Client Testamentary Instruction Form Please complete following details Consultant Name: Company: Instructions for Single Mirror preparing Will Will First Name: Second Testator Name: Date Submitted:

If you have any questions please contact our Technical Team 01522 500823 or email [email protected]

1. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS throughout. Do not use abbreviations 2. Identify all people by their FULL Names, surname last 3. Many questions can simply be answered YES or NO with a tick. Put a line through any sections which do not apply to you. 4. Additional legacies can be listed on a supplementary sheet. Please clearly state which section of this form will include additional information. More than 4 legacies will attract additional administration fees. 5. The declaration on page 20 must be signed and completed before your application can be processed. 6. Use the sections on page 19 & 23 to detail advice given but not taken by the Testator(s) and give reasons why. 7. A signed copy of BTWC’s Terms of Business document must be submitted with every application 8. Please ensure client ID is supplied to meet BTWC’s Anti-Money Laundering Compliance ID Requirements 9. For EXPRESS WILLS, please clearly mark that this service is required. Additional fees will be payable and are available upon request. 10. Standard turnaround times are 7-14 working days

For Office Use Only Reference Number: Date Received: Payment Received: Date sent to WW: Date returned from WW:

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 1 JOINT OWNED ESTATE VALUATION ASSETS £ 1ST TESTATOR £ 2ND TESTATOR £ Main residence/Additional properties/Buy-to-Let Foreign assets - real estate Country: Life policies - not written into trust ISA's (cash) ISA's (stocks and shares) Pension / Death in Service Benefits / SIPPS (Not under Trust) Shares Unit trusts/investment bonds Business assets: sole trader/husband wife partnership/Ltd/LLP Business assets: partnerships/shareholdings Bank/Building Society savings Chattels (items of personal use) Cars Other GROSS TOTAL ESTATE VALUES Less liabilities (for estimating IHT liabilities only) Mortgage(s) Loans (including credit and store cards) Other (including Equity Release) TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL ESTATE VALUE LESS TOTAL LIABILITIES NET VALUE OF ESTATE IHT for Married Couples & Civil Partners only Could the payment of IHT be relevant to either client? Yes/No Have either client been in an former marriage or civil partnership? Yes/No If YES did any of these end in death? Yes/No Testator 1: In respect of that marriage or Civil Partnership did the deceased Yes/No spouse die without using all their NRB? Testator 2: In respect of that marriage or Civil Partnership did the deceased Yes/No spouse die without using all their NRB? Have you had or completed a financial review recently? Yes/No *Where a former spouse or civil partner of the testator has died without fully using his or her NRB this unused exemption may still be available after remarriage. • These calculations are accepted to be estimations only. • Please provide this information so that your families needs can be fully assessed and your estate appropriately distributed.

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 2 SECTION 1: DETAILS

First Testator Details


Are you known by any other name? Are you able to read and sign your Will Yes/No If NO give reason unaided?

Second Testator Details

CIVIL Relationship to first testator: SPOUSE: PARTNER: PARTNER: DATE OF BIRTH : FULL NAME:

If unmarried would you like your wills prepared Yes/No If YES give date: in expectation of your future Marriage? Are you known by any other name? Are you able to read and sign If NO give Yes/No your Will unaided? reason


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Town/City Post Code:

Tel No: Email: If you have an existing Will may we Yes/No Copy Will Supplied Yes/No see it?

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 3 SECTION 2: EXECUTORS

Executor 1: Would you like your spouse or Yes/No partner to be your first executor? If YES do you wish them to: (A) Act ALONE in which (B) Act JOINTLY WITH OTHERS in case your should name Yes/No which case name the additional Yes/No reserve executors persons below (max3) below (max 4) Will you require BTWC Professional Executor Yes/No To act Solely/Jointly/Reserves? Services? Where possible after each name give relationship to each testator e.g. T1 brother, T2 brother in law

Executor 2: Full Name: Relationship T1

Address: Relationship T2

Executor 3: Full Name: Relationship T1

Address: Relationship T2

Executor 4: Full Name: Relationship T1

Address: Relationship T2

Reserve Executor: Full Name: Relationship T1

Address: Relationship T2

Have your Executors made their Wills? Yes/No SECTION 3: CHILDREN

Relationship to Relationship to Name children of BOTH testators first testator second testator Full Date of Birth: Name: Full Date of Birth: Name: Full Date of Birth: Name: Full Date of Birth: Name: Full Date of Birth: Name: Full Date of Birth: Name:

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SECTION 4: GUARDIANS Use this section to name the person or people you would wish to bring up your children in the event of your death whilst they are still minors. It is recommended that at least one of your appointed guardians be appointed an Executor and of the estate. It is important to obtain the consent of the proposed guardian before making an appointment.

Relationship to First Relationship to

Testator Second Testator FIRST Guardian Name:


SECOND Guardian



RESERVE Guardian

Name: Address:

Have the guardians made their wills? Yes/No

Have family income benefit and/or life insurance arrangements been put in place? Yes/No

SECTION 5: CHATTELS Chattels are all your items of personal use such as the contents of your home and unless otherwise gifted in your will (section 6) will pass firstly to your spouse or partner and then on their death under their will; or if you are single as part of your general (residuary) estate. Chattels or items of ‘personal use or ornament’ are best given by way of a wish list or ‘Letter of Wishes’. It is recommended that the testator retains the list with the executed will.

If this is the testators wish simply tick this box and a suitable clause (non-binding trust) will be included in the will directing the executors to locate the Letter of Wishes

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SECTION 6: SPECIFIC GIFTS Use this section for personal gifts such as jewellery and identify items as carefully as possible e.g. my gold ring set with five diamonds. Please state if the gift is to take effect on the death of the first or second testator. If the gift is required for use by the survivor then the gift should be made on second death. If necessary please use a continuation sheet. From FIRST Testator

Give only after Name of & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

From SECOND Testator

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

Give only after Name of beneficiary & relationship to testator: Yes/No 2nd death:

Details of gift or legacy:

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SECTION 7: GIFTS OF MONEY (Pecuniary Legacies) Use this section to make gifts of money to family, friend and charities. As with a specific legacy (section 6) the gift is usually best given on first death but where the gift is only to be paid ONCE on the death of the survivor then tick the box. If a gift is to be made to a charity, please provided exact name, address and charity number. From FIRST testator

Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words:

From SECOND testator

Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words: Name of beneficiary and relationship or charity name Give only on 2nd Yes/No & number: death: Amount in figures and words:

Continue on a separate sheet if necessary or list below further information in relation to the gifts

Do the testator(s) wish to include a trust or trusts as part of their needs? If Yes, go to Section 12 page 11

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SECTION 8: GIFT OF AN ANIMAL Type of animal? Animal to go to a PERSON: Name Animal to go to a CHARITY: Name Address (if a charity please include a charity number) Gift to take effect only on second death? Yes/No Do you wish to leave a legacy for the upkeep If Yes, state amount Yes/No and maintenance of the animal? in words & figures

SECTION 9: GIFTS OF RESIDUE The residue is everything left in your estate after and debts and any legacies have been paid. Before dealing with residue, do you wish to make any further gifts or include any trusts?

Specific Gifts e.g. gifts of money Complete section 7 Gifts to for trust purposes e.g. Protective Go to section 12 Trusts Property Trust

Other/Additional Notes:

Do you wish for the remainder of your estate to pass firstly to your spouse or partner? Yes/No And then to children: Yes/No And/or other named beneficiaries:

If YES select either A or B. If NO go straight to section B

A How would you like your to be distributed?

Full Name & To one Person? Yes/No relationship: Please note: if only one person it is essential that a default beneficiary is appointed to prevent an occurring. Go to section D.

B To more than one person? Give their names and relationships below:

Relationship to: Full name(s) of all beneficiaries % Share First Testator Second Testator

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C Age at which children are to inherit

Children under the age of 18 (minor children) cannot receive their legacy until they reach 18 years old and money left for a minor child will be held in trust and controlled by the trustees for the child’s benefit i.e. a Childrens Trust will be required within the Will

Are all named beneficiaries over Yes/No the age of 18 years? If NO, at what age are any 18 Years 21 Years 25 years Other: children to inherit? Please circle Are the Trustees of the Childrens Trust to be the same as your Yes/No Executors?

If NO, please name Trustees:

D Reserve/Default beneficiaries

In case all of your above named beneficiaries fail to survive you, reserve beneficiaries can be named here. Please note that where the testator has named their children as beneficiaries and a child pre- deceases their parent leaving children of their own (grandchildren), unless an alternative statement is written in the Will their children will take their inheritance by substitution.

Relationship to: Full name(s) of all beneficiaries % Share First Testator Second Testator

SECTION 10: EXCLUSIONS Please list below the name(s) and relationships to you of anyone you are deliberately excluding from your will. You should name anyone who may be financially dependent on you at the time of your death or who may have a legitimate claim on your estate. We recommend that a handwritten letter is stored with your will outlining your reasons for the exclusion. Failure to complete a letter may mean your estate is not distributed as you wish it to be.

Relationship to: Full name(s) First Testator Second Testator

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FIRST Testator:

Do you wish to specify your funeral Yes/No preferences in your will? Are there any organs you DO NOT Organ donation? Yes/No wish to be used i.e. your eyes. Please specify: Do you have any special wishes Cremation? Yes/No such as your ashes buried or scattered? Do you have any special wishes as Buried? Yes/No to where you would like your body buried? Do you have any special wishes or directions for your executors, family and friends? Would you like donations to be made Yes/no to charity in liur of flowers? If YES please provide details of


SECOND Testator

Do you wish to specify your funeral Yes/No preferences in your will? Are there any organs you DO NOT Organ donation? Yes/No wish to be used i.e. your eyes. Please specify: Do you have any special wishes Cremation Yes/No such as your ashes buried or scattered? Do you have any special wishes as Buried Yes/No to where you would like your body buried? Do you have any special wishes or directions for your executors, family and friends? Would you like donations to be made Yes/no to charity in lieu of flowers? If YES please provide details of


How are your funeral expenses to be paid? Funeral Plan/Life insurance/Estate/Other

If 'OTHER' please specify

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SECTION 12: TRUSTS From the list below select the trust that you require or the one that you think most closely meets the testators needs and got the relevant section to complete the information.

Trust Title & Description Section/Page Required

A Disabled can be tax efficient as well as providing for the needs of the disabled beneficiary. Intended for beneficiaries who are registered as disabled and who are unable to manage their own affairs by way of mental or physical disability. It is important that the principle beneficiary of the trust qualifies for the 12A Yes/No trust to be created. For the trust to be effective there must be more than one beneficiary (and more than one trustee) however the other beneficiaries will not benefit until with trust ends, usually upon death of the principle beneficiary. A Property Protective Trust protects the deceased’s share of the family home for the children from the effects of the survivor remarrying, for managing care costs and is especially effective where the testator(s) have children from previous relationships 12B Yes/No and wish them to benefit. Gives spouse or partner a to live in and enjoy the property during their lifetime. A Life Interest Trust is useful where the testator wants to preserve their assets but provide for a spouse, partner or other person. The life interest trust gives the life 12C Yes/No tenant an interest in the property for life. On death of life tenant assets pass to named beneficiaries A Right to Reside gives spouse, partner or child(ren) or others the right to live in the testators property after death but unlike a life interest the rights will end at a specific 12D Yes/No age, time or event.

An IHT Discretionary Trust of NRB is a family fund capped at the nil rate band. Created on first death it gives flexibility over part of the testators estate (the NRB) 12E Yes/No giving the spouse access to income and capital during life repayable on death.

A Discretionary Trust of Residue can be used to ring fence assets, beneficiaries can be spouse and children or may be used effectively where the testator has concerns 12F Yes/No regarding children such as spendthrift, drink or drug problems. A Flexible Life Interest Trust is extremely flexible giving trustee’s power to advance income and capital at their discretion. Can take ALL the testators assets, utilise both 12G Yes/No nil rate bands and can provide the trustees with the ability to tax plan for the future whilst providing for the spouse and children.

A Business Trust is of benefit where the testator owns business assets that are eligible for business property relief, a business trust is beneficial. Ensures the business can continue to operate under the oversight of trustees and can give the spouse a right to income whilst utilising the tax benefits available at death and 12H Yes/No passing the asset to taxable beneficiaries (i.e. children) who may be eligible to claim up to 100% business property relief. (Tax rules can change regularly and specialist advice may be required to clarify the Testators position). Shares in market quoted limited companies and PLC’s should be given as legacies.

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Principal beneficiary:

My children including grandchildren other than the principal beneficiary: Yes/No

Any step children as have been named previously in this instruction: Yes/No Other beneficiaries: The spouses of any of my children or step children: Yes/No

Name any intended beneficiary or class of

beneficiary here that is not mentioned above:


Address of property if not main residence: Land Registry Title Number (if known): Sole name of How is the property currently Tenants in first or second Yes/No Joint Tenants Yes/No Yes/No owned? Common testator? Do you want to create a life interest trust in both wills to allow the survivor to remain in the property for the Yes/No rest of their life with full power to move should they wish to?

If the property is currently held as joint tenants then for the trust to be effective it has to be changed to Yes/No tenants in common; is this acceptable and in equal shares? As TENANTS IN COMMON each owner is free to gift their share and interest in the property over to whoever they wish when the trust ends, usually on the death of the surviving spouse or partner. Use the following section to state how each share is to pass, to whom and it what shares. Please note if TIC is not completed then the trust arrangements within you will may not distribute your property as intended.

Beneficiaries when trust expires: From First Testator:

From Second Testator:

You may wish to impose conditions on the survivor such as the trust to end should they Yes/No remarry or cohabit. Would the testator like a set of standard wording to reflect this?

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 12 SECTION 12C: LIFE INTEREST TRUST

Life Tenant to be: my Spouse or Partner; or Yes/No Other; Name: Income Only: Yes/No Income & Capital: Yes/No Beneficiaries when trust expires My children including grandchildren? Yes/No Any step children as have been named previously on this instruction? Yes/No The spouses of any children or step children? Yes/No Name any intended beneficiary class not mentioned above:


Time Period Age of Tenant Event (Months) Please state when the right to reside will end (min 6 months max 60 months): Name any intended beneficiary or class of beneficiaries if different from beneficiaries of residue:


Trust beneficiaries to include: Yes/No My spouse or partner? Yes/No My children including grandchildren? Yes/No Any step children as have been named previously in this instruction? Yes/No The spouses of any of my children or step children? Yes/No Name any intended beneficiary or class of beneficiaries here that is not mentioned above:


Trust beneficiaries to include: Yes/No My spouse or partner? Yes/No My children including grandchildren? Yes/No Any step children as have been named previously in this instruction? Yes/No The spouses of any of my children or step children? Yes/No Name any intended beneficiary or class of beneficiaries here that is not mentioned above:

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 13 SECTION 12G: FLEXIBLE LIFE INTEREST TRUST (FLIT)

Life tenant to be My Spouse? Yes/No My children including grandchildren? Yes/No Discretionary/Other beneficiaries to be: Any step children as have been Yes/No named previously in this instruction? Such beneficiaries as are living at the Default beneficiaries to be: Yes/No date the trust ends? Name any intended beneficiary or class of beneficiaries here that is not mentioned above:

SECTION 12H: GIFT OF BUSINESS ASSETS Please note that BPR is not applicable where business assets are left to a spouse on first death.

Business Assets? Yes/No Agricultural Assets? Yes/No Please state business type: Limited Sole Trader Yes/No Partnership Yes/No Company Yes/No Name of business: Address of business: Nature of business: Does the testator wish to appoint 'business executors/trustees' separate to his/her previously named executors? Yes/No

If YES insert name, address and occupation:

If a partnership, is there a partnership agreement in place allowing the testator to dispose of his share as he/she wishes? Yes/No

If a shareholder, do the Articles of Association or Shareholders Agreement allow individual shareholders to dispose of their shares by will i.e. without agreement from the other shareholders? Yes/No Are there any life policies in place together with a cross option agreement? Yes/No If able to dispose of their 'share and interest' by will, what directions does the testator wish to include if any?

My Spouse: Yes/No My children and grandchildren: Yes/No Beneficiaries select as appropriate Include any step children as may be named in the instruction: Yes/No The spouses of any of my children or step children: Yes/No Other: Yes/No

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SECTION 13: LASTING POWER OF ATTORNEY A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows someone to make decisions for you or to act on your behalf, if you’re no longer able to or if you no longer want to make your own decisions. These could be decisions about finances (paying your mortgage, managing savings, or buying items you need etc) or about health & care (what type of medical treatment you should have, what you should eat etc).

13A: Which type of LPA is required?

Financial Decisions: Yes/No Health & Care Decisions: Yes/No Title: Full Name:

Address: FIRST DONOR Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address (Optional) Is spouse to be 1st Attorney: Yes/No Title: Full Name:

Address: SECOND DONOR Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address (Optional) Is spouse to be 1st Attorney: Yes/No 13B: THE ATTORNEYS Title: Full Name:

Address: FIRST ATTORNEY Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) Title: Full Name:

Address: SECOND ATTORNEY Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional)

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 15

Title: Full Name:

Address: THIRD ATTORNEY Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) 13C: HOW SHOULD YOUR ATTORNEY(S) MAKE DECISIONS? Jointly for some I only appointed one decisions, jointly & Yes/No Jointly & Severally Yes/No Jointly Yes/No Yes/No attorney severally for other decisions 13D: REPLACEMENT ATTORNEYS (OPTIONAL) Title: Full Name:

Address: REPLACEMENT ATTORNEY 1 Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) Title: Full Name: Address: REPLACEMENT ATTORNEY 2 Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) 13E: When can your attorneys make decisions? As soon as my LPA has been registered Yes/No Only when I don't have mental capacity Yes/No 13F: PEOPLE TO NOTIFY WHEN THE LPA IS REGISTERED (OPTIONAL): Title: Full Name: FIRST Address: PERSON TO NOTIFY Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) Title: Full Name: SECOND Address: PERSON TO NOTIFY Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional)

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 16

Title: Full Name: THIRD Address: PERSON TO Post Code: NOTIFY Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) Title: Full Name: Address: Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) 13G: PREFERENCES & INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL) PREFERENCES & INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL)





Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address: (Optional) 13I: OPG REGISTRATION Before the LPA can be used it must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG) Would you like to utilise BTWC's LPA Registration Service: Yes/No

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 17

SECTION 14 : ADVANCED MEDICAL DIRECTIVE (LIVING WILL) An Advanced Medical Directive is a legal document in which a person specifies what actions should be taken for their health if they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves because of illness or incapacity.

Title: Full Name: Address: Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address

(Optional) Doctors Name: Doctors Address: Doctors Post Code:

FIRST TESTATOR We recommend that you discuss this Advanced Directive with your GP

Hospital Name: Hospital Address:

Personal Representative: List here anyone you would like present to clarify your wishes

Name Address: Post Code: Telephone: Relationship: Title: Full Name: Address: Post Code: Date of Birth: Email Address

(Optional) Doctors Name: Doctors Address: Doctors Post Code: SECOND TESTATOR We recommend that you discuss this Advanced Directive with your GP Hospital Name: Hospital Address: : List here anyone you would like present to clarify your wishes Name Address: Post Code: Telephone: Relationship:

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SECTION 15: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this section to detail any information you consider helpful in the drafting and completion of the require wills and documentation;

SECTION 16: SUMMARY OF INSTRUCTIONS This is a summary of the instructions you have given us along with any recommendations we have made that you have declined or are considering for action in the future. Recommended/NA/Not Discussed Accepted/Declined

Single/Mirror Will ______

Children’s Trust ______

Legacy of Chattels ______

Disabled Discretionary Trust ______

Property Protective Trust ______

Life Interest Trust ______

Right to Reside ______

IHT Disc Trust of NRB ______

Disc Trust of Residue ______

Flexible Life Interest Trust ______

Business Trust ______

Lasting Power of Attorney ______

LPA Registration ______

Living Will ______

Funeral Plan ______

Document Storage ______

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 19


Disclaimer and agreement between BTWC Ltd Hillcroft Lodge Hillcroft Business Park Whisby Road Lincoln LN6 3QL (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) and the persons named below (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Client’).

The Client has instructed the Company to prepare the following (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Documents’);

Last Will & Testament Yes/No

Lasting Power of Attorney (Property & Affairs) Yes/No

Lasting Power of Attorney (Health & Welfare) Yes/No

Living Will Yes/No

The Client Intends to make independent arrangements for;

Signing the documents with witnesses Yes/No

Registration of the Lasting Power(s) of Attorney Yes/No

Continued safe custody of the Documents Yes/No

On going Trust administration (after any such service provided by the Company Yes/No

I/we confirm that I/we are over the age of eighteen years and are of sound mind and have agreed to be tested for mental capacity. The information given on this form and to the consultant is correct and is to be used as the basis for preparing my/our Last (my/our Will). The full implications of failing to take any advice from the consultant have been explained to me/us and I/we accept personal responsibility for subsequent events arising due to my/our choosing not to take any recommendations provided. I/we further understand that attestation instructions will be set to me/us by BTWC Ltd together with our wills in due course. I/we therefore agree that BTWC Ltd shall not be liable if my/our wills is/are incorrectly executed (attested). In addition to the appointments, legacies and distribution of residue I/we agree to the executors and trustees named in my/our Will having normal powers to aid administration of my/our estate(s). I we know of no other trusts or constraints which would prevent my/our estate being distributed as I/we have requested. Following the completion of Trust Administration services by the Company (if any), the Client accepts absolute responsibility to maintain the correct procedures for the administration of its Trust and indemnifies the Company out of its estate(s) from any liability whatsoever arising from the invalid operation of the Trust(s)

I/we wish to use the BTWC Ltd Safe Custody facility to store our Wills Yes/No I/we give consent for my/our details to be used by the Company to inform Yes/No me/us of additional products or services that may be of benefit to me/us

We will not sell your data to any third party. If you are happy to agree for us to use your data in this way, select YES. If at any time in the future you would like to withdraw your consent for us to use your data, please e-mail us at [email protected] Signed First Testator: ______. Signed Second Testator: ______

I hereby declare that, in my opinion, the testator(s) are of under Banks v Goodfellow and know and approve of the contents of this instruction form. Signed Consultant:______Date:______

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Annual Safe Custody Service Standing Order

Bank/Building Society Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………………………Post Code:………………………………………………

Name of Account:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Account Number: 8 digit box to appear here

Sort Code: 6 digit box to appear here

Upon receipt of these instructions please debit my/our account and pay EACH YEAR to:

Natwest 225 High Street Lincoln LN2 1AZ

Account: BTWC Ltd Account No: 43597289 Sort Code: 60-13-15

The sum of (in words):……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(in figures): £……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Commencing on (first Payment):…………………………………………………………………………………………….

And on the same day ANNUALLY until cancelled by the customers in writing.

Signature(s): Date:

To the Bank PLEASE QUOTE REFERENCE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Copyright BTWC Ltd 2017 Private & Confidential P a g e | 21

Card Payment Form

Client Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



…………………………………………………………………………………….Post Code:………………………………………..

Amount(in numbers):……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Amount (in words):…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Card Number:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Security Code: ………………………………….Valid from:………../…………….Expiry Date:……/…………….

Client Signature:…………………………………………………………………………..

Print Name:………………………………………………………………………………….

Consultant Signature: Print Name:

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Date, time & place of client meeting:

Were any other persons present? If YES please name and provide reason:

Is the client already known to you?

Is the client able to provide satisfactory ID to meet BTWC

Ltd's ID requirements?

Are there any factors know which make the preparation of the will(s) urgent?

Testator 1 Testator 2

Observation on the testators mental capacity:

Any concerns about capacity, confusion, memory loss or coercion?

Other comments concerning the testator(s) which may assist the drafting of the documents:

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