bank. utes from Broad atreet; rent reasonable. tate, Everrthlns to be aold reasonable. del Swarta, 14 Wait Front atreet, Red Call Refrigerator Exchange, 8 White Belford.* In River Plaia, situated on Foster atreet J. Hanlxfsld street. Rad Bank, phone 869. WANTED, hot air furnace or plpeleas In 108 East Front street, phone 3211-W.' The flnt 1460 takea It. Ray Maine. 1 Bank, phone U87.» good condition. Phone or write Box MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, itrlng* and re- ATTRACTIVE Shrtwibiiry river home, PURE BKBD Nubian goat, for sale, dla- GIBSOIBSON mandolin anndd case for aala, in f pairing at Prlce'i Huilc Stor* II West COMFORTABLY furnlihed front room, largo living room, fireplace, dining Lakeside avenue. Rumaon, N. J. HIGHEST quality white and outalde 102 Keanaburg or 78»-W. next to bath: no other roomers. Pri- poilnjr of part, o( my herd at reason- paint, 11,10 to 11.25 gallon, beat grade good eondltlon. PhonPh e ReRdd BanBk Krnnt «tr«et- R»A Bank room, kitchen, laundry, five bedrooms, KKYI'ORT mall delivery, six-room house. able prices. R. I*. Ix>«, Oolfa Neck road, I276-J. NEW and modern method to thampuu HOOVER authorliad service itaUon, Jer- vate family, garage. »S5 Rivet road, Rad bath, mald'a quarters, dock; price 185 par electrlo pump, plot 100x200 fsetl suit- roof cement paint, guaranteed to atop Bank.' . . phona Eatontown 134-R-l. leaki, flva gallon! tl.TSi iblnile ataln. BLACK eloth coat, Persian lamb collar, ruga. Wa guarantee every rug will be sey Central Powei A Light Co., genuine month. W. A. Hopping Agency, Red able for chickens or garden t aaklnv returned to you as good at new 0x12Hoover parts only sold through authorized SINGLE or double room, plenty of haat Bank, phono 897. 12.800; tsoo to $500 cash: now Taeast. FOR 8ALB cheap, new combination coal alll coloral , MonMonmoutm th Paint and varnvarnlal h large alae, 46; will aell reasonable, Call Luker's Realty, Belford, phona Keansbnrr and gas atovei, coal itoves. gal range; Co., S2S WilWillol w itraettt , phonh e LLong at 50 McLaren atreet. Bed Bank.' doraestlo rug 14.82. Telephone 2800 •tittlons. Phone Red Bank 1900 for a free and hot water at all times; In beat resi- FOR RENT, five-room bungalow and bath, Leon'i. Inspection of your Hoover cleaner. . dential aectlon. R. H. VnnDerveer, 49 725-M.* and oil stoves. • Samuel, Sjrarta. U Wait Branch 8119-J. ALUMINUM paint! If you are In the mar- all Improvemanta and garage, f20< a Front strest. n.J Bank, phone U87.' FREE I IP excen acid eoui«i you palm METAL WEATHERSTRIPS ror doora and Branch avenue. phonB Red Bank 1465 month. Inquire Joseph Furlato, Riverside NEAR KEANSBURG. 18 acres woodt-l IS YOUB furnace aatlafaetory t Wa can ' ket for Spar liquid and aluminum paste, r farmland; some meadow j old faahlon*d RBFR1QERA.TOK bargain—Wcatlnjhouae. lnatall a new furnace 'or repair the old get my prices. I can save you money. of itomacb ulcera, Indlgeitlon, heart- windows; »ave 25j% of fuel coata. H. LARGE front room, light and worm; heat drive, box 77, Red Bank. burn. belcblnR, bloating, nausea, eat A. Hendrlck*ion A Co., phone Red ' Bank and hot watar day and nlsht. tt seven-room home, 13,800, tan p«r emt 1987, flve-year iiuarimtee, new. 110 on one and eava you money. MUle, phona A, M. Frasor, 70 East Front street, Red IN RUMSON, for rent, furnished bun.a- cash. What will yon offer. Laker's R**l- Hat price. TuiUng'i, 16 Monmoulh atreet, Hlghlanda 1198-R. Alio rooHng, aiding, Bank.' fialni. get free aample Udga, at Kataln't 1400. 82 Nawman Springs road. Rad Shrewsbury avenue, phone Red £ank low, -six rooms and bath; steam heat. n Rod Bank and Bennett'i in Long Bank. . 697-W.r ty, Belford, N. J., phont Ktuubarg -«d Bank. ilatlng. tinning at reasonable prlea HOUND DOGS for sale; guaranteed brok- Charles Mast, agent. Fair Haven, phone 726-M." HILCO headquarters, new U«S rnodeli, Branch. UABEL GOLEM AN icbool of daaointf, 11 WALLACE atreet, large front room, Red Bank U14-J. LAYINO MASH—"Family Flock" ration en. Fred Zlegler, Little Silver, phone 12-ROOM brick house on StaU highway, automatiutomatic tuningtunin , liberaeral trade-intradein, eaajjr Red Bank 678. FOR HIRE, full dress, cutaway and tux- tcBcblnn children and adults ballroom. with or without board; for rent reason- SERVICE STATION for lease; excellent Ttl' 1« Monmouth itreatitreat, conUtnlna Furatene, CoHIa, dried but- ballet, toe, tap. acrobatic, character. Inter- able. Phone Red Bank 1120-J. ' Highlands; eight bedrooms; two baths, terms. Tustlng's, termilk and cod liver oil eepeclally pre- edo suits. Monmouth Men's Shop, 62 location. Address Service Station, box steam heated; beautifully landsoApM Rad Bank. Broad street, Red Bank. Open evenings pretative: clasiai and prlvaU leiiona. 15 511, Rod Bank." pared for ui by Purina MUU. Save and AUTOMOBILES Rector place, phona 2011. LOVELY furnished room, large and airy. grounds, 105*40C- feet; garage, great bar- get more for your money. Prloe delivered until 8 p. m. HOUSE for rent to responsible adult gain. A. K. Dennatt* realtor. Highland!. SEPTIC TANKS and eosipools cl«aned. *!• eonitant hot water lupply: garage or 12.SO per bag. Ton Jote SZ.40 per bag. MAURICE SCHWARTZ, Chryiler, Ply- car apace, nae of phon.. Phone Red Bank family; six rooms, all Improvements; MONMOUTH HILLS—H-room «toi.« Phone Red Sank 1261. Lawal Coal Com- mouth and International truck aalea and BICYCLES Cnanbed; no money down. HO dry wells; dralnn Installed. Eitl- newly painted; garaffe. Apply 6 Llndea convenient monthly payments j liberal rrintes Riven. Oicar Becker. 47 Second 1080. houae, five baths, two-car garaga; biau* Bngltthtavm-Old pany, Inc. service headquertera. Phone Red Bank place. Red Bank." ully landscaped grounds; groat bargain* Gordon'a Corner. allowance on your old bicycle. Mahm strest. Fair Haven, phone 3440-J. ROOM AND BOARD, one room, nicely FOR SALS cheap, two pointers (females), Broi., State Highway, Eatontown, N. J., furnished, centrally located. Call Rtd TWO STORES for rent, large one and a _ E- Dennett, realtor. Highlands. TURKEYS—Fine young birds, milk fedl or 816 Main street! Lake wood, N. J.. TAILORING—Roal nne, for tho dlserlral- smaller one with room; oil burner heat; one trained end one partly broken. For IF YOU are ahopplng around for a small nntlng. Phone 2719-W. Frank Pica, Bank 3662-J. WATER WITCH—Seven-room cottage, alive or draaiadi booking ordere now particular, call Keanaburg «8« after I car or light truck, visit us and com-phone Eatontown 80 or Lake wood 680, S26 per month, 109 Shrewsbury avenue, furnished; bath, electric and gas; larrt for Thanksgiving. Order today. Hri. T ladles' and glints' tailor: suits mad a to LARGE front room, three windows; new- Red Bank.' 4 Fatteraon avenue. E-2: I pare the car and the price. You will sonn BICYCLES on the budget plan, no money order; furrier; cleaning, pressing and re- screened porch; $2,900, Great bargain. JBtour Walnrlght, be convinced. Brousell's Used Car Mar- ly done up; suitable for couple; bod- HALF of double house, In excellent con- Shrewsbury, Phphono e Bed Bank 4. THOROUGHBRED Doberman Flneher down, easy monthly payments. Your modeling. 89 Waihlngton itreet. Red room and living room combined. 41 Eaat A. E. Dennett, realtor. Highland!, phont ket, 11 Maple avenue, Red Bank, phone old bicycle taken in trade. Mahm Bro*., Bank." dition ; garage. A. T. Doremus, 44 20L_ • • - • FLOOR COVERING, law selection I esti- pupplea for aale: male and female!; al- 814. Front itreet, Red Bank. Reckless place. Red Bank, or agents. mates furnished. Inlaid Congqleum by ao trained polntera. B. L. Cobb, Syca- Highway 35, Eatontown, or 316 Muln THE HI CHEST" price* paid for live chick, SMALL house, two-story, five roonui the yard. Congoleura ruga. All slies. more avenue, Bhrewabury, K, J<* phone USBD CAKtt bought, sola end excnangeil. street. Lake wood, N. J,, phone Eatontown ens. Joe Baker. 280 Mechanic Ure«t Cooper road, Mlddletown i near school Samuel Swarta, 14 Weat Front street, Red 1879-M. Pontlae aales and aervleef termi, O. U. 30 or Lakewood 930. phone Red Bank 2809. APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE and bus; asking $1,800. Be* Burton Bank, phone U81.* A. C Raasaa Brothers. 10-11 Mechanic WANTED, old dolU. fans, tilasi, chEna, Doramus, corner West Front and Broad CRY OAK wood In etove, furnace and street, phono 8066. FOUR-ROOM apartment to sub-lat, fur- BUY tblt bargain: Two-family house, six streets, Red Bank.* . HUNDREDS of ilx-llght wlndowa (leo. fire place length!msth!, aold In tl.OO'a worth furniture; highest prices paid. Address nlah.d; river view. < Riverside avenue. AUSTIN coupe for sale, 1S81; good con- i P. O. Box 924. Plalnfleld. N. J. LOS I AND r'OUND rooma and bath each side, all improve- ond-hand), alia about 40 Incbea by 40 or more It callled for. John Carney, fourth dition; new. rubber. 176 caih. 106 Me- Red Bank. Call evenings other than Sat- ments; newly decorated; near builae.t $1,500 BUYS five-room two-itory honiij Inehe!. 60G each. Doora 600 and up. placa on right aide of Pine Brook road, i WILL PAY cash for very largo pot atove, DOG LOST, white with black ipot on urday and Sunday. Call during day. lot 50x100, Cooper road, near school four-foot ulecea), 40c morial Parkway, Atlantic Highlands, N, section of Red Bank. Paul Revert, 66 Haion lath (100 phone Eatontown 44g-J-2. J.*_ i | perfect condition unnecessary. Full head and back; answers to name of THREE-ROOM apartment and bath, new- Broad ttrest, Red Bank. house and bust MlddUtown. Burton Dor*- * particulars and price. Address Pot Stove, .Trlxle. Reward. Address 11 Bridge ave- ly decorated; one-car garagei reason- mm, _t Broad street. Red Bank.* FORD light panel delivery. Model A, in bqxJ.ll__Red BanM I nue, Red Bank. 12-ACRE farm, six-room bousa, three-car good condition; for aale or exchange for able rental; located on corner of Drum- garage, barns, chicken coops, other ARC VOU planning to build T Ut us coupe. Herbert W. Barber, 20 West 1*0 WALLACE 'Rtreot; tnblo board, two LOST, a mala beagle hound dog, crooked mond and Shrewsbury avenue., Red buildings; all In sood shape, must sell on show you our defllrabl* sites In Middle* itreet, Rad Bank.' meals a day, $5.00 a week. Also bunl- ! leffs, color black and grey: lost In Lln- Bank. account of death. Mrs. Mary Janosko. town. Shrewsbury. R*d Bank and Holm- ness man or women's lunch 2 5c. Also croft last Friday. Reward If returned to building material!. EXCELLENT player piano, complete with 1929 BUICK ledan for faie, $86, Can be ; TWO-HOOM apartment for rent, light between Middtetown and New Monmouth.* del sections. Your choice of a brook, bench and rollai make. iplendld Chilat- rooms. ^_ ; JOBCPH Gentile. 282 South Bridge* avenue. housekeeping privileges i heat, light, wa- woods, hitl sites or flat land. Prlets flANOS; profoaslonal piano tuning, re- maa preaent: child could Jalio< take laa- is«n at Bel-ord, near achool. Mr, Du- Red Bank, phono 135.* NOW VACANT, for «ale or rent, with op- ranging from $250 to $G00 per acr*. All conditioning (Buyers' Guide Service). beiky, Jphurch street.* WANTED, cabinet oil heater, suitable for ter furnished. 181 Hudson avenue. Red tion of purchase; $21: near golf count, aona on lama. Addraai Chriatmaa Prea* small Btore; also buffalo or fur lap robe. Bank. iropertle* have electric and Ultphon* Plrhan'a Piano Shop, Drummond place, • ent. box 611, Red Bank. "USED OARS;'~"Stop at tha Cop," '81W. Manna, State Highway 35, Eatontown, HUNTING DOG found on farm on Tlnton Atlantic Hlghlanda; five rooms, bath, ga- .Ine. Fhone Hoimdel 60. Paul R. Stry- Red Bank, phone 088, Plymouth coupe, '84 Chevrolet tadan, Falls road, Monday morning. If owner FURNISHED apartment for rent, all Im- rage. LukerV Realty* Belford, K. J.. JI~H —Jean e*a a^*'******^^"" ~.^__—J_J^^___^_J__>_—_»—_—»^fc—_—_ N. J,, phon< ker, real estate and Insurance, Highway FOR SALE, five plga, two raonthi old. '28 Chevrolet panel truck, 'it Old-mobile will describe snmo It may be had by pay- provements; heat, gas. electricity. 140 phone Keanaburg 72-5-M.* , WARDROBE (or lale at a aacrlflce due to Phone Red Bank 205-M. trunk aedan, '37 Oldimobll* trunk aedati, 84, Holmdal. N. J. moving t In excellent condition. See Mra, WANTED, hot bed sash, 8x8 feot; will [afz for advertisement. Hurry Klnael, box Shrewsbury avenue. Red Sank. ON noUTE 86. ioi 50 feet on Vineyard Aumack, old McClaskey residence, New- VENETIAN BLINDS—Lovely inatallatlona '80 Terraplane trunk sedan, '35 Packard buy or rent. Economy Nuraery Co.. 95, R. p. D. 1, Tinton Fall, road, Eaton- APARTMENT for rent, four rooms and avenue, 100 on Highway, three-room SHREWSBURY—Bungalow, all Improve- man Spring! road, near railroad. every day by our men. One day they iedan. '34 Hudson sadon, '80 CaJlHac Little Silver..N. J-* town. N. J.» • bath; beat, gas, light, water furnished. bungalow. Tbla ia a good builneis prop- ments, five rooms, batn. one-quarter are putting thehem up In RRumioumion and ththe trunk iedan. '37 LaSalle trunk sedan, '88 erty, suitable for gas or vegetable stand; acre land, fenced, will aacrlflce for $4.1500. GUNNERS, attention 1 Buy your hunting Cadillac ledan, '84 Chovrolct town sedan; WANTED, a mason to flguro on a cement (.OLD ex-captain's badge of Independent 181 Hudson nvenue, Red Bank. next dad y in PertPtPerth Amboy aanndd maybbe thhe block cellar and foundation. Call nt Fire coin pan y, lout on Mechanic, Wnl* $1,600. Lukcr'a Realty, Belford, phone See E. Reed, Sycamore avenue, phone R*4 eoata direct from manufacturer at next dad y in HHolmdall l. TTodad y we ltlllnatalledd convenient Q. M. A. C. terms, with month- TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, gas Keansburg 7.25-M.^ Bank 12l.» ^ __, whoolaaall a frlcea. Bai- t' material. OpOpeen ly payments to mil your fur.e. S. W. the Avenue of Two Elvers, near borough Iftco or Broad streetn, Saturday night, end electric; nice und warm. 42 Hard- < "' 'slnit eome In Freehold. Far and wide our h!xn hall, Rumson, Saturday afternoon after 1 phone 48-M. Red Bank, or leave at 41 RED BANK Three olocks to depot; bait ARTIST'S home, quaint farmhouse on In* evemlngn a till 0 o'clock. Adam! Clothln quality and low prlcea are bringing the Clipplnger, manager Used Car department, i>. m. Owner will bo_pn premises.' ing road, Red Bank.* Faetstoryu , tU | Wait Front itreet. RReed Wallace ntrect. Reward,* neighborhood: seven rooms, all improve- let, Shrewsbury; needs renovating) ordera. Free measuring and estimating. hone Red Bink D10. Ojiun avenlnKi. MALE, Instruction: would Uko to hear APARTMENT for rent, December 1; fam- ments: one-car garage; lot 76x116, $4,000 eight roomi, bath, trees, picket fence, H«'f Bjink,' >____ National Sc, 100 and II Store. Prown'a, lowland B. Jonas Motor .Co., 8 Maple LOST, lady's black purse last Tuesday ily going South. Phone Red Bank S from.mechanically Inclined men In this week. Return to 85 Locust avenue, Red House A-l condition. Luker's Realty, Bat- acre, near Red Bank; $3,7,50. Ray H, OIL BURNElQl for "cook itovaa and water. 47 Broad atreet, phone Rad Bank 2880. avenue, R«d Bank, distributor of Cadillac community who would ilka to better them- I855-J.* ford. N. 3- phone Keansbura 73S-M.*' Stlllman, State highway, phone EatontowD ;> heatera-foHlalel alio automatic gaa wa- 1 Bank. Howard.* POOL TABLE for aala; reaionable price. LaSallo, Oldsmoblle. See our display ad- lelves by training spare' time for Installa- TWO heated apartments, one Riverside 7. • • • • ter heater. »e. dBmomtration In atora. vertUetnfint on ipoxt ptge, BLACK and white hound, tnn hend, lost FOUR-ROOM bungalow, lot 76x100, two- Bowling—We reierve the alleya for tion and servicing work aa well as plan- avenue and one Westside avenue, ready car Kara go, chickens, coops, near Samuel Swarta 14 Weit Front atreat. Had match gamea and all occanlonfl for lEo a ning, estimating, etc.. on all type air con- In Eatontown lest week. Any Informa- December 1st. Apply Red Bank Building FOR SALE, six-apartment house, corner Bank, phone itaTt A PRICE reduced: 1985 Terra plane two. tlon appreciated. Phong Eatontown 294. schools, depot and highway 36; a bar- lot, oil burner and new furnace; »ery man, Fred Maddalena, 108 Shrewsbury door sidan, electric •hlft, low mileage; ditioning and electric refrigerating equip- & Loan, 10 Broad street, Red Bank.* AMERICAN " itubator for lale, electric, avenue, Red Bank^ ^^^^^^ ment. Only reliable men with fair educa- FOR RENT, completely furnlihed five- train ; (2.000. Luker'a Realty, Belford, good Income. Due to age and illntia am FOR SALE mechanically perfect and very economical. HOUND DOG, black and tan. lost. Re- phone Keansburg 725-M.* forced to stll. Priced way b«low market FOR SALE, Americami n IbIncubatort , electriclti , JUST ARRIVED: new gaa rangea, oil Drive It and ba convinced; $850. Apple- tion should apply. Address Utilities Innt., ward. James Mull in, 801 Sanford ave- room apartment and bath: all Improve- 1,200 copactyl good conditions good box 511, Rod Bank.* menta; combination range In kitchen; rent PORT MONMOUTH house, six rooms, for quick sal*. Thia \m a real boy. Act hatchea. Prtei ;»40. 0. H. Ohubb, Chapel atovea, combination and cook etovee. gate's Garage, Valley Drive, Atlantic Higt_. nue, Newark, N. J.* bath, garage; near depott S8Z monthly, quick. Call Mrs. Reid, eare Sunset Cabin, Large etock to ealect from. All atovei landi, phone 898. WANTED, second-hand hospital bed, one reasonable. 84 Eait Ridge road, Rum- Hill road, phoi e Red Dank C74-J-1. Mrs. J. Conovar.* Belford, eight rooms, bath, 1U aer*s, River avenue. Lakewood, N. J. connected free of charge. Samuel Swarta, IF YOU are In the market for a clean which automatically ralies from tho $25j sale price 18,600. Five rooms and PBDIGREER ti,Vee-monthl-old Boiton ter- 14 Wait Front atraet. Red Bank. Phone foot; good condition. Call at 412 River FOR EXCHANGE rier pupplea for aale I 115 and up. Stud couDe, wa offer the following ipeclalit FOR RENT, furnished housekeeping apart- bath, $21.50. Luieer's Realty, Belford, FARMS, country homes, shore est&Us, 1887.* 1088 I'ontls. coupe, 1980 Chevrolet coupe, road, Red Bank. ment; all Improvements; conveniently phone Keansburg 725-&k* at aarvlce. 61 Oceanport avenue, Long NOVELTY SIDING—New 1x6 North Car- WILL EXCHANGE for farm In Monmouth river and ocean front propirtUit Branch, N. J. 1986 Tarraplane coupe, 1986 Pontiao WANTED, one-horso farm wagon; must • county, ihy 12-room residence in Plain- located. Br&y, Newman Springs load, 80 ACRE truck farm, good location, nine olina pine novelty siding; thia la not toupe, 1883 Chrys.tr coupe) w« also bave be in good condition. Will pay cash. field, large plot, double garage. Address Red Bank.' rooms, two baths, heat, light; barn, hot sale or rent. • During the P**t 10 NINE-PIEOB oaV dining room let, larg clear, but haa aound knota; price for two two 1936'Fontlao two-door trunk sedans, Call Eatontown 465. Owner. P. O. Box fl24. PlalnflelJ. N. J. house, two poultry houses: jrood order; yean hundreds have been happily lo- lilt round parlor atove, with oil burner, -tteeka only, 8Ho aquare foot; new 1x8 1886 Pontiao two-door trunk aedan, two APARTMENT, fumlihed for light house- $8,000. William Hancock. R«d Bank.* kitchen rangrang e withh oil bburnerrner! Oriental Shlplap, aame price: new 2x4'i. 2Uo run- 1984 Pontiao led am, lfl.6 Plymouth ie- WILL BUY or exchange fine Hcpplewhlte HAVE four-family Income property In Red keeping; all Improvements; to adults or cated through tho medium of thia of- Stb Thrift ShopShop, Wllion ning foot, 2x1, 4e foot; "Wallrlte" (sheet- chair, Spanish shawl, empire bed, for Bank, good neighborhood, near bur, business couple. Convenient to station ATTRACTIVE home, excellent location; fice. Write today for frve Illustrated rug. Stanlberry Thrift dan, 1S84 Chrysler lodan, two 198S Chev- small pine or maple bed and cheat of avenue. Port Monmouth.* rock) fi-lnch thick 2% a aquare foot. rolet trunk sedans and many others. Open school, river and shopping district; due and bus line. Also automobile for sale. living room, with fireplace, dining room, booklet describing over two hundred New storm doora and storm iftah at very evenings. G. M. A> C. terms. Rasnaa drawers. Address W. B., box 611, Redto Illness will sell or exchange. This li Apply 189 Bridge avenue. Red Bank. _iun room, kitchen, breakfast nook, three JWB auto tires, slie S.OOiclS; no Bank,* a good proposition for couple. Have rent bedrooms with bath; lot 60x180; garage. properties. Ray H. Stlllman, State 41 Harding road, reaaonable prlcea. Imparted Portland ce- Brothers, 19-21 Mechanic itreet. Red FOUR ROOMS and bath, Arcola heater; abla offer refused. ment 60o bag, 67 Wo In 50-bag lota and Bank, phone SOfl.. free and Income. What do you ofTar 7 Price $7,000. W. A. Hopping Agency, highway 44. Phone Eatontown 7a Bed Bank.' 65o In 100-bag lota, delivered. Do not Write Sun-Set Cabin, Lakewood, N. J. newly decorated; 121. Many others. Red finnk, phone 8S7. forget to fix that leaky roof before cold 1987 SIX-CYUNDER Pontiao sport coupe. BUSINESS NOTICES Rolston Waterbury, realtor, 83 West OPPORTUNITY—Our careful buying Front street, phone 8500.* COTTAGE. East Bergen place, living room, CHICKEN FARM, >2Z; three unt. m> aavea you money. Vlalt our ihowroom weather comes. We can quote you ex- with opera seats [ new car, at used car dining room, kitchen, hot water heat; tremely tow prlcea on all klndi of roonng. price. Baisa* Biothers^ 10-21 Mechanic CESSPOOLS and septic lank» cleaned and SITUATIONS WANTED TWO furnished apartments for light en-room house, heat, electricity; alio lor barsalni. Studio couch, Ilka new, Installed i also drains Installed. Esti- three bedrooms; lot 60x200; a good buy bungalow of five rooms with heat, two 114.75; new chalie lounie 15.75: utility We carry In atock aacond hand lumber, street, Red Bank, phone 8065. housekeeping (upstairs). Apply at 201 at $4,300, W. A. Hopping Agancy, 8 doori, wlndowi, etc Call and look mates given. Harvey C. Tllton; S Bruce YOUNG MAN wlshet position as handy Bergen place. Red Bank, between Broad large chicken houses, barn. Ray H. 8U1N oablntta $2.60, etc, Ruacll'a Auction Gal- 1085 FORD V8 station wagon, good tires,' place. Rumson. phone 740-J. man and chauffeur for private family t Linden place, phone 897, Red Bank,_ man, State highway, phone Eatontown 7. lerlei, 20 Eait Front itreit around, you will not be asked to buy. A-l condition) prlc* $400; also 1938 itreet-and Maple avenue. lerlei, 20 Eait Front itreit. You will And a used material yard, quite B. & B BODY, Fenders and- Radiator very good referenco* Will work for rea- HOLM DEL section, 46 acres, good soil. DOUBLE BARRELED L. C. Smith ahot Ford Vfl station wagon, private party. sonable wages. High achool graduate. APARTMENT of four rooms and bath, state Inspected; attlp of woodland, two IN RUMSON, all-year bungalow, fur- different to the ordinary aecond-hand lum- Address Station Wagon, box 611, Red Worki; welding, painting, washing and electricity, Bas, Arcola heating system. nished, steam heat; six rooms and bath* gun for lale. 110. Apply Edward Haw- bar yards. We have printed price Hits S.mOnlstnff. All work guaranteed. Rea- Fhona Red Hank S2D.-W. brooks; excellent building site. Pries klm, McCartor avenue. Fair Haven.* Bank.* Newly decorated throughout. 27 West $6,500, W. A. Hopping Agency, phone A bargain. Charles Mut* agent. Fair Ha- and will be pteasedito send you one upon sonable ratea. Phone Bed Bank" U251-J ven, phone Red Bank 1114-J. FtORENOE heaterii Ihay are good and receipt of name and address. Hailet BUICK '86 model 80-41 iedan deluxe, .Ike at Taylor'i Garage. SB Pearl street. Red WHITE WOMAN wishes day'a work to do, Front street, Red Bank. 397, Red Bank. now, will sacrifice for quick action. ; or would do laundry. In or^ut. Call we have a low price on them. Read Lumber Yard, KayporbJIolmdel road, Bank. ' - * IN FAIR HAVEN, for _a!«, IE-room DAIRY farm, nine-room house. Improve- • olty itore ada In the Newi and than come right at the Haalat railroad station, Dont miss this bargain. Terms to suit, at 276 Mechanla itreet after 6:00 P. M., 1 phone Red Bank 1274. house In fine condition; steam heatt a mints; usual dairy barm and silo I 100 In and tat our low prlcei. Full line of telephone Keyport 1109, avenlnga Keana- trades accepted. William J, Levlne, 876 VACUUM cleaners repaired 1 any make. REAL ESTATE WANTED acres good land, woods, stream, meadowi 1 Allan Eteotrlo Shop. IS WbUe street. bargain. Charles Mast, agent. Fair Ha- Itaaco and American room cabinet neatera. burg 754-J. HOUSEKEEPER wishes position In wid- WANTED, farms, seashore, country es- ven, phono Red Bank 1114-J. $12,000, William Hancock, Red Bank.* Baal bargalna for quality itovea. Nation- fcEVBR AGAIN such bargains: In the face Red Bank. ______ower's home or In smalt family. Ad- tates, roodstands, gas station, j havs al EC, lOo and II Store. Proirn'i, 47 RATS AND MICE menace health; lome of rising new car prices we have made CARPENTER and builder, alteration! and dress Housekeeper, box 511, Red Bank. buyers. Pleasa send photo and newspa- Broad atreet, Red Bank. are vlcloual they breed dlieases. Get tremendous ilaihes In dur used cari. They repalra, asbestos siding afid tile. Wil- per cut. Kullsowski Ajoncy, 683 Carson rid of them. New rat bomba will do the must be sold, and If you are wise you liam Oopestake, Jr., Little Sliver, N. J., POSITION wanted, man and wife, a» care- avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J., phone 4-2884. GIRL'S red Excelsior bicycle for aala, 1largo trick: 10 centa package, National 6c, 10c takers. I can recommed them very ' iliai uied only few tlmtll colt l>0i, will will take advantage of our great bargains. phone Red Bank 8244. and II Store. Prown'a. Be convinced, come In and look our stock highly, and will be personally respon- LIST your property for sale or rent with aall for IIEl email depoelt will hold until WILLIAM V. DIESTFUCa. pluromnif, mat- sible for their actions. Jay L, Smith, Lo- M->rle Cox, realtor, office 183 Riverside CnrlXmai. Mri. Cecil Ledlard, E4 Hadl- WANTED, a mason to figure on a cement over and Judge for yourself. Prices range in a and tinning. Pumps and wlndmllli cust, N. J. ion avenue, phone Red Bunk 1086-W. block cellar end foundation. Call at $25 up. Down payments $10 up, balance repaired. Agent for Master carburetor avenue, phone Rad Bank 263. ^^SS _iwiiwn| ___/__„, • ———- ---- ——-——^-T___—_•—______the Avenue of Two Rivera, naar borough to suit your pocketbook. Open evenings coal saving device. Fits any furnace. *2 YOUNG MAN desires position as care- WANTED, imall farm sdjacent to Red "Go Straight For It ABOUT ISO player /piano record,: all In hall. Rumson, Saturday afternoon after 1 and all day Sunday. William J. Levlne. Lelghton- avenue. Red Bank, phone HdiT-J. taker, handyman, driver, or what? Bank, old colonial house, livable condl. first claaa order and ao guaranteed! 25 p. m. Owner will be on premises.* 87 S Broadway, LonB Branch.* Write Y. M., box Ell, Red Bank.* ___ tlonf not necessarily Improved, but with «.nt« each. Jay _. Smith, Loe.lt. N. J. REMOVER of.dead animals. Dead an 1 main electricity available and ample water lun* And Grab It!" ca )X TERMERS, wire haired puppies for MODEL T FORD dump truck tor sala; removed free of charge. Phone Ned FILIPINO deilrfis a position as cook, but- FEIGIDAIRB for aala, excellent condition i aale, pedigreed and registered. Harry ' ler, chauffeurt thoroughly experienced, ply. Mu«t be In desirable American sec- . Phone Keanig W reaaonable price. Lawrence Selbtrt. Bank 8491. Paul Rltcau. tion.' Wilt rant with option to purchase cheap. Phone Keaniburg 81T-W.* Found. Willow Drive, Little Silver. N. J., Mark ham place, Little Silver, N. J., phone honest, courteous and reliable. Call Sea Havo you noticed that the' fellow who beats around JSS camel pile coat, formerly 185, now naar railroad atatlon, BUY and sell second-band clothe*! a>uu Bright 217. ^ and improve property as renter. Pur- Red Bank 1342-M.* be In good condition. I* Kerber, 200 chase price not to exceed $7,500.. Give the bush seldom gets any berries? And will somebody JSiorl2S' i alse 40;«xcillent conditionl . 28 WALNUT chest of drawers for aele, 16. 1 GERMAN woman wUhes position as DeForraat avenue, Bed Bank, phone 1029 OAKLAND coach In good condition. 8hr«wtbary avtnue. Red Bank. Phone full particulars with directions for rench- please enlighten me tu) to why It Is that many men Call alter 6 p. m., 14 Battln road. Fair Price $66. Call evenings between 5 and 468-W. hpuseworker; part or full time; speaks Inir tho property. Address F. L. B., box 1705^ Haven, N. iy some EnnllBh. ,Mrs. P. Behr, 87 Riverside spend their lives knocking down chestnuts for soms 6_o'clock at 11 Mount street, Red Bank-* nue, Red Bank.* 511, Red Bank. f :jlAN'B irray aweatir. llaa 44, I4| man'a KITCHEN'conl range for aale, excellent JOB PRINTING—When yoo ooid bu«- other fellow to pick up? , uabardlne rain coat, brown, alia 44, 16; condition] also parlor atove, cabinet 1985 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, own- COLORED girl wants housework to do; alia o mea. .. t* _!.__Rteame. —_. _.r^ 18X271 I^VV , 112fain . TPhon> H ^ •« e^ typo with oil burner. Will conilder your er will aacrlflce for $396. Can be seen tneis cards, letterheads, envelopes* beflt of references. 100 Linden place, Right hero In Red Bank and Monmouth county, with IRumaon 1586." 1 at Brouiell's Uied Car Market, 11 Maple bUlhe&dft, booklets, potter*, programs, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT thousands of acrea of beautiful land on ovary hand* atove In trade aa part payment for either avenue, Red Bank, phone 014. Red nnnlc.*__^ APPLES for Bale, Wlnaaap, from 50 centa of_these stoves, Phone Highlands lam. announcement! or anything In the Hoe MAN, 30 years of age, wishes poiltlon; RUMSON, five-room bungalow, all Im- arc men and women who dont own a patch big UP jei' buahel. Ollttenberg, Wlkoff DEPENDABLE ussd cars; guaranteed and r FAIR~oTbladk mantels for aala, alao elec- of printing try The Register. Work of most anything) ncnt 'appearing, good provemsnts and garage; near bus line: ro«d. Eatontown, N. J. at.reduced prlcas. Free—'116 hot watar residential block; iiewly decorated for enough for a one-legged chicken to stand on. trlo fixtures, bath tub and kitchen link, heater In any of the following cars: l.Sfl the batter kind done when promised knowledge of bookeeplng; executive abil- JWISEY turkeyi—If you want a really eheap; radlatore for hot water heat. ity, willing worker. Address Man, box yearly tenant: furnished or unfurnished. Of course, I'll havo to confess that It Is entirely their Bodge four-door sedan, 1B86 Dodge busi- and at reasonable prices. Can be seen any time. Fhone Rumson , dellcloua turkey, try one of our young Addreaa P. B- W.. box 811. . BBed Bank.' ness coupe, 1085 Dodge two-door aadan, own affair and none of mine, so perhaps I ought tu Purlnj-mllk-ted turkeyi and ta«U th« dif- APPLPPLE TREE wowooodd ffo r aalel , f 6 per cordd, 1088 Plymouth rumble aaat ooupe, 1985 POSITION wanted by a first class, neat, 487. keep quiet. But I have a notion that there ore many ference. It doem't coif any more, oo why not delivered. J. O. Hendrlckaon, Old CHARLES MAST, juitlct of the peace, economical cook, willing to assist with not have the beitT Alive or droned. E. t dlid Hdlk Old Plymouth two-door sedan, two 18,18 Ply- FOR RENT, nine-room houie, all Improve- folks whp road Tho Register, who never thought they Cherry Tree Farm, Mlddlatown, N. 3. mouth four-door sedans, 1088 Plymouth real estate, general Insurance. 16 Cill- any other work whero good service I* ap- ments! five bedromos, two bathrooraa, W. Johmon, Mlddletown-New Monmouth four-door sedan, 1085 Chevrolet two-door leiple avenue, Fair Haven, phone Red preciated; where there in other help pre- could own a house, or a lot, or a farm unless they roid. New lrionmouth. ,N. J.' FURNITURE, d|nlntr room suite, bedroom, Bank 1114-J. hot water haat. two-story barn, two small I fUjme n^n a.au»---»*» _ _^______-______kitchen, etc. Call at 172 Monmouth sedan, IDS* Chevrolet two-door s«dan, 1DSB ferred. Address F. C. C, box 511, Redchicken houses and r _n«s,ys', wondorfu! had lots of money. 'LIVING ROOM set, aofa, arm chelh r and atreat. Red Bank.' Chevrolet two-door aadan, 1884 Plymouth PAINTING, Inside and outelde; alao build- Bank/ shrubbery and fruit; lot 60x228: centrally rocker (Karpen), 125. 82 Patera pl»6e, four-door sedan, 10B4 Plymouth two-door DOO SKIN automobile robe and % ilse ing, remodeling, repairs; since 1023; by XDUNC LADY, high school cr-duate. located. Immediately posseialoii. Reference If you have any such ldoa as this, forgot It A mer« ,H>i Bank, aedan, 1086 Dodge half-ton express, 1981 day or estimate t charges reasonable. -G. wishes general omce work, typing and. rsquostedi S50 por month. Telephone Red pool table for eale. Call Rad Bank Do'dga four-door sedan. 1980 Ford dsllv- boy or girl can pay $5 down on a lot. And that ll TRAVELING BAG for small dog for aale 402-M. .__• • L. Grant, Everett, N, J., nhone Bed Bank shorthand t will oonslder small wages. Cull Bank 1409. A. L. Ivlns Agency, 16 Mon- I at a sacrifice! nsver bsen us«di cost ery coupe. Leonardo Oarage, Valley drive 708-J-2. Gall before 8 a. m. or after Atlnntlc Highlands 160. mouth street. ^ ^^^ enough to secure excellent property in many doalrabl* SHOT QUN, double barreledM_3-guage, and Apploton avenue, Leonardo. Phona p. tn •18*00, will sail for 18.00. Call Rad Bank BAT^_ored_^kl w|s>i*a jRh_*ii_»enflr |il AUF— nt-double-home^a lmprov.mantBr locations 1h«n ..by— aaay..Jn«tallniontB-«aoh. warts-or- '.mn attar BiBO P. M> Fox-Sterllntwofch I. good 'ConditionCondition. 8MA11T-WOMEN- take-up- beauty-oultura w m l Pilca 'houseworker; whole time, sleep In, AD- ono block from center of town; J30 per each month, you will soon find yourself the happy w M JOHNSON, flrenlac,, furnaoe and Phone-a88»-Wi-Bad-Dank;*- DO YOU WANT "transportation at lo» ai a means of Independence, The Newply 101 Bridge avenue._Rcd Bank.* month. Henry F. Hylln, Register build- Itlndllntr wood! kindling wood, 0 bag, OLL TOP deak for.aale, perfe c coat? That's Juat what we can give Jeraoy Beaut/ Culture Academy and their ,ng, Red Dank, phona 743. possessor of valuable land to build a homo on. dltlont coat 140, will aell for IB. no staff of professional teachers will Insure CHAUFFEUR-BUTLER, white, ago 88, ex- , 11,1)0. H Mill straet, Eatontown, N. J, you. .We have twenty dependable earl. cellent driver; useful nil around. Good OARAGE, 2,000 iquare feet, for rant; And you, young- married couplcB—Instead of accumu- phone IU-J, : use for aame. Inquire 11 Shrewebury Fords, Chevrolet,, Bulcks, Oldsmobllei, your succeis. Fall class now forming. avenue, Highlands, N. J.* Reduced rate*. Easy terms. Free Instru- roforenccs. Communlcata Box 384, Red steam haat, concrete building, well locat- lating a stack of worthless rent receipts, why dont you Plymouth and Dther small carat ready to Bank. ' ed, 27 4 South Bridge nvonue. Inquire at SPREAD Ohriitmaa cheer with • FOR SALE, houae furnishings. Including go, Priced to move, 135 up to (7E. Coma ments. Positions assured. Do not delny. 208 Shrewsbury nvonuo, phone Red Bank bo your own landlord, by making your rent money go rug,, furniture, porch furnishing,, bird In, Look them over.' Ford dual wheel Enroll now. Eleanor H. Bro we r, formerly AMERICAN woman wlihei position as toward paying for a homo? Buy a home already built poodle. Surprlie your child with a beth, garden tool,. Can be aaen after 10 dump truck 8B0, Ford plok-up 150, '81 head teacher of Wilfred Academy, New- huunckecpor or general houioworkrr. me. Hack four-monthi-old pup I Intalllgant, a. m. Call at 188 Plnckhay road, Red Chevrolet truck, flat body, Rao' atnka ark, N, J., now In charge New Jersey Address A. II., box 611. Red Bank/. HUMSON, four rooms, furnlihed bunga- or build according to your own taste.. Dank, Limited time for disposal.* truck, late model 1684-86-86 Plymouth,, Beauty Culture Academy, 280 Ilobart low with Improvements I near bus line, fentle, perfect playmate, All pupplea •trt«t, Perth Amboy, N. J., phone Perth YOUN(i MAN wants position as butler In Jthool and atoreB. Yearly tenant Immedi- Dont "beat around the bush" any longor. "Go straight (or tale are atandard altat raglitered SACRIFICE, tremendous stock of vacuum Chryslers, Oldsmobllas, Forda, Hupmo- Itumnnn, best of reference*. Address for It and grab tho berries." blles, Bulcka and other reconditioned, rec- Amboy 4.1220. Vounit Mnn. bo» til, Red Bank. ate poaseNslon. Can be seen by appoint- and from Imported champion itotk. cleaners, tablea, chairs, bads, ruga, cab* ment. Phone 487 Rumion. Insti, drauers, toola, trunka ana other ommended used cara that will give you HOUSE MOVER and rater. Joseph u WOMAN would liko dny'n work.' 78 Un- I would bo glad to assist you through The Register's Addreea P. O. Box 888, Red Bank, artlelaa too numaroua to mention. Town new car service, Some equipped with ra- Mount, 1116 Tentb avenue, Neptune. N. t\tn place, phono Red Dnnk 8647'J.* SIX-ROOM house, River road, newly dec- dloa and heatera. All reduced to new lowJ.. phfan* Asbary Park BK47. orated, garage, all Improvements, 146 Want Columns, whero twenty-five cents will buy a or phone Red Bank 4B7. Furniture Exchange, 15 Monmouth atraat. BXPEJRIDNOBD Birl wishes Kenaral house- Red Bank, phone 628. prices. '81-S8-S8 Chryslers, Fontlees. A.HTHUR E. DOVCE and Bon. painting month ] eight-room house, corner John thh-ty-word advertisement that will explain your wishes Oldsraobllas, Bulck, and Plymouth!, ^'ork to do; no laundry; sleep out. Ad- atreat and Prospect avenue, tWD-car ga- 'GENERAL ELECTMO >un lamp, portable contractors, practical painters, decora- to thousands of readers. SACRIFICING 8x12 hooked rug, antique coaehes, coupes and sedans, $180 up. Fortors and paper hanger i. Wallpaper sam- Ircus H. A., box til, Red Bank.' rage, 146; eight-room homo on highway, itw, like new, cheap, Phone >75-W; corner cupboard, empire couch, ateel a real buy see your friend Lee at Mau- plci brought to your home on request. GARDENER and auperlntendent, with life- Shrewsbury, hot watsr heat: garage, I8C; Or' If you want to rent a house or a farm I o&n h«lp •IUJ Bank. daak, numeroua other plecea of antlquee rice Schwarts's Uaad Car Lot, West Front four-room apartment. *30: fiv.-room and commercial- furniture. Town Furni- at Peer! atreet, Rad Bank, phono SS7, Painting advice and estimates are free. Ions experience: best of references. you In the same way. IBBVBN-TUBE Fhllco car radio with extra Just phone 689 Rumaon. Phone Deal 877<-W. apartment, corner Monmouth and Pearl • ,tep-up tranaformert apaakar separate. ture Exchange, 102 Weat Front atraat, Open evenings, Sunday mornings. straits, ready November 15th• four-room And If you already own property and with to rent It Bed Bank, phone SftB. 'AiNTBR and papei banger and 'leoor- YOUNG MAN. ftlrplano mochanlc, want. bungalow, bath, all Improvements, garage, Iprloe 110. Frank MoCarron, box o, Lin* atorj raesonable prices, Will paper a work, aisambly shop, truck driving or or dispose of It on favorable terms, I know of no ' • croft_ •• PERFECT combination coal and gaa |25 month! five-room bungalow, garage! range. Phone Keyport 1160. FARM PRODUCE room for IS.B0 and upi all work miaran- ohauOTeur. rhone U2 R.d Dank, or write all Improvements; tit.co, P. F. Ken- better or cheaper method than through a twonty-flv* 15fO. BOSTON tarrlar, for aala i female, teed. Joseph Hoffman. ID Drummond Airplane, lio» 611. HeJ Dan__ nedy, phone Red Dnnk 1910. padliirMd! fine markings, Prloid very FOR BALE, hand crocheted table cover, FARMERS and true), growers will find a place. Red Bank, nhone S848-W cent Register Want Advertisement reasonable, .hone 87C-W, Red Bank alae 64x78, and acarfa to matqh for KEFINED widow wUhes ft poaltlon as MODERN colonial river front house ut ready market for their produce by ad* HAVING had many yeati in drt»n.ak.nR companion hounolteDPer. Adnress *B0 For BDlllnp Is - advertising and advertising ll sdllnf •S>"bTirTrt3!ir»eil ragtitsr,. PeMnjaw, bullet and eervar. Call after I p. m.i f ertlslna In The ReglaterS etasitfltd en I- and having a little extra- time, would eight rooms! fireplace, Iwo-cnr larags, reaionable, Mrs, Ellwood Hendncka, 84 linns. Hlvor read, Fair Haven, N. J., phono Hod hot watar heat, oil humsr, artesian well, nml when advertising Isn't soiling, It Isn't advertising, from champion atock, for salei will sac- Applegate street, River Plaia, phone Had like to do Alterations on dreaaea, etc Will Panic 15t«,' , threa tiled baths, stall .shower; also harn Will you let mo demonstrate T rifice for nuliSk sal,. Phonal Red Bank Bank 1881-J. . ' BSfT MASH—Park A Pollard. Lay or make over garment! and do aame vary MIDDLE! AGED woman for hous.work, In'good oondltlon, suitable for studio, bar 15S9 or 882 River road, Buati I2.E0 par bagn , .....caih.. Theorlgl.„..,,„-. reasonably. Phona Red Bank 8005-J, (or QUANTITY of wall rotted manure for lone widow; _ood home In preference to or atoragei will rant furnished or unfur- ifTRST and second cuttings of alfalfal al- ral drj roaah. Hanee" A Davis, rhnne lo». Information. high — agw, or one to be companion ana nished, or ssll with TO«ll down payment, !' ,o hay, applea and cornstalka. C, L> sale. Apply noward lfaxaon, lfavnlnk, N..J., phone Atlantic Hlahlsndi 176. YODNNQ PIOS for ia)a! honahonaii baardii) ELECTRICAL oontraatori commercial arid share part , expanses. Address Henry, balance may be paid over a period of 10 .Wilson, Freehold and Colt's Keck road, R. wintet r and summer, food naadowland residential wiring In all branobea. Thompson avenue, Kaansburg, pnone 286 years. For eppolntmant (ikon. Eatontown r. o. No. - BOSTON puppies, pedigreed male and fi- paatura. SoJ for aala. Mlddletown Stock Prompt lerTloe given calls for repalra or 411, atara—Self baatln male) alx waeka old" Roie, 701 Fifth Farm, Thomas 8. rtald, Itad Bank. Dhona TURKEY' roaatara—Half bailint. •Si avenue, Bradley Deaeh> N. J.* . estlmatei. H. B. Hayes. 174 Branch ite- AMBITIOUS young map, college account- HAI/F of house, four rooms, bath, garags, , browning, Savory roaiteri from OB centa nui. Rtd Bank, phone UeQ. ing graduate 1 finest references! Metho- oil burner, furnished or unfurnished | UP |o 11.40. Turkey nlattara 20 centa, food BTBEL Ford luggage trailer for ia!e, 1101 turksys (or site for PIANO Inatruetton for beginners. Mn. dial. Huitler, nsat, dap.ndablai nl.he. separate ontrencs, convenient t6 bus, lehoppere 11.56, eoektulj glaaaaa t tenti Evans It-Inch wheel, Bklllo track i vary Th Irsnad while you wait, E. Hobbi. corner Oteanport and Port- any Job, anywhere. In which Intelligent •tares, school, Fort Monmouth!. monthly and 16 cente. National I6oi , lOo and II reaionable. Phona Red, Bank 1620 or Llncroft, N. J. Phone au-Peek avenue. Mall add ran Eoute It hard work will laad to worthwhile future. r.nt.l 111 or lit, Gray, 00 Main street, Btore. Prown'i. call at 681 River road, ' • Long Dr«n<;b, N. J, Addreii 0, A, O., box ell. Red Bank.' Oceanport, N, J. RED BANK REGISTER, N0VEMBER18, 1937. ' ' Card at Thanks. No Zoning Change. Mr, Karlnja bought tho former Ho- Club Departments' Rurrison Church ; We wish to thank all our neigh' Tha toning board of adjustment of jmn property with.the Intention ol U. S. Army Outfit bom and friends, R»v, W. Carman Rumion at* ipaolal meeting Monday converting It Into » tavern. Ha WBI To Hold Meeting* Sale, Luncheon Trembath, Union Hose company, Informed It would be necessary to ob- Thanksgiving Special Sale Rainbow Division veterans, Ladles' night rejeeted the application ol Bam. On Their Return auxiliary Rainbow Division veterans, uel Karlnja to change his residential tain tha written oonient of pertona ' :.- ' -of— • . • ". The flrst.-meetlng of the season ol The Rumson Presbyterian Ladles' the firing squad of Fort Hancock, property oh the corner of Lafayette owing 51 per cent of the property In the International relations depart- Aid society will hold a Christmas those who loaned oars and all oth- and Bunt street Into a buslnets zone. tho immediate vicinity. Assorted Chocolates - Milk Chocolate Turkeys To Ft. Monmouth ment of the Woman's club of Red sale and luncheon at the parish ers who assisted In any way during OBDERS TAKEN FOB Bank will be held at the clubhoiui house on Blngham avenue Wednes- our recent bereavement. Will Arrive Week from Sunday on Broad street tomorrow afternoon, day, December 8, at 7 p. m. , Aprons, Mrs. Lester _. Shlbla Pumpkin, Mince Pies. Miss Katharine Foster, chairman ol household articles, fancy work, cake, and Children. From Four Months' Active the department, has planned a pro- candy, etc., will bo sold. . ' —Advertisement HOFFMIRE SISTERS Service at Fort Sam Houston, gram in which outstanding facts ol Tho luncheon committee comprises JOHN & CHARLES Hairdressers various countries will be discussed. Mrs. Fred Hlltbrunner, Mrs. George Card of Thanks. ' HABKHASI BOAS, Texas. Miss Caroline Hood, a represent* Martin, Mrs. J. E. W. Kuper, Mrs. We wish to thank all our friends, 67 Broad Street, Phone IBIS TeL B. B. S01S. LITTLE SILVER tlve of Radjo City, will address the Edgar Seaman, Mrs. Charles Dlxon thoso who loaned cars and sent flow- Tho 51st Signal Battalion, U. S. garden department of the olub on Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, Mrs. John ers and especially Mrs. Walter Bos- RED BANK "Sky Gardens" next Tuesday and her Qedncy, Mrs, Edwin M. Farrier, Mrs key, Rev, W. Carman Trembath, the Army, consisting of 360 men and 12 Wordens, neighbors and the Station officers on 62 motor vehicles under lecture will bo Illustrated by slides. Albert Laubor and Mrs. Elmer Pear- Boys, • . Electric Motors Repaired-Rewound the command of Major S. H. Sherrlll Mrs. Albert Wlllgerodt Is chairman sail. On the sale committee are Mrs. The Rebscher Family. Care Can Make will arrive In Red Bank about 2:00 of the department Frank Benson, Mrs. Percy H, Rad- —Advertisement. **•' Any Slxe — An? Make - Any 0«o. p. m., Sunday, November 27. This ford, Miss Eva Bruco, Mrs. Charlea Single Phase Two Phase Three Phase. organization Is on Its return to Its A. Wolbach and Mrs, Charles Rice. You Lovely homo station at Fort Monmouth, af- Cathedral Singers DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO, ter' spending four months at Fort WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Try one of our new Oil IS MECHANIC ST., RED BANK Sam Houston, Texas, In connection At Highlands Sunday Little Silver. with reorganization tests of the In- Too Late for Classification Shampoos which adds fantry Division. The Cathedral boy singers will Borough collector and Mrs. Clark come to the Highlands Methodist IT MERITS your «tt«ntlonl Exceptional Beauty and Lustre to your This Battalion was organized July church Sunday evening, November > Kemp and Building Inspector and •iiortment of men'i and youth's ovtr- 12, 1617 under the designation of 5th Mrs. Robert A. Dorrlll left this morn- eoati. Flnttt quftUty and condition. If.SO 21, in a special Thanksgiving ser- ing to attend tho annual convention each. New iport Kadi 69c inch I Rmcll's Hair. Your hair styled at Telegraph Battalion. During Octo- vice. They will give a program of Auction GftllerUa. 87-20 E_.t Front itrttt. Hennessey's Fish Market ber, 1917 Its designation was changed if the New Jersey League of Mu- sacred music In four parts—soprano, no extra cost. o 56th Telegraph Battalion and as alto, tenor and baas. In addition to nicipalities at Atlantic City. FOR SALE, Artist player piano, Fhllco 20 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK, N. J. Myron L. Campbell Is critically HI radio and storm •anh, alts 30x48, 24x48. luch It participated in the following the chorus selections thero will be Mrt, E. J, Dixon, cara J. Cooki, Main All Our Sea Food Fresh - No Cold Storage. najor actions in France; Cham- solos, duets and other specialities with pneumonia at his home on road, New Monmouth, N. J.» pagne-Marne Defensive, Third Army Markham road. One of the group Is Harold Behm, WANTED, used plpelen furnace i muit Corps, July 15-18, 1918; St. Mlhlel Of- known as tho boy with tho double The Ore company Is making prepa- be In good condition. Phone A tl an tlo We Deliver ™™? Phone 1377. fensive. Fifth Army Corps, Sopt. 12- voice. Ho was featured at the World's rations for the annual election Tues- Highlands 914. , ay, December 2, and the annual tur- 16, 1918; Meuse-Argonno Offensive, Fair. The singers will wear an en- WHITES MAID wanted for general home- WHITING SJ»a.26o Striped Bass Fifth Army Corps, Sept. 26th—No- semble consisting of white shirts and key banquet Thursday, December 9, work; ileoii outt ftfur tn family. IB St, NATIVE FLOUNDERS _16ctD Codfish Steaks •_ vember 11, 1918. In 1921 tils organ- trousers, rod tlo and bluo sash. at the fire house. Tho second floor Nicholas pUce, Red Bank. ization was redeslgnated the 51st of the building will be strengthened WEAKETSH __0clb Fillet Haddock . OIL HEATED four-room apartment for lb Signal Battalion. >y the Installation of two steel glrd- rent. Phone Red Bank 1265-W. DAVIDSON BROS. RUMSON 4-H CLUB. Scallops . Smelts rs. The club will dispose of a tur- Until 1933 this battalion served ey on the co-operative plan Just be- MAN'S bicycle for inle. In good condition. 45 BROAD ST. RED BANK PHONE 3262-3 Blucflsh Boston Mackerel irinclpally as a reservoir for Signal Supper to be Held by Girls at High Phone Bed Dank 888S, Fresh Water 25 oro Christmas. Free Delivery Anywhere. orp3 personnel replacements. At School. White Fish FRESH SAL3ION - 40c lb Police Chief Fred Zleglor, Douglas FIVE-ROOM house at Union Beach for 35!. Ms time the battalion (Wa» reorgan- Th() ^ c]ub Ra t renti all Improvement*; newly decorat- Smoked Fillet 'arkcr and Gcorpe Brlttlngham will SMALL OYSTERS . 35c pt. e d t k o t h e d idj reasonable rent. Ready for occupan* "X" MARKS THE SPOT for Tops in Liquors Haddock tad and ^'Pf s lne^ r eo r _ aX .lng yesterday in the Rumson high :o duck hunting Saturday oil Little cy December lit. Addreii Room, box >n short notice. Since reorganlza- 611, Red Bank.* . * LARGE OYSTERS . 45o pt. gehool caf8teH deelded 0 ch s illver Point. at BOTTOM PRICES SOFT CLAMS -SOcqt. ion, this battalion has furnlhed the; tho dat() fof ](s a6gemb, , A new roof is. being laid on the WANTED, light housework, with ears of mlk of s.gnal communication for. Frlday December 10. to a later time Methodist churcb. one amalt baby: have had experience 3. H. Q. Command Post Exercise New whlch haa nQt ye(. ^ selccW Thc Tho Ladies' auxiliary of tho fire vita babies; best of reference; light col- ersey, September, 1934; First ArmyicIub wm hM a su n(jxt Tuesd ored slrl, aged 17, clean and honiit. Or :ompany will hold a bunco party to- ust housework) Bleep out; no laundry. CHAMPAGNE Maneuvers at Pino Camp, New York in|gh t at the hlgh school Tho meet_ lorrow nlffht in the borough hall to 'lease call any afternoon at the house. A grand vintage wine of 1B2B. In September, 1935; Second Army ; ,ng concluded with club aon&s. Those 'aise money to buy Christmas toys Miss Mary, Keaneburg Catewayvon Palm- Maneuvers at Camp Custer and Alle- {prcgent were Marian Boylei Murle) er avenue, or write Keyport 'P. O. Box for children of needy families. Mrs. 143, R. No. 1, N. J. Imported to sell for $2.99 gan, Michigan in August, 1936. The Kalomyck, Persia Bennett, Evelyn Elsie Carhart and Mrs. Warren Her- PUBLIC SALE battalion's more recent distinction Is Henderson, Josephine Ottraan, Isabel- bert are In charge of arrangements. NE GRAY mare for lale, prlc« 145. .99 its rapid movement on night of May Ia p^rg/al, Kathleen Scott, Janet Mrs. Frederick E. Haslcr and Miss Elizabeth Mason, Keyport. N. J., High- 6, 1937 to Naval Air Station, Lake- |Farler, Audrey Willis, Virginia Cot- Audrey Hasler aro sojourning at way 36, opposite Centervllle ichool No. ._.,,_,. 1 25 oz. Bottlq, hurst, New Jersey, where It cstab- ton, Norma Smith, Jane Pearsall, Tryon, South Carolina.' Of Unclaimed Furniture lished an outpost lino and prevented Cora Bowman and Miss Paullnt over-running of that station by the Whitman, the latter being tho club A food sale will be held tomorrow SNAKE PLANT for sale, four feet high, nornlng at 10:30 o'clock at Citarella's £5 Inches around. Will sell reasonably. curious public on the occasion of tho advisor. Phono Sea Bright 37 or catl at 514 Ocean Sparkling Burgundy store for tho benefit of the Little Sll- ivenue. BURDGE & SONS Warehouse destruction of the German airship,! •~ •'• cr Parent-Teacher association. Mrs A delightful wine to serv•ee witwltl*i jypXi r —Thanksgivin - - - g —Dinner. "Hindenburg." Anne Bradstreet, wife of Governor George Ruddy is chairman. JOST last evening, black and white Span- iel and toy dog. Mrs, Alonto Dewitt. Imported to sell for $2.99 The Signal Corps Officers with this Bradstreet, was a noted American j Mrs. Leslie Banyard has sailed for 0 Prospect avenue, Red Bank, phnne to self REAR 125 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J., convoy are Majors S. H. Sherrill, G. poet. I England for a month's stay. M C. Black, H. E. Storms; Captains E.j .99 F. Hammond, R. W. Raynsford, J. Very Special at 1* 25 oz. Bottle SATURDAY, NOV. 20th, 1937, D. O'Conhell; 1st Lieutenants T. J. at 1:00 O'Clock P. SI. Cody, D. J. Calidonna, A. B. Coop- er, W. D. Hamlin, C. M. Baer, and We are cleaning our warehouse of the following rare and Captain R. W, Boal Medical Corps. Bourbon or Rye valuable items: Antiques, 3 antique tables, Elrda Eye maplo This battalion is interesting In that four posted bed with canopy, 1 Chinese rug, hand carved walnut It U the only active Signal Battalion 2 Years Old in our Army today. wardrobe, teakwood tables, chairs and whatnot, Oriental rugs, .49 qt. Boston rocker, lusterware, spool bed, fiddle back chairs, hooked rugs, Victorian suite, oil paintings, pine bench, pewter, gas range, Mrs. John Sofield .. ,, 1 baby grand piano, Wurlltzer apartment upright, 3 uprights, wicker sets, twin bed room sets, complete; 3-pc. living room set, Guest Speaker On 1 mahogany dining room set, 1 walnut dining room set, 1 desk, LAST THREE DAYS Imported Port Wine 1 sofa, lamps, fire place set. spinning wheel, grandfather's clock, Federation Night double and single beds. OF OUR Full Fifth In Brief Address Perth Amboy Very Special at Other articles too numerous to mention. Woman Praises Rapid Pro- GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. gress of Local Evening Group Imported Sherry TERMS:—CASH. of Woman's Club. Canned Food Sale J.09 Mrs. John Sofield of Perth Amboy, vice president of tho third district Very Special at Full Fifth WATCH OUB WINDOWS FOR POULTRY PRICES ! of the New Jersey Federation of Woman's clubs, was the guest speak- Fresh Fruit and er at the annual federation night of the evening group of the Red Bank Vegetable Specials! Buy and Save APPLE JACK MOLLY PITCHER Woman's club Monday night. In her brief address she praised the success- Friday and Saturday .39 ful undertakings and rapid progress Sunsweet Tenderized Full Quart of tho department. Only! Mayonnaise 1 FOOD MARKET At the business meeting, conducted Davidson's Delicious Bottled by Laird. by Miss Virginia Chasey, Mrs. Ed- SWEET FLORIDA Prunes THE BEST FOB LESS gar V. Denlse, chairman of the Amer- ORANGES 18 MONMOUTH ST. Phone Red Bank 3144, ican home department announced 2-ft.. «Fl California Wine that plans were complete for tho an- Medium Size 23 39 nual Christmas bazar, December 6. POET. SnEBIlT, MUSCATEL, TOKAY, WE WILL HAVE THE FINEST Mrs. Herbert P. Schaeffer, program 2 pkgs.. Mi Pt. Jar Qt. BLACKBERRY, PEACH, AFBICOT, CIIEBBY chairman, announced that plans h.ad 15 <-. 25" ™ -1.00 been made for the disposing of a FANCY FLORIDA Quarts J[ knitting bag on the co-operative plan. Pumpkin Fresh Killed Turkeys Miss Margaret Magee, chairman of GRAPEFRUIT Mince Meat 3 tho music department, presented a C THRIFT Brand FANCY Large Can 12 Quarts Assorted $3.95 obtainable at the Lowest Possible Prices. Every program of musical entertainment following the business session. The 6 ° 25 2-tb. Jar A Qc Turkey will be guaranteed ... Order yours now. members of the club choral, Mrs. R. Theodore Bixler, Mrs. Ross King, EXTRA FANCY CALIFOBNIA Pure California Brandy RED EMPEROR 3 '' 29 Mrs. Herbert Schaeffer, Mrs. Wallace 23 Sirloin Chopped Bennett, Mrs. Clark Wallace, Mrs. 15 YEARS OLD, 100 Proof James Powell and Miss Lost Hesse, GRAPES Bottled in Bond Under V. S. Government Supervision STEAK BEEF fb. sang "Aloha Oe," "Santa Lucia" and Peanut Butter Dog Food "Come to the Fair." LYKIT Brand .49 I Dramatic readings were given'by 3 »• 29° WILMAI}—Tall 10-oz. Jars Pint Sausage CLUB ! Mrs. Lawrence Schilling. Mrs. Ross ' FANCY CAPE COD 1 King, accompanied by Mrs. Wallace CRANBERRIES ir c lb. Steaks Bennett, sang "Thanks Be To God," Davidson's Sun Kiss Apple Brandy MEAT "Tho Lilac Tree" and "Without a 2 '25 6."". 25' Song." 41 Months Old, 90 Proof RIB END The members of the senior club Paper Napkins were guests, and the senior president, [ EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA Dromedary Dates 95 Mrs. E. H. Boynton, was presented Fine Embossed, 80—Beg. 10O - with a corsage from the department. CELERY PITTED 99 Pint Quart The hostesses were Mrs.. Bixler, pkB C pk Pork chairman, assisted by Mrs. Harold C Dowstra, Mrs. Clark Wallace, Mrs. 3'*"" 25° 3 " 19 Harry Wiltshire, Mrs. Elston Combs, i 2 " 21 Pure California Wine FANCY FLORIDA Mrs. James Powell and MLsscs Vlr- BABBBBA, CLARET, ZINFANDEL, ALICANTI, glnia Chasey, Marjorlo Harris, Doris GREEN BEANS National Biscuit Co. BUKGUNDY, CHIANTI, BABBEBONA, Loins Roast Johnson and Carol Schroeder. Ginger Ale, Pale Dry Social Tea Biscuit SAUTERNE, REISLING. 2-• 29° Club Soda Fig Newton or Fair Haven Man Lime Rickey Macaroon Sticks FANCY CALIFORNIA 98 Gallon Largest Bottles—No Deposit Bog. 100 SWEETPEAS~ William H. Pottes of Fair Haven bouIe> executed his will December 8, 1936. Canadian Bonded Rye Ho directed that his executrix pur- • 2 - 29° Rr 25 chaso a refund annuity in some re-' 8 YEARS 100 Proof Bottled In Bond Under Canadian Government Supervision. sponslble Insurance company In the FANCY CALIFORNIA amount of 40,000 each and the In- FANCY IDAHO EXTRA FANCY come from these annuities be paid BROCCOLI to hia brother, Stanley Pottes, and POTATOES Brussels Sprouts $1.59 SO.99 (QUALITY BEEF) his sister, Amy Pettes, during their 1Mb. bag |O a bunch lifetime. All tho rest of his estate X Pint *• Quart was left to his wife. Madeline S. I 25' 20° • 18' Fresh Pork BEST COTS LOIN Pettes, and she was named as exec- utrix. SCOTCH PORK CALIFORNIA FANCY JERSEY FANCY JERSEY Shoulder 19f, Charles A. Muzzy of Leonardo GILBEY'S GOLDEN MORN CHOPS lb. named his wife, Estello L. Muzzy f CARROTS SPINACH BEETS as executrix of his will, which was Fancy Large Bunches Cleaned and Washed IMPORTED executed September ID, 1035, Mrs bunches HORMEL Muzzy was appointed oxecutrlx. bunches \M Jf C c .99 In a will executed July 29, 1936 2 It) 3 -19° 10 Fifth BACON 19 Bologna 1 Qf Florence L. Hollowbush of Allen- 1 SLICED J4-1&, Pkg. By Piece -*- -^ ID. hurst, bequeathed her, entire estate to her husband, Frank A. Hollow- bush, and nnmed him as oxocutor. FRUIT BRANDY NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT OF .ACCOUNT at 10:00 o'clock .. m., ot which tlm. ap- Mrs. Maria C. Plngltoro of'Lone Jhtite ol Annie Dtnij Downo, daeeaied, plication w|| bo mado (or the allowance Branch left all her property to her 70 Proof Notlc. !• lloroby, ttlv.n that tho nceounti 01 commiflHlDna nnil counsel fees. husband, Joseph Plngltore, In s> will DAVIDS ON'BRQS Dated October 28, A. 1). 1BB7. ot thi lubierlber, administrator with will Bho executed last Soptember. Mr. Not Artificially Colored—Not Artificially Flavored. »nn«Md ot tha ••Into or laid deciuetl, THOMAS A. BHApV, APRICQT, BLACKBERRY, PEACH, CHERRY. will be audllod «nd itatad liy the Surro. 21 Fioetwood Place, NewaVR. N. J., Plngltoro was appointed executor. 8ftt« of th« County of Monmouth nml re* Admlnl.tralor With Will Ahnujicil. liorltd for ioltl«m«nt to Ilia Ornbani Joseph A. I'uerstmnn, Eiq., .49 1000 Ilroud Strett, h ra 6 bettcr an< Courl*q( aflld County, on Thuriday, th* Nowotk, N. }., i.Ji' f A l° ' bigger busU ead throu h Fifth sbttMntk day of December, A. V. 1037, J Proctor. ???M.'i ' 8 The Reghfter's ai 1 vci using eolumns.-'AiivorfiiemenU